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Monetary Developments
Changes in the Velocity of
Money, 1951— 1962
Check Payments
at the Ten Largest Cities
of the Eighth District


Monetary Developments
Business Background
S IN C E JANUARY of this year there has been a
marked improvement in production, employment, and
incomes. The increase has been widespread, but has
been especially marked in automobile production. The
gains have more than offset a decline in steel output.
Two years ago (May 1960) business activity was at
a peak. For the following nine months, until February
1961, activity slowed progressively, but the contraction
was less severe than during the previous two recessions
(see chart on industrial production). Business activity
Pre-Re cession

Industrial Production




M a y '6 2 estim ated


M a y '6 0 -M



July’5 3 -A u g .’57 Cycle


/Z /


f A u g .'57-M ay '6 0 Cycle

■1 11 i i-i 1 i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i - L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1
tro u g h
M onths
Months a fte r Trough
before Trough
Peak and trough months w ere selected by N a tio n a l Bureau o f Economic Research.



expanded from February last year to May of this year,
but less rapidly than in the two earlier upswings. The
net increase in activity over the last two years has
been about the same as took place from peak to fifteen
months following trough in each of the two previous
cycles.1 Price developments during the past two years
have been similar to those during the comparable
phases of the earlier cycles.
Unemployed resources at the present time prob­
ably are greater than at similar stages of the two
* W hile substantial comparability exists between the most recent
business cycles, it admittedly is imperfect; each cycle contains dis­
tinctive elements. For example, the I960 peak in business activity
probably was lower, relative to output capacity, than the two
previous cycle peaks.

Page 2

previous business expansions. Capacity utilization for
production of major materials was estimated to be 81
per cent during April, compared with approximately
87 per cent and 92 per cent at the similar stages of the
1957-59 and 1953-55 cycles. Unemployment as a por­
tion of the civilian labor force amounted to 5.4 per
cent in May 1962. This may be compared with rates
of 5.1 per cent and 4.2 per cent in the comparable
stages of the 1957-59 and 1953-55 cycles, respectively.

Summary of Monetary Developments
Since the beginning of the year, member bank re­
serves and the money supply have changed little on
balance. During the same period commercial bank
credit and time deposits in commercial banks have
been rising at relatively rapid rates. Excess reserves
of member banks have declined somewhat since the
beginning of the year. Member bank borrowings at
Reserve Banks have remained at low levels, an unusual
development for this stage of the cycle. Although in­
terest rates normally rise during periods of business
expansion, in recent months yields on Treasury bills
have been about unchanged and rates on most other
marketable securities have drifted downward.
Over the two years since the May 1960 peak of
business activity, the money supply of the nation has
increased at an annual rate of about 2 per cent, ap­
proximately the same rate as in the two previous
cycles. During the same period bank reserves, bank
credit, and time deposits have risen at comparatively
sharp rates. Excess reserves rose during the recession
and have remained relatively high during the busi­
ness recovery and expansion. Borrowings of mem­
ber banks from Reserve Banks declined in the reces­
sion and have generally remained below $100 mil­
lion during the recovery and expansion, in contrast to
marked rises in the two earlier periods of business
expansion. Interest rates have remained relatively
stable over the past two years following a decline
associated with the 1960 economic downturn. In the
past, rates usually have declined during recessions,
then have risen during economic expansions.

Member Bank Reserves
Changes in bank reserves are important because
they affect the volume of bank credit and the money
supply. In the last several months, from around the
turn of the year to early May, total member bank
reserves and monetary reserves,2 seasonally adjusted,
were about unchanged.
Over the past 24 months, from the May 1960 peak
in business activity to May 1962, monetary reserves
grew at an annual rate of 4.1 per cent. During the
comparable periods of the two previous business cycles
(peak to fifteenth month after the trough) monetary
reserves increased at lesser rates. In these earlier
periods there were decreases in the rates of growth
beginning about six months after the troughs (see
chart). The growth in bank reserves since May 1960
has resulted primarily from net System purchases of
United States Government securities and from changes
in regulations which permitted banks to count vault
cash as reserves. An outflow of gold partially offset
the expansive effect of these System actions on bank
P re -R e c e ssio n

M o n e ta ry Reserves*

Ju ly '53-A u g .'57 Cycle

M ay'62 estim ated


^ 4


M a y ’6 0 -M a y '6 2



A u g .’5 7 -M a y <iO C ycle

-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I L L
Months a fte r Trough
b efo re Trough
Peak an d trough months w ere selected by N a tio n a l Bureau of Economic Research.

Judged by monetary reserves and the money supply,
monetary conditions have shifted repeatedly during
the course of the recent recession, recovery, and ex­
pansion. During the recession, in the last half of 1960
and early 1961, monetary reserves and money rose at
relatively rapid rates. In the early recovery period,
spring and summer 1961, reserves and money changed
only slightly. During the last four or five months of
1961 reserves and money again rose rapidly, but since
the turn of the year they have changed little.
Time deposits in commercial banks increased at an
annual rate of 20 per cent from December 1961 to
May, slightly more than the 16 per cent rate of in­
crease for the entire period since the May 1960 peak.
In the corresponding 1957-59 and 1953-55 periods
(peak to fifteen months following trough) the annual
rates of growth were 10 per cent and 7 per cent,
respectively (see chart). The rapid rate of growth

b e fo re Trough

M o n e y Su p p ly

P re-Recession
110 r

Time Deposits

M o n th * a fte r Trough

♦Total m em b er b an k reserve*, adjusted for reserve re q u ire m e n t changes,
less reserves b eh in d Treasury deposits.
Peak an d tro u g h months w ere selected by N a tio n a l B ureau of Economic Research.

M oney Supply
During the period from the second half of December
1961 to early May the money supply ( demand deposits
adjusted plus currency outside banks) increased at an
annual rate of about 1 per cent. Over the longer inter­
val from May 1960 to May of this year the money
supply expanded at an annual rate slightly in excess
of 2 per cent. This rate of increase was about the same
as in the two previous business cycles (see chart).
2 Monetary reserves are defined as total member bank reserves less
reserves behind Treasury deposits.

Months after Trough
b efo re Trough
P eak an d trough months w ere selected by N a tio n a l Bureau of Economic Research.

in time deposits since last fall has been unusual; after
about six months of recovery in the two previous
cycles there was a slackening in the rate of time de­
posit expansion. The relatively high interest rates curPage 3

rently being paid on time deposits compared with
market interest rates may have stimulated the recent
time deposit growth.
The money supply plus time deposits increased at
an annual rate of about 7 per cent from May 1960 to
M o n e y Supply plus Time Deposits
P re-Recession
Business P e a k - 1 0 0

Seasonally Adjusted
M a y ’6 2 estim ated


iu\y'53.Auq.‘57 Cycle



. . y
M ay'

jA u g .’S Z -M a y’bO Cycle



1 t 1 1 1 11 I 1

I I 11 1!! 1 ! ! ! ; ! ! : 1
! . . : .............................
Months afte r Trough
befo re Trough
Peak and trough month months w ere selected by N atio n al Bureau of Economic Research.

May 1962. Total bank credit, changes in which are
usually about the same as changes in money supply
plus time deposits, increased at an annual rate of 8
per cent during the same 24 months. The largest ex­
pansion was in bank investments, but loans also rose
markedly. Both the money supply plus time deposits
and total bank credit increased more rapidly during
the decline and the first fifteen months of recovery of
the current business cycle than during the correspond­
ing periods of the two previous cycles. The greater
increases during the current cycle reflect both more
rapid expansion in member bank reserves and the
sharp increase in time deposits, which require fewer
reserves than demand deposits.

Excess Reserves and Borrowings
Monthly average excess reserves increased during
each of the past three recessions. Shortly after the
August 1954 and April 1958 troughs of business ac­
tivity, excess reserves declined to approximately their
former levels. By comparison, during the 1961-62
recovery average excess reserves have remained above
the pre-recession level.
The behavior of interest rates during the recent
period may provide a partial explanation for the con­
tinuing high level of excess reserves. During a reces­
sion short-term interest rates generally decline and,
as a result, the alternative cost of holding excess re­
serves is reduced. Following the two previous troughs
Page 4

in business activity, short-term interest rates rose
markedly, increasing the alternative cost of holding
excess reserves. Since the February 1961 trough, how­
ever, interest rates have remained unusually steady.
Consequently, the alternative cost of holding excess
reserves has not risen as much in this recovery as in
former recoveries.
There was a moderate decline in excess reserves
early this year. Many banks began paying higher rates
on time deposits at about this time. With the rise in
costs banks may feel they have an added incentive to
utilize their assets more efficiently. Some banks re­
duced their excess reserves, increased their holdings
of municipal securities and real estate mortgages, and
lengthened the average maturity of their portfolios
of Government securities in order to increase gross
Member bank borrowings from Reserve Banks de­
clined markedly during each of the three most recent
recessions. Borrowings rose sharply during the two
previous business expansions, averaging $990 million
fifteen months after the trough. In contrast, borrow­
ings have remained at a nominal level throughout the
current recovery.
Banks have several means of adjusting to short-run
fluctuations in their reserve positions. Borrowing from
Reserve Banks and purchases and sales of short-term
Government securities are two important methods.
The choice between these alternatives appears to be
influenced to a great extent by the relationship of
short-term rates to the discount rate. Since mid-1960
the discount rate has been at 3 per cent and the threemonth Treasury bill rate has moved within a 2.25-2.75
per cent range. Consequently, banks have been mak­
ing most of their short-run adjustments in the money
market rather than through borrowing from Reserve
Banks. During both of the two preceding upswings in
business activity the Treasury bill rate increased to
levels approximating or surpassing the discount rate
and borrowings from Reserve Banks expanded.
Excess reserves have remained relatively high and
borrowings relatively low during the current cycle for
a variety of reasons, as discussed above. Consequently,
the arithmetic difference between them (excess re­
serves less borrowings), often referred to as “free
reserves,” has been substantially larger and more
stable during the current business expansion than
during similar phases of the two previous cycles.
3 See pages 4 and 5 of the May 1962 issue of this Review.

Excess Reserves, Borrowings and Interest Rates
Billions of D ollars

Billions of D ollars



Per Cent

Per Cent




° '~ V 9 5 3









Latest d ata plotted: M a y prelim inary

Interest Rates
Monetary conditions, to the extent that they are
measured in the level or movement of interest rates,
have been singularly stable during the past two
years. In recent months short-term interest rates have
changed only slightly while long-term interest rates
have moved somewhat lower. Since the decline in
interest rates associated with the decline in business
activity in mid-1960, however, interest rates have
been relatively steady. During the two previous bus­
iness cycles interest rates declined markedly during
the recessions and rose sharply during economic
Interest rates reflect numerous factors affecting the
supply and demand for funds. On the supply side,
bank credit and personal saving have expanded at a

rapid pace in the past two years. Debt-management
activities of the Government have contributed to
stability of rates. The outflow of funds from the
country helped place upward pressure on short-term
rates during the recession. However, the biggest
difference with regard to rates between the current
and the two previous cycles may have been in the
behavior of the demand for funds. The 1960-61 reces­
sion was relatively mild, and the demand for credit
probably did not decrease as much as in the two
previous recessions; the 1961-62 rise in economic activ­
ity was slower and the demand for funds appears not
to have expanded as rapidly as in previous business
Continued on page 15

Page 5

_/\.RTICLES in the October 1961 and March 1962
issues of this Review examined changes in the quan­
tity of money since the beginning of 1951. This ar­
ticle is a tentative and exploratory analysis of the
changes in the rate of turnover of the money supply
over the same period. No definitive conclusions are
reached, and the tentative analysis does not neces­
sarily reflect the opinion of this bank or of the Fed­
eral Reserve System.
There is a considerable body of theory and opin­
ion which suggests that the money supply1 can be
managed in such a way as to moderate cyclical move­
ments in economic activity and thereby contribute to
stable growth in the economy. However, some ob­
servers argue that changes in the money supply can
be, and typically are, offset by perverse shifts in the
rate at which the public spends its money balances,
commonly referred to as the “velocity” of money.2 If
the supply of money is increased, total spending may
be unchanged. The public may simply increase the
amount of money it holds relative to its income (thus,
velocity declines). If the money supply grows at a
lesser rate or is permitted to fall, the public may
make a more efficient use of the diminished supply
(velocity increases).
This article points out a few of the major factors
that may affect the velocity or “turnover” of money.
It also examines historical movements in velocity,
with chief emphasis on experience during the period
from 1951 to early 1962. An attempt is made to gain
insight into the extent to which changes in velocity
have offset, dampened, or supplemented changes in
the money supply.
1 The measure of the money supply used in this article is a com­
mon one, demand deposits adjusted plus currency outside of banks.
Other measures of money may include such highly liquid assets as
time deposits.
2 See, e.g., Warren L. Smith, "O n the Effectiveness of Monetary
Policy,” American Economic Review, Sept. 1956, pp. 588-606.
For another interpretation, in which changes in velocity are in­
terpreted as serving to moderate the otherwise "harsh” effects of
monetary actions, see L. S. Ritter, "Income Velocity and AntiInflationary Monetary Policy,” American Economic Review,
March 1959, pp. 120-129.

Page 6

There are two commonly used measures of velocity:
“transactions velocity” and “income velocity.” Trans­
actions velocity is the ratio of total spending during
some period of time to the average amount of money
held during that period.3 Income velocity is the ratio
of total expenditures on current output, or gross na­
tional product, during a period to the money stock
during that period.
This article discusses movements in income velocity
because, by definition, it is the connecting link be­
tween changes in money and changes in spending on
current output, two variables of prime concern. This
measure has certain defects, however. Government
deposits are not included in the money supply as
usually defined, but Government expenditures are
included in gross national product.

Influences on the Demand for Money
The economy of the United States is made up of
nearly 5 million businesses and more than 50 million
households. These units are motivated by a wide
range of forces which vary from unit to unit and over
time. In order to understand better the functioning
of the economic system several theories have been de­
veloped which attempt to describe how the economy
works. None of the theories completely explains the
behavior of the economy, but several of them con­
tribute insight into its performance. For example, it
is meaningful at times to view an expansion in total
activity as resulting from adaptations of the economy
when intended investment exceeds planned savings;
intended investment may be increased by either a
decline in interest rates or a rise in the marginal
efficiency of capital.
3 Because data on total spending are not available, transactions
velocity is estimated by dividing checks and other debits to de­
mand deposit accounts by the average balances in these accounts.
See, George Garvey, Debits and Clearings Statistics and Their
Use, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1959, and
Deposit Velocity and Its Significance, Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, 1959.

Other ways of viewing changes in total activity
concentrate on the financial side of the economy. One
such view focuses attention on the role of money. This
theory is developed briefly in the following paragraphs.
The analysis which follows builds on this framework.
Turnover of money occurs when a holder exchanges
money for some other item or service. In an effort to
understand turnover, or velocity, one might study the
reasons why people spend. Another approach to the
analysis of velocity involves inquiring why holders of
money have not spent it.4 These approaches are com­
plementary. The decision to spend may be viewed,
alternatively, as a decision not to hold money. Hence,
those factors which serve to increase spending may be
viewed, alternatively, as serving to reduce the desire
for holding money.
Money (hand-to-hand currency and demand de­
posits) is useless in itself, but can be exchanged readi­
ly for things urgently needed or desired. Why then
is there some $140 billion being held by businesses
and individuals of the country? One answer is that
the volume of money outstanding is determined (with­
in fairly narrow limits) by the monetary authorities.
And, regardless of how rapidly each individual spends
his balances, all the amount in existence at any given
time is being “held,” either by the spender or by the
seller. Although some money is held because owners
have just received it and have not had time to spend
it, most is not passed on as quickly as technically
There are a number of sound motives for holding
money.5 A major reason is to be in a position to buy
and sell between periods when receipts are expected.
Wage and salary earners must make their funds last
from one payday to the next, or live frugally near the
end of the period. Similarly, businesses need cash
balances to survive periods when planned expendi­
tures exceed expected receipts.
Money is useful to meet financial emergencies.
There are many uncertainties in the movements of
funds, and it seems that misfortunes tend to be
bunched. In the course of operating a business, antic­
ipated receipts may fail to materialize and unexpect­
ed outlays may arise. Even if insolvency is avoided
4 A, C. Pigou, "T he Value of Money,” Readings in Monetary
Theory, Richard D. Irwin, Homewood, Illinois, 1951, pp. 162-183.
5 For an excellent discussion of the motives for holding money, see
Albert Gailord Hart, Money, Debt, and Economic Activity, Third
Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1961, pp. 230-244.

at such times great inconvenience, expense, annoy­
ance, or loss of financial respectability may result.
Ample money balances serve to cushion the ill effects
of such events. On the other hand, availability of
credit at a reasonable cost or large holdings of near
monies (assets which readily can be exchanged for
money) reduce the amount of funds needed to pro­
vide for a margin of safety.
In addition, some people gain positive satisfaction
from holding a portion of their assets in money. A
large balance in a checking account or a cache of cur­
rency may provide a feeling of security or prestige; or,
the owner may not know of a more expedient way of
keeping his wealth. Also, cash is frequently held in
anticipation of price declines. That is, households and
firms may hold cash temporarily even though they are
actively interested in owning such items as securities,
real estate, inventories, productive equipment, or for­
eign exchange.
In short, it seems reasonable to suggest that at any
one time there is a fairly definite range of cash bal­
ances that conforms to the needs or desires of each
household and business firm in the economic system.
Over time the range of desired balances may change
as incomes, tastes, interest rates, prices, liquid assets,
economic conditions, and other factors change. For
example, a rise in yields on highly liquid assets in­
creases the alternative cost of holding money balances,
thereby tending to reduce the amount of idle cash
If desired cash balances exceed the amount of funds
available, the theory states that spending units in at­
tempting to build up balances reduce outlays. Satis­
faction of one spending unit’s desire to hold money is
at the expense of another; the second, in turn, may
take similar action to rebuild his balances. Thus, a
paradox emerges: individuals attempt to build up their
money balances to fit their income streams; in aggre­
gate, however, the total income stream is reduced to
fit the existing money stock.
This explanation of the economy does not imply
that all or even most changes in activity are the re­
sult of changes in the money supply. As outlined
above, there are numerous forces that can influence
the demand for, and hence, the velocity of money.
For example, in 1955 there was a marked increase in
automobile sales. This increase in sales might be
viewed as resulting from changes in consumer tastes,
an enthusiastic model acceptance, bouyant economic
Page 7

conditions, easier credit terms and effective advertis­
ing. Within a monetary framework these same de­
velopments may be viewed in terms of a reduced
demand for money. Any development which de­
creases the demand for money relative to other goods
causes velocity to rise, and vice versa.
Increases or decreases in the supply of money may
cause changes in velocity. Indeed, a rapid change in
the money supply may not even have an immediate
impact on actual money balances as viewed by the
public. The cash balance from the point of view
of the public may not be the actual balance at the
moment. Because most spending units have frequent
and uneven receipts and expenditures, their money
holdings usually fluctuate over a range. Hence, spend­
ing units may not realize that their actual holdings
have changed until the new range is confirmed by an
accumulation of experience. Such confirmation lags
may cause a delay between changes in the money
supply and the effects of such changes on spending

The Historical Record
Secular Movements in Velocity
During the period from 1946 to 1962, income velo­
city rose 91 per cent and transactions velocity rose 95
per cent (see Chart 1). The financing of World War
II had created a huge volume of money and of hold­
ings of liquid Government securities. Reflecting the
abnormally high degree of liquidity in the economy,
the velocity of money was unusually low at the end
of the War. Following the War, however, the desire
for money holdings appears to have declined. Be­
cause the public had postponed spending during both
the Great Depression and the War, goods and serv­
ices were eagerly sought, but sufficient goods were
not immediately available. In addition, fears of ar
expected postwar recession were gradually replaced
by confidence resulting from burgeoning prosperity
The abatement of these fears tended to cause a decline
in the attractiveness of money balances relative tc
goods and services.

Page 8

J >

I L#

To illustrate the point, if the money supply is ex­
Other factors which probably have contributed sig­
panded rapidly, an initial impact may be a decline in
to the postwar decline in the demand foi
measured velocity, resulting from about the same rate
money, and, hence, to the rise in velocity, include s
of expenditures but an increased stock of money. The
rise in interest rates, a growth in liquid asset holding;
rise in money will have been occasioned by voluntary
of the public, growing confidence in the viability oJ
transactions between the public and the banking sys­
the economy, and expectations regarding inflation. A
tem. The public will have exchanged financial assets
(e.g. Government securities, promissory notes) for
decision to hold money instead of other liquid assets
has grown increasingly costly, providing an incentive
deposits at commercial banks. This act itself repre­
sents at least an initial willing­
Chart 1
ness on the part of the public to
The Velocity of M oney
hold additional quantities of
Annual Rates of Turnover
money. Later, as spending and A nnual Rates of Turnover
-----------investing plans of the initial
T ransactions Ve ocity
transactors are implemented, ad­ 40.0
ditional spending units begin to
feel the impact of the increase
Incom e Velocity
a '
in the money stock. As the
\\ \%
change in the money stock is 30.0
confirmed in the mind of the
public, a discrepancy may de­
velop between its actual and its
/ ■ ' v
desired money balance. In order
for individuals and firms to re­
> r
duce their balances, they ex­
change them for securities, 10.0
goods, and services.
♦ A v e r a g e o f th e fir s t fiv e m o n th s o f 1962.

to reduce cash balances. Chart 2 presents annual aver­
ages of yields on 3-month Treasury bills. Yields on
Chart 2

Yields on 3-Month Treasury Bills

Despite the upward trend in velocity during the
past seventeen years, velocity of money is no higher
now than during most of the period of the late nine­
teenth and early twentieth centuries. The turnover
of money declined markedly during the depression
of the 1930's, when uncertainty was prevalent. Ve­
locity remained low during World War II with the
large expansion of money coupled with severe restric­
tions on consumer spending for goods (see Chart 1).

Cyclical M ovements in Velocity






• A v e r a g e o f the first fiv e m onths o f 1962.

Treasury bills increased from 0.38 per cent in 1946 to
2.72 per cent in the first quarter of 1962. In addition,
interest rates and dividend payments on savings by
thrift institutions were revised upward during the
The volume of liquid assets other than money rose
substantially in the postwar period. Short-term Gov­
ernment securities6 held by the nonbank public rose
from $20.8 billion in 1946 to $40.3 billion in early 1962.
Over the same period savings and loan shares rose
from $8.0 billion to $71.5 billion, and deposits in mu­
tual savings banks increased from $19.4 billion to
$39.2 billion. Relative to GNP these three types of
liquid assets combined rose from 23 per cent in 1946
to 28 per cent in early 1962. With greater quantities
of liquid assets which perform some of the functions
of money, the desire to hold cash balances may have
In the postwar period institutions have been de­
veloped which make it easier to economize cash bal­
ances. For example, there has been a revival of com­
mercial paper and bankers’ acceptance markets, pro­
viding holders of temporarily idle cash balances an in­
creased opportunity to utilize funds for short periods.
Along this same line, there has been a growth in short­
term loans to dealers. In addition, the movement of
funds has been accelerated by the widespread use of
airmail and by wire transfer. Corporate treasurers
have probably become more adept at forecasting their
daily cash requirements; as a result, idle balances
have become less essential to meet unexpected with­
6 Includes all marketable securities maturing within one year (ad­
justed to include partially tax-exempt securities twelve months
prior to first call date) and, prior to 1956, nonmarketable Treas­
ury savings notes with maturities up to 24 months; figures in­
clude holdings of insurance companies, brokers and dealers, State
and local Governments, nonbank corporate pension funds, non­
profit institutions, foreign accounts, and individuals.

The period since the beginning of 1951 covers four
business expansions and three contractions. The pe­
riods of expansion in business activity were from early
1951 to the summer of 1953, the third quarter of 1954
to the late summer of 1957, from the spring of 1958
to the spring of 1960, and from early 1961 to the
present. Expenditures for goods and services rose
markedly in each of these periods, rising at annual
rates of 7 per cent, 8 per cent, 8 per cent, and 10 per
cent, respectively.
Prior to each of the periods when business activity
turned up, the money supply had been rising for
several months at more than double the 1951-61
average annual rate (2.1 per cent). In 1954, money
rose at an annual rate of 4.8 per cent for five months
preceding the trough; in 1958 money rose at an an­
nual rate of 4.7 per cent for about four months prior
to the upswing in activity; and in 1961 money rose at
an annual rate of 4.5 per cent for about four months
before the pickup in business. Despite the smaller
volume of cash transactions, such factors as relatively
low interest rates and uncertainties about the future
course of the economy may have contributed to a
further increase in desired balances during the pe­
riods just preceding the trough in business activity.
Immediately prior to the upswings in business in
1954 and 1958, the velocity of money changed little.
During each of these periods the money stock was
increasing at advanced rates. The velocity of money
declined during the period immediately prior to the
1961 recovery. During this period it may be that,
initially, the public had not fully recognized the ex­
tent to which its balances had been altered; there­
fore, some time was required before adjustments
could be completed.
In the early stages of each of the four recoveries in
business activity since 1951, the money supply con­
tinued to rise at relatively rapid rates. Moreover, with­
in a short time the public's conception of its money
balances may have more fully incorporated the earlier
Page 9

C hart

Money Supply, Gross National Product,
A n n u a l R ates of C h a n g e


S e m i- M o n t h ly D a t a , S e a s o n a l l y A d j u s t e d
T h r e e - P e r io d M o v in g A v e r a g e s , w e ig h t e d l - 2 - l

A n n u a l R ates of C h a n ge




Periods of No Marked or Sustained Change in the Money Supply
Represented by Bars on Charts
Period Changes at Annual Rates
2nd half Dec. ’50
1st half July ’51
1st half July ’51
1st half Feb. ’52
. . , +7.9
1st half Feb. ’52
1st half June ’53
1st half Apr. ’54
1st half June ’53
1st half Apr. ’54 2nd half Feb. ’55 ... .
2nd half Feb. ’55 2nd half Dec. ' 5 6
+ 1.3
2nd half Dec. ’56 2nd half Aug. ' 5 7 ... .
+ 0.1
2nd half Aug. ’57 2nd half Jan. ’58 . . .
— 2.6
2nd half Jan. ’58
1st half Dec. ’5 8 ___ . . . +4.7
1st half Dec. ’58
1st half July ’59 .
+ 3.4
1st half July ’59 2nd half June ’60
— 3.1
2nd half June '60 2nd half Mar. ’61 .
. . , +2.5
2nd half Mar. ’61 2nd half Aug. ’61
— 0.3
2nd half Aug. ’61
2nd half Dec. ’61
2nd half Dec. ’61
1st half May ’62
A ve ra g e Annual Rate of Increase 1951 -1961 +2.1

divided into a number of time periods.


periods represent intervals in which no marked
and sustained change was observed in the rate
of change of the money supply.

The rather

wide short-run fluctuations in rates of change
in money make the determination of these pe­
riods somewhat arbitrary.

It is believed, how­

ever, that most analysts would arrive at sub­
stantially similar periods.

The average annual


and Income Velocity, 1951-1962
R a tes of C h a n g e

R ates of C h a n g e

Q u a r t e r ly D a ta , S e a s o n a lly A d ju st e d

---------------------- 4


-4 _i_I_I_!_i_i_1_i_L_



J__ I__ I__ I__ I__ I__ I__ 1.4

R ates of C h a n g e














R ates of C h a n g e

Q u a r t e r ly D ata, S e a s o n a lly A d ju ste d

--------------------- 4







rate of change for each period is shown by bars
superimposed on the line chart and in the ac­
companying table.
Rates of change of the money supply may at
times be usefully described in terms of trends
rather than of discontinuous levels. The anal­

periods of business recession: Prerecession
Peaks: second quarter 1953, third quarter 1957,
second quarter I960; Recession Troughs: third

ysis here presented is not meant to preclude

quarter 1954, second quarter 1958, first quarter

such a view.

1961. National Bureau of Economic Research

However, in the interest of sim­

plicity, the analysis has been confined to the
use of plateaus of rates of change.

reference dates are used.

increases. There may have been some decline in the
demand for money balances, further decreasing the
public’s desired balances relative to its actual posi­
tion. With greater confidence in the economic out­
look, individuals and businesses found goods, serv­
ices, and securities more attractive. In most of these
periods interest rates rose markedly, raising the al­
ternative cost of holding cash balances. Stock prices
generally rose, adding to the feeling of wealth and
liquidity of investors.
With the money supply rising at a relatively rapid
rate and desired balances apparently declining, spend­
ing generally rose sharply in the first few quarters of
each recovery. Thus, in the early stages of the 1954
and 1958 recoveries, after a short lag, rapid increases
in money were accompanied by increases in velocity,
not by declines. The early stage of the 1961 recovery
presents a somewhat different picture. The money
stock was approximately unchanged from late March
1961 to late August. Spending continued to rise dur­
ing this period, suggesting that desired balances of the
public continued to be less than actual cash balances.
The rise in spending coupled with a stable money
stock resulted in an increase in measured velocity.
During the expansion phase of the 1951-53, 1954-57
and 1958-60 cycles, the money supply rose, but at suc­
cessively lower rates (see charts). The direction and
rate of movement in desired cash balances during
these periods are not clear, however. On the one hand,
some factors tended to make the holding of cash bal­
ances less attractive. Confidence was strong during
these periods of rising activity, and with production
approaching capacity there were some increases in
prices. The volume of the nonbank public’s holdings
of short-term Government securities, a close substitute
for money, rose markedly.
On the other hand, as business activity continued to
rise, it seems reasonable to assume that there was an
increase in the demand for cash balances for trans­
actions purposes. In any case, as the growth in the
money supply slowed, the increases in spending were
at somewhat reduced rates (see Chart 3), suggesting
that the margins between actual and desired balances
had narrowed. Despite the slower rates of increase
in spending, velocity continued to rise in these periods.
During the final few months of each of the expan­
sion periods the money supply was virtually unchanged
or declined. Just prior to the 1953 peak in general
business activity, the rate of increase in money de­
clined sharply. Prior to the 1957 downturn the money
stock had been virtually unchanged for eight months.
Page 12

As suggested above, there may have been some lag
before the public recognized and responded to these
shifts in its cash position. The money supply had de­
clined 3 per cent during the year prior to the 1960
peak in activity, providing the most striking instance
in which increases in velocity matched, for an ex­
tended time, the declines in money.
Even though indications are that desired cash bal­
ances did not expand markedly in these late expan­
sionary periods, there probably was an increase in
the demand for money for transactions purposes.
At some point desired cash balances exceeded actual
balances and expenditures declined. Spending de­
creased more rapidly than the money supply. Hence,
the velocity of money, which had been rising, declined.
Three recessions in economic activity have occurred
during the period since 1951 (see the shaded areas
of Chart 3). The periods of recession were from
the summer of 1953 to the third quarter of 1954, from
the late summer of 1957 to the spring of 1958, and
from about mid-1960 to early 1961. There were de­
clines in spending for goods and services at annual
rates of 3 per cent, 7 per cent, and 1.5 per cent, re­
In the early recession periods actual cash balances
were virtually stable or were declining. Desired cash
balances probably rose in response to uncertainties
and lower alternative costs of holding cash (interest
rates declined). With an unchanged or a declining
money stock, and with desires for cash apparently ris­
ing, the public sought to build up its balances by re­
ducing its outlays for goods, services, and earning as­
sets. The declines in spending were even greater than
the declines in the stock of money in most early re­
cessions. Reflecting these developments, the velocity
of money declined.
Within a few months following the beginning of
each of the recessions, the money supply began in­
creasing at relatively rapid rates (see Chart 3). How­
ever, spending continued to decrease for a time. In
part this may have reflected a lag in holders’ recogni­
tion of their greater cash balances, and in part it may
have reflected still greater demands for cash balances.
One factor that may have caused an increased demand
for money was that short-term Government securities
held by the nonbank public declined during each of
the three recessions. The velocity of money declined
in these periods. However, after a few months both
total spending and velocity turned up, indicating that
actual cash balances exceeded desired balances.

Changes in the rate of turnover of money reflect a
combination of forces. In terms of the tentative frame­
work used in this article, changes in total expendi­
tures (or GNP) may be viewed as being determined
by the relationship between actual cash balances and
desired balances. Desired money balances, in turn,
appear to be influenced by numerous factors, includ­
ing incomes, tastes, interest rates, the volume of other
liquid assets, and the economic outlook. However, it
is only by inference and judgment that we can say
when and how much the demand for cash balances
has changed. Expenditures for current output (GNP)
are divided by the actual money supply in order to
calculate velocity. But, the actual money stock may
not be the immediately relevant variable for cash bal­
ances that influence spending decisions; for, there may
be a lag between changes in the actual money stock
and the recognition by the public that a change has
occurred in its cash balances. In addition, some time
may elapse before spending plans are formulated and
At the outset of this article the question was posed
whether movements in velocity tend to offset, dampen,
or supplement changes in the money supply. A re­
view of the past eleven years suggests that there has
been a tendency for a rapid change in money to be
matched temporarily by an opposite change in velo­
city. For example, rapid increases in the money sup­
ply during the late phases of the last three recessions
were accompanied for a short period by further de­
clines in velocity, but not by increases in the rate of
decline. These declines may have reflected continued
increases in the demand for money or lags in the
public’s adjustment to the expanded money stock.
The review of experience during the last three busi­
ness cycles also suggests that, when a change in the
rate of change of the money supply is marked and
sustained, it is not long until holders begin making
adjustments in their spending for goods, services, and
investments in an effort to reach their desired cash
balance levels. Within a few months after money
began expanding at a rapid rate in 1954, 1958 and
1961, spending and the velocity of money began rising.
The general pattern of movement in the velocity of
money seems to have been as follows: There appears
to have been a tendency for a large injection of money
to be accompanied initially by a further decline in
velocity. Later, as the public recognized the change
in its balances, a discrepancy emerged between its
actual and its desired balances; there was an increase
in spending, and velocity moved upward. The rise in
spending may have set into motion other changes—

increases in incomes, confidence, interest rates, prices
—which, in turn, may have produced a decline in
desired cash balances and a further increase in spend­
ing and velocity. Hence, after a few months’ lag,
movements in velocity tended to supplement changes
in the money supply. Conversely, a marked and sus­
tained decline in the volume of money has usually
been accompanied at first by rising velocity, but,
after a short lag, by a declining rate of turnover of

Average Labor Productivity as a
Guide to Wage Adjustments
T h e fe d e r a l reser v e b a n k o f k a n SAS CITY recently published a discussion on
average labor productivity as a guide to wage
adjustments. The article observes that stem­
ming inflationary pressures has been a promin­
ent consideration in determining public policies
since World War II. Some analysts have point­
ed to price pressures caused by increased labor
costs and have proposed that negotiated wage
increases follow changes in the average pro­
ductivity of labor as a means of avoiding in­
Average labor productivity is commonly de­
fined as the total real output of goods and serv­
ices divided by the total number of man hours
during a given period. It is simply an arith­
metic measure relating output to input and is
not affected either by changes in the level of
prices or in wage rates. If total dollar income
paid to workers rises at the same rate as total
production, then average labor costs per unit of
product remain constant. By keeping the rates
of increase equal, the upward pressure on price
levels is avoided. Labor is not the only bene­
ficiary of increased output, however, because by
definition, total non-labor income (rent, inter­
est, profits, etc.) also increases proportionately.
This productivity guide, however, has major
drawbacks when applied on an individual basis.
Productivity gains are always selective, occur­
ring in different firms and industries at different
times. A standard based on national averages
used without discrimination would result in
freezing relative wages between industries. This
would prevent reallocation of the labor force
among industries through wage differentials,
which is contrary to free-market precepts.
The article concludes that average labor prod­
uctivity trends be used only as a benchmark in
wage negotiations. The complete discussion
appears in the March-April issue of the Monthly
Review and can be obtained by writing the Re­
search Department, Federal Reserve Bank of
Kansas City, Federal Reserve Station, Kansas
City 6, Missouri.

Page 13

Check Payments
Check Paym ents IL


at the Ten Largest Cities


of the Eighth District



D e BITS to deposit accounts, that is, the
dollar volume of check payments and other
charges to bank demand deposits, are often
used as an indicator of economic trends.
Since the major part of money payments is
made by checks and other transactions affect­
ing deposits, debits figures are quite sensitive
to changes in economic activity. The accom­
panying charts show the movements of debits
at the ten largest reporting centers in the
Eighth Federal Reserve District. Threemonth moving averages have been used to
reduce erratic month-to-month movements
characteristic of debits data.


Reflecting different local and regional de­
velopments, debits at Eighth District report­
ing centers show a variety of patterns.


D e b its to d e m a n d d e p o sit acc o u n ts, e x c e p t in terban k
an d U.S. G o ve rn m e n t acc ou n ts.
In clu d e s St. Louis, M o,, E ast St, L o u is-N a tio n o l Stock Y a rd s, III.,
a n d A lto n, III.
Latest d a t a plottedtA pril, which in clu d e s M a y estim ated


Although the volume of bank debits is
often used as an indicator of local business
conditions, these data should be used care­
fully and in conjunction with other local
economic indicators. The usefulness of debits
as an economic indicator is limited because
of: (1) financial transactions from outside
the area or not related to production and con­
sumption; (2) payments not resulting in
debits at local banks; and (3) outlays record­
ed several times.

M o n e t a r y Developm ents-Continued from page 5

Balance of Payments
The United States balance of international payments
during the first quarter of this year was considerably
improved compared with the last quarter of 1961.
From an annual rate of about $6 billion in the fourth
quarter of 1961, the payments deficit dropped to
about a $1.8 billion rate in the first quarter of 1962.

United States Balance of Trade
and Net Payments Position
(+)Surplu$; (-)Deficit
Billions of Dollars
Billions of Dollars

Recent reports indicate that foreign long-term bor­
rowing in the United States has increased substantially
this year. This borrowing involves the placement of
long-term bank loans as well as bond issues. Foreign
borrowers are attracted to American money markets
by relatively favorable interest rates and the large
volume of available funds. The relative attractiveness
of American money markets to foreign bond sellers
is enhanced by capital market restrictions existing in
some foreign money markets. This upsurge in foreign
borrowing could offset the lower rate of outflow of
short-term capital.

Seasonally Adjusted Aiinual Rates

M erch ai ridise Ex portsll




The Prime Rate


Merchla n d ise 1m ports


Troide B a la nee

N e t Pa ym ents Fposition

> I



1 1






\1i /






, J__L , I,.. .


U_Excluding Military Transfers under Grants.
|2. Measures net transfers of gold and liquid dollar assets.
Deficit reflects net decline in U.S. gold and net increases
in foreign-held dollar assets.
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce
Latest data plotted: 1st Quarter '62 estimated

A substantial reduction in short-term capital outflows,
partly offset by a slight reduction in the trade surplus,
accounted for most of the first-quarter improvement.
The decline in the Treasury gold stock continued in
the first quarter and through May amounted to $455
million. In the comparable period of 1961 the transfer
of gold to foreign ownership amounted to $364 million.
According to scattered reports, not all of the gold
stock attrition of recent months reflects the payments
deficit, which pumps new dollars into the international
financial streams. Some gold transfers reflect the fact
that the existing volume of foreign-held dollars is
shifting from countries whose monetary authorities
traditionally maintain low gold ratios to countries with
high ratios.

T h e fe d e ra l rese rv e bank o f new
YORK recently published in the April and May
issues of its Monthly Review a two-part article
on the prime rate—the rate that banks charge
their most credit-worthy customers. Although
banks have always reserved the lowest rate for
their best customers, the prime rate apparently
was not nationally published and uniform
throughout the country until the depression of
the 1930's. Since then, the prime rate has
moved infrequently, usually in amounts of x/\
or y2 of a percentage point at a time.
Changes in the prime rate are often regarded
by the public and the banks as one of the chief
indexes of credit conditions. The article an­
alyzes the relation of the prime rate to other
lending rates, concluding that as far as the in­
terest rate on bank loans is concerned, the prime
rate appears to be a reliable index. However, it
is doubtful that the prime rate is a dependable
indicator concerning other factors which deter­
mine general credit conditions such as loan
availability, standards of credit-worthiness and
the like.
The article further analyzes the changes in
the prime rate and their causes, indicating that
it is one of the last indexes to register a shift
in the credit climate. As such, rather than acting
as a signal, a change in the prime rate confirms
that a sizable alteration in the credit situation
has already taken place. In order to obtain free
copies of this informative two-part article, write
the Public Information Department, Federal Re­
serve Bank of New York, 33 Liberty Street,
New York 45, New York.

Page 15


S u b s c r ip t io n s t o t h e r e v i e w
are available to the public without charge,
including bulk mailings to banks, business
organizations, educational institutions, and
others. For information write: Research
Department, Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis, P. 0 . Box 442, St. Louis 66,