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919 Third Avenue
New York, NY I 0022
Tel 212 909 6000

Andrew J. Ceresney
Tel 212 909 6947
Fax 212 909 6836

December 21, 201 0
Gary J. Cohen, Esq.
General Counsel
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
1717 Pennsylvania, NW, Suite 800
Washington DC, 20066-4644

Potential Use of Quotes
Dear Mr. Cohen:
We have received your followup letter regarding your intent to use certain
additional portions of Judge Mukasey's interview in your final report. I am concerned
that you have distorted in your proposed excerpt what Judge Mukasey actually said in his
interview. You suggest that Judge Mukasey stated that he did not give potential
mortgage fraud "much additional" thought after receiving reports of mortgage failures
and potential fraudulent activity. In fact, Judge Mukasey said no such thing. He
indicated that he heard reports of mortgage failures and fraud around the country, stating:
"It was a phenomenon occurring in various areas of the country and in various ways.
Mortgage fraud isn't discovered until mortgages begin to fail. Any fraud investigation is
inherently a reactive thing. And so we were receiving reports of mortgage failures and of
there being fraudulent activity in the sense of flipping houses, overvaluation and the like.
That is what I first recall hearing about." Judge Mukasey did not say he gave mortgage
fraud no additional thought after hearing these reports.
Instead, later in the interview, Judge Mukasey was asked: "At that point, in or
around April 2008, did the Department or FBI, in your view, have appropriate resources
to effectively combat mortgage fraud? And I take your earlier remarks that there are
never adequate resources, but at that point in April 2008, did you have any additional
thoughts on the resources that were directed to mortgage fraud?" Judge Mukasey
answered, "I don't recall having additional thoughts at that time, no." You may have
taken the reference in your proposed excerpt to giving it no additional thought from this
exchange. But obviously this question related to April 2008 and whether Judge Mukasey
considered at that time the particular issue of the adequacy of resources being directed at
mortgage fraud. He answered that at that time, he did not recall giving it any other
thought. That obviously is different from not giving mortgage fraud itself any thought,
which is what the current draft suggests.

New York • Washington, D.C. • London • Paris • Frankfurt • Moscow • Hong Kong • Shanghai

Gary J. Cohen, Esq.


December 21, 2010

We ask that you reconsider your discussion of Judge Mukasey's interview given
the above. Please let me know if you have any questions.