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January 29,

Reference: GA SS 5405
Miss Flora M. Rhind, Secretary
The Rockefeller Foundation
49 West 49th Street
New York 20, Hew York
Dear Miss Bhindi
I should like to acknowledge and thank you for your
letter of January 21 advising us that the Rockefeller Foundation
has made available the sum of CIO,000 for an exploratory study
of historical materials relating to the Federal Reserve System.
This grant is to be used during the period ending April 30, 1954
and will be administered by The Brookings Institution in collaboration with the Committee on the History of the Federal Reserve
¥e shall be glad to have you make a payment at this
time of the full sum of $10,000 with the understanding that any
unexpended balance will be refunded to the Foundation.
We are very grateful to the Foundation for this grant
and ve feel confident that a very worth-while exploration of
these materials can be raade during the next few months.

Sincerely yours,

CC: Dr. Donald
Miss Mildred

Janaury 29, 1954

Donald B. Woodward
Vick Chemical Company
East 42nd Street
fork 17, Hew Xork

Dear Doni
I as enclosing a letter from Mr. Sproul vhich speaks
for itself*
Mr* Burgess also approves of asking Robert Calkins
to joint the Advisory Coaaittee, and so does Walter Stewart.
X am trying to reach Mr, Riefler this afternoon to find out
whether he also will approve, but I think there is no doubt
about it. Under those circumstances, would it be a good idea
for the Secretary to write Mr. Calkins?
In the matter of the stationery, Mr, Sproul questions whether there should be mention of the Rockefeller grant,
X as doubtful as to how that might be done in this fora. What
do you thinkt
X &IB holding out the sheet in which he has checked
people to see, and am keeping that file here.

Mildred Mams

Research Director
Committee on the History of the Federal Reserve System


MISC. 14O B.I— 30M—I-Sl

Thirty Three Liberty Street
New York A5, H.I.

January 26, 1954-

Mr. Donald B, Woodward, Secretary,
Committee on History of the
Federal Reserve System,
33 Liberty Street, New York 45.
Dear Mr. Woodward:
I am sorry to have been slow in answering your
letter of January 18.
Answering your question about adding Robert Calkins
to the Advisory Committee, I am heartily in favor of it. "While
he was a director of the Bank I consulted with him about work
in this general area and I know he is interested. Our relationship with the Brookings Institution now makes his appointment a


I am enclosing the sheet labelled "Matters Requiring
Committee Opinion" with my opinions.
In the report of Miss Adams there is a reference under
"Headquarters" to a charge to be made by the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York for equipment. The figure of $10 which is mentioned is just an estimate, and telephone service and toll calls
will also be charged. The arrangement will still be economical
and satisfactory, I am sure.


January 18, 19

The Honorable Williea H*
Board cf Governors of the
Federal Reserve System
Washington 25, 5. C.
Dear Hr. Martin*
It v&s aajjr l&st understanding that, in discussing
membership on the Committee, your wish was to stay off it as
long as It was asking for funds sad until it aoved into the
work phase. You then proposed to check with your Board to
see whether they would approve your Joining us. As you will
see from the enclosed progress report, we have in hand a
Rockefeller grant and work has at this moment begun. Tour
conditions hav ^ been fulfilled, we are now hoping to welcome you to the committee.
Ae the Brookiage Institution is acting in a con-*
sultative and disbursing capacity for us, it would seem
vmluabl<? to put Dr. Robert Calkins,, Prssi^ant of that Institution , on this Comdttee. Unless you have some objection,
ws would lik« to hcve your approval on this*
Hise Adame will be celling you for an
in the near future.
Sincerely yours,

Donald B. Voodvard
on History of the Federal Reserve



January 18, 1954

Dr. Walter V. Stewart
Council of Economic Advisers
Executive Offices of the President
Washington 25, B* C
Dear Walters
When last we talked about the Committee
on the History of the Federal Reserve System, your
wish was to stay off the Committee as long as it was
asking for funds and until it moved into the work
phase* As you will see from the enclosed progress
report, we have in hand a Rockefeller grant and work
has at this moment begun* tour conditions having
been fulfilled, we are now welcoming you to the Committee, which counts itself fortunate to be able to
include your name.
As the Brookings Institution is acting in
a consultative and disbursing capacity for us, it
would seem valuable to put Dr. Robert Calkins, President of that Institution, on this Committee. Unless
you have some objection, we would like to have your
approval on this.
Hiss Adams will be calling you for an appointment In the near future.
Cordially yo^rs,

Donald B. Woodward,






YORK 45, N. Y.

Januaxy 18, 1954-

The Hon. W. Randolph Burgess
Deputy to the Secretary of the Treasury
Room 3A3A, Main Treasury Building
Washington 2$, D. C.
Dear Randy:
Now that we have the Rockefeller grant
in hand with Brookings in a disbursing and consultative capacity, there would seem to ^©^-gooc
to ask Dr. Robert Calkins, President o r f E a T
tion, to join our Committee, tfaless you have some
objection, I would recommend that this be done.
Will you please let me know how you feel about it?

Sincerely yours,

Donald B. Woodward
Committee on History of the Federal Reserve System


19» 1954.
Mr. Woodward's Secretary
Corrections made on Research Director's Progress Report
1. Page 1, line 12 — in parentheses (If • •., we doubtless could
ask for another short-term grant . • • ) , instead of ftall-term.
2. Page 2, under "FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS" change date to read
"on or about January 15 n instead of February 15.
Other Revisions made:
1. Mr. Woodward sent out a first copy to Mr. Martin as well as

to Mr. Sproul.
2. They re-typed proposed letterhead, leaving out the name of
Dr. Calkins
leaving out first question.
Re-typed pages 2 and 3 for Dr. Calkins, leaving out last
two lines on page 2 and first two lines on page 3»

Re: Petty Cash Expenditures
Mrs. Williams will keep a record of their expenses for such
items as postage stamps, etc. They will submit a statement when you
are ready for your monthly accounting with Brookings, and you can then
re-imburse Mr. Woodward.


33 Ubwty »«***
S S«fk 45, Itaw fat*
If 195


, Chair
If * fttovtrt


In f0

fallow «i l#*«t




of ik« $m of $10t0Q0| t^l« v i U oarty m

la April, ho vo«l<I iU#



^troot «t»t«MBi of tfeo
tfe« s^U»t ^rojoot lol% off*

this d«to

( i f for t a n

m $m$&Xmm oo«l^ ««IE far *w»t*or
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vtU $* Myriad mm? ix&m %h* VMHHMS $&&•## tfel* e&&«g#f far £**««
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MOirii \ » , w i r t w t on s w « f 4
IK n w r t m i with Mr, ttotdimvi1* «tjgg»tt4Um of Jtnmr?
OB **mur

12th vltk Br« BeHwt Calkin*, FrwUtut «f ttwe

d u r i n g miigfify
hta *iwt *»king bis i^itirl#« o& t#ft«la r««#«rcb 4«t»H».


this eofirrftrs^tieii na* M f'ollOfV»i

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«t th# Bre&ldUtg* I^rtUutiijn for

dining re«i f a e i l i t U t b^vt &1M b#«« »*a«

Page 3
serve our purposes; a proposed copy is included with this memorandum.
Hay we have your approval of its form?
The tangible result to be achieved by thi© Project would pre-»
statably com® under four groupings t
1, A bibliography of the printed material concerned vith the
history end development of the Federal Reserve System.
2, A bibliography of unpublished materials to be discovered,
classified, etc,
3, Biographic index of persons concerned in the System*s growth.
U* Time file of related events both in the development of the
System and the public events which affected it, this file
would be keyed to the others.
5» Subject file properly cross-indexed*
6* A comprehensive design for the main project, which may be
composed of several separable pieces.
It is Br» Calking1 s advice that, in view of the shortness of time,
the first of these groups be set aside until the main project with its
more ample time limit gets under way. Investigation has already showed
that Hew York and Washington have bibliographies eat up for special purposes, ana while these will be useful and suggestive, time will be
saved by postponing the complete bibliography of known material until
later, (This is a recommendation, not a decision.}
A® for the fourth item, the comprehensive design will take shape
as this pilot project goes on. All suggestions from the Committee leading toward it would be most welcome.

Page K
On January L4th, your Research B i r a e t o r was welcomed a t thm
Federal Reserve Bank o f Hew York whsre arrar»3;«R<fnts fear® generously
been, made on t h e eighth, f l o o r , near t h e Reference Library and t h e F i l e * ,
f o r a good o f f i c e w i t h a b l t s e c r e t a r i a l h e l p .
BSctor 2-5700 j Extension 286,

The phone nis?ifcer v i l l be

The widerstanding with Mr. Xijribm.ll, V i c e

P r e s i d e s * i n charge o f t h e Bank1© p h y s i c a l


vho w i s asked

by Mr, Sproul to handle tbir, i s that the lenk will furaish the space
free of charge, but that a small rental ($10 a month) will be asked for
equipment* Cost of supplies v i l l be charged to the Comittee, as v i l l
the secretary's salary* Mies MeSinstry, vho h*f> beea acting as secretary
and research assistant for Mr, Burgess and Br. William* at the Bajj&f hat
been assigaed to this post.

Bookkeeping errtngement*. call for a monthly

statement of expenditure :• on Committee btxsiness to go from the Bank to

Miss McSinstry has had bibliographic experience, and for the
time being vill act as bibliographer also. The Coimittee is fortunate
to hare so able & person assigned to its vork. Later, it may be nseessary to sectire the second staff member for -whom the budget supplies funds*
Because this project is eoncenaed vith %vo very different operations
*• the eeettaulation of bibliogrmphie material and the process of p®r#onal
interviewing^ the preparation of a vorfcisg plan atjgt avait the first few
neeks of experience,,
Q«arter» in the Federal Reserve Bank of 5ev lork will be ready on
Monday, January ISth. Talks vith the Librarian and the head of the Filing
System have already been started, and will be carried on in Washington;

Page 5
the scheduling of other interview* is uader way. Exploration* at the
Federal Reserve Board in Washington will follow tamed i&tely»

it the

end of the first month, the Fegearch Director hopes to know more
mxFc-lf hovra^agrInterviews may be eapeeted p#r week and how fast the
projected file® m&j s

Research X&reefcor



1hlalr i f ffcjwt

, 8* X,

mmlm9 t$ R






Hev f«ft 45, ttir f«*&




January 18, 1954
Does t h e proposed and enclosed l e t t e r h e a d meat your approval?


We are proposing to ask interrievs immediately from such people
as are listed below. Would yon please indicate those vhom you
think of first importance and add any others vho, come to mind?
''Sell, Daniel
Bopp, Karl E.
Bryan, Malcola -M^UBurgess, V. Bandolph
Carpenter, S, H.
^ *> Case, ^. Herbert
*- Crane, Jay I.
Crocker, Stuart M.?
Datris, Chester Si U
l e c l e s , Mar#ia«r
Iddy, Valter ¥•
*-naming, Robert ?•
^- Gidney, Bay - 10 &u^

K w Harrison, Qeorgfi &•
fevee, Henry M» ^
Kinkaid, E. A. T
A l
"Teffingwell, R. C. X
*-"I#ogan, Walter
• McCabe, Thoaas B ^
^ Melntosh, J» W* ^

*^Keyer, Eugene
^Morgan, Shepard
t Parry, Carl K.
Peyton, John 1 . ^ 1 ^
Riddle, Jack
i-Biefler, Winfield W.
Roberts, George B, Nd
Roelse, H. V.
u^Sounds, Leslie
Say lor, Lotais
. . ^w^gtevart, Walter W.
Strong, Jr., Benjamin
Temple, Alan »"A ^\
Thomas, John f«
c Thomas, Woodlief ^
Thomson, Donald °^
Thtirston, SlUott "^
Viner, Jacob &**JuT«
Wheeler, OlirerP.^.^
H ^HTilliams, John H.
Woolley, Clarence M.
Chr*m C

^ *y^* *****

i**€otmg, Roy
Mildred Adams
Research Director

Please Initial and return
Coas&ittee on History of the Federal Reserve
Room 80*7
33 Liberty Street
Hev Tork 45, Hev lork

6, ,31. <L

January 18, 1954-

Miss Mildred Adams, Research
Committee on the History of the
Federal Reserve System
34.0 East 72nd S t r e e t
New l o r k 2 1 , New York
Dear Miss Adams:
I have your l e t t e r regarding the
exchange of memoranda r a t h e r than the meeting for the 19th.
I s t h e r e anything further t h a t I
can or should do a t t h i s time?




January H # 1954

Messrs. Allan Sproul, Chairman
KilliaK N, Martin
V. Handolpfa Burgess
Walter V. Stewart
Donald B. Woodward
Dr. Robert Calkins
In view of the fact that Tuesday, January
19th, proves not to be possible for every member of
the Committee, that proposed meeting has been cancelled. In its place, a report on the Committee1*
present status, together with the questions that
vert to have been asked there, will be circulated
by mall* Z hope that this meets your approval*
Sincerely yours,

Mildred Adams
Research Director
Committee on the History of the Federal Reserve System

\j t*~<. run. K/-V»

540 Saet 72nd street
Hew York 2 1 , N.Y.
January X5,
Allan SprOfelj chairman
1 artin
ndolph Hurgeas
..'alte* . b nrart
•aid B« Woodward
Dr» Robert Oalkins

I •
to bo
0 t e l l you that with some
alight changes the material aent Dr« ' i l l e t t s an Jarmary
he.} been approved. In order to get Rattum movinc quickly a
slightly amallor aura v/liioh oould be granted without waiting
tor l I action im« imraediataly aet aaid»» The Brookll
In-Jtitution, which will aot in a cor. •
I disbursing
role, oxpeota to reoeiya i t this weak or sarly n^-xt weak*
3sa oi;
3 t we waulc lik<? t o ask t h e
0 e a r l y conaidoration of working p o l i c i e s and

detail .
I inoluda f£9 3alklns, Pr«»id
of tho 3rooking3 Institution, has therefore been called for
5tO0 , ,
nuary 19th in t
M of
at thi
trust I
^ate will prove
oonrenlont to you a l l .


:. Id red Adaas
on the History of tho federal ^aaenre 3yat«ffl