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George J. Kelly, Director
A.B.A. Convention Headquarters
Room 1337, Haddon Hall
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Phone: 3^-01*a, Ext. U 98

RELEASED A3? 11:00 A.M.

Of M. Monroe Kimbrel, Upon His Inauguration as President of
The American Bankers Association at the Second General Session
of the Association^ 88th Annual Convention, Convention Hall,
Atlantic City, Wednesday Morning, September 26, 1962.
Mr. Kimbrel, who was advanced from the vice presidency of the
Association, is chairman of the board of the First National
Bank, Thomson, Georgia.

This is a singular honor you bestow on me.

As the 77th president of the

A.B.A. and as president during the Centennial year of the dual banking system,
I pledge you my best efforts.
During the past year I have had the good fortune of working closely
with Sam Fleming, Charlie Walker and the staff, and many of the bankers who serve
on the various A.B.A. committees.
and instructive.

This experience has been both inspirational

It gave me a preview of some of the challenges confronting us.

It also increased my appreciation for those who are serving the Association so well.
I am impelled to express genuine gratitude to Sam and Josephine Fleming
for their constant and generous thoughtfulness throughout the year.
a wonderful experience to be a part of the team with Sam.

It has been

He is a great leader,

meticulous planner, tireless worker, delightful gentleman, and loyal friend.
Obviously, his prime asset is his lovely and gracious wife, Josephine.

Nita and I

will always cherish our association with these splendid people.
Banking grows more competitive and more complex each day.

The American

Bankers Association, through its studies, reports, surveys, publications,
conferences, schools, and supervisory services, seeks to supplement the work of your
own specialists.

In this sense, the A.B.A. is really an extension of the

facilities of your own bank.
Digitized A.B.A.
for FRASERservices

I hope you will utilize fully the growing number of

during the coming year.


May I comment briefly on two areas of general interest:
First is the Centennial. This year-long celebration represents the
greatest opportunity, ever, to tell the story of banking to the publics

In turn,

the need for public understanding of the role of banking in our economy has never
been greater.

I know every banker in the country will do his utmost to make the

Centennial a tremendous success.
Secondly, judging from all indications, this year will be a busy and
decisive one for banking legislation.

I am confident bankers will continue to

provide aggressive leadership. The experience banking has gained through the
successful fight to establish the principle of tax uniformity will be useful.
Bankers will not hesitate to support legislation strengthening our banking system,
nor will we hesitate to offer constructive opposition to legislation which we feel
would be detrimental to banking and therefore to the public interest.
Let me make one point crystal clear: we will continue to meet these
issues squarely and objectively. We will also continue to speak out on broad
economic questions. Banking cannot grow and prosper if the economy is not growing
and prospering.

If we shy away from the responsibility of making the views of bankĀ­

ing known, then we must share the responsibility for economic decisions which are
not in the best public interest.

Aloofness is a luxury we can ill afford.

Things worthwhile and of large magnitude are not done by individuals
but by cooperative action. The American Bankers Association moves forward to its

In that destiny you and I have an important part to play,

I .ask you to do

your part. For my part, I pledge to you that during the coming year I will give to
you and to The American Bankers Association everything that is in me.
Nita joins me in thanking you for the opportunity and the honor of
serving as your president during the Centennial year of the dual banking system.
We shall entreat Almighty God to grant us the wisdom and bless us with the
Digitized physical
for FRASER endurance

to be worthy of your confidence.