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Speeches by Bob McTeer
Commencement Address to Economics Graduates
University of Texas
May 17, 2003
Congratulations. Today is the day you thought would never come. Thanks for letting me share it with you. I seriously
doubt I’m the speaker you dreamed of having today—a president of a Reserve Bank. I’m your punishment for
majoring in economics. I’ll try to make it quick and painless.
Commencement speakers, like graduates, get lots of advice. Everyone wants in on it. The most common advice, of
course, is, “Be brief and be seated.” My wife, Suzanne, instructed me not to tell you to go out and change the world—
it's such a commencement cliché. She has more positive advice, however, for you new career women: “Remember to
moisturize.” The main thing that separates Texas women from the animal kingdom, she says, is their ability to
accessorize and use products. A little moisture probably wouldn’t hurt you guys, either.
My assistant at the Dallas Fed puts her advice on the tag end of her e-mails:
Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
Work like you don't need money.
Love like you’ve never been hurt.
Dance like no one's watching.
Last month I had lunch with the smartest woman in the world: Marilyn vos Savant, the “Ask Marilyn” columnist in
Parade magazine. According to the Guinness Book of World Records Hall of Fame, Marilyn has the world’s highest
recorded I.Q. She is interested in economic education, of all things, and we met at a board meeting of the National
Council on Economic Education. I told her I think economics is a good major for smart students, but if they are really,
really smart, I’d rather they become doctors so they could do somebody some good.
She said, “Yes, but doctors help people one at a time, while an Alan Greenspan can help millions of people at a
time." She has a point, although, ironically, she is also heavily involved in medical research, along with her husband,
Robert Jarvik, the inventor of the Jarvik-7 artificial heart.
Come to think of it, Alan Greenspan is an excellent example of someone making a big difference by applying good
economics. I don’t have time to defend that assertion this morning. I’ll just remind you how much the misery index has
declined during the Greenspan years. The misery index, you’ll recall, is the sum of the inflation rate and the
unemployment rate.
I understand that some of you may have the miseries this morning because of the current bulge in the unemployment
rate, but we’re working on it. It's temporary. At least you will have the advantage in a weak labor market of a good
degree from a good university.
Even though you majored in economics, my guess is that most of you have no ambition to be the next Alan
Greenspan. Good. Diminishing marginal utility would set in. Or is it diminishing returns? Only a few of you, primarily
the Ph.D. candidates, will ever have little cards with the title “economist” on them. Your cards will probably say
something else. But if you are having buyer’s remorse over your choice of a major, don’t. While accounting or welding
majors may have an easier time getting that first job—especially in the propane and propane accessories business—
a major in economics will serve you better over the long run. You won’t end up like the guy in the Austin Lounge
Lizards song who is 40 years old and living in his mother's garage—because he majored in decoupage. He was
probably the one from the shallow end of the gene pool, another song admits.
My take on training in economics is that it becomes increasingly valuable as you move up the career ladder. I can’t
think of a better major for corporate CEOs, congressmen or presidents of the United States. You’ve learned a
systematic, disciplined way of thinking that will serve you well.
The economically challenged must be perplexed about how economies work better, the fewer people they have in
charge. Who does the planning? Who makes the decisions? Who decides what to produce? And how? And how

much? Where? When? By whom? And for whom? Etc. etc.
For my money, Adam Smith’s invisible hand is the most important thing you’ve learned in economics. You understand
how we can each work for our own self-interest and still produce a desirable social outcome. You know how
uncoordinated activity gets coordinated by the market to enhance the wealth of nations. You understand the magic of
markets and the dangers of tampering with them too much. You know better what you first learned in kindergarten:
that you shouldn't kill or cripple the goose that lays the golden eggs.
You’ve learned other useful things as well. Like opportunity cost and marginal analysis and the importance of
distinguishing between fixed, variable and marginal costs. You know that elasticity means more than the stretch left in
your capri pants or boxer shorts. You know about equilibrium. And rents.
You know from Herbert Stein that if something is unsustainable, it isn’t likely to be sustained. You know from Irving
Fisher’s example the hazards of forecasting the stock market, or anything else for that matter. Especially if it’s about
the future. The public looks askance at economists because they think of them primarily as forecasters. Don’t let
yourself get labeled a forecaster.
You have learned from offer curve analysis in international trade class that the terms of trade worsen for the moreeager trader. Of course, you already knew that truth when it comes to romance.
You understand why free trade is a good thing, even though you have difficulty convincing your dads and uncles. Go
easy on your dads, especially you women. Your dads have had it hard these past few years. Have you noticed that
as you have become more liberal here at UT–Austin, he has become more conservative? You might even define a
conservative as a father with a daughter in college. Even Texas A&M. A dad with a daughter at UT–Austin risks
becoming a right-wing extremist. Sixth Street may have something to do with that.
Your economics training will help you understand fallacies, non-intuitive outcomes and unintended consequences. In
fact, I’m inclined to define economics as the study of how to anticipate unintended consequences. Most fallacies in
economics probably are fallacies of composition. For the benefit of your little brothers and sisters, let me give an
example of the fallacy of composition. You may be able to see better if you stand up—but not if everyone stands up.
What’s true of the individual may not be true of the whole. Keynes’ paradox of thrift provides a currently relevant
example: Individually, most consumers need to save more. But if all or many consumers start trying to save more, the
economy will be in deep doo-doo. Doo-doo is a technical term that economists use.
Little in the literature, in my opinion, is more relevant to contemporary economic debates than what’s usually called
the broken window fallacy. Let me briefly review that for your families.
It seems that some teenagers, being the little beasts that they are, toss a brick through a bakery window. A crowd
gathers and laments, “What a shame.” But before you know it, as always happens, someone suggests a silver lining
to the situation: Now the baker will have to spend money to have the window repaired. This will add to the income of
the repairman, who will spend his additional income, which will add to another seller’s income, and so on. You know
the drill. The chain of spending will multiply and generate higher income and employment. If the broken window is
large enough, it might produce an economic boom. Other catalysts to such booms might be a hurricane, a tornado or
just about any government spending boondoggle. Whenever a government program is justified not on its merits but
by the jobs it will create, remember the broken window.
Most voters fall for the broken window fallacy, but not economics majors. You will say, “Hey, wait a minute!” If the
baker hadn’t spent his money on window repair, he would have spent it on the new suit he was saving to buy. Then
the tailor would have the new income to spend, and so on. The broken window didn’t create net new spending; it just
diverted spending from somewhere else. The broken window does not create new activity, just different activity.
People see the activity that takes place. They don’t see the activity that would have taken place. Plus, there’s the
waste of the broken window.
The broken window fallacy is perpetrated in many forms. Most of the time, jobs are invoked. Whenever job creation or
retention is the primary objective I call it the job-counting fallacy. Economics majors understand the nonintuitive reality
that real progress comes from job destruction. It once took 90 percent of our population to grow our food. Now it
takes less than 3 percent. Pardon me, Willie, but are we worse off because of the job losses in agriculture? The
would-have-been farmers are now college professors and computer gurus or singing the country blues on Sixth

If you want jobs for jobs' sake, trade in the bulldozers for shovels. If that doesn’t create enough jobs, replace the
shovels with spoons. Heresy! But you know that there will always be more work to do than people to work. So instead
of counting jobs, we should make every job count. Don’t waste any. We will occasionally hit a soft spot when we have
a mismatch of supply and demand in the labor market. But that is temporary. Don’t become a Luddite and destroy the
machinery, or a protectionist and try to grow bananas in New York City.
Labor productivity is growing rapidly and substituting in the short run for employment growth. But as businesspeople
get their animal spirits back and take advantage of historically low interest rates to invest in America's future, we’ll
have employment growth in addition to productivity growth. That’s a recipe for prosperity.
It’s almost time for most of you to go, but don’t go far. I know Austin is a hard place to leave. Where else can you
hear George Jones and the Platters on successive nights, as I did with my son in Austin last weekend? Where else
can you create a generation of Dellionaires from your dorm room? Just think what Michael Dell and Bill Gates could
have accomplished if they had gotten their degrees. In economics. If the sky is the limit, remember no place has a
bigger sky than Texas.
And enjoy your life. Remember, life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.
Let me leave you with Ted Turner’s recipe for success:
Early to bed
Early to rise
Work like hell
And advertise.
And don’t forget to moisturize.
God bless Texas, and God bless America.