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September 16, 1971

For immediate release

The Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve
System announced today that it has authorized outright purchase and
sale transactions in securities of Federal agencies.

At present,

the System's open market operations involve mainly transactions in

Treasury issues.

The transactions in Federal agency securities

will be initiated in the near future.
The volume of securities issued by Federal agencies has
been growing rapidly in recent years.

These securities are marketed

to raise funds for a variety of governmental lending activities in
such fields as housing, agriculture, and export financing.
System open market operations are conducted to carry out the
objectives of monetary policy by affecting the volume of bank reserves,
money, bank credit, and conditions in credit markets.

The purpose of

the new authorization is to widen the base of System open market
operations and at the same time to add breadth to the market for agency

Up to now, open market operations in Federal agency issues

have been confined to repurchase agreements with securities dealers.
Purchases and sales of Federal agency issues will be conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for the System Open
Market Account.

Along with ether System Account transactions, they will

be reflected in the weekly condition statement of the Federal Reserve
Banks, which is issued every Thursday.

The Committee has approved the attached initial guidelines
for operations in agency issues.

They are designed to assure that

such operations x^ill he consistent with other open market operations,
to minimize technical operating problcems, and to avoid dominating
the Federal agency market.

The guidelines will be subject to review

and revision as operating experience is gained.

Because the out-

standing volume of many agency issues is small relative to that of
U.S. Treasury obligations, Federal Reserve operations in such issues
will be on a limited scale.

They will not be directed at supporting

individual sectors of the agency market or at channeling funds into
issues of particular agencies.



System open market operations in Federal agency issues are
an integral part of total System open market operations
designed to influence bank reserves, money market conditions, and monetary aggregates*


System open market operations in Federal agency issues are
not designed to support individual sectors of the market
or to channel funds into issues of particular agencies.


As an initial objective, the System would aim at building
up a modest portfolio of agency issues, with the amount and
timing dependent on the ability to make net acquisitions
without undue market effects.
System holdings of maturing agency issues will be allowed
to run off at maturity, at least initially.
Purchases will be limited to fully taxable issues for which
there is an active secondary market. Purchases will also
be limited to issues outstanding in amounts of $300 million
or over in cases where the obligations have a maturity of
five years or less at the time of purchase, and to issues
outstanding in amounts of $200 million or over in cases
where the securities have a maturity of more than five years
at the time of purchase.
System holdings of any one issue at any one time will not
exceed 10 per cent of the amount of the issue outstanding.
There will be no specific limit on aggregate holdings of
the issues of any one agency.
No new issue will be purchased in the secondary market until
at least two weeks after the issue date,


All outright purchases, sales and holdings of agency issues
will be for the System Open Market Account.