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For release on delivery
7:15 p.m. EDT
April 2, 2019

Fostering Closer Supervisory Communication

Remarks by
Michelle W. Bowman
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
at the
Conference of State Bank Supervisors

Washington, D.C.

April 2, 2019

Thank you to the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) for this
opportunity to share my perspective and some of my goals as a Federal Reserve Board
governor on issues of interest to you and many in your states. 1
I emphasize that word “perspective” because the view from Washington can be
very different from how things look in your states and communities. No one knows that
better than I do, of course, because not so long ago, I was sitting where you are, enjoying
the dinner provided by CSBS and hearing the perspective from Washington. I’m still
enjoying the dinner tonight, but find I am now, so to speak, also on the menu. And in this
position, as part of the Federal Reserve but also still deeply rooted in my experience as a
community banker and state regulator, I’ll offer my thoughts on forging a closer
relationship and strengthening communication between the Board of Governors and state
banking commissioners.
First, to establish some context, let me say a few words about the Fed’s role and
perspective on supervising community banks. The lion’s share of community banks are
those with total assets of $500 million or less, with the Fed defining the sector as those
with up to $10 billion in assets. The Federal Reserve directly supervises 731 statechartered community banks, which is only a small share of the number of state-chartered
banks overseen by CSBS members. The fact that this is only a small share of the total
might sound to some people like the Federal Reserve has only a small role in community
banking. But it’s important to remember that the Fed is the primary federal supervisor
responsible for all bank and thrift holding companies, a total of 3,912. This includes the
vast majority of all community banking organizations. The Fed also influences the


My views are my own and do not represent the view of the Board of Governors or its other members.

-2supervision of all community and regional banks by developing both safety and
soundness and consumer rules to implement laws passed by Congress, applicable to
insured depositories and their holding companies. Typically this is done in collaboration
with other federal agencies and after seeking the public’s input. I mention Congress and
these other agencies to emphasize that the Fed shares responsibility for writing and
implementing federal regulations for community banks.
Now, let me describe my role. In addition to my broader responsibilities in
supervision and regulation, I am Chair of the Board’s Smaller Regional and Community
Banking subcommittee, which oversees our work in this area. I am also the Chair of the
Board’s committee tasked with oversight of our rulemaking and supervision on consumer
I also participate in carrying out the Federal Reserve’s other responsibilities, such
as conducting monetary policy and overseeing the payment system. But it’s fair to say
that my background in community banking was an important reason I was chosen and
confirmed by Congress as the first person to fulfill a new requirement that at least one
governor have primary experience working in or supervising community banks. My
background and commitment to community banking is also some important context for
what I have to say about the Fed’s interests in improving communication with the
members of CSBS.
I mentioned a moment ago that the perspective in Washington, and from the
Board, can be different from the view from your position as banking commissioners, and
that is certainly true. But one thing I have learned, since joining the Board in November,
is that my fellow governors, along with the staff at the Board, share your view, as I do,

-3about the vital importance of community banking and the essential role community banks
play in our financial system.
Community banks are frequently the economic engines supporting and driving the
economies of many communities, especially in rural areas. In these communities, they
are the primary providers of financial services for individuals and small businesses, and a
source of financial advice and civic leadership. They play an indispensable role in areas
not served by larger institutions and in other communities of all different sizes, from
urban to rural, serving a range of customers, including some that are sometimes not as
high a priority for larger banks.
I think it is important to note, and too often overlooked, that the vast majority of
community banks managed their risks well in the years leading up to and during the
financial crisis and were not the source of the excessive risk taking that caused the crisis.
For this reason among others, the Federal Reserve has been engaged in an active effort to
tailor regulations, including those issued in the wake of the financial crisis, to
appropriately reflect the potential risk that an institution might pose to financial stability.
I am pleased to see some evidence we are making progress. Last year’s CSBS
survey found that community banks reported a decrease in regulatory costs in 2017. 2
This was the first reduction in burden reported since the survey began in 2014. The
decline was attributed to the implementation of changes stemming from the recent review
by the banking agencies under the EGRPRA, the Economic Growth and Regulatory
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996. There has been progress in tailoring regulations that


Federal Reserve System, Conference of State Bank Supervisors, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.,
2018 Community Banking in the 21st Century (Research and Policy Conference, October 3–4, 2018),

-4affect community banks, and I believe more progress lies ahead as we implement the
changes that Congress included in S. 2155 and explore additional opportunities to reduce
burden while maintaining the resiliency and strength of smaller banks. 3
Before I go further, let me give a brief assessment of how community banks are
faring. This might seem like an issue that is primarily of interest to community bankers
and regulators, but I don’t look at it that way at all. One of my most important
responsibilities now is voting on the monetary policy decisions of the Federal Open
Market Committee, and that requires me to closely and constantly monitor the health of
the U.S. economy. And when community banks are the source for more than half of all
lending to small businesses, which together account for two-thirds of private sector job
creation, then the health of community banking has a big influence on the health of the
U.S. economy. 4
Since the financial crisis, the health of the community-banking sector has
improved significantly. Over those years and today, the large majority of community
banks have maintained sound levels of capital. Although the number of community
banks in the United States continues to fall due to consolidation, overall the sector
continues to post strong earnings, which, in turn, contribute to maintaining healthy capital
positions. One measure of this strong financial position is that no community banks
failed in 2018. The shared responsibility we have as financial supervisors to ensure the
ongoing viability of community banks requires cooperation and coordination. We must


Pub. L. No. 115-174, 132 Stat. 1296 (2018)
U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy, Frequently Asked Questions About Small
Business (August 2018),

-5continue to ensure that the institutions we supervise are proactively managing their risks
to remain strong. It’s our job to identify emerging risks to community banks and to
ensure bankers are identifying and managing their risks appropriately. We want to ensure
that loans are underwritten prudently and that bankers are actively managing the
concentrations of credit risk in their portfolios.
We welcome the strong lending growth that many community banks are
experiencing, which is fueling job creation and sustaining our economic expansion,
which in July will become the longest in U.S. history. But strong lending growth must be
supported by prudent, well-managed funding plans in order to manage the risk that strains
on liquidity may arise more quickly than is sometimes anticipated.
Now, let me turn back to my main theme today, which is fostering better
communication between CSBS and state banking commissioners and the Board of
Governors. Improved communication is a top priority for me for several reasons.
First, it is very much my approach to government service, and leadership in
particular, to do a lot of listening. A wise person once said that the most effective leaders
do more listening than talking. When I became Kansas’ State Bank Commissioner, I
started a twice-yearly series of roundtables with the chief executives of banks across the
state. It was an excellent way for me to better understand the issues that were impacting
bankers in a way that was less formal than when banks comment on rules and less fraught
than the supervisory process. Sure, it took time away from the office, from consultation
with the legislature, and the deadlines all of us have faced. In my case, considering the
size of Kansas, it was also time away from home and family. However, I don’t have to

-6tell those of you who have also found a lot of merit in such tours that it is an enormous
advantage to find out what is on the minds of those in the field.
The second, very straightforward reason to foster better communication with all
of you is that the nature of financial regulation and supervision in the United States
argues strongly for better coordination. To a much greater extent than in other nations, in
the United States financial oversight is divided between the federal government and
subnational authorities--the states. At the federal level, responsibility is further divided
between different agencies, such as the Fed, the FDIC, the Office of Comptroller of the
Currency, and the National Credit Union Administration. This system evolved over time,
and as things stand, there are some advantages to this specialization. But this division of
labor may, at times, inhibit information sharing, and as a general principle, better
communication can help overcome this challenge.
More specifically, better communication and information sharing between state
banking commissioners and the Federal Reserve can further improve the early
identification and resolution of emerging issues at community banks. Harnessing and
sharing these sometimes divergent views can serve to strengthen a financial regulatory
system that shares responsibility among many state and federal agencies. Better
communication and information sharing will benefit both you and the Federal Reserve,
but my motivation is that the Fed has much to gain here. Because states are responsible
for chartering and co-supervising the large majority of community banks, they can
provide a broader perspective into local community banking issues and trends.
Let me pause here for a moment and say that improving communication doesn’t
necessarily mean that the Federal Reserve and the CSBS members will always agree. We

-7won’t, and perhaps we shouldn’t. A diversity of views can be a strength. A robust
discussion requires a thorough analysis of differing views, which leads to a more
informed understanding of issues. This healthy give and take is the fourth reason for
better communication: It leads to better outcomes.
I will cite one example that I know is on the minds of many of you--the
rulemaking process the agencies are currently engaged in on the community bank
leverage ratio (CBLR). Here is an excellent example of where it makes good sense to
consult closely. I know you have a lot of knowledge and expertise to bring to bear on
this issue, which helps explain why Congress has required the agencies to consult with
the states. As you know, the Fed and the other agencies are now gathering and evaluating
comments on the CBLR and getting feedback on this interagency proposal. So, now is a
good time to re-engage. I am committed to re-engaging with you on the interagency
proposal and ways we might be able to improve it. I am eager to hear your thoughts.
I have one more reason for better communication, but first I will give you an idea
of what I have in mind for that consultation. The formal means by which CSBS and
others comment on a rulemaking is important, but I think we would also all benefit from
more informal, and more frequent contact. If you have an issue, if you have something to
say, just pick up the phone. It is also my intention to be on the road a lot, visiting Federal
Reserve Districts and talking to bankers, consumers, and community groups. When I
come to your state, I hope to see you, and I promise to make time to talk.
My final reason for better communication brings me back to a point I made at the
outset: the United States needs a strong community-banking sector. We need strong
community banks because they help support strong communities. Strong communities

-8are the building blocks of a strong nation. They provide safety, education and economic
opportunities, and help define the values we hold dear. Community banks are vital to the
success of communities. They help us save and plan for a better future. The credit they
extend helps preserve farming as a way of life for American families, and provides the
means for small businesses to start and to thrive, which is so important to the health of
This is not an abstract notion for me. As a community banker, I have seen how
access to credit and support from a financial institution with deep roots in a community
can make a direct and immediate difference in people’s lives. I continued to feel that
way when I did the job you do, as a state banking commissioner, helping ensure that
families and communities have access to financial services that are so important to their
success. I enjoyed being a community banker, and I hope you know I’ve enjoyed
working closely with all of you as a banking commissioner, and I now look forward to
building a stronger partnership between all of you and the Federal Reserve Board.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. I hope to see you soon in
your states, and I wish you a productive and enjoyable visit to Washington.