Full text of U.S. Financial Data : Week Ending November 8, 1967
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•3£<ir£ov>& LIBRARY u.s. FinnnciHL drtd _ Week ending November 8, 1967 MEMBER BANK RESERVES MONEY STOCK (Continued) Total reserves of member banks (page 3) aver aged $24.7 billion during the four weeks ended November 8, up at an 11 per cent rate since late July, about the same rate as since January. In contrast, total reserves rose at a 3 per cent trend rate from 1957 to 1966. a shift of deposits from private to Government accounts, as the Government has rebuilt its balances from the un usually low levels of last summer. Money rose at a 2.4 per cent trend rate from 1957 to 1966. During the past three months, a substantial share of the growth in total member bank reserves has been used to support an increase in Government demand sits associated with Treasury financing through tax loan credit. The upward trend in time deposits in commercial banks since January (page 7) also has reduced the volume of reserves available for other deposits. As a result, reserves available for private demand deposits (total reserves less reserves required for Government, time, and net interbank deposits) have risen at a dece lerated 5 per cent annual rate since late July. These reserves, which provide a base for monetary expansion, have risen at about an 8 per cent rate since early this year, compared with a 1.5 per cent trend rate from 1957 to 1966. MONEY STOCK The nation's money stock (page 5), consisting rivate demand deposits and currency in the hands of public, averaged $180.3 billion in the four weeks ended November 1, up at a 5 per cent rate since July, and at an 8 per cent rate since January. The somewhat lower rate of growth in the past three months reflects http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A broader concept of money (page 4), which includes time deposits at commercial banks, has risen at a 9.5 per cent rate since July, and at a 12 per cent rate since January. Recent deceleration in the growth of this measure has also reflected the increase of Treasury deposits. From 1957 to 1966, this measure, which is similar in magnitude to total bank credit, rose at a 6 per cent trend rate. BUSINESS LOANS Business loans at large commercial banks (page 9) averaged $63.6 billion during the four weeks ended November 1, about $500 million below their mid-July peak, but up about $3 billion for the year to date. These loans have risen at a 7 per cent rate since January, facilitated by sizable tax related loan demands in the first half of the year. Expectations of higher interest rates in coming months may have led some corporate borrowers to accelerate security offerings in the capital markets, which has had a dampening effect on the demand for bank credit. By way of comparison, business loans rose at a 10 per cent rate from i960 to 1966. Rates of change reported in this release sure intended to serve as summaries which may be useful in analyzing recent developments. Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Released. November 10, 1967 FEDERAL RESERVE CREDIT [1 Weekly Averages of Daily Figures Billions of Dollars Billions of Dollars Seasonally Adjusted by this Bank 1 I I I I federal reserve Annual rates of change Federal Reserve Creditadjusted for reserve requirements changes average of four weeks ending Nov. 8, 1967 from four weeks ending: Aug. 9, 1967 •/•'?./ May 10, 1967 +-).$ Feh. 8, 1967 Nov. 9j 1966 . IJbf HOLDINGS Q.uL d" * *(..// V&.7/ ■ /j ■ H67 A O' 9 *<^7 y- /j, y. /(. *(33" yj 1957-1966 *6.7$. ■ ■ *7.ot 'K,7y 3o *(.Ze ,<W. <. *i-A3 • ‘/3 J7 ■ i-i.AS' *(,.30 *6, <T/ y*.7£ SU. i *6-37 11 *7.*7 iS H 733 hi 3? *1.11 I V(3f V7-0Ji /* * ' CREDIT , - - - ' ; V7.?J . HI. 31? Federal Reserve Credit Federal Reserve Holdings of U.S. Government and Federal Agency Securities -Borrowings 1/ Federal Reserve Credit excluding float and a few minor items, and adjusted for reserve requirement changes. 2/ Seasonal, adjustment for Federal Reserve Holdings computed By this bank using data ending December 1966. Borrowings from Federal Reserve not seasonally adjusted. Current unadjusted data appear in the Board's H.4.1 release Latest data preliminary Latest data plotted week ending: Nov. 8, 1967 I I I I .1 http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21 Jan. Mar. June 6 20 Mar. Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 Apr ^ ■* ► RESERVES All Member Banks in the Nation Weekly Averages of Daily Figures Billions of Dollars 26.0 FT 1 1 i ~1 r"T"r 1 r 1 i" ill—r Seasonal adjustment computed by this bank using data ending December 1965. Unadjusted data appear in the Board's H.4.1 release. TOTAL RESERVES Annual rates of change, average of four weeks ending Bov. 8, 1967 from four weeks ending: Aug. 9, 1967 i-H./ May 10, 1967 + S’. S Feb. 8, 1967 y-/0-X Hov. 9, 1966 + /o. / 1957-1966 Billions of Dollars 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 r TOTAL RESERVES Hi n 2.0 CLc<-^. <2- /<4 <£¥.7/ -f 3. 1 A3 30 JyU. t> v /3 <3 0 // it *3.e/ iJ.1t AJ.gX j-y.j/ 1339 7397 i3.it 11.13 Al./O A1-/3 If./t Silt, SI 1/ sy fo Jt. (.3L 7/ P fjf-7//. RESERVES AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE DEMAND DEPOSITS Hi? 22.0 H.3) /6-si /6.0C /i.A(c It AO /iJJ* JV' /(■iV Reserves Available for Private Demand Deposits 3 RESERVES AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE DEMAND DEPOSITS Annual rates of change, average four weeks ending Nov. 8, 1967 from four weeks ending Aug. 9, 1967 + ¥-7 May 10, 1967 +7 / Feb. 8, 1967 A7 o Nov. 9, 1966 9- X 7 H-33 /631 /t n /(,/S /<*. ft n. to /(>/& / & .37- /k.SS f 1957-1966 .Latest . . data 1 1. I preliminary I *,L I, I I I I Latest data plotted week ending: Nov. 8, 1967 Seasonal adjustment factors nave been revised to incorporate data through early 1967., 7 21 Sept. 5 19 Oct. http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 16 Nov. 1966 30 14 28 11 25 Dec. Jan. 8 22 Feb. 8 22 Mar. 5 19 Apr. 3 17 31 14 28 12 26 May June July 1967 9 23 Aug. 6 20 4 18 Sept. Oct. ..— .—.—. — 1 1 24 1 1 71 1 21 1 - 6■ 20 1 1— 15.—1— 29 13 2t 1—10 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. 1968 Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis 26.0 — — !-- 25.5 — — — — — — 25.0 - — _ 24.0 ons of Dollars 382 rm MONEY STOCK PLUS TIME DEPOSITS * Averages of Daily Figures Seasonally Ad ustec Billions of Do; 380 1967 from four weeks ending: 378 ; QJLS 35 1.0 *'0. 35*1.3 376 II . 374 3H.1 . Jt 35A f ^ i 3J3. 1 J •) 372 3SS.V ■ /fc 3X4.3 A3 3S<*.£ (370 JO 3X7. i Ufj- 4. i st-i 368 13 3se.b 366 ao 3510 ai 3sr* v 3xr7 3a y/ J to / 1 // " 362 ir AW 360 - 358 356 3a 352 350 348 |346 344 342 340 338 336 334 332 330 328 326 2* 324 0 Latest data preliminary Latest data plotted week ending: Nov. 1, 1967 1 -i J 1.1 I I 1 I L I L. I I .1 I I I [ I I I I I I I I 7 21 5 19 2 16 30 14 28 11 25 8 22 8 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. M Sept. 1966 http://fraser.stlouisfed.org • » Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -------------------------- Current data appear in the Board's H.6 release. Back data appear in the August 1967 Federal Reserve Bulletin. For trend of money stock plus time deposits by months see this bank's monthly release entitled "Monetary Trends".__ ~ I I M I I I I 14II28I II12 I26,i i 9 i i23i i 6i i i20i mi i ii i i i i m i i 3 17 31 4 18 1 15 29 13 27 19 ir. May June July 1967 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. i n i 7i 10 24 Jan. m 21 i 6i i 20in3 Feb. Mar. 1968 Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A t Bill MONEY STOCK* Averages of Daily Figures Seasonally Ad usted sns of Dollars Billions of Dollars 196 195 Annual rates of change, average of four weeks ending Bov. 1, 1967 from four weeks ending: Aug. 2, 1967 +S.X May 3, 1967 + t. S Feb. 1, 1967 + 1.1 Nov. 2, 1966 + b.) 194 193 192 191 1957-1966 190 189 188 I87 186 185 184 183 182 181 tra¥ 180 179 178 177 176 13-week centered 175 moving average 174 «- 173 Weekly 172 171 170 >A.X: 169 168 Current data appear in the Board1s H.6 release, data appear in the August 1967 Federal Reserve Bulletin For trend of money stock by months see this bank's monthly release entitled "Monetary Trends”. 167 Latest data preliminary Latest data plotted week ending: Nov 0 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1_I_I_1_I_I_I—I—I—I " 5 http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19 Oct. 2 1966 16 30 Nov. 14 28 Dec. 11 25 Jan. ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1-1 31 14 28 June 1967 12 26 9 23 July Aug. 29 13 27 Dec. 10 24 Jan. 7 21 Feb. 6 1968 Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 3 Mar. Apr. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 1 Large Commercial Banks Wednesday Figures Billions of Dollars 0 Billions of Dollars Millions of Dollars . 1967 —Annual rates of change, seasonally unadjusted data — average of four weeks raiding Nov. 1, 19t>7 from “four weeks ending: J01V 5 IS,?S3 H /9, 19 /9, 7 22.0 22.0 21.0 20.0 Current and year ago data appear in the Board's H.4.2. release. 1/ Negotiable time certificates of deposit Latest data preliminary latest data plotted:Nov. 1, 196 7 7 21 5 19 http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 1966 16 30 14 28 11 25 Jan. 8 22 Feb 8 22 5 19 3 17 31 14 28 June 1967 12 26 9 23 6 20 4 18 .1 15 29 13 27 10 24 7 21 6 July 1968 Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 3 ' \ TIME DEPOSITS* All Commercial Banks Weekly Averages of Daily Fig Seasonally Ad usted Billions of Dollars Billions of Dollars from four veeks ending: l tO. I * Current data appear in the Board's H.6 release. Back data appear in the August 1967 Federal Reserve Bulletin. latest data preliminary Mill 7 21 5 19 http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 16 30 14 28 11 25 Jan. 8 22 8 22 5 19 3 17 31 l4 28 June 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 26 9 23 July Aug 6 20 4 18 1 15 29 13 27 10 2k 7 6 Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 3 Millions of Dollars 1,900 s BORROWINGS AND EXCESS RESERVES All Member Banks in the Nation Averages of Daily Figures Mllliens of Dollars 1,900 1,800 aranmr ***** EXCESS ! .RESERVES BORROWINGS FREE . RESERVES 1,700 1,600 1,500 1,U00 1,300 1,200 BIWEEKLY SETTLEMENT PERIODS 1,100 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 Excess Reserves 1+00 300 Net Free Reserves 200 100 Borrowings 0 100 200 300 1|00 500 600 700 800 900 - - 1,000 1,000 ____ Latest data preliminary __.latest data plotted: two weeks ending Nov. 6, 1967 1,100 http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,100 7 21 June 5 19 2 30 13 27 11 25 8 22 6 20 3 17 31 14 28 July Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 27 BUSINESS LOANS Large Commercial Banks Wednesday Figures Billions of Dollars Billions of Dollars T'TI Seasonally Adjusted by this Bank -Annual rates of change, average of four weeks ending Nov. 1, 1967 from four weeks ending: Aug. 2, 1967 -4L.S ___May 3, 1967 +-9.S __ Feh. ZTnov. 1, 1967 2, 1966 IMill TTTT Millions of Dollars SEASONALLY UNADJUSTED ADJUSTED 6y <5vjT=1 53,879 /- 6.7 f- b.X 6.3, 7e g I96O-I966 69 444. 63, *yr 64 *99 63'??*. 63/79 6 3,03-6 64 ~ri6 63,373 66) 999 64 1*9 64,69/ 6,4,43? 63,3/■/ 64,4*3' 6.3,/19 63,337 €>0~ 62/97 63*99 6 4,^98 6>3fe3 \ 63,5 Sf i *4 gjf 63 3/X 63. V/6 6 3 3818 Current and year Ago unadjusted data appear in the Board's H.lf.2. release. Seasonal adjustment computed by this bank using 1962 through 1966 data, Latest data preliminary latest data plotted: Nov. 1, 1967 7 21 5 19 http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 16 30 Ik- 28 11 25 . 63/4* . 6 3,6?? g 8 22 8 22 5 19 3 17 31 14 28 June 12 20 if 18 1 15 29 13 27 10 2if 7 21 Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 3 1° YIELDS ON SELECTED SECURITIES Weekly Avera ges of Daily Rates Ended Friday Per Cent Per Cent TT" ITT 3-MOUTH TfCKAS. 3-5 LOHG-CORPORATE BILL YEAR TERM Am ,7 W-30 S.M. Vft S.SJ it v. n s.r/ V./4 ssj J./ y. il S', /* y. rf s si, if v jy y. at y. /? y. a# if tio s. it y. ?/ ssi ss) s.st s.n, . y /g V- v?/ -r.A<r y?fc ^ yi y y/ r y.3/ f-Tj s ts if.33 V J-3J. vtj ifW otw. ✓3" V.37 37 y.,rV 3\vy if. yy7 irvrf' y.V7 f.o* y.fj f. ** f. 16 s.us.7fc *7 y '3 if 39 -fifeT ao y.t/ 37 y.ft 3.f7 -'3 y.j^ Sxt s is •to s.v> s.to yms .r.£A rra .f.yo SfS Corporate Aaa Bonds koa- Government Bonds Discount Rate Three-Month Treasury Bill Market Yield I I I I I I I I 9 23 7 21 4 18 2 16 30 13 27 10 24 10 24 7 21 5 19 2 • 1966 •AVERAGES OF RATES AVAILABLE http://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16 30 June 1967 14 28 11 25 8 22 6 20 3 17 1 15 29 12 26 9 23 8 1968 Prepared By Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 5 11 •“ SELECTED SHORT-TERM INTEREST RATES Weekly Avera jes of Daily Rates Ended Friday Per Cent Per Cent m~TT PRIME LARGE V-6-MDBTH ACCEPTAHCES V lo sr, oo Pri»e Conmercial Paper Month , Prime Bankers Latest data plotted are averages of rates available 9 i i i i I l 23 7 21 * AVERAGES OF RATES AVAILABLE ** SOURCE: SAKM5H BROTHERS AHD HOTZIER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org SECONDARY MARKET RATE OH 90-DAT PRIME CD'S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis June Prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis