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For release on delivery

Statement of
William McChesney Martin, Jr.,
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,

before the
Committee on Banking and Currency
House of Representatives
Legislation to Repeal the Gold Cover Requirement

January 23, 1968

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
recommends prompt enactment of legislation to repeal the statutory
provisions that now require each Federal Reserve Bank to maintain
reserves in gold certificates of not less than 25 per cent of its
Federal Reserve notes in circulation.

Some change in this require-

ment this year or next will be unavoidable as the volume of our
currency grows in response to the demands of a growing economy.
Its repeal now would help to make absolutely clear that the U.S.
gold stock is fully available to serve its primary purpose as an
international monetary reserve.
I want to emphasize that elimination of the cover requirement would in any event be needed in the relatively near future even
if there were no further net sales of gold to foreigners. Federal
Reserve notes in circulation increase each year with growth in our

The increase in 1967 was more than $2 billion, and this

alone added more than $500 million to the amount of gold required
under present law to be held as cover for Federal Reserve notes.
Moreover, our domestic industrial and artistic uses of gold, over
and above domestic production, amounted to $160 million last year,
and such uses can be expected to be at least that large in the

These two factors together would reduce our "free gold"—

the amount of gold over and above that required as cover for notes-by about $700 million a year. At that rate, our "free gold,"
currently $1.3 billion, would be absorbed in less than two years,
even in the absence of further sales of gold to foreigners. And

it would be unrealistic not to allow for some additional foreign

Thus., it is clear that a change in the cover require-

ment is unavoidable, and cannot be postponed for long.
It is true that Congress has given the Federal Reserve
Board authority to suspend the gold cover requirement for a period
of up to 30 days and to renew such suspension for 15-day periods

But this authority, granted at a time when Federal

Reserve notes were convertible into gold domestically, was not
designed to deal with present-day conditions. With growth in the
economy the attendant need for steadily increasing currency in
circulation will certainly continue. To provide the additional
currency requires a permanent change in the law, rather than Board
action every 15 days.
The primary function performed by gold today is not as a
reserve against domestic currency but as a monetary reserve for use

The major part of the United States international

monetary reserve is in gold.

Since mid-year, our gold stock has

declined by more than $1 billion, and it now amounts to about $12
billion. In order to arrest this decline, we must achieve a major
improvement in our balance of payments. That is the objective of
the program announced by the President on January 1.
But while we are taking the fundamental steps needed to
bring our international payments into equilibrium and stop the drain
on our gold reserves, we should make it absolutely clear that all of
our gold stock is available to serve its primary purpose, and thus

-3discourage market speculation against the dollar or anticipatory
takings of gold by central banks.

Speculation against the dollar

might be encouraged if the gold cover requirement were regarded as
immobilizing part of our reserves; the labeling of only part of our
gold reserves as "free" might seem to imply that the rest of our
reserves are somehow unavailable to perform their primary function
of maintaining the convertibility of the dollar. Any possible
misunderstandings on this point should be put at rest.


legislation would do that.
Removal of this requirement would in no way reduce our
determination to preserve the soundness of the dollar.

To achieve

our goals both domestically and internationally we must pursue
sound and equitable fiscal and monetary policies.
Convertibility of the dollar into gold at a fixed price—
$35 an ounce—is a keystone of the international monetary system and
is a fundamental reason why foreign monetary authorities are willing
to hold dollar reserves.

The role of the dollar as the major inter-

national reserve currency, together with the readiness of private
foreign residents to hold dollar assets, places the dollar in a
unique position in international commerce and finance.


enactment of legislation to remove the gold cover requirement would
reaffirm to the world the convertibility of the dollar. At the same
time it would meet the long-run requirements for an expansion in note
circulation commensurate with steady growth in the economy.