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Version: June 7, 2016 Diary 2015 questionnaire Table of Contents 1) Pre-Day 0 ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 2) Day 0 Intro/Welcome screen ........................................................................................................................ 4 3) Account ownership – import from SCPC....................................................................................................... 4 4) Balances – Beginning of diary cash and account balances ........................................................................... 9 a) Balance – Count your cash ........................................................................................................................ 9 b) Balance – Checking account.................................................................................................................... 12 c) Balance – General Purpose Prepaid cards .............................................................................................. 14 d) Balance – PayPal account........................................................................................................................ 15 5) Income and employment status ................................................................................................................. 16 6) Special module – Preferences, characteristics and expectations. .............................................................. 20 7) End of Day 0 thank you text ........................................................................................................................ 25 8) Daily intro text/welcome back .................................................................................................................... 26 9) Purchases module ....................................................................................................................................... 29 a) Merchant categorization and consumption module .............................................................................. 32 Merchant category followups ................................................................................................................... 41 b) Payment instrument follow-ups ............................................................................................................. 47 c) “Categorize the purchase” sub-module.................................................................................................. 58 d) Reminders and recall aids – median 9 seconds ...................................................................................... 59 10) End of day balances on Cash, Checking account, and prepaid cards ......................................................... 60 a) Cash ......................................................................................................................................................... 60 11) Cash and account management module .................................................................................................... 62 a) Cash Deposits to all accounts ................................................................................................................. 62 b) Checking Deposits to all accounts........................................................................................................... 63 c) Prepaid Deposits to primary GPR card account ...................................................................................... 65 d) Cash Withdrawals to all accounts ........................................................................................................... 68 e) Checking Withdrawals from all accounts ................................................................................................ 69 f) Other withdrawals .................................................................................................................................. 72 ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 1 Version: June 7, 2016 12) Error checking ............................................................................................................................................. 72 a) Coin-to-cash and cash-to-coin section.................................................................................................... 75 b) Foreign-to-USD and USD-to-foreign section ........................................................................................... 76 c) Returned goods section .......................................................................................................................... 76 d) Cash lost, stolen, or moved section ....................................................................................................... 78 13) Income ........................................................................................................................................................ 79 14) Daily “MHQ” questions ............................................................................................................................... 82 a) What payment instruments did you carry today? [dcpc2012: median 10 seconds] .............................. 82 b) Did you use any weekly/monthly/yearly passes today?......................................................................... 82 c) Did you travel today? – median 8 seconds ............................................................................................. 83 15) Day 1 only module ...................................................................................................................................... 83 a) End of Day 1 text ..................................................................................................................................... 84 16) Day 2 module .............................................................................................................................................. 85 a) End of Day 2 text ..................................................................................................................................... 85 17) Day 3 only module ...................................................................................................................................... 85 a) Bills .......................................................................................................................................................... 85 b) Credit card questions .............................................................................................................................. 96 c) Types of borrowing “During these three days reminders” ..................................................................... 97 d) Balance – Cash stored and Checking account....................................................................................... 103 e) Rating the diary (our questions and RAND cs_001, cs_003) ................................................................ 109 f) Video?? ................................................................................................................................................. 110 g) End of Day 3 text ................................................................................................................................... 110 18) Kantar list .................................................................................................................................................. 110 There are comments on some of the section headings telling us where these responses would go in the accounting financial statements, for example: “Balance sheet/Assets”. In this document, there are some areas which are shaded for various reasons o RED STRIKETHRU – Text was deleted or moved to another location o YELLOW – New text or new programming instructions o GREEN – Place holder for discussion or new items which are not yet approved, questions or concepts to be revised, areas for discussion. ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 2 Version: June 7, 2016 o In addition, programing instructions are usually in red text and I’ll start them with a comment marker like this ## Hello this is an instruction or comment 1) Pre-Day 0 ## Reminders: HAVE THE VENDOR SEND EMAIL REMINDERS TO TAKE THE SCPC EACH DAY FOR 3 DAYS LEADING UP TO THE DIARY DAY ## Send reminder email to the respondent each diary day (0, 1, 2, and 3). The email should remind the respondent to remember to participate in the diary and to log on each night. ## Variables to pull in from the SCPC: pa001_a, pa001_b, baadopter o These are number of checking accounts, number of savings accounts, and flag for bank account adoption pa008 questions, dcadopter o pa008_a1, _a2, _a3, pa008_b1, _b2, _b3 o These are the responses to the number of debit cards and number of ATM cards. DCADOPTER is the created variable that controls the flow of later parts of the survey. ccadopter o This created variable controls the flow of the survey for those respondents with credit cards Pcadopter, GPRADOPTER o These variables have to do with prepaid cards and general purpose prepaid card adoption. moadopter o This created variable controls the flow of the survey for those respondents who are money order adopters. obbpadopter o This created variable controls the flow of the survey for those respondents who are online banking bill payment adopters. DE013 o If de013 = 1 then respondent owns primary home, if de013 = 2 then they do not own home. pa001_d1, pa048 o If pa001_d1 = YES then the respondent has a Paypal account o pa048 asks how the payment account is funded. We are interested in response option 4, “money stored with payment service” ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 3 Version: June 7, 2016 2) Day 0 Intro/Welcome screen IF diarist logs on and SCPC IS INCOMPLETE, THEN SHOW WARNING: It is important that you take the Survey of Consumer Payment Choice (SCPC) before participating in this Diary. Please click here to take the SCPC. After you take the SCPC, you will be able to continue participating this Diary. ## This “Day 0” section contains items that we need to ask the night before the respondent begins the diary. Items that are in this module are “time sensitive” meaning that they have to be asked before the diarist starts recording their payments and transactions. ## Intro screen Thank you for agreeing to participate in the 2015 Diary of Consumer Payment Choice. Your three assigned Diary days are: [DISPLAY DIARY DAY 1 HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] to [DISPLAY DIARY DAY 3 HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Before you begin, we need to ask you some questions today, [DISPLAY DIARY DAY 0 HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], that will help us prepare for your answers during the next three days. It is important that you answer these questions at the end of the day today before completing main part of the Diary. Starting tomorrow, [DISPLAY DIARY DAY 1 HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], we will ask you about purchases, payments, and cash activity. We understand that not everybody makes purchases or payments or has cash activity each day. We are interested in all types of payment behavior, including days with zero payments or cash activity. Your diary responses will be used for research purposes only. 3) Account ownership – import from SCPC ## This section will be replaced by the Accounts Module in the SCPC. If the respondent has already taken the SCPC, then we don’t need to ask any of the questions about account ownership or adoption. We will import their answers from the SCPC and maybe give them a screen which says “Is everything correct?” ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 4 Version: June 7, 2016 ## Here we want to build new variables that are a combination of the SCPC variables if they exist, or the new DCPC variables if they are not missing. We’ll use these variables to control the flow of certain questions later in the online diary questionnaire. First we must initialize the variables. dcpc_pa001_a = SCPC variable pa001_a dcpc_dcadopter = SCPC variable dcadopter dcpc_ccadopter = SCPC variable ccadopter dcpc_gpradopter = SCPC variable gpradopter dcpc_paypaladopter = 0 IF scpc variables pa001_d1 = YES and pa048_d1 = YES (“money stored…”) then dcpc_paypaladopter = 1 IF diarist has already taken SCPC: (qday0_scpcintro) Previously, you took another survey called the Survey of Consumer Payment Choice. In that survey, you told us you: ## display as a table, where each row has one of these lines of text Have [FILL: pa001_a. if pa001_a = missing then display “0”] checking account(s) IF DCADOPTER = 1 THEN: Have at least one debit card ELSE IF DCADOPTER = (0, missing) THEN: Do not have a debit card IF CCADOPTER = 1 THEN: Have at least one credit card ELSE IF CCADOPTER = (0, missing) THEN: Do not have a credit card IF dcpc_paypaladopter = 1 THEN: Have money stored in a PayPal account ELSE IF dcpc_paypaladopter = (0, missing) THEN: Do not have money stored in a PayPal account Is this all correct? 1. Yes 2. No IF (qday0_scpcintro = NO or if SCPC has not been completed) then ## One screen for all of the following (temp_pa001_a, temp_dcadopter, temp_ccadopter, temp_gpradopter) Please tell us the correct information about your accounts and cards. ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 5 Version: June 7, 2016 (temp_pa001_a) Number of checking accounts you own: [numeric text box] (temp_dcadopter) Do you have any debit cards? 1. Yes 0. No (temp_ccadopter) Do you have any credit cards? 1. Yes 0. No (temp_paypaladopter) Do you have any money stored in a PayPal account? 1. Yes 0. No ## Next, we’ll use the variables initialized above and the responses from the question above and set the variable to the correct value if necessary. IF (temp_pa001_a not missing and temp_pa001_a not equal to dcpc_pa001_a) then dcpc_pa001_a = temp_pa001_a IF (temp_dcadopter not missing and temp_dcadopter not equal to dcpc_dcadopter) then dcpc_dcadopter = temp_dcadopter IF (temp_ccadopter not missing and temp_ccadopter not equal to dcpc_ccadopter) then dcpc_ccadopter = temp_ccadopter IF (temp_paypaladopter not missing and temp_paypaladopter not equal to dcpc_paypaladopter) then dcpc_paypaladopter = temp_paypaladopter ## new screen – ask to everybody (do_you_have_gpr) When you took the Survey of Consumer Payment Choice, we asked if you have a general purpose reloadable prepaid card. Sometimes people get rid of their prepaid cards, and sometimes they get new ones, so we need to ask you again. Do you have any general purpose reloadable prepaid cards? ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 6 Version: June 7, 2016 These prepaid cards have a logo from Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express and can be used to make payments anywhere credit cards or debit cards are accepted. 1. Yes 2. No ## assign value to dcpc_gpradopter IF do_you_have_gpr = YES then dcpc_gpradopter = YES ELSE dcpc_gpradopter = NO ## New screen for qmostusedpayacnt_1 If at least one of (dcpc_pa001_a = 1, dcpc_ccadopter = 1, dcpc_gpradopter = 1, dcpc_paypaladopter = 1) THEN (q_mostusedpayacnt_1) Other than cash, which of these types of assets or accounts do you use most often to fund your payments, including bills? 1. [IF dcpc_pa001_a > 0]Checking account (checks, debit cards, bank account number payments, online banking bill payments) 2. [IF dcpc_ccadopter = 1]Credit card 3. [IF dcpc_gpradopter = 1]General purpose prepaid card 4. [IF dcpc_paypaladopter = 1]PayPal 5. Money order 6. Travelers check 7. Mobile phone payments 8. None (I only use cash to make payments) 9. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] ## New screen for qmostusedpayacnt_2 IF q_mostusedpayacnt_1 not equal to 8 “NONE” THEN Remove the choice for q_mostusedpayacnt_1. (q_mostusedpayacnt_2) Other than cash, which of these types of assets or accounts do you use second most often to fund your payments, including bills? ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 7 Version: June 7, 2016 1. [IF dcpc_pa001_a > 0]Checking account (checks, debit cards, bank account number payments, online banking bill payments) 2. [IF dcpc_ccadopter = 1]Credit card 3. [IF dcpc_gpradopter = 1]General purpose prepaid card 4. [IF dcpc_paypaladopter = 1]PayPal 5. Money order 6. Travelers check 7. Mobile phone payments 8. None (I only use cash and one other payment method) 9. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] ENDIF IF q_mostusedpayacnt_2 = 8 THEN (q_mostusedpayacnt_3c) In a typical week, which payment method or account do you use most often to make payments? 1. Cash 2. [FILL: Choice from q_mostusedpayacnt_1. IF choice = “Other” then response option text should read “Other, most often”] ELSE ## new screen – same screen both q_mostusedpayacnt_3a and q_mostusedpayacnt_3b (q_mostusedpayacnt_3a) In a typical week, which option below best describes the order of your payment method choices, from the one you use most often to the one you use least often? 1. Cash, [FILL: Choice from q_mostusedpayacnt_1], [FILL: Choice from q_mostusedpayacnt_2] 2. [FILL: Choice from q_mostusedpayacnt_1], Cash, [FILL: Choice from q_mostusedpayacnt_2] 3. [FILL: Choice from q_mostusedpayacnt_1] , [FILL: Choice from q_mostusedpayacnt_2], Cash ENDIF ##q_mostusedpayacnt_2 = 8 ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 8 Version: June 7, 2016 ENDIF ##if q_mostusedpayacnt_1 not equal to 8 4) Balances – Beginning of diary cash and account balances a) Balance – Count your cash (q1) One purpose of this diary is to understand cash activity among U.S. consumers. It is important that we know how much cash you started this diary period with. Consider cash that is immediately available to you and ready for spending. Do not count foreign currency. Do not count coins. We will ask you separately about cash that is in storage elsewhere, such as your home, car or office. At the end of the day on [DISPLAY DIARY DAY 0 HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] do you have any paper cash in your wallet, purse and/or pocket? 1. Yes 2. No If q1 = NO then: (q1a) Please tell us why you don’t have any paper cash. 1. I just ran out and I need to get more. 2. I usually do not carry cash. 3. I gave my cash to someone else, such as a family member/friend/housemate. 4. My cash was stolen or lost. 5. Other (specify) 5other. ______________ If q1 = YES then show the following screen: Count your paper cash! Please tell us the NUMBER OF BILLS of each denomination in your wallet, purse and/or pocket at the end of the day on [DISPLAY DIARY DAY 0 HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Your total dollar amount will be automatically calculated. ● Do not consider coins. ● Do not include foreign currencies. NUMBER OF: ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 9 Version: June 7, 2016 ____ x $1 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $20 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $2 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $50 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $5 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $100 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $10 bills = $[calculated on the fly] Total dollar amount $[GRAND TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT, calculated on the fly] ## Variable names for the items above: denom1_num (the number of bills), denom1_amnt (the dollar amount) denom2_num, denom2_amnt denom5_num, denom5_amnt denom10_num, denom10_amnt denom20_num, denom20_amnt denom50_num, denom50_amnt denom100_num, denom100_amnt amntcashend_day0 (q1b) You told us you have $[GRAND TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT] in cash in your wallet, purse and/or pocket. Is this amount correct? 1. Yes 2. No ****If q1b = NO, please take the diarist back to the “Count your paper cash” screen so they can correct their numbers*** ## The name of the variable for GRAND TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT should be “amntcashend_day0”. If the respondent does not have any cash at the start of Day 0, then amntcashend_day0 = 0. If q1 = NO then amntcashend_day0 should be set to 0, not missing (scpc_pa015_b) Do you have any cash stored elsewhere in your home, car, office, etc.? Do not include cash owned by other members of your household. 1. Yes 2. No IF scpc_pa015_b = YES then Count your paper cash stored elsewhere! ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 10 Version: June 7, 2016 Please tell us the NUMBER OF BILLS of each denomination stored elsewhere in your home, car, office, etc., on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Your total dollar amount will be automatically calculated. ● Do not consider coins. ● Do not include foreign currencies. NUMBER OF: ____ x $1 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $20 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $2 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $50 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $5 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $100 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $10 bills = $[calculated on the fly] Total dollar amount $[GRAND TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT, calculated on the fly] ## Variable names for the items above: storedcash1_num, storedcash1_amnt storedcash2_num, storedcash2_amnt storedcash5_num, storedcash5_amnt storedcash10_num, storedcash10_amnt storedcash20_num, storedcash20_amnt storedcash50_num, storedcash50_amnt storedcash100_num, storedcash100_amnt storedcash_total_amnt ## ERROR Check If every cell in “Count your paper cash stored elsewhere” is left blank, then show the following screen: (storedcash_estimate_amnt) It is important for us to know how much cash you have stored elsewhere in your home, car, office, etc. Please give us an estimate of how much cash you have stored elsewhere in your home, car, office, etc. $_____________ (q1_storedcashcorrect) You told us you have $[GRAND TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT OR storedcash_estimate_amnt] in cash stored elsewhere in your home, car, office, etc. Is this amount correct? 1. Yes 2. No ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 11 Version: June 7, 2016 ## New screen IF storedcash_total_amnt > 0 OR storedcash_estimate_amnt > 0 THEN ## randomize to display either dcpc_pa015_c or dcpc_pa015_d (dcpc_pa015_c) ## Do not allow answer which is greater than pa015_b You said you have $[FILL: response for storedcash_total_amnt or storedcash_estimate_amnt] in cash stored elsewhere. About how much of that are you holding for cash payments (either for planned spending or emergencies)? About $________.00 (dcpc_pa015_d) ## Do not allow answer which is greater than pa015_b You said you have $[FILL: response for storedcash_total_amnt or storedcash_estimate_amnt] in cash stored elsewhere. About how much of that have you set aside for long-term savings? About $________.00 ENDIF b) Balance – Checking account ### New Screen – Intro to checking account balances section This section uses the newly created DCPC variable “dcpc_pa001_a” in order to determine the text to display. The differences are based on the number of checking accounts the respondent owns. IF dcpc_pa001_a = 1 THEN: (pa071_a) Checking account balance Please use one of the following methods to look up your checking account balance: ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 12 Version: June 7, 2016 Your bank’s online banking website Your bank’s mobile app Your bank’s telephone banking system Your check book balance (if you keep a running daily balance that is up to date) If you are not able to tell us your checking account balance right now, we’ll ask again tomorrow. If you prefer, please visit or call your bank to ask for your exact balance as of midnight tonight, [DAY 0 DATE] and enter the information tomorrow. Are you able to tell us your checking account balance now? 1. Yes 2. No IF dcpc_pa001_a >= 2 THEN: (pa071_a) Primary checking account balance Your primary checking account is the one you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. Please use one of the following methods to look up your primary checking account balance: Your bank’s online banking website Your bank’s mobile app Your bank’s telephone banking system Your check book balance (if you keep a running daily balance that is up to date) If you are not able to tell us your checking account balance right now, we’ll ask again tomorrow. If you prefer, please visit or call your bank(s) to ask for your exact balance as of midnight tonight, [DAY 0 DATE] and enter the information tomorrow. Are you able to tell us your primary checking account balance now? 1. Yes 2. No ## We will only ask about checking account balances on Day 0 and at the end of Day 3! ## New screen IF pa071_a = YES: IF dcpc_pa001_a = 1 THEN ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 13 Version: June 7, 2016 Please tell us the balance of your checking account as of [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Round to the nearest dollar Please report the total balance of the checking account, even if jointly owned (pa072_a) Balance of checking account $_______________ .00 (pa072_a_date) Please tell us the time that you checked the balance of your checking account on [DAY 0 DATE]. [clock widget] ELSE IF dcpc_pa001_a >= 2 THEN Please tell us the balance of your primary checking account as of [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Round to the nearest dollar Please report the total balance of the checking account, even if jointly owned Your primary account is the account you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. (pa072_a) Balance of primary account $_______________.00 (pa072_a_date) Please tell us the time that you checked the balance of your primary checking account on [DAY 0 DATE]. [clock widget] c) Balance – General Purpose Prepaid cards IF dcpc_gpradopter = YES (“1”) THEN (pa074) Please tell us the balance of your primary general purpose reloadable (GPR) prepaid card as of [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 14 Version: June 7, 2016 If you have more than one GPR prepaid card, your primary card is the one that you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the GPR card with the most money in it. Round to the nearest dollar. What is the balance of your primary GPR prepaid card? $_____________.00 (pa074_time) Please tell us the time you checked this balance. [clock widget] (pa074_date) Please tell us the date you checked this balance. [calendar widget] d) Balance – PayPal account IF dcpc_paypaladopter = 1 THEN (paypal_balday0) Please tell us the balance of your primary PayPal account as of [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. If you have more than one PayPal account, your primary account is the one that you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. Round to the nearest dollar. What is the balance of your primary PayPal account? $_____________.00 (pa074_time) Please tell us the time you checked this balance. [clock widget] (pa074_date) Please tell us the date you checked this balance. [calendar widget] ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 15 Version: June 7, 2016 5) Income and employment status (q14) Now we would like to ask you a few questions about your employment and income. What is your current employment situation? Check all that apply 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Working now Unemployed and looking for work Temporarily laid off, on sick or other leave Disabled Retired Homemaker/caregiver Student Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] ## new screen -- q15 If q14 = Working now is selected then (q15) Do you work for someone else, are you self-employed or what? 1. I work for someone else 2. I am self-employed 3. Other (specify) End skip (q14 = working now) ## New screen (q140) Do you receive any of the following types of income? Please tell us only about income you receive, not income of a spouse, partner, or other household member. Yes No (q140_a) Employment income (wages, salary, bonuses) (q140_c) Self-employment income (q140_d) Social Security (q140_b) Employer-paid retirement ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 16 Version: June 7, 2016 (q140_j) IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), or other retirement fund (q140_e) Interest and dividends (q140_f) Rental income (q140_g) Government assistance (disability, unemployment, SNAP, TANF, WIC) (q140_h) Alimony (q140_i) Child support ## New screen IF any of q140_a – q140_j = YES then ## only display rows where q140 = YES (q141) Please tell us how often you receive income. (IF q140_a = YES) (q141_a) Employment income (wages, salary, bonuses) (IF q140_c = YES) (q141_c) Self-employment income (IF q140_d = YES) (q141_d) Social Security (IF q140_b = YES) (q141_b) Employer-paid retirement (IF q140_j = YES) (q141_j) IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), or other retirement fund (IF q140_e = YES) (q141_e) Interest and dividends (IF q140_f = YES) (q141_f) How often you receive income? ## Show this dropdown in each row that is displayed in the table. Drop-down: --Select one-1. Weekly 2. Every two weeks 3. Twice per month 4. Monthly 5. Quarterly 6. Yearly 7. Other, on a one-time basis 8. Other, on a regular basis 9. Other, on an irregular basis ## Variable ID’s for this column: q141_a_freq q141_c_freq q141_d_freq q141_b_freq q141_j_freq ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 17 Version: June 7, 2016 Rental income (IF q140_g = YES) (q141_g) Government assistance (disability, unemployment, SNAP, TANF, WIC) (IF q140_h = YES) (q141_h) Alimony (IF q140_i = YES) (q141_i) Child support q141_e_freq q141_f_freq q141_g_freq q141_h_freq q141_i_freq ## BEGIN new Day 0 income questions ## New screen IF any of q140_a – q140_j = YES then ## only display rows where q140 = YES (q142) Did you receive any income from the following sources on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Yes No (IF q140_a = YES) (q142_a) Employment income (wages, salary, bonuses) (IF q140_c = YES) (q142_c) Self-employment income (IF q140_d = YES) (q142_d) Social Security (IF q140_b = YES) (q142_b) Employer-paid retirement (IF q140_j = YES) (q142_j) IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), or other retirement fund (IF q140_e = YES) (q142_e) ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 18 Version: June 7, 2016 Interest and dividends (IF q140_f = YES) (q142_f) Rental income (IF q140_g = YES) (q142_g) Government assistance (disability, unemployment, SNAP, TANF, WIC) (IF q140_h = YES) (q142_h) Alimony (IF q140_i = YES) (q142_i) Child support ## New screen IF any of q142_a – q142_j = YES then ## only display rows where q142 = YES (q144) How much net income (also called after-tax income) did you receive and how did you receive the income on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? In other words, tell us the amount deposited into one of your accounts, or the amount of cash or a check you received. Report NET amount of income received, after all taxes and other deductions. Include multiple payments from the same source. Source (IF q142_a = YES) (q144_a) Employment (wages, salary, bonuses) (IF q142_c = YES) (q144_c) Self-employment income (IF q142_d = YES) (q144_d) Social Security (IF q142_b = YES) (q144_b) Employer-paid retirement (IF q142_j = YES) (q144_j) Amount (q144_a) $_________ (q144_c) $_________ (q144_d) $_________ (q144_b) $_________ (q144_j) $_________ How did you receive your income? ## Show the drop down list for each row that is displayed. [Drop down list] --Select one— 1. Direct deposit to primary checking account 2. Direct deposit to some other checking or savings account 3. Paper check 4. Cash 5. Payroll card 6. General purpose reloadable ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 19 Version: June 7, 2016 IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), or other retirement fund (IF q142_e = YES) (q144_e) Interest and dividends (IF q142_f = YES) (q144_f) Rental income (IF q142_g = YES) (q144_g) Government assistance (disability, unemployment, SNAP, TANF, WIC) (IF q142_h = YES) (q144_h) Alimony (IF q142_i = YES) (q144_i) Child support prepaid card 7. Other (q144_e) $_________ (q144_f) $_________ (q144_g) $_________ (q144_h) $_________ ## Variable names for “How did you receive your income?” q143_a q143_c q143_d q143_b q143_j q143_e q143_f q143_g q143_h q143_i (q144_i) $_________ (q18) Please tell us the date of the [FILL: if all of q142 = NO then “last”, if any of q142 = YES then “previous”] time you received some form of income. Click the arrows to scroll through additional months. ****Calendar goes here**** ## END new Day 0 income questions 6) Special module – Preferences, characteristics and expectations. ## New screen – bill payments section (q115_b) Bill payment preferences Please tell us the payment method you most prefer to use for making bill payments. 1. Cash 2. Check 3. Credit card 4. Debit card 5. Prepaid/Gift/EBT card 6. Bank account number payment 7. Online banking bill payment 8. Money order ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 20 Version: June 7, 2016 9. Traveler’s check 10. Mobile phone payment 11. Other payment method ## New screen -- Q116_b and Q117_b on the same page**** (q116_b) Bill payment preferences Please tell us the most important characteristic of [FILL: insert response to q115_b, in bold] when making a bill payment. ## use these fills for for q117_b, q118_b, q116_a, q117_a, q118_a, q116_c. “cash” “a check” “a credit card” “a debit card” “a prepaid/gift/EBT card” “a bank account number payment” “an online banking bill payment” “a money order” “a traveler’s check” “a mobile phone payment” “another payment method” ## Randomize this list of response options and keep the same randomization for q116_a and q116_c and q118_a and q118_b 1. Security 2. Accepted at lots of places 3. Cost 4. Convenience 5. Budget control 6. [IF q115_b = “credit card” or “debit card” then display]Rewards 7. Speed (q117_b) In cases where you can’t use [insert response to q115_b, in bold] to make a bill payment, what is your preferred fallback payment method? ****delete response to q115_b from the list below**** 1. Cash 2. Check 3. Credit card 4. Debit card 5. Prepaid/Gift/EBT card 6. Bank account number payment 7. Online banking bill payment ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 21 Version: June 7, 2016 8. 9. 10. 11. Money order Traveler’s check Mobile phone payment Other payment method ## New screen (q118_b) Bill payment preferences Please tell us the most important characteristic of [insert response to q117_b, in bold] when making a bill payment. ## use these fills for for q117_b, q118_b, q116_a, q117_a, q118_a, q116_c. “cash” “a check” “a credit card” “a debit card” “a prepaid/gift/EBT card” “a bank account number payment” “an online banking bill payment” “a money order” “a traveler’s check” “a mobile phone payment” “another payment method” ## Use same randomization as q116_b 1. Security 2. Accepted at lots of places 3. Cost 4. Convenience 5. Budget control 6. [IF q117_b = “credit card” or “debit card” then display]Rewards 7. Speed ## New screen – in person payments section (q115_a) Purchases and other non-bill payments preferences Please tell us the payment method you most prefer to use for making purchases and other nonbill payments. 1. Cash 2. Check 3. Credit card 4. Debit card 5. Prepaid/Gift/EBT card ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 22 Version: June 7, 2016 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Bank account number payment Online banking bill payment Money order Traveler’s check Mobile phone payment Other payment method ## New screen -- Q116_a and Q117_a on the same page**** (q116_a) Purchases and other non-bill payments preferences Please tell us the most important characteristic of [insert response to q115_a, in bold] when making purchases and other nonbill payments. ## Use same randomization as q116_b 1. Security 2. Accepted at lots of places 3. Cost 4. Convenience 5. Budget control 6. [IF q115_a = “credit card” or “debit card” then display]Rewards 7. Speed (q117_a) In cases where you can’t use [insert response to q115_a, in bold] to make a purchase or other nonbill payment, what is your preferred fallback payment method? ****delete response to q115_a from the list below**** 1. Cash 2. Check 3. Credit card 4. Debit card 5. Prepaid/Gift/EBT card 6. Bank account number payment 7. Online banking bill payment 8. Money order 9. Traveler’s check 10. Mobile phone payment 11. Other payment method ## New screen (q118_a) Purchases and other non-bill payments preferences Please tell us the most important characteristic of [insert response to q117_a, in bold] when making a purchase or other nonbill payment. ## Use same randomization as q116_b ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 23 Version: June 7, 2016 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Security Accepted at lots of places Cost Convenience Budget control [IF q117_a = “credit card” or “debit card” then display]Rewards Speed ## New screen (q160) In-person purchases preferences Please tell us the payment method you most prefer to use for making in-person purchases, depending on dollar value. (q160_a) Less than $10 (q160_b) Between $10 and less than $25 (q160_c) Between $25 and less than $50 (q160_d) Between $50 and less than $100 (q160_e) $100 or more Payment method [Drop down list for each row of table] --Select one--1. Cash 2. Check 3. Credit card 4. Debit card 5. Prepaid/Gift/EBT card 6. Bank account number payment 7. Online banking bill payment 8. Money order 9. Traveler’s check 10. Mobile phone payment 11. Other payment method ## Variable names: q160_pm_a q160_pm_b q160_pm_c q160_pm_d q160_pm_e IF any of q160_pm_a—q160_pm_e = “Mobile phone payment” (option 10) OR q115_a = “Mobile phone payment” or q115_b = “Mobile phone payment” or q115_c = “Mobile phone payment” THEN (q161) What payment method is your mobile app funded with? 1. Credit card 2. Debit card ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 24 Version: June 7, 2016 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Prepaid card Bank account number Apple Pay PayPal Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] ENDIF ## New screen – online payments section (q115_c) Online purchases preferences Please tell us the payment method you most prefer to use for making online purchases (on the Internet) to buy goods and services (not to pay bills). Examples include Amazon,, etc. 1. Cash 2. Check 3. Credit card 4. Debit card 5. Prepaid/Gift/EBT card 6. Bank account number payment 7. Online banking bill payment 8. Money order 9. Traveler’s check 10. Mobile phone payment 11. Other payment method ## New screen (q116_c) Online purchases preferences Please tell us the most important characteristic of [insert response to q115_c, in bold] when making online purchases (on the Internet) to buy goods and services (not to pay bills). Examples include Amazon,, etc. ## Use same randomization as q116_b 1. Security 2. Accepted at lots of places 3. Cost 4. Convenience 5. Budget control 6. [IF q115_c = “credit card” or “debit card” then display]Rewards 7. Speed 7) End of Day 0 thank you text ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 25 Version: June 7, 2016 Thank you for answering our questions. Please log on tomorrow to enter your purchases or cash activity, even if you have no activity tomorrow. To get ready to enter your payment information tomorrow, [Day 1], please read the diary instructions and watch the video (if you haven’t already). 8) Daily intro text/welcome back IF diaryday = 1 THEN Welcome to Day 1 of the 2015 Diary of Consumer Payment Choice. Thank you for agreeing to tell us about your payments and cash activity. ELSE IF diaryday > 1 THEN Welcome back! Thank you for telling us about your payments and cash activity. END IF ALL diary days: We understand that not everybody makes payments or has cash activity each day. We are interested in all types of payment behavior, including days with zero payments or cash activity. Please enter your information for today’s diary day. Remember to include each transaction that you make. Only include a transaction once. Do not enter transaction information twice. Do not include transactions made in foreign countries or foreign currencies. Day 1 only: IF pa071_a = NO #pa071_a is from Day 0 (pa071_b) Yesterday, you told us that you were not able to tell us your [FILL: IF dcpc_pa001_a > 1 then “primary”] checking account balance. Please use one of the following methods to look up your [FILL: IF dcpc_pa001_a > 1 then “primary”]checking account balance: Your bank’s online banking website Your bank’s mobile app Your bank’s telephone banking system Your check book balance ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 26 Version: June 7, 2016 Are you able to tell us your balance for [DAY 0 DATE] today? 1. Yes 2. No IF pa071_b = YES then IF dcpc_pa001_a = 1 THEN Please tell us the balance of your checking account for [DAY 0 DATE]. Please let us know the time and date that you checked your balance. Round to the nearest dollar Please report the total balance of the checking account, even if jointly owned (pa072_a) Balance of checking account $_______________ .00 (pa072_a_time) Please tell us the time of this balance which you are reporting to us. [clock widget] (pa072_a_date) Please tell us the date of this balance which you are reporting to us. [calendar widget] ELSE IF dcpc_pa001_a >= 2 THEN Please tell us the balance of your primary checking account for [DAY 0 DATE]. Please let us know the time and date that you checked your balance. Round to the nearest dollar Please report the total balance of the checking account, even if jointly owned Your primary account is the account you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. (pa072_a) Balance of primary account $_______________.00 ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 27 Version: June 7, 2016 (pa072_a_time) Please tell us the time of this balance which you are reporting to us. [clock widget] (pa072_a_date) Please tell us the date of this balance which you are reporting to us. [calendar widget] ENDIF ## dcpc_pa001_a ELSE IF pa071_b = NO then Are you able to tell us your checking account balance for [DAY 1 DATE]? 1. Yes 2. No IF YES THEN Please tell us the balance of your checking account for [DAY 1 DATE]. Please let us know the time and date that you checked your balance. Round to the nearest dollar Please report the total balance of the checking account, even if jointly owned (pa072_a) Balance of checking account $_______________ .00 (pa072_a_time) Please tell us the time of this balance which you are reporting to us. [clock widget] (pa072_a_date) Please tell us the date of this balance which you are reporting to us. [calendar widget] IF NO THEN It is important for us to get an accurate measure of your checking account balance. We will ask again on the third evening of your diary. Thank you. ENDIF ENDIF #pa071_b ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 28 Version: June 7, 2016 9) Purchases module (q199) Your [FILL:IF Diary Day = 1 THEN “first”/ IF Diary Day = 2 THEN “second”/ IF Diary Day = 3 THEN “third”] diary day is [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Are you recording and reporting your payments and transactions for your assigned date, or are you reporting for a different date? For example, you were assigned October 3-5 but instead when you reported your payments for Day 3 you reported for October 6. 1. Yes, I am reporting for my assigned diary date, [DAY 1 DATE]. 2. No, I am reporting for another date. IF q199 = NO then Please explain why you participated on another day. [open ended text box] Tell us the date you are reporting for [smaller calendar widget] ENDIF (q98) Did you make any PAYMENTS on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example: Wednesday, October 3]? 1. Yes 2. No If q98 = NO then: ***ask Q98a for each day the respondent says they have no purchases*** (q98a) It’s OK if you didn’t make any payments today. Please tell us the reason that best describes why you didn’t make any payments on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. 1. 2. 3. 4. I didn’t need to make any payments today. I was too busy to make payments today. I’m trying to spend less. Other (specify) 4other. _____________ ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 29 Version: June 7, 2016 ENDIF If q98 = YES then: (q2) Daily payments – Please enter the information for [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Report the exact amount of the payment. Include dollars and cents in the form xxx.xx. Include all payments made today. Complete the entire row for the first payment you want to enter for today, then click Next. Answer some additional questions about your payment, then answer “Yes” if you made any additional payments, and a new row will appear on this screen. When you have finished entering all payments for today, please answer “No” when we ask if you made any additional payments. ****make these instructions bulletpointed and italicized**** **** This table and pay001_N are going to appear on the same screen. The question pay001_N is where the respondent will describe the merchant type.**** Time Amount Spent Payment method [use time entry widget] $_____ Drop down list: P0 – Multiple payment methods P1 – Cash P2 – Check P3 – Credit card P4 – Debit card P5 – Prepaid/Gift/EBT card P6 – Bank account number payment P7 – Online banking bill payment P8 – Money order P9 – Traveler’s check P10 – PayPal P11 – Account-to-account transfer P12 – Mobile phone payment P13 – Other payment method Did you pay in person? Yes No Device Drop down list: D1 – Computer (laptop or desktop) D2 – Tablet (e.g. iPad, Kindle) D3 – Mobile phone D4 – Landline phone D5 – Mail or delivery service D6 – No device/None of the above ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 30 Version: June 7, 2016 ## Create a variable amntcashpurch = Sum(Amount spent where payment method = 1). In other words, the total amount of cash spent on that day. If there are no cash payments on that day, then amntcashpurch = 0. ## Create a variable numcashpurch = Number of cash payments on that day. If there are no cash payments on that day, then numcashpurch = 0. ## if we use three boxes to enter the time, name the variables: paytime_h_N, where N is the number of the payment (1 = first payment of the day, 2 = second, etc.) paytime_m_N paytime_ampm_N ## Amount spent variable should be called: payamnt_N, where N is the number of the payment (1 = first payment of the day, 2 = second, etc.) ## Payment method variable names: paymethod_N, where N is the number of the payment (1 = first payment of the day, 2 = second, etc.) ## Payment location variable names: paylocation_N, where N is the number of the payment (1 = first payment of the day, 2 = second, etc.) ## Payment device variable names: paydevice_N, where N is the number of the payment (1 = first payment of the day, 2 = second, etc.) ## Payment merchant variable names: -- see next section below. pay001_N, where N is the number of the payment (1 = first payment of the day, 2 = second, etc.) All the variable names listed below in the “Merchant categorization and consumption module” will have the suffix “_N” where N is the number of the payment (1 = first payment of the day, 2 = second, etc.) (pay003_N) ## Error Check The details of this payment are listed below. If anything looks off, please let us know. ***show payment details*** ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 31 Version: June 7, 2016 Is everything correct? 1. Yes 2. No ****If the response to pay003 is NO, then display a new screen with the payments entry correction page. If YES, display a new payments entry page for the next payment PROGRAMMER: If the above instruction is not clear, please ask Kevin for more information **** a) Merchant categorization and consumption module ## PROGRAMMER – This item PAY001_N goes directly below the payments table above. It’s on the same screen as Daily purchases of goods and services. (pay001_N) What type of merchant, service provider, or person did you pay? ## Selectable list: Financial services provider Examples: banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, mortgage companies, mutual funds, brokerages Education provider Examples: schools, colleges, childcare Medical care provider Examples: hospital, doctor, dentist, physical therapy Government Examples: federal/state/local taxes, fees, fines, licenses, utilities Nonprofit/charity Examples: churches, temples, mosques, United Way, Community Chest, American Cancer Society, Red Cross A person (not a business, government, or organization as far as I know) Examples: friends, family, co-workers, other people. Retail store or online retailer; restaurants and gas stations Includes retail stores; grocery stores; gas stations; restaurants and fast food stores; Business that sells primarily services ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 32 Version: June 7, 2016 Examples: utilities, repair services, communications, entertainment, personal services, other businesses that sell goods or services Other ## new screen – this first follow up question pay002_N is asked for almost all payments (exception = pay001_N = “Retail store or online retailer, restaurants and gas stations”) IF pay001_N does not equal “Retail store or online retailer; restaurants and gas stations” THEN: (pay002_N) Please describe this payment: 1. Not a bill payment 2. Regularly recurring bill payment 3. One time bill payment 4. Recurring bill payment with irregular frequency 5. Other (specify) o [open ended text box] IF pay002_N = “regularly recurring bill payment” THEN (pay002b_N) How often is this bill due? 1. Weekly 2. Bi-weekly 3. Twice a month 4. Monthly 5. Every other month 6. Quarterly 7. Every six months 8. Yearly 9. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] IF pay002_N = “recurring bill payment with irregular frequency” THEN (pay002c_N) About how many times per year do you pay this bill? __________ times per year ENDIF ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 33 Version: June 7, 2016 IF pay002_N = “Regularly recurring bill payment” OR “One time bill payment” OR “Recurring bill payment with irregular frequency” THEN (pay002d_N) Was this bill payment for goods or services that were received previously or for goods and services that you will receive in the future? An example of a good or services which was received previously is medical care (you receive medical care and then pay after). An example of a good or services which will be received in the future is a magazine subscription (you pay now and receive the newspaper after payment). 1. Previously received goods or services 2. Goods or services to be received in the future IF pay002_N = “Regularly recurring bill payment” OR “Recurring bill payment with irregular frequency” THEN (pay002e_N) Do you pay the same amount each time you pay this bill, or does the payment amount change from bill to bill? 1. Same amount each bill 2. Amount changes from bill to bill If pay001_N = “Financial services provider” (option 1) ## new screen – pay010_N (pay010_N) Please tell us the purpose of your payment to a financial services provider. Was it primarily to: 1. Pay a credit card bill 2. Make another loan payment (Examples: mortgage, student loan, auto, home equity, installment, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. “zero interest,” “no-money-down”) Pay for insurance (Examples: health, auto, homeowner’s, renter’s, life, umbrella) Pay a fee (Examples: checking account, foreign ATM, overdraft, late payment, loan origination) Transfer money to another account that you own Make an investment (bought stocks, bonds, mutual funds) Other (specify) ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 34 Version: June 7, 2016 o [open ended text box] ### Important routing note Here is where the “trail” of questions ends for “Financial services provider”. Instead of going back to the payments screen, by way of the screen “Did you make any other purchases today [Diary date]?” the survey should continue on and ask the Payment Instrument Follow-up Questions, which begin down below with question q108_a. Then after those questions have been answered, the respondent should see the screen “Did you make any other purchases today [Diary date]?” This should be the case for all the merchant categories from the payment entry screen. We always want to see the Payment instrument follow-ups before we get to the next payment. If pay001_N = “Education provider” (option 2) ## new screen – pay020_N (pay020_N) Please tell us the purpose of your payment to an education provider. Was it primarily for: 1. Tuition or fees 2. Parking 3. Repay student loan 4. Donation 5. Childcare 6. Other (specify) o [open ended text box] If pay001_N = “Medical care provider” (option 3) ## same screen – pay030_N and pay031_N (pay030_N) Please tell us the purpose of your payment to a medical care provider. Was it primarily for a: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Doctor, dentist, other health care professional Hospital, residential care, other medical institution Pharmacy Insurance company Parking Charitable donation Other (specify) o [open ended text box] ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 35 Version: June 7, 2016 IF pay002d_N not equal to (1,2) then (pay031_N) Was this payment made for medical care goods or services that you received prior to today? 1. Yes 2. No ## new screen If pay031_N = YES: (pay032_N) When did you receive the goods or services? 1. Within the last month 2. Between 3 months and 1 month ago 3. Between 1 year and 3 months ago 4. Longer than 1 year ago End if If pa001_N = “Government” (option 4) ## new screen - pay040_N (pay040_N) Please tell us the purpose of your payment to a government. Was it primarily for: 1. Purchases of goods and services (Examples: local utilities and other services (like trash collection), public transportation, entrance to National Parks, municipal parking.) 2. 3. 4. 5. Repay student or other government loan Taxes or fines (Examples: Federal , state, local taxes, including property and excise taxes.) Donations Other (specify) IF pay040_N = “purchase of goods and services” THEN (pay041_N) Please tell us what you paid for. ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 36 Version: June 7, 2016 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Electricity/ water/sewer Tuition Daycare Parking Tolls Trash collection Public transportation Health insurance: out-of-pocket, including Medicare supplemental insurance Childcare Used goods Other (specify) o [open ended text box] If pay001_N = “Nonprofit/charity” (option 5) ## new screen – pay050_N (pay050_N) Please tell us the purpose of your payment to a nonprofit or charity. Did you: 1. Make a donation. 2. Purchase goods and services. 3. Other (specify) o [open ended text box] If pay001_N = “A person” (option 6) ## same screen – pay080_N, pay081_N (pay080_N) Please tell us about the person you paid. What type of person did you pay? 1. People who provide goods and services 2. Friends or family 3. Co-worker, classmate, or fellow military 4. Other people (specify; no names please) o [open ended text box] (pay082_N) Please tell us the purpose of your payment. 1. To give a gift or allowance 2. To lend money 3. To repay money I borrowed (a loan) 4. To purchase goods or pay for services 5. To pay alimony or child support ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 37 Version: June 7, 2016 6. Other (specify) o [open ended text box] If pay080_N = “People who provide goods and services” (pay081_N) To the best of your knowledge, does the person operate as a business? 1. Yes 2. No 3. I don’t know If pay001_N = “Other (specify)” (option 9) (pay090_N) Please choose from this list to describe the type of merchant, service provider, or person you paid. ****pick up Merchant type entry format from 2012 Diary with refinements: Retailer type Food and beverage sellers Retail stores & online retailers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Grocery stores Fast food, food service, food trucks, snack bars Sit-down restaurants Bars Liquor stores Vending machines Convenience stores Pharmacies Department and discount stores and websites, wholesale clubs and websites Online shopping (, etc.) Clothing and accessories stores Other stores (book, florist, hobby, music, office supply, pet, sporting goods) Furniture & home goods stores, appliance & electronics stores, hardware & garden stores Transportation 15. 16. 17. 18. Gas stations Parking lots and garages Tolls Transportation (includes public transportation) Entertainment 19. Entertainment, recreation, arts, museums ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 38 Version: June 7, 2016 20. Movie theaters 21. Online and print news, online games 22. Hotels, motels, RV parks, camps Housing 23. Rent, real estate agents and brokers 24. Building contractors (electrical/plumbing/ HVAC, tile, painting, etc.) 25. Building services Utilities 26. 27. 28. 29. Personal Services 30. Child care, elder care, youth and family services, emergency and other relief services 31. Personal care, dry cleaning, photo processing, funeral services 32. Veterinarians 33. Pet grooming and sitting 34. Auto maintenance and repair services 35. Auto rental and leasing services 36. Auto vehicle and parts dealers Pets Auto and Vehicle Services Professional and Miscellaneous Services Electric, natural gas, water and sewage Phone/internet (wired/wireless/satellite) Heating oil dealers, propane dealers Trash collection 37. Employment services, travel agents, security services, office administrative services 38. Legal, accounting, architectural, and other professional services 39. Mail, delivery, storage 40. Rental centers 41. Repair/maintenance of electronics and personal and household goods If you are not able to make a selection above, please type the name of the business you paid. You do not need to choose an option listed in the text box. If the business of your choice is not showing up, just keep typing. ****Lookup widget here**** If pay001_N = “Retail store or online retailer; restaurants and gas stations” (option 7) ## new screen – pay600_N (pay600_N) Please tell us more about the store, online retailer, restaurant, or gas station. ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 39 Version: June 7, 2016 Did you pay a… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Grocery store Gas station Convenience store Pharmacy Liquor store Fast food restaurant, food service, food truck, snack bar Sit-down restaurant Bar Other store or online retailer Other business (specify) o [open ended text box] If pay600_N = “Other store or online retailer” (pay601_N) Please select the store or online retailer you paid from this list, or choose “Merchant I paid is not on the list” at the bottom of the screen. ****Provide Merchant radio button list here. These are the top 313 Merchants from Kantar retail**** Radio button page of Kantar 313 list ****If R selects a payee on the list, determine merchant category and serve follow-up based on category **** ****If pay601_N = “Not on the Kantar list” OR if pay600 = “Other business (specify)” **** **pay602_N and pay603_N on the same screen (pay602_N) Please tell us the type of store or online retailer you paid. 1. 2. 3. 4. Auto rental and leasing stores Auto vehicle and parts dealers and websites Clothing and accessories stores and websites Department and discount stores and websites, wholesale clubs and websites ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 40 Version: June 7, 2016 5. Furniture & home goods stores, appliance & electronics stores, hardware & garden stores and websites 6. Mail, delivery, storage 7. Rental centers 8. Movie theaters 9. Online shopping (, etc.) 10. Online and print news, online games 11. Other stores (book, florist, hobby, music, office supply, pet, sporting goods) and websites 12. Personal care, dry cleaning, pet grooming and sitting, photo processing salons and stores 13. Stores that repair electronics and personal and household goods 14. Other store or website/I don’t know (specify) o [open ended text box] ****Provide lookup widget here**** (pay603_N) Please type the name of the store or online retailer you paid. You may type the full name or choose from the drop-down list that will appear when you start typing. You do not need to choose an option listed in the text box. If the store or online retailer of your choice is not showing up, just keep typing. Merchant category followups If pay600_N = “Gas station” (option 2) then (pay604_N) Did the gas station have a convenience or fast food store? 1. Yes 2. No If pay604_N = YES (pay605_N) Please tell us about your payment. Did you pay for: 1. Gas only 2. Convenience store item(s) or fast food only ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 41 Version: June 7, 2016 3. Gas and convenience store item(s) or fast food in 1 payment 4. Gas and convenience store item(s)or fast food in 2 or more payments If pay600_N = “Convenience store” (option 3) (pay606_N) Did convenience store sell gas? 1. Yes 2. No If pay606_N = YES (pay607_N) Please tell us about your payment. Did you pay for: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gas only Convenience store item(s) or fast food only Gas and convenience store item(s) or fast food in 1 payment Gas and convenience store item(s)or fast food in 2 or more payments IF pay605_N = 4 or pay607_N = 4 THEN ****If R reports 2 or more payments, ask R to enter each payment separately. Deliver partially complete payment entry screen, as for bills, i.e. Gas station or convenience store payments – Please enter the information for [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Complete the entire row for each payment at the gas station. ## INSTRUCTIONS TO PROGRAMMER: Show 2 rows of our payments table. The “Payment type” column should have the gas station purchase types displayed. Standard Payment Instrument followups apply for each transaction. Payment type Gas station purchase Time Amount Payment method Drop down list: P0 – Multiple Did you pay Device in person? Yes No ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 42 Version: June 7, 2016 payment methods P1 – Cash P2 – Check P3 – Credit card P4 – Debit card P5 – Prepaid/Gift/EBT card P6 – Bank account number payment P7 – Online banking bill payment P8 – Money order P9 – Traveler’s check P10 – PayPal P11 – Account-toaccount transfer P12 – Mobile phone payment P13 – Other payment method Convenience store/fast food purchase Yes No ## VARIABLE NAMES Time o gaspaytime_N, where N = 1 or 2, the row of the table Amount o gaspayamnt_N, where N = 1 or 2, the row of the table Payment method o gaspaymethod_N, where N = 1 or 2, the row of the table Payment device o gaspaydevice_N, where N = 1 or 2, the row of the table If pay602_N = (2, 3, 4, 5, 11) and payment method not equal to “credit card” THEN ## in other words, “Auto vehicle and parts dealers” OR “clothing and accessories stores” OR “Department and discount stores and websites, wholesale clubs and websites” OR ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 43 Version: June 7, 2016 “Other stores (book, …)” OR “Furniture & home goods stores, appliance & electronics stores, hardware & garden stores” AND Payment method not equal to “credit card” THEN (pay606a_N) Did you pay a store charge or credit card bill during this payment at a retail store or website? 1. Yes 2. No If pay606a_N = YES then (pay607a_N) Did you pay the full amount of the bill, or less than the full amount? 1. Full amount 2. Less than the full amount ## New screen – next three questions (q_ccbill_fu1_N, q_ccbill_fu2_N, q_ccbill_fu3_N) on the same screen. IF pay607a_N = 2 then (q_ccbill_fu1_N) How much was the full amount of the credit or charge card bill? $_____________ (q_ccbill_fu2_N) Did you have enough money in your checking or savings account to pay the full amount of the credit or charge card bill? 1. Yes 2. No (q_ccbill_fu3_N) Why did you choose not to pay the full amount of the credit or charge card bill? [open ended response box] ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 44 Version: June 7, 2016 If pay602_N = (2, 3, 4, 5, 11) and payment_N >= 200 THEN (pay608_N) Was your payment primarily for: 1. Any of the following: Cars, trucks, motorcycles, other motor vehicles and parts Furniture and furnishings Household appliances Computers, cameras, TVs, other electronics Sports equipment, sports and recreational vehicles, and boats Jewelry and watches Therapeutic appliances and equipment 2. None of the above If pay608_N = 1 and payment method not equal to “credit card” ## same screen – pay611_N and pay612_N (pay612_N) Did you borrow money to make this purchase? 1. Yes 2. No IF SCPC variable DE013 = YES ## in other words, does the respondent own their primary home. This question is from the SCPC. (pay611_N) Did you use funds from a home equity line of credit (HELOC) to make this purchase? 1. Yes 2. No END IF (de013 = YES) END IF ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 45 Version: June 7, 2016 If Merchant Name = 7-11, Circle K, Costco, WalMart, Safeway, BJs, Kroger, OR Sam’s Club AND pay608_N = 2 Was your payment primarily for: 1. 2. 3. 4. Insurance or financial services Gas Fast food, snack bar, restaurant None of the above If pay001_N = “Business that sells primarily services” (option 8) (pay700_N) Please tell us the type of business you paid. Housing Utilities Auto Travel and Transportation Entertainment Personal services Pets Other 1. Rent, real estate agents and brokers 2. Mortgage 3. Building contractors (electrical/plumbing/ HVAC, tile, painting, etc.) 4. Building services 5. Phone/internet (wired/wireless/satellite) 6. Electric, natural gas, water and sewage 7. Heating oil dealers, propane dealers 8. Trash collection 9. Auto maintenance and repair service 10. Auto rental and leasing service 11. Parking lots and garages 12. Tolls 13. Transportation (includes public transportation) 14. Hotels, motels, RV parks, camps 15. Entertainment, recreation, arts, museums 16. Movie theaters 17. Elder care, youth and family services, emergency and other relief services 18. Personal care, dry cleaning, photo processing 19. Funeral services 20. Employment services, travel agents, security services, office administrative services 21. Legal, accounting, architectural, and other professional services 22. Veterinarians 23. Pet grooming and sitting 24. Repair/maintenance services for electronics and personal ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 46 Version: June 7, 2016 and household goods 25. Vending machines 26. Other/I don’t know (specify) ## New screen – pay701_N IF pay002_N not equal to “Regularly recurring bill payment” OR “One time bill payment” OR “Recurring bill payment with irregular frequency” THEN (pay701_N) Was this payment made for goods or services that you received prior to today? 1. Yes 2. No If pay701_N = YES (pay702_N) When did you order or receive the goods or services? 1. Within the last month 2. Between 3 months and 1 month ago 3. Between 1 year and 3 months ago 4. Longer than 1 year ago ENDIF ****NEW screen. Provide LOOKUP WIDGET here**** Please type the name of the business you paid. You do not need to choose an option listed in the text box. If the store or online retailer of your choice is not showing up, just keep typing. ****lookup widget here**** b) Payment instrument follow-ups IF payment method = anything but “multiple payment methods” (q108_a) In choosing to use [FILL: paymethod_N: Cash, Credit, etc.], which characteristic was most important? ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 47 Version: June 7, 2016 ***Randomize response options**** 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Merchant acceptance Cost Payment records Speed Security Convenience Getting and setting-up Budgeting [IF paymethod_N = “credit card” or “debit card” then display] Rewards Other (specify) o [open ended text box] IF q108_a = 4 (“speed”) (q108_b) Which aspect of speed was most important in choosing to use [FILL: paymethod_N: Cash, Credit, etc.]? ***Randomize response options**** 1. Speed at time of payment 2. Speed of payment deduction from your bank account or prepaid card 3. Speed of recipient receiving payment 4. Speed of notification of new balance of your account IF q108_a = 5 (“security”) (q108_c) Which aspect of security was most important in choosing to use [FILL: paymethod_N: Cash, Credit, etc.]? ***Randomize response options**** 1. Security of your personal information (name, address, Social Security number, birthdate, etc.) 2. Security against permanent financial loss 3. Security of information about the transaction (what was paid for, amount, where you shopped) IF payment method paymethod_N not equal to (“cash”) then: ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 48 Version: June 7, 2016 IF payment is [not a bill (pay002_N = 1) or pay001_N = “Retail store or online retailer; restaurants and gas stations” (option 7)] and paylocation_N = “IN PERSON” ## both q103f and q103g on the same screen (q103f) Did you have enough cash (coins and paper bills) to make this payment in cash? 1. Yes 2. No 3. I’m not sure, but I think so 4. I’m not sure, but I do not think so (q103g) Would the merchant have accepted cash for this payment? 1. Yes 2. No 3. I’m not sure, but I think so 4. I’m not sure, but I do not think so ENDIF ENDIF IF payment is not a bill (pay002_N = 1) or pay001_N = “Retail store or online retailer; restaurants and gas stations” (option 7) If paymethod_N does not equal pa115_a THEN (q103b) Why did you use [FILL: paymethod_N] for this transaction?” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. [FILL: response from q115_a] was not accepted I didn’t have [FILL: response from q115_a] with me Speed of payment was important for this transaction Security of the transaction was important I received a discount for using [FILL: paymethod_N] I would have paid a surcharge if I used [FILL: response from q115_a] For this size transaction, I prefer to use [FILL: paymethod_N] For this type of merchant I prefer to use [FILL: paymethod_N] Other (specify) [open ended text box] ENDIF ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 49 Version: June 7, 2016 ELSE IF payment is a bill (we are in the BILL section OR pay002_N = (2, 3, 4)) If paymethod_N does not equal pa115_b THEN (q103h) Why did you use [FILL: paymethod_N] for this transaction?” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. [FILL: response from q115_b] was not accepted I didn’t have [FILL: response from q115_b] with me I did not have enough money available to use [FILL: response from q115_b] The payment would have been late if I used [FILL: response from q115_b] [FILL: paymethod_N] is more secure than [FILL: response from q115_b] I received a discount for using [FILL: paymethod_N] I would have paid a surcharge if I used [FILL: response from q115_b] For this size transaction, I prefer to use [FILL: paymethod_N] For this type of bill I prefer to use [FILL: paymethod_N] Other (specify) [open ended text box] ENDIF ENDIF If Payment Method = P0 (Multiple payment methods) then: (q103a) Please tell us which payment methods you used to make this payment. Check all that apply P1 – Cash P2 – Check P3 – Credit card P4 – Debit card P5 – Prepaid/Gift/EBT card P6 – Bank account number payment P7 – Online banking bill payment P8 – Money order P9 – Traveler’s check P10 – PayPal P11 – Account-to-account transfer P12 – Mobile phone payment P13 – Other payment method ## New screen – each q125 question on the same screen, and q126 on same screen too (q126) Why did you use multiple payment methods to make this payment? ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 50 Version: June 7, 2016 [open ended text box] If one of the payment methods = “Cash” (q125_a) How much cash did you spend when making this payment? $___________ If one of the payment methods = “Check” (q125_b) How much did you spend using a check when making this payment? $___________ If one of the payment methods = “Credit card” (q125_c) How much did you spend using your credit card when making this payment? $___________ If one of the payment methods = “Debit card” (q125_d) How much did you spend using your debit card when making this payment? $___________ If one of the payment methods = “Prepaid/gift/EBT card” (q125_e) How much did you spend using your prepaid/gift/EBT card when making this payment? $___________ If one of the payment methods = “Bank account number payment” (q125_f) How much did you spend using your bank account number when making this payment? $___________ If one of the payment methods = “Online banking bill payment” (q125_g) How much did you spend using online banking bill payment when making this payment? $___________ If one of the payment methods = “Money order” (q125_h) How much did you spend using a money order when making this payment? $___________ If one of the payment methods = “Travelers check” (q125_i) How much did you spend using a traveler’s check when making this payment? $___________ If one of the payment methods = “PayPal” (q125_j) ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 51 Version: June 7, 2016 How much did you spend using PayPal when making this payment? $___________ If one of the payment methods = “Account-to-account transfer” (q125_k) How much did you spend using an account-to-account transfer when making this payment? $___________ If one of the payment methods = “Mobile phone payment” (q125_l) How much did you spend using a mobile phone payment when making this payment? $___________ If one of the payment methods = “Other payment method” (q125_m) How much did you spend using an other payment method when making this payment? $___________ If Payment Method = P1 (Cash) then: ## same screen for q101a, q101j If pay001_N not equal to “A person” (option 6) THEN (q101aaa) Did you receive a discount from the merchant specifically for using cash? 1. Yes 2. No (q101j) Did this merchant accept any of the following types of card payment options? Credit card Debit card Prepaid card 1. Yes 2. No 3. I don’t know IF q101j = YES: (q101k) Did this merchant require a minimum dollar value for using a payment card? 1. Yes ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 52 Version: June 7, 2016 2. No 3. I don’t know ENDIF If Payment Method = P2 CHECK then: IF dcpc_pa001_a >= 2 THEN (q103d) Was this payment made from your primary checking account or another checking account? Your primary account is the account you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. 1. Primary checking account 2. Another checking account If Payment Method = P4 (Debit) then: ## same screen for q101c and q101b and q101d (q101c) How did you authorize your debit card payment? 1. PIN 2. Signature 3. CVC/CVV code (the 3–digit numeric code on the back of a Visa, MasterCard, and Discover, or 4 digits on the front of an American Express) 4. None of these 5. Some combination of two of these 6. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] (q101b) Did your debit card have a Visa or MasterCard logo on it? 1. Yes, Visa 2. Yes, MasterCard 3. No logo (q101d) Did you receive a discount from the merchant specifically for using this debit card? 1. Yes 2. No ## same screen for q101m and q103d and q103i (q101m) Did this merchant require a minimum dollar value for using a debit card? 1. Yes 2. No ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 53 Version: June 7, 2016 3. I don’t know IF dcpc_pa001_a >= 2 THEN (q103ddd) Was this payment made from your primary checking account or another checking account? Your primary account is the account you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. 1. Primary checking account 2. Another checking account (q103i) Did the debit card you used for this payment give rewards? 1. Yes 2. No 3. I don’t know If Payment Method = P3 (Credit) then: ## same screen for q101e and q101p (Q101e) Which type of credit card? 1. Visa 2. MasterCard 3. Discover 4. Company or store branded credit cards 5. American Express charge card 6. American Express credit card 7. Diners Club or other charge cards 8. Other (specify) a. [Open ended text box] (Q101p) Did the credit card you used for this payment give rewards? 1. Yes 2. No ## same screen q101f and q101g and q101n (q101f) Did you receive a discount from the merchant specifically for using this credit card? 1. Yes 2. No (q101g) ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 54 Version: June 7, 2016 Did you pay an extra charge, surcharge, or convenience fee to the merchant specifically for using this credit card? 1. Yes 2. No (q101n) Did this merchant require a minimum dollar value for using a credit card? 1. Yes 2. No 3. I don’t know ###New question for payment instrument follow-up = Credit card (q103c) Did this card have an unpaid balance after you paid last month’s bill? 1. Yes 2. No If Payment Method = P5 (Prepaid/gift/EBT) then: ## Same screen q101h and q103u and gprprepaid_1or2 (q101hhh) Did the prepaid card have a logo from the following? 1. Visa 2. MasterCard 3. Discover 4. American Express 5. No logo 6. Other logo (q103u) Did this merchant require a minimum dollar value for using a prepaid card? 1. Yes 2. No 3. I don’t know IF dcpc_pa001_a = 0 and dcpc_gpradopter = 1 and (q_mostusedpayacnt_1 = General purpose prepaid card or q_mostusedpayacnt_2 = General purpose prepaid card) (gprprepaid_1or2) Did you use your primary general purpose reloadable prepaid card to make this payment? Your primary general purpose prepaid card is the one you use most often to make payments. 1. Yes 2. No ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 55 Version: June 7, 2016 If Payment Method = “Bank account number payment” then: ## same screen q103n and q103ddd (q103n) When did you authorize this payment to pay? In other words, when will the funds come out of your account? 1. Today, [DISPLAY DIARY DATE] 2. At a later date IF dcpc_pa001_a >= 2 THEN (q103ddd) Was this payment made from your primary checking account or another checking account? Your primary account is the account you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. 1. Primary checking account 2. Another checking account If Payment Method = “Online banking bill payment” then: ## same screen q103n and q103ddd (q103n) When did you authorize this payment to pay? In other words, when will the funds come out of your account? 1. Today, [DISPLAY DIARY DATE] 2. At a later date IF dcpc_pa001_a >= 2 THEN (q103ddd) Was this payment made from your primary checking account or another checking account? Your primary account is the account you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. 1. Primary checking account 2. Another checking account If Payment Method = “Money order” then: ## same screen q103r and q103s (q103r) Where did you buy the money order you used for this payment? 1. Bank 2. Post office 3. Western Union or someplace similar ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 56 Version: June 7, 2016 4. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] (q103s) How long ago did you buy the money order you used for this payment? 1. I bought it today 2. Between today and less than 7 days ago 3. Between 7 and less than 14 days ago 4. Between 14 and less than 30 days ago 5. 30 or more days ago If Payment Method = “PayPal” then: (q101_paypal) How is your PayPal account funded? 1. Credit card 2. Debit card 3. Bank account number 4. Money stored with PayPal If Payment Method = “Mobile phone payment” then: ## questions q101_mobile_a and q101_mobile_b on the same screen (q101_mobile_a) What kind of mobile payment was this payment? 1. App payment 2. Text message payment 3. Payment made in browser 4. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] (q101_mobile_b) How was this mobile payment funded? 1. Credit card 2. Debit card 3. Prepaid card 4. Linked bank account 5. Money stored at a payment service such as PayPal 6. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] If Payment Method = “Other” then: (q101i) Please tell us what type of payment method you used. 1. EZPass or other electronic toll device 2. Apple Pay ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 57 Version: June 7, 2016 3. Bitcoin or other virtual currency 4. Remittance 5. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] IF q101i = 1, 2, 4 then (q101i_followup) What payment method is your [FILL: response from q101i] account funded with? 1. Credit card 2. Debit card 3. Prepaid card 4. Bank account number 5. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] If location = L1 “in person” and Device = D3 “mobile phone” then: (q150) How did you use your phone to pay? 1. Tapped to pay 2. Scanned a QR code or showed screen to cashier or ticket-taker 3. Paid in advance or remotely (examples: Uber, Fandango) 4. Used a web browser If Payment Method any of (“credit card”, “debit card”, “prepaid card”, “bank account number payment”, “mobile phone payment”) AND Device = D3 “mobile phone” then: (q152) Did you use an app to make this purchase using your mobile phone? ## Randomize list of response options. Keep option one and the last option in the same fixed positions. 1. Yes 2. No c) “Categorize the purchase” sub-module ## q151_a and q151_b on the same screen (IF Amount Spent > = 200) (q151_a) Was this an unexpected expense? 1. Yes 2. No ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 58 Version: June 7, 2016 (q151_b) Could you have postponed this payment to a later date without suffering any consequences such as a late fee or a penalty? 1. Yes 2. No ## Here is where we loop back to the payment screen (q2). At this point, the respondent has described one full payment. If they have more payments, then they will loop back to the q2 screen. If they don’t have any more payments, then they will go on to the next question. Did you make any other payments today [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example: Wednesday, October 3]? 1. Yes 2. No d) Reminders and recall aids – median 9 seconds (q98b) Some types of payments are easily forgotten. Did you make any of the following types of payments on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] that you did not tell us about previously? Check all that apply Paying tolls by E-ZPass, cash, or other payment method PayPal or similar online payment service App downloads Public transportation Paid with my phone (examples: Uber, Venmo, parking, etc.) Gambling losses Lottery ticket Vending machine Giving or paying back money to a person ## same screen for both q5_1 and q5_2 (Q5_1) Did you start [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] carrying any coins in your pocket, wallet, or purse? 1. Yes 2. No (Q5_2) ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 59 Version: June 7, 2016 Did you use coins to pay for all or part of a cash payment you made on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? 1. Yes 2. No If Q5_2 = Yes and number of cash payments > 0 ## same screen for q5_3 and q5_3_dollar (Q5_3) You told us you made [number of cash payments from purchases and bills] cash payments on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. For how many cash payments did you use coins to pay for some or all of the payment? ___________payments (q5_3_dollar) What was the total dollar amount of the coins you used for payments today? $___________ End skip (Q5_2 = Yes) 10) End of day balances on Cash, Checking account, and prepaid cards ## Ask for end of day cash balances in the Daily Module. Ask for checking account balances at the end of the diary in the Day 3 Only Module. Ask for general purpose prepaid card balances at the end of the diary in the Day 3 Only Module. a) Cash ## Now we’re going to ask cash balance on Day 0 and at the end of Days 1, 2, and 3. (Q5pre) End of Day 3, [DISPLAY DIARY DATE DAY 3 HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], cash amount: Did you end the day with any paper cash in your pocket, wallet or purse? Do not consider foreign currency. 1. Yes 2. No If Q5pre = NO (Q5no) ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 60 Version: June 7, 2016 Did you spend or deposit all your cash today? 1. Yes 2. No 3. I did not have or use any cash today. ***if Q5pre = NO then total cash at end of Day 3 should be set to 0, not missing*** ENDIF If Q5pre = YES then: Q5. ***Make ending cash amount pages look like “cash on Day 0” page.*** Count your paper cash at the end of the day! End of the day cash amount – Please tell us the number of bills of each denomination in your pocket, wallet, purse at the end of Day Three, on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Your total dollar amount will be automatically calculated. ● Do not consider coins. ● Do not count foreign currency. NUMBER OF: ____ x $1 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $20 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $2 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $50 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $5 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $100 bills = $[calculated on the fly] ____ x $10 bills = $[calculated on the fly] Total dollar amount $[GRAND TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT, calculated on the fly] ## The name of the variable for GRAND TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT should be “amntcashend_day3”. If q5pre = NO, in other words the respondent does not have any cash at the end of Day 3, then amntcashend_day3 = 0. ## Variable names for the items above: denom1_end_num, denom1_end_amnt denom2_end_num, denom2_end_amnt denom5_end_num, denom5_end_amnt denom10_end_num, denom10_end_amnt denom20_end_num, denom20_end_amnt denom50_end_num, denom50_end_amnt denom100_end_num, denom100_end_amnt amntcashend_day1, _day2, _day3 (q5_correctscreen) ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 61 Version: June 7, 2016 You told us you have $[GRAND TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT] in your pocket, wallet, or purse. Is this amount correct? 1. Yes 2. No ****If q5_correctscreen = NO, please take the diarist back to the “Count your paper cash” screen*** 11) Cash and account management module a) Cash Deposits to all accounts (q4) Did you deposit any cash into your bank account at an ATM, with the bank teller, or some other way on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Do not include checks that you deposited. Do not include foreign currency. 1. Yes 2. No If q4 = YES then Q4. Depositing cash – Please tell us about each time you deposited cash on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Complete one entire row for each time you got or received cash today. Do not include checks deposited. Only report cash you deposited. Tell us about your cash deposits at ATMs or bank tellers. Time Amount Deposit method $_________ Drop down list: ATM Bank teller Other (specify) ## Create a variable called amntcashdeposits = sum(amount of all cash desposits on that day). If there are no cash deposits on that day, then amntcashdeposits = 0. ## Create a variable called numcashdeposits = Number of cash desposits on that day. If there are no cash deposits on that day, then numcashdeposits = 0. ## Cash deposit variables = cashdep_hour_N, where N is the number of the cash deposit for the day (1 = first withdrawal, etc.) cashdep_minute_N cashdep_ampm_N ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 62 Version: June 7, 2016 cashdep_amnt_N cashdep_method_N ****If the respondent chooses “Other” in the “Deposit method” dropdown, a follow-up screen should say For the cash deposit of $X at T:TTpm (am), please describe the other deposit method. **** b) Checking Deposits to all accounts IF dcpc_pa001_a = 1 (q080_a) Was any money deposited into your checking account on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Include all of the following: Direct deposits of income, tax or other refunds, etc. (electronically and/or automatically) Check deposits Transfers into your checking account from your account or from someone else’s account 1. Yes 2. No IF dcpc_pa001_a >= 2 Was any money deposited into your primary checking account on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Include all of the following: Direct deposits of income, tax or other refunds, etc. (electronically and/or automatically) Check deposits Transfers into your checking account from your account or from someone else’s account Your primary account is the account you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. Yes No (q080_a) Primary account IF q080_a = YES if dcpc_pa001_a = 1 Please tell us about each deposit to your checking account on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 63 Version: June 7, 2016 Use one row for each deposit that you made today. Amount Deposit 1 Deposit 2 … Deposit 5 What kind of funds were deposited? Check (personal or business) Money order Traveler’s check Cashier’s check Certified check Transfer from another account Direct deposit of income Other ## Variable names chkdep_amnt_N, where N is the row number chkdep_funds_N IF chkdep_funds_N = “transfer from another account” THEN (pa081_a) What kind of account did the funds come from which were deposited into your checking account? 1. Another checking account that I own 2. Another savings account that I own 3. Investment account 4. General purpose reloadable prepaid card 5. Another account belonging to somebody else 6. Other IF q080_a = YES if dcpc_pa001_a >= 2 then Please tell us about each deposit to your primary checking account on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Use one row for each deposit that you made today. Your primary account is the account you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. Amount Deposit 1 Deposit 2 … Deposit 5 $_________.00 What kind of funds were deposited? Check (personal or business) Money order Traveler’s check Cashier’s check Certified check Transfer from another account ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 64 Version: June 7, 2016 Direct deposit of income Other ## Variable names chkdep_amnt_N chkdep_funds_N IF chkdep_funds_N = “transfer from another account” THEN (pa081_a) What kind of account did the funds come from which were deposited into your checking account? 1. Another checking account that I own 2. Another savings account that I own 3. Investment account 4. General purpose reloadable prepaid card 5. An account belonging to somebody else 6. Other c) Prepaid Deposits to primary GPR card account IF (dcpc_gpradopter = YES (“1”) or if GPRADOPTER = YES) THEN (q102b) Did you reload to any general purpose prepaid cards using any other payment instrument (e.g. cash, debit card, credit card, bank account transfer, direct payment from income) on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? 1. Yes 2. No (IF q102b = YES) (q102c) Please list all general purpose prepaid card loadings on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Time Complete one entire row for each time you reloaded a prepaid card today. Amount Payment method used loaded $______ P1 – Cash P2 – Check P3 – Credit card P4 – Debit card P5 – Other prepaid card Location Did you pay a fee? L1 – Retail location L2 – Online L3 – Mobile phone L4 – ATM L5 – Card machine Yes No ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 65 Version: June 7, 2016 P6 – Bank account number payment P7 – Online banking bill payment P8 – Money order P9 – Traveler’s check P10 – PayPal P11 – Account-to-account transfer P12 – Mobile phone payment P13 – Other payment method P14 – Direct deposit from salary, wages, or benefit L6 – Bank teller L7 – Check casher L8 – Other location ## Variable names Time o prepaidload_h_N, where N is the number of times they loaded (1 = first time today) o prepaidload_m_N o prepaidload_ampm_N prepaidload_amnt_N prepaidload_method_N prepaidload_location_N prepaidload_fee_N ****If the respondent chooses “P11 – Other method”, a follow-up screen should say: For the prepaid card loading of $X at T:TTpm (am), what other method do you mean? [Open ended text response box] ****If the respondent chooses “L8 – Other location”, a follow-up screen should say: For the prepaid card loading of $X at T:TTpm (am), what other location do you mean? [Open ended text response box] ****NEW VARIABLE: if Payment Method Used = Cash then amntprepaidload = sum(all rows of Amount Loaded on that day). ****NEW VARIABLE: if Payment Method Used = Cash then numprepaidload = Number of times prepaid cards were reloaded on that day. IF (SCPC variable PCADOPTER = 1) THEN (q102d) Did you add money ($ value) to a prepaid card on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Do not include money you reported already using any other payment instrument (e.g. cash, debit card, credit card, bank account transfer, direct payment from income). Examples of prepaid cards include Starbucks card, Target gift card, public transit cards, etc. 1. Yes ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 66 Version: June 7, 2016 2. No (IF q102b = YES) (q102e) Please list all prepaid card loadings. Complete one entire row for each time you loaded a prepaid card today. Time Amount Payment method used Location Did you pay a fee? loaded $______ P1 – Cash L1 – Retail location Yes P2 – Check L2 – Online No P3 – Credit card L3 – Mobile phone P4 – Debit card L4 – ATM P5 – Other prepaid card L5 – Card machine P6 – Bank account number payment or kiosk P7 – Online banking bill payment L6 – Bank teller P8 – Money order L7 – Check casher P9 – Traveler’s check L8 – Other location P10 – PayPal P11 – Account-to-account transfer P12 – Mobile phone payment P13 – Other payment method P14 – Direct deposit from salary, wages, or benefit ## Variable names – These can be the same names as the GPR variables and we’ll know if they belong to GPR cards or other prepaid cards by looking at the answers to q102b and q102d. Time o prepaidload_h_N, where N is the number of times they loaded (1 = first time today) o prepaidload_m_N o prepaidload_ampm_N prepaidload_amnt_N prepaidload_method_N prepaidload_location_N prepaidload_fee_N ****If the respondent chooses “P11 – Other method”, a follow-up screen should say: For the prepaid card loading of $X at T:TTpm (am), what other method do you mean? [Open ended text response box] For the prepaid card loading of $X at T:TTpm (am), what other location do you mean? [Open ended text response box] ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 67 Version: June 7, 2016 ****NEW VARIABLE: if Payment Method Used = Cash then amntprepaidload2 = sum(all rows of Amount Loaded on that day). ****NEW VARIABLE: if Payment Method Used = Cash then numprepaidload2 = Number of times prepaid cards were reloaded on that day. d) Cash Withdrawals to all accounts (q99) Did you get or receive any cash on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Do not include foreign currency. 1. Yes 2. No If q99 = YES then (q3) Receiving or getting cash Please enter the information for your cash activity on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Complete one entire row for each time you got or received cash today. Time Amount Location (where you got the cash) Source of funds Drop down list: C1 – ATM C2 – Cash back at a retail store C3 – Bank teller C4 – Family or friend C5 – Check cashing store C6 – Employer C7 – Cash refund from returning goods C8 – Payday lender C9 – Other location Were you charged a fee? Drop down list: Yes No Drop down list: S1 – Checking account S2 – Savings or other bank account S3 – Salary/wages/tips S4 – Cashing a check S5 – Credit card cash advance S6 – Prepaid card cash withdrawal S7 – Another person S8 – Other source ## Create a variable called amntcashwith = sum(amount of all cash withdrawals on that day). If there are no cash withdrawals on that day, then amntcashwith = 0. ## Create a variable called numcashwith = Number of cash withdrawals on that day. If there are no cash withdrawals on that day, then numcashwith = 0. ## Cash withdrawal variables = Time: ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 68 Version: June 7, 2016 o cashget_hour_N, where N is the number of the cash withdrawal for the day (1 = first withdrawal, etc.) o cashget_minute_N o cashget_ampm_N cashget_amnt_N cashget_location_N cashget_source_N cashget_fee_N ****If the respondent chooses “C8 – Other location”, a follow-up screen should say: For the cash withdrawal of $X at T:TTpm (am), what other location do you mean? [Open ended text response box] ****If the respondent chooses “S8 – Other source”, a follow-up screen should say: For the cash withdrawal of $X at T:TTpm (am), what other source do you mean? [Open ended text response box] **** e) Checking Withdrawals from all accounts IF dcpc_pa001_a = 1 then (q210_a) Did you make any transfers from your checking account into another account on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? 1. Yes 2. No ELSE IF dcpc_pa001_a >= 2 then (q210_a) Did you make any transfers from your primary checking account into another account on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Your primary account is the account you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. 1. Yes 2. No ENDIF IF (q210_a = YES) THEN ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 69 Version: June 7, 2016 IF dcpc_pa001_a = 1 THEN Please tell us about each transfer from your checking account to another account on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Use one row for each transfer that you made today. Transfer 1 Transfer 2 … Transfer 5 Amount $______ $______ $______ $______ What account did you transfer into? [Drop down list for each row in table] --Select one— 1. Another checking or savings account that I own 2. Another checking or savings account belonging to someone else 3. Investment account that I own 4. Investment account belonging to someone else 5. General purpose reloadable prepaid card that I own 6. General purpose reloadable prepaid card belonging to someone else 7. Other ##Variable names chktransfer_amnt_N chktransfer_account_N IF dcpc_pa001_a >= 2 THEN Please tell us about each transfer from your primary checking account to other accounts on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Your primary account is the account you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. Use one row for each transfer that you made today. Amount Transfer 1 Transfer 2 … Transfer 5 What account did you transfer into? [Drop down list for each row in table] --Select one— 1. Another checking or savings account that I own 2. Another checking or savings account belonging to someone else 3. Investment account that I ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 70 Version: June 7, 2016 4. 5. 6. 7. own Investment account belonging to someone else General purpose reloadable prepaid card that I own General purpose reloadable prepaid card belonging to someone else Other ##Variable names chktransfer_amnt_N chktransfer_account_N ## Follow-up from the above “transfer from account” tables: For each of these transfers to another account, please tell us the following: Transfer [FILL: X, where X is the row number from above] for $[FILL with dollar amount] Was the account that the money came from at the same financial institution as the account the money was transferred to? [Drop down list] Yes No How much was the fee for this transfer? Enter 0 if none. $__________ (variable name: chktransfer_fee_N) When is the person to whom you transferred the money supposed to receive it? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Today Tomorrow 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days One week More than a week (variable name: chktransfer_whenrec_N) ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 71 Version: June 7, 2016 f) Other withdrawals ## New screen (q211) Did you purchase any of the following on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Yes No (q211_a) Money order (q211_b) Travelers checks (q211_c) Certified check IF any of q211_a, b, or c = YES then Please tell us the amount of the check(s) or money orders you purchased and the payment method you used to buy them. For traveler’s checks, please report the total amount of all traveler’s checks purchased. Amount Payment method (IF q211_a = YES) (q211_amnt_a) Drop down list: Money order $________ P0 – Multiple payment methods (IF q211_b = YES) (q211_amnt_b) P1 – Cash Travelers checks $________ P2 – Check (IF q211_c = YES) (q211_amnt_c) P3 – Credit card Certified check $________ P4 – Debit card P5 – Prepaid/Gift/EBT card P6 – Bank account number payment P7 – Online banking bill payment P8 – Money order P9 – Traveler’s check P10 – PayPal P11 – Account-to-account transfer P12 – Mobile phone payment P13 – Other payment method ## New variables q211_paymeth_a q211_paymeth_b q211_paymeth_c 12) Error checking So far, we have created the following variables: amntcashend_day0 ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 72 Version: June 7, 2016 amntcashpurch numcashpurch amntcashdeposits numcashdeposits amntcashwith numcashwith amntprepaidload numprepaidload amntcashend_dayX, where X = [1, 2, 3] Next, we will create a few intermediate variables. amntcashout = sum(amntcashpurch, amntcashdeposits, amntprepaidload) amntcashin = amntcashwith numcashtrans = sum(numcashpurch, numcashdeposits, numcashwith, numprepaidload) Now we can create the flag which indicates a good cash identity for Day 1: If abs(amntcashend_day1 – amntcashend_day0 + amntcashout – amntcashin) <= numcashtrans then goodcashid = 1. Else goodcashid = 0. Likewise, for days 2 and 3, the good cash identity flag is as follows: If abs(amntcashend_dayX – amntcashend_day[X-1] + amntcashout – amntcashin) <= numcashtrans then goodcashid = 1. Else goodcashid = 0. Create a new variable called reported_cashend, which will equal reported_cashend = amntcashend_day[X-1] – amntcashout + amntcashin In other words, the amount of cash at the end of yesterday, minus all cash outflows, plus all cash inflows. ## New screen -- Only show screen if goodcashid = 0, in other words, they have a bad cash identity. If reported_cashend - amntcashend_day[1,2,3] not equal to 0 THEN IF goodcashid = 0 THEN (q107) Are there any other cash activities on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] that were not reported previously in today’s online diary? ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 73 Version: June 7, 2016 To help you remember, you ****for each of these next text lines, only show if value is > 0**** ## display as table Number of cash transactions Amount of cash I started with Dollar amount of cash payments Dollar amount of cash withdrawals Dollar amount of cash deposits Dollar amount loaded onto prepaid or gift cards totcashtrans $[amntcashend_day[0,1,2]] $[amntcashpurch] $[amntcashwith] $[amntcashdeposits] $[amntprepaidload] Based on what you told us about your payments and cash activity today, we calculated that you should have $[reported_cashend]. But you told us you ended the day with $[amntcashend_day[1,2,3]]. There is a difference of [reported_cashend - amntcashend_day[1,2,3]] dollars Please help us to understand why your reported cash activity does not match the total shown. Perhaps you forgot to report some cash payments, withdrawals or deposits. If you are able, please explain in the activities and amounts in the box below. [provide open ended response text box for the diarist to explain] ## Ask for those with goodcashid = 0. By chance, did you do any of the following on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Yes No (q5_4) Convert coins to paper cash (q5_5) Convert paper cash to coins (examples: using a change machine, getting four quarters for a dollar, buying a roll of coins) (q119) Exchange paper U.S. dollars for a foreign currency (q121) Exchange foreign currency for paper U.S. dollars (q7_1) Returned goods for a cash refund ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 74 Version: June 7, 2016 (q7_2) Exchanged goods and paid the difference in cash (q105a) I removed some cash from my pocket, wallet or purse and added it to cash stored elsewhere on my property. (q105b) I took cash stored elsewhere on my property and added it to my pocket, wallet or purse. (q105c) I had some cash lost or stolen. (q105d) I found or unexpectedly received some cash. a) Coin-to-cash and cash-to-coin section If Q5_4 = YES then Please list all the times you converted coins into cash or some other form of value on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Complete one entire row for each time you converted coins into cash or some other form of value today. Time Dollar amount of coins Dollar amount received in paper bills Were you reimbursed with something other than paper bills? 1. No 2. Prepaid/gift card 3. Deposit into bank account 4. Points or value to use on a website 5. Store credit 6. Other (specify) Location 1. Coin machine/kiosk 2. Bank teller 3. Store 4. Family or friend 5. Other (specify) Did you pay a fee? Y/N ****NEW variable: amntcoin2cash = sum(dollar amount received in paper bills) **** ****NEW variable: numcoin2cash = Number of times changing coins into cash **** If Q5_5 = YES then Please list all the times you converted paper cash into coins on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 75 Version: June 7, 2016 Time Complete one entire row for each time you converted paper cash into coins today. Examples include using a change machine, getting four quarters for a dollar, or buying a roll of coins. Do not consider receiving change from a purchase. Dollar amount of paper bills Main type of coin received 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Location Dollar coins Quarters Dimes Nickels Pennies 1. Change machine/kiosk 2. Bank teller 3. Store clerk 4. Family or friend 5. Post office 6. Other (specify) Did you pay a fee? Y/N ****NEW VARIABLE: amntcash2coin = sum(dollar amount of paper cash changed to coins) **** ****NEW VARIABLE: numcash2coin = Number of times changing cash into coins **** b) Foreign-to-USD and USD-to-foreign section If q119 = YES then (q120) How much U.S. cash did you convert into a foreign currency on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? $__________ ENDIF ****NEW VARIABLE: amntusd2for = sum(dollar amount of USD changed to foreign currency) **** If q121 = YES then (q122) How much U.S. cash did you receive after converting from foreign currency on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? $__________ ENDIF ****NEW VARIABLE: amntfor2usd = sum(dollar amount of foreign currency changed to USD) **** c) Returned goods section (IF q7_1 or q7_2 = YES) ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 76 Version: June 7, 2016 (Q7_a) Please tell us if you returned or exchanged goods on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. 1. I returned goods for a refund or store credit 2. I exchanged goods for other items If Q7_a = 1 (Q9) How did the merchant refund your money, and how much was refunded? Time Dollar amount How did the merchant pay you? (q9_time) (q9_amnt) (q9_merchant) Drop down list: Cash Refund to debit card Refund to credit card Merchant wrote you check Store credit Gift card Other ****If q9_merchant = Cash then amntrefund = sum(q9_amnt) End skip (Q7_a = 1) If Q7_a = 2 then (Q10) Was the exchange for a good or service of less value, equal value or more value? 1. Less value 2. Equal value 3. More value If Q10 = 1 then: (Q110) Please tell us how were you paid the difference between the higher valued exchanged good and the lower valued new item? (Q110a) What was the amount you were given? $_____ (Q110b) How were you given the difference? [drop down list: Cash Refund to debit card Refund to credit card Merchant wrote you a check Store credit Gift card ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 77 Version: June 7, 2016 Other] ****NEW VARIABLE: if Q110b = Cash then amntexchange = Q110a **** ENDIF If Q10 = 3 then: (Q111) Did you report to us the amount paid to make up the difference in value between the returned good and the new good? 1. Yes 2. No If Q111 = NO then (Q111b) How much did you pay to make up the difference in value between the returned good and the new good? $______________ (Q111c) What payment method did you use to pay the difference? ****dropdown list of payment instruments**** Payment method codes: P1 – Cash P2 – Check P3 – Credit card P4 – Debit card P5 – Prepaid/Gift/EBT card P6 – Bank account number payment P7 – Online banking bill payment P8 – Money order P9 – Traveler’s check P10 – PayPal P11 – Account-to-account transfer P12 – Mobile phone payment P13 – Other payment method End if ****NEW VARIABLE: if Q111c = Cash then amntpaydiff = Q111b **** Endif End skip (Q7_a = 2) d) Cash lost, stolen, or moved section ****These are follow up questions to Q105. All q106 questions which are displayed should be on one screen if possible**** ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 78 Version: June 7, 2016 (IF q105a = YES) (q106a) How much cash did you remove from your pocket, wallet or purse and add to cash stored elsewhere on your property on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? $_______ (IF q105b = YES) (q106b) How much cash did you take that was stored elsewhere on your property and add to your pocket, wallet, or purse on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? $________ (IF q105c = YES) (q106c) How much cash did you have lost or stolen on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? $____________ (IF q105d = YES) (q106d) How much cash did you find or unexpectedly receive on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? $_______________ 13) Income ## New screen IF any of q140_a – q140_j = YES then ## only display rows where q140 = YES (q142) Did you receive any income from the following sources on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Yes No (IF q140_a = YES) (q142_a) Employment income (wages, salary, bonuses) (IF q140_c = YES) (q142_c) Self-employment income (IF q140_d = YES) (q142_d) ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 79 Version: June 7, 2016 Social Security (IF q140_b = YES) (q142_b) Employer-paid retirement (IF q140_j = YES) (q142_j) IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), or other retirement fund (IF q140_e = YES) (q142_e) Interest and dividends (IF q140_f = YES) (q142_f) Rental income (IF q140_g = YES) (q142_g) Government assistance (disability, unemployment, SNAP, TANF, WIC) (IF q140_h = YES) (q142_h) Alimony (IF q140_i = YES) (q142_i) Child support ## New screen IF any of q142_a – q142_j = YES then ## only display rows where q142 = YES (q144) How much net income (also called after-tax income) did you receive and how did you receive the income on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? In other words, tell us the amount deposited into one of your accounts, or the amount of cash or a check you received. Report NET amount of income received, after all taxes and other deductions. Include multiple payments from the same source. Source (IF q142_a = YES) (q144_a) Employment (wages, salary, bonuses) (IF q142_c = YES) (q144_c) Amount (q144_a) $_________ (q144_c) $_________ How did you receive your income? ## Show the drop down list for each row that is displayed. [Drop down list] ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 80 Version: June 7, 2016 Self-employment income (IF q142_d = YES) (q144_d) Social Security (IF q142_b = YES) (q144_b) Employer-paid retirement (IF q142_j = YES) (q144_j) IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), or other retirement fund (IF q142_e = YES) (q144_e) Interest and dividends (IF q142_f = YES) (q144_f) Rental income (IF q142_g = YES) (q144_g) Government assistance (disability, unemployment, SNAP, TANF, WIC) (IF q142_h = YES) (q144_h) Alimony (IF q142_i = YES) (q144_i) Child support (q144_d) $_________ (q144_b) $_________ (q144_j) $_________ (q144_e) $_________ (q144_f) $_________ (q144_g) $_________ (q144_h) $_________ --Select one— 8. Direct deposit to primary checking account 9. Direct deposit to some other checking or savings account 10. Paper check 11. Cash 12. Payroll card 13. General purpose reloadable prepaid card 14. Other ## Variable names for “How did you receive your income?” q143_a q143_c q143_d q143_b q143_j q143_e q143_f q143_g q143_h q143_i (q144_i) $_________ [If diary day = 3] (q19) Please tell us the date when you next expect to receive an income payment. Click the arrows to scroll through additional months. If you don’t expect to receive any income, please tell us in the comments. ****Calendar goes here**** ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 81 Version: June 7, 2016 14) Daily “MHQ” questions a) What payment instruments did you carry today? [dcpc2012: median 10 seconds] ****Ask question q97 only there was at least one purchase or bill with “in person” for the location code, or any cash withdrawals or cash deposits on the day.**** (q97) Please tell us what PAYMENT METHODS you carried or were available to you to make payments on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Check all that apply P1 – Cash P2 – Check P3 – Credit card P4 – Debit card P5 – Prepaid/Gift/EBT card P6 – Bank account number payment P7 – Online banking bill payment P8 – Money order P9 – Traveler’s check P10 – PayPal P11 – Account-to-account transfer P12 – Mobile phone payment P13 – Other payment method I did not have any payment methods accessible. b) Did you use any weekly/monthly/yearly passes today? IF SCPC variables pa198_c > 0 or pa198_n > 0 THEN (q11) Some payments or transactions are made using a weekly, monthly or annual pass. Examples of these kinds of passes include: Public transportation Gym Museum Parking Recreation Did you use a weekly, monthly, or annual pass on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? 1. Yes 2. No ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 82 Version: June 7, 2016 IF q11 = YES THEN (q12) How many times did you use a weekly, monthly, or annual pass today? _______________ times c) Did you travel today? – median 8 seconds (q13) Did you travel in the U.S. for business, vacation, or any other reason on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? Consider any travel where you slept away from home last night or you will sleep away from home tonight. 1. Yes 2. No 15) Day 1 only module (scf005) ***randomize between $1,000 and $3,000*** ***randomize between “By the end of today”, “By the end of three days from today”, “By the end of seven days from today”*** Assume that you were facing an emergency expense of [FILL: “$1,000” or “$3,000”] that could not be avoided. You would need to make this [FILL: “$1,000” or “$3,000”] payment within a very short amount of time. Examples: Your car breaks down and you need it to get to work. Pipes burst in your house, and plumbing must be immediately repaired. How much of this [FILL: “$1,000” or “$3,000”] could you pay for [FILL: “By the end of today” OR “By the end of three days from today” OR “By the end of seven days from today”]? $ _______________.00 ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 83 Version: June 7, 2016 ### New screen – scf006 (scf006) You said you could get $[FILL: response from scf005] in an emergency. How much would you get from each of the following sources? Note: The total amount will be calculated automatically and displayed at the bottom. ***KEEP same randomize as above in scf005 for “By the end of today”, “By the end of three days from today”, “By the end of seven days from today”*** Source of funds “By the end of today”, “By the end of three days from today”, “By the end of seven days from today” Cash $________.00 Checking account $________.00 Savings account $________.00 Checking account overdraft $________.00 Credit card $________.00 Home equity line of credit $________.00 Payday loan $________.00 Pawn shop $________.00 Family and friends $________.00 Total amount you could pay $[running total updated in real time].00 ## error check—dollar amount in “Total amount…” row should equal the response to scf005 above. a) End of Day 1 text Thank you for completing the first day of your diary. ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 84 Version: June 7, 2016 Please log in tomorrow evening to complete the second day. 16) Day 2 module a) End of Day 2 text Thank you for completing the second day of your diary. Please log in tomorrow evening to complete the final day. 17) Day 3 only module ## These questions are only asked at the end of Day 3 a) Bills ## New screen ## new text for this screen Thank you for recording the following bill payments. ## Display a list of the payments where the variable “pay002_N” is equal to any of the following: “regularly recurring bill payment”, “one time bill payment”, “Recurring bill payment with irregular frequency” Show the following in a table, one row per payment: Date Amount Payment category Payment method payamnt_N (Day 1/2/3) This is the response to pay001_N. (not paymethod_N the numeric value of the variable, but the text of the response option) The next few screens include reminders for other types of bills you may have paid from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Include all bills paid by you, even if from a joint account. Do not include bills paid by others (such as members of your household), even if from a joint account. Include all bills that will be paid automatically during your Diary days. Include all bills you mail or deliver during your Diary days. ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 85 Version: June 7, 2016 Include all bills that you go online to schedule or pay during your Diary days. ## New screen – for each of these screens, we want to have a title, so that the respondent will be able to easily know what the theme of the screen is. Household or utility payments During the past three days, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you make any of the following types of household or utility payments? Yes No (q65_01) Rent (q65_02) Mortgage (q65_03) Home equity loan (do not include any payment made as part of your mortgage payment) (q65_04) Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) (do not include any payment made as part of your mortgage payment) (q65_05) Yard maintenance (Landscaping, tree service, or snow removal, etc.) (q65_06) Housing maintenance (Maid, cleaning, laundry service, plumber, handyman, etc.) (q65_07) Electricity (q65_08) Water/sewer (q65_09) Natural gas, propane, heating fuel, other energy (q65_10) Homeowner’s association or condo fees (q65_11) Trash collection Phone, cable, or internet payments During the past three days, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you make any of the following types of phone, cable or internet payments? ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 86 Version: June 7, 2016 Yes No (q65_12) Mobile phone (q65_13) Telephone (landline), cable and internet bundle (q65_14) Cable and internet bundle (q65_15) Cable and telephone (landline) bundle (q65_16) Internet and telephone (landline) bundle (q65_17) Cable (q65_18) Internet (q65_19) Telephone (landline) Credit card or loan payments During the past three days, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you make any of the following types of credit card or loan payments? Yes No (q65_20) Credit card bill (q65_21) Car, truck, motorcycle, boat, or other vehicle loan payments (q65_22) Student loan (q65_23) Other types of loans Insurance payments During the past three days, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you make any of the following types of insurance payments? Only consider insurance payments made by you, not by your employer. ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 87 Version: June 7, 2016 Yes No (q65_24) Health insurance: out-of-pocket, including Medicare supplemental insurance (q65_25) Vehicle insurance (q65_26) Homeowner’s or renter’s insurance (q65_27) Life insurance (q65_28) Umbrella insurance (q65_29) Other types of insurance Other types of bill payments During the past three days, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you make any of the following types of bill payments? Only consider payments made by you, not by your employer. Yes No (q65_30) Tuition, daycare, babysitting (q65_31) Medical or dental payments not covered by insurance (Do not include copayments made at the time of the visit) (q65_32) Parking (buying a weekly, monthly, or annual pass) (q65_33) Public transportation (buying a weekly or monthly pass for bus, subway, ferry, etc.) (q65_34) Memberships or subscriptions (Gym, Netflix, social or professional club dues, magazines, etc.) (q65_35) Religious contributions, monetary only (tithes, offerings, etc.) (q65_35a) Other charitable contributions, monetary only (United Way, Salvation Army, Red Cross, American Cancer Society, etc.) (q65_36) Alimony/child support Tax payments ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 88 Version: June 7, 2016 During the past three days, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you make any of the following types of tax payments? Exclude payments deducted from your income. Yes No (q65_37) Federal taxes (q65_38) State taxes (q65_39) Local taxes (q65_40) Property taxes (q65_41) Car/vehicle taxes If (any of Q65 = Yes) then Bill payments Please enter the information for your bill payments here. Complete the entire row For automatic bill payments, select the Diary day that the money will be deducted from your account. For bills not paid automatically: Cash, check, money order or other checks: select the day you mailed or handed over the payment. Payment cards (credit, debit, prepaid), bank account number payments, and online banking bill payment: select the day you scheduled the bill payment, regardless of whether the money will be deducted from your account that day or at a later date. ## INSTRUCTIONS TO PROGRAMMER: Show one row of our payments table. The “Payment type” column should have the name of the type of bill they paid. Next the respondent will answer the Bill Follow-up Questions and the Payment Instrument Follow-up Questions. We will loop through this sequence the number of times that there are YES answers in Q65, each time displaying a new bill type in the “Payment type” column. Payment Diary day Amount Payment Location Device Automatically paid ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 89 Version: June 7, 2016 type bill was paid or scheduled [FILL based 1. Day 1 on YES [insert answers date] in Q65. 2. Day 2 One row [insert per YES date] answer]. 3. Day 3 [insert date] method $____ Drop down list: P0 – Multiple payment methods P1 – Cash P2 – Check P3 – Credit card P4 – Debit card P5 – Prepaid/Gift/E BT card P6 – Bank account number payment P7 – Online banking bill payment P8 – Money order P9 – Traveler’s check P10 – PayPal P11 – Account to account transfer P12 – Mobile phone payment P13 – Other payment method P14 – Direct deduction from income or not? Drop down list: L1 – Payment in person L2 – Payment not in person Drop down list: D1 – Computer (laptop or desktop) D2 – Tablet (e.g. iPad, Kindle) D3 – Mobile phone D4 – Landline phone D5 – Mail or delivery service D6 – No device/None of the above 1. Automatic 2. Not automatic ## Variable names ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 90 Version: June 7, 2016 bill_dday_N, where N is the number of bill. i.e. N = 1 for the first bill, N = 2 for the second bill, etc. bill_amnt_N bill_pi_N bill_loc_N bill_device_N bill_automatic_N ## BILL FOLLOW-UP questions – New Section If bill type = Mortgage (q65_02 = YES) then (q66_02) To whom was your mortgage payment made? 1. Bank or other financial institution 2. Government 3. Person, family or friend IF bill type = electricity (q65_07 = YES) then (q66_07) To whom did you pay your electricity bill? 1. The local power company 2. My local or state government 3. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] IF bill type = water/sewer (q65_08 = YES) then (q66_08) To whom did you pay your water/sewer bill? 1. The local water company 2. My local or state government 3. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 91 Version: June 7, 2016 IF bill type = natural gas (q65_09 = YES) then (q66_09) To whom did you pay your bill for natural gas, propane, heating fuel, or other type of energy? 1. The local gas/heating fuel company 2. My local or state government 3. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] IF bill type = trash collection (q65_11 = YES) then (q66_11) To whom did you pay your trash collection bill? 1. The trash collection company 2. My local or state government 3. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] If bill type = “credit card bill” (q65_20 = YES) then (q66_20) How much of the amount of the credit card bill did you pay? 1. 2. 3. 4. Less than the minimum amount Minimum amount More than the minimum amount, less than the full amount Full amount ## New screen – next three questions on the same screen q_ccbill_fu1a, q_ccbill_fu2a, q_ccbill_fu3a. IF q66_20 = “Less than full amount” is selected then: (q_ccbill_fu1a) How much was the full amount of the credit card bill? $_____________ (q_ccbill_fu2a) ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 92 Version: June 7, 2016 Did you have enough money in your checking or savings account to pay the full amount of the credit card bill? 1. Yes 2. No (q_ccbill_fu3a) Why did you choose not to pay the full amount of the credit card bill? [open ended response box] If bill type = car loan (q65_21 = YES)then (q66_21) To whom was your car loan payment made? 1. Bank or other financial institution 2. Government 3. Person, family or friend If bill type = student loan (q65_22 = YES) then (q66_22) To whom was your student loan payment made? 1. Bank or other financial institution 2. Government 3. Person, family or friend If bill type = other loans (q65_23 = YES) then (q66_23) To whom was your loan payment made? 1. Bank or other financial institution 2. Government 3. Person, family or friend IF bill type = religious contributions (q65_35) then (q66_35) ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 93 Version: June 7, 2016 Did you receive any goods or services in exchange for this religious contribution? 1. Yes 2. No ENDIF ## bill type = 35 IF (payment method bill_pi_N = “Bank account number payment” or “Online banking bill payment” or “credit card” or “debit card” or “prepaid card”) and bill_automatic_N = “Not automatic” THEN (q67_ha) You scheduled this payment on [FILL: bill_dday_N, the diary date they told us in the table above]. Some bills are paid on the same day they are scheduled; others are paid in the future. Please tell us the date you selected for the bill to be paid. [calendar widget] ## Follow-up Q’s for all bills (except religious or charity) IF bill type is not any of the following: “religious contributions (q65_35)” ,“Other charitable contributions (q65_35a)” then (q67_c) Was this payment for [FILL: name of bill type] a recurring payment or a one-time bill? 1. Regularly recurring bill payment 2. One-time bill payment 3. Recurring bill payment with irregular frequency If q67_c = “regularly recurring bill payment” THEN ## q67_d and q67_f on same screen (q67_d) How often is this bill due? 1. Weekly ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 94 Version: June 7, 2016 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bi-weekly Twice a month Monthly Every other month Quarterly Every six months Yearly Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] (q67_f) Do you pay the same amount each time you pay this bill, or does the payment amount change from bill to bill? 1. Same amount each bill 2. Amount changes from bill to bill ENDIF IF q67_c = “recurring bill payment with irregular frequency” THEN (q67_g) About how many times per year do you pay this bill? __________ times per year ENDIF (q67_a) What day is this [FILL: name of bill type] payment due? [CALENDAR Widget] (q67_e) For [FILL: name of bill type], did you pay a late fee? 1. Yes 2. No ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 95 Version: June 7, 2016 ENDIF ##bill is not equal to “religious” ### NEW UPDATE: Ask this same preferences question here. This will be a follow-up for each bill type. The respondent should see the question as the last follow-up question for that bill type, then they should go back to the bill payments entry screen. If bill_pi_N does not equal pa115_b THEN (q103h1) Why did you use [FILL: paymethod_N] for this transaction?” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. [FILL: response from q115_b] was not accepted I didn’t have [FILL: response from q115_b] with me I did not have enough money available to use [FILL: response from q115_b] The payment would have been late if I used [FILL: response from q115_b] [FILL: paymethod_N] is more secure than [FILL: response from q115_b] I received a discount for using [FILL: paymethod_N] I would have paid a surcharge if I used [FILL: response from q115_b] For this size transaction, I prefer to use [FILL: paymethod_N] For this type of bill I prefer to use [FILL: paymethod_N] Other (specify) [open ended text box] b) Credit card questions ## We want to keep a running tally of credit card payments and dollar amount. The three variables should be num_ccpayments = total number of credit card payments made in the payments section of the diary. amnt_ccpayments = total dollar amount of credit card payments made in the payments section of the diary. num_ccrewardspays = total number of credit card payments where q101p = YES (in other words, the total number of cc payments using a rewards card.) ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 96 Version: June 7, 2016 ## same screen for pay609_N and q103e IF num_ccpayments > 0 and amnt_ccpayments > 0 THEN (pay609_N) During the three days of this diary you made [FILL: num_ccpayments] credit card payments totaling $[FILL:amnt_ccpayments]. How do you plan to pay off these purchases? 1. Pay in full when the bill arrives. 2. Pay over time in several bill payments. END IF IF num_ccrewardspays > 0 THEN (q103e) You made [FILL: num_ccrewardspays] credit card payments using cards which gives rewards. What kind of rewards did these credit card payments give? Check all that apply 1. 2. 3. 4. Airline miles Cash back Points to be used for shopping Other (specify) (q103e_other) __________________ c) Types of borrowing “During these three days reminders” ## same screen - pay615, pay616, pay613 (pay615) During the three days of this diary, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you take out a payday loan? 1. Yes 2. No (pay616) During the three days of this diary, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you buy goods or services by taking out a new loan? ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 97 Version: June 7, 2016 1. Yes 2. No (pay613) During the three days of this diary, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you use any of the following to make a purchase? Store credit Lay-away No money down 1. Yes 2. No IF pay615 = YES then ## new screen (pay615_a) How much money did you get for the payday loans you got during your diary period, [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]? $________ (pay615_b) How did you receive the money from the payday loans that you got during your diary period? Check all that apply 1. 2. 3. 4. Cash Check Direct deposit into an account Other (specify) a. [open ended response box] ENDIF IF pay616 = YES then ## same screen both pay616_a and pay616_b (pay616_a) What did you purchase with the proceeds of the new loan? Examples include: car, jewelry, boat, etc. [open ended text box] (pay616_c) How much was the loan for? ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 98 Version: June 7, 2016 $__________ (pay616_b) Please tell us the dollar amount of the purchase for which you took out a new loan. $__________ ENDIF ## same screen pay617, pay614, gpr001 IF SCPC variable DE013 = YES (pay617) During the three days of this diary, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you pay for anything using a Home Equity Line of Credit? 1. Yes 2. No END IF (de013 = YES) (pay614) During the three days of this diary, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you receive any payments from any of the following? Flex spending account, or FSA Health care savings plan 1. Yes 2. No (gpr001) During the three days of this diary, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you withdraw any money from your general purpose reloadable prepaid card in some other way besides making a payment or a cash withdrawal? 1. Yes 2. No ## new screens for follow-ups IF pay617 = YES then ## same screen both pay617_a and pay617_b (pay617_a) What did you purchase using a Home Equity Line of Credit? Examples include: car, jewelry, boat, etc. [open ended text box] ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 99 Version: June 7, 2016 (pay617_b) Please tell us the dollar amount you spent using a Home Equity Line of Credit. $__________ ENDIF ## new screens for follow-ups IF pay614 = YES then ## same screen both pay614_a and pay614_b (pay614_a) How much did you receive from a Flex Spending Account or Health Care Savings Plan? $____________ (pay614_b) How did you receive the funds from the Flex Spending Account or Health Care Savings Plan? 1. Direct deposit to an account 2. Cash 3. Check 4. Other (specify) a. [open ended text box] ENDIF ## new screens for follow-ups IF gpr001 = YES then ## same screen both gpr001_a and gpr001_b (gpr001_a) How much did you receive by withdrawing funds from a general purpose reloadable (GPR) prepaid card in some other way besides making a payment or a cash withdrawal? $____________ (gpr001_b) Please describe how you withdrew funds from a GPR prepaid card in some other way besides making a payment or a cash withdrawal? [open ended text box] ENDIF ## New Screen – pay620 (pay620) During the three days of this diary, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you buy any of the following that you have not already reported: Yes No ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 100 Version: June 7, 2016 (pay620_a) Cars, trucks, motorcycles, other motor vehicles (new or used) (pay620_b) Furniture and furnishings (pay620_c) Household appliances (pay620_d) Computers, cameras, TVs, other electronics (pay620_e) Sports equipment, sports and recreational vehicles, and boats (pay620_f) Jewelry and watches (pay620_g) Therapeutic appliances and equipment (pay620_h) Real estate (house, condo, land, etc.) ## If the diarist says YES to any row in this table pay620, show them a payment entry screen with one row for each YES row in this table. The screen would not need merchant types. The columns would be as follows. No payment instrument follow up questions or any other follow-ups for these kinds of payments. IF YES to pay620_x: Row text from table pay620 Date of payment Amount spent Payment method Did you pay in person? Device Drop down: [Day 1, DATE] [Day 2, DATE] [Day 3, DATE] $_________ Drop down list: Multiple payment methods Cash Check Credit card Debit card Prepaid/Gift/EBT card Bank account number payment Online banking bill payment Money order Traveler’s check PayPal Account-to- Drop down list: Yes No Drop down list: Computer Tablet Mobile phone Landline phone Mail None of the above ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 101 Version: June 7, 2016 account transfer Mobile phone payment Other payment method IF pay620_a = YES THEN (pay621) During the three days of this diary, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you do any of the following? Yes (pay621_a) Make a deposit on the purchase of a car, truck, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle (new or used) (pay621_b) Make a down payment on the purchase of a car, truck, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle (new or used) (pay621_c) Apply for an auto loan (pay621_d) Close on an auto loan (pay621_e) Pay the balance of the purchase price of a car, truck, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle (new or used) ENDIF ## New Screen (pay618) During the three days of this diary, from [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”] to [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”], did you transfer any money to people who live or have accounts in another country, sometimes called remittances? 1. Yes 2. No If pay618 = YES ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 102 No Version: June 7, 2016 Please tell us more about your transfer to people who live or have accounts in another country (remittances). ## display three rows of table Amount of transfer (in US dollars) $______ How transfer was made Drop-down list --Select one-Western Union PayPal MoneyGram Bitcoin Other (specify) Amount of fee you paid to make the transfer (in US dollars) $__________ ## new variables for table remit_amnt_N, where N is 1, 2, 3 remit_howmade_N remit_fee_N d) Balance – Cash stored and Checking account ## We ask at the end of Day 3 only. (scpc_pa015_b_day3) About how much cash do you have stored elsewhere in your home, car, office, etc on [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Please round to the nearest dollar. Do not include cash owned by other members of your household. o About $____.00 ## New screen IF scpc_pa015_b_day3 > 0 THEN ## randomize to display either dcpc_pa015_c3 or dcpc_pa015_d3 (dcpc_pa015_c3) ## Do not allow answer which is greater than scpc_pa015_b_day3 You said you have $[FILL: response for scpc_pa015_b_day3] in cash stored elsewhere. ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 103 Version: June 7, 2016 About how much of that are you holding for cash payments (either for planned spending or emergencies)? About $________.00 (dcpc_pa015_d3) ## Do not allow answer which is greater than scpc_pa015_b_day3 You said you have $[FILL: response for scpc_pa015_b_day3] in cash stored elsewhere. About how much of that have you set aside for long-term savings? About $________.00 ENDIF IF pa071_b = NO (pa071_c) On the first evening of the diary, you mentioned that you were not able to tell us your checking account balance. It is important for us to get an accurate measure of your balance. Please use one of the following methods to look up your checking account balance: Your bank’s online banking website Your bank’s mobile app Your bank’s telephone banking system Your check book balance Are you able to tell us your checking account balance on the first day of your diary? 1. Yes 2. No IF pa071_c = YES then IF dcpc_pa001_a = 1 THEN ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 104 Version: June 7, 2016 Please tell us the balance of your checking account as of the first day of your diary, [DISPLAY DIARY DAY 1 HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Round to the nearest dollar Please report the total balance of the checking account, even if jointly owned (pa072_a) Balance of checking account $_______________ (pa072_a_time) Please tell us the time of this balance which you are reporting to us. [clock widget] (pa072_a_date) Please tell us the date of this balance which you are reporting to us. [calendar widget] ELSE IF dcpc_pa001_a >= 2 THEN Please tell us the balance of your primary checking account as of the first day of your diary, [DISPLAY DIARY DAY 1 HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. Round to the nearest dollar Please report the total balance of the checking account, even if jointly owned Your primary account is the account you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. (pa072_a) Balance of primary account $_______________.00 (pa072_a_time) Please tell us the time of this balance which you are reporting to us. [clock widget] (pa072_a_date) Please tell us the date of this balance which you are reporting to us. [calendar widget] ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 105 Version: June 7, 2016 ENDIF IF dcpc_pa001_a = 1 THEN Please tell us the balance of your checking account as of the last day of your diary, [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. It is important for us to get an accurate measure of your balance. Please use one of the following methods to look up your checking account balance: Your bank’s online banking website Your bank’s mobile app Your bank’s telephone banking system Your check book balance Please report the total balance of the checking account, even if jointly owned (pa073_a) Balance of checking account $_______________ (pa073_a_time) Please tell us the time that you checked the balance of your checking account. [clock widget] (pa073_a_date) Please tell us the date that you checked the balance of your checking account. [calendar widget] ELSE IF dcpc_pa001_a >= 2 THEN Please tell us the balance of your primary checking account as of the last day of your diary, [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. It is important for us to get an accurate measure of your balance. Please use one of the following methods to look up your checking account balance: Your bank’s online banking website Your bank’s mobile app Your bank’s telephone banking system Your check book balance Please report the total balance of the checking account, even if jointly owned ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 106 Version: June 7, 2016 Your primary account is the account you use most often to make payments, not necessarily the account with the most money in it. (pa073_a) Balance of primary account $_______________.00 (pa073_a_time) Please tell us the time that you checked the balance of your checking account. [clock widget] (pa073_a_date) Please tell us the date that you checked the balance of your checking account. [calendar widget] ## balance of general purpose prepaid card IF or dcpc_gpradopter = 1 and dcpc_pa001_a = 0 and (q_mostusedpayacnt_1 = “General purpose prepaid card” or q_mostusedpayacnt_2 = “General purpose prepaid card”) THEN (pa074_c) You told us you own a general purpose prepaid card that has money stored or loaded on to it. You can use a general purpose prepaid card anywhere cards are accepted. Please tell us the balance of your primary general purpose prepaid card as of the third day of your diary, [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. If you have more than one general purpose prepaid card, your primary card is the one that you use most often to make payments. Round to the nearest dollar. $_____________.00 (pa074_c_time) Please tell us the time that you checked the balance of your primary general purpose prepaid card. [clock widget] (pa074_c_date) Please tell us the date that you checked the balance of your primary general purpose prepaid card. ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 107 Version: June 7, 2016 [calendar widget] ENDIF ## Day 3 balance of PayPal account IF dcpc_paypaladopter = 1 and dcpc_pa001_a = 0 and (q_mostusedpayacnt_1 = “PayPal” or q_mostusedpayacnt_2 = “PayPal”) THEN (paypal_balday0) You told us you have money stored in an account at PayPal. Please tell us the balance of your primary PayPal account as of the third day of your diary, [DISPLAY DIARY DATE HERE, example “Wednesday, October 3”]. If you have more than one PayPal account, your primary account is the one that you use most often to make payments. Round to the nearest dollar. $_____________.00 (paypal_balday0_time) Please tell us the time that you checked the balance of your primary PayPal account. [clock widget] (paypal_balday0_date) Please tell us the date that you checked the balance of your primary PayPal account. [calendar widget] ENDIF (invite to do diary again) You were chosen to complete this three-day tracking period near the beginning of the study, and we are now looking for volunteers to repeat the three-day tracking period between November and December. If you are willing to do this, you will again be paid $10 for the survey you complete the day before the diary, and $20 each of the three days of your additional diary period. This means you can earn $70 if you participate again. Would you be interested in another assignment? ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 108 Version: June 7, 2016 e) Rating the diary (our questions and RAND cs_001, cs_003) (q24) Were the instructions / definitions and examples for filling out the paper diary and the online diary clear and helpful to you? 1. Yes 2. No (q25) Please tell us how you kept track of your daily payments and cash activity. Did you… Check all that apply 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. …carry the large paper diary? …carry the smaller checkbook sized diary? …keep receipts? …consult your financial records (bank statements, credit card statements, etc.)? …use your memory? …use some other method? IF q25 = 6 (q26) Please tell us how you kept track of your payments and cash activity. [open ended response box] ENDIF IF q25 = 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 and not (1 or 2) (q27) Please tell us why you did not carry the large paper diary or the checkbook sized diary. [open ended response box] ENDIF (q28) Do you have any comments about the large paper diary, the checkbook sized diary, or the nightly online diary? [open ended response box] ****RAND asks these two questions for all ALP surveys**** (cs_001) Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview? 1. Very interesting 2. Interesting 3. Neither interesting nor uninteresting 4. Uninteresting 5. Very uninteresting. ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 109 Version: June 7, 2016 (cs_003) Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below. f) Video?? ****Finally, the video should have a few questions*** ***Keep track the following things each time the video is watched: 1. Who watched it. 2. When they watched it. (time and date) 3. How much of it they watched (the length of time) 4. Ask them to rate the video (1-5 stars) (cs_004) Did you watch the instructional video for this diary? 1. Yes 2. No ## cs_005 and cs_006 on the same screen IF cs_004 = YES THEN (cs_005) Was the video helpful to your diary experience? 1. Yes 2. No (cs_006) Do you have any comments on the instructional video? [open ended response box] END IF g) End of Day 3 text Thank you for completing the final day of your diary. 18) Kantar list --Select one-Merchant I paid is not on the list 77Kids 99 Cents Only A&P AAFES Abercrombie & Fitch AC Moore ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 110 Version: June 7, 2016 Academy Sports Ace Hardware Advance Auto Aeropostale Ahold Albertsons Market (LLC) ALCO Aldi Nord Aldi Süd American Consumers American Eagle ampm Amway Ann Apple Ascena Retail Athletes Foot Aurora AutoZone Avon Balls Barnes & Noble Bartell Bashas Bass Pro Bebe Bed Bath & Beyond Belk Belle Foods Ben Bridge Berkshire Hathaway Best Buy Big 5 Big Lots Big O Tires Big Y Bi-Lo BiMart BJs Blue Nile Bobs Stores Body Central Bon-Ton Books A Million Borsheims ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 111 Version: June 7, 2016 Boscovs Brand Source BrandsMart USA Brooks Brothers Brookshire Brookshire Brothers Brown Shoe Buckle Burlington Coat C&K Cabelas Cache Cardinal Heath (MSI) CARE Pharmacies Caseys Cato CEFCO Central Grocers Certified Grocers Midwest Charlotte Russe Chedraui Chevron Texaco Chicos Childrens Place Christopher & Banks Citi Trends Claires Clark Coach Coborns Coldwater Creek CompUSA (Tiger Direct) Conns Cosentinos Costco Couche-Tard CST Cumberland Farms CVS D Agostino Daiso Sangyo DeCA Delek Delhaize dELiAs Dell ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 112 Version: June 7, 2016 DeMoulas Destination Maternity Destination XL Dicks Sports Dierbergs Markets Dillards Discount Drug Mart Dish Network Dollar General Dollar Tree Don Quijote Dover Saddlery DSW Eastern Mountain Sports Eddie Bauer Ethan Allen Express ExxonMobil Fairview Health Family Dollar Family Mart Fareway Fast Retailing Festival Foods Fiesta Mart Finish Line Foodland Supermarkets (Hawaii) Foot Locker Forever 21 Freds Fresh Market Frys GameStop Gander Mountain Gap Gelsons Genesco Giant Eagle GNC Golub Goodings Gristedes Sloans Grocery Outlet Guess Guitar Center ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 113 Version: June 7, 2016 Gymboree H&M Haggen Harps Harry & David HBC (Hudson's Bay Company) Health Mart H-E-B Helzbergs Henry Ford Hess hhgregg Hibbett Hobby Lobby Home Depot Homeland Hot Topic Houchens HSN Hudsons Bay Hy Vee IKEA Inditex Ingles Isetan Mitsukoshi J Crew JCPenney Jo Ann Stores Jordans Furniture Jos A Bank Kering King Kullen Kinokuniya Shoten Kirklands Kohls Kroger K-VA-T Lawson Leslies Poolmart Limited Brands Limited Stores LLBean Loblaw Lowes Lowes Foods Lowes Market ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 114 Version: June 7, 2016 Lumber Liquidators Lunds Food Macys Man Alive Marcs Marks & Spencer Marsh Martins Mavi Jeans Meijer Menards Mens Wearhouse Michaels Micro Center Minyard Modells Murphy Oil Navarro Nebraska Furniture Mart Neiman Marcus New York & Company NewEgg Nordstrom North West O Reilly Office Depot Omnicare Pacific Sunwear of California Pantry Payless PC Richard Pep Boys Pet Valu Petco PetSmart Pharmaca Phillips 66 Pier 1 Imports Pilot Flying J Publix QuikTrip QVC RaceTrac Radioshack Raleys ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 115 Version: June 7, 2016 Ralph Lauren RC Willey Redners Rite Aid Roche Bros Ross Roundys Rouses rue21 Ryohin Keikaku Safeway Sally Beauty Save Mart Sav-Mor Schnucks Sears Holdings Sears Hometown and Outlet Sephora (LVMH) Seven & I Sheetz Shell Sherwin-Williams ShopKo Signet Sinclair Smart & Final SonyStyle Spartan (SpartanNash) Speedway Spencers Gifts Sports Authority Sprouts SSP Stripes Stage Stores Staples Star Furniture Stater Bros Stein Mart Sunoco Superior Grocers Supervalu Talbots Tandy Leather Target TBC Thrifty White Stores ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 116 Version: June 7, 2016 Tiffany Tire Kingdom TJX Tops Markets Toys R Us Tractor Supply Trans World Entertainment True Value Tuesday Morning Ulta United Supermarkets (Texas) Urban Outfitters ValueVision Media Village Pantry Vitamin Shoppe Wakefern Walgreens Walmart Wawa Wegmans Weis Markets West Marine Wet Seal Whole Foods Williams Sonoma Winco Woodmans Food Markets Worsley (Worsley Convenience) Yankee Candle Zumiez Merchant I paid is not on list ©2010–2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Proprietary and Confidential. Do not release or disclose to unauthorized parties without the prior written consent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 117