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For Release on Delivery
Saturday, December 3 0 , 1967
1 P # M 0 > E.S,T\


A Paper Presented
Andrew F . Brimmer
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System

Before the
Annual Meeting
of the
American Statistical Association

Shoreham Hotel
Washington, D . C.

December 30, 1967

By Andrew F . Brimmer*

From the perspective of monetary management, general price
indexes, measures of key variables that influence price changes, and
the understanding of price changes are never adequate.

In at least

two critical periods in recent y e a r s — i n 1955-57 and again in
1959-60--the guidance to monetary policy determination provided by the


state of the arts


of price measurement and price

analysis appears to have been less than propitious:

Based on indexes of limited scope, the analysis
and interpretation
of price developments in the
mid-1950 s led the Federal Reserve System to believe
that the inflationary pressures they were trying to
combat were1 essentially of the excess demand variety.
The S y s t e m s published interpretations of this
experience and the monetary policies adopted were
consistent with a "demand-pull" conception of the
inflationary process.


However* with the subsequent improvement of both
price measures and analytic technique and their
application to historical data, it now seems evident
that the price developments of the mid-1950's contained a much stronger element of "cost-push" inflation than was then recognized. T h u s , the question
is posed:
Were stabilization policies in the mid1
1950 s based on monetary and f i s c a l — a s opposed to
specialized—measures designed properly to achieve
an optimum combination of restraint on prices while
permitting the maximum growth of output and employment?

^Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. I am
grateful for the assistance of several members of the Board's staff in
the preparation of this paper. I must mention specifically Lorman C .
Trueblood, Alexander Y e a t s , Lyn McWhirter and Mary Ann Graves.

- 2 --

During the recession of 1957-58, the general level
of prices, whether defined in terms of the consumer
price index or the wholesale price index, rose
f u r t h e r — d e s p i t e the decline in output ahd employment.
This behavior of prices supported the view of a basic
persistence of inflationary expectations. Reflecting
this conclusion, monetary restraint in 1959-60 was
both fast and severe--although actual price advances
in these years were relatively moderate.
Again a question is raised: Did technical deficiencies in the construction of the key indexes conceal
the actual behavior of prices and thus led to a less
than ideal monetary policy?

Fortunately, in the last decade, considerable improvement has
been made in the construction of price and related indexes, although a
number of critical problems remain to be solved.

Perhaps of even more

importance, the analysis and interpretation of price changes have been
s t r e n g t h e n e d — n o t simply by the availability of more accurate and
comprehensive indexes but also by the development of a more coherent
framework of analysis.

In turn, the ability of the monetary authorities

to make appropriate policy decisions has been greatly enhanced.


For example, with the development of inflationary
pressures in 1965-66 as military activity in Vietnam
accelerated, the Federal Reserve System r e c o g n i z e d correct l y — that these pressures x^ere being generated
primarily by over-all conditions of excess demand.
This clearly called for a policy of general monetary
restraint. However, because of the desire for a more
balanced impact of restraint (i.e., moderating a boom
in inventory accumulation and in plant and equipment
spending while avoiding disproportionate effects on
housing), numerous officials in the System also
advoccted a program of vigorous fiscal restraint in
1965-66. Moreover, there was considerable innovation
in the use of policy instruments in an effort to
focus the impact of restraint more sharply on the
principal sectors in which inflationary pressures


Since mid-1967, we have been faced with ren&wed
inflationary pressures. This time, however* a
substantial share of the pressure on prices can be
identified clearly as of the "cost-push" v a r i e t y stemming from sharply rising unit labor costs from
mid-1966 on. But the widely-held expectations of
an acceleration in economic activity in late 1967
and early 1968 have also helped to create an environment hospitable to price increases. Under these
circumstances, the type of stabilization policies
required is also clear: the situation calls for
a judicious mix of fiscal and monetary m e a s u r e s —
with fiscal restraint—particularly a tax i n c r e a s e carrying a greater share of the burden of restraint.

The contribution

of Federal Reserve economists to this improved

support for monetary policy has not been limited to more sophisticated use
of better measures of prices and related variables developed by others.
On the contrary, in an effort to strengthen the technical underpinnings
on which policy must rest, System personnel have themselves made
significant independent contributions to the kit of analytical tools
employed rather w i d e l y — b o t h within and outside the Government--in the
study and interpretation of price developments within an aggregative
framework which allows a comprehensive assessment of the performance of
the national economy as a whole.

These fundamental research efforts on

the part of the Federal Reserve staff are not only c o n t i n u i n g — t h e y are
being intensified.
Since reasonable price stability is one objective of monetary
policy, what price measure or measures are most relevant for the
determination of policy;
price index?

the consumer price index?

The wholesale

The industrial commodity price index?

The sensitive

industrial materials price index?

In January, 1965, the Federal Reserve

Board established a Committee on Prices and Price Measurement, noting that

- 4 "Undoubtedly, price measures at each of these
levels play a role in the understanding of
economic developments and in the framing of
policy. But it is not at all clear that any
of the existing indexes measure the concepts
that would be most appropriate for interpreting
developments from the viewpoint of monetary
policy and for policy guidance to the monetary
"Even if it were determined that existing
indexes are conceptually relevant, or the
best that can in practice be measured, serious
questions have been raised as to their accuracy.
These questions relate to variations of transactions prices around list prices as well as to
the measurement of quality change and to appropriate weights."
In the closing section of this paper, I shall comment further
on the work of this Price Committee and on the Federal Reserve Board's
plans to quicken our efforts in this field.

Price Measurements and Monetary Policy:


For policy-makers (as well as for others concerned with the
measurement, assessment, and understanding of price changes) the years
1955-57 were a seminal period.

A review of the record of Federal Reserve

staff analyses of the current economic situation over that period (in
addition to a study of the published record of Board and Federal Open
Market Committee (FOMC) policy actions and the latter V


- 5 minutes) casts considerable light on the problems relating to prices
which the System had to face.—^
One of the major issues was the question of the relative
importance to be accorded to the various price indexes.

In particular,

what was the "general price level" most relevant for policy goals?


should be kept in mind that, in the 1955-57 period, we had available
the Bureau of Labor Statistics


(BLS) wholesale (WPI) and consumer (CPI)

price indexes as then constituted.

Updating of weights, expansion of

items covered, extension of efforts to measure quality change, improvements in other measurement m e t h o d s — a l l of these have been incorporated
in the WPI and CPI since that period.

Specifically, we did not have

the now-familiar, quarterly GNP implicit price indexes.

(These were

developed in connection with the 1958 revision of the national income
accounts and first published in the Survey of Current Business in
December of that year).

1/ These problems have been examined in great detail on the basis of
published information. See: the Joint Economic Committee's voluminous
study, Employment. Growth and Price Levels» 1959-60; the National Bureau
of Economic Research, The Price Statistics of the Federal Government,
(George J. Stigler, Chairman), 1961; Commission on Money and Credit,
Money and Credit: Their Influence on Jobs, Prices, and Growth, 1961;
Ibid: The Federal Reserve and the Treasury: Answers to Questions from
the Commission on Money and Credit, 1963.

- 6 In the mid-1950's, the Federal Reserve System apparently took
the CPI to represent the "general price level," although there is no
record of an explicit decision to adopt the maintenance of stability in
this measure as the principal objective of monetary policy,

A nice

problem at that time was the proper weight to be attached to agricultural
price developments and their influences on the over-all price indexes.
The sharp downtrend in prices of goods and foodstuffs during 1954 and
1955 played a major role in keeping the CPI virtually stable until
April, 1956.

In staff briefings for the F O M C , however, considerable

emphasis (perhaps primary emphasis) was placed on industrial price

(For example, in late October, 1955, the staff noted

" . . . widespread advances in industrial prices. . .," the industrial
component of the VJPI having turned up sharply beginning in July.)
Nevertheless, the total WPI showed only a modest upturn by the end of
1955, as the declines in agricultural prices just about offset advances
in prices of industrial commodities.
These divergent price trends led some members of the FOMC to
w o n d e r — t h r o u g h the first half of 1955--whether the economy had really
recovered fully from the recession which began in mid-1953.

This uncer-

tainty about the vigor and sustainability of economic activity led to
some groping for an agreed course of action, although some tightening
was signalled by a boost in the discount rate at Federal Reserve Banks
from 1-1/2 to 1-3/4 per cent in mid-April.
In early August, the FOMC adopted a policy of " . . . restraining inflationary developments in the interest of sustainable
economic growth . . .".

According to the policy record for the meeting,

The Committee believed that, with increased costs pushing

trial prices, the general price level might x^ell move upward x^ith

on indus-

- 7 accompanying speculative increases in inventories."

A few days later, the

discount rate at Federal Reserve Banks was increased from 1-3/4 to 2 per
cent--and raised again to 2-1/4 per cent near the end of August and to
2-1/2 per cent in November,
It should be noted that this shift in monetary policy
occurred despite the stability in the general price level whether
measured by either the WPI or CPI.

Undoubtedly, the sharp increases

in industrial prices (reinforced by indications of "speculative
psychology" as evidenced in rapid increases in common stock prices and
farm land values) helped persuade the monetary authorities to shift from
a posture of ease to one of restraint.
It should also be remembered that the unemployment rate averaged
over 4,5 per cent in the first half of 1955, compared with 5,5 per cent
in 1954 and about 3.0 per cent in 1953.
production was also below the 1953 peak.
necessarily be asked:

Until M a y , 1955, industrial
T h u s , the question must

was a policy of general monetary restraint called

for and in particular how far should it have been carried in 1956 and
1957--or were special measures required to cope with the sectoral inflation then emerging?

In retrospect, a number of analysts--some in the

Federal Reserve System--have suggested that the latter course would
have been preferable.
In the analysis and reporting of price changes in the 1955-57
period, the Federal Reserve staff focused heavily on the behavior of
wholesale prices of industrial commodities.

This emphasis stemmed from

a variety of factors--including the recognition of the strategic role
of the industrial sector in the long-term growth and cyclical behavior
of the U.S* economy.

Because of a long history of data collection,

- 8 there was also a greater availability of information on changes in
prices, production and labor costs in the industrial sector than was
the case for other segments of the economy.


In the mid-to-late 1 9 5 0 s ,

the staff analysis of current industrial price developments was based
mainly on the standard BLS price indexes, including the BLS daily
index of 13 raw industrial materials.

By early 1957, use was being

made of the BLS stage-of-processing of the WPI~

to make a two-way

separation of the "industrial commodities" total into industrial
materials and industrial products.

The staff was clearly alert to the

"forewarning" potentialities in the behavior of prices of selected
industrial materials which are most responsive to short-run demands
(in part because production of a number of them cannot be increased
m u c h — i f at a l l — i n the short-run in response to rising demands).


the price analysis performed by the staff and used in FOMC briefings in
the early stages of the 1954-57 expansion focused in considerable detail
on the behavior of such industrial materials.
While the record contains an abundance of descriptive material
on price developments during these years, no clear-cut framework of
analysis--or clearly defined conception of an inflationary process-emerges from it.

Instead, as one examines the record, there unfolds a

See "Wholesale Prices and Price indexes, 1954-56," BLS
Bulletin, N o , 1214.

- 9 rich tapestry describing American economic activity.

While there is

much evidence of disaggregation of global measures--including measures
of p r i c e s — t h e r e is less evidence of attempts to re-assemble the
various elements into an over-all framework for the guidance of monetary

This latter development apparently did not come about until

the early 1960's.

Price Measurements and Monetary Policy:


Again, in 1957-59, the question was raised as to whether
the wholesale industrial price index provided an accurate tracing of
the actual course of prices.

Since the index is so heavily dependent

on list prices, it is likely that it failed to catch completely
(probable) declines in transactions prices during the 1958-59 recession.
(Conversely, for the same reason, the WPI may have been slow in rising
at the beginning of the 1954-57 expansion period).
In any case, during the 1957-58 recession, there was a
persistent upward creep in wholesale prices of industrial commodities
until January, 1958.

The WPI for industrial commodities finally

declined somewhat during the first half of 1958, but meanwhile prices
of farm products and foods rose sharply.

T h u s , over the 1957-58

recession period, both the WPI and CPI increased moderately f u r t h e r —
while total output and employment declined.

- 10
These divergent trends between prices and real economic
activity generated considerable concern within the Federal Reserve

As recessionary trends appeared on the horizon, monetary

policy moved in a counter-cyclical direction in November, 1967.
From then until the early summer of 1958, System policy instruments
were used in a complementary manner to achieve ease in credit markets
and to encourage the expansion of bank credit and the money supply.
There were four reductions in Federal Reserve Bank discount rates (from
3-1/2 to 1-3/4 per cent); three reductions in reserve requirements
(freeing about $1.5 billion of required reserves), and continuing open
market operations (which supplied $2 billion of reserves to the commercial banks).
However, the persistent increases in both the W P I and CPI-combined with the sharp advances in the volume of credit in the stock
market and in stock prices--by early summer caused a number of Federal
Reserve officials to advocate a shift to a policy of restraint.


August 4 , 1958, margin requirements were raised from 50 per cent to
70 per cent.

Ten days later, the discount rate was raised from 1-3/4

per cent to 2 per cent.

In October, margin requirements were raised

again to 90 per cent, and the discount rate was lifted to 2-1/2 per

Beginning in August, open market operations were used continu-

ously to re-inforce the lessened availability of bank reserves.


the final meeting of the year, the FOMC moved explicitly to a policy
of restraint (with only one member voting against such a step on the

grounds that restraint was premature at this stage of the recovery from
the 1957-58 recession).

Throughout 1959f monetary restraint was followed

with vigor; the discount rate was raised three times (in M a r c h , M a y ,
and September) to a level of 4 per c e n t .
When the shift to restraint occurred in A u g u s t , 1958,
unemployment was 7.4 per c e n t , having averaged 5.5 per cent since the
pre-recession low of 3.7 per cent was attained in M a r c h , 1957.


fact, between M a r c h , 1957, and February, 1960, unemployment averaged
around 5.5 per c e n t , compared with an average of 4.3 per cent in 1957.
Price advances during the 1959^60 period were actually
relatively m o d e r a t e .

In 1959, the WPI was essentially unchanged from

1958 (during which the index rose by 1.4 per c e n t ) , and the 1960 index
was about the same as that for the preceding y e a r .

In fact, from mid-

1958 to m i d - 1 9 5 9 , among industrial commodities, only the Federal
Reserve index for sensitive materials rose sharply.

And this index

(consisting of materials such as textile fibers and fabrics, h i d e s ,
rubber, lumber, and nonferrous metals) subsequently declined equally
as sharply during the 1960-61 recession.

In contrast, the index for

nonsensitive materials (accounting for three-fourths of the total
industrial materials in the W P I ) showed only a slight updrift during
T h u s , the behavior of wholesale prices during the years
1957-60 put into sharp focus an important question for monetary policy.
A substantial proportion of nonsensitive industrial materials is produced in industries in which prices are set on an





- 12 In these industries, transactions prices (the prices at which commodities
are actually traded) frequently diverge substantially from the list or
posted prices which are recorded in the W P I .

During periods of declin-

ing demand, producers may offer concessions from list prices without
changing the latter.

During periods of expanding demand, the supply of

these nonsensitive materials can usually be increased considerably in
the short-run until a fairly high capacity utilization rate is attained.
Until this point is reached, a rise in demand for these materials can
normally be met without an accompanying increase in c o s t s — a n d , therefore, in list prices and in the W P I .

On the other hand, if costs

increase, list prices as well as transactions prices may be revised
upward in the face of weak demand.
T h u s , on balance, deficiencies in price indexes may have
played a role in the adoption by the Federal Reserve System of a policy
of monetary restraint earlier (and to pursue it more vigorously) than
the underlying economic conditions actually required.

As mentioned above,

a number of observers (some within the Federal Reserve System) have
suggested that general instruments of monetary policy may not be the
most efficient way to fight inflationary pressures as exhibited in the
behavior of prices for commodities producted under conditions where a
considerable degree of market power can be exercised.

Instead, fiscal

p o l i c y — a n d perhaps wage-price guideposts and other specialized
approaches--may be required to supplement monetary policy.

Progress in the Measurement of Prices in the Last Decade

Partly in an effort to cope with questions posed in the

mid-to-late-1950 s, a number of strides have been made in the measurement of prices in the last decade.

More importantly, these improvements

in index construction have greatly enhanced our understanding of the
inflationary process.
For example, with the initial publication of the quarterly GNP
implicit price index (IPI) in December, 1958, a somewhat different view was
presented of the behavior of the "general price level


(if, for the moment,

we can treat the deflator as an approximation of this concept) in the

mid-1950 s.

The GNP deflator was rising from late 1954 o n , due mainly

to sharp "price


increases in the construction and government sectors.

The implicit deflator for consumption expenditures was drifting up
over that period, despite the stability in the CPI through early 1956.
Some of the divergence between the IPI and CPI may be attributed to
technical factors--such as the rise in the IPI of the cost of materials
and labor as a deflator for construction and government services.
However, it is important to have a general price index which will
cover construction and government services as well as the industrial
and private service sectors.

Construction in particular is a sector

characterized by pronounced cyclical swings and a strong tendency to
generate large "price" increases.
is today.

This was as true in 1955-56 as it

But the absence of the IPI in the mid-1950 s prevented both

analysts and policy makers from grasping the full impact on the general

14 price level of price changes in the construction industry*

But even

today, it is still important to work on extending the scope of the
present monthly indexes; this in turn will result in improvement in
the IPI which is derived originally from available price data.
In 1959, the Federal Reserve developed the special groupings
of BLS monthly wholesale price indexes.
group of "sensitive


In these indexes, a selected

industrial materials is separated from other,

so-called "sluggish" materials.

Sensitive materials are so classified

because they are particularly demand-responsive and the Federal Reserve
list is considerably broader than the BLS daily group.


materials are so classified because expansion in demands for them is
accompanied for a time by rising output and supply without widespread
advances in list prices.

The special BLS stage-of-processing indexes

are also used to separate industrial products into consumer and
producer goods.

The Federal Reserve staff depends heavily on this

framework to analyze industrial price developments.—^
The present Bureau of the Census summary index of total
labor cost per unit of output in manufacturing (covering all employees
and supplements as well as wages and salaries) became available in

The data on supplements to wages and salaries were added to

1/ See: Murray Altmann, "Price Analysis and Economic Developments," Staff Economic Studies, 1965. Also "Recent Price Developments,"
Federal Reserve Bulletin, November, 1967.



Business Cycle Developments, 1st issue, October, 1961.

- 15 the calculation in June, 1963.

Scrutiny of labor cost developments

(as a price-determining influence) was conducted in the mid-to-late

1950 s primarily in terms of separate changes in average hourly
earnings and in output per manhour for manufacturing production

It will be recalled that the last half of the 1950's was a

period of extraordinary growth in employment of nonproduction workers.
Moreover, hourly labor compensation data for nonmanufacturing industries
were even more limited then than they are today.

In the m i d - 1 9 5 0 s , information on manufacturing capacity
and its utilization was relatively sparse.

Consequently, Federal

Reserve staff analysis was confined largely to selected major industrial

To overcome this handicap, the Federal Reserve monthly

index of capacity and rate of utilization for a combined group of major
industrial materials was developed in 1957.

The corresponding Federal

Reserve indexes for all manufacturing industries were developed in

The all-manufacturing indexes were subsequently improved,

and a breakdown between




and "advanced


industries was

As finally revised and made available for publication,

these indexes were described in the Federal Reserve Bulletin for
November, 1966.
The Federal Reserve staff is also making an effort to
explore the implications of list
behavior of price indexes.

v s . transactions prices for the

Out of this has already come James

Bennett's study ( 01igopoly Price Measurement:

A Study of Alternative

- 16 Measures of Price Flexibility in the U . S . Steel Industry," 1965).
Staff members are now participating in an intra-governmental agency
project w h i c h — a m o n g other things--is trying to isolate differences
between average unit values calculated from Census benchmark data and
corresponding components of the W P I .
bearing on the issue of list

v s . transactions prices, as well as on

other price measurement problems.
enlightenment in the list

This latter work may have some

However, the main source of

v s . transactions argument will undoubtedly

be the forthcoming report by the National Bureau of Economic Research
(NBER) based on its two-year study of this subject.

Establishment and Work of the Federal Reserve Board's Price Committee
Despite the noticeable strides that have been made in the
last decade, the Federal Reserve Board concluded in early 1965 that
it was desirable to explore intensively a number of conceptual and
statistical questions of price measurement in relation to the analytical
and policy requirements of the System.
Committee on Prices mentioned above.

To this end, it appointed the
Professor Irving Kravis,

University of Pennsylvania, was named C h a i r m a n — a n d also appointed a
Consultant to the Board.

Other members are:

Dorothy Brady, University

of Pennsylvania; Franklin Fisher, MIT; Zvi Griliches, University of
Chicago; Lester Kellogg, Deere and Company; and Robert Lipsey, National
Bureau of Economic Research.

The C o m m i t t e e ^ assignment was:

To delineate the conceptual issues as to which
price measures are relevant to monetary policy.

- 17 --

To recommend whatever changes in data collection
and indexing techniques are needed to produce
more accurate measures of the price concepts
relevant for monetary policy.


To stimulate research in the causes of price
change and in the measurement of prices.

A t its first meeting in April, 1965, the Committee decided
to carry out its assignment by encouraging individual scholars to
submit research proposals dealing with a topic on the Committee's

Contacts were typically made by a member of the Committee.

For approved and completed projects, the Board has offered a payment
of $1,500 to a faculty member and a somewhat lower figure to graduate

While the Board retains publishing rights on the papers,

authors may also submit them for publication elsewhere.
The Committee's progress has been less rapid than had been

Attempts by Committee members to recruit researchers

were frequently frustrated.

Several prospective authors first suggested

that they would undertake projects but subsequently declined.
September, 1966, the following papers had been commissioned:


Harry Johnson: The Nature of the Price Universe
to be Stabilized by the Monetary Authority.
A paper concerned with the nature of the price
universe that the monetary authorities should
have in mind when they consider their price
stabilization objectives. The analysis was
not to be posed in terms of the relative importance of the price objective or trade-offs.
Instead it should deal with the nature of the
evils that are to be avoided and the values
that are sought through the price objectives of



Kenneth Arrow: Index Numbers and the Measure*
ment of Inflation.
A paper probing the qiiestion of Whether the
measurement of the value of money is primarily
a problem
of obtaining a good "cost of living
index or whether it extends to a larger
collection o£ prices. The analysis would also
consider some of the measurement problems relating to estimation of biases in the existing
consumer price index, the timing of introduction
of new products, methods for measuring the
quality of services, taxes, etc.

Franklin Fisher and Karl Shell: Problems in the
Theory of Taste and Quality Change.
Two joint papers concerned with the range of
problems in the theory of taste and quality
change, the exploration of the similarity
between production and utility theory, recent
treatments of technical change, and related
matters for their implications for cost of
living and cost of production indexes.

Dorothy Brady:

Deflation of Series Using Price

A paper on methodological studies relating to
the use of price indexes for deflation of
expenditures and for the deflation of sector
input (double deflation) to yield physical
volume measures of net output--specifically,
the use of historical materials to appraise
the impact of deflation at one level of aggregation of the value data rather than at another.
Phoebus Dhrymes:

Relation of Prices to Quality

A study to extend construction of experimental
hedonic indexes to new areas, specifically to
the measurement of price and quality change for
capital goods. Will include a study of alternative functional forms--alternative to the linear

- 19
and semi-log forms that have been employed-to relate price differences to specified
quality differences, and a study of the
stability of cross-sectionally estimated
parameters for a given functional form and
the implications of instability.
The Committee attempted--without s u c c e s s — t o encourage papers
several other areas:


A psychologist was invited to explore the
application of new quantitative methods in
psychology to the problem of measuring the
changing cost of a constant level of satisfaction--as opposed to the present practice in the
CPI of measuring the changing cost of a fixed
market basket of goods and services.

Invitations were extended for a study which
would explore problems encountered in the
measurement of the price of labor. Average
hourly earnings (the measures currently
available) are not prices in the strict sense.
Their movements are affected by changes in the
quality composition of labor inputs and by
variations in other non-price factors. Moreover, measures should be developed to evaluate
the real impact of fringe benefits.
Another study in the area of quality change and
hedonic price indexes was considered. A paper
was invited on the ways in which the theory of
separable utility might contribute to the theory
and practice of index numbers of prices.

- 20 The Committee decided that despite its strong interest in
the question of list v s . transactions prices it would not sponsor a
study in this area.

Instead, it thought it best to await the comple-

tion of the NBER project dealing with the subject.

In addition, it


felt that the Federal Reserve B o a r d s work on steel prices would make
a contribution.

However, the Committee agreed to discuss its interest

in the subject with the NBER team and perhaps to suggest additional
sources of information.
So far, only the completed paper by Fisher and Shell and
the one by Dhrymes have been submitted.

Apparently, the competition

of other activities for the attention of the other authors has forced
them to give a lower priority to the price measurement assignments
than they--and we--had initially hoped.

Efforts to Strengthen the Work on Price Measurements
From the Federal Reserve Board's point of view, however,
the price measurement project still has a high priority.

There is

still a great need to broaden the scope and to improve the quality of
measures of price change.

We need these better tools to enhance our

understanding of the economic forces which generate changes in prices,

- 21 and--above all--they are necessary to permit a better assessment of
the impact on the price level of alternative monetary and fiscal
To this end, several steps have been taken to strengthen
our efforts in this field.

Within a few w e e k s , the Board's Price

Committee will launch a much broader and more systematic canvas of
the academic community to encourage research workers to participate
in the project on price measurement.

In addition to seeking assistance

to carry out the projects mentioned above for which no commissions have
been let, two other studies will be added--dealing with wage-price
relationships and short-run price forecasting.

The Committee will

also ask to be informed of research projects relating to price measurement the initiation of which may be facilitated by financial assistance
from the Board.
While the Price Committee will continue to assist the
Board's staff in the conduct of the project, steps have also been
taken to involve the staff more directly in the work on price measurement.

A member of the Board's staff (Alexander Yeats) has been named

Secretary to the Committee.

He will assist the Committee Chairman in

the coordination of the project and to ensure that the commissioning,
scheduling, and reviewing of papers will operate smoothly.
In the meantime, the Board's own continuing research efforts
to support the determination of monetary policy have been strengthened
with respect to the study of price behavior.

A new Special Studies

~ 22 section (under Frank deLeeuw) has been established in the Division of
Research and Statistics.

The functions of the new section will include

the launching of a new examination of price, employment, and capacity
utilization relationships^-as well as testing and improvement of the
Board's econometric model.