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For release on delivery
10:00 A.H., K.S.T.
Thursday^ February 24, 1983

Statement by

Paul A. Volcker

Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

before the

mrait tee on the Budget

United States Senate

February 24, 198 3

I appreciate the opportunity to appear before this
Committee today to discuss the current economic and budgetary
situation and the Federal Reserve's goals for monetary policy.
Last week I presented to the Banking Committees the specific
numerical targets for the growth of money and credit in 1983
set by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC).

This morning

I will focus on the broad issues confronting monetary policy
and their relationship to other aspects of domestic and international economic policy.
Current Economic Conditions
Recessionary forces were ebbing at the end of 1982,
and activity has turned upward in several sectors.


we have made impressive progress against inflation over the
past year, and the underlying trends of inflation point at least
toward consolidating that progress in 1983, and more likely
toward further improvement.

Thus, the opportunity presents it-

self for an orderly recovery in business activity that will
bring with it the increases in job opportunities and real income
that we all desire.

The challenge is to see the present signs

of incipient recovery evolve into a long-lasting non-inflationary
A key element in the improved outlook is the change in
financial market conditions over the past year.


interest rates are now as much as 10 percentage points below
their earlier peaks, while long-term rates are down about 4 to
5 percentage points.

Reflecting these developments, activity

has been improving in the credit-sensitive sectors of the economy,

-2The most notable turnaround has been in the housing

Production and sales of new single-family homes have

now risen substantially over the depressed levels of late 1981
and the first half of 1982.

With personal debts relative to

income lower than in several years and with liquid assets rising,
activity in consumer markets also has shown some signs of improvement.

Auto sales, in particular, have responded to the lower

interest rates offered under special programs as well as to
improvements in design and pricing policies that have made
domestically produced autos more competitive and more attractive
to consumers.

Moreover, consumer purchases of other "big-ticket11

items also appear to be improving.
As is usually the case, the inventory cycle has played
a large role in the recession, and will determine the speed and
shape of recovery in its early stages.

Businesses made vigorous

efforts to control the accumulation of unwanted stocks
early in the recession and again in the final months of 1982
when recovery failed to develop, as had been widely anticipated,
earlier in the year.
levels of early 1981.

Inventories generally are now back to the
Consequently, if final sales continue to

strengthen, increases in production could be more than proportionate
For the time being, with excess capacity large and
profits depressed, business investment in new plant and equipment
is likely to continue to fall.

Some delay in the recovery of

capital spending is not out of line with previous cyclical
experience, as many firms initially intensify the use of existing
capital rather than invest in new plant and equipment.


Nonetheless, there are some encouraging signs in this sector.
In particular, new orders for capital goods have firmed in
recent months.

Moreover, lower costs for long-term borrowing

and equity financing have allowed firms to begin restoring their
balance sheets to more liquid conditions —

thereby putting the

business sector on a sounder footing for expansion.
The U.S. economy has become increasingly integrated into
the world economy over the years•

In contrast to most earlier

recessions, exports dropped sharply in 1982, reflecting both
the recessionary tendencies in the rest of the world and substantial appreciation of the dollar in 1981 and much of 1982.
The sluggishness of business activity abroad is a major reason
that recovery here is likely to be significantly less rapid
than after most previous recessions.
The Outlook for Inflation and Interest Rates
The outlook for a sustained expansion of economic
activity depends in major part on the success of monetary and
fiscal policies in fostering confidence in our ability to make
continuing progress against inflation in the years ahead.


rates and inflation rates frequently do not bear a close relationship to each other for short time periods -— and those periods
can sometimes extend over several years.

Over time, however,

there are strong analytic reasons to expect a closer relationship
because borrowers and lenders alike are interested in real returns that is, in assessing the costs or returns of investments after
allowance for changing prices.

What counts, in that respect, is


expected prices, which we cannot measure directly.

To the

extent that substantial doubts exist that the progress against
inflation may not be maintained, interest rates currently
particularly long-term rates —


will remain higher than otherwise

That situation is further aggravated, as I will discuss

in a few minutes, by the prospect of outsized federal budget deficits
in future years.

To the extent interest rates are an obstacle to

sustained, well-balanced recovery and to improved economic performance generally, we must deal with these doubts and concerns.
Looking back, the gains in the fight against inflation
are striking.

All broad measures of prices rose less than 5

percent last year, the slowest rate of increase in a decade.
To be sure, part of the improvement reflected unusually favorable
food and energy price developments as well as abnormally low
commodity prices, the effects of the sharp appreciation of the
dollar, and more generally, the cyclical weakness of the economy.
Potentially more important, however, trends of underlying
costs are now moving lower, and those trends should be sustainable
as the economy recovers its upward momentum.

One element suggesting

optimism is the recent behavior of productivity.

After languishing

in the late 1970s and early 1980s, labor productivity turned up
last year, somewhat unusual in the midst of recession.


those statistics, which at this point can only be suggestive of
a changing trend, there is increasing evidence of efforts by
both workers and management under the pressures of competition
and recession to increase efficiency and reduce "break-even"


The fruits of those efforts should be more apparent

during recovery.

If combined with continuing moderation in

nominal wages, the result should be long-lasting reductions
in cost pressures and expansion of real incomes.

Increases in

nominal wages slowed to the 6 percent range last year, and
seem to be rising at a slower pace than that now.

That slowing

of nominal wage increases has been fully consistent with
rising real_ wages for those working because price increases
have come down more rapidly than wages.

With real wages rising,

one source of pressure for aggressive wage bargaining should
Clearlyf the more restrained wage increases last year
were directly related to the pressures in the labor market.
Employment fell throughout 1982.

Although layoffs were con-

centrated in the industrial sector of the economy, even the
service-producing sector -— the primary source of employment
growth in recent years —

experienced declining payrolls.


extent of these employment cutbacks was reflected in sharp
increases in the unemployment rate,

While the January drop in

joblessness was encouraging, current unemployment rates are
still obviously high, and may decline only slowly.
Success in dealing with inflation cannot be based on
an economy that stays in recession, with unacceptable levels
of unemployment.

But we will need to maintain moderation in

wage settlements and pricing policies as the economy expands.
The favorable near-term outlook in that respect is reinforced by

the current softness in the price of one of our most important
raw materials —


But sustained improvement will depend on a

sense of conviction that government policy will remain alert
and forceful in dealing with inflationary threats as the
economy expands*

That is the same environment in which

interest rates can decline, and stay lower, helping to support
a recovery in investment and sustained growth.
International Considerations
Other industrialized countries have been attempting
to deal with some of the same basic problems that we have been

Most of them have been fighting stubborn inflationary


Subnormal economic performance has been pervasive,

and unemployment of labor and the underutilization of other
resources have risen to levels unprecedented in the postwar
The sluggishness of activity in the advanced industrial
economies has affected the volume of exports of developing
countries and contributed /to substantial declines in commodity

Those factors, in turn, have made it more difficult

for some heavily indebted developing countries to deal with
those debt burdens.

Growing recognition of the potential

strains on the international banking system —

after a decade

of rapid growth in lending to developing countries —


precipitated in part by interruptions in debt service by
Mexico last summer.

One danger has been that lending banks would attempt
to protect their individual positions by rapidly retreating
from new lending.

But borrowers who have built up large debts

over a period of years are not in a position to repay suddenly.
An uncoordinated attempt to force such repayment would undercut
the stability of the borrowers, the lenders, and the international
financial system alike.

We could not fully insulate our domestic

banking and credit system —

and our own economy —

from such

Consequently, we have the strongest kind of

self-interest in measures to contain and deal with the threat.
Management of that situation has required, and will
continue to require, the active cooperation of borrowing
countries, banks, central banks and treasuries of leading
countries, and international financial institutions.


International Monetary Fund has a special, and indispensable,
role to play.

In that connection, I believe it is essential

that the Congress approve enlarging the resources of the IMF
at an early date so that it can, with some assurance, proceed
in the knowledge tha,t its resources will be adequate to meet
its responsibilities.

As you know, that action will require

budgetary authorization and appropriation, even though the
operations of the IMF do not significantly affect net budget
outlays or the deficit.
Monetary Policy in 1983
There was a time not so long ago when the American
public felt confident —

in retrospect overly confident



about the ability of government to keep the economy on a stable
growth path.

Since the mid-1960s, long years of accelerating

inflation and rising unemployment, instability in financial
markets and the economy, and concern about continual budget
deficits have eroded that confidence.

We can restore it


not in the earlier sense that a high degree of "fine tuning"
is thought to be feasible,but in the sense that government can
encourage a sense of price and financial stability and a fundamental environment for growth.
In one important sense —

dealing with inflation -

we have come a long way in the past two years, even though a
good deal of skepticism remains and we must not assume the battle
is over.

That effort has been accompanied by strains and

tensions in financial markets at home and abroad, extraordinarily
high interest rates, and, of course, a serious recession.


now we can also begin to see prospects for recovery and more
settled conditions in financial markets.

Changes in the fiscal

structure adopted in recent years should, in time, help encourage
investment and savings.
But there are also obstacles that must be removed if
we are to capitalize on the progress that has been made and to
make the happier vision a reality.

Both monetary and fiscal

policy will have large and complementary roles to play in
dealing with those obstacles and providing a solid base for
renewed confidence.

The role of monetary policy is to build on the progress
against inflation while providing enough money and liquidity
to meet the needs of recovery.
In some respects, the line is a narrow onef ana
can't be determined with mathematical precision.

But in

approaching our policy decisions, two things are clear.
renewed inflation —
that result —



or policies that seem likely to lead to

neither a satisfactory nor a practical

The sensitivity of the public and the markets to signs

of renewed inflation are all too likely to produce precisely
the reactions in financial markets -- and in wage bargaining
and pricing policies —

that would soon weaken or abort recovery.

The result would be a replay of the past decade or worse.
Second, the problems for monetary policy in meeting
.**.„-• needs of the economy are vastly complicated by the present
prospect that huge federal deficits will preempt so much of our
credit and savings as a recovery proceeds.

I spoke a moment

ago of the "narrow path" for monetary policy, but I must also
emphasize there is no path that can resolve the economic and
financial effects of excessive deficits in a growing economy.
The present budgetary outlook —

until corrected —

can only

maintain skepticism about future prices and interest rates f
narrowing the flexibility for monetary policy now.
I reported in detail on the specifics of monetary policy
with respect to our various monetary and credit aggregates last
week, and that material has been made available to you with this



I would only note now that the relationships

between money and economic activity did not follow "normal"
cyclical and trend patterns last year, partly because of the
introduction of new deposit accounts but also because of
broader economic reasons•

Demands for money and liquidity

appeared to be enlarged by the uncertainty of individuals
and businesses about the economy and financial developments.
There is also the possibility that the combination of declining
inflation, lower market interest rates, and the increasingly
common practice of paying interest on transactions accounts
may have a lasting impact on trends in "velocity," and therefore
on the appropriate supply of money over time.
Looking through all the complications and taking account
of institutional distortions, our targets for money and credit
growth in 1983 are similar to those in 1982.

Because actual

growth last year generally exceeded the target ranges, the
effective growth this year should be less than in 1982.


on present evidence and allowing to some degree for usual cyclical
patterns, that amount of liquidity should be fully consistent
with the anticipated growth in the economy and sustaining the
progress against inflation —

consistent, in fact, with the kind

of projections you have from the Administration and the Congressional
Budget Office.

In a context of declining inflation, the monetary

targets themselves are not inconsistent with further reductions
in interest rates —

but I must add that other factors, including

the budget deficit, impinge strongly on interest rate levels.


The variety of monetary indicators we use and the
rapidity of institutional change are potentially confusing.
In the circumstancesf there is an understandable yearning
by some to encompass all policy considerations in a simple,
relatively rigid rule.

But I know of no such rule reliably

suited to our present circumstances.

Elements of judgment

seem to me inevitable in interpreting the data, and the targets
will need to be judged and reviewed at suitable intervals in
the light of developments with respect to economic activity
and prices and conditions in the domestic and international
financial markets,

At the same timef the targets do provide

a needed discipline, and we mean to be within them over relevant
spans of time.

They will be changed only if evidence fr-

change is strongly persuasive.
We do take as a point of departure in our judgments the
critical importance of maintaining the momentum against inflation.
In fact^ most members of the Federal Open Market Coiniuittee believe
that, taking the broader price indices, the inflation outcome in
1983 is likely to be better than projected by either the Administration or the Congressional Budget Office,

The recent develops

ments with respect to oil prices only reinforce that outlook.
Given the supply of money and credit^ such an inflation outlook
implies lower interest rates than otherwise and more room for
real growth.


The Federal Budget and Monetary Policy
The most obvious obstacle to sustained recovery is
the prospect of huge federal deficits even as the economy

In the last fiscal year, the federal deficit was a

record $111 billion.

The President's new budget report projects

a deficit in the current fiscal year nearly double last year's
figure and further growth into the foreseeable future in the
absence of determined action to alter that outlook.
The members of this Committee, of course, are well
aware of the enormity of these projected deficits, but there
may be a danger that numbers in the $200 billion plus range
have been cited so frequently as to make them seem almost
comfortable and familiar.

No matter how readily $200 billion

slips off the tongue, the hard fact remains that deficits of
that magnitude would preempt an unprecedented share of our net
savings, keep "real" interest rates high, and divert funds from
the investment and the housing we need and want.
To be sure, a substantial part of the current deficit
projected at about 6h percent of the GNP —
of the recession on the budget.


reflects the impact

Slack economic activity and

higher unemployment have cut deeply into revenues and boosted
outlays for unemployment benefits and other automatic stabilizers<
At a time when investment is weak and private credit demands
have slackened, these cyclically induced deficits have helped
support spendable income and buoy the economy.

They have not,

in the midst of deep recession, been inconsistent with declines
in interest rates ~

but interest rates have, as you know,

remained high relative to the current rate of inflation.


As the economy recovers, the cyclical portion of the
deficit will recede.
itself will not.

But as things now stand the deficit

Higher revenues from economic growth and

reduced spending for unemployment compensation will be offset
by —

and possibly more than offset by —

growth in other

spending programs and the effects of earlier tax changes.
In other words, through the mid- and late-198 0s, a huge
imbalance would remain even if the economy were operating
at much lower levels of unemployment —

and assuming inflation

remains under control.
All that is familiar to you —~ and it is equally
familiar to the financial marketsf where the prospect of a
major structural imbalance in the government's finances has
an impact on current interest rates.

It is not just the direct

demand for funds to finance the Treasury that is of concern but
the fear that ballooning federal borrowing needs will, in effect,
bring extraordinary pressure on the Federal Reserve to monetize
the deficits, with implications for inflation itself, for inflation
expectations, and for inflation premiums in nominal interest rates*
One implication is that, to the extent the budget deficit appears
to be intractable, the burden placed on monetary policy to
demonstrate the government's resolve to follow a non-inflationary
course is intensified.

The converse is equally trues


action to demonstrate the government's economic discipline on the
fiscal side would reinforce confidence that monetary policy over
the years ahead can do its job in maintaining a course consistent
with price stability without intolerable market pressures.


It is tempting for some to suggest that the budget
problem and its consequences for the performance of the
economy could be solved by monetary policy.

But excessive

money creation to meet the needs of the government would only
reinforce and validate the fears of renewed inflation, and
sooner or later, higher interest rates.

In the end, excessive

monetary growth would put us in an even more unsatisfactory
situation, with still more deeply ingrained inflation expectations
and greater skepticism about the ability of our nation to manage
its economic affairs.

Nothing real would be gained for long,

and hard-won ground in the battle against inflation would be lost.
In concept, any inflationary impact from the budget can
be contained by appropriate monetary policy.

But the harsh

implications of excessive deficits for other credit-dependent
sectors of the economy would clearly remain.
I don 8 t want to suggest there is a simple trade-off, as
sometimes suggested, between future budget policy and current
monetary policy.

Reducing the threat of those large structural

deficits stretching out to the end of the decade in and of
itself should have favorable effects on current interest rates
and in damping concerns about future increases.

In that real

sense, budgetary virtue will provide its own tangible reward.
But those benefits would ultimately be lost if monetary
policy were to abandon its continuing and necessary concern with
restoring reasonable price stability.

That point remains central.


What can be said is that a better fiscal outlook,
with all it implies, would certainly provide a better
environment in the financial markets today, reduce concern
about future inflation and an early rebound in interest rates,
and moderate preoccupations that the Federal Reserve itself
might somehow be forced to retreat from its basic anti-inflationary

As things stand, with monetary policy assumed to be the

only bulwark against renewed inflation and a high degree of
sensitivity to the past failures in efforts to contain inflation,
every twist and turn in the monetary aggregates or short-term
policy actions interpreted as "easing" is

closely scrutinized

as a sign or symbol of intentions over a longer period.


progress in dealing with the budget could, in that sense,- somewhat enhance our operating flexibility, so long as we succeed
~\n reinforcing the basic point that the effort to sustain the
progress against inflation is intact*
As you know better tha,n I, the process to cut down those
future deficits must start now, and with energy and force.


budget trends take time to change, but the knowledge that they
will be changed will affect markets now.

The amounts involved

are large, but certainly not beyond our capacity.
It is obviously beyond my competence, or the province of
the Federal Reserve, to deal with all the particular priorities
that must be balanced.

The Administration has set forth its

program in that respect.

The general order of magnitude seems

to me appropriate, although some of the measures proposed would,
in my judgment, be more effective if brought forward in time.


Others have proposed different specifics/ and I am sure they
will receive consideration•
From the standpoint of general economic policy, the
more that can be done in restraining expenditures the better.
You, of course, have, to reconcile that with other priorities,
and the basic point is that the sheer e arithmetic of the problem
does suggest that changes will be necessary over a broad range
>£ programs1"*" both on the spending and revenue side.

E believe

recognition of that fact is becoming increasingly widespread
both in and out of Washington*
Your Committee is in the critical position of convertin
that wide consensus on generalities into a specific program,
and I have some idea how difficult that is.

But I also have

some idea how important it is to our future.
I need not dwell on the fact that we are negotiating a
most difficult period in our nation1s economic history.


I also believe we are in bhe process of laying the base for
more vigorous, and lasting, non-inflationary growth.

In looking

to the rest of the decade and beyond, there are, in my view,
strong forces at work that should lead to a kind of selfreinforcing process of growth, greater price stability, higher
real income and profits and declining unemployment.
are obstacles to that prospect.

But there

Monetary and fiscal policies

alike need to be directed, and work in concert, toward removing
those obstacles and achieving that bright promise.
