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Inflation, Inflation Expectations, and Monetary Policy :: September 8, 2006 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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Inflation, Inflation Expectations,
and Monetary Policy

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto


President and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

As a Federal Reserve policymaker, I constantly review the latest
national and international economic statistics. Economists throughout
the Federal Reserve System pore over the data, conduct research,
and create models to project economic activity. But I also rely on
conversations I have with business leaders to get a better sense of
how you see economic conditions and the prospects for business going

Copper Development Association,
Global Market Trends Conference
Wyndham Drake Hote, Oak Brook,
September 8, 2006

For example, last month, right before the Federal Open Market
Committee meeting, one of the CEOs of a very large manufacturing
firm in my District called to tell me about a manufacturing trade
association meeting he had just attended. He said that rising copper
prices dominated the discussions at that meeting. He told me that
from the perspective of those in attendance, the rise in copper prices
was not totally demand driven - other factors were driving up copper
Understanding why the prices of commodities, like copper, increase
or decrease is one of the many pieces of the puzzle that we as
policymakers try to fit together to help us figure out how the
economy and inflation will perform in the future.
As I am sure you are well aware, the Federal Open Market
Committee, or FOMC, decided to keep the federal funds rate target
unchanged at our last meeting on August 8. Although I cannot speak
for any of my colleagues on the Committee, let me explain what was
behind my decision to support a pause at that meeting.
Although the elevated inflation numbers concerned me, and indeed
they still do, the overall pace of economic activity - especially
housing activity - had begun to moderate, and the full effect of the
FOMC's previous rate increases had not yet been felt. I viewed the
pause as appropriate to give me the chance to accumulate more
information before judging whether additional policy firming would
be needed.
Another important element in my thinking was the stability of
inflation expectations. I will quote directly from the minutes of the
August 8 meeting here: "Following 17 consecutive policy firming
actions, members generally saw limited risk in deferring further
policy tightening that might prove necessary, as long as inflation
expectations remained contained."
I put special emphasis on inflation expectations because that is the
topic I would like to discuss with you this morning. In particular, I[4/29/2014 2:08:08 PM]

Inflation, Inflation Expectations, and Monetary Policy :: September 8, 2006 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
want to explain why it is vitally important that the central bank - the
Federal Reserve - anchor inflation expectations in order to best
promote sustainable economic growth.
I will begin by explaining how inflation - which Congress has
mandated the Federal Reserve to control - is conceptually different
from relative price increases. Then I will talk about why keeping
inflation expectations anchored is so important to our nation's
prosperity. Finally, I will describe some of the measures I use to
gauge inflation expectations and why it is important to continue to
learn more about inflation expectations.

I. What Is Inflation and How Is It Different
from a Relative Price Increase?
Let me begin by making a crucial distinction - between inflation and
a relative price increase.1 People often see price increases in some
of the items they buy and assume that a period of inflation has
begun. However, inflation is a condition that affects all prices, not
just the price of particular goods or services.
Consider copper prices. As of yesterday, copper prices were roughly
seven times higher than they were in 1965. Now, I might conclude
that the resource costs of obtaining copper are now seven times
higher than they were forty-some years ago. But we all know that's
not true.
The truth is that, despite large swings up and down, the relative
price of copper - that is, its price relative to the average of all prices
- tended to fall for much of the period from the mid-1970s through
2001.2 Over the past several years, the relative price of copper has
shot up, of course, but even with this sharp increase, the relative
price is nowhere near seven times its 1965 level.
Copper prices have not risen that much more than all prices, on
average. The fact is that all prices, on average, have risen five-fold
in the past forty years. This five-fold increase in all prices is inflation.
Changes in relative prices--that is, the prices of individual items
relative to the average of all prices--are quite different from
inflation. Changes in relative prices reflect changes in the supply and
demand conditions in specific markets. Sometimes we experience
such a large and persistent relative price change that it temporarily
ripples through the inflation data. The obvious example is energy
Today, energy prices are greatly increasing the costs faced by
virtually every business and household in our country. Purchasing the
same amount of gasoline or heating oil as we did a couple of years
ago requires us either to earn more, save less, or purchase fewer
non-energy items. Adjusting to higher energy prices requires us to
make real sacrifices. The Federal Reserve cannot offset these costs
because we do not create oil.3
Nevertheless, the Federal Reserve can still control inflation over the
medium to longer term. How can we control the average price level
over time? To paraphrase a famous economist, Irving Fisher, the
average price level doesn't rise because of the goods; it rises because
of the money.4 Simply put, if growth in money exceeds its demand,
its purchasing power will depreciate. This is inflation. It affects all
prices and wages, and ultimately it has only one origin, the central
bank. This is because the central bank is solely responsible for
5[4/29/2014 2:08:08 PM]

Inflation, Inflation Expectations, and Monetary Policy :: September 8, 2006 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
managing the nation's money supply.
I think most people recognize the importance of allowing individual
prices to move up and down relative to one another. At the same
time, I think that most people would agree that allowing the value of
our money to depreciate over time is bad for economic prosperity.
But just what is it about inflation that is so costly? How is it that
inflation uses up precious resources?6 Well, it turns out that the
lasting harm to our economy comes when a sustained period of
inflation changes inflation expectations. This, in turn, affects the
decisions that households and businesses make. Let me turn to that
topic in more detail.

II. Why Anchoring Inflation Expectations Is
Important to Prosperity
Back in 1968, Milton Friedman warned economists and policymakers
not to try to stimulate economic growth at the cost of "just a little
more" inflation.7 He predicted that people would come to anticipate
that little bit of extra inflation, and then would change their
behavior in various ways. The end result would be slower economic
growth and ever-higher inflation. In effect, Friedman was warning
policymakers not to treat inflation as a static concept, but to
appreciate the interdependence between inflation and inflation
Unfortunately, the economic events of the 1970s bear out Friedman's
warning. Households and businesses did adjust their behavior to
minimize the costs they faced from rising inflation. And once
inflation expectations became unglued, we watched with dismay as
the costs arising from inflation expectations took a huge toll on our
resources. The economy spiraled into "stagflation" - an environment
of worsening economic performance and higher inflation.
Let's consider some of the ways that rising inflation expectations can
hinder economic performance. For example, we know that people
who fear higher inflation often choose to put their wealth into real
assets, such as land, or gold, or silver, or copper.8 They do this not
so much as a traditional business investment, but as a hedge against
a rising price level. So as the expectation of inflation grows, these
asset prices will likely reflect two things: the value of the asset in
production and its value as an inflation hedge. This alters the flow of
our scarce resources from their best use.
Of course, this is just one example of the damage that an inflationary
psychology inflicts on our economy. When people begin to anticipate
a decline in the purchasing power of their dollars, they will take
many actions to protect themselves. They will use their time and
wealth to try to minimize the amount of money they hold because
that money is slowly losing its purchasing power. Inflation also raises
the effective tax rate that people pay on income they earn from
investing and saving. This, in turn, induces people to forgo
investments and discourages them from saving.
Inflation also makes it difficult for borrowers and lenders, who now
must evaluate the future purchasing power of money, not just the
real terms of a contract. The costs associated with making these
predictions rise with inflation because higher levels of inflation are
generally more volatile and more difficult to predict. As inflation
becomes more unpredictable, lenders demand insurance against this
risk in the form of higher interest rates. This makes long-term
contracts, particularly financial contracts, more costly than they[4/29/2014 2:08:08 PM]

Inflation, Inflation Expectations, and Monetary Policy :: September 8, 2006 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
would be if inflation weren't a concern.
People can also make costly mistakes as they try to distinguish
between changes in relative prices and inflation. If inflation is highly
unpredictable, entrepreneurs may assume that all price changes are
the result of the inflationary policies of the central bank, and ignore
some important relative price signals telling them to adjust their
business plans.
All of the actions that people take to guard against inflation consume
precious resources that would be used more productively in a world
where people didn't have to worry about inflation. These are the
costs that that a central bank must keep in check if our economy is
to achieve its full potential.

III. The Measurement and Theory of Inflation
Well, it's one thing to understand that you want to keep inflation
expectations in check, but it is an entirely different matter knowing
when, in fact, they are in check. Let me explain some of the ways we
attempt to measure inflation expectations.
We can look for changes in inflationary sentiment in a variety of
indicators. Asset markets give us some indirect measures. For
example, we can track the price movements of any number of
investment goods, such as metals and other commodities, or real
estate, or any tangible asset that investors might see as a "safe
haven" from inflation.
We can also monitor the behavior of long-term interest rates relative
to short-term rates, otherwise known as "the yield curve." A
steepening of the yield curve - that is, a rise in long-term rates
relative to short-term rates - might signal that bond buyers are
demanding some protection against inflation.9
A relatively new and very promising measurement comes from
Treasury Inflation Indexed Securities, commonly known as TIPS.
These securities give the investor a fixed real return because their
principal and interest payments are tied to the Consumer Price
Index. Because regular Treasury securities are not tied to the CPI, we
can compare the rate of return between TIPS and regular Treasury
securities to infer how much inflation investors might expect to see
over different time horizons - for example, over the next 5 to 10
The problem with financial market indicators is that asset prices
respond to any number of risks, not just inflation.10 In a world that is
always confronting and evaluating risks, disentangling the inflation
risk from all the other risks is a very imperfect science. Nevertheless,
financial market indicators are proving to be a useful yardstick for
monitoring inflation expectations.11
You might think that a better way to gauge inflation expectations
would be to simply ask people their views on inflation. In fact, there
is a survey that does just that. Once a month, the University of
Michigan interviews about 500 households around the nation, asking
people how much they think prices will rise in the next 12 months
and over the next 5 to 10 years. Here, too, there are some problems
with interpreting the raw data. For one thing, households' beliefs
about future inflation are typically much higher than the actual
inflation rate.[4/29/2014 2:08:08 PM]

Inflation, Inflation Expectations, and Monetary Policy :: September 8, 2006 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Also, in v e stig a tio n s in to th e su rv ey d a t a h av e re v e a le d so m e
fa s c in a tin g p a tte r n s . For e x a m p le , p e o p le a r e likely to r e p o r t th e ir
in fla tio n p re d ic tio n s in te rm s o f w h o le n u m b e rs, a n d p a r tic u la r w h o le
n u m b e rs a t th a t. It tu rn s o u t t h a t p e o p le a r e f a r m o re likely to re p o r t
t h a t th e y e x p e c t 0 , 3, o r 5 p e r c e n t in fla tio n th a n 1, 2 , o r 4
p e r c e n t .12
R e sea rch a t th e F e d e ra l R e serv e Bank o f C lev e lan d also re v e a ls
sh a rp ly d if f e r e n t p e rs p e c tiv e s on f u tu r e in fla tio n ac ro ss d e m o g ra p h ic
g ro u p s. W om en, on a v e ra g e , te n d to h a v e h ig h e r in fla tio n
e x p e c ta tio n s th a n m e n , th e p o o r h ig h e r th a n th e rich , a n d th e young
an d e ld e r ly h ig h e r th a n th e m id d le - a g e d .13
T h e se p a tte r n s in th e su rv e y re sp o n se s m ay b e m o re th a n j u s t an
in te lle c tu a l c u rio sity . W hen you g e t rig h t dow n to it, w e re a lly know
v e ry lit tle a b o u t how p e o p le fo rm th e ir in fla tio n e x p e c ta tio n s . To
w h a t e x t e n t a r e e x p e c ta tio n s b a s e d on p a s t in fla tio n e x p e r ie n c e
v e rsu s looking in to th e f u tu r e ? Do p e o p le sc o u r all o f th e a v a ila b le
d a t a to p r e d ic t in fla tio n , o r do th e y j u s t c o n s id e r th e in fo rm a tio n
m o st re a d ily a v a ila b le to th e m ? And, p e rh a p s m o s t im p o r ta n t, h o w do
p e o p le a c t on th e in fla tio n e x p e c ta tio n s t h a t w e m e a s u re th ro u g h
th e h o u se h o ld su rv ey s?
T h e re is m uch a t s ta k e in th e a n s w e rs to th e s e q u e s tio n s. W e m ig h t
d isc o v e r im p o r ta n t d if fe r e n c e s b e tw e e n h o u se h o ld su rv ey in fo rm a tio n
an d fin a n c ia l m a rk e t d a ta . W e m ay also fin d an a n s w e r to o n e o f th e
g r e a t q u e s tio n s - a n d o b s ta c le s - in th e m o n e ta ry p o licy p ro c e ss.
N am ely, a r e in fla tio n e x p e c ta tio n s re sp o n sib le fo r th e long tim e it
ta k e s fo r m o n e ta ry policy a c tio n s to sh o w up in th e in fla tio n d a t a ?
U n d e rsta n d in g w h a t lies b e h in d o u r m e a s u re s o f in fla tio n
e x p e c ta tio n s co u ld g re a tly e n h a n c e th e d esig n an d c o n d u c t o f
m o n e ta ry policy. For e x a m p le , i t co u ld h e lp us u n d e rs ta n d w h a t
ty p e s o f in s titu tio n a l a r r a n g e m e n ts a n d c o m m u n ic a tio n p o lic ie s h e lp
th e c e n tr a l b a n k re ta in c re d ib ility fo r m e e tin g its p ric e s ta b ility
o b je c tiv e , e v e n w h e n la rg e a n d p e r s is te n t re la tiv e p ric e c h a n g e s
rip p le th ro u g h th e in fla tio n d a ta .
To t h a t e n d , u nlocking so m e o f th e m y ste rie s a b o u t in fla tio n
e x p e c ta tio n s m ay h e lp c e n tr a l b anks d e c id e w h e th e r , a n d how , to
in c o rp o r a te a n u m e ric a l in fla tio n o b je c tiv e in to th e m o n e ta ry policy
p r o c e s s .14 S om e c e n tr a l b an k s h av e u se d th e s e n u m e ric a l o b je c tiv e s
as a to o l to h e lp a n c h o r in fla tio n e x p e c ta tio n s . E co n o m ists r e f e r to a
n u m e ric a l in fla tio n o b je c tiv e as a " c o m m itm e n t d ev ice ," t h a t is, a
m e a n s fo r holding a c e n tr a l bank's f e e t to th e f ire . T h a t m ay b e so.
B ut w h e th e r o r n o t th e r e is an e x p lic it n u m e ric a l o b je c tiv e , a n c h o rin g
in fla tio n e x p e c ta tio n s re q u ire s a c e n tr a l b a n k to k e e p in fla tio n low
an d s ta b le , to re in fo rc e its c o m m itm e n t to p ric e s ta b ility , a n d to
c le a rly c o m m u n ic a te its p o lic ie s in p u rs u it o f t h a t c o m m itm e n t.
I w e lc o m e re s e a r c h t h a t h elp s us le a rn a b o u t th e s tr e n g th s an d
w e a k n e sse s o f v ario u s c o m m u n ic a tio n to o ls a n d s tr a te g ie s d e s ig n e d
to k e e p in fla tio n e x p e c ta tio n s firm ly a n c h o re d . This is a re s e a rc h
a g e n d a an d a discu ssio n t h a t is now u n d e r w ay in th e F e d e ra l
R eserv e , a n d I am e x c ite d to b e e n g a g e d in it.

I h o p e t h a t I h av e given you a b e t t e r u n d e rs ta n d in g o f w h y it is so
im p o r ta n t fo r th e F e d e ra l R e serv e to a n c h o r in fla tio n e x p e c ta tio n s .
In fla tio n is w h a t th e F e d e ra l R e serv e c a n c o n tro l - n o t th e p ric e o f oil
o r c o p p e r o r an y o th e r c o m m o d ity . By an c h o rin g th e in fla tio n
e x p e c ta tio n s o f h o u se h o ld s a n d b u sin e sse s, w e w ill h e lp su sta in th e[4/29/2014 2:08:08 PM]

Inflation, Inflation Expectations, and Monetary Policy :: September 8, 2006 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
prosperity that generations of Americans have come to enjoy. And as
we learn more about how inflation expectations are formed, we can
do our job as monetary policymakers even better.

[1] A discussion of these issues can be found in Bryan, Michael F., "Is
It More Expensive, Or Does It Just Cost More Money?" Economic
Commentary, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, May 15, 2002.

[2] Based on the CPI.
[3] There may be indirect costs that the central bank can help ease.
For example, if oil prices rise and, as a result, labor productivity
falls, there will be downward pressure on wages. If wages are
downwardly "sticky," unemployment may result and the creation of a
rising price level might allow "real" wages to adjust and alleviate the
unemployment. These are not the direct costs of higher oil prices,

[4] "[By inflation w]e mean the .movement which would have been
brought about if the 'changes on the side of money', . changes which
tend to affect all prices equally, had been the only changes
operating and there had been no forces present 'on the side of the
things' tending to change their prices relatively to one another."
Irving Fisher, 1922.
[5] Appreciating this distinction helps one better understand ideas
like "core" inflation, which are useful metrics for the central bank,
and perhaps only the central bank, to monitor. These core inflation
measures, most commonly constructed as an aggregate price statistic
less food and energy prices, attempt to strip away the most volatile
of the relative price movements that may temporarily cause the
aggregate price measure to fluctuate in a way that is not
symptomatic of a persistent change in the purchasing power of
[6] A recent summary of these costs can be found in Anderson,
Richard G., "Inflation's Economic Cost: How Large? How Certain?" The
Regional Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, July 2006.
[7] Friedman, Milton, "The Role of Monetary Policy," American
Economic Review, vol. 58, no. 1, March 1968, pp. 1-17.
[8] It may also be that the process by which inflation is transmitted
to all prices begins with basic commodities like copper. Indeed, there
is some evidence that commodity prices tend to lead inflation at the
retail level, although the statistical strength of this relationship is not
especially strong. For example, see Furlong, Fred, and Robert
Ingenito, "Commodity Prices and Inflation," Economic Review, Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 1996 (no. 2).
[9] Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke discusses the link
between monetary policy and the yield curve in "Reflections on the
Yield Curve and Monetary Policy," speech before the Economic Club
of New York, March 20, 2006.
[10] For a discussion of monetary policy and the behavior of asset
prices, including the pitfalls of policy based on the behavior of asset
prices, I recommend Kohn, Donald L., "Monetary Policy and Asset
Prices," Speech delivered at a European Central Bank Colloquium in
honor of Otmar Issing, March 16, 2006.[4/29/2014 2:08:08 PM]

Inflation, Inflation Expectations, and Monetary Policy :: September 8, 2006 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
[11] Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland suggests that
the risk premium in the TIPS market is likely to fluctuate and
complicate an accurate interpretation of the inflationary sentiment
coming from financial markets. See Carlstrom, Charles T., and
Timothy S. Fuerst, "Expected Inflation and TIPS," Economic
Commentary, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, November 2004.
[12] See Bryan, Michael F. and Stefan Palmqvist, "Testing NearĀ­
Rationality Using Detailed Survey Data," Working Paper, Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, 05-02.
[13] See Bryan, Michael F. and Guhan Venkatu, "The Demographics of
Inflation Opinion Surveys," Economic Commentary, Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, October 15, 2001, and "The Curiously Different
Inflation Perspectives of Men and Woman," Economic Commentary,
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, November 2001.
[14] A large number of recent papers have described various ways the
formation of inflation expectations may affect the conduct of the
central bank. Two examples are: Ball, Laurence, N. Gregory Mankiw,
and Ricardo Reis, "Monetary Policy for Inattentive Economies,"
Journal of Monetary Economics 52, May 2005, and Orphanides,
Athanasios, and John C. Williams, "Inflation Targeting under
Imperfect Knowledge," Working Paper, Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco, April 2006.

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