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June, 1954

Volume X X X V I

Number 6



N CO M E GROW TH in the Eighth District has tended to reduce per capita
income differentials among the many areas of the district. This equali­
zation is the result of many different kinds of adjustment to pervasive trends
in the national economy. In some cases the adjustment is directly influenced
by shifts in the national market, in others, more indirectly through local and
regional markets.
Capital investment plays a key role in the adjustment process by increas­
ing the productivity of local resources. Investment always permits the more
intensive use of resources and often requires an addition to the local labor
force. In local economy adjustments to an integrated national market, laborusing and labor-saving capital investments both help raise per capita income.
Clearly, there is no single, “best” way for a local area to participate in
the nation’s economic development.

«- llmik
o f St* Louis

Income growth in the Eighth District . . .

I N T H E R E C O R D S of the Department of C om ­
merce, national income for 1953 is registered at
252 per cent greater than that recorded for 1929. D e­
spite the turbulence of the intervening years, a great
depression, two wars, and inflation, real income has
grown rapidly for the country as a whole. But it has
been an experience that has, quite literally, changed
the face of the nation. To meet the changing needs
of the country, new techniques of production, new
products, more of some things, less of others have
been required. And in the process no one has quite
stood still.
For at least a quarter of a century total district in­
come payments to individuals have hovered at 5 per
cent of national income payments to individuals. O c­
casional dips and rises have occurred to be sure, but
there are no distinct trends in either direction. Broad­
ly speaking, the economic activity within this region
has grown apace with that of the nation. But some­
thing has been added, for this increase has been
achieved with a smaller increase in population than
Income statistics as a measure o f economic change
take on added meaning when used together with pop­
ulation statistics. For economic development implies
that an increase in productive capacity is not simply
the result of a larger labor force. It would be diffi­
cult to equate economic growth with a larger national
income, if population growth in the meantime had
resulted in a smaller per capita income. If per capita
income is used as a measure of change, the district
has experienced a more rapid rate of growth than the
nation as a whole—the district has not stood still
In the decade from 1929 to 1939 total income pay­
ments to individuals nationally and districtwise de­
clined by about 15 per cent and district per capita
income payments remained at a level of only 65 per
cent of those nationally. In the following decade total
district income payments to individuals rose as sharp­
ly as for the nation, but per capita incomes rose even
more rapidly. By 1952 district per capita incomes
were 164 per cent greater than they had been in 1929
while the average gain for the nation was 133 per
The district aggregates, however, do not reveal the
conditions that led to this increase in per capita in­
come. This story is best introduced by a summary of
the income records of the many small areas which
make up the district.
Page 62

. . . has tended to reduce per capita income
differential among the many areas
of the district.
The increase in district per capita income is really
the story of rising per capita incomes among all areas
of the district under a variety of conditions. Total in­
comes did not grow apace with national income in all
areas. Fully a fourth of the 99 areas experienced an
income growth which lagged behind that of the na­
tion and the district as a whole. Nor did all areas
enjoy an increase in per capita incomes to the extent
of the average. Yet on balance, as with the nation as
a whole, there was a marked tendency toward geo­
graphic equalization of per capita incomes. It should
be stressed that this tendency was not apparent in the
depressed decade of the ’thirties, but was markedly
so in that of the ’forties.
The movement toward geographic equalization of
per capita incomes within the district can be indi­
cated by measuring the geographic association of pop­
ulation and income. If per capita incomes were equal
for all geographic areas, this would mean that the per
cent of district population in each area would be
equal to the per cent of the total district income in
that area. The extent of any deviation thus provides a
measure of the geographic inequality of per capita
incomes. If this is done for each of the 99 areas in the
district and the resulting deviations ( either positive or
negative) of like sign are summed, a coefficient is pro­
duced. The closer this coefficient approaches zero,
the greater is the geographic equality of per capita
incomes. For the district the results are: 1929, .20;
1939, .20; and 1952, .16.
The same information is presented graphically in
Chart I. Equal per capita incomes among all areas
will show up as a 45 degree line. The divergence
from this condition is indicated by a curve lying to
the right of the 45 degree line. That the 1952 curve
lies closer to the 45 degree line than either the 1929
or 1939 curve is the significance of this diagram.
This district tendency toward geographic equaliza­
tion of per capita incomes illustrates one of the most
fundamental results of economic development in free
trade areas generally. When population (labor force),
or goods, or capital are free to move in response to
economic incentive the result is to increase produc­
tivity and incomes for all concerned. Where all three
are free to move, the increase takes place much more
rapidly. The effect is a growing equalization of per
capita incomes among places as all incomes rise. Con­
trary to the words of an old popular song and a much
older political slogan, the poor and the rich grow

Trend Toward Equalization
of Per Capita Income among
District Areas, 1929-1952


changes in the ratio of income to population actually
do result in the higher per capita incomes. All areas
within the Eighth District experienced rising per cap­
ita incomes in the period 1929 to 1952. Part of this,
however, is simply due to an inflated price level-.
Therefore it is more instructive to examine the record
with respect to the rates of increase in per capita in­
come for small areas as these compare with the aver­
age for the district as a whole. In this way a clearer
picture of the sources of geographic income equaliza­
tion can be drawn. Table I summarizes the record.
(Number of Areas)
Per Capita Income Growth Above District Average
Population growth
district average
district average
Total income growth
above district average.
below district average.




Per Capita Income Growth Below District Average
Population growth
district average
district average
Total income growth
above district average,
below district average.

This equalization is the result of many
different kinds of adjustment . . .
The trend toward geographic equalization of per
capita incomes is a nationwide phenomena and is at
once a source and result of nationwide economic
growth. It is not an overstatement to say that without
the high occupational mobility of our labor force the
expansion of the ’forties would not have been possible.
As many kinds of resources are geographically immo­
bile, changing jobs frequently means changing local­
ity. In this light, a high rate of migration among areas
within the country is an index of economic expansion
with a double meaning. When areas experience a
rapid growth in real output and in the demand for
additional labor, the quick response of the labor force
to move in encourages further rapid growth. When
areas are endowed with other kinds of resources and
when the demand for labor grows more slowly, the
opportunity for some to shift their jobs from an area
with a relatively redundant labor supply to an area
of relative scarcity means higher productivity and
per capita income for those who remain.
Per capita income, of course, is simply a statistical
ratio and, statistically, changes in per capita income
can occur as a result of a change in the denominator
(population), or the numerator (income), or both.
For this reason it is important to note what kinds of





The significance of the data lies in the diversity of
experience among areas within this district—a diver­
sity which is really indicative of the great variety of
change continually absorbed by an expanding econ­
In a closely integrated economy, specialization of
function is in part geographical. No area or commu­
nity is completely self sufficient nor completely diver­
sified in its economic base. Of necessity—enforced by
competition—each locality specializes more or less
heavily in certain lines of production for “export.” The
support of this production may require considerable
of other kinds of economic activity which create a
substantial home market. But efficient organization of
production generally involves an increasing amount of
trade with the “rest of the world.” It also means that
changes in per capita income for the small area, by
way of population change or total income change,
necessarily reflect the changing relationship of that
area and its resources to the national economy—an
“adjustment” in the use of local resources to the “rest
of the world” demand.
. . . to pervasive trends m the national economy.
It is not surprising that there has been such a diver­
sity of experience in income and population growth
among the many areas of the district. On the one
hand all areas are not endowed with the same stock
Page 63

of resources and on the other hand there are many
different and pervasive trends in the nation’s demand
for resources. Each of these trends, therefore, must
affect communities in this district in many different

nationally in the ’thirties, but at a much slower rate
during the ’forties. Since the natural rate of popula­
tion increase is as high in the district as in the nation

Final causes for economic development can hardly
be assigned, but many of the end results in the Amer­
ican economy are summarized in the continuing
change in the location of its people and its industry.
For many years there has been a persistent geographic
shift of American population reflecting two trends:
(1 ) the migration of population from rural to urban
areas, and (2 ) from the interior states to the border
states ( excepting the north and middle Atlantic
states). In the decade from 1940 to 1950 the nation’s
population increased by over 19 million persons, yet
during the same period almost half of the counties in
the United States actually lost population. Even on
the Pacific Coast where the increase in total popula­
tion had been a phenomenal 40 per cent in ten years,
more than 10 per cent of the counties lost population.
While the average non-metropolitan county gained
6.5 per cent the average metropolitan county in­
creased its population by 20.6 per cent. The effect of
the migration out of the interior states of the country
is observable in differences in growth among metro­
politan areas. Along the seacoasts metropolitan area
growth was more rapid than in the interior and the
younger cities of the West and South grew more rap­
idly than did the older cities in the Middle West and

United States............................... ...... 7 %
District................................................. 6
Arkansas .........................................5
Illinois ...................................... .......5
Indiana ...........................................5
Kentucky .........................................7
Mississippi ............................... .......6
Missouri................................ .
Tennessee ............................... .......9

— 2

— 6


__ 1

as a whole, if not higher, these data indicate a rapid
increase in migration during the ’forties. The princi­
pal explanation, of course, lies in the fact that the
’thirties were years of depression and mass unemploy­
ment. For the most part this unemployment was con­
centrated in the urban areas. During the early ’thir­
ties there was, in fact, a heavy migration out of the
cities in the search for economic alternatives to un­
employment. As a consequence of falling total in­
comes and the slow rate of outmigration of district
population, district per capita incomes in the ’thirties
declined by 21 per cent. Nationally, per capita income
declined about the same proportion. Consequently,
the district average remained 65 per cent of the na­
tional figure. The net effect was to cause a build up
of population in the rural areas which was highly
responsive to the return of prosperity.

tion shift away from the interior states shows both in
the less-than-average rate of population growth for
the district as a whole as well as for district metropol­
itan areas.

In the brief period from 1939 to 1944, the mobiliza­
tion and early war years, national industrial employ­
ment increased more than 40 per cent—a phenomenon
made possible only by the high rate of occupational
and geographic mobility of our labor force. During
this period an estimated total of 7,977,000 civilians mi­
grated from farms and an estimated 3,117,000 migra­
ted to farms. This net from-the-farm migration of
4,860,000 contrasts strikingly with a net migration of
only 636,000 over the next five years of the decade. It
is this trend which is reflected fully in district per
capita income data. While total district income pay­
ments increased at about the same rate as nationally,
the much smaller rate of population increase resulted
in the sharper rise in district per capita income pay­
ments and the resulting equalization of income differ­
entials between district residents and the rest of the
United States.

Studies of internal population migration indicate
that one of the principal motives for migration is the
response to economic incentive. This is borne out
rather strikingly in the population data for the dis­
trict and for the United States for the two decades
1930-1940 and 1940-1950. As Table III shows, the
district population grew at about the same rate as

In a sense, it took the recovery and sustained pros­
perity of the ’forties to give full weight to the remark­
able changes that had been occurring in agricultural
production since well before the onset of the ’thirties.
The persistent rural-to-urban migration is in part the
net result of two equally persistent features of the
rural community. One is the sociological fact that the

These trends are clearly evident in district popu­
lation data. The rural-to-urban shift shows up in the
increasing proportion of district residents living in the
large metropolitan areas (see Table II). The populaTABLE II
St. Louis ............................................................... 14.14
Louisville ...............................................................
Little R o c k .............................................................
T o ta l.......................................................... 24.32
District ................................................................... 100.00

Page 64



natural rate o f population increase is higher in rural
areas than in urban areas. The other is the techno­
logical fact that there is a continuing increase in farm
productivity, a continuing reduction in the amount
o f farm labor required to produce what the nation
In the fifteen years from 1930 to 1945, while total
farm acreage increased, the number of acres of farm
land in crops actually declined by 10 per cent. The
reduction in cropland was accompanied by a 24
per cent increase in the average size of the farm
and a decline of over 20 per cent in the number
o f farm workers. The sharp increase in the amount of
farm machinery, equipment and power available to
farm workers has been frequently noted. This, cou­
pled with improved farm management, resulted in an
estimated 54 per cent increase in the amount of farm
output per farm worker over this period. Thus, a
smaller labor force working in fewer acres of crop­
land was able to increase the output o f all crops to
the extent that 1949 crop production was 40 per cent
greater than that in 1930. Total farm output was 47
per cent greater.
Coupled with the pervasive trends in productivity,
have been highly significant shifts in the consump­
tion of agricultural products. Since 1941, consumers
have increased the proportion of household expendi­
tures spent on food from 22 per cent to 28 per cent.
W hile this is in large part the result o f an intervening
inflation, it also represents an increase in physical
consumption o f food and an increase in the amount of
service demanded with food purchases. That is, part
o f the increased spending on food has directly in­
fluenced the farmer’s market, while part has had its
most direct impact on the food processing and mar­
keting industry. In addition, the trend toward in­
creased expenditure on food has centered on the “bet­
ter” foods. The effect o f rising per capita income has
been to increase the per capita demand for fresh
fruits and vegetables, meat and poultry, fish, eggs and
milk, accompanied by a declining per capita demand
for cereals, potatoes, fats and oils, and sugar and
The domestic demand for cotton has been adversely
affected by the rapid growth of the synthetic fiber in­
dustry, while the foreign market for American cotton
has actually declined over the past twenty-five years.
Feed grains, on the other hand, have benefited sub­
stantially from the sharply increased per capita con­
sumption of meat.
As per capita incomes have risen, personal con­
sumption patterns of items other than food have also
changed significantly, but with considerable varia­
bility. The proportion spent on services has declined

since 1929 and on nondurable manufactured goods
since 1938. Expenditures on durable manufactured
goods, on the other hand, have increased their share
of the consumer’s dollar.
Imposed upon these changes in demand have been
the highly variable changes in spending by the Gov­
ernment since 1940 on war and defense. These
changes in the pattern of total final demand, including
capital formation, have been coupled with rapid
strides in technology including new products as well
as new processes. The net result has been great diver­
sity in growth rates among the manufacturing indus­
tries as indicated in Table IV.
Average annual
rate of growth
(Per cent)
Antibiotics .............................................................
Television s e ts ......................................................
Air conditioning units, room ...........................
Plastic materials .................................................
Frozen foods ........................................................
Electric ranges ....................................................
Tractors .................................................................
Rayon and acetate .............................................
Woodpulp .............................................................
Industrial explosives.............................................
Canned vegetables .............................................
Crude petroleum.................................................
Electric refrigerators ...........................................
Passenger automobiles ......................................
Lumber .................................................................
Shoes and slippers ...........................................
Men’s suits ...........................................................
— 2
Manufactured tobacco ......................................
— 4
Creamery butter .................................................
— 4
Wood shingles......................................................
— 6
Silk, consumption ...............................................
— 16

This recital of changes in the American economy
over the past quarter of a century is quite literally
endless. The highlights noted serve to emphasize that
for a variety of reasons—for example, a larger and
more mobile population, rapidly changing technology,
war and peace—the pattern of demand for the nation’s
resources continues to change. To these changes the
local community must continually, in one way or
another, make adjustments.
In some cases the adjustment is directly
influenced by shifts in the national markets . . .
Communities, areas, whole regions have been mak­
ing these adjustments throughout the history of the
land. Much of American economic history can be
written in terms o f the continuous relocation of eco­
nomic activity, of the impact of economic growth on
younger regions and the adjustments this has required
in older sections of the country, and of the discovery
of new economic frontiers. Many areas have expe­
rienced relative growth and decline and new growth,
others have maintained their positions but perform
new functions, and, inevitably there are those which
the main stream of economic development has passed
by. The history of each region is the story of the
changing use of its resources and the history of each
is related to the history of all.

For some areas and regions this relationship to all
other areas is so general that it is helpful to simply
speak of their relationship to the nation as a whole,
for the markets of the national economy are closely
integrated. Many communities specialize in produc­
tion which directly serves a national market. This
district as a whole specializes in agricultural produc­
tion and “exports” on balance an estimated 46 per
cent of its agricultural production. Clearly, district
farmers, whether they produce soybeans or cereals or
cotton or meat, do not produce for a regional market.
The local areas of the district where this kind of pro­
duction is concentrated are directly influenced by
changes in the national market. The adjustment of
local economies to the changing pattern of national
demand for agricultural products can be seen in the
shifts of production which have occurred in district
agriculture (Table V ).
Per Cent Distribution
All Crops. . .
Field craps.
All Livestock and Products.
Dairy Products . . . .
Poultry and Products.
Other Livestock and
Products ................
All Farm Products Sold.

5 6.5
5 1 .8
4 .7
4 3 .5
9 .7

5 2.5
4 9 .5
3 .0
4 7 .5



2 3 .2

3 2 .3


as Per Cent of U. S.
4 .8
7 .7
5 .3



1 2.4
3 .2
7 .8
5 .6
7 .3

8 .3
9 .4

9 .0



Many of the district areas with manufacturing in­
dustries are also closely tied directly to the national
market. This is of particular importance for such
metropolitan areas as Evansville, Louisville, and St.
Louis which have a high concentration of employ­
ment in manufacturing industries serving national
markets. It is also true of many of the smaller areas
where production in such lines as shoes and apparel
is concentrated. Other examples come easily to mind,
the oil fields of southern Illinois, the zinc and lead
regions of Missouri, the chemical industry complex
being built in Calvert City, Kentucky, and so on.
. . . in others, more indirectly through local
and regional markets.
For many areas, however, adjustments in the local
economy are the result of a more complex set of local
and regional relationships. Some communities spe­
cialize in production for a regional market and are
influenced by national developments only insofar as
these affect the region they serve: for example, areas
with income from certain kinds of manufacturing
such as sawmills and planing mills and cement and
brick production. For other communities producing
for national markets, the local labor supply has been
profoundly influenced by regional developments
while the market for the local product has not ma­
terially changed. The resulting change in cost-price
Page 66

relationships may require considerable adjustment in
the use of the area’s resources. The strawberry pro­
ducers in the region around Paducah, Kentucky, have
had this experience, for example. Paralleling this is
the changed competitive position of an area’s industry
as new capacity grows in other regions.
In any case, and regardless of the immediate cause,
adjustment in the use of local resources is an effort
by residents of a community to maintain and increase
their income. For many (his means a change in jobs
involving a change in locality. For others it means
either increasing the productivity of their present op­
erations or shifting to a new occupation in the com­
munity which, under the changed set of circum­
stances, has a higher productivity. For still others the
adjustment may consist of accepting a lower income.
Capital investment plays a key role in the
adjustment process by increasing the
productivity of local resources.
Given its broadest meaning, capital investment
means giving up the use of present income for the
purpose of securing a higher future income. Inevit­
ably, the productivity of the investment itself is inti­
mately associated with the kind of previous invest­
ment that has occurred. Like all resources, capital
itself is scarce, it is accumulated only slowly, and al­
ways with the sacrifice of consumption today in the
hope of something better tomorrow. There is perhaps
no truer indication of the aspirations and values im­
portant to a community or a whole society than that
observable in the rate at which it accumulates capital
and how it uses it, for capital investment may take
many forms, all of which, while having a profound
effect on productivity, are not all connected with any
measurable standard of physical, production.
The education of our children, for example, is
probably one of the most basic kinds of capital invest­
ment, an investment that has long since become insti­
tutionalized through compulsory schooling into a form
of community investment. Quite aside from the cur­
rent investment in school facilities, there is the more
basic problem of determining how long a child shall
remain in school. For as he reaches a working age,
each added year in school represents an increasing
investment in the sacrifice of possible present income
from the child’s present productivity. An increase in
the average age of children in school is thus one meas­
ure of increased community investment in this kind of
capital. In the past twenty-five years in the district
the per cent of children between the ages of 16 and
17 in school has increased from 54 to 67 per cent.
At the other extreme from this kind of capital in­
vestment is that kind of capital formation more gen­
erally associated with investment, namely, investment

in more directly productive capacity, such as a factory
plant and equipment. Between these two lie a per­
fect continuum of other types of investment all with
the same purpose—to increase the productivity of our
resources. It rpay be investment in highways, water
systems, housing, electric utilities; it may be financed
publicly through current or future taxes, or privately
from a great variety of sources; but the purpose re­
mains the same—increased productivity of resources.
Investment always permits the more intensive use
of resources . . .
Any change which results in higher real per capita
income implies capital investment. It need not be
spectacular to yield high returns. It may simply be
the amount a man needs to finance his move to a bet­
ter job in another area, or it may mean an increase in
taxes to finance a new water system. At the other ex­
treme it may be the large scale inflow of capital
created by the location of a new manufacturing plant
or a public utility.
Whatever the nature of the investment it has the
effect of permitting the more intensive use of some
resources. For example, investment in agriculture in
all its forms, from expensive farm machinery to simple
crop rotation and the willingness to forego the maxi­
mum present harvest, has resulted in higher output
per man on the farm; a more intensive use of both
manpower and land. In the process some resources
are frequently released for other uses. Again agricul­
ture is an example. The rural-to-urban migration dis­
cussed earlier has accompanied the more intensive use
of manpower on the farm which in turn has permitted
a more rapid expansion of the nation’s non-farm labor
force. For the local economy the result has been a
larger income stream from farming and higher per
capita incomes.
and often requires an addition to the
local labor force.

. . .

Capital investment may also mean the more inten­
sive use of resources in a somewhat different setting.
The movement of a branch plant into a town, for
example, frequently results in the creation of a new
kind of labor force for that area. In a sense, this
means the more intensive use of local labor if the labor
force has been recruited from other occupations in the
locality in response to higher wages. The same local
labor is now being used more productively. On the
other hand, there may be other local resources, such
as the natural advantage of site, which are attractive
to a new industry. This kind of capital investment
then actually may result in an addition to the local
labor force, either to work the new capacity, or to
replace local labor hired in the new activity.

Investment which is not of itself the kind that re­
quires additional labor force may indirectly generate
demand for additional labor by the effect on the total
income stream of the community. This is particularly
true for an area where the urban centers are principal­
ly engaged in servicing the agricultural community.
In fact, per dollars worth of invested capital, the net
income stream accruing to the local community may
frequently be greater from investment in agriculture
than in other types of productive capacity.
In the local economy, adjustments to a highly integrated
national market, labor-using as well as labor-saving
capital investments both help raise per capita income.
The extent to which residents of a local area share
in an increased value of production flowing from the
area to a larger economy depends upon a number of
factors. These are: (1) the ratio of direct income pay­
ments to the community to the total value of the out­
flow of production, (2) the nature of the non-income
cost items involved in the production (specifically the
kinds of raw material and service inputs that are sup­
plied locally), (3) the ratio of direct local income pay­
ments to die value of the locally supplied inputs (and
so on for each subsequent round of cost items), (4)
the consumption patterns of the local residents, and
(5) the extent to which their demands are supplied by
local goods and services. From this it is apparent that
the larger and more diverse the local economy, the
greater will be the total derived income effect. But it
is also apparent that the larger and more diverse the
local economy is, the smaller will be the relative addi­
tion to total local income from any given initial source
of income.
There is, however, a second consideration. The
value of die output or production attainable with a
given capital investment will vary rather widely
among industries. The value of the direct local in­
come resulting from a given value of output will also
vary widely among industries. If the factors men­
tioned above are kept in mind it will be seen that the
amount of total local income created by a given value
of direct capital investment must then also vary
In a price economy, however, capital investment
in directly productive capacity will generally flow to
those activities and areas where the highest return
on the capital can be earned, i.e., where it has the
highest productivity, commensurate with risk. Wheth­
er or not such an investment generates a high local
income stream in addition is really not of primary in­
terest to the owners of the capital or to the nation.
But it is of interest to the local community to know
that where an area’s agricultural resources are such as
to yield high returns, investment in agriculture can
Page 67

provide a source of additional local income greater
(per dollars worth of invested capital) than many kinds
of direct labor-using capital investment.
Clearly, there is no single, ” best” ivay for
the local area to participate in the
nation’s economic development.
At this point it is of interest to examine a popular
thesis concerning the processes of economic develop­
ment. Very briefly, this thesis holds that a nation’s
economic development consists of three stages. In the
initial stage, the principal activities and sources of in­
come are the so-called "primary" or extractive indus­

tries, agriculture and mining. In this stage per capita
incomes are very low. However, as the economy de­
velops there is a marked shift to “secondary” indus­
tries, manufacturing and processing. This industrial­
ization is accompanied by rapidly rising total and per
capita incomes. Finally, as the economy matures and
grows wealthy an increasing proportion of employ­
ment and income is created by service industries of all
kinds, the “tertiary” industries, including transporta­
tion and communication.
There are large national economies or even larger
regions whose developmental pattern fits roughly into
this description. What happens is simply that increas­

ing specialization of labor occurs as an economy
progresses, a feature which both results from and
adds to the efficiency of a growing economy. H ow ­
ever, it may be quite misleading to make a simple
transfer of this descriptive statement to a prescriptive
scheme for the development of areas within a larger
economy. For within a highly integrated economy
specialization of function also implies a certain geo­
graphical specialization. There is little evidence, for
example, that the state of Iowa is an underdeveloped
area by any measure. Indeed, by specializing in agri­
culture, for which the state is wonderfully well en­
dowed, Iowa’s citizens have achieved a standard of
living matched by few other sections of the country.
They have been able to accomplish this by relying on
other areas, better endowed for other types of pro­
duction to supply much that Iowans consume.
It is interesting to examine this question in the light
of the experience in the Eighth District. The prob­
lem might be stated as follows: W ide differences in
per capita income growth are apparent among the
99 areas in this district. To what extent can these
differences be explained by shifts from primary to
secondary industries in each of these areas?1
It is true that there is at least a statistical relation­
ship between industrialization and per capita income
levels. For the 99 small areas into which this district
has been subdivided for this analysis, 56 per cent of
the variation in per capita income levels among areas
in 1929 could be explained statistically by variation
in the per cent of the labor force engaged in manu­
facturing. When the metropolitan areas are removed
from the sample this relationship reduces to 52 per
cent. For the year 1951, however, only 35 per cent of
the variation between per capita income levels could
be explained by differences in industrialization.
The question might be turned around to ask if there
is any measurable relationship between the per cent
employed in agriculture and the level of per capita
income. That is, to what extent can the observed
variation in levels of per capita income among district
areas be explained statistically by variation in the per
cent of the population engaged in agriculture. The
relevant statistical measure in this case was 71 per
cent in 1929 and only 58 per cent in 1951.
Before attempting to answer the question, a word of warning about
comparisons of per capita incomes is needed. Such comparisons between
predominantly urban areas and predominantly rural areas overstate differ­
ences in real incomes or standards of living. This is true because of
differences in consumption patterns, differences in price levels of certain
important items of the household budget such as rent, and differences in
the extent to which many services performed through the market in
urban areas are performed outside the market in rural areas. This caveat
is set forth here because frequently when per capita incomes are com­
pared between rural and urban areas the idea is prevalent that the way
to raise per capita incomes is to urbanize. This is not to say of course
that there are not significant differences in standards of living between
some rural aieas and urban areas. The continuing large migration is
testimony that there is.

Neither of these tests is sufficient to indicate any
very significant relationship between the economic
base of the local economy and its level of per capita
income. There is in addition a slight upward bias in
the relationship because of some correlation between
per cent employed in manufacturing and urbanization.
But the real question is not addressed to existing
per capita income differentials among areas, but to the
kinds of adjustments made by the local economies
which tend to reduce these differentials. That is, what
are the adjustments which permit the community to
share fully in the nation’s economic development?
The data given above provoke the real question: Is
there any measurable relationship between growth in
per capita income and industrialization? Is it possible
to explain differences in the growth of per capita in­
comes (as a measure of local economic development)
among district areas in terms of the rate of industrial­
ization (as measured by changes in the per cent em­
ployed in manufacturing)?
The answer is quite simply that there is no statisti­
cal evidence of such a relationship. No correlation
was found between growth in per capita incomes in
the local economies of the district and growth in the
proportion employed in manufacturing. Other factors
than increased industrialization were at work improv­
ing the levels of income in this district over the period
from 1929 to 1951.
In summary, statistics cannot provide definitive
answers to the questions raised above, and a quarter
of a century is a relatively short time. However,
coupling the evidence available on per capita income
growth in this district with knowledge of the per­
vasive nature of change in the economy as a whole,
the argument presented in this article might be con­
cluded as follows:
1. Rapid income growth and economic develop­
ment in the United States has resulted in increas­
ing equality of per capita income levels among the
geographic sections of the country.
2. This is due to the free mobility of goods,
population and capital across the land.
3. This mobility requires continuing adjustment
by communities to economic changes taking place
in their region, in other regions and to those which
are nationwide.
4. Involved in making these adjustments are
capital investments by individuals, businesses, gov­
ernments, and nongovernmental community or­
5. For some communities the combination of
these adjustments results in an increased demand
Page 69

for labor, in others an outmigration of population
takes place.
There is no evidence that any single type of
adjustment results in more rapid rate of per capita
income growth than others involving a response to
economic incentive.

Clearly, these is no single best way for a local area
to participate in the nation’s economic development.
The particular adjustment best suited to the local
economy will depend upon the nature of its local
resources and the interests and energies of its citizens.
G u y F reutel

Business activity during May held steady.
Eighth District economy during May were not suf­
ficient to raise the rate of over-all activity. Reflecting
layoffs from defense and household durable goods
manufacturing plants and seasonal layoffs from ap­
parel plants and coal mines, insured unemployment in
district states was higher in early May than a month
earlier. Brighter aspects in the business picture were
the continued improvement in steel output, the recent
rise in construction contract awards, and the im­
proved moisture conditions in most areas of the dis­
trict. In addition, department store sales in the first
half of May held close to the advanced rate of April.
In the nation, output increased during May in sev­
eral important industries for which weekly data are
available. Unemployment insurance claims remained
high, however, rather than declining as they did last
year from early April to early May. The record level
of construction outlays probably continued into May,
reflecting the high value of awards in recent months.
And department store sales held close to the April rate
after allowance for seasonal factors, but fell behind
the high volume in May, 1953.
Output of some goods increased . . .
Through early May, indications were that the
Eighth District industrial economy continued to oper­
ate at about the same reduced level as it had earlier
this spring. However, the rate of steel ingot produc­
tion at St. Louis continued its rapid recovery, having
risen from 46 per cent of capacity in March to 61 per
cent in April to 73 per cent in early May. Crude oil
production in district states was 8 per cent higher
than a year ago during the first two weeks of May.
Such signs of strength also were seen in the national
situation. The index o f industrial production of the
Federal Reserve Board remained steady in April, fol­
Page 70

lowing eight months of declining output (after sieasonal adjustment). In early May, indications were
that production continued steady. Steel ingot was
produced at around 71 per cent of capacity, having
risen from about 68 per cent in April, and automobile
output was increased further.
Most industries in both district and nation con­
tinued at reduced levels of production. Coal produc­
tion in the district was running from 15 to 20 per cent
lower than a year ago. Nationally, the industry was
hit by falling coal exports. Lumber output in the dis­
trict and nation continued at a somewhat lower level
despite the very active construction industry. And
April power figures showed that district textile, pri­
mary metals, transportation equipment, shoe and
leather, w ood products, chemicals, rubber, and ma­
chinery industries were using from 7 to 20 per cent
less power than a year ago, while only four—food,
newspaper printing, paper and allied products, and
fabricated metals—used more kilowatts.
. . . and department store sales remained
at a high level . . .
In the first three weeks of May, department store
sales in the district continued close to the advanced
rate of April. However, sales lagged behind those a
year ago, when they reached a peak for 1953, after
allowance for seasonal factors.
District department store sales during April gained
more than seasonally from March. If adjustment is
made for the later date of Easter by combining March
and April, sales still fell short o f the same months last
year. And cumulative 1954 district sales for the first
four months were slightly under those in 1953. The
only major district area to show an increase for the
year to date—the Little Rock area—was experiencing a
below average performance a year ago.
Furniture store sales in the district during April

were 9 per cent larger than in March but were 5 per
cent lower than in April, 1953.
Inventories held by reporting district department
stores on April 30 were slightly below those at the
end of March and on the comparable date a year ago.
Furniture store inventories on April 30 totaled slight­
ly above those a month earlier but were lower than a
year ago. Outstanding orders at district department
stores on April 30 were substantially lower than a
month earlier and a year ago, indicating a continued
attempt to reduce inventories.
. . .

but insured unemployment rose.

Reflecting both seasonal layoffs and reductions at
defense and civilian goods plants, insured unemploy­
ment in district states was slightly higher in early
May than a month earlier.
The volume of unemployment changed very little
in most district areas from April to mid-May. In the
St. Louis area there was a substantial increase in un­
employment compensation claims resulting from fur­
ther layoffs in durable goods plants, and a seasonal
slackening in apparel production. Greater steel output
required some rehiring and a return to a full work
week at one plant. In the Louisville area an increase
in construction employment was offset by layoffs at
ordnance and appliance plants, leaving the volume
of insured unemployment practically unchanged.
Memphis area unemployment remained unchanged.
Unemployment claims declined in Evansville reflect­
ing in part recalls in May to an automobile assembly
plant. In the state of Arkansas unemployment claims
declined slightly over the month.
As in recent months, the ratio of insured unemploy­
ment to employment covered by State programs was
higher in district states, except Indiana and Missouri,
than in the nation. In part this may reflect the return
of workers after being laid off from recent jobs in the
large industrial areas outside the district.

cluded in contract awards in the first four months this
year was greater than in the same months last year
when less money for residential mortgages was avail­
able and terms were not as easy.
Farm prospects improved . . .
Reports from the farms were also heartening. Pre­
cipitation during the months of April and May largely
overcame temporary crop moisture shortages in most
of the district. In addition, the planting schedule of
district farmers was well ahead of normal. From the
production standpoint, recent precipitation and early
plantings improved prospects for district crops.
Favorable growing conditions raised the May 1
estimate of 1954 winter wheat production for district
states to 114 million bushels. This represented a 13
per cent increase from the April 1 estimate, but is 28
per cent below 1953, a year of high acreages and high
Favorable moisture and temperature conditions
have also aided district states pastures, at least tem­
porarily. Conditions as of May 1 averaged approxi­
mately normal, with all district states within 6 per
cent of the ten-year average, 1943-52. However, total
pasture production for the season will largely depend
on future rainfall.
Cool weather severely damaged cotton plants in
Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee, making replant­
ing of as much as 75 per cent of the crop a necessity
in some areas. And because of wet soils, replanting
was retarded to a less propitious time.
Reflecting declines in prices of farm products in
recent years, for the one-year period ending March,
1954, farm real estate values in district states declined
5 to 8 per cent. However, most of the decline occurred
from March to November, 1953. In the following four
months, farm real estate values held relatively steady,
remaining unchanged in the state of Tennessee and
declining 1 or 2 per cent in other district states.
. . .

Residential building has risen.
The seasonally adjusted rate of residential construc­
tion contracts awarded in the Eighth District has in­
creased substantially from a low point in July, 1953.
In part this rapid rise may be attributed to the in­
creased availability and easier terms of mortgage
money in recent months. This larger supply of funds
for residential financing reflects the high rate of sav­
ings and the relatively more attractive yields of urban
residential mortgages now that bond yields have de­
clined. One result of the easier supply of mortgage
funds has been an increase in speculative building.
In the district and the nation, the proportion of onefamily dwelling units for sale or rent to the total in­

and business loans declined less than usual.

Business loans by district weekly reporting member
banks declined less than seasonally in the five weeks
ended May 19. This relative strength in business loans
in the district was in contrast to a continued contrac­
tion nationally, which was larger than that in the
same weeks of most other areas. The smaller-thanusual net repayments by businesses in the district re­
flected both a slight increase in net borrowings by
trade concerns and contractors and a less than normal
amount of net repayments by commodity dealers.
(This latter development was largely due to the rela­
tively small amount of loans made to these dealers
last fall.) On the other hand, "other,” largely con­
sumer, loans declined.
Page 71



April 1954

Industrial Use of Electric Power (thousands of KWH per working day, selected
industrial firms in 6 district cities).
Steel Ingot Rate, St. Louis area (operating rate, per cent of capacity). . . .
Coal Production Index— 8 th Dist. (Seasonally adjusted, 1935-1939—100).
Crude Oil Production—8 th Dist. (Daily average in thousands of bbls.)......................
Freight Interchanges at RRs—St. Louis (Thousands of cars— 25 railroads— Terminal
R. R. Assn.). . .
Livestock Slaughter— St. Louis area. (Thousands of head— weekly average—
first 4 weeks)
» ...
Lumber Production— S. Pine (Average weekly production— thousands of bd. ft.).
Lumber-Production—S. Hardwoods. (Operating rate, per cent of capacity).

Percentage Change*
Mar. 1954
Apr. 1953

—0 —<


4- 2

— 22


— 5

— 15


— 9
— 1
— 4

— 4

153 p

— 17
+ 5

— 12

- 0-

5 coal production index, show the
relative per cent change in production, not the drop in index points or in per cents of capacity,
p Preliminary.

Six Largest Centers:
East St. LouisNational Stock Yards,




7 States
8 th Dist.

Percentage Change
Jan. thru Mar.
Mar. ’54
compared with
1954 Mar. ’53 1953
$ 20,941 — 4 9% — 3 % + 5 %
187,913 + 13
+ 1
+ 6
— 1
92,103 + 10
+ 7
— 9
23,033 + 5
t 3
23,489 — 42
T 2
71,030 + 8
+ 1
+ 3
— 9
— 13
22,018 + 4
$440,257 - 0 - % — 2 % - 0 - %
$171,614 — 1 1 % — 6 % + 1 %

— 12%
— 14%
— 6
- 5
— 16
— 14
— 6
— 15

+ 8%
— 1

— 10

— 3


— 10

Loans (Net)1
Business and Agricultural.
Real Estate.
Other (largely consumer).
U. S. Government Securities.
Other Securities.
Cash Assets.
Other Assets.
Total Assets.

— 12


— 14

— 12
+ 1
+ 1
— 1
- 0-



— 1
- 0- 0— 10

+ 3
— 9
— 16
— 2
— 9
— 8
— 5
— 9

— 25
- 0- 0+ H)
+ 3
— 25

— 8%
— 12%

I 1
° o
I 1

Other Reporting Centers:
Alton, 111.. . .
Cape Girardeau, Mo.
El Dorado, Ark.
Fort Smith, Ark.
Greenville, Miss.
Hannibal, Mo.
Helena, Ark.
Jackson, Tenn.. . .
Jefferson City, Mo.
Owensboro, Ky.
Paducah, Ky.
Pine Bluff, Ark.
Quincy, 111.
Sedalia, M o.. .
Springfield, Mo.
Texarkana, Ark..
$ 488.4
Total—22 Centers






Evansville, Ind..
Little Rock, Ark.
Louisville, Ky.
Memphis, Tenn.
St. Louis, Mo.
Total— Six Largest


(In thousands
of dollars)




Change from

1 Debits to demand deposit accounts of individuals,
partnerships and corporations and states and political

(In Millions of Dollars)
_____All Member Banks
Weekly Reporting Banks
Change from
Change from
Mar. 31,
Apr. 28,
Apr. 14,
May 12, 1954

* Not shown separately due to insufficient cover­
age, but included in Eighth District totals.
1 In addition to following cities, includes stores in
Blytheville, Fort Smith and Pine Bluff, Arkansas;
Hopkinsville, Owensboro, Kentucky; Greenwood, Mis­
sissippi; and Evansville, Indiana.
2 Includes Louisville, Kentucky; and New Albany,
Apr., 54 Mar., ’54 Apr., ’53
Cash Sales.
Credit Sales.
100 %,
Total Sales.


$+ 7

+ 2
— 5

-0 + 10
— 26
+ 2

$— 7


$— 22


— 27

t 1
+ 1

S— 39

Liabilities and Capital
$— 14
$ 681
J 684
— 42
-- 1
-0 238
$— 39
1 Loan breakdowns reported gross for weekly reporting banks, not available for all member banks.

Demand Deposits of Banks.
Other Demand Deposits.
Time Deposits...........................
Borrowings and Other Liabilities
Total Capital Accounts.
Total Liabilities and Capital.


Percentage of Accts.
and Notes Receiva b le , Outstanding
April 1, 1954, col___________ Net Sales___________ on Hand
Turnover lected during April.
April, 1954
4 mos. ’54 Apr. 30, ’54 Jan. 1 to
compared with
to same comp, with April 30, Instal. Instalment
Mar., ’54 Apr., '53 period ’53 Apr. 30, ’53 1954 1953 Accounts Accounts

Net Sales
Apr., 1954
Apr., 1954
compared with
compared with
Mar. ’54 Apr. ’53 Mar. ’54 Apr. ’53
+ 2%
8 th Dist. Total1 + 1 0 % — 4‘
— 3
St. Louis .
.. + 8
— 5
+ 4
Louisville Area2
— 5
— 16
Memphis . . . .
Little Rock.
+ 18

Mar. 1954 Feb. 1954 Mar. 1953
Total.............. 169.8 p
Residential. 191.5 p
All Other. . 159.7 p
Seasonally adjusted
Total.............. 189.2 p
Residential. 205.9 p
All Other.
181.5 p
* Based on three-month moving average
(centered on mid-month) of value of awards, as
reported by F. W. Dodge Corporation,
p Preliminary.

8 th F.R. District Total
Fort Smith Area, Ark.1
Little Rock Area, Ark.
uincy. 111.................
vansville Area, Ind. .
Louisville Area, Ky., Ind.
Paducah, Ky..
St. Louis Area, Mo., 111.
Springfield Area, Mo.
Memphis Area, Tenn..
All Other Cities2 .




+ 6%
+ 9
— 3
+ 2
— 24
+ 9
+ 2
+ 5
— 2

— 2%
— 3
+ 2
+ 1
— 11
— 4
— 26
-0 — 7
— 1
— 14

— 8%
1.18 1.14
+ 71.02 1.10
— 7
1.12 1.06
— 1
1.14 1.07
_____ _________
.............................................. .... .....................
— 10
1.23 1.19
________________ ____ ____ ___________ ____
— 9
1.22 1.15
— 18
. ....
— 2
1.23 1.20
— 11



Sales (daily average), unadjusted3 . . . .
Sales (daily average), seasonally adjusted3 .
Stocks, unadjusted4 .............
Stocks, seasonally adjusted4 ...........
3 Daily average 1947— 49=100
4 End of Month average 1947— 49=100
Trading days: April, 1954— 26; March, 1954- -27; April, 1953— 26.




In order to permit publication of figures for this city (or area), a special
2 Fayetteville, Pine Bluff, Arkansas; Harrisburg, Mt. Vernon, Illinois;
sample has been constructed which is not confined exclusively to department
Vincennes, Indiana; Danville, Hopkinsville, Mayfield, Owensboro, Ken­
tucky; Chillicothe, Missouri; Greenville, Mississippi; and Jackson, Tennessee.
stores. Figures for any such nondepartment stores, however, are not used
in computing the district percentage changes or in computing department
Outstanding orders of reporting stores at the end of April, 1954, were
store indexes.
20 per cent smaller than on the corresponding date a year ago.

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