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HP-1332: Secretary Paulson Statement on Stabilizing the Automotive Industry

December 19, 2008
Secretary Paulson Statement on Stabilizing the Automotive Industry
Washington- Today, we have acted to support General Motors and Chrysler, with
the requirement that they move quickly to develop and adopt acceptable plans for
long term viability. This step will prevent significant disruption to our economy,
while putting the companies on a path to the significant restructuring necessary to
achieve long-term viability. At the same time, we are including loan provisions to
protect the taxpayers to the maximum extent possible.
Treasury will make these loans using authority provided for the Troubled Asset
Relief Program. While the purpose of this program and the enabling legislation is to
stabilize our financial sector, the authority allows us to take this action. Absent
Congressional action, no other authorities existed to stave off a disorderly
bankruptcy of one or more auto companies.
As a result of this decision, Treasury effectively has allocated the first $350 billion
from the TARP. The actual disbursement of this amount is subject to approval of
bank capital applications, many of which remain with the regulators and will not
reach Treasury for review until early next year. Disbursement is also subject to
finalizing the structure for the Federal Reserve-Treasury consumer credit program
(TALF). In the very short-term, the allocated but not yet disbursed TARP balances,
in conjunction with the powers of the Federal Reserve and the FDIC, give me
confidence that we have the necessary resources to address a significant financial
market event. It is clear, however, that Congress will need to release the remainder
of the TARP to support financial market stability. I will discuss that process with
the congressional leadership and the President-elect's transition team in the near
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