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For release on delivery
12:00 noon EST
April 27, 2004

Remarks by
Alan Greenspan
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Center for Strategic & International Studies
Washington, D.C.
April 27, 2004

The dramatic rise in six-year forward futures prices for crude oil and natural gas over
the past few years has received relatively little attention for an economic event that can
significantly affect the long-term path of the U.S. economy. Six years is a period long enough
to seek, discover, drill, and lift oil and gas, and hence futures prices at that horizon can be
viewed as effective long-term supply prices.
These elevated long-term prices, if sustained, could alter the magnitude of and manner
in which the United States consumes energy. Until recently, long-term expectations of oil and
gas prices appeared benign. When choosing capital projects, businesses could mostly look
through short-run fluctuations in prices to moderate prices over the longer haul. The recent
shift in expectations, however, has been substantial enough and persistent enough to influence
business investment decisions, especially for facilities that require large quantities of natural
gas. Although the effect of these developments on energy-related investments is significant,
it doubtless will fall far short of the large changes in our capital stock that followed the 1970s
surge in crude oil prices.
The energy intensity of the United States economy has been reduced by almost half
since the early 1970s. Much of the energy displacement occurred by 1985, within a few years
of the peak in the real price of oil. Progress in reducing energy intensity has continued since
then, but at a lessened pace. This more-modest pace should not be surprising, given the
generally lower level of real oil and natural gas prices that prevailed between 1985 and 2000
and that carried over into electric power prices.
The production side of the oil and gas markets also has changed dramatically over the

past decade. Technological changes taking place are likely to make existing energy reserves
stretch further and to keep long-term energy costs lower than they otherwise would have
been. Seismic techniques and satellite imaging, which are facilitating the discovery of
promising new reservoirs of crude oil and natural gas worldwide, have nearly doubled the
success rate of new-field wildcat wells in the United States during the past decade. New
techniques allow far deeper drilling of promising fields, especially offshore. The newer
innovations in recovery are reported to have increased significantly the average proportion of
oil and, to a lesser extent, gas reserves eventually brought to the surface.
One might expect that, as a consequence of what has been a dramatic shift from the
hit-or-miss wildcat oil and gas exploration and development of the past to more-advanced
technologies, the cost of developing new fields and, hence, the long-term supply price of new
oil and gas would have declined. And, indeed, these costs have declined, but by less than
might otherwise have been the case. Much of the innovation in oil development outside
OPEC, for example, has been directed at overcoming an increasingly inhospitable and costly
exploratory environment, the consequence of more than a century of draining the more
immediately accessible sources of crude oil.
Still, distant futures prices for crude oil moved lower, on net, during the 1990s as a
result of declining long-term marginal costs of extraction. The most-distant futures prices fell
from a bit more than $20 per barrel just before the first Gulf War to $ 16 to $ 18 a barrel in
1999. Distant futures for natural gas, which were less than $2 per million Btu at the time of
the first Gulf War drifted up to $2.50 per million Btu by 1999, although those prices remained
below the prices of oil on an equivalent Btu basis.

Such long-term price tranquility has faded noticeably over the past four years.
Between 1990 and 2000, although spot prices ranged between $11 and $35 per barrel, distant
futures exhibited little variation. Currently prices for delivery in 2010 of light sweet crude,
roughly equal to West Texas intermediate, have risen to more than $27 per barrel. A similar
pattern is evident in natural gas. Even the spikes in the spot price in 2000 had only a
temporary effect on distant natural gas futures prices. That situation changed in 2001,
however, when the distant futures prices for gas delivery at the Henry Hub began a rise from
$3.20 per million Btu to almost $5 today.
The reasons for the sharp increases in both crude and gas distant futures prices seem
reasonably straightforward, though they differ in important respects. The strength of crude oil
prices presumably reflects fears of long-term supply disruptions in the Middle East that have
resulted in an increase in risk premiums being added to the cost of capital. Although there are
competitive spillovers from the higher price of oil, the causes of the rise in the long-term
supply price of natural gas appear related primarily to supply and demand in North America.
Today's tight natural gas markets have been a long time in coming. Little more than a
half-century ago, drillers seeking valuable crude oil bemoaned the discovery of natural gas.
Given the lack of adequate transportation, wells had to be capped or the gas flared. As the
U.S. economy expanded after World War II, the development of a vast interstate transmission
system facilitated widespread consumption of natural gas in our homes and business
establishments. By 1970, natural gas consumption, on a heat-equivalent basis, had risen to
three-fourths that of oil. But in the following decade consumption lagged because of

competitive inroads made by coal and nuclear power. Since 1985, natural gas has gradually
increased its share in total energy use and, owing to its status as a clean-burning fuel, is
projected by the Energy Information Administration of the United States to maintain that
higher share over the next quarter century.
Dramatic changes in technology in recent years, while making existing natural gas
reserves stretch further, have been unable, in the face of inexorably rising demand, to keep the
underlying long-term price for natural gas in the United States from rising.
Over the past few decades, short-term movements in domestic prices in the markets
for crude oil have been determined largely by international market participants, especially
OPEC. But that was not always the case.
In the early years of oil development, pricing power was firmly in the hands of
Americans, predominately John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil. Reportedly appalled by the
volatility of crude oil prices in the early years of the petroleum industry, Rockefeller
endeavored with some success to control those prices. After the breakup of Standard Oil in
1911, pricing power remained with the United States—first with the U.S. oil companies and
later with the Texas Railroad Commission, which raised allowable output to suppress price
spikes and cut output to prevent sharp declines. Indeed, as late as 1952 U.S. crude oil
production still accounted for more than half of the world total. However, that historical role
came to an end in 1971, when excess capacity in the United States was finally absorbed by
rising demand.
At that point, the marginal pricing of oil, which for so long had been resident on the

gulf coast of Texas, moved to the Persian Gulf. To capitalize on their newly acquired pricing
power, many producing nations in the Middle East nationalized their oil companies. But the
full magnitude of their pricing power became evident only in the aftermath of the oil embargo
of 1973. During that period, posted crude oil prices at Ras Tanura rose to more than $11 per
barrel, significantly above the $1.80 per barrel that had been unchanged from 1961 to 1970.
The sharp price increases of the early 1970s brought to an abrupt end the
extraordinary period of growth in U.S. oil consumption and the increased intensity of its use
that was so evident in the decades immediately following World War II. Between 1945 and
1973, consumption of oil products rose at a startling 4-1/2 percent average annual rate, well in
excess of growth of real gross domestic product. However, since 1973, oil consumption has
grown, on average, only 1/2 percent per year, far short of the rise in real GDP
Although OPEC production quotas have been a significant factor in price
determination for a third of a century, the story since 1973 has been as much one of the power
of markets as of power over markets. The signals provided by market prices have eventually
resolved even the most seemingly insurmountable difficulties of inadequate domestic supply
in the United States. The gap projected between supply and demand in the immediate
post-1973 period was feared by many to be so large that rationing would be the only practical
But the resolution did not occur quite that way. To be sure, mandated fuel-efficiency
standards for cars and light trucks accompanied slower growth of gasoline demand. Some
observers argue, however, that, even without government-enforced standards, market forces
would have produced increased fuel efficiency. Indeed, the number of small, fuel-efficient

Japanese cars that were imported into the United States markets grew significantly in the late
1970s after the Iranian Revolution drove up crude oil prices to nearly $40 per barrel.
Moreover, at that time, prices were expected to go still higher. Projections of $50 per
barrel or more were widely prevalent. Our Department of Energy had baseline projections
showing prices reaching $60 perbar el—


equivalent of more than twice that in today's

The failure of oil prices to rise as projected in the late 1970s is a testament to the
power of markets and the technologies they foster. Today, despite its recent surge, the price
of crude oil in real terms is only half of what it was in December 1979.
As I indicated earlier, the rise in six-year oil and gas futures prices is almost surely
going to affect the growth of oil and gas consumption in the United States and the nature of
the capital stock investments currently under contemplation. However, the responses are
likely to differ somewhat between plans for oil and those for gas usage.
OPEC, the source of greatest supply flexibility, has endeavored to calibrate crude oil
liftings to price. They fear that significant supply excesses will drive down prices and
revenues, whereas too low a level of output will elevate prices to a point that will induce
long-term reductions in demand for oil and in the associated long-term revenues to be earned
from oil.
Natural gas pricing, on the other hand, is inherently far more volatile than oil,
doubtless reflecting, in part, less-developed, price-damping global trade. Because gas is
particularly challenging to transport in its cryogenic form as a liquid, imports of liquefied
natural gas (LNG) into the United States to date have been negligible, accounting for only 2

percent of U.S. gas supply in 2003. Environmental and safety concerns and cost
considerations have limited the number of terminals available for importing LNG. Canada,
which has recently supplied a sixth of our consumption, has little capacity to significantly
expand its exports, in part because of the role that Canadian gas plays in supporting growing
oil production from tar sands.
Given notable cost reductions for both liquefaction and transportation of LNG,
significant global trade is developing. And high natural gas prices projected by distant futures
prices have made imported gas a more attractive option for us. According to the tabulations
of BP, worldwide imports of natural gas in 2002 were only 23 percent of world consumption,
compared with 57 percent for oil. Clearly, the gas trade has a long way to go.
The gap in the behaviors of the markets for oil and for natural gas is readily
observable. The prices of crude oil and products are subject to much price arbitrage, which
has the effect of encouraging the transportation of supplies from areas of relative surplus to
those of relative shortage and of thereby containing local price spikes. This effect was most
vividly demonstrated in 2003, when Venezuelan oil production was essentially shut down.
American refiners with unlimited access to world supplies were able to replace lost oil with
diversions from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
If North American natural gas markets are to function with the flexibility exhibited by
oil, more extensive access to the vast world reserves of gas is required. Markets need to be
able to adjust effectively to unexpected shortfalls in domestic supply in the same way that
they do in oil. Access to world natural gas supplies will require a major expansion of LNG
terminal import capacity and the development of the newer offshore re-gasification

technologies. Without the flexibility such facilities impart, imbalances in supply and demand
must inevitably engender price volatility.
As the technology of LNG liquefaction and shipping has improved and as safety
considerations have lessened, a major expansion of U.S. import capability appears to be under
way. These movements bode well for widespread natural gas availability in North America in
the next decade and beyond. The near term, however, is apt to continue to be challenging.