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Employment of Women in the Manufacture
of Cannon and Small Arms in 1942


Bulletin of the Women’s Bureau,

No. 192-3


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C,

Price 10 cents



1 ntroductory___
Earlier survey in Canada________________________________________
Survey in tiie United States______________________________________
Small-arms manufacturing and the employment of women
__ _______
Machine-operation procedures_________________ ________________
Plant lay-out
Types of machines
Machine operators
Machine setters____________
Movemen and material handlers
___ _______
Machine operators __________________________
Milling-machine operators________ ___________________________
Drill-press operators
Profiling-machine operators___________________
Grinding-machine operators___ _________________ _____ _____
Turret-lathe, engine-lathe, and antomatic-screw-nmchine operators
Barrel-machine operators_____
Punch-press operators
Miscellaneous machine operators_____ _____ _________________
Woodworking-machine operators___ _________________ __
Burring, tiling, and polishing- - ___
_________________________________ ___ ____
.30-caliber rifles
Revolvers and automatic pistols______________________ ,_______
■SO-cnliber Browning machine guns___
.30-caliber Browning machine guns___ ____________ ________
_____________________________ ____
Heat treat, parkerize, barrel tumble, plate, sandblast, weld, forge ___
Packing ________________________________________________
Factory nonproductive jobs
___ ________ _________________
Tool room (tool making)- ________________________________
Tool cribs and stock rooms.- ______
Gage control and gage inspection_____ ___ _________________
Laboratory_____ __________________________________________
Service and maintenance
Factory clerical ________________________
Cannon or gun manufacturing and the employment of women_________ _
Machine operators________ ______________________________________
Large-caliber guns ....
37-nnu. cannon and small components for large-caliber guns..
Burring, tiling, and polishing_____________________________________
Large-caliber guns______________________ . ,
Small and medium-size guns. _
Parkerize, heat treat, sandblast, barrel tumble, and paint—
Factory nonproductive jobs_________ __ _______
_______ ___
Tool room (tool making)'
Tool cribs and stock rooms______________
Gage inspection
Crane operators
Factory clerical
Rates of pay, hoars of work, personnel practices, and training_________
Rates of pay'
Hours of work___________________________________
Personnel requirements, policies, and practices.-.
Table—Departmental distribution of employees in four small-arms manu­
facturing plants
Illustration—Woman operating turret lathe,facing
















:: :



■ Ij







Employment of Women in the Manufacture of
Cannon and Small Arms in 1942
Earlier Survey in Canada.
A number of Canadian war plants making small arms and cannon
were visited by representatives of the Women’s Bureau in January
1942 to observe the role women were playing in wartime production.
Before the United States entered the war Canada recognized the im­
perativeness of bringing women into all phases of the war program as
her men were drawn off into military service. As new cannon and
small-arms plants were established, women were taken on as an inte­
gral part of the productive force, though most of them had had no
industrial experience as Canada was not highly industrialized. Many
were put through quick training courses prior to placement on the
various types of factory operations. In one rifle plant two-thirds of
the factory workers were women, and plans in general were to use
(!0 to 75 percent women in small-arms and cannon manufacturing.
Survey in the United States.
A comparative study of the work women are doing in the United
States and of the occupations to which their employment can be ex­
tended was made in small-arms and cannon manufacturing during
the summer of 1942. Four Government arsenals and four private
firms were covered in the States of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New
York, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois.
The layman considers the term “guns” to cover everything from
revolvers to huge coastal defense guns, but in a technical sense “guns”
includes only large-caliber cannon, while the terms “small arms” and
“firearms” include small-caliber weapons. “Small arms” (firearms)
include hand and shoulder weapons such as rifles, pistols, revolvers,
shotguns, machine guns, and other automatic arms having a bore
of 0.60 inch (caliber .60) or under. All weapons of over .60 caliber
are classed as “cannon ’ or “guns,” and these include howitzers, mor­
tars, railway artillery, antiaircraft artillery, field artillery, naval
guns, tank guns, and antitank guns.1 Under the metric system the
division is “less than 20 mm.” and “20 mm. or over.”2 Though gun
mounts, gun turrets, gun carriages, and so forth are included in the
classification of “guns, this study does not deal with the manufacture
of such related equipment but is confined to the manufacture of the
actual gun itself.
1 Executive Office of the President, Bureau of the Budget. Standard Industrial Classifiestl0onJVIanua1’ ^ olManufacturing Industries, 1941, pp. 38-39.
J Hayes, Col. Thomas J., Elements of Ordnance, 1938, p. 624.




In the arsenals visited there was a considerable amount of experi­
mental and repair work on castings, carriages, gun mounts, tanks,
cannon, and small arms, in addition to actual production. Two of the
plants made cannon ranging from the small 37-mm. guns to large-cal­
iber cannon such as the 16-in., 14-in., 12-in., 155-mm., and 105-mm.
Another did much experimental work on gun carriages, gun mounts,
and tanks, but also manufactured and repaired machine guns. One
firm produced chiefly small arms but also a few small-size (37-mm.)
cannon. The four remaining establishments manufactured only
small arms, including Garand rifles, Springfield rifles, Browning ma­
chine guns (.30- and .50-caliber), Thompson submachine guns, auto­
matic pistols, and shotguns. The arsenals and t wo private firms were
old-line small-arms and cannon manufacturers, but two of the private
firms had converted from completely different lines of commercial
The establishments covered ranged in size from 4,000 to 15,000 em­
ployees, with a total employment in all 8 plants of about 75,000,
11,000 (15 percent) being women. There was great variety in the
extent to which women were employed at time of survey, the per­
centage of women among total employees in the eight plants being
respectively 3, 6, 11 (2 cases), 14,19, 23, and 30. Those with the low­
est proportions had only recently taken on women, a condition result­
ing from differences in male labor supply in the areas, differences in
degree of stringency on the part of local draft boards in granting
occupational deferments, and differences in outlook on the part of
management as to the feasibility of using women.
The arsenals employed women on a limited number of factory
operations at the time of World War I, but none were employed in
peacetime, as arsenal production and activities diminished greatly.
Very often women had not even been retained in the offices of the
arsenals, but during the last months of 1941 and the first half of
1942 office managers again turned to the employment of women. The
two regular private small-arms manufacturers had employed a few’
women in peacetime on filing, burring, polishing, and punch-press
operations but the number was less than 1 percent. The expansion
in women’s employment started in one plant in the middle of 1941
and in the other in the summer of 1942. The two firms converted
from commercial production had always used many women in their
regular line of manufacture and they placed women on factory work
from the inception of wartime production, one in the fall of 1940,
the other in the middle of 1941.
The analyses of occupations in small-arms and cannon manufactur­
ing are replete with examples of the fallacy of considering war-in­
dustry occupations as traditionally men’s or women’s. In the transi­
tion period of hiring great numbers of women, men and women inter­
change on the same or comparable work on the same shift, or women
do work on the day shift performed by men on the night shift. A
certain type of work performed extensively by women in one plant
may be done entirely by men in another plant. For instance, one
arsenal had no women employed on even the simplest or lightest
machine operations in making small-arms components, but had them
driving electric trucks and car-loading machines, making large wood­
en packing boxes, operating band saws and nailing together the pack­



ing boxes. Other firms had no women on these operations but em­
ployed 60 percent women in certain machining departments.
In small-arms and cannon manufacturing women were operating a
wider array of types and sizes of machine tools than in any other
industry studied by the Women’s Bureau.3 This is significant because
the standard machine-tool equipment that women have demonstrated
they can operate lias a wide application in other war industries. For
this reason considerable detail is given in this report as to the specific
machine makes and sizes as an indication of what women are doing
and can do on machine tools.
Two plants were practically at peak employment and new persons
hired were chiefly replacements. The other firms were in the process
of expansion, having attained anywhere from 65 to 90 percent of their
peak employment. At best, however, estimates of peak employment
were mere approximations contingent on many indefinite factors. In
all instances the plans were to use many more women in both factory
and office work, there being opportunities for materially increasing
the number of women in the office just as in the plant, as 40 to 82
percent of the office workers in the small-arms plants were men. The
ultimate number of woman that may be employed is dependent largely
on the stringency of the male labor supply in each area, the extent
to which draft boards may grant occupational deferments to the
men, and the success of women on different types of work.
Due to the comparative lightness of the work it is possible to use
many more women in small-arms manufacturing than in cannon
manufacturing. It is estimated that up to 75 percent of the total
employees may be women in small-arms manufacturing and up to 40
percent may be women in cannon manufacturing.
3 Studies have included machine-tool manufacturing airframe assembly,
ammunition and artillery ammunition manufacturing and aircraft, optical and small-arms
and surgical and dental instrument manufacturing. ’

The small-arms firms visited make Garand rifles, Springfield rifles,
Thompson submachine guns, .30-caliber and .50-caliber Browning
machine guns (water cooled and air cooled), revolvers, automatic
pistols, and shotguns. They assemble the arms and make most of the
component parts, though there is some subcontracting which will be
expanded as production quotas increase through new contracts. So
much of the work involves use of standard machine-tool equipment
that it is a logical field in which to develop subcontracting among the
many machine shops.
Four of the plants manufactured solely small arms, a fifth manu­
factured mainly small arms but also some small cannon, and a sixth
did much research and experimental work on gun mounts, gun car­
riages, mobile artillery, and tanks but manufactured some .30-caliber
Browning machine guns. The percentage of women among the total
employees in the six plants was respectively 3, 11, 23, 30, 19, and 11.
The one with the largest proportion of women is a private establish­
ment with many years of experience in employing great numbers of
women in its regular line of commercial production, and in conver­
sion'to wartime production it carried over the policy of using women
wherever possible. Those with the lowest percentages of women
have been able to get libera] draft deferments for the men and a
sufficient number of new male workers as the need arises; in the
spring of 1942 male labor shortages began to develop and draft
boards were not granting so many occupational deferments, which
gave rise to an expansion in women’s employment.
Detailed employment reports from four small-arms plants cover­
ing 39,619 workers reveal that 70 percent of the employees were on
factory production, including machine operators, assemblers, and in­
spectors; 22 percent were factory nonproductive workers, including
tool-crib and stock-room attendants, tool-room workers, service and
maintenance workers, laboratory technicians, tool and gage designers,
production engineers, factory clerical workers, and so forth; and 8
percent were office workers in administrative, personnel, accounting,
engineering, and purchasing and procurement departments. The
proportion of women in each of these three main categories varied
greatly in the four plants covered. Women averaged 20 percent
of the factory productive workers, their percentage in the four
plants being respectively but a fraction of 1, 19, 24, and 40. Women
averaged 8 percent of the factory nonproductive workers, with re­
spectively less than 1, 11, 10, and 4 percent; and they averaged 35
percent of the office workers, with respectively 18, 43, 60, and 19
percent. Seventy-five percent of all women employed were factory
productive workers, 9 percent were factory nonproductive workers,
and 16 percent were office workers. The varying departmental seg­
regations of employees in different plants necessitates a consolidation
of major groups as shown in the accompanying table.



Departmental distribution of employees in four sm,all-arms manufacturing plants
All workers


Num­ Percent Num­
of total

Num­ Percent
of total of total
workers women

Grand total.__

39, 619


32. 226

7, 393



Total factory—Productive-

27, 653

69. 8

22, 089

5, 564





9, 884










Woodworking machines, _







Heat treat, parkerize, sandblast, barrel tumble, plate
Polishing and filing___ ________ .
Subassembly and final assembly...._____ . ...........
Assembly, packing, and repair- _ ....... ,
Inspection and proof firing
Trainees and apprentices

4, S64


1, 140
3, 337

1, 527

1. 7
1. 2

4. 2

8, 616





9. 1

3, 219


3, 169


10. 7






15. 1
15. 3


3, 350



1, 158

34. 6

15. 7





34. 6
54. 9


General machining: departments (machines of all
_____ ________________
Barrel manufacturing
Turret lathes, engine lathes, automatic screw ma­
Heavy grinders, hacksaws, punch presses, welding,

________ !

Total factory—Nonproductive

. _ -_______

Tool room (toolmaking) ............. _ ____________
Tool cribs
. _
_ __________ ________
Stock rooms
__ ___ ___ ___
Shipping and receiving
___ . _ _____
Service and maintenance
Gage control and gage inspection; tool and gage design
... ..
Production control
Production engineering, safety, efficiency, methods .
Factory clerical not elsewhere itemized
Total office


Personnel, time study, cost, pay roll
Accounting, finance, tabulating, mail and record
Procurement and purchasing ..
........................... ..........
Medical.. __ _ .
Administrative offices not elsewhere itemized
1 Less than 0.05 percent.

Characteristic of small-arms manufacturing is the predominance
of machine-tool operations, machine operators on production work
composing 44^/> percent of the total plant and office workers, or 64
percent of the factory productive workers. On each of the multiplicity
of parts going into any weapon there is a gradual process of “worrying
(lie metal away” by a series of machining operations bringing parts
down to very fine tolerances. Most of the small arms and guns used
in modern warfare must have “interchangeable” parts, making it
possible for those worn and damaged to be replaced with spare parts
when weapons are in actual use in the field. Interchangeability is
imperative also when parts going into one weapon are manufactured
by different subcontractors.
The .30-caliber Browning machine gun (air cooled) has 189 parts,
with 1,800 separate machining operations—for example, 57 opera­
tions on the barrel extension, 66 on the bolt, and 38 on the barrel, these
parts being some of the major components. An example of the large
498674°—43------ 2



amount of metal that must be removed by gradual machining is that
the raw stock and forgings for one type of machine gun weigh 101
pounds and the finished steel parts weigh 18 pounds. Among the
major components are the gun-body forging, weighing 45 pounds in
contrast to the finished gun body’s 5*/2 pounds, the barrel forging
weighing 10 pounds and the finished barrel 6 pounds, the slide-butt
forging weighing 22 pounds and the finished slide butt 4 pounds.
Plant Lay-out.
The small-arms factories have been laid out on a straight line-pro­
duction basis as much as possible, with some machines set up for one
operation for the duration of the war, but others must be fitted with
several tools to perform a series of operations. There are variations
in plant lay-out, some having machines arranged by type with milling
machines, drill presses, grinders, and so forth, in separate departments,
all parts being routed to these departments for their respective mill­
ing, drilling, and grinding operations. Others have departmental
segregations based largely on the parts manufactured, such as the
barrel, barrel extension, trunnion block, bolt and receiver, with
machine tools of all types necessary to make each part. There are
also miscellaneous machining departments where parts of all sizes
are made.
The usual practice is to have somewhat of an intermixture of the
two methods, some departments composed of machines of one type and
other departments composed of all machines necessary to make some
major component as the barrel, trunnion block, or "bolt, and other
general machining departments making a whole array of parts.
Types of Machines.
The equipment varies somewhat from plant to plant because dif­
ferent types of machines can be adapted to perform the same operation,
but most of them are standard machine tools. There is always a very
marked predominance of milling machines due to their adaptability
for doing a variety of work. Most of the small-arms factories have
40 to 50 percent milling machines, 10 to 20 percent drill presses, with
profilers, grinders, barrel machines, lathes, and so forth following
next in importance as shown below. A typical small-arms plant in­
ventory shows the following distribution of principal machine-tool
Type of machine


Total— --------------------------------------------- 2,608
Milling machines____
Drill presses
__ _ ____
Profilers ___
___ __ ___
__ _ ____
Barrel machines (drills, reamers, etc.)____ __
Grinders--------- — — ... _________ .______
Lathes (turret lathes and engine lathes)_____
Automatic screw machines__ ,
____ __
Woodworking machines__
Thread grinders and threadmillers. _ ___
Punch presses_________
Shapers_________________________ ..........__
Shavers (Blotters)
- ...
_ ......
Planers.. ___
Miscellaneous (drop hammers, shears,etc.). .




of total

36. 8
11. 6
11. 2

8. 7
8. 2

7. 7

1. 2
. 1



Machine Operators.
Hie distribution of machines by type does not give a wholly true
occupational distribution of machine operators because of the com­
mon. practice of having one person run more than one machine.
Either a series of operations is performed on one part using one
machine at a time, or concomitant operations are performed keeping
all machines going at once. In some plants a battery of six to eight
machines is kept running by a single operator, the worker constantly
moving from one machine to another loading and unloading parts.
Where several machines are operated at one time, the speed is not so
high and the machining cycle is longer, making multiple operation
possible. Sometimes when the machining cycles are relatively lonothe operator runs fewer machines, perhaps only one, but files and
burrs parts as well. Most operators make spot checks of parts, usinw
micrometers, calipers, or fixed gages.
Example* of combinations of machines operated both by men and by women
Cincinnati power mill No. 0-8, hand mill, and drill press.
Brown & Sharpe mill No. .000, 3 machines operated by one person,
hollows Gear Shaper, 3 machines operated by one person
Cincinnati mill No. 1-12 and a drill press. '
Automatic profiler and a drill press.
NNo°<H5U (mUlt’ple spiuclle)’ Iceland Gifford drill, and Cincinnati mill
Hand mill, bench profiler, and two Cincinnati mills No. 0-8,
Pratt & Whitney profiler and 3 hand mills.
Two hand mills and one Milwaukee mill Model H.

Tu two plants where detailed occupational figures are available
there is the following breakdown of machine operators, who are
classified according to type of machine on which they spend most
of their time.
Number of

Type of machine
Milling machine_________________________
Barrel machine_______ ______________
Profiling machine_____


Woodworking machine_.
Grinder___________ ___ _____ _
Drill press_________________________
Punch press
Automatic screw machine-______
Broaching machine____________ ____ __ _
Shaper or shaving machine___
Thread mill, honing, or die-sinking machine
Hacksaw or power shear


- 4,710

100. 0

2, 182

46. 3
8. 5
7. 1
5. 7
1. 2



Machine Setters.
I he usual practice is to have machine setters who make all the
machine set-ups so that the operators need only load and unload the
machines and make spot checks of parts, using gages, micrometers,
and calipers. Usually the plant lay-out, routing of work, and time
allocation on each operation are premised on a system of set-up men
tor the majority of the machine operators, and the fact that women
have been brought into the plants has not necessarily entailed the use
of extra set-up men. As a means of making the maximum use of



skilled manpower it has proved advantageous to have men with
machine-setting ability devote all their time to that, while unskilled
workers are trained to carry on the more routine operation of
in none of the plants visited were women employed as full-time
machine setters, but it would be possible to train them for this work.
Though machine setters generally are provided, some operators are
required to make their own set-ups of short runs of certain parts.
Men usually are employed on such work, but in some instances
women set their own machines and more and more reliance is placed
on their ability to do this, given the opportunity to learn.
Movemen and Material Handlers.
Material handlers or movemen are usually employed to move “tote
boxes” an dtake materials and supeipls to and from the machine
operators, thus enabling the operators to devote all their time to
machine tending. The contention is sometimes made that extra
movemen must be employed when women are hired, but this is
hardly a legitimate reason for considering that women should not
receive the same rate as men for the job. If the former male ma­
chine operators spent part of their time moving materials this was
no economy, because such time would be paid at the machine opera­
tors’ rate rather than that of a laborer. If extra movemen have been
hired, the operators’ efficiency and output may have increased suf­
ficiently to more than offset the laborers’ wages, and in the last
analysis the all-over labor cost per unit of output is the major con­
As already pointed out, 44^ percent of the total employees wfcre
machine operators, about one-fifth of these being women. All but one
of the small-arms firms had women on machine operations, the pro­
portion in some machining departments running as high as 60 per­
cent. Usually they were employed in general machining depart­
ments where smaller parts were made, but an increasing number
were being placed on major components as well, such as the bolt,
receiver, trunnion block, and so forth. The extent to which women
can work on large parts is shown by the proportion of women em­
ployed in some of the machining departments of the plant most
advanced in its use of women:
General machining-

----- ..

Trunnion block
Side plates and cover


- .

Total number Percent women
of operators
in total
____ __ 1,388
- 564

Management’s constant search for improved production techniques
to lighten the machine operations made it possible for women to do
a considerable share of the work on larger parts. New fixtures
were designed to replace heavy arbors; benches or machines were
raised or lowered to improve work lay-out and reduce lifting; con­
veyors were installed to slide parts from one machine to another;
operations were broken down, separating the very heavy work from



the medium-heavy and light work; and the skill required in operat­
ing certain machines was reduced by installing automatic stops and
adjusting machines for depth of cut.
The following analysis of specific machine operations performed
by women is by type of machine rather than on a departmental basis
because the machine is more significant than the department.
Milling-Machine Operators.
More women were operating milling machines than any other one
type of machine; in one plant 35 percent of the women were millingmachine operators. Hand mills and small and medium-size power
mills were the most numerous types of milling machines. Women
generally operated hand mills, Brown & Sharpe mills Nos. .000 12
and 2, Cincinnati mills Nos. 0-8,1-12, and 1-18, Van Norman mill No’
118, and spline mills. The plant employing the largest proportion of
women in factory work had no men on hand mills, small millina ma­
chines, and medium-size mills except for a very few operations onlarge
parts too heavy for women to handle.
Typical milling machines operated by women (greatest numbers on those
♦Hand mills (Kent Owens, Nichols, Whitney, Vernon, Van Norman, Noble &
Westbrook, and U. b. hand mills).
♦Cincinnati power mill No. 0-8.
♦Cincinnati power mill No. 1-12.
♦Cincinnati power mill No. 1-18.
Cincinnati power mill No. 2-18.
Cincinnati power mill No. 2-24.
Cincinnati power mill No. 2 (vertical).
Cincinnati power mill Hydromatic No. 3-24.
♦Brown & Sharpe power mill No. .000.
♦Brown & Sharpe power mill No. 12.
♦Brown & Sharpe power mill No. 2 (plain light type).
♦Brown & Sharpe power mill No. 2 (vertical light type).
♦Van Norman power mill No. 118.
Milwaukee (Kearney & Treeker) power mill, Model H.
Milwaukee (Kearney & Treeker) power mill, Simplex 12-24 and 18-'M
Sundstrand Itigidmil.
♦Pratt & Whitney power mill.
♦Taylor & Fenn spline mill.
♦Pratt & Whitney spline mill.
U. S. Multi-miller.

Milling machines most frequently operated by men and not women
were large Cincinnati Hydromatics (plain and duplex), large Cin­
cinnati vertical millers, Milwaukee duplex millers (large), and large
vertical boring mills. Very often the arbors and fixtures on these
machines are heavy the controls are harder to manipulate, and the
parts machined are heavy in themselves.
In some of (lie Canadian small-arms firms visited in flic earlier
survey over 60 percent of the milling-machine operators were women
and this proportion was to be increased. Thirty percent of the mill­
ing-machine operators were women in one of‘the firms covered in
tiie United States survey. All plants had plans for hiring many more
women for milling-machine operation.




Drill-Press Operators.
Women have long been employed as drill-press operators in various
industries, so finding (hem in great numbers in the small-arms plants
was no surprise. In one plant almost 80 percent of the drill-press
operators were women. They did drilling, reaming, burring, tapping,
and countersinking, and much of the work was jig drilling which is
easily learned.
Typical drill presses operated by women (greatest numbers on those starred)
*Avey drills Nos.
1. and 2 (single and multiple spindle).
*Allen drills (single and multiple spindle).
♦Delta drills (single and multiple spindle).
♦Buffalo bench drills.
♦Sigourney bench drills.
♦Leland Gifford drills Nos. 1. 2, and 3 (single and multiple spindle).
Krueger drills.
Kingsbury automatic drills.
Natco multiple-spindle drills and tappers.
U. S. drills.
Fosdick drills.
Bakewell precision tappers.

Though most of the women were on small and medium-size drills,
a few operated the larger and more automatic types such as Kings­
bury drills, which are automatic in operation, the worker standing in
one place loading and unloading the machine as a series of drilling
operations is performed on a number of parts revolving in the machine
at one time. The larger drills such as the Fosdick, Natco, Krueger,
and United States drills generally were operated by men, and in some
plants only men were employed because the parts handled were so
large. However, two plants in particular were beginning to put
women on larger drills. No women operated such heavy-duty ma­
chines as American Tool Works radial drills, Cincinnati Bickford
radial drills, and Ex-Cello horizontal boring machines.
The only limitation on using women for drill-press work is the com­
bined weight of the jig and the part being drilled. However, if the
jig merely has to be slid back and forth on the bed of the drill without
being lifted or turned over, the weight can be quite great before ex­
ceeding the strain limit expected of an average woman. To reduce
the effort required to push and pull a large jig it is possible to mount
a small button under each bottom corner of the jig to reduce the slid­
ing surface, thus eliminating the suction created by sliding a flat
metal surface over the bed of the drill.
Profiling-Machine Operators.
A profiling machine is a special milling machine with a master
form or template that has the desired irregular shape to be machined
on another piece of metal. A guide pin follows the master form
while the milling cutter reproduces the part. Profilers are used ex­
tensively in small-arms manufacturing because of their adaptability
in making the many irregular shapes required on gun components.
Ten percent of the machine operators were profiling-machine op­
erators. Three of the five plants employing women on machines had



a few on actual profiling and a fourth firm had women on profilers but
doing milling rather than profiling.
In hand profiling on the master-follower type of machine the opera­
tor must have a sense of touch in holding the guide pin against the tem­
plate and exert some force in manipulating the two controls at the
same time. Because the work was considered more strenuous and
more skilled than some of the rest, women were not until recently
placed on profiling, but they have demonstrated a good sense of touch
and skill ami are to be employed much more extensively. Pratt &
W liitney profilers No. 12-B were the most common kind operated by
women but others were National Broach automatic profilers, Thomp­
son profilers, Newton profilers, and Wade bench profilers.
Grinding-Machine Operators.
In all cannon and small-arms manufacturing there is much grinding
to attain the close tolerances and the high finishes required. Two of
the firms employed women on all types of grinding, two had none on
gi Hiding, and a fifth had women only on wet centerless grinding be­
cause of a State law prohibiting their employment on dry grinding.
Abrasive-wheel jobs are hazardous unless protective measures are
taken, but, m the plants visited precautions to protect the health of
the workers usually were adequate. Local exhausts were installed
o\ ei the machines to draw off dust particles, wheels were covered
with hoods as a protection against flying particles, and goggles and
respirators were supplied to workers.
Women most frequently operated small tool and cutter grinders,
small and medium-size surface grinders, and plain grinders such as
Norton surface grinders 6" x 18" and 6" x 30", Brown & Sharpe sur­
face grinders No. 2, Brown & Sharpe plain grinders Nos. 5 and 12
Norton cylindrical grinders 6" x 18", Landis grinders, and Henry
Prentice abrasive surface grinders No. 3-B. A few operated Cincin­
nati centerless grinders No. 2 and Blanchard grinders.
As a rule men were employed on the heavy-duty Blanchard grind­
ers, Hanchett surface grinders, and Mattison grinders, which gen­
erally were used for preliminary machining operations on forgings
and bar stock. Much of this work is heavy, but it is possible to segre­
gate the light work and that had been done in some places. Women
operated one of the more automatic types of Blanchard grinders feed­
ing small parts onto a revolving dial.
Frequently hundreds of small parts were ground down at one time
on these heavy-duty grinders, and so much time was consumed in
laying out parts, loading and unloading the machines, and burring
and gaging parts that the operators spent relatively little of their
time on actual machine tending. Hence, some plants planned to have
women lay out the work, assist with the loading and unloading of the
machines and the burring and gaging of parts, thus releasing the opeiatois to devote their time to actual machine operating on several
machines instead of one.
Turret-Lathe, Engine-Lathe, and Automatic-Screw-Machine
Women constituted 6 percent of the workers in the lathe and screwmachine departments but not all were machine operators; some were



burring, filing, and gaging parts. Two plants employed women on
automatic screw machines, including Brown & Sharpe automatic
screw machines Nos. 00G, OG, 00, 0, and 2—G and Brown & Sharpe
Wire-Feed screw machine No. 2. They watched the functioning of
the machines, gaged parts, and did some filing and burring. Men set
up the machines and kept them loaded with bar stock. The other
companies had plans for employing women on smaller automatics,
one planning to have all such machines operated by women. No
women operated the very large automatic screw machines such as the
Gridley automatics, Cleveland automatic turret machines, Cincinnati
Acme automatic screw machines, and National Acme automatic screw
machines. The main task on these machines is the complicated and
skilled set-up work, which sometimes takes four or live days, but once
set up they operate automatically, needing only occasional attention.
Three plants employed women extensively on turret lathes, engine
lathes, and bench lathes; two had no women on such work. Those
selected for work on large turret lathes were tall, so that they could
more readily reach the multiplicity of controls.
Types of lathes operated try women
Warner & Swasey turret lathes Nos. 2, 3, and 4.
Bardons & Oliver turret lathes.
Gisholt turret lathe Nos. 4 and 1 L (large).
South Bend bench lathe.
Rivett bench lathe.
Pratt & Whitney bench lathe.
Hardinge bench lathe.

Only a few women operated the large-size turret lathes, the work
on these being without question more strenuous than on most other
types of machines. The parts are heavier, the hand tools required sire
heavier, and the expanse of the machine itself makes it more strenuous
to operate. Bullard vertical turret lathes, Warner & Swasey turret
lathes Nos. 2-A, 4-A, and 3-A, Potter & Johnston turret lathes No.
6-A, Jones & Lamson lathes Nos. 7A5, 8B, 8C, 8A, and the largest
Bardons & Oliver turret lathes and largest Gisholt turret lathes were
all operated by men. These are used in machining the very heaviest
parts and for rough machining forgings.
Barrel-Machine Operators.
Barrels are generally manufactured in separate departments with
machines set up on a production-line basis. Yaviations were found in
the extent to which women were engaged on barrel-machining opera­
tions, two firms employing no women, a third employing them on a
very few operations, and a fourth having 21 percent women in its
barrel departments. The last named had no women working on
.50-caliber barrels but had them on practically every operation on
.30-caliber barrels.
The general machining operations on any barrel are about the same,
and to assist in the visualization of the types of work involved and
the extent to which women were employed, a sequence of principal
operations on a .30-caliber barrel is given on pages 13-14.


Squaring and countersinking both ends to working length, Davis
& lhompsbn cut-off and centering machine.
Rough milling butt end, Brown & Sharpe mill No. 12
Milling muzzle end to working length, Brown & Sharpe mill No 12
turning muzzle end for drilling-machine chucks, LeBlond engine^
Spot grinding for steady rest, Norton cylindrical grinder 6” x 30”
Rough turning and chamfering breech end, Jones & Lamson Fay“
automatic lathe 12” x 63”.
Drilling bore from breech end, Pratt & Whitney 2-spindle horizontal
barrel drill (operator runs 4 machines).
Rough reaming bore, Baush 12-spindle vertical barrel-reaming
Recentering ends concentric with bore, Wm. Steel recentcring
Spot grinding for steady rest, Norton cylindrical grinder 10” x 36”_
Grinding rest spot, Norton cylindricalgrinder 6” x 30”__
Rough turning taper section at muzzle end and turning and formmg breech end, Jones & Lamson Fay automatic lathe 8” x 33”.
Spot grinding taper 011 muzzle end, concentric with bore Norton
^ cylindrical grinder 10” x 36”.
Turning upper section of taper and radius finish, Jones & Lamson
lay automatic lathe 8” x 33”.
Turning and forming muzzle end and forming band bearing groove
Jones & Lamson Fay automatic lathe 8” x 33".
Recentering both ends concentric with bore, drill press, 2-spindle_
Semifinish grinding of breech end, Norton cylindrical grinder 10//
x 36 .
Threading breech end, Lees-Bradner thread mill or Hanson &
Whitney hobbing; machine.
Form milling top, Brown & Sharpe mill No. 12 __
Milling rear hand guard grooves, Cincinnati mill No. 0 8____
F™sh grinding lower band bearing, Norton cylindrical grinder 6” x

oU . grinding taper at rear of gas cylinder bearing, Norton cvlindriFinish
cal grinder 10” x 36”.
Finish grinding gas cylinder bearing and gas cylinder lock diameters
Norton cylindrical grinder 10” x 36”.
Reaming base, Wm. Steel 12-spindle vertical reaming machine
Broaching lower band retaining pin slot, Colonial vortical hydraulic
broach (small).
Milling 3 splines for gas cylinder, Brown & Sharpe mill No. 12
Countersinking breech end to remove hardened stock, Fosdick drilL I
Finish reaming bore, Pratt & Whitney 2-spindle horizontal reamer
each operator running 3 spindles (1% machines); or on a Pratt &
Whitney 6-spmdle reamer.
Rifling, Pratt & Whitney 2-spindle rifling machine (operators run 3
or 4 machines).
Chambering (rough and finish), Pratt & Whitney 12-spindle cham­
bering machine. Chambering is machining the seat for the cartndge.
Forming radius at intersection of ramp and chamber, Austin Hast^ mgs 2-spindle Fosdick drill.
Forming radius at mouth of ramp, Austin Hastings 2-spindle Fosdick
Milling bullet nose clearance, Brown & Sharpe No. .000 mill or
Nichols hand mill.
Countersinking and facing muzzle end to finish length and cham­
fering 1 ratt & Whitney 8-spindle chambering machine or Krueger
5-spmdle chambering machine.
Chasing muzzle and thread, thread milling machine. _ _______
Honing chambers, Carlin honing machine__ __
Marking manufacturer's initials and date of manufacture, Schmidt
hydraulic marking machine.

Sex of
M. and F. '


M. and F.






Proof firing of barrels------------------------------------------Drilling vent hole in gas cylinder bearing------ — —
Burring and reaming vent hole (bench work)------ Polishing ramp and rinsing, bench polishing machine

Sex of
M. and F.

In this sequence of operations on .30-caliber barrels there were over
30 inspections, including visual, gage, and magnaflux inspection,
Brinell hardness testing, and inspection of line straightening. Women
participated in most of this, including magnaflux inspection, but were
not on final inspection, line-straightening inspection, nor Brinell
hardness testing.
Interspersed were numerous barrel-straightening operations of two
types: Straightening of the outside surface and straightening of the
bore. Outside straightening was done by both men and women, using
presses on which are mounted dial indicators showing the accuracy
of the barrel. The line straightening or shadow method of straight­
ening, which was all done by men, involved sighting through a barrel
onto a horizontal black line on a ground-glass window about 20 feet
away. This line is reflected as two parallel lines in the barrel and
any curvature indicates the necessity for straightening, skill being
required to know where and how much pressure to apply with a
straightening jack to properly align the barrel.
In this sequence of operations there were also various descaling,
sandblasting, parkerizing, heat treating, oiling, and cleaning opera­
tions, all done by men.
Women performed a few operations on .50-caliber barrels for air­
cooled Browning machine guns, these being considerably larger than
the .30-caliber. They operated Pratt & Whitney barrel reamers.
Builders’ Iron Foundry reamers, Pratt & Whitney barrel drills, and
Pratt & Whitney chambering machines. Women were to be placed
on additional operations on the .50-caliber barrels for air-cooled ma­
chine guns, but it was not deemed feasible to employ them on much
work on .50-caliber barrels for water-cooled Browning machine guns
because these are so much larger and heavier.
Punch-Press Operators.
In small-arms manufacturing there is not much punch-press work,
punch-press operators composing only 3 or 4 percent of the total
machine workers. Some of the work such as blanking and forming
side plates is very heavy and only men were employed on this.
Women blanked, formed, pierced, notched, and trimmed such ma­
chine-gun parts as the cam extractor, sear stop, bar pin lock, slide
guide piece, and small washers. Small rifle parts, such as the latch
clips, triggers, ferrules, butt plates, and swivel butts, were blanked
and formed by women. Some of the presses were foot controlled and
others were hand controlled with safety guards.
Types of punch presses operated by women
Bliss punch press Nos. 6, 20, 2, 21%, 19C, 21S, and 26.
Niagara punch press No. IVjConsolidated punch press No. 6.
Toledo punch press No. 2.



Miscellaneous Machine Operators.
In small-arms manufacturing there is often required a type of metal
shaving or slotting operation which is done on Pratt & Whitney
shavers, Logan shavers, and Taylor & Fenn shavers. Women could
do practically all this work and already they were doing a fair share.
A few women were operating Hanson & Whitney thread millers,
ExCello thread grinders, Fellows Gear Shapers, and Lapointe
broaches. The broaches that they operated were small, all the large
ones such as the Cincinnati duplex vertical broaches, large Colonial
broaches, Lapointe broaches, and Footburt broaches being operated by
men. The large ones require the operator to stand on a raised plat­
form, and much of the work of loading and unloading parts is heavy.
In none of the plants did women operate cut-off saws or abrasive
cut-off wheels, which are used for cutting bar stock to size. Most, of
this work is purely manual labor of moving bar stock and loading it
into the machines, which are largely self-operating when once set up.
Only a few persons were employed on this and they did both the light
and the heavy work. If the volume of light work were sufficient to
keep one or two people busy, women could do this.
Woodworking-Machine Operators.
Rifles have a number of wooden components, including the main
gun stock, front hand guard, and rear hand guard, which are made
of walnut. The manufacture of these parts requires high-speed
woodworking machinery. Two of the firms visited had wood gunstock departments. In one, women composed 28 percent of the work
force, in the other no women were employed. The one employing
women had not intended originally to employ them for this work,
but with the great increase in volume of production, the introduc­
tion of a conveyor system, and the specialization in machine opera­
tions it was deemed feasible.
Men and women were often seen doing work that was the same
or very similar.
Some of the major types of woodworking machines operated by both sexes
Onsrud wood-turning lathe. (These machines shape the gun stock by
following a master cam; each operator tends three machines.)
Onsrud router (single spindle). (Many women on these machines.)
Onsrud router (multiple spindle). (Only a few women on these.)
Wood shaper (double spindle).
Wood profiler.
Pantograph machine.
Milling machine (horizontal).
Band saw.
Drill press (Onsrud drills and Fosdiclc drills).
Rotary sanding machine. (The sanding and finishing of wooden pieces for­
merly was done by hand, but now is done on sanding machines.)

Machine operators quite frequently burred and filed parts that they
had machined, but in addition there were many full-time filers, burrers, precision fliers, and polishers. Employees on this type of work
composed about 5 percent of the total (see table, p. 5). With the



exception of machine operating and inspection, more women did this
type of work than any other. About 16 percent of the burrers, filers,
and polishers in the four plants with detailed information were
Women and in one instance the proportion ran as high as 30 percent.
Women generally filed and burred the smaller parts, using files,
scrapers, portable burring machines, high-speed lathes, belt sanders,
disk grinders, and emery cloth. Sometimes they straightened parts,
using hand mallets and bench vises. In all the plants there still were
great numbers of men doing small-parts filing, burring, and straight­
ening similar to that done by women. One reason so many men had
been retained is that filing of gun parts has been considered precision
work requiring considerable skill, but women have now demonstrated
their ability to pick up the techniques involved. Men did most of
the precision tiling, bringing parts to very precise tolerances, and the
filing of larger parts such as the bolt,, trunnion block, side plates, and
receiver. But more and more women were being placed on precision
filing and work on heavier parts such as the bolt.
One plant could not employ women on polishing because of a State
law restricting this as an occupation for women. Elsewhere women
were engaged on a certain amount of polishing, using rag wheels,
emery wheels, and wire brushes; some were reaming and lappingparts on small bench lathes and lapping machines. The work of
women on polishing was not a war innovation in these plants, a few
having done this during peacetime, but the proportion had been
greatlv increased.
Subassemblers and assemblers were not a major occupational group
as in some industries, and they composed only 2 percent to 5 percent
of the total workers in the small-arms plants. Women constituted
8 percent of the assemblers and the plant employing them on the
widest array of assembly work had 17 percent. Most of the smallarms subassembly could be done by women and much of the final
assembly, depending on the weight of the weapon.
.30-Caliber Rifles.
Most parts for .30-caliber rifles are light and women were doing
both subassembly and final assembly, many operations being identical
with those done by men. Women were doing about one-fourth of the
assembly work and ultimately would do perhaps 60 percent.
Some of the principal assemblies performed by women and by some men
Trigger assembly (trigger, sear, and sear pin).
Trigger-guard assembly (trigger guard and stop hammer).
Trigger housing assembly (clip ejector, hammer, trigger mechanism, safety
and trigger guard).
Rear hand-guard assembly (rear hand guard and rear hand-guard baud).
Front hand-guard assembly (front hand guard, front hand-guard ferrule,
front hand-guard spacer).
Butt-plate assembly.
Bolt assembly (bolt, extractor, extractor spring, extractor-spring plunger,
firing pin, cartridge-ejector spring).
Gas-cylinder assembly (gas cylinder, gas-cylinder plug, gas-cylinder-plug
screw, swivel stacking, and swivel-stacking screw).
Barrel and receiver assembly (barrel and receiver assembled with rear
sight, feeding mechanism, and hand guards).



Head bolt spacing (a hand-reaming operation on the bolt to get the proper
clearance after the barrel and receiver are assembled).

Men assembled the major components such as the stock assembly,
barrel, and receiver into the completed rifle.
Revolvers and Automatic Pistols.
Women had normally not been used in the assembly of revolvers
and automatic pistols. Not until the summer of 1942 were a few
women placed on subassembly of automatic pistols, and they still did
none of the assembly on revolvers. Only the most skilled gunsmiths
were used to assemble revolvers because extreme precision and care
are required, each revolver being assembled in its entirety by one man.
A revolver is more or less custom made, with parts filed,“polished, and
lapped down to fit each other properly. Most of the men were oldtiine gunsmiths far beyond the draft age, so there was no danger of
their being drawn off into the Army, and hence no need of thinking
of replacing them with women. The making of automatic pistols is
not quite so skilled and some women were filing, polishing, and fitting
parts in subassembly.
•50-Caliber Browning- Machine Guns.
In one plant women were doing most of the subassembly on .50caliber Browning machine guns but nowhere were they on final
assembly operations. Typical assemblies performed by women were
the extractor, spring rod, retracting slide, bolt, rear sight, buffer body,
buffer-body tube, back plate, and cover assembly. Most of this in­
volved use of simple bench tools such as screw drivers, pliers, arbor
presses, files, and so forth. They did some of the lighter riveting on
the cover assembly, but the riveting on case assemblies was done by
men, this being much heavier work.
Much of the final assembly on .50-caliber machine guns is quite
heavy but some of the work could be broken down so that women
could do the lighter tasks. The men employed for this had a knowl­
edge of the proper functioning of the machine guns and were ver­
satile enough to do practically any of the work.
•30-Caliber Browning Machine Guns.
Plants making .30-caliber machine guns had not gone so far in the
employment of women on assembly work as those making the .50caliber, though women could clo a larger proportion of the work on
those of smaller caliber because of tlieir lighter weight. Some of the
subassemblies performed by women on .30-caliber machine guns were
the front-sight assembly, rear-sight assembly, trigger-frame assembly,
trigger-mechanism assembly, and accelerator assembly. Women had
just been started on this work and many more were to be employed.
Inspectors are one of the major occupational groups in any smallarms manufacturing plant and with the exception of machine oper­
ators they compose the largest single group of workers. Twelve per­
cent of the total employees were inspectors, 31 percent of the inspec­
tors being women, with the proportion of women running as high as



62 percent in one plant. One-fifth of the women in the 4 plants
reported were inspectors (see table, p. 5).
Some of the workers did only visual inspection but generally they
combined this with the use of precision measuring instruments, these
including dial indicators, thread gages, plug gages, ring gages, vernier
height gages, vernier depth gages, scales, micrometers, and calipers.
Some, but not all, were required to check parts against blueprints.
The women inspected primarily small parts, some in process of
manufacture and some in final inspection. They did crib inspection,
receiving inspection, heat-treat inspection, and inspection out on the
floor among the machine operators. They sometimes combined in­
spection with burring, filing, and lapping of parts to fit fixed gages.
In the heat-treat departments they were doing Rockwell hardness
testing and Brinell hardness testing. In the .30-caliber-barrel depart­
ment of one plant women did most of the inspection work, including
visual, gage, and magnaflux inspection.
All proof firing was done by men, requiring a constant handling of
the weapons and mounting and clamping the larger ones into stands
prior to firing. Women should be able to do the proof firing of
rifles, revolvers, automatic pistols, and small submachine guns because
the weight is not excessive. They could assist with the proof firing
of .30- and .50-caliber machine guns if men did the heavy lifting.
At the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland women are assisting
with the proof firing of everything from Garand rifles and tommy
guns to huge railroad guns.
Men did all the heat treating, barrel tumbling, plating, sandblast­
ing, electric cleaning, spray painting, and the great bulk of parkeriz­
ing. The numbers on these jobs were small, the men interchanged on
different types of work, they had a general knowledge of different
properties of metals, a knowledge of methods of hardening and treat­
ing metals, and they performed heavy as well as light tasks.
Women commonly did Rockwell hardness testing in heat-treating
departments. In one plant a few were being taught parkerizing of
cartridge clips, the operation of heat-treat furnaces, and the operation
of degreasing machines, with men doing any heavy lifting. A few
women had been employed for many years on a process known as
“blueing,” which is similar to parkerizing, giving a protective coating
to revolver and pistol parts. The temperature and atmospheric con­
ditions cause the parts to turn different shades and women matched up
the shades so that all parts assembled into one firearm would he the
same shade. Women could parkerize the smaller parts of firearms,
clean parts, and do spray painting.
The forge and welding shops were not large and no women were
used on any of the work, most of which was quite heavy. The welders
were able to do almost any kind of welding, brazing, soldering,
and sheet-metal work. Much of the welding was on jackets for watercooled machine guns, which were heavy.



After assembly and proof firing the firearms are disassembled, all
parts thoroughly cleaned, reassembled, and then given final inspec­
tion. Most of the disassembly, reassembly, final inspection, and gun
greasing was done by men. A few women reassembled bolts and
buffer bodies for machine guns after the parts had been cleaned.
About 30 percent of the packers were women and most of them were
counters, sorters, wrappers, and packers of spare parts. Parts greased
or oiled were wrapped in heavy oil paper before packing into en­
velopes, cartons, or boxes. A few women were nailing metal strips
around large packing boxes, this being one of the more unusual things
they did. The only limitation on what women can do in packing
departments is the weight of the work.
In every manufacturing establishment there are large numbers of
workers not directly engaged on production operations but essential
in maintaining the flow of production. The table, page 5, shows that
over one-fifth of the total factory and office employees were nonpro­
ductive factory workers, including tool-room workers, tool-crib and
stock-room attendants, shipping and receiving clerks, service and
maintenance men, production-control clerks, production engineers,
gage inspectors, laboratory technicians, and general factory clerical
workers. Only 8 percent of this group were women and this propor­
tion could be materially increased.
Tool Room (Tool Making).
When the present war program started in this country women
were rarely found in tool-room work, tool making being considered
the province of highly skilled tool and die makers, jig and fixture
makers, and first-class machinists. The mention of employing women
in tool-room work was considered an absurdity by managers and fore­
men in plants visited by Women’s Bureau representatives early in
1941. But since the spring of 1941 a gradual transformation has
taken place and women are making great inroads in tool-room work.
In one small-arms plant the largest single occupational group of
women, aside from inspectors, were those in the tool room, where 40
percent were women. The proportion for all plants was 11 percent
women. As a rule men set up the machines for the women, but some
women were setting up their own and more were learning on the
j°b to do this. The women were most frequently making cutters,
reamers, end mills, gages, and draw bars. In addition to machine
operating they did filing, burring, hand lapping, hand honing, polish­
ing, and stamp marking of parts. In many cases the work done by
women was the same as that done by men.
Most of the women operated bench-size lathes, small and mediumsize milling machines, tool and cutter grinders, and surface grinders.
Some specific machines operated by women
Hardinge bench lathe.
Rivet lathe.



Hendy engine latlie 12” x 30” and 12” x 42”.
Monarch engine lathe 18” and 10” x 20”.
Bardons & Oliver turret lathe Nos. 2 and 3.
Southworth turret lathe.
Brown & Sharpe plain grinder Nos. 10, 12, and 5.
Brown & Sharpe surface grinder Nos. 2 and 5.
Brown & Sharpe tool and cutter grinder Nos. 10 and 13.
Landis grinder.
Carboloy tool and cutter grinder.
Hardinge hand miller.
Brown & Sharpe universal milling machine Nos. 2A and 3A.
Brown & Sharpe plain milling machine Nos. 2 and 2B.
Van Norman milling machine No. 22-L.
Milwaukee milling machine Model H.
Cincinnati milling machine Nos. 2 and 1-12.
Avey drill press.
Cincinnati shaper 20”.
Hendy shaper 12".

Tool Cribs and Stock Rooms.
More women were employed as stock-room attendants than as toolcrib attendants. All plants still had many men on these types of
work who could be replaced by women, and usually there were plans
to augment the numbers of women. Twelve percent of the stock-room
workers were women acting as stock-record clerks and storekeepers,
tilling cribs and boxes with parts and supplies and putting up orders
to be routed into the plant. Seven percent of the tool-crib attendants
were women who handled the smaller tools, jigs, and fixtures, checking
them in and out and keeping records. This work requires a knowledge
of different types of tools, jigs, and fixtures which women were ac­
quiring gradually on the job.
Gage Control and Gage Inspection.
A development facilitated by the war was the service of women on
gage inspection in two plants covered. This work requires great care
and skill, a certain knowledge of mathematics, and use of a wide range
of measuring instruments. In the gage-control and inspection de­
partments all the various gages and dies used in production are
checked for accuracy, the degree of accuracy of the parts manufac­
tured being dependent on the correctness of the gages and dies.
Women were checking mainly thread gages, plug gages, ring gages,
and fixed gages of smaller size but they would later be taught the
inspection of small and medium-size fixtures and dies. Typical
measuring devices and instruments used by women in this work were
optical comparators, shadowgraphs, Carl Zeiss toolmakers’ micro­
scopes, Pratt & Whitney supermicrometers, vernier height gages and
depth gages, calipers, micrometers, Rockwell hardness-testing ma­
chines, and Johansson gage blocks.
So many men had been drafted in the laboratory of one arsenal
that women were being hired as laboratory aides; at the time of the
visit 30 percent of the laboratory workers were women and this pro­
portion was to be increased. This was not an experimental labora­
tory but was for industrial control purposes, making tests of steel, oil,
paint, and other materials purchased for use in manufacture.



Types of laboratory work done by women
Magnaflux inspection.
Jominy hardenability tests.
Calibration of thermocouples.
Repair and operation of industrial control instruments used on furnaces,
boilers, etc.
Machine-tool operations: Lathes and shapers used to machine bars
of steel to be subjected to tests in physical laboratory.
Chemical analysis of paints, oils, metal chips, etc.
Metallurgical laboratory work: Polishing steel specimen, analyzing steel
specimen under laboratory microscopes, Rockwell hardness testing.

Service and Maintenance.
Service and maintenance workers, including watchmen, guards,
elevator operators, chauffeurs, matrons, janitors, cleaners, truckers,
laborers, yardmen, chipmen, oilers, millwrights, carpenters, elec­
tricians, masons, plumbers, and steamfitters, were always a large
labor group, constituting 8 percent of the total plant and office
workers and 37 percent of the factory nonproductive workers (see
table, p. 5).
Women were employed as matrons and janitors, and one plant had
just hired four as guards. An arsenal that had no women as machine
operators on production employed them on some other rather unusual
types of work in which more and more women undoubtedly will be
employed as the war continues. For instance, women drove “shop
mules” used for hauling wagons and carts around the grounds and
shops, and Clark carloaders for transporting boxes, piling them, and
loading freight cars. Women were also making wooden packing
boxes, operating band saws and nailing together the boxes.
Factory Clerical.
Some factory clerical workers are included in the departmental
segregations shown in the table, page 5, these being charged to the
departments together with the regular production workers. It was
not possible in all cases to subtract the factory clerical from the
actual production workers because the numbers were not reported,
but a surprisingly large number still were men because some plants
had employed only men for this work up to the time of the war. Both
men and women worked as shop checkers, timekeepers, blueprint file
clerks, and general clerical workers.
In addition to these factory clerical workers there were others in
offices attached more closely to the factory proper than to the general
administrative offices. These included safety, efficiency, productioncontrol, methods, and production-engineering departments. Eightyeight percent of such employees were men, which indicates the extent
to which women can still be brought in to replace men even for
factory office work.

Two firms making cannon or guns, including heavy coast-defense
guns, railway artillery, howitzers, mortars, antitank guns, and anti­
aircraft guns, employed respectively 5 percent and 14 percent women;
the third, manufacturing chiefly small arms but some small cannon
(37-mm.), employed 18 percent women in the entire plant. Women
naturally could do more of the work on small cannon than on largecaliber guns, and it was estimated that as high as 40 percent of the
employees might be women in cannon manufacture as a whole.
The two plants with 14 and 18 percent women employed them on
an extensive array of machine-tool operations on production work
and in tool rooms, on filing, burring, polishing, and inspection. They
worked on small minor components for large-caliber cannon and on
major as well as minor components for 37-mm. cannon, the smallest
manufactured. Men still were doing much of the same or similar
work, and plans were to employ more women on jobs vacated by men
and on new jobs in the general expansion program.
The plant with the lowest percentage of women was in the initial
stages of employing them as factory workers. It had started a pre­
employment training program for women and had surveyed the
shops for prospective jobs with the intention of using women wher­
ever possible. A preliminary report showed that this would include
various machine-tool operations, filing, burring, piece marking, in­
spection, light subassembly, crane operating, tractor and truck driv­
ing, and stock-room and tool-crib work. They would do rough
turning operations on some barrels with one man to every four or
five women to do the heavy lifting. In the metallurgical laboratory
where gun specimens are prepared for analysis, women will be used
on hacksaws, lathes, centering machines, automatic thread grinders,
thread millers, and cylindrical grinders.
Large-Caliber Guns.
The machining of large-caliber cannon or guns such as 16-in., 14-in.,
12-in., 155-mm., and 105-mrn. involves the use of some of the largest
heavy-duty machine-tool equipment found in any line of manufacture.
Many of the machines had beds over 200 feet long and the large com­
ponent parts often weighed thousands of pounds, requiring exten­
sive use of mechanical handling equipment. Even with mechanical
handling devices there was so much inevitable heavy manual labor
m connection with the use of large hand tools, clamping of parts into
machines, and manipulating of controls that it would be difficult to
employ women on much of this work under any conditions. No



women were working on the heavy-duty machines in the big-gun
shops and it was considered one of the last places where women
could be employed.
The heavy-duty machines were used for turning, boring, reaming,
grinding, and rifling such major components as the tubes, liners
(inner tubes), hoops, jackets, breech rings, breech blocks, and rails.
The built-up guns assembled by the “shrinkage method” must be
finish-machined after they are cooled and this involves finish boring,
rifling, chambering, and machining the breech end.
Typical henry-duty machines in big-gun shops
Bemcnt-Pond special machines for turning, reaming, rifling, etc.
Barnes horizontal drill.
Sellers horizontal boring machine.
LeBlond gun-boring machine.
Bullard vertical boring mill.
Biddings & Lewis boring mill.
Newton vertical milling machine.
Cincinnati vertical milling machine No. 4.
Milwaukee milling machine (heavy duty).
Sundstrand slab miller.
Gincinnati-Bickford radial drill.
Ingersoll planer.
Lapointe broach (large).
Mattison surface grinder.
Blanchard grinder.
Bryant internal grinder.
Jones & Lamson turret lathe (heavy duty).
Lodge & Shipley turret lathe (heavy duty).
Warner & Swasey turret lathe (heavy duty).

37-mm. Cannon and Small Components for Large-Caliber Guns.
Though women did none of the machining of large major com­
ponents for big cannon, they did some work on smaller parts such
as in the breech mechanism and firing mechanism, and on the larger
as well as small parts for 37-mm. cannon, the smallest gun manufac­
tured. Men and women often worked on identical or very similar
Typical machines operated by men and by women (greatest numbers of
women, on those starred)
♦Cincinnati milling machine Nos. 0-8 and 1-12.
♦Cincinnati vertical milling machine Nos. 2 and 3.
♦Brown & Sharpe vertical milling machine No. 2.
♦Brown & Sharpe milling machine Nos. 2, 10. and 12.
♦Milwaukee milling machine Model H.
Sundstrand Rigidmil.
Cincinnati Hydromatic milling machine No. 3-24.
♦Nichols hand mill.
Taylor & Fenn spline mill.
Pratt & Whitney profiler No. 12.
Cincinnati automatic profiler (single and multiple spindle).
Taylor & Fenn Colt shaving machine.
Pratt & Whitney shaving machine.
♦Drill press: Avey, Delta, Allen, Sigourney, and Edlund (single and
multiple spindle).
Henry Prentice surface grinder No. 3-B.
Norton surface grinder 6" x 18” and 6" x 30”.
Brown & Sharpe plain grinder No. 3.
Hanchett surface grinder.



Blanchard surface grinder.
*Gisholt turret lathe Nos. 3 and 4.
•Warner & Swasey turret lathe Nos. 2-A, 3, and 4.
Hardens & Oliver turret lathe No. 2.
*Hand screw machine (small).
*Monareh engine lathe 16” and 18".
Lodge & Shipley engine lathe 18”.
Brown & Sharpe automatic screw machine Nos. OG and 00G.
Brown & Sharpe Wire-Feed screw machine.
Lapointe screw type broach.
Fellows gear shaper.
Gould & Eberhardt shaper.
Smalley-General Co. thread bobber No. 20MB (large).

This array of machines covers practically every type used except a
very few heavy-duty machines on which no women were employed.
The machines most commonly operated by women were the small and
medium-size milling machines, hand milling machines, hand screw
machines, small and medium-size turret lathes and engine lathes, and
drill presses. The women .selected to work on the large turret lathes
and profilers generally were the taller and more robust, so that they
could reach the controls and exert the necessary force required in
manipulating the levers, handwheels, and turnstiles. One plant man­
ager spoke very highly of the success of women on profiling, saying
they had a good sense of touch and allowed the machine to cut at a
normal speed rather than forcing the cutter as men were sometimes
inclined to do.
There was not the same volume of production of parts of one kind
in cannon manufacturing as in small-anns manufacturing, so the
machine operators had to be somewhat more versatile in shifting
around on different work and making occasional machine set-ups.
Women as well as men did this, including the setting up of machines,
which more and more women were being trained on the job to do.
The machine operators checked their own work with calipers, micro­
meters, and fixed gages; sometimes they did filing and burring of parts.
The extent to which they did filing and burring depended on the
length of the machining cycle and the number of machines operated.
Very often one person operated three to six machines, either keeping
them all running at once and constantly loading and unloading parts,
or taking each part and performing a series of operations on one
machine at a time.
Women did none of the barrel work on large-caliber guns, but
they did reaming on 37-mm. barrels, operating LeBlond barrel-bor­
ing machines. Men loaded and unloaded the machines while women
acted as operators, watching the controls and oil coolants and checking
the proper functioning of the machines. With the aid of movemen
women could perform the majority of the machine operations on
37-mm. barrels.
Major operations on 37-mm barrels, some performed by women
Facing-off and centering ends.
Barrel drilling, Pratt & Whitney barrel drill.
Rough and finish reaming using wood packed bits.
Rifling by the disk method using a series of disks, each a bit larger than
the preceding, the operator putting a new one on at the end of each
stroke througli the full length of the barrel.
Chambering the breech end for the cartridge.



Turning breech end on a lathe.
Thread milling breech end.
Milling cartridge clearance slot on vertical power mill.
Grinding external portions of the barrel.
Milling wrench flats on vertical miller.
Barrel straightening on Farquhar straightening press.

There still was opportunity for employing many more women on
machine work on small and medium-size parts, as men often were
employed on the second and third shifts to do work performed by
women on the first shift, or men and women on the same shifts were
doing work that was similar. Tn a Canadian plant visited that made
40-mm. antiaircraft guns, 30 percent of the machine operators were
women and many more were to he employed, which is somewhat in­
dicative of the proportion of machine work women can do on smaller
In cannon manufacturing as in small-arms making there is a great
deal of filing, burring, and polishing of parts by means of files, scrap­
ers, disk grinders, emery cloth, belt Sanders, portable burring tools,
emery wheels, and rag wheels. Much of the work done by women
was the same as that done by some men, but men did a larger propor­
tion of the heavy work and more precision filing. Women worked
mainly on small parts but did some filing and burring on heavier
parts such as the breech rings and breech blocks for 37-mm. cannon,
the spline shafts and breech blocks for 75-mm. and 3-in. cannon, and
the breech end threads on 90-mm. barrels. Most of this work was
done at benches with the workers seated, but some was done in a
standing position when the parts were so large lhat they had to be
mounted on a stand.
Large-Caliber Guns.
After the hoops, tubes, liners, rings, and jackets for large-caliber
guns are machined to proper size they are assembled into a compound
cylinder by a process known as “shrinkage,” the number of component
cylinders depending on the design and caliber of the gun.
For example, the two-piece gun is assembled by shrinking the outer cylinder
(jacket) onto the inner cylinder (tube). The inside diameter of the jacket is
made slightly smaller than the outside diameter of the tube. The jacket is
expanded by heat until it fits over the tube. Then, as it is cooled, the jacket
shrinks inlo place, I lie process putting the tube into a state of compression, and
increasing the elastic strength of the gun . . ,4

A summary of the assembly of the typical 16" howitzer follows:
The tube (B tube), filled with water, is placed in the shrinkage pit, breech
end down, and supported in a vertical position. The expanded heated jacket
is lowered over the tube until seated upon its shoulder. Cooling is effected by
the use of encircling water sprays directed on the point where the first shrink­
age gripping is desired, and then gradually moved upward. After the assembly
has cooled to shop temperature it is removed from the shrinkage pit, the correct
shrinkage verified by measurements, and the exterior surface finish machined
for the next assembly operation. The successive preparation of the various
hoops and rings, and their assembly, follows the same procedure outlined for the
4 Hayes, Col. Thomas J., Elements of Ordnance, 1938, p. 161.



jacket and tube. The bore of th'e assembled gun is now finish bored and taper
reamed to receive the liner.5

After the liner has been inserted into the compound cylinder the
assembled gun must be allowed to cool, and this sometimes takes a
week or more before it can be finish machined. The gun pits where
this assembly takes place are huge depressions in the floor of the
big-gun shops, with platforms built around the pit. Much mechanical
handling equipment is used to move the tubes, hoops, rings, and so
forth, and much of the work is heavy, hot, wet, and slippery. No
women were employed in this phase of assembling built-up guns and
it would not be feasible to employ them because of the manual tasks
involved. However, on the breech mechanisms and firing mechanisms
of heavy guns there are lighter subassembly operations that women
could do.
Small and Medium-Size Guns.
On the assembly of small and medium-size guns such as the 37-mm.,
75-mm., 3-in., and so forth there are filing, burring, fitting, and
subassembly of small parts and attaching of parts to the breech
mechanism and firing mechanism, all of which women could do. The
men now doing this perform both light and heavy tasks, but the light
operations could be segregated for women.
In all the cannon plants women were scattered throughout the shops
on detailed-parts inspection, and ultimately they were to do a much
larger proportion of this work. Most of the inspectors used pre­
cision measuring instruments such as micrometers, calipers, gages, and
scales - some were required to read blueprints. Frequently inspection
was accompanied by a certain amount of filing, lapping, and fitting
of parts to fixed gages. The women not only checked parts in process
but did final inspection on parts prior to passing them on to the Gov­
ernment ordnance inspectors. In the heat-treat departments they
did Rockwell hardness testing.
Spare parts for replacement purposes are shipped with each gun,
and women were greasing these small parts, wrapping them in oil
paper, packing them into cartons and packages. Women assisted with
the greasing and placing of protective paper coverings over the breech
end of 75-mm. and 90-mm. barrels preparatory to shipping. Much of
the cleaning, greasing, and packing of parts for cannon is heavy work
and not suitable for women.
No women were employed on parkerizing, heat treating, sandblast­
ing. barrel tumbling, or painting of parts. Barrel tumbling for bur5 Ibid., pp. 207-20S.



]'ing small parts involves lifting big containers and is chiefly work of
a. manual nature. Sandblasting involves working in a standing posi­
tion constantly holding and turning the parts by hand during the
sandblasting process, which requires considerable strength. Much of
the heat treating is very heavy work and requires a knowledge of
methods of treating various metals, and the operation of different
types of furnaces, temperature controls, and so forth. Women could
do the parkerizing and spray painting of smaller parts.
Tool Room (Tool Making).
As already pointed out. a significant trend in women’s employment
is the extent to which they are being introduced to tool-room work, a
field formerly dominated by men and one that was considered unten­
able for women at the inception of the present war program. In the
plant making the largest cannon and employing the greatest propor­
tion of women, 20 percent of the women employed as machine opera­
tors were working in tool rooms making end mills, broaches, reamers,
milling cutters, and so forth. I hey were taken in on the same basis
as men, being expected to learn to set up their own machines and
develop enough versatility to shift around on different types of work.
Where heavy lifting was involved movemen were provided. At first
there had been strong opposition to bringing women into the tool
rooms, but the foreman found that women could do practically any
type of work if given the time to develop necessary skills.
Typical machines operated by women were: Monarch engine lathe
14-in., 18-in., and 20-in.; LeBlond engine lathe 16-in.; Milwaukee mill­
ing machine No. 1-B: Brown & Sharpe universal mill No. 2; abrasive
surface grinder No. iy2; Heald rotary grinder; Ott tool grinder;
(lliver Instrument Co. tool grinder; Cincinnati tool and cutter grinder
No. 2; Bryant internal grinder No. 16; Landis cylindrical grinder;
Hendv shaper; and Cincinnati shaper. Women were not used on
the heavy-duty milling machines, vertical boring mills, heavy-duty
grinders, and planers.
Tool Cribs and Stock Rooms.
In all the cannon plants women worked as tool-crib and stock-room
attendants checking in parts, placing them in proper cribs or boxes
or on shelves, checking out parts, and keeping records. In some of
the tool cribs women did a certain amount of grinding of milling cut­
ters and reamers.
Gage Inspection.
A somewhat new field of employment for women is gage inspec­
tion, which requires skill and a considerable knowledge of mathe­
matics. Only college graduates had been employed for this work
and they had been very carefully selected. The women were placed
first on the simpler work of inspecting plug gages, thread gages, ring
gages, and so forth, but were to be trained for checking dies, jigs, and
fixtures. They used vernier height gages, vernier depth gages, ver­
nier calipers, universal surface gages, dial indicators, Johansson
gage blocks, and other precision measuring instruments.



Crane Operators.
Cranes and other mechanical handling equipment are used exten­
sively in the big-gun shops because of the extreme weight of parts
and materials. One of the plants had 20 women employed as crane
operators, another was in the process of taking women on for this
work, having employed them on cranes at the time of the earlier
war. The women were reported as enthusiastic over this work and
had demonstrated their ability to do it well, gaining the confidence of
the men in the shops, which is highly important in crane operating.
Factory Clerical.
Women were doing both tracing and drafting in the. engineering
and tool-design departments and more were to be placed on such
work. Men had formerly done most of the factory clerical work
but some had been replaced by women coming in as shop clerks,
production-control clerks, timekeepers, stock clerks, and so on.
However, there still were many men in such positions who could be
replaced by women.

Occupational Rates Rather Than Rates by Sex.
The basing of rates on occupation rather than on sex has been
revived as a pressing issue as it was at the time of World War I,
when so many women were brought into all phases of the war pro­
gram.6 Also in line with events of that war, the National War
Labor Board has made an official- pronouncement that—
Wage rates for women shall be set in accordance with the principle of equal
pay for comparable quantity and quality of work on comparable operations.

Small-arms and cannon manufacturing establishments have been
among those materially involved in this issue because so many
women have been brought into plants formerly manned almost 100
percent by men, with little or no change in the physical character­
istics of the jobs. As women have become more and more an in­
tegral part of the productive force, the wage-differential problem
lias become increasingly acute from the standpoint both of the
women hired and of the men leaving for the armed services.
In considering the comparative similarity of work done by men
and women, more than the physical characteristics of the job must
be analyzed. Benches or machines may be raised or lowered to
reduce weight lifting, operations may be broken down to segregate
the light -work from the heavy, automatic stops may be placed on
machines to reduce the skill required, new fixtures or arbors may be
designed to lighten the work, additional movemen may be hired to
eliminate material handling by machine operators. These innova­
tions may actually increase production and decrease unit costs, and
do not serve as warrant for lower wage rates for participating
workers. All-over production costs as well as the physical charac­
teristics of the work as performed by women instead of men must be
taken into consideration in contemplating rate changes. Only if
there are substantial changes in job content and material increase in
total labor costs is there a legitimate reason for proportionate wage
adjustments, in the opinion of the National War Labor Board.
Three of the eight plants covered in the survey had adopted the
principle of equal pay, the minimum entrance rates and the job
classification rates being the same for men and women. In one, new
workers were advanced in two or three months from a “mechaniclearner” classification to a job classification, with succeeding wage
increases based on efficiency ratings. In the second plant, the major­
ity of productive workers were on piece work, making increases in
earnings dependent on individual output. The inspectors and non6 IT. S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau, “Equal Pay” for Women in War Indus­
tries. Bulletin 196. 1942.




productive workers were on time work and rate changes for them
were largely on an individual basis. The third plant conforming to
the equal-wage principle had salary reviews about every 6 months
with a system of salary increases based on upgrading.
Women’s Rates Versus Men’s Rates.
The minimum entrance rate for women in the eight plants ranged
from 39 cents to 60 cents, the range for men was from 39 cents to
75 cents, with 50 to 55 cents the most common minimum beginning
rate for both. Three had the same entrance rates for men and
women; in the others these rates were from 5 to 15 cents an hour
less for women than men, as shown below:



One plant in the State of Michigan, where wage discrimination
between the sexes is prohibited on work of “like value, workmanship,
and production,” classified all operations as either “male” or “female”
and employed only men on “men’s” jobs and women on “women’s”
jobs. According to standards established by management the specific
operations performed by women were not the same as those done by
men, though further analysis would be necessary to determine
whether jobs were of “like value.” There were varying occupational
classifications and wage rates for work done by men, but all “wom­
en’s” jobs fell into one wage classification of 60 to 76 cents an hour
irrespective of the type of work performed, whether machine operat­
ing, assembly, or inspection.
A second plant with sex wage differentials had a flat rate of 43.4
to 47 cents for all women in the factory except inspectors, who had
a higher rate. The women did all types of machine work, assembly,
filing, and burring, much of which was identical with or comparable
to that done by men, some of whom received 61.4 to 67.4 cents an hour
and others of whom received 69.8 to 75.8 cents an hour.
Another plant had an elaborate breakdown of job classifications
with lower rates for all “female” job designations though there was
no question that the work done by women was comparable in quality
and quantity to that done by men. In all cases the maximum rates
for women were lower than the minimum rates for men on the same
work, as is shown in examples of day rates on page 31.
These rates applied to day workers and not to those on piece work.
Approximately 60 percent of the workers were under a piece-work
system at the time of visit and more were to be added. On such jobs
the wage differentials were eliminated because the same piece price
applied to both men and women. To eliminate sex differentials
among the day workers a job analysis was being made to ascertain if
women were doing work comparable to that of men; then necessary
wage adjustments were to be based on the job irrespective of the sex
of the worker.





Assembler__ ____________________
Assembler—Helper________ _______
Barrel rifler________________
Benchwoman and benchman________
Benchwoman and benchman—Helper. __
Material keeper____________ __ _
Operator machine:
Automatic screw_____
Driller ___ _______
Miller _____________
Punch press_____ __________ ___
....... .
Junior operator machine:
Grinder____ _____ _____ __________
Miller.________ ____ _
___________ _
Profiler______________________ ____ ____
Shop inspector____________
...... . _____

$5. 60
5. 04
6. 56

$6. 24
5. 68
6. 24

$4. 72
4. 72

$5. 20
5 20


5. 20


7. 68
6. 72
6. 72
6. 72
6. 72

4. 72
4. 72
4. 72
4. 72
4. 72
4. 72
4. 72

5. 20
5. 20
5. 20
5. 20
5. 20

5. 04

5. 68
5. 68
5. 68
5. 68
6. 24

3. 92
3. 92
3. 92
4. 40

4. 40

1 Single rate.

Methods of Wage Payment.
Three of the seven plants reporting had a straight time-work sys­
tem of wage payment throughout the plant. The others had various
types of piece work, incentive, and bonus systems: Group bonus with
guaranteed base rate, individual bonus with guaranteed base rate, and
straight piece work with no guaranteed base rate. These incentive
and piece-work systems applied to productive workers and not to non­
productive workers nor inspectors; in some cases they did not apply
to all productive workers. Under an incentive system where a stand­
ard time is set for performing a certain operation, pay is received for
the time allowed even if the work be completed in a shorter time; for
example, 10 hours’ pay could be received for 8 hours’ work. But the
hours earned are applied to the worker’s base rate, so this system does
not eliminate any existing wage differentials between men and women.
As a means of augmenting wartime production, most plants were
kept operat ing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This gave rise to much
fluctuation in hours and shifts in an effort to keep the output of
various departments timed properly, to allow maintenance men to
service and repair machinery, to make the fullest use of supervisory
staff and skilled workmen, and to keep the working hours of women
within the statutory requirements of the respective States. In one
plant there were 18 different working schedules, wdiich gives some
idea of the complicated arrangements necessary in both office and
factory hours.
Work schedules were not always based on a 7-day week, but might
be on an 8-day or a 6-day week, with allowances for 2 days off after
6 days of work, 1 day off after 5 days of work, 1 day off after 20 days
of work, and so forth, thus complicating greatly the computation of
hours worked in a 7-day week. There were often differences in work
schedules among the men, those more highly skilled working longer



hours because of shortage of such workers as tool and die makers, jig
and fixture makers, and machinists. Swing shifts were common, with
days off varying each week over an 8- or a 6-week cycle. Sometimes
it was necessary to have shorter work schedules for women due to State
law's restricting their hours, but usually the States would grant
special emergency permits relaxing slightly the hour and night-work
The work schedules for women in the 8 plants visited were not uni­
form ; three plants had an 8-hour day and a 48-hour week; one had a
47-hour week, 7y2 hours on 5 days and 9y2 hours on 1 day; one had a
7y2 -hour day and a 45-hour v'eek; one had a 48-hour week for 5 weeks
and a 40-hour week for 1 week. One plant had some women on a
straight 54-hour week (TO hours on 5 days and 4 on 1 day), and other
women on a 50-hour week (10 hours on 5 days) for 6 weeks and a 60hour week (10 hours on 6) for 2 weeks; the eighth plant had some
women working an 8-hour day (56 hours a week), with 1 day off in 21,
and others working a 9-hour day and a 54-hour week.
Most plants started with women on the day shift and the majority
of women still were on that shift. The number employed on the night
shifts was gradually increasing with the expansion in women’s em­
Four of the plants had a 30-minute lunch period for which no pay
was received, three allowed 10 to 20 minutes for lunch for which there
was no pay deduction, and the eighth plant allowed either 30 minutes
without pay or. 20 minutes with pay. Frequently those with only 10
or 20 minutes were expected to eat at their jobs if the nature of their
work was such that this was possible.
In only one of the plants was there a formal rest period for women
of 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the afternoon; in
the others women usually were allowed 5 to 10 minutes or a reasonable
time away from their work twice in each workday. This was not an
officially proclaimed rest period but merely something allowed by­
management as long as women did not abuse the privilege.
Women in Personnel Work.
Most of the plants visited had one or more women handling per­
sonnel relations among the factory women and looking after their
general welfare. Some worked in conjunction with the employment
office, interviewing women applying for factory work, spending time
in the plant seeing that the women dressed properly and observed
shop rules and regulations, checking wash rooms and locker rooms,
and giving counsel on complaints and questions. Others did only
interviewing of the applicants, instructing them as to factory pro­
cedures, work clothing, safety rules, and assigning the work to which
they seemed best fitted, while a matron or forelady stayed in the fac­
tory, watching the locker rooms, checking the clothing of the women,
and so forth. Those called “foreladies” usually had nothing to do
with the selection and hiring of the women, but checked quite closely
on their efficiency and progress on the job, watched their conduct in



the plant, and saw that safety-clothing measures were observed.
Usually those with some background in factory work were selected as
“foreladies,” as having a better understanding of the problems that
It was considered advisable to have women acting in these capacities
because the factory women found it easier to bring their problems
to a woman than to a man. Then, too, a woman would understand
better than a man the extent to which shop morale and harmony can
be bolstered by small service-facility appointments and working con­
ditions on the job that may mean a great deal to a woman getting
an introduction to plant life, possibly for the first time.
A minimum age limit of 18 years was most common, with no max­
imum except in the case of two plants where maximums were set at 45
and 55 years. One arsenal had an 18-year minimum for women on
“classified labor” but would take those of 16 years for work as “shop
girl” or “machine operator trainee” providing the employment of 16year-old girls was not in conflict with law.
Marital Status.
Marital status of the women was reported as immaterial in all
but one of the plants, and this plant was intending to rescind its ban
on married women. It was just as common to hire married women
as those single. In one plant 70 percent were married; in another 50
percent to 60 percent.
Medical Examinations and Medical Facilities.
Most modern industrial establishments in this country have taken
pride in developing model medical facilities for caring for their work­
ers, and more and more emphasis is being given to the importance of
preemployment physical examinations in selecting workers. All
plants covered in this survey had medical departments for first-aid
treatment and preemployment physical examinations. Most of the
examinations were quite rigid, one firm even requiring that new
employees be vaccinated against smallpox. The more elaborate of
medical departments had a surgery for emergency operations, exam­
ination rooms, treatment rooms for various types of injuries and
treatment, X-ray and dark-room equipment, laboratories, and wards
for patients who could not be moved for a matter of hours or a day
or two. The arsenals had post hospitals with a staff of Army doctors
and nurses, and first-aid stations out in the factory buildings.
Education and Experience.
Tire Government arsenals had to select their workers from Federal
Civil Service registers, and a “mechanic-learner” register usually was
set up for women seeking factory employment. Two arsenals required
a mechanical-aptitude test but had no education or experience re­
quirements for mechanic learners, and one did not require a mechan­
ical-aptitude test but asked for 8 years of grammar school or 3 months
of any kind of manual work. In the fourth arsenal three different
registers were set, up for women: One for “shop girls,” requiring
elementary schooling and 3 months of manual wora or 2 years of
vocational or high school with no written examination; a second for



“classified laborer” requiring four grades of schooling and 6 months of
manual work with no written examination; and a third for “machineoperator trainee” requiring 250 hours in a VEND 7 course or some
vocational school but no written examination.
There were no specific education requirements for employment in
the four private plants covered, but it was an advantage to have as
good an educational background as possible. Three did not require
experience but preference generally was given to those with shop
experience because they were accustomed to factory environment and
shop practices. The fourth plant required factory experience in re­
lated types of work or completion of a defense training course in ma­
chine shop or inspection.
Only two of the plants required a standard work uniform, the first
a two-piece blue uniform with a visor cap to match that could be
purchased at a local store for $3.50, and the other a white smock
uniform provided by the company. A third plant was planning to
require the women to wear a standard uniform. The remaining plants
generally required low-heeled closed-toe shoes, slacks or coveralls of
the worker’s choice, and a head covering of hair net, cap, or bandanna.
Slacks were not always specified, but instead any clothing that was not
loose around the sleeves or waist. Goggles, eye-shields, and respira­
tors usually were provided where needed.
A problem almost always raised was the great difficulty in getting
women to wear a head covering, or to get them to wear the head cover­
ing properly instead of on the back of the head with the front hair
exposed or in a loose-fitting fashion with hair hanging out all around.
Even in plants where there had been serious accidents due to women
getting their hair caught in high-speed machinery, the women had
not taken heed and were careless in their hair dress. The only solution
to such a condition is a rigid enforcement of rules regarding hair
dress in the interest of plant safety, even to the point of discharging
those not conforming.
Food Service.
Providing adequate food-service facilities for a multitude of workers
in a large factory, perhaps composed of several buildings, has become
a pressing problem. With lunch periods limited to 10, 20, or 30 min­
utes the cafeterias or lunch wagons must be so located that the workers
can wash and be served in very few minutes, but this is often difficult.
Even where there is a cafeteria for serving hot food many workers
prefer bringing their own lunches to going some distance to the cafe­
teria and then having to stand in line. Lunch stands or cafeterias
should be so located as to be fairly convenient to all workers, or more
time should be allowed for lunch.
Six of the eight plants had cafeterias, and one of them had in addi­
tion sixteen food trucks serving those not having time to go to the
cafeteria. The trucks served a few hot dishes such as soup, beans,
and sphaghetti, as well as sandwiches, ice cream, and candy. Two of
the six plants had vending machines for cold drinks, candy, fruit,
and so forth. One of the remaining plants made no provision for serv­
7 Vocational Education for National Defence.



ing hot food but sent mobile canteens through the shops at noon
selling milk, sandwiches, small pies, candy, nuts. The workers were
allowed 10 to 20 minutes for lunch hut were supposed to eal at the job
if possible. The eighth plant had neither cafeteria nor canteen serv­
ice, but plans had just been approved for constructing food stands in
various shops where sandwiches, coffee, and some hot food would be
Training Within the Plant.
With the sudden increase in small-arms and cannon manufacture
necessitating the hiring of great numbers of unskilled workers with
little or no experience, the most workable procedure has been to give
them on-the-job training. Time has not allowed training people
as “all-round workers.” nor has that been necessary where the volume
of production has increased so that workers can be confined to a
single type or a few types of work. A new employee usually was
placed under the guidance and instruction of an experienced worker,
leadman, or foreman to observe an operation and gradually try to
do the work. In this way. on the majority of operations a fair
degree of proficiency could be attained in from half a day to two
weeks. If the use of calipers, micrometers, and gages and the read­
ing of blueprints were required these were taught right on the job.
Most plants visited followed this informal on-the-job method of
training, with no formal classroom instruction.
Two plants had formal programs of training for women within
the plant. One used the facilities of the men’s apprenticeship train­
ing school for an initial orientation program to acquaint the women
with shop atmosphere and teach them the fundamentals of machine
operating. The time spent in this school varied with the individual’s
aptitude and the demand for new workers in the various shops. The
trainees were paid for the time spent in school. The other plant re­
quired women to take preemployment training in a National defense
training school, and after finishing this 2-to-3 months’ course they
were-brought to the men's apprenticeship training school in the plant
and taught the specific task they were to do in the factory. ’
Supplementary or part-time training in the plant for women
already employed was uncommon, there being only one plant that
had classes in blueprint reading and use of precision measuring in­
struments for the men and women working as inspectors.
Preemployment and Supplementary Training Outside the Plant.
In most of the areas where plants were visited preemployment
training courses in machine-shop practice and inspection were'available for women in National defense training schools or regular voca­
tional schools. The training programs usually were set up to meet
the needs of ail plants in the area rather than the specific needs of
any one plant. Only one plant required women to have preemploy­
ment training, but two others frequently used training schools as’ a
source of women workers. One estimated that 50 percent of the
women it employed had had three months’ preliminary training.



The one plant requiring preemployment training for women ap­
plied this only to machine operators and not to assemblers, inspec­
tors, tool-crib attendants, and so forth. Very few women were ac­
tually employed at the time of (he visit, but over 100 were in train­
ing and hundreds more were to be trained. Length of training was
somewhat contingent on individual progress but the usual period was
two to three months. Two hours a day was spent in classroom work
and 6 hours on shop work, learning the operation and machine sett ing
on drill presses, milling machines, engine lathes, turret lathes, grind­
ers, shapers, and planers. The students were taught shop mathe­
matics, blueprint reading, use of micrometers, calipers, and gages,
tiling, burring, heat treating, and the sharpening and grinding of
Very little supplementary part-time training in schools outside
the plant was given to persons already employed, and any such
training was primarily for foremen, leadmen, and supervisors. One
plant was intending to arrange for supplementary training classes
for women in nearby defense training schools.
