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For release on delivery
10:00 a.m. EDT
September 1, 2006

Ben S. Bernanke
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
On the occasion of the
Presentation of “Order of the Palmetto”
Dillon, South Carolina
September 1, 2006

I am very pleased to have the opportunity to come back to Dillon and very
grateful for the honor you have done me today. Thank you all very much for your
thoughtfulness and your efforts to prepare for this event. It is good to see so many people
that I remember, as well as their children and maybe even a few grandchildren.
My family’s connection with Dillon goes back about sixty years. My grandfather
Jonas Bernanke and his wife, Lina, moved here in the 1940s when Jonas purchased a
local drugstore. Jonas named the store with his own initials--hence Jay Bee Drugs.
Jonas’s sons--my dad and my uncle--bought the store from their father and ran it as
partners for many years. The original store was on Main Street, but when the chain stores
entered the local market, my dad and uncle built a new, larger, and more modern store a
block off Main. They competed by offering personal, first-name service, by delivering
prescriptions without charge, and by coming down to the store at any time, nights or
Sundays, to fill an emergency prescription. Dillon had very few doctors at the time, and
lots of people came to my dad and uncle for advice on basic health matters. My mother,
who gave up a job teaching elementary school when I was born, often helped out in the
store. As a child, I was supposed to help out as well, but I usually ended up in the store’s
comic book section.
Our family moved to Dillon when I was very small, and all my childhood
memories are here. I went to East Elementary, J.V. Martin Junior High, and Dillon High
School. Quite a few friends were classmates for all twelve grades. I made many other
friends playing saxophone in the high-school marching band. My family and I attended
Dillon’s small synagogue, Ohav Shalom, which is unfortunately no longer in existence.

-2As a teenager, like many other teenagers, I itched to get away from the small town
in which I was raised to see the bright lights of the big city. I got my wish, leaving when
I was seventeen to attend college and graduate school in Boston. I met my wife in
Boston, and we have lived in Palo Alto, California; Princeton, New Jersey; and now
Washington. We have two children, a son and a daughter, now in graduate school and
college, respectively. My wife is a teacher and is meeting her classes today in a public
charter high school in Washington.
Although the idea of leaving Dillon to attend college was exciting for me, I
realize now that I learned a lot from living here for seventeen years. I learned, among
many other lessons, a few things about work. I saw the long hours and persistent effort
my parents put in to make their independent small business successful. After I graduated
from high school I spent the summer as a construction worker helping to build Dillon’s
Saint Eugene hospital, and during the summers of my college years, I waited tables six
days a week at the South of the Border. I took two lessons from those experiences: First,
in small towns like Dillon and in communities all across the United States, people work
very hard every day to support themselves and their families. I remember that, on the
first day I came home from the construction site that summer, I was too tired to eat and I
fell asleep in my chair.
The second thing I learned in Dillon is that Americans are economically
ambitious; they seek opportunity and advancement. I remember the fellow construction
worker who wanted to become foreman someday and a waitress who was saving to go to
college. I was impressed by these experiences, and I think they were an important reason

-3I went into economics, which a great economist once called the study of people in the
ordinary business of life.
Now I am an economic policy maker, and I sit in a nice office in Washington
looking at reports and tables of data and following the fluctuations of the financial
markets. However, I try not to forget what underlies all those data: millions of
Americans working hard, trying to better themselves economically, struggling to manage
their family finances, and worrying about the price of gas and college tuition. I take my
work extremely seriously because I know that, if my colleagues at the Federal Reserve
and I do our jobs right, we will help our economy prosper and give more people the
economic opportunities they seek.
Let me thank you all again for inviting me back to Dillon and for sharing this
morning with me.