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Remarks by Governor Laurence H. Meyer
Before the Toronto Association for Business and Economics, Toronto, Canada
April 12, 2000
On April 13, 2000, Governor Meyer presented this speech in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
before the Boards of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and of the
Bank's Oklahoma City Branch

The Economic Outlook and the Challenges Facing Monetary Policy
When I develop the themes for my talks on the economic outlook and challenges facing
monetary policy, I find it useful to begin from the questions I've been hearing. In recent
weeks, I have heard more than the usual number of questions, so the only problem I had in
developing the themes for this paper was deciding which ones to focus on. I chose the
following set:



Why has the Federal Reserve tightened monetary policy now, given that economic
growth has been robust for the last four years and there is no evidence that core
inflation is beginning to rise?
How could an increase in the underlying rate of productivity growth--an event that
would appear to augur an increase in aggregate supply relative to aggregate demand-raise concerns about overheating and higher inflation?
Finally, does the fact that the five recent tightenings have resulted in very little
evidence of slowing in the growth of demand indicate that monetary policy is less
effective today than it used to be and, if so, why?

Before proceeding, let me remind you that the interpretation of the economic outlook and
the judgments about the strategy of monetary policy I am presenting here are my own views.
I am not speaking for the Board of Governors or the Federal Open Market Committee.
The Rationale for Monetary Policy Tightening: Why Now?
The rationale for monetary policy tightening is, in my judgment, quite straightforward and
flows from two assessments about the current state of the economy. First, aggregate demand
has been growing faster than potential aggregate supply, even allowing for upward revisions
to aggregate supply growth as a result of an acceleration in productivity. Second, the level of
output is already at least at potential (in other words, the economy is already at least at full
employment) and, quite possibly, the economy is operating beyond the point of sustainable
capacity. In a moment, I'll lay out some evidence for these claims. But the key point is that,
even though the rate of increase in nominal wages and core measures of inflation do not yet
signal that inflation pressures are building, the balance of aggregate demand and sustainable
supply today and the distinct possibility that labor and product markets will tighten further
suggest an unacceptable risk of overheating and, therefore, higher inflation in the future.

The move to tighter monetary policy, beginning in mid-1999, seeks to rebalance aggregate
demand and aggregate supply. That promises to reduce the swing in interest rates that would
otherwise be necessary later on and provides the best opportunity for containing inflation,
extending the expansion, and yielding an overall more stable and more favorable outcome.
There should be no doubt that output has indeed been increasing at a faster rate than
capacity. The evidence is the consistent decline in the unemployment rate. It has declined by
about 0.4 percentage point per year over the last four years, with the decline being at least
0.3 percentage point each year. Based on historical regularities, this suggests that output has
been growing about ¾ to 1 percentage point faster than capacity, on average, over this
interval. In a recent talk, I reviewed estimates of trend growth in potential output from
surveys of professional forecasters and from model-based forecasting firms. These estimates
all fell short of the more than 4 percent average growth rate of real GDP over the past four
years and the 4½ percent rate over the past two years. In the absence of an appropriate
degree of tightening, I believe that this imbalance in the growth of demand and supply
would persist.
There is somewhat greater uncertainty about whether the economy is already operating
beyond full employment. Nevertheless, my survey also found that estimates of the
nonaccelerating-inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU) were consistently above the
prevailing 4.1 percent unemployment rate, with estimates of the NAIRU centered close to 5
To date, there is little evidence that the rate of increase in unit labor costs or core measures
of consumer price inflation are rising. The core Consumer Price Index (CPI), for example,
has advanced at a 2.1 percent rate over the past 12 months, only slightly above the lowest
reading for this expansion. This makes clear that the recent tightening of monetary policy is
pre-emptive--an attempt to prevent an unacceptable rise in core inflation--not a reaction to
direct evidence of rising inflation. Given the lags in monetary policy, such pre-emptive
policy action is often essential to achieve favorable outcomes.
Monetary policy has, nevertheless, been adapting to heightened uncertainty about the rate of
growth in potential and the size of the gap between actual and potential output. Policy has
been somewhat more gradualist, in my view, somewhat less pre-emptive than it otherwise
might have been, and somewhat more willing to tolerate increases in output relative to
consensus estimates of potential. But because there are still limits to how fast the economy
can grow without further straining labor markets and to how low the unemployment rate can
go without triggering higher inflation, there are limits to monetary policy's tolerance for
above-trend growth and for further labor market tightening.
Still, the question remains: Why tighten now? The economy has been growing above trend
for four years. The unemployment rate has been falling for the last four years. Core inflation
remains well contained. In my view, three developments suggest a greater risk of rising
inflation going forward and hence justify the timing of the recent tightening moves. First,
the cumulative decline in the unemployment rate has, at the very least, pushed the economy
closer to and, in my view, likely beyond the point of full employment. The immediate threat
of overheating from continued above-trend growth is, therefore, much greater today than
previously. Second, the growth in demand moved into a still higher gear in the second half
of 1999 and recent data suggest considerable momentum in domestic demand in the first
half of 2000, at the same time that the external drag from declining net exports is expected

to diminish. Third, some beneficial influences on inflation are abating or reversing: The
effects of the earlier favorable relative-price shocks--including the decline in non-oil import
prices and the slowdown in health care costs--are now dissipating or reversing; the
temporary disinflationary effect of the increase in trend productivity growth is likely to
diminish, a point I will elaborate on shortly; and the recent sharp rebound in oil prices is
now pushing overall inflation higher. These developments give a sense of urgency to at least
slowing the economy to trend growth and encourage increased vigilance in monitoring cost
and price developments for signs of rising inflation.
Productivity Shocks: Can They Be Inflationary?
It has become abundantly clear that the star of the last several years has been the remarkable
rebound in productivity growth. The rebound appears to be well beyond what could be
explained by cyclical developments, although it is hard to judge how sustainable it will turn
out to be. Because higher growth of productivity translates mechanically into higher growth
in potential output, it might seem that, by raising aggregate supply relative to aggregate
demand, higher productivity growth would make the economy less susceptible to higher
inflation. So some have been puzzled by the Federal Reserve's appreciation of the
importance of the increase in productivity growth, on the one hand, and the apparent
concern with the threat of higher inflation, on the other hand. Some have even wondered
whether the Federal Reserve believes that a higher productivity trend might actually be an
adverse as opposed to a favorable development.
That would clearly be nonsense. Higher productivity is unambiguously good. But the
monetary policy that accompanies a productivity shock, on the other hand, could be good or
bad. We are trying to combine the productivity shock with a monetary policy that reaps the
full benefits of higher productivity growth and avoids turning what should be a favorable
event into one that threatens higher inflation and greater economic instability over the longer
Effects on Aggregate Demand, Inflation, and Real Interest Rates
To conduct such a monetary policy, we must recognize that higher productivity growth has
at least three major effects on the macro economy, in addition to its effect on sustainable
growth rates. It affects aggregate demand, inflation, and equilibrium real interest rates.
Productivity and aggregate demand. Higher productivity growth has apparently increased
aggregate demand through at least three channels.
First, the higher trend growth in productivity likely reflects, in part, technological
innovations that have, in turn, resulted in new profitable investment opportunities. In
addition, this new technology can be spread through the economy by being embedded in or
by being used in conjunction with new capital goods. In this way higher productivity growth
may spur an investment boom. This is consistent with the extraordinary surge in investment
in recent years, as well as the concentration of investment spending in computer and related
high-technology equipment.
Second, the perceived enhancement in profit opportunities has contributed to an increase in
business earnings expectations and, hence, higher equity prices. This, in turn, has boosted
household wealth and increased consumer spending relative to disposable income. Higher
equity prices have also reduced the cost of capital and reinforced the investment boom.

Finally, to the extent that households expect higher productivity growth to continue, their
perceptions of the resulting higher path for future real compensation would further boost
consumer spending today. The effect of increased wealth and expected future real
compensation on holdings of consumer durables and other tangible assets today lead to
accelerator-type effects that can be especially large contributors to aggregate demand. This
is consistent with the exceptional strength in housing and in light vehicle sales in this
Potentially, these three forces are powerful enough to cause the growth in aggregate demand
initially to outpace the growth in aggregate supply, in the absence of any offsetting
tightening in the stance of monetary policy. In fact, as I noted earlier, it appears that the
growth in aggregate demand has been exceeding the upward-revised estimate of the growth
in aggregate supply over the last few years. The linkages I have described from higher
productivity growth to more robust growth in aggregate demand are one possible
explanation for this imbalance. But this explanation is less important than the conclusion
that we are on the mark in perceiving an imbalance in the growth rates of demand and
The FRB-US model, developed at the Board of Governors, gives some credibility to the
linkages that I have highlighted between productivity and aggregate demand. When the
assumed productivity trend is raised in this model, the near-term effect on aggregate demand
exceeds the initial effect on aggregate supply, as long as households and firms recognize
that there has been a sustained shift in growth.
The temporary disinflationary effect of an unexpected increase in the productivity
trend. In the long run, inflation is a monetary phenomenon and independent of the rate of
productivity growth. In the short-run, on the other hand, an unexpected increase in trend
productivity growth can yield a disinflationary bonus for a while. The source of the
disinflationary effect in the last few years has clearly not been that aggregate supply is
growing faster than aggregate demand. Instead the source, in my view, is an asymmetric
response of nominal wages and prices to the productivity shock. If wages adjust more
slowly to an unexpected increase in productivity growth than prices, the initial effect of
higher productivity growth will be a decline in the growth of unit labor costs and in price
inflation. In my judgment, econometric evidence supports this notion of asymmetry. For a
time, lower price increases feed back into reduced pressure on nominal wages. But once
wages fully respond to the higher productivity trend--a process that appears to take several
years to complete--the disinflationary effect of the productivity shock will dissipate. In the
interim, for any given unemployment rate, inflation will be lower than otherwise, and, as a
result, the economy can operate at a lower unemployment rate without adverse inflationary
consequences for a period of time. Therefore, despite a decline in the unemployment rate,
there may be little urgency for an increase in nominal interest rates.
Productivity and the equilibrium real interest rate. An increase in the trend rate of
productivity growth will also generally result in a higher equilibrium real interest rate.
Classical economic theory holds that the economy's equilibrium real interest rate is
determined by the interaction of "productivity" and "thrift." That is, the equilibrium real
interest rate at full employment has to balance saving (driven by the thrift motive) and
investment (responding to the productivity and, hence, profitability of capital). Higher
productivity growth increases the profitability of investment, increasing the demand for
investment, and, hence, the equilibrium real interest rate that balances saving and investment

at full employment. This is really an implication of the earlier discussion of the effect of a
productivity shock on aggregate demand relative to aggregate supply. A variety of models
suggest that, under reasonable assumptions, the increase in the equilibrium real interest rate
is at least one-for-one with the pick-up in the economy's growth rate.
A useful way of understanding the effect of productivity on the balance between aggregate
demand and supply is in terms of the relationship between "natural" and "market" rates--a
relationship Knut Wicksell put at the center of his analysis. The natural rate is the
equilibrium real interest rate that I described above. The market rate is the actual (real)
interest rate determined in financial markets and affected by monetary policy as well as by
the balance between saving and investment. When the market rate is below the natural rate,
financial conditions are relatively stimulative and aggregate demand will be boosted to a
level above potential aggregate supply. This analysis makes clear that the effect of a
productivity shock on the balance between aggregate demand and supply depends critically
on the monetary policy that accompanies it.
Of course, to keep market rates in line with the natural rate, we must make some judgments
about the degree to which the equilibrium real interest rate is affected by an increase in
productivity growth. This depends on, in addition to the size of the increment in productivity
growth, a number of other considerations. For example, the change in the equilibrium real
interest rate will also depend on the prevailing fiscal policy. The result that the equilibrium
real rate rises is typically derived under the assumption that tax rates are constant and
government spending remains a fixed proportion to output. If nominal spending or even real
government spending is fixed, on the other hand, a productivity shock increases the
government budget surplus relative to GDP, at least partially offsetting the rise in the
equilibrium real interest rate.
The same principle holds with respect to foreign output. The full effect on the equilibrium
real interest rate holds when the productivity shock symmetrically affects foreign as well as
domestic output growth. If the productivity shock raises the growth rate only or
predominantly in the United States, the resulting international capital flows to the United
States in search of higher expected rates of return will damp the effect of the productivity
shock on our equilibrium real interest rate.
As a result of the variety of effects on the equilibrium real interest rate in this episode, it
takes some careful analysis to assess whether and how much the real equilibrium interest
rate may have increased. The observed strength of aggregate demand relative to aggregate
supply, however, does importantly reinforce the judgment that the natural rate has indeed
Monetary Policy and Productivity Shocks
The effect of a productivity shock on the balance between aggregate demand and aggregate
supply (or equivalently on the balance between natural and market rates) depends
importantly on the conduct of monetary policy. Therefore, whether inflation turns out to be
higher, lower, or unchanged in response to the productivity shock--especially once the initial
disinflationary impetus dissipates--depends on the conduct of monetary policy and should
not be attributed to the productivity shock itself.
In simulations with the FRB-US model, for example, aggregate demand increases faster
than aggregate supply if the nominal federal funds rate is held constant or if monetary policy

is assumed to follow a Taylor Rule and when households and firms are assumed to fairly
quickly recognize the sharp step-up in productivity growth. The Taylor rule prescribes
adjustments in the real federal funds rate in response to deviations of output from potential
and inflation from some target rate. This formulation of policy yields something very close
to an unchanged nominal funds rate path during the first couple of years following an
increase in productivity growth. The decline in inflation raises the real federal funds rate just
about as much as the Taylor Rule prescribes in light of the increase in the output gap. Later,
however, as the disinflationary force of the productivity shock dissipates, the Taylor Rule
will cause increases in nominal and real interest rates that push output toward potential and
contain inflation.
Monetary policy could use such a shock as an opportunity to temporarily move below the
unemployment rate sustainable in the long run while keeping the inflation rate unchanged.
Alternatively, monetary policy could convert the temporary disinflationary effect into a
permanent one. This would be an example of "opportunistic disinflation": monetary policy
could take advantage of a disinflationary surprise to lower inflation without a temporary
increase in the unemployment rate. If inflation is low at the time of the shock, the incentive
is great to take the benefits in a temporary decline in the unemployment rate. Of course,
policymakers could also choose a bit of both of these options, and I would interpret
monetary policy as having produced this middle course during the last several years. The
task of monetary policy going forward is to avoid transforming what could have been an
opportunity to lower the underlying inflation rate into a balance of risks that threatens to
raise inflation relative to the rate prevailing at the beginning of this episode.
Is Monetary Policy Less Effective Today?
The recent increases in the federal funds rate do not appear, to date, to have slowed the
momentum in demand growth. Indeed, as I noted earlier, the economy appears to have
shifted into a still higher gear just as monetary policy turned more restrictive. As a result,
some have wondered whether recent structural changes may have undermined the
effectiveness of monetary policy.
It is well appreciated that monetary policy affects aggregate demand with long and variable
lags. So, a limited initial effect of tighter monetary policy on demand is to be expected. In
addition, the first three quarter-point moves simply reversed the earlier cumulative easing,
which may have added to demand in the second half of 1999. So, the move to a more
restrictive phase of policy is especially recent.
It is useful to put the most recent episode of tightening in historical perspective. To do so, I
compare the cumulative increases in the funds rate and in other measures of financial
conditions in the current episode with the movements in those episodes since the late 1960s
during which the funds rate increased at least about 1 percentage point.1 I have plotted in
figures 1 through 4 the maximum, minimum, and median increases in the federal funds rate
and three other financial indicators during previous episodes and the current experience.

Figure 1 presents this analysis for the federal funds rate. The current episode is the smallest
and most gradual tightening over the period studied, well below the line for the minimum
cumulative increase during previous episodes. So the modest effects on aggregate demand to
date perhaps only confirm the relatively modest and extremely gradual nature of the current
tightening, along with the usual lags.
In addition, some developments suggest that the recent policy moves may have had a more
limited effect on aggregate demand than would have been expected from even this modest
increase in the federal funds rate. The key to understanding the effects of monetary policy
on aggregate demand is that monetary policy does not operate through the direct effect of
the federal funds rate on aggregate demand. Instead, changes in the federal funds rate and
anticipations of future movements in the funds rate affect aggregate demand via their
influence on a broader range of financial conditions, including short and longer-term private
interest rates, equity prices, and the real exchange rate. Financial conditions indexes that
capture in one measure the full range of relevant interest rates, asset prices, and exchange
rates have been constructed by Goldman Sachs and Macroeconomic Advisers.

Figure 2 shows that the cumulative increase in the Goldman Sachs financial conditions
index in the current episode is not only at the very low end of historical experience, but is
nearly unchanged over the first three quarters of the current episode. For this measure, the
data begin in 1973. So a second conclusion about the current experience is that the increase
in the funds rate, to date, has had a smaller effect than usual--nearly zero--on overall
financial conditions and hence on aggregate demand. In addition, the absolute level of the
Goldman Sachs index indicates that financial conditions remain unusually stimulative,
relative to historical experience.

The apparent persistence of accommodative overall financial conditions in the face of the

recent increases in the federal funds rate is principally due to the continued increase, on
balance, of equity prices and the failure of the real exchange rate to appreciate further.
Figure 3 confirms that equity prices have been unusually resilient in this episode, rising by
an amount near the maximum during the first nine months of significant tightenings over the
period studied.

The recent decline in yields on long-term Treasuries, on the other hand, is not in itself
relevant, because these rates do not directly affect private borrowing decisions. Private longterm rates, in contrast, have not declined this year, and they increased significantly over
1999. Figure 4 indicates that the increase in a representative long-term rate--the yield on
Baa-rated corporate bonds--is at the median for episodes of significant monetary tightening
since the late 1960s. This is impressive, given that the rise in the funds rate is well below
average. The strong contribution from private long-term rates in this episode may indicated
that these rates reflect an anticipation of future Fed tightening rather than a lagged response
to actual moves; a lagged response seems to have been more typical of the experience earlier
in the sample period. Private long-term interest rates will rise further only if market
participants come to believe that the Federal Reserve will tighten by more than the couple of
additional moves already embedded in the yield curve or if inflation expectations begin to
rise. The fact that long-term private rates had already risen in anticipation of further Fed
tightening has shortened the lag from increases in the federal funds rate to the ultimate effect
on aggregate demand relative to past experience and thereby has actually added to, rather
than subtracted from, the effectiveness of monetary policy.
No one channel of monetary policy--in terms of the financial conditions index, no one
component--should be singled out as of controlling importance. The appropriate adjustment
in overall financial conditions can be achieved with varying contributions from the
individual components. Still, monetary policy must take into account the overall response of
financial conditions in judging the appropriate magnitude of any cumulative change in the
federal funds rate.
There also has been concern that some sectors of the economy--specifically investment in

high-tech equipment, a component that has been an important contributor to the strength of
aggregate demand--may be relatively insensitive to higher interest rates, therefore reducing
the overall response to higher interest rates in this episode of policy tightening. The housing
sector has often borne a disproportionate burden of higher interest rates, at least initially.
More flexible financing arrangements may have reduced the interest sensitivity of this sector
as well, though it likely remains among the more interest-sensitive sectors. The question
here is whether the economy might be less sensitive to the change in overall financial
conditions as a result of such developments.
The analysis of changes in overall financial conditions shows that any judgment on this
question that is based on the experience in this episode would be premature given that, to
date, overall financial conditions have changed so little. But the reality is that monetary
policy always has had uneven effects across the economy. We have a single instrument that,
by necessity, must be used to achieve balance between aggregate demand and potential
aggregate supply. Variations in sectoral responses will be unavoidable given the different
lags and different interest sensitivities of the various components of aggregate demand.
Another often-asked question about monetary policy is whether, once a decision is made to
correct emerging imbalances, policy should move gradually or more forcefully. That is,
should rates be moved immediately to the level that would be most likely to forestall the
problem? Policy responds to incoming data. To the extent that incoming data only gradually
alter perceptions of the appropriate policy stance, only gradual policy adjustments will be
called for. On the other hand, sometimes policymakers do find themselves in a situation that
seems to call for more sizable policy changes. But when considerable uncertainty remains
about the appropriate course and aggressiveness of the policy response--especially when
policy is moving pre-emptively against the threat of higher inflation, without any direct
corroboration from data on inflation--a more gradualist approach allows policymakers to
assess the data along the way and adjust accordingly the desired path of interest rates.
The risk in this approach is that imbalances become larger and more disruptive to correct if
resource utilization tightens further or inflation expectations pick up. So it would be
important to react more aggressively in response to those developments. The appropriate
speed of adjustment might also depend on the degree to which the bond markets reflect
policymakers' expectations about likely further increases in short-term interest rates. That is,
it may be more appropriate to move short-term interest rates slowly when long-term interest
rates have already adjusted by an amount that policymakers believe is sufficient to achieve
their objectives. Finally, the pace of tightening may also need to be calibrated to the degree
to which broader financial market conditions are responding to the rise in the federal funds
The combination of favorable relative-price and productivity shocks in this expansion are
the principal sources of the exceptional combination of robust output growth and declining
unemployment on the one hand and stable to declining inflation on the other hand. As the
disinflationary effects of relative-price shocks and faster productivity growth dissipate,
monetary policy must be prepared to deal with more traditional concerns about the balance
between growth of demand and supply, the relationship between output and potential, and
the danger of overheating. As these concerns have become more pressing, monetary policy
has responded in an effort to rebalance aggregate demand and supply and contain the risk of
higher inflation.

A productivity shock is unambiguously good. But the monetary policy that accompanies it
can be good or bad. A good monetary policy is one that allows the economy to realize the
full benefits of the higher growth while respecting the fact that limits--albeit new ones-remain and that, if exceeded, the ultimate result will be rising inflation, threatening the
sustainability of the expansion.
Monetary policy remains fully capable of getting the job done. The effect across sectors will
not be even, and it never has been. And the effects on a broader range of financial conditions
are always somewhat variable as well. Policymakers have to adjust the timing and
cumulative size of tightenings to ensure that the effect on overall financial conditions will
promote a continuation of this economic expansion and an accompanying low and stable
rate of inflation.
1 These episodes are November 1967 to May 1968, December 1968 to August 1969, April
1971 to August 1971, March 1972 to September 1973, March 1974 to July 1974, May 1977
to April 1980, August 1980 to January 1981, December 1983 to August 1984, April 1987 to
October 1987, April 1988 to March 1989, and February 1994 to February 1995. This list
excludes two brief episodes (June 1975 to September 1975 and March 1983 to August 1983)
during which the federal funds rate increased just a shade more than 1 percentage point and
then turned down. The list also excludes two episodes during 1981-82, when the federal
funds rate was subject to sharp but short-lived swings.
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