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For release on delivery
11 :30 a.m. EST
March 27, 2004

Monetary Policy Modeling: Where Are We and Where Should We Be Going?

Remarks by
Ben S. Bernanke
Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
at the
Conference Models and Monetary Policy: Research in the Tradition of
Dale Henderson, Richard Porter and Peter Tinsley
Washington, D.C.
March 27, 2004

Our honorees, Dale Henderson, Richard Porter, and Peter Tinsley, have already
received much well-deserved praise. I will add only one brief observation. Although I
am a relative newcomer to the Federal Reserve, I have already had numerous occasions
to be impressed by the research staff here. The Board staff has what a management
expert might call a terrific corporate culture. They understand that they make crucial
contributions to the policymaking process, not only in the realm of monetary policy but
in banking, payments, consumer affairs, and other areas, and they bring great pride and
professionalism to their work. Moreover, they understand the value of sophisticated and
subtle economic analysis, which they apply both to day-to-day questions of policy and to
more fundamental research questions. A culture like that doesn't just happen; it requires
senior people who lead by example. In their times at the Board, Dale Henderson, Dick
Porter, and Peter Tinsley, each in his own way, have promoted a culture that combines
the best in policy-oriented research with the intellectual rigor and curiosity needed to
address questions that go beyond the immediate economic situation. That is an
outstanding contribution, one that should be recognized in addition to the many
intellectual contributions that each of these scholars has made to the economic literature.
The theme of the panel is "Monetary Policy Modeling: Where Are We and Where
Should Be Going?" Forecasting the direction of successful research is inherently very
difficult. There is a kind of efficient markets principle at work; if a promising direction
for research were obvious, someone would have already pursued it. So I think the best I
can do is highlight three general areas in which much good work has already been done,

-2including research by Messrs. Henderson, Porter, and Tinsley, but in which further
progress would be enormously helpful to monetary policymaking in practice.
The first area is the characterization of good monetary policy in increasingly
realistic and complex model environments. Henderson, Porter, and Tinsley have all
made significant contributions to macroeconomic modeling at the Board. For specificity,
I will focus on a piece of recent research that I like very much and which has already
received much attention at this conference: Dale Henderson's paper with Christopher
Erceg and Andrew Levin (2003).
We have learned a great deal in recent years about the effects of monetary policy
in dynamic, stochastic, sticky-price models, with Michael Woodford's recent book
(Woodford, 2003) perhaps best representing the state of the art. This line of research is
potentially of great importance to applied macro modelers, because it addresses areas in
which some may feel that our current policy models need to be strengthened, notably the
treatment of expectations, the specification of model dynamics, and the relationship of
the economic structure to the form of the policy rule. However, naturally enough, the
earliest models in this genre have tended to be highly simplified representations of the
economy, only loosely matched to the data. Like the models themselves, the optimal
policy rules derived in the models are often unrealistically simple. For example, in some
of these models, strict inflation targeting--a policy of keeping inflation at zero at all
times--is the optimal policy.
To make these models relevant for applied policy analysis, the natural next step is
to add new frictions and more complex dynamics to the benchmark models. The ErcegHenderson-Levin (EHL) paper explores the implications for monetary policy of a

-3plausible complication, the inclusion in the model of nominal wage stickiness as well as
price stickiness. As was discussed yesterday, this relatively simple addition makes an
important qualitative difference in the policy results. Specifically, in the EHL model,
monetary policy can no longer achieve a fully optimal outcome but instead faces
tradeoffs among its objectives. Because the optimal rule in their model is relatively
complex and depends on model parameters and shocks, EHL use model simulations to
examine the performance of some simple policy rules. Interestingly, they find that
relatively simple policy strategies can achieve results close to the optimum.
The contribution of the EHL paper goes beyond the specific findings; equally
important is the direction that this work sets for the collective research program. Erceg,
Henderson, and Levin have shown by example that incorporating additional, realistic
frictions into the basic new-Keynesian model changes both the behavior of the model and
the nature of the optimal policy rule in nontrivial ways. The papers at this conference by
Canzoneri, Cumby, and Diba (2004) and by Benigno and Woodford (2004) both take up
the EHL challenge. For example, Canzoneri, Cumby, and Diba consider further
complications of the sticky-price, sticky-wage model, including capital investment and
habit formation in consumption, while Benigno and Woodford explore the case in which
the steady state of the model is not Pareto optimal, as assumed by EHL. This progressive
analysis of the implications of alternative assumptions is part of what Thomas Kuhn
called "normal science." The insights from these types of modeling efforts are already
informing policy analysis at the Board, and their influence will only grow as they become
more detailed and realistic.


A second important area, one that will always be central to monetary policy, is
macro forecasting. Because monetary policy works with a lag, the ability of
policymakers to stabilize the economy depends critically on our ability to peer into our
cloudy crystal balls and see something resembling the future. One of the key variables to
be forecast is inflation. A variety of approaches to forecasting inflation are used at the
Board, of course. One of Dick Porter's many contributions was to develop a monetary
approach to forecasting inflation at medium-term horizons.
Dick's so-called P-star approach, originally developed with Jeffrey Hallman and
David Small (1991) and updated in a 2000 paper with Athanasios Orphanides, combines
simplicity with insight. Porter's analysis begins with an equation so basic that, at one
time at least, it appeared on the California license plate of Milton Friedman's personal
.automobile. That equation is of course the quantity equation, MV = PY, or money times
velocity equals the price level times output. This equation can be used to define a link
between money growth and inflation that depends on the evolution of the velocity of
money. Hallman, Porter, and Small (1991) analyzed the predictive power ofthat
relationship under the assumption that M2 velocity is a constant--an assumption that
seemed reasonable at the time they wrote, but, as these things are wont to do, broke down
soon after they did their initial work. Orphanides and Porter (2000) have developed a
more sophisticated version of the P-star model, which employs information about the
opportunity cost of holding M2 to track the evolution of equilibrium M2 velocity. This
approach seems to work reasonably well at predicting inflation at medium-term horizons,
and the forecasts of this model are reported routinely to the Board of Governors. Of

-5course, something very similar to Porter's approach was used by the Bundesbank prior to
the formation of the euro area and is used by the European Central Bank today.
My own view is that a reliable macroeconomic forecast requires looking at many
different types of economic data and considering a variety of forecasting models; any
single model or approach is likely to go off the rails at one time or another. For this
reason, I am personally attracted to factor models, which summarize large amounts of
data (as in Bernanke and Boivin, 2003), and to model averaging, along with more
structured analyses. Interesting alternative models, like Porter's P-star model, are useful
because they give yet another perspective on the likely evolution of a critical
macroeconomic variable and thus provide a check on other forecasts that one might have
in hand. Because good forecasts are so crucial to good monetary policy, I hope and
expect to see a great deal more work exploring the robustness of alternative forecasting
The third and final research area that I would like to highlight is the analysis of
how the public forms its expectations, and of the effects of various expectations
formation mechanisms on macroeconomic dynamics. For example, a rich recent
literature on learning and macroeconomics has emphasized that actual inflation and
inflation expectations may to some degree evolve independently, and that effective
monetary policy stabilizes inflation expectations as well as inflation itself (Orphanides
and Williams, 2003). Peter Tinsley, in a series of papers with Sharon Kozicki, has
explored this theme in great detail. For example, Kozicki and Tinsley (2001) show that it
is far easier to make sense of the term structure of Treasury yields if one assumes that
expectations about long-run inflation adjust in a reasonable adaptive manner. In a paper

-6presented at a recent conference at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Kozicki
and Tinsley (2003) develop an empirical model of the economy under the assumptions
that the Fed's implicit inflation target is subject to permanent shocks and that the public
learns about the Fed's target over time. Although simple, their model allows for a much
richer and realistic description of the evolution of monetary policy and the economy. For
example, their approach gives empirical content to the idea of imperfect monetary policy
credibility; in their model, monetary policy is credible when private expectations of longrun inflation tend to align closely with the central bank's true underlying inflation target.
Their model also illustrates clearly the benefits of central bank credibility for
macroeconomic stability. I think that further theoretical and empirical work on
expectations formation mechanisms and their links to economic dynamics will prove
highly fruitful.
I will conclude by thanking the organizers for their hard work in putting together
this conference. A research conference of the quality of this one is exactly the right way
to honor the scholarly contributions of Dale, Dick, and Peter.


Benigno, Pierpaolo, and Michael Woodford (2004). "Optimal Stabilization Policy When
Wages and Prices Are Sticky," presented at a conference on Models and Monetary
Policy, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, March 26.
Bernanke, Ben, and Jean Boivin (2003). "Monetary Policy in a Data-Rich Environment,"
Journal ofMonetary Economics, 50 (April), pp. 525-46.
Canzoneri, Matthew, Robert Cumby, and Behzad Diba (2004). "Price and Wage
Inflation Targeting: Variations on a Theme by Erceg, Henderson, and Levin," presented
at a conference on Models and Monetary Policy, Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, March 26.
Erceg, Christopher, Dale Henderson, and Andrew Levin (2000). "Optimal Monetary
Policy with Staggered Wage and Price Contracts," Journal of Monetary Economics, 46
(March), pp. 281-313.
Hallman, Jeffrey, Richard Porter, and David Small (1991). "Is the Price Level Tied to
the M2 Monetary Aggregate in the Long Run?" American Economic Review, 81
(September), pp. 841-58.
Kozicki, Sharon, and Peter Tinsley (2001). "Shifting Endpoints in the Term Structure of
Interest Rates," Journal ofMonetary Economics, 47 (June), pp. 613-652.
Kozicki, Sharon, and Peter Tinsley (2003). "Permanent and Transitory Policy Shocks in
an Empirical Macro Model with Asymmetric Information," Federal Reserve Bank of
Kansas City, RWP 03-09 (November).
Orphanides, Athanasios, and Richard Porter (2000). "p. Revisited: Money-Based
Inflation Forecasts with a Changing Equilibrium Velocity," Journal of Economics and
Business, 52 (January/April), pp. 87-100.
Orphanides, Athanasios, and John Williams (2003). "Imperfect Knowledge, Inflation
Expectations, and Monetary Policy," National Bureau of Economic Research working
paper no. 9884.
Woodford, Michael (2003). Interest and Prices: Foundations of a Theory of Monetary
Policy. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.