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Women's Effective War Work
Requires Good Posture






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Washington, D. C. - Price 5 cents



Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


- Courtesy Koe nig Co.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Women's Effective War Work
Requires Good Posture
Provide seats that meet good-posture requirements.
Study the job to adapt it to good-posture needs.
Instruct the worker in good posture.
Good posture is dependent on hygienic factory conditions.
The properly seated worker is a more efficient worker.
Seating is especially important to the health of women.
State regulations.
References on industrial seating and posture.


Wise management provides working conditions that will reduce fatigue to a minimum and keep workers as close as possible
to peak production throughout the day. Adequate seating is
one of the conditions that a wise management will provide.
Constant standing is a spendthrift of energy. Lack of seats or
uncomfortable seating impairs production. It has been proved
time and again that much of the burden of fatigue depends on
the posture of the worker. Not only do waste effort and increased spoilage result from excessive standing or improper
seats, but tired workers are more likely to have accidents.
Even with today's restrictions on use of metal, suitable seats,
largely of wood, can be provided.
Alternating from sitting to standing diminishes fatigue. No
matter how correct the working position is it becomes irksome
and tiresome after a protracted period. Constant standing is
harmful but constant sitting may be just as bad.
By the use of adjustable seats, many jobs can be arranged for
either sitting or standing. The work level should be constructed at average standing height, and each worker's chair
should be adjusted to a height at which her elbows are the
same distance from the floor whether sitting or standing.
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There rnust be no obstruction under bench or machine to
interfere with the worker's knees when seated.
If careful analysis of the job shows that posture variation by
use of alternate sitting and standing is not possible, rest periods
should be introduced to vary posture. If the job rnust be a
standing one proper seating facilities should be available during
rest periods, and if the job requires continuous sitting it should
be possible for workers to walk around during the rest period.
Provide Seats That Meet Good-Posture Requirements.

Frorn a physiological point of view the correct sitting posture
is that in which the weight of the body is carried on the bones
that forrn the base of the pelvis and the body is held erect by
muscular action that prevents sagging at the waist. Circulation is aided by keeping an angle greater than a right angle
at the knee joints. Stooping should be reduced to a minimum.
To conform to these physiological needs the following are
essentials in industrial seating:
It is necessary that the seat be adjustable to the height of the machine
or bench.
The seat should be 16 to 16 ½ inches wide and slightly saddle-shaped.
The seat should not be too deep. Depth should be sufficient for comfort without constricting blood vessels under the knees. From 12 ½
to 13 ½inches from front to back is adequate.
The back of the seat should support the lumbar region-the small of
the back where fatigue first is noticeable. The back of the seat should
be adjustable to the individual.
Footrests with a firm nonslip surface should be provided.
Seats that can be easily moved out of the way when the worker stands
are desirable.

When employers say that workers prefer to stand, it is certain
that seats have not been correctly adapted to the job. Common faults of industrial seating include (1) No back support;
(2) fixed seats too high or too low; (3) seats poorly shaped and
hence uncomfortable; (4) benches or tables too low to allow
for the worker's knees while at correct sitting height; (5) no
footrest; (6) too little room between scats.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Study the Job to Adapt It to Good-Posture Needs.

A job analysis is a preliminary requirement to the provision
of a good factory seat. Each operation usually done standing
should be studied to ascertain whether it can be performed from
a seated position or while alternating standing and seated
positions. Rearrangement of work material, readjustment of
seats, or planning of special types of seats can make it possible
to provide seating at almost any factory job on which women
may be employed. Sliding seats have been devised for work
caring for several machines or moving along a table. Conveyors or turntables can be adapted to make walking back and
forth unnecessary. Crowding in plants to hasten war production may complicate the problem of seating workers, but it does
not make proper seating impossible. Industrial-seat manufacturers have devised good-posture seats of wood so that the
withdrawal of steel for immediate war needs will not make
standing at work necessary.
Instruct the Worker in Good Posture.

A person may sit properly on any kind of seat, a soap box if
necessary. To do so requires considerable muscular effort,
which itself is fatiguing. On the other hand, a person may
assume a poor posture in a well-designed chair.
The worker should be told that good posture is a necessary
part of efficient operation on her job. She should be instructed
to sit well back in the chair, with her back erect but not stiff, so
that shoulders and arms will be free to move comfortably.
She should know that slumping crowds the abdominal organs,
retards circulation, impedes respiration, and increases fatigue.
The worker can improve her posture by learning to sit and
stand ~ell. Comparative pictures can be used to advantage
in the training period to demonstrate the best way to sit and
stand and the disadvantages of poor posture. The woman
worker can improve her posture by selection of well-fitting shoes
with low heels and room for the natural spread of the toes.
Comfortable clothing suited to the work contributes to good
posture. Maintenance of good posture and instruction in
correct posture can well be combined with brief periods of
exercise for workers who spend most of their workday seated.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Good Posture Is Dependent on Hygienic Factory Conditions.

Fatigue from any cause is almost certain to result in poor
posture. Hence an important feature in the maintenance of
good posture is attention to other factors in fatigue prevention,
such as lighting. Good lighting is inseparable from good posture. The amount of light on the work should conform to the
recommendations of the Illuminating Engineering Society
approved by the American Standards Association in March
1942. 1 Lighting should be carefully designed to prevent glare.
The value of good-posture seats can be nullified if the operator
is forced to adjust her posture to preven t eyestrain.
The Properly Seated Worker Is a More Efficient Worker.

Of the beneficial effects of good-posture seating disclosed by
investigations, the following are typical examples:
Providing chairs and tables suited particularly to the occupation increased production in a rubber factory so that 16 girls did as much
work as 20 had done before.
Women polishing metal increased their output as much as 32 percent
when special seats were provided that made it possible to work seated
or standing.
When workers could alternate sitting and standing, muscular ability increased by 6 to 15 percent over muscular ability when either standing
or sitting all the time.

Seating Is Especially Important to the Health of Women.

Seating is particularly important for women. Continuous
standing may aggravate menstrual troubles, and under no
circumstances should it be required of pregnant women.
Further, because of their tendency to suffer from varicose
veins, standing is harmful for women. In the recent medical
study of 536 New York department-store employees over 40
years of age who had been at least 10 years at this work, 2
1 Illuminating Engineering Society.
American Recommended Practice of Industrial
Lighting. Approved March 17, 1942, by American Standards Association. For brief
summary of provisions of these standards see Women's Bureau Bul. No. 193.
2 Lake, Michael, M. D.; Pratt, Gerald H., M. D.; and Wright, Irving S., M. D.
Arteriosclerosis and Varicose Veins: Occupational Activities and Other Factors. In
Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 119, No. 9, June 27, 1942, pp.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


women yVho stood or walked showed a higher incidence of
varicose veins than those who sat at their work, a condition
not found among men.
Moreover, there was a decided
difference between the men and the women in the incidence
of varicose veins. The difference was by no means due solely
to pregnancy, as is clear from the following:
Percentage with
oaricose vrins

Men ......... .. . .. .. .. .. . ...... .... ...............
Women ......... . ........ . ... . ........... .. . .... ...
Never pregnant ....... .... ................... ·.. . . .
One or more pregnancies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



The physicians who made this study attribute the difference,
at least in part, to the "noticeable difference in the firmness of
the surrounding tissues supporting the venous back pressure."
The part played by high heels and inactivity of leg muscles
has not been explored.
State Regulations.

All States but Mississippi have laws that require some kind
of seating accommodations for women workers. Most of the
laws require that seats be available for women when they are
not actively engaged in their duties or when sitting does not
interfere with the proper discharge of duties. Few give
consideration to seating at the job.
In many States the laws apply to all or practically all occupations or industries, in a number to manufacturing and
mercantile establishments, and in a few to mercantile occupations only. Manufacturing occupations or industries are
covered in the laws of all States but Alabama, Florida, Maryland, Mississippi, North Dakota, and South Carolina. The
extent of enforcement varies widely ·e ven in normal times.
With the rapid new employment of women in war industries
and the consequent overcrowding, the present situation as to
enforcement is confused.
Most of the States specify that "suitable" seats shall be provided, some designate "chairs, stools, or other contrivances,"
a few provide that seats may be permanent fixtures so adjusted
as not to obstruct the work. Regulations in four States-
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Kansas, Minnesota, New York, and Ohio-specify seats with
backs; in California, Kansas, and Washington there must be
footrests. California and Washington require adjustable seats
at work tables or machines to permit the position of the worker
in relation to her work to be substantially the same whether
seated or standing.
U. S. Government Reports.

U. S. Public Health Service. Reprint No. 1156 from Public Health Reports. May 6, 1927. A Resume, With Comments, of the Available
Literature Relating to Posture. By Louis Schwartz, Surgeon. 30 pp.
State Studies.
New York. Department of Labor, Bureau of Women in Industry. Bui.
104. Industrial Posture and Seating. April 1921. 56 pp.
- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - Bui. 141. First Principles oflndustrial
Posture and Seating. January 1926. 13 pp.
Pennsylvania. Department of Labor and Industry. A Good Chair for
the Industrial Worker. In Labor and Industry, August 1928, pp. 10-15.
British Sources.
Great Britain. Ministry of Labor and National Service Welfare Pamphlet
No. 6. Seats for Workers in Factories. 1940. 40 pp.
Seating in Factories. In Industrial Welfare and Personnel Management,
August 1941, pp. 168- 171.
General Sources.

Garner, J. R., M. D . Posture and Fatigue. In National Safety News,
February 1942, pp. 38- 40.
Proper Seating- An Aid to Industrial Efficiency. Reprint
from June 1936 Industrial Medicine. 10 pp.
Stevenson, Jessie L., R. N. Posture and Nursing. Published by Joint
Orthopedic Nursing Advisory Service of National Organization for
Public Health Nursing and National League of Nursing Education, New
York City, 1942. 63 pp. (See pp. 1 to 23.)
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis