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^technological Change
and Manpower Trends in
Five Industries
U. S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bulletin 1856

U nited, S t a t e s . B ureau o f L abor S t a t i s t i c s .
T e c h n o lo g ic a l change and manpower tr e n d s i n f i v e in d u s ­
trie s .
(BLS B u l l e t i n ; 1 8 5 6 )
U p d ates and expands i n p a r t T e c h n o lo g ic a l tr e n d s i n
m a jo r A m erican I n d u s t r i e s , p u b lis h e d i n 1966.
B ib lio g r a p h y : p .
S u p t. o f D ocs, n o . : L 2 .3 :1 8 5 6
1 . T e c h n o lo g ic a l i n n o v a tio n s —U n ite d S t a t e s .
2 . U n ite d S t a t e s —I n d u s t r i e s . 3 . I n d u s t r i a l p r o d u c t i v ­
ity .
I . U n ite d S t a t e s . B u reau o f L abor S t a t i s t i c s .
T e c h n o lo g ic a l tr e n d s i n m a jo r A m erican i n d u s t r i e s .
T itle . I I I .
S e r i e s : U n ite d S t a t e s . B u reau o f
L ab o r S t a t i s t i c s . B u l l e t i n ; 1 8 5 6 .
HC110.TUU5 1975
3 3 1 .l ' l ' 0973

Technological Change
and Manpower Trends in
Five Industries

Pulp and Paper/Hydraulic Cement
Steel/Aircraft and Missiles
Wholesale Trade
U.S. Department of Labor
John T. Dunlop, Secretary
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Julius Shiskin, Commissioner
Bulletin 1856

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.
GPO Bookstore, or BLS Regional Offices listed on inside back cover.
Price $1.20. Make checks payable to Superintendent of Documents.
Stock Number 029-001-01405-8
Catalog Number L2.3:1856


This bulletin appraises some of the major technological changes emerging among selected
American industries and discusses the impact of these changes on productivity and occupations over
the next 5 to 10 years. It contains separate reports on the following five industries: pulp and paper
(SIC 261, 262, 263, 266), hydraulic cement (SIC 324), steel (SIC 331), aircraft and missiles (SIC
372, 1925), and wholesale trade (SIC 50).
This publication is the second of a series which will update and expand BLS Bulletin 1474,
Technological Trends in Major American Industries, published in 1966, as a part of the Bureau’s
continuing research program on productivity and technological developments.
The bulletin was prepared in the Office of Productivity and Technology, under the direction of
John J. Macut, Chief, Division of Technological Studies. Individual industry reports were written by
staff members of the Division under the supervision of Morton Levine and Richard W. Riche. The
authors were: Pulp and paper, David H. Miller; hydraulic cement, Larry G. Ludwig; steel, Rose N.
Zeisel; aircraft and missiles, James D. York; and wholesale trade, Mary Vickery. The Bureau staff
received helpful suggestions and assistance from many experts in industry, government agencies,
trade associations, trade journals, unions, and universities who answered queries and reviewed
preliminary drafts. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is deeply grateful for their cooperation and aid.
The Bureau also wishes to thank the following companies and organizations for providing the
photographs used in this study: United States Steel Corp., Polysius Corp., The Black-Clawson
Company, McDonnell Aircraft Company, and Cahners Publishing Co., Inc.


Pulp and paper
Hydraulic cement
S t e e l ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Aircraft and missiles ............................................................................................................................................................ 34
Wholesale trade .................................................................................................................................................................... 48

Major technology changes in the pulp and paper in d u s tr y ........................................................................
Indicators of change in the pulp and paper industry, 1960-72
Major technology changes in the hydraulic cement in d u s tr y ........................................................................ 12
Indicators of change in the hydraulic cement industry, 1960-72
Value added and capital expenditures in the hydraulic cement industry: Ratios of “most efficient”
to “least efficient” plants and to average plant, 1967
........................................................................ 17
Major technology changes in the steel i n d u s t r y ............................................................................................22
Value added per production worker man-hour in the steel industry: Ratios of “most efficient”
to “least efficient” plants and to average plant, 1967
........................................................................ 27
Indicators of change in the steel industry, 1960-72
Employment in the steel industry by occupational group, 1970 and 1980 ............................................ 30
Major technology changes in the aircraft and missiles in d u s tr y ....................................................................35
Value added and capital expenditures in the aircraft and parts industry: Ratios of “most
efficient” to “least efficient” plants and to average plant, 1967
Indicators of change in the aircraft and missiles industry, 1960-71
Major technology changes in wholesale t r a d e ................................................................................................49


Output per man-hour, output, and man-hours in the pulp, paper, and board industry,
Employment in the pulp, paper, and board industry, 1960-73 ................................................................
Projected changes in employment in the pulp, paper, and board industry by occupational group,
1970 to 1980 ...............................................................................................................................................
Output per man-hour, output, add man-hours in the hydraulic cement industry, 1960-73
Employment in the hydraulic cement industry, 1960-73 and projected for 1980 and 1985 ................
Output per man-hour, output, and man-hours in the steel industry, 1960-73 ........................................
Employment in the steel industry, 1960-74 and projected for 1980 and 1985
Projected changes in employment in the steel industry by occupational group, 1970 to 1980 . . . .
Output and man-hours in the aircraft and parts industry, 1960-73
Output and man-hours in the missiles and space vehicles industry, 1960-73
Employment in the aircraft and parts industry, 1960-74 and projected for 1980 and 1985 ................
Employment in the missiles and space vehicles industry, 1960-74 and projected for
1980 and 1985
Projected changes in employment in the aircraft and parts industry by occupational group,
1970 to 1980 ..............................................................................................................................................




Output and man-hours in wholesale trade, 1960-73 ................................................................................
Employment in wholesale trade, 1960-73
Projected changes in employment in wholesale trade by occupational group, 1970 to 1980
. . . .

General references


Introductory Note
The appraisals of the effects of technological change in the five industries discussed in the
following pages are accompanied by projections of levels of employment and output for 1980 and
1985. These projections were developed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as part of a
comprehensive set of projections for the economy as a whole and for major industry sectors and
occupational groups. The projections are not forecasts but estimates of what the economy might be
like under certain conditions. The projections rest on five major assumptions:
1. The overall rate of growth of private nonfarm productivity will be 2.7 percent a year;
2. hours worked in the private nonfarm economy will decline by 0.3 percent a year;
3. the overall unemployment rate will be 4 percent from the mid-1970’s through 1985;
4. the Armed Forces, assuming an all-volunteer army, will be reduced to 2 million by 1980
and remain at this level through 1985;
5. prices, as represented by the GNP deflator, will increase at a rate of 3 percent a year during
the projection period.
An imbalance in energy demand and supply was not considered in these projections. In addition,
since the effects of environmental protection regulations on technology, manpower, productivity,
and investment are still uncertain, they are only briefly touched upon in this bulletin. For further
information about the assumptions and projections, see Monthly Labor Review, December 1973,
pp. 3-42.

Pulp and Paper
Major innovations in the pulp, paper, and board
industry (SIC 261, 262, 263, 266) will include further
mechanization of wood handling and finishing and
shipping operations, the more widespread use of con­
tinuous digesters in pulping and the commercial adop­
tion of new pulping processes, the extension of com­
puter control and instrumentation, and the introduction
of technology to control water and air pollution. In
some instances, technology will bring about significant
reductions in unit labor requirements, changes in job
content, and a reduction in the number of jobs which
require extensive manual effort. The expense of new
pollution control technology is expected to continue to
have an adverse impact on profitability and manpower,
and may force some small mills to close.
Productivity is expected to continue to increase at
relatively high rates during the 1970’s—possibly by
about 4 percent annually. In 1960-73, output per
man-hour for all employees (BLS data) rose at an
average annual rate of 4.4 percent, well above the 3.4
percent annual rate for manufacturing, and substantially
higher than the annual growth rate of 2.9 percent
recorded by the industry during the 1950’s.
Expenditures for new plant and equipment (Census
data) totaled $894 million in 1972, considerably higher
than the $434 million outlay in 1960, but below the
peak year of 1967 when new plant and equipment
expenditures exceeded a billion dollars. The outlook is
for increased capital spending to expand capacity
and to meet pollution control requirements. Capacity
expansion has been limited by the rising level and
proportion of capital expenditures that have been
spent on pollution control. The extent of energy
and raw material shortages and the anticipated level of
return on new capital investment will be factors which
will determine whether planned capital expenditures are
Total employment in pulp and paper remained
relatively stable during 1960-73, as gains in output were
nearly matched by increases in output per employee. An
annual employment growth rate of well under 1 percent

is projected by the BLS for the period 1973-85. (See
introductory note for assumptions underlying the pro­
jections.) Important shifts in the occupational structure
also are anticipated. Between 1970 and 1980, the BLS
projects employment gains for managers, officials, and
proprietors; sales workers; professional and technical
workers; and craft and kindred workers. Employment
declines are projected for service workers, laborers, and

Technology in the 1970's
The innovations underway in the pulp, paper, and
board industry, discussed in this section and summarized
in table 1, generally involve modification and improve­
ments to existing equipment and processes. The industry
over the next decade also is expected to emphasize
pollution control and the more efficient utilization of
raw materials and energy supplies. Major efforts are
underway to obtain more yield of fiber per acre of forest
through more intensive forest management and practices
such as “whole tree utilization.” Recycling of paper and
the use of wood chips and other residue are increasing,
new pulping technology which can increase fiber yield
and reduce pollution is being introduced more widely,
and research is underway to improve existing tree species
to accelerate growth, increase yield and fiber length, and
reduce bark content. Products with special properties
will continue to be introduced to broaden markets.

Materials handling

Materials handling systems in woodyards and woodrooms and in finishing and shipping departments are
being improved and expanded. Some modern conveyor
systems being introduced feature centralized control
units which allow materials to move through processing
with minimum manual handling. Industrial TV systems
also are being used to monitor log conveying and other
materials handling operations from remote stations. The
handling and storing of wood in chip form rather than as
logs have facilitated the transport of raw materials. Mills

Table 1.

Major technology changes in the pulp and paper industry

Mechanization of materials han­
dling ...........................................

Improved pulping technology . . .

Improved papermaking

Computer control and instrumen­
tation ........................................

Pollution control technology




Improved conveyor systems featuring centralized control are
increasing productivity in wood handling and finishing and
shipping departments. The storing and handling of chips
instead of logs also have raised efficiency.Technology with the
capability for "whole tree utilization" is expected to increase
forest yields.

Mills increasingly will modernize
materials handling functions.

Innovations expected to improve yield and pulp quality
include continuous digesters and more extensive use of
computer control and instrumentation. Mechanical and semi­
chemical pulping may increase in importance.

These innovations will continue
to be introduced, particularly in
larger mills.

Modifications of Fourdrinier and cylinder papermaking ma­
chines underway involve increase in machine speed and
improved control. New technology in formation and drying
also is improving performance and productivity. Twin-wire
forming methods are being used more extensively.

These innovations are expected
to continue.

Electronic computers and advanced instruments increasingly
are being introduced for control of pulp and papermaking
equipment. Significant operating economies including gains
in productivity and reduction in waste have been reported.

More widespread use of com­
puter process control is ex­
pected. By 1973, more than 150
process computers were in­
stalled compared to 17 in 1965.

Technology to lessen air and water pollution is receiving
increased emphasis and is being introduced more widely. The
expense of pollution control equipment could contribute to
the further closings of some small, marginally efficient mills.

Expenditures for pollution con­
trol equipment will increase sig­
nificantly to meet new and
more stringent anti-pollution re­

which have replaced obsolete wood rooms with modern
facilities incorporating extensive and centrally controlled
conveyor networks report substantial laborsavings and
significant gains in output per worker. At one mill
visited by BLS, for example, woodroom employment
was reduced by two-thirds and output per worker was
more than doubled after new facilities were introduced.
Innovations in harvesting and transport of logs include
the use of mobile harvesters and chippers which delimb,
debark, and chip whole trees or logs at the site, thereby
reducing transportation costs and waste of fiber re­
Improvements in materials handling and related
equipment in the labor-intensive finishing and shipping
department include highly mechanized paper roll han­
dling systems, high speed automatic paper cutter-sorters,
and equipment for automatic roll wrapping. At an East
Coast mill which introduced a new automatic cuttersorter, for example, manual sorting and trimming were
eliminated, and 2 operators are now required instead of
10 to 15.1


Innovations in pulping technology over the next

decade are expected to improve yield and pulp quality
and reduce pollution. Continuous digesters (equipment
that manufactures pulp continuously rather than in
separate batches) will come into more widespread use.
Continuous digesters with automatic control eliminate
the intermittent flow of wood chips and the manual
starting and stopping of each batch of pulp required in
batch pulping. Advantages of continuous pulping re­
portedly include increased tonnage throughput, im­
proved quality, lower steam requirements, and higher
yield. Computers are being introduced more widely in
larger mills to control both continuous and batch
pulping equipment, resulting in improved productivity,
greater pulp uniformity, and raw material savings.
Most pulp will continue to be manufactured by
chemical pulping processes, but mechanical and semi­
chemical pulping methods, which give a higher fiber
yield, could increase in relative importance as a means of
conserving raw materials. The refiner groundwood pro­
cess is a new form of mechanical pulping technology. Its
advantages include the ability to use chips rather than
solid logs, less water pollution, higher fiber yields, and
the capability to process wood residue. However, paper
made from mechanical and semichemical pulp generally
has less strength than paper made from chemical pulp.
New oxygen pulping and bleaching technology is being

introduced to lessen pollution. At least one commercial
installation in the United States uses oxygen bleaching.

ducts also are being modernized. Wastepaper consump­
tion in 1973 was approximately 35 percent above the
1960 level.2

Computer process control

Innovations in papermaking technology include the
modification of existing equipment to improve pro­
ductivity and versatility and the introduction of several
new twin-wire systems. Improvements in the basic
papermaking machine, the Fourdrinier, have resulted in
greater machine speed. The increase in Fourdrinier speed
generally results in gains in output per employee, since
crew size usually remains unchanged. At the “wet” end
of the papermaking machine, where the pulp enters,
twin-wire forming methods which improve paper quality
are in limited use. Improvements to the wire screen
which transports and forms pulp into paper or board
also are continuing, including the substitution of plastics
for metal. Existing cylinder machines which can use
wastepaper for producing paperboard and other pro­

Electronic computers increasingly are being used for
process control in pulp and paper mills. More than 150
process control computers were in use in pulp and paper
mills in 1973 compared to 17 in early 1965.3 Computers
are being applied to improve control on papermaking
machines, batch and continuous pulpmaking equipment,
and bleaching systems. More widespread use of process
control is anticipated by industry experts as both
computer technology and instrumentation systems are
further improved.
Computer control systems are achieving significant
operating savings at a number of mills. At one plant
studied by the BLS, for example, installation of a
process control computer and new instrumentation on a

Modern Fourdrinier paper machine.

papermaking machine reduced grade changeover time by
20 percent, increased machine speed by 15 percent, and
improved machine efficiency by 2 percent, for a net
increase in production of 19 percent. Computer process
control also has changed the nature of some jobs.
Generally, operators now do less manual manipulation
of control devices and more monitoring of machine
Advances in instrumentation have facilitated adop­
tion of computer control. In some mills, for example,
papermaking machines incorporate computers and ad­
vanced instrumentation such as beta-ray sensors to
measure paper weight, infra-red sensors to determine
moisture content, optical sensors to indicate opacity,
and electromagnetic sensors to measure thickness. Mea­
surements from these devices are transmitted to the
computer, which compares them with programmed
specifications. The papermaking machine’s operations
are modified automatically if adjustments are required.
Pollution control

Technology to control pollution in the pulp and
paper industry is being improved and expanded to
comply with new and more stringent antipollution
regulations. The manufacture of pulp and paper involves
the use of a large volume of water and numerous
chemicals; pollution problems are most extensive in
pulpmaking and in bleaching and papermaking machine
operations. Research is underway to reduce water
consumption by recycling.
Airborne pollution is receiving increased attention by
the paper industry. Capital expenditures for water
pollution control have traditionally exceeded those for
air pollution, but a reversal of this trend is expected
during 1974-75. Control of particulate matter and
gaseous chemicals—particularly from the Kraft pulping
process—is a major area of concern. Newer mills have
built-in pollution control devices.
The expense of pollution control equipment (see
section on investment) may have an adverse impact on
profitability and employment in marginal mills. Accord­
ing to a study undertaken for the Council on Environ­
mental Quality, 44 percent of all U.S. pulp and paper
mills (which account for 15 percent of industry capac­
ity) are economically marginal and could experience
difficulty in meeting pollution abatement regulations.4
Some small mills have closed and others may close, in
part because of inability to finance required pollution
abatement equipment. This may cost as many as 16,000
jobs in such mills by 1976.5 The areas most affected
would be the New England, Middle Atlantic, and North
Central regions. However, regional losses in employment

due to closings of small mills will probably be more than
offset in the longer term by growth of employment in
the industry.
Energy conservation

The pulp and paper industry is a major user of
energy. Large paper companies are setting up special task
forces to seek solutions to possible future energy
problems, particularly for the planning of increased
production and the selection of locations for new
facilities. Fuel conservation programs and equipment are
being introduced in a growing number of mills. Fortu­
nately, the industry provides about 40 percent of its
own energy requirements.6 Industry sources predict that
process wastes will be used more extensively for fuel and
that dependence on purchased fuel will decline. Several
large integrated mills, for example, produce more than
two-thirds of their fuel needs from process wastes and
other firms are expected to follow this trend. A number
of firms are exploring alternative fuel sources including
synthetic gas from treated coal.

Production and Productivity Outlook

Output in the pulp, paper, and board industry (BLS
weighted index) increased at an average annual rate of
4.6 percent from 1960 to 1973. (See chart 1.) The rate
of growth during 1966-73 was somewhat lower, 3.6
percent annually. While output projections for the pulp,
paper, and board industry are not published by the BLS,
an annual rate of output growth below the 4.6 percent
achieved during 1960-73 is projected during 1973-85 for
the broader paper and allied products industry, exclud­
ing the paperboard container and box sector. (See
introductory note for assumptions underlying these
projections.) Economic factors, including an anticipated
continued shortage of energy, however, could slow
projected rates of growth in output and capacity.

Output per man-hour for all employees (BLS data)
increased at an average annual rate of 4.4 percent during
1960-73 (chart 1), well above the 3.4-percent growth
rate for all manufacturing. This also was substantially
above the average annual growth rate of 2.9 percent
recorded by the industry during the 1950’s. Output per
production worker man-hour rose at a slightly higher

Chart 1

Output per man-hour, output, and man-hours in the pulp, paper,
and board industry, 1960-73
Index, 1967=100

annual rate of 4.6 percent during 1960-73.
Productivity is expected to continue to increase at
relatively high rates during the 1970’s—possibly by
about 4 percent annually. Whether this rate can be
achieved and sustained, however, will depend on several
factors including the future availability of energy, the
rate of investment in new equipment, the state of the
economy, adequacy of raw material supply, and the
impact of pollution abatement requirements on produc­
tion methods and costs. Continued introduction of new
technology in the relatively labor-intensive woodyard
and woodroom and finishing and shipping department
operations is likely to be one important source of
reductions in unit labor requirements.

from $203 millfbn in 1971 to $351 million in 1973.
Projected 1974 environmental expenditures are $523
The outlook is for higher levels of capital spending.
According to a McGraw-Hill survey, planned capital
expenditures for new plant and equipment (including
those for pollution control) are projected to increase 27
percent during 1973-77 for the broader paper and allied
products industry.8 The extent of energy and raw
material shortages and the anticipated rate of return on
new capital investment will be major factors which will
determine the level of capital spending over the next
several years.
Funds for research and development

Capital expenditures

Expenditures for plant and equipment in the pulp
and paper industry (Census data) rose from $434 million
in 1960 to $894 million in 1972, an average annual
increase of 7.0 percent. The volume of expenditures over
this period was uneven, with capital spending reaching a
peak of $1.1 billion in 1967. Expenditures for plant and
equipment per production worker showed an average
annual rate of increase of 14.3 percent in 1960-66,
compared to a decline of 2.2 percent in 1966-72. (See
table 2.)
Expenditures to control pollution are increasing.
According to a recent survey by the National Council of
the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement,
capital expenditures for environmental protection for
1971 through 1973 totaled $893 million, increasing
Table 2.

Indicators of change in the pulp and paper

Expenditures for research and development (R&D)
by the broader paper and allied products industry
(National Science Foundation data) rose from $56
million in 1960 to $186 million in 1972. The paper
industry ranks relatively low in research and develop­
ment activity. In the paper and allied products industry
as a whole, only 8 R&D scientists and engineers were
employed per 1,000 employees in 1972, compared to an
average of 25 per 1,000 employees for all U.S. industry.
In addition to R&D undertaken by individual firms,
however, a considerable amount of research useful to the
industry is undertaken by equipment suppliers, industry
trade associations, private research groups, educational
institutions, and the Federal Government. According to
McGraw-Hill, total outlays for R&D in paper and allied
products are expected to continue to rise and may reach
$294 million in 1977.9 Major areas of activity will
include development of new products, control of pollu­
tion, research on dry forming processes, development of
new sources of nonwood fibers, and new technology to
utilize wastepaper more extensively.

industry, 1960-72
Average annual percent



Payroll per unit of value
added .........................................


- 1 .0


Capital expenditures per
production w o r k e r...................



- 2 .2

Research and development
expenditures as a
percent of net sales2 .................



-1 .3

1 L in e ar least squares tren ds m e th o d .
2 F o r com panies in th e b ro a d e r paper and allied p rod ucts
in d u s try w h ic h have research and d e v e lo p m e n t program s.
F o u n d a tio n .

B ureau


th e



N a tio n a l

Employment and Manpower




Employment trends

Employment in the pulp, paper, and board industry
(Census data) has remained relatively stable. About
224,000 workers were employed in 1973,10 down
slightly from the 1960 level of 226,000. The peak
employment year was 1969 when the work force
totalled 238,000 (chart 2). The average annual rate of
employment growth for 1960-73 was 0.2 percent, well
below the average of 1.5 percent for 1950-60. BLS
employment projections to 1985 anticipate an average

Chart 2

Employment in the pulp, paper, and board
industry, 1960-73
Employees (thousands)

Production workers



a B


l east squares trend method.

Source: Bureau o f the Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics.




annual growth rate of 0.4 percent during 1973-85, both
for the 1973-80 period and for 1980-85.11 (See intro­
ductory note for assumptions.)
Trends in employment (Census data) in the major
industry subgroups showed considerable disparity. The
work force in paperboard mills increased 13 percent
during 1960-71. Pulpmill employment showed little
change, while papermill employment fell by 3 percent
and building paper and board employment declined by
nearly 25 percent.
Occupational trends

Technological and other changes will continue to
alter the structure of occupations in pulp and paper
mills. The proportion of all employees who were
nonproduction workers rose slightly during 1960-73;
this trend is expected to continue.
According to BLS projections, fewer service workers,
laborers, and operatives will be employed in 1980 both
absolutely and relatively, as new laborsaving technology
is introduced more widely. (See chart 3.) In 1980, for
example, laborers are expected to total only slightly
more than one-half the number employed in 1960. Most
of the decline in employment of laborers occurred
during the decade of the 1960’s as pulp and paper mills
became more highly mechanized. Employment increases
are projected for managers, officials, and proprietors;
sales workers; professional and technical workers; cler­
ical workers; and craft workers. Except for service
workers, the projected employment changes for the
eight occupational categories in chart 3 represent a
continuation of trends underway during 1960-70.
Job duties in some occupations are expected to
continue to undergo modification because of new
technology. At one large mill which introduced com­
puter control of papermaking machine operations, for
example, the computer sets production variables such as
temperature, pressure, and flow rates; before computer
control, they were set by the machine tender. The
machine tender still performs some control and moni­
toring duties and is available in case of emergency. Other
mills which introduced new materials handling and
continuous processing technology also report some
modification of job duties of woodyard and woodroom
workers, digester operators, and others. In general,
duties involving the manual movement of materials and
manipulation of machinery are being reduced and
workers in some positions increasingly are required to
oversee a greater workflow, to relate one processing step
to another, and to regulate operations by pushbutton
In instances where continuous digesters replace batch

digesters, two occupations are affected. Jobs involving
the manual unbolting, removal, and replacement of
heavy steel covers on batch digesters are being elimi­
nated. New positions in which an operator monitors a
continuous process by means of a central control panel
are being added.
Adjustment of workers to technological change

Training to operate new equipment will continue to
be an important means for adjustment of workers to
new technology. BLS and other plant studies disclose
that most workers whose job duties have been modified
and those reassigned to new positions are being retrained
by company personnel and by representatives from the
equipment supplier to operate new equipment. Depend­
ing upon the nature of the change and the job affected,
training can be brief and provided on the job, or can be
more extensive, involving lectures, classroom instruction,
and training manuals. At one mill which introduced
computer process control, 16 employees including pro­
cess systems engineers, the computer manager and
related staff, and instrument engineers received 2 to 6
weeks of formal classroom instruction on Fortran and
computer concepts and methods. In addition, 84
workers including members of the project task force,
paper machine crews, and instrument maintenance
workers received from 6 hours to 2 weeks of on-the-job
and classroom instruction on instrument functions,
maintenance, and related topics.12 Training of instru­
ment repairers may be more intensive in the future since
new instrumentation and control devices are more
sophisticated and increasingly require a higher level of
technical skill.
The industry is highly unionized. According to a BLS
survey of pulp, paper, and paperboard establishments
(excluding building paper and building board mills) with
50 employees or more, more than 90 percent of all
employees worked in establishments where collective
bargaining agreements covered a majority of the work
The largest union in the industry is the United
Paperworkers International Union (AFL-CIO). In the
Western States, a large number of workers are repre­
sented by the Association of Western Pulp and Paper
Some labor-management agreements contain specific
provisions relating to worker adjustment to techno­
logical change. A review of 41 major collective bargain­
ing agreements in the paper and allied products industry,
each covering 1,000 workers or more, located 9 agree­
ments, covering more than 15,000 workers, that con­
tained provisions requiring advance notice of technolog-

Chart 3

Projected changes in employment in the pulp, paper, and board
industry by occupational group, 1970 to 1980

Occupational group

Percent of
in 1970

Professional and
technical workers


Managers, officials,
and proprietors


Clerical workers

Sales workers



Craft and
kindred workers




Service workers




Percentage change

- 20






ical change. One such provision reads: “Whenever the
Company has made plans for substantial technological
changes or the closing of departments which will result

in permanent reduction of the work force, advance
notice and consultation will be held with the Local
Union Standing Committee .. .

-FOOTNOTES1Robert C. Tate, “The Secret of Westvaco’s Accu-Trimmed
Papers,” Paper Trade Journal, Vol. 156, No. 45, Oct. 30, 1972,
pp. 20-25.
2Pulp, Paper, and Board, April 1971; April 1974, (U.S.
Department of Commerce, Bureau of Domestic Commerce), p.
36; p. 21.
3“Measurex’ Wild Success in the Papermaking Market,”
Business Week, Jan. 27, 1973, p. 38; and Outlook for Computer
Process Control, Bull. 1658 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1970),
p. 12.
4 Arthur D. Little, Inc., Economic Impact o f Anticipated
Paper Industry Pollution-Abatement Costs, Part 1: Report to
the Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Summary
(November 1971), p. 4.
5Ibid., p. 10.
6 Ronald J. Slinn, Sources and Utilization o f Energy in the
U.S. Pulp and Paper Industry (New York, American Paper
Institute, March 1973).

7National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream
Improvement, Inc., A Survey o f Pulp and Paper Industry
Environmental Protection Expenditures and Operating Costs1973 (New York, July 1974), p. 3.
8McGraw-Hill Publications Co., Economics Department,
Business’ Plans for New Plants and Equipment, 1974-77, 27th
Annual McGraw-Hill Survey (New York, May 1974).
9 McGraw-Hill Publications Co., Economics Department,
Business’ Plans for Research and Development Expenditures,
1974-77, 19th Annual McGraw-Hill Survey (New York, May
I 0 Based on Census and BLS data.
II The U.S. Economy in 1985: A Summary o f BLS Projec­
tions, Bull. 1809 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1974), p. 59.
12 Outlook for Computer Process Control, p. 45.

-SELECTED REFERENCESArthur D. Little, Inc. Economic Impact o f Anticipated Paper
Industry Pollution-Abatement Costs, Part 1: Report to
the Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Sum­
mary. November 1971.
Council on Economic Priorities. Economic Priorities Report.
December-January 1971; July-August 1972.
Day, John W. “Precise Automatic Control Key to Future Profits;
Bad News for Big Equipment,” The Magazine o f Wall
Street, November 22, 1971, pp. 20-22.
“The Demand/Cost Tug-of-War,” Chem 26, June 1973, pp.
Guthrie, John A. An Economic Analysis o f the Pulp and Paper
Industry. Washington State University Press, 1972.
John, Edwin C. “Future Technological Needs and Trends of the
Paper Industry-Educational Implications for the Univer­
sity,” Tappi, Vol. 56, No. 8, July 1973, pp. 51-58.
Kraft, Ferdinand. “Pulping and Bleaching-A Look Back and A
Look Ahead,” Paper Trade Journal, May 27, 1972, pp.

“Measurex’ Wild Success in the Papermaking Market,” Business
Week, January 27, 1973, p. 38.
National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream
Improvement, Inc. A Survey o f Pulp and Paper Industry
Environmental Protection Expenditures and Operating
C o sts-1973. New York, July 1974.
Plato, Carl. “Fourdrinier and Cylinder Machine Developments in
the Past Century,” Paper Trade Journal, May 27, 1972,
pp. 134-38.
Tate, Robert C. “The Secret of Westvaco’s Accu-trimmed
Papers,” Paper Trade Journal, Vol. 156, No. 45, October
30, 1972, pp. 20-25.
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Impact o f
Technological Change and Automation in the Pulp and
Paper Industry. Bulletin 1347, October 1962.
------------ ------------------------- Outlook for Computer Process
Control. Bulletin 1658, 1970, p. 12.

Hydraulic Cement
The broad application of new technological
developments in the hydraulic cement industry (SIC
324) may significantly affect productivity growth in the
1970’s. However, most of the technological changes
taking place are primarily modifications to conventional
machinery, while more radical technologies are only
gradually being adopted. Economies of scale, in conjunc­
tion with the adoption of advances in equipment
technology from abroad, may result in increased produc­
tivity and laborsavings.
Between 1960 and 1973, output per man-hour rose
by an average annual rate of 4.2 percent while man­
hours for all employees declined by 1.9 percent annu­
ally. Man-hour and output trends in the industry,
considered together with current technological advances,
suggest a continued rise in productivity.
Investment in plant and equipment is expected to
show a steady upward movement in the 1970’s, unlike
the sharp ups and downs characterizing the 1960’s.
Anticipated outlays may be sufficient to reduce obsoles­
cence in the industry and match industry capacity to
domestic demand.
Cement plants employed almost 29,800 workers in
1973, compared to about 39,400 in 1960. A BLS
projection for 1985 (see introductory note for assump­
tions) indicates that employment in the industry will
continue to decline between 1973 and 1985, at about
the same rate as during the 1960’s. The proportion of
production workers is expected to continue to decline in
the 1970’s, particularly among semiskilled workers. At
the same time, the proportion of skilled craft workers
providing maintenance will grow.

output. The use of the latest technological advances has
had dramatic results. Industry studies, for example,
show that in a new plant with a 2-million barrel annual
capacity, using the latest processes, production costs can
be 40 percent less than for an older plant of the same
capacity, and, for a new 4-million barrel plant, up to 50
percent less. Similarly, labor costs for new 2-million and
4-million barrel plants are reduced up to 60 and 70
percent, respectively, compared to older plants of the
same capacities (one barrel equals 0.188 tons).1
Since the late 1960’s there has been a gradual shift
from wet process to dry process plants, the latter
consuming substantially less fuel per ton of cement
produced. This trend has been aided substantially both
by rising fuel costs and by increased utilization of waste
heat within newly developed production equipment.
Specific equipment advances which may significantly
stimulate productivity growth range from modifications
of conventional equipment to radical changes in equip­
ment concepts. Modifications of conventional equip­
ment affect speed, capacity, automaticity, energy con­
sumption, and blending, storage, and analyzing of
materials. These changes account for most of the
improvement that has taken place in recent years in
basic cement manufacturing. The changes have reduced
unit manpower requirements, particularly for semiskilled


w orkers,



n ot


changed job content. Newer radical innovations that
have similar manpower implications and which have
been gradually adopted—primarily since the early
1970’s—by larger modernized and newly built plants
include roller mills, preheater counterflow kilns, and
comprehensive application of central process computer
control. Some of the major innovations in the industry,
their manpower impact, and their rate of diffusion are
presented in table 3.

Technology in the 1970's
Central process control

Recent industry trends towards plants of greater
capacity with larger, more highly automated equipment,
often using central process control, have continued
through the early 1970’s. The newer equipment con­
sumes less fuel and uses less manpower per unit of

The adoption of central process control and the
increased use of electronic instrumentation are signifi­
cantly improving product quality, increasing utilization
of equipment, reducing equipment downtime and main-

Table 3.

Major technology changes in the hydraulic cement industry

Central process control and com­
puter process c o n tro l..............



Wiring of major production processes—especially raw and
finish grinding, kiln, and material storage processes—into a
central control panel, permitting total production control by
one or two control room operators. Results in substantial
manpower savings, reducing number of semiskilled em­

Widespread diffusion as of mid1974.

New dry process uses recently developed preheater kilns and
large roller mills (see below) and makes use of kiln waste heat
to process raw i materials of up to 15-20 percent water
content. Older long-kiln dry process system was suitable only
for materials with less than 8 percent water content. Total
fuel and power consumption is substantially reduced—by
30-40 percent, in some instances—compared with either the
traditional dry or wet process systems.

In 1968, wet process plants con­
stituted 65 percent of all U.S.
plants; at the start of 1974, 58
percent. Downward trend is
expected to continue.

Roller m i l l s ......................................

Large hydraulically controlled grinding rollers on a rotating
grinding track inside a large chamber. Mills are vertically
shaped, utilizing hot waste preheater kiln gases to dry and
sweep ground raw material to storage areas. Can crush
material up to 4 inches in thickness in one operation; with
conventional grinding and crushing equipment several opera­
tions are required. Consumes up to 30 percent less power
(KWH) than conventional grinders/mills. Fully automatic.



Vertical 4-stage counterflow heater, over 200 feet in height,
empties into a short rotary kiln averaging 150-220 feet in
length compared to long dry process kilns 500-600 feet in
length. Utilizes exit gases of kiln to dry and heat raw
material, resulting in fuel savings of up to 40 percent over the
long dry process kilns.

Up to 1973, 9 preheater kilns
were in operation in U.S. In
1974, 29 were in use or under
construction.2 Upward trend
expected to continue.

Dry process plants replacing wet
process plants ..........................

Preheater kilns

diffusion as of mid-

1 P o rtla n d C e m e n t A ss o c iatio n , The U.S. Cement Industry—
An Economic Report (S k o k ie , III., M arch 1 9 7 4 ), p. 4 2 .

2 P o rtla n d C e m e n t A ssociation; u n pub lished in fo rm a tio n .

tenance, and reducing fuel costs. Control panels, pre­
viously scattered throughout the plant at the site of each
production process, are being eliminated in increasing
numbers. The latest development is the wiring of entire
plants into a single central control room which contains
control panels and recording instruments covering all the
production processes. The control room permits total
control of the raw and finish grinding and kiln processes,
including the material storage and blending operations
involved before and after each process. Only the
quarrying-crushing, raw material storage, and final pack­
aging and bulk loading processes generally remain
outside of total production control.
The manpower savings resulting from central process
control are very substantial. Only one control room
operator and one utility worker assistant are needed for
each 8-hour shift to monitor and operate the control
panels and to make minor adjustments on operating
equipment. These two workers replace most of the
production workers needed for all processes prior to the
introduction of total production control.2 Typical occu­
pations eliminated in the kiln process are miller, oiler,
burner, shift laborer, cooler tender, material handler,

stack cleaner, water tender, and waste heat powerplant
operator; in the grinding processes the occupations
eliminated are lorry room worker, tube miller, hercules
miller, dryer, furnace tender,oiler, and box tender. The
job of control room operator is very complex and is the
only new one created by the introduction of central
process control. Conversion to central process control
usually occurs when a plant modernizes and introduces
laborsaving equipment. Thus, the manpower savings
directly attributable to central process control will be
lessened by the amount of laborsavings resulting from
the installation of the new equipment.

Central computer process control

Computerization of the cement production process
has been greatly facilitated by central process control. It
is a relatively simple procedure for a plant to convert
from central process control to central computer process
control—a procedure followed by many plants when
production volume and financial ability justify the
additional substantial capital investment in computer

systems. The trend until recently has been for installa­
tion of complete on-line, closed-loop computer control
of the raw and finish grinding and kiln processes,
including the material storage and blending for each
process. A decade of experience has shown that com­
puter closed-loop control has been very successful in the
raw grinding process, moderately successful in the finish
grinding process, and unsatisfactory in the kiln process.
Consequently there is now a gradual industry movement
to minicomputers—computer control designed with a
separate minicomputer for each operating process rather
than on the central total closed-loop computer basis.
Once central process control has been installed, the
few additional jobs needed for the changeover to
computer process control usually include the part-time
services of an electrician and a programmer; no addi­
tional production jobs are eliminated by computeriza­
Dry and wet production processes

Dry process plants are gradually replacing wet process
plants throughout the cement industry. Traditionally,
the rule of thumb employed by the industry to decide
when to use the wet process has been that when the raw
quarry material had 8 percent or more water content,
the wet process was used. In this process additional
water is added to the raw material, raising the water
content up to about 35 percent and creating a slurry
which is dried out primarily during the kiln production
stage. For raw material with less than 8 percent water
content, the dry process, in which raw material is dried
out primarily in the grinding and milling processes, was
used. This rule was based on the technologies and fuel
costs prevalent up through the early 1970’s, when it was
cheaper to dry raw material with 8 percent or more
water content in long horizontal rotary kilns rather than
in the raw grinding and milling processes.
New technologies, primarily the vertical short-length
preheater kilns and the larger roller mills designed to use
less fuel and particularly to utilize waste heat, along with
rapidly rising fuel costs, have substantially revised this
rule of thumb. Dry process plants utilizing the latest
preheater technology can now consume as little as half
the energy required to produce a ton of cement in the
wet process plants. Consequently, as of 1973-74, the dry
process can be used for raw material with up to 15-20
percent water content, still consuming less fuel per ton
of cement produced than in the wet process. Not all
quarry raw material contains less than 20 percent water
content, however, and not all quarry raw material has
chemical and physical properties suitable for the dry
production process. As a result, a substantial number of

wet process plants will continue to exist throughout the
cement industry.
Major equipment advances

Roller mills. The new vertical roller mills of German
design have been used in the cement production process
in the United States since the early 1970’s. The roller
mills can crush and grind raw material of up to 4 inches
in thickness (compared to thicknesses of Vi to 1 inch for
horizontal ball and tube mills) into fine powder at a rate
of 115 to 130 tons per hour in one single operation. The
roller mill replaces several older pieces of production
equipment: crushers, impacters, and ball and tube mills
(which combined have an output rate often as low as
one-third that of the roller mill). Consequently, consid­
erably less physical plant space is needed and substantial
laborsavings are achieved once the roller mill is installed.
Approximately only one worker per 8-hour workshift is
required to operate the roller mill compared to several
workers per shift for the older machines.3
The roller mill also consumes up to 30 percent less
electric power than the ball and tube mills it replaces.
Power consumption in the grinding process in particular
is reduced by as much as 50 percent. In addition,
waste-dust air pollutants are minimized since the roller
mill is completely enclosed and operates under negative
air pressure. Finally, the roller mill has been designed to
utilize the waste heat of the suspension preheaters of the
preheater kilns which has enabled many cement plants
to switch to the less fuel consuming and less expensive
dry process method of cement production. Raw material
limitations as well as considerations of the energy
efficiency of roller mill peripheral equipment such as
fans, however, limit the extent of usage of the roller mill
throughout the cement industry. Roller mills operate at
their optimum with raw material which is moist, sticky,
and relatively nonabrasive in composition.
Kilns. The trend since the 1950’s to ever-increasing
horizontal rotary kiln sizes, from 150-250 feet in length
to 500-600 feet and longer, has ended for dry process
kilns. The firm advent of the new suspension preheater
dry process kiln system occurred in 1972-73. The system
consists of a 4-stage counterflow heater, averaging 215
to 230 feet in height, built in successive vertical stages.
The heater empties into an attached rotary kiln of about
150 to 220 feet in length. Heated exit gases from the
kiln are drawn up through the preheater stages while the
raw material feed is introduced at the top of the
preheater. The feed comes in contact with the hot gases
and the resulting heat exchange raises the feed mix
temperature to approximately that of the kiln exit gases


The suspension counterflow preheater and short rotary kilns are coming into increasing use in the production of hydraulic cement.

at the kiln entry point. The high mix temperature allows
the length of the kiln to be drastically reduced, since a
high percentage of the mix has already been calcined
prior to entering the kiln. In the long dry process kiln
system, the kiln must be longer in order to effect a total
calcination of the raw material inside the kiln.
The combination of efficient utilization of the waste
gases and the shorter length of the preheater kiln results
in substantial fuel savings in BTU per barrel, up to 40
percent less fuel usage in some instances, than in the
comparable conventional long dry process kiln. Also,
more efficient mixing and blending of the raw material
feed occurs during the contact of feed and kiln exit gases
in the preheater than usually takes place in the long
kilns. Retention time of the raw material in the
preheater kiln system is somewhat less than in the long
kiln, but output capacities are essentially the same in
both kiln processes, averaging approximately 2.25-3
million and 3 million barrels per year for the long and
preheater kilns respectively. This could be changed,
however, if a recent Japanese innovation developed and
implemented in 1973-74, the reinforced suspension
preheater or ‘flash furnace’, is adopted in the United
States. Essentially a burner chamber located between the
base of the preheater and the kiln, the furnace permits
either greater output for the same kiln length or further
shortening of kiln lengths.

Production and Productivity Outlook

Output in the cement industry increased at an average
annual rate of 2.3 percent between 1960 and 1973. This
was less than the 1950-60 average of 3.2 percent a year
and is under the long-term (1947-73) industry average
rate of output of 2.6 percent (BLS data).
Total domestic output was insufficient to meet
domestic demand in the early 1970’s, and U.S. pro­
ducers purchased large amounts of imported cement to
supplement their output at full-capacity operation in
order to satisfy this rising demand. Imports as a percent
of total domestic consumption rose sixfold between
1960 and 1973 and nineteenfold between 1950 and
1973, ranging from 0.4 percent in 1950 to 1.2 percent in
1960, 1.3 percent in 1965, and 7.9 percent in 1973
(Bureau of Mines data).
In 1973 U.S. plants were operating full time at about
90 percent of capacity, the approximate maximum rate
for efficient production of cement. This was a substan­
tial improvement over the excess-capacity situation
prevalent during the 1960’s when U.S. plants operated at

a low 77-80 percent of capacity.
Finished capacity in 1973 was 93 million tons a year
(Cost of Living Council data), down from 95 million
tons in 1969 (Bureau of Mines), despite the construction
of new, large-capacity modern plants. The decline
reflected the shutdown or slowdown of several ineffi­
cient older plants and the 2- to 3-year lead time needed
to construct and start operation of a new plant. This
downward trend came to a halt in 1972-73 and capacity
is expected to climb throughout the 1970’s and into the
early 1980’s. Industry capacity is expected to be as high
as 112 million tons in 1983.4
Domestic demand for cement is expected to increase
at a compound rate of 3 percent per year, reaching
approximately 100 million tons per year by 1980-83.5
Consequently, if industry operating rates average about
90 percent of capacity, domestic output may well meet
domestic demand during the 1980-83 period.

Output per man-hour (productivity) for all employees
in the 13 years ending in 1973 rose by an average annual
rate of 4.2 percent, while total man-hours declined 1.9
percent annually for the same period (BLS data). (See
chart 4.)
For the 1960-73 period, the rate of increase in output
per man-hour for the cement industry was substantially
larger than the 3.4 percent average annual rate for all
U.S. manufacturing industries (BLS data). This favorable
rate of growth of output per man-hour in the cement
industry is primarily due to the shutting down of old,
outdated, and inefficient plants, the updating of some
older plants with new laborsaving equipment, and the
construction of new, large-capacity plants incorporating
the latest machinery and equipment.
The ratio of payroll to value added remained
relatively constant in the 1960-72 period (Census data).
(See table 4.) Between 1968 and 1972 the ratio rose
Table 4.
Indicators of change in the hydraulic cement
industry, 1960-72
Average annual percent




Payroll per unit of value
added ..........................................


-0 .3


Capital expenditures per
production w o r k e r...................



2 15.3

1 Linear least squares tren ds m e th o d .
2 F o r th e subperiod 1 9 6 8 -7 2 th e average
change was 2 9 .1 p e rce n t.

Bureau o f th e Census.





; '$ ? /

' i
'f t

Chart 4


Output per man-hour, output and man-hours in the hydraulic
cement industry 1960-73



' •


/'■ : :
; ■■■

Index, 1967=100

-r ; ■

•' ;f ■"■ ;



fiB fiii#




mm i





Bureau of Labor Statistics.




slightly, reflecting higher wage costs and the changing
composition of the cement industry work force, but it
was still considerably below the 1960-70 average ratio of
value added for all manufacturing industries, confirming
that the cement industry is much more capital intensive
than U.S. industry generally.
Best plant practice

While no general conclusions can be drawn from one
year’s data, some indication of the potential produc­
tivity levels for the cement industry is suggested by the
difference between the productivity levels of the “most
efficient” plants and the industry average. Census data
are presented in table 5 for 1967 on average value added
per production worker man-hour for the “most effi­
cient” and “least efficient” plants of the cement
industry. Although this measure has limitations, since
plants may differ in productivity due to size, manage­
ment, labor, capital outlays, and other factors, value
added per man-hour is used here as an approximate
indicator of productivity. The “most efficient” plants
are defined as those which fall into the highest quartile
of the ranking of plants by value added per production
worker man-hour; the “least efficient” are those in the
lowest quartile.
Capital expenditures for plant and equipment un­
doubtedly help to explain the existing differences in
productivity levels among the plants, as can be seen in
table 5. In the cement industry, average value added per
production worker man-hour in the “most efficient”
plants was almost 3 times greater in 1967 than in the
“least efficient” plants, and almost 2 times greater than
in the average plant. Capital expenditures per employee
Table 5.
Value added and capital expenditures in the
hydraulic cement industry: Ratios of "most efficient"
to "least efficient" plants and to average plant, 1967

"Most efficient"
to "least
efficient" plants

"Most efficient'
average plant

Value added per production
worker man-hour . . . .



Capital expenditures per
employee ......................



N O T E : E stab lishm ents w e re ran ked b y th e ra tio o f value
added per p ro d u c tio n w o rk e r m a n -h o u r. T h e " m o s t e ffic ie n t"
establishm ents are d e fin e d as tho se w h ic h fa ll in to th e highest
q u a rtile ; th e " le a s t e ffic ie n t" are tho se in th e lo w est q u a rtile .
Based on u n pub lished da ta fro m th e Bureau of
th e Census prepared fo r th e N a tio n a l C om m ission on P ro d u c ­
tiv ity and W o rk Q u a lity .

of the “most efficient” plants were over 1Vl times those
of the “least efficient” ones.

Capital expenditures

Expenditures for plant and equipment rose from
$114.3 million in 1960 to $179.9 million in 1972
(Census data), an average annual increase of 1.9 percent.
Investment fluctuated during the 1960’s; the high was in
1963, at $120.8 million, and the low was in 1968, at
$67.6 million. Expenditures rose steadily after 1968, by
an average annual rate of 27.8 percent for the 1968-72
period. Although price data are not available for the
types of machinery and equipment used in cement
production, the real increase in investment is probably
considerably lower judging by price changes for all
machinery and equipment over this same period.
Expenditures for plant and equipment per production
worker rose at an average annual rate of 13.4 percent in
the 1950 decade and at 4.6 percent annually between
1960 and 1972, although in the 1968-72 period these
expenditures rose at the rate of 29.1 percent a year. (See
table 4.) The rate for 1973-74 was estimated at 39
Capital expenditures required to meet extensive air
and water pollution control requirements for the cement
industry are expected to total at least $122 million and
possibly as much as $284 million during the 1972-76
period, with annual expenditures for this purpose
estimated to rise from $3 million in 1972 to at least $43
million in 1976, according to both private industry
sources and a government study.7 According to an
industry association estim ate,8 approxim ately 10 per­

cent of total capital investment required to build new,
large-capacity cement plants is spent on pollution
control devices.

Funds for research and development

Expenditures for research and development (R&D) in
the cement industry declined substantially from approxi­
mately $4.3 million or 0.4 percent of gross sales in 1958
to $3.2 million or 0.2 percent of gross sales in 1973,
according to an industry estimate. R&D expenditures are
expected to remain relatively constant at 0.2 percent of
gross sales during 1973-75.9
Compared to other manufacturing industries, the
cement industry’s outlays for R&D are very small and
are primarily concentrated on improving product quality
and developing new products. R&D in new equipment
technology, such as the large roller mill and the

preheater kiln, has occurred almost exclusively abroad,
primarily in Western Europe and Japan.

Employment and Manpower
Employment trends

About 29,800 persons were employed in cement
plants in 1973, of whom approximately 24,300 were
production workers. In 1960, about 39,400 were em­
ployed, of whom about 33,200 were production workers
(Census data). This represents an average annual decrease
of 2.1 percent for all employees and 2.4 percent for
production workers in the 1960-73 period, an acceler­
ation over the 1950-60 average annual rates of decline of
0.8 percent and 1.1 percent respectively.
The BLS projections for 1980 and 1985 (see intro­
ductory note for assumptions) indicate that employment
in the industry may decline at an average annual rate of
2.2 percent between 1973 and 1985. Between 1973 and
1980, it may decline at an average annual rate of 1.7
percent, and for the 1980-85 period, at a rate of 2.9
percent. (See chart 5.)
Occupational trends

New types of equipment have eliminated many
jobs—primarily those of production workers—as pre­
viously noted in the section on technology. Production
workers dropped from 85.7 percent of all employees in
1950 to 81.5 percent in 1960 and 78.4 percent in 1973
(BLS data). The drop in production workers has
occurred exclusively in on-line production occupations,
primarily semiskilled operatives, transport equipment
operatives, and laborers. The number of skilled craft
workers providing maintenance, however, has remained
essentially the same, dramatically increasing as a per­
centage of total production worker employment.
Trends in technology have brought about relatively
minor changes in occupational requirements. These
changes are primarily increases in the skills necessary for
maintenance of new equipment such as roller mills and
preheater kilns.
According to industry sources, the above trends are

expected to continue throughout the 1970’s.10
Centralized process control is responsible for the only
major occupational change among the production
workers. The semiskilled job of the control panel
operator who monitored individual panels immediately
adjacent to the various production processes scattered
throughout the cement plant has been replaced by the
console operator who monitors in one room a series of
panels and consoles for all or a large part of the
production processes. This is a highly skilled job
requiring a thorough knowledge of all aspects of cement
production and is generally the highest paid of all the
production occupations.
Adjustment of workers to technological change

The degree of union organization in the cement
industry was estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
to be over 75 percent for all production workers in
1970. The average for all manufacturing was 44.3
percent. In 1974, at least 90 percent of all cement
production workers were organized.11
The principal union organizing the industry, the
United Cement, Lime and Gypsum Workers Inter­
national Union (AFL-CIO), covers approximately 75
percent of the cement workers in the United States.12
Available information indicates that labor and manage­
ment, through collective bargaining, are giving more
attention to the adjustment of workers to technological
change. For example, the majority of agreements of the
United Cement, Lime and Gypsum Workers Inter­
national Union stipulate that workers will not automati­
cally be terminated when “mechanization, automation,
change in production methods, the installation of new or
larger equipment or the combining or elimination of
jobs” eliminates the need for employees on their regular
jobs. Instead, affected employees have the right to apply
for any jobs on which an incumbent has less seniority
and for which they could reasonably be expected to
qualify within a 90-day on-the-job training period. These
workers are to receive a rate of pay no less than 95
percent of the rate for the regular job from which they
are displaced. Employees with insufficient seniority to
retain a job are either placed in layoff status with recall
rights for all future job vacancies according to seniority
status or are given stipulated cash termination benefits.

Chart 5

Employment in the hydraulic cement industry, 1960-73
and projected for 1980 and 1985
Employees (thousands)





1 Least squares trend method for historical data; compound interest method for projections.
Source: Bureau of the Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics.



-FOOTNOTES1D. L. Thomas, “Concrete Improvements,” Barrons, May 27,
1968, p. 3.
2 Unpublished data based on BLS field visits.
3 Unpublished data based on BLS field visits.

p. 23; Chase Econometrics Associates, Inc., The Economic
Impact o f Pollution Control, A Summary o f Recent Studies,
prepared for the Council on Environmental Quality, the U.S.
Dept, of Commerce, and the Environmental Protection Agency,
March 1972, (See “Cement” summary).

4Lehigh Portland Cement Company, 1973 Annual R eport,
p. 13.

8Portland Cement Association, The U.S. Cement IndustryAn Economic R eport, (Skokie, 111., March 1974), p. 39.

5 Roy A. Grancher, “Cycling with Cement,” Rock Products,
December 1972, pp. 6 7 -6 8 ; Lehigh Portland Cement Company,
1973 Annual R eport, p. 13; Portland Cement Association, The
U.S. Cement Industry-An Economic Report, (Skokie, 111.,
March 1974), pp. 2 8 -3 0 .

9Portland Cement Association, unpublished information.

6Engineering News Record, March 7, 1974, p. 10.
7Portland Cement Association, Energy Use and Conservation
in the U.S. Portland Cement Industry (Skokie, 111., June 1974),

10 Portland Cement Association, unpublished information.
11 United Cement, Lime and Gypsum Workers International
Union, (AFL-CIO), unpublished information.
12 United Cement, Lime and Gypsum Workers International
Union, (AFL-CIO), unpublished information.

-SELECTED REFERENCESBoston Consulting Group, Inc. The Cement Industry: Economic
Impact o f Pollution Control Costs. Vols. I and II. Boston,
November, 1971.
Brown, Brinton C. “Cement”, Minerals Yearbook, 1970; 1971.
Vol. 1. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
“Cement: Strengthening Prospects,” Financial World, Feb. 17,
1971, p. 9.

Portland Cement Association. The U.S. Cement Industry-An
Economic Report. Skokie, 111., March 1974.
Shilling, Mayfield R. “Status of the Cement Industry,” Mining
Congress Journal, February 1972, pp. 44-49.
Slatter, J. “Concrete Gains,” Barrons, Aug. 28, 1972, pp. 11-13.
Thomas, D. L. “Concrete Improvements,” Barrons,
1968, p. 3.

May 27,

“Climbing Out of the Gully,” Forbes, March 1971, pp. 59-60.
Cross, J. B., and Margott, G. N. Jr. “Concrete Progress,”
Barrons, Feb. 28, 1972, pp. 11-12.
Grancher, Roy A. “Cycling with Cement,” Rock Products,
December 1972, p. 66.
Pitcher, Charles B. “Cement: A Look at the Industry and its
Markets,” Construction Review, June 1973, pp. 2-7. (U.S.
Department of Commerce, Domestic and International
Business Administration).

Hackman, A. H., Pitney, R. M., and Hagemeier, D. F. “Survey of
U.S. Cement Finish Mills,” Pit and Quarry, July 1973,
p. 112.
Ironman, Ralph, “Cement Plants Abroad Sport Latest Equip­
ment,” Rock Products, August 1972, pp. 79-80.

Portland Cement Association. Energy Use and Conservation in
the U.S. Portland Cement Industry. Skokie, 111., June

Mozina, A. L. “Cement and the Minicomputer,” Rock Products,
April 1973, p. 83.

Portland Cement Association. The Making o f Portland Cement,
Skokie, 111., 1964.

“Possibilities for the Dry Grinding o f Cement Raw Materials,”
Pit and Quarry, July 1973, p. 155.

More widespread use of recent technologies and the
introduction of newer technologies should tend to
improve productivity gains in the steel industry (SIC
331). In general, these changes reduce unit labor
requirements and alter occupational distribution and job
content. Developments which may have an impact on
the industry include the direct reduction of iron ore, the
advanced basic oxygen process (Q-BOP), continuous
casting, and computer process control. It is also possible
that the combination of direct reduction, the electric-arc
furnace, and continuous casting can, in time, substan­
tially supplement the traditional system of steelmaking.
While investment in new plant and equipment was
very heavy from 1964 to 1970, it fell sharply in the
succeeding 3-year period. Some industry specialists
believe that to meet expected demand in 1980, improve
productivity, and reduce pollution, the industry would
have to more than double the annual outlays of the
1960’s for the rest of this decade.
Productivity advances were moderate from 1960 to
1973 (2.4 percent annually), but reflected very diverse
movements over the 13-year period. While the average
annual gain was 4.1 percent from 1960 to 1966, it
declined to 0.5 percent annually in the next five years.
In 1972 and 1973, however, productivity jumped 5.8
and 10.8 percent, respectively, as many of the condi­
tions associated with the late 1960’s changed.
Steel mills employed 607,800 workers in 1974, only
slightly more than in 1973, but substantially above
1972, when employment was at the lowest point in the
post-World War II period. Overall, from 1960 to 1974,
the average annual rate of employment change was -0.3
percent. A projection by BLS (see introductory note for
assumptions) suggests that steel employment may not
change significantly by 1980.

Technology in the 1970's
Several innovations in steel manufacture have im­
proved productivity and affected manpower. These can

be divided into three types. The first includes machinery
or techniques which have been widely adopted, such as
the basic oxygen furnace. The second group includes
technologies which are relatively newer and not yet
widely used. One such example, the continuous casting
process, is becoming more productive as technical
operating problems are solved. The third type includes
new technological breakthroughs, in some cases still in
the pilot state, but which, it is thought, will be of
importance in the future. This group includes the direct
reduction process which bypasses the blast furnace
operation. These and other innovations of the last few
years, their manpower impact, and their general rate of
diffusion are presented in table 6.

Iron manufacture

Blast furnace smelting—the first step in steel produc­
tion—is the reduction of iron ore to iron with the use of
coke as fuel. On completion, the molten iron is used in
steelmaking furnaces. Although the basic production
method has not changed, many significant improvements
have greatly increased the efficiency of the process.
These include sharply increased use of sintered ore and
pellets of uniform high grade iron content, injection of
hydrocarbons to partially replace coke, superlarge blast
furnaces, higher operating pressure, and greater instru­
mentation (e.g., automatic fuel oil injection). In 1964,
the largest blast furnaces in the United States produced
3,000 tons a day; in 1973 the rate was up to 6,000 tons.
Two large steel companies are currently installing
modern giant blast furnaces designed to produce four
times as much hot metal as the average furnace
produces. These superfurnaces will probably require
almost 50 percent fewer operators (keepers, first helpers,
etc.), fewer unskilled laborers, and about the same
number of supervisors as the regular blast furnace.
Coke is the fuel used with iron ore in the blast
furnace to produce iron. It is “baked” from special
grades of soft coal in long high narrow ovens; the solid
matter left is cooled and becomes a very porous fuel.
Several problems are associated with the coke ovens, in
part because relatively little technological advance has

Table 6.

Major technology changes in the steel industry



Improves quality and uniformity of iron ore for use in blast
furnace; forms pellets of uniform high grade from rock of
low iron content. Changes improve productivity and reduce
operating costs.

Pellets accounted for 47 percent
of ore consumed in 1973;1 70
percent anticipated in 1980.2

Direct reduction process..............

Processes ore into pellets of 90-95 percent iron content by
treating with hot reducing gases; mostly used in electric-arc
steelmaking furnace.

Three installations in operation.

Basic oxygen process (BOP)


Steelmaking process using about 75 percent molten iron and
25 percent scrap in which oxygen is injected directly onto
the iron, increasing the rate of reaction; 45 minutes to
process a heat (the furnace capacity) compared with 9-10
hours for older open-hearth process. Requires roughly onefifth the labor.

Accounted for 55 percent of
production in 1973.3 Expected
to increase sharply by 1980.


More productive refinement of the basic oxygen process;
produces higher yields.

Two installations in operation.
Still considered experimental.

Electric-arc fu rn a c e ........................

Steelmaking process using 100 percent scrap or other
solid-state iron; less capital required than for the oxygen

Accounted for about 18 percent
of production in 1973;4 ex­
pected to be 25 percent by

Vacuum degassing..........................

Removes impurities from the molten steel; increases man­
power requirements but additional cost may be offset by
increased yield.

Installed in a few mills.

Continuous casting ........................

Steel is poured directly from furnace ladle into the caster
from which it emerges a semifinished slab, billet, or bloom;
requires 10-15 percent less manpower in this stage than
traditional method for the same output by eliminating ingots
and subsequent processes.

Accounted for less than 10 per­
cent of steel produced in 1973;6
by 1985 may approach 50 per­

Computer controls

Controls operations automatically; manpower requirements
not significantly affected.

Less than 10 percent of all steel
operations;8 largest number in
rolling mills.

Beneficiation and pelletization




1 A m e ric a n Iro n and S teel In s titu te , Annual Statistical Report

1973 , pp . 6 5 and 7 2 .
2 H . S tu a rt H arris o n , “ S m all O re Pellets H elp K eep U .S .
In d u s try C o m p e titiv e ," Steel Facts, S u m m e r 1 9 7 3 , p. 1 2 .
3 A IS I , Annual , p. 5 3 .
4 Ib id .

been made in several decades, other than the increase in
size. These problems include the advanced age of
equipment in the United States, serious gas and dust
emission, and the high capital cost for modernization or
new equipment. New coke ovens being built are consid­
erably larger and are equipped with advanced pollution
control equipment. In addition, several companies are
experimenting with radically different cokemaking pro­
cesses, which, if successful, will eliminate some of the
problems associated with the ovens now in use.
One of the most important innovations in recent
years—the direct reduction process (DR)—bypasses the
coke oven/blast furnace smelting system. It reduces iron
ore and ore pellets chemically, without melting, into
products of 90-95 percent iron content for use in
electric-arc steelmaking furnaces. These metallized pro­

5Iron and Steel Engineer, June 1 9 7 1 , p . 8 1 .
6 A m e ric a n Iro n and S teel In s titu te , Blast Furnace and Raw
Steel Production, M S -1, Y e a re n d 1 9 7 3 .
7 Iron Age, A p ril 1, 1 9 7 4 , p. 5 3 .
8 " S te e l T akes M a n y
A p ril 5 , 1 9 7 3 , pp. 6 3 -6 8 .

M in i

S teps


C o n tr o l,"

Iron Age,

ducts can be handled and stored easily in contrast with
molten iron—the product of blast furnace smelting.
Capital outlays for any of the available DR processes are
lower than for the coke oven/blast furnace system, and
less labor is required.
Only a few large-scale direct reduction facilities have
as yet been installed in the United States. The techno­
logy is still developing, but at some future time, the
direct reduction process could have sufficient capacity
to be an important supplement to the blast furnace
system. The growth of direct reduction plants will be
affected by the availability and cost of different fuels,
particularly natural gas. Some people in the industry
believe the breakthrough will come when alternatives to
natural gas are available through technologies such as
coal gasification.

Raw steel production

The basic oxygen process (BOP) for making steel now
accounts for 55 percent of production, surpassing
output from open-hearth furnaces since 1970.1 In the
BOP furnace, oxygen is injected directly onto the
molten pig iron and scrap and increases the rate of
reaction, so that it takes about 45 minutes to process a
“heat” compared with 9-10 hours with the older
open-hearth process. The BOP requires roughly one-fifth
the labor, largely that of semiskilled operators, while the
open-hearth process requires many unskilled laborers for
physical jobs. The BOP also requires a somewhat smaller
investment and results in lower production costs because
of greater productivity. On the other hand, the openhearth furnace permits greater flexibility in the use of
pig iron and scrap. Although still accounting for more
than a fourth of U.S. steel production, the open-hearth
process is expected to be slowly phased out.
The latest advance in steelmaking is the Q-BOP, a
West German refinement of the BOP, which results in
higher yields, according to some industry sources. This
process can utilize slightly higher density scrap in place
of hot metal—an advantage of particular importance
when there is a shortage of domestic iron ore or
ironmaking capacity. Also, the Q-BOP may be cheaper
to build than the BOP. Although the amount of air
pollution is reduced with Q-BOP, pollution control
systems are nevertheless required. Manpower require­
ments are approximately the same for both. However,
the industry is not in agreement on the advantages of the
Q-BOP over the BOP, and by 1975 only two Q-BOP’s
were in operation.
Another very significant technological advance, the
high power electric-arc furnace, can greatly increase the
industry’s productivity. Although not a new develop­
ment, the electric furnace was being used in 1973 to
produce 14 percent of carbon steel and 18 percent of all
steel whereas in 1960, it accounted for 6 and 8 percent
This process was considered more particularly suited
for stainless and other specialty steels. Today, however,
the major advantage of the electric furnace over the
oxygen process in carbon steel production is that the
former can use 100 percent scrap or pellets in place of
hot metal. Recently, scrap was in short supply and
interest in substituting the metallized pellets made by
the direct reduction process (see description above)
greatly increased.
The electric furnace, using scrap or metallized pellets,
permits steel manufacture in smaller plants which are
not associated with a blast furnace complex. In such
miniplants, capital investment is lower and startup time

may be one-fourth that of the BOP, but total operating
costs may be higher. About 40 miniplants have been
built since 1960, and they are becoming increasingly
important in the industry.
Expectations are that the use of the electric-arc
furnace will increase sharply in the next decade—to 25
percent of total steel production by 1980, according to
one expert.3 In combination with the direct reduction
process discussed above, the electric furnace can, in
time, greatly supplement the traditional steelmaking
Vacuum degassing

Several new refining processes known as vacuum
degassing are expected to have an impact on steel
manufacture. In these processes, the steel is refined by
degassing in vacuum chambers or other methods as it
comes from the steel furnace and before it solidifies.
This removes trapped gaseous impurities. Manpower
requirements and refining costs are increased but are
usually offset by savings in the finishing department. Of
major importance is the fact that vacuum degassing may
be combined with the BOP or the electric furnace
process prior to continuous casting to improve quality
and yield of semifinished steel products.
Continuous casting

Continuous casting, with considerable potential for
increasing productivity, is gradually being incorporated
into the steelmaking system. In this process, the steel is
tapped from the furnace and poured directly into the
continuous caster, from which it emerges a solid
semifinished slab, billet, or bloom. In the traditional
method, steel is poured into ingot molds; cooling,
stripping, and reheating are required before the ingots
can be rolled into a semifinished form. Originally
installed only in minimills to produce small structural
shapes and bars, continuous casting for larger shapes,
plates, and sheets has now been installed in many mills.
Manpower requirements have been estimated to be
roughly 10-15 percent less with continuous casting than
with the ingot system for the same production. Un­
skilled and semiskilled workers, such as strippers and
moulders, are not required. Nevertheless, it has not been
very widely adopted because technical and operating
problems have plagued the process; in 1973, less than 10
percent of steel was made by continuous casting.4 Many
of the problems, however, are now being solved and it is
expected that by 1985 the proportion of steel made by
continuous casting will be considerably greater, perhaps
as large as one-half.5

Continuous casting process converts molten steel into solid slabs which are cut by remote control.

Rolling and finishing operations

The rolling and finishing processes which change the
shape of the semifinished slab or bloom into a sheet, bar,
or other structure are becoming more automated and
continuous. The hot strip mills built in the 1960’s
incorporated very substantial technological improve­
ments. These included sophisticated electronic controls,
considerably greater speed, larger slab furnaces, auto­

matic roll changing, and other such developments.


Computer use is increasing for both processing data
and controlling operations. Nevertheless, a survey by
Iron Age in 1973 showed that less than 10 percent of all
steel operations of the respondent companies were

computer controlled. 6 Rolling mills accounted for the
largest number of computer installations. Minicomputers
are widely used to control discrete functions or as
satellites to a larger system. Although large computers
will continue to grow in number, smaller controls such
as minicomputers and programmable controllers will
become increasingly important.
Hot strip mills are well suited for computer control
because their operations are so complex. One of the
newest hot strip mills, computer controlled from start to
finish, requires only 32 workers on each shift compared
to about 80 in older facilities. Automatic controls
however, are prerequisites to computer control and are
largely responsible for the reduction in manpower

Production and Productivity Outlook

A record of more than 150 million tons of raw steel
was produced in 1973, and shipments of steel mill
products peaked at 111 million tons.7 A slight decline
occurred in 1974 as the economic slump affected the
industry. The larger companies are vertically integrated
from raw material to finished mill product, and may
own and operate iron ore, coal, and limestone mines,
coke ovens, iron and steelmaking furnaces, rolling and
finishing mills, and large transportation facilities.
Output of steel rose almost steadily and sharply from
1960 to 1966, at an average annual rate of 6.2 percent
(measured in tons, adjusted for product mix).8 In
contrast, the succeeding 7-year period was severely
affected by economic slowdowns, production bottle­
necks, and rapidly growing imports. Output fluctuated
in those 7 years and increased an average of less than 1.0
percent annually. (See chart 6.) However, in the last year
of the period, 1973, output registered more than a
13-percent increase, even as some steel products were in
short supply. Over the entire period of 1960-73, steel
production rose an average of 2.5 percent a year. As the
economy slowed down in 1974, output dropped about 3
percent below 1973.
While the output growth rate was relatively low in the
last decade, imports of steel mill products increased
more than 5 times from 3Vi million tons in 1960 to a
peak of over 18 million tons in 1971. As a percent of
apparent domestic supply (net tons), imports rose from
5 percent in 1960 to about 18 percent in 1971.9 This
upward trend in steel imports was associated with rapid
increases in foreign steel capacity and slack demand
abroad, foreign cost and exchange advantages, and

technological problems in domestic production (see
productivity section). However, by 1973, imports had
declined to 15 million tons and 12Vi percent of apparent
domestic supply, as booming world demand reduced the
availability of foreign steel and currency revaluations
reduced its price advantage.
Some industry officials believe that demand may
grow as much as 25-30 million tons to a total of about
180 million tons by 1980.10 This would mean an output
growth rate in the next 7 years slightly above the
1960-73 average and about 3 times greater than in the
last 7 years. This outlook assumes greater domestic
demand, lower imports, and adequate capacity.

Productivity gains11 were only moderate in the 13
years from 1960 to 1973 and were concentrated largely
in the first half of the period. Output per man-hour of
all employees in the basic steel sector increased at an
average annual rate of 2.4 percent from 1960 to 1973,
but reflected very diverse movements over the 13-year
period. While the average annual gain was 4.1 percent
from 1960 to 1966, it declined to 0.5 percent annually
in the next 5 years. In 1972 and 1973, however,
productivity jumped 5.8 and 10.8 percent respectively as
many of the conditions associated with the late 1960’s
The low rate of productivity growth in the last 5
years of the decade occurred in spite of significant
technological changes. Several reasons probably account
for this, including the relatively low volume of output
discussed earlier, which resulted in less than optimum
capacity usage. In addition, however, the highly complex
machinery installed in recent years has required a longer
break-in period than had usually been necessary. While 5
years is generally considered the normal span between
the initial capital expenditure and full-scale operation,
many new facilities have involved more extensive delays
in construction, startup, and debugging. For some new
technologies, such as continuous casting, operational
problems continued to limit potential productivity gains
for years after installation. At the same time, the
problem of integrating new and larger capacity machin­
ery resulted in an imbalance in output.
In 1972 and 1973, many of these problems were
overcome. The corner was turned on the optimum use of
the equipment installed in the 1960’s; demand strength­
ened and imports fell off; and the financial picture
improved. In addition, the new labor-management agree­
ment assured uninterrupted production.
In the last half of the 1970’s, several factors will
probably continue to affect productivity growth favor-

Chart 6

O u tp u t p e r m a n -h o u r, output, a nd m a n -h ou rs
in t h e s t e e l i n d u s t r y , 1 9 6 0 -7 3

In d e x , 1 9 6 7 = 1 0 0
R atio scale

Output per man-hour













Bureau of Labor Statistics.






ably, assuming relatively stable economic conditions:
greater capital expenditures to round out modernization
programs and thereby increase capacity, stronger
demand, and more consistent and efficient operation of
newly installed machinery.
Best plant practice

While no general conclusion can be drawn from one
year’s data, some indication of the potential produc­
tivity level for an industry sector is suggested by
the difference between the productivity levels of the
“most efficient” plants and the average plant in that
sector.12 Comparative data for 1967 are presented in
table 7 on average value added per production worker
man-hour. (Although the measure has limitations, value
added per man-hour is used here as an approximate
indicator of productivity.) For purposes of this report,
the “most efficient” mills are defined as those which fall
into the highest quartile of the ranking of plants by
value added per production worker man-hour; the “least
efficient” are those in the lowest quartile.
In the two industry sectors for which 1967 data are
available, average value added per man-hour in the “most
efficient” mills was about 3 times larger than the average
of the “least efficient” mills. Compared to the average
mill, average value added per man-hour in the “most
efficient” plants was about IV2 times greater.
The wide range in productivity levels within an
industry sector may reflect differences in management,
labor, capital expenditures, basic raw materials, and
other factors. Unfortunately, data are not adequate to
determine the relative importance of these factors.

Table 7.
Value added per production worker man­
hour in the steel industry
Ratios of "most efficient" to
"least efficient" plants and to average plant, 1967


"Most efficient"
to "least
efficient" plant

Industry sector

"Most efficient"
average plant

Blast furnaces and steel
m ills .................................



Steel pipe and tubes



1 D ata available o n ly fo r th e 4 -d ig it sectors show n.
N O T E : E stab lish m en ts in each sector w e re ran ked b y ra tio
o f value added per p ro d u c tio n w o rk e r m a n -h o u r. T h e " m o s t
e ffic ie n t" establishm ents are d e fin e d as tho se w h ic h fa ll in to th e
highest q u a rtile ; th e " le a s t e ffic ie n t" are tho se in th e low est
q u a rtile .
Based on u n pub lished d a ta fro m th e Bureau of
th e Census prepared fo r th e N a tio n a l C o m m ission on P ro d u c ­
t iv ity and W o rk Q u a lity .

Capital investment in the steel sector was very heavy
in the second half of the 1960’s. Expenditures for new
plant and equipment rose to a peak of almost $2 billion
by 1968 (Census data), but then dropped back steadily
to somewhat over $1 billion in 1971 and 1972 and only
rose slightly in 1973.13 From 1964 to 1970, expendi­
tures averaged $1.6 billion and then fell sharply to an
average of $1.2 billion in the succeeding 3-year period.
Capital expenditures per production worker dropped at
an annual rate of 6.3 percent in 1966-72, compared to a
rise of 7.6 percent for 1960-66 (table 8). However,
although prices of steel plant and equipment are not
available, the very sharp rise in general machinery and
equipment prices over this period suggests that real
capital outlays in the steel industry increased consid­
erably less than is shown by the current-dollar data and
that the decline in recent years has been greater.
The sharp drop in investment in the last several years
can be attributed in large part to unfavorable economic
conditions. As mentioned earlier, imports have expanded
sharply while domestic output and return on investment
have fallen off.14 This has reduced the incentive to
continue the earlier high rate of investment. To some
extent, the problem is a matter of investment timing.
Some new technologies (for example, the oxygen fur­
nace) became widely accepted in the United States only
several years after they were already well established
overseas,15 and in the same time span between invest­
ment and effective operation, imports expanded. For
example, in 1960, 3 percent of U.S. steel and about 12
percent of Japanese steel were produced by the basic
oxygen process. By 1965, the BOP accounted for 17
percent of U.S. production but it constituted more than
half of Japan’s production. In 1971, the first year that
the BOP accounted for more than 50 percent of U.S.
output, the Japanese proportion produced by the BOP
was 80 percent.
Table 8.

Indicators of change in the steel industry,


(Ra tios)

. . . .


Average annual percent




Payroll per unit of value
added ..........................................


- 2 .5


Capital expenditures per
production w o r k e r...................



-6 .3

1 Lin e ar least squares tren ds m e th o d .

B ureau o f th e Census.


Recently, however the industry’s financial position
has improved and the pressure to invest is increasing.
Capital expenditures in the next few years will aim to
fulfill the estimated demand requirements for 1980
(25-30 million tons above 1973). How much additional
capacity—and expenditures—this would require, how­
ever, is not clear. Estimates of raw steel capacity in 1973
vary, ranging from 155 million tons16 to 180 million
tons.17 There appears to be more general agreement on
the need for additional capacity “downstream” , that is,
in semifinishing and finishing operations, which would
generally break bottlenecks in existing plants. This
effort, known as “rounding out,” could increase capac­
ity substantially. By mid-1974, plans for capacity
growth, primarily from rounding out and balancing,
ranged up to 15 million tons.18
In addition, the industry must finance heavy expendi­
tures for pollution control related to almost every
process in production. Although annual outlays for
pollution control averaged roughly 10 percent of capital
outlays in the years 1969 through 1973, the problem
continues to be serious.19 The estimate of annual
expenditures projected by the industry for the next
several years is considerably greater than in those 5
Expenditures necessary to control pollution on older
equipment may not be economically feasible. For
example, some engineers believe it can cost a million
dollars or more to equip a single open-hearth furnace
with air-cleaning equipment, and many shops have 10-15
furnaces. The industry has the alternative of closing
down the older marginal equipment rather than install­
ing controls.
The outlook, therefore, is for larger capital outlays
for rounding out and balancing production, for replacing
obsolete equipment, for pollution control, and for
expansion. Some specialists believe that to meet
expected demand in 1980 the industry would have to
more than double the annual outlays of the 1960’s for
the rest of this decade. 21
Employment and Manpower
Employment trends

Steel mills employed 607,800 workers in 1974 (BLS
data), only slightly more than in 1973 but substantially
above (6.2 percent) 1972 when employment was at the
lowest point in the post-World War II period. Overall,
from 1960 to 1974, the average annual rate of employ­
ment change was -0.3 percent. (See chart 7.) While
employment rose slowly (0.9 percent a year) from 1960
to 1966, it dropped by an average of almost IV2 percent

annually from 1966 to 1974.
The general trend for production workers differed
from that for nonproduction workers. Employment of
production workers hit a peak in 1965 and then declined
almost steadily till 1972, while nonproduction workers
moved up steadily from 1964 to 1969 and then dropped
sharply. In the period 1966-74, production worker
employment fell almost twice as rapidly as did nonpro­
duction worker employment. For the entire period
1960-74, production workers showed a small annual
decline (-0.4 percent) while nonproduction workers rose
slightly (0.3 percent).
According to projections by BLS for 1980 and
198522 (for assumptions underlying these projections,
see the introductory note) steel employment would not
change significantly from 1974 to 1980. Employment
would decline from 1980 to 1985 (under the assump­
tions of these projections) by an average of about 0.5
percent annually.
Occupational trends

Job content and occupational requirements are being
affected by changes in technology. Blue-collar workers
(craft and kindred workers, operatives, and laborers)
who constituted slightly more than three-quarters of all
steelworkers in 1970, are expected to decline in number
and as a proportion of the total industry work force by
1980. Of this group, craft and kindred workers, about a
third of all steelworkers in 1970, are expected to remain
the same in number but increase proportionately by
1980. More complex machinery and instruments tend to
require craft and maintenance workers who are more
highly skilled and trained, but not necessarily a greater
number of workers.
On the other hand, the relative importance of
operatives in the steel mill is slowly declining as machine
speed, capacity, and automaticity increase. The more
advanced oxygen furnace, for example, now takes
one-fifth as much labor to process a heat as is required
by the open-hearth process. It is expected that this trend
will continue to reduce the proportion of opera­
tors—now less than 30 percent of all steelworkers.
The manpower implications of computer process
control in blast furnaces, steelworks, and rolling mills
were studied by BLS in 1969.23 The major impact,
according to this study, was a change in job duties rather
than a change in the number employed. Job changes
among operators generally consisted of a shift from
manual to automatic control of dials, levers, and
other control devices. Some operators were also trained
to operate computer equipment. Among nonoperating
workers, supervisors gained responsibility for computer

Chart 7

Employment in the steel industry, 1960-74
and projected for 1980 and 1985
Employees (thousands)


All employees

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiii



EU a

Production workers

Average Annual Percent Change1
All Employees
1960-74 ...................................... . - 0 .3
1 9 6 0 -6 6 ................................. . 0.9
1 9 6 6 -7 4 ................................. . - 1 . 3


1 9 7 4 -8 0 ................................. . -0 .1
1 98 0 -8 5 ................................. . - 0 .5
Production Workers


I ■

HgSn; ‘ I

■■■■■■[ H

f® f v V


0 960




?' ■ :
• A f ri ' ’

n il


1960-74 ......................................
1 9 6 0 -6 6 ................................. .

Bureau of Labor Statistics.


1 9 6 6 -7 4 ................................. . - 1 . 4



1 Least squares trend method for historical data; compound interest method for projections.

- 0 .4



equipment, recording clerks shifted to automatic data
logging techniques, and electronic maintenance workers
were trained to repair and maintain computer systems.
Unskilled jobs are being eliminated wherever possible
as laborsaving devices are adopted. For example, more
efficient blast furnaces using processed ores eliminate
many unskilled jobs. This also applies to the use of the
basic oxygen and electric furnaces in place of openhearth furnaces. It is expected that continuous casting
and other relatively new, more efficient operations will
continue the pattern of reducing demand for unskilled
labor. Service workers—only 3 percent of the industry
work force—may also decline substantially from 1970 to
1980, by almost 30 percent.
On the other hand, white-collar workers, about 20
percent of steel employees, are increasing in number and
as a proportion of the total. Professional and technical
workers, who are expected to increase 10 percent by
1980 over 1970, will also constitute a larger proportion
of the total. In general, the need for technically trained
personnel is increasing with the use of more advanced
instrumentation, computer controls, and pollution con­
trol devices. Growing technical occupations include
process control engineers, programmers, laboratory
testers, and research and development specialists. Man­
agers, officials, and proprietors, and salesworkers are also
expected to increase very substantially over the decade.
These changes are summarized in table 9 and chart 8,
which show the Bureau of Labor Statistics projections of
employment by occupation for 1980. While occupa­
tional changes reflect technological advances, they also
reflect other industry and labor factors such as shifts in
the importance of subindustries, changes in management
organization, and the availability of labor.

Table 9.
Employment in the steel industry by occupa­
tional group, 1970 and 1 9801
(P e rc e n t d is trib u tio n )



All occu pation s.........................



White-collar workers .................................
Blue-coliar w o r k e rs ....................................
Craft and kindred
workers ..........................................
L ab orers............................................
Service w orkers............................................





Occupational group

1 D ata are fo r blast furnaces and steel m ills (S IC 3 3 1 2 ) and
th e e le c tro m e ta llu rg ic a l p ro d u c ts in d u s try (S IC 3 3 1 3 ) .

Bureau o f L a b o r Statistics.

Adjustment of workers to technological change

Over 95 percent of steelworkers are in plants covered
by bargaining agreements with the United Steelworkers
of America (USWA) and other unions. Many provisions
for easing the workers’ adjustment to technological
changes are included in these contracts, although refer­
ence to “technological change” may not be made
specifically. Basically, the major form of protection to
the worker is the concept of seniority rights associated
with layoff, recall, and transfer. Of particular impor­
tance is the interplant job opportunity program which
gives laid-off workers the right, on the basis of seniority,
to job openings in other plants.24 The provision in a
major agreement states: “An employee of a steel plant
continuously on layoff for 60 days or more who had 2
or more years of company continuous service on the
date of his layoff and who is not eligible for an
immediate pension and social security shall be given
priority over other applicants. . . for job vacancies
(other than temporary vacancies) at other steel plants of
the c o m p a n y ...”25 For such workers, continuous
service seniority is retained, and in some circumstances
(for example, considerable distance between plants) relo­
cation allowances may be available.
In at least one major contract, earnings may be
protected from the effect of technology changes. The
agreement states: “The purpose of the Earnings Protec­
tion Plan is to protect a level of earnings for hours
worked by employees, with particular emphasis on
employees displaced in technological change .. .”26 For
those eligible under this protection plan, earnings are
maintained at a certain percentage of the wages received
in the base period preceding the change.
Worksharing is also used to protect the employee who
might otherwise be laid off. In this system, under certain
conditions, the total amount of work available is divided
among all eligible employees to give them an average
minimum of 32 hours per week.
In the event of layoff, supplementary unemployment
benefits cover about nine-tenths of the production
workers. These weekly benefits, for workers laid off or
on a short workweek, were increased in the 1974
contract. In cases of permanent layoff or termination
because of the introduction of new equipment or closing
of a department or plant, provisions for severance pay
cover more than four-fifths of the production workers.
Significant provisions exist in the area of early
retirement available to persons who lose their jobs
because of layoff or plant closings, known as the
“70/80” pension provisions. With certain conditions,
such workers may retire if age plus years of service total
70 or more for those retiring at age 55 or later, or total
80 for those who retire prior to age 55. Under this plan,

Chart 8

Projected changes in employment in the steel industry
by occupational group, 1970 to 1980

Occupational group

Percent of
in 1970

Professional and
technical workers

Percentage change


-3 0

-1 0



- •

Managers, officials,
and proprietors


■ 5.\ ■ :

-• '




Clerical workers


Sales workers


Craft and
kindred workers




Service workers





Bureau o f Labor Statistics.

■iM’-Sr-i-f' **





the worker receives a special payment in addition to the
amount of the regular pension as an incentive to retire.
Other early retirement provisions are also available.
Provisions to help ease the worker’s adjustment may
also include advance notice of changes. In 36 contracts
covering 1,000 workers or more (involving 354,000
workers overall), only 3, covering fewer than 10,000
workers, have provisions requiring advance notice of
technological changes. However, 17 contracts (covering
135,000 workers) require advance notice for shutdown

and relocation or for layoff.
An unusual aspect of the 1971 and 1974 USWA
agreements was the formation of joint advisory commit­
tees at the local level to improve productivity “and to
meet the challenge posed by principal foreign competi­
tors in recent years.” 27 This pioneering effort by labor
and management is concerned with furthering under­
standing of the need for productivity growth “ so as to
provide employment security and assure continued
company growth.” 28

-FOOTNOTES1American Iron and Steel Institute, Annual Statistical Report
1973, p. 53.
2 Ibid.
3Iron and Steel Engineer, June 1971, p. 81.
4 American Iron and Steel Institute, Blast Furnace and Raw
Steel Production, AIS-7, Yearend 1973.

Edwin H. Gott, Chairman of the Board of the U.S. Steel
Corporation, in a paper given at the Regional Technical Meeting
of the Iron and Steel Institute, Nov. 9, 1972.
17Institute for Iron and Steel Studies, Commentary, Decem­
ber 1972, p. 4.
18 “The Smiles on the Faces of U.S. Steelmakers,” Business
Week, Sept. 14, 1974, p. 152.

5Iron Age, April 1, 1974, p. 53.
6 “Steel Takes Many Mini Steps in Control,” Iron Age, April
5, 1973, pp. 63-68.
7 AISI, Annual, p. 8.
8Indexes o f Output Per Man-Hour, Selected Industries, 1973
Edition, Bull. 1780 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1973), p. 61.
9 AISI, Annual, p. 8.
I ° “The Smiles on the Faces of U.S. Steelmakers,” Business
Week, Sept. 14, 1974, p. 152.
I IIndexes o f Output, p. 60.
12 Based on unpublished data prepared by the Bureau of the
Census for the National Commission on Productivity and Work
13 Data for 1960-72, Bureau of the Census; 1973 estimated
by BLS. The Census data are for establishments. Expenditure
data by the American Iron and Steel Institute are for companies.

19 American Iron and Steel Institute, Steel Industry Eco­
nomics and Federal Income Tax Policy, Feb. 1974, table 14.
20 American Iron and Steel Institute, AISI News, April 11,
21 Thomas A. Schick, “Will There Be Enough Steel in 1980?”
Steel Facts, Feb. 19, 1974.
2 2Based on projections in The U.S. Economy in 1985: A
Summary o f BLS Projections, Bull. 1809 (Bureau of Labor
Statistics, 1974), table CA.
23 Outlook for Computer Process Control, Bull. 1658
(Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1970).
24 Provisions noted are from the 1974 contracts with the
United Steelworkers of America.
2 5Agreement between United States Steel Corporation and
the United Steelworkers o f America, Aug. 1, 1974, p. 108.
26 Agreement, p. 66.

14 AISI, Annual, p. 13.
27Agreement, p. 203.
15 American Iron and Steel Institute, Japan Iron and Steel
Federation, and International Iron and Steel Institute.

28Agreement, p. 204.


Dailey, William H. “Integrated Steel Plants of the Future,” Iron
and Steel Engineer, April 1972, pp. 87-94.

U.S. Congress, Senate, Committee on Government Operations,
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Related to
Steel Shortages and Inflation. Testimony of Peter F.
Marcus, Vice President, Mitchell, Hutchins, Inc., Oct. 10,
1974. Hearings, 93 Cong., 2d. sess.

“Electric Steelmaking Assumes New Role,” Iron Age, April 1,
1974, pp. 45-56.

“Steel’s Mettle,” Barrons, May 3,1971, p. 20.

Hiestand, Dale L. High Level Manpower and Technological
Change in the Steel Industry. New York, Praeger Pub­
lishers, 1974.

“Steel Takes Mini Steps in Control,” Iron Age, April 5, 1973,
pp. 63-68.

Hogan, William Thomas, S. J. Economic History o f the Iron and
Steel Industry in the United States. Vol. 4, Part VI.
Lexington, Mass., D. C. Heath and Company, 1971.

“The Smiles on the Faces of U.S. Steelmakers,” Business Week,
Sept. 14,1974, pp. 152-58.

American Iron and Steel Institute. Steel Industry Economics and
Federal Income Tax Policy. February 1974.

_____________ The 1970’s: Critical Years for Steel. Lexington,
Mass., D. C. Heath and Company, 1972.

U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Industry
Wage Survey: Basic Iron and Steel, August 197Z Bull.

“New Muscles for U.S. Steelmen,” Newsweek, June 19, 1972,
pp. 71-72.

__________________________ Outlook for Computer Process
Control. Bull. 1658, 1970.

Aircraft and Missiles
The introduction of new materials, equipment, and
manufacturing processes may act to reduce labor re­
quirements for clerical workers and laborers as well as
improve the quality of the products of the aerospace
industry (aircraft and parts, SIC 372, and missiles and
space vehicles, SIC 1925). New materials such as
structural composites are continually being developed
and introduced into the industry to be used in the
manufacture of aircraft, missiles, and space vehicles,
resulting in improved product quality and changing
manpower requirements. Further development of lasers
should accompany the discovery of new applications for
this technology. Simulation through the use of com­
puterized models should continue to grow in importance
while continued advances in forming and joining tech­
niques can be expected.
Because of limitations in available data, definitive
measurements of productivity in the aircraft and missiles
and space vehicles industries are not available. However,
Federal Reserve Board data for the aircraft component
of the industry indicate that there was a steady upward
rise in output during the 1960 to 1968 period. Man­
hours also increased during this period but at a much
slower rate. After 1968, both output and man-hours
declined but the rate of decrease of man-hours exceeded
that of output. For the 12-year period 1960-72 as a
whole, output rose at a faster rate than man-hours. The
trends in output and man-hours would thus seem to
suggest that productivity in the aircraft industry has
been improving both in periods of contraction and
expansion, and that productivity should continue to
improve in the 1970’s.
Output of the missiles and space vehicles industry
(Census data) reached a peak in 1966, declined to 1971,
and turned upward slightly in 1972. The average annual
rate of increase in output between 1960 and 1966 was
considerably greater than the rate of increase in man­
hours. Both output and man-hours decreased between
1966 and 1972 but man-hours decreased at a higher
average annual rate. Thus, productivity in this compo­
nent of the industry also appears to have increased

during periods of both expanding and declining output.
Capital expenditures rose during the 1960 decade in
the aircraft and parts industry. Expenditures grew
rapidly from 1960 to 1967 but entered a period of
decline after 1967. In the missiles and space vehicles
industry, expenditures for plant and equipment reached
a peak in 1968. As in the past, the future direction of
capital expenditures will be heavily influenced by
Federal Government decisions on spending for defense
and space programs, since much of the industry’s work is
done on Federal Government contract.
Employment in the aircraft and missiles and space
vehicles industries initially increased during the 1960-74
period but declined somewhat in the latter part of this
period because of cutbacks in Federal spending. BLS
projections for the aircraft industry (see introductory
note for assumptions) indicate that employment may
increase slightly between 1974 and 1980 and continue
to increase to 1985. These increases merely represent a
gradual recovery in employment, however, since even
the projected employment figure for 1985 is well below
the peak levels of the 1960-70 decade.
BLS employment projections for the missiles and
space vehicles industry also indicate higher rates of
increase between 1974 and 1985 than in the aircraft
industry. But for this segment of the industry, too, the
projected 1985 employment figure is below the peak
employment levels of the 1960-70 decade.

Technology in the 1970's
The adoption of new technology in the aerospace
industry may lead to further reductions in manpower
requirements for laborers and for service and clerical
workers. Technological developments will also continue
to result in increasing the skill requirements for workers
in the industry.
The aerospace industry is one in which technological
changes in both products and manufacturing processes
take place especially rapidly. Among the many new
technologies recently introduced in the industry which
should gain widespread usage are the development of

new materials, new techniques of assembly and fabrica­
tion, the use of direct numerical control of machine
tools, and the use of lasers for trimming resistors and for
welding. (See table 10.) However, because the products
of the aerospace industry are essentially custom-built
and require limited quantities of many different parts,
advanced equipment introduced must be flexible and
capable of producing small quantities of items eco­

Table 10.


A major innovation is the development of advanced
filamentary structural composites, materials which
should become much more widely used. Many firms in
the industry are now working in composites, developing
fabrication techniques and learning more about
approaches to design.
Cost per pound of the composites has been high

Major technology changes in the aircraft and missiles industry


These new materials permit very large structural elements to
be made in single pieces. Composites can be molded to exact
dimensions, avoiding the high cost of machine tools required
for machining metals. Their use also greatly reduces or
eliminates the material wasted in scrap and can lower the
weight of aircraft.

Recently introduced; use con­
tinues to expand.

These new rotors permit higher gross weights, altitudes, and
airspeeds. Cost per pound should be comparable to metal
rotors using automated production processes.

This is a new product and it has
not yet had any impact on the


In this process the clad metal is placed parallel to and a slight
distance above the backer metal. The clad is propelled across
the standoff space by detonating an overlayer of explosive. A
plastic flow of the metal surfaces slightly ahead of the
collision point and causes a jet to form. This removes surface
films which can spoil the bond. Also, explosive bonding can
eliminate the problem of brittle compound formation.

Already being used in the indus­
try but the equipment is expen­
sive and is only feasible for large
production runs. The high cost
is likely to hinder its rate of

Bulge forming te c h n iq u e ..............

This technique can cut manufacturing costs by 80 percent. It
involves placing a cylindrical piece of annealed tubing in a die
of the desired shape and then filling it with liquid or
polyurethane. Advantages include elimination of joint
strength problems and the need for welding.

Not in widespread use but its
advantages may make it more

Electrochemical machining ..........

Electrochemical machining is a quick way to manufacture
large jet parts. Metal is removed from a workpiece by means
of a formed electrode. It makes deep cuts quickly and
eliminates the need for many basic operations.

Use should continue to expand.

Numerical c o n tr o l..........................

This process involves the automatic operation and control of
machine tools by means of a system of electronic devices,
servomechanisms, and coded tape instructions. It reduces
errors and machining time and can cut unit labor costs.

Already widely used in the in­

Adaptive c o n tr o l............................

A refinement of numerical control which allows a continuous
automatic adjustment of the cutting process to compensate
for such factors as vibration and temperature change. It
increases machine productivity.

Adaptive control should become
more widely diffused because of
its advantages over numerical

Direct numerical c o n tr o l..............

This process uses a central processing unit to run the various
machine tools. It has a number of advantages over numerical
and adaptive control and users of these two may eventually
switch to direct numerical control.

Direct numerical control equip­
ment is already being used;
usage is likely to expand in the

Lasers ...............................................

Laser technology has continued to expand and lasers are now
being used for such things as trimming resistors, balancing
gyros, and welding.

Lasers are already widely used
and their usage should continue
to grow.

s im u la tio n ............

Computers are being used to create models which permit the
study of dynamic systems. These models can be used in
evaluating situations which could arise under actual condi­

The use of computers for simu­
lation could expand as tech­
niques are further developed.

Advanced filamentary structural
composites ...............................

Glass-reinforced plastic rotors for

Explosive bonding

C om puters fo r

relative to other aerospace metals and will probably
continue to be so.1 There are offsetting factors, how­
ever, which have generated great interest in composites
despite their high cost. Studies by a number of manufac­
turers have indicated that, on balance, costs are lower
because making parts with graphite filaments eliminates
the need for the expensive metalworking machine tools
(and their operators) required by high performance
metals.2 Another advantage of the composites is that
they greatly reduce or eliminate the material wasted in
scrap.3 For example, using graphite tape (composites
normally appear in two forms—either as tape or in
combination with metal in structural shapes) very large
structural elements can be made in single pieces.4 Little
or no machining is necessary since composite structures
can be directly fabricated to the final configuration.
Also, use of composites lowers the weight of air­
craft.5 Studies indicate that a wing employing com­
posites would weigh 25 percent less than one made
completely of light alloys. A fuselage containing 56
percent composites could be 20 percent lighter.
Glass-reinforced plastic rotors have been developed
for helicopters which permit higher gross weights,
altitudes, and airspeeds.6 Initial production cost of the
blades was high because they were handmade. However,
automatic machining in certain processes could lower
labor costs and, possibly, make the cost per pound of
glass blades comparable to that of metal ones.
Explosive bonding, a technique which has already
been proven commercially, is increasingly being applied
to the joining of dissimilar metals in aerospace fabrica­
tion.7 Presently used bonding techniques such as weld­
ing, brazing, and diffusion bonding can lead to diffi­
culties with brittle compound formation—a problem that
can be avoided with explosive bonding. The equipment
used in explosive bonding is very expensive, however,
and is only feasible for large production runs—a fact that
may hinder its rate of introduction.
Assembly and fabrication

A new bulge forming technique led to an 80-percent
reduction in manufacturing costs when it was employed
by a manufacturer of jet aircraft.8 These savings were
realized in the process of making ducting of complex
shapes. The process involves placing a cylindrical piece
of annealed tubing in a die of the desired shape and then
filling it with liquid or polyurethane. The liquid or
polyurethane is then compressed, causing the tubing to
be forced into contours of the die cavity so that it takes
the required shape. After removing the shaped part from
the die, trimming is all that remains to be done; no
welding is needed. Also, problems with joint strength are

eliminated. There are other advantages such as increased
control over ducting thickness, smoother sections, and
elimination of the need for pressure sizing after forming.

Electrochemical machining

Electrochemical machining is proving to be a quick
way to manufacture large jet parts from refractory alloys
and at the same time save on labor costs by eliminating
the need for toolmakers.9 For example, a certain steel
fitting which normally needs a minimum of 3 hours of
machining time can be made in 15 minutes with
electrochemical machining. Likewise, a screw gear hous­
ing which previously required 6 hours of machine work
can be fabricated in 90 minutes. With the electro­
chemical machining facility, metal is removed from a
workpiece by a formed electrode. Deep cuts can be
made quickly and to close tolerances. Use of electro­
chemical machining obviates the need for basic machin­
ing operations and their operators. These include shap­
ing, planing, drilling, milling, boring, turning, and grind­
ing. Supplemental processing such as stress relieving and
deburring can also be eliminated. The use of electro­
chemical machining should continue to increase through­
out the 1970’s.
Numerical control of machine tools

Numerical control has gained widespread acceptance
in the aerospace industry.10 The highest penetration of
numerical control (NC) machines has been in the aircraft
industry. According to a private survey, in 1973, 4.3
percent of all machine tools in the aircraft industry were
NC, up from 1.1 percent in 1968. About 2.2 percent of
the machine tools in the aircraft engines and parts
industry were NC, an increase from 1.6 percent in 1968.
The NC process involves the automatic operation and
control of machine tools by means of a system of
electronic devices, servomechanisms, and coded tape
instructions. Numerical control can reportedly reduce
tooling and fixture costs by 70 to 80 percent in
comparison with conventional machines. Machining time
can be reduced by roughly the same proportion, and the
number of errors can be cut in half. Machine utilization
can also be increased, by as much as 200 percent, and
savings of 25 to 80 percent in unit labor costs are
The numerical control process itself is being improved
by the introduction of “adaptive control.” This refine­
ment allows a continuous automatic adjustment of the
cutting process to compensate for such factors as
vibration and changes in temperature. Adaptive control

performs the function previously performed by the
programmer or operator and has the advantage of
increasing machine productivity.
Direct numerical or computer control, the use of a
central processing unit to run the various machine tools,
is becoming increasingly accepted. One advantage of
direct numerical control is improved restart capability.
When synchronization is lost between machine and
control systems, the practice on machine tool numerical
control systems is that the machine returns to a set point
which has been inserted on the numerical control tape at
intervals of 10-20 minutes. With direct numerical con­
trol, on the other hand, a reference point can be inserted
by the computer in every data block representing a
machine slide command. The machine tool can then
return to this reference point, which may be a matter of
minutes back from the break point instead of hours. As
a result, more machine time is spent in cutting metal and
less in traversing air.

Direct numerical control has the additional advantage
of having a disk for data storage instead of the tape
normally used for input to a numerically controlled
machine. Disk storage eliminates the cost of tape, saves
the time needed to make up a tape, and eliminates the
need for a tape reader.
Also, direct numerical control greatly reduces the
amount of electronic hardware needed, thus lowering
the initial capital investment required for new machines
and maintenance costs.12 With direct numerical control,
the tape reader and input logic and interpolation
sections, which would be involved with numerical
control, are transferred to the computer. The downtime
which could be caused by a failure in any of these
functions is reduced or eliminated so that machine
utilization is improved. The computer also handles data
much more rapidly than the control units on numeri­
cally controlled machines, resulting in better machine

Direct numerical control of machine-tool cutting operations.

Laser technology

Lasers are gradually supplanting other methods used
to trim resistors.13 Resistors often have to be trimmed
to size after they are superimposed on the circuit
substrate. The laser has several advantages over the more
commonly used trimming methods such as the diamond
scribe, sandblasting, or electric arc. When lasers are used
for trimming, the properties of the resistor remain
largely unchanged. The laser is easy to operate and
operators can be trained to perform accurate trimming
in less than an hour.
Developments have been taking place in the use of
lasers for welding. Lasers will weld metals such as
stainless steel and titanium with less distortion than that
produced by the currently used electron beam processes
in materials up to 0.1 inch in thickness. Successful
welding, without distortion, of such nonferrous metals
as aluminum and beryllium copper has been done on
thicknesses up to .05 inch.14 Another advantage of laser
welding is that it involves fewer variables than other
welding processes, resulting in greater uniformity in the
product. Also, skill requirements are lower with the laser
welding system than with the electron beam process.15

Use of computers for simulation—the use of models
to aid in studying dynamic systems-is very important in
the aerospace industry for design, development, and
evaluation. This makes possible optimization of systems
and subsystems to certain criteria before building any
Large-scale integration (LSI) represents an important
development in electronics which may prove significant
for the aerospace industry. Already in use in the
computer industry, LSI technology should find applica­
tion in the aerospace industry in such products as
guidance computers for missiles. LSI removes the inher­
ent limitations of a two-dimensional plane by stacking
electronic component elements on top of each other. It
increases the complexity of the integrated circuit and
thus increases performance and reliability.17
Computer-aided design techniques are an important
innovation which can be broadly applied to the fabrica­
tion of all types of structures. Mathematical information
representing aircraft body surfaces can be stored in a
computer memory system. A designer, working with a
graphic display terminal, can use this information to
design aircraft parts. The computer translates the design
into mathematical coordinates that can operate auto­
matic drafting machines and numerically controlled
machine tools. It is especially useful for predicting the

behavior of composite materials in complex stress
applications. These techniques could affect manpower
requirements and productivity in composites by decreas­
ing the amount of hand labor and the number of
rejected parts. While this innovation should result in
increasing the need for computer programmers, it should
reduce the need for engineers, drafters, tool and die
makers, and machinists. The application of nondestruc­
tive testing techniques such as laser holography, acoustic
emission, and advanced ultrasonic and infrared imaging
could also reduce labor requirements and increase

Production and Productivity Outlook

Output in the aircraft industry increased at an average
annual rate of 3.2 percent (Federal Reserve Board data)
during the 1960-73 period. The rise was not steady,
however. From 1960 to 1968 output increased at an
average annual rate of 10.9 percent. This contrasted
sharply with the 1968-73 period during which output
decreased at an average annual rate of 9.4 percent. The
3.2 percent average annual rate of increase for the
1960-73 period was still above that for the preceding
1954-60 period when output actually decreased.
Output in the missiles and space vehicles industry
increased at an average annual rate of 1.7 percent
(Census data) during the 1960-72 period. Output peaked
in 1966, however, so the increase in output over the
1960-72 period was not steady.
As part of its general set of economic projections, the
BLS has developed estimates of growth in output to
1980. These are projections of what the economy might
be like under certain conditions. These projections
indicate that the output of the aircraft industry will
increase at a rate of roughly 7.6 percent per year from
1973 to 1980, and that of the missiles and space vehicles
industry at 3.8 percent per year.


Because of limitations in available data, definitive
BLS measurements of productivity in the aircraft and
missiles and space vehicles industries are not published.
However, on the basis of these limited data, improve­
ment is indicated for output and man-hours. (See charts
9 and 10.) In the aircraft industry, output, as noted
earlier, rose at an average annual rate of 3.2 percent
from 1960 to 1973 (Federal Reserve Board data) while

Chart 9

Output and man-hours in the aircraft and parts
industry, 1960-73
Index, 1967=100











Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and Bureau o f Labor Statistics.






Chart 10

Output and man-hours in the missiles and space vehicles
industry 1960-73


Index, 1967=100


Bureau of the Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics.

man-hours decreased at an average annual rate of 0.8
percent from 1960 to 1973. Similarly, output in the
missiles and space vehicles industry rose at an average
annual rate of 1.7 percent between 1960 and 1972 while
man-hours decreased at an average annual rate of 4.2

outlays are an important factor responsible for the
existing differences in productivity levels within industry
sectors. Table 11 shows that the “most efficient” plants
in nearly every case spent more on plant and equipment
per employee in 1967 than either the “least efficient”
plants or the average plant in every sector shown.

Best plant practice


Some idea of the potential productivity level for each
subindustry can be gained by finding the difference
between the productivity levels of the most efficient
plants and the average for the subindustry group. Data
on value added per production worker man-hour in 1967
for the “most efficient” and “least efficient” plants in
three subsectors of the aircraft industry are presented in
table 11. The productivity indicator used here is value
added per man-hour. “Most efficient” plants are defined
as those which fall into the highest quartile of plants
when ranked by value added per production worker
man-hour; the “least efficient” are the ones which fall
into the lowest quartile.
In the selected industry sectors for which 1967 data
are available, value added per production worker man­
hour in the “most efficient” plants varied from a little
over 4Vi to a little over 3lA times greater than in the
“least efficient” plants. This represents a considerable
increase in the ratios over those which existed in 1958
(for the two industry subgroups for which data were
available). In 1958, value added per production worker
man-hour in the “most efficient” plants varied from 2 to
a little less than 3 times greater than in the “least
efficient” plants.
The Census data would seem to indicate that capital

Capital expenditures

Expenditures for plant and equipment in the aircraft
industry (Census data) rose from $179.2 million in 1960
to $236.9 million in 1971, at an average annual rate of
increase of 8.0 percent. The growth in capital expendi­
tures was not steady, however. Over the 1960-67 period,
these expenditures grew rapidly, increasing at an average
annual rate of 21.1 percent. After peaking in 1967 at
$798.9 million, capital expenditures decreased, thus
lowering the average annual rate of increase for the
11-year period to 1971.
Capital expenditures data for the missiles and space
vehicles industry are available only for the period
1963-69; however, these data reveal a trend in capital
expenditures similar to that in the aircraft industry.
Expenditures increased from $48.8 million in 1963 to a
high of $117.1 million in 1968. In 1969, these expendi­
tures dropped to $88.8 million.
The increasing importance of capital relative to labor
is reflected in the changing ratio of payroll to value
added. (See table 12.) In the aircraft industry, this ratio
declined from 1960 to 1971 at an average annual rate of
1.8 percent. In the missiles and space vehicles industry,

Table 11.
Value added and capital expenditures in the aircraft and parts industry: Ratios of "most efficient" to
"least efficient" plants and to average plant, 1967
Value added per production worker
Industry sector

“ Most efficient"
"least efficient"

"Most efficient"
"average plant"

Capital expenditures
per employee
"Most efficient"
"least efficient"

"Most efficient"
"average plant"

A irc r a ft................................................................................



C )

Aircraft engines and engine p a r t s .................................





Aircraft equipment not elsewhere c la ss ifie d ..............





N o t available.
N O T E : E stab lishm ents in each sector w e re ran ke d b y th e
ra tio o f value added per p ro d u c tio n w o rk e r m a n -h o u r. T h e
''m o s t e ffic ie n t" establishm ents are d e fin e d as those w h ic h fa ll
in to th e highest q u a rtile ; th e " le a s t e ffic ie n t" are those in th e


lo w est q u a rtile .
Based on u n pub lished da ta fro m th e Bureau of
th e Census p repared fo r th e N a tio n a l C om m ission on P rodu ctiv it y and W o rk Q u a lity ,

Table 12.
Indicators of change in the aircraft
and missiles industry, 1960-71


Payroll per unit of value added:
Aircraft and parts ..............
Missiles and space
Capital expenditures per pro­
duction worker:
Aircraft and parts ..............
Missiles and space
Research and development ex­
penditures as a percent of net
sales3 .........................................

Average annual percent



- 1 .8

- 1 .7

- 1 .8



-0 .3





-7 .1

-4 .2


- 6 .5

-1 0 .6

1 L in e ar least squares tren ds m e th o d .
2 N o t ava ila b le .
3 F o r c o m panies in th e c o m b in ed a irc ra ft and missiles and
space vehicles in dustries w h ic h have research and d e v e lo p m e n t
program s. S e p a rate figures fo r each in d u s try w e re n o t available.
F o u n d a tio n .

D e p a rtm e n t o f C o m m e rc e and N a tio n a l S cience

the ratio declined from 1966 to 1971 at an average
annual rate of 0.3 percent. (Data were not available for
the entire 1960-71 period.)
Funds for research and development

Research and development (R&D) is especially impor­
tant in the aircraft and missiles and space vehicles
industries. (Data on R&D expenditures are available only
for these industries combined.) According to the
National Science Foundation, outlays for R&D increased
from $3.5 billion in 1960 to $5.9 billion in 1969 before
dropping to $4.9 billion in 1971. The average annual
rate of increase over the 1960-71 period was 3.8 percent.
Comparable R&D data for the entire 1950-60 period are
not available, but from 1956 to 1960 R&D expenditures
increased steadily from $2.1 billion to $3.5 billion.
Federal Government spending plays an important role
in the research and development activities of the
aerospace industries. According to the National Science
Foundation, Federal Government spending for research
and development in 1972 in the aerospace industries was
more than 4 times as great as company outlays.

Employment and Manpower
Employment trends

Employment in the aircraft and missiles and space

vehicles industries declined in the overall 1960-74
period. As can be seen in charts 11 and 12, the decline
was not steady. In the aircraft industry, total employ­
ment increased from 627,900 in 1960 to a peak of
852.000 in 1968 before dropping off to 532,100 in
1974. The average annual rate of decrease of total
employment in this industry was 1.0 percent for the
1960-74 period.
In the missiles and space vehicles industry, total
employment declined from 128,200 in 1960 to 91,000
in 1974. The average annual rate of decline for this
period was 4.9 percent. Total employment reached a
total of 172,600 in 1963 before starting a relatively
steady decline which bottomed out in 1972 at 84,600.
The average annual rate of decline in production
worker employment in each industry was greater than
the rate of decline in total employment. In the aircraft
industry, the number of production workers declined at
an average annual rate of 1.5 percent, from 369,600 in
1960 to 290,500 in 1974, compared with a 1.0 percent
decline for all employees. Employment of production
workers in the missiles and space vehicles industry fell
from 48,500 in 1960 to 24,300 in 1974, an average
annual rate of decline of 6.8 percent. The corresponding
rate of decrease for all employees in this industry was
4.9 percent.
BLS projections (see introductory note for assump­
tions) indicate that employment in the aircraft industry
may increase between 1974 and 1980 at an average
annual rate of 1.0 percent, reaching 565,000 in 1980.
The projections for the missiles and space vehicles
industry indicate a considerably faster rate of growth
between 1974 and 1980, at an average annual rate of 4.7
percent, to 120,000 in 1980. Projections to 1985
indicate continuing growth, with employment reaching
600.000 in the aircraft industry and 143,000 in the
missiles and space vehicles industry.

Occupational trends

Skill requirements have changed for the workers using
numerically controlled (N/C) machine tools. For exam­
ple, the programmers for this equipment require a strong
background in mathematics and a good grasp of the
principles of cutting and tooling. For N/C machine tool
operators, however, less knowledge is now needed as
judgments and decisionmaking concerning such things as
speeds, feeds, and width and depth of cut are being
made by the programmer and are transferred to the
tapes which actuate the N/C tools.
The continuing expansion of knowledge in the
industry should lead to more specialization for engi­
neers, scientists, and technicians. Because of the extent

Chart 11

Employment in the aircraft and parts industry, 1960-74
and projected for 1980 and 1985
Employees (thousands)

Chart 12

Employment in the missiles and space vehicles industry,
1960-74 and projected for 1980 and 1985
Employees (thousands)


Averaae Annual Percent Chanae


All Employees
196 0 -7 4 ...................................... . . - 4 .9
1 9 6 0 -6 6 ............................... . . . 2.5
1 9 6 6 -7 4 ............................... . . - 8 .9

Production workers



1 9 7 4 -8 0 ...............................
1 9 8 0 -8 5 ............................... . . . 3.6


Production Workers

« -..v

' I• i



1 9 6 0 -6 6 ............................... . . . 0.4
1 9 6 6 -7 4 ............................... . - 1 2 . 2








of research and development activities, the proportion of
workers in scientific and technical occupations is much
greater than in most other manufacturing industries. In
1970, for example, almost one-fourth of all employees
in the aerospace industries were engineers, scientists, or
The BLS has made projections of the occupational
distribution for 1980 which take into account the
impact of technological changes underway in the aircraft
industry, as well as other factors influencing occupa­
tional trends. It is likely that by 1980 blue-collar
workers will represent a slightly smaller proportion of
total employment in the aircraft industry, about 46
percent in 1980 compared to 52 percent in 1970.
Among white-collar workers, the greatest increase in
relative importance between 1970 and 1980 will be for
sales workers, followed by professional and technical
workers, and managerial and administrative personnel.
Technical personnel often supervise and direct research
and development activities or manage sales, purchasing,
accounting, and industrial relations departments. Among
blue-collar workers, laborers and service workers (clean­
ing service workers, janitors, and guards, for example)
will show the greatest relative decline and craft workers
the least. Chart 13 shows the changes expected among
these occupations between 1970 and 1980. Similar
information for the missiles and space vehicles industry
is not available.

1John F. Judge, “Aerospace Use of Graphite Composites
Expands,” Aerospace Technology, May 6, 1968, pp. 38-40.
2 Ibid., p. 40.
3 John F. Judge, “Composite Materials: The Coming Revolu­
tion,” Airline Management and Marketing, September 1969,
pp. 85-91.
4 Ross L. Goble, “Composites Lighter and Cheaper,” Astronautics and Aeronautics, August 1972, pp. 44-49.
6 Warren C. Westmore, “Vertol Testing Glass Fiber Rotor
Blades,” Aviation Week and Space Technology, Aug. 11, 1969,
pp. 80-83.
7John F. Judge, “Explosive Bonding Aids in Joining of
Dissimilar Metals,” Aerospace Technology, June 17, 1968,
pp. 44-45.
8American Machinist, Jan. 12, 1970, p.


9Aerospace Technology, April 1971, p. 49.

Computer-related occupations are growing in impor­
tance. The 1970 Census of Population recorded 5,048
computer programmers, 2,683 systems analysts, 2,449
peripheral equipment operators, 4,130 keypunch opera­
tors, and 280 data processing machine repairers em­
ployed in the aircraft and parts industry. By 1980,
computer-related occupations are expected to be a larger
proportion of the industry work force.
Adjustment of workers to technological change

Provisions relating to technological change only
occasionally appear in union agreements in the aerospace
industry. One such clause in an agreement reads: “It is
recognized that in the field of data processing, improved
and advanced equipment will be introduced from time
to time. When the advent of such new equipment results
in a drastic change, the company agrees to meet with the
union to discuss the problem of consideration of other
work for qualified displaced employees.”
Where no specific provision is made for ways to
adjust to technological change, the contract provisions
which deal with seniority, retirement, and supplemen­
tary unemployment benefits undoubtedly apply. The
agreements often provide for layoff procedures to take
place in accordance with standing based on seniority.
Seniority also commonly governs in rehiring laid-off

10 Michael L. Yafee, “McDonnell Douglas Modernizes
Machining,” Aviation Week and Space Technology, July 28,
1969, pp. 98-107.
11 “Technology and Manpower in Nonelectrical Machinery,”
Monthly Labor Review, June 1971, pp. 56-62.
12 Yafee, op. cit., p. 106.
13 Joel A. Strasser, “Laser-Assisted Optical Tooling Making
Big Gains in Aerospace Industry,” Aerospace Technology,
April 8, 1968, pp. 24-27.
14 Ken Miller, “Distortion and the Laser: Best Weld Yet in
Sight,” Industrial News, March 20, 1967.
15 Ken Miller, “Laser Welds: Cost and Quality Control,”
Southern California Industrial News, April 10, 1967, pp. 11 and
16 John Seiley and Tony Fredrickson, “Simulation in the
Aerospace Industry,” Computer Sciences Corporation R eport,
pp. 13-18.
17 “New Dimension in Aerospace Electronics,” Aerospace
Technology, Jan. 29, 1968, pp. 24-46.

Chart 13

Projected changes in employment in the aircraft and parts industry
by occupational group, 1970 to 1980

Occupational group

Percent of
in 1970

Percentage change
-5 0

Professional and
technical workers


Managers, officials,
and proprietors


Sales workers

<1 >

Clerical workers


Craft and
kindred workers




Service workers




1 Less than .05 percent.

Bureau of Labor Statistics.




-2 0

-1 0




SELECTED REFERENCESPrasow, Paul, and Massarik, Fred. A Longitudinal Study o f
Automated and Nonautomated Job Patterns in the
Southern California Aerospace Industry. Institute of
Industrial Relations, University o f California, Los
Angeles, April 1969.

Evaluation o f Changes in Skill-Profile and Job-Content Due to
Technological Change: Methodology and Pilot Results
from the Banking, Steel and Aero-space Industries, U.S.
Department of Labor Contract No. 81-04-05. Department
of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Uni­
versity of California, Berkeley, October 1966.

Wholesale Trade

Technology in the 1970's

Further adoption of recent technological changes in
coding, computerizing, warehousing, and customer ser­
vices is likely to increase productivity and alter the
occupational distribution of employment in wholesale
trade (SIC 50). Although the industry as a whole is
undergoing significant changes, these changes are being
implemented more rapidly and extensively in some
subdivisions than in others. The grocery and drug
industries appear to be in the forefront.
Comprehensive reports are being generated which
expedite shipments, streamline preparation of invoices
and billings, and increase inventory turnover through
more sophisticated computer manipulation of routine
data. Warehouse operations are becoming more efficient
because of improvements in product packaging, in­
creased use of coding on shipping containers, new
methods of assembling orders, and more extensive use of
computerized conveyor systems. As the network of
highways alters traffic patterns, changes are being made
in some warehouse locations to improve their service­
ability as distribution centers. Moreover, materials han­
dling equipment installed in new single-level as well as
high-rise warehouses is being more fully automated as
stacker-retriever systems are integrated with conveyor
systems. Also, customer services have grown to include
third-party billing, catalogs, franchised operations, auto­
mated inventory control records, and store design and

Refinements in the existing technologies found in
wholesale trade1 are enhancing productivity perfor­
mance and changing the distribution of employment
among occupations. As services are enlarged to
strengthen customer operations and expand wholesale
sales, the need for sales representatives increases. Also, as
new information services are implemented and innova­
tive services are offered to customers, computers are
used both more extensively and more intensively.
Consequently, relatively more managers and clerical
workers are hired and these occupations represent a
larger share of wholesale employment. In contrast, as
warehouses are relocated to adapt to changing transpor­
tation facilities and their materials handling methods are
streamlined, and as more fully automated single-story
and high-rise structures are built, the need for operatives,
laborers, and service and craft workers decreases and
their proportionate share of wholesale employment
declines. (See table 13 for a brief overview of the major
technological changes in wholesale trade and their
expected diffusion.)

Gross national product originating in wholesale trade
is expected to continue to grow more rapidly through­
out the 1970’s than the output of the total private
economy. The rate of growth in employment will
probably slow down to somewhat less than the overall
national rate; productivity may rise to the rate projected
for the economy as a whole. (See introductory note for
assumptions underlying these projections.) Shifts in
employment among occupational groups are expected to
continue as an increasing number of sales personnel are
engaged in providing services to retailers and as relatively
fewer employees are required in the movement of goods
to the stores.


While product coding is a traditional tool of trade,
new plans for using a code to move a product contin­
uously by a unique identification from point of produc­
tion to point of consumption or use have been de­
veloped by private and public agencies. Distribution
Codes Incorporated (DCI) is implementing a coding
system for identifying manufacturers and their products
and has issued nonduplicate numbers directly to manu­
facturers in, for example, the electrical, heating and
air-conditioning, and automotive supply industries. The
coding system developed independently for the grocery
industry is known as the Universal Product Code (UPC).
A third and fourth code, the National Drug Code (NDC)
and the National Health Related Items Code (NHRIC),
both developed by the Federal Drug Administration,
cover pharmaceuticals and health products. The four
codes are being adapted for compatibility. The total

Table 13.

Major technology changes in wholesale trade


Numeric codes which can uniquely identify all types of
manufactured products are being put into use to permit
speedier communication between retailer, wholesaler, and

Universal Product Code (UPC)
for consumer products in gro­
cery outlets covered about 50
percent of the items sold in
1974 and will cover 75 percent
by the 1975 year-end. Code
marking is underway in electri­
cal, electronic, wholesale statio­
nery, heating and air-condition­
ing, and automotive supply in­
dustries. Companies selling drug
and health-related products are
also using UPC symbols on their


Direct placement of customer orders to wholesaler's com­
puter reduces paperwork; inventory adjustments through
computerized instructions to manufacturers for replacements
improve reordering accuracy and lower inventory require­
ments; single detailed printout of customer's account for
aggregated daily shipments consolidates all invoices and

For accounting functions and
inventory control, expanded by
1972 to nearly two-fifths of
wholesale firms; more advanced
uses limited to larger innovative
firms.2 According to one esti­
mate, nearly 1,400 central pro­
cessing units were installed by

Warehousing ....................................

New structures are situated on beltways to service regional
and national markets, supplemented by mini-warehouses for
local needs. Standardized case measurements, shrink wrap
pallets, plastic containers, and specialized conveyor systems
facilitate handling, and sequentially listed computerized
order printouts speed order picking. Automated warehousing
with console-controlled, interfaced conveyor and stacker/
retriever systems reduces space and labor requirements for
storage and removal.

Gradually being introduced as
old warehouses are replaced;4
handling techniques generally
applicable industrywide; auto­
mated warehousing restricted
primarily to new structures de­
signed to handle a high volume
of uniform products such as dry
groceries and frozen foods.5

Customer services ..........................

Computerized billing for accounts payable to retail cus­
tomers, catalogs, and managerial expertise strengthen cus­
tomer operations and expand wholesaler sales.

Limited but gradually being ex­
panded by firms with growth




1 "U n iv e rs a l P ro d u c t C oding Paves th e W a y ," Automation,
N o v em b e r 1 9 7 3 , p. 1 2 .
2 D o n a ld F . M a rtin , " A L o o k A head —1 9 7 3 " (W ashin gton ,
N a tio n a l A ssociation o f W h o le s a le r-D is trib u to rs , 1 9 7 3 ), p. 1.
3 Based on da ta c o m p ile d b y th e In te rn a tio n a l D ata C o rp o ra ­
tio n .
4 " H o w a r d B ro thers D oub les W arehouse C a p a c ity ," Discount

Store News, A u g . 1 2 , 1 9 7 4 , p. 3 1 .

system is considered adequate to identify by code
present and future manufactured products until at least
the year 2000.2
Coded orders as received from customers may be
communicated by the merchant wholesaler to the manu­
facturer by computer as well as by more conventional
methods. Reordering using automated information re­
duces paperwork, chance of error, and response time
throughout the distributive process. As a result of the
speedier flow of supplies, inventory controls may be
improved by the manufacturer, merchant wholesaler,
and retailer. Additional clerks may be needed to prepare
data for the computers but fewer stock clerks are likely
to be used for pricing merchandise for retail sale. Also,
smaller inventories will reduce required warehouse space

and may lessen the demand for stock handlers.

5 Fra n k A . T u lly , " B u ild H igh fo r S torage Savings," Automa­

tion, M arch 1 9 7 3 , pp. 4 4 - 4 7 .
6 "W holesalers: Y o u r S e c o n d a ry In v e n to ry ," Special Report
to the Office Products Industry (W ashin gton , N a tio n a l O ffic e
P rodu cts A ss o c iatio n , 1 9 7 2 ) , pp . 3 -6 .


Computerization of in-house accounting and inven­
tory control tasks, introduced in the early 1960’s, was
extended by 1972 to nearly two-fifths of wholesale
firms and probably to one-half by 1974.3 Purchasing
and billing methods are consequently now more effi­
cient. Automatic links with customers and manufac­
turers for inventory needs and also for market analysis,
however, are limited to the larger innovative firms. Some
customers are placing orders directly with the whole­
saler’s computer which prepares a consolidated shipping

ticket for all items going to that customer, prints the
customer’s invoice, posts accounts receivable, and auto­
matically adjusts inventories by instructing the manufac­
turer to ship more goods to the warehouse.4
The proliferation of products stocked by the distri­
bution system has also led to the need for innovations in
invoicing procedures.5 Some wholesalers, after making
agreements with industrial customers to a selling price
based on a percentage markup from cost, fill the
customer’s daily orders and forward a single computer
run of the customer’s account with coded information
(including the different markups by item) rather than
thousands of invoices for the multiple shipments. Also,
the inventory control of some wholesalers has been
improved, as shown by higher rates of inventory
turnover, as a result of the integration of their cus­
tomers’ inventories with their own. Computer-generated
reports point out both out-of-stock items and dead
inventory. Accuracy of reordering has been improved
through analysis of customer orders and projected needs.
As more complex data manipulation becomes necessary
to generate additional reports used primarily by manage­
rial level personnel, the number and capability of the
computer personnel increase.

efficiencies.7 Increasingly the dimensions of case packs
of products received at the warehouse are designed for
safe, easy, and efficient palletizing and to fit an assigned
channel space on the order picking line. Shrink wrap
pallets (both the pallet and its content are wrapped in
plastic) accommodate some irregularly shaped ship­
ments. The use of plastic as containers reduces weight
and breakage in some warehouses. Packaging designs
with pricing areas already marked off simplify ware­
house work of item pricing; lift-out tabs in shelf cartons
expedite order-picking and reduce damage to items.
Conveyor systems expedite truckloading, floor to
floor handling, and assembly. Roller or slider bed belt
conveyors and trolley systems may be operated mechani­
cally or may be automated, using computerized control.
A new, computerized order entry system is enabling
pickers to assemble orders with less effort in two-thirds
the time in some drug warehouses. The computer sorts
the items ordered by the customer according to the
location of the merchandise along the assembly line, and
the pickers select the items in the sequence listed on the
new computer printout forms. Also, items with high
turnover as revealed by computer records are shelved
near the conveyor belt to minimize selection time.


Automated warehousing. A completely automated highrise cold-storage warehouse, such as is used for frozen
food products in the grocery and farm products indus­
try, requires less than one-half the number of square feet
to store the same number of pallets as a conventional
forklift truck-operated warehouse.8 Pallets are stored in
multipallet-deep, push-in flow racks located on either
side of a stacker/retriever crane. Full random storage
requires aisles only inches wider than the crane. Both
storage and order pickup are controlled automatically by
a computer from a console station on the shipping dock.
The computer performs information functions and is
capable of identifying the types and quantities of items
needed for replenishment, locating items in the system,
determining destinations and the required frequency of
shipment, and directing preventive maintenance.
The computer also directs the sequence of operations
of the material handling equipment. Order selection may
be accomplished either by placing a man aboard the
stacker or by bringing the load to a picker and returning
the load to storage via the stacker crane. The computer
verifies the accuracy and completeness of each operation
and notes and reports suspected machine malfunctions.

With the growth of the interstate highway system
through the 1960’s, some new warehouses were located
on thruways and beltways to serve as distribution
centers.6 The new structures, with the exception of
cold-storage warehouses, are typically single-storied with
a newly designed roof which requires fewer supports and
results in more available floor space, easier maneuver­
ability of merchandise, and heavier floor loading.
Some wholesalers, as in the automotive service,
hardware, and plumbing equipment industries, continue
to locate in urban centers and also are operating in
suburban shopping areas. Although certain traditional
market areas may remain discrete, intercity highway
systems have connected many distributors with cus­
tomers previously considered inacessible. Some central
warehouses have been supplemented by subsidiary ware­
houses stocked for local markets; mini-warehouses with
limited, fast-moving inventories may be added during the
1970’s in areas of high demand. These changes tend to
permit the more efficient scheduling of pickup trucks
for intracity shipments and of intercity trucking through
the use, for example, of a single tractor to haul two
trailers. The number of miles of transportation required
is reduced, and the need for delivery and route drivers,
mechanics, and repairers declines.
Product packaging is contributing to distribution

A high-rise storage system is capable of handling
different types of loads with one control computer.
Hard-to-handle shapes may be moved by overhead
trolley conveyors and pallet loads, when necessary, on a
two-level conveyor belt network. Split loads may be

Operator entering data into a warehouse computer terminal.

stored and retrieved manually by an operator from a cab
in which is mounted a data terminal for communication
between the operator and the computer.
In some high-rise warehouses typically exceeding
100,000 square feet in floor space, towlines replace
forklifts for ground-level transportation, eliminating
both truck and battery maintenance. Carts equipped
with a roller bed interface with a conveyor. Unitized
loads of cartons are lowered automatically onto the
positioned carts by fitting the multiple forks of the
loader to the special baffle-type surface of the carts.
An automated storage system operates with less
damage to products, buildings, racks, and equipment,
and almost without pilferage. In cold-storage applica­
tions, a remotely controlled high-rise system functions
more efficiently than humans, and the cost to maintain
the environment is less. Storage system control equip­
ment may be upgraded from an initial installation of
automatic control of each stacker at the head of an aisle
to remote control capacity for multiple stackers and
finally to on-line computer control. With improved
warehousing efficiencies, fewer man-hours of employ­
ment per unit of output are required of stock handlers
and stock clerks.
Customer services

Traditional services are being maintained, with adjust­
ments for changing conditions, and new services are
being added as merchant wholesalers’ capabilities grow
and customers’ needs shift.9 The wholesale function
continues to encompass such services as product infor­
mation, credit, delivery, real estate and store planning,
and service centers for repair and replacement of
appliances. These basic aids to retailers are being

supplemented by recent innovations which include
third-party billings, catalogs, and franchised operations.
Both local and regional wholesalers review and adjust
their product mix to serve the needs of specialized
markets. The total number of products has been
multiplying and each new product requires an invest­
ment in warehouse space, market analysis, and sales
training. As products are introduced or changed, whole­
salers receive continuous training from manufacturers
and relay their product information to their retailing
Extension of credit and charging of interest to
customers with outstanding balances are financial ser­
vices provided by some wholesalers in routine business
transactions. Wholesalers also frequently make deliveries
more expeditiously than manufacturers. Retailers are
iurther assisted by real estate and store planning as
wholesalers analyze store locations for market potential
and cooperate in arranging store planning services for
layouts by product line and decor. Repair of appliances
and replacement of damaged products for the customer
are transferred to the service center of the wholesaler
supplying the merchandise.
Some additional services are being rendered by
wholesalers such as third-party billing, i.e. chargeaccount customers of the wholesaler’s customer. Whole­
saler catalogs both with and without prices are a source
document on available merchandise used by retailers to
promote sales. Wholesalers have initiated franchised
operations of retail outlets for which they may design
the physical layout, select sites, loan part of the capital,
determine operating procedures, and provide national
advertising. These services may increase the wholesale
trade demand for such workers as sales engineers,
engineering technicians, computer clerks, and sales man­

Production and Productivity Outlook

Output, measured by the value (in constant dollars)
wholesale trade adds to gross national product, grew at
an annual rate of 5.3 percent in the 1960-73 period. A
5.9-percent growth rate from 1960 through 1966 slack­
ened to a 4.4-percent rate from 1966 through 1973. The
growth rate projected for 1973-80 (see introductory
note for assumptions) is 5.3 percent per year, and for
1980-85, 2.9 percent.
The Bureau of Domestic Commerce of the U.S.
Department of Commerce forecasts a decline for 1980 as
compared to 1973 in the share of total wholesale sales of

the merchant wholesalers engaged in the different major
industrial subdivisions, shown in the following distribu­
tion of total industry sales:
Percent o f
total sales




All wholesale t r a d e ....................



Machinery, equipment, and supplies . . .
Motor vehicles and e q u ip m e n t.................
Electrical goods ..........................................
. Lumber and other construction
m ate ria ls ..................................................
Beer, wines, and s p irits ..............................
Hardware and plumbing
eq u ip m en t...............................................
Dry goods and a p p a re l...............................
Paper and paper p ro d u c ts .........................
Drugs and proprietaries ............................
Furniture and furnishings.........................








Productivity measures for the industry have not been
developed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics but some
indication of trends can be obtained by examining the
relationship between output and man-hours. (See chart
14.) The rate of increase in output in the 1960-73 period
exceeded the rate of increase in man-hours expended in
its production, thus indicating a productivity gain for
this period. The outlook for annual productivity gains
for the 1973-85 period as a whole is for a gain in line
with that in the total private economy.
Employment and Manpower
Employment trends

The total number of persons engaged in wholesale
trade reached 4.4 million in 1973, over 36 percent above
the 1960 level. (See chart 15.) The total man-hours of
employment grew less rapidly, by about 32 percent,
reflecting the increasing use of part-time employees. The
growth rate for 1960-66 was 2.2 percent for total
persons engaged and also for total man-hours; the
1967-73 growth rate for total persons rose to 2.5
percent while the growth rate for man-hours dropped
significantly to 2.0 percent.
The distribution of total employment changed some­
what between 1960 and 1973; the proportion of wage
and salary workers increased from 92 to 93 percent and
the proportion of self-employed declined from 8 to 7
percent. Also, the ratio of salary to wage workers rose

from slightly less than 1 in 7 in 1960 to nearly 1 in 6 in
1973. A slackening off in the annual growth rate in total
employment from 2.5 percent for the 1960-73 period to
1.2 percent for 1973-85 is projected by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics; for wage and salary workers an annual
decline in the growth rate from 2.6 percent for 1960-73
to 1.4 percent for 1973-85 is expected.
The distribution of employment of wage and salary
workers among industry subdivisions in 1985 as com­
pared to 1973 (BLS data) is expected to change, with
wholesalers of machinery, equipment, and supplies;
electrical goods; motor vehicles and automotive equip­
ment; and drugs, chemicals, and allied products increas­
ing their distributive shares. In contrast, dealers in
groceries and related products, farm product raw mate­
rials, hardware, plumbing and heating equipment, dry
goods and apparel, and miscellaneous wholesalers are
expected to decline relatively as a source of industry
Women have consistently amounted to about 23
percent of the total industry work force. The proportion
of black workers increased from 6.5 percent in 1966 to
8.2 percent in 1970. Black women rose as a proportion
of black workers from 21 percent in 1966 to 24 percent
in 1970, substantially the same as the proportion of all
women in the industry.10 In the occupational cate­
gories, men primarily fill the occupations of buyers,
sales workers, delivery drivers, truckdrivers, warehouse
workers, and laborers, while women workers usually
perform the office functions of bookkeeping and secre­
tarial work. Women also frequently work in warehouses
as pickers, packers, and checkers of items of limited bulk
and weight and also in warehouse offices as order takers.
Occupational trends

Shifts occurred in the decade of the 1960’s in the
distribution of employment among occupations and
further changes are projected for the 1970’s by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (See chart 16.) Each occupa­
tional group will show an increase in employment from
1970 to 1980; the gains range from 0.5 percent for
service workers to 4.5 percent for laborers, 9.9 percent
for operatives, 18.4 percent for craft workers, 24.2
percent for clerical workers and 28.3 percent for
professionals. Because of differences in the size of the
occupational groups, the largest number of job openings
over the decade will not necessarily be in the fastest
growing occupations. For example, as can be seen in
chart 16, clerical workers, the most sizable group in
1970, rank fourth in percentage increase. However, of
the 850,000 total additional jobs anticipated by 1980,
the greatest numerical increase is expected for clerical

Chart 14

Output and man-hours in wholesale trade, 1960-73

I9 6 0








Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau of Labor Statistics.








Chart 15


Employment in wholesale trade 1960-73 and projected
for 1980 and 1985
Employees (millions)






Average Annual Percent Change1


Total Persons Engaged
1960-73 ..........................................

1 9 6 0 -6 6 ................................... 2.2
1966-73 ................................. .. 2.4



1 9 7 3 -8 0 ...................................


1 9 8 0 -8 5 ...................................


Wage and Salary Workers


1 96 0 -7 3 ..........................................


1 9 6 0 -6 6 .......................... ..


1 96 6 -7 3 ...................................


1973-80 ...................................


1 9 8 0 -8 5 ...................................







Least squares trend method for historical data; compound interest method for projections.

Bureau of Labor Statistics.



Chart 16

Projected changes in employment in wholesale trade
by occupational group, 1970 to 1980

Occupational group

Professional and
technical workers

Percent of
in 1970


Managers, officials,
and proprietors


Sales workers


Clerical workers


Craft and
kindred workers




Service workers





Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Percentage change




workers, followed by managers, sales workers, and pro­
fessional and technical personnel. Although the number
of operatives, laborers, service workers, and craft
workers will increase, their relative shares in industry
occupational employment will decline.
A survey by the Bureau of the Census of the
Department of Commerce indicates that the proportion
of accountants in the professional, technical, and
kindred group dropped from about 1 in 3 in 1960 to 1
in 5 in 1970, a development consistent with the
introduction and diffusion 'of computerization for inhous accounting functions. In the same period sales
engineers increased from 2 to 3 in 10 of the professional
and technical group, reflecting the growing practice of
distributors of supplying customers with expertise and
The principal occupations expected to be affected in
the 1970-80 period are listed below according to the
magnitude of the relative change in the number of jobs
projected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The greatest
number of new openings is expected for sales representa­
tives and the greatest loss in employment possibilities is
anticipated for delivery and route drivers.
Sales representatives
Sales managers
Office managers
Counter clerks
Engineering technicians
Sales engineers

Delivery and route drivers
Stock handlers
Mechanics and repairers
Buyers and shippers of farm
Shipping and receiving clerks
Freight material handlers
Stock clerks

As merchant wholesalers increasingly offer their
retailer customers more services, the importance of sales
representatives, sales managers, buyers, counter clerks,
engineering technicians, and sales engineers grows. With
an increase in professional and managerial personnel, the
need for secretarial and typing support also rises.
Conversely, delivery and route drivers, mechanics and
repairers, and freight material handlers are relatively less
important as goods are moved in specialized trucks of

larger capacity whose parts are standardized to reduce
maintenance requirements. Consolidated terminal facili­
ties and the improved and expanded highway system
also add to delivery efficiencies as does the increased use
of automated equipment in warehouses.
In the next 10 years, according to an industry
source,11 50 percent or more of the merchant whole­
salers will computerize their inventory control, pur­
chasing, invoicing, and shipping activities and a further
deepening of applied technology is expected to reduce
the need for bookkeepers, shipping and receiving clerks,
stock clerks, and stock handlers.
Adjustment of workers to technological change

Trade, like nonmanufacturing industries generally, is
not highly unionized. The BLS estimated that in 1972
less than 25 percent of all workers in trade were union
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauf­
feurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America (Indepen­
dent) is the principal union organizing in the wholesale
trade industry and the National Council of Distributive
Workers of America (Independent) organizes workers in
the wholesale dry goods industry.
Collective bargaining agreements in the industry
typically cover wage practices and supplementary bene­
fits, job and union security, working conditions, and
other employer-employee and union-management rela­
tionships. A BLS analysis of agreements covering 1,000
workers or more as of July 1, 1973 showed that advance
notice of technological change was required in about 9
percent of the agreements for both nonmanufacturing
industry as a whole and wholesale trade; however, 13
percent of all nonmanufacturing workers were covered
by this type of provision compared to only 9 percent of
workers in wholesale trade. When an agreement does not
specifically refer to adjustments that are required when
technological change takes place, it is likely that the
seniority provisions of the contract apply. Moreover,
displacements arising from technological changes may be
absorbed through attrition.

-FOOTNOTES1The wholesale function may be performed by an indepen­
dent agent called a merchant wholesaler or may be integrated
vertically with the primary activities of the producer or the
retailer. The type of wholesale operation tends to differ
depending on the product line. Although the merchant whole­
salers are the usual distributors of most product lines, branches
of manufacturers, for example, frequently wholesale such
products as electrical supplies, and farm equipment and retail
food chains often operate their own warehouse systems.
This chapter deals with independent merchant wholesalers,
who purchase products in volume from manufacturers and, after
a title transfer, store purchased goods in their own warehouses.
These wholesalers sell principally to retailers or to industrial,
commercial, or professional users. They carry stock in large lots,
redistribute in small quantities through sales personnel, service
merchandise sold, and offer advice to the retail trade. The
retailer, in turn, sells to the individual consumer.
2 Based on Internal Revenue Service data and published by
Distribution Number Bank Incorporated in Distribution Number
System (Washington, 1972).
3Donald F. Martin, “A Look A head-1973” (Washington,
National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors, 1973), p. 3.

4 “Gibson Firms Plan for Warehouse Grid,” Discount Store
News, July 15, 1974, p. 4.
5Paul L. Courtney, “Distribution Revolution Generates New
Careers,” American Vocational Journal, February 1971, p. 61.
6 Kenneth B. Ackerman, R. W. Gardner, Lee P. Thomas,
Understanding Today's Distribution Center (Washington, Traffic
Service Corporation, 1972), p. 52.
7“Flexibles, A Route to Industrial Profits,” Modern Pack­
aging, August 1974, pp. 28-31.
8 “The Story Behind the Cover,” Quick Frozen Foods, July
1971, p. 95.
9 “Practical
Sales Policies, Training,” Electrical Whole­
salingt March 1973, pp. 46-47.
10 Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in Private Industry,
Equal Employment Opportunity Report, Vol. 1 (Equal Employ­
ment Opportunity Commission, 1970), p. 340.
1 *Paul L. Courtney, “Your Opportunity in Wholesale Distri­
bution,” excerpts from an address to Washington Association of
Distributive Education Qubs of America (Washington, National
Association of Wholesaler-Distributors, 1971).


Dixon, Jim. “There’s a Tunnel in Your Future,” Distribution
World, November 1973, pp. 31-35.
East, C. G. “Sort Automatically "Automation, December 1973,
pp. 84-87.

Heskett, James L. “Sweeping Changes in Distribution,” Harvard
Business Review, March-April 1973, pp. 123-32.
Lopata, Richard S. “Faster Pace in Wholesaling,” Harvard
Business Review, July-August 1969, pp. 130-43.
National Commission on Productivity. 2nd Annual Report. May
1972, pp. xi, 37-38.

“GMC Showcase Warehouse,” Modern Materials Handling,
December 1972, pp. 36-47.
Smith, Frank A. “Changes Ahead in Transport Technology,” in
Hale C. Bartlett, ed., Readings in Physical Distribution.
Danville, 111., Interstate Printers and Publishers, 1972.

Manpower adjustments

Tully, Frank A. “Build High for Storage Savings,” Automation,
March 1973, pp. 44-47.

Courtney, Paul L. “Wholesaling: Insatiable Consumer of Trained
Skills,” American Vocational Journal, February 1971,
pp. 60-62.


Kelly, Chris. “What’s a Nice Girl Like You Doing in the Hardware
Industry?” Hardware Age, January 1974, pp. 70-77.

Farrell, Jack W. “A United Industry Tackles Common Prob­
lems,” Traffic Management, January 1974, pp. 33-52.

“Practical Sales Policies, Training,” Electrical Wholesaling, March
1973, p. 46.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Industrial
Production, 1971 edition and 1972 supplement.
National Science Foundation. Funds for Research and Develop­
ment. Annual.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Domestic and International
Business Administration. U.S. Industrial Outlook, 1973.
------------- , Bureau of the Census. Annual Survey o f Manu­
factures, Industry Profiles, 1970.
------------- y ------------- . Census o f Manufactures, Vols. I-III, 1967.
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Indexes
o f Output per Man-Hour, Selected Industries, 1972 Edi­
tion. Bull. 1758.

____ , _______________ Characteristics o f Agreements
Covering 1,000 Workers or More, July 1, 1973. Bull.
1822, 1974.
------- ------------------------ Major
Agreements. Bull, series 1425.


_____ , _______________ Employment and
United States, 1909-72. Bull. 1312-9, 1973.



------ ------------------------ Occupational Outlook Hand­
book, 1972-73. Bull. 1700.
____ ________________ Tomorrow's Manpower Needs,
Volume IV, 1971 Revised. Bull. 1737.


R e g io n I

R e g io n V

1603 JFK Federal Building
Government Center
Boston. Mass. 02203
Phone: (617) 223-6761

9th Floor
Federal Office Building
230 S. Dearborn Street
Chicago , III. 60604
Phone: (312) 353-1880

R e g io n II

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New York. N.Y. 10036
Phone: (212) 971-5405

R e g io n V I

Second Floor
555 Griffin Square Building
Dallas, Tex. 75202
Phone: (214) 749-3516

R e g io n III

P.O. Box 13309
Philadelphia. Pa. 19101
Phone: (215) 597-1154

R e g io n s V II a n d V I I I *

911 Walnut Street
Kansas Citv. Mo. 64106
Phone: (816) 374-2481

R e g io n IV

1371 Peachtree Street, N.E.
Atlanta, Ga. 30309
Phone: (404) 526-5418

R e g jo n s I X a n d X * *

450 Golden Gate Avenue
Box 36017
San Francisco, Calif. 94102
Phone: (415) 556-4678

Regions VII and VIII are serviced by Kansas City
Regions IX and X are serviced by San Francisco