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Chicago, Illinois
February 28, 2006


The Regional Perspective on Pension Issues
For many, the issue of public pensions is a rather arcane subject best understood by actuaries and
public finance experts. It is my hunch that few in the general public are aware of the structure of
public pensions or the magnitude of the growing funding gap. This is in many ways unfortunate.
Public pension obligations are growing rapidly and beginning to reduce the ability of gover nments at
all levels to fund other public programs. Consider just some of the following statistics:

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, major public pension programs paid out $78.5 billion
in the 12 months that ended in September 2000. By the same period in 2004, pension payouts had grown by 50 percent to $118 billion.


State and local gover nments currently employ 14 million people, with an additional 6 million retirees. It is estimated that these workers and retirees are owed $2.37 trillion by more
than 2000 different state and municipal gover nment entities.


In 2003, states and municipalities contributed $46.3 billion to pension plans, which was a 19
percent increase over 2002 levels. Pension funding has increased from 2.15 percent of all
state and local spending in 2002 to 2.44 percent in 2003.


Published gover nment estimates suggest that the largest state and local pension funds faced
a funding gap of $278 billion in 2003. An analysis by Barclays Global Investors places the gap
at closer to $700 billion.

And if this weren’t enough, fiscal liabilities will balloon when a new Gover nmental Accounting
Standards Board (GASB) regulation is put into effect that will require state and local gover nments to
recognize liabilities related to nonpension retiree expenses such as health care.


Michael Moskow Speeches


How did we get into such a mess and what can we do about it? To begin with, public pensions are
not subject to the same ERISA rules that gover n private pensions. This has made it easier to increase
pension benefits to public sector retirees without identifying adequate funding. In addition, private
pensions have been radically restructured. Only 24 percent of private fir ms continue to offer defined
benefit programs where retirees are guaranteed a monthly income for the rest of their lives. In contrast, nearly 90 percent of public pensions are still defined benefit plans, and many of them include
annual cost of liv ing increases that increase liabilities even further.
Private fir ms have moved to defined contribution and 401(k) plans where retirement payouts are
based on the employee and company contributions to the plan. This change in private fir m behav ior
was perhaps best exemplified by IBM’s announcement in Januar y that it was ending its traditional
pension program, which was the third largest among private employers. While the company will suspend contributions to its traditional program, it will offer employees an enhanced 401(k). A key issue
to be investigated is whether defined benefit plans are the best mechanisms for prov iding state and
local employee pensions. Do these plans better match the overall compensation structure for state and
local gover nment workers, or would a move toward defined contribution plans be appropriate?
Timing has also contributed to the problem. The stock market run-up at the end of the 1990s bolstered
the balance sheets of almost all pension programs. In response, gover nment contributions were often
reduced or suspended. Swelling pension funds also encouraged governments to enhance employee benefits.
With the onset of the 2001 recession, pension assets took a hit. In addition, many plans built in unrealistic
investment return assumptions.
Pension issues are even more acute in many Midwester n states. In states with high population growth
and personal income growth, future increases in tax revenues may help these states catch up on their
pension imbalances. In addition, states with favorable demographics and younger state and local gover nment employees will be slower to feel the bite of pension payouts. For most of the Midwest, however, population growth and demographics are not favorable. As a result, state and local pensions in
the Midwest are much like the legacy costs that domestic automakers face. They are a financial burden
that may hurt the competitiveness of these states and cities in the future.
How do we solve this problem? First, we need to have a better sense of the si ze of the pension
obligation. More unifor m accounting standards are likely needed to evaluate the tr ue health of
public sector pensions.
Second, it is likely that pension plans will need to be structurally changed, which includes identifying
new funding sources and restructuring pension payouts. This will be no easy matter given that many
state and local gover nment pensions have strong legal protections that make restructuring current
plans difficult if not impossible. For states with relatively weak balance sheets and large pension
obligations, such as Illinois and Michigan in our district, restructuring could be particularly painful
if it requires higher taxes or reductions in other gover nment ser v ices to cover shortfalls.
Finally, solv ing the pension problem is more than an accounting exercise. Pensions must be recognized as part of any employee’s total compensation program. Pensions in the private sector have been
structured to meet fir m and organization goals of retaining key staff members and building a productive workforce. The human resource management dimension is important to consider when
redesigning pension programs to be actuarially sound and meet the needs of today’s employees. For

Michael Moskow Speeches



private fir ms, the move to defined contribution and 401(k) programs recognizes the increased mobility of today’s workforce. Pension portability better meets the needs of many of today’s private workers. Pension programs need to reflect the needs of organizations in meeting their human capital
requirements. No “one-size-fits-all” plan will be appropriate.
I look for ward to today’s discussion on this important topic. As a follow-up, we will publish a
Chicago Fed Letter summarizing the findings and presentations from this forum. Thank you.


Michael Moskow Speeches