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üty&mà g. Bengrea, Assistant e&ief
Bivision of Research and Statistics
ïfeâeraX Deposit Insurance Corporation

ccm rn m m

ô? b a m

amb a s s i d u t o

September IO, I956

X» the cowroe of tileee rmmxkm it ie «y intMttott first to sketch
the bítóKgrouM of bank lavsetaeat lo sftmlcipal» over the paoi 15 ye&rs*
the startiag poiat 1» thle discussíca vi II be a brief deeerlptlea o f the
sltuatioa prevailiag at the begiaalag of kfcrld War XX follona* by «a
ouiliae of tlio developrnento la the postear periodo

3ecoadlyf X «hall

reviev the statistlee regardiag immicipel portfolio» of State aonsaeaber
beako la the 2i#ith Diatrlct.
attention oo the queetiaat

Flnally, it 1® s^y plaa te foseo ymat

Bev ohoolá the ex m im r hundía the aunieipal

segjaoat of the oeoet atzructure of e beak uader m m ám & ím t


cooolderatloo of thle ^oeotloa « ü l afford ea ©pportuaity to dt#c«*#e
varióte aspecto of the problea etseh ae the beak9o hasie inveetneat poUcy*
the role of rawaicipal oecuritie* la the lavaotasat progresa, and the ftiaUty
of theee crédito*

the priaary ©fejective of theoo reaarks lo to oetliae the subject
la eoapnhiiiiivi toras • Xt le m heg» that the reaarfce aey ouggeat
opeclflo queotloao to a m

ae a haeis for e m e n t o la our diocuooion


Treado la léate goldlaao of liialctpots
At the feeginaing of Iftarld War XX #11.
- i&sured o<MMSifeial bw>irf
held ahoot

hlllloa of eeeurltlee*

Of thle total about three*fourtho

eae laves ted la United States U om rm m t obligatioos.

the reaalader

consiste* of ether oecuritie*, principally the obligatleoe of State» and
subdivisión» of p u m e s t aad the letue* of prívate Corporation»,
Seearltlee la the aualeipal mgsumt «oouated to ahoot #3*7 bllUoa*

- 2 During the war the securities portfolio grew with extreme

Total holdings in 19^5 amounted to $96 billion of which federal

obligations made up $09 billion and the holdings of municipal and other
obligations remained virtually unchanged.
Three facts characterise the bask investment situation in the
postwar period.

In the first place» the securities portfolio has declined

to the $77 billion level.

Secondly» holdings of federal obligations have

stabilised at about $61 billion.

Thirdly» there has been a sharp increase

in the municipal segment of the bank investment portfolio.

This has

climbed from a total of almost $3 .6 billion to about $1 2 .5 billion.


the sene period the Investment in obligations of private corporations» the
ensealled other bonds» notes and debentures» has remained practically
stationery at about $2 .5 billion.

Some increase has occurred in holdings

of the obligations of federal agencies not guaranteed by the United States
Government but even at pressnt this category of securities accounts for
less than $1 billion.
To sun up» then» in the postwar period all insured commercial
banks have added to their commitments in municipal securities at an
exceedingly rapid rata*
fourfold. the amount has increased almost

Horeover» the banks have changed markedly the fraction of their

total securities account committed to municipals.

At the beginning of the

period about k percent of the total portfolio was so invested but now the
amount is 16 percent.

In contrast throughout the period» the dollar amount

invested in the obligations of private corporations remained virtually

te» «hifb ia til» charneta* of

tea bsak

portfolio la

fraaght vite iag?ortoat «m m i m b i m «a ragards te© w t

Xt i#

of te»


a fact test étsrlag te» parlad befar» terld ter XX

e a m l a m i w r w «20a ta aovar a w r y teportaat m ^urnt af te» M t
iavaalMat portfolios tergaty by te» ai^Uc&ticm of iba pufeXiafaod eiadit
rattega lar corporat® ismies«

m í a sao tro» booa^aa federal obUsatieos

presentad a© precian craditvia* *má eorporat» koi&lpga m m á&mwt m Imtm

m tha cctaaitarnta

ia anaialpal cfeUgattens. to ba «ara, tea

te» Msaieipal eredit» vaa thaa# «a

aorf a difficuU

©ovarage of pt&Ushad eradtt ratlag» w

Job beeaaee

liaited m é.


tha antear of


asta la*®»«
ihnrld ’í&r IX tha wwfjftw *1
» »arfe has ’
^ #a teadanad by te»
v»*y mibataatial gronte ia «uaicipal holdln^a botd doUerntae and relativa
to total baak ixxvaatamta» Xb» matear m& vsriaty of teas« tees»» and te»
eenplaxltlaa af tea eradit siteattoas basa iaaraaaaá wiy «uibataatiaUy.
álthougfc tea Invastaont aanrlea» bav» ©apandad 'te® aovara®» of tetir
ratiaga f&r awnicip&l evadita aonaubat# at baat tto? ara of limitad
oaefuiaaaa la appraising tea qp&itp of eradits* Sha», ia han&llng tea
atsaiolpal portfolio tea ammiaar bao a varíete of mm problama tbat ara
aasarviag of aoaaidemtion*
Intiatwwat Hetera ia Sistrlct Slght
Xa Slstriet S# aa for tea Ustión m
ssa&ieipeX baldía®» bao bam

te» saoat


tevaatetet pie ture ovar tea parlad atea» I 9h j .

a abóla* tea arante of

adagio ehaa®»



Curraat atatiatioal

information pertaining to District S has recently been compiled for insured
coasaerci&l banks, chartered
bhe federal Became*

Illinois and Iowa, that are not mmbars of

During this period municipals held by such banks in

Iowa grew fro» approximtaly $25 a U M o n to $8? million.

At the beginning

of the period the municipals equalled about k percent of the total
investment account as cocgsared with 16 percent in 1955.
reveal substantially the same picture in Illinois,

These statistics

There the growth was in

the order of $21 million to $122 million, respectively, and percentagewise
the figures were shout the same.

Thus, it is apparent that the federal

Deposit Insurance Corporation examiners in this District are called upon to
review a very much larger volume of municipal securities and these
investments are relatively much more important in the total Investment
Furthermore, the recent statistical tabulations show that holdings
of obligations floated by private corporations are now relatively
uniaportaat in the investment portfolio of Iowa banks.
amount to about $lb million.

Altogether they now

Dollarwise such securities held by b*»ka in

Illinois is substantially higher than in Iowa:

about $5® million in 1955 ms

compared with $2b million in 19^5 , but they continue to be relatively

The Bank Examiner and the Municipal Stortfolio
The recent increase in the amount of municipal securities held by
the insured commercial banks has substantially changed the character of the
examiner*s task with respect to this segment of the asset structure*


many banks there has been a notable growth in the relative importance of
municipals as an element of the asset structure*

Taken in the aggregate,

* 5 *
f c 0 w w , municipale aocount for cnly a sligbtly larder proportion of tbc
total m o t s of the insured commercial banks boit than la the p r m r period.
lfsvsrtbelesa, tbs inoreeae la tbs dollar «uaount of seeurltlee bas by Itsslf
aâdsd to tbs worfc of rsvlsirlea tbs aunlelpal holdings.
evexywhere are fassd vitb tbs assd to devote sors

So examinera


tlae to tbis part of tbs

baak essaination vork.
ffos your vlsspolat sa an exaalner it vould be v t U to orient tba
tlaa aad effort you devote to tbs wwleipal holding« of tbs benk under
examination arouad tbs central question:
tbs bank ia its présent cireuastaeosaf
necessary for tbs

examiner to

callsd a good portfolio.

la thia portfolio appropriais for

To answer tbia question it la

bas» in sind sons notion of vhet s&ght be




will find tbat tbs

portfolio of tbs bank ander mmmimtkm poeeecaee all of tbs dealred
cbaracteristics f bot for tbs s û t paît tbere vill be a a a fsirly obvions

These shortcocaings may rsault froa defeeta ta tbs bn k * i

investaent policy or fréta accident end aiafortune in ita Implementation.
Sov f tb»a# dosa tbc examiner go about it to eaviaag* a asmicipal
portfolio vith tbc eharacteriaücs beat suiied for an individual backt
Stad: a portfolio should possess a vsrlcty of désirable ebaraeteristies,
but for tbc purpoac of tbia discussion attention will first be dlrected to

Oac abould ne ver forget tbat banks arc primarily cuatodiana of

a community*» liquid resoureea.

% s y are not Investment institution® cvsn

t bou^ they do hold a substantiel aaount of aceurltics.

Accordingly # in

developing tbs m s t structure of a bank tbs controlisig factor la tbc cbb
and fleur of its deposit liabilitlea.

fili* i* not m appropriate accasi« for s discussi« of
hoefanigpee to detonine cash flows within a henk under enenlaatleo«
¡iewrtheleea, it is a feet that a had: a m «

ha *■«««<w»d with such

dieesnsent unies# the t m i n u r has a reasonably clear piati»« In hla own
miad of the turnover of deposit liabilities.

Related ta this picture is

the desi«» of the asset etroeture to meet «tese flam.
Owing to the else of bank holdings of municipals ant the aste»
of the nnrteet, Ihr ell practical purposes, the only dependable source of
cash tram tbsse obligations is through payroat at acfeurlty,

Facilities for

tha distribution of nunicipal obligations are designed primarily to plasa
new offerings in the heads of tomatero.

At best, the secondary market is

stripped to handle only a cœçaratirely anali velie» of well-known issues.
T h n e is, of «auree, nothing ooopnn b lo to the shiftahility that has
develan* over the deeadaa in the n u k e t for U s t e d hands.
She lash of a good secondary market to r remtcipals is net a fatal
defeat fron the point of view of bank investment because these securities
ere offered in serial fore, and as a consequence the individual hank can
select a set of »ferities that w U l próvida a ready flow of cash.


host and simplest nethod to obtain cash fron tbs municipal portfolio is by
adhereiiee to eaaething like a fire or seven-year turnover program.


accordance with such a progne the heck hae, far esempla, a definita
fraction a t the total partfbUe »taring in sardi year.

Funds obtained fren

the » t u r a d honda thon nay ha reinvested In «be longeât tarn Obligatio»
contemplated by the pregna,

get only dees this plan of Investment afford

a steady flow of cash but in addition it gives the h o l e r an opportunity to

~f m
of n t t t m on his ffifflicipsl boldliigi,

Thus# he o s b 1yww on^

the fluctuations that occur is yields f t can year to year.
la the selection of Issues for the municipal portfolio of a beak
aeat in importance are considerations of Investment quality.

Especially is

this true la prosperous times because then practically all obligations
appear to be good even though the margins of protection are small,
nevertheless, it is inappropriate for a bank to hold assets of inferior

Such obligations cannot be depended upon to perform according to

the teras of the contract in times of adversity.
Banks now hold almost one-third ©f all the municipal securities

Accordingly, one cannot expect them all to be of the very top

However, the issues suitable for bank holdings are only the ones

that are strong enough creditsetse to rule cut any doubts as to pffT*foTwaaiw'
either with respect to payment of interest or principal at maturity.
financial literature stresses the fact that municipal securities
have seldom eventuated in losses to investors,

loss frequently is

mentioned the fact that over long periods of time holders of inferior
quality issues have been unable to collect principal or interest,

in view

of these facts it Is quite evident that a great many municipal obligations
may be good enough fear the portfolios of noahsnk investors.

Such holder®

can afford to assume the credit risks because they know that ultimately the
likelihood of Idea is small.

Bank investors, however, are not in a

position to wait fear batter times.

As a consequence they must limit their

commitments to issues whose debt service is protected by substantial

Mortiteli* Umm li little differeaee betvaen high spolltgr '

miniclpol eecuritles m d tb&m o f mrgiiUìJL or
business 1« m U m *

Fresa thè eactóBiaer1» polat of vlei# ttiia li both «

dlsadvantss© «Qà «a sámatele,
j m

iqr a y j gysd* Uto®

It li dìffloult far hi» t© convinse a baak

to buy seeuritles ©a a y i e M basii that a flight

differeatial la r e t o » ought to be surreadered m m to obtoia a b t ò
quolity lavoitatat»

O» thè other ha&d, It li a faci tm b sa&rket qpotatloai

reflect ooly inoaspletsly thè vide m&rgias o f proteetioo m %£libia to
iavaotor» 1» aaat issues.

Accordingly, biabare frafaestly oso laprava thè

quality of their portfolios hy « k l © s only t s U eooeeüloaa la assonate of

Ibis le m t alvoy* thè cese.

borlas thè parlad of thè Groat

baproMlao thè y i © M differentials batosta top sraie litoti end thoot of
ìaferlor quelity aere «Ida»
A&sitte&ly* aar&lsg posar li a fiatar of iaportaace la guldlag
thè toltotion of ianas far inclusión la a benk't mmfeip&X portfolio.
Hososor, It li ta uafortunste fast that otar thè patinar yaars »uoh of thè
discussi©** ragar&lgtg baak holding« of raalolpalt hm ceatozod oc thè
sÉireatasei of

asso^t laccasi*

Beakers #y* securitiet dosiers bove beoo

ahaott empietela preoccupiti wlth thè «flirt to fiad a bassa of rafuge
froa toxatloa*

This prooceupatioa hm divariai attenti©» fra» thè centrai

probi*«, vhieh ls thè appropriatane»® of thè seourltias far thè ìarsotsaot
portfolio of thè bsafc*

j§®y# ubai osa thè boti #y¡ftaiaaff

ìyy fiado sfesrp

dlffsraaoii batate» thè ctoaoteristies of to» eeouritlsi aatualiy held bgr

hqmis. tmñ

thè ©nea that uoutd #owpr|.ffe a |pyfr4 portfollot At tolo potai it

- 9 *
should be noted that the examiner has a number of tool# at hie eonsnand.
For exaaple, the investment section of the examination report raises
questions shout the bank1* investment policy*

If the examiner pursues these

questions vigorously, the answers will disclose any serious weaknesses that
may exist In the basic policy car the management of the Investment program,
fhus, the stage will be set for a genuine remedial effort and a detailed
comment on page £ of the examination report is the appropriate place, in ay
opinion* for the examiner to present hie views as regards the situation
the possible remedies.

To the extent that a bsnk*s investment portfolio suffers from
weaknesses of a policy character, the difficulties can be isolated readily

Sometimes, for example , a portfolio has undesirable characteristics

simply because the bank follows no specific investment policy.
are acquired for vague reasons or virtually none at all.
be appropriate, It is an accident.


If they


On the other hand, the *'**mirm*

occasionally finds a bank with a fundamentally unsatisfactory investment

®m bank may be committed to acquire securities with relatively

high yields, irrespective of quality or the appropriateness of the maturity*
Such a situation requires clear-cut comment by the examiner.
Deviations from a sound investment policy in most instances can
only be corrected by means of a rather long educational program*

Sot coaly

must the examiner identify the weaknesses in the situation but thereafter a
concerted effort on his part is needed to encourage the adoption of an
investment policy that is suitable for the Individual bank.

- IO -

Bmmtimtm m mumtemr w ill fixté th*t m bm k km adopted *
m tiéfm to ry «tetaneat e t immfommt v o lley bai «» a practtoal amtter thè
ifupleoratatloa* i# pera.

2t Mty be* fra «miopie# ihai thè

recami««« thè importane« of libidi ty «ad mtahliehra thè Crostò m U lm &

e t v o lley with rasard to thi» fratta« of thè portfolio.

f r e m e r , tbere

m y b« rule» ln thè pollar staieraat for deteraining th»
«mariti«« to be ralmied for iaveetnaent porpora«*
depari widely trm m om à peUey.


Bui «ctoni presile# m y

fà « emotner era bo of g m t «orfica to

thè beate in rerleviog thè eraposiUea e t %he portfolio m à ealXiag attenuo«
to «ridasi makmaees»

Teste of Credit (ìuality
Tkm mmmt of thè eo asim r'e tir a arailafele fo r «M irino thè
bea**« jmmicipal portfolio depaode Sm goal paart open lt» ¿scortone* lo thè
ra te i « tritu re «

Thm# thè

my eora l uda freu hi« psnilialooxy

m rm y th at b rie f etudy 1« «u ffieieat fo r thè purpo««« o f bl« «m staetioo*
Qo thè oiher heod# io «eoe e««*« thè portfolio ì M
« J o r iapertaom 1« thè beate operistico»


osti «« «o olamnt of

%bi« 1« «erteiniy M i

i m m i n e n t « «orami for « Xerpr perecntage of total «««et«*

if maioipal

Boi li «leo

m y he i m o io thè evm t that thè portfolio «rideste*« « look of
eoovdlaotlao with thè ««ah refelrmots of thè M

or if «brlatte

wtòraaaea io credit guality ragp»t thè ae*& for inteneire «lady*
Ara eoo thè aometner irai thè ranliW of
basite portfolio wiitete thè llaitotion» of hi« rarfe schedala?

trarae io «
Strafar m

poratble thè uee of Bublished sotto«« ter tmsieralal iareetaaeii eanrf nie
fhroishra «eoe eira m to raoUtir*

le he rare# thè standard« «ore

deralcped fra «¡«ite « different fiold# mnely# corporato itera«# Imi they
rap be « i t a helpfui*

* XI *>
B» D I M M

ef a lare» auafter a i oscuriti«» tbat bave not basa

rata« aa «e « * U t y by tba reeogaieed sonrosa af tawetment tatensatlce la
a eigaal far tba aaelyeta af individuai credit lf ti» mmfelpal portfolio
la taportaat ta thè teak,

b w w ,

a tina-oonauaing eadeavor.

ti» «atamlaatlon af credit quality is

Aa a stortine pela* ti» •»«■rt— i.

a a

subetaatial amaunt af Internatigli abe«t eaeh lodividual credit befen« fa«

em undertake any oaalyUeal varie.

batik «xeataina

eutherltles bava

always adfaero« «a

tbat a properly amagad tank « d atali» adequato
aaaata Includins thè aaaurltlaa partitila.

credit m e a

Credit data ave

thè rula

aa all af Ita


avallable ta thè pubiiehed »auree» af tavaataaat tafanaattaa snob aa
itoa^r*a Manual ter all of ti» taauaa that anjoy a satianal aarfeet aa vali
aa aaay ether

obligatisn» af

mstaaal taportaaee.

ìtotertunately, tee

a«m inar la Ukaly te ftad tbat thè tee«a «sardtag tba eradita af anali
»«aamlttaa ara aat avellani» ta any pubUohed aoureaa.


neeeooary te datarata» thè quality ef « o h eredita m a oaly ba obtataed

temi coplee

ef eudlt reporta and aomttaaa

tema effariags circulara.


lattar« benaver« tevquenUy gloaa aver potate af importano« ta aaelyttaai
Zf aa examinar ftada tbat a baldi bea contatta« a sUbstaattal

parti«« ef

ita tenda te anatelpel iaaue* that

ara aat aovan« by reporte ta

tba aaiaiala, ba aheuld inalai aa aattetaatary credit fllaa.

eeaaattal ta
a metter

eupport qualitative Judgneats m t h

teak data i n

neyaet ta aaceritlaa.


af flaet, t e n e ta n a a o a ta bellave tbat tba » * ■ «itb adagiata

credit fllaa tea« to ba «ora sensitiva to « I f f a n e a M ta tba quality af

- It ~
seeuritiea available for investment.

too often, X feel, the


the shortcomings of credit file« covering the items in the investment
account and then neglects to comment on the seriousness of this lack of
Xh analysing the credit quality of ssonicipal securities the
required data depend basicly upon the type of security under consideration.
for this reason the examiner»« first task in analysis is to divId© the issues
into appropriate groups*

Obligations carrying the pledge of the full faith

and credit of the issuer are, generally speaking, the easiest to appraise
vith respect to credit ratings*

Fortunately the securities in tM-m group

comprise the bulk of all outstanding municipal obligations.
$he exigencies of municipal finance have given rise to a group of
securities floated to finance enterprise of a business type*
securities do not carry any unqualified pledge of credit.


On the contrary,

Mi© funds available for debt service are derived solely fro© revenues
earned by the project.

For all practical purposes these enterprises

resemble public utilities although there is no ownership


She examiner may find it difficult to Judge the credit

worthiness of these projects kit in any event it is of a nature that does
not present any novelties in finance*

Xn general the techniques for

ascertaining the credit worthiness of securities floated by a privately
owned utility ere applicable in m s


Probably the most troublesome areas of Mmicipal finance are
cliaraeteriied by the issuance of securities that have some of the
characteristics of general obligations and at the seme time embody

* 13 *
features that ordinarily om «Quid expect in revenue projects*

Because of

the tremendous expansion in the demand for municipal facilities there has
in recent years been a grant deal of inventiveness in the field.

As a

consequence many flotation® near present problems to the analyst that cannot
bs handled by m e m of the conventional techniques*

Analysing Credit worthiness of general Obligations
Broadly speaking, it Is not difficult for an examiner to satiety
himself that the obligation of a community that has pledged its f U U faith
and credit to service the debt measures up to high qualitative standards*
Likewise, the obviously inferior credits are readily identified by the
application of a few simple testa*

However, there is always a residue of

issues— which in good times tends to be sisabie— that is


About these issues one can speak with assurance that debt

service will be met as long as the economy is in an expending phase.


it is problematical that the credits could withstand a great deal of
l&at, then, are the tests of a good credit!

In the first place

such securities are Issued by a community with sound economic
whose physical facilities are in good shape.

Ttm bank examiner in the

course of his work has an opportunity to visit a great many municipalities
whose obligations are found in the banks he examines*

He can detect the

evidences of a thriving couasaiaity with weU-maiatalaed public facilities
adequate to serve current needs»

By contrast, he is aware of the fact that

some municipalities are- literal3y down-at-the-»heels ► the obligations of
such issuers are rarely better than the physical appearance of the

m 3& <*»
Svideace« of good finaacial raaaagaaent charastaris© tha mxmá
siualeipal «rsdita.
of the obligor.

Thia s»o&g©»eat la reflectad la the financia! stateansat®

The aceouata aeasure up to approved standards of reportlagj

the dabt structure la aiapla; «id tha record of reeeipta and axpandltaraa

reveala a aargia of proteetlon for dabt aerrtae that vllX help to abaorb
tha «hrlnkage in tas coUswstiena when tía». are bed.
*j¡f .
Sot ooly la goo& manageaxmt reflectad la aa orderly atata of
currant financea but thsre la alao a hiatory of performance that testifica
to tha ooawmlty1# ability to aama^e Ita affairs.

«hila it la uaraaaooahla

to laalat oa so-caUed unblasiisbed debt record« rúñalas baek fres* 50 to 100
years, it asesta to ase that evidcnces of good

should heve

aceumulatad orar a parlad of at Xaaat 10 ¿reare befare there la aay m w m m ee
that tha operatlng conditico* rest oa a aound basis*
Tha burdas of dabt la m iaportaat measure of eredit vorthiaeae
«id it la relatlvely U # i t la a coaounlty atoase ©redil la ¿señad to be h l #

As a setter of fact, thare la no simple test of dabt burdas.


hietorical ono, nan»ly, the ratlo of dabt to aaaeaaed valúa la atill widely
acoepted bacanas aioat oonaunltlos continua to rely heavily m the general
property taje aa a sotares of lacena,

«han tha dabt anounta to oitfy 2 peroeai

or 3 percent of tha aaaaaaad valúa, It eertadaly reata Hgbtly en a

Bowever, la saay States the general property tea la OaeXining

ia isportaaee aa a souree of revean® and aaaieipalitlea are plaeing «a
lacreasing m a l

of rellane© o© salas tama, feas, Uceases, and charges

for «pecific serviees to support their activltlea.

Moreover, federal and

State aUoeatioos of fbada are a very subatautlal part of tha total

available to finance the activities of many municipalities.


munleipalities are not obliged to rely solely upon the general property tax
to service the burden of debt*

When the general property tax v u virtually

the only source of income for debt service the analyst was justified in
placing great reliance on the ratio of debt to assessed value*
however, this measure is much less useful*


In any case, It must be

interpreted in terms of the total revenue picture of the community under

•So facilitate the interpretation of the ratio of debt to assessed
value sometimes it is desirable also to determine the per capita debt.
Shis ratio has the advantage of ruling out of consideration the varying
dependence of e a m m l t i e s upon the general property tax end the vagueness
of assessment practices,

However, it also can be misleading*

For exas^le,

a wealthy agricultural community that is thinly populated may very well
have a high per capita debt*

Such a measure of debt burden would not be as

helpful as a computation of the «mount of debt per acre of land*
diversity of practices with respect to the assessment of
property Is one of the serious weaknesses in any ratio that endeavors to
relate the obligations of a municipality to the assessment rolls.


time to time there have been efforts to estimate the so-called "true"
values of property from assessments in a municipality*

As a practical

matter it seems to me such efforts are fuite unlikely to be successful
merely because it is so difficult to arrive at any defensible measure of
true or fair market values*
fhe credits that fail by a wide margin to measure up to high
qualitative standards can easily be Identified by the examiner as bad

*■ Io m
baiikii, $he lusk of psXity 1# readlly i q p n i l to ^ ygywp

vìba vili look at t e data»

Aceordingly, it la set difflcult t e tha

ex&atner to prepare M s a m m t for thè


But reai

iroubla le eneouatercà vhen thè exaainer 1« de&Iing *iith thè borderline
quality of credit»

In euch casce it le difflcult to aake a eonvineing

arsaaeat that thè obligation ie uasulted t e tank i s v u M »
dejr sunielpal portfoiio ie llkely to bave a t e leeuee of
¿»arginai izroatsient quality,

1bea» holding® oould result fra© aecident

nietake or beeause of difteeaoee in credit indiente*
a®seiat ie esali it need aot
Occaeiooally thè

teever# if the

ìm of auch conce» to thè m m i m r *

mtmimr vili find a tank that s h o w a dispositi©» to

iavest *• eubetantial porti©» of Ite t e d e in ©unleip&l aecuritiee vhoee
quallty le ©arginai in char&oter»

la theee Gironsa tanoes it is

euggeette that t e exazainer etrike definitela
that ie reeponsible far thè trouble*
thè eacamlaation report

at thè investsaent pollar

Time* e polnted eoement on page

2 of

vmlA ìm appropriate» To thè eaetet that it ie

poaalble thie eoesaant should he supportcd with

a H a t identifying thè

©arginai quality leeuee»

Bevete lasuea

Municipal cbligattee dependlng t e credit vorthteea upon thè
rev^mee of a specific projcct are not objectioaable in a battile portello if
thè bondholder hae a good sargia of protette.
leeuee ere not too hard to analyae»


a ©atte of faci, theee

Ueuelly thè prosante follov etrelgfrt

tewerd aacounting ©ethods end e reriov of thè operatine date qpoiekly
diseloeee t e sargia of protette t e debt Service,

li t e margin le

# 17 m
scSaquafce, one eannot object to the obligation æ r e l y because debt servie©
dépends ou revenues rather than tasses»

tn analyaiag the financia! opérations of business**type enterprisee
to aacertain the mægin of protection for bondholâers, the «piestiea of
dépréciation alvays presents a knotty problem.

For purpoaes of comparisoa

there 1s m e h to be mi& in favor of eosputing debt servie# coverage befare
& *
dépréciation charges» Sfaese items ears&ark cash that say be used to eugswtnt
the property euppartiag the crédit»

levertfceless, it shouid be aoted th&t

cash incoase after It has been iacorporated in the is^roveaeat of property
vill m t aleo be availabla as a zsargin of protection for debt service»


operatiag property may bacana caspia iely uabalaneed if the proJect follows
the practice of flaanciog extensions frasa dépréciation and negleetlag to
replace voraout equlpeaeat.
A rapld asaortisatlixi schedia# is in itaelf good protection for
the bondholder.

Xdhevise, the bondholdar is proteo ted ehea a substancial

«wouat of income is aegregated to cover dépréciation evea thou#ï the
smortisatio» of debt is modérate»

So deprecíate property and at the smm

tiae amortis# debt, generaUy speaking, is evidence of a strong crédit but
it is unreallstic to e^ e c t suoh performance trm *aaay provecta«
Analysis of gybrid Crédits
Beceat years hâve wttnessed the ries of a vasi number of municipal
issues that do not fall into the m a t catégories of either gourai
obligation® or revenue iseues»

Financial oxigéneles hâve forcea the

invention of uaay securities that poesese sme but

xsot ail

of the

m JjS m
characteristics of general obligations ana some but not all of the
characteristics of securities depending primarily upon business-type
activities to support the credit*
It is extremely difficult to analyse the credit quality of
hybrid issues by any of the customary patterns of credit analysis*
suggestions, however, can be made.

A few

In the first place, the examiner should

satisfy himself that he has in fact a hybrid issue under consideration.
Then it is necessary to study all of the facts and circumstances which have
a bearing on credit worthiness and to develop the analytical approach,
bearing in mind that the crucial question is simply this;

Can the

community service the debt in accordance with the terms of the bond?

Summary and Conclusion
To sum up, then, the examiner ®s task has changed materially in
recent years as a result of the growth in the else of the municipal
portfolios held by the insured commercial banks.

The performance of this

task calls for a measurement of the actual portfolio of the bank under
examination in terms of appropriate standards.
investment standards is difficult.

However, the development of

Generally speaking, to determine the

standards for a portfolio best suited to a bank under examination It is
necessary to consider liquidity and qualitative requirements.
In analysing the quality of securities in the municipal portfolio
the examiner is confronted with a number of perplexities.

It is a fact

that only a small portion of all of the outstanding municipal issues have
been rated by the recognised investment advisory services.


the examiner is obliged to form his own credit judgment as regards the hulk

of thè lamie* that cose to hi» attenti©».

Thla zepiires a kaovledge of

appropriate techniquee far credit analyois and ®ay impose heavy
upoa thè tlae of thè exaainer.
®*e resulta of thè exanlner’a vork oa thè baak*s holding» of
municipale are brouggit to focus In hls

tsammnt* m

page 8 of thè


Thla seotion of thè report affords thè esaminar aa opportunità to
»1 ■$ :
polat out evldences of poor Icpleaentatloa vfeea thè basic investaent policy

la sound and to cali attenti*» to aerloua veaknease» that mey exlst in thè
pollcy Itaelf*

It la aJUsoat iapoaaible to over aaph&sise thè laportsaee of

diacemlag condente oa page 2 of thè report becauae thia la thè pari of thè
dociaaent that laya thè groundwork for rtsmOfing ueak situations.