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The Process of Policy :: January 13, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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The Process of Policy
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Thank you for that kind introduction, Ron. I’m proud to be a part of
the Pilliod Lecture Series, and I’m glad to be here with all of you this
As Ron mentioned, I am approaching the one-year anniversary of my
appointment as president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland. Over the past year, I have spoken to thousands of people
all across this region, and whether the audience has been business
people, bankers, college students, or community leaders, a couple of
topics seem to come up over and over again.

Sandra Pianalto
President and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
The Charles J. Pilliod Lecture Series
Kent State University
January 13, 2004

The first is that people—even people who think they already know
about the Federal Reserve System—really want to know and
understand more. Second, everybody wants to talk about the
economy. So tonight, I’m going to talk about both of these topics.
I’ll give you some background on the Federal Open Market Committee
and its responsibilities for setting monetary policy. I’ll share some
information on our economy and explain why—when it comes to
policymaking—it makes sense to consider a wide range of indicators
and benchmarks. Finally, I’ll conclude my comments by explaining
how people just like many of you, in communities all over our region,
are helping me with the process that leads to monetary
To start, I’ll give you a very brief overview of the Federal Open
Market Committee (FOMC), the Federal Reserve’s policymaking arm.
The FOMC’s long-term objectives are price stability and sustainable
economic growth.
The FOMC consists of nineteen members: the seven members of the
Board of Governors and the twelve Reserve Bank presidents. Twelve
of the nineteen are voting members of the Committee. The seven
Governors and the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
always have a vote. Four of the remaining eleven Reserve Bank
presidents vote on a rotating basis. The presidents of the Cleveland
and Chicago Federal Reserve Banks rotate every year, and the other
nine presidents get a vote every three years.
Last year, I participated in the FOMC meetings as a nonvoting
member of the Committee. Each Reserve Bank president has an
equally important voice in the national policy discussion, whether he
or she is voting that year or not. The only difference is that voters
get one more word at the end of the meeting—“yea” or “nay.” This
year, I become a voting member, which means I will have a voice and
a vote.
I have outlined the structure of the Federal Open Market Committee;
now I want to invite you to attend a meeting of the FOMC. I can’t[4/29/2014 2:16:13 PM]

The Process of Policy :: January 13, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
literally do that, of course, because these sessions are not open to
the public, but I can try to describe a meeting for you.
Here, I would like to acknowledge former Federal Reserve Board
Governor Larry Meyer who, in 1998, delivered a lecture called “Come
with Me to the FOMC.” I will walk you through a typical FOMC
meeting agenda in the way Dr. Meyer did.
The FOMC meets in Washington, generally eight times a year. Just
before the 9:00 a.m. start, Committee members gather around an
immense oval table. The first presentation comes from the manager
of the System Open Market Account at the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, who covers developments in domestic and international
financial markets, as well as open market operations, since the last
FOMC meeting.
Next, we turn our attention to the domestic and international
economic projections. These projections are developed by the
economists at the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors and are
contained in a document known as the Green Book. The projections
are reviewed with the Committee, whose members use this time on
the agenda to raise questions about the projections and discuss issues
associated with them.
The meeting then shifts to what we call a “go-round,” when
Committee members give their views on the economic outlook. The
Bank presidents usually go first. In addition to commenting on the
national outlook, we present information from our regions. Later, I’ll
explain the nature of this information and how we collect it.
After each member has spoken, it is time to consider policy options,
which are outlined for the Committee members in advance, in a
document called the Blue Book. The director of the Monetary Affairs
Division at the Board of Governors lays out the policy options for the
Committee. Then it is time for a second go-round, with members
stating their views on which policy option should be adopted. This
time, Chairman Alan Greenspan goes first.
If it is obvious that members generally agree, this go-round is often
fairly brief; otherwise, a more in-depth discussion takes place. When
the go-round wraps up, it is time to vote. The Committee strives to
reach consensus on the policy decision and, more often than not, a
unanimous vote results.
Each meeting concludes with a decision—or policy directive-designed
to achieve the objectives I mentioned earlier, price stability and
sustainable economic growth. The primary tool to execute the policy
directive is targeting the federal funds rate through open market
operations. By this I mean that the Federal Reserve buys or sells
government securities on the open market. These operations enable
us to affect the liquidity of the banking system, thereby enabling us
to achieve our target for the federal funds rate—the interest rate
that banks charge each other for funds on an overnight basis.
The Committee’s decision is publicly announced at around 2:15 that
afternoon. By then, the meeting has ended and it is time for me to
return to Cleveland and begin preparing for the next FOMC meeting.
That’s the process in a nutshell. My brief description might sound
quite cut and dried—but I’ll tell you, even though I’ve been part of
the Federal Reserve System for more than 20 years, my first year as
president has left me with a deep appreciation for the complexity of
the task of policymaking.
This brings me to the second area I’d like to cover this evening. The
forces driving the economy at any point in time are complex—which[4/29/2014 2:16:13 PM]

The Process of Policy :: January 13, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
makes formulating the appropriate policy a real challenge. This is
especially true in times like the present. We are in the third year of
an economic recovery, but the lack of employment growth has made
this a very unusual recovery. At this stage of recovery from the 2001
recession, many economists expected much stronger employment
growth than we have seen to date.
Ordinarily, at this stage of a business cycle, the level of employment
returns to—or exceeds—its level prior to the onset of the last
recession. Unfortunately, employment growth in this phase of the
current cycle is the slowest in 50 years, a situation that remains
something of a puzzle.
Businesses are adjusting to rapid technological advances and rising
global competition. Changing trade patterns are not only affecting
the manufacturing sector, as has been the case for decades; they are
also having an impact on the service sector. W e’ve all read press
accounts about companies moving their software development, call
centers, and back-office operations offshore.
Productivity growth during this recovery has been high compared with
other postwar recoveries—indeed, productivity growth has not stayed
this strong this long into a recovery in over 30 years. I view this as a
favorable development, since rapid productivity growth is usually
followed by growth in wages and employment. However, the pick-up
in wages and employment might lag the productivity spurt in the
short run.
Businesses often require some time to restructure their operations to
take advantage of new technologies. In the process, we may find that
there is a mismatch between the skills required by sectors of the
economy that are growing and the skills of our current labor force.
The very slow growth in employment that we are seeing could be
indicative of this type of restructuring, even while other indicators of
economic activity appear satisfactory.
How can we make sense of these developments as we formulate
Most economists rely on a concept known as the output gap. Output
gaps represent a divergence between what we actually produce in
our economy and what we estimate we could produce if all of our
labor and capital resources were fully utilized. We call what we
actually produce GDP, and the estimate of what we could produce
potential GDP.
Many economists theorize that disinflationary, or even deflationary,
pressures can arise if GDP is too far below its potential. Inflationary
pressures can loom if GDP is too far above its potential.
Application of the output gap concept is complicated because the
potential of the economy is not something we can directly observe.
Weak labor markets might mean that there is deficient spending in
the economy and the economy is performing below its potential.
However, a weak labor market might also reflect a fundamental
restructuring of the economy that, for a time, somewhat lowers
potential output.
It is important to be mindful of the possibility that restructuring can
alter the historical relationships among the variables policymakers
typically look at. Uncertainty about whether—and how—the economy
might be changing inevitably leads policymakers to look for
supplemental indicators to help us understand how to best depict the
economic environment.
Financial markets are another important source of information. Just[4/29/2014 2:16:13 PM]

The Process of Policy :: January 13, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
as economists have found the concept of potential output to be a
useful guide to policy, they have found another concept, the natural
rate of interest, to be a helpful policy guidepost. You can think of
the natural rate of interest as the rate of return to capital that is
consistent with an economy growing at its potential.
When the federal funds rate lies below the natural rate, policy is
described variously as stimulative or accommodative. Conversely,
when the funds rate lies above the natural rate, policy is commonly
described as restrictive or tight.
As is the case with potential output, the natural rate of interest
cannot be directly observed; what is just as problematic, the natural
rate can fluctuate as part of the economic restructuring process.
When you hear people say that policymaking is both art and science,
you can now see why: Policymakers must exercise considerable
judgement when interpreting the information we receive.
A significant part of my preparation for FOMC meetings essentially
involves sifting through the different explanations that might lie
behind the data we observe. The research staff at the Bank and I
review a wide variety of data and attempt to match it to a set of
plausible underlying explanations. At the FOMC meeting itself, I share
this information—and my interpretation of it—with my colleagues.
So how exactly do I go about getting the information that allows me
to assess which models of the economy best fit the facts at a given
time? That’s my third area of focus tonight—the process that
precedes and supports my preparations for policy meetings and the
role that people all over the region are playing in this important
Obviously, I rely on my research staff to sift through the latest
economic information and help me think through the issues that the
upcoming Committee deliberations are likely to deal with. While this
is an essential part of the process, it is insufficient by itself.
Very often, the official data that are available are just not current
enough for a forward-looking enterprise like monetary policymaking.
So I must rely not only on my team of economists—as talented as
they are—to prepare for FOMC meetings, but also on people in the
community. Input from people like you provides me with good
information on the economy far ahead of when the official statistics
are released. But there is a more subtle value as well.
You might think of the statistical data that we get on the economy as
being a bit like the readout on your car’s dashboard: All of the
information is meant to tell you what is happening to your car, but
typically does not tell you why it is happening. When the oil light on
your car’s dashboard begins to flash, you know that the oil is
probably low, but you don’t know why. Maybe there’s a leak, or
maybe your mechanic left the cap off. To find out, you have to look
under the hood.
In a sense, meeting with people in the region is my way of looking
under the economy’s hood. The conversations help me understand
the why behind the what. That’s extremely important in helping me
judge the reasonableness of the various explanations being offered
for the condition of the national economy and in correctly calibrating
There are a number of vehicles that I rely on to collect these
anecdotal accounts from people across the region.
First, members of my Board of Directors brief me on business
conditions in their industries and communities every two weeks. As a[4/29/2014 2:16:13 PM]

The Process of Policy :: January 13, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
matter of fact, providing information on the economy is an important
role of Directors in the Federal Reserve System.
I also have two advisory councils made up of banking and business
leaders from across the region. I meet with these councils a few
times a year and I view them as another important source of
information in preparing me for policy meetings.
Finally, I hear from individuals in the region through the Beige Book
process. The Beige Book is a Federal Reserve System publication that
assembles anecdotal accounts of current economic conditions. These
accounts are usually collected through telephone interviews
conducted by each of the Reserve Banks.
The aim is to survey a broad cross-section of contacts in the region to
form as complete a picture of economic conditions as we are able to
produce. These interviews, conducted in advance of all scheduled
FOMC meetings, involve a mix of contacts who provide new insights
and noteworthy patterns over time.
As you can see, as a Reserve Bank president, I have a lot of formal
ways of gathering information. I also have a less formal, but equally
important, way to find out w hat’s going on. I talk with people—
people just like you. I travel all over the region, meeting with
bankers and business people. Every time I am invited to speak at an
event like this one, I try to listen just as much as I talk. The
comments and feedback I get help to sharpen the focus of the
current policy debate.
This evening I have given you some background on the Federal Open
Market Committee and its role in formulating monetary policy. I have
explained why policymaking is such a challenge in today’s economy,
and I’ve given you a glimpse into the process of policymaking—and
the vital role people all across our region play in that important
For me, being at the table to chart the most prudent and sensible
economic course is both a rare experience and a humbling
responsibility, and I am extremely proud to be a part of it.
Thank you..
1As always, the views expressed in this speech are those of the
speaker and do not reflect official positions of the Federal Reserve

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