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For release on delivery
10:00 a.m., EST
February 24, 1993

Statement by
John P. LaWare
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
United States Senate
February 24, 1993

I appreciate the opportunity to speak today to this
Committee about concerns related to credit discrimination in
mortgage lending.
This hearing is very timely given the troubling questions
that have been raised about the fairness of the mortgage lending

Parity in how applications are considered, without

regard to race, sex or other prohibited bases, is absolutely
essential in our country.
on the point.

Let no one have any misunderstanding

Racial discrimination, no matter how subtle and

whether intended or not, cannot be tolerated.

Simply stated,

excluding any segment of our society from fundamental economic
opportunities, such as home ownership and equal access to credit,
is morally repugnant and illegal.

Moreover, it robs the lending

industry and our economy of growth potential.

I can assure you

that the Board is committed to vigorously enforcing fair lending
As chairman of the Federal Financial Institution Examination
Council (FFIEC), you asked that my testimony focus on current
efforts to enforce fair lending laws and the steps being taken to
strengthen them by the member agencies.

I am pleased to do so.

However, as my recent letter to Chairman Riegle indicated, I will
be unable to answer detailed questions about the fair lending
enforcement programs of the other federal banking agencies.


of the other FFIEC agencies (OCC, OTS, NCUA and FDIC) is
represented here today and they will respond to any questions you
may have about their specific programs.


Before I move on to a discussion of the efforts of the
FFIEC, let me give you a sense of some of the actions the Board
has undertaken.

First, in consultation with the other FFIEC

agencies, we have implemented a system which increases our
ability to analyze HMDA data for use in our fair lending and CRA
enforcement efforts.

Second, we are working with the Justice

Department to target certain state member banks for fair lending
examinations where HMDA data suggest disparate treatment of
minority mortgage loan applicants.

Third, we have referred a

number of consumer complaints alleging violations of the Fair
Housing Act to HUD and recently referred a matter to the
Department of Justice.

Fourth, we have taken formal enforcement

actions, including assessment of civil money penalties, to
enforce compliance with consumer protection laws, including the
prohibitions against credit discrimination based on marital
status, age and race found in the fair lending laws.

Fifth, the

Board has denied three applications in the last two years from
financial institutions primarily because of poor CRA performance.
In each case, there was significant evidence in the record that
these banks were not adequately serving the credit needs of their

These actions demonstrate, I believe, the strong

commitment the Federal Reserve has made to enforce fair lending
Recent Developments

Some recent developments have changed the nature of the
discussion regarding the issue of credit discrimination.


debate has moved from a discussion about whether unequal
treatment is occurring, to how to strengthen enforcement of fair
lending laws.

One of these developments was a study completed by

the Boston Reserve Bank.

Another event was a settlement between

the Justice Department and an Atlanta savings and loan
association resulting from a fair lending investigation by the

In each of these cases, evidence was found of

disparate treatment in mortgage lending between minorities and

This has increased our understanding of this complex

issue and will provide a basis from which the Federal Reserve and
other agencies can better focus our efforts to strengthen the
enforcement of fair lending laws.
Boston Study

- As I mentioned, the Boston study furthered

our understanding of issues related to credit discrimination, and
I would like to share with you some of its findings.


1992, the Boston Reserve Bank undertook a detailed study of
mortgage lending in the Boston metropolitan area, in cooperation
with the other federal financial supervisory agencies and the
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The study was

initiated in response to the large differences in rates of home
loan denials among white, black, and Hispanic applicants in
Boston as revealed by the 1990 HMDA data:

a ratio of nearly

three rejections for black and Hispanic to one for white

The study sought to analyze whether disparities in

mortgage loan denial rates among surveyed lenders reflected the

equal application of legitimate credit standards or whether race
was a factor in the decisions.
Because income is the only financial attribute of loan
applicants collected under HMDA, the Reserve Bank augmented the
HMDA data with thirty-eight additional items of information
pertaining to financial characteristics, employment experience,
and credit history— data that the lenders participating in the
study voluntarily provided from their files.

The study revealed

substantial differences in the financial and other economic
circumstances of typical white applicants and those of minority

Statistical analysis also revealed, however, that

even after controlling for significant economic factors,
unexplained differences remained in loan approval rates for
blacks, Hispanics, and white applicants.

Specifically, the study

revealed that minority applicants with the same credit
characteristics as white applicants would experience a 17 percent
denial rate compared to an 11 percent denial rate for white
Significantly, racial background generally was not found to
be a factor in the case of clearly qualified or clearly
unqualified applicants, whatever their race.

Disparities were

evident, however, among applicants with some imperfections, such
as a relatively high debt-to-income ratio or weaknesses in credit

For such applicants, national origin or ethnic

background appeared to be a consideration.

The authors of the

study suggest differences in treatment may reflect differences in


the level of assistance applicants received from loan officers to
address those deficiencies, although no specific evidence from
the Boston study is available on this point.

The degree to which

the findings reflect outright discrimination by individual loan
officers and financial institutions in the market is unclear.
The reason for this lack of clarity is that this was a study of
the lenders in the Boston market in general and did not include a
review of individual lenders to assess whether any specific
individuals were treated differently because of their race.


findings do confirm, however, that greater attention is needed to
ensure the fairness of the mortgage granting process.
Efforts by FFIEC to Strengthen Fair Lending Enforcement

While the FFIEC agencies have separate programs through
which they enforce fair lending laws, I know that all of us take
our enforcement responsibility very seriously.

We have been

working hard to ensure that our efforts are responsive to the
concerns expressed by the Congress and others.

In this regard,

the FFIEC has undertaken a number of initiatives to strengthen
its member agencies' enforcement of fair lending laws.
Boston study follow-up

- Following the release of the

Boston study results in October, the member agencies of the FFIEC
issued a joint statement that addressed the issue of disparate

In it, we attempted to shift the focus from a debate

about whether unequal treatment is occurring to an emphasis on
initiatives that will ensure it does not.

The interagency

statement reiterated the agencies' concerns about fair treatment


of applicants for mortgage loans.

The statement pointed to

increased empirical data suggesting that differences in denial
rates may be unsupported by economic factors.

The agencies also

encouraged financial institutions to intensify their fair lending
education programs for management, lending personnel and

We encouraged efforts to identify and promote

examples of successful techniques used by institutions to ensure
equal treatment of loan applicants, such as self-testing and
second reviews of minority applications.
In addition, each of the agencies has underway
investigations of those financial institutions that took part in
the Boston study where evidence of disparate treatment was

These investigations include review of loan files and

other relevant documents to discover if any individual applicants
were treated less favorably due to race.

As I previously

indicated, the Board did refer the name of one institution to the
Department of Justice where the data from the Boston study raised
concerns about that mortgage company's compliance with fair
lending laws.
HMDA Analysis

- Like the HMDA data for 1990, the data for

1991 indicate that greater proportions of black and Hispanic loan
applicants are turned down for credit than are Asians or whites.
Income levels account for some of the variation in loan
disposition rates among racial groups.

However, even after

controlling for income, white applicants for conventional home
loans in all income groupings had lower rates of denial than

black and Hispanic applicants.

There are, of course, many

factors other than income that are relevant to a credit decision.
And it would be erroneous to conclude that the HMDA disparities
themselves necessarily all reflect discriminatory practices.
Nevertheless, some of them may be due to the unequal application
of lending criteria, and the data as a whole are obviously
Analyzing the disturbing disparities revealed by HMDA data
for use in our fair lending and CRA enforcement efforts has
become a high priority for the FFIEC.

In this regard, I am

pleased to report that the FFIEC has made significant progress in
the manner in which HMDA data are both utilized and the ways in
which this data are analyzed.

Prior to 1989, HMDA data revealed

information only about the geographic distribution of residential
lending by covered institutions.

Statutory amendments to HMDA,

enacted in 1989, expanded disclosures to include the disposition
of applications— approved, denied, withdrawn, or files closed for
incompleteness— and the race, or national original, income and
sex of all applicants, whether approved or denied.


amendments also expanded coverage to independent mortgage
companies, that is, those that are not subsidiaries of depository
institutions or holding companies.
The HMDA data enable the agencies to select specific loan
files to review during onsite examinations, and also to target
specific lenders for more extensive fair lending and CRA

Several of the supervisory agencies, as well as


the Department of Justice, are using the new HMDA data to
identify institutions to review, based either on the large
disparities in denial rates among different racial groups or the
low number of applications from minority households compared to
the racial composition in the community.
Over the past two years, the Federal Reserve, in
consultation with the FFIEC agencies, has developed and
implemented a computer-based HMDA data analysis system.


system, which uses both HMDA data and demographic information, is
extremely versatile, and allows the new data to be examined and
analyzed in a variety of ways.

It provides a series of set

reports (in addition to the standard HMDA tables) as well as the
capability of querying the database for more tailored information
about an institution's lending activity.

The FFIEC is also

working to develop a set of standard paper-based reports for
examiners to use without electronically accessing the data base.
The FFIEC has also worked to ensure that the HMDA data is as
accurate as possible.

In this regard, the FFIEC issued a revised

version of "A Guide to HMDA Reporting, Getting it Right," to
assist institutions compile and report their data.

The guide

discusses the law's requirements, coverage, and management
responsibilities; it also sets forth detailed directions for
gathering data, plus step-by-step instructions for completing the
reporting form.

We have also provided, free of charge, computer

software that may be used for reporting HMDA data which will help
screen out inaccuracies before the data are submitted.


addition, the FFIEC has developed a process which assists
reporting institutions in identifying and correcting errors.
The FFIEC agencies continue to pursue discussions with the
Department of Justice, HUD, and the Federal Trade Commission to
strengthen enforcement of civil rights laws.

In particular, the

banking agencies also are exploring ways to work with the
Department of Justice in detecting possible patterns of
discrimination against minority applicants.

One example of

coordination involves targeted examinations of financial
organizations with mortgage lending records that raise concerns.
Justice Department staff may, in some instances, participate in
these reviews by going into the financial institution with our
The FFIEC has also been working to increase coordination
with HUD.

This reflects the expanded enforcement authority

assigned to HUD by amendments to the Fair Housing Act in 1990.
One example is a memorandum of understanding among the agencies
calling for formal referral of complaints alleging fair housing
violations to each other and coordination of investigations, when
that is feasible.
In December 1992, the FFIEC contracted with an outside
consultant for a review of the agencies' examination procedures
to enforce civil rights laws.

The contractor will also review

the existing training processes and recommend improvements.
believe that this third-party review will ultimately help to



strengthen the enforcement of fair lending laws by providing a
fresh look at the current examination procedures and training.
In March 1992, the agencies distributed to the institutions
they supervise a brochure, prepared by the FFIEC agencies,
entitled "Home Mortgage Lending and Equal Treatment."


brochure identifies and cautions lenders about lending standards
and practices that may produce unintended discriminatory effects.
It focuses on race and includes examples of subtle forms of
discrimination, such as unduly conservative appraisal practices
in minority areas; property standards such as size and age which
may exclude homes in minority and low income areas; and
unrealistically high minimum-loan amounts.

I might add that the

Federal Reserve published a companion brochure in 1991, entitled
"Home Mortgages:

Understanding the Process and Your Right to

Fair Lending," to inform consumers about the mortgage application
process and about their rights under fair lending and consumer
protection laws.
The FFIEC is also offering specialized training for
examiners from the member agencies responsible for enforcement of
fair lending laws.

In fact, one of these training sessions will

be held next week.

The issue of credit discrimination and use of

HMDA data will be a focus during this session.
The Federal Reserve is committed to working within the FFIEC
to develop ways to enhance enforcement effectiveness under the
fair lending laws.

Although substantial progress has been made,


the FFIEC recognizes that its job in this area is certainly not
f inished.
Federal Reserve Efforts

At the beginning of my testimony I described particular
efforts that the Board has taken to enforce the fair lending

Those actions - denial of applications, formal enforcement

actions, civil money penalties, referrals to HUD and the Justice
Department, and, coordination among the agencies to make the best
use of the HMDA data have each been possible because the Board
has had a solid program in place System-wide for many years to
address our fair lending responsibilities.

I would next like to

describe these efforts for you in some detail.
The Board supervises approximately 1000 state member banks
for compliance with fair lending laws.

This has involved

consumer compliance examinations, consumer complaint
investigations, and community affairs efforts.

The consumer

compliance examinations are conducted by examiners at the Reserve
Banks who are specially trained in consumer affairs and civil
rights examination techniques.

The Board and each of the Reserve

Banks also have staff members who deal with consumer complaints.
In addition, the system has a substantial Community Affairs
program, many of whose activities help to advance fair lending.
The Board provides general guidance and oversight to Reserve
Banks in these areas.


Compliance Examinations

The Board first established a specialized consumer
compliance examination program in 1977.

Through it the twelve

Reserve Banks conduct examinations of state member banks to
determine compliance with consumer protection legislation by
using a cadre of specially trained examiners.

The scope of these

examinations specifically include the Equal Credit Opportunity
and Fair Housing Acts.

From the beginning, the examiners were

instructed to place special emphasis on violations involving
potential discrimination of the kind prohibited by those
Over the years, the Board has reassessed its enforcement
responsibilities and made several changes to its consumer affairs

This included increased training for examiners in

detecting discriminatory lending practices.

Changes were also

made in the System's processing of consumer complaints to place
increased emphasis on investigating serious complaints such as
allegations of loan discrimination.

We have made it clear that

failure to comply with certain provisions of the fair lending
laws were viewed by the Board as particularly serious and would
require retroactive corrective action.
The Federal Reserve System's consumer compliance
examinations are scheduled at regular intervals, are
comprehensive, and are conducted by specialized examiners.
state member bank is examined on a regular basis.


An average of

two-thirds of state member banks are examined each year.


Examinations are scheduled every eighteen months for a bank with
a satisfactory record.

A limited number of banks with

exceptional records can be examined every two years.

Those banks

with less than satisfactory records are to be examined every six
months or every year, depending on the severity of their
The examination procedures focus primarily on comparing the
treatment of members of a protected class with other loan

First, the bank's loan policies and procedures are
This is done by reviewing bank documents, as well as

interviewing loan personnel.

During this phase, the examiner

will seek to determine, among other things, the bank's credit

After the standards have been identified, the

examiner will determine whether those standards were, in fact,
applied uniformly using a sample of actual loan applicants.
Special note will be taken of applications received from
minorities, women, and others the laws were designed to protect.
This means that the examiner is looking at the same information
that the bank used to make its credit decision, including credit
history, income, and total debt burden.

If those standards

appear not to have been used, or not used consistently, this
would be discussed with lending personnel and a more intensive
investigation would typically be undertaken.

Finally, an overall

analysis of the bank's treatment of applications from minorities,
women, and others with the characteristics described in the laws
is conducted to determine whether there are any patterns or


individual instances where such applicants were treated less
favorably than other loan applicants.
Another regular part of the examination includes
conversations with persons in the community knowledgeable about
local credit needs.

The examiners will routinely ask about

public perceptions of the availability of credit to minorities
and low- and moderate-income persons.

This information may

suggest that a particular area of the bank needs additional
scrutiny and may provide insights into how the bank is serving
the credit needs of its local community, particularly those
protected by the antidiscrimination statutes.
The Board believes that expecting a bank examiner to master
both the "safety and soundness” and consumer affairs/civil rights
aspects of bank examinations is not practical given the existing
complexities of both areas.

Consequently, the Federal Reserve

has developed a separate career path for consumer affairs
examiners equivalent to that of our commercial examiners.


Board provides them with special training, including instruction
on CRA and fair lending laws.

New examiners attend a three week

basic consumer compliance school.

Examiners with 18 to 24 months

of field experience attend a week long advanced compliance school
and the one week advanced CRA class.

This training is

supplemented as necessary by special training sessions at the
Reserve Banks.

For example, last week, the San Francisco Federal

Reserve sponsored a conference for all the agencies which
focussed on issues relating to credit discrimination.


The examination procedures for detecting loan discrimination
are set forth in the Board's Consumer Compliance Handbook.


procedures take on average 29 hours per examination to complete,
and result in a comprehensive assessment of the institution's
lending practices.

Assessing a bank's performance under the

Community Reinvestment Act takes, on average, an additional 39
hours to complete.
While much of the Board's recent effort to improve its fair
lending examination procedures have been in concert with the
FFIEC, we have underway a number of individual initiatives that
we believe will strengthen our own consumer compliance
examination program.

They represent a continuation of our

ongoing efforts to improve our examination techniques and are
indicative of our commitment in this area.
The Board has authorized its Division of Consumer and
Community Affairs to hire an individual whose primary job
responsibility will be to work in the area of fair lending

This person will help to coordinate our efforts in

this area and assist our examiners in analyzing the complex
issues associated with detection of credit discrimination.
The Federal Reserve is also developing the capability to map
the geographic location of a bank's lending products, including
mortgage loans with computer programs.

This mapping will include

demographic information for the bank's local community.


believe that this type of analysis and presentation will enhance
our ability to assess a bank's CRA performance in meeting the


credit needs of its local community, including minority areas.
It should also be helpful in evaluating a bank's geographic
delineation of its local CRA service area to ensure that it does
not exclude low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.
Finally, Federal Reserve examiners have begun testing a
system that will use a statistical model, much like the model
used in the Boston study, to analyze HMDA data and information
drawn from loan files from individual institutions for purposes
of helping to determine compliance with fair lending laws.
Notwithstanding the usefulness of the HMDA data, the data alone
are not sufficient to determine whether a lender is
discriminating unlawfully.

Specifically, the data do not reflect

the wide range of financial and property related factors that
lenders consider in evaluating loan applications.


our use of a statistical model will include detailed information
from specific application files.

We hope, and expect, that use

of such a model will enable our examiners to more effectively
identify any questionable application files.
Consumer Complaint Program

The Federal Reserve's consumer complaint program is an
important element in our overall efforts to enforce fair lending

The investigation procedures in this regard provide

special guidance with respect to complaints involving loan

Such complaints, given appropriate

circumstances, will prompt an on-site investigation by Reserve
Bank personnel at the state member bank accused of



As mentioned previously, we have a referral

agreement with HUD for mortgage complaints.

I should note that

the Federal Reserve System receives few complaints alleging loan
discrimination and few of these, after investigation, have been
resolved in favor of the complainant.
Community Affairs Program

The Board believes that ensuring fair access to credit can,
in addition to enforcement of fair lending laws, be advanced by
focussing on positive actions that a lender may take to address
such concerns.

Consequently, through its Community Affairs

program, the Federal Reserve conducts outreach, education, and
technical assistance activities to help financial institutions
and the public understand and address community development and
reinvestment issues.

During 1992, resources devoted to Community

Affairs activities at the Reserve Banks were increased to enable
the Federal Reserve System to respond to the growing number of
requests for information and assistance from banks and others on
the Community Reinvestment Act, fair lending, and community
development topics.

Efforts were expanded to work with financial

institutions, banking associations, governmental entities,
business, and community groups to develop community lending
programs that help finance affordable housing, small and minority
business, and other revitalization projects.

For example, the

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City sponsored a conference for
bankers on "Credit and the Economically Disadvantaged," focusing
on barriers faced by minority borrowers and steps banks can

institute to ensure that credit is offered on an equitable basis.
The Boston and New York Reserve Banks cosponsored a conference on
credit issues affecting economic development programs for Native
Americans, especially those living on reservations.

These are

but an example of a comprehensive community affairs program at
work throughout the Federal Reserve System.

In my view we are beyond the point of debating whether
disparate treatment of minorities is occurring in credit markets.
We've known for some time that certain segments of our society,
particularly minority consumers and minority small business
owners, have difficulty obtaining credit.

This has had an impact

on the ability of minorities to build businesses, own homes,
accumulate wealth, and, generally, participate in our economy on
an equal footing.

We now know that this difficulty that may not

be justified by economic factors alone.
The process of fully integrating the minority community into
the economic mainstream of our country as quickly as possible
should be the ultimate goal of efforts to strengthen enforcement
of fair lending laws.

I have concentrated today on agency

But it's important not to overlook those positive

actions that lenders have taken to help improve access to credit.
Many lenders have undertaken critical self-analysis of their
activities and this has resulted positive programs like
reexamination of credit criteria, second reviews of lending
decisions affecting minority applicants, and specialized consumer


credit education on qualifying for credit.

These are only a few

of the initiatives recently undertaken by some lenders.
In conclusion, I appreciate the opportunity to appear before
you today to testify on the important and complex issues
regarding credit discrimination.

The Board and the FFIEC share

your concerns about this issue and we look forward to working
with the Congress and others to address this important topic.