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& 2 3 d CONGRESS, T 8 "j 2 d Session. V .A > REPORT^ THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, W ith m o n th ly sta tem en ts o f the a ffa irs o f the B a n k o f the U nited S ta tes, a n d o f those S ta te B a n k s selected as depositories o f the p u b lic m oney, in com pliance w ith a resolution o f the S en a te o f the 5 th M a y , 1834. D e c e m b e r 9 , 1834. ___ Read, and ordered to be printed. ~—«*- . > T h ea su ry D epa rtm en t, D ecem ber 9 , 1834. In obedience to the resolution of the Senate, of the 5th of M ay, 1834,1 have the honor herewith to transmit io the Senate the monthly state-" ments of the Bank of the United States; and also"those o f the banks which have been selected as places of deposite for th e public moneys which have .been received at this department since the last communication on this sub. je c t was made to the Seriate. I have the honor to be, sir, ~ *■ ’ * ^ -V e ry respectfully, _ S ir : , 4 . v H on. M a btin V an B ubej Cj- Your obedient servant, ... .. ..J.E V I WOODBURY. ** ISecKCtHry o f the T rea sury. * ................ Vice Pretiden[Jtf{S\liifiCPrttident of the Senate. **, _s \ • * * • '• * • ..................... •• • • • • • c ^ " ’• w " •• *■* - • • ••• t • • • •• a • • • »•••«.• ••• :* : % » -V General Statement o f the Bank o f the United Stales, and its Offices o f Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. I Bills discounted or. personal se'• purity. > *j y / Bills discounted on bank stock . 3,29 8 ,8 2 2 16 402,489 20 2 4 0 4 8 . > 1 ,2 1 6 ,7C6 53 , , 450,592 18 234,573 34 4,527,19." AS J ,827,52/ 29 834,926 £4 1,088,031 98 410,078 2-i 471,806 9G 1,13 9 ,6 8 8 AS 226,389 79 C51.064 30 3 ,4 0 0 ,6 :8 29 l ,0 4 S (S rc 59 269,782 34 750,559 49 1,780,166 92 5/0,800 34 , i ,828,369 81 768,785 29 326,747 57 302,385 25 257,470 41 1,150,867 57 148,666 22 228.793 00 • 1834. 7 t ’ » ---------------------- A June 30 23 ( t 26 t f 23 24 23 - 21 24 21 23 17 1 May < 13 9 5 9 11 19 23 19 26 19 24 25 21 31 Bank United Sijitel Office Portland,, , , , Portsmo.ilh > • Boston > > • ■ • Provideqco” ’ Hartford. ’ ’ . New Yoiik. , , . Baltimore ; Washington’ • Richmond ' \ Norfolk I , ” ' . . Fayetteville. • Charleston’ . Savannafc Mobile ’ ’ ' '' . New Orlctvre, . N atchez,. , , . S t. Louis •' •Nashvilte’ ■’* •■Louisville • Lexington Cincinnati . Pittsburgh Buffalo . Utica . Burlington . Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe - » $29,932,977 22 - 1,000 00 43,538 30 Bills discounted on other secu rities . 2,165,003 5,500 250 34,200 - 21,100 24,200 116,920 9,480 17,270 99,389 9,745 434,5^0 - 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 17 - 21,000 00 - 1,200 00 ■ • 40 00 00 00 - «» 3,150 00 24,000 157,998 50,200 217,711 4,145 152,766 00 02 00 10 40 50 137,803 88 19,020 00 _ 78,150 54 „ 8,500 00 . 5,365 40 . - 84,875 109,699 200,000 329 3,1 0 0 1,000 - $1,031,325 53 *3 ,4 5 9 ,6 1 8 97 . . - _ 96 11 00 66 00 00 Domestic bills of . exchange. 1,072,040 34.:!,826 80,331 1,587,621 536,310 66,419 902,917 184,281 31,070 772,877 ' 149,487 146,932 1 ,124,144 205,946 1 ,267,709 3,937,613 2 ,<253,947 86,610 754,689 316,942 119,186 173,318 21,099 199,442 113,881 152,399 _ 91 69 37 16 74 44 56 51 97 40 95 92 82 85 84 29 02 51 49 33 71 79 87 26 50 10 $16,601,051 00 Foreign bills of exchange. 77,171 03 _ CO Real estate. 72,604 34 3,640 00 28,315 25 _ _ • _ if . 141,0*8 34 62,838 85 47,690 ,0«f 1 5 ,7 5 1 1 3 8,<00 00 ^ . . » _ - $77,171 03 /- 60,3^6 04 104,388 14 175,611 12 59,657 16 917,938 34 44,149 41 $1,741,878 12 to G eneral Due from Bank United States and offices. % 30 *23 i I 26 * II 23 24 23 El' Bank United States Office Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond * Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville LeA igton Cincinnati Piitsburgi Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe A -43 11 19 23 19 26 19 24 25 21 31 • * • • . - 14,032,762 92,839 54,050 316,752 225 ,279 178,689 431,458 81,147 97,868 113,405 79,711 780,902 1,074,303 1,006,907 244,794 1,203,249 1,029,666 834,171 632,130 142,547 725,278 1,171 ,932 144,265 401,824 453,837 155,215 101,930 - 53 25 05 45 36 89 39 50 21 26 66 55 53 29 50 66 30 86 46 54 12 07 23 36 11 89 52 *25,806,921 54 Statement— Due from State banks. 722,799 7,2 7 3 1,479 46,398 6.303 13,944 818,731 38 967 46',825 15,609 21,264 2 ,2 2 7 351,723 3,059 56,242 204,400 58,875 351 4 ,8 5 2 2 ,647 _ 71 91 47 41 45 10 09 59 29 11 34 87 81 67 67 11 07 60 81 56 Continued. Losses chargea ble to contin gent fund. 441,407 7,020 282 38,521 925 16,546 72,622 1,649,313 234,020 39,148 239,135 100,276 157,561 152,186 456 49,209 25 83 32 54 65 75 99 46 00 46 28 72 14 28 52 98 _ Banking houses. 413,081 19 - _ . . 976 00 34,075 65 118 50 69,376 83 _ _ _ . _ _ . 1,991 28 174,682 57 202,778 64 116,777 02 87,000 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 49,386 24,096 48,000 19,051 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 25 92 00 71 15,000 45,608 32,180 23,519 22,105 17,569 00 42 23 84 00 90 _ * . 636 00 - _ 395 40 11,074 56 18,047 59,772 8,20S 38,703 5,739 Deficiencies. 69,797 14 _ _ 77 81 32 94 24 54,550 36 23,335 90 8 2,565,524 28 $3,808,771 06 - _ 300 00 ^ . _ • $105,878 38 _ Expenses. 88,714 03 44 20 5 00 142 30 2,863 724 6,621 11,505 25 24 18 13 173 4,096 82 5 01 90 37 19 24 50 75 00 64 14 49 00 81 123 746 547 292 34 54 50 78 88 28 82 11,550 00 _ - $1,222,443 44 7,025 35 2,111 29 $126,022 20 G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t — Continued. 1834. June ' May 30 Bank United States 23 Office Portland << Portsmouth 26 Boston «< Providence 23 Hartford 24 New York 23 Baltimore 21 Washington 24 Richmond • 21 Norfolk Fayetteville 23 Charleston 17 il Savannah 13 Mobile • 9 New Orleans 5 Natchez St. Louis 9 11 Nashville Louisville 19 Lexington 23 Cincinnati . 19 Pittsburgh 26 19 Buffalo 24 ' Utica Burlington 25 21 Agency Cincinnati . 31 Chillicothe - Treasurer United States. Notes of Bank United States and offices. . _ . 916,635 16 89,745 00 168,330 00 705,180 00 296,395 00 191,290 00 1,123,475 00 543,305 00 485,310 00 147,975 00 707 620 00 330,725 00 96,220 00 1,596,030 00 88,565 00 1,110,420 00 1,417,670 00 727,010 00 2,35 4,295 00 597,450 00 1,605,465 00 658,830 00 865,290 00 644,220 00 256,835 00 328,810 00 . - _ . 16,891 56 . . . _ _ - . . . _ 170,000 00 2,1 9 4 36 . . - (189 ,0 8 5 92 1 # 18,053,095 16 Notes of State banks. $ 1,564,556 70 00 Specie. 350,504 12 22,691 00 13,152 00 107,378 00 8,235 82 16,246 00 421,798 15 133,864 07 22,387 87 13,859 51 11,300 00 60,144 00 39,392 00 11,490 00 20,888 00 154,045 00 20,878 95 13,916 45 10,677 00 25,745 00 6,044 00 25,670 00 25,446 00 12,758 05 16,045 71 - i— i Capital stock. 4,580,272 87 62,895 57 59,731 76 529,060 89 133,357 95 82,969 65 1,844,030 45 380,000 00 235,072 11 235,570 48 220,752 93 145,002 92 230,235 48 593,752 40 292,826 35 684,501 56 263,636 352,218 75 220,915 90 226,329 27 307,181 70 428,728 96 210,882 46 231,123 62 179,728 61 • 93.218 52 T7 W ■ - 812,823,997 93 16,450,000 _ 300,000 1,500,000 800,000 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 _ 1,000,000 _ _ 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,000,000 1,700,000 700,000 m 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 m «. _ - $35,000,000 00 Notes issued. 2,242,732 266,800 230,845 843,360 403,120 334,267 1,464,522 892,167 874,907 986,365 1,263,680 1,397,705 1,933,840 2,571,220 2,034,161 6,784,760 2,738,940 793,475 3,461,405 1,094,900 2,348,705 1,360,450 1,131,140 949,980 723,610 505,130 1,830 85 06 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $39,634,103 06 G e n e ra l S ta te m e n t— Discount, ex change, and interest. 1334. June * May 30 Bank United States 23 Office Portland •C Portsmouth Boston 26 •• Providence Hartford 23 New York «4 Baltimore 23 Washington 21 Richmond 24 Norfolk 21 Fayetteville 23 Charleston 17 <* Savannah Mobile 13 New Orleans 9 Natchez 5 S t. Louis 9 Nashville 11 Louisville 19 Lexington 23 Cincinnati 19 Pittsburgh 26 Buffalo 19 Utica 24 Burlington 25 21 Agency Cincinnati Chillicothe 31 • • • • • • • • • • - 198,923 3 ,0 0 0 1,350 14,177 4,6 4 8 1,419 25,595 6,8 3 6 2,921 7,4 5 7 2,0 1 2 1,7 6 8 8,222 1,091 6,579 9 ,4 6 5 760 598 1,145 3,713 2,2 7 0 5,7 2 4 5,0 2 5 1,854 1,2 6 5 1,134 1,323 81 90 60 32 29 80 10 32 31 35 95 30 85 93 87 02 88 28 41 94 41 78 01 80 19 13 42 $320,287 97 D ividends un claimed. 14,261 35 10 1,918 2,901 651 17,026 4,7 3 4 4,471 6,321 2,4 7 8 32 10,279 1,767 00 00 50 00 50 00 75 75 93 50 00 50 50 50 Continued. Profit and loss. 3 ,1 5 2 ,3 7 7 78 Foreign exchange Contingent fund. account- 4 5 2 ,334 36 5,63 8 ,6 8 8 60 Fund for extin guishing cost o f banking houses. 976,019 59 - 73 75 187 30 24 50 #67,164 98 #3,152,377 78 #452,334 36 I # 5,638,688 60 #976,019 59 G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t — Continued. Due to Bank U. States and offi ces. Due to State banks. Redemption of public debt. Deposites on ac- | Deposites on ac count of Trea count ol pub surer U. States. lic officers. I__ i Deposites on ac count of indi viduals. ----------- -- 5--------30 23 <( 26 « 23 24 23 21 24 21 23 17tt 13 9 5 9 11 19 23 19 2fr 19 24 25 21 31 Bank United States Office Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo . Utica Burlington Agency Cincinnati Chillicothe • • ■ • - 1,196,391 686,987 117,894 1,978,676 379,939 120,189 4 ,7 3 6 ,5 6 4 1,825,459 527,492 353,274 287,392 32,945 341,314 163,304 616,182 1 ,706,907 3 ,20 8 ,8 4 8 1 ,05 4 ,1 9 2 187,550 853,202 65,559 847,631 217,331 1 ,082,364 591,376 441,962 2 ,2 6 8 ,8 6 2 223,849 12 86 22 30 97 40 64 10 01 80 78 83 14 62 05 78 58 10 51 17 16 25 61 53 70 68 66 78 $26,113,648 35 323,825 6,966 1,339 81,937 13 ,426 5,696 240,646 99,117 48,797 1,306 9,066 7 7 ,3 8 0 225 774 73,024 100,181 633,536 35,954 45,777 13,814 18,146 23,022 54,639 12,006 5,416 1,477 4,5 1 8 94 55 73 27 39 29 29 99 61 66 83 38 96 10 33 77 72 12 22 45 17 59 14 78 63 03 $ 2,156,797 94 683,815 . 443 7,2 6 2 _ 1,745 76,459 14,529 59,310 _ 5 ,015 30 05 62 07 56 07 87 72 _ _ _ • _ _ . ■ *848,581 26 39,019 992 212 560 1,728 166 2,073 20 32,588 1,842 1,169 1,499 88,396 40 1,466 17,906 2,160 104,539 3,5 7 4 2,958 100 173,864 9,857 313 191 7 ,0 6 8 51 61 17 78 78 85 92 00 07 26 12 80 60 16 80 32 21 54 41 57 36 99 75 02 78 21 $494,312 59 . 154,085 55,622 47,511 132,373 29,181 79,824 171,972 63,560 87,864 93,397 1,360 47,768 45,868 26,060 25,759 20,696 11,495 166,002 41,789 _ 38,041 60,587 42,751 8,682 15,184 54,182 97 05 93 73 20 80 19 25 75 65 17 25 72 30 40 29 15 36 75 34 55 66 57 98 67 $1,521,625 68 899,485 87 13,920 68 6,487 25 181,958 28 23,572 82 30,133 71 1,179,42? 17 744,559 33 275,621 31 177,672 32 147,315 17 17,224 55 703,147 63 27,672 92 ' 62,517 29 721,978 64 114,932 36 215,265 66 99,643 62 191,778 26 286,627 42 358,088 01 181,881 33 16,402 06 46,456 53 12,022 23 67 28 86,735,869 70 CJ 7. [ 8 ] G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t A — C o n tin u ed . Notes o f B u n k United S tales a n d Offices in transitu. Bank United States Office Portland Portsmouth Boston . . . Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah • . * §256,635 10,910 9,265 65,470 24,230 16,885 86,800 89,900 80,555 309,320 121,760 156,350 276,375 228,495 - Office Mobile . New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington . - • - $322,045 1,528,135 544,080 94,320 248,100 95,725 76,300 112,630 64,430 40,735 32,355 47,205 $4,939,010 Jit Bank United States. Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . . . . . . . Due by the United States . . . . . . . Due by the United States for protested bill of exchange on France - $3,750,242 00 46,997 12 5,267 32 158,842' 77 Statement of the notes of the Bank United States and Offices in actual circulation. Notes issued on hand . in transitu . . . . in actual circulation . . . . . • . - ■ $39,634,103 06 $18,053,095 16 4,939,010 00 22,992,105 16 . . . . . . $16,641,997 90 . . $40,144 17 A t Office Norfolk. Navy agent . . . . . . RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal se curity #29,932,977 22 bank stock 1,031,325 53 other securities 3,459,618 97 Domestic bills of exchange - 28,372,445 82 5,267 32 158,842 77 3,750,242 105,878 1,222,443 126,022 18,053,095 16 1,564,556 70 19,617,651 12,823,997 46,997 40,144 . - 00 38 44 20 . 86 93 12 17 $119,113,954 88 B a n k o f t h e U n it e d S t a t e s , $35,000,000 39,634,103 320,287 67,164 3,152,377 452,334 Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Foreign exchange account Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund ■ • 3,808,771 06 Due to Bank U. States and offices State banks • 26,113,648 35 2,156,797 94 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses • Deposites on account of the Treasurer of the U. States Less overdrafts and special deposites • • 00 0b 97 98 78 36 5,638,688 60 1,829,917 54 28,270,446 29 848,581 26 976,019 59 00 494,312 59 189,085 92 305,226 67 . . 00 . 25,806,921 54 2,565,524 28 fe H the United States • the United States for protested bill of exchange on France Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. . . . Deficiencies . . . . Banking houses . . . Expenses . . . . Cash, viz. notes of the Bank United States and offices . State banks . 51,024,972 73 77,171 03 12 H Foreign ditto . . . Real estate . . . . Due from Bank United States and offices State banks • specie . Mortgages . . Navy agent at Norfolk 34,423,921 72 16,601,051 00 - oo July 2, 1834. Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of indivi duals • . 1,521,625 68 6,735,869 70 8,562,722 05 $119,113,954 88 S. JAUDON, Cashier. General statement o f the Bank o f the United States ancl its Offices o f Discount and Depositc, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted on personal security. 1834. July M»y 51 28 21 24 24 28 29 28 26 22 19 21 22 «• 18 14 10 14 9 17 21 17 24 (( 22 23 21 31 Bank UnitedJStates Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston • Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington ■ Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Clia leston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez . St. Louis • Nashville . . Louisville Lexington Cincinnati . Pittsburgh Buffalo • Utica • Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe Totals . 3 389.014 40.5,897 239,181 1,295,035 445,6'j 6 255,431 4,775,733 I,"y 8 ,4 l3 826,034 1,065,694 413,974 457,776 1,131,819 170,097 864,628 3,397 510 1,123,690 371,451 728,129 1,779,057 591,068 1,812,639 765,473 321,116 293,175 242,910 1,075,183 148,666 09 21 08 66 94 19 71 37 47 82 93 53 76 93 95 33 87 50 24 01 55 59 18 08 98 78 12 22 S30.182.503 09 Bills discounted on bank stock 256,563 • 1,000 40,338 26,600 31,400 113,650 *7,480 17,270 99,661 9,745 458,132 _ 00 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 17 Bills discounted on other secu rities. 2,246,584 5,000 250 25,100 39 00 00 00 24,000 123,433 50,200 217,711 4,145 158,365 00 54 00 10 49 10 .. 108,461 38 19,020 00 _ 21,000 00 79,615 33 1,200 00 8,500 00 . . 2,920 00 63,515 70 _ . 5,365 40 _ m • - 84,875 46,078 200,000 329 3,100 1,000 - 96 41 00 66 00 00 *1,150,478 23 $3,411,135 67 Domest:c bills of exchange. Foreign bills of exchange. 1,200,111 65 355,674 82 103.921 32 1,826,014 45 596,931 38 61.322 56 937,245 44 2 >7,516 35 26,820 37 723,004 21 136,675 67 150,554 82 565,853 10 223,505 71 988,374 10 2,323,141 06 2,213,716 07 72,396 10 325.333 81 193,513 50 65,234 90 101,627 44 13,882 63 219 663 82 92,080 22 157,901 40 77,171 03 . • 71,904 34 3,640 00 28,315 25 _ _ . 141,058 62,838 47,190 15,151 8,500 . . 60,336 04 104,088 14 175,611 12 . 34 85 00 13 00 59,657 16 _ _ - - $13,932,049 90 Real estate. 5577,171 03 933,470 22 44,149 41 91.755.910 00 G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t — C o n tin u e d . 1834. July 31 28 21 24 ii May 28 29 28 26 22 19 21 22 << 18 14 10 14 9 17 21 17 24 (< 22 23 21 31 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk . Fayetteville . Charleston . Savannah . Mobile . New Orleans Natchez . St. Louis . Nashville . Louisville . Lexington • Cincinnati . Pittsburgh . Buffalo • Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati ■ Chillicothe . Totals • . Due from Bank United States and offices. Due from State banks. 14,458,536 03 53,976 40 32,101 94 240,086 99 155,785 54 193.046 66 341,936 49 55,621 07 76,332 67 226,258 83 125,355 18 713,890 32 1,164,252 85 946,310 50 230,7P9 12 1,472,182 24 857,697 66 706,349 30 980,337 98 151,840 04 799,012 07 978,766 28 239,126 44 437,261 61 535,741 09 165,116 91 126,522 18 - 644,916 18,724 • 1,003 160,506 12,432 21,435 261,253 40,119 38,555 10,932 4,227 419,127 514 41,741 48,045 12,024 $26,464,234 39 65 00 47 17 68 59 47 64 36 18 86 39 43 76 14 55 182 34 4,298 02 7,152 10,086 24,184 64,021 3,824 38,703 5,739 50 04 91 15 20 94 24 81,893,752 68 Losses chargea ble to contin gent fund. 441,407 7,020 83,282 38,521 925 16,*46 72,622 1,649,313 234,020 39,148 239,135 100,276 157,561 152,186 456 49,209 25 83 32 54 65 75 99 46 00 46 28 72 14 28 52 98 oo Deficiencies. Banking houses. 413,031 19 976 00 _ 34,075 65 118 50 69,376 83 _ _ m 116,777 0 2 87,000 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 42,886 24,096 48,000 19,051 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 25 92 00 71 15,000 45,608 32,180 23,519 22,105 17,569 _ 11,550 _ - 00 42 23 84 00 90 ,m 1,991 28 174,682 57 202,778 64 69,686 67 _ - ' 74,608 01 23,335 90 83,828,717 24 636 00 _ 395 40 _ 300 00 m m m #105,878 38 00 #1,215,943 44 Expenses. 8,879 23 393 15 22 40 685 26 6,599 1,951 8,739 12,684 213 281 1,420 1,084 1,529 7,207 1,132 507 678 915 1,245 1,829 1,504 881 565 93 55 96 68 16 83 36 50 64 78 52 30 05 54 90 57 53 15 29 8,459 71 2,111 29 871,524 28 G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t — C o n t in u e d . Notes of Trea surer United States. 1834. July May 31 28 21 24 «« 28 29 28 26 22 19 21 22 ic 18 14 10 14 9 17 21 17 24 «< 22 23 21 31 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica > Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe Totals - . • • • • - - . _ - 16 ,7 9 5 81 . . - . - • - • 170,000 00 2,194 36 . - Notes of Bank United States and offices. 1,360,920 115,250 166,165 860,390 314,005 125,520 942,730 568,200 302,650 18,265 665,130 345,490 32,460 1,581,605 210,230 1,249,925 1,865,355 762,855 2,306,630 697,475 1,565,410 562,720 781,055 577,785 181,245 320,325 _ *188,990 17 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $18,479,790 16 Notes of State banks. 5 7 5 ,2 48 32 21,652 9,357 69,887 15,373 15,243 308,833 65,781 30,075 6,932 9,510 17,799 60,882 13,145 10,793 35,385 7,015 00 22 00 50 00 34 93 73 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 21,932 16,007 9,300 11,084 20,686 29,825 34,261 • 20,578 00 00 00 00 00 00 29 30 Specie. Capital stock. 4 ,6 1 5 ,1 5 7 81 62,986 59,766 457,252 108,484 82,969 2,010,980 404,000 341,560 237,812 228,527 244,919 483,740 500,029 291,193 794,089 263,536 386,865 223,451 241,249 304,470 471,064 203,739 242,538 173,560 102,103 _ ' 11 08 37 79 65 38 00 14 24 86 28 98 48 56 09 79 04 23 69 69 00 49 61 71 56 16,450,000 00 _ 300,000 1,500,000 800,000 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 _ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1,000,000 00 _ _ 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,000,000 1,700,000 700,000 _ _ _ _ 00 00 00 00 00 - “ - $1,136,586 78 $13,626,049 63 *35,000,000 00 Notes issued. 2 ,2 5 0 ,7 3 2 06 254,355 228,955 835,870 402 860 330,977 1,457,232 868,877 857,727 934,660 1,253,530 1,389,115 1,903,660 2,557,010 2,021,701 6,784,760 2,728,970 793,475 3,461,405 1,084,450 2,342,165 1,360,450 1,123,780 948,210 723,300 504,790 1,830 85 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 *39,404,933 06 G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t — C o n tin u e d . Discount, ex change, and interest. 1834. J u ly 31 28 21 24 Bank Unite 1 States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston it Providence 28 Hartford 29 New York 28 Baltimore 26 Washington Uichmond 22 Norfolk 19 21 Fayetteville Charleston 22 a Savannah Mobile 18 14 New Orleans 10 Natchez St. Louis 14 Nashville 17 Louisville Lexington 21 Cincinnati 17 24 Pittsburgh << Buffalo Utica 22 23 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati 31 Chillicothe 9 Hay Totals Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . • . . • • • . - 47,343 7,694 3,024 29,667 10,425 3,662 71,406 18,465 10,130 15,502 5 019 3,903 21,071 3,513 15,893 46,367 58,179 3,573 5,165 11,161 5,395 13,320 8,834 4,836 3,256 2,504 4,922 . $434,244 70 58 80 63 48 64 21 71 22 74 34 92 75 23 96 75 56 75 73 52 27 97 87 47 70 58 37 95 Dividends un claimed. 64,654 759 318 12,105 5,113 4,655 31,495 14,153 5,542 15,862 7,854 694 74,987 5,166 00 50 50 50 50 00 75 25 93 50 00 00 50 00 Profit and loss. oo Foreign ex change ac count. Contingent fund. Fund for extin guishing cost of banking houses. 3,167,708 64 467,055 13 5,901,955 87 976,019 59 #3,167,708 64 $467,055 13 $5,901,955 87 $976,019 59 56 25 533 80 175 00 8244,126 98 G e n e ra l S ta te m e n t— -■ ■■ — Due to Bank United States and offices. 1834. July 31 28 21 24 n Mar Continued. 28 29 28 26 22 19 21 22 << 18 14 10 14 9 17 21 17 24 << 32 23 21 31 Bank United States • Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston • Providence Hartford New York . Baltimore . Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe • Totals . . 1,971,171 709,437 111,133 2,09.5,637 359,711 91,207 3,995,632 1,844,018 353,356 156,407 285,977 30,823 107,704 75,090 501,144 811,359 3,463,089 1,001,475 39,564 873,859 63,327 495,135 249,832 1,072 582 575,451 441,199 2,251,194 223,849 36 76 78 46 85 65 15 32 10 92 32 56 34 07 64 78 83 50 01 85 27 16 02 15 58 20 23 78 *24,251,374 64 Due to State banks. Redemption of public debt. 461,866 8,005 1,339 371,261 6,887 559 583,054 84,181 95,417 76,677 7,146 68,438 205,450 38,870 23,037 239,731 26,199 53,543 16,396 6,098 14,663 8,035 12,137 8,186 1,404 6,132 602,203 _ 443 4,742 673 1,745 40,947 13,676 59,310 _ _ _ 4,550 _ 01 50 73 75 99 79 54 19 85 75 51 10 88 65 10 22 20 53 51 45 87 88 31 72 16 75 $2,424,724 94 ' 45 05 62 24 07 25 80 87 13 a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s - #728,292 48 Deposites on ac count of Trea surer U. S . Deposites on ac count of pub lic officers. Deposites on ac count of indi viduals. 49,019 01 9f-2 61 212 17 560 78 1,728 78 166 85 2,073 92 1,020 00 78,947 60 1,842 26 1,169 12 8,436 54 111,651 53 40 16 1,466 80 17,906 32 2,037 71 156,931 41 3,574 41 2,958 57 100 36 173,864 99 4,492 66 313 02 191 78 5,941 08 101,985 04 55,345 81 47,385 84 134,491 32 28,670 10 79,660 42 171,079 25 62,536 90 88,899 13 103,924 95 3,463 99 57,605 96 49,737 96 27,101 95 24,588 90 19,238 28 13,439 46 96,750 25 48,109 08 _ 44,086 31 63,229 11 41,121 61 11,328 12 14,722 22 53,812 34 1,261,946 88 7.983 54 6,878 13 147,602 59 35,225 64 34,796 16 1,066,847 22 722,571 18 253,232 83 214,577 82 145,767 38 14,480 60 681,125 34 33,592 29 76,001 38 605,894 54 71,304 22 204,374 82 90,423 44 185,038 39 276,398 32 414,558 .17 158,591 54 25,6(9 37 56,654 07 13,030 41 #627,640 44 $1,442,314 30 67 28 $6,804,633 95 L 8 ] 14 G en eral Statem ent— Continued. Notes o f the Bank o f the United States and offices in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond lr “ i>uriuiK Fayetteville Charleston Savannah • - 25,320 14,470 10,455 95,880 . 675 11,160 20,000 . 29,195 77,720 - 343,400 - 127,860 - 173,845 - 306,240 - 274,130 Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo T UT«Ui C i»d Burlington - - Total - 241,590 - 1,339,120 - 187,265 76,555 - 224,345 82,250 91,795 • 130,640 64,355 - 158,325 - 261,235 87,960 #4,455,800 A t Bank United States. Earing, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., and Hotting’uer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . . . . . Due by the United States . . . . . - 4,261,201 04 47,697 12 5,267 32 Statement of the notes of the Bank United States and offices in actual circulation. Notes issued on hand in transitu . . . . . . in actual circulation . Navy agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,404,933 06 18,479,790 16 4,455,580 00 --------- 22,935,590 16 . . . . . . #16,469,342 90 Jit Office, Norfolk. • ....................................................................................#40,144 17 RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal se curity • 30,182,503 09 bank stock 1,150,478 23 other secu rities - 3,411,135 67 Domestic bills of exchange • - Foreign do Real estate Duo from the Bank United States and offices State banks the United States Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co , and Hot tinguer 8c Co. . . . Deficiencies . . . . Banking houses Expenses . . . . Cash, viz: notes of the Bank U. S. and office State banks • specie . Mortgages . . Navy agent, Norfolk - . • 34,744,116 99 13,932,049 90 48 676,166 89 77,171 03 1,755,910 00 26,464,234 39 1,893,752 68 . 4,261,201 105,878 1,215,943 71,524 04 38 44 28 13,479,790 16 1,136,586 78 19,616,376 13,626,049 47,697 40,144 . - Due to Bank U. S. and offices State banks 28,357,987 07 5,267 32 . • 94 63 12 17 $117,857,317 31 B ank of t h e U n ited S tates , August 1, 1834. Capital stock Notes issued • Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Foreign exchange account Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to con tingent fund - Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of the Treasurer United States Less overdrafts and specia deposites - 35,000,000 39,404,933 434,244 244,126 3,167,708 467,055 00 06 70 98 64 13 5,901,955 87 3,828,717 24 2,073,238 63 24,251,374 64 2,424,724 94 26,676,099 58 728,292 48 976,019 59 Or 627,640 44 188,990 17 438,650 27 Deposites on account of public officers - 1,442,314 30 Deposites on account of indi viduals - 6,804,633 95 8,685,598 52 #117,857,317 31 S. JAUDON, Cashier. 00 General statement o f the Bank o f the United Stales and its Offices o f Discount and Deposite, at the dales herein i ' mentioned. 20 it 21 it 25 26 25 23 19 23 18 19 ft 15 11 7 11 13 14 18 14 21 lay 19 20 21 3l Hank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providenca Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Iticlimond Norfolk • Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez , St. Louis • Nashville ■ Louisville Lexing'on Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe • Bills discounted on other secu rities. Domestic bills of exchange. Foreign bills of exchange. 3,346.579 20 4 0 7 ,9 9 7 4 ' 219,985 49 1,36* 229 71 457.824 27 25.5,815 91 4,846,869 12 1,759,022 30 8.7,103 69 1,108 141 86 427,691 21 461 ,742 70 1,111,746 51 161,723 41 895 492 10 3,219,054 59 1 ,156.6i6 40 365,788 70 710.393 85 1,779,262 59 639.550 61 1,842 796 43 768,863 70 352,143 05 312,760 92 259,718 35 1,060,746 40 148,666 22 235,963 00 2,225,621 96 5,000 00 1,256,208 43 361,089 40 103,001 55 1,75.5,334 58 721.546 01 70.997 55 1.138,033 07 241,625 67 26,438 28 642,888 56 94/J92 08 116,0/9 70 290,624 65 143,638 92 582,044 92 1,595,151 36 2,116,338 86 68.959 22 36,383 60 139,264 67 112,003 67 94.622 S2 16,210 22 240.231 30 51 619 00 77,171 03 #50.289,331 72 _ 1,000 38,738 26 600 111,300 116,623 7,480 17,250 92,164 8,375 437,156 - 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 17 _ 21,000 00 _ 1,200 00 _ . 2,920 00 _ • . . . #1,117 ,766 53 20,300 00 _ 24,000 142,610 50,200 217,711 4.145 149,296 _ 00 00 00 10 40 82 107,316 38 19,020 00 _ 79,423 51 8,500 00 _ 5,243 40 _ 84,875 108,534 200,000 329 3,100 1,000 - 96 11 00 66 00 00 #3,456,228 30 Real estate. 148,104 34 3,640 00 28,315 25 m m _ _ 132,842 62,838 47,190 15,151 8,500 31 85 00 13 00 60,336 04 104,088 14 175,284 27 59,657 16 o 30 35 Bills discounted on bank stock. N OC August Bills discountrd on personal se curity. k-l • 1834. $12,196,172 10 #77,171 03 934,636 88 44,149 41 #1,824,733 78 G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t — C o n tin u e d . Due from Bank United Slates, and offices. l&H- A u n ttt 30 25 «• 21 44 25 26 25 23 19 33 18 19 1“ 15 11 7 11 13 14 18 14 21 4« Stay 19 20 21 31 Bank United States .. Office, Portland -• Portsmouth Boston •Providence Hartford • New York • Baltimore -Washington llichmond Norfolk * Fayetteville Charleston -• Savannah Mobile -• New Orleans -• Natchez .St. Louis Nashville • I<ouisvillc Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe - 14,307,268 85,417 57,762 448,841 81,866 234,232 86,573 60,001 71,414 167,602 138,919 883,178 1,293,157 892,653 304,225 1,484,980 836,719 622,101 1,422,841 197,261 712,325 970,142 265,366 436,399 420,386 164,049 14,002 - 89 89 63 28 14 92 94 67 23 04 90 88 88 98 68 40 01 24 22 74 87 20 08 61 74 26 66 *26,659,693 98 Due from State banks. 479.857 12,578 2,360 £91,100 19,292 10,121 336,648 83,628 47,883 9,685 1,608 493,574 4 64,971 37,817 50,993 69 12 58 00 22 08 35 96 21 438,798 7,020 83,282 38,521 925 16,546 72,622 1,619,313 234,020 39,148 48 239,135 05 100,276 59 157,561 68 152,186 84 456 14 49,209 19 - - 3,472 5,890 223 6,951 2,390 36,686 51,130 4,870 38,703 5,739 Losses chargea ble to contin gent fund. 13 83 32 54 65 75 99 46 00 46 28 72 14 28 52 98 Deficiencies. Banking houses. 413,081 19 • • 976 00 34,075 65 118 50 69,376 83 * _ 116,777 02 _ 87,000 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 42,886 24,096 48,000 19,051 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 25 92 00 71 15,000 45,608 32,180 23,519 22,105 17,569 00 42 23 84 00 90 . 41 30 99 94 15 95 77 06 94 24 1,991 28 174,682 57 202,778 64 $2,098,184 93 $3,826,108 12 69,685 6 7 636 00 395 40 300 00 74,608 01 m m m 2 3 ,3 3 5 90 - — *105,878 38 _ 11,550 00 s i ,215,943 44 Expenses. 18,595 705 52 4,840 1,186 84 40 10 43 25 10,312 82 3,041 46 10,158 00 13 ,985 37 485 28 940 21 3,950 16 2,076 65 2,528 67 9,730 78 2,127 86 940 67 1,877 77 1,165 30 1,726 59 2,710 45 2,132 44 1,322 37 1,266 03 578 14 10,531 54 2,111 29 #111,079 87 m G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t — C o n tin u e d . Treasurer United States. 1834. August 30 25 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston 21 <* Providence 25 Hartford 26 New York 25 Baltimore i 23 Washington 19 Uichmond 23 Norfolk 18 Fayetteville, 39 Charleston *9 Savannah 15 Mobile 11 New Orleins 7 Natchez 11 St. Louis 13 Nashville 14 Louisville 18 Lexington 14 Cincinnati 21 Pittsburgh (i Buffalo 19 Utica 20 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati DigitizedMfor »y FRASER 31 Chillicothe (I • • • *• • • • _ _ . . . . , . 16,887 06 . _ _ _ _ . . . - . 170,000 0 0 2,194 36 Notes <;f Bank United States and offices. 2,139,390 111,580 175,500 524,505 313,715 116,620 1,304,600 464,900 360,280 262,185 710,630 241,145 57,200 1,734 660 106,720 1,442,140 1,864,005 795,465 2,284 690 642,255 1,567,405 520,860 839,965 490,810 359,410 292,520 — $189,081 42 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 819.723.155 16 Notes of State Banks. CD Specie. Capital stock. 16,450,000 00 416,150 23,998 13,795 71,172 16,394 18,261 360,965 54,968 20,855 16,148 12,242 47,758 65,978 4,915 24,467 30,015 1,250 51 00 00 00 96 00 86 96 17 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8,537 6,047 20,915 4,714 12,529 30,567 25,295 21,485 00 00 00 00 00 00 95 37 4,506,305 25 68,656 58 66,636 11 418,551 85 107,901 00 83,230 00 2,246,136 34 401,000 00 317,759 99 241 ,618 93 237,129 45 244,310 49 481,397 30 590,090 26 292,677 44 828,172 31 264,104 36 413,871 02 232,490 47 250,548 78 301,877 40 514,519 47 206,314 15 269,093 10 175,328 63 104,177 31 - - #1,329,425 39 *13,863,897 99 35,000,000 OO _ • _ 300,000 1,500,000 800,000 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 _ 00 00 00 OO. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1,000,000 00 _ 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,000,000 1,700,000 700,000 m _ _ 00 00 00 00 00 Notes tesued. 2,250,732 06 254,355 00 226,675 00 814,850 00 398,215 00 330,902 50 1,477,232 50 859,807 50 897,727 50 934,660 00 1,241,845 00 1,382,415 00 1,903,250 00 2,544,985 00 1,991,866 00 6,514,270 00 2,717,420 00 791,055 00 3,389,010 00 1,083,650 00 2,341,225 00 1,350,410 00 1,119,200 00 948,210 00 723,300 00 504,790 00 1,830 00 85 00 $38,993,973 06 G e n e b a i. S t a t e m e n t Discount, ex change, and interest. 1834. August 30 21 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh • • • ■ • • - 19 20 21 31 Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati ' Chillicothe • • - 25 <1 21(< 25 26 25 23 19 23 18 19 •i 15 11 7 11 13 14 18 14 M»v 77,413 57 11,724 79 4,541 09 45,232 76 18,549 90 4,921 39 110,362 11 27,053 06 15,59^86 22,085 76 8,868 09 6,967 U9 30,471 23 4,497 55 21,342 39 65,283 10 73,395 16 6,635 21 9,455 15 18,925 19 11,872 62 22,476 85 13,025 46 8,832 36 5,376 88 4,129 61 7,930 38 *656,958 61 Dividends un claimed. 50,738 448 227 3,108 4,602 3,199 22,707 9,893 5,469 8,463 4,501 169 20,548 3,738 00 00 50 00 50 00 25 75 43 50 00 00 50 00 — C ontinued. Profit and loss. 3,167,703 64 Foreign ex change ac count. 505,862 95 Contingent fund. Fund for extin guishing of banking houses. cost 5,901,955 87 976,019 59 $5,901,955 87 #976,019 59 952 25 348 30 140 00 * #139,^ 98 83,167,708 64 #505,862 95 ri G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t — C o n tin u e d . Due to Bank United States and officcs. August 30 25 * 21 25 26 25 23 19 *> 18 19 44 15 11 7 11 13 14 18 14 [31 «< 19 CO to* « 9 20 21 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez S.t. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe * . • • • • • • Due to State hanks. 1,996,877 88 747,660 49 120,076 47 2,150,751 16 437,215 08 126,438 09 4,716,563 90 1,708,952 68 403,738 20 275,945 16 302,139 78 30,692 07 131,928 61 108,145 47 195,834^41 493,089 08 3,458,747 05 999,663 03 225,878 23 827,800 17 76,014 71 644,723 55 297,219 51 1,067,196 85 586,723 97 441,793 53 2,124,469 05 323,849 78 737,526 7,241 '1,339 249,780 10,333 999 542,787 133,044 89,573 127,206 15,709 87,160 152,663 34,584 2,701 151,339 22,286 41,362 15,747 7,123 17,355 21,552 11,315 1,480 5,236 11,568 $24,920,128 56 $2,499,022 79 70 73 97 32 58 18 33 45 99 62 80 43 65 47 17 33 40 38 45 10 79 96 98 83 36 - 66 Redemption of public debt. oo Deposites on ac count of Trea surer U. States. 58,103 642 212 560 3 116 2,073 77 61 17 78 78 85 92 22 26 12 84 - 84,027 1,842 1,169 50,364 99,230 40 1,466 11,906 2,037 163,139 574 2,958 100 173,864 42,758 813 8,025 5,815 • - 140,795 42 443 2,908 673 1,526 34,547 13,676 59 310 05 62 24 56 25 80 87 4,350 13 _ ■— ■ _ _ _ . • _ $258,431 94 1,020 00 88 16 80 32 71 97 41 57 36 99 56 02 41 36 $692,869 84 Deposites on ac count of public officers. 114,876 52,399 86,753 132,881 28,577 79,417 170,197 62,479 33,523 100,668 2,025 51,957 42,155 28,176 26,821 18,883 10,799 88,524 41,906 . 41,788 61,678 38,921 9,522 14,246 53,809 45 36 98 38 06 49 50 90 86 98 25 17' 35 27 39 66 97 64 32 52 39 39 01 61 34 $1,392,992 24 Deposites on ac count of indi viduals. 1,435,848 9,571 11,806 190,838 23,457 35,219 1 , 167,200 713,128 236,608 210,481 158,557 24,224 691,092 22,688 57,648 588,970 26,520 186,445 96,078 160,512 277,774 264,321 153,506 39,068 54,618 17,926 67 96 70 79 04 72 00 88 45 25 33 52 93 43 33 63 89 17 60 15 23 96 94 16 06 00 30 28 $6,854,182 70 [ 21 G e n e r a l St a t em en t — 8 ] Continued. Notes of the Bank oj the United States and its offices, in transitu. Bank of the United States Office, Portland . . . Portsmouth * Boston . . . Providence Hartford New York Baltimore • Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston * Savannah • - 130,960 12,230 4,295 158,985 . 580 . 12,655 - 32,110 - 22,010 - 42,380 • 30,530 . 22,780 - 201,310 * 342,700 • 50,020 . . Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville • Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica • Burlington • . . 264,195 1,532,570 - 221,200 . . . . - . 85,290 - 276,390 - 79,760 48,525 . 144,430 - 111,500 33,310 - 14,340 . 97,185 Total $3,972,240 Jit Bank United States. Baring, Brothers i t Co., Hope & Co , and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . . . . . Due by the United States . . . . . . . . . - 3,782,649 89 47,447 12 5,267 32 Statement o f the notes o f the Bank United States and offices in actual circulation. Notes issued on hand • in transitu 38,993,973 06 . . . . in actual circulation • . . . . . . . . . . . 19,723,155 16 3,972,240 00 ----------. . . 23,695,395 16 $15,298,5/7 90 At Offitt, Norfolk. Navy agent 540,144 17 RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal se curity - 30,289,331 72 bank stock - 1,117,766 53 other securities 3,456,228 30 Domestic bills of exchange - 34,863,326 55 - 12,196,172 10 - Foreign bills of exchange Heal estate Due from the Bank of the U. States and offices 26,659,693 98 State banks - 2,098,184 93 the United States - * Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope Co., and Hot. tinguer & Co. Deficiencies Banking houses • Expenses Cash, vi2. notes of the Bank U. S. and officcs 19,723,155 16 State banks . . 1,329,425 39 specie . Mortgages . . Navy agent, Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . - 47,059,498 65 77,171 03 1,824,733 78 28,757,878 91 5,267 32 Due to Bank of the United States 24,920,128 56 and offices . . . Due to State Banks - 2,499,022 66 21,052 580 13,863,897 47,477 40,144 89 38 44 87 55 99 12 17 «117,944,171,10 B ane of the U n it e d S t a t e s , September 2d, 35,000,000 38,993,973 656,958 139,253 3,167,708 505,862 Capital stock *• Notes issued . . . Discount, exchange and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss . . . Foreign exchange account Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to to contingent fund - 3,782,649 105,878 1,215,943 111,079 - i— i 00 1834. Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of the Treasurer of the United States Less overdrafts and special deposites » - 00 06 61 98 64 95 5,901,955 87 3,826,108 12 2,075,847 75 27,419,151 23 •258,431 94 976,019 59 692,869 84 189,081 42 503,788 42 Deposites on account of public officers . . . Deposites on ac’t of individuals - 1,392,992 24 6,854,182 70 8,750,963 36 8117,944,171 10 S. JAUDON, Cashier. G en era l sta tem en t o f the B a n k o f the U n ited S la te s a n d Offices o f D iscount a n d D eposite, a t the d ates herein m entioned. ........ Octobcr 2 22 Scptem’r 22 25 it 29 30 29 27 23 20 22 23 (« 12 8 4 15 17 18 22 18 25 ' Mav ...................... * 1834. (< 23 24 21 31 Bank United States Office, Portland r Portsmouth Boston . Providence Hartford New York * Baltimore • Washington. • Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville. Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati • Pittsburgh • Buffalo Utica * Burlington • Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe Bills discounted on personal se curity. Bills discounted on bank stock. Bills discounted on other secu rities. 3,273,990 36 410,483 35 232,793 04 1,577,950 90 445,230 46 287,537 84 4,630,025 04 1,605,407 01 836,064 81 1,123,570 65 424,618 00 522,832 06 1,154,981 41 158,369 90 943,140 71 3,274,900 23 1,120,503 02 384,590 13 691,876 76 1,779,551 62 763,303 S O 1,854,050 94 759,659 93 372,397 60 390,920 58 256,652 59 1,037,130 47 148,666 22 224,913 00 2,327,788 50 5 ,000 00 _ 30,107 00 $30,461,199 23 $1,073,827 61 _ 1,000 00 35,668 30 . 24,825 76,300 117,230 6,855 15,250 107,364 8,375 430,927 . 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 25 . . 21,000 00 _ 1,200 00 _ 16,500 203,889 50,200 217,711 4,145 146,209 00 81 00 10 40 57 . 101,561 19,020 _ 59,423 _ 8,500 _ 5,243 38 00 51 00 40 - 2,920 00 . 88,075 103,108 200,000 329 96 41 00 66 . . - 1,000 00 $3,587,813 70 Domestic bills of exchange. 1,338,807 361,959 105,137 1,471,809 791,266 61,800 1,291,497 137,611 8,905 553,779 79,246 124,816 89,215 87,138 156,168 956,868 2,123,894 63,415 21,981 109,477 351,341 98,557 15,952 250,408 42,331 190,560 59 25 91 35 53 03 52 55 37 71 08 09 47 92 37 78 37 62 92 84 94 98 11 37 94 60 . $10,883,951 21 Foreign bills of excliange. 77,735 49 m Real estate. 148,104 34 3,640 00 28,315 25 _ _ _ - • - 132,842 58,838 47,190 15,151 8,500 31 85 00 13 00 - 60,336 04 104,088 14 175,284 27 - 59,657 16 - _ $77,735 49 935,428 50 44,149 41 $1,821,525 40 G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t — Continued. 1834. Octnber 2 22 22 25 «< 29 30 29 27 23 20 22 23 « 12 8 4 15 17 18 22 18 25 44 * 23 24 21 31 Digitized fey for FRASER Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth • Boston . Providence Hartford New York Baltimore W:aslunglon Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston • Savannah • Mobile; New Orleans Natchez St., Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh • Buffalo Utica Burlington • Agency, Cincinnati • Chillicothe • Due from Bank United States and offices. Due from Stale banks. 15,471,985 02 136,394 47 64,742 56 490,396 71 49,230 73 213,567 46 120,451 18 259,454 86 68,210 48 348,827 76 186,292 62 880,478 11 1,404,191 20 942,863 18 700,186 50 1,93$,858 17 839,454 59 636,527 12 1.171,771 47 207^552 22 686,260 45 877,105 24 212,143 98 411,354 09 503,107 72 126,532 30 28,064 57 '- _ 647,352 36 5,583 00 2,360 58 202,431 51 5,127 23 24,475 68 247,239 72 108,391 34 34,512 04 53,390 11 16,195 74 1,238 41 370,193 65 4 68 66,993 94 107.874 46 67,477 52 . 10,208 49 11,851 39 .. 7,411 19 1,485 29 7,783 31 74,422 35 8,991 67 38,703 94 5,739 24 $28,871,004 76 *2,127,438 84 Losses chargea ble to cont ngent fund.i 438,798 7,020 83,282 38,521 925 16,546 72,622 1,649,313 234,020 39,148 239,135 100,276 157,561 152,186 456 49,209 13 83 32 54 65 75 99 46 00 46 28 72 14 28 52 98 ____ _ Deficiencies. _ m 84,357 39 23,335 90 $3,835,857 50 - $153,759 22 976 00 ■ • . _ • . • . 116,777 02 „ 87,000 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67.727 42,886 24,096 48,000 19,051 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 25 92 00 71 _ 636 00 395 40 69,685 67 $1,215,943 44 • • 34,075 65 118 50 69,376 83 _ . • 300 00 • • 15,000 45,608 32,180 23,519 22,105 17,569 • 11,550 00 42 23 84 00 90 00 • $105,878 38 Expenses. 26,194 1,208 1,077 4,901 2,054 1,416 14,318 4,869 12,165 14,916 3,242 2,396 5,979 3,129 3,643 13,137 3,150 1,532 3,796 1,677 2,553 3,932 2,847 2,109 1,893 1,132 12,370 2,111 413,081 19 „ _ • • 1,991 28 174,683 57 202,778 64 Banking houses. 05 58 97 55 83 19 96 18 49 66 76 54 91 78 57 51 31 34 03 00 77 33 37 54 35 09 27 29 QD G eneral Treasurer United State9. 1834. October Sept. 2 22 22 25 «( 79 30 29 27 23 20 22 23 *4 12 8 4 15 17 18 22 18 25 n May 23 24 21 31 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile . New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe • • • • . • • - S ta te m e n t— C o n tin u e d . Notes of Bank United States and offices. Notes of State banks. 170,000 00 2,194 36 . _ . . - 844,632 59 75,135 00 159,895 00 717,610 00 295,130 00 95,400 00 975,707 00 353,320 00 329,655 00 16,940 00 630,395 00 190,885 00 52,335 00 1,732,130 00 69,165 00 1,432,535 00 1,850,335 00 725,600 00 2,462,410 00 698,380 00 1,281,845 00 553,245 00 881,155 00 490,055 00 189,050 00 302,405 00 _ - 483,638 08 19,612 00 17,237 00 143,373 00 3,443 51 14,264 00 427,192 20 105,073 66 18,883 07 19,678 54 13,025 00 32,825 00 29,896 00 30,730 00 6,549 00 3,710 00 3,980 00 — 22,559 56 4,757 00 22,500 00 10,643 00 28,460 00 49,384 00 44,808 18 12,025 67 $188,151 39 *17,405,349 59 _ _ _' _ _ _ 15,957 03 _ . _ . _ _ • _ . - #1,568,247 47 Specie. 4,885,746 18 71,054 08 68,257 58 427,914 56 100,416 25 83,782 54 2,892,404 86 681,000 00 319,047 41 243,270 70 242,142 85 241,117 85 573,843 36 590,245 75 293,889 68 858,898 94 263,958 44 516,335 71 234,450 95 269,205 56 314,450 89 577,036 49 234,959 71 297,330 65 176,464 73 104,149 26 . #15,561,374 98 Capital stock. 16,450,000 300,00f> 1,500,000 800,000 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 1,000,000 . . 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,000,000 1,700,000 700,000 00 00 00 00 00 00 - - $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 Notes issued. 2,290,732 06 254,355 00 226,675 00 814,850 00 398,215 00 314,187 50 1,450,742 50 859,807 50 884,667 50 934.660 00 1,241,845 00 1,382,415 00 . 1,902,350 00 2,544,345 00 1,991,866 00 6,476,795 00 2,717,420 00 791,055 00 3,389,010 00 1,083,650 00 2,341,225 00 1,350,410 00 1,119,203 00 932,810 00 723,300 00 498,790 00 1,830 00 85 00 #38,917,293 06 G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t — C o n tin u e d . Discount, ex change, and interest. 1834. October Sept. May 2 Bank United States 22 Office, Portland 22 Portsmouth 25 Boston M Providence 29 Hartford 30 New York 29 Baltimore 27 Washington 23 Richmond 20 Norfolk 22 Fayetteville 23 Charleston « Savannah 12 Mobile 8 New Orleans 4 Natchez IS St. Louis 17 Nashville 18 LouisviUe 22 Lexington 18 Cincinnati 25 Pittsburgh <( Buffalo 23 Utica 24 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati 31 Chillicothe . • - 120,041 45 15,368 87 5,763 12 71,226 70 27,759 62 7,959 17 153,139 20 35,929 34 20,570 71 28,923 31 12,534 93 11,061 99 39,639 60 5,085 52 27,330 17 83,253 62 80,178 77 10,269 72 13,980 41 30,767 90 27,927 20 32,496 01 19,272 20 19,415 92 8,724 72 6,162 56 9,550 82 *924,333 55 Dividends un claimed. 47,350 52 203 2,376 3,664 2,002 17,719 7,293 5,259 7,361 4,098 169 16,800 3,356 00 50 00 50 50 00 75 25 43 00 50 00 00 50 Profit and loss. i— i cc * Foreign exchange Contingent fund. account. Fund for extin guishing cost of banking houses. 3,167,708 64 580,670 62 5,901,955 87 976,019 59 #3,167,708 64 $580,670 62 $5,901,955 87 $976,019 59 574 20 194 30 59 50 $118,533 98 G eneral 1834. October Sept. 2 22 22 25 <1 29 30 29 27 23 20 22 23 it May 12 8 4 15 17 18 22 18 25 H 23 24 21 31 Dank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston • Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez. St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe * • • - S t a t e m e n t — C o n tin u ed. Due to Bank Uni ted States and offices. Due to State banks. 1,680,003 731,182 127,833 2,222,589 405,774 136,304 4,655,372 1,668,752 255,367 143,504 279,377 1,016,804 12,631 2,829 369,089 11,675 363 744,683 265,341 93,322 5,569 13,747 104,117 54,779 45,668 1,201 75,224 35,757 18,840 13,015 7,123 13,224 9,767 14,444 4,018 7,000 7,909 65 57 57 45 43 32 50 72 66 77 16 30,565 07 167,473 107,354 184,655 537,205 3,424,318 1,018,455 179,791 874,014 96,951 676,046 346,097 1,083,224 539,512 437,151 2,125,674 223,849 56 50 26 07 68 35 01 81 55 77 45 08 31 45 32 78 *24,408,401 82 61 19 68 24 14 23 40 19 89 84 54 70 06 50 47 39 52 41 01 45 06 37 10 82 10 13 *2,946,149 04 Redemption of public debt. Deposites on ac count of Trea surer U. States. 140,795 42 38,132 44 „ - 284 2,908 591 1,526 31,547 12,426 59,310 61 62 43 56 25 80 87 - 4,550 13 28,392 27 - • . _ _ _ . _ _ . 30 00 101 66 367 18 84,027 22 66 73 _ 9,964 102,745 40 500 9,906 2,037 98,312 50 2,958 2,734 170,009 9,783 13 8,025 . _ - - *282,333 96 58 65 16 00 32 71 48 00 57 36 10 04 02 41 *539,805 63 Deposites on ac count of public officers. 105,951 63,179 65,509 113,225 27,725 71,325 142,934 71,262 37,053 132,273 1,621 71,557 47,477 82 49 52 63 88 64 44 18 48 31 73 13 55 _ 25,254 18,225 9,786 106,686 25,217 00 90 91 73 72 77,545 73,946 46,630 9,609 16,272 46,092 48 51 23 90 83 73 _ S I,406,366 74 Deposites on ac count of indivi duals. 1,189,562 16,680 10,325 161,165 18,293 34,762 1,342,143 797,791 329,980 244,798 157,085 23,928 611,098 24,462 33,483 558,232 22,305 294,081 75,954 163,366 272,831 254,217 137,986 49,600 70,493 17,893 54 94 46 30 53 32 06 07 95 78 92 46 00 29 31 03 37 23 35 13 64 61 97 72 14 31 67 28 86,912,591 71 [ 8 ] 28 G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t — Continued. Notes o f the Bank o f the United, Slates and Offices in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford • New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah - . . . - . - $15,015 Office, Mobile 43,500 New Orleans 3,450 Natchez 25,350 St. Louis 3,950 Nashville 6,975 Louisville 31,130 Leiington 73,650 Cincinnati 78,180 Pittsburgh 318,220 Buffalo 158,795 Utica . 288,775 Burlington 519,150 91,290 - 507,035 - 2,145,010 - 296,785 - 159,195 . 170,515 - 119,785 - 106,115 - 186,800 94,280 - 179,275 - 173,575 81,465 * • • . - #5,874,265 A t Bank United Stales. Baring’, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer k Co., Bonds and mortgages . . . . . . Due by the United States . . . . . . - . . . 83,050,247 39 47,447 12 5,267 32 Statement o f the notes o f the Bank of the United States and Offices in actual circulation. Notes i s s u e d ................................................................................... *38,917,291 06 on h a n d ................................................ 17,405,349 59 in tr a n s itu ................................................ 5,874,265 00 --------23,279,614 59 in actual c i r c u l a t i o n ............................................................ ..... 47 Jit Office, Norfolk. Navy agent ................................................................................................*40,144 17 RECAPIT UL ATION. Bills discounted on personal se curity 30,461,199 23 bank stock 1,073,827 61 other securities 3,587,813 70 35,122,840 54 Domestic bills of exchange 10,883,951 21 • - Foreign ditto Real estate . . . . Due from Bank United States and offices State banks the United States Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., ant Hottinguer & Co. . . . Deficiencies . . . . Banking houses . . . Expenses . . . . Cash, viz. notes of the Bank of United State and offices • State banks • specie . Mortgages . . Navy agent Norfolk . . . . . . . 46,006,791 75 77,735 49 1,821,525 40 35,000,000 38,917,293 924,333 118,533 3,167,708 580,670 00 06 55 98 G4 62 5,901,955 87 3,835,857 50 2,066,098 37 28,871,004 76 2,127,438 84 30,998,443 60 5,267 32 17,405,349 59 1,568,247 47 - Capital stock . . . Notes issued . . . Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss . . . Foreign exchange account • Contingent fund • Less losses chargeable to contingent fund - - 3,050,247 105,878 1,215,943 153,759 39 38 44 22 18,973,597 15,561,374 47,447 40,144 06 98 12 17 Due to Bank U. States and offices 24,408,401 82 State banks 2,946,149 04 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account ofthe Trea surer of the United States Less overdrafts and special deposites . . . Deposites on account of public officers . . . Deposites on account of indivi duals . . . . 27,354,550 86 282,333 96 976,019 59 to to 539,805 63 188,151 39 351,654 24 1,406,366 74 6,912,591 71 8,670,612 69 *118,058,155 32 B an k o f th e U n ite d S ta te s , October 2d, 1834. #118,058,155 32 S. JAUDON, Cashier. J « ao General sta/ement o f the Bank o f the United States and its Offices o f Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted on personal se curity. 1834. )ctober 30 27 20 S3 a 27 28 27 25 21 18 20 21 U 17 13 9 13 15 16 20 16 23 U 21 22 21 layFRASER 31 Digitized for Bank United States Office, Portltnd Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis • Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe • • • . • 3,401,788 443,440 226,238 1,461,068 445.580 289,088 4,352,764 1,452,268 84*,309 1,162,911 432,215 541,936 1,174,326 161,922 1,005,205 3,082,532 1,030,621 388,840 658,033 1,783,778 804,275 1,845,354 747,950 389,022 448,777 267,019 1,018,891 148,666 97 12 34 42 64 78 31 94 66 45 59 82 48 28 55 93 02 73 88 48 08 82 96 30 58 35 66 22 $30,012,831 36 Bills discounted on bank stock. Bills discounted on other secu rities. 198,155 38 _ 1,000 00 33,752 10 2,266,135 09 4,700 00 _ 13,607 00 - 24,825 51,500 115,885 6,755 15,250 103,658 8,375 444,800 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 75 - _ 21,000 00 _ 960 00 '_ _ 2,500 00 _ . 16,500 324,186 50,200 217,711 4,145 143,922 _ 100,761 19,020 00 07 00 10 40 57 38 00 57,458 72 8,500 00 5,243 40 _ - 88,075 102,538 200,000 L 2,875 1,000 - $1,028,416 78 $3,626,580 10 _ _ _ 96 41 00 00 00 Domestic bills of exchange. 1,387,331 373,990 63,242 1,275,091 . 795,480 81,237 1,502,627 185,408 11,205 530,094 78,544 121,859 107,339 49,575 115,197 717,108 2,203,076 55,744 104,806 162,948 554,326 103,399 27,115 241,711 61,619 176,292 _ 00 42 09 74 54 72 47 76 37 00 48 01 87 00 40 08 88 40 39 33 73 42 02 60 35 00 $11,086,373 07 Foreign bills of exchange. 99,135 32 _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ • . . . Real estate. 148,104 34 . 3,640 00 _ . 28,315 25 _ 132,194 58,838 47,190 15,151 608 _ 95 85 00 13 10 _ _ 60,336 04 104,088 14 175,284 27 - _ _ #99,135 32 52,757 . 225 937,962 44,149 16 00 37 41 $1,808,845 01 G e n e ra l S ta te m e n t— Due from Bank United States and offices. 1834. October 30 27 20 23 (i 27 28 27 25 21 18 20 21 M 17 13 9 13 15 16 20 16 23 << 21 22 21 May 31 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency Cincinnati Chillicothe * • ■ • • - 15,539,725 62,819 114,132 568,199 61,300 189,854 223,983 157,384 67.786 272,636 122,714 881,098 847,880 796,683 640,767 1,466,047 868,448 709,194 1,186,623 346,436 773,564 1,087,794 177,168 319,893 478,909 135,564 46,268 - 96 50 56 63 66 58 56 10 58 88 43 68 96 60 23 68 16 70 03 32 40 03 19 88 61 39 07 *28,142,881 37 Due from State banks. 570,477 70 8,509 24 2,610 58 300,000 00 8,037 27 32,774 59 271,881 81 49,071 67 29,286 73 4,582 49 17,127 52 2,821 69 343,066 00 43,126 30 15,425 20 128,462 57 51,909 96 1,62* 23 12,512 96 . 7,849 71 2,797 32 22,122 74 51,306 55 14,274 98 38,703 94 5,739 24 $2,036,103 99 Continued. Losses chargea ble to contin gent fund. 441,442 7,020 83,282 38,521 925 16,546 73,622 1,649,313 234,020 38,364 239,135 100,276 157,561 152,186 456 49,209 _ . 1,991 174,582 202,778 23 83 32 54 65 75 99 46 00 46 28 72 14 28 52 98 Deficiencies. . . . 976 34,075 118 69,376 00 65 50 83 _ _ _ _ _ . _ 28 57 64 736 00 . - 395 40 69,585 67 300 00 _ _ _ . - 84,357 39 23,335 90 $3,837,517 60 $105,978 38 Banking houses. 413,081 19 . . 116,777 02 _ 87,000 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 42,886 24,096 48,000 19,051 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 25 92 00 71 15,000 45,608 32,180 23,519 22,105 17,569 00 42 23 84 00 90 _ 11,550 00 _ $1,215,943 44 Expenses. 30,933 2,037 1,097 4,901 2,598 1,416 16,934 6,128 13,844 16,547 3,397 2,903 7,435 4,141 5,072 16,098 4,199 2,068 4,367 2,738 3,126 4,930 3,479 2,461 * 2,460 1,132 13,345 2,111 58 41 27 55 82 19 44 65 81 86 41 71 91 28 07 70 31 67 60 77 91 72 22 68 04 09 93 29 $181,911 89 G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t — Continued. Treasurer Unit ed States. 1834. October 30 27 SO 23 t< 27 28 27 25 May 21 18 20 21 t( 17 13 9 13 15 16 20 16 ' 23 «< 21 22 21 31 Bank United States. Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah ■ Mobile . New Orleans . Natchez . St. Louis . Nashville Louisville I.exington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo • Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe - Notes of Bank United States and offices. • 170,000 00 2,194 36 - 1,295,390 16 93,830 00 150,065 00 699,760 00 273,775 00 58,900 00 850,695 00 312,830 00 220,345 00 42,405 00 634,295 00 176,200 00 445,295 00 1,812,185 00 34.735 00 2,050,320 00 1,845,910 00 767,045 00 2,442,725 00 568,970 00 828,570 00 524,660 00 764,795 00 512,235 00 147,770 00 297,890 00 _ - $188,054 67 $17,851,595 16 • - • 15,860 31 - - - Notes of State banks. Specie. Capital stock. Notes issued. • 410,850 24,463 11,873 103,145 3,422 15,203 289,222 132,445 33,298 17,369 8,440 34,640 38,931 10,970 13,259 19,445 14,899 25 00 00 00 00 00 80 73 27 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 17 6,362 9,342 12,815 8,889 23,381 49,292 38,865 10,241 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 78 4,599,016 57 72,081 65 68,011 47 451,431 10 96,621 47 83,782 54 3,116,537 05 556,000 00 315,576 15 245,350 01 372,309 28 191,623 17 765,155 43 705,799 41 343,680 67 881,707 94 268,925 28 529,327 24 23 6 ,9 7 2 7 5 273,841 76 305,071 51 562,986 90 251,954 93 331,650 37 176,797 29 107,833 37 16,450,000 _ 300,000 1,500,000 800,000 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 - - - 2,340,732 252,135 225,675 807,555 397,320 313,782 1,587,707 824,117 862,892 902,555 1,220,845 1,372,920 1,859,660 2,532,325 1,989,430 6,476,795 2,717,420 791,055 3,389,010 1,068,865 2,274,245 1,327,205 1,113,500 919,300 717,700 498,720 1,830 85 $1,341,094 38 $15,910,045 31 $35,000,000 00 $38,785,382 06 m 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1,000,000 00 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,000,000 1,700,000 700,000 00 00 00 00 00 m m 06 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 G e ne ral Discount, ex change and interest. 1834. October 30 27 20 23M o« 27 28 27 25 21 18 20 21 (( 17 13 9 13 15 16 20 16 23<( May 21 22 21 31 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington llichmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New O.leans Natchcz St. Louis Nashville Louisville • Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe • ■ • • - 157,677 21,564 7,249 85,546 34,233 9,687 194,919 44,952 24,986 36,754 16,229 14,706 47,019 5,583 35,394 102,104 91,990 13,065 *0,447 42,078 38,816 40,456 23,572 22,307 11,688 7,470 16,479 00 33 27 36 79 45 67 52 66 19 89 73 43 37 23 00 25 27 18 43 15 97 S ta te m e n t— Dividends un claimed. 19,479 52 203 1,515 3,402 360 16,470 6,138 5,077 7,060 3,062 169 15,680 3,321 50 50 00 50 00 50 25 25 43 00 50 00 00 50 C ontinued. Profit and loss. 3,167,708 64 Foreign exchange Contingent fund. account. Fund for extin guishing cost of banking hou ses. 604,763 31 5,901,955 87 976,019 59 #604,763 31 *5,901,955 87 *976,019 59 574 25 14 00 187 30 24 50 06 19 46 20 49 81,164,980 54 *82,791 98 *3,167,708 64 | G e n e b a l S t a t e m e n t — Continued. Due to Bank United States and offices. 1834. October 30 27 20 23 M 27 28 27 25 21 18 20 21 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston . Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston 11 Savannah Mobile 17 New Orleans 13 Natchez 9 St. Louis 13 Nashville 15 Louisville 16 Lexington 20 Cincinnati 16 Pittsburgh 23 it Buffalo Utica 21 Burlington 22 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 31 DigitizedMay for FRASER • • • - 1,552,953 739,077 123,433 2,119,873 385,361 95,258 4,404,801 1,507,447 217,936 210,127 379,935 30,419 288,431 156,963 86,418 270,303 3,441,819 1,062,606 208,652 939,695 50,763 685,087 215,914 1,076,671 580,409 453,236 2,122,219 223,849 37 76 04 94 72 77 48 27 19 95 34 75 11 37 43 90 93 26 82 33 14 64 88 16 94 08 87 78 *23,629,670 22 Due to State banks. 927,744 12,244 3,616 233,176 18,207 16 25 91 59 79 - 983,575 128,953 98,170 37,458 11,187 71,844 12,224 45,668 14,189 84,187 16,941 37,739 17,139 7,123 19,399 144,000 5,338 8,123 4,938 6,901 36 93 38 93 60 47 30 50 10 21 83 00 93 45 12 44 25 16 84 98 Redemption of public debt. Deposites on ac count of Trea surer United States. 140,795 42 38,132 44 _ _ 284 _ 591 1,526 88,520 426 58,309 . . • 4,550 61 43 56 88 80 67 00 _ _ _ _ • . . . _ . _ 30 00 101 66 324 52 84,027 22 66 73 13,276 139,436 40 500 6,006 2,037 146,317 50 2,758 5,160 170,009 3,104 13 6,125 58 90 16 00 06 71 98 00 57 99 10 69 02 41 . Depositee on ac count of pub lic officers. Deposites on ac count of indivi duals. 15 66 81 20 76 54 34 37 25 15 69 79 79 62 02 52 96 21 31 60 56 65 08 16 98 89 1,109,766 46 21,492 67 5,784 99 208,146 51 22,808 90 49,737 08 1,319,564 50 729,410 66 293,358 23 208,976 65 145,301 91 17,907 63 594,423 14 26,046 88 48,351 78 576,064 66 26,240 81 259,272 02 70,362 96 177,678 47 245,819 31 293,536 90 154,739 28 50,530 78 70,611 87 15,750 81 $1,337,168 06 $6,741,752 24 95,201 46,325 58,945 110,411 26,690 68,091 124,071 70,222 37,167 110,897 1,641 69,026 39,464 28,546 25,642 21,356 10,590 151,611 13,916 704 57,764 70,060 31,653 9,314 15,030 42,818 . $2,950,095 48 $235,005 50 *617,519 74 - 67 28 . 35 G en eral St at em en t — [ 8] Continued. Notes o f the Bank oj the United States and Offices in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah . . . . . . - . - #23,390 Office, Mobile 5,525 New Orleans 18.235 Natchez 157,210 St. Louis * 3,950 Nashville 11,935 Louisville 28,615 Lexington 9,075 Cincinnati 132,070 Pittsburgh * 230,195 Buffalo . 121,780 Utica 337,685 Burlington 150,425 69,850 . . . . . . 716,150 1,582,655 328,835 196,945 165,750 175,055 144,080 219,750 50,605 26,700 18,170 40,420 Total *4,965,055 Jit Bank o f the United States. Biring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and Mortgages . . . . . . Due by the United States . . . . . . . . . . • #2,628,646 79 47,447 12 5,267 32 Statement o f the notes o f the Bank United Stales and Offices in actual circulation. Notes issued on hand . in transitu . . . . in actual circulation . . . . . . . . - . . . #38,785,382 06 17,851,595 16 4,965,055 00 -22,816,650 16 . #15.968,731 90 A t Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent . . . . . . . . . *40,144 17 RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal se curity 930,012,831 36 bank stock 1,028,416 78 other securities 3,626,580 10 Domestic bills of exchange . . 34,667,828 24 11,086,373 07 . Foreign ditto . . . Real estate . . . . . Due from Bank United States and Offices State banks - - 28,142,881 37 2,036,103 99 the United States . . . Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer St Co. • Deficiencies . . . . . Banking houses . . . . Expenses . . . . . Cash, viz. notes of the Bank of the U. S. and offices . State banks . specie . Mortgages . . Navy agent, Norfolk . . . . . . . 45,754,201 31 99,135 32 1,808,845 01 30,178,985 36 5,267 32 2,628,646 105,978 1,215,943 181,911 - 17,851,595 16 1,341,094 38 1 19,192,689 15,910,045 47,447 40,144 . . . 79 38 44 89 of t h e U n ite d S t a t e s , November 1, Capital stock . . . Notes issued . . . Discount, exchange and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss . . . Foreign exchange account Contingent fund . . . Less losses chargeable to contingent fund - - Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of Treasurer of the United States * Less overdrafts and spe cial deposites - 35,000,000 38,785,382 1,164,980 82,791 00 06 54 98 3 ,1 6 7 ,7 0 8 64 604,763 31 5,901,955 87 3,837,517 60 Due to Bank U. S. and offices - 23,629,670 22 State banks - 2,950,095 48 54 31 ! Deposites on account of public 12 1 officers . . . 17 Do do of individuals - $117,169,240 96 Bank GO - 2,064,438 27 26,579,765 70 235,005 50 976,019 59 617,519 74 188,054 67 429,465 07 1,337,168 06 6,741,752 24 8,508,385 37 *117,169,240 96 1834. J. COWPERTHWAIT, Acting Cashier. General statement o f the Bank o j the Uniled States and Offices oj Discount and Deposite, at Ihe dates herein mentioned. December 1 Bank United States Nov. 24 Office, Portland <1 Portsmouth 26 Boston Providence 27 Hartford 24 New York 28 Baltimore 24 Washington 22 Richmond 25 Norfolk 22 Fayetteville 24 18 Charleston «( Savannah Mobile 14 New Orleans 10 Natchez 6 St. Louis 17 Nashville 12 Louisville 13 Lexington 17 Cincinnati 20 Pittsburgh 27 Buffalo 20 Utica 25 Burlington 19 October 21 Agency, Cincinnati May 31 Chillicothe • * • • • • • • • • • - Bills discounted on personal se curity. Bills discounted on bank stock. 3,395,466 61 462,944 84 236,599 38 1,459,379 86 432,005 47 279,978 53 3,928,704 92 1,530,570 74 830,229 56 1,176,670 61 416,042 47 547,677 64 1,215,961 33 184,319 91 1,023,917 05 2,826,122 51 1,108,385 19 379,647 28 616,176 35 1,882,867 80 825,397 43 1,841,731 33 720,759 96 386,180 31 460,616 45 268,219 03 1,018,891 66 148,666 22 155,293 38 829,544,130 44 . 1,000 46,402 _ 26,725 114,562 116,165 6,755 15,250 78,855 8,375 441,804 _ _ 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 49 00 08 Bills discounted on other secu rities. 2,263,175 4,700 250 13,908 . 16,500 326,280 50,200 184,152 4,145 134,593 _ 107,286 19,020 _ 09 00 00 87 00 67 00 10 40 40 38 00 21,000 00 56,958 72 960 00 8,500 00 _ _ 2,500 00 _ _ _ 81,035,647 05 5,243 40 _ 88,075 96 102,618 41 329 66 2,875 00 1,000 00 93,389,813 06 Domestic bills of exchange. Foreign bills of exchange. 1,461,388 65 382,806 74 54,549 96 1,260,143 38 784,626 63 83,568 21 1,797,959 18 221,561 02 26,365 69 491,876 44 113,741 44 174,122 47 551,748 71 306,680 56 336,562 U 1,319,773 15 2,340,498 57 71,732 25 300,070 18 249,447 43 593,081 32 188,155 86 35,055 84 213,029 20 76,207 27 173,745 96 74,216 90 _ 813,608,498 22 . . _ _ _ . • . _ _ . 874,216 90 Real estate. 148,104 34 3,640 00 11,250 00 1,640 93 132,400 58,838 47,190 15,151 608 90 85 00 13 10 60,336 04 63,402 67 175,284 27 51,957 16 225 00 937,962 37 44,149 41 [8] 1834. $1,752,141 17 G e n e r a l St a t e m e n t — Continued. 1 1 oo -- i Due from Bank United States and offices. 1834. December 1 Bank United States Nov. 24 Office, Portland (< Portsmouth * 26 Boston Providence 27 24 Hartford 28 New York 24 Baltimore 22 Washington Richmond 25 22 Norfolk 24 Fayetteville 18 Charleston <( Savannah 14 Mobile 10 New Orleans 6 Natchez St. Louis 17 12 Nashville 13 LouisviUe 17 Lexington 20 Cincinnati Pittsburgh 27 20 Buffalo 25 Utica 19 Burlington October 21 Agency, Cincinnati May Chillicothe 31 • • • • . . - 15,576,750 82,268 99,319 445,601 56,686 179,380 225,383 169,270 45,987 151,800 94,759 642,298 677,090 858,063 348,380 820,805 845,372 724,001 962,749 272,394 719,605 540,855 198,854 634,160 420,017 88,799 46,268 - 13 94 28 45 29 34 84 10 46 20 70 50 11 85 07 08 57 40 15 04 23 31 74 31 51 29 07 825,926,922 96 Due from State banks. 569,822 79 7,898 02 2,360 58 78,832 92 12,678 44 32,131 60 363,585 07 81,659 34 64,487 3fi 4,954 92 15,187 21 4,118 51 281,063 39 10,376 23 2 00 487,400 59 16,015 71 _ 5,370 1,466 4,860 _ 31,162 65,016 9,581 38,703 5,739 79 41 27 Losses chargea ble to contin gent fund. 441,442 23 7,020 83 83,282 32 38,521 54 925 65 26,512 00 72,622 99 1,649,313 46 233,701 71 38.364 46 239,135 28 100,276 72 157,561 14 152,186 28 456 52 49,209 98 Deficiencies. 413,081 19 m 116,777 02 976 00 34,075 65 118 50 69,376 83 _ _ _ m 1,991 172,268 202,778 _ 68,402 28 04 64 02 63 34 66 94 24 _ _ 84,357 39 23,335 90 $2,194,475 96 $3,843,666 38 Banking houses. 738 00 _ _ 395 40 _ 300 00 _ _ 8105,980 38 _ m 87,000 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 42,886 24,096 48,000 19,051 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 25 92 00 71 15,000 45,608 32,180 23,519 22,105 17,569 _ 11,550 _ <• 00 42 23 84 00 90 00 81,215,943 44 Expenses. 41,623 57 3,081 96 1,158 93 10,186 07 3,139 88 1,416 19 21,876 78 7,337 60 15,339 87 17,822 50 6,048 20 3,646 37 9,258 43 5,843 41 6,192 72 18,845 18 5,260 90 2,724 54 4,948 23 3,311 78 3,782 76 5,720 15 5,058 57 3,114 10 3,163 77 1,759 80 13,345 93 2,111 29 $227,119 48 G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t — C o n tin u e d . Treasurer United State*. 1834. December 1 Nov. 24 (( 26 27 24 28 34 22 25 22 24 18 *1 October May 14 10 6 17 12 13 17 20 27 20 25 19 21 31 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez S t Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe • • • * • . - _ . . _ _ . 15,780 81 _ _ _ . _ _ - 170,000 00 2,194 36 _ _ _ . *187,975 17 Notes of Bank United States and offices. 1,565,185 77,465 163,885 367,220 247,555 83,100 653,605 337,985 291,490 131,230 620,490 314,505 272,015 1,776,095 267,465 3,164,910 1,781,260 812,920 2,288,235 611,905 901,840 649,670 979,045 539,885 145,895 338,145 . - 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 *19,383,000 16 Notes of State banks. 401,601 45,871 12,974 144,951 15,961 16,954 252,472 96,653 22,424 35,567 17,825 61,305 61,087 10,400 33,988 126,670 27,817 47 00 00 00 00 00 78 06 21 96 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 22,502 4,282 20,395 7,979 31,398 59,536 56,843 48,511 92 00 00 00 00 00 21 45 _ - , *1,635,970 18 Specie. 4,251,216 72,762 68,154 488,150 131,683 83,782 3,159,085 603,000 313,109 252,118 376,884 186,493 659,668 572,099 313,554 1,016,533 272,545 608,773 388,039 361,870 264,162 551,551 183,848 245,300 174,941 81,058 Capital stock. 32 41 94 22 16 54 75 00 60 49 46 68 27 05 18 02 35 21 36 52 21 27 84 31 78 30 *15,680,387 24 16,450,000 00 300,000 1,500,000 800,000 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 „ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1,000,000 00 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,000,000 1,700,000 700,000 « 00 00 00 00 00 m m m •*35,000,000 00 Notes issued. 2,356,732 252,135 225,675 597,355 397,320 308,752 1,564,547 824,117 862,892 897,680 1,218,955 1,372,920 1,943,660 2,529,390 1,971,175 6,350,135 2,709,870 786,295 3,369,060 1,068,865 2,274,245 1,327,205 1,281,500 919,300 717,145 498,720 1,830 85 06 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $38,627,562 06 G e n e u a l S t a t e m e n t — Continued. <z> Discount, ex change, and interest. 1834. December 1 Nov. 24 << 26 27 24 28 24 22 25 22 24 18 << 14 10 6 17 12 13 17 20 27 20 October May 25 19 21 31 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond ' Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 210,001 26,435 9,175 102,455 39,456 11,336 238,947 55,299 31,183 47,403 20,771 20.788 60,396 11,773 42,448 124,237 110,708 16,953 31,912 53,056 43,735 53,083 29,514 26,335 14,868 9,440 16,479 45 39 61 46 48 13 41 68 32 24 41 54 26 52 79 63 79 35 63 35 16 39 25 31 13 83 49 $1,458,198 00 Dividends un claimed. 18,391 52 203 1,274 3,332 343 14.265 5,830 4,387 6,150 2,313 169 10,496 3,321 00 50 00 00 00 00 25 25 93 00 50 00 50 50 Profit *nd loss. 3,167,708 64 Foreign exchange Contingent fund. account. 610,049 93 5,901,955 87 Fund for extin guishing cost of banking houses. 976,019 59 O 224 25 14 00 187 30 28 00 $70,982 98 $3,167,708 64 $610,049,93 $5,901,955 87 $976,019 59 G e w e h a l S t a t e m e n t — Continued. 1834. December 1 Nov. 24 »< 26 27 24 28 24 22 25 22 24 18 <• 14 10 6 17 12 13 17 20 27 30 25 19 October 21 May 31 Bank United States Office, Portland . Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Nitchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe * • • - Due to Bank U. Stales and of fices. Due to State banks. Redemption of public debt. 1,391,044 780,046 128,557 1,830,475 396,886 117,158 4,324,851 1,637,161 241,169 230,920 338,592 38,972 108,078 121,465 111,934 1,734,082 3,471,994 1,144,343 175,467 1,053,481 69,683 203,186 217,919 1,103,206 586,422 453,765 2,122,219 223,849 972,171 17,380 81 175,368 10,588 4,190 947,877 180,568 95,891 3,260 8,091 40,068 72,660 97,903 124,901 42,445 58,536 46,552 12,469 6,724 25,760 240,759 10,532 28,684 5,189 9,218 134,695 . 253 909 . 1,526 28,520 426 58,309 20 51 58 38 40 68 08 53 93 06 34 84 37 04 21 94 30 09 45 83 74 81 60 49 59 51 87 78 $24,356,938 15 88 11 49 20 30 53 23 25 41 30 26 20 22 26 24 55 19 56 75 08 13 30 23 81 58 51 $3,207,874 57 Deposites on ac count of Trea surer U. States. Deposites on ac count of public officers. Deposites on ac count of indi viduals. 93,898 45,117 57,939 104,864 27,128 67,731 116,876 69,803 37,061 . 99,556 1,502 56,705 40,498 79 56 22 56 02 64 18 89 27 59 62 75 69 _ 2,065 20,862 10,808 105,875 7,766 704 50,971 69,605 19,122 9,186 14,692 42,486 49 29 77 83 83 60 86 74 23 79 19 02 1,214,460 25,652 5,289 157,342 11,424 30,259 1,268,569 735.240 265,465 199,003 145,780 27,512 678,798 142,319 77,126 712,234 54,188 309,621 69,430 180,848 269,510 311,165 140,466 43,511 58,588 10,839 - - 42 960 12 _ 38 82 _ 56 88 80 67 - . _ 4,550 13 31,758 04 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *260,950 70 30 00 101 66 324 52 _ 120,594 25 66 73 14,218 83,741 40 24,963 2,006 100 199,603 50 200 4,572 170,009 2,243 13 6,125 08 35 16 00 06 28 58 00 00 74 10 57 02 41 *629,963 63 _ *1,173,833 42 17 67 11 01 66 37 86 41 59 81 34 63 20 02 84 51 79 27 64 35 46 05 02 34 09 62 67 28 87,144,716 11 [83 42 G eneral Statement— Continued. Notes o f the Bank o f the United Slates and Offices in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington R:chmond Norfolk . Fayetteville Charleston Savannah - - $66,560 - 26,015 4,980 - 70,295 9,950 . 1,285 - 154,495 - 42,995 . 29,875 - 25,710 - 39,160 - 112,565 - 87,730 - 25,255 • * * • • - - $407,775 - 548,125 - 351,705 - 181,660 - 482,595 - 273,210 - 71,285 - 331,365 - 19,635 - 82,665 - 146,645 . 47,580 Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville • Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo • Utica • Burlington $3,641,115 A t Bank United Stales. Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . . . . . Due by the United States . . . . . - . . . . - $2,687,008 8J 47,447 12 5,267 32 Statement o f the notes of the Bank o f the United States and Offices in actual circulation. Notes i s s u e d .................................................................................... 838,627,562 06 on hand ............................................................ $19,383,000 16 in transitu . . . . . . 3,641,115 00 ----------- 23,024,115 16 in circulation . . . . . . . $15,603,446 90 A t Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent • .................................................................................... $40,144 17 RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal se curity - $29,544,130 44 bank stock- 1,035,647 05 other securities 3,389,813 06 Domestic bills of exchange - • Foreign do Reul estate Due from Bank United States and offices State Banks ' - the United States Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer U Deficiencies • Banking houses • Expenses Caah: note* of the Bank of the United States and offices State banks - Navy - Norfolk - - - - 28,121,398 92 5,^67 32 Due to Ilank United States and offices . . . 24,356,938 15 State banks • - 3,207,874 57 33,969,590 55 13,608,458 22 25,926,922 96 2,194,475 96 - Co. specie Mortgages Agent, 47,578,0!;8 77 74,216 90 1,752,141 17 Capital stock . . . Notes issued . . . Discount, exchange, interest, Stc. Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss . . . Foreign exchange account Contingent fund Leis losses chargeable to con tingent fund • • 2,687,006 105,980 1,215,943 227,119 85 38 41 48 19,383,000 16 1,635,970 18 - 21,018,970 15,680,387 47,447 40,144 34 24 12 17 Redemption of public debt Fund lor extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of the Trea surer of the United States Less overdrafts and special deposites . . 35,000,000 38,627,562 1,458,198 70,982 3,167,708 610,049 00 06 00 98 64 93 5,901,955 87 3,843,666 38 2,058,289 49 27,564,812 72 260,950 70 976,019 59 629,963 63 187,975 17 441,988 46 Deposites on account of public officers . . . Deposites on account of individu als - 1,172,833 42 7,144,716 11 8,759,537 99 §118,554,112 10 - Dank op t h e U n ite d States, December 2, 1834. $118,554,112 10 S. JAUDON, Cashier. 00 S tatem en t o f the M aine B a n k on S a tu rd a y , Ju n e Capital stock. Bills in cir Balances culation. due to other banks. Deposites. U. States. #155,000 51,096 5,286 97 Undivided Real es profits. tate. Bills of other banks. 14, 1834. Speeie. Others. 62,285 41 55,173 78 3,515 59 Balances due from other banks. Others. Portland. 2,500 7,653 19,992 95 18,689 27 Maw* Bask, P o r t l m d , J u n e 14, 1834. 15,666 34 JOSEPH SWIFT, Am’t of all debts due to the bank, except ing the balan ces due from other banks. 267,856 59 C a sh ie r. Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday, June 21, 1834. *155,000 42,178 5,642 54 62,285 41 52,735 34 3,882 86 2,500 6,256 20,225 91 19,466 65 Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday, June 28, M a i k i 43,587 B a n k , 2,827,99 60,698 58 56,214 91 4,398 85 Portland, June 28, 1834. 10,415 76 262,859 83 JOSEPH SWIFT, C a s h ie r. Maisz Bask, P o r tla n d , J u n e 21, 1834. (155,000 ^ 2,500 7,639 20,514 49 1834. 18,435 92 10,754 28 262,883 64 JOSEPH SW IFT, C a s h ie r. S ta te m e n t o f th e M ain e B a n k on S a tu r d a y , J u ly 5, 1834. #155,000 M a in e 44,857’ B a r k , 4,182 70 64,920 75 52,895 46 4,638,48 2,500 11,252 20,618 82 Portland, July 5, 1834. M a i n e 48,549 B a n k , 2,902 40 63,970 75 53,301 54 Portland, July 4,977 70 2,500 M a i n i 39,647 B a n k , 65,970 75 57,343 56 5,105 82 M a in e B a n k , 7.231 78 54,970 75 Portland, July 26,1834. 264,085 32 2,500 9,854 19, 1834. 22,569 23 14,859 27 Portland, July 19, 1834. 43,904 15,381 88 JOSEPH SWIFT, Cashier. 3,958 27 274,669 32 JOSEPH SWIFT, Cashier. Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday, July «155,000 18,522 15 12, 1834. 5,342 94 263,447 39 12, 1834. 7,802 20,410 04 Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday, July $155,000 12,417 18 JOSEPH SWIFT Cashier. Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday, July >155,000 16,259 50,802 29 5,396 49 2,500 8,228 26, 1834. 22,681 44 12,491 36 5,499 06 275,905 45 JOSEPH SWIFT, Cashier. 00 (__( S ta tem en t o f the M ain e B a n k on S a tu rd a y , A u gu st 2, Capital stock. • Bills in cir Balances culation. due other banks. Deposites. (J. States. #155,000 46,507 Undivided Real es Bills of oth profits. tate. er banks. Portland. 5,931 89 2,500 10,246 22,858 58 3,548 16 Maixe Bank, Po r tla n d , A u g u s t 2 , 1834. 37,961 4,722 48 66,429 44 51,748 47 M u re Bask, P o r tla n d , A u g u s t 9, 6,216 87 2,500 11,101 22,991 94 *155,000 40,518 6,992 S3 106,429 44 50,990 14 6,750 14 Mainc Bank, Portland, August 16, 1834. 9,805 92 7,865 78 4,418 81 JOSEPH SWIFT, 2,500 14,265 283,359 67 Cashier. 1S34. 1834. Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday, August Loan. Others. JOSEPH SWIFT, Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday, August 9, 815*,000 00 Balance due from other banks. Specie. Others. 4,352 12 64,204 44 56,322 88 i—i 1834. 273,200 73 Cashier. 16, 1834. 23,158 25 11,659 92 38,215 42 JOSEPH SWIFT, 276,881 96 Cashier. Statem ent o f the M ain e B a n k on S a tu rd a y , A u gu st 23, $155,000 M a in e 40,657 6,686 45 107,329 44 53,265 62 7,135 68 2,500 13,275 23,264 16 1834. 9,439 72 P o r tla n d , A u g u s t 2 3 , 1834. B a n e , 39,534 43 282,060 88 JOSEPH SWIFT, C c u h itr. Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday, August 30, 1834. $155,000 M a in e 42,655 28,626 12 44,964 05 89,015 07 7,469 60 2,500 8,908 23 ,396 56 11,705 32 JOSEPH SWIFT, P o r tla n d , A u g u s t 30, 1834. D a n k , 40,646 75 280,573 21 C a s/u er. Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday, September 6, 1834. *155,000 M a in e 42,288 D a n k , 18,461 63 42,949 07 80,536 93 7,715 96 2,500 10,751 23,270 86 5,323 67 28,809 17 JOSEPH P o rtla n d , S e p te m b e r 6, 1834. 276,296 89 SWIFT, C a sh ie r. Statement of the Maine Bank on Saturday, September 13, 1834. $155,000 M aini 53,822 Dank, 14,843 79 46,401 07 66,558 75 Portland, September 13, 1834. 7,907 05 2,500 7,942 22,736 79 7,529 03 28,817 14 275,007 70 I— I JOSEPH SWIFT, Cashier. 00 Statement of the Maine Bank on Saturday, September 20, 1834. 05 Capital stock. Bills in cir Balances due other culation. banks. Deposites. U. States. $153,000 M a in e 57,358 B a n e , Undivided Real es Bills of tate. profits. other banks. Specie. Others. 12,842 29 48,821 07 58,739 31 Balances due from other banks. 2,500 5,711 22,562 25 6,779 23 September SO, 1834. M a in e 51,249 B a n k , 7,532 87 46,833 82 52,667 14 33,087 47 270,333 37 JOSEPH SWIFT, Cashier. Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday, September 27, f 155,000 Others. Portland. 8,212 65 . Loan. 8,721 35 2,500 10,409 20,269 66 1834. 1,606 11 P o r tla n d , S e p te m b e r 27, 1834. 16,035 83 271,183 58 JOSEPH SWIFT, C a sh ie r. Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday, October 4, 1834. >155,000 60,927 6,409 22 51,426 82 54,636 71 M u m B i v k , Portland, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis October 4 , 1834. 541 80 2,500 7,815 19,822 94 5,307 06 15,941 13 JO S E P H S W IF T , 277,555 42 Cashier, t— 1 S ta te m e n t o f the M a in e S a n k on S a tu r d a y , October I t , 1834. $155 000 57, 265 7,919 94 52,658 82 |57,660 71 fr * M a i x e • rorlland, October 11, 1834. B a s k , • f 155,000 M a in s 913 27 2,500 16,468 30,166 10 6,140 80 - JOSEPH SWIFT, * Statement o f the Maine Bank ending with Saturday, October 18, 60,095 B a n k , 8,233 15 57,658 82 60,262 73 1,231 56 2,500 15,517 20,441 30 Portland, October 18, 1834. M a i m 49,954 B a n k , 6,822 53 59,201 61 59,191 30 2,500 14,467 20,610 20 M a ih e 53,868 B a s k , 15,832,16 5,367 84 61,609 91 59,054 64 P o rtla n d , N o v e m b e r 1, 1834. 3,776 04 JOSEPH SWIFT, 1,940 65 2,500 8,450 20,667 67 1 , Cashier. 273,147 67 Cashier. 1834. Portland, Oclobtr 25, 1834. Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday, November $155,000 18,025 34 JOSEPH SW IFT, 1,662 85 272,408 34 1834. 12,851 95 Statement o f the Maine Bank ending Saturday, October 25, #155,000 13,734 57 274,640 90 Cashier. 1834. 17,098 87 13,598 83 274,525 67 JOSEPH SWIFT, C a sh ier. , Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday November 8, Capital stock. Bills in cir Balances culation. tine other banks. Deposites U . States. $155,000 57,748 M a in e B a r k / 5,361 68 Specie. 2,234 90 2,500 9,120 20,968 39 M a i x k 53,791 B a s k , 5,049 44 60,797 82 5,932 44 M aixe Bahk, Portland, 73,232 39 62,305 07 75,885 62 Jfwcmbtr 22, 1834* 278,027 38 2,635 73 2,500 12,930 21,011 64 1S34. 14,192 44 P o r tla n d , N o v e m b e r 15, 1834. 55,080 19,275 92 JOSEPH SWIFT, C a sh ier. 12,858 41 287,073 89 JOSEPH SWIFT, C a sh ie r. Statement o f the Maine Bunk on Saturday, November 22, $155,000 15,931 12 1834. Loan. Others. Portland. Statement o f the Maine Bank on Saturday, November 15, $155,000 CD Balance* due from other banks. Others. 61,547 82 6.1,930 41 Portland, November 8, U ndivided Real es Bills of oth profits. tate. er banks. 1834. 2,984 70 2,500 13,606 21,851 83 1831. 18,236 16 11 .362 45 289,631 38 JOSEPH SW IFT, Cashier. cn o " S titieirtiiil o f th e M a in e fla n k on S a tu r d a y , N ovem ber 28, 1834. $ 1 5 5 ,0 0 0 55,611 3,023 33 62,305 07 77,508 22 3,226 94 2,500 14,968 21,795 89 17,273 86 Maixx Bank, P o r tla n d , N o v e m b e r 29, 1834. D r. 283.339 08 JOSEPH SWIFT, C anh ler. Statement o f Ihe Commercial Bank, Portsmouth, N. H , Monday, June lfi, Nates and bills discounted . . . New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock SufTolk Bank, Boston . . Expense account . . . . Cash, viz. Bills of specie paying banks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . 16,869 73 214,514 2,760 2,000 533 10 00 00 17 11,754 13 41,102 45 14,431 49 67,288 07 Capital stock paid in . . . Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium . . . Deposites, viz. by individuals • by Laighton, navy agent by Daniel p . Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansaj-t . . . Unc'aimed dividends Reserved profits . $287,095 34 . . . . . . C r. 1S34. • • • - 3,658 6,295 3,456 50,144 12,189 3,058 48 - 62 33 64 82 95 46 80 100,000 73,286 5,003 21,051 78,852 62 675 50 8,224 01 $287,095 34 C ommercial B a s k , P o r ts m o u th , J u n e 16, 1834. 00 00 05 16 GEO. MELCHER, Jr., C a sh ie r. 00 D r. C r. Statement o f the Commercial Bank, Portsmouth, N. H., Monday , June S3, 1834. Notes and bills discounted . . . New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston . . . Expense account . . . . Cash, viz. Bills of specie paying- banks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . 204,450 30 2,760 00 2,000 00 533 17 12,815 27 62,464 50 11,402 59 86,682 36 Capital stock paid in Bills in circulation Interest and premium Deposites, viz. by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P. Drown, collector by.Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . 1296,425 83 . - 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 67,565 00 5,267 55 20,244 19 16,330 6,295 6,411 50,144 12,189 3,058 48 71 33 51 82 95 46 80 94,479 58 645 50 8,224 01 #296,425 83 C ommkhciai. B a n k , Portsmouth, June 23, 1834. oo GEO. MELCHER, Jr., Cashier. Ot to D r. S ta te m e n t o f th e C o m m e rc ia l B a n k , P o r tsm o u th , N. I I . , M o n d a y, Ju n e 30, 1S34. Notes and bills discounted . . . New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston • Expense account . . . . Cash, viz. Bills of specie paying banks ■ Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . - . _ 200,619 2,760 2,000 565 22 00 00 09 15,136 66 59,386 35 11,610 97 86,133 98 Capital stock paid in . . . Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium . . . . Deposites, viz. by individuals . by John Laighton, navy agent . by Daniel P. Drown, collector * by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent * by William Pickering, late collector by Felix Anstrt • . Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . ■ *292,078 29 . . . . . . Cn 100,000 00 6 7 ,1 7 7 00 5,672 51 20,331 11 _ _ 11,853 6,295 6,306 50,358 12,145 3,058 48 _ - 08 33 51 36 62 46 80 90,066 16 607 50 8,234 01 #292,078 29 C o m m e r c ia l B a n k , Portsmouth, June 30, 1834- GEO. MKLCIIER Jr., CaMer. D r. S tatem en t o f the C om m ercial B a n k , P ortsm ou th , JV. H Notes and bills discounted New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston • Kxpense account • Cash, viz. Bills of specie paying banks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston • Specie on hand - 202,723 59 2.760 00 2,000 00 599 94 11.209 95 60,739 78 11,C60 51 83,310 24 , M onday, J u ly 1, stock paid in Bills in circulation Interest and premium • Deposites, viz. by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel I*. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent . by William Pickering, late col lector . by Felix Ansart Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . *291,393 77 „. . - . C k. 1834. 100,000 00 71,661 00 6,306 90 21,336 69 9,659 4,392 4,461 49,663 11,973 37 39 87 31 47 3,058 46 48 80 - 83,257 67 607 50 8,224 01 $291,393 77 C u H V E n ciiL B ank , Portsmouth, July 7, 1834. 00 GEORGE MELCIIEK, Jr., Caihier, Ox V a. S ta te m e n t o f th e C o m m ercia l B a n k , P o rtsm o u th , JV. H ., M o n d a y , J u ly 14, 1834. Notes and bills discounted New Hampshire .Strafford Manufacturing' . Stock . . . . . Suffolk Bank, Boston . . . Expense account . . . . Cash, viz. Bills of specie paying banks . Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston Specie on hand - 211,751 14 . 2,760 00 2 000 00 8,711 84 67,441 66 11,438 46 87,591 96 Capital stock paid in 4 Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium ■' Deposites, viz. by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent • by Daniel P. Drown, collector * by Joseph Wilson, purserby John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William Pickering, late col lector . . . . by Felix An-art . . . Unclaimed dividends . Reserved profits . • *304,103 10 . . . . . . _ . 2,28.3 4,331 2,956 64,415 10,734 100,000 80,992 887 22,983 49 03 04 12 98 3,058 46 48 80 • - 87,826 92 2,413 50 9,000 00 $304,103 10 I C o m m e r c ia l B a s k , P o r ts m o u th , J u ly 14, 1834. 00 00 68 00 GEORGE MELCHER, Jr., C o s h u r . Statement o f the. Commercial Bank, Portsmouth, N. H., Monday, July D r. Notes and bills discounted New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Bos'on Expense account. Cash, viz. Bills of specie paying banks . Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . _ - 215,453 63 2,760 00 2,000 00 10,938 92 59,135 57 11,573 06 81,647 55 Capital stock paid in . . . Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium . . . Deposites, viz. by individuals by John Laighton, navy aeent by Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isauc Waldrcm, pension agent by William Pickling, late collector by Felix Ansart . . . Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . $301,861 18 C o m m e r c ia l . . . . C r. 21, 1S34. 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 - - - 1,925 5,253 2,922 64,165 10,496 3,058 48 . . 77,290 00 989 41 24,720 24 - " 40 34 09 12 82 46 80 37,870 03 1,991 50 9,000 00 #301,861 18 B a n k , P o r ts m o u th , J u ly 21, 1834. GEO. MELCHER, Jr., C a sh ie r. 00 S ta te m e n t o f th e C o m m e rc ia l B a n k , P o rtsm o u th , N . I I , M o n d a y , J u ly 28, 1834. D u. Notes and bills discounted . . . New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Uank, Boston . . . Expense account. Cash, viz. Bills of specie paying banks • Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . - 214,492 24 2,760 00 2,000 00 - 10,923 59 52,595 56 11,678 46 ' 75,197 61 0 Capital stock paid in . . . Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium . . . Deposites, viz. by individual* by John Laighton, navy agent bv Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart . . . Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . . . . . . . C a. . _ . . • • - . 2,792 5,253 5,571 59,302 10,496 3,058 48 67 34 16 61 82 46 80 - $294,449 85 C o m m e r c i a l 100,000 73,646 1,112 22,546 00 00 91 58 86,523 80 1 ,620 50 9,000 00 $294,449 85 R a n k , P o r ts m o u th , J u ly 28, 1834. GEO. MELCHEK, Jr., Cashier, OD D k. S ta tem en t o f the C o m m ercia l B a n k , P ortsm outh, N. H .. M on day, A u gu st 4, ------------ ---- 1 -2_-_—:-.-ry=-- Notes and bills discounted New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston . . . Expense account Cash, vix: Bills of specie paying banks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . 218,631 97 2,760 00 2,000 00 11,766 11 46,619 77 11,815 54 70,201 42 Capital stock paid in Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium . . . Deposites, viz: by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U.S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by Wm. Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart . . . Unclaimed dividends Heserved profits . $293,593 39 C o m m e r c ia l . . . . . . 1834. C r. 100,000 77,724 1,368 20,129 2,179 4,812 4,206 59,379 10,256 3,058 48 - 98 62 47 71 82 46 80 B a n k , GEO. MELCHER, Jr., Cashier, I 1__I 83,942 86 1,428 50 9,000 00 $293,593 39 P o r ts m o u th x A u g u s t 4, 1834. 00 00 50 53 I— I CJ* GO D a. S ta te m e n t o f th e C o m m e rc ia l JJank, P o rtsm o u th , JV. H ., M o n d a y, A u g u s t 11, 1834. Notes and bills discounted * New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston Expense account Cash, viz: Bills of specie paying banks Speoie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . 215,119 32 2,760 00 2,000 00 13,144 IS 42,494 91 11,853 47 67,492 53 Capital stock paid in . . . Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium . . . Deposites, viz: by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by W m. Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart . . . Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . i $287,371 85 . . . . I . . Ch. 100,000 70,896 1,565 22,695 1,950 4,666 2,631 59,379 10,112 3,058 48 - 51 07 60 71 06 46 80 81,847 21 1,368 50 9,000 00 1287,371 85 Coxmkhcul Rank, Portsmouth, AugvHl 11, 1834. 00 00 05 09 GKO. MELCHER, Jr., Cashier. D r. Statement o f the Commercial Batik, Portsmouth, A. II., Monday, August Notes and bills discounted . New Hampshire Strafford Manufacttfring’Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston . Expense account. Cash, viz: Bills of specie paying banks . Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . Specie on hand . 218,852 43 2,760 00 2 ,0 0 0 00 10,816 09 7 0 ,5 5 2 51 12,064 93 93,433 53 Capital stock paid in • Bills in circulation Interest and premium • Deposites, viz: by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Carfipb'elTfTreasurer U. S. by <saac Waldron, pension agent by Wm. Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits • *317,045 96 18, 1S34. t Cr. 100,000 00 64,980 00 1,763 43 33,456 13 -1,823 4,580 2,556 94,379 10,112 3 ,058 48 90 37 60 71 06 46 80 116,559 90 1,286 50 9,000 00 $317,045 96 Comm ercial Bank, Portsmouth, August 18, 1834] CO GEO. MELCHER, Jr., Cashier. CT> O Statement o f the Commercial Bank, Portsmouth, Dk. Notes and bills discounted New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing'Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston . . . Expense account. Cash, viz: Bills of specie paying banks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . - 216,825 46 2,760 00 2,000 00 11,808 78 69,033 41 11,932 34 ---------------- 92,774 53 N. II., Monday, Jlugust 2 5 , Capital stock paid in . . . Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium . . . Deposites, viz: by individuals . by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel I*. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by Wm. Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . . . . . . . 1834. Cr . _ _ 1,464 4 ,485 3,546 90,383 10,112 3,058 36 . - 24 24 29 71 06 46 60 100,000 64,775 1,848 24,363 00 00 13 76 113,086 60 1,286 50 9,000 00 05 *314,359 99 8314,359 99 ------C o m m e r c ia l B a r k , P o r ts m o u th , A u g u s t 25, 1834. GEO. MELCHER, Jr., C u s h it-, I— I 00 D r. C n. Statement ofthe Commercial Banle, Portsmouth, N . II., Monday, September 1 ,1S34. Notes and bills discounted . . . New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing1Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston . . . . Expense account. Cash, viz. Bills of specie paying banks . Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank iu Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . *614,739 14 2,760 00 2,000 00 12,281 28 43,176 66 7,107 78 62,565 72 Capital stock paid in Bills in circulation . . Interest and premium . . . Deposites, viz. by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P . Drown, collector by Joseph W ilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U . S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart - • Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . $282,064 86 . . - . - . 1 0 0,00 0 00 68,002 00 • - 2,018 44 26,056 44 1,464 5,172 3,520 15,728 46,719 3,058 36 m* ' - 24 77 74 83 79 46 60 75,701 48 1,286 50 9,000 00 $282,064 86 C ommercial B a n k, Portsmouth, September 1, 1834. oo GEO. MELCHER, Jr., Cashier. os to Statement o f the Commercial Bank, Portsmouth, JV. H ., M onday, September 8, 1834. D k. Notes and bills discounted . . . New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston . . . . Expense account . . . . Cast), viz. Bills of specie paying banks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . - • . 9,379 47 37,997 91 7,105 69 215,305 2,760 2,000 5 55 00 00 68 54,483 07 Capital stock paid in • Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium . . . Deposites, viz. by individuals • by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart . . . Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . $274,554 30 C a x x E B C iA L B . . . . . . C r. - - • . 1,127 4,735 2,050 15,728 44,717 3,058 36 - - 100,000 67,471 2,263 23,178 00 00 15 57 43 45 27 88 99 46 60 71,455 08 1,186 50 9,000 00 #274,554 30 ank, Portsmouth, September 8, 1834. GEO. MFJ.CHEU, Jr., Cashier. I— I 00 Statement o f the Commercial Bank, Portsmouth, N. H., September 1 5 , D r. V Notes and bills discounted . . . New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston . . . . Expense account . . . . Cash, viz. Bills of specie paying banks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . . . - 208,231 2,760 2,0(50 5 02 00 00 68 70,139 23 Capital stock paid in . . . Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium . . . Deposites, viz. by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart • Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . $283,135 93 C o m m e h c ia i C r. ------- 10,407 84 52,348 84 7,382 55 1834. . . . . . . 100,000 79,877 2,408 23,915 _ . • _ 8,301 4,253 2,252 15,326 33,527 3,058 36 . „ 47 81 68 37 47 46 60 66,756 86 1,178 50 9,000 00 $283,135 93 B a r k , P o r ts m o u th , S e p te m b e r 15, 1834. 00 00 35 22 GEO. MEI.CHER, Jr., Cashier, D r. S ta te m e n t o f th e C o m m ercia l R a n k , P o r tsm o u th , JV. I I . , Septem ber Notes and bills discounted . . . New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston . . . . Expense account . . . . Cash, viz. Bills of specie paying banks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . • _ 10,820 78 37,005 40 9,319 79 206,558 2,760 2,000 5 06 00 00 68 57,145 97 Portsmouth, Seplcmbir 22, 1834, C o m m e r c ia l 1834. Capital stock paid in . . . Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium . . . Deposites, viz. by individuals . by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart . . . Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . #268,469 71 22 , . . . . . . Cr. - • • • - - 8,914 3,203 4,681 10,083 22,348 3,058 36 _ * 74 62 55 89 46 46 60 100,000 78,489 2 ,495 24,978 00 00 90 99 52,327 32 1,178 50 9.000 00 §268,469 71 B a n k , GEO. MELCHER, .Tr , Cashier. I— I tt) D a. S tatem ent o f the C o m m ercia l B a n k , Portsm outh, N. H ., M on day, Septem ber 29, Notes and bills discounted New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stook Suffolk Bank, Boston . . . Expense account . . . . Cash, viz. Bills of specie paying banks . Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . 204,994 18 2,760 00 2,000 00 5 68 14,579 17 43,705 49 9,383 78 67,668 44 Capital stock paid in . Bills in circulation . . . Interest and premium Deposites, viz. by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart Unclaimed dividends Iieserved profits - §277,428 30 - C r. 1834. 100,000 00 77,083 00 2,572 06 25,600 82 9,851 4,126 4,060 27,633 13,347 3,058 36 13 00 35 89 49 46 60 62,113 92 1,058 50 9,000 CO $277,428 30 COMMKHCIAL B aJK, P o r ts m o u th , S e p te m b e r 2 9 , 1834. co GEO. MELCHER, Jr., Cashier. OS Oi D a. S ta te m e n t o f th e C o m m e rc ia l B a n k , P o rtsm o u th , N . H ., M o n d a y, October 0, 1 83 4. Notes and bills discounted ? New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston . . . Expense account . . . . Cash, viz. Bills of specie paying banks Specie deposite in Merchan's* Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . . - 204,458 2,760 2,000 5 06 00 00 68 XI ,176 95 45,534 56 8,133 22 64,844 73 Capital stock paid in . . . Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium . . . Deposites, viz. by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William l’ickering, late collector by Felix Ansart . . . Ch. _ _ 8,659 2,274 2,486 28,182 12,913 3,058 36 75 63 25 06 81 46 60 - _. Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . . . . . . . _ - 00 00 49 92 57,611 56 1,044 50 9,000 00 $274,068 47 $274,068 47 C o x m e b c ia l 100,000 83,718 2,930 19,763 B a n k , P o r ts m o u th , O ctober 6, 1834. GF.O. M E L C H F .lt, J r ., Cashier. I— I 00 I__I D n. Statement o f the Commercial Bank, Portsmouth, JV. I I , Monday, October 13, Notes and bills discounted . New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing’ Stock Suffolk Hank, Boston Expense account . . . . Cash, viz: 13:!ls of specie paying hanks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston . . . Specie on h»nd . . . • • . 12,283 40 42 130 66 8,177 69 ------- 202,542 2,760 2,000 5 82 00 00 68 63,591 75 Capital stock paid in Hills in circulation Interest and premium Depos'tes, viz: by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser bv John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by Felix Ansart by Wm. Pickering, late collector Unclaimed dividends Reserved profrs . $269,900 25 . - . - . 1334. Cu. 100,000 00 _ . _ 7.796 1,481 963 27,866 12,829 36 3,058 - 85,513 00 3.3-11 97 16,992 92 05 86 77 90 22 60 46 54,032 86 1.019 50 9,000 00 $269,900 25 CoXXKKCIAL B aN'K, I 'o r /s m o u /h , O ctober 13, 1834. GEO. MELCHER, Jr., Cashier. C u. S ta te m e n t o f th e C o m m ercia l B u n k , P o rtsm o u th , IV. H ., M o n d a y , O ctober so , 1834. l)a. Notes anil bills discounted . . . New Hampshire St afford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Hank, Boston . . . Kxpense account . . . . Cash, viz: Bills nf <pecie pa>ing banks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank ill linstou . . . Spccic on hand - 2 0 4 ,3 4 6 2.760 2,000 39 71 00 00 63 1 0 ,8 5 7 70 3 5 , 1 7 4 09 8 , 0 0 3 30 51,035 09 Capital stock paid in » Bills in circulation • Interest and premium . . . Deposites, viz: bv individuals by Joh n I.aighton, navy agent by Daniel 1J . Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. bv [“aac Waldron, pension agent by W m . P.ckering, late collector by Felix Ansart . . . Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . # ? 6 3 ,1 8 l 48 C H a s . . . 1 ,5 91 1 ,4 81 863 27,846 1 2,6 9 5 3 ,058 36 90 86 77 90 58 46 60 4 7 , 5 7 5 07 1 ,0 1 9 50 9 , 0 0 0 00 . . 00 00 01 90 - $ 263,181 48 *) J’ort'fn ’Ulh, Oc' hcr 20, o m m er c ia l . 1 00,0 00 8 2 ,7 6 7 3,7 5 2 1 9,0 6 7 1834. G E O . M E LC H E U , J r , Cashier. I— I GO Dr. Statement oj the Commercial Bank, Portsmouth, JY. H , Monday, October 27, Cu. 1834. CO ♦ Notes and bills discounted New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock . . . . . Suffolk Hank, Boston . . . Expense account Cash, viz. Bills o f Specie paying banks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Rank in Boston Specie on hand - 2 03 ,3 69 73 . _ 10,711 51 3 0 , 3 7 4 00 8 , 1 2 7 61 -------------------- 2 ,7 6 0 00 2 , 0 0 0 00 44 18 4 9 ,2 1 3 12 Capital stock paid in Bills in circulation Interest and premium Deposites, viz. by individuals by John Laig-hton, navy agent bv Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser • by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William Pickering1, late col lector by Felix Ansart Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits - - - - 100,000 00 . 8 2 ,2 3 6 00 4 , 0 4 5 52 1 6 ,1 6 7 42 - 6 ,9 7 9 1,357 3,538 1 7 ,5 3 4 1 2 ,4 1 3 67 99 20 39 28 3 , 0 5 8 46 36 60 m - $ 2 5 7 ,3 8 7 03 $ 2 5 7 ,3 8 7 03 C o m m e r c ia l B a n k , Portsmouth, October 27, 1834. 4 4 ,9 1 8 59 1 ,0 1 9 50 9 , 0 0 0 00 GEO. M E L C H E R , J r . , Cashier. l_J D h. S ta te m e n t o f th e C o m m e rc ia l B a n k , P o rtsm o u th , N I I , M o n d a y, N ovem ber 3, 1834. Notes and bills discounted New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing' S to ck Suffolk Bank, Boston . . . Expense account . . . . Cash, viz. Bills o f specie paying banks . Specie deposite in Merchants’ Ban k in Boston * * Specie on hand - 2 0 6 ,5 3 3 17 - . 1 2 ,2 0 7 21 2 , 7 6 0 00 2 , 0 0 0 00 44 18 3 5 , 8 4 1 31 7 , 9 7 7 48 5 6 , 0 2 6 00 Capital stock paid in Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium Deposites, viz. by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P . Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William Pickering, late col lector by Felix Ansart . . . Unclaimed dividends . Reserved profits - 8 2 6 7 ,3 6 3 35 C o m m er c ia l B a k u , Portsmouth, November ,4 1834. . . - - 1 0 0,00 0 8 6 ,7 9 9 4,338 2 1 ,49 1 - . 6,886 2,580 2,766 1 7 ,4 3 8 1 1 ,96 1 00 00 11 53 46 35 41 24 19 3 , 0 5 8 46 36 60 _ . - C r. - 4 4 , 7 2 7 71 1 , 0 0 7 00 9 , 0 0 0 00 $^67 ,3 63 35 GEO. M E L C H E R , J r . , Cashier. I—I 00 ® k. Statem ent o f the Commercial B ank , Portsmouth, N. I I , Monday, November 10, 1S34, Notes and bills discounted . . . New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston . Expense account . . . . Cash, viz. Bills o f specie paying banks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Doston . . . . Sp ccie on hand . . . 2 12 ,7 53 2,760 2,000 44 59 00 00 18 9 , 1 5 8 84 5 0 , 1 9 5 95 9 , 1 3 5 42 6 8 ,4 9 0 21 Capital stock paid in . . . Bills in circulation . . . . Interest and premium . . . Deposites, viz. by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by Joh n Campbell, Treasurer U. S. by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart . . . Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . . . . - Cn. 100,000 83,282 4,705 28 ,308 6,514 4 ,3 3 3 1,451 3 2 ,4 3 8 1 1 ,92 2 3,0 5 8 36 86 23 03 24 51 46 60 . . - - 59 ,754 93 997 00 9,000 00 #286,047 98 *2 8 6 , 0 4 7 98 C o m m e r c ia l B a n k , Portsmouth, November 10, 1834. 00 00 82 23 GEO. M E L C H E R J r . , Cashier. ' oo D a. S ta te m e n t o f th e C o m m e rc ia l S a n k , P o rtsm o u th , N . H ., M o n d a y, N ovem ber Notes and bills discounted N ew Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston Expense account Cash, viz. Bills o f specie paying banks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston Specie on hand . . . . . • . . . . . 10,072 78 46,691 S3 9,069 15 214,625 92 2,760 00 2 ,0 00 00 44 18 65,833 46 . . . . . . Capital stock paid in Bills in circulation Interest and premium Deposites, viz. by individuals by John Laughton, navy agent by Daniel P. Drown, collect r by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by William Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart . Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . . . . . . . 17, 1834. C r. 100,000 00 - - U. S. • . . . . . . 6 ,1 2 1 5,981 1,362 32,438 11,741 3,058 24 - 27 64 66 £4 48 46 00 $285,263 56 88,411 00 4,826 14 21,301 67 60,727 75 997 00 9,000 00 S285.263 56 C o m m e rcia l B a s k , Portsmouth, November 17, 1834. G EO . M E L C H E R , J r . , Cashier. I—I CO I__I D a. Statement o f the Commercial Bunk, Portsmouth, N. H , Monday, November 24, 1S34. Notes and bills discounted . . . New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston . . . Expense account Cash, viz: Bills of specie paying banks Specie deposite in Merchants* Bank in Boston . . . Specie on hand . . . 217,862 39 Capital stock paid in . 2,760 00 Bills in circulation . . . 2,000 00 Interest and premium ’ . • 44 18 Deposites, viz: by individuals by John Laighton, navy agent 9,983 09 by Daniel t*. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser 51,923 45 by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. 9,032 80 r0,939 34 by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by Wm. Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart . Unclaimed dividends Reserved profits . . . . 5,991 06 6,826 75 4,175 44 45,775 73 11,661 75 3,058 46 24 00 Portsmouth, November 24, 1834. 100,000 83,743 4,948 17,404 00 00 50 22 77,513 19 997 00 9,000 00 $293,605 91 *293,605 91 C o m m e r c ia l B a s k , Cr. GEO. MELCHER, Jr., Cashier. oo D r. Statement o f the Commercial Bank, Portsmouth, N. I I , Monday, December 1, 1834. Notes and bills discounted New Hampshire Strafford Manufacturing Stock Suffolk Bank, Boston . . . Expense account Cash, viz: Bills of specie paying banks Specie deposite in Merchants’ Bank in Boston Specie on hand . . . . - 14,299 25 48,370 01 9,270 61 ----------------- 213,422 92 Capital stock paid in . . . 2,760 00 Bills in circulation . . . . 2,000 00 In'erest and premium . . . 44 18 Deposites, viz: by individuals . by John Laighton, navy agent by Daniel P. Drown, collector by Joseph Wilson, purser by John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. 71,939 87 by Isaac Waldron, pension agent by Wm. Pickering, late collector by Felix Ansart Unclaimed dividends . . . Reserved profits . . . . / Cr. 100,000 00 _ . . 5,775 9,498 4,150 45,344 11,568 3,058 24 76 62 14 73 07 46 00 - $290,166 97 C o m m er c ia l B a n k , Portsmouth, December 76,151 00 5,018 35 19,597 84 79,419 78 980 00 9,000 00 $290,166 97 1, 1834. GEO. MELCHER, J r ., Or Cashier. CO I__I State of the Merchants' Bank, Salem, June 30, Capital stock - ' Bills in circulation . . Due depositors . . . .lames Miller, collector T reasu rer United States Atlantic Rank . . Globe Bank . . Ipswich Bank . . Branch Hank United States, Unclaimed dividends . Contingent fund . . Profit and loss . . . . . . _ • . . . Boston . . . ' 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 28,086 5,817 968 9 1 .1 4 3 781 1,099 1 ,3 9 0 791 855 2,5 4 4 7,608 00 00 77 11 44 00 36 31 48 25 66 37 r 1834. Specie on hand Bills o f other banks Balance in Danvers Bank State Bank Oriental Bank Traders’ Dank South Bank Nuremburg Bank Hancock Bank Bristol Bank Haverhill Bank Bank United States, Philadelphia New Yo rk Do Baltimore Do Gloucester Bank Mechanics’ B >nk Suffolk Bank State Bank Notes receivable Suspense account Bonds - . . . • 30, 1834. 17 48 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 57 05 48 74 14 27 35 03 55 00 $ 5 4 1 ,0 8 5 75 5 5 4 1 ,0 8 5 75 S a l e m , June 9,5 5 3 3,170 1 ,8 4 9 5 ,0 0 0 7,000 3,060 1 0 ,0 8 0 3,000 3,000 200 858 3,136 1,031 817 1,291 693 1,173 471 4 8 4 ,0 2 4 1,182 493 JNO. W. TREADWELL, Cashier. 1 oo S ta le oJ~ M erch a n ts' S a n k , S a lem , F rid a y , jiu g u s t 1, Capital stock . . . . . . Hills in circulation . . . . . Due depositors . . . . . T n a s il r e r United States . . . . Jas. Miller, c 'Hector customs . . . State Rank, Boston . . . . Atlantic Bank . . . . . Ipswich Bank . . . . . Mechanics’ Bank, Boston Globe Bank, Boston . . . . Branch Bank United States, New York * Ocean B ank . Unclaimed dividends . . . . . Contingent fund . . . . . Profit and loss . . . . . • 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 00 • . 43,089 11,720 63 73,3-16 36 53 43 2,978 39 1,407 51 900 19 1 ,598 73 305 00 7,145 21 286 50 783 25 2,544 66 8,877 85 >555,036 71 1834. Specie on hand . . . Hills of other banks . . . Balance in Danvers Bank . . State Bank . . Oriental Ban k . . - Traders’ Bank . . South Bank . . Hancock Bank . . Marblehead Bank Branch Bank, Baltimore Gloucester Bank Branch Dank, Boston Bunk United States Suffolk Bank Notes receivable . . . Suspense account - * Bonds . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • JNO, W . TREADWELL, - 9,848 2,652 250 5,000 7,000 3,060 10,080 3,000 292 17 873 3,027 r,926 6,895 499,437 1,182 493 8555,036 82 00 23 00 00 00 00 00 50 48 19 87 15 05 87 55 00 71 Cashier. ( —> 00 Stale o f Merchants' Bank, Salem, on September J, 1834. Capital stock . . . Hills in circulation Due depositors . . James Miller, collector Treasurer United States Globe Bank Gloucester Bank Branch Bank, New York Boston Ipswich Bank • Suffolk do Dividends unpaid Contingent fund Profit and loss . . . . . • .. • - . . . 400,000 00 Specie on hand . . 30,725 00 Bills of other banks . 4,086 74 Balance in Danvers Bank . . 3,877 33 State do . . 36,046 36 Traders’ do . . 980 45 South do . . 2,455 08 Do do . . 6,666 18 Hancock do . . 3,516 29 Nahant do . . 1,958 34 Bank Uivted States . 2,511 99 Mechanics’ Bank . . 753 25 Haverhill do 2,544 66 Blanch Bank, Baltimore . 12,442 76 State Bank, Boston . Notes receivable . . . Suspense account . . . Bonds • . . . . 8508,564 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,902 46 496 86 695 80 5,000 00 3,060 00 4,080 00 6,000 00 3,000 00 1,068 42 15 47 322 36 812 00 17 48 977 88 471,440 15 1,182 55 493 00 . . . . $508,564 43 JNO, W . TREADWELL, M erchants’ B awk, Salem, September 2, I— i CO 1834. Cashier. S ta le o f M erch a n ts’ B a n k , S a le m , on O ctober 4 , 1834. Capital stock . . . Bills in circulation Due depositors • James Miller, collector Treasurer United States . State Bank • Atlantic Bank Branch Bank, Boston ■ New York United States’ Bonk, Philadelphia Suffolk Bank Dividends unpaid • Contingent fund • Profit and loss . . . 400,000 00 34,523 00 28,930 43 23,946 36 2,860 07 1,760 27 12,475 89 16,495 62 1,566 82 1,023 07 407 75 2,544 66 17,152 71 8543,686 65 Specie on hand Bills of other banks Deposited in Calais Bank Danvers Bank South do Hancock do Branch Bank, Baltimore Mechanics’ Bank Ipswich do Gloucester do Notes discounted • Suspense account Bonds . . . 9,748 72 650 20 2 00 176 48 6,000 00 3,000 00 17 48 122 36 192 00 21 87 522,082 99 1,179 55 493 00 $543,686 65 JNO. W. TREADWELL, so Cashier. 00 State of Merchants' Bank, Salem, on Tuesday, November 4, Capital stock . . . Bills in circulation . . . Du e depositors ' . James Miller, collector . . Treasurer United States . . Branch Bank, Boston . . Branch Bank, New Yo rk . United States’ Bank, Philadelphia Ipswich Bank . » Mechanics’ B ank • - ' * Suffolk Bank . . . Unclaimed dividends . . . Contingent fund . . . Profit and loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 ,0 00 4 1 ,9 4 7 8 ,0 7 9 116 2 2 ,7 4 6 1 2 ,9 68 1 7 ,22 2 2 ,3 8 5 1 ,7 1 6 2,3 6 6 16 ,8 63 1 ,6 1 1 2,544 3,520 00 00 22 71 36 16 52 80 25 60 51 00 66 98 1S34. Specie on hand . . . Bills of other banks . . . Deposited in Calais Bank Danvers Bank South Bank Hancock Bank Bl anch Bank, Baltimore .» Gloucester Bank Notes discounted . . . Suspense account , Bonds . . . . - . - • I - 00 9,782 2,339 2 1,055 6,000 3,000 17 763 5 09 ,5 43 1 ,0 9 1 493 58 59 00 56 00 00 48 87 14 55 00 8 5 3 4 ,0 8 8 77 8 5 3 4 ,0 8 8 77 JNO. W. TREADWELL, Cashier. Capital stock . . . Bills in cildilation Due depositors Treasurer United States James Miller, collector Atlantic Bank Branch Bank, Boston ' Branch Hank, New York Ipswich Bank * Mechanics’ Bank Gloucester Bank Suffolk Bank Slate Bank Globe Dank Dividends unpaid * Contingent fund Profit and loss - r • . . , . - r S ta le o f M erch a n ts' B a n k , S a lem , D ecem ber 2, 1834. -------------------------- *---------------------------- -----------------400,000 00 Specie on hand . . . . . . • . . . 36,593 00 Bills of other banks 15,826 1 1 Balance in Calais Bank . . . . 7,746 36 Branch Bank, Baltimore . . . 2,306 26 Danvers Bank . . . . 407 00 Bank United States, Philadelphia 6,644 06 Notes discounted . . . . . 3,963 92 Suspense account . . . . . . . . . . . 1,135 09 Bonds 10 08 2,192 83 19,217 51 7,831 13 683 62 609 00 2,544 66 r , 5,702 34 “ $513,412 97 9,627 3,089 2 99 1,003 374 497,740 983 493 64 79 00 21 27 08 43 55 00 $513^412 97 JNO. W. THE ADWELL, Cathier. I— I CO State o f Commonwealth Bank on Monday morning, June 23, 1834. Specie in vault . . Specie balances due from city banks . . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities 143,221 34 Capital stock paid in -v ■ 88.000 00 Deposites on demand . • • 381,700 00 Specie balance due city banks 995,575 61 Contingent fund . . . . Bills in circulation . . . . • . 500,000 00 926,098 26 51,000 00 17,847'69 112,651 00 . $1,608,496 95 $1,608,496 95 CHARLES HOOD, Cashier. 00 to State o f Commonwealth B an k on M onday m orning, June 30, 1834. Specie in vault „ ■ . • . Specie balances due from citv banks . . . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand • Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities • 137,785 93 Capital stock paid In 85,000 00 Deposites on demand . . 361,042 00 Specie balance due city banks . . . 1,002,233 84 Contingent fund Bills in circulation . . $1,586,061 77 r—i 00 I__l . . . . * - . . . . - . . . . - 500,000 893,054 50,000 18,604 124,403 00 35 00 42 00 $1,586,061 77 CHARLES HOOD, Cashier. S ta te o f C o m m o n w ea lth S a n k on M o n d a y m o rn in g , J u ly 7, Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banka Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - 137,879 88 Capital stock paid in 127,000 00 Deposites on demand 353,646 00 Specie balance due city banks 995,631 34 Contingent fund . . Bills in circulation . . 1834 . . . .. . . . . - . . . . $1,614,157 22 500.000 844,984 123.000 18,588 127,584 00 47 00 75 00 $1,614,157 22 C H IL E S HOOD, Cashier. Stale o f Commonwealth B a n k on M onday m orning , July 14, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks • Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - 109,088 27 Capital stock paid in 76,000 00 Deposites on demand . . 324,464 00 Specie balance due city banks 992,110 56 Contingent fund . . Bills in circulation . . $1,501,652 83 . . . . . . . . . . . . - 500,000 00 843.995 86 16,000 00 19,671 97 121.995 00 #1,501,662 83 CHARLES HOOD, Cashier. 1 1 00 State o f Commonwealth Bank on Monday morning, July 21, 1834. Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities 108,288 2 1 Capital stock paid in • 99,000 00 Deposites on demand . 289,881 00 Specie balance due city batiks - ' - 976,343 11 Contingent fund Bills in circulation . . . . *1,473,512 32 » * . Stale o f Commonwealth B a n k on M onday m orning , July Specie in vault . . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - 108,230 82 116,000 00 281,129 00 973,486 35 • - * . CHARLES HOOD, 500,000 00 805,054 76 47,000 00 20,851 56 100,606 00 jjl ,473,512 32 Cashier, 28, 1834. Capital stock paid in Deposites on demand . . . . Specie balance due city banks Contingent fund . . . . . Bills in circulation - . . - - *1,478,846 17 CHARLES HOOD, 500,000 00 831,158 54 25,000 00 22,385 63 100,302 00 $1,478,846 17 Cathier. S ta te o f C o m m o n w ea lth S a n k on M o n d a y m o rn in g , J iu g u st 4, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks Bills of other banks and checks "payable on demand Debts due the bank on persona] and stock securities 108,274 89 Capital stock paid in . 118,000 00 Deposites on demand • 221,719 00 Specie balance due city banks - 1.019,579 44 Contingent fund Bills in circulation . 81,467,573 33 - . . . - _ . . . . . -, . . . . . . - 500,000 00 799,218 53 43,000 00 22,6 6 6 80 10 2 ,6 8 8 00 / 81,467,573 33 ------------------------------------------------- ------------- m ------CHARLES HOOD, Cashier. CC ■State o f Commonwealth B a n k on M onday morning, A ugust 11, 1834. Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities . - - 108,353 124,000 225,043 - 1,014,154 23 00 00 17 * 1,471,550 40 ✓ 1 Capital stock paid in . . . Deposites on demand . . . . . Specie balance due city banks . . . . Contingent fund . . . . . . Bills in circulation . . . . . 1 500,000 806,068 50,000 24,231 91,260 00 97 00 43 00 *1,471,550 40 --■ ' CHARLES HOOD, Cashier. CD I__I State o f Commonwealth Bank on Monday morning, August 18, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - 108,950 79 Capital stock paid in 142,000 00 Deposites on demand . . 230,715 00 Specie balance due city banks 1,011,338 68 Contingent fund . . Bills in circulation - . . . . . . . . . - n 05 - $1,493,004 47 500,000 823,669 65,000 24,526 79,808 00 62 00 85 00 $1,493,004 47 CHARLES HOOD, Cashier. 00 Oi Stale of Commonwealth Bank on Monday morning, August Specie in vault . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - 108,947 71 Capital stock paid in • 206,000 00 Deposites on demand . 206,856 00 Specie balance due city banks . . 1,026,806 76 Contingent fund Bills in circulation * *1,548,610 47 2 5, 1834. • . . . . . . . . . • * 500,000 862,360 80,000 25,826 80,423 00 48 00 99 00 $1,548,610 47 CHARLES HOOD, Cashier. State o f Commonwealth Bank on Monday morning, September 1, 1834. Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banks Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - . 109,867 93 Capital stock paid in . 188,000 00 Deposites on demand 206,823 00 Specie balance due city banks . . 1,023,345 79 Contingent fund Bills in circulation ' v . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . ■- - - CHARLES HOOD, State of Commonwealth Bank on Monday morning, September Specie in vault . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - *1,617,254 83 Cashifr. 8, 1834. 109,433 61 Capital stock paid in - ‘ Deposites on demand . . . . 270,769 00 Specie balance due city banks • 1,006,052 22 Contingent fund . . . . Bilb in circulation . . . 22 1,0 0 0 00 00 49 00 33 00 *1,528,036 72 *1,528,036 72 • 500,000 865,709 53,000 26,596 82,731 . * . . . 500,000 00 924,181 15 61,000 00 26,952 68 105,121 00 *1,617,254 83 CHARLES HOOD, Caihier. 00 1— 1 I Slate o f Commonwealth Bank, on Monday morning, September 15, 1834. GO Specie in vault . . Specie balances due from city banks . Hills o f other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities 109,222 02 250,000 00 268,055 00 1,016,347 85 500,000 950,155 54,000 28,272 111,197 Capital stock paid in Deposites on demand Specie balance due city banks Contingent fund Bills in circulation - 00 30 00 57 00 1,643,624 87 $1,643,624 87 C H A R L E S HOOD, Cashier. co G© State o f Commonwealth B ank, on M onday morning, September 22, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . Specie balances due from city banks Bills o f other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities 109,935 279,000 292,235 1,008,585 74 00 00 53 $1,689,756 27 Capital stock paid in • Deposites on demand Specie balance due city banks Contingent fund • Bills in circulation • 500.000 943,106 109.000 29,712 107,938 00 15 00 12 00 $1,689,756 27 CHARLES HOOD, Cashier, S ta te o f C om m o n w ealth BanJc, on M o n d a y m o rn in g , S eptem ber 29, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts du 6 the bank on personal and stock securities • 106,767 297,000 288,005 1,014,161 83 00 00 89 81,705,934 72 Capital stock paid in . . Deposited on demand . . . . . Specie balance due city banks . . . Contingent fund • Bills in circulation . • . . . . . 500.000 893,710 158.000 33,114 . 1 2 1 , 1 1 0 00 1 *1,705,934 72 CHARLES HOOD, • . Cashier. 06 CO State of Commonwealth Bank, on Monday morning , October 6 , Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand • Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - 00 57 00 15 107,201 314,000 338,994 979,116 06 00 00 70 *1,739,311 76 Capital stock ■ Deposites on demand ■ Spccie balance due city banks Contingent fund -' ■ Bills in circulation - 1834. 500.000 00 902,255 76 185.000 00 27,611 00 124,445 00 *1,739,311 76 CHARLES HOOB, Cashier. CO I---1 State of Commonwealth Bank on Monday morning, October 13, 1834. 00 > - . . Specie in vault _ Sp ecie balances due from city banks Bills o f other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities . _ . . - 108,650 17 270,000 00 269,357 00 966,409 16 Capital slock paid in Deposites on demand Specie balance due city banks Contingent fund Bills in circulation - * - - * - - - - - “ - * 500,000 797,866 196,000 12,575 107,974 00 90 00 43 00 §1,614,416 33 $1,614,416 33 C H A R L E S HOOD, Cashier. - Slate of Commonwealth B ank on Monday morning, October 20, 1834. . . - . - . - Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banks Bills o f other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock .securities . . - 108,630 240,000 259,648 964,850 23 00 00 19 $1,573,178 42 - Capital stock paid in Deposites on demand Specie balance due city banks Contingent fund Bills in circulation - . . - - 500.000 715,836 233.000 13,039 111,302 00 78 00 64 00 $1,573,178 42 CHARLES IIOOD, Cashier. State o f Commonwealth Bank on Monday morning, October 27 , 1834. Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities , 116,767 175,000 178,207 960,787 34 00 00 43 Capital stock paid in . Deposites on demand . Specie balance due city banks Contingent fund . . Bills in circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500.000 657,626 146.000 14,588 112,547 *1,430,761 77 S I,430,761 77 ' CHARLES HOOD, State o f Commonwealth Bank on Monday morning, November 3, Specie in vault . . . . . Specie balances due from pty banks ,. Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - 114,713 132,000 103.440 963,081 35 Capital stock paid in -00 Deposites on demand 00 Specie balance due city banks 25 Contingent fund - ■ Bills in circulation . . . J 1 ,313,234 60 00 01 00 76 00 . . Cashier. 1S34. . . . . . . . $500,000 636,463 8 :1 ,000 16,918 76,853 00 44 00 16 00 g l,313,234 60 CHARLES HOOD, Cashier. Specie in vault . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - 108,282 26 ■137,000 00 169,874 00 935,285 18 $1,400,441 44 Capital stock paid in Deposites on demand * Specie balance due city banks Contingent fund Bills in circulation - . - . - • ' ■ * 81,400,441 44 ' CHARLES HOOD, Stale of Commonwealth Bank on Monday morning, November 1 7 , Specie in vault . . . . Specie balances due from city banks • . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal anil stock securities 108,297 31 147,000 00 - 142,280 00 988,253 66 Capital stock paid in Deposites on demand Specie balance due city banks Contingent fund . . . Bills in circulation - 500,000 00 667,299 47 70,000 00 18,430 97 144,711 00 I 8 *3 State of Commonwealth Bank on Monday morning, November 10, 1834. • • Cashier. O KJ 1834. - . • - 500,000 686.024 45,000 19,195 135,611 00 15 00 82 00 *1,385,830 97 $1,385,830 97 CHARLES HOOD, Cashier. S /a le o f C om m onw ealth S a n k on M onday m orning, November 24, 1834. Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks and checks payable on demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - ✓ 108,418 96 Capital stock paid in 171,000 00 Deposites on demand 154,026 00 Specie balance due city banks 985,074 94 Contingent fund Bills in circulation • . - - - . - 500,000 701,662 46,000 19,657 151,200 • $1,418,519 90 81,418,519 90 CHARLES HOOD, S la t e o f C o m m o n w e a lth B a n k on M o n d a y m o r n in g , D ec e m b er 1 Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banks Bills of other banks and checks payable on .demand Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - 98,142 59 Capital stock paid in 148,000 00 Deposites on derpand 213,943 00 Specie balance due city banks 990,409 68 Contingent fund Bills in circulation - 00 51 00 39 00 - Cashier. , 1834. - - _ - S I,450,495 27 500,000 722,384 40,000 20,697 167,413 00 77 00 50 00 S I,450,495 27 C H A R L E S HOOD, Cashier. 00 I__I State o f Merchants’ Bank, Boston, on Monday morning, June 16, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bdls of other banks - ' Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities . • 1 6 8 ,9 2 6 9 8 ,0 0 0 2 3 4 ,8 7 5 1 , 5 0 0 ,6 7 4 84 00 00 72 % 7 5 0 ,0 0 0 00 Capital stock paid in Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company < Deposites on demand Specie balance due city banks . . . . Contingent fund •Bills in circulation . . . . . Discount . . . . . . Deposite to credit o f the Treasurer o f the U. States Deposite to credit o f S . Thayer, lieutenant colonel - 1 35 ,5 00 166,541 5 9 ,0 0 0 4 0 ,0 0 4 1 1 2 ,7 3 4 20,957 6 9 3 ,7 7 7 2 3 ,9 6 1 00 14 00 77 00 74 43 48 $ 2 , 0 0 2 ,4 7 6 56 § 2 , 0 0 2 , 4 7 6 56 FRANKLIN HAVEN, Cashier. 52 tU State of Merchants’ Bank, Boston, on Monday morning, June 23, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . . Specie balances due from city bank3 Bills of other banks . . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities • i— i co i—i 750,000 170,064 26 Capital stock paid in • 109,000 00 Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life 135,500 223,522 00 Insurance Company ’ 169,652 1,500,379 13 Deposites on demand . . . . . . 30,000 Specie balance due city banks . . . 40,004 Contingent fund . . . . . 113,725 Bills in circulation . . . . . 23,909 Discount . . . . . . 716,633 Deposite to credit of the Treasurer of the U. States 23,540 Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel 82,002,965 $2,002,965 39 F R A N K L IN IIA V E N . C a n /tie r. 00 00 48 00 77 00 65 18 31 39 S ta te o f M erchants' H ank, B oston, on M onday m orning, Ju n e 30, 1834. . Specie in vault . . . Specie balances due from city banks Bills of other banks . . . . . . . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities . - 2 2 0 ,8 8 1 67,000 2 5 5 ,1 4 1 1,500,008 49 00 00 48 • the S. * 2 ,0 4 3 ,0 3 0 97 1 1 750,000 00 Capital stock paid in . . . . Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . . _ Deposites on demand . . . . Specie balance due city banks . . . Contingent fund . _ Bills in circulation . . . . . Discount Deposite to credit of the Treasurer of U. . Deposite to credit o f Thayer, lieutenint colonel . 1 35 ,5 00 1 96,1 78 37,000 40,004 1 1 9 ,0 6 4 26,106 7 1 6 ,6 3 3 22,543 States 00 69 00 77 00 82 18 51 § 2 , 0 4 3 , 0 3 0 97 * F R A N K L IN I IA V E N , Cashier. State of Merchants’ Bank, Boston, on Monday morning, July 7, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks Bills of other banks . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - . . . . 81 Capital stock paid in 00 Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . . . . 00 . . . . 42 Deposites on demand Specie balance due city banks _ Contingent fund . . . . . Bills in circulation Discount Deposite to credit of the Treasurer of the U. States Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel *2,102,853 23 202,331 119,000 281,513 1,500,008 50 750.000 00 135,500 00 183,896 51 49.000 CO 40,004 77 136,186 00 27,650 17 750,591 78 30,024 00 *2,102,853 23 FKANKLIN HAVEN, Cashier. I__i State o f Merchants' Bank, Boston, on Monday morning, July 14, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills o f other banks . . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - 2 0 4 ,0 0 4 6 0 ,0 0 0 24 6 ,6 8 2 1 ,5 0 0 , 0 3 0 12 00 00 54 7 5 0 ,0 0 0 00 Capital stock paid in • * Deposites on loans, due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . • Deposites on demand Specie balance due city banks . . . Coniingent fund . . . . . Bills in circulation . . . . . Discount Deposite to credit o f the Treasurer of the United States Deposite to credit of S ■Thayer, lieutenant colonel Deposite to credit o f J . L . Sibley, U. S. Marshal - 1 3 5 ,5 0 0 1 50,9 16 3 2 ,0 0 0 40,004 1 3 1 ,1 0 4 2 9,186 705,932 2 8 ,0 6 2 8 ,010 00 15 00 77 00 23 86 44 21 8*4,010,716 66 § 2 , 0 1 0 , 7 1 6 66 FR A N K L IN IIA VE N , . Cashier. co State of Merchants' Bank, Boston, on Monday morning, July 21, 1834. Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities Bank expenses • ‘- 200,433 ~ 119,000 227,387 1,504,725 2,308 88 00 00 96 71 $ 2 , 0 5 3 , 8 5 5 55 stock paid in • on loans, due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company Deposites on demand Specie balance due city banks . . . Contingent fund . . . . . Bills in circulation Discount Deposite to credit of the Treasurer United States Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel Deposite to credit of J. L. Sibley, U. S, Marshal Capital Deposites 750,000 135,500 ' 201,281 34,000 40,004 113,278 31,476 715,707 27,912 4,694 00 00 41 00 77 00 50 86 44 57 $ 2 , 0 5 3 , 8 5 5 55 FHANKLIN HAVEN, Cathier. S la te o f M erch a n ts* H a n k , I3oslon> on M o n d a y m o rn in g , J u ly 28, 1S34. Specie in vault . Specie balances due From city banks . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and slock securities Bank expenses . . . . . * • 201,480 70 163,000 00 164,44% 00 1,500,626 04 2.308 71 Capital stock paid in Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . . . . Deposites on demand . . . . Specie balance due city banks . . . Contingent fund . . . . . Bills in circulation . . . Discount Deposite to credit of the Treasurer of the United States Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel . Deposite to credit of J. L. Sibley, U. >S. Marshal - $2,031,857 45 ' FRANKLIN IIAVEV, Statem ent o f M erchant's B ank, Boston, on M onday morning, A ug ust 4, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities • Bank expenses . . 191,328 187,000 182,524 1,500,694 2,308 61 00 00 20 71 $2,063,855 52 . 750,000 OIJ 135 ,500 00 187,094 83 58,000 00 40,004 77 115,080 00 33,667 22 079,927 62 27,912 44 4,670 57 §2,031,857 45 Capital stock paid in Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . . . . Deposites on demand . . . . Specie balance due cily banks Contingent fund Bills in circulation . . . Discount Deposite to credit of the Treasurer United Stales . Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel Deposite to credit of J. L. Sibley, U. 8 . Marshal \ Cwshitr. 750.000 135,500 210,312 140.000 40,004 124,879 35,487 595,422 27,582 4,666 82,063,855 FRANKLIN HA YEN, Cathier. 00 00 33 00 77 00 67 18 75 82 52 State o f Merchants' Bank, Boston, on Monday morning, August 1 1 , 1834. Specie in . . . . . vault S p e c ie balances due from city banka Bills o f other banks _ Deb ts due the bank on personal and stock securities B ank expenses - . . . . - . . 183.807 169,000 200,044 1,500,256 2,308 62 00 00 10 71 . . - . Capital stock paid in Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company Deposites on demand Specie balance due city banks Contingent fund - ’ . . . Bills in circulation Discount Deposite to credit of the Treasurer of the U. States Deposite lo credit o f S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel Deposite to credit of J . L. Sibley, U. States’ Marshal Deposite to credit o f J . P. Norton, super’t lig-ht-houscs . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . - . . 92,055,416 43 750,000 00 135,500 00 227,400 33 99,000 00 40,004 77 126,981 00 37,800 75 604,798 18 26,264 58 4,666 82 3,000 00 $2,055,416 43 FRAN KLIN HAVEN, Cashier. State o f M erchants' B an k, Boston, on Monday morning, A ugust 18, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities Bank expenses 187,239 61 149,000 00 208,236 00 1,500,222 54 2,308 71 on on . 0 9 . . . $2,047,006 86 . . . . . . . . . Capital stock paid in Deposites loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company Deposites demanel Specie balance due city banks Contingent fund Bills in circulation Discount Deposite to credit o f the Treasurer o f the U. States Deposite to credit o f S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel Deposite to credit of J . L. Sibley, U. States’ Marshal Deposite to credit of J . P. Norton, sup’t light-houses, &c. . . . . . . - . . - . . - - 750,000 00 135,500 00 250,581 27 98,000 00 40,004 77 122,720 00 39'385 39 577,798 18 26,050 43 4,666 82 2,300 00 $2,047,006 88 F R A N K L IN H A V E N , Cashier. S ta te o f M erchants' B a tik , B oston, on M o n da y m o rnin g , J iu g u st 25, 1834. Specie in vault •........................................................... Specie balances due from city bank9 • Bills of other banks Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities Bank expenses . . . . . 178,861 182,000 234,814 1,500,099 2,308 40 00 00 99 71 / Capital stock paid in . ; Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . . . . - » . . ' Deposites on demand ! Specie balance due city banks . . . Contingent fund . . . Bills in circulation . . . . . Discount Deposite to credit of the Treasurer United Slates . Deposite to crcdit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel Deposite to credit of J . L. Sibley, U. S. Marshal . Deposite to credit of J. P. Norton, sup’t light-houses, &c. • $2,098,084 10 750,000 135,500 270,260 86,000 40,004 118,994 41,514 623,028 26,025 4,456 2,300 $2,098,084 FRANKLIN HAVEN, State o f Alerchants’ B ank, Boston, on M onday m orning , September 1, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities Bank expenses Special interest - - 194,729 104,000 172,199 1,497,168 2,308 2,460 27 00 00 10 71 71 $1,972,865 79 Capital stock paid in Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . . . . Deposites on demand . . . . Specie balance due city banks . . . Contingent fund - ’ Bills in circulation Discount . . . . . . Deposite to credit of the Treasurer United States . Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant c< loncl Deposite to crcdit of J . L. Sibley, U. S. Marshal Deposite to credit of J. P. Norton, sup’t light-houses, &c. 00 00 42 00 77 00 32 18 99 42 00 i 10 Cashier. 750,000 135,500 232,562 31,000 40,004 115,596 43,655 597,628 20,976 3,642 2,300 $1,972,865 FRANKLIN HAVEN, Cashier. 00 00 49 00 77 00 i* 78 13 19 00 79 9/ale o f Merchants' Bank, Boston, on Monday morning, September 8, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities Bank expenses . . . . . Special interest . . . . . 192,915 27 132,000 00 156,031 00 1,493,406 78 2,308 71 2,460 71 Capital stock paid in Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . . . . Deposites on demand . . . . Specie balance due city banks . . . Contingent fund . . Bills in circulation . . . . . Discount . . . . . . Deposite to credit of the Treasurer U. States De posite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel Deposite to credit of J. L. Sibley, U. S. Marshal Deposite to credit of J . P. Norton, sup’t light-houses, &c. *1,979,122 47 750,000 135,500 281,782 51,000 40,004 132,918 44,909 519,069 19,390 2,693 1,854 *1,979,122 Stale o f M erchants’ B ank, Boston, on M onday morning, September . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S p e c ie in vault S p e c ie b alances du e from c ity b an ks B ills o f o th e r b a n k s D eb ts due th e b a n k on p ersonal and sto c k secu rities B a n k exp en ses S p e c ia l in terest . - ' . . • 15, 1834. 1 i Capital stock paid in . . . . | Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . . . . Deposites on demand . . . . ; Specie balance due city banks . . . Contingent fund . . . . . Dills in circulation . . . . . i Discount . . . . . . Deposite to credit of the Treasurer U. States Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel .' Deposite to credit of J. L. Sibley, U. S. Marshal Deposite to credit of J. P. Norton, sup’t light-houses, &c. *1,988,751 71 , 185,330 27 146,000 00 152,301 00 1,500,351 02 2 ,3 0 8 7 1 2,460 71 Cashier. 750.000 00 150.000 00 215,371 72 102.000 00 35,926 99 119,759 00 46,942 57 546,490 05 18,342 69 2,064 52 1,854 17 *1.988,751 71 F R A N K L I N H A V E N , Cashier. 100 FRANKLIN HAVEN, 00 00 87 00 77 00 73 37 12 44 17 47 S ta te o f M erchants * B a tik, B oston, on M o n da y m o rnin g , Septem ber 22, 1834. Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banka . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities . Bank expenses . . . . . Special interest . . . . . • 71 00 00 76 71 71 l Capital stock paid in . . . . ! Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . . . . j Depesites on demand Specie balance due city banks . . . Contingent fund . . . . . Bills in circulation . . . . . D'scount Deposite to credit of the Treasurer U. States Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel Deposite to credit of J. L. Sibley, U. S. Marshal . Deposite to credit of J. P. Norton, sup’t light houses, &.c. 52,053,631 89 State E. H. SEVERANCE, o f Merchants’ B ank, Boston, on M onday m orning , September 2 9 , 1S31. Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banks Bills of other banks . . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities Bank expenses . . . . . Special interest . . . . . Tax . . . . . . . . 192,659 174,000 182,069 1,500,123 2,308 2,460 . 201,937 90 137,000 00 177,261 00 1,500,057 32 2,308 71 1,139 28 3 ,750 00 • $2,023,454 21 Capital stock paid in . . . . Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . . . . Deposites on demand . . . . Specie bahnce due cily banks . . . Contingent fund . . . . . Bills in circulation . . . . . Discount . . . . . . Deposite to credit of the Treasurer U. States Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel Deposite to credit of J, L. Sibley, U. S. Marshal . Deposite to credit of J. P. Norton,/gup’t light-houses, &c. Deposite to credit of Hy. Etting, purser - 750.000 00 150.000 00 233,222 06 116.000 00 35,926 99 131,849 00 48,763 14 568,480 55 16,250 88 1,285 10 - 1,854 17 *2,053,631 89 Bookkeeper. 750.000 00 150.000 00 188,667 48 113.000 00 34,605 56 116,444 00 51,394 11 568,480 55 29,847 24 1,161 10 1,854 17 18,000 00 1 g2,023,454 21 FRANKLIN HAVEN, Cashier. Stale ofMer chants’ Bank, Boston, on Monday morning, October 6, 1834. --------------------- ----------------------------------------------200,828 02 Capital stock paid in Specie in vault . . . . . • 253,000 00 Deposites on loans due to Massachusetls Hospital Life Specie balances due from city banks . . . 181,547 00 Bills of other banks . . . . . Insurance Company 1,500,049 84 Deposites on demand . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities Specie balance due city banks . . . • • Contingent fund . . . . . Bills in circulation . . . . . Dividend No. 6 . . . . . Deposite to credit of the Treasurer United States Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieut. colonel * Deposite lo credit of J. L. Sibley, U. S. Marshal Deposite to credit of J. P.'Norton, sup’t lighthouses, &c. Deposite to credit of H. Etting, purser $2,135,424 86 - - 750.000 00 150.000 00 183,135 48 135.000 00 51,216 47 170,282 00 26,250 00 632,380 55 23,344 48 1,070 24 1,854 17 10,891 47 $2,135,424 86 State of Merchants’ Bank, Bostoii, on Monday morning, October 13, 1834. Specie in vault • Specie balances due from city banks Bills of other banks . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities 750.000 00 10 Capital stock paid in . . 00 Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life 00 Insurance Company . . . 150.000 00 44 Deposites on demand . . . . 187,353 32 Specie balance due city banks . . . 91,000 00 Contingent fund . . . . 51,216 47 158,251 00 Bills in circulation . . . . Discount . . . . . 2,392 61 8,088 50 Dividend No. 6 651,730 55 Deposite to credit of the Treasurer United States 21,836 28 Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieut. colonel 471 06 Deposite to credit of J. L. Sibley, U. S. Marshal 562 72 Deposite to credit of J. P. Norton, sup’t light-houses, & 5,910 03 Deposite to credit of H. Etting, purser #2,078,812 54 82,078,812 54 FRANKLIN HAVEN, Caihiir. 198,926 190,000 189,932 1,499,954 S la te o f M erch a n ts' S a n k , S o sto n , on M o n da y m orning, October 20, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities • 192,457 09 |j Capital stock paid in . . . . . 750.000 00 205,000 00 ' Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life 165,977 00 Insurance Company . . . . 137.000 00 1,500,021 23 j Deposites on demand . . . . 148,418 31 [ Specie balance due city banks . . . 127.000 00 Contingent fund . . . . . 51,216 47 1 Bills in circulation . . . . . 153,342 00 | Discount . . . . . . 4,692 06 ! Dividend No. 6 . . . . 2,982 00 671,124 90 Depoiite to credit of the Treasurer United States 9,518 42 J Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel Deposite to credit of .1. L. Sibley, U. S. Marshal 471 06 7,690 10 Deposite to credit of Henry Etting, purser . 1#2,063,455 32 | #2.063,455 32 FRANKLIN HAVEN, Cashier. State o f M erchants' B a n k , Boston, on M onday morning, October 27, 1834. ' Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities • 207,221 143,000 300,392 1,500,039 40 00 00 74 $2,150,653 14 Capital stock paid in . . . . Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . . . . Deposites on demand . . . . Specie balance due city banks Contingent fund . . _ Bills in circulation . . . . . Discount . . . . . . Deposite to credit of the Treasurer United States . Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel . Deposite to credit of J. I,. Sibley, U. S. Marshal Deposite to credit of Henry Etting, purser - 750.000 00 137.000 00 242,656 33 120.000 00 51,216 47 148,217 00 7,843 82 666,386 64 18,326 C2 4,366 84 4,640 02 #2,150,653 14 FRANKLIN HAVEN, Gaihicr. State o f M erchants’ B ank, Boston, on M onduy morning, November 3, 1834. Specie in vault . . . . . . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bdls of other banks . . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities 206,975 95,000 249,891 . 1,500,010 Cashier. State o f M erchants’ B ank, Boston, on M onday morning, November 10, 1834. Specie in vault . Specie balances due from city banks . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities . 750.000 00 80 Capital stork paid in • 00 Deposites 011 loans due lo Massachusetts Hospital Life 137.000 00 Insurance Company . . . . . 00 . . . . 203,533 00 52 Deposites on demand . 32,000 00 Specie balance due city banks . ■ * 51,216 47 Contingent fund Bills in circulation . . . . . 162,219 00 12,075 82 Discount • ■ Deposite to credit of the Treasurer United States • : 685,155 68 4,994 05 Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel 3,463 69 Deposite to credit of J. L. Sibley, U. S. Marshal 3,501 61 Depusite to credit of Henry Etting, purser • $2,045,159 32 *2,045,159 32 FRANKLIN HAVEN, Cashier. 205,069 62,000 281,813 - 1,496,276 104 82 Capital stock paid in . 00 Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life 00 Insurance Company . . . . . 33 Deposites on demand . . . . . Specie balance due city banks . . . . Contingent fund . . . . . . Bills in circulation . . . . . Discount . . . . . . . Deposite to credit of the Treasurer United States Deposite to credit S. Thayer, lieut. colonel Deposite to credit J. L. Sibley, U. S. Marshal Deposite to credit Henry Etting, purser *2,051,877 15 FRANKLIN HAVEN, i—i CO I__I 750.000 00 137.000 00 180,815 84 87,000 00 51,216 47 147,230 00 9,968 54 666,179 84 7,478 08 3,959 94 11,028 44 *2,051,877 15 S ta te o f M erch a n ts' S a n k , S o s to n , on M o n d a y m o rn in g , N ovem ber 17, 1834. Specie in vault Specie balances due from city banks Bills from other banks " Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities Slate o f M erchants' B a n k , Boston, on M onday morning, November 24, 1834. Specie in vault Specie balances due from c'ty banks Bills of other banks Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities 161,896 55,000 347,123 - 1,419,313 87 00 00 88 11,983,333 75 Capital stock paid in . Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . . . . . Deposites on demand . . . . . Specie balance due city banks . . . Contingent fund . . . . . Bills in circulation . . . . . Discount . . . . . . Deposite to credit of the Treasurer United States . Deposite to credit of 3. Thayer, lieutenant coloncl . Deposite to credit of J. L. Sibley, U. S. Marshal Deposite to credit of Henry Etting, purser - 750.000 137.000 201,140 109.000 51,216 162,652 14,466 537,267 18,732 1,763 94 *1,983,333 FRANKLIN HAVEN, Cashier. 00 00 22 00 47 00 53 47 79 69 58 75 105 • _ 45 Capital stock paid in 750.000 00 00 Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company . . . . . 00 137.000 00 77 Deposites on demand . . . . . 160,251 73 Specie balance due city banks . . . 90,000 00 Contingent fund . . . . . 51,216 47 Bills in circulation . . . . . 180,893 00 Discount . . . . . . 13,299 99 Deposite to credit of the Treasurer United States 553 811 99 Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel 4,832 79 Deposite to credit of J. L. Sibley, U. S. Marshal 1,763 69 Deposite to credit of Henry Etiing, purser . 767 56 #1,943,837 22 S I,943,837 22 FRANKLIN HAVEN, Cashier. 164,271 70,000 269,623 “ 1,439,942 - Statement o f Merchants' Bank, Boston, on Monday morning, December 1, 1834. Specie in vault _ . Specie balances due from city banks _ . Bills of other banks . . . . . Debts due the bank on personal and stock securities - 163,595 61,000 327,220 1,368,021 750.000 00 137.000 00 349,595 28 84,000 00 51,216 47 170,572 00 15,836 35 346,854 96 18,383 92 286 33 1,091 28 $1,924,836 59 FRANKLIN IIAVEN, 106 56 Capital stock paid in . 00 Deposites on loans due to Massachusetts Hospital Life 00 Insurance Company 03 Deposites on demand Specie balance due city banks . . . Contingent fund Bills in circulation . . . . . Discount . . . . . . Deposite to credit of the Treasurer United States Deposite to credit of S. Thayer, lieutenant colonel Deposite to credit of J. L. Sibley, U S. Marshal Deposite to credit of Henry Etting, purser . $1,924,836 59 Cashier. Statem ent o f the B ank o f B urlington, Vermont, M ay 15, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Specie and deposites in Boston and New York B i l l o f B u b lin o to k . . 179,006 05 9,804 00 47,138 55 Capital Bills in circulation . . . . Contingent fund Discount received and dividends unpaid Deposites . . . . . - . - . . 88.330 8,230 3,056 34.331 00 82 44 34 *235,948 60 *235,948 60 May 15. 1834. 1 0 2 ,0 0 0 00 It. G. COLE, Cashier. S ta te m e n t o f the B a n k o f B u r lin g to n , V erm o n t, M a y Discounted notes and bills . Bills of other banks Specie and deposites in Boston and New York 22, X8 3 4 . 176,953 85 Capital paid in . . . 9,490 00 Bills in circulation 49,805 78 Contingent fund Discount received and dividends unpaid Deposites - 1 0 2 ,0 0 0 00 84,330 8,230 3,159 38,529 $236,249 63 B a rk of B u rliw cto w , 00 82 60 21 $236,249 63 May 22,1834. It. G. COLE, Cashier. Statem ent o f the B ank o f B urlington, Vermont. M ay 29, 1834. Discounted notes and bills ■ Bills of other banks • Specie and deposites in Boston and New York 187,129 65 Capital paid in . . . 8,630 00 Bills in circulation . . . . 44,134 27 Contingent fund . . . . Discount received and dividends unpaid Deposites #239,893 92 B a n k o f B tjr lin o to n , M a y 2 9 , 1834. - . . - 102,000 86,493 8,230 3,448 39,721 00 00 82 25 85 $239,893 92 I I . G . C O L E , C a sh ie r, Statement o f the Bank o f Burlington, Vermont, June 5, 1834. Discounted notes and bills Bills of other banks Specie and deposites in Boston and New York 00 . . . . 187,057 07 Capital paid in 4,842 00 Bills in circulation . . . . . . . . . 36,797 64 Contingent fund Discounts received and dividends unpaid Deposites . . . . . . - 1834. 00 00 82 93 96 $228,696 71 $228,696 71 B a u k o p Buiu-iK B TO Jr, June 5, 102,000 84,659 8,230 2,476 31,329 B. G. COLE, Cashier. 108 Statem ent o f the B a n k o f B urlington, Vermont, June 12, 1834. Discounted notes and bills • Bills of other banks . . . Specie and deposites in Boston and New York 184,659 36 Capital paid in « 6,499 00 Bills in circulation . . . . . . 37,852 19 Contingent fund Discounts received and dividends unpaid Deposites . . . . 5229,010 55 B ask or BunLtNGTON, June 12, 1834. . . - - . - - .* * 102,000 83,273 8,230 2,705 32,800 00 00 82 97 76 $229,010 55 R. G. COLE, Cashier. S ta te m e n t o f the B a n k o f B u rlin g to n , V erm o n t, Ju n e 19, Discounted notes and bills . . . Bills of other banks . . . . Specie and deposites in Boston and New York . . . 182,789 92 Capital . . . . . . 7,682 00 Bills in circulation • • . . . 33,195 65 Contingent fund Discounts received and dividends unpaid Deposites . . . . . . $223,667 57 B i h k o f B u r l i n q t o s , June 1834 • , - ' . 24, 1834. . . R. G. COLK, 102,000 79,456 8,230 2,571 31,409 00 00 8-2 09 66 8223,667 57 Cashier. 100 Statement of the Bank o f Burlington, Vermont, June 26, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . Bills of other banks . . . . Specie and deposites in Boston and New York - 179,470 32 Capital paid in . . . 7,675 00 Bills in circulation . . . 32,296 43 Contingent fund . . . Discounts received and dividends unpaid Deposites - 1 0 2 ,0 0 0 00 75,419 8,230 2,711 31,080 8219,441 75 8219,441 75 B ank or B c r lis o to x , June 26, 1834. 00 82 49 44 If. G. COLE, Caihicr. I— i 09 Statement o f the Bank of Burlington, Vermont, July 3, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . Bills of other banks Specie and deposites in Boston and New York Bank _ - 177,238 66 Capital 9,729 00 Bills in circulation 20,322 96 Contingent fund Discounts received and dividends unpaid Deposites $207,290 62 r 1 oo . or BunusGTOif, July 3, 1834. - - R. G. COLE, 102,000 00 68,443 00 8,230 82 2,808 22 25,808 58 8207,290 62 Cashier. 110 Statem ent o f t h e B ank o f Burlington, Vermont, July 10, 1S34. Discounted notes and bills Foreign bills of other banks Specie and deposites in Boston and New York B ank, of B u b lin o to w , July 10, 1834. . - 179,352 41 Capital 5,441 00 Bills in circulation 27,413 94 Contingent fund Discounts received and dividends unpaid Deposites *212,207 35 - - — - 102,000 00 72,558 00 8,206 51 3,030 29 26,412 55 *212,207 35 R . G . C O L E , Cashier. S ta te m e n t o f th e B a n k o f B u rlin g to n , V erm o n t, J u ly 17, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . Bills of other banks Specie and deposites in Boston and New York . . . 181,256 12 I Capital _ _ 8,375 00 Bills in circulation . 25,905 03 Contingent fund . Discount received and dividends due Deposites $215,536 15 _ - - Baxk or Bi7SLlNOTOir, Ju ly 17, 1834. . _ - 102,000 71,886 8,199 3,204 30,246 8215,536 00 00 01 57 57 15 R. G. COLE, Cashier. Ill Statem ent o f the B a n k o f B urlington, Vermont, July 24, 1834. Discounted notes and bills • _ Bills of other banks Specie and deposites in Boston and New York B ark or ButtLuaTON, July 24, 1834. . . 183,393 06 Capital paid in . . . 9,112 00 Bills in circulation . 18,948 38 Contingent fund - ■ Discounts received and dividends due Deposites • 0211,453 44 . _ • . . - 102,000 69,386 8,199 3,382 28,466 #211,453 R. G. COLE, Cashier. 00 00 01 40 03 44 Statement of the Bank o f Burlington, Vermont, July 31, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Specie and funds at sight in New York and Boston - 175,802 07 8,724 00 127,496 92 Capital . . . . . Bills in circulation . . . Contingent fund . . . Discounts received and dividends due Deposites . . . . . . . . . . . . - $312,022 99 102,000 74,276 8,199 3,553 123,994 00 00 01 67 31 I__ I $312,022 99 B ask or BoRimoTOif, Ju ly 31, 1834. Cashier. 511 It. G. COLE, Statem ent o f the B a n k o f B urlington, Verm ont, A ug ust 7, 1834. Discounted notes and bills • . Bills of other banks . Specie and funds in Boston and New York H a n k o r B c h liw o to n , 175,476 10 8,940 00 128,040 65 $312,456 75 Jlugust7, 183 4 . Capital . . . . Circulation . . . . Contingent fund . . . Deposites . . . . Dividends due and discounts received . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 2 ,0 0 0 00 . 72,210 8,199 126,236 3,811 00 01 24 50 $312,456 75 R , G. C O L E , Cashier. S /a te n ie n t o f th e H a n k o f H u rlin g to n , V erm o n t, •A ugu st 14, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Spccie and deposites in New York and Boston - Capital . . . . . . . 12,568 00 Bills in circulation . . . . . . . . . . 130,060 66 Contingent fund Discount received and dividends due . . . Deposites . . . . . . 176,770 14 . $319,398 80 B ank or B u b l i x o t o i t , August R. G. COLE, Cashier. Statem ent o f the B a n k o f B urlington, Vermont, A u g u st . or B u m lin o t o n , August 21, 1834. 21, 1834. . . . . . . 173,601 47 Capital . . . . . 11,707 00 Bills in circulation . . . . . 133,627 84 Contingent fund Discount received and dividends due . . . Deposites . . . . . . #318,936 31 Bank 00 00 01 33 46 $319,898 80 14, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Specie and deposites in Boston and New York - 102,000 75,791 8,199 4,018 129,390 102,000 73,635 8,199 4,216 130,885 00 00 01 78 52 $318,936 31 K. G. COLE, Cashier. * Statement o f the B a n k v f Burlington, Vermont, August 28, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Specie and deposites in New York and Boston - - . . . . . . 172,423 67 Capital 11,142 00 Bills in circulation . . . . . 134,738 63 Contingent fund Discount received and dividends due Deposites 102,000 73,183 8,197 4,431 130,492 - $318,304 30 $318,304 30 B ank ot B u b l i v o t o n , August 29, 1834. 00 00 71 05 54 R. G. COLE, Cashier. 114 Statem ent o f the B an k o f B urlington, Vermont, September 4, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . . Bills of other banks . . . Specie and deposites in Boston and New York - - 169,172 41 Stock paid in • 7,925 00 Bills in circulation . . . . . . . . . . 115,689 08 Contingent fund Discount received and dividends due Deposites . . . . . . $292,786 49 B a n k o f B u b u so to w , September 4, 1834, 102,000 72,636 8,197 4,935 105,016 - 00 00 71 79 99 $292,786 49 R. G. COLE, Ctahitr. S ta tem en t o f the B a n k o f B u rlin g to n , V erm ont, Septem ber Discounted notes and bills • Bills of other banks Spccie and deposites in Boston and New York 11, 1834. 173,326 75 Capital -‘ • . 5,516 00 Bills in circulation • 119,924 64 Contingent fund Discount received and dividends due Deposites . . . 1 0 2 ,0 0 0 00 87,251 00 8,034 37 5,373 62 96,108 40 $298,767 39 8298,767 39 Baitk or BunLisoToir, September 11, J834. R. G. COLE, Statem ent o f the B an k o f B urlington} Vermont , September Discounted notes and bills . . . Bills of other banks . . . . Specie and deposites in Boston and New York ■ B akk or B c r iik s to n , September 18, 1834. CJt 18, 1 8 3 4 . 173,891 42 Capital . . . . 17,210 00 Bills in circulation . . . 98,455 62 Contingent fund . . . Discount received and dividends unpaid Deposites . . . . $289,557 04 Cathier. 102,000 105,942 8,001 5,525 68,088 00 00 37 39 28 8289,557 04 R. G. COLE, Cashier. QO n Statement o f the Bank o f Burlington, Vermont, September 25 , 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . Bills of other banks . . . . Specie and deposites in Boston and New York - B a n k o f B u r l i n g t o n , September 25, 176,179 11 Capital . . . . 11,745 00 Bills in circulation _ 99,269 61 Contingent fund Discounts received and dividends unpaid Deposites . . . #287,193 72 1834. 00 . . . - . . - H. G. COLE, 102,000 1 0 1 ,2 0 0 8,330 5,716 69,947 8287,193 00 00 64 08 00 72 Cashier. 116 Statement o f the Bank of Burlington, Vermont, October 2, 1834. Discounted notes and bills Bills of other banks . . . Specie and funds in New York and Boston B a r k o t B u rlin g to n , October 2, 1834. . . . . 176,287 55 Capital 14,999 00 Bills in circulation Contingent fund . . . 85,166 86 Discounts received and dividends unpaid Deposites $276,453 41 . • . “ - 102,000 82,694 9,528 4,317 77,914 #276,453 R. G. COLE, Cashier. 00 00 15 06 20 41 S ta te m e n t o f th e H a n k o f B u r lin g to n , V e rm o n t, O ctober 9, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Specie and deposites in Boston and New York - B ank of B ubukqtok, October - 175,975 63 Capital 6,868 00 Bills in circulation . 83,553 59 Contingent fund . . . . Discount received and dividends unpaid Deposites . . . . . #266,397 22 9, 1834. . . - R. G. COLE, 102,000 88,873 9,530 3,283 •2,709 $266,397 00 00 87 43 92 22 Cashier. 117 Statem ent o f the B a n k Discounted notes and bills . . . . Bills of other banks Specie and deposites in Boston and New York - B a n k op B c h l i s c t o r , October 16, 1834. - o f B urlington, Vermont, October 16, 1834. 179,016 36 Capital paid in 7 104 00 Bills in circulation . . . . 78,361 43 Contingent fund Discount received and dividends due Deposites . . . . . #264,481 79 . . . - 102,000 85,146 9,536 2,974 64,824 #264,481 R. G. COLE, Cashier. 00 00 24 69 86 79 I—I 00 Statement of the Bank of Burlington, Vermont, October 23, 1834. Discounted notes and bills Bills of other banks Specie and deposites in Boston and New York . . - . . . 181,410 41 Capital . . . . 7,585 00 Bills in circulation . . . 84,769 34 Contingent fund . . . Discount received and dividends due Deposites . . . . oo . - . . . . - . . . - 8273,764 75 Ba*k or B c r i i n o t o f , October 102,000 00 92,719 00 9,536 24 2,982 01 66,527 50 $273,764 75 23, 1834. R. G . COLE, Cashier. 118 Statem ent o f the B a n k o f B urlington Vermont, October 30, 1834. , Discounted notes and bills . . . Bills of other banks . . . . Specie and deposites in Boston and New York - Bank, ot B urlington, . . - 177,912 29 Capital stock paid in . . 5,437 00 Bills in circulation . Contingent fund . . . 83,643 24 Discount received and dividends unpaid Deposites . - . . * - . . - - - 00 00 24 51 78 8266,992 53 >266,992 53 October 30, 1834. 102,000 82,488 9,536 3,053 69,914 R . G . C O L E , C a th ie r . S ta te m e n t o f the B a n k o f B u rlin g to n , V erm o n t, N ovem ber 6, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Spicie and funds in New York and Boston - Bank - 176,424 41 Capital . . . . . . 6,825 00 Bills in circulation . . . . . 82,300 49 Contingent fund . . . . . Discount received and dividends due . . . Deposites . . . . . . 102,000 00 84,015 00 9,536 24 1,942 00 68,056 66 8265,549 90 $265,549 90 or B c r l i n g t o v , November 6, 1834. H. G. COLE, Cashier. 119 • Statem ent o f the B ank o f B urlington , Vermont , November 13, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Specie and fund9 in Boston and New York - - 172,758 04 Capital . . . . . 8,566 00 Bills in circulation . . . 83,681 01 Contingent fund . . . Discount received and dividends unpaid Deposites . . . . . . . . . . . . - November 13, 1834. 00 00 24 59 22 $265,005 05 $265,005 05 B a s k o f B u rliito to n , 102,000 81,664 9,536 2,084 69,720 R. G. COLE, Caihier. CO __| \ Statem ent o f the B a n k o f Burlington, Vermont, November 20, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . Bills of other banks . . . . Specie and deposites in Boston and New York . . - . . . . 168,648 54 Capital . . . 4,439 00 Bills in circulation . . . 88,539 85 Contingent fund Discount received and dividends due Deposites . . . . . . . . . . . . • 1834. R. G. COLE, $265,618 67 B a n c of B u rlin g to n , November 27, 1834. . . . . 1—• KJ O 120 - 170,052 49 Capital . . . . 5,595 00 Bills in circulation . . . . . . 89,971 18 Contingent fund Discount received and dividends due Deposites . . . . Cashier. * Statem ent o f the B a n k o f Burlington, Vermont, November 27, 1834. Discounted notes and bills . . . . Bills of other banks . . . . . Specie and deposites in Boston and New York 00 00 24 26 89 $261,627 39 $261,627 39 B a n k o f B o r l i n q t o s , November 20, 102,000 80,845 9,536 2,160 67,085 1 1 co 1__1 . . . . • 102,000 81,097 9,526 2,476 70,518 00 00 24 71 72 $265,618 67 R. G. COLE, Cashier, S ta tem e n t o f the situ a tio n o f the N ew L o n d o n B a n k , M a y Notes and bills discounted . . . Specie . . . . . Bank notes—New York city . . . United States . . . 71 Boston, &c. . . . Providence, &c. Deposites—Leather Manufacturers’ Bank . Suffolk . . . . Merchants’ Bank, Providence Norwich . • Mystic . . . . Real estate Expenses . . . . . • • 1,759 00 1,220 00 481 00 160 00 5,660 01 2,000 00 129 89 20 91 25 00 - 181 423 96 Capital stock • . . 5.581 81 Bank notes in circulation • John Campbell, Treasurer United States J. W. Crawford, collector, last - . Deposited ■ 3,620 00 Checks . . J. Alumcre, A. C. S., last • Deposited • • 7,835 81 , 5,363 21 Cheeks 29 75 . Individuals . . . « Thames Bank . . Norwalk, Ohio * • Bank U. States, Hartford • . Stonington . . . . Middletown . . . Hartford . . . . Dividends unpaid . • Profit and loss, interest • • *203,854 54 • New - _ L ondon B an k , May 31, 1834, 31, 1834. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . _ . 188 21 100 00 288 21 12 00 471 04 400 00 871 04 44 65 _ . 1,735 65 878 2 363 976 . • - 35 84 70 00 45 78 149,500 00 37,819 00 6 06 276 21 826 39 3,784 54 4,024 12 340 00 7,280 22 $203,854 54 E, F. DUTTON, Cathier. f”l Statement o f the situation of the New London Bank, June 30, 1834. - _ 1,252 275 1,183 283 6,281 2,000 2,010 161 00 00 00 00 91 00 56 92 183,738 75 Capital stock . . . 5,830 05 Bank notes in circulation Due Treasurer United States J. W. Crawford, collector last Deposited 2,993 00 J. Alumere, A. C. S. last Deposited Check 10,454 39 5,363 21* Individuals . . . . Middletown Bank . . Bank United States, Hartford Jewett City . . . . Thames . . . . Norwich . . . . Norwalk, Ohio . . . Dividends unpaid . . . Profit and loss . . . $208,379 40 N e w L o ir s a s B a n k , June 30, 1834. . . . . . . . CM Notes and bills discounted . . . Specie . . . . . Bank notes—New York City • United States . . . Boston, &c. . . . Providence . . . Deposites—Leather Manufacturers’ Bank Suffolk, Boston . . . Stonington . . . Hartford Beal estate . . . . . ao i__i 149,500 00 ■ 34,927 00 6 06 276 21 736 00 1,012 21 826 39 697 66 -----------------1,524 05 347 45 1,176 60 8,748 63 2,202 64 983 70 85 00 768 01 348 86 65 84 4 454 21! 5,116 00 3,438 65 “ $208,379 40 E. F. DUTTON, CcuhUr. S ta tem en t o f th e s itu a tio n o f the N ew L on do n B a n k , J u ly 26, 1S34. Note* and bills discounted Specie . . . . . Bank note*—New York City Boston, Stc. . . . United States . . . Providence, &c. Deposites-Leather Manufacturer*’Bank, N. Y. Suffolk, lioston . . . Thames . . . . Stonington . . . Expense* . . . . . Real estate . . . . . 180,075 81 6,030 81 _ «,472 00 878 00 1,110 00 480 00 10,793 40 2,000 00 4H5 62 230 00 m Capital stock . . . Bank notes in circulation • • J. I'ampbel', Treasurer J. VV. Crawford collector, last Deposited 3 ,940 00 J. Alumere, A. C. . 114 80 5,363 21 S. Check last Deposited . . . . • - . . . . . . . . . - . 1,012 21 162 <4 ----------------1,174 25 1,174 25 1,176 60 100 00 1 276 6D 588 j 8 . 1,084 12 1,871 40 65 81 2tf 00 1,305 88 - #209,033 65 N ew Losdow Bah k , July 26, 1834. K. F DUTTON, 149 687 50 38,925 00 6 06 688 02 9,642 24 4,355 1,594 4,135 *209,033 123 Check Indtv duals Middl-town Rank . . n .ukU itert States, Hartford N rwalk, Olii.> • Windham conn y Bank Hartford Bank . . Dividends unpaid . . Hiofit and luaa . . _ 24 00 59 65 Cashitr. 00 Statement o f the situation o f the New London Bank, August 30, 1834. m , 4,478 00 2,352 00 1,284 00 1,787 00 1,090 00 32,046 76 2,000 00 240 00 441 13 _ 155,962 32 Capital stock 6,178 83 Bank notes in circulation .1. Campbell, Treasurer J. W . Crawford, collector, last Deposited J. Alumere, A. C. S., last Deposited . 10,991 00 Check . Individuals . . « 34,727 89 Windham County Bank 124 60 Hartford 5,363 46 Middletown Bank United States, Hartford Dividends unpaid * Profit and loss, interest, &c. - - * 0 00 m m 688 02 400 00 • -■ ! . 1,088 02 307 75 * • * 26 25 . . 864 83 . . 857 29 192 32 ' - 4 5,200 00 780 27 17,800 38 1,940 69 956 00 4,780 20 $213,348 10 $213,348 10 N iw Lon do it B ark, Jluguit 30, 1834. 149,687 50 32,197 00 6 OS E. F. DUTTON, Cathier. m Notes and bills discounted * • Specie . . . . Bank bills—New York city . Boston . . . Providence Hartford . . . United States . Deposites—Leather Manufacturers' Bank Suffolk . . . Stonington • . Thames • • Expenses . . . . Real estate . . . . oo 154.583 32 Notes and bills discounted • . 6,074 32 Specie . . . 1,382 00 Bank notes—New York city . 750 00 Boston, 8cc. • 872 00 Providence • 455 00 United States 1,220 00 Hartford • ----------------4,679 00 Deposites—Leather Manufacturers’ Bank, N.Y. 36,320 44 . . 2,000 00 Suffolk . . Stonington • 339 91 . Thames • . 1,009 46 39,669 81 _ . . 5,363 46 Heal estate . . . - 1 Capital stock . . . Bank bills in circulation • • J. Campbell, Treasurer United States J. W. Crawford, collector, last • Checks • • J. Alumcre, A. C. S., last • Checks Individuals . . . . Windham County Bank Middletown Bank . . . Hartford . . . . Norwich . . . . Dividends unpaid . . . Profit and lo*s . . . 1834. . _ 5,200 00 2,625 36 780 27 344 55 . 26 25 1,262 60 474 44 457 66 . • _ * $210,374 91 Nzw Loudon Bank, September 3 0 , 1834. 149,687 50 36,989 00 6 06 2,574 64 435 72 13,161 21 2,220 95 422 00 4,877 83 SSI Statement o f the situ a tio n o f the JVtw London B a n k , Septem ber 30, #210,374 91 E. F. DUTTON, Cashier. CD Statement o f the situation of the New London Bank , October 25, 1834. $211,065 58 Mew London Daks, October 25, 1834. . . . * • . . -. - _ 2.574 64 - 2,300 00 435 72 '.35 72 938 36 167 23 . 1,857 23 1,45 i 01 679 81 921 50 92 17 ----------------. ~ 149,687 50 39,140 00 6 06 374 64 771 13 10,042 79 126 Notes and bills discounted 175,679 82 Capital stock . . . Specie 6,331 82 Rank notes in circulation Bank notes—New York city 1,822 00 J Campbell, T icksurer . . Boston, &.c. « 835 00 J. W Crawford, collector, last . Providence, &c. • 683 00 Check . United States 920 00 • Providence, Hartford 1,029 00 J. Alumere, A C. S., last 5,289 00 Check Deposites—Leather Manufacturers* Bank. N.Y. 15,259 35 Suffolk . . . . D. I). Tompkins, deposited 2,000 00 . S'onington 492 20 C eck • . Thames . . . 626 46 ■ . 18,378 01 Individuals . _ Expenses 23 47 Middiet vvuilank . . . . Heal estate 5,363 46 Ilartf d Itauk United Slates, lla tfurd Norwich . . . Merchants’ Bank, Providence Dividends unpaid 1 rolit and loss, interest, &c. i— i or 5,003 72 422 00 5,617 74 $211 065 58 E. F. DUTTON, Cathitr. S ta te m e n t o f th e s itu a tio n o f th e N eto L o n d o n B a n k , N ovem ber 8 9 , 1834. 166,658 87 Capital stock . . . Notes and bills discounted . _ 6,426 94 Bank notes in circulation Specie J. Campbell, Treasurer • 1.672 00 Bank notes—New York * . 833 00 J. \V. Crawford, collector, last Boston, &c. . 732 00 Check Providence, 8cc. 1,437 00 Hartford, &c. . 1,075 00 D. D. Tompkins, A. C. S-, last United State* * ------------------ 5,749 00 Deposited Deposites—T.eather Manufacturers’ Bank, N. Y. 18 017 31 . . 2,000 00 Suffolk 2,761 12 Check Stonington . 1,011 68 Norwich • 11 23 790 m m 23 47 Middletown Bank . . . Expenses _ . m 5,363 46 Bank United State3, Hartford * Real estate * Bedford Commercial Bank . Hartford • Thames . . . . Dividends unpaid . . . Profit and loss . . . • - - - . . . . . • . _ 374 337 771 660 1,431 543 64 00 13 00 13 41 2,087 679 39 794 933 . 27 81 83 42 84 • $208,011 85 Niw Losdox B iiii, Novtmhir 29, 1834. - 149 687 50 37 587 00 6 06 37 64 887 69 8,224 76 4.53S 17 386 00 6,660 03 0208,011 85 E. F. DUTTON, Cathier. GO Statem ent o f the fu n d s o f the Mechanics' B ank, New Haven, M ay 1, 1834. To bills discounted . . Farmington Canal Stock . banking house and lot . specie and specie funds . Due from banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398,444 200,000 8,625 100,992 10,369 C h. 00 . . . . . 83 By capital stock 00 notes in circulation . • 17 dividends unpaid . . . . . 31 . . . . . . profits . . . . . 03 Due to banks . Jno. Campbell, Treasurer United States depositors . . . . . New Haven, Slay S, 1834. N ew Haven, Jvly 5, 1834. - 472,680 132,732 941 22,911 50,113 2,788 36,865 00 00 05 97 03 06 23 J. FITCH, Cashier. D h. Statem ent o f the fu n d s o f the Mechanics’ B ank, New Haven, Ju ly 1, 1834. 1---- ~ ' 1" ^ ---To bills discounted . . . . . . . 393,454 25 By capital stock Farmington Cinal Stock 200,000 00 notes in Circulation . . . . . banking house and lot . 8,625 17 dividends unpaid . . . . . specie and specic funds • 106,858 98 profits . • . . . . . Due from banks 13,573 92 Due lo ban&s . J.'t:ampbell, Treasurer . . . depositors . . . . . S. #722,512 32 • M e c h a n ic s ’ B a s k , • $718,431 34 *718,431 34 M e c h a n ic s ’ B a n k , rn i C r. 472,680 00 125,591 00 14,576 05 11,197 82 44,114 97 3,419,58 50,932 90 *722,512 32 J . F I T C H . Cashier. 831 D r. S ta te m e n t o f th e f u n d s o f th e M ech an ics' H an k, N ew H a ven , .A u g u st 1 , 1834 £>it. To bills discounted • Farmington Canal Stock . banking' house and lot specie and specie funds . Due from banks . . . . . • . . . . . . 400,257 200,000 8,625 100,253 5,941 * - 64 00 17 78 30 C r. Hy capital stock . . . . notes in circulation . . . . . dividends unpaid . . . . . profits . . . . . . Due to banks John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. depositors . . . . . - Js'eui Ilaven, August 2, 1834. J. FITCH, Cashier. Statem ent of the fu n ds o f the Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven, October 1, 1834. To bills discounted . Farmington Canal Stock banking house and lot specie and specie funds Due from banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407,133 200,000 8,625 97,869 23,368 . "V M k c h a s ic V B a s k , New Haven, October 3, 1834. 17 By capital stock . . . 00 notes in circulation . . . 17 dividends unpaid . . . profits . . . . 01 27 Due to bants . . . . John Campbell, Treasurer tT. S. depositors . . . *737,000 62 . . . . . . . . . . . • . C a. - 472,770 128,249 1,738 18,465 54,959 11,315 49,503 129 D o. Bank, 00 00 05 11 85 08 80 #715,077 89 #715,077 89 M e c h a n ic s ’ 472,680 108,504 3,710 14,259 60,955 6,962 48.006 00 00 50 11 02 58 41 8737,000 62 J. FITCH, Cashier. I— I GO I__I Statem ent o f the fu n ds o f the Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven, November 1, 1834. To bills discounted . Farmington Canal Stock banking bouse and lot specie and specie funds Due from banka . . . . - . - - • . . . . . . . . . . . 431,866 200,000 8,625 91,777 12,583 8744,851 M ichakics’ Oink, _.. t : ~-------—'-------31 . . . . . . - 77 3, 1834. J. FITCH, 472,770 128,746 1,738 20,590 58,404 9,279 53,323 (1744,851 . . MBCH&xtca* B a n k , .Yeta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haven , December 3 , . 1834. 407,136 200,000 8,625 100,814 18,358 11 By capital stock . . . . notes in circulation . . . 00 dividends unpaid . . . . 17 profits . . . . . 70 . . . . 74 Due to banks . Jno. Campbell, Treasurer United States depositors . . . . #734,934 72 . . . . . . 00 00 50 13 01 37 76 77 Ca. - J. FITCII, GO Cashier. Statem ent o f the fun ds o f the Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven , December 1, 1834. To bills discounted . Farmington Canal Stock banking house and lot specie and specie fundi Due from banks . f"1 472,770 135,169 1,723 2-2,125 61,898 11,005 30,243 #734,934 Cashier. 08 00 50 09 74 23 16 72 130 Da. New Haven, November . . . . 07 By capi'al stock notes in circulation . . . . 00 17 dividends unpaid . . . . profits . . . . . 28 . . . . 25 Due to banks . J. Campbell, Treasurer United State* depositor* . . . . Ca. S ta te m e n t o f th e c o n d itio n o f th e F a r m e r s ' a n d M e c h a n ic s' H a n k a t H a r tfo r d . ■- — - . ...... ------------- . . . Bill* discounted . . . . . . 282,349 41 Instalments of stock paid in . . . . Cash in hand and due by city banks . . . . . . . . 38,007 53 Discount earned Balance due by New York banks . . . 43,648 87 Balance due the pension agency . . . Boston . . . . . 7,132 62 United States' Treasurer 3,124 61 various banks . . . . banks in this State . . . 12,264 16 Notes in circulation . . . . . Lot of ground and buildings . . . . 4,504 39 Private deposites . . . . . Plates, paper, books, furniture, &c. >391,03 1 59 r IIa rt Vo r p, A pril 19, 1834. . 245,750 00 10,852 57 9,829 43 1,614 00 308 00 105,345 00 17,332 59 >391,031 59 ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. S ta te m e n t o f the co n d itio n o f the F a rm ers a n d M echanics’ B a n k , H a rtfo rd . Bills discounted . . . . . . Cash in hand and due by city banks . . . Balance due in New York . . . . Boston • county and other bank 9 • Real estate, plates, furniture, &c. . H a rtfo rd , Jvnt 21, 1834. . • . • 36 Capital stock paid in • 93 Notes in circulation . . . 94 Discount earned 21 Balance due United States’ Treasurer pension agency . . 52 . . 2 0 Unclaimtd dividends . Private deposites . . . $355,686 16 *81,674 20,688 18,376 16.709 4,425 13,811 • . . . . . . . . • - 248,350 89,398 1,616 1,614 2,486 840 11,381 1355,686 ADM. CALSRY, Cashier. 00 00 61 00 20 00 36 16 ^ I__ I Statement o f the condition o f the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Hartford. Hills discounted . . . . Cash in hand and due by city banka . . Balance due in New York . . . Boston . . . by county and other bank* Banking house, plates, furniture, &c. &c. - . . . . . . 298,052 27,289 7,392 9,170 3,932 13,811 45 29 97 86 75 08 Capital stock paid in . Notes in circulation . . . . . Discounts earned . . . . . Balance due United States’ Treasurer pension pgency . . . . Dividends of profit unclaimed . . . Individual deposites . . . . . oo - 00 00 34 00 04 00 02 $359,699 40 $359,699 40 HiarroRD, June 28, 1834. j 248,350 95,455 2,296 1,614 504 753 10,727 ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. 132 S ta te m e n t o f the co nd itio n o f the F a rm ers a n d M echanics' B a n k , H a rtfo rd . Discounted bills . . . . Cash in hand and due by city banks . . Balance due by Boston banks . . . various banks . . Lot of ground, building, furniture, &c. - H a j i t y o u t ) , July 12, 1834. . . . . ■ 322,766 00 Amount of capital paid in . . 27,389 97 Notes in circulation . . . . 5,651 99 Discount earned 3,966 31 Balance due United States' Treasurer pension agency . . 19,760 02 banks . . . Deposites . . . . Dividends of profit unclaimed . 9379,534 29 . . - . . . . . . . . . . - 249,210 00 91,833 00 3,554 43 1,564 00 13,894 99 1 528 75 17,275 62 673 50 $379,534 29 ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. S ta te m e n t o f th e c o n d itio n o f th e F a r m e r s a n d M e c h a n ic s ' B a n k , H a r tfo r d . Bills discounted . . . . Cash in hand and due by city banks . . Balance due in New York . . . Boston . . . . county and other banks . Banking house and expenditures for sundries • H a r t f o b d , . . . . . - 315,419 21,788 8,238 6,377 1,368 19,766 18 16 74 29 66 83 8372,958 86 July 19, 1834. Capital paid in . . . Notes in circulation . . . Discounts earned . . . Balance due United States’ Treasurer Unclaimed dividends . . . Balance due pension agency . . Private deposites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 249,560 88,341 3,925 1,169 #57 12,546 16,739 00 00 57 00 00 94 35 $373,953 86 ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. S ta te m e n t o f the co nd itio n o f the F a rm ers a n d M echanics’ B anlc, H a rtfo rd . Bills discounted . . . . Cash in hand and due by city banks . . Balance due in New York . . . Boston . . . . by county and other banks . Banking house and expenditures for sundries . . . . . . . 313,828 16,767 24,728 6,286 3,248 19,790 06 19 45 41 98 26 8384,649 35 HiBTfORD, July 26, 1834. Capital slock paid in * • • Noles in circulation . . . . . Dividends of profits unclaimed . . . Discounts earned . . . . . Balance due Treasurer United States > pension agency . . . . county and o'her banks • Individual deposites . . . . . ■ • 2 "0 ,2 1 0 0 0 92,991 469 4,497 1,189 11,771 2,026 21,495 00 50 06 00 07 70 02 $384,649 35 ADM. CALSEY, Cashier. Statement o f the condition o f the Farmers and Mechanics' Hank, Hartford. i— I CO Bills discounted • • Cash in hand and due by city banks Balance due in New York • in Boston . . . . by county and other banks Real estate and expenditures, sundries, . . . . . 306,932 23,579 78,254 56,286 2,630 20,141 08 61 34 41 30 03 Capital stock paid in • • Note* in circulation . . . Discount earned . . . Balance due United States’ Treasurer do pension agency . . coupty bank . . other banks . . Indiridual deposites . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . * * 1487,823 77 ... 251,890 00 105,458 00 4,854 04 1,189 00 93,000 00 11,148 91 S8 6 26 1,095 6 6 18,801 90 $487,823 77 AUM. CALSEY, Cathier. S ta te m e n t o f the co ndition o f the F a rm ers a n d M echanics' B a n k , H a rtfo rd . Bills discounted . . . . . Cash in hand and due by city banks . . . Balance due in New York . . . . in county and other banks Banking house and other expenditures . H a b t i o b d , dugvil . . 389,093 .182,231 51,359 4,792 20,148 13 16 75 99 00 $503,625 03 9,1834. Capital stock paid in • • Notes in circulation . . . Discount earned . . . Balance due United States’ Treasurer pension agency . . county and other banks ■ . Private deposites . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . 272,410 00 97,538 00 6,898 55 94,189 00 10,999 00 2,900 99 18,689 49 $503,625 03 A B M . C A L S E Y , Cashier. 134 --=-■. - —T-— __ HAKTroBD, August 2, 1834. . . . . . S ta te m e n t o f th e c o n d itio n o f th e F a r m e r s a n d M e c h a n ic s ’ S a n k , H a r tfo r d . Dills discounted Cash in hand and due by city banks . . . Funds in New York in Boston . . . . . in county and other banks . . . Banking house and other expenditure! • 4 - - . ' 392,305 40,235 44,314 1,881 7,119 20,313 . . 44 Capital stock paid in . . . 83 Discount earned . . 71 Notes in circulation . 91 Balance Jue county and other banks . 28 pension agency . . 89 United States’ Treasurer Prirate deposites . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • 00 21 0# 09 44 00 41 $506,171 0« #506,171 06 « IIabttobd, August 16, 1834. 282,950 7,308 97,468 400 10,861 94,189 11,994 ABM. CALSEY, Cailiitr. 135 S ta te m e n t o f the co n d itio n o f the F a rm e rs a n d M echanics' H a n k , H a rtfo rd . Bills discounted . . . . . Cash in hand and due by city bank* . . . Balance due in New York . . . . in Boston . . . . . by county and other banks Real estate and other expenditure* . . . . 396,889 31,217 69,378 2,902 5,603 20,331 13 52 39 49 14 66 8526,322 33 H a b tjto b ii , Jlugutl 23, 1834. Capital stock paid in • • Notes in circulation . . . Discount earned . . . Balance due United States5 Treasurer pens'on agency . . county banks . . « Customers’ deposites . . . • . . . . . . * . . • • • 290,450 105,304 7,792 93,789 10,554 872 17,561 00 00 03 00 15 00 IS $526,322 31 ABM. CALSEY, Cathier. Statement o f the condition o f the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank , Hartford. e = - — ------------------------------------- ;---------- Bills discounted Cash in hand and due by city banks . Balance due in New York in Boston and various banks Real estate, building and expenses . _ _ n m • 409,269 42,153 53,503 6,291 20,331 55 10 15 53 14 Capital stock paid in Discount earned . . . Notes in circulation . . . Balance of pension agency’s acc’t of United States’ Treasurer due to various banks Individual deposites . . . cm w . _ . _ _ - #536,547 47 H asttobd, A ugust 30, 1834. 291,150 00 8,172 97 108,381 00 67,210 45 36,241 00 5,231 72 20,160 33 #536,547 47 ABM. CALSEY, Cathier. 136 S ta te m e n t o f the condition o f the F a rm ers a n d M echanics’ B a n k , H a rtfo rd . Bills discounted . . . Cash in hand and due by city banks Balance due in New York by various banks Real estate and expenses - _ m 432,719 39,408 27,327 6,430 20,373 03 08 19 35 07 #526,256 72 • H a h t t o b d , September . . . 6, 1834. Capital stock paid in » • Discount earned . . . Notes in circulation . . . Balance due pension agent United States’ Treasurer due various banks Private deposites . . • . . • . . . _ . * 292,730 8,347 113,788 64,991 26,075 4,429 15,895 8526,256 ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. 00 30 00 50 43 13 36 72 S ta tem en t o f th e con dition o f the F a r m e r s a n d M echanics’ B a n k , H a rtfo rd . Bills discounted Cash in hand and due by city banks Balance due in New York by various banks Real estate, expenses, 8cc. - . . - • . - - - 435,018 48,017 20,030 1,793 20,401 85 31 62 52 08 Capital stock paid in Discount earned Notes in circulation Balance diTe various banks pension agency United States* Treasurer Private deposites - « • « _ _ _ . _ - $525,261 38 H ir t f o b d , September 13, 1834. 293,670 00 8,861 45 121 038 00 20 258 11 48,175 97 15,975 43 17,282 42 ■$525,261 38 ABM. CALSEY, Cathier. 137 S ta te m e n t o f the co nd itio n o f the F a rm ers a n d M echanics' B a n k , H a rtfo rd . Bills discounted Cash in hand and due by city banks Balance due in New York banks, &c. Boston . . . by various banks . Real estate, furniture and sundries H inrroao, September 20, 1834. • . . - . m . - /■_ - . 441,958 29,784 17,767 4,595 2,617 20,452 76 Capital stock paid in . . . . 25 Discount earned 60 Balance due pension ag’cncy 56 United States’ Treasurer * 21 Notes in circulation . . . 49 Balance due to various banks . Private deposites . . . $517,175 87 . . . _ . . _ . . - . - 295,970 9,357 29,156 15,975 132,470 11,365 22,880 $517,175 ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. 00 55 43 00 73 48 87 68 I— I 00 I__I S ta te m e n t o f the co ndition o f the F a rm ers a n d M echanics’ B a n k , H a rtfo rd . Bills discounted , . Cash in hand and due by city banks Balance due in New York in Boston . . elsewhere . . Keal estate, &c. . . . . . . . _ - . . . . ' 426,614 31,704 17,400 4,465 2,807 20,835 Capital slock paid in . . . . . . 17 Discount earned . 06 Notes in circulation . . 56 Balance due pension agency 26 United States’ Treasurer various banks 27 Private deposites 23 - i— i CO . . - . . . - 00 68 00 75 43 59 10 $503,826 55 $503,826 55 H abtfobd , September 27, . 296,580 9,852 137,252 21,541 15,975 3,266 19,358 1834. ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. 138 p—• CO S ta te m e n t o f the co nd itio n o f the F a rm ers a n d M echanics’ B a n k , H a rtfo rd . Bills discounted . . . . Cash in hand and due by city banks . . Balance due in Boston . . . elsewhere . . . Real estate, expenses, &c. . . . HiSTToao, October 4, . . . . . 431,527 30,774 10,555 4,406 20,776 72 74 73 69 11 Capital stock paid in . . . Discount earned . . . . Notes in circulation . . . . Balance due various banks . pension agency . . United States’ Treasurer Customers’ deposites - . . . . - 297,150 10,307 132,920 6 ,0 0 2 16,542 15,975 19,142 00 98 00 12 69 43 77 8498,040 99 8498,040 99 1834. oo g- ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. S tatem en t o f the con dition o f the F a rm ers a n d M echanics' B a n k , H a rtfo rd . Bills discounted Cash in hand and due by city banks Balance due in Boston by various banks Real estate, &c. 8tc. - - . . . _ . . 439,307 37,459 4,085 1,650 20,744 37 52 08 92 54 Capital stock paid in Discount earned Balance due pension agency United States’ Treasurer Notes in circulation Balance due various banks Deposites - A _ • * to * _ * #503,247 43 H abtfobd , October 11, 297,150 00 10,699 61 13,736 61 15 ,600 43 135,770 00 5,905 20 24,385 58 $503,247 43 1834. ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. S ta te m e n t o f the co nd itio n o f the F a rm ers a n d M echanics’ B a n k , H a rtfo rd . Bills discounted Cash in hand and due by city banks Balance due in New York in Boston by various banks Real estate and sundries - - _ . _ _ _ 439,579 31,091 10,480 4,050 3 ,786 21,936 22 Capital stock paid in 24 Notes in circulation 6 6 Discount earned 08 Balancc due pension agency 39 United States’ Treasurer 78 various banks Private deposites . . . 8510,924 37 H abtfo bd, October 18, 1834. • . . _ . . * . . . . 297,150 139,313 11,030 12,973 15,600 10,981 23,875 00 00 64 69 43 46 15 8510,924 37 ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. Statement oj the condition oj the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Hartford. Bills discounted • Cash in hand and due by city banks Balancc due in New York Boston various banks Lot of ground, building, &c. &c. 434,233 32,846 4,638 2,314 21,942 74 56 08 19 40 Capital stock paid in • • Notes in circulation • Discount earned . . . . . Balance due various banks . . . . pension agency . . . . United States’ Treasurer Customers’ deposites • • - 00 * • 00 13 37 26 45 43 33 9495,974 97 9495,974 97 H artford , Oelobtr25, 298,630 136,124 11,543 5,684 10,218 15,600 18,174 ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. 1834. 140 S ta te m e n t o f the co ndition o f the F a rm ers a n d M echanics' B a n k , H a rtfo rd . Bills discounted . . . . Cash in hand and due by city banks . . . Balance due by various banks . . . . in New York in Boston . . . . . Real estate, building, &c. See. . . . . H a k t t o & d , October 31, . - 406,335 03 15,357 66 2,251 36 25,538 70 11,249 08 22,303 94 9483,035 77 1834. Capital stock paid in Discount earned . . . Balance due pension agency . . United States’ Treasurer various banks . . Notes in circulation Private deposites . . . * . . . . . . . . - 299 180 12,335 9,979 15,600 7,560 117,909 20,470 00 89 92 43 21 00 62 $483,035 77 ABM. CALSEY, Cathier. S ta tem en t o f the con d ition o f the F a r m e r s a n d M echan ics ’ iBank, H a rtfo rd . Bills discounted . . . Cash in hand and due by city banks Balance due in New York Boston by various banks Building, 8cc. &c. . . . 402,140 20 30,994 82 15,987 52 12,713 63 5,190 90 20,301 94 - Capital stock paid in . Notes in circulation . Balance due pension agency . United States’ Treasurer various banks . . Unclaimed dividends . Private deposites - 299,180 124,023 9,043 15,600 6,505 6,812 26,163 $487,329 01 $487,329 01 H a r tfo r d , November 8, 1834. 00 00 80 43 41 77 60 ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. S ta te m e n t o f the co nd itio n o f ihe F a rm ers a n d M echanics’ B a n k , H a rtfo rd . - . • • • . . . _ + 374,494 51 Capital stock paid in . 42,618 24 Notes in circulation * . 108,074 08 Dividends unclaimed . 10,157 40 Balance due pension agency 5,329 03 United States’ Treasurer _ 20,405 86 various banks Deposites . . . *561,079 12 H artford, November 15, 1834. . . . . . . . . . 299,780 00 141,035 00 5,012 02 8,730 23 42,937 74 9,153 61 54,430 52 8561,079 12 ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. L 8 ] Bills discounted Cash in hand and due by city banks Balance due in New York Boston various banks Real estate, furniture, &c. &c. Statement o f the condition o f the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Hartford. Bills discounted - - • . Cash in hand and due by city banks . . Balance due by New York banks . . Boston banks . . . various banks . . . Real estate, furniture, &c., &c., - . . . . . . 368,476 72 55,275 06 97,864 74 10,557 40 1,877 80 20,405 8 6 Capital stock paid in Notes in circulation • • Unclaimed dividend of profits Balance due United States’ Treasurer pension agency various banks * Discount earned . . . Private deposites . . . M, • $554,457 58 -rH artford , November 22, ABM. CALSEY, Cashier. o f the F arm ers a n d M echanics’ B a n k , H a rtfo rd . 432,057 21,186 61,374 17,654 344 20,405 92 77 46 40 91 86 $553,024 3S H artford, November 29, 1834. ----------- 1834. S ta te m e n t o f the condition * Bills discounted . . . . . . Cash in hand and due by city banks ,Balance due in New York . . . . Boston . . . . . by various banks . . . . Real estate, furniture, &c. . 299,780 00 139,393 00 3,893 75 42,937 74 7,218 58 3,816 23 791 07 56,627 21 $554,457 58 Capital stock paid in • Notes in circulation - _ • Balance due United States’ Treasurerpension agency . . Unclaimed dividends . . . Discount earned . . . Balance due various banks . . Deposites . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - 299,780 00 147,830 00 43,203 76 7,692 93 3,326 75 1,410 43 6,713 62 43,066 83 $553 ,024 32 A B M . C A L S E Y , Cashier. N e w p o r t B aztk, Newport, June 30, 1834. S i b : A n n exed you have th e m onthly statem en t o f th e situation o f this institution, and, h erew ith, th e m onthly re tu rn o f th e accou n t o f Jo h n Cam p bell* E s q ., T rea su rer o f th e U nited S ta te s, and a sum m ary o f th e accou n ts o f p u b lic o fficers and agents. I am, m ost resp ectfu lly , sir, y o u r v e ry o b ed ien t servant, • Hon. R. B. T anet, Secretary o f the Treasury. S. CAHOONE, Cashier. S ta te o f the N ew port B a n k . • . * - 13'579 2,101 226 250 261 13,581 - 47 29' 28 50 51 05 - 120,000 00 24,137 00 30,000 10 8,554 56 102 60 $182,794 26 Debts due to the bank . . . Specie . . . . . Nqfes of Bank United States other banks Due from office Bank U. S., Providence Merchants’ Bank, do New York Expenses . Real estate . . . . . • - 7,289 30 8,632 1,715 3,187 1,076 - 13 00 00 08 85 39 - 157,309 85 21,930 35 654 06 2,900 00 1182,794 26 CM Capital stock Bank notes in circulation . . . Deposites due to Government C. Ellery, collector Jos. G. Totten R. D. A. Wade Roger William* Bank Individuals Interest due and discounts received . Dividends due . . . . N ew port B ank, Newport, July 31, 1834. S ib : A nnexed you have the m onthly statement of the situation of this institution, and herewith the monthly return of the account of John Camp bell, Esq., T reasurer of the United States, and a summary of the accounts of public officers and agents. I am, most respectfully, sir, your very obedient servant, S. CAIIOONE, Cashier. L i t i W o o d bu r t , Esq., Secretary o f the Treasury. 00 S ta te o f the N ew port B a n k . _ 14,831 358 5,303 44 1,229 14,026 * Debts due to the bank . . . Specie . . . . . Notes of Bank United States other banks . . . Due from Office Bank U. S., Providence Merchants’ Bank, do Merchants’ Bank, New York Bank of Bristol 35,794 75 . . . . 5,167 85 Expenses . . . . . 639 00 Real estate . 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 00 49 93 39 81 59 54 25,639 00 $187,240 60 - 7,654 555 4,686 3,574 6,271 1,873 1,709 _ ■ 97 00 90 21 45 82 95 158,009 30 26,326 30 5 00 2,900 00 #187,240 60 144 Capital stock . . . Bank notes in circulation Deposites due to Government J. Burdick, acting collector Jos. G. Totten . R. D. A. Wade Roger Williams Bank individuals Interest due and discounts received Dividends due . , . N iwpoht Bask, Jfew port, Jiug u st 3 0, 1854* S i r : A n n exed you have th e m onthly statem en t o f th e situation o f this institution, and h erew ith th e m onthly retu rn o f th e accou n t o f Jo h n C am p b ell, e s q ., T re a s u re r o f th e U nited S ta tes, and a sum m ary o f th e acco u n ts o f p u b lic officers and agents. I am , m ost re sp ectfu lly , sir, your v e ry o b ed ient servant, Hon. L e v i W o o d b u b y , S. CAHOONE, Cashier. Secretary o f the Treasury . S ta te o f the N ew p ort B a n k . Debts due to the bank Specie • • Notes of Bank United States • • other banks Due from office Bank U. S. , Providence Merchants’ Bank, do Merchants’ Bank New York . . Expenses • 38,541 57 Real estate 6,235 26 415 80 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 36,205 00 8201,397 63 . . - 7,840 24 540 00 2,123 32 7,648 33 2,161 0 0 587 66 . . . • 177,573 80 20,900 55 23 28 2,900 00 145 t o ---------------------------------------- -------------------- iCapital stock . . . . Bank notes in circulation . . . Deposites due to Government * 10,031 49 440 32 W. I.ittlefield, collector S. G. Totten - 10,528 83 535 55 R. D. A. Wade • 716 29 Roger Williams Bank 439 61 Bank of Bristol * individuals - 15,849 48 Interest due and discounts received Dividends due • • « • $201,397 63 ce N e w i -o b t B a n k , Newp»t, September 30, 1834. S in : Annexed you have the monthly statement of the «ituation of this institution, and herewith the monthly retarn of the account of John Camp bell, esq., T reasurer ofthe United States, and a summary o fth e accounts of public officers and agents. I am, most respectfully, sir, your very obedient servant, S. CAHOONE, Cashier. Hon. Secretary o f the Treasury. I— I 20 I__ I L e v i W o o d b u r y , S ta te o f the N ew port B a n k . Debts due to the bank . . . . 40,496 00 Specie . Notes of Bank United States . other banks . . Due from office Bank U. S., Providence office Bank U. S., Boston Merchants’ Bank, Providence Merchants’ Bank, New York 54,248 07 Manhattan Company, New York 7,380 96 Marine Bank, N. B. 372 60 Bank of Bristol . . S. Moore, Director U. S. Mint Bank of Rhode Island Expenses . . . . Real estate . . . 120,000 00 4,731 1,355 35,850 513 593 11,203 49 40 18 51 87 62 $222,497 63 7,203 48 110 00 1,670 15 2,335 34 300 00 5,504 99 26 28 12,500 00 76 25 5,036 48 1 , 0 0 0 00 247 98 183,560 40 146 Capital stock . . . Bank notes in circulation . . Deposites due to Government . W. Littlefield, collector Jos. G. Totten R. D. A. Wade Roger Williams Bank individuals Interest due and discounts received Dividends due . . . 36,010 95 26 28 2,900 00 8222,497 63 N ew p ort B a n k , N ew port, October 3 1 ,1 8 3 4 . S in : A n n ex ed you have th e m onthly statem en t o f th e situation o f th is institution, and h erew ith th e m onthly retu rn o f th e acco u n t o f Jo h n C am p b ell, esq., T re a su re r o f th e U nited S ta te s, and a sum m ary o f th e accou nts o f p u b lic officers and agents. 1 am, most respectfully, sir, your very obedient servant, Hon. Iisvi W o o d b v b y , S. CAHOONE, Cashier. Secretary o f the Tr easury. S ta te o f the N ew p ort B a n k . 3,581 1,356 14,541 1,324 1,062 2,533 12,287 • • Debts due to the bank . 39,942 00 Specie . Notes of Bank United Stales . other banks Due from Merchants’ Bank, New York . Merchants’ Bank, Providence . _ Bank of Bristol Sam’l Moore, Director U. S. Mint _ 35,688 16 Expenses . 8,168 46 Real estate . . . 72 00 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 49 71 99 53 68 02 74 $203,870 62 1 1 ,0 0 2 50 3,633 1,593 2,300 36 08 00 10 20 00 48 1 ,0 0 0 0 0 . . 181,035 97 19,614 8 6 319 79 2,900 00 147 Capital stock . Bank notes in circulation . Deposites due to Government W. Littlefield, collector . . Jos. G. Totten _ R. D. A. Wade _ Rocer Williams Bank office Bank U. S., Providence _ individuals • Interest due and discounts received Dividends due * $203,870 62 oo N e w p o b t B a r e , Newport, November 29, 1834. Sin: A nnexed you have the monthly statement of the situation of this institution, and herew ith the monthly return of the account of John Campbell, esq., T reasurer of the United States, and a summary of the accounts of public officers and agents. I am, most respectfully, your very obedient servant, S. CAHOONE, Cashier. Hon. Secretary o f the Treasury » . L e v i GO W o o d b v b t , S ta le o f the N ew port B a n k . By debts due to the bank . _ 35,334 00 Specie Notes of Bank United States „ other banks . . . Due from Merchants’ Bank, New York Providence Expenses . * Real estate » » 34,164 73 8,672 29 72 00 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 1,052 1,559 13,769 486 2,426 165 14,704 * 59 55 15 81 60 87 16 $198,243 02 7,597 5 6,545 715 4,317 . 23 00 00 17 00 175,816 59 19,179 40 347 03 2,900 00 8198 243 02 148 Capital stock Bank notes in circulation Deposites due to Government W. Littlefield, collector Jos. G. Totten H. D. A. Wade Hoger Williams Bank Office Bank U. S., Providence individuals . Interest due and discounts received Dividends due ■ » - S ta te m e n t o f the A rca d e S a n k , P roviden ce, R . I ., f o r the w eek en din g Ju n e Notes discounted Expenses, bank furniture, &c. Bills of other banks and change Specie Balances due from other banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257,601 3,287 7,415 1 2 ,0 0 0 1,973 . . . . . . . . 97 Capital stock paid in 92 Deposites 53 Deposites Treasurer United States 0 0 Deposites Post Office Department 78 Circulation JProfits on hand Revolutionary pensioners - . . - . . . . . . . 14, 1834. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $282,279 20 199,750 23,918 13,709 109 26,256 7,916 10,618 00 67 88 89 00 46 30 $282,279 20 W . C. SNOW, Cashier. 149 S ta te m e n t o f the A rca d e B a n k , P rovidence, R . I ., f a r the w eek en d in g J u n e 21, ( S a tu r d a y ) 1834. Notes discounted Expenses, bank furniture, &c. Bills of other banks and change Specie Balances due from other banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261,134 3,298 10,392 1 2 ,0 0 0 2,575 93 02 83 00 55 Capital stock paid in Deposites Deposites Treasurer United States Deposites Post Office Department Circulation Profits on hand Revolutionary pensioners . . . . . . . . $289,401 33 ■ ■ ■ !. t v . - - . - - i , ,1, II— - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . 199,750 30,206 13,709 109 27,265 8,404 9,955 00 84 88 89 00 30 42 $289,401 33 -T. W. C. SNOW, Cashier. [ 8] ----------------------------- ---------- ------- ----------------. - . Statement o f the Arcade Bank, Providence, R. I., fo r the week ending June 28, 1834. Notes discounted . . . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. . . Bills of other banks and change . . Specie . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . . . . . 268,339 3,298 2,987 11,500 136 70 02 64 00 00 Capital stock paid in . . . . Deposites . . . . . . Deposites Treasurer United States Deposites Post Office Department . Circulation . . Profits on hand . . . . . Revolutionary pensioners . . . . ■ ”1 ca 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 - • $286,261 36 26,357 13,709 840 26,947 8,932 9,474 79 88 22 00 29 18 $286,261 36 W . C. SNOW, Cashier. h>i Or o Statement o f the Arcade Bank, Providence, R. /. , fo r the week ending July 5, 1834. Notes discounted . . . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. . . Bills of other banks and change . . Specie . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . . . . . 267,489 1,900 9,459 11,500 282 $290,630 29 00 24 00 35 88 U-J Capital stock paid in . . . . Deposites . . . . . . Deposites Treasurer United States . Deposites Post Office Department . . . Circulation "Profits on hand Revolutionary pensioners - 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 - - 29,345 23 15,709 8 8 2,393 25 33,560 00 732 07 8,890 45 $290,630 W . C . S N O W , Cashier. 88 A rc a d e B an k , Providence , /?. Ju ly 12 , 18 3 4 . Annexed is the weekly statement of this bank; and enclosed is the account current of this bank with the Treasurer of the United States for the week ending1this day. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, W . C. SNOW, Cashier. Hon. or Washington C ity, D. 0. S i r : S e c r e t a r y t h e T r e a s u r y , S ta te m e n t o f the A rca d e B a n k , P rovidence, R . I ., f o r th e w e e k e n d in g S a tu r d a y , J u ly Notes discounted . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. Bills of other banks and change Specie . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . . •_ -" . • • . . . • - . . 267,181 30 1,900 00 9,354 91 7,500 00 1,059 27 12, 1834. Capital stock paid in Deposites . . . Deposites Treasurer United States Deposites Post Office Department Circulation . . . Profits on hand • Revolutionary pensioners - 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 $286,995 48 50 88 47 00 18 45 48 151 27,665 15,709 3,277 30,928 1,019 8,395 $286,995 W. C. SNOW, Cashier. S ta te m e n t o f the A rca d e B a n k , P rovidence, R . I ., f o r the w eek en d in g S a tu r d a y , J u ly 19, 1834. Notes discounted . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. Bills of other banks and change . Specie Balances due from other banks - . . - • . . . • - • . • 257,935 79 1,906 93 10,903 55 6 ,0 0 0 0 0 1,946 04 $278,692 31 Capital stock paid in Deposites . . . Deposites Treasurer United States Deposites Post Office Department Circulation . . . Profits on hand • Revolutionary pensioners - 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 21,641 99 15,709 88 3,711 57 28,208 0 0 1,243 91 8,176 96 $278,692 31 W. C. SNOW, Cashier. 09 A r c a d e B a s k , Providence, It. 1., July 2 6 ,1 8 3 4 . Annexed is the weekly statem ent of this b a n k ; and enolosed is the account current of this bank with the Treasurer of the United States for the w eek ending this day. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, W. C. SNOW, Cashier. Hon. S e c r e ta r y of t h e T rea su rt , Washington City, D. C. S ir: S ta te m e n t Notes discounted Expenses, bank furniture, &c. Bills of other banks and change Specie . . . Balances due from other banks o f the Jircade B a n k , P rovidence, R . I ., for the w eek en d in g th is d ay. . . . . . . . . . . . . - 255,927 1.906 8,132 11,000 1,031 79 93 37 00 64 Capital stock paid in Deposites . . . . . . Deposites Treasurer United States . . . Deposites Post Office Department . . . Circulation . . . . . . Profits on hand . . . . . Revolutionary pensioners . . . . - f 277,998 73 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 20,017 20 18,709 88 796 28,762 1,616 8,096 8277,998 40 00 27 98 73 W . C. SNOW, Cashier. S ta te m e n t o f the Jircade B a n k , P rovidence, R . I . , f o r the w eek en d in g J ln g u st 2 , 1834. Notes discounted . . . . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. . . . Bills of other banks and change * Specie . . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . - 255,912 1,906 2,467 1 2 ,0 0 0 1,798 58 93 71 00 98 *274,086 20 Capital stock paid in . . Deposites . . . . Deposites Treasurer United States Deposites Post Office Department Circulation Profits on hand . Revolutionary pensioners - . . - . . . . . 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 17,395 18,990 1,515 26,632 1,904 7,648 #274,086 W . C . S N O W , Cashier. . . . 09 65 32 00 83 31 20 I— I CO Statement o f the jlrcade Sank, Providence, It. I., fo r the week ending Jlugust 9, 1 834. Notes discounted . . . . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. Bill* of other banks and change . . . Specie . . . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . . - 264,410 1,919 4,440 9,000 284 86 Capital stock paid in . . . 03 Deposites S3 Deposites Treasurer United States 00 Deposites Post Office Department 39 Circulation . . . Profits on hand Revolutionary pensioners - 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 21,809 19,990 227 28,422 2,334 7,271 *280,054 81 67 65 32 00 08 09 8280,054 81 W. C. SNOW, Caihier. t S ta te m e n t o f the A roa d e B a n k , P rovidence, R . I ., f o r the w eek en d in g A u g u s t 23, 1834. Notes discounted . . . . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. • Bills of other banks and change . . . Specie . . . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . . - 257,455 56 1,934 45 3,189 44 13,000 0 0 712 20 #276,291 65 Capital stock paid in Deposites . . . Deposites Treasurer United States Deposites Post Office Department Circulation . . . Profits on hand . . Revolutionary pensioners - 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 21,649 22,270 312 22,092 2,716 7,251 15 65 18 00 59 08 #276,291 65 W. C. SNOW, Cathier. I— 1 r» Statement o f the Arcade Bank, Providence, R. I., for the week ending Avgust 30, 1S34. Not«s discounted . . . . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. . Bills of other banks and change . . . Specie . . . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . . 261,507 2,434 6,977 27,000 30 99 45 25 00 34 Capital stock paid in . Deposites . . . . . . Deposites Treasurer United States . . . Deposites Post Office Department . . . Circulation . . . . . . Profits on hand . . . . . Revolutionary pensioners . . . . f-i 00 - *297,950 03 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 29,299 7,676 312 23,114 2,972 34,574 61 77 18 00 76 71 #297,950 03 W. C. SNOW, Cashier. 154 Statement o f the Arcade Bank, Providence, R. I., fo r the week ending Saturday, September 6, 1834. Notes discounted . . . . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. . . . . Bills of other banks and change . . . Specie . . . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . 269,774 61 Capital stock paid in . . . . 2,445 70 Deposites 7,667 01 Deposites Treasurer United States 16,500 00 Deposites Post Office Department . . . 606 39 Circulation . Profits on hand . . . Revolutionary pensioners * . *296,993 71 • . . . . . . . . . . * - . . - 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 23,219 9,956 512 29,950 3,466 29,888 12 77 18 00 96 68 $296,993 71 W . C. SN OW , C ashier. « S tatem en t o f the A rcad e S a n k , P rovidence, R . I ., f o r the w eek en din g S a tu rd a y , Septem ber Notes discounted Expenses, bank furniture, &c. Bills of other banks and change Specie Balances due from otlier banks . . - . . - - . . - - 269,031 2,449 6,685 12,500 5 ,^ 3 03 20 99 00 52 Capital $fbck paid in Deposites Deposites Treasurer United States Deposites Post Office Department . Circulation Profits on hand Revolutionary pensioners - . - 13, 1834. - . - . - $295,819 74 200,000 24,410 9,456 1,624 55,799 3,821 20,707 00 14 77 74 00 61 48 $295,819 74 W . C. SNOW, Cathier. 155 Statement o f the Jircade Bank , Providence, R . I , fo r the week ending September 2 0 , 1834. Notes discounted Expenses, bank furniture, &c. Bills of other banks and change Specie Balances due from other banks - - - - - - - - 271,447 2,459 5,916 11,000 746 47 20 95 00 52 #291,570 14 Capital stock paid in . . Deposites Deposites Treasurer United States Deposites Post Office Department Circulation Profits on hand Revolutionary pensioners - . . . - - - 200,000 23,751 9,456 903 37,571 4,193 15,693 00 69 77 49 00 73 46 $291,570 14 W. C . SNOW, Cashier. OO ,__, Statement o f the Arcade Bank, Providence, R. I , for the week ending Saturday, September, 27, 1834. Notes discounted . . . . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. . . . . Bills of other banks and change . . . Specie . . . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . . 272,655 2,459 5,530 1 1 ,0 0 0 1,419 76 20 39 00 42 Capital stock paid in Deposites . . . . Deposites Treasurer United States Deposites Post Office Department Circulation . . . . Profits on hand ltevolutionary pensioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - oo 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 27,091 9,226 903 38,069 4,548 13,225 49 87 49 00 69 23 $293,064 77 $293,064 77 W. C. SNOW, Cashier. « 156 • i— i Statement o f the Arcade Bank, Providence, R. I., for the week ending Saturday, October 4, 1834. Notes discounted . . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. . . Bills of other banks and change . . Specie . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . . . . . . . . . . 271,035 2,459 7,789 5,000 2*389 10 20 62 00 11 #288,673 03 Capital stock paid in • Deposites . . . . Deposites Treasurer United States Deposites Post Office Department Circulation Profits on hand . . . Revolutionary pensioners . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . - 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 19,504 11,843 2,485 38,109 4,912 11,818 10 48 44 00 46 55 $288,673 03 W . C . S N O W , Cashier. S t a t e m e n t u f t h e A r c a d e H a n k , P r o v id e n c e , l i . I . , f o r th e w e e k e n d in g S a t u r d a y , O cto b er 1 1 , 1 8 3 4 . Notes discounted . . . . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. . Bills of other banks and change . . . Specie . . . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . - 270,463 2,511 3,172 8 ,0 0 0 3,782 24 40 60 00 07 Capital stock paid in . Deposites . . . . Deposites Treasurer United States Deposites Post Office Department Circulation . . . . Profits on hand - *. Revolutionary pensioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 19,232 37 13,354 99 1,890 40 37,253 00 5,075 08 11,123 47 . $287,929 31 *287,929 31 W. C. SNOW, Cashier. 157 Statement o f the Arcade Bank, Providence, R . I., for the week ending Saturday, October 18, 1834. Notes discounted . . . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. . . . Bills of other banks and change . . Specie . . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . . . . . . 269,589 2,513 5,280 1 1 ,0 0 0 2,026 84 65 50 00 53 $290,410 52 Capital stock paid in Deposites . . . . . . Deposites Treasurer United States . . . Deposites Post Office Department . . . Circulation . . . . . . Profits on hand . . . . . Revolutionary pensioners . . . . - 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 21,970 13,354 2,676 36,431 5,444 10,532 05 99 68 00 93 87 #290,410 52 W. C. SNOW, Cashier. I— I 00 I__1 0 Statement o f the Arcade Bank, Providence, R. I-,for the week ending Saturday, October 25, 1834. Notes discounted . . . . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. . . . . Bills of other banks and change . . . Specie . . . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . . 265,381 36 2,534 63 5,375 67 15,223 00 889 43 Capital stock paid in • • Deposites . . . . . . Deposites Treasurer United States • Deposites Post Office Department . . . Circulation . . . . . . Profits on hand . . . . . Revolutionary pensioners . . . . ca - 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 24,932 15,354 1,486 31,939 5,819 9,870 93 99 73 00 75 69 *289,404 09 9 ($289,404 09 W. C. SNOW, Cashier. 158 Statement o f the Arcade Bank, Providence, R . I ., for the week ending Saturday, November 1, 1834. Notes discounted . . . . . Expenses, bank furniture, &c. . . . . Bills of other banks and change . . . Specie . . . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . 262,276 84 2,547 63 14,628 89 14,700 00 986 06 *295,139 42 Capital stock paid in Deposites . . . . . . Deposites Treasurer United States . . . Deposites Post Office Department . . . Circulation . . . . . . Profits on hand . . . . . Revolutionary pensioners . . . . - 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 25,843 20,254 2,076 32,189 6,084 8,690 26 99 93 00 78 46 $295,139 42 W . C . S N O W , CwAier. S ta tem en t o f the %/ircade H a n k , P rovidence, R . I ., f o r the w eek en din g S a tu rd a y , N ovember Notes discounted Expenses, bank furniture, &c. Bills of other banks and change Specie . . . . Balances due from other bank 9 1 . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 265,923 2,554 8,984 14,550 1,055 09 13 49 00 26 Capital stock paid in Deposites . Deposites Treasurer United States Deposites Post Office Department Circulation * Profits on hand . . . . Revolutionary pensioners . . 8293,066 97 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 1834. _ . 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 22,213 20,254 1,976 33,978 6,326 8,317 . 29 99 93 00 62 14 #293,066 97 W. C. SNOW, Cashier. Notes discounted Expenses, bank furniture, &c. Bills of other banks and change Specie . . . Balances due from other banks 270,110 99 2,553 57 9,942 11 13,550 00 129,273 00 $297,449 40 Capital stock paid in • Deposites . . . Deposites Treasurer United States Deposites Post Office department Circulation . . . Profits on hand . . . Revolutionary pensioners - 159 Statement of the Jlrcade Bank, Providence, Ii. I., for the week ending Saturday, November 15, 1834. 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 24,645 83 23,254 99 1,976 93 32,895 00 6,600 36 8,076 29 #297,449 40 W. C. SNOW, Cathier. OD Statement of the Arcade Bank, Providence, R. I., for the week ending November 22, 1834. i— i 03 Notes discounted Expenses, bank furniture, &c. Gills of other banks and change Specie Balances due from other banks - • . . . . . . . 267,046 2,560 14,702 13,550 963 97 17 25 00 19 Capital stock paid in . • Deposites Deposites Treasurer United States . . . Deposites Post Office department • Circulation . . . . . . Profits on hand . . . . . . Revolutionary pensioners . . . . • - 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 28,825 33 23,254 99 709 58 30,917 00 7,039 39 8,076 29 $298,822 58 $298,822 58 W. C. SNOW, Cwthitr. 160 Statement of the Jircade Bank, Providence, R. J., for the week ending Saturday, November 29, 1834. Notes discounted . . . . . . Expenses, bank furniture, 8cc. . . . . Bills of other banks and change . • . Specie . . . . . . . Balances due from other banks . . . . . 269,774 2,560 10,334 17,000 1,927 74 17 51 00 35 #301,596 77 Capital stock paid in - „ Deposites . . . Deposites United 8 tates Deposites Post Office Department Circulation . . . Profits on hand . . . Revolutionary pensioners . 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 26,477 8 6 27,954 807 31,683 7,353 7,320 99 32 00 14 46 #301,596 77 W . C. SNOW, Ctuhitr. Slate o/' the Bank o f Bristol, May Votes and bills discounted • Specie Bills of other banks . . . Deposited in other banks . . Empreasa estate Expenses . . . . . Canal and bank atock . . . . . 190,576 37 Capital stock . . . . . . 2,620 0 0 B lls in circulation . . . . . 5,363 00 Deposites of the Treasury . . . . 23,065 57 Natlt. Bulluck, collector . . . 4,000 00 Individuals * . . . . . . . 167 16 Interest received 480 00 . •' #226,372 10 • . . . . . * 31, 1834. ' B ark or B u rro l, Bristol, R. I., May 31, 1834. . 147,500 00 21,858 00 41,392 38 54 29 7,489 54 7,977 89 #226,272 10 SAM. SMITH, Cashier. 161 State of the Bank o f Bristol, June 30, 1834. Notes and bill* discounted Specie . . . Bills of other banks . Deposited in other banks Expenses Bmpressa estate Canal and bank stock - . . . . • . . . . . - . . . . . . . • •m s.;: ----------------------^ B ark or B iiito l, Bristol, R. June 30, 1834. - 194,131 97 2,987 00 3,588 00 14,344 19 178 91 3,124 00 480 00 8218,834 07 Capital stock . . . . . . Bills in circulation . . . . . Deposites of the U. S. Treasury . . . Nath. Bullock, collector . . . Individuals . . . . . Interest received . . . . . r-Wii- lr f ‘iHil'f 147,500 15,666 42,110 678 4,171 8,706 00 00 79 75 84 69 #218,834 07 — —------SAM. SMITH, Cashier. State o f the Bank o f Bristol, July 31, 1834. Notes and bills discounted Bpecie . . . Bills of other banks . Deposited in other banks ■ Empressa estate . Expenses . . . Canal and bank stock • • 187,755 10 3,100 00 2,557 18 13,557 00 3,124 00 m 1 56 480 00 *210,574 84 • i— » Capital stock . . . Bills in circulation . . Deposites of the Treasury . Nath. Bullock, collector Individuals . . Interest received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bristol, R. I, August 3 0 , - 147,500 18,160 29,735 2,732 8,559 3,887 00 79 39 35 31 00 . 1834. 167,011 2,920 4,753 9,349 3,124 16 480 $187,655 98 00 00 85 00 56 00 39 162 B a x k or B r is to l, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAM. SMITH, Cashier. State o f the Bank o f Bristol, August 30, 1834. . . . $210,574 84 Bah* or B ristol, Btitlol, R . I , July 31, 1834. Notes and bills discounted Specie . . . Bills of other banks . Deposited in other banks Empressa estate . . . Expenses . . . Canal and bank stock . . . - Capital stock . . . . . . B.lls in circulation . . . . . Deposites of the Treasury of the United States Nath. Bullock, collcctor . . . Individuals . . . . . Interest received ....................................................... 147,640 20,813 9,635 1 5,057 4,508 00 00 79 22 24 14 $187,655 39 SAM. SMITH, Cashier, Slate o f the Hank oJ~ liristol, September 3 0 , 1 83 4. ■I 1■ 111 --------- -- — ----------------------- - ------- Notes and bills discounted 8pecie . . . Bills of other banks . Deposited in o ile r banks . Empressa estate . . Expenses . . . Canal and bank stock . B a k e or ■:■ ■ ■ . . . -■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172,079 •2,900 3,871 9,238 3,124 , 17 480 $191,709 . . . . . . . . . . . Expenses Canal and bank stock . . . . . . . * . . . . . . • . • . . . • * . . . - . f . the . . . . • . . . . . 147,700 18,622 11,735 1,312 6,581 5,757 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $191,709 B ris to l, Bristol, R. I., October 3 I, 1834. 42 SAM. SMITH, Cashier. Bank of Bristol October 3 1 , , 173,945 2,917 4,2*8 8,596 3,124 145 480 #193,496 1834. ■ 30 Capital stock 00 Bills in circulation 00 Deposites of the Treasurer of the United States Nath. Bullock, collector 20 00 Ind.viduals 60 Interest received 00 10 . . . . . . . . . . . • . . - . - . . - , - 147,720 23,021 8,835 2,127 5,417 6,373 00 00 79 62 75 94 $193,496 10 • - Ba«m o» 00 79 12 71 80 00 163 Notes and bills discounted Bills of other banks Deposited in other banks Due for empresaa estate Capital stock Bills in circulation Deposites of the Treasury Nath. Bullock, collector Individuals Interest received Bristol, 11. 1., September SO, 1834. B h i s t o l , State o f Specie 07 00 00 21 00 14 00 42 SAM. SMITH, CwJKtr. — ii m OO State o f the Bank o f Bristol, November 29, 1834. Notes and bills discounted Specie Bills of other banks . Deposited-in other banks Due from empressa estate Expenses Canal and bank stock IUkk o t B r i s t o l , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166,655 3,650 2,846 12,176 3,124 236 480 $189,168 62 00 00 65 00 13 00 40 Bristol, R . /., Nov. 29, 18^4. - , m . - . . . _ , 37,485 86 3,783,184 95 31,565 51 852 41 3,756 57 357,458 33 5,083 99 8,535 70 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 685,879 00 307,014 00 13,576 00 24,559 00 16,242 82 00 * —1 00 79 34 20 07 $189,168 40 Bank o f America, New York June 1 9 , m 148,020 22,632 8 035 ' 31 2,967 7,482 Capital stock . . . . Bills in circulation . . . Deposites of the Treasurer United States Nathaniel Bullock, collector individuals • Interest received . . . SAMUEL SMITH, Cashier. 164 Bills discounted Domestic bills of exchange Bills receivable • Bonds and mortgages . Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts Real estate for banking house Rea! estate in Jersey city . Real estate in Newburgh . Jersey Glass Company Stock ' Specie on hand Notes of city banks . Notes of country banks • Bank fund Digitized Expense for FRASER account City Bank • - 1834. Capital stock . . . Discount received Exchange and interest Profit and loss Bonds payable U. States’ Hrancft Bank Manhattan do Mechanics’ do . Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do Commercial Bank, Albany Lincoln do Bath Merchants’ do Boston Hamilton do do Tremont do do • • • • • - - 103,958 16,944 37,436 13,899 975 33,115 66,895 116 11,628 8,298 180 89 25 14 29 52 59 56 39 30 22 14 2 , 001,200 126,834 3,001 100,647 56,000 00 46 08 30 00 206,329 68 6 1 ,7 2 5 21 0,36 2 72 79 47,578 99 51,197 30 15,142 95 98,824 39 1,311 98 4,073 51 259 42 12,024 61 39,998 51 30,444 90 12,817 97 12,136 95 9,522 42 7,577 18 7,245 95 7,776 65 1,380 33 3,963 14 15,971 35 635,385 85 53,437 02 86,012,319 40 B ahk or A m id ic a , June 20,1834. do do do S a le m Asiatic do do Fairhaven do Fairhaven Taunton do Taunton Mechanics' do Providence American do do National do do Middletown do Middletown Mechanics' do Paterson Girard do Philadelphia Schuylkill do do Mechanics1 do Baltimore Union Bank of Maryland, Balt. -• Bank of the Valley, Va., Winchester Marine and Fire Ins. b ’k, Savannah Branch Dank of Darien, do Bank of Augusta, Augusta, Geo. Bank of Darien, Darien Central Hank of Florida, Tallahassee Franklin Bank, Cincinnati Commercial Bank, do Bank of Louisville, Louisville Commercial Bank, New Orleans Commissioners of the Canal Fund, of the State of New York John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. Samuel Swartwout, collector Dividends unpaid • Notes in circulation . Individual deposites A tla s N au m keag 3 ,8 5 0 16 8,036 4,708 2 731 5,074 1,264 67 609 6,647 25,633 3,238 6,908 1,200 5,280 34,017 4,188 45,448 958 15,845 59,992 915 7,257 13,240 33 26 07 86 00 95 90 81 90 82 18 55 87 00 66 89 06 55 37 00 75 03 18 165 Bank of N ew York Merchants’ Bank Union do Pheni* do North R iver do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. New York Dry Dock Company National Bank • Merchants’ Exchange Bank Leather Manufacturers’ do Beventh Ward do Bank of Newburgh, Newburgh Bank of Orange county, Goshen Hartford Bank, Hartford City do New Hampshire Long Island do Brooklyn • Patriotic do Washington Mew Orleans Canal & Banking Co. 342,236 76 12,500 2,039,077 20,887 5,024 317,997 780,583 *6,012,319 00 71 87 50 00 04 40 I— I B. N. WENMAN, l i t Bookkeeper. 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ . . . . * . - .48,893 63 262,556 65 43,969 46 38,381 27 25,515 ’88 97,840 02 696 42 8,649 34 7,590 00 63,487 65 23,796 57 20,745 70 17,484 24 9,865 62 1,600 72 46 65 7,506 50 7,447 58 3,864,074 8 6 29,884 6 8 852 41 3,756 57 507,458 33 5,083 99 8,535 70 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 670,227 61 242,048 33 8,590 00 24,559 00 16,384 69 o York, June 26, 1834. 00 Capital stock . . Discount received . Exchange and interest Profit and loss . Bonds payable United States’ Branch Bank City Bank Manhattan Bank . Mechanics’ Bank . Chemical Bank * Fulton Bank Greenwich Bank Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Commercial Bank, Albany . Catskill Bank, Catskill Lincoln Bank, Bath, Maine . Merchants’ Bank, Boston . Hamilton do do Atlas do do Naumkeag do Salem . . Asiatic do do Fairhaven do Fairhaven Taunton do Taunton Mechanics’ do Providence American do do National do do Middletown do Middletown . Mechanics’ do Paterson 659,606 83 Schuylkill do Philadelphia Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Bank of the Valley in Virginia, Winchester, Virginia Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, Sa vannah . . . _ _ . _ _ _ . . . . . . 84,556 94 6,121 71 158,083 85 46,951 57 1,309 70 25,011 96 9,109 09 20,706 18 103,304 61 1 50 16 39 26,575 81 5,060 49 2,804 29 36 43 9.621 14 2 07 731 8 6 1,299 48 64 90 102 87 609 81 8,646 40 5,958 28 1,200 87 5,280 00 25,983 17 2,001,200 00 139,318 86 3,011 87 101,004 64 56,000 00 351,851 00 166 Bills discounted Domestic bills of exchange Bills receivable Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts Real estate for banking house . Real estate in Jersey City Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company Stock Specie on hand * Noses of city banks Notes of country banks Bank fund • « Expense account Bank of New York Merchants’ Bank Union do Phenix do North river do Tradesmen’s do . . . Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. New York Dry Dock Company Butchers and Drovers’ Bank National Bank . . . Merchants’ Exchange Bank Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward Bank Bank of Newburgh, Newburgh Bank of Orange county, Goshen Tremont Bank, Boston Bank, Hartford * DigitizedHartford for FRASER C ity Bank, New Haven Bank o f America, Long Island Bank, Brooklyn Banking1 and Insurance Company, Newark Girard Bank, Philadelphia echanics’ Bank, Baltimore jftriotic Bank, Washington ew Orleans Canal and Banking Company, New Orleans Newark 1 ,3 8 0 • Central Bank of Florida, Tallaha&sce Franklin Uank, Cincinnati Commercial do do Bank of Louisville, Louisville Commercial Bank, New Orleans Bank of Orleans, do Branch Bank of Darien, Savannah 83,233 06 Bank of Augusta, Augusta, Georgia Commissioners of the canal fund of* the Slate of New York . J. Campbell, Treasurer of the U. S. S. Swartwout, collector Dividends unpaid • Notes in circulaiion Individual deposites • $6,210,084 31 B a n k o f D a r ie n , D a rie n - - 9 5 8 55 8 ,0 3 6 31 5 0 ,6 6 8 6 6 3,118 6,272 149,187 300 16,884 59,427 88 37 18 30 45 89 492,153 96 * 12,500 1,990,665 1,000 4,993 312-156 744,229 00 24 12 00 00 62 $6,210,084 31 167 Bahk of A x i b i c a , June 27, 1834. 33 795 69 29,793 36 4,863 12 3,963 14 15,971 35 D. THOMPSON, Cashier. 00 I— J Bank o f America, New York, July 3, 1834. r—i 00 4,031,449 31 29,459 35 7,707 53 3,759 57 477,458 33 5,083 99 5,151 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 694,866 52 479,321 21 9,949 00 24,559 00 209 10 318,040 60 82,208 12 Capital stock _ Discounts received . Profit and loss . Bonds payable _ . _ ' Due to city banks Due to country banks Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. John Campbell, Treasurer of theUnited States Samuel Swartwoul, collector Dividends declared payable 7th instant ■ Dividends unpaid . . Notes in circulation Individual deposites - - - $6,255,007 94 B i n ot A m sici, July 3, 1834. - _ _ Y. . . 2 ,001,200 00 4,836 155,894 56,000 152,634 407,570 12,500 2,067,444 13,484 70,095 4,734 412,877 895,737 08 04 00 39 52 00 24 99 50 00 00 18 168 Bills discounted Domestic bills of exchange • Bills receivable Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts Real estate for banking house Real estate in Jersey city Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company stock . Specie on hand • Notes of city banks Notes of country banks Bank fund Expense account Due from city banks Due from country banks - I__ I *6,255,007 94 I D. THOMPSON, Cashier. S a n k o f America, New York, July B a n k or A m e r ic a , 3,972,735 29,459 4,286 3,756 477,458 5,083 5,151 74,496 7,466 2,449 1,375 694,851 327,162 3,664 24,559 208 308,444 77,625 96 35 10 57 33 99 06 80 67 78 00 73 31 85 95 58 9 6 ,020,236 03 1834. Capital stock . . . . Discounts received . . . . Profit and loss _ . . * Bonds payable . . . Due to city banks Due to country banks . . . Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States Samuel Swartwout, collector Dividends unpaid . . . . Notes in circulation . . . . Individual deposites • ,- 2 , 0 0 1 ,2 0 0 0 0 8,359 155,894 56,000 157,386 412,370 12,500 2,089,967 18,546 42,675 280,486 784,850 35 04 00 05 07 00 78 29 00 00 85 00 00 169 Bills discounted Domestic bills of jxchange Bills receivable Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts .. Real estate for banking house Real estate in Jersey city Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company stock to Specie on hand *°Notes of city banks Notes of country banks Bank fund . . . Expense account • Due from city banks . Due from country banks - 10, 86,020,236 03 July 11, 1834. D. THOM PSON, Cashier. I— I 00 Bank of America, New York, July 17, 1834. . . ■ . . . . . . . . . . - Bamk or Awebica, J vU/ 18. 1834. .* _ 4,056,406 68 33,173 80 4,286 10 3,756 57 307,458 33 5,083 99 5,151 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 699,624 67 293,234 39 19,874 00 24,559 00 214 91 541,701 13 57,192 72 26,200 47 Capital stock . . . Discounts received Profit and loss . . . . . Bonds payable Due to city banks Due to country banks Commissioners of the canal fund of the State of N. Y. John Campbell Treasurer ofthe United States Samuel Swartwout, collector • -. -. . .Dividends unpaid . . . Notes in circulation • . . . Individual deposites - 2 , 0 0 1 ,2 0 0 00 15,285 155,892 56,000 212,743 511,108 12,500 2,070,058 25,000 27,757 242,528 854,631 77 54 00 33 01 00 29 92 50 00 71 170 Bills discounted . Domestic bills of exchange . Bills receivable ■ Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the City«of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over . Suspended debts Heal estate for banking house ■ Real estate in Jersey City .. Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company Stock . Specie on hand Notes of city banks . Notes of country banks . Bank fund • . Expense account . Due from city banks . Due from country hanks . Five per cent. U. S. Stock Foreign bills of exchange - i— i oo 2 1 ,0 0 0 0 0 $6,184,706 07 . *6,184,706 07 D. THOMPSON, Canhicr. I B a n k o f A m erica , New Y ork, J u ly 241 h, • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ---- *-------------------------— ---- ------------—--------------------B a n k or A m e b ic a , July 25, 1834. Capital stock . . . Discounts received Profit and loss . . . Bonds payable - • . Due to city banks Due to country banks Commissioners of the canal fund of the State of N. Y. . John Campbell Treasurer of the United States . . . Samuel Swartwout •' . . Dividends unpaid • ■ . . Notes in circulation . . Individual deposites • 4,043,779 95 36,244 34 4,286 10 3,756 57 307,458 33 5,083 99 5,151 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 792,054 12 300,449 12 13,912 00 24,559 00 212 13 478,668 76 65.386 39 47,364 94 2 ,0 0 1 ,2 0 0 00 20,201 04 155,892 54 56,000 00 395,858 62 616,615 61 12,500 00 1,807,487 02 4,526 08 22,363 50 305,858 00 836,649 64 171 • Bills discounted - -s Domestic bills of exchange . . Bills receivable . . . Bonds and mortgages . . . Bonds of the City of New Orleans . Discounted notes lying over . . Suspended debts . . . Real estate for banking house . . Real estate in Jersey City . . Real estate in Newburgh . . Jersey Glass Company Stock . . Specie on hand . . . Notes of city banks . . . Nptes of country banks . . Bank fund . . . . Expense account . . . Due from city banks . . . Due from country bank . . Five per cent. United States Stock . Foreign bills of exchange . . 1834. 2 1 ,0 0 0 0 0 $6,235,155 05 $6,235,155 05 - D. THOMPSON, Cathier QO Bank o f America, New York, July 31, 1834. Bank OF Amehica, August 1, 1854. * * CO 4,029,483 65 35,260 95 4,286 10 3,756 57 307,458 33 5,083 99 5,151 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 857,837 55 323,454 32 5,989 00 24,559 00 2,189'22 430,774 00 39,800 03 1,447 52 Capital stock . . . . . . . 2 , 0 0 1 ,2 0 0 00 Discounts received . . . . . 26,011 90 Profit and loss . . . . . 160,490 80 Bonds payable . . . . . 56,000 00 Due to city banks . . . . . 319,634 31 Due to country banks . . . . 619,591 59 Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. Y. 12,500 00 John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States - . 1,675,071 85 Samuel Swartivout, collector . . . 4,526 08 Dividends unpaid . . . . . 2 0 ,0 1 0 00 Notes in circulation . . . . . 355,877 00 Individual deposites . . . . . 931,405 81 * J6.162.319 34 ----------» .-B-3--- TV $6,162,319 34 172 Bills discounted . . . Domestic bills of exchange Bills receivable . . . . Bonds and mortgages . . . Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over . . . Suspended debts • , Real estate for banking house ReaA estate in Jersey city Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company stock Specie on hand . . . Notes of city banks . . . Notes of country banks Bank fund . . . . Expense account . . . Due from city banks . . . Due from country banks * Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims 1—1 . ' D. THOMPSON, Cashier. B ank o f America, New York, Jlugust 7, 1 8 3 4 . . . . . . . . . — - _ - _ - 4,032,398 60 40,097 67 1,313 8 8 3,756 57 307,458 33 5,083 99 5,151 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 827,534 53 286,768 32 4,357 00 24,559 00 3,151 18 391,393 18 52,844 45 1,447 52 $6,073,103 53 B*>z or A h b ica , Augutl 8, 1834. _ Capital stock _ Discounts received . Profit and loss . . Bonds payable Due to city banks - ' _ _ Due to country banks | Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. Y. John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States Samuel Swartwout, collector - ■ _ Dividends unpaid . . Notes in circulation - _ Individual deposites . - 2 , 0 0 1 .2 0 0 00 32,131 160,490 56,000 309,703 633,150 12,500 1,553,900 76,340 18,431 326,777 892,477 90 80 00 65 83 00 26 24 50 00 35 173 Bills discounted ■Domestic bills of exchange Bills receivable Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts Real estate for banking house Real estate in Jersey city Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company stock Specie on hand . . . Notes of city banks Notes of country banks Bank fund Expense account . . . Due from city banks • Due from country banks Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims #6,073,103 53 D. THOMPSON, Cashier. 00 Bank o f America, New York, August 14, 1834. 3,988,332 45 39,765 65 1,313 88 2,775 57 307,458 33 5,083 99 5,151 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 997,654 74 257,887 35 8,073 00 24,559 00 2,778 62 494,300 17 49,932 16 1,447 52 #6,272,301 75 B *>c oi Amkbica, August 15, 1834. Capital stock . Discounts received Profit and loss , Bonds payable Due to the city banks Due to the banks out of the city Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. Y John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States Samuel Swartwout, collector . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . Notes in circulation . . . . Individual deposites . . . . 2,001,200 36,709 160,490 56.000 554,032 611,424 62,500 1,474,900 102,104 16,324 326,738 869,877 00 70 80 00 91 28 00 43 12 50 00 01 174 Bills discounted - . Domestic bills of exchange Bills receivable Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts Real estate for banking house Real estate in Jersey city Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company stock Specie on hand • Notes of the city banks Notes of the banks out of the city Bank fund . • Expense account Due from the city banks Due from the banks out of the city Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims #6,272,301 75 D. THOMPSON, Cathier. Han/e o f America, JVeu> York, A u g u st Bills discounted Domestic bills of exchange . Bills receivable • Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted mtes lying over Suspended debts . . . Real estate for banking house . Real estate in Jersey city . Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company stock . Specie on hand - • . . Notes of the city banks . Notes of the banks out of the city Bank fund . . . . Expense account . . . Due from the city banks Due from the banks out of .the city Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims 3,956,704 37,580 1,313 2,775 307,458 5,083 5,151 74,496 7,466 2,449 1,375 869,326 265,085 17,169 24,559 2,740 497,711 63,863 1,447 48 40 88 57 33 99 06 80 67 78 00 40 04 00 00 87 64 69 52 $6,143,759 12 B ins o r A m e r ic a , N e w Y o r k , Jlugust 22, 1834. 31, 1834. Capital stock . . Discounts received . . . . Profit and loss . . . . Bonds payable . . . . Due to the city banks Due to the banks out of the city . . Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. Y. John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States . Samuel Swartwout, collector . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . Notes in circulation . Individual deposites . . . . . , 2 001,200 00 42,157 64 160,490 80 56,000 00 467,254 50 604,884 90 62,500 0 1,455,158 61 91,781 73 15,472 50 333,257 0 0 853,601 44 $6,143,759 12 GEORGE NEWBOLD, President. Bank o f America, New York, August 28, 1834. i—i oo B a x k o f A m e r ic a , • . . . . . . . . . - . . New York, August 29, 1834. . . - 3,896,414 69 40,486 72 852 41 2,775 57 307,458 33 5,083 99 5,151 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 8^5,070 85 250,887 85 12,139 00 24,559 00 2,852 37 440,123 60 37,052 47 1,447 52 $5,978,143 6 8 Capital stock . . . . . Discounts received . . . . Profit and loss . . . . Bonds payable . . . . Due to the city banks . . . . Due to banks out of the city . . . Commissioners of the canal fund of the State of N. Y. Jno. Campbell, Treasurer of the United'States . Samuel Swartwout, collector . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . Notes in circulation . . . . Individual deposites . . . . 2 , 0 0 1 ,2 0 0 00 33 , 46,983 160,619 56,000 633,918 397,250 62,500 1,405,498 4,187 14,533 346,893 1848,560 09 38 00 06 15 00 67 98 85,978,143 68 12 00 176 Bills discounted . . . Domestic bills of exchange . . Bills receivable . . . Bonds and mortgages . . . Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts . . . Real estate for banking house . . Real estate in Jersey city Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company Stock . . Specie on hand . . . Notes of the city banks . . . Netes of banks out of the city Bank fund . . . . Expense account . . . Due from the city banks . Due from banks out of tlie city Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims • GEO. NEWBOLI), President. Hank o f Jlmerica, New York, September 4 , 1 8 3 4 . i • . . . . • .' 3,777,7 84 30,110 852 2,775 • B ark or America, New Ytrk, September 5, 1834. 71 87 41 57 307,458 33 5,083 99 5,151 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 804,484 09 354,667 08 13,381 00 24,559 00 5,009 11 395,033 38 81,318 61 1,447 52 $5,894,904 98 Capital stock • . . . . Discounts received • * . Profit and loss . . . . Bonds payable . . . . Due to the city banks . . . . Due to banks out of the city . . . Commissioners of the canal fund of the State of N. Y. John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States Samuel Swartwout, collector . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . Notes in circulation . . . . Individual deposites . . . . 2 , 0 0 1 ,2 0 0 0 0 51,093 50 160,609 12 56,000 00 478,756 20 434,060 87 62,500 0 0 1,242,275 51 81,218 0 2 13,949 50 435,747 00 877,495 26 177 Bills discounted Domestic bills of exchange Bills reoeivable . . . Bonds and mortgages . . . Bonds of the city of New Orleans * Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts . . . Real estate for banking house • Real estate in Jersey city . Real estate in Newburgh • Jersey Glass Company stock Specie on hand - . * Notes of the city banks . . Notes of banks out of the city . • Bank fund . . . Expense account . . Due from the city banks Due from banks out of the city Expenses of agency for Noapolitan claims $5,894,904 98 D. THOMPSON, Cathier.- 3,666,711 55 27,803 41 852 41 2,775 57 307,458 33 5,083 99 5,151 06 . 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 881,185 02 381,867 05 12,736 00 24,559 00 5,035 U8 316,053 08 100,525 61 1,447 52 #5,825,032 93 B a it k o f A x e s i c a , N ew York, September 12, 1834. Capital stock • Discounts received Profit and loss t Bonds payable Due to the city banks • Due to banks out of the city Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. Y John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States Samuel Swartwout, collector Dividends unpaid . . . . Notes in circulation . . . . Individual deposites . . . . , 2 001,200 00 54,752 160,609 56,000 292,496 544,194 •62,500 1,304,533 104,838 13,802 353,906 876,200 62 12 00 37 75 00 19 26 50 00 12 178 Bills discounted Domestic bills of exchange Bills receivable Bonds anil mortgages Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts Real estate for banking house Real estate in Jersey city Real estate in Newburgh ' Jersey Glass Company stock Specie on hand • Notes of the city banks Notes of banks out of the city Bank fund Expense account Due from the city banks Due from banks out of the city Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims [ 8] Bank o f America, New York, September 11, 1834. #5,825,032 93 D. THOMPSON, Caihier. B ank o f America, September 18, 1 8 3 4 . 3,555,222 38,173 852 2,775 307,458 5,083 5,151 74,496 7,466 2,449 1,375 874,217 315,298 9,226 24,559 5,058 781,691 122,335 1,447 15 35 41 57 33 99 06 80 67 78 00 84 75 N ew Yirk, September 19,1834. 2,001,200 0» 59,314 32 160.609 12 56,000 00 460,460 62 576,738 29 62,500 00 1,465,883 19 114.610 18 13,422 00 332,324 00 831,267 76 00 00 02 72 52 52 #6,134,329 48 B a s k o r A m erica, Capital stock Discounts received Profit and loss Bonds payable Due to the city banks Due to banks out of the city Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. Y John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States Samuel Swartwout, collector • Dividends unpaid . . . . Notes in circulation . . . . Individual deposites . . . . 179 Bills discounted • Domestic Bills of exchange Bills receivable Bonds and mortgages * Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts Real estate for banking house Beal estate in Jersey city Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company stock Specie on hand Notes of the city banks Notes of banks out of the city Bank fund Expense account * Due from the city banks Due from banks out of the city Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims *6,134,329 48 D. TH OM PSO N , Cathier. CD Bank o f America, New York, September 25, 1834. 3,606,941 95 44,550 08 852 41 2,775 57 307,458 33 5,083 99 5,151 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375. 00 1,009,961 78 314,089 60 4,674 00 24,559 00 5,0S0 77 634,365 30 140,948 40 1,447 52 $6,193,708 01 B a n k of A x iiu c a , New York, September 26, 1834. Capital stock . Discounts received Profit and loss Bonds payable Due to the city banks Due to banks out of thft city Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. Y. J. Campbell, Treasurer of the United States . S. Swartwout, collector . Dividends unpaid . Notes in circulation. ~ Individual deposites . . - 2 ,001,200 00 65,362 160,609 56,000 342,175 452,763 62,500 1,617,883 45,827 13,289 359,444 1,016,653 83 12 00 36, 62 00 19 83 00 00 06, 180 Bills discounted . . . Domestic bills of exchange * Bills receivable Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over . • Suspended debts . . . Real estate for banking house Real estate in Jersey city . . Real estate in Newburgh . Jersey Glass Company stock . Speeie on hand . . . Notes of the city banks . Notes of banks out of the city Bank fund . . . . Expense account . . . . Due from the city banks . Due from banks out of the city . Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims oo *6,193,708 01 S a n k o f mftmerica, JVew York, October 2, 1 83 4. Bills discounted . . . . . Domestic bills of exchange . . . . Bills receivable . . . . . Bonds and mortgages . . . . . Bonds of the city of New Orleans . . . Discounted notes lying over . . . . Suspended debts . . . . . Real estate lor banking house . . . . Real estate in Jersey city . . . . Real estate in Newburgh • • Jersey Glass Company stock . . . . Specie on hand . . . . . Notes of the city banks . . . . Notes of banks out of the city . . . Bank fund . . . . . . Expense account . . . . . Due from the city banks . . . . Due from banks out of the city . . . Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims . Five per cent, stock United States . . . - . 3,526,799 77 43,646 01 852 41 2,775 57 254,958 33 5,083 99 5,151 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,-419 78 1,375 00 1,198,737 82 443,226 9 1 . 26,214 60 24,559 00 7,896 32 634,725 76 135,609 34 1,447 52 5,185 00 #6,402,657 B a n k o i A m k b ic a , New York, October3, 1834. Capital stock . . . . . . Discounts received . . . . . Profit and loss . . . . . Bonds payable . • . Due to the city banks . . . . Due to banks out of the city . . . . Commissioners of the Canal Fund ofthe State of N. Y. J. Campbell, Treasurer of the United States • Samuel Swartwout, collector . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . . Notes in circulation . . . . . Individual deposites __ . 2 , 0 0 1 ,2 0 0 0 0 - 68,363 160,024 56,000 418,119 662,846 112,500 1,564,283 33,195 13,003 395,938 917,183 #6,402,657 66 97 45 00 93 11 00 19 GO 00 00 41 6 , D. THOMPSON, Cathier. 00 i Bank o f America, New York, October 9, 1834. OD B ask ox A x x b ic a , Nxw Y o h x , October 10/A 1834. Capital Stock Discounts received • Profit and loss • • Bonds payable Due to the city banks Due to banks out of the city Commissioners of the canal fund of the State of N. Y. John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States , m _ Samuel Swartwout, collector . . „ Dividends unpaid • Notes in circulation . • Individual deposites • • 2 ,0 0 1 ,2 0 0 0 0 73,811 46 160,024 45 56,000 0 0 431,664 05 505,230 35 112,500 00 1,564,348 19 36,508 02 12,985 50 325,862 73 907,721 21 182 3,509,928 13 49,205 84 852 41 2,775 57 254,958 33 4,881 12 5,151 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 1,263,099 05 272,364 31 26,600 0 0 24,559 00 7,889 19 514,651 34 153,517 75 1,447 52 10,187 09 $6,187,855 96 Bills discounted Domestic bills of exchange Bills receivable Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the City of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts Real estate for banking houseReal estate in Jersey City Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company Stock Specie on hand Notes of the city banks Notes of banks out of the city Bank fund • Expense account * Due from the city banks Due from banks out of the city Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims Five per cent, stock. United States - i $6,187 855 96 GEORGE NEWBOLD, FretidenL B a n k o f A m erica , New Y ork, October Bills discounted Domestic bills of exchange Bills receivable Bonds and mortgages — — Bonds of the city of New Orleans — Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts Real estate for banking house Real estate in Jersey City Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company stock Specie on hand Notes of the city banks Notes of banks out of the city Bank fund — — Expense account Due from the city banks Due from banks out of the city Expenses of agency for Neopohtan claims Five per cent, stuck, United States - _ — — — - - - - - - - - - • -*" - - - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 3,457,486 48,104 852 2,775 254,955 4,881 5,151 74,496 7,466 2,449 1,378 1,223,177 282,863 20,570 24,559 7,901 542,364 93,975 1,447 10,187 28 41 41 57 33 12 06 80 67 79 00 81 27 00 00 94 15 57 52 09 $6,067,043 73 B a r k o r A m e ric a * N iw T o n i, October 17/A, 1834. 16, 1 834. Capital stock _ _ _ _ _ Discounts received _ _ _ _ Profit and loss _ _ _ _ _ Bonds payable _ _ _ _ _ Due to the city banks _ _ Due to banks out of the city _ Commissioners of the canal fund of the State of N. Y. John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States _ Samuel Swartwout, collector _ _ _ Dividends unpaid _ — _ Notes in circulation •Individual deposites _ _ 2,001,200 78,252 160,209 56,000 298,469 471,496 112,500 1,517,152 112,973 12,607 306,848 939,333 00 98 45 00 31 24 00 56 99 50 00 70 «6,067,043 73 D. THOMPSON, Cashier. Sank o f America, New York, October 23, 1S34. 3,402,859 67 49,901 82 852 41 2,775 57 254,958 33 5,161 51 5,151 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 1,243,143 48 274,412 18 24,544 00 34,559 00 7,916 55 581,149 12 111,943 64 1,447 52 10,187 09 $6,086,751 20 B a n k o r A m e ric a , N e w Y o k e , October 24, 1834. Capital stock . • Discount received * Profit and loss Bonds payable Due to the city banks Due to banks out of the city . . . Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. Y. John Campbell, Treasurer United States Samuel Swartwout, collector Dividends unpaid Notes in circulation . . . Individual deposites . - 2,001,200 00 82,109 18 160,207 95 56,000 00 266,220 33 544,380 92 112,500 00 1,647,801 10 5,342 01 11,883 00 330,798 09 868,308 71 184 Bills discounted . Domestic bills of exchange . Bills receivable Bonds and mortgages » • Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over . Suspended debts . . . Real estates for banking house Real estate in Jersey city Real estate in Newburgh . Jersey Glass Company stock Specie on hand . . . Notes of the city banks Notes of banks out of the city Bank fund • • . Expense account * . Due from the city banks • . Due from banks out of the city . Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims Five per oent. stock United States . oe $6,086,751 20 D. THOMPSON, Cashier. Bank o f A m erica., A Teto York, October 3,308,405 32 52,829 29 852 41 2,775 57 254,958 33 5,161 51 5,151 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 1,458,870 77 287,195 57 23,692 00 24,559 00 8,020 17 923,487 40 60,500 50 1,447 52 10,187 09 Bills discounted * Domestic bills of exchange Dills receivable Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the city of New Orleans ■ Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts _ Heal estate for banking house Real estate in Jersey city Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company stock Specie on hand Notes of the city banks Notes of banks out ®f the city Bank fund Expense account . . . Due from the city banks Due from banks out of the city Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims Five per cent, stock United States - 30, 1834. Capital stock — Discounts received » Profit and loss •• » * Bonds payable Due to the city banks Due to banks out of the city Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. Y. John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States Samuel Swartwout, collector «• Dividends unpaid - ■ » « . Notes in circulation . Individual deposites - 1834. 85,922 61 160,207 95 56,000 00 470,839 75 527,474 98 112,500 00 1,701,086 93 5,342 43 11,834 00 377,559 00 1,003,614 11 00 Ox $6,513,881 76 B a n k or A m i r i c a , N * w Y o r k , Oclobtr 31, , 2 001,200 00 $6,513,881 76 D. THOMPSON, Cathitr. 00 Bank o f America, New York, November 6,,1834. Bank oi Axxxica, .Yew York, November 7, 1834. 3,398,454 61,080 852 2,775 254,958 5,161 5,151 74,496 7,466 2,449 1,375 1,483,863 281,743 1,993 24,559 11,060 602,190 77,414 1,447 22,824 *6,321,318 91 Capital stock 93 Discounts received 41 Profit and loss 57 Bonds payable 33 Due to the city banks 51 Due to banks out of the city 06 Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. Y 80 John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States 67 Samuel Swartwout, collector . . . . . . . 78 Dividends unpaid 00 Notes in circulation . . . . . . . 18 Individual deposites . 73 2 ,001,,200 00 92,,594 47 160,,207 95 56, 000 00 178,,098 39 532,,333 76 1 1 2 ,,500 00 1,793, 171 85 6, 126 54 1 1 ,,816 50 343,,647 00 1,033, 622 51 00 00 25 16 45 52 71 97 186 Bills discounted * Domestic bills of exchange Bills receivable Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts Real estate of banking house Real estate in Jersey City Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company stock Specie on hand Notes of the city banks Notes of banks out of the city Bank fund • Expense account Due from the city banks Due from banks out of the city Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims Five per cent stock United States • 00 86,321,318 97 D. THOMPSON, Cashier. Bank o f America, New York, November 1 3 , Bank, or A m erica, 3,321,053 64,335 852 2,775 254,958 5,161 5,151 74,496 7,466 2,449 1,375 1,436,194 352,248 4,271 24,559 10,668 745,796 116,276 1,447 22,824 *6,454,362 New York , November 14, 1834. 60 56 41 57 33 51 06 80 67 78 00 84 19 00 00 42 29 06 52 71 32 Capital stock Discounts received Profit and loss Bonds payable Due to the city banks to banks out of the city Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. Y John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States Samuel Swartwout, collector • Dividends unpaid * • Notes in circulation . . . Individual deposites . . . 2,001,200 97,584 160,038 56,000 330,785 535,270 112,500 1,731,213 50,186 11,302 340,290 1,027,990 CO 87 56 00 19 94 00 85 67 00 00 24 187 Bills discounted Domestic bills of exchange Bills receivable Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts Beal estate for banking house Beal estate in Jersey City Beal estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company stock Specie on hand * Notes of the city banks of banks out of the city B a n k fund Expense account Due from the city banks from banks out of the city ‘ Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims Five per cent Stock United States 1834. #6,454,362 32 D. THOMPSON, Cathier. I— l 00 I— J Jictnk o f America, New York, November 20, 1834t Capital stock Discounts received Profit and loss 2,775 57 Bonds payable 251,958 33 Due to the city hanka 4,860 17 Due banks out of the city 5,151 06 Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. Y 74,496 80 John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States 7,46(5 67 Samuel Swartwout, collector 2,449 78 Dividends unpaid . . . 1,375 00 Notes in circulation « • * 1,398,301 89 Individual deposites , i •. 3,292,823 61 65,960 45 852 41 445,137 10,425 24,559 10 757 712,?31 144,178 1,447 28,825 102,412 160,038 56,000 168,458 646,287 112,500 1,760,690 96,853 10.738 406,072 967,782 25 00 00 97 56 27 52 00 *6,46(9,033 31 B ask or AMxaicAt JYew York, November 21,, 1834. 2 , 001,200 00 14 57 00 75 U 00 48 53 50 00 23 188 Bills discounted Domestic bills of exchange Bills receivable . Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts Real estate for banking house Heal estate in Jersey city Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company stock Specie on hand Notes of the city banks Notes of banka out of the city Bank fund . • Expense account • Due from the city banka Due from hanks out of the city Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims Foreign bills of exchange . oo $6,489,033 B. THOMPSON, Cashier. J ia n k o f J lm e r ic a , N e w Y o r k , N o v e m b e r 27, 1834. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * - . 3,416,426 65 68,649 69 852 41 2,775 57 254,958 33 4,860 17 5,154 06 74,496 80 7,466 67 2,449 78 1,375 00 1,515,079 59 352,084 37 5,293 00 24,559 00 10,687 76 743,181 64 126,496 68 . 1,971 33 28,825 00 • #6,648,640 50 B ank, or A x e b ic a , New York, November 28, 1834. Capital stock . . . . Discounts received . . . . Profit and loss . . . . Bonds payable . . . . Due to the city banks . . . . Due to banks out of the ei y • Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the State of N. Y. John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States S. Swartwou', collector . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . Notes in circulation . . . . Individual deposites . . . . Neapolitan indemnity (estimated) - 2 , 0 0 1 ,2 0 0 0 0 109,989 35 160,038 27 56,000 00 191,617 32 582,922 47 112,500 00 1,821,529 6 6 70,826 85 10,703 50 391,211 00 1,043,852 08 96,250 00 189 Bill* discounted . . . Domestic bills of exchange . . Bills receivable • Bonds and mortgages . . . Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over . . Suspended debts . . . Heal estate for banking house . . Beal estate in Jersey city . . Beal estate in Newburgh . . Jersey Glass Company stock . . Specie on hand N ntus of the city banks . . Notes of banks oat of the city . . Bank fund . . . . Expense account . . . Due froin the city banks Due from banks out of the sky . . Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims Foreign bills of e\change . . • $6,648,640 50 D. THOMPSON, Cashier. Bank o f America, New York, December 4, 1834. 3,825,808 80,950 852 2,775 254,958 3,709 5,151 74,496 7,466 2,449 1,375 1,517,596 318,422 7,506 24,559 13,000 507,812 95,246 1,971 91 01 41 57 33 77 06 80 67 78 00 90 49 00 00 si 10 00 33 $6,746,108 44 B a n k o f A m e r ic a , New York, December 5 , 18 34 . Capital stock Discounts received Profit and loss Bonds payable Due to the eity banks Due to banks out of the city Commissioners of the canal fund of State New York John Campbell, Treasurer of the United States Treasurer of the U. S. for Neapolitan indemnity Samuel Swartwout, collector Dividends unpaid . . . Notes in circulation . . . Individual deposites . . . 2 , 0 0 1 ,2 0 0 00 119,880 160,038 56,000 269,264 637,188 112,500 1,859,874 96,182 14,169 10,413 306,648 1,102,749 07 27 00 62 24 00 66 32 85 00 00 41 190 Bills discounted Domestic bills of exchange Bills receivable - " Bonds and mortgages Bonds of the city of New Orleans Discounted notes lying over Suspended debts ^ Keal estate for banking house Real estate in Jersey City Real estate in Newburgh Jersey Glass Company stock Specie on hand " Notes of the city banks Notes of banks out of the city Bank fund • " Expense account Due from the city banks Due from banks out of the city Expenses of agency for Neapolitan claims 00 I__ I $6,746,108 44 D. THOMPSON, Cathier. S ta te o f the M an h attan C om p a n y , Ju n e 14, • N e w Y o r k , June 14,1834. 3,004,222 325,503 219,921 801,062 24,416 8,781 202,950 134,749 232,102 473,922 12,650 19,075 716,160 512,980 $6,688,500 68 09 98 04 87 82 73 67 99 64 00 49 63 09 72 Capital sock of the Manhattan Company Discount received Dividends unpaid To the credit of R. White, cashier the Treasurer of the United States Do State of N. Y. Commissioners Canal Fund, do Do Ohio Due to banks out of this city of this city Individual depositors Manhattan bank notes on hand . in circulation • % - 2,050,000 50,835 17,570 12,333 1,857,837 2,178 2,824 37,548 285,482 304,581 1,079,304 512,980 475,024 00 04 16 93 09 74 43 50 69 09 0J 09 28 $6,688,500 72 ROBERT WHITE, Cashier. 191 Bills discounted . . . . Real estate, &c. . . . . Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks * - ' Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand To the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches Committee of banks General Post Office . . . . Bue from banks out of this city . . . of this city . . . Notes on hand of the banks of this city • * out of this city • • Water expenditures . . . . Specie in the vault . . . . Manhattan bank notes . . . . 1834. i—i State o f the Manhattan Company, June 21, 1834. & .C . - - — — - 2,991,093 27 325,505 09 219,921 93 855,912 0 4 24,416 87 8,781 82 202,950 73 99,220 58 283,674 73 493,840 25 22,283 00 19,245 99 748,362 22 559,673*06 $6,854,879 63 N*w T o r i , June 21, 1834. \ Capital stock of the Manhattan Company — Discount received _ Dividends unpaid *. — To the credit of R. White, cashier Treasurer of the United States Do of State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, New York Do State of Ohio Duo to banks out of this city of this city ■■ Individual depositors — — Manhattan bank notes on hand in circulation - - - - - - 2,050,000 00 55,295 42 17,543 91 19,670 23 1,850,837 69 2,806 33 2,054 84 37,547 00 310,203 00 315,309 71 1,205,328 26 559,673 06 428,610 18 $6,854,879 63 ROBERT WHITE, Cashier, c61 Bills discounted Real estate, Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks Loans on stocks and other securities parable on demand To the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches _ Commiteeof Banks _ General Post Office -' Due from banks out of city of this city _ Notes on hand of the banks of this city out of this city . W ater expenditures — Specie in the vault — Manhattan bank notes — oo State o f the Manhattan Company, June 2 8 , Bills discounted — Real estate. &c. — Notes receivable, bond* receivable, Manhattan and other M stocks -. “"Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand To the debit o f the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches Committee o f Banks General Post Office Due from banks out of this city of this city Notes on hand of the banks o f this city out of this city Water expenditures Specie in the vault ~ Manhattan bank notes - 2,944,546 51 325,503 09 219,921 990,929 24,416 8,781 202,950 103,517 173,314 420,160 6,243 19,590 749,135 580,295 98 10 87 82 73 74 04 80 00 95 61 36 $6,769,307 60 N ew Y oke , /tine 28, 1834. 1834. Capital stock Manhattan Company __ Discount received Dividends unpaid _ T o the credit o f R. W hite, cashier _ Treasurer of the United States _ Do State o f New York Commissioners Canal Fund, N. York _ Do State of ®hio _ _ Due to banks out of this city _ _ o f this city _ Individual depositors _ Manhattan bank notes on hand _ in circulation 2,050,000 58,523 17,543 18,973 1,706,338 2,904 2,824 220,908 314,322 265,987 1,118,157 580,295 412,527 00 84 91 21 14 81 48 79 37 17 64 36 88 *6,769,307 60 R O B E R T W H IT E , Cashier. State o f the M anhattan Comp any , July 5, 1834. * 2,899,784 56 325,503 09 Y o rk , July 5, 1834. r— i 00 * ' „ Capital stock of the Manhattan Company • Discount received Dividends unpaid 211,308 93 To the credit of R. White, Cashier " 1,021,029 10 Treasurer of the United States 24,416 87 Do State of New Y ork 8,781 82 Commissioners canal fund, New York 202,291 35 Do State of Ohio 74,809 05 Due to banks out of this city 202,136 31 of this city . . . 414,795 25 Individual depositors . 11,043 00 Manhattan bank notes on hand * 16,116 81 in circulation 727,129 19 575,329 88 *6,714,475 21 N iw • 2,050,000 4,255 17,514 16,756 1,679,360 3,038 3,350 86,908 315,785 447,402 1,091,265 575,329 423,508 00 44 16 06 24 43 73 79 36 65 11 83 36 16,714,475 21 ROBERT WHITE, Cashier. 194 Bills discounted . Real estate, &c. Notes receivable, bonds receivable, and Manhattan and . other stocks Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand T o the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches! . Committee of banks . General Post Office __ Due from banks out of the city . . of this city . Note* on hand of the banks of this city m out of this city . Water expenditures #Specie in the vault Manhattan bank notes - „ S ta te o f the M a n h a tta n C o m p a n y , J u l y 12, Bills discounted Real estate, h e . Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand To the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches Committee of banks General Post Office Due from banks out of this city of this city . . . Notes on hand of the banks of this city out of this city W ater expenditures ♦(Spccie in the vault Manhattan bank notes - 2,901,783 82 325,503 09 212,508 987,779 24,416 8,781 200,234 135,671 135,341 403,369 10,690 16,495 684,859 655,458 93 10 87 82 82 38 69 86 00 56 64 55 Capital stock of the Manhattan Company Discounts received . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . 'to the credit o f Robert White, cashier Treasurer of the United States . Do State of New Y ork Commissioners Canal Fund New York Do State of.Ohio Due to banks out of this city . . of this city Individual depositors — Manhattan bank notes on hand . . . " in circulation - 2,050,000 8,998 52,067 16,756 1,659,160 2,641 2,916 86,908 278,095 497,677 1,016,607 655,458 375,605 00 66 91 06 24 86 74 79 67 91 05 55 69 #6,702,895 13 195 #6,702,895 13 1 83 4. N iw You*, Ju ly 12, 1834. RO BERT W H ITE, Cashier. r —i 00 State o f the Manhattan Company, New York, July 19, 1834. Bill* discounted Real estate, &c. . . . . . Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and . . . . . . Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand To the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie offices Committee of Banks . General Post Office . Due from banks out of this city . . . o f this city . . . . Notes on hand of the banks o f this city . out of this city Water expenditures . . . . . Specie on hand . . . . . Manhattan bank notes . . . . . 2,898,550 60 325,503 09 212,508 906,824 24,416 8,781 198,509 160,994 167,490 3 3 7 i542 13,238 16,680 695,633 676,626 93 10 87 82 91 18 31 77 0(7 06 19 41 $6,643,300 24 N»w Yo rk, July 19, 1834. Capital stock of the Manhattan Company . Discount received . . , . Dividends unpaid . . . . . To other creditstocks of Robert White, cashier . Treasurer of the United States Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, New York Do Ohio Due to banks out of this city . . . . of this city . . . . Individual depositors . . . . Manhattan Bank notes on hand . . . in circulation • • . . • • • 2,050,000 11,790 34,649 7,8 2 8 1,691,026 4,3 2 2 2,916 86,908 248,367 440,951 1,033 ,4 1 9 676,626 354,492 00 24 41 44 78 43 74 79 60 50 07 41 83 $6,643,300 24 ROBERT WHITE, Caihier. S ta t e o f th e M a n h a tta n C o m p a n y , N ew Y o rk , J u l y 2 6 , Bills discounted Beal estate, &c. Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand To the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches Committee o f Banks . General Post Office . Due from banks out of this city . . . of this city Notes on hand of the banks of this city out o f this city . . Water expenditures Specie in the vault Manhattan Bank notes . . . 2,865,613 16 3 25,503.09 212,508 955,902 24,416 8,781 182,667 128,029 222,157 437,435 15,031 16,815 725,745 807,815 93 73 87 82 01 95 16 96 00 06 93 69 *6 ,9 2 8 ,4 2 4 36 N*vr Yobk, July 26, 1834. 1 83 4. Capital stock o f the Manhattan Company . . Discount received . Dividends unpaid . . . . . To the credit o f Robert White, cashier Treasurer of the United States . Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, New York Do State of Ohio Due to banks out of this city . . . of this city . . . Individual depositors Manhattan bank notes on hand . . . in circulation . . . 2,05 0 ,0 0 0 15,079 30,380 8,3 3 8 1,716,826 4,581 2,9 1 6 86,908 235,679 424,613 1 ,1 8 9 ,7 5 2 807,815 j}5 5 ,5 4 l 00 97 16 44 31 46 74 79 29 04 92 69 55 #6,928,424 36 ROBERT WHITE, Cashier. State oj the Manhattan Company, New York, August 2, 1834. r-T oo 2,829 ,122 46 325,503 09 212,508 828,897 24,416 8,781 197,598 164,567 387,137 410,665 16,923 17,285 725,800 745,132 93 10 87 82 20 96 61 19 00 56 60 28 86,894,340 67 N iw Y obk, Jluguit 2, 1834. Capital stock of the Manhattan Company Discount received . . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . T o the credit of R. W hite, cashier Treasurer of the United States Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, New York Do State of Ohio Due to banks out of this city . . . of this city . . . Individual depositors . . . Manhattan bank notes on hand in circulation - 2,050,000 18,657 27,158 8,147 1,423,993 48,944 2 ,9 1 6 86,908 371,327 486,350 1 ,206,403 745,132 418,399 00 16 16 81 77 24 74 79 10 89 77 28 96 198 Bills discounted . . . . Real estate, &c. Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks . Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand T o the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches Committee of banks General Post Office Due from banks out of this city . . . o f this city - . Notes on hand of the banks of this city out o f this city Water Expenditures . . Specie in the vault . . . . Manhattan bank notes - $6,894,340 67 M. GELSTON, President. State of the Manhattan Company, New York, Jlugust x 2 ,7 2 5 ,4 7 5 37 325,503 09 212,508 685,862 24,416 8,781 194,548 171,583 330,404 570,139 18,245 17,542 740,821 767,822 93 04 87 82 20 00 41 98 00 93 53 44 *6 ,7 9 3 ,6 5 5 61 N*w Y o r k , Capital stock of the Manhattan Company • . Discount received . • . Dividends unpaid . T o the credit of R. White, cashier Treasurer of the United States Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, N. York Do Ohio • Due to banks out of this city . . of this city . . Individual depositors . . Manhattan bank notes on hand . . in circulation 2,050,000 28,384 25,392 8,672 1,295,909 51,325 2 ,9 1 6 86,908 315,826 407,581 1,357,205 767,822 395,709 00 63 66 81 14 20 74 79 71 02 67 44 80 • ■« *6 ,7 9 3 ,6 5 5 61 199 Bills discounted . . . . Real estate, &c. . . . Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand To the debit o f the Utica and Poughkeepsie Offices . Committee of banks . General Post Office . . Due from banks out of this city .• . of this city . Notes on hand of the banks of this city . . out of this city . Water Expenditures . . . ■ Specie in the vault Manhattan bank notes - 9, 1834. August 9, 1834. RO BER T W H ITE, Cashier. 00 I__ I State o f the M anhattan Company, New York, A ugust 16, 1824. n __ _____________________________________________________________ = 2,754,221 64 325,503 09 212,508 646,462 24,416 8,781 197,498 105,985 355,603 366,996 19,723 17,542 776,518 745,679 93 04 87 82 87 83 81 34 00 93 61 Capital Stock of the Manhattan Company Discount received Dividends unpaid To the credit of Robert White, cashier Treasurer of the United States State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, N. York Do Ohio Due to banks out of this city of this city . . . Individual depositors Manhattan bank notes on hand • in circulation - = 2,050,000 32,157 24,968 9,121 1,272,096 2,620 2,916 86,908 266,867 376,719 1,269,242 745,679 418,143 co 00 63 66 78 61 19 74 79 93 85 24 88 36 $6,557,443 66 —~ = 88 $ 6,557,443 66 tirw Y o u , August 16, 1834, = ■ ........—- ■ ■='■■< L--i. *. ;--r . ~== ROBERT WHITE, Cashier. 200 Bills discounted . Real estate, &c. Notes receivable, bonds recciv&ble, Manhattan and . other stocks Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand _ T o the debit o f the Utica and Poughkeepsie offices . Committee of banks _ General Post Office m Due from banks out o f this city m of this city _ Notes on hand of the banks of this city . out of this city _ Water expenditures . Specie in the vault Manhattan bank notes - = S ta te o f the M a n h a tta n C o m p a n y , New Y o rk , J l u g u s t N ew Y o r k , 222,578 627,062 24,416 8,781 190,166 153,015 139,435 484,593 23,880 17,888 777,048 863,392 38 04 87 82 73 50 21 23 00 65 10 52 $6,541,102 «o C3 2,683,340 09 355,503 09 Capital stock of the Manhattan Company . Discount received . . Dividends unpaid . To the credit of R. White, cashier . . Treasurer of the United States . Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, do Do Ohio Due to banks out of this city . of this city Individual depositors — , Manhattan Bank notes on hand — in circulation • 2,050,000 35,508 24,244 9,6 5 9 1,352,963 2,6 6 6 2,916 86,908 233.679 150,842 1*427,639 863,392 300.680 00 24 66 12 25 46 74 79 91 02 80 52 72 201 Dills discounted Heal estate Notea receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks ~Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand T o the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches Committee of Banks General Post Office Due from banks out of this city o f this city Notes on hand of the banks of this city out of this city . W ater expenditure . . Specie in the vault . . . Manhattan Bank notes . - S 3 , 1834. $6,541,102 23 August i3 d , 1834. ROBERT W H ITE, Cashier. OO State o f the Manhattan Company, New York, August 30, 1834. r —1 QO 2,748,894 75 525,503 09 222,578 692,866 24,416 8,781 197,382 96,072 204 477 388,546 1,941 18,123 1,079,807 791,384 38 04 87 82 17 46 14 94 00 46 24 89 $6,800,776 25 Nsw Yo i k , August 30, 1834. Capital stock of the Manhattan Company _ Discount received _ Dividends unpaid _ To the credit of R, White, cashier Treasurer of the United States Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, N. York _ Do State of Ohio . Due to Banks out of this city _ of this city . Individual depositors . • Manhattan Bank notes on hand . in circulation 2,050,000 56,419 23,810 9,134 1,519,669 2,089 2,916 86,908 254,420 248,126 1,437,027 791,384 318,868 00 01 41 12 99 02 74 79 -0 59 64 89 35 202 Bills discounted . . Real estate, &.c. Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other _ stocks Loans on stocks and »ther securities payable on demand T o the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie bl anches _ _ Committee of Banks _ General Post Officc . Due from banks out of this city of this city _ Notes on hand of the banks of this city out of this city _ Water expenditures Specie in the vault Manhattan Bank notes ■ *6,800,776 25 M. GELSTON, President M. C. S t a t e o f the M a n h a tta n C o m p a n y , N ew Y o rk , S ep tem b e r 2,808,356 30 325,503 09 222,578 38 729,216 24,416 8,781 187,380 157,180 134,824 405,867 3,614 18,123 1,245,220 787,184 04 87 82 33 60 09 61 00 46 63 55 $7,058,247 77 New Y o rk , September 6, 1834. Capital stock of the Manhattan Company f • Discount received . . . . Dividends unpaid . To the credit o f R. White, cashier Treasurer of the United States . Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, N. York Do Ohio Due to bank? out of this city . . . of this city . . . Individual depositors . . . Manhattan Bank notes on hand in circulation • - 2,050,000 62,719 23,390 10,078 1,602,939 2,041 2,916 86,908 270,618 430,263 1,345,945 787,184 383,240 00 71 41 3<J 8!) 11 74 79 61 43 45 55 69 203 Bills discounted . llcal estate, 8cc. Notes receivable,bonds receivable, Manhattan and other . stocks Loans to individuals secured by stocks and other secu . rities payable on demand To the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie offices . . Committee of Itanks . _ General Post Onice . Due from banks out of this city . o f this city . Notes on hand of the banks of this city out of this city . Water expenditures . Specie in the vault . . . Manhattan Bank note3 - ' • 6 , 1 834. $7,058,247 77 R O B ER T W H ITE, Cashier. I— I 00 State o f the M anhattan Company, New York, September 13, 1S34. •“ * co • Bills discounted . ■ . . . Real estate, &c. . . . . . Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other slocks . . . . . . Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand To the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches Committee of Banks . . General Post Office . . Due from banks out of this city . . . of this city . . . . Notes on hand of the banks of this city . . out of this city . . Water expenditures . . . . . Specie in the vault . . . . . Manhattan Bank notes . . . . . 2,793,617 69 325,503 09 222,578 771,216 24,416 8,781 187,380 116,597 91,689 358,390 11,642 18,890 1,003,259 764,329 38 04 87 82 53 32 05 04 00 82 21 37 *6 ,6 9 8 ,2 9 2 23 Nsw Y o rk , September 13, 1834. Capital stock of the Manhattan Company • Discount received . . . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . . To the credit of It. White, cashier . . . Treasurer of the United States State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, N. York Do State of Ohio Due to banks out of this city . . . . of this city . . . . Individual depositors . . . . . Manhattan Bank notes on hand . . . in circulation • - 2,050,000 66,333 23,357 9,361 1,530,703 2,050 2,916 87,528 284,966 296,822 1,173,617 761,329 406,305 00 12 41 24 34 12 74 90 11 44 57 37 87 $6,698,292 23 ROBERT W HITE, Cathier. S ta t e o f the M a n h a tta n C o m p a n y , Neiu Y o rk , S ep te m b e r 2 0 , 2 ,7 1 9 ,355 31 325,503 09 222,578 895,416 24,416 8,781 190,380 103,928 172,530 518,418 13,448 18,890 1,090.565 775,779 38 04 87 82 73 50 93 21 00 82 49 67 $7,079 ,993 86 N ew Y ork , Capital stock of the Manhattan Company _ . Discount received . . . « . Dividends unpa'd . . . . . To the credit o f R. White, cashier Treasurer of the United States . Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund New York Do State o f Ohio Due to banks out of this city . of this city . Individual depositors Manhattan Bank notes on hand . in circulation - 2,050,000 69,270 22,438 10,362 1,704,091 2,073 2,916 87,528 320,291 306,047 1,333,324 775,779 395,869 oo 13 91 03 12 45 74 90 87 59 38 67 07 205 Bills discounted . . . . . Real estate, &c. . . . . . Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks . . . . . . Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand To the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches Committee of Hanks . General Post Office • Due from banks out of this city . . . of this city . . . . Notes on hand of the banks of this city • out of this city Water expenditures . . . . . Specie in the vault . . . . . Manhattan Bank notes . . . . . 18 5 4 . 87,079,993 86 September 20, 1834. RO BERT W H ITE, Cashier. I— I fie State o f the M anhattan Company, New York, September 2,774,571 82 325,503 09 222,578 38 732,392 24,416 8,781 195,380 22,059 321,288 508,217 18,518 18,890 1,129,277 723,123 29 87 82 73 12 73 65 00 82 36 90 *7 ,1 0 5 ,2 0 0 58 Neir Youk, September 27, 1834. Capital stock of the Manhattan Company Discount received . . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . To the crcdit of R. White, cashier Treasurer of the United States Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, New York Do Ohio Due to banks out of this city . . . of this city . . . Individual depositors . . . Manhattan Bank notes on hand . . . in circulation - oo 2 ,050,000 73,513 22,180 13,092 1,631,299 2,285 2,916 87,528 399,816 286,603 1,364,052 723,123 448,786 00 18 71 22 90 76 74 90 66 50 27 90 84 206 Bills discounted . . . Real estate, &c. . . . Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other • stocks . . . . Loans to individuals secured by stocks and other secu . rities payable on demand _ To the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie offices Committee of Banks _ General Post Office . Due from banks out of this city . . of this city Notes on hand of the banks of this city m out of this city _ W ater expenditures . Specie on hand . . . Manhattan Bank notes . . - 27, 1834. #7,105,200 58 BOBERT W HITE, Cashier. H late o f th e M a n h a tta n C o m p a n y , New Y o rk , October f New Y ork , October 4,1834. 2,743,671 325,503 222,578 655,792 24,416 8,781 197,349 41,035 340,527 527,559 25,624 18,990 1,359,234 801,446 $7,292,511 83 09 38 29 87 82 46 45 31 67 00 82 32 52 83 Capital stock of the Manhattan Company Discount received . . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . To the crcdit of R . White, cashier the Treasurer of the United States Do State of N. Y . Commissioners Canal Fund, do Do Ohio ■ Due to banks out of this city . . . <if this city . . . Individual depositors . . . . Manhattan Bank notes on hand . . . in circulation • - 2,050,000 2,753 21,461 14,998 1,574,862 2,404 2,701 87,528 452,681 522,518 1,360,639 801,446 398,514 00 01 71 49 63 92 19 90 97 15 40 52 94 *7,292,511 83 ROBERT W H IT E , 207 Bills discounted . . . . Real estate, &c. Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks . . . . . Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand T o the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches Committee o f Banks General Post Office • Bue from banks out of this city . . . of this city . . . Notes on hand of the banks of this city out of this city Water expenditures . . . . Specie in the vault . . . . Manhattan Bank notes . . . . 4 , 1834. Cashitr. 1—1 OO State o f the M anhattan Company, New York, October 11, 1834. 1 1 QB 2,766,630 89 325,503 09 226,882 703,792 24,416 8,781 196,712 88,591 325,024 407,567 9,223 18,990 1,351,671 814,824 34 29 87 82 15 87 92 50 00 82 00 50 *7,268,613 06 N*w Yons, October 11, 1834. Capital stock of the Manhattan Company Discounts received . . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . To the credit of R, White, cashier Treasurer of the United States Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund do Do Ohio Due to banks out of this city . . . o f this city Individual depositors] . . Manhattan Bank notes on hand . . . in circulation - 2,050,000 7 ,340 21,055 39,255 1,552,538 3,404 3,701 87,528 326,024 704,856 1,284,790 814,824 385,291 00 89 71 70 04 93 19 90 25 51 49 50 96 208 Bills discounted . . . . Real estate . • Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks . . . . Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand To the debit o f the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches Committee of Banks General Post Office Due from banks out of this city . . . o f this city . . . Notes on hand of the banks of this city out of this city Water expenditures Specie in the vault . . Manhattan Bank notes . » . 87,268,613 06 M. GEI.STQ N , President M. C. S ta le u f the M a n h a tta n C o m p a n y , N ew Y o rk , October 2,706,988 11 325,503 09 226,882 737,746 24,416 8,781 195,199 50,918 334,775 499,590 8,156 19,065 1,355,640 802,927 34 29 87 82 41 53 64 81 00 82 46 89 *7 ,2 9 6 ,5 9 3 08 N e w Y o r k , October Capital stock of the Manhattan Company Discount received . . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . To the credit of R. White, cashier Treasurer of the United Sta'es Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, N. York Do State of Ohio Due to banks out of this city . . . of this city . . . Individual depositors . . . . Manhattan Bank notes on hand . . . in circulation - 2,050,000 9,338 20,180 30,325 1,498,844 2,458 • 2,701 87,528 332,022 613,566 1,449,509 802,927 397,188 00 38 96 70 02 39 19 90 69 40 99 89 57 •m $7,296,593 08 209 Bills discounted * ■ Real estate. &c. • Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and . other stocks Loans on stocks and other securities psyable on demand To the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches . Committee o f Banks . . General Post Offiee . . Due from banks out of this city . . of this city Notes on hand o f the banks of this city out of this city . ■ Water expenditures . . • Specie in the vault Manhattan Bank notes • * * 18, 1834. 18, 1834. M. GKLSTON, President, M. C. CD I__ I State o f the Manhattan Company, New York, October 25, 1834. i— i OD 2 ,5 -7 ,8 0 5 12 325,503 09 926,882 616,322 24,416 8,781 192,180 85,245 319,427 553,127 11,656 19,056 1,343,561 797,814 34 29 87 82 06 60 19 64 00 82 82 67 Capital stock of the^Manhattan Company * Discount received . . . Dividends unpaid . . . To the credit of R. White, cashier Treasurer of the United States Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, N. York Do State of Ohio Due to banka out of this city Do o f this city . Individual depositors . . Manhattan Bank notes on hand Da in circulation 2,050,000 12,176 19,048 29,631 1,507,471 2,560 2,701 87,528 373,435 280,959 1,485,930 797,814 452,531 00 88 46 25 74 20 19 90 26 24 75 67 79 S7,101,790 33 Nsw You*! October 25/A, 1834, ROBERT WHITE, Cashier, 015 Bill* discounted . ■ > . Heal estate, 8tc. Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks . I.oans on stocks and other securities payable on demand T o the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches • Committee of Ranks . General Post Office ? , Due from Banks out of this city . . . Uo of this city . . . Notes on hand of the Banks of this city . , Do oi(t of this city . . Water expenditure • • » . Specie in the vault . » t . Manhattan Bank notes • t » . S ta te o f the M a n h a tta n C o m p a n y , NeiD Y o rk , N ovem ber 2 ,5 6 8 ,1 1 6 33 325,503 09 227,210 604,972 24,416 8,781 194,805 90,764 558,305 542,375 14,060 19,548 1 ,352,775 893,869 69 29 87 82 58 52 98 71 00 94 32 57 Capital stock of the Manhattan Company Discount received . . . Dividends unpaid . . . To the credit of R. White, cashier Treasurer o f the United States Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, N. York Do State of Ohio Due to banks out of this city • of this city • Individual depositors . Manhattan Bank notes on hand • in circulation • 2,050,000 15,145 18,300 29,854 1,584,821 59,957 2,701 87,528 363,950 476,656 1,485,986 893,869 356,734 00 It 46 85 74 52 19 90 47 01 00 57 89 115 Bills discounted Real estate Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks _ Loans on stocks and other securities payable on deman; To the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie branches Committee of Banks General Post Office Due from banks out of this city of this city Notes on hand of the banks of this city out of this city W ater expenditures Specie in the vault Manhattan Bank notes • 1, 1S34. $ 7,425,506 71 Niw Y o r k , >7,425,506 71 November 1, 1834. M. GELSTON, President M. C. m oo L_J State o f the Manhattan Company, New York, November 8, 1834. Dills discounted _ Heal estate, &c. _ Notesreceivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks _ Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand To the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie offices Committee of Banks General Post Office Due from banks out of city of this city _ Notes on hand of the hanks o f this city out of this city — Water expenditures ' _ Specie in the vault Manhattan Bank notes - 2,568,940 03 325,503 09 227,210 619,872 24,416 8,781 198,448 109,227 311,097 439,855 16,679 19,548 1,554,745 923,407 69 29 87 82 01 19 47 17 00 94 68 78 Capital stock of the Manhattan Company Discount received ■* Dividends unpaid 'To the credit of R. White, cashier Treasurer of the United States •=> Do of State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, New York Do State of Ohio Due to banks out of this city — of this city — tIndividual depositors — — Manhattan Bank notes on hand in circulation - oo 2,050,000 18,381 18,022 30,128 1,534,654 60,233 2,701 87,528 401,716 237,642 1,684,997 923,407 328,318 00 53 46 69 69 68 19 90 73 53 82 78 03 19 IQ *7 ,3 7 7 ,7 3 4 03 N *w Y ork, November 8 , 1834, *7 ,3 7 7 ,7 3 4 03 ROBERT WHITE, Cashier, S ta t e o f the M a n h a ta n C o m p a n y , N ew Y o rk , N ovem ber 2,56 1 ,4 7 8 07 325,503 09 227,460 786,718 24,416 8,781 198,524 150,607 294,175 550,978 26,049 19,548 1,507,141 868,167 69 29 87 82 53 94 89 04 00 94 06 40 $7,549,551 63 Niw York, November 15, 1834 Capital stock of the Manhattan Company . . Discount received . . . . . Dividends unpaid To the credit of Robert White, cashier Treasurer of the United States Treasurer State o f New York . Commissioners Canal Fund, New York Do Ohio Due to banks out of this city of this city Individual depositors Manhattan Bank notes on hand in circulation 2,050,000 23,372 17,476 31,041 1 ,434,566 54,626 2,701 87,528 393,581 455,275 1,721,432 868,167 409,780 00 12 M 68 72 43 19 90 38 56 88 40 41 615 Bills discounted . . . . Real estate, &c. . . . . Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand T o the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie offices Committee of Ranks General Post Office • Due from banks out of this city of this city Notes on hand of the banks of this city out of this city . . . Water expenditures Specie in the vault Manhattan Bank notes . . . . 1 5, 1 8 3 4 . $ 7,549,551 63 ROBERT WHITE, Cathier. State oj ihe Manhattan Company, New York, November 22, 1834. CO 2,550,587 43 325,503 09 227,460 623,718 24,416 8,781 193,735 188,754 347,264 684,984 5,807 19,548 1 ,485,560 923,173 69 29 87 82 53 89 92 37 00 94 65 07 # 7,609,297 56 N ew Yodk, N ovem ber 22, 1834. Capital stock of the Manhattan Company Discount received . . . . Dividends unpaid . . . . To the credit of R. White, cashier Treasurer of the United States Do State of New York Commissioners Canal Fund, N. York Do State of Ohio Due to banks out of this city o f this city Individual depositors Manhattan Bank notes on hand in circulation 2,050,000 32,973 17,141 29,343 1,504,715 54,626 2,701 87,528 320,968 487,042 1,742,708 923,173 356,374 00 10 96 32 15 43 19 90 40 37 93 07 74 M S Bills discounted . . . . Ileal estate, &c. . . . . Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other stocks . . . . . Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand T o the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie offices Committee on Banks General Post Office Due from banks out of this city . of this city . Notes on hand of the banks of this city out of this city Water expenditures . . . Specie in the vault . . . Manhattan Bank notes . . . I__ I $7,609/297 56 ROBERT WHITE, Cashier S la te o f I he M a n h a tta n C o m p a n y, N ew Y ork, N ovem ber 29 , 1834 2,6 1 1 ,7 3 7 55 325,503 09 227,460 587,718 24,416 8,781 195,616 194,627 252,001 496,107 7 ,1 9 4 19,679 1,485,662 897,019 69 29 87 82 81 04 53 62 00 44 53 04 $ 7,333,526 32 N ew Yoiik, November 29, 1834. Capital stock of the Manhattan Company Discount received . Dividends unpaid . . . . . To the credit of R. White, cashier . . . Treasurer of the United States . Do State o f N. York Commissioners Canal Fund, N. York Do Ohio Due to banks out of this city . . . of this city Individual depositors . . . . Manhattan Bank notes on hand . . . in circulation - 2,050,000 38,281 16,933 29,343 1,605,929 4,654 2,701 87,528 355,370 235,731 1,627,275 897,019 382,756 00 18 71 32 91 81 19 90 68 70 11 04 77 QIS Hills discounted . Real estate • Notes receivable, bonds receivable, Manhattan and other . stocks Loans on stocks and other securities payable on demand To the debit of the Utica and Poughkeepsie offices . . . Committee of Banks • . General Post Office _ Due from banks out of this city . . of this city Notes on hand of the banks of this city • • out of this city . . Water expenditure _ . Specie in the vault Manhattan Bank notes ■ • #7,333,526 32 ROBERT WHITE, Cashier. Stale o f the Mechanics' Bank, New York, Ju n e 14, 1834. 1 1 co Bills discounted . Bills under protest, Bonds receivable . . . . Contingent expense! . Real estate . . Do special account . Williamsburg Turnpike Paterson Bank stock The Bank Committee Do Safety Fund . . . . . Company . . . . . . . 3 ,8 6 3 ,7 2 6 46 74,892 70 283,796 33 . . . 59,792 47 8,7 7 4 70 - . 68,567 17 627 27 ■ . 24,365 17 - ‘ • . . . . . • . - 24,992 44 82,720 51 81,814 00 665 16,973 29,046 29,000 49 04 33 42 5,666 87 1,233 27 4,177 05 261,113 68 _ John Campbell, Treasurer U. States Samuel Swartwout, collector City banks, viz: Branch Bank • Manhattan do Merchants’ do . New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do • Butchers’ and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics’ and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do ‘ 10,116 70 • - - 2,000,000 195,506 102,607 23,880 22,132 11,068 . - 00 42 06 23 78 43 _ - - 75,252 56 - . 1,957 07 - • • 4,583 86 33,481 01 - . - • - . . 5,036 00 16,623 27 - - 16,671 13 • - 28,542 58 - " 1 7 , 7 2 5 30 1 1 ,8 5 7 69 Foreign banks, viz: B r o o k ly n B a n k Bank of N e w b u rg h . . • . - > * 2,355,194 92 1,490,964 70 6,827 00 216 City bank9, viz: Branch B ank. . . Manhattan do Merchants’ do • • New York do • • Union do America do . . City do . Phenix do • North river do • . Tradesmen’s do . . . . Chemical do > • Fulton do . . . Dry Dock dor . Greenwich do Butchers’ and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics’ and Traders’ do National do • Merchants’ Exchange do . Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do - 4 ,222,415 49 10,547 54 Capital stock . . . Profit and loss . . . Discount received * Dividends unpaid • Unclaimed balances Rents . . . . 4,344 17 2 ,495 33 188,986 98 Bank notes on hand, viz: Branch United States’ Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New Y ork do Union do - 10,180 36 13,366 13 215 15 22,818 74 12,963 89 26,614 09 27,096 78 39 768 22 1,223 80 7 ,717 47 15,962 15 11,177 10,489 16,015 12,145 610 22,806 37,697 1,269 396 41 18 88 73 20 03 16 43 16 74,098 30,347 89,762 24,794 49,092 78 78 84 47 05 I Catskill Hank State Bank, Albany Bank of Troy Bank of Utica Bank of Plattsburgh . . . Branch at Canandaigua • . Windham county Dank Tolland county Bank Thames Bank Connecticut Kiver Hanking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phccnix Bank, at Hartford Branch at Litclifi Id Middletown Bank . . . Mechanics’ Hunk, New Haven Merchants’ Hank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bunk, do Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford Fall River Bank . . . Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. II. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark . Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Hank, New Jersey . . Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, Phil’a. Bank of Northern Liberties . Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank, Balt. Ba:ik of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg *Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg • Office at Norfolk . . . Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg • * Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbern - 42,276 58 61,285 6,477 30,118 2,587 3,822 32 36 51 00 58 11,248 20 4,927 07 2,876 81 9 ,042 12,740 4,9 6 3 2,022 78 200 1,199 33,589 6,322 10,326 21,978 81 88 10 00 59 00 83 51 00 23 45 217 Foreign banks, viz: Bank of Newburgh Bank o f Troy . . . Bank o f Utica . . . Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick oo Farmers’ and Mechanics' Bank, Phil’s. K. C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk • Daniel Uavenel, cashier Bank of State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry, do Richard Keif, do • Bank, o f Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechan:cs’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company • John W. Wright, cashier Farmers’ and Merchants' Bank, Balt. Phoenix Bank, Hartford Hank of the Metropolis * Dank of Virginia Agricultural Bank Central Bank, Florida ■ Bank of Chillicothe Catskill Bank, New York Pateiaon Bank, New Jersey Foreign notes collected - 20,757 76 11,182 22 1 ,'323 19 12,182 16,238 2,375 4 ,0 6 0 5,414 200 2,142 06 46 00 00 72 00 07 I— I GO I— I M e c h a n ic s ’ B a n k — C o n tin u e d . Specie . . . . 20,829 15 ,603 41,453 4,636 4,801 8,627 7,462 3,5 0 8 1,666 8,148 5,719 19,892 23 ,030 16,907 6,5 4 6 418,022 32 75 94 20 73 50 18 63 00 21 75 74 08 97 37 00 874,952 29 522,525 47 > 86,276,648 04 Branch at Edenton Branch at Tarboro’ * . - ' Office at Fayetteville Planters & Mechanics’ B ’k, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Bank at Augusta . . . Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank . . . Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile . . . Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio • Lexington and Ohio Rail Road Co. Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Cliattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of foreign bills Trenton Banking Company Branch at Mobile . . . Branch at Macon . . . Insurance Bank, Columbus Morris Canal and Banking Company Richard Iielf, cashier . . . David ltavenel, cashier Notes in circulation . . . Deposites on account of individuals - 1,944 66 36,329 86 65,021 77 11,446 25,553 20,005 100 31 00 72 00 224- 00 300 00 1,546 00 2,000 4,0 1 4 197 297,881 2,501 9,430 470 6,5 4 7 4,032 - 00 75 00 36 00 37 00 25 31 815 America Bank City do Phenix do . North River Bank Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchcrs & Drovers’ Bank Mechanics & Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of Foreign Banks oo 866,104 66 559,856 00 808,713 78 8 6,276,648 04 S l a l e o f t h e M ech a n ics’ S a n k , N ew Y o rk , J u n e 2 1 , 1 8 3 4 . Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable - • - 3 ,8 3 3 ,0 3 5 18 74,892 70 225,096 33 Contine nt expenses Real estate Do special account • 59,792 47 8 ,7 7 4 70 Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee The Safety Fund • • - 4 ,1 3 3 ,0 4 4 21 10,547 54 68,567 17 627 27 24.356 17 24,983 44 107,117 14.295 93,618 94,894 33,499 21 266 82 12 55 38 14 28 - 17 528 41 6,057 12 - 12,123 93 - 18 935 53 31,926 49 ' 451,262 77 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 195,506 107,751 23,389 22,132 11,333 Capital stock Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents John Campbell, Treasurer United Stat*s Samuel Swartwout, collector City banks, viz. . • Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do • Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do . Chemical do • Fulton do • Dry Dock do . Greenwich do • Butchers’ and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics’ and Traders do do National do Merchants’ Exchange Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Foreign banks, viz. Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh Calskill Bank . - 00 42 57 03 78 13 - 2,360 ,1 1 2 93 1,490,964 70 72 08 32,641 01 219 City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America * do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do • Greenwich do Butchers’ and Droversi Bank Mechanics’ and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do 1 13,901 96 3,492 67 8,987 70 780 70 3,493 10 34 90 22,139 30 18,114 95 103,586 29 22,735 43 05 M e c h a n i c s ’ B a n k — C o n t in u e d . Foreign banks, viz. Bank o f Newburgh Bank of Troy Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank Merchants’ Bank, Providence New Kngland Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers’ & Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a R. C. Weightman, cashier . Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier , Bank of State o f Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry, do Richard Relf, do Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechan'cs’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company John W. Wright, cashier Farmers.’ & Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Tolland county Bank Fall River do Paterson, New Jersey, Bank Bank' of the Metropolis Bank of Virginia Catskill, New York, Bank Agricultural, Natchez, Bank Bank of Mobile Bank of Chillicothe Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta 17,381 56 7,703 57 12,466 13 4 ,438 78 12,963 89 3,4 5 3 72 27,096 78 23,598 46 3 ,1 9 5 72 4,9 8 9 70 16,023 15 717 693 7 ,8 1 4 9,017 7,712 48,658 13,946 1,235 23,985 13,041 87 16 00 42 37 08 12 11 61 66 260,132 86 State Bank, Albany Bank of Troy Bank o f Utica . . . Bank of Plattsburgh Branch at Canandaigua Windham county Bank • ■ Tolland county Bank Thames Bank Connecticut liiver Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank, at Hartford Branch at Litchfield Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bank, do Merchants’ Bank; New Bedford Fall River Bulk Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, N .J . • Mechanics’ Bank-at Newark Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers’ & Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg Office at Fredricksburg Office at Lynchburg - oo 29,605 63 70,823 6,477 36,516 3,806 80 36 77 79 9,050 40 16,741 80 6,786 51 5,899 74 4,277 22,222 2,283 6,045 91 05 26 96 2,029 20,703 2,154 7,912 7,623 14 35 91 93 66 15,030 82 4,500 18 1,323 14 19,971 82 20,055 25 1,542 17 to K3 O Specie - * . * • • • • . 31,322 19 19,899 09 48,277 48 29,970 94 44,945 53 39,967 11 10,654 05 35,237 38 2,433 43 5,230 65 4,303 80 6,161 56 1,904 63 2,926 86 3,300 00 3,781 94 19,115 61 11,893 26 12 643 99 1,916 00 359,548 00 695,433 40 564,711 55 Office at Norfolk Farmers Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbern • Branch at Edenton Branch at Tarboro’ Office at Fayetteville Planters’ & Mechanics’ Bank, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co Louisiana State Bank Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Hail Road Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections o f foreign bills Daniel Havenel, cashier Branch at Macon • Insurance Bank, Columbus • Richard Relf, cashier Branch at Mobile . . . Morris Canal and Banking company Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals S6,208,682 94 . 12,947 31 2,046 07 1,444 66 40,448 90 104,340 46 35,465 04 26,980 72 610 20 1,546 22 2,000 4,1 0 4 3,739 9 ,2 3 4 4,108 5,889 338,632 497 - 00 75 82 62 31 65 78 69 221 Bank notes on hand, v'z. Branch United Stales Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do do New York do Union do America do City do Fhenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do • Dry Dock do • Greenwich Butchers’ and Drovers’ do Mechanics’ & Traders’ do do National Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do do • Seventh Ward Notes of foreign banks do 940,158 48 489,027' 00 824,761 46 $6,208,682 94 I— I 00 State o f the Mechanics’ Bank, New York, June 28, 1834. Bills discounted . Bills under protest . Bonds receivable * Contingent expenses Real estate . Do special account . . . . - > - 3,881,211 69 74,892 70 215,096 33 - - - . . - Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee Do Safety fund . . . . 59,792 47 8,774 70 627 27 24,356 17 - - 60,060 00 126,273 76 - - 54,331 81 - - 36,695 32 14,871 31 • - - 27,495 32 8,188 85 • - 68,507 17 • 14,302 40 . - 12,222 73 3,149 7-2 15,455 87 - 27,602 24 --------------------- 1 24,983 44 * * 400,654 33 2 ,000,000 195,506 113,062 23,376 22,132 11,333 Capital stock Profit and loss . Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents - - John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. Samuel Swartwout, collector City banks, viz.: Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do • New York do Union do • America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do . Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do • Greenwich do -* Butchers’ and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics’ and Traders’ do National do Merchant’s Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Foreign banks, viz.: Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh - 00 42 59 43 78 13 - 21,110 35 - 22,597 00 • 55,148 44 - 7,423 23 8,373 35 • 9 ,0 3 4 77 * - 15,429 00 640 31 - 2,365,411 35 1,470 964 70 30 631 92 222 City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers’ and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics’ and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do • 4,171,200 72 10,547 54 QO - --------------------- 1,818 58 142,756 75 Foreign banks, viz. Bank nf Newburgh Bank of Troy Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a R . C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk Daniel Itavenel, cashier Bank of State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry Richard R eif Bank o f Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New-Haven Trenton Banking Company John W. Wright, cashier Farmers’ & Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Fall River Bank Paterson do Bank of the Metropolis Bank o f Virginia • Catskill Bank • Agricultural Bank Central Bank, Florida Bank of Mobile Bank of Chillicothe Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Foreign notes, collected Banks notes on hand, viz Branch U. S. Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do - 9,449 00 8,464 33 9,402 16 876 28 12,963 89 57,467 71 15,651 72 3,710 3,647 951 16,090 00 71 02 75 693 5,111 9,843 12,831 38,629 13,946 1,903 16 87 19 43 77 12 02 27,055 72 12,095 32 396 16 65,629 52,294 123,814 22,484 71 98 33 40 Catskill Bank State Bank, Albany Bank of Troy • Bank of Utica Bank o f Plattsburgh Branch at Canandaigua • Windham County Bank . Tolland County Bank * Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company . Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Fhenix Bank, at Hartford . . Branch, at Litchfield Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, 1’rovidence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bank, do Merchant’s Bank, New Bedford Fall River Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, N. J . Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, Phila. . Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg Office at Fredericksburg • Office at Lynchburg • Office at Norfolk . Farmers Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbern Branch at Edenton 7,365 69 61,367 6,477 37,825 3,306 914 13 36 06 79 70 5,119 17 22,291 OS 6,474 76 7,828 29,190 5,325 4,162 13 00 00 16 230 2,015 27,209 3,388 3,133 3,296 7,037 3,908 00 00 30 23 18 39 00 61 3,819 75 1,323 14 13,230 16,307 810 17,535 21,514 200 2,020 00 26 00 39 66 00 44 M e c h a n ic s ’ B a n k — C o n tin u e d . 00 Specie - - 50,820 4-3,323 18,966 16,563 4,462 3,112 5,993 12,313 1,598 1,064 2,919 3,325 11,813 33,784 15,873 1,839 386,931 82 56 09 94 99 55 86 95 25 58 69 59 46 69 35 83 00 878,931 62 568,190 05 Branch at Tarborough . Office at Fayetteville Planters’ & Mechanics’ Bank, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Rail Road Company Bank o f Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, Cashier . Collections of foreign bills • Daniel Ravenel, cashier Branch at Macon Insurance Bank, Columbus Richard Relf, cashier Morris Canal and Banking Company Branch at Mobile- Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals *6,354,255 20 934 36,761 119,840 39,860 25,025 66 87 69 32 30 27,335 88 100 00 3,387 01 300 00 1,546 00 2,0 )0 3,589 1,422 12,487 563 2,974 470 399,603 00 20 11 41 75 82 00 53 224 Union Bank America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do do Pulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich Butchers’ and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics’ and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of Foreign banks do 1,004,652 48 502,948 00 836,890 00 6,354,255 20 Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable • - 3 ,9 5 9 ,4 4 7 00 74,892 70 215,096 33 Contingent expenses Beal estate Do special account to Paterson Bank stock • 59,792 47 8,7 7 4 70 68,567 17 ■Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee Do Safety Fund • City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan Bank • Merchants’ do New York do do Union do America do •: City do Phenix ! North River do Tradesmens’ do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do 4,249 ,4 3 5 03 12,730 59 627 2f 24;356 17 - 47,433 48 148,684 83 • 41,700 01 - 34,646 14 - 33,661 12 24,983 44 6,459 19 7,583 5,455 27,786 21,732 40,334 10,094 65 81 11 12 76 44 425,584 66 Y o rk , J u l y 5 , 1 834. Capital steck Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents Jolin Campbell, Treas. U. S. Samuel Swartwout, collector City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan Bank Merchants’ do . New York do Union do • America do City do Phenix do . North lliver do. Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Furcign banks, viz. Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh Catskill Bank 2 , 000,000 195,506 114,984 23,210 22,132 11,333 00 42 57 42 78 13 2,367,167 32 1,471,096 49 92,266 00 2,414 09 25,236 32 32,186 39 SEE State o f the Mechanics’ ljlank, New 15,740 05 2,236 19 220 66 6,522 37 84,556 05 23,153 22 CO M e c h a n ic s ’ B a n k — C o n tin u e d . Foreign banks, viz. Bunk o f Newburgh Bank of Troy . Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Phil»d. It. C. Weightman, cashier . Office at Norfolk Daniel Kavenel, cashier Bank of State of Georgia ' Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry do Hichard R elf do Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company • • John W. Wright, cashier . Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Fall River Bank Paterson Bank, New Jersey Bank of the Metropolis Bank of Virginia . . . Catskill Bank . . . New York State Bank . Agricultural Bank . . . Central Bank, Florida . Bank o f Chillicothe Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Foreign notes collected - 22,157 83 13,356 72 14,115 84 907 91 7,946 25 12,963 89 821 65 27,850 81 24,366 81 726 63 3,654 9,0091,066 16,150 23 60 44 73 966 02 2,214 44 14,847 61 1,008 02 26,209 62 47,528 42 16,859 98 1,953 02 10,085 65 75 35 396 16 1---------------------- j State BanV, Albany Hank of Troy Bank of Utica • Bank of Plattsburgh Branch at Canandaigua Windham County Bank Tolland County Bank Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank at Hartford * Branch at Litchfield • Middletown Bank . . . Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston • Commonwealth Bank, do Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford * Fall River Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H. * Newark Banking and Insurance Co. * State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy • Orange Bank, New Jersey Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad. Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank,Baltimore Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg' . . Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg 277,2 » 65 Office at Norfolk . . . oo 72,024 6,477 43,385 3,606 439 10 36 00 79 49 10,364 00 8,576 54 7,517 23 6,194 17 18,494 12,639 4,189 4,518 15 68 93 13 230 1,354 26,221 720 1,081 8,807 00 24 41 20 31 47 4,978 30 1,568 53 1,323 14 • 9,427 28 15,178 69 810 00 16,287 37 Specie . . . viz. • • * * • - 88,675 61,9X2 112,550 40,626 66,469 67,979 38,458 47,409 6,134 12,791 11,880 16,029 3,504 3,782 5,627 8,462 24,727 28,564 20,391 8 ,8 9 i 371,151 _ 55 51 76 58 05 49 76 13 93 46 00 49 77 92 23 50 09 88 11 00 00 9 1,046,720 21 579,731 08 Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg1 . Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbern Branch at F.denton Branch at Tarborough Office at Fayetteville Planters and Mechanics’Bank,Charleston Bank of Styte of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank • Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile . . . Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Fanners’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier • Collections of foreign bills * Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama • Insurance Bank, Columbus . Morris Canal and Banking Company Atlas Bank, Boston • Notes in circulation ■ Deposites on account of individuals $6,684,991 83 . - 20,154 66 200 00 2,170 44 39,000 139,186 24,476 65,541 07 00 61 67 7,578 20 100 00 2,374 63 300 00 1,546 00 2,000 3,589 4,923 472,052 251 470 564 - - 227 Bank notes on hand, Branch United States Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Fhenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ do Mechanics and Traders’ Bank National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of Foreign banks 00 20 52 84 60 00 33 1,096,047 414,214 00 1,159,644 47 #6,684,99) 83 GO State o f the Mechanics' Bank, New York, July i— i 12, 1834. oo Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable - . - . • Contingent expenses Real estate . Real special account - - . . - - Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Dank Committee The Safety Fund • 59,792-47 8,774 70 4,209,577 48 12,730 79 68,567 17 627 27 24,356 17 24,983 44 * - 26,041 299.202 25,321 40,643 62 71 09 31 54,671 6,373 23,137 3,293 51 10 63 62 19,800 10 473 20 4 ,9 6 9 7,1 1 2 35,433 1,146 44,745 13,400 02 78 62 78 73 03 Capital stock Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents John Campbell, Treasurer United States Samuel Swartwout, collector City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do do Union do America City do do Ihenix North River do Tradesmens’ do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Foreign banks, viz. Brooklyn Hank Bank of Newburgh 605,765 85 Catskill Bank 2,000 000 195,506 126,358 23,210 22,132 11,333 00 42 38 42 78 17 2,378,541 13 1,471,096 49 52,082 46 25,595 00 82,585 66 228 City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do . Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do • Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do 3 ,9 1 9 ,5 8 8 45 74,892 70 215,096 33 I— l 4,463 38 11,691 73 124,335 77 28,380 50 Bank notes on hand, viz. Branch U. S . Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do 26,043 87 5,920 69 11,182 54 S t a t e B a n k , A lb a n y o f T ro y B a n k o f U tic a . Bank o f Plattsburgh Bank . . . . . . Branch at Canandaigua . . . Windham County Bank * Tolland County Bank . . . Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phenix Bank, at Hartford j Branch, at Litchfield . . . Middletown Bank . . . Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston * Commonwealth Bank, do * Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford Fall ltiver Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark * Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, New Jersey Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philadel. Bank of Northern Liberties Southwatk Bank, Philadelphia j Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank of Washington | Bank of Virginia . . . . . . 218,742 37 1 Office at Petersburg j Office at Fredericksburg | Office at Lynchburg Office at Norfolk , . Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia » Branch at Newbern . . . Branch at Edenton 81,160 6,477 35,944 2,5 9 9 928 81 36 57 79 00 3,9 9 7 01 13,993 14 10,656 49 19,997 IS 2,950 2,8 6 7 5,8 8 5 5,8 3 0 27 05 22 39 230 00 24,004 1,852 7,1 9 9 2,7 2 5 77 37 00 20 6,014 96 4,853 1,323 11,020 10,088 11,981 476 13,429 3,3 2 4 200 2,170 01 14 33 52 86 14 79 66 00 44 229 Foreign banks, viz. Bank o f Newburgh Dank o f Troy . . . Bank o f Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank . . . Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Phila. U. C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk . Daniel Ravenel, cashier Bank of State o f Georgia • Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry, do ltichard Relf, do * Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company John W . Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimor Fall River Bank, Rhode Island • Paterson Bank, New Jersey Bank of Chillicothe, Ohio Catskill Bank, New Jersey New York State Bank Agricultural do Louisiana Branch at Tarboro, North Carolina Foreign notes collected - M e c h a n ic s ’ B a n k — C o n tin u e d . Specie • • . 9,011 1?,405 2 ,100 3 ,9 3 6 3 ,3 7 0 5 ,148 4 ,7 6 7 5,6 7 5 2,483 3 ,5 4 9 11,735 9 ,0 2 2 11,158 4 ,548 483,945 • > * • * - . 01 28 37 99 20 34 51 13 64 00 55 53 21 00 00 819,041 15 590,080 62 $6,549,488 87 Branch at Tarboro’ Office at Fayetteville . . . Planters and Mechanics’ B ’k, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta . . . Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank . . . Central Bank of Florida • Bank of Mobile . . . Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio • Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of Foreign Bills Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama • Insurance Bank, Columbus • Morns Canal and Banking Company Atlas Bank, Boston . . . Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. Isaac Henry, cashier . . . ' . i Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals - 35,715 53 127,852 00 72,689 20,084 36,733 100 1,102 2,203 300 1,546 77 12 42 00 02 39 00 00 2,000 00 3,589^ 20 4,223 52 443,096 00 4,222 30 470 00 11,922 05 3,843 85 9,507 04 _ 230 City Bank Phenix do North River do • Tradesmen’s do • Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers' Bank Mechanics and Traders do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of foreign banks do 1,103,762 13 539,365 00 880,305 89 $6,549,488 87 Sta te o f the M ech a n ic s' B a n k , N ew Y o rk , J u l y Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable - ■ Contingent expenses Real estate . Real special account • - . . - - Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee The Safety Fund • 4 ,0 8 1 ,3 7 8 26 12,730 79 59,792 47 8,7 7 4 70 68,567 17 627 27 24,356 17 24,983 44 199,142 20 11,537 40 45,301 82 61,101 57 44,724 60 8,3 6 4 78 2 ,5 8 9 58 14,041 27 5 ,8 4 6 72 4,990 07 5,8 8 7 51 36,968 59 4,4 9 4 02 39,739 05 484,729 18 , 2 000,000 00 Capital stock Profit and loss Discount received Dividen's unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents - 195,506 132,898 23,167 22,132 11,333 John Campbell, Treasurer U. Samuel Swartwout, collector City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do . America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen's do Chemical do 1 Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Foreign banks, viz. Brooklyn Bank . . Bank of Newburgh Catskill Bank 42 99 78 78 13 2,38 5 ,0 3 9 IQ 1,47 1 ,0 9 6 49 216 06 Stales 7 818 54 . 17,430 64 - 10,845 85 r 16,860 00 - 4,954 17 - 10,177 17 231 City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do • New York do • Union do America do • City do • Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do • Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do 3 ,8 4 2 ,8 8 8 93 74,892 70 163,596 63 19, 1 834. 61,086 37 . 31,132 16 00 M e c h a n ic s ’ B a n k — C o n tin u e d . Foreign banks, viz. Bank of Newburgh . . . Bank of Troy . . . . Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua • Thames Bank . . . . Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank . . . State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad. It. C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk » Daniel Uavenel, cashier I Bank o f State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry do UiShard R e lf do * Bank of Mississippi . . . Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport . Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company * John W. Wright, cashier . Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Paterson Bank, New Jersey • Catskill Bank . . . . Agricultural Bank . . . Bank o f Chillicothe . . . Mechanics’ Bank, New Jersey Insurance Bank, Georgia • Foreign notes collected . . . Bank notes on hand, viz. Branch U. S. Bank . . . Manhattan do • • Merchants’ do - 29,924 34 10,293 85 8,119 74 6,6 9 8 250 16,581 12,963 48 39 31 89 5,407 82 5 ,113 35 29,084 91 11,424 00 2,9 1 6 9 ,171 177 17,207 3 ,2 1 7 21,967 17,811 5 ,468 1,379 13,171 396 28 25 70 17 00 00 66 69 49 59 16 30,048 39 - 23,970 40 100,579 69 . --- ^ 4 State Bank, Albany . . . Bunk of Troy Hank of Utica * -> Bank of Plattsburgh - . Branch at Canandaigua Windham County Bank Tolland County Bank Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank, at Hartford Branch, at Litchfield . . . Middletown Bank . . . Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bank, Boston Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford Fall River Bank . . . Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N .H . Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark . . . Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, New Jersey Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Philad. Bank o f Northern Liberties • Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Balt. Bank of Washington . . . Bank of Virginia . . . 218,746 07 Office at Petersburg . . . Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg; . . . I Office at Norfolk . . . 14,599 13 '• 70,426 6,477 26,893 3,4 9 4 677 66 36 17 56 08 797 25 1,081 85 15,517 71 3,447 44 10 ,483 29 4 ,272 8,581 45 1,165 1,052 33,342 3 ,0 7 4 12,846 06 01 03 02 27 53 42 67 7 ,2 9 4 71 1,712 1,323 20,292 11,249 6,909 . 73 9,897 42 14 86 13 14 36 81 * do . New York <lc» . Union do . Amcrica do . City do . Phenix do North River . oaTradesmen’s d.) do • ©Chemical do Fulton do • Dry Dock Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes o f foreign banks . - . . . . - . - . ■ - • • . . . • • . * - . 43,705 51 41,948 62 44,610 25 17,396 70 11,267 80 4 ,6 4 6 76 10,515 46 2 ,4 6 4 09 10,203 04 6,271 64 1 ,669 00 10,158 61 1,116 30 9 ,8 8 6 87 18,181 01 11,736 71 5,300 37 105,092 00 ---------------------- . 768 25 200 00 1,863 78 Branch at Tarboro’ Office at Fayetteville . . . Planters and Mechanics’ Bank,Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta . . . Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank . . . Central Bank of Florida • Bank of Mobile . . . . Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier • Collections of foreign bills Branch :it Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama Morris Canal and Banking Company Atlas Bank, Boston . . . Bank of the Metropolis Isaac Henry, cashier • . 89 26 39,734 42 110,034 69 F a rm e rs * B a n k a t L y n c h b u r g B r a n c h a t K a n a w h a , V ir g in ia B ra n ch a t N ew b ern ' B r a n c li a t E d e n to n 510,769 22 630,604 79 Notes in circulation . . . Deposites on account of individuals $6,032,508 92 • 68,955 19,756 50,384 100 645 1,157 13 06 12 00 16 00 1,546 00 2,000 4,805 2,623 340,880 470 2,6 6 5 4,8 4 6 10,164 . . 00 29 52 11 00 45 75 45 233 Specie . . . . 971,848 78 540,013 00 603,209 12 *6 ,0 3 2 ,5 0 8 92 I— I CO Slate o f the Mechanics' Bank , Neio York, July 26, 1834 Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable - • 3,872,497 89 82,396 28 103^596 33 4,11 8 ,4 9 0 50 12,810 22 ------------------- ------- Contingent expenses Real estate . Real special account . . - - Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee The Safety Fund City banks, viz. Bank Branch d> Manhattan Merchants' do New York do do Union do America City do do Phenix North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical <lo Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drd-crs’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh W ard do _ 59,792 47 H,774 70 68,567 17 . 617 27 24,356 17 24,983 44 __ 87 476 159,612 2,601 ,33,313 132,365 30,642 22,398 .2 ,0 3 6 35,602 00 76 00 00 81 66 71 31 01 658 50 5.843 00 3,1 1 9 40 39,968 74 32 ,427 48 I 538,065 38 Capital stock Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rent* - GO 2,000,000 195,296 137,791 23,062 22,132 11,33>j . - . . John Campbell, Treas; ir r Unit cd States Sam ie* Swiii twou , collector City hanks, v z. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do Ngvv York do Uni "ii do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do . Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers* Bank Mechanics and Traders ’ do do National do Merchants* Exchange Leather Manufacturers do do Seventh Ward F o r e ig n b a n k s , v iz . B r o o k ly n B a n k B a n k o f N e w b u rg h 00 20 17 21 78 lo - - - 15,005 73 - - 13,281 26 - - 22,791 66 . - 12,077 01 - - - - 27,4-27 32 '4,229 60 • 29,031 36 2,389,615 49 1,471,096 49 68,291 34 VO CO *. 94,812 58 • - Foreign b.inks, viz. Bank of Newburgh • Bank of Troy . . . Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank . . . Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank • • State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad R . C. Weightman, cashier • Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier Bank o f State o f Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier • Isaac Henry do Richard Relf do Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company • John W . Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Fall River Bank New York State Bank Agricultural Bank Catskill Bank Commonwealth Bank Bank o f Chillicothe Foreign notes collected C a ts k ill B a n k S ta te B a n k , A lb a n y 8,455 48 31,692 34 7 ,7 3 6 oo 220,228 70 Bank notes ou han Branch United States Bai Manhattan do Merchants’ do do New York do Union do America do City Hank o f Troy Bank of Utica . . . Bank of Plattsburgh . . . Branch at Canandaigua • . Windham County Bank • Tolland County Bank • Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bunk, Bridgeport Phcenix Bank, at Hartford * Branch, at Litchfield - • • • Middletown Bank . . . Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bank, do Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford Fall River Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. II. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark . . . Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, N. J Mech'iiics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad. Bank of Northern Liberties • Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers«nd Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia . . . Office at Petersburg . . . Office at Fredericksburg • • Office at Lynchburg Office at Norfolk . . . Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbim . . . 67,026 6,477 28,501 4,244 677 66 36 06 61 00 8,010 81 5,739 18 7,996 31 2,994 65 1,949 15 8,515 50 1,168 02 32,987 1,736 2/846 1,989 9,183 9,444 91 28 82 74 80 81 2.855 11,355 5,490 73 15,622 102 200 3,678 02 60 69 56 89 86 72 1 M e c h a n i c s ’ B a n k — C o n tin u e d . • • • • . Specie . - - 9,627 1,671 4 ,334 4,6 5 8 15,255 2,638 56 2,3 9 8 496 9,115 5 ,297 8 ,778 6,112 476,919 • 55 00 63 48 01 12 00 99 81 66 78 48 76 00 772,259 15 651,381 92 Foreign banks, viz. Branch at Edenton Branch at Tarboro’, . . . Office at Fayetteville . . . Planters and Mechanics’ Bank,Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta . . . Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and BankingCompany Louisiana State Bank . . . Central Bank of Florida . Bank of Mobile . . . Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of foreign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia • Branch at Mobile, Alabama Morris Canal and Banking Company Atlas Bank, Boston . . . Isaac Henry, cashier . . . Paterson Bank, N. J . • • Bank of the Metropolis, D .C . Insurance Bank, Columbus Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals $ 6,456,786 48 - 89 26 44,406 69 119,660 02 99,558 32,897 62,366 100 36 1,124 39 86 62 00 11 72 1,546 00 2 ,000 4,895 175 426,100 470 1 ,151 1,541 3,780 730 2,469 . - . _ 236 Bank notes 011 band, viz. Phenix Bank North Itiver do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Pulton do Dry Do^k . do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ do Mechanics and Traders’ Bank National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of Foreign Banks 00 79 77 64 00 80 47 78 06 24 1,075,001 39 491,761 00 866,208 19 $6,456,786 48 S ta te o f the M ech a n ics' Bill* discounted . Bills under protest Bonds receivable . Contingent expenses Real estate . Real special account . . - - . . . 4 ,1 8 9 ,1 1 0 83 . • - Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee .The Safety Fund *• • * 59,792 47 8,774 70 68,567 17 627 27 24,983 44 53,462 89 266,943 66 10 99 08 72 - 2,235 62 - 42,107 25 • 17,781 08 5,775 05 60,107 10 - 7,882 39 14,119 42 . J litg u s t 2 , Capital stock Profit ami loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents . 752,818 35 1834. _ . . 2,000 ,0 0 0 00 243,207 80 . . - . . - . . - 89,643 52 22,132 78 11,333 13 John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. Samuel Swartwout, collector - . - . . . . . • 10,436 42 . . . . 543 68 15,458 19 . . . . 488 51 15,018 34 . . 13,376 68 . 24,356 17 36,990 91,159 115,594 38,659 Y o rk , City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do . Merchants’ do Ne iv York do Union do America do City do . Phenix do North Hiver do . Tradesmen’s do . Chemical do Fulton do . Dry Dock do . Greenwich ’ do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers do Seventh Ward do Foreign banks, viz. . Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh - 2,36 6 ,3 1 7 23 1,494,112 44 , 50,262 72 6,384 87 237 City banks, viz. Branch B in k . . . Manhattan do • • Merchants’ do New York do • Union do • America do . . . City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do ' Fulton do • • Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do 3,943,1X 8 22 82,396 28 163,596 33 •, N e w 61,706 69 • . 45,313 05 00 M e c h a n ic s * ---- . ank— C ontinu ed . 1 1 00 J ------------- ------------- T~--------— " Catskill Bank State Bank, Albany Bank otTTroy Bank of Utica . . . . Bank of Plattsburgh . . . Branch at Canandaigua Windham County Hank • Tolland County Hank IhamesBank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank at Hartford Branch at Litchfield Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Bos oil Commonwealth Hank, Boston Merchants’ Dank, New Bedford Fall River Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. II. Newark Hanking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark . . . Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Hank, N. J . • Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a Bank of Northern Liberties • Southwark Bank, Philad’a Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg . . . 230,842 48 1 Office at 1'rcderick.sburg 75,510 93 48,856 6,477 28,705 7,6 4 4 913 3,485 28 36 41 60 67 74 15,580 08 535 78 238 Foreign banks, viz. Bank o f Newburgh . . . 29,701 43 Bank of Troy . . . . 14,194 87 Bank of Utica Bi'anch at Canandaigua \ Thames Bank . . . . 11,445 86 Merchants’ Uank, Providence New England Bank 12,451 27 State Bank, New Brunswick 361 94 Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a B . C . Weightman, cashier 11,387 18 Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier . . . 7,9 6 0 73 Bank of State of Georgia 30,715 98 Anthony Porter, cashier . . . 3 ,3 8 2 57 Isaac Henry, do • 12,981 85 liichard Relf, do • Bank of Mississippi 4,0 4 5 82 Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport • Mechanics’ Bank, New, Haven * 7,541 18 352 25 Trenton Banking Company 17,207 17 John W . W right, cashier • 1,395 99 Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore 827 22 Fall River Bank, Rhode Island . • 17,811 66 Agricultural Bank, Louisiana 18,922 92 Catskill Bank, New York • 4,885 40 Bank o f Chillicothe, Ohio • 1,299 97 Middletown Bank, Connecticut ■ • 1 ,450 01 Branch at Litchfield, Connecticut 1,041 34 Commonwealth Bank, Mass. chusetts • 3 ,671 11 Bank ofthe Metropolis, D C . • 11,743 78 Bank of Virginia . . . . 4,062 98 Insurance Bank, Columbus, Georgia - B 13,289 85 65 02 24,800 795 3,321 8,965 19,307 11,217 41 45 99 70 90 96 s 27,894 72 13,869 64 Specie « • 51,489 44,662 89,662 45,193 51,522 140,206 10,366 10,123 13,558 6,867 3,313 16,045 4 ,9 8 6 4.303 4,196 1,353 19,786 12,189 8 ,609 8.134 497,324 86 24 35 00 42 06 16 44 00 57 60 70 30 75 30 00 72 30 83 44 00 O ffic e a t L y n c h b u r g O ffice at N o r fo lk 1,043,894 09 67S.361 21 - - Farmers’ Bank, at Lynchburg Bl anch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch atNewbern Branch at Edenton i!ranch at Tarboro’ Office at Fayetteville Planters and viechan'cs’ Rank, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta Mechanics’ Bank, A u g u s ta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile . . . Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewt r, cashier Collections of foreign b.lls * ■ Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama Morris Canal and Banking Company Atlas Bank, Boston Paterson B 11k, N. J . Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals *6 ,9 8 8 ,5 7 7 57 72 49 24,737 04 890 88 200 00 4,4 5 8 72 364 51,723 105,164 24 .340 116,718 34,075 75,525 100 26 12 14 05 72 42 47 00 468 79 1,546 00 230 Bank notes on hand, viz. Branch U. S. Bank do Manhattan Merchants’ do do New York do Union do * America do City Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do do Fulton do • Dry Dock Greenwich do Butchers anil Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of foreiirn banks - 2,000 00 4 ,6 5 8 2,3 3 4 467,950 470 1,750 2,5 7 0 65 55 12 00 20 79 1,178,370 95 543,972 00 1,293,835 54 $6,988,577 57 State o f the Mechanics' Bank, Neio York, August 9, 1834. I Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable Contingent expenses Real estate . Real special account * - • * - - - . . - • 3,940,495 86 82,396 28 163,296 33 4.,186,188 47 1,353 51 59,792 47 8,774 70 68,567 17 Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Commit'ee The Safety Fund • 627 27 24,356 17 24,983 44 37,968 188,406 17,523 51,046 35,131 38,995 29,589 34 31 02 80 04 91 32 16,817 07 10,391 85 49,186 21 3,327 10 836 1 4 8,973 27 65,374 63 16,381 00 18,292 32 , Capital stock Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents - 2 000,000 00 72 61 61 78 13 John Campbell, Treasurer U. States Samuel Swartwout, collector City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Un on do Amcrica do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do - 2S.468 81 - 22,073 93 - 8,621 14 - 17,884 87 - 57,474 91 B r o o k ly n B a n k B a n k o f N e w b u rg h - 2,344,041 85 1,387,112 44 130,744 40 77,048 75 Foreign banks, viz. 588,040 33 245,441 6,431 58,702 22,132 11,333 240 City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New Y o rk do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do D iyD ock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants* Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do oo Foreign banks, 'rlz. Bank o f Newburgh • • Bank o f Troy Bank o f Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank . . . ^Merchants’ Bank, Providence ► “New Eng-Iaml Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanic*’ Bank, Philad. H. C. We'.ghtman, cashier Office at Norfolk Daniel Bavenel cashier . Bank o f State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry do Richard Keif, do • Bank of Missis ippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport • Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company John W . Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchants' Bank, Baltimor Fall River Bank Rhode Island Catskill Bank, New York . Agricultural Bank, L< uisiana . Bank o f Chillicothe, Ohio . Bank o f Virginia . . . Insurance Bank, Columbus • Paterson Bank, New Jersey • Middletown Bank, Connecticut • Central Bank, Florida Bank of Mobile . . . Bank notes on hand, viz. Branch United States Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do . ■ • . . 18,130 85 C a ts k ill B a n k State Bank, Albany . . Hank of Troy . Bank of Utica Bank of Plattsburgh . Branch at Canandaigua . . Windham County Bank . . Tolland County Bank . . . Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport _ Phoenix Bank, at Hartford Branch, at Litchfield . . . Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchant-’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonweal h Bank, do . Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford • Fall River Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, N. J . Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad. Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank Baltimore Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg . . . Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburgh . . . Office at Norfolk . . . Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbern • • 21,564 14,220 59,330 6,477 30,266 3,9 4 4 2,913 46 48 87 36 85 61 67 7,5 3 5 37 16,925 56 512 66 14,427 87 3 ,6 4 9 81 9,124 88 65 687 50,418 2,084 5,363 8,773 02 47 78 25 00 65 12,952 37 33,123 17,856 1,204 14,610 339 200 1 ,4 j 7 52 47 08 20 00 00 28 M --ratxi . - Specie - • . ’ B a n k —Continued. oo . • • • • . . . ■ 68,764 40,293 20,492 39,488 11,932 12,504 9,221 8,317 10,289 4 ,018 6,711 1,841 2,145 10,656 13,927 5 ,7 9 4 423,302 . _ 63 44 07 95 37 60 97 92 04 95 61 00 00 60 26 54 00 914,344 42 663,791 27 Branch at Edenton Branch at Tarboro’ . . . Office at Fayetteville Planters and Mechanics' Bank. Charleston Bank » f Slate of Georgia, Savannah Branc'i at Augusta Mechanics’ B ink, Augusta • Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. • Louisiana State Hank . . . Central Bank of Florida Rank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe . Farmers’ Bank, Chatlahooche, Ohio I.yman Brewer, cashier • Collections of foreign bills Bran li at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabuma Morris'Canal and Banking Company Atlas Bank, Boston . State Bank, New Brunswick Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. * • Isaac Henry, cashier Notes in circulation . Deposites on account ofindividuals # 6,670,037 29 - 181 56,112 68,182 9,023 16,895 23,764 45,262 . 100 32 23 60 23 28 84 66 00 46 00 2 ,000 5,886 1,334 465,146 470 3 ,0 5 6 208 91,676 4,353 _ - 242 Bank notes on hand, viz. Union Bank America do City do Phenix do do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do ■ Dry Dock Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do do National Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers do do Seventh Ward Notes o f foreign banks e c h a n ic s = 00 32 55 00 00 00 59 70 93 1,191,134 70 512,218 00 1 ,027,737 15 $6,670,037 29 S t a t e o f t h e M ech a n ics' Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable » Contingent expenses Real estate Real special account . * » ■ m » . * * Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company T h e Bank Committee T he Safety Fund • - - \ _ - 4 ,0 9 2 ,7 1 7 39 82,396 28 163,296 33 . • * 59,792 47 8,7 7 4 70 _ 4 ,3 3 8 ,4 1 0 00 1,353 51 68,567 17 * 627 27 • 24,356 17 24,983 44 108,688 52,650 1,548 1,745 39,698 131,991 18,863 14,739 15,131 12,914 49 85 24 61 01 91 85 12 74 00 26,484 18 7 ,1 9 8 22 • • 5 ,889 55 4,1 0 8 65 87,658 80 3,829 00 26,434 33 New Y o rk , J l u g u s t 1 6, 1834. Capital stock . . Profit and loss . . Discount received Dividends unpaid . Unclaimed balances . Rents . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . John Campbell, Treasurer U. States Samuel Swartwout, collector City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan Bank Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do . . . Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do . . . Uutchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do Nalional do Merchants’ Exchange do * Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do * 2,000,000 245,441 13,228 48,041 22,132 11,333 00 72 84 97 78 13 _ 2,340,178 44 1,603,491 60 952 31 243 City banks, viz.' Brancli Bank Manhattan Hank Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do • North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do do Seventh Ward . * r, 14,265 09 5,$08 83 • 29,453 32 49,227 24 559,574 55 Foreign banks, viz. Brooklyn Bank . Bank of Newburgh Catskill Bank . . 46,665 08 M e c h a n ic s ’ B a n k — C o n tin u e d . Foreign banks, viz. Bank of Newburgh Bank o f Troy Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank • Merchant’s Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Phila. It. C. Weightman, cashier ' • Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier Bank of State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier • Isaac Henry, do Richard Relf, do Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven . Trenton Banking Company • John W. Wright, cashier . Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Balt. Fall River Bank, Massachusetts Catskill Bank, New York . Agricultural Bank, Mississippi Bank of Chillicothe, Ohio • Insurance Bank, Columbus, Georgia Central Bank, Florida Bank of Mobile, Alabama * Middletown Bank, Connecticut Farmers’ Bank, Lynchburg, Va. Branch Bank at Tarboro’, N. C. Orange Bank, New Jersey • Phoenix Bank at Hartford, Connecticut 36,274 08 7 ,820 19 11,137 373 1,629 11,387 23 72 00 18 11,440 22,588 30,836 1.013 13,772 48 38 52 49 19 4 ,4 1 2 7,423 1 ,022 17,747 9,2 1 5 890 17,613 18,066 3,999 3 ,169 617 615 646 5 ,2 1 0 568 1 ,454 959 16 23 25 8.1 79 85 10 29 15 49 13 13 68 30 08 48 23 241,903 65 State Bank, Albany . Bank of Troy . Bank of Utica . . Bank of Plattsburgh Branch at Canandaigua Windham County Bank Tolland County Bank Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank at Hartford Branch at LitcUfield • Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bank, do Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford Fall Biver Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, New Jersey Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Phila. Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Balt. Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia . Office at Petersburg Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg Office at Norfolk Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg 00 19,913 4,891 58,203 6,477 43,332 4,307 2,913 23 44 56 36 19 61 67 17,549 80 7,949 56 3,731 04 3,689 60 7,004 28 65 2,824 19,843 1,408 02 33 30 23 14,976 32 14,486 73 43,628 23,001 13,540 1,175 6,420 88 64 69 83 91 >o Specie * 23,798 31,170 81,279 27,439 51,926 29,207 22,558 46,847 4 ,0 2 0 5,y75 4,4 4 8 5 ,930 5,0 0 4 1,737 4,8 6 8 1,418 11,546 12,955 10,327 5,445 482,891 04 95 70 68 45 02 70 66 33 80 74 19 95 00 82 90 29 12 9J 92 00 870,999 19 647,377 27 200 OO 995 10 Office at Fayetteville Planters and Mechanics’ B 'k, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank • . • Central Bank o f Florida Bank of Mobile Commerc al Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Uailroad Comp my Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of foreign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia Blanch at Mobile, Alabama Morris Canal and Banking Company . Atlas Hank, Boston . . . Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. . Paterson Bank, New Jersey • - 55,740 75 35,815 24 at at at at K a n a w h a , V ir g in ia N ew b ern E d e n to n T a rb o ro ’ - Notes in circulation . . . Deposites on account of individuals -f * - B ran ch B ran ch B ran ch B -a n c h *6 ,7 5 3 ,1 6 8 78 - 118,626 56 5 0,3 0 6 .6 9 31,071 83 100 00 45 78 5,8 8 6 4,3 3 4 461,047 470 3,7 2 7 28,023 • 50 - 32 65 23 00 19 32 41 245 Bank notes 011 hand, viz. Branch U. S. Bank Manhattan do do Merchants’ do * * New York Union do America do • • do • City do . Phenix do • North Iliver Tradesmen’s do • do • Chemical do • Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do • National do • Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do do • Seventh Ward Notes of Foreign banks • 1,164,441 37 502,652 00 1,092,225 82 $6.753,168 78 r—I 00 t— i State o f the Mechanics1 Bank, New York, August 23, 1834. Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable Contingent expenses Real estate Heal special account - - _ • - 4,046,305' 31 82,396 28 163,296 33 - • - - 48,792 47 8,774 70 • - 57,567 17 Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Hank Committee . T h e Safety Fund - . . 627 27 24,356 17 24,983 44 • . . . _ . • • - . • . • • 1 m _ . _ . m - 56,877 3,627 56,578 6,790 57,268 255,061 5,765 24,143 15,715 11,998 92 63 10 14 86 37 27 79 06 80 34,282 89 8,114 73 444 04 6,350 15 100,661 45 4,615 00 39,080 96 687,376 16 to - - . - - John Campbell, Treasurer United States Samuel Swartwout, collector City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants* do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers* Bank Mechanics and Traders* do National do do Merchants* Exchange Leather Manufacturers* do do Seventh W ard' Foreign banks, viz. Bi&oklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh 2,000,000 ,00 245,441 72 17,881 77 44,007 29 22,132 78 11,333 13 - 2,340,796 6? 1,558,939 2f 26,625 1( 246 City banks, 8tc. Branch Bank _ Manhattan do . Merchants’ do New York do . Union do . America do City do Phenix do North River do . .Tradesmen’s do Chemical do • Fulton do . Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do do Seventh Ward 4,291,997 92 1,353 51 Capital stock Profit and lo ss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents - )— i - 12,968 88 . 4,859 77 - 37,732 70 55,561 35 • 45,714 78 « Bank notes on hand, Branch United States Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do viz. • • 21,920 28 11,172 576 11,871 898 C a ts k ill B a n k 61 21 95 45 11,387 18 11,440 39,043 31,567 8,027 15,108 48 38 01 14 64 4,600 5,610 1,253 18,058 9,2 1 4 629 21,430 19,717 3 ,4 3 4 617 965 1,791 568 3,3 1 7 4,079 396 38 00 13 03 00 30 88 14 37 00 CO 10 08 75 73 16 37,225 99 36,228 75 63,018 17 258,695 38 % State Bank, Albany Bank o f Troy Bank of Utica . . . Hank of Plattsburgh • Branch at Canandaigua Windham County Bank Tolland County Bank Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company • Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Hank at1Hartford • Branch at LitchfieldMiddletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Hank, Boston Commonwealth Hank, do Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford Fall River Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. II. * Newark I'ankingand Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, New Jersey Mechanics’ Bank at Newark • Fanners and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad. Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg Office at Fredericksburg • Office at Lynchburg * Office at Norfolk . . . Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia 126,960 2,423 58,232 6 ,477 34,013 5.407 2,306 91 20 82 36 14 61 17 25,950 23 380 94 10,580 36 1,628 35 3,7 5 6 84 65 6,252 30,352 1,857 02 02 60 63 1,984 08 1,316 95 10,318 68 53,024 53,020 13,026 1,175 870 3 ,3 6 4 200 31 51 64 81 71 74 00 247 Foreign banks, viz. Bank o f Newburgh * • Bank of Troy Bank o f Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank , . Merchants’ Bank, Providence , New F.ngland Bank • State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad. R. C. Weightman, cashier . Office at Norfolk Daniel Itavenel, cashier < Bank of State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier • Isaac Henry, do Richard Iielf, do Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Hank, Bridgeport Mechan cs’ Bank, New llaven Trenton Banking Company . John W . Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchants’ Hank, Baltimore Fall Itiver Bank, Massachusetts Catskill Bank, New York Agricultural Hank, Mississippi Insurance Bank Columbus, Georgia Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile, Alabama • Orange Bank, New Jersey Branch at Tarborough, North Carolina Paterson Bank, New Jersey • Middletown Hank, Connecticut Foreign notes collected • M e c h a n i c s ’ B a n k — Continued. * Iia .lt notes on hand, viz. New York Bank • Union do • America do City <lo • Phenix tlo • North River do . Tradesmen's do Chemical d» • Fulton do • Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ do Mechanics and Traders’ Bank National do Merchants’ I'.xchang-e do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of foreign banks do Specie - . 2 0 ,4 J5 51,535 37,542 8,471 52 >892 3,446 2,858 4,844 7,541 2,995 6,235 2,828 2,307 9,137 8,876 17,502 6,853 493,706 . .. . . . 78 42 74 04 95 87 01 76 68 75 00 43 10 50 91 38 31 00 875,874 54 645,833 44 Branch at Newbern Branch at Kdenton Branch atTarborough Office at Fayetteville Planters b. Mechanics’ Bank, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta • Mechanics’ Bai k, Augus'a Augus'a Insurance and Banking Co. • Louisiana State Bank * • Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile C mmerciftl Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Formers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of foreign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama Morris Canal and Banking Co., N. J . Atlas Bank, Boston, Massachusetts Bank of the Metropolis, Dist. Columbia Bank of Ithica, N. Y. • • Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals $6,843,681 56 - 418 62 \ I ■: 58,173 OO 46,288 13 140,478 51,887 50,269 100 81 39 61 00 45 78 2.000 7,583 4,334 446,168 470 4,330 27,567 4,000 * 00 04 65 45 00 87 06 00 1,318,807 84 496,452 00 1,046,499 30 $6,843,681 56 State o f the Mechanics’ Bank, New York, August 30, 1834. Bills discounted • Bills under protest Bonds receivable • • - Contingent expenses Rc*l estate Do special account - 4,032,811 89 82,396 28 163,296 33 4 ,2 7 8 ,5 0 4 50 1 ,425 75 48,792 47 8,7 7 4 70 57,567 17 Patterson bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company T h e Bank Committee The Safety Fund . do 2 000,000 00 245,441 23,644 42,046 22,132 11,333 72 08 38 78 13 2 ,3 4 4 ,5 9 8 09 1,252,894 28 159,9*9 29 John Campbell, Treasurer United States Samuel Swartwout collector 627 27 24,356 17 24,983 44 City banks, viz. Branch Bank do Manhattan Merchants’ do do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix North River do Tradesmen's do do Chemical do Fulton Dry Dock do do Greenwich Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do do National do Merchants’ Exchange Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward , Capital stock • Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents . - 16,097 68 42,727 85 39,824 47 103,857 355,309 27,787 7,1 5 0 21,163 9,620 26 95 36 58 86 36 5,171 64 6,4 8 6 00 4,281 79 468 45,580 1 028 14,437 13,413 06 15 56 46 45 714,506 48 City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do . Union do America do City do Phenix do No-.'tli Kiver do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton dtf Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Dravers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants* Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Foreign banks,-viz. Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh - 13,405 46 40 rf*. so 7,471 96 7,4 5 0 02 28,327 44 35,905 20 (— 1 00 M ech a n ics ’ B ank — Continued. n oo Foreign banks, viz. Bank o f Newburgh . Bank of Troy Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank . . . Merchants’ Bank, Providence . New England Bank • State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philud’u R . C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier Bank o f State of Georgia • . Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry do Richard Relf do . 'Bank o f Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport . Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven . Trenton Bankirtg Company John W. Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Fall River Bank, Massachusetts . Catskill Bank, New York Agricultural Bank, Mississippi Insurance Bank, Columbus, Georgia Central Bank of Florida . . Bank of Mobile, Alabama . Paterson Bank, New Jersey Middletown Bank, Connecticut . Foreign notes collected, - 21,959 43 10,807 83 1,243 41 27,646 06 68,573 13 11,387 18 13,343 61,463 30,067 209 15,546 69 13 01 64 14 4 ,0 8 7 37 6,2 1 2 47 886 66 18,228 11,474 629 15,501 5,026 14,262 690 995 2,2 5 0 1,333 396 76 86 30 85 13 41 83 86 78 28 16 344,223 35 Bank notes on hand, viz Branch United States Bank - 33,428 52 Catskill Bank State Bank, Albany . Bank of Troy . _ Bank of Utica Bank o f Plattsburgh Branch at Canandaigua Windham County Bank . Tolland County Bank Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phccnix Bank at Hartford . Branch at Litchfield . Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Hank, Boston Commonwealth Bank, do Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford Fall River Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, New Jersey Mechanics’ Bank a f Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers «iiil Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank o f Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg * Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg - 147,627 192 48,306 6,477 41,819 2,306 5,531 23 57 05 36 64 17 11 10,623 17 10,692 85 10,997 60 to 0\ © 5,603 29 3,968 44 65 593 29,410 5 ,5 3 4 1,500 9,050 02 44 03 48 56 00 12,766 71 56,685 14.031 25,585 1,216 94 07 00 72 Manhattan Bank Merchants’ do New York do Union do * America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen's do • Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Hank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do 'Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of foreign banks Specic • 28,951 67,499 35,665 42,672 43,831 2,171 24,929 3 ,7 8 4 6,462 4,0 1 6 9,3 4 5 4,3 6 5 573 2,115 1,271 23,006 22,520 8,192 4,049 497,016 79 39 75 45 52 40 49 99 47 50 66 26 00 40 00 64 75 48 32 00 ■• 865,869 78 670,667 82 Office at Norfolk Fanners’ Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbern Branch at Kdenton Branch at Tarboro’ Office at Fayetteville Planters 8c Mechanics’ Bank, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta . Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta . Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank Central Hank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of foreign bills . Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama Morris Canal and Banking Co., N. J. . Atlas Bank, Boston, Massachusetts . Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. Bank of Ithica, New York Girsrd Bank, Pennsylvania Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals $ 6,957,748 29 - 2,264 81 8,849 07 200 00 418 62 59,498 47 53,875 86 111,154 103,932 37., 104 100 45 00 59 OOj 4.5 78 5,3 3 8 82 2,000 00 8,078 15,923 433,062 470 5,989 J 16,999 4,000 68 40 33 00 76 43 00 Cjx 10,000 00 1,465,K )5 72 501,634 00 1,204,569 47 $6,957,748 29 m oo u i State o f the Mechanics' Bank, New York, September 6, 1834. Bills discounted . WJills under protest “Bonds receivable Contingent expenses Heal estate . Beal special account . • - - - • • . - 4 ,0 6 5 ,6 1 4 71 82,396 28 171,296 33 48,792 47 8 ,7 7 4 70 4,319,307 32 3,679 72 57,56 7 17 Paterson Bank stock 'Williamsburg' Turnpike Company T he Bank Committee T h e Safety Fund • 24,983 44 City banks, viz. Bank Branch do Manhattan Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do D ry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do 48,568 41,893 38,392 56,190 54,659 310,419 7,611 70 66 07 42 72 28 41 24,174 89 16,789 91 1,125 30 6,1 5 0 45 1,7 5 9 68 14,961 77 13,930 03 636,627 29 2 ,000,000 245,241 30,905 41,568 22,129 11,400 Capital stock Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents • John Campbell, Treasurer U. City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical (lo Fulton do Dry Do«k do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Foreign banks, viz. Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh . Catskill Bank State Bank, Albany • Co 00 72 15 13 62 95 States - 42,203 00 - 8,863 77 2 ,3 5 1 ,2 4 5 57 1,33 4 ,9 9 4 28 g to 7,308 09 424 23 • ' . 22,967 35 • 41,031 91 • 5,8 6 5 97 « 129,595-06 122,798 35 Bank notes on hand, viz. Branch U. S. Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do /I 669 36 3 ,6 6 4 12 233,023 39 Bank of Troy Ilank of Utica . . . . Bank o f Plattsburgh . . . Branch at Canandaigua . . . Windham County Bank Tolland County Bank i . Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank at Hartford Branch at Litchfield \ t Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bunk, do . Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford Fall River Bank . . . Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. 11. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, New Jersey Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad. Bank of Northern Liberties • Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Balt. Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia . . . Office at Petersburg Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg . . . Office at Norfolk . . . Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbem . . . Branch at Edenton Branch at Tarboro’ 5 5 ,8 9 2 91 - 6,4 7 7 48,138 1,656 886 • 12,267 07 - 2 ,5 4 4 73 9,3 7 5 62 903 65 - 7.3 0 2 37 - - • * - 12,525 1,106 370 65 1,458 22,454 5,4 5 7 36 31 11 17 18 68 70 02 70 57 91 • 9 ,6 7 8 78 • 11,955 71 • 5,9 3 9 19 • • • 34,678 11,825 14,424 1 359 . 53%910 5,999 198 370 y 55 25 52 06 56 07 25 62 253 Foreign banks, viz. Bank o f Newburgh Bank o f Troy . . . Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank . . . Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank,Philad II. C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier • Bank o f State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry, do Richard Ilelf, do • Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport. • Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company John W. Wright, cashicr Farmers and Merchants’ Bank,Baltimore Catskill Bank, New York Agricultural Bank, Mississippi Insurance Bank, Georgia • Central Bank of Florida Bank o f Mobile, Alabama • Orange Bank, NeW Jersey Brooklyn Bank, New York Foreign notes collected • - *1 •* * * M e c h a n ic s ’ B a n k — Continued. Specie - . . 3 ,8 6 9 11,152 1 ,746 3 ,4 8 8 10,978 15,492 3 ,0 4 7 2 ,1 3 2 •1,605 278 21 ,115 7 ,993 8 ,2 0 6 5,6 6 9 671,483 72 95 04 57 56 00 25 00 50 00 11 92 84 85 00 1,009 ,0 8 8 88 691,485 09 Office at Fayetteville . Planters & Mechanics’ Bank, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercwl Bank, Sciolo, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe . . . Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of foreign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama Insurance Branch Bank, Macon, Georgia Morris Canal and Banking Company, N. J, Atlas Bank, Boston, Mass. Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. Girard Bank, Penn. Office at Danville, Virginia Paterson Bank, N. J . Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals J 6 ,974,762 30 00 58,256 87 24,870 65 94,282 17 88,436 02 2S.604 89 100 00 45 78 3,4 2 9 15 2,0 00 00 7,9 2 6 31 16,423 00 411,016 37 354 Bank notes on hand, viz. City Bank Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants' Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes o f foreign banks - r— i 12,000 00 470 5,068 54,899 14,000 17,470 2,708 00 87 43 00 23 13 1,313,691 52 519,696 00 1,332,336 58 >6,974,762 30 Bills discounted Bill* under protest Bonds receivable • • - ■4,107,709 67 82,396 28 171,296 33 Contingent expenses Real estate Do special account • 48,792 47 8,774 70 4,361,402 28 3,785 22 57,567 17 Paterson Bank stock "Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee The Safety Fund , • City Ranks, viz.' Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do * Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovera’ Bank Mechanics and Trader*’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do * 627 27 24,356 17 24,983 44 74,401 55 65,375 38 • 36,134 94 - '207,091 22 * 14,346 32 22,025 20 4,935 06 - 2,855 09 - 4,292 88 7,783 33 - 29,041 48 24,778 88 13, 1834. 2 , 000,000 00 Capital stock Profit and kiss * Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances ltents - 245,241 38,809 39,923 22,129 11,400 John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. City banks, via. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do • * New York do Union do America do City do * Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers' do Seventh Ward do 72 29 68 62 95 2,357,505 26 1,458,754 28 56,819 75 47,756 26 ssz State o f the Mechanics* Bank, New York, September 23 ,086 95 23,675 44 6,748 61 2,359 54 6,585 02 44,889 51 211,919 08 493,061 33 Foreign Ranke, viz. Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh Catskill Bank State Bank, Albaay • 18,147 88 • 47,626 22 CD M e c h a n i c s ’ B a n k — C o n tin u e d . CO Bank notes on hand, viz. Branch U. S. Bank Manhattan do • Merchants’ do New York do Digitized forUnion FRASER do - 10,702 65 4,529 05 11,120 33 32,268 589 9,170 11,387 19 61 79 18 15,725 44,220 30,763 1,989 17,036 40 40 32 56 49 5,386 6,042 397 18,287 28 23 00 57 10,089 2,026 16,678 1,789 396 81 13 66 66 16 250,596 47 31,410 19,691 104,286 25,432 51,743 82 09 88 32 52 Bank of Troy Bank of Utica Bank of Plattsburgh Branch at Canandaigua Windham County Bank Tolland County Bank Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Pecenix Bank, at Hartford Branch, at Litchfield • Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bank, do Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford Fall River Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H . Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, N. J. Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Phila. Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg Office at Norfolk Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg 49,113 6,477 58,433 3,706 886 63 36 39 91 17 13,194 76 10,741 87 7,334 47 1,833 33 3,085 45 7,480 4,709 370 65 4,268 11,099 2,447 1,674 8,125 68 86 70 02 78 42 24 00 51 12,288 88 3,822 59 31,485 13,750 16,508 1,524 52,419 3,700 00 73 00 54 73 11 256 Foreign Banks, viz. Bank of Newburgh Bank of Troy Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Phila. B. C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel cashier Bank of State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry, do Richard Hclf do Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company • John W . Wright, cashier • Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimor Catskill Bank, New York Agricultural Bank, Mississippi Insurance Bank, Georgia Bank of Mobile, Alabama Foreign notes collected America do City do do Phenix North River do Tradesmen’s do do Chemical do Pulton do Diy Dock do Greenwich Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics’ and Traders’ do w National do to Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of foreign banks do Specie • Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals >6,890,708 63 198 23 2,738 00 56,578 41 48,106 79 83,552 80,495 28,069 100 401 25 87 96 00 03 45 78 1,833 00 2,000 7,783 16,423 12,000 404,074 470 6,737 47,594 13,167 17,470 1,751 - 00 31 41 00 37 00 69 18 06 23 12 257 1,016,541 61 682,771 U Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbern Branch at Edenton Branch at Tarborough Office at Fayetteville Planters & Mechanics’ Bank, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of Foreign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia Insurance Branch Bank, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama Morris Canal and Banking Co., N. J. Atlas Bank, Boston, Mass. Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. Girard Bank, Penn. Office at Danville, Virginia Paterson Bank, New Jersey 1,227,8(5 92 535,961 00 1,098,756 09 $ 6 , 890,708 63 r —l OO S tate o f the Mechanics' B a n k , New York, September 20, 1834. 1 1 B Bills discounted Bills under protest Bond9 receivable . . Contingent expenses Real estate Real special account . • _ . . ■ . Paterson Dank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee The Safety Fund . 4,190,021 37 82,396 28 171,296 33 43,792 47 8,774 70 - 627 27 . 24,356 17 66,674 29,953 3,600 125,684 757 27,202 21,687 _ , 4,443,713 98 3,*799 00 52,567 17 24,983 44 12 32 42 83 27 35 61 1,658 09 4,794 92 - 12,827 77 3,759 97 • - 10,670 55 7,835 69 - 317,106 91 Capital stock . . . Profit and loss . . . Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents . . . . -. - John Campbell, Treasurer U.S. City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do • Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do • Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Foreign banks, viz. Brooklyn Bank . . Bank of Newburgh .Catskill Bank . 2,000,000 245,241 50,275 38,195 22,129 11,400 - 00 72 71 85 62 95 - * . «k 37,500 98 38,631 68 - . . - 13,081 59 20,612 63 18,012 50 - - 17,117 04 - • 2,367,243 85 1,453,052 31 258 City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do • City do Phenix do • North River do • Tradesmens’ do Chemical do Fulton do _ Dry Dock do • „ Greenwich do • Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do do National do Merchants’ Exchange I.eather Manufacturers’ do do Seventh Ward . . 0» 8,127 06153,083 48 - 15,926 24 Bank notes on hand, viz. Branch U. S. Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do - 279,283 31 State Bank, Albany Bank of Troy Bank of Utica Bank of Plattsburgh Branch at Canandaigua Windham County Bank Tolland County Bank Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank at Hartford • • Branch at Litchfield Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bank, Boston Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford Fall River Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark • Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, N. J. Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Balt. Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Pettrsburg Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg Office at Norfolk Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbern Branch at Edenton 201,470 85 46,828 6,477 45,052 6.059 525 52 36 33 71 05 30,062 50 6,305 63 6,844 82 2.371 29 12,015 26 224 4,596 155 60 7,002 35,577 4,345 29 86 48 02 22 48 25 6SZ Foreign banks, viz. Hank of Newburgh Hank of Troy Hank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a R. C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier Hank of State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry do Richard llelf do • Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven • Trenton Banking Company John W . Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Catskill Bank, New York Agricultural Bank, Mississippi . Orange Bank, New Jersey Insurance Bank, Georgia Central Bank of Florida * Bank of Mobile, Alabama Branch at Newbern, North Carolina Bank of Chillicothe, Ohio Foreign notes collected - 5,456 31 24,268 66 7,511 00 1.371 96 31,543 15,585 18,857 255 59,101 1,452 198 18 58 68 85 96 11 35 QO M e c h a n ic s ’ p-i B a n k — C o n tin u e d . oo Specie - - - 38,467 5,835 9,520 4,081 5,880 5,636 8,516 2,807 2,358 3,539 1,799 27,515 1,904 11,472 1,919 729,301 IS 14 08 26 07 66 16 74 40 80 05 91 97 77 38 00 1,281,940 76 672,235 28 Branch at Tarboro’ Office at Fayetteville Planters and Mechanics’ II ink, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta . . . Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank . . . Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Cliattahouche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of foreign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama Insurance (Branch) Bank, Georgia Morris Canal and Banking Co., N. J. Atlas Bank, Boston, Massachusetts Bank of the Meti-opolis, D. C. Girard Bank, Pennsylvania Office at Danville, Virginia Paterson Bank, New Jersey Isaac Henry, cashier, Georgia Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals *7,075,629 85 2,537 60 53,826 51 46,115 86 63,709 42 79,922 17 21,920 96 100 00 46 00 2,000 00 860 America Bank City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of foreign banks - 7,150 30 17,423 40 323,850 20 12,000 00 470 10,290 27,744 278 17,470 500 3,888 00 93 00 99 23 81 45 1,318,749 63 516,416 00 1,267,084 58 *7,075,629 85 State o f the Mechanics’ Bank, New York, September 27, 1834. ■ > - Contingent expenses Real estate . . . Real special account - - 4,097,286 43 81,160 80 171,296 33 4,349,743 56 3,808 97 - 43,792 47 8,774 70 52,567 17 Paterson Bank stock 'Williamsburg' Turnpike Company The Bank Committee The Safety Fund City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do 627 27 24,356 17 24,983 44 24,878 10 6,853 63 201,271 30 47,071 76 27,398 08 28,297 27 7,044 10 6,368 26 7,308 76 29,113 90 18,687 77 404,292 93 2,000,000 00 244,249 88 55,288.43 36,455 85 22,129 62 11,400 95 Capital stock Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents John Campbell, Treasurer United States City banks, viz. _ . Branch Bank . Manhattan do ■ Merchants’ do New York do . . . Union do America do . City do Phenix do North River do . . . Tradesmen’s do . . . Chemical do _ ' Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do * Butchers and Drovers’ Bank * Mechanics and Traders’ do National do m Merchants’ Exchange do % Leather Manufacturers do Seventh Ward do Foreign banks, viz • Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh Catskill Bank Stats Bank, Albany - • * • - - •• * - 2,369,524 73 1,451,552 31 17,770 14 44,919 01 46,276 82 195 Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable 47,984 73 204 00 5,084 08 1,424 00 25,200 52 15,035 46 203,898 76 11,029 60 41 72 r— I 149,276 58 L_l 00 Foreign banks, viz. Bank of Newburgh Bank of Troy Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank . . . Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, I'hiladel R. C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk Daniel ltavenel, cashier Bank of State of Georgia • Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry, do Richard Relf, do * * Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport • Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company John \V. Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimor Catskill Bank, New York * Paterson Bank, New Jersey Agricultural Bank, Mississippi Insurance Bank. Columbus, Georgia Central Bank of Florida • Bank of Mobile, Alabama Branch at Newbern, North Carolina Foreign notes collected Bank notes on hand, viz. Branch U. S. Bank do Manhattan • - 8,853" 49 1,440 65 11,387 18 18,277 79,449 30,982 2,018 20,558 27 29 49 91 14 5,289 7,568 1,434 18,437 27 23 97 57 16,876 2,990 3,491 29,383 739 1,252 252 396 65 18 00 00 14 81 41 16 42,775 48 33,086 99 e c h a n ic s ’ B ank— C o n tin u e d . Bank of Troy . . . . Bank of Utica . Bank of Plattsburgh Branch at Canandaigua • Windham County Bank Tolland County Bank . . . Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank, at Hartford Branch, at Litchfield . . . Middletown Bank . . . Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth do do Merchants’ do New Bedford Fall River Bank . . . Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark . . . Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, New Jersey • Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Phila. Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia . . . Office at Petersburg . . . Office at Fredericksburg 261,078 81 Office at Lynchburg . . . Office at Norfolk . . . [ Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg • - 4,018 60,357 6,477 51,802 6,329 525 72 80 36 33 71 05 10,980 38 5,984 31 9,273 66 3,315 74 10,087 08 793 25 15,598 60 6,339 07 389 48 62 05 3,272 82 17,440 41 3,341 64 1,085 51 51 91 12,850 86 814 72 347 28 4,957 11,834 16,020 2,556 69,325 617 10 15 48 00 63 44 C95 M Merchants’ do do New York do Union do America City do do Phenix North Hiver do Tradesmen’s do do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Trader*’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of foreign banks - 14 49 45 49 13 03 12 77 60 84 66 92 86 16 29 79 20 39 00 1,119,777 70 648,569 91 Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbevn Branch at Edenton Branch at Tarboro’ — Office at Fayetteville Planters’ & Mechanics’ Bank, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta . . . Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta • Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial BanV, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe . . . Farmers’ Bank, Cliattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier . Collections of foreign bills . Branch at Macon, Georgia . . Branch at Mobile, Alabama . Hagerstown Bank, Maryland . Insurance Branch Bank, Georgia . Morris Canal and Banking Co., N. J. Atlas Bank, Boston, Massachusetts . Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. Girard Bank, Pennsylvan a . . Office at Danville, Virginia • . Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals - 193 54 2,537 60 59,537 87 74,274 03 59,298 €8,112 3,520 100 61 19 96 00 . 46 00 1,575 13 2,000 7,048 17,791 313,387 1,000 12,000 470 17,320 9,002 250 17,470 - 00 30 00 12 00 00 00 53 72 24 23 263 Specie 80,766 20,422 60,928 29,882 23,919 42,736 5,342 2,807 4,540 7,891 4,089 3,845 4,570 563 26,193 22,316 11,241 2,972 688,885 1,164,139 51 561,520 00 1,114,187 18 *6,864,822 49 00 State o f the Mechanics' Bank, New York, October 4, 1834. QO —r — — -----------Sills discounted. . Bills under protest Bonds receivable - . - 4,045,684 56 81,160 80 171,296 33 Contingent expenses Real estate Real special account • • - - " 43,792 47 8,774 70 4,298,141 69 6,0*5 48 52,567 17 Paterson Bank stock ■Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee The Safety Fund • - 627 27 24,356 17 24,983 44 City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do • Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do • 178,305 07 • 109,400 40 . - 24,695 26,098 15,454 97,164 29,464 - 72,859 66 12,410 68 4,435 95 - • * 99 27 25 72 38 27,958 39 323 34 591,571 10 Capital stock Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents - 2,000,000 244,707 64,501 34,850 22,129 11,400 John Campbell, Treasurer U. States City banks, viz. Branch Bank . . Manhattan do Merchants’ do . New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do . Tradesmen’s do . Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers do Seventh Ward do Commercial do Foreign banks, viz. . Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh % - 00 12 41 80 62 95 - - 131,744 22 - 71,208 50 - 8,593 86 27,262 71 . . . . . 27,406 12,360 16,657 20,423 - 17,605 00 . 27,236 78 2,377,589 90 1,503,052 31 77 74 36 52 333,162 68 Foreign banks, viz. Bank of Newburgh Bank of Troy Bank of Utica liraiicli at Canandaigua Thames Bank Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick jjj Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad. R. C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier • Bank of State of Georgia • Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry do • Richard Rclf, do Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company * John W. Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Ca'skill Bank, New York Agricultural Bank, Mississippi Insurance Bank, Georgia Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile, Alabama Branch at Newbern, North Carolina Commonwealth Bank, Massachusetts Bank of Chillicothe, Ohio Foreign notes collected • Bank notes on hand, viz. Branch United States Bank Manhattan do * Merchants’ do New York do Union do - 3,068 38 10,655 95 1,469 44 16,815 err 11,387 18 18,760 33 6 6 ,5 2 9 7 2 31,188 95 6,176 03 15,548 14 5,025 605 1,949 18,436 4,326 21,912 3,481 50,147 739 2,148 732 254 4,437 596 94 62 56 57 21 34 76 55 14 96 69 71 82 16 76,259 35,143 86,376 27,624 21,980 06 40 09 84 98 Catskiil Bank State Bank, Albany Bank of Troy Bank of Utica Bank of Plattsburgh Branch at Cananda’gua Windham County Bank Tolland County Bank Thames Bank Connecticut ltiver Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank at-Hartford Branch at Litchfield Middletown Bank • Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bank, do Merchants’ Banli, New Bedford Fall River Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth N. II. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, New Jersey Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad. Bank of Northern Liberties . Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank,Baltimore Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg Office at Norfolk Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbern 155,842 7,308 39,468 6,477 55,870 3,3 J9 812 60 27 29 36 08 71 36 11,067 60 9,210 21 8,835 78 2,375 10 5,803 85 29,818 64 3,978 64 1,112 00 2,372 4,231 36,878 5,961 706 15,311 39 13 43 87 63 30 7,181-81 3,619 13,401 21,263 6,103 53,337 2,594 198 35 52 95 93 19 81 54 OO M e c h a n i c s ’ B a n k — C o n tin u e d . oo Specie . - 35,002 25,852 6,558 3,522 4,838 10,134 11,561 2,218 11,357 4,074 988 21,665 76,074 16,406 4,209 701,835 85 00 66 14 43 02 03 00 07 CO S3 64 67 43 13 00 1,183,688 67 615,087 18 Branch at Edenton Branch at Turborough Office at Fayetteville Planters and Mechanics’ Bank,Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta • Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers' Bank, CliattalioocliQ, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of foneign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama Hagerstown Bank, Maryland Morris Canal and Banking Co., N. J. Atlas Bank, Boston, Massachusetts Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. Girard Bank, Pennsylvania Paterson Bank, New Jersey Office at Danville, Virginia Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals *7,094,243 53 429 63 39,009 58 116,495 68 64,143 66.953 2,964 100 00 76 31 00 46 00 266 Bank notes on hand, viz Bank America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmans do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich Butchers and Drovers’ do Mechanics &. Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of foreig-n banks 2,000 00 7,048 16,639 313,387 1,800 470 16,172 9,315 250 2,093 17,470 30 00 12 00 00 70 25 24 43 23 1,218,498 35 482,073 0 0 1,179,867 29 *7,094,243 53 State o f the Mechanics' Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable Contingent expenses Real estate Heal special account - - - • - Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee The Safety Fund - 85 80 33 47 70 52,567 17 - 627 27 • 24,356 1 7 • - 264,565 71 . . . • 29,384 10 22,706 36 102,843 61 - J - 61,390 20 11,171 £4 15,137 55 m_ j . . . . 14,888 9,427 35,556 31,349 - . • 4,333,598 98 6,030 48 08 54 71 61 24,983 44 676,867 87 2,003,000 244,707 71,602 33,260 22,129 11,400 Capita! stock Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Kents - 00 12 53 09 62 95 2,383,100 31 1,566,327 15 John Campbell, Treasurer U. States City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan Bank Merchants’ do . New York da Union do America do City (lo Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do do Dry Dock Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Commercial do Foreign banks, viz. Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh - 22,958 09 38,904 09 - 39,464 91 • 21,773 57 23,656 60 267 City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan Bank Merchants’ do . New York do . Union do • . America do City (lo • Phenix do . North River do . Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do do Seventh Ward 3,981,141 81,160 271,296 --------j 43,7y^ 8 .7 7 4 - k, New York, October 11, 1834. 20,155 22 2,317 80 28,794 69 34,232 07 198,024 97 CD Foreign banks, viz. Bank of Newburgh Bank of Troy . . . Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad. R. C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier Bank of State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Hem y do Richard Relf do Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company John \V. Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Catskill Bank, New York Agricultural Bank, Mississippi Insurance Bank, Georgia Insurance Branch Batik, Georgia Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile, Alabama Branch atNewbern, North Carolina Bank of Chillicothe, Ohio Middletown Bank, Connecticut Foreign notes collected - 22,522 36 9,1 5 8 43 9,3 2 4 23 75,602 67 11,387 18 22,672 46,794 27,372 11,545 15,614 24 57 00 00 26 5,2 3 7 13.514 2,133 19,447 1,959 24,688 3,4 7 9 49,888 1,369 739 1,560 730 567 1,425 396 00 84 41 36 88 04 00 08 20 14 58 00 73 26 16 379,128 62 s’k — Continued. Catskill Bank State Bank, Albany Bank of Troy Bank of Utica . . . Bank of Plattsburgh Branch at Canandaigua • Windham County Bank * Tolland County Bank _• Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank, at Hartford Branch, at Litchfield Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Bi ston Commonwealth Bank, do • Merchant’s Bank, New Bedford Fall River Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark * Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy • Orange Bank, N. J . Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Phila. Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank o f Washington Bank of Virginia .Office at Petersburg Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg • - OO 129,018 45 8,087 6,477 58,832 2,629 1,137 94 36 59 09 00 14,529 00 1,060 00 11,434 36 12,594 9 ,0 3 7 21,468 1,596 1,112 1,377 9,572 17,249 3,2 5 6 1,719 6,591 42 44 43 54 00 39 23 08 30 85 77 3,380 49 35,122 5 ,430 22,575 2,262 43 93 75 81 895 M echanics’ Specie . . . 41,572 62,799 82,570 26,797 40,909 26,545 27,099 19,057 9,306 2,737 5,180 4,357 3,238 7,786 4,116 2,275 9,787 28,539 7,762 5,894 615,146 15,170 “ 80 18 51 74 53 27 85 93 91 00 48 87 25 52 66 00 54 18 66 41 00 00 • 1,018,651 29 625,528 94 Office at Norfolk Farmers Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia • Branch at Newbern Branch at Edenton Branch at Tarborough • Office at Fayetteville • Planters & Mechanics' Bank, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. • Louisiana State Hank Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, Cashier • Collections of foreign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama Hagerstown Bank, Maryland Morris Canal and Banking Co., N. J. Atlas Bank, Boston, Massachusetts Bank of the Metropolis, I). C. Girard Bunk, PennsylvanH Paterson Bank, New Jersey Office at Danville, Virginia Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals *7,147,356 79 49,451 52 2.343 00 198 13 430 00 38,452 89 134,973 77 60,543 5,834 78,968 100 58 00 12 00 46 00 2,000 6,916 15,830 312,445 1,800 470 4,295 59,133 250 4,913 17,470 - 00 30 08 95 00 00 35 89 00 00 00 269 Banks notes on hand, viz. Branch IT. S. Bank • Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do * Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do * Tradesmen’s do • Chemical do Fulton do * Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do • Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh W ard do * Notes of Foreign banks do Commercial Bank - 1,218,651 30 561,821 00 1,219,432 06 $7,147,356 79 S ta le o f the M echanics ’ B a n k , N ew York, October IS, 1834. QO Bills discounted Hills under protest Bonds receivable - - Contingent expenses Heal estate Heal special account - 3 , 9 7 3 , 7 7 7 91 81,160 80 329,296 33 4,384,235 04 6,136 08 43,792 47 8,774 70 52,567 17 Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee The Safety Fund - 627 2 7 24,356 17 24,983 44 . . • - • • . • . • . • . . . • • . . • • . » • - - 272 094 15,090 48,022 51,061 86,546 21 91 56 30 21 24,911 17 5,879 74 32,026 75 7,912 94 7,997 59 1 ,159 13 42,0*29 04 41,259 17 635,990 72 . . John Campbell, Treasurer U. States City banks, vis. Branch Bank Manhattan Bank Merchants’ do New York do Dnion do America do City do Phenix do Nor h River do Tradesmen’s do • Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Commercial do Foreign banks, viz. Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh Catskill Bank - 2 ,000,000 00 244,707 78,341 32,083 22,129 11,400 12 49 39 62 95 2,338,662 57 1,693,817 12 23,180 13 21,517 12 270 City banks, viz. . Branch Bank Manhattan Bank Merchants* do . New York do • Union do do America do City • Phenix do _ North Hiver do Tradesmen’s do do Chemical • do Fulton • Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers' Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants* Exchange do Leather Manufacturers* do do Seventh Ward Capital stock Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents - 29,970 45 35,696 08 23,708 29 13,074 15 5,222 21 2,152 27 1 8 ,1 1 7 65 1 5 4,5 20 70 ’ Foreign banks, viz. Batik of Newburgh Bank of Troy * Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Phil’a R. C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier Bank of State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry, do » Richard Relf, do . Bank o t Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company John W. Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Bah. Catskill Bank, New York Agricultural Bank, Mississippi Planters’ Bank of Tennessee Insurance Bank, Georgia Do Branch, do . Central Bank of Florida . Bank of Mobile, Alabama Branch at Newbern, North Carolina Bank of Chillicothe, Ohio • Fall River Bank, Massachusetts Bank of the Northern Liberties, Penn. Foreign notes collected - - Bank notes on hand, viz. Branch U. S. Bank . Manhattan do - - - - 29,379 83 8,658 77 9,841 91 m . . . . _ . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ • . _ 520 00 105,114 40 11,387 00 49,871 15 151 7,320 15,835 87 26 34 01 5,361 96 13,802 34 2,107 00 19,733 66 5,485 80 20,366 87 1,979 26 3,216 05 37,742 84 2,203 32 739 14 456 74 3,128 00 3,138 42 2,744 33 3,675 05 396 16 42,119 21 45,590 45 State Bank, Albany Bank of Troy Bank of Utica Bank of Plattsburgh Branch at Canandaigua • Windham county Bank Tolland county Bank Thames Bank Connecticut Biver Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank, at Hartford * Branch at Litchfield Middletown Bank • Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bank, do Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford Fall River Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, New Jersey Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Phil’a. Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Balt. Batik of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg Office at Norfolk . Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbern Branch at Edenton 294,766 07 10,449 6,477 47,935 2,209 886 76 36 85 09 30 10,941 89 12,239 76 9,077 16 974 71 9,164 14,487 46,535 1,874 22 00 91 48 1,372 10,777 28,781 1,822 787 19,106 00 50 26 33 20 28 48,944 5,670 23,329 2,519 46,873 14,109 198 15 41 26 19 05 18 13 n M e c h a n i c s ’ B a n k — C o n tin u e d . c» Merchants' Bank do New York do Union do America City do do Phenix North River do Tradesmen’s do do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich Butchers & Drovers’ Bank Mechanics 8t Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of Foreign Banks Commercial B»nk Specie . . . 129,316 95 20,205 69 52,750 95 75,713 99 18,475 22 27,464 85 3 202 95 4,260 87 7,558 25 34,921 31 3,896 23 1.994 70 4,928 98 2,090 00 11,543 72 80,974 36 19,448 56 6,259 10 624,357 00 5,722 63 Branch at Tarboro’ . . . Office at Fayetteville . . . Planters &. Mechanics’ B ’k, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah branch at Augusta Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank • Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bunk, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Co. . Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Cliattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of foreign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama Hagerstown Bank, Maryland Morris Canal and Bunking Co., N. J. 1,222,796 02 Atlas Bank, Boston, Massachusetts Baukof the Metropolis, D. C. 610,740 33 Girard Bank, Pennsylvania Paterson Bank, New Jersey Office at Danville, Virginia • Daniel Eavenel, cashier, S. Carolina Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals $ 7 ,316,806 13 224 63 54,090 12 106,315 41 41,319 75 59,773 59 4,034 61 100 00 46 00 2 ,0 0 0 00 6,378 41 22,842 GO 307,791 53 1,800 00 470 00 12,327 01 38,911 53 250 00 7,628 24 17,470 00 143 19 1,374,439 17 509,222 00 1,196,144 57 $7,316,806 13 S ta te o f the M echanics' Bills discounted . . . Bills under protest * to Bonds receivable Cm Contingent expenses • Real estate Heal special account • * • 3,910,814 59 81,160 80 329,296 33 * • • 43,792 47 8,774 70 Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg'Turnpike Company The Bank Committee The Safety Fund • • 52,567 17 627 -27 24,356 17 24,983 44 204,048 82 11,299 34 77,086 41 5,251 09 10,959 01 6,797 70 23,131 10,878 254 9,314 34 05 39 24 1,158 33,184 58,548 40,051 06 43 27 54 491,892 69 Capital stock Profit and loss Discount received • Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Kents . . 25, 1834. • . John Campbell, Treasurer United States City banks, viz. Bank Branch Manhattan do do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America City do do Phenix North River do Tradesmen’* do Chemical do Fulton do do Dry Dock do Greenwich Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Trade i S’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Commercial do Foreign banks, viz. Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh Catskill Bank • , 2 000,000 00 244,807 83,662 31,453 -22,129 11,400 12 25 38 63 95 2,393,253 38 1,693,817 12 31,660 50 820 23 654 43 273 City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants* do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do • Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do 4,321,271 72 6,176 88 'c,New Y ork, October 24,789 03 38,828 44 31,165 10 29,037 37 9,469 73 156,955 10 r—i 0D I__ I . M echanics’ nk— C o n tin u e d . CO 16.157 58 12,984 45 7,622 34 727 00 12.3,0.12 20 11,387 00 235 31,549 31,653 300 17,118 56 55 48 00 52 5,107 10,082 2,692 19,831 30 46 31 99 29,796 2,212 3,716 38,208 2,203 739 909 3,400 3,674 396 5,366 23 00 05 50 32 00 00 81 69 16 79 372,084 3 State Bank, Albany - Bank of Troy Bank of Utica . . . Hank of Plattsburgh Branch at Canandaigua Windham County Bank Tolland County Bank * Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company C nnecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank, at Hartford • Branch at Litchfield • * • Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence • New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bank, do • Merchants’ Bank, New BedforJ Fall ltiver Bank . . . Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, N. J. Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a Bank of Northern Liberties . Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers & Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia • Office at Petersburg • • Office at Fredricksburg Office at Lynchburg • • Offi:e at Norfolk Farmers' Bank at Lynchburg - 26,668 00 3,333 6,477 45,438 6,059 1,285 08 36 80 09 30 12,479 C9 729 00 6,303 83 3,579 33,947 8,369 2,186 1,096 932 3,950 26,019 34 65 29 52 05 39 42 00 11,504 01 67 78 47,851 14,307 28,046 2,638 39,579 14,550 07 17 73 37 83 13 274 Foreign banks, viz. Bank of Newburgh Bank of Troy • Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank Merchants’ Bank. Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswi k Farmer* & Mechanics’ Hank, Philad’a B. C. Weightman, cashier . Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier • Bank of State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cathier Isaac Henry, do Kichard Re f, do Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechan:cs’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Crmpany John W . Wright, cashier • Farmers & Merchants' Hank, Baltimore Catskill Bank, New York, Agricultural Hank, Mississippi Planters’ Bank of Tennessee Insurance Hank of Georgia Branch Bank at Macon, Georgia Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile, Alabama • Branch at Newbern, North Carolina Bank of Chillicothe, Ohio . Middletown Bank, Connecticut Foreign notes collected - * -4 Specie - - 84.239 70 1 8 ,7 2 0 3 9 119,246 11 38,115 68 35,885 50 41,839 41 19 .940 73 24,564 56 4,828 17 22,972 99 7,476 27 9,778 09 5,803 78 2,305 09 5,708 49 1,950 00 24,797 76 22,518 64 7,690 99 3,307 16 448,325 00 5,242 00 955,256,65 652,707 66 Branch at Kanawha, Virginia • Branch at Newbern Branch at Edenton Branch at Tarboro’ Office at Fayetteville Planters and Mechanics’ Bank Charleston Rank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta r Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta • Augusta Insurance and Banking Co, Louisiana State Bank • Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyina'i Brewer, Cashier Collections of foreign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia! . Branch at Mobile, Alabama • Hagerstown Bank, Maryland Morris Canal and Banking Co., N. J. Atlas Bank, Boston, Massachusetts Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. Girard Bank, Pennsylvania Paterson Bank, New Jersey Office at Danville, Virginia Notes in circulation Deposites on account of in lividuals i 6 , 876,939 97 - 198 00 224 63 56,438 44 108,054 01 62,425 50 44,618 86 3,634 61 100 00 46 00 2,000 00 5,878 18,365 305,343 1,800 470 15,041 13,901 1,453 2,504 17,470 41 11 24 03 00 72 74 74 73 00 9L75. Bank notes on band, vi Branch United States Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of foreign banks Commercial Bank - l,0lfc,838 77 599,700 00 1,016,175 66 *6,876,939 97 00 Stale o f the Mechanics’ Bank , New York, October 31, 1834. Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable Contingent expenses Real estate Real special account m • • • • - 4,058,070 06 81,160 80 389,996 33 • • • • - - • . - 43,792 47 8,774 70 • Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee The Safety Fund - 52,567 17 . 627 27 - 24,356 17 • . . • 24,983 44 163,261 92 . _ _ • _ _ - - 10,388 65 138,381 91 13,770 07 6,679 52 2,391 26 3,295 78 8,366 43 61,175 55 8,567 60 22,218 60 62,114 79 500,612 08 • . - . 2 ,000,000 00 . 244,807 12 96,104 02 . 27,477 32 22,129 62 11,400 95 - - John Campbell, Treasurer of the U. S. City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do ■ Merchants' do ■ New York do Union do America do City do ■ Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank * Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Commercial do Foreign banks, viz. Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh Catskill Bank - 2,401,919 03 1,693,817 56 28,109 33 77,740 78 18,993 79 14,271 16 109,492 91 376 City banks, viz. % k . Branch Bank Manhattan do M erchants’ do New York do • Union do A merica do City do Phoenix do North River do . Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchancre do Leather Manufacturers’ do do Seventh Ward 4,529,227 19 8,498 22 Capital stock Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Kents - oo 42,507 43 6,819 12 37,704 08 15,424 83 30,284 32 ^351,063 43 Bank notes on hand, viz. Branch U. S. Bank Manhattan do . Merchants’ do . . - . 9,490 31 17,478 29 9,670 72 986 40 123 ,473 06 11,387 18 2,464 42,220 2,468 6,730 17,879 28 23 08 17 14 5,107 9,922 3,050 20,540 00 17 31 58 23,198 2,212 3,716 27,771 2,480 738 1,013 4,720 35,604 2,438 396 41 00 05 76 32 64 04 01 29 37 16 40,515 99 20,731 79 147,017 02 State Bank, Albany Bank of Troy Bank of Utica • • . Bank of Plattsburgh ■ Branch at Canandaigua • Windham County Bank Tolland County Bank Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company . Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phcenix Bank at Hartford ■ Branch at Litchfield Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence • New Kngland Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bank, Boston Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford ■ Kail River Bank PiscataquaBank, Portsmouth, N.H . Newark Banking a n ! Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, New Jersey Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Balt. Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg . . Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg Office at Norfolk Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbtrn Branch at Edenton 9,340 6,477 44,749 7,654 3,067 72 36 55 62 56 12,149 34 5,457 19 7,801 33 5,951 09 5,042 24,271 1,681 3,252 2,151 859 7,026 26,616 29 37 47 44 68 81 00 91 277 Foreign banks, viz. Bank of Newburgh Bank of Troy Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a R. C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier Bank of State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry do Richard Relf do Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company John W. Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchant;,’ Bank, Baltimore Catskill Bank, New York • Agricultural Bank, Mississippi Planters’ Bank of Tennessee Insurance Bank of Georgia Branch Bank at Macon, Georgia Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile, Alabama Branch at Newbern, N. C. New York State Bank Paterson Bank, New Jersey . Foreign notes collected - 760 63 20,987 91 82 92 47,849 40 22,381 73 24,896 70 3,989 31 32,951 16 12,353 66 198 00 OD M e c h a n i c s ’ B a n s — C o n tin u e d . ce Specie - - - 20 334 27 36,874 79 50,275 54 7,001 14 53,040 69 2,164 66 8,482 33 9,468 39 8,821 00 6,192 44 1,288 00 3,953 84 1,470 00 27,829 09 14,343 61 11,444 93 4,794 92 585,729 00 3,340 23 • 1,065,113 67 613,636 49 Branch at Tarboro’ _ Office at Fayetteville Planters and Mechanics’ Bank,Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah _ R anch at Augusta Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Bank Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of (;hillicothe Farmers’ Bunk, Chattahooche, Ohio . Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of foreign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama II gerstown Bank, Maryland Morris Canal and Banking Co., N. J. Atlas Bald:, Boston, Mass. _ Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. . Girard Bank, Penn. _ Office at Danville, Virginia Lafayitte Bank, New York Nott s in circulation . Deposites on account of individuals $7,181,795 23 m - 57,218 00 80,996 92 84,992 11,007 3,426 100 15 91 00 00 45 78 1,218 89 2,000 5,8.33 18,101 232,047 1,720 498 22,88* 18,141 52 17,470 15,633 m 00 12 88 54 00 00 54 87 00 00 00 278 New York Bank Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers' do Seventh Ward do Notes of foreign banks Commercial Bank • 943,686 IS 581,455 00 1,209,854 06 $7,181,795 23 State o f the Mechanics’ Bank, New York, November 8, 1834. Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable - - 4,091,346 16 81,160 83 389,996 33 Contingent expenses Heal estate Do special account • 43 792 47 8,774 70 Paterson Bank stock 'Williamsburg' Turnpike Company The Bank Committee The Safety Fund - 52,567 17 627 27 24,356 17 24,983 44 109,464 64 2,751 83 16,520 90 .163,139 45 30,888 37 2,401 30 16,934 71 2,465 00 1,323 63,139 12,007 19,167 10,044 9,161 24 56 35 44 56 00 459.409 34 • • H e a ts - - 2 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 241,807 102,107 27,053 22,129 11,522 12 64 85 62 23 John Campbell, Treasurer U. States City banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do • New York do Union do America do City do , Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do • Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchant’s Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do La Fayette F' reign banks, viz.: Brooklyn Bank Hank of Newburgh Cut9kill Bank 2,407,620 46 1.597,644 17 56,334 88 279 City banks, viz. Branch Bank • do Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix North River do Tradesmen’s do do Chemical do Fulton do •Dry Dock do Greenwich Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchan's’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh W anl do Commercial do 4,562,503 29 9,303 22 Capital stock Profit and los? Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances 5,184 11 38,057 85 18,934 66 40,699 21 8,297 55 18,713 11 12,635 85 53,767 12 198,857 22 I— I 00 I__ I e c h a n ic s ’ 297 14 4,240 19 • - 3 , 7 7 0 107,035 53 11,387 18 . • • • • * 44 4,721 58,560 2,636 10,959 22,697 15 61 84 17 1*4 5,166 13,397 261 21,310 709 8,391 519 1,276 1,712 13,15S 4,616 739 4,004 2,497 1,013 64,948 8,220 00 5! 20 71 47 56 19 14 05 86 97 00 86 24 04 00 72 -r-Continucil. . State Bank, Albany . Bank ofTroy . Bank of Utica . Bank of Plattsburgh Branch at Canandaigua . Windham County Bank . . Tolland County Bank • Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company . Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport . Phcrnix Bank at Hartford . Branch at Litchfield Middletown Bank Mechanic*’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston , Commonwealth Bank, do Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford Fall River Hank • Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. H. Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark . Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, New Jersey • Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a . Bank of Northern Liberties I Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank of Washington 1 Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg | Office at Fredericksburg j Office at Lynchburg | Office at Norfolk - 1—1 CO 120,840 31 11,841 6,477 29,531 3,569 518 23 36 00 52 00 12,986 84 7,629 33 6,845 87 5,134 3,633 2,692 2,435 2,452 851 . 4,281 22,445 3,032 45 95 82 70 00 89 87 00 00 4,668 11 1,404 86 60,943 25,604 18,384 3,265 29,882 93 01 36 15 91 2S0 Foreign banks, viz. Bank of Newburgh . . . Bank ofTroy . . . Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank • Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a R. C. Weightman, cashier • Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier Bank of State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier • Isaac Henry . . . Richard Relf Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New-Haven Trenton Banking Company John W . Wright, cashier Farmers & Merchants’ Rank, Baltimore Catskill Bank, New Yorkv . Agricultural Bank, Mississippi Bank of Chillicothe, Ohio . Franklin Bank, do . Insurance Bank, Georgia . Branch at Macnn do . Central Bank, Florida Branch at Newbern, North Carolina Paterson Bank, New Jersey . Bank of Mobile, Alabama . Girard Bank, Pennsylvania Digitized forMiddletown FRASER Bank, Connecticut M Orange Bank, New Jersey Foreign notes, collected . • * • - 306 16 383,980 08 67,690 42,064 106,090 32,207 22,841 38,864 29,133 28,412 7,141 9,203 3,518 6,758 3,427 4,006 2,902 5,732 25,480 11,698 2,467 4,508 598,225 10,040 1,025 49 36 70 92 87 69 15 98 59 00 47 26 75 39 86 34 55 47 00 55 00 81 00 1,063.492 20 Specie - - Farmers' Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbern Branch at Edenton Branch at Tarboro' Office at Fayetteville • Planters &. Mechanics’ Bank, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co, Louisiana State Bank Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooclie, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier , Collections of foreign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama Hagerstown Bank, Maryland Morris Canal and Banking Co., N. J Atlas Bank, Boston, Massachusetts Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. Office at Danville, Virginia 11,851 00 198 25 58,046 39 56,174 57 72,567 30,830 2,043 100 45 78 2,000 5,833 18,818 234,559 1,720 498 22,750 106,608 17,470 • Notes in circulation * Deposites on account of individual *7,164,878 63 63 64 89 00 - 00 00 07 43 00 00 35 16 00 281 Bank notes on hand, viz. Branch United States Bank • • Manhattan do • — • Merchants’ do • New York do • * . Union do • • ^America do " • O'-City do . Phenix do • North River do » . Tradesmen’s do Chemical do • . Fulton do • • Dry Dock do • Greenwich do . . Butchers and Drovers’ do Mechanics and Traders’ do * National do • Merchants’ Exchange do • Leather Manufacturers’ do • Seventh Ward ^do Notes of foreign banks • Commercial . . . La Fayette . . . S ,336 00 1,087,234 85 535,402 00 1,338,119 93 $7,164,878 63 CO State o f the Mechanics' Bank, New York, November 15, 1834. Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable . . . . . 4,061,535 15 75,740 80 386,996 33 Contingent expenses Real estate . Real special account . • . 43,792 47 8,774 70 Paterson Bank stock . Williamsburg: Turnpike Company The Bank Committee The Safety Fund - * - 52,567 17 627 27 24,356 17 • 88,273 24 . - 50,668 07 52,614 28 8,133 95 . . 35,274 08 3,276 64 • . 4,969 68 1,765 22 . 9,759 80 48,524 00 • 43,633 87 16,035 51 27,230 67 24,983 44 396,159 01 . . • - John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. City banks, viz.: Branch Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do • New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do • Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do La Fayette do Foreign Banks, viz. Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh Catskill Bank - 2,000,000 244,807 107,849 26,116 22,129 11,522 - - 90 12 05 17 62 23 • - . . - 33,844 63 107,904 91 5,305 14 » . 105,508 21 - . 19,974 00 . • . 287 14 20,912 23 . 1,320 68 - 7,951 52 • . 59,453 63 • - 1,222 25 2,412,424 77 1,644,943 46 282 City banks, viz. Branch Bank • Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do . City do Phenix do North River do . Tradesmens’ do • Chemical do Fullon do • Dry Dock do . Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Commercial do 4,524,272 28 9,314 22 Capital stock Profit and loss . Discount received • Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents - oo 303,008 46 Foreign Banks, viz. 4,566 83 4,557 17 4,209 12 1,808 691 103,383 6,387 47 29 02 18 9,698 47,051 2,542 14,826 9,141 64 82 34 HI 68 6,520 15,015 719 20,540 2,124 3,654 8,010 512 2,192 4,613 739 244 1,013 99,948 17,127 4,198 396 10 00 58 00 38 11 19 58 97 00 86 04 26 00 51 16 Bank notes on hand, viz. Digitized Branch for FRASER U. S. Bank Manhattan do * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • 19,345 08 44,151 62 . State Bank, Albany Bank of Troy . Bank of Utica . Bank of Plattsburgh Branch at Canandaigua • Windam County Bank Tolland County Bank Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company • Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank, at Hartford . Branch at Litchfield Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven . Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston . Commonwealth Bank, Boston . Merchants’ Bank, New Bedford Fall River Bank Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N- H. 1 . Newark Banking and Insurance Co. . State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, N. J. Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Phila. . Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg . Office at Norfolk . Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbern Branch at Edenton • 83,309 70 14,427 6,477 37,104 5,069 2,141 30 36 83 00 90 15,568 51 10,087 78 955 87 51 2,974 2,019 791 6,878 27,751 2,767 44 13 76 89 26 63 94 5,933 84 12,84 69,775 14,701 15,984 2,418 29,253 9,654 198 38 96 19 00 15 45 25 283 Bank of Newburgh Bank of Troy . . . Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank . . . Merchants’ Bank, Providence Kt«r England Bank . State Bank, New Brunswick • Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Phila. R. C. Weightman, cashier • Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier Bank of State of Georgia ■ Anthony Porter, cashier Isaac Henry do lfichard Relf do Bank of Mississ'ppi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company • John W. Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Middletown B*nk, Connecticut Orange Bank, New Jersey Agricultural Bank, Miss. Franklin Bank, Ohio Insurance Branch Bank, Georgia Central Bank of Florida • Branch at Newbern, N. C. • Bank of Mobile, Alabama Girard Bank, Penn. . . . Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta, Georgia Phoenix Bank, Hartford, Conn. Foreign notes collected - Specie 95 476 42 28,5U4 77 27,883 02 30,408 60 13,543 54 53,598 86 6,876 13 4,519 64 3 ,956 68 12.3C8 89 2,551 19 944 00 2,340 84 1,337 32 12,120 27 15,690 46 8 ,2(-.0 96 4,191 00 648,075 00 4 898 09 50,879 37 1,091,961 75 605,520 72 Branch at Turborough Office at Fayetteville ^ Planters & Mechanics’ Bunk, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta . . Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana State Sank • Central Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of foreign bills . Branch at Macon, Georgia . Branch at Mobile, Alabama Hagerstown Bank, Md. Paterson Bank, N. J. Morris Canal and Banking Co. N. J. Allas Bank, Boston, Mass. . Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. Insurance Bank, Georgia Commercial Bank, Lake Erie, N. T. Office at Danville, Va. Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals $7,101,211 90 - 56,567 90 53,883 16 QD 104,132 64 1,628 00 100 oo 3 50 1,705 78 2,000 6,091 3,382 224,605 1.720 5,280 498 12,063 24,862 4,281 311 17,070 00 00 57 00 00 37 00 53 49 53 32 00 ■ ------------------------. - fSG MerchanU’ Bank • New York do _ do Union • do America . City do . Phenix do North River do T radesmen’s do • Chemical do Fulton do • Dry Dock do . Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do do National Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of Foreign Banks . Commercial . . La Fa) fetto 947,172 03 575,294 00 1,218,369 18 *7,101,211 90 S la te o f the M echanics’ B a n k , N ew Y ork, Novem ber 22, 1S34. Bills discounted Bills under protest Bonds receivable - . . - - Contingent expenses Real estate Real special account . . . . . . . . Paterson Hank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee . The Safety Fund . - 43,792 47 8,774 70 -------- 4,517,880 16 9,484 22 52,567 17 627 27 24,356 17 24,983 44 • . 87,896 45 . . . . 54,953 51 33,009 50 . . 727 27 • _ _ _ 8,355 44 16,005 12 . . 5,764 73 . . 3,853 26 _ . . _ _ . . . . . . 14,889 62,436 28,604 10,570 11,227 18,128 88 21 73 78 86 85 356,423 64 Capital stock Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclkimed balances Rents • John Campbell, Treasurer of the U. S. City banks, viz. Branch Bank . Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do . America do . City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do . Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do . Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers' Bank Mechanics and Traders do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers do Seventh Ward do La Fayette do Foreign banks, viz. Brooklyn Bank Bank of Newburgh Catskill Bank - 2,000,000 00 249,291 33 113,207 18 22,600 54 25,107 76 11,522 23 2,421,729 04 . 1,572,504 81 . - 26,833 44 • - ■ . 35,391 32 44,273 47 • . 45,140 51 • . 1,922 GO - . 5,666 27 . . 2,469 23 • . 17,178 71 . . 54,777 61 - - 6,522 92 285 City banks, viz. Branch Bank • Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do do Merchants’ Exchange Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Commercial do - 4,035,162 03 7 5 , 7 21 80 406,996 33 --------- 178,875 55 1—1 00 I__I 10,023 09 7,889 69 4,358 12 14,120 341 103,964 6,387 38 29 28 18 11,478 50,654 2,886 20,264 2,045 91 72 53 18 87 7,362 86 815 21,603 6,032 5,115 8,411 1,995 512 5,692 739 934 1,438 101,566 8,434 396 03 09 88 49 51 41 19 88 00 07 00 89 45 16 State Bank, Albany . . Bank of Troy Bank of Utica . . . Bank of Plattsburgh . Branch at Canandaigua • Windham County Bank Tolland County Bank • Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank at Hartford Branch at Litchfield Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth Bank, Boston ■ Merchants' Bank, New Bedford . Fall Hiver Bank . Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N. II. . Newark Banking and Insurance Co. . State Bank at Newark . Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, N. J. Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a • Bank of Northern Liberties . Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank Bank’of Washington . Bank of Virginia • * . Office at Petersburg . Office at Fredericksburg . . Office at Lynchburg 405,464 65 I Office at Norfolk - 1 1 CO 44,324 08 15,255 6,477 33,116 5,107 566 76 36 46 90 85 11,923 57 11,171 46 4,466 46 2,670 76 4,440 16 1,474 1,596 791 5,987 23,444 1,280 14 00 89 07 35 54 10,494 52 1,667 00 88,599 9,941 25,180 156 81,220 60 32 03 90 24 985 Foreign banks, viz. Bank of Newburgh . . . Bank of Troy . . . . Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank . . . . Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank . . . State Bunk, New Brunswick Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philad’a R. C. Weightman, cashier Office at Norfolk Daniel Ravenel, cashier . . . Bank of State of Georgia • Anthony Porter, cashier . . . Isaac Henry, do Richard Relf, do Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Rank, New Haven Trenton Banking Company John W . Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Balt. Paterson Bank, New Jersey Middletown Bank, Connecticut • Orange Bank, New Jersey Agricultural Bank, Mississippi * Insurance Branch Bank, Georgia • Central Bank of Florida . . . Branch at Newbern, North Carolina Bank of Mobile, Alabama • Girard Bank, Pennsylvania Insurance Bank, Columbus, Georgia notes collected . . . Digitized■Foreign for FRASER M e c h a n ic s * B a n k — C o n tin u e d . Specie . . . . . . - Farm ers’ B a n k at L y n c h b u r g B ra n ch a t K a n aw h a , V ir g in ia 3 9 ,2 8 7 5 5 34,334 41 121,677 31 37,900 41 46,983 89 28,000 90 16,436 92 27,690 56 8,639 96 6,860 52 10,505 89 21,314 67 4,844 20 1,959 87 4,690 50 1,335 50 17,091 70 16,461 24 16,190 88 4,240 00 585,286 00 3,132 45 1,009 10 1,055,883 43 602,925 57 . Branch at Newbern Branch at Eden'on Branch at Tarboro’ Offlce at Fayetteville Planters and Mechanics’ Bank, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta . . . Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta Augusta Insurance and Banking Co. . Louisiana State Bank . . . Central Rank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe . . . Farmers’ Bank, Chattahooche, Ohio Lyman Brewer, cashier Collections of foreign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama Hagerstown Bank, Maryland Morris Canal and Banking Co., N. J. Atlas Bank, Boston, Massachusetts Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. Office at Danville, Virginia • Commercial Bank, Lake Erie, N. Y. Planters’ Bank, Tennessee Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individuals $7,025.612 28 • 5,135 31 198 25 56,134 34 56,098 82 68,112 62,419 525 100 30 64 00 00 3 50 1,705 78 1,634 29 2,000 6,707 2,991 215,836 1,720 498 5,422 13,611 17.070 707 1,685 - 00 58 08 31 00 00 00 77 00 78 97 287 Bank notes on hand, viz. Branch U. S. Bank Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do • North Kiver do . Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Pulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of foreign banks Commercial do La Fayette do 972,872 67 568,117 00 1,311,513 21 *7,025,612 28 State o f the Mechanics’ Bank, New York, November 29, 1834. ■ —I i— i 00 -- — Bills discounted * Bills under protest Bonds receivable - . Contingent expenses Iteal estate * Do special account . • - • 4,058,982 07 7 5 , 7 21 80 406,996 33 • • • • • 43,792 47 8,774 70 4,541,700 20 9,747 46 52,567 17 Paterson Bank stock Williamsburg Turnpike Company The Bank Committee • Do Safety Fund * 627 27 • 24,356 17 • - 109,675 66 • • . • 63,440 80 15,081 09 17,315 86 • • 16,657 09 • . • • . • . . 3,657 13,767 4,087 16,614 95 01 49 68 • • . . • - 1,221 3,704 7,873 58,040 6,005 47 83 47 77 97 . 10,023 38 1 25,740 92 1--------------------------------------------- _ OA Q A'l 44, * • - • . . • . John Campbell, Treasurer of the U. S. City banks, viz. Branch Hank • Manhattan do -• Merchants’ do W Cp uWr YJ n r lIVr 2,000,000 249,291 118,720 25,054 22,107 11,522 00 33 32 99 76 23 46,005 48 ud wo Union do America do City do Phenix do . North River d > Trade men’s do Chemical do Fulton do ■ Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do La Fayette do - - 42,332 05 • 11,225 48 - 10,601 46 • 1,806 65 - 13,379 20 125,350 32 • 372,908 44 2,426,696 63 1,564,734 81 Foreign banks, viz. Brooklyn Bank [lank of Newburgh Catskill Bank State Bank, Albany 288 Cily banks, viz. Branch Bank Manhattan do . Merchants' do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix do North River do Tradesmen’s do Chemical do Fulton do Dry Dock do Greenwich do Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Tiaders’ do do National do Merchants’ Exchange Leather Manufacturers’ do do Seventh Ward do Digitized forCommercial FRASER - Capital stock Profit and loss Discount received Dividends unpaid Unclaimed balances Rents • l_ l - • 37,339 63 • • - 8,225 22 70,352 16 • Batik o f Troy Hank o f U tica 8,556 76 7,859 77 4,415 91 691 29 123,483 44 6,387 18 14,868 51,634 3,339 24,580 3,666 74 00 86 78 00 5,679 02 3,097 21,602 10,388 6,480 3,741 6,000 1,346 512 3,547 769 5,849 739 1,632 283 1,860 103,361 1,290 396 75 09 35 33 48 97 54 19 35 36 00 00 72 30 09 00 88 16 4 2 8 ,2 6 1 30 - ■ * Bank of I'lattabtirfrli Branch at Canandaigua Windham County Bank Tolland County Bank • Thames Bank Connecticut River Banking Company Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank, at Hartford Branch at Litchfield Middletown Bank Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank, Boston Commonwealth do do Merchants’ do New Bedford Fall Uiver Bank . Piscataqua Bank, Portsmouth, N .H . Newark Banking and Insurance Co. State Bank at Newark Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy Orange Bank, New Jersey Mechanics’ Bank at Newark Farmers and Mechanics’ Hank, Philadel. Bank of Northern Liberties Southwark Bank, Philadelphia Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Bank of Washington Bank of Virginia Office at Petersburg Office at Fredericksburg Office at Lynchburg Office at Norfolk Farmers’ Bank at Lynchburg Branch at Kanawha, Virginia Branch at Newbern Branch at Edenton Bnnch at l'arboro’ 30,5/7 6,477 35,097 1,107 714 04 56 46 90 45 15,960 27 6,104 43 1,791 23 4,014 49 11,993 40 2,485 96 232 5,793 18,460 4,691 03 00 11 08 00 86 289 Foreign f anks, viz. Bank of Newburgh • * Bank of Troy Bank of Utica Branch at Canandaigua Thames Bank Merchants’ Bank, Providence New England Bank State Bank, New Brunswick u Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Philadel, •^R. C. Weightman, cashier . * Office at Norfolk Daniel RaVenel, Cashier * Bank of State of Georgia Anthony Porter, cashier . Isaac Henry, do Richard Relf, do . Bank of Mississippi Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport Mechanics’ Bank, New Haven Trenton Hanking Company John W . Wright, cashier Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore Phccnix Bank, Hartford, Connecticut Paterson Bank, New Jersey . Middletown Bank, Connecticut Orange Bank, New Jersey Agricultural Bank, Mississippi Franklin Bank, Ohio Bank of Chillicothe, Ohio Insurance Branch Bank, Georgia - Central Bank, Florida f Branch at Newbern, North Carolina Branch at Tarboro’, do Bank of Mobile, Alabama Girard Bank, Pennsylvania . • Planters’ Bank, Tennessee Foreign n'’tes collect- d . 7 , 7 4 0 54 10.1,809 29,598 20,027 6,069 79,394 8,541 198 29 27 32 67 37 01 25 00 M e c h a n ic s ’ D a n k — C o n tin u e d . r —' CO Specie - ' ** . . . - - • . - . • 54.537 41,140 101,136 23 ,678 45.737 45,338 8,071 12,250 1,710 4,521 5 579 14,447 2,989 2,539 3,943 1,899 14,043 19,974 12,357 7.562 645,131 3 451 1,893 - Office at Fayetteville Planters and Mechanics B’k, Charleston Bank of State of Georgia, Savannah Branch at Augusta . Mhchanics’ Rank, Augusta Aug fcta Insurance and Banking Co. Louisiana Slate Bank . . Centrjl Bank of Florida Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank, Scioto, Ohio Lexington an 1 Ohio Railroad Company Bank of Chillicothe Farmers’ Bank, Chattohooche, Ohio f.yman Brewer, cashier Collections of foreign bills Branch at Macon, Georgia Branch at Mobile, Alabama Hagerstown Bank. Maryland ’ » Morris Canal and Banking Co., N. J. Atlas Bank, Boston, Massachusetts Bank of the M-trnpolis, D. C. Office at Danville, Virginia Commercial Bank, Lake Erie, N. Y. . Insurance Bank, Columbus, Georgia . 70 95 3.5 00 3.1 8.5 09 23 45 %J 42 21 35 04 55 49 76 18 21 71 00 20 20 1,074,027 47 611,543 50 J7 ,114;738 93 Notes in circulation Deposites on account of individua’s . - 48,112 70 67,135 00 65,364 71 64,359 14 100 00 3 50 1,705 78 2,000 6,707 5,491 207,655 1,720 498 12,061 7,870 16,693 145 1,506 - 00 58 08 67 00 00 94 18 23 00 15 290 Hank notes on hand, vi*. Branch U. S. Bank do Manhattan do Merchants’ do New York do Union do America do City do Phenix Norih River do Tradesmen’s do do Chemical do Fulton Dry Dock do do Greenwich Butchers and Drovers’ Bank Mechanics and Traders’ do National do Merchants’ Exchange do Leather Manufacturers’ do Seventh Ward do Notes of foreign banks Commercial Bank La Fayette do • 1,0.56,018 50 510,817 00 1,432,121 72 $7,115,738 98 State o f the Girard Hank at Philadelphia, Saturday, June 14, 1834. U r. Bills discounted . . . Do domestic bills of exchange Due from Hank United States • other city banks • foreign banks Bonus for charter, payable to State of Pennsylvania Expenses . . . . Specie . . . . City Bank notes . . . Foreign do . . . N. M . Ho hschild, London » Loan to State of Pennsylvania - 2,005,316 239,878 18,802 172,162 163,001 13.000 1,622 1C8.532 140,593 2,605 26,666 25.000 39 16 81 49 34 00 18 02 47 00 67 00 1,500,000 16,276 3,126 2,266 35,521 375,306 34,310 4,411 317 244,810 489,652 29,945 178,590 19,044 3,600 00 94 10 67 99 73 31 00 53 00 97 61 00 68 00 !,937,180 53 G in x n o B a n c , P h ila d e lp h ia , S a tu r d a y , J u n e 14, 1834. WM. D. LEW IS, C a sh ie r, 291 Capital stock • Discount account Domestic exchange account Foreign do Due to city bunks foreign banks Contingent fund Dividends unpaid Profit and loss Bank notes in circulation Treasurer of the United States Public officers Individual depositors Girard Bank, pension agent State of Pennsylvania (tax on dividend) C a. D h. State o f the Qirard Bank at Philadelphia, Saturday, June 21, 1834. Bills discounted . , Do domestic bills of exchange Due from Bank, United States • » other city hanks r » foreign banks . Bonus for charter, payable to State of Pennsylvania Expenses , . , . Specie . , . , City Bank notes • . , Foreign do . , . N. M. Rothschild, London . . Loan tp State gf Pennsylvania , , 2,013,368 245,446 29,844 153,423 84,105 38,000 1,609 124,702 152,290 12,860 26,666 ?5,QOO 14 98 00 92 90 00 00 n 10 00 6r 00 $2,907,317 45 G ir a bd B asis, Philadelphia, Junt 2L 1834, Capital stock • Discount account • Domestic exchange aocount Foreign do do Due to city banks . foreign banks » Contingent ftind . Dividends unpaid Profit and loss . Bank notes in circulation Treasurer of the United States Public officers Individual depositors Girard Bank, pension agent State of Pennsylvania (tax on dividends) C r. 1,500,000 19,373 3,158 2,266 35,052 353,038 34,310 3,980 130 226,080 476,511 34,421 107,152 18,242 3,600 00 00 11 67 60 09 31 50 38 00 57 20 81 21 00 $2,907,317 45 W, P, LEWIS, CWiifr, QO Stale o f the Girard Sa n k at Philadelphia, Saturday'June D n. Billa discounted -_ • I)o domestic bills of exchange Due from Bank United States other city banks • foreign banks • * Bonus for charter, payable to State of Pennsylvania Expenses . . . . Specie • • City bank notes . . . Foreign do . . . N. M. Rothschild, London • * Loan to State of Pennsylvania • - 1,995,998 258,722 10,271 52,943 103.688 38,000 1,676 96,612 148,671 6,945 26,666 25,000 64 36 67 04 ('>.> 00 96 09 83 00 67 00 G ibahd B i s k , P h ila d e lp h ia , J a n e 28, 1834. Capital 9tock • Discount account • Domestic exchange account Foreign do Due to city banks Foreign banks Contingent fund Dividends unpaid Profit and loss Bank notes in circulation Treasurer of the United States Public officers Individual depositors • Girard Bank, pension agent State of Pennsylvania, tax on dividends - C r. 1,500,000 20,781 3,334 2,266 23,824 391,271 34,310 3,440 130 254,370 219,560 69,360 221,649 17,296 3,600 00 00 60 67 64 48 31 50 38 00 44 72 59 58 00 293 $2,765,196 91 28, 1834. $2,765,196 91 W. D. LEWIS, C a sh ie r. i— I 00 L__) Dn- State of the Girard Bank at Philadelphia, Thursday, August Dills discounted •« * . Do domestic bills of exchange Due from city banks foreign banks . . . Bonus for charter, payable to State of Pennsylvania N. M. Rothschild, London Expenses . Specie City bank notes . . . . Foreign b^nk notes . . . . . . . 1,972,316 288,401 113,971 139,923 38,000 1,112 6,299 156,628 143,009 19,045 10 65 22 24 00 12 20 19 19 00 $2,878,704 91 Capital stock . . Discount account . . Domestic exchange account . Foreign exchange account . Due to city banks . . foreign banks . Do specific deposite State of Pennsylvania, tax on dividend Contingent fund . Dividends unpaid . . . Treasu er of the United States Public officers . Girard Bank, pension agent . Profit and loss . . . Dank notes in circulation . Individual depositors . . . Ch. cc . . . . . . • . •* . . . . . . . . 1 500,000 00 ' 39,324 74 4,857 85 5,199 95 18,726 96 ■ -132,331 96 263,421 93 3,600 00 34,310 31 1 ,298 75 139,179 87 102,382 06 22,952 67 1.50 33 243,925 00 367,062 53 $2,878,704 91 294 ' 14, 1834. State o f f/i e Giranl Bank at Philadelphia, Saturday, August 2 3 , Dn. Bills discounted . . . . Do domestic bills of cxclunge Due from Bank U.iited Stales other city banks . foreign banks Bonus for charter, payable to State of Pennsylvania . Expenses . . . Specie City Bank notes • Foreign do N. M. Rothschild, London . . . ,061,181 320,094 23,646 90,534 268,834 38,000 6,318 152,480 197.004 9,910 00 60 48 01 64 00 61 44 62 00 1,111 12 CiiiAnn Dank, P h ilid c lp h i a , A u g u U 23, 1834. Capital stock Discount account Domestic exchange account Foreign do do Due to city banks foreign do Contingent fund . Dividends un; aid Profit and loss Bank notes in circulation . Treasurer of the United States Public officers Individual depositors Gir.«rd Bank, pension agent State of Pennsylvania, tax on dividends Ck. 1,500,000 45,182 5,413 5,199 32,225 433,032 34,575 1,130 121 289 205 363,182 63,335 370,626 22,585 3,600 00 20 54 95 58 50 42 T:> 03 00 08 20 92 38 00 S3,169,115 55 W . D. L EW IS, C a sh ie r. 295 $3,169,115 55 1834. State rtf the Girard Ilan'c at Philadelphia, Saturday, August D r* Bills discounted . . . Do domestic bills of exchange Due from city banks foreign do Bonus for charter, payable to State of Pennsylvania Expenses . Specie City bank notes Foreign do . . . N. M . Rothschild, London • 2,220,775 329,855 115,810 322,701 38,000 7,218 146,132 178,448 4,405 44 97 31 30 00 66 65 36 00 1,111 12 Uirahd Bank, P h ila d e lp h ia , A u g u s t 30, 1834. cx^oftottpcq CfTttftl (O gl*£C 0^.JjCUi IQtct&u prujtt ' ‘ IfV ps«if* * • Capital stock . . . Discount account . _ Domestic exchange account * Foreign do Due to Bank United States other city banks . foreign banks Do under special contract Contingent fund . Dividends unpaid . . . Profit and loss . . . liank notes in circulation . Treasurer of the United States Public officers Individual depositors . Girard Bank, pension agent . State of Pennsylvania tax on dividends - C r. 1,500,000 49,369 5,632 5,199 2,268 127,672 193,324 202,304 34,275 1,096 121 267 740 485.766 75,184 359,607 51,296 3,600 00 23 94 95 32 49 72 00 42 00 03 00 28 73 00 70 00 $3,364,458 81 W. D. LEWIS, CasMer. 1— 1 00 296 >3,364,458 81 30, 1834. Dm. State o f the Girard Bank at Philadelphia, Saturday , September 6 , Bills diicounted . . . Do domestic bills of exchange Due from city banks . . . foreign banks Bonus for charter to State of Pennsylvania, and not extinguished . . Expenses . . . . Specie . . . . City bank notes Foreign do . . . . . - . . on account, . . . . * . . . 2,228,386 342,478 156,159 27 5 ,7 2 9 39 54 77 49 38,000 7,326 156,760 201,737 14,066 00 14 76 06 12 Capital stock . . . Discount account . . . Domestic exchange account . . Foreign exchange account . . Due to city banks . . . foreign banks . . . do under special cqntract Contingent fund . . . Dividends unpaid . . . Trofit and loss « . . Treasurer of the United State* . Public officers . . Bank notes in circulation . Individual depositors . . Giiumn B i n , P h ila d e lp h ia , S e p te m b e r 6, 1834. . C h. . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . - 1,500,000 52,664 5,747 5,199 120,490 261,023 142,309 34,275 1,051 97 3 600 497,285 99,949 313,565 383,383 00 72 87 95 88 71 74 42 75 03 00 17 21 00 82 297 #3,420,644 27 1S34. *3,420,644 27 W . D. LEW IS, C a sh ie r. f—I 00 State o f the Oirard Bank Hit Philadelphia, Saturday, September 1 3 , D b. Bills discounted . . . Do domestic bills o f exchange Due from city banks foreign banks . . Bonus for charter to State o f Pennsylvania, and not extinguished . Expenses . . . . Specie . . . . City bank notes . . . Foreign do . * . . . - . on account, . 38,000 7,323 246,862 161,877 3,080 . . . . 2,348,586 346,045 87,842 272,960 . 48 74 16 30 00 36 27 92 71 1834. Capital stock . . . Discount aocnunt . . . Domestic exchange account . . Foreign do . . Due to city bankB . . . foreign banks do under special contract Contingent fund . . . Dividends unpaid . . . Profit and loss . . . State of Pennsylvania (tax on dividends) . Treasurer of the United States . . Public officers . . . Bank notes in circulation' . Individual depositors - C r. . . . . . . . . . . - 1,500,000 56,909 5,800 5,199 91,892 191,149 188,745 34,275 1,007 121 3,600 548,217 83,395 341,810 460,455 00 32 10 95 29 14 75 42 50 03 00 88 28 00 28 1 r” ' oo ^ CO $ 3 ,512,578 94 = ....... - T ■ ■ ■ I 1. E. E. — .. ■■■ - i - - - G i b a b d t_ — B *x k , « m g a = 3 : 00 #3,512,578 94 . Philadelphia, September 13. r r ’ 1834. W. D. LEW IS, C a sh ie r, S ta te o f the G ira rd S a n k a t P h ila delp h ia , S a tu rd a y , Septem ber Bills discounted . . . . Do domestic bills of exchange • Due from city banks . . . . foreign banks . . . Bonus for charter to State of Pennsylvania, on account, and not extinguished . . . Expenses . . . . . Specie . . . . . City bank notes . . . . Foreign do • • » 2,507,680 348,203 61,101 119,389 34 03 10 73 38,000 7,345 285,743 135,225 15,770 00 62 16 97 00 2 0, 1834. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 1,500,000 61,952 6,081 5,199 131,506 186,522 165,002 34,275 1,007 121 3,600 536,366 95,556 329,805 461,458 00 61 13 95 59 59 83 42 50 03 00 11 46 00 73 ----- ------03,518,455 95 #3,518,455 95 -■1 G i r a r d B a n k , P h ila d e lp h ia , S e p te m b e r 20, 1834. « VO CO co 299 Capital stock • • Discount account • •• \ • Domestic exchange account . . Foreign do . . Due to city banks . . . foreign banks . . Do under special contract Contingent fund . . . Dividends unpaid . . . Profit and loss . . . State of Pennsylvania, tax on dividends Treasurer of the United States . . Public officers . . . Bank notes in circulation . . Individual depositors . . . ' —- W. D. LEW IS, C a th ie r. CM State o f the Oirard Bank at Philadelphia, Saturday, September 27, 1S34. Bill* discounted . . Do domestic bills of exchange . Due from city banks . . . foreign banks . . . Bonus for charter to State of Pennsylvania on account, and not extinguished * • . Expenses * * . Specie . . . . . City bank notes * • . Fpreign do , . . » 3,479,386 333,534 39,231 134,107 83 62 27 16 38,000 7,385 398,315 308,511 11,175 00 06 44 78 00 Capital stock . . « Discount account . . . . Domestic exchange account . . . Foreign do . . Due to city banks . . . . foreign banks . . . Do under special contract Contingent fund . . . . Dividends unpaid . . • Profit and loss . . . . 13,548,537 15 G irard B a ik , P h ila d e lp h ia , S e p te m b e r 37, 1834, . . . - . » - 1,500,000 64,681 6,243 5,199 314,286 320,349 156,640 34,375 1,007 121 3,600 486,699 84,602 318,480 443,350 00 09 31 95 08 76 25 42 50 03 00 63 29 00 84 $3,548,537 15 W . D. LEWIS, C a sh ie r, 300 Treasurer of the United States Public officers ■ > » Bank notes in circulation . Individual depositors . * State of the Girard Bank at Philadelphia, Saturday, October 4, 1834. Bills diicounted • do domestic bills of exchange Due from city banks foreign banks Bonus for charter to State of Pennsylvania, on account, and not extinguished Expenses Specie • City bank notes Foreign bank notes 2,431,397 337,612 57,832 166,031 07 92 96 51 38,000 8,415 279,524 318,062 10,497 00 40 48 13 00 Camtal stock . Discount account • Domestic exchange account Foreign do • Due to city banks foreign banks • do under special contrac Contingent fund • Dividends unpaid • • Profit and loss State of Pennsylvania (tax on dividends) Treasurer of the United States Public officers • Bank notes in circulation Individual depositors • 1,500,000 67.857 6,556 5,199 319,374 265,260 140,529 34,275 820 125 3,600 512,429 101,749 362,195 327,400 00 00 73 95 43 60 78 42 00 37 00 64 31 00 24 CO o $3,647,373 47 G m i i i n B a r k , P h ila d e lp h ia , O ctober 4, 1834. #3,647,373 47 W . D. LEWIS, C a sh ier. 1— 1 00 I I D r. S tate o f the G irard Bank at P hiladelphia, S atu rday, October 11, 1834. Cr. r—j GO Billa discounted do domestic bills of exchange Due from city banks foreign banks Bonus for charter to State of Pennsylvania, and not extinguished Expenses Specie City bank notes Foreign bank notes - on - account, _ 2,463,440 346,048 95,434 107,943 78 93 02 81 38,000 10,023 284,382 165,063 2,935 00 98 30 21 00 00 87 91 36 65 45 46 42 00 37 00 63 56 00 35 #3,513,272 03 #3,513,272 03 Gm.imi Baick, Philadelphia, October 11, 1834. 1,500,000 70,210 6,806 4,100 152,549 329,041 165,369 34,275 820 125 3,600 477,039 95.892 346,555 326,884 W. D. LEWIS, Cashier. 302 Capital stock Discount account Domestic exchange account Foreign do Due to city banks foreign banks do under special contract Contingent fund Dividends unpaid Profit and loss State of Pennsylvania (tax on dividends) Treasurer of the United States Public officers — Bank notes in circulation Individual depositors - I__ I State of the Girard Bank at Philadelphia, Saturday, October 18 , D r. Bills discounted . . . . Do domestic bills of exchange • Due from city banks . . . . foreign banks . . . Bonus for charter to State of Pennsylvania, on*account, and net extinguished . . . Expenses . . . . . Specie . . . . . City Bank notes . . . . Foreign do . . . . 2,491,301 364,432 37,749 139,354 15 00 55 11 38,000 10,012 280,829 149,825 5,710 00 29 06 54 00 E. E. G u t t u, P h ila d e lp h ia , O c to b er 18, 1834. Capital stock . . . Discount account . . . Domestic exchange account . . Foreign do . . Due to city banks . . . foreign banks . . do under special contract Contingent fund . . . Dividends unpaid . . Profit and loss . . . State of Pennsylvania (tax on dividends) . Treasurer of the United States Public officers . . . Bank notes in circulation . . Individual depositors . . \ . C h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500,000 74,335 7,097 4,101 258,640 304,464 136,515 • 34,275 820 125 3,600 520,957 90,780 299,200 282,299 00 25 74 36 68 03 72 42 00 34 00 86 54 00 76 $3,517,213 70 W . D. LEW IS, C a sh ie r. ^ O w> 303 $3,517,213 70 1834. D h. ____________________ State of the Girard Bank at Philadelphia, Saturday, October 2 5 , Bills discounted _ Do domestic bills of exchange Due from city banks — _ foreign banks Bonus for charter to State of Pennsylvania, on account, _ and not extinguished _ Expense* — Specie X _ _ City bank notes Foreign do - G irasd B a s e , C h. 2,491,723 362,248 113,291 130,285 38,000 10,083 278,058 171,909 6,605 80 20 01 Of 00 75 73 30 00 *3,602,203 86 Philadelphia, October 25, 1834. Capital stock Discounted account Domestic exchange account — Foreign do Due to city banks foreign do — — do under special contract Contingent fund Dividends unpaid — Profit and loss State of Pennsylvania, tax on dividends Treasurer of the United States — Public officers Bank notes in circulation Individual depositors - _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - - 1,500,000 77,604 7,202 4,101 116,706 434,400 124,465 34,275 738 125 3,600 536,131 85,839 285,060 391,890 00 94 17 36 99 71 73 42 75 34 00 53 98 00 89 $3,602,203 86 W. D. LEWIS, Cashier. 1 < 00 304 1 E . E. 1834. ____ State o f the Girard Bank at Philadelphia, Saturday, November X, 1834. Dn. Bills discounted Do domestic bills of exchange osDue from city banks •o foreign banks Bonus for charter to State of Pennsylvania, and not extinguished Expenses Specie City bank notes Foreign d(> ■ • - on - account, - 2,497,104 332,212 146,745 97,088 38,000 35 44 51 65 00 12,049 299,262 154,730 17,840 82 56 16 00 E. E. G i r a r d B a s i c , P h ila d e lp h ia , N o v e m b e r 1, 1834. 1,500,000 77,967 7,272 4,101 110,277 296,841 112,510 34,275 729 135 3,600 712,041 67,838 268,845 398,607 00 29 69 36 17 47 36 42 75 34 00 61 91 00 12 $3,595,033 49 W . D. LEW IS, C a th ie r. 305 $3,595,033 49 Capital stock Discount account Domestic exchange account Foreign do Due to city banks foreign do do under special contract Contingent fund Dividends unpaid Profit and loss State of Pennsylvania, tax on dividends Treasurer of the United States Public officers Bank notes in circulation — Individual depositors - Cu. Slate of Ihe Gu ard Bank at Philadelphia, Saturday, November 8, Du. Bills discounted . . . . l)o domestic bills of exchange . Due from city banks foreign banks . Bonus for charter to State of Pennsylvania, on account, and not extinguished . . . Expenses . . . Spccie City bank notes . _ foreign do . 2,522,483 327,457 321,964 62,713 55 04 82 18 35,000 104 254,767 275,006 18,580 00 01 83 54 00 E. E. U ir a iid B a n k , Philadelphia, Navcmbtr 8, 1834. CO Capital stock Discount account Domestic exchange account Foreign do do ■ Due to city banks . . . foreign banks . . ilo under special contract Contingent fund . . . Dividends unpaid . . . Profit and loss . . . State of Pensylvania (tax on dividends) Treasurer of the United States Public officers . . Bank notfs in circulation Individual depositors - 1,500,000 00 1,613 42 2,030 73 75,326 532,640 90,464 42,974 59,821 45 57 66 33 25 8,400 710,605 57,272 312,135 424,791 00 86 74 00 96 $3,818,076 97 W. D. LEWIS, Cashitr. 306 $3,818,076 97 Cn. 1834. -* Slate o f the Girard Bank at Philadelphia, Saturday, November 1 5 , D r. Rills discounted Do domestic bills of Exchange Due from city banks . . . . foreign banks . . . Bonus for charter to State of Pennsylvania, on account, and not extinguished . . . Expenses . . . . . Specie . . . . . City bank notes . . . . Foreign do . . . . 2,555,048 346,690 291,880 85,297 35,000 617 247,313 174,243 31,210 13 63 98 53 00 40 30 37 00 • Capital stock . . . Discount account . . . Domestic exchange account . . Foreign do do . Due to city banks . . . foreign banks . . do under special contract Contingent fund . . . Dividends unpaid . . . I’rofit and loss * . State of Pennsylvania, (tax on dividends) Treasurer of the United States . . Public officers . Bank notes in circulation . . Individual depositors . . . $3,767,301 34 E. E. G irard IU kc, P h ila d e lp h ia , S a tu r d a y , N o v e m b e r 8, 1834. 1834, Cb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500,000 5,161 1,891 2,537 45,098 489,342 84,595 42,974 44,947 00 76 15 19 92 30 05 33 25 8,400 828,076 72,325 311,350 330,601 00 42 24 00 73 $3,767,301 34 . W . D. LEW IS, C a sh ie r w © State o f the Girard Bank ut Philadelphia , Saturday , November 22, 1S34. D r. C h. oo Bills discounted . . . Do domestic bills of exchange Due from city banks . . . from foreign banks Bonus for charter to State of Pennsylvania, on account and not extinguished . . . Expenses . . . . Specie . . . . City bank notes . . . Foreign do . • ; ' . ' 2,615,408 355.768 317,334 115,164 16 78 17 45 35,900 632 240.769 218,151 64,320 00 35 84 66 00 E. E. G jiunn B ass, Philadelphia, November 22, 1834, 1,500,000 9,906 1,923 2,910 52,920 555,470 162,652 42,974 11,859 00 00 72 52 18 52 06 33 75 8,400 851,632 83 964 331,560 346,375 00 61 63 00 09 $3,962,549 41 W , P . LEWIS, Cashier, 308 $3,962,549 41 Capital stock . . . Discount account . . Domestic exchange account Foreign do Due to city banks . . foreign banks • under speoial contract Contingent fund Dividends unpaid • Profit and loss State of Pennsylvania (tax on dividends) Treasurer of the United States Public officers . Bank notes in circulation Individual depositors . • Sluteof the Girard Hank at P/iiladetp/iia, Saturday, November 2 9 , D r. Bills discounted I)o domestic bills of exchange Due from city banks foreign banks, Bonus for charter to State of Pennsylvania, on account and not extinguished Expenses Specie City bank notes Foreign do - ‘ 2,593,484 350,160 503,538 200,775 23 43 63 51 35,000 1,548 235,833 129,591 1,280 00 27 55 07 00 E. E. G ir ir d B a s k , P h ila d e lp h ia , N o v e m b e r 29, 1834, Capital stock Discount account . Domestic exchange account Foreign do Due to city banks foreign banks under Bpecial contract Contingent fund Dividends unpaid Profit and loss State of Pennsylvania (tax on dividends) Treasurer of the United States Public officers . Bank notes in circulation Individual depositors . C r. 1,500,000 12,914 1,977 2,910 24,519 483,757 139,560 42,974 9,269 00 16 44 52 02 04 17 33 75 8,400 1,062,(562 58,810 298,285 405,170 00 61 79 00 g6 309 $4,051,211 79 1834. $4,051,211 79 \V. D. LEW IS, C a sh ie r, I— 1 CO t__ I State o f the Moya meusing Bank , Tuesday evening, August 5, 1834. Da. Cb . 00 Capital stock paid in Bank notes in circulation Dividends remaining unpaid Discounts Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Treasurer Of the United States Due to hanks Deport money - 125,000 00 53,670 00 2 <>8 08 2,970 85 248 80 50 ,'000 00 21,655 65 C2.930 15 Bills discounted outstanding Specie . Expenses, banking house, improvements Moyamensing Bank stock City and other bank notes . Manhattan Company, New York Due from Banks . . . . and bonus - B a n k , P h ila d e lp h ia , A u g u s t 5, 1834. J. NEAL, C a sh ie r. S late o f the M oyam ensing B an k, Tuesday evening, A ugust Notes in circulation . . Dividends remaining unpaid Discounts . . Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Treasurer of the United States Due to banks . . Deposit money . . Public offict rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . - 66,450 • 222 3,642 248 48,187 11,645 63,244 45,230 M<jta=ukbis» Bask, Philadelphia, August 12, 1834. C r. 12, 1S34. Bills discounted outstanding 00 Specie . . . . . 46 Kxpenses, improvements on the banking house & bonus 82 Moyamensing Bank stock . . . 80 City and other bank notes . . 50 Manhattan Company, New York Due from banks . . 25 83 j. 00 8363,871 66 310 D r. 96 66 26 00 25 00 40 $316,703 53 $316,703 53 M o y a m k n s i k g 214,443 26,783 8,412 960 24,089 25,000 17,014 28,547 8,436 960 66,619 25,000 18,851 21 26 00 67 00 83 8363,871 66 J. NEAL, Cashier, Slate o f the Moyamensing Hank, Tuesday evening, August 19, 1834. D r. C r. ——-~—---1 -Capital stock paid in Notes in circulation » Dividends remaining' unpaid • Discounts . . . Common wealth of Pennsylvania Treasurer of the United States Public officers Due to banks Deposit money - 125 000 68,905 222 — -— 3', 801 248 48,123 30,260 27,087 67,660 00 00 46 28 80 10 25 94 77 Bills diccounted outstanding . . . Speeie . . . . . Expenses . . . . . Moyamensing Bank stock . . . City and other bank notes . . . Manhattan Company New York Bank of America do Corporation of the township of Moyamensing Due from banks . . . . #371,309 60 J NEAL, C a sh ier. State o f the Moyamensing B a n k , Capital stock paid in Notes in circulation Dividends remaining unpaid Discounts Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Treasurer of the United States Public officers Due to banks Deposite money • 125,000 79,275 216 4,135 248 40,116 36,635 18,856 70,984 00 00 21 47 80 30 72 35 94 $375,468 79 PKjLAniLraiA, August 26, 1834. 89 74 26 00 72 85 00 00 14 $371,309 60 PuiLADILPHIA, A u g u s t 19, 1834. D r. - 213,116 33,190 8,436 960 22,087 23,290 35.000 15.000 20,227 Tuesday evenint', A ugust 20, 1834. Bills discounted outstanding Specie Expenses Moyamensing Bank stock City and other bank no'es Manhattan Company, New York Bank of America, do Philadelphia county loan Corporation loan of Moyamensing Due from banks - CO C r. 208,905 79 35,424 54 8,460 69 960 00 36,769 87 3,290 85 26,800 00 16,400 00 15,000 00 23,457 05 $375,468 79 J. NEAI., Cashier. CD I--- 1 I R J; I " “■ 8$ S tale o f the M oyam ensing B a n k , Tuesday evening, Septem ber 2, Dr . 1834. fV c.« of “ l r U jti Capital slock paid in • Nofesincirculation Dividends remaining unpaid Discounts :■vuCommonwealth q f PennsyiyaniA Treasurer oClhe United States Public officers - • D iB !ta jb M f k a .c u ) » ;u .:v ? i Deposite money • 208,349 9.7 1 37 >290 32 8,882 12 • 960 QO i 49,863 71. ’ 3,290 85 1,800 bo 16,400 00 . 15,000 00 64,148 41 Bills discount^!, outstanding S p e c ia l7 rr -r - 7ir>}.jUj£Tji::' Expens«9,:bjn* conufX -j«»u * 4,25141 . Moyamensing Bank stock Cjo* , 348 -60 City and other bank notes * 25,650.>30 Manhattan Company, -New Yorlc Bank of America, do 103,465^07 15,023 94- Philadelphia county loan . Corporation loan of Moyamensing 76l,020 75 Due from banks y;. 125,000 00 - • - $405,990 38 $405 ,990 -38 J. NEAL, C a sh ie r . iBIV* ID* r. State o f the Moyamensing Bank, Tuesday evening, September 9 , 125,000 00 5a,H75 m 216 '21 4,535 93 10,-048-80 85,6JO-3® 39JSQ9 98 4,814 55 84,84-7 12 Capital stock paid in Notes in’ circulation - 1 Dividends remaining unpaid S M N M IB * 0 > Commonwealth of PfitirisylTHtua Treasurer of the United States f PubRc dffliers . tnilbwi . . Deposite Ai®ft€yisB!<; .-. b ir j KOCf b»tq Philadelphia, 9th September, 8403,487 89 1834. Bills discounted; outstanding Specie1- •!:'»» !“*» o_(. j?o>,arjusHe)u8 Moyamensing Bank stock City and othar hank notes Manhattan Company, New York Bank of America t Philadelphia county loan Corporation loan of Moyamensing Due from banks n P.- Expenses >j» - .i fots 312 P h ila d e lp h ia , 2rf S e p te m b e r , 1834. ' D C r. Cr. 1834. 212,269 22 39.720 24 8,885 30 960 00: 30,025 77 33,225 85 1,800 00: 16;400.00 15,000 00 45.2QI 51 $403,487 89 3. NEAL, Cashier. . State of the Moyamensing Bank, Tuesday evening, 1 6th September, 1 S 3 4 . D*. ■ ■■■ ■■ ■ --------------------------- ^ - w n a i i Ati* Capital stock paid in • Notes in circulation . . Dividends ramaining unpaid . ^Discounts . . . OCommonwealth of Pennsylvania . Treasurer of the United States . Public officers . . Due to banks . . Deposite money . . -----------------i - . t L * , . . . -------— • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 125,000 62,920 • 216 4,693 248 102,150 37,728 12,317 77,287 00 00 21 34 80 30 04 96 78 C h. ■ Bills discounted, outstanding Specie . . . Expenses f Moyamensing Bank stock . City and other bank notes . Manhattan Company, New York . Bank of America do Philadelphia county loan . Corporation loan of Moyamensing One from banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . Pnii.AniLPiiiA, 16/A S e p te m b e r , 1834. 3 . NEAL, C a sh ie r. 125,000 65,270 216 4,883 248 120,650 20,719 518 66,768 00 00 21 93 80 30 15 34 3J J404.275 04 P j i L i D i L m u , 2 3d S f timber, 1834. September, Bills discounted, outstanding . Specie . . . Expenses . . . Moyamensing Bank stock . City and other bank notes • Manhattan Company, New York . Bai of America, do Philadelphia Courity loan • Corpo ation loan of Moyamensing Due from banks . . 1834. . . . C r. . . . . . • • . k . . - . ■ - 228,225 42,676 8,957 960 26,258 6,524 1 ,800 16,400 15,000 57,473 313 State o f the M oyam ensing B a n k , Tuesday evening, 23d Capital stock paid in • Notes in circulation • Dividends remaining unpaid Discounts • * Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Treasurer of the United States Public officers Due to banks * • Deposite money - 69 72 80 00 57 56 00 00 00 09 #422,568 42 #182,562 43 Db. 222,130 41.829 8,908 960 34,999 26,720 1,800 16,400 15,000 53,813 65 02 33 00 16 15 00 00 00 73 #404,275 04 J. NEAL, Cashier. GO D k. The S late o f the M eyam tnsing B u n k , Tuesday, September 30, 1834. Cll. GO Capital stock paid in • Notes in circulation Dividends remaining unpaid Discounts . Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Treasurer of the United Slates Public officers • Due to banks Deposite money - 125,000 58,250 153 5,020 248 80,630 39 ,439 40,426 60,521 00 0» 71 30 8J 30 03 05 34 Dills discounted outstanding Specie . . . . Expenses Moyamensing Bank stock City and other bank notes Manhattan Company, New York Bank of America, do . . . . . . . - Corporation loan of Moyamensing Due from banks . . - . . - . - . • J. NEAL, C a sh ie r. ■ The state, o f the M oyam ensing B an k, Tuesday evening, October r. Capital stock paid in • Notes in circulation • Dividends remaining unpaid Discounts • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Treasurer of the United States Public officers • Due to banks • Deposite money • 125,000 66,955 153 5,373 248 92,762 63,678 23,186 68,628 00 00 71 60 80 69 70 78 94 *445,988 22 P lliiD tM B u, Qtltbtr 7, 1834. Bills discounted, outstanding Spccie: gold silver • Expenses • Moyamensing Bank stock City and other bank notes Manhattan Company, New York Bank of America do Philadelphia county loan Corporation loan of Moyamensing Due from banks • • 7, 1834. 314 D 48 16 00 00 95 17 00 00 00 77 #409,709 53 8409,709 53 T uesoit, S e p te m b e r 30, 1834. 237,739 46,002 9,363 960 38,906 3,287 1,800 16,400 15,000 40,250 C r. 38,938 86 44,944 95 241,300 29 83,884 9,530 2,525 17.730 87 \,800 16,400 81 06 00 76 17 00 00 10,000 00 62.730 13 $445,988 22 J. NEAL, Cathier. ^ q% f i t a i e o f i h e M oyam ensing B a n k , Tuesday e v e n i n g , O c t o b e r 14. 1834. . _. ., . - * ® "T * is x . r - _ „ - - - - . . ______ _______ ___ Capital stock paid in Notes in circulation . . Dividends remaining unpaid Discounts Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Treasurer of the United States Public officers • Due to banks • Deposite money . . . . • . » • ‘• *'•. . .j • *J •• * . 125,000 — -“ 827605 153 5,818 248 119,262 49,015 21,729 67,944 00 00 71 68 80 69 32 22 17 #471,777 59 Philadelphia, O ctober 14, 1834. D r. Bills discounted, outstanding Specie: Silver -Gold - ^" r --- - ■ . . - . .• _- • ...- Tuttdty, October 21, 1834. . 46,102 36 34,593 00 * - . . . » - . • » • i', - C r. . . _ . 249,790 41 80,635 9,560 2,525 38,444 87 226 693 16,400 10,000 63,355 36 50 00 60 17 12 13 00 00 30 *471,777 59 , J. NEAL, Caihier. . . . . . 125,000 84,790 153 5,907 248 135,762 74,030 25,937 72,106 00 00 71 78 80 69 65 96 $0 *523,938 09 riiM .A D M .Fiii*, . - Expenses • Moyamensing Bank stock City and other bank notes . Manhattan Company, New York Bank of America -Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. • Philadelphia county loan • Corporation loan of Moyamensing Due from banks . . S late o f the M oyam ensing B an k, Tuesday, October 21, Capital stock paid in • . Notes in circulation . . Dividends remaining unpaid Discounts • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Treasurer of the United States Public officers Due to banks . -1 •* Deposite money .* . • 9 IG D r. i« i» Bills discounted, outstanding Specie: Gold Silver - Cr. 1834. * • - Expenses -' ® *• Moyamensing Bank stock • City Bank notes • • Due fVom foreign banks Philadelphia county loan ■ Corporation loan of Moyamensing Due front banks • * ‘ 31,612 21 49,127 76 • • - ‘• * '■ ■ • ■ • 241,461 50 80,739 9,560 2,525 53,610 1,485 16,400 10,000 108,155 97 50 00 61 25 00 00 26 *523,938 09 J. NEAL, Cashier. - . . . . . - . --- -125,000 00 . . . . . ■ . . . — . . . ■92,070 142 6,264 248 156,252 70,358 11,429 73,097 00 46 26 80 69 49 48 99 Bills discounted, outstanding Species Gold Silver — . . • Expenses . . . Moyamensing Bank stock City Bank notes . . Due from foreign banks Philadelphia county loan Corporation loan of Moyamensing Due from city banks - . ----- 247,058 31 . 52,540 27 30,180 53 . . - . - . . • - —s. • D k. 1’iin.ADELrniA, Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1834. J. NEAL, C a th ie r . i S tate o f the M oyam ensing B a n k , Tuesday, November A, Capital stock paid in • . Notes in circulation . . . . Dividends remaining unpaid . . . Due to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Treasurer of the United Stales public officer! Deposite money . . . . - 125,000 76,485 3,844 544 164,262 40,466 61.862 00 00 46 96 69 34 66 *475,466 11 80 25 00 13 62 00 00 86 #534,864 17 #534,864 17 Philadelphia) T u e s d a y , O cto b er 28, 1834. 82,720 9.573 2.525 38,229 2.525 16,400 10,000 125,831 Bills discounted outstanding Specie! Gold Silver - 1834. C r. . . Expenses •. Moyamensing Bank stock . Notes of other banks . Due from foreign banks • Philadelphia county loan . Corporation loan of Moyamensing Due from city banks . . 9 IB Capital stock paid in Notes in circulation . . Dividends remaining’ unpaid Discounts . . . Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Treasurer of the United States Public officers . . Due to banks •Deposite money . . 28 , 1834. [8 0 3 S tate o f the M oyam ensing B an k, Tuesday evening , October D k. 53,267 99 31,503 14 - . . • . . - . . .. . . - . 251 013 81 84,771 10,706 3,110 27,589 2,525 16,400 10,000 69,349 13 45 00 65 62 00 00 45 #475,466 11 J. NEAL, Cathier. State o f the Moyamensing Bank, Tuesday, November •D*. Capital stock paid in • Notes in circulation . . . Dividends uremaining unpaid • Discounts . . . . Due to the Treasurer of the United States public officers Deposite money . . . - - .* 125,000 54,835 3,844 166 163,747 29,735 4,694 69,209 00 00 46 81 71 73 52 46 11, 1 8 3 4 . C h. Bills discounted outstanding Specie: Gold, . Silver * Expenses . . . . Notes of other banks • Due from foreign banks Philadelphia county loan . Corporation loan of Moyamensing Due from banks . 52,420 89 34,411 46 9451,233 69 Dr. Tuesday, November 11, 1834. 86,832 35 10,718 95 8,643 18 3,793 45 16,400 00 1 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 57,076 27 #451,233 69 J. NEAL, Cashier. S ta te o f the Moyamensing Bank, Tuesday evening, November 1 8, 1 8 3 4 . Capital stock paid in Notes in circulation . . . Dividends remaining unpaid Discounts Due lo the Treasurer of the United States public officers banks • . . Deposite money - 18, 1834. • — • . 125,000 0 0 Bills discounted outstanding 66,390 00 Specie: Gold * 1,882 34 Silver • 506 42 133,064 20 Expenses 31,302 89 Notes of other banks 19,122 39 Due from foreign banks 76,758 30 Philadelphia county loan * Corporation loan of Moyamensing Due from banks . . #454,026 54 C r. * 52 393 36 34,833 91 . J. N EAL, 275,091 24 87,227 10,720 6,632 3,162 16,400 1 0 ,0 0 0 44,792 #454,026 Cuthitr. 27 45 91 56 00 00 11 54 ft S i] P h i l a d e l p h i a , November . * . •- 317 P hiladelphia, 257,769 4'J S(atc of the Moyamensing Bank, Tuesday evening, November 25, D h. Capital stock paid in • • Notes in circulation Dividends remaining unpaid Discounts . . . Due to the Treasurer of the United States public officers • banks . Deposite money • - 125,000 0 0 61,010 0 0 1,166 2 2 8 6 6 26 124,982 28 44,301 52 11,402 06 83,955 25 C r. 1834. 280,920 88,137 10,733 8,857 4,771 16,400 10,000 32,862 $452,683 Kills discounted outstanding Specie: Gold . 51,259 91 Silver . 36,878 02Expenses . . . Notes of other banks • Due from foreign banks Philadelphia county loan Corporation loan of Moyamensing Due from banks • • 8452,683 59 Stale o f the Moyamensing Bank, Tuesday evening. December 2, Capital stock paid in ■ Notei in eivculation Dividends remaining’ unpaid Discounts Due to the Treasurer of. the public officers banks ' 1. Deposits money - riim n ir.F H ii, Tuesday, Otecmbtr .. . .. ' ■- 2, 1831. 125,000 00 57,720 00 i s i .i f s n : 1,179 90 : 135,634 21 43 657 26 I t? ,080 50 77,658 70 t ' ^ >,'i' i 8459,347 29 C r. 1834. Hills discounted outstanding1 • • Specie: Gold 50,533 42 Silver ' i::39,214 08"---- -----Expenses • Notes of othcr'bivnks!,SeS * . Due from foreign bunks Philadelphia county loan • Corporation loan of Moyamensing Due from city banks . 275,699 62 89,747 50 11,358 27 26,176 70 5,746 19 16,400 00 1 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 24,219 01 $459,347 29 J. N E A L ,. Cashier. 318 J. NEAL, Cashier. PmLinELrnii, Tuesday evening, November 25, 1834. D r. 91 93 60 18 81 00 00 16 59 r-i o» i—i Statement of the situation of the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, June 2 3 , 10r,878 7 1 114,491 2 1 .... . 1,773,905 74 Capital stock . . . Debts due to other banks . Notes in circulation - ' 840,000 00 Dividends unclaimed 245,212 8 6 Deposites of Treasurer of United States 56,962 50 public officers . . 161,920 00 182,398 20 by individuals Profit and loss and discount received Special fund created to provide for losses 222,369 98 539,552 95 *4,022,522 23 E. E. U.Tiojf B u t or M inrt*yn, Baltimore, June 23, 1834. 642,476 7< 45,642 9< - 1,844,287 48,438 129,165 5.425 50 14 00 79 688,119 72 649,875 8 8 146,767 30 510,442 90 't/IP VT'* *4,022,522 23 R. MICKLE, Cashier. 319 Bills and notes discounted, not due • Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany • Due by other banks • • • Union Hank of Maryland stock * Turnpike road stocks Real estate at cost • Cash on hand, viz. Specie • • Notes of specie paying banks • Suspended debts principally originating before 1820 - 1834. Statement o f the situation o f the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, June 30, $4,034,730 34 S. £. U sto s Bank «r M am vakd, Qatlimart, Junt 30, 1834. Capital stock . . . Debts due to other banka « Notes in circulation . ■ » Dividends unclaimed Deposites of Treasurer of United States 845,309 65 54,306 08 public ofHoers by individuals « Profit and loss and discount received Special flind created to provide for losses OB 844,287 108,941 134,450 5,045 50 45 00 91 699,515 586,818 145,228 5:0,442 73 25 60 90 - 320 Billa and notes discounted, not due 1,753,931 99 Bonds of the State of Tennessee, snd of the Baltimore and Ohio Kailro&d Com* pany . . . . 840,000 00 257,506 42 Due by other banks . . . 56.962 50 Unioa Bank of Maryland stock • 161,920 00 Turnpike road stocks • ■ •m 182,598 30 Real estate at cost . . . Cash on hand, viz. Specie . . . . 98,619 85 Notes of apecio pitying banka i • 143,513 43 242,138 28 Suspended debts principally originating 539,672 95 before 1820 . . - 1834. #4,034,730 34 R. MICKLE, Cathier, S ta tem en t o f the situ a tio n o f the U nion B a n k o f M a ry la n d , a t B a ltim o re, on M on day J u ly 4 Bills and notes discounted, not due kBonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Hailroad Com pany * * Due by other banks * Union Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike Road stocks Real estate at cost Cfstwon h a n d ,^ nx B’- r fit Jf Specie' '* ** Notes of specie paying banks ■ Suspended debts principally originating before 1820 -, • - 7, 1S34. 1,639,538 20 Capital stock • 1,844,287 50 Debts due to other banks 50,131 17 Notes in circulation 127,400 00 940,000 00 Dividends unclaimed, and lax due th State . . . 218,495 39 62,218 53 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of U. States 659,019 56 161,920 00 public officers 41,418 09 182,598 20 65 T f f l C - ---- r.,,709,437 by individuals 564,325 8 6 Profit and loss and discount received 97,193 44 Special fund created to provide for losses 510,442 90 217,192 34 *># 1 539,730 42 94,916 60 132,275 74 S I fi 83,956,437 05 ------------ E. E. r*J MfIt* I urtwjcfc n ;j4 tvtt n u i . . . | 3 ,956,437 05 .... . * M ahtlakd, M 'U o aBaltimore, t * abcowiynnf oi**|e«||o Unios*. Bakk o* July 7, lSS&cj; 'ivq io»< tji» * " l. •*. i 185*568 39 p i nfcjjAxjrrt 2C >C S 20 j bta\ *9* ° l ■■ L*t*T !W ; : :u n b n p jic o jjjo c w - *3 || D^hfw.'ct iu.nn^ci. oifimiog 8 t0 ‘000 00 ii fT0CJ»;aw.;? fi M W 6* 1° o ; lc n j » ( io y •. £)ep(* anc id oipsi pvuff « 'U T i'if J I 0 ft !’ (a *?o O jt vt\ « R. MICKLE, Coshicr. s* 3Cf! OW S'f-t'365 ei * v ?'o « ai m 't j o os I ^ ’8 « * 2 J 'S * t‘s6X w * ■y>uk 3<j* i2 1 i’ rr n u bo Statement o f th e situation of the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on. Monday, July r 1,626,535 30 Capital slock . . . Debts due to other banks • Notes in circulation * 940,000 00 Dividends unclaimed, and tax due the 221,327 49 State . . . . 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of U. Slates 161,920 00 public officers 182,598 20 by individuals . Profit and loss and discount received 92,446 09 Special fund created to provide for losses 118,829 45 211,275 54 539,230 42 . -----»-------- 1------Uniox Bank or M aryland, Baltimore, July 14, 1834. 50 64 00 53 699,832 544,423 102,129 510,442 77 79 32 90 #3 , 9 3 9 , 8 4 9 4•s.5 83.939,849 45 E. E. 650,553 77 49,279 00 1,844,287 61,443 115,071 62,218 R. M IC K LE, Cashier. 322 Hills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany . . . . Due by other banks . Union Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike Road stocks . Real estate at cost . . . Cash on hand, viz. Specie « - ’ • . Notes of specie paying banks Suspended debts, principally originating1 before 1820 . . . 14, 1834. Statement of the situation o, the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, July Bill and note9 discounted, not due • Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Com pany . . . . Due by other banks Union Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike Road stocks Real estate at cost . . . Cash on hand, viz. Specie . . . . Notes of specie paying banks Suspended debts principally originating before 1820 . . . . . . 1,615,320 63 Capital stock Due to other banks . . Notes in circulation 940,000 00 Dividends unclaimed and tax due the State . . . . 248,117 76 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of U. States public offi cers 161,920 00 182,598 23 by individuals . . 88,170 78 Profit and loss and discount received 98,300 53 Special fund created to provide for losses 186,471 o l 539,230 42 - E. ‘E. Uni ox Ba n k or Ma r t l a t o , Baltimore, July 21, 1834. 650,201 34 67,133 12 - 1,844,287 50 80,838 71 118,915 00 27,230 6 6 717,334 527.760 103,811 510,442 46 09 50 90 $3,930,620 82 B. MICKLE, Cashier. 323 $3,930,620 82 21., 1S34. Statement o f the situation o f the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, July 28, 1,603,823 33 940,000 173,354 56,962 161,920 182,598 87,360 85 175,790 61 - 00 55 50 00 20 263,151 46 539,230 42 Capital stock • , ■ Due to other banks . Notes in circulation • Dividends unclaimed and tax due the State . . . . Deposites of Treasurer of U. States • 676,437 13 publio officers » ■ 33,427 00 by individuals Profit and loss and discount received Special fund created to provide for losses M aistlan d , Baltimore, July 28, 1834. 709,864 522,048 104,147 510,442 13 01 60 90 $3,921,040 46 S3,921,040 46 U nion B a nk ov 1,844,287 50 90,118 6 6 114,440 00 25,691 6 6 324 Bills and notes discounted, not due ■ Bonds of the Stale of Tennessee an! of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com . pany . . . . Due by other banks . . Union Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike Road stocks Real estate at cost . . . Cash on hand, viz. Specie . . . . Notes of speaie paying banks Suspended debts principally originating before 1820 . - 1834. R. MICKLE, Cashier, Statement of the situation of the Union Bank o f Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, August Bills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company * Due by other banks Union Hank of Maryland stock Turnpike road stocks • Real estate at cost . . Cash on hand, viz. Specie . . . . Notes of specie paying banks • Suspended debts, principally originating before 1820 - * - . . . 1,573,064 05 Capital stock Due to other banks • Notes in circulation _ 940,000 0 0 Dividends unclaimed and tax due the • State . . . . 207,442 61 . 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of the U. S. 161,920 0 0 public officers . . • 182,598 2 0 by individuals Profit and loss and discount received 150 ,675 33 Special fund created to provide for losses 77,205 92 227,881 25 538,722 50 • E. E. U n io w B a n k o f M ary lan d , Ba'limore, August 4, 1834. _ . 664,442 13 35,513 42 _ . 1,844,287 47,785 156,790 23,779 50 02 16 16 699,955 502,183 103,367 510,442 55 38 60 90 *3,888,591 11 11. MICKLE, Cashier. 325 $3,888,591 11 t 4, 1834. Statement of the situation of the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, August 1,558,S50 34 Capital stock . . .' Due to other banks Notes in circulation 940,000 0 0 Dividends unclaimed and tax due the State . . . 225,129 8 6 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of the U. S. 161,920 00 public officers 182,190 20 by individuals Profit and loss and discount received 148,395 06 Special fund created to provide for losses 63,468 58 211,863 64 537,230 42 - 646,288 45 40,532 8 6 $3,874,146 96 E. E. U n io n Bank, o f M a ry la n d , Baltimore, August 11, 1834. 1,844,287 69,092 137,860 22,532 50 47 00 41 686,821 500,233 103,076 510,442 31 46 91 90 $3,874,146 96 B. MICKLE, Cashier. 326 Bills and notes discounted, not due • Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany . . . . Due by other banks • Union Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike road stocks Real estate at cost • Cash on hand, viz. Specie - ' • Notes of specie paying banks . . Suspended debts, principally originating before 1820 . . . 11, 1834. Statement o f the situation o f the Union Bank o f Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, August 1,542,055 65 Capital stock Due to other banks • Notes in circulation • 940,000 00 Dividends unclaimed and tax due the State 206,136 36 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer U. S. 161,920 00 public officers 182,190 20 147,023 32 by individuals Profit and loss and discount received 69,353 14 Special fund created to provide for losses 216,376 46 537,230 42 $3,842,871 59 E. E. Union B ask o i M aryland, Baltimore, August 18, 1834. 620,778 45 64,462 93 1,844,287 50 50,992 70 139,370 0 0 21,142 85 685,241 38 488,243 38 103,150 8 8 510,442 90 $3,842,871 59 327 Bills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany Due by other banks Union Bank of Maryland stocl Turnpike road stocks Real estate at cost Cash on hand, viz. Specie — Notes of specie paying banks Suspended debts, principally originating before 1820 - IS, 1834. R. MICKLE, Cashier. CD Statement of the situation of the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, August 25, 1834. Bills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany . . . . Due by other banks . . . Union Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike road stocks Real estate at cost . . . Cash on hand, viz. Specie Notes o f specie paying1 banki Suspended debts principally originating before 1820 . —vfiLisfr.r; i*1. ' .il............... E. E. Un i o n B a n k x m * w b oj»° 940,000 230,090 56,962 161,920 182,190 147,714 07 99,536 21 -— or Ma h t i a ^ d , C**®* 1 ra ‘ Capital stock . . Due to other banks . . Notes in circulation . . Dividends unclaimed and tax due the State . . . Deposites of Treasurer of the U. S. public officers by individuals Profit and loss and discount received Special fund created lo provide for losses 1,532,422 31 * 00 55 50 00 20 247,250 28 540,133 40 623,111 40 39,887 41 r-i cc 1,844,287 86,862 145,545 21,142 50 05 00 85 662,998 516,015 103,674 510,442 81 £8 85 90 ......... $3 ,890,969 24 $3,890,969 24 Baltimore, August 25, 183f. *1 B. MICKLE, Cashier. ►' i ■ If n n e j o orpr-i. psfupa CO K> 03 Statement of the situation o f the Union Bank nf Marylund, at Baltimorean Monday, September 1, 1,516,008 44 940,000 289,586 56,962 161,920 182,190 1 52, t25 19 78,894 96 * 00 83 50 00 20 231,020 15 539,778 55 Capital stock . Due to other banks . Notes in circulation • . Dividends unclaimed, and tax due the State . . . Deposites of Treasurer of United States public officers Deposites by individuals . . Piofit and loss, and discount received . Special fund created to provide for losses 1,844,287 113,035 139,952 21,142 584,431 24 45,431 44 50 37 00 85 629,862 68 558,998 55 99,744 82 510,442 90 329 Bills and notes discounted, not due • Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany Due by other banks • Un:on Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike road stoclu Real estate at cost Cash on hand, viz. Specie Notes of specie paying banks Suspended debts, principally originating before 1820 . . . 1S34. $3,917,466 67 $3,917,466 67 1 E. K. U nion B ask or Baltimore, September 1, 1834, R. MICKLE, Cashier. [fi] M ihtlasd, Statement of the situation of the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, September 8, . . . 1,505,260 32 Capital stock Due to other banks . Notes in circulation 940,000 00 Dividends unclaimed, and tax due the State . . . 294,088 23 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of United States public officers 161,920 00 182,190 20 Deposites by individuals Profit and loss, and discount received 142,760 94 Special fund created to provide for losses 126,265 15 269,026 09 539,778 55 1,844,287 50 138,740 99 178,635 00 20,128 1 0 513,790 42 116,453 53 U »ion B a sk or M a r h a s d , Baltimore, September 8, 1834. 630,243 95 527,414 8 6 99,332 59 510,442 90 $3,949,225 89 S3,949,225 89 E. E , oo 330 Bills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany . . . . Due by other bunks . * Union Bank of Marylan! stock Turnpike road stocks Ileal estate at cost . . Cash on hand, viz. Specie * Notes of specie paying banks Suspended debts principally originating before 1820 . . . 1834. B. MICKLE, Cashier. Statement o f the situation of the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, September 1 5 ,1S34. - . . . 1,500,964 19 Capital stock Due to other banks . . Notes in circulation 940,000 00 Dividends unclaimed, and tax due the 324,694 40 State . . . . 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of United States 161,920 00 public officers _ 182,190 20 Deposites by individuals 123,323 08 i Profit and loss, and discount received 145,723 39 : Special fund created to provide for losses 269,046 47 539,778 55 _ - - - $3,975,556 31 E. E. U n io n B a n k ot M a ry la n d , _ 1 Baltimore, September 15, 1834. 559,057 87 104,050 39 _ - 1,844,287 50 151,847 75 171,525 0 0 20,128 1 0 663,108 26 514,264 1 0 99,952 70 510,442 90 *3,975,556 31 331 Bills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Kailroad Com pany Due by other banks Union Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike road stocks Real estate at cost • Cash on hand, viz. Specie . . . Notes of specie paying banks Suspended debts principally originating before 1820 . . . R. MICKLE, Cashier. f“ *1 00 I__I Statement o f the situation o f the Union Bank of Maryland , at Baltimore, on Monday, September 22, 1834. 1,493,134 84 Capital stock Due to other banks . Notes in circulation 940,000 00 Dividends unclaimed, and tax due the 297,476 76 State . . . . 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of United States 161,920 00 public officers 181,797 42 Deposites of individuals • Profit and loss, and discount received 122,046 36 Special fund created to provide for losses 133,101 99 255,148 35 538,447 02 750 00 533,690 92 132,584 65 U xiox B is k o r M abii.and, Baltimore, September 22, 1834, 666,275 504,256 100,494 510,442 57 09 44 90 $3,925,636 89 $3,925,636 89 E. E , 1,844,287 50 124,367 29 155,385 00 20,128 1 0 R. MICKLE, Cathier. 332 Bills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany . . . Due by other banks Union Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike road stocks Real estate at cost . Cash on hand, viz. Specie . . . Notes of specie paying banks Suspended debts principally originating before 1820 . . . American Insurance stock - oo Statement of the situation o f the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, September 29, 1834. ------------------- 1 1,491,540 42 Capital stock . . . Due to other banks Notes in circulation * • 940,000 00 Dividends unclaimed, and tax due the 250,656 41 State . . . 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of United States 161,920 00 public officers 750 00 181,797 42 Deposites by individuals . Profit and loss, and discount received 170,119 41 Special fund created to provide for losses 124,732 07 294,851 48 538,347 02 . $3,916,825 25 E. E. Union Bank or Martlane , Baltimore, September 29, 1834. 541,114 46 124,858 31 1,844,287 50 92,139 46 144,935 00 20,128 1 0 665,972 537,377 101,542 510,442 77 15 37 90 333 Bills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany Due by other banks Union Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike road stocks . American Insurance stock • Real estate at cost . . . Cash on hand, viz. Specie . . . . Notes of specie paying banks Suspended debts principally originating’ before 1 8 2 0 . . . $3,916,825 25 R. MICKLE Cashier. Statement of the situation of the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, October 6, . . . Bills and notes discounted, not due 1,480,447 24 Capital stock Due to other banks Bonds of the State of Tennessee, of the 1,040,000 00 Notes in circulation Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company Due by other banks 332,737 73 Dividends unclaimed, and tax due the State 56,962 50 Union Bank of Maryland stock 161,920 00 Deposites of Treasurer of United States Turnpike road stocks 750 00 public officers • American Insurance stock 180,309 96 Real estate at cost . . . Deposites by individuals Cash on hand, viz. Profit and loss, and discount received Foreign gold sent to mint for coinage 24,316 67 Special fund created to provide for losses Specie . . . . 161,995 53 Notes of specie paying banks 114,594 77 300,906 97 Suspended debts principally originating 538,347 02 before 1820 ■ $4,092,381 42 E. E. U hiok B ank of Marilanb , Baltimore, October 6 , 1834. 530,933 35 83,513 73 _ - !—“l CO I__I 1834. 1,844,287 123,737 216,530 19,188 50 79 00 72 614,447 08 656,593 57 107,153 86 510,442 90 C3 CO $4,092,381 42 R. MICKLE , Cashier. Statement of the situation of the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, October I S , . . _ _ 148,405 24,316 116,636 ■ 1,469,951 25 Capital stock . Due to other banks Notes in circulation 1,040,000 0 0 Dividends unclaimed, and tax due the 252,221 11 State 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of United States 161,920 0 0 public officers 750 0 0 180,309 96 Deposites by individuals Profit and loss, and discount received Special fund created to provide for losses 20 67 70 289,358 57 538,347 0 2 *3,989,821 41 E. E. U n io n B a n k o f M a r y la n d , Baltimore, October 13, 1834. _ • 511,333 35 62,226 09 _ m - 1,844,287 96,806 187,433 19,188 50 58 00 72 573,559 649,913 108,189 510,442 44. 32 95 90 335 Bills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany • Due by other banks Union Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike road stock American Insurance stock Real estate at cost * Cash on hand, viz. Specie Foreign gold sent to mint for coinage Notes of specie paying banks Suspended debts principally originating before 1820 - 1S34. §3,989,821 41 R. MICKLE, Cashier. Statement o f the situation of the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, October 20, Bills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Iiailroad Com pany . . . Due by other bank* Union Bank of Maryland stock • Turnpike road stock • • American Insurance Company stock • Real estate at cost . . . Cash on hand, viz. Foreign gold sent to mint for coinage . Notes of specie paying hanks Suspended debts principally originating before 1820 - 1,472,227 82 Capital stock . . . Due to other banks . Notes in circulation . 1,040,000 00 Dividends unclaimed, and tax due the 214,427 52 State . . . 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of United States 161,920 00 public officers 750 00 180,538 60 Deposites by individuals . Profit and loss, and discount received 24,316 67 141,561 62 - 1,844,287 50 464,055 98 109,146 89 U n io n °T M a s t i a s Hi Baltimore, October 2 0 , 1834, n UJ 104,587 6 6 199,637 0Q 19,188 72 573,202 87 620,888 35 102,997 76 310 502 09 537,904 23 3 ca *3,975,232 76 *3,975,232 76 E E. 1834. R, M ICKLE, Cashier, Statement "of the situation of the Union Bank o f Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, October 27, Bills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany . . . . Due by other banks A Union Bank of Maryland stock “ Turnpike road stocks • American Insurance stock Real estate at cost . . ...... Cash on hand, viz. Foreign gold sent to mint for coinage Notes of specie paying banks Suspended dtbt 3 principally originating before 1820 bfflA OWRlWfJL'K 24,316 67 120,258 60 1,471,499 84 Capital stock . . . Due to other banks Notes in circulation 1,040,000 00 Dividends unclaimed, and tax due the 212,499 51 State . . . . 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of United States 161,920 00 public officers 750 00 180,538 60 Deposites by individuals . Profit and loss and discount received • Special fund created to provide for losses 1 - ’•» toW'tJi I?*- C0 IJ/»SC * tniq joss' MHf qWWHW > S * J • usrp " T itl'r a ir rz oi n K i-o B»U{C IVJC(»X otiA,, jv-irjE* MOC? * * T")fTP OfLSt . g o u t r i oi (p e — i>i x s - i o t s U s 1 »u tj 0* | --------------------------- ------ : ------- - i—■‘ i'H * --- 1,844,287 50 93,375 6 8 183,737 00 19,188 72 469,829 55 84,536 78 554,366 33 640,500 29 103,253 99 287,077.73 537,904 23 . itl'v ,:; cs $3,949,152 41 s t ’aid ei — " ■ • i TT * E. IX niojt B attic or M a b tl a jc d , Baltimore October 2 7r 1834 . £ * /4-CA rtir;,'. *_ y u r c u e s... u ju « .m. .». !> < rtu ;o iB n * u *’t*rrt io,'it cF _* | V 1834. - ^ r icjr^mAk o i $3,949,152 41 ^— . <• . H. W. EVANS, President. fiS JIM S I**1 * A ; „ j 00 _ Statement of the situation of the t Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, November 3, 1,458,166 24 Capital stock . . . Due to other banks Notes in circulation 1,040,000 00 Dividends unclaimed, and tax due the 185,034 24 State * 56,962 50 Depesites of Treasurer of United States 161,920 00 public officers 750 00 180,779 45 Deposites by individuals . Profit and loss and discount received 139,260 98 Special fund created to provide for losses 24,316 67 121,587 46 285,165 11 537,964 23 $3,906,741 77 E- E. U s i o h B an k op M a htl and , Baltimore, November 3, 1834. 396,691 42 98,079 50 00 1,844,287 50 100,374 36 196,303 00 19,188 72 494,770 638,819 102,556 510,442 92 10 27 90 338 Bills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the State of Tennessee and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany . . . Due by other banks Union Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike road stocks American Insurance stock Real estate at cost • Cash on hand, viz. Specie . . . Foreign gold sent to mint for coinage Notes of specie paying banks Suspended debts principally originating before 1820 * - 1834- $3,906,741 77 R. MICKLE, Cashier. Statement o f the situation o f the Union Bank of Maryland, at. Baltimore, on Monday, November Capital stock . . . Due to other banks Notes in circulation • 1,040,000 00 Dividends unclaimed and tax due the 149,373 04 State • 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of United Slates 161,920 00 public officers 750 00 180,779 45 Deposites by individuals Profit and loss and discount received Special fund created to provide for losses 143,574 18 164,749 76 3(.8,323 94 644,541 57 - 1,350,493 72 - - *3,893,144 22 E. E. U s i o k B a k e o r MAnTLAND, Baltimore, November 10, 1834. — 375,491 42 57,942 98 _ 1834. 1,844,287 50 172,977 6 6 180,207 00 19,183 72 433,434 40 629,3ol 0 8 103,274 6 6 510,442 90 339 Bills and notes discounted, not due • Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany . . . . Due by other banks • Union Bank of Maryland stock • Turnpike road stocks American Insurance stock • Real estate at cost . . . Cash on hand, viz. Specie - . • Notes of specie paving banks Suspended debts, principally originating' before 1820 . . . 1 0 , *3,893,144 22 R. MICKLE, Cashier. n CB Statement of the situation of the Union Bank of Maryland, at Baltimore, on Monday, November 17, • 1,455,050 81 Capital stock . . . Due to other banks . . . Notes in circulation • . ■ 1,040,000 00 Dividends unclaimed and tax due the _ _ 179,106 55 State . . . . 56,962 50 Deposites of Treasurer of United States 384,664 67 _ 16J,920 00 public officers • ■ 45,334 05 --------------------750 00 . 180,779 45 Deposites by individuals Profit and loss and discount received 140,962 IS Special fund created to provide for losses 163,817 26 304,779 41 537,640 23 $3,917,588 95 E. E. U k io .n B a n k oy M a r t l a n d , Baltimore, November 17, 1834. R, MICKLE, 1,844,287 50 189,446 yy 179,382 0 0 18,380 41 r —i OO I— I 429,998 72 640,175 4U 105,475 10 510,442 yo $3,917,588 95 Cashier, 340 Bills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the State of Tennessee, and ol the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co. Due by other hanks Union Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike road stocks American Insurance stock Real estate, at cost ■ ■Cash on hand, viz. Specie Notes of specie paying banks Suspended debts, principally originating before 1 8 2 0 . • - 1834. Statement o f the situation ojthe Union Bank of Maryland at Baltimore on Monday, November 24, E. E. U n io n B a n k or M a rtia n d , . . . 1,427,232 81 Capital stock Due to other banks Notes in circulation * 1,040,000 00 Dividends unclaimed, and tax due the State 207,812 06 57,112 50 Deposites of Treasurer of United States 161,920 00 public officer* • 750 00 by individuals * 180,779 45 Profit and loss and discount received 140,391 74 Special fund created to provide for losses 131,236 34 271,628 08 537,423 48 g3,884,658 38 Baltimore, November 24, 1834. 359,484 57 73,610 6 6 1,844,287 50 171,295 94 177,057 00 18,380 41 433.095 23 624,003 74 106.095 6 6 510,442 90 *3,884,658 38 R. MICKLE, Cashier. 341 Bills and notes discounted, not due Bonds of the Stale of Tennessee and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany Due by other banks Union Bank of Maryland stock Turnpike load stocks American Insurance Btock Real estate at cost Cash on hand, viz. Specie Notes of sptcie paying banks Suspended debt* principally originating before 1820 . . . 1S34. Statement of the situation oj the Union Bank of Maryland at Baltimore on Monday, December 1, 1834. F.. E. U m os IU n k or M a h th x d , 1,429,503 73 Capital stock . . . Due to other banks Notes in circulation . 1,040,000 0 0 Dividends unclaimed and tax due the 222,503 18 State . . . . . 57,112 50 Deposites of Treasurer of United States _ 161,920 00 public officers . . _ 750 00 _ 180,779 45 by individuals Profit and loss and discount received Special fund created to provide for losses 137,977 23 121,667 12 259,644 35 537,423 48 13 ,889,636 69 $uItimore, December 1, 1834. m 360,535 99 53,227 59 . _ QO 1,844,287 30 188,571 1 2 167,017 0 0 9,285 16 413,763 628,203 128,066 510,442 58 26 17 90 $3,889,636 69 R. MICKLE, Cashier, 342 Bills and notes discounted not due Ronds of tlie Stale of Tennessee, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany . . Due by other banks Union Bank of Maryland stocks Tui m ike road stocks * American Insurance stock • Real estate at cost Cash on hand, vizSpecie . . . . Notes of specie paying banks Suspended debts principally originating before 1820 . . , I— i Stalcment of the Bank of the Metropolis on the 16th June, Bills and notes discounted . . Discounted on stocks, &c. Real estate . . . . Specie . . . . Notes of other banks . . . Checks on do • Dne from do Expense account and costs of suit * - . . . . - 736,784 205,776 25,113 225,229 24,313 210,371 96,752 5,237 SI ,529,579 12 11 83 99 65 91 46 40 47 1834 Capital paid in . . . Notes in circulation . . . Treasurer of the United States . . Due to other banks . . . Public officers . . . Individuals . . . . Discount account . . . . . . . . . . 500,000 111,837 517,212 45,558 155,580 177,734 21,655 00 75 67 28 78 91 08 $1,529,579 47 GEO. THOMAS, Cashier. Statement of the Bank of the Metropolis on the 23 d June, Bills and notes discounted Discounted on stocks, &c. . . Real estate . . . . Specie . . . . Notes of other banks . . . Checks on do • Due from do Expense account and costs of suit - . . . . - 747,237 58 205,776 11 25,153 23 185,759 65 20,869 97 210,313 14 178,357 10 5,346 21 $1,578,813 00 CO Ok CO 1834. Capital paid in • Treasurer of the United States Notes in circulation . . Due to other banks . . Public officers . . Individuals . . . Discount account . . . . . . • . . . . . * - 500,000 00 643,897 45 110,217 75 39,565 49 146,948 6 8 115,852 75 22,331 48 $1,578,813 00 GEO. THOMAS, n 00 Cashier. J Statement of the. Bank of Ihc Metropolis on June 30, 1834. Bills and notes discounted • Discounted on stocks, &c. * Real estate • Notes of other banks >Check 9 on do -. Due from do • “S pecie . . . . ^Expense account and costs of suit . . y .................... .... . • - . . (r * Capital paid in Treasurer of the United States Notes in circulation . . Due to banks . . Public officers . . Individuals * 241,992 13 Discount account - 752,874 29 . * 205.776 11 • _ 25,153 23 20,035 00 . 314.056 32 . 187.965 35 - “ V "* 5,400 15 $1,753,252 58 ' . - . . . • • . • . . . 500.000 784,224 131,069 53,748 170,837 90,600 22.773 • • • 00 oo t—i 15 00 28 63 42 10 $1,753,252 58 , Statement of the Bank o f the Metropolis on July 8, . Bills and notes discounted . . . 756,329 92 Capital paid in Discounted on stocks, &c. . 205,776 11 Notes in circulation . Real estate . . . . . --------25,153 23 Discount account 184,393 8 8 Treasurer United States Specie . . Notes of other banks . . . . 15,338 00 Public officers :c . 308.052 76 Other banks \ Checks on do • . ■. Due from do . . . . *171,396 00 Individuals * 2,890 81 , Expense account and costs of suit O' •• £1,669,33a 71 # •' W ) oo »f». ■? ?<v 11 GEO. THOMAS, Cashier. CO >(**- 1834. . • • * . . - . • • - . • • • • • • GEO. THOM AS, 500,000 185,554 4,211 679,180 169,529 37,142 93,712 00 00 89 62 10 91 19 # i , 66a .330 71 Cashier. Statement o f the Bank of the Metropolis on July Bills arid notes discounted . . . Discounted on stock, &c. . . . Real estate . . . . . Spccie . . . . . Notes of other banks . . . . Checks on do ' Due from do • Expense account and costs of suit . . . - 753,267 31 205,776 11 25,153 23 123,644 50 23,120 0 0 49,764 41 150,894 62 2,890 81 |1 ,334,51(J 99 15, 1834. Capital paid in Notes in circulation . . . . Treasurer United States . . . Do special deposite Due to other banks . . . . individuals . . . . public officers . . . . Discount account . . . . • 500,000 171,413 340,343 17,187 50,239 96,525 150,526 8,274 SI ,334,510 00 95 55 50 88 77 23 11 99 GEO. THOMAS, Ctuhier. 345 Statement of the Bank of the Metropolis on July 22, Bills and notes discounted . . Discounted on stocks, &c. . . Real estate . . . . Specie . . . . Due from other banks . . . Notes and checks of other banks . . Expense account and costs of suit . . . . . . . . . 736,550 205,776 25,153 142,982 238,110 90,387 2,890 *1,441,850 33 11 23 28 24 00 81 00 1834. Capital paid in . . Notes in circulation . . Treasurer United State9 . Due to other banks . ' • public officers . . individuals . . Discount account . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . 500,000 172,498 340,558 54,031 248,577 117,476 8,706 .#1,441,850 GEO. THOM AS, Cashier. 00 95 OS 93 56 89 59 00 OO —J 1 Statement of the Bank of the Metropolis on July 2 9 , Bills and notes discounted Discounted on stocks, &c. Beal estate . , Notes and checks on other banks Specie Due from other banks Expense account and costs of suit . • . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 757,103 82 187,199 12 25,153 23 47,406 00 141,116 97 216,039 35 2,797 93 J1 ,376,816 42 1S34. Capital paid in Notes in circulation Treasurer of United States . Due to other banks . . Public officers . , Individuals . . , Discount account . ' . (— i oo . - ' . . . . • . » « . - 500,000 171,188 291,157 45,445 256,493 103,073 9,457 $1,376,816 00 95 24 71 04 64 84 42 GEO. THOMAS, Cashier. 346 Statement o f the Bank of the Metropolis on August 5, 1S34. Bills and notes discounted . . Discounted on stock . . . Beal estate . . . . Specie . . . . Notes of other banks . . . Checks on do . . Due from do .. . Expense account and costs of suit . . . . . . . . . 741,626 197,199 25,153 160,147 40,220 8,529 137,524 2,862 S I,313,262 95 12 23 14 00 52 69 18 83 Capital paid in Notes in circulation . . Treasurer of the United States . do special deposites Due to other banks Public officers . . Individuals Discount account . • . . . . « • . • > . • • GEO. THOMAS, 500,000 157,508 200,519 3,437 42,910 298,069 100,728 10,088 81,313,262 Cashier. 00 95 89 50 12 38 76 23 83 Statement of the Bank o f the Metropolis on August 12, ----' ' Bills and notes discounted . Discounted oil stock . . Real estate . . . Specie . . . . Notes of other banks . . Checks on do Due from do . . Expense account and costs of suit . . . . . . . . . . - . . - 734,103 197,199 25,153 165,181 20,119 6,506 235,423 24 12 23 19 00 30 66 2 , 8 6 8 18 $1,386,553 92 - 1834. Capital paid in . . Notes in circulation . . Treasurer of the United States . Do special deposite Due to other banks . . Public officers . . Individuals Discount account . . • . . . . . . . . - . . . - • . - ... 500,000 00 156,730 00 333,873 02 3,437 50 48,564 87 234,791 30 98,705 19 10,452 04 $1,386,553 92 JOHN P. VAN NESS, President 347 Statement of the Bank of the IMetropolis on August Bills and notes discounted . . Discounted on stock . . . Real estate . . . . Specie . . . . Notes of other banks . . . Checks on do * Due from do • • Expense account and costs of suit - . . . . . - 705,491 187,199 25,153 168,465 10,186 7,581 244,761 70 12 23 67 00 57 80 2 , 8 6 8 18 SI ,361,707 27 19, 1834. Capital paid in . . . Notes in circulation . . . . Treasurer of the United States . . . Do special deposite * Due to other banks . . . . Public officers . . . . Individuals . . . . Discount account . . . . - GEO. THOMAS, 500,000 140,280 311,625 6,875 55,539 237,649 98,382 11,354 $1,361,707 00 00 64 00 78 63 53 69 27 1-1 00 Cashier. t-J Statement of the Bank of the Metropolis on the 25th August, 1834. 1— 1 00 Bills and notes discounted . Discounted on stocks, &c. . Heal estate . . . Notes of and checks on other banks Specie . Due from other banks . . Expense account and costs of suit - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . • _ 689,023 197,199 25,585 2 2 ,1 0 1 165,673 197,810 2,885 $1,300,279 77 12 92 60 44 24 08 17 Capital paid in . . . Notes in circulation . . . Treasurer of the United States . Due to other banks . . . Public officers . . . Individuals . . . . Discount account . . . . . . . . a 500,000 00 147,165 00 255,499 12 33,042 99 171,968 54 180,333 69 12,269 83 $1,300,279 17 —I 1 GEO. THOMAS, Cashier. 348 Statement of the Bank of the Metropolis on the id September, 1834. « Bills and notes discounted . . . Discounted on stocks, &c. . . Heal estate . . . . . Specie . . . . . Notes of and checks on other banks Due from other banks . . . . Expense account and costs of suit . . . ■- 684,487 197,199 25,585 161,834 22,427 329,134 2,892 1,423,561 57 12 92 53 33 19 95 61 Capital paid in . . Notes in circulation . . Treasurer of the United States Due to banks Public officers . Individuals . Discount account . . . . . . . . . . . . % v . . . - GEO. THOMAS, 500,000 144.645 362,947 42,431 176,984 183,803 12,749 $1,423,561 Cashier. 00 00' 61 38 20 95 47 61 Statement of the Bank of the Metropolis, 9th September, 1834. Bills and notes discounted . . . Discounted on stocks, &c. . . . Real estate . . . . . Specie . . . . . Bills of and checks on other banks . Due from other banks . . . . Expense account and costs of suit . . . 699,428 197,199 25,585 157,531 22,301 291,578 2,892 51 12 92 40 57 49 95 Capital paid in . . Notes in circulation . . Treasurer of the United States . Due to other banks . . Individuals . . . Public officers . . Discount account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 500,000 158,200 258,832 39,139 182,308 244,640 13,396 $1,396,517 96 00 00 83 96 00 28 89 $1,396,517 96 GEO. THOMAS, Cashier. 349 Statement of the Bank of the Metropolis, 16/A September, 1834. Bills and notes discounted Discounted on stock, 8cc. Heal estate Notes of and checks on other banks Specie . . . Due from other banks Expense account and costs of suit _ _ * _ m _ - . m m m m - 732,160 197,199 25,585 19,921 155,432 242,791 2,930 26 12 92 66 40 51 94 $ 1 , 3 7 6 , 0 2 1 81 Capital paid in Notes in circulation . Treasurer United States Public officers Individuals . Due to other banks Discount account - . . . - ■ . . . - - . . . ~ : 500,000 168,510 253,229 199,559 167,794 72,263 14,663 00 00 96 27 86 83 89 1,S76,021 81 GEO. THOMAS, Cashier. * 00 I__I Statement o f the Bank of the Metropolis, September 23, Bills and notes discounted . Discounted on stocks, &c. . Specie . . . Real estate . . . Notes of and checks on other banks Due from other banks . . Expense account and costs of suit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733,753 197,199 152,820 25,585 22,080 223,872 2,938 $1,358,249 54 12 61 92 08 14 44 85 i—i 1834. Capital paid in . . Treasurer of the United States . Notes in circulation . . Due to other banks . . Public officers . . Individuals . . . Discount account . . go . . . . . . . 500,000 00 i__i 238,310 37 173,999 00 87,410 8 8 156,336 27 187,103 33 15,090 00 $1,358,249 85 . . . . . . . GEO. THOMAS, Cathier. 350 Statement o f the Bank of the Metropolis, on September 30, 1834 Bills and notes discounted . . . Discounted on stocks, &c. • Specie . . . . . Real estate . . . . . Notes of and checks on other banks Due from other banks . . . . Expense account and costs of suit . . . • - 742,135 197,199 151,108 25,585 21,423 . 384,702 2,956 $1 ,525,111 43 12 29 92 13 69 54 12 Capital paid in • • Notes in circulation . . Treasurer of the United States . Public officers . . Individuals . . . Due to other banks . . Discount account . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - GEO. THOMAS, 500,000 00 197,204 00 435,239 21 99,779 00 218,923 77 58 222 83 15,742 31 $1,525,111 12 Cashier. Statement of the Bank of the Metropolis on October 7, Bills and notes discounted Discounted on stocks, 6cc. Beal estate . . . Notes of other banks . . Checks on do • Due from do . . Specie . . . Expense account and C03ts of suit. . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . 743,796 00 197,199 12 25,585 92 8,292 00 65,417 51 474,365 16 145,469 93 3,152 29 S I,663,277 93 1834. Capital paid in • Notes in circulation . . . . Treasurer United States . . . Do special deposite Public officers . . . . Individuals . . . . . Due to other banks . . . . Discount account . . . . - 500,000 194,674 577,786 3,437 162,577 136,339 72,215 16,248 81,663,277 00 00 71 50 02 04 11 55 93 GEO. THOMAS, Cashier. Bills and notes discounted Discounted on stocks, &c. Specie . . . Notes of other banks . . Checks on do Due from do . . Real estate do . . Expense account and costs of suit . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749,339 46 197,199 12 142,316 42 15,062 83 10,130 27 460,616 77 25,585 83 3,244 54 $1,603,495 24 10 351 Statement of the Bank o f the Metropolis on October , 1834. Treasurer of the United States . Do special deposite Public officers . . Individuals . . Due to other banks . . Notes in circulation . . Biscount account . . . . . . . - . . . . . . * - 500,000 539,842 3,437 155,049 129,680 59,966 198,730 16,789 81,603,495 GEO. THOMAS, Ccuhicr. 00 T4 50 20 49 01 00 30 24 CD Statement of the Bank of the Metropolis on October 2U, BilU and notes discounted Discounted on stock • Real estate • Notes of, and checks on, other banks Specie Due from other banks . Expense account and costs of suit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758,854 197,199 25,585 49,284 158,128 394,165 3,267 *1,586,485 75 12 83 83 70 52 22 97 Capital paid in Treasurer United States Public officers . Individuals . . Due to other banks . Notes in circulation . Discount account . 1834. . . . . . i— i oo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 500,000 00 467,762 47 195,970 41 150,863 19 54,016 ’70 200,136 24 17,736 96 $1,586,485 97 GEO. THOMAS, Cashier. Bills and notes discounted . Discounted on stock . . Specie . . . Notes of, and checks on, other banks Due from other banks . . Real estate . . . Expense account and costs of suit . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . ■ * 756,284 8 8 197,199 12 154,703 62 50,508 07 373,162 89 25,585 83 3,274 22 $1,560,718 63 4 352 Statement o f the Bank of the Metropolis on October 27, 1834. —1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Capital paid in . . . . Notes in circulation . . . . Treasurer of the United States . . . Public officers . . . . Individuals Due to other banks . . . . Discount account . . . . GEO. TH OM A S, 500,000 189,831 457,766 176,700 1 6 7 ,6 1 8 50,282 18,519 $1,560,718 Cashier. 00 24 43 56 16 82 42 63 Statement of the Bank of the Metropolis, November 11, Bills and notes discounted Discounted on stocks Real estate Notes of other banks Checks on do Due from do Specie ■^Expense account and costs of suit 836,754 197,199 24,585 38,670 27j743 2.59,684 296,967 3,6«(i 1S34. • • 91 Capital paid in 12 Notes in circulation . . 82 Treasurer ofthe United States ■ 00 special deposite • . 35 Public officers 45 Individuals • , • 97 1 Due to other banks • 45 ; Discount account #1,686,292 07 500,000 218,812 571,708 3,437 156,172 154.202 60,033 22,524 00 24 64 50 43 62 79 85 $ \ ,686,292 07 Statement of the Bank of the Melropol s, November 1 8 , Bills and notes discounted Discounted on stocks • Heal estate Notes and checks bf other banks Specie . • Due from other banks Expense account and costs of suit 824,953 79 197,199 12 25,585 82 43,847 64 293,032 95 2 55 ,9 85 3 0 5,753 51 353 GEO. THOMAS, Cathier. 1831. Capital paid in . Notes in circulation • Treasurer of the United States Pubfic officers • Due to itlier banks Discount account Individuals . - 500,000 224,863 544,406 171,158 64,810 23,647 115,470 00 91 89 24 79 40 90 *1,644,358 13 $1,644,358 13 GEO. THOMAS, Cashier. 05 , Statement of the Bank of the Metropolis November 25, Itilla and notes discounted . Discounted on stocks . . -Real estate • . . Specie . . . Notes and checks of other banks Due from other banks • * Expense account and costs of suit . . . . . . . ' * . . . 826,811 87 197,199 12 25,585 82 289,632 06 97,104 31 176,045 63 3,753 51 1834. Capital paid in . . Notes in circulation . . Treasurer of the United States . 1 Public officers . . j Individuals . . . I Due to other banks . . Discount account . . . . . . . . . . . . - 500,000 210,993 543,607 183,145 90,366 63,990 24,028 00 91 48 73 39 60 18 $1,616,132 32 $1,616,132 32 GEO. THOMAS, Cashier. Dills and notes discounted . Discounted 011 stocks . . Specie . . . Notes and checks on other banks Due from other banks . . Heal estate . . . Expense account and costs of suit . . . . . . . . . . . - . 842,235 197,199 286,519 129,157 168,422 25,585 3,753 23 12 15 22 45 82 51 »1,652,902 50 2 354 Statement o f the Bank of the Metropolis, December , 1831. Capital paid in Treasurer of the United States Public officers . . . Individuals . . . . Due to other banks . . . Notes in circulation . . . Di.-count account . . . . . . . . . . L. 500,000 00 520,312 16 181,173 19 142,483 62 73,521 10 210,188 91 25,223 62 $1,652,902 SO GEO. THOM AS, Cashier. Stale o f the Bank o f Virginia, including Us Branches, November Notes discounted ~ 4,213,428 30 Inland bills do 1,398,198 31 Foreign bills of Exchange Notes of other banks on hand . . . Hue from other banks . . . . Specie—gold and silver . . . Heal estate, including banking houses • . Six per cent, stock of the State of Virginia to the city of Richmond Subscription to the James River and Kanawha Company paid . . . . . 61 90 49 46 72 62 00 49 00 17,300,913 20 Capital stock . . 'Notes in circulation . . . . Due to other banks . . . . Treasurer of the United States, viz. at Richmond 61,771 21 Norfolk 38,277 10 Petersburg 20,064 76 Fredericksburg 20 98 l)He to State of Virginia . . . Deposite money, including previous surpluses and * profits since July 1, ■ • 1 2,740,000 00 2,787,277 51 193,449 41 120,134 OS 244,715 95 1,215,336 58 $7,300,913 20 355 5,611,620 115,829 170,214 559,850 401,301 313,916 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 23,173 5,000 15, 1634. i—I CO I I Statement ot the condition of the Bank of Augusta, taken from the books on Tuesday morning, September 16, 1834. 44,091 12,789 300 91,368 57,891 354,932 1,370 . * 66 92 00 98 30 12 00 772,272 75 Capital stock, 6,000 shares, §100 each, paid in . . . Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States • Dividends unclaimed Individual deposites Surplus fund . . . • _ . . . . _ 600,000 0 0 464,703 19 18,216 8 8 15.000 0 0 8,164 0 0 165,007 43 111,108 0 1 565,743 98 3 9,12/ 50 5,055 28 $1,382,199 51 «1,383,199 51 A. PIC&UET, Bookkeeper. f « 356 Bills and notes discounted • • Amount due bv banks in New York, Sa vannah, and Charleston Amount due by banks in the interior • Secretary of War . . . Specie funds in hands of agents for set tlement . . . . Notes of specie paying banks • . Specie in its vault belonging to the bank Specie at Columbus, Georgia . . Total amount of specie and specie funds Heal estate, including banking house Expenses . . . . I— l CO I__I Statement o f the condition of the Bank o f Augusta, taken from the books on Tuesday morning, September 33,1834. Bills and notes discounted Amount due by banks in New York, Charleston, and Savannah Amount due by banks in the interior * Secretary of War Funds in hands of agents for settlement Note* of specie paying banks Specie in its vault 354,781 61 Specie in Columbus, Georgia 1,370 00 14 29 00 45 10 _ • _ - 600,000 473,975 18,216 166,191 7,964 15,000 112,576 00 38 83 95 00 00 47 356,151 61 • t 597,987 59 £9,127 SO 6,009 40 91,393,924 68 357 Total amount of specie and apecic funds Real estate, including banking house • Expenses . . 57,749 15,529 300 82,124 86,133 750,800 19 Capital stock, 6,0C0 shares, $100 each, paid in . . . Notes in circulation . Amount dilfe other banks . Individual deposites . . Dividends unclaimed . . Treasurer of the United States Surplus profits . . . 1,393,924 63 A. PICQUET, Bookkeeper. I—I 00 j l statement of the condition o f the Bank o f Augusta, taken from the books on Tuesday mornings Sept. 30, Bills and notes discounted Amount due by banks in New York, Charleston, and Savannah • Amount due in the interior Secretary of War Funds in hands of agents for settlement Notes of specie paving banks . Specie in its vault 353,825 4-4 Total amount of specie fund and specie Heal estate Expenses . . . _ — _ _ . - - •oo 600,000 0 0 435,281 13 1,059 16 172,280 99 7,944 CO 15,000 00 113,339 29 542,319 93 39,127 50 6,110 55 *1,344,904. 57 #1,344,904 57 A. PIC Q U ET, Bookkeeper. 358 39,577’ 12 4,215 70 300 00 43,693 98 100,707 69 353,825 44 757,346 59 Capital stock, 6,000 shares, 100 each paid in • . . Notes in circulation . Amount due to other banks Individual depositors . Unclaimed dividends Treasurer of the United States Surplus profits . . . 1834. A statement o f the condition o f the Bank o f Augusta, taken from the books on Tuesday morning, Oct. 7, 1834. Bills and notes discounted . Amount due by banks in New York, Charleston, and Savannah Amount due in the interior Funds in hand of agent* for settlement . Notes of specie paying banks Specie in its vault 353,339 ] 5 Tdtal amount of specie funds Real estate including banking house Expenses .. 755,619 88 45,633 57 2,982 46 19,332 82 1-10,778 91 353,339 15 — Capital stock, 6,000 shares, 100 each Notes in circulation Amount due ether bsnks Individual deposites Dividends unclaimed Treasurer of the United States Surplus profits - . * . - _ ■ - _ — - 600,000 437,953 1,059 183,979 7,924 15,000 146,908 00 63 16 67 00 OO 38 561,966 91 39,127 50 6,110 55 #1,362,824 84 $1,362,824 84 A. PICQUET, Bookkeeper. CO 'o *2 statement of the condition o f the Bank o f Augusta, taken from the books on Tuesday morning, Oct. Bills and notes discounted Amount due by banks in Nevr York, Charleston, and Savannah Amount due by banks in the interior Funds in hands of agents for settlement Notes of specie paying banks Specie in its vault belonging to the bank Total amount of specie and specie funds Ileal estate, including banking house Expenses . - 01 77 82 01) 79 51,382,236 45 600,000 446,934 19,940 15,000 7,684 174,910 117,767 00 00 30 00 00 98 17 $1,382,236 45 A. PICQ.UET, Bookkeeper. 360 98,813 .5,145 81,343 45,612 351,674 754,209 01 Capital stock, 6,000 shares, paid in Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks . Treasurer of the United States Dividends unclaimed . Individual deposites Surplus profits 580,589 39 39,127 50 6,310 55 I— I CO l_ ! 14, 1834. *4 sta tem en t o f the condition o f the B a n k o f A u g u sta , taken fr o m the books on T uesday m o rnin g , Oct. Bills and notes discounted Amount due by banks in New York, 94,989 04 Charleston, and Savannah 2,745 24 ^ Amount due by banks in the interior o* Funds in hands of agents for settlement 111,323 25 Notes of specie pay ing banks 59,483 00 Specie in its vault belonging to this bank 350,411 06 350,411 06 Total amount of specie and specie funds Real estate, including banking house Expenses * . - - $1,462,510 40 - V• - . 600,000 501,760 19,542 15,000 7,684 199,600 118,923 00 50 06 00 00 61 23 $1,462,510 40 361 • 797\395 78 Capital stock, 6,000 shares, §100 each, paid in Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks . Treasurer of the United States Unclaimed dividends . Individual deposites Surplus profits . 618,951 59 39,127 50 7,035 53 , 21 1 83 4 A. PICQUET, Bookkeeper. r-i 09 A statement of the condition of the Bunk of Augusta, taken from the books on Tuesday morning, October 2 8 ,1S34. 840,642 29 Bills and notes discounted Amount due by banks at New Y< Charleston, and Savannah • Amount due hy bunks in the interior Funds in hands of agents • Notes of specie paying' banks Total amount of specie and specie funds Real estate, including banking house • Erpenses - 74 73 54 00 08 Capital stock, 6,000 shares, $100 each, paid in Notes in circulation • Amount due to other banks • Treasurer of the United States Unclaimed dividends Individual deposites Surplus - - - - - - - - - 601,771 09 39,127 50 7,161 78 $1,488,702 66 - 600,000 52B,976 15,713 15,000 7,684 201,225 .120,103 25 62 00 00 31 48 $1,488,702 66 A. PICQUET, B okkeeper. 00 36a 1 96,133 5,686 40,192 134,64! 325,115 “ co «/? sta tem en t o f the condition o f the B a n k o f Jltig u sta , taken fr o m the books on Tuesday m orning, November 4, Notes and bills discounted • Amount due by banks in New York, Charleston, and Savannah Amount due by banks in the interior Funds in hands of agents for settlement Notes of specie paying banks Specie in its vault belonging to the bank Total amount of specie and specie funds Real estate, including banking house Expenses * - 85 77 91 00 83 $1,533,818 95 . 600,000 0 0 583,780 62 9,004 75 15,000 0 0 7,684 0 0 197,170 94 121,178 64 $1,533,818 95 363 82,866 8,079 108,410 79,741 305,848 902,566 31 Capital stock, 6,000 shares, $100 each, paid in Notes in circulation Amount due other banks Treasurer of the United States Unclaimed dividends . Individual deposites Surplus profits • 584,947 36 39,127 50 7,177 78 1834 A. PICQUET, Bookkeeper. 00 I__I A statement of the condition of the Bank of Augusta , taken from the books on Tuesday morning, Nov. Bills and notes discounted ■ • Amount due by banks in New York, Charleston, and Savannah . Amount due by banks in the interior Funds in hands of agents for settlement Notes of specie paying banks . Specie in its vault belonging to the bank - 299,846 29 Specie at Milledgeviile • 1,000 00 Total amount of specie and specie flinds Heal estate, including banking house Expenses . , . , 937,201 48 113,865 8,349 52,315 117,666 77 76 67 00 Capital stock . . . Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Unclaimed dividends Individual depositors * Surplus profits . . . - - 1 1 ,1S34. 600,000 639,628 5,784 15,000 7,660 185,667 122,809 00 86 28 00 00 76 35 300,846 29 593,043 49 39,127 50 7,177 78 J f, 576,550 25 $1,576,550 25 A. PICQUET, Bookkeeper. j i statement of the condition o f the Bank of Augusta, taken from the books on Tuesday morning, Nov. 18, 1834 . Bills and notes discounted Amount due by banks in Charleston, New York, and Savannah Amount due by banks in the interior Funds in hands of agents for settlement Notes of specie paying banks Specie in its vault belonging to the bank - 291,542 48 Specie in Milledgeville, Geo. 1,000 00 Columbus - 19,300 00 104,804 15,250 868 155,990 03 04 80 00 Capital stock Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Unclaimed dividends Individual depositors Surplus profits . . . • - 600,000 650,326 8,565 15,000 31,660 206,975 91,876 00 63 73 00 00 18 75 311,842 48 - 588,755 35 39,127 50 91,604,404 29 365 Total amount of specie and specie funds Real estate, including banking house • 976,521 44 $1,604,440 29 A. PICQUET, Bookkeeper. r—I OO Statement of the condition of the Bank of Augusta, taken from the books on Tuesday, November 24, Bills and notes discounted Amount due by banks in New York, Charleston, and Savannah A mount due by banks in the interior Funds in hands of agents for settlement Notes of specie paying banks Speoie in its vault belonging to the bank Total amount specie and specie funds Real estate, including banking house Expenses . . . 1334. r_1 oo 1,047,968 32 82,155 5,495 123,836 116,144 280,479 ” 13 37 33 00 71 Capital . . . Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer United States Unclaimed dividends Deposites by individuals Surplus fund . . - . . - _ _ _ . - - 600,000 0 0 790,724 07 7,155 85 15,000 00 21,300 00 166,501 53 94,604 46 608,110 54 39,127 50 79 55 *1,695,285 91 . 81,695,285 91 A. PICQUET, Bookkeeper. 996 - Statement o f the condition o f the Planters’ llank of the Stale of Georgia, at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation Discounts received Reserved profits • Unclaimed dividends Treasurer United States At credit of officers and agentsUnited State other banks depositors - 535,400 308,390 9,483 67,019 22,935 23,193 24,269 115,549 244,723 81,350,865 00 00 60 82 64 80 81 52 74 93 Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks . Real estate . . City and other stocks . Notes and bills discounted . Expense account . . At debit of other banks . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 359,612 61,500 24,285 22,447 822,19.3 57 60,769 69 00 20 26 16 82 80 $1,350,865 93 J. MARSHALL, Cashier. Savannah, June 10, 1834. 367 Statement of the condition of the Planters’ Bank of the State of Georgia, at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation Discounts received Reserved profits Unclaimed dividends Treasurer United States At credit of officers and agents U. S. other banks for collection depositors - Savannah, June 17, 1834. 535,400 283,952 10,951 67,019 17,815 25,443 22,453 58,517 210,116 $1,231,669 00 00 29 82 04 80 45 93 61 94 Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks Real estate City and other stocks Notes and bills discounted • Expense account At debit of other banks - . . . . . . . . • . 312,057 41 67,520 00 24,285 20 22,447 26 784,240 27 57 82 21,061 98 $1,231,669 94 J. M ARSHALL, 00 Cashier. j— i Statement of the condition of the Planters’ Bank of the State of Georgia at Savannah. GO Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation . . . Discounts received Reserved profits . . . Unclaimed dividends . . . Treasurer United States . At credit of officers and agents United States other banks . . . depositors . . . Savaknah, . . . . . . . . . 535,400 00 275,060 00 12,911 07 67,019 82 16,014 64 30,208 90 21.386 01 76,732 16 187,195 15 81,221,927 75 Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks . . Real estate . . . City and other stocks . . Bills and notes discounted . Expense account . . At debit of other banks . - . . . * . . . . . . . . . 318,935 71 36,540 00 24,285 20 22,447 26 774,472 60 77 83 45,169 15 1,221,927 75 June 24, 1834. J. MARSHALL, Cashier. Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation Discounts received Reserved profits Unclaimed dividends Treasurer United States . . At credit of officers and agents United States other banks for collections depositors - S AYAHNAH, July 2, 1834. . - 535,400 272,466 15,999 67,019 13,939 22,208 27,313 80,931 170,001 $1,205,280 00 00 73 82 04 90 98 86 87 70 Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks . . Real estate . . . City and other stocks . . Bills and notes discounted . Expense account . . At debit of other banks . . . . . . . - . . . . . - . 368 Statement of the condition of the Planters’ Bank of the Stale of Georgia at Savannah. 357,629 63 28,800 0 0 24,285 20 22,447 26 769,926 18 877 83 1,314 60 J l ,205,280 70 GEO. W . ANDERSON, President. Statement o f the funds and condition of the Planters’ Bank of the State of Georgia at Savannah. JStock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation - . D scounts received . Reserved profits .^Unclaimed dividends • ■ "“•Treasurer United States At credit of offieers and agents United States . other banks for collections depositors - 535,400 262,675 17,387 67,019 13,735 21,997 2.3,969 100,525 163,178 gl ,205,888 00 00 52 f(2 84 19 72 15 59 83 Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks . . Heal estate . City and other stocks Notes and bills discounted • Expense account . At debit of other banks - _ . _ _ _ • - _ 338,548 36,750 24,285 22,447 777,863 877 5,116 06 00 20 26 71 83 77 $1,205,888 83 July 8 , 1834. J. MARSHALL, Cathur. Statement of the condition of the Planters' Bank of the Slate o f Georgia at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation » Discounts received . Reserved profits . Unclaimed dividends Treasurer United States At credit of officers and agents United States _ _ other banks depositors - S a v a x sa ii , July 15, iai4, - . _ _ - 535,400 00 267,639 00 18,837 27 67,019 82 13,543 44 21,799 44 22,734 44 101,542 08 180,269 00 jtt ,2?8,784 89 Specie and spccic funds at the north lical estate Citv and other stocks Notes of other banks . Notes and hills discounted Expense account At debit of other banks - . - _ . - . . - . _ . 369 Sayahxah, . . . . . - 384,489 63 24,285 20 22,447 26 42,050 00 754,510 98 877 83 123 99 gl ,228,784 89 J . MARSHALL, Caxh.-e-. CJO Statement o f the condition o f the Planters' Bank of the State of Georgia, at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation Discounts received — Reserved profits Unclaimed dividends - . Treasurer United States Officers and agents United States At credit of other banks, for collections depositors - S a v a iu i a ii , i $535,400 00 273,205 00 19,782 6 8 67,019 82 10,033 84 21,449 44 23,273 55 117,217 54 146,469 12 $1,213,850 99 Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks Real estate City and other stocks Notes and bills discounted Expense account At debit of other banks officers and agents United States • . _ _ - $343,810 56,900 24,285 22,447 761,848 902 3,305 351 18 00 20 26 25 83 83 44 $1,213,850 99 370 HENRY ROSEK, Cashier pro tem. July 22, 1834. Statement of the condition of the Planters’ Bank of the Stale of Georgia, at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation Discounts received Reserved profits Unclaimed dividends — Treasurer United States Officers and agents United States Due to other banks for collections depositors S a v a s x a h , July 2 9 , 1834. $535,400 255,529 21,712 67,019 9,838 26,455 35,181 100,448 148,426 $1 ,2 0 0 ,0 1 1 00 00 92 82 64 46 82 12 03 81 Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks Real estate City and other stocks • Notes and bills discounted • Expense account • Due by other banks — ■ oo I__I $363,977 23,218 24,285 22,447 759,835 902 5,345 49 00 20 26 72 83 31 $ 1 , 2 0 0 , 0 1 1 81 HENKY ROSEK, Cashier pro tem. Statement of the condition o f the Planters’ Ban/c of the State of Georgia, at Savannah : Stock account,, amount paid in Notes in circulation Discounts received — Reserved profits Unclaimed dividends Treasurer United States Officers and »gents United States At credit of other banka individual depositors - — — - - - - - — - - $535,400 219.053 23,205 67,019 9,838 25,855 17,074 110,595 131,136 81,169,179 00 Specie and specie funds at the north _ _ _ 00 Notes of other banks 33 Real estate _ _ 82 City and other slocks 64 Bills and notes discounted Expense account _ _ _ _ _ 46 74 At debit of other banks 47 76 22 S avannah, August 6 , 1834. _ _ _ _ - 5340,950 30,707 24,285 22,447 746,939 1,717 2,131 25 00 20 26 79 83 89 $1,169,179 22 HENRY UOSER, Cashier pro tem. S71 U-4 Statement of the condition of the Planters' Bank of the Slate of Georgia, at Savannah. Stock of this bank, amount paid in Notes in circulation Discounts received Reserved profits _ _ _ _ _ Unclaimed dividends _ Treasurer United States ‘ Officers and agents United Slates — _ At credit of other banka, for collections individual depositors - - Savan sab , _ _ _ - ._ $535,400 237,205 23,865 67,019 9,838 19,355 23,394 72,158 144,287 *1,132,525 00 00 08 82 64 46 86 62 69 17 Specie anti specie funds at the north Notes of other banks Real estate City and other stocks . Notes and bills discounted Expense account At debit of olher banks - - _ - $310,656 29,300 24,285 22,447 737,060 1,717 7,058 23 00 20 26 25 83 40 SI ,132,525 17 —• 1 --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- August 12, 1834. - - HENRY ROSEB, Cashier pro tem. - QJJ ^ Statement of the condition of the Planters' Bank of the Slate of Georgia at Savannah. Sayassah, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535,400 220,593 24,560 67,019 9,774 19,355 21,442 31,466 130,444 $1,067,856 00 00 27 82 64 46 03 69 23 14 .Jugutt 19, 1834. Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks . Real estate . . City and other stocks . . Dills and notes discounted At debit of other banks account . . * • * * • • * * * • 263,059 27 9,550 00 24,285 20 22,417 26 736,161 31 10,6:35 24 1,717 83 $1,067,856 14 HENRY ROSEB, Cuihier, pro tem. ZLG Stock account, amount paid Li Notes in circulation . . Discounts received . . Reserved profits . . Unclaimed dividends . . Treasurer United States Officers and agents United States At credit of oilier banks for collection individual depositors Statement of the condition o f the Planters' Bank q f the State of Georgia at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation . . Discount' received . . Reserved profits . . Unclaimed dividends . . Treasurer United States . Offiters and agents United Stales At credit of other banks . individual depositors BavasnA n, .Qugust 26, 1834. . . . . - . . . . . . . . • . . - 535,400 219,264 25,075 67,019 9,774 19,2.55 21,074 36,926 126,191 $1,059,980 00 00 01 82 64 46 00 89 08 90 Specie and specie funds at the north * Notes of other banks . . . Real estate . . . . . City and other stocks . . . Bills and notes discounted . . . Expense account . . . . At debit of other hanks . . . - 243,863 6,850 24,285 22,447 736,055 1,717 24,941 42 00 20 26 91 83 28 $1,059,980 90 H EN RY RO SER , Cashier pro tem. Statement o f Ihe condition o f the Planters’ Bank, of the State of Georgia at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation . . Discounts received . . Reserved profits . . Unclaimed dividends . . Treasurer of the United States Officers and agents do At credit of other banks individual depositors Savanxah, . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - . . 535,400 00 226,393 00 25,367 06 67,019 82 9,774 64 16,755 46 33,434 14 42,813 34 115,856 96 81,072,814 42 September 2, 1834. Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks . . Real estate . . . City and other stocks . . Bills and notes discounted . F.xpense account . . At debit of other banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 250,100 1 0 ,0 0 0 24,285 22,447 737,220 2,517 26,243 63 00 20 26 31 83 19 81,072,814 42 HENRY ROSER, Cashier, pro tem. 373 Statement o f ihe condition o f the Planters’ Bank of the Stale of Georgia at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in Note* in circulation Discounts received Reserved profits • Unclaimed dividends Treasurer of the'United States Officers and agents do At credit of other banks individual depositors S a v a n n ah , September 9, . . 1834, s • 535,400 211,906 25,564 67,019 9,774 16,931 30,568 43,493 102,093 $1,042,751 00 00 61 82 64 96 44 29 06 82 Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks . . Real estate . . . . City and other stocks Notes and bills discounted . . Expense account . . . At debit of other banks , . . . . - 2«,326 7,500 24,285 22,447 735,283 2,517 8,392 05 00 20 26 35 83 13 81,042,751 82 i—i HENRY ROSER, 09 Cashier, pro tem. I I Statement of the condition of the Planters' Bank of the State of Georgia at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in • Notes in circulation . . Discounts received . . Reserved profits . . Unclaimed dividends . . Treasurer Uniled States . Officers and agents United States At ci edit of other banks . - depositors . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535,400 00 215,172 00 25,962 IS 67,019 82 9,774 64 13,031 96 34,736 48 39,575 93 101,261 60 $1,041,934 61 • - 241,186 10,070 24,285 22,447 739,020 2,517 2,407 02 00 20 26 97 83 33 $1,041,934 61 HENRY ROSER, Cashier, pro tem. 374 S iuK JiH , September 16,- 1834. Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks . . . Real estate . . . City and other stocks . . . . Hills and notes discounted . . . Expense account . . . . At debit of other banks • i—i 06 Statement o f the condition o f the Planters’ Bank of the State of Georgia at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in . Notes in circulation . . Discounts received . . Reserved profits . . Unc’aimed dividends . . Treasurer United States . Officers and agents United States . At credit of other banks . depositors . . . . . . . SivisNA it September 23, 1834. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535,400 214,902 27,665 67,019 9,774 13,031 31,405 45,550 103,743 81,048,492 00 00 43 82 64 96 02 78 06 71 Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks . . . Real estate . . . . City and other stocks Hills and notes discounted Expense account . . . At debit of other banks - - . . . * • - 238,460 12,800 24,285 22,447 746,702 2,517 1,279 46 00 20 26 81 83 15 $1,048,492 71 HENRY ROSER, Caihier, pro tem. Statement o f the condition o f the P lan ters’ H an k o f the S tale o f G eorg ia, at Savannah. 535,400 00 218,102 0 0 27,887 51 67,019 82 9,774 64 12,965 30 29,673 45 50,890 99 98,385 02 S I,050,098 73 Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation • Discounts received Reserved profits * Unclaimed dividends Treasurer United States Officers and agents United States At credit of other banks individual depositors Savakxau, September 30, 1834. Spccie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks . . Real estate . . . City and other stocks . . Notes and bills discounted . Expense account . . . . . . . - - . . . . . 233,453 14,000 24,285 22,447 752,574 3,337 70 00 20 26 74 83 $1,050,098 73 f CD *■» HENRY ROSER, Cashier, pro tem. Statement o f tin condition o f the Planters' Bank of the State of Georgia, at Savannah. Stock account . . Notes in circulation . . Discounts received . . Reierved profits . . Unclaimed dividends . . Treasurer United States . . Officers and agents United States . At credit of other banks . depositors . . Savasnah, October 7, 1834. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535,400 00 214,922 00 28,216 6 6 67,019 82 9,774 64 10,665 30 27,796 35 45,052 62 82,093 48 $1,020,940 87 Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks . . Real estate City and other stocks . . . . Bills and notes discounted . . . Expense account . . . . At debit of other banks . . . - 230,642 7,405 24,285 22,447 729,676 3,337 3,146 49 00 20 26 99 83 10 $1,020,940 87 HENRY ROSER, Cashier, pro tem. 08 Statement of the condition of the Planters' Bank of the Stale of Georgia, at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation Discounts received - ' Reserved profits Unclaimed dividends "Treasurer United Spates . Officers and agents United States At credit of other banks • individual depositors . . . . . - . . . . . . _ . 535,400 00 220,602 0 0 28,796 23 67,019 82 9,774 64 10,615 30 25,370 76 47,124 30 138,472 08 $1,083,175 13 Savaxwaii, October 14, 1834. Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks Heal estate . City and other stocks Bills and notes discounted Expense account At debit of other bank* » . - ■ * - CD 257,765 12,500 24,285 22,447 759,667 3,337 3,171 91 00 20 26 46 83 47 $1,083,175 13 IIENKY ROSER, Cashier, pro tem. 376 Statement o f th e condition of the Planters' Bank of the Stale of Georgia, at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation Discounts received . . Reserved profits Unclaimed dividends "Treasurer United States Officers and agents United States A t credit of other banks " individual depositors S iv isK iB , October 21, 1834. . . . - - • * - 535,400 208,002 29,128 67,019 9,774 10,619 27,643 70,787 132,461 $1,090,839 00 33 82 64 25 83 63 05 55 00 Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks Real estate City and other stocks . Bills and notes discounted . Expense account . . At debit of other banks . . . . . . . . . . . • . 257,935 12,400 24,285 22,447 769,929 3,366 475 07 00 20 26 85 63 54 $1,090,839 55 J. M A R SH A LL, Cashier. Statement o f the condition of the Planters’ Bank of the Stale of Georgia, at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation Discounts received • Reserved profits Unclaimed dividends Treasurer United States Officers and agents United States At credit of other banks individual depositor* - 535,400 00 203,852 00 29,951 65 67,019 82 9,728 84 13,919 25 24,893 62 57,072 84 132,094 32 $1,073 932 34 Specie and specie funds at the north • Notes of other banks • Real estate • City and other stocks Hills and notes discounted • Expense account • At debit of other banks . . • . • _ 230,167 30,130 24,285 22,447 760,517 3,396 2,987 7S 00 20 26 62 63 85 $1,073,932 34 October 28, 1834. J. MARSHALL, Cashier. 377 S avask ah , . - Statement of the. condition of the Planters’ Bank of the Stale of Georgia, at Savannah . Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation Discounts received Reserved fund Unclaimed dividends Treasurer United States Officers and agents United States At credit of other banks individual depositors S a v a n itah, November 4, 1834. _ . • - - _ . _ _ • - 535,400 30,198 66,183 9,728 22 894 18,266 6 6 002 142.502 *1,103,278 2 1 2 ,1 0 2 00 26 01 84 25 99 17 49 01 00 Specie and specie funds at the north . Notes of oilier banks Real estate . City and other stocks liills and notes discounted . Expense account . At debit of other banks - - _ . _ _ _ - - . - _ . 243,441 22,700 24,285 22,447 758,555 4.196 27,652 15 00 20 26 73 63 04 $1,103,278 01 J. MARSHALL, Cashier, Statement oj the condition of the Planters' Bank o f the Slate o f Georgia, at Savannah. 0 Stock account, amount paid in . Notes in circulation . . Discounts received . Reserved profits . Unclaimed dividends . Treasurer United States ■ Officers and ag'ents United States At credit of other banks . individual depositors • - • - . _ _ . - . . • 535,400 216.968 31,107 66,183 9,722 19,894 16,890 83,532 152,715 $1,137,414 00 00 73 Ul 44 25 70 57 99 69 1 Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks Real estate City and other stocks Bills and notes discounted Expense account At debit of other banks • • _ . • . 296,113 18,700 24,285 22,447 749,547 4,214 22,106 06 00 20 26 87 63 67 $1,137,414 69 November 12, 1834. J. MARSHALL, Cashier. 37S Savannah, * - 00 Statement of the condition of the Planters’ Bank of the Stale of Georgia, at Savannah. Stock account, amount paid in . Notes in circulation . Discounts received Reserved profits Unclaimed dividends Treasurer United States Officers and agents United Slates At credit of other banks individual depositors S a t a k n a b , November 18, 1834. 535,400 257,652 32,633 66,183 8,762 69,194 19,487 111.972 154,089 $1,255,374 00 00 71 01 44 25 31 55 28 55 384,058 8,400 24,285 22,447 745,808 4,218 66,156 Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks Real estate City and other stocks Bills and notes discounted Expense account At debit of other banks . 72 00 20 26 97 13 27 #1,255,374 55 J, MARSHALL, Cashier. Statement o f the condition o f the Planters’ Bank of the State of Georgia, at Savannah. 535,400 317,469 35,397 66,183 8,762 73,394 14,594 76,078 152,325 00 00 88 01 44 25 62 06 11 $1,279,593 37 S avaww ah , N o t t m b t r Specie and specie funds at the north Notes of other banks • . Real estate . . . . City and other stocks . . . Dills and notes discounted Expense account * At debit of other banks . • ’ . 379,210 16,200 24,285 22,447 760,148 4,407 72,905 62 00 20 26 95 34 00 S I ,279,593 37 6 AS Stock account, amount paid in Notes in circulation Discounts received Reserved profits Unclaimed dividends * Treasurer United States Officers and agents United States A t credit of other banks for collection individual depositors 25, 1834. J. MARSHALL, C a th ie r . I— I 00 __ 1 I Db. S tate o f the B ran ch o f the B a n k o f the S tale o f A labam a at M obile , M onday , Ju n e 9, 1834. Cn. 1-1 CD Casli in specie Notes of other banks . - . Bills discounted . . . protested . . . of exchange on New York Boston New Orleans Tuscaloosa Natchez Amount due from other banks George S . Gaines, agent Banking house and lot Bank furniture . . . . . . . . m m . . . . . . . 100,343 75 43,975 00 977,945 71,153 186,562 6,100 1,000 144,318 75 1,929,091 33 43,844 79 44 24 41 00 00 1,242,761 09 269,540 93 1,428 58 29,999 33 860 13 _ - 30,859 278 239 61 State bonds . . Notes in circulation • Amount due to other banks . Treasurer of the United States Public officers . . Building committee Individual depositors Profit and loss (6th May last) Discount received Exchange checks sold drafts purchased Interest on State bonds Commission account • Exchange protested - . . , - 1,600,000 723,300 575,600 501,639 24,210 2,149 141,249 _ _ . 61,607 22,756 518 4,295 5,055 35 4 00 00 41 82 30 95 78 23 83 79 92 56 81 00 94,274 14 51 00 54 88 $3,662,424 40 380 Protest account Expense account Suspended debt . - *3,662,424 40 AND. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. D a. Slate of the Branch of the Bank o f the Stale of Alabama at Mobile, Alonday, June 1 6 , Cash in specic Notes of other banks * - . . Bills discounted . protested . of exchange on Boston . New York • New Orleans other southern cities . . 66,153 977,945 175,962 7,100 . . • _ . ■ 198,921 50 1,987,059 16 45,818 59 24 44 41 00 1,227,161 226,401 1,428 30,166 845 284 367 61 09 76 58 00 68 00 37 88 $3,718,515 61 State bonds . . . Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Public officers . . . Building' committee Individual depositors ■ Profit and loss (6th Mav, 1834) Discounts received Exchange on checks sold drafts purchased Interest on State bonds Commission account Exchange protested - • . • . ■ - 1,600,000 707,535 654,473 464,894 48,848 2,149 142,503 • _ _ . _ . 61,607 26,093 1,013 4,295 5,055 40 4 00 00 38 80 56 95 79 23 61 37 92 56 44 00 98,110 13 381 Amount due from other banka George S. Gaines, agent Banking house and lot Hank furniture • • Protest account • Expense account * Suspended debt - 142,491 68 56,429 82 Cr. 1834. $3,718,515 61 AND. ARMSTRONG, C a sh ie r. I— I 00 U_1 State o f the Branch o f the Bank o f the Stale o f Alabama, at Mobile, Monday, June 2 3 , ■ Cash in specie . Notes of other banks . Bills discounted protested . . . . . • • . . 2,105,023 74 46,009 39 Bills of exchange, Boston • New York New Orleans do Tuscaloosa Nashville - • . . . . - Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines, agent • Banking house and lot > Bank furniture . . . . . Protest account Suspended debt . . . . . . 192,457 50 101,676 39 f6,153 977,945 149,573 12,000 6,100 1,000 2,151,033 13 24 44 41 00 00 00 . . 30,166 00 845 68 * 294,133 89 1,212,772 21 159,645 71 1,428 58 State bonds . . Notes in circulation • Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Public officers . Building committee • Individual depositors • Profit and loss on 6th May Discount received Exchange checks Exchange on drafts Interest and State bonds Commission account • Exchange protested Expense account 31,011 68 284 00 61 88 $3,850,371 08 ■ 1 • 1 8 34 . Ch. r "! . - GO _ . . . 61,607 33,266 1,951 4,475 13,958 49 4 '- - 1,700,000 687,050 686,650 489,020 31,953 2,149 137,461 00 00 93 96 49 95 07 23 39 96 92 34 89 00 115,313 73 770 95 . #3,850,371 08 AND. ARMSTRONG, Cathier. 386 D k. State o f the Branch o f the Bank o f the State o f Jllabama, at Mobile, Monday , June 3 0 , Cash in specie Notes of other banks - 192,458 78 130,458 40 Bills discounted protested - 2,184,899 57 41,358 09 • - 322,887 18 2,226,257 66 Bills of exchange on Boston New Orleans New York other southern cities Protest account Suspended debt • • . . . . . * 24 19 44 73 . 30,166 00 865 27 . • 1,238,083 60 126,426 60 1,428 58 31,031 27 290 00 61 88 S3,946,466 77 Special deposite, No. 2 Protested exchange • . . . . • • • . . • • . . . 720 61,607 37,458 2,476 5,378 13,958 52 . • C r. 1,700,000 675,085 769,060 505,020 33,042 2,149 139,601 00 00 60 96 64 95 54 95 23 75 33 45 34 03 121,652 08 850 00 4 00 383 Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines, agent • Banking house and lot • Bank furniture • - 56,153 144,436 977,945 59,548 State bonds . . . J Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Public officers . . . Building committee . Individual depositors Expense account . Profit and loss, 6th May Discount received . . . Exchange on checks • on drafts . Interest on State bonds • Commission account . 1834. $3,946,466 77 AND. ARMSTRONG, C a s h itr . I—I 00 State o f the Branch o f the Bank o f the State o f Alabama at Mobile, July Ck. S I , 1834. _____________________ Cash in specie . notes of other banks - Bills discounted protested • - 2,314,008 45 45,231 43 . 30,239 977,945 88,366 62,043 - . . of exchange on Boston . New York New Orleans other places - . _ . _ _ - 236,212 95 2,359,239 88 _ _ m _ - 89 44 75 75 1,158,595 224,998 1,428 31,262 61 276 1,315 83 78 58 06 88 00 05 $4,013,391 01 State bonds . Notes in circulation . Amount due to other banks Special deposite Treasurer of the United States Public officers Building committee Individual depositors Exchange protested Profit and loss Discount Exchange Interest account Commission account . - _ _ _ 495,790 85 30,677 44 _ • - “ . . 61,607 45,991 10,079 20,250 58 1,800,000 665,935 787,514 850 00 00 86 00 526,468 2,137 92,493 4 29 45 71 00 23 82 38 59 68 137,987 70 -----$4,013,391 01 AND. ARMSTRONG, C a ih itr . oo 384 Amount due from other banks Geo. S. Gaines, agent Real and personal estate Suspended debt Protest account » . Expense account . - 192,838 95 43,374 00 « ""l Stale q f the Branch o f the Bank o f the Stale of Jllabama, Mobile, July 28, Cash in specie Notes of other banks • • 193,645 7 0 43,350 00 236,995 70 <o Bill* discounted protested - * - • - 2,344,278 31 43,219 97 2,387 #498 23 • Exchange on New York and Boston Exchange on New Orleans and other southern cities - Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines, agent Banking house and lot Hank furniture Protest account Expense account Suspended debt ■ * - ■ * -» - - • • • 1,008,185 33 136,970 10 30,335 66 926 40 • • - 1,145,155 43 309,418 82 1 ,428 58 31,262 276 1,315 61 06 00 05 88 $4,113,411 80 State bonds * Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Public officers Building committee • Individual depositors Profit and loss, May 6, 1834 Discounts received Exchange on checks drafts Interest on State bonds Commission account Interest account Special deposite No. 2 Exchange protested - . A • . . . . . . 1834. 495,790 85 26,042 20 61,607 23 48,039 49 4, 1S2 35 6,545 04 19,861 12 64 81 650 66 - --------- - Cit. 1,800,000 00 659,080 00 869,499 31 531,833 05 1,498 69 119,766 05 140,900 70 850 00 4 00 84,113,411 80 AND. ARMSTRONG, C a sh ier. ess Da. Da. State rtf the Branch nf the Bank of the State of Alabama at Mobile, Monday, August 4, 1834. Cash in specie • Notes of other banks • . 193,071 98 19,945 55 Bills discounted Bills protested . • 2,349,777 11 34,490 73 • 213,017 53 Amount due from other banks CJeorpe S. Gaines, agent Banking house and lot Bank furniture * •. . . 134,551 52 870,180 48 282,659 28 1,428 58 30,335 66 1,135 56 31,471 264 2,430 61 <0 #3,785,781 22 00 77 88 CO . . 735,628 96 Exchange protested * 00 1,800,000 651,815 567,315 1,952 495,584 22,573 1,444 102,191 61,607 49.861 4,182 6,672 19.861 65 650 00 00 29 00 17 66 94 46 23 25 82 67 12 31 66 142,901 06 4 00 #3,785,781 58 AND, ARMSTONG, C a i h in , 386 Protest account Expense account Suspended debt CO 2,384,267 Bills of exchange on New York and east cm ci'ies • Bills of exchange 011 New Orleans am southern cities . State bonds , Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Special deposites ■ > Treasurer of the United States Public officers . Building committee . Individual deposites . Profit and loss . Discounts received < Exchange on checks •. Exchange on drafts Interest 011 State bonds , Commission account . Interest account •, . Cr. D h. State o f the Branch ofthe Bank of the State of Alabama at Mobile, Monday, August £ ^ h in specie Notes of other banks - 193,067 34 26,685 00 Bills discounted Bills protested • - 2.345,747 43 46,907 6i * - Bills of exchange on northern cities southern cit'es Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines, agent Banking house and lot • Bank furniture • * - • • 2,392,655 08 220,802 95 136,251 50 357,054 45 461,739 68 1,428 58 30,335 66 1,135 56 31,471 270 2,538 61 22 00 68 88 #3,463,971 81 1,800,000 644,060 316,164 430,184 42,539 1,444 86,929 850 61,607 51,382 4,263 6,962 19,861 71 650 00 00 85 17 98 94 14 00 23 56 20 67 12 29 66 1-14,798 73 88 ? Protest account Expense account Suspended debt 219,752 24 State bonds • Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of United States Public officers * Building committee Individual depositors Spccial deposite, No. 2 Profit and loss, May 6 Discounts received Exchange on checks drafts Interest on State bonds Commission account Interest account - C r. 11, 1834. 13,466,971 81 AND. ARMSTRONG, C a sh ie r. f— 1 L_J D r. Slate o f the Branch of the Bank o f the State o f Jilabama at Mobile, Monday, July Cash in specie Note* of other banks „ - . Bills discounted protested . . . Exchange on Boston . . New York New Orleans Union Bank City Bank _ _ Other southern cities Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines, agent Banking house and lot _ Bank furniture * Protest account Expense Suspended debt - . ■ . - . 193,619 19 33,858 97 _ _ 44.539 977,945 104,825 31,647 51,560 89 44 09 59 75 -----------_ - 30,166 00 926 40 _ — . * — 226,378 16 2,239,767 30 34,563 34 1.210,518 76 177,903 56 1,428 58 31,092 40 State bonds . . . Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Special deposite, No. Treasurer of the United States Public offices Building committee Individual depositors Profit and loss Discount r ceived Exchange on checks . drafts Interest on state bonds Commission account - . • - Exchange protested - 2 - - 7, 1834. _ _ — _ - _ 61,607 23 41,250 68 3,068 84 5,882 44 13,958 34 52 03 ----------- Ctt. 1,700,000 00 657,180 00 775,381 6.i 850 CO. 489,490 as 47,488 2,149 lJ5 123,667 75 125,819 56 4 00 292 00 226 09 61 88 §3,922,032 07 3,922,032 07 AND. ARMSTHONG, C a i h i n \ Dr. Slate of the Branch o f the Bank of the Stale of Alabama at Mobile, Monday, July • 192,454 82 49,413 66 Bills discounted protested Bills of exchange on New York and other northern cities Bills of exchange on southern cities - 1,012,485 33 162,410 50 Cash in specie Notes of other banks - 241,868 48 2,259,738 82 46,136 86 1,174,895 83 214,125 09 1,428 58 Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines, agent Banking house and lot and bank furni ture Protest account Expense Suspended debt Amount due from City Bank 31,262 06 New Orleans - _ 31,262 280 61 1,259 8,334 06 00 88 30 28 State bonds Amount due to other banks Amount in circulation • Special deposite . Treasurer of the United States Public officers . Building committee •» Individual depositors . . - l1refit and loss, (May 6) Discounts received Exchange on checks drafts Interest on State bonds Commission account - . - Exchange protested Interest account . - > 14, 1834. C r. 1,700,000 854,265 652,490 850 496,29 0 37,508 2,137 105,575 85 93 45 27 61,607 43,858 3,405 5,995 13,958 56 23 25 87 65 34 18 00 69 00 00 641,512 50 128,881 52 4 00 389 47 53,973,393 18 *3,978.393 18 . '■ ;; __ iV. viVaiit i . —LitfilHtfctte, 9*1. ■•i.'tVV*----- :.................. AND. ARMSTRONG. C a sh ie r. 1 g I gfVfi patkj* V ' -' •. nX'0*?XK) 0!' D r. State of the Branch of the Bank of the State o f Alabama at Mobile, Monday, August 18, 1834. Cr. r—i 05 Cash in specie . . notes of other banks Bills discounted protested . . . - . . . . Bills of exchange on New V'ork New Orleans other places 2,348,498 39 46,682 65 . . . . - . . . 201,302 95 57,602 38 88,149 12 ----------. _ _ - 225,895 50 2,395,181 04 347,054 428,533 1,428 31,637 274 2,538 61 45 74 58 88 00 68 88 S3,432,605 75 State bonds . . Notes in circulation . Amount due to other banks . Special deposites . . Individual deposites Treasurer of the United States Public officers . . Building committee Profit and loss, May 6, Discounts received Exchange account Interest account - . • . . 1,800,000 00 630,850 00 288,579 69 _ - 850 81,463 425,434 57,891 1,444 00 94 16 40 94 • - 61,607 52,358 11,614 20,511 i.'3 03 58 78 . 567,084 44 146,091 62 390 Amount due from other banks Geo. S. Gaines, agent • Real and personal property Protest account . . Expense account . . Suspended debt . . 191,570 50 34,325 00 1—1 • $3,432 605 75 AND. ARMSTRONG, Cathier. Da. State o f the Branch o f the Bank o f the State o f Alabama at Mobile, Monday, August 25, Cash in specie . . notes of other banks . . . 192,022 38 31,722 00 223,744 38 Bills discounted protested . . . . Exchange on the north south . . - Amount due from other banks Geo. S . Gaines, agent Banking house and lot Bank furniture . . . . Protest account Expense account Suspended debt . . . . . . . . . 30,502 32 1,135 56 m . - 2,385,448 87 356,254 45 399,793 59 1,428 58 31,637 272 2,610 61 88 00 44 88 »3,401,252 07 Treasurer of the United States Public officers . . Individual depositors Special deposite . . • * • . - . . . . 61,607 53,646 4,613 7,264 82 26,180 650 _ • - Ck. 1,900,000 627,170 153,186 1,444 00 00 15 94 154,046 446,094 46,325 72,135 850 15 05 69 09 00 23 80 56 67 67 56 66 391 • - 2,339,080 73 46,368 14 .. .... . . 217,302 95 138,951 50 State bonds . . . Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Building committee • Profit and loss . . . Discounts received * Exchange on checks drafts Commission account Interest on bonds . . . account . . . 1S34. J 3 ,401,252 0 7 AND. ARMSTRONG, C o th ie r . I— I CTj I__ I D r. Slate o f the Branch o f the Bank o f the State o f Alabama at Mobile, Monday, September 1, 1834. Cr. 1 1 00 L—J Cash in specie . Notes of other banks . . . Bifls discounted . . protested . . of exchange on New York the south . . . . . Protest account Expense account Suspended debt . . . . . . • 207.302 95 126,951 50 30,502 32 1,135 56 212,552 74 2,336,254 34 39,860 67 334,254 45 468,093 93 1,428 58 31,637 280 2,757 61 88 00 44 88 #3,427,181 91 State bonds . . . Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Public officers Building committee . Individual depositors Special deposite . . . Profit and loss • Discounts received Exchange on checks Exchange on drafts * Commission account Interest on bonds • • Interest account . . . 1,900,000 627,685 177,452 440,494 38,749 1,444 85 275 850 * - 61,607 54,784 4,628 7,264 114 26,180 650 23 92 56 67 25 56 66 155,230 85 $3,427,181 91 AND. ARMSTRONG, C a sh ie r. CJ 00 00 35 05 38 94 34 00 392 Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines, agent Banking house and lot Bank furniture . . . . . 188,662 74 23,890 00 ^ to Db. O S ta te o f the B ran ch o f the B a n k o f the S ta te o f A la b a m a a t M obile, M on d ay, Septem ber 8 , Cash in specie . Notes of other banks . Bills discounted protested . . . . - 189,219 96 28,402 38 2,332,866 98 38,404 87 of exchange . . Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines, agent Banking house and lot • Bank furniture . . . . 30,502 32 1,135 56 Protest account Expense account Suspended debt . . . . . . . . . * . . . . 217,622 34 . 2,371,271 125,052 580,615 1,428 85 77 72 58 31,637 286 3,762 61 88 00 39 88 Special deposite . - • 1,900,000 630,840 189,062 329,230 44,459 1,444 79,564 _ . . _ _ 61,607 55,689 4,704 7,339 26,180 116 650 • - C r. 00 00 59 05 36 94 27 23 04 72 67 56 32 66 156,288 20 850 00 - $3,332,759 41 $3,332,759 41 AND. ARMSTRONG, C a sh ie r. 393 . . . . State bonds . Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Public officers Building committee . Individual depositors . Profit and loss Discount* received Exchange on checks sold drafts purchased Interest on State bonds . Commission account • Interest account - 1834. D r. Slute o f the Branch o f the Bank o f the State o f Alabama, at Mobile, Monday September Ck. 15, 1834. r_1 QO Cash in specie Notea of other banks • - . 188,463 41 26,009 45 38,303 65 90,349 12 Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines, agent Banking- house and lot Bank furniture - . •30,668 98 1,135 5 6 . . . 288 00 61 88 3,762 39 Protest,account Suspended debt Expense account . • - » - • • _ 6,000 00 i 1,900,000 633,305 187,142 342^996 45,088 1,444 79,453 61,607 - - - 56,917 4,745 7,543 26,180 117 650 - 34 63 67 56 86 66 00 OO 82 85 55 94 43 23 850 00 97,005 77 4,112 27 Protested exchange lit!■ $3,348,044 65 $3,343,044 65 AND. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. 394 Bills discounted • . protested of exchange on Boston New York Charleston . New Orleans other southern cities State bonds Notes in circulation -. 214,472 86 Amount due to other banks 2.333*999 04 Treasuver of the United States 36,220 47 Public officers |,o ■,p.- Building committee • , Individual depositors Profit and loss Discounts received Exchange on checks sold 134,652 77 drafts purchased 591,354 12 Interest on State bonds 1,428 58 Commission account Interest account Damage account Special deposites 31,804 54 D r. State o f the Branch of the Bank of the Stale of Alabama, at Mobile, Monduy, September 22, Cash in specie . Notes of other banks . . - * Bills discounted . . . protested . . . of exchange on Bos'on New York Charleston New Orleans other southern cities Protest account Suspended debt Expense account . - . . - * 6,000 00 38,227 51 90,849 12 . 30,668 98 1,135 56 135,076 63 599,793 29 1,428 58 31,804 54 . • _ 245,708 96 2,349,733 42 21,577 86 • 294 00 61 88 3,762 39 State bonds . Notes in circulation • Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Public officers Building committee Individual depositors Profit and loss . Discounts received Exchange on checks sold drafts purchased Interest on State bonds Commission account Interest account Damage Special deposites - 2,000,000 618,280 139,035 328,722 57,063 1,444 78,243 _ - _ 61,607 58,443 4,804 7,656 32,165 122 .801 Cb. 00 00 28 70 96 S4 98 23 64 81 17 09 34 41 165,600 99 - . 850 00 - 395 Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines, agent Banking house and lot Bank furniture . . 188,725 65 56,983 31 1 8 3 4 .' 4,118 27 Protested exchange 83,389,241 55 $3,389,241% AND. ARM STRONG, Cashier. I— ! I Db. State o f the Branch of the Bank of the Stateof Alabama, at Mobile, Monday, Sept. 29, Cash in specie . . . Notes of other banks . Bills discounted . . . Bills protested . . . Bills of exchange on Boston New York Charleston New Orleans ■ other southern cities Amount due from other banks George 8. Gaines, agent . Banking house and lot Bank furniture . . . > . . . . . . 2 ,5 0 0 0 0 70 80 94 87 6,000 00 34,478 65 93,049 12 30,668 98 1,135 56 302 61 3,785 2 " 136,027 77 621,236 44 1,428 58 State bonds . . . Notes in circulation • Amount due to other banks . Treasurer of the United States Public officers . . Building committee • Individual depositors Profit and loss . . . B^counts received . Exchange on checks sold drafts purchased Interest on State bonds Commission account * Interest account . . . . 31,804 54 Damage account Special deposites 00 88 89 00 . * ^ 2,000,000 625,520 107,474 322,722 54,525 1,444 78,073 61,607 59,902 4,839 8,081 32,165 125 802 23 80 56 17 09 51 46 oo 00 00 22 70 68 94 05 167,523 82 850 00 - 4,151 77 #3,358,134 41 'A $3,358,134 41 AND, ARMSTRONG, C a sh ie r. 396 Protest account » Suspended debt . Expense account . Protested exchange . • • 188,170 14,374 2,327,750 33,188 r—i C r. 1834, D r. State of the Branch o f the Bank o f the State of Alabama, at Mobile, Monday, Oct. 6, Cash in specie . Notes of other banks . . - - 188,077 36 35,090 15 223,167 51 2,327,864 12 29,898 30 31,478 65 63,996 38 Amount due from other banks George S . Gaines, agent Banking house and lot Bank furniture . . 30,668 98 1,135 56 Protest account . Suspended debt . Expense account . Protested exchange . . . . 106,425 03 573,628 85 1,428 58 31,804 54 . . . * 2,500 00 8,450 00 - 302 61 4,861 2 Special deposites 00 88 21 00 . . . • - 2,000,000'00 630,390 00 103,147 40 351,232 65 39,949 46 1,444 94 72,815 01 - * • . 23,772 61,535 4,936 8,303 C k. 32 72 62 m 139 41 802 46 125 00 99,614 86 850 00 397 Bills discounted . . . Bills protested . . . Bills of exchange on Boston New York Charleston New Orleans other southern cities State bonds . . . Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Public officers . . . Building committee • Individual depositors Profit and loss . . . Discounts received Exchange on checks sold drafts purchased Interest on State bonds Commission account • Interest account Damage account . 1834. 5,227 09 . *3,299,444 02 - $ 3 ,299,444 02 AND. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. 00 I__ I Da. State o f the Branch o f the Bank of the Stale o f Alabama, at Mobile, Monday, October 1 3 , Cash in specie . . in gold Notes of other banks . . . #29,750 00 . . Bills discounted . . . * protested . . . ol exchange on Boston New York . ' Charleston New Orleans other southern cities Protest account . Suspended debt . Expense account . Protested exchange . . . . - . . . • - 75,182 40 2,500 00 8,450 00 29,100 00 58,175 88 * 32,835 64 1,135 56 - $290,716 12 2,310,269 92 33,688 87 314 61 5,115 2 00 88 43 00 98,225 88 493,687 11 1,428 58 33,971 20 State bonds . . . Notes in circulation . . Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Public officers Building committee . . Individual depositors . . Profit and loss Discounts received . . Exchange on checks sold drafts purchased Interest on State bonds Commission account . . Interest account . . Damage account . . Special deposites . . . - . . - . * * * . . . . $2,000,000 501,260 157,940 376,292 37,699 2,444 90,077 . . $23,772 62,746 4,986 8,335 Ch. < i oo 00 00 21 65 83 94 40 32 58 04 40 148 16 802 46 125 00 100,915 96 850 00 5,493 31 $3,267,480 99 $3,267,480 99 AND. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. 398 Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines, agent Banking house and lot • Bank furniture . . . $215,533 72 1834. Dk. State o f the Branch o f the Bank o f the Stale of Alabama, at Mobile, Monday, October 20, Cash in specie • in gold Notes of other banks *184,846 15 $29,000 00 54,867 25 23,600 00 56,692 88 Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines, agent Banking house and lot • Bank furniture • - 32,835 64 1,135 56 $239,713 40 2,301,333 17 32,063 87 2,500 00 18,539 83 101,332 71 509,610 45 1,428 58 .33,971 20 Protest account Suspended debt Expense account Protested exchange Special deposites - Cu. $ 2 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 533,155 85,929 306,832 86,460 2,444 106,907 #23,772 63,987 5,027 8,486 00 17 75 56 94 40 32 63 70 74 150 45 802 46 125 00 102,352 30 850 00 310 00 61 88 5,104 86 2 00 399 Bills discounted • . protested • of exchange on Boston - New York Charleston New Orleans other southern cities State bonds Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Public officers Building committee Individ^! depositors Profit ana loss Discounts received Exchange on checks sold drafts purchased Interest on State bonds Commission account Interest account Damage account - 1834. 5,478 74 *3,224,932 12 g3,224,932 12 AND. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. 03 D r. State of the Branch of the Bank o f the State of Alabama, at Mobile, on Monday, October 2 7 , Cash in specie • Notes of other banks • - Bills discounted protested of exchange on Boston New York Charleston New Orleans other southern cities Protest account Suspended debt Expense account m . • * * 235,238 62 2,300,195 73 34,723 87 2,500 00 21,039 83 23,600 00 46,302 88 32,835 64 1,135 56 300 00 61 88 5,472 36 00 93,442 71 469,564 36 1,428 58 State bonds . Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Public officers Building committee Individual depositors Profit and loss Discounts received Exchange on checks sold drafts purchased Interest on State bonds Commission account Interest account . Dartfage account - , 2 000,000 573,770 33,953 305,673 34,455 910 120,960 23,772 65,380 5,064 8,524 00 00 00 30 25 40 66 14 32 73 56 24 159 25 802 46 125 00 103,828 56 850 00 33,971 20 Special deposites C r. - 5,836 24 $3,174,401 31 $3,174,401 31 AND. A R M STR O N G , Cashier. 400 Amount due from other banks George 8. Gaines, agent Banking house and lot Bank furniture - 184,143 87 SI ,094 75 1 83 4. D r. State of the Branch o f the Bank of the State of Alabama, at Mobile, Monday, November 3, 1834. Cash in specie, gold 28,600 Notes of other banks • - • Bills discounted . . . ^ protested . . . • Bills of exchange on Boston • New York Charleston • New Orleans other southern cities Amount due from other banks Georye S. Gaines, agent • Banking house and lot Bank furniture . . Protest account . Suspended debt . Expense account Protested exchange . . . . . • 183,928 99 24,114 34 _ . 2,500 00 31,039 83 208,043 33 2,301,943 48 19,777 41 42,295 84 42,402 88 ------------ - 1 18,238 55 ' . • 551,555 65 . . 1,442 58 32,835 64 1,514 13 34* )UVaf 349 77 1f 300 00 6,458 18 . 55 69 2 00 6,815 87 #3,242,166 64 State bonds . . . Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks • Treasurer of the United States Public officers . . . Building- committee Individual depositors Profit and loss . . . Discounts received . Exchafl£e on checks sold • drafts purchased Interest on State bonds • Commission account Interest account - . Damage account . . Special deposites . Contingent costs suit . _ • - /*D 7 S H S JJC _ • . 23,772 32 66,499 51 • 5,134 71 8,945 57 149 25 . 1,041 98 . 125 00 . ■ _ . . . Ch. 2,000,000 00 548,160 20,219 363,179 53,863 910 149,298 66 13 105 j 678 14. o o t 850 00 6 76 #3,242,166 64 v. •" , ■ r 00 71 73 31 AND. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. D r. Cr. State o f the Branch o f the B ank o f the Slate o f Jllabama at M obile, M onday, November 1 0 ,1S34. i 00 Cash in spccie Notes of other banks * Bills dscounted • protested of exchange on Boston New Yorlt Charleston New Orleans on other southern cities Protest account Suspended debt Expense account Protested exchange 2,500 00 34.339 83 47,240 78 37,494 74 38,835 64 1,514 13 215,336 19 2,295,281 59 27,217 68 121,575 35 471,496 57 1,442 58 40,349 77 308 00 49 50 25 50 2 00 State bonds Notes in circulation Amount due to other bank* Treasurer of the United States Public officers Building committee Individual depositors Profit and loss Discounts received Exchange on checks sold drafis purchased Interest on State bonds Commission account Interest account Damage account Special deposites Contingent costs suit - 2 ,000,000 00 548,945 26,678 284,979 51,929 1,260 157,562 00 44 87 100,864 88 68 66 19 99,775 48 867 05 16 59 123 66 82 10 850 00 14 01 385,00 53,173,084 73 $3,173,084 73 AND. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. 402 Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines, agent Hanking house and lot Bank furniture - 183,748 68 31,587 51 D r. Slate o f the Branch o f the B a n k o f the Stale o f Alabam a at M obile, M o n d a y , Novem ber 17, 1834. Cash in specie Notes of other banks 186,301 90 40.934 00 - 7,500 00 53,839 83 Bills discounted protested of exchange on Boston New York Charleston New Orleans on other southern cities Prote-t account Suspended debt Expense account Protested exchange - _ _ 39,002 31 1,514 13 . . ■ * * . - — 153 ,675 35 475,645 26 1,442 58 40 516 44 278 00 49 50 45 88 Damage account Special deposites Contingent costs of suit - . * _ . _ 2,000,000 00 588,225 35,800 256,224 62,332 1,260 168,812 _ . . . . . _ 97,775 2,191 54 659 . . . 66 59 48 08 57 16 3 13 82 10 . 00 45 60 71 102,765 52 850 00 14 01 _ - 2 00 $3,216,285 54 $ 3 ,216,285 54 AND. ARMSTRONG, C a sh ie r. 403 Amount due from other banks George 8. Gaines, agent Banking house and lot Bank furniture - 58,440 78 33,894 74 227,235 90 2,292,897 37 24,497 26 i State bonds . . Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Public officers . . Building committee Individual depositors Profit and loss . . Discounts received Exchange on checks sold drafts purchased Interest on State bonds Commission account . Interest account . . C r. D r. State of the Branch o f the Bank o f the State o f Alabama at Mobile, Monday, November 24, Cash in specie Notes of other banks - _ - Bills discounted . . . protested . of exchange on Boston . New York . Charleston New Orleans . other southern cities Protest account . Suspended debt . Expense account Protested exchange . . . . . . . . _ . _ - 7,500 00 74,920 83 68,962 61 23,794 74 37,002 31 1,514 13 282 00 49 18 49 50 2 00 217,026 03 2,311,145 44 27,969 68 177,178 17 494,048 69 1,442 58 State bonds . . Notes in circulation Amount due to other banks Treasurer of the United States Public officers Building committee Individual depositors Profit and loss • Discounts received Exchange on checks sold drafts purchased Interest on State bonds Commission account . Interest account . . 40,516 44 Damage account Special deposites Contingent costs of suit 382 Ca. 05 2 ,000,000 00 619,815 00 48,066 91 255,817 46 61,760 98 317,578 44 1,260 66 177,047 07 99,775 48 3,871 21 138 88 1,187 20 13 72 88 88 105,075 37 850 00 16 26 ■ » 68 #3,269,709 71 1 1 #3,269,709 71 AND. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. 404 Amount due from other banks George S. Gaines,, agent Banking house and lot . Bank furniture . . 183,746 03 33,280 OO 1834. General statement, Commercial Bank o f Neio Orleans, Saturday May Bank estate . . Notes and bills discounted Cash: Specie on hand fNotes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation 1 . - W ater works . . . 100,000 00 . • . . . _ . . . 14,868 47,165 3,388 70,680 8,778 910 - 54,483 00 2,016,150 04 334,224 12,500 15,662 11,794 135,264 2,518 98,600 236 248 3,157 130 49 00 69 83 90 82 00 57 42 66 34 40,840 58 68 88 47 30 42 14 145,791 89 3,845 99 Capital stock . Bank notes for issuing on hand . . - 1,768,145 00 - 1,330,000 00 • 1,131,630 00 in circulation . . Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia • Treasurer of the United States City corporation, sinking fund Discounts received Interest on and discount on exchange Bills payable . . . Granite Bank, Boston W. H. Chase of engineers United States A. H. Bowman, Lieut’t U. S. Engineers Merchants’ Bank, Boston • Girard Bank, Philadelphia District court UniUd States * Planters’ Bank, Natchez Office discount and deposite U. States • Local banks: Office Discount and Deposite U. State Bank of Louisiana Louisiana State Bank Profit and loss Suspense account . Individual accounts . - . inclusive. _ - - . • . . . _ _ . _ - 198,370 6,393 509,871 3,750 60,396 16,240 00 62 96 00 41 06 20,000 00 8,457 6,472 35 6,106 7,506 622 00 67 00 03 72 25 3 9 ,7 0 0 00 4 00 36,717 04 49,518 39 4,215 20 - - _ - 405 Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to December 1, 1833 since Bank of America, New York Branch Bank State of Alabama, Mo. Exchange • • Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Bank Slate of Mississippi, Natchez . Bank of the Metropolis, W . C. • Notes and bills of exchange discounted and protested . . . Local banks: Union Bank of Louisiana Canal and Banking Company . . City Bank of New Orleans Bank of Orleans . Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Consolidated Association - . . 124,056 86 110,167 63 10, 1834, „ « 450 00 33 55 132,445 32 $2,875,450 22 2,875,450 22 JO SEPH SAUL, Cashier. I— i CO General statement, Commercial Bank of New Orleans, Saturday, June 7, Bank estate . Notes anil bills discounted Cash. Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation . - Water works . Interest suspended 130,474 71 98,104, 55 100,000 00 328,579 12,500 13,662 33 101,040 26 00 68 33 97 24,791 49 1 1 2 , 0 2 0 10 1,738 08 1,346 24 3,157 66 392 73 6,700 00 18,357 58 28,384 52 8,248 08 5,154 33 5,404 52 15,729 80 3 37 3 72 84,652 55 33,907 IS 2,027 78 $2,705,770 08 Capital stock Bank noles for issuing on hand - - 1,331,000 00 - 1,195,905 00 in circulation Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Treasurer of the United States City corporation, sinking fund Discounts received Interest on and discount exchange Bills payable . . . Granite Bank, Boston W . II. Chase of engineers United States D. Randall, paymaster United States Merchants’ Bank, Boston Girard Bank, Philadelphia District Court United States Bank of Chillicothe Office Disc’t and Deposite U. S., Natchez Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Bank of the Metropolis, W .C . Local banks: Union Bank of Maryland Consolidated Association Dividend No. 1 Profit and loss Individual accounts Suspense account - inclusive. - t— I co 1,769,270 00 135,095 3,450 476,311 3,750 4,566 131 00 49 96 00 50 88 20,000 00 36,517 32 204 86 8,457 5,075 58,111 2,114 12,970 622 2,300 4 47 1,629 00 90 26 59 96 25 00 00 58 36,722 30,942 21,824 112,371 18 30 96 42 19 66 $2,705,770 00 JOSEPH SAUL, Cashier. 406 Corporation of the city of New Oi leans Expenses prior to December 1, 1833 since • Bank of America, New York Notes and bills of exchange discounted protested Exchange . Branch Bank, State of Alabama, Mobile Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Bank, State of Mississippi, Natchez Planters’ Bank, Woodville Planters’ Bank, Natchez • Local banks: Office discount and deposite Bank U. S. Canal and Banking Company Bank of Louisiana City Bank of New Orleans Bank of Orleans Louisiana State Bank Mechanics and Traders’ Bank 54,483 00 1,924,737 03 1834, General statement, Commercial Bank o f New Orleans, Saturday, Jane Bank estate Notes and bills discounted Cash, specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation - Water works Interest suspended Notes and bills of exchange protested - - discounted, - - 128,922 94 148,964 95 100,000 00 377,887 12,500 13,662 51 58,212 2,726 89 00 68 33 99 85 112,020 10 1,346 24 3,157 66 392 73 6,700 00 37,622 10,789 9,342 13,814 20,968 58 23 73 80 72 92,538 06 33,919 18 2,027 78 24,791 49 $2,687,662 00 Capital stock Bank notes for issuing on hand . - - 1,331,000 00 - 1,207,825 03 in circulation Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia . Tr easurer of the United States City Corporation, Sinking Fund Discounts received • Interest on and discount on exchange Bills payable ■ . W. H. Chase of Engineers U. S. Daniel Randall, Paymaster District Court U. S. Granite Bank, Boston Merchants’ Bank, Boston Girard Bank, Philadelphia Bank of Chillicothe Office discount depoBite U. S., Natchez Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Local banks: Union Bank of Louisiana Canal and Banking Company Bank of Louisiana Consolidated Association Dividends, No. 1 Profit and loss Bank of the Metropolis Individual accounts Suspense account . - . •• - 1,769,270 00 123,175 450 486,191 3,750 7,275 131 00 49 96 00 80 88 20,000 00 4,240 40,456 622 8,457 2,114 12,970 2,300 4 47 32,982 32 13,915 58 19,391 92 1,919 86 90 54 25 00 59 96 00 00 58 407 Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to 1st Dec. 1833. since Bank of America, N. Y. Branch Bank, State of Alabama, Mobile Exchange Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Bank of State of Mississippi, Natchez Planters’ Bank, Woodville Planters’ Bank Natchez Local Banks: Office Discount and Deposit Bank U. S. City Bank of New Orleans Bank of Orleans Louisiana State Bank Mechanics and Traders’ Bank - 54,483 00 1,891,244 02 14, 1834, inclusive. 68,209 68 27,280 33 21,837 1 6 1,629 66 87,241 56 4 66 $2,687,662 00 JOSEPH SAUL, Cashitr. CO General statement, Commercial Bank of New Orleans, Saturday, June 91, 1834, inclusive. Bank estate . Notes and bills discounted Cash: Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation _ _ . _ - 127,695 28 82,273 59 100,000 00 „ _ _ _ 32,007 76,559 22,024 1,063 15,184 18,879 11,739 3,158 . - 309,968 87 25,000 00 17,162 68 86 33 36,063 66 2,726 85 105,020 10 1,346 24 3,157 66 392 73 6,700 00 1,500 00 2,027 78 68 33 42 08 23 23 80 72 180,616 33,919 24,319 46 49 18 62 63 Capital stock Bank notes for issuing on hand - - 1,771,520 00 1,331,000 00 1,139,700 00 in circulation Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Post notes payable at the Bank of Ame rica . Treasurer of the United States City Corporation, (Sinking Fund) Discounts received Interest on and discount on exchange Bills payable W . H. Chase, of Engineers, U. S. Daniel Randall, Paymaster A. D . Stewart, Paymaster, U. S. Army District Court, U. S. Granite Bank, Boston Merchants’ Bank, Boston Girard Bank, Philadelphia Bank of Chillicothe Office Discount and Deposite, United States, Natchez Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Local Bank: Consolidated Association Bank of the Metropolis, W. C. Dividend, No. 1 Profit and loss Individual accounts - * - - 191,300 00 450 49 . 8,937 378,621 3,750 12,319 131 52 96 4,240 38,212 47,900 622 8,457 3,110 12,970 90 24 00 25 00 99 96 - 70 88 20,000 00 1,100 00 4 00 44 58 1,479 86 1,479 - 00 86 1,629 66 26,290 33 21,837 16 97,983 07 #2,652,914 56 12,652,904 56 W M . G. H E WES, Cashier, pro tem. 408 Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to 1st Dec. 1833 _ since _ Bank of America. New York Branch Bank. State of Alabama, Mobile _ Exchange . Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville _ Bank State of Mississippi, Natchez Planters’ Bank, Woodville Planters’ Bank, Natchez _ Bank of South Carolina Interest suspended Local banks: . Union Dank of Louisiana Office Discount and Deposite Bank U. S. _ Canal and Banking Company _ Bank of Louisiana . • City Bank of New Orleans . _ Bank of Orleans Louisiana State Bank m Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Waterworks Notes and bills exch. disc, protested Suspense account . 54,483 00 1,848,376 74 - General Statement, Commercial Hank o f New Orleans, Saturday, June 28, 1834, inclusive. discounted, . - 100,000 00 54,483 00 1,870,172 95 270,300 25,000 17,162 133 26,070 1,346 117,623 3,157 392 14,700 2,027 1,500 65 00 68 33 61 24 04 66 73 00 78 00 20,002 68 63,383 39,936 28,239 6,858 6,819 22 32 23 23 80 . 165,239 48 33,919 18 . - 24,319 62 47 13 £0*7 to/: no Capital stock Bank notes for issuing on hand • - in circulation •• . Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Bank of the Metropolis, W . -C. . Treasurer of the United States City corporation (sinking fund) — Discounts received * Interest on and discount on exchange Bills payable . W. II. Chase, of engineers U. S. _ Daniel Randall, paymaster A. D. Stewart, paymaster U. S. army . District Court United States . Granite Bank, Boston . Merchants’ Bank, Boston Girard Bank, Philadelphia Bank of Chillicothe Office discount and deposite United States, Natchez Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore _ Local banks: . Rank of Louisiana . Mechanics and Traders’ Bank m Consolidated Association • Post notes payable at Bank of America, New York _ Dividend No. 1 j Profit and loss Individual accounts - 1,771,520 00 1,331,000 00 1,192,585 00 . . . . . _ _ . . _ . . _ . . - 00 49 56 96 00 45 01 4,042 31,524 47,764 622 8,457 12,326 13,311 63 64 10 25 00 16 36 20,000 00 1,100 00 _ 4 00 4 4 58 8,221 92 806 28 2,064 86 . _ >VM. G. H E W ES, 11,093 06 8,937 52 25,391 83 21,837 16 98,667,32 _________________________-— ---- ------ --------- -— In absence of the cashier, 138,415 450 1,159 390,621 3,750 15,773 782 627 596 "#2 f*Kj ,Uvf JU 08 Uy President. 9 Water works ,Notes and bills of exchange protested Suspease account - 127,354 91 42,945 74 40 Bank estate Notes and bills discounted Cash: Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation # Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to Detember 1, 1833 since Bank of America, New York Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Exchange Bank State of Mississippi, Natchez Planters’ Bank, WoodviHe Planters’ Bank, Natchez Interest suspended . Bank of South Carolina Local banks: Union Bank t>f Louisiana Office discount and deposite Bank U. S. Canal and Banking Company Clly Bank of New Orleans . Bank of Orleans . . . Louisiana State Bank * - General Statement, Commercial Bank of New Orleans, Saturday, July 5, 1834, inclusive. Bank estate . Notes and bills discounted Cash: Specie on hand Notes of other banks Uonds of the city corporation . • . - . ■ • - Water works Suspense account . - . 100,000 00 . • • • . 48,969 67,178 37,838 16,889 11,399 2,923 _ . . 127,353 13 107,181 60 . - 76 22 82 23 80 72 334,534 25 i000 17,162 2,342 3,157 1,346 121,123 392 15,028 1,500 24,277 2,027 73 00 68 86 66 24 04 73 83 00 29 78 • 185,195 55 36,919 18 47 75 $2,751,600 48 ____ K. E . Capita stoek . Bank notes for issuing on hand . 1,771,520 00 . - in circulation Bank of the Metropolis, W . C. Treasurer of the United Slates City corporation sinking fund . Discounts recei ved. . . Interest on and discount on exchange Bills payable . . . W. H. Chase, of engineers U .S . D. Randal’, paymaster A. D. Stewart, paymaster U. S. army District Court, United States Granite Bank, Boston • Merchants’ Bank, Boston Girard Bank, Philadelphia Bank of Chillicothe Office discount and deposite U. States Bank of America, New York Local banks: Bank of Louisiana Bank of Orleans . Consolidated Association • . . 1,331,000 00 1,163,940 00 • - • • -Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore • Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia • Post notes payable at Bank of America, New York Dividend No. 1 Individual accounts • • Profit and loss . . . 40 96 00 46 51 3,467 31,497 47,764 622 8,457 1,327 13,311 69 64 10 25 00 46 36 20,000 00 • • • • •. • . 00 107,060 237 370,421 3,750 18,711 869 1,100 00 4 00 5,169 63 22,256 92 7,553 44 574 86 . _ - 30,385 22 2,227 78 12,450 49 8,937 24,742 185,728 21,837 52 33 52 16 *2,751,600 48 JO S E P H SA U L , Cashier. 410 Corporation of the city of New Orleans ’Expenses prior to December 1, 1833 since . . . Bank State of Mississippi, Natchez Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville . Exchange . . . Planters’ Bank, Woodville . . Planters’ Bank, Natchez . Bank of South Carolina . Notes and bills discounted, protested • Interest suspended . . . Local banks: Union Bank of Louisiana . Office discount and deposite Bank U. S. Canal and Banking Company . . City Bank of New Orleant . . Louisiana State Bank . . Mechanics and Traders' Bank * 51,483 00 1,927,057 16 _ General statement, Commercial Hank o f New Orleans, Saturday, July 12, 1834, inclusive. Bank estate . . Notes and bills discounted • Cash—Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the c '.'y corporation . . - Water works • Notes and bills discounted, protested Suspense account . . Interest suspended . . . • 125,452 09 16,693 22 100,000 00 10,000 00 17,162 68 . . 2,522 73 343 00 1,030 115,232 1,346 3,157 392 12,028 1,500 - - . . . 112,479 42,398 38,178 9,349 6,844 33,150 33,198 . _ . - 242,145 31 76 22 82 23 06 80 72 275,599 36,928 24,277 45 2,027 00 95 24 66 73 83 00 61 43 29 53 78 Capital stock . Bank notes for issuing on hand . . . . . • in ciiculation . District court United States . . Treasurer of the United States . City corporation (sinking fund) . Discounts received . . Interest on and discount on exchange Bills payable . . . W . II. Chase, of engineers U. S. » D. Banda) 1, paymaster . A. D. Stewart, paymaster U. S. army Bank of the Metropolis, W .C . • Merchants’ Bank, Boston • • Girard Bank, Philadelphia . . Bank of Chillicothe . . Office Discount and Deposite United States, Natchez . • Bank ol America, New York • Local banks: Bank of Louisiana . . . Consolidated Association • • Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore • Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Dividend No. 1 Individual accounts » Profit and loss . . •• 1,771,520 00 1,339,937 52 1,119,220 00 220,717 622 370,421 5,750 21,450 1,282 52 24 96 00 43 2,966 28,919 47,764 237 4,430 23,363 69 62 10 40 57 71 11 20,000 00 1,100 00 4 00 33,714 36 15,086 92 449 86 ----------_ _ . . - 15,536 3,75ft 1,450 9,257 110,804 21,837 78 27 49 83 16 16 #2,714,909 41 *2,714,909 41 E. E. JOSEPH SAUL, Cashier. 411 Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses, prior to 1st December, 1833 • since do • Granite Bank, Boston ■ Branch of the Bank of the State of Ala bama, Mobile • Exchange * Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville * Bank State of Mississippi, Natchez * Planters' Bank, Woodville • Planters’ Bank, Natchez . Bank of South Carolina • Local banks: Union Bank of Louisiana • Office Discount and Deposite Bank U. S. Canal and Banking Company City Bank of New Orleans Bank of Orleans . . . Louisiana State Bank • Mechanics and Traders’ Bank - 54,483 00 1,914,685 64 - General statement, Commercial Bank o f New Orleans, Saturday, July 19, 1834, inclusive. 00 Bank estate Notes and bills discounted Cash: Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation Water works . . Bank of South Carolina Bank of the Metropolis, W. C. Suspense account • • 125,706 25 23,081 96 100,000 00 248,791 21 10,000 00 115,564 38,703 24,698 13,073 2,141 35,005 12,128 17,162 3,404 24,277 343 2,027 125,182 68 1,030 1,346 3,137 392 12,025 00 24 81 29 00 78 95 66 73 83 76 22 82 78 50 80 72 241,316 60 48,120 09 1,500 00 102 16 45 36 #2,751,663 60 Capital stock . Bank notes for issuing on hand . • . in circulation District court United States -• Treasurer of the United States City corporation (sinking fund) Discounts received . Interest on and discount on exchange Bills payable W. II. Chase, of engineers U. S. D. Randall, paymaster A. D. Stewart, paymaster U. S. army Merchants’ Bank, Boston . Girard Bank, Philadelphia Bank of Chillicothe Office Discount and Deposite Unite( States, Natchez Bank of America, New York Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Local banks: Bank of Louisiana • Consolidated Association Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Dividend No. 1 Profit and loss . . . Individual accounts - 1,771,520 00 1,340,528 03 1,113,580 00 226,948 622 385,421 3,750 24,548 1,457 03 25 96 00 75 27 2,501 25,211 47,764 4,622 22,937 1,100 57. 61 10 32 96 00 4 32,951 4,184 5,150 00 57 02 49 1,831 5,805 9,113 21,837 132,379 78 40 83 16 53 20,000 00 921 92 909 86 $2,751,663 60 JO S E P H SAUL, Cashier. 412 Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior t« 1st December, 1833 since . . Notea and bills discounted, protested Granite Bank, Boston . Interest suspended . Exchange « . Branch of the Bank of the State of Ala bama, Mobile . . Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Hank State of Mississippi, Natchez Planters’ Bank, Woodville • Planters’ Bank, Natchez Local banks: Union Bank of Louisiana Office Discount and Deposite Bank U. S Canal and Banking Company • City Bank of New Orleans * Bank of Orleans Louisiana State Bank Mechanics and Traders’ Bank 54,483 00 1,956,954 21 General statement, Commercial Bank of New Orleans, Saturday July 26, ■Bank estate • Notes and bills discounted Cash: Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation • • * - Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to 1st December, 1833 since do Bank of the Metropolis, W . C. Branch Bank, State of Alabama, Mobile Exchange Planters’ Bank, Woodville ' • Planters’ Bank, Natchez • Bank of South Carolina Notes and bills of exchange discounter and protested • • Interest suspended Local banks: Union Bank of Louisiana • Office discount and deposite Bank U. S Canal and Banking Company City Bank of New Orleans Bank of Orleans Louisiana State Bank • Mechanics and Traders* Bank Consolidated Association - / ' Water works • • Suspense account • Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville 126,153 29 31,676 65 100,000 00 54,483 00 1,936,997 22 257,829 94 10,000 00 68 17,162 3,414 212 1,312 125,073 392 25,183 1,500 56 07 42 04 73 49 00 24,277 29 2,027 78 549 36,163 37,291 5,363 3,416 42,261 46,652 79,900 76 22 32 78 50 72 21 14 251,598 50,076 45 1,346 65 56 60 24 $2,762,933 27 Capital stock • Bank notes for issuing on hand 1834, • • • inclusive. 1,771,820 00 1,340,528 03 1,079,045 00 in circulation • District Court, United States Treasurer of the United 8tates City corporation, sinking fund Discounts received Interest on and discount on exchange Bills payable . W . II. Chase, of engineers U. States D. Randall, paymaster A. D. Stewart, paymaster U. S. Army John B. Grayson, Lieut. U. S. Army Merchants’ Bank, Boston Girard Bank, Philadelphia Office Discount and Deposite Unitec States, Natchez * Bank of America, New York Union Rank of Maryland, Baltimore Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Local bank: Bank of Louisiana Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Granite Bank, Boston • Dividend No. 1 • Profit and loss • Individual accounts • 261,483 622 389,421 3,750 27,233 1,457 03 25 96 00 36 27 20,000 00 2,501 57 23,617 31 47,764 10 120 00 5,952 67 17,812 96 4 48,175 4,184 6,150 00 61 02 49 306 .5,805 143 8,807 21,837 93,962 92 40 00 83 16 36 $2,762,933 27 JOSEPH SAUL, Cashier. General statement, Commercial Bank of New Orleans-, Saturday , A ugusts, Bank estate Notes and bills discounted on pledge stock Notes and bills discounted Cash . • Notes of other banks . Bonds city corporation Bills and notes protested bearing mortgage Estate N. Emerson - - Suspense account Bank Metropolis, W . C. Water works - . - 100,000 00 24,653 29 30,000 00 4,876 14 . _ . - - 271,144 52 ▼ ' 59,529 43 10,000 00 17,162 68 _ _ _ _ _ — _ 28,594 42,438 29,846 6,323 42,460 43,273 49,730 54,483 00 471,010 00 1,444,110 74 4,978 138,836 2,027 1,312 1,346 392 16,158 1,500 76 22 32 08 80 22 14 24.‘2 54 28 78 42 24 73 49 00 666 54 55 88 Capital stock . Bank notes for issuing on hand . 1,771,820 00 . . . . . 1,340,528 03 1,101,545 00 in circulation Bills payable . . . W . H. Chase, engineer U. S. Army Treasurer of the United States D. Randall, paymaster City corporation, sinking fund . A. D. Stewart, paymaster U. S. Army Discounts received * District Court United States Interest on exchange . Merchants’ Bank, Boston • Girard Bank, Philadelphia . Office Discount and Deposite United States, Natchez Bank America New York . Dividend No. 1 . . . Union Bank, Maryland, Baltimore Planter»’ Bank, Tennessee, Nashville Schuylkill Bank Philadelphia Granite Bank, Boston . Local Banks: City Bank . . . Bank of Orleans . . . Profit and loss . Individual accounts inclusive. . 1,761 428,137 1,255 3,750 47,764 30,385 622 1,787 5,952 17,809 42 56 76 00 10 29 25 31 67 96 . . . . . - 4 48,325 8,792 4,184 5,805 6,150 143 00 61 83 02 40 49 00 - 238,983 03 20,000 00 78,426 57 2,563 50 - . - . . . . . . . . . 20,990 07 21,837 16 103,816 58 212 07 53,151 17 $2,790,078 51 #12,790,078 51 JOSEPH SAUL, Cashier. 414 Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to 1st December, 1833 • • since Exchange Interest suspended Branch Bank, State Alabama, Mobile . Union Bank, Nashville, Tennessc Planters’ Hank, Woodville Planters* Bank, Natchez Bank South Carolina Local banks: . Union Bank of Louisiana Office Discount and Deposite Bank U. S. • Canal and Banking Company • Bank of Louisiana • . Louisiana State Bank • • Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Consolidated Association * _ «» 156,765 65 14,378 87 1834, General statement, Commercial Bank of New Orleans, Saturday, August 9, 1834, inclusive. Bank estate Notes and bills discounted Cash: Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation - "Water works Notes bearing mortgage Estate of N. Kmerson, deceased Notes and bills protested Suspense account - - 157,463 89 26,743 55 100,000 00 21,389 40,219 26,112 34,625 50,078 34,020 284,207 12,500 17,182 4,992 31,312 137,636 1,346 392 16,158 1,366 212 44 00 68 78 42 28 24 73 49 40 07 76 52 57 80 22 14 206,446 53,200 30,000 4,876 24,653 54. 01 67 00 14 29 87 $2,808,572 94 Capital stock • Bank notes for issuing on hand . - 1,340,528 03 1,107,815 00 in circulation • District court U. S. Treasurer of the United States City corporation (sinking fund) Discounts received _Interest on and discount on exchange W. II Clnse, of engineers U. S. D. Randall, paymaster A. D. Stewart, paymaster U. S. army Merchants’ Bank, Boston Girard, Bank, Phi'adelphia Office Discount and Deposite United States, Natchez Bank of America, New York Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Local Banks: Bank of Louisiana • City Bank of New Orleans Hank of Orleans Dividend No. I Profit and loss Granite Bank, Boston Individual accounts • • - 1,771,820 00 232,713 622 408,137 3,750 35,375 1,787 638 478 47,764 5,180 18,084 03 25 56 00 67 31 87 37 10 53 90 4 49,011 4,184 7,650 5,805 00 50 02 49 40 56,904 8,747 21,837 143 127,932 73 83 16 00 16 415 Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to the 1st December, 1833 since Branch Bank, State of Alabama, Mobile Exchange Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Planters’ Bank, WoorlviUe Planters’ Bank, Natchcz Bank of South Carolina Bank of the Metropolis, W. C. . Local Bunks: Union Bank of Louisiana • • Office Discount and Deposite Bank U. 8. Canal and Banking1Company Louisiana State Bank . Mechanics and Traders’ Bank . -Consolidated Association * . 54,483 00 1,927,551 4-3 41,284 66 8,356 57 7,263 50 $2,808,572 94 JOSEPH SAUL, Cashier. 00 G en eral statem en t , C om m ercial B a n k o f New Orleans, S atu rday, A ugust 16, 1834, inclusive. Bank estate . . . Notes and bills discounted Notes and bills of exchange discounted, protested *, Notes bearing mortgage Estate of N. Emerson, deceased . Cash: Specie on hand • Notes of other banks Bends of the city corporation . Balance against local banks . tCorporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to 1st December, 1833 • since Exchange • . W ater works . . . Branch Bank, State of Alabama, Mobile Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Planters’ Bank, Woodville . • Planters’ Bank, Natchez . . Bank of the Metropolis, W. C. Bank of South Carolina . . Suspense account . . . - 54,483 00 1,903,887 52 24,650 29 30,003 00 4,876 14 157,659 89 23,019 06 100,000 00 180,716 08 461,395 12,500 17.182 4,992 98,786 53,301 31,312 1,346 392 6,154 215 1,366 54 03 00 68 78 28 67 42 2+ 73 99 07 40 86 *2,706,901 10 Capital stock Bank notes for issuing on hand . * - - . • in circulation • Treasurer of the United States • City corporation, sinking fund • Discounts received • Interest, &c., on exchange * . W . H. Chase, of engineers • • D. Randall, paymaster • A. D. Stewart, paymaster U. S. army District court, United States • Merchan's’ Bank, Boston Girard Bank, Philadelphia OBicc Discount and Deposite United States, Natchcz • • Bank of America, New York * Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore • Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Granite Bank, Boston • Dividend No. 1 Profit and loss • • Individual accounts * ' 1,771,820 00 1,340,528 03 1,103,170 00 237,358 414,546 3,750 37,859 1,787 638 478 47,764 622 5,811 18,034 03 10 00 25 31 87 37 10 25 04 96 4 23,123 4,184 7,650 5,805 143 7,991 21,837 95,691 00 55 02 49 40 00 24 16 96 $2,706,901 10 JOSEPH SAUL, C a th ie r . 1 on General statement, Commercial Bank of New Orleans, Saturday 23d Jiugust Bank estate Notes and bills discounted Notes and bills protested Notes bearing mortgage Estate of N. Emerson, deceased Cash: Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation > Balance due by local banks . . . . . . . Dollars - 54,483 1,949,864 24,650 30,003 4,876 00 21 29 00 14 430,824 12,500 17,182 5,021 98,786 55,796 5,162 1,346 392 6,154 1,366 78 00 100,000 00 155,499 23 ----------. . _ . . . _ . . - 68 78 28 09 42 24 73 99 40 3,615 00 54 53 2,702,080 56 inclusive. Capital stock . . . - 1,340,528 03 Bank notes for issuing . 1,105,280 00 on hand . . ----------in circulation . Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia _ Treasurer of the United States _ City corporation sinking fund . _ Discounts received . _ . Interest, &c., on exchange . _ W . H. Chase, of engineers U. S. _ D. Handall, Paymaster _ A. D. Stewart, do U. S. army . . District Court U. S. * m Merchants’ Bank, Boston _ Girard Bank, Philadelphia Office Disc, and Dep., U. S., Natchez _ Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Granite Bank, Boston . Bank of the Metropolis, W . C. . * Dividend No. 1 _ Profit and loss . Individual accounts . Bank of America, New York “ ■ Dollars * - 1,772 070 00 235,248 03 7,650 49 418,272 60 3,750 00 40,780 03 1,787 31 948 13 451 52 47,764 10 622 25 8,006 07 18,034 96 4 00 4,042 52 5,805 40 143 00 123 10 7,983 74 21,837 16 99,607 57 7,148 58 417 Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to 1st Dec. 1833 • Do since do _ Exchange . Water works Branch Bank, State of Alabama, Mo. . Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville _ Planters* Bank, Woodville • Planters* Bank, Natchez • Bank of South Carolina Bank notes paid at Bank of America, _ N. Y . Suspense account - • 157 808 36 17,517 19 1834, 2,702,080 56 JO S E P H SA U L , Cashier. I— I QO General statement, Commercial Bank of New Orleans, Saturday, August 30, llank estate Notes and bills discounted protested bearing mortgage Estate of N. Emerson, deceased Cash—specie on hand Notes ot other banks Bonds of the city corporation Balance due by local banks Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to 1st December, 1833 since • incur’d in meeting transfer drafts Exchange . . . Water works . . . Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Planters’ Bank, Woodville Planters’ Bank, Natchez -Bank of South Carolina Bank notes paid at Bank of America Merchants’ Bank, Boston Suspense account - *54,483 1,948,787 24,650 30,003 4,876 00 53 29 00 14 297,664 12,500 17,182 6,606 96 91,636 60,444 1,346 392 6,154 1,366 3,615 2,093 54 95 00 $'7,244 81 6,204 15 100,000 00 114,215 99 68 03 12 28 24 24 73 99 40 00 93 78 Capital stock • Bank notes for issuing . on hand • in circulation Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Treasurer of the United States City corporation, sinking fund Discounts received Interest Sec. on exchange W. II Chase, of engineers U. States D. Kaftdall, paymaster A. 1). Stewart, paymaster U.States arim District Court United States Girard Bank, Philadelphia Office Disc, and Dep., U. S., Natchez St. Louis Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Bank of the Metropolis, W. C. Branch Bank State of Alabama, Mobile Bank of America, New York Dividend No. 1 Profit and loss . . . Individual accounts - 1S34, inclusive. #1,777,695 00 $1,340, 528 03 1,086, 465 00 03 49 39 00 44 31 33 52 10 25 96 00 50 52 40 12 58 47 74 16 02 $2,563,954 33 $2,563,954 33 E. E. 254,063 7,025 246,839 3,750 42,423 1,842 3,091 451 47,764 622 18,034 4 2 4,042 5,805 123 937 18,921 7,953 21,837 100,724 JO SEPH SAUL, Caehitr. General statement, Commercial Bank of Ncio Orleans, Saturday, September 6, Bank estate Notes and bills discounted protested bearing mortgage Estate of N. Emerson, deceased Cash: Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation Balance due by local banks . - 00 64 29 322,847 12,500 17,182 6,957 474 94,136 60,444 1,346 392 747 84 00 14 100 000 00 101,487 99 00 68 36 62 28 24 24 73 36 6 40 193 50 3,615 00 1,759 99 74 22 86 inclusive. Capital stock _ Bank notes for issuing . i 1,340,528 on hand . . . 1,113,460 in circulation . Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia . . Treasurer of the United States . City corporation, sinking fund . . Discounts received . . . Interest &c. on exchange . W . 11. Chase, of engineers U. States _ I). IJandall, paymaster . . A. D. Stewart, paymaster U. S. army . . A. H. Bowman, of engineers . . District Court United States . Girard Bank, Philadelphia . • Office Disc, and Dep., U. S., Natchez . St. Louis Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore . Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Hank of the Metropolis, VV. C. Branch,Bank State of Alabama, Mobile . Bank of America, New York . Dividend No. 1 Profit and loss - • * Individual accounts . . . - 03 00 S I ,777,695 00 227,068 7,025 346,839 3,750 44,695 1,6.67 3,055 443 47,764 03 49 39 00 32 31 33 40 10 622 I S ,034 4 •2 4,042 5,805 123 474 9,381 7,950 21,837 151,789 25 96 00 2,000 00 SO 419 Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to 1st December, 1333 . since in meeting transfer draft* Exchange . -* Waterworks Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Planters’ Hank, Woodville Planters’ Bank, Natchez . Bank of South Carolina Commercial Hank of Cincinnati Bank notes paid at Bank of America, N. Y. Merchants’ Bank, Boston • Suspense account - $77,180 99 44,178 66 $57,483 2,041,720 24.650 30,003 4,876 1834, 52 40 12 53 44 74 16 54 52,682,271 53 #2,682,271 53 JO SEPH SAUL, Cashier. I— I 00 I__ I General statement, Commercial Bank of New Orleans, Saturday, September Bank estate • Notes and bills discounted protested • Notes bearing' mortgage Estate of N. Emerson, deceased Cash: Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation Balance due by local banks Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to 1st December, 1833 since do incur’d in meeting transfer draf Exchange Water-works , Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Planters’ Hank, Woodville Planters’ Bank, Natchez Bank of South Carolina Commercial Bank of Cincinnati Merchants’ Bank, Boston Branch Bank, State of Alabama, Mobile Bank notes paid at Bank of America, N. Y, Suspense account . - - . _ 60,483 2,026,252 24,650 30,003 4,876 00 10 29 00 14 78,075 28 29,821 41 100,000 00 136,187 90 _ • _ _ _ _ _ ' ^ 344,084 59 12,500 00 17,182 68 6,957 678 94,136 60,444 1,346 392 1,092 36 12 28 24 24 73 96 866 40 193 50 7,911 29 2,555 47 19,782 52 74 94 $2,716,463 85 Capital stock . Bank notes for issuing on hand . 13, 1834, inclusive. 1,778,995 00 . - QC . - 1,380,528 03 1,143,220 00 in circulation Treasurer of the United States City corporation sinking fund - 0 Discounts received • Interest,. &c„ on exchange W . H. Chase, of engineers U. States • A. D. Stewart, paymaster do D. Randall, do A. H. Bowman, of engineers District Court United States . Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Girard Bank do Office Discount and Deposite U. States, Natchez • Office Discount and Deposite U. States, St, Louis Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Bank of the Metropolis, W. C. -* Bank of America, New York Dividend, No. 1 • Profit and loss . Individual accounts • . - • - . - - ■ , 237 ,308 356,739 3,750 47,297 1,867 1,687 47,764 191 2,000 00 622 25 18,034 96 5,678 04 . - . - 03 65 00 10* 31 33 10 14 4 00 2 4,042 5,805 123 31,572 1,899 21,837 149,241 50 52 40 12 96 74 16 54 $2,716,463 85 JOSEPH SAUL, Cashier. General statement o f the Commercial Bank o f New Orleans, September 20, 1834, inclusive. Bank estate Notes and bills discounted protested bearing mortgage Estate of N. Emerson, deceased Cash: Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation * • - .. 77,645 72 23,935 10 100,000 00 _ - _ * “ _ _ _ _ _ 60,483 2,062,848 24,650 30,003 4,876 00 91 29 00 14 201,580 82 10,000 00 17,182 68 6,977 740 84,136 62,905 1,346 392 866 193 12,206 2,553 4,194 27,967 137,416 85 79 12 28 22 24 73 40 50 59 47 60 52 95 30 $2,753,607 55 Capital stock . Bank notes for issuing on hand . . - ■ in circulation Treasurer of the United States City corporation sinking fund Discounts received . Interest, &c., on exchange W. H. Chase, of engineers U .S . D. Bandall, paymaster A. D. Stewart, paymaster U. S. army A. H. Bowman, of engineers t'J. S. District Court United States Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Girard Bank, do Office Disc, and Dep. U. S., Natchez St. Louis Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Bank of the Metropolis, W. C. Bank of America, New York Planters’ Bank, Natchez Dividend No. 1 Profit and loss . . . Individual accounts - * • - 1,380,528 03 1,145,695 00 " _ — - . — - _ - 1,778,995 00 234,833 356,739 3,750 49,145 1,942 740 191 47,764 1,760 622 5,678 18,034 4 2 8,353 4,209 40,409 27,242 03 65 00 04 31 83 14 10 00 25 04 96 00 50 27 01 95 52 421 Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to the 1st December, 1833 since do do incur’d in meeting transfer drafts Domestic bills of exchange discounted Waterworks ” Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Planters’ Bank, Woodville . Bank of South Carolina . Commercial Bank of Cincinnati Merchants’ Bank, Boston . Branch Bank State of Alabama, Mobile Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Bank notes paid at Bank of America, N. Y. Balance due by local banks Suspense account . . . — 1,899 74 21,837 16 149,453 05 $2,753,607 55 JOSEPH SAUL, Cashier. GO General statement o f the Commercial Bank of New Orleans, Saturday, September 27, 1834, inclusive. 00 ---- -— Bank estate Notes and bills discounted protested Cash: Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation Balance due by local banks - . . . Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to 1st Dec., 1833 since do . Domestic bills of exchange discounted • Water works . . . Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Planters’ Bank, Woodville Bank of South Carolina Commercial Bank of Cincinnati . Merchants’ Bank, Boston • Branch Bank State of Alabama, Mobile Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Bank notes paid at Bank of America, New York . •' Notes bearing mortgage Estate of N. Emerson, deceased Suspense account - _ 60,483 00 2,068,971 43 29,059 42 79,018 47 7,667 20 100,000 00 151,561 06 _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ■ —I 338,246 73 10,000 00 17 182 68 7,717 77,286 63,048 1,346 392 91 28 49 24 73 666 40 193 50 7,279 36 2,553 47 4,194 60 381 96 30,132 30,003 4,876 85 52 00 14 12 Capital stock . Bank notes for issuing on hand . 1,778,995 00 . • - 1,380,528 03 - 1,183,140 00 in circulation Treasurer of the United States ■ City corporation sinking fund Discounts received Interest, &c., on exchange • W . II. Chase, of engineers D. Ilandall, paymaster A- D. Stewart, paymaster U. S. army A. H. Bowman, of engineers U. States District Court United States Girard Bank, Philadelphia Office Disc, and Dep. U. S., Natchez St. Louis Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Bank of the Metropolis, W . C. Bank of America, New York Planters’ Bank, Natchez Dividend No. 1 Profit and loss • Individual accounts - — - _ _ _ _ - — 247,388 03 360,367 65 3,750 00 50,433 42 2,027 31 740 83 191 14 47,764 10 1,760 00 622 25 184 96 4 00 2 50 8,106 27 4,209 01 43,020 45 27,242 52 1,899 74 21,837 16 153,554 64 % #2,754,100 98 " $2,754,100 98 JOSEPH SAUL, Cashier. I__ I General statement, Commercial Hank o f Netc Orleans, Saturday, 4 th October, 1834, inclusive. Bank estate . . . . Notes and bills discounted Do . do protested Do bearing mortgage Estate of N. Emerson, deceased Cash: Specie on hand . . . Notes of other banks . Bonds of the city corporation Balance due by local banks . - Dollars - 100,000 00 136,761 86 . . . . . _ . . . 60,483 2,061,858 29,274 50,003 4,876 00 11 19 00 14 322,959 45 10,000 00 17,182 68 _ . 74 28 16 24 73 666 40 193 50 5,945 31 2,553 47 4,194 60 381 96 . - 33,377 52 84 94 - 2,738,474 42 _ 9,510 77,286 65,904 1,346 392 Capital stock . . . _ 1,380,528 03 Bank notes for issuing - 1,135,290 00 on hand - ----------in circulation . Treasurer of the United States City corporation sinking fund Discounts received Interest, Sic., on exchange W. H. Chase, of Engineers, U. S. D. Randall, Paymaster A. D. Stewart, do U. S. army A. H. Bowman, of Engineers — District Court, U. S. Girard Bank, Philadelphia Office Disc, and Dep , U. S., Natchez Do do St. Louis Union Bank of Maryland, B«ltimore — Bank of the Metropolis, W. C. Bank of America, New York _ - Planters’ Bank, Natchcz _ Dividend No. 1 _ Profit and loss Individual accounts - 1,790,995 00 Dollars 2,738,474 42 - - JOSK PH SAUL, 245,238 03 365,425 43 3,750 00 52,289 42 1,966 30 740 83 191 14 47,764 10 1,245 00 622 25 184 96 4 00 2 50 8,106 27 3,459 01 32,837 66 360 61 1,836 74 21,837 16 159,618 01 423 Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to 1st Dec. 1833 ^ Do since do Domestic bills of exchange discounted . Water works . . . . Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Planters’ Bank, Woodville Bank of South Carolina Commercial Bank of Cincinnati Merchants’ Bank, Boston Branch Bank, State of Alabama, Mobile Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Bank notes paid at Bank of America, N. y. . . . Suspense account . . . . . 71,210 54 14,987 05 Cashier. ca i i General statement, Commercial Bank o f New Orleans, Saturday, 11/A October, Bank estate . . . Note* and bills discounted Do do protested Do bearing mortgage Domestic bills of exchange discounted Estate of N. Emerson, deceased Cash: Specie on band Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation Balance due by local banks Dollars 00 00 86 ^8 00 14 72,044 35 11,946 25 100,000 00 162,479 87 346,470 17,182 8,650 66,913 1,346 392 47 28 28 24 73 193 1,534 2,553 4,194 381 50 89 47 60 96 68 666 4 0 Capital stock . . . Bank notes for issuing on hand ill circulation • Treasurer of the United States City corporation sinking fund Discounts received Interest, &c., on exchange W. H. Chase, of Engineers, U. S. D. Randall, Paymaster A. D. Stewart, do U. S. army A. H. Bowman, of Engineers District Court U. S. * Girard Bank, Philadelphia Office Disc, and Dep., U. S., Natchez Do do St. Louis Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Bank of the Metropolis, D. C. Bank of America, New York Planters' Bank, Natchez Dividend No. 1 Profit and loss Individual accounts . inclusive. i— i ca 1,790-,995 00 1,380,528 03 J ,134,895 00 . . . . . _ . . . . _ _ _ . _ _ . 245,633 374,425 3,750 54 339 2,116 304 191 47,764 1,245 622 184 4 2 8,106 5,459 23,758 360 1,835 21,837 166,429 03 43 00 73 30 20 14 10 00 25 96 00 50 27 01 78 61 24 16 64 35,762 52 173 05 10,000 00 Dollars 2,749,364 35 E. E. 2,749,364 35 JOSEPH SAUL, Cashier. 424 Expenses prior to 1st Dec. 1833 Do since do Water works . . . Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Planters’ Bank, Woodville Bank of South Carolina Commercial Bank of Cincinnati Merchants’ Bank, Boston • Branch Bank, State of Alabama, Mobil Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia . Bank notes paid at Bank of America N. Y. . . . Suspense account . . . Corporation of the city of New Orleans 60,483 2,036,971 34,328 30,003 86,286 4,876 1834, General statement, Commercial Bank o f New Orleans, Saturday, October 18, 1S34, inclusive. Bank estate Notes and bills discounted r 66,483 1,990,285 25,531 Af\ AAft 30,003 85,258 4,876 00 55 72 00 81 14 12 10,000 00 17.182 68 5 9 5 ,0 9 5 40 67 24 73 666 40 193 50 2,553 47 4,194 60 384 96 9,659 67,532 1,346 392 666 86 32,147 52 137 30 Capital stock • Bank notes for issuing on hand . - _ - 1,790,995 00 1,380,528 03 1,147,655 00 in circulation . _ Treasurer of the United States • City corporation sinking fund _ Discounts received . . Interest, &c , on exchange • _ D. Randall, .paymaster . A. D . Steward, paymaster U. S. Army _ A. H. Bowman of engineers _ District Court United States . Merchants’ Bank, Boston . . Girard Bank, Philadelphia Office Disc’t and Deposite U. S. Natchez St. Louis Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore _ Bank of the Metropolis, W. C. . i Bank of America, New York Dividend No. 1 . Profit and loss . Individual accounts . Suspense account Branch Bank of Virginia, Petersburg!) $2,745,191 67 _ ' .>• **?}■J J . ’T ..... _ 232,873 03 398,030 18 3,750 00 57,748 40 2,116 30 98 94 47,764 10 982 50 622 25 4,564 53 184 96 4 00 2 50 8,105 27 5,459 01 20,182 52 1,835 24 21,837 16 144,851 57 9J5 21 2,268 00 425 protested JZ bearing mortgage Domestic bills of exchange discounted Estate of N. Emerson, deceased Cash: Specie on hand 70,847 74 Notes of other banks 77,810 78 . Bonds of the city corporation 100,000 00 . o, Balance due by local banks 147,036 60 A . . . _ Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to December 1, 1833 . • since • . _ Water works • • Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville . . _ Planters’ Bank, Woodville . Bank of South Carolina . . _ Commercial Bank of Cincinnati Branch Bank State of Alabama, Mobile 3 1-1inters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia . r m Planters’ Bank, Natchez Bank notes paid at Bank of America, N. Y. W. H. Chase of engineers United States "" ' . #2,745,191 67 ’ JOS!’.I’ll SAUL, C a sh ier. I— l c<o Hank, estate . Notes and bills discounted • • protested hearing mortgage Domestic bills of e.vohange discounted • Estate of N. Emerson deceased Cash: Specie on hand . Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation Balance due by local banks Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to December 1, 1833 sines Waterworks Union Hank of Tennessee, Nashville Planters’ Bank, Woodville Bank of South Carolina Commercial Bank of Cincinnati Branch Bank State of Alabama, Mobile Planters’ Hank of Tennessee, Nashville Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Planters’ Bank, Natchez Merchants’ Bank, Boston Bank notes paid at Bank of America, N. Y. Cirard Bank, Philadelphia W . H. Chase, of engineers U. States Suspense account . . . * l 966 473 25,531 30,003 102,808 4,876 95 72 00 81 14 70,656 76 34,941 55' 100,000 00 215,995 26 431,593 57 10,000 00 68 17,182 9,843 67,532 L346 392 40 67 24 193 2,553 4,194 384 50 47 60 96 1,235 36,237 5 294 85 47 52 04 50 00 73 666 40 m m m •. « 666 86 52,770,585 23 P'lMifnl stnplf _• uuuiiai aiutiv Bank notes for issuing on hand • • - 1834, ■ . - in circulation Treasurer of the United Slates City corporation sinking fund discounts received Interest, &c., on exchange D. Randall, paymaster A D. Stewart, do U. S. Army A. H. Bowman, of engineers District Court United States Office Diso’t and Deposite U. S., Natchez S t Louis Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Bank of the Metropolis, W . C. Bank of America, New York Dividend No. 1, • * Profit and loss Individual accounts * Branch Bank of Virginia, Petersburg!! - inclusive. i— i a> 1,790,995 00 1,380,528 03 1,149,075 00 • . • . . T . - 231,453 03 406,030 18 3,750 00 59,137" 94 2,291 30 98 94 47,243 60 982 50 622 25 4 00 2 SO 8,106 27 5,479 01 18,927 92 1,767 7 1 21,837 16 169,587 89 2,268 0Q $2,770,585 23 JOSEPH SAUL, Cashier. O dV General statement, Commercial Bank of New Orleans, Saturday, October 2 5 , General statement, Commercial Bank o f New Orleans, Saturday, November 1, 1834, inclusive. --- r -Bank estate • Notes and bills discounted protested _• Domestic bills of exchange discounted Notes bearing mortgage - • Estate of N . Emerson, deceased Cash: Specie on hand Notes of other banks * Ronds of the citv corporation Bidance due by iocal banks • • • • - 66,483 00 1,963,793 76 21,260 22 174,808 81 30,003 00 4,876 14 100,000 00 137,986 05 . --■ — - ---. - -’' 383,623 59 10,000 00 68 17,182 11,379 73,892 392 2,.>53 4,194 1,346 73 74 73 47 60 24 666 40 8,435 04 3,732 00 666 86 384 96 Ji4 66 36,237 52 #2,818,998 15 Capital stock . Bank notes for issuing on hand . . • • . in circulation • Treasurer of the United States City corporation sinking fund . Di.icounts received In ’.ere t, &c. on exchange . 1). Randall, paymaster A D. Stewart, do U. S. Army W . H, Chase, of engineers U. S. A. H. Bowman, do Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Bank of Amer'ca, New York Merchants’ Bank, Boston • Office Discount and Deposite U. Sta’es, Natchez . . Office Discount and Deposits U. States, St. Louis • Bank of the Metropolis, W. C. Commercial Dank of Cincinnati . District Court United States • Dividend No. 1 • Profit and loss . . . Jas. W. Breedlove, collector of customs Individual accounts . . 1,380,528 03 1,117,606 36 1.791.695 00 262,921 383,080 3,750 60,585 2,691 98 46,802 547 982 8.106 13,190 1,845 4 67 99 00 26 30 94 35 60 50 27 28 00 00 427 Corporation of the city of New Orleans * Expenses prior to 1st IJecembec, 183d f-ince . . . Water works . • Planters’ Bank, Woodville Branch Bank, State of Alabama, Mobile Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, do • Bank of South Carolina • • Girard Bank, Philadelphia • Branch Bank of Virginia, Petersburg Planters’ Bank, Natchez • Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Suspense account Bank notes paid at Bank of America, N. Y. 69,104 61 76,532 93 2 50 01 5,479 3,306 622 1,670 21,837 12,939 196,839 50 25 24 16 66 67 $2,818,998 15 JOSEPH SAUL, C tu h iir . r“"1 OD Bank estate . • Notes and bills discounted * • protested bearing mortgage Domestic bills of exchange discounted Estate of N. Emerson, deceased Cash: Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corporation Balance due by local banks - 100,000 00 * 00 74 22 00 49 14 • 134,708 26 . _. _. . . _ . 392,151 17 10,000 00 17,182 68 12,000 74,216 1,346 392 25 74 24 73 666 40 15,702 74 4,194 60 128 96 1,367 17 1 ,797 60 38,937 52 92 58 - Capital stock . Bank notes for issuing on hand . 1,791,695 00 . . - 1,380,528 03 1,118,171 00 in circulation • « Treasurer of the United States City corporation sinking fund Discounts received * Interest, &c., on exchange D. Randall, paymaster A. 1). Stewart, paymaster U. S. army A. H. Bowman, of engineers • W . H . Chase, do District court United States Office Disc, and Dep. U. S., Natchez St. Louis • Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore Hank of the Metropolis, W . C. Hank of America, New York Merchants’ Bank, Boston Commercial Bank of Cincinnati Girard Bank, Philadelph'a • James W. Breedlove, collector of cus toms . . . . Dividend No. 1 . . Profit and loss . . . Individual accounts - 262,357 382,815 3,750 62,035 3,083 98 42,422 982 10,647 622 4 2 8,106 5,479 4,084 3,202 3,306 729 03 99 00 54 20 94 10 50 60 25 00 50 27 01 55 25 50 96 17,472 1,670 21,837 179,899 39 24 16 99 *2,806,304 97 *2,806,304 97 JO S E fH SAUL, Cashier. 428 Corporation of the city of New Orleans • Expenses prior to 1st December, 1833 since . . . Water works • Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Planters’ Bank, Woodville Bank of South Carolina . -• ■ Branch Bank, State of Alabama, Mobile Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Planters’ Bank, Natchez . . Branch Bank of Virginia, Petersburgh Bank notes paid at Bank of America . Suspense account . . . ~~ 66,483 1,900,601 •24,560 30,003 209,803 4,876 “ 1,602 89 85,840 02 inclusive. 8 ] — 1834, I General statement, Commercial Bank of New Orleans, Saturday, November 8, General statement, Commercial Bank of New Orleans, Saturday, November 15, 1834, inclusive. Bank estate . . . Notes and bills discounted protested bearing mortgage Domestic bills of exchange Estate of N. Emerson, deceased Ca'h: Specie on hand Notes of other banks Bonds of the city corperation Balance due by local banks - - - 73,641 03 46,635 98 66,483 1,895,730 24,260 30,003 201,730 4,876 00 07 22 00 45 14 100,000 00 183,242 11 403,519 12 10,000 00 68 - 17,182 12,161 75,474 1,346 392 - • 67 74 24 73 666 40 15,702 74 9,267 64 128 96 1,797 60 82 42 - . . , . _ Capital stock . Bank notes for issuing on hand . . - - in circulation . Treasurer of the United States City corporation sinking fund Discounts received . Interest, &c., on exchange D. Randall, paymaster A. D. Stewart, paymaster U. S. army . P. Morrison, ass’t commissary subsistence W. II. Chase, of engineers District court United States Office Disc, and Dep. U. S., Natchez St. Louis Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore • Bank of the Metropolis, W . C. • Bank of America, New York • Merchants’ B-ink, Boston • Commercial Bunk of Cincinnati Girard Bank, Philadelphia . . Planters’ Bank, Natchez James W. Breedlove, collector of cus toms . Dividend No. 1 . Profit and loss - Individual accounts - 1,380,528 03 1,174,573 52 - 205,954 51 393,275 61 3,750 00 64,521 90 3,083 20 98 94 42,422 10 3,939 82 10,647 60 622 25 4 00 2 50 8,106 27 5,479 01 4,449 55 5,861 50 298 50 729 96 10,030 37 - _ - -.. . • - - 13,201 1,670 21,837 179,124 _ _ - 20 24 15 63* $2,770,805 82 $2,770,805 82 . 1,791,695 00 429 Corporation of the city of New Orleans Expenses prior to 1st December, 1833 - since • Water works . . . Union Bank of Tennessee, Nashville Planters’ Bank, Woodville Bank of South Carolina Branch Bunk of Alabama, Mobile Planters’ Bank of Tennessee, Nashville . Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia Branch Bank of Virginia, Petersburg Suspense account . . . - --------- * — JOSEPH SAUL, Cashier. 00 l_ j General statement of the Union Bank of Louisiana, on Muy 9, \S 3 4 . CIO Keal estate City bonds in Merchants’ Bank, N. Y. Merchants’ Bank, New Y«rk Expenses Notes and bills discounted • Credit loans Loans on mortgage Bank of Orleans • Canal and Banking Company Consolidated Association - St- Mart'n Branch, general account Vermillion do $2,841,101 11 3,355,529 44 45,100 00 63 00 60 48 6,241,730 5? 18,505 38 8,072 99 27,968 97 £73,979 12 10 £32,000 stg. £2,389 11 165.000 165.000 160.000 150.000 135.000 135.000 135.000 165.000 00 00 00 54.547 318,671 36,951 13,518 4,042 29,676 34 80 63 03 73 26 9,963 6,500 5,783 33,190 1,652 21 00 92 28 34 00 00 00 00 00 1 ,210,000 00 3.K93 56 6,895 48 5.500.000 1.314.000 316,656 65,787 State bonds • Hank notes Exchange profit and loss Profit and loss Capital Discount account Premium on checks Discount on bills • Branch Bank Bank of Louisiana City Bank • Louisiana State Bank Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Commercial Bank Baring, Brothers, &Co., adv. on bonds Do Bank of Liverpool Bal ing, Brothers, & Co., our account Planters’ Bank, Manchester, their acc’t Franklin Bank Cincinnati, their acc’t Commercial Bank, Cincinnati, their account - J. Campbell, Treasurer of the U. S. Plaquemine Branch, general account Avoyelles do Individuals • - 00 00 33 62 120,000 00* 174,905 20 2,569 07 17,318 56 45,458 46,623 637 5,657 60,006 46,571 18 99 97 35 95 68 £112,500 stg. £ 2 2 , 0 0 0 s tg . £ 10,000 stg. 204,956 12 540,876 32 32 20 20 611 11,278 64 3,677 495,428 272 925 645 470 82 34 43 64 24 430 Baring1, Brothers, & Co., our account Mobile Bank, their account Mobile Bunk, cur accuunt Planters’ Bank, Natchez franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our accoun Exchange suspense account Do Bills receivable * Building Notes and bills protested Suspense account Plaquemine Branch, capital Clinton do Coving'.on do Avoyelles do St. Martin do Vermillion do Natchitoches do Thibodeaus do 64,925 42,500 362,225 10,950 4,982 4,942 7,035 9,645 Covington do Thibodeaux do Natchitoches do Clinton do Cash: V Jn cashier’s hands 1st Teller’s hands foreign specie l,es3 cash over jniuiv . -. -^- 65 87 54 22 39,000 00 460,300 00 195,983 00 235,270 68 . 930,550 68 10 07 930,540 61 $9,414,765 73 Bank notes In bank • - * • - 1,314,000 00 499,300 00 $814,700 89,414,765 73 431 Actual circulation • 00 J. B. PEUltAULT, C a s h ie r. .09 I— I General statement of the Union Bank of Louisiana, June 6, Real estate . . . City bonds, in the Merchants’ Bank, New York Merchants’ Bank, New York Expenses • Notes and bills discounted Credit loans • Loans on mortgage - Baring, Brothers and Co., our account Mobile Bank, our account Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our account Exchange suspense account Bills receivable Building • Notes and bills protested Suspense account Plaquemine Branch capital Clinton do Covington do Avoyelles do do St. Martin Vermillion do do Natchitoches do Thibodeaux 64,925 63 . _ 32,500 00 283,140 41 13,443 63 - 2,452,164 81 3,347,710 69 45,100 00 70,492 33,913 78,877 57,486 7,017 25,841 24,482 09 26 21 14 65 67 32 £81,421 19 8 _ _ £32,000 st’g _ _ _ - 165,000 00 165.000 00 160.000 00 150.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 165.000 00 5,844,975 50 298,110,34 350,876 45 8 383 62 25,243 01 6,500 00 6,010 92 28,105 40 1,662 37 1 ,210,000 00 State bonds . Bank notes . . Exchange profit and loss Profit and loss . Capital • . Discount account Premium on checks Discount on bills Bank of Louisiana Consolidated Association . QO - - • • • * - . - Baring, Brothers and Company, ad vance on bonds ■ Baring, Brothers and Company, ad vance on bonds Baring, Brothers and Co., our account Bank of Liverpool Exchange suspense account Mobile Bank, their account Planters’ Bank, Natchez Do Manchester Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, their acc’t Commercial do do J. Campbell, Treasurer of the U. S. Plaquemine Branch, general account Avoyelles do do * Individuals . . . _ ■ > - • 54,954 83 1,351 03 £112,500 £ 22,000 £ 10,000 5.500.000 1.314.000 316,656 65,787 00 00 33 62 120.000 00 203,553 81 2,689 40 21,052 43 56,305 86 540,876 32 432 Branch Bank Bank of New Orleans City Bank Canal and Banking Company Louisiana State Bank Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Commercial Bank • - 1834. 32 1,107 43,747 38,788 6,811 9,989 50,516 535,189 9,842 1,641 647,848 20 17 11 19 47 71 40 62 97 63 23 St. Martin Branch general account Vermillion do do Covington do do Thibodeaux do do Natchitoches do do Clinton do do Cash: In cashier’s hands In 1st teller’s do Foreign Oi Specie . . . Less cash over - Bank notes In bank • Actual circulation - 19,893 56 7 , 456 78 4,674 81 1,247 37 2,100 22 14,731 79 39,000 542,550 132,070 538,844 00 00 00 35 1 252,464 35 9 69 - - - - 1 314,000 00 - - 732,450 00 JO 1 949 A.ZH 581,550 00 19,486,436 47 433 . . *9,486,436 47 SAM. C. BELL, C a sh ie r p r o te m . OD General Statement of the Union Bank o f Louisiana on June 13, 1834. Real estate . . . City bonds in the Merchants’ Hank, New York . . . Merchants’ Rank, New York Expenses . . . Notes and bills discounted Credit loans . . . Loans on mortgagee Branch Bank'United States Bank of Orleans . . . City Bank . . . Canal and Banking Company Louisiana State Bank Consolidated Association Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Commercial Bank - • - Baring, Brothers, and Co., our account Mobile Bank, our account Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our account Exchange suspense account Bills receivable Building . . . Notes and bills protested • Suspense account . . . Plaquemine Branch capital Clinton . . . . Covington . . . Avoyelles . . . St. Martin . . . Vermillion . . . Natchitoches . • . 64,925 63 . 2,384,607 01 3,364,478 19 45,100 00 . 42,917 09 93,875 05 73,269 39 44,084 37 14,090 56 723 97 41,595 72 18,852 32 - ■£84,244 8 6 £ 10,000 st’g . _ 165,000 165,000 160,000 150,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 42,500 00 311,978 83 13,500 03 5,794,185 20 329,408 363,583 8,383 16,243 47 60 62 01 6,500 6,010 28,105 1,662 00 92 40 37 State bond9 . . . Bank notes . . . Exchange profit and loss Profit and loss . . . Capital Discount account Premium on checks Discount on bills Bank of Louisiana . Baring, Brothers, and Co., advance on bonds . . Bank of Liverpool Exchange suspense account Baring, Brothers, and Co., our account Mobile Bank, their account Planters’ Bank, Natchez, their account Do Manchester, do Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, do Commercial Bank, do do J. Campbell, Treasurer of the U. S. Avoyelles Branch general account Natchitoches . . . Individuals . . . 1 ' 00 1__ 1 . _ _ _ . . £112,500 . £ 10,000 - 5,500,000 1,314.000 316,656 63,052 00 00 33 62 208,450 2,494 24,267 109,929 73 40 16 83 120,000 00 540,876 32 32 20 1,107 17 122,983 29,814 10,353 6,254 56,540 539,189 1,641 • 1,203 565,541 18 75 53 10 60 62 63 28 47 ** Thibodeaux - _ . Plaquemine Branch general account St. Martin • Vermillion Covington Thibodeaux . Clinton Cash: > In cashier’s hands . In 1st teller’s hands Foreign Specie ■ 165,000 00 _ - . 39,000 574,435 135,665 537,565 1,286,665 01 8 51 . - Bank notes In bank - . - . - 1,314,000 00 613,435 00 • - 700,565 00 1,286,656 50 435 - 05 56 78 81 37 79 00 00 00 01 Less cash «ver Actual circulation 1 ,210,000 00 3,357 19,893 7,456 4,674 3,647 11,985 - $ 9 ,534,658 92 $9,534,658 92 SAM. C. BELL, C a sh ie r, p r o te m . I— I 00 I__ I General statement of the Union Bank o f Louisiana, on June 20, 1834. oo 64 925 329,847 42,500 13,633 2,431,019 18 3,363,877 28 45,100 00 Branch Bank United States City Bank Canal and Banking Company Louisiana State Bunk Consolidated Association Mechanics and Traders’ Bank 61,621 51,394 59,030 28,249 7,<123 12,610 Baring, Brothers 6c Co., our account Mobile Bank • Franklin Bank, our account Planters’ Bank, Natchez, their accouu Kxchange suspense account Bills receivable Building Notes and bills protested Suspense account Playqueraine Branch capital Clinton do Covington do Avoyelles do St. Martin do Vermillion do Natchitoches do Thibodeaux do £69,376 £ 39 39 31 34 97 72 6 7 10,000 stg. 165.000 165.000 160.000 150.000 135.000 135.000 135.000 165.000 63 61 00 03 5,839,996 46 220,330 295,298 8,383 16,243 313 12 71 62 01 72 6,500 6,047 28,105 1,662 00 09 40 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1,210,000 00 State bonds Bank notes Kxchange jftofit and loss Profit and loss Capital . Discount account Premium on checks Discount on bills Bank of Louisiana Bank of Orleans Commercial Bank Baring, Brothers, & Co., our account Do advance on bond Hank of Liverpool Exchange suspense account Mobile Bank, their account Planters’ Bank, Manchester, their acc Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, do Commercial iBank, do do J. Campbell, Treasurer of the U. S. Avoyelles Branch general account Natchitoches do Individuals account - 5.500.000 1.314.000 316,656 63,052 00 00 33 62 120,000 00 218,408 94 2,466 40 25,802 06 13,285 33 23,897 14 6,322 68 £ 10,000 stg. £113,500 43,505 15 540,876 32 1,107 31,943 2,353 14,489 11,690 545,933 1,641 1,203 653,469 32 20 17 56 53 10 60 35 63 28 40 436 Real estate Merchants’ Bank, New York City bonds Expenses • Notes and bills discounted Credit loans Loans on mortgage . Plaquemine Branch, general account do do St. Martin do do Vermillion do Coving’ton do do do Thibodeaux do do Clinton Cash: In cashier’s hands In 1st teller’s hands foreign specie . - • . • * - 39,000 597,715 98,105 543,290 Less cash over ■ - Bank notes In bank . . 4,257 19,893 7,716 4,814 5,647 4,415 - . - 03 56 78 29 37 79 00 00 00 50 1,278,110 50 9 45 1,278,101 05 $9,408,631 64 Actual circulation . - 1,314,000 00 636,715 00 • - »677,285 00 $9,408,631 64 437 * . ■ SAM. C. BELL, C a sh ier, p r o te m . <JO I__ r General statement of the Union Bank of Louisiana, on July 2,419,361 52 3,364,578 41 45,100 00 Branch Bank United States Bank of Orleans City Bank • Canal and Banking Company Louisiana State Bank Consolidated Association Mechanics and Traders’ Bank 63,569 20,057 21,234 27,949 47,171 65,078 53,320 Baring, Brothers, and Co., our account Mobile Bank, our account Planters’ Bank, Natchez Planters’ Bank, Manchester Commercial Bank, Cincinnati, their account Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our accoun Exchange suspense account Bills receivable Building . Notes and bills protested 8uspense account Plaquemine Branch, capital Clinton do Covington do Avoyelles do St. M&rtin do TermilUoiv do 64,925 41,250 347,893 15,607 - £59,424 5,829,039 93 47 86 39 97 99 97 72 1 5 «, £ 10,000 stg. _ _ 63 00 45 54 165,000 00 165,000 00 160,000 00 150,000 00 135,000 00 135,000 00 1 298,383 249,174 8,383 7,278 459 37 92 62 70 97 835 08 14,430 61 6,500 6,047 28,105 1,662 00 09 40 37 State bonds . . Bank notes . . Exchange, profit and loss Profit and loss . . Capital . . Discount account Premium on checks Discount on bills Bank of Louisiana Commercial Bank 00 . . - - . . - * - Baring, Brothers, & Co., our account Do advance on bonds Bank of Liverpool Exchange suspense account Mobile Bank, their account Franklin Bank, Cincin’ti, their account J . Campbell, Treasurer U. S. Avoyelles Branch, general account Vermillion do do Natchitoches do do Individuals . . . Public officers - 97,736 08 45,302 68 £ 10,000 stg. £112,500 - _ - - - 5,500,000 00 1,314,000 00 316,656 33 63,052 62 120,000 00 225,961 29 2,466 40 27,441 62 143,038 76 540,876 32 1,107 57,779 15,776 580,110 2,600 2,283 1,549 547,671 38,708 32 20 17 37 70 00 22 63 28 54 44 438 Real estate . . City bonds . . Merchants’ Bank, New York Expenses . . Notes and bills discounted Credit loans Loans on mortgage - 1, 1834. Natchitoches Thibodeaux do do do general account Plaquemine do do St. Martin Covington do do Thibodeaux do do Clinton do do Cash: In cashier’s hands, notes In 1st teller’s hands, do • Foreign do Specie Less cash over Bank notes In bank Actual circulation 135.000 00 165.000 00 1 , 210,000 00 4,975 00 4,393 5,200 5,647 12,607 39,000 594,765 160,300 544,254 56 03 37 54 00 00 00 11 1,338,319 11 8 40 1,314,000 00 633,765 00 1,338,310 71 $9,501,111 89 680,235 00 SAM. C. BELL, C a s h ie r, p r o tem . I— l 00 I__ I General statement of the Union Bank of Louisiana, on July 29, 1834. oo i_ j Real estate City bonds Merchants’ Bank, N. Y. Expenses Notes and bills discounted Credit loans Loans on mortgage 2,622,298 32 3,372,308 41 45,100 00 Baring, Brothers, & Co., our account Mobile Bank, our account Planters’ Bank, Natchez Planters’ Bank, Manchester Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our account Exchange suspense account Bills receivable Building Notes and bills protested Suspense account Plaquemine Branch capital Clinton do do Covington Avoyelles do St. Martin do Vermillion (lo Natchitoches do do Thibodeaux 87,356 21,022 14,919 83,803 77,028 54,654 76 89 64 28 06 03 £39,727 16 2 £ 10,000 st’g. 165.000 00 165.000 00 160.000 00 150.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 165.000 00 6,039,706 73 338,784 155,983 7,802 13,713 2,631 8,709 66 56 00 24 60 83 6,500 00 6,392 54 28,105 40 1,652 37 1,210,000 00 State Bonds Bank notes Exchange profit and loss Profit and loss Capital Discount account Premium on checks Discount on bills Branch Bank U. S. Bank of Louisiana Commercial Bank Baring, Brothers, & Co., our account do advance on bonds Bank of Liverpool Exchange suspense account Mobile Bank, their account Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, their acc’t Commercial do do J, Campbell, Treasurer of the U. S. Avoyelles Branch, general account do do Vermillion do do Thibodaux Individuals 5.500.000 1.314.000 316,656 63,052 00 00 33 62 120,000 00 244,416 88 2,867 86 32,535 52 651 03 12,439 35 10,974 76 £ 10,000 £112,500 240,75 14 540,876 32 1,107 98,790 18,086 4,092 598,840 2,583 1,290 3,501 606,255 32 20 17 63 93 69 62 01 84 76 50 440 Bank of Orleans City Bank Canal and Banking Compan; Louisiana State Bank Consolidated Association Merchants and Traders’ Bank 64,925 63 41,250 00 228,878 12 17,066 12 P la q u e m in e B ran ch , g en e ra l accou n t S t . M a r tin do <In do C o v in g to n do do N a tc h ito c h e s do C lin to n C ash : In c a s h ie r 's h a n d s fn 1 s t t e lle r s d o . • F o r e ig n g S p e c ie • - do do L e s s ca s h o v e r Actual circulation . - . „ - * • 4 ,5 1 2 22 6,072 35 286 74 2,607 54 3 ,0 5 5 9 4 _ • 39,000 585,930 98,151 581,351 1,304,432 5 00 00 00 85 85 42 689,oro 00 1,304,427 43 $9,493,062 02 $9,493,062 02 SAM. C. BELL, Cashier pro tem. 441 « • General statement o f the Union Bank o f Louisiana, on 11 th July , 1834. Real estate . . . City bonds . . Merchants’ Bank, N. Y. Expenses Notes and bills discounted Credit loans . . . Loans on mortgage . . . Bank of Orleans . . . City Bank . . . L' uisiana State Bank Consolidated Association Bank Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Baring, Brothers, & Co , our account Mobile Bank, our account Planters’ Bank, Natchez Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our account Exchange suspense account Bills receivable . . . Building . . . . Notes and bills protested Suspense account . . Plaquemine branch, capital Clinton do . Covington do Avoyelles do . St. Martin do Vermillion do Natchitoches do Thibodeaux do Plaquemine do general account St FRASER Martin do do Digitized for 64,925 63 State bonds . . . . 41,250 00 Bank notes . . . _ 399,970 98 Exchange, profit and loss . _ 16,923 47 Profit and loss * • • m - 2,574 769 44 Capital . . . . _ 3,366,668 41 Discount account . . . _ 45,100 00 Premium on checks • • 5,986,537 85 Discount on bills 7,385 33 Branch Bank United States • 70,825 14 93,064 35 Bank of Louisiana 1,579 39 2,815 83 Canal and Banking Company 74,812 29 Commercial Bank . - 125,529 76 - 123,563 06 65,814 03 336,593 91 Baring, Brother.", & Co., our account - £10,000 stg. - £39,727 16 2 157,983 56 Baring, Brothers, & Company, advance _ . on bonds . . . 8 383 62 _ 12,819 09 Bank of Liverpool • 14,430 61 Exchange suspense account • . Mobile Bank, their account - £10,000 slg. . 6,500 00 Planters’ Bank, Manchester, their acct. 6,500 _ _ 6,047 84 Commercial Bank, Cincinnati, their acct. _ _ 28,105 40 Franklin Bank, do do * _ . 2,662 37 J. Campbell, Treasurer U. S. Avoyelles branch, general account - 165,000 00 . Vermillion do do - 165,000 00 £ Thibodeaux do do - 160,000 00 Natchitoches do do • - 150,000 00 Individuals . . . • 135,000 00 - 135,000 00 - 135,000 00 - 165,000 00 1,210,000 00 979 62 * 4,593 56 • - 1 ' cn 5,500,000 1,314,000 316,656 63,052 120,000 236,663 2,466 30,849 00 00 33 62 00 16 40 87 228,794 47 540,876 32 1,107 75,650 3,813 164 15,822 579,753 2,733 1,290 1,967 1,549 523,853 32 20 17 66 03 92 20 00 01 84 88 28 87 Covington do do do Clinton do Cash: In cashier's hands, notes • . 1st teller’s do do Foreign notes Specie Less cash over Bank notes In bank Actual circulation - . - $9,561,097 23 $ 9 ,651,097 23 SAMUEL C. BELL, Cashier pro tem. 443 • _ 5,200 03 12,607 54 . 39,000 00 . 565,695 00 86,050 00 553,949 03 1,244,794 03 11 68 * 1,244,782 15 . 1,314,000 00 - 604,695 00 709,305 . • GeneraI statement o f the Union Bank o f Louisiana, on the IS th July, 1834. Real estate . City bonds . . Merchants’ Bank, New York Expenses • Notes and bills discounted Credit loans Loans on mortgage Bank of Louisiana • Orleans • Canal and Banking Company Louisiana State Bank Consolidated account Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Baring, Brothers & Co., our account Mobile Bank, our account • Planters’ Bank, Natchez Planters’ Bank, Manchester Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our accoun Exchange suspense account Bills receivable Building . . . Notes and bills protested Suspense account Plaquemine Branch capital Clinton do Covington do Avoyelles do St. Martin do . Vermillion do . Natchitoches do /Thibodeaux do $2,587,603 14 3,367,593 41 45,100 00 12,440 65 78,220 14 1,689 97 71.484 11 126,298 06 86,304 03 £39,727 1.6 2 £10,000 st’g. 165.000 00 165.000 CO 160.000 00 150.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 165.000 00 #5,500,000 00 63 State bonds • * 1,314,000 00 00 Bank notes . 316,656 33 60 Exchange, profit and loss 63,052 62 99 Profit and loss 120 000 00 Capital • 240,945 87 Discount account 2,516 74 Premium on checks • 31,842 97 • 6,000,296 55 Discount on bills $15,771 82 Branch Bank United States 28,912 11 City Bank 115,159 76 Commercial Bank 159,843 69 Baring, Brothers & Co., our account £10,000 st’g. £112,500 st’g. v Do do adv. on bonds 540,876 32 376,436 96 32 20 157,983 56 Bank of Liverpool • 1,107 17 8,383 62 Exchange suspense account 78,469 17 12,819 09 Mobile Bank, their account 21,701 86 3,081 99 Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, their acc’t 4,092 69 do 14,430 61 Commercial Bank, do 591,453 00 J. Campbell, Treasurer United States 2,733 01 6,500 00 Avoyelles Branch, general account 1,290 84 6,213 63 Vermillion Branch, do 3,501 76 28,105 40 Thibodeaux Branch, do 547,597 94 1,652 37 Individuals • - QO $64,925 41,250 274,428 16,951 1 ,2 1 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 >&. Plaquemine Branch, general account St. Martin do Covington do Natchitoches do CEnton do Cash: In cashier's hands • In first teller’s hands • Foreign . . . Specie • Leas cash over Actual circulation 39,000 596,010 84,165 573,189 1,292,364 6 678,990 56 53 29 54 00 00 00 61 61 91 1,292,357 70 00 $9,541,714 18 $9,541,714 18 SAM. C. BELL, Cashierpr tem. 445 3 ,6 2 6 5 6 4,393 5,196 72 12,607 I— I QO UJ 446 ) U n ion B ank of L o u isia h a , New Orleans, August 4, 1834. S : In directing your attention to the annexed semi-annual statement of the business of this institution, the board of directors feel assured, espe cially when the unprecedented state of embarrassment that has prevailed during the last six months in the commercial community, is adverted to, that it will prove highly satisfactory. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, SAM UEL C. BELL, Cashier pro tem. ' ir Dr. General statement o f the Union Bank o f Louisiana, New Orleans, July Umox B in k of L ou isiana, July 2,621 ,029 02 3,372,308 41 45,100 00 £ 10,000 110,001 76 85,964 66 83,098 06 82,239 03 581,546 82 76,630 00 31, 1834. 63 State bonds 00 Gain o h bonds 28 Capital, first and second semi annual de claration of profits 52 00 third do do Profit and loss, discounts and profits re served Notes in circulation • 6,038,437 43 Baring, Brothers & Co., advance on bonds 1 , 210,000 00 Baring, Brothers & Co., our account 26,200 76 Baring, Brothers & Co., their account John Campbell, Treasurer United State 6,500 00 Amount due foreign banks 28,105 40 Branch Bank U. States 1,652 37 Bank of Louisiana 45,921 36 City Bank Canal and Banking Co. Commercial Bank Deposites on certificate 361,303 51 Deposites on interest Public officers Individuals • 658,176 82 SS ,761,178 08 24,825 40,100 6,527 272,177 41,250 Cr* 5,500,000 00 320,666 44 1 2 0,000 00 60,000 00 £112,500 £ 10,000 180,000 161,063 706,105 540,876 00 47 00 32 2 ,0 0 0 00 806 03 26,603 35 22,082 11 13,775 36 18,019 76 11,546 20 137,894 94 17,899 80 406,028 43 SAM UEL C. B ELL, 598,840 62 96,970 25 447 Real estate •S. W. Okey, for real estate sold him Building- . . . Amount due by foreign banks City bonds Bills and notes discounted • Credit loans on stock Loans on mortgage Capital furnished the eight Branches Haring, Brothers & Co., our account Foreign exchange Bills receivable Notes and bills protested Suspense account Amount due by the eight Branches Bank of Orleans Louisiana State Bank Consolidated Association Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Specie . . . Notes of the local banks • 3 1 , 1 83 4. 81,286 61 573,369 37 $8,761,178 08, Cashier pro tem. I— I 00 l_J General statement of the Union Bank of Louisiana, August 12, 1834. * 2,635,474 38 3,381,168 41 45,100 00 - 61,872 84,302 78,299 75,882 £3,558 5 _ _ 24 18 34 53 8 £10,000 stg. _ • _ _ 165,000 165,000 160,000 150,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 165,000 -------------------------------------. . . ■ 64,925 63 State bonds . . . 5.512.000 00 42,500 00 Bank notes . . . 1.314.000 00 253,092 18 Exchange, profit and loss . . 320,768 85 Profit and loss . . . 138,071 88 • Capital . . . 180,000 00 Reserved fund . . . 22,991 59 6,061,742 79 Discount on notes discounted 7,160 31 452 |8 on credit loans . . 740 02 7,900 S3 m Premium on checks . 126 75 Discount on bills • . 467 73 Branch Bank U nited States, N. Y. 6,924 79 • • 300,356 29 Bank of Louisiana 86,397 13 . . . 15,522 88 City Bank 65,112 11 . 2,302 00 Canal and Banking Company 20,487 15 13,713 24 Commercial Bank 29,284 76 1,150 00 208,205 94 16,309 83 Baring, Brothers, and Co., advance on bonds • - £112,500 540,876 32 6,500 00 Baring, Brothers, and Co., our account £10,000 • 35,292 63 6,627 28 Mobile Bank, their account _ 28,105 40 Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, their acct. 27,352 79 _ 4,092 69 1,652 37 Commercial Bank, our account J. Campbell . . . 572,850 62 . Individuals . . . 521,504 82 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 — - 1,210,000 00 5,056 04 1 ' 448 Heal estate City bonds . Merchants’ Rank, New Yorl Notes and bills discounted Credit loans Loans on mortgage Expenses Bank of Orleans • Louisiana State Bank Consolidated Association Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Baring, Brothers, & Co , our account Mobile Bank, our account • Planters’ Bank, Natchez Planters’ Bank, Manchester Franklin Bank, Cincinn’ti, our accoun Exchange suspense account Bills receivable Building Notes and bills protested Suspense account plaquemine Branch, capital do Clinton Covington do Avoyelles . do do St. Martin Vermillion do Natchitoches do Thibodeaux do Plaquemine da general account oo Avoyelles do St. Marti* i!o. Vermillion do Covington ' do, Thibodeaux do, Natchitochrt do Clinton do tOinK: In cashier’s b^nds In “1st teller** do Foreign i,e»rcash over Actual circulation do do 4o. (to do do db . * - • ,J_ oof* T"1- 'ft 39,000 00 648,JllS 00 67,785 00 532,290 53 1,337,190 53 3 39 * * * nr . 626,885 00 10 71 40 58 r f 45 23 12 U % ui TTV'Tf* i t 1,337,187 14 *9,406,502 94 *9,406,502 94 , , SAM. C. BELL, Cathitr pro tem. 449 • 831 8,525 2,896 9,297 6,753 3,501 7,552 m General statement o f the Union Bank o f Louisiana, August 19, 1834. Heal CBtatt* . City bonds . Merchant*’ Bank, Sew Yor Notes and bills discounted Credit loans . Loans on mortgage Expenses . Bank of Louisiana Bank of Orleans • City Bank • Louisiana State Bank Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Commercial Bank Mobile Bank, our account Planters’ Bank, Natchez Do Manchester Franklin Bank, Cincinnat count . Exchange suspense account Bills receivable Blilldihg . Notes and bills protested Suspense account Clinton do Covington do ♦ Avoyelles do * St. Martin do • Vermillion do do Natchitoches do • Thibodeaux 2,620,528 52 3,380,855 91 4-5,100 00 2,866 28,871 1,323 42,736 47,702 3,555 61 69 89 98 53 24 j£10,000 stg. 165.000 00 165.000 00 160.000 00 150.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 160.000 00 QO 5.512.000 00 . 64,925 63 State bonds 1.314.000 00 . 42,500 00 Bank notes 320,768 85 317,590 59 Exchange, profit and loss • 138,071 88 Profit and loss . . 180,000 OO Capital • 22,991 59 Reserved fund • 10,900 49 6,046,484 43 Discount on notes discounted 1,103 14 credit loans 457 28 12,003 63 224 67 Premium on checks 1,587 68 Discount Oil bills • 9,459 79 Branch Bank • Canal aud Banking Company 12,097 15 28,575 21 Consolidated Association • 50,132 15 127,055 94 540,876 32 2,302 00 Baring, Brothers, and Co., adv. on bonds £112,500 16,096 70 Do our account £10,000 ste 21,621 60 1,150 00 £4,180 3 Do do 35,292 63 Mobile Bank, their account 31,586 29 16,909 83 Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, their acc’t 4,092 69 Commercial do our acc’t 6,500 00 J. Campbell, Treasurer of the United 562,269 08 States . . . 6,627 28 198 22 28,105 40 Special deposites 12,919 87 1,652 3 / Deposites on certificate * • 160,174 79 interest • 16,712 69 Public officers * •i Individuals 315,857 36 505,862 93 1 ,2 1 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 cn o PJaqaeminC da g'encral account Avoyelles <lo do do St. Martin do > do Vcmiiilion <ip Covington do do Thibodeaux do do Natchitoches '•* do >~ do do Clinton ’ do Cash: In cashiers hands In 1st teller’* do Foreign * Specie • Lens cash over Actual circulation • ■ .................. ' ■ ■ N iw O iuean*, A u g u it 19, 1834, _ • • - :’. ' !. ' ■ 1 - 39,000 00 635,985 00 37,730 00 585,941 23 1,318,656 23 3 88 639,015 00 ■"T 4,946 09 831 10 8,706 27 4,834 35 9,297 58 6,703 45 5,501 23 7,55 '2 19 1,318,652 35 $9,253,581 99 »9,253,381 99 . 9 AM. C. BELL, Cashier pro l(m. r-i OC W-J General statement o f the Union Bank o f Louisiana , on the 2 6 th A u g u s t , Ileal estate . City bonds . Merchants’ Bank, N. Y. Notes and bills discounted Credit loans . Loans on mortgage Expenses *■ Bank of Orleans Canal and Banking Company Louisiana State Bank Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Commercial Bank «• Bank of Liverpool Mobile Bank, our account Planters’ Bank, Natchez Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our account F.xchange suspense account Bills receivable Building -• ' Notes and bills protested Suspense account Plaquemine branch, capital Clinton do Covington do do Avoyelles St. Martin do do Vermillion Natchitoches do do Thibodeaux Plaquem ine branch, general account Avoyelles do do 2,599,654 44 3,381,093 41 45,100 00 23,851 7,577 55,820 61,492 7,345 29 85 69 53 24 £ 10,000 105.000 165.000 160.000 150.000 135.000 135.000 135.000 165.000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 183-1. 64,925 63 State bonds 42,500 00 Bank notes ■ 334,499 84 Exchange, profit and loss Profit and loss Capital • ■ Reserved fund 13,995 04 6,025,847 85 Discount on notes discounted 1,114 70 Do credit loans 457 28 Premium on checks Discount «n bills 13,489 79 Branch Bank . 1,348 39 Bank of Louisiana 347 11 156,087 60 City Bank 2,663 54 5 50, Consolidated Association 2,302 00 16,093 70 Baring, Brothers, & Company, advance1 £112,500 on bonds 16,909 83 10,000 Baring', Brothers, & Co, our account 9,059 12 2 Do do 6,500 00 6,627 28 Mobile Rank, their account 28,105 40 Planters’ Bank, Manchester, their acct 1,652 37 Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, their acct, Commercial Bank, do our acct. J. Campbell, Treasurer of the U. S. 198 22 Special deposites 13,792 08 Deposites on certificate 189,424 82 Do interest 34,635 81 Public officer* 322,960 34 Individuals - , 5,642 Q9 1 2 10,000 00 831 10 5.512.000 1.314.000 320,768 138,071 180,000 22,991 00 00 85 88 00 59 15,109 74 319 10 1,940 61 17,848 83 540,876 32 *5,042 34,894 3,824 39,611 4,089 557,581 96 90 38 79 69 36 561,011 27 St. Martin do Vermillion do Covington do Thibodeaux do Natchitoches do do Clinton Cash: tn cashier’s hands 1st teller’s do Foreign Specie Less cash over * Actual circulation - do do do do do do - 7,767 27 4 ,8 5 4 3 5 1 0 ,0 5 0 91 6,697 57 5,739 65 7,953 12 39,000 6-17,045 53,560 608,354 1,347,959 3 627,955 OO 00 00 68 68 75 00 ,3-17,955 93 #9,309,983 27 ■ ______ ___________I. I ......... ■■ #9,309,985'27 SAMUEL C. BELL, Cashier pro tem. 1 . 1 a u> / General statement o f th « Union Bank o f Louisiana, on September 2, 1834. Plaquem ine Branch general account Avoyelles do do Digitized S tfor . M FRASER a r tm do do 2,603,815 65 3,383,443 41 45,100 00 565 6,667 43,743 45,185 5,110 00 85 69 53 24 J £10,000 165.000 00 165,090 00 160.000 00 150.000 00 135.000 0Q 135.000 00 135.000 00 165.000 00 5.512.000 00 64,925 63 State bonds 1.314.000 00 . 321) ,224 32 flank notes 320,768 85 Exchange profit and loss 161,063 47 Profit and loss 180,000 00 Capital . 18,062 51 6,032,359 06 Discount on notes discounted 19,285 04 1,222 53 2,368 86 credit loan* 347 60 Premium on checks 1,961 48 Discount on bills 29,539 79 Branch Bank 24,194 71 Bank of*Louisiana 1,081 22 Bank of Orleans 55,007 00 191 28 101,272 Si Consolidated Association 3 50 Baring, Brothers & Co., advance on 540,876 32 £112,500 bonds 2,302 00 10,000 16,093 TO Baring, Brothers* Si Co., our account 46,913 43 9,449 5 (To do do 17,559 83 29,894 90 Mobile Bank, their account 3,821 38 11.500 00 Planter*’ Manchester do 37,996 32 6,627 28 franklin, Cmeinnatti do 4,089 69 do 28,105 40 Commercial do 491,509 36 Campbell, Treasurer 1,652 37 198 22 42.500 00 Special deposite 13,792 08 Deposite on certificate 170,016 00 interest 31,461 04 Public officers 510,135 60 294,668 26 Individuals • 1,210,000 00 i 5,642 09 831 10 7 ,767 27 454 lle«l estate Merchants' Bank, N. Y. f Notes anil bills discounted Credit loans Loans on mortgage Cxpcnset * City banks Canal and Banking Company Louisiana State Bunk Mechanics and Traders' Bank Commercial Bank • Bank of Liverpool Mobile Bank, our account Flanters’ llank, Natchez • Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our accouut Exchange suspense account Hills receivable • BuildingNotes and bill* protested Suspense account City bonds -1 Plaquemme Branch capital account «lo Clinton do Covington do Avoyelles do St. Martin do v Vermillion Natchitoches do Thibodeaux do QD Yeri'aiUion do Covington do do Thibode*ux Natchitochcs do Clinton do Cash : til caMiior’s Iiuuds Iiv 1st teller’s do Foreign Specie - - Less e»th over • * '_ ■ . * Actual circulation _ do do do do I do 39,000 671,145 57,890 545,178 - . • 91 57 65 12 00 00 00 96 1,313,213. 96 2 84 • ♦ 4,3 34 3S JO .650 6,547 1 ' 5,739 7,952 1,313,21t 12 . ■ j 603,855 00 »9 ,223,670 44 $9,229,670 44 SAM. C. BELL, Cashier pro tem. m SO General Statement o f the Union Bank o f Louisiana, Sepletnber 9, 1834. Heal estate . . . City bonds . . . Merchants’ llank, New York • Notes and bills discounted * Credit loan9 . . . Loan* on mortgage * • ltank of Orleans . . . City Bank . . . Canal and llanking Company Louisiana State Bank * Consolidated Association Mechanics and Trader*’ Bank • iBank of Liverpool Mobile, Bauk, pur account - . . * Planters’ Bank, Natchez !•'rank lip, UanJt. Cincinnati, our account ■■Kxchange suspense account Hills receivable . . . Building . Notes sw l biUs.protested • • Suspense account Plaquemine Branch capital • ClinU*a . . . Covington, • . Avoyelles . . . tit. Ma^tu*, VciyftiUion . . . Natebjfcpchcs . . . Thibodeau X, , • Pl»Hj\eiiiioe Branch general account AvoyclU* . 64 ,925 63 _ 42,500 00 . 310,694 79 2,610,605 20 3,382,605 91 45,100 00 6,038,311 11 7,938 78 19,020 75 9,767 85 46,568 69 12,548 72 56,058 01 151,902 80 7 00 2,302 00 18,065 80 . 19,609 33 £40,000 _ 8,300-00 6,655 28 28,105 40 1,652 37 165,000 00 165,000 00 160,000 00 150,000 00 135,000 00 135,000 00 135,000 00 165,000 00 1,210,000 00 . 12,692 09 331 10 - State bond* . . . . Bank notes . . . _ Exchange, profit and loss • Profit and loss • . Capital . . . Discount on notes discounted • 21,225 96 credit loans • * 1,804 40 Premium on checks . Discount on bills . Branch Bank . . 12,126 15 Bank of Louisiana . 7,898 49 Commercial Bank . 4,007 79 Baring, Brothers, and Co., advance on bonds . . . £142,500 Baring, Brothers, and Co., our account £10,000 Do do £20,063_ 11 3 Mobile Bank, their account . Planters’ Bank, Manchester, their acc’t Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, do Commercial Bank, do do — J. Campbell, Treasurer U. S. Special deposites 198 22 Deposites on certificate . * 14,406 80 167,003 32 interest * Public officers . . . S3,426 33 Individuals . . . 308,622 49 _ Baring, Brothers, and Co., their ac count . . . 5.512.000 1.314.000 320,768 161,063 180,000 00 00 85 47 00 23,030 36 664 89 2,286 84 24,032 43 440,876 32 97,861 94 29,894 90 6,821 38 39,986 32 4,089 69 492,509 36 523,657 16 6 ,0 0 0 00 St. Martin Vermillion Covington Thibodeaux Natchitoches Clinton Expenses Cash: v\ In cashier’s hands 00 1st teller’s do foreign specie I Less cash over Actual circulation 00 00 00 67 67 95 631,280 00 1,314,504 72 *9^279,543 91 *9,279,543 91 SAM. C. BELL, CatMer proton. 457 39,000 643,720 79,030 552,758 1,314,508 3 U> 00 >. I__I General statement of the Union Bank of Louisiana, September 16, 1S34. 1 1 co . _ 64,925 42,500 246,232 2,373 63 00 53 86 2,751,394 30 3,382,605 91 45,100 00 6,179,100 21 29,191 51 40,563 78 16,930 75 8,902 85 35,782 81 7,661 22 47,950 51 186,983 43 _ 7 00 _ 2,302 00 8,729 65 19,609 33 £60,000 _ stg. 8,000 00 6,655 28 • 55,860 11 1,652 37 165,000 00 165,000 00 160,000 00 150,000 00 135,000 00 135,000 00 135,000 00 165,000 00 1,210,000 00 State bonds . . . Bank notes . . . Exchange, profit and loss Profit and loss . . . . Capita! - Discount account Premium on checks Discount on bills 17,642 15 Branch Bank United States * 4,692 79 Commercial Bank Baring, Brothers and Company, ad vance on bonds • £162,500 Baring, Brothers and Co., our acc’t - £10,000 slg. Do do do - £25,683 13 8 m Mobile Bank, their account . Planters’ Bank, Manchester, their acc’t Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, do Commercial do do do • J. Campbell, Treasurer of the U. S. Individuals . . . ■, - - - 5,532,000 1,314,000 321,004 161,063 180,000 27,116 1,254 2,298 00 00 85 47 00 15 69 47 22,334 94 540,876 32 126,457 29,094 7,025 43,376 4,089 587,678 473,071 38 90 46 32 69 36 33 458 Jleal estate . . . City bonds . . . ."Merchants’ Bank, New York Expenses . . . Notes and bills discounted Credit loans . Loans on mortgage . . Bank of Louisiana . Bank of Orleans . . . City Bank . . . Canal and Banking Company Louisiana State Bank ■ » Consolidated Association Mechanics and Traders’ Bank • Bank of Liverpool • • Mobile Bank, our account • Planters’ Bank, Natchez . Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our account Exchange suspense account Bills receivable . . . Building . . . Notes and bills protested Suspense account • Plaquemine Branch capital Clinton do Covington do Avoyelles do St. Martin do Vermillion do * Natchitoches do Thibodeaux do • • Plaquemine Branch, general account Avoyelles do do St. Martin do do Vermillion do do Covington do do Thibodeaux do do Natchitoches do do Clinton do do Cash: In cashier’s hands • In 1st teller’s do Foreign . . . Specie . . . • • * • - - - Bank notes In bank Actual circulation * • 39,000 636,100 44,845 553,016 1,272,961 ' 3 00 00 00 48 48 82 1,314,000 00 675,100 00 *638,900 00 1,272,957 66 $9,372,742 33 JS9,372,742 33 459 - Less cash over 12,692 09 .131 10 7,767 27 6,337 30 10,650 91 9,287 57 6,944 15 10,842 88 SAM. C. BELL, Cathitr pro tan. r—t QO 1—1 I— I General statement o f the Union Bank o f Louisiana, September 23, 1834, exclusive. Real estate . City bonds Merchants’ Bank, New York Expenses Notes and Bills discounted Credit loans Loans on mortgage Bank of Orleans City Bank Canal and Banking Company Louisiana State Bank • Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Bank of Liverpool Mobile Bank, our account • Planters’ Bank, Natchez Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our accoun Exchange suspense account Bills receivable • Building Notes and bills protested Suspense ascount Plaquemine Branch capital do Clinton Covington do Avoyelles do St. Martin do Vermillion do Natchitoches do Thibodeaux do P laq u em in e B ra n c h , gen eral a cco u n t A voyelles do S t . M artin do 2.790.467 3.382.468 45,100 53,123 22,325 32 39,391 108,240 64,925 42,500 161,327 2,379 63 00 44 36 42 41 00 6,218,035 83 78 75 85 90 51 223,114 79 7 00 2,302 00 9,295 87 19,609 33 X60,000 stg. 8,000 00 6,655 28 55,860 11 1,652 37 165.000 00 165.000 00 160.000 00 150.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 165.000 00 1 210,000 00 12,049 87 581 10 7,767 27 , State bonds • Bank notes • Exchange, profit and loss Profit and loss * Capital Discount account Premium on checks Discount on bills 27,543 42 Branch Bank United States 2,988 49 Bank of Louisiana 5,225 08 Consolidated Association 27,063 68 Commercial Bank Baring, Brothers & Co., adv. on bonds £162,500 £10,000 stg. Do our account £27,730 3 2 Do do Mobile Bank, their account Planters’ Bank, Manchester, their acc' Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, do Commercial Bank, do do Bank of Pittsburgh • J. Campbell, Treasurer ofthe U. S. Vermillion Branch, general account Individuals * 00 5.532.000 00 1.314.000 00 321,004 85 161,063 47 180,000 00 29,948 87 1,733 71 2,310 38 62,820 67 540,876 32 136,282 81 4,094 90 11,575 46 23,918 28 4,089 69 2,729 62 562,592 47 3,197 70 474,726 62 U -J i£t os © Covington do rhifc<xieaux do ji{3tchitochcs do Clinton do Cash: . In cashier's hands In first teller’s hands Foreign Specie Less casli over Bank notes In bank « Actual circulation Since the 10th inst. Exchange purchased, domestic sold, do Foreign exchange sold - 10,627 9,287 6,944 3,948 39,000 00 647,540 00 52,940 00 552,618 63 1,292,098 63 3 88 1,314,000 00 686,540 00 627,460 00 41 57 15 69 *1,292,094 75 19,368,965 82 20,000 00 59,515 23 9,825 43 SAM. C. BELL, Cashier pro tem. General statement o f the Union Bank o f Louisiana, September 30, 1834, exclusive. Real estate -City bonds . Merchants’ Bank, New York Expenses Notes and bills discounted •Credit loans Loans on mortgage Bank of Louisiana Bank of Orleans City Bank Louisiana State Bank Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Bank of Liverpool Mobile Bank, our account Planter*’ Bank, Natchez Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our accoun Exchange suspense account Bills receivable Building Notes and bills protested Suspense account Plaquemine Branch capital Clinton do Covington do Avoyelles do Vt. M*rtin do Sermillion do Natchitoches do Thibodeaux do Plaquem ine Branch general account Avoyelles do do 2,814,118 3,386,653 45,100 4,078 56,766 26,440 36,046 77,555 64,925 42,500 179,853 2,379 63 00 15 36 10 41 00 6,245,871 51 38 28 75 90 51 200,887 82 7 00 2,302 00 9,292 87 19,609 33 £60,000 stg. 8,000 00 6,784 00 54,186 92 1,652 37 165.000 00 165.000 00 160.000 00 150.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 165.000 00 1 2 10,000 00 13,751 87 581 10 , State bond? . Bank notei . Exchange, profit and loss Profit and loss Capital Discount on bilb Premium on checks Discount account Branch Bank United States 21,238 42 Canal and Banking Compaay 2,882 15 Consolidated Association 7,862 58 Commercial Bank • 13,616 58 Baring, Brothers, & Co., advance on bonds . . . £162,500 Baring, Brothers, & Co., our account • £10,000 stg. Do do . £28,538 8 4 Mobile Bank, their’account . Planters’ Bank, Manchester’ their acc’t Franklin Bank, Cincinnati do • Commercial Bank, do do Bank of Pittsburg J. Campbell, Treasurer of the U, 8. • Individuals . . . 5.532.000 1.314.000 321,004 161,063 180,000 3,302 2,229 32,195 00 00 85 47 00 09 03 41 45,599 73 540,876 32 140,165 99 4,094 90 11,575 46 24,268 28 4,089 69 2,729 62 557,943 04 542,902 88 jSt. Martin do Vermillion do Covington do Thibodeaux do Natchitoches do Clinton do Cash: In cashier’s hands In 1st teller’s do do do do do do do • • foreign specic Less cash over I 7,767 27 5,305 02 11,099 31 10,560 06 6,944 15 9,948 69 39,000 642,120 67,765 556,950 1,305,835 4 00 00 00 91 91 58 Actual circulation 633,880 00 Domestic exchange purchased sold • Foreign exchange sold - 60,000 00 75,922 06 4,007 65 1,305,831 33 $9,420,040 76 SAM.,C. BELL) Caihier pro tem. General statement ofthe Union Bank o f Louisiana, on October 7, 1834. 64,925 42,500 14,365 6,409 63 00 02 30 2,860,720 10 3,387,380 91 45,100 00 6,293,201 01 69,532 63 31,784 75 48,215 40 13,798 53 74,578 01 237,909 32 7 00 2,302 00 9,292 87 3,850 00 6,843 98 32,338 41 £7,276 2 10 £100,000 stg. 8,0 0 0 00 6,954 00 54,186 92 1,652 37 165.000 00 165.000 00 160.000 00 150.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 135.000 00 165.000 00 1 , 2 1 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 $5,532,000 00 State bonds 1,314,000 00 Bank notes 321,004 85 Exchange, profit and loss • 161,063 47 Profit and loss • 180,000 00 Capital 34,776 33 Discount account • 2,304 93 Premium on checks 3,337 70 Discount on bills • 33,162 04 Branch Bank United States 1,996 62 Bank of I.ouisiana • 20,367 90 Canal and Banking Company 18,061 58 Commercial Bank 73,588 14 Baring, Brothers, and Co., advance on 540,876 32 £112,500 bonds . . . •> • Baring Brothers, and Co., advance on bonds, No. 2 • - £100,000 stg. 177,07° 13 Baring, Brothers, and Co., our account £36,766 3 8 3,994 90 Mobile Bank, their account Planter’s Bank, Manchester, their ac 16,421 79 count • Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, their ac 15,139 45 count Commercial Bank, Cincinnati, their 4,089 69 account ■ 2,729 62 Bank of Pittsburgh J. Campbell, Treasurer of the United 420,291 68 States 563,525 05 Individuals - 464 Heal estate * City bonds • Merchants’ Bank, New Yorl Expenses Notes and bills discounted Credit loans Loans on mortgage Bank of Orleans City Bank Louisiana State Bank Consolidated Association Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Bank of Liverpool Mobile Bank, our account Planters’ Bank, Natchez .Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our accoun Philadelphia Bank Baring, Brothers, and Co., advance o bonds, No. 2 • Exchange suspense account Bills receivable Building Notes and bills protested Suspense account Clinton do Covington do Avoyelles do St. Martin do Vermillion do Natchitoches do Thibodeaux do oe Plaquemine Branch, general account do Avoyelles do do St. Martin do Vermillion do do do •Covington do Thibodeaux do do Natchitoches do do do Clinton do Cash: - , 55 In cashier's hands . In 1st teller’s do Foreign Spceie * * > . . . - • . . 9,951 581 27,767 5,305 11,972 8,375 6,944 9,948 _ ■. . 39,000 604,580 64,320 582,736 1,290,636 4 00 00 00 04 04 11 . ■ - 670,420 00 Domestic bills of exchange purchased sold Foreign exchange sold £951 12 6 2,500 00 15,498 13 4,567 73 - Actual circulation - 1,290,631 93 $9,366,216 05 #9,366,216 05 465 . •Less cash over 87 10 27 02 31 88 15 69 Real estate . City bonds . Merchants’ Bank, New York Expenses . Notes and bills receivable • Credit loans Loans on mortgage Bank of Orleans • City Bank Canal and Banking Company Louisiana State Bank . Consolidated Association Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Bank of Liverpool Mobile Bank, our account Planters’ Bank, Natchez Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our accoun Philadelphia Bank . Baring, Brothers, & Co., advance o bonds No. 2 . . Exchango suspense account Bills receivable . Building . Notes and bills protested * Suspense account Plaquemine Branch, capita! Clinton. do Covington do Avoyelles Jo St. Martin do Vermillion ‘ do . Natchitoches do 64,925 42,500 89,943 7,055 - 2,874,524 3,387,380 45,100 58,128 53,453 17,271 44,916 41,813 109,424 65 91 00 6,307,005 90 42 38 53 03 86 325,008 7 2,303 • 123 - 5,356 6,843 -£7,276 2 10 32,338 £67,000 8,420 J 6,954 54,186 1,652 165,000 00 165,000 00 160,000 00 150,000 00 135,000 00 135,000 00 135,000 00 - — . . . _ • - _ - . , 63 00 72 80 56 12 00 00 12 47 98 41 00 00 92 37 5,532,000 00 State bonds T 1,314,000 00 Bank notes . . . 321,000 00 Exchange profit and loss » 161,063 47 Profit and loss . . . 180,000 00 Capital 37,961 80 Discount account 2,795 55 Premium on checks 3,765 39 Discount on bills 47,835 28 Branch Bank United States' Bank of Louisiana 7,589 02 38,046 58 Commercial Bank . 93,470 88 Baring, Brothers, and Co., advance on 540,876 32 bonds . . . £112,500 stg. Baring,Brothers, and Co., advance on 157.308 32 bonds, No. 2 . - - £67,000 stg. Baring, Brothers, and Co., advance on 157.308 32 bonds, No. 2 . • . £33,000 stg. 88 Baring, Brothers, and Co., our acc’t £44,520 16 11 214,332 3,834 90 Mobile Bank, their account . 6,391 79 Planters’ Bank, Manchester . 16,407 34 Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, their acc’t Commercial Bank, Cincinnati, their 6,089 69 account 2,«79 22 Bank of Pittsburg J. Campbell, Treasurer of the United 438,038 52 States 536,683 90 Individuals . . . ] 9 99f C General statement o f the Union Bank o f Louisiana on October 14, 1834, exclusive. do Thibodeaux Plaquemine Branch, general account Avoyelles do do .. fit. Martin do do . Vermillion do do -Covington do do . Thibodeaux do '.do . Natchitoches do do Clinton do - i do . Caah: In cashier’s hands _ Ist'teller’a Office o lur . ' * J * foreign •. s p e c i e . Lew cAsh o*er • Actual circulation Domestic exchange purchased sold - 165,000 00 00 00 00 08 08 4 78 1,210,000 00 9,951 87 581 10 27,767 27 6,471 68 11,962 31 8,485 48 7*607 02 9,948 69 39,000 017,660 88,380 576,461 1,321,501 657,340 00 1,321,496 30 « ,568,904 82 . *9,566,904 82 16,506 47 66;359 90 J. B, PEURAULT, Cashier. ab. 3 B eil estate . City bondsi . Merchants’ B»nk, N. Y. Expenses . Notes and bills discounted Credit loans • Loans on mortgage Bank of Louisiana Bank of Orleans City Bank Canal and Banking Company L«oisiana State Bank Consolidated Association Mechanics and Traders’ Bank Commercial Bank Bank of Liverpool Mobile Bank, our account Planters’ Bank, Natchez Philadelphia Bank Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, their ac’t do do our ac’t Baring, Brothers & Co., advance i bond No. 2 . • Exchange suspense account Bills receivable ' • Building • Notes and bills protested Suspense account Capital furnished to eight branches Plaquemine Branch, general account Avoyelles do do St- Martin do do do do Digitized Vermillion for FRASER 2,862,569 3,387',380 47,100 5,605 34,164 63,931 33,986 41,766 €1,823 53,154 2,163 6*.950 42,500 66,578 7,176 63 00 82 80 92 91 00 6,297,050 83 21 23 89 68 53 03 86 42 296,595 85 7 00 3,302 00 - 123 12 6,843 98 — ---- 433 76 5,£56 47 32,338 41 ±7,276 2 10 JE67,000 st’g. 8,420 00 8,062 80 54,186 92 1,652 37 1,210,000 00 10,951 87 581 10 7,767 27 4,530 34 SlUte bonds Bank notes Exchange, profit ond loss Profit and loss Capital Discount account Premium on checks Discount on bills Branch Bank of the United States Baring, Brothers & Co., advance on bonds • - £112,500 Baring, Brothers U Co., advance on 67,000 bonds, No. 2 Baring, Brothers & Co., advance on 33,000 bonds, No. 2 37,100 16 11 Baring, Brothers & Co., our account Mobile Bank, their account Planters’ Bank, Manchester, their ac’t Commercial Bank, Cincinnatti, their account . . . Bank of Pittsburgh J. Campbell, Treasurer of the United States . . . Individuals - cn General Stmtement o f the Union Bank o f Louisiana, on October 21, 1834, exclusive. 5.532.000 00 1.314.000 00 321,004 85 161,063 47 180,000 00 40,338 36 2,941 76 4,031 84 7,585 28 540,876 32 157,308 32 179,456 26 3,834 90 6,595 87 6,589 69 2,879 22 442,238 52 539,784 29 p. •5 ■00 Covington do Thibmleiux do Natchitoches do Clinton do Cub: In cashier’s hands In 1st teller’s do ■Foreign . . Specie . Lew cash over Actual circu!a‘ion 39,000 577,575 81,785 . 576,780 1,275,140 4 00 00 00 52 52 61 707,425 00 40,627 20 35,345 60 £10,000 st’g. 51 48 02 69 1,275,135 91 59,442,528 95 $9,442,528 95 / [ g ] 12,131 8,545 8,357 9,948 409 Domeiti; exchange purchase! sold Foreign exchange purchased do do do do General statement o f the Union Bank o f Louisiana, on October 28, 1834, exclusive. Heal estate • . City bonds . Merchants' Bank, New York Expenses . Notes and bill* discounted Credit loans • Loans on mortgage ----- Bank of Orleans • . City Bank - ’ Canal and Banking Company . Louisiana .State Bank Consolidated Association Bank of Liverpool • Mobile Bank, our account • Planters’ Bank, Natchez Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our accoun Philadelphia Bank • Branch Bank State of Alabama, at T>c catur . . . Andrf and Cottier, Paris * . Baring, Brothers, and Co., advance o bonds, No. 2 . Exchange suspense account Bills receivable Building . Notes and bilk protested . Suspense account . ■Capital furnished to 8 branches Plaquemine branch, general account Avoyelles do do St. Martin do do do VerWdUon .do 64,950 42,500 17,129 7,192 3,387,380 91 63 00 32 80 ________ *___ . - 6,338.837 67 ■ - fs. 70,850 £67,000 160,447 80 7 00 2,302 00 123 12 5.356 47* 6,843 98 128 82 13-,COO 00 32,338 41 8,420 00 11,562 80 54,186 92 1,652 37 1,210,000 00 12,646 08 1,658 10 7,767 27 4-,530 S4 5.532.000 00 State bonds . . . 1.314.000 00 Bank notci . . . . 321,004 85 Exchange, profit and loss 161,063 47 Profit and loss . . . 180,000 00 Capital . . . 45,123 92 Discount account . • 3,065 95 Premium on checks 4,156 58 Discount on bills . • 3,035 28 Branch Rank United States Bank of Louisiana • 8,367 22 8,190 14 Mechanics and Traders’ Bank 16,996 58 Commercial Bank 36,589 22 4 Baring, Brothers, and Cd:, advance on £112,500 540,876 32 bonds . . . Baring, Brothers, and Co., advance on bonds, No. 2 - £67,000 Baring, Brothers, and Co., advance on 157,308 S2 bonds, No. 2 . - £33 ,000 Daring, Brothers, and Co., our ac 83,121 76 count . . . £16,672 7 2 3,644 00 Mobile Bank, their account Planters’ Bank, Manchester, their ac 6,595 87 count . . . Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, their ac 14,140 24 count . . . Commercial Bank, Cincinnati, their 6,589 69 account . . . 6,429 22 Bank of Pittsburgh ,T. Campbell, Treasurer of the United 441,767 52 States . . . 575,918 16 Individuals . . . oo - (U rS o Covington do do Thibodeaux do do Natchitoches do do Clinton da. do Protest account ♦ •Cash: In cashier’s hands • In 1st teller’s do . I'oreig'n . . . In vault specie In the City Rank do In Consolidated Association do • • • » -: Less cash over . . . . * Actual pii culalion Domestic exchange, sold * Foreign do •• bought do 12,131 51 8,545 48 8,357 03 9,948.69 191 00 39,000 65J ,670 84,200 411,774 100,000 100,000 1,390,644 4 00 00 00 11 00 00 11 62 1,390,639 49. *9,433,393 99 619,330 00 • 34,863 92 £553 13 3 • £21,000 ttg. • fs 70,850 J. B. PER R A U LT, Cashier. General statement o f the Union Bank o f Louisiana , on 4th November, 1834, exclusive. #64,950 63 State bonds • deal estate • 42,500 00 Bank notes . . . C ity bond* • 33,729 99 Exchange, profit and loss • ■Merchants’ Bank, New York 9,802 10 Profit and loss » Expenses . Capital ' ~ "j . Notes and bills discounted >2,911,245 29 J. Campbell, Treasurer of the U. 9. 3,358,250 29 Credit loans o*H' fi Discount account • 47,100 00 Loan* on mortgage 6,316,595 58 Premium on chccks . • Discount on bills Bank of Orleans > , 11,413 73 Branch Bank United States • 31,036 89 C ity Bank » Bank of Louisiana 40,454 50 •Canal and Banking Company Mechanics and Traders’ Bfcnk 20,806 03 Louisiana State Bank • 132,544 24 Consolidated Association Baring, Brothers & Co., adv. on bonds 14,748 42 Commercial Bank 257,003 81 Do do do No. 2 1 2 10,000 00 Do do do No. 2 Capital furnished to eight branches Do do our account 8,569 07 SJills receivable 'Building . . . Do do their account 11,562 80 54,186 92 Mobile Bank, their account • Notes and bills protested . Suspense account • 1,652 37 Planters’ Bank, Manchester, their acc’t £62,000 st’g. Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, their acc’t Exchange suspense account fs. 300,000 ■ Commercial Bank, Cincinnati, their ao Prime, Ward, and King • count . . . fs.431,234 85 Andri and Cottier, Parts 78,331 52 »jfQ (K' C 0 Bank of Pittsburgh, their account Baring, Brothers f. Co., advance on 33,338 41 Individuals . . . £ 7 ,fie , S 10 bonds. No. 2 • • 2,302 00 Branch Bank State of Alabama, De Mobile Bank, our account • catur . . . 5,356 47 Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our accoun Bank of Liverpool 7 00 Planters’ Bank, Natchex 1,236 04 6,843 98 Bank of Philadelphia • • 191 00 Protest account • 9,946 7J l'laquemine Branch, general account 1,515 61 A«roy«Ues do do Digitized9tfor FRASER do /Martin do T 967 27 , _ $28,510 28 25,892 22 5,372 14 £112,500 st’g. £62,000 st’g. £38,000 st’g. £12,922 7 $5,532,000 1,314,000 321,004 161,063 180,000 441,767 65,054 3,119 4,739 00 00 85 47 00 52 15 59 09 59,774 64 540,876 32 181,137 48 65,516 19 5,000 00 3,644 00 6,595 87 3,317 70 6,589 69 6,429 22 616,063 77 _ ‘ 546 43 'Vermillion do do Covington Thibodeaux do Natchitoches do Clinton do Cash: In cashier's hands In first teller's hands a Foreign © Specie in vault • City Bank Less cash over Actual circulation Domestic exchange: Sold Bought Foreign exchange: Sold Sold Bought • Bought - do do do do do 4,930 34 12,940 85 9,310 48 8,357 02 9,948 69 39,000 651,070 94,780 431 ,318 100,000 1,315,168 4 623,930 00 00 00 31 00 31 98 1,316,163 33 00 12.349 73 19,000 00 £250 st’g. fs. t ,500 £4,000 st’g. fs 361,884 85 $9,518,240 03 B. PERHAULT, Cathier. General statement o f the Union Bank of Louisiana, on 11 th November, 1834, exclusive. 5.532.000 1.314.000 321,004 161,063 180,000 450,239 70,908 3,193 5,021 00 00 85 47 00 91 58 11 77 32,134 30 540,876 32 181,137 48 40,938 86 3,495 25 6,598 87 7,405 84 6,589 69 6,647 82 406 94 639,107 91 474 64,950 63 State bonds Real estate 42,500 00 Bank notes City bonds • 9,831 35 Exchange profit and loss Expenses Profit and loss 3,031,836 92 Notes and bills discounted Capital . . . 3,351,968 04 Credit loans J. Campbell, Treasurer of the V. S. 47,100 00 Loans on mortgage 6,429,904 96 Discount acconnt Premium on chccks 85 231 89 City Bank Discount on bills 41,297 17 Canal and Banking Company 4,896 77 Branch Bank, U. S. 67,074 43 Louisiana State Bank 20,163 98 Bank of Louisiana * 6t>,724 24 Consolidated Association 5,021 58 Bank of Orleans • 17,810 81 Commercial Bank 2,051 97 278,138 54 Mechanics and Traders’ Bank 1,243,000 00 Capital furnished to eight branches 8 569 07 Baring, Brothers, & Company, advance Bills receivable £112,500 on bonds . . . 11,562 82 Building . . . 54,186 92 Baring, Brothers. & Comp .ny, advance Notes and bills protested on bonds, No. 2 • - £62,000 1,652 37 Suspense account Baring, Brothers, & Company, advance £62,000 Exchange suspense account • on bond-, No. 2 - £38,000 Fs. 600,000 Prime, Ward, & King • Fs. 600,000 . . 78,331 52 Andre & Cottier . Ks. 431,234 85 Am|ri & Cottier Merchants’ Bank, N. Y. Baring, Brothers, & Company, advanc 32 338 41 Mobile Bank, their account £7,272 2 10 on bonds, No. 2 2,302 00 Planters’ Bank, Manchester, their acct. Mobile Bank, our account 2,756 47 Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, their account Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, our account do 7 00 Commercial Bank, do Bank of Liverpool 14,194 90 Bank of Pittsburgh, their account £4,026 4 9 Baring, Brothers, & Co., our account 21,697.24 Branch Bank State of Alabama, at De Fs. 118,250 Do do catur . . . 170 00 Planters’ Bank, Natchez • 6,843 98 Individuals Philadelphia Bank 196 00 Protest account 431 75 Plaquemine branch, general account 1,265 61 Avoyelles do do 8,792 27 Digitized for8t. FRASER Martin do do cc Vermillion do Covington do Thibodeaux do Natchitoches do Clinton do Cash: In cashier’s hands In 1st teller’s do Foreign Specie - do do do do do 34 32 48 02 69 39,000 00 618,205 00 60,870 00 433,598 58 1,151,673 58 5 25 1,151,668 33 656,795 00 31,434 89 20,000 00 £25,000 stg. Fs. 118,250 810,000 00 $9,502,770 97 475 Less cash over Actual circulation • Domestic exchange sold purchased Foreign exchange purchased do Domestic exchange purchased 4,930 4,882 9,360 8,357 9,948 89,502,770 97 J. B. PERRAULT, Cashier. 00 General statement o f the Union Bank o f Louisiana, November 17, 1834. 4,797 23 2,223 98 18,349 91 £112,500 £62,000 £38,000 fs. 600,001 5.532.000 1.314.000 321,004 161,063 180,000 456,239 74,306 3,234 6 416 00 OJ 85 47 00 91 58 27 41 25,371 12 540,876 32 181,137 3,079 6,356 697 6,494 6,647 406 1,857 2,139 639,222 43 68 56 84 69 82 94 06 52 27 476 Real estate . 64.950 63 State bonds . City bonds . . 42,500 00 Bank notes 39,196 59 Exchange, profit and loss Merchants’ Bank, New York 10,028 85 Profit and loss Expenses . Capital Notes and bills discounted 3,015,250 25 J Campbell, Treasurer of the U. Credit loans 3,350,888 04 Discount account • Loans on mortgage 47,100 00 6,413,238 29 Premium on checks Discount on bills ■ City Bank 37,793 89 Branch Bank United States Canal and Banking Company 8,240 49 Bank of Louisiana • Louisiana State Bank • 5,413 68 Bank of Orleans • Consolidated Association 34,539 24 Mechanics and Traders’ Bank 873 03 Baring, Brothers, and Company, ad Commercial Bank 28,315 81 vance on bonds 115,176 14 ,300,000 00 Barhig, Brothers, and Company, a<] Capital furnished lo eight brandies v^nce on bond No. 2 8,569 U7 Hills receivable 12,522 74 Baring, Brothers, and Company, ad Building - * iance on bond No. 2 54,186 93 Notes and bills protested • 1,652 37 Andr£ and Cottier Suspense account • Mobile Bank, their account £62,000 Exchange suspense account Planters’ Bank, Manchester,their acc fs 600 000 Prime, Ward, and King Do Cincinnati, do 95,395 76 Andri and Cottier fs.524,234 85 Commercial Bank, do do Baring, Brothers, and Company, ad do 32,338 41 Bank of Pittsburgh vance on bond No. 2 £7,276 2 10 2,302 00 Branch Bank of Alabama at Decatur Mobile Bank, our account their account 2\756 47 Franklin Bank Cincinnati, our accoun 7 00 Plaquemine Branch, general accoun Bank of Liverpool . Thibodeaux do do Baring, Brothers, and Co., our acc’t fs.118,250 99,397 69 Individuals £17,526 3 9 Do do do 197 00 Protest account 2,850 50 Planters’ Bank, Natchez 6,843 98 Philadelphia Bank 1,497 36 Avoyelles Branch, general'account u# S t Martin do Vermillion >lo Covington do Natchitoches do Clinton do Cash: In cashier’s hands In 1st teller's do Foreign Specie - do do do do do - Le .s cash over Domestic exchange, sold • purchased Foreign do do Oo do do - 39,000 535,470 101,445 453,174 1,109,089 5 00 00 00 00 00 18 739,530 00 27 34 75 15 69 1 109 083 82 $9,462,552 79 89,462,552 79 477 Actual circulation 13,307 9,930 5,481 9,193 9,948 - 26,679 27 152,328 65 fa.95,000 £13,500 J. B. PERRAULT, Cashier. rjM'n ■ ' w ‘> : 3 I f 003 (M ?'?75\XTO 00 cn General balance o f the Planter o’ Bunk o f the State of Mississippi, Natchez, May Da. 30, 1834. C r. . Bills receiva'. le • in suit . . . Loan bills receivable Domestic bills of exchange Foreign do Northern do Suspended debt Bank expense . . . Real estate . . . Contract with Bvers and Steele Amount due from other banks State bonds . . . Gold and silver coin - ■ - 2,408,274 02 10,896 00 25,097 2| 2,558,611 57 1,955 64 165,565 06 1,182,181 48 24,465 35 62,849 07 . 4,387 48 . 227,835 28 Notes of other banks on hand 22,417 5337,449 99 170,714 34 . . . . 109,164 112,087 23,353 2,375 . . 74 35 30 87 P ia s t s s s * B ank, Natchez, May 30, 1834. 3,797,882 14 1,167,350 75 42,179 90 246,981 26 38,046 00 3,222 05 10,970 65 812,542 82 5,957 62 10 00 19,747 48 380 74 45 31 2,055 21 158,642 34 439,050 81 177,634 94 $6,902,700 02 $6,902,700 02 S. SPRAGUE, oo Cashier. 478 Capital stock - • . Circulation Profit and loss Discounts Exchange Damages . Interest Dividend Unclaimed dividend State treasurer United States Treasurer Pension agent, J. Gustine Post Office Department Gideon Fitz, surveyor Sinking fond Literary fund Three per cent, fund Deposite certificates Individual depositors Amount due to other banks i- *1 D r. General balance o f the Planters’ Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, Natchez, June 9, 1834. 2,613.599 10,696 24,665 2,331,831 1,955 99,755 1,112,305 21,777 62,849 4,387 52,449 187,060 28,836 152,794 Bills receivable in suit Loan bills receivable Domestic bills of exchange Foreign do • Northern do Suspended debt - . Bank expense Heal estate Contract with Byers and Steele State bonds Amount due from other banks Notes of other banks on hand Gold and silver coin • 66 00 65 71 64 06 06 46 07 48 99 40 73 23 101,825 93,248 30,833 2,434 01 90 48 76 Nvtchcz, June 9, 1834. 228,442 36,651 3,219 14,210 825,227 5,957 10 14,787 337,614 58,492 377 45 2,055 205,478 15 00 55 65 J8 62 00 34 49 34 74 31 21 60 $6,705,164 14 $6,705,164 14 P ia h tib s ’ B ask, 3,690,122 14 1,206,790 48 75,682 34 479 Capital stock Circulation Profit and loss Discounts Exchange Damages Interest Dividend Unclaimed dividend State Treasurer United States Treasurer Pension agent, James C. Wilkins I’ost Office Department Gideon Fitz, surveyor Individual depositors Deposite certificates Sinking fund Literary fund Three per cent, fund Amount due to other banks C b. S. SPRA G U E, Cashier. 00 D h. General balance o f the Planters’ Bank of the State o f Mississippi, Natchez, June 14, 1834. tv, . • - . m «. m _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ m 2,633,698 10,896 19,310 2 253,069 1,955 130,558 1,083,383 13,616 62,849 4,587 135,435 32,512 52,449 1,493 151,4r3 14 00 16 31 64 07 67 56 07 48 23 63 99 33 56 Capital stock _ Circulation _ Profit and loss Discounts . Exchange Damages Dividend • Unclaimed dividend • State Treasurer United States Treasurer . Post Office Department Pension agent, James C, Wilkins . Gideon Fitz, surveyor . Deposite certificates _ Individual depositors . Sinking fund • Three per cent, fund Amount due lo other banks ■ . - . . 51,666 38 n ,r i o 3r 13,451 30 • - . . . . - * - - - . - Natchez, June 14, 1834. 136,828 36,641 3,219 10,955 815,22r 10 5,957 14,337 22,879 311,54.2 3 rr 2,055 246,918 05 00 55 96 18 00 62 34 96 62 74 21 42 $6,587,088 84 $6,587,088 84 P ia s te r s ’ B ask . 3,694,222 14 1,091,234 38 194,681 6r S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. 480 a— --- ' .........1" Bills receivable in suit .. Loan bills receivable Domestic bills of exchange Foreign do Northern do Suspended debt • Bank expense Real estate Contract with Byers and Steele Amount due from other banks Notes of other banks on hand State bonds Interest Gold and silver coin - Ch. r"“1 oo General balance o f the Planters’ Bank o f the Stale o f Mississippi, Natchez, June 2 3 , Bills receivable • Loan do Bills receivable in suit Domestic bills of excliange Foreign do Northern do Suspended debt Bank expense Heal estate . . . Contract with Byers and Steele Amount due from other banks Notes of other banks on hand State bonds . Gold and silver coin . . . . . . . * • . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . * * * • 2,607,981 14 18,730 15 10,896 00 2,101,509 37 6,400 08 130,558 07 1,197,212 41 129 74 62,849 07 5,387 48 148,202 66 16,523 30 56,930 53 138,522 60 $6,501,832 60, P h h t e r s ’ B a s k , Natchez, June 23, 1834, Capital stock . Circulation . . . Profit and loss . Discounts . . . Exchange . . . Damages . . . Interest . . . Dividend • • Unclaimed dividend . State treasurer . United States Treasurer Post office Department Pension agent, Jas. C. Wilkins Gideon Fit*, surveyor Individual depositors . Deposite certificates . Sinking fund Three per cent, fund Suspense account . Amount due to other banks . . . . . . . . . - . . 1 83 4. 5,631 3,855 1,465 222 . . 27 57 04 05 C«. 3,694,222 14 1,080,973 33 306,530 18 11,173 93 36,541 00 3,189 55 10,886 38 815,227 18 163 34 S ,957 62 14,048 98 281,444 96 4,309 96 377 74 2,055 21 7,000 00 227,731 10 $6,501,832 60 S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. Da. General balance o f the Planters’ Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, Natchez, June 30, 1834. 2,663,957 10,896 18,730 2,097,256 6,400 125,508 1,158,553 539 62,859 5,493 56,930 116,327 11,645 148,076 90 00 15 36 08 07 45 25 55 48 53 21 00 80 $6,483,173 83 P ia n tib s ’ B ase, Natchez, June 50, 1834. Capital stock Circulation Profit and loss Discounts Exchange Damages • Interest Dividend • Unclaimed dividend State Treasurer United States Treasurer Post Office Department Pension agent, Jas. C. Wilkins Gideon Kitz, surveyor Individual depositors Deposite certificates Amount due to other banks Suspense account Sinking fund . Three per cent, fund - 12,302 69 6,696 91 4,199 34 1,048 37 cn 3,694,222 14 1,018,995 78 121,818 78 24,247 184,711 39,497 10,8£6 841,139 163 5,957 12,254 321,465 5,529 192,850 7,000 377 2,055 31 40 55 38 67 34 62 32 68 96 95 0D 74 21 {16,483,173 83 S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. 482 Bills receivable • in suit Loan bills receivable • Domestic bills of exchange Foreign do Northern do Suspended debt • Bank expense • Beal estate Contract with Byers and Steele State bonds • Amount due from other banks Notes of other banks on hand Gold and silver coin • Cr. D h, General balance o f the Planters' Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, Natchez, July 5, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ 2,733,704. 62 ‘ 8,393 50 17,137 80 2,106,066 25 . 6,400 08 . 125,508 07 1,055,504 68 2,394 36 62,859 55 . 5,493 48 .■ 56,930 53 610 25 127,634 23 . 18,197 15 . 156,493 51 -------- —v ■■ $6,493,328 06 P w n " ' B i*K> NatckCZ' July S’ 1834' Capital stock Circulation . . . Profit and loss Discounts . . . Exchange . . . Damages • « Interest . . . Dividend . . . Unclaimed dividend • State Treasurer United States’ Treasurer Post Office Department Pension agent, Jas. C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor Sinking fund • Three per cent, fund ■ Individual depositors Deposite certificates Amount due to other banks . - » 18,024 8,692 10,851 2,410 . .. - . 08 57 76 22 ... C r. 3,695,022 14 1.067,357 78 121,819 08 39,978 184,711 39,497 10,841 840,922 163 5,957 9,565 7,375 2,055 290,838 4,629 172,591 63 10 55 88 67 34 62 98 24 21 72 96 16 483 Bills receivable . . in suit . . . Loan bills receivable . . Domestic bills of exchange Foreign do . . .Northern do Suspended debt . . Bank expense . . . . Real estate . Contract with Byers and Steele State bonds . Suspense account . . Amount due from other banks Notes of other banks on hand Gold and silver coin » 1834. $6,493,328 06 S. SPRAGUE, Cathier,' r—i 00 LJ General balance o f the Planters’ Bank o f the Slate o f Mississippi, Natchez, July Bills receivable m in suit "" JLoan bills receivable Domestic bills of exchange I Foreign do . _ ' Northern do . _ ■Suspended debt _ _ Bank expense Beal estate . . . Contract with Byers and Steele . . . Amount due from other banks . . . Notes of other banks on hand ‘. . Suspense account . . . . Gold and silver coin . . . . _ _ . - .....r " j . -------■ _ ■» ■ .— P ia s te r s ’ B ase, Natchez, July 14, 1834. 2,891,917 18 8,393 50 17,137 80 1,960,324 11 4,383 16 104,508 07 1,015,452 78 4,435 86 63,464 55 5,493 48 121,989 65 7,839 70 610 25 160,102 07 *6,366,052 16 Capital stock . Circulation . Profit and losa . Discounts . . Exchange Damages . . Interest . . Dividend . . Unclaimed dividend . State Treasurer United States’ Treasurer Post Office Department Pension agent, Jas. C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor Deposite certificates . Individual depositors . State bonds . Sinking fund Three per cent, fund Amount due to other banks “ „ m 28,071 12,224 19,581 3,208 . m 80 93 86 17 _ m. — m m _ . . _ _ m . “ _ . m . . - • - — ' C h. 3,702,622 14 1,064,546 27 121,819 08 63,086 76 70,246 10 22,711 55 10,841 88 841,172 67 153 34 5,957 62 9,204 53 1,666 96 253,241 -23 43,069 47 427 74 2,865 21 152,419’61 86,366,052 16 S. SPRAGUE, r“ * Cashier. 484 J-JI. ” ” * 1 2, 1 8 3 4 . D r. General balance o f the Planters’ Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, Natchez , July =■ ■■ ■ ■ .... ...... - - ■ Bills receivable in suit • Loan bills receivable Domestic bills of exchange Foreign do Northern do Suspended debt Bank expense Real estate Contract with Byers and Steele Amount due from other banks Notes of other banks on hand Gold and silver coin - . . . • . • . - . • _ _ _ . - . . , . . _ _ . 2,906,116 76 29,347 93 12,137 80 1,890,028 04 4,383 16 104,508 07 979,904 07 4,537 28 72,543 60 5,493 48 130,564 13 7,120 28 182,375 19 * Capital stock _ Circulation Profit and loss Discounts Exchange • Damages _ Interest State bonds _ Dividend Unclaimed dividend State Treasurer . _ United States Treasurer _ Post office Department Pension agent, James C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor . Sinking fund Three per cent, fund . Suspense account Deposite certificates • Individual depositors Amount due to other banks m 21, 1834. - . 23 66 89 96 . _ . m . - - - - - - - - m 30,746 16,811 20,751 3,617 . « • - _ - ■ m - $6,329,059 79 P u n t e r s ’ B ank, Nutthez, July 21, 1834. ' Ck. 3,702,622 14 1,020,721 61 121,819 08 71,927 74 43,069 47 68,506 10 22,271 55 10,841 88 846,497 65 153 34 5,957 62 7,502 38 278 20 2,865 21 7,000 00 3,147 92 248,880 59 14-1,997 31 *6,329,059 79 S. SPRA G U E, Cashier. r—i 00 i— i D h. General balance of the Planters’ Bank of the State of Mississippi, Natchez, July 2 8, 1834. . Bills receivable in gait . l.o&n bills receivable Domestic bills of exchange Foreign do Northern do • Suspended debt Bank expense Ileal estate Contract with Byers and Steele . Notes of other banks on hand Amount due from other banks Gold and silver coin - . • * • • . 4ft • . m m m • 2,976,530 09 29,347 93 10,137 80 1,873,219 27 4,383 16 55,508 07 948,668 42 4,599 76 73,379 60 5,493 48 6,920 00 158,116 09 207,147 45 . a. 35,966 21,016 24,367 4,792 . 03 61 52 58 . _ _ _ _ _ _ * - - . • - - - - - - 86,142 74 43,069 47 66,851 10 22,061 55 10,841 88 84-6,497 65 153 34 5,957 62 7,502 38 278 20 2,865 21 7,000 00 12,747 92 253,466 90 167,244 41 $6,353,451 12 $6,353,451 12 P la n te r s ’ B ahk, Natchez, July 28, 1834. 3,703,422 14 995,529 53 121,819 08 S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. 486 Capital stock Circulation Profit and loss m Discounts - • Exchange * Damages Interest State bonds Dividend Unclaimed dividend State Treasurer United States Treasurer Post Office Department Pension agent, James C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor Sinking fund Three per cent, fund Suspense account Deposite certificates Individual depositors Amount due to other banks Ck. r_1 » Dr. General balance o f the Planters’ Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, Natchez, Atigust 4, 3,070,096 99 28,346 43 9,364 40 1,862,157 68 55,508 07 874,469 47 6,473 82 73,379 60 5,493 48 154,987 52 13,921 38 198,133 18 Bills receivable in suit Loan bills receivable Domestic bills of exchange Northern do Suspended debt • Bank expense Real estate Contract with Byers and Steele Amount due from other banks Notes of other banks on liand Gold and silver coin - 40,862 24,071 29,488 6,453 55 56 29 54 #6,352,332 02 P la s ti e s ’ B ask , Nutchez, August 4, 1834, S. SPRAGUE, Cr. 3,703,422 14 969,471 89 121,819 08 100,875 94 61 28 65,816 10 22,061 55 10,841 88 856,847 65 153 34 5,957 62 6,633 74 43,069 47 278 20 2,865 21 7,000 00 12,709 14 271,815 82 150,631 97 6,352,332 02 4S7 Capi'al stock Circulation Profit and loss Discounts Exchange Damages Interest Foreign bills of exchange Dividends .Unclaimed dividend • State Treasurer United Slates Treasurer Post Office Department Pension Agent, James C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor State bonds - • Sinking Fund Three per cent, fund Suspense account Deposite certificates Individual depositors Amount due to other banks 1834. Cashier. * OB [ 8 ] 488 Circnlation of the Planters' Bank of the Stale o f Mississippi, August 4, 1834. * * * - 202,955 00 115,050 00 146,710 00 196,070 00 78,520 00 76,275 00 141,985 00 89,785 00 Redeemed and in transitu of notes and checks of Parent Bank and offices . . . . . . $1,046,350 00 76,878 11 Bank notes issued, payable at Natchez Office at Vicksburg W oodville Port Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Columbus • $969,471 89 S. SPRAGUE, I Cashur. Dr. General balance o f Ike Planters’ Bank o f the Stale o f Mississippi, Natchez, August Bills receivable . . in suit . . Domestic bills of exchange Northern do Suspended debt . . QjBank expense . . (■cHeal estate . . . Contract with Byers and Steele Notes of other banks on hand Amount due from other banks State bonds . . . Gold and silver coin . . . . - . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,108,205 38,696 1,818,219 41,258 850,635 7,432 73,739 5,493 16,495 95,395 ■ 1,930 193,965 . • - 18 44 76 07 76 23 60 48 00 77 53 81 P lanters ’ Bahk, Natchezt Avgust 11, 1834. 1 • - • - " . 43,596 24,458 31,238 7,103 . . 34 43 11 77 C r. 3,703,422 14 963,946 64 121,754 93 106,396 65 39,704 10 21,506 55 10,841 88 855,447 65 5,957 62 6,633 74 1,078 20 2,865 21 61 28 7,000 00 8,449 15 269,546 24 126,855 65 *6,251,467 63 489 *6,251,467 63 Capital stock • Circulation . . . Profit and loss Discount . . . Exchange . . . Damages . . . Interest . . . Dividends . . . Unclaimed dividend State Treasurer United States Treasurer Pension agent, Jas. C. Wilkins] Gideon Fitz, surveyor Sinking Fund Three per cent, fund • Foreign bills of exchange Suspense account Deposite certificates Individual depositors Amount due to other banks I I , 1 S 34. _' S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. •00 [ 8 ] 490 Circulation of the Planters’ Bank of the State o f Mississippi, August 11, 1834. . . — . _ - 203,270 00 107,020 00 149,480 00 196,540 00 77,495 00 75,615 00 141,985 00 86,330 00 Redeemed and in transitu of notes and checks of parent bank and offices $1,037,735 00 73,788 36 Bank notes issued, payable at Natchez Vicksburg Woodville Port Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Columbus - — • • . — - . • ” - - $963,946 64 P ia s t ib s * B a s e , Natchez, August 11, 1834. S. SP HAGUE, Cashier. D r. General balance o f the Planters’ Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, Natchez, August Bills receivable . . Bills in suit . . . Domestic bills of exchange Northern bills of exchange Suspended debt . . Bank expense . . Heal estate . . . Contract with Byers and Steele State bonds . . . Notes of other banks on hand Amount due from other banks Gold and silver coin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #3,194,848 43 .582 1,810,559 39,416 759,159 9,708 76,793 5,493 1,930 15,070 80,224 197,467 66 94 36 87 54 83 73 48 53 45 11 10 $6,234,255 60 P la b tb b * ’ B ank, Natchez, Jlugust 18, 1834. Capital stock • Circulation . . . Profit and loss • Discounts . . . Exchange . . . Damages . . . Interest . . . Dividend . . . Unclaimed dividend State Treasurer * United States’ Treasurer Pension agent, Jas. C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor Sinking fund Three per cent, fund Deposite certificates Individual depositors Suspense account Amount due to other banks - . 18, 1 83 4. . 47,019 25,117 35,594 5,975 C r. $3,703,422 14 923,809 35 121,757 93 . . 79 67 25 69 113,707 40 39,654 10 21,506 55 10,841 88 802,931 73 5,957 62 6,633 74 1,078 20 2,865 21 7,342 05 250,432 38 7,000 00 215,315 32 • - $6,234,255 60 S. SPRA G U E, Caskier. Dk. General balance o f the Planters' Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, Natchez, August 2 5 , 1 834. Hills receivable • Bills in suit « Domestic bills of exchange Northern bills of exchange Suspended debt Bank expense • Real estate Contract with Byers and Steele State bonds . Notes of other banks on hand Amount due from other banks Gold and silver coin - - Katchtz, August _ . - , - * . - 25, 1834. 59 ' Capital stock _ $3,208,193 Circulation 31,407 87 m 1,609,069 18 Profit and loss _ 39,416 87 Discounts _ 838,212 29 Exchange _ 9,694 19 Damages _ 98,048 16 Interest _ 5,493 48 1,930 53 Dividend _ 20,070 00 Unclaimed dividend 132,763 79 State Treasurer _ 195,870 76 United States’ Treasurer Pension agent, Jas. C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor Sinking fund Three per cent, fund Deposite certificates Individual depositors Suspense account Amount due to other banks $6,190,170 71 _ _ _ _ _ _ 48,484 26,558 39,786 7,324 - _ __ _. _ _ -_ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ - — _ - - _ 93 45 38 24 . _ • - - - S SPRAGUE, 3,703,382 14 991,358 95 121,757 93 122,154 38,194 21,431 10,620 801,931 5,957 4,948 1,578 2,865 7,560 234,437 9,000 112,991 $6,190,170 Cashier. 00 10 55 61 73 62 40 20 21 64 92 00 71 71 492 P ia h tie s* B a k e , . . • - Cr. 493 Circulation o f the Planters' Bank o f the State of Mississippi, August 25, Notes issued payable at Natchez Vicksburg W oodville Port Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Columbus - 1834. - • . . - 196,350 00 102,645 00 153,070 00 201,935 00 75,465 00 76,535 00 133,870 00 84,305 00 Redeemed and in transitu of notes and checks of the Planters’ Bank and offices - 1,014,175 00 22,816 05 _ . - - _ - _ $991,358 95 S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. Da. General balance o f the Planters’ Bank o f the State of Mississippi, Natchez, Sept. 1, 1834. ________________________ Bills receivable in suit Bills of exchange, domestic northern foreign Suspended debt Bank expense • Real estate . . . Contract with Byers and Steele State bonds Notes of other banks on hand Amount due from other banks Gold and lilver - . - . . 3,258,756 52,362 1,615,910 39,416 9,351 816,034 11,005 77,529 5,493 1,930 14,935 64,413 191,463 15 30 20 87 84 01 84 73 48 53 00 06 45 . 51,404 30,155 40,090 7,839 • . • 61 U.i 09 98 Notches, September 1, 1834. oo 3,703,382 14 910,255 11 121,757 93 129,489 71 37,744 10 21,431 55 10,620 61 804 506 73 5,957 62 5,873 40 673 70 2,865 21 261,477 10 7,280 64 121,286 91 5,000 00 9,000 00 $6,158,602 46 S. SPRAGUE, 1 i Cashier. 494 Capital stock Circulation Profit and loss . Discounts' . Exchange Damages Interest Dividend Unclaimed dividend State Treasurer United States’ Treasurer Pension agent, J. C. W. Gideon Fitz, surveyor Sinking fund • Three per cent, fund Individual deposites Deposite certificates Amount due other banks Post notes in circulation Suspense account - $6,158,602 46 P u m t i 1 B in s , C r. ___ 495 [ 8 ] Circulation o f the Planters’ Bank of the State o f Mississippi, Septem ber 1, 1834. Bank notes issued payable at Natchez . Vicksburg Woodville Port Gibson Monticello Jackson . Manchester Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . Redeemed and in transitu of notes and checks of the parent bank and offices . . . . . . 203,290 00 103,090 00 151,480 00 205,840 00 75,955 00 76,480 00 123,870 00 84,750 00 1,024,755 00 114,499 89 *910,255 11 S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. General balance of the Planters' Bank of the State of Mississippi, Natchez, Sept. 8, 1834 Dn. Bills receivable . . in suit . . Domestic bills of exchange . Northern bills of exchange . Foreign bills of exchange . Suspended debt Bank expense Real estate Contract with Byers and Steele State bonds Amount due from other banks Notes of other banks on hand Gold and silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,305,100 82 51,858 80 1,667,187 58 39,416 87 9,351 84 762,827 84 12,493 92 77,717 85 5,493 48 1,930 53 57,908 62 19,841 00 189,608 89 . . . . . . . . . - 16,200,738 04 P u j t i b s ’ B ask, Natchez, September 8, 1834. 1 ' - . . . . . 54,186 32,918 41,718 9,055 . 36 31 14 55 3,703,382 920,156 5,000 121,757 14 21 00 93 137,878 36 36,869 10 21,431 55 10,620 61 754,506 73 5,881 78 5,873 40 673 70 2,865 21 255,594 58 12,480 64 50,000 00 7,792 50 147,973 60 . - - §6,200,738 Oi ! ‘ er ; R S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. ■ 496 Capital stock Circulation . . . Post notes in circulation Profit and loss Discounts . . . Exchange . . . Damages Interest Dividend Unclaimed dividend State Treasurer United States’ Treasurer Pension agent, Jas. C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor Sinking fund Three per cent, fund Individual depositors Deposite certificates Bills payable Suspense account Amount due to other banks ■ Cr . 497 Circulation o f the Planters' Bank, September 8, 1834. Bank notes issued, payable at Natchez . Vicksburg Woodville Port Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Columbus . . . . . . . . * 207,500 00 102,705 00 152,290 00 208,075 00 75,520 00 76,590 00 124,850 00 89,680 00 Redeemed and in transitu of notes and checks of parent bank and offices . . . . . • 1,037,210 00 117,053 79 . • • ' • *920,156 21 S. SPBAGUE, Cashier. 63 B r . General balance q f the Planters’ Bank o f the Stale o f Mississippi, Natchez, September 15, 1834. Bills receivable . in suit . . Domestic bills of exchange Northern da . Foreign do Suspended debt Rank expense Real estate , Contract with Byers and Steele State bonds . Amount due from other banks Notes of other banks on hand Gold and s Iver coin - 3,399,352 30 51,858 80 1,483,500 27 39,416 87 9,351 84 687,136 90 13,139 01 78,005 72 5,493 48 1,930 53 65,359 82 24,240 00 203,098 21 $6,061.863 75 F i i r r s j i ' B ik k , NtUchti, Stp'tmber 15, 1834, Capital stock s Circulation Post notes in circulation Profit and loss Discounts • Exchange Damages Interest Dividend Unclaimed dividend State Treasurer United States’ Treasurer Post Office Department Pension agent, James C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor Sinking fund Three per cent, fund Individual depositors Deposite certificates Suspense account Amount due to other banks 58,822 31,428 47,416 12,538 87 54 80 23 C r. 3.703,382 U 905,817 83 5,000 00 121,796 11 150,206 44 36,769 10 21,181 55 10,620 61 652,625 73 134 00 6,971 79 4,160 50 673 70 2,865 21 268,056 08 22,476 89 7,792 50 141,333 57 If6 .061 863 75 S. SPRAGUE, C<uA'«r. on 499 [S] Circulation of the Planters’ Bank o f the State of Mississippi, Septem ber 15, 1S34. - • ----1—-----r ~*—■- . --- ---------- -— '. . - 205,910 Of) 102,705 00 152,850 00 209,380 00 75,550 00 76,690 00 125,260 00 94,235 00 Redeemed *nd in transitu of the notes and checks of parent bank and . . . offices . . . . 1,042,550 00 136,732 17 Bank notes issued, payable at Natchez Vicksbtirgh Woodville Port Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Co'umbus . . . . . . . . . - . i. . - . *905,817 8 6. SPRAGUE, Cashier. l)a. Ca. General balance o f the Planters' Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, Natchez, September 22, 1834. Bills receivable in suit • Domestic bills of exchange Northern do Foreign do Suspended debt . Hank, expense Real estate Contract with Byers and Steele Notes of other banks on hand Amount due from other bank. State bonds Gold and silver » 3,407,426 69 52,191 30 1,375,846 72 39 416 87 9,351 84 689,454 83 13,385 50 79,783 00 5,493 43 18,378 00 59,086 19 1,930 53 213,,098 10 Pi.AHTr.RS’ Baxk, Katchez, September 22, 1834, 63,803 30,975 48,266 12,955 04 88 07 80 3,708,182 14 903,962 63 5,000 00 121,796 11 156,005 35,949 20,898 10,386 535,825 144 6,902 4,160 16,600 673 2,865 265,877 14,861 7,792 146,949 7» 10 05 42 73 00 42 50 00 70 21 35 89 50 51 85,964,843 05 ' S. SPRAGUE, Cathier 500 *5,964,843 05 Capital stock Circulation . Post notes in circulation Profit and loss Discounts Exchange Damages Interest «. Dividend Unclaimed- dividend State Treasurer United States’ Treasurer Post Office Department Pension agent, James C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor Henry M. Shreeve, superintenden Sinking fund Three per cent, fund Individual depositors Deposite certificates Suspense account Amount due to other banks. Oft 501 Circulation o f the Planters’ Bank o f the Stale of Mississippi, Sep tember 22, 1834. Bank notes issued, payable at Natchez Vicksburg Woodville Port Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Columbus * • • • • * • - • - Redeemed and in transitu of notes and checks of parent bank and offices . . . 202,015 00 110,325 00 142,850 00 212,895 00 76,385 00 76,775 00 126,435 00 90,590 00 1,038,270 00 134,307 37 $903,962 63 8. SPRAGUE, Cashier. / Dn. GeneraI balance o f the Planters’ Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, Natchez, September 29, 1834. $3,389,415 52,191 1,313,103 41,816 9,351 704,234 14,279 79,933 5,493 1,000 1,930 47,101 21,363 218,081 64 30 86 87 84 06 12 00 48 00 53 U 71 85 $5,899,296 37 Pi.anrkitt*’ It***, Natchez, September 29, 1834 Capital stock Circulation . Post notes in circulation Profit and loss Discounts Exchange Damages . Interest Dividend Unclaimed dividend State Treasurer United States Treasurer Post Office Department Pension agenf, James C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor • Henry M. Shreeve, superintendent Sinking fund - Three per cent, fund Suspense account • • Individual depositors • Deposite certificates - • Amount due to other banks - 65,195 31,084 48,730 13.173 26 70 57 41 3,718,782 919,430 5,000 121,796 o> 14 72 00 11 158,183 94 10,419 10 20,898 05 10,386 42 529,660 73 144 00 6,902 42 5,085 50 16,600 00 709 83 2,865 21 7,792 50 226,343 10 15,491 89 122,804 71 155,899,296 37 S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. 502 BiJ's receivable . in Buit . . Domestic bills of exchange Northern do Foreign do Suspended debt Hank, expense Heal estate t!onlr»ct with Hycrs and Steele Bank stock . . State bonds Amount due from other banks Notes of other banks on hand Hold aod silver coin • C r. 503 [ 8 ] Circulation o f the Planters’ Bunk o f the State o f Mississippi, Septem ber 29, 1834. 196,890 00 113,100 00 143,635 00 219,140 00 77,365 00 77,910 00 126,435 00 90,855 00 Bank notes issued, payable at Natchez Vicksburg Woodville Port Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Columbus Redeemed o f notes and checks or the parent bank and offices 1,045,320 00 125,889 28 $919,430 72 S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. t D r. General balance o f the Planters’ Bank o f the Stale o f Mississippi, Natchez, 6th October, 1834. Ca. GO 3,436,601 57 51,137 30 1,335,396 13 9,351 84 43,152 74 672,322 19 15,535 13 79,983 00 5,493 48 1,930 53 1,000 00 1,270 17 56,012 00 42,440 14 213,750 53 J J ,965,376 75 P u k t i x s ’ B ank, Natchtz, Oct. 6, 1834. Capital stock • Circulation . . . Post notes in circulation Profit and loss . Discounts . Exchange « . Damages . Interest Dividend Unclaimed dividend State Treasurer . United States’ Treasurer Post Office Department Pension agent, James C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor Henry M. Shrecve, superintendent Suspense account Three per cent, fund . Individual depositors Deposite certificates . Amount due to other banks 867,476 31,688 49,078 13,998 40 80 07 27 3,718,782 933,025 4,200 121,796 14 43 00 11 162,241 54 10,399 10 20,831 05 10,386 42 588,151 57 144 00 6,902 42 1,825 89 16,600 00 7,792 50 2,865 21 228,601 87 2,573 46 128,258 04 $5,965,376 75 S. SPRAGUE, Cathitr. 504 Bills receivable • • in suit ■ . Domestic bills of exchange Foreign do . Northern do • Suspended debt Bank expense • Real estate Contract with Byers & Steele State bonds ■ . Bank stock • • Sinking fund • . Notes of other banks on hand Amount due to other banks Gold and silver coin . 505 Circulation o f the Planters’ Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, 6th October, 1834. Bank notes.issueif, payable at Natchez • Vicksburg Woodville Port Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Columbus Redeemed, and in transitu, of notes and checks of parent bank and offices » • - 192,375 00 113,100 00 144,490 00 192,225 00 78,155 00 77,910 00 134,750 00 90,240 00 1,023,245 00 90,219 57 $933,025 43 « 64 8. SPRAGUE, Ctuhitr. D r. G e n e r a l b a l a n c e o f th e P la n t e r s ' B a n k o f th e S t a t e o f M is s is s ip p i, N a tc h e z , O cto b er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,487,207 14 Capital stock . 61,653 04 Circulation ■ 1,427,028 83 Post notes in circulation 9,719 48 Profit and loss . . 55,672 74 Discounts . . . . 592,996 29 Exchange . 18,002 13 Damage! 82,849 32 Interest 6,000 00 . . 1,000 00 Dividend . 1,930 53 Unclaimed dividend 1,280 67 State T reasu rer 55,664 66 United States’ Treasurer 50,024 96 Post Office Department 204,712 50 Pension agent, Jas. C. Wilkins $6,055,742 29 October 13, 1834. - Gideon Fitz, surveyor T h ree per cent, fund Henry M. Shreeve, superintendent Suspense account Deposite certificates Individual depositors to other banks • Amount due F u x t u s ’ B a n k , N a tch ez, . - 13, 1834. . . . 74,981 34,994 56,398 15,202 . . . 45 35 04 26 Cr. 3,718,782 980,303 4,200 121,796 • 1 > GO 14 20 00 11 181,576 10 10,399 10 20,831 05 10,265 37 588,151 57 144 00 6,882 42 1,825 89 2,865 21 16 600 00 7,792 50 • 3,652 46 266,613 79 113,061 38 6,055,742 29 E. P. FOUUNIQUET, Acl’g cashier. 506 » ... . ................ Bills receivable in suit . Domestic bills of exchange Foreign do j . . Northern do , . Suspended debt . . . Bank expense . . . Real estate . . . . Contract with Byers and Steele . . Bank stock . . . . State bonds . . . . Sinking fund . . . Notes of other banks on hand . . Amount due from other banks . . Gold and silver coin . . . 507 Circulation o f the Planters’ Bank of the State o f Mississippi, October 13, 1834. Bank notes issued, payable at Natchez Vicksburg1 Woodville P ort Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Columbus - - - _ . 199,720 118,205 142,180 197,435 83,350 77,880 139,100 91,585 _ _ _ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1,0 4 9 ,4 5 5 00 Redeemed and in transitu o f the notes and checks of the parent bank and offices - - - 69,151 SO $980,303 20 P la n te r s ’ Bans., Natchez, October 14, 1834. E. P. FOURNIQUET, Jlct’g cashier. * D*. General balance o f ihe Planters' Rank o f the State o f Mississippi, Natchez, October 20, * . . . -. . . . „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.479,011 61,653 1,504,233 55,672 9,719 589,489 18,349 84,604 6,000 1,000 1,930 1,280 53,157 179,553 200,193 87 04 34 74 48 48 73 45 00 00 53 67 00 28 09 Capital stock Circulation * Pi), t notes in circulation Profit and loss Discounts Exchange Damages Interest • - - - . Dividend . Unclaimed dividend State T reasurer United States Treasurer Post Office Department Pension agent, Ja s . Wilkins ■ Gideon F it* , surveyor Henry M. Shreeve, superintendent A. H . Bowman, United States engineer Seminary lands Three per cent, fund Suspense account Deposite certificates Individual depositors - C. Amount due to other banks 86,245,848 70 P x ia h tx r s ' B a s k , Nalchct, October 20, 1834. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . 76,758 37,108 57,039 15,548 . . . . . . - . - C h. 3,839,542 14 1,033,273 96 . 4,100 00 121,796 11 . 43 57 65 15 186,454 80 . 10,014 10 20,776 05 . 10,265 37 . 607,161 57 144 00 6,632 42 900 89 16,600 00 10,000 00 200 00 2.865 21 - . 7,792 50 5,152 46 264,729 26 97,447 86 $6,245,848 70 E. P. FOURNIQUET, Act'g cashier. oo 508 Bills receivable in suit . . . Domestic bills of exchange Northern do Foreign do Suspended debt Bank expense Real estate Contract with Byers and Steele Bank stock State bonds . . . Sinking fund . . . Notes of other banks on hand Amount due from other banks Gold and silver coin . . 1834. 509 [8 ] C i r c u la t io n o f t h e P l a n t e r s ’ B a n k o f t h e S t a t e o f M i s s i s s i p p i , O c t o b e r 20, 1834. Bank notes issued, payable at Natchez Vicksburg Woodville Port Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Columbus - . - . _ . _ _ . “ _ Redeemed and in transitu of the notes and checks of the parent bank and offices . . . • Piajctibs’ B a r k , Natchez, October 20, 1834. 210,610 00 141,110 00 147,850 00 211,905 00 83,090 00 74,795 00 145,950 00 101,740 00 1,117,050 00 83,776 04 81,033,273 96 E. P. FOURNIQUET, Act’g cashier. D r. G e n e r a l b a la n c e o f _________________________________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,496,134 61,653 1,542,986 55,251 3,206 558,530 18,392 84,950 6,000 1,930 1,280 60,392 128,770 195,347 14 04 66 70 01 28 97 67 00 53 67 00 66 66 $6,214,826 99 P iih tis k ’s B are, Natchez, October 27, 1834. Capital stock . Circulation « • Post notes in circulation Profit and loss . Discounts Exchange Damages . _ Interest . Dividend . Unclaimed dividend . State Treasurer . United States’ Treasurer _ Post Office Department Pension agent, Jas. C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor Henry M. Shreeve, superintendent A. H. Bowman, U. S. engineer Suspense account . Bank stock Seminary lands . . Three per cent, fund Individual depositors • Depusite certificates Amount due to other banks “ _ _ 78,528 46 38,547 15 58 129 57 16 532 01 . „ • • - . -. . . * - - • 3,839,542 1,061,834 4,100 121,796 oo 14 S3 00 11 191,737 19 8,144 10 20,734 05 30,546 05 547 .343 76 144 00 6,560 42 800 89 16,600 00 10,000 00 7,792 50 94 01 200 00 2,865 21 254,343 58 5,152 46 84,496 19 $6,214,826 99 8. SPRAGUE, Cashier. i i 510 Bills receivable . . in suit . Domestic bill 3 of exchange . Northern do Foreign do . Suspended debt Bank expense ■ • Real estate Contract with Byers and Steele . State, bonds • • Sinking fund Notes of other banks on hand . Amount due from other banks . Gold and silver coin . . 27, 1834. C r. _____________________________ th e P l a n t e r s ’ B a n /c o f th e S t a t e o f M is s is s ip p i, N a t c h e z , O c to b er 511 Circulation o f the Planters’ Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, October 27, 1834. Bank notes issued, payable at Natchez Vicksburg Woodville Port Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Columbus _ _ . • . - _ • . _ - _ - * _ - ' ' Redeemed and in transitu of the notes of the parent bank and offices 215,300 00 154 775 00 147,850 00 211,905 00 83,535 00 74,795 00 145,950 00 101,740 00 1,135,850 00 74,015 67 SI ,061,834 33 \ D b. General balance o f the Planters' Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, Natchez, November 3, Bills receivable . in suit Domestic bills of exchange Northern do Foreign do Suspended debt Bank expense Real estate Contract with Byers and Steele Bank stock . . . State bonds . Sinking fund Suspense account . . Notes of other banks on hand Amount due from other banks Gold and silver coin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . 3,492,049 84,126 1,708,932 38,751 51,818 503,584 19,687 85,010 6,000 1,000 1,930 1.280 22,343 64,532 124,821 197,074 35 73 63 70 59 77 93 67 00 00 53 67 54 00 13 59 #6,402 944 83 Capital stock . Circulation . . Post notes in circulation Profit and loss . Discounts . . . Exchange Damages Interest . . . Dividend . . . Unclaimed dividend State Treasurer United States Treasurer Post Office Department Pension agent, James C. Wilkins Gideon Fitz, surveyor H. M. Shreeve, superintendent A. H. Bowman, U. S. Engineer Three per cent, fund • Seminary lands . Individual depositors Deposite certificates Amount due to other banks • 51 1834. Si r. ' • . <V . • . . . . $83,222 92 43,391 66 60,534 30 17,030 97 " . . - C r. 3,839,542 1,115,679 3,100 121,796 14 60 00 11 204,179 85 8,069 10 20,578 05 32,546 05 576,155 63 144 00 6 ,56Q 42 462 50 16,600 00 10,000 00 2,865 21 3,720 00 ■ . 301,221 69 . 22,577 91 117,146 57 $6,402,944 83 S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. 5 / 513 [ S ] Circulation o f the Planters' Bank o f the State of Mississippi, Novem ber 3, 1834. Bank notes issued payable at Natchez Vicksburg Woodville Port Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Columbus Redeemed and in transitu of the notes of the parent bank and offices 227,110 154,775 153,935 267,455 83,535 81,635 155,600 100,435 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1,224,530 00 108,850 40 *1,115,679 60 65 General balance o f the Planters’ Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, Natchez, November 10, Bills receivable • in suit • Domestic bills of exchange Foreign do Northern do Suspended debt • Bank expenses Real estate • . Bank stock . Sinking fund State bonds . . Notes of other banks Amount due from other banks Gold and silver • 06 86 53 69 70 38 28 50 00 67 53 00 24 85 Capital stock • Circulation Post notes in circulation Profit and loss Discount . . . Exchange . . . Damages . . . Interest . . . Dividend . . . Unclaimed dividend State Treasurer United States’ Treasurer . Post Office Department Pension agent Gideon Fitz, surveyor A H. Bowman, United States’ engineer H. M. Shreeve, superintendent Seminary lands . . Three per cent, fund Suspense account Individual deposites • Deposite certificates Amount due to other banks • . 87,111 47,906 62,853 17,400 m . 61 64 02 81 m * i—i C h, 3,842,342 1,163,148 3,100 121,796 14 77 00 11 215,272 08 7,879 10 20,405 55 32,046 05 610,592 44 276 00 6,441 92 462 50 10,000 00 13,600 00 4,026 £7 65 21 996 00 321,364 20 11,157 34 86,575 21 $6,471,547 29 $6,471,547 29 S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. a> i—i 514 3,488,589 105,634 1,797,051 75,429 38,751 484,821 20,290 94,854 1,000 1,280 1,930 77,210 73,658 211,044 1834. 515 C 8 ] Circulation o f the Planters’ Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, No vember 10, 1834. . . _ _ . . “ 223,410 00 187,405 00 169,110 00 284,920 00 83,535 00 81,635 00 160,595 00 79,445 00 Redeemed and in transitu of the notes and checks of the parent bank aid offices . . . " “ 1,270,055 00 106,906 23 Bank notes issued, payable at Natchez Vicksburg Woodville Port Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Columbus . _ • . - • . • . . - . $1,163,148 77 Db. General balance o f the Planters’ Bank o f the State of Mississippi, Natchez, November 17, 1634. Bills receivable in suit .Domestic billa of exchange Northern do Foreign do Bank expense Real estate Suspended debt State bonds Notes of other banks on hand Amount due from other banks Gold and silver coin - . . • * • • • . 3,408,942 110,072 1,958,442 47,296 75,429 21,008 95,043 503,371 1,930 91,606 108,382 197,619 87 06 54 S\ 69 17 02 11 53 91 49 29 . . . 64 75 42 09 3,870.752 1,226,241 3,100 121,796 14 82 00 11 226,795 7,629 20,395 20,708 631,592 276 13,600 10,000 6,441 462 996 91 45 2,214 354,485 10 546 90,973 90 10 55 09 44 00 00 00 92 50 00 67 89 83 45 75 03 *6,619,145 19 S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. “ P la s te rs ’ Bask, Natchez, November 17, 1834. . . . 88,844 57,145 63,038 17,767 i—n QO I—i 516 f *6,619,145 19 Capital stock . . . Circulation . . . Post notes in circulation Profit *nd loss . . Discount . . . Exchange . . . Damages . . . Interest . . . Dividend . . . Unclaimed dividend • State Treasurer * United States Treasurer Post Office DepartmentH. M. Shreeve, superintendent * A. H. Bowman, United States Engineer Pension agent, James C. Wilkins Gideon Kita, surveyor • Suspense account Seminary lands * Three per cent fund Sinking fund . . . Individual depositors • Deposite certificates • . Amount due to other banks - Ck- « 517 Circulation o f the Planters' Bank o f the State o f Mississippi, No vember 17, 1834. Bank notes issued, payable at Natchez Vicksburg W oodville Fort Gibson Monticello Jackson Manchester Columbus . - _ _ - _ - - . _ _ . - _ - - „ - Redeemed and in transitu of the notes of the parent bank and offices - 222,470 00 187,405 00 181,890 00 298,390 00 83,690 00 101,790 00 167,050 00 80,720 00 1,323,405 00 97,163 18 $1,226,241 82 S. SPRAGUE, Cashier. State o f the Union Bank and Branches, Nashville, Tennessee, June 10, 1834. T"H 05 518 1,545,927 47 I__I Notes discounted . Capital stock . . . 784,680 71 226,300 00 Domestic bills of exchange • • 1,640,057 62 Post note account on time • 2,306,950 00 2,424,738 33 Bank note account • • Real estate, banking house, &c. Sundry banks, viz. 16,369 41 Bank of Maryland, suspended debt ac The State of Tennessee • 25,000 00 918 40 count .* Suspended debt 4,810 23 27,380 77 by Bank Md. 257,153 84 Sundry distant banks • 28,299 17 Union Bank, Md. 95,000 00 356,964 07 398,333 48 Sundry public officers, viz. 3,321 49 John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. Sundry Banks, viz. Bank of Maryland 1,350 20 Wm. McKnight, superintendent &c. • Girard Bank • 29,290 76 130 00 Bank of Louisiana • • Lt. C. C. Darciss, R. O. * 259,510 82 6,785 03 J. W. Harris, dis. agent Planters’ Bank of Tennessee 696 50 5,135 14 G. W. Gibbs, pension agent Decatur Branch Bank of Alabama 17,287 00 25,538 08 Sundry State officers • Bank U. S. at St. Louis 1,497 50 42,259 94 do Natchez Damages . . . 58 79 Commercial Bank of Cincinnati 17 94 . . 311,296 52 Interest account . Discounts received 20,387 36 Sundry public officers, viz. Exchange account ■ 25,054 26 2,500 58 Port Office Department ; . - 111,243 40 164 02 Profit and loss . Thos. Crutcher, Treasurer M. T. 156,743 81 2,250 00 Loans on gold bullion • • 128,623 08 49,362 37 Individual depositors Office balances consolidated • State dividend - ’ 53,333 33 Cash deficiencies • • 19,809 39 2,892 45 Unclaimed dividends Expenses . 7,127 70 164,848 86 4,500 79 Interest account • • 31,437 88 Cash, viz. Union Bank notes 1,142,335 00 28,420 46 City Bank notes • • Distant bank notes 15,446 00 65,044 61 Silver and change • • 1,251,246 07 k $4,471,329 25 • $1,113,400 00 $4,471,329 25 Circulation A. VANWYCK, Cashier. E. E. ■. , State o f the Union Bank and Branches, Nashville, Tennessee, June 17, IS 34. 1,545,927 47 2,306,950 00 1,078 40 15,718 93 5,821 49 1,250 20 80 00 6.785 03 5,135 14 28,111 72 58 79 21,891 54 26,799 72 111,243 40 112,952 41 33,333 33 2,884 45 16,797 33 47,183 58 519 Capital stock . - 795,873 19 Post note account on time ■ - 1,517,375 11 • • 2,313,248 30 Bank note account Sundry banks, viz. . 16,369 41 Bank of Maryland, suspended account 25,000 00 Sundry Banks ■ 23 59 Sundry public officers, viz. 00 John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. ■ 368,498 82 409,868 23 William McKnight, superintendent, &c. Lt. C. C. Darciss, R. O. 'Sundry banks, viz. Bank of Maryland James W. Harris, dis. agent 15,474 03 Girard Bank G. W. Gibbs, pension agent 99,252 60 Bunk of Louisiana ■ • Sundry State officers 388 06 Planters’ Bank of Tennessee 22,348 00 Decatur Branch Bank Damages • 4,511 44 Sundry banks Interest account 232 19 Yeatfnan, Woods, & Co. 142,206 32 Discounts received Exchange account Stindry public officers, viz. 2,500 58 Profit and loss . 2,500 58 Post Office Department 1,236 80 Thomas Crutcher, Treasurer M. T. 2,25ft 00 Individual depositors LWans bn gold bullion 56,990 54 State dividend Office balances consolidated Unclaimed dividends • 19,809 39 Cash deficiencies 7,104 22 Expenses Interest account 4,489 87 31,403 48 Cash, viz. Union Bank notes 1,167,350 00 City bank notes 25,983 85 Distant bank notes 8,001 00 Silver and change 64,982 92 1,266,317 77 1,086,620 00 $4,226,022 02 Circulation A. E. E. Notes discounted Domestic bills of exchange Rteal estate, banking house, &c. The State of Tennessee Suspended debt 4,810 by Bunk Md. 268,688 Union Bank, Md. 95,000 159,993 45 149,170 19 154,226,022 02 VANWYCK, Cashier. CC Stale o f the Union Bunk and Branches, Nashville, Tennessee, June 24, 1834. Inland bill* . - 104,326 19 Capital stock Notes diseounted - 807,338 19 Post no'e account on time • Domestic bills of exchange - 1,023,089 62 Bank note account 1,934,754 00 Sundry banks, viz: Real estate, banking house, &c. • llank of Maryland, suspended account 16 747 41 Sundry banks . The State of Tennessee • 25,000 00 Suspended debt 4,810 23 Bonus by Bank Md. 268,688 59 Union Bank, Md. 95,000 00 Sundry public officers, viz: 368,498 82 ’ John Cambell, Treasurer 410,246 23 Lt. J. W . Harris, disbursing agent Lt. C. C. Daries, li. O. Sundry banks, viz: Bank of Maryland G. W. Gibbs, pension agent Girard Bank 3,698 62 Wm. McKnight, superintendent 469,669 53 Bank of Louisiana Sundry State officers Sundry banks 33,697 44 Planters’ Bank of Tennessee 1,684 99 508,750 50 Damages . . . Interest account Sundry public officers, viz: 2,200 58 Discounts received . . Post Office Department 1,458 80 Exchange account Thos. Crutcher, Treasurer M, T. . . 2,250 00 Profit and loss . . . Loans on gold bullion 61,267 36 Office balance consolidated Cash deficienccs 19,809 39 Individual depositors Expenses State dividend *8,160 09 Interest account . , 4,478 11 Unclaimed dividends 32,447 59 Cash, viz: Union Bank notes 1,176,675 00 City bank notes 25,117 18 Distant bank notes . 14,556 00 Silver and change , _ . 65,926 14 1,282,274 32 j$4,235,649 46 1 ' ‘ Circulation 1,072,155 E. E. A. 1,545,927 47 2,306,951 00 1,078 40 20,572 71 5,821 49 6,785 03 80 00 5,135 14 1,250 20 26,792 74 58 79 23,414 29 30,273 52 106,644 80 114,123 70 33,333 33 2,8U9 25 ac 21,651 11 4.598 60 45,864 60 160,391 40 150,266 28 $4,235,649 46 VANWYCK, Cashier. u» *o State o f the Union Bank and Branches, Nashville, 2'tnnessee, Tuesday, September 16, Notes discounted Domestic bills of exchange ojReal estate, banking house, &c. The Stale o r Tennessee Suspended debt Sundry banks, viz: llank of Maryland Girard U»uk . Bank of I .ouisiaha Union (tank Maryland, suspended Sundry banks Office balances consolidated Sundry public officers, viz: JPost Office Department Thos. Crutcher, State Treasurer Cash deficiencies, robbery, &c. Expenses . • Interest account Profit nnd loss • Cash, t’1z: Union Hank notes City bank notes Distant bank notes Silver and change . - E. E. September 16, 1834. 1,174,634 1 ,155,552 20,656 72.927 30,201 272.715 123,735 401,89:3 95,000 20,929 4.’,938 673 2,527 19,809 *,597 653 2 1,112,62s 23,170 18,856 86,106 Capital stock - ' Post note account on time 2,330,186 R5 Bank note account Sundry hanks, viz: Hank United States, Nashville Planters’ Ilank, . do . 123,785 55 Sundry distant banks .Sundry public officers, viz: l-t, J. W . Harris, disbursing agent Geo. W. Gibbs, pension agent Jno. Campbell, Treasurer U. States State officers and institutions 957,213 02 Damages . Interest account Discounts received 3,200 81 Exchange account Profit and loss Individual depositors State dividend and bonus • «» 25,062 62 Unclaimed dividends 1,240 753 14 $1,680,206 99 1834. 1,637,542 47 88,893 34 2,430,950 00 10,206 49 4,438 38 10,313 23 2,131 5,135 27,265 2,969 370 14,997 54,948 95,577 129,337 57,931 2,474 83 14 09 74 07 89 65 71 94 93 43 24,958 09 104,702 67 139,234 73 cn KJ 168,864 06 189,764 30 $4,680,206 99 A. VANWYCK, Cashier. 06 Miscellaneous bills Domestic bills, old series Jackson Southern bills, new series Jackson Columbia Northern bills Inland bills . Notes discounted Jackson Columbia Knoxville I 18,900 00 Capital stock 43,324 18 Post note account on time 53,409 11 Bank note account, Nashville 948,348 20 ftorth . _ 74,575 61 south 29,039 36 . 109,495 88 Planters’ Bank, Nashville Sundry distant banks 1,276,083 34 136,258 81 578,766 89 Lieut. J. \V. Harris, disbursing agent 248,951 33 G. W . Gibbs, pension agent 155,029 11 John Campbell, United States Treasurer 55,147 32 G. \V. Keatherstonhaugh, U. S. G. • 1,174,193 46 o Jen 2 7 t an State officers and institutions _ Girard Bank State dividends 106,134 97 . • Bank of Louisiana . Bonus 331,989 37 • . Decatur Branch Bank 31,941 95 • Sundry banks Damages 3,387 42 . Thomas Crutcher, State Treasurer Interest 3,606 27 “ . Post Office Department Exchange account 387 13 465,447 11 Discounts received . State of Tennessee Contingent fund 37,500 00 in Convention 35,427 52 73,937 53 ' Dividends, individual stock _ • Office bylances consolidated • . 21,171 14 Individual depositors 22,176 25 Suspended debt 8,024 27 . 30,201 12 . Bank of Maryland » 272,715 68 Union Bank of do 95,000 00 Real estate, banking house, &c. • 31,356 91 60 00 19,749 39 Cftsh deficiency, robbery 19,809 39 _ _ 1,637,542 47 88,893 34 136,490 00 1,002,950 00 1,301,510 00 2,430,950 00 . -17,337 16 9,465 67 36,692 83 ___ _— ----------2,131 83 5,135 14 101,803 67 370 00 29,430 28 138,769 92 53,333 33 4,598 60 57,931 93 2,969 74 374 11 58,338 68 16,019 30 95,577 71 173,269 54 2,454 43 151,478 13 153,932 56 Z>Z9 State o f the Union Bank aud Branches, Nashville, Tennessee, September 23, 1834. 4,0X5 SO 202 20 238 23 241 22 Expenses Interest - , Profit and low Cash: Defaced Union Bank notes Payable, Nashville North South - 10,935 23,963 7,600 84,911 00 00 00 69 4,697 15 653 33 2 75 23,580 00 51.765 00 799,230 00 251,835 00 1,126,410 00 127,414 69 Total Means— Banks, &c. Cash Instalment Booker’s bill Excess - I norea** of excess - ' - - 414,336 33 • Total 1,253,824 $4,707,982 465,447 127,414 100,000 ' 692,861 50,000 583,581 » $4,707,982 59 Circulation Table. Issued, payable at Nashville On hand In transit Issued, payable north On hand Issued, payable south On hand 251,835 In transitu . 4;790 69 59 00 00 00 OO 00 83_ Defaced - Banks #1,326,442 83 Liabilities 63,626 00 Increase liabilities E. E. - - * - ■ 00 00 126,490 00 51,765 00 1,002,950 00 799,230 00 1,301,510 00 256,625 00 • 74,725 00 203,720 00 1,044,885 1 ,£23,330 23,580 1,299,750 26,692 $1,326,442 ‘ -1 28,594 A. VANWYOK, Cathier. . - - • 523 Bank U. States and branches Yeatman, Woods, and Co., and State Banks Sundry distant banks 8ilver and change - ! 00 00 00 00 83 83 00 CO I___ I ■p—» CO S/nie o f the Union Bank o f the State of Tennessee atul Branches, September 30, 1834. Girard Bank Bank of Louisiana Decatur Branch Bank Sundry bants Post Office Department Thomas Crutcher, State Treasurer State of Tennessee • in Convention Office balances consolidated • Suspended debt Bank of Maryland Union Bank of Maryltui Real estate, banking? house, See. Cash deficiency (robbery, &c.) Expenses . . Interest account Profit and loss Capital stock Post note account on time Bank note account, Nashville Philadelphia Baltimore New Orleans 1,387,359 09 1,170,952 53 2,553,311 62 87,235 97 318,827 57 14,695 95 1,115 27 387 13 3,949 0.! 426,210 92 37,500 00 $5,427 52 72,927 52 I t ,326 16 •33,201 12 272,715 68 95,000 00 21,256 91 19,809 39 5,533 52 653 3:3 2 75 448,172 70 Dcduct defaced . Planter*’ Bank of Tennessee Bank United States, Nashville Yeatman, Woods, and Co. Sundry distant banks • John Campbell, Treasurer United States Lieutenant Jos. W. Harris, dis. agent (}. W. (tibbs, pension agent • State odicers and institutions State dividend* Bonus Damages Interest Exchange account Discounts received Contingent fund Dividends, individual stock Individual depositors - 126,490 00 100,000 00 902,950 00 1,301,510 00 2,430,950 00 557,530 00 19,472 16 2,290 00 3,422 11 9,218 50 101,802 67 2,131 83 5,135 14 30,651 12 53,343 33 4 .598 60 2,969 74 377 77 63,823 11 17,623 11 95,577 71 2,440 43 172,043 48 1,637,542 47 88,893 34 1,873,420 00 34,402 77 . f-CS Miscellaneous bills 18,900 00 Domestic bills, old series 42,324 18 53,409 11 Jackson, do Southern bills, new series 1,028,204 15 Jackson, do 78,697 70 Columbia, do 56,328 07 109,495 88 Northern bills 124,553 26 Inland bills • 562,038 99 Notes discounted Jackson 568,490 40 Columbia 161,682 56 Knoxville 54,187 32 139,720 76 57,931 93 180,371 44 174,483 91 Cash: Notes payable at Nashville north south _ Bank United Slates and branches . Yeatman, Woods, and Co., and State lianks Sundry distant banks Silver and changc - Excess . • . . - - . - . - ' - . ■- » ' 669,817 70 U 186,766 62 Total #4,186,766 62 f Circulation— 426,211 00 Issued, payable at Nashville 121,645 00 . 59,965 00 134,803 00 On hand 87,789 00 lit transit 1,255 00 100,000 00 60,425 00 748,803 00 Issued, payable at north 464,780 00 . 616,960 10 On hand 274,725 00 190,055 00 payable at south 1,286,995 00 » ■ .jJ Issued, On hand . 200,325 00 In transit 5,790 00 206,115 00 Banks . • Increase of exccsa « - - - - SI,365,763 00 33,379 00 Increase ot liabilities K. F.. - - - - - - 525 Total Means— Banks . . . Cash . . Northern dependencies Istalment ' . 59,965 00 274,725 00 200,335 00 535,015 00 11,635 00 30,333 00 10,909 00 81,935 70 1,331,360 00 34,403 00 SI ,365,763 00 39,321 00 A. VANWYCK, Cashier. I__I State o f the Union Bunk o f the State o f Tennessee and Branches, October 7, 1S34. Miscellaneous bills . Domestic bills, old seriei f Jackson (lo Southern bills, new series Jackson do Colunibiado Northern bills Inland bills Note* discounted Jackson Columbia Knoxville Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,700,837 47 110,424 18 1,839,570 00 16,574 57 139,015 08 57,931 93 187,355 81 156,981 15 526 18,900 00 Capital stock . . . 34,791 88 Post note account, on time • 121,645 00 53,409 11 Bank note account, Nashville 353,400 00 1,102,685 02 Philadelphia . 77,530 00 88,606 12 Baltimore 61,319 34 Orleans - 1,286,995 00 109,495 88 6,370 61 Bank United States, Nashville . 1,469,207 35 113,328 38 10,203 96 Sundry banks . . . 520,879 25 280,912 27 96,102 67 Jno Campbell, Treasurer United States 168,726 34 2,131 83 Lieut. Jos. W. Harris, disbursing agent 100 00 65,397 32 Lieut. C. C. Daricss, recruiting officer 5,135 14 I ,149,243 56 G. W. (ilbbs, pension a^ent . . 5,500 00 2,618,450 91 Wm. McKnight, superintendent, &c. . 30,045 44 Girard Bank State officers and institutions . 97,908 67 Bank of Louisiana 286,175 66 53,333 33 Decatur Branch • . 18,474 29 State dividends - ' . 4,598 60 Sundry banks • Bonus . . . . 19,603 53 Post Office Department 177 40 6,098 12 3,059 74 Thomas Crutcher, State Treasurer Damages . . . 917 39 . . . 428,437 67 Interest 68,582 57 37,500 00 State of Tennessee Exchange account 19,218 40 Biscounls received . in Convention 35,427 52 95,577 71 . . 72,927 52 Contingent fund . Office balances consolidated 19,348 74 2,422 57 Suspended debt 33,201 12 Dividend, individual stock • 154,558 58 by Bank of Maryland 272,715 68 Individual depositors . 95,000 00 by Union Bank of Md. Cash deficiency . 19,809 39 Real estate, banking house, 8tc. 21,343 62 Expenses . 5,532 02 653 33 Interest . . 2 75 Profit and loss . 448,257 91 QO j Bank United States and branches Y. Woods and Co. and State banks Sundry distant banks Silver and change . . . Means— Banks, &c. Cash . . . Dependencies Balance instalment tacess . . . . . . 54,040 00 255,935 00 186,790 00 496,765 00 12,622 38 19,784 63 11,565 00 80,530 43 - - - ' . - - . - 621,267 44 *4,208,690 19 428,437 124,502 87,789 30,000 670,728 670,661 00 00 00 00 00 00 *4,208,690 19 Circulation— Issued, payable Nashville : On hand Issued, payable North On hand Issued, payable South 186,790 On hand » 17,990 In transit . Banks . Increase of excess - . - - - 53,701 00 Decrease of liabilities E. E. 121,645 00 54,040 00 430,930 00 255,935 00 1,286,995 00 00 00 204,780 00 : . . - m m - 67,608 00 174,995 00 1,082,215 00 1,324,815 00 16,574 57 1,341,387 57 24,374 00 A. VANWYCK, Cashier. L1S9 Cach: notes payable Nashville North South - 14,900 Miscellaneous bills • Domestic bills, old series 33,253 Jackson, do 55,409 Southern bills, new style 1,220,059 Jackson, do 130,415 Columbia do 82,231 109,495 Northern bills 56,245 Inland bills 480,563 Notes discounted Jackson 279,034 Columbia 149,827 Knoxville 65,177 Girard Bank • flank of Louisiana , Decatur Branch Bank, Alabama Sundry banks Thos. Crutcher, State Treasurer State of Tennessee • in convention Office balances consolidated Suspended debt . Bank of Maryland Union Bank do Real estate^ banking house, &.c. Cush deficiency, robbery, &c. E it[lenses Interest Profit and loss 00 32 11 75 37 66 83 1,643,765 95 80 74 24 32 1,030,849 76,065 277,976 27,326 12,020 5,076 37,500 35,486 09 05 2,674,614 14 42 24 00 80 07 398,464 53 00 52 72,986 52 39,932 15 33,201 12 272,715 68 95,000 00 21,943 62 19,809 39 6,447 18 653 33 2 75 449,773 07 1,707,867 47 Capital stock . . . 117,736 76 Post note account on time • • Bank note account, Nashville 121,645 00 77,530 00 Philadelphia Baltimore - 303,320 00 Orleans - 1,286,995 00 1,789,490 00 Bank United States, Nashville 1,623 23 Sundry distant banks • 9,126 90 10,750 13 Jno. Campbell, Treasurer United States 94,011 03 Post Ollicq Department 1,500 97 Lieut. Jos. W. Harris, disbursing agent 2,131 83 Lieut. C. C. Dariess, R .O . • 100 00 G. W . Gibbs, pension agent 5,135 14 Wm. McKnight, superintendent 2,444 19 29,803 75 State officers and institutions 135,126 91 State dividends • 53,333 33 4,598 60 Bonus r * 57,931 93 Damages . . . 3,105 89 Interest . . . 954 47 Exchange account * 77,721 63 20,225 32 Discounts received Contingent fund . . . 95,577 71 197,585 02 Dividend* . . . 2,318 57 Individual depositors - 144,296 31 146,614 88 J r—t 00 859 State o f the Union Bank o f the State o f Tennessee and Branches, October 14, 1834. Cash: Notes payable, Nashville north south Bank U. States and Branches Yeatntan, Woods, & Co., and State banks * UJSundry distant banks Silver and change - 11,695 23,540 13,799 79,192 . • 00 93 00 76 53,195 00 209,800 00 136,110 00 399,105 00 128,227 69 - : ; - - - - Excess - - • - - * 527,332 69 $4,163,103 10 398,464 128,227 87,789 20,000 634,480 836,320 00 00 00 00 00 00 Circulation— Issued, payable at Nashville On hand . . . Issued, payable at north On hand . . . Issued, payable at south On hand 136,110 In transitu 30,335 Banks . . . . $4,163,103 10 • 121,645 53,195 - 380,850 209,800 - 1,286,995 00 00 166,445 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 68,450 00 171,050 00 529 Means— Banks Cash Dependencies • Balance instalment <■ 1,120,550 00 1,460,050 00 10,750 00 $1,470,800 00 E. E. A. VANWYCK, Cashier. <X> State f f the Union Bank o f the Stale o f Tennessee and Branches, 21$/ October, 1834. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • • - - 123,645 00 85,530 00 29a,320 00 1,396,995 00 2,358 23 7,349 68 93,080 22 2,318 63 2,131 83 50 00 2,380 39 5,135 14 28,689 80 53,333 33 4,598 60 3,105 89 958 64 83,111 87 21,449 25 95,577 71 2,283 41 139,290 691 1,723,792 47 118,786 76 1,896,490 00 9,707 91 530 Miscellaneous bills 14,900 00 f'apital-stock • Domestic bills, old series 33,253 32 Post note account, on time Do Jackson, do 46,909 11 Bank note account, Nashville l)o Philadelphia Southern bills, new series 1,293,029 88 Do Jackson, do 150,824 14 Do Baltimore Do Columbia, do 95,848 73 Do Orleans Northern bills . 105,495 88 Bank TJ. s. Nashville 1,740,261 06 Inland bills Sundry distant banks 2,078 68 Notes discounted 479,123 24 John Campbell, Treasurer U. S. Jackson 269,835 74 Columbia 150,808 56 Post Office Department Lt. Joseph W. Harris, dis. (.gent Knoxville 65,352 32 Lt. C. C. Dariess, 1{. O. 967.198 54 2,707,459 60 Wm. McKnight, supt. G. W. Gibbs, pension agent Girard Bank 79,791 46 State officers and institutions Bank of Louisiana • 238,043 39 Decatur Branch Surdry banks . State dividends . . . 10,944 53 bonus . . . Thomas Crutcher, Treasurer 5,475 07 380,822 45 Damages . . . State of Tennessee 37,500 00 Do in convention Interest 35,486 52 72,986 52 Exchange account . . Office balances consolidated 153,705 29 Discounts rec’d . Suspended debt Contingent fund • 33,201 12 Do by liank of Maryland 272,715 68 Dividends . . . Do Union Bank of do 95,000 00 Individual depositors Real estate, banking house, &c. 22,270 96 Cash deficiency 19,809 39 Expenses . 7,563 95 Interest account 653 33 Profit and loss 2 75 451,217 18 oo 133,786 Ot 57,931 93 204,203 35 141,574 10 Cash: notes payable Nashville north south - . . - 10,880 09 Hank U. S. and branches Yeatman, Woods & Co., and 35,908 10 State banks Sundry distant banks 9,154 00 78,1-19 31 Silver and change - 37,160 00 206,015 00 142,815 00 385,990 00 134 091 sir 520,081 50 $4,286,272 54 Excess » - . . - . . - Vi* 1 •.'Ap *- 380,822 134,091 105,495 620,408 758,655 00 00 00 00 00 Circulation: Issued, payable *t Nashville On hand . . . 37,160 In transit . . 10,895 Issued, north On hand Issued, south On hand . In transit Banks . 51,379,003 00 • . . . . - I • 142,815 - 141,145 - 123,645 00 48,055 375,850 206,015 1,407,890 00 00 00 00 283,960 00 ••=----------A. VANWYCK, 531 , Means: Banks, &c. Cush Dependencies north 54,286,272 5+ 75,590 00 169,835 00 J,123,S30 00 1,369,355 00 9,7u8 00 f 1,379,063 00 ■ » Cathier. CO ,__, Stale o f the Union Bank o f the State o f Tennessee and Branches, October 28, 1834. Miscellaneous bills - 14,900 Domestic bills, old series 33,253 Jackson, do 46,909 Southern bills, new series 1,341,997 Jackson 166,280 Columbia 98,966 Northern bills 146,490 Notes discounted 468,261 Jackson 282,484 Columbia 156,564 Knoxville 68,793 Girard Bank . Bank of Louisiana Decatur Branch Sundry banks Thos. Crutcher, State Treasurer State of Tennessee in convention Office balances consolidated Suspended debt by Bank of Maryland by Union Bank of do Real estate, banking house, &c. Cash deficiency, &c. . Expenses . Interest Profit and loss Digitized forCash: FRASER Note payable at Nashville 00 32 11 52 14 07 1,702,306 02 18 00 22 00 1,082,592 67,661 237,680 51,591 1,958 5,134 37,500 35,486 16 42 2,784,698 58 27 07 33 62 49 364,025 78 00 52 72 986 52 148,941 55 33,201 12 272,715 68 95,000 00 22,291 46 19,809 39 7,567 46 653 33 2 75 451,241 19 46,820 00 1,723,792 47 Capital stock - ' . 126,146 81 Post note account on time Bank note account, Nashville ■ 125,605 00 117,530 00 Philadelphia 290,320 00 Baltimore 1,411,035 00 Orleans 1,944,490 00 2,358 23 Bank United States, Nashville 2,945 01 Planters’ Bank of Tennessee 18,158 22 Distant banks . 23,461 46 10,000 00 Lieut. A. II. Bowman, U. S. engineer 50 00 Lieut. C. C. Dariess, R. O. 2,131 83 Lieut. Jos. W. Harris 5,135 14 Geo. GibbB, pension 2,380 39 Wm. McKnight, superintendent 73,080 22 Jno. Campbell, Treasurer U. S. 2,643 48 Post Office Department 27.635 50 State officers and institutions 123,056 56 53,333 33 State dividends 4,598 60 Bonus 57,931 93 3,105 89 Damages 967 32 Interest 22,734 07 Discounts received 86,298 94 Exchange account 95,577 71 Contingent fund 208,683 93 146,116 59 Individual depositors 2,283 41 dividends 148,400 00 C® Ox io kO north south Bank U. S. and branches 10,780 Y., W., & Co.,and Stale banks 25,006 Sundry distant banks - 11,827 Silver and ci.ange - 76,711 . 00 74 00 80 221,675 00 141,050 00 124,324 54 * 533,869 54 ~ $4,355,963 16 Means— Banks Cash Dependencies north Exccss < . CirculationIssued, payable at Nashville On hand . . . Issued, payable at north • 594,839 00 On hand . . . 845,812 00 1,440,651 00 Issued, payable at south On hand 141,050 * In transit . 127,755 . Banks $1,440,651 00 E .E . . . . - 125,605 46,820 . 407,850 221,675 - 1,411,035 00 00 268,805 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 78,785 00 186.175 (*0 533 364,025 00 124,324 00 106,490 00 $4,355,963 16 1,142,230 00 1,407,190 00 23,461 00 $1,440,651 00 A. VANWYCK, Caihier. <J0 State oj the Union Bank o f the State o f Tennessee and Branches, November 4, 1834. Miscellaneous bills Domestic bills, old series Jackson do Southern bills, new series Jackson do Columbia Northern bills Notes discounted Jackson Columbia Knoxville Capital stock Post note account on time Bank note account Nashville Baltimore Philadelphia Orleans Bank United States, Nashville Distant banks • • Lieut A. II. Bowman • C. C. Dariess J. VV. Harris Geo. Gibbs, pension agent Wm. McKnight, superintendent Jno. Campbell, Treasurer United State Post Office Department State officers and institutions State dividends Bonus • Damages Interest • Discounts received Exchange account Contingent fund Individual depositors dividends 125,605 00 290,320 00 252,530 00 1,330,035 00 2,358 23 17,538 47 9,950 00 20 00 2,131 83 5,135 14 2,380 39 72,941 63 2,924 38 27,906 72 53,333 00 4,598 60 3,105 89 967 82 23,769 39 89,039 21 95,577 71 155,816 26 2,240 21 1,723,792 47 106,606 81 1,998,490 00 19,896 70 534 14,900 00 28,253 32 46,909 11 1,377,956 05 184,575 36 119,769 99 109,290 02 1,831,653 85 472,406 16 285,491 18 157,789 22 68,688 00 984,374 56 2,866,028 41 Girard Bank 49,712 08 Hank of Louisiana 219,199 28 Decatur Branch • 43,057 44 4,570 70 Sundry banks Tho’a Crutcher, Treasurer 5,119 49 321,658 99 State of Tennessee 37,500 00 in convention 35,486 52 72,986 52 Office balances • • 24,111 47 Suspended debt • 33,706 12 Bank of Maryland 272,715 68 Union Bank of do 95,000 00 Real estate, banking house, &c. 22,295 96 Cash deficiency . . 19,809 39 443,527 15 Expenses . 8,431 87 Interest ■ . 653 33 2 75 Profit and loss 9,087 95 123,390 09 57,931 93 212,460 02 158,056 47 Cash; Notes payable at Nashville north south Bank U. S. and branches 13,050 00 Y. W. & Co., and State banks 14,823 88 Sundry banks 8,585 00 Silver and change 75,665 12 Means: Ranks Cash • • North dependencies 112,124 00 663,224 00 $4,400,624 49 1 $4,400,624 49 Circulation. Issued, payable at Nashville On band . . . Issued, payable at north On hand Issued, payable at south On hand 151,055 In transitu 17,695 321,659 00 112,124 00 109,290 00 543,073 00 911,343 00 Banks . Total . $1,454,416 CO E. E- . . . . . . - 125,605 00 47,280 00 - 542,850 00 - 347,940 00 - 1,330,035 00 00 00 168,750 00 - 78,325 00 194,910 00 1,161,285 1,434,520 19,896 $1,454,416 535 Excess 52,105 00 151,055 00 551,100 00 347,940 00 00 00 00 00 A. VANWYCK, Cashier. I— 1 CO I__I State of the Union Bunk o f the State o f Tennessee and Branches, November 11, 1834. 1 ,731,352 47 . Capital stock . . 33,706 12 106,606 81 by Bank of Maryland • 272,715 68 Post notes on time by Union Bank of Md. 125,605 00 Bank note account, Nashville 95,000 00 290,320 00 Baltimore 401,421 80 .252,530 00 State of Tennes-ee Philadelphia 37,500 00 1,354,035 00 in Convention . Orleans 36,715 94 2,022,490 00 74,215 94 2,924 38 Miscellaneous bills - 26,900 00 P ost Office Department 71,941 63 Domestic bills, old series - 28,253 32 Jn o . Campbell, Treasurer United State 4,950 00 Jackson do 46,909 11 Lieut. A. II. Bowman 20 00 Southern bills, new series 1,424,263 96 L ieut. C. C. Dariess 2,131 83 L ieut. J . \V. Harris Jackson do 216,225 88 5,135 14 G. \Y. Gibbs, pension agent . Columbia do 125,429 66 2,380 39 Wm. M cKm ght, superintendent, &c. • Northern bills . 36,290 02 1,904,271 95 State officers and institutions D'ucounted notes . 464,523 71 53,333 33 State dividends • Jackson - 277,937 44 4,598 60 Bonus • Columbia 158,144 36 66,268 00 Knoxville 4,443 90 966,873 51 2,871,145 46 Bank United States, Nashville 17,603 28 Sundry distant banks 103.131 72 Girard Bank • Bank of Louisiana • 209.131 73 3,105 89 Damages . Decatur Branch Bank 40,526 44 970 93 Interest • Sundry banks . • 1,554 93 24,809 57 Discounts received 5,400 87 Thos. Crutcher, State Treasurer 92,297 66 • 360,045 69 Exchange account 95,577 71 19,286 49 Contingent fund Office balances consolidated • 22,295 96 Real estate, banking house, Sec. 143,037 64 Individual depositors Robbery at Columbia • 19,749 39 2,240 21 Dividends Commissioners to open books 210 00 Expenses 8,999 8b 653 33 Interest . . . 2 75 and loss • Digitized forProfit FRASER 29,615 35 I— i GO I—I Suspended debt vx V3 o> Cash; .Notes payable Nashville - 48,510 00 north • 317,880 00 south - 166,675 00 Bank U. S. anil branches - 10,990 00 Y. W. & Co. and State banks 21,164 48 Sundry distant banks - 13,880 00 Silver and change - 73,214 65 Total 119,249 13 - r 652,314 13 *4,430,340 72 Total Circulation— Issued, Nashville On hand Issued, north On hand 515,584 00 978,193 00 Issued, sou tli On hand In transit 360,045 00 119,249 00 36,290 00 *{ Banks $1 ,493,777 00 E. E. • * 4 $4,430,340 72 • 125,605 00 48,510 00 - 542,850 00 317,880 00 1,354,035 00 166,675 00 17,695 00 184,370 00 - ■ ( . - 77,095 00 224,970 00 1,169,665 1,471,730 22,047 $ 1 ,493,777 A. VANWYCK, Cosher. 00 00 00 00 537 Means— Banks Cash North dependencies Excess - 533,065 00 Weekly statement o f the Louisville Savings Institution, September 10, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,264 43 27,331 4,888 314 969 96 409 1,701 9,713 24,482 00 00 19 00 87 67 72 76 66 82 66 $113,215 35 Investments— Banking house • • Bills discounted . . . . Bills of exchange . . . . Discounts or interest paid on deposites Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Do Cincinnati, Ohio United States’ Branch Bank, Lexington, Kentucky City Bank, New Orleans . . . Bills receivable . . . . Expense account . . . . Cash on hand . . . . . 10,000 71,156 5,822 145 1,460 12 587 2,134 93 87 21,714 00 81 51 56 95 38 54 00 75 78 07 $113,215 35 see Effects— Stock < Special deposites, three per cent. four per cent. Weekly deposites . . Profit and loss Discounts . . . Dividend No. 1 uncalled for No. 2 do Post Office Department . . Bank of Louisville Transient deposites . . i—i oo 1834. A. AIKIN, Secretary. Weekly statement o f the Louisville Savings Institution, September 17, 1834. Effects— Stock . . . Special deposites, three per cent. . four per cent. . Weekly deposites . . Profit and loss . . Discounts . . . Dividend No. 1 . . No. 2 . Post Office Department . . Bank of Louisville . . Transient deposites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,264 00 323 00 27,223 19 5,175 00 314 87 1,200 39 96 72 185 12 1 ,542 12 9,713 82 22,618 86 Investments— Banking house . . . . Bills discounted . . . . Bills of exchange . . . . Discounts, or interest paid on special deposites Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Do Cincinnati, Ohio United States’ Branch Bank, Lexington, Kentucky City Bank, New Orleans . . . Bills receivable . . . . Expense account . . . . Cash on hand . . . . - #111,657 09 10,000 00 72,672 96 9,022 51 161 12 1,460 95 12 38 587 54 2,134 00 93 75 90 03 15,421 85 $111,657 09 A. AIKIN, Secretary 539 . . —I QO I Weekly statement of the Louisville Savings Institution, September 24, Investments— Banking- house . . . . Bills discounted . . . . Bills of exchange Discounts, or interest paid on special deposites Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Do Cincinnati, Ohio United States’ Branch Bank, Lexington, Kentucky City Bank, New Orleans . . . Bills receivable . . . . Expense account . . . . Cash on hand . . . . . #128,897 68 Effects— Stock . . . . . Special deposites, three per cent. four per cent. . . . Weekly deposites . Profit and loss . . . . Discounts . . . . . Dividend No. 1 No. 2 * Post Office Department . . . Treasurer of ihe United States . . . Bank of Louisville Transient deposites - * * - 43,264 323 27,968 5,303 314 1,358 93 180 1,542 14,758 9,713 24,077 00 00 19 00 87 77 60 96 12 15 82 20 ,$128,897 68 A. AIKIN, Secretary. 540 . . . . . 10,000 00 72,457 86 10,913 13 172 39 45 16 12 38 587 54 2,134 00 93 75 90 28 32,391 19 1834. Weekly statement o f the Louisville Savings Institution, October 1, Investments— flanking’house . . . . Bills discounted . . . . Bills of exchange Discounts, or interest paid on special deposites Commercial Bank of Pennsylvama, Philadelphia Do Cincinnati, Ohio United States’ Branch Bank, Lexington, Kentucky City Bank, New Orleans . . . Bills receivable . . . . Expense account . . . . Post Office Department . . . Cash on hand . . . . 10,000 00 73,468 09 14,413 13 193 94 45 16 12 38 587 54 2,134 00 93 75 433 72 157 88 46,531 79 Effects— Stock . . . Special deposites, three per cent. four per cent. Weekly deposites . . Profit and loss . . Discounts . . . Dividend No. 1 ■ No. 2 Bank of Louisville . . Treasurer of the United States . Transient deposites . . 1834. . *• - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . 814-8,071 38 >• V.* ♦ . 00 00 19 00 87 69 26 76 82 90 89 #148,071 38 A. AIKIN , c !{x-B»pr‘ V' n r . . ] v - ?■' 43,264 553 28,209 5,477 314 1,663 91 175 9,713 22,013 36,594 ** ’ Secretary. Weekly statement o f the Louisville Savings Institution, October 1, 1834. 10,000 00 73,118 09 13,913 13 500 00 350 00 93 75 12 38 45 16 587 54 2,134 00 157 88 193 94 433 72 46,531 79 Effects— Stock deposites . • • Special deposites 3 per cent. . . . 4 per cent. . . . Weekly deposites since the 1st April last, now trans ferable to stock account • Profit and loss account 314 27 Discounts . . . 1,663 69 Dividend No. 1 uncalled for • No. 2 . . . Bank of LouisviUe . . . . Treasurer of the United States . . . Individual depositors . . . . 43,264 553 28,209 5,477 00 00 19 00 1,977 91 175 9,713 22,013 36,595 96 26 56 82 90 49 542 Investments— Banking? house Bills discounted . . . . Bills exchanged . Bills do in suit . . . . Bills discounted do • * . Bills receivable do * . Commercial Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio . Do Pennsylvania, Philadelphia . United States Branch Bank, Lexington, Kentucky . City Bank, New Orleans . . . Post Office Department . . . Interest paid on special deposites . . . Expense account . . . . United States Bank notes, Bank of Louisville notes, and specie on hand . . . . $148,071 38 $148,071 38 V Weekly statement o f the Louisville Savings Institution, October 8, Investments— Banking house . . . . Bills discounted . . . . Bills of exchange . . . . Discounts or interest paid on special deposites Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Cincinnati, Ohio • United States Branch Bank, Lexington, Kentucky City Bank, New Orleans . . . Bills receivable . . . . Expense account . . . . Cash cn hand . . . . . Effects— Stock . . . . . Special deposites 3 per cent. • 4 per cent. . . . Weekly deposites . . . . Profit and loss . . . . Discounts . . . . . Dividend No. 1 . . . . No. 2 . . . . Bank of Louisville . . . . Treasurer of the United States - • . . Post Office Department . . . Henry M. Shreeve, superintendent Ohio and .Mississippi Railroad . . . . . Transient deposites . . . . $141,636 44 43,264 553 26,240 5,477 314 1,767 88 165 9,713 22,013 1,966 4,382 25,688 00 00 59 00 27 79 92 88 82 90 23 19 85 543 . • * 10,000 00 73,409 60 14,644 64 259 16 45 16 12 38 337 54 2,134 00 93 75 443 72 40,256 49 1834. $141,636 44 A. AIKIN, Secretary. I—I CO « Weekly statement o f the Louisville Savings Institution, October 15, 1834. Investments— Banking house . . . Bills of exchange . . . Bills discounted . . . Discounts, or interest on special deposites . Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Cincinnati, Ohio United States Branch Bank, Lexington, Kentucky City Bank, New Orleans Bank of Louisville, . Expense account Cash on hand • Bills receivable - 00 64 16 81 16 26 54 00 78 12 70 75 Effects— Stock • • Special deposites, three per cent. four per cent Weekly deposites Profit and loss Discounts Dividend No. 1 No. 2 Treasurer of the United States Post Office Department Henry M. Shreeve, superintendent, &c. Jas. G. Read, receiver, Sec. Transient deposites - 43,264 00 753 CO 26,654 59 6,092 00 314 27 1,875 03 80 34 151 84 25,106 90 3,035 19 16,664 37 1,338 30 27,544 09 $152,873 92 $152,873 92 A. A1K1N, Secretary. 544 10,000 14,644 75,266 282 45 197 337 2,134 5,001 452 44,418 93 QO Weekly statement o f the Louisville Savings Institution, October 22, Investments— Banking house . . . . Bills discounted . . . . Bills of exchange . . . . Discount?, or interest paid on special deposites .Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Cincinnati, Ohio * United States Branch Bank, Lexington, Kentucky City Bank, New Orleans . . . . . . . Bank of Louisville Bills receivable .. Expense account - • Cash on hand . . . . 00 12 64 93 16 26 54 00 94 75 37 79 Effects— Stock . . . . Special deposites, three per cent. four per cent. Weekly deposites . . . Profit and loss . . . Discounts . . . . Dividend No. 1 No. 2 . . Treasurer of the United States . . Post Office Department . . Henry M. Shreve, superintendent, &c. Jas. G. Head, receiver, &c, . . Transient deposites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - #169,994 50 A, AIKIN, 48,048 00 853 00 28,939 59 1,353 00 314 27 2,023 37 80,34 151 84 38,323 63 3,181 74 12,345 90 1,338 30 33,041 52 *169,994 50 545 • 10,000 71,116 17,109 311 45 197 337 2,134 15,959 93 453 52,235 1834. Secretary. s-^i db i—j 10,000 74,853 17,568 320 45 1,301 337 2,134 20,525 93 452 35,883 00 51 90 43 16 08 54 00 40 75 12 67 $163,515 56 Effects— Stock . . . . Special deposites, four per cent. three per cent. Weekly deposites . . Profit and loss » Discounts Dividend No. 1 No. 2 Treasurer of the United States Post Office Department Henry M. Shreve, superintendent, 5cc. Jas. G. Head, receiver, &e. Transient deposites . . . • . * - . . . - 48,048 00 29,551 59 853 00 1,396 00 314 27 2,230 59 80 34 151 84 38,273 63 3,298 99 3,500 26 1,338 30 34,478 75 $163,515 56 A. AIKIN, Secrttary. . 5 4 6 Investments— • . ' Banking' house . Bills discounted . • » • m Bills of exchange . Discounts, or interest paid on special deposites Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Cincinnati, Ohio United S'ates Branch Bank, Lexington, Kentucky _ City Bank, New Orleans Bank of Louisville m w Bills receivable . • _ Expense account Cash on hand - [8 3 Weekly statement o f the Louisville Savings Institution, October 29, 1824. Weekly statement o f the Louisville Savings Institution, November 5, 1834. 10,000 00 78,728 31 16,128 47 398 89 45 16 1,301 08 337 54 3,145 27 26,564 40 66 71 93 75 454 12 44,552 80 *181,816 50 Effects— Stock . . . Special deposites, three per cent. four per cent. Weekly deposites . . Profit and loss . Discounts Dividend No. 1 . No. 2 Treasurer of the United States Post Office Department Henry M. Shreve, superintendent, 8tc. Transient deposites - 48,048 1,153 32,935 1,400 314 2,405 80 151 58,472 1,194 2,000 33,662 00 00 59 00 27 13 34 32 13 28 26 18 $181,816 50 A. AIKIN, iSecretary. 547 Investments— Banking house Bills discounted Bills of exchange . . . Discounts, or interest paid on special deposites Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Cincinnati, Ohio United States Branch Bank, Lexington, Kentucky City Bank, New Orleans . Bank of Louisville . . . Bank of the Metropolis Bills receivable -' Expense account . . . Cash on hand . . . Weekly statement o f the Louisville Savings Institution, November 12, 1834. Effects— Stock * Special deposites, 3 per cent. 4 per cent. Weekly deposites Profit and loss Discounts . Dividend No. 1 No. 2 Treasurer of the United States Post Office Department Henry Mt Shreve, superintendent, &c C. A. Ogden, captain, See. Transient deposites - 48,048 1,153 30,580 1,453 314 2,627 80 151 48,472 2,177 10,000 33,913 . 00 00 59 00 27 01 34 32 13 99 26 00 14 $178,971 05 $178,971 05 A. AKIN. Secretary S 10,000 00 80,139 74 19,128 47 406 88 178 54 1,301 08 337 54 3,145 27 21,564 40 66 71 93 75 422 87 42,185 80 54 Investments— Banking house . . . Bills discounted . . . Bills of exchange • . Discounts on interest paid on special deposites Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Do Cincinnati, Ohio ■ United States Branch Bank, Lexington, Kentucky City Bank, New Orleans Bank of Louisville Bank of the Metropolis Bills receivable * Expense account Cash on hand . OS Weekly statement o f the Louisville Savings Institution, November 19, Investments— Banking house . . . . Bills discounted . . . . Bills of exchange . . . . Discounts on interest paid on special deposites Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Do Cincinnati, Ohio United States Branch Bank, Lexington, Kentucky City Bank, New Orleans . . . Bank of Louisville . . . . Bank of the Metropolis . . . Bills receivable . . . . Expense account . . . . Cash on hand . . . . $190,531 08 Effects— Stock . Special deposites, 3 per cent. . . 4 per cent. . . Weekly deposites . . . Profit and loss . . . Discounts . . . . Dividend No. 1 . No. 2 . Treasurer of the United States . . Post Office Department . . Henry M. Shreve, superintendent, 8cc. Jas. U. Read, receiver, &c. . . C. A. Ogden, captain, &c, . . Transient deposites . . . • - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 48,048 2,553 30,613 1,500 314 2,761 80 141 52,178 1,511 1,953 10,000 38,874 00 00 59 00 27 30 34 96 13 51 26 80 00 92 549 - 10,000 00 81,206 30 19,128 47 410 87 78 54 1,401 08 287 54 3,145 27. 25,259 86 66 71 93 75 426 36 49,026 33 1834. $190,531 08 A. AIKIN, Secretary. GEO. G. FETTER, Treasurer. I— I GO I__I Weekly statement o f the Louisville Savings Institution, November 26, 1834. Investments— Banking house . . . Bills discounted . . . Bills of exchange . . . Discounts, or interest paid on special deposites Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Do Cincinnati, Ohio United States Branch Bank, Lexington, Kentucky City Bunk, New Orleans Bank of Louisville Billi receivable Rxpense account Cash on hand . Effects— Stock . . Special deposites, 3 per cent. 4 per cent. Weekly deposites Profit and loss Discounts Dividend No. 1 No. 2 Treasurer of the United States Post Office Department Henry M. Shreve, superintendent, &c. Jas. G. Read, receiver, &c. C. A, Ogden, captain, &.c. Bank of the Metropolis Commissioners of the Bank of Kentucky Transient deposites . . $197,337 23 48,048 2,703 30,323 1,502 314 2,929 74 133 52,983 1,151 1,953 10,000 183 10,475 34,562 00 00 59 00 27 73 10 12 13 51 26 80 00 29 00 43 $197,337 23 GF.O, G. FETTER, Treasurer. 550 10,000 00 83,040 37 21,530 97 420 33 222 88 1,401 08 287 54 3,145 27 28,781 11 93 75 455 86 47,958 07 oo Exhibit o f the state o f the Franklin Bank o f Cincinnati. Domestic bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange Due from banks Incidental expenses * Permanent do • • Personal property • Notes of other banks Specie •Cash on on hand - 139,743 00 181,825 23 997,113 514,621 115,250 4,484 4,000 2,124 59 52 13 90 00 05 321,563 23 $1,959,162 42 . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . • - 993,900 00 150,931 00 45,686 23 64,992 92 13,016 32 458,591 02 1,140 00 17,517 99 213,386 94 $1,959,162 42 AUGUSTUS MOORE , • • Cashier. E x h ib it o f th e s t a t e o f th e F r a n k lin B a n k , C in c in n a ti. Bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange do Due from banks • Incidental expenses Permanent do Personal property •• Ifotes of other banks Specie . . . Cash on hand •• -• • . - CisciifwATi, June 21, 1834.'' 137,725 00 188,802 97 997,208 64 526,185 50 103,472 32 4,482 80 4,000 00 2,124 05 326,527 97 $1,964,001 28 Capital stock paid in Bank notes in circulation Discount and premil m account Due to banks . . J. H. Groesbeck, pension agent Treasurer of the United States Dividends unpaid ' Contingent fund . . Individual deposites . . . . - . . . - . . . ■ . . . . - • - 551 CiNcijri*ATI, June 14, 1834. Capital stock paid in • Bank notes in circulation Discount and premium account Due banks J. H. Groesbeck, pension agent Treasurer of the United States Dividends unpaid . . Contingent fund . . Individual deposites . . 993,900 00 151,352 00 47,917 49 65,920 63 12,538 00 460,816 02 1,110 00 17,517 99 212,929 15 $1,964,001 28 i— i oo AUGUSTUS MOORE, Cathier. Exhibit o f the state o f the Franklin Bank o f Cincinnati. Bitts and notes discounted Bills of exchange do • Due from banks . Incidental charges . Permanent expenses Personal property . Notes of other banks Specie - - . . . - . . . . . _ . . . . . . 181,049 00 220,337 67 1,024,804 03 517.204 08 144,393 51 6,381 09 4 000 00 2,124 05 Capital stock paid in Bank notes in circulation Discount and premium account Due to banks . . J. H . Cfroesbeck, pension agent Treasurer of the United States • Dividends unpaid • Contingent fund 401,376 67 Individual deposites $3,100,283 43 . . . - - . . . * • - 993,900 00 162,755 00 5?., 520.73 90/950 22 11,449 '53 543.507 65 1,080 00 17,517 99 326,'602 31 $2,100,283 43 . AUGUSTUS MOORE, Cashier. Domestic bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange . . Due from banks . . Permanent expenses . . Personal property . . Notes of other banks Specie . . C i n c i n n a t i , July 12, 1834. . . . . . . . . . . 155,365 00 226,990 08 1,037,932 513,494 132,238 4,000 2,124 63 43 88 00 05 Capital stock ' Bank notes in circulation Discount and premium account Due to banks . . J.JK, Groesbeck, pension agent Treasurer of the United States Dividends unpaid . . . . 382,355 08 Contingent fund Individual deposites . . $2,072,145 07 . . E x h ib it o f th e s ta te o f th e F r a n k lin B a n k , C in c in n a ti. 55 2 C incinnati, July 5, 1834. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 997,650 00 178,445 00 1,352 37 66,327 41 10,244 82 ^31,923 82 28,218 .50 30,267 31 227,715 84 $2,073,145 07 . AUGUSTUS MOORE, Cashier, Exhibit o f the state o f the Franklin Bank o f Cincinnati. Domestic bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange Due from bank* Incidental charges Permanent expenses Personal property tJNotes of other banks Specie . C in c in n a t i, July Capital stock Bank notes in c’rculution Discount and premium account Due banks Dividends unpaid J. II. Uroesbeck, P. Agt. Treasurer of the United States 145,576 00 Contingent fund • 234,827 34 380,403 34 Individual deposites *2,082,809 47 1,047,579 ' 530,762 117,918 21 4,000 2,124 21 62 65 60 00 05 997,650 00 174,528 00 3,076 47 67,143 37 23,138 00 9,140 17 545,548 82 30,567 31 232,312 33 $2,082,809 47 AUGUSTUS MOORB, 19, 1834. Cashitr. E x h i b i t o f the. s l a t e o f t h e F r a n k l i n B a n k o f C i n c i n n a t i . Domestic bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange Hue from banks • Incidental chargcs Permanent expenses Personal property Notes of other banks Specie . C in cin n a ti, July 26, 1834. 1,056,305 547,928 84,068 1,982 4,000 2,124 44 19 75 86 00 05 Capital stock • Bank notes in circulation • Discount and premium account ’ Due to banks Dividends unpaid J. II. Groesbeck, pension agent Treasurer of the United States 183,514 00 Contingent fund 230,332 05 413,8-16 05 Individual depos'tes *2,110,255 34 tl u> 997,650 00 163,879 00 6,055 44 74,459 23 22,613 00 8,840 77 576,518 03 30,267 31 229,972 56 *2,110,255 34 AUGUSTUS MOORF,; Ccihier. 00 Exhibit o f the state of the Franklin Bunk of Cincinnati. dijtednted of Due from Incidental Permanent expenses Personal property Notes of other banks Dom estic})!Ili * n,[ note* B ill* exchange < banks charges BjJecie . I ,0 0 2 ,6 8 8 5 0 7 ,1 7 2 11:5,862 4 ,5 0 8 4 ,0 0 0 2,121- 54 03 46 15 00 05 14 0 ,7 6 7 00 1 9 8 ,7 5 7 81 .339,524. 81 Capitol stock . Dank notes in circulation Discount and premium account Hue banks . . . Dividends unpaid J . 11. G rocsbeck, pension agent T reasu rer o f the United States Contingent fund Individual deposites - , ~ . - 9 9 3 ,9 JO, 154,161 5 0 ,2 0 9 6 7 ,6 1 2 1 ,1 1 0 1 2 ,0 3 9 4 7 8 ,3 7 'J 17 .5 1 7 1 9 8 ,9 2 9 . . . . - _ k . . . - # 1 ,9 7 3 ,8 8 0 04 $1,97.? ,8 8 0 04' C i n c i n n a t i , June 28, 18,11. Bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange discounted Due banks Incidental charges Permanent expenses Personal property Notes of other banks . Specie . C incinnati, .iu g u s t of t h e .s ta te o f t h e F r a n k l i n H a n k 1 ,0 5 4 ,6 3 3 5 3 8 ,0 7 7 113,371 2 ,2 8 3 4 ,0 0 0 2 ,1 2 4 77 68 14 61 00 05 1 5 8 ,1 7 9 00 23 8 ,1 4 1 77 3 9 6 ,3 2 0 -7 7 8 2 ,1 1 0 ,8 1 1 02 2, 1834. of Cashier. 554 A U G U ST U S M O O RE, E x h ib it 00 00 00 98 00 53 88 99 66 Cft I__I C in c in n a ti. Capital stock paid in Bank notes in circulation Discount and premium account Due from banks J . II. G roesbeck, pension agent Dividends unpaid Contingent fund Individual deposites . T reasurer o f the United Slates - . - . - - - 9 9 7 ,6 5 0 1 7 4 ,7 8 0 8 ,2 1 7 6 6 ,9 7 7 8 ,4 9 9 2 0 ,9 3 3 3 0 ,2 6 7 2 6 2 ,3 7 0 5 4 1 ,1 1 5 00 00 62 86 12 00 31 15 96 {> 2 ,1 1 0 ,8 1 1 ,0 2 AUGUSTUS MOORE, Cashier. Kxhibit o f the slate o f the Franklin Bank o f Cincinnati. Bills and noles discounted Bills of exchange discounted . . Due from lianks . . . Incidental charge* . . . Permanent expenses • Personal property Notes of the U, States and other hanks Specie - J . . . . - . • 160,133 00 243,242 75 ' •. ;js f Ciicim kati, .liiguif 9, 1834. , ■ 1,052,699 522,703 125,543 2,289 4,000 2,124 38 41 98 27 00 05 Capital stock paid in Bank noles in circulation Discount and premium account Due to banks . . J . II, Groesbeck, pension agent Treasurer of the United Stales Contingent fund Dividends unpaid 403,375 75 Individual deposites . . #2,112,735 84 - >, . . . . - . • • - C i n c i n n a t i , ,'Uigust 16, 1834, . . . - - . . . 136,519 00 256,306 52 * - . . . . . . . . - 997,650 00 185,220 00 10,580 22 67,752 50 8,383 61 529,770 I 7 30,267 31. 20,483 00 262,629 03 $2,112,735 84 AUGUSTUS MOORE, Cashier. 1,061,1.03 5 1 9 ,1 1 0 119,250 2 ,2 8 8 4 ,0 0 0 2,124 04 40 91 02 00 05 ' B u n k o f C in c in n a ti. Capital stock paid in - • Bank notes in circulation Discount and premium account Due to banks • l J. II. Groesbeck, pension a^ent Treasurer of the United States Contingent fund Dividends unpaid Individual deposites . . - - . 392,825 32 j $2,100,700 74 . . . . . . - - . . - - . . _ 555 . - . . -: - • E x h ib it , o f t h e s t a t e o f / h e F r a n k l i n Bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange discounted Due from banks Incidental charges . Permanent expenses . Personal property . Bills t.r other banks Specic? 't*a»h ■ ■ - . . . - - 9 9 7 ,6 0 0 1 7 9 ,4 5 9 1 2 .2 5 3 8 5 ,4 4 8 8 ,3 4 3 52.5,301 '3 0 .2 6 7 5 ,308 2 5 6 .7 1 6 00 00 95 02 61 04 31 50 31 # 2 ,1 0 0 ,7 0 0 74 i . ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- AUGUSTUS MOORE, Cusfiier. r-n GO I__I Exhibit o f the state o f the Franklin Bank o f Cincinnati. Bills and note* discounted Bills of excalmge do Due from banks . Incidental charge# . Permanent do Personal property Notes »f other bank* Specie - • . . * . • • . 148,709 00 263,971 42 m i <v\ v\»« • . • - - * * * * * * * 997,650 00 186,054 00 14,340 57 95,456 75 7,893 73 542,1504 0 t 30,267 31 3 ,870 00 252,231 05 $2,130,077 45 _____ ____ , z------ «S\ i t w t m w . AUGUSTUS M00BE> Ca&* ier- E x h ib it o f th e s t a t e o f th e F r a n k lin B a n k o f C in c in n a ti. Domestic bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange discounted . . . Due from banks . . . Incidental charges • - * Permanent expenses - ,' Personal property •' Notes of the United States Bank 72,5H5 other banks 38,875 Specie 293,389 Cash on hiinl . . . . . • . 00 00 i 95 1,083,895 57 520,636 35 515,260 30 •2,297 65 4,000 00 2,124 05 Capital stock paid in • Bank notes in circulation Discount and premium account Due banks ^ • . J. H. Groesbeck, pension agent Treasurer of the United States (■Dividends unpaid Contingent fund Individual deposites - 404,849 95 $ 2 ,531,063 87 j '-.IV ' * • - . • * • - * ■ . * * 995,650 00 178,148 00 16,873 33 327,359 58 32,040 43 430,737 32 3,799 00 30,267 31 317,188 9.0 ) ti * *2,531,063 87 .-_y»rac; _________ __ J- - -J---- 1--- 111 I----------- --------- . AUGUSTUS MOORF., Cashier. 556 y K tv ^ t *i\ u? jj Capital stock paid in |! Bank notes in circulation ' ! Discount and premium account j Due from banks . j J. Hi Groesbeck, pension agent 'i Treasurer ef the United States j Contingent fund • | Dividends unpaid • 413,680 42 j Individual deposites ^ * 12,130,07745 1,076,151 37 519,951 16 112,876 55 2,293 90 4,000 00 2,124 03 Exhibit o f the state o f the Franklin Hank o f Cincinnati. Bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange Incidental charges Permanent expenses Personal property Due banka Notes of other bank* Specie Caili on band 107,927 00 287,578 62 1,103,598 529,664 2,293 4,000 2,124 112,901 04 49 53 00 05 31 Capi'al stock paid in Bank notes in circulation Discount and premium account Due banks . . . Interest account J. H. Groesbeck, pension agent Treasurer ofthe United States Dividends unpaid . . . . Contingent fund . . 395,505 62 Individual deposites . . #2,150,087 06 rvbfM <*focc bf;,i »u • • • • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . ■ . • 997.650 00 200,739 00 19,245 20 153,164 81 275 61 29,102 86 394.651 21 2,099 00 30,267 31 322,692 06 #2,150,087 06 AUGUSTUS MOOKE, Cathier. E x h i b i t o f t h e .s t a t e o f t h e F r a n k l i n B a n k o f C i n c i n n a t i . 1 ,109,432 17 2,395 40 - I— - 4,000 00 2,124 05 109,966 44 - *'" I 114,939 00 293,640 58 . . i 408,579 58 .] 544,537 22 #2,181,034 86 1 r - . - -- - - ... ------ —— -------------- ------------- C incinnati, September 13, 1834. Bills and notes discounted Incidental expenses . Permanent do Personal property Due from banks Notes of other banks Specie . . Cash Bills of cxchangc discounted . . . . - . . . . Capital stock paid in Bank notes in circulation Discount and premium account J. II. Groesbeck, pension agent Treasurer ofthe United States Dividends unpaid Contingent fund - ■. Due banks . . . Individual deposites . . . . - . . . - . . * . . . . . - 997,650 00 > , 206,552 00 22,033 94 24,001 27 391,454 87 1,889 00 30,267 31 184,725 14 322,461 33 #2,181,034 86* AUGUSTUS MOORE, Cashier. Exhibit o f the state o f the Franklin Bank o f Cincinnati. Domestic bills and notes Bills of exchange Incidental charges Permanent expenses Personal property Due from banks Notes of Other banks Specic - September discounted . . . • - 20, 1854. 105,676 00 298,200 72 * 1,097,430 * 555,125 2,393 4,000 2,121 152.293 1 1 05 69 25 43 00 05 04 Capital stock Bank notes in circulation Discount and premium account John II. Groesbeck, pension agent Treasurer of the United States Dividends unpaid . . Contingent fund . . Due banks . 403,876 72 Individual deposites . *2,217,243 18 ' . . . * - . . . • • - AUGUSTUS MOORE, 997,650 00 212,200 00 24,578 42 17,690 41 389,954 87 1,784 00 30,267 31 231,113 47 312,004 70 *2,217,243 18 Cashier. E x h ib it o f th e s t a t e o f th e F r a n k lin B a n k o f C in c in n a ti. Domestic bills and notes discounted Hills of exchange Due fi-om banks Incidental charges . Permanent expense* Personal property Notes of other banks Specie . . September 27, 1834. 150,661 00 229,133 33 1,100,760 551,914 128,393 2,420 4,000 2,124 87 Capital stock • 51 Hank notes in circulation 61 Discount and premium account 23 Due banks 00 Dividends unpaid 05 John II. Grocsbeck, pension agent Treasurer of tile United States Individual deposites 379,794 33 Contingent fund *2,t69,412 60 999,100 00 209,741 00 27,179 57 209,955 90 1,281 00 15,203 30 428,107 15 243,574 37 30,267 31 $2,169,412 60 AUGUSTUS MOORE, Cashier. GO Exhibit o f the state o f the Frank lin Bunk o f Cincinnati. Bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange Due from hanks Incidental charges Permanent expenses Personal property Notfes of other hunks Specie . October 1 ,107,25? 550,385 106,581 1,179 4,000 2,124 98 95 50 73 00 05 Capital stock Bank notes in circulation Discount and premium account Due from banks Dividends unpaid J. H. Groesbeck, pension ag-ent Treasurer of the United States 8,369 00 Individual deposites 234.412 63 ' •113,781 63 Contingent fund .#2,187,308 83 4, 1834. . - *4 . . . . . - . ' - AUGUSTUS MOORE, 999,100 00 214,294 00 30,764 75 208,353 78 1,249 00 12,505 01 43.6,861 81 253,913 17 30,267 31 $2,187,308 83 Cashier. CO ‘E x h i b i t o f t h e s t o l e o f t h e F r a n k l i n H a n k o f C i n c i n n a t i . Bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange discounted Incidental expenses Permanent expenses Personal properly Due from banks Notes of otlier banks Specie , Cash on liund • C i n c i n n a t i , OctoO-r 171,869 00 217,595 78 1,118,102 548,057 4,217 4,000 2,124 92,457 39 14 48 00 05 91 389,464 <8 *2,158,423 75 11, 1834. Capita stock paid in Bank notes in circulation Discount and premium account J. II. Groesbeck, pension agent Dividends unpaid - Contingent fond Treasurer of the United States Due banks Individual deposites - ZH in 999,100 00 218,576 00 33,202 50 11,084 43 1,153 50 30,267 31 425,697 87 185,783 62 253,558 52 $2,158,423 75 AUGUSTUS MOORE, Caahiir. C© Exhibit o f the state o f the Franklin Bank o f Cincinnati. Domestic bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange Due from banks . Incidental chargcs . Permanent expenses Personal property Notes of other banks Specie • • 197,590 00 221,793 98 1,117:931 568,082 49,911 4,409 4,000 2,124 51 04 03 00 00 0.5 419,183 98 . " Capital stock Bank notes in circulation Discount ami premium account Due banks Dividends unpaid John II. (iroesbeck, pensioniagent Treasurer of the United State# . Individual deposites * Contingeut fund - . . . * - i -! •; -1 * - Oclobtr 999,100 00 823.407 00 35,343 66 193,872 60 1,118 50 10,455 37 41ft,490 54 253,587 42 30,267 51 >2,165,642 40 5?,165,642 40 C iN itim ri, ob AUGUSTUS MOORE, 18, 1834. Cathier. cn OS E x h ib it o f th e s t a t e o f th e F r a n k lin B u n k o f C in c in n a ti. Domestic notes and bills-discounted Bills of exchange Due from banka • Incidental charges • • Permanent expenses Personal property Notes of other- banks Specie . . . Octobtr 35,183*. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -------- -- -------------- >1,110,163 84 . . 579,299 91 . ■. 79,733 17 . ... 4,4§0 49 1 000 00 “ 2 T •« T fn 2,124 05 163,241 00 r*3'dW 222,490 07 I'J i d ..... 385,731 07 ^ Capital stock Bank notes in circulation Discount and premium account Due banks • Dividends unpaid John II. Groesbeck, pension agtnt Treasurer of the United State* Individual deposites » Contingent fund ► - ,185,472 SS €•&"<*! t o c f " lr*~^--**- —. _ ---------------- ------s . ■ •• 999,109 00 226,041 00 37,698 87 192,290 77 1,118 SO 9,055 30 418,150 54 251,750 24 30,267 31 S2,165,472 53 ' AUGUSTUS MOOBE, CanUUr. Exhibit o f the state o f the Franklin Bank o f Cincinnatia 172,819 00 240,356 52. 1,109,317 07 602,950 79 4,431. 89 4,000 00 2,124 05 122,900 82 Capital stock . . Bank notes in circulation . Discount and premium account . Dividends unpaid . . Contingent fiind . . John H. Groesbeck, pension agent Treasurer of the United States . Due banks . . . 413,175 52 Individual deposites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,258,900 14 November 1, 1834. 00 00 15 50 31 67 85 49 17 $2,258,900 14 AUGUSTUS MOORE, ’4 999,100 231,689 39,422 .1,053 30,267 8,030 436,292 244,796 268,248 Cashier. Crr 05 E x h ib it o f th e s t a t e o f th e F r a n k lin B a n k o f C in c in n a ti. Bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange Incidental charges Permanent expenses Personal property Due from banks . Notes of other banks * Specie - 181,080 00 207,460 23 Capital stock . _ Bank notes in circulation . Discount and premium account . Dividends unpaid . . Contingent fund John II. Groesbeck, pension -agent Treasurer of the United States . Due banks . . . 388,540 23 Individual deposites . 1,226,476 601,024 4,434 4,000 2,124 145,223 87 44 52 00 05 68 *2,271,833 79 November 8, 1834. . . . . . - . . . . . . - 999,100 227,280 42,333 896 30,267 7,256 414,992 262,421 287,376 00 00 88 00 31 0U 85 52 23 82.271,823 79 AUGUSTUS MOORE, Cashier. [Sj Bill* and notes discounted Bills of exchange Incidental charges Permanent expenses Personal property J)ue from banks Notes of other hanks Specie - Exhibit c f the state o f the Franklin Bank o f Cincinnati. • . . . • . - • . . . . - . . . . . oo . . . . . 1,148,881 26 Capital stock . . 534,429 00 Barnk notes in circulation . 4,869 02 Discount and premium account . . 4,000 00 Dividends unpaid . 2,124 05 Contingent fund . . . 227,017 56 John H. Groesbeck, pension agent Treasurer of the United States 196,395 00 Due to banks . 235,999 70 Individual deposites . . 432,394 70 $2,353,715 59 .VoMember 15, 1834. . . - . . . . • . . ■ • • • 999,100 00 229,006 00 44,424 59 896 00 30,267 31 6,640 34 443,516 04 326,002 46 273,862 85 $2.353,715 59 AUGUSTUS MOORE, Cashier. • E x h ib it o f th e s t a t e o f th e • F r a n k lin B an k o f Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . tot o kQ • C in c in n a ti. 999,100 . 1,173,793 57 Capital stock * 268,237 . . . . 528,711 23 Bank notes in Circulation 46,912 . . . 4,858 64 Discount and premium account . . 896 . 4,000 00 Dividends unpaid 30,267 . . . . . 2,124 05 Contingent fund 5,879 . 267,460 79 John H. Groesbeck, pension agent 438,684 189,508 00 Treasurer of the United States . . . 317,830 Due other banks 237,867 43 . . . . 300,516 . . . 427,375 43 Individual deposites . 82,408,323 ■■■i — ■. --------- ------------------------------------------------- *3,408,323 71 AUGUSTUS MOORE, Cashier. November 23, 1834. Bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange . Incidental charges . Permanent expenses . Personal property . Due from banks . Notes of other banks Specie - 1__1 395 Bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange Incidental charges Permanent expenses Personal property Due from banks . . Notes of other banks Specie • 1 00 00 81 00 31 04 54 35 66 71 Exhibit o f the state o f (he Franklin Bank o f Cincinnati. Bills and notes discounted Bills of exchange Incidental charges Permanent expenses Personal property Due from banks Notes of other banks Specie - ' - • • . - 178,881 182,578 00 85 1,212,616 537,596 4,935 4,000 2,124 248,657 51 38 26 00 05 00 Capital stock Bank notes in circulation Discount and premium account Dividends unpaid Cbntingent fund John H. Groesbeck, pension agent Treasurer ofthe United States Due to banks 361,459 85 Individual deposites - $2,371,389 05 C i n c i n n a t i , November 29, 1834. ‘ ' T . • . . . - 999,100 00 288,024 00 49,150 50 878 50 30,267 31 5,656 69 388,377 45 275,458 23 334,476 37 2,371,389 05 ' ' AUGUSTUS MOORE, Cashier. cj* 05 C<0 State o f the Commercial Bank o f Cincinnati, Monday, September 29, 1834. Capital stock . . . Bank notes issued • . payable at Philadelphia Oen tinge nt fund . . . State of Ohio . . . Profit and loss . . . Dividend No. 1 . No. 2 . No. 5 . . No. 6 . Cashier Dayton Bank Atlas Bank Union Bank of Maryland Northwestern Bank of Virginia Commercial Bank ofNew Orleans Commercial Bank of Scioto Girard Bank . Bank of Pittsburgh Union Bank of Tennessee Muskingum Bank Franklin Bank of Cincinnati Discount account Premium . . . Treasurer of the United States . Individual depositors . 1,000,000 00 Bills and notes discounted unpaid Bills of exchange payable at New York 442,000 00 Philadelphia 10,000 00 Louisville 2,305 44 New Orleans Lexington 7,567 73 • 90 00 Pittsburgh 151 20 Natchez 88 00 Dayton _ 21,619 50 Baltimore 2,294 89 St. Louis Columbus 1,748 00 • Wheeling 126 22 • Stock in trust . . . 2,876 91 19.3 50 Special deposite, our post mtes, Phila . phia . . . . 36 29 m , . . 9 44 Protest account . m 8,379 20 Remittance to Philadelphia, gold 417 54 Cashier Franklin Bank of Columbus Bank of Louisville 265 41 Schuylkill Bank 11,062 00 F. and M. Bank of Steubenville 12,882 51 Bnnk of America 317 10 Union Bank of Louisiana 13,199 61 _ Lancaster, Ohio, Bank 15,962 34 Office Bank U. S., Lexington 119,806 75 Louisville St. Louis Natchez New Orleans Permanent expenses Incidental do - 382,000 03 60,000 00 • . . . . . . • _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . ** 660,544 96 20,509 i t 69,973 91 117,891 64 105,833 20 23,758 97 1,495 92 3,028 88 20,339 87 19,528 42 2,003 is 1,996 13 3,923 61 1,100 27 49,600 00 4,150 00 256 23 4,006 06 43 42 6,220 76 65,775 55 140 54 7,043 a 6,091 69 101 50 206 73 217 48 553 93 5,196 97 15,136 69 1,600 00 848 19 C a s h b a la n c e , v iz. Bank notes issued payable in Philad’a Philad’a In circulation - 382,000 60,000 6,50J 132,415 Philadelphia . 53,495 On hand - 249,585 United States notes Franklin Bank of Cincinnati notes Ohio notes Specie - 138,920 00 303,080 35,940 4,868 9,095 88,099 00 00 00 00 66 441,082 $1,660,199 97 Commmicui. B ark, Cincinnati, September 29, 1834. The state of this bank, as within exhibited, closes the business of the institution, including Saturday, September 27. WM S. HATCH, Cashier. 66 565 *1,660,199 97 442,000 00 Capital stock . Bank notes issued • payable at Philadelphia Contingent fund State of Ohio Profit and loss Dividend No. 1 No. 2 No. 5 No. 6 Cashier Atlas Bank North Western Bank of Virginia Commercial Bank of Scioto Girard Bank Bank of Pittsburg Union Bank of Tennessee Muskingum Bank Bank of Louisville Discount account • . Premium Treasurer of the United States . Individual depositors . 382,000 00 60,000 00 _ . _ . _ . . . . • . _ 14,146 00 516 47 _ _ 1 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 442,000 00 1 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 2,305 44 7,567 73 90 90 151 20 88 00 1,305 50 3,825 06 3,710 65 36 29 606 19 15,416 05 417 54 265 41 1,682 06 14,662 47 22,923 67 130,398 31 Bills and notes discounted lying over unpaid Bills of exchange payable at New York Philadelphia Louisville New Orleans Lexington Pittsburgh . Natchez Dayton Baltimore St. Louis Columbus • Wheeling Stock in trust Special deposite our post notes, Philad'a Protest account . . . . Hemittance to Philadelphia Cashier Franklin Bank of Columbus Union Bank of Maryland Schuylkill Bank • Office Bank U. S. Lexington Louisville • St. Louis Natchez New Orleans Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Steubenville Bank of America Dayton Bank Commercial Bank, New Orleans Union Bank of Louisiana F ran k lin B ank of C incinnati L ancaster, Ohio, Bank P erm an en t expenses - - . . . _ • . _ _ - • . . _ . _ • • . m . - 670,308 19 20,509 56 74,973 91 108,286 78 108,778 20 30,093 85 1,597 92 2,664 46 22,339 87 19,523 42 4,003 13 2,123 63 2,615 61 1,100 27 49,600 00 4,150 00 256 23 1 ,0 0 0 00 334 42 489 42 47,464 12 206 72 217 48 676 43 5,196 97 15,079 05 140 54 6,699 83 3,666 11 3,254 00 6,591 69 5,139 00 101 50 1,600 00 oo 999 State o f the Commercial Bank of Cincinnati on Monday, October 6, 1834, ending at close business on Saturday 4th, #1,651,451 57 2,304 83 442,000 00 143,827 00 298,173 24,275 9,027 4,679 92,205 00 00 00 00 43 428,359 43 $1,651,451 57 567 , . Incidental do Cash balance, viz. 382,000 00 Bank notes issued payable at Phila . delphia 60,000 0 0 6,400 00 Philadelphia In circulation 137,427 0 0 Philadelphia 53,600 00 On hand 244,573 00 -----_ _ United States notes Franklin Bank of Cincinnati notes . . Ohio notes . Specie - State o f the Commercial Bank o f Cincinnati on Monday , October 13, 1834. oo 1 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 • 443,000 00 1 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 2,305 44 7,567 73 90 00 151 20 8 8 00 1,235 50 5,172 56 2,986 15. 927 50 36 29 606 19 16,524 8 6 417 54 265 41 382,000 00 60,000 0 0 --------------------_ . _ . • . 15,600 08 571 27 . 16,171 35 22,923 67 140,907 61 • 1 Bills and notes discounted * * lying over unpaid Bills of cxehange payable at New York Philadelphia Louisville New Orleans Lexington Pittsburgh Natchez Dayton Baltimore St. Louis * Columbus Wheeling Stock in trust Special deposite, our post notes at Phildelphia . . . Protest account . . . Remittance to Philadelphia Cashier Franklin Bank of Columbus Union Bank of Maryland • Bank of Louisville Schuylkill Bank Office Bank U. SL exington Louisville St. Louis. Natchez New Orleans F. and M. Bank of Steubenville Bank of America Dayton Bank Commercial Bank, New Orleans 1 Union Bank, Louisiana - • . . . . _ _ . . . _ _ _ . . . . ' - 677,372 20 20,509 56 74,973 9t J08,736 78 112,825 09 31,036 18 1,797 78 3,264 46 25,589 87 22,675 03 4,153 13 2,123 63 2,615 61 3,387 67 49,600 00 4., 150 00 256 23 1 ,0 0 0 00 663 92 489 42 590 80 38,479 05 253 47 217 48 676 43 5,196 97 19,256 72 140 54 4,385 83 2,794 36 3,254 00 6,591 59 568 Capital stock Bank notes issued * payable at Philadelphia Contingent fund State of Ohio Profit and loss Dividend No. 1 No. 2 No. 5 No. 6 Cashier Atlas Rank Northwestern Bank, Virginia Bank of Chillicothe Commercial Bank, Scioto Girard Bank Bank of Pittsburgh Union Bank, Tennessee Muskingum Bank Discount account Premium Treasurer of the United States Individual depositors - I,anca»tcr, Ohio, Bank Franklin Bunk off Cincinnati Permanent expenses Incidental expenses . Cash balance, viz. Bank notes issued - 382,000 payable at Philad. 60,000 I’hilad. 6,345 In circulation 133,727 53,655 On hand 248,273 tTnited States notes • - 29,190 Franklin Bank of Cincinnati notes Ohio notes . . . Eastern notes . Specie - 101 50 10,168 0 0 1,600 0 0 2,346 45 442,000 00 140,072 00 Philadelphia $1,670,377 00 301,928 29,190 3,346 8.910 860 82,875 00 00 00 00 00 24 427,109 24 *1,670,377^ 00 Ut <J» Stale o f the Commercial Bank o f Cincinnati, on Monday, 20 th October, 1834. Capital stock Bank notes issued . . Do payable at Philadelphia Contingent fund State of Ohio Profit and loss Dividend No. I Do No. 2 Do No. 5 Do JNO. 0 Cashier Atlas Bank Do Northwestern Bank of Virginia Wheeling Do Bank of Chillicothe - _ Do Commercial Bank of Scioto Do Girard Bank ■ Do Bank of Pittsburgh Do Union Bank of Tennessee Do Muskingum Bank Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company Treasurer of the United States Discount account * Premium Individual depositors *- 382,000 00 60,000 0 0 19,886 26 630 63 , 1 000,000 00 442,000 0 0 10,000 00 2,305 44 7,567 73 90 00 151 20 88 00 1,169 00 7'398 46 3,482 79 927 50 36 29 1,346 35 18,439 98 417 54 265 41 *52,863 00 49,001 81 20,516 89 58,019 49 Bills and notes discounted Do lying over unpaid Bills of exc. payable at New York do Do Philadelphia do Do Louisville Do New Orleans do Do do Lexington Do Pittsburgh do Do do Natchez Do do Dayton Do do Baltimore Do do St. Louis Do do Columbus do Do Wheeling Stock in trust Special deposite of our post notes a Philadelphia -’ Protest account Itemittance to Philadelphia Cashier Franklin Bank of Columbus Do Union Bank of Maryland Do Hank of Louisville Do Schuylkill Bank Do F. & M. Bank, Steubenville Do Bank of America Do Dayton Bank Do Commercial Bank of N. Orleans Do Union Bank of Louisiana Do Franklin Bank of Cincinnati Do Lancaster Ohio Bank Do Office Bank U. S. Lexington Do do Louisville Do do St. Louis Do do New Orleans Do do Natchez oo 679,629 49 20,509 56 74,973 91 99,970 97 114,958 62 30,526 09 1,797 78 3,264 46 22,589 8 ” 20,576 72 4,153 13 2,123 63 2,213 00 3,538 52 49,600 00 4,150 oo 256 23 1 ,000 0 0 661 92 489 42 1,817 64 38,563 36 140 54 1,165 24 2,792 36 3,254 0 0 6,588 69 11,017 0 0 101 50 253 47 217 48 2,386 43 17,256 72 8,196 97 cn .. Permanent expenaei - ' ■ Incidental do Cash balance, viz: Bank notes issued - 382,000 60,000 Do payable Philad’a 6,285 Philadelphia In circulation - 129,668 - ] . #1,676,086 88 • 442,000 00 135,953 00 306,047 39,083 4,880 9,372 2,300 79,723 00 36 00 00 CO 35 441,405 71 *1,676,086 * $52,863 transferred since last statement from account of individual depositors to the corporate name of Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company. 88 571 Philadelphia - 53,715 On hand - 252,332 United States notes Franklin Bank of Cincinnati notes Ohio notes - • - ■ . _ Eastern notes Specie - ’ - 1,600 00 2,346 45 _ State o f the Commercial Bank o f Cincinnati, Monday, October 27, 1834. Capital stock . . . Bank notes issued • . payable at Philadelphia Contingent fund State of Ohio Profit and loss — Dividend No. 1 * No. 2 No. 5 No. 6 . Cashier, O ffice Bank U. States, Natchcz Bank of Louisville Atlas Bank Northwestern Bank of Va. Bank of Chillicothe Commercial Bank of Scioto Girard Bank -\ Bank of Pittsburgh Union Bank of Tennessee Muskiagum Bank Discount account Premium '. Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company Treasurer of the_United State* Individual depositors - 382,000 60,000 00 00 21,009 01 654 15 1,003,000 00 442,000 00 10 0 0 0 00 2^305 44 7,567 73 90 00 151 20 88 00 1,169 00 4,803 03 5,006 64 8,455 35 3,586 04 927 50 36 29 140 35 16,412 89 417 54 265 41 21,663 52,863 64,316 72,752 16 00 37 91 Bills and notes discounted . lying over unpaid Bills of exchange payable at New York Philadelphia Louisville N. Orleans Lexington Pittsburgh Natchez Dayton Baltimore St. Louis Columbus Wheeling Lancaster,O. Stock in trust Special deposite of our post notes at Phil. Protest account Cashier of Franklin Bank of Columbus Union Bank of Maryland Schuylkill Bank Office Bank United States, New Oreans Lexington * . Louisville St. Louis * Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank Steubenville . Bank of America . Dayton Bank Commercial Bank of New Orleans Union Bank of Louisiana Lancaster, Ohio, Bank Franklin Bank of Cincinnati 694,630 06 20,509 56 75,973 91 103,125 33 119,758 62 35,540 09 1,797 78 3,864 46 22,589 87 19,044 99 4.153 13 3.153 43 2,374 32 4,628 46 600 0 0 49,600 0 0 4,150 0 0 252 23 1,040 53 489 42 24,260 55 756 72 253 47 717 48 1,786 43 140 54 4,713 11 1,500 59 35,254 00 6,493 69 101 50 11,995 00 -ChI 00 00 00 00 Philad. 53,760 On hand 242,802 United States notes Franklin Bank of Cincinnati Ohio notes _ Eastern notes . . . Spccie . . . 00 00 . . 1,600 0 0 2,384 51 442,000 00 145,438 00 296,562 50,530 11,590 12,762 2,615 81,725 00 00 00 00 00 11 455,784 11 >1,715,017 85 573 01,715,017 85 Permanent expense* Incidental expenses Cash balance, viz. Bank notes issued 382,000 payable Philad. 60,000 Philad. 6,240 In circulation * 139,198 OD. UJ State o f the Commercial Bank o f Cincinnati, on Monday, November 3, 1834. ndividual depositors • 382,000 0 0 60,000 0 0 22,833 70 676 48 , 1 000,000 00 442,000 00 10,000 00 2,305 44 7,475 03 90 00 151 20 88 00 609 00 4,803 03 4,330 6 8 510 40 S 00 3,521 04 927 0 0 573 92 140 35 16,444 77 265 41 417 54 52,863 0 0 64,316 37 23,510 18 101,053 81 Bills and notes discounted Bills lying over unpaid Bills of exchange payable at New York Philadelphia Louisville New Orleans Lexington Pittsburg Natchez Dayton Baltimore St. Louis Columbus Wheeling Lancaster Stock in trust Special deposite on post notes at Phila delphia Protest account Cashier Franklin Bank, Columbus Union Bank, Maryland Office Bank U. S., New Orleans Lexington Louisville St. Louis Schuylkill Bank F. and M. Bank, Steubenville Bank of America Dayton Bank Commercial Bank, New Orleans Union Bank, Louisiana Franklin Bank of Cincinnati Lancaster Ohio Bank Permanent expenses - 701,571 01 22,352 56 34,009 01 87,394 20 120,823 64 43,707 99 1,797 78 4,244 55 22,589 87 19,703 55 4,153 13 3,083 80 2,692 38 4,928 46 600 0 0 63,100 00 4,150 00 252 23 1,040 53 389 42 756 72 328 47 717 48 3,011 06 21,980 50 140 54 60,021 78 5,892 8 8 32,254 00 5,885 34 a ,77 1 0 0 101 50 1,600 0 0 574 Capital stock Bank notes issued • payable at Philadelphia Contingent fund State of Ohio Profit and Joss Dividend, No. 1 No. 2 No. 5 No. 6 Cashier Office Bank U. States, Natchez Bank of Louisville Atlas Bank Ycatman, Woods, & Co. Banking and exchange company Northwestern Bank of Virginia Bank of Chillicothe Commercial Bank, Scioto Cirard Bank Bank of Pittsburgh Muskingum Bank • Union Bank, Tennessee Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company The Treasurer of the United States Discount account Premium - r-i Oft 1,736,399 67 2,384 SI 442,000 00 150,423 00 291,577 59,090 11,301 7,127 3,470 80,404 00 00 00 00 00 78 452,969 78 >1,736,399 67 575 Incidental expenses 1 Cash balance, viz. Bank notes issued 382,000 payable at Phila. 60,000 Pliila. 6,170 In circulation 144,253 Phil*. 53,830 On band 237,747 United Stares notes Franklin Rank, Cincinnati notes Ohio notes Eastern notes • Specie • - S/ale of the Commercial Bank o f Cincinnati, Monday, November 10, 1834. 382,000 00 60,000 0 0 • - 1 24,029 8 6 742 99 . 1 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 442,000 00 1 0 ,0 0 0 00 2,305 44 7,507 78 90 00 151 20 88 00 609 00 2,153 03 1,169 90 1 00 .3,271 927 1,673 140 15,303 707 265 52,863 95,790 ‘V. 24,772 90,039 24 50 92 35 53 13 41 00 50 85 77! i! Bills and notes discounted • * lying over, unpaid • Bills of exchange payable at New York Philadelphia LouisviUe N. Orleans Lexington Pittsburgh Natchez Dayton • Baltimore St. Louis • Columbus Wheeling Lancaster • Stock in trust ■ • Special deposite of our post notes, Phi ladelphia • Protest account . . . Cashier Bank of.Louisville • • Franklin Bank of Columbus Union Bank, Maryland . • Office Bank U. S , New Orleans Lexington • Louisville * St. Louis Schuylkill Bank • Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, SteubenvilW • . Bank of America Commercial Bank, New Orleans Union Bank, Louisiana • Franklin Bank, Cincinnati • Lancaster Ohio Bauk • _ . . . . . . . • - w _ . w . _ . - . - - - 713,711 74 22 150 35 34,009 01 87,394 20 132,323 64 48,824 83 1,491 05 4,244 55 20,089 87 21,097 90 4,153 13 3,083 80 2,692 38 4,928 46 600 0 0 63,100 00 4,150 00 252 23 2,370 49 1,040 53 201 42 756 72 635 20 717 48 1,811 06 14,093 J* 140 54 54,796 78 32,254 00 700 92 1,775 00 101 50 576 Capital stock • Bank notes issued . . . payable at Philadelphia • Contingent fund • State of Ohio . . . Profit and loss . . . Dividend No. 1 No. 2 . • No. 5 • • • No. 6 ■ • Cachicr Office Bank U. States, Natchez Atlas Bank, Boston . . Ycaiman, Woodsy & Co., Banking ana txcnange House Northwestern Bank, Virginia Hank of Chillicothe Commercial Bank, Scioto Girard Bank . Bank of Pittsburgh . Dayton Bank Muskingum Bank • Ohio I.ife Insurance and Trust Comf an; Treasurer of the United States Discount account * • Premium • . Individual depositors * " f —i -4 <>3 #1,750,880 54 Permanent expenses Incidental tlo Casli balance, viz. Bank notes issued 382,000 payable PUilad. 60,000 Philad. 6,000 In circulation 154,231 . 00 00 00 00 Philad. 53,910 On hand 227,769 United States notes Franklin Hank, Cincinnati, do Ohio do Eastern do . Specie . . . 00 00 - 1,600 0 0 2,634 .51 442,000 00 160,321 00 281,679 59,887 5,004 30,435 4,425 85,254 00 00 00 00 00 01 466,954 01 $1,750,880 54 r —i QO I— t State o f the Commercial Bank o f Cincinnati, Monday, November 17, 1834. Individual depositors - 382,000 60,000 00 00 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 442,000 00 1 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 2,305 44 7,194 39 90 00 151 20 88 00 609 00 3,153 03 1,967 49 1 00 26,535 56 757 70 2,446 66 927 50 3,709 22 138 35 15,393 61 880 12 3 47 52,863 00 95,790 50 27,293 26 88,908 19 • Bills and notes discounted * lying over unpaid ■ Bills of exchange payable at New York Philadelphia Louisville New Orleans Lexington Pittsburgh Natchez Dayton • Baltimore St. Louis Columbus • Wheeling Lancaster * Stock in trust . . . Special deposite of our post notes at Philadelphia . . . Protest account . . . Cashier Bank of Louisville Union Bank of Maryland Schuylkill Bank • • Office Bank U. S., New Orleans Lexington Louisville • St. Louis F. and M. Bank, Steubenville Bank of America Commercial Bank of N. Orleans Union Bank of Louisiana • Lancaster, Ohi», Bank Franklin Bank of Cincinnati Permanent expenses Incidental do * * * * - • * J^ _- 752,065 04 21,595 07 48,809 01 24,261 96 138,576 34 61,291 90 1,491 05 4,244 55 20,089 87 22,560 09 4,003 13 3,351 98 2,692 38 4,728 46 600 00 63,100 00 4,150 00 252 23 2,682 99 351 42 27,799 17 756 72 635 20 717 48 1,811 06 140 54 53,864 94 32,254 00 700 92 251 50 754 00 1,600 00 3,034 51 578 Capital stock . ■ Bank notes issued - payable at Philadelphia Contingent fund State of Ohio Profit and loss Dividend, No. 1 No. 2 No. 5 No. 6 Cashier Office Bank U. S., Natchez Atlas Bank, Boston • Yeatraan, Woods, & Co., bankin and exchange house Northwestern Bank, Virginia Bank of Chillicothe Commercial Bank of Sciotio Girard Bank Bank of Pittsburgh Dayton Bank Franklin Bank of Columbus Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company Treasurer of the United States Discount account Premium . . . QO Cash balance, viz. Bank notes Usued - 382,000 payable at Philad’a 60,000 Philad’a 6,045 In circulation - 161,390 Philadelphia • 53,955 On hand • - 220,610 United States’ notes • Franklin Bank of Cincinnati notes Ohio notes • Eastern notes Specie - * *7 167,435 00 274,565 47,508 8,377 28,420 5,630 85,235 00 60 00 00 00 32 449,735 92 *1,754,933 43 579 $1,754,933 43 442,000 00 State o f the Commercial Bank of Cincinnati on Monday, November 24*, 1834. Capital stock • Bank ncgcs issued • • payable at Philadelphia Contingent fund State of Ohio Profit, and loss Dividend No. 1 No. 2 No. 5 No. 6 Canhier Office Bank U. States, Natchez Atlas Bank, Boston . Yeatinan, Woods, and Company, banking' and exchange house Northwestern Bank of Virginia Bank of Chillicothe • . Commercial Rank of Scioto » Dank of Marietta • • Pittsburgh Dayton Bank • Lafayette Bank of Cincinnati Ohio Life Insurance and Tru 9t Company Treasurer of the United States Discount account . . . Premium Individual depositors - - 382,000 60,000 _ 00 00 _ • _ _ • • - 28,307 93 850 07 1 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 442,000 1 0 ,0 0 0 2,305 7,194 90 151 88 609 2,153 i oo 5i* , 428 44 39 00 20 00 00 03 no 83 1 00 3,846 91 3,850 600 17,368 1,635 10,794 52,863 143,657 00 00 49 08 89 00 27 12 00 00 73 29,158 00 110,143 50 • Bills and notes discounted • lying over unpaid • Bills of exchange payable at N. York Philadelphia Louisville N. Orleans Lexington Pittsburgh Natchez • Dayton Baltimore St. Louis Columbus Wheeling Lancaster Stock in trust . . . Special deposite, our post notes, Phila delphia . . . Protest account Cashier Franklin Bank of Columbus Bank of Louisville -. Union Bank of Maryland Schuylkill Bank Office BankU. S., New Orleans Lexington Louisville St. Louis Girard Bunk K. and M. Bank, Steubenville Bank of America Commercial Bank, New Orleans Union Bank, Louisiana »Lancaster, Ohio, Bank Franklin Bank of Cincinnati - i— i. oo . - • _ - - _ _ . . m ' .. — _ _ - _ _ . -— - 765,354 60 21,595 07 48,809 01 26,561 96 145,317 50 78,925 09 1,491 05 6,352 29 20,089 87 25,002 78 4,183 69 3,351 98 r> nn 3,542 38 5,453 46 600 0 0 63,100 00 * 4,150 00 252 23 146 53 8 913 91 2,351 42 30,111 73 1,556 72 735 20 717 48 1 ,0 1 1 06 39,861 65 140 54 17,848 22 29,254 00 700 92 101 50 3,126 00 if 4 c \ GC O Permanent expenses Incidental do Cash balance, viz. Bank notes issued - 382,000 payable in Phil’a 60,000 Phil’a 5,980 In circulation • - 177,156 Philadelphia - 54,020 On hand • 204,844 United States' notes Franklin Bank of Cincinnati notes • Ohio notes . . . Eastern notes . . . Specie • $1,844,028 97 1,600 OO 3,037 63 442,000 00 183,136 00 258,864 00 51,170 00 12,008 00 53,035 00 18,025 00 85,559 50 478,681- 50 $1,844,028 97 Slate o f the Cotnmercial Bank o f Cincinnati, Monday, December 1, 1834. Individual depositors . • 382,000 00 60,000 0 0 _ ■ _ _ . — _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ - 31.440 23 755 70 1,000,060 Bills and notes discounted > lying over unpaid Bills of exchange payableat New York Pliiladelphi 442,000 00 Louisville 1 0 ,0 0 0 00 New Orleans 2,305 44 Lexington 7,194 39 f Pittsburgh 90 00 151 20 - 1 Natchez 88 00 Dayton 609 00 Baltimore 2,153 03 S t Louis 5 Columbus Wheeling 1 00 Lancaster 3,117 21 Nashville 379 78 . 3,850 89 Protest account . 600 0 0 Stock in trust 16,533 14 Special deposite, our post notes, Philad* 2,423 50 Cashier Atlas Bank Boston * Franklin Bank, Columbus 10,794 00 Bank of Louisville 288 0 0 Union Bank of Maryland 2,746 00 Schuylkill Bank . 96 00 Office Bank U. 8 ., New Orlean 52,863 00 Lexington 175,523 08 . Louisville St. Louis Girard Bank 32,195 93 Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank 111,883 81 Steubenville . 00 B ank o f A m erica Union B ank of Louisiana L ancaster, Ohio, H ank 782,746 4 0 21,595 07 61,309 01 26,561 96 164,444 25 103,061 56 1,491 05 7.852 29 20,089 87 29,947 74 4,583 69 3.853 23 3,542 38 4,363 52 600 0 0 166 50 252 23 63,100 00 4,150 00 1,828 10 525 03 10,312 13 1,916 92 21,036 16 2,986 72 735 20 717 48 1,054 43 39,863 65 140 54 17,883 73. 700 92 101 50 582 Capital stock . Bank mites issued • payable in Philadelphia Contingent fund State of Ohio Profit and loss • Dividend No. 1 • No. 2 No. 5 No. 6 Cashier Office Bank U. S., Natchez Yeatman, Woods, and Co., bank inland exchange house Northwestern Hank of Virginia Bank of Chillicothe • Commercial Bank of Scioto Bank of Marietta Pittsburgh Dayton Bank La Fayette Bank of Cincinnati Clinton Bank of Columbus Commercial Bank of New Orleans Franklin Bank of Cincinnati Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Compan; Treasurer of the United States Discount account Premium . . . Philad’a 54,095 On hand - 153,236 United States notes Franklin Bank of Cincinnati notes Ohio notes . . . Eastern notes . . . Specie . . . . $1,877,886 40 1,600 00 3,047 63 442,000 00 234,669 00 207,331 47,925 7,806 56,720 56,860 93,083 00 00 00 00 37 14 469,725 51 $1,877,886 40 583 _ Permanent expenses . Incidental do Cash balance, viz. Bank notes issued - 382,000 payable at Pliilad’a 60,000 Philad’a 5,905 In circulation - 228,764 I—I CO i__ > Merchants and Manufacturers’ Bank of Pittsburgh, September 10, 1834. Ur- Bills discounted Bills of exchange Amount due by other banks Banking house Expenses (permit) Cash, viz . notes issued 316,000 in circulation 241,845 on hand Bank United States Pittsburgh eastern western -. -Specie - 74,155 10,843 30,795 12,545 117,261 43,698 00 01 08 50 00 69 Capital stock Bank notes Amount due other banks Discounts received Premiums Profit and loss Dividend No. 1 No. 2 Individual deposites - 289,298 28 $ 1 ,059,881 24 - * . . 62,450 268,092 46,728 - . . . . 00 85 40 417,088 33 347,199 12 50,829 53 16,559 03 3,397 74 377,271 25 81,212,345 00 . . . . _ . - 536,810 00 316,000 00 97,999 06 7 915 23 12,087 19 966 89 150 50 4,666 50 83,285 87 - ♦ . . . . - *1,059,881 24 J. COWLY, Cashier. State o f the M erchant? and M anufacturers’ B ank Bills discounted ■ Bills of exchange Amount due by other banks Banking house Expenses - ' Notes of this bank on hand Notes of other banks Silver and gold . . q f Pittsburgh, October 2 2 , 1 8 3 4 . Capital stock paid in Notes issued Amount due other banks Discounts and premiums Treasurer United States Profit and loss Dividends unpaid 1 Amount due depositors Cr. . - 588,805 00 324,000 00 154,969 99 27,253 71 7,000 00 3,680 46 1,274 50 105,361 34 $1,212,345 00 J . C O W L Y , Cashier. 584 1)r. 388,461 35 324,953 54 37,558 05 16,532 53 1,477 49 1,600'00 Cr. Dk. State o f the Merchants and Manufacturers' Bank o f Pittsburgh, October 29, 1834. Bills discounted Bills of exchange Amount due by other banks . Banking house . . Expenses Notes of this bank on hand Notes and checks of other banks Silver and gold - . . . . . . 79,840 203 238 44,791 00 56 75 433,011 358,824 48,601 16,559 3,397 29 86 25 03 74 327,870 11 $1,188,264 28 i. Capital stock paid in . Notes issued . . Amount due other banks . Discounts and premiums . Profit and loss . . Treasurer of ihe United State* Dividend* unpaid . Due depositors i . . . . . . . . . . Ca. . . . . . 588,805 00 324,000 00 126,503 83 28,578 29 3,394 11 17,000 0 0 1,274 50 98,708 55 $1,188,264 28 •• • <' ; J. COWLY, Cashier. D r. State o f the Merchants and Manufacturers' Bank o f Pittsburgh, November 5, Bills discounted . . Bills of exchange Amount due by other banks Banking house . . Expenses . . Notes of this bank on hand . Notes and checks of ol her banks Silver aiul gold . . . . 4 . . 66,675 234,121 45,765 . - . 00 93 05 436,368 347,707 64,310 16,559 2 14 30 42 03 50 Capital stock paid in . . Notes issued Amount due other banks . . Premiums received . . . Treasurer United States . . Post Office Department . . Profit and loss . . . Dividends unpaid . 346,561 98 Dividend declared the 3d instant R. L. Baker, major United States’ army H. Johnston, quartermaster Amount due depositors *1.211,509 37 - - 1834. . . » . . . C r. 592,570 00 324,000 00 143,670 31 151 55 1 7 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 1,449 05 1,963 85 . 1,274 50 24,000 00 5,032 38 774 44 99,62* 29 * ■i n i $1,211,509 37 00 J. COWLY, Cashier. u-I - D b. Smte o f the Merchants and Manufacturers’ Bank o f Pittsburg, November 12, 1S34. Kills discounted • Uills of exchange . Amount due hy other banks Banking’ house . Expenses ■ . Notes of this bank on hand. other banks Silver and gold . 56,805 00 274,691 02 4-1,707 6 6 Capital stock paid in 4.5 Notes issued • 51 Amount due other banks Maj. H. L. Baker . . 03 88 11. Johnston, quartermaster Discounts and premiums Post Office Department Ti-. asurer of the United State* . . 376,203 6 8 Pr iflt and loss Dividends unpaid . Amount due depositors $1,263,165 23 444,677 338,894 86,826 16,559 3 08 * • . . - . . • . . • . - . C r. * • . . • • - 592 780 CO 324,000 00 160,257 77 5,033 38 774 44 1,461 90 J ,449 05 37,030 00 1,975 62 25,250 50 113,153 57 $ 1 ,263,165 23 00 D r. State o f the M erchants and M anufacturers' B a n k o f P ittsburg, November Bills discounted B Us of exchange Amount due by other banks Banking1 house Expenses Notes of this bank on hand other banks Silver »nd gold . 67,690 00 256,363 35 44,171 01 • 463.939 70 Capital stock paid in • 334.939 04 Notes issued 77,661 70 Amount due other banks 16,559 03 Discounts and premiums S 8 8 Profit and loss Maj. R. L. Raker Capt. Johnston, quartermaster Post Office Department 36ff,224 56 Treasurer United States Dividends unpaid Amount due depositors $1,261,327 91 • • - 19, 1S31. - Cr. - 592,930 00 348,000 0 0 145,995 37 3,088 63 1,984 82 7,427 38 616 44 1,449 05 34,331 37 24,734 50 100,770 35 $1,261,327 91 J . COWLY, Cashier. 98? J. COWLY, CashUr. D r. State o f the Merchants and Manufacturers’ Bank o f Pittsburg, November 26, 1834. Bills discounted Bills cf exchange Amount due by other banks Hanking house Expenses Mote* of this bank on hand other banks Silver and gold - 65,070 00 197,865 71 42,553 03 C r. 477,601 92 354,585 90 64,398 70 16,559 03 95 43 Capital stock paid in Notes issued Amount due other banks Discounts and premiums Profit and loss . M jo r H. L. Baker Captain II. Johnston Post Office Department 305,488 74 Treasurer United States Dividends unpaid . Amount due depositors 81,218,729 72 594,130 348,000 93,621 4,689 1.984 7,380 431 2,606 34,908 24,134 106,842 $1,218,729 00 00 56 79 82 10 70 12 90 50 23 72 D r. State o f the M erchants and M an ufacturers’ B a n k o f Pittsburg, December Bills discounted B lis of exchange Amount due by other banks Dan king house • Expenses Notes of this bank on hand other banks Silver Cold • - 55,595 00 197,093 06 39,062 78 2,781 17 494,197 357,450 45 968 16,559 259 3, 1S34. Ca. 27 41 78 03 18 Capital stock paid ill Notes issued Amount due other banks Major R. L. Baker Captain H. Johnston Lieutenant Wm. Hoffman Post Office Department ' Treasurer United States Discoun's and premiums 294,532 01 Profit find loss Dividends unpaid Due depositors . 81,208,946 68 594,430 00 348,000 00 118,203 34 6,720 48 528 37 150 00 2,606 12 34,408 90 6,111 99 2,400 35 3,889 50 91,497 63 #1.208,946 6 8 J. COWLY, Cashier. % 587 J. COWLY, Catkier. CO [! State Specic Specie paying1 bank notes Funds in Buffalo, Geneyi, aid hills in transit Bills discounted . . Banking house and furniture Loans secured on real estate Loins on guaranty . . . . . New York, . . . . . . o f the Bt nk of Michigan, June 30, 1834. _ . incltidin* ^ . . . . 40,344 41 47,334 00 317.721 93 567,997 50 7.208 0 0 32,747 78 89,643 30 $1,102,996 92 Capital stock . . Treasurer of the United States . Deposites Circulation . . Profit and loss . . A u gu st 12 , 1 8 3 4 . . - . . . - 350,000 315,753 204,855 228,605 3,782 00 96 12 00 84 C. C. TROWBRIDGE, Cashier. State o f the B i t i o t M ic h is a k , . . . #1,102,996 92 Bank or MicHitiAir, Detroit, June 30, 1834. Specie . . . . . Bills on specie paying banks . . . Due by other banks, including bills in transitu Advances to the Army and Indian Departments Bills discounted . . Securities on real estate . . . Loans on guaranty to commission merchants, &c. Banking house and furniture * . - . . . . . B a n k o f M ichigan , Detroit, Ju ly 56,495 36,985 383,851 41,670 563,637 32,420 76,674 7,208 $1,198,944 05 00 83 81 52 94 95 00 10 31, 1834. Capital stock — Circulation Treasurer of the United States Deposites Profit and loss . . - . - . * - 350,000 259,226 355,292 221,939 12,485 00 00 24 91 95 $1,198,944 10 C . C . T R O W B R ID G E , Cashier. State o f the Bank o f Michigan, Detroit, August 31, 1834. . . 54,885 65 28,626 0 0 387,844 71 24,878 00 575,503 16 73,703 8 8 32,954 12 7,208 00 $1,185,603 52 Capital stock Circulation . Treasurer United States Deposites . Profit and loss . . --- --------- ---------- ---- -- Bahx or MiCHiSAir, Detroit, October 4, 1834. . . . . - . . . . 350,000 301,795 267,436 251,790 14,583 00 00 38 14 00 C. C. TROWBRIDGE, Cathur. State o f th e Bank o f Michigan, Detroit, September 30, Specie on hand . . . . Bills on specie paying banks . Due by. other banks and bills in transit . Advances to Army and Indian Departments . . Bills discounted . . . . Loans on guaranty to government contractors and com mission merchants . • Securities on real estate . . . Banking house and furniture . . . . $1,185,603 52 Bank or Michigan, Detroit, September 5, 1834. . . . - -- .... . — 47 .783 33 30,251 00 273,023 21 14,763 95 614,800 07 79,342 47 32,956 06 7,208 00 01,100,127 09 «r . . . 1834. 6 . . Capital stock . . Circulation . . Treasurer of the United States Deposites . . . Profit and loss . . . . . . . . . . - 350,000 393,349 346,894 193,211 16,772 00 00 15 02 92 #1,100,127 09 C. C. TROWBRIDGE, Cashier. C . 8 .I Specie on hand • • Bill* on specie paying banka . . S ue by other banks including hills in transit Advances to Army and Indian Departments] Bills discounted . . . Loans on guaranty . . . Securities on real estate . . Banking house and furniture . . au**." * - Stale o f the Bank o f Michigan, Detroit, October 31, 1834. 30,615 42 40,036 00 266,325 27 614,184 60 96.924 36 7,208 0 0 33,117 83 $ 1 , 088,411 48 Bauk or M khisajt, Detrtit Ociobtr 31, 1834. Capital stock • Circulation Treasurer of the United States Deposites Profit and loss • 350,000 292,311 217,995 206,553 21,551 00 00 00 80 68 >1,088,411 48 C. C. TROWBRIDGE, Ctuhitr. 069 Specie on hand . . . Bills of specie paying banks . . . Due by other banks, including bills in transit . Bills discounted • • • . Loans on guaranty to commission merchants and public officers . . Banking house and furniture • • . Loans on rtal estate • . , 00 S ta te o f the f u n d s o f th e F a rm ers a n d M echanics’ B a n k o f M ich igan , Banking house - ' • Exchange account ■ Contingent expenses . Bills discounted • . Bank of Michigan . Commercial Bank, Albany United States Branch Bank. Buffalo . Bank of Genesee . Utica Branch Bank . Ontario Bank • . Bank of Monroe . Wayne County Bank . Bank of Utica Bank of Ueauga . Bank of Itivcr Raisin Johnson, Hodge, & Co Foreign notes * * Items • . Specie - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - • . . . . - • - . . 8,316 500 565 248,322 334 3,664 55 889 1,754 93 382 200 474 782 1,230 1,878 8,376 *r 7 , 5t O? ^O 16,413 Capital stock • Office notes on hand -» Surplus account Profit and loss Discount received • Dividend account • Special deposites 57 Post Office Department Individual credits: 86 0 0 Certificates • 23 Accounts 15 80 00 90 14 CO 04 18 00 95 24 00 32 69 01 37 $301,724 47 • • • • . » July 23, 1834. I 220,631 - 66,854 - ; • • • • • • • m 5,685 56 26,086 93 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 153,777 00 2,700 00 828 05 3,033 33 170 00 6,087 35 3,356 25 31,772 49 „ . $301,724 47 JOHN A. WELLES, Cathitr. r— \ OO i—i 00 State o f the funds o f the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank of Michigan, July 30, 1834. 8,216 18 500 00 565 95 242.584 06 4,065 65 10,342 61 55 69 289 01 4,344 90 93 57 862 8 6 782 15 1,530 83 578 00 10,186 00 7,239 77 16,560 13 J308,797 33 Captial stock paid in • ■ Office notes prepared • • Deduct amount on hand Surplus profits on hand , * Profit and loss • ■ Discount received • • Dividends unpaid * Special deposites • • Post Office Department, United State* Bank of Utica . Individual deposites: Certificates • . Accounts • . - 220,631 00 57,970 00 6,064 59 22,119 31 100,000 00 162,661 0 0 2,700 CO 828 05 3,161 61 137 50 6 ,077 35 3,385 45 1,642 47 28,183 90 #308,797 33 JOHN A. W ELLES, Caihiir. £65 Banking house • Exchange account • Contingent expenses • Bills discounted • Bank of Michigan • Commercial Bank, Albany United States Branch Bank, Buffalo Bank of Cenesee, Batavia, New York Utica Branch Bank, Canandaigua, New York Ontario Bank, do do Bank of Monroe, Rochester, do Bank of Geauga. P.iinesville, Ohio Bank of River Raisin Michigan Territory Johnson, Hodge, & Co., brokers, Buffalo Notes of others banks Items counted as cash • ■ Speoie . . . Slate of the funds o f the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Michigan, Jiuguit 2, 1834. - . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . • . . • - . . . . . . . . - - 8,216 18 500 00 765 95 233,448 23 10,191 17 9,742 61 55 69 689 01 4,059 81 93 57 965 86 219 58 1,630 80 1 50 170 00 540 33 8,995 00 7,657 52 17,194 27 $305,137 08 Capital stock paid in • • ■ Bank notes in circulation Surplus account . . . . Profit and loss . . . . Discount received . . . . Dividend account . . . . Special deposites . . . . Post Office Department United States J. Kearsley, receiver of public moneys at Detroit Bank of Utica . . . . Individual credits . . . - - 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 156,423 2,700 1,218 3,328 157 6,327 3,580 396 1,013 30,992 00 00 05 52 50 32 39 65 25 40 593 Banking’ house Exchange account . . Contingent expenses . . Bills discounted . . CnBank of Michigan . . Commercial Bank, Albany United States Branch at Buffalo Bank of Genesee . . Utica Branch Bank . . Ontario Bank * Bank ot Monroe . . Bank of Geauga . . Bank of River Kaisin . . New York State Bank . . Bank of Norwalk Johnson, Hodge, & Co. Notes of other banks . . Items counted as cash - " Specie . . . r* 1 $305,137 08 JOHN A. AVEL1 .ES, Cashier. 00 State of the funds o f the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank o f Michigan, August 9, 1834. Banking house Exchange account Contingent expenses Bills discounted Bank of Michigan Commercial Bank, Albany Uuited States Branch Bank, Ruflalo Bank of Genesee Utica Branch Bank Ontario Bank Bank of Monroe Bank of Geauga Bank of River Raisin Johnson, Hodge, and Co, Foreign notes . Items counted as cash Specie . 8,216 18 500 00 765 95 230,168 27 731 64 34,715 13 55 69 189 01 6,009 76 93 57 382,86 219 58 2,976 11 540 33 7,837 00 6,518 13 18,328 14 #318,247 35 Capital stock . . . Bank notes in circulation Surplus account • Profit and loss Discount received Dividend account Special deposites Post Office Department United States Rank of Utica New York State Rank, Albany Bank of Norwalk . J. Kearsley, receiver Individual deposites • - qe 100,000 00 160,106 0 0 2,700 00 1,207 87 3,500 45 127 50 6,599 57 3,630 39 1,011 75 525 00 2,297 00 2,668 23 33,873 59 #318,247 35 JOHN A. WELLES, Cashier. Oi CO ti* State o f the funds o f the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank of Michigan, August 16, 1834. Banking house Exchange account Contingent expenses Bil\s discounted Bank of Michigan Commercial Bank, Albany United States Branch Bank at Buffalo Hank of Genesee Utica branch Bank Ontario Bank Bank of Monroe Bank of Geauga Bank of River Raisin Johnson, Hodge, and Co. ■Foreign notes Items Specie - 8,216 18 500 00 765 95 236,313 00 881 48 28,349 41 55 69 189 01 6,009 76 605 57 382 86 4 58 2,976 11 340 33 11,949 00 5,904 02 17,468 80 *320,911 75 Capital stock • Oflice notes in circulation Surplus account Profit and loss Discount received • Dividend account Special deposites Post Office Department United States Bank of Utica Bank of Norwalk Bank of Buffalo Individual deposite9 J . Kearsley, receiver • 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 166,238 00 2,700 00 1,265 49 3,771 16 127 50 6,428 69 3,630 39 1,550 42 2,297 00 1 50 29,231 38 3,670 22 co CJI #320,911 75 JOHN BIDDLE, President. 1 00 1__I i— i QC Slate o f the funds o f the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Detroit, August 23, 1834. i Banking house • . Exchange account . Contingent expenses Bills discounted Bank of Michigan Commercial Bank United States Branch Bank, Buffalo Bank of Genesee Utica Branch Bank Ontario Bank Bank of Monroe . . Bank of Geauga Bank of Uiver Raisin New York State Bank Johnson, Hodge, and Co, Bank of Buffalo Foreign notes of other banks Items . Specie • . 8,216 18 500 00 765 95 234,115 61 2,617 30 28,227 88 55 69 189 01 5,582 76 605 57 382 86 4 58 3,126 33 1 50 340 33 168 50 19,574 00 5,450 22 18,006 01 8327,930 28 Capital stock Office notes in circulation Surplus account Profit and loss . . . Discount received . . . Dividend account . . . Special deposites Post Office Department of the United States Bank of Utica . . . Bank of Norwalk J. Kearsley, receiver of public moneys at Detroit Individual deposites • - 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 171,428 00 2,700 00 1,265 49 3,959 38 127 50 6,477 59 3,630 39 1,400 24 2,297 00 5,612 52 29,032 17 Ox CO <y> *327,930 28 JOHN BIDDLE, President. State o f the funds of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank o f Michigan, August 3 0 , 1 8 3 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 8,266 49 500 0 0 765 95 233,058 60 2,830 05 24,054 35 55 69 187 61 5,982 76 605 57 382 8 6 340 33 1,718 50 22,202 37 4,450 22 19,092 89 8324,494 24 Capital stock . . . Office notes in circulation . Surplus account . . Profit and loss . . . Discount received . . Dividend account . . Special deposites . . Post Office Department of the United Bank of Utica . . . Bank of Geauga . . Bank of River Raisin . . Bank of Norwalk . . J. Kearsley, receiver . . Individual credits . . . . . . . . . States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 - 168,656 2,700 1,265 4,108 127 7,023 3,630 1,491 259 735 2,203 6,762 25,529 00 00 49 82 50 29 39 74 42 67 89 52 51 $324,494 24 JOHN A. WELLES, Cashier. 597 Banking house . . Exchange account . Contingent expenses . Bills discounted . . Bank of Michigan . Commercial Bank . U. S. Branch Bank, Buffalo Bank of Genesee . Utica Branch Bank . Ontario Bank . . Bank of Monroe Johnson, Hodge, & Co. . Bank of Buffalo . . Foreign notes . . Items . . . Specie . . - CO State o f the funds of the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, September 6, 1634. 8,272 74 500 00 1,046 97 239,457 43 3,202 98 31,201 81 2,105 69 187 61 6,856 13 105 57 282 8 6 1 50 340 33 20,233 14 5,484 15 19,958 14 *339,237 05 Capital stock * Bank notes of this office in circulation Surplus account . Profit and loss Discount received Dividend account • Special deposites Post Office Department of the United States Bank of Utica Bank of Geauga • Bank of River Raisin . Bank of Norwalk • Bank of Buffalo J. Kearsley, receiver Treasurer of the United States Individual deposites • 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 183,586 00 2,700 00 1,735 49 4,433 44 127 50 7,570 18 787 20 1,748 30 257 92 735 67 2,203 89 122 50 6 762 52 13 30 26,453 14 8339,237 05 JOHN A. WELLES, Cashier. 598 Banking house • Exchange account • Contingent expenses Bills discounted • • Bank of Michigan • Commercial Bank United States BranchBank at Buffalo Bank of Genesee Utica Branch Bank Ontario Bank Bank of Monroe New York State Bank Johnson, Hodge, andCompany foreign notes Items counted as cash • • Specie - State o f ihe fin d s of the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Detroit, September 13, 1834. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 8,272 500 1,046 247,561 30,935 2,105 584 3,805 105 882 1 ,2 0 1 357 25,846 5,273 21,147 74 00 97 44 41 69 51 13 57 86 80 50 02 22 17 §349,626 03 Capital stock Office notes in circulation . . . Surplus account . Profit and loss . . . . Discount received Dividend account . . . . Special deposites . . . . Post Office Department of the United States Bank of Geauga Bank of River Raisin Bank of Norwalk E. Johnson, Hodge, and Company . J. Kearsley, receiver of public moneys at Detroit Treasurer of the United States Individual deposites . . . . 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 191,330 00 2,700 00 1,735 49 4,813 56 127 50 7,595 18 787 20 6 042 42 257 92 735 67 2,203 89 6,762 52 13 30 23,929 77 §349,626 03 JOHN A. WF.LL.ES, Cashier. 599 Banking house . . Exchange account . . Contingent expenses . . Bills discounted . . Commercial Bank . . United States Branch Bank at Buffalo Bank of Genesee . . Utica Branch Bank . . Bank of Monroe . . Bank of Utica . . Bank of Buffalo . . Foreign notes . . Cash items . . . Specie . . . Stale o f the funds o f the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Detroit, September 20, 1834. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . 8,272 74 500 00 1,046 97 249,366 05 31,843 98 4,394 67 2,105 69 584 51 4,105 13 105 57 948 86 940 94 2,142 21 757 50 34,709 00 5,267 22 22,589 23 $369,680 27 Capital stock • . . Office notes in circulation • Surplus account Profit and loss • - . . • Discount received . Dividend account . Special deposites • Post Office Department of the United States Bank of Norwalk il OI51CVf 1/1 . . Treasurer of the United States . . . Individual deposites • « lit. i v v v l VC l i l l 1/CVl . . . . . • 1 • 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 200,158 00 2,700 00 1,735 49 5,023 75 127 50 6,992 50 889 53 2,203 89 6,762 52 17,546 63 25,540 46 600 Banking house Exchange account Contingent expenses Bills discounted Commercial Bank, Albany • Bank of Michigan . . United States Branch Bunk, Buffalo Bank of Genesee . . Utica Branch Bank . . Ontario Hnnlc • . Bank of Monroe . . Bank of Utica . . . Bank of River Raisin . . Bank or Buffalo . . Foreign notes . . . Items counted as cash . . Specie • - i— i co >369,680 27 v JOHN A. WELLES, Cashier. State o f the funds o f the Farmers and Mechanics’ Sank, Detroit, September 27, 1834. - - - : . - ... . : . . . - _ - . ■ 272 74 500 00 1,046 97 256,217 99 1,392 57 49,901 59 84 51 7,056 13 358 86 150 00 5 50 190 00 2 2 ,925 00 5,193 29 22,961 04 $376,361 76 CapitAl stock Bank notes in circulation Surplus account Profit and loss Discount received Dividend account Speeial deposite Post Office Department United States isann ot uuca _ Bank of lliver Raisin Bank of Norwalk J. Kearsley, receiver i Treasurer of the United States | Individual deposites &• - - . _ _ : . . _ . - - ' 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 - - _ - - 193,64<j 00 2,700 00 1,735 49 5,399 19 127 50 6,917 50 889 53 315 39 584 79 2,203 89 6,762 52 29,768 73 25,311 23 601 Banking house Exchange account Contingent expenses Bills discounted Bank of Michigan Commercial Bank Bank of Genesee Utica Branch Bank Ontario Bank Bank ot Monroe Wayne County Bank New York State Bank Bank of Buffalo Foreign Bank notes Cash items Specic - $376,361 76 JOHN A. WELLES, Ctuhi r» r-t 00 State o f the funds of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Detroit, October 4, 1834. * 8,272 74 500 00 253,412 81 4,254 25 60,152 49 84 51 6,276 63 105 57 4 0 8 86 150 00 1,425 32 13 80 19,274 48 5,068 29 23,380 98 $382,780 73 Capital stock Office notes in circulation Surplus account Profit and loss . Discount received Dividend account Special deposites Post Office Department Bank of Utica Bank of Geauga New York State Bank Bank of Norwalk Treasurer of the United States J. Kearsley, receiver Individual deposites • • * - 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 201,436 00 4 ,0 0 0 0 0 14 02 96 35 487 50 6,533 06 924 30 2,497 23 1 .0 0 0 0 0 8 8 6 35 2,203 89 36,481 25 2,624 86 23,595 92 $382,780 73 JOHN A. WELLES, Cashier. 602 Banking house . Exchange account Bills discounted Bank of Michigan Commercial llank, Albany Bank of Genesee . Utica Branch Bank Ontario Bank . Bank of Monroe • Wayne County Bank Bank of River Raisin . Bank of Buffalo . Foreign bank notes Cash items Specie . ,. co State o f the funds o f the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Detroit, October 11, 1834. . . . . • . . - • • .. . . - - . . - 4,463 02 8,272 74 500 00 72,369 18 199 51 6,063 63 105 57 149 69 150 00 1,531 8 6 13 80 3,973 00 256,721 58 12,517 85 4,585 32 24,476 85 $396,093 60 Capital stock Bank notes in circulation Surplus account Profit and loss Discount received Dividend account Special deposites Post Office Department Bank of Michigan United States Branch Bank, Buffalo Bank of Utica Bank of Norwalk Treasurer of the United States J. Kearsley, receiver Individual deposites - • . . _ - _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ . 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 00 00 02 204,222 4,000 14 417 435 6,090 1,081 208 450 3,229 2,203 36,481 7,477 29,782 71 00 06 71 19 00 93 89 25 62 22 603 Real estate Banking house Exchange account Commercial Bank, Albany Bank of Genesee Utica Branch Bank Ontario Bank Bank of Monroe Wayne County Bank Bank of River Raisin Bank of Buffalo * Commercial Bank of Buffalo Bills discounted Foreign bank notes Cash items « Specie - 0396,093 60 JOHN A. WELLES, Cashier. I— I 00 Stale o f the funds o f the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Detroit, October 18, 1S34. _________ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ . . ] ' _ . . . . . . _ . . 4,463 02 8,272 74 500 00 259,702 24 8,324 67 80,391 84 199 51 4 ,504 20 370 69 271 29 581 86 3 00 405 00 312 51 10,442 10 4,862 92 55,645 71 $409,253 30 Capital stock . . Bank notes in circulation Surplus account . . I’rofit and loss . . Discount received . . Dividend account . . Special deposites . . Post Oflice Department . J. Kearsley, receiver . . Treasurer of the United States Individual deposites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . 00 - . - 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 216,365 4,000 14 583 435 6,245 1,674 450 12,971 36,481 30 033 00 08 02 68 00 06 09 00 25 25 95 604 Heal estate . Ranking house • Exchange account . Bills discounted . Bank of Michigan Commerc al Bank, Albany, Bank of Genesee . Utica Branch Bank Bank of Monroe Hank of Utica . Bank of River Raisin . New York State Bank Bank of Norwalk . Commercial Bank, Buffalo Foreign bank notes . Cash items Specie . . . 1 ' - J409.253 30 JOHN A. WEIXKS, Uashitr. Stale o f the funds o f the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Detroit, October 2 5 , 1 83 4. 1 ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 4,463 0 2 8,438 74 500 0 0 260,489 87 226 24 81,498 30 229 51 4,280 15 570 69 100 00 226 73 405 0 0 3,312 51 16,586 6 8 5,257 92 27,182 99 $413,768 35 Capital Btock . . . Office notes in circulation Surplus account . . . Profit and loss . . . Discount received . . . Dividend account . . . Special deposites . . . Post Office Department of the United States United States Branch Bank at Buffalo Bank of Utica . . . New. York State Bank . . . J . Kearsley, reoeiver . . Treasurer of the United States Individual deposites . . . - 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 08 214,409 0 0 4,000 00 14 02 665 04 435 0 0 6,372 62 1,771 8 8 450 0 0 1 ,2 2 1 90 387 23 18,839 68 36,481 25 28,720 73 60 5 Real estate >• Banking house . . Exchange account . . Bills discounted . . Bank of Michigan . . Commercial Bank of Albany Bank of Genesee . . Utica Branch Bank . . Bank of Monroe . . Cayuga Company Bank . . Hank of River Raisin . . Bank of Norwalk . . Commercial Bank of Buffalo Foreign notes, (bank notes) Cash items . . . Specie . . . $413,768 35 JOHN A. WELLES, Cashier. OO Stale of the funds of the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Detroit, November 8, 1834. . . . . 4,463 8,453 500 200 258,500 900 112 87,336 583 6,372 648 10 0 804 5,718 52,375 10,442 18,222 02 74 00 00 22 89 50 52 00 15 74 00 02 74 91 37 07 5455,733 89 Capital stock . . Office notes iu circulation • Surplus account • • Profit and loss . . Discount received . Dividend account • Special deposites . Certificate account Post Offire Dpnurtmpnt nf TTnifp#! Stftfps . . . Bank of Utica . . . Bank of Geauga . . J. Kearsley, receiver . Treasurer of the United States . . . . Individual credits - . • . . 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 195,993 4,000 451 951 355 8,563 7,192 1,820 3,083 1,949 649 106,157 24,565 00 00 52 56 00 62 24 94 96 00 88 44 73 #455,733 89 JOHN A. WELLES, Caihier, per H. T. STUNGHAM, Bookkeeper. 606 Real estate . . . . . Banking house . . . . Eichange account . . . . Contingent expenses . . . . Bills discounted - s Bank of Michigan • . Bank of Sandusky - • . Commercial Bank, Albany . . . Bank of Genesee « . . . Utica Branch Bank . . . . Bank of Monroe . . . . Cayuga County Bank . . . . Bank of River Raisin . . . . Commercial Bank, Buffalo ■ . Foreign bank notes . . . . Items counted as cash . . . . Specie . . . . . i— i oo Slate o f the funds of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Detroit, November, • - 4,463 02 8,453 74 500 00 2 0 0 00 ' 263,241 67 476 61 86,538 08 229 51 5,902 05 625 69 1 0 0 00 1,369 81 5,026 17 18,817 46 9,836 85 17,012 57 Capital stock . . . Office notes in circulation . . Surplus account . . . Profit and loss . . . Discount received . . . Dividend account . . . Special deposites . . . Post Office Department of the United States United States Branch Bank, Buffalo Bank of Utica . . . Bank of Geauga . . . J. Kearsley, receiver . . . Treasurer of the United States . . Individual deposites . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 - 206,419 4,000 414 830 430 8,220 1,820 450 2,066 1,949 649 58,037 . 37,504 00 00 02 84 00 87 94 00 53 00 88 60 55 $422,793 23 $422,793 23 « . . . . . . . m JOHN A. WELLES, Cashier. t 607 Heal estate . . . . . Banking house . . . . Exchange account * Contingent expenses . . . . Bills discounted . . . . Bank of Michigan . . . . Commercial Bank of Albany . . . Bank of Genesee . . . . Utica Branch Bank . . . Bank of Monroe . . . . Cayuga County Bank . . . . Bank of lliver Raisin . . . . Commercial Bank, Buffalo . . . Foreign notes . . . . Items counted as cash . . . . Specie . . . . . J , 1 83 4. Slate of the funds o f the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Detroit, November 15, 1834. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,463 02 8,461 24 500 00 200 00 252,461 21 14,143 26 112 50 123,343 86 224 13 4,602 15 30 00 18? 09 100 00 2,545 51 400 00 8,141 26 1 50 15,385 83 9,836 85 19,427 8 6 8464 J67 27 Capital stock . . Office notes in circulation . . Surplus account . . Profit and loss . . Discount received . . Dividend account Special deposites . . Post Office Department of the United States . . Bank of Utica . . Bank of Geauga . . J. Kearsley, receiver . Treasurer of the United States . . . Individual deposites - . . . . 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 205,341 00 4,000 00 451 52 1,143 92 3:57 50 5,234 62 1,863 94 2,607 89 1,949 00 300 00 106,157 44 35,180 44 008 Real estate . . Banking house . . Exchange account . Contingent expenses . Bills discounted . . Bank of Michigan . Bank of Sandusky . Commercial Bank, Albany Bunk of Genesee . Utica Branch Bank . Ontario Bank . . Bank of Monroe . Cayuga County Bank . Bank of ltiver liaisin . Bank of Buffalo . . Commercial llank, Buffalo Oswego Bank . . Bank notes . . Items . . . Specie . . $464,567 27 JOHN A. WELLES, C tthitr _