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12198 WO R K S P R O GR E S S A D MI N I S T R A T I O N Corrington Gill Ho ·.7ar r.. B. M:rers, Dire ctor Di vision of So d al Re s e ar ch Assistant Admintstra tn r - R E S E A R C H E U L L E 'I' I 1r SOCIAL SF..RVICE I: IVISION SI'.A.FF S OF TI-ra S:1.ATZ :E:.~RGENCY tlELIEF . rn:,II NI S'.[·n ATIONS, 1935 ar.d 19~~6 Re ducti on Pr ocedt'.r e t i nns--P r'! r s0nn9 l Standa 'l'.' cJ. s--T-::- e nds Oct obe r 1937 12198 CONIElT'IS Intro <luc ti on - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - I. Duties performed by State E .F..A. Snci?.l Service :Oi visionsFundions in 1;ovem1wr 1935- -- - - - - - - - - Fu.ncti 1rns in Mc1.:rch 1936 - - - - - - - - - - II. Proced,_;_res in effecting reductioLs L1 personnel-· for selecting workers t,1 1:,r re:i.-'ased- - ?repe.rir:.g v•.-orl:ers for the ch1.nge in program Provisions for retaining· professionally trained wdrkers III. Person~1el sts,ndards- - - - - - - - - - Education and experience requirements Special req1..,1_iremcn ts- - - - - - Personal q11.alificati.ons - - - - Diffic1J.lties in r:1eeting pcrs0nni::J requiroments- IV. Sal'l,ries and vacations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pai:l vo.cation aml sick leave- - - V. Factors affecting personnel changes- Appendix A. Informri.tion rennesteJ. on St'l.te E.R.A. social ,,,ork e.pplication forms, arranged alphabetically by subject with typical questions - - - - - - - - - - A1-1pencl.ix !: . Qu.::,, stionnai re sent to St8.t e E.R.A. Sodal Service Division staffs- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Appendb: C. Typical personnel problems--quntations :from letters discussing Stste E.E.A. personnel problems - - - Fabe 1 2 3 5 7 7 8 9 10 12 20 20 21 23 26 28 31 35 39 TA:::,LES T2blc -----1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Variatior.s in t:i.tJ.e:.:; of positio:-v:- in Sto>'l E.R.A. Socir.l Ser-13 vicn Divisions- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Educational req_uire;:1e~1ts -o;r nu:n·nc.r of States reportir.e; and 15 t:~e of position- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Length of :professional cd11-cation ar1• ,.)XP,;ri,3nC•3 i,1 desirer._ qualifications for sup0rviso:;.· 1-:T 1J.rr,~ ..:-r of -positions 16 reported- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lcn~;-;-,h of professional oduc.A.tion and expariefice in dosirod q1..w,lific1:tionn for scnioi-. r:,1~d j11~·\ior· c.:.,se \voi-·kcrs by nur.1bcr 18 of States reporting - - - - - - - - - - - Prcv:2-ous experience B.cccptcd by nu:nbc:r of Statos reporting and 19 t~~o of positinn- - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - 1 Tin~:J allo"rcrl as paid vacA-tion an('l sick le,"l,ve for one year s contirrunus service by number r>f States roportin~;- - - - - - 27 __,, / Digitized by Original frclm NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 1 IUTRODUCTION '.Fhis stud.~, of persor.nel in the fncial Service, Divisions of the State . Fmergency Re1 ief Ar'1-mi,1is+rations is .-. sur:@8.ry of three iEquiries on per:rnnEcl ma.o.e by- the Div.:.sion of Sncial Pes0arch of the 1.'."0:::--ks Progress AdministrcJ.tion aurin;; 193[· ~'-~cd 1936. The;ysis Yms·· at the request, and_ nith the assistance of the Social Service Division of the Federal E~ergency Relief Administration. T}1e first inquir;f, mad.e during the summer of 1935, concc>r~1ed the pc:tsom1eJ st&nd&.rds established by S.E.R.A. Social Service Divisio:1s f0r social service positions. The pu:-pose of the other two inqFiries was to anal;1ze the char_:;inc; f--ir1ctions of Ste.te E.R.A. SociP,l Service Divisions. D'J_ring the pcriocl. s"i.1-.Tve:red, gr>neral relief W'3..s tra11sferrecl. from a Federal to a State and :::.ocal bc1.sis. Sharp reductions in so~ial service staffs resulted in nost States as case loaf_s anr. relief bucJ.~·et s were re,1.uced with tl1e initiation of tbe Works P rograr~. 1 were t o f t-!1ese reL•UC t 10:r.s, • .L • • quesvionnaires T·o me.0 .sure ,,nee f recs .L' ;J n filleri fo:.: Social Service Divisions of Sts,tr> Emergency Relief Administrations a.s of lfoveL'Jcr- 1, 1935, wLen fino.l F.E.R.A. g:r2.nts wGre being made to several States, and. c..s of }.!arch 1, 1936, when F.E.l..A. funas for administration were nearly exhauste6 in :nost StA--t:es. T~1e st'.1c"'..y v:as o:riginally [>lannecl for 8.r'lr t,.-istrative use only~ 1 requests for in:ormation in this fiela_ the finciHt,S senerally 11" Numerous ,e ·· de it appear advisable to make In sur:ma,·izing tbe q·.1estionnc1.ire data for publication, only the points th&t i;1ight ·oe interesting to the contim,_ins relief prot~rans o,s material have be·~n included. Questions relating to the immediate s::.t'.:Jtion have been omitted and information o:n size of st3.ff he.s not been inch1.dc0. since the data for the three periods wore not comparable in this respect. 1 . . . B. _ Digitized by Sec a:_:::,pcrN{YRTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY l.~198 I. Dl7TIES PERFORJ.::ED BY S'Il/I.'E E.~:. •• ~. SJCB. L SERVICE DIVISIONS 1933, it bec·'n,e necosso.ry to de+,en1ine tlle ext2nt of thP need of persons and farnili0s ,"1-1':Pl;sring for relief. 'l'o establish eligibility for relief a:1..d t,o ad~inistcr t~e ~ssistance neede~, loc~l social service divisions were set up unde:c1 tho Stc1,te Ernergerccy ?.elie;:' Ac:ministra,~io~1s. wero re sp0ns~ ·olc to the Social Se!'vico :Oi··· i 0 li0f ~.clminisGr3.U.on. :< :)11 These latter, il'l t-L1rn, of the icderal Emcrgcmc~r R 0 - The ci+y f'1nd. co 1.1 nt;<· offices wec'e 7-oc.qted so that the social v;or}:cr s would be able to visit thl~ IJ,-)TTJ.O s of the une1:1plo::od as oasiJ.~r ~s possi0ln :\nd so th~t the officas wo~ld ~l~o be readily accessible to tho ~i-.e f,_,_-,ction<".\ r0rformecl by the lnc::-..:.1 service divisions were basic to the efficient OJPration of the trem~ndous program of Federal assistance. As the prcgr[lm r.",evcJ.t',pec1, t~,e autiec of thG 0ivisions also bro2lenel~.• The fur..ctinnc: of locB.l s0cL1l work Etc.ffs in November 1935 ind:i..cate the sc0pe of the services thA~• ren~ere~. With the aevelopment of the activities of the Works P1:-o:c')_'3.rr1, the Fese.ttlPmtnt Arb.d.nistl·c1.t.:.or., anc1 the Social Securi t;y ~,oc1,rd, there rren~ m,::t_4or c:mnges iri emrihases of loc.r-,: socisl service staffs, a2. incUcatea. ·b:· the functirms reTJorted in I1!a:.-ch 19':\6. 1ror a cfot2,ilecJ. summary of the work of social service di ,;is ions, s,:-e :.3ro·an, ~Tosophine C., 11 SociRl ~ervice Division, 11 lv!o:::i_t_hly }l_QJ!or_t __9f the Federal Emorg...9.ncy ~::..clicf£,.tj.on, March 1 Thro..:g.1:ll !'!larch 31, 1936, pp. 1-9. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Ai-1al;y,,iG of the f·unctions £'n.-l services of the Socinl Servic~ Db isiori staffs in No-✓ ember 1Y35 as rP.1-,orted fnr 42 States ::mil the District of Cohwtia :celief, othej~ Fr;cleral pr')p.; requirer m.:1.ny services fr0m tbe workers. T:1P, fact tll2.t the E.R.A. 's h• been estab1ished lnn.-:i:er thar, other agencies ~-wd ha rl v10r::er s 1'3.,nilia:- w:!. t:c the local si tui..,t ions in pr'.lctically ever Jr coui1ty T'lad,:, the services of ti1e::e workers in ce:·1,<111.d. The November inforraation showe<7.. tr'lt al t:.-1ous11 ca::.;e 7 oad s hs.J cier.reased, t.he volume of work, particularl~,r in relatioic. to r)ther Federal and St.Ate progr8.rns, had not declineJ. ~he nork bein? done by t~A State E.R.A. Soci~l Service Divisions in Ffovember 193C secner tr. f2Jl in-~.o thr c :relie.f; gen•Jral groupir.Gs: (1) a-:lministerinc (2) :.:cnd.ering sPrvices to the iJ/'orl·:s ProgrE:'ss Aclnini stration; a!1d (3) servi:l{' other Fer_cral an,1 St2tP. p-ro;;ri=vns. duties nere includer• under e;:,,ch of tl1,::!'oP. Vl'hiJ.e r:.t number of specific fT'"lupings, they wt>re obvio'.1Sly of •,videly vaTyi;;.g importance. (J.) A tl_r., ini stPriY'._g_:rtlief Ad.r.inistering Sta. 1-e and loc-al relief. Invest i.gat inf· com1JJ aiEt s frol!'l Washin-?ton and State of fices. Statistical reportin~ for s~~te E.R.A. A:1sw'ring requests L--om other State F..R.A. 1 s for inforuation and casP s1rnm:=-crit,s OE fnrmsr clients aprl;ying for relief in ()ther Stotr:-s. U~) _fr-;v:i,s;_'.:~ to the ':'T nrks Prog:::a.'11 Ccrtif~; inl!, norkers to W.P.A. :·.. 0. canceling certific::-stinns. 0 ::;t;:\.inL1f. infunnation on ch::,:1,'!,C in family status of wo1·kcrs. Investigc1.ting and. 9.t'\,7 refusals to accept private em-• rilovment or i7.F.A. n.ssi t-:-n '.".c rr::s. Cei·tifying rur3.1 rchabilit:.i,tion clients. ~1rnishine lists of workers for special programs or projccts 1 Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 1219R 4 ( :·,;) ~ _§_ervices tC'....._9-t::1er rr,::.12..:DQ SelectL1f's i:, ,~:::: er' •,j_,•ls el:ip,i'·le for then. Y.A. pr9§'r1m. Sele0ti".'1,cr ;irlP, f0;· PC..uc[ti.ow:,,::!. cc::~ us. Certlf;'·hg, ·,"o.r1, fnr +,he C.~.C. Al lac[, t i:1f. ~ur:r:,l us c )mrr.·)1H !·,H's. 0 Several State ri vi sirrns re:-1orted t:iat i ncrea'.".ed st:3.t bt ical work nas :.:eq1.1irecl of the visiting ~ta-£'f. In s0r.,e inc,ta.nces this w2s reportin 6 anr'i statistical wcrk formerly do~e ~y the Accounting Division but now carried by the visitors because of sb.?fr' rec.uctions. Ir oi:~1er instances it con:::;isted of compilinc. statisticA-1 ,fata or maki:n.g surveys for the E.R.A. education.?.l program, Seil Conservatio:c. Service, R,:; se i~ tlement st rat ion, or other Certificatio11 of former rnral reLa.biJ i t2,tion clients was heavy in ccrtc1in St.::,.tos. In Ner: Msxi::o, for in,t'.rnce, certified during N:ive:nbe:r. be cert:ified.. 2,·.·,uo f,qn.1i:1 i,2,s wPre to 'be In Sc, C~0 :r-olino t~:ere 1vere 1,500 families to Arizona also reported .'.l. l".rg~ r.\1mb8r of certificD.tinns to bE, made. ?ractic::;,lly every State rer:orted an increasi.i1s number of persons appl~<inc to the loc.?~l relief offic''.'s for pb.cc1:ient with the W.P.A. or ri.U'al rehabi 1.i tA.tirm. ':L'he State E.R.A. strifi:'':', in Arizrma, Wci.shingto;,, anrl :Jinnesota were pE:rforrniil{", ser7ices in preparation for the St:1.te Sr-cL-::il Sec1.1ri t;; progra;,s, j_ncluding ecl.:.1cational and. publicit;r work thE .t i1:vo1vc~'. m0eting local £\roups, 1 helpin1..; to pla.;1 legislDtion, anc1 c0nd,._1cting resea::-ch to ctctor:nir..o the extent of tho r.ocd for certain t;,T»;s 0f c;)r0. So:Jlc· Stetc E.R.A. 's wore P.lr0aiy r.1aking i1wcstigations in Ho-rnmbcr 1935 frn· nld aid to o.o ()Cnd.o:c1t ':1.gG and. hlincl assista.nco a.nd chi lo.ron. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 In a nu,.iber o: Sts.tcs the E. 'LA. ,,, 1s '-'Jvin1 :· !cervices to lnc8.l 3,,. ,E>nc:i cs. pi ta] iz2,tion in counti<;os ,'rhere c;uch e01•vico r:a.s reo 1 1..eststl by local of::"icns legally re;,[Jonsible fo1· such 8id. In 8 fevr Tennessee counties the E.:r~.A. wor%Pr s v:erc invest i~:at in'=' c.:rne s of unornploy':tble s ana s1J:,x-rvi sing exponc1iture s of count;y f1Jnds for th0m. L1 Loni sinna the loc;:i,l supervisors charge of the -parish ·c':c·lfare units as well a:~ of the E.R.A. units. Four :3tates rcport.ed that t,he visHin?-" skd'f e1eliver8d nriticos of '\-.01~~: assicnr1e:nts to clients in orclcr to facilitat,: the l;lacomcr,t of men at YiOrJ:. ment Service in counties having r.o office of that acency. In ma.ny },:ichi;-:c,.~1. counties visitors w~re writing relief orders either in the office or at home. Functions in)farch 193C' rhe a_uties of the S0cial ServicP Divisions as reported_ by 42 Stn.tes in March 1S'36 crrnlfL sti11 be listed. unr'ler ti1A same t~eneral gro:u:;;ings a:. in !Tovember out they showed a different emphc,,sis. relief, mai1:ly limited to unempJ.oynbles, Wc:J.S The administration of direct still e. fu...'1.ction of 24 of the State orgailizations reportiae.: in "·[,,.rch but w:.ereas this had beAn the chief responsibility oi practicaJly all of the State Social fervice Divisions rt'porti.nt:; in :rovemb,:;r, only 14 State 3,t.:enci8s citecl it as thE"' main function of the org2,nizations in !::arch. One of thes,:; State agencies ,"as givi:1:-::; re-- lief onJ.y in c,:iorgen.cie s, one ,1ras su.porvi sing ti-Le expe1:-di ture of lc,cal relief f1.,_nd.s, ::1.nc1 ano·cher was suppl.emorJ.tini-:· t;,P, lor.'11 relief gr·c=.nts in special cases. Ei._:ht State e.gencies were ar._r:iinistering relief tog:ether with one oi· rr.ore t;ypes of assistance made availalle throuGh Social Security gr::-.nt s. Handlint; of corciplaints and inquiries ·.72re still listed as respnnsi·oilities of local staffs in 11 States. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12138 6 Services to the Works PrrL•rn.m ·, ,rt' .LtRt:·rl .'y tho majority of the 1 State orgo.nizn.tions in !,:o.rch 19:~G, tut thu orn:i,h.1nis wa.~ mnre on sp0cial Lwestic:,tion3 and indivHu,cl .rcl.iust1,::mts than on c,_rtification. Triir- teen States rerorted th.,,t the wo::·ke"'s ·.-rerr~ rcferri:::ig f,q,mili3s to the R0settlor.,ent Aclministrn.ti011 or mc1.Jring speci3.l stndi(\S nf the Resettlement cuso lo,:.d. Sugg,3sting work .t)rojcctR and 1 is ting r,~liof 1)crsuns avaj L,blo for employment on these projects wo:::o ~~ctivi ties whic:1. w"lro ropnrtod loss frequently in l1la-rch th-=u1 in Novornbor. Cortifico.tion for the Civi:i::1.n ConC\orvcLtion Cor1Js was given as a . fun~tion of tho lccal units in the spriDg of 1936 by 16 Stc1,te ,:v:encies and roforr~l to the 1;0.tio::1al Yo· th AdmiP.istration·-1 cit,:d by 8 a.gencies. Alloc2,tion of surrli.1s corrunoo.i ti~rn wn.s ~till generally li ;ted. 0 More State L,, in March th(ln in }fovumbor,3d community interpret':l.tion, publicit~r, or educational work in :;::,roparrLti(,n for a. 1x,rma.nent State progrem as resro0sibilitioR of t~e staff. Also, more St~tcs woro gathering special statistics in Ma.rch or vrere malrinf.' studies with relation to the develo~1ment ,:,f fut' Stcte cler>artments of welfare. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY L2198 7 II. ?.ROCED~}RES IH EF}'EC'i'I~JG REDUCTIOrs IN PE...~somTEL With the uaduAl liquidation of tl1e State :q:mE'rgenc~; Relief Administrations, it "becc:..1e neces~ary·· t-o r?duce -social wo scale. 1• personnel on an exter>sive In order to dPterffiine what policies were followed in the various States, the St3:':;e E. R. A. 1 s w0re asked wl:• ether quality of vrork, prepar: Ltion and trai:iing, sPniori t~.r, or neecl w:::.s the basis usea_ serYice s+,aff m0mbers to be relcasE:d. j_n selecting social Se vera.I a,gencies reported that they The frcciuoncy considcr c,3- more than one of th-::i sc point!:; in releasing workers. with which each point was cht'cked followc: 1 Noye!!lbcr 19.35. March Quali t;., of work 28 23 Lael:: of :preparation 9nd training for wo:.·k 18 20 9 5 12 11 Seniority lfo •'.:l(1. o:f Yrnrker 2 Otlrnr factors th&.t influonced the s<:lc:ction of pcrro.ns to be released ,rnre r e: quosts f:::om ot'::i.r:r agencies for StR-te E.R.A,., wo1·kcrs, interest of tho worker i:i cnt( ring other profes::donal fic1 .-· ,:;, ·,,rof ssional attitudes e,'.lcl loyal t~,, rosid.e"1cG, marriag1; if the worn,3,n I s husband W-" l,S em!)loyed, comnnmi ty pressur·es, and_ lack of poteiltiali ti c- s of the ·vorker for further dcvelop~nent Quality of work ·.ws reported as tho primary conniden~.tion in both November 1935 and 1Il'.rch 1936. In t,ho latt0r month, hmivever, tr,e States rrith the most participation by the localities tended to emphasize loc:,.,l residence, length of service, and need (but usually only for tho local resident) aG consider8.tions in retaining w3 :ci, worker. 1Based on reports ofjtOOci States ancl the :District of C'ol·fijffilrl~ffll'tl NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 2Based on ~E~ (tf?IVERl!5PJer's. 1~198 8 In both November and March the :preprtrat.ion 311d. training of t1.1e vrorkers were usually e;iven car"!ful consideration in rel:·tion to their perform8..nce on the job. 1 'l his was in acc0rdance with sc,un'.'i -oerscnnel policy and wo,s particularly necessary due to the wide va-:"iations j.n edueation and experience of the staffs. Sev0.ra1 State E.R.A. 1 s 9stab1ished definite requirewents with respect to the education and experience of their personnel, but because of the nUJnbc:..~ s needed in the emergency relief work, they had h;::i,d to :;na}:c many e~ceptions to those requirements. Pre-oaring Worker_s_ f3& :t1wkhAPf"e in Prog.t'..9:fil The Stc,tc E.R.A. 1 s had in gen;ral a:rnurncd responsibility for prepari111~ workers for the cha~we frJm a Fede:ral to a St1:J,te or local relief program. They h'1d isruec. one or raore gf'neral bulletins to tl'lc staffs J;rior to iTovornbcr 1. In some instances, they hrtd sup1')lcmcnt0d the hullotins by individual conferences with the field staff or with local administrators, or by confcrc:nc:cs of the field. rcprost;r:.tativr:::s \·Tith locaJ. staffs. Efforts had been mad.e to 6 ive a final noticn from 1 wee1<: to 1 month \if'forc PCbl1ally relPasing a vror 1i::cr. Agencies t:L~iod to find -positions for work0rs iu :nond in othr=,r phas0s of tho Fed:;r& lly SUJ:,-ported program ar.d to qt;alifisd social rrorkers in th0. State by transfers to other Fc6.ora.l or Sts,tc ag1nci,.·c. Some workers ~cr0 tran~ferred to tho Division of Intak0 and Ccrtific9.tion of the ~7forks Progress Admin:i.stra·cion, 1mt those :i,ositirms wo,,.c few in number. Othur W.P.A. aclministrativo pcsitions wore fillocl before the State E. R.A. staff redi_;_ctions began or they required !llora educ,3,tion ann.. experience th;:i,n the visitors possessed. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 9 l.2198 hc1d retP.inecl y, t,raine.t wr-,-ck'-'rs by trrwsferrin~ them from one local unit to a.nether. F 1)1.1r RdJJ_tinnc.11 State ::,?;encies rPported s11cc,=,ss in accornplishin,~ such tranders in 1'.:arch but not i::1 RoveLlbe:;:. St.q,te Z .R.A. 1 s effer.tecl t-r,qnsfe:rs i,n :november hut not in Mflrch. NL1e By Ma,rch county staffs h'"l,c:t become a local problem, wi tr, no =orovi sicn for St,;;.te ,;;upervi sion or crnt!1ori ty in six of them States and with various complica.tions in the oti1cr three. In 0::-10, perso ncl control i1c:d been decentrr>li7ed, 10 but since the State E.n.A. was assisting in raying ad..rninistrative eX!lenscs in counties meeting ccrbd.n rcr111irer.:8n.t s, it hacl been c1blc to :1old qu.alified worke~·s; in enothcr, th1; E.B..A. :m,s to clos,: in l\'I1:rch; the thirrl. State 1 had no local str-1ff s at that time but j,1;:;,d made pJ an"\ tn employ ,'1,11 avnilable local qualifi0cl persons when the cm.1nt~ r·., .YPlf2re depn,rtments were 1 established. Three of the State E.R.A. 1 s th.,t reported ret~ining stnff by tr~nsfers indicated n,,:,·i· the~v w8r'e limi teo. in rursnir10' this lJOlicJr either "by a State law enforcing seniority as t:1<=: b.'.:•sis of rr•t,~jnin{: staff or by strong comTJ1unity pre.:judice agailrnt workers whr,• w<~re not local r::sid.ents. Eleven States re_p0rtecl t}1at qu£Jl ifiec: wor1:e:.s had been employPd by other State or F,·de:cal c1f;cmcies. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY ::..o 12198 III. PER::OWlITL S'fAHDARIS The extent of the rclir:f I rotlrm ·,nd th,, sp,,orJ ','Ii th ·:hich Social Sorvicc Divisions vwrc: e:JtarJlished by Statr: Er,1orgrm,,y Relief Ad,11inistrations created!1d for a :nucl-i"r group of sociaJ wo:..·~rrs th.'<.n tho prr:ifcs- !"'. sional field_ e-iuld suppl~.r. training L'.ncl_ oxporicnco vras In many loc1.lit.'cn '.'''ffsonncl with the dosircd not avail'3.1Jlo. ~he personnel roq_1,;.iremcnts of the St~te E.~.A. 1 s fo~ positions in the local unit2, thor2forc, alth □u~1 b~sod on professional social work, werr) a'.laptcd in each State to the .::.w::,,il:•,-olo pcrsonn:Jle Ev'Jry effort wn.s mad0 to improve tho calibnr of soci.-=1,l service stE,ffs m-.1plo~rod by t~w S.E.R.A. 1 s thro-:igh local insti tutcs, through tr·~,ining at E\ccrcdi tocl. schools of social work fo~ selected pcrsonnnl, and through other mothocts of in-sorvico training. This !)art of tl1e prcsont study wa8 undert:ik:cn to present a composit8 picture rif th>J 1Jcr::.;om1cl st,:nu."rn.;1 r,::quirE,d by the Social Service Division;; of the State; E.R.A. 1 s in comp:1.rison with the q1.1--::i,lificatj onr. v1!1ich wore cor_sicler0d desirabl0. In res:r,onse to the rciqucf:',t for informc1tlon on personnel qualifications propA.rod for use by the St' E.R •.A. 1 2, 35 ,"<:;cn.cins ~cnt u~ablo inform'l.tion on. 1 Oi' more rositions D,nil. 7 others fnrnfr:11,d inform•'--t,ion on porson_r1ol practices. Det~ilcd ~nalysis of trnining and oxpcricnc0 ~nguiremonts and the dogreo of supcrvidon e:~pectod m:::,de possible the classific::'l.tion of visiting personnel into four groups: soni0r worker, j'uni0r cgso worki:~r, visitor, and bee;innL1c worker. Comp.:::-,rablo dat'l. wore received fro::: 14 St11.tos for thn position of cliroctor, from 29 Sto,tos fc.,r the position of supervisor, from J.9 States for senior case worker, from 22 Stn,tos for Junior case ·-rorkcr, from 14 States for visitor, ancl from :-:i5 St.'.1tcs fo IDi~Dping ,.vorker. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 2198 11 Boco:nso of diffcrenscs in thn job tith'G usod by vo.rions rgencir.s, t w.:1s 110coss.:1ry to r:ct up uniform cl,rnificn,tinEs boforo o.nalyzing tho atcri:11. T:i..e groupings rmd definitions giv,. 1. bo::..ow rq)resent tho gonerc~l rend of the State E.R.A~ cl'1.ssificution c,ystc:ns. Tho podtiont o,c; givoE n the v2.rious StE'.tc E.R.A. clo.ssifications bcon asflig:rwd to those roups ,tftor o, cn.roful consideration 0f definitions ana clnties, 0f quai.lifi- at ions, of tl!.e size of the Sta to E,R.A. staff, and of such inform[~tion oncernin~ the form of local orgc.nization as was a'rail2,blc. TP,blo 1 shous ho V9.ric..tions in titles includnd under each of thuse cln..ssificr-tions. .D.cfini t..ion Title Ihr:;ctor Ad.ministr.:-\tor responsible for the coordin'.:stion of a largo lor,al unit. Not responsible for tho imm0di~to su,ervision of soci~l service visiting staff 0 Rcspunsibla for tha supervision rnd tr~ining of visiting stnff. Thi~ classifice,,tion includes tho sur:,:?rvisor who is imr,1odi.'l.tcly in ch:J..rge of a sm.'.111 group of wnrke:r s ~md t be sur,crvi sor in [1. unit so largr: that her immod.i,'.:'tc con+,.,ct is with assistn.nt suporvL;ors or distl·ict surcrvisnrB, Senior c2,se rrnrkc.,;r_ Responsible for visitin,-:; fo,mi1.ics ia thci:::- homos, determining eligibility for roliuf and kind and aTiou..,_t r:f .'\id to b·_· t./ -,n 0 H;:i,ndlos mor0 difficult c~soJ, mny rssist with supervision of other workers, require~ lit tl:' s 1 :pcrvi sion. Rcqui:.omont s usu3,lly include: (1) pro:ession.'.11 education at an acer ,cU tcd scl:..ool of soci~l '::ork; (2) experience vri th an accrodit~a sociPl ~guncy. J-c ni o:r~fill Rosp:rnsible f ,)r vi si tin9· fp,rdlics in their hnme s, detorrninj_ng oligi 1Jili ty for relief .-i.nd ki '1d :md amount of nid to be r:;ivGn. Performs dutios of senior cctse worln:-1r, except for '.'l.ssi flting ·:ri th supervision of other w0rkors. Requircnents usua1ly include: (J.) nrofe ssiono.l c ducation in a"l accroa.i tod school of soci;l work; nr (2) oxporienco wi tl-i on accrcdit,·d r·ocial agGnc;n nr (3) n combinn,tion of such tr~ining ~nd experience; or (41 a period of experience with the St.<ite E.R.A. o s- beginning w0rkcr :1-nd visitor• ~1or rnr 1 Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 1219~ 12 Title Vi s_i t o:r_ Responsibli:' for Yisitir_g fnmil.i,·s in ti1eir !1orr.':s, dEotr:>:cmininc:: eli~ihi1it;,r for ;'€'liPf and kind 8J:10,mt of 'J.irl t0 1w rivPn. :7or&f.'- srpt?.rvl·~ion 2.nd hfi~1dl.;s no diffjc,ilt Ct sec-·. R~~.tuirem:_"'!l_t: 0 tn 12 rn0nths I t1xpr rir L1C0 ''Ti th reli~f ri,[,ency. A cL,,8if-i_ cat. ion i r.t ,'rmc-clia te 7,ut''f8l: 1:. br· ginni "1.f~ ·:ror~-::,ir :_::,r:_d ,junior cr,s,_' worb::r., SrJm•~t1m,·s a pr,.1,rof2ssion1l nodtion 'Vith bi[J1nr ec:nc,_1t.i,Jr,al rpqlifiGn.tions t~1r.'n tho~c rL~1ir0d for tho toginuing worker. 1 R0sp0ns:i.blP. for visitin.r, fo..mili0s in tlwir humcs, dctormininL; eJ igibili t-,r fo~· roliof n,nd kind p,nd :=1.mount of rJ.d to be g:l t·n. TTor!cs undor closE' supcrvic1ion. No pr0v:ous training or oxrcrience in social '.7orJ: or in omort-;:cncy :::-olicf vvork rcc1uirod. Educdion end Exr1orionc;o Rcq11irC'Ji1cnt_s_ Pructir~lJ 'j' R-11 cduc;_,tion -::mcl experience requirements listocl in tho st11temcnts s-0_bT'.littod_ by the St:1.te E.R.A. 1 s for this study were characte1·izod by indeflni to wording that -c1,llo'::ed for w ny inter1Jretations. Qu'1lific'1tionf i7erc statrd nit~ a se!'ies of o.lterrn:·tivos thrt might be p,ccopt0d t".nd rlith 8xcoptions to tlie ::i,lternativcs. Both minimum requircmont s encl de sired q_u.~tlific~1tions were sne cificd. The latter represent the am,,unt cf education ::me. ez:pcl'icnce considcrC'd '.I.1h0 rn:tninum rcquircmonts, subject to 0x- ceptions ,':1.pprovod by tlw Stn,tc of:"ice, vwro so phrnm,c'l ,'.:-i,s to provide su;f... ficient loono,y to r:1oet the imP.::-db.te si tu::,ticn. Tho a.c sir ore qualific8.tions for rUrect ors' 'SlliJCrvi sore:;' 8.110 were b2,sod on stanrlarr'ls of the :r.-rofessione.l fh;J,l of Gocial work. Cc.',,SC rrorkors, Altor- nA.tives rwrc usu,:l,lly t}1o::.;e gi;ron in the requirements for mombe:i:ship in the Am3rican As:.;ociation of Socio.l TI'or~:c-r::,. 1 1Requi:tomcnt;:; for full m0m'borship in the American Associr.tion of Socio.l Workors--7 yC':;,Y.'S of prcp[ hi.clnding gcnc::ral c0llcge oducotion, profossiono.1 ed1..1.catiori.., '"nd social w0rk oxp0rir:mco. Thos:J 7 ;yc,'1rs must include the following minima: 1. Two years of college work in an accredited coller,e. 2. Twenty semester hours in social and biological sciences. 3. Twenty-four semester hours in approved technical social work courses. 4. Three hundred clock hours of supervised field work. Directory of Mem'bfil:§__ of the .American Association of Social Workers, 1936, ~t>TH~M~~~ ft~~ 1 American Nl~g~~1tt Workers' New YorrfdRffiwim~l~r~~IVERSITY T8.ble 1 - VA1i:IATIUrrn I:N TITLES OF POSITIONS HT STATE E.R.A. SOCI.AL SERVICE DJVISio:r-q-s z 0 ~ I ~ Dir13ctC1:r Supervisor Senior 8n~ junior cBse ,_,rorke,.. t,.r'hrLi.:..~i s tr q,·GC''l'° C~r:un:l. s s i ci:r:er Jirec·ccr :)i i:-P.ct:0't" 'l!l.n FlXP.c·,,tj_ ":e s13cret'"lry JirP.c~0r 0f bureau ~i~Pc+:c~ ~r relief Dist~~Jt ~i,..ectcr Dis ~;rict :r•..Jlief C8 se supenris0r CQS8 w0rk supAr- Case worker C8S9 wrr~Ar I II III mo J. Visitor Bee;innini,; worker l/l -· --j lO m rt :;;o ;:::;· z~ C z o'< < m :;;o l/l ~ visor Relief supervis0r Besir1 ent super,risor Scci'l.l service r3irecto:r SU ren1 i Sor Super·-risor of SC1Ci'l.l IV Case wn,..kAr ABC D Jnn.icr 'N0T~rnr Junior social worker <Junior irisi+:c,r Soc::.8.l w0r 1rnr Senior ~orkAr S"l""<TiCe z 0 ~ I ~ mo l/l .., --l <.0" m 3· :;;o a, z:::;; eel z3 < m :;;o l/l ~ Di~tsioL ~U~Erint;e:nriort T:;::,--.c;x-l~i-_rp ni , JclL~or c:c;cuti ve oi:rncto:r T.,c::nl f1irc,ctrr S~ciQl sorv~co diroccor Diractor Senic,r to:r !A<lministrf:l.tor Tr~ined fiFlld worker Family visitor Eo!'le ,risi-tnr InvAstign:t0r J1Jnior worker Relief wc,rker Senirr C8.Se '3.ioe Senior· case wo:rker Senior investi_gcd;C'r Senior visitor worl~er Untrttined ficl0 worker Visitor Visitor I , Visito:r- II Airle Case 4ir'le Case wcrb=ir Case w0rk 'l.ide;v "'Tisi tcr. Home visitor Investig<;ttor Junior c<1se s.ir1e Junior investi_8;'3.tor F..elief ~.i.ide Visitor's aide 12198 14 The desired and the m.i..iimum edncnl ional requirements for the six types of positions ··<' shown in table 2. The minimum requirements are of greater inteTcst than the others since thfW more nFlarly approximate the qualifications of persons vrho were available. Q.ual ifications were r.1orJ dcfini t ·:ly st;1ted for the beginning worker than for the su~ervisor or director. Out of 35 states, ~l listed minimum requirements for th0 inexperienced Ymrker while only 22 out of 29 States named minimum requirements for the position of supervisor and 7 out of 14 for the position of director (table 2). For dir0ctors, suncrvisors, anu senior and junior case workers 63 of the 84 positions spccifiecl college gradTu'.ltion and professional education RS desired qualifications, while only 6 inch1decl both as minimum require- ments. Of 3!') St2.te E.R.A,. 1 s, ;~g specified a collese do,p;ree as desirable for beginning workers, but onl;y 9 specified a cnllego drlgree or its equi valent as a minimum requirement. Seven out of fourteen St&to agencies listed a college degree plus profossion,q,l training nt an accredited school of social work as a desired qualification for directing personnel. Only one State agency made a college degree and yirofessional education a minimum requirement for directors (table 2). T•i!enty-trro out of t,7enty-nin0 positions of supervisors made professional educ11.tion n, desired quRlificn.tion. C0rtification at an accredited school of social Hork Has spoci.fied in 12 c-' (t8.hlo 3). of supervisor c:,llocl for profossionn.l education as Onl;l four positions rt minim'\L'71 rcq 1irement 1 (t,qble 2). Dig~ ized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY ..... N I-' <:.u co z 0 Tahle 2 - EDUCATIOrAL LEQUHKIE~JTS BY I-Hf.iBLH OF STATES 1EPCRTIHG Ar0 'FFE ~ :r: ov : :->GSJTIOIT -~6:;c====== ======= ======= =====-= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= '-9. m~. z~ I i 2 coI 2. II (./) ~ -l :::0 N z'< ~iR;1.1. 11:-:i,~in~sc:1eol 1Snne itRly !~ra11u-lcc~sta+erl~~ion le-A ,-, :::0 L/l I'rpe of :;! pc- s :l t:. c-:.1. S· ,)P.rv:i.s c,r s. ::i.:;.., ~- ~., s ~ vvr:rker 'I'ctal I 14 f 29 I I 1 § JtD1inr· oF,~r-8e '3.nrl professional educ'"l.tion 1 lefse ! :_ ac;o ·,'1Rgree ~;:_il-· \ 2 I CB.Se vrcrkel' 22 ~ilis:;. t,r l)..;. ~ ~ n-·innir:cz 3'" ' -. I m ~ i w·nker ':; C' 1-· 1 3 l / 7 8c~R c0l- collA~~ 8t<i..t:9A qt;_rn lf?.i::-e '3.l ·"',' .L 7 22 0 IJ 0t Hi?.;h -,~fin- scl'.001 i tAly 1~ntriu- 2 0-/ 7 - I - - I - 1 · 35 II I ! - 1 ! - I 1 . 5 I - 1 I 11-~ I ! I I C0lle12:A }" <' Y e ~e~rA~_ :lV1C'r- Aqu:i.v- 3 3 1 5 l-.l. , 1 1 1 l,j 16 22 - l .'.i. 1· 1 1 - Cc~legP. years crllAgP- rlegrAe 8..Il., -c,rcfes- anr'l rr0fessicn~l sional e~ucatirnl a:1r'l exT'e""ierce i:tl,=,11ip-,uca-ticnl ---1------~ -------l..-- --'------- I- 1 0 < C0l1Age I z ~ I I I 1-rot < m l 1 1 8 6 6 ..l 1 j! ' j j L~ 2 29 . I 35 L!. I 11 11 S 1 1 1 iL...-.---'--I i -+-----;.._' ! l ! l ----------'- ----~----'-- ---L--~---- --1--------- -'--------L---- -----I 1 'j 1 - \ 1 _ _ _ _ _ __j__ _ _. . __ _ _ :;/ 1 Inc 1u·hs Ai ther unr'le.rg;rarluat"l or ~ranuatA work. I-' C)l 12198 16 Taole 3 - LENGTH OF PROFESSI0NAL EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE IN DESIRED Q,tTALIFI CA'U ONS FOR SUPERVISOR BY NUMBER OF POSITIONS REPORTED - Exnerience a reco~nized nublic or nrivate n.e:ency 5 3 4 2 1 I I years vears vears Total 1 'I vear Professional education in an accrPdited school of socinl vrork Total 27 None required 5 Degree from under-graduate school 2 1 quarter graduate work l I 4 6 12 4 1 1 1 2 1 - - 1 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 1 1 1 - - 1 - - .,. - 2 - - 2 1 6 2 1 I i I I 2 quarters or 1 semester gr;:i duate work 1 year graduate Yrnrk 4 I 1 II I I I 2 years graduate work 2 12 Certificate I I 1 Information furnished by 21 of the 29 States (table 2); 4 gave requirements for 2 supervisory positions a nd 1 for 3. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY - 12198 17 Professional education wns spPcified ci.s n desired qualificntion for all but 1 of the 19 senior case worker positions o.nd n11 but 6 of the 22 junior case worker positions reported (tnble 2). work were most often snocified ( table b.i:). Two quarters of grr,,duate Only one of the senior case worker positions c=md none of the junior case worker po_s-i tion,; mnde professional educ[:.tion plus ,'l college degree a minimum requirement ( table 2). Additional OJ1."J)eri0nco was accepted in lieu of profossionnl educqtion for rtll positions of supervisor n.nd senior and junior case vrorkcr. Professional educrction was not required for any positions of visitor or beginning worker. Experience ,7as required. for all positions of director n.nd supervisor (table 5). Out of 14 n.gencies reporting qualifications for director, 6 accepted experience v1ith a recognized social agency, plus administrative and executive experience, and 8 did not stn.te the nature of accept[',ble experience. Socic1.l agency experience was most frequently cited as the acceptable background of supervisors rmd senior case vlorkers. Most of the rc.q_·(1.ir1::ments for supervisors specified a definite period of professional experie:1ce, usually 3 years ( table 3). Tvm years vras the period usually specified for senior case 17orkers ( table 4). Usually no experience was required of junior case vrorkers ( table 4), but States requiring no previous experience of junior cese workors did reriuire professionn,l training. Emergency relief experience was expected of all visitors. Most of the 35 State E.R.A. 1 s giving qu-::i,lifice.tions for beginning 17orkcrs did not cite the kind of previous experience desired, or mnde only some ger;.eral stetcment, such as "some exporiencc nith people." Digitized by , NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 18 12198 'l'able 4 - L..JJNGTH OJc' PRCFESSI CNAL "EDUCATION AND .EXPE:i.IENCE IN DESIRED Q,UALIFICATIONS }'OR SEHIOR AND J"U'.HOR CASE WORKERS BY NUHBER OF STAT~S m:PORTING Experience with a recob!lized _pnblic or private a 0;ency Professiong,l ed1.1.cation. Junior case worker 1 i i-----S-e-n~i._or--c-·n"'se~rvorker in an accreditec, 3 2 j I 6 1 : 11 school of 2 I 3 6 11 TotRl' Non~ m0~: • ..xr_. vrs.iyrs. Ii TotaliNone mos. vr. v-rs. vrs. social work !I I 19 'i" otal None require<'!. Degree from undergradwte school 2 1 quarter gradu;:ite work 1 2 quarters gradUFtte work 2 .- II I - i I- I 1 71 1 year graduate work 311 2 yearn graduate work 1 10 2 1- - - I i I Ii I - '- ! 20 j 15 11! I l 3 - 1 I- I 2 2 1 1 1 I 2 !I i I Ii 1 2 I! IJ II I 1 - -1- I- - - 5_-'-1_-__3____ .,_i_ _ 1 l 11 I _c_er_t_i_f_i_c_a_t_e________ · 4 II 4 l 1 ~ 1 1_ - _ ~ __ 1 .i 10 i · 8 1 l I I - I 31 - ,I 1 1 __.1!_ _~_,____,1_1____ 3 - .l [ - ......i_-_ _j __1--1...!_-_l__ Exclusive of 2 States for which cletn.iled were not available. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY _,___-_ 12198 19 Table 5 - PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE ACCEPTED BY N(JliffiER OF STATES REP03.TING AND TYPE OF POSITiilNl Type of position Director Supervisor Senior case worker Junior case worker Visitor Beginning worker Total 2 .Admini strc1;w · Erner- tive or Social gency execu•. agency relief tive - Supervisor;y· expericnce in social agency 14 6 1 6 ... ~9 27 5 l 14 19 18 1 - - 22 19 14 - 2 14 - 35 - - - - Not defi- None Sales :le la tea. mane,1,ge- ni tely reiiela.s 3 rncnt stated q11ired --- - ' 8 ... - .,, 1 ... - 20 2 1 - - 2 - .... - 13 - - ... ~ Includes both minirrrum requirements and o..esired qu.alific2tions. The total number of States giving info1·mation on the positions of director and supervisor does not equal the sum of t,1e correspondtng frequencies in the following columns because some States specified several kinds of previous experie~ce. 3 Usually defir.ed as II some work· with people", such as teaching, nursing, rocroation, nutrition, C'haracter building, and personnel and industrial. relations. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12138 20 The qualifiC"'aticns stresser'l points trot "re CCJnsidered of particulRr importance to tho States. 11 S8ver.:1l, for uxnmple, ,:-rnphr-1.,sizcd that the v.rorker shn,11 not be rol::i.tod. to n.ny locol county official. 11 Three gmre ~s one qualification for the nosition of n.ir8ctor that tho n.pplicant 1aust b8 n.n out ... of-county person. 0t:1ers inclu.ded. the 11 uso of r~ car 11 in the qualifi- cations. El1.gihility for work re-:1.ief vm::; not mentioned n.s f'. bc'sis for employ- ment of administrr>.,tive st:.df, but questions on tho economic stn.tus of tho workers Rppo,::i.,rcd on practic'.>lly c..11 .'Y!)J)lication forms ( see appendix A). The d.egree to nhich tlli.s inform,,.tion •,ms 11,c-t1.12.lly used in employin[ stn..ff is not knoun. The leadership of m,~rw communi.ti8s failed to distinguish between project norkcrs Mel ,qchnir"istrr,Jivo stP..ff, criticized arlministrative costs, [1,Yld fnvnred employing pcrson'1,_:l or. tbJ b~sis of need. Although the State E.R.A. 1 s mriy not h,we intondod to consir'l.9r the economic stn.tus of the prospective norkcr r~s the deciding f,e:,_ctor, loc:,1 opinio:1 in m'.t.ny pln,ces forced them to do so. Personal Q~~lific~tions Seven ngencics furnished qualities. A. JtP:.temcnt of desired personality All but one of the StRtes ml:'.king job ~n~lyses of the State E.R.A. positions in 19~:S4 for nll n-ork rind rolief posEions included such stE~tement s. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 21 This does not r:1ean tl1'l.t _ the pers,.1n-uity of the uorker was not an import~nt fr.ctor in employing str ff. The provisions for exceptions to educn.t i onal and PXpArinice req_ui.rement s .qnd the letters received from the Social Service Divisi0ns shov, th.qt ·educntion- and experience plus the indi vidu.c~l y;orker I s ability Here of primary concern. · Education and experii::mce c'"tn be measured in terms of degrees or years, but any evaluatton of personal qualities is be,sed on the judgment of one or more persons. The meaning of any such judgment depends upon the 8.bility of the persons respnnsible for interviewing and e~ploying staff. However, a listing of desired qurlities h--i,s value in rmy personnel qualifice,tions prepo,red for general use or publicc1tion by a public orgHnization. Such Et ~tatement should bi: as comprr-:!hensi ve 13.ny fe.ctor P.S im}Jorto.nt -'"-S A.S possible Rnd should inc.l ude thn por::.inm1.l i ty of t l1.e •.-rorker thrtt may be used as a b~sis for refusing to employ~ person. The porson11:i.i t:.r rcqu:i.remont s mr)St frequently uded in the statements from the seven Stat0s viE:>re r8sourcefulness, 0-bili ty to work vJi th people, good judgnont, trcct, and poise. Difficult~ es in Mc,ting Persor.nel Rcquireme:g,ts An anaJ.ysi s of State E .R.A. personneJ. stA.ndards Hould be uns.-,,ti sfa.ctory unless it indicated the degree to nhich the t:tandn.rd.s nere applied. Many State requirements nero adopted before the St?.te E.R.A. 1 s knew the size of the problem ahead of them 0r t.he difficulties in staffing the organization. Hence, it is not surprising that the personnel st1.1ndc1.rds often could not be enforced. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 22 Prncticolly o.11 of the St'.'te Arlm ini st rr1,t ors roportecl difficulty in applyinr, the stand'trds,2 The re"sons l.';enern1ly given TTere: (1) scn.rcity of professionr,l trn.ined personnel; (2) lor, eoucntirmal levels in communities so thn,t collcg0 peopl,: ,·,ore not :-rvn.ilc1ble for tho position of visitor; (3) the genernl opinion thn.t persons in need should fill P'.11 positions; (4) St,'."l,te residence req1..,1.irements; (5) reluctnnco of local communities to accept nonrc,sident i,7orkers; FLnd (6) politic,ql prossuro. In one State uhere there were few parsons tr~inod for 0mer~ency relief r:ork, out nhere there v1as gr0nt pros sure from the communi ti(,s to consider nge o,s r,. primn.ry qu..-i,lificrdirm, tho E,R,A. roquirorlof super- visors a college degrer: or its equi vPlcnt, or gr/".d.Uc•,tion from high school 11ith 2 of social r:ork experience. This stipulri.tion did not prevent the cmployJl'lcnt of botter quri.J.ificd personnel if :::-,uch i7ri.s .'1.vrd.ln,blo, but it did meet the immudir,t e prnblem, since tho mr,j ori ty of persons '.7ho ,:ere considered unqu':.lificd for the emergency relief '7ork ,.1cro beb-:cen 40 nnd E,O years of age r,,r1d hr-vl nnt n.tt0na.nd;n. Provi sic~1 Hn,s mr,clo for exceptions to this requirement sub.ject to tho npprovr:i.l of tho of.fico. In their effort to mn};:e the qur-,,lific· 1 .tirms prn.cticn.blo, t\70 Stc1.te c1,goncies, ).~nstrictcrl in n.ppoi.ntmicnts to persons i::ho ,,7ere residents nf the State ~-~ld ~1,wing :rr,:,.cticr,lly no trn.ined pcr~vmnol n..vr,il2-blc, required no profession[>.l educf'tion or experience, 2 Sec appendix C for quotations from tYJ)ical lettars fro1;J the State E.R.A. officinls shcr.'ing the pr0blcms they mot ':1 i th in obk,,ining qun,lificd personnel. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 23 nr. SALA..--:.IES AND VACATIONS SevEmty-fi VC' dnll.·ws a month nns the minimum 88.ltuy most frequently roported for boginning µorkers in St~te Emereency Relief or~n.nizntions. Tho range nas from $50 o. month, reported in tno Stc\."ccs, to $2-25, r 3po:-ted in one 1 StatA, Onn-third of t~e Sta~os reporting the position of visitor stAted th::,_t $90 n. month rras the minimum S[llary. In some instances th1J S.'l.lrtry rnn,ge for visitors ovorlapped thr,t c,f beginning worke1·s; in sor:ic, it be 6 an 8.t P, point $5 or $10 }; 0.11.d in som.~ the minimum coir:cidod ':7i th the top of tho r,mgo for beginning vrorkers. The minimum S'7,lo.rics 6 iv(:n ,·.-ith .e;re~test freq"J.oncy for tho other groups were: Ju1,ior cr,se norker Senior wo~:er Su"f)orvi sor Director $J.OO a month ~125 8, month $150 cl. month $200 n month So m.-,,ny fr,ctors ·,1erc invr.lv0d in rstr,bU shin~ n, ::-,n.l.'l.ry system thnt much more d.'.',t.'."1. nou,ln. h'."tvo ber:n rH.:o<led to rnnke n, C')mp0.r/ltive study. living .:-,nd loc2.l ,1P.,t;;e lov•-.)1s <1.f:'.'0.ctnd thu oatire S,'"'.18.ry scrue. st,,.,ffs rdfected sr-lc'..rier. pc~id to direct --:1r:-: n.:1d cupcrviso:-s, The cost of Size of locc•,l Vi si tnr::, 1 scl 'trios vr-rii::d from Sto,to to State depending upon \7het' or not f'.110;7,9,r..ce for transpcrtn,ticn nas included. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12l'J8 24 Some St.-:ites ha0. est,;1.:c..J isheLl n:il :1.r~ cs rm ti10 b::i,si,; of pnpul&,ti.on, or pop"tl1.ation and caso lo::i,d; 0thcrs on c:1.,,e load, d:rn of staff, and diffic1..uties in the local situation. Some Staten had a narrow range in salary for the positions of director and s 1 1pc,,wr and. b fl,scd any one sc-i.lary with- in this limited ranp;o on the pre1,aration of the individual -rmrker. Stat~s with urban centers ~nd large concentrations of c~so load had the widest salq,ry ranges for the top positions. For exr>.mplc, thr; sn.lary range for directors tn one State r:as from $2Q0 to $500 per month, md for surervisors, from $135 to $375. This St~te hnd between 5,000 and 7,500 workers on tho St[',te E.P..A. staff, r:i th hr,,lf of tha c.'\Se 10~1,d and ovor half of the staff locP,ted in 2 ~itics. E.R.A. stnff Qnd 11 Another State, TTith J.ess thrm 500 on tho totri,l State ith no ln.rGE: cithis, ronCJrted r, salary rtmge of t100 to $200 per month for tl-:e posi tic,n of dir.:ctnr r-tnd :~90 t 1l $1:~5 for t':le position of supervisor. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 25 Professiondl ed.ucn.tion paid, [Hld expL·ri"en::e w,_ re recosnizcrl in the salaries One State reported a sal3.ry rr,,n~c of $1:')(1 to $13() for untrained supervisors ancl of $130 to $165 for SU:,"'ervi sors with :~rofessional oxperi.ence • Beginning workers '.rvho harl. :::,qti sfe.ctorily cor;1plded an institute given b;; the State trainint: deparb1ent received $10 r:. me-nth than those who had not received such training. 11 One State agency stated that graduation from an accredited school of work or ao.vancod study shall be recognized by additional salar;r. 11 Ability and res:ronsi bil ity al so were usually ;;onsiderf'd in dotermining salaries, except for "beginninr workers. On,) State agency made provision for salary recognition of workers who had bc1.m employed. for a number of years and 1 ✓ ho ha,1 shown e.:-:ceptional a::iility and had assumed ad- ministr:1tive respo:r..sicility, -0l-:.t who, hccanse of tnAir educational background, could not meet the re7.uiromPnts for tho position of junior case worker. On the other hand, throe StA.tC' ar.::oncies in listing positions held by workers without prof8ssional b2ckcro1md statecl t 1.1at these workers '.7ere not eligible for ,remotion and v-:cmld brJ replaced ri,s soon as possible. Three State af~onciea provtdert systems of salary incrcr_:ses for unt:tR,inod workers at 6-month intorvals. Ono State D.~enc;:,-· stipull:'.ted thg,t no person could b.:; r,3commcn.ded for any ircrc~sc un.til hr_· or she had been employed 3 months. In all Stn.tes reporting S.'.1.laries there had 'hcon an effort to estab- lish sP1,l:1rL:,s for p,,ny given position on e,n oqu!ll basis throw::;hout thG State and to relate the sr-i,lr1rif'S to tho~c naid in rvljn~ont Str-.,tos for similar work. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 26 Of 20 Sttcte agencies furnishirn.:; inf':lrm~ti.on on pair'!. v.·1.cntion nnd sick lenve, 10 reporte,i th'lt they service (tf',bl8 6). g,"Vt.' 2 we8Vs' paid vnc,'l.tinn for a ~reo.r 1 s One Sb.te g."·re pc1ic1 vr_,c;,,tion to S'J.pervisor-, only, and one State 6 ave o. lor.ger p~'riCld to the visiting anr'l. ,urJervisory st. ,ff than 0 to the clerical workers. H.1.lf of the vac,,tinn :1eriod war, given for 6 months I service in most instn.nces. All but 2 of the ~;0 Stn.tes f.'.rc·rn som0 sick leave with rey. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 27 Tnble 6 - TI:v!B ALL01VED AS PAID VACA'.i.'ION AND' SICK LEAVE FOR ONE YEA3. 1 S co~r1rn:ruous SERVICE BY 1::-tJMBER OF STJ;.TES REPOB.Tnm - - - - - -------~=-=:;:::::::::::::=::::=:===========;::=:================== y tion~---__,______..S.ick leave _____ Time :-,llowea 20 None Ini1.iyj_du1:1,l 1Jasi s 1 rreel: 2 v:eel:s 15 d"l.;y-s 30 d.:i.ys 20 - 2 4 3 5 2 4 3 10 6 l Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 2198 28 In 22 Stnt~s the ~gJncy or ngenci(s that wore to bo rosponsiblo for olief, c.t for tr1c ycrlr 1936, h:-td been detor:ninod by ~far ch. Tho ·n.ctnrs o.,ffccting porronnol chongos in those States,,-forc, o,rc of cs1cci:·~1 int,Jrc;:;t. of the t'.venty-two St.3,tes ensvmrod thu roq_u'--st 'or info:..·,11c•,tion on pc-·rsnnnol 3t;:i,1d.ards for thfl Socir<-1 Service Division :taff. Tuo treilds were show:n -D;r this group of Stg,tes in Mq,rch 1926: (1) a, ·eturn of :,oerscnnel control to the local a<'iministrative unit; anc. (2) re ... luction of nd"'.linist:::--ative expense. In six St~.tec in w".-lich personnel LUthori ty h:;i,d been centralizen under the E.R.A., selection and ay,potntIBnt of local personnel were now tho direct responsibility of the loc8-l mblic 1·relfare departm0nt s or bon.rds. In six otl:cr Sk:,te s with Stn.te ·esponsibility for pr-rsonnol require:m2:-1ts an,1. ay,pointmm,ts, staffs had leen cut boc.:1uso of reduced r:i,dministrativ,J bu<'1gcts, failure to approprici,to 1oney for G[1l:.1ries, nr discoati:i'.lnc.nco of services because of insufficient :unds to cmrlo;,;'.' staff. Five r1ddi tional State agei:cics in vihich )ersonnril r>,uthori ty hr,_d become a locrl rcsrondbili ty reported a.1·:1stic rcluctions in stci.ff ann 0fforts to reduc0 a.d111il"l.istrative costs. In 0110 of ;he five St~tcs the entire staff in two counties~~~ half of tho staff in two lther counties h:sd been r0leascd, anc: there seemed to be a strong mov,Jmc:1t ;o ho,vo relief admin~ strro<'1. b7 l0cal cJ.ected r,fficic,,l::;. In another St,r1.,to mch a had all·o~cdy boeu mr,,de in eight r.ountir:s. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 29 In the rem,,ininf, four StE'tl]s for d1ich rl.,.t,..,. were av.~,il'J.bl1"' snlection :md 3.ppoint;11C~nt oi' norkurs 1,ad be!?n n. l oc:1.l rosp0r1sibility under tho E,R,A. Two of these States had requited certain qualifications of the local staffs as a co::wi tion of r2imbur sen!ent of solariec., and the other two had constD,ntly emrhasiz0.d the im:rio:rtance of qualified personnPl. In 16 States the E.P..A. had controlled personnel appointments either by centralized approval of the qualifications cf persons employed,, er by the establishment of eligible lists of candidates from which the loc8.l unit might select workers, Tvrn States did not furnish clefinitc information on the Jllf~thods of handling personnel under the E.R,A, or under the succeeding organization. A further trenc_ s0.en in the reports was the increased nccessi ty of considering local rrejudices i!'. employiri.g ,.,taff. R,,sidence, both State and. local, a problem und_er the E,R,A,, h2d becom0 a definite factor in the selection of staff in 13 of the 22 Stntrs, Nine of those were States in which personnel had 'been returned to the local units, but in the other four, there was a strong resistance to out-of-State -personnel for the State office or for supcrvis01·y positions, or to the transfer of qualified workers from ono county to another. In three States residence and seniority were considered first by the local boards in retaining staff. One State reported a tondenc;y to replace experiE-nced workers by local residents without trainine; or experience, Where pcrson~1el was a locctl responsibility• the retaining of 8).."JlCriencod per sour.el depGnded largely upon the accopta.bili ty of the local worker to tl~.e comrriuni ty, In three States, the E.R.A. W!:ts pa,ying pa.rt or alJ of the salaries of supervisors and visitors in couritics employine; qualified personnel. In two of those States this policy could be continued throughout the year, but in the other Stat~ gitjmg bt eimbursement was to cease on J~,1:t_gtytallfr,rm1936, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 30 On th~ othAr h:_,nn, '.vorkvrs who qttei1dcd.'a. rchnolf of soci . . .,l work with F.E.R.A. assist~nce had b~on rotoin-d in practically every State, either in ~l,b_,..._ ~ c+ te .~RA · '·"'a __ • • • or in tl ·1•' "T, tm~nt p,rm·1nLn,t ·-:0. 1r:,,r ~__ ao,,..,ar ,~ • staff mcr;ibr;rs retained in both the St'ltf DCTJ:. The rtrn0nt of Welfare rnd tho lncal units in one State 112d had from J. to 2 ;years' reli8f experim1ce 2nd haa all attenr.ed E.R.A. insti tntes. Nine p:"ofessionally trai11ed workers had bEen added to tho staff ~.n one St'lte, anrl three were to bo arlded in c,nother. All profoss.:.0 11aJ.l:r traiued V'orlr:ers forrn•"rly with the State E.R.A. had been transferred to the n,:w clepartr;1ont of wL,lfare in 2nother Stat<'. Ir. f0ur States wHh loc:al rc,rnonsibilit;y for pJrsonnel, local groups had. in m?n:r iiistancos shonn a d,3sir0 to continu,·· the sam8 staff. In one State 60 prrcor:.t of t:1c form0.r E.R.A. st!'Li'f h:,,d "boon cmployoo by locaJ boarrs. In anotl:cr St:-:~tc many loc·o.l der•'.J.rtm1,r1t,; consulted tho State Socinl Service Division for aavicc :-s to v.rhich :r.1cm~1 r:r2, of f 1rm·r ~.R.A. st3,ffs s½ould be retaincd. In the other t,7o Stci,tcs l0cc1l autl,ori ti,•s lnd, in s0voral irn,tanccs, ThrrinG tho roriod when F.E.R.1.. funr:_s ·:-or,.) avc1.ilc1ble for ad:nir.istratinn, the Stci,7,C :S.R.A. 1 s li.511 an um.1su?.l rlcgruc of fres;com in personnel mt=tttrrs a~ comps.rec1.. to t~:,_ect cxcrcir,ecl by othcJ.· gov1Srnmont rlop:1rtr1cn+,s in the St,'J.tcs. "Local jo·:JS for loc,,,l pcoplo 11 is a. concept too dc•oj;,}y ingrained in most comrrrunitio:-, to oo eradj_c,•.tc·d in 3 or 3 ;r::iars. difficult for tho State E.R.A. 1 c; to be articu1fl,tG qu:·.lific2,tinns. Much emrloymcnt •,:as on esn indiv~.rluaJ. '.),,.sis to meet t:.10 immediate situatic,n. n,ctuo.l pr:,,ctico coula. scltlom bo r1°~._c.1.:..::c:d in terms of rm cc;t,..,,blishocl stonclc..rcl. Whether the prcsor:.t pt':i.'f:,')nr.Jl trcnr,.c; rcprcscr.t :-1 f:_,r1T1c::,rd. or o. bA.ckward 31 12198 Appendix A INFOR:,lATION F.EQ,UESTE:D Oi.f STA 1IE E.F..A. SOCIAL WORK APPLICAT:i:0:N" FORMS, ARRANG};D .ALPHABBTICALLY :SY SUBJECT VETH 'I'Y:'ICAf~ Q,HESTIONS Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 32 INFOIUIATIOH RE~UBJSTE:D OlT S't'AT~ E.R.1~. SOCIAL WOJ.K APPLICATIOU FORJ"rs, A9.icANGED ALFHAl;F,TICA1LY BY SUBJECT WITH TYPICAL ~U.!!;STIONsl 1. Name nnd Adrg~s-s. - Pre r:eut nnd permanent. Date 0f birth. Birthplace. Married, single, divorcen.., widow 0r widower, separ8,ted. Mai aen Il!'L'ile. 2. Cha.racter - Have you teen .3,rresteJ., complained of, indicted for, or convicted of any violation of the law? If so, give deta.ils 11 Have you ever been bonded? HavB you ever been rejected fo'r a bond? To whq_t e:x.tend do you smoke, drj_nk, chew tobacco? 3. .Pi tizc-nshir.....3ni R::Jsidence - Citizenship ~ native or naturalizecU Eow long in ~ounty? How long in State? I:egal residence - vrard. - count;: - St.::,,te. Voting resin..oncc. Number years in F. S. Number yE:ars ir:. State. Have ~:ou ueen a 1,~~al r1esident of the State? When? 4. De ,xmd.ent §. - Age and rela tiorislc.ip. :t'o.mily re sr,onsi-bili ties h:,,ve yo,1? How many persons pc1~tial ly depe.nd.ent on you? f.,. EconoDic Status - Do you live with pF,rents, rela,tives, wife or husban~, or alono? .Are you en:ployed at present? Salary? Eave you over ~ppliPd for rsJiof or r0c0ived relief? If so, gj_ve name arid ac•di·ess 0f 9.senc;y. Members of your family that nrA w0rl:ing-, income. 6. Employer and Eclucation - Nu.r<1."ber of years - na1:1e of schooJ. - location - degree certificqte or diploma, Eleme:::1tary schJol. High school. College or univArsity. Technic3,l scLool. GrAdur1.te work. Courses com~JJ.eted i.n social sciences. vr.1at sub.jects were your :~,ajors and minors in college? 1 Bg,sed on forr:1s used in Alab~·ma, Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota t Pennsyl i"G,nia, S0 11th Carolina, and Wisconsin. Digitized y Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 33 Co11.rs0s, instrnct0rs, univnl'sity, ancl er.edits in a.ny of the f oJ.l owing snb,j,:ct s: AgricuJ turc Dietetics Ecor.omics En,~ineerj_ng Law Nursing Ps~'cholocy ?ntlic Health S0ch.l Wori:c Sociology :Business Marrn.gcmont Ins ti tuti0nal':lnt Office Management ?er~..,onnel Management Rese2rch and St-3.tistics Give na'lles of ary r:-ubject y0u ha v0 :1.?..d. j n your educ::itional ·'.::r-tining w~1ich p,3rtain to tl:e •,o:·•·.-,ioi. for which yo1.1 are aFnlying. 7. Ernplo ~-ment :::e_QQrd - Positions held in ::,ocial work. 1 E;;-ip1oyer. Aiclr-0 ~ s. Pr sit ion. :'r om -To -- • Reuson for leavin~. Firm - ar'lc.ress - supervi;:;or - pos::.tion - salary. ?Ja~10 and ad<'1.ress 0.mploy.3r - busine:::s. Position you held - fro~ to -- • Nunt'ber y,:n1 supervised. S:112.ry. K::.u1e of i1.;mecli8.L8 0u-porvisor. te ~so n for leaving. An;,- addi tiona.1 spc,.,.ial or :t)r1rt-time work not ccvered. in a·bove C' :pcrif'ncP rrcord v1hich ;r0u be 1 ieve fits you for the position for which you :=u·e c1.pi:,:'..yi~g. S:p•Jcir1.l questir:ins on e:~perier..ce: '\'foat do you con.sin.Er :/our norw...:.1 occupation? Whc".t office mar.hines do ;y·o 1 -:. onur::te? Typing speed? Di:::tatio::-. speer1? Are you a not .'3.ry? Kines of vrork for which ;rr 1 C''..,. .s:i., _er yonrsP-lf qur-i.lified. in order of ;:1011r preferer.ce. In what locAli t:y- do ;:rou. :.rirofer to work? Kind of social wo::-:k r:ireferrea.• 8. Go•rern1.1c11t :BJ:11p1oyrncnt of Arrµ1 i,:;Pnt - MiJ.:i.tar;,,,- record - Civil Sc.rvico cxar.1in2.tions. you been employed by the State E.R.1~. 'before? Y!hore? Have you filed your personal record with the St2.te E.R.A.? illlen and where? Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 34 12198 9. Gove~cnmont Se n•ice - R,::: lativlis 8J11ployed. Names, ad.dresses, anrl _posit.ions of first and second. degree relatives in any t;ov,crnr.,ent emplo;ym,:mt in the State. Employed in any office of State E.R.A.? Nal".les and ad.dresses of 8.ll relativeq who are city or county offic:als or members of tho relief b oard. 10. Physicc1J. Health - Date of physical examinatio n. Illnesses, diagn9ses, dates, recovery. Physician 1 s name. Do y0u •:1 ear glasses? Were yo--..1 ever refused insurance? P:iysical handicaps. Describe. Wh;r? 11. Reference s - If empl oyer is out of business, give name and address of executives who can 6 j_vo references . Have you any obj0ction to the E.R.A. writing any of the above references? If so, which ones? Give reasons fully. If in budness for yourself, give the names and addresses of three firms or three executives with Yrhom you have dealt. Give names and addresses of three persons who have :known you profession ally. Give names of throe persons (in no way rele.ted to you) who hav e kno 1'ln you not less than two ye a rs. 12. Gcne~al Questions. What languae;es other thq,n English do ;you speak:7 Vlhe.t languages other th:m English c.o you understand? Membership in profession al societies. Height, weight, color of eyes, of hcdr. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 35 1219 8 Appe ndix B QUESTIONNAIRE SENT TO STATE1 E.R. A, SOCIAL SERVICE DIVISION S'.l AF]'S The S'UlW ques tionn aire; W"LB used for the for · neri od July l, 1\:/3!'}-?Tcvcmbcr 1, 1935 9,l:.', , 1936 lfovc3mber 1, 1935 -· M:::tch. 1, Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 36 S':lCIAL Indicate in each case whetr,er the info1·matio11 is exact or is a11 estimate. If the :r,a;yrolJ. is on a weekl;;: b-=isis, :ig,..1.res for the week ;merest the dates that are immediately available wiJ.l be sRtisfaC'tory. Please indicate the dates, if such figures are used. 1. -----------S.E.R.A. Total nu:nber Social Service Division Str1ff as of: Julv 1, 1935 - November 1, 1935 - Difference 2. Number in State offic~ a. Soci~l Service Division Executive staff (Include in this ficure such positions as Soci;:i,l Service Director, krnt. Director, and any de11artment heRds reDort::ng to tho Social Service Director. Do not include secretaries, stenogr::mhers, or c:;_oric3,l department heP.ds.) b. 3. Field st;:,ff (Include only professionRl field st~ffJ Number in locRl units (The local unit is aefineci As t11e unit directly responsitle to the St2,te office. This mn.y be a district, an areq, a county, or q municipr->lity.) Number on executive stnffs of_lg_s.:.'ll_units 2.. Number of directors of loc,"11 units (profession::i,l) b. Number of suoervisors of loccil units c. Number of supervisors (Include in this all supervisors, whether c1~~.ssificd r's ~tss::.str-tnt, district, county, or junior, who responsible for the sunervision of stri.ff 2.nd 8re under the direction of the supervisor of the local unit.) d. Nnmber of totP.l visiting st,9f:f (Include sociA.l workers, workers, visitors, investigritors, junior visitors, 2nd junior investigPtors, c::tse Rides, Aides.) ~ Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 4. 37 How rnr-iny of those relec1sed betweem July 1, 1935 and. November 1, 1935 from the SociRl Service Division, executive•, supervisory A.nd visiting stA.ff (for which figures·r-ire given in 2 ::i.nd 3) ?. , Resigned ? (l) b. 5. How mr-n~r resigned to A.Ccept other posit.;.ons? Yfore relnqsed by tha S.E.R.A..? ( 1) ]ec1rnse of reduced C?.se 1 oqds d: ~ to crr.ploymen t ment on W.P.A. pro~rRm? (2) Due to cut in n.dministr-.1tive budget? (3) For other rensor.s - Specify. U'nPt h~s been tho bAsis of sel~cting workers to be reler sed? a. b. c. d. e. 6. Number -- lil=we Q,c:ali ty of work. Need of work. LRck of preparPtion Rnd tr~ining for work. Seniority. Others (list ~ny others used). entire staffs of 1my loc11,l unit been rele::i.sod? In how mAny cases? ------ When? --------- 7. HRs Rny provision been mRdo for professionqlJy trained workers, ::i.s for ex;:imple by trA.nsferrir.g them from one unit to smother? Describe Fmy 8Tr::i,nr,ernents m?de. 8. What pl!l.ns hRve been made for notif7i:ug workers of the reductions of stp.._'f? 9. HA.s notice ·been given the stPff throut;h the S.E.R.A. office of a. b. c. d. The possible r0duction in st::i.ff? ·I1he numbers to be releqsed? The dates effoctive? ]Rsis of selecting workers to be released? 10. When was notice of stF.ff reductions e;iven? Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 38 11. Havo plc1ns buE:n r.v:,llc tc .L·,:,.:lc1••d'f :•s tf ccrti,in d8tes? with n<1f'!bers tc· be relv sr:-d. Give dntes 12. Li st the dut ios thq t ll.rG nr,w be .i ng pe:cforned by t:10 supervisor And visitin~ stPff of loc~l SJCiPl Servicu Division. Include any special invosti{:;!'1.tions or securin{: of spf,ciril infcrrflr>.tion· 1:.s well qs rq.,ul,9.r duties. 13. R0mArks Rnd cum~ents. Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 39 12198 Anpcndix C TYPICAL PERSO)DIBL FROEL.E1':S--QUOTATIOi.~S FROM LET'l1ERS .::lISCUSS ING s ·rATE E .R ,A .. PERSONNEL PE.OK.,EMS Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 40 TYPICAL PERSONNEL PROJ3LE1IS The following quotR.tions nre tAken from letters received from the State E .R.A. 1 s, which proser.t one or mori;: of thu proble1ns met in obtP ining perso~nel. A. ]. C. Sc8.rci ty of Profossionnl Trr-1.ined Personnel. 11 1. It hc.,s b0on utterly impossible to secure An i:idequ2te number of trr-tined persons. Only conrpi:i.rr:tively few of the county supervisors professionAlly tr'.'lined sociR.1 workers. There P,re A, few who might be C8,lled se;ni-trn,inod. They h,c,ve hr1d short courses, or several yo?.rs of actual experience in the field of socinl work, or a combin~tion of the two. 11 2. 11 Tho scP..rci ty of profession~ 1 sochJ ·.vorkers, tho' lack o: good materii:il, A.nd the i:npossi bili ty of cln.ssificr• t ion hc=>,vo cr•used Acondition where it hc=>s been difficult to enforce uGrsonnvl st;:,ndr-trds." 3. 11 It is difficult to find c;uci,lified supervisors, other th!')n those who have been in the program A long tirr.e, A.nd. 'grown up 1 with it." Educ11tionSJ,l Levels of Locr•l Comr•mnities. 11 1. In selecting baginnint_; workers the -"'im hr-i.s been to set P, :ninimu:m educ2tionr->,]_ st:-,,ndprd of b1cn0lor' s deE.;reo from colle 6 o. Pr,c:,ctically, it h,r,.s beon irapossible ;:,nd somot ir:i.cs m,t r-idvi S"l,ble to adhere strictly to this re~ulr->tion. In sor::e countius cduc:::i.tionAl st:::i,ndP,rds pri,rticul;:,rly low :1nd it r12s been i:1possible to secure men or women with a college de 6 reo. A certnin nmount of mA,turi ty hR,s been sought for, but not Alw2ys secured. G8 nor"'1 st1=1.nding in the corrE:mni ty, the urobabili t7 of continuA.nce in sociR.J. work, :::i, rer>.son~>ble nssur"'.Dce of freedom to leP,ve ho::ie, A.nd ,-:;ood h0nlth 8TO n,11 f::,,ctors th;:,t have been considered." 2. 11 We ;:,_ro not "l,ble in mrmy of our rurP.,l co1Jr1ti0s to R.p-oroxim9.te the stR.r1dA rds set up b·.,r tho Str-i to office. 11 St~te Rosidonce. 11 We not been 11.ble to conform to thuse st"ndp,rds iwts:nuch P~S there hP,s been :.,, stro1v; sentiment ::>gRirist brint;inr; in trPined neople fro:n out side the St,.-,te. 11 D. LocP,l Pressure. 11 0ur biggest uroblen :1.ns been the conm,ction of tho loc"',l county governing bo~rd with our -~its. For over a yo~r ~ost of our time 11~,s been spent in trying to keop our uni ts freo of locPl poli tic8.l intorforence. 11 Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 12198 E. 41 Replacenent of StPff. 11 In t·e1wrql, cd.uc<'<tio.1'"11 riu·,lificntions include ,q bPcli.elor 1 s degree, R.nd if possibLi, SOi:1'3 profcss:.o:r..'l.l e;.porience, thoU{:-"h success in s01,0 work th9t imlicr--.tes lr.,pd0rship A.nd two or three yeprs of college work is Rcc0pt~blo. We still hRVO Rides, who have been with the pro~r~ □ since its inception pnd who wore ~Prried ever fron the relief r'dr.iinisl- :at ion under R.F .c., who '.nP.vo no cuJ loce work, but, bP-c.gusa of re-'"' sonr-.bly P..Ccopt,q.b}e work, hc:we not been roplnced. "About .g ye::-1.r rifo we Ptter:1pt-:.,d to set up ;_11n1r:u::1 qut:ilific~.tions for thu socinl sorvicJ division stnff. After doing so, we 2.pplied thel!l tc the persom1el records which v:e h-9.d, Pnd found theit if wo r.19.f_e the q J.9lific 0 tirms bindinc ,,w would f\PVO to relense Pbout three-fourths of the sociRl service personnel throughcut the Sktte. Wo thoubht for a ti::ie thrit we mif:ht n11.ko t:i.o quP,lific.gtions low enou1:-h thPt we c0uld rePch thei11 but decided if we ever re], .,.sed such a stpter:ient the nininun would in nPny pln.cas becon8 the 11ri.ximum !\r~d vie would nevor be Pble to rn.ise t~10 stP.ndP.rd. Vie feel thP.t wo CJre 11ut reP.ciy to stiD:,11;:ite stP,ndqrds yot. Wh!">t vie '-1TG tryint: to do is to r:et one cvon T)F:irtiAlly q_u8.lified worker in county in Ch-'"'rco oi soci:=>l service. 11 Digitized by Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY