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The Board made reports on S. hlU (copy of which I
have in the files over here) and on
II.R. 2315> which I can make a copy of if you are

S. 217


(Introduced by Mr. Taylor - I/15/U7)
To make credit available to small business enterprise and to continue the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for the purpose of
effectuating a policy of credit assistance to competitive small
business enterprise.


(introduced by Mr. Tobey - l/27/U7)
To repeal jsection l^b of the Federal Reserve Act, to amend section
13 of the said Act, and for other purposes.

s S. Ulh


(introduced by Mr. Pepper - l/Zj/kl)
To encourage fuller participation by small business concerns in
soundly expanded foreign trade through Government insurance for
United States exports.

S. 829


(introduced by Mr. Tobey - %/lO/kl)
To provide for control and regulation of bankji£ld^^
and for other purposes.

S. 1070


(introduced by Mr. Capehart - U/ 8 A7)
To provide for the cancellation of the capital stock of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation and the refund of moneys received
for such stock, and for other purposes.

S. 828


(introduced by Mr. Tobey - 3/lo/kl)
To amend section llfo of the Federal Reserve Act (direct purchase).

H.R. 2I4JL3 -

(Read twice before Senate 3/21/Iff and referred to the Committee
on Banking and Currency)
To amend section lUb of the Federal Reserve Act (direct purchase).







Companion bill to Kefauver (H.R. 515)

S. 801, 802, 803 - (Introduced by Mr. Tobey - 3/7/hi)
Various amendments to the Federal Home Loan Bank Act.
S. 80U


S. 866

(Introduced by Mr. Tobey - 3/7A?)
To adjust the rate of dividends paid by the Federal Savings and Loan
Insurance Corporation on its capital stock and to decrease the
premium charge for its insurance.
Taft-Ellender-Vfagner Housing Bill.




H.R. 506


(introduced by Mr. Hays - 1/6/1+7)
To amend section 5155 of the Revised Statutes, with respect to
the establishment of branches by national banking associations.

i s £ R. 515


(introduced by Mr. Kefauver - 1/6/1+7) ~ Senate Bill S. 101+ - 1/8/1+7)
To amend an Act entitled "An Act to supplement existing laws against
unlawful restraints and monopolies, and for other purposes,11 approved October 15, 19ll+ (38 Stat. 730), as amended.

H.R. 785


(introduced by Mr. Rains - 1 / 1 0 A 7 )
To increase the maximum amount of any deposit or trust fund which
may be insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under
section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended.

H.R. 1535 -

¿Xlf.S. 2233 -

(Introduced by Mr. Engle - l/2j/kl)
To permit the sale of gold within the United States, its Territories
and possessions, including Alaska.
(Introduced by Mr. Wolcott - 2/26/1+7)
Original direct purchase bill and Hfting of 1250,000 limitation on
cost of branch bank buildings.

nwiirraii 1 'III iimnnm






/ H.R. 2315 - (introduced by Mr. Beall - 2/28/1+7)
Concerning common-trust funds and to make uniform the law with reference thereto.

s i .

• R. 21+13 -

Pi•rect'.purchase bill as passed by House.

jyS H. R# 2I4I+3 -

(introduced by Mr. Davis - 3/10/1+7)
To cancelregulation W and to prevent regulation of consumer credit
by the Federal Government.

H.R. 21+98 -

(introduced by Mr. Schwabe - 3/11/1+7)
To teminate ^exxstin^ consumer^
prescribed by the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and for other

H.R. 2535 ~

(Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency -

To amend the Recons timet ion Finance Corporation Act.

H.R. 2657 - (Introduced by Mr. Gwynne - 3/20/1+7)

To protect the public with respect to practitioners before administrative agencies.




HOUSE (Continued)
H.R. 2797 -

(Introduced by Mr. Wolcott - 3/26/1+7)
To terminate Executive Order 9070, to reestablish the Home Loan
Bank Board, to establish a Federal Home Loan and Housing Board,
and for other purposes.

H. R. 2798 -

(Introduced by Mr. Wolcott - 3/26/ttf)
To amend section
Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933* s^cl for other

H.R. 2799 -

(Introduced by Mr. Wolcott - 3/26/1+7)
To amend the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, title IV of the National
Housing Act, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2800 -

(introduced by Mr. Wolcott - 3/26/1+7)
To amend section 5 of Home Owners1 Loan Act of 1933* and for other