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MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW oft h e Volume 82 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK Dallas, Texas, September 1, 1947 of Dallas Number 9 THE PORTS OF TEXAS-A RESOURCE OF THE SOUTHWEST R. B. JOHNSON, Industrial Economist Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas The seaboard which stretches nearly 400 miles from the Mexican border to the Sabine River is one of the busiest in the world. The rich southwestern hinterland ascending from the Texas coast produces from its abundant reserves of minerals and fine soils a great excess of products above the needs of its population. These surplus raw materials, foodstuffs, and finished products move in part through Texas ports to the Atlantic seaboard, to the Middle West via the Mississippi and its tributaries, and to the nations east and south. Transport of goods to tidewater, processing of materials adjacent to the ports, warehousing, brokering, and other trade and service operations attending coastal and foreign shipments create large demands for workers and provide sources of income which have contributed to the development of busy, populous, and wealthy centers of activity in the Texas coastal area. . The Texas port and waterway system is thus an important factor in the economy of the Southwest. The excellent dispersal of the harbors along the coastline provides the region's agriculture and industry with cheap and easy access to the markets of this country and of the world; the network of inland channels permits industrial plants along the seaboard to benefit from low-cost local and coastal barge shipments; and the inflow of capital to finance the development of port facilities and the building of plants and warehouses to utilize them fosters the growth of coastal communities. The extent of the contributions of the ports to the economy is not easily measured, but it is clear that the growth of industrial and trading centers in north coastal and southwest coastal Texas and the development of the resources of the southwestern region would have been less rapid had it not been for the services the ports have offered. Moreover, future operations of the region's heavy industries and continuation of the rapid growth of coastal cities depend in part upon effective use of the port system. Despite the significant position which the ports occupy in the Southwest, no organized body of information concerning their development, operations, or problems is generally available. This article, which is perhaps only a first small step toward wider circulation of the more pertinent facts regarding the Texas ports, undertakes to present a concise description of the development of the ports, their structure and organization, their importance in the southwestern regional economy, together with a brief analysis of their prospects and problems. The Development of Texas Ports Texas ports are largely man-made. Those which carry the greatest traffic lie inland on the coastal plain and were developed by dredging and widening bayous and rivers. Even those fronting tlle coast did not provide adequate channels for large ships until jetties were extended into the Gulf and inlets and bays had been dredged. Before 1896, Port Galveston was the only harbor capable of handling a significant volume of traffic, and large ships could not safely use its facilities. The rivers flowed irregularly and silted heavily, so that navigation was feasible only for short distances inland, and the This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( 180 MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW bays and inlets were too shallow to be easily or safely used. Produce moved coastwise and short distances inland via Buffalo Bayou, on Sabine Lake, and up the Brazos, Neches, Sabine, and other rivers; but tllls traffic was small, seasonal, and confined principally to lighters, barges, and small craft. The Texas seaboard, nevertheless, was an ~portant contributor to the early development of the State. During the period of the Republic and the first years of statehood, the port cities dominated the economic and social life of the southwestern community and were the channels through which a large portion of all trade moved. The then shallow harbors of Galveston, Velasco, Indianola, and Sabine Pass were points of vigorous, although small, two-way traffic and of debarkation for many colonists who brought their meager equipment and more important skills for use along the coast, in central Texas, and on the Great Plains of the Southwest. Although the early leaders of Texas recognized that an adequate port system would greatly facilitate the growth of commerce and widen the opportunity for development of southwestern resources, few harbor developments were undertaken until the 1880's, when extensive federally supported improvement programs were initiated at Galveston and in the river channels of the north coastal area. Discovery of the famous Spindletop oil field near Beaumont in 1901 and subsequent extension of oil producing areas along the coast increased the need and demand for ports and waterways to expedite movement of crude oil to the Atlantic seaboard, and between 1905 and 1915 many improvements were initiated. Houston secured deep water in 1915; Beaumont, about one year later. Development of these and other ports continued rapidly during the First World War, when traffic was diverted from the eastern seaboard to Gulf ports to lighten the heavy burden being borne by eastern ports and railroads. Extension of the port system continued during the next two decades. The Port of Corpus Christi was opened in September 1926; the Port of Brownsville began operating about ten years later. Channels were deepened and basins were enlarged in the older ports, and during the 1930's, the unconnected inland channel systems along the coast were joined, thus providing an intracoastal waterway from Corpus Christi to Florida. These harbor and channel improvements, which were financed with local-government and federal funds in varying proportions, were accompanied by heavy investments by local governments and private interests in terminal and other facilities along the waterways and at the turning basins. By 1940, the intracoastal waterway and the ports along the Texas coast formed one of the most efficient water-traffic systems of the nation. Since then, dry docks, shipyards, and a few terminal facilities have been built in the ports, but no major additions to the harbor and channel system have been completed, though dredging is now in progress for the extension of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway from Corpus Christi to Brownsville. The Structure and Organization of the Ports The Texas harbor and coastal waterway system now serving the Southwest includes 13 deepwater harbors, numerous shallow-draft loading points, and the Intracoastal Waterway. The harbors are concentrated in four port areas. At the Texas-Louisiana border Sabine Pass, Sabine Lake, the mouths of the Sabine and Neches Rivers and Taylor Bayou, and the Port Arthur and Sabine-Neches canals provide channels, dock frontage, turning basins and ways for the ports of Beaumont, Orange, Port Arthur, and Sabine Pass. Galveston Bay and the rivers and bayous which extend from it provide the waterways for Ports Galveston, Houston, Texas City, and a number of small loading points. Freeport to the south, although not in Galveston Bay, may be considered part of that port area. Corpus Christi, Ingleside, and Port Aransas are closely associated harbors in the central coastal area. On the Mexican border, Ports Brownsville and Isabel provide ocean outlets for the highly productive Rio Grande Valley and for northern Mexico. The Corpus Christi port area and the two port areas of the north coastal section are connected by the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, which also provides a sheltered route for barges and small craft around the Gulf coastal circle from Corpus Christi to Apalachee Bay, Florida. The needs of the petroleum industry have influenced greatly the type of facility installed in the port areas. All the ports have extensive installations to serve the petroleum traffic, and Port Aransas, Ingleside, and Isabel, are "special purpose" ports, primarily designed to receive and dispatch crude oil and liquid petroleum products. Similarly, Freeport is especially equipped for handling shipments of sulphur as well as petroleum. Each of the port areas also has one or more "general purpose" ports 131 MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW equipped to handle shipments of diversified dry cargoes as well as liquid petroleum. Beaumont, Port Arthur, Houston, Texas City, Galveston, Corpus Christi, and Brownsville handle the principal dry cargo movements in their areas. Ports Houston and Galveston are particularly well equipped to serve a widely diversified traffic. Their "general purpose" facilities include extensive rail terminals, industrial wharves and docks, capacious warehouse and grain elevators, and specialjzed loading and unloading equipment to simplify storing and to expedite movement of agricultural produce, ores, and manufactured goods. LOUISIANA TEXAS ' - - -- GIULF INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY PROJECTED EXTENSION OF :'!'..·j1f'--- G;ULF INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY TEXAS HARBORS AND COASTAL WATERWAYS GULF OF MEXICO MEXICO General responsibility for port operations is usually vested in a local port authority. The administrative organization of Port Houston, although more complex than that of the smaller ports, illustrates the area of responsibility and the character of functions assumed by a port administration. The port of Houston is operated by a Navigation and Canal Commission of five members, serving without pay, who are appointed by the commissioners of the city and county governments. This Board of Commissioners appoints a full-time salaried general manager of the port to supervise all activities of the navigation district, including management of the docks, loading equipment, rail terminals, and other facilities and equipment owned by the district. The Board does not exercise control over channel industries or privately owned terminals. However, all construction on the navigable waters of the district is subject to its jurisdiction and, before being undertaken, must be authorized by the Board and by the United States Engineers. The Board has general responsibility over port traffic, including tariffs applicable to use of its own facilities, appointment of pilots, and fixing of rules and regulations under which they operate. It also supports jointly with private interests a port and traffic bureau to further the interests of the port. Development and maintenance of the harbor and its channels are supported largely with federal funds under the supervision of the United States Engineers. However, the port authority may submit recommendations for such improvements and may undertake projects to supplement them. 132 MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW The Volume and Character of the Cargo Handled at Texas Ports A significant portion of the total cargo on the seaboards of the United States originates on the Texas coast. In 1945, Texas ports handled 14 per cent of the cargo tonnage at United States ocean ports and about 19 per cent of the tonnage on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Last year, Houston ranked third among United States ports in cargo tonnage handled, being exceeded only by New York and Philadelphia; while Beaumont, Port Arthur, Texas City, Port Aransas, Corpus Christi, and Galveston were among the top 3 5 ports in the nation. The tonnage carried by Texas ports TABLE I dropped markedly during the war years, as Table I indicates. A sharp decline in nonCARGO TONNAGE HANDLED AT TEXAS PORT AREAS military foreign trade required diversion of 1937-1946* southwestern cotton and other agricultural (Thousands of sbort tons) Galveston Sabine· produce from foreign to domestic markets, 8~Z~{J Brownsville ~~~rlt ~~t:-l Bay ~e::bes Totn,1 Port Areal Port Areal Port Areas Port Area' Port Areas Waterwa),1 Yoar and these goods ceased to move in large quan412 1,021 98,436 97,415 14,151 1937 41,599 41,253 tities through the ports. Early successes of the 2,369 98,151 95,782 394 1938 38,400 42,407 14,581 547 102,233 3,125 105,358 1939 40,360 45,544 15,782 Nazi submarine campaign made tanker pas98,681 524 7,073 105,754 1940 38,619 45,357 14,181 sage along Gulf and Atlantic shores extremely 97,732 11,523 109,255 357 1941 40,313 12,644 14,418 7,157 239 56,616 14,997 71,613 1942 20,900 28,224 hazardous and forced a marked reduction in 7,691 177 46,637 14,917 61,554 1943 15,075 23,694 ship!ll.W1ts of petroleum via that route. More9,847 403 54,794 17,527 72,321 1944 17,029 27,515 78,837 15,908 94,745 855 1945 26,594 37,977 13,411 over, cargoes which were being produced near 1946 43,746 51,615 20,187 1,587 117,135 13,978 131,112 the port areas and which ordinarily would ·All tonnage handlool,.,.inc1uding e:cporta, imports, coastwise, internal, and local. IBeawnont. Omnge, yort Arthur, and Sabine Pass. have moved from the Texas coast, including 'Freeport, GRivcston, Houston, and Texas City. :Corpus Christi, Ingleside, Port Aran&a8. and Port Lavaca. military equipment, munitions, and aviation ' Brownsville a~d Port IsabeJ. $Sabine River to Corpus Ch risti. gasoline, were diverted through Atlantic ports SOURCE: Commercial Statistics (of Ports), War Department. Corps of EnginCC1'1!l. to reduce the distance traveled by convoys. Cargo handled by the Texas harbor and waterway system declined from 109,300,000 tons in 1941 to 61,600,000 tons in 1943. A greater reduction might have occurred had not the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway provided a sheltered route to which petroleum and other cargoes could be shifted. Shipments on the Texas section of the Canal increased from 11,500,000 tons in 1941 to 17,500,000 tons in 1944. Since the end of the war, traffic at Texas ports has increased substantially. Large exports of grains, flour, cotton, and petroleum products, destined principally for European nations, have restored the international cargo tonnage of the ports to the prewar level. Local and coastwise shipments of crude oil and petroleum products have risen markedly as the domestic demand for fuel TABLE II PRINCIPAL GOODS HANDLED AT TEXAS PORTS, 1939 and 1946 (Thousands of short tons) Commodity - Imports Coastwlse-----------lnternal and lntl'!lportTotal Traffio ."":'_~==~;;~~F~o~rru~'~~~;rl~~:-~ Exporta 1939 1946 1939 1946 1939 1946 1939 1946 1939 1946 Total all commodities ........ . . .. .. . .. ... 117,135 102,233 Refined l'etroleum products .... .. . . ..... 59,264 49,372 Crude oi and asphalt ..... . . . .... . ..... 42,647 41,966 Sea Shells. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . 4,539 2,117 666 Wheat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,497 Sulphur.. .. . .... .. .. .. . .. . • . .. .. . .. .. 1,938 1,725 Flour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584 190 Cotton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575 890 Corn, oats, and rice.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 194 Iron and steel and their products . .. .. ... 373 1,304 Nonferrous metal ores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . 207 84 Phosphate rock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 9 Bananas, other fruit and coffee........ . . 177 221 Fertilizers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 251 Rnw cane sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 121 Paper and wood pulp. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . 50 199 All other co=odities... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,399 2,924 18,937 10,978 873 3 2,481 1,016 546 575 394 85 123 .. 1 110 18,497 9,428 5,816 2 666 645 69 750 84 480 8 1,752 579 7 44 592 67 1,135 12 612 73,631 41,101 31,372 9 527 38 2 84 5 175 9 101 18 129 19 5 116 3 121 94 154 19 40 .. 176 56 26 35 288 72,143 37,711 30,733 13 976 121 140 95 520 71 9 38 200 98 1,363 23,976 7,118 10,402 4,537 8 395 10,457 2,221 4,805 2,103 3 246 15 357 1 6 32 1,229 104 .. 4 3 7 838 SOURCE: Commercial Statistics (of Ports), War Department, Corpa of Engineers. oils and gasoline has increased and as tankers have been shifted from transocean military service to the Gulf-Atlantic seaboard run. The tonnage handled in the four Texas port areas in 1946 was at an all-time high, 151 per cent greater than in 1943 and 13 per cent above 1939; and, though the 188 MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW gross tonnage handled on the Texas section of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway was smaller than at the 1944 peak, it was still 10,850,000 tons above 1939. The increased cargo at the ports in 1946 as compared with the prewar period was largely attributable to a very marked increase in traffic within the port areas which accompanied expansion of refining, chemicals manufacture, and other industrial activity in the Texas coastal region. The cargo tonnage handled in internal and intraport movements* was approximately 13,500,000 tons larger in 1946 than in 1939, whereas the volume of coastwise cargo was not significantly greater, and total export-import tonnage was fractionally smaller. As has been indicated, servlcmg the petroleum traffic is an important function in all Texas ports and the principal operation in many. In 1946, petroleum liquids accounted for 102,000,000 tons of the 117,000,000 tons of cargo handled by the Texas port system, or about 87 per cent of the total. Crude oil and its products constituted 98 per cent of the coastwise tonnage handled at the ports, 73 per cent of the internal and intraport movement, and 61 per cent of the exportimport cargo. The traffic in petroleum probably will be larger this year, since production from Texas oil fields is being raised to new peaks and refineries in the coastal area are expanding and operating more intensively in response to rising domestic demand for petroleum products. Other minerals and raw materials used by the heavy industries of the coastal area also are important cargoes at the ports. During 1946, the movement of seashell, sulphur, and nonferrous metal ores totaled 6,684,000 tons and accounted for about six per cent of all cargo tonnage handled. Seashell (often called "mudshell") is moved in internal and intraport traffic to supply needs of cement plants, chemical plants, and large construction projects. Sulphur also enters local port traffic when shipped to coastal chemical plants and to other loading points; but the bulk of the movement consists of coastwise and internal shipments and exports originating at Galveston and Freeport. Metallic ores are important items in the export-import traffic handled primarily by the Galveston Bay port area. Agricul tural produce comprises a large part of the remaining tonnage and a significant part of the export traffic. In 1946, exports of wheat, other grains, flour, and cotton totaled 3,996,000 tons, or about three per cent of all tonnage handled and 20 per cent of total export tonnage. The import tonnage, which has declined as compared with 1939 and in 1946 constituted less than one per cent of total cargo, consists primarily of tropical fruits, coffee, and sugar cane. TABLE III TRAFFIC AT TEXAS PORTS, 1946, CLASSIFIED BY DESTINATION OR ORIGIN (Thousands of abort tons) Port and Port Area - - Foreign -:----:-.,-Coal5twise - - Sabine-Neches Port Area .. Beaumont . .. ..... . . .. . Orange ... .. . . .. .. ... . . Port Arthur .......... . Sabine Pass ....... . ... . Galveston Bay Port Area . . Freeport ....... . . . ... . Galveston .. ......... . . Houston . . .. . ........ . . T exas City .. . ........ . Corpus Christi Port Arca . . Corpus Christi. ... . .. . . Ingleside ... .......... . Port Aransas . ... ... . . . . Port Lavaca ....... . .. . Brownsville Port Area .. . . Brownsville .. . .. . . . ... . Port I sabel. .......... . Grand total ports .... . ... . Imports Loca.l and Exporia Receipta Shipments Int rapoTt 4.4 4.4 4,105 .4 629.1 1,997.7 869.0 30,348.9 16,926.6 .0 3,476.3 1,128.7 399.4 12,767.3 1,435.9 105.8 205.3 88.3 5.0 1.4 4,195.2 7,058.1 1,514.0 1,840.6 1,656.7 88.8 95.0 .1 223.1 118.7 104.4 18,936.4 55. 7 621.8 758.4 104.5 33.5 4.4 66 .6 13,111.8 310.5 23,509.4 109.9 607.4 14,956.0 7,836. 1 15,073.3 5,133.2 415.1 9,525.0 7,289.9 43, 746.3 4,622.9 23,052.0 148.7 148.7 2,460.5 20,177.3 57.8 368.3 13.502.4 51,614.3 666.8 556.9 5,960.9 996.9 8,996.3 31,837.5 2,952.3 13,149.1 3,164.0 20,187.4 1,692.7 8,517.5 1,186.4 678.1 512.5 10,199.1 280.7 284.4 19.3 1,586.5 566.3 7.5 1,020.2 11.8 23,975.6 117,134.5 3.6 183.0 183.0 23.1 23.1 1,137.9 233.9 904.0 70,069.5 Total Traffic Diverse raw materials 3,561.2 591.8 and finished goods other SOURCE : Commercial Statistics (of P ort-5), 1946, War Dcpurtrncut, Corps of Engineers. than those mentioned move through the ports, principally as items of export or import. They accounted for only four per cent of cargo tonnage handled in 1946; but they are important constituents of the port traffic, nevertheless, because they create demands for various brokering and other trading services, and they supply industries and businesses with essential materials for processing and with valuable goods for distribution. ' Internal traffic is traffic between a port and its tributary waterways; intraport traffic is traffic between various cha nnels within a port. 134 MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW The Ports in the Regional Economy Exact measurement of the contributions of the Texas harbor and waterway system to the regional economy obviously is not possible. The significance of the ports is indicated, however, by the large volume of southwestern products which flows through them; by the number of persons for whom they provide employment and the pay rolls they support; and by the commerce, industry, and capital they have attracted to the region. The Texas harbor and waterway system carries a very large part of all freight moved in the Southwest. The 131 ,000,000 tons of cargo handled by the system last year exceeded by nearly 35,000,000 tons the revenue freight originated or terminated in Texas by Class I steam railways. Pipe lines to the ports collect oil from fields as far west as New Mexico; rail and truck shipments bring wheat from the Texas Panhandle, Oklahoma, Kansas, and other states west of the Mississippi; while cotton and other produce move to Texas tidewater from the entire southwestern region. The major portions of the output of several basic products of the region find their way to foreign and domestic markets through the ports. In 1946, petroleum shipments from the Texas seaboard were equivalent to about 70 per cent of the crude oil production of the State; shipments of wheat equaled 75 per cent of the State's output; shipments of crude sulphur equaled 53 per cent of production; and exports of cotton exceeded the entire crop produced in the State. In performing their traffic services, the ports employ a large labor force and create a sizable pay roll. In 1940, approximately 18,650 workers were engaged in Texas in activities closely related to port operations, as follows: Ship and boat building and repair. ______________________________________________________________ 2,600 Stevedoring _______________________________________________________________________.__________________ 6,9 °° Water transportation ____________________________________________________ __________________ 9,15 ° Since that time, employment has increased in shipyards, in local water transportation, and in cargo handling. Moreover, "white collar" activities relating to cargo financing and traffic management and to operation of various port facilities, such as rail terminals and warehouses, require a substantial number of workers. Conservative estimates place current employment in direct port operation at 30,000 to 35,000 persons, with a total pay roll of perhaps $90,000,000 annually. Thus the ports of the State in the role of employer appear almost as important as petroleum refining, in which about 38,000 workers are engaged, and more important than any other single industry division except inland transportation, construction, and food processing. The ports also are important "investors," thereby providing a stimulating inflow of capital to coastal communities. The expenditures on harbor and channel improvement and maintenance along the Texas coast, mainly for dredging channels and building jetties, amounted to about $135,000,000 through 1946, of which $55,000,000 was for maintenance. During the decade of the 1930's, expenditures for improvement and maintenance averaged about $5,000,000 annually. Information concerning outlays on construction and maintenance of docks, terminals, elevators, and other essential port facilities, which usually are financed by private organizations or by local government instrumentalities, is not available. Such data as can be obtained indicate, however, that the total investment is very -large, and that it has influenced considerably the magnitude and character of construction activity in the port cities. The Port of Houston estimates that the investments in private and public industrial wharves and docks, terminals, warehouses, dry docks, and other facilities along its ship channel amount to approximately $116,000,000 . The assessed valuation of the land and other taxable properties located within the principal navigation districts in Texas is approximately $1,125,000,000, and their actual value probably exceeds $2,000,000,000. The indirect contributions which the ports have made to the economy by attracting industries are far greater, however, than the contributions to community income and wealth arising directly from transportation services rendered by the ports, or from port development and maintenance. MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW 135 The nearness of the ports to abundant reserves of natural gas, crude oil, sulphur, limestone, and timber has led heavy industries to locate strategically along the tidewater from Orange and Port Arthur on the north to Brownsville on the south, in order to combine the advantages of ready access to raw materials and fuel with cheap water transportation. In the selection of sites for chemical plants, refineries, and other industrial facilities which have been built on the Texas coast, the total advantages of a location have usually determined the choice; but access to water transportation undoubtedly has been one of the decisive factors. Plants which process large quantities of bulk or liquid materials, or which ship bulk dry cargo and large volumes of liquids, find location on tidewater an important asset, since such cargoes are usually shipped at less cost by water than by rail or truck. Refineries, chemical plants, cement mills, nonferrous metal processing plants, and iron and steel plants have been established on the Texas seaboard in part to benefit from coastwise or transocean movement of their raw materials and products. The interconnecting channels between harbors and within port areas also attract plants, since they permit "traffic liaison" between coastal industries. Heavy freight movements between factories, warehouses, and shipping points have been facilitated by the network of channels along the coast and near populous areas. Movements between private docks, often by company-owned barges, are accomplished at low cost; and since they usually need not be completed on a fixed schedule, may simplify handling by providing storage space on the carrier. Organizations which rely upon other plants along Texas coastal channels to supply them with bulky materials, therefore, seek channel-side locations. In addition, the port areas are logical sites for plants to fabricate or process materials before export or after import. Refining of metal ores, processing of foreign fruits and other foods, and fabrication of foreign and domestic products before trans-shipment are important port-area activities. The extent of the industrialization of the Texas port areas is indicated by Table IV. The EMPLOYMENT, INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY, AND POPULATION eight coastal counties which are served by IN PRINCIPAL TEXAS PORT COUNTIES large ports accounted for 45 per cent of the (Doll'l, f amounts in thousands) value added by manufacture in Texas in 1939, Mfg. Wage Value Added by Wnr Industry . .IS Population Earners Manufaotu," Facility the 1atest year f or w hich such'In f ormatIon Port ArCllRlld County 1940 1'3' 1939 Awards I fi f t h ese Sabine-Keches: Jefferson.. 145,329 12,208 $ 69,177.7 $ 201 ,432 available. The re ative signi cance 0 527 $ 1,009.8 $ 12,936 counties probably has increased considerably Orange... 17,382 Brazoria.. . 27,069 106 Galveston: ~6\ ~ 16g:~~l since that year. It will be observed from the Chambers . 7,511 73 $ Galveston.. 81,173 3,131 :; 13,696.3 $ 104,598 table that awards for industrial war facilities Harris. . .. 528,961 22,765 1,232 ~1°~:1~:~ : 3~:~~~ in the eight counties totaled $878,112,000 and Corpus Christi: Kueees.... 92,661 Cameron. . 83,202 853 $ 2,514.8 $ Brownsville: 823 accounted for about 64 per cent of the total Total, Eight Counties. . 983,288 40,895 $203,183.2 $ 878,112 '1" . T ex as. A mong t he awar ds f or such f aClltles In T otal, T exas ............. 6,414,824 126,992 5453,105.4 $1,376,482 Eight Counties as per cent war plants built in the coastal area were 63.79 32.20 44.84 15.33 of Texas ...... . ..... . high octane gasoline refineries, synthetic rubN.A.=Not available. SOURCE: United States Department of Commerce and War Production Board. ber, nonferrous metal processing, chemical and steel plants, shipyards, and dry docks. Although a few of these facilities are closed and several are operating on reduced schedules, many have been expanded since the end of the war and probably will continue to grow. TABLE IV The area along the Texas coast is now one of the important industrial regions of the nation. About 25 per cent of the refining capacity of the United States is located on the Texas seaboard. Extensive chemical industry developments have established the central and north Texas coast as heavy chemical basins, and chemical plants which are planned for the Brownsville port area will extend the industry to the Mexican border. Magnesium plants have been located on the coast at Freeport to use salt water as a primary "raw material," while steel plants have been established at Houston to be near a large local market and close to ocean transportation. Agricultural produce of the Southwest also is processed on the coast in part to benefit from water transport; wheat milling and rice refining are conducted on a large scale in the north coastal area, while the largest grain sorghum processing plant in the nation is being built at Corpus Christi. In addition, sugar refineries, coffeeroasting plants, pineapple quick-freeze plants, and a tin ore reduction plant are located in the Galveston Bay region, and processing of foreign products is conducted on a smaller scale in the other port areas. 136 MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW Port Prospects From the foregoing, it is apparent that important advantages have accrued to the Southwest from the port system on the Texas seaboard. The coastal cities, naturally, are the principal beneficiaries of the ports' services; but nearly all of the Southwest shares directly or indirectly in the benefits arising from development of the ports and expansion of their functions. Consequently, future development and utilization of the ports and port areas should be matters of general interest in the region. The large volume of cargo tonnage carried by the harbor and coastal waterway system since the end of the war almost certainly will continue for several years and may increase considerably if coastal industries grow and the national economy continues at a high level of activity. Expansion of the chemical industry, paper manufacturing, steel fabrication, and cement production in the Texas seaboard area, if continued, will create additional tonnage for local and coastwise carriers. Moreover, should the unprecedented demand for petroleum products which has developed during the first eight months of this year become greater, as is generally expected, more intensive use of ocean tankers and coastal barges will be required in the local traffic between refineries and loading points and on the long haul from Texas to the East coast. The prospects for expansion of intraport, internal, and coastwise traffic, therefore, are particularly encouraging. TABLE V The outlook for the export and import traffic perhaps is less optimistic. Since the end of the war, the interVALUE OF EXPORTS AND IMPORTS national traffic at the ports has reflected the crucial needs TEXAS PORTS· of European nations for basic foods for their people and (Thousands of dollnrs) primary raw materials and machinery for their industries. ImpOrts E:zporta $27,500 1938 $ 361,100 As Table V indicates, the dollar value of exports from 28,800 1939 338,300 the Sabine and Galveston customs districts totaled $838,30,700 242,800 1940 50,600 1941 118,500 000,000 in 1946, and thus far this year exports have been 74,000 1942 152,900 maintained at an annual rate in excess of $1,000,000,000, 41,800 1943 191,500 66,000 1944 291 ,700 which is about three times the annual value of exports 46,900 473,800 1945 62,900 838,000 1946 from the Texas coast in the years just before the war. The Jan.-Mar. 1947 (annual rat e) 1,162,400 78,400 cargo tonnage exported during 1946, however, was only -Sabine (Port Arthur) and Galveston Customs Distric:ts. a little greater than in 1939. Available data indicate that SOURCE: United States Department of Commerce. large shipments of wheat, flour, and cotton may raise export tonnage in 1947 above the 1946 level, and that imports may be expanding slightly as foreign economies restore their agriculture and industry and as shipping routes are extended. But, after the first stages of rehabilitation abroad, a substantial increase in the export-import volume of Texas ports above prewar levels probably will be sustained only if a healthy commercial intercourse among nations develops. The magnitude and composition of the international cargoes handled by Texas ports depend, therefore, upon such complex and, at this time, unpredictable influences as the rapidity with which the productivity of foreign agriculture is restored; whether dollar balances of foreign nations are depleted; the liberality with which foreign credits are advanced by the world financial institutions and the United States; the character and success of trade agreements among nations; and the tariff structures and exchange regulations which are adopted. If an environment favorable to foreign trade is established, a more vigorous and diversified international traffic probably will develop on the Texas seaboard. More varied as well as larger tonnage at the ports seems likely to develop. Texas ports are engaged essentially in one-way traffics, as has been indicated, shipping petroleum and agricultural products abroad and up the coast, and handling only small imports and coastal receipts in return. The multiple-cargo traffic handled in such ports as New York and Philadelphia, which supports vigorous commercial activities in those areas, has not been duplicated in Texas ports, except on a limited scale at Galveston and Houston. Movement of most dry cargoes requires a greater variety of services and a larger number of workers per ton than transportation of liquid petroleum, particularly when 137 MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW the cargoes enter into foreign commerce. A more varied cargo tonnage would be desirable, therefore, since it would increase business and employment opportunities in the 'coastal region. It seems reasonable to expect that as diversification of Texas industry proceeds, port cargo also will become more diverse. The growth of the chemical and refining industries will not contribute significantly to diversification of port traffic, since the major portion of their products will be liquids similar to those which constitute nearly 90 per cent of the tonnage now handled. However, expansion of oil well supply and other metal products industries, nonferrous metals processing, paper manufacture, and various fabricating industries in the coastal area and the Southwest will result in a more varied and perhaps more valuable cargo movement through the ports. The character of the ports' activities also may be diversified by redevelopment of their passenger services. As Table VI indicates, 210,000 persons debarked or embarked at Galveston and Houston in 1930; only 2,500 in 1946. The decay of this traffic during the 1930's and the following war period deprived the ports of a lucrative commerce. As ocean travel increases, Texas ports can share in the traffic if they are equipped to serve it and will take the necessary steps to attract it. TABLE VI PASSENGER TRAFFIC AT TEXAS PORTS· Yea' 1930t 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Tolal 221,820 99,575 70,112 42,441 64,085 52,510 24,929 29,744 26,138 9,572 7,070 465 164 27 48 233 2,565 ---Number of Passenie.... ra--Galveston HoU!1:on Otber Porta 71,161 54,738 45,935 23,493 39,383 44,062 10,296 8,579 8,863 9,112 1,431 411 129 9 35 123 1,343 139,233 44,618 23,964 18,716 24,463 8,194 14,437 20,823 16,996 82 5,271 39 15 18 11,426 219 213 232 239 254 196 342 279 378 368 15 20 Further development of Texas harbors, waterways, port facilities, and port services will be necessary if traffic is to be expanded greatly. Ports attract cargo when equipped to handle it more satisfactorily than alternative 9 4 carriers. Adequate rail terminals, multipurpose loading 68 42 512 710 devices, modern docks, capacious storage facilities, and efficient traffic management may be more important in -Excludes ferry traffic wiL-hin the ports. tlneludes tarae numbers of passengers on "excursions." attracting business than the size of the harbor or the disSOURCE: Commercial BtatiJtics (of Porta), War Department, Corp' of tance from point of discharge. World War II interrupted Encineers. the growth of the Texas harbor and waterway system. Harbor and channel improvements were delayed, and development programs which might have been undertaken during a period of peace were not initiated. Construction of shipyards during the early war years in the Galveston Bay and Sabine-Neches port areas provided facilities which will be valuable port assets if ocean traffic expands greatly, but construction of many other facilities, such as rail terminals, docks, and warehouses, was deferred, and the total additions to port structures and equipment during the 1941-1945 period were small. The harbors and facilities on the Texas coast apparently have handled their postwar loads efficiently, but additional improvements will be necessary if the ports are to expand their services significantly. Channels in many of the ports must be deepened before the faster, larger tankers and merchant ships can use them. Additional specialized equipment is needed in the port areas to handle diversified dry cargoes and to counteract the rising labor costs of loading and unloading. Moreover, additional piers, docks, rail terminals, and other installations will be required to serve plants which are to be built in the region. Plans to develop the port and waterway system are being programmed and initiated. Facilities at Brownsville will be expanded to enlarge its functions as a multipurpose port and to serve new chemical plants in the area; extensive channel and facility improvement programs are planned at Houston, Galveston, and Beaumont; and modern facilities will be built at Texas City to replace those destroyed this year. Expenditures on facilities at the larger ports during 1947-1948 probably will approach $10,000,000. The projected extension of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway from Corpus Christi to Brownsville and Harlingen will provide the intracoastal connection between southwest Texas ports. A more extensive program than that planned may be required, however, if a large volume of general cargo is attracted to the ports. Fortunately, the port authorities appear in excellent positions to finance improvement programs; for in 1946, the bonded indebtedness of the principal navigation districts in Texas was somewhat less than $13,000,000, as compared with an assessed valuation of taxable properties within the districts totaling about $1,125,000,000. 138 MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW Review of Business. Industrial. Agricultural. and Financial Conditions DISTRICT SUMMARY Dry, open weather during most of July and August was favorable for harvesting operations and for the cultivation of growing crops. Drought throughout most of the district and a series of heat waves, however, caused sharp deterioration in the condition of the ranges and of bte planted corn and other growing crops. The yield of cotton harvested in the Rio Grande Valley and south Texas during July and the firSt part of August was generally good, but the condition and prospective yield of the crop in most other sections were being affected in varying degree at mid-August by drought and intense heat. The dollar volume of sales of district department stores during July was slightly lower than for the same month a year ago. The decline from the total for June, however, was no more than seasonal, and the outlook for the fall of this year is described by executives of several of these stores as favorable for a steady volume of business even though total sales may not exceed the high level achieved during the corresponding season of last year. Consumer spending continues at a high rate, with an increased ratio of expenditures going for automobiles, home furnishings, other durable goods, and food. Activity and output of representative manufacturing establishments in the district arc holding generally steady, despite shortages in the supply of sheet steel, some small tooled products, and high-grade cotton fabrics. Moderate expansion of employment in apparel plants is forecast for the fall, along with a seasonal increase in the activity of food processing establishments. The value of construction contracts awarded showed a moderate increase in July, and the production of crude oil and the demand for oil and its products continued at near record levels. BUSINESS Sales of department stores in this district during July fell slightly below those for the corresponding month a year ago, reflecting, in part at least, the effect of the increase in dollar sales volume in relation to unit sales which occurred in July 1946 as the result of sharp price increases following the suspension of price controls. The trend of sales in weekly reporting stores during the first two weeks of AugllSt suggests that dollar sales month by month for the remainder of this year may suffer somewha t by comparison with those of the corresponding months of last year, when sharp rises in the prices of nearly all commodities pushed dollar volume up at a rapid rate. Compared with June, however, sales in July declined no more than seasonally, the unadjusted index dropping only three per cent. The cumulative gain in sales for the year through July over the first seven months of last year was five per cent, down one point from the figure for the first six months. January-July sales in 1946 exceeded those of the same period in 1945 by 30 per cent. From the foregoing developmen ts in departmen t store sales volume, it is obvious, when today's high price level is taken into consideration, that unit sales have decreased significantly and that the physical volume of goods passing from producers to consumers through department store trade channels is considerably smaller, though doubtless more diversified and of better quality, than it was a year ago. However, most department store executives recently interviewed regard the slowing down which has occurred in the rate of spending for the soft and semi-durable goods which constitute the bulk of their merchandise as a natural consequence of hi gh food prices and of the increase in supply of automobiles and major household appliances, for which there is still a strong demand. For the most part, t hey feel that conditions in their line of trade have now achieved a stability which, with the supporting influence of good fa ll and Christmas buying, will endure at least till the end of 1947. A moderate increase of eight per cent in total stocks of department stores at the end of July as compared with a year ago and a decrease of 44 per cent in the volume of orders outstanding during the same period indicate the success of store executives generally in controlling and balancing their inventories. In fact, nearly all the executives of department and apparel stores recently interviewed described the present condition of their merchandise stocks as very satisfactory, especially from the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE STA TI8TtrS PercOlI1 '\gO challICe ill - - -- - Retail trade' Oepnrtment storee: Total lIth Dist.. . .. %!If~~ ?b.~t~ : :::: Fort. Wortb ... ... .. Houston .......... . San Antonio .... . .. Sbre..-eport, La .. ... Other cities ... .. . .. Retail furniture: Total 11th Dut. .... Dallaa . . ... . . ..... HoUlton .. .. ....... Port Arthur . ...... San Antonio . ...... Number of reporting firms 4~ 4 7 4 7 5 3 18 45 •• 3 4 Net B811l9-J ~n. 1 to Juiy 1947 rrOUl July 31,1947 Julv Juue rr,IO\ 1946 HJ47 1946 -3 -I +5 +12 +7 + 1 -2 -4 +1 -I +7 +7 -3 +8 -I -2 -8 +6 -12 +8 +5 -3 -I +5 +3 +4 +11 +30 - 3 3 +5 6 +11 - Storke t- Jul}' 1947 from July June 1946 19H - I +8 +23 -9 - I +2 +30 +3 +4 - 4 +1 -I +14 :':" i +51 +40 -5 - I I Wholesale trade: Automotive 8uppliea 3 +8 +10 - 3 Drugs... . . . . . . . ... 3 No ehg. +18 . . .... Groceries .. . , ..... , 21 +20 + 7 +16 +40 + 5 8 8 - II +24 +68 - 3 Tobaeco& produc19. I) -12 +24 - 3t 40 · Compiled by United States Burelu of Censu8. Wbolesale trade fi~ ret prelimiMry. tswob at eod of mouth . tCbnugc IC98 thlill one·halr of Doe per cent. + INDEXES OF DEPARTMENT STORE SALF.8 AND STOCKS July 19(7 Oi8trict .... . Dallas .. .. . . Houston .... . 288 267 305 Daily uerage sale8-f1935-1939 -tOO} Unadjusted • Adjusted July May Juno May July June 1{)47 It}47 1047 1046 1947 1947 361r 3i{l 307r 356 2!H r 3iS 352 343 273 371 3G5 289 377 37Sr 329r 3iO 305 r 386 810<100- (1935-1939 -1(0) Adjustro Unad iusted· May July July JUlie May July June 194i 1946 1047 1947 1947 1947 1947 2;6 Sl6r 2i2 308 333r 298 District .... . 299 ·Uoadjusted (or seD80ual vnriatino. r-Revised. July 1946 383r 379 3n r July 1946 252 standpoint of their achievements in cleaning out practically all wartime substitute merchandise or other slow-moving goods. To accomplish this, they had resorted to clearance sales and mark-downs of prices ranging from moderate to drastic. As for present buying policies, most of these executives indicated that they are buying on shorter commitment and ordering in smaller volume than during the war, when it was customary to order much more than the merchant expected to receive by delivery date. It is now possible, they report, in many soft-goods lines to supplement pre-season orders with fill-ins of merchandise which becomes depleted during the season. Compared with a year ago, the number of scarce items has declined sharply. Among soft goods high-grade men's suits and shirts, some types of women's apparel, and such household staples as muslin and sheeting are the principal items currently reported as hard to get. An increase of 17 per cent from June to July in department store orders outstanding, the second largest month-to-month increase in more than a year, apparently reflects both the moderate level of present inventories and a normal program of stock en largement in anticipation of good autumn sales. 139 MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW N et sales of reporting furniture stores in the district during July showed a slight increase over those of the same month last year but declined by the same percentage in comparison with June of this year. Ratios of cash and credit sales to total sales were 18 and 82 per cent, respectively, as compared with 23 and 77 per cent in July 1946. End-of-month inventories of these stores exceeded those of the same date last year by 51 per cent but were down five per cent from the end of June. Furniture store executives contacted in recent interviews anticipate fair to good business for the remainder of the year. Sales of furniture alone may fall somewhat below those of last year, but stores with full stocks of household appliances expect to equal if not exceed the total sales of last fall. Ratios of collections to accounts receivable at furniture and department stores indicate that the growth in volume of credit sales is being accompanied by a gradual lengthening of the average collection period on both charge accounts and instalment contracts. The collection ratio for both types of accounts, however, is still much higher than in prewar years. Anticipated production in Texas is placed at 3,200,000 bales, or almost double the 1946 crop of 1,669,000 bales and slightly above the 10-year average of 3,021 ,000 bales. The estimate of 8,156,000 acres of cotton for harvest in Texas this year is 36 per cent above last year's acreage and greater than in any other year since 1940. The indica ted yield of 188 pounds of lint per acre this year may be compared with 134 pounds last year and with a 10-year average of 168 pounds per acre, A Louisiana crop of 525,000 bales, forecast on August 1, although 18 per cent below average, more than doubles the crop produced last year, due largely to an increased yield estimated at 293 pounds of lint per acre, compared with 148 pounds per acre harvested last year. In Oklahoma the crop was estimated at 300,000 bales, compared with 262,000 bales produced last year and with a 10-year average of 568,000 bales. Both the acreage and the indicated yield per acre in Oklahoma arc somewhat above those of last year, CASH FARM INCOlfE BY MAJOR I NCOME GROUPS FOR THE STATES OF THE ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT, 1946 COMPARED WITH 1945 (Thousands of dollars) Liveatock: and CroP! 111,453 -1946 ..... . .. .. ...... .. . 89,648 1945 .. .. ...... ........ . 168,722 -1 94e . ............... . . . 186,582 1945•••.• .•. •••. •••••.• 53,888 New Me:rico--1946 . . . ..... .. . . . ..... . 41 ,054 1945 .. .. .... ...... .. .. . 208,6GB Oklahoma -1946 .................. . 197,775 1945•.• . •. •. •••••• ••.• . 707,830 T.... -1946 .••••••• , ., .•• , .• . • 1136,288 1945 •.•. •. •. •.•. •.• •••• Five .tates -11146 . . . .. . . . . ... . ... . . . 1,200,568 1945 . ••• •••••••••• ••••. 1, 151,S47 Alisona Hot, dry weather over most of the district during July and early August was favorable for harvesting operations but unfavorable for ranges and pastures, and caused deterioration of late planted and other growing crops. Scattered showers in early August checked drought damage in some areas of Texas, while minor crop losses resulted from storms in the Coastal Bend and Lower Valley areas. Due to sharply reduced acreage as compared with last year, a low production of grain sorghums in Texas was indica ted by the crop forecast of August I. The forecast of the corn crop was reduced considerably from that of a month earlier, and wheat product ion estimates were lowered somewhat when yields were found to have been slightly below expectations. Range feeds were dry and cured throughout most of the grazing areas of the district at the beginning of August, but subsequent showers revived grasses in scattered localities. In spite of supplemental feeding, livestock in many dry areas have lost some weight. CROP PRODUCTION- (Thousand, of bushels) Winter wheat . . . . . . . . . . .. Corn . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . Oata.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . Barley . . ..... ....... COttonl·· · · ·······.·· ... Tame hayt .............. Potat0e8, Iriah . . ......... Potatoell. aweeL .... , .... Ri ce ... . ... ..... ... ... . . A...·erage 1936-45 41.287 71.9113 33.236 3,913 3,021 1,149 4,009 4.828 14 .8i7 Te... Estimated 1946 Aug. l,1 947 62.916 129.420 55,01 2 50,193 36,3&6 31,248 2,610 2.572 1,669 3,200 1.2113 1,137 5,883 4,488 6,570 5.270 17,716 19,404 Government Total farm payments iacome 58,008 3,247 172,798 51,31 0 2,675 143,1133 82, 116 12,329 263,1 67 72,454 12,7g6 27 1,832 92,530 4,136 150,554 78,694 4,336 124,084 276, 128 17,741 502,535 477,066 260,722 18,569 679,765 40,318 1,427,922 l ,315,43i 637,721 41 ,428 1,188,1137 77,771 2,516,976 1,100,901 79,804 2,332,052 livestock AGRICULTURE St.'\tes in Eleventh Diatrict.-Average 1936-45 102.467 124 ,624 113,484 11 ,617! 4,529! 3,467 9,576 13,753- 36,120" Estimated 1946 Aug. l,1947 154,a93 244,492 98,502 90,1 11 65,022 65,374 005 8, 9,058 2,478 4,385 4,011 4,054 11 ,839 9,378 17 ,89013 ,520- 1 40,3926 1 41,9426 ·Figures are combined totals for five states lying wholl),. or partly in the ElevenLh Ferleral R6IIf!.rve Di.strict: TeXAS, Arizona,, New Mexicoband Oklahoma. §Tn thousands or bales. tTIl thouMnds of tons. ~Arizona. New Menco, klahoma, Rnd TeXM. -Louisiana, Oklahoma, and TeX&!. 6u,uilliana and Tev.s. SOURCE: United State! Department of Agriculture. As harvest of the record T exas wheat crop was completed, yields were found to average about 18 bushels per acre, or a bushel below earlier expectations. The result was that production estimates were reduced to 129,420,000 bushels, compared with a July 1 estimate of 136,610,0 00 bushels and a production last year of 62,916,000 bushels. The August I report of the United States Department of Agriculture estimates the United States 1947 cotton crop at 11,844,000 bales, compared with a crop of 8,640,000 bales in 1946 and a 10-year (1936-45) average of 12,390,000 bales. Louisiana producta SOURCE: United States Department of AiricuJture, Bureau of Agricu1tural Economies. Cotton in most areas of Texas suffered from lack of moisture during July, except in the High Plains and the Low Rolling Plains. Harvesting proceeded satisfactorily in southern Texas during the month but was interrupted in the Coastal Bend and Lower Valley counties in early Atlgust by heavy rains, which also caused considerable loss in quality and some loss in quantity of open cotton in the fields. In most other areas of Texas the need for moisture increased during the first half of August, and early cotton matured rapidly, with excessive shedding of young boHs and premature opening of grown boHs. Infestations of insects remained comparatively light in the State as a whole. Prospective yields of late planted corn were seriously reduced by dry weat her during July, and the August 1 product ion forecast of the Texas corn crop w as 50,193 ,000 bushels, compared with a forecast of 53 ,235 ,000 bushels on July 1. The estimated production this year may be compared with a harvest of 55,012,000 bushels last year and a 10-year average production of 71,963,000 bushels, The estimated yield of 16.5 bushels per acre is slightly below last year's yield, but abov'e average. This year's acreage of sorghum for grain, estimated at 3,506,000 acres, is 24 per cent below that of last year, due principally to increased plantings of wheat and cotton, particularly in northwest areas. The August I forecast of production was placed at 61,355,000 bushels, which , although above average, is far below tbe 73,742 ,000 bushels produced last year. Growing conditions for grain sorghums were generally unfavorable during the first part of August, and the late crop was in need of rain. Harvesting was about completed in the southern counties of Texas by the first of August and was under way in northcentral and some northwest counties. Production of hay this year, estimated at 1,310,000 tons on August 1, is about three per cent below average. Broomcorn production, estimated at 4,000 tons, is only about two-thirds as 140 MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW large as last year's crop and is 1,000 tons less than the 10-year average. Harvest in all important producing areas was practically completed by August 1. The Texas peanut crop for 1947 was estimated On August 1 at 338,400,000 pounds, and the acreage for harvest at 752,000 acres. The production expected this year is below that of last year but far above the 10-year average. The indicated 450pound yield per acre, though slightly above average, is considerably 'below the yield of 515 pounds per acre last year. Harvest was under way in southern counties on August 1, and early August rains were helpful to the late crop in these counties, but in all other areas, the crop was deteriorating, and rains were badly needed. The year's pecan crop in Texas, which on August 1 was expected to aggregate 21,000,000 pounds, is seven per cent below the 1946 crop and 18 per cent below the 10-year average. The forecast of the 1947 Texas rice crop was for 19,404,000 bushels, compared with 17,716,000 bushels last year and a 10year average production of 14,877,000 bushels. The indicated yield of 44 bushels per acre is a bushel above that of last year, but four bushels below average. There has been a lack of irrigacion water in some areas, but apparently this nas not had serious consequences. Harvest of early varieties was under way at the first of August. During August harvesting of potatoes, cantaloupes, and watermelons progressed rapidly. The Texas Irish potato crop, estimated at 4,488,000 bushels, is only about three-fourths as large as the crop produced last year, but about 12 per cent above the 10-year average. The August 1 forecast of Texas sweet potato production for 1947 was lowered to 5,270,000 bushels from 5,580,000 bushels forecast a month earlier, as lack of rainfall reduced July 1 prospects. This estimate is above average production, but is 20 per cent below last year's crop. Texas grapefruit and oranges held up well during the critically dry period in July, and since th e heavy rains in the Lower Valley early in August, conditions have been favorable for the developmentof the 1947-48 citrus crop. Ranges over most of Texas deteriorated rapidly during July and the first part of August. Dry conditions were reported as centered in the southcentral counties at the beginning of July, but during the month, with rainfall generally far below normal, they spread over most of the state, excepting some northern Panhandle counties. In south Texas, however, range grass was revived by rains early in August, and range feed in northern Panhandle counties was generally plentiful. In most other parts of the state, cured range feed was critically short on all heavily stocked ranges. The dry range conditions extended into the southern parts of Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona. Under these conditions cattIe and calves have held up only fairly well throughout the district. Supplemental feeding has been necessary in many areas, and considerable shrinkage in the weight of cattle was reported from New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona during July and early August. There appear to have been no forced marketings of cattle because of the dry conditions during July, but it was expected that ranchers would market earlier than usual if drought continued. Sheep and lambs on dry rmge feeds in the Edwards Plateau and eastern TransPecos areas were in only fair condition at the end of July, but early August rains were expected to relieve the situation in those areas. Reduction in the number of breeding ewes during last year and unfavorable weather conditions, including two winter storms, are reflected in the small Iamb crop in Texas, estimated by the United States Department of Agriculture at 3,752,000 lambs. This year's crop is 17 per cent below that of last year and is 15 per cent below the 1936-45 average. The 1947 Texas wool clip is estimated at 63 ,69 1,000 pounds, compared with 70,695,000 pounds in 1946. The number of sheep shorn, estimated at 8,272,000, is about 10 per cent below the number shorn in 1946 and about 16 per cent below the 10-year average. LIVESTOCK RECEIPTS-(Number) Cattle ...... . Calves . . Hogs .. . .... . Sheep ...... _ ---Fort Worth ---~--,-- Sao Antonio - - July July June July July June 1941 1946 1941 1947 1946 1947 111,675 111,004 112,923 47,564 52,820 42,408 35,228 53,699 33,840 26,961 27,98! 21,983 34,300 33,141 38, 188 6,222 10.6.5 5,415 198,532 276.672 401,016 52,706 78,262 12,834 COMPARATIVE TOP LIVESTOCK PRICES (Dollal'l per hundred weight) _ _ _ Fort Worth-:----:-:-- San Antonio - - July July June July July June 1947 1946 1947 1947 1946 1947 119.00 126 .50 124.50 SI9.00 12'.00 Deef steen . . ...... . ... . . 12.1.50 Stocker steers . .... . ..... . l~:gg ~gg 20.40 . i8:60 22.50 lIei£ers and yearling! . ... . ~Ug 16.50 19 .50 18.00 14 .00 18.00 Dutcher rows . .. . . .... . . , 19 .00 18.36 25.00 23.00 18.50 23.50 Calves ................. . 1U.50 2' .50 26.00 27.00 21.00 24.76 liogs ... .. . . . . ..... ..... . 27.76 19.00 25.76 21.76 17.50 21.50 Lambs ... . ...... . . ..... . 24.00 Total livestock receipts at Fort Worth and San Antonio mar· kets during July were about 30 per cent below those of the previous month, due largely to seasonal declines in receipts of sheep and hogs, and were 22 per cent below the receipts of July 1946, when marketings were especially heavy following the suspension of price controls. Prices of most Texas farm products advanced during the month ending July 15, according to the Mid-Month Local Price Report of the United States Department ·of Agriculture. Notable advances occurred in prices received for wheat, corn, rice, barley, cotton, chickens, eggs, dairy products, and all meat animals except lambs. There were significant declines in prices received for grain sorghums and cottonseed. Reports from central commodity markets around mid-August indicated that prices of corn and grain sorghums had made moderate gains since July 15, while the price of cotton had shown a marked decline and wheat prices remained near the level of a month earlier. FINANCE Reports of earnings and dividends of member banks in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District as of June 30, 1947, show that net profits of all member banks in the district amounted to $17,533,000 during the first six months of 1947, as contrasted with $20,033,000 for the same period in 1946. Reserve city banks of the district reported net profits for the period amounting to $6,925,000, or $2,510,000 less than were reported fot the comparable months of 1946. On the other hand, net profits of country banks reflected a slight increase, rising by $10,000 to $10,608,000. Perhaps the most significant change reflected by these most recent reports is the shift which has been taking place in the relative importance of earnings derived from interest and discount on loans and from interest and dividends on securities. During the first six months of 1947, interest and discount on loans rose to $29, 165 ,00.0, or $6,77 1,000 more than was earned from that source during the comparable period in 1946. In contrast, earnings from securities were reported to total $18,823,000, or $2,338,000 less than in the comparable period of last year. As a consequence of these changes, interest and discount on loms accounted for approximately 51 per cent of total current operating earnings during the first six months of 1947 for 111 MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW both country banks and reserve city banks in this district, whereas earnings from securities represented about 32 per cent of total current operating earnings of the country banks in the district and about 34 per cent of such earnings of the reserve city banks. These movements, of course, reflect the substantial rise which has occurred in total loans, as member banks have met the increasing requirements of business and other borrowers, and the decline in the volume of United States Government securities held by member banks resulting from the Government's debt retirement program. During the five-week period f rom July 9 to August 13, principal changes in the condition of member banks in the leading cities in the district, as reflected by weekly reports, show an increase of $39,825,000 in total investments, a substantial increase of $54,73 5,000 in demand deposits adjusted, and an increase of $15,051,000 in total loans, of which more than twothirds was accounted for by an expansion of commercial, industrial, and agricultural loans. The increase in total investments of the member banks in the leading cities of the district during the past five-week period was accounted for largely by an increase in holdings of Government securities of all types. Although during this period member banks added to their holdings of Treasury bills, certificates, and notes in moderate amounts, the principal increase occurred in holdings of United States Government bonds, which rose by $22,912,000. CONDITION STATISTI CS OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN LEADIN G CITIES-Eleventh Federal Reserve District (TboUIlanda of dollanl) August 13, 1947 .... $2,1 42,228 T otalloana and investmentl August a , 1946 $2,282,67 1 July 9, 1947 S2,087,352 Total\oa.D!!J........... . ........................ 837,430 760,fAi 822,379 Comm ercial, industrial, and "gricultu mlIoaIlB.... Loans La brokcl1I and dealcnI in securit ies........ Otber loans for purchlu ing or carrying ~u rities. . Re&1 eatate 108 M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557,226 6,805 M, lli8 75,645 148 128,448 1,304,708 25,984 229.083 127,39 1 820,602 101,738 47Q,250 304 ,546 1,797,207 462, 135 10,003 127,783 M7.007 6,021 66,624 73,288 149 129,284 1,264,973 20,805 227,821 122,488 797,690 96,169 470,840 283,447 1,742,472 Loe •• '" boob.... . ............... . ......... . All other 108na .. .... ... . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . T otaJiuvestmcnLs .............. . ...... " ., .. . .. ...... U. S. T reasury bills U. S. T_ u,y ,,,''is,,,,tce of indebLed. "'...... U. S. Trea3ury notes ... ....................... U. S. Government bonds (inel. gtd, ob!.)....... Other securities .. . . ........ . ... ............. Reserve:! wit h Federal Reserve Dank. Balances with domestic banks. ....... ...........• Dema nd depoai~--adjUBted· ................... .. ~~rt!GO~e~meni dePOOi'is::: :: .::::::::::: . .. ...... . 3~~:gI~ 53,453 378 106,889 1,522,030 54,695 " 406.158 I ; 20.5,725 ! ~ 773,502 I ~ . ~ 81,950 458,857 264,514 1,706,284 ~~:~~ 3~:~~ Interbank deposits . 601 ,808 6 1~.,Io403D' 584,348 Dorrowiop from Federal Reserve Bank . . .• • . •. . 7,000 .N 2,000 ·Includes all demand deposits other t ban interbank a nd United State. Government, lC11 tub items reported as on hand or in process of collectioo. Federal Reserve notes of this bank in actual circulation increased by $4,799,000 during the month ending August 15, thus continuing to reflect the rising trend which has been in evidence during the past three months. Despite this recent increase, however, actual circulation outstanding on August 15, 1947, was $13,914,000 less than on the same date of last year. Total CONDITION OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE DANK OF DALLA S Total gold certificate reserve. Ditcounta for membei~ oka . Forei~ loans 0 0 ( old .......... . ... . U. 8. Governmentsecurit iea . . .... . ....... . ....... . Total earning 8.8Sets ...•.•...... . . . •. .....•.•.... Member banks reterve deposita .......... . ...... . . . FederaJ Rnerve Notes in ac'ual circulation . . , ...... . July 16. August 15, 1946 $495.614 $484,256 3,840 911,463 916,303 763.642 602.863 2,200 908 920,030 923,138 776,444 584,150 1,000 GROSS DE MAN D AND TIME DEPOSITS OF MEMBER BANKS Eleventh Federal Reserve District (Average or daily ligures in tbousands of dollars) Combi ned total G,,,,, demand . $4.481,169 1945 .. July 1946. . ... 4,942.638 March 1947 . . : : . . . . ... . . 4,654.452 ~ril 1947 .... . .... . . .. 4,617.649 • ay 1947 . . . . .. ...... . 4.600.179 .... 4,649.262 June 1947 . . . July 1947 . . . . . .. 4,758,677 r - Revised. July 1947 earning assets of this Federal Reserve Bank increased during the month ending August 15 by $33, 51 6,000 , all of which was accounted for by an increase in holdings of United States Government securities. Reserve eity bank! Gross Time 13 98,157 494,265 51 7,296 524.3M 533 ,264 540,ooOr 642.083 demand Country banks Oro.. Time 12,306,773 $249,764 2,437.422 313.893 2,225,418 326.693 2,208,463 330.604 2,207,446 335,54U 2,234.807 338,684, 2,288.216 339,500 Time demand 12,174,396 1148,3 03 2,505,216 180,372 2,429,034 100,1302 2,409,086 103,751 2,392,733 107,705 2,414,405 20 1,316 2.470,462 202 ,403 Debits to individual accounts during July, as reported by banks in 24 cities throughout the district, continued t o show substantial increases over the corresponding month of last year in most instances. Reports from banks in 10 of the cities, however, showed a decline in bank debits during Jul y as compared with the preceding month, with the rate of decline ranging from 10 per cent in Austin to less than one per cent in El Paso and Port t\rthur. The largest increases in bank debits during J uly were experienced by the banks in Amarillo and Lubbock, which reported increases of 32 and 13 per cent, respectively. T he table of bank debits published in this R evil!1.IJ has been revised with this issue to show, in addition to debits, the end-of-month deposits and annual rate of turnover of deposits of banks in 24 cities in the district. Back data of this series were published in BANK DEBITS, E ND-OF·MONTH DEPOSITS, AND ANNUAL RATE OF TURNOVER OF DEPOSITS (Dollar ligures in t houaands) E nd-o{ month Petg. change from cleposits J uly July 1947 June J uly 1947 1947 1946 77,520 48.114 - 1 + 10 12,603 17,308 +10 +9 27,268 37,893 +3 +8 143,684 103,986 - 6 +13 38,623 27,480 - 2 - + 15 78,832 96.805 + 32 + 35 84,644 - 10 95,608 +6 81 ,490 70.111 - 4 + 12 71 ,351 67,848 + 10 + 9 18.793 8,488 - 1 + 25 668,697 85 1.215 - 6 + 13 -j 104,036 89.121 + 5 271,830 340.468 + 4 +11 89,420 59,461 + j + 4 773,834 838.117 +6 +23 20,640 15,357 +4 + 5 S4 ,~76 52,570 + 13 +3 7 39,248 29.775 - j + 15 -3 37.098 25.437 - 4 313,627 220.312 +1 + 1 12,702 +3 22,037 +3 33 ,715 +7 47,845 +11 44,246 61,229 +3 +4 71,484 47.687 - 2 +28 ~--Debi(,g--- City Tucson. Ariz •... • . , .• Roewell, N. M.. , .. ... Monroe, La •.. . . . .... Shreveport, La•...... Abilene . . . .. . . . . .... Amarillo .... . . . . . , .. Austin . .. . . . . .. . . . .. Beaumont ...... ... .. Corpus Christi .. . . ... Corsicana .. . . . . . ... Dallas .. . . • .. .• ... . . EIP.." . ... . ... . . .. . F ort Worth .......... Galveston .. .. . , . .... Houston . . .. . , ... .... Laredo . .... . ... . .... Lubbock . .. . . •...... Port Arthur . .. . ... . . San Angelo . .. , . . ... . San Antonio .... . . , . , Texarkana· .... . .. , . . (Thoueanda of dollan) August 15. 1947 $48 1.491 2,200 974 953,480 956,654 80 1, 152 588,949 Gross demand deposits of the member banks of the district were expanded during July by $109,415 ,000, t o bring t he district's total to $4,758,677,000. The increase dur ing July represented the second monthly gain since the declining t rend which had been in effect for more than a year was reversed during June. Time deposits of the dist rict's member banks continued their upward movement to total $54 2,08 3,0 00. T he increases in gross demand deposits and in time deposit s were experienced by both reserve city banks and coun try banks, with the latest increments being distributed about equally bet ween the two types of institutions. ~~:::: :::::::: : ::: Wichita Falls ..... Annual rate of turnover fgl~ 7.4 8.9 8.5 8.8 8.5 14.9 10.6 10.3 13.1 5 .4 15.4 10.3 15.0 8.0 13. 1 9.0 11.4 9.2 8.4 8.4 7.0 8 .5 8.8 8.3 June 1947 7.4 8.3 8.5 9.2 8.8 11 . 5 11 .8 10.8 ]2 .2 5.4 14 .8 10 .3 14 .3 7.9 12.5 8 .• 10.1 9 .4 9.0 8.4 6.7 8.0 8.4 8.9 July 1946 7.2 7 .4 7 .7 7.4 7.0 11.8 9.6 9.4 tl .4 4 .3 13.1 9 .• 13 .0 8.2 10.6 8.2 8.4 7.7 8.0 7 .9 6.1 7. 7 7.3 6.2 12 . 0 11.5 10.2 3,233,300 Total- 24 cities .. . 3,210.932 +11 +4 ·Thie figure includes only one bank ill T exarkana, Texas. Total debikt {or all banks in Texarkana, Texas-Arkansas, including two banks located in t he E ighth Dl~t r ict amouoted t o 121,453,000 . 1Cbange less than one-balf of ODe per cent. "Bank Debits, End-of-Month Deposits, and Annual R at e of Turnover of Deposits in Twenty-Four R eporting Cities-Eleventh Federal Reserv e District" as a supplement to the August 1 Monthly Busin.ess R eview of this bank and may be obtained from the Research Department. 142 MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW SAVINGS DEPOSITS Reporting Danks-Eleventh Federal Reserve Bank July 31, 1947 Percenta~e change in u.vinp epoaits {rom Number Number of Amount of reporting aavings savings July 31, June 30, banks depositors deposits 19.6 1947 Beaumont . ..• . . 3 12,227 $ 6,9O(l,ll1)9 -11 .7 - 1.4 Dallas . .. .. , ... 8 133,843 78,154,784 + 0.4 - 1.2 EIP........... 2 33,858 23,772,000 - 2.2 + ' .0 Fort Worth ." .. 3 42,368 34 ,706 ,064 - 1.0 + 4 .8 Galve'ltoQ .. . . . . 4 22 ,728 21,706.' 30 + 6.9 +1.9 Houston . . , . .. . .. . •. •. •.• 8 106.089 70.475.089 - 0 .8 - 0 .6 Lubbock .... .. ...... .. .. 2 1,139 1,727,193 -28.9 - 6.3 Port Artbur ..... , ..•.•.• 2 6,541 5,255 ,039 - 4 .0 - 0 .0 San Alltonio . . . . . ...•.•.• 5 38,821 47.047.450 + 7.1 - 0 .2 Shreveport, La •.•...• .• •• 3 32.892 26.306.442 + 0 .4 - 0.3 Waco . . ..... . ......•.•.• 3 0,752 0.616.733 + 6.1 - 1.3 Wichita Fall•...... •. .•. . 3 6,960 ' ,665,838 - 4 . 1 + 0.2 All other ....•••.•.•. , •.• 66 63,522 54,26g,677 + 6.7 - 0 .6 Total. ........ 102 510,740 $38',602,828 --+ 3 .3 - 0 .7 months of this year. Readjustments in the women's apparel industry which accompanied changes in styling apparently were completed from May to July, and some expansion of employment is anticipated in apparel plants during the fall season. Activity in food processing is expected to increase seasonally, and wood processing establishments probably will continue operations near present levels. Manufacturers of iron and steel products report that demands for their output cannot be fully met because of continuing shortages of sheet steel, tubular goods, screws, nuts, bolts, and other small tooled products, The supply situation in other industries has eased slightly. Textiles are obtained more readily than last spring or at this time in 1946, alDOMESTIC CONSUMPTION AND STOCKS OF COTION-(B.l..) J uly 1947 12,985 677,489 Con8umption at: MEMBER BANK RESERVES AND RELATED FACTORS Eleventh Federal ReserTe District (Milliolll of dollara) Chances in weeks ended Cumulative chaniN 5weeb ended Aos.13, A"".6, Juty 30, July 23, 1947 1947 1647 Federal Reserve CreditHH7 local.. ... . ... ... ... ... 7.3 - 8.8 + ' .9 - 8.1 Interdiltrid eommercial & fm&ncial transactionl .... - 2. 3 + 3.3 - 5 . 5 -158 Treaaury oJ)f:rationl ...... 4. 5 +21.8 +11.5 +10 .3 Currency transaction•. ,.,. 2. 2 - 6.3 - 1.6 - 0 . 7 Other depolih at the Feden.l Reserve Bank . . 0. 2 0.7 - 1.0 + 0.1 Other Federal Reacrve Accounts .... . ... .. ... . . . ... . + 0 . 5 - 0.2 + 0.1 Member Bank resene balanceJ .... ........... + 11 .9 + 11.2 + 8.1 - 14.1 Note: Amounts prcccJeJ by a minua lign reduce reservea; add ttJ tucrvt'8. + + + + + July 16. Aug. 13. l Q.7 1947 - 0.6 - 6.3 Jlln. I to Aug. 13, 1647 6.6 - + 3.0 + 4.2 + 2.2 -17 .3 +52.3 - 4.2 -375.1 +3113.2 + 29.6 + 0.1 + 0. 1 + 0.6 + 0.2 + 0 .6 + 1.6 + 9.1 +26.2 + 14 . 1 those witb. plua aign prooodinl New Par Banks On July 19, 1947, the West Side State Bank, Fort Wortb, Texas, a newly organized n<m.member bank located in the Eiel'enth Federal Reserve District, opened for busilless alld was add'ed to the Federal R eserve Par List 011 that date. This bank has capital of $150,000 and surplus and jrrofits of $150,000. Its officers are: E. E. Bewley, President; C. F. Fry, Vice President; and Phil A. Tillery, Cashier. 011 August 2,1947, the First State Btmk, Frisco, Texas, a newly organized nonmember bank, located in the Eleventh Federal R eserve District, opewd for Intsiness and was added to the Federal Reserve Par List on the same date. This ballk has capital of $35,000 ami S1trpllls and undivided profit s of $1 7, 500. Its president is Mr. C. B. Johnson. On August 16, 1947, the First State Bank, LaMarque, Texas, a newly organized nonmember bank located itJ the Eleventh Federal R eserve District, opened f01' business and was add'ed to the Federal Reserve Par List on that date. This bank bas capital of $50,000 (md surplus and undivided Jrrofits of $20 ,000. lis president is Mr. W. F. Remschcl, Jr. INDUSTRY Executives of representative manufacturing organizations in this district who were interviewed during August expect operations in their plants and respective industries to be maintained at current levels or to be increased slightly during the remaining July 19'6 17.M7 720,603 Texas milla . . . . . . . . . ... . . United States MiIJ.e, •. U. S. stocka-end of month: In consuming estabm't.s . . . 1,'00,077 000,610 Public atg. &: compresses . . Jun. 1947 11,696 788.261 - Aug. 1 to July 31This sea80n Last 8C88On 2OI,ISO 10,636,30{ 200,205 9, 163,207 2,282,384 4,4113,577 though higher-quality cotton fabrics still are scarce. Hardwoods used in furniture manufacture, pigments, oils, and many other industrial supplies also have become more readily available. COTIONSEED AND COTIONSEED PRODUCTS _ _ _ _ T""as _ _ _ _--1United Ststes--August 1 to July 31 August 1 to July 31 Tbis scason Lust ~n This season lAst &ea8On Cottonseed received at mills 627,367 (tons) ........... ... . ..... . 63 1,378 Cottonseed on hand July 31 53,233 (tons) .................... . Production or produete: 191,334 Crude oil (thousand Ibs.) ... . 297,221 Cake and me:'l.l (tona) .. .... . 140,393 Hulls (tons) .. . . . . ....... . . 214,526 Li.nt.ers (running bales) . . . . • . Stocks on hand July 31: Crude oil (thousand the.) . . .. 2,772 Cake and meal (tons) . . . . . . . 8,305 J-lul1s (tons) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 8,304Linte... (running bal..) .. .. .. 14,901 SOURCE: United States Bureau of CenSU8, Cottonseed cru.shed (tons) ... . . 674,898 701,843 3,068,968 3,088,335 3,162,939 3,261,915 57,254 98,339 117,806 211.784 972,617 3U.I23 1.361.688 728,594 991.1~ 1.017,M6 1,434.326 783,.SO 988,800 7,040 46,916 36,484 70 .• 31 10,386 31,628 25.626 35,054 1113,306 221,603 1,514 6.'74 3.806 7,647 Manufacturers' inventories in this area are reported to be much higher dollarwise than a year ago, and generally somewhat larger on a volume basis. Raw-material inventories still are unbalanced in many plants, reflectin g inability to obtain all materials in the quantities and on the delivery schedules which are desired. The executives indicate, however, that total stocks are not excessive as compared with present and anticipated sales volume. The value of construction contracts awarded in the Eleventh District increased moderately in July, primarily reflecting larger awards for utility construction and nonresidential buildings. The removal of restrictions from all categories of construction VALUE OF CONSTRUC,'TION CONTRACTS AWARDED (Thousands of dollan) Eleventh D istrict-rota.I... Residential ... , .. All other. United States·- total .. . . . Residential. . . . .. . . . . All other .. ... . . . . . July 1947 $ 54.087p 18.577p 35,510p 660,254 2'0.885 419,369 July 19'6 , ~t~1~ . 22.346 717,991 281 ,227 '36,76' ·37 states east. of the R ocky Mountains. SOURCE: F. W. Dodge Corporat ion. June 1947 $ 45.52' 20,175 25,349 605,070 209,458 395,612 January 1 194.7 $ 383,7720 146,282p 237,41lOp ' ,1 62,R99 1,709,787 2,«3,112 to July 31 1946 $ 376,788 166,132 210,656 ' ,855,727 1,9H,700 2,W,027 p-ProliruilltlfY. other than amusement and recreational building, which was effective June 30, and liberalization of rent controls apparently have halted the decline in awards in this district which charac- 113 MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW terized the first six months of 1947. Numerous smaller projects which ~re prohibited under earlier regulations are being started, and the number of rental dwellings being constructed is reported to have increased. Moreover, there are forecasts of some large-scale utility programs, public works, and commercial projects to be initiated soon. DUlWING PERMITS Peretlntage July 1947 • Percentage cbange Jan. 1 toJuly31, 194:7 ehan~e - -- - - - - valuation from =-:-::----::,:..,--':-_ valuation No. Abilene .•..•..... Amarillo ..••..... Auatin .•...• .. _,. Beaumont . ...... . CorpUJ Christi ... . DallAs ......... .. EIP.!O ....... . . . FOri Worth ...• . . . Galveston .. . . .. . . Houston ... _. . ... . Lubboc:k ..•. •.... Port Arthur ... . . . S~n Antonio ... . . . Sh reveport, La••. . \Vaco ..... _..... . Wichita Falls ...• . 84 I 189 387 407 341 1.426 140 605 266 768 211 213 1, 10< 389 150 61 Valuation July 1946 June 1947 290,700 + 81 + 27 678,493 2 - 29 2,003,724 + 39 +117 1,495,778 +366 +183 1.392.5M + 73 + 6 5,238,508 + 81 + 23 309,450 + 73 + 22 1,773,231 + 24 9 182.626 - 39 - 13 6, 130.962 + 426 - 31 1,169.669 + 48 + 11 195. 172 + 24 - 19 2.611.232 + 80 + 10 773.734 4 - 17 1.06'.575 + 16 j 277,200 + 36 - 37 Total. . . . .... 0,73' $20,180,687 + 85 + I No. Valuation from 1946 648 I 2.648,243 -11 1,201 40430,016 - 13 3,496 11,MI.134 3 2,347 3.872,~3 +91 2.M7 8.676,606 +43 9.444 29,466.578 - j 887 3,713,070 +39 4,191 13.314.146 -19 1.00 1 1,376.139 - G 4,71 9 39.078.954 - 3 1,346 7.075,101 + 3 1.094 1,364,2M - 7 8.144 14.625.680 - 7 2.435 6,184.5U + I 972 4,915.219 +57 471 1,420,0<5 + 6 + 44,943 1153.699,163 +1 fChange leu than one--balf of one per cent. Daily average production of crude oil in this district during July was maintained near the all-time peak of 2,490,000 barre]., attained the preceding month, and production outside the dis. \rict reached a new high of 2,618 ,000 barrels. Despite record }roduction 3mce April, stocks of crude oil in the United States \lave declined slightly, and total st"cks of petroleum producu have increased only moderately. Demand for crude oil and its products continues undiminished. In those fields in this district in which output can be expanded without reducing ultimate recovery from underground reservoirs, production is being increased where transportation facilities can be provided to carry 3n incre.sed flow of oil. CRUDE OIL PRODUCTION-(B""Ia) Diatrict t .. . .... .. .. . ... . •.. 2 . . .... . .. .... . . ... . B............... . .. . c... ...... .... ..... . 5 . . . . ... . . . ... . .. .. . Other 6. . . . . . . . . ... . .. ... . n.. ....... .....•... . 7b . .. .............. . 7c . . •.••• . ..... . ... . 8 . . .. .... . ........ . . 9 ... ............ .. . . Total produdioD 680,850 4,806,100 14,987,400 7,156,700 1,215,000 10,065,500 3,514,260 1,157,850 1,209,060 18,179.500 3,\lO!l,260 10 . . . ... ... ...... . . . . 2,600.600 Total Teua . 09,500,950 Ne.. Muioo .. . ............. . 3,361,600 Narth LouWanA ..... . .... . 3,009,550 Ta\al Diat.Mct .. .. ......... . 75,87 2,100 OuL~de District . . . . . . ... . ... . ~1,143,850 United Statell ......... . . . . . . . 157,0 15,060 Dailyava. production 22.253 155.035 483 .'64 230.861 39.223 324.694 113,363 37.350 39.002 586.435 126,105 SI,I81 2.24 1,966 108.' 39 97.os2 2.H7,487 2,617,543 5.005.030 lncreue or deer..... in daily neraa., production from June 1041 + 676 - 11,396 - 10,469 -16,609 697 - 8.926 - 2,62' - 2,057 + 9 +26.895 - 14.785 - 3.419 - 44.611 + 1.944 + 289 - 42.278 + 9.395 -32 ,883 July 1946 2,747 2,942 - 26,952 + + + 3,003 4,862 9,617 + 6.M7 + 6,331 + 11,033 + 20,181 3,298 956 + IM29 + 10,044 + 1'.097 + 42.670 +101,678 + 14',348 - SOURCE: Eatimated from American Petroleum Ill!tituie weekly report.. Despite shottages of drill pipe and casing, a somewhat greater number of oil wells was completed in the United States and in this district during the first six months of 1947 than during the comparable period of any year since 1941. The footage drilled thus far this year has exceeded that in any comparable period since 1937, when an all-time record was established. Exploratory drilling during the first half of 1947 was more intensive than at any prior time in the history of the industry and, in many Texas sections of the Eleventh District, apparently was unusually successful. During the period 839 wildcats were completed in the district, of which 113, or 13.5 per cent, were productive; whereas, during the ten years, 1937-1946, prod- NEW WELLS COMPLETED --Number wclb compleled---Total footnge drilled-Thousands of feet) Jan.-Junc 1947 Jnn.-Juuc 1916 Jan. une UI47 Jan.-June 1946 United State........ . . ....... 14,M6 13,920 50.389 46,7110 Elevent.h Di.trid ........... . 4,777 4,465 20,810 HI,1 40 New Mexico ...... ..... .. .. 260 195 J,138 703 North Louisiana..... . . .. . . . 323 334 1,083 1,530 TOUII.. ......... . . .. ..... . ',194 3,936 18,589 16,907 District.e I, 2, and 4 . . . . . . . 975 807 5,275 4,389 (Southwest Tuaa) Distrio$ 3 .... . ... . ... . ... . 335 2,421 2,404 3H (Upper Coa.tal T....) 1,882 Distrlct.e 5 and 6 ........ .. 285 344 1,468 (East T ....) 3,740 Districts 1-8 and 9 ... 1,345 1,470 3,802 (North T.",,) 3,938 Districts 1-C and 8 ....... • 800 4,854 993 (W..IT....) Diatrict 10 .............. . 222 ISO 769 554 (Panhandle TlUae) BOURCE: World Oil. J uctive wells amounted to only 10.8 per cent of all wildcat completions in the district. Drilling tests seeking new pay zones or extensions of known fields also have been more successful than usual, and it may be that additions to proven reserves are offsetting the heavy production currently required to meet the peak demands for petroleum products. Continuation of high levels of developmental drilling and further expansion of exploratory drilling seem likely to occur in response to the growing demand for crude oil. The number of drilling rigs in operation has increased in most sections of the Eleventh District and in the United States as a whole in recent months, and at the end of June, far exceeded the number active a year earlier. WILDCAT WELl, CmIPLETIONS· _ - _ 1937·1948 January.June tG47-Number _ _ Productivc- _ Number --Productive-of wells Number % of Total of wells Number % of Total 3,459 10.8 2,084 249 11 .9 United SLates ..••. .. ... .. 32,007 1.432 10.8 839 113 13 .5 E leventh DiAtriet ....... . 13,27 1 611 110 11 .7 29 3 10.3 New Mexico ......... .. 822 64 7 .8 65 5 7.7 North Louisiana ... .. . . . 1,308 11 .0 745 105 14.1 Texu .. . ... . ..... . . . . . 11,038 4,409 423 9.6 267 .2 16.7 Districts I, 2, and 4... . (South...01 T....) 17 19.8 1M 12.2 86 Diatrici 3. ... .. . . . . . . . 1,250 (Upper Coastal T....) 52 68 6.3 5.8 Diatncta 5 and 6. .. .. . 1,086 (East T • ..,) 31 12.2 490 13.0 Districts 7-B and 9... . 3.764 26' (North T • ..,) II 14.1 168 12 .5 78 Districts 7-C Bnd 8. . . . 1,348 (West Texas) 8 12.5 6.9 Diatrict 10...... .. .... 72 (Panhandle Texas) 'Exclll3ive of all teste seeking new pay lones or outposts attempting to ext.clld known fields. SOURCE: World Oil. Activity at cottonseed oil mills in Texas and in the United States was limited during the 1946-47 season by shortages of cottonseed which were only partly offset by moderate increases in supplies of such alternative raw materials for crushing as soybeans and copra. During the twelve months ended July 31, 1947, cottonseed receipts at United States mills were smaller than in any prior season since 1921-1922, and receipts at Texas mills were the smallest of record. Moreover, stocks of seed and its products already had been depleted during the 1945-1946 season and could not be drawn upon further to meet the heavy domestic and foreign demands for vegetable oils and livestock feeds which developed. The August 1 carry-over of cottonseed and its products from last season in United States and in Texas mills was near the very low level of a year earlier. Prospective supplies of cottonseed are substantially larger than at this time last year, however, particularly in Texas, where a considerably larger cotton acreage and an even greater increase in the forecast of cotton production may yield 75 to 100 per cent more seed than in 1946-1947. larger quantities of copra, soybeans, and other oil-bearing seeds also may be available to those mills equipped to process them.