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For release on delivery
Noon EDT
June 29, 2011

Economic and Financial Inclusion in 2011: What it Means for Americans and our
Economic Recovery

Remarks by
Sarah Bloom Raskin
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
at a
New America Foundation Forum
Washington, D.C.

June 29, 2011

I wish to thank the New America Foundation, the Center for Financial Security,
and the Congressional Savings and Ownership Caucus for the invitation to speak at this
important conference addressing the savings and credit needs of Americans as our
economy recovers. It is a pleasure to be here with you today.
As the mother of three teenagers who are struggling toward adulthood--always
two steps forward and one step back, or perhaps a couple steps sideways--I inevitably
think about economic inclusion from the standpoint of young people entering the
workforce and the adult economy. And so I ask myself: What does it mean for them to
be included in the economy?
Well, obviously I want them to be able to find satisfying, meaningful, and
decently compensated work. Surely this is as much a marker of the transition to
adulthood in our society as registering to vote or earning the all-important driver’s
license. We might say that we are not truly included in the economy until we draw our
first paycheck. One of the tragedies of our current lingering recession is that so many
young Americans have not been able to experience the thrilling rite of passage that comes
with finding a stable and decent-paying job. And, of course, even beyond the young,
there are millions of Americans stuck in unemployment lines desperate to find a way
back into the productive economy.
The question of employment is not our focus today, but we should pause to
underscore the promotion-of-maximum-employment imperative of the Federal Reserve’s
dual mandate. I believe that this imperative has broad importance in American social and
economic life.

-2But economic inclusion also implies a kind of belonging and membership in the
economy that goes beyond employment. In the financial and regulatory world,
“economic inclusion” refers to efforts to expand public access to, and participation in,
mainstream financial services. This effective inclusion in the financial marketplace
depends upon a strong regulatory framework, active market participation, and an
expansion in public financial literacy. For the sake of clarity, I will call this meaning
“financial inclusion,” and proceed on the assumption that it is indispensably important to
effective navigation of the twists and turns of life in the American economy. Imagine
what it would be like, even with a job, if you had no access to banking or credit; if you
did not understand how mortgages or credit cards work; or if you had no way to save a
portion of your earnings. Sadly, there are millions of Americans lingering in these
In my remarks today, I will share my perspective on why broad inclusion matters
to our economic recovery, the challenges that current economic conditions present to the
efforts of lower-income Americans to participate in the economy, and the risks we face as
a country if we understate or misunderstand these challenges.
Who is Being Excluded?
Let’s first try to scope who is at risk of being economically excluded. We start
with the unemployed. The latest employment report issued by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics was bleak.1 U.S. employers in May added only 54,000 non-farm jobs, down
from 232,000 jobs added in April. The headline unemployment rate was 9.1 percent in
May, representing about 13.9 million Americans out of work.


Bureau of Labor Statistics. “The Employment Situation – May 2011,” available at

-3Unfortunately, the headline unemployment numbers don’t fully capture the true
scope of the unemployment problem. There are an additional 8.5 million workers who are
“part-time-of-necessity” or “underemployed” because their hours have been cut back or
they are unable to find a full-time job; there are also 1.4 million workers who are
“marginally attached” to the labor force because, while wanting a job, they have not
searched for one in the past four weeks; and there are 822,000 “discouraged” workers
who have given up searching for employment because they do not believe any jobs are
available for them.2
So it is not just those who are currently collecting unemployment insurance
payments who are excluded. The underemployed, the marginally attached, and the
discouraged, all of whom are primarily concerned about the security of their jobs, wage
growth, housing, and the rising cost of living, are also suffering from exclusion from the
economy of work.
But most of these people searching for a way back into the employed economy
are doubly challenged by their ability to access reasonably priced financial products with
safe features that encourage savings. Americans have several core financial needs. They
need a safe, accessible, and affordable method to deposit or cash checks, receive deposits,
pay bills, and accrue savings. They also need access to credit to tide them over before
their next cash infusion arrives. They may be coming up short paying their rent, their
mortgage payment, an emergency medical expense, or an unexpected car repair. They
may want access to a savings vehicle that, down the road, will help them pay for these
items and for education or further training, or to start a business. And many want some



-4form of non-cash payment method, such as a credit or debit card, to conduct transactions
that are difficult or impossible to conduct using cash.
Products and services that serve these core financial needs are not consistently
available at affordable rates to all Americans. Those with low and moderate incomes
may have insufficient income or assets to meet the relatively high requirements of banks.
Americans without jobs, or with jobs that have slow wage growth, have little, if any,
opportunity to establish a credit history that facilitates access to financial services.
Others, especially in the wake of a recession that put many people out of work and
homes, may have dents on their credit records that inhibit their ability to borrow on
affordable terms.
How the Recession Undermined Financial Inclusion
The economic crisis has undermined financial inclusion for many Americans.
Low- and moderate-income families entered the recession with little financial buffer
against the adverse effects of wage cuts, job loss, and drops in home values. According
to the 2007 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF), home equity accounted for 75 percent
of total assets for low- and moderate-income families, which made them extremely
vulnerable to the eventual housing market collapse. Sure enough, families in the bottom
fifth of the income distribution saw an 18 percent drop in median net worth between 2007
and 2009, going from $8,100 in 2007 to $6,600 by 2009.3,4 Families in the middle of the
income distribution fared even worse, experiencing a 21 percent decline in the value of

Bucks, Brian K., Arthur B. Kennickell, Traci L. Mach and Kevin B. Moore. 2009. “Changes in U.S.
Family Finances from 2004 to 2007: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances,” Federal Reserve
Bulletin, v. 95, pp. A1–A55.
Bricker, Jesse; Brian K. Bucks, Arthur B. Kennickell, Traci L Mach, and Kevin B. Moore. 2011.
“Surveying the Aftermath of the Storm: Changes in Family Finances from 2007 to 2009” Finance and
Economics Discussion Series 2011-17.

-5their assets, the highest of any group during the same period. Combined with widespread
unemployment, housing and stock price declines, and increasing rates of mortgage
defaults, foreclosures, and bankruptcies, the assets of many American families have been
significantly eroded.
In addition to losing the value of their savings and assets, a significant number of
low- and moderate-income families have become financially marginalized as a result of
the economic crisis. The percentage of families earning $15,000 per year or less who
reported that they have no bank account increased between 2007 and 2009 such that more
than one out of four families were unbanked.5 Families slightly further up the income
distribution earning between $15,000 and $30,000 per year are also financially
marginalized: 13 percent report being unbanked and almost 24 percent report being
This combination of economic insecurity and financial marginalization has placed
more low- and moderate-income families right at the well-lit front doorsteps of payday
lenders and other alternative financial service providers to try to meet their financial
Alternative Financial Services: Convenience vs. Cost
While alternative financial services may serve the access needs of many
consumers, they often come at a much higher cost than traditional financial services. For
example, the typical payday lender may charge $15 to $20 per $100 borrowed for a twoweek period, translating into annual percentage rates often exceeding 390 percent.


See FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households available at; Bucks, Brian K., Arthur B. Kennickell, Traci L. Mach and Kevin B.
Moore. 2009. “Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2004 to 2007: Evidence from the Survey of
Consumer Finances,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, v. 95, pp. A1–A55.

-6Similarly, check cashers generally charge customers 2 to 3 percent of the amount of a
check, even for those issued by the government. It is not hard to see how such fees can
add up to several hundred dollars per year--real money for any consumer, but as a
percentage of income, much more costly for those with limited disposable incomes.6
For some consumers, these services may be seen as more convenient or customerfriendly than those offered by traditional banks. But this convenience comes with a hard
price: it further exacerbates the precarious financial state of many families and, in many
cases, locks them into a downward cycle of deteriorating finances.
This is not to say that mainstream financial services are inexpensive. Free
checking accounts are quickly disappearing, replaced by accounts with rising fees.
Overdraft fees on checking accounts can also be pricy, ranging from $10 to $38 with a
median fee of $27. These fees are not insignificant, particularly when applied to small
dollar transactions.7
In sum, the financial crisis has left many lower- and moderate-income Americans
in danger. With fewer assets to rely upon and deteriorating credit, many people find it
harder to enter, or stay in, the financial mainstream. In analyzing the state of economic
and financial inclusion, the crisis both expanded the number of Americans excluded from
the economy and dramatically raised the barriers to enter it.
Why Does Financial Inclusion Matter?
Broad financial inclusion is essential because it bolsters American consumption
and savings, which drives macroeconomic growth. In order to promote efficient
economic growth and stability, Americans must have safe and affordable access to the

See Desmond, Tyler and Charles Sprenger. 2007. “Estimating the Costs of Being Unbanked” Federal
Reserve Bank of Boston.
See FDIC Study of Overdraft Fees; report available at

-7tools necessary to function in the modern economy. Congress created the Federal
Reserve with a view that it should focus on economic growth, so the Federal Reserve has
a clear interest in promoting a meaningful, broad recovery that is conducted in a safe and
viable manner. Affordable, transparently priced, and safe financial products and services
promote positive outcomes for individual consumers, which in turn supports the growth
and stability of the overall financial system.
From the standpoint of the individual, financial inclusion serves as a mild
counterweight to the growing income and asset inequality in the United States that has
deepened since the onset of the economic crisis. While the exact level of inequality is a
matter of academic debate, the trend across various measures definitely suggests that
economic disparity has increased over the past 30 years and has accelerated in the past
This phenomenon appears to be driven primarily by the rapid growth in income
and assets for those in the top 1 percent of the distribution, while most everyone else has
experienced stagnation.8 This inequality is destabilizing and undermines the ability of
the economy to grow sustainably and efficiently. It is associated with increases in crime,
profound strains on households, lower savings rates, poorer health outcomes, and
diminished levels of trust in people and institutions. 9 All of these forces drag down
maximum economic growth and are anathema to the social progress that is part and

Kennickell, Arthur B., “Ponds and Streams: Wealth and Income in the U.S., 1989 to 2007,” Federal
Reserve Board, Finance and Economics Discussion Series, 2009–13 (2009); Burkhauser, Richard V.,
Shuaizhang Feng, Stephen Jenkins and Jeff Larrimore. 2011. “Recent Trends in Top Income Shares in the
USA: Reconciling Estimates from March CPS and IRS Tax Return Data.” Review of Economics and
Statistics. forthcoming
Daly, Martin, Margo Wilson, and Shawn Vasdev. (2001). “Income Inequality and Homicide rates in
Canada and the United States,” Canadian Journal of Criminology, April : 219-236; Levine, Adam Seth,
Robert H. Frank, and Oege Dijk (2010). “Expenditure Cascades” (September 13). Available at SSRN:; OECD (2011), Society at a Glance 2011 - OECD Social Indicators

-8parcel of such growth. These forces also bring people closer to being “scammed” or
becoming vulnerable to financial schemes that promise quick and easy fixes. Finding
ways to help more Americans safely grow their incomes and net worth in real terms
arguably diminishes the destructive influence of income inequality by giving everyone a
more secure footing in the economy and the same kind of flexibility and choice available
to the more affluent.
Understanding the Impediments to Inclusion
Understanding the impediments to inclusion for Americans will help
policymakers to craft effective responses for expanding access to financial services. As
just described, first and foremost, people need jobs with compensation that can support
them and their families and that provide a source of savings and wealth accumulation. In
other words, they need to be economically included. Second, we should examine barriers
that individual consumers may face.
For example, a Federal Reserve analysis of the SCF suggests that the primary
reason individuals do not have a transaction account is a simple lack of trust in financial
institutions.10 This may originate from negative personal experiences with financial
institutions since more than half of the unbanked previously held checking accounts. For
some immigrants, it may also be due to a more general distrust of financial institutions in
their country of origin that translates to distrust of U.S. institutions.
Opportunities for Innovation
In addition to considering the barriers to accessing transaction, savings, and credit
products, the discussion of expanding financial inclusion should consider new

Hogarth, Jeanne M., Christoslav E. Anguelov, and Jinkook Lee. (2004). “Why Don’t Households Have a
Checking Account?” Journal of Consumer Affairs. 38 (1), 1-34.

-9opportunities that have the potential to make financial services more broadly available.
New technology, such as recent advancements in mobile financial services and the
prepaid card industry, are spurring financial product and service innovation in the private
sector. For example, mobile tools promoting ways to improve the financial capabilities
of, and providing new products and services for, the underbanked are being developed.
At the same time, there is interest in the use of prepaid cards that offer the
payment ability of a debit card, combined with the functions of a checking account, to go
along with an optional savings feature, as a new product that provides expanded options
for consumers without traditional bank accounts. New features, incentives, and discounts
are beginning to flourish as the prepaid market expands and more competitors enter the
marketplace. In fact, at least one prepaid card option encourages timely bill payment and
savings by providing a discount coupon for prepaying a bill. For instance, a consumer
with a $20 utility bill would get a $2 discount for paying the bill early, with the $2 going
into a savings account.
Partnerships are another strategy for delivering financial services at a low cost.
For instance, the Bank On initiatives being launched throughout the country are an
example of how partnerships between banks, credit unions, local governments, and nonprofits can lead to the development and deployment of low-cost products that are
designed to meet the needs of low-income consumers. Bank On campaigns seek to
provide pathways to safe, affordable financial products, such as low- and no-cost
checking accounts that are offered by participating financial institutions.
In addition to the wide range of work engaged in by the Federal Reserve System
that is designed to foster and promote financial inclusion, the System’s Community

- 10 Development function conducts outreach and acts to foster partnerships and provides
research and analysis necessary to understand the challenges confronting low- and
moderate-income individuals and households. By leveraging our strengths as a research
institution through the network of Community Development staff in the 12 Reserve
Banks, their 24 branches, and the Board of Governors, the Federal Reserve System is
able to monitor and respond to changes in the financial services industry while positively
influencing policy that impacts low- and moderate-income consumers.
Changing Demographics
Our collective work in the realm of financial inclusion is occurring within a
landscape for financial services and consumer credit that is changing quickly. Racial and
ethnic diversification of the country presents opportunities for financial service providers
that are attentive to the changing financial needs and preferences of consumers. Rising
immigration from developing countries, and the associated diversity of experience with
formal financial services providers, will challenge the financial services industry to be
more flexible and creative in reaching consumers. 11
To return to where we began--with teenagers--those of us that are privileged to
share our days with them know how technology is absolutely central to their lives. Their
familiarity and comfort with online interaction, combined with their expectation of
immediate, continuous, and universally accessible service, will likely inspire changes to
traditional models of financial service delivery. Traditional financial service providers
that fail to keep pace with the latest technological innovations risk losing market share to


Hogarth, Jeanne M.; Marianne A. Hilgert, Edwin Lucio, Ana Cruz-Taura, Sibyl Howell,, Jessica
LeVeen-Farr, Elizabeth, McQuerry, Juan Sanchez, and Wayne Smith,. (2005). “Banking on Remittances:
Increasing Market Efficiencies for Consumers and Financial Institutions.” Promises and Pitfalls -- Federal
Reserve System’s Fourth Community Affairs Research Conference, 2005

- 11 innovators in this area. Signs that younger Americans are more tenuously attached to the
traditional financial system are already apparent and it is important for policymakers to
understand the implications of this trend for the financial futures of the next generation.12
It may, in fact, turn out to be that the innovations in financial services outside the
traditional banking system will best address the needs of lower-income Americans.
However, it is incumbent upon regulators to ensure that these products and services are
safe, affordable, transparent, and easy to understand, regardless of the provider. In some
cases, regulators may need to ban products that are inherently unfair or deceptive. In all
cases, regulators must ensure that consumers are afforded meaningful protections with
respect to any products that are offered in the financial marketplace. Finally, regulators
must also actively monitor the consumer financial market to guard against developments
that might threaten the stability of the overall economy.
To conclude, the financial crisis has created new challenges in ongoing efforts to
expand economic and financial inclusion. The large numbers of unemployed and
underemployed Americans are at great risk of being unable to access fair, sustainable,
and affordable financial services. It is necessary for the strength of our nation’s recovery
that low- and moderate-income Americans be able to more fully participate in the
economy, and both policymakers and financial innovators should remain committed to
the imperative of building upon the progress that has been made. We need to be prepared
to foster further innovation and outreach. Our overall economic stability relies ultimately
on the collective financial health of all American households, so these are issues in which


Stone, Corey and Joshua Sledge (2010), "Financial First Encounters: An Examination of the Fractured
Financial Landscape Facing Youth Today." (320 KB PDF). Center for Financial Services Innovation.

- 12 we all have a stake. One of the positive commitments that can emerge from this period of
terrible economic distress is the determination that all Americans, regardless of income,
have access to reasonably priced financial products and services so that they may fully
participate in our nation’s economy and safely build assets for their futures.
Thank you.