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Measuring Economic Activity and Economic Welfare:
What Are We Missing?
Charles Steindel
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Major U.S. economic data, most notably GDP and Industrial
Production, are undergoing major changes. Proposals have been
made for significant alterations in the CPI. The revision
process has helped to spur debate on such topics as the proper
method of accounting for high technology’s role in the economy,
the reported sluggishness of productivity growth in many service
industries, and the overstatement of price increases for numerous
products. This paper attempts to assess the potential impact of
some of these problems on our understanding of basic trends in
the economy. It is found that with even fairly generous
assumptions as to the time path of errors in price data, the
fundamentals of the economy’s broad movements do not change:
productivity and real earnings growth were likely still
substantially slower in the first half of the 1990s than before

Measuring Economic Activity and Economic Welfare:
What Are We Missing?
Charles Steindel*
Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Major U.S. economic data are undergoing fundamental changes.
The construction of the two major indicators of aggregate
economic activity--Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Industrial
Production (IP)--have been substantially revised.

The best-known

forecasting gauge--the Composite Index of Leading Indicators
(CLI)--has also undergone a significant revision.

Finally, as

has been well-reported, proposals have been made for significant
alterations in our major inflation index--the Consumer Price
Index (CPI).
This paper starts with a brief overview of the data

The revision process has helped to spur debate on

such topics as the proper method of accounting for high
technology’s role in the economy, the reported sluggishness of
productivity growth in many service industries, and the
overstatement of price increases for numerous products.


latter part of the paper attempts an assessment of the potential
impact of some of these problems on our understanding of basic


Thanks to Reagan Murray and Hitesh Patel for assistance
and to colleagues at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for
comments. The views stated here are those of the author and not
necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or the
Federal Reserve System.

trends in the economy.

Essentially, it is found that with even

fairly generous assumptions as to the time path of errors in
price data, our fundamental view on the economy’s broad movements
does not change: productivity growth was likely still
substantially slower in the first half of the 1990s than it was
before 1973.

When we narrow our definition of output to a

concept more likely to be directly tied to household welfare the
evidence is also strong that the post-1973 slowdown in real
earnings growth is continuing.

A general implication of this

analysis is that the possible discovery and correction of many
sectoral biases in the inflation, output and productivity data in
many industries is more likely to pay off in the form of a
greater understanding of the sources of economic growth rather
than in finding a radically different path for the growth of
aggregate activity and economic well-being.

A further

implication is that the hunt for “missing” real output in the
aggregate data could well be more fruitful if directed at
understatements of nominal output rather than overstatements of
Revisions in the Indexes
Traditionally, incoming readings of the major U.S. output
series--Gross Domestic Product and Industrial Production were
produced using the fixed-base year Laspeyres technique.


aggregate series were constructed by weighting indexes of output
in individual components by prices in some past base year.


cases where the contemporaneous price structure was quite
different than that of the base year, this procedure had the
effect of giving undue importance to components whose relative
prices had fallen since the base year.

Note that “undue” is

meant with both a positive and normative inference--according to
basic economic theory, the current relative price structure
should reflect the scarcity value of different products.

It is

fallacious to assign a relative importance to a product higher
than the market does.
The positive, practical problem with the Laspeyres technique
was the tendency for initial estimates of aggregate output to be
revised down as base years were moved forward.

The positive bias

in the initial estimates arose from the natural tendency of
output to rise most rapidly in sectors whose relative prices are

The Laspeyres technique assigned weights in the

computation of aggregate growth to these rapidly-growing areas
proportional to their higher relative prices in the far-off base
year; when the base year was moved forward the weights on the
rapidly-growing sectors fell and overall output growth was
The problems with the Laspeyres method were well-understood.
They gained greater urgency, though, because of the spectacular
rise in output, and fall in prices, in the computer industry.
the late 1980s, as the base years for GDP and IP computations


were moved from 1982 to 1987 the reductions in aggregate growth

estimates were quite noticeable.
The obvious solution to this problem was continually moving
forward the base year, and constructing the output aggregates as
“linked” or “chained” indexes tied to some base year and backed
out from the computed annual growth rates (this was already done
on a five-year basis for IP, but the long time interval meant for
an awkward transition around the base years).

This change was

made in 1995-97 for both GDP and IP; in the course of the
transition the decision was also made to drop the Laspeyrses
technique for computing aggregate growth in favor of the Fisher
Ideal method.1

The Fisher Ideal method combines (using the

geometric average) aggregate growth computed by the Laspeyres
technique with that computed by the Paasche procedure (which
involves assigning current prices to sectors to calculated
aggregate growth).

Research has established the theoretical

attractiveness of this long-proposed method of computing
aggregate output and price indexes (Diewert, 1976, 1983a, 1983b,
The revisions of the aggregates brought into sharp focus the
apparent failure of trend output and productivity to improve in
the 1990s, despite the extraordinary growth in spending on high-


For overviews of the switch in GDP, see Young, 1989;
Triplett, 1992; Motley, 1992; Landefeld, 1995;, Landefeld and
Parker, 1995; and Steindel, 1995; for the IP change see Corrado,
Gilbert, and Raddock, 1997.

technology items.2
with price indexes.

Debate began to focus on potential problems
If inflation is overstated, real output and

productivity growth are being understated.

In support of the

argument that there may be significant problems with the price
data in the service sector, in particular, has been the
observation that the published productivity data for much of the
service sector of the economy continues to be very

Observation has also been made of the rather

limited coverage the existing industrial classification system
gives to the service sector--in the sense that there are fewer
classifications at a disaggregated level--of rapidly growing
tertiary services in such areas as health care, finance, and
business services. There appears to be a presumption that
improvements in the data collection system might result in upward
revisions of real growth for the service sector and overall GDP,
perhaps because of improvements in the construction of price
indexes (Baily and Gordon, 1988).
The growing importance of the service sector to the economy-or, at least, the relative decline in importance of goods


See Business Week, 1995; Farrell, 1995; and Spiers, 1995,
for criticisms of the revisions. McNamee, 1997, discusses the
continuing puzzle of low productivity growth.

Slifman and Corrado (1996) note the oddly slow growth of
the noncorporate sector of the economy. While there are many
services in this sector it is by no means synonymous with
services as a whole, nor is it clear that all the data problems
are on the price side.

production--has been underscored by changes in the Composite
Index of Leading Indicators (CLI).

In the recent revision of the

index, long-standing components that were presumably most closely
related to the manufacturing sector--commodity prices and
unfilled orders for manufactured goods--were dropped (Conference
Board, 1996).

One of the new components placed in the index was

the spread between the yield on the 10-year Treasury Bond and the
Federal funds rate, in line with recent studies suggesting its
value as a generalized forecasting variable (Estrella and
Mishkin, 1996).

An alternative, non-exclusive view, is that this

variable may also foretell expansion in the very large financial
sector of the economy.

Of course, these changes in the index

were prompted by the statistical need to maintain a good
forecasting tool, rather than by a priori notions about tying
individual components to individual sectors.

Still, it is

reasonable to think there should be some rough correspondence
between the composition of such an index and that of the economy.
What are We Missing?
There is then a fairly widespread impression that the
published data could be missing significant movements in the
economy--possibly because of underestimation of the effect of
high technology in the service sector (Business Week, 1995;
Farrell, 1995; Spiers, 1995; and Quinn and Baily, 1994; discuss
the impact of high technology on the service sector; Baily and
Gordon, 1988; and Gordon, 1995, discuss low reported service

sector growth).

At one extreme, it has been argued that

aggregate productivity growth might be as high or higher today
than in the 1950s and 1960s (Nakamura, 1997).

This section

attempts to quantify the amount that aggregate real growth may be
higher than we observe due to understatements of service sector
activity resulting from overstatements of service sector
inflation, examining a number of sets of data: real GDP, real
productivity growth, and a measure of average real earnings
Although discussions of understatements of overall growth
often focus upon the oddly low productivity growth rates in many
service industries, it is unreasonable to estimate
understatements of aggregate real growth by simply adding-up
understatements of productivity growth and sectoral output, at
least in any simple fashion (Baily and Gordon, 1988; and Gordon,

The problem is that in the U.S. data, industry output is

measured as value-added, not sales.

If an industry’s output

growth is understated, it is possible that the output growth of
some supplier or customer industry is overstated; getting a fix
on the understatement in aggregate output would then involve
working through industry linkages in an input-output framework.
A much simpler way to compute possible output growth
understatement is to use estimates of individual price
overstatements to adjust the real expenditure data.
exercises below, this procedure will be followed.

In the
The working

assumption is that the price overstatement issue is of particular
importance in services.

This is not to deny that there may well

be overstatements in the prices of goods or structures--indeed,
in the Boskin commission report (Boskin, et al, 1996), most of
the hard data in support of inflation overstatement came from
studies of goods prices.

However, there is little reason to

believe that problems with the overstatement of goods price
inflation have increased as time has passed, while the dramatic
changes in the nature of many services gives us some reason to
think that biases may have grown over time.4
Table 1 gives the basics on the composition of aggregate

A bit over half of GDP consists of spending on


About 20% of the spending on services consists of

government compensation of employees plus depreciation of
government capital, and more than 10% consists of the imputed
services provided by the housing stock.

Thus, only two-thirds of

total spending on services--about one-third of GDP, but a higher
share of nonfarm business output--consists of actual purchases of
services from the private sector.

Another significant portion of

services consists of those whose prices are probably measured
fairly well, or, at least probably no worse than in the past-items such as utilities and transportation.

This leaves only

The issue fundamentally involves adjusting posted price
increases for quality improvements. Hulten, 1997; and Moulten
and Moses, 1997; discuss the theory and practice of quality
adjustments in the CPI.

about 40% of spending on services--about 20% of GDP--in
categories where there are significant questions about pricing-areas such as financial and business services, medical care, and
educational and charitable expenses.

(Griliches, 1994, notes the

rising importance of “hard-to-measure” products, though his list
is somewhat larger than the one used here.)

Note that spending

on these services enters directly into GDP when it is made by
households or governments or is a part of foreign trade.
Assuming that the national accounts correctly measure
current-dollar spending in these service categories, we can
readily compute the effect on real growth of alternative, reduced
estimates of inflation in these hard to measure sectors.
presents such estimates.

Table 2

They are made under two assumptions: 1.

Inflation in these sectors is uniformly overestimated by 2
percentage points a year.


Inflation in these sectors is

reduced to equal that in the rest of the economy.


measures are presented of overall GDP growth and nonfarm business
productivity growth.
apply is 1.

The periods to which these alternatives

1960 and thereafter.

1983 and thereafter.



1974 and thereafter.


1992 and thereafter.

In general, reducing the rate of inflation in the rapidlygrowing “hard-to-measure” service categories does raise recent
growth rates.

GDP growth over the last generation would have

averaged .3 percentage point higher, and nonfarm business
productivity growth about .4 percentage point higher, if the

inflation numbers in these categories had been lower along the
lines of the alternatives.5

However, the more interesting

implication is what these adjustments would have meant to the
long-term dynamics of the economy.

The answer is, not too much:

comparing the growth rates shown for the later periods in the
alternative lines with the published numbers for the period
before 1973 indicates that real GDP growth and real productivity
growth would still have been significantly lower in recent years
than in the 1960-1973 period even if the overstatement to
inflation in these categories is assumed to have started in
recent years (if the inflation overstatement began earlier the
conclusion is even more valid).

One cannot meaningfully assume

that reduced measured aggregate output and productivity growth is
an artifact of problems in pricing certain types of services
unless one believes that the problems are very large indeed
relative to those of the past (There could, of course, be large
persistent overstatements of price changes throughout the
economy, but the point at issue here is whether the comparison of
growth today with the past changes much if the inflation
overstatements in certain sectors have grown over time).
Another set of issues involving misstatement of prices


The productivity adjustment is almost surely exaggerated,
since it was made assuming that all outlays in the hard-measurecategories were produced in the nonfarm business sector. Many
medical, educational, and religious and welfare services are
produced directly in the nonprofit sector of the economy.

involves the growth of real income.

How much of the reported

post-1973 decline in growth of average real income may be due to
problems in deflating nominal income?

The answer to this

question involves recomputing the growth of the cost of living.
A natural way to do this is to apply the above alternatives to
the consumer portion of hard-to-price services and recompute the
growth of the chain-weight deflator for personal consumption.
This procedure was done, with the partial modifications that 1.
spending on personal business services was removed from
consumption, on the grounds that these expenditures do not
directly add to household well-being; and 2. spending on consumer
durables--which is a form of asset accumulation--was removed from
consumption and replaced by estimates of the gross imputed rent
from the existing stock of durables (here measured as
depreciation6 plus a 3 percent additional rate of return).
Table 3 presents alternative estimates of the growth of
average real income, with nominal income being compensation per
full time equivalent worker in private nonfarm business.

As was

the case for real output and productivity, alternative estimates
are presented on the basis of inflation for “hard-to-measure”
services being equal to that for the rest of consumption, and 2
percentage points lower than published, for various time periods

Current-dollar data on the depreciation of durables are
available in the flow-of-funds tables. It was assumed that the
deflator for depreciation was the same as that for the stock of

since 1960.

The top lines of the two parts of the table present

the real income growth data for the conventional measure of
consumer inflation and that for the restated measure, which
removes spending on personal business activity and restates
The results of this exercise are much the same as those for
GDP and productivity: reducing inflation rates in selected
service categories does markedly raise estimates of real income
growth over the last few years--from roughly .5% to 1% or more
over the last decade.

However, at best, all we can conclude is

that if either of these alternatives are correct--and only
correct for recent years, not for the whole period since 1960-real income per employee is now growing about half as fast as it
was in the 1960s.

While this is more favorable than the more

conventional calculations that real income per worker is growing
much less that half as fast as in the pre-1973 era, it hardly
changes the observation that real income growth remains well
below its earlier standards.
These exercises suggest that one is unlikely to explain away
continued historically slow growth of output, productivity, and
real incomes through faulty pricing of various hard-to-price
services,7 unless the pricing problems have widened to such a


Sichel, 1997a and 1997b, reaches a similar conclusion.

magnitude that there has been, in reality, outright deflation for
a wide variety of products in these and other categories.
One implication of these exercises is that the payoff from
reengineering the statistical system toward services, with
emphasis on improved pricing, may not involve a radically
different picture for aggregate growth, unless we think that
recent growth of nominal output will be raised, along with
reductions in published inflation.

One way a redesign of the

statistical system may produce higher nominal output growth is a
through a redefinition of capital to include more intangible
items, such as software and some measure of accumulated R&D

Even this change, though, will not necessarily

increase recent growth relative to the distant past (conceivably,
the “stock” of, and the output generated by, R&D capital grew
even more rapidly in the 1960s than today).
The real payoff from an improved statistical system could
well be a greater understanding of the industrial sources of U.S.

Such an improvement could well guide policymaking and

possibly improve longer-term forecasting.

It seems much less

likely that we would see a major revamping of the stylized facts
suggested by the existing data.


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Table 2
Alternative Estimates of GDP and Productivity Growth











Alternative 1:8






Alternative 2:9











Alternative 1:1






Alternative 2:2






GDP Growth

Productivity Growth


Prices of hard-to-price services grow at same rate as
other products.

Prices of hard-to-price services grow at 2 percent less
than published.

Table 3
Alternative Estimates of Real Income Growth


















Alternative 1






Alternative 2







Growth of compensation per full-time equivalent employee, divided by personal
consumption deflator.


Deflator restated to eliminate personal business expenditures and durables
spending replaced by estimate of service flow.

Alternative 1: Prices of medical, educational, and religious and welfare spending assumed to
grow at same pace as other items.
Alternative 2: Prices of medical, educational, and religious and welfare spending assumed to
grow 2 percent a year less than published.

Table 1
1996 Composition of GDP
Billions of Dollars
Government Employee Compensation
Government Depreciation
Space Rent
Hard-to-Measure Components
Medical Care
Personal Business
Religious and Welfare
Net Exports
All Other Services

