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1:15 P.M. CST (2:15 P.M. EST)


Remarks by
Henry C. Wallich
Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
to the
Midwest Finance Association
Chicago, Illinois
April 5, 1984


Remarks by
Henry C. Wallich
Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
to the
Midwest Finance Association
Chicago, Illinois
April 5, 1984

Federal Reserve policies are subject to widely differing inter­

This would probably be the case even if all members of the

Federal Open Market Committee shared an identical interpretation, which is
hardly plausible.

If 12 people are always of the same view, 11 are dispensible.

But even at the level of the techniques by which FOMC policy is implemented,
there may be different views of "how monetary policy really works."

In this

paper I provide my own view, which may not be shared by every member of the
Committee and the staff, and in all details possibly by none.
Today it seems to be widely believed that the Federal Reserve's
present technique for controlling the monetary aggregates is the same as
that in use prior to October 1979, before the reserve-targeting method was

Observers have noted that the funds rate has moved smoothly, as

was the case before October 1979 when the Federal Reserve was controlling the
growth of money by influencing the quantity demanded via the funds rate and
short-term interest rates generally.

The policy record now speaks of "the

degree of reserve restraint."

Since the record began to speak of the

operating instruments in these terms, there have been no sharp, sustained
interest-rate movements such as were characteristic of the tight reservetargeting procedure after October 1979.

How are these observations to be

Recent funds-rate movements have indeed differed noticeably from
the volatility of the period from October 1979 through the fall of 1982,
after which the automatic character of the reserve-targeting method was
largely modified.

Changes in overall reserve positions of depository

institutions since the fall of 1982 largely have reflected deliberate
policy judgments rather than an automatic response to deviations of monetary
aggregates from pre-set target paths.

Nevertheless, the Federal Reserve has

not reverted entirely to the old technique.

One piece of evidence is the

temporary quarter-end statement-date pressures that still affect the funds

These pressures were largely absent prior to October 1979.
While short-term interest rates, and, among them, the funds rate,

have reassumed some of the role they played in controlling the money supply
before October 1979, a new layer of indirect control has been added to the
pre-1979 procedures, employing a market mechanism.

It is not the funds rate

that is used as the operational instrument but a level of nonborrowed reserves
derived as the difference between estimated total reserves and the desired
level of borrowing at the discount window.

This can also be viewed as aiming

at a particular level of borrowing implemented by means of the nonborrowedreserves path.

The resulting funds rate reflecting this level of borrowing,

therefore, has some input from very short-term market forces.


procedure amounts to an indirect way of influencing the funds rate and
other short-term rates which, in turn, affect the demand for money.
Observers may differ as to whether, given the relative frequency of
nonborrowed-reserve path adjustment, this procedure is better described
as targeting on the nonborrowed path or on the level of borrowing.

From the point of view of the market, where I believe these
things are well understood, the focus on the level of borrowing is signif­
icant because it leads to a different interpretation of Desk operations.
The funds rate level at which the Desk enters the market does not convey
the decisive message that the market tries to unravel, as it did in the
days before October 1979.
desired by the Desk.

It is not indicative of any particular rate

It is simply the rate that happens to prevail on a

day when the manager believes that reserves should be added or drained in
order to achieve the desired level of discount-window borrowing on average
for the reserve-maintenance period.

The action reflects the Desk's assess­

ment of reserve availability, rather than a desire to move the funds rate,
although the action, of course, may affect the rate.

Some aspects that may

create a contrary impression are dealt with later in this paper.

Direct and Indirect Targeting
What is the advantage of pursuing indirectly a target that can
also be influenced or controlled directly?
greater scope to market forces.

Principally, it is to give

Direct action runs the risk of introducing



discontinuities and rigidities. It foregoes the opportunity of benefiting
from a smoothing effect of the market.

Judgment errors in setting the

objective of direct actions are less likely to be corrected by the input
from the market.

This applies primarily when "indirection" implies an inter­

action between a price and a quantity.

It applies also, however, to the

relationship of two quantities, such as when borrowed reserves or total
reserves are determined by operating on nonborrowed reserves.

At the same

time, one must keep in mind that indirection, giving room to market forces,
can introduce a degree of slippage that may interfere with attainment of
the target.
The issue whether to address a target variable directly or
indirectly is posed at various stages in the monetary-policy transmission

At each stage, policy confronts, in simplest terms, a price and

a quantity.

It can determine price directly, by operations in the market,

and allow quantity to be determined indirectly.

Alternatively, it can

determine quantity directly, with varying degrees of precision, and thereby
influence price indirectly.

In one or two instances, the key relation may

be between two quantities, one or both of which are parts of a larger total.
For a discussion of some of the alternatives available at each
stage in the transmission mechanism, the following stages are relevant, in
descending order of closeness to the real sector and ascending order of
controllability by the central bank:

Intermediate targets —

principally long-term rates.

the money supply and interest rates,





Instrumental targets —

total reserves and money-market rates.


Operating targets -- nonborrowed reserves implied by borrowed

reserves intentions and the funds-rate range.
These layers could perhaps be structured somewhat differently and
even telescoped, but they reflect the hierarchy of markets and instruments
as they appear to me.

Intermediate Targets
At the level of intermediate targets, the policymaker confronts,
in simplest terms, the relationship between money and interest rates.
can influence either one directly —


money by means of a total reserves

technique, relying on the money multiplier, or interest rates by buying and
selling at a given rate.

Alternatively, he can influence each variable

indirectly -- the money supply through short-term interest rates, interest
rates through the money supply.

It need hardly be said that this two-variable

relationship functions within a general-equilibrium model with many variables
determined simultaneously.
Why should the policymaker prefer one intermediate target or the
other, and why, having made his choice, should he prefer the direct or the
indirect technique, if he is given the choice only between money supply and
interest rates as intermediate targets?
As for the choice of intermediate target, this presumably will
depend on the policymaker's view of the transmission mechanism of monetary

He may believe that expenditure behavior of firms and households

is driven by interest rates -- in the broad sense of including all kinds of

-6monetary and nonmonetary returns —
through a rea1-balance mechanism.

or by the money supply, for Instance,
If he believes, as I do, that monetary

policy works primarily through interest rates, he must choose between
implementing his interest-rate policy directly, through market intervention,

or indirectly, through the money supply.

In the very short run, setting

interest rates directly usually -- not always —

is possible for the central

bank, through discount-rate and open-market operations.

In an extreme sense,

it could do so by simply pegging a rate through unlimited purchases and sales
of securities at that rate.

Naturally, if the interest rate established by

this technique is not consistent with a stable rate of inflation, it will
have an increasingly disequilibrating effect, causing inflation to accelerate
or decelerate.

Inability to guess or calculate the equilibrium interest rate

gives the policymaker an important reason for not trying to set it directly
but instead letting the market do so.
To be sure, the policymaker also does not know what rate of money
growth will generate equilibrium (constant inflation) interest rates; but his
risk of error is smaller.

If he sets an inflationary rate of money growth,

the long-run result will be stable, not explosive, inflation.

Thus, letting

the market set the interest rate for a given money-growth target is a safer
way of achieving an equilibrium interest rate than trying to set it directly.
A secondary reason for choosing a money-supply target is its public
information effect.

Setting (and adhering to) a target informs the public

that an effort is being made to control inflation.

Reducing the target over

time creates a desirable and persuasive expectation of secularly diminishing

Setting interest rates directly would not clearly convey a sense

-7of controlled and diminishing inflation.
curbing inflation is widely misunderstood.

The role of interest rates in
Not a few members of the public

apparently believe that because interest enters into many prices, higher
interest rates mean more inflation, which is to say that the micro effects
outweigh the macro effects.

Public support for a money-supply targeting

policy is likely to be stronger than for an interest-rate policy, although
the experience in recent years of very high interest rates under a moneysupply regime may have changed that perception somewhat.

In short, the

advantage of influencing interest rates by targeting money is that it gives
the market a chance to prevent errors that might occur if interest rates
were set directly.

Instrumental Targets
If it is decided to target on money, whether because the policy­
maker believes that money drives the economy directly, or because he believes
that targeting money is a good way of indirectly targeting interest rates
which then drive the economy, again there is both a direct and an indirect
technique, this time at the instrumental target level, applying to time
horizons of a month or two.

The central bank can target on total bank

reserves which, together with the money multiplier, determine the money

This is a relatively direct approach, giving only limited leeway

to market forces via endogenous variation in the multiplier.

Slippage, of

course, is still possible if control of reserves is less than perfect, or
if the multiplier is unstable owing to shifts among deposit categories,
changes in excess reserves, and other factors.

Even given such slippage,

the interaction of a relatively rigid money-supply mechanism with a demand
for money that is itself stochastic probably will produce sizable variability
of interest rates, at least over the short and intermediate run.
One indirect technique of controlling the money supply at the
instrumental target level involves control of short-term interest rates
themselves so as to evoke a level of demand for money and a resultant stock
equal to the target for the money supply.

Given the demand curve for money,

a shift in the supply curve changes interest rates along the demand curve,
as reserves are added or drained to achieve the desired rate level.


money stock, in this framework, depends on the position and shape of the
money-demand curve;

it is demand-determined.

This approach therefore gives

the market greater scope for influencing the money stock.

As a result, the

money stock is vulnerable to error both in estimating the money-demand
function and in predicting the values of arguments in that function, par­
ticularly income.

Moreover, there is a substantial lag in the impact of

money-market rates upon the amount of money demanded, with about half of
the effect being estimated to occur within two or three months.

In any

event, in this process, interest rates are likely to be far less variable
than under the reserves approach.

The danger is that changes in money-

market rates will not be made quickly enough when the level consistent
with the targeted money supply has been misjudged.
Another indirect technique is to target on nonborrowed reserves,
which allows both short-term interest rates and the money stock to be deter­
mined in part by the public's demands for money and by the depository
institutions' demands for borrowed reserves.

This approach is, in a sense,

-9a compromise between total reserves and interest rates as instrumental
targets, with the outcome for interest-rate variability likely to fall
between these alternative regimes.

Operating Targets
Finally, at the level of day-to-day or week-to-week operating
targets, which are those the Federal Reserve can control most closely
(various components of reserves, and the federal funds rate), a choice
once more must be made between direct and indirect approaches to targeting
reserves or the funds rate, respectively.
day-to-day operating target —

Using total reserves as the

which the Federal Reserve has never done —

would be a very direct approach, leaving little scope to the market.
kinds of slippage —


especially by means of the discount window, but also

through reserve carryovers -- would have to be avoided, or else changes
in these magnitudes would have to be compensated by open-market operations.
These would have to be massive, since in open-market operations a multiple
of the initial increase, for example, in discount window borrowing would be
required in order to offset further borrowing as banks sought to make up for
further absorption of reserves by open-market operations.

Quite possibly,

banks would seek to protect themselves by carrying large and variable excess
reserves, thereby possibly introducing slippage between total reserves and
the money supply.

All this severely limits the possibility of targeting on

total reserves, to say nothing of the consequences for interest rate variability.
Targeting on nonborrowed reserves —

which the Federal Reserve did

after October 1979 and still does on a day-to-day basis -- is a more indirect




The various elements of slippage in the process —


borrowing, reserve carryover and, until recently, the effect of lagged reserve
requirements -- allow the market some leeway.

Targeting on nonborrowed

reserves also allows for a degree of automaticity.
aggregates from target alters required reserves.

A deviation of the monetary
Given a constant supply of

nonborrowed reserves, the deviation changes discount-window borrowing and tends
to alter the funds rate and other short-term rates.

These rate changes --

downward when the monetary aggregates are undershooting the target, and upward
when they are overshooting -- tend to push the money supply back toward target
over time.

The strength of this automatic control feature, however, is at

best moderate.

While this technique was in use from October 1979 to fall 1982,

it had to be supplemented on occasion by discretionary action in changing the
discount rate, or in raising or lowering the nonborrowed-reserves path, thus
reducing or increasing the need for borrowing and thereby accentuating the
change in short-term rates.
A second alternative, also at the day-to-day operating level, is
targeting on the funds rate.

Once more, there is a choice between relatively

direct and indirect techniques.

The direct approach, in its extreme form,

was represented by the familiar pegging operations practiced during and imme­
diately after World War II.

The Fed fixed certain rates by buying and selling

(mostly buying) Treasury obligations throughout the maturity spectrum at fixed

A different, much less drastic, approach was that employed before

October 1979.

A range was set for the funds rate, sometimes as narrow as

one-half percent and rarely more than one percent.

This range was subject to

revision between FOMC meetings if growth in money and/or credit moved outside


spec ified "tolerance" bounds*


The Desk bought and sold securities so as

to keep the rate within the range, or around a particular area of it, on a
weekly average basis and at times on a daily basis.

Reserves under this

procedure became demand-determined, which made timely adjustment of the
funds-rate range very important.
The procedure gave some scope to market forces, in the sense that
the funds rate was able to move, although only moderately, in response to
market forces such as reserve supplies and bank reserve management strategies.
It gave further scope to the market in the sense that control of the money
supply was relatively indirect.

Because demand forces were allowed so much

influence on the growth of money, the procedure, in turn, yielded to a
nonborrowed-reserve strategy beginning in October 1979.
Since the fall of 1982, the nonborrowed-reserve strategy and its
automaticity have given way to a technique that allows the funds rate to be
determined by the market, through the targeting of discount-window borrowing
from one reserve-maintenance period to the next, implemented by allowing a
flexible nonborrowed-reserves path.

At the FOMC meeting, an intended borrowing

level is set, as a policy decision.

This level of borrowing is then deducted

from the total of required reserves consistent with the target path for the
money supply and an assumed level of excess reserves -- in order to derive
an initial path for nonborrowed reserves.

However, during the intermeeting

period, as money and reserve demands deviate from the trajectories set at
the time of the FOMC meeting, the intended borrowing level is sought through
appropriate adjustments to the initial nonborrowed-reserves path.



The post-fall 1982 procedure differs from the post-October 1979
procedure in that, as anticipated total-reserve demand diverges from initial
projections, nonborrowed reserves are adjusted weekly in seeking to achieve
a chosen level of borrowed reserves.

In contrast, under the October 1979

procedure, borrowing was allowed to change consistent with the attainment of
a nonborrowed-reserves path targeted for the entire intermeeting period —
although subject to technical adjustments.

An assumed level of borrowing

under the older procedure was set only initially at the beginning of the
inter-FOMC period, but borrowing would subsequently diverge from that initial
assumption reflecting unforeseen movements in the demand for money and reserves.
This was the automatic feature of the technique which at times was reinforced
by discretionary path changes.
The relation of the borrowing level to the funds rate, which has
been one of the most familiar features of the money market, always has been
relatively loose.

Since a chosen level of borrowing is consistent with any

of a range of values of the funds rate, current operating procedures cannot
be regarded as a form of rate-pegging.

Demands for discount borrowing by

banks no doubt reflect market judgments about present and future deposit
flows and likely reserve conditions.

Since these considerations play an

important role in determing the funds rate, it is clear that the present
procedure allows at least one additional degree of freedom with respect to
the pre-October 1979 technique.

Interpretations of Desk Operations
From the point of view of the Fed watcher, the present technique
offers problems of interpretation quite different from those of the pre-October

-131979 procedure.

Under the old procedure, the rate at which the manager

entered the market was highly significant.

Ordinarily, it meant that he

did not want the rate to move substantially beyond that point, or even
that he would like the rate to stop somewhat short of the rate at which
he had entered.

When the market had had an opportunity to explore the

upper and lower limits of the range, it had a fairly good understanding
of prevailing policy.

So long as the market believed that the rate objective

remained unchanged, moreover, it would help the manager stabilize the rate,
believing that when it had reached one of the limits any move could only
go in the other direction.
Today, the funds rate range set by the FOMC is much wider than
before October 1979, typically 400 basis points.
are rarely explored.

Its extremes, in fact,

So long as the level of borrowing is maintained,

there is little reason to expect the funds rate to move strongly, at least
for longer than transitory periods.

The manager's entry into the market

does not signify that one of the limits of the range has been reached, but
that, given the borrowing target and the associated nonborrowed-reserves
path, reserves need to be added or drained according to Fed projections
of reserve availability.

In some degree, this is indicated by the fact

that entry continues to occur at a set time of day instead of, as during
the pre-October 1979 regime, at varying times prompted by intra-day
movements in the funds rate.

When the reserve objective has been reached,

there is no reason why the rate should not move against the intervention
if that is the direction of market pressures.

-14Uncertainty about the reserve projections available to the Desk
sometimes may create the impression that the Desk is indeed working to
influence the funds rate directly instead of seeking to influence the
borrowing level.

In the absence of trustworthy projections, the/ funds

rate at times may be a more accurate indicator of reserve availability
than the reserves projections.

If the manager decides to act on the signal

from the funds rate in assessing the volume of reserves needed, he may create
the appearance that he is working to influence the rate rather than the
supply of nonborrowed reserves consistent with the intended borrowing level.
In setting the intended borrowing level, the FOMC must make an
assumption about excess reserves.

This can be regarded as a technical

assumption, however, to be modified later by the staff implementing the
directive in accordance with evidence of changes in the demand for excess

Ordinarily such changes are not large and can be reasonably

well evaluated.
The degree to which the funds rate is determined more reliably
by borrowed reserves or by net borrowed reserves (borrowed reserves less
excess reserves) is unresolved.
net borrowed reserves.

There are partisans of both borrowed and

Econometric work does not seem to give a decisive

It should be noted, however, that when the value of required reserves

is known, as under lagged reserve requirements, any nonborrowed-reserves
target, rigorously pursued over the reserve-maintenance period, is equivalent
to a net-borrowed-reserves target.

Under contemporaneous reserve require­

ments, the same is true to the extent that required reserves can be estimated
and that nonborrowed reserves are made to vary with required reserves.





word may, therefore, be appropriate at this point about the recently
introduced contemporaneous reserve requirements.

Contemporaneous Reserve Requirements
The shift from lagged to contemporaneous reserve requirements (CRR)
reflects a phase in Federal Reserve thinking when it seemed particularly
important to tighten and speed up the response of reserve conditions to
deviations of Ml from its target path.

Lagging required reserves by two

weeks implies that, during this period, the expansion of deposits is not
directly constrained by reserve availability.

Banks theoretically could

create deposits without limit, although it strains credulity that they
would exploit this opportunity, not knowing where the reserves would come
from two weeks later or what they would cost.

More plausibly, the response

of banks to changes in deposits and the associated changes in short-term
interest rates, may be somewhat delayed by the two-week lag in the need to
put up reserves.

Actually, under its reserve-targeting strategy, the Federal

Reserve in effect often cut the two-week lag to one, by recalculating the
average level of borrowing implied by a constant intermeeting average level
for nonborrowed reserves as soon as incoming weekly deposit data indicated
changes in future borrowing needs.

This was done by lowering or raising

the weekly nonborrowed-reserves path, thereby producing some borrowing
response one week earlier than it would have occurred otherwise.

The recent

move to CRR thus potentially speeds up initial responses by one week rather
than two.
In any event, CRR seemed a logical complement to the automaticity
of the reserve strategy.

Their adoption reflected a degree of frustration

stemming from the fact that the adverse features of the strategy, in the



form of greater variability of interest rates, were much in evidence,
while improved control over the money supply was less so.
unlikely to do harm and capable of doing some good.

The change seemed

It implied an effort

to go as far as possible in the direction of making the rigorous reserves
strategy effective.
Subsequent experience with the behavior of Ml was largely
responsible for making this approach less viable.

Changes in operating

techniques, beginning in the fall of 1982, therefore, downgraded the role
of Ml and reduced the degree of automaticity.

This seemed to make moot the

case for CRR, at least for the duration of this policy approach.

On the

other hand, concern that CRR would lead to greater volatility of interest
rates diminished for the same reason.

What remained was a moderate

potential improvement in the reserve aggregates to money-supply relation
that may help reduce one element of slippage in the mechanism and that
expanded the menu of feasible operating procedures for future consideration.

Some Comments on the Aggregates
A major reason for modifying the automatic reserve-targeting
technique has been the erratic behavior of Ml demand relative to its
primary determinants.

This, in turn, seems to have reflected, at least in

part, the transition to a different composition of the aggregate, in the
course of the rapid increase in NOW accounts and, subsequently, super-NOWs.
Approximately one-fourth of Ml now bears explicit interest.

For the $90

billion of regular NOW accounts, this rate is not a market rate, though it
is for the $40 billion of super-NOWs.

It will become so, for the regular

NOWs, as the minimum balance to open super-NOW accounts -- which have no

-17interest-rate ceiling —

declines to $1,000 in January 1985 from the

present level of $2,500 and then is entirely eliminated in January 1986.
The ceiling rate on regular NOWs is close enough to the market, however,
to allow small changes in market rates to produce large variations in the
opportunity cost of holding regular NOW balances, so long as their rate
typically remains at the present ceiling levels.

For the time being, this

may have made Ml more interest elastic than before.
However, as the share of super-NOWs grows, and particularly when
the minimum-balance requirement for all NOW accounts is removed, rates on
the interest-bearing component of Ml increasingly will be market related.
This would reduce, perhaps substantially, the interest elasticity of this

The control of Ml through an interest-rate strategy then would

function largely to the extent that interest rates influence GNF and thereby
Ml demand.

Of course, the possibility of controlling Ml through a total-reserve

strategy would remain.

But, given a low Ml interest elasticity, the demand

for the aggregate would not be much affected by interest-rate variations.
Interest-rate volatility resulting from an effort to control Ml through total
reserves, therefore, might become even more severe.
Instability in the demand function for Ml during 1982 -- which did
not occur for the first time in that year —

along with the impending

introduction of M M M s and maturing of All Saver Certificates —
downgrading of the aggregate as a target in 1982.

prompted the

The demand function seems

to have stabilized somewhat in the meantime, but with altered properties.
For instance, the large interest-bearing component in Ml is likely to produce
more rapid growth of the entire aggregate in the future, relative to nominal

-18income and other monetary aggregates.

In past years, the difference in

the growth rate between Ml on one side, and M2 and M3 on the other, averaged
on the order of 3 percentage points, with cyclical variations.
difference of 1-2 percentage points now seems more likely.

A secular

This smaller

difference is reflected in the Federal Reserve's 1984 targets of 4-8 percent
for Ml and 6-9 percent for M2 and M3.

At constant rates of interest, velocity

may tend to grow in the 1-2 percent range.
Currency also seems to have been experiencing some instability.
Until very recently, its average rate of growth had risen to 10 percent or

This would not by itself be enough to disrupt seriously the rehabilita­

tion of Ml as a usable target.
monetary base.

Its implications are more serious for the

With currency growing at 10 percent, setting base growth

much below its 1983 average rate of almost 9 percent would mean that total
reserves, which make up only 20 percent of the base, would have to decline.
Reservable deposits would have to do likewise.

This, in turn, would, of

course, have a severe impact on Ml, the deposit component of which is the
principal user of reserves.

Accommodating changes in the composition of Ml,

on the other hand, i.e., by offsetting fluctuations in the currency/deposits
ratio, would be tantamount to targeting on reserves.
M2 has also undergone a change that over several years has sub­
stituted market-related for regulated interest rates.

The interest sensitivity

of the aggregate accordingly must be presumed to have diminished.

M2, in this

sense, has already undergone some of the development that may be ahead for Ml.
Not enough time has passed, however, to provide adequate data for a test.

-19Can We Shed Velocity?
Recent vicissitudes of the aggregates, and prospective future
changes, raise questions about the time-honored concept of velocity.


notion of a simple velocity relation between nominal income and money is so
deeply embedded in the lore of money that it may seem quixotic to try to
eradicate it.

Nevertheless, in my view, that is what should be done.

It is,

after all, a primitive concept, clearly inferior to that of a demand function
for money.

Its calculation leaves out of account the effects of interest rates,

wealth, inflation, and other arguments that may play a role in the money-demand

Its theoretical foundations are weak, unless the demand function is

connected to a velocity expression.
a luxury good.

Secularly, it should decline if money is

Historically, since World War II, that has not been its trend,

although the upward trend of interest rates and inflation during that period
is partly responsible.

The most appropriate way of defining velocity, by

relating^money to income with a lag, or without, is heuristically rather than
theoretically founded.
Debates about whether or not there have been shifts in velocity,
and how they should be reflected in money-supply targeting, are conducted
much more meaningfully in terms of the stability of the demand function for

Otherwise, changes in velocity that occur along a stable demand

function may be confounded with changes associated with a shift in the

Velocity may even remain stable while offsetting changes occur

within the demand function.

The principal loss from shedding the simple

notion no doubt would be to the reputation of the economic profession, that
would probably be accused once more of creating an unnecessary confusion.
