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Working Paper 79-4


Timothy Cook

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
September 1979*

*Revised April 1980

The views expressed here are solely those of
the author and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.

Determinants of the Spread Between Treasury Bill and
Private Sector Money Market Rates *
The purpose of this paper is to explore the reasons underlying
the variable and sometimes very large differentials between United States
Treasury bill rates and private sector U.S. money market rates of comparable

The movement of these differentials over time is illustrated in

Figure 1, which shows the spread between the average yield on prime private
sector money market instruments and the market yield on Treasury bills from
1963 through 1977.l
There are two possible explanations for the movement in spreads
between Treasury bill rates and rates on other money market instruments of
equal maturity.

Each explanation is consistent with a different view of

the behavior of investors in the money market.


The first view is the

"perfect substitutes" view which holds that investors arbitrage across
instruments to keep yields, adjusted for risk and taxes, equal.


to this view, all sustained movements in yield spreads can be accounted
for by factors such as varying risk, maturity, or tax status of securities.
Observed yield spreads occur simply because calculated yield series are
before-tax promised yields to maturity.
The second view of investor behavior is the "imperfect substitutes"
or "preferred habitat" view.

The essence of this view is that for reasons

of regulation, tradition, taxation, or accessability, different investors
tend to hold different types of financial instruments.

As a result, changing

conditions in a particular sector of the money market may influence yield
spreads over a significant period of time.

Of course, the two views are

not mutually inconsistent and one can argue that observed yield spreads
are affected by both types of influences.
The question of the determinants of the differentials between
Treasury bill rates and other money market rates is not an empty one.


*The author would like to acknowledqe the very helpful comments of
an anonymous referee.


some econometric models the Treasury bill rate is the key short-term
rate and other short-term rates are simply determined by the level of
the bill rate.

For instance, in the 1978 MIT-PENN-SSRC model the bill

rate is determined in the bank reserves market, and the commercial paper rate
is a linear function of the bill rate.3

This approach implicitly assumes

that the perfect substitutes theory is the correct view of yield determination in the money markets.

Through a term-structure relationship,

the commercial paper rate in the MPS model feeds into the corporate bond
rate, which is an important determinant of real sector activity.


if the perfect substitutes assumption is invalid, the model's ability to
forecast economic activity is weakened.
The most common explanation of the movement in the spreads between
Treasury bill and other money market rates is one consistent with the
perfect substitutes view of investor behavior.
explanation, these spreads are


to this

caused by a cyclical risk premium pushing

up the observed yields on private sector money market instruments relative
to the yields on Treasury bills.

However, the spreads between private sector

money market rates and bill rates frequently behave quite differently than
other yield spreads that isolate the influence of cyclical risk premiums.
These latter spreads generally do not rise much until the onset of a
recession and typically peak near the end of a recession.

In contrast,

the spreads between private sector money market rates and bill rates have
risen well before the beginning of recessions and have generally
sharply prior to the end of recessions.


As a simple test of this observa-

tion, the correlation coefficients for the spread between Moody's corporate
Baa and Aaa bond rates and the spreads between private sector money market


3 -

rates and bill rates were calculated over the 1963-.77 period shown in
Figure 1.

The correlation coefficient between the Moody's bond yield

spread and the spread between the high grade prime commercial paper rate
and the bill rate is .087.

The correlation coefficient between Moody's

bond yield spread and the spread between the prime CD rate and the bill
rate is .135.

Neither of these correlation coefficients is significantly

different from 0 at the 10 percent level.

Consequently, cyclically

varying risk premia appear not to provide a complete explanation of the
movement in the spreads between private money market and Treasury bill rates.
The rest of this paper presents an explanation of the spreads


between bill yields and other money market yields that allows for the
influence of preferred habitats as a determinant of those spreads.


is assumed at the outset that commercial paper, CD, and bankers acceptance
rates behave in a manner consistent with the "perfect substitutes" view
of the financial market.

This assumption is based on the fact that the

correlation coefficients between the monthly changes of any two of these
three series are all .95 or higher.

In contrast, the correlation coefficient

between monthly changes in the bill and commercial paper rates is only .71,
the correlation coefficient between monthly changes in the bill and CD
rates is .76, and the correlation coefficient between monthly changes in
the bill rate and the bankers acceptance rate is -78.


Preferred Habitats and Limited Habitats in the Treasury Bill Market
A fundamental characteristic


of the bill market has been the erratic

of the household sector.

The general pattern of this participation

in recent years is shown in Table 1 using annual Flow of Funds data.

Column (1)

of the table shows the total increase in bills outstanding net of foreign,


Federal Reserve, and the U.S. government holdings; this column represents
the net flow of bills absorbed by the private domestic economy.

Column (2)

shows the net change in the holdings of the household sector, while
column (3) shows the net change in holdings of the rest of the domestic
private economy.

The table illustrates that in periods of rising interest

rates-- 1966, 1969, 1973, 1974--the household sector has typically purchased
large amounts of bills while other domestic investors have decreased their
holdings of bills.
The pattern of bill holdings shown in Table 1 occurs because household investment behavior has been limited by the institutional framework
of the money market.


When interest rates rise above Regulation Q interest

rate ceilings at commercial banks and thrift institutions, households
naturally want to take advantage of high market yields.

However, CD's are

issued in minimum amounts of $100,000 and commercial paper is issued in
minimum amounts of $25,000 to $100,000 and is usually traded in lots of
$100,000 or more.


a large segment of the household sector

has been effectively limited to purchasing bills among the money market

To call this behavior on the part of households "preferred"

is something of a misnomer.

The phenomenon can more accurately be described

as one of "limited habitat," a term to be used for the remainder of this
The behavior of the household sector described above is not

incompatible with perfect substitution in the aggregate.

The theory does require, however, that the impact of abrupt shifts in
household purchases of bills on spreads between private sector and bill
yields be quickly offset by the reaction of other investing sectors of
the economy.

The decline in the holdings of bills, shown in Table 1,


by private domestic investors other than the household sector in such
periods as 1966, 1969, 1973, and 1974 confirms that these sectors have
reacted to rising spreads between private sector money market rates and
bill rates in those periods.


the levels of bill holdings

of most nonhousehold sectors have remained substantial even in periods of
large positive spreads between other money market yields and bill yields.
To investigate this question further, it is useful to break down the nonhousehold domestic private economy into four sectors:

banks, state and

local governments, nonbank financial institutions, and nonfinancial
corporate businesses.

Table 2 shows Flow of Funds estimates of these

four sectors' holdings of bills from 1972 IV, when short-term rates were
at a cyclical trough, to 1974 III, when these rates reached a cyclical

The table shows that all four sectors reduced their holdings of

bills over the 1972 IV to 1974 III period.

The nonfinancial corporate

sector, with the smallest holdings of bills, reduced its holdings
92.1 percent to a negligible level.

State and local governments and

nonbank financial institutions reduced their holdings of bills by
56.6 percent and 17.7 percent, respectively.

The commercial banking

sector, with the largest holdings of bills, reduced those holdings by
27.4 percent.
Why did banks, state and local governments, and nonbank financial
institutions continue to hold substantial amounts of bills in the face of
the large spreads between bills and private money market instruments that
developed in the 1973-74 period?

For the banking sector, which held 57

percent of the bills owned by domestic private investors other than households as of 1974 III, there are numerous reasons why CD's, bankers acceptances,
and commercial paper are imperfect substitutes for bills.

First, banks in


most states have "pledging requirements" under which they have to purchase
selected assets equal to a certain percent (typically around 100 percent)
of their state and local deposits.


In addition banks have to pledge assets

against 100 percent of the noninsured portion of their Treasury deposits.
Treasury bills are always acceptable pledging assets for state and local
deposits while private sector money market instruments are almost never

Second, in more than one-half of the states, nonmember banks

have reserve requirements

that can be partially, and in some cases totally,

satisfied by holding earning assets.


Unpledged Treasury bills are generally

acceptable for this purpose, while private sector money market instruments are
seldom acceptable.

Third, banks acquire immediately available funds through

the sale and subsequent "repurchase" of securities to businesses and state and
local governments.

These funds are free of reserve requirements

if the

securities involved are those of the United States or Federal agencies.


Lastly, bank regulators frequently judge a bank's capital adequacy by its
ratio of equity to risky assets.


Risky assets are defined to be total

assets less cash and U.S. government securities.

Hence, the greater the

holding of U.S. securities, as opposed to other money market instruments,
the greater the capital adequacy ratio.
With regard to state and local governments, this sector by tradition
has not been very yield conscious.

More importantly, most state and local

governments have legal prohibitions

on the type of assets they can hold.'

In most states the permissible

types of public fund investments include time

and savings deposits with instate financial institutions and U.S. government
securities or guaranteed securities of U.S. agencies.

The purchase of com-

mercial paper and BAs is generally prohibited as is the purchase of out-ofstate CD's.

Instate CD's are generally permissible, but frequently have to


be pledged by the issuing bank with selected assets, which, as indicated
above, include Treasury bills.
The nonbank financial institutions category includes numerous
financial intermediaries,

such as nonbank deposit institutions, credit unions,

pension funds, and insurance companies.


the Flow of Funds

does not provide estimates of short-term U.S. government holdings for each
of these sectors, only for the total.

Other sources seem to indicate that

the nonbank deposit institutions and credit unions held a significant amount
of short-term U.S. securities in 1974.

These institutions have liquidity

requirements that can be satisfied by holding Treasury bills.


however, some other instruments, such as CDs, also qualify.


there is no readily apparent explanation for the willingness

this group

to hold bills in the 1973-74 period.
The argument to this point has been that, especially in periods
of heavy household demand, a large percentage of bills has been held by
investors for whom other money market instruments are imperfect substitutes.
For these investors--many

households, banks, state and local governments--

bills have been the preferred or only available habitat among money market
instruments for the reasons discussed above.

This phenomemon might explain

why these sectors hold bills in the face of yield spreads that are above a
desired risk premium.

This is not evidence, however, in support of the

converse of this argument.

That is, there is no apparent reason why

holders of money market instruments other than bills would not switch to
bills in the face of yield spreads below a desired risk premium.

If this

is the case, then the demand for bills in the aggregate would be asymmetric
with respect to the spread between other money market rates and bill rates:
a fall in the spread below a necessary risk premium would have a greater
impact on demand than a rise in the spread above a necessary risk premium.

- 7a -


Specification of the Regression Model
The discussion in the previous section points to

the money market

two features of

(through 1977) that should be taken into account in

explaining historical spreads between Treasury bill and other money market

First, investors in the money market fall into two categories.

The first type of investor (Sector 1)--corresponding

roughly to a large

part of the household sector --has been limited to the purchase of bills
among money market instruments.

The rest of the domestic economy

(Sector 2) is able to purchase bills or other money market instruments.


The second feature of the market for bills and other money market
instruments is the asymmetric behavior of Sector 2.

On the one hand, for

reasons discussed above many investors who hold bills have not viewed other
money market instruments as perfect substitutes for bills.

On the other

hand there are no apparent non-rate factors influencing the decision to
shift to bills when spreads between other money market rates and bill rates
fall below the going risk premium on private sector money market instruments.

the demand for bills by Sector 2 may have been asymmetric with

respect to the spread between bill rates and other money market rates.
These two features of the money market are incorporated into a
simple model below.

The model consists of a Treasury bill market (TB) and

a market for private sector money market instruments (MM).

There are two

sectors on the demand side--Sector 1 and Sector 2--and the supplies of bills
and other money market instruments are assumed to be exogenous with respect
to the spread between bill rates and other money market rates.

For Sector 1

the demand for bills is a function of the spread between the bill rate (RTB)
and the Regulation Q ceiling rate on time deposits of less than a year (RTD).
The demand for other money market instruments is 0 because of Sector l's
limited habitat.

Xl is a scale variable for Sector 1, to be defined below.




al(RTB-RTD)Xl + blX1





Sector 2 has two sets of demand equations, one in operation when (RMM-RTB) is
above the current risk premium (RSK) on MM and a second when (RMM-RTB) is below
the current risk premium on MM.



X2 is a scale variable for Sector 2, defined be low

-a2(RMM-RTB)X2 + b2X2
when RMIM - RTB > RSK




c2(RMM-RTB)X2 + d2X2






-e2(RMM-RTB)X2 + b2X2
when RMM - RTB < RSK




g2(RMM-RTB)X2 + d2X2

where it is expected that e2 > a2
g2 ' c2
For the case when (RMM-RTB) > RSK, the market clearing equations in
the two markets are

TR = al(RTB-RTD)Xl + blX1
- a2(RMM-RTB)X2 + b2X2


MM = c2(RMM-RTB)X2 + d2X2
(5) from (6) yields
MM - TB = -al(RTB-RTD)Xl + (a2+c2)(RIlM-RTB)X2
- blX1 + (d2-b2)X2

At this point the simplifying assumption is made that the growth of the two
scale variables--Xl

and X2 --is roughly proportional

of total money market instruments outstanding.

Xl = c(l(MM+TB)




to growth in the volume

That is, we assume

= a2(MM+TB)

(8) and (9) into (7) and solving for (RMM-RTB) yields


5 b101-(d2-b2)a2 +






For the case when (RMM-RTB)<RSK, equation 10 becomes





- 10 -


(e2+g2) by assumption is greater than (a,+c,), the

coefficients of the limited habitat variable,
security supplies variable,

(RTB-RTD), and the relative

(MM-TB)/(MM-t-TB),are expected to be smaller

in equation (10') than in equation (10).

If the "perfect substitutes"

view applies to the case when (RMM-RTB) < RSK, then the coefficients e


and g2 would be extremely high and the expected coefficients of the limited
habitat and relative security supplies variables in equation (10') would
be 0.
Ideally, equations (10) and (10') would be estimated directly.

this can not be done because it presupposes knowledge of

the current risk premium, RSK.

To fix RSK at a constant level would be

to assume away one of the two competing theories explaining the movement
in the (RMM-RTB) spread, i.e., it would assume away the possible influence
of a cyclical risk premium on the spread.
estimation procedure was chosen.

For this reason an alternative

This procedure was to estimate the


RMM-RTB = gll*K + g21*(RTB-RTI))*K + g31*RSS*K + g41*RSK*K
*(RTB-RTD)( 1-K) + g32*RSS(l-K) + g42*RSK(l-K)
+ 821 *(l-K) + g22

where RSS is now used to denote the relative security supplies variable,

Proxies for RSR are specified below.

K in equation (10") is a dummy variable that takes on values of 1
in periods when the limited habitat and relative security supplies variable
are putting upward pressure on (RMM-RTB) and which otherwise equals zero.
Clearly, the key decision to be made in taking this approach is when to set
K equal to 1.

In making this decision it is useful to examine the relation-

ship over the estimation period between the limited habitat variable,


- 11 -

and (RMM-RTB).

This relationship is shown in Figure 2.

The figure indicates

that a change in the relationship between (RTB-RTJJ) and (RMM-RTB) occurs in

neighborhood of (RTB-RTD) values of 1.0 percentage point.

On the basis

of this information, the rule chosen to select values of K was:

1 if (RTB-RTD) 2


0 if (RTB-RTD) < c

where c is a constant.


In this framework two sets of coefficients are

estimated in equation (10"): one for when (RTB-RTD) is above the constant c
and one when (RTB-RTD) is below c.
ranging from .5 to 1.5 are tested.
of time


In the regressions below values of c
In the remainder of this paper the set

periods when K equals 1 is referred to as Regime 1 and the set of

time periods when K equals 0 is referred to as Regime 2.
The expected signs of the coefficients of the limited habitat and
relative security supplies variables in equation (10") are:
' 0
821' 831 =

g22' '32


821 ' 822
'31 ' '32
As before, the impact on the spread of the independent variables is assumed
to be asymmetric.

In the extreme case where, risk aside, bills are perfect

substitutes for other money market instruments, the expected value of g22
and g32 would be 0, since movement in the spread below the going risk premium
resulting from low values of the independent variables would quickly be offset
by arbitrage activity of investors switching out of private sector money
market instruments into bills.
The expected signs of the coefficients of RSK are:

'41' '42
g42 2 q+l


- 12 .

The expected relative magnitude of the coefficients
the coefficients of the other variables.

of RSK depends on

If the coefficients

of (RTB-RTD)

and RSS are zero in both regimes, then RSK is the only factor affecting
the yield spread in both regimes and we would expect the two coefficients
of RSK to be equal.

.On the other hand if the coefficients of (RTB-RTD)

and RSS are positive in Regime 1, then movements

in RSK may have little influence over the (RMM-RTB) spread in that:period because, as


the spread may be above

the required rink ~rcniun.



Empirical Results
Before proceeding

to the estimation of equation (lo"), two matters

with respect to the measurement

of the relative security supplies variable,

RSS, have to be discussed, and a proxy to .pick up the possible influence of
a cyclical risk premium on the spreads between bill rates and private sector
money market rates needs to be specified.

RSS is constructed as



where CP = commercial paper
CD = negotiable CD's of weekly reporting banks
BA = bankers acceptances of domestic nonfinancial business
TB = Treasury bills, net of foreign, Federal Reserve, and
U.S. government holdings
All four series are end-of-quarter

data from the Flow of Funds.

The first

question with respect to relative security supplies, is whether to use
seasonally adjusted or unadjusted data.

A view that has received support

in the financial press is that the impact of seasonal movements in the
supply of bills has created seasonal movements
private money market rates and bill rates.

in the spreads between

Lawler [ll] has provided

- 13 -

strong evidence that

(1) there has.been a very

definite seasonal in the

level of spreads between private sector yields and bill, yields and (2) this
seasonal has been closely related to the seasonal in the supply of bills
by the Government.
This raises the question as to whether the relative security supply
variable should be constructed using unadjusted data or seasonally adjusted
data with quarterly seasonal dummies.

Since there is no seasonal in the Flow

of Funds CD data and since.the seasonals in the commercial paper and
bankers' acceptances data are minor, this amounts to asking whether the
impact on the yield spread of the seasonal component of the movement in
bills should be any different than the impact of the nonseasonal component.
There is .no compelling reason why these components should be different,
although one possible argument is that the impact of the seasonal component
should be less since it is anticipated.

A response to this argument,is

that the nonseasonal movement in bills is also anticipated.

in the financial markets


forecast Federal borrowing activity

and these forecasters

focus on total financial needs, not just seasonal


unadjusted data are used in the regressions below.


The second issue concerning RSS is the exclusion of holdings of
the foreign sector.

The assumption made here is that purchases of U.S.

money market instruments by the foreign sector are exogenous with respect
to the spread between the bill rate and other U.S. money market rates.


great bulk of foreign holdings of U.S. money market instruments are Treasury

Foreign Treasury bill purchases are completely dominated by foreign

central bank purchases related to exchange rate support operations.
central banks confine their activity to bills.


As a result their purchase

- 14 -

of bills is not sensitive to the relative yields on bills versus other
money market instruments.

Foreign holdings of bankers acceptances in

the Flow of Funds coincide closely with foreign supplies so here too the
assumption that these holdings are exogenous with respect to the spread
between bill rates and other money market rates appears appropriate.
Flow of Funds lists no foreign holdings of U.S. commercial paper.
main problem with the exogeneity assumption occurs with CDs.



Flow of

funds data show a significant amount of foreign time deposit holdings
($20.5 billion at the end of 1977).


there is no breakdown

of these time deposits into CD and non-CD components.



foreign holdings of CDs may be left in the RSS variable.
Two proxies are used for RSK in an attempt to capture any impact
of cyclically varying risk premia on the spread between the private money
market and bill rates.

These are the percentage change in real GNP and MOOD,

a consumer sentiment variable used by Jaffee [lo].
The private sector money market rate used in this study is an
average of the prime CD rate, the high-grade prime commercial paper rate
and the yield on prime bankers acceptances.

These rates, taken from

Salomon Brothers An Analytical Record of Yields and Yield Spreads, are
averages of beginning and end-of-month rates.
bills is a daily average rate.
averages of monthly rates.

The market yield on Treasury

Quarterly rates used in the study are

All yields are calculated on a 365-day bond

equivalent basis and are averages of three- and six-month rates.



the Salomon Brothers' CD rate series does not begin until 1962, the period
of analysis is restricted to 1963 I to 1977 N.


The estimation period

ends in 1977 because of institutional changes in the money market in 1978
and 1979 that expanded the options available to the household sector.
These changes are discussed below.

- 15 -

When the regressions

in this section were initially run, the

statistics were in a range ofl.O

to 1.3.



regressions were rerun using generalized least squares under the assumption
of first order autocorrelation

in the residuals.


Both current and lagged

values of the limited habitat variable were tested in the regressions.
none of the equations did MOOD enter with the expected sign.



the reported regressions do not include this variable.
To establish a standard of comparison, equation (10") was first run
without breaking the sample into two periods (i.e. with K=l in all periods).
The regression results are reported in equation (1) -of Table 3.
provide support for the habitat model.

The results

The coefficients of both the limited

habitat and relative security supply variables are significant at the 5 percent level using a one-tail test.

The coefficient of the percentage change

in real GNP (GNP) is zero.
The asymmetric version of the habitat model was tested with values
of c of .5, .75, 1.0, 1.25, and 1.5.

The value of c for which the sum of

squared residuals (SSR) was the lowest was 1.0.

This value for c set K

equal to 1 in 20 quarters, including 1969 I-IV, 1970 I-IV, 1973 I-IV, 1974

1975 I, 1975 III-IV,

SSR when
c was

c was

set at

1977 IV.

set at 1.25 percentage


(K=l in 23 quarters).


was only


a slight


(K=l in 18 quarters)

The SSR rose more


in the
or when
as c was

raised to 1.5 (K=l in 15 quarters) or lowered to .5 (K=l in 26 quarters).


The regressions results, reported in equation (2) of Table 3, provide
support for the asymmetric version of the habitat model.

When K=l (i.e. when

RTB-RTD 2 l.O), the coefficients of the limited habitat and relative security
supplies variables are positive and significant at the 5 percent level.

the coefficient of the RSK proxy is 0.

When K=O (i.e. when

- 16 .
RTB-RTD < l.O), the coefficients

of the limited habitat and relative

security supplies variable are very small and not significant.
In this regime the coefficient

of the RSK proxy is negative,(actually

positive, since a decline in the growth rate of real GNP implies an
increase in RSK) and significant at the 10 percent level using a onetail test.
The regressions in Table 3 were also run with the CD rate minus
the Treasury bill rate as the dependent variable.
sumption that CDs, bankers acceptances,
stitutes," the results were virtually



As expected, given the as-

and commercial paper are "perfect sub-

the same as those reported in Table 3.

in 1978 and 1979 Affecting Short-Term Yield Spreads

Two major developments

greatly changed the institutional


ment in the United States money market in the 1978-79 period of rising
interest rates.

The first was the introduction at the deposit institutions

in June 1978 of "money market certificates" with Regulation Q ceiling _.
tied to the six-month Treasury bill rate.
of these certificates were outstanding.

By February 1980, $306.7 billion
The second major institutional

development was the rapid growth of money market mutual funds.

From the

beginning of 1978 through February 1980 these funds grew from $3.9 billion
to $56.7 billion.
In the context of the framework presented in this paper, the intro.duction of money market certificates
funds could be expected to diminish

and the rapid growth of money market
the spreads between private sector

money market rates and bill rates in a period of'high interest rates in
two ways.

First, by tying the six-month time deposit ceiling rate to the

bill rate the money market certificates directly affect the level of the
limited habitat variable.

That variable was roughly 0 from mid-1978

- 17 .

through the first quarter of 1979.

In the absence of,money. market.

the limited habitat variable would have risen to over 460

basis points by the first quarter of 1979, thereby greatly increasing the
household -sector's demand for .bills.
Second, the rapid growth of the money market funds can be expected
to diminish the coefficients of the limited habitat and relative security
supply variables for two reasons.

First, these funds introduce a third

.alternative to those who previously were limited to deposits or bills.
In periods of rising spreads between private sector rates and bill rates,
the yield on many money market funds will rise relative to the yield on

In these circumstances househslds will now have the-option of

switching out of bills into money market funds.

Furthermore, money

market funds are a new sector that is highly sensitive to yield spreads.
That is, with a few exceptions,

they are institutions for whom the "per-

fect substitutes" view of investor behavior is probably quite accurate.

the aggregate substitution of private sector money market

for bills in period of rising spreads should be greater than

in the past.
If the general explanation

for the observed yield spreads between

bill rates and the money market rates presented

in this paper is correct,

can be expected for the reasons presented in this section that these

spreads will not again reach the levels of 1974.


In contrast,

if a cyclical risk premium has been the driving force behind the spreads,
there is no reason why they will not again rise to past levels.

Summary and Conclusions
This article has provided evidence that (1) the limited habitat of
the household sector in the money market,

(2) the preferred habitats of

- 18 -

other sectors such as commercial banks and state and local governments, and
(3) relative security supplies have combined to cause yield spreads between
bill rates and private sector money market rates to move substantially over

The major channel underlying

the large and variable spreads between

bill rates and private sector money market rates has occurred when market
yields rise relative to maximum time deposits yields.

In such periods

households, which have had limited access to other money market instruments, have greatly increased their demand for Treasury bills.


sectors have reacted in varying degrees to the increasing differential
between private sector money market rates and bill rates by decreasing
their holdings of bills, but the reaction in the aggregate has been
insufficient to eliminate the differential.
While evidence has been presented that private sector money market
instruments have been imperfect substitutes for bills, there appears to be
little support for the converse of this argument.

Hence, on the one hand,

the "preferred habitat" view of investor behavior is helpful in explaining
the behavior of spreads between private sector money market yields and bill
yields when these spreads rise above a desired risk premium.

On the other

hand the "perfect substitutes" view of investor behavior appears to hold in
the aggregate when forces are putting downward pressure on the spread to
move below a desired risk premium.

As shown in Chart 1, this behavior has

created a floor under which the spreads between private money market rates
and bill rates do not fall.
Finally, institutional developments
1970's have fundamentally

in the United States in the late

changed the environment in which short-term yield

are determined.

The introduction of money market certificates

and the rapid growth of money market funds should have two effects.


- 19 -

they should prevent the limited habitat variable from rising in periods
of rising market rates.

Second, the presence of money market funds should

increase the amount of substitution in the aggregate between bills and
private sector money market instruments in periods when private sector
rates rise relative to bill rates.

Both of these developments should

work to prevent spreads between bill rates and private money market rates
from approaching past peak levels.


1. The 1963 to 1977 period is used throughout the paper. As will
be explained in detail later in the paper, the beginning of this period
was chosen because of data availability, while the end was chosen due to
institutional changes in the money market in 1978 and 1979 that affect the
arguments presented in the paper. The yield series in Figure 1 are also
described later in the paper.


2. These alternative views have been described repeatedly elseSee, for instance, Roley [14], Jaffee [lo], and Cook and Hendershott


This process is described in detail in Crews [6].

4. It will be argued later, however, that institutional changes
in 1978 have occurred that have largely eliminated this limitation.
5. For a description of these requirements, see Haywood [8], the
Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Full Insurance of Government Deposits [l], and the
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations [2].
6. Gilbert and Lovati
these requirements.

[7] provide a state by state description of


See Lucas [13].


See Summers [16].


These prohibitions are described in detail in [3].

10. This would be a relatively simple application of splined
regression [15] were it not for the fact that there is more than one
independent variable in equation (10"). There is no a priori reason for
making the switching rule dependent on the behavior of (RTB-RTD) rather
than RSS, other than the fact that (RTB-RTD) experiences very sharp
cyclical movements, while RSS moves gradually over time.
11. A factor ignored throughout this discussion is the status of
interest on Federal securities as exempt from state (and local) income
taxes. It is probable that this status did not influence the (RMM-RTB)
spread in either of the regimes discussed in the paper. In Regime 1
households,who do not have access to other money market instruments, are
the net purchasers of Treasury bills. In Regime 2, financial institutions,
state and local governments, and to a lesser extent nonfinancial corporations,
are the net purchasers of Treasury bills. State and local governments do not
pay state and local taxes. Financial institutions in 20 to 25 percent of the
states pay taxes on net worth or capital, as opposed to income. In most of
the other states financial institutions do pay a tax related to income. However, in almost all cases this tax is labelled a "franchise" or an "excise"
tax. By designating the tax this way, states bring interest income from
Federal securities under the income tax. In some states nonfinancial
corporations also pay a franchise or excise tax, although in other states
they do pay a true "income" tax. The one combination of circumstances in

which one might'expect the tax status of Treasury bills to af‘fect the
(RMM-RTB) spread would be if households were heavy net purchasers of bills
and if households had access to private -sector money market instruments.'
It is argued later in the paper that this set of circumstances characterized
the late 1970's.

The specific Flow of Funds data used to construct
+ 723131403
+ 123169605
.- 873061215

(MM-TB) was:

Total Commercial Paper Outstanding
Total CDs Oustanding
Bankers Acceptances of Domestic Nonfinancial
Domestic Private Holdings of Treasury Bills

13. For instance, this thesis has been repeatedly expounded in
Salomon Brothers' Comments on Credit.
14. The average of the three- and six-month rates, as opposed to
one.or the other, is used in the paper because the relative magnitude of
the (RMM-RTB) spread at the three- and six-month maturities has varied
substantially; that is, the yield curves for RMM and RTB behave differently
over the sample period. The reason for this interesting question in
itself. A strong possibility is that expectations of bill rate movements
are influenced by the current relationship of bill rates to other money
market rates. In any case since there was no reason to choose the threemonth maturity over the six-month maturity, or vice versa, a simple average
of the two was used.
15. Lawler [12] has argued that the correct dependent variable to use
in default'risk regressions is the "adjusted" yield spread, (RM?+RTB)/(l+R?MM>,
This measure is constant
where all interest rates are measured in fractions.
given a constant probability of default at maturity.
However, when both
securities in question are very low risk, such as in the present case, it
makes very
little difference whether the spread or the adjusted spread is
used. For instance, the spread rises from 22 basis points in the fourth
quarter of 1965 to 310 basis points in the third quarter of 1974. The
adjusted spread rises from 22 basis points to 302 basis points over the
same period, only a difference of 8 basis points. The regression results
with the two measures are virtually identical. Hence, the results with the
spread as the dependent variable are reported in this paper.

16. There is no a priori reason to expect the spread between private
sector money market rates and Treasury bill rates to affect the level of
relative security supplies, since neither the Federal government nor the
private sector can switch from supplying Treasury bills to supplying
private sector money market instruments, or vice versa, in response to
changing interest rate spreads. Hence, the assumption of one-way causality
running from relative security supplies to the interest rate spread is valid.
17. K was set equal to 1 if the current or lagged values of (RTB-RTD)
were greater than or equal to c. The SSR in the five cases were c=l, 3.836;
c-1.25, 3.864; c=.75, 4.014; c=1.50, 4.049; c=.50, 4.588.

18. According to Winningham [17, p. 281, as of March 1979 roughly
$17.7 billion of the funds invested in money market certificates was drawn
from sources other than deposits at banks and the thrift institutions.
is reasonable to assume that in the absence of money market certificates
(and money market funds), most of this $17.7 billion would have gone into
the Treasury bill market.

See Cook and Duffield


20. In 1978 and 1979 the (RMM-RTB) spread averaged 71 basis points
and 95 basis points,respectively.
Interestingly, the spread between RMM and
RTB jumped sharply in the period immediately following the imposition on
March 15, 1980 of a 15 percent reserve requirement on assets above a base
level at money market funds. In the five weeks following March 15 the
spread between the three-month Treasury bill rate and the three-month prime
CD rate, which had been at a level of about 1 percentage point, rose to
235 basis points (Wall Street Journal rates). The data on noncompetitive
bids at Treasury bill auctions indicates a sharp rise in the purchases of
bills by individuals over the same period. In the 10 weekly auctions prior
to March 15 the average amount of noncompetitive awards was 20.0 percent.
the five weekly auctions following march 15 the average amount of noncompetitive
awards jumped to 27.6 percent. This translates into an increased demand for
bills by individuals of over $500 million per week.

Table 1
(Annual changes in millions)


- 3129







- 6835





- 1862


- 2542


- 3777












- 1902


- 4551






- 5449












- 8317







- 9343





- 6485


- 1533






1979 III




Flow of Funds, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System. The Flow of Funds
code numbers are: 873061215 Total Domestic Private
153061215 Household Sector

Table 2
(Quarterly levels in millions)




State and Local

Private Nonbank
Financial Institutions


1972 IV







1973 I







1973 II







1973 III







1973 IV







1974 I







1974 II







1974 III







1974 IV








Flow of Funds, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Total Private Domestic
Commercial Banks
State and Local Governments
Private Nonbank Financial Institutions
Nonfinancial Corporate Business

The Flow of Funds code numbers are:

Table 3


Summary Statistics














( .13)






( .48)




( .Ol)




( .40)












Independent Variables

t-statistics are in parentheses.
The SE and fi2 are for the untransformed
The estimation period covers 60 quarters from 1963 I through
1977 IV.

. . ...- .













1. Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Full Insurance of Government Deposits,
Conference of Presidents, Federal Reserve System, Final Report and Recommendations, Washington, D. C. (September 4', 1979).
2. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, The Impact
of Increased Insurance on Public Deposits, Washington, D. C.$ Government
Printing Office (January 1977).
Understanding State and Local Cash Management,
Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office (May 1977).
4. T. Q. Cook and J. G. Duffield, "Money Market Mutual Funds:
A Reaction to Government Regulations or a Lasting Financial Innovation?"
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Review, (July/August 1979).
and P. H. Hendershott, "The Impact of Taxes, Risk
and Relative Security Supplies on Interest Rate Differentials," Journal
of Finance, (September 1978), pp. 1173-1186.
6. J. M. Crews, "Econometric Models: The Monetarist and Non-Monetarist
Views Compared," Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Monthly Review, (February
1973), pp. 3-16.
7. R. A. Gilbert and J. M. Lovati, "Bank Reserve Requirements and
A Comparison Across States," Federal Reserve Bank of
Their Enforcement:
St. Louis Review, (March 1978), pp. 22-32.
8. C. F. Haywood, The Pledging of Bank Assets: A Study of the
Problem of Security for Public Deposits, Association of Reserve City Bankers,
Chicago, (1967).

9. P. H. Hendershott and D. S. Kidwell, "The Impact of Relative
A Test with Data from a Regional Tax-Exempt Market,"
Security Supplies:
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, (August 1978).
10. D. M. Jaffee, "Cyclical Variations in the Risk Structure of
Interest Rates," Journal of Monetary Economics, (July 1975), pp. 305-325.
11. T. A. Lawler, "Seasonal Movements in Short-Term Yield Spreads,"
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Review, (July/August 1978), pp. 10-17.
"Yield Spreads, Relative Yield Spreads and Default
Risk," The Financial'Review, (Winter 1980), pp. 55-60.
13. C. M. Lucas, M. T. Jones, and T. B. Thurston, "Federal Funds
and Repurchase Agreements," Federal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly
Review, (Summer 1977), pp. 33-48.
14. V. V. Roley, "Federal Debt Management Policy: A Re-Examination
of the Issues," Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Review,
(February 1978), pp. 14-23.

15. P. L. Smith, "Splines as a Useful and Convenient Statistic
Tool," The American Statistician, (May 1979), pp. 57-62.
Perspectives and
16. B. J. Summers, "Bank Capital Adequacy:
Review, (July/
August 1977), pp. 3-8.
17. J. S. Winningham, "The Effects of Money Market Certificates
of Deposit on the Monetary Aggregates and Their Components: An Empirical
Investigation," Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Review,
(July/August 1979).