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Statement of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Richard A. Brown, Chief
Economist, on Lessons Learned
from the
Financial Crisis Regarding Community Banks
before the
Committee on Banking, Housing,
Urban Affairs, United States Senate;
534 Dirksen Senate
Office Building
June 13, 2013

Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Crapo, and members of the Committee, we
appreciate the opportunity to testify on behalf of the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC) regarding the state of community banking and to describe the
findings of the FDIC Community Banking Study (the Study), a comprehensive review
based on 27 years of data on community banks.1
As the Committee is well aware, the recent financial crisis has proved challenging for all
financial institutions. The FDIC’s problem bank list peaked at 888 institutions in 2011.
Since January 2008, 481 insured depository institutions have failed, with banks under
$1 billion making up 419 of those failures. Fortunately, the pace of failures has declined
significantly since 2010, a trend we expect to continue.
Given the challenges that community banks, in particular, have faced in recent years,
the FDIC launched a "Community Banking Initiative" (Initiative) last year to refocus our
efforts to communicate with community banks and to better understand their concerns.
The knowledge gathered through this Initiative will help to ensure that our supervisory
actions are grounded in the recognition of the important role that community banks play
in our economy. A key product of the Initiative was our FDIC Community Banking Study,
published last December, which is discussed in more detail below.
In my testimony, I describe some key lessons from the failures of certain community
banks during the recent crisis identified by the FDIC Community Banking Study.
Consistent with the studies performed under P.L. 112-88 by the FDIC Office of
Inspector General (OIG) and Government Accountability Office (GAO), the Study found
three primary factors that contributed to bank failures in the recent crisis, namely: 1)
rapid growth; 2) excessive concentrations in commercial real estate lending (especially
acquisition and development lending); and 3) funding through highly volatile deposits.
By contrast, community banks that followed a traditional, conservative business plan of
prudent growth, careful underwriting and stable deposit funding overwhelmingly were
able to survive the recent crisis.

FDIC Community Banking Study
In December 2012, the FDIC released the FDIC Community Banking Study, a
comprehensive review of the U.S. community banking sector covering 27 years of data.
The Study set out to explore some of the important trends that have shaped the
operating environment for community banks over this period, including: long-term
industry consolidation; the geographic footprint of community banks; their comparative
financial performance overall and by lending specialty group; efficiency and economies
of scale; and access to capital. This research was based on a new definition of
community bank that goes beyond the asset size of institutions to also account for the
types of lending and deposit gathering activities and the limited geographic scope that
are characteristic of community banks.
Specifically, where most previous studies have defined community banks strictly in
terms of asset size (typically including banks with assets less than $1 billion), our study
introduced a definition that takes into account a focus on lending, reliance on core
deposit funding, and a limited geographic scope of operations. Applying these criteria
for the baseline year of 2010 had the effect of excluding 92 banking organizations with
assets less than $1 billion while including 330 banking organizations with assets greater
than $1 billion. Importantly, the 330 community banks over $1 billion in size held $623
billion in total assets – approximately one-third of the community bank total. While these
institutions would have been excluded under many size-based definitions, we found that
they operated in a similar fashion to smaller community banks. It is important to note
that the purpose of this definition is research and analysis; it is not intended to substitute
for size-based thresholds that are currently embedded in statute, regulation, and
supervisory practice
Our research confirms the crucial role that community banks play in the American
financial system. As defined by the Study, community banks represented 95 percent of
all U.S. banking organizations in 2011. These institutions accounted for just 14 percent
of the U.S. banking assets in our nation, but held 46 percent of all the small loans to
businesses and farms made by FDIC-insured institutions. While their share of total
deposits has declined over time, community banks still hold the majority of bank
deposits in rural and micropolitan counties.2 The Study showed that in 629 U.S.
counties (or almost one-fifth of all U.S. counties), the only banking offices operated by
FDIC-insured institutions at year-end 2011 were those operated by community banks.
Without community banks, many rural areas, small towns and urban neighborhoods
would have little or no physical access to mainstream banking services.
Our Study took an in-depth look at the long-term trend of banking industry consolidation
that has reduced the number of federally insured banks and thrifts from 17,901 in 1984
to 7,357 in 2011. All of this net consolidation can be accounted for by an even larger
decline in the number of institutions with assets less than $100 million. But a closer look
casts significant doubt on the notion that future consolidation will continue at this same
pace, or that the community banking model is in any way obsolete.

More than 2,500 institutions have failed since 1984, with the vast majority failing in the
crisis periods of the 1980s, early 1990s, and the period since 2007. To the extent that
future crises can be avoided or mitigated, bank failures should contribute much less to
future consolidation. In addition, about one third of the consolidation that has taken
place since 1984 is the result of charter consolidation within bank holding companies,
while just under half is the result of voluntary mergers. But both of these trends were
greatly facilitated by the gradual relaxation of restrictions on intrastate branching at the
state level in the 1980s and early 1990s, as well as the rising trend of interstate
branching that followed enactment of the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching
Efficiency Act of 1994. The pace of voluntary consolidation has indeed slowed over the
past 15 years as the effects of these one-time changes were realized. Finally, the Study
questions whether the rapid pre-crisis growth of some of the nation’s largest banks,
which occurred largely as a result of mergers and acquisitions and growth in retail
lending, can continue at the same pace going forward. Some of the pre-crisis cost
savings realized by large banks have proven to be unsustainable in the post-crisis
period, and a return to pre-crisis rates of growth in consumer and mortgage lending
appears, for now anyway, to be a questionable assumption.
The Study finds that community banks that grew prudently and that maintained
diversified portfolios or otherwise stuck to their core lending competencies during the
Study period exhibited relatively strong and stable performance over time. The
strongest performing lending groups across the entire Study period were community
banks specializing in agricultural lending, diversified banks with no single specialty, and
consumer lending specialists, although the latter group had shrunk to fewer than one
percent of community banks by 2011. Agricultural specialists and diversified nonspecialists also failed at rates well below other community banks during the Study
period. Other types of institutions that pursued higher-growth strategies – frequently
through commercial real estate or construction and development lending – encountered
severe problems during real estate downturns and generally underperformed over the
long run.
Moreover, the Study finds that economies of scale play a limited role in the viability of
community banks. While average costs are found to be higher for very small community
banks, most economies of scale are largely realized by the time an institution reaches
$100 million to $300 million in size, depending on the lending specialty. These results
comport well with the experience of banking industry consolidation during our Study
period (1984 – 2011), in which the number of bank and thrift charters with assets less
than $25 million declined by 96 percent, while the number of charters with assets
between $100 million and $1 billion grew by 19 percent.
With regard to measuring the costs associated with regulatory compliance, the Study
noted that the financial data collected by regulators does not identify regulatory costs as
a distinct category of expenses. In light of the limitations of the data and the importance
of this topic in our discussions with community bankers, as part of our Study the FDIC
conducted interviews with a group of community banks to try to learn more about

regulatory costs. As described in Appendix B of the Study, most interview participants
stated that no single regulation or practice had a significant effect on their institution.
Instead, most stated that the strain on their organization came from the cumulative
effects of all the regulatory requirements that have built up over time. Many of the
interview participants indicated that they have increased staff over the past ten years to
support the enhanced responsibility associated with regulatory compliance. Still, none of
the interview participants indicated that they actively track the various costs associated
with regulatory compliance, because it is too time-consuming, too costly, and so
interwoven into their operations that it would be difficult to break out these specific
costs. These responses point to the challenges of achieving a greater degree of
quantification in studying this important topic.
In summary, the Study finds that, despite the challenges of the current operating
environment, the community banking sector remains a viable and vital component of the
overall U.S. financial system. It identifies a number of issues for future research,
including the role of commercial real estate lending at community banks, their use of
new technologies, and how additional information might be obtained on regulatory
compliance costs.
Examination and Rulemaking Review
In addition to the comprehensive study on community banks, the FDIC also reviewed its
examination, rulemaking, and guidance processes during 2012 with a goal of identifying
ways to make the supervisory process more efficient, consistent, and transparent , while
maintaining safe and sound banking practices. This review was informed by a February
2012 FDIC conference on the challenges and opportunities facing community banks, a
series of six roundtable discussions with community bankers around the nation, and by
ongoing discussions with the FDIC’s Advisory Committee on Community Banking.
Based on concerns raised in these discussions, the FDIC has implemented a number of
enhancements to our supervisory and rulemaking processes. First, the FDIC has
restructured the pre-exam process to better scope examinations, define expectations,
and improve efficiency. Second, the FDIC is taking steps to improve communication
with banks under our supervision. Using web-based tools, the FDIC created a
regulatory calendar that alerts stakeholders to critical information as well as comment
and compliance deadlines relating to new or amended federal banking laws, regulations
and supervisory guidance. The calendar includes notices of proposed, interim and final
rulemakings, and provides information about banker teleconferences and other
important events related to changes in laws, regulations, and supervisory guidance. The
FDIC also is actively taking steps to provide bankers with additional insights on
proposed or changing rules, regulations and guidance through regional meetings and
outreach. Further, we clarify and communicate whether specific rules, regulations, and
guidance apply to the operations of community banks through the use of statements of
applicability in our Financial Institution Letters.

Finally, the FDIC has instituted a number of outreach and technical assistance efforts,
including increased direct communication between examinations, increased
opportunities to attend training workshops and symposiums, and conference calls and
training videos on complex topics of interest to community bankers. In April, the FDIC
issued six videos designed to provide new bank directors with information to prepare
them for their fiduciary role in overseeing the bank. A second installment, to be released
very soon, is a virtual version of the FDIC's Directors' College Program that regional
offices deliver throughout the year. A third installment, expected to be released by yearend will provide more in-depth coverage of important supervisory topics and focus on
management's responsibilities. The FDIC plans to continue its review of examination
and rulemaking processes, and continues to explore new initiatives to provide technical
assistance to community banks.
The recent financial crisis has proved challenging for financial institutions in general and
for community banks in particular. Analyses of bank failures during the crisis by the
FDIC, the FDIC OIG and the GAO point to some common risk factors for institutions
that failed during the recent crisis, including rapid growth, concentrations in high-risk
loans, and funding through volatile deposits. In contrast, community banks that followed
traditional, conservative business models overwhelmingly survived the recent crisis. The
FDIC’s extensive study of community banking over a 27-year period shows that while
these institutions face a number of challenges, they will remain a viable and vital
component of the overall U.S. financial system in the years ahead.
1 FDIC Community Banking Study, December 2012, .
2 The 3,238 U.S. counties in 2010 included 694 micropolitan counties centered on an
urban core with population between 10,000 and 50,000 people, and 1,376 rural counties
with populations less than 10,000 people.

Last Updated 6/13/2013