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ALLEGHENY COLLEG LIBRARl Aug15•44 y Shoes FOR WOMEN WORKERS THE importance of correct footwear for women workers cannot be overestimated. The shoes workers wear probably have more effect on their comfort, efficiency, productivity, general health, and safety than any other single item of clothing. Much of the body fatigue experienced by women, especially those who stand for long periods of time, can be traced to improper shoes. Poor construction, flimsy materials, inadequate support, high heels, all contribute to such fatigue. Where the work environment exposes women to danger of falling objects or other sources of foot injury, safety shoes are absolutely essential. But women, especially those unfamiliar with factory conditions, are inclined to be slow to appreciate that fact. This leaflet has been prepared to help women realize that safety shoes are a basic requirement in many occupations, and that their comfort, health, and security rest in large measure on the wearing of proper work shoes. THE WOMEN'S BUREAU OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR SUPPLEMENT TO SPECIAL BULLETIN 3 LI ,I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16-40074-1 A WELDER'S boots should al- 19"' ways be worn with protective leggings. These shoes are recommended for women welders in such places as shipyards and machine shops. They protect the ankles against burns from flying sparks or bits of hot metal. They contain steel bo~ to~s. t~at guard the wearer agamst m Junes from falling objects. Laced shoes require use of leggings with spats, as shown in the inset illustration, especially when there is danger of burns from molten metal. --.iG THE WORK environment may have many hazards, among them the danger of falling objects. Even though the worker in such an environment may not herself be handling heavy objects, she should wear a safety shoe with a steel toe. This shoe is made for workers exposed to this risk in such places as factories, steel mills, shipyards, and railroad yards. SAFETY SHOES FOR WOMEN - . . A STURDY work shoe with steel toe is useful for general wear. A special chrome- tanned sole gives added life to the shoe, and offers protection against both water and oil. The low heel with a rubber top lift enables the worker to climb around large assembly pieces or up and down ladders safely. THIS OXFORD is made with ~ a cord sole and a steel safety toe. It is safer than a leather-soled shoe, for wear in work areas exposed to heat. The same shoe with a neoprene sole is de igned for use when there is the hazard of oily floors. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IN MANY places women doing 19"' bench work do not need a steel cap in the toe of their shoes, such as this oxford has. But they do need shoes of sturdy construction, good foot support, low heels, and closed toes. Illustrated here is a shoe which includes all these features. - . . S OM ET I MES even careful housekeeping cannot prevent oily floors. Women working in shops that have oily floors should wear shoes such as these. They have soles especially made to prevent penetration of oil. The soles also offer some protection against acids, though they are not guaranteed acidproof. These shoes, like the others shown here, have teel safety toes. COLLEGE LJBRARl 119-IT IS SUGGESTED THAT THIS FOLDER BE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis POSTED ON FACTORY BULLETIN BOARDS FOR THE INSTRUCTION OF WORKERS The Women's Bureau of the United States Department of Labor has published several bulletins and supplements dealing with work clothing for women. The publications, as listed below, may be ordered from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. EFFECTIVE INDUSTRIAL UsE OF WoMEN IN THE DEFENSE PROGRAM Special Bulletin No. r, 1940, IO cents SAFETY CLOTHING FOR WOMEN IN INDUSTRY Sped 1 Bulletin No. 3, 1941, IO cents SAFETY SHOES FOR WOMEN WORKERS Supplement to Special Bulletin 3 SAFETY CAPS FOR WOMEN IN WAR FACTORIES Special Bulletin No. 9, 1942, 5 cents SAFETY CAPS FOR WOMEN MACHINE OPERATORS Supplement to Special Bulletin 9 U. 5 . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16- 40074- 1