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For release on delivery
10:00 a.m., E.S.T.
February 23, 1989

Statement by
Alan Greenspan
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
of the
U.S. Senate

February 23, 1989

I am pleased to appear today before this Committee to
outline the views of the Board of Governors on the
legislation proposed by President Bush for the reform and
recovery of the thrift industry-

The Board supports this

comprehensive package of proposals to strengthen the thrift
industry, and depository institutions generally, as well as
to prevent the serious problems of the thrift industry from

The proposals in the bill include:

greatly enhanced supervisory, regulatory and
enforcement authority,


a new framework for resolving insolvent thrift
a separate insurance fund for thrifts under the
administration of the FDIC, and
a strengthening of this new thrift fund, as well
as the FDIC fund, through higher premiums.

In addition to this legislative program, a number of
administrative measures have been taken, or are planned.


a first step to limit losses in insolvent institutions, more
than 200 of them will be brought under federal control in
the next few weeks.

As part of this effort, we are

contributing 150 Federal Reserve examiners to the overall
task force.

- 2 -

Moreover, to help attract responsible buyers for
troubled thrifts, and as a result of the important changes
in the environment for interstate banking, the Federal
Reserve Board intends to reconsider the tandem operations
restrictions on applications brought to the Board for
acquisitions of failed or failing S&Ls.

In addition, we

have made arrangements with the Federal Home Loan Banks and
the FSLIC to support these basic sources of liquidity for
the thrift industry.

I would like to focus my remarks today on the two major
elements of the President's program:

(a) the restructuring

and reform proposals, and (b) the procedures for dealing
with failed S&Ls as well as the funding required to cover
losses incurred by these institutions.

Before turning to

this task, I believe it would be useful to recall why we are
facing a thrift problem and to draw some lessons from its

Today's thrift industry losses grew partly out of the
vulnerability of a fixed rate, long-term, lender with
relatively short-term liabilities, to changes in interest

As inflation, and interest rates, rose in the late

1970's and early 1980's, and as deposit rate ceilings were
phased out, the resulting mismatch on the rising cost of
deposit liabilities and the fixed return on mortgage assets

- 3 -

produced substantial losses and a serious erosion of
industry capital.

Into this situation other elements were

Expanded powers were mixed with inexperienced or

dishonest management, brokered deposits that fed unchecked
growth, lax accounting standards, seriously inadequate
supervision, all within the context of adverse economic

It is sobering how these factors led so quickly

to insolvencies.

In a short period, the serious, but

manageable, maturity mismatch problem became the disastrous
asset quality problem that we face today.

In evaluating this situation, I would not limit my
emphasis, as some have done, to focusing only on the decline
in regional economies and, in particular, on the drop in oil

The regional economic problems were real, but in

assessing responsibility it is important to recognize that
the oversupply in the real estate market in certain areas
was at least partially a result of the lending by the S&Ls

During the period 1982 to 1985, in the face of

declining oil prices, commercial real estate loans of
savings and loan associations increased by more than $57
billion (129%).

In many cases these loans were made with an

eye principally focused on front end fees, and without any
reasonable assurance of repayment.

A comparison with the banking industry is instructive.
While the banks do not have real estate equity investment

- 4 powers, non-recourse lending by banks for commercial real
estate development projects with thin borrower equity
positions often puts the bank lenders in a position where
they are very close to equity investors.

Taking this into

account, it is all the more surprising that the estimated
cost of resolving the thrift problems in Texas will run
around $40 billion.

In that state, where the economic

environment for banks and thrifts is identical, the costs
for resolving the problems of the banking industry, with
assets that are much larger than those of the thrifts,
should amount to considerably less than $10 billion.
Clearly, the large absolute difference in costs, and the
even larger difference in costs relative to assets, is
evidence the thrift industry experienced a systems failure,
that is, a major lapse in public and private prudential

To deal with these problems, the new program focuses on
the supervisory and regulatory reforms designed to ensure
that the mistakes that have so adversely affected the thrift
industry, its deposit insurance fund, and the taxpayers will
not be repeated.

A number of important steps have been


A new insurance fund for thrifts will be established to
be administered by the FDIC, separately from the insurance
fund for banks, but with special powers for the FDIC to

- 5 approve applications by thrifts for insurance, make
examinations, initiate enforcement actions, terminate
insurance on an expedited basis, and prohibit thrifts from
exercising powers that could cause undue risk to the FSLIC
insurance fund.

Moreover, the proposal puts a new emphasis on adequate
capital for the thrift industry as a cushion against losses
and as a restraint on excessive risk-taking.


thrifts will be required to meet bank capital standards by
June 1991, with the exception that they will be given 10
years to write off goodwill.

For those institutions that do

not meet this standard, growth can be restricted prior to
the 1991 deadline, and must be prohibited after this time.

Our estimates indicate that more than a majority of the
thrifts with positive tangible capital under GAAP standards
could meet the existing bank primary capital requirements;
on a risk-adjusted basis, we estimate that nearly two-thirds
would meet bank standards due largely to the favorable riskweight given to 1-4 family residential mortgages under the
risk-based measure of capital.

If goodwill were to be immediately excluded from
capital, the institutions falling below the standard would
have to raise about $15-20 billion in capital to meet bank

However, the proposed legislation, as noted,

- 6 -

gives thrifts a 10-year period to write off the goodwill;
thus, this major capital-raising effort can be spread over a
number of years.

It should be emphasized that if losses continue or
accelerate due to further credit deterioration or interest
rate exposure, the industry's need for capital could be

Those institutions that cannot meet bank

capital standards as set forth in the proposed legislation
would necessarily have their growth restricted or may be
required to shrink their assets.

The Administration's program also takes major steps
toward restructuring the thrift supervisory and regulatory

In addition to separating the insurance and

regulatory functions, the proposal would create a new
federal thrift regulator.

The new regulator —

the Chairman

of the Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS), who would be
under the Secretary of the Treasury in the same relationship
as the Comptroller of the Currency —
independent from the industry.

should be more

Importantly, the FHLBS would

be required to apply bank supervisory and accounting
standards to the S&Ls.

Moreover, the boards of directors of the Federal Home
Loan Banks will be reconstituted along the lines of Federal
Reserve Bank boards.

This should make them more responsive

- 7 to the broader public interest.

In contrast to present

arrangements, most of the membership of the Boards will be
drawn from outside the industry, including the Chairman and
Vice Chairman of the boards, who will be chosen by the new
chief of the Federal Home Loan Bank System.

Finally, the

Chairman of the FHLBS, as the new regulator and supervisor,
would carry a mandate emphasizing safety and soundness, and
would appoint the head supervisory agent at the Home Loan
Banks who would be directly responsible to the FHLBS in

These are both necessary and important reforms.

Another step recommended by the President, to which we
attach great importance, is the requirement that savings and
loans that do not meet the qualified thrift lender (QTL)
test (60 percent of assets in residential-related lending)
in the Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987 must, after
an appropriate transition period, become banks and be
subject to the entire regulatory and supervisory regime
applicable to banks and their holding companies.

We believe

it is fully appropriate to confine the benefits of thrift
status, involving both access to subsidized long-term
borrowing from Federal Home Loan Banks and tax benefits, to
only those institutions that devote a major part of their
assets to promoting home ownership.

Another important part of the reform package is the
increase in insurance premiums for both thrifts and banks,

- 8 -

as well as the authority for the FDIC to raise premiums for
both types of institutions in the light of experience.


thrifts, where the fund is now insolvent and in need of
rebuilding, premiums under the proposal will rise in 1990
from their present level of 20.8 basis points to 23 basis
points in 1991, remain at that level for 3 years, and then
fall to 18 basis points in 1994.

For banks the current premium of 8 basis points would
increase 4 basis points in 1990, and another 3 in 1991; and
then would be held at that level.

However, when the

insurance funds reach the target for reserves of 1.25
percent of insured deposits, rebates would again be

The level of FDIC insurance reserves as a percentage of
insured deposits has dropped in recent years to the present
ratio of 0.83 percent, and it is important that this trend
be reversed.

The proposed premium increase for banks thus

stands on its own merits, quite apart from anything that
might be done about thrifts, as a necessary step to maintain
the integrity of the FDIC fund against future contingencies.

Another element of the President's program is a funding
package designed to provide sufficient financial resources
to resolve current and prospective insolvencies among FSLICmsured institutions.

This function would be assigned to a

- 9 -

newly created Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC), which
would be managed by the FDIC and operate under the direction
of the Oversight Board composed of the Secretary of the
Treasury, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, and the
Attorney General.

To accomplish its task, the RTC would be

provided with $50 billion of funding -- the proceeds of
bonds issued by a RTC Funding Corporation.

These funds

would be used to resolve insolvent thrifts that have not
received assistance from FSLIC or which will become
insolvent over the next three years.

Principal would be

repaid with the proceeds of zero coupon bonds purchased from
thrift industry resources, and the interest on the bonds
would be paid with thrift industry and, if necessary,
Treasury funds.

The most recent data available (for September 30, 1988)
indicate that about 470 thrifts, with assets of around $250
billion, are tangible capital insolvent.

It seems prudent

to assume that all of these institutions will require RTC

We cannot know exactly what the resolution

costs will be for these institutions, but based on FSLIC's
estimates of the costs of its 1988 resolutions we estimate
that it will cost around $40 billion to take care of these
470 institutions.

Of course, many other FSLIC-insured

institutions are at present thinly capitalized and some of
these could well become insolvent during the three-year

- 10 -

period for which RTC would be responsible for new

We have looked at the cost of resolving new and
existing insolvencies under different scenarios, and under
some, unlikely, circumstances the resolution costs could
exceed $50 billion.

However, in our judgment, all things

considered, the $50 billion should be adequate.

There is,

of course, much that is unknown, and that is now unknowable,
that will affect this judgment.

Marginal adjustments may be

necessary as experience is gained to take account of, for
example, additional costs or recoveries.

The critical point

is that the fundamental approach is sound, and has the
necessary flexibility to adapt to changes in circumstances.

Key to the RTC's ability to minimize costs is
flexibility to pursue various resolution options.


flexibility would permit the separate marketing of
franchises and troubled real estate portfolios, which might
broaden the market and thereby increase the values of both.
In particular, in cases where no franchise value remains in
an organization, the least-cost option would likely be
liquidation rather than purchase and assumption.

To reduce

overall costs, the RTC must have the resources necessary to
pursue this course.

- 11 -

When so much money is needed to make up for such large
losses, partly from mismanagement, and in no small part due
to fraud, is it reasonable to ask the taxpayers to pay any
part of these costs?

It is.

The basis for my answer goes far beyond the

Congressional pledge of the full faith and credit of the
United States behind insured deposits.

The reason for

public expenditure to support deposit insurance is the basic
benefits to the economy as a whole that we derive from
deposit insurance.

The certainty and stability provided by

deposit insurance benefits the nation as a whole, while it
protects the individual from catastrophic loss.

By giving

the public confidence in the safety of its funds we avoid
the deposit withdrawal and losses that disrupted the
payments system and the savings and investment process in
the 1930s.

Losses of the kind that we face today should not

happen, but with the gains to society as a whole that come
with deposit insurance we must accept both the possibility
and the reality that there will be losses to be borne by
society as a whole.

Our job now is not to see to it that there are never
any losses as a result of deposit insurance; to do so would
require limitations and rules that would put depository
institutions lenders, and the economy they serve, in a

Such a course would be costly to growth

- 12 and efficiency.

Our task is to see to it that the potential

for losses is minimized to the extent possible, and that
steps are taken to ensure that the preventable governmental,
regulatory, supervisory and human failures that were the
cause of the thrift industry losses do not happen again.

The Board attaches considerable importance to the
provision of the proposed legislation that calls for the
Secretary of the Treasury, in conjunction with the federal
financial regulators, to undertake a study of the nation's
deposit insurance system.

There are major areas of concern

about the system, focusing on its apparent bias toward
excessive risk-taking, its tendency in the direction of
differential treatment of small and large institutions, and
the unintended expansion of insurance coverage through such
techniques as brokering deposits that have been
disaggregated into $100,000 segments.

A review, at both a conceptual and practical level, is
needed of the consistency of an insurance system that
evolved out of the Great Depression, on the one hand, with
today's deposit-gathering industry of both small banks and
giant modern financial services organizations that operate
across markets and national boundaries, on the other.
will be no easy task.


It must be done carefully and the

recommendations implemented gradually to ensure a smooth
transition to modified insurance arrangements.

- 13 -

Without in any way meaning to pre-judge the conclusions
of the study I would like to discuss several matters that
should receive attention.

First, I would note that all analyses of which I am
aware have suggested that depositors are not effective at
restraining imprudence or risk-taking at banks and thrifts.
They cannot be expected to have sufficient information, and
tend, in any event, to be either unresponsive or to run when
faced with bad news.

If the study confirms that view, the

policy options that then must be seriously considered surely
will include other ways to limit risk-taking, such as
enhanced supervision, different insurance assessment
techniques, or use of subordinated capital that would not be
protected in case of failure.

The large cost to the public

of the legislation before you suggests that we must consider
the potential benefits of requiring prompt recapitalization,
merger, or closure of troubled insured entities whose
capital is declining but still positive.

Second, attention should be given to determining
whether specialized fixed rate residential lending
institutions are needed today.

This question is raised

because of the costs and competitive distortions involved in
subsidized borrowing from Home Loan Banks, the dangers
inherent in special regulatory and supervisory regimes for

- 14 subsidized depository institutions, and the continued
vulnerability of a large element of the thrift industry to
increased interest rates.

This question should also be considered because of the
important changes in the mortgage market.

In the past, home

mortgages were a uniquely local product, almost always held
to maturity by the original lender.

Now, computers, modern

telecommunications and financial engineering have vastly
changed this market.

In today's market, mortgages

frequently are originated by a wide variety of
intermediaries, bundled into securitized products, and sold
to institutional investors in all parts of the country


more than one-third of outstanding home mortgages are held
in securitized form.

This new environment may make it

unnecessary to provide special government subsidized
facilities for mortgage lending, and may make it possible to
eventually bring all depository institutions under one
regulatory and supervisory system.

This issue should be

given priority attention as part of the study of deposit
insurance reform.

Third, in considering the reforms that should be
developed, considerable attention has been focused on the
expanded investment and lending powers that have been
granted to state chartered thrifts.

The study must examine

the safeguards that should be developed for the future.

- 15 These safeguards should not require rigid prohibitions on
types of activities that may be engaged in by depository

Rather, as a first step, consideration should

be given to requiring that non-banking activities of banks
and thrifts take place in subsidiaries of holding companies
to ensure that these activities are not subsidized by the
federal safety net, and that this safety net will not be
responsible for covering any losses that may arise from
these non-banking activities.
review at the Board.

We have such a proposal under

In addition, consideration should be

given to amending and expanding existing law to limit risky
non-banking activities in banks and thrifts.

* * *
I would like to close my testimony by stressing that it
is vitally important for Congress to move very promptly to
consider and enact the President's proposals.

We must make

available the resources the regulators need to close
insolvent thrifts.

We must stop the continuing daily losses

due to operating expenses that greatly exceed income, as
well as to the higher than normal rates that they must offer
to attract deposits.

In operating in this way, they not

only hurt themselves and the insurance funds, but, as they
drive up rates, they also injure their competitors and the
economy as a whole.

Prompt action is essential to

maintaining public confidence in thrift institutions and
their insurance fund.