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F I N A N C fI A L



. No. M

President Haines: W e m U io w pro­
ceed with the program as arranged, and
the next is an address on “The Federal
Reserve System,” by Mr. Benjamin
Strong, Jr., Governor of the Federal Re­
serve Bank of New York.

Mr. Benjamin Strong, Jr., Governor of
the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York.
Mr. President and Gentlemen: I am
sure that Congressman Fowler will not
object to my calling your attention to an
error in the printing of the program. It
' seems that I am called upon to address
you in regard to some features of an
economic monstrosity. (Laughter.)
Now. unfortunately the gentlemen who
were charged with the duty of engaging of­
ficers for the Reserve Bank failed to take
into consideration that certain qualifications
not usually required for bankers appar­
ently were required for these positions.
They should have selected men with some ,
talent for speechmaking. l)ur duties at the
office in Xew York have been rather ardu­
ous, and rather than devote considerable
time to careful preparation of addresses in
regard to the Reserve Bank, we have
thought best to ask the bankers who are
good enough to invite us to address them
to let us make very informal talks in re.garil to the work that is being done, and
I will therefore ask your indulgence if the
matters that 1 want to talk about this
afternoon are viry informally dealt with.
Congressman Fowler. I am sure, will not
object to my referring to one or two words
only of his remarks. Discussion of hank­
ing legislation in this country, as I recall,
has been pretty active for the last eight or
ten years. If we are to have the real dis­
cussion that Congressman Fowler suggests,
I am afraid we will now have no time for
anything but banking discussion, judging,
at least, by the activity that has prevailed
since 1907 in efforts to get better hanking
law. He refers to a remark, possibly unfor­
tunate. that this new law is 70 per cent,
good. My memory of one such remark
was that it was i>*0 per cent. good. And
Congressman Fowler considers it 170 per
cent. bad. I think’ he is mistaken.
These last sevm years of discussion, in
which Congressman Fowler himself par­
ticipated very actively and himself contrib­
uted toward a better understanding of.
the problem, if it did nothing else, con­
vinced the people of this country that our
problem was a very different one from any
that existed in Europe. We have in the
United States over 2.V000 hanking in­
The are scattered over an
area equal to pretty much all of Furope.
Conditions are different in the different
parts of the country and at least twothirds or three-fourths of those institu­
tions are governed by the laws of fortyeight different States. I think at least we
owe a great deal of thanks to those men
who devoted themselves, with tangible re­
sults. not reduced to percentages, however,



Seaboard National Bank
of the City of New York
earnestly solicits deposits from New Jersey Bankers.


attention on the part of the officers is given to all accounts.
C a p ita l............................................... $1,000,000
Surplus and Profits (earned)
S. <;. U A Y X E , President
I'. C. THOMPSON.^fViCj^A'esident

S. li. X K 1.SO X , Vice-l’ rcsiilent

B. L . G II.L , Vice-President

W. K j/ O - E U k g jiE V , Cashier
1-. X. l»r V A C S X E Y , Assistant Cashier

1 1» bringing about the law that lias been
In fact, except some divine
1inspiration had operated in the prep­
aration of this law, I do not believe
the American people could expect one that
; was 100 per cent, perfect.
___ _
j Now, my own view of the law has some; what changed since taking a position in this
; system. Before the law was passed, with
many other bankers who 1 think were dei voting themselves to serious thought on this
subject, I felt that one bank was what this
country wanted, as Congressman Fowler
i has suggested. We have twelve banks.
With these we can well be satisfied.
■Our problem just now is to as; sist in the development of the system that
■we have, so that it will serve your
needs, and some of the work along that
; line I would like to talk about.
I must not, however, pass the oppor­
tunity to express the satisfaction that some
i of us feel at the apparent success of the
major surgical operation that was just
referred to.
131 banks
northern New Jersey that are shortly to
become members of the Second District
will receive a very warm welcome. (Ap­
You will recall that shortly after the
banks were organized, a circular, No. irt,
was issued t>y the Federal Reserve Board
in regard to commercial paper. That cir­
cular was later withdrawn and a new cir­
cular, for
4, was issued in its place, the
was to leave it very much
to theReserve
banks and
St. member

J . C. M in K V ; Assistant Cashier

O. M. JE F F E R D S , Assistant Cashier

the discretion of the officers of the Re­
serve Bank as to what paper was eligible
for rediscount by the member bank. Since
that time there has been issued a new circu­
lar and regulation which is to take effect on
]uly 15th. So many inquiries are being made
as to the exact procedure under that circular
and just what will be required after July 15
rthat we have had in course of preparation
statement or letter which will express
as briefly as seems possible the views that
are entertained by the officers of our bank
on this matter so that the member banks
can readily observe its provisions. I would
like to read some portions of this circular,
which may, however, be changed at a later
Circular No. 3, the one which takes ef­
fect July 15th, defines eligible paper and
provides that member banks will be ex­
pected to keep credit files showing the
condition of their larger borrowers in or­
der to certify the eligibility of paper of­
fered for rediscount after July 15, 1915.
Until July 15th, Circular No. 4 shows
how such eligibility shall be certified, but
thereafter Circular No. 4 will no longer ap­
ply. The judgment to be exercised, in
other words, will be controlled by Circu­
lar No. 3, and I would like to call your
attention to the fact that that circular dis­
tinguishes between paper taken by mem­
bers hanks from their customers and
paper which they purchase from brokers
or through their bank correspondents.
As to all purchased paper, :he Board
has seen fit to require that eaoh member


bank shall be able to certify to its reserve
bank that it has a signed statement or
a copy of a signed statement of the bor­
rower. As to the paper which they take
from their customers, no such certificate
is required in the case of a note of any
one customer or the obligation of any one.
customer which does not exceed five thou­
sand dollars in amount or does not exceed :
10 per cent, of the capital stock of the
member bank. That is to say, a bank of
twenty-five thousand dollars capital can
apply for a rediscount of notes of any~
one of its borrowers not exceeding twenty*
five hundred dollars in amount without .
making a certificate or stating that they
have in their files a statement of the bor­
rower’s financial condition.
For larger
amounts credit bills will be required.
The Federal Reserve Banks must be pre­
pared to make their resources available
when needed, to the commerce, industry and
agriculture of the country, to facilitate
production, manufacture or distribution.
That is the language that is employed in
the regulation itself. Their resources
must, however, be kept liquid. Therefore,
except for a limited amount of agricultural
paper, all notes rediscounted must ma­
ture within ninety days and must be
taken up by the banks which indorse them,
whether they arc paid by the makers or
not. But the act and the regulation re­
quire that the original borrower's finan­
cial condition shall also reasonably evidence
his ability to meet his current liabilities,
promptly. Stated negatively, this mean’



that 4 Federal Reserve Bank may not dis­
count a member bank's paper which rep­
resents or is based on lands, buildings,
machinery or other fixed or permanent as­
sets or on investment securities or on
goods carried merely for speculative pur­
poses. Such paper does not contain the
clement of self-liquidation, as it does not
represent goods in any of the stages of pro­
duction, manufacture and distribution.
The paper which in form evidences most
satisfactorily that it is self-liquidating is
a note, bill or accepted draft, representing
the obligation of the purchaser to the seller
for goods sold.
Let me say that there seems to be a
good deal of misunderstanding as to
what might be called trade paper. Too
many of the member banks are under the
impression that they must in applying for
discounts submit only paper on which there
are two obligations to pay, a maker and
an endorser. That is not a fact. The test
of the eligibility of a note, which I will
refeT to later, is not of that character.
This paper represents, in fact, an actual
commercial transaction, and its payment is
directly related to the sale of the goods.
But the development in this country of the
open credit granted by merchants and man­
ufacturers. and of the system of cash dis­
counts, offering advantages to purchasers
with ample capital, has reduced the volume
of self-liquidating paper and substituted
for it the promissory note on which work­
ing capital is obtained in order to carry
indebtedness due by customers on open ac­
counts, as well as for the purchase of ma­
terial. The provisions of the act and the
regulation contemplate the rediscount of
the latter class of paper at Federal Re­
serve Banks and it has so far constituted
the vast majority in volume of the paper
which our bank has thus far discounted.
In the case of the ordinary promissory
note with or without endorsements, how
shall the member bank determine whether
■it is eligible for rediscount with its Fed­
eral Reserve Bank? This is most difficult
in the case of notes discounted by indi­
viduals. In such cases it would be advan­
tageous to ascertain first the business of
the discounter. If he is engaged in com■merce, industry or agriculture, it may be
. eligible. If he is not so engaged, it is not
eligible unless he uses the proceeds of the
note for commercial, industrial or agri: cultural purposes. Smith may be a prac• ticing lawyer or physician, but he may
<also own a farm and his notes may be is; sued to purchase feed, fertilizer or stock,
1or pay wages or other regular costs of
• operating a farm, just as in the case of any
I farmer. Likewise Smith may also have
an interest in the local newspaper or other
i industry. A note issued by Smith for
. money to advance to the newspaper would
<be eligible for rediscount, provided it was
not to go into fixed assets, such as land,
buildings or machinery.
t But if Smith should offer a note issued
i fcjr the person, firm or corporation running
the newspaper or other concern, it would
be evidence on its face that it had been
i wed for industrial or commercial purDigitized
! poses. for
this case eligibility would be
determined by examining the statement of
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




Vol. x x f

from the reserve banks on the se
the concern to see if it has a reasonable
excess of quick assets over current liabil­ bonds; conversely, it is no longer a. nec­
ities. But if Smith, a lawyer or physician, essary for member banks to carry bonds
simply for the purpose of occasional bor­
merely borrows for household expenses or
rowing, because the law permits the redis­
for any purpose not commercial, industrial
count of their commercial paper when they
or agricultural, his note is not eligible.
are in need of funds.
Accommodation makers or endorsers do
In examining the statements furnished us
not affect the eligibility of the note. The
in New York by the member banks of
eligibility depends primarily upon the pur­
our district I think there were something
pose for which its proceeds are used.
In the case of notes discounted by firms like seventy-five or eighty banks that re­
or corporations, if such firms or corpora­ ported that they had little or no paper that
tions are engaged in commerce, industry was eligible to rediscount. We wrote each of
or agriculture, their notes are eligible, pro­ those banks a letter asking them to either
vided they show by statement or other­ . send an officer of the bank to see us or to
wise that they have a reasonable excess write us and give a description of the character of the paper which they had in their
of quick assets over current liabilities.
It is quite apparent that if a large bor­ portfolios. We found on examination and
in conversation with the officers that we
rower in making a statement shows that
his short borrowings, current liabilities, saw, that hardly any of those that replied
current indebtedness, are in excess^of his had less than 50 per cent, of eligible paper
quickly available assets, some part of his in their portfolios; but their reports were
borrowings must have gone into plant or based upon a conception of what the regu­
machinery or fixed assets. And that, in lation meant that was not accurate.
Many banks have been accustomed to
fact, is the principal test of the eligibility
of paper, based, as I have stated, upon borrow on demand. The law does not
the character of the statement that the bor­ permit the use of commercial paper as security to demand loans, but banks desiring
rower makes.
In the case of purchased paper, eligibility short loans may select from their port­
folio paper having about the required time
will be determined by the statement of
the person, firm or corporation on the to run.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New
strength of whose credit the paper is
bought. If a reasonable excess of quick York has as members several of the largest
assets over current liabilities is shown, as well as many of the smallest national
banks of the country. Its facilities are open
the paper is eligible.
In the case of paper discounted by farm­ on equal terms to all and it is prepared to
ers, unless the farmer makes a statement discount small as well as large notes. You
(in which case the same test of quick as­ may be interested in a few figures as to
sets over liabilities will apply), and if the exactly what discounting we have done.
Thirty-three banks have applied for re­
proceeds are to be used for seed, fertilizer,
feed, stock or current operating expenses, discount of paper, the total amount aggre­
it is eligible, but it is not eligible if they gating $8,061,919.93. Only four of those
are to be used for lands, buildings or ma­ banks were located in New York City; the
other twenty-nine outside of the City of
chinery of a permanent nature.
New York. The largest amount redis­
Eligibility and credit, of course, are not
to be confused. All notes discounted by counted on a single application has been
member banks are presumably good; some $2,182,500 and the smallest $1,700. The
are eligible and some are not, according largest single note rediscounted has been
to the purpose for which their proceeds are $300,000 and the smallest $25.40. (Laugh­
ter.) Most of our applications come from
to be used.
member banks up the State and largely in
A renewal is an indication that the debt
farming communities. I can say that the
is.not self-liquidating. But the regulation
makes the statement of the concern the paper that is offered for rediscount, which
is manifestly paper made by farmers, and
test of eligibility. Whenever the statement
shows a reasonable excess of quick assets very largely issued to buy fertilizer, stock,
over current liabilities, a note, even if re­ to some extent feed and other supplies in
the spring season, has almost without ex­
newed, may be considered eligible. What
ception been discounted, and much of it was
is a reasonable excess varies with differ­
single name paper. It becomes double name
ent industries. Packers maintain high
paper, of course, in our hands, with the en­
credit if they have say $1.50 of quick assets
for $1 of current liabilities. A manufac­ dorsement of-the member bank.
turer of jewelry possibly might make a
Applications for rediscount are almost
statement showing a large stock of gold invariably acted upon when accepted, and
the proceeds credited on the day of re­
where the margin of quick assets would be
ceipt. There again is a delusion that in
very small and yet the statement be a per­
some way or other there is a great deal
fect test of the eligibility of his borrowings.
of red tape to uncut in connection with
The more special the line the higher the
the operation of discounting paper at
ratio expected, unless there is a sufficiently
the Reserve banks. It is quite simple. A
strong endorser to permit the ratio to be
number of banks have admitted to me
reduced. But the excess should always be
that they sent in some notes for dis­
reasonable considering all the circumstances
count just to see how it worked, and
in the case.
they did not really want the money.
Many member banks in our district
carry bonds on which, as occasion re­
It is our practice to return paper for
quired. thev have been accustomed to bor­
collection to the bank which rediscount­
row from ‘heir reserve agents. The law
ed it lb out five or ten days before Its
does not permit member banks to borrow




Magr 22, »15





Fourth Street
National Bank

Surplus and Profits - 6,800,000
E. F. S H A N B A C K E R ,
JA M E S H A Y , Vice-President
F R A N K G. R O G E R S , Vice-President
R. J. C L A R K , Cashier

\V. A. B U L K L E Y , Ass’t Cashier
W . K. H A R D T , Ass't Cashier
C. F. S H A W , Jr., Ass’t Cashier

Exceptional Facilities for Making Collections Throughout the World
maturity. W e charge it to the bank's
account on our books the day it matures.
It ia not our practice to permit a mem­
ber bank to take up paper before the
date of maturity exccpt in spccial cases
where the maker of the note has been
permitted by the member bank to antic­
ipate his note. In such eases we have
generally allowed a rebate of interest at
one per cent, below the current rate for
auch maturity at the date the note is
taken up. Member banks offering notes
for rediscount should examine them
carefully to see that they are in good
order. One of the most difficult matters
to deal with in the bank has been the
large around of paper that appears with
various technical irregularities.
many of them altogether indicate that
carelessness prevails in observing pru­
dent rules as to the way notes are drawn,
dated and filled in. And such little irrita­
tion as has developed from thnse discount­
ing transactions that we have had with the
member banks has been almost entirely
due to the existence of this carelessness
in Hie way paper is permitted to be drawn
by the customers of the member bank.

Dae to what I personally regard as an
unfortunate provision of the aet it is also
necessary to require a special endorsement on the paper discounted, which in­
cludes a waiver of demand, notice and
I may say that the Governors
die twelve Reserve Banks have already
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

recommended that that provision be elim­
inated from the statute if possible, but the
practice now followed, of sending notes
well in advancc of maturity to the mem­
ber bank for collection, will dispel any
doubt as to whether endorsers will be held
by presentation and demand at the proper
Now I would like to say a few words
generally about the attitude of the mem­
ber banks towards the Federal Reserve
system. There is some danger that the
work of HrvanmiiK ami developing the
banks will be retarded by two classes of
bankers; on the one hand those that are
liable to make extravagant claims for
what the lianks run do and express possibly
nversanguine expectations, and on the other
hand, those who are prone to express un­
founded fears and criticisms. It takes time
to do the work that is now bcin« under­
taken by the Federal Reserve Board
and by the officers of these hanks, and
according to my view the development
of the system will not be as successful
as it should be if unwarranted expecta­
tions of immediate completion of
are developed or an attempt is made to
progress too rapidly without due regard
to the real interests of the member
banka, both those who are present mem­
bers and those state institutions which
are in fact potential members of the fu­

There is also some danger in the develop­
ment of unenlightened and uninformed crit­
icism. I do not want to go into that par­
ticularly just now. You have all heard it.
I would like to feel that those who are af­
fected by the development of these banks
are at least patient enough and loyal enough
to give those men who are doing the work
an opportunity to demonstrate by experi­
ence with the system what it can do
rather than condemn it before any ex­
perience at all can be had with it. (Ap­
Another feature of the attitude of the
member banks that personally I deplore
—it is a natural oi:e, possibly—is a tendency
to regard the Federal Rt.serve banks as de­
partments of the government. I am sure
you will not consider that I am dealing with
this matter in a trifling way when I say that
some of the bankers who have called at our
office have evidenced considerable uneasi­
ness when they came in to talk to Mr. Jay
or myself, such, for instance, as they might
display in calling upon some high officer of
the government. Now that is all wrong.
Member bankers must bear in mind that
they own these banks. Every dollar of their
assets belongs to the member banks. Twothirds of the directors they have elected
themselves; and the officers of the banks
are appointed by those directors; atkd
speaking for onr bank I have no hesita­
tion in saying that if that bonk ia not
properly m u u fe d it Is largely the fault

of t*ic member banks of that district for
not electing proper directors or seeing
that proper officers were elected. The
disposition to regard the banks as a de­
partment of the government is, however,
fairly natural owinx to a feature of
the Federal Reserve Act that is quite
unique in legislation in this country.
Banking legislation in this country, as Con­
gressman Fowler suggested, has Wen
discussed and passed somewhat upon the
theory that the hanks needed regulating,
just as the railroads needed regulating. In
the case of the railroads, statute; and regu­
lations were passed and adopted and a spe­
cial body was created l>v Congress to ad­
minister this law. Unfortunately the Ameri­
can people are altogether too prone to point
out evils existing in our economic life,
cry for the passage of some law, rejoice
over its enactment, and then subside into
a happy lethargy, thinking that the pass­
age of the law has accomplished every­
thing, that it will work some revolution.
As a matter of fact the accomplishment of
the purpose of such legislation depends up­
on its administration and in the case of the
Federal Reserve Act quite a new plan of
administration has heen introduced. The
government has in fact loaned its credit in.
a very important way to these banks. They
are the instruments through which notes
bearing the obligation of the govern­
ment are to be issued. The security for
those notes remains in the office of the
bank by which they are issued. The gov­
ernment has therefore placed three direc­
tors in the lioard of the bank and appointed
two of those directors officers of the bank
to make them in fact not only partners in
the management of the reserve hank but
to recognize the responsibility resting upon
the government for its management.
Directing and supervising the manage*
ment of the Reserve banks is a Government-appointed Board, with broad and nec­
essary' powers by which the system may be
co-ordinated and safeguarded.
Just the experience of the last six months
has indicated many of the advantages of
that arrangement. In the case of the regu­
lation of the railroads it is common knowl­
edge to everybody that for many years past
there has been a species of antagonism,
you may call it, at any rate a distinct
line of cleavage, between the body that
i« administering the Interstate Com­
merce law and the railroads that are af­
fected by it. Now that line of cleavage
has resulted in much of the construc­
tive progress being wrung from one or
the other body as the result of bitter lit­
igation carried to the court of last resort.
Apparently in the reserve banks
quite a different
Instead of developing a distinct line of
cleavage between the regulating body and
the banks these government directors and
elected directors meet weekly or monthly in
the banks, and the contact there resulting
becomes rather a point of fusion. I can
see many cases where difficulties that might
develop at those points of contact are very
easily dealt with, and I feel especially hope
ful of the success of that feature of the
of St. Louis




* —

— —


Vol. X X X I, No. 21


I would like also to refer to one rather
important matter that is peculiar to the
present time. It is undoubtedly a fact that
some bankers in this country feel that the
expiration of the Aldrich-Vreeland law,
its operation expiring by limitation on June
30th, possibly weakens our situation. They
look back with satisfaction at what was ac­
complished in August, Septeml>er and Oc­
tober of last year in that great crisis by the
ability of the banks to promptly furnish
currency through the operation of that law,
in fact, to convert their assets into a circu­
lating medium. Some inquiry' has lieen
made as to how well prepared the Reserve
Banks might be in case some emergency
arose that required a similar treatment of
the situation. I would like to read some
figures to indicate in a measure what has
been and what 1 think can be confidently
counted upon to take place if any such occnrrcnce did develop.
In 1907 the reports made by the national
banks to the Comptroller of the Currency
as of August 22nd showed that the national
banks of the three central reserve cities
held $14,000,000 of excess cash reserve in
their vaults and that all the other national
banks in the United States held $77,000,000
excess cash reserve. No call was made
until after the worst effects of the panic
of the fall of 1907 had passed; that is.
until December 3rd. The call of Decem­
ber 3rd showed that the national banks in
the three central reserve cities were de­
ficient $32,000,000 in cash reserve, and that
all the other national lianks of the United
States held an excess cash reserve of
$122,000,000. Now the effect upon our
banking system of this sudden withdrawal
or shifting of bank reserve, in addition to
the withdrawal of money which was un­
doubtedly hoarded at that time, can hardly
be estimated.
I would like to contrast those figures
with the reserve situation of last summer
and fall. The call of June 30, 1914, showed
that the national banks of the three central
reserve cities were deficient <6,000,000 in
their cash reserve and that all the other
banks of the country had excess cash re­
serves of $56,000,000. The call of September
12th, 1914, disclosed that the cash reserves
of national banks in the central reserve
cities were $45,000,000 deficient, and all the
other national banks of the country were
900,000,000 excessive. Contrast these fig­
ures with 1907. It means that in 1907 the
country national banks and the national
(tanks in the reserve cities accumulated
about $50,000,000 of reserve money that
they did not need, and last fall, in the
face of a possible calamity far worse, from
our point of view, for the gold reserves of
Europe were closed to us, the country banks
actually accumulated only $4,000,000 of ad­
ditional excess reserve. Undoubtedly that
was largely due to the influence of the ex­
istence of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act and to
its prompt operation. Now what can the
Reserve banks do after the expiration of
the Aldrich-Vreeland Act?
In the first place the Aldrich-Vreeland
associations were admittedly barely organ­
ized last fall. _ They had a p»per organiza­

tion only. They had no clerks, they had ncN
offices, they had no machinery, they had no
credit information except what could be
gathered from the banks that participated
in the management of the affair. These
twelve Reserve banks have complete organi­
zations, they have credit information; they
have stored in Washington already $300,000,000 of notes, and on July 1st they will
have $.>00,000,000, and the supply will
be kept at about $500,000,000 or over. And
I think sight has been lost of the fact that
these Reserve banks have over $250,000,000
of "untouched cash assets. Sometimes it is
a little difficult to be patient with criti­
cism that compares the facilities that ex­
isted last August, say, with those that ex­
ist today with these twelve banks in full
Now just one word in conclusion of a
more personal character. The men who are
managing these twelve hanks—and I am
now well acquainted with nearly all of them
—believe that they are performing a public
duty. It may be that they are mistaken
in that idea, but I do not think so. And
they feel that they are entitled to have
the support of the banks for whom they
are really working; and that support to­
day will l>e best evidenced by patience in
waiting for results. It may also be ex­
pressed by a statement of my personal views
as to what should be done in regard to fa­
cilities for the admission of State banks to
membership. No reform of our banking
methods in this country will be complete
and satisfactory to the country until it
includes all banks, at least all banks that
do commercial banking in one comprehen­
sive system. I firmly believe that if a reg­
ulation can be issued which will appeal to
the State bankers of the country as fair, not
as evidencing an intention to buy their
allegiance, and, on the other hand, not evi­
dencing an intention to bar their admission,
that we can then afford to let them work
out that particular feature of the problem
themselves. Our duty will be to make the
system attractive to them and wait for
them to come in if they want to.
Gentlemen, I am sorry to have taken
so much of your time. You have listened
very patiently. Permit me to thank the
bankers of this State for extending to us
an invitation to address them on this very
important matter.

The Chair desires to anndunce the names
of the members of the Nominating Com­
mittee—Charles H. Laird, Jr., J. VV. Lushear and Wessels Van Blarcom.
And the Resolutions Committee—W . H .
Taylor, F. A. Phillips and F. Mr. Riley.
We will proceed with the program with
an address on "Bank Publicity.” by Fred
W. Ellsworth, of the Guaranty Trust Com­
pany of New York.