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T o t a l D e m a n d , Credit
Demand, and Interest
Rates ............................
T h e U n i t e d States as
W orld B anker .............

Total Demand Credit Demand
and Interest Rates


a n d







it h





s t r o n g ly

s e r v ic e s

r o s e

B anking Markets for
Business Firms in the
St. Louis A r e a .............


e x p a n d e d

r o s e

d e m

u p w

t h e


o v e m

s u m m
r is e

A s


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r e s u lt ,
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a r k e t

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t h e

t h e

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t h a n

h a s

g o o d s
p a c e

p r ic e

le v e l

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s u p p ly ,

in t e r e s t


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k e e p

g e n e r a l

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a n d .

M o r e o v e r ,

c o r r e s p o n d in g ly
c o n t in u e d

t h e

s h a r p ly ,

e x p a n d in g
f u r t h e r .

f o r

t h r o u g h


h a v e

c a u s in g


r a t e s .

G o v e r n m
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1 9 6 6

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1 9 6 6

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a v e r a g e d
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1 9 6 6 .

J u n e

f r o m

1 9 6 5

A u g u s t .

E x p a n d in g T o ta l D em a n d
T o t a l
d u r i n g

Volume 48


Number 9

P. O. Box 442, St. Louis, Mo. 63166

r e n t
T h i s

d o lla r
t h e

p a s t

p r ic e s
r a t e

o f
f r o m

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1 9 6 4 ,
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in c r e a s e
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1 9 5 7

h e n

p e r
t o

a n d

n a t io n a l

p e r

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4 .5

g o o d s

G r o s s

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in c r e a s e

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it h

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1 9 6 0

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1 9 6 0

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4 .9
1 9 5 3


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1 9 5 7 ,

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a v e r a g e
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q u a r t e r s .

a v a i l ­

r a t e s

r e s p e c t iv e ly .

o f

Income and spending rose sharply in July following
even stronger gains in June. Personal income ex­
panded at a 7 per cent annual rate from May to
July, up sharply from the pace which prevailed in
the spring. Retail sales, a portion of total spending,
jumped markedly in June and expanded at a 9 per
cent annual rate from April to July.
Real product has risen less rapidly than total de­
mand and, as a result, prices have continued to move
up. Wholesale prices jumped sharply in July, follow­
ing relative stability from February to June. Varia­
tions in the rate of increase of wholesale prices over
the past year have largely reflected shifts in agricul­
tural prices. However, these shifts since the fall of
1965 have occurred against the background of a strong
upward movement in prices of industrial commodities.
After rising about 1.5 per cent in the year ending in
November 1965, the rate of increase has since been
about twice as rapid. Consumer prices have risen at
a 3.7 per cent annual rate since last November com­
pared with 1.8 per cent in the preceding twelve
R atio S ca le

R a tio S cale

ogy on wage negotiations and price determination.
Through “guidelines,” the Administration has sought
to influence wage settlements and pricing decisions
in the United States and, thereby, to control inflation.1
As the economy’s use of resources has neared
capacity, there has been a moderation in the rate at
which the productive process could obtain additional
resources. Employment, which rose 3.5 per cent dur­
ing 1965, has this year risen at a 1.5 per cent annual
rate. Similarly, nonfarm payroll employment, which
rose 5.3 per cent in the year ending in March, has
since expanded at a 4.0 per cent annual rate.
Although total output (including that of the agri­
cultural sector and service industries) has been ex­
panding less rapidly this year than last, industrial
output has continued to rise markedly. Industrial pro­
duction, a measure of the physical output of mines,
factories, and utilities, has risen at a 9 per cent rate
since February compared with a 6 per cent rate of
growth during the last five years as a whole. Indus­
trial output, however, has risen more slowly than the
14 per cent rate of the six months prior to February.
C o n tin u in g D e m a n d f o r L o a n F u n d s

The demand for loan funds continued very strong
through the summer. The great demand for loan
funds is largely a by-product of the strong total de­
mand situation. As business firms and consumers have
made decisions to build plant and equipment, accu­
mulate inventories, and buy goods and services, there
has been an accompanying expansion in the demand
for credit. This expansion in the demand for credit
has had an impact on the continuous process by which
funds are channeled from those who incur a surplus
by spending less than their income to those who run
a deficit by spending more than their income. Be­
cause demands for loan funds have grown more
rapidly than supplies, market interest rates have risen.
Latest d a ta plotted: July p re lim inary

Source: U.S. D epartm ent of Labor

The rise in prices, according to one view, reflects
the pull of rapidly expanding total demand against a
lesser rate of expansion in the supply of goods and
services. In terms of this view, public policy to limit
inflation needs to operate through exercising a restric­
tive effect on total demand by such measures as a
restrictive Federal budget (fiscal policy) or by mone­
tary actions. A different view is that unions and man­
agement, by an exercise of market power, have
increased prices. According to this view, policy pre­
scriptions to control inflation involve convincing those
who wield power to exercise restraint and otherwise
seeking to moderate the effect of inflation psychol­
Page 2

The act of financial saving is engaged in by a
variety of decision-making units and takes numerous
forms. There are many “small” savers, those who
typically abstain from spending all of their current
income and who place a portion of it in banks, savings
and loan associations, mutual savings banks, insurance
companies, etc. There are a number of “big” savers
such as corporations and governments who, for tem­
porary periods, accumulate funds. These big savers
typically place their funds in CD’s, commercial paper,
lr T h e U n it e d K i n g d o m h a s a d o p t e d a s im ila r f o r m o f in f la t io n
c o n t r o l u n d e r its c o m p r e h e n s iv e “ In c o m e s P o li c y . ”
In th a t
c o u n t r y , w h e r e f is c a l a n d m o n e t a r y p o lic ie s h a v e b e e n e x p a n ­
s iv e s in c e 1 9 6 3 , in f la t io n h a s p e r s is t e d f o r a lo n g e r p e r io d t h a n
in th e U n it e d S ta te s.

Government securities, corporate securities, or other
money market instruments.
The demand for finance stems from those individ­
uals, business firms, and governments which seek to
spend in excess of their current incomes. To do so
they must create debt or convert their assets into
money. There is an ancillary demand for finance
stemming from financial institutions serving as inter­
mediaries between savers and investors. The demand
for such funds by intermediaries is derived from the
demand for funds by those spending in excess of their
current income.
As market interest rates rise, funds tend to be
attracted away from financial intermediaries or flow
in less volume through them if the rates they pay
lag behind market rates. Instead, funds find their
use through the open market or are lodged in real
investment by internal financing. In order to continue
to play their customary role, financial intermediaries
are impelled to increase the rates they pay to depos­
Many financial institutions, however, are constrained
by law or regulation from raising the rates they pay
above certain maxima. For example, in recent months
many market interest rates have risen above the max­
imum which banks are legally permitted to pay. This
change in rate relationships has been a factor in the
reduced growth of large certificates of deposit and of
total time deposits at commercial banks. Large cer­
tificates of deposit of major banks have risen at a 3
per cent annual rate since May compared with a
13 per cent increase during the past year and a 32
per cent increase in the preceding year. Total time
and savings deposits at commercial banks have risen
at a 7 per cent rate since May compared with a 12
per cent increase in the past year and a 16 per cent
increase in the preceding year.

credit rating must be evaluated by specialists, to ob­
tain funds. Viewed from the perspective of the small
saver, limitations on rates paid by intermediaries and
a decline in the role of intermediaries tend to reduce
the interest rates which he can effectively receive.
On the other hand, those with sufficient funds to
permit them to accommodate large borrowers in the
open market are enabled to receive higher interest
Interest rates have risen especially sharply since
late spring and early summer. The rise has occurred
throughout the maturity structure and has been man­
ifested in both market and administered rates. In the
short-term area of the market, the yield on threemonth Treasury bills increased from about a 4.60 per
cent level in April and May to 5.07 per cent in the
week ending September 2; rates on prime commercial
paper (4- to 6-month) rose from 5.40 per cent to 5.88
per cent; and rates on prime bankers’ acceptances
rose from 5.10 per cent to 5.75 per cent. Rates which
banks pay on large denomination certificates of de­
posit also rose during the period. The yield on such
certificates in the secondary market, a market deter­
mined rate whose movements frequently presage
movements in rates posted by commercial banks, rose
from 5.25 per cent in April to 5.75 per cent in the
week ending September 2. In turn, the prime rate,
the rate of interest which banks charge to borrowers
with unquestioned credit standing, rose from 5.5 per
cent to 6 per cent.
Yields on intermediate- and long-term Government
bonds and other long-term securities have moved up
Yields on



Per C e n t

Per C e n t

Interest rates charged by banks have increased as
part of the general rise of interest rates. Banks and
other financial intermediaries have been forced to
increase the interest rates they pay in order to main­
tain their role in the flow of saving into investment.
Limiting rates which financial institutions may pay
for funds induces a shift of financial flows toward the
open market and diminishes the role of intermedi­
aries as middlemen between savers and investors.
Such a development may have an adverse impact on
small borrowers and small savers. Funds tend to be
allocated to those who find it practical to borrow in
the open market—
such as large corporations, munici­
palities, and the Federal Government. It becomes
increasingly difficult for the small borrower, whose


M o n t h l y a v e r a g e s o f d a i l y f ig u r e s .


M o n t h l y a v e r a g e s o f T h u r s d a y f ig u r e s .
L a t e s t d a t a p lo t t e d : A u g u s t
S o u r c e s : B o a r d o f G o v e r n o r s o f th e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y s t e m
a n d M o o d y ’s In v e s t o r s S e r v i c e

Page 3

sharply since June. Yields on intermediate-term U. S.
Government bonds rose from 5.00 per cent in June to
5.63 per cent in the week ending September 9. Over
this same period, yields on long-term U. S. Govern­
ment bonds rose from 4.65 per cent to 4.76 per cent.
Yields on corporate bonds (Aaa) rose from 4.95 per
cent in April to 5.52 per cent in early September.
The great demand for loan funds, and the resulting
higher interest rates, has been associated with a de­
cline in stock prices since early this year. After reach­
ing 92.55 (1941-43 = 10) in 1965 and 94.06 in early
February 1966, the Standard and Poor’s index of 500
common stocks has drifted downward. In the first
12 days of September average prices were 76.95, 18
per cent lower than the February high. Dividend
payments have continued strong thus far in 1966; and
the yield on common stock has risen from 3.02 per
cent in January to 3.75 per cent in the first 12 days
of September.
The rise in yields on equities may be associated
with the rising yields on long-term debt. Alternative
forms of investment tend to have similar yields, after
allowance for differences in risk, liquidity, expected
capital appreciation, and other considerations. As a
result, broad movements in interest rates may be
associated with corresponding movements in yields on
equities, though there have been prolonged periods
when yields on equities have moved differently from
yields on long-term debt. The stimulative fiscal situa­
tion has contributed to the rise in interest rates both
directly, in terms of the Government’s demand for
funds, and indirectly, through the stimulative effects
of the fiscal stance on total private demand. Thus,
the stimulative fiscal situation has probably contrib­
uted to the decline in prices of equities.

omy are increasingly difficult to evaluate. There has
been a view that bank credit can be created in the
sense that no prior act of saving is required. By com­
parison, funds lent by financial intermediaries, per se,
have, prior to intermediation, been deposited in the
intermediary. That is, there has been saving prior to
lending. In recent years the view that banks have a
distinctive character—
that is, that they are creators
of credit—
has lost ground, especially in the light of
the increased role of commercial banks as intermedi­
aries. In evaluating bank credit expansion it is neces­
sary to consider the extent to which shifts in bank
credit reflect changes in commercial bank interme­
diation and the extent to which they represent created
M o n e ta ry D e v e lo p m e n ts

The money supply continued to expand very rapidly
through late spring and early summer but declined
in July and August. The reserve base of the banking
system, after rising rapidly from late 1965 to last
spring, has subsequently decreased. There is a view
that changes in the pace of monetary expansion
affect total demand after some lag. To the extent
that this is the case, the rapid and prolonged monetary
expansion which appears to have abated after mid­
year may continue to stimulate total demand in the
immediate future.

M o n e y S u p p ly
A v e r a g e s of D a i l y F igu re s
N o t S e a s o n a lly Adjusted

B illion s of Do l l a r s

E x p a n d in g C o m m e rc ia l B a n k C re d it

Commercial banks have continued to expand their
loans in response to strong demands for credit. Total
loans have continued to rise at a rate of about 14 per
cent a year. Business loans have risen 18 per cent
during the past year and at a 25 per cent annual rate
in the past three months. In order to accommodate
strong loan demands of businesses, banks have made
adjustments in their portfolios. The rate of increase
of consumer and real estate loans has moderated in
recent months, while total bank holdings of securities
have fallen. There has been little change in the rate
of expansion in total bank credit, which has grown
rather steadily during the past year at a rate of about
9 per cent per annum.
Implications of bank credit expansion for the econ­
Page 4

Latest data plotted: August preliminary

Bi l l i ons of Dol l ar s

P r i v a t e ly H e ld D e m a n d D e p o s i t s
A v e r a g e s of D a i l y F igu re s
N ot S e a s o n a lly Adjusted

Bi l l i ons of D o l l a r s

Bi lli ons of Do l l a r s

August. The actual money stock not adjusted for
seasonal variation has remained fairly stable since
spring. Typically, money begins moving strongly up­
ward after May. In the last three months the season­
ally adjusted money stock decreased at a 3 per cent
The decline in seasonally adjusted money has cen­
tered in demand deposits; currency has risen mod­
erately. Actual demand deposits not adjusted for
seasonal movements were about unchanged after May.
Typically, demand deposits rise during this period.
Declines in privately held demand deposits at com­
mercial banks can reflect shifts into Government
deposits at commercial banks (not included in money
as usually defined) or, for temporary periods, into time
deposits. Private demand deposits may also decline
along with a reduction in the commercial banking
system’s holdings of earning assets.

Total reserves of member banks have shown a net
decline in the last three months, after rising at about a
7 per cent annual rate from late 1965 to late spring.
Reserves available to support private demand de­
posits, the major component of the money stock, have
fallen at about an 8 per cent annual rate in the last
three months, after increasing from mid-1965 to the
spring of 1966 at a 6 per cent annual rate. Demand
deposits are the component of the nation’s money
supply most amenable to central bank control.

Shifts of U. S. Government deposits at commercial
banks help explain some of the movements in money
since April. From April to July, U. S. Government
demand deposits rose substantially more than season­
ally; this rise may account in some degree for the
slowing in money growth during the April-to-July
period. After July, however, U. S. Government de­
mand deposits moved seasonally downward, but pri­
vate accounts have not increased.

U.S. G o v e rn m e n t D e m a n d Deposits
at Commercial Banks
A v e r a g e s of D a i l y F i g u r e s

The decline in the banking system’s reserve base
reflects chiefly increases in such factors absorbing re­
serves as currency held by the public and Treasury
deposits with Federal Reserve Banks and a decrease
in the gold stock. Also, the Federal Reserve System
supplied fewer reserves through net purchases of Gov­
ernment securities. Member banks have obtained few
additional reserves by borrowing from the Federal
Reserve in recent months. Member bank borrowing
from Reserve banks has fluctuated around the $750
million level since the end of May.
The money supply, privately held demand deposits
plus currency, after increasing about 6 per cent dur­
ing the year ending in June, declined in July and

Latest data plotted: August preliminary

Page 5

T h e U n ite d States as W orld B a n k er
In tro d u c tio n

W i d e s p r e a d ATTENTION has been directed
toward the international payments system and the
status of the dollar for the past several years. It has
been almost universally accepted that the United
States payments position has been in disequilibrium,
with published deficit figures and U. S. gold losses as
the main evidence. As a result of this “disequilibrium”
the viability of the present international payments
system has been questioned, and many reforms have
been suggested. This article presents some represen­
tative views on the U. S. balance of payments which
have divergent implications for the world payments
system and U. S. economic policy.
One method of accounting for a nation’s interna­
tional trading and financial transactions is a balanceof-payments statement, a set of accounts which re­
cords the totality of payments to, and receipts from,
foreigners for a given period. Table I and Chart 1
present a condensed summary of the U. S. balanceof-payments accounts for the period 1958 through
1965. Further perspective can be obtained by exam­
ining changes in a nation’s international balance sheet.
This statement shows, at a given time, a nation’s
claims and liabilities vis-a-vis the rest of the world.
Ta b le I

(B illio n s o f d o lla rs )
E x p e n d itu r e s
G oods a n d services
C a p ita l:

R e c e ip ts
$ 2 2 2 .9

G oods a n d services


9 .4

4 .5

L iq u id -o ffic ia l


C ha n g e in reserve
S u b to ta l
Errors a nd om issions

$ 4 0.6
$ 2 6 9 .0

S u b to ta l
Errors a n d om issions

9 .4
$ 27.0
$ 2 6 9 .0

Since both sets of accounts are only neutral account­
ing statements, historical examination and analytical
interpretation is required to judge whether a nation’s
international economic and financial experience has
been proceeding in a “sustainable” manner. Tradi­
Page 6

C hart 1

U .S. B a l a n c e o f P a y m e n t s




196 1

- 1965






♦ In c lu d e s u n ila te r a l tra n sfe rs.
S o u rc e : U.S. D e p a r t m e n t o f C o m m e r c e
L a te s t d a t a p lo tte d : 1965

Viewed from the balance sheet standpoint, the
United States since 1957 has increased its international
net worth by about $19 billion. United States claims
against the world have risen $53 billion, foreign claims
against the United States have risen only $25 billion
(Table II and Chart 2), and the U. S. gold stock has
declined $9 billion. This increase in net claims against
the rest of the world indicates growing financial

7 .3

L iq u id -o th e r

G o ve rn m e n t

C a p ita l:
N o n liq u id assets

tionally, the U. S. balance-of-payments accounts have
been arranged to show changes in the nation’s liquid­
ity, the relation between official reserve assets (gold,
convertible currencies, and automatic IM F drawing
rights) and short-term dollar liabilities to foreigners.
Since 1957 this position for the United States has
deteriorated an average of $3 billion per year.

Whether to view the deterioration of the liquidity,
or the increase of the net creditor, position of the
United States as the best indicator of its international
financial standing is debatable. By the criterion of
“sustainability,” either view might be acceptable. Since
the expansion of foreign official dollar holdings has
been a main source of the increase in world monetary
reserves since 1957 (Chart 3), an evaluation of the
appropriateness or sustainability of past and future
U. S. payments deficits must consider the attitudes
of foreign monetary authorities regarding the distri-

T a b le II

(B illio n s o f d o lla rs )
F o r e ig n - H e ld C la im s
o n t h e U . S.

U . S .- O w n e d F o r e ig n A s s e ts
P riv a te ly o w n e d :

$ 3 3 .7

$ 7 2.5






Sh o rt-te rm



$ 24.9



$ 32 .4

$ 57.8





$10 7 .9




$ 1 2 1 .7

U. S. g o ld stock

U. S. p riv a te
lo n g -te rm
o b lig a tio n s
U. S. liq u id
lia b ilitie s to
fo re ig n e rs

U. S. G o ve rn m e n t:

S u b to ta l



S u b to ta l
U. S. net w orth




Roosa2 argues that traditional views on balance-ofpayments adjustment focussed attention on trade in
goods and services, assuming that appropriate mone­
tary policies would assure control over capital move­
ments. But given present day conditions—a reluctance
or inability to manipulate prices, wages, and incomes
in the advanced countries, fragmented and cartelized
capital markets abroad, and the large, uncontrolled,
diverse U. S. market—
the view that capital flows are a
passive balancing item is unrealistic. Rather, U. S.
capital outflows have been a means whereby the in­
ternational economy has acquired needed dollar hold­

$ 12 1 .7

C hart

U .S. I n t e r n a t i o n a l


B ala n ce


1957 - 1965
1 E n d of year.
2 Estim ated by the F ed eral R eserve Bank of St. Louis.

bution, composition, and overall growth of world re­
D iv e r g e n t V ie w s o f th e U .S . B a la n c e

B i ll i o n s o f D o l l a r s

B illio n s

o f D o lla r s



of P a ym e n ts

According to a traditional view of the U. S. balanceof-payments problem, the net outflow of capital and
Government aid should have been offset by improve­
ment in the balance on goods and services. Two ex­
ponents of this view are Lutz and Roepke .1 Given
exchange rates and the magnitude of private capital
and Government expenditures abroad, the existence
of a deficit indicates that monetary policy has been
too lax. Monetary “overpressure” causes imports to
be too large, exports too small, and perpetuates the
capital outflows. The policy implication is drawn that
the United States has been derelict in not following
restrictive monetary policies which would have re­
stored balance by reducing U. S. price and income
levels relative to other countries.
An alternative line of thought takes account of
some important aspects of current world financial in­
stitutions which make present circumstances unique.
Given the organization of world money and capital
markets, the patterns of international savings and
credit demands, and the role of the dollar as a world
currency, this school of thought argues that the tra­
ditional views on balance-of-payments equilibrium are
a See W ilh e lm
R o e p k e , “ T h e D o l l a r S e e n f r o m Na­n e
tional Review, M a r c h 8 , 1 9 6 5 ; a n d F r i e d r i c h A . L u t z ,
n a l P o lic ie s C o m p a t ib le w it h E x t e r n a l E q u ilib r iu m
E x c h a n g e R a t e s International Payments Problems, A
Sym ­
p o siu m
Sp o n so re d
b y
T he
A m e r ic a n
E n te r p r is e
W a s h in g t o n , D . C ., S e p te m b e r 2 3 a n d 2 4 , 1 9 6 5 .



i :— - r



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^ In c lu d e s U.S. g o ld stock.
So urce: U.S. D e p a rtm e n t o f C o m m e r c e
L ate st d a t a p lo tte d :

1965 e s t im a t e d b y F e d e r a l R e se rv e B a n k o f St. L o uis

Despres, Kindleberger, and Salant3 emphasize the
role of financial intermediation performed by the
United States for the rest of the world. With differ­
ences between U. S. and foreign liquidity preferences
(the desire to hold financial assets in short-term form
and liabilities in long-term form), a trade in financial
assets arises, with the United States purchasing long­
term foreign liabilities and foreigners holding short­
term dollar assets. This phenomenon technically in­
creases the U. S. deficit, measured by the liquidity
approach, but these authors’ views would imply that
short-term dollar holdings are capital imports and
should not be included in a deficit measure.
An important point is at issue: A significant part of
U. S. reported capital outflows may not represent an
2 R o b e r t V . R o o s a , L e c t u r e , “ T h e P la c e o f M o n e t a r y P o lic y in
t h e U n i t e d S t a t e sT he Balance Betw een Monetary Policy
and Other Instruments of Econom ic Policy in a M odern So­
v a ,ciety, W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . : P e r J a c o b s s o n F o u n d a t i o n , 1 9 6 5 ,
“ I n p p .r ­ 4 2 - 4 3 .
a t S t a b le
3 E m ile D e s p r e s , C h a r le s P . K in d le b e r g e r , a n d W a lt e r S . S a la n t,
L iq u id it y — A
M i n o r i tThe V i e w , ”
I n“s T iht u t e ,D o l l a r a n d W o r l d
t e
Economist, F e b r u a r y 5 , 1 9 6 6 , p . 5 2 6 .
Page 7

C hart

B illio n s

W o rld

o f U .S . D o l l a r s


M o n etary


B i ll i o n s o f U .S . D o l l a r s

E ffe c ts o f N a t io n a l P re fe re n c e s w i t h
R e sp e ct to th e F o r m


W h ic h

R e se rves A r e H e ld

If private foreigners do not wish to hold short-term
dollars to the extent that they come into existence, the
dollars will flow into the hands of foreign monetary
authorities. To what extent these dollars will be held
as reserves and to what extent converted into gold is
an important question. The reserves of a country
which converts into gold will be the same in either
case, but global reserves will decrease to the extent
that gold is purchased.
Since the main source of growth in world liquidity
during the last decade has been additional dollar
holdings (See Chart 3)5 and little progress has been
made toward changing this aspect of the world pay­
ments system, it is of great interest to inquire whether
the combined effects of separate national policies re­
garding the form in which reserves are held are in
the general interest.
S o u r c e : IM F

intended real capital transfer but may arise out of the
fulfillment of a worldwide financial intermediation
function by the United States. Similarly, if increasing
foreign private dollar holdings are also the product
of international financial intermediation, these liabili­
ties may be considered a capital movement and not
as increasing the deficit.
A simplified view of this intermediation process is
as follows: If long-term capital markets in other coun­
tries function so that funds are not available at prices
or in quantities comparable to the U. S. market, for­
eign borrowers will seek long-term finance in the
United States. The proceeds of these borrowings can
be easily converted, under the present international
monetary system, into domestic currency. If a foreign
demand for liquid dollars holdings offsets the long­
term capital outflow, then the U. S. net investment
position is unaffected except for a diminution of
liquidity as conventionally measured. No pressure on
exchange rates will occur, other things equal, and in
the borrowing country additional spending of the bor­
rowed funds is offset by savings in the form of short­
term dollar holdings. On the other hand, if the de­
mand for short-term dollar holdings and the demand
for long-term borrowing in the United States does
not balance within each foreign country, then these
conclusions regarding exchange rates and savingsinvestment equality may not hold .4

Whatever the form in which international reserves
are held, there is a presumption that, under normal
conditions, the overall total of reserves should in­
crease at a reasonably stable, appropriate rate. Ob­
viously, there are differences of opinion among nations
as to what constitutes an appropriate rate. But one
of the difficulties of assuring growth of reserves, under
the present world monetary system, is that some offi­
cial holders of reserves discriminate between gold
and other types (mainly dollars) of reserves. As noted,
shifting the composition of a nation’s reserve holdings
from reserve currencies to gold cannot affect the ac­
cumulation of reserves by a particular country, but it
does reduce the world supply of reserves. It is ques­
tionable whether the international financial system
benefits from these actions of surplus nations which
shrink world reserves. Rather, steps might be taken
toward real adjustment of international payments im­
balances by altering comparative international prices
and incomes and relaxing restraints on trade and
capital transactions.

id le f o r e ig n c u r r e n c y b a la n c e s , t h e n in v e s t m e n t w ill o u t r u n
s a v in g s in th e b o r r o w in g c o u n t r y , g e n e r a t in g h ig h e r le v e ls o f
in c o m e w h ic h m i g h t le a d to h ig h e r im p o r t s o r in v e s t m e n t
a b r o a d b y t h e b o r r o w in g c o u n t r y . I n t h is c a s e , e x c h a n g e ra te
e ffe c ts w o u ld n o t b e n e u t r a l. A g a i n , f o r e ig n s t a b iliz a t io n p o li ­
c ie s m a y r e s is t h ig h e r le v e ls o f lo c a l in v e s t m e n t f in a n c e d b y
b o r r o w in g a b r o a d , r e g a r d le s s o f w h e t h e r f in a n c e d b y s a v in g s
o r m o b iliz a t io n o f id le b a la n c e s .

5 T o th e
re se rve s
4M a n y
o t h e r c o n s i d e r a t i o n s m a y q u a l i f y t h e v a l i d i t y m f r kt e e a b
in t e r m e d ia t io n p r o c e s s p r e s e n te d h e re .
I f f o r e i g n s h o r t - t reer im n
d o l l a r h o l d i n g s a r e a c q u i r e d n o t w i t h c u r r e n t s a v i n g s b u tr ews e tr h e s .
i v
Page 8

e x te n t
in n o n
U .
o ffic ia l

t h a t f o r e ig n m o n e t a r y a u th o r itie s h o ld d o lla r
- U . S . f in a n c ia l in s t it u t io n s a n d c e r t a in n o n S . G o v e r n m e n t o b lig a t io n s , t h is m e a s u r e
d o lla r h o ld in g s u n d e r sta te s w o r ld
m o n e tary

B a n k in g M arkets for B u sin ess F irm s
in th e St. L ouis A rea
for several reasons. First, the structure of banking
markets affects bank performance. Since commercial
banks provide much of the nation’s money supply,
accumulate a large portion of its savings, and finance
a sizable proportion of its business transactions, the
efficiency of their performance is important to the
nation’s economic well-being. Second, banking is a
regulated industry, and changes in the market struc­
ture through entry of new banks, opening of branches,
or consolidations of existing banks require the approv­
al of one or more regulatory agencies. Studies of
banking markets are necessary for agencies to make
decisions promoting financial efficiency and the public
interest. Further, commercial bank management is
vitally interested in banking market studies as an aid
in decision making relative to operating efficiency,
expansion into new areas, and provision of additional
bank services.
This article presents the results of a survey of non­
bank business firms in the St. Louis Metropolitan
Area .1 The survey was designed to obtain information
on the establishment and maintenance of banking con­
nections by business firms and business use of bank
products and services.

Banking Structure
The banking structure of the St. Louis area, reflect­
ing legal requirements, consists primarily of indepen­
dent unit banks. Exceptions to unit banking are a bank
holding company which controls six banks in the area
and some two-bank and three-bank groups which are
controlled through common stock ownership.

There were 138 commercial banks in the St. Louis
SMSA with aggregate deposits of $4.6 billion at the
end of 1965. Most of these banks were relatively
small, with 100 banks (72 per cent) each having less
than $25 million of deposits (Table I). There were
only a few large banks in the area. The largest had
deposits of nearly $1 billion, and the three largest
banks combined held about 41 per cent of total bank
deposits in the SMSA.
T a b le I

St. Louis Metropolitan Area
December 31, 1965
D eposits p er Bank

(M illio n s o f d o lla rs)

U n d e r 25



25 - 4 9.9


9 1 3 .7

50 - 99.9



1 0 0 - 249.9


5 35 .0

250 a nd over




4 .6 1 9 .7

Bank Selection by Business Firms
Large firms in the St. Louis area do business pri­
marily with the large banks (Table II). Ninety per
cent of the responding firms with net worth of $1
million and above had as their principal bank one of
Ta b le II

Firm S ize (N e t W o rth )

D eposits p er Bank

i T h e M a y 1 9 6 6 D u n a n d B r a d Rt r e e t
s eference Book w a s u s e d
t o o b t a i n a l i s t o f a l l f i r m s w i t h a S t . L o u i s o r E a s t S t(M illio nus i o f dolla rs)
. Lo
a d d re ss.
T h e s e f i r m s a c c o u n t f o r a b o u t 9 0 p e r c e n t250o a n da olver
f i r m s i n t h e S t . L o u i s S t a n d a r d M e t r o p o l i t a n S t a t i s t i c a1 l0 0 A 2r4e9a
( S M S A ) . F r o m t h i s l i s t a r a n d o m s a m p l e w a s s e l e c t e d o5f0 - 9 0
p e r c e n t o f t h o s e f ir m s w it h n e t w o r t h o f $ 1 m i lli o n a n d
3 5 -4 9
a b o v e , e x c lu d in g th o se h e a d q u a r te r e d o u tsid e th e a re a .
p e r c e n t o f t h e f i r m s w i t h n e t w o r t h o f l e s s t h a n $ 1 m 5i -l 3i4 n
l o
w a s s e l e c t e d , a g a i n e x c l u d i n g b r a n c h e s a n d s u b s i d i a r i e s U n doeu t25
of r o f - t o w n f ir m s .
T h e s a m p l e i n c l u d e d 2 3 l a r g e f i r m s a n dT o ta l1
s m a l le r f ir m s .
U s a b le r e s p o n s e s w e r e r e c e iv e d f r o m 2 2 la r g e
f ir m s a n d 6 7 s m a l le r fir m s .
i D etail m ay not add

T ota l D eposits

N u m b e r o f Banks

(M illio n s o f dolla rs)

$ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0
$ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
a n d O v e r $ 9 9 9 ,9 9 9

$ 5 0 ,0 0 0
$ 1 9 9 ,9 9 9

$ 1 0 ,0 0 0
$ 4 9 ,99 9

$ 2 ,0 00
$ 9,9 99

(Per cent o f firm s)



































to to tal due to rounding.

Page 9

the three largest banks in the city. Firms with net
worth between $200,000 and $1 million also tended to
prefer large banks. Sixty-three per cent of the firms
in this size group had one of the three largest banks
as their principal bank.
Firms with net worth of less than $200,000 are mo­
tivated by considerations other than bank size in
selecting their principal bank. About two-thirds of the
firms in each of the three size groups under $200,000
had as their principal bank one with deposits under
$50 million. Convenience is apparently the primary
consideration in selection of the principal bank, with
nearness to place of business the factor most often
mentioned (Table III). Banking hours, drive-in win­
dows, quick service, and parking facilities were also
mentioned. In addition to convenience factors, fre­
quent reasons given by small firms for choosing or
preferring a certain bank included personal consid­
erations, credit policies of the bank, services offered,
and habit.
T a b le III


Table IV
Firm Size (N e t W o rth )
D istance
(M iles)

$ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
a nd O v e r

$ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0
$ 99 9 ,9 9 9

$ 5 0,0 00
$ 1 9 9 ,9 9 9

$1 0 ,0 0 0
$49 ,99 9

$ 2 ,0 00
$ 9,999

(Per ce nt o f firm s)
U nder 1






1 - 2.9






3 -4 .9






5 -9 .9






1 0 - 14.9






15 a nd o v e r






are coin and currency, which require personal trips to
the bank .2 In contrast, large firms, which are generally
in manufacturing or wholesale trade, bank primarily
by check, and banking by check can be handled by
mail at a minimum cost. Furthermore, if banking in­
volves a personal trip, the cost is insignificant relative
to income. Small firms which make deposits or with­
drawals of cash daily may find, however, that the time
involved in banking at greater distances is excessive
in relation to income.

Per C ent o f Firms M e n tio n in g Reason1
Large Firms
(N e t W o rth
o v e r $1,0 00 ,0 0 0 )

S m aller Firms
(N et W o rth
$ 2,000-$ 1,000,000)

Size o f b a n k



C re d it p o licie s



Personal c o n sid e ra tio n s


O u t-o f-a re a source o f fu n d s



C onvenience



H a b it



S u rv iv in g b a n k u po n m e rg e r



Services o ffe re d



R ecom m endation o f frie n d
o r associate



M e rg e r o f p re vio u s ban k



Bank o f a pred e ce ssor firm



N o t la rg e s t b a n k



Errors o f p re vio u s ban k



One-third of the large-firm respondents reported
out-of-city banking connections. Most out-of-city banks
used were large eastern banks, but included were
banks in Nashville, Memphis, Chicago, and California.
In addition to those already using out-of-city banks,
three large firms are presently considering the use of
out-of-city banks.

O u ts id e d o w n to w n a re a
N o reasons





1 Some firms mentioned several reasons for choosing a bank.

Nearly one-fourth of the large firms reported that
their principal bank was the nearest bank to their
place of business. In the case of the small firms, 42
per cent selected the nearest bank. In addition, of
those small firms that do business at more than one
bank and whose principal bank is not the nearest
bank, 43 per cent have as their secondary bank the
nearest bank. The average distance from the business
to its principal bank was 5.7 miles for the large firms
and 2.9 miles for the small firms. Nearly three-fourths
of the small firms banked within three miles of their
place of business (Table IV). A large portion of depos­
its and withdrawals by small firms, often retail oriented,
Page 10

Number of Banks Used
The number of banks used by business firms varies
with the size of firm. More than two-thirds of the
large firms had multi-bank checking accounts, whereas
only 23 per cent of the firms with net worth under $1
million maintained checking accounts at more than
one bank (Table V). Of the very small firms, those
with net worth between $2,000 and $ 10,000, only 12
per cent maintained multi-bank checking accounts.
Ta b le V

C h e c k in g A ccounts

N u m b e r o f Banks Used
b y Each Firm

Per C ent o f
S m a lle r

Per C en t o f
S m a lle r






























M o re th a n 5






2B a se d


in t e r v ie w s w it h

lo c a l b a n k e r s .

About one-third of the large firms maintained checking
accounts at three banks, and one-fourth had accounts
at four or more banks.
Eighty-six per cent of the large firms had bank loans
outstanding during the past year, and of these firms
one-half had loans at two or more banks. The amount
outstanding to this class of firms averaged over $3
million. By comparison, 60 per cent of the small firms
responding to the survey had bank loans outstanding
during the past year. Of the small firms with bank
loans, about four-fifths had loans from a single bank,
while only one had loans at as many as three banks
during the past year. The average outstanding loan to
firms with net worth of less than $1 million was

large firms had done business with their principal
bank for over 50 years, and three-fourths of the large
firms had been with their principal bank for 15 years
or more (Table VII).
Ta b le V II

Firm Size (N e t W o rth )
Years w ith
P rincip a l Bank

$ 1,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
a nd O v e r

$ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0
$ 9 9 9 ,9 9 9

$ 50,0 00
$ 1 9 9 ,9 9 9

$ 1 0 ,0 0 0
$ 4 9 ,9 9 9

$ 2 ,0 0 0
$9,9 99


(Per cent o f firm s)
U nder 5





5 -9 .9











1 0 - 1 4 .9

Nonbank credit is used by fewer firms in the St.
Louis area than bank credit. Only 32 per cent of the
large firms and 25 per cent of the smaller firms ob­
tained loans from nonbank financial institutions dur­
ing the past five years. By comparison, 86 per cent of
the large firms and 60 per cent of the smaller firms had
bank loans outstanding sometime during the past
year (Table VI).
Ta b le VI

Firm Size (N e t W o rth )
Source o f
C re d it

$ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
and O ver

$ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0
$ 9 9 9 ,9 9 9

$ 5 0,0 00
$ 1 9 9 ,9 9 9

$ 1 0 ,0 0 0
$ 49 ,99 9

$ 2 ,0 00
$9,9 99




(Per cent o f firm s)
C om m e rcial banks
S avings a n d loan












Finance com panies






O the rs






N o loans o u ts ta n d in g






Insurance co m pa n ies

1 5 - 19.9






20 - 49.9






50 a nd o ver






The smaller firms had done business with their
principal bank an average of 15 years and with their
secondary bank 16 years. About one-half of these firms
had been with their principal bank for less than five
years, and one-third of the firms with net worth under
$200,000 had been with their principal bank for less
than ten years. Part of this difference between large
and small firms probably reflects differences in age of
firms rather than in tendency to change banks.

Knowledge of Interest Rates and Loan Policies at
Other Than Principal Banks
Only about one-half of all firms responding attempt
to keep informed of interest rates and loan policies at
banks other than the banks they are presently using
(Table VIII). Proportionally, about as many small
firms (except those with net worth under $ 10,000) as
large firms keep informed. Of those who do keep in­
formed, the most common means is through direct con­
tact with banks, although business acquaintances were

iP e r cen t of firms obtaining credit from com m ercial banks during past
year or from other institutions during past five years.

The average size of loans from nonbank financial
institutions, however, was greater than from banks.
Large firms which used nonbank credit had loans out­
standing at these institutions averaging over $12 mil­
lion per firm during the past year compared with $3
million of bank loans outstanding. For the smaller
firms, loans from nonbank sources averaged $94,000,
and from commercial banks, $34,000.

T a b le V III

Firm Size (N e t W o rth )
$ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
and O ver

$ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0
$ 9 9 9 ,9 9 9

$ 5 0 ,0 00
$ 1 9 9 ,9 9 9

$ 1 0 ,0 0 0
$49 ,99 9

$2,0 00
$9,9 99

(Per cent o f firm s)

The survey indicated that firms seldom change
banks. The large firms had done business with their
principal bank an average of 26 years and with their
secondary bank for 20 years. About 18 per cent of the






N o t in fo rm e d

Bank Loyalty

In fo rm e d










D ire ct contact





Business acqu a intan ce s






Personal frie n d s






P e rio d icals






N o answ er


S o u rc e o f
in f o r m a t i o n

Page 11

mentioned frequently. Few business firms obtained
information regarding interest rates or loan policies
from advertisements.

p li c a t i o n s

o f

S t u d y

The study indicates that there are various markets
for bank products and services for business firms in
the St. Louis area. One market is limited primarily to
large banks and large business firms. The banking
market for small firms is more fragmented in that it
really comprises numerous small markets.
The market area for the banking business of large
firms extends throughout the central United States and
much of the nation. As indicated earlier, three large
banks are the principal St. Louis banking participants
in this market. They are the principal banks for ninetenths of the large firms in the St. Louis area.
Competition by banks for deposits and loans of large
firms in St. Louis may be quite intense, despite the
small number of St. Louis banks which participate in
this business. These banks must compete with other
large banks in neighboring SMSA’s and throughout
the nation for the banking business of large firms, since
many such firms do a portion of their banking in other
cities. Although these firms seldom change their prin­
cipal banking connections, they apparently are not re­
luctant to open new accounts. This willingness to shift
portions of accounts to other banks in St. Louis and to
large banks in other cities provides the incentive for
current banking connections to offer products and ser­
vices at a minimum price.
On the other hand, the relevant bank market for
the accounts of small firms is relatively small, both
in area and in number of bank participants. The im­

portance of convenience in banking for small firms
suggests the possibility of more limited competition by
neighborhood banks for such accounts. Instead of one
large area-wide market for these accounts, the study
suggests that there are a large number of small mar­
kets within which only a few banks compete. The
number of banks in the City of St. Louis and St. Louis
County averages about one for each nine square miles.
The ratio of banks to land area averages one to 12
square miles in St. Louis County and one to 50 square
miles in outlying areas of the St. Louis SMSA. These
smaller ratios, coupled with the fact that 72 per cent
of the firms with net worth of $2,000 to $50,000 bank
less than three miles from the firm’s location, points to
the possibility of relatively restricted alternative bank­
ing facilities for many small business firms. Unit banks
in outlying neighborhoods thus may enjoy a substan­
tial advantage with nearby small business firms.
In unit-banking metropolitan areas the question of
bank competition for business accounts may thus turn
not so much on the concentration of resources in a few
banks as on whether more than one or two banks are
effectively competing for the business of small firms
and households in the neighborhood shopping centers
and sub-areas of the SMSA’s. Furthermore, the num­
ber of large banks may not be an important competi­
tive factor. Actual and potential competition from
large banks in other metropolitan areas helps to assure
competitive pricing for the banking needs of large
firms. Each SMSA, however, needs some large banks,
and such large banks with well-trained specialists in
all major lines of banking activity can be more com­
petitive in the regional and national markets.
C l if t o n
W il l ia m

B. L u t t r e l l
E. P e t t i g r e w

] W L K M A ILIN G S of this bank’s REVIEW for classroom use will be
made monthly during the school year to teachers requesting this service.
Requests shoidd be directed to: Research Department, Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis, P. O. Box 442, St. Louis, Missouri 63166.

Page 12