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Representative Heed submitted the following questions to the
Secretary of the Treasury for written reply r

Mr. Secretary, as I understand it, the purpose of Increased
taxes is to reduce or eliminate the Government's deficit
and thus the need for Treasury borrowing, which under the
conditions facing us would have en Inflationary effect* Do
you think that that is all that is necessary to prevent


Since Korea, the Government's budget has been in balance; in
fact for this fiscal year to date it has shown a substantial
surplus. Nevertheless, we have had a very large amount of
inflation. What have been the causes of that inflation?


Inflation, as 2 understand it, results from a situation in
which demands for goods exceed available supplies. One of
the principal reasons why this can happen is borrowing from
banks, which puts into circulation an Increase in the supply
of money. During the past eight or nine months, bank loans
h$ve increased by about 9 billion dollars — supporting
Inventory expansion by business and buying of homes and
durable goods by individuals. This Increase, I m informed,
was an exceptionally large one. Wasn't this expansion, in
a period when the Government has a surplus, one of the
important causes of Inflation, or at least a reason why
inflation was possible?


Is It not true that banks were able
and thus contribute to inflationary
Federal Feserve System bought large
securities In supporting the market
a fixed pattern of yields?

to expend credit so rapidly
pressures, because the
amounts of Government
for those securities at

e record shows that Federal Reserve holdings
of Government securities from June 30 of last year
to March Ik of this year increased by over h billion
dollars and that member bank reserves increased by
about 3.5 billion* About 2 billion of the Increase
la reserves was to meet a raising of reserve require­
ment percentages, the remainder was available to
support an expansion in bank credit of many times
the amount of reserves. Many of the federal Reserve
purchases of securities were from Insurance companies
and savings banks which used the funds thus obtained
to Increase their mortgage loans and other Investments,
which,under the circumstances, have the same inflation­
ary effect as bank credit expansion^

- 2 5.

If Inflation la to be curbed, would It not be good policy
to supplement higher taxes, which ere designed to reduce
Government borrowing, by wore effective restraint on credit
expansion? Cen such restraints be effective if the Federal
Reserve follows the practice of buying any amount of Govern­
ment securities solely for the purpose of keeping interest
rates fro* rising?
/Interest rate changes are the result of the
relation between the demands for credit and the
available supply* In an Inflationary period,
demands for credit are certain to increase! there­
fore, a rise in interest rates can be avoided only
by adding to the available supply of loanable funds.
But this helps to promote inflation, leetrictive
credit policies are bound to result in higher inter­
est rate3^7


It has been announced that the Treasury and the Federal
Reserve "have reached full accord with respect to debtmanagement and monetary policies to be pursued in further­
ing their common purpose to assure successful financing
of the Government1s requirements and, at the same time,
minimise monetisation of the public debt.**
May we Interpret this statement to mean that
In the future the Federal Reserve will be in a
position to follow policies with respect to support
of the Government securities market that may be
more restrictive upon credit expansion than has
been the case in recent months t

The first five of the foregoing questions are interlocked in sublet
matter, and it is difficult to answer each one separately without a great
deal of repetition or without referring directly to answers to some of
the other questions. Accordingly, the five questions have been snswered
together in the following statement on inflation since Korea and bank
credit expansion.
* * 2 ? Bmlm of Credit Expansion in the Inflation S inee Korea
Since the outbreak of hostilities in Korea, there has been a signif­
icant rise In the general price level. 3%is Increase has been accompanied
by a rapid expansion in bank loans. There has been a tendency for many
observers to conclude that the Increase in commercial bank loans is the
major cause of the price rise and that general monetary controls would
have been effective either in eliminating the Inflation or in reducing
It to a bare minimum*

* 3 -

Bank credit expansion is, however, only one of the many factors con­
tributing to the price rise since Korea. The primary cause of the infla­
tion has been an unprecedented rush for foods by business and consumers
generally (see Chart 1). the price of the goods purchased was often a
secondary factor in the events of the periodj means of financing were
often secondary, too* The important thing In the minds of the purchasers
was to obtain the goods as soon as possible*
The expansion of bank credit contributed to the inflation, and it
is clear that unnecessary loans should have been curtailed, nevertheless,
much of the expansion in prices probably would have taken place without
any extension of bank credit at all. This is because individual consumers;
and businessmen, If they had wished, could have drawn on their large supply
of liquid assets — assets which smounted to $£^5 billion on June 30, 1950
(see Chart 2). Moreover, they could have increased the turnover in their
checking and savings accounts and in their savings bonds more than they
did — although even with the great loan expansion, the turnover increase
was significant (see Chart £ also).
The ease with which money became available last year is shown strik­
ingly by an examination of the sources fro® which corporations derived
funds to pay for their expenditures on plant and equipment, and on inven­
tories! and to cover the net Increase in receivables, Some #38 billion
was needed. How was this $28 billion of expansion financed? Almost
lion came directly from retained earnings and current depreciation allowances.
Some of the balance came from new security issues. One billion dollars came
from new mortgages. Only $2-1/2 billion came from expansion in the eorasercial and Industrial loans made by banks.
thus, private bank credit only accounted for about a tenth of the
1950 meeds of corporations, lad bank credit been unavailable, sore of
billion of cash and Government securities held by these corpora­
tions at the time of the Korean attack would undoubtedly have been utilised.
Borrowing happened to be a simpler and more comfortable avenue of approach
to many corporations to meet their Immediate needs. It was mot necessarily
the only approach. If the increase in borrowing had been cut down drastic­
ally, there is no assurance that the price rises since Korea would have
been much less dramatic.
Somewhat the same sort of analysis is pertinent In characterising
the consumer buying rush. The desire for acquisition of the goods was
primary. The fact that there was a n a i l rise in price may have been
distasteful, but it obviously offered no effective deterrent to anyone
who believed that prices were going to rise still further. She means
by which the purchases were financed was in many cases of even less
importance, although everyone will adtalt that the expansion of consumer
credit was a contributing factor. Immediate Imposition on July 1, 1950,
of stringent consumer credit controls would have helped significantly.
In Itself, however, even that would not have been adequate.




Increased turnover of liquid assets la one Important reason why
this Is so* At the present tine, Individuals have a reservoir of liquid
assets, out of which vast amounts of consumer spending can take place
without one lota of bank credit extension. As a matter of record, the
rates of turnover on demand deposits, on savings account© in both mutual
savings hanks and savings and loan associations, and on savings bonds,
all increased during the third quarter consumer buying spurt. This turn­
over of liquid assets — really the velocity of money as it is referred
to traditionally — is a factor which has a potential for inflation not
generally appreciated.
Private bank credit has a somewhat less Important role in the
economy today as compared with years past. In contrast, the role played
by accumulated private savings is much greater. For example, before
World War I, the outstanding amount of private credit extended by com­
mercial banks (loans plus corporate and municipal securities) was equal
to about $5 percent of the amount of total liquid assets of individuals
and corporations. Just before World War II — £5 years later — private
bank credit was only 35 percent of the amount of liquid assets? now, the
ratio is approximately 2*5 percent. The point can be Bade another way,
too. In 191k, the amount of private bank credit outstanding was Uo per­
cent of the amount of total output in this country. By 1939» it had
fallen to ?5 percent; and it is now only 20 percent (s®e Chart 2).
This does not mean that private bank credit has beeowe a minor
factor and that we need not worry about It. Quite the contrary; It is
important, and strenuous efforts should be made to restrain its expan­
sion in specific areas. It does mean, however, that private bank credit
is only one of a number of factors Involved in the financing of the
increases in demand for goods during the last half of 1950. And it was
the demand for goods Which was the basic cause of the inflationary price
rises, not the way in which the buying was financed.

Credit Restraint and the Government Bond Market

The argument Is often advanced that much of the credit expansion
which did take place since Korea could hsve been avoided if prices in
the Government securities market had been permitted to seek their own
level rather than being supported by open market purchases. It is
argued that the cessation of open market purchases would hsve pulled
prices sufficiently below par so as to force credit institutions to
hold their Governments rather than to sustain a capital loss. Therefore,
it presumably would have a desirable effect in restraining not only
bank credit, but also credit extended by nonbank Institutions (such as
life Insurance companies) as well. This argument Is open to question,

- 5 As far as commercial banks are concerned, a large proportion of
their holdings is in short-tern obligations. Even if interest rates
rose appreciably, that fact in itself would have no significant effect
oft discouraging hank credit expansion, except in a fev isolated Instances.
Commercial hanks on Jane 30, 1950, had almost $18 M i l l on of securities
which would actor* during the ensuing IS months. These maturities are
scattered throughout the year and were distributed widely throughout the
country. Obviously, therefore, all that stoat commercial hanks had to do
If they wished to expand their loans was to 'wait until appropriate anouuts
of their Federal securities matured and turn them in for cash at the
treasury, fven If one takes the case of a bask that doesn't happen to
have any securities suturing at the precise time it wants to expand loans,
It can make up any capital loss on a sale of its sfcort-tere Government
securities on the open market within a matter of a very few months even
if short-term government interest rates went up by l/2 percent, by 1 per­
cent, or even ware. At the same time the government rate was rising,
of course, there would be a commensurate rise In the rates which comeerclal banks could earn on their loans.
A price decline In Governments would have more of a deterrent ef­
fect on long-term Investors them it would on banksf but even there, the
effect has definite limitations. In tbs first place, only about 35 per­
cent of the expansion of private credit by life insurance companies during
the last half of 1950 took place from liquidation of Government securitiest
the rest of it represented Investment of maw funds. The percentage was
quite a bit higher for mutual savings banka (in part, because of sea*
sonal factors); but, on the other hand, all of the credit expansion by
savings and loan associations and other insurance companies took place
without eelllug any Governments.
Credit expansion by mutual savings banks which came about as a
result of their selling Governments could have taken place very easily
even if Interest rates had gone up by l/2 percent. In June 1950,
mutual savings banks had $3.8 billion of securities maturing In less
than 10 years, or more than 5 times the mnount of Governments they
liquidated in the last half of 1950. Had interest rates risen by
l/2 percent, they could have aold any or all of these securities at
a loss and they still would have been money ahead by Investing in mew
higher rate private Investments (say, at a rate 1 percent above Govern­
ments) before the end of two years. As a matter of fact, the period
would be even shorter than that if account is taken of the Investment
of new funds and mortgage repayment money at the new higher rates.
As far as life insurance companies are concerned, their holdings
of seeurltiee due or callable within 10 years on June 30, 1950, were
in the aggregate some 50 percent greater than the total amount of Gov­
ernments they aold during the ensuing 6 months to finance credit expan­
sion. A 1/2 percent rise in Interest rates would mean that they, too,
could sell any or all of these Governments at a capital loss and still
come out even within two years.

• 6 *
It would appear, therefore, that the effectiveness of capital losses
on Governments as a deterrent to credit expansion has been considerably
overrated by many observers. Wo real deterrent effect at all seems
to be involved as far aa commercial banks are concerned. The effect on
mutual savings banks and life insurance companies Is tempered, first
of all, by the existence of fairly sizeable holdings of under 10 year
maturities, In which area a capital loss would be easily made up by
increased earnings on private obligations at the higher rates; and, in
the second place, by the fact that typically most credit expansion by
nonbank institutions comes from the accretion of new funds, not from
the sale of Governments.
The answer to the control of credit expansion is, in the last anal­
ysis, not to be found in the field of general credit controls. It is to
be found primarily in the field of selective controls (1) on the mandatory
credit control side through such Instruments as Regulations W and Xj
(2) cm the physical side through direct controls over materials and man­
power; and (3) through the cooperation in a vigorous program of voluntary
credit control by all lending agencies.
* gotalls on the Price Blso Since Korea
The Korean attack served not only to stimulate inflationary factors
which were either dormant or were effectively counterbalanced in the
pre-Korean period; it also served to stimulate a host of new inflationary
pressures. The threat of an immediate all-out war had aa electrifying
effect on businessmen and on consumers, la whose minds the memories of
World War II shortages were still fresh. Businessmen were particularly
sensitive to the situation and it did not take them long to realise that
the imminence of Government stockpiling of strategic materials and the
needs of military procurement were matters of critical importance to them.
Speculators saw the point, too; and wasted no time in taking advantage
of it.
It is not surprising, therefore* that the Bureau of Labor Statistics
spot index of market prices for £6 key commodities rose by 12 percent
within one month after Korea. The climb continued, so that Just 8 months
after Korea the rise was almost 50 percent. The prices of Industrial raw
materials led the procession, with an increase of close to 60 percent for
the 8~moath period, with foodstuffs up a little less than 25 percent.
Among specific commodities, the price of steel scrap rose by SO percent
in the last 8 months. Got ton was up over 30 percent, lead almost 50 per*
cent, print cloth over 50 percent, shellac over 60 percent, cottonseed
oil over TO percent, rosin 60 percent, lard 80 percent, wool-tops over
105 percent, burlap over 105 percent, silk about 115 percent, tin lk0 per­
cent, rubber over 160 percent, and tallow 280 percent. There is typically

- 7 -

a significant lag in the reflection of these prices in the overall indexes.
The slower moving B.L.S. all-commodity index has, however, already gone
up by store than 15 percent since June; and there has been a rise of nearly
7 percent in consumers* prices through January alone. (See Chart 1 for a
further expoaitlon of the demand and price situation since Korea.)
Ofeese price increases for specific commodities are indicative of
areas which responded sviftly to the changed environment after Korea.
They are areas of price increases which occurred not necessarily as a
result of any monetary phenomena, but rather as a direct result of the
anticipation of physical shortages in their impact upon thousands of
individual businessmen. It is no wonder, then, that business inventories
rose substantially during this period to new all-time highs, despite the
existence of a huge buying wave by consumers* r(*he buying of metals is
a caae in point. Smelter stocks of refined copper and lead, for example,
both reached peaks for the last decade during the year before Korea. By
Decesfeer 1950, stocks of copper had declined 77 percent from the peak,
and stocks of lead were down k percent. In addition, zinc stocks were
down 90 percent during the calendar year 1950. The prospect of shortages
was uppermost in the minds of many consumers as well? and the decision as
to Whether to buy a new automobile loaded with extras today, or to wait
6 months and either get a© car at all or have to pay 10 percent more for
it, was not difficult to make.


The sixth question submitted by Representative Reed asks whether
the Federal Reserve will be In a position to follow policies that are
more restrictive upon credit expansion in the future than has been the
case in recent months. The Treasury and the Federal Reserve are working
closely together to develop policies which will restrict as much as Is
necessary credit expansion that does not relate to the defense effort.
In this connection, within the past few weeks, the Federal Reserve has
initiated a voluntary credit restraint program? and on March 1%, announced
the appointment of representatives of commercial basking, investment bank­
ing, and life Insurance as members of the national Voluntary Credit
Restraint Committee. The Committee, under the chairmanship of Reserve
Board Governor Oliver S. Powell, is now in active operation. It will
designate subcommittees throughout the United States to be available
for consultation with individual financing institutions and to assist
them In determining the application of the program with respect to
specific loans. Participation in the program is entirely voluntary,
but the Board of Governors and the national Committee hope that all
financing institutions will Join In the program and cooperate in making
it effective.
In discussing the first meeting of the national Voluntary Credit
Restraint Committee, Mr. Thomas S. McCabe, who was then Chairman of
the Federal Reserve Board, saidi

*Up to now, voluntary efforts on an individual has is have
not been vary successful, even though many individual institu­
tions have done a statesmanlike job of holding down loans in
their ova organizations. With this nev approach, groups of
institutions in a community will he able to hand together under
legal sanction to halt the 'shopping around* for loans which
has heen the principal weakness in voluntary efforts to date.
If lenders vlll really go to work on this nev program, it is
not too much to hope that the expansion of private credit vlll
he greatly curtailed* I hacve no use for the eynics who say
that credit vlll inevitably continue to rise even under this
nev program* There are alvays loophole® for those who are
looking for them, hut I think the financial leaders of this
country, given this opportunity, vlll look at the spirit and
intent of the program and sake it a success."
In addition to the activities of the national Voluntary Credit
Restraint Cowaittee, the Treasury and the federal Reserve vorked out a
program looking toward the conversion of a substantial proportion of the
longest-term restricted marketable 2-l/a percent government securities
Into nonmarket able obligations. She hooks vere opened for this conver­
sion on March 26f and on April 3, It m s announced that they would close
at midnight April 6, 1951* Xa making this eanounceeseut, it was stated
that subscriptions received and tabulated by Federal Reserve Banks as
of Monday, April 2, (including about $5#3^5,000,000 for federal Reserve
and Treasury investment account) exceed $11,000,000,000.


Chart 1

® Total business safes zoom with Korea

(3) And consumer expenditures

(2) As inventories ptie up

for durablesjump
Korea i

Wholesale Prices, December 1 9 4 9 » I0 0

2 8

B a s ic C o m m o d itie s
'■ A H C o m m o d i t i e s

Chart 2




E Bonds


S a v in g s


F e d e r a l

S e c u r itie s

(3) Bank loans areup

Bank Loans as

Private Bank Credit

Liquid Assets

% of

Gross National Product


1-------- —— ------------- December 31,-------------------------— ’

*Hetd by individuals and corporations.
fBanks in leading ottm.
* in mutual savings bonks and savings and toan associations