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Remarks by
Paul A, Volcker
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

1984 Cosmos Club Award
Washington, D. C,

May 3, 1984

The Cosmos Club is a venerable institution, known in
your own literature, as "a meeting place for men distinguished
in the fields of science, literature, and the fine arts."
For an itinerant civil servant, in and out of Washington for
more than 30 years, to be chosen for your annual award
will, to me, always remain something of a mystery.
That is especially true when I realize the award, for
the first time, has been given to one actively jLn
governments in full knowledge that the motto of this
town might well be —

indeed should be —

"sic transit

gloria mundi."
I realize an occasion of this kind, with its
ready-made platform, is designed to provoke from the
honoree some pithy remarks about the state of the world,
or at least his profession.

In approaching that task,

I was reminded of that old Abe Lincoln story of the response
of a man about to be ridden out of town on a rail: "If it
wasn't for the honor of the thing, I'd just as soon decline."
Even my best friends have begun to tell me they would rather
not hear me talk about the economy again —

it's not, they

say, that they value our friendship less but that they value
their stock portfolios more*
But I suppose it is fair to say that, apart from
the world of economic policy, I, like you, am now part
of the world of Washington.

And I have been struck, on


each of my returns, by how much the city has changed,
and how that reflects, and affects, the processes of
government about which we all have to be concerned.
I am not thinking primarily of the physical
appearance or size of the place —

even though, at this

time of year, we are all reminded of Lady Bird Johnson's
beneficient influence on the landscaping.

Those multiplying

new buildings downtown, and the fact that the outer suburbs
stretch out to practically touch those of Baltimore, could
be characteristic of the growth of many American cities over
the past 35 years.
But I can't neglect one material change that
always strikes me as relevant.

When I was here as a

summer intern in 1950, and at the end of the summer had
saved up enough for one celebratory dinner with my
colleagues, one had, to the best of my memory, three
first class restaurants from which to choose; in any
one of them you could expect to spend about half of New
York prices.

Well- niy friends and I ended up at

Harvey l s, which then as now styles itself as the
Restaurant of Presidents.

It is still here —


though, I hope not symbolically, it has descended into
a basement.

But it has now been joined by dozens of

others, with cuisine and prices well up to world standards.


I don't mention that because I have any special
competence as a gourmetf but to make the obvious point
that the industry is not being supported by either a
proportionate increase in the size of the Washington
bureaucracy or in their salaries —

the latter, as

you knowf have often lagged well below increases in the
cost of living, even at home.

Rather, I suspect it is

supported by geometric growth in the number and size
of Washington-based trade associations and legal firms.
To take only one example, in 1950, the American Bankers
Association, the Independent Bankers Association, and the
Reserve City Bankers Association all somehow existed
without a Washington base.

Now they are all here, and

joined by numerous other major banking trade

Another reflection is that leading law

firms in New York and in every major city now seem to
find a Washington branch necessary, a circumstance
practically unknown even 20 years ago.

And I think

that does tell us something of the nature of the change
in American society and the processes of government.
Every particular economic and social interest
seems to be better organized, more vocal, and highly
litigious; this is the place to be all three.

And all

those added and expensive dining tables help provide a


~pleasant ambiance for going about the business of
influencing the processes of government.

It is, I

suppose, a natural response both to the complexity of
today's world and to the fact that the reach of the
Federal Government, at least until recently, has
expanded steadily into more aspects of our national

But I would also suggest it has a dynamic of its

One articulate and well-financed interest group
encourages a kind of Hegelian antithesis as others feel
compelled to protect their interests from the fellow first
on the scene.

The question is whether, in the end, a more

coherent and rational synthesis of the national interest
emerges, or is likely to emerge.

Indeed, I sometimes suspect

an insidious temptation for trade associations and lawyers to
develop a kind of professional self-interest of their own,
hardening positions beyond their typical constituents' or
clients' needs and inclinations.
There is another phenomena within government that
I suspect is related.

As I indicated a moment ago, the

total size of the Washington bureaucracy has grown but
relatively slowly -- about in line with national population.

The number of Congressmen and Senators has not

changed at all, except to accommodate the admissions of
Alaska and Hawaii to Statehood and the delegate from the
District of Columbia.

But within each of those great


""institutions -- the Executive and the Congress -- there
have been enormous changes in the way they are manned
just below the top.
When one of my predecessors as Federal Reserve
Chairman, Bill Martin, left the Treasury to take the
job, he was one of only two politically appointed
Assistant Secretaries in that Department; the Treasury
in total only had five politically appointed "policy"

Ev the time I was Under Secretary in the

early 1970's, the distinction between politically
appointed and career officials had become blurred, but
we still had three career Assistant Secretaries and a
non-political Deputy Under Secretary among what had
become a total of 11 at that level or higher.


to the best of my knowledge, there is no careerist
among the 15 "policy" officials at the Assistant Secretary
level or higher.

And unlike the situation years ago,

there are a dozen or two non-career people at the next
lower level.
I do not, of course, recite that evolution to
vad'Ke a special point about the Treasury, with which I
happen to be most familiar*

I am certain that the same

general trends have been evident in the other great
departments of government, probably more so.
Paralleling these developments in the Executive,
there has been until recently a virtual explosion in


~staff on the Hill.

Much of that, of course, reflects

the efforts of Congress to keep up with the sheer
volume of constituency-related work as the country
grows and communication becomes easier,

I don't know of

any way to measure accurately "policy oriented" staff of
either individual members of Congress or of Congressional
committees, but I am told that House and Senate committees
now have a total staff of more than 3,600, in contrast
to only 540 in 1950.

The total size of Congressional

staffs is roughly 13,000.
I should emphasize that I can't imagine the
Congress acting effectively —

or at all —


without a sizable and knowledgeable staff well equipped
both to participate in the legislative process and to
keep an informed eye on the Executive.

But what in-

terests me is how all this concentration of politically oriented talent interacts.
It's not that "politics" and "lobbying" ever
could or should be absent in Washington; that's a basic
element in government.
specialized and complex*

But it's certainly become more
And I am left with the nagging

Question of whether the heavier layers of shorter-term
and politically oriented officials, interacting with
ever more highly organized and fragmented constituent
groups, do not figuratively, as well as literally, feed

upon each other.

Does it in the end produce more and

better results, or the reverse?
One certain effect has been to diminish the role
off and I suspect over time the average quality of,
the professional long-term civil servant —

those in

the Executive Departments and with Congressional
committees who look upon government service as a career
in itself, regardless of the changing political scene.
I know when I was in college and graduate school, at
institutions thought to be among the elite, a career in
the foreign service or in some of the great domestic
departments and agencies was considered by many a
natural professional objective, a means by which those
able and interested in government could expect over
time to gain satisfaction and ultimately a reasonable
measure of prestige from constructive public service.
Such still existf and no doubt young careerists today
tend to be drawn from a wider spectrum of personal and
educational backgrounds, which in itself can be good.
But I also sense there is less enthusiasm among the
best in college and graduate schoolsf whatever their
particular backgrounds, for a career in the civil
service, or in government generally.
We don't necessarily have to have a lot of
sympathy about the particular perspective from which

- 8 jJohn Ehrlichman, in the midst of the Watergate hearings,
said that he could not in good conscience any longer
recommend to the young a career in government.


there is room for concern when, for different reasons,
our best among the young arrive at the same conclusion.
I know that many remain strongly attracted by public
policy issues, and they want to deal with them.

But I am

also struck by how often talented young people interested in
government tell me they think the best thing for them to do
is go to Wall Street, or to a law firm, or to a bank, make
some money, and then think later about how they might enter
government at a "policy level" position when they have both
financial security and a real possibility of influencing policy.
That's fine as far as it goes.

But I wonder how many will

really do it, and whether they will be familiar enough
with the processes of government to be fully effective when
they do enter.
When the young do want to enter government directly,
they seem much more likely than before to seek a Congressional
staff position where they think they will be —
are likely to be —

and in fact

more immediately exposed to, and can more

likely affect, the important policy debates.

However, those

positions often do not imply the same career commitment.
Some of the most politically active will, of
course, set their sights on becoming a member of Congress



I share the often expressed feeling that the

individual Congressman or Senator today is probably
better prepared, better educated, more articulate, and
more strongly motivated to "make a difference11 than his
typical counterpart of 30 years ago.

They are certainly

There are larger committees, more testimony,

and much longer and more numerous laws.

Whether those

committee hearings are as well attended, the testimony
as well absorbed, and the laws as well understood among
all the competing claims on time is another matter.
wonder if there is not a fallacy of composition



whether more individually energetic and able members of
Congress,, accompanied by more numerous and more expert
staff often eager and able to make their own imprint on
the policy process, will, beyond a certain point,
necessarily produce a more coherent and effective
result, or whether they do not, in effect, tend to cancel
each other out.

One possible result, it seems to me, is

to dilute the ability of any Administration —

to which we

have for many years locked to set the national and
legislative agenaa -- to develop and carry through a
consistent anc! coherent program of its own.
I know, in working with the Congress, that many
of the best feel a sense of frustration, and those
frustrations may even grow as they, as a result of
experience, intelligence, and sheer legislative

com petence f

-10reach natural leadership positions*


leadership is hard to express where there are so many
centrifugal forces at work? the arts of constructive
compromiser of bringing relevant experience to bear,
of marshalling consensus -- the essential job of a
Congressional leader —

are not made easier when so

many are in a position to urge so many competing concepts
of the public good, supported so aggresively by well
organized specific interest groups.
And, of course these days, it must all be done in
the Sunshine,

Sunshine may at times be a healthy and

essential antidote to festering sores.

But, carried to

excess, I have seen it wilt some tender plants that
need quiet cultivation.

Sometimes, when legitimate

efforts to reach reconciliation will be interpreted as
public defeat or "selling out," it seems to have the
practical effect of simply hardening antagonistic positions.
We are not going to return to a simpler time.
The public is going to demand —

and deserve -- full

We have a more diverse, better educated society, and
complications rise geometrically.
As the government does more/ and limits on its
range of: activity once philosophically taken for granted
are exceeded, the insidious tendency is to assume that every
new initiative is precedent for doing still more.


Any President is going to demand that the
bureaucracy respond to his priorities.
The Congress needs to be equipped to do its job
of oversight and to make its imprint on legislation
wherever initiated*
I yield to no one the right to rail about the
"bureaucracy," with its tendency to repel different
ideas and new initiatives.

I respect and value the

work rione on the Hill to raise important questions, to
facilitate legislation, and to air problems.

And there

is no doubt that groups in the society affected by
government need to have ways to articulate these
concerns, and indeed to bring their expertise and
experience to bear*
But,I also believe we could help the cause of effective
government, rather than harming it, if we more consciously
took into account the need for achieving consensus and
efficiency when debating aspects of the process of

The aim would be simple enough —


restore a better balance among responsiveness,
professionalism, and continuity*

Nor do I think those

characteristics need be competitive; they can be mutually

Change isn't an end in itself, and it

needs to be tested against experience.


I am thinking in part of matters upon which I
have no special competence or specific proposals.
Would government operate more effectively and coherently
if we collectively developed greater restraint on
federal initiatives when states and cities might
reasonably be called upon to respond (or not to respond)
depending upon their political judgment and their own
analysis of whether the matter at hand justifies the
money spent, the regulations imposed, or the laws written?
Do the campaign financing laws and the PAC's phenomena
exaggerate the influence of particular interests unduly;
and, would we be better off exerting more discipline on the
growth of: Congressional and Executive "policy11 staffs?
Have we paid enough attention to developing and maintaining
a core of expertise and a high level of professionalism
in the Executive, responsive to the needs of any President?
Do we need a better way to limit what we are willing to
spend to what we are willing to pay for?

Even more

fundamentally, the occasional debate about Consitutional
issues, such as the t€^rrr; of Congressmen or the President,
has implications for in any of my more mundane concerns.
I have no formula for any of this -- my point is that
all of theni bear on questions of the effectiveness of
the government machine*


I would comment upon the one area where I have
had direct experience.

As I implied earlier, my

observation suggests that the well of talent and
effectiveness in the civil service has not been fully
replenished over the years.

Too many of the best leave

prematurely, and too few of the best are entering at
the bottom.

More political appointees are a perceived

substitute, but that practice, in a structural sense,
can be part of the problem.
More talent would be encouraged to come and to
stay at the junior or mid-levels if the best of them
could look forward to culminating their careers at
higher levels of responsibility and salary —

and the

former seems to me as important as the latter.


will require, among other things, stricter justification
of political appointments, certainly at sub-Cabinet
levels and the? number of Under and Assistant Secretaries
reversing to some degree the postwar trend.
If that's to have a ghost of a chance, any
Administration will need to have confidence that the
civil service is in fact both capable and responsive to
their direction and needs«

I've been around long enough

to recognize that a new Administration is often deeply
skeptical on that score —

but also long enough to see

Cabinet Members come to respect and rely upon the best

-14of their inherited staff, often at the expense of the
less experienced "inner and outer,"

And it won't work

unless the civil service, and those in itf have a strong
ethic of responsiveness to their political masters,
while retaining the strong sense of institutional
memory, continuity, and expertise that is its strength.
The best have it now.

I have seen it work in key

departments with strong morale and sense of purpose.
But I also know it hasnft been uniformly true.
The best are getting too few, and we need to find
more imaginative ways of motivating and training them.
Some of the responsibility must lie with the professional
schools of government at leading universities, some of
which seem to be groping for their mission.


government, I question whether a natural departmental
parochialism and fear of elitism has not discouraged
programs to promote tranfers among kindred departments,
more emphasis on a variety of training assignments and
experience —

perhaps including long sabbaticals outside
Alongside that goes the right of retirement

at reasonable pensions when a "fast track" doesn't work
out, ana the right to fire*

Hone of that is new, but

somehow *a don't seem to implement it well.
Maybe I'm biased,

I represent an institution

that, in its basic framework, is encouraged to maintain
professionalism and continuity.

Of course, the Federal

-15Reserve Act was more fundamentally designed to maintain
a certain insulation from partisan or passing political
pressures, while maintaining a sensitive awareness of
what is going on beyond our marble walls.
In those respects, while quite unlike the typical
department or agency, we share some of the characteristics
of other independent regulatory bodies —

only more so.

I suppose the Federal Reserve must, in its organizational
essentials, be among the least changed of all governmental
instrumentalities during my years in Washington.


certainly has more unique characteristics, with its
regional framework and built-in elements of private
consultation and participation.
The strong currents affecting all government have
had their impact.

Staff has grown.

The sheer complexity

of the economy and our broadened regulatory authority are
reflected in 894 pages of regulation today.

I am glad

to say that is below the peak, but it is still 10 times
what it was in 1950.

We spew out dozens and dozens of

statistical series about as fast as we can produce them
-- even if we sometimes doubt the utility of so much
volatile information so frequently —
the demand for openness.

in response to

Sometimes it's alleged we

lack accountability, but you will understand that charge
carries less bite to members of the Federal Reserve
Board who collectively made 143 formal appearances

-16before the Congress during the past four years; I
personally also made 53 less structured visits last year
as well.

In contrast, during Bill Martin's first four

years, Members of the Board testified 28 times,
I don't want to suggest that trend is any different
from that of, say, Cabinet officers, some of whom carry
a much heavier load of Congressional contacts.
I want to confuse quantity with quality.
hard to believe —

I don't believe it —

Nor do

Indeed, it's
that more

frequent testimony means more carefully prepared
testimony, or that members of Congress will be as well
prepared to receive it, amid the enormous numbers of
conflicting demands on their time.

That's one reason

they need the staff..
There has, of course, been a change in another

Thirty years ago, I can affirm from experience,

that when you asked a Washington taxi driver to take you
to the Federal Reserve, you had better be prepared with
the address.

A few months ago, a visitor reported a

response with a qualitative difference.

The taxi driver

responded to his direction with an exclamation:


the Federal Reserve, I didn't realise they had a

X thought they were just on television!11

Wellj, if we haven't advanced in terms of locational
famliarity, we have in terms of public consciousness.

-17I suppose it is to that change that I can attribute this
award today.
But that awareness also naturally raises questions
about our unique role within government, how we go about
our business, and whether our special structure is
still justified in this day of openness and political

The questions are hardly new.


issue is whether the answers also stand the test of
My point is not to debate the popularity, or even
the wisdom, of current monetary policy.
stock in trade —

but not tonight.

That's my

What is relevant is

that the fundamental justification for the structure of
the Federal Reserve System is to remove that policy to
a degree from the passions of passing politics —
in the narrow sense —


and from electoral considerations.

More positively, the question is whether the structure
in fact encourages professionalism and a "long view" in
its decision-making, and whether, at the same time, its
decisions are adequately informed, in the language of
the Federal Reserve Act* by awareness of the needs of
'"business and commeroe.SJ
From one point of view -- that of a standard
governmental department —

the structure of the system

undoubtedly looks like the proverbial camel, designed
by committee.

It combines a central supervisory and


-coordinating body in Washington -- the Federal Reserve
Board —

with twelve regional banks whose Presidents

participate directly in decisions on monetary policy.
The Banks also have knowledgeable private citizens,
drawn from various walks of life, on their boards of
directors; they participate in the regional administrative
management and provide a flow of information about the
economy and policy proposals even if they are shielded
from monetary policy responsibility (and even advance
knowledge of key decisions).

Obviously, there can be

stresses and strains internally -- they are a byproduct of the effort to assure a variety of points of

But I would also submit that, like a camel, it

worksi> and works effectively against those tests of
competence, continuity* and responsiveness.
There exists a definite esprit de corps.


have lost a lot of: good people over the years to the
private sector —

I am always struck by how many of

those commentators and critics of our policies were
themselves trained in the Fed? I also think we can fairly
say so saany leave ar*d assume positions of prominence
because so many good young people were attracted to
come in ..he first place.

Through the years, the sense

of enthusiasm and dedication to a common goal —


the Board Members themselves, the Reserve Bank Presidents,
the talented professional staffs, the boards of directors,

-19and the supporting staffs —

have remained high, and

that isn't a matter of creed or oath.
Beyond our role in monetary policy, narrowly
defined, the Federal Reserve also has responsibilities
in the area of banking supervision and regulation, the
provision of certain key banking services, acting as
fiscal agent of the government and in consumer affairs.
Whether or not each and every one of those
functions is inherent in central banking, I think we
mist assume that the Congress itself, in providing us
with added responsibilities through the years, has
repeatedly recognized that certain functions may be
better done by an independent body, free from day-today partisan concerns and with continuity of purpose.
The challenges have, in the end, come from those
dissatisfied with monetary policy at particular times,
from those who, for whatever reason -- intellectual, or
doctrinal, or political —

want monetary policy to respond

to their particular conceptions.

That, of course, is the

basic reason a high degree of continuity and insulation
was provided the Federal Reserve in the first place.
The basic concept still seems to me sound.
So in this city that has seen so many changes in
roy 30-year acquaintance, I am glad to say that some
fundamentals have remained.

I, and my colleagues, are

-20~constantly aware that we must work hard to justify our
special place and trust.

A special status implies

special responsibilities —

responsibilities to take

monetary and other actions that we believe to be appropriate
viewed against the continuing long-term public interest
in stability and sustained economic growth, and policies
we can explain and defend in the public arena.
•ecu can well imagine that, at the risk of driving
the selection committee to drink, I'd like to interpret
this occasion as a special Cosmos Club blessing on our
structure; but I won't.

What I do hope you will permit

me to say is that the honor you do me can only underscore
the need for all of us in the Federal Reserve to conduct
ourselves in ways that maintain the confidence we try
to earn.
