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Efficient Computation with Taste

WP 19-15

Grey Gordon
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Efficient computation with taste shocks∗
Grey Gordon
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
September 11, 2019
First draft: January, 2018.
Working Paper No. 19-15
Taste shocks result in nondegenerate choice probabilities, smooth policy functions, continuous demand correspondences, and reduced computational errors. They also cause significant
computational cost when the number of choices is large. However, I show that, in many economic models, a numerically equivalent approximation may be obtained extremely efficiently.
If the objective function has increasing differences (a condition closely tied to policy function
monotonicity) or is concave in a discrete sense, the proposed algorithms are O(n log n) for n
states and n choices—a drastic improvement over the naive algorithm’s O(n2 ) cost. If both
hold, the cost can be further reduced to O(n). Additionally, with increasing differences in two
state variables, I propose an algorithm that in some cases is O(n2 ) even without concavity (in
contrast to the O(n3 ) naive algorithm). I illustrate the usefulness of the proposed approach in
an incomplete markets economy and a long-term sovereign debt model, the latter requiring taste
shocks for convergence. For grid sizes of 500 points, the algorithms are up to 200 times faster
than the naive approach.
Keywords: Computation, Monotonicity, Discrete Choice, Taste Shocks, Sovereign Default,
Curse of Dimensionality
JEL Codes: C61, C63, E32, F34, F41, F44

Contact: This paper builds on previous work with Shi Qiu, whom I thank. I also thank
Amanda Michaud, Gabriel Mihalache, David Wiczer, and participants at LACEA/LAMES (Guayaquil), EEA/ESEM
(Manchester), and Midwest Macro (Madison) for helpful comments.
The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond or the Board of Governors.




Taste shocks have been widely used in economics. They give nondegenerate choice probabilities and
likelihood functions (Luce, 1959; McFadden, 1974; Rust, 1987); facilitate indirect inference estimation (Bruins, Duffy, Keane, and Smith, 2015); smooth nonconvexities (Iskhakov, Jørgensen, Rust,
and Schjerning, 2017); and make computation possible in consumer (Chatterjee, Corbae, Dempsey,
and Rı́os-Rull, 2015) and sovereign default models (Dvorkin, Sánchez, Sapriza, and Yurdagul, 2018;
Gordon and Querron-Quintana, 2018).1 But for all their advantages, taste shocks come with a significant computational burden. Specifically, to construct the choice probabilities (the “policy function”
one usually uses when using taste shocks), one must generally know the value associated with every
possible choice for every possible state. Consequently, taste shocks imply that computational cost
grows quickly in the number of states and choices.
In this paper, I show there is a way to reduce this cost in many economic models. Specifically, the
cost can be reduced whenever the taste shocks are not very large and the objective function exhibits
increasing differences and/or concavity in a discrete sense. (While the term increasing differences
is uncommon, it is intimately connected with policy function monotonicity and commonly holds, as
I will show.) If taste shocks are not very large, some choices will occur with negligible probability,
and increasing differences and/or concavity lets one determine the location of those choices without
having to evaluate them. The algorithms I propose, which build on Gordon and Qiu (2018a), have
a cost that grows linearly or almost linearly for small taste shocks. With n states and n choices, the
algorithms are O(n log n) for sufficiently small taste shocks if one has monotonicity or concavity
or O(n) if one has both. Compared to the naive case, which has an O(n2 ) cost, the improvement
is dramatic: a doubling of the points leads to doubles or nearly doubles the improvement over the
naive approach. Consequently, the algorithms I propose can be arbitrarily more efficient than the
standard approach. With a two-dimensional state space, the proposed algorithm (for a restricted
class of problems) is O(n2 ) even when only exploiting monotonicity, another drastic improvement
over the naive O(n3 ) algorithm.
I demonstrate the numeric efficiency of the algorithm for quantitatively relevant grid sizes in
two models. The first is a standard incomplete markets (SIM) model developed by Laitner (1979),
Bewley (1983), Huggett (1993), Aiyagari (1994), and others. This model exhibits monotonicity in
two-state variables and concavity, allowing all the algorithms to be evaluated within one model. I
show that for grids of moderate size (500 asset states and choices), the algorithms can be up to 200
times faster than the naive approach. Moreover, to highlight their usefulness, I show taste shocks
are useful in this model for reducing the numerical errors arising from a discrete choice space and
for making excess demand continuous. Further, I show that the optimal taste shock size—in the
The idea of using taste shocks for convergence in sovereign debt models was developed independently by Dvorkin
et al. (2018) and this paper and then followed subsequently by Gordon and Querron-Quintana (2018), Mihalache
(2019), Arellano, Bai, and Mihalache (2019), and others.
Additional applications include use in marriage markets (Santos and Weiss, 2016); dynamic migration models
(Childers, 2018; Gordon and Guerron-Quintana, 2018); and quantal response equilibria (McKelvey and Palfrey,


sense of minimizing average Euler equation errors—is decreasing in grid sizes. This suggests the
theoretical cost bounds, which require small taste shocks, are the relevant ones.
In the SIM model, taste shocks are useful but not necessary for computing a solution. The second
model I use is a long-term sovereign default model that requires taste shocks, or something like
them, for convergence. The model further serves as a useful benchmark because the policy function
is monotone—which implies increasing differences on the graph of the choice correspondence—but
increasing differences does not hold globally. Adopting a guess-and-verify approach, I show the
algorithm works without flaw and is extremely quick.
There are few algorithms for speeding computation with taste shocks. Partly this is because
taste shocks require a discrete number of choices, which precludes the use of derivative-based
approaches. One clever approach is that of Chiong, Galichon, and Shum (2016), which shows there
is a dual representation for discrete choice models. By exploiting it, they can estimate the model
they consider five times faster. In contrast, the approach here can be hundreds of times faster.
Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2016) use lotteries to solve models having quasigeometric discounting.
While the algorithm they use to implement lotteries is efficient, it is also problem specific and
does not apply to the long-term debt model considered here. In contrast, taste shocks provide an
alternative and fast way of doing lotteries.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes taste shocks, shows the usual
structure of choice probabilities by means of an example, and derives the properties that will be
exploited by the algorithms. Section 3 gives the algorithms for exploiting increasing differences
and/or concavity. Section 4 characterizes the algorithms’ efficiency theoretically (characterizing
the worst-case behavior) and numerically in the SIM and sovereign default applications. Section 5
extends the algorithms to exploiting increasing differences in two state variables, characterizing the
performance theoretically and numerically. Section 6 concludes.


Taste shock properties

This section establishes key taste shock properties, which will be exploited later by the algorithms.


The problem and a numerical example

Fix a state i ∈ {1, . . . , n} and let U (i, i0 ) denote the utility associated with choice i0 ∈ {1, . . . , n0 }.
Consider the maximization problem

i0 ∈{1,...,n0 }

U (i, i0 ) + σi0 .



where i0 is a random variable for each i0 . McFadden (1974) pointed out that if the {i0 } are i.i.d. and
all distributed Type-I extreme value,2 then the choice probabilities have a closed form expression3
exp(U (i, i0 )/σ)
P(i0 |i) = Pn0
j 0 =1 exp(U (i, j )/σ)


From (2), it appears that computing P(i0 |i) requires evaluating U at each (i, i0 ) combination.
However, this is not necessarily the case computationally, and an easy way to see this is with a
numerical example. Consider a grid of wealth B = {b1 , . . . , bn } where we take n = 100 and bi = i
(making B = {1, . . . , 100}) for simplicity. Let U (i, i0 ) = log(bi − bi0 /2) + log(bi0 ), corresponding to
a two-period consumption-savings problem, where first-period (second-period) wealth is bi (bi0 ).
Figure 1 plots contours of the log10 choice probabilities—i.e., log10 P(i0 |i)—for σ = 0.01 and σ =
0.0001 for this problem.
-8 6














-81- 6
















Figure 1: Choice probabilities for different taste shock sizes
The white regions in each graph represent (i, i0 ) combinations where—if one knew where they
were—one would not need to evaluate U in order to construct the choice probabilities P. To see this,
one must first note that, on a computer, 1 + ε = 1 if ε > 0 is small enough. The smallest ε for which
1 + ε 6= 1 is called machine epsilon, and, when computation is carried out in double precision (the

The Gumbel distribution, or generalized extreme value distribution Type-I, has two parameters, µ and β with
a pdf β −1 e−z+e where z = (x − µ)/β. This has a mean µ + βγ for γ the Euler-Mascheroni constant. Rust (1987)
focuses on the special case where µ = γ and β = 1. The formulas in this paper also assume this special case.
The expected value of the maximum
P 0 is also given in closed form by the “log-sum” formula,

E maxi0 ∈{1,...,n0 } U (i, i ) + σi0 = σ log
(Rust, 1987, p. 1012). These results follow from
i0 =1 exp(U (i, i )/σ)
the maximum of Gumbel-distributed random variables also being Gumbel distributed.
Note that as the number of choices grow, this expectation tends to infinity. To eliminate this behavior, one can
make the mean of the Gumbel distribution depend on the number of choices. With a suitably chosen mean, the
log-sum formula can be replaced with a log-mean formula. See Gordon and Querron-Quintana (2018) for details.


standard on modern machines), machine epsilon is approximately 10−16 .4 Consequently, the white
region characterizes (i, i0 ) combinations where, as far as the computer is concerned, P(i0 |i) is zero in
the sense that 1 + P(i0 |i) = 1. Hence, if one knew where these state/choice combinations were, one
could just assign U (i, i0 ) = U for a sufficiently negative U , calculate the choice probabilities P(i0 |i)
using (2), and arrive at the same choice probabilities as if one had calculated U (i, i0 ) everywhere.
How can one determine where these low-choice-probability (white) regions are without evaluating U everywhere? There are two ways. First, as evident in the figure, each contour line is
monotonically increasing. (As will be shown, this is a consequence of U exhibiting increasing differences.) To see the importance of this, suppose one knew the choice probabilities P(·|i = 50) and
knew that the lowest 10−16 contour occurs at i0 = 22 (like in the left panel of figure 1). Then, for
i > 50, one knows that i0 < 22 must have a choice probability less than 10−16 . Consequently, one
knows the white region, at a minimum, must include all (i, i0 ) having i > 50 and i0 < 22. Consequently, from just this one piece of information (i.e., P(·, i = 50)) one can immediately eliminate
1,050 evaluations, a savings of 10.5% compared to the naive approach.5 For the smaller taste shock
giving rise to the right panel of figure 1, the savings are close to 25%, again just from one piece
of information. The algorithms I propose will exploit much more than just this information and
produce correspondingly larger gains.
The second way to determine the location of the low-choice-probability region is to note that,
for each i, the set connecting two equal contour probabilities is convex. (This is a consequence of
concavity, or, more accurately, a version of quasi-concavity where the upper contour sets are convex
in a discrete sense.) To see why this is useful, suppose for i = 50 one could find the maximum
i0 = 50 of the no taste shock version quickly (O(log n0 ) evaluations) using Heer and Maußner’s
(2005) binary concavity algorithm. Then one could move sequentially up (down) from i0 = 50 until
reaching the upper (lower) contour—75 (22) for σ = 0.01 and 53 (47) for σ = 0.0001—and then
stop; by concavity, any larger (smaller) i0 must have even lower probability and therefore be in the
white region. Excluding the cost of finding the maximum (i0 = 50 in this case), which is small, this
is extremely efficient because it is evaluating U almost only in the colored region. The algorithms
I propose will use this concavity property by itself or jointly (when applicable) with monotonicity.


Key concepts and formalization of choice probability properties

To formally establish the choice probability properties seen in figure 1, a few definitions are necessary. Define the log odds ratio as


Lσ (j , i |i) := σ log

P(i0 |i)
P(j 0 |i)


= U (i, i0 ) − U (i, j 0 ),


For single precision, which is the usual case for graphics card computation (such as with CUDA), machine epsilon
is close to 10−8 .
The number 1,050 is the cardinality of the set {(i, i0 )|i > 50, i0 < 22, (i, i0 ) ∈ {1, . . . , 100}2 }, and there are 1002
combinations of (i, i0 ), which gives a savings of 1050/1002 = 10.5%.


which uses (2). Denote the optimal value and choices absent taste shocks as
U ∗ (i) =


i0 ∈{1,...,n0 }

U (i, i0 )

G(i) = arg max U (i, i0 ).



i0 ∈{1,...,n0 }

Additionally, denote the log odds ratio of i0 relative to any choice in G(i) as
L∗σ (i0 |i)


:= Lσ (g(i), i |i) = σ log

P(i0 |i)

= U (i, i0 ) − U ∗ (i),


where g(i) is any value in G(i). Note L∗σ (i0 |i) ≤ 0.
As argued above, P(i0 |i), while strictly positive in theory for every choice, is numerically equivalent to zero if it is small enough. To capture this, I will condition the algorithms on an ε > 0 and
treat any choice probability P(i0 |i) < ε as zero. I will say a choice i0 is numerically relevant at i
if P(i0 |i) ≥ ε. A necessary condition for i0 to be numerically relevant at i is given in the following
Proposition 1. For i0 to be numerically relevant at i, one must have L∗σ (i0 |i) ≥ Lσ := σ log(ε).
The proofs for this and the other propositions are given in the appendix.

Monotonicity of relative choice probabilities

I will now establish the monotonicity properties of L∗ , which hinge on U having increasing differences. By definition, U has (strictly) increasing differences on S if and only if U (i, j 0 ) − U (i, i0 ) is
(strictly) increasing in i for j 0 > i0 whenever (i, j 0 ), (i, i0 ) ∈ S.6 (Unless explicitly stated otherwise,
the set S is {1, . . . , n} × {1, . . . , n0 }.) In the differentiable case, increasing differences requires, essentially, that the cross-derivative Ui,i0 be nonnegative. However, differentiability is not required,
and Gordon and Qiu (2018a,b) collect many sufficient conditions for increasing differences.
The main result the algorithms will exploit is summarized in proposition 2:
Proposition 2. Fix an (i, i0 ), let g(i) ∈ G(i), and suppose L∗σ (i0 |i) < Lσ . Then, the following hold:
If i0 < g(i), then L∗σ (i0 |j) < Lσ for all j > i; and
if i0 > g(i), then L∗σ (i0 |j) < Lσ for all j < i.
Hence, if one knows i0 < g(i) (i0 > g(i)) is not numerically relevant at i, then one knows it cannot
be numerically relevant at j > i (j < i) either. In terms of figure 1, and speaking loosely, it says
that the white region below (above) the bottom (top) 10−16 contour expands when moving to the
right (left).7
The order of arguments does not matter, and one could equivalently require U (j, i0 ) − U (i, i0 ) to be increasing
in i for j > i. As one might guess, increasing differences is a very general property, which I have simplified to the
present context. The concept was introduced by Topkis (1978), and, in general, it is a property of a function of two
partially ordered sets (which here are totally ordered). Supermodularity is a closely related property that implies
increasing differences (Topkis, 1978, Theorem 3.1).
If this connection is not clear, note the contours describe {(i, i0 )|P(i0 |i) = ε}. If the necessary condition in
proposition 1 is “close” to sufficient, then the contours are roughly {(i, i0 )|L∗σ (i0 |i) = Lσ }.




Concavity of relative choice probabilities

In addition to exhibiting monotonicity properties, L∗σ can potentially have concavity properties as
well, and these hinge on U having concavity properties. Specifically, say a function f : {1, . . . , n} ×
{1, . . . , n0 } → R is concave if, for any i and any y, {i0 ∈ {1, . . . , n0 }|f (i, i0 ) ≥ y} is a list of integers
with no gaps (e.g., {2,3,4}). Then, we have the following result:
Proposition 3. If U is concave, then the following hold:
If L∗σ (i0 |i) ≥ Lσ and L∗σ (i0 + 1|i) < Lσ , then L∗σ (j 0 |i) < Lσ for all j 0 > i0 ; and
if L∗σ (i0 |i) ≥ Lσ and L∗σ (i0 − 1|i) < Lσ , then L∗σ (j 0 |i) < Lσ for all j 0 < i0 .
In other words, if one knows that i0 could be numerically relevant but that i0 + 1 (i0 − 1) is not,
then all j 0 > i0 (j 0 < i0 ) must be irrelevant. Because U is concave in the example used in figure 1,
the white region above (below) the top (bottom) 10−16 contour is convex, as is the colorful region
between the two contours.8 The algorithms will exploit this to avoid evaluating U in the white


The relationship between monotone policies and increasing differences

In the introduction, I claimed increasing differences is closely connected to policy function monotonicity and holds in many economic models. To back up the first claim, I first note that, under mild
conditions, increasing differences implies monotonicity.9 The reason is not difficult to see. Consider
j > i and g(j) ∈ G(j), g(i) ∈ G(i) (not necessarily with g(j) ≥ g(i)). Then by optimality
U (i, g(j)) − U (i, g(i)) ≤ 0 ≤ U (j, g(j)) − U (j, g(i))


With increasing differences, this is only possible if g(j) ≥ g(i), which gives monotonicity.
Moreover, there is partial converse of this result. Specifically, suppose g is known to be monotone
(or in the general case, where g is not unique, that G is strongly ascending).10 Then taking g(j) ≥
g(i) and (6) gives that U exhibits increasing differences on {(i, i0 )|i ∈ I, i0 ∈ G(i)}. That is,
monotonicity implies the objective function exhibits increasing differences on the graph of the
optimal choice correspondence.
I also claimed increasing differences holds in many economic models. In the weaker sense of
having monotone policies (and thereby having increasing differences on a subset of the choice
and state space), this is obvious: the real business cycle model (RBC), the SIM model, and the
benchmark sovereign default models have monotone policies, along with many others. However, it
The convexity of the colorful region follows as a corollary of proposition 3. Specifically, if L∗σ (i0 |i) ≥ Lσ for
i ∈ {a, b}, then L∗σ (i0 |i) ≥ Lσ for all i0 ∈ {a, . . . , b} (if not, there would be a contradiction of proposition 3).
In particular, the feasible choice correspondence must be ascending (which it is here). In that case, increasing
differences implies the optimal choice correspondence is ascending. This ensures a monotone optimal policy exists.
Moreover, strictly increasing differences implies the optimal choice correspondence is strongly ascending. This ensures
every optimal policy is monotone. See Gordon and Qiu (2018a) for details.
For the general definition, see Topkis (1978); for a simplified one sufficient for the purposes of this paper, see
Gordon and Qiu (2018a).



is also true in the stronger sense of U having increasing differences. E.g., in the RBC and SIM
models, increasing differences holds globally.11 While it does not hold globally in the sovereign
default model presented here, it will be seen that the monotonicity algorithms deliver the correct
result. Hence, even if one cannot prove increasing differences holds globally, a guess-and-verify
approach is attractive.


Algorithms for exploiting choice probability structures

I now lay out the algorithms: first, the algorithm exploiting monotonicity; second, exploiting concavity; and finally, exploiting both simultaneously. The algorithms’ efficiency is explored in Section
4, and exploiting monotonicity in two states is deferred until Section 5.


Exploiting monotonicity

The algorithm for exploiting the monotonicity of L∗ outlined in proposition 2 is as follows:
Algorithm 1: Binary monotonicity with taste shocks
Parameters: a σ > 0, an ε > 0 such that P(i0 |i) < ε will be treated as zero, and Lσ := σ log(ε).
Input: none.
Output: U (i, i0 ) for all (i, i0 ) having P(i0 |i) ≥ ε.
1. Let i = 1 and i := n
2. Solve for U (i, i0 ), and then L∗σ (i0 |i), at each i0 . Find the smallest and largest i0 such that
L∗σ (i0 |i) ≥ Lσ and save them as l(i) and h(i), respectively.
3. Solve for U (i, i0 ) for i0 = l(i), . . . , n0 . Then, solve for L∗σ (i0 |i) for each i0 = l(i), . . . , n0 assuming
that U (i, i0 ) = −∞ for i0 = 1, . . . , l(i) − 1. Find the smallest and largest i0 in {l(i), . . . , n0 }
such that L∗σ (i0 |i) ≥ Lσ and save them as l(i) and h(i), respectively.
4. Main loop:
(a) If i < i + 1, STOP. Otherwise, define m = b(i + i)/2c.
(b) Solve for U (m, i0 ) for i0 = l(i), . . . , h(i). Solve for L∗σ (i0 |m) for each i0 = l(i), . . . , h(i)
assuming that U (m, i0 ) = −∞ for i0 = 1, . . . , l(i) − 1, h(i) + 1, . . . , n0 . Find the smallest
and largest i0 in {l(i), . . . , h(i)} such that L∗σ (i0 |m) ≥ Lσ , and save them as l(m) and
h(m), respectively.
(c) Go to step 4(a) twice, once redefining (i, i) := (i, m) and once redefining (i, i) := (m, i).

Gordon and Qiu (2018b) explicitly prove this for the RBC model, but the proof for the SIM would be virtually


Note that at step 4 of the algorithm, it is always the case (provided U has increasing differences)
that L∗σ (i0 |m) < Lσ for all i0 < l(i) or i0 > h(i), which justifies the algorithm’s treatment of
U (m, i0 ) = −∞ for these choices.
The algorithm as applied to the U (i, i0 ) = log(bi −bi0 /2)+log(bi0 ) example is depicted graphically
in figure 2. The top panel shows the algorithm when n = n0 = 35. The blue dots give the computed
l(·) and h(·) bounds on numerical relevance. The gray, empty circles show where U ends up being
evaluated. For i = 1, nothing is known, and so one must—absent an assumption on concavity—
evaluate U (1, ·) at all i0 . This corresponds to step 2. In step 3, the algorithm moves to i = 35.
There, U (35, ·) is evaluated at {l(1), . . . , n}, but since l(1) = 1 for this example, U (35, ·) is evaluated
everywhere. In step 4, the algorithm goes to 18, the midpoint of 1 and 35. Because l(1) = 1 and
h(35) = 35, U (18, ·) must be evaluated at all i0 again. So far, the algorithm has gained nothing.
However, as the divide-and-conquer process continues, the gains grow progressively larger. After
i = 18, the algorithm goes to i = 9 (b(1 + 18)/2c) and i = 26 (b(18 + 35)/2c). At i = 9, U must
be evaluated at {l(1), . . . , h(18)} = {1, . . . , 21}, a 40% improvement over the 35 from the naive
approach. Each subsequent step reduces the number of evaluations, and, in the final iterations, the
number of evaluations becomes extremely small. For instance, at i = 4, U (4, ·) is evaluated only
at {l(3), . . . , h(5)} = {3, 4, 5}. This is an order of magnitude fewer evaluations than in the naive
Increasing the number of points to 250, as is done in the bottom panel of figure 2, shows the
algorithm wastes very few evaluations. In particular, everywhere in between the blue lines must be
evaluated to construct the choice probabilities, since every choice in that region is numerically relevant. The gray area outside the blue lines are inefficient in the sense that knowledge of U (i, i0 ) there
is not necessary for constructing the choice probabilities, but evidently these wasted evaluations
make up only a small percentage of the overall space.


Exploiting concavity

Using the concavity property established in proposition 3, algorithm 2 identifies the set of relevant
i0 values for a given i.
Algorithm 2: Binary concavity with taste shocks
Parameters: a σ > 0, an ε > 0 such that P(i0 |i) < ε will be treated as zero, and Lσ := σ log(ε).
Input: an i ∈ {1, . . . , n} and a, b such that L∗σ (i0 |i) < Lσ for all i0 < a and i0 > b.
Note that this implies G(i) = arg maxi0 ∈{a,...,b} U (i, i0 ), because i0 ∈ G(i) has L∗σ (i0 |i) = 0 ≥ Lσ .
Output: U (i, i0 ) for all i0 having P(i0 |i) ≥ ε, and l(i), h(i) such that L∗σ (i0 |i) ≥ Lσ if and only if
i0 ∈ {l(i), . . . , h(i)}.
1. Solve for any element g(i) ∈ arg maxi0 ∈{a,...,b} U (i, i0 ) = G(i) using Heer and Maußner’s (2005)
binary concavity algorithm as described in Gordon and Qiu (2018a).
Note: U ∗ (i) = U (i, g(i)), so knowing U (i, i0 ) gives L∗ (i0 |i) = U (i, i0 ) − U ∗ (i).





































94 109 125 140 156 171 187 202 218 234 250

Figure 2: Illustration of algorithm 1 evaluations for two grid sizes


2. Define i0 = g(i)
(a) If i0 = a, STOP. Store i0 as l(i).
(b) Evaluate U (i, i0 − 1). If L∗σ (i0 − 1|i) < Lσ , store i0 as l(i) and STOP.
(c) Decrement i0 by 1 and go to step 2(a).
3. Define i0 = g(i)
(a) If i0 = b, STOP. Store i0 as h(i).
(b) Evaluate U (i, i0 + 1). If L∗σ (i0 + 1|i) < Lσ , store i0 as h(i) and STOP.
(c) Increment i0 by 1 and go to step 3(a).
For an illustration of how algorithm 2 works, consider figure 3. In particular, focus on the middle
column of dots in the top panel, which corresponds to algorithm 2 inputs (i, a, b) = (18, 1, 35). Heer
and Maußner’s (2005) algorithm locates the optimal policy by comparing two adjacent values in
the middle of the {a, . . . , b} range, which in this case are 18 and 19. Since U (18, 18) ≥ U (18, 19),
the algorithm eliminates the range {19, . . . , 35} because there must be a maximum in {1, . . . , 18}.12
The algorithm then compares U (18, i0 ) at i0 = 9 and i0 = 10, which are adjacent points in the
middle of {1, . . . , 18}, and compares them. Since g(18) = 18, this binary up-or-down step proceeds
up, evaluating i0 = 14, 15; then 17, 18; and stops. Having located g(18) = 18, step 2 then moves
sequentially through i0 = 19, 20, . . . and stops when it reaches the not numerically relevant i0 = 22.
Then, step 3 moves sequentially through i0 = 17, 16, . . . and stops when it reaches i0 = 13. In this
case, only four evaluations are wasted—U (18, ·) is evaluated eleven times and it is necessary to
evaluate it seven times—, which represents a savings of 69% (1 − 11/35) over the naive algorithm.
For n = n0 = 250, as in the bottom panel, again only four evaluations are wasted, and the savings,
consequently, are even larger.


Exploiting monotonicity and concavity

I now combine algorithms 1 and 2 to simultaneously exploit monotonicity and concavity. As one
may have already guessed from examining figure 3, doing so will be extremely efficient.
Algorithm 3: Binary monotonicity and binary concavity with taste shocks
Parameters: a σ > 0, a ε > 0 such that P(i0 |i) < ε will be treated as zero, and Lσ := σ log(ε).
Input: none.
Output: U (i, i0 ) for all (i, i0 ) having P(i0 |i) ≥ ε.
There is a subtlety here related to feasibility. The canonical problem in Gordon and Qiu (2018a,b) is (1) with
σ = 0, which assumes that every choice is feasible. However, they prove that, under mild conditions, a more general
problem with nonfeasible choices can be mapped into it. The mapping consists of replacing U (i, i0 ) at non-feasible
(i, i0 ) pairs with a sufficiently negative number (and if a state has no feasible choice at all, replacing it with 1[i0 = 1]),
which produces indifference when both choices are not feasible. They prove the algorithms will deliver correct solutions
if the choice set is increasing in i and, if using concavity, has the form {1, . . . , n̄(i)} for some n̄(·) (see Section D
and especially proposition 6 in Gordon and Qiu, 2018b). Binary concavity works there, in part, because at points of
indifference (which could correspond to two non-feasible choices), the algorithm eliminates the higher range, thereby
moving towards feasible choices (if they exist).





































94 109 125 140 156 171 187 202 218 234 250

Figure 3: Illustration of algorithm 3 evaluations for two grid sizes


1. Let i = 1 and i := n
2. Use algorithm 2 with (i, a, b) = (i, 1, n0 ) to solve for l(i), h(i) and U (i, i0 ) at numerically
relevant i0 .
3. Use algorithm 2 with (i, a, b) = (i, l(i), n0 ) to solve for l(i), h(i) and U (i, i0 ) at numerically
relevant i0 .
4. Main loop:
(a) If i < i + 1, STOP. Otherwise, define m = b(i + i)/2c.
(b) Use algorithm 2 with (i, a, b) = (m, l(i), h(i)) to solve for l(m), h(m), and U (m, i0 ) at
numerically relevant i0 .
(c) Go to step 4(a) twice, once redefining (i, i) := (i, m) and once redefining (i, i) := (m, i).


Algorithm efficiency

This section first establishes theoretical efficiency bounds, and then examines the empirical performance in two common models.


Theoretical worst-case bounds

For all the algorithms, the worst-case behavior can be very bad for two reasons. First, if U (i, ·) is a
constant, then L∗σ (i0 |i) = 0 for all i, i0 . Consequently, l(i) = 1 and h(i) = n0 for all i and U must be
evaluated everywhere. Second, if σ is large enough, every choice will be chosen with virtually equal
probability, which again requires evaluating U everywhere. However, if σ is small and U (i, ·) has a
unique maximizer for each i, then one can obtain the following theoretical cost bounds as stated in
propositions 4, 5, and 6.
Proposition 4. Consider algorithm 1. Suppose U (i, ·) has a unique maximizer for each i. Then
for any ε > 0 and any (n, n0 ), there is a sufficiently small σ(n, n0 ) > 0 such that U is evaluated
at most n0 log2 (n) + 3n0 + 2n times and, fixing n0 = n, the algorithm is O(n log2 n) with a hidden
constant of 1.
Proposition 5. Consider algorithm 2. Suppose U (i, ·) has a unique maximizer for each i. Then
for any ε > 0 and any (n, n0 ), there is a sufficiently small σ(n, n0 ) > 0 such that U is evaluated at
most 2n log2 (n0 ) + 3n times if n0 ≥ 3 and, fixing n0 = n, the algorithm is O(n log2 n) with a hidden
constant of 2.
Proposition 6. Consider algorithm 3. Suppose U (i, ·) has a unique maximizer for each i. Then for
any ε > 0 and any (n, n0 ), there is a sufficiently small σ(n, n0 ) > 0 such that U is evaluated fewer
than 8n + 8n0 + 2 log2 (n0 ) times and, fixing n0 = n, the algorithm is O(n) with a hidden constant of


Numerical example #1: Bewley-Huggett-Aiyagari

The previous subsection established very efficient worst-case bounds for the case of small taste
shocks. I now explore the algorithm’s efficiency properties numerically for moderately sized taste
shocks, quantifying the trade-off between taste shock size and speed.

Model description

The incomplete market model I consider is from Aiyagari (1994) with a zero borrowing limit. The
household problem can be written
V (a, e) = max
u(c) + βEe0 |e V (a0 , e0 )
a ∈A



s.t. c + a0 = we + (1 + r)a
where A is a the asset choice and state space. The equilibrium prices w and r are determined by
optimality conditions of a competitive firm and given by r = FK (K, N ) − δ and w = FN (K, N ).
Aggregate labor and capital are given by N = edµ and K = adµ, respectively, where µ is the
invariant distribution of households.
To map this into a discrete problem with taste shocks, take A = {a1 , . . . , an } and assume the
support of e is finite also. Then one can write
W (i, e) = E  max

u(we + (1 + r)ai − ai0 ) + βEe0 |e W (i0 , e0 ) +σi0  .

i0 ∈{1,...,n} |

=:U (i,i0 ;e)

When a choice i0 is not feasible for some e, Gordon and Qiu (2018a) prove the algorithms will still
work provided a large negative number is assigned to U (i, i0 ; e) there.13

The trade-off between speed and taste shock size

Figure 4 shows the algorithm performance for commonly used grid sizes at differing levels of taste
shock sizes. The performance is measured in two ways. The primary measure is evaluation counts,
which is used in the left panels. This is a programming-free and system-independent way to measure
performance. The secondary way is run times, which is used in the right panels. This metric depends
on programming and the processing system used.
First consider the top left panel. This gives the evaluation count speedup—i.e., the ratio of n2
(the naive algorithm’s evaluation counts) to the proposed algorithm’s evaluation count—for using
monotonicity and concavity together (algorithm 3). Proposition 6 shows that this speedup at worst
grows linearly when taste shocks are sufficiently small. And as seen in the blue line, where taste
shocks are very small, the speedup in fact grows linearly. Consequently, algorithm 3 is around 140
In the case that all the i0 are not feasible, one should assign a large negative number to each choice but an even
more negative number to i0 = 1.


times faster than the naive algorithm by the time n = n0 = 500. As the size of taste shocks grow,
which increases size of the numerically relevant region, performance necessarily worsens and speedup
no longer grows linearly. However, as will be shown later, the optimal taste shock size—in the sense
of minimizing Euler equation errors—goes to zero as the number of gridpoints grows. Consequently,
if one is using taste shocks for this reason, one can in fact expect very good performance as one
progresses upward, from the orange (circled), to green (dotted), to red (dashed), and to blue (solid)
For algorithms 1 and 2, which exploit only monotonicity (middle left panel) and concavity (bottom left panel), respectively, the speedup is almost linear for small taste shocks. This is guaranteed
by the theory, as the speedup must grow linearly up to a log factor. Again, larger taste shocks
diminish performance.
None of the algorithms attain linear speedup when measuring speedups in run times (in the right
panels). The reason, ironically, is that all three of the algorithms are quite efficient. Consequently,
the time spent on maximization of the objective function, which is where the algorithms help,
becomes small in comparison to the other necessary parts of the solution (such as computing
expectations). Nevertheless, one can still expect an order of magnitude gain for the moderate grid
sizes considered here.

Optimal taste shock levels

The previous subsection showed the performance of the algorithms is much greater for small taste
shocks. I now show that (1) there is an optimal, in the sense of minimizing Euler equation errors,
taste shock size; and (2) that this value tends to zero as grid sizes increase. Consequently, the
algorithms’ performance for smaller taste shocks is the most relevant metric, and, as seen, the
performance is very good.
First, consider how taste shocks change the optimal policy as illustrated in figure 5. Absent
taste shocks, consumption (in the top left panel) exhibits a saw-tooth pattern that is familiar to
anyone who has worked with these models. Using taste shocks, as in the top right panel, smooths
out “the” consumption policy—i.e., the expected consumption associated with a given asset and
income level (integrating out the taste shock values), E c(a, e, ).
The effect on the Euler equation errors can be large. At medium levels of asset holdings, the
errors drop by as much as two orders of magnitude. However, at the upper bound and lower bound
of the grid, there is not necessarily any improvement. The reason is that the consumption policy
is being treated as E c(a, e, ), and so the calculation does not account for the points where the
borrowing constraint (or saving constraint) are binding for only some . This can be seen for the
high-earnings policy in which the borrowing constraint is not binding and the Euler error is small.
Figure 6 shows a clear trade-off between shock size and the average Euler errors. At small values
of taste shocks, the comparatively large errors are driven by the discrete grid. At large taste shock
sizes, the errors are instead driven by “mistakes” coming from agents purposely choosing positions
that have comparatively low utility U (i, i0 ) but large taste value i0 . The optimal value for this













































Figure 4: Algorithm speedup by taste shock magnitude and grid size
















































Figure 5: Policy and Euler error comparison


calibration and grid size is around 10−2.6 ≈ 0.002, which is the value used in figure 5.

Figure 6: Taste shocks’ impact on Euler errors
Clearly, as grid sizes increase, the first type of error falls. The second type of error, however,
does not tend to change. The import of this is that the optimal taste shock size—in the sense of
minimizing average Euler equation errors—is diminishing in grid size. This is revealed in figure 7,
which plots average Euler equation errors for differing grid and taste shock sizes. For grids of 100,
σ = 0.1 is optimal. This decreases to σ = 0.01 for grid sizes of 250. For grids of 1,000, the optimal
size falls by another order of magnitude to σ = 0.001.
For the grid sizes here, the difference between an optimal taste shock size and an arbitrary size
is one to two orders of magnitude. Additionally, a 250-point grid with an optimally chosen σ is far
better (with average errors around 4 ≈ 10−.6 times smaller) than a 1,000-point grid with no taste
shocks. Consequently, taste shocks are a cost-effective way—when using the proposed algorithms—
of reducing computational error. Moreover, the fact that the optimal σ is decreasing in grid size
implies that the algorithms’ speedups grow linearly or almost linearly when using optimal taste
shock magnitudes.

















Figure 7: Euler errors by taste shock magnitude and grid size





Two more advantages of taste shocks: market clearing and calibration

We also briefly point out two more advantages of having preference shocks. First, provided the
utility function U moves continuously in the underlying object, the policy functions (averaged
across choice probabilities) do as well. This has many benefits, one of which can be seen in figure
8, a reproduction of the classic market clearing figure in Aiyagari (1994). In the top panels, it
seems that as the interest rate r increases, the implied aggregate asset holdings labeled Ea(r)
increases continuously. However, upon further inspection in the bottom panels, aggregate assets
actually move discontinuously for σ = 0. For some parameterizations, this is more of an issue than
for others. Here, K(r), firms’ demand for capital, falls close to Ea(r) for r ≈ 0.014. However, the
model rules out the possibility that capital would be between 7.7 and 8, which could be an issue in
calibration. In contrast, for σ > 0.01, demand moves continuously.












































Figure 8: Market clearing in Aiyagari (1994)
A second advantage is that taste shocks aid in calibration and estimation, a point made, e.g.,
in Bruins et al. (2015). Consider, for simplicity, trying to choose the depreciation rate δ, to match
some target interest rate. Increasing δ lowers firm capital demand, shifting K(r) down in a parallel

fashion.14 In the bottom left panel, one can see this shift down in K(r) (the red dashed line)
would at first lower the equilibrium interest rate r∗ and equilibrium capital K ∗ in a fairly smooth
fashion. But, after reaching the gap in the supply of capital that occurs between K ∈ [7.7, 8], an
equilibrium does not even approximately exist.15 Consequently, whatever “equilibrium” moment the
code returned for r∗ or K ∗ would be arbitrary and not necessarily vary smoothly in δ. In contrast,
taste shocks typically make the equilibrium moments vary smoothly in δ and other parameters,
facilitating moment-based estimation techniques.


Numerical example #2: Sovereign default

While taste shocks are very useful in the SIM model above, for decades the profession has made
due without them because they are, strictly speaking, not necessary. A class of models where taste
shocks, or something like them, are necessary is sovereign default models with long-term bonds
(which were first considered by Hatchondo and Martinez, 2009, and Chatterjee and Eyigungor,
2012). I will now show that, in that class of models, convergence fails absent taste shocks (but can
hold with them). I will then characterize the algorithm speedup, which turns out to be very similar
to the speedup in the SIM model.

Model description

The model has sovereign with a total stock of debt −b and output y. If the sovereign decides to
default on its debt, the country moves to autarky with output reduced by φ(y). The country returns
from autarky with probability ξ, in which case all its outstanding debt has gone away. When not
defaulting and not in autarky, the sovereign has to pay back (λ + (1 − λ)z)(−b), reflecting that
λ fraction of the debt matures and, for the fraction not maturing, a coupon z must be paid.
Additionally, the sovereign issues −b0 + (1 − λ)b units of debt at price q(b0 , y)—the price depends
only on the next period total stock of debt and current output because they are sufficient statistics
for determining repayment rates.
The sovereign’s problem may be written
V (b, y) = max (1 − d)V r (b, y) + dV d (y)

where the value of repaying is
V r (b, y) = max
u(c) + βEy0 |y V (b0 , y 0 )
b ∈B


s.t. c = y − q(b , y)(b0 − (1 − λ)b) + (λ + (1 − λ)z)b

In particular, K(r) is given implicitly by r = FK (K(r), N ) − δ.
Of course, an equilibrium does exist, but constructing it involves using demand correspondences and exploiting
points of indifference, not the simple policy functions here.


and the value of default is
V d (y) = u(y − φ(y)) + Ey0 |y (1 − ξ)V d (y 0 ) + ξV (0, y 0 )
Let the optimal bond policy for the V r problem be denoted a(b, y).
The price schedule q is a solution to q = T ◦ q where

(T ◦ q)(b0 , y) = (1 + r∗ )−1 Ey0 |y (1 − d(b0 , y 0 )) λ + (1 − λ)(z + q(a(b0 , y 0 ), y 0 ) ,


with r∗ an exogenous risk-free rate. The price schedule reveals a fundamental problem with using
a discrete grid B in this model: very small changes to q can cause discrete changes in a, which then
cause discrete changes in T ◦ q that inhibit or prevent convergence. The literature has found ways to
get around this issue. E.g., Hatchondo and Martinez (2009) use continuous choice spaces with splines
and seem to not have convergence troubles, and Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012) incorporate a
continuously distributed i.i.d. shock to facilitate convergence. Taste shocks are, however, a simpler
option that accomplishes the same task.
Taste shocks can be added to either the default decision, the debt issuance decision, or both.
For expositional simplicity, I add them only to the debt issuance decision, which will be sufficient
to generate convergence.16 Taking B = {b1 , . . . , bn }, I define


V (i, y) = E



i0 ∈{1,...,n}


u(c) + βEy0 |y V (i , y ) + σi0

s.t. c = y − q(bi0 , y)(bi0 − (1 − λ)bi ) + (λ + (1 − λ)z)bi
(while also changing V and V d to use indices instead of bond values). The price schedule update
then becomes

∗ −1

(T ◦ q)(i , y) = (1 + r )



Ey0 |y (1 − d(i , y )) λ + (1 − λ)(z +


00 0




P(i |i , y )q(i , y )




The advantage of using taste shocks is that P(i00 |i0 , y 0 ) moves continuously in the q guess. Consequently, T ◦ q changes little when q changes little, except when the default decision d changes. In
contrast, in (8), small changes in q can result in discontinuous jumps in a, which then create large
jumps in T ◦ q as Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012) discuss.17

A previous version of the paper, available by request, combined the repayment and default decision into one
choice, which can be considerably faster.
Another issue here is that, as the number of choices grow, V r will tend to infinity because the support of the taste
shocks is infinite. As discussed in Gordon and Querron-Quintana (2018), a good way to correct this is to make the
mean of the taste shocks dependent on the grid size. This converts the “log-sum formula” from Rust (1987) into a
“log-mean” formula, which eliminates this systematic growth in V r .
Why is it important to smooth jumps in a more than jumps in d? Consider the case of V r and V d being close to
their fixed points with V r not almost identical to V d . Then, small changes in q will not change the default decision
but may change the policy a in a substantial way, thereby affecting T ◦ q.



Convergence only with preference shocks

Figure 9 shows the lack of convergence for σ = 0, even after 2,500 iterations with a relaxation
parameter above 0.95 and with 300 income states.18 In contrast with σ = 10−4 , convergence happens
without any relaxation. For the intermediate case of σ = 10−6 , convergence does not occur without
relaxation, but as soon as the relaxation parameter begins increasing (which happens at the 500th
iteration, as seen in the bottom panel), the sup norms for V and q trend downward.




















Figure 9: Convergence and lack of it with long-term debt


Monotone policies, but not necessarily increasing differences

Using results from Gordon and Qiu (2018b), increasing differences of the objective function will
hold globally if c(b, b0 ) := y − q(b0 , y)(b0 − (1 − λ)b) + (λ + (1 − λ)z)b is increasing in b, decreasing in
b0 , and if c has increasing differences. All of these hold except for possibly c decreasing in b0 . With
short-term debt λ = 1, c may not be decreasing in b0 because q is non-monotone; with long-term
debt λ < 1, the situation is even worse because of debt dilution (see Hatchondo, Martinez, and
The relaxation parameter is the constant θ used when updating q in the fixed point iteration algorithm. Specifically, at iteration t, one has a guess qt and computes an update T ◦ qt . The guess at iteration t + 1 is then
qt+1 = θqt + (1 − θ)(T ◦ qt ). See Judd (1998) for more details.


Sosa-Padilla, 2014, 2016 for details). However, one can also show, using results from Gordon and
Qiu (2018a), that the policy function absent taste shocks is nevertheless monotone, which implies
increasing differences holds on the graph of the optimal choice correspondence.
Can the monotonicity algorithms be used without a proof of increasing differences? Yes. Analogously to figure 2, figure 10 plots choice probability contours for an intermediate level of output computed without any monotonicity assumptions. Both the double precision cutoff of P(i0 |i) ≥ 10−16
and the single precision cutoff of P(i0 |i) ≥ 10−8 are monotone. This means the monotonicity algorithm applied to either of these cutoff levels will work correctly. However, this behavior is not
guaranteed, so one should use caution.
A good way to be cautious is to use a guess-and-verify approach, computing the optimal policy
assuming the algorithms work and lastly checking, using the naive algorithm, whether the computed
V and q functions constitute an equilibrium. Note that as the final verification step is only one
iteration out of several hundred or thousands, its overall cost is small.









Figure 10: Choice probabilities





Empirical speedup

As can be seen in figure 11, the algorithm’s speedups are essentially identical to those in the incomplete markets model. In particular, the speedups grow almost linearly as measured by evaluation
counts provided σ is close to zero. However, convergence cannot be obtained for very small σ.
The best performance—while still obtaining convergence—occurs for σ between 10−5 and 10−6 .
There, the algorithm is twelve to twenty-four times more efficient than the naive algorithm, a large






















Figure 11: Default model speedups and iterations to convergence


Exploiting monotonicity in two states

So far, I have focused on the one-dimensional case. But in many cases there can be monotonicity
in more than one state variable, such as in the incomplete markets model where the savings policy
is monotone bonds and earnings. I now show how the ideas from the one-state-variable algorithms
can be extended to having two state variables.



The algorithm

Consider a problem with a two-dimensional state space (i1 , i2 ) ∈ {1, . . . , n1 } × {1, . . . , n2 }. Defining
everything analogously to section 2, e.g.,

i0 ∈{1,...,n0 }


U (i1 , i2 , i0 ) + σi0


exp(U (i1 , i2 , i0 )/σ)
P(i0 |i1 , i2 ) = PN
j 0 =1 exp(U (i1 , i2 , j )/σ)


all the preceding results for the one-dimensional case go through holding the other state fixed. In
particular, propositions 1 and 3 are unchanged (except replacing i with i1 , i2 ), while the monotonicity result in proposition 2 becomes
Lσ (j 0 , i0 |i1 , i2 ) is

decreasing in i1 and i2 if j 0 > i0
increasing in i1 and i2 if j 0 < i0



The below algorithm exploits monotonicity (and, if applicable, concavity) in an efficient way.
Algorithm 4: Binary monotonicity in two states with taste shocks
Parameters: a σ > 0, an ε > 0 such that P(i0 |i1 , i2 ) < ε will be treated as zero, and Lσ := σ log(ε).
Input: none.
Output: U (i1 , i2 , i0 ) for all (i1 , i2 , i0 ) having P(i0 |i1 , i2 ) ≥ ε.
1. Solve for U (·, 1, i0 ) using algorithm 1 or 3. Save the l function from it as l(·, 1).
2. Solve for U (·, n2 , i0 ) using algorithm 1 or 3 while only checking i0 ≥ l(·, 1). Save the h function
from it as h(·, n2 ). Set (i2 , i2 ) := (1, n2 ).
3. Main loop:
(a) If i2 < i2 + 1, STOP. Otherwise, define m2 = b(i2 + i2 )/2c.
(b) Solve for U (·, m2 , i0 ) using algorithm 1 or 3 but restricting the search space additionally
to l(·, i2 ) and h(·, i2 ). Save the l and h coming from the one-state algorithm as l(·, m2 )
and h(·, m2 ), respectively.
(c) Go to step 3(a) twice, once redefining (i2 , i2 ) := (i2 , m2 ) and once redefining (i2 , i2 ) :=
(m2 , i2 ).


Theoretical cost bounds

The theoretical cost bounds in the two-state case are more difficult to establish. The following
proposition shows, for a subset of problems, that the algorithm performs very efficiently.
Proposition 7. Consider algorithm 4 for exploiting monotonicity only (i.e., using algorithm 1
instead of 3). Suppose that, for each i1 , i2 , U (i1 , i2 , ·) has a unique maximizer g(i1 , i2 )—monotone

in both arguments—and that n1 , n2 , n0 ≥ 4. Let λ ∈ (0, 1] be such that for every j ∈ {2, . . . , n2 − 1},
one has g(n1 , j) − g(1, j) + 1 ≤ λ(g(n1 , j + 1) − g(1, j − 1) + 1).
Then for any ε > 0 and any (n1 , n2 , n0 ), there is a σ(n1 , n2 , n0 ) > 0 such that U is evaluated fewer
than (1+λ−1 ) log2 (n1 )n0 nκ2 +3(1+λ−1 )n0 nκ2 +4n1 n2 +2n0 log2 (n1 )+6n0 times where κ = log2 (1+λ).
Moreover, for n1 = n0 =: n and n1 /n2 = ρ with ρ a constant, the cost is O(n1 n2 ) with a hidden
constant of 4 if (g(n1 , j) − g(1, j) + 1)/(g(n1 , j + 1) − g(1, j − 1) + 1) is bounded away from 1 for
large n.
To see the large potential benefit of the algorithm, note that in the special case of n1 = n2 =

=: n, the O(n1 n2 ) behavior is O(n2 ), which grows increasingly efficient compared to the naive

algorithm’s n3 cost. I now turn to how the algorithm fairs in the incomplete markets model.


Empirical speedup

Figure 12 reveals the evaluation counts per state σ ≈ 0 (in the top panel) and σ = 10−3 (in the
bottom panel). As suggested (though not guaranteed for all U ) by proposition 7, for σ ≈ 0 the
two-state monotonicity algorithm’s evaluations counts fall and seem to level off at slightly more
than 3.0 by the time #A = 500 and #E = 50 are reached. This is around a 167-fold improvement
on brute force and is obtained without an assumption on concavity. When also exploiting concavity,
the evaluation counts fall to around 2.4, a 208-fold improvement on brute force. As it is always
necessary to have at least an evaluation count of 1 (which is required simply to evaluate U at a
known optimal policy), the algorithm is extremely efficient in this case.
With larger σ, the evaluation counts continue to rise in grid sizes, resulting in less dramatic
speedups. For instance, at the largest grid size, the two-state algorithms and monotonicity with
concavity all have evaluation counts of around seventeen. While this is not the dramatic 200 times
better than brute force, it is still twenty-nine times better.



Taste shocks have a large number of advantages, but they also imply a large computational cost
when using naive algorithms. By using the proposed algorithms, this cost can be drastically reduced
if the objective function exhibits increasing differences or concavity. This behavior was proven
theoretically for very small taste shocks and demonstrated empirically for larger taste shocks.
Consequently, the algorithms proposed in this paper should enable the computation of many new
and challenging models.






















Figure 12: Evaluations per state


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Calibration [Not for publication]

For the SIM model, I follow the calibration in Aiyagari (1994) fairly closely, using constant relative
risk aversion (CRRA) of 3, a discount factor of β = 0.96, depreciation of δ = 0.08, and a capital

share of α = 0.36. The earnings process follows an AR(1) with a persistence parameter of 0.9
and innovation standard deviation of 0.4. The asset grid is linearly spaced from zero to δ 1/(α−1) ,
where the maximum is essentially that used by Aiyagari. I discretize the income process using
Tauchen’s (1986) method with a varying number of points (depending on whether the one- or twostate algorithm is being used) and a linearly spaced grid covering three unconditional standard
For the sovereign default model, I follow closely the calibration in Chatterjee and Eyigungor
(2012). The default cost φ(y) = max(0, yφ0 + y 2 φ1 ) with (φ0 , φ1 ) = (−0.18819, 0.24558). The
discount factor is β = 0.95402, and flow utility has CRRA of 2. The income process is an AR(1)
with a persistence parameter of 0.9485 and innovation standard deviation of 0.27092. The maturity
rate λ = 0.05, the coupon rate is z = .03, and the probability of escaping autarky is ξ = 0.0385. I
discretize the income process using Tauchen’s method with 300 points and a linearly spaced grid
covering three unconditional standard deviations. (A large number of discretization points smooths
out jumps in T ◦ q, allowing a smaller taste-shock size to be used while still obtaining convergence.)
The bond grid is linearly spaced from -0.7 to 0.


Proofs [Not for publication]

Proof of proposition 1.
L∗σ (i0 |i) =
i is numerically relevant at
 i, 0P(i|i) ≥ ε. By

P(i |i)
P(i |i)
Lσ (g(i), i0 |i) = σ log P(g(i)|i)
. Since P(i0 |i) ≥ ε, σ log P(g(i)|i)
≥ σ log P(g(i)|i)
. Lastly, since

P(g(i)|i) ≤ 1, σ log P(g(i)|i)
≥ σ log (ε) =: Lσ . Hence, P(i0 |i) ≥ ε implies L∗σ (i0 |i) ≥ Lσ .

Proof of proposition 2. Recall Lσ (j 0 , i0 |i) = U (i, i0 )−U (i, j 0 ). Increasing differences implies U (i, i0 )−
U (i, j 0 ) < U (j, j 0 ) − U (j, j 0 ) if i0 > j 0 and j > i. Consequently, Lσ (j 0 , i0 |·) is increasing if i0 > j 0 .
Similarly, increasing differences implies U (i, i0 ) − U (i, j 0 ) > U (j, j 0 ) − U (j, j 0 ) if j 0 > i0 and j > i.
Hence, Lσ (j 0 , i0 |·) is decreasing if j 0 > i0 . Summarizing,
Lσ (j 0 , i0 |·) is

decreasing if j 0 > i0
increasing if j 0 < i0



Now suppose L∗σ (i0 |i) = Lσ (g(i), i0 |i) < Lσ , i0 < g(i) and j > i. Then Lσ (g(i), i0 |·) is decreasing.
Since j > i, one has Lσ (g(i), i0 |i) ≤ Lσ (g(i), i0 |j) < Lσ as well. Therefore,
Lσ > Lσ (g(i), i0 |j)
= U (j, i0 ) − U (j, g(i))
≥ U (j, i0 ) − U (j, g(j))
= Lσ (g(j), i0 |j)
= L∗σ (i0 |j),
where the second inequality follows from the optimality of g(j).

Symmetrically, suppose L∗σ (i0 |i) < Lσ , i0 > g(i), and j < i. Then Lσ (g(i), i0 |·) < Lσ is increasing.
Since j < i, one has Lσ (g(i), i0 |j) ≤ Lσ (g(i), i0 |i) < Lσ as well. Therefore,
Lσ > Lσ (g(i), i0 |j)
= U (j, i0 ) − U (j, g(i))
≥ U (j, i0 ) − U (j, g(j))
= L∗σ (i0 |j),
where the second inequality follows from the optimality of g(j).
Proof of proposition 3. Since U is concave, L∗σ (i0 |i) = U (i, i0 ) − U (i, g(i)) is concave (thinking of L∗
as a function taking {1, . . . , n} × {1, . . . , n0 } to R, which is denoted L∗σ (i0 |i) rather than L∗σ (i, i0 )).
To prove L∗σ (i0 |i) ≥ Lσ and L∗σ (i0 + 1|i) < Lσ implies L∗σ (j 0 |i) < Lσ for all j 0 > i0 , suppose not.
Then there is some j 0 > i0 having L∗σ (j 0 |i) ≥ Lσ (and clearly j 0 > i0 + 1). Consequently, the upper
contour set {ĩ0 |L∗σ (ĩ0 |i) ≥ Lσ } has i0 and j 0 > i0 in it but not i0 + 1. Therefore, L∗σ is not concave,
which is a contradiction. The fact that L∗σ (i0 |i) ≥ Lσ and L∗σ (i0 − 1|i) < Lσ implies L∗σ (j 0 |i) < Lσ
for all j 0 < i0 can be proved in the same way.
Proof of proposition 4. Note that L∗σ (i0 |i) = U (i, i0 ) − U (i, g(i)) is invariant to σ. Additionally,
L∗σ (i0 |i) ≤ 0 with equality if and only if i0 = g(i). The cutoff Lσ = σ log(ε) < 0 can be made
arbitrarily close to zero by decreasing σ. Consequently, for a small enough σ, the condition L∗σ (i0 |i) ≥
Lσ is satisfied if and only if (i0 , i) = (g(i), i). In this case, l(i) and h(i) equal g(i).
For l and h equal to g, step 4 evaluates U (m, i0 ) only at {g(i), . . . , g(i)}. This is the same
as in Step 3 of Gordon and Qiu (2018a). Similarly, step 2 (3) evaluate U (1, i0 ) (U (n, i0 )) only at
{1, . . . , n0 } ({g(1), . . . , n0 }). This is the same as in step 1 (2) of Gordon and Qiu (2018a). Since
the same divide and conquer step is used, the total number of evaluations of U does not exceed
(n0 − 1) log2 (n − 1) + 3n0 + 2n − 4 (proposition 1 in Gordon and Qiu, 2018a). Simplifying this
expression by making it slightly looser gives the desired result.
Proof of proposition 5. As in the proof of proposition 4, we note that for small enough σ one has
l(i) and h(i) equal to g(i). In this case, the algorithm reduces to binary concavity as stated in
Gordon and Qiu (2018a) except for steps 3 and 4 of algorithm 2. For small enough preference
shocks, each of these requires 1 additional evaluation—specifically U (i, g(i) − 1) and U (i, g(i) + 1),
respectively—, which results in 2n extra evaluations overall. Gordon and Qiu (2018a) show binary
concavity for a fixed i requires at most 2dlog2 (n0 )e − 1 evaluations if n0 ≥ 3 and n evaluations for
n0 ≤ 2. Consequently, for n0 ≥ 3 there are at most n·(2+2dlog2 (n0 )e−1) evaluations for proposition
5 if n0 ≥ 3. Simplifying, there are fewer than 2n log2 (n0 ) + 3n evaluations required.
Proof of proposition 6. As in the proof of proposition 4, we note that for small enough σ one has
l(i) and h(i) equal to g(i). In this case, the algorithm reduces to binary monotonicity with binary
concavity as stated in Gordon and Qiu (2018a) except for steps 3 and 4 of algorithm 2. For small

enough preference shocks, each of these requires 1 additional evaluation—specifically U (i, g(i) − 1)
and U (i, g(i) + 1), respectively—, which results in 2n extra evaluations overall. Consequently, the
6n + 8n0 + 2 log2 (n0 − 1) − 15 bound in proposition 1 of Gordon and Qiu (2018a) becomes 8n + 8n0 +
2 log2 (n0 − 1) − 15. Simplifying slightly by making the bounds looser gives the desired result.
Proof of proposition 7. As in the proof of proposition 4, we note that for small enough σ, one has
l and h equal g. Consequently, when using algorithm 1 at each step, the algorithm reduces to the
two-state binary monotonicity algorithm in Gordon and Qiu (2018a). Proposition 2 of Gordon and
Qiu (2018a) then gives the desired upper bound and O(n1 n2 ) behavior.