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Minutes of the Meeting of the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association Nove…

Minutes of the Meeting of the Treasury Borrowing Advisory
Committee of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets
Association November 3, 2020
November 4, 2020

The Committee convened in a closed session via teleconference at 9:30 a.m. All members were
present, except for Bob Miller, Ajay Rajadhyaksha, and Irene Tse. Principal Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Financial Markets Kipp Kranbuhl, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Finance
Brian Smith, Director of the O ice of Debt Management Fred Pietrangeli, and Deputy Director of
the O ice of Debt Management Nick Steele welcomed the Committee. Other members of
Treasury sta present were Ayeh Bandeh-Ahmadi, Bobby Bishop, Margaretta Bradley, Chris
Cameron, Dave Chung, David Copenhaver, Tammy Didier, Christine Gra under, Tom
Katzenbach, Chris Kubeluis, David Lebryk, Peter Phelan, Brett Solimine, Renee Tang, Brandon
Taylor, Tom Vannoy, and Paul Wol eich. Federal Reserve Bank of New York sta members
Kathryn Chen, Kathryn Franklin, Kyle Lee, Susan McLaughlin, Rania Perry, and Nathaniel
Wuer el were also present.
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Kranbuhl opened the meeting by highlighting the
continued uncertainty regarding Treasury’s borrowing needs because of the federal
government’s response to COVID-19. In light of this, Kranbuhl highlighted that Treasury has
continued to maintain financing flexibility as a matter of prudent risk management, including
continued reliance on increased bill issuance through benchmark bills and a regular cadence of
cash management bills since March. In the second half of FY2020, Treasury’s borrowing needs
increased by an unforeseen and unprecedented $3.2 trillion. Two-thirds of that borrowing
need, or about $2.4 trillion, was addressed through increases in bills, representing a doubling of
bills outstanding. This resulted in a reduced weighted average maturity of Treasury debt
outstanding and an increased share of Treasury bills to an above-average level. Treasury
continues to manage this maturity profile change by shi ing issuance toward coupon securities
across the curve over time.
Kranbuhl then updated the Committee on the ongoing e orts regarding the potential Treasury
issuance of a floating rate note (FRN) indexed to the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR).



Minutes of the Meeting of the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association Nove…

Kranbuhl noted that no decision has been made, but that Treasury continues to actively
explore such a product and that ample notice would be provided to the market if it chooses to
move forward. Kranbuhl emphasized that Treasury, as an ex-o icio member of the Alternative
Reference Rates Committee, is committed to supporting the transition away from the U.S. dollar
London Interbank O ered Rate. The Committee briefly discussed and reiterated their strong
support for Treasury issuance of a SOFR-indexed FRN.
Director Pietrangeli then provided brief highlights of changes in receipts and outlays through Q4
FY2020. Receipts declined slightly by $42 billion (-1%) year-over-year, largely due to declines in
income and corporate taxes following the COVID-19 outbreak. Outlays increased by $2,105
billion (47%), driven by the Paycheck Protection Program, other stimulus payments, increased
unemployment costs, and relief payments to hospitals. Pietrangeli noted that potential
additional fiscal stimulus, as well as the trajectory of the COVID-19 outbreak and its economic
e ects, continue to add uncertainty to the outlook for outlays.
Pietrangeli next highlighted that deficit and privately-held net marketable borrowing
projections by the Congressional Budget O ice (CBO) and the primary dealers remain elevated
for FY2021, which is likely to persist into FY2022. CBO estimates are based on current law and
do not include any assumption about a change in the cash balance or future fiscal stimulus.
Primary dealer borrowing estimates varied based on di ering assumptions regarding the size
of additional legislation as well as how much of that borrowing will be met by reductions in the
Treasury cash balance. Furthermore, the range of primary dealer estimates indicates significant
uncertainty and the risk that the borrowing amounts could be higher.
For the next two quarters, Treasury’s O ice of Fiscal Projections estimates privately-held net
marketable borrowing of $617 billion and $1,127 billion, with an assumption of $1 trillion of
additional borrowing need from additional legislation. Assuming no change in coupon issuance
sizes, the $617 billion borrowing estimate implies net bill issuance will remain essentially
unchanged during the current quarter.
Pietrangeli noted that Treasury continues to approach the cash balance from a precautionary,
risk management framework, and that the elevated cash level continues to be based on the
magnitude and uncertainty of upcoming outflows. Given that, the cash balance will likely
continue to be high until the uncertainty around near-term outflows diminishes.
Pietrangeli turned to the financing gap, which suggests current coupon auction sizes would be
su icient to meet primary dealer median expected borrowing needs. However, the upper range



Minutes of the Meeting of the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association Nove…

of primary dealer estimates, which includes significant additional fiscal stimulus, would exceed
financing generated by current coupon auction sizes.
Looking across trends in demand for Treasury securities, Pietrangeli noted that foreign demand
at auction has recently shi ed slightly from bills toward coupon securities. Earlier in the year,
the dollar amount of bills held by foreign investors increased, though the share fell amidst
significant bill issuance. Similarly, the dollar amount of coupon securities held by foreigners
has remained steady while the share has declined somewhat.
Deputy Assistant Secretary Smith then summarized primary dealer expectations for Treasury
issuance over the coming months. Based on the heightened uncertainty around Treasury’s
borrowing needs, most primary dealers anticipated further increases in coupon auction sizes,
with increases across the curve, while several others anticipated no increases in coupon auction
sizes until additional fiscal stimulus legislation is finalized. For primary dealers that anticipated
increases in coupon auction sizes, more primary dealers expected longer-end increases to
proceed at a slower pace than in previous refunding announcements, whereas shorter maturity
coupon increases were expected to continue at the same pace.
Next, Debt Manager Katzenbach reviewed primary dealer comments on the recent increase in
bank demand for Treasury securities. Primary dealers attributed the increase to the significant
growth in bank deposits, coupled with limited loan demand and more stringent lending
standards. Several primary dealers also suggested bank demand for Treasury securities as a
means to o set the recent compression in net interest margins. Katzenbach highlighted that
temporary relief from the Supplementary Leverage Ratio was typically assigned a secondary
role, facilitating the increase in bank holdings of Treasury securities rather than driving
demand. Finally, a few primary dealers highlighted increased bank demand for the 7- to 10year sector, relative to prior years when bank demand was focused in the 5-year sector.
Deputy Director Steele then reviewed buy-side outreach and responses from the primary
dealers regarding potential increases to auction sizes for Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities
(TIPS). Buy-side investors and primary dealers broadly recommended that Treasury increase
TIPS auctions sizes gradually over CY2021. The primary reasons cited were stabilizing TIPS as a
percentage of total marketable debt outstanding as well as the improved TIPS liquidity
conditions now compared to the spring. Expectations for an economic rebound and an increase
in inflation in the coming years, given fiscal stimulus and the Federal Reserve’s recently
announced flexible average inflation targeting, were also cited as a potential tailwind for TIPS



Minutes of the Meeting of the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association Nove…

In terms of TIPS auction sizes, Steele highlighted the median primary dealer recommended
increasing the 10- and 30-year new issues in January and February, respectively, by $1 billion
each, with a similar size increase to the reopenings. The 10-year new issue in July and
reopenings were recommended to be increased by another $1 billion. For the 5-year, the
median primary dealer recommended increasing the April new issue and reopening by $2
billion and maintaining these sizes for the October new issue and reopening. Steele noted
these suggested increases were consistent with the idea that demand exists across the curve
but that adding lower duration supply would be more easily absorbed. In total, these changes
would increase annual gross TIPS supply in CY2021 by $19 billion and roughly stabilize TIPS as a
percentage of outstanding.
The Committee then reviewed a presentation on factors that drive supply and demand in
Treasury bills and the appropriate level of Treasury bill issuance for the medium- and longterm. The presenting member began by discussing how the significant rise in bill issuance this
year has been met by equally robust demand, particularly from money market funds (MMFs).
MMFs have increased their bill holdings as a result of overall MMF assets increasing
significantly, a shi from prime to government funds, and an increase in allocations to bills
within funds. As such, bills cheapened only modestly amid the dramatic increase in supply,
unlike other short-term alternatives in the a ermath of the COVID-19 outbreak, indicating a
strong investor preference for bills. Going forward, the presenting member expected MMF
demand would remain robust, which would provide Treasury flexibility to increase bill issuance
in the near-term if needed.
The presenting member next discussed bill issuance projections under di erent fiscal stimulus
scenarios. The member highlighted that even in a large fiscal stimulus scenario, Treasury had
significant capacity to increase bill issuance. The presenting member concluded that while
Treasury bills should still be used as a shock absorber to meet unexpected short-term funding
needs, Treasury should consider running down bill financing as a percentage of marketable
debt outstanding in the medium- and long-term in favor of terming-out into coupon securities,
especially between the 2- and 10-year sectors. Reasons included the current relatively high
percentage of bills outstanding, low term premia in those coupon sectors, and more flexibility
to increase bill issuance in the future.
The Committee then turned to its financing recommendation for the upcoming quarters and
recommended that Treasury continue to increase coupon issuance across maturities, albeit at a
slower pace than previously. While auction size increases in prior quarters have positioned



Minutes of the Meeting of the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association Nove…

Treasury well to meet near-term borrowing needs, the Committee agreed that further coupons
increases, and a corresponding decline in the share of bills outstanding, were prudent given
significant uncertainty about future borrowing needs. The Committee recommended increases
in auctions sizes of short- and intermediate-term securities similar to changes in previous
quarters, but smaller increases in the long-end. Moreover, the Committee debated whether the
recent increases in long-end yields were driven by supply or fundamental factors, but
nonetheless felt that long-end issuance size increases could be smaller. Finally, the Committee
recommended increasing TIPS auction sizes gradually, in line with the primary dealer
recommendations, given apparent TIPS demand and to stabilize TIPS as a percent of
marketable debt outstanding.
The Committee adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
The Committee reconvened at 3:00 p.m. The Chair summarized key elements of the Committee
report for Secretary Mnuchin, and followed with a brief discussion of recent market
The Committee adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Brian Smith
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Finance
United States Department of the Treasury
November 3, 2020
Certified by:
Elizabeth Hammack, Chair
Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee
Of The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
November 3, 2020




Minutes of the Meeting of the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association Nove…

Fiscal Outlook
Taking into consideration Treasury’s short, intermediate, and long-term financing
requirements, as well as the variability in financing needs from quarter to quarter, what
changes to Treasury’s coupon auctions do you recommend at this time, if any? Please also
provide feedback on market expectations for Treasury issuance, the e ects of current SOMA
reinvestment policy, the evolution of Treasury holdings by investor class, as well as auction
calendar construction.

Treasury Bill Issuance
In light of unprecedented borrowing needs, Treasury has more than doubled the supply of Tbills over the past year amid a surge in demand for high-quality, short-term assets. T-bills
currently represent approximately 25% of total Treasury debt outstanding, exceeding the
historical average of 23%, and are at the highest proportion since 2009.
Please discuss the drivers of supply and demand across Treasury bills and other high-quality,
short-dated investments (e.g., CP, repo, agency discount notes), and expectations for money
market conditions going forward.
As outlined in the last two quarterly refunding announcements, Treasury has been gradually
shi ing its financing from bills to longer-dated tenors as a prudent means of managing its
maturity profile. Please discuss considerations for Treasury as it evaluates the appropriate level
of Treasury bills issuance for the medium- and long-term.

Financing this Quarter
We would like the Committee’s advice on the following:
The composition of Treasury notes and bonds to refund approximately $60.9 billion of
privately-held notes and bonds maturing on November 15, 2020.
The composition of Treasury marketable financing for the remainder of the OctoberDecember 2020 quarter, including cash management bills.



Minutes of the Meeting of the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association Nove…

The composition of Treasury marketable financing for the January-March 2021 quarter,
including cash management bills.
