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Leslie Harrison

Register of

Processedi MA



The papers of Georg® L, '-terrison, Igvyer, insistent General
Counsel end Counsel to the Federal Reserve Boerd, 1914-20, dep
Governor and Governor of +iie Federal Reaersre Benk of I«v Xork,
1941 > lnsur&ac« president! ere in hl« pofse&»ion at hie offlee
the M«v Tork Life In9un*.nce Compeay, 51 Madison AT^nue, Mev Xork City.
The p&per» are in the charge of his secretary, His» McCarrick» and
aa/ b© consulted by persons recoBss#nd«d by the Coassitt** on the
History of the Federal Reserve Syet^a.
Linear feet of shelf sp«\c# occupied^

7 1/2 file drswera

Approximate ntaber of itoKsi
Literary rights in the unpublia&ad papers of Mr* Harrison
are reserved to hisu

George Leslie

• t m

1887, Jaiw 26

Bom, San Francisco, Galifornie


A 3 , , I«a« College
secret* 17 to Justice Oliver Wendell Holies


As0ist*nt General Counsel* then G«ner«i Counsel,
Federal Itoferve Board, Washington, D. C.


Counsel, then Deputy Governor, Federal
of itev toxk
Governor, th^n President, Federal Res#rr# B&nk
of Hev Tortc

I94O, Msr# 2

Mtrried Gertrode Gordon Gra/son (vidov of
Admiral GrfjRon)
President, Sevr lork Life Insure nee Company, Hew lork


Chfiirman of the Bo»rd, Hew Xork Life Insurance Co#



See Who's Who in Asaerica, 1952/53, rol* 27,



- 3 -

of Series
File 1

Fjla Drewer X
Bank of England 1940 - outgoing end incoming cables - 1 folio
Miscellaneous, to various countries. Outgoing &nd incoming
cables, Argtntifit to Yugoslavia - 1 folio
S. Parker Gilbert - Agent General Reparations Pnymenta.
March 1926 - Knj 1930 - I folio
Bank for Interri&tionel Settlements (BIS) - 4 folios covering
1953-38 # Ctllos - outgoing and iaasoffiing
- Reichsb&nk - 5 folios covering years 1925-33 - Cables
File .Drawer 2
Bank of England Cables, outgoing and incoming - 10 folios,
1922 to 1931
Brewer 3
Bank of Engine c^biee* outgoing end incoming, 5 fclto»|
1932 to 1939
Bank of France,
outgoing tad incoming, 6 folios,
1926 to
Braver I
European tripe, cables, 1926-32 (Benjsain Strong, Pierre Jay,
Jey Crane, George !•• Harrison ) 2 folios
European t r i p s , cables 1927 to 1932 (to nnd from following
individuals) 1 folio
1927 - Strong, Herrison
1923 - Charles Dewey, Harrison, Benjamin Strong
1929 - Randolph Burgess, Crane, Gates McG*rrah, Oven Young
1930 - Harrison, Allan Sproul
1931 - Burgess, Crane, Sproul, Walter Stewart, A. fl« Wiggin
1932 ~ Cran®, Korean H. Devis
Cables, Officers end Others, 1933-1938 (continuation of folio
above) - 1 folio
1933 - &t> John Wiliiems, A» H, ¥iggin, Goodhus, Dr, Oliver
Sprague, Prof. Caarles Rist, Harrison
1934 - Owen Xoung, Pierre Jey, Harrison, Sproul
1936 - Sheehan, Ltnb, Penn
1938 - I*. Verner Knoke
Personal Cables - McGarreia, Leon Fraser, while &t BIS, 1930-35
1 folio
Miscellaneous Cables, Argentina to Uruguay, 3 folios, 1925-39
Miscellaneous Cables - 1 folio
Bank of I t a l y , 1925-32 (Banca d*Italia)
De Hederlandische Benk, 19^5-32
Swiss SsUoaal Bank, 1927*32
Bank of I t a l y , 1933-3S - 1 folio
De Nederlsndische Bsjjk, 1933-33 - 1 folio
Swiss H&tional Bank, 1933-33 - 1 folio


Description ;>f Series


Drawer 5
Conversations, 5 folios, l?r.6-1940
Discussion1 NoVss, 7 folios, 291&4940
Governors Conference, Minutes (in X936 this became
of Presidents), 3 folio-,, 1921-19-40
File Draper 6
MiBcellan^oue | # t t m and Reports * 5 folios, 1920-1940
Of fie© Memoranda - 4 foUoa, 1921-1936
File Braver J
Office Memoranda, 2 folios, 1939-19*0
Special Kmgtttatoj 1 folder-19,3
1 fold«r,1936
I folder-1940
Special Hesiorrnda, 2 folios, 1934-1940
Open Mf.rket XnV»ttmHlt Co^r.Ittee, Open <%rket Policy Co
5 folios, 1928-1940
Prayer 8w
Banking Stuiles-1940, prepared b^r &tfc=f f of Board of Governor®
of Federal Keserrs System (uiiia*o»), 4 volumes, "Hot for
releets® or publication"
Committee of the Presidents 1 Conference on Legislative Proposals
X folder, 1940; 1 duplicate (prepared by Resfeerch Department,
Federal P-eserre Bank of Hew lork)
Fiscal Policy (Prepered by Research Department, Federal Reserve
Bank of Hev Xorfc) - 1 folder, 1938\ 1 duplicate.
Internetional Monetary Organizetion *.n& Policy 1937 - 1 folder
Mat of Mexaorsnd* sent to Messrs. Xoung, Sinclair, Parker
and Hamilton by Dr» Villiaas on Jenu&ry U$ 1940 on various
matters, includini; excess reserves, Legislation Bad the Gold
Folio of Speeches made by Mr. Harrison