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. • . . . : lid CoNGREfi, 4 I REPORT :EI THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, With the monthly statements of the Bank of the United Slates, for the year 1831. JANUARY 13, 1832. Referred to the 8elcct Committee nn l'i • me.nor 1 of the Bank of the United States, and ordered to be printed. THIASCHT DEPARTMENT, January 12, 1832. SIR: In compliance with so much of a resolution of the Senate of the lltli infant, if require! the Secretary of the Treasury "u» lay bt-fore the Senate the monthly Matemoptt i»f the atTairs <.f the Hank of the United State» for the year 1831," 1 have th$*h(jn©/**lq:»irajismit the accompanying statemerits, twelve in number.*. •**. •**.*? S* /•-"• .. The otner informatiojf^e'qvMr^d f>y tnat*f(?s#lf>fff oVnQi.beins; in possession of the elcpartmen^'f^f'jjt' r than is contained in tiioNe ^»H<menti», application has been ma<le ttf«Oie^*rresiden^ p/ i\\f Baul^fyr ihe \M[pa$e of obtaining it; and a9 scon.a^^sjiail h a v e ^ e ^ r ^ t v ^ tb^\-il1 be laid'jleXVre the Senatt. . »*.Jl £ave the haflor lo'rie/tcrv^Vspectlully, *"%••*. ••.• ** . . Your obedient serwfg'V :.• i : : : .*. : • ' " : : * : : : -Lfiris W L A N E , \ :...'' %:•*:.. .*.. Veort,t&ryvJ t/ie .Treasury. The Hon. the PRX»II>EJ»T of the Senate GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Dcposite, at the r-i i,(iIts herein mentioned. Bills discount- ed on person>l security. 1831. ¥< bruary 1 January 24 •• 27 24 26 •afltM New fork 24 Baltimore Washington Richmond No. folk Faycttcville Charleston 8avinnah Mo'iile N ^ Orleans St^Louis 22 25 * B n k United States Office, P<n- land Port-.mouth Boston Providence 24 18 14 10 12 11 ir 20 24 19 25 26 Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh • ». 4,46l,?45 19 224,5M t2 , 160,'290 - V 220,550 35' 576,47; 61 , 410,694,18 : , l l l , ' J « t ^ 92 1 ,41H 53j« 60 1,259 H'W.07 925,'47 84 ii 11-* iliscuil!- Bills d i s c I l l l l - Domestic bills ed on fund- • d on B:<nk of exchange ed debt. Stock.. 79 783 33 2 100 00 7 524 70 t >• , *, . •' , ' „ • \» . > • • \ \'-'.\0 800 ' 760 J%\ 77 2,198 »fJK82 \ • « 600 5 5 9 , , i f 94 • 819.!>54.'88 5,241,97*'*8 4 0 1 ; 4,4,9 42 3,047,300 48 1,821.605 02 750,48.; 2q i2,450,86J.'J<r l,022,68V.o3,' 7 197 • 659,478*V '-. • 100 00 . 700 0 0 38 20 629 54 2(>0 15 900 192 6.; 4 5 ,000 7 30 Agency, Cincinnati M Chillicotho 32,942,581 91 00 « 2,259 1 > 139 141 3 ,0oo 00 . t 249 Hi 62 396 5.;; 249 70 158 46 989 iJ 893 63 471 72 937 43 649 37 317 18 505 08 766 26 901 (i i 86 J 68 679 30 856 86 782 05 011 63 166 07 750 VH 2,000 631 50 9J9 518 69 938 I8fl 70 „ - 549 536 «8 - - ; : 250,304 159,213 38 ,306 U ,006 • - .. 3'sfi,9M 09 l,r>*!984 45 170,671 93 00 1,178 49 41 392 288 31 1,169 00 0u 92 00 Btifl'ilo Utica Buiington »P ir,40Q Baring II & co. 1.65r,343 88 _ - 78,674 54 6,941 5S _ 205.202 64 292 44,853 23,781 01 95 41 47 12,065 00 a - 98*!"536 45 937,212 37 96,488 13 1,036,919 56 88, Sol 11 * 1,657,343 88 Dm II' in Bank Unit SU l e s and "tlices. 29,915 25 a - 21 71 76 53 624 ,S6l 95 12,284 ,708 24 Iti-al Estate. lope & co., II tti gin r & co. 2,623,690 77 10,319,480 143 ,095 220 ,.,yy 1,878,332 192,210 156.282 2 016,123 238 625 193,969 692,529 161 9>*.< 430 553 349,313 07 39 80 45 82 78 Sfl 42 11 [>3 2(i 10 •15 4 M .122 80 258,178 31 4<»7 ,908 21 333,224 16 189,128 46 179,734 (.8 793,145 10 384,752 19 234,783 9b ,33') 1,725 14,572 44,321 16 u 28 20,393,806 V 75 95 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Uuc from State Losses charge* Deficiencies. Banking houses. Treasurer U bottu* and preStates. ble to ccntin Bank-. mium. gent fund. • 18.31. February 1 January 24 27 24 26 24 S2 s •» ! C* 1 < 3i *" J-«si ii lr 20 24 19 25 26 20 29 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Ho*ton Providence Hart ford New York Baltimore Washing n Richmond Norfolk P«)ttt.Tlllc • Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans • St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh B ffalo Utica • Btrlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicotbe 835,836 91 23,573 18 85,595 18,937 4,653 626,177 79,455 60,755 52,115 15.830 05 98 34 66 2i 51 07 90 .10,155 69 156,175 54 32,6->O 79 9,071 50 403,746 48 3,240 15,002 6,100 38,707 12,088 47,532 23.922 12,661 04 30 52 84 53 62 01 06 216,954 12 2,100 22 75,757 88 6,612 08 925 65 13,878 i9 61,050 13 1,663.282 0(i 194,839 M 40,397 70 225,669 96 3H.6O6 38 137.874 06 146,313 99 _ 34,033 19 405 187,286 197,726 _ 98,137 28 19 46 07 m 573,961 19 • _ 17,237 78 f76 00 _ 116,777 02 m m „ 87,000 00 34,075 65 118 50 70,313 05 _ 18,087 05 m 456 52 _ 136 00 a a 410 00 — 110,657 34 M 64fl 35,9*5 35,109 l.;,"»85 67,727 4.1,6ou 84,096 48,000 92 57 65 02 78 00 92 00 29,178 56 _ 33,735 44 _ _ _ _ 15.000 00 13,539 78 2."!,496 71 20,496 68 14,392 13 a _ 170,000 00 2,194 36 a _ 5,500 00 8,913 90 35,«25 65 20,414 80 3,602,869 64 3,387,881 U • 142,010 55 - 1,281.332 71 235,108 36 Expenses. 9,011 55 484 40 23 72 512 50 700 09 24 00 3,987 25 1,589 97 8 567 84 8,618 34 955 88 tea 97 1,481 67 990 03 1,258 39 5,422 58 222 86 520 44 517 22 747 20 1 ,063 95 2,006 56 715 79 5fl6 20 .340 79 Notes off Bank Bank U. States and offices. 1,891,745 86 112,140 00 151,720 00 557,420 00 334,055 00 77,725 00 978,865 00 278,505 00 367,395 00 406,205 00 269,045 00 343,345 00 326.345 00 881,035 00 403,720 00 3,120,200 00 743.225 00 1,010,410 00 314,485 00 316,035 00 73,495 00 220,310 00 414,a>5 00 327,175 00 329,390 00 6,898 43 3,052 45 60,794 09 | 14,248,825 86 s GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Specie. Notes 'if State Banks. 1831. February Ifcuiury 1 link United States Si Office, Portland Portsmouth <• B"KtOII 27 i < Prov<l«nce H tr ford 24 New York 26 34 Nil • M i l l , «• 407,058 04 13,513 u> 35 994 Ov70 7 J 3 'A) 14,dl9 • > 5 7,3!.' 0 0 "')(>, 13 01 1J3fct> 8 82 3 6 . I N •I 6V.49J 68 7 , 7 l o >0 22 25 22 24 18 W .•tiitigton R clun nd Cliirl t'on 108.624 i < Savauuh 211 433 9J.132 88 130,1*7 83 14 10 I a 12 11 17 20 24 19 25 26 20 20 • Norfolk FJ) etteville Mobil" St L urn Hart tile Louitville L«*xii»<t>r> Cincinnati Pi^'iSur^h Utica • 19,656 00 • 10,687 _ 37.976 oo 00 199 M7t 00 4 0 6>Sl | •wVwtoa Agency, Cine nmti Chillicottie »0 ) I K«« Orl an* MMo uo < 1 ..> 253 84 90,867 7 0 1,965, '.71 Notes i*su • apitul stock d. > .11 1) cliangr, a i d •nt r<-*i 3,78V) ,9 ( >6 9> 7 3 1»5 -JA ^,746,269 63 - 300,UOO J6,tl6J Ai 4t>5 .097 1, 1 1 1 ^ 1 2 14 20,949 0 . 2,314 B6 59 494,000 J i 180.4J4 16 226.338 U I 4 . 5 , K>2 27 i, $67 39 i i : i . 24 •5 00 1,5 0 0O0 OJ dn /1 i ,i i 3 Ki.OO 00 11 00 I . * 1. K) JO 1 i, J•' i , i ) M UO 50 l.OOJ iU '00 1,UJO,00 I On oj oO u) _ • 1, 144,526 54 311 193 ,; 150 Ml 3 Jo.' 33d l| 77.765 77 190.70 60 s s . 6 I ,5'J 161 , '2-' 4 0 57,8 51 S i 59,479 27 - 1,0'JO, tOO OJ 1 OX) OJO 00 / 10 OO 1.700, 100 ) 700,000 00 2,825,180 2w.-i.690 251.390 609,553 4;i8,l95 333,77. 1,691 7.6 872 ,080, jii2 ,085,340 ,013.755 1,171,025 I ,458.315 ,794,595 1.537,669 6,524,703 679..205 3,096.915 1.168 560 26 00 (Mi uo 00 5; 50 51 50 Ou 0 (Mi i , it>4 5 > 2 > , S S ( i 17 13,544 12 105 7.1 ;i 6,542 4,174 93 SO 07 83 44 34 1.198 9.74H 56 59,948 SO 380 75 U) >o , 5(,(i 61 44 >83 66 00 21 081 18 12,010 M 3 J , 5 8 » 50 LI,006 Of 15 1,680 79 00 00 875 0 ) 7. 1,626,281 53 .<0 oo f»3l otit and lusi. 10,091 .'. 72, >22 Oi 5.73J uo 1,830 00 19 U ,168 488 34 14 996,a lJ '.'- U.OiS 3< 6,88^ •4 1 50 .i» 1)0 50 0 7• 7S 4. )• 7 ,VJ7 69 576,OUO 0 i r/ 47'.>. H • 15 17 668 11,36 3,951 1,267 .2 418 28.96 5 49H 19,745 iS 864,625 0 994 957 5 0 74I.7IO 91.> 3 . ;42 >7 82,927 00 00 OO D'J 1 .8,943 12 2,149 56 Divid' nds in 1 .init d 215 R'l '287 0 , 3 ,"7; .M 5,22'» O<) 9J4 81 3-^7, J47 97 886,871 48 1,888,981 53 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Contingent fund. tail. February I January 24 • • 37 34 36 24 23 25 , 22 24 18 Rank (Fnfatd States Ofice, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hertford tirw York Baltimore Washinffton H chmond Norfolk F»)rtteville - 5,452,040 95 3,097,953 48 340,o;5 90 m 105.414 66 m _ 49 1 559 ai _ 180,628 34 52,72') Y7 1 ,806 197 50 1,470,569 62 217,547 02 m _ 260.529 48 . 30 Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans St. L"uis Nuhv.lle Louisville Le^injjton Cincinnati 24 19 Pit'sbnrgb Bnff.lo 25 26 Ufica - 14 10 12 11 17 20 20 Hiirlmjjton Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe Due to Rank U. States and offices. 34,031 42 _ _ m _ _ m _ _ — - 19.('8.5 39 180,636 14 835,386 01 39,77; ft 3,275.90; '6 772,057 898,433 847,6 N 871.701 454,151 81.809 457,H67 193.193 218,066 2,911,694 289,987 SI "-5 21 11 49 88 IS 43 74 04 10 5,452,040 95 19,768,260 06 Due to State Banks. 701.601 12 12 ,.135 23 . 107 620 79 20,111 j : 3,369 7H 205,035 79 209,309 35 37,710 27 1,971 25 47,088 94 12,510 10 Redemption of public debt. 406,20* 01 _ _ 109,223 99 m Depotitrt of TMHM 1 . R3.86J 02 13,413 14 2l.'>59 OS 334. v.»rt u 63.585 '• • IS 277 89 1,758,694 28 281,420 16 1 4 4 . J i l 15 26.614 5-i 8 . J I 7 70 _ 39J1J6 51 m 9,567 38 27,463 r,7 137,549 31 970 8' 7,780 40 11,9*3 94 u 18i 038 18 17,940 11 23 47 41 50 _ 115,152 7~i 11 X7 — 597,' _ - 2M) K V 6J _ _ _ m _ l)<rp witei of in« dividuaU. 96.3)5 13 1,458.606 14 1). ,111 •( s Ol Sta'c. 6O.20U '2'J 17,127 96,246 7,188 2,390 puulic officers. 174,790 88 193,187 39 1,48", 51 994,346 3d 46,195 r< 117,193 25 61*1 94 6,249 01 45,1>M) 0 1 29.59.' 2< 153,100 7'.) 7,353 M 15.IV* 34 990,360 87 40,9!J9 20 241,3^7 32 47 03.! 94 43,031 62 31,991 .56 33,338 >r 13,71" 68 46,.i27 08 82,479 85 10,909 2'2 8,588 59 14,5 10 46 14,885 97 22 159 44 10.995 05 S, M3 7H 4.971 S6 591 23 99 839 49 91,547 27 580,096 93 19,2.8 79 38, 45 30 1,1.13,051 47 509,090 66 318,640 •232.433 265,266 35,420 701.940 145,917 35 86 01 43 62 75 15 5,522 55 1,381,955 121,572 158,714 246,050 •240,10V 4 53,205 271,479 82,912 64,805 19,341 N 65 36 96 89 71 37 60 77 69 . ~r n o 67 2o - I,739,299 95 515,428 90 5.648 901 91 1. »!»>),748 43 8,/67,751 14 c 6 [27] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. F u n d e d debt, various . D u e b y t h e U n i t e d Statea . Mortgages . . . Foreign exchange account - . . . . . . . . - . . . - . . . - . . . . . $7,674,681 5,267 164.988 2,991 - 06 32 44 35 $ 7 , 8 4 7 , 9 2 8 17 .?/ Office Norfolk. V a r yA g e n t - . . . - . . . , $ 4 0 , 1 4 RECAPITULATION. 7 ,§74,681 06 Funded debt, various . . . . Bills discounted on personal security 32,942,581 91 funded debt • 17.400 00 bank stock 624,561 95 Domestic bills of exchange 53,584,543 86 12,284,708 24 • Real estate . . . . . Baring, Brothers k Co . Hop* k Co., Hottingucr 8t Co. . . . . . . Due from Bank United States and offices Do. State Banks • Do. United States Deficiencies Banking houses, boaus and premium Kxpm»es • Cash, vie. note* of the Rank U. States and office* Do. d o . State Bunks • Do. specie Mortgage. Navy Agent, Norfolk Foreign exchange account . . . . . . . 45,869,252 10 2,623,690 77 5,452,040 9t 34,996,269 33,048,581 367.247 286,675 1,626,281 63 76 97 48 53 3,387,881 11 2,064,159 84 1,657,343 88 20,393,806 87 2,602,869 64 22,996,676 5,267 142,010 1,281,332 60,794 51 32 55 71 09 14,343,825 86 1 ,965,371 19 11,169,428 24 Due to Bank U.S. and offices 19,768,2*30 06 1 ,739,299 95 StHte Banks 21,507,560 01 515,428 90 Redemption of public debt • Deposit?!, viz: on account of Treasurer U. States Do. less overdrafts and special deposits 5,648,201 91 Do. of public <<fficen Do. individuals * 1 ,309 ,748 43 H,767 ,751 14 235,108 36 ,413 ,093 55 27,383,623 164,988 40,144 2,991 29 44 17 35 109,902,798 24 BA»K OF THE UKITED STATES, Capital stock Note!) iMurd • l)i couir, <-xchange,8t interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and lo»s Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund February 2, 1831. 15,490,593 12 109,902,798 24 W. M'lLVAINE, Cashier. to QENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of tht United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dutes herein mentioned. Bilk discounted UIU dis- BttbdiaoountH. r ntf «.&.<:<• , on pcr-< nal >c count) d on cd n Hunk Domestic bills f 11 |)< & Co., MStMBgC funded debt »tuck. curity. Unit . giior&Co 1831 1, Maicll Febr'y 2 1 , •« 24, 17, 21, 23, 21, 19. 22. 19, 21. 15, i a 4, January SI, 7. Pebr'y 9, 15 14, 17, 21. 16. 22, 23, January 3 1 . Bank United St tea, Oftict PortlunJ, I'ort.niouth, Button, 4,527,422 221,750 152,946 192,976 544,49.) .94,104 '2,262,227 1,418,563 l JJI 070 927 ,9M Prmiil< ncc, H.»rU'oid, N< * fo k, ••1 .nu.rr, W mlun^ton, Hi' lim«) d, N r oik. F . v tt, v 11 , C l i u l u'.uti, SJIV _ . 720,291 ,;7 2 , 2 4 . . b J l »<» 567 ,.io^ .4)1, 4H _ ^ 4 •» • 4 ' 1 - 1 ,< HI ' * ' ll If*, I.I Mil " .11 ,, it'. ' Pit's', 'ir^'li, HUHJIWJ I t . , H.irt i i g t u n , Ajjenc • • <i, Chiliicotbe, • 1,376,854 U,560 uo 5,600 _ » 15 ,900 00 234,9.3 44 5,000 00 . J6 O 9 J ,-»74 - 1 2 , 1 ) 1 4 . , 4 4 56 Irt 1.9, 06 2,jf 6'J 1,500 oo 191 9U5 UO 38,9.i i IM 2 5 , 1 - 9 00 7"i,4»6 9o . - 124,471 87 2,100 00 7,524 70 . 7 , 1 0 0 O0 19 .;. 6 6 i , 1*19 4 6 M«l> 1 . N< w Orleans, S L uis, 79 70 41 36 53 21 14 3,0u0 oo _ m a _ a 1 ro7.-.u0i 58 13 471 67 19. 73 1 , . 0 - i i>.H« 45 17o,o7l 93 33,502,614 39 - - 6,800 00 7 1 1 , 0 3 4 01 1,275,226 48,522 43,254 396,690 2^0.805 32,386 l,23u,59.5 290, 124,-ih» 93,792 89 od 34 i.» Jo 61 12 72 •U/ 09 1 7 J , 9 I 4 13 51 ,9H6 9 4 47. h-.< yJ 53b 711 5«> 4lH,6->0 4 4 2,4JO,U\5 bb ^0,J01 13 2.1K7.32J 10 87H.243 12 692, (..'.-I 80 57O,7DO 68 2 6 o , 7 5 66 171.947 25 4to,9l4 6 4 78,4o2 oy 1,161,076 75 _ _ a • - • 12.9V1.653 09 1,161,076 7. Bml Ksuu. l i n e ll MI. b l *l u. s ind OiW(t». 78,744 54 6,941 52 _ 29,915 35 205 ,2' 2 64,2y, 44.85.) 23 7*8 01 95 41 47 12,065 00 - 91.342 11 236,95y 04 96,488 13 • 10,418,715 113,8iO 230,155 1,870,612 235,156 r20,f,')l 2,04j,02 188,289 15,i,55.S 765,372 24b.907 MM>,010 493 764 649,. !65 253,6J9 218,6^1 34 7 1 96 63 oR b~ 27 76 0? y8 7« so ii 20 •0 ,0 .9 71 II 1 4 y , M ; ••• VO l'Jh 9 1 9 4 4 473 888 f.5 37f. 279 .4 286,951 99 1J7 ,083 ''8 1 ,725 28 15 589 H 1 ,f>,919 5f. 88.801 11 44,.m H 2,616.313 10 9U 535,786 05 GENEK AL STATEMENT—Continued. Lo (i Due from charjf »ole to State Banks. eonting' fund 1831. March 1, Febr-jr 21, <• 24, 17, 21, 23, 21, 19, 22, 19, 31, 15, 4, January 31, February 7, 9, 15 14, 17, 21, 16, 2- , 23, January 31, 942, 261 72 37, 968 61 Bank United States Office Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford Ni-w York Bal'im. re Washington Richmond NonMk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans S . Louis m 33 117 47 5, 8 511 66 84 59 12 55 185 179 5 573 • .4 80 - | • 6,619 0'. 63 30 43 TS 59 11 15 oh _ 79 976 00 _ 6J 34 075 6J 118 50 fQ 70 513 03 H 38 18 087 m 456 5 . 34,033 19 1J6 00 187,286 39 197,726 M 98,127 07 _ 410 00 _ _ R ,913 90 25 6:5 ).) 20,414 •SO - H7 00 34 92 57 65 09 78 00 92 00 15,000 00 13,559 78 a _ 46 .559 ,042 .is 3,004 ,593 M Of, . 405 28 _ 116,777 02 _ 87,000 110,6.57 32,048 35,92! 35,109 1?,3H5 67,727 43,600 '24,096 48,000 23,496 71 20,496 68 16,411 13 m 3,389,244 N 5,500 00 a - Treasurer U. 8. Expenses. Notes ol Bank \ itesot Mate B.nlu. U. S. korticcu. 1,936,755 86 120,370 123 51 147,7 55 512 50 607,560 1 ,269 34 343,045 119,160 347 11 _ 6 , 4 57 00 l,2O9,8(,O JH.40J 3,iW 4a 298,-65 67, 350 63 9,791 3a 3i8 ,615 _ 9,690 B4 1,4iO BU 337,450 707 03 277,865 2K7.975 3,047 JO (.71,010 2,4u5 01 -91,370 1,8,0 76 6,829 7o 3,51 .,790 821 BtJ Ml ',810 a l ,2yu BO 1,070,270 632 411 276.845 289,400 1,253 $5 170 000 CO 1,986 1 . 455,800 2, 194 36 •2,766 32 252,.i65 a 345,.i80 1 ,684 77 a 1,1 JO J., 265,435 592 41 339,030 a 6,898 43 • J.U52 Id _ a. 61,050 1 . 194,839 40,-97 225,^69 38,606 137,874 146,313 and piemium. 573,961 19 . 17 237 6J 13,878 39 0h Banking IKHIMS, benut m 925 BJ 1,663,383 n I T . Burlington Agency Cincinnati Cuilhc-thc 34 18 ,303 19 ,979 81 40 ,096 b > 41 .527 4 . 7 ,054 • ! > 34 ,669 77 V . !•• l ' r L.o.ii>\ illcL Xlnjjton Cincinnati Pit^burgh B ftalo 083 565 190 568 199 624 171 666 027 252 188 559 _ 218,317 99 2,100 -2 75,757 Deficiencies. 18,634 791 60 SI 541 ,264 2.5,386 00 31,382 54,685 DO 13,649 00 9.1JU 00 304,842 49 81,5.5 68 12,719 53 53,331 01 7,665 00 16,129 00 47,174 00 87,130 00 146,.12 98 310,781 0 0 n 39,705 00 10,717 00 55,569 00 111,442 11O 53,976 00 29,819 25 28,128 1<J 142 ,010 5J 1,285,384 71 2 9 544 9V 89,204 6 : 14,833,6o5 bb 2 069 ,754 31 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1831. Hatci< 1, Febr') 2 1 , •* 24, 17, 21, 23, 21, 19, 22, iy. 21, f R ink U n i t e d S atett - OScc 1' P hud Portsmouth B iton I'rovitlrnce tfurttnrd N v. Yi>rk • Nort-Ik Fi)eUeville CliarlentoM •' 4, January 3 1 , Febr'j 7, 9, 13, 14. 17. 21, 16. 22, 23, January 3 1 , Savannah Mobil*Nr« (1 Irani . St. L'uis HMKI He Loui»V He I.i xmgion Cincinnati pittv urgh B.fflo I'tica Burlington Agency ChKtamt] Chill.collie . Capita] Stock. Note, ssiu d. n fgn, 0 an | •, JL.W inten •>, 3,836.990 7<),«»yo o7,4;.o 4M./0I 196,481 10 4K «6 16,446,269 63 . 34*0,000 5J 54 l,50u,U00 80U.U0O 00 30u ,uuo 2,y5.i,6J8 5b 4yj,ouo 00 59,-K.O 70 2 , JOb ,000 20 \<VJ H.l'miou\ \ mli ngton Picliinoiid Specie. 1- 1 ,.. .1 338,841 B6 59,498 19 271,1.-' 39 4-2,ulo 21 165,211 17 l,3^y,4f.7 5.' S37.49J 27 9 6, /It 16 60 75,nyi 15 IN.'.SOI 84 7 l , . i ' . . 72 1' ",18* 33 66,113 7w 5y,yy7 \: 1,500,000 5ov ,<i( i) 1 ,1.00 .772 50 74% So ,873 50 1,1 89. tar JO i 4 il 1,000,000 1 ',000 1 , - > ;,0nO 7ou,000 6.322 | y 5 d78 ,b60 i r 700,000 1, 1 I6U 1 .7-1 1 . 1 1 l( 1 . i : .00 41 ,A,H , 190 ,8*y 34.696,269 63 • _ 15 — _ DhrktenHa. 66,401 50 -U7 5(i 84 00 5,222 00 2,117 50 1,347 50 26,7u7 2-> 15,936 75 . 10,600 5,541 771 86,905 1,299 m I'rotit tad Loss. uucUimcd. m m 5.1 l,626,2»l 53 4 , 7 1 7 y.; > ' 5'> 00 ou 5'> 14 9O.5OU 54 6 , i m 13 , .40 ,595 ,10 J a 783 25 m 3J4 80 252 00 06 35.V51 17 tr,o»i 96 1 1 ly.yoo 05 y 314 89 6,074 23 4,106 M 5 M 0 57t> . 44 84 W7 ———_ 7,329 25 1>,475 50 1 1 m 96 18,599 77 I 97 i 72 lo, -.y 11 ,735 1 ,171.O.'.i 1 •C0OMIII 5(> 4H.O29 41 90,268 15 > . 1 ,50i l.OOG.oOO * 12,012,232 73 •1 .s , i y 5 i>l < 5CH','00 96,547 3,103 1,196 5.iy8 9, ;-'i 5,040 1 I 51 K> • - 2,831 ,180 26 I . ,t)90 251 . (90 oyy K vC Hii^ji; . 10 1 .-.l 873 33,333 .1J6 76 6X6 9.1 60 I 7 529 25 169,869 48 1,686 281 53 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Due to 11.nk U S. und Orlic 1 S. Contingent Fund. 1831 1, Marc Jebr'y 2 1 , i • January Febr*y January 24. 17, 21, 23, si, 19 22.' 19, 21, 15, •• 4, 31, 7, 9, 15, 14, 17, 21, 16, 22, 23, 31, B-«nk United States Office Potland Ho tsmouth - a _ llontc II Provide!.ce Hartford N-wYoik Ha t more 1.' UIIL m - 9.;6,6<J5 till) Ciixinn-tti Fiitsbur^fh Ht.H'tlo U'ica Burlington Agency Cincinnati Chill, cothe m a Savaii.ati Mo ile NV«f Orleans St Lunta Na-livtlle L-'tiisville 2,01 !,4UU 1,484,4 s 2 3 s 699 256,746 16,312 _ 292,195 299,2.7 J8 ,397 3,984 6f>9 8 2 . ,7'J 1,071,553 • » 3,460,213 333 ,747 111,217 416,819 llti 298 37,318 _ Tfiliiwgun Richmond NoHolk Fuyc Uville ChwtMton 5,453,040 95 • _ 385,084 65 j ,81*1 17i.l91 466,y98 179,984 334,730 - . • 56 64 58 27 72 07 55 21 77 84 95 08 6J 82 7" 6.S 71 91 40 9ri 28 10 n\5 2 , 9 1 1 , 6 9 4 04 2 0 9 , 9 8 7 10 5,452,040 95 21,331,213 58 Due to Mate Uatiks. 615,388 16,.>*k/ 238 51,916 21,492 1,743 16^,554 139,475 78,248 1.66J 24,877 1,902 97,119 10.299 7 2.857 274.9^7 1,117 26,114 11770 . 19,967 7.>,195 2,86* 6,022 63 66 76 95 86 85 37 65 04 90 33 18 56 65 95 03 06 35 47 52 84 20 27 - iii|)ii'iii (JI i • m m l> 405 ,904 91 I) \\i i-ite-. 0 r . reasurer L . s. f t i b i c 6l 48 W2 a 72 _ 90 12,399 37 99 ,597 07 2 , h S 6 , >.>9 41 3 . > 9 , 3 . ; 7 46 _ 76,2h7 H4 _ 2.. ,913 8 9 _ (".4,84.i 67 7 56 20 ,419 93 995,353 5.? 73 352 0 5 m 246,945 M a _ 700,2 6 4 h 23.>,438 45 •232,3C>H 34 m 190,824 39 1,207 14 _ 314,713 65 _ 45,983 SI 112,944 91 _ 1,185 o.; 5,879 21 a . 994,304 22,796 23,263 510,2S2 llt'ponitcft of Dr Mitel nf Ofhc < r-. li (tivutu iIs. 133,956 74 46,591 21 2o,;MO 85 133,134 18 Qt9\jh 25 14,7*1 71 221.52 > 25 39,416 34 933.639 94 46,75? 70 47 119 «'2 SU.75I 94 6,500 20 27,583 05 47.J79 41 6/ ,4()4 45 B.9O3 39 8,776 29 12,235 25 14,881 66 93,954 42 8.69H 34 9,508 49 2,o49 H5 544 95 • 1 351 561 04 16,083 31 13 , 6 J 3 38 4.>7 2. 7 99 16.439 »2 49,814 .1 1 238,157 .4 54<»,696 70 319,.06 78 ,1 346,74 2Kt),()-15 17 34,9(-4 19 793.537 72 114,712 97 13H.413 35 1 249,783 10 115,77s 01 208.618 44 239 ,UO4 70 240.730 19 4(/5,385 11 27o,H'.)3 67 64,.>70 47 ,7o7 43 14.1/9H 59 67 ft n 1,734,203 08 525 ,921 91 7,243,273 59 1 ,190,787 61 B,475,346 03 lil C 27 ] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. Funded debt, various, . D u r b y t h eU n i t e d S t a t e " , . Mortgages, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,674,681 06 5,267 3 2 14J.588 4 4 . . 7,823,536 82 At Office Norfolk. N a v yA g e n t , - - - - . . . . RECAPITULATION. 7,674,681 06 Funded debi, raribvi Bills discoursed on p»r«nnj| teet ritjr 33,502,614 .39 fund-d debt 6,bOO 00 bttk stuck • 711,034 01 Domestic b'lls of exchange 34,220*448 40 12,943,653 09 . Rr»l fcCo., Sc Co., Hope & Co., llotlinpuer . . . . . . Due from Hunk United States and olhces s t a t e Hunks . . 20,535,786 05 . 47,164,101 2,616,313 1,161,078 75 . 23,540 .379 United S'atcs Deficiencies . i ,267 . . Bg hoaseii bonuti and prrmium . . - . '• BlMMn . . . . . . Cash, viz: notes of the Hank (if the United States • State Bantu Specie - Nary Agent, Norfolk 14,833,665 86 2,or.9.7-; ! 18,013,239 7.) 142 ,010 1,283 ,384 89 ,204 28,015 ,652 90 143 ,588 U 40 ,144 17 Capital stock No!r» issuer! Discount, esebangf and int. Foreign esskange arcount • Dividend! unclaimed • Profit und loss • C' ntin^i-m fund I.cs^ losses chargeable to c» ntingent fund . • 34,696,969 63 >.;..;.5,126 76 616,931 00 7,329 25 169,869 48 1,626,281 53 5,452,040 95 3,389,244 98 2 062,795 9T Due to B-,nk U. S. and offices 21,331,213 58 1 ,734,203 08 SUte Rfdemption of public debt 1) pusilen, vi/.: On a ' c u n t of Tr^a. U. S. Li ss ovrrdr.-f s and «p<-. cial depOHtct « J ^ • Of public officers Of individuuls 7,243,273 59 239,544 99 7,"03,728 60 l.iy ,787 (il «,475,346 03 16,669,862 24 112,775 8 5 03 112,775,805 03 OF THK UNITED STATES, 23,065,416 66 525,921 91 March 2, 1831. W. McILVAINE, Cashier. L_J GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its OJfices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. Bitli is.iiBills discounted iscnunted discounted on pi-fond on rundt-d on b ink securiiy. debt. stock. 1831. April 1 Dank United Stitet M«r. 28 OfHce, Portland Portsmouth Boston 24 Providence 28 f^ rd 30 New York 28 U.liim >rc Wa*hinfrton 26 ltiehmond 22 Norfolk 26 21 F.yeitrville 15 Charleston Siv.tniuh 22 Mobile 18 New Orleans 14 Natchez. 7 S1. Louis 15 Nashville 9 Louisville 15 Lexington 21 Cincinnati 17 PiH«burjj 21 23 Buffalo 32 I'tica BiHinifton 23 22 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicutlie 91 1 - U l ,994 149,652 88 m • • • • • • 7,497 25 _ 7,650 _ 2.650 394 06 1,429,413 SI 1,289,632 10 896,176 686,925 748,258 2,234.929 647,754 804,645 5,521,895 .1O,9.5t 379,648 2,055,42 i 2,037,109 9MO 445 2.6M8.973 189,537 80 91 4i 09 .)" 1,200 6,600 38 930 It ,949 46,"60 15,90') J9 j.r.CZ 44 5,000 Ml 98 47 • Ifl _ 99 _ >7 «, 7. _ 1 ,900 7<> 182,115 91 521,647 67 382,064 36 4 5,134,706 11 232,182 $4 • 4 2 , 9 1 8 Jo 'm 41,354 34 m 33U.128 31 251,414 17 30.004 82 1,397,6*5 s, 279, , 6 51 120,107 18 45,«8i 06 _ _ _ i 473 17 S ,!S-I 34 483.9G7 5 i Mi 5 1 •I'M 764, 1 )i< a §74,921 31 _ _ 3S5.523 M 107,052 71 a 7,800 607,946 21 ."17, 119 - 774,220 57 14,725,923 DIM front liHik U. St»le^, and nll'n-.'M. 11,645 893 60 186 098 36 264 705 04 2,172 485 •is 27) 716 :i 131 369 47 874 215 38) 801 116 542 580 6>J 142 446 549 54 204 38 ISO ro 7J4 65 9u9 OS 75V 3( 652 ft 616 7.. 546 96 410 IS m n 71 _ 91 .342 11 2o6 ,8jy t»4 589.O49 -7 5'. ,yf>5 76,745 - 12 ,065 M 54 Iff,753 95 h51 ;i _ m _ 101 <><• k a _ m 6 y*i 52 _ _ a a a 78 744 54 '. > 78H 47 2,3uu,H'J8 8.' 479,502 is Keal eaute. 29 914 25 _ m H 1,515,234 95 180,339 86 3.417 •. 17 ,'/ 10 m i5.285,756 Domestic hills ufexchange. _ 3,000 99 1.14W.JJO 09 1,216,304 03 170,671 93 to Foreign btlh of ex hange. a - 96 ,488 13 • M • 180.339 86 1 62i ,tu si 8H ,801 11 .8*5 51 353 .131 03 58 443 H, 273 179 J 0 5.v; ,ol9 81 461 ,622 Hi 1 4 0 835 65 175 ,751 54 5 ,308 64 15 ,71b Jl 28 080 ll> * 21,443 ,560 17 Due from State, bunks. 903, (A7 83 2 8 , lol 75 171. 652 16 971 7, 424 334 465 161 9(>.» 65 224 70 27 2V 180 265 74 79 09 72 03 66 411 55 8»,1 32 951 44 208 HI 50U 94 10 343 38 319 998 96 5 939 23 614 24 11 346 33 58 ,34K sr> 51 804 3'J 12 .5 9 16 31 ,(•88 47 35 .295 08 15 ,239 55 8 ,913 90 3,849 894 C) — —: GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Loasei cUar,.fable to continuant fund. i8;t. Apr.l 1 lUnk U< i«ii4 State* • \ U r . 28 OiHcc, I'oriLnd •< 24 i • 2K 2H Qf> I'nvulence 11 rttord N- w \ ork U:dt m re Wailtiiigt'in RtchAand Norfolk F»yett.viHe Cvrl Ston Savannah 23 2*> 21 13 22 M . i' 18 New Orleans 14 Nafliiz 7 15 S Louis N.-ivilU9 Louisville 15 LesMgton 21 Cincinnati 17 Pr aburg 21 H ft' 1) 2* Ut ca 22 Bml'iigton 2. 2 ' Agency, Ctncin »ti Ciiiil.cotlie 21 2,1 . • 137,474 06 140,3H 99 • 34,033 19 • m m • 405 28 187,286 39 197 ,736 40 • 98,127 07 17,237 78 V76 m • 3,376,059 62 boilUH jlll'l preiiiuirii. Tn asim r 34 075 65 118 50 70,513 05 18,087 05 _ 456 52 _ — _ 410 _ Expenses. Untied Slate*. •29.877 01 1,1 <, a ; 1,19) 15 116,777 02 5 , 6 i J .>.) _ 87,000 110,657 34 32,648 92 3 5 , 9 J 3 57 l 35 K' J 65 13,385 0'2 67,727 78 43,600 24,096 92 48,000 _ 31,381 92 _ 1,597 Hi 9,578 9 1 5 032 33 1 I ,38J 23 10,5-i.s 67 3 7.-. 30 3,6 15,000 13,o59 78 23,496 71 20.703 .>9 16.444 13 2,193 31 l, <u n 5 ,092 95 _ 5 T'J 3,444 40 13,317 V 475 12 1,338 03 2,4o5 67 1 ,77<i M 1 , " i j l X6 170.100 3,194 36 _ 3 480 4H 3.3..1') 24 - - _ - 141,874 55 1,283,590 42 203,579 28 oftti « ». 2 , 1 5 4 , 5«J0 8 6 114,160 109 no 900 340.010 I31.14J 1,009,16i 1,).285 209,675 335 ,685 290,610 '2t)O,'24 5 l<»5.4>0 «24,875 2)9,97'i 2,173,180 247/245 883,490 1.1J8.675 3 6 6 , i •> 409,303 354,610 *V),615 2,346 16 303,315 290 433 1 ,07't 31 9,178 46 3,052 45 316,935 1 ,5fiU 42 5,500 No es of •Uk L'. Stnirs, an _ _ a _ _ 6,.54'2 82 20,414 80 Ba<ikii>£ houses 573,961 19 218,217 99 75,7.>7 88 6,612 08 9J5 65 13.87K 39 61 ,Q5Q 13 1.663.J82 06 2uO,775 98 4O,3'.>7 70 225,731 10 3H.6o<> 3b p . rMnoMth B S'.'lt Dificitnci 9. 138,567 5S 13,26'J,79.i 86 No cs of Btatfl banks. 533,187 53 1O,'J12 25,739 4... 545 17.7(i4 36 8,(il3 26J.896 69,043 15,135 62,057 2J,830 34,545 56,071 109,585 47 64 51 61 16 >,C)S6 82 256, «5 11 ,585 46,^98 17 lu.7^7 24,624 136.9(50 37,103 42,0.i'.) 67 40,646 68 2,055,762 46 kO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Capital stock. Specie. Notea iinucd. Disc milt fxchan^e, AIM niteirst. Foreign e x c l u d e ••• accmm . 1 >ivi ,MWIS Profit 6t lo-s. itnt I . l i n e d . 1831. Bank United States War. 28 Office, Portland •• Portsmouth Boston 24 •• Providence 28 Hartfoal New Vorlc M Baltimore 28 Washington 26 Ruhmond 22 Norfolk 26 Fayctu-ville tl Charleston 13 Savannah Mobile 18 New Orleans 14 Natchez 7 St. Lonit 15 Naihville 9 Louisville 15 Lexington 21 C ncinmti 17 1' 1 » l U ' j J SI Buffalo 23 Utica 22 Burlington 23 22 Agen r /, Cincinnati Chtllicoibe 31 \pril 1 n • • 4,088,707 22 91,9!j 44 36,824 27 560,283 05 205,523 33 20,120 3,081,98? 44 476,000 ft ,431 • • • • 97 179,897 33 250,4.50 SI 50,392 ,;o 273 7V2 31 438,263 27 131,781 IS 1,180.858 Hi 50,562 OS 231,017 51 204,065 61 211,453 S3 72,135 58 183,357 60 71,0(59 70 165,634 82 56 59,239 38 _ - 300,000 1,500,000 80'i.oOO .100,000 2,5v0,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 50U.0OO 1,500, 000 1,000,000 2,84f,l«0 205,630 251,115 090, 75 437,?65 333,4^7 1,661,6'7 742,507 1,079,272 1,084,950 1.037,980 1,161,4(55 1,431,.'00 1.986.J (0 1,000,000 1,SS!,769 6,572,775 16,446,269 63 _ a 1,000,000 1,230,000 1,000,000 1,700,000 700,000 M,t5f • 12 485,609 61 26 50 50 50 50 34,996,269 63 13 19 88 69,216 24 28,664 88 _ 3,t8S 50 1,785 1,360 ( 13,169 77 7,515 77,819 31,964 25 .903 13,2*6 15,579 51 17 51 22 48 03 1,624,076 79 l ),h97 25 8,339 35 m _ _ _ a i 4,010 93 8.5S8 3,070 5J 561 1<.,719 1,494 50 387 75 881 • 2 9,545 15 80,622 18 678,860 3,17O,.i4O 1,225,595 1,661,100 1 S0P,96J 1,007,637 50 743 ,070 5f6.000 479,910 52,509 27,991 64,099 28,094 77 _ 3S 81 57 2C9 80 241 50 15,013 6o 8,H44 82 5,289 88 20,417 29 924 81 875 S3.aB9.131 18 14,009 14 56,119 11 22,778 29 31,952 38 163,949 7^ 1,830 - 137,760 4,719 1,757 8,565 76 941,333 50 69,216 24 98,301 98 1.6;u,076 79 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Contingent 1 U 1 It I • Due to Bank U States and offices Aprl 1 R-.nk United States Mar. 2 8 Office, Portland •< Portsmouth 24 i f 28 30 28 26 22 26 21 15 22 18 14 7 15 9 15 21 17 21 23 22 2.1 22 21 iloiton Providence Hertford N.w York B Ititiore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston SuvanrutU Mobile N«-w Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nishviile Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Piiisburg B-.rFalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cmcinnali Chillicoihe ^ ,,: — ', .1 5,452,040 95 _ _ • m 2,356,844 34.5,469 115,966 458,483 259,357 44,847 2,524,064 1,439.81-2 81,299 221,824 10,512 u 05 48 B3 35 as K 4J 7V 36 4( m _ m _ 314,834 9: 378,167 34 160,444 re 3,2.>7,469 •H 342,363 7.1 8 7 4 , OiX) M 1,161.156 23 1,008,309 56 m m • - 128,774 77 773,681 57 138,886 BO 468,818 i 258,729 97 221,717 2,861,819 h 289,987 H iarinp.HroihrrH. Kedempt'n Depoabti of itCo. Hop<*fcCo of public Irt-ftdurer Uivt. (1 States. debt. Hottingtier&Co. Due to Gfatc. hunk* 815,297 (IS 1-1,7. 6 22 178 41 285,31ft 14 26,631 7rf 6,090 04 315,220 60 164,526 91 103,561 68 _ 25,490 20,073 131 ,004 1,907 12i,065 191,829 50 o4 M 71 50 •25 _ 1,117 or, 19.69J B9 18,137 65 _ 18,547 43 74,558 .)l 9,759 34 1,079 07 5,600 - 5,452,040 95 20,472,596 94 2,371,855 n I)-pos tea of public officer!. Deposited • IRtllVK jliri i s . 254,895 20 402,187 28 2,605,542 61 374,160 6 . l ,614 641 09 15.K6S 16 90,04'. 01 37,166 B4 _ _ 22,477 12 7,113 80 _ 16,082 IT 143,209 4 1 693,934 M 230,2>8 is _ 31,335 M 14,171 33 48 6J6 724 20 36,167 13 13,652 99 85.310 32 898,868 N 358,484 66 1 ,334.335 96 m 42,270 95 518,720 12 327,9.51 96 228,473 34 258,713 19 375.822 75 43,2*9 N 236,590 11 23,279 6'.* 68,268 69 290,475 U 65,515 99 28,061 •14 31,229 15 42,254 49 _ 29,174 15 778,456 IS 235,721 r.i • 30,430 57 128 990 60 61,232 0J _ 168,270 10 32,688 250,736 4fl • 79,450 33 1 ,396 ,.57.5 13 814,645 69 . . 20,524 7;< l 6,554 .>H 131,130 68 246,940 M '236 455 34 7,557 7" 159,.562 12,135 so 246,674 171,912 24,502 33 225,133 33 1 ,207 1) _ 33,047 19 421,149 83 289,725 15.635 HO 289,510 63 32,077 B3 _ 79,192 7') 8,185 59 113,009 B0 55,793 SI 1,306 38 4,230 B3 19,852 (6 5JT9 '21 324 14 67 3£ - sa n n a 254,895 20 437,497 60 6,989,338 w 1 ,727,912 49 9 ,313,238 61 [ 27 ] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. F u n d e d Jeb», various, D *• h v .he U n i t e d S t a t e s , i c s , . . . . -' - . • . . - . . . . - $ 7 , 6 7 4 681 0 6 5.267 "52 141,396 T8 . 40,150 49 . . . At Office, Norfolk. N»TJ A*ent, . . . - - . . RFXAPITULATION. Funded debt, various, . . . Bills discounted on personal security, . . 35,285,756 89 D o . d o . funded debt, 7,800 00 Do. do. b a n k b o o k , 774,2.20 37 Domestic bills of exchange, Real estate. Foreign bills of exchange, Due from Hank U. States, and offices, State banks, 7,674,681 06 36,067.777 26 14,725,923 30 50,793,700 56 2,604,86^ 51 180.3J9 86 21,443,560 17 2,849,894 69 24,293,454 86 -., :r,7 .52 141,874 55 1,283,590 42 138,567 52 United States, • Deficiencies, • * - ' Banking hous«a, bonus and premium, Cash, yiz: Notes of Bank U. S. and offices State banks, • Specie, 13,269,795 86 2,055,7h2 46 12,485,609 (.1 Capital stock, . . . . Notes issued, . . . . Discount, exchange, and interest, Foreign exchange account, DiMiienda unclaimed, • Profit and lots, . . . . Contingent fund, Lens losses chargeable to contingent fund, Baring, Brothers & Co , Hope, & Co., llottiiiguer & Co., Redemption of public debt, Depoaites, viz: On account ot' Treasurer of the U. Stutcs, less overdrafts and >p'"cial depokites, of public officers, of individuals, - 9S.3U1 93 1,624,076 79 5.452,040 95 3,57o,059 62 20,472,596 9. 2.371,855 26 22,844,452 20 2.54,895 20 W.497 60 CO 6,989,338 74 20J,5r9 28 6,785 759 46 1 727,912 49 9,.J13,<:j& 68 17,826,910 63 [115,109,056 86 115,109,056 86 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, April 2d, 69,216 M 2,075,981 33 Due to Bank U. States, and offices, State banks, 27,811,167 91 141,396 7» 40,150 49 Mortgages, Navy agent, Norfolk, 34,996,269 63 S3,889,131 76 942,.V2 5 50 1831. W. McILVAINE, Cashier. kO GENERAL STA TE ME XT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. Hills d> UilU disH'lls discounted counted on counted t i n on pers'l security. funded debt. lUnk stink. M»v April 25, ' ' 28, 28, 25, 27, 25, 23, 26, 33, 35, 19, 11 15, w, 1 t 1 < 13, 12, 18. 21, 25, 21, 26, 27, 21, 20, Rank United States ortice Portkad Portsmouth R<>stnn • Prvidence Har'ford N w York H:d'. imore Washington Richmond N>rf»lk K y »teville Churlttt n Savannah M<>bde N w Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nas.vdle Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittaburg Buffalo Vtic. Burlington Agency (Jinc nnati ChiUicutb* - • - • • 5,631,519 91 JJ6,395 1 J7,CHf> 1.16,328 538.600 39'.', JlV 2, 8HH,JJ6 1,47-',011 1,294,537 894,351 677,.>50 759.7.J4 1,949,166 756,59.] 764,6'6 5.896.6J7 478, dd'2 358,130 3,175,8lu 2,050,61o 1,047,546 2 700,866 1,171.736 608,227 493,404 248,850 1,232,703 163,759 37,473,279 167,552 88 59 54 _ m 38 a 1,900 11,897 25 12 96 53 fl 11 _ 46 a 19 HI 65 84 79 29 43 54 75 82 52 78 71 '20 41 18 1,200 00 . 41,115 00 • 7,650 1.6O0 166,707 38.9J0 80 24,fi7<> 55,4(iO 15,400 202,054 44 5,000 3,000 a — m a a 06 .6 54 43,315 00 - 701,731 37 Domestic bills of Exchange. 1 ,727,448 42,484 37.179 333,519 238,886 27,746 1 ,297,350 290,453 158,400 47.215 217,936 97,775 30 7i> 01 99 69 93 18 04 29 15 18 177,841 91 — — _ lj a 6 941 52 29 915 25 206 420 91 64 39 J 95 44 853 41 23 788 47 12 ,065 00 _ 91 ,342 11 236 ,509 04 73 84 13 78 744 54 — _ _ a t-. 91 ,488 13 - 28 - _ 1,577 ,035 31 93 ,8'J6 75 177,841 91 2,557 .293 39 15 15 ,364,741 84 Due from Rmik u. s •ad ohVes. _ 92 43 96 44 42 02 Real Estate. m 76 413,465 8'2 509,1.(3 895,839 3 ,993,943 105,597 101,594 2 ,197,219 823,870 467,638 5 JO1,'.'11 398,090 244.8-'4 61,522 78.J93 _ - Foreign bills )f Rxchange. 11 886 993 1H2 574 256 952 2 ,134 811 313 938 145 608 1 ,288 048 2.»8 486 2,8 908 578 016 55 777 602 l."J 582 94) 589 492 158 312 776 ,277 67 38 60 40 04 08 72 69 91 bO 48 80 to 36 o 752 ,821 92 2.>() 165 ,?j7 720 .874 716 .2i6 154 .778 138 ,467 3 ,077 17 .256 32 ,864 99 30 00 R0 61 30 14 96 71 15 73 37 72 2-2 ,«23 ,363 51 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Due fronr State Banks. 1831. M»y 2 , Apr. 25, 938,278 21 12,476 80 21, Bank United States Office Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence • Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond NorfJk Fayefteville • Charleitmi Savannah Mobile New Orleans Na'chez St. L uii NashviUe Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh • Buffalo Utica Burlington • Agency Cincinnati - 20, Chillicothe • 7.227 36 i < 28, 28, 35, 57, 25, 23, 26, 23, 25, 19, 11 15, 11, 11 13, 12, 18, 21, 25, 21, 26, 27, . 148,645 9,388 32,305 240,069 69,442 94,132 72.600 13 840 40,2:59 142 936 417.241 29,009 95,927 121 . 19,295 7,385 16,350 8,348 3,926 35,497 69,193 26,737 64 77 94 29 29 11 00 66 19 79 33 Losses chargeabl? to (Jontinjfent fund. 218,217 2,100 75,757 6,612 925 13,878 61,050 1,663,282 200,782 40,397 225,7^5 38,606 137,874 146,311 99 22 88 08 6i 39 13 06 57 70 2,551,167 39 _ 116,777 02 a a m m 34,075 65 70,513 05 18,087 05 06 03 . 17,237 78 976 00 34 _ 405 28 187,286 39 197,726 46 44 83 51 26 _ _ 38 06 99 34,033 19 78 5T3.961 19 _ 21 16 92 08 Deficien- Banking bouses, Treasurer cies. bonus & prem. U. State*. _ 456 52 _ _ _ _ 98,127 07 410 00 87,000 110,637 32,648 35,923 35,109 13 385 67,727 43.6W 24,096 48,000 11,000 00 34 92 57 65 02 78 00 92 27,12* 87 6,878 32 m _ m m 00 00 _ 00 78 m m _ 15,000 13,559 _ 23,496 21,014 16,444 _ 71 170,000 06 2,869 97 13 — — _ 11,053 11 20 414 80 5,500 00 a - - - Expenses. 45,830 29 1,445 78 l,'2uu 15 5,612 2,726 1,597 12,235 6.J69 13,254 11,751 3,826 2.J91 33 50 82 5rt 82 67 93 97 36 6,827 08 4,728 65 4.80J M 14,-30 04 1,60."> 1,^76 2,971 2.S63 2,967 4,386 3,963 2,804 01 59 U I. 29 SO 76 51 8,352 90 1,204 68 11,694 29 3,983 76 Noti-s ol Bank Notes of State U. S. SiotHccs. Hanks. 1,857.220 86 1'22 550 127,945 469,030 297,W60 57,910 1,170,603 i!77,97O 254 945 563,720 291,380 108,170 218 115 762,515 299, *65 1,646,740 298,755 640,120 1,311,6.15 392,575 289,135 529,920 209,175 168,750 94,415 221,580 661,040 13,886 26,643 56,153 12,105 6.540 225,898 96,604 13,994 81.311 19,670 50,160 71,334 53,355 128,564 188.460 8,855 o:> 25 09 S9 rt7 .6 94 57,532 50 10,727 52,392 196,101 68,215 39,978 A 5 24,562 HI 3,38V,580 74 141,756 05 1,294,902 09 206,873 16 181,616 67 12,683,198 86 2 163,083 6J •* GENERAL STATEiMENT—Continued. ace Capital stock. Specie. Notes issued. Baring. B. Foreign Discount, KxDividend* Profit and loss. F.xchange fiiCo.Hope cliunge & Int. account. 8i Co., 11->t- u n c l a i i n i <1. to jnguerfliCo 1831. May 2 , \pr.25, 28, 38, 25, 27, 25. 23, 26, 23, 25, 19, •> 15, 11. • • 13, 12. is, 21, 25, 21, 26. 27, 21, 20, Hank United StatesOffice Portland Portsmouth • Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore W iitiin,<ton K-.climond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston • V.V . IM.'l Mobile N- w Orleans Natchez St. Louis Naslmile Louisville Lex.n^ton • Cincinnati Pitubu gh • Buff.lo Utica U«ir|i ->ffton • Agency Cincinnati Chillicothe • 42 16,446,269 63 16 300,000 06 28 1150» ,000 800,000 41 300,000 00 2,500,000 00 1,500,000 500,000 77 43 1,000,000 500,000 90,213 64 500,000 .14, Ii5 86 1.5U0.000 268,765 464,597 73 1,000,000 212,171 30 l,007,0i> 0 1,000,000 _ • 51 426 M 24«,U7(i 95 iye,9oi 14 1,000.000 243,045 54 1,250,000 63,894 VI I ,'»uu,00i lf.8,67.0 71 1,700,000 700,000 70,0i3 69 109,399 5 i 93,777 14 60,030 J l - 4,316,328 96,805 36,546 627,192 218,414 20,120 2,757,093 586,000 54,677 181,y3'J as n 12.529.J8l 13 31,996,269 63 2,917,180 205,240 239,320 686,575 434,615 317,107 1,766,572 914,867 1,040,877 1,078,7'JO 1,034,700 1 16 1,44 ' 1 ,V8i,.>50 1.574,6<>9 6,692,495 26 50 so 50 50 I >,<M) 806,860 3, 77,150 1 183,113 l,56<i,.;'J5 >.2^5 377,659 93 147.928 06 9JU.777 43 24,111 25 5,660 92 28 2,576 46 — m 11,74'J 64 1,977 50 m 18,'Jlt) 42 m 1,211 n _ 9,704 78 'J62 50 102,.i85 48 16,474 25 m 40,346 49 7,081 75 m _ 4,(M. 4 3 35,472 S3 7,979 1, , (48 07 19,999 91 a 18,762 31 50 75,581 (.0 1,438 5U 30,178 o\ 42,;>i 96 380 75 224,>iOvi m 13,941 52 li MO 8 6 97, §1 I 11 229 80 66.JI8 84 m 1JJ 50 _ 34,747 20 94,123 59 I,623,f95 97 *3 10 50 1 21,06'.* *S 1 141 743.070 576,000 •179,480 l.a'o I ' 78 7JJ 34,87i,r 1 76 1,34 81 147,928 06 7 77 43 •9,794 73 1,623.795 97 GENERAL STATEMENT— Continued. Contingent fund. 1831. May 2, April 25, 28, 28, 25, 27, 25, 23, 26, 23, 25, IV, <• 15, • < 13, 12, 18, 21, ^5. 21, 26, ^7, 21, 20, Bank United States • Office Portland I'orts noitth HoMou Providence Hartford New York Biltim re Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayettcville Charleston 5,452,040 95 • m _ • _ _ _ - Pitt-hnrgh _ - _ _ _ - Buffalo UticA Burlington Agency Cincinnati Chilticothe • 2,550,564 74 35u,6<>7 15 144,919 IT 790,340 5H 240.ul3 74 49,206 98 1,944,600 1.3 1,539,970 65 181 ,.589 76 289,807 17 48,633 03 • >HV4 liall Mobile New Orleans Nate 'rz • St. Louis Naslnlle Loui-ville 1-exmp'on Cmcin ati Due to B.nk U. S. and offices. _ 14,021 29 5,466,062 24 .110,0 57 93 526,756 9.5 269.622 09 3,025,671 60 4.5;,.'94 05 8.J.3,798 74 1/J6..943 51 931 ,553 04 114,418 42 996,619 26 250,735 71 464,364 79 211.518 22 1 (,8,049 78 2,833,792 53 286,709 87 21,014,000 21 Due to State Banki. P.10,899 93 9,067 63 81 65,321 49,651 9,154 402,484 '14,441 89,126 25,495 45,985 29,680 _ 225,943 344 739 24,216 i,ny 26,760 15,759 . 124,701 58,139 34,684 40 16 02 56 77 47 04 K'-di-m;>tion 402,187 23 _ a 76,300 32 _ _ _ 02 90 34 a 34 51 91 06 27 21 41 30 8J 1,633 74 _ 2,437,084 82 Dopovjies of Public Officers. Individual! or" Pub. Debt Treasurer U. S. m _ _ _ _ _ m m 58" 603 05 76,888 &2 10,092 K3 452 407 28 53,230 60 23,258 69 1,578,932 49 36«,ir,r> S4 •232,653 96 25,155 07 _ 6,266 07 913,309 52 60,694 87 207,509 99 815,783 77 83,071 to 29TM4.S H7 236,777 .16 200,842 28 1,126 55 315,845 36 37,709 20 10.i,172 75 3,529 96 3,595 21 94,426 80 .58 36 17,726 18 147.304 76 9.705 65 1,-200 20 311 ,'213 96 .5! 763 98 201,320 GH 3.3,609 63 34.63(") '.7 30,907 08 30,24;> 79 28,11.) (.4 23,502 72 114,253 17 1,992 lo,.; i 7,661 3,j l 26 19,159 24,8.Vf, 9,769 10,4'29 2,198 869 17 13 17 40 48 06 91 76 78 1(5 a - - 478,487 60 5,982,972 32 1,276,945 59 1 8.v"!.871 08 19,845 97 14.007 78 47H.141 27 078 31 ,855 1 299.7-11 5IH,47'2 '23 00 16 •r> iii 334,906 40 813,7 '3 14 •27S,8.->5 09 .>8,819 29 7^9,042 04 H'.».S38 20 174.22J 26 1 ,498,1'20 48 96,704 8B 149,330 158,921 84 300,780 94 237,67.> , y 31*3,120 .,i 303,551. 01 75,1!<K 31 51 ,.V2G :>r 20,796 55 459 98 67 28 9 ,488,368 Ki !•; [ 27 ] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Jit Bank United States. F u n d e d d e b t , various D u e b y t h e U n i t e d States Mortgage* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,674,681 06 5.267 3 2 141,396 78 5.KJ1.J45 16 At Office, Norfolk. Szvj Agent . - . J . . „ - 40,144 RECAPITULATION. 5,674,681 06 Funded debt, various Bills discounted on personal security 37,473,279 54 funded debt • 42,315 00 bank stock 701,731 37 Domestic bills of Exchange . . Real estate . . . . Foreign bill* of exchange . . Due from Bank United States and offices State Banks . . . 38,217,325 91 . 15,364,741 84 . . 22,823,363 51 . 2,551,167 39 the United States Deficiencies • Banking houses, bonus and premium Expenses . . . Cash, viz: notes of Bank United States and offices State Banks Specie Mortgages Navy Agent, Norfolk . . . . 12,683,198 86 2,163,083 65 12,529,381 13 53,582,067 75 2,557,293 39 177,841 91 85,374,530 5.267 141.756 1,294,902 181,616 90 32 05 09 07 27,375.663 64 141,396 78 40,144 17 Capital stock Notes usued • Discount, rich »ng* and int. • Foreign exrtvmgc account Bur ng. lln>tIn IN 8t Co., | | p.&. C >., Hottingucr & Co. • Dividends tincl timed Profit tild loss Darting* t f nd Less low s chargeable to con. tingent fund 34,996,2(9 34,875,731 1,343,456 147,928 5,466,062 24 920,777 43 82,734 73 1,628,795 97 3,380,580 74 Due to BankU. S. and offices '21. u u , 000 31 State Banks • 2.437,084 82 Redemption of public debt • D'-ponites, viz: On account of Treai. U . S . Less overdraws and special dcposhes - 63 76 81 06 3,085,481 50 23.4SltO85 03 478,487 60 K> 5,982,972 32 206,873 16 5,776 099 16 1 276.945 .59 9 488,368 46 Of public officers Individuals 16.541,413 21 116,547,161 73 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, May 2, 11^.517,161 73 1831. W. McILVAINE, Caihier. to GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United Stales and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dales herein mentioned. - — - — • - ~ Btttt isc if te Oil ' C t SO I \ * ' CUrilV. 1831. May .11 Hank 1! >it il State* 23 office, 1' i bod '' Portsmouth 96 S3 2^ 25 21 Boston I'rviclence Hartford New York Baltimore Waahingtoa • Richmond 21 23 Narf ik KayXU»Uto 17 •• ChwrU'sion 13 9 < 16 Mob:le New Orleans • 1 • • n .th Nitch< 2 ' St. Louis Kishvlle I.oiii«rille I.rxi-ijfon Circmnati 23 Pittxbunjh 19 R'lftkl i U'ica 34 25 B'tHinjfton April 31 \gency, Cincinnati Mav 20 Chillicothe • 11 10 16 19 5,833,768 04 '209,209 5 9 155,925 7 0 146,056 57 53>,83H ' . ' i 388,167 64 3,293,076 CM 1,475,079 1,311,901 90-2,1 19 i: 699.465 91 725,271 64 2, I8ft,5f6 93 7 * 1 , 4 4 1 15 K 17,721 30 5,733,143 42 748,564 95 • > 6 4 7 57 2,27 :>o 2,116,876 27 1 ,082,645 OH 2,8.;9,785 31 1.198.7U6 698,645 IS 510,018 88 65 29; Bills Bil i dnoountcd diS' <'in te ' o n 11 ink. on funded dehf. •fork _ ,607 88 _ l ,300 M _ _ _ _ 21,090 _ _ 16 ,597 25 13,703 06 159,838 47 JU,937,311 88 00 18 00 00 00 1 [,400 00 41 5 ,0J0 00 3 ,000 00 _ m _ _ m m 21,990 - • • - " • — 7* ,744 54 4ir 38 , >T i 19 6,941 5i 29,915 25 24 ,'.2 52 (33 87 81 (i; 44,953 9. 41 47 _ 60 _ m 4 I 65 ,1 | 8 431 _ 96 127 72 477 12,065 00 51 : • = Dir « 4 leU S. 1J ,394,465 39 265 3S7 27 371,95i 72 ... .. — • . 883,109 24,340 07 n 70 163,551 75 88.2J9 185,370 24 486,0Q1 42 494,746 91 < •! iOi 0 2 15,658 14 356,95 ) 111,4-9 1 ,825,194 364,952 65 93 31 35 30 1 ,056,443 09 9o ,00(> 99 10 63 89 16 n 93 30 90,693 17 > ,818 31 30,554 2.) 141,496 U 2o7 103 775,655 4H ;8 53 46 82 1,851 527 »20 951 75 15,390 S95 in _ 4H5 l 39 14 681 58 64 -1 18 410 62 46 SH 35,478 S3 15,156 <n -7'.,7<- 48 1 . 46 42,096 59 63,150 36 238,509 04 9 k , ' . » >d _ _ • 13 — K3 80 m 4.'. 1,597,035 31 34 79 JD6.407 29 2.531.400 J.i »,864 15 • JT3,834 to Ore from S.ate H.itks. 39,369 9,80f 16,945 418,866 B6.384 1 ,999,690 62 m 63 1)09 l i J 147 ,098 ! ' -73 IM •U9 «„ 10(1 ''hHi'e s. _ ,943 18 1,291 - - • . > . ; • l.sor ,212 56 2 0 6 , 4 0 7 39 n ! .'.) 50 m _ >,6b; 64 76, - —» H ;il estate. m m » ):1U Foreign "ii at i xchang*. of ex> h m u l 00 i Donif • 7 ,650 1 ,500 19 •,561 38 ,9 ;'> 24 ,179 49 ,300 — JH.5J0 ,6 1,175 97 94 M.661 29 9,226 89 1 i. — IS C5 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Bulking 1. taefl charge Deficiencies. houses, bonus Treasurer ible to c o n i n and U. 9. gent fund. Expenses. premium. 1831. Way 31 Hank United States • 33 Office, Portland «i I'ortsm uth B .8 on 26 •< Proviilt-nce Hartford 23 N • T.rk 25 25 21 24 21 23 17 «< 13 9 •• ll<lt more Washington Rchmnid N if. Ik Fajetuville CnarlcstOM HavaniuU M. bile New Orleans Natcbt-z 16 St. LouU 11 Nashville L 'Uisville L XI gt .B Cincinnati 10 16 19 23 19 24 88 38 925 65 l.-,,87« 39 c.i ,050 1.1 1,663,232 06 194.839 65 - - 75,757 12.146 40,397 225,663 38,606 157,374 146,313 7o 21 38 06 99 _ • Pittsburgh H ff.tlo Utica 25 Burlington April 21 Agency, Cincinnati May 20 Cbillicotbe • S18.217 99 a . i ••> 22 _ 17 ,237 78 976 00 m 34 .075 65 70 513 05 18 ,087 05 m 456 52 m 11,053 11 20,414 80 116,777 02 87 000 110,657 32,648 35,923 35,109 S3 67.7.7 00 34 92 31,238 82 57 65 02 7 _ m m _ 24,096 92 48,0uu 00 U , j 6 9 00 • 410 00 17,018 _ _ 2,869 97 _ 6,000 00 • - 77 2.5 )rt 30 40 2 850 .iH 2,723 69 3,5.18 55 m _ _ - 12,848 5,089 3,7.5.5 s 130 5,.),~.J 9K 13 000 00 13,559 78 23,496 71 21,021 08 16,444 13 79 19 15 33 66 82 16,590 34 7.607 03 1 F,058 21 .5.772 77 43,60 _ m 541 28 187,260 47 197,576 46 _ 94,627 07 ._ _ _ 60,319 1,718 1,321 5,912 3,254 1,597 _ 34,033 19 B 57.1,961 19 - 3,110 3 ,352 1,043 5,'271 3 390 3,556 1 ,486 J4 66 58 27 09 84 89 11 ,694 29 Notes of Hank of State U 8. and of Notes Ranks. 1 , 780.515 86 97,380 00 139,010 00 2 8 0 , 0 5 0 00 377,5*0 00 66,585 00 00 1, 381 ,4.50 oo 179,080 I 0 5 17,860 00 390,180 oo 00 376.695 7 •>.'•'•.. u oo 216,210 1, 174,1 • ( I I I 510,06.) 1£fl ( 92 i 00 1, 632,310 00 49.1,.. 15 00 oo op 676,043 00 431,085 00 333.290 00 8.1.6'! 0 00 1(<I , 1<>> Oil 204!295 00 609 120 65 6 362 00 28 ,688 6) 81 ,77.) 00 27 ,642 59 24 ,400 VO Hi 212 113 098 81 l :>,412 59 62 >53 15 JV> 00 19 , 160 00 94 ,731 (III I i 'M . DO l l j ,986 5j oo 5 .J65 00 60 ,60G 10 ,827 „ 71 ,9" ! 92 1 96 'i6 15 ,308 25 Uu Specie. 4,148,777 28 39 40,908 98 41,702 97. C8 5 30,1 10 00 33 00 62 • 59.208 59 24: 18.5,898 \i 247,504 97 • 2 1 , 1 2 6 27 26.5 7.> > 76 46 • 167 85 215,331 09 7 1 7 . ' . . 1 64 49 826 03 26.1.'.71 16 195,9.56 30 362,171 08 87 5f*7 -.7 00 OiJ DO fa 51 145,1 94 69 70,510 (.1 17.5.767 S3 9,i )96fi 14 57,409 34 4,633 24 •a 3,376.010 10 141 ,7o6 05 1 >2 95,978 11 34.WJ8 79 222,930 37 i ; 269,180 86 2, .147 ,421 47 12,070,253 97 m GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. to Notes issued. Capital stock. Discount, isx cuanife and in* tin at. 1831. May 31 Hank Uiutrcl States 33 Office, t'ortlan<l << Poit*mouth 26 <• II..S' II I'ruvi.tence 23 25 35 31 24 31 Nt-w York Hal ititure Wat ington Richmond Norfolk 93 Fay. tte»ille • 17 C.ll.ti Ictmti • < Savannah Mobile 13 9 i • 16 11 10 16 19 23 19 34 25 Hartford • New Orleans Natchez st Louis Nashville Loui-ville Lex njfton Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington kpril 11 Agency, C nsmrati - toy 30 Chtllicothe - 16 446,'269 d. 300,000 1,500,000 80c,000 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,0>0 1.500,00) 1,000,000 m 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 1 ,000,000 1,700,000 700,000 • 2,981 ,180 26 '20.5 .835 238 ,300 665 ,045 45.5 ,370 303 ,811 50 1,766 ,139 50 914 ,747 50 1,030 .017 50 I ,07*.985 ,02.1 ,110 ,159 ,7 JO ,535 J70 1,979 ,IJU [ 567 ,159 6,609 ,5 JO 580 ,000 806 ,360 (.262 .155 1 ,.' ;i ,490 ] ! ,708 ,•00 ,286 .690 ,12o .392 50 712 ,305 575 765 478 340 1 ,830 34,996,269 63 35.285 .570 76 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 55 09 97 45 85 08 49 777 94 338,664 7,970 3,018 14,730 22,470 It,2-3 135,957 42,692 10 21,886 B9 24,436 .u 08 Foreign e\("lunge account 147,640 83 m Co. H >t'inguer 8c Co. _ 1 ,8?7 50 1 ,169 00 _ 14 .556 25 5 ,971 25 4 ,003 93 7 ,527 50 m m 99 34.>69 49 — _ Profit and loss. ebumert. 22 ,968 25 m _ - I) vid •ll'ls Ull- 710,039 61 m 91,640 49,693 82 281,025 M 27,510 14 15 112 44 110,788 55 82.027 92 4174H 55 100,580 81 50,729 59 Itari '< Hrothr'n k C H>i»e &, 1,623,795 97 81 00 910 00 '2,Z>7 5>J 12 ,074 381 50 00 50 50 380 75 m m _ 183 80 70 00 2 6 , 5 1 5 20 16,110 V, ". ;'. > 2 15,246 12 6,450 06 1,655,196 147,640/83 ri0.039 <u 74 .888 7J 1,6'2.},795 97 GENERAL STATRIMENT-Continued. Contingent fund. Due Hank U. S. and offices. Due to State Hoiks. 3,418, '58 94 671,218 73 23,591 37 Redemption of Dcposi'es "f UepoHi • •* r publi'- debt. Treasurer U $, Public "ffi. ers. I) po-iten of ii • 1 vcliuls 1831. May 31 B ink United States 23 Office, Portland i < Portsmouth Huston 26 11 Providence Hartford 83 25 N»-w York Baltimore 25 Washington 21 Richmond 24 Norfolk 21 Fayettcville 23 ( - l i irl> D i o n 17 << Savannah Mobil.13 N»-w Orleans 9 i > Natchez St. Louis 16 Noahville 11 10 Lcui ville 16 Lexington 19 Cincinnati 23 Pittsburgh Buffalo 19 24 Utica 25 Rurlmgtun April 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe May 30 - 5,452,040 95 m . m _ _ _ - - - - 323,398 17 161,051 60 943,4.54 47 322,914 45 39,^78 3.1 2,062,464 17 1,691.237 58 196.001 38 279,215 67 83,470 95 11 ,950 27 46K.672 68 579,009 09 122,805 43 3,818,020 77 742,126 45 890,894 45 1,324,165 58 1,103,031 62 414,130 01 1,196,374 01 165,093 13 - 494 403 91 356,264 84 183,542 SO 2,833,792 53 284,281 30 5,466,062 24 24,533,104 30 — n • 14,021 29 401,511 68 04 117.723 27 15,632 52 3 ,9fifc 424, K'3 116,^95 92,760 30 55 80 32 39.6)7 90 18,653 54,267 24,616 US,969 40K.741 65 47 30 18 73 m 76,300 32 _ — m . m 46,623 69 665 32 24,494 74 12,174 60 m _ m 185,010 5 5,463 38,961 5,058 98 30 48 44 _ m m _ _ - 2,527,051 68 477,812 00 64H.577 84,868 9,7.56 C01,698 57.9H8 19,409 2,142.776 415,059 147,078 1? ..7 .>i 27 35 .'9 63 84 13 90,590 17 35 721 27 17,936 21 217,608 10 63,473 21 187.616 371 ,637 83,961 275,366 236,248 189,733 9,003 145,'49 29,829 62,336 3,529 3,836 71 84 46 i/8 68 46 20 93 SO 81, 96 36 * 6,099,621 00 111,031 64 24 81-i 54 IS,141 18 156,396 71 8 .(K)7 i') 375 61 390,5< 5 51 44,478 19 1HS.1U 95 48,846 83 49,526 89 33,oai 92 18,26.3 61 18,061 70 33,813 41 96,645 29 2,102 15 11,683 20 7,727 l i 3,248 54 18,533 .58 33,161 93 15.4S4 41 J5,829 74 2,620 00 759 20 - 1 ,633,275 '.1 20.871 14.03 u 2 9 , >i.W 40 1 ,344,650 71 5 28,16. > (.7 282,99"> 78 264,290 79 293,187 99 39,739 39 729.485 Bl 191,952 47 220.049 IK 1 ,281 629 -.7 83,118 B7 7$ 38 208.794161,055 319 463 26H.056 ..2 39 376.891 09 281,3') 1 •U 115,8!'2 11 60 161 34 21,42.'> 09 459 98 6* 1,290,313 34 23 420,. 47 23 a.;, tyi 04 38 9 ,057,161 88 CO [ 9.1 ] 30 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. F u n d e d d e b t , various - . D i e by t h e U n i t e d States . . Mortgages . . . . 4 - - . . - . - . . . . - . 5,674.68106 5.26732 141,59678 5 , 8 2 1 . 3 4 5 16 Jit Office, Norfolk. Agent - - . . . . . 40,144 17 RECAPITULATION. 5,674,681 06 Funded debt, various . . . . Bills discounted on personal semiity 38,927,311 fcH Uo funded debt 21,990 00 Do Bank stock 793,951 7i Domestic bills of exchange . Ue»l estate Foreign bills of exchange Due from Hank U. State* and offices Do State Hanks . . . . 39,743 ,353 63 . 15,400 ,483 rS . 24,875 ,KM 96 2,568 ,027 42 Do United States Deficiencies . Hanking houses, bonus and premium KxpeitBes . . . . . <::isli, viz. Notes of the Bank U. States and offices - 13,2f>9 ,180 86 Do State Bunks 181 47 specie . . . . . 253 'J7 Mortgages Nuvy agent, Norfolk . . . . 55,143,739 42 2,531,400 25 206,407 29 37,443,853 38 167 32 1 11,756 05 978 11 222,930 37 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, May SI*/, 1831. 710.' 74,b«a 73 1,633,795 97 Due to Bank U. S. & offices 24,553,104 3u 2.527,051 6H Do Itatc Banks Hedemption of public debt U> let! DT««I t's and special cicpositc* -12 M7,640 83 Profit and io>.s Do of public officers Do of individual* 120,534,409 50 1 ,(.(>.. I V - 5,466,062 24 Contingent fund Less lovteit chargeable to con. 3«376,O10 10 tingent fund D e p o m v • mi a<v ••unt of Tri-asiirrr o f tiie L'. S t a t e s 27,686,856 30 111.396 78 •10,144 17 34,996,269 63 35 285,670 76 Capital stock Notes iaaued Discount, exchange St interest Koni^n exchange account Baring, Brotln is &. Co. Hopfl & Co. Uottingucr & Co. Dividends unclaimed 2,090,052 14 27,060,155 98 477,bl^ 00 6,099,621 00 34,106 75 6,065,513 -'I l ,390,313 34 9,057,161 88 ',412,987 43 120,534,409 50 W. McILVAINE, Cashier. (1ENERSL STATEMEST of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. Hills discounted # ilk i i u n u i > l\-» 1 security 1831. July 1 June 20 «• 23 i« 27 29 27 25 21 18 20 21 «• 17 13 6 13 8 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford Nashville June 20 23 Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo 16 20 • Nf • York Mlumore Washington • Richm >nd Norfolk Favet eville Chtrl.ston Savannah Mobile N- w Orleans Natchez St. I. .-in Lou'uvill* Lexington May 3 1 - i • » 21 22 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 30 • (i , 3 1 8 , 1 1 0 17 2 0 2 , 1 6 0 17 153,323 16 148,948 624,2s9 382,8.'i 3 ,51 s ,.*(;.) , 5 t 37,002 1, 3 3 4 , 6 7 9 937,627 679.41> 706,938 •2 ,4fy,18.5 757,282 979.78J ,867 453 25 90 77 Bills discounted R IN discounted Domestic bills wi H > ik stock of exchange. on funded!. _ m m . 93 900 00 21,090 00 I 099,126 2 831,066 1 222,889 707.313 569.758 323,584 1 251,783 15§,832 V) 9,650 00 15,000 00 203,016 18 38,930 00 23,i ' 00 55.6 > uo 1 (00 00 2l9.8of, u 3,0'JO 00 m 4,000 00 935,y«>J 44 373 :?7 41 2 335 694 82 2 134.631 50 1 ,300 00 14,298 30 _ 48 32 .is 73 81 •20 99 93 96 262,632 88 10 - 86 16 01 400 00 _ 9i _ _ • 559.944 96 41,879 i7,7H3 559,405 30J.866 32,703 89 64 47 89 144,439 72 - 22,390 00 - m a _ „ m - 866.088 « 1 . i .Hi,621 19 64,366 228,459 17 04 2 ,62) 702 ,755 261 ,8i.' 267 ,lOt> 732 ,797 94,988 13 — 77 824,97.» •>6 334.210 496,784 60 4J8,737 77 274.75} hi 48.010 43 00 326 ,934 90 ,465 930 ,310 198 ,3<>0 204 ,829 528 ,817 225 677 J44S 381 ,803 466 ,781 '215 ,759 1,324 .028 _ — 5 9 0 , 8 5 4 49 98 4 315,079 78 119,533 79 1 ,357,985 »>5 : U 91 13 29,915 25 38 M l ,132 12,382 ,042 255 .779 S06 ,983 2,118 ,971 78,744 54 6,941 52 — m 1 .254.9U7 '20 19o,221 68 130,939 • <8 42.H38 84 186,52^ 00 100,878 36 l)ur lr<> in lia nk U.S.and offices. Heal ciU'< of eaolwutfe. a !20l 418 14 64,292 1 . 44,853 41 33,788 47 _ 12,065 a m . _ a _ - 91,6oV 48 21 52 80 1 ,914,215 01 Foreign bills - u i 439 n 1,546,937 83 96,685 21 J , 4 9 3 , 4 5 5 69 14 71 9S 63 5 66 73 DO CO 63 to •>3 S3 M j^ '.5 61 72 4i 1,159 .770 M 163 , S1 J SO 207 581 19 85J 67 20 .274 81 .252 S0 r« 34.93J ,su .15 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Due from State banks. 1831. July 1 June 20 720,880 52 19,942 07 Bank United State* Office, Portland Portsmouth 23 l t O S t I'D '• Providence Hartford N«* York Baltimore Washington • Richmond Norfolk Vnycttevdlc Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans • Nate' ez 27 39 27 25 21 18 20 21 17 13 6 13 8 May 31 June 20 16 20 .23 21 22 21 20 Hitrlr.tgton Agency, Cincinnati ChiUicothe 19,214 52 12,115 05 316 8.0 79,540 71,152 67.3*8 11,940 42 0U 39 71 75 . NT, ,820 39 485,445 60 37,324 66 170,818 9U 347 83 _ St. F....1I9 Ntffcritte Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica 123.877 40 • 31,306 79 49 51 97 10 22 2,100 75,057 12,146 925 13,878 61,050 1,663.2.2 198,528 40 .97 22 88 3H 65 39 13 U6 46 70 225,6,,: M >t$,bQ6 3H 137.374 06 146,369 57 _ _ 17,337 78 976 00 3,766 62 34,073 65 _ 70,113 05 41 01 18,087 05 m _ 456 52 a 405' 28 177,226 66 197,020 91 _ 94,627 07 Banking houses, bonus and pre- Treaaurer U. S. mium. 373,961 lfi 33,748 61 m 136 00 a a m 410 00 — m — m m 116,777 02 _ — n m m 87,000 00 110,637 34 32,648 92 55,92! 57 33,109 65 l l,3ti 02 67 727 7% 43,600 00 m m 26,113 37 _ a a _ _ 24,096 92 48,000 00 13,100 48 m 23,496 71 21,028 58 16,995 08 m 6,762 02 2,530,376 34 3,464,876 64 _ _ 2,194 36 a 6,030 00 — 145,299 68 1,298,098 04 Expenses. 77,116 56 57 44 m 98 590 2,098 14.1 5,813 7.45S 210 212 93 77 54 61 98 56 ..7 12 S4 00 68 13 708 31 4,470 60 i 13 855 17 m 15,000 00 13,559 78 * _ 20,414 80 m Deficiencies. SM,ita 19 a 3,269 10 19,176 9.5 62.321 5 254 55,822 29,352 26,510 Losses churgeable to contingent fund. 28,307 72 5 21§ 559 124 96 522 5,824 2,799 50 30 25 03 36 91 24 61 110,137 33 Notes of Bank D S mid oAoCf. 1,028,003 06 114,150 oo 130,650 00 47.5, Kin 288,315 166.560 950,915 510,055 142,430 509,255 214,730 157,395 411 235 682,895 96,345 593,255 332,815 764,725 1,648,670 628,805 558,710 332,465 151,450 28.150 211,155 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 148,715 00 11,275,078 06 CO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. to Notes of State Banks. 1831. ilj 1 Hank United States • line 20 Otiict, Poi- la d Portsmouth Ho.iton 23 i < Providence H»r ford 27 New York 29 Bui im re 27 Waitii-.g'Oii • 25 Richmond 21 Norfolk 18 FnyetteviHe • 20 Charleston 21 > i S*v«nnah Mobile 17 NrW OlisMM 13 Natchez 6 St. L uia 13 N*suYille 8 Loumville ay 31 ne 20 Le'tmi Cincinnati Piri'itirgh 16 20 Buffalo 23 21 U ica 22 Biriington 21 \geocy, Cincinnati • 20 Chtllicotbe • ' Specie. Capital slock. Notes issued. ii't 410,900 4., 4 ,108,397 t»2 16,446 ,269 Id 2,550,997 46 207,650 Ou _ 37,251 72 8,141 00 380 ,000 00 2.JH.J0O 0 0 42.36H 96 25.4J0 ou 677, .45 00 990,786 8* I,5o0 ,000 00 72.10U 00 800 ,000 00 433,370 00 2lo,l«7 09 17,055 50 300 ,000 00 380,842 50 19.252 00 10,575 Ou 342,012 61 1,350,594 60 2,500 ,ouo ou L ,719,7.17 5o 644.O0O 0 0 9u,.y62 50 1,500 ,000 oo 111,436 96 1 > . . . ( . S JN ,017,732 •>0 500 ,000 0 0 50.824 05 86,885 7 8 185,66o 9 0 i,oo.< ,0OU 0 1 1,077,985 Ou (<O 500 ,000 00 247,4Jl 82 ,033,110 0 0 50 i ,«IUU 00 II 339 08 56,525 0 0 ,153,941 00 48,172 OO ,.) 14,370 Ov> 262,069 35 1,500 ,000 ou ,973,060 00 510,40o 25 1,000 ,000 0 0 179.545 00 . ,566,404 ou 217,811 74 23,162 30 151,536 •M 9u3 ,6o4 15 1,000 ,000 00 6,603,869 0 0 01 61,611 61 3.325 ou B M,3fQ OO _ a 870,493 89 194,837 82 1,000 ,0«0 00 j ,361,37 i 00 89,845 J4 ,2.i.°>,y6O 00 61 l ,990 ,000 0 0 10,837 OU 85 r>48 9 0 _ 1,000 .000 00 1 ,7u.->,450 00 144.133 77 1,700 ,000 00 J ,275,220 00 33 .733 OU 1 ,12o,392 50 700 ,000 00 62,134 58 146,317 Ou _ 126,564 y7 7J9.445 00 13J.379 ou 105,129 64 575.765 00 39,16.. 7* 478,340 00 60,340 85 13 ,392 M 1.&J0 - 2,043,287 59 Discount, e X ohpnge, < id - 19 ,175,476 • 5 a 1,996 ,269 6J 00 - Vt.b4O,383 96 r<st. r ig ex \i\\ iilcmU 1'ioJit &. Loss. (luii){f acuncbiinicl. 1 in,nt. 347,3i 1 17 110,587 7J 22,576 25 1,616,594 74 773 00 OJ3 3o 6,464 99 4 662 1,637 *y 94,560 44 7 4..1 99 4,637 91,639 56 51 1 W7H 17 2.160 33 a _ _ _ 1,746 50 1.14H 0 0 5oU 00 2i 4 , r i 8 25 4J a a 7,17u 5o a 2.090 a 442 50 oo 9,470 5 1 13,770 M9 3,199 69 5,1 iy 93 27,774 74 1 4o> 84 336 0 0 _ 366 75 o7-' u« 4 , J 7 5 07 . 5,180 70 - 183 80 7o Ou l . i J O 23 46 83 08 46 06 298 75 6,931 3,695 1.191 U.197 2 ,394 518.99J 17 110,587 73 66,971 73 1.616,594 74 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Contingent fund. Due to Bank U. S. & offices. l)u • to S'ate Banks. 1,896,510 45 319,943 75 186,777 22 1,079,776 43 4 12,83t 60 I <5 45 2,001,76H 77 1,71*3,753 37 718,994 17,085 103 116,285 18,457 1,423 653,029 135,919 Dcposi. s of Redemption of public dem. Treasurer U. ^ 1) pos'trs <<t public oHic rs Dep i tea of Individuals. lttol. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston 33 Ptovidence •• 27 Hartford Nc*v York 29 HtHimore 27 25 Washington 21 Richmond 18 N rlolk 30 Fiyeiteville Charleston ' 21 Sav.uinah •• Mobile 17 New Orleans 13 6 NUi-hez 13 St. Uwia 8 Ni>hvi le Louisville May 31 Lexington June 20 16 Cincinnati Pittsburgh 20 Buffalo 23 Utica 21 22 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati 20 Chilhcotbe I'll* 1 - m m - • • 5,452,040 95 _ June 20 _ _ • _ _ m _ m m _ _ m _ • 5,771 84 - 82 83 16 35 46 70 30 U3 168,165 17 55,297 76 13,339 9J 50.391 85 176,700 15 1,506 405,781 551,463 188,552 4,113,866 8)7,918 820,077 1.158,366 1 ,.572,344 246,246 1,309,295 128,815 430,484 68 80 77 88 42 51 63 84 87 45 71 33 22 3r2,0u9 20 178,019 54 2,875,740 18 .8>,128 44 5,457,812 79 23,380,876 36 68,773 79,505 17,620 43,713 330,398 23,973 865 21,606 13,811 80 69 26 5.) 94 63 32 13 72 88.853 75,007 62,631 5,045 119 26 22 24 64 74 1,036,698 44 «. 228,639 63 146,207 06 m 93,031 41 •25,124 16 20,07.! J2 15 653 48 _ 680,356 32 173,987 7o 10,730 48 52.9-H8 35 m _ 16.366 86 76,300 3 2 ' 1,204,909 4y _ 36y,y7.i )7 228 9 7 44 46,647 04 26,'2(>1 99 _ 22,03,; 01 216, UK) 07 m 71 364 00 _ 155,862 43 _ 417,357 10 126.116 91 316,634 81 359,363 75 187.190 14 m _ _ _ 8,0.,., 162,629 29/278 143,5.56 30 28 44 89 3,389 48 4,409 30 246 00 381 ,031 19 3 9 . 7 1 3 21 218,179 01 40,977 30 84,9iI U 39,790 47 14,2 >3 4tf 14,18') 71 51 670 36 103 ,351 00 1,94.. 59 lO,56'» 4 • 8,010 65 17,^60 6.' 14 475 70 32.1WO 44 12,811 68 29,'291 41 i 2,491 37 1,010 8y - - - - 2,590,914 38 1,102,998 76 5,095,960 93 1,485 152 01 1,635,923 97 13,903 92 1 3 , J 2 7 00 412 046 33 30,272 54 •3,166 97 1,257,528 552,1 .6 259,468 247,929 276,758 83 83 05 43 94 39,349 72 651,410 H>7,920 164,987 1,142,..'98 62 88 96 87 83.807 73 273,976 195 623 338.361 284.828 527,877 321,475 112,3)49 62,63.) 63 43 60 64 07 68 46 92 26,725 74 6J 07 67 28 9,103,864 11 CD [ 27 ] 36 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank of the United States. F u n d e d debt, r&rious . D a e by the United SUtes Mortgages . . _ - . - . _ . . « . - - 3,674,681 06 5,267 32 140,896 78 . At Office, Norfolk. Agent - • ' - " - 40,144 17 RECAPITULATION. Funded debt, various Bills discounted on personal se40,559,944 96 curity • 22,390 00 Do. funded debt 866,088 80 Do. bank stock Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange 41,448,423 76 15,113,621 19 56,562,044 95 144,439 72 2,493,455 69 - Due from Bank United States and offices Do. State banks . . . Do. United States . Deficiencies . . . . Banking houses, bonus and premium Expenses Cash, viz: notes of t.he, Rank United States and offices Do. State banks . . . Do. Specie Mortgages . Navy Agent, Norfolk 3,674,681 06 . . . . . 24,235,512 35 2,530.376 34 3,464,876- 64 Due to Bank U. States and offices Do. State banks 23.380,876 36 2,590,914 38 5.267 32 145,299 68 1,298,098 04 l l u , 1 3 7 33 Redemption of public debt Deposit cs on acceunt of Treasurer of th»- United SUtes Less overdrafts and special deposits 5,457,812 79 25,971.790 74 1,102,998 76 5,095,960 93 28.107 73 w i ,067.653 20 Do. Do. 2,043,287 59 12,175,476 85 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, 65 96 17 73 ft 74 1,993,936 11,275,078 06 . . 31 996,269 34,840 383 518,993 110,587 66,971 1,616,594 26,765,888 69 of public officers of individuals i 4K5.152 01 9 ,10.3,864 11 50 140,896 78 40,141 17 116,874,195 93 Capital stock . . . Notes issued . . . Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchans;<" account Dividends unclaimed Profit »nd low Contingent fund Less looses chargeable to contingent fund - July 2f 1831. 116,874,195 9o W. MclLVAlNE, Cashier GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and it, Office* of Discount and Dyosite, at the dates r-i herein mentioned. Sills discount HilUdisou .i Bill* discount. I o n ed on funded e d o n ll.ii k personal secu ity. debt. iKx.k. 1831. August 1 .fuly 25 28 «' 25 26 Bunk Hailed States Office, Portland I' r -.mouth Boston Providence Hart lord New York • 25 H.ltiiiinre 23 26 23 25 19 19 W iftttington K ' iimond N-i "Ik. Fajeitc ville • ftli.rlest.m Savannah 15 Mobile 11 N' w Orleans 4 Naictuz St. Lo is 2 33 Nashville 19 Louisville L« xingt'>n 18 21 Cincinnati 25 Pitt.*urjjh Buffalo 21 26 Utica 27 Burlington • Agencv, Cincinnati . 20 CUillicotlie n 6,658,641 198,135 154,988 41'2,OO8 658,279 71 52 16 05 10 376,663 79 S ,423,66] 78 1,552,014 25 1,293,189 17 977 ,607 57 631 ,4 2 709.555 2,46rf.4..7 8uu 2 1 1,079, It*; 5,864,616 1,U64 843 376.671 2,512,986 2,180,644 1,112,285 2,888,9V6 1,180,598 745,497 573,195 310,130 1,224.071 157 6U6 |g 72 77 64 05 03 _ _ _ 180,758 33 1,300 11,998 30 _ a _ _ 500 00 18,800 9,650 15,000 172,-iOO 38,930 32.77* 5b,766 12,900 2J8.O76 44 5,000 T 4,000 _ 70 54 94 _ 66 a _ • 14 39 91 26 34 400 67 _ - - 19,700 00 779.458 07 26 41.585,293 70 m _ _ to 111' IK- ! C b Us ot I'xcl.uug'c. 1,9*9,326 81 $4,738 38,1*1 5u 01 19 38 84 81 39 948 ,$69 345,75y 34.119 1,149,956 216,636 1-5,635 54 38,467 53 180,793 77 96,173 78 2 6 U , , H ; 81 57y,78l 67 353,680 4 i 4,4l8,y60 46 366,532 49 1</»,219 72 7 J -.123 54 746,768 25 33y,653 25 421 ,495 07 •164,05h 80 238,446 90 62,280 71 88,863 96 Foreign bill* »' Kxcilariffe. 121,214 60 Krai estate. 78,744 54 — m 6,941 52 m _ _ _ • • 29,915 25 13,278,047 45 264,060 325,053 1,391,684 3-7,711 .146,590 87 74 80 30 06 •95 190,893 78 64,«;y> 93 44,534 25 23,788 47 m m - Due from Built U. S. and othci i m 12,065 00 — 226 ,-4V6 196,556 480.^60 ly2,99O 696,735 43/, ,1 3 462,787 317,288 Si 37 49 82 38 38 42 99 1,5.6,393 16 140 00 03 545,348 57 168,633 85 663,190 42 712,004 73 275 75. > 29 106.318 89. 6 m .<• 72()tV.,H - 62.H41 99 230,959 04 _ 94,988 13 - _ - - 1.546/2.17 83 96,685 •24 14,409,479 72 141.214 60 2.491.89.' 99 23,011 58 38,111 82 24,586,664 9 4 ts GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Due from State Banks. 1831. Vug. 1 Hank United States fuly 25 Office, Portland Portsmouth • Boston • 28 < i Providence • 25 Hartford 26 New York Hal-imore 35 23 Washington Richmond 36 Norfolk 23 Fayetteville • 25 Chart s< on 19 19 Savannuh Mobile 15 New Orleans11 Natchez 4 St Louis 2 Nashville • 13 Louisville 19 Lexington 18 Cincinnati 31 Pitiftbu'gh 25 BuflMo 21 Utica 26 Burlington • 27 31 Agency, Cine nnati 20 Chilhcolbe - 609,924 93 28,207 69 84,024 61 9,011 95 27,314 62 265,039 78 60,402 49 69,608 33 46,104 96 25,237 71 2,410 17 204,567 68 346,015 01 17,357 61 687,321 13 1,312 83 Losses chargeabie to contii** Deficien- Banking houses, Treasurer Expenses. Notes of H .nk Not««ol 9Ute Banks. U. S. fc office*. ciefc. U.S. bonus & prera. gent fund. 326,103 2,100 75,057 12,146 925 13,878 60,050 1,663,232 192,471 4b,397 225,663 38,606 137,374 '146,369 19 22 88 38 65 39 1.5 06 23 70 24 38 06 57 «,766 62 34,075 65 33,748 61 456 52 _ _ „ a 17,337 78 _ 116,777 02 976 _ _ 70,113 95 _ 18,087 05 m 405 28 172,383 41 197,020 91 7,698 72 20,414 80 87,000 110,657 32,648 35,923 35,109 1^,385 67,727 43,600 24,096 48,000 13,100 34 yj 57 65 02 78 92 48 94,627 07 15,000 34,297 28 _ _ m 410 — _ m _ 2,903,402 51 136 _ - 1,633,371 44 153,9-JO 165,950 m _ 325,940 _ 317,720 627 99 134,510 734 56 _ 694,M15 3,754 04 m 426 175 2,35u 81 _ 264,^35 26,225 73 8,091 31 606 755 8,823 71 _ 489,965 94'J 79 194,705 6.J7 34 _ 384,185 1,566 70 _ 7'29,775 1,300 46 2-6,230 1,438 35 _ 7,595 05 2,188 430 _ 207,995 1 ,464 25 a 775,820 377 42 _ 1,305 01 1,469,670 m 571,250 694 48 565,860 976 13 325 235 1,556 60 _ 75,630 2,194 26 1,250 14 43 945 683 41 m 214,750 544 51 m 225,340 790 4* . 8,377 59 2,868 39 m m m 15 52 19 31 96 20 08 88 65,948 11,383 32,447 85,774 1,656 139 556 58,005 17,070 413,081 19 _ _ 23,496 71 21,028 58 16,995 08 _ 8,530 _ - 9,.>92 74 553 82 8 -6 3,452,976 16 145,258 67 1,160,455 54 28,420 09 68,713 34 13,412,176 44 540,296 8,824 J3,'266 53.090 17,190 10,033 237,385 94,846 18,117 61,311 12,205 38,282 70,679 107,340 89,985 180,180 17,133 29 43 64 18 o9 21 CD 42 69 42,812 67 10,867 56,360 195,980 117,118 51,559 67 25,579 74 2,080,442 33 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Capital .stock. Specie. Baring, Urs Notes issunl. Discount, cx- Foreign k(Jo.,Hope Dividends Profit and losg. exchange cltunge St int. account. &Co., Hot uncluiinad. to injjucr&i «> 1831. lug. 1 Rank United States tily 2J Ollice, Portland •« Portsmouth • 28 <> 25 26 25 23 26 23 25 19 19 15 11 4 2 13 19 18 Jl 25 Huston Providence Hartford New York • Hjltnnocv \V»»hinjfton • Hicli nond Norfolk FaNctteville Charleston • Savannah Mabile New OrleaniNatehez St. Louis Naaliville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh HuH"al« L'tica Burlington 37 I Agency, Cincinnati • 20 Cbtllicuthe • 26 J ,660,349 84 37,(Ki7 41,68 5 1 ,605,890 314,222 2 >..)82 1,226,429 632,000 65,050 18H.8J.S 244,918 21,045 983,718 525,448 218,881 769,669 53,147 269,367 187,381 297,094 82,369 154.100 63,868 131,253 91,466 60,547 36 61 49 85 00 81 00 29 32 70 40 35 14 98 26 35 98 52 97 73 26 32 45 87 16,450,000 _ 300,000 1,500,04)0 800,000 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 •Oo.OOO 500 ,0w0 1,500,000 1,000,000 _ 1,000,000 a 1,000,000 1,250.000 1,000,000 1,700,000 700,000 _ 66 11 ,545,116 51 - 35,000,000 2,536,997 SSI,165 286 940 664,.>60 432,530 369,217 l,702>37 984,442 ,003,652 ,,068,940 ,193,785 1,148,395 1,529,250 I 966,995 1,632,249 7,334,725 580,000 806,360 3,245,495 1,702,770 1,258,610 1,106,712 738,810 574,575 479,430 46 50 50 50 SO 58,600 64 1*7,719 56 168,372 72 _ 2,316 92 _ 924 71 _ _ 32,879 52 10,691 94 _ 3,483 85 47,884 15 _ • 16,011 52 12,140 98 7,605 S3 6,&>6 78 5 8!>0 23 27,747 05 10.498 98 _ 1->,717 9b H4.U75 93 9,844 47 33 3 4 , .(>- 97 -4,028 HI 1 . , 1 . 4 - S 71 50 • 35,811,62. 96 28,357 16,874 9,923 5,325 9,989 5.3O3 • 83 533 75 1 617 1,750,000 00 48 51 483 6 650 2 520 4 376 50 25 u 275 300 25 u5 371 2d 16 187 10 279 50 970 50 58 778 50 4 294 50 •i- c 366 75 533 to 227 50 Od S'J JJ 2<< 61 8« 790 11 476,965 51 1 .7,719 56 16«,372 72 251 ,766 69 • 1,750,048 51 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. n 1831. Augurt I July Hank United States Office, I'ort ami Portsmouth • Boston 28 11 Providence • Harlford 25 New York 26 Baltimore 35 Washington Uichmoml 26 Norfolk '23 Fayt:tteviHe 25 Charleston Savannah 19 Mobile 15 N\w ()i leans 11 Natchrz 4 St. Louis Nashville 13 Louisville 19 Lexington lrt Cincinnati 21 1*it sburgli 25 21 buffalo Utict 26 Burlington 27 31 Agency, Cincinnati Cliillicotue 20 25 • < m Contingent Tumi. Due to Hank U. B. 5,607,488 36 _ 2,202,472 32H.885 197,191 1,045,366 541,668 4.1,86.; 1,561,209 1,660,770 302,208 214,311 9,997 4.5U1 409,947 570,853 290, H54 5,543,794 9J8,.>97 851,i>97 751,591 1,186,^00 'JJi.834 l jl;-(,98i 181,602 395,609 402,235 J.;.V,074 2,H'J5,718 284,496 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ — 5,684 79 5,613,173 lo and ofic ->• 72 15 91 05 60 19 94 01 28 48 92 82 97 19 '24 52 82 59 82 43 29 35 2(5 69 42 52 17 02 24,096,888 37 Due to State Banks. 1,222.114 25,119 •>74 126,829 32.972 4,567 280,836 174,701 44,492 - 42,470 112,396 123,375 16,290 25,642 308,786 20,932 603 18 577 16,972 - 23,439 94,402 48,636 Redemption Deposifes c f D«potiUf of ot pub. debt. Treasurer U. S. public officers. 13 483,147 46 24 68 13 37 05 33> 43 19 03 93 79 _ 68 _ 71 27 _ 43 83 _ 14 91 _ _ 94 03 02 6 , J 2 2 75 - - 2,771,656 00 -183,147 46 800 00 453,554 94 114,987 46 6.4HC "<> 420,600 78 62,642 36 50,720 06 1,443,910 63 172,159 65 194,049 08 45,237 76 87,987 03 23,993 21 164,392 00 80,196 16 220,502 59 477,389 29 98.7J6 47 319,165 4i 544,926 37 109,271, 18 18,067 02 2.3,471 51 163,< 6 , 9 3 4 <>2 250 300,002 48,417 215,072 33,818 27,305 25,719 25,.) 8-1 15,824 41,613 124,204 2,586 10,342 29 ^7 60 19 59 D8 60 79 22 '19 04 50 7,287 76 05 60 36 81 15 39 58 20,369 8.; • - 29,408 9,6.0 14,292 1,504 1,593 • 5,5u5,924 28 1,291,597 77 204,696 7,472 220,643 60,307 222,031 4,158 5,033 13.99J (ii «() 22 38 35 28 Depositc* of uxhV.iUutU. 1,859,880 15 35,341 68 14, 31 429,575 85 ;•;•! 76 27,.. 1 l,346,180 613,314 353,661 2O..695 6 47 02 90 30 302,753 50 •1],J43 94 7 1 5 <-<;.; » r 82,(>95 61 104,035 56 877,(>.,<. -15 • 8 5 . 2 U J 19 253,381 16 198,869 321,3'.'o 260,813 4'.»0,076 302,1:2 11U,'.'42 Cl ,006 30,943 62 67 22 8ti 72 23 70 27 99 65 07 28 9,115,836 47 to [ 27 ] 42 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. Funded debt, rarious . D u e hy the United States Mortgages • • . . . • . . . . • . . . • - . . - • 3,497,681 06 5,267 33 1 4 0 , 9 5 6 63 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Ajfent 40,144 17 RECAPITULATION. 3,497,681 06 Funded debt, various . . . Bills discounted on personal security 41,585,298 70 funded debt 19,700 00 bank stuck 779,458 07 42,384,456 77 14,409,479 72 Domestic bills of exchange 56,792,936 49 Foreign bills of exchange Real rutate . . . Due from Bank U. S. and offices • State Banks . . United States Deficiencies . Banking bouses • Expenses . . Cash, viz: notes of Bank Stale Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Ul .11 60 2,491,892 99 . . 24,586,664 94 2,903,402 51 . . . • . . . V. S. and offices Banks • . . . -, . * . . . . . . 27,490,067 5,267 145,258 1,160,455 68.7U 45 32 67 54 34 13,412,176 44 2,u80,442 33 11,544,116 51 27.037,735 28 140.956 63 40,144 17 Capital stock Notts issued Discount, exchange tt interest Foreign exchange account Maring, Brother* ScCo., Hope 8c Co , liottingiit-r & Co. • Dividends unclaimed • Pr- fit and loss Contingent fund Less loss s chargeable to contingent fund 35,000,000 35,811.623 476,965 1J7.719 00 96 51 56 168,372 72 251,766 03 1,750,048 51 5,613,173 15 3,452,976 16 2,160,196 99 Due to Hank U. S. and offices 24.096,888 37 Stme Bunks • 2,771,65* 00 Redemption of public debt Dcpositesoii itccount ot Trea»uicr Uni'ed S'ates Less ovi i drafts and special deposites • Deposites of public officers individuals 26,868,544 37 483,147 46 5,505.924 28 28,420 09 5,477,504 19 1,291,597 77 9 115,836 47 15,884,938 43 118,993 323 54 BANK OF THJB UKITSD STATES, Aug. 118,993,323 54 2, 1831. W. McILVAINE, Cashier, to QBtfBRAL STATEMENT of the Jiank of the United States and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. Kills discounted Hi [I diacountei Hi'ls diaoountei 1) mcstic bills o i lundrd debt. on bank Mock. of exchange. ctirity. 1' • ;i;n b'lls Heal estate. oii (change. Due from Bank U . S . and oficet. lept 1 \ug •:: 22 25 30 29 37 3.3 M 23 19 8 4 Mink Halted S-at, s Office, Portland > 1 • 7 B:il l i i n u i v Waabingtoa N-.rfolk F»yettevi!lo katoa 1V ' mnah Mobile N Orleans \ 1 . hrZ 15 10 villa I."ii svdle !.• tn.tfton is • 1 . 270,247 80 1,090,1 -' I 617 063 36 637,443 12 9,595,685 41 719,063 72 - T9 4<» •» 1 . 19,900 _ 1,359,313 49 78,744 54 6,941 52 m 43J660 9J 1,401,65 1 05 95.407 .>2 43,048 H; 191,936 IT 81,HOl .lo _ _ i 29,915 25 199,898 78 6i,jy2 95 44,504 2.1 93,788 47 390,641 99 198.4 3,« 1,160,934 51 195 49 r,6i5 s\ 3,945,985 43 • _ I.152,131 28 Cmci MI.IM 18 1 Pit s;»irgt> 1,90],66.5 63 32 ulo 707.494 74 25 22 649 58 24 It irlington 1 29 21 Agency, Cincinnati 1,917,360 14 ! 20 Chillicolhe • 156,11 V I t 43,232 ,404 82,974 07 216 '.594 74 5,000 1,157,764 12 5,651 29 41 758 l i 163,700 38,1 900 13,000 60,304 53 11,897 25 • _ 9,650 15,000 • 376,899 05 4,035,194 88 1,531 ,683. 33 2,061,542 64 800 • Hartford Kew York Hl< ll IMIIIll 240,550 _ - 183,787 46 t46,756 I I 1' fftMMMlth Hos <»n Providence S.I. 16 7,160,208 10 400 3,'874,603 49 347.557 123,872 410,4(.S 760,192 472, 1 il.'»,.67 449,649 2J1.746 7.^ 007 8U.980 4H M a; 06 06 - 63,841 99 ,9*9 04 — 94,98!t 13 _ m 14, 12,06.5 1H 96 30 - 786,295 84 13 .796.71'.' 89 - 89,874 07 1,547,332 62 96,685 24 2.492.987 78 13,256.125 47 268.09S 64 31.5,563 95 1 235 3^7 23 4>y**>71 li 188,596 35 619/21 I 10 369,704 60 26i,32K 30 511 ,043 2! 999,670 M 799,089 H'J 350,1 l 7 5(.j, 352, 1,597,6IK 86 140 628,542 27 387,554 290,199 86 695,164 06 826,. 313,8 19'.»,K58 48 1 ,"71 10 22.464 18 «,348 49 24.594,093 78 GENERAL STATEMENT—Coniinued. DificieHcics. Due frooi Losses clmrp State bank*. ible to contin- Ranking1 houses. Treasurer E>|M use-,. N o t e * <>f 1< m k State banks. U. s. &. offices. I .S. iren' fiinc 1831. Sept. 1 1 25 25 29 30 29 27 23 30 '22 23 23 12 8 4 15 10 16 22 18 22 U 22 24 21 20 flunk United States Oifice, Portland P>.r'«tmouth Hos on Pinvidence - Haitfofd New York It'ltimnre W.slirigton Richmond N-.rtolk Faycti ville Charleston Savuiin.ili M hile New Orleans N.tchez St.L'nis Nashville Lo'iisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh lllltl i l o Utica Bti'linpton Agency, Cincinnati Chillicolhe - 611,263 43 35,261 s i 34,604 12,756 6,055 225.015 71 466 71,063 34,581 6,870 44,997 267,178 389, u\)7 74 re 21 •;; .5'.) 46 ()!' 9J .57 5 5 H77 5,5 313,463 99 28,277 17 .5 27,431 2 , l.»0 75,057 12,1 16 925 13,878 61 ,050 1,663,2.52 192 471 4O.3V7 22.38.6 6 1 .7,374 146,369 _ 11 i: HH ,;K 976 6i 39 13 Oc 34.075 65 21 ro 70,113 05 2, - 38 18,087 05 (/(. 57 _ 40 661 46 17,528 37 41,430 l 1 60.4-19 n 44,358 ir „ 8,110 : , • • > 456 52 33,748 (.1 _ _ — 79,169 88 9,5*9 413,081 19 A. - 78 17,':..7 405 38 172,.58.5 41 197,020 91 94,627 _ 20,414 m 136 _ _ _ m 410 _ - 116,777 0J _ 87,000 110,657 32,648 35,923 35,109 13,385 67,727 43,600 24,096 48,000 13,100 _ _ .51 _ 92 26,196 20 .S7 15 02 7« a _ _ _ «J2 . 48 m 15,000 35,297 . 23,496 21,028 16,995 31,183 07 _ _ 38 170,000 2,194 36 »s 08 _ _ 71 8,530 - - 2,486,869 12 3,455,304 OS 141,492 05 1 ,161,455 51 198,390 56 807 ..> H 2o 4 ,1H8 94 1,143 21 151 32 7,82.5 4,304 9,503 9,715 1,773 {'6 35 22 04 36 940 71 3,567 86 2.885 32 8,434 13 10,118 35 2,598 84 752 84 1,864 94 960 71 1,530 49 2,750 58 1,854 84 1,4..'.) 39 1,304 18 1,152 93 7,10.5 79 2,906 81 1 924,158 56 141,815 170,7~j 353,090 308,635 133,570 1 794,390 4 36,815 3 I) ,(>20 589!o75 515,960 107,290 409,285 755 ,020 188 3'20 2 ,281,755 336.315 794,620 1 ,355,905 376,080 358,395 401,335 221,685 336,780 306,35 17.5 ,i30 166,007 40 16,449 .50, CO.'. 73,389 18,..26 13,667 370,.5..6 83 70,.525 35 33,973 19 90,789 49 6,840 32,005 37,078 79,665 76,604 30 94 '.'25 2,335 42 215 74, 10,947 84,262 204,813 112,775 52/276 40 10,877 75 106,688 69 M ,963,11 1 582,033,851 44 •o GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. to Specie. 1831. Sept. 1 Bank Unitrd States - 3,505,12-1 25 38,189 18 Aug. 22 Office, Portland Portsmouth • 22 41,314 65 Boston « 25 866,67 i 59 Providence 25 302,985 65 Hartford 29 19,450 New York • 1,717,854 31 30 607,ooo Baltimore 29 Washington • 27 58,993 22 \Jl , . i ( i l 47 Kirhmcnd 23 Norfolk 20 241.4.13 40 Fnyetteville 22 21,768 16 Clurlrxton 23 263,9.15 39 Savannah 23 509,637 89 M-bilc 12 217/250 44 New Orleans • 8 909,009 54 Naich-/ 4 55,024 68 St. L u i s 15 279.461 49 Nashville 10 185,574 26 Louisville 16 316,207 19 Lexington 22 80,517 09 Cincinnati 18 1J5.156 13 Pittsburgh 22 56.9.T 83 Hurt 1.1 25 118.164 71 Ut.a 22 92,700 87 24 Burlington • 61,511 50 21 Agency, cin< innni • ChUUcothe • JO 10.89J.21d 89 Capital stock. Notes issusd. Discount, ex Foreign \ 1 '.>. , H M | , Dividends rhang., anal exchange kCo., Hot< uncUini in ercMi account. tinjriir"&.Co •i 16,450,000 p 300.000 1,500,000 800.000 300,000 2,500,000 1 ,500,0<>0 500,000 1,500,000 500,000 500,000 1.500,000 l.OuO.OOO _ 1,000,000 m 1,000,000 1.250,000 1 ,000,000 1,700.000 700,000 . a • 35,000,000 Profit and loss. . 2,628 997 46 101,102 90 194,690 50 154,948 46 68,256 3d 331,165 728 3,394 55 m _ 286,940 1,505 89 56 t>.19,360 35,822 10 2,695 m 11,996 .50 433,300 2,310 _ 2.110 90 6,157 39 369,217 50 — I,708 087 50 B8.81J 20 23,015 7.. m m 10,905 25 986.692 50 34,494 51 m 4,112 43 30,089 65 998,652 50 m m 12,725 1,068,940 11,198 45 a n _ 1,188,115 4,6.i8 9,9 M 03 1.U5.435 8.17 9,708 34 m 1,522,250 20,754 44,303 19 15,560 M 1 ,9n;,78O 1,578 — a 31.480 21 1,631,6J9 625 75 ! 13 911 27 7,154,690 a 740,000 15.088 55 846,130 7 ,6^7 98 3.24.5 155 42,754 18 351 HO 40,052 1,329.360 1,702,770 87 50 27,600 m 1 258,610 45,551 99 I^i(\.7l2 50 24,285 04 ^H.810 16.282 82 674 475 8,884 20 479.240 5.599 13 1,830 13,9 'I 52 1 ,035 24 1,750,000 800,194 44 194,690 50 154,948 46 155.787 73 1.750,000 n 36,427,443 96 GENERAL STATEMENT— Continued. Sept. 1 Aug. 23 22 25 25 29 30 29 27 23 20 22 23 23 12 8 4 15 10 16 22 18 22 25 22 24 21 20 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Favetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nasliville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utir.a Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicotbe - Contingent fund. Due to Bank U. S. and offices. 5,607,488 36 2,544,090 43 324,474 43 195,586 59 69 662,512 55 50,203 73 1,928,020 41 1,775,270 19 176,130 62 261,534 59 6,488 53 1,585 58 500,419 65 363,698 03 193,700 68 4,893,931 56 983,527 73 755,636 40 368,0.56 87 1,211 .369 75 195,267 7> 1,093,446 67 389,860 59 377,824 22 369,764 17 189,090 73 2,763,239 66 28J,128 77 _ • _ _ • • - • 2,091 79 - 5,609,580 15 23,923,540 54 Due to State banks. 1,466,138 30,326 529 111,664 26,662 4,966 Redemption of" Deposi'es oF Pepositrs of public debt. Treasurer U.S. public officers. 11 50 06 52 20 35 440,884 19 4:">7,662 57 72,458 20 57,974 71 78,771 09 m 40,647 78 50,289 29 76,345 40 ."2,999 82 29,386 39 156,305 77 19,015 27 2,859 35 20,841 97 19,611 27 _ 26,394 106,372 34,383 10,906 — m m m m m — — _ _ m m 35 33 40 86 _ m 'm m . m - 2,841,084 36 513,342 39 235,882 57 12,44 5 38 19,542 16 211,612 74 15,51-J 49 41.196 17 597,518 62 47,216 17 283,679 06 59,346 70 55,204 70 43,987 80 29,672 14 14,309 86 22,558 09 101,422 45 2,315 66 21,638 74 18,480 31 46,796 78 1.5.420 33 24.98J 94 7,690 81 13,255 39 2,822 39 1,980 93 Depo«ites of individuals. _ - - i,741,067 80 36 554 78 15,352 87 362,740 10 26,550 33 22,659 30 1,337,0.8 45 569,066 95 210,979 40 295,585 24 318,354 71 43,920 71 615,472 97 76,702 87 76,409 34 8.54,256 20 82,415 98 2-13. ^46 19 236,646 16 286.191 25 241,705 455,349 71 294,689 76 99,756 47 91,312 88 18,594 44 62 07 67 28 6,156,318 00 1,944,522 31 8,652,789 21 388,731 119,7.?6 9,458 497,544 54.O9.J 35,976 1,641,922 194,."36 311,866 24,279 76.KJ1 26,341 185,894 58,401 276 389 519 841 103,193 340,975 355,994 196,191 7,392 421.622 53,952 226,782 1,512 80 46 3J 45 11 15 97 34 67 86 65 54 54 47 51 46 67 49 45 92 80 43 29 07 80 7.033 58 [ 27 ] 4S GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. F u n d e d debt, yarious . D u e b . the United States Mortgages _ . . ~ . - . „ - . . - . - . . $3,497,681 06 5 2b7 3 2 l20(yj6 63 Jit Officey Norfolk. Navy Agent - 40,1-W 17 RECAPITULATION. • 3,497,681 06 Funded drbt, varou* Bill* discounted on personal security . - 43,252 404 64 Do. do. funded debt 14, JOo 00 ~*Do. do. bank stock 7S6.295 84 F o r e i g n bills o f e x c h a n g e R al e « t a t e . . . D u e frum I U n k U S a t e s and offices State banks . . . . United States Deficiencies . . . . H .nking houses . . . F.xprntes . . . . Ca»b, m : N o t e s B«nk U . S . a n d offices State banks - Specie Mortgages Xa»y agent, - . . . . . . • Norfolk 57,849,720 ."1 83,974 07 2,492,987 78 — 24.594 093 2,48«»,86y _ _ _ _ _ _ 78 12 27,080.962 90 5 267 32 141.493 0» a . . • 1 , 1 ') 1 , i 1 - » 54 1 i)()* OOtt 69 a 14,963.148 56 8,033,851 44 . . . . 35,OCH>,Ui>U 3t>,4J7,44.i 96 8UU.194 n Notes issued . Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign txchi g<- teewnt Itaiing, Brothers, & Co , Hope & Co , 1 4 4 0 5 1 0 0 0 48 1 3 , 7 9 6 , 7 1 9 S3 Domestic bills of exchange Capital stock U()t' H' If 11' t & C o . . D i v i d e n d s u o c b i m e d . . • . l*ft>n' . . . . . 5,609,580 15 3,455 3v>4 DM _ ^ _ —— 2 .,923,540 »4 . 3.841,084 36 <'•<} a n d t i . i n r n t lo^s f u n d . 194.690 154,948 i ; 155.787 7: 1,750,000 ( _ . Lessl' s«es chargeable to contingent fund Due to FUnk U . states and offices State banks . . i.——_ R drmption of public debt Deposites on sr count <M th^ Trra»tir f of tlit- Unne<l Statrn less o v e r irtfU and special depo<iites . . . lO,H93..Mti Hi) - — - — 27,890.216 86 _ 190,946 6.'. 40,144 17 of public i ffii-*T» - ot iiKlmdii..U 2,154,276 07 26 764,621 8Q 513,342 J8 6,156 .il8 i(.'ri,.>yo 56 — . 5,937,927 44 1 944 522 >l 8,652.789 21 16,555.2.18 12o,4<*(J.J47 41 BANK or TBB UNITED STATES, 80 N UO.470.547 41 September 2<l, 1831. W. MclLVALNE, Cuthicr. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States andite Offices of Discount and Deposit?, at the dates »"' herein mentioned'. DINS discounted Bill! on p> r onal se- discounted •>ti tan c ' urity. H b 1831 Sept. 3 0 - Hank United States • 19 office, Portland Portsmouth •• H"-i(iu 22 Providence •• Hartford 26 Nrv» Y >rk 27 ftadifnore 26 Washington 24 Kic'tmo-.d 20 17 19 Pa>ettrville Charleston 20 < i Suvannah Mobile 16 New Orleans 13 Natchez. 1 S t . Li HI IS 12 Nash ille 7 Louisville 13 Lexington 19 15 Cincinnati Pittsburgh 19 22 Buflklo Utica 20 Burlington 21 • < Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe Aug. 20 • - - - 7,390,650 17y,820 136,555 793,790 670,359 390,587 4,580,686 77 03 49 67 71 67 90 1,866,503 00 1,267,922 1,035,098 615,799 640,30 3 03 33 73 90 2 602 ,"985 16 679,591 01 1,270,567 75 5,711,273 43 1,20(),014 4O',(<68 3,003,141 2,304,099 1,164,851 3,028,652 1,990,043 J4 ,S7 61 34 75 S6 XI Biln discounted im Bank stuck. 206,460 _ _ 800 _ 17,905 _ 7,650 15,000 m _ 176,6.>0 38,930 _ 41,127 40 900 48.697 15 13,900 17,700 136,527 44 5,000 m m J _ a 3,000 m m _ m _ a 700 _ _ 769,\ • 600,07J 46 304, 1,360,666 82 1J6.1U 14 » 77 a _ - - 19,300 709^946 99 Domestic b i l l - Poraiga hil's ct' exchftnj 2,241,869 40 135,583 93 56,270 81 43,000 1,789,811 399,766 41,366 1,533,056 994,053 . 128,201 105.5U0 14 52 27 53 02 74 00 51 178,450 63 70,946 7f> 191,176 34 171,365 3*J 17,453 3,132,867 339,614 115,731 366,512 841,377 621,381 399,799 164 719 261 001 8 5.673 79,100 86 51 55 92 63 10 99 46 _ m a m 78,744 54 13,068 751 315.171 6,941 52 385,9f7 m 664.117 _ 122,260 29,915 25 204,334 4u,OoO 00 1.602,198 199.868 61,292 44 -.34 23,788 m _ m _ 78 95 25 47 12,065 00 _ a a m m 76.401 77 230 959 04 m _ _ 94,988 13 _ 9J 1,416 413 83 9o 6«5 24 • •:, •jm :84 92,!)4.i 54H (J5<) 319,059 837 ,3*21 275,932 517,993 a m 46 15 12 Put! from Is. Due from I . Hiates Htl'l Stan Bunks. "Hi es. u 59 - I 4 . U O 1 ,*•>! Keal efts •• o t f X C . u a :(;• . 93 274,658 1.17H.7O0 999 39 66 63 45 65 01 84 14 91 32 73 ZH 43 Hi 74 36 00 28 55 567.984 465.690 26.. 96 6'27,74.. 05 972,578 6K 384 HI I 47 210,755 HO 5S.391 VH 95. .'..; 52 37,553 699,697 87 33,419 54 44,940 12 18.559 26 6 892 65 207,056 111,165 75,119 40,653 3,489 12,553 356,979 339,9i'3 80.246 643,578 47 08 38 46 45 97 »9 53 47 45 65,384 32 69,674 05 10,197 72 79,118 12.511 63,683 51,7*1 23,40.. 17 05 09 47 HO 52 - 2.415.598 77 •.'4,299,318 58 8,110 30 » 3 , 0 5 7 , ^ 99 if O PAL ffFSH GENERAL ',«< Of PifltADET STATEMENT—Continued. I.o>»es chargeable Deficiencies. Banking houses. Treasurer to contingent U. gtatr«. fund. 1831. Sept. 30 tUnk United States 19 Office, Portland Portsmouth «< Bmton 32 <1 Providence Hertford 26 N.-w T »rk 37 B-ltimore 26 Washington 24 Richmond 30 N-rfo»k 17 Fajrettevlle 19 Charleston SO S«v«nn.«h •• Mobile 16 New Orleans 12 N»tchM 1 St. (XMII* 12 Nash vi H« 7 L uiavi le 13 Lexington 19 Cinciniiati 15 Pittsburgh 19 337,331 2,100 73,660 13,146 925 13,878 61.H50 1,663,232 194,471 • 40,397 335,663 38,6<>6 • 137 374 146,369 • • ; Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati • ChiUicotlie • Aug. 20 33,748 3,375 _ 405 173,38.1 197,u2u _ 94,637 _ 61 01 38 41 91 34,075 65 70,113 05 _ 116,777 02 _ 00 _ _ - 87,000 no,^i7 S3,641 35 92.3 3S,\ii9 18,067 05 m 136 00 m 07 821 00 13,385 67.7J7 43 600 34,''9ri 48.01K) 13,100 34 92 i7 6.5 02 78 00 92 00 48 _ 15,000 31,737 . 23,496 21,038 16,995 26,581 20 - 00 50 71 170,000 00 58 2,194 36 08 _ m m m 30,414 80 413,081 19 _ _ 17,237 78 976 00 m 31 a 456 53 BufTnlo 20 11 23 18 38 6S 39 13 <>6 3J 70 34 33 06 57 8,530 00 a • 3,457.1»1 39 141,903 05 • • • Expenses Ifntes .; i! rtk U. S. and of EfotM of Stats Banks. fices. 27,K8 |g 1,409 1,113 .ifi 4 . 1 8 8 94 1,976 51 1,548 M I • : 45 6,16.5 43 11,109 58 10,720 39 3, 6fi 5 80 2,401 39 5,126 11 4. SID 65 3 ,271 38 12,591 62 1,791,550 56 86,450 1,435 97 4,864 70 2,067 MT 67 3 rrs 75 3,519 16 2,069 29 1,789 68 1,38;) 1,940 9 i 2,906 <»l n 150,310 2C6.430 993,594 90,97.5 1,409,115 401,445 275,030 448.930 443,225 46,890 438,750 8.37,875 268,815 2,213.885 34^,630 «.V),440 1,333 950 376,105 693,180 149,220 52,395 199,865 176,J55 1*5,910 596,491 10,624 30,469 93,690 14,0 0 20,225 328,853 1114,022 31,910 107,138 16,190 84,560 40 ,389 118,570 34,949 43,055 1,330 46 40 68 37 0.5 82 62,086 10,952 _ 52,073 191,087 107,352 57.331 06 19,623 29 1,147,895 76 198,775 56 141,210 64 1..,706,210 56 2,181,920 ^3 Specie. 2,765.296 36,969 4.-., 419 766,342 280,193 19,3.15 1,101,453 462 ,000 58.342 193,727 240.327 20.922 262,408 519 509 225,287 939 065 :n 79 09 00 19 00 \7 ..8 09 '>7 72 39 SI 5 6 , 1 1 0 09 292,244 39 181,893 325,354 72,875 125,414 75 79 09 5f 4H,94<? 54 116,369 105,799 23 62,915 99 «o 9,323.818 HO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. to Capital stuck. \ i ' t i - isMK d 1) scomit, exr \ I I I 11 r*% A ' 1(1 v. H R I l i i 1 > W ' i * l I I L III* terest. 1SJ1 Stp'. J. Bank Unitrri SUtea 19 Office, PortUnd 1 1 Portsmouth Ro-ton 32 1 4 Provi tence Hnff rd 36 N.w York 27 Baltimore 26 Washington 24 Kir 'in.nil 30 Norfolk 17 19 Kay tteville Chirlcaton ao S«v»nn!»ii «• MoK.I.16 ^ New Olcans 12 Na(ch>/ 1 S'. l.ouit 12 Nashville 7 Louisville 13 Lexington 19 Cincinnati 15 Pittsburgh Buff lo 22 20 Utica Bnrlington 21 1 4 Agency, Cincinnati Aug. 20 Chilhcothe • - - 16,4V),000 _ 300,000 1,500,000 800,000 300,000 2,500,000 1 ,500,01/0 50O,ui>0 1,000,000 50 ,OUO #:M,0U() 1,500,000 l.OoO.OOO . • • 1 ,000,, 000 1,000,000 1 ,250,000 1.000,000 1,700,000 700,000 • .Vi ,000,000 2,794,097 t< 2JO.5.55 886,505 676,670 4">1 ,955 3f>H,3l2 50 l,6l>4,2S7 SO 986,692 50 9«t»,.il2 50 ,0o3,HJ5 ,306,940 1,142,745 1,505,795 ,903,490 6.11,735 7,257,4.0 740,000 046,330 3,243,1M 1,239, WO 1,886,295 ,948,530 l,O9.i,l97 50 ,01H. 674.475 479, m 1 ¥ .0 56» Foreign exchange ac>-"Uiii. laVingi Broi'ir''' & Co. H«>»r & • Jo. l l n t i mtrii r l),\ i'le-ml - un- • 'loh'i and lots. cluiIT)' il. h C >. 159,988 04 4 ' 1 1 94 10,484 07 Aj,9(i! 78 19.9.H 87 7.7S2 8o 197,762 59 277,805 15 m m 16,>5y _ _ m m 33,242 556 28 1,088 2,047 25 50 00 50 50 18,518 7,310 3,580 11,027 3,472 109 17,001 1,578 Si 75 43 50 00 50 00 50 m m m m 394 75 m 197 81 87 5d 61 4 3 9 3 4 59,6t. : i _ 39.330 88 63,046 HI 32.821 47 •;.?,0l5 9H 12.J57 04 7 643 33 11 . 11 r. 3 1,0 i j W4 36,fiHl,fif>4 9fi i 1 .I1H.J94 56 m m m :7 m t§ 3 8 , 9 1 1 18 3 6 , H)K 10 13,855 23 19,619 17 55 737 70 17,470 8H 29.408 ,-. 173.214 74 17.77; r . 10 |30 68 1,085,171 05 .77,805 15 1 , 0 8 5 , 1 7 1 05 100.240 73 1,747,863 51 1 ,747,86 • il GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Contingent fund. 1831. Sept. ..0 Rani 1/nifeH SUtra 19 Office, Port Ian | <• Portsmouth Iloston 22 i < Providence ll-.i-Wd 26 27 N * York Hal-imorr 26 W»thinjfton 24 Krum ml 20 Norfolk 17 Fayett ville 19 20 rinricptun Sataunati M'ble 16 Nf w Orleans 12 Natch z 1 St. Lonia 12 Nssiville 7 Louiville 13 Lex njfton 19 Cm' inniti 15 19 B-.ff.lo 22 Utica 20 Riirl.n^on 21 Agency, Cinciuna'i Chdlcotlie Aug. 20 - 5,607,458 36 a • _ a m m • m m m m _ m • a „ a m m „ 31,466 33 - 5.6.38 954 69 Due to Bant U. States 8t offic *• 1,785,576 90 312,434 35 210,0*7 67 998,111 54 425,3.:; 34 70,i79 89 1,667,725 35 2,068,65) Bfl 156 427 11 284,723 63 9,824 85 4,605 30 592,552 32 231,7 8 43 134/257 97 4,005,424 93 1.017,366 55 784,7.52 5? 504,668 03 1,332,331 96 404,596 72 1,078 812 66 269,111 17 365,821 %S 327,707 49 200,521 36 2,778,900 40 282,56.3 77 22.298,033 25 Due to State Haiks. 645,116 SI 25,886 49 2 756 72 130,590 31 36,549 72 7.617 28 389,8.53 93 74,315 46 67.416 37 6,245 00 46.080 38 31,280 62 60,223 95 29,361 05 1 ,989 48 90,511 47 18,652 06 5,331 22 16.675 87 20,960 15 H dempti >n of Dcpo-si'rs of l).*pn»ites of public debt. rreaaurtr U. S. publ c officers 440,5J9 19 a _ a - 68.338 20 _ 45,384 09 12,172 20 16 87 _ „ 26,613 106,002 .7.170 1H6.071 • - 57,& 3 1 0 , VT% 40 0 1 2 , 9 3 4 64 1 t>*^ ( H ^ 8 Ht") m a 46 05 08 30 Sir,134 04 3 4 6 , 1 0 7 71 _ a _ 191,621 20 7,312 00 403,950 15 37.370 H) 2U1,82u 14 292 80 6 860 33 - • 1.952,299 37 08 55 60 35 99 57 93 1» 1)0 ST9 4J 27,270 22 160,012 15 400,791 78,570 7,202 661,727 50.577 31,555 2,939,768 261,770 508,877 39 7.574.850 55 '265.876 44.609 42,812 171.951 70 79 57 08 13 123 31 14.869 6> 980.643 :H 50,352 8? 234 914 64 55-041 52 3.?TBl2 76 52,728 67 21,i77 19 Dcposites of individuals. 1,663,566 .58 34,706 u j 14.589 77 347,576 85 :.• u90 45 26,16 ) 97 1,28S . 5J7 '215 39 . ] 1,693 04 654 4.J 3 11,068 42 51,4 !>9- 4 1 J <(>> 16,80.1 \3 . IV9 36 4'),H?2 27 I O J . 9 6 1 18 110,037 2 089 16 861 20 961 25,79:) 30,389 67 17 59 26 07 00 "9.752 a>9 2.5.385 86 13,098 74 368 OH 1,959 31 • 1 628,482 61 721,682 31 69 1*8 40 256 369 04 209 747 3* 296,246 92 242,047 36 4^7,^92 51 271.971 81 8)7H6 30 102,874 A3 22,583 32 dJ 07 67 '28 8.349 380 46 [ 27 ] 64 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. F u n d e d debt, various D u e by the United States Mortgages - - . . . . . . . . . 3,497.681 06 5.967 32 1 1 2 , 5 0 6 63 Jit Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent . 40,144 17 RECAPITITLATIOX. Puuded debt, various — Bills discounted on personal security 45,370,135 77 Do funded debt 19.300 00 Do Uank stock 709.946 99 Domestic hills of exchange - . . . Do United States . . I)» fieiencies . . . . R ''kinff h o u s e s K\)<enars C a s h , v i z . N o t e s o f t h e R . « n k I". S t a t e * a n d o f f i c e s . . . . . . . 133 583 93 2,415,598 77 J4.299.318 58 3 057,827 99 F<»rei^ i i-xcli >n^» 'iroun' B»rp jf, Brothrra ?t Co. Hope (k C;<>. Hi''tin^ucr U Co. 1>IVI<*< »i i- u n c l a i m e d Prefi »•*] l«'^« - 13,706,510 56 2,181 920 LJ 9,323 818 80 . D u e to Mink t l . S. a n d Do S t a t e Hanks - - 1,085,171 M 100,240 1,747,863 51 — n 5.638.954 89 3,457,181 >(Tic«'« It la 1,95^,299 ir —_—— R e d e m p t i o n o l ' p u b l t c <!rl>t Deptfiitro on acco'.nt of Treasure!1 o' the V. Slatt s 25.211,949 55 113.506 63 40,144 17 - a dinting'* * fund Lcsn loaats rlurgeable to ci.nt i n g e n t tiiinl 27,357,146 57 5,'267 32 lil,903 05 1,1*7,895 76 111,210 64 . . - Matt Bank* - Mortgages N'avy apent, Norfolk • 35,000,000 0 0 36,68 J, 664 96 1.118.594 16 277,805 15 C » p t 1 i' h t . r k Notes nsu<-d . Disc unt, exchange, fc interest 46,099.."> 82 76 . u!oul*991 11 -_— 60,101,373 88 F o r e i g n hills o f e x c h a n g e . Real estate • D u e f r o m 11 » < k U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d o f f i c e s Do State Ranks . Do specie 3,497,681 06 Le»< ovi rdiiittB HIKI special d r . positCS . • Dcj>o«itcs of public officers Do inilivuliuls 120,308,261 33 - 2 181.773 90 24,250,332 o: 508,877 M 7,574,850 55 198,775 — 7.376,074 1.628,482 8,349,380 — — M N M M 17,353,938 06 120,308,261 33 HANK OF THE U N I T E D STATIC, October 1st, 1831. W. M r l L V A I N E , Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Depnsite, at the dates herein meiitiunvd. (tills discounUi' Bills discounted Millsilisconntt d on funded debt. on bunk stock. on ftcwoaal st c rny 1831 Oci'r31 Hrmk United Stales 24 Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston 27 Providence •• Hartt'oid 24 New York 26 II Itirare 24 Washington 22 Richmond 25 Norfolk 22 Fu)dtfTdle 24 Ch.rlr-t.n 18 • t Savannah Mobile 7 Nrw Orleans 10 Natchca 6 St Lous 10 N;t«hville 12 Louisville 13 1. \MII;I n 17 Cincinnati 20 1' tsbuig 24 HfUo Utica 25 llorlington 26 21 Agency, Cm< innati Chillicothe AUR. 20 - • • - 177,7.50 23 118,7.58 28 809,289 4(> 657,567 39 443,lt>9 49 4,573,233 9-' 2,030,811 19 1.286,182 SI 1,063,197 34 667,H02 :io 660,37 5 36 2.838.137 30 684,664 70 1,313,300 10 5,982,147 .12 1,017,932 57 388,72J 91 3,149 372 04 9,434,190 93 1 .131,785 01 3.072,590 *5 a 7,825,420 56 • 1 ,990,779 Ifi 779 198 25 630,576 99 344,366 01 1,480,240 69 156,114 14 46,942.682 06 _ 174,680 _ _ 800 19,105 a _ _ 900 _ 17,7J0 — _ m 7,100 15,000 2()2, COO 39,330 38.977 40 10,632 15 19 900 110,557 14 5,000 m 3,000 a _ _ m _ _ 700 _ 76.76H 01 a „ a Domestic hills of exchange. 2,055.572 57,056 53,66^ 1,860,9)8 381,765 43,154 1,502 504 231,763 16'i,9K7 264,619 202,154 96,069 16 78 92 55 51 23 i>7 75 16 2.5 96 91 197,554 03 113,4)5 Jt> Foreign bills OftXtUftllg . 82,974 07 m m a m m _ 39.903 7o 2,14-1,025 5H7.475 95,146 544.307 942 70J 908,587 343,506 483,9 8 252,680 79 U 87 70 66 96 11 v: 42 n a m m _ _ m m 91 502 53 111,662 40 m 9 6 , 1 1 8 01 - 679,681 99 13,77J,978 65 82,9:4 07 Ural estate. l)u>- from 'Nnk U. Stutes, a n d oll'ni s 78,744 54 15,936,5ol 59 250,419 it 37>,258 76 6,941 52 467,5'>7 >3 130,3-8 10 138,75 5 09 29.915 25 1,064,436 98 — 258 906 56 207,801 55 197 659 43 l 46) J97 92 64,2'J2 J> 406 271 43 4 4.534 25 891,649 75 2 1 , J 1 5 7."y 140,096 24 620,015 51 m 221,315 74 m 1,433,731 07 12,065 m 990 649,57:5 07 _ 91J,7U4 U 1'JJ ^70 46 76,401 77 672,201 7\ 2..u,9jy ov 976,50^ 04 273.487 17 94,988 13 yi/,41 I 96 a 4 0 1 It _ 26 117 99 7,5-^2 y8 1,270,094 06 96,6. 5 21 9,994,796 91 96,126 3.18 09 G E N E R A L STATEMENT—continued. Due from State batiks. Losses charg' able to Deficiencies. contingent Treasurer United States. Banking houses. Expenses. fund. Ocfr31 Hank United States • 24 Offict, Portland •• 27 '• 26 24 22 25 22 2\ 18 7 10 6 10 V rNmoutli Boston I'rovidrnce II r'fo.d New York lUl'nnore Washington H chmond Favetteville Cliailenton 8 .v.miuli M 27,741 07 10,379 90 29,197 21 254,574 55 1'A7,410 62 • • IMIC N< w Orleans • Niicticz 8t Louis Nashville Louisville L. x.i.gtuii Cincinnati 12 13 17 20 Pit'tburg 24 Buffalo 20 Utica 25 Burlington 26 21 Agency, Cine rm»ti • Aug. 20 Ctullicoik-e . 901,031 30 32,668 11 33,741 42 38,080 99 2,835 80 107 17 295 7.19 89 339,995 01 108,397 47 316,585 41 48,947 06 1,573 10 8,699 07 92,033 88 1,398 56 74,988 17 88 220 23 40,314 50 8,110 30 3 2 7 , 3 1 1 11 2 , 1 0 0 22 73.660 18 12,146 925 1J.H78 61,050 1,66.1,232 l'J8,830 40..172 225,663 39,866 1..7.374 146.369 18 63 39 13 06 27 8'i 24 62 06 57 33,748 61 405 28 172,38$ 41 197,020 91 413,081 19 _ _ 17,217 78 976 116,777 02 _ _ 34,075 65 87,000 110,657 32,648 35.923 35,109 13,385 67,727 43,600 24,096 48,000 13,399 _ 15,000 21,887 _ 23,496 70,113 05 a 18,087 05 a _ 456 52 _ _ _ 136 a 94,627 07 a 300 m m 34 92 57 65 02 78 92 a _ _ 26,995 70 a _ — _ _ 98 _ 2,834 16 50 71 170,000 21,0.1.5 21 2,194 36 _ 16,995 03 m 9,030 20,414 80 - - 39,672 67 1,68.1 95 1,2-'7 17 4.1H8 94 2,493 47 1, :.i5 04 13,590 70 7,46t 54 13,500 41 12,236 75 4,2.17 91 2,727 .S9 6,H.?6 57 5,64.; 13 4.24.1 71 14.905 17 4,5(J7 S3 1.9»5 92 4,796 32 - 2,862,063 19 3,461,400 82 141,382 05 1,148,849 89 199,190 06 2,'.569 6.126 3,317 3,579 2,308 1,750 11,88'2 2,906 17 96 16 16 53 73 41 81 Notes of Notes of Pauk U States, State banks. and offirrt. 1,894,390 56 91,630 157.4.55 .1*9,470 •,660 75.430 1,475.505 487. %5 VJ2A20 243.970 463,445 196^949 419.780 815 505 293.285 2,35J,*25 376..145 8H.5,O5'i 1,260.565 41.),.370 442,080 .562,820 2«H,<'95 353 100 2.11195 1 11, .Mi 185,002 60 14,478,565 56 792.644 33 16,445 32,673 48,585 7.889 1.1.373 403,646 10 35,361 31 23,202 2.1 1.17..194 90 46,470 42,704 26,266 29.965 H7.!>10 20 106,910 1,620 Ot 77,714 43 10,952 61 791 20.5 820 98,558 50 522 56 14,480 46 1,370,807 52 to GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Specif. C .pital stuck. 1831. Oct'rol Mink Umte.1 States - 2 363,156 75 16 450.000 24 •Jfficc, Portland Por'smouth Hoston 27 i• Pr ividence 24 H*rtf-r<l N e ^ York 26 H.ltm, >re Washington 25 11 chniomi 22 Norl'o'k 24 F .»v«Meviilu 18 Charleston u < < S-ivtiinah 7 10 6 10 Mobile N-w Orleans • ftatofcea 12 N«si,vi!ie Lou'-ville Lex! gt'n Cincinnati Pi''>4urg Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati • Oh Ilicothe • 13 17 20 24 20 25 26 21 Aujr. 20 S t . I.IHUS 63,5••? U 44,702 51 30O.791 <8 15-', 104 9y I9.S35 1 , 5 9 ; , 1 8 J 8.5 '221.OJU 58,u.;i 76 19".(^» 10 113,596 08 30.431 27 27*,u96 38 383 4J4 36 226.S 9o7,O'J5 04 57.-J72 33 305,481 45 177 430 79 126,632 54 63,619 77 1 1.253 08 41,434 11 123,751 53 108 738 97 62,897 40 8.137.5J6 95 3 0 0 OOQ 1,500 00J 8(J0.O«)0 3 0 0 0O0 2.50O.00U 1.5OU.0OU 500.000 1,000,000 5OO.UUi> 50J,0')0 l.joO.uOli 1.U00.OO0 1,000,000 Niitc-i issued. _ 7oO,uO'> _ _ _ _ 35.0OO.OOO Foreign cxi- nnn'i; KC' olllit. ffwing.Brothei i, Dividend* &.(](>. llope&'Vi. uncluimcd. UotUMgU' '&C •:. '224 661 6 : 218,240 53 5 ,93 08 _ 11 4 9 95 64 W3 Si — 26 108 38 10 88.) 74 155 4!9 i6 a 54,079 H 116 12 24,290 37 m 19.401 95 . 1('),O54 m 69,145 50 m 19.S86 26 U. ! 15 66 303,584 o» 39,753 u-J 19,455 >7 91,148 13 hJ..>:8 19 55 711 40 85,092 N 4.) 8J6 74 9 .7 22 74 17,279 53 11,300 82 13,681 47 1.035 24 603,102 51 38,094,945 76 1.458,074 8o 218,240 53 603,402 51 3,498.298 26 220,440 286.505 6,1,410 431,775 368.342 50 1,674,977 50 1,033,5.52 50 986,319 50 1.06R.825 1,237,250 l.lvl.UO 1,505,745 .'.555 1 6UJ,3»5 7,253,y45 74».».00O 1,000,000 1.25U.0O0 1,00 1,7O),O'U Discount, exc ftiife, & inter. «.t. 846,330 3,243,155 1, ',085 1.886,295 1.2JJ,720 1 277.197 50 1,078.320 674.475 479.275 1,830 565 _ _ — _ _ _ 27,558 25 556 50 28 437 50 2,040 50 822 50 12,720 75 5,942 25 3.580 43 9,945 50 3,258 50 109 50 Profit & loss. 1,747,863 51 Ox 00 13,935 1,368 50 224 75 197 80 42 82,768 23 1.747.863 51 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Contingent fund. 1831. Oct'r31 Hank United States 24 i • 37 11 34 36 34 23 35 32 24 18 << 7 10 6 10 12 13 17 20 24 20 25 26 91 Aug. 20 Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence H iftfcffd N-w York Baltimore Wellington llichrtiond Norfolk F;«yeiieville t t» T I I - S ' I H I Savannah Mobile New Orleans • Natch, z 5,607,488 36 • a . m _ m _ m _ S t I.OUH Nashvdle Louisville L^xin^ton Cuiciniuti Pittshiirj Bnflilo Ufca Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Clillicothe • m _ m m m . m 48,811 59 - 5 656,299 95 Due to Bank U.S. and offices. 1,588 879 58 no i 226.V/72 870,306 392.059 56,041 3,433,033 89 HH 97 41 6.5 a ii(.'.4Jy 7t 1 I .H.59 76 278.9M2 50 19.089 20 18,470 28 585.^16 06 86,105 H 137 31.1 90 3,177,972 35 1,076,063 .>2 813,268 93 4W.157 27 1,356,354 47 442,891 89 1 411,768 62 20.5.977 .S6 368, .'on 97 4 . ^ . ' 7 5? 2.>y,i!)(i 12 2,705, U7 W 282,56; 77 23.192,456 17 Due to State banks. 483,508 42.3V7 2.291 121,388 3-V.5O 6, Io9 4J1 941 6»,y97 04 88 21 45 26 10 91 36 6S, 9M> 90 4<!7 05 60,436 164,949 47.7J-7 5.74J 3,079 27 17 03 43 si\ Deposites of Redemption of public debt. Trewurer U. S. 419,785 92 _ 170 17,~'37 17 144,48c 81 48,j:>f> 1,150 180 26 - 1 905,881 22 85 80 fl9 22 42 35 V5.54O 87 _ _ 333,743 43 25.767 65 111.677 74 2 5 . 0 1 0 4ii _ 7.>,238 91 18,418 73 5.213 45, i77 27 26,765 45 412.102 bl,9h-> 1,8. 578,062 39.163 63 1,316,363 • • 419.7H5 92 2uJ,0uH If. 144 426 685 6.52,541 1J1 451 397.3 8.) ,607 113,901 5 012 313,408 5V.176 221, 202 6.141 50 27 20 77 86 61 16 61 16 43 71 8u 17 - 5 TBtfiiO .58 Depositoti of Depotiu • of |)ii ilic officers. iiulividuaU. 80.446 48 1,141.46.5 89 1 6 , 1 >•; OH .il ,836 95 84,337 153.-57;! 11.194 ia,938 417.696 52.512 208,.5 i . 4.5,957 3J.086 29,385 20,02: 19,809 34,162 60 15 61 87 05 98 61 76 73 56 7o 08 91 131,; i.n i i 7 '.'(.6 5<> 11,766 13 9,508 52 14,499 15 38,608 93 16,363 o, 17,331 02 6.192 48 2,u4 5 .5.'. 174 03 1,416,063 61 1 ;.'<K. 77 313.714 12,700 31,500 1,185 171 52i»,807 898,954 22J,070 320,593 37.6.J.5 591 .4.55 70,024 57,111' 872,461 90,880 2j;,6'*2 227,814 337,.583 234,603 416.989 897,155 107.448 44 67 16 8-. 12 45 48 89 90 74 o 16 64 55 01 46 16 46 36 19 69,771 11 13,767 53 135 13 <jx (£> 67 28 r—\ 8,071,237 11 -4 [27 60 ] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Jit Bank United States. 2,200 5 267 32 112.5K8 53 Funded debt, D>e by the United States, Mortgages, Redemption of public debt, paid in advance. 196,445 300 245,565 93,609 6,614 At Bank United Sta^-s, At Officr, Portsm uth, B stn, New York, Baltimore, 52 26 12 02 544.5.33 72 Jit Office, Norfolk. Nary Agent, 40,144 17 RECAPITULATION. 2,200 Funded deht, various, • • • • • • • Bil's discounted on personal security, - 46,942.682 06 Do. do. funded debt, 96,118 01 Do. do. bank stock, 679/81 99 Domestic bills of exchange, Foreign bills of exchange, Real estate, . . . . Due from Rank United States, and offices, State banks. United States, Deficiencies • Banking houses, B l f -rises, . Cash, viz: notes of Dank U. S. and offices, S'ate banks, < specie, Mortgages, Navy agent, Norfolk, . . . Redemption of public debt, paid in advance, - 47,718,482 06 1.5,775,978 65 61,494.460 71 82 97V 07 \nij96 yi 26,196. " 8 09 •2,862 063 19 Capital stock, . . . . Notrs issued, . . . . Discount, exchange, and interest, Foreign exchange account, lUring, Brothers, 8c Co., Hope & Co., llottinguir k Co., . . . I) vulends unrUimcd, . Profit and loss, . . . . (ontingt-nt fund, . Less losses chargeable to contingent fund, 102 51 H2.768 23 1,747,863 51 5,656,199 9> 3.461.4U0 82 2,194,899 13 28,988.401 23 5 267 32 141 383 03 1,1-18.849 ^9 185,002 60 14 478,565 56 2.;»70.897 53 8,1J7,596 95 24.987.060 0.1 112.588 35 40,144 17 Due to Bank U. States, and offices, State bank*, • - Redemption of public drht, Dcposites on account of Treasurer P . S., lcs> ovenh-ufts and special dcpositcs, . . . of puMic officers, of individuals, »6 17 1,905,881 22 25,098,339 39 419,785 92 5,751,230 58 199,190 06 5.552.040 52 1,416.06;. 61 8,071.'237 11 15,039," 11 ± 544,53:. 72 119.957,661 ©8 HANK OP THE UNITED STATES. 35,000.000 38,094*943 76 1,458.074 86 218,240 53 119,9.57,661 08 November 2d, 1831. W. McILVAINE, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein men/ UiiU dweounted U. is discounter on personal se- on funde curity. debt. 1131. Dec. 1 Bank United Statei - No>. 21 Office, Fotl.i.d •• Portsmouth 24 11 28 30 28 19 22 19 21 32 i < 11 7 3 14 9 17 21 17 21 17 22 23 Oct. 21 Nov. 90 Bovon Providence Ilu-ttord N« • Y rk Bait more \\ .-.Inngton Ki> Inn ud N Hoik Fatettcvi!le Cliarttrs'on Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natch-* St. Lotii* MuhvUle Lonisvi le I.t-xington. Cincinnati I'it sburgh Buffalo I'tica Hurlington Agency, (Jwcnnati Clullicollie • - - • 8,252.977 7.5 165.&82 25 98.235 37 763,167 81 658 3*2 98 482,615 .7 4 414 709 90 8,074,133 73 1.-75,050 18 1,066,758 55 66? .430 52 651,34a 52 3,995*892 75 7 2o,>97 27 1,346,044 :a 6,226.806 873,043 520,261 2.886.426 2,471,950 980,423 3.089.820 1,273,765 205 6o5.j89 385, Oyt 1,480,.40 155,871 62 44 16 13 18 44 47 6,: 07 01 67 69 49 47,484,548 26 _ _ _ 400 _ 17,750 _ h Hi discounted on i) • ik stock. 183.910 '. bOO 19,105 _ 7.100 15, 00 187, i7J S9J396 .'JO. 97 7 40 47 172 15 12.9- )0 117.754 44 3,000 . a 3,000 _ _ 800 _ m m a _ _ m Doin si c i>ili» of cxi'luttge. 2,124,982 50 .55 i84 08 V3,4/8 85 1,764,670 82 387,319 67 3 2,094 24 1,347.387 278,558 77 123,632 90 480,351 62 195, tS7 93 131,944 49 25j,0;i4 74 K/8,y7J 88 1J3.686 05 1,8.1.5,359 18 758 915 94 1 J, 681 02 1,062,094 84 1,069 948 07 l,143,o«8 99 360 6/»(J 13 492 7ol 71 280,069 17 11^,476 50 l.j;,573 69 Foreign buls ot exchange. 82,974 07 18.950 - 66W.43S 99 - 14*853,530 68 78,744 54 6,941 52 _ a _ _ m _ n 29,911 25 _ _ 193,951 64,29a 44,53-1 21,515 88 95 25 73 _ _ _ a _ - 12,065 _ 69.661 77 231,18 k 04 _ 94,988 13 a a _ - m - Real estate. - 82,974 07 1,270,094 06 96,685 24 2,217,581 36 Due fr<>m Dank United Stitcs and oflii rs. 15,732,319 256,177 344,46« 482,982 171,7.>9 93.715 1,265,998 300.421 183, .154 35J.H08 450 140 B93 640 29 271 563.729 60.544 1,517,134 •I 950 562.9J4 206.724 273 461 34i.544 873 6oi 217.420 74.'.>.17 82 48 22 40 52 36 97 34 43 47 14 73 82 13 66 52 29 68 39 43 22 76 19 48 3,731 14 25 911 92 7,542 98 24,527.693 59 10 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Hue fitim State bank-.. Losses chariest le to Deficiencies. contingent Hanking houses. Treasurer Kxpenics United Sta e». Notes of Bank (J.SUtat, N.xesof Stutc ii.iiiki. and offi' «•>«. D«c. 1 Hank United Sta'es . Nor. 21 Office, Por land • • Portsmouth H<w<m Providence Hertford 24 <• 2H New York 28 19 Baltimore Wxsb "jrton Uichm nd 22 19 21 22 - 39 958 80 Mobile New Orleans Natrhrz St. Louis Nisiiville Louisville L> xington Cincintiuti 111,236 88 Fa\ett<ville Charleston S tvitnnah 7 3 14 9 17 21 17 2\ 17 21 58.043 26 9.92.5 68 l.i.417 <>8 161.287 27 155 97 5 ID 74,9f.7 95 27.7-2 4 5 7,94.5 .51 250.464 84 310 4 - 1 u 121. .551 43 4. >.5.896 91 82,414 68 _ 1.075 10 8,126 89 N ..rloik <« 11 888,585 04 30,8*9 81 113 50 Pittsburgh U.flalo Ut 0* JJ Burlinifton Oct. 21 Agency, Cincinnati ChiUicoihe • Nov. 20 r 647 1.5 40 7< >9 41 82,711 7 5 39,267 76 _ 2,952,lfc/7 39 337,391 7.020 81.4% 12.146 925 11 83 10 38 61 n.srs S9 61,050 13 .'5 2 06 ~>>.~7Z 3 1 40, -71 86 229,2 53 40 5 7 , ' ) . . , i,T 138,n :2 06 146,369 57 _ 33,748 61 — — 405 28 1- • -18 37 196.510 35 m 94,627 07 _ 413,081 19 _ _ 17,237 976 _ _ 34.075 _ 70,113 _ _ _ _ 456 m m _ 145 _ _ 300 _ 3.506,259 00 116,777 02 65 87,000 110.657 34 32,648 92 35,923 57 05 - _ _ _ 26,203 70 35,11)9 6 5 13,385 03 52 U 714 89 15.4H1 37 13.134 9H 5.125 94 3,364 3.5 8,29.5 H2 6,779 43 5.406 77 17,934 ra .'. 590 08 67.727 7H 43,600 24,096 92 48,000 13,399 98 2.6H.5 7K 15.000 26,970 92 _ 23,496 71 170,' 31,033 21 2,194 86 16,995 OH m 9,200 m _ 20,414 80 78 47,694 03 1,905 73 1, H7 02 9.887 93 3 000 52 1435 04 19,933 11 - 123,304 00 1,154,103 31 _ - 198,398 06 5,303 3,376 3,507 7,196 4,624 4,154 3,071 3,300 11,882 3,012 42 15 89 35 86 06 48 04 41 58 225,866 65 1,803,405 56 97,8' >0 156.480 517,070 282.415 8>, 450 2,019,750 433*355 312,305 166,.59i) 394. 158 165 54H.8O5 1,993,970 376.375 3,tO7,3V5 411,335 864,805 1,030,470 384,051 666 680 437,185 >:*7s 364*000 2.58,76.5 83,235 16,535,910 56 896 113 04 17.2U9 38,1 8.5,805 10,721 21,447 395.707 70,713 36..5e2 1.55,935 32,780 35,069 58,288 157.305 3,? 28 56,280 8,858 77 yi 05 54 28 80 60 638 29 10,967 80,099 306 643 107,058 65,419 58 16,760 67 2,696,570 93 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Specie. 1SJ1. Dec. 1 Hank United States Nov. 21 Office, Portland 1 « Portsmouth Boston M Frovdimce •• Hartford 28 New York M 28 Baltimore 19 Washington 22 Richmond 19 Norfolk Fasetteville 11 Charleston 22 Savannah 11 Mobth 7 N« w Orleans 3 Natch.-/ 14St. Louis 9 Nashville Louisville 17 Lexington 21 Cincinnati 17 21 Pittsburgh Buffalo ir Utica 2'2 Burlington 23 Oct. 21 \gency, Cincinnati Chillicothc Nov. 20 - - • • • 2,492,425 66,767 50.571 415,397 136,313 18,408 920,772 308,000 56,798 196,485 115,176 19,611 275,283 352,265 249,803 745,739 57,364 1J9 296 172 107 208 047 93,356 124 2.54 38 261 98 .99 67.662 6J,750 Capital stock. 36 18 16 13 07* 75 42 43 87 8V 73 56 8J 49 75 93 31 87 29 13 44 76 57 16,450,000 . 300.000 1,500.000 800,(100 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000.000 500,000 500 ooo 1,500,(A (0 1,000,000 . 1,000,000 _ _ 1.000,000 1,250,000 1,000,UO> 1,700,000 700,000 - - 7,502,250 84 35,000,000 Notes issued. 3,910,298 220,265 285,910 985,610 431,775 363,747 1,797,467 1,043.777 984,932 1,068,825 1,235,540 1.153,590 1,501,015 2,381,475 1,609,655 7,620.945 740,000 845,810 3,333,535 1,228,655 2.014.585 1,363 '270 1,275,787 1,077,620 674.475 479, .'75 1,830 26 50" 50 50 5U 50 565 39,530,265 76 Discount, Foreign Co., Hopr&Co., Dividends Profit & loss. exchange, and exchange and Hnttinguer unclaimed. account. & Co. itit<rest. 264,727 6,483 13,."21 71,802 30,653. 13,941 1*9,727 7'),O82 49,9 rj 34,612 23,596 20,670 85.081 23 896 43.591 231.412 38,530 18.U4 124.453 106,047 70.409 101 825 55.772 32,913 20,182 13,752 13,681 1,471 93 54 75 48 01 06 22 42 96 62 36 97 33 13 98 06 M 39 75 14 68 54 57 13 55 47 97 1,770,588 91 297.689 62 _ _ _ a • _ 1,195,942 06 — 574 m 10,756 5.10W 3.510 8,643 3,258 95 11,341 1,277 • m m — — m 25 25 43 50 50 SO 50 30 224 75 72 _ 180 30 m m 346 50 1,904 m _ _ 25,486 25 1,747,863 51 556 50 m 42 \ 297,689 6V 1.195,942 06 73,371 73 1.747,863 51 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Continent fund. 1831. Dec. 1 NOT. 81 i)ue to S'ftte bunks Redemption of public debt 419,785 92 Bank United States- 5,607,488 36 Office, Portland Portsmouth • _ Boston 24 M Providence • Hartford 28 New Yo.k 30 Baltimore 28 _ 19 Wellington . Richmond 22 Norfolk 19 FayrUeville 21 Charleston 22 m Savannah <• Mobile 11 N<- i Orleans 7 3 Ntchr. 14 8t. Louis _ NMhvillf 9 Lotii»vi||e _ 17 L'-xiiigton 21 Cincinnati 17 Pittsburgh 21 BufTalo 17 Utica 22 m _ 23 Burlington • 21 Agency, Ci rinn*ti • 48,811 59 20 Cbillicntlte - 1,4!6,045 '22 283,284 43 228,370 42 801,114 45 302,707 37 56,342 36 2,576,051 33 2,166..'32 49 185,030 03 282.435 87 41,607 \7 43,51'J 8>i 714,67; 30 15y.'>>4 72 134.052 30 3,039,8;9 2d 1,176.272 88 72 ,814 52 658,252 00 1,572,680 98 319,301 !M 690,949 75 323.329 09 2V1,952 78 445.9SI 85 21.5.6*9 77 2,705,127 92 27.,87') 86 454,032 60 46.282 98 2,904 35 170,228 77 22,735 54 5.87U 38 317,440 02 167,134 85 64,148 29 - - 5,656,299 95 21,750,764 08 1,948,796 S3 419.78JI 92 M Oct. Nov. Due to Bunk U. S. and offices. 13,663 79 189,454 33 74,966 59 31,736 60 74.934 90 675 91 1,430 t2 73.705 41 23,407 49 170 17,810 85 139,884 81 28,434 08 7,743 4J • _ _ • - • 1) [1 - s l i p s l l f rivasurvr U.S. 560 694 81 «..(>i9 09 | V J80 Id 746,961 94 41,7.'8 22 29.40.; 84 2,509,997 51 134,776 7> 256 277 93 32,937 50 82,9 58 35 31,389 04 238.971 39 19.8VJ IS 413 468 12 753,311 48 147,551 86 .i-T,007 hH 135 152 7> 191.73J 48 2,349 23 306 231 61 46,70.1 07 272 873 32 i, IHCCM. 109 212 97 22,574 S3 23.236 65 153. .'H 80 12.547 27 1J.2H4 2.1 155,412 7.1 60,4 194,866 6;; 43,31J 64 Dcpus tcs of individuals. 6,291 17 - 20 717 03 174 03 - 1,351,707 13 34, W9 81 10,661 32 919,066 74 17.866 21 35,289 11 1,195,917 96 474.713 46 3Jr,637 88 523,832 76 326,418 74 45. 138 76 61 ), (30 69 82,152 19 50*507 70 997,574 69 LOffcSSa -'8 948,098 17 194,881 12 359,8(.J 49 343,042 53 476,166 41 311,535 63 110,430 29 57,062 64 23,108 70 13d 13 67 M 7,364 841 13 1,271,471 21 B, 145,098 12 2 HO - !>Cp> <ltrfc Ol ulibli 58.9.VJ 3H 24 709 79 20,993 54 20,601 17 62.22fl 4H 121.106 9J 3,949 ^7 J1.UJ5 8 3 12,410 TO 3f», 724 60 17,695 96 32.466 29 19.2.;; HS 5,45 5 67 1,179 i 1 Oi [27} GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Jit Bank United States. 3.200 5.267 32 111,396 66 Tunded <iebt. Due by the United StaUs, Mortgages, - 118.8*3 98 At Office, Norfolk, Jf»vy Agent, - 40,144 17 Redemption of public debt, in advance. At Bank TTnlted States, Office, Porsnmuth, Mo?' n, H.. t>rl, . H * Y ,k, Balt<mo:e, 367,565 300 35.5.U79 45 535,283 8,022 74 00 43 80 46 96 1,264,297 39 KECAPITULATION. 2, .200 Tumi- d debt Bills discounted on personal security - 47,484,548 26 Do. do. funded debt 18,950 Do. do. bank stock 669 423 99 48,172.932 25 1 4 » . v i , 5 ; 0 <S8 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of «xehange • Veal estate . . . D u e from Bank U . States and offices State bank* • . • United States Deficiencies . . . . Banking houses . . . . Expenses . . . . Cash, viz: Notes of Bank U . S . and offices State banks Specie . . . 63,026.452 93 8J.974 07 2,217,581 36 24.5:7.693 59 2,952.107 3\) 35,000,000 o'.',.'i.<<(i,265 7 6 1.770,588 9 1 297,089 62 1,195,943 06 1,747,863 51 5,656.299 95 2,150,040 95 27.479.H00 9« 5,267 32 123,304 1,154,10'. 31 225,866 65 16,535,910 56 2,696.570 9> 7,502 2 * . «4 Mortgage* • Nitvv Agent, Norfolk . . . Redemption of public debt, in advance • Capital s t o c k . . . . N o t e s issued . . . . Discount, e x c h a n g e , a n d inlcreat t o n ign rxeh-tnge a c c o u n t Daring, BrottM *, &. C o . , H o p e St C o . , H ttmguer & Co. . . . I ) v i d ( nd« u n c l a i m e d . . . I'rofii and loss . . . . Contingent fund L e v losses c h a r g e a b l e t o c o n t i n g e n t fund D u e t> Bunk U S> ates a n d offices SUtr banks lir-demption of puhlir debt Drpo«itr* o n a< r o u n t of T r e a t u r e r o f t h e UiWr<\ S utcs • D o . les* o v c r d n t l U a n d special deposited 3] 750 764 03 1,948.791 S3 23,699.560 31 419,785 98 7.36V.K41 13 198.398 06 7 166 «4J i 7 26.7U.732 33 LI 1,390 66 40, I I I 17 1,264,297 39 Do. of public officers Do. of individuals i.ari 4fi -'i 8.145,098 12 16.583,012 40 122,468.121 77 B A N * OP TH* UHITBD STATJSS, 17 December Hd, 1831. PI W. McILVAINE, Can/tier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United Slates, and Us Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein wt.ntunxcd. Bills discount on •fcnritv. 1831. Dec. 31 26 26 22 22 26 38 26 24 20 24 19 Hank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Button Providence Hart for. I N. <v York B.iti'.ore W s intfton liir m.MHI Norft-IL PhvetteviBe Charleston L>0 20 S:tv .r.i.nh Mi-bile 16 New Orleans 12 Natch /. Nov. 24 St. I.'xiis Dec. 12 N» hville 7 8 19 Cincinnati 15 Pi '«burgh 19 HtiH'alo 22 Otiea 27 Burlin^on 21 Agency, Cincinnati 21 Cliillicothe Nov. 30 8,785,«i5 80 180,128 5l; 99,053 66 831,029 95 622,596 28 480 417 38 4,662.72.5 K6 8,093 517 H0 1 268.125 89 I.O67.597 «7 678 J -I 95 3.054 014 01 857, MO 01 6 4.i K790 HS 323 564,045 2,60.', 213 •2,516.085 9.50,415 3,261,06J 1,300,465 742,402 609.272 451.364 J.526 414 160.753 __ Hills discounted Domestic hit's POM ifW bills of BUIs on futckd dclii. in bunk !tuck. 215,460 800 I f , I 0 6 55 2,333.879 19 4i>,7;:5 92 91,668 23 209,906 99 39.3JO 300 17,750 55,,977 40 51 ,522 15 11 ,900 122,,-'54 44 5.000 13,000 05 36 45 17 20 77 13 90 57 20 61 75 58 800 48.852,570 34 18,850 1,000 731,157 53 estate. 78,744 54 6,941 52 9f,991 65 1.755.390 08 404,J73 O3 7,100 . 29,915 25 4(<.859 67 l,.')^.1.04o 08 •277,816 53 U0,J-t!> 43 655,4.55 42 225.247 26 1 •16,423 17 375.. 17 95 l'.)4.16H 2'2 153,107 93 1,958 9*4 35 850,447 07 86,995 95 1,677,927 18 1.183.416 78 1,194,088 06 419.824 84 509.232 66 279,137 37 143,443 24 164,670 81 16,691,129 34 191,944 64,292 44.534 21,515 55 95 25 73 12,065 69,420 83 229,184 04 94.988 13 1.213,353 88 79.624 89 91,668 23 2,136.525 56 to Due from B:«ik U . S . & offices. 18,151 742 06 226 470 80 346,677 83 5a3,y40 18 98,110 71 128,319 90 1,478.43?' 82 254.4 -'6 06 219.200 64 84.510 28 396 998 40 852.619 07 23 863 81 511, ..'42 78 105,301 12 1.6K7.93U 25 10,949 545,180 233.3.-9 285 77<i 125 l»0 455,652 275,1SH 51,414 5,305 22,926 44,087 88 68 26 56 11 89 72 74 33 92 43 27,173,998 23 00 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Due from State Losses charge* . Deficienble to cont:ncies. banks. gi-nt fund. 1831. Dec. 31 36 36 32 32 36 28 96 24 20 34 19 20 20 16 12 Nov. 24 Dec. 12 7 8 19 15 19 32 27 21 21 Kor.30 Hank United States Office, Portl.nd Portsmouth • Boston Providrnce 11.- t -,l New York Baltimore Washington • Richmond Norfo.k Fayetteville . Charles: on Savannah Moble New Orleans N.tch.-z St. Lxiis N»s'ville Loms'ille L* xing1 on Cin-inntti Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati ChiUicothe- 853,179 36 55,094 197 146,561 7.84.1 11,048 664.153 122.612 53. M0 91.215 31 174 14.647 239.571 314,630 90.761 Ml 50 64 91 11 05 49 .16 25 04 6'. 45 88 34 950,s«y 72,662 87 _ 1,411 95 5,797 32 328.136 7,0*20 84.496 12,. 9'25 14.-M • 61,o n 1,669,503 06 41.264 61 55,719 44 12,715 12 a 413.081 19 17,237 7 116,777 02 976 _ 34,075 6 03 46 j 70,113 05 40 67 06 57 456 52 _ 33,748 61 _ _ 66,98.1 27 185 90 _ m 20.5.499 39.14>t 22*2V> 57 953 138 0i2 146,169 m m • 87.000 110 657 34 H i 35.') 35 IW9 13.3*5 67.727 m . 34 10 65 02 78 •26,488 61 _ 4.'>,<i>)i> Jl,' S>6 92 48.U00 15.519 71 m _ _ 405 28 165,"50 87 194,982 88 100,390 08 253 94 _ 50 83 10 65 72 1 '. Treasurer Expenses. Notes of Bank Notes of State U.S. U.S & offices. banks. Banking houses. 145 - 395 40 94,627 07 a m 300 _ _ • 7,703 26 19,004 27 3,944,847 74 3.494,588 54 15,000 26,970 23,496 21 18J 16,995 92 _ 71 170,000 00 '21 2,194 .10 _ 08 10,500 - 123.699 40 - _ - 865,442 58 96,320 151,.185 • 57o.l40 66 56 "229,175 • 54.055 2,380 95 1,843.6.56 122 22 63.1.490 6,152 93 •J69 090 7,307 61 3R4.5 20 194 03 394,900 J7 75 74.3 J5 453..120 796 9i 1,251,100 147 HH 454,760 2.92O J6 3O47.:1H5 309.740 5,585 12 950.590 4 75 1.46V830 •274.855 f 56 664.57 S 219 62 520 >0 'i«6 y.)5 512 .15 :93,085 494,225 11 40 298,805 40 63 42,780 4,954 48 2,158 26 1,159,637 22 198,682 97 101,306 55 15,990,463 58 653.074 29.840 26,771 56.411 12,315 25,311 361,971 67 425 31,359 103,785 12.098 4.629 14 39 76 25 34 82.149 ISfl 280 27.959 51 107,013 3,295 37 964 19 iv',y72 5.\924 2./2.U6 6 8 , ! r>9 47.905 22 17,638 51 2.171,676 31 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Jurinp, Brtln. & Foreign vO., Hop' &Co.. Dividends Proul and luss. Uibcount, exchange, an<l cxchaHpf and Hotthifuer unclaimed. & Co. account. interest. • Specie. Capital stock. Notts issued. 18J1. Dec. 31 26 2fl 72 23 26 28 26 24 20 24 19 20 30 16 12 Nov. 24 Dec. 12 7 8 19 15 19 22 37 21 21 flor. 30 Hank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Huston • Providence • Hartford New York . B.ilumore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Oi leans Natch i- z St 1. uis Nashville Louisville Lexinjff n Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffilo U'.ra Bui ngton Agency, C"<Ci nan CiuUicotlic • 2,811,640 83 16,450,000 * 70,452 22 300,000 50,111 76 1,500,000 328,377 58 800,000 102.627 74 300,000 28,094 664,686 64 2.500,000 1,500,000 228,000 500.000 54.610 54 1,000 000 197,212 02 500,000 112,159 38 50u,000 18,943 75 1,500,000 271,468 80 1,000,000 376,642 24 153,671 72 m 1,000,000 510,346 06 57,825 83 _ 136,897 51 1 000.000 167,866 36 I,250.0LHJ 217.431 25 I.OOO.OOO 91,513 28 1 700,000 111,028 17 700,000 31 HU9 84 _ 105 J33 46 67.750 66 72.4*2 48 - - 7.038 823 1 i 35 000.000 4,001,938 68 210,185 282.865 973,955 422,210 363,747 50 1,762,9^7 50 1,118.467 50 951,827 50 1,189.165 1,222.935 1,141,0.50 1.481.920 2.372,050 1.7K065 7,929.955 740,000 844 795 3 559 065 1 174,420 2,003,020 1,542,810 1.256.8J2 50 1,071.385 753,610 518,995 1,830 225 335,208 26 326,546 94 1,447,718 68 1,112 52 m — 566 91 _ _ 11,441 56 _ 3,246 56 _ 1,809 38 m _ 29.384 28 9.051 66 5,494 05 — 5,895 07 m m 3,290 70 _ 1,880 95 m _ 1O..586 40 3,347 90 4.379 68 m — 18 793 82 48,283 99 m 1,433 14 6 440 16 m m 5.746 46 m m 4,028 96 12 094 14 -5 924 85 3,518 51 3,048 96 2,417 95 1,089 85 22,066 75 556 50 40,621.211 18 529,316 17 326,146 94 1,447,748 68 M ""7 33 1,747,863 51 346 50 1,904 644 9,ri29 75 4,7< 6 75 3.4> 8,336 5U 2,440 81 JO %tm. 85U 50 17i 75 72 180 30 42 1,747 S6i 51 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1831. Dec. 31 26 M 32 22 36 38 26 34 20 24 19 20 20 16 13 Nov. 24 Dec. 12 7 8 19 15 19 32 37 31 31 Nov. 30 B n k United States • Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford N r * York Baltimore Wa«hington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchtz St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh B'.ffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe Contingent fund. Due to Bank U 3. and offices. Due to State banks. 5,507,488 36 1,072,546 91 303,035 81 242,502 34 911,260 91 167,298 43 73,39.5 70 3,418,120 99 2,363,902 61 337,081 41 339,340 35 31.829 43 11,403 71 796,(590 43 233. (549 37 17J.389 35 3,075.194 36 1,156,820 77 791,470 58 1,272.492 18 1,771,209 47 142,320 50 842,785 02 355,739 54 360,795 70 394,725 73 222,178 79 2,784,355 75 268,951 98 202,938 90 m m _ m a «. m 1,465 90 • 5,608,954 26 22.918,486 12 Rr tt-mption of l)epo*ite» on ar Deposited of public debt. count Trrasurer public officers. United Stiit, s. - - 199,386 44.761 24,676 279,690 15 644 11,710 259.735 49,0)0 254.430 37.5*.) 38,459 21,196 14,349 19.539 51,844 107 724 2,421 24.2)8 10,805 35,528 16.889 r.n yi9 17.371 7,935 25 20,703 - 2,698.829 70 MSA,03fl 54 1,632,378 3 i 2,698,829 70 19..55O 60 1,:>45 124,651 8,788 5.753 268.358 126.836 41,487 56 69 65 50 96 7fl 66 _ m m m _ — m _ 18.103 08 140,050 12 m A 133 34Q 45 m 28,709 3,465 532,390 14.833 6,607 44,846 27,478 170 21,351 147,947 26,224 4,547 1,015 - 96 57 67 56 40 68 30 g - 48 29 58 24 53 1,951,103 19 483.158 17 92,170 79 1,675 12 800,918 94 47,353 22 29,650 66 3,472.734 29 97.170 187.251 10 34,823 07 93,447 06 26,098 51 273.379 33 35.432 41 447 7 0 87 875,488 70 106.701 86 35t>.725 31 1.V..I.V2 7^ 17 5 5!<2 11 2,495 60 359,653 39 6f"> 108 .18 250.663 08 8 80 9,280 64 22 16 43 22 46 47 56 52 67 91 03 7.\ 38 69 95 09 54 58 19 21 76 8o 14 66 41 57 Deposites of individuals. 1,182,020 34.885 9,724 310.277 12,565 32.768 1.070.2r7 440,837 269 054 331,889 341,345 40,482 626,156 133,460 112.076 1,287,2.;<J 141,287 256 576 170,304 319.829 259.191 476,416 276,03> 78.629 73.281 20,426 69 67 59 69 66 66 06 75 72 31 51 33 38 44 SI 80 01 19 12 58 50 04 94 49 98 73 58 97 04 28 8,107,155 65 to •4 72 [ 27 ] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. 2,200 111,396 66 5,367 32 Funded debt Bonds and mortgages Due b / tbe United States Jit Office, Norfolk. . Navy Agent 40,144 17 Redemption ofpublic debt, in advance. At Portsmouth Boston Hartford New York Baltimore 300 403,6*24 112 612.263 16 417 32 05 IS 21 RECAPITULATION. 2,200 Funded debt • Bill* discounted on personal security - 48,852,570 34 Do. do. funded debt 18,850 9 Do. do. bank stock 731,157 53 49,602,577 87 16.691.129 34 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign do. do. Real estate . . Due from Bank U. States and offices State banks • • . • United States PHlciencies . . . . Banking houses . . . . .Expenses . . . . Cash, viz. Notes of Bank U.S. and offices State banks • • Specie . . . 66,293,707*21 91,6$tf 33 2,136,525 56 27,173,998 23 3.944,847 74 31,118,845 5.267 12.3,699 1,159,637 101,306 97 :>2 40 22 55 25,200,963 111,396 40,144 1,033,716 01 66 17 71 Due to Bank U. States and offices State banks . . 1,447,748 68 64,917 23 1,747,863 51 5,608,954 26 3,494,588 54 . 72.918,486 13 1,951,103 19 24,869,589 31 2,698,829 70 Redemption of public debt « • Deposites on account of the Treasurer of the United States Do. less overdrafts and special deposites 8,456,838 54 198,682 97 Do. of public officers Do. of individuals 8,258,155 57 1,632*378 35 8,107,153 6J 127,418,078 01 BANK OP THE UNITED STATES, 35,000,000 40,621,211 18 529,316 17 326,546 94 2,114,365 72 15,990,463 58 2,171,676 31 7 038.823 12 Mortgages N-.vy Agent, Norfolk Redemption of public debt, in advance • Capital stock . . . . Notes issued . . . . Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Daring, Brothers, & Co. , Hope &. Co., and Bottinguer fie Co. Dividends unclaimed . . . J'^fit and Inns • Jfe Contingent fund • Less losses chargeable to contingent fund ^ Cfc) 17,997,689 57 127,418,078 01 January 2, 1832. W. McILVAINE, Cashier. to