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For use at 10:00 a.m., EDT
July 21, 2009

Monetary Policy Report
to the Congress
July 21, 2009

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Monetary Policy Report
to the Congress
Submitted pursuant to section 2B
of the Federal Reserve Act
July 21, 2009

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System



Letter of Transmittal

Washington, D.C., July 21, 2009
The Board of Governors is pleased to submit its Monetary Policy Report to the Congress
pursuant to section 2B of the Federal Reserve Act.

Ben Bernanke, Chairman



Part 1
1 Overview: Monetary Policy and the Economic Outlook
Part 2
3 Recent Financial and Economic Developments
4 The Household Sector
Residential Investment and Housing Finance
Consumer Spending and Household Finance
8 The Business Sector
Fixed Investment
Inventory Investment
Corporate Profits and Business Finance
10 The Government Sector
Federal Government
Federal Borrowing
State and Local Government
State and Local Government Borrowing
13 The External Sector
14 National Saving
15 The Labor Market
Employment and Unemployment
Productivity and Labor Compensation
17 Prices

18 Evolution of the Financial Turmoil, Policy Actions, and the Market Response
23 Banking Institutions
24 Monetary Policy Expectations and Treasury Rates
25 Monetary Aggregates and the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet


26 International Financial Markets
28 The Financial Account
29 Advanced Foreign Economies
30 Emerging Market Economies

Part 3
31 Monetary Policy: Recent Developments and Outlook
31 Monetary Policy over the First Half of 2009
34 Monetary Policy as the Economy Recovers

Part 4
39 Summary of Economic Projections
41 The Outlook
42 Uncertainty and Risks
43 Diversity of Views

49 Abbreviations
22 Capital Assistance Program and Supervisory Capital Assessment
35 Federal Reserve Initiatives to Increase Transparency
37 Foreign Experience with Interest on Reserves
48 Forecast Uncertainty

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System


Part 1
Monetary Policy and the Economic Outlook
Amid a severe global economic downturn, the U.S.
economy contracted further and labor market conditions
worsened over the first half of 2009. In the early part
of the year, economic activity deteriorated sharply, and
strains in financial markets and pressures on financial
institutions generally intensified. More recently, however, the downturn in economic activity appears to be
abating and financial conditions have eased somewhat,
developments that partly reflect the broad range of
policy actions that have been taken to address the crisis.
Nonetheless, credit conditions for many households and
businesses remain tight, and financial markets are still
stressed. In the labor market, employment declines have
remained sizable—although the pace of job loss has
diminished somewhat from earlier in the year—and the
unemployment rate has continued to climb. Meanwhile,
consumer price inflation has remained subdued.
U.S. real gross domestic product (GDP) fell sharply
again in the first quarter of 2009, but the contraction in
overall output looks to have moderated somewhat of
late. Consumer spending—which has been supported
recently by the boost to disposable income from the tax
cuts and increases in various benefit payments that were
implemented as part of the 2009 fiscal stimulus package—appears to be holding reasonably steady so far
this year. And consumer sentiment is up from the historical lows recorded around the turn of the year. In the
housing market, a leveling out of home sales and construction activity in the first half of 2009 suggests that
the demand for new houses may be stabilizing following three years of steep declines. Businesses, however,
have continued to cut capital spending and liquidate
inventories in response to soft demand and excessive
stocks. Economic activity abroad plummeted in the first
quarter and has continued to fall, albeit more slowly, in
recent months. Slumping foreign demand led to a sharp
drop in U.S. exports during the first half of the year.
However, the ongoing contraction in U.S. domestic
demand triggered an even sharper drop in imports.
The further contraction in domestic economic activity during the first half of 2009 was accompanied by
a significant deterioration in labor market conditions.
Note: A list of abbreviations is available at the end of this report.

Private-sector payroll employment fell at an average
monthly rate of 670,000 jobs in the first four months of
this year before declining by 312,000 jobs in May and
415,000 jobs in June. Meanwhile, the unemployment
rate moved up steadily from 7¼ percent at the turn of
the year to 9½ percent in June. With the sharp reductions in employment, the wage and salary incomes of
households, adjusted for price changes, fell during this
Overall consumer price inflation, which slowed
sharply late last year, remained subdued in the first half
of this year as the margin of slack in labor and product
markets widened considerably further and as prices of
oil and other commodities retraced only a part of their
earlier steep declines. All told, the 12-month change
in the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price
index was close to zero in May, while the 12-month
change in PCE prices excluding food and energy was
1¾ percent. Survey measures of longer-term inflation
expectations have remained relatively stable this year
and currently stand at about their average values in
During the first few months of 2009, pressures on
financial firms, which had eased late last year, intensified again. Equity prices of banks and insurance companies fell amid reports of large losses in the fourth
quarter of 2008, and market-based measures of the
likelihood of default by those institutions rose. Broad
equity price indexes also fell in the United States and
abroad, and measures of volatility in such markets
stayed at near-record levels. In addition, bank funding
markets were strained, flows of credit to businesses
and households were impaired, and many securitization
markets remained shut.
The Federal Reserve and other government entities continued to respond forcefully to these adverse
financial market developments. The Federal Reserve
kept its target for the federal funds rate at a range
between 0 and ¼ percent and purchased additional
agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and agency
debt. Throughout the first half of the year, the Federal
Reserve also continued to provide funding to financial
institutions and markets through a variety of credit and
liquidity facilities. In February, the Treasury, the Feder-


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

al Reserve, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,
the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the
Office of Thrift Supervision announced the Financial
Stability Plan. The plan included, among other elements, a Capital Assistance Program designed to assess
the capital needs of banking institutions under a range
of economic scenarios (through the Supervisory Capital
Assessment Program (SCAP), or stress test) and, if necessary, to assist banking institutions in strengthening the
amount and quality of their capital. In early March, the
Federal Reserve and the Treasury launched the Term
Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), an initiative designed to catalyze the securitization markets
by providing financing to investors to support their
purchases of certain AAA-rated asset-backed securities. At the March meeting of the Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC), the Committee decided to expand
its purchases of agency MBS and agency debt and to
begin buying longer-term Treasury securities to help
improve conditions in private credit markets. In May,
the Federal Reserve announced an expansion of eligible
collateral under the TALF program. In the same month,
the results of the SCAP were announced and were positively received in financial markets.
These policy actions, and ones previously taken,
have helped stabilize a number of financial markets
and, in some cases, have led to significant improvements. In recent months, strains in short-term funding
markets have eased, with some credit spreads in those
markets returning close to pre-crisis levels. The narrowing in spreads likely reflects, in part, a decrease in the
probability that market participants assign to extremely
adverse outcomes for the economy in light of the apparent moderation in the rate of economic contraction.
Global equity prices have recouped some of their earlier
declines, and measures of volatility in equity and other
financial markets have retreated somewhat, though they
remain at elevated levels. Issuance in some securitization markets that were essentially shut down earlier
has begun to increase. Although yields on longer-term
Treasury securities have risen, some of these increases
are likely attributable to improvement in the economic
outlook and a reversal in flight-to-quality flows. Mortgage rates have risen about in line with Treasury yields,
but corporate bond yields have continued to decline.
By early June, the 10 banking organizations required

by the SCAP to bolster their capital buffers had issued
new common equity in amounts that either met or came
close to meeting the SCAP requirements. Nonetheless,
despite these notable improvements, strains remain
in most financial markets, many financial institutions
face the possibility of significant additional losses, and
the flow of credit to some businesses and households
remains constrained.
In conjunction with the June 2009 FOMC meeting,
the members of the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System and presidents of the Federal Reserve
Banks, all of whom participate in FOMC meetings, provided projections for economic growth, unemployment,
and inflation; these projections are presented in Part 4
of this report. FOMC participants generally viewed the
outlook for the economy as having improved modestly
in recent months. Participants expected real GDP to
bottom out in the second half of this year and then to
move onto a path of gradual recovery, bolstered by an
accommodative monetary policy, government efforts to
stabilize financial markets, and fiscal stimulus. However, all participants expected that labor market conditions
would continue to deteriorate during the remainder of
this year and improve only slowly over the subsequent
two years, with the unemployment rate still elevated at
the end of 2011. FOMC participants expected total and
core inflation to be lower in 2009 than during 2008 as
a whole, in part because of the sizable amount of slack
in resource utilization; inflation was forecast to remain
subdued in 2010 and 2011.
Participants generally judged that the degree of
uncertainty surrounding the medium-term outlook for
both economic activity and inflation exceeded historical norms. Participants viewed the risks to their projections of economic growth over the medium run as
either balanced or tilted to the downside, and most saw
the risk to their projections of medium-run inflation as
balanced. Participants also reported their assessments
of the rates to which key macroeconomic variables
would be expected to converge in the longer run under
appropriate monetary policy and in the absence of further shocks to the economy. Most participants expected
real GDP to grow in the longer run at an annual rate of
about 2½ percent, the unemployment rate to be about
5 percent, and the rate of consumer price inflation to be
about 2 percent.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System


Part 2
Recent Financial and Economic Developments
Economic activity, which fell sharply in the fourth
quarter of 2008, declined at nearly the same rate in
the first quarter of 2009. (For the change in real gross
domestic product (GDP) in recent years, see figure 1.)
However, the pace of contraction appears to have moderated somewhat of late. To be sure, businesses have
continued to cut back on investment spending, and firms
have reacted to the abrupt rise in inventory-sales ratios
around the turn of the year by cutting production and
running down inventories at a more rapid pace, particularly in the motor vehicle sector. Nevertheless, consumer spending seems to have stabilized, on balance, in
the first half of this year, and housing activity, while still
quite depressed, has leveled off in recent months. And,
while the recession abroad led to another sharp drop
in export demand in the first quarter, the latest indicators suggest that the contraction in foreign activity has
lessened, especially in emerging Asian economies. In
the labor market, the pace of job loss has diminished in
recent months from the rate earlier this year; nonetheless, employment declines have remained sizable, and
the unemployment rate has risen sharply. Meanwhile,
inflation remained subdued in the first half of this year
(figure 2).
In early 2009, strains in some financial markets
appeared to intensify from the levels seen in late 2008.

1. Change in real gross domestic product, 2003–09
Percent, annual rate










NOTE: Here and in subsequent figures, except as noted, change for a given
period is measured to its final quarter from the final quarter of the preceding
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

2. Change in the chain-type price index for personal
consumption expenditures, 2003–09


Excluding food
and energy








NOTE: The data are monthly and extend through May 2009; changes are
from one year earlier.
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Market participants’ concerns about major financial
institutions increased, equity prices for such institutions
fell, and their credit default swap (CDS) spreads widened substantially. These developments spilled over to
broader markets, with equity prices falling and spreads
of yields on corporate bonds over those on comparablematurity Treasury securities moving to near-record
highs. Deterioration in the functioning of many financial markets restricted the flow of credit to businesses
and households.
In response to these financial market stresses, the
Federal Reserve and other government entities implemented additional policy initiatives to support financial stability and promote economic recovery. Federal
Reserve initiatives included expanding direct purchases
of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS), beginning direct purchases of longer-term
Treasury securities, and providing loans against consumer and other asset-backed securities (ABS).1 Other
government entities also undertook new measures to
support the financial sector, including the provision of
1. For more information, see Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System (2009), Federal Reserve System Monthly Report on
Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet (Washington:
Board of Governors, July),


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

more capital to banking institutions under the Capital
Purchase Program, or CPP, and the announcement of
programs to help banks manage their legacy assets. In
addition, the bank supervisory agencies undertook a
special assessment of the capital strength of the largest
U.S. banking organizations (the Supervisory Capital
Assessment Program, or SCAP).
Partly as a result of these efforts, conditions in
financial markets began to show signs of improvement
starting in March, although they remained strained.
During the subsequent few months, both equity prices
of financial firms and broad equity price indexes rose,
on balance, and corporate bond spreads narrowed.
Firms responded by substituting longer-term financing through the corporate bond market for shorter-term
funding from bank loans and commercial paper (CP).
Supported by the Federal Reserve’s Term Asset-Backed
Securities Loan Facility (TALF), issuance of consumer
ABS began to approach pre-crisis levels. Short-term
interbank funding markets also showed substantial
improvement, and banking institutions involved in the
SCAP were able to issue significant amounts of public
equity and nonguaranteed debt. However, outstanding
bank loans to households and nonfinancial businesses
continued to decline amid expectations that borrower
credit quality would deteriorate further, risk spreads in
many markets that were still quite elevated, and financial conditions that remained somewhat strained.


3. Private housing starts, 1996–2009
Millions of units, annual rate










NOTE: The data are quarterly and extend through 2009:Q2.
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.

spring of 2008 even as single-family activity was plummeting—have deteriorated considerably over the past
year. These declines have coincided with a substantial
worsening of many of the economic and financial factors that influence construction in this sector, including
reports of a pullback in the availability of credit for new
projects and a sharp decline in the price of apartment
buildings following a multiyear run-up.
House prices continued to fall in the first part of
this year. The latest readings from national indexes
show price declines for existing homes over the past
4. Change in prices of existing single-family houses,

The Household Sector


Residential Investment and Housing Finance
Although home prices have continued to fall, the steep
declines in housing demand and construction that began
in late 2005 appear to be abating. Sales of existing
single-family homes have flattened out at a little more
than 4 million units at an annual rate since late last year,
and sales of new single-family homes have been little
changed since January at a bit below 350,000 units.
That said, the pace of sales for both new and existing
homes is still very low by historical standards.
In the single-family housing sector, starts of new
units appear to have firmed of late, though they remain
at a depressed level (figure 3). With this restrained level
of construction, months’ supply of unsold new homes
relative to sales has come down somewhat from its
peak at the turn of the year, but it still remains quite
high compared with earlier in the decade. Starts in the
multifamily sector—which had held up well through the


10-city index


LP price index









NOTE: The data are monthly and extend into 2009:Q2; changes are from
one year earlier. The LP price index includes purchase transactions only. The
FHFA index (formerly calculated by the Office of Federal Housing
Enterprise Oversight) also includes purchase transactions only. The
S&P/Case-Shiller index reflects all arm’s-length sales transactions in the
metropolitan areas of Boston, Chicago, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles,
Miami, New York, San Diego, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.
SOURCE: For LP, LoanPerformance, a division of First American
CoreLogic; for FHFA, Federal Housing Finance Agency; for
S&P/Case-Shiller, Standard & Poor’s.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

12 months in the range of 7 to 18 percent (figure 4).
One such measure with wide geographic coverage, the
LoanPerformance repeat-sales price index, fell more
than 9 percent over the 12 months ending in May and
is now 20 percent below the peak that it achieved in
mid-2006. Price declines have been particularly marked
in areas of the country that have experienced a large
number of foreclosure-related sales, such as Nevada,
Florida, California, and Arizona. Lower prices improve
the affordability of homeownership for potential new
buyers and, all else being equal, should eventually help
bolster housing demand. However, expectations of further declines in house prices can make potential buyers
reluctant to enter the market. Although consumer surveys continue to suggest that a sizable portion of households expect house prices to fall in the coming year, the
share of such households appears to have subsided in
recent months.
With house prices still falling, conditions in the labor
market deteriorating, and household financial conditions remaining weak, delinquency rates continued to
rise across all categories of mortgage loans. As of April
2009, nearly 40 percent of adjustable-rate subprime
loans and 15 percent of fixed-rate subprime loans were
seriously delinquent (figure 5).2 In May 2009, delinquency rates for prime and near-prime loans reached
2. A mortgage is defined as seriously delinquent if the borrower is
90 days or more behind in payments or the property is in foreclosure.


about 12 percent for adjustable-rate loans and 4 percent
for fixed-rate loans, representing substantial increases
over the past year to historic highs.
Foreclosures also jumped in 2009. Over the last three
quarters of 2008, about 600,000 homes entered the foreclosure process each quarter. During the first quarter of
2009, about 750,000 homes entered the process. The
increase may be related to the expiration of temporary
foreclosure moratoriums that were put in place by some
state and local governments, some private firms, and the
government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) late last year.
The Treasury Department has recently established the
Making Home Affordable program, which encompasses
several efforts designed to lower foreclosure rates. The
program includes a provision to allow borrowers to refinance easily into mortgages with lower payments and a
provision to encourage mortgage lenders and servicers
to modify delinquent mortgages.
Interest rates on 30-year fixed-rate conforming
mortgages declined during early 2009; although those
rates have risen more recently, about in line with
increases in Treasury rates, mortgage rates remain at
historically low levels (figure 6). Part of the decrease
may have reflected expansion of the Federal Reserve’s
agency MBS purchase program. Early in the year,
spreads of rates on conforming fixed-rate mortgages
over long-term Treasury yields fell to their lowest levels in more than a year. Offer rates on nonconforming
jumbo fixed-rate loans fell slightly but continued to
be well above rates on conforming loans.3 Although

5. Mortgage delinquency rates, 2001–09


Adjustable rate

3. Conforming mortgages are those eligible for purchase by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; they must be equivalent in risk to a prime
mortgage with an 80 percent loan-to-value ratio, and they cannot
exceed in size the conforming loan limit. The conforming loan limit

6. Mortgage interest rates, 1993–2009





Prime and near prime

Fixed rate





Adjustable rate



Fixed rate


Adjustable rate






NOTE: The data are monthly and extend through April 2009 for subprime
and May 2009 for prime and near prime. Delinquency rate is the percent of
loans 90 days or more past due or in foreclosure.
SOURCE: For subprime, LoanPerformance, a division of First American
CoreLogic; for prime and near prime, Lender Processing Services, Inc.







NOTE: The data, which are weekly and extend through July 15, 2009, are
contract rates on 30-year mortgages.
SOURCE: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

the declines in rates and spreads made borrowing relatively less expensive for those qualified for conforming
mortgages, access to credit remained limited for many
other borrowers. In the April 2009 Senior Loan Officer
Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices, a majority
of respondents indicated that they had tightened standards on residential mortgages over the preceding three
months, an extension of the prevailing trend in earlier
quarters, that about 40 percent of banks had reduced
the size of existing home equity lines of credit, and that
only a few of the banks reported having made subprime
loans. The secondary market for conventional mortgage
loans not guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac
remained essentially shut.
Mortgage debt outstanding was about flat in the first
quarter of 2009, with the effects of the weakness in the
housing market and relatively restricted access to credit
offsetting the influence of lower mortgage rates. The
available indicators suggest that mortgage debt likely
remained very soft in the second quarter. Refinancing
activity was somewhat elevated early in the year, probably due to low mortgage interest rates and the waiver
of many fees and easing of many underwriting terms
by the GSEs. However, such activity moderated considerably when interest rates rose during the past few

Consumer Spending and Household Finance
Consumer spending appears to have leveled off so far
this year after falling sharply in the second half of last
year (figure 7). Continued widespread job losses and
the drag from large declines in household wealth have
weighed on consumption; however, spending lately has
been supported by the boost to household incomes from
the fiscal stimulus package enacted in February. Measures of consumer sentiment, while still at depressed
levels, have nonetheless moved up from the historical
lows recorded around the turn of the year.
Real personal consumption expenditures (PCE),
although variable from month to month, have essentially moved sideways since late last year. Sales of
new light motor vehicles continued to contract early
this year but have stabilized in recent months—at an
average annual rate of 9.7 million units over the four
months ending in June. Outlays on other goods, which
for a first mortgage on a single-family home in the contiguous United
States is currently equal to the greater of $417,000 or 115 percent
of the area’s median house price; it cannot exceed $625,500. Jumbo
mortgages are those that exceed the maximum size of a conforming
loan; they are typically extended to borrowers with relatively strong
credit histories.

7. Real personal consumption expenditures, 2003–09
Billions of chained (2000) dollars








NOTE: The data are monthly and extend through May 2009.
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

plunged in 2008, have remained at extremely low levels, while spending on services has only edged up so far
this year.
Real disposable personal income, or DPI—that is,
after-tax income adjusted for inflation—has risen at an
annual rate of about 9 percent so far this year, a substantial pickup from the increase of 1¼ percent posted
in 2008 (figure 8). Gains in after-tax income have been
bolstered by the tax cuts and increases in social benefit
payments that were implemented as part of the 2009 fiscal stimulus package. In contrast, nominal labor income
has been declining steeply. Although nominal hourly
compensation has risen at a faster pace than overall
prices, sizable reductions in employment and the workweek have cut deeply into total hours worked and hence
8. Change in real income and in real wage and salary
disbursements, 2003–09
Percent, annual rate

Real disposable personal income
Real wage and salary disbursements









NOTE: Through 2008, change is from December to December; for 2009,
change is from December to May.
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

11. Consumer sentiment, 1996–2009

9. Personal saving rate, 1986–2009

1985 = 100

1966 = 100

















10. Wealth-to-income ratio, 1986–2009









overall labor compensation. With real after-tax income
up appreciably in the first half of the year and consumer
outlays leveling off, the personal saving rate jumped
during the spring, reaching nearly 7 percent in May
compared with the 1¾ percent average recorded during
2008 (figure 9).
Household net worth continued to fall in the first
quarter of this year as a result of the ongoing declines in
house prices and a further drop in equity prices (figure
10). However, equity prices have recorded substantial
gains since March, helping to offset continued declines
in the value of real estate wealth. The recent stimulusinduced jump in real disposable income and the
improvement in equity wealth since this spring appar-




NOTE: The data are quarterly and extend through 2009:Q2; the reading for
2009:Q2 is the average for April and May.
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.



Conference Board






NOTE: The data are quarterly and extend through 2009:Q1. The wealthto-income ratio is the ratio of household net worth to disposable personal
SOURCE: For net worth, Federal Reserve Board, flow of funds data; for
income, Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.







NOTE: The Conference Board data are monthly and extend through June
2009. The Reuters/University of Michigan data are monthly and extend
through a preliminary estimate for July 2009.
SOURCE: The Conference Board and Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers.

ently helped lift consumer sentiment somewhat from its
earlier very low levels (figure 11).
Nonmortgage consumer debt outstanding is estimated to have fallen at an annual rate of 2 percent in the
first half of 2009, extending a decline that began in the
final quarter of 2008. The decreases likely reflect both
reduced demand for loans as a result of the restrained
pace of consumer spending and a restricted supply of
credit. The April 2009 Senior Loan Officer Opinion
Survey showed a further tightening of standards and
terms on consumer loans over the preceding three
months, actions that included lowering credit limits on
existing credit card accounts.
The tightening in standards and terms likely reflected, in part, concerns by financial institutions about consumer credit quality. Delinquency rates on most types
of consumer lending—credit card loans, auto loans, and
other nonrevolving loans—continued to rise during the
first half of 2009. The increase in credit card loan delinquency rates at banks was particularly sharp, and at
6½ percent as of the end of the first quarter of 2009,
such delinquencies exceeded the level reached during
the 2001 recession (figure 12). Household bankruptcy
rates continued the upward trend that has been evident
since the bankruptcy law reform in 2005; the recent
increases likely reflect the deterioration in household
financial conditions.
Changes in interest rates on consumer loans were
mixed over the first half of the year. Auto loan rates
were about flat, credit card rates ticked upward, and
rates on other consumer loans showed a slight decline.
Spreads of these rates over those on comparablematurity Treasury securities remained at elevated levels.


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

13. Change in real business fixed investment, 2003–09

12. Delinquency rates on consumer loans at commercial
banks, 1996–2009

Percent, annual rate

Equipment and software




Credit cards




Other loans










High-tech equipment and software
Other equipment excluding transportation

NOTE: The data are quarterly and extend through 2009:Q1. Delinquency
rate is the percent of loans 30 days or more past due.
SOURCE: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, Consolidated
Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report).

Before the onset of the financial crisis, the market for
ABS provided significant support for consumer lending
by effectively reducing the cost to lenders of providing
such credit. The near-complete cessation of issuance
in this market in the fourth quarter of 2008 thus likely
contributed importantly to the curtailment of consumer
credit. Issuance of credit card, auto, and student loan
ABS began to pick up in March and approached precrisis levels in April and May. Spreads of yields on
AAA-rated credit card and auto ABS over yields
on swaps fell sharply in early 2009, although they
remained at somewhat elevated levels. The increased
issuance and falling spreads appeared to reflect importantly the TALF program, which had been announced
in late 2008 and began operation in March 2009. Availability of loans to purchase automobiles, which had
declined sharply at the end of 2008, rebounded in early
2009 as some auto finance companies accessed credit
through the TALF and others received funding directly
from the government.

The Business Sector
Fixed Investment
Businesses have continued to cut back capital spending, with declines broadly based across equipment,
software, and structures. Real business fixed investment
fell markedly in the final quarter of 2008 and the first
quarter of this year (figure 13). The cutbacks in business investment were prompted by a deterioration late
last year and early this year in the economic and financial conditions that influence capital expenditures: In










NOTE: High-tech equipment consists of computers and peripheral equipment and communications equipment.
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

particular, business output contracted steeply, corporate
profits declined, and credit availability remained tight
for many borrowers. More recently, it appears that the
declines in capital spending may be abating, and financing conditions for businesses have improved somewhat.
Real business outlays for equipment and software
dropped at an annual rate of 34 percent in the first quarter of 2009 after falling nearly as rapidly in the fourth
quarter. In both quarters, business purchases of motor
vehicles plunged at annual rates of roughly 80 percent,
and real spending on high-tech capital—computers,
software, and communications equipment—fell at an
annual rate of more than 20 percent. Real investment
in equipment other than high tech and transportation, which accounts for nearly one-half of outlays for
equipment and software, dropped at an annual rate of
about 35 percent in the first quarter after falling at a
20 percent rate in the previous quarter. The available
indicators suggest that real spending on equipment and
software fell further in the second quarter, though at a
much less precipitous pace: Although shipments of nondefense capital goods other than transportation items

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

continued to fall in April and May, the rate of decline
slowed from the first-quarter pace. In addition, business
purchases of new trucks and cars appear to have stabilized in the second quarter (albeit at low levels), and
recent surveys of business conditions have been generally less downbeat than earlier this year.
Real spending on nonresidential structures turned
down late last year and fell sharply in the first quarter. Outlays for construction of commercial and office
buildings declined appreciably late last year and have
contracted further so far this year. Spending on drilling and mining structures, which had risen briskly for
a number of years, has plunged this year in response
to the substantial net decline in energy prices since last
summer. In contrast, outlays on other energy-related
projects—such as new power plants and the expansion
and retooling of existing petroleum refineries—have
been growing rapidly for some time now and continued to post robust gains through May. On balance, the
recent data on construction expenditures suggest that
declines in spending on nonresidential structures may
have slowed in the second quarter. However, weak business output and profits, tight financing conditions, and
rising vacancy rates likely will continue to weigh heavily on this sector.

Inventory Investment
Businesses ran off inventories aggressively in the first
quarter, as firms entered the year with extremely high
inventory-sales ratios despite having drawn down
stocks throughout 2008 (figure 14). Much of the firstquarter liquidation occurred in the motor vehicle sector,
where production was cut sharply and remained low in
the second quarter. As a result, days’ supply of domestic
14. Change in real business inventories, 2003–09
Billions of chained (2000) dollars, annual rate











SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.


light vehicles dropped from its peak of about 100 days
in February to less than 70 days at the end of June,
closer to the automakers’ preferred level.
Firms outside of the motor vehicle sector also have
been making significant production adjustments to
bring down inventories. Factory output (excluding
motor vehicles and parts) plunged in the first quarter,
and inventories of nonfarm goods other than motor
vehicles were drawn down noticeably in real terms.
According to the available data, this pattern of production declines and inventory liquidation appears to
have continued in the second quarter as well. Although
inventory-sales ratios remain elevated in many industries, some recent business surveys suggest that firms
have become more comfortable in recent months with
the current level of inventories.

Corporate Profits and Business Finance
Operating earnings per share for S&P 500 firms in the
first quarter were about 35 percent below their yearearlier levels. Profitability of both financial and nonfinancial firms showed steep declines. Analysts’ forecasts
suggest that the pace of profit declines moderated only
slightly in the second quarter, although downward revisions to forecasts for earnings over the next two years
have slowed recently.
Business financial conditions in the first half of the
year were characterized by lower demand for funds,
even as financial conditions eased somewhat on balance. Borrowing by domestic nonfinancial businesses
fell slightly in the first half of 2009 after having slowed
markedly in the second half of 2008 (figure 15). The
composition of borrowing shifted, with net issuance of
corporate bonds surging, while both commercial and
industrial (C&I) loans and CP outstanding fell. This
reallocation of borrowing may have reflected a desire
by businesses to strengthen their balance sheets by substituting longer-term sources of financing for shorterterm sources during a period when the cost of bond
financing was generally falling. In particular, yields on
both investment- and speculative-grade corporate bonds
dropped sharply, and their spreads over yields on comparable-maturity Treasury securities narrowed appreciably, as investors’ concerns about the economic outlook
eased. Nonetheless, bond spreads remained somewhat
elevated by historical standards.
C&I and commercial real estate (CRE) lending by
commercial banks were both quite weak in the first half
of 2009, likely reflecting reduced demand for loans and
a tighter lending stance on the part of banks. The results
of the April 2009 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

15. Selected components of net financing for nonfinancial
corporate businesses, 2003–09

17. Components of net equity issuance, 2003–09
Billions of dollars, monthly rate

Billions of dollars, annual rate


Commercial paper
Bank loans


Q3 Q4








Public issuance
Private issuance
Mergers and acquisitions









NOTE: The data for the components except bonds are seasonally adjusted.
The data for 2009:Q2 are estimated.
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Board, flow of funds data.

indicated that commercial banks had tightened terms
and standards on C&I and CRE loans over the preceding three months (figure 16). The market for commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS)—an important
source of funding before the crisis—remained shut.
Both seasoned and initial equity offerings by nonfinancial corporations were modest over the first half of
2009 (figure 17). Equity retirements are estimated to
have slowed in early 2009 from their rapid pace during
16. Net percentage of domestic banks tightening standards
and increasing spreads on commercial and industrial
loans to large and medium-sized borrowers, 1993–2009











NOTE: The data are drawn from a survey generally conducted four times
per year; the last observation is from the April 2009 survey, which covers
2009:Q1. Net percentage is the percentage of banks reporting a tightening of
standards or an increase in spreads less the percentage reporting an easing or
a decrease. Spreads are measured as the loan rate less the bank’s cost of
funds. The definition for firm size suggested for, and generally used by,
survey respondents is that large and medium-sized firms have annual sales of
$50 million or more.
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Board, Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on
Bank Lending Practices.







NOTE: Net equity issuance is the difference between equity issued by
domestic companies in public or private markets and equity retired through
share repurchases, domestic cash-financed mergers, or foreign takeovers of
U.S. firms. Equity issuance includes funds invested by private equity
partnerships and stock option proceeds.
SOURCE: Thomson Financial, Investment Benchmark Report; Money Tree
Report by PricewaterhouseCoopers, National Venture Capital Association,
and Venture Economics.

the second half of 2008. As a result, net equity issuance in the first quarter declined by the smallest amount
since 2002.
The credit quality of nonfinancial firms continued
to deteriorate in the first half of 2009. The pace of rating downgrades on corporate bonds increased, and
upgrades were relatively few. Delinquency rates on
banks’ C&I loans continued to increase in the first
quarter, while those on CRE loans rose substantially
(figure 18). Delinquency rates on construction and land
development loans for one- to four-family residential
properties increased to more than 20 percent. Banks
that responded to the Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey conducted in April 2009 expected delinquency and
charge-off rates on such loans to increase over the rest
of 2009, assuming that economic activity progressed in
line with consensus forecasts.
Financial firms issued bonds at a solid pace, including both debt issued under the Temporary Liquidity
Guarantee Program of the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC) and debt issued without such guarantees. Equity issuance by such firms picked up substantially from a very low level following the completion of the SCAP reviews in May.

The Government Sector
Federal Government
The deficit in the federal unified budget has increased
substantially during the current fiscal year. The budget

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

18. Delinquency rates on commercial real estate loans,


19. Federal receipts and expenditures, 1989–2009
Percent of nominal GDP

Commercial banks



Construction and
land development





excluding net interest



Life insurance















NOTE: Through 2008, receipts and expenditures are on a unified-budget
basis and are for fiscal years (October through September); gross domestic
product (GDP) is for the four quarters ending in Q3. For 2009, receipts and
expenditures are for the 12 months ending in June, and GDP is the average of
2008:Q4 and 2009:Q1.
SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget.


NOTE: The data for commercial banks and life insurance companies are
quarterly and extend through 2009:Q1. The data for commercial
mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) are monthly and extend through May
2009. The delinquency rates for commercial banks and CMBS are the percent
of loans 30 days or more past due or not accruing interest. The delinquency
rate for life insurance companies is the percent of loans 60 days or more past
due or not accruing interest.
SOURCE: For commercial banks, Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council, Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (Call
Report); for life insurance companies, American Council of Life Insurers; for
CMBS, Citigroup.

costs associated with the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), the conservatorship of the mortgagerelated GSEs, and the fiscal stimulus package enacted
in February, along with the effects of the weak economy
on outlays and revenues, have all contributed to the
widening of the budget gap. Over the first nine months
of fiscal year 2009—from October through June—the
unified budget recorded a deficit of about $1.1 trillion.
The deficit is expected to widen further over the rest of
the fiscal year because of the continued slow pace of
economic activity, additional spending increases and
tax cuts associated with the fiscal stimulus legislation,
and further costs related to financial stabilization programs. The budget released by the Office of Management and Budget in May, which included the effects of
the President’s budget proposals, calculated that the deficit for fiscal 2009 would total more than $1.8 trillion
(13 percent of nominal GDP), significantly larger than
the deficit in fiscal 2008 of $459 billion (3¼ percent of
nominal GDP).4
4. The President’s budget includes a placeholder for additional
funds for financial stabilization programs that have not been enacted
but have an estimated budget cost of $250 billion.

The decline in economic activity has cut deeply
into tax receipts so far this fiscal year (figure 19). After
falling about 2 percent in fiscal 2008, federal receipts
dropped about 18 percent in the first nine months of
fiscal 2009 compared with the same period in fiscal
2008. The decline in revenue has been particularly
pronounced for corporate receipts, which have plunged
as corporate profits have contracted and as firms have
presumably adjusted payments to take advantage of the
bonus depreciation provisions contained in the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Individual income
and payroll tax receipts have also declined noticeably,
reflecting the weakness in nominal personal income and
reduced capital gains realizations.5
Nominal federal outlays have risen markedly of late.
After having increased about 9 percent in fiscal 2008,
outlays in the first nine months of fiscal 2009 were
almost 21 percent higher than during the same period
in fiscal 2008. Spending was boosted, in part, by
$232 billion in outlays recorded for activities under the
TARP and the conservatorship of the GSEs so far this
fiscal year.6 Spending for income support—particularly
5. While the 2009 stimulus plan has reduced individual taxes by
around $13 billion so far in fiscal 2009, the stimulus tax rebates in
2008 lowered individual taxes by about $50 billion during the same
period last year. Thus, the tax cuts associated with fiscal stimulus
have not contributed to the year-over-year decline in individual tax
6. In the Monthly Treasury Statements and the Administration’s
budget, both equity purchases and debt-related transactions under the
TARP are recorded on a net-present-value basis, taking into account
market risk, and the Treasury’s purchases of the GSE’s MBS are


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

20. Change in real government expenditures
on consumption and investment, 2003–09
Percent, annual rate

State and local


Federal Reserve Bank of New York grew steadily over
the first half of the year. Fails-to-deliver of Treasury
securities, which were elevated earlier in the year, generally decreased after the May 1 implementation of the
Treasury Market Practices Group’s recommendation of
a mandatory charge for delivery failures.7










SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

for unemployment insurance benefits—has been pushed
up by the deterioration in labor market conditions as
well as by policy decisions to expand funding for a
number of benefit programs. Meanwhile, federal spending on defense, Medicare, and Social Security also has
recorded sizable increases. In contrast, net interest payments declined compared with the same year-earlier
period, as the reduction in interest rates on Treasury
debt more than offset the rise in Treasury debt.
As measured in the national income and product
accounts (NIPA), real federal expenditures on consumption and gross investment—the part of federal spending
that is a direct component of GDP—fell at an annual
rate of 4½ percent in the first quarter following its steep
rise of more than 8 percent in 2008 (figure 20). Real
defense spending more than accounted for the firstquarter contraction, as nondefense outlays increased
slightly. However, in the second quarter, defense spending appears to have rebounded, and it is likely to rise
further in coming quarters given currently enacted

Federal Borrowing
Federal debt continued to increase in the first half of
2009, although at a slightly less rapid pace than had
been posted in the second half of 2008. Despite the considerable issuance of Treasury securities in the first half
of the year, demand at Treasury auctions generally kept
pace, with bid-to-cover ratios within historical ranges.
Foreign custody holdings of Treasury securities at the
recorded on a net-present-value basis. However, equity purchases
from the GSEs in conservatorship are recorded on a cash-flow basis.

State and Local Government
The fiscal positions of state and local governments have
deteriorated significantly over the past year, and budget
strains are particularly acute in some states, as revenues
have come in weaker than policymakers expected. At
the state level, revenues from income, business, and
sales taxes have declined sharply.8 Plans by states to
address widening projected budget gaps have included
cutting planned spending, drawing down rainy day
funds, and raising taxes and fees. In coming quarters,
the grants-in-aid included in the fiscal stimulus legislation will likely mitigate somewhat the pressures on state
budgets, but many states are still expecting significant
budget gaps for the upcoming fiscal year. At the local
level, revenues have held up fairly well; receipts from
property taxes have continued to rise moderately,
reflecting the typically slow response of property taxes
to changes in home values.9 Nevertheless, the sharp
fall in house prices over the past two years is likely to
put downward pressure on local revenues before long.
Moreover, many state and local governments have
experienced significant capital losses in their employee
pension funds in the past year, and they will need to
set aside money in coming years to rebuild pension
7. The fails charge is incurred when a party to a repurchase agreement or cash transaction fails to deliver the contracted Treasury security to the other party by the date agreed upon. The charge is a share
of the value of the security, where the share is the greater of 3 percent
(at an annual rate) minus the target federal funds rate (or the bottom
of the range when the Federal Open Market Committee specifies a
range) and zero. Previously, the practice was that a failed transaction
was allowed to settle on a subsequent day at an unchanged invoice
price; therefore, the cost of a fail was the lost interest on the funds
owed in the transaction, which was minimal when short-term interest
rates were very low. The new practice of a fails charge ensures that
the total cost of a fail is at least 3 percent.
8. Sales taxes account for nearly one-half of the tax revenues collected by state governments.
9. The delay between changes in house prices and changes in property tax revenues likely occurs for three reasons. First, property taxes
are based on assessed property values from the previous year. Second,
in many jurisdictions, assessments are required to lag contemporaneous changes in market values (or they lag such changes for administrative reasons). Third, many localities are subject to state limits on
the annual increases in total property tax payments and property value
assessments. Thus, increases and decreases in market prices for houses tend not to be reflected in property tax bills for quite some time.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Outlays by state and local governments have been
restrained by the pressures on their budgets. As measured in the NIPA, aggregate real expenditures on
consumption and gross investment by state and local
governments—the part of state and local spending that
is a direct component of GDP—fell in both the fourth
quarter of last year and the first quarter of this year, led
by sharp declines in real construction spending. However, recent data on construction expenditures suggest
that investment spending in the second quarter picked
up, reversing a portion of the earlier declines. State and
local employment has remained about flat over the past
year, although some state and local governments are
in the process of reducing outlays for compensation
through wage freezes and mandatory furloughs that
are not reflected in the employment figures.

State and Local Government Borrowing
On net, bond issuance by state and local governments
picked up in the second quarter of 2009 after having
been tepid during the first quarter. Issuance of shortterm debt remained modest, although about in line
with typical seasonal patterns. Issuance of long-term
debt, which is generally used to fund capital spending
projects or to refund existing long-term debt, increased
from the sluggish pace seen in the second half of 2008.
The composition of new issues continued to be skewed
toward higher-rated borrowers.
Interest rates on long-term municipal bonds declined
in April as investors’ concerns about the credit quality
of municipal bonds appeared to ease somewhat with
the passage of the fiscal stimulus plan, which included
a substantial increase in the amount of federal grants
to states and localities. That bill also aided the finances
of state and local governments by establishing Build
America Bonds, taxable state and local government
bonds whose interest payments are subsidized by the
Treasury at a 35 percent rate. Yields on municipal securities rose somewhat in May and June, concomitant
with the rise in other long-term interest rates
over that period; even so, the ratio of municipal
bond yields to those on comparable-maturity
Treasury securities dropped to its lowest level in
almost a year.
In contrast to long-term municipal bond markets,
conditions in short-term municipal bond markets continued to exhibit substantial strains. Market participants
continued to report that the cost of liquidity support
and credit enhancement for variable-rate demand obligations (VRDOs)—bonds that combine long maturities with floating short-term interest rates—remained


substantially higher than it had been a year earlier.10
In addition, auctions of most remaining auction-rate
securities failed. Some municipalities were able to issue
new VRDOs, but many lower-rated issuers appeared to
be either unwilling or unable to issue this type of debt
at the prices that would be demanded of them. However, the seven-day Securities Industry and Financial
Markets Association swap index, a measure of yields
for high-grade VRDOs, declined to the lowest level on
record, suggesting that the market was working well for
higher-rated issuers.

The External Sector
The demand for U.S. exports dropped sharply in the
first quarter. However, U.S. demand for imports fell
even more precipitously, softening the decline in real
Real exports of goods and services declined at an
annual rate of 31 percent in the first quarter, exceeding
even the 24 percent rate of decline in the fourth quarter
of 2008 (figure 21). Exports in almost all major categories contracted, with exports of machinery, industrial
supplies, automotive products, and services recording
large decreases. (Exports of aircraft were the exception, with increases following the end of strike-related
10. VRDOs are taxable or tax-exempt bonds that combine long
maturities with floating short-term interest rates that are reset on a
weekly, monthly, or other periodic basis. VRDOs also have a contractual liquidity backstop, typically provided by a commercial or investment bank, that ensures that bondholders are able to redeem their
investment at par plus accrued interest even if the securities cannot be
successfully remarketed to other investors.

21. Change in real imports and exports of goods and services,
Percent, annual rate









NOTE: Data for 2009:Q1 are expressed as percent change from 2008:Q4.
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

production disruptions in the fourth quarter.) All of our
major trading partners reduced their demand for U.S.
exports, with exports to Canada, Europe, and Mexico
exhibiting especially significant declines. Data for April
and May suggest that exports in the second quarter
continued to fall, although more moderately, reflecting
a slowing in the rate of contraction in foreign economic
Real imports of goods and services fell at an annual
rate of more than 36 percent in the first quarter. The
drop in imports was widespread across U.S. trading
partners, with large declines observed for imports from
Canada, Europe, Japan, and Latin America. All major
categories of imports fell, with imports of machinery,
automotive products, and industrial supplies displaying particularly pronounced declines. The sharp fall
in exports and imports of automotive products partly
reflected cutbacks in North American production of
motor vehicles, which relies heavily on flows of parts
and finished vehicles among the United States, Canada,
and Mexico.
In the first quarter of 2009, the U.S. current account
deficit was $406 billion at an annual rate, or a bit less
than 3 percent of GDP, considerably narrower than the
$706 billion deficit recorded in 2008 (figure 22). The
narrowing largely reflected the sharp reduction in the
U.S. trade deficit, with the contraction in real imports
described earlier being compounded by a steep fall in
the value of nominal oil imports as oil prices declined.
Import prices fell sharply in late 2008 and the first
quarter of this year, but they have stabilized over the
past few months. This pattern was influenced importantly by the swing in prices for oil and non-oil commodities, which turned back up in the second quarter.
Prices for finished goods declined only slightly in the
22. U.S. trade and current account balances, 2000–09

23. Prices of oil and nonfuel commodities, 2004–09
January 2003 = 100

Dollars per barrel





















NOTE: The data are monthly. The oil price is the spot price of West Texas
intermediate crude oil, and the last observation is the average for July 1–15,
2009. The price of nonfuel commodities is an index of 45
primary-commodity prices and extends through June 2009.
SOURCE: For oil, the Commodity Research Bureau; for nonfuel
commodities, International Monetary Fund.

last quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of this year and
have increased slightly in recent months.
The price of crude oil in world markets rose considerably over the first half of this year (figure 23). After
plunging from a record high of more than $145 per barrel in mid-July 2008 to a December average of about
$40, the spot price of West Texas intermediate (WTI)
crude oil rebounded to about $60 per barrel in mid-July
of this year. The rebound in oil prices appears to reflect
the view that the global demand for oil has begun to
pick up once again. In addition, the ongoing effects of
previous reductions in OPEC supply seem to be putting
upward pressure on oil prices. The prices of longer-term
futures contracts for crude oil have moved up to around
$85 per barrel, reflecting the view that the market will
continue to tighten as global demand strengthens over
the medium term.

Percent of nominal GDP










NOTE: The data are quarterly and extend through 2009:Q1.
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

National Saving
Total net national saving—that is, the saving of households, businesses, and governments, excluding depreciation charges as measured in the NIPA—fell to a level
of negative 1½ percent of nominal GDP in the first
quarter of this year, its lowest reading in the post–World
War II period (figure 24). After having reached 3½ percent of nominal GDP in early 2006, net national saving
dropped over the subsequent three years as the federal
budget deficit widened substantially and the fiscal positions of state and local governments deteriorated. In
contrast, private saving has risen considerably, on balance, over this period, as a decline in business saving

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

24. Net saving, 1989–2009


25. Net change in private payroll employment, 2003–09
Percent of nominal GDP

Nonfederal saving

Thousands of jobs, 3-month moving average







Federal saving











NOTE: The data are quarterly and extend through 2009:Q1. Nonfederal
saving is the sum of personal and net business saving and the net saving of
state and local governments. GDP is gross domestic product.
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

has been more than offset by the recent jump in personal saving. National saving will likely remain very low
this year in light of the weak economy and the probable
further widening of the federal budget deficit. Nonetheless, if not boosted over the longer run, persistent low
levels of national saving will likely be associated with
both low rates of capital formation and heavy borrowing from abroad, which would limit the rise in the standard of living of U.S. residents over time and hamper
the ability of the nation to meet the retirement needs of
an aging population.

The Labor Market
Employment and Unemployment
The labor market deteriorated significantly further in
the first half of this year as employment continued to
fall and the unemployment rate rose sharply. The job
losses so far this year have been widespread across
industries and have brought the cumulative decline in
private employment since December 2007 to more than
6½ million jobs. In recent months, however, the pace of
job loss has moderated somewhat. Private nonfarm payroll employment fell by 670,000 jobs, on average, per
month from January to April, but the declines slowed
to 312,000 in May and 415,000 in June (figure 25). In
contrast, the civilian unemployment rate has continued
to move up rapidly so far this year, climbing 2¼ percentage points between December 2008 and June to
9½ percent (figure 26).
Virtually all major industries experienced considerable job losses in the first few months of the year. More








NOTE: The data are monthly and extend through June 2009.
SOURCE: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

recently, employment declines in many industry groups
have eased, and some industries have reported small
gains. The May and June declines in construction jobs
were the smallest since last fall, job declines in temporary help services slowed noticeably, and employment
in nonbusiness services turned up in May and increased
further in June. Meanwhile, in the manufacturing
sector, employment declines have subsided a bit in
recent months but still remain sizable; job losses in
this sector have totaled 1.9 million since the start of
the recession.
In addition to shedding jobs, firms have cut their
labor input by shortening hours worked. Average weekly hours of production and nonsupervisory workers on
private payrolls dropped sharply through June. In addition, the share of persons who reported that they were
working part time for economic reasons—a group that
26. Civilian unemployment rate, 1976–2009








NOTE: The data are monthly and extend through June 2009.
SOURCE: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.



Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

includes individuals whose hours have been cut by their
employers as well as those who would like to move to
full-time jobs but are unable to find them—is high.
Since the beginning of the recession in December
2007, the unemployment rate has risen more than
4½ percentage points. The rise in joblessness has been
especially pronounced for those who lost their jobs
permanently; these individuals tend to take longer to
find new jobs than those on temporary layoffs or those
who left their jobs voluntarily, and their difficulty in
finding new jobs has been exacerbated by the ongoing
weakness in hiring. Accordingly, the median duration
of uncompleted spells of unemployment has increased
from 8½ weeks in December 2007 to 18 weeks in June
2009, and the number of workers unemployed more
than 15 weeks has moved up appreciably.
The labor force participation rate, which typically
weakens during periods of rising unemployment,
decreased gradually through March but has moved up
somewhat, on balance, in recent months (figure 27).
The emergency unemployment insurance programs that
were introduced last July have likely contributed to the
higher participation rate and unemployment rate by
encouraging unemployed individuals to remain in the
labor force to continue to look for work. In addition,
anecdotes suggest that the impairment of household
balance sheets during this recession may have led some
workers to delay retirement and other workers to enter
the labor force.
Other more recent indicators suggest that conditions
in the labor market remain very weak. Initial claims for
unemployment insurance, which rose dramatically earlier this year, have fallen noticeably from their peak but
remain elevated, and the number of individuals receiving regular and emergency unemployment insurance

benefits climbed, reaching nearly 10 million at the end
of June.

Productivity and Labor Compensation
Labor productivity has continued to increase at a surprising rate during the most recent downturn, in part
because firms have responded to the contraction in
aggregate demand by aggressively reducing employment and shortening the workweeks of their employees.
According to the latest available published data, output
per hour in the nonfarm business sector increased at
an annual rate of about 1½ percent in the first quarter
after rising 2¼ percent during all of 2008 (figure 28). If
these productivity estimates prove to be accurate, they
would suggest that the fundamental factors that have
supported a solid trend in underlying productivity in
recent years—such as the rapid pace of technological
change and ongoing efforts by firms to use information
technology to improve the efficiency of their operations—remain in place.
Alternative measures of nominal hourly compensation and wages suggest, on balance, that increases in
labor costs have slowed this year in response to the
sizable amount of slack in labor markets. The employment cost index (ECI) for private industry workers,
which measures both wages and the cost to employers
of providing benefits, has decelerated considerably over
the past year (figure 29). This measure of compensation
increased less than 2 percent in nominal terms between
March 2008 and March 2009 after rising 3¼ percent in
each of the preceding two years. Average hourly earn28. Change in output per hour, 1948–2009
Percent, annual rate

27. Labor force participation rate, 1976–2009




NOTE: The data are monthly and extend through June 2009.
SOURCE: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.




2001– 2005



NOTE: Nonfarm business sector. Change for each multiyear period is
measured to the fourth quarter of the final year of the period from the fourth
quarter of the year immediately preceding the period.
SOURCE: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

30. Change in the chain-type price index for personal
consumption expenditures, 2003–09

29. Measures of change in hourly compensation,

Percent, annual rate


Excluding food and energy



Nonfarm business
compensation per hour



cost index









NOTE: The data are quarterly and extend through 2009:Q1. For nonfarm
business compensation, change is over four quarters; for the employment cost
index (ECI), change is over the 12 months ending in the last month of each
quarter. The nonfarm business sector excludes farms, government, nonprofit
institutions, and households. The sector covered by the ECI used here is the
nonfarm business sector plus nonprofit institutions. A new ECI series was
introduced for data as of 2001, but the new series is continuous with the old.
SOURCE: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

ings of production and nonsupervisory workers—a
more timely, but narrower, measure of wage developments—have also decelerated significantly, especially
in recent months. In contrast, compensation per hour
(CPH) in the nonfarm business sector—an alternative
measure of hourly compensation derived from the data
in the NIPA—increased about 4 percent over the year
ending in the first quarter of 2009, similar to the rate of
increase seen during the past several years.
The much slower pace of overall consumer price
inflation over the past year has supported real wage
growth. Indeed, changes in both broad measures of
hourly compensation—the ECI and CPH—have picked
up in real terms over the past year, as has the inflationadjusted increase in average hourly earnings. Nonetheless, as noted previously, with the sharp reduction in
total hours worked, real wage and salary income of
households has fallen over this period.

Headline consumer prices, which fell sharply late last
year with the marked deterioration in economic activity and drop-off in the prices of crude oil and other
commodities, have risen at a moderate pace so far this
year. While the margin of slack in product and labor
markets has widened considerably further this year, putting downward pressure on inflation, many commodity
prices have retraced part of their earlier declines. All








NOTE: Through 2008, change is from December to December; for 2009,
change is from December to May.
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

told, the chain-type price index for personal consumption expenditures increased at an annual rate of about
1¾ percent between December 2008 and May 2009,
compared with its ¾ percent rise over the 12 months
of 2008 (figure 30). The core PCE price index—which
excludes the prices of energy items as well as those of
food and beverages—also has increased at a moderate
pace so far this year following especially low rates of
increase late in 2008. Data for PCE prices in June are
not yet available, but information from the consumer
price index and other sources suggests that total PCE
prices posted a relatively large increase that month as
gasoline prices jumped; core consumer price increases
were moderate.
Consumer energy prices flattened out, on balance, in
the first five months of 2009 following their sharp drop
late last year. However, crude oil prices have turned up
again, with the spot price of WTI rising to around $60
per barrel in mid-July from about $40, on average, last
December. The increase in crude costs has been putting
upward pressure on the price of gasoline at the pump in
recent months. In contrast, natural gas prices continued
to plunge over the first half of this year in response
to burgeoning supplies from new wells in Louisiana,
North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and Texas that boosted
inventories above historical midyear averages. Consumer prices for electricity have edged down so far this
year—after rising briskly through the end of last year—
as fossil fuel input costs have continued to decline.
Food prices decelerated considerably in the first part
of this year in response to the dramatic downturn in
spot prices of crops and livestock in the second half of
last year. After climbing nearly 6½ percent in 2008, the


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

PCE price index for food and beverages decreased at an
annual rate of 1 percent between December 2008 and
May 2009.
Core PCE prices rose at an annual rate of 2½ percent
over the first five months of the year, compared with
1¾ percent over all of 2008. The pickup in core inflation during the first part of this year reflected, in part,
a jump in the prices of tobacco products associated
with large increases in federal and state excise taxes
this spring; excluding tobacco prices—for which the
large increases likely were one-off adjustments—
core inflation was unchanged at 1¾ percent over this
period. Aside from tobacco, prices for other core
goods snapped back early this year—following heavy
discounting at the end of last year in reaction to weak
demand and excess inventories—but have been little
changed for the most part in recent months. In contrast,
prices for a wide range of non-energy services have
decelerated noticeably further this year.
Survey-based measures of near-term inflation expectations declined late last year and early this year as
actual headline inflation came down markedly, but, in
recent months, some measures have moved back up
close to their average levels of recent years. According
to the Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers, median expectations for year-ahead inflation
stood at 3.0 percent in the preliminary estimate for July,
up from about 2 percent around the turn of the year.
Indicators of longer-term inflation expectations have
been steadier over this period. These expectations in the
Reuters/University of Michigan survey stood at 3.1 percent in the preliminary July release, about the measure’s
average value over all of 2008.


31. Spreads on credit default swaps for selected U.S.
banks, 2007–09
Basis points


Other banks


Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July
NOTE: The data are daily and extend through July 15, 2009. Median spreads
for 6 bank holding companies and 12 other banks.
SOURCE: Markit.

Strains in short-term funding markets persisted
in January and February. A measure of stress in the
interbank market, the spread of the London interbank
offered rate (Libor) over the rate on comparablematurity overnight index swaps (OIS), remained at
elevated levels early in the year (figure 33). Required
margins of collateral (also known as haircuts) and bidasked spreads generally continued to be wide in the
markets for repurchase agreements backed by many
types of securities.
Other financial markets also continued to show
signs of stress during the first two months of the year.
In the leveraged loan market, bid prices remained
32. Equity price indexes for banks and insurance
companies, 2007–09
January 3, 2007 = 100

Evolution of the Financial Turmoil, Policy
Actions, and the Market Response
Stresses in financial markets intensified in the first few
months of 2009 but have eased more recently. Credit
default swap spreads for bank holding companies—
which primarily reflect investors’ assessments of the
likelihood of those institutions defaulting on their debt
obligations—rose sharply in early January on renewed
concerns that some of those firms could face considerable capital shortfalls and liquidity difficulties (figure
31). Equity prices for banking and insurance companies
fell in the first quarter of the year as a number of large
financial institutions reported substantial losses for the
fourth quarter of 2008 (figure 32).


Large bank holding companies





Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July
NOTE: The data are daily and extend through July 15, 2009.
SOURCE: Standard & Poor’s.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

33. Libor minus overnight index swap rate, 2007–09


35. Gross issuance of selected commercial mortgage- and
asset-backed securities, 2007–09

Basis points
Billions of dollars


TALF consumer ABS
Non-TALF consumer ABS











Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July
NOTE: The data are daily and extend through July 15, 2009. An overnight
index swap (OIS) is an interest rate swap with the floating rate tied to an index
of daily overnight rates, such as the effective federal funds rate. At maturity,
two parties exchange, on the basis of the agreed notional amount, the
difference between interest accrued at the fixed rate and interest accrued by
averaging the floating, or index, rate. Libor is the London interbank offered
SOURCE: For Libor, British Bankers’ Association; for the OIS rate, Prebon.

close to historical lows, and issuance—particularly of
loans intended for nonbank lenders—dropped to very
low levels (figure 34). Issuance of securities backed
by credit card loans, nonrevolving consumer loans,
and auto loans continued to be minimal in the first few
months of the year, and there was no issuance of CMBS
in the first half of 2009 (figure 35). An index based on
CDS spreads on AAA-rated CMBS widened and neared
the peak levels seen in November. Broad equity price
indexes continued to fall, and measures of equity price
volatility remained very high (figures 36 and 37).
34. Secondary-market pricing for syndicated loans,
Percent of par value

Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr.
NOTE: CMBS are securities backed by commercial mortgages; consumer
ABS (asset-backed securities) are securities backed by credit card loans,
nonrevolving consumer loans, and auto loans. Data for consumer ABS show
gross issuance facilitated by the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility
(TALF) and such issuance outside the TALF.
SOURCE: For ABS, Bloomberg and the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York; for CMBS, Commercial Mortgage Alert.

Nonetheless, a few financial markets showed signs
of improvement early in the year. In the CP market,
spreads on shorter-maturity A1/P1 nonfinancial and
financial CP as well as on asset-backed commercial
paper (ABCP) over AA nonfinancial CP declined modestly (figure 38). Although part of the improvement
likely reflected greater demand from institutional investors as short-term Treasury yields declined to near zero
on occasion, CP markets continued to be supported by
the Federal Reserve’s Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF). More notably, spreads on shorter-maturity
A2/P2 CP, which is not eligible for purchase under the

36. Stock price indexes, 1998–2009

Basis points
January 3, 2005 = 100



Dow Jones total stock market index












Bid price

Bid-asked spread
Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July
NOTE: The data are daily and extend through July 15, 2009.
SOURCE: LSTA/Thomson Reuters Mark-to-Market Pricing.


Dow Jones financial index








NOTE: The data are daily and extend through July 15, 2009.
SOURCE: Dow Jones Indexes.


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

37. Implied S&P 500 volatility, 1998–2009

39. Spreads of corporate bond yields over comparable
off-the-run Treasury yields, by securities rating,


Percentage points
























NOTE: The data are weekly and extend through the week ending
July 17, 2009. The final observation is an estimate based on data through
July 15, 2009. The series shown—the VIX—is the implied 30-day volatility
of the S&P 500 stock price index as calculated from a weighted average of
options prices.
SOURCE: Chicago Board Options Exchange.

CPFF, also fell. In the corporate bond market, spreads
of yields on BBB-rated and speculative-grade bonds
relative to yields on comparable-maturity Treasury
securities narrowed in January and February, although
they remained at historically high levels (figure 39).
Spreads on 10-year Fannie Mae debt and optionadjusted spreads on Fannie Mae mortgage-backed
securities over comparable-maturity Treasury securi-







NOTE: The data are daily and extend through July 15, 2009. The spreads
shown are the yields on 10-year bonds less the 10-year Treasury yield.
SOURCE: Derived from smoothed corporate yield curves using Merrill
Lynch bond data.

ties dropped early in the year, reflecting, in part, the
effects of Federal Reserve purchases of agency debt and
agency MBS (figure 40). Interest rates on 30-year fixed
rate conforming mortgages also fell.
In an effort to help restore confidence in the strength
of U.S. financial institutions and restart the flow of
lending to businesses and households, on February 10,
the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, the Office
of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Office of
Thrift Supervision announced the Financial Stability

38. Commercial paper, 2007–09
Basis points


Basis points












Billions of dollars




Billions of dollars


Basis points




40. Spreads on 10-year Fannie Mae debt and optionadjusted spreads on Fannie Mae mortgage-backed
securities, 2007–09



Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July
NOTE: The data are weekly and extend through July 15, 2009. Commercial
paper yield spreads are for an overnight maturity and are expressed relative to
the AA nonfinancial rate. Outstandings are seasonally adjusted.
SOURCE: Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation.





Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July
NOTE: The data are daily and extend through July 15, 2009. The spreads
are over Treasury securities of comparable maturities. MBS are
mortgage-backed securities.
SOURCE: For MBS, Bloomberg; for debt, Merrill Lynch and the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Plan. The plan included the Capital Assistance Program
(CAP), designed to assess the capital needs of depository institutions under a range of economic scenarios and
to help increase the amount and strengthen the quality of their capital if necessary; a new Public-Private
Investment Program, or PPIP, which would combine
public and private capital with government financing
to help banks dispose of legacy assets and strengthen
their balance sheets, thereby supporting new lending;
an expansion of the Federal Reserve’s TALF program;
and an extension of the senior debt portion of the
FDIC’s Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program
to October 31, 2009.
The announcement of the plan did not lead to an
immediate improvement in financial market conditions.
Bank and insurance company equity prices continued to
decline, and CDS spreads of such institutions widened
to levels above those observed the previous fall. Market
participants were reportedly unclear about the methodology that would underlie the assessment of bank capital needs. The timing of the announcement of the results
and the likely policy responses from this part of the
CAP—formally named the SCAP, but popularly known
as the stress test—were also sources of uncertainty.
(CAP and SCAP are described in greater detail in the
box titled “Capital Assistance Program and Supervisory
Capital Assessment Program.”) On March 2, American
International Group, Inc. (AIG), reported losses of more
than $60 billion for the fourth quarter of 2008, and the
Treasury and the Federal Reserve announced a restructuring of the government assistance to AIG to enhance
the company’s capital and liquidity in order to facilitate
the orderly completion of its global divestiture program.
On March 3, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve
announced the launch of the TALF. In the initial phase
of the program, the Federal Reserve offered to provide
up to $200 billion of three-year loans on a nonrecourse
basis secured by AAA-rated ABS backed by newly and
recently originated auto loans, credit card loans, student loans, and loans guaranteed by the Small Business
Administration. The Treasury’s TARP would purchase
$20 billion of subordinated debt in a special purpose
vehicle (SPV) created by the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York. The SPV would purchase and manage any
assets received by the New York Fed in connection
with any TALF loans. The demand for TALF funding
was initially modest, reportedly on concerns that future
changes in government policies could adversely affect
TALF borrowers.
Financial markets began to show signs of improvement in early March when a few large banks indicated that they had been profitable in January and
February. Sentiment continued to improve after the


March 17–18 meeting of the Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC), at which, against a backdrop of
weakening economic activity and significant financial
market strains, the Committee announced that it would
expand its purchases of agency MBS by $750 billion,
and of agency debt by $100 billion; in addition, it
would also purchase up to $300 billion of longer-term
Treasury securities over the next six months. Yields on
a wide range of longer-term debt securities dropped
substantially within a day of the release of the Committee’s statement. First-quarter earnings results preannounced by some large financial institutions were
substantially better than expected, although some of
the surprise was attributable to greater-than-anticipated
effects of revisions in accounting rules.11 Equity prices
of banks and insurance companies rose, and CDS
spreads for such institutions narrowed, although to stillelevated levels. Broad stock price indexes also climbed
and measures of equity price volatility declined. LiborOIS spreads began to edge down. Spreads on lowerrated investment-grade and speculative-grade corporate
bonds over comparable-maturity Treasury securities
also fell, though again to levels that remained high by
historical standards. Bid-asked spreads on speculativegrade bonds declined. Similarly, bid-asked spreads narrowed in the leveraged loan market.
Conditions in financial markets continued to improve
in the second quarter, aided in part by the emergence
of more detail on the SCAP program and the release
of its results on May 7. Market participants reportedly
viewed the amount of additional capital that banks
were required to raise in conjunction with the SCAP
as relatively modest. With uncertainty about the SCAP
results resolved, and amid the ongoing improvements in
financial markets, market participants appeared to mark
down the probability of extremely adverse financial
market outcomes. Equity prices for many large banks
and insurance companies rose even as substantial equity
issuance by banks covered by the SCAP program added
to supply. The secondary market for leveraged loans
also showed improvement, with the average bid price
11. In early April, the Financial Accounting Standards Board
issued new guidance related to fair value measurements and otherthan-temporary impairments (OTTIs). The new fair value guidance
reduces the emphasis to be placed on the “last transaction price”
in valuing assets when markets are not active and transactions are
likely to be forced or distressed. The new OTTI guidance will require
impairment write-downs through earnings only for the credit-related
portion of a debt security’s fair value impairment when two criteria
are met: (1) The institution does not have the intent to sell the debt
security, and (2) it is unlikely that the institution will be required to
sell the debt security before a forecasted recovery of its cost basis.
The two changes have resulted in higher fair value estimates and
reductions in impairments, improving institutions’ reported firstquarter earnings.


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

Capital Assistance Program and Supervisory Capital Assessment Program
On February 10, 2009, the Treasury, Federal
Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC), Office of the Comptroller of the Currency,
and Office of Thrift Supervision announced a
Capital Assistance Program (CAP) to ensure that
the largest banking institutions would be appropriately capitalized with high-quality capital. As
part of this program, the federal banking supervisors undertook a Supervisory Capital Assessment
Program (SCAP) to evaluate the capital needs of
the largest U.S. bank holding companies (BHCs)
under a more challenging economic environment
than generally anticipated. The Treasury and federal banking agencies believe it important for the
largest BHCs to have a capital buffer sufficient
to withstand losses and allow them to meet the
credit needs of their customers if the economy
were to weaken more than expected in order to
help facilitate a broad and sustainable economic
The SCAP was initiated on February 25, 2009,
and results were released publicly on May 7,
2009. U.S. BHCs with risk-weighted assets of
more than $100 billion at the end of 2008 were
required to participate. The objective of the
exercise was to conduct a comprehensive and
consistent assessment simultaneously on the
largest BHCs using a common set of alternative
macroeconomic scenarios and a common forward-looking conceptual framework. Extensive
information was collected on the characteristics
of the major loan, securities, and trading portfolios, revenues, and modeling methods of the
institutions. With this information, supervisors
were able to apply a consistent and systematic
approach across firms to estimate losses, revenues, and reserves for 2009 and 2010, and to
determine whether firms would need to raise
capital to build a buffer to withstand larger-thanexpected losses. The SCAP buffer for each BHC
was sized to achieve a Tier 1 risk-based ratio of
6 percent and a Tier 1 Common risk-based ratio
of 4 percent at the end of 2010 under a more
severe macroeconomic scenario than expected.
Supervisors took the unusual step of publicly
reporting the findings of the SCAP. The decision
to depart from the standard practice of maintaining confidentiality of examination information
stemmed from the belief that greater clarity
around the SCAP process and findings would
make the exercise more effective at reducing

uncertainty and restoring confidence in financial
Results of the SCAP indicated that 10 firms
would need to augment their capital or improve
the quality of the capital from 2008:Q4 levels;
the combined amount totaled $185 billion,
nearly all of which is required to meet the target Tier 1 Common risk-based ratio. Between
the end of 2008 and the release of the results
in May, many firms had already completed or
contracted for asset sales or restructured existing capital instruments. After adjusting for these
transactions and revenues that exceeded what
had been assumed in the SCAP, the combined
amount of additional capital needed to establish the buffer was $75 billion. The 10 firms
are required to raise the additional capital by
November 9, 2009.
Since the release of the results, almost all of
the 10 firms that were asked to raise capital buffers issued new common equity in the public
markets and raised about $40 billion; they also
raised a substantial additional amount of capital by exchanging preferred shares to common
shares and selling assets. Firms that do not meet
their buffer requirement can issue mandatory
convertible shares to the Treasury in an amount
up to 2 percent of the institution’s risk-weighted
assets (or higher on request), as a bridge to private capital. In addition, firms can apply to the
Treasury to exchange their existing Capital Purchase Program preferred stock to help meet their
buffer requirement. To protect taxpayers, firms
will be expected to have issued private capital
before or simultaneously with the exchange.
The firms not asked to augment their capital
also raised about $20 billion in common equity
in May and early June. Most of these firms and
others applied for and received approval from
their supervisors to repay their outstanding Capital Purchase Program preferred stock. In early
June, 10 large BHCs repaid about $68 billion to
the Treasury. A number of banks have also been
able to issue debt not guaranteed by the FDIC’s
Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program.

1. A description of the methodology and a summary of
results, including loss rates on major loan categories for each
firm, is available at

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

rising considerably; issuance, however, particularly of
institutional loans, remained very weak. Short-term
interbank funding markets continued to improve, with
Libor-OIS spreads at one-month tenors declining to
near pre-crisis levels; spreads at longer tenors also
fell but remained very high. Demand for TALF funds
increased in May and June, particularly for securities
backed by credit card and auto loans. Supported by the
TALF, issuance of consumer ABS picked up further in
May, and it began to approach pre-crisis levels. Also in
May, the Federal Reserve announced that, starting in
June, CMBS and securities backed by insurance premium finance loans would be eligible collateral under
the TALF. Financial markets abroad also improved
during the second quarter, reflecting improved global
economic prospects and positive news from the banking
sector (see “International Developments” for additional
In early June, the Federal Reserve outlined the criteria it would use to evaluate applications to redeem
Treasury capital from participants in the SCAP. On
June 17, 10 banking institutions redeemed about
$68 billion in Treasury capital. At about the same time,
the 10 banking organizations that had been required
under the SCAP to bolster their capital buffers all submitted plans that would provide sufficient capital to
meet the required buffer under the assessment’s more
adverse scenario. On June 25, the Federal Reserve
announced that while it would extend a number of its
liquidity facilities through early 2010, in light of the
improvement in financial conditions and reduced usage
of some of its facilities, it would trim their size and
adjust some of their terms.

Banking Institutions
Profitability of the commercial banking sector, as
measured by return on assets and return on equity,
recovered somewhat in the first quarter after having
posted near-record lows in the fourth quarter of 2008
(figure 41). Profits were concentrated at the largest
banks and were driven by a rebound in trading revenue as well as reduced noninterest expense related
to smaller write-downs of intangible assets. Smaller
banks, in contrast, continued to lose money amid
mounting credit losses. Indeed, at the industry level,
loan quality deteriorated substantially from the already
poor levels recorded late last year, with delinquency
rates on credit card loans reaching their highest level on
record (back to 1991). Delinquency rates on residential
mortgages held by banks soared to 8 percent. Regulatory capital ratios improved in the fourth quarter of


41. Commercial bank profitability, 1988–2009
Percent, annual rate

Percent, annual rate



Return on equity







Return on assets














NOTE: The data are quarterly and extend through 2009:Q1.
SOURCE: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, Consolidated
Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report).

2008 and the first quarter of 2009 as commercial banks
received substantial capital infusions—likely related to
funds received by their parent bank holding companies
under the Capital Purchase Program—while total assets
declined. Despite a decline in loans outstanding, unused
commitments to fund loans to both households and
businesses shrank at an annual rate of more than
30 percent in the first quarter of 2009 (figure 42).
Commercial bank lending contracted at an annual
rate of nearly 7 percent during the first half of 2009,
reflecting weak loan demand and tight credit conditions. C&I loans fell at an annual rate of about 14 percent over this period, partly as a result of broad and
sustained paydowns of outstanding loans amid weak

42. Change in unused bank loan commitments to
businesses and households, 1990–2009
Percent, annual rate









NOTE: The data, which are not seasonally adjusted, are quarterly and
extend through 2009:Q1.
SOURCE: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, Consolidated
Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report).


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

investment spending by businesses. Some of these paydowns also were likely related to increased issuance
of longer-term corporate debt, as nonfinancial firms—
especially those rated as investment grade—tapped the
corporate bond market. CRE loans ran off steadily, likely a result of continued weakness in that sector. Bank
loans to households also fell over the first half of the
year, particularly in the spring, as banks reportedly sold
or securitized large volumes of residential mortgages
and consumer credit card loans. Loan loss reserves
reported by large banks increased considerably in the
second quarter, suggesting continued deterioration in
credit quality and further pressure on earnings.
The Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey conducted
in April 2009 indicated that large fractions of banks
continued to tighten standards and terms on loans to
businesses and households over the preceding three
months. For most loan categories, however, the fractions of banks that reported having done so decreased
from the January survey. The majority of respondents
to the April survey indicated that they expected the
credit quality of their loan portfolios to worsen over the
remainder of the year. Demand for most types of loans
also reportedly weakened over the survey period, with
the noticeable exception of demand from prime borrowers for mortgages to purchase homes—a development
that coincided with a temporary rise in applications to
refinance home mortgages.
Data from the February and May Surveys of Terms
of Business Lending indicated that the spreads of yields
on C&I loans over those on comparable-maturity market instruments rose noticeably. The increase in the
May survey was partly attributable to a steep increase
in spreads on loans made under commitment, as a larger
share of loans in the May survey were drawn from commitments arranged after the onset of the financial crisis.

revision to policy expectations. In contrast, investors
marked up their expectations about the pace with which
policy accommodation will be removed in 2010, likely
in light of increased optimism about the economic outlook. Futures quotes currently suggest that investors
expect the federal funds rate to remain within the current target range for the remainder of this year and then
to rise in 2010. However, uncertainty about the size of
term premiums and potential distortions created by the
zero lower bound for the federal funds rate continue to
make it difficult to obtain a definitive reading on the
policy expectations of market participants from futures
prices. Options prices suggest that investor uncertainty
about the future path for policy increased, on balance,
during the first half of 2009.
Yields on longer-maturity Treasury securities
increased substantially, on net, over the first half of
2009, in response to better-than-expected economic
data releases, declines in the weight investors attached
to highly adverse economic outcomes, signs of thawing in the credit markets, technical factors related to the
hedging of mortgage holdings, and the large increase in
the expected supply of such securities (figure 43). The
rise in Treasury yields has likely been mitigated somewhat by the implementation of the Federal Reserve’s
large-scale asset purchases, under which the Federal
Reserve is conducting substantial purchases of agency
debt, agency MBS, and longer-maturity Treasury securities. On net, yields on 2- and 10-year Treasury notes
rose about 50 and 115 basis points, respectively, during
the first half of 2009, with the rise concentrated in the
second quarter, after having declined about 200 and
140 basis points, respectively, during the second half of

43. Interest rates on selected Treasury securities, 2004–09

Monetary Policy Expectations and
Treasury Rates



The current target range for the federal funds rate,
0 to ¼ percent, is in line with the level that investors
expected at the end of 2008. However, over the first
half of 2009, investors marked down, on balance, their
expectation for the path of the federal funds rate for the
remainder of the year. Early in the year, the markdown
was attributable to continued concerns about the health
of financial institutions, weakness in the real economy,
and a moderation in inflation pressures. Later in the
period, FOMC communications indicating that the federal funds rate would likely remain low for an extended
period reportedly also contributed to the downward










NOTE: The data are daily and extend through July 15, 2009.
SOURCE: Department of the Treasury.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

In contrast to yields on their nominal counterparts,
yields on Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS)
declined over the first half of 2009, which resulted in
a noticeable increase in measured inflation compensation—the difference between comparable-maturity
nominal yields and TIPS yields. Inferences about inflation expectations from inflation compensation have
been difficult to make since the second half of 2008
because yields on nominal and TIPS issues appear
to have been affected significantly by movements in
liquidity premiums, and because other special factors
have buffeted yields on nominal Treasury issues. Some
of these special factors have begun to subside in recent
months, suggesting that the increase in inflation compensation since year-end is partly due to an improvement in market functioning and other special factors,
although near-term inflation expectations may have
been boosted by rising energy prices.

Monetary Aggregates and the
Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet
The M2 monetary aggregate expanded at an annual rate
of 7¾ percent during the first half of 2009, reflecting
robust growth in the first quarter and more moderate
growth in the second (figure 44).12 This expansion was
due in part to the relatively small difference between
market interest rates and the rates offered on M2 assets,
as well as an increased desire of households and firms
to hold safe and liquid assets because of the financial
turmoil. Strong growth in liquid deposits was partially
offset by rapid declines in small time deposits and retail
money market mutual funds, as yields on the latter two
assets dropped relative to rates on liquid deposits. The
currency component of the money stock also increased,
with a notable rise in the first quarter that appeared to
reflect strong demand for U.S. banknotes from both foreign and domestic sources. The monetary base—essentially the sum of currency in the hands of the public and
12. M2 consists of (1) currency outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal
Reserve Banks, and the vaults of depository institutions; (2) traveler’s
checks of nonbank issuers; (3) demand deposits at commercial banks
(excluding those amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S.
government, and foreign banks and official institutions) less cash
items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float;
(4) other checkable deposits (negotiable order of withdrawal, or
NOW, accounts and automatic transfer service accounts at depository
institutions; credit union share draft accounts; and demand deposits
at thrift institutions); (5) savings deposits (including money market
deposit accounts); (6) small-denomination time deposits (time deposits issued in amounts of less than $100,000) less individual retirement
account (IRA) and Keogh balances at depository institutions; and
(7) balances in retail money market mutual funds less IRA and Keogh
balances at money market mutual funds.


44. M2 growth rate, 1991–2009



1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009
NOTE: The data extend through 2009:Q1 and are estimated for 2009:Q2.
Through 2008, the data are annual on a fourth-quarter over fourth-quarter
basis; the final observation refers to 2009:Q2 relative to 2008:Q4 at an annual
rate. For definition of M2, see text note 13.
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Board, Statistical Release H.6, “Money Stock

the reserve balances of depository institutions held at
the Federal Reserve—continued to expand rapidly in
the first quarter of 2009, albeit at a slower pace than in
the second half of 2008. The expansion of the monetary
base slowed further in the second quarter of 2009, as
a decline in amounts outstanding under the Federal
Reserve’s credit and liquidity programs partially offset
the effects on reserve balances of the Federal Reserve’s
large-scale asset purchases.
The nontraditional monetary policy actions
employed by the Federal Reserve since the onset of
the current episode of financial turmoil have resulted
in a considerable expansion of the Federal Reserve’s
balance sheet (table 1). On December 31, 2007, prior
to much of the financial market turmoil, the Federal
Reserve’s assets totaled nearly $920 billion, the bulk of
which was Treasury securities. Its liabilities included
nearly $800 billion in Federal Reserve notes (currency
in circulation) and about $20 billion in reserve balances
held by depository institutions.
By December 31, 2008, after the introduction of
several new Federal Reserve policy initiatives, assets
had more than doubled to about $2.2 trillion. Holdings of U.S. Treasury securities had declined by nearly
one-half. At that point, the majority of Federal Reserve
assets consisted of credit extended to depository institutions, other central banks, and primary dealers.13
The Federal Reserve had extended about $330 billion
in funding to the CPFF and was providing more than
13 . Primary dealers are broker-dealers that trade in U.S. government securities with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

1. Selected components of the Federal Reserve balance sheet,
Millions of dollars
Balance sheet item
Total assets ...................................................
Selected assets
Credit extended to depository institutions
and dealers
Primary credit ..........................................
Term auction credit ...................................
Central bank liquidity swaps ....................
Primary Dealer Credit Facility and other
broker-dealer credit ...............................
Credit extended to other market
Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money
Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility.
Net portfolio holdings of Commercial
Paper Funding Facility LLC .................. ...
Net portfolio holdings of LLCs funded
through the Money Market Investor
Funding Facility ....................................
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan
Facility ..................................................
Support of critical institutions
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane
LLC, Maiden Lane II LLC, and
Maiden Lane III LLC1...........................
Credit extended to American
International Group, Inc. .......................
Securities held outright
U.S. Treasury securities ............................
Agency debt securities..............................
Agency mortgage-backed securities
(MBS)2 ..................................................
Term Securities Lending Facility3 .................
Total liabilities .............................................
Selected liabilities
Federal Reserve notes in circulation ........
Reserve balances of depository
institutions .............................................
U.S. Treasury, general account .................
U.S. Treasury, supplemental financing
account ..................................................
Total capital .................................................

Dec. 31,

Dec. 31,

July 15,

917,922 2,240,946 2,074,822





























881,023 2,198,794 2,025,348











NOTE: LLC is a limited liability company.
1. The Federal Reserve has extended credit to several LLCs in conjunction
with efforts to support critical institutions. Maiden Lane LLC was formed to
acquire certain assets of The Bear Stearns Companies, Inc. Maiden Lane II LLC
was formed to purchase residential mortgage-backed securities from the U.S.
securities lending reinvestment portfolio of subsidiaries of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). Maiden Lane III LLC was formed to purchase multisector collateralized debt obligations on which the Financial Products group of
AIG has written credit default swap contracts.
2. Includes only MBS purchases that have already settled.
3. The Federal Reserve retains ownership of securities lent through the Term
Securities Lending Facility.
... Not applicable.
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Board.

$100 billion in support of certain critical institutions.
The growth in assets was largely funded by an increase
in reserve balances, which, at $860 billion, slightly
exceeded currency in circulation.
Over the first half of this year, total Federal Reserve
assets decreased slightly, on net, to about $2.1 trillion,

though there were large changes in the composition of
those assets. Holdings of Treasury securities increased
to nearly $685 billion, and holdings of agency debt and
MBS rose to more than $625 billion as a result of largescale asset purchases. Credit extended to depository
institutions, primary dealers, and other market participants fell as market functioning improved. The decline
importantly reflected a decrease in foreign central
banks’ draws on dollar liquidity swap lines and a runoff
in credit extended through the CPFF and the Term Auction Facility (TAF). The amount of credit extended in
support of certain critical institutions remained about
unchanged. On the liability side, reserve balances fell
somewhat, while currency in circulation rose.

International Financial Markets
During most of the first quarter of 2009, fears that
global economic activity would spiral further downward led to a sharp selloff in foreign equity markets
and to rising spreads on foreign corporate debt. Stock
indexes in Europe and Japan fell about 20 percent,
and European bank shares fell more than 40 percent
in response to weak earnings reports and rising fears
about the exposure of many Western European banks
to emerging Europe. Interbank funding markets were
supported by government guarantees of bank debt and
other policies put in place during 2008 to aid wholesale
funding. These markets remained more stressed than
before the financial crisis, but their functioning continued to gradually improve from the serious disarray that
occurred last fall.
Rapidly easing monetary policies in many foreign
economies, along with further safe-haven flows into
Treasury securities, fueled continued dollar appreciation over the first two months of the year. The Federal
Reserve’s broadest measure of the nominal tradeweighted foreign exchange value of the dollar rose
more than 6 percent during January and February (figure 45). However, beginning in March, the dollar depreciated as the global outlook improved a bit and investors accordingly shifted away from Treasury securities
to riskier assets abroad, reversing the pattern observed
in the fourth quarter of 2008. During the spring, the
dollar fell most sharply against currencies of major
commodity-producing economies such as Australia and
Canada, as the improvement in the global outlook also
boosted commodity prices (figure 46). On net, the Federal Reserve’s broad measure of the nominal exchange
value of the dollar is about 2 percent lower than it was

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

45. U.S. dollar nominal exchange rate, broad index,


47. Equity indexes in selected advanced foreign economies,

December 31, 2007 = 100


December 31, 2007 = 100











Euro area








NOTE: The data, which are in foreign currency units per dollar, are daily.
The last observation for the series is July 15, 2009. The broad index is a
weighted average of the foreign exchange values of the U.S. dollar against
the currencies of a large group of the most important U.S. trading partners.
The index weights, which change over time, are derived from U.S. export
shares and from U.S. and foreign import shares.
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Board.

at the start of the year but remains well above its mid2008 lows.
Stock markets around the world rebounded in
the second quarter along with prospects for global
growth (figure 47). Financial stocks led this rise in
the advanced foreign economies as some large banks
reported strong earnings growth, which benefited from
the low interest rate environment. On net, headline
European stock indexes are now about where they
were at the start of the year. Equity prices in the emerg-

Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July
NOTE: The data are daily. The last observation for each series is July 15,
2009. Because the Tokyo Exchange was closed on December 31, 2007, the
Japan index is scaled so that the December 28, 2007, closing value equals
SOURCE: For euro area, Dow Jones Euro STOXX Index; for Canada,
Toronto Stock Exchange 300 Composite Index; for Japan, Tokyo Stock
Exchange (TOPIX); and for the United Kingdom, London Stock Exchange
(FTSE 350), as reported by Bloomberg.

ing market economies, which were helped both by the
improved outlook and by an increased willingness
on the part of investors to hold riskier assets, are now
20 to 75 percent higher than at the start of the year
(figure 48).
48. Equity indexes in selected emerging market economies,
December 31, 2007 = 100

46. U.S. dollar exchange rate against selected major
currencies, 2007–09

Latin America


December 31, 2007 = 100


U.K. pound
Japanese yen


Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July
NOTE: The data, which are in foreign currency units per dollar, are daily.
The last observation for each series is July 15, 2009.
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Board, Statistical Release H.10, “Foreign
Exchange Rates.”




Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July
NOTE: The data are daily. The last observation for each series is July 15,
2009. Because the Shanghai Stock Exchange was closed on December 31,
2007, the China index is scaled so that the December 28, 2007, closing value
equals 100. The Latin American economies are Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. The emerging Asian economies are China,
India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan,
and Thailand.
SOURCE: For Latin America and emerging Asia, Morgan Stanley Capital
International (MSCI) index; for China, Shanghai Composite Index, as
reported by Bloomberg.


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

49. Yields on benchmark government bonds in selected
advanced foreign economies, 2007–09

50. U.S. net financial inflows, 2004–09
Billions of dollars



U.S. official
Foreign official










Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July Oct. Jan. Apr. July
NOTE: The data, which are for 10-year bonds, are daily. The last
observation for each series is July 15, 2009.
SOURCE: Bloomberg.

The decisions of several foreign central banks to
engage in nontraditional monetary policies appeared
to have some effect on longer-term interest rates (figure 49). Yields on long-term British gilts fell 60 basis
points around the March 5 announcement by the Bank
of England that it would begin purchasing government
securities, and yields on European covered bonds fell
nearly 30 basis points over the week following the
May 7 announcement by the European Central Bank
(ECB) that it would purchase covered bonds. However,
as the economic outlook improved some in the second quarter, and amid concerns about mounting fiscal
deficits and debts, yields on nominal benchmark bonds
rose. On balance, nominal benchmark bond yields in
major foreign countries are higher than at the start of
the year, even as yields on inflation-protected bonds
have fallen.





NOTE: U.S. official flows include foreign central banks’ drawings on their
swap lines with the Federal Reserve.
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

of U.S. Treasury securities by foreigners was unprecedented, nearly doubling the previous record.
The pattern of flows has normalized somewhat this
year. The pace of private foreign net Treasury purchases
slowed in the first quarter, and in April flows turned to
net sales, primarily of short-term Treasury securities,
signaling some reversal of the flight to safety. Foreign demand for most other U.S. securities, however,
remained extremely weak throughout the first part of
2009. Foreigners continued to sell U.S. corporate and
agency securities through April, although they did show
renewed interest in U.S. corporate stocks in March,
April, and particularly May.
Foreign official institutions resumed strong net
purchases of U.S. assets in the first several months of
2009, although acquisitions remained centered on U.S.
51. Net foreign purchases of U.S. securities, 2004–09
Billions of dollars

Official purchases of U.S. Treasuries
Private purchases of U.S. Treasuries
Purchases of other U.S. securities

The Financial Account
The pattern of financial flows between the United States
and the rest of the world was strongly affected by the
intensification of financial turmoil in the fall of 2008
and, more recently, by the easing of strains in financial
markets (figure 50). In the second half of 2008, U.S.
investors withdrew to some extent from foreign securities, and foreigners slowed their purchases of U.S.
assets. At the same time, foreigners noticeably shifted
their purchases away from U.S. corporate and agency
securities and toward safer U.S. Treasury securities (figure 51). For 2008 as a whole, the size of the purchases










NOTE: Other U.S. securities include corporate equities and bonds, agency
bonds, and municipal bonds.
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

52. Net U.S. purchases of foreign securities, 2004–09
Billions of dollars









NOTE: Negative numbers indicate a balance-of-payments outflow
associated with positive U.S. purchases of foreign securities.
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Treasury securities. This development followed net
sales in the fourth quarter of 2008 as some countries
sold reserves to support their currencies; although foreign official institutions made large net purchases of
Treasury securities, they sold larger amounts of other
U.S. assets. Foreign official acquisitions of Treasury
securities were concentrated in short-term bills for
some months during the winter, but official acquisitions
of long-term notes and bonds have been similar to those
of bills over the period since February.
Resumption of portfolio investment abroad by U.S.
investors in 2009 also pointed to reduced risk aversion in financial markets. Following unprecedented net
inflows in this category in 2008 resulting from U.S.
residents bringing home their foreign investments, outflows resumed in early 2009 as U.S. investors returned
to net purchases of foreign securities (figure 52).
Finally, starting this year, improvements in the tone of
interbank funding markets led to a resumption of net
lending abroad by U.S. banks after a sharp contraction
of lending in the fourth quarter. As private sources of
dollar liquidity reemerged, foreign banks were able to
repay the loans they had received from their central
banks. These foreign central banks, in turn, reduced
the outstanding amounts of U.S. dollars drawn on swap
lines from the Federal Reserve.

sumer confidence continued to weigh on activity. GDP
fell particularly sharply in Germany and Japan, which
were hit hard by a contraction in manufacturing exports.
Domestic demand plummeted across the advanced
foreign economies, with double-digit declines in investment spending and sizable negative contributions of
inventories to economic growth. Housing markets also
continued to weaken in the first quarter, with prices
and building activity declining. By the second quarter,
however, monthly indicators of economic activity in
these economies began to show some moderation in the
pace of contraction. Purchasing managers indexes and
surveys of business confidence rebounded in the second
quarter from the exceptionally low levels reached in
the first quarter, while industrial production stabilized
Twelve-month consumer price inflation continued
to decline during the first half of the year, driven down
by the fall in oil and other commodity prices since mid2008 and the significant increase in economic slack
(figure 53). Headline inflation fell to near or below zero
in all major economies except the United Kingdom,
where the depreciation of the pound late last year contributed to keeping inflation around 2 percent. Excluding food and energy prices, the slowing in consumer
prices in these economies was more limited.
Foreign central banks responded to worsening economic conditions and reduced inflation by aggressively
cutting policy rates and, in some cases, initiating unconventional monetary easing. The ECB and Bank of England each reduced its key policy rate 150 basis points
over the first half of 2009, while the Bank of Canada

53. Change in consumer prices for major foreign
economies, 2005–09


Euro area



Advanced Foreign Economies
The contraction of economic activity in the major
advanced foreign economies deepened in the first
quarter, as financial turbulence, shrinking world trade,
adverse wealth effects, and eroding business and con-








NOTE: The data are monthly, and the percent change is from one year
earlier. The data extend through June 2009 for the euro area and the United
Kingdom and May 2009 for Japan and Canada.
SOURCE: Haver Analytics.


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

54. Official or targeted interest rates in selected
advanced foreign economies, 2005–09

United Kingdom




Euro area








NOTE: The data are daily and extend through July 15, 2009. The data
shown are, for Canada, the overnight rate; for the euro area, the minimum bid
rate on main refinancing operations; for Japan, the call money rate; and, for
the United Kingdom, the official bank rate paid on commercial reserves.
SOURCE: The central bank of each area or country shown.

lowered its rate 125 basis points (figure 54). The Bank
of Japan, which had already cut the overnight uncollateralized call rate to 10 basis points, kept rates at that
minimal level. As policy rates fell to very low levels,
central banks implemented nontraditional policies to
provide further support to activity. The Bank of England established an Asset Purchase Facility to purchase
up to £125 billion in government and corporate debt;
the Bank of Japan announced that it would increase its
purchase of Japanese government bonds, including
longer-term bonds, and would purchase commercial
paper outright; and the ECB announced plans to purchase as much as €60 billion in covered bonds over
the next year and conducted its first one-year financing
operations on June 24, allocating €442 billion.

Emerging Market Economies
The global financial crisis took its toll on the emerging
market economies as well. After falling steeply in the
fourth quarter, economic activity contracted sharply
again in the first quarter. However, recent data on business sentiment, production, and retail sales suggest that
economic activity may be starting to recover.
Among the larger developing economies, only China
and India have maintained positive growth during the
global slowdown. Chinese growth was supported in
the first quarter and boosted significantly further in
the second quarter by a large fiscal stimulus package,
which focused on infrastructure investment, and by an

enormous jump in credit growth. India’s economy also
was supported by fiscal stimulus and was relatively
insulated from the negative global shock because it is
less open. Elsewhere in emerging Asia, the economies
of Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand all contracted at double-digit annual
rates in at least one quarter, in line with their deep trade
and financial linkages with the global economy. More
recently, however, indicators such as industrial production have turned up in some of these countries. In addition, exports, although they remain weak, have edged
higher in some countries, partly because of stimulusdriven demand from China.
Economic activity in Mexico contracted sharply late
last year and again in the first quarter, owing largely to
Mexico’s strong ties to the United States. The outbreak
of the H1N1 virus was a significant drag on Mexican
economic activity in the second quarter. In addition, the
economies of Mexico and some other Latin American
countries continued to be negatively affected by the
sharp fall in commodity prices in the second half of last
year. However, as in Asia, industrial production in several Latin American countries has recently turned higher. In Brazil, the automobile sector, which has received
government support, appears to have led a rebound in
Several countries in emerging Europe continued to
experience intense financial stress and sharp economic
contractions in the first quarter, with activity declining
at an especially precipitous rate in Latvia. The region
has faced external financing difficulties as a result of
large external imbalances and high dependence on
foreign capital flows. Hungary, Latvia, Romania, and
Ukraine are among the countries that have received
official assistance from the International Monetary
As the global economy has slowed, inflation in
emerging market economies has diminished. Inflation in
emerging Asia has decreased significantly, especially in
China where consumer prices in June were below their
year-earlier levels. Reduced price pressures and weak
economic growth prompted significant monetary easing
in several Asian emerging market economies. Inflation in Latin America has fallen less sharply. Notably,
Mexican inflation remains near its recent high, due in
part to pass-through from the peso’s depreciation earlier
this year. In these circumstances, monetary easing has
taken place in Latin America, but nominal interest rates
remain somewhat higher than in Asia. Many emerging
market economies have undertaken fiscal stimulus this
year, although the degree has varied and all stimulus
packages have been smaller than that in China.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System


Part 3
Monetary Policy: Recent Developments and
Monetary Policy over the First Half of 2009
Over the second half of 2008, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) eased the stance of monetary
policy by decreasing its target for the federal funds rate
from 2 percent to a range between 0 and ¼ percent and
took a number of additional actions to increase liquidity
and improve the functioning of financial markets (figure
55). During the first half of 2009, the FOMC maintained
its target range for the federal funds rate of 0 to ¼ percent, and it extended and modified the nontraditional
policy actions taken previously.
The data reviewed at the January 27–28 FOMC
meeting indicated a continued sharp contraction in
economic activity. The housing market remained on a
steep downward trajectory, consumer spending continued its significant decline, the slowdown in business
equipment investment intensified, and foreign demand
had weakened. Conditions in the labor market had continued to deteriorate rapidly, and the drop in industrial
production had accelerated. Headline consumer prices
fell in November and December, reflecting declines in
consumer energy prices; core consumer prices were

about flat in those months. Although credit conditions
generally had remained tight, some financial markets—
particularly those that were receiving support from
Federal Reserve liquidity facilities and other government actions—exhibited modest signs of improvement.
Meeting participants—Federal Reserve Board governors and Federal Reserve Bank presidents—anticipated
that a gradual recovery in U.S. economic activity would
begin in the second half of the year in response to monetary easing, additional fiscal stimulus, relatively low
energy prices, and continued efforts by the government
to stabilize the financial sector and increase the availability of credit. Committee members agreed that
keeping the target range for the federal funds rate at
0 to ¼ percent would be appropriate. In its January statement, the FOMC reiterated that the Federal
Reserve would use all available tools to promote the
resumption of sustainable economic growth and to preserve price stability. The Committee also stated that, in
addition to the purchases of agency debt and mortgagebacked securities (MBS) already under way, it was
prepared to purchase longer-term Treasury securities if
evolving circumstances indicated that such transactions

55. Selected interest rates, 2006–09

Target federal funds rate
10-year Treasury rate



3/28 5/10

6/29 8/8 9/20 10/25 12/12 1/31




6/28 8/7 9/18 10/31 12/11 1/30 3/18 4/30

6/25 8/5 9/16 10/29 12/16 1/28



3/18 4/29



NOTE: The data are daily and extend through July 15, 2009. The 10-year Treasury rate is the constant-maturity yield based on the most actively traded
securities. The dates on the horizontal axis are those of regularly scheduled Federal Open Market Committee meetings.
SOURCE: Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve.


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

would be particularly effective in improving conditions
in private credit markets. The Committee indicated
that it would continue to monitor carefully the size and
composition of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet
in light of evolving financial market developments. It
would also continue to assess whether expansions of, or
modifications to, lending facilities would serve to further support credit markets and economic activity and
help preserve price stability.
On February 7, 2009, the Committee met by conference call in a joint session with the Board of Governors
to discuss the potential role of the Federal Reserve in
the Treasury’s forthcoming Financial Stability Plan. The
Federal Reserve’s primary direct role in the plan would
be through an expansion of the previously announced
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF),
which would be supported by additional funds from the
Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). It
was anticipated that such an expansion would provide
additional assistance to financial markets and institutions in meeting the credit needs of households and
businesses and thus would support overall economic
At the March FOMC meeting, nearly all participants
indicated that economic conditions had deteriorated
relative to their expectations at the time of the January
meeting. Economic activity continued to fall sharply,
with widespread declines in payroll employment and
industrial production. Consumer spending had remained
flat at a low level, the housing market weakened further,
and nonresidential construction fell. Business spending
on equipment and software had continued to decline
across a broad range of categories. Despite the cutbacks
in production, inventory overhangs appeared to have
worsened in a number of areas. Of particular note was
the sharp fall in foreign economic activity, which was
having a negative effect on U.S. exports. Both headline
and core consumer prices had edged up in January and
February. Credit conditions remained very tight, and
financial markets continued to be fragile and unsettled,
with pressures on financial institutions generally having
intensified over the past few months. Overall, participants expressed concern about downside risks to an
outlook for activity that was already weak. Nonetheless, looking beyond the very near term, participants
saw a number of market forces and policies then in
place as eventually leading to economic recovery. Notably, the low level of mortgage interest rates, reduced
house prices, and the Administration’s new programs
to encourage mortgage refinancing and mitigate foreclosures ultimately could bring about a lower cost of
homeownership, a sustained increase in home sales, and
a stabilization of house prices.

In light of the deterioration in the economic situation
and outlook, Committee members agreed that substantial additional purchases of longer-term assets would
be appropriate. In its March statement, the Committee
announced that, to provide greater support to mortgage
lending and housing markets, it would increase the
size of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet further by
purchasing up to an additional $750 billion of agency
MBS, bringing its total purchases of these securities to
up to $1.25 trillion in 2009, and that it would increase
its purchases of agency debt this year by up to $100 billion to a total of up to $200 billion. Moreover, to help
improve conditions in private credit markets, the Committee decided to purchase up to $300 billion of longerterm Treasury securities over the next six months. The
Committee decided to maintain the target range for
the federal funds rate at 0 to ¼ percent and noted in
its March statement that it anticipated that economic
conditions were likely to warrant exceptionally low
levels of the federal funds rate for an extended period.
The Committee also noted that the Federal Reserve had
launched the TALF to facilitate the extension of credit
to households and small businesses, and it anticipated
that the range of eligible collateral for this facility was
likely to be expanded to include other financial assets.
The Committee stated that it would continue to carefully monitor the size and composition of the Federal
Reserve’s balance sheet in light of evolving financial
and economic developments.
On March 23, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury issued a joint statement on the role of the Federal
Reserve in preserving financial and monetary stability.
In the statement, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury
agreed to continue to cooperate on measures to improve
the stability and functioning of the financial system
while minimizing the associated credit risk to the Federal Reserve and preserving the ability of the Federal
Reserve to achieve its monetary policy objectives. The
two government entities also agreed to work together
with the Congress on a comprehensive resolution
regime for systemically important financial institutions,
and the Treasury promised to remove the emergency
loans for systemically important institutions from the
Federal Reserve’s balance sheet over time to the extent
its authorities permit.
At the FOMC meeting on April 28 and 29, participants noted that the pace of decline in some components of final demand appeared to have slowed. Consumer spending firmed in the first quarter after dropping
markedly during the second half of 2008. Housing
activity remained depressed but seemed to have leveled off in February and March. In contrast, businesses
had cut production and employment substantially in

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

recent months—reflecting, in part, inventory overhangs
that had persisted into the early part of the year—and
fixed investment continued to contract. Headline and
core consumer prices rose at a moderate pace over the
first three months of the year. Participants noted that
financial market conditions had generally strengthened,
and surveys and anecdotal reports pointed to a pickup
in household and business confidence, which nonetheless remained at very low levels. Yields on Treasury
and agency securities had fallen after the release of the
March FOMC statement, which noted the increase in
planned purchases of longer-term securities. However,
this initial drop was subsequently reversed amid the
improved economic outlook, an easing of concerns
about financial institutions, and perhaps some unwinding of flight-to-quality flows. Participants anticipated
that the acceleration in final demand and economic
activity over the next few quarters would be modest,
with growth of consumption expenditures likely to be
restrained and business investment spending probably
shrinking further. Looking further ahead, participants
considered a number of factors that would be likely to
restrain the pace of economic recovery over the medium term. Strains in credit markets were expected to
recede only gradually as financial institutions continued
to rebuild their capital and remained cautious in their
approach to asset-liability management, especially given that the outlook for credit performance would probably remain weak. Households would likely continue
to be cautious, and their desired saving rates would be
relatively high over the extended period that would be
required to bring their wealth back up to more normal
levels relative to income. The stimulus from fiscal policy was expected to diminish over time as the government budget moved to a sustainable path. Demand for
U.S. exports would also take time to revive, reflecting
the gradual recovery of economic activity in our major
trading partners.
Against this backdrop, the FOMC indicated that it
would maintain the target range for the federal funds
rate at 0 to ¼ percent and anticipated that economic
conditions would be likely to warrant exceptionally low
levels of the federal funds rate for an extended period.
The Committee reiterated that, to provide support to
mortgage lending and housing markets and to improve
overall conditions in private credit markets, the Federal
Reserve would purchase a total of up to $1.25 trillion
of agency MBS and up to $200 billion of agency debt
by the end of the year. In addition, the Federal Reserve
would buy up to $300 billion of Treasury securities
by autumn. The Committee would continue to evaluate the timing and overall amounts of its purchases of
securities in light of the evolving economic outlook and


conditions in financial markets. The Federal Reserve
was facilitating the extension of credit to households
and businesses and supporting the functioning of financial markets through a range of liquidity programs. The
Committee indicated that it would continue to carefully monitor the size and composition of the Federal
Reserve’s balance sheet in light of financial and economic developments.
The information reviewed at the June 23–24 FOMC
meeting suggested that the economy remained weak,
though declines in activity seemed to be lessening.
Consumer spending appeared to have stabilized, sales
and starts of new homes flattened out, and the recent
declines in capital spending did not look as severe as
those that had occurred around the turn of the year. At
the same time, labor markets and industrial production continued to deteriorate sharply. Apart from a
tax-induced jump in tobacco prices, consumer price
inflation was fairly quiescent in recent months, although
an upturn in energy prices appeared likely to boost
headline inflation in June. Conditions and sentiment
in financial markets had continued to show signs of
improvement since the last meeting. The results of
the Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (SCAP)
were positively received by financial markets, credit
default swap spreads of banking organizations declined
considerably, and the institutions involved in the SCAP
were subsequently able to issue significant amounts of
public equity and nonguaranteed debt. The functioning
of short-term funding markets improved, broad stock
price indexes increased, and spreads on corporate bonds
continued to narrow. Nominal Treasury yields climbed
steeply, reflecting investors’ perceptions of an improved
economic outlook, a reversal of flight-to-quality flows,
and technical factors related to the hedging of mortgage
In its June statement, the FOMC reiterated that it
would employ all available tools to promote economic
recovery and preserve price stability. It noted that it
would maintain its target range for the federal funds
rate at 0 to ¼ percent and continued to anticipate that
economic conditions would likely warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate for an extended
period. The FOMC indicated that, as it had previously
announced, to provide support to mortgage lending and
housing markets and to improve overall conditions in
private credit markets, the Federal Reserve would purchase a total of up to $1.25 trillion of agency MBS and
up to $200 billion of agency debt by the end of the year.
In addition, the Federal Reserve would buy up to $300
billion of Treasury securities by autumn. The Committee noted that it would continue to evaluate the timing
and overall amounts of its purchases of securities in


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

light of the evolving economic outlook and conditions
in financial markets. The FOMC also stated that the
Federal Reserve was monitoring the size and composition of its balance sheet and would make adjustments to
its credit and liquidity programs as warranted.
Conditions in financial markets had improved notably by the end of June, although market functioning in
many areas remained impaired and seemed likely to
remain strained for some time. Usage of some of the
Federal Reserve’s liquidity programs had also decreased
in recent months. Against this backdrop, on June 25, the
Federal Reserve announced extensions of and modifications to a number of its liquidity programs (see table 2
for a summary of the changes).14 The Federal Reserve
noted that the Board and the FOMC would continue to
monitor closely the condition of financial markets and
the need for and effectiveness of the Federal Reserve’s
special liquidity facilities and arrangements. Should the
recent improvements in market conditions continue, the
Board and the FOMC anticipated that a number of the
facilities might not need to be extended beyond February 1, 2010. However, if financial stresses did not moderate as expected, the Board and the FOMC were prepared to extend the terms of some or all of the facilities
as needed to promote financial stability and economic
growth. The public would receive timely notice of
planned extensions, discontinuations, or modifications
of Federal Reserve programs. The next section of this
report, “Monetary Policy as the Economy Recovers,”
14. For more details, see Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System (2009), “Federal Reserve Announces Extensions
of and Modifications to a Number of Its Liquidity Programs,”
press release, June 25,

has further discussion related to the evolution of these
Over the first half of the year, the Federal Reserve
also undertook a number of initiatives to improve communications about its policy actions. These initiatives
are described more fully in the box titled “Federal
Reserve Initiatives to Increase Transparency.”

Monetary Policy as the Economy Recovers
At present, the focus of monetary policy is on stimulating economic activity in order to limit the degree to
which the economy falls short of full employment and
to prevent a sustained decline in inflation below levels
consistent with the Federal Reserve’s legislated objectives. Economic conditions are likely to warrant accommodative monetary policy for an extended period. At
some point, however, economic recovery will take hold,
labor market conditions will improve, and the downward pressures on inflation will diminish. When this
process has advanced sufficiently, the stance of policy
will need to be tightened to prevent inflation from rising
above levels consistent with price stability and to keep
economic activity near its maximum sustainable level.
The FOMC is confident that it has the necessary tools
to withdraw policy accommodation, when such action
becomes appropriate, in a smooth and timely manner.
Monetary policy actions taken over the past year
have led to a considerable increase in the assets held
by the Federal Reserve. This increase in assets reflects
both the expansion of Federal Reserve liquidity facilities and the purchases of longer-term securities. On the
margin, the extension of credit and acquisition of assets

2. Extensions and modifications of Federal Reserve liquidity programs
Liquidity program


Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market
Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (AMLF) ...................

Extended to February 1, 2010

Central bank swap lines .................................................
Commercial Paper Funding Facility ..............................
Money Market Investor Funding Facility ......................
Primary Dealer Credit Facility .......................................
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility .................
Term Auction Facility ....................................................
Term Securities Lending Facility ...................................

Extended to February 1, 2010
Extended to February 1, 2010
Expiration date remains at October 30, 2009
Extended to February 1, 2010
Expiration date remains at December 31, 2009
No fixed expiration date
Extended to February 1, 2010

… Not applicable.
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Board.

Money market mutual funds have to experience
material outflows before being able to sell assetbacked commercial paper that would be eligible
collateral for AMLF loans.
Auction amounts reduced initially to $125 billion.
Auctions backed by Schedule 1 collateral suspended effective July 1, 2009. Auctions backed by
Schedule 2 collateral now conducted every four
weeks. Total amount offered reduced initially to
$75 billion.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System


Federal Reserve Initiatives to Increase Transparency
The Federal Reserve took a number of nontraditional policy actions during the current episode
of financial turmoil. In late 2008, Chairman
Bernanke asked Vice Chairman Kohn to lead a
review of how Federal Reserve disclosure policies should be adapted to make more information about these programs available to the public
and to the Congress. A guiding principle of
the review was that the Federal Reserve would
seek to provide to the public as much information and analysis as possible, consistent with its
objectives of promoting maximum employment
and price stability. The Federal Reserve subsequently created a separate section of its website
devoted to providing data, explanations, and
analyses of its lending programs and balance
sheet.1 Postings in the first half of 2009 included
additional explanatory material and details about
a number of Federal Reserve credit and liquidity
programs, the annual financial statements of the
12 Federal Reserve Banks, the Board of Governors, and the limited liability companies (LLCs)
created in 2008 to avert the disorderly failures of
The Bear Stearns Companies, Inc., and American
International Group, Inc., as well as the most
1. This section of the Board’s website is available at www.

by the Federal Reserve has been funded by crediting
the reserve accounts of depository institutions (henceforth referred to as banks). Thus, the increase in Federal
Reserve assets has been associated with substantial
growth in banks’ reserve balances, leaving the level
of reserves far above that typically observed when
short-term interest rates were significantly greater than
To some extent, a contraction in the stock of reserve
balances will occur automatically as financial conditions improve. In particular, most of the liquidity facilities deployed by the Federal Reserve in the current
period of financial turmoil are priced at a premium over
normal interest rate spreads or have a minimum bid rate
that is high enough to make them unattractive under
normal market conditions. Thus, the sizes of these
programs, as well as the stock of reserve balances they
create, will tend to diminish automatically as financial strains abate. Indeed, as noted elsewhere in this
report, total credit extended to banks and other market
participants (excluding support of critical institutions)

recent reports to the Congress on the Federal
Reserve’s emergency lending programs.
On June 10, the Federal Reserve issued the
first of a series of monthly reports to provide
more information on its credit and liquidity programs.2 For many of those programs, the new
information provided in the report includes the
number of borrowers and the amounts borrowed
by type of institution, collateral by type and
credit rating, and data on the concentration of
borrowing. The report also includes information
on liquidity swap usage by country, quarterly
income earned on different classes of Federal
Reserve assets, and asset distribution and other
information on the LLCs. In addition, the report
summarizes and discusses recent developments
across a number of Federal Reserve programs. In
addition to the new report, the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York recently made available the
investment management agreements related to
its financial stability and liquidity activities.3
2. See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
(2009), Federal Reserve System Monthly Report on Credit and
Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet (Washington: Board
of Governors, July),
3. Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2009), “Vendor Information,”

declined from about $1.5 trillion as of December 31,
2008, to less than $600 billion as of July 15, 2009, as
financial conditions improved. In addition, redemptions of the Federal Reserve’s holdings of agency debt,
agency MBS, and longer-term Treasury securities are
expected to occur at a rate of $100 billion to $200 billion per year over the next few years, leading to further
reductions in reserve balances.
But even after lending facilities have wound down
and holdings of long-term assets have begun to run off,
the volume of assets on the Federal Reserve’s balance
sheet may remain very large for some time. Without
additional actions, the level of bank reserves would
continue to remain elevated as well.
Despite continued large holdings of assets, the Federal Reserve will have at its disposal two broad means
of tightening monetary policy at the appropriate time.
In principle, either of these methods would suffice to
raise short-term interest rates; however, to ensure effectiveness, the two methods will most likely be used in


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

The first method for tightening monetary policy
relies on the authority that the Congress granted to the
Federal Reserve last fall to pay interest on the balances
maintained by banks. By raising the rate it pays on
banks’ reserve balances, the Federal Reserve will be
able to tighten monetary policy by inducing increases
in the federal funds rate and other short-term market
interest rates. In general, banks will not supply funds to
the money market at an interest rate lower than the rate
they can earn risk free at the Federal Reserve. Moreover, they should compete to borrow any funds that are
offered in the market at rates below the rate of interest
paid by the Federal Reserve, as such borrowing allows
them to earn a spread without any risk. Thus, raising
the interest rate paid on balances that banks hold at the
Federal Reserve should provide a powerful upward
influence on short-term market interest rates, including
the federal funds rate, without the need to drain reserve
balances. A number of foreign central banks have been
able to maintain overnight interbank interest rates at or
above the level of interest paid on bank reserves even in
the presence of unusually high levels of reserve balances (see the box titled “Foreign Experience with Interest
on Reserves”).
Despite this logic, the federal funds rate has been
somewhat lower than the rate of interest banks earn on
reserve balances; the gap was especially noticeable in
October and November 2008, when payment of interest on reserves first began. This gap appears to have
reflected several factors: First, the Federal Reserve is
not allowed to pay interest on balances held by nondepository institutions, including some large lenders
in the federal funds market such as the governmentsponsored enterprises (GSEs). Such institutions may
have an incentive to lend at rates below the rate that
banks receive on reserve balances. Second, the payment of interest on reserves was a new policy at the
time that the gap was particularly noticeable, and banks
may not have had time to adjust their operations to the
new regime. Third, the unusually strained conditions
in financial markets at that time may have reduced the
willingness of banks to arbitrage by borrowing in the
federal funds market at rates below the rate paid on
reserve balances and earning a higher rate by increasing their deposits at the Federal Reserve. The latter
two factors are not likely to persist, particularly as the
economy and financial markets recover. Moreover, if, as
the economy recovers, large-scale lending in the federal
funds market by nondepository institutions threatens to
hold the federal funds rate below its target, the Federal
Reserve has various options to deal with the problem.
For example, it could offer these institutions the option
of investing in reverse repurchase agreements. Under

these transactions, the Federal Reserve sells securities
from its portfolio, thereby removing funds from the
market, and agrees to buy back the securities at a later
date.15 Eliminating the incentive of nondepository institutions to lend their excess funds into short-term money
markets would help ensure that raising the rate of interest paid on reserves would raise the federal funds rate
and tighten monetary conditions even if the level of
reserve balances were to remain high.
The second method for tightening monetary policy,
despite a high level of assets on the Federal Reserve’s
balance sheet, is to take steps to reduce the overall level
of reserve balances. Policymakers have several options
for reducing the level of reserve balances should such
action be desired. First, the Federal Reserve could
engage in large-scale reverse repurchase agreements
with financial market participants, including the GSEs
as well as other institutions. Reverse repurchase agreements are a traditional tool of Federal Reserve monetary policy implementation. Second, the Treasury
could sell more bills and deposit the proceeds with the
Federal Reserve. The Treasury has been conducting
such operations since last fall; the resulting deposits are
reported on the Federal Reserve balance sheet as the
Supplementary Financing Account. One limitation on
this option is that the associated Treasury debt is subject
to the statutory debt ceiling. Also, to preserve monetary
policy independence, the Federal Reserve must ensure
that it can achieve its policy objectives without reliance
on the Treasury if necessary. A third option is for the
Federal Reserve to offer banks the opportunity to hold
some of their balances as term deposits. Such deposits
would pay interest but would not have the liquidity and
transactions features of reserve balances. Term deposits
could not be counted toward reserve requirements, nor
could they be used to avoid overnight overdraft penalties in reserve accounts.16 Each of these three policy
options would allow a tightening of monetary policy by
draining reserve balances and raising short-term interest
rates. As noted earlier, measures to drain reserves will
likely be used in conjunction with increases in the interest rate paid on reserves to tighten conditions in shortterm money markets.

15. These transactions are referred to as reverse repurchase agreements to distinguish them from repurchase agreements in which the
Federal Reserve is the investor.
16. To be successful, especially in a period of rising interest rates,
such deposits likely would have to pay rates of interest above the
overnight rate on reserve balances. To prevent banks from earning
risk-free profits by borrowing from the Federal Reserve and investing
the proceeds in term deposits, the rate of remuneration on term deposits would have to be kept lower than the rates the Federal Reserve
charges on its lending facilities, such as the discount window.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Raising the rate of interest on reserve balances and
draining reserves through the options just described
would allow policy to be tightened even if the level of
assets on the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet remained
very high. In addition, the Federal Reserve retains the
option to reduce its stock of assets by selling off a portion of its holdings of longer-term securities before
they mature. Asset sales by the Federal Reserve would
serve to raise short-term interest rates and tighten monetary policy by reducing the level of reserve balances;
in addition, such sales could put upward pressure on
longer-term interest rates by expanding the supply of
longer-term assets available to investors. In an environment of strengthening economic activity and rising

inflation pressures, broad-based increases in interest
rates could facilitate the achievement of the Federal
Reserve’s dual mandate.
In short, the Federal Reserve has a wide range of
tools that can be used to tighten the stance of monetary
policy at the point that the economic outlook calls for
such action. However, economic conditions are not
likely to warrant a tightening of monetary policy for
an extended period. The timing and pace of any future
tightening, together with the mix of tools employed,
will be calibrated to best foster the Federal Reserve’s
dual objectives of maximum employment and price

Foreign Experience with Interest on Reserves
Paying interest on excess reserve balances,
either directly or by allowing banks to place
excess balances into an interest-bearing account,
is a standard tool used by major foreign central
banks. Many have used interest on reserves, in
combination with other tools, to maintain a floor
under overnight interbank interest rates both in
normal circumstances and during the period of
financial turmoil. The European Central Bank
(ECB), for example, has long allowed banks to
place excess reserves into a deposit facility that
pays interest at a rate below the ECB’s main
refinancing rate (its bellwether policy rate).
The quantity of funds that banks hold in that
facility increased sharply as the ECB expanded
its liquidity-providing operations last fall and
has remained well above pre-crisis levels; as a
result, the euro-area overnight interbank rate fell
from a level close to the main refinancing rate


toward the rate the ECB pays on deposits—but,
importantly, not below that rate. Since November 2008, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) on a temporary basis has paid interest on excess reserve
balances, at a rate of 10 basis points per year,
which is also its current target for the overnight
uncollateralized call rate; the BOJ noted that its
action was intended to keep the call rate close
to the targeted level as it supplied additional
liquidity to the banking system. Indeed, the
overnight rate has traded near 10 basis points
in recent months, even as reserve balances at
the BOJ have risen substantially, returning to
their level during much of 2002, when the BOJ
was implementing its Quantitative Easing Policy
and the call rate was trading at 1 basis point
or below. The Bank of Canada and the Bank of
England also have used their standing deposit
facilities to help manage interbank interest rates.


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System


Part 4
Summary of Economic Projections
The following material appeared as an addendum to
the minutes of the June 23–24, 2009, meeting of the
Federal Open Market Committee.
In conjunction with the June 23–24, 2009, FOMC
meeting, the members of the Board of Governors and
the presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks, all of
whom participate in deliberations of the FOMC, submitted projections for output growth, unemployment,
and inflation in 2009, 2010, 2011, and over the longer
run. Projections were based on information available
through the end of the meeting and on each participant’s
assumptions about factors likely to affect economic
outcomes, including his or her assessment of appropriate monetary policy. “Appropriate monetary policy” is
defined as the future path of policy that the participant
deems most likely to foster outcomes for economic
activity and inflation that best satisfy his or her interpretation of the Federal Reserve’s dual objectives of maximum employment and stable prices. Longer-run projections represent each participant’s assessment of the rate
to which each variable would be expected to converge
over time under appropriate monetary policy and in the
absence of further shocks.
FOMC participants generally expected that, after
declining over the first half of this year, output would
expand sluggishly over the remainder of the year.

Consequently, as indicated in table 1 and depicted in
figure 1, all FOMC participants projected that real
gross domestic product (GDP) would contract over the
entirety of this year and that the unemployment rate
would increase in coming quarters. All participants
also expected that overall inflation would be somewhat
slower this year than in recent years, and most projected that core inflation would edge down this year.
Almost all participants viewed the near-term outlook
for domestic output as having improved modestly relative to the projections they made at the time of the April
FOMC meeting, reflecting both a slightly less severe
contraction in the first half of 2009 and a moderately
stronger, but still sluggish, recovery in the second half.
With the strong adverse forces that have been acting on
the economy likely to abate only slowly, participants
generally expected the recovery to be gradual in 2010.
Even though all participants had raised their near-term
outlook for real GDP, in light of incoming data on labor
markets, they increased their projections for the path of
the unemployment rate from those published in April.
Participants foresaw only a gradual improvement in
labor market conditions in 2010 and 2011, leaving the
unemployment rate at the end of 2011 well above the
level they viewed as its longer-run sustainable rate. Participants projected low inflation this year. For 2010 and
2011, the central tendencies of the participants’ inflation

Table 1. Economic projections of Federal Reserve Governors and Reserve Bank presidents, June 2009

Central tendency1
Change in real GDP ................................
April projection ...................................
Unemployment rate .................................
April projection ...................................
PCE inflation ...........................................
April projection ...................................
Core PCE inflation3 .................................
April projection ...................................




Longer run




Longer run

-1.5 to -1.0
-2.0 to -1.3
9.8 to 10.1
9.2 to 9.6
1.0 to 1.4
0.6 to 0.9
1.3 to 1.6
1.0 to 1.5

2.1 to 3.3
2.0 to 3.0
9.5 to 9.8
9.0 to 9.5
1.2 to 1.8
1.0 to 1.6
1.0 to 1.5
0.7 to 1.3

3.8 to 4.6
3.5 to 4.8
8.4 to 8.8
7.7 to 8.5
1.1 to 2.0
1.0 to 1.9
0.9 to 1.7
0.8 to 1.6

2.5 to 2.7
2.5 to 2.7
4.8 to 5.0
4.8 to 5.0
1.7 to 2.0
1.7 to 2.0

-1.6 to -0.6
-2.5 to -0.5
9.7 to 10.5
9.1 to 10.0
1.0 to 1.8
-0.5 to 1.2
1.2 to 2.0
0.7 to 1.6

0.8 to 4.0
1.5 to 4.0
8.5 to 10.6
8.0 to 9.6
0.9 to 2.0
0.7 to 2.0
0.5 to 2.0
0.5 to 2.0

2.3 to 5.0
2.3 to 5.0
6.8 to 9.2
6.5 to 9.0
0.5 to 2.5
0.5 to 2.5
0.2 to 2.5
0.2 to 2.5

2.4 to 2.8
2.4 to 3.0
4.5 to 6.0
4.5 to 5.3
1.5 to 2.1
1.5 to 2.0

NOTE: Projections of change in real gross domestic product (GDP) and in
inflation are from the fourth quarter of the previous year to the fourth quarter of
the year indicated. PCE inflation and core PCE inflation are the percentage rates
of change in, respectively, the price index for personal consumption expenditures (PCE) and the price index for PCE excluding food and energy. Projections
for the unemployment rate are for the average civilian unemployment rate in
the fourth quarter of the year indicated. Each participant’s projections are based
on his or her assessment of appropriate monetary policy. Longer-run projections
represent each participant’s assessment of the rate to which each variable would

be expected to converge under appropriate monetary policy and in the absence
of further shocks to the economy. The April projections were made
in conjunction with the meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee on
April 28–29, 2009.
1. The central tendency excludes the three highest and three lowest projections
for each variable in each year.
2. The range for a variable in a given year consists of all participants’ projections, from lowest to highest, for that variable in that year.
3. Longer-run projections for core PCE inflation are not collected.


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

Figure 1. Central tendencies and ranges of economic projections, 2009–11 and over the longer run

Change in real GDP


Central tendency of projections
Range of projections













Unemployment rate











PCE inflation










Core PCE inflation









NOTE: Definitions of variables are in the notes to table 1. The data for the actual values of the variables are annual.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

forecasts pointed to fairly stable inflation that would be
modestly below most participants’ estimates of the rate
consistent with the dual objectives; however, the divergence of participants’ views about the inflation outlook
remained wide. Most participants indicated that they
expected the economy to take five or six years to converge to a longer-run path characterized by a sustainable rate of output growth and by rates of unemployment and inflation consistent with the Federal Reserve’s
dual objectives, but several said full convergence would
take longer. In contrast to recent projections, a majority
of participants perceived the risks to growth as roughly
balanced, although several still viewed those risks as
tilted to the downside. Most participants saw the risks
surrounding their inflation outlook as roughly balanced,
and fewer participants than in April characterized those
risks as skewed to the downside. With few exceptions,
participants judged that the projections for economic
activity and inflation remained subject to a degree of
uncertainty exceeding historical norms.

The Outlook
Participants’ projections for the change in real GDP in
2009 had a central tendency of negative 1.5 percent to
negative 1.0 percent, somewhat above the central tendency of negative 2.0 percent to negative 1.3 percent
for their April projections. Participants noted that the
data received between the April and June FOMC meetings pointed to a somewhat smaller decline in output
during the first half of the year than they had anticipated
at the time of the April meeting. Moreover, participants
saw additional indications that the economic downturn
in the United States and worldwide was moderating in
the second quarter, and they continued to expect that
sales and production would begin to recover gradually
during the second half of the year, reflecting the effects
of monetary and fiscal stimulus, measures to support
credit markets, and diminishing financial stresses. As
reasons for marking up their projections for near-term
economic activity, participants pointed to a further
improvement in financial conditions during the intermeeting period, signs of stabilization in consumer
spending, and tentative indications of a leveling out of
activity in the housing sector. In addition, they observed
that aggressive inventory reductions during the first
half of this year appeared to have left firms’ stocks in
better balance with sales, suggesting that production is
likely to increase as sales stabilize and then start to turn
up later this year. Participants expected, however, that
recoveries in consumer spending and residential investment initially would be damped by further deterioration


in labor markets, the continued repair of household
balance sheets, persistently tight credit conditions,
and still-weak housing demand. They also anticipated
that very low capacity utilization, sluggish growth in
sales, uncertainty about the economic environment,
and a continued elevated cost and limited availability
of financing would contribute to continued weakness in
business fixed investment this year. Some participants
noted that weak economic conditions in other countries
probably would hold down growth in U.S. exports.
A number of participants also saw recent increases in
some long-term interest rates and in oil prices as factors
that could damp a near-term economic recovery.
Looking further ahead, participants’ projections for
real GDP growth in 2010 and 2011 were not materially
different from those provided in April. The projections
for growth in 2010 had a central tendency of 2.1 to
3.3 percent, and those for 2011 had a central tendency
of 3.8 to 4.6 percent. Participants generally expected
that household financial positions would improve only
gradually and that strains in credit markets and in the
banking system would ebb slowly; hence, the pace of
recovery would continue to be damped in 2010. But
they anticipated that the upturn would strengthen in
late 2010 and in 2011 to a pace exceeding the growth
rate of potential GDP. Participants noted several factors
contributing to this pickup, including accommodative monetary policy, fiscal stimulus, and continued
improvement in financial conditions and household
balance sheets. Beyond 2011, they expected that output growth would remain above that of potential GDP
for a time, leading to a gradual elimination of slack in
resource utilization. Over the longer run, most participants expected that, without further shocks, real GDP
growth eventually would converge to a rate of 2.5 to
2.7 percent per year, reflecting longer-term trends in the
growth of productivity and the labor force.
Even though participants raised their output growth
forecasts, they also moved up their unemployment
rate projections and continued to anticipate that labor
market conditions would deteriorate further over the
remainder of the year. Their projections for the average unemployment rate during the fourth quarter of
2009 had a central tendency of 9.8 to 10.1 percent,
about ½ percentage point above the central tendency of
their April projections and noticeably higher than the
actual unemployment rate of 9.4 percent in May—the
latest reading available at the time of the June FOMC
meeting. All participants raised their forecasts of the
unemployment rate at the end of this year, reflecting the sharper-than-expected rise in unemployment
that occurred over the intermeeting period. With little
material change in projected output growth in 2010


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

and 2011, participants still expected unemployment
to decline in those years, but the projected unemployment rate in each year was about ½ percentage point
above the April forecasts, reflecting the higher starting
point of the projections. Most participants anticipated
that output growth next year would not substantially
exceed its longer-run sustainable rate and hence that
the unemployment rate would decline only modestly in
2010; some also pointed to frictions associated with the
reallocation of labor from shrinking economic sectors
to expanding sectors as likely to restrain progress in
reducing unemployment. The central tendency of
the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was 9.5 to
9.8 percent. With output growth and job creation generally projected to pick up appreciably in 2011, participants anticipated that joblessness would decline more
noticeably, as evident from the central tendency of 8.4
to 8.8 percent for their projections of the unemployment rate in the fourth quarter of 2011. They expected
that the unemployment rate would decline considerably
further in subsequent years as it moved back toward its
longer-run sustainable level, which most participants
still saw as between 4.8 and 5.0 percent; however, a
few participants raised their estimates of the longer-run
unemployment rate.
The central tendency of participants’ projections for
personal consumption expenditures (PCE) inflation in
2009 was 1.0 to 1.4 percent, about ½ percentage point
above the central tendency of their April projections.
Participants noted that higher-than-expected inflation
data over the intermeeting period and the anticipated
influence of higher oil and commodity prices on consumer prices were factors contributing to the increase in
their inflation forecasts. Looking beyond this year, participants’ projections for total PCE inflation had central
tendencies of 1.2 to 1.8 percent for 2010 and 1.1 to
2.0 percent for 2011, modestly higher than the central
tendencies from the April projections. Reflecting the
large increases in energy prices over the intermeeting period, the forecasts for core PCE inflation (which
excludes the direct effects of movements in food and
energy prices) in 2009 were raised by less than the projections for total PCE inflation, while the forecasts for
core and total PCE inflation in 2010 and 2011 increased
by similar amounts. The central tendency of projections
for core inflation in 2009 was 1.3 to 1.6 percent; those
for 2010 and 2011 were 1.0 to 1.5 percent and 0.9 to
1.7 percent, respectively. Most participants expected
that sizable economic slack would continue to damp
inflation pressures for the next few years and hence
that total PCE inflation in 2011 would still be below
their assessments of its appropriate longer-run level.
Some thought that such slack would generate a decline

in inflation over the next few years. Most, however,
projected that, as the economy recovers, inflation would
increase gradually and move closer to their individual
assessments of the measured rate of inflation consistent
with the Federal Reserve’s dual mandate for maximum
employment and price stability. Several participants,
noting that the public’s longer-run inflation expectations
had not changed appreciably, expected that inflation
would return more promptly to levels consistent with
their judgments about longer-run inflation than these
participants had projected in April. A few participants
also anticipated that projected inflation in 2011 would
be modestly above their longer-run inflation projections
because of the possible effects of very low short-term
interest rates and of the large expansion of the Federal
Reserve’s balance sheet on the public’s inflation expectations. Overall, the range of participants’ projections of
inflation in 2011 remained quite wide.
As in April, the central tendency of projections of
the longer-run inflation rate was 1.7 to 2.0 percent.
Most participants judged that a longer-run PCE inflation
rate of 2 percent would be consistent with the Federal
Reserve’s dual mandate; others indicated that inflation
of 1½ percent or 1¾ percent would be appropriate.
Modestly positive longer-run inflation would allow the
Committee to stimulate economic activity and support
employment by setting the federal funds rate temporarily below the inflation rate when the economy suffers a
large negative shock to demands for goods and

Uncertainty and Risks
In contrast to the participants’ views over the past several quarters, in June a majority of participants saw the
risks to their projections for real GDP growth and the
unemployment rate as broadly balanced. In explaining
why they perceived a reduction in downside risks to
the outlook, these participants pointed to the tentative
signs of economic stabilization, indications of some
effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy actions, and
improvements in financial conditions. In contrast, several participants still saw the risks to their GDP growth
forecasts as skewed to the downside and the associated
risks to unemployment as skewed to the upside. Almost
all participants shared the judgment that their projections of future economic activity and unemployment
continued to be subject to greater-than-average uncertainty.17 Many participants again high-lighted the still17. Table 2 provides estimates of forecast uncertainty for the
change in real GDP, the unemployment rate, and total consumer price
inflation over the period from 1989 to 2008. At the end of this sum-

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Table 2. Average historical projection error ranges
Percentage points




Change in real GDP1 .........................................




Unemployment rate1..........................................
Total consumer prices2 ......................................

NOTE: Error ranges shown are measured as plus or minus the root mean squared
error of projections for 1989 through 2008 that were released in the summer
by various private and government forecasters. As described in the box titled
“Forecast Uncertainty,” under certain assumptions, there is about a 70 percent
probability that actual outcomes for real GDP, unemployment, and consumer
prices will be in ranges implied by the average size of projection errors made in
the past. Further information is in David Reifschneider and Peter Tulip (2007),
“Gauging the Uncertainty of the Economic Outlook from Historical Forecasting
Errors,” Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2007-60 (Washington: Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, November).
1. For definitions, refer to general note in table 1.
2. Measure is the overall consumer price index, the price measure that has
been most widely used in government and private economic forecasts. Projection
is percent change, fourth quarter of the previous year to the fourth quarter of the
year indicated.

considerable uncertainty about the future course of the
financial crisis and the risk that a resurgence of financial turmoil could adversely impact the real economy.
In addition, some noted the difficulty in gauging the
macroeconomic effects of the credit-easing policies that
have been employed by the Federal Reserve and other
central banks, given the limited experience with such
Most participants judged the risks to the inflation
outlook as roughly balanced, with the number doing
so higher than in April. A few participants continued
to view these risks as skewed to the downside, and one
saw the inflation risks as tilted to the upside. Some participants noted the risk that inflation expectations might
drift downward in response to persistently low inflation
outcomes and continued significant slack in resource
utilization. Several participants pointed to the possibility of an upward shift in expected and actual inflation if
the stimulative monetary policy measures and the attendant expansion of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet
were not unwound in a timely fashion as the economy
recovers. Most participants again saw the uncertainty
surrounding their inflation projections as exceeding historical norms.

Diversity of Views
Figures 2.A and 2.B provide further details on the diversity of participants’ views regarding likely outcomes
mary, the box titled “Forecast Uncertainty” discusses the sources and
interpretation of uncertainty in economic forecasts and explains the
approach used to assess the uncertainty and risks attending participants’ projections.


for real GDP growth and the unemployment rate in
2009, 2010, 2011, and over the longer run. The dispersion in participants’ June projections for the next three
years reflects, among other factors, the diversity of their
assessments regarding the effects of fiscal stimulus and
nontraditional monetary policy actions as well as the
likely pace of improvement in financial conditions. For
real GDP growth, the distribution of projections for
2009 narrowed and shifted slightly higher, reflecting
the somewhat better-than-expected data received during the intermeeting period. The distributions for 2010
and 2011 changed little. For the unemployment rate, the
surprisingly large increases in unemployment reported
during the intermeeting period prompted an upward
shift in the distribution. Because of the persistence
exhibited in many of the unemployment forecasts, there
were similar upward shifts in the distributions for 2010
and 2011. The dispersion of these forecasts for all three
years was roughly similar to that of April. The distribution of participants’ projections of longer-run real GDP
growth was about unchanged. A few participants raised
their longer-run projections of the unemployment rate,
widening the dispersion of these estimates, as they
incorporated the effects of unexpectedly high recent
unemployment data and of the reallocation of labor
from declining sectors to expanding ones. The dispersion in participants’ longer-run projections reflected
differences in their estimates regarding the sustainable
rates of output growth and unemployment to which the
economy would converge under appropriate monetary
policy and in the absence of any further shocks.
Figures 2.C and 2.D provide corresponding information about the diversity of participants’ views regarding
the inflation outlook. The distribution of the projections
for total and core PCE inflation in 2009 moved upward,
reflecting the higher inflation data released over the
intermeeting period, while distributions for the projections in 2010 and 2011 did not change significantly.
The dispersion in participants’ projections for total and
core PCE inflation for 2009, 2010, and 2011 illustrates
their varying assessments of the effects on inflation and
inflation expectations of persistent economic slack as
well as of the recent expansion of the Federal Reserve’s
balance sheet. These varying assessments are especially
evident in the wide dispersion of inflation projections
for 2011. In contrast, the tight distribution of participants’ projections for longer-run inflation illustrates
their substantial agreement about the measured rate
of inflation that is most consistent with the Federal
Reserve’s dual objectives of maximum employment and
stable prices.


Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

Figure 2.A. Distribution of participants’ projections for the change in real GDP, 2009–11 and over the longer run
Number of participants



June projections
April projections


-2.6--2.4--2.2--2.0--1.8--1.6--1.4--1.2--1.0--0.8--0.6--0.4--0.2-0.0- 0.2- 0.4- 0.6- 0.8- 1.0- 1.2- 1.4- 1.6- 1.8- 2.0- 2.2- 2.4- 2.6- 2.8- 3.0- 3.2- 3.4- 3.6- 3.8- 4.0- 4.2- 4.4- 4.6- 4.8- 5.0-2.5 -2.3 -2.1 -1.9 -1.7 -1.5 -1.3 -1.1 -0.9 -0.7 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.7 4.9 5.1

Percent range
Number of participants



-2.6--2.4--2.2--2.0--1.8--1.6--1.4--1.2--1.0--0.8--0.6--0.4--0.2-0.0- 0.2- 0.4- 0.6- 0.8- 1.0- 1.2- 1.4- 1.6- 1.8- 2.0- 2.2- 2.4- 2.6- 2.8- 3.0- 3.2- 3.4- 3.6- 3.8- 4.0- 4.2- 4.4- 4.6- 4.8- 5.0-2.5 -2.3 -2.1 -1.9 -1.7 -1.5 -1.3 -1.1 -0.9 -0.7 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.7 4.9 5.1

Percent range
Number of participants



-2.6--2.4--2.2--2.0--1.8--1.6--1.4--1.2--1.0--0.8--0.6--0.4--0.2-0.0- 0.2- 0.4- 0.6- 0.8- 1.0- 1.2- 1.4- 1.6- 1.8- 2.0- 2.2- 2.4- 2.6- 2.8- 3.0- 3.2- 3.4- 3.6- 3.8- 4.0- 4.2- 4.4- 4.6- 4.8- 5.0-2.5 -2.3 -2.1 -1.9 -1.7 -1.5 -1.3 -1.1 -0.9 -0.7 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.7 4.9 5.1

Percent range
Number of participants

Longer run


-2.6--2.4--2.2--2.0--1.8--1.6--1.4--1.2--1.0--0.8--0.6--0.4--0.2-0.0- 0.2- 0.4- 0.6- 0.8- 1.0- 1.2- 1.4- 1.6- 1.8- 2.0- 2.2- 2.4- 2.6- 2.8- 3.0- 3.2- 3.4- 3.6- 3.8- 4.0- 4.2- 4.4- 4.6- 4.8- 5.0-2.5 -2.3 -2.1 -1.9 -1.7 -1.5 -1.3 -1.1 -0.9 -0.7 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.7 4.9 5.1

Percent range
NOTE: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Figure 2.B. Distribution of participants’ projections for the unemployment rate, 2009–11 and over the longer run
Number of participants



June projections
April projections


4.4- 4.6- 4.8- 5.0- 5.2- 5.4- 5.6- 5.8- 6.0- 6.2- 6.4- 6.6- 6.8- 7.0- 7.2- 7.4- 7.6- 7.8- 8.0- 8.2- 8.4- 8.6- 8.8- 9.0- 9.2- 9.4- 9.6- 9.8- 10.0-10.2-10.4-10.64.5 4.7 4.9 5.1 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.9 6.1 6.3 6.5 6.7 6.9 7.1 7.3 7.5 7.7 7.9 8.1 8.3 8.5 8.7 8.9 9.1 9.3 9.5 9.7 9.9 10.1 10.3 10.5 10.7

Percent range
Number of participants



4.4- 4.6- 4.8- 5.0- 5.2- 5.4- 5.6- 5.8- 6.0- 6.2- 6.4- 6.6- 6.8- 7.0- 7.2- 7.4- 7.6- 7.8- 8.0- 8.2- 8.4- 8.6- 8.8- 9.0- 9.2- 9.4- 9.6- 9.8- 10.0-10.2-10.4-10.64.5 4.7 4.9 5.1 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.9 6.1 6.3 6.5 6.7 6.9 7.1 7.3 7.5 7.7 7.9 8.1 8.3 8.5 8.7 8.9 9.1 9.3 9.5 9.7 9.9 10.1 10.3 10.5 10.7

Percent range
Number of participants



4.4- 4.6- 4.8- 5.0- 5.2- 5.4- 5.6- 5.8- 6.0- 6.2- 6.4- 6.6- 6.8- 7.0- 7.2- 7.4- 7.6- 7.8- 8.0- 8.2- 8.4- 8.6- 8.8- 9.0- 9.2- 9.4- 9.6- 9.8- 10.0-10.2-10.4-10.64.5 4.7 4.9 5.1 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.9 6.1 6.3 6.5 6.7 6.9 7.1 7.3 7.5 7.7 7.9 8.1 8.3 8.5 8.7 8.9 9.1 9.3 9.5 9.7 9.9 10.1 10.3 10.5 10.7

Percent range
Number of participants

Longer run


4.4- 4.6- 4.8- 5.0- 5.2- 5.4- 5.6- 5.8- 6.0- 6.2- 6.4- 6.6- 6.8- 7.0- 7.2- 7.4- 7.6- 7.8- 8.0- 8.2- 8.4- 8.6- 8.8- 9.0- 9.2- 9.4- 9.6- 9.8- 10.0-10.2-10.4-10.64.5 4.7 4.9 5.1 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.9 6.1 6.3 6.5 6.7 6.9 7.1 7.3 7.5 7.7 7.9 8.1 8.3 8.5 8.7 8.9 9.1 9.3 9.5 9.7 9.9 10.1 10.3 10.5 10.7

Percent range
NOTE: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.



Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

Figure 2.C. Distribution of participants’ projections for PCE inflation, 2009–11 and over the longer run
Number of participants



June projections
April projections


















Percent range
Number of participants



















Percent range
Number of participants



















Percent range
Number of participants

Longer run










Percent range
NOTE: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.









Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Figure 2.D. Distribution of participants’ projections for core PCE inflation, 2009–11
Number of participants



June projections
April projections















Percent range
Number of participants
















Percent range
Number of participants










Percent range
NOTE: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.









Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

July 2009

Forecast Uncertainty
The economic projections provided by the
members of the Board of Governors and the
presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks inform
discussions of monetary policy among policymakers and can aid public understanding of the
basis for policy actions. Considerable uncertainty attends these projections, however. The
economic and statistical models and relationships used to help produce economic forecasts
are necessarily imperfect descriptions of the real
world. And the future path of the economy can
be affected by myriad unforeseen developments
and events. Thus, in setting the stance of monetary policy, participants consider not only what
appears to be the most likely economic outcome
as embodied in their projections, but also the
range of alternative possibilities, the likelihood
of their occurring, and the potential costs to the
economy should they occur.
Table 2 summarizes the average historical
accuracy of a range of forecasts, including those
reported in past Monetary Policy Reports and
those prepared by Federal Reserve Board staff
in advance of meetings of the Federal Open
Market Committee. The projection error ranges
shown in the table illustrate the considerable
uncertainty associated with economic forecasts.
For example, suppose a participant projects that
real gross domestic product (GDP) and total
consumer prices will rise steadily at annual rates
of, respectively, 3 percent and 2 percent. If the
uncertainty attending those projections is simi-

lar to that experienced in the past and the risks
around the projections are broadly balanced,
the numbers reported in table 2 would imply a
probability of about 70 percent that actual GDP
would expand within a range of 2.0 to 4.0 percent in the current year, 1.5 to 4.5 percent in
the second year, and 1.4 to 4.6 percent in the
third year. The corresponding 70 percent confidence intervals for overall inflation would be
1.1 to 2.9 percent in the current year and 1.0
to 3.0 percent in the second and third years.
Because current conditions may differ from
those that prevailed, on average, over history,
participants provide judgments as to whether the
uncertainty attached to their projections of each
variable is greater than, smaller than, or broadly
similar to typical levels of forecast uncertainty
in the past as shown in table 2. Participants also
provide judgments as to whether the risks to
their projections are weighted to the upside, are
weighted to the downside, or are broadly balanced. That is, participants judge whether each
variable is more likely to be above or below
their projections of the most likely outcome.
These judgments about the uncertainty and the
risks attending each participant’s projections are
distinct from the diversity of participants’ views
about the most likely outcomes. Forecast uncertainty is concerned with the risks associated with
a particular projection rather than with divergences across a number of different projections.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System


asset-backed commercial paper
asset-backed securities
American International Group, Inc.
bank holding company
Bank of Japan
Capital Assistance Program
credit default swap
commercial and industrial
commercial mortgage-backed securities
commercial paper
Commercial Paper Funding Facility
compensation per hour
Capital Purchase Program
commercial real estate
disposable personal income
European Central Bank
employment cost index
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Open Market Committee; also, the Committee
gross domestic product
government-sponsored enterprise
individual retirement account
London interbank offered rate
limited liability company
mortgage-backed securities
national income and product accounts
negotiable order of withdrawal
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
overnight index swap
other-than-temporary impairment
personal consumption expenditures
Public-Private Investment Program
Supervisory Capital Assessment Program
special purpose vehicle
Term Auction Facility
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility
Troubled Asset Relief Program
Treasury inflation-protected securities
variable-rate demand obligation
West Texas intermediate