Full text of U.S. Financial Data : Week Ending October 11, 1967
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3£fp hM DATA u.s.WeekFinuncim ending October 11r 1967 FEDERAL RESERVE CREDIT BANK RESERVES (Continued) Federal Reserve credit (page 2), averaged $16.9 billion, during the four weeks ending October 11. This credit, which affects the reserve base of the banking system, has risen at an 8 per cent annual rate in the three months since late June, and at an 11 per cent rate in the nine months since late December. The increase jj^the past three months has reflected primarily net J^^em purchases of Government securities. change in the past three months, while they have risen at a 5 Per cent annual rate in the past nine months. By comparison, these reserves, which provide a base for monetary expansion, rose at an average 1.5 per cent rate from 1957 to 1966. Member bank borrowings from the Federal Reserve banks (page 8) are another source of Federal Reserve credit. These borrowings averaged $145 million in the biweekly settlement period ending October 11, up $55 million from the preceding biweekly period, but are still at a relatively low level by historical standards. Bor rowings averaged about $750 million in the summer and early fall of 1966, trended down in the fall and early winter, and since last May have averaged about $100 million. BARK RESERVES (Page 3) Total reserves of member banks averaged $24.3 billion in the four weeks ending October 11, up at a 10 cent annual rate in the three months since late June, •tSe same rate at which they have risen in the nine months MONEY STOCK The nation's money stock (page 5)7 which con sists of private demand deposits and currency in the hands of the public, averaged $179.4 billion during the four weeks ending October 4. Money has risen at a 6 per cent rate since late June, and at a 7 per cent rate since late December, compared with a 2.4 per cent trend rate from 1957 to 1966. The demand deposit component of money (page 4 ) which averaged $139*6 billion during the four weeks ending October 4, has risen at a 7 Per cent rate during the last three months, and at an 8 per cent rate since late December. Currency, the other component of the money stock, has risen at a 4.5 per cent rate since late December. Private demand deposits rose at about a 2 per cent rate and currency at a 3 per cent rate from 1957 to 1966. since late December. In contrast to recent rates of growth, reserves rose at an average 3 per cent trend from 1957 to 1966. Reserves available for private demand deposits (total reserves less reserves required for Government, time, and net interbank deposits) have shown little net http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Rates of change reported in this release are intended to serve as summaries which may be useful in analyzing recent developments. Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Released: October 13,1967 2 FEDERAL RESERVE CREDIT [1 W e e k I y A ve ra g e s of Daily Figures Billions of Dollars Billions of Dollars Seasonally Adjusted by this Bank [2 _LLI_LLL ~ FEDERAL RESERVE —j— Annual rates of change of Federal Reserve Credit 4 —j— [ ~T — __ I U<cf HOLDINGS adjusted for reserve requirement changes average of four weeks ending Oct. 11, 1967 from four weeks ending: July Apr. JanOct. 12, 12, 11, 12, 1967 1967 Vf-76 * ¥(i.xr m,.7/ ■ v*.7o' vifc ■ <hx /j V (o v-7.7 1967 Cilcjz x d" 9 y- 7 3 -j-l/.O y- <}.g 1966 CREDIT QuJUfS' /L J3 30 <4*./ (* /3 ' i>c <3 7 (Pel. y // •/,’ / VC,.// - V/,-7 ' VC Vi Vi-f/ Vis? VP.CeC ■ ■yi?S ■V7.CS’ ■ y*4?y ■ ■ vtxo y^.jy" ■ Vi-^3 >/(~ii VC,.3c vie/ - VC./C vdl ■ ViP7 VC,.7i - VP, 3 7 VU.VX-V7-33 fi V7-VJ p' Federal Reserve Credit Federal Reserve Holdings of U.S. Government and Federal Agency Securities Borrowings 1/ Federal Reserve Credit excluding float and a few minor items, and adjusted for reserve requirement changes. 2j Seasonal adjustment for Federal Reserve Holdings Latest data preliminary Latest data plotted week ending: 1 1 7 81 19 A http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 16 computed by this hank using data ending December 1965; Borrowings from Federal Reserve not seasonally adjusted. Current unadjusted data appear in the Board's H.4.1 release. Oct. 11, 1967 i I I ..........1 1 1 1 1 1 30 14 28 11 25 8 •?. 8 22 5 19 3 17 31 14 28 1: 9 83 6 20 4 If .3 27 10 Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RESERVES All Member Banks in the Nation Weekly Averages of Daily Figures Billions of Dollars 26.0 Seasonal adjustment computed by this bank using data ending December 1965 Unad justed data appear in the Board' H.4.1 release. TOTAL RESERVES Annual rates of change, average of four weeks ending Oct. 11, 1967 from four weeks ending: July 12, 1967 9-? ? Apr. 12, 1967 +J3 Jan. 11, 1967 y.?./ Oct. 12, 1966 y. 7 y TOTAL RESERVES i , - 1957-1966 RESERVES AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE DEMAND DEPOSITS s' i'll 11 , 1 Reserves Available for Private Demand Deposits 22.0 Kc.3t /? RESERVES AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE DEMAND DEPOSITS Annual rates of change, average of four weeks ending Oct. 11, 1967 from four weeks ending: July 12, 1967 tO? Apr. 12, 1967 -tsj Jan. 11, 1967 yjiy Oct. 12, 1966 -t-y/ 1957-1966 /(■ ■/■/■ y 1.1 Seasonal adjustment factors have been revised to incorporate data through early 1967 —1—1—1—.—1—1—1—1—1—1—1—1—i—1—1—1—1—1—1—1—1_ 7 2.1 5 http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 16 30 It Latest data preliminary Latest data plotted week ending: Oct. 11, 1967 1 1 Jan. Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis DEMAND DEPOSIT COMPONENTOF U.S. MONEY STOCK* Averages of Daily Figures Seasonally Adjusted Billions of Dollars Billions of Dollars four --- from four vMks stifling: WEEKLY DATA _ 1967. (LLfS r 131.X 13 f.fc. n /3t.3. ii. /3 <r. CL* a, /3i. ? . * 1 /j?3 - i«> 1311 13 /39..T • V - ' 30 /39 S - fc /39.1 <3 IHOA. 1* /3f. / 17 131. 7 - 0.La- v noJfi 13-veek centered, moving average Weekly * _Latest data preliminary — Latest data plotted veek ending: 7 21 5 http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19 2 16 30 Nov. 1966 lit 28 11 Oct. A, 1967 25 8 22 8 22 5 19 3 17 31 1^ 28 12 26 June July 1967 Back Current data appear in the Board's H data appear in the August 1967 Federal Reserve Bulletin. For trend of demand deposits by months see this bank's monthly release entitled "Monetary Trends". 9 23 6 20 k 18 1 15 29 13 27 10 2k 7 21 6 Jan. 1968 Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 Mar. 3 Apr MONEY STOCK* Averages of Daily Figures Seasonally Ad usted Billions of Dollars 5 Billions of Dollars WEEKLY DATA four weeks ending Oct. h, 1967 from July Apr. Jan. Oct. four weeks ending: 5, 1967 + <.-/ 5> 1967 + 7-0 4, 1967 + *>? 5. 1966 4-S.i. 177 7 1778 171/ 13-week centered moving average Weekly Latest data preliminary J_I_I_I_L 7 21 5 19 Sept. http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 Jan. June Current data appear in the Board's H.6 release. Back data appear in the August 1967 Federal Reserve Bulletin. For trend of money stock by months see this bank's monthly release entitled "Monetary Trends". 1.1.. 1 ’? 10 24 7 21 6 Sept. Oct. Nov. 20 3 6 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT [1_ Large Commercial Banks Wednesday Figures Billions of Dollars Billions of Dollars Millions of Dollars , 1967 Annual rates of change, se«iinn»iiy unadjusted data average of four weeks ending Oct. 4, 1967 from four weeks ending: n, ‘tn 7 + Z0.3 ZO.i/0 20, yS7 22.0 2.0.0 it P 21.0 20.0 20.0 Current and year ago data appear in the Board's K.k.2. release. 1/ Negotiable time certificates of deposit Latest data preliminary Latest data plotted: 7 21 5 19 http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 16 30 14 Mil 28 11 25 Jan. 8 22 Feb 8 22 5 19 3 17 31 28 June 12 26 9 23 6 20 k 18 1 15 29 13 27 10 2k 7 21 Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 20 Mar. 3 Apr 7 TIME DEPOSITS* All Commercial Banks Weekly Averages of Daily Fig ures Seasonally Ad usted ons of Dollars PIP 210 Billions of Do] lars 212 210 208 206 208 206 frca four veeks ending: 204 204 202 202 +- 13.7 200 200 198 198 196 196 194 194 192 192 190 190 188 188 <jw. y 186 186 184 184 182 182 180 180 178 178 176 176 174 174 172 172 170 170 168 168 166 166 164 164 162 162 160 160 158 158 156 156 * Current data appear in the Board's H.6 release. Back data appear in the August 1967 Federal Reserve Bulletin For trend of time deposits by months see this bank's monthly release entitled "Monetary Trends". 154 Latest data preliminary 0 .......................... ..... ......... ......... ........ 1 1 241 1 5 19 2 16 30 14 28 11 25 8 22 8 22 5 ......... 19 3 17 31 14 28 12 ..26 9 23 6............ 20 4 18 1 ......... 15 29 13 27.. 10 it. http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 21 154 6 Jan. Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 0 3 >r. of Dollars BORROWINGS AND EXCESS RESERVES Millions of All Member Banks in the Nation ,900 Averages of Daily Figures .,800 BIWEEKLY DATA .,700 BORROWINGS .,6oo i- 1 60 t JgO .,500 + .,too :, 300 y-j/y/5 ',200 BIWEEKLY SETTLEMENT PERIODS .,100 WEEKLY DATA a.oj' .,000 7v- **1 ■ aU, fi l¥f/vs 6 20 Dec. 3 17 Jan. 900 r!3t +-*77 i-l-r/s 800 700 600 500 Excess Reserves 1*00 fc£ 300 •^Net Free Reserves 200 100 l 0 100 200 300 1*00 500 600 700 800 900 ,000 ,100 Latest data preliminary Latest data plotted: two weeks ending Oct. 11, 1967 I—L J. 1 I I I I........................... I I II I 1428 Sept. 12 26 9 Oct. > http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 23 Nov. 1966 7 21 Dec. 1* lS Jan. 1 I5 Feb. 1 15 Mar. 29 12 Apr, 26 10 25 May 7 21 June 5 19 ' 2 July 1967 16 Aug. 30 13 27 11 25 Sept. Oct. 8 22 Nov. 31 ll* 28 Feb. 1968 Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 27 Mar. BUSINESS LOANS Large Commercial Banks Wednesday Figures Billions of Dollars Billions of Dollars II I I I I II I Seasonally Adjusted by thisBank 6 3 •P'T’7 63' 70 g (3SH (■t 3o? UAH*. &3 yyr ij, *9y 64 <?y y I96O-I966 (*3,373 (.HAS* £<?, ?yy 60! 6?/ i/y 6 J vT9#> 6 3,7f? (>3.yej (3,397 C.3, SSf t*3. 6J / f ^ 6^-23? (3.3*1 latest data preliminary latest data plotted: Oct. Current and year ago unadjusted data appear in the Board’s H.4.2. release. Seasonal adjustment computed by this bank using 1962 through 1966 data 1967 ................ I I II I 5 19 2 16 30 Oct. Nov. 1966 http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \ Millions of Dollars SEASONALLY ADJUSTED UNADJUSTED <sy 6 3, 7? 7 Annual rates of change, average of four weeks ending Oct. 4, 1967 frost four veeks ending July 5, 1967 V Apr. 5, 1967 Jan. 4, 1967 + 7. y Oct. 5, 1966 + <r v- 14 28 11 Dec. 25 8 22 8 22 Jan. Feb. Mar. I I I...... I I I II I I I I I I I 1 IJ 3 17 May 31 l4 28 June 1967 12 26 July 9 23 Aug. 20 4 18 Sept. Oct. 1 15 29 Nov. 13 27 10 Dec. 24 Jan. 7 21 Feb. 6 20 Mar. 1968 Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Iouis 3 Apr. 10 YIELDS ON SELECTED SECURITIES Weekly Avera ges of Daily Rates Ended Friday Per Cent Per Cent 3-MOUTH TRIAS. BILL Y-30 ’it V. n X! V./? >4.7 cdyl at AJ.A H ’ll !g 3-5 LONG-CORPORATE TEAR TERM Ana S.M tfl SS) s.it t.to ss? S', Ik y-.gf SSI, yxt s. te t to sj-> Y, >s s, it V. 7/ t- n S.js YtS s sj Y.Ad S.2.t Y9t s.sf S.tJ, Y3Z S.3S y.f7 ¥. ¥/ J-.33 tit Sts g ,£ V. J/ ¥.37 J. iX S.27 Y7S ft(, S.tt Sts' 2t Y.st S.it S.o/ S.tt O- Ip Y.tl Stt 5. Ot S.l»- * 13 t.ss S. ¥4- s.ot S- 7¥ 4tS If*'/ 2.7 S-tf YY7 s.iS set StCi Corporate Long-Term Government Bonds Discount Rate Three-Month Treasury Bill Market Yield 18 2 l6 30 13 27 10 24 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. 1966 •• *AVERAG*S OF RATES AVAIIABLE 9 23 7 21 Sept. Oct. http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 10 24 Mar. 7 21 Apr. 5 19 2 16 30 14 28 11 25 8 22 6 20 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 1967 3 17 1 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 12 26 Jan. 9 23 Feb. 8 22 Mar. 1968 Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 Apr. 11 , Per Cent SELECTED SHORT-TERM INTEREST RATES rreemy rtvera ges or l/oiiy naies cnueu rriaay PRIME PAPER 4-6-MORTH PRIME LARGE BARKERS ACCEPTARCES v lo Prime Commercial Paper . 4-to-6 Month Prime Bankers itances it Rate Federal Funds Rate latest data plotted are averages of rates available for the week ending: Oct. 13. 1967 l 1 1 I l 1 l I l l 1 1 I II I I I 1 ,1,-1 J_I_L 9 23 7 21 It 18 2 16 30 13- 27 10 24 10 24 7 21 5 19 2 16 30 14 28 11 25 June Sept. Oct. Nov. 1966 . * AVERAGES OF RATES AVAILABLE ** SOURCE: SALOMON BROTHERS AND HOTZLER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org SECONDARY MARKET RATE ON 90-DAY PRIME CD'S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Per Cent 8 22 6 20 3 17 1 15 29 12 26 9 23 8 Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 Mar. 5 Apr