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43D CONGRESs #, HOUSB OF REPRESENTATIVES. 2d &Ston. MIS. Doo. No. 16. REPORtT OF THE COM[SSIONERS OF THE FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. LETTER FROM THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE FREEI)MAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY, TRAN8MITING, In compliance with the resolution of Deoember 11, 1874, their report. DEcKmBER 15, 1874.-Referred to the Com"mittee on Banking and Currency bud ordered to be printed, together with a letter of the Secretary of the Treasury on the sanls subject, traxtilnitted Ma 14, 1874. OFFICE O THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY, Washington, D. C., Dec. 14, 1874. with the resolution of the House Sma:of Inthe cofn!liance I1th inst. we Si&lve the honor to submit the following report: ties By virtue of the authority conferred upon them by the 7th section of the pxt entitledC 11An act amending the charter of the Fe6dmans Savings and Trust Company, and for other purposes,' approved Juipe 20, 1874, the trulstees of company, on the 1st of .Jtdy, 1874, selected us as comlniimsionerF. for the purpose of closing up its affairs, and on the following day their selection was approved by the honorable the Sec. retary of thie Treasury. On the 8th and 9th of July we qualifted by executing our bond and taking the prescribed oath, and ol the morning of the) 13th of the same month we entered upIon our duties, having first had a full conference with the Secretary of the Treasury, the First Comptroller of the Treasury, and the Comptroller of the Currency, as to the several provisions of the act of June 20, 1874, and our duties and authority in the premises. As the result of this conference, we determined upon the following plan of operations: I. To leplosit all sums collected or received by us in the Treasury of the Unilted States, and to "heck for all amounts required, whether in the pay en6it of expenses or otherwise. It. To withdraw all available funds from the several brancbes, and deposit them in the Treasury. II. To redeem certain securities held by the Freedman's Savings of.Rpresenta6 2 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. and Trust Company, as collateral for loans and afterwards pledged, by the company for temporary loans to meet thle deman-ids of depositors, IV. To pay the special deposits, i. e., the deposits made after Jte 20, 1874, the date of the act, as soon as sufficient funds should couwe into our possession. V. To ascertain as speedily as possible the true condition of the lia. bilities and assets of the company. VI. To reduce expenses by discharging all employ6s that could be dispensed with, and closing tip tbe several branches .at tlhe earliest )racticable moment. VII. To assimilate our proceedings as nearly as possible to those of receivers under the national currency act. This I)pla of operations, adopted at the very outset of our officiAl existellee as commissioners, has been p)ersistently adhered to. Exceptji the payment of the balance of the Coyle note, July 13, 1874, l ereilndfter referred to, aud a few instances of petty expelnditures liningg the fliht few days of our administration. every dollarr received has been' (lepl)osited in the Treasury-of the United States, and whatever expenditures have been defrayed have been' paid by check upon thle samlue. Tfhuis sll om cas8h tralnsac-tions pass through one a nd the same ACCOiut, silliliit'ig mtters lar m1ore thai if we were to take advantage of theperinission giveii us by the act of Juie 20, 1874, to retaiu- such portions of the funds of the com pany as might be necessary to' defray current exlI)eseI4s. The withdrawal of the available funds on hand at thie several branchiles was attended with much delay and difficulty. Before our apphointmienit and qualification as commissioners, legal proceedings b)yatttac' and otherwise-haid been instituted by somne of the depositors and other creditors of the company at several of the branches against its l)roperoy, and the momerlt it became known that we were making arrangemieiits the branchles, proceediogsto withdraw the available funds and close upb and efforts of various kinds to defeat -our action mulltil)liel oi all sides. -In nost of the cases where proceedings had been comnleiee(l before our appointment and qualifications ad had progressed sllfficiently to operat`as -a lien against the company's property before it became vested in us, we have been, or shall be, compelled to agree to an adjustmeunt by payment of the claims. In some cases we had to resort to the of the cornpany's property, which had been seized aid(l oftlred purchase for sale, to prevent its disposal at ruinous rates, and ill others we had to pay the clalih and costs of suit. The proceedings instituted after our appoiutrnent and qualificationI have been nearly all set aside under the provisions of the act of Coilgress -but itn one or two cases we have beeh compelled torel evy )rofr ertyge'z&d, and furnish bonds to abide the ultimate deeisiiomi; andl It Nashvilie, Tenn,, where the com pany hold4Trebal estate valuedl at about $30,QX, we have met with considerable emba'rrasssment through a deciof the chiincery court 'in some attachment suits, Ohaficellor CoopPm 'the statutory assignment to the commissioner, of all the holding tbap property- of the Freedman's Savings and Trust ()ominpaliyj c Iiermlte by tlie- act of June" 20, 1874, is not sufficient to vest thle title to said property in. i18i aid that in the absence of a formial assign men)t by the corporation to the commissioners, dtily provedvalld registered in thle State befor6 the fiing of the bills of the complainants, the atta!(hirng creditors acquired b~y their attachments it prior right to the Ipro'perty. From 4hls decision we have instructed our counlsel to appeal, preferring, in view Af the interests ot all the depositors, to have a: more authoritative detision as to the construction and force of the act referred to before acqui- sion` FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 3 escing in the chanicellors decree. Men time the late agents of this company, who have in their possession rents collected from the tenants of tile prol)Orty, have been enjoined'from paying over the amount due and we are helpless to enforce the collection of certain loans made at that branch 1dId flow due. Our latest advices from Nashville foreshadow the appointiment of a receiver,- with power to sell the property and collect thle loa0is of the company at that branch, payinig the proceeds into the 'registry of the chancery court, to be held subject- to a pro-rata distribution. If this decision of the chancery court at Nashville is sustained by the higher courts, and subsequent legislation cannot furnish an adeqluato remned, -increased complicAtiions will necessarily arise, and: the satisfactory settlement of the company's affairs correspondingly delayed. Whether the proceeds of the Nashville property and loans are to be (Ii'vided aolinlig the Nashville :tbanch depositors alone, or whether the.y ,,re to be dividedd pro rata P.noong all thle depositors of the company emiibralcing those of the thiiK;y-four separate branches; and whetherit they aire to be confined to ine Nashville depositorss, this (listribution is to be deemed lpayinent1in full of their claims; or whether if all the depositors are takeii into consideration, wve are to be made accountable to the chancery court in so far as to furnish that court the precise number of our creditors at all the brauches, and the amounts due each, to enable it prol)erly to apportion the funds, are questions which will 'arise, an.d lust be Illet, if thedecisionsn of the chancery court is sustained. The cash and cash itemns on hand at the several branches, as called for by thle books of the company at the close of business, July 11, 1874, amounted to $49,131.41. Of this, the sulm of $31,689.35 only had been received tip to November 30, 1874. The difference, $17,442 06, is found to cDsist mainly of temporary loans, due-bils, and "shorts" carried in the Oash of soilie of the branches. A portion of this amount, we fear, will l)rove a total loss., One of the first things brought to our attention after our appointment and qualification wvas the fact that, in February, 1874, tile offers of the coltpaiiy, ini order to raise funds to satisfy. the demands of depositors, had pledged $50,000 eight per cent. bonds of the District of Columbia to the Hide an-d Leather National Bank of Boston, Mass., as security for a loan of $25,000. Of this aiOunt, $10,000 had been returned prior to our taking charge, and the balance, with interest, viz, $15,879.39, was paid by us July 28, 1874. The eight per ceut. bonds which the Freedman's Savings and Trkist Co6mpanyr held as collateral to the loan of J. V. W. Vandenbuirgh were thereulpon returned to us. In tle month of May following the officers of the company further Pledged to th1e Nhtional Metropolitan Bank of Washington, D. 0., as security, for a- lonit of $33,500, a real-estate note for $25,000 of M. A. Coyle et al., $18,000 eight per-cent., and .$2,000 six per cent. ten-year bonds of the District of Columbia. This loan vwas reduced1 July 6, 1874, *11,200 by a payment of that anout on the notefot M. A. Coyle et al. Onl th 13th of July, the dyv on which we took charge,:the bal an ce of the Coyle note, with interest amounting to $14,948, was paid, and by us al)plied in further extinguishmeniit of the-amount (lue the Metropolitan Bank; an(l on the 21st of July the balance, $7,411.68, principal and interest, was pbaid, and the pledged District securities were returned and filed with the Vauldenburgh loan, to which they pertained. No action having been taken by the treasurer of the company under the 8th section of the act of June 20, 1874, requiring them to hold as 4 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND T'RUST COMPANY. special deposits all deposits Wa(le froln AnIud after the p.ssage of the act *nd intil Joily 1 1875. All suc(h ldepois (epoept at te Nevw York brateIi ef;,the company, tbe manager of which, of his own accord, set all bi@[i tSiW deposits aside and Iplaeed t4enr for sai4kee ing: in tle Vailis'of Union Trust OomAiany) had ieeinerged tihi the gelleral -asse"ts ofjKi colnpany and used in the l)ayinent of ull classes of depositors, so that when .the company suspended paymneot, tlhe sum ot $27,00)2.20 was found to be due onl account of 510l11 (lepOSits, for the payment ot'wbic no special provision hhad been niade, as contemplated by the act re(elri!'ed to.. These we concluded to provide for, and, as soon as the necessary funds were collected, checks in payment of the several deposits were issued, aud forwarded to the proper branches to be delivered to the respective depositors. Conscious. of the importance of preseiiting to the l)ublic at the earliest practicable moment a true; statetnent of the affairs of tbe doinpan.y;,we have firomithe begilnning'lenit e&ery energy to theascertaiiuneiit of tle (eiert'bki'O-ki necessary facts for this pur)oSe; but thle inaghitu(Ie of the the iium her the extent an~d diversified tchaaterof the company's affairs haiid i{usiness banking aid distinct separate a of branches at which almost congeneral andl :of defective the been carried on, sYstem1 book-keeping fusion of accountwat some of the brnnilbe, soon conviinced us thatl thl9 prel)aration f such a statement would be a work of grpat di e`iuty'" Indeed, considering the jnaterial we hae to rely .upon and the persons l whether we shall everbe we baye to deal with, it is somewhat doubfl able to obtain an absolutely correct statelflent of the liabilities ad assets r-ate jt Awill be a slow and tedious pr-oce00S., of the 4?;ompaDny. Atay The monthly reports of tbe branJches sho w that there are on the book's of the compaily over 72,000,depositorf' accounts Ttill open, aud each of these accounts requires a cairful examipation. For a long tiiiie it' lims been lJtown that the deposi.leger balauices of several of the branclM, including tlhose of the Washingtou brabjeb, vere iiiaccurate and unrehable; those of the Washilngtoln birac4 alone containing, at the tiwe we took poasession, discrepanjcies oY over .70,000; i. e., the aggrgitC amount of tbe -indebtedness of the brapch as shoin' by the ledgers of depositors' accounts has been' found to exceed ,to that extent the aunout lbrincIpal office, atd entered of the cash transactions as reported to the in the general ledger Of the compiliany. Of this. amouiit, however, it is proper to state that, as the result of a rigip examninationi set on foot the moment we took pol'Ses1o1 ot this office, and which wjll be cotlntiue(l of the jdu[)heaticou the sunof has been. discovered( to conist qf, the depositors' a1COUts, they haviiig b-ei twice trUaisof portion $16,523.9( ferred from one terof te0e1ou1)4ny. On a'cowit of tbe irregularities thuts existing, we fou'4 d hiat we could not, in. exa'mining. depositors' accounts, rely upoli .the qoujiafi's books aloe. AecolMO. nigy upon the presuinpjutoil that each dep~sitor woull be inoit likely to Me to it that the proper eiitries were jnldel in his or l1er passbook, we cohe6iluded to Inake tlepass-book' themselves the basis ot our' July 14, 1874, issue(d instructions to that examjnatjot& and under (late of A.) e"ct. (See inclosure marked 'It soon bame apparent _that designing persons were engaged in exciting the suspicions of depositors, and endeavoring to pre-, vent them from presenting, their pass book. Many of the depositors themselvesolooked upon thili action us an attempt on our part to deprive them of the ouly evidence they hMid of thle company's indebtedness to them, and no amount or character of assgrances8ee s to be sufficient , to disabuse them of this belief, FREEDMAN 8 SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 5 FindiiRg that to wait for the p)resentAtioin, eaxinliati6n, and verifliatioti a)t the bianches of all the pa-ss-bookg, underc'futnstances, these wollid telixl to tho iiid0fiidte 0siieiient of the Closing of said bratslhes the previoils instrutctions were, under daNo of Sejite'mber 1, 1874, constrciviily revoked, and the i i mmediatepirep4 t rtion "of the sclled les of (epositors' accounts wats directed, witliou t awaiting the presentation and verific'ition at the branches of all the pa.s books. (See inclosure markedl B.) These schedules have been lprejiared, al(1 all except tilose of the New Orle1iiis anld S.aiint Lonis brancthes have lieen rece'iVet by us. Most of them show the amount dute depositors to be greater bthan the amount previously reported by the officers in charge of thle Several branches. As soonj therefore, ns all tile scheduled aln(1 records 'of the several brinCehcs shall have been received at this office and plo)erly arranged, it is our jsirlpoke to careftlly re-exainime the accounts and (o contif iue thle verification ot the3 pass book' as'fast m4 they may be presented or forwarded to us, as fronij errors alreitdy hituin we' are convinced' that thins plan is the onily one by which 'we call hope to tarrivte,at a close apl)roximratioll to the correct amount of the company's liabilities. Of' the assets of thle company we inclose herewith a sclhedtle iii detail, imarked Exhibit T. That portidit of them represented i)y loans held in this city hall beoti carefully examined, an(l for the correctness of those held .it other points We hav e lhad to rely upol our (gents at the branelhes, and tile books of the principal office. Exhibit II contains a statement if' the ledger balances of the lia)ilities -and assets of tile company at the close of hlusines.4 July 11, 1874, amni in a sebat te column the assets ,as found upon actual examifnaltionil. The only difference of any note between the assets callefl for by the books and those found on hand, consists 'ih th'e, Maryland Miuitig and MUlnufacturing Cominany's bonds, which in the books arecarried at $57,5(10, being the cost and interest of said bonds to January 1, 1874, an(l in the column of assets, as per examination, as *75,000, their face v alue. Thle amount of liabilities therein given, as far as the amount due depositors is concerned, caunot, for reasons herreinbetore gi% emi, Ibe relied liponil; the error already found indicates that this amount will be largely imereased. III addition to the liabilities and assets shown by EXhibit II, we have 01i hand a real estate hiOte for $15,000, (hated Aligiugt 7, 1871, alnd payable onle year fromn its date, drawn by George Mattingl to the order of the Free"(lian's Savings and TrUst Compjanlly, and bearitig interest at the rate of lOjor cent. per .annumh, and *1,856.94 cash. The note is secured )y .a (Iced of trust on the property situated tit the northeast coti0r of Ninith n(d El streets, and the interest, has beemi lpaid to Auguist 7, 1874. These assets are held iutiile Hature of a trust-ffindund' er the 7th section of thel act of Marclfi3, 1865, and, as far is we halve been able to ascertfain the faicts of the case, the history of thlis fund is as follows: On the first of February, 1867, thie Fedmnan's Siviligs amid Trilst oI npatty received fromn the Btireau of Freedmen ,'Refuigees an(l Abandoned Lfilid(1, the gilni oft 15;000, in currency, being the net proceeds of crop miiade oh the Destreloan plaintatiomi, in Louisiana, (Rost Homne Colony;) aftr the expensesof raising it had been laid, to be itvert.ed ii1 United States boliiA* anld held i, trust for thle purposes set torth in the order of Maj..qe4. 0. 0. Howard, Cominuissioner, under (late of December 29, 18 (Seclostre marked C.) The funds were dufly remlitted' to the principal 9Q'a of the company, then in New York City, and on the 11th of February;' 6 FREEDMAN'S SAVINOS AND TRUST COMPANY. 1867, $10,000 of 5.20 United States bonds were bought by. the could. pany,, and on the 24th of April, 1867, $4,;t10 additional 5.208s were purchased. Onl the 18th of Jully, 1807, a further depositt of *870.07 was1 receivedl fromn the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmnen and Abandoned Lands on tile sallme account, which was investe(l on the the 23d oft the saime siiouth in $800 5.20 :bonds. Interest was (credited oil accoujit of this trust to July 1, 1873 amounting to $7,077.36, against which cheeks amounting to $2,328.47 were (Irawn and pai(ld leavltilng a balance of $4,748.89 due, standing oln the books of the New Orleans branch. No interest seems to have been credited since July 1, 1873. 01) the 9th of July, 1873, the books of the Washington branch show that these bonds were sold'ard the proceeds place(1 to the Cre(lit of the Rost Homle Colony, aid on thle 23d of Sel)terubor this deposit account was closed, and. thle amount realized from tlh 0 salle of thle original bonds re-invested in United States currency sixes. Subsequently. during the "run of Octo'ber,] 873, it appears that tb'!se "sixes" were sold with other Government bonds, the property of the compally, to ineet the den-lands of the (depositors, and the $15,000 real-estate loan, referred to above, ind another for *1,500, were substituted for the Governnment 1)o01(1. This last-nanmed loatn1 was aifterward paidl and the currency has beemi l)lacel with the other loan. At the timte we assume(l control of the affikirs of the company, its current running expenlsesanl)tllnte(l to about *155,00) per annual; of whieb there was paid for salaries, $75,000; for rents, * 15,000; for supl)hies and other incidental and contingent exl)enses, *$65,000. To continue this enormous outlay ftor alny considerable time would have absorbed a large sbare of the assets of the company; Onl the other hand, the im1m1ediate closing of the differe(it branches a)(1 tile dischrge of all the emp1oy&61 would have utterly paralyzed us, and we sfahould never have lbeen able to uinravel the very ifitricafte and vexed complications which existed and were daily (luritg the first two or three mionthls of our official existence brought to the Surface and to our notice. Hence we resolved at first upon a gradual reduction of expenses by the dismissal of all superfluous employ6s, anld the surrender of all rented and leased property no longer needed, and, after the preliminary steps:for closing the branches had beeni taken and the existing complications as far as possible adjusted, to close the branches. To this resolve we adhered, cutting down the expenses arid closing thie branches as fast as we could Safely (lo so; v has been closed, and(l the currentt expenses until nOW, e eybranch cat down to about *35,000 per annilum ; aiid, considering the number of threatened atid actual lawsuits, the dissatisfaction expressed by many of the depositors and their appeals and reinonstrances, we feel that our success in this matter hais been a gratifying one4 Many of the premilses in which tile business of the branches was con, ducted wetre leased, alid some of the leases had from one to four years to run. The moment it was understood that we were about to close the branches', the'jlandlords insisted either upon.'our giving then security' that we would continue to pay the rents during the terms of the leases, or malke immeilate payment of a certain sumn 'by way of comfpromiise. The latter we have been compelled to suibmit to in almost every case. The appeals and renionstranees a(ddressedto us against closing the branches have been of tbhemost ilnpotutiate aind decided: character, andu -bav" been made, principally on behalf of the poorer an more ignorant classes of olir depositors, who by this action feel as if they would be debarredl from an .T further communicatioV with uis. Sy?,npathiziing %iith them, and know ng theiranuxieties, and how readily they wouldfIallaueasy FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 7 prey to designing men, through whose efforts, in the- absilice of aiiy represegntative of tle company Whom they could consult, they wou1(l be led to sacrifice their interests, and at the sale time appreciatilng thle diffculties we s8o1l0(1 encounter ill having thle reulailnilng pass-books forwarded, we have beeln Compelled, as it wtere, to listed to their alp)peals1 anld to provide temporary means of i ntercotn munieatio1 nby tile aipioiitjiienit of an tigent, wherever needled, at a iionmitnil salary of fromn $10 to ad iU two instailnces at Beaiufort, S.C.,a.fd& Meni1phis, $25 p)er mllotithild Ten ii,, wshere.1aige loans hlave beemi mande, a~nd the interests ot the depoasitors reqtuilre! it;, wet retiih our agents at a larger salary, The agents appointed at; a nominal yslary are r ;quired to )errtori , at tleir residences or lulfces ot business, :ll such minor (luties as maty beo-ome necessary in tho closhlg up1) of thli attairs of the company. Those 1at Beaufort an(l Meliiphis both of whoin have lurndished onlds, are required to attend to the colledtiolnot loalns, tale charge of the comp)AnIy's property, and to render all other fl1(t3ssary services. Thle arrnigemient for the efintilnaU-tiOnl of these inexpensive agencies, which we deem of the utmost imfiOrtanlce, not only as teiiending to allay the anxieties an(l to guard the luterests of (lep)ositors, lit also as an effwctual aidl to uis luringg thepI)rocess of wind. 11) ing tahe afftils of coirinpa"I'ly, is set forth ini inclosure talked D. TJie assets of the compnyw1?1. as will be seen. by tho detailed schedule already referredi to, are of various kinds, viz: real. estate loans, " avalilAble" loans; real estnte, 1)ersonal l)roperty, (fixtures and furniture at the lbran elms,) District of Columbia securities, North Pacific bonds, UMited States bonds, claims against Jay Cooke & Co.q Maryland Freestone, Mininlg and Ma)uflacturing Comnpany's bonds, loans at several -ranches, (aceruedl interest, and claims against Charles L. Mather, receiver. Most of the loans180eld by the company are overdue, anid on many of them interest has been allowed to accumulate for two, and ill some eases three years. iii Qi'diilary titles the real-estate loans col d (loubtless 1)e collected witlidut munich trouble, but under l)resent circttnstancos their collections will be exceedhingly slow and difficult. Thei late financial panic, an!d consequenit extreme scarcity of funds, the uncertainty of the fututne character of tlhe Government of the Distirict, anld the present high rate, of taxation, all conispire to retard the collection of these loans. To atteunpt to enforce their immediate payment would result in the greatest sacrifice; and to throw any colsi(lerable portion of the real estate, held as security, on the market at present, woul( mnake it impossible to realize the indebtedness thereon. Still, we are pressing, atnd shall colntinille to press, their'-collection as fast as we can safely do so; but up to this time we have been able to effect a 8ale to third parties in three cases onlly of eleven phie'ces of' prol)erty offered For sale; in all tile other cases we have beeii com')elled either to postlione thle sale of, or buy in, the property to avoid sacrifice, ind we shltall. probably be compelled to conitinue to (do so for sorl timie to come. As to tlhe so-called "available "' loans, their collection is still more difficult; about half of, them were made on District of Columbia securities, now belowv par. Of many of these loans the seculit~y is ina(leqtiato, of others utterly wortlhless, and in soie cases the flnde ot the bank have been loaued upon mere personal notes without any secllrity whatever. The slrle hiay substantially be said of the branch loanss; as a class, these aqppeai to be the worit iln possession of tile company, and we doubt whether evei fifty per cent. of their amount will ever be collected. $,(00 second-mortgage coupon Wmds of the Maryland Freestone, The$5 8 FREEDMANS 'SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Mining and Manufcturing Company, otherwise knowii as the Seneca Sandstone Comnpany, akre held as the property of the Freednans Saving andfl Trust Comlpafny, in pursuance of a written agreeniett between D. L. Eaton; the former actuary of tbe Freedwan's Savini0 and Trust Company, and Messrs. Kilbourn & Evans, which Agreelinenti ap)pcars to have been approved by a majority of thle finance conlmnittee of the Freednan's Savings and Trust Companiy . (See iniclosiure marked E.) The consideration for which the $50,0()0 note, referred to iu said agreement. was given is set forth in the statemnelnts of the late actuary of the company, and Messrs. Kilbourn & Evrans, to Mr. J. M. Langston, chair. man of the special committee appointe(l to investigate the inatter. (See inclogure marked F.) Finding that none of the couponls belonging to the bonds above referred to had ever been paid, and having called upon the presi(leXit and secretary of the Maryland Freestone, Mining, and Mamiufacturiiggom. pany and ma(le a formal demand for payment of' the overdue cotbllons, to which the latter replied that he had no funds for that purpoos, wd to prepare a forllal notice requiring thei surviving, counsel e~np)loyedunder the second mortgage to foreclose the mortgage atid to trustee take any further steps necessary to guard the interests ot thle Fred. masns 2vings and TrIust Compalnty. The notice (see iiclosumti mllarked G) was forwarded to said trustee under dhate of October 12, 1874. From the allegations of the trustee,`Who is also the sirvivingv trustee uII(er the first mortgage, in the bill filed by hifim in the chancery odurttof Montgomery County, Maryliad, where the property of the.; MaV land Freestonie, Mininig and- Manufacturifg Comp)any is located, it app1Seafr that, at or about the same time that our notice wag forwarded; to hin; he was reqiileted by some of the holders of the first-mortgagoe bonmmdto foreclose that mortgage also, which lie proceeded to (1o. It the bill led by him he enumerates the entire indebtedness of record existing against said contIeany, and asks ,Aor authority to sell tihe mortgaged perolVrty. Whether or not this company will ever secure the arnountof its ifutirest in this matter, which consists of not, only the $75,000 bonds lalrhady mentiojied, but also of *20,000 additional. second-wortgage b1olds held as collateral security or a 1loa of $12,000 of J. C. Kennedy, the, result of the igatiori and the sa~le of t~he property alone can (ldetevr)ifle. Fromn this description of the greater part of the assets of the coinpany it will be seen that the loss in their conversion intO cash will nee,essarily be large, but its full extent it hie impossible as yet to tell;i and until this canl be definitely deterinie(L, and onl the other hand it. can;be ascertained how ftr the current incomre by w y of interest on loais andl rents f'rom property o.wNned by the compa-ny, which is now far greater than the current expenses, exceeds said ex ies, no one can tell how much the creditors of this company will ultimately receive . -n attempting to realize upon tihe real-estate proper ot the coiplany, we hope to secure thle co-ope3ration ot' Congress in making sale of the Washington and Jacksonoville l)roperties to the United States, for the us and purposes of bhich they are admirably A lWpteOd* The claim against Charles J. Mather, receiverr- arises froin the indebtednes of Messric Allan & Farrar, ot' Jacksonville, Fla.,- amino-unting ik $21,343.46. Mr. Mather was appointed receiver of their Affiuirs, andl tho sum of' *4,715,62 represents frgits aind commissions, prior to July 13, 1874, onlunmber shipped by hsim to this city, and sold for the benefit of this company on aWount of Messrs Allan & Farrar~s indebtedness. In o~r endeavors to assimilate our course of action to that of receivers under the national-currency act, we recognize as offsetn mutual indebt- FREEDMAN 8 SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 9 edness existing at the time of the stuspension of the corn %Wany only, and oA r ap-. we require all claims wvhiich accrued againgttlhe cotitpany before not liens upon the property of pointinent and qualification, which are tlhe company, to be filed; subject to the p'ro-rata dividends. In the matter of assignments, howeverr'finding that persistent effortki were beiig ma(le to impose upon (leositors, we adopted a ih to-'Coghize- as. signinentts only so far as to deliver checks in pa-ynment of dividends to thle a1ssignees, but to draw the checks to thlb order of tle original de' lositors; this rule, though severely citicised, and alipa-renItly harsh as against some of the most needy, has been found to ooperate belleficially on thle inasses of our depositors, keeping them from sacrificing, their interests for a mere trifle. Exhibit Ilit furnishes a statement of our cash transactions from July 13, 1874, to November 30, 1874, both inclusive. From. this statewent you wvill see that our collection's have, compuln atively speaking, been bitt snllland thle balance of cash au(1 cash items onj hand Novel))ber 30, viz,, $93,352.74, (loes not promise a *very early (lividten( ii(ad unless Congress comles to outl' ai(, and authorizes the puilrulhase foelthe use of the Governmemnt of s6ome of the real estate owned by the coiiipany,, a long time, will elapse before we can hope to aceuimufilate suffl~ient finds to make a payment of 20 pCeI cent., for it requires ncnily $0(00,000 to maske such a. p)ayrnet, and the amount of cilsh ill the Trea.sury subject to (Iraft at the wl'iting of this report is $118,508.50. The preseiit condition ot the books and -accounts of the coinpany, too, is such that even if we had the necessary funds mlow to declare a (livi(leud, it woulll not only be imprudent'-btt uin's fe to do so. Hence It is impossible for us to say how. soon a dividend' will be (leclared. Time should be allowed us, either to reconcile the existing (liscrepatiwies, or at least to arrive at some satisfactory explanation of them, so that we May not be betrayed into the payment ot obligaition&s' already satisfied, or mueglect to provide 'or those still due, but M hich appear closed 'onl the books. To guard against this, it must be borne in mind that the accounts of virtually thirty-four separate and distinct lAnking institutions moust be thorough' hly examined. That this delay i' makinig a paymenezt will cause bitter disap)poinmefut and mtuch suffering is evident; still,`delay's are uInjavoidable, and patience, prudence, and careful inanagenmeift will lhave to he exercised to make thle I10ost of the financial wreck which has been consigned to ouk' custody. In the muean time it would be well if Oonigress should authorize us to invest thle 8urAlus balance to our <credit in thel Treasury of the United States, in United States bonds, to be kept on delposit in the Treasury, so that the depositors ima I)rofit by the intee'sst which would accumulate on1 sai(1 bonds until snuch timre as thle f'luids may be actually needed. It remllains For us before closing to retler briefly to the manner of paying dividends, and to submit certain amnend(llents to the act of June 20, 1874, the .adoption of which we deem absolutely necessary to a proper discharge of our duties. How are dividends to be paid and where? Ho -aradep-ositdrs to be identified ? How are assiguinentsof delposit-accounts to be i'ecognized I These are questions of the utmost importance to us and to the army of creditors ot the company, and require a full and free discussion and adequate legislation. Before a dividend can possibly be declared, we hope, for the sake of a furiter reduction of expenses, to dispense with the Services of niost of the gentlemen who now represent us at nominal salaries. We shall be ignorant ot' the address ot deo)ositors; mnost of' them Ibing unable to lead, it will be impossible to notify them of the pay. 10 FREEDMAN )8 SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. merit of dlividends, and thousands of them, if payments are to be made by checks, will find it impra-cticable to identity themselves in the ordi. nary manner. Unless we revive our agencies by the tine our first divi. dend will be (leciAreid, we fail to see bow we call possibly attem(l prop* erly to this portiotl of our duties. On the other hand, the expense of running the branches and keeping them alive, as already stated, will absorb a great j)ortion of the assets of the company, and, of course, cor respou(lingly diminish the dividends to be pai(l. It occurs to us, there. fore, thbat the Treasury of the Ulnited States should be required to assume these payments, through its fiscal agents and agencies, as the safest and most economical l)lan, upsoni our depositing sufficient funds tor thbt purpose, an(1 furnishing the necessary dividend-schedules. TTh6o amendments to the act of Jumme 20, 1874, which we submit, are: L. To authorize and require us to make periodical reports; II. To give us express authority to compound and( compromise debts due to, and liabilities of, the company, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury; 1II. To give us express authority to buy in any l)roperty exl)osed b)y uts for sile at aucitioni, in enforcing the collection of lons (me the company, and to sell at public or private sale all property, whether real or personal, owned by this coilIpany, a1nd all pro erty nowv vested, or that may hereafter become vested, in) us, land to make. a goo(l and suiffcient conveyance to the l)purchaser or l)urchasers thereof, iu wvhatever State, J)istrict, or Territory the same may be; IV. To tramsfier to the Treasury Department the payment of thie dividends; an(l V. To l)rovi(le for a specific forin of asignlmellent of depositors' accounts. We have the honor to be, very respectfu.liyf your obedient servants, JNO, A. .. (CIESWELL, ROBT. PURVIS, ROBT. H. T. LEIPOLD, Commo0issio~ners. Hon. J. G. BLAINE, Speaker oJ thG Hou8e of Representltives. EXTIBI5T N). 1. Schedule of assets of the Freedman's Sarinps and Trust Cornpa71Y at close of business July 11, 1874, per actual exaraination. REAL-ESTATE LOANS AT PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No. Date of note. Name. Amount of loan. Amount $9,000 00 500 00 paid. Balance due. AIcred IIinterest. $6, 500 00 13,786 50 $1,319 86 3,486 16 Robert Williams. Robert Dodge. James Cooper... 111 Sept.23,1870 9 1May 28,1870 Henry Wells 13, 786 50 2, 000 00 15, 187I .. do ......... 10 May 26,1870 J. T. Howard .-..... 1280 June 4,1870 Z. F. Borland ..-... 29 June 10, 1870 Daniel Welch & Co... 36 June 13, 1820 Charles Dyson. .. 211 Feb. 4,1871 o ai.d . t.. 50 June 1,1870 C-. W~right. 500 00 Aug. ,Beujarain 54 June20,1870 i S. P. Brown & Son 61 June 30, 1870 William Prater . 110 June 21,1869 Joseph L. Savage . . .30 June 30, 1870 Joseph B. 1,000 - - - 850 00 2,000 .. . . . 550 000 00 525 00 1,475 4, 06, 00 870 00 32W 4001 500 00 00 1. 5000 10, 000 00 200 00 5, 375 00 1 .... ..... 1, 5" *0 - .I . .. . 1, 173 447 49 438 90 00 641 00 ............. 199 53 28 00 3, 130 00 1,018 56 396 -4 . 87, 819 86 17, 2t82 66 00 00 3, 386: 500 00 .............. 1,500 00 17 08 -------------- 8, 455 30 305 17 200 00 5,375 00 6 1 314 16 556 41 1, 702 53 4, 148 56 3 08 21 80 ............ .. -I ._ 500 00 J 450 00 -Z $10 00 323 00I I .. 00 .............. - - .. .. . .. 10,7'60 47 -. - 3!)9 82 521 so 1,514 08 ..... .. .. _.. .. 200 61 5,689 16 Demand ...| Lots 21 and 22 in square 562. .do jIl litigation. Real-estate notes, Sept. 23, 1Lold George$13,OoO interest. Parts and J f May 28,1871, Square 597. Papers out for adver... wfith tisement. *t,SOOpaidOctober19, Z: Au,. 15, 1872 Square 597. Papers out for adver1874. tisementW Paid October 19,1874. May 26,1871 Square 369-Jot subdivision35. Noveober,2., 1874, 27.50paid June 4,1871 Lot 52in square 5L1 Paid:October e, 1874. Q I- Dec. 10, 1870 Lot 15. H all subdiVisOn, Meridian Hill_: Lot 25 in square 870. Feb. Part of lot 21 insquare 870. August;3. 1874, $25paid Juue 1, 1871 Part of lot 24 in8square 516. August 28,1874; *1.50 paid.- November 30, 1874 $71.W20 pai June 20,18-i 7,8,10,53,4&849,4L'7(60.61., 66, 67, 73, 21, 22, 75, andiwestbalf of 29 at MonntPleasant June 30,1871 Lot 6, section 3,Barry -farm. june21, 1L72 Propertyin Georgetown'valuedl by Kilbourn &Lattaat$22,000 Lota TJnue 500 00 600 00 ,.- 400 00 300 00 10, 00 00 2, 500 00 55 00 4, 309 48 560 00 200 00 300 00 5,690 52 00 2,500 550 00 1 52 !----- 45 16 58 15 8 33 20 93 977 15 00 .. 1 ..6 6 0 and116in_.K& H. addition .501 52 2U0 45 to June 30, 1871 Part.Georgetow.of lot square 196. June 30, 181 Lot 22, square 12W. July 17, 331 58. June 1874, paid $11L Lot 20. square 158. Paid October 1874. 6, 667 67 July 5,1841 513,lots in square 203. Paid Sep. tember 23,1874. 2, 508 Paid 576 93 Aug. 24 1825 Lot 1 July17,1874. in section 1, Barry farm. 181 W :>4 :- Evans' 3,1871 4,1872 11.5 Sawyer... June 30,1870 Isaiah Johnson. ,June 22, 1870 Samuel Fudge July 5, 1870 W. W. Rapley . July 5,1870 ..... 51t Ang. 24, 1871 David'Miller W. R Arnold 82 !--- 850 00 ... 505 Total amount due. When due. . ~~~I. j. 3.1870 5KJan. 28Jan. 19, 1669 Advertisiing ins'ce, & charged loans. 03 C, Q. 1- REAL-EST&TE LOANS II No. Date of note. _I Nam e. 665 Dec. 26,18-1 M Gately... Levi Priice ......... B. M. Barker . Hillary Lancaster_ Amount paid. Juan A. Pizzini .-.-. 100 104 Sept. 9.180 Sharington Sept. 9, 1870 Charles andBache..... Sainuel Ford. 115 Sept. 24 1870 *hn Mason. 106 Sept. 16, 1870 C. M.Baraard. .675 Jan. 1, 1872 George W. Davall 450 00 50 00 2, 500 00 1, 000 03 1, 200 00 ---- 121 Oct. 5,18701 W. J. Murtagh .- .-. 134 Oct. 25,. 1870 Joseph Brooks et al... 129 Oct. 20,1870 R.B.Mobun .---------- 1,200 00 3,000 00 135 Oct. 3,250 00 1,833 33 25 00 1, 00 00 1, 600 00 5, 31,1870 Oct. 27,1870 141 Nov. 10,18-0 143 July 20, 1870 1244 Sept. 2.., 180 150 147 148 156 8a0 166 W. F. Crane....... N. I..LJeffries .... ... John T. Holly:. J. HL.A. Schureman .. . .Tohn Hogan. .-. -Nov. 16,1870 Reason T.lMartin. .. |NOV. 11, 1870 Alfred H. Parry .. Nov. 14, 1870. Albert B3ouldin Oct. 22,1870 F. P. Stsnton. ..... Nov. 26, 1870 Henry RI Searle.... Ed. ..... .172 Dec. 1, 1870 Ann M.Allen Humphrey--- 000 150 00 00 1,500 00 1,200 00 3,000 00 00 350 00 500 00 9,600 00 due.f 00 1800 300 00 2,985 80 400 00 100 00 459 88 4, 400 00 1, 53333 00 250 500 00 3,000 00 600 00 3,250 300 250 00 00 00 3,700 00 00 ............ 15 00 2 54 58 .. l......... .. ! 40 66 1 00 101 66 ...----... 19 93 00 16 80 ......... 2 88 .------------ 50000. 200 7 .. 187 00 213 33 18 59 3,700 00 * 1832i6 1,200 00 6, 000 00 60 7 62 .. 109 25 10, 500 00 178 $2 00 951 24 1,200 00 1, 000 00 60 00 .... , 200001 50000 226 60 , 150 00 !............. ,*... ... .... .. 423 237 0 28 89 . ... 44 00 416 25 123 50 . .. . j .. ! 1, 241 66 101 66 3, 278 93 I's 80 10, 00 61 1,389 88 3,363 618 3,476 307 254 .. .. 32 40 70 33 59 60 31 23 1, 469 40 1,029 59 91 40 515 40 .. .. .... 1 33 !.. 20 00 .. 50 00I 1, 080 83 4,776 75 4, 124 623 50 - 2, ... Remarlcs. 1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rm $843 33 IJuly 5, l'ff Paid September 8,1874. 307 62 July 11, 1871 Part Of lot 6 in square 920. 3, 169 06 ,Juue 1, 1874 Part of Peters's Mill-seat in Washington Coanty, D. C. 492 :2 Aug. 3,181 Part oflot 10 in "square 558. August 25,1874,Si; August 4.1874, $10 2paid. 1, 554 58 Dec. 26,1872 Lots and 8, Greenvale, county of 1 70 60 Q3 276 25 When due. due. . 9, 140 12 90 0 471 40 1,000 00 4,500 00 650 00 1,000 00 toI $41 33 . _ iys'ee, &c., |TOtal amount charged B Accrued iinterest. loans.1 814... i~. 3,000 I . . Advertising Balance l. "0000 300 00 3,000 00 .. PRINCIPAL OFICE-Continued. . of Amount loan. -t Wm July 5,1870 75 July 11,1870 872 June .1, 1872 88 Aug. 3,1M AT ..... _01 33 W~ashinrgtn.D.C. Paidf5 0 ItzM. t X: 8ep- Sept. 9,1871 Lot 77 in square 180. Sept. 9, 1871 !Part of lot 7 insquare 763. Paid No.4, 1874. Sept. 24, 1871 Part of lot 12 in square 140. ....... . Paid July. 17,1874_ Jan. 1, 183 Propertyfat -Uniontown valued at $7.2MO;'also 76 acres land valued at $150 peracre. Jan. 3,1871 Reservation-:D, vlot eaat hzlf 7, mlued at i;,400. Oct. 25,1871 Part of lot l insquare 335 Oct. 20,1871 Lot C in square 215. September30, 1874, #487.70 paid. Oct. 31, 18 Papers outL: Lot 9 in square Oct 27,18n Lots 14 and 5 in square 199. 39. Nor. 10,187 Lot 46 in square July 20,1871 Part of lot 24 in 302. 728 Sept. 27, 1871 Lot 22 ih- squaresquare 974. September 22, 1874, $0 paid. Nov. 16, 1871 Lots 7 and-6 in square 65. November.:9,1874,4 83 Nov. i 1871 Part of lot.2in square paid. Nov. 14, 1871 Lot 11 in square 516. 82L Oct 21,1871 Lot 20, east balf in square 688. Paid September 30, 1874, $225; October 9,1874, #300; Novemubet 3, 1874, *750:, Nov. 26, 1871 Lots 5-to 10 ia square 368; 1 Lots 71 anda72-in square 74. Dec. 17, 181 Part of lot 2-i-square 396. M 0 3 '4 Q4 a 'WS0J Z 331.2 Dec. 3,1870 John WV. Bailey.......I 178 De. 12, 1870 Maria L. Crawford. I ,.. 180 Dec. 30, 1870 183 Dec. 16, 1870 184 Dec. 16, 180 185 Dec. 16, 1870 18 187. Dec. 16,18701 199 Jan. 21,1871 217 639 Jan. JAD. -0 1... 1WI1 . 189 455 208 213 215 Dec. July Feb. Feb. Feb. L. Dean. . :I,,,--,' Wiliam Coggius..... Joel:Elliott........ James Elliott ...... B G. Corprow . .,..... DavidCounciL ... rhmuelffacksou ... ... W.D.C.Muirdock.... JEdgarZug:....... 7,1870 Willia &E.Moreland 4 1871 ... Th 2,1871 RbOertle.-_ 4,1871 :larell~rown.... 7, 1871 J. N. Trooke. =111own I....... 1285 Feb. 8,1871 Jerome Brown,jr..... 227 Feb. 18,1871 Jobh Waters. 228 Fab. 24, :rl Jawmes W. Day. ... 410 June 8,1871 Silas Loomis ...... 231 Feb. 25,121 Jos.McIntosh ..... 233 Mar. 3,1871 Levi J. Bryan....... 235 Mar. 6,1871 Henry HEarod ......... 580 Oct. 12,18r F. F-Lee ............ 2381Mar. 760 242 243 245 252 256 256 Al 8,1871j John . Baddy ...... 16, 1872 L Berry .... i, 1871 Richard Harriet Lacy .... Feb. 28,1871 James H. Harris. Mar. 11, 7m George Walker .... Mar. 20,1871 Delaney, (heirs) ...... MAr. 23. 1871 John Rolland.:. 2ar. A3, 181 Thomas Donobo...... Mar. 2548i1 John Merritt....... Mar. Mar. t;0() 01)! Goo 00 1,000 00 ........... 1,7o0 00 875 00 W 00 ............ 300 00 '............. 0........... 'icG 00 300 00 .......... 30%) 00 00 ], 550 000 011 3,000 00 1, 540 on 2, 000 00 700 00 600 00 5,600 00 . . ..... ... 1,300 00 ....... ... 2500o 100 00 6, 0oO 00 300 00 88 00 400 00 100 00 00 50 46 00 .0.... 30 00 UO 00 20 00 300 .. ......0.. 30 90 00 1,500 00 zoo 1, 100 00 W 00 700 0.0 10IN000, G 33; 208 3e 90 05 12 50 .......... 30 00 .......0 30 00 t45 23 <Dcc. :i, s187 Lot 49 in square 182. Paid Septenber 1,220 55 Dcc. 1'2, 1871 Lots 5,2,G. 1874. 7, and 8 in Lee's inn, Georgetown. D. sulnbivisC. Paid November ll, 1874. 1, 08S' 87 Dec. 30, 1871 Lot S 16 in square 561. 875 00 i 621 50 200 00 211 05 Dec. 16,1871 200 00 11 05 211 05 Dec. 16,1871 300 00 1 58 316 58 Dec. j6,171 300 00 16 58 316 58 16,18-1 3W 00 16 58 31135 Dec. Dec. 16,1 71 .550 00 .......... 1----------1a 1--00 S62 00 Jani 21,1872' 1,000 00 13i 83 1,131 83 3,000 00 6dl 09 4,133 59 }Apr. 2,1872 452 50 1,500 00 13 33 28 00 1,541 33 Dec. 7,18i1 700 00 35 97 7.35 97 .700 00 35 33 .35 33 Feb. 6,1872 2,1872 600 00 .,. 11t; 16 783 46 Feb.' 4,1872 67 30 5,600 00 1, 819 55 43 00 7,462 55 2,500 0o) '106 25 . ,606 25 Feb. 7, 1872 250 00 50 93 ............. 382 24 Feb.' Feb. 18,1872 8, 1872 100 00 380 103 80 Feb. 24,1872 72 31 6,000 00 355 00 6,355 00 June 8,1872 2'12 00 8 00 ............ 220 0O Feb. 25,1872 400 00 14 22 414 22 Mar. 3,1872 54 00 1 87 .............. 55 87 Mar. 6,1872 3,650 00 56 55 4,412 69 Oct. 12, 1872 1w37 .. ..... . .. .. ......... ............ ............ ............ 2,500 00 3,650 1,000 00 . 20 00 68 200 00 20 00 1, 500 00 500 00 00 770 00 11, 000 39 900 54 58 41 66 00 70 00 . . .... ... . . ... .... .. Jul . I------------- 6 80 83I 23 10 21 00 206I ......... . 50 12 00 3 00 Secured bythe Zion Baptist church at XN)rfolk,J Va. Deed of trust. Do. D0. Do. Do. Part of square 309. Part of lot 3 in square 90. Original lotS in square 36L Trans±erred to property Paid August 6,1874. account. Paid August3, 1874. Part of lot 13 in square 214. -Lof 2 in square200 Parts of lotsa9, 10, and I 1, and lot 8, in square 464. Lot 10 in square 3W8. Parts of lots 28 antd.29 in square 69. Parts of lots 5 and 6 in square 214. December, 1874,130 paid. No. 620 Pennsylvania aVenue east. Paid ovevnber 17,1874 rots 50 -1,5l2, and '53, section 8, to property account.. Property.atPotomac City. Lot 37. section 3, Barry farm. Paid August31, 1874. 206 39 Mar. 16,1873 Lot sectiou2, Barry farm. 279 00 Mar. 11, 1872 Part1,oflot l in -square 71 November 3,484,$40aid.-' 1,554 58 Feb. 28, 172 Prop yin;a~elegh;N C. 547 16 Mar. 11,-1872 'Part ;of. lot 6 in- q e 525. Paid October 12,1874^: 09_2 83 Mar. 20, 1872 796 10 Mar. 23,1872 LotsLots 378and37in and: 79 -in-W. & D). subsqnare389. division, Mount Mar. 23, 1872 Lot 91 ine W. & Pleasant. D. aubdivigion, 72100 72 06 Mar. 25,187 tV Q to Q4 .R~~~~~~4 52rsdhS3 sqnae 2Gn- lLots in 134. lot square Lots;183 ani 185, 1061.' Beslrs addition to I Georgeow D. C . I87 $40 paid ;$2,550November24, transferred 20 68 Mar. 8,1872 , M. Mount Pleasant. Lot 38 in square 616. October 1, r4, 35 paid. CM I REAL-ESTATE LOANS AT PRINCIPAL OFFICE-Continoln - O.ID of note. !I IA mount of loan. Name. 263 Mar. 2, 17 James Dent ..... 5F 964 Mar. 2,n1871 Nelbon Hall. Mar. 27, 181 Jerome J 9" Mar. 29, 1871 Wilanm HB.linds . 270 Apr. 1,1871 George it. Lanckton.. #400 00 175 00 3,00000 800 00 21 Apr. ; 300 00 Newton... 974 Aug. 3,1871 7,1822 274 Mar.25, 1d71 Apr. 5,1871 276 July 1, 1870 284 Mar. 31,181n S--ah HE ~LP,-.rkhurst ltobertT:ilhnian. op-: . Clab Aaoasanhat ... H. H. ichols . William armii . Mar. 31,1871 JohnHarris ...... 286 Mar. 31,1871 Isac Boxley........ Apr. 6, d71 Beverly Horton...... 294 Apr. 8,1871 Isac Dorsey ...... 797 Apr. 8,1872 Jane S. 299 Apr. 11, 1871 Elia ILDouslas. FIrton ...... 314j Apr. 12,18n YoungMen'sChristiaD A84oclation. 324 Apr. 21, 1871 Josephene Ste-asrt.. 1871 Henry X_.Barlow. Apr.-21, 326 Apr. 24, 181 Robert V. .Harris 291 ----- 330 Apr. 25,1871 340 Apr. 26,1871 341 Apr. 28,1871 Geore HI Phillips. =Ira E.. BorLand-... Eanah Kaiser .... 7,000 00 Amount paid. 103A& ............ 500 00 600 00 800 00 1, 100 00 275 00 140 00 83 43 83 190 00 50 00 200 00 600 00 220 00 150 00 1,300 00 300 00 350 00 33,000 00 !--. 150 00 2,000 00 700 00 150 00 700 00 400 00 Advertising, ins'ce, &c., Total amount Balance duo. Accrued When due. interest. charged to due. 8s 00 600 -53I 200 00 ....... 100 00 785 00 #400 00 $91 44 175 00 22 50 34 39 00 287 800 00 102 66 7, 000 00 1,471 38 800 00 21 77 2 80 325 00 22 08 750 00 300 00 8 00 1 38 50 00 139 17 3 90 146 17 4 IC 220 00 61 17 $156 50 $647 94 21 94 52 81 254 51 50 00 219 44 374 20 1, 157 17 8,521 38 821 77 327 80 772 08 320 00 519 38 143 57 150 52 325 28 ... .... . ... 12 00 18 00 50 25 44 11 0 00 185 71 85 699 47 18 05 717 52 22 75 300 150 00 00 3 75 00 4,115 83 . 2....... 2 5 33,800 50 00 1,215 00 1 11 29 61 322 75- . 156 25 37, 115 83 51 11 246 71 10 1, 135 00 565 00 74 91 200 00 150 00 500 00 3 16 10 41 153 16 510 41 400 00 8 1i 408 11 ! ......¢-.... 639 91 -I Remarks. I- mar. 28, £872 Lot 34 and north half 35, square 69. Transferred to property account. Mar. 28,1872 Lot 36 in square 69. Mar. 27,1872 ReservationA, west half 5. Mar. 29,1872 Lot 13 in square 818. Paid November 7,1874. Apr. 1, 1872 FIaru of -58 acres, valued at S250 per ace. Apr. 3, 1872 Part of lot: 'in square 319. Apr. 7,1873 East2Wieet of lot 9 in square 40L Mai 25,1872 Lot 29*,8square 140. Apr. 5,1822 G-streetwharf property. July 1, 1872 :Partoflot 5:in square 370. August 3,1874, #100 paid.. Mar. 31,1872 i~o 12in-;quare 69. November 3, 1874, -5paid. Mar. 31,1872 South i ot lot 37,-north j of lot 38 in square 69. Mar. 31,1872 Parts of lots-2l d 23 in square 69. Transferred to property account Apr. 6,1872 Lot 62 -in subdivision of square 182 October W5 pad Apr. 8, 872 East half of lot9,1874, 8 in square 514. Paid October 10,1874. Apr. 8, 1873 Lot 3 in square 567., Apr, 11, 1872 Lot 8in square 334. Paid October 14, 1874. Apr. 12, 1872 tots 3 and 4, and part of 5, in square 407. Apr. Part of lot 4 in square 992. Apr. 21,1872 Chattel mortgage on stock of picframes, &c turesqpaintings, |Apr. 24,1872 Part of. lot 19 in Richards6n's sub. division .of lots 2, 3, 4, and. 5, in square -west of square 553. Apr. *25,187!2 Part of lOt 2 iu square Apr. 26,1872 Lot 51 in square 51L 117. October 8, 1674, $417.65paid& Apr. 28,1872 Lot 19in tbe subdij-,sion of certain lots in square 40.- {It z tdo 03 0 JIm P.4 V.3 346 A pr. 344 350 26,1871 Apr. 24,1811 Apr. 29, 187 Jan. 19, 1872 4pr. 22,18 May 6, 1871 May 5, 181 C. W. Havenner & Co. Dennis Burns ....... 3,733 37 1, 679 2,000 00 ........... W. J. Cooke ........... do . Henson Davis ......... Janies Freeman . John Williamos. May 4,1871 Samuel W. Jones.. 4. 50 00 360 Mlay 4,18 William Bowen. 366 may: 12, 1871 John B. Keith .-. 368 may: 9, I71 . M. Johno... 370 May 4,187 orge NWillis........ 371 May 11, 1871 JohMfcDermott 369 May 9,1871 George B. Vasbon and Hugh T. Taggart, trustees.. Apr. 27, 1871 M"rs. F. A. Johnson. 375 May 16,18n Ezmeline Sheriff. 378 May 17,1871 Joseph Williams. 2 800 00 00 2,000 00 6t5 353 354 356 359 ...... 86 700 00 51 940 02 8 2,000 00 242 74 9 00 4, 500 00 990 00 157 05 17 50 ..... 2,700 00 too 00 50 00 00 150 00 .... 14 38 250 100 00 14 93 1 86 00 2,800 250 00 00 472 11 54 10 2'4 44 160 00 400 00 1i97 6 33 1, 500 00 25 83 100 00 2 05 1,500 00 500 00 750 62 50 .95 05 192 17 90 00 50 00 .... .... ............ . .......... 00 2,000 .,-- 160 00 550 00 1,500 00 250 00 150 00 500 00 383 May 20,1871 Albert Gleason .- . 1,500 00 3,500 00 387 May 1, 100 00 635 00 465 00 1,000 00 1, -00 00 3;4 00 200 00 1, 000 00 26086 0073 10,00000 613 27 2% 1871 Sallie A. Ergood. 389 May 18, 1871 390 May 25,1871 68" Jan. 1,1872 Juno 7,1871 C. C. Camrthers. Luther E. Sleigh John W. Hunter et al. Jobni F. Lee........ 409 May 13,1871. Jolm W.Van Hook .-. 412 421 JuDe 10,1871 Samuel Strong. June 17,1871 Joseph Danie June 426 Jnne 14, 160 00 700 00 ....... 626 00 ...... 379 ..... ........ 87 . ........ 12 50 L4!2 28 1221 12 I 35 87 ....... .3.600! 36 00 I.. 4... ... 43 Z .---------- 9 24 ..... 44 20 .i... 27 .......... .......... 45 00 6 00 114 12 Of) 1,446 66 2, 000 00 00 2,000 00 8,000 80000 117 22 453 33 711 7 50 11500 00 8 7 so4 9,1871 Maria A. Lawler.... 800 00 .... 4, 2, ... 6,000 .8 00000 Ii Zbe* Barritt 504 95 ....... 6 ,00 00 -..... 20, 1871 ........... 20: 1,500 00 I------------! i............I 3,Ool 73 Apr. 20, 1872 Lots 31 annd 3_2 in square 571. Paid November 18, 1824. Apr. 24, 18.2 Part of lot 1 in 2,251 square west of square 4, and lot 15 in aq~iare 1. Apr. 507 50 1872 29, Lot C in square 76L 5, Transierred to property account. 2 857 05 Jan. 19,1873 56 acres of land at.Gaithersburgh, Mont omefy County, MdL 21.4 38 Apr. 22, 1872 Part oMlotILOreuare 540. 20 00 N ov. 6, 1871 Loer 3 in sectiou2,-Barry fann. 644 80 Paid July 29,1874. 101 86 May 4,1872 Part- of lot 2:; in square 813. Paid October 6,1874.. 61 May 4,18.2 Lotl in, square 529. 3,384 446 38 Maya 1Q l' 1 Part of lot:3 iui square 566. 2, (56 56 May 9, 1872 Part oflotil2in square 403. Transferred to property account. 206 84 May 4, 1872 Lot8 5 and 18 in square 65. 406 33 May 11, 1872 West j of-lot 14 inU-oqare 33. Paid November 17, 1874. 1, 561 83 May 9,1872 Lots 1,2,3, 4, and5, in square north of square 334 102 05 Apr. 27, 18?2 Lct 66, section 8, Barry farm. November 2,1874, $23.59 paid. 504 50 May 16, 1872 Part of lot 9iu.8square 477. 1,562 50 May 17,1872 Lot 67, aw's subdivision Mount PleasaDt.-. 3,230 47 May 20, 12 Lot 14 in square 421, ad lt part 15 in square 364. PaiC Wovember 14, 1874. 465 90 May 22, 1872 LotA in subdivision of lots 38 and 39 in Harkne8mI's8ubdi'rision of square 336. Paid August 3,1874. May 18,1872 Paia October 035 20 1874. 1, 024 44 May 253,1872 Lots 14 aud 22. 15,, section 1, Barry farmn SeptL281874,"paid. 10,075 00 Jan. 18, 1873 Parts of lots 11 and I12iu sae 118 624 54 June 7,1872 t~ot 59 in ~olmnead'S addition to -Georgetowm7, 560 *e May 13,1872 Ljots.702'and i D 3?ox and Van Bood's subdivision in UDnioDtown, D. C.i:97 Jlnne 10, 18= 27, 1S4. 8,453 33 J'ie 17, 1872 PaidAugust Two bundred a-cres of land in WashingtonGountCy- D. C. 814 61 June 9,1872 Parts of lots.i6 and. 77 in Dole & Wright's subdiaision of Mlount Pleasant. 1,516 25 June 20,1872 Westpazt oflot20 in square -28. i 200 00 20 00 i.6... 30 25 2WO 2, 053 75 15 75 j _- M W LT" W !z O'l W REATESTATE I :1 No. I Date of notD. Amount of Mme. loan. June 29, I11 .Margaret A. Giles.. 440 July 6, 1871 J. Wedey Diggs. .443 July -% IM Lewis Sed .. 435 Libby-Baer--. 445 June 30t1871. James Plant 453 July 15, 1871 ........ Williau Johnson - .. uy 13,1871 ._ .do .. .. . 456 roly 21, 1871 Ann C. Thoma8 911 Juy 5,187'1 i John C. Biok 460 July 24, 181. Frederick Stromberger 465 July 17,1871.. Samuel. Ford. 46 July 27, 1811 .William P. ~oi4. . 452 July 27,1871 Ashe. 634 Doe, 1v71I AlbertA George lee -. ..... 467 69 Jan. 31,41812 690 06t. 14,1871 jian Boyle-.......-- ..... d-----------o 478 Aug. 1, 1871 Lawrence AL Tuell T. 486 Aug. 7,1871 SandyBruoe,jr. 484 Aug. 5,18T1 William Babbington.. 491 Aug. 10, IM1 Alfred Berry .......... 493 Ang. 17,1811 John Barrv. 494 Aug 12, 1 ElizaYrtlsiU. 499 Aug. 4,1871 Thomas L Berry. 498 July 20,1871 Gueidon Snowder et al 504 A Ug. 21,1871 J. T. ]ELHall . 501 Aug. 18,1871 Ralph Tylr 506 Aug. 17, 18n Benjamin F. Jaobs .-. . ... LOA2NS AT PRINCIPAL OFFICE-Contihned. I I I Balance -due. Accrued interest. ............ $450 00 #$1 50 $7 75- 217 25 30 paid. $450 00 .5 0oo 500 00 500 00 500 00 200 00 1,500 OQ 300 00 800 00 3,500 00 3,500 00 00 5,000 330 00 .00 I Amount 00 1, 500 00 2t000 00 ... 500 00 500 00' ...... . ....... ... 400 00 100 00 200 00 ........ ........ 55 0O 1,500 245 00 00 560 00 .... ..6 205- 83 75 69 . 00 1.0.. 1, 000 00 1,000 00 1240 00 3, 500 00 00 3,500 5,000 00 145 00 700 00 950 00 1, 0000 22 9 78 5,000 00 2A000 00 59 68 41 64 1'20 500 00 4,879 36 1,500 00 i61 200 00 400 00 1G0 00 . - 1 00 .229 38 86 39 14d 10 00 , 173 33 13 71 Rexuarks. -!i 451 50 June29,187i '-2 Lot 9 in Holmead's addition to Georgetown. 342f 6LT1 ,.r ii Part of Holmead's addition to 584 July 5,1872 Paid Septembier8.1874. 584 69 July 6, 18721 Part of Holmead's addition to Georgetown. Transferred to property account. 100 22 June 30,1872 Lot 4 in square 968. 209 78 July 15, 1872 West half of lot 4iu-blockr ,0 in It Georgetown.: the Howard University sabdivi- 84 285 00 00 .-... .. 260 54 00 1,500 150 00 150 . ... 2'4 75 3 69 200 !-----------.. 3146 .... 1 -..... 945 00 1--- ----------- 750 00 150 ..........9. 7n 15(1 1,500 00 .... 00 $125 08 17 92 36 6tr. 16f9 1 4, 000 00 00 - -- ------ 74 16 13 , 000| 350 00 4, 000 0 350 00 dvertiwing1 iDs'Ce, &c.. Total amountW charged to due. When due. loans. ...I... ............. ........ ... .. 200 00 7 94............ 240 00 9 60 Sion of Effingham Placoe. 1,574 16 July 13, 1872 Lote 40 and-41 in square 180. 245 00 July 21, 187Z Part of lotiJ5in square5& 258 92 Paid 874.4,416 74 July 24. 182 Lot F.uly.29, in square 903. 3, 693.9 Jan. 17,12 Lot C in square M2S . 5,227 77 July 27,187Z Lot* 1, 3, and 4 in reservation D. 154 45 *03 69 Dec. 22,1872, Paid July 29,I874.. 1, 150 84 Zan. 31,1873~ Lot37in :1 acres of landast29.Gsithebnrgb, .Mont pmer-County, Md. 1;260 54 Oct 14,1872 0 Lot C: Ln s bdivision of Iota 9 andHfoldea 10 in square 761. September3O,1874,MOpaj& 1,096 39 Aug. 3,1872 Part oflot 3. in square 87 ferred tc proper-yaccoun Trana364 97 Aug. 7,1872 Part of 20 6m re 624. Paid 4, 173 33 Aug. 5,1872 10 Decome.,14 acres of;Jlrnj. KnOwn as en=are Long Meadow&... 781 46 Aug. 10, 1872 Part of lot 13 in 'qLC!.e 819. Paid August 28, 1874 1, 785 00 Aug. 17, 182 Part of loV54i 8quare 163 n1 Aug. 12, 187,2 Part oflot 16 in square 5. 620. 71 41 Aug. 4,1872 Part oflot 15 in square 70 . November 3, 1874;419 paid.4, S79 36 July 20, 1872- All of square No. S.. 1, 558 33 Aug.21,1872 2i acres of-land corner of Old Soldiers' B:omeroadand 7th street. 207 94 Aug.18, 182 Northwestatquarter' of lot 23 in quate 063.-249 60 Aug. 17, 1872 LoK square inS 690.. '-3 0 0v z to ~aI 5o!0 510 | 513 521 533 532 536 541 542 Aug. 24. IS.; .rerilitia" Swenv.... , 1871 Williai IL ijtnt;r... Ang. 26, 1871 Ale-xander Stewart Aug. 30, 1S871 'Wollord & Shilburg . Sept 12,418-1i Marv Ann Grady.... Sept 13, I8,1 Joseph Broo1zs Sept. 6, 1871 Danie1lSheaha.i...-Sept. 16,1871 Sam7uel 'iinSept. 18,1 Daniel lMalone . 544 Sept. 29, 1871 L.W.Cnris .C ... 4, 1871 Leonidas Scott...... 7i26 Feb. 27, 184 . .. do ........... 559 Oct. (HI t ............ iF3 .............. 1(0000 .50 00 .. s.3 00 4 11400 00 .,,... hio 00,00l 2,0 (.00 00 ......... .ill3 00 ....1. 315 (}O 300 00 30v 00 A u._-,. <24, lt1 I.ot (¶4 ij, seetou I -f 1;krrv rt-i. Aug.24. 167T2 Lots 19 anm20 in .qua:0r- vz'. 1'aidl November 20, 174. sG IU Au26 1i. 187Z Lot 9 in Bection:1 of Barry f:t rm. 4. 147 77 Aug .30, 18.-2 1'aid. August2.i,187.1 414 07 Sept. IV _' Lot 3 in square 580. 270 48 Sept.13, 1&74, Lot 4 in section l of Bn rry larm. 776 34 Sept G 1872j Part of lot 4 in square 7-4. 218 69 Sept 16, 187 Part of lot 17 in square 309. Paid September 2, 187.4 :109 41 Sept 1S. 18-.- Lot 4 in. square 773. Paid Augnst S. 1874, 8100; October 5, 1874,. 50; November7,1874,4$50; December 5, 1874, 130. 5155 Sept. 29, h672 Lot 13 in square 620. Paid December 9, 1874. 1,176 94 Oct. 4,1721 Lot24 in sqitare 620. raid NovemIer 28, 16741 037. '2. Oct. 9,31873 Lot 7 and south half of lot S in square 7Z9. )'aid Noveiuber 28. ''154. 1. 232 66 Oct. 3, 172 Lot 34 in square 140. 244 33. Forty-uiinc notes. Lot 23 in square {i 1-1^ 4:0 ............ 0 o.MvU 40, 14 - -* t;4 il ,. 17io , 0 S3 ------.. -'----4.............. 45- C, 44 *>, 00O 0t1 ........... ... 4 544 !1..l........... 500 00 ------ 1, 000 00 ........... 1, O0o 00 1,000 00 ........... 1, 000 00 176 94 .1 1359 Oct. 3, 1871 5f3 June29, 18*t! 502 Jane 29,1871 570 Oct. 9,187 1 571 Oct 9,1871 Hiram F. Trillc le... Mm, Lanra Barnard. Helen MD. . lUpson.. 1,'200 00 1,497 00 ........... I,"00 00 1, 49. 00 ..... '00 00 Sanmel Scott . Benjamin E. Gilbert 573 Oct 11, 1871 W. B. Shaw .......... 4, 00000 11' tl2) 50 125 0co ;5 (0 .00 00 Aug. 12, 1'71 Charity -A..Marsball 1.0 00) 50 O0 100 00 3. 500 00 578 579 Oct. 10,1871 William Williams 600 00 1-0o 1, 3" 66 3, 53 ............ 4. 3.......... 44008~o.......... 1.30 K.............. 12w 0,K... 1W. .oiO S4 44 4, ('00) 00 500 00 . 2 .. ...... 1, 951 ........ 08 31, 57T 70o IOct. 1. 1872 512 08 . ............ '444!.... 400 204 101 13 3, 7434 93 A ult. 12, 1872 IOct. 10, 1 _72 1'O,.............. 583 Oct. '6, 171 Henry Mattbews. Oct. 255,1871 Caroline Kaiscr..... 588 896 Jume 24, 1872 J. V. V. Vandenbaurg 597 Oct. 31, 1871 Fifteenth-street Presb-bterian church. ov 7,1871 ! Neison 719 Feb. 2,18Z Robert Johnson .-.-- 603 Nov-. Nor. 13, 1871 18,'187t1| ILecington n1.3nch Philp &Solom'ons... i Dec. 1,1871 John . ..WrigLit__ _ Dee 1,187 James GJerri es- ident.;; 821 Oct. 1,1871 EllaPiatt _468 Mar. 22,1872 HamiltonJ`.Tilliams. 20 4, O0 0 C cooV00 CO .......0... I,0000 00 ----.------ 100 00 .......... 10, 000 Berry:-.------- 599 -613 619 1G0 Ce0 650 4. 00 5:1 ---- -20-. 0, ooo 00 4, 500 oo 4,500 00 it 00 .... ----- ... -----. i.-. 80 00 81 4 000 00 000 °J° 100 (0O 4, 266 00 697, 22 00 00 6 00 _> '20 C). 0oo O)9 4, 500 0oo. Z00 0o0 8,5 5 360 463 218 n " --. (liii !, 2,00000 00 2Z50 00 225 00 21500 ....... i.............. 84 ;---!-...--- 088 Oct. 16, 1872 44 4,084 Oct. 25, 1827_. ,Julne <24, ls8, 5, 02. 10, 807 22 Oct 31, 1872 , Lot 9 in siuarc218. 106 77 No. 7, 1872% 625 671. . .-.-.-. .......................................... 109 73 ........ .... I- z Q z Cd' or. ;4 I- ~irir, 1;~ QI 11 Lot in section 1, Ban-v farm. PaiJl.Ty 25.1r8.14. 1........... ,IProper. in lcstin, ton, Kx. . .. G, 444 08 .. -PadJuly ' 1874 4,963 75 Dec. 1,1872 Partoflot.77in square 315. 4, '266 20 Partoflot3in square 222 Dece-.amonths. h~er 12, 1874, S25 paidi. 109 Oct. 2, 28 1, 183 Lots 51 toS inclus¢ive in square 169. 25 73 Mar. 18n3 Paid AnDgsti, 1874. 30,718 22 73 2,000 110 W) *Forty-two notes. Lot 24 in squaree 3GG6 October 8, 1874, F-.33 pai(L Lot 8 in square 2. Lots 8, 9. 10, 12, 13, 1.1, and. 15 in square 778. Lot 56 of Carpenter's subdivision of the south grounds of Colunibian College. Paid Nov. 24, 187J. Lots 1B-and 13 in square 818. Lot B in square *;;. being;in. Chester &-Jecnkin'ssubdivision oflots 9, 30,31, and part of lot 28. Dece ber 3" 18744,$A00 paid_. Lot 3, section 5, RBarry farmi Paid November 5,IE -14. Lot 14 in square 3347. LotBandpartoflotl in,8qnare 123. M, 6, and 18 m,) REA.LESTATE LOANS ~~~~i Amount of Amount t No. Dite of not,&. 1me. loan. WVillism Channing._. Henry Harper .... Dec. 13, 1i71 Cbarles Butler. ... Dec. 14,1871 Adeline Thomas.. De 627 De 630 N 13, 871 13 1871 629 633 Dec 20,1871 Peter Wilkinson...... 636 Dec. 649 an. 1,',187 ,. 650 ran. 1, 187 657 f an. 4, 187, 656 .Jau. 15, 187z± t)ct. 31. 181 17. 1872 Jan. 664 Jan 18J872 paid. #30 00 100 00 10 00 90 c0 70 100 00 20 00 80 00 60 }00 00 3, 000 00 150 00 Hagar Randall C. 1. Culver, guardian. S.arah: A. ander ..... 662 .Jau. 17, 1872 Tames T. Pike ...... 661 Jan. 19, 1u72 Edmund iaight .... 00 600 00 1,30 000 3, 500 00 100 1, 950 JTan. 23, 1872 A. Hall trnstee! 673 Jau. 2-6,1872 George willipm H. WheelerD. 676 .Jan. 30, 1872 Charles W. Kin,.. 500 00 i, 500 00 3, 000 00 July 24,1872' ,James P. Payne_... 684 Feb. 1, 1872 James Carter .- ... 682 Jan. 18 W. W.r, )Irpb -ur .........S... I 27, 687 Feb. 5,1872 Perry Goodwin ....... £88 Feb. 1, 1872 *Jamtes Terrill.... 74. 00 600 00 325 00 1, 750 00 100 1-----------00-j --- 00 500 cO |'.. $0 19 31 .'00 00 250 1, 30U 000 ... .... *1i$259 " Dec. 13,18 40 31'lDec. 13, 18.72 : 90 70 Dec. 13,1872 l 8l0 60 Dec. 14,1872 $4 co0 1743! . ,-_,,,,,._, 1,j ' O 30.......... ------l S--14 00 19 78! 00 ... ......... ........ 6OD 00 I35 00. 3.000 00 .... . ........... ... . ----- --.. 63 Dec. 20, 1872: 3 0, Dec. 28,1.72 I 8J 1 1ly l30 1, ' 3, 614 00 Jan. 12, 1S73 :^)50! Jan. 4, 1I83 l' Jan. 15, 1t73 2!4 93Oct. 3:I lt72 I.---- ..j50..... 2 fio0 1 . _ . __. ----- 00i Jan.. 17, 1873 1.300 00 JTan. 18, 1873 I. --*w 00 00 663 |Jan. 19, 1872 Tucker & Sherman.. 677 50 33 73 11300 intce, &c., Total amount; When due. due. charged Whnde loans to 170 00 IIC 767 50 16 40 291 "5 14 56 232 ........... 00 40 00 30 00 v00 00 250 $25 I. Advertising, Accrued Balance due. interest. $-23 00 60 00 Rndolph Lobsi-er. ... ..... ...... I 00 00 3,000 325 00 John Webb; . Cbarles SN phat PRIC1 A4T OFFICE-ContinuedL 100 Jargaret Hetzel..--Jobl it. Ergood... AT ........... 22500 00 100 2, c0 00 15 0900 63 501) 00 45 00 100 00 !;......... 3,5.00 00 2800 ......... 1,950o 00 1.27500 400 00 400 00 5iO3 00 26000 . .i ... ....... 63 1. ..... :14 6 47, 18 33.......' 1 37 I !0 ;6i I 41 .. 21 S) 50 . ............'' :1, 500 00 Jan. 17.1I73 Ja 28 00 Jan. 19, 1873 .2,'247 39 Jall- 11), 1874 1, 33S 3i Jan. 23, 1873 41. :3:) .fan. 26, 1I74 ; '8 15 Jau. 30, 187.3 5-,3 01 6 and 12 mos. 21i 41 Feb. 1, 1S-3 I 55 0 '!00 00 40... 1. ;.. , 6 398 Jaan. 27, 1873 o 40. Feb. 5, 1873 Feb. 1,187T3 417 88 Remarks. Lot 9, section 3, Barr' farm. Lot 3. 'section 3, Barrv farm. October 6,1874, $20 paid. Lot38. section 3,B3arry farm. Paid November,28.1874. Southwest quarter of lot 40. Haw's subdivision PLains. Lors 1, 2., andPleasant .3,section 7, Barry Lots a~rm.1,, :3, 4, and 5 in square 630. Lot 231 in Chapmau's subdivision ot square :3) IPart of lot 3 in square 791. Lot '6 in square 47 1. Parts of lots 5 and 6 in square 196. Part of lot 7 in square 419. Paid September 1,1874. Lot 2 in E.Kingnian's subdivision of sqInare nortlih of square 242. Paid November 12, 1874. Lot:25 in square:312. Let 13, section ,2,Barry farm. July 13, 1874,8 1 July 30, 174, i-3 Aug'st 20, 1874, $4; November 5, 14, :35; November 28, 1874, $-, Lot F in Stott's subdlivision of lot 1 in square 694. Transferred to property account. Lots 30 to 36 inclusive in square 97. Paid Angust 15, 1874. Lots 15, 16, and 17, in square 97. Paid November28. 1874. Lot 1 in square Lot 9 in square 158. 81. Paid Noveruber 9, 1874. Part of lot 3`, in Brown's subdivision of Pleasant Plains. Paid November 27, 1874. Lot 19 in square 197. October 1.5, 1874, $20 paid. Part of lot 2in:squaro 317. Paidl Auguist 1, IS74. Ct t4 z I- Cr2 Q ~_4 :71 693 Feb. 7., E7 2 ESMma JOJD11 ..U..... Feb. 6,1872 EUon Lovi . ....... .697 Feb. 1, 1872 Liwothy O'Sullivan... 700 Feb. 7,18 2 James E. Welcl 706 Feb. 8, 1872 Lewis & lall ......... ------ Feb. 701 3,18T2.! F. W. Osborn........ Ed. F, Thomas ...-... William;A. Well.. Willis Herudon . William H. Lee .. 'Wm. Alexander ... 704 Feb. 9,1872705 Feb. 10,1872 707 Jan. 16,1872' 709 Oct. 21,18;1 708 Jan. 3,1872j 713 Feb. 14,1872 Irwin B Wright 711 I Feb. 15, 1872 Noah. Robinson 714. Feb. 16, 1872 Elizabeth Meade. .15 Feb. 19, 18721' TimothyCostello .. 819 I 8. May 1,1872 Richard Collins...... .......... Feb. 26, 1872 William Wall..... 'Feb. 28,1 2 George W. Smith. 732 Feb. 20,187:2 Edmund B. Coolidge.. 723 728 . I 733 Mar. 1,1872 Robert :iS°0 Z. Oc, _200 00! 150 00 ~ 500 00 Lewis..... 1, 0O00 969697 2S 00 2, 495 GO 10 97. -. 103 93 .............. 000 170 (0 :35 G 60 00 t63O 00 164 40 90 00 5, 000 00 ......... 1.......... 500 00 oo 00 00 0 00 4 3. .............. 25 00, 600 743 00 300 00 00 .............. 100 .............. ... , ,40G 00 00 .. 54 83 187 ........................ ,-- 812 Jan. 31,182 Agricnltural Associa tion. Nashville, Tenn. 120 Oct. 4,1870 W. B. Toddjr..trustee. 7"4 Mar. 7, 1872 James Reyol-ds. 749 Mar. 6, 1872 IL S. Parka ........ Kervand.... Mar. 11,1872 MaryNolan .---Mar. ""L "l.2 James Carter ... Mar.12, 1872 JohWiThobas lee.... 750 Mar. 11, 182 751 753 I75 759 Mar. 1A,8 James L. William Rtobinson.. 4,000 00 250 00 50000 2, 0000o 1,1C0 00 700 00 5M00 00 2, U00 0c 800 00 000 00 4 101 70! loo oo, 400 00 ....... ... . ............ ''50 00 I 1 ,55. 3 148 30 40C 00 13 77 600 154 3f 00i 1, 100 00i 700 00i 00I 23 33 00 8 19 23 88 650 45 2256% 250 --; 1G 61i 1 1, 000 - ----------1 .. 34 00 ------ I I , - , ............... ------ --- - 1s1 "*' 'rFeb. 3, l873 Paid September 3, 1674. )4 J3* Jan. Part of iot 4 in square 151. September 18, 1874, $13. 11 3JI Lot D, in Beall s addition to George()ct. 5, town..0 TJan. 1, 18.3l~ N\orth half of lot 5, section 1, Barry farm. November 1C, 174. $14.55 .. ,04 1 9 3 T-. -.-.-.-.- 500 1, ............. ---------- 475 00 500 00 .... ... 704 16 ............ l.7 50 7007 552 Gi1 .1150 18 47. 175 00 1, 400 °° !-..--.-.-.--.-. NOo ... 1 4. 5, 000 500 2. 200 500 141, in sueare 363). acres of LaDa in Es. *', 64 Feb. 3, 18'73 iNinerv-three camibia ConntyS, Florida. ,2 78 Feb. 9, 1873 Part of lot 20 -in.square .. :} t ... L.t .., su1b{ivis-ion of' original lots I 1 a ud l1' in squliare 1.10. ile) t., lr.3 Lot 1 in squzare t2z;3. 15) 10 leb. ,a';rt of lot 43, sUbIivision in square 448. -'I Lot 1. in square 1L000. 10. 944 \pr. 2luS 61 Lots 162 and 1133, subdivision lot 31 11 .----------- 46 23 10,0(00 2,0020 00 1.00° °0 - 2', 500 00 ' 175 00 7000 ;. .8 IIFeb. .)....... 110 09 5, 000 00. 7 00i .... 5 ;I .............1 46 13 tJ Sl, 2,50000. 80000 . 200 00 100 (;O 2.0 207 06 2', 750 00 ,2000o -- Feb. 1872 John Barton 1t) 0ot; o 5, 000 00 .......... .. 17 .5. 200 00 ............ -- .............. paid. Feb. 1, 18.3 Lot 3 in square 4i1. 77 Feb. Lot 25 in square 309. 71t .40 Feb. 16, IS173 Lots 1, J. aud 34. in square M1s. , 5L18 4. Feb. 19, 1I4.- W\Vest 16 feet front of lot 14 in square 624.. Paid. ].ecember 10, i 1- 4. 1." 43 lFeb. 184 Lot 34 in square 336. Aignist 11. 1874, $32.25. 484 37. ,'\h;y 1, 1Q73 art of lot 2 in square 8l&. Angust 10, 1874, $25; November 2, 174, 8150: December 4, 18-14, $25, paid. , o0 00 j.... Paid July 24. 1874. I 518 47 I'Feh. 173 Part of lt 6 in square 71 7. 1, 45G 70 Feb. 20, 1874 Lot 4 and-parts of lots 2' :3, and 9 in square 325. 100 00 Mar. 1, 1873 Lot 30, section 2, Barry farmu. Jitly 13. 1874, 85 paid. 4, 175 55 Jan. 31, 1873 3Property at Nash%-ille, Tenn. 1 5!28 Oct. 4,1871 I Lot 14 in square 309. 413 Mar. 7, 1873 Part of lot 2 in square 477. Septemnber 4, 1874, $t100 paid. 1, G57 38 Mar. ,1s-.3 Lot 19 in F.luare 623. Paid .Tuly ! 0, 187 *$100; November 6, 1874, 1, 300 66 Mar. 11, 1873 Lot 17 and part of lot 16 in square 18i. Paid November 2$, 1874. 7-23 3.3 Mfar. 111873 Lot 6 in square 945. 238 19 Mar. 13, 1873 3 Lot 55 in square 465. 1, 023 88 Afar. 12, 18.7. Lot C, in ieaWs:addition to Georgetown. 073 31 'Mar. 15, 18, 3Part ot ot 31 insquare 557. I. , z 'J -O :;t -3 CJ2 5_i CQ M ;- tz iJ'P..E-LSTAT1E LOAX.S AT PRINCIPAL OFICk-Continir.e1 No. I Date Am-mu~t X am e. of notttt -61 Mar. 1l,13721 Weesle Frv... .... mr. 15, 13721 C. A. Sherian..... Ma5 Mar. ., ;1837: Catharine ilk. Mar. 16. 187t Mar. 25,1 -tIfk) 30o 01 410 CO . Apr. , 1872 Ileni. Suitm ........Apr. 4, 1372 Samuel G. .Jonvs... 791 Apr. 4. 17 ' Amanda E. }French. .93 Apr. 3. 1372! Lewis .Smit.ih... 74M Apr. 6. S7-i' LafavetteJetfis .... 795 Apr. 3. 13721 j Ann Cook; . ......... S4)j.I Apr. p 12. 1 .7I2Lewis c Mackzjll ........ 91. 17, James A 1 33 Apr I 1.1671 Josep 4; Iasoll Cas APr. -,(, lS~i-2 Harvev V;. colton. 1308 Apr. 20,137;_ :Isaac Pindlelil..... 814 Apr. o24 1 Ja2s. MII Schureunizl 313 Apr. 27. Burnett .. A. Eph. 315, | p.2:.1t in a 3i, 1l 7-2 324 3,23 An1 g. . 5(0 3. 000 510 1W, 1.50 olt 1.500 (O 4 3.100 1. ............ 00st (1!) :31.-0)3 t ............ .I ... ...... .-t.. (o (i0 ........... IO0 ......... 00 135 .00() fO ............ 1. 700 00 ............ 1. 500 00 iO 00 400 00 -I9 00 I, 000 of ............ ,o, I 1 011 4*23 60 Mar. 2 -, 1J37 Lot4 : to 1U, inclu.,ive. in ,(11uare 916. '57 15 Miar. 2$, 1373 Lot 21insrquareQ,1:. ]'aid Septeni; <w-. herDO. 102 55 Apr. 2W, 1S73 1. 23$ 33 Iar.1I., 13 ParT of lot E7,- in sylnare 340 97 Mar. 5.5, 1373 Part of lot 21 in square 514. 543$. tewoler 26. 1374, $50 paid. Sep1, 566 Apr. 2, 1S73 rart of lot in a tract of land 111)0 ,,z 2'4 .,! 1 known as Padxvorth. 1373 Lot -0. section IDarr farm. No. veniber 12. 1I74. $37.36 paid. 5h4 1 5.7. .... ..notes. Lot 61 1124 ZO Apr. 3, 1l,74 Lot 69 in square ii30.square 1t' 0i24 e.3 Apr. t;.lt Pa.rts of lots 20 anad 21 'ja sqviat ', G9. Nov. l, 1S7.-, .100 pai(L .7 75- A p r. * 1373 Lot 14 in square".1. 251(I . .._ .. . 5}d3,, ! ... (11) 1(10n. 41 7. .14....... 12, )0 00 :,.0 (00: 2, .7o :")")o n00 1, C,0 .2 "I 10 CO 00 I II 200 .,10( 00 IOUt ODJ 700 00 co 1, 1oo 00 ..... ..............15 3: t o;s ...._.......... . 7. > Ge 4 1 22t .............. ::. 16 1G 8 . . 4.000 179 00. 00 0! . . . 1).. 13 .. .. .. .. .............. . 2,4 . - 75 :!. 06$ 108 33 40 CO0 Apr. Iz.1i73 Alw. 1-, 1,72 A pr. 20°, 137 .1 .L..... .1 22 J'art of sqnarc . -o. 12. BeaitY.s .12, t 1C x te ~i--i r'_ 9. 0, MaY . 1S73 Secu. Lot 7.rity square 582. in Xtempbis, ...... Tenn., real 1. 1s2 00 Apr. 29, 13-73 Lot 3 in square .91. November 17. 1874, 3$- LOU paid. 41 ,61 'May 16. 173 Lot I6, section 1, farm. 4,01 11 Nrav 16. 1 $73 West half of lot 3Binarrr .970. 1.95 :iO Aug. 1574 Lot 13, se.- on 3. Barry,squar. tarin. 4, ;_' i- tion. to Geor-etown. .Jhlv ii;, 1374, $450 paidL Lot 21 , square 61. Lots 5, 9,22. 23, awd 24 ini I. and1 F. s. bdivisiou of Mleridiau Iill. l'aid September 14, 13.4. Lot square2, 6'23. Lot 30 Blarrv farnt Lot '21 in sqtuare 7.-Z. Lot 24. section larr- I..rm. 1'ai.1 October 31, 1374. Lot 6, section Larry fa .i. ';art of lot 7 in square 403. Lot12,sectio1i6,Barr.v trm. Trans. ierred to property account. estate. .....- C,2.. G1 it '30 (1 3, 1.-34 12 Apr. 24.1871 .. 03 Apr. 27. 1:37 6 G66 Apr. 24, 173 SMs 61 May ), 18373 116 '39 May 31i37 U, 1, 700 C( !22. 4. .\p':12.. 94 1.70 0 41 2,(149 94 11):2 3 25 I.1 A' A. 1.10........ 13 4 00s .............. 25 ............. 0.,, -I 01), .............. 9} ,.I2 5275! 0) 00 11ar. 1, 18373 j'art of lot 20( in square farm. *M 7.1. 2,tl fil Nar. 7, 137.3 Lot 3 in square T25. t. IilZ> 0.1 :;3 :3 1 .,00o ie:!eariys. :l54 7I1 Mar. 1, 1S3 Lot 27. sectionr, .............. I.2I 7:; .............. _; -. IZ. , 00" 0(( 00 330 00 ..,(O 200) 303 CIO(10 .11) 1, 2, ........... 1OU 100 1U(I 01)10 00 60i 00 00 00I Totalamomait due. .heu dlie. 25:) 00 ............ 00 00 41 ... ...... t1t, C> .- ............. . 15 01) :;Oil no :. wo) (to F. Arnold.... Straini,,n ...... Justin;rtul'y 16.1'-21 nichaelT McCormick 15.. .3 .Toseph .Tohnson...--. I0 loan. 4 -I ;3. 500 00 ........... .7o (0 William | Apr. 29,1872 C. A. Lemon ..,. 833 May 16, 1}.2 Thomas Commodore.. 11197 -") Ool 1. o0 100 00 101) co John . 15,O000 -,)0 no l au _ . 00 ,......... Juo 00 :3. OoO c0 ....... May 3.1872 J6lbn Giles.. Ma 6, l j]il' night May ' 1. .......To C....... 306 830 0o . n Davin.... .Mar An lausou Brooks ..... paid. 3, 500 00; ;....... 3Mk ar.C Qr, 1S}7 William Q. Pobt ..... 73Q4 Mar. 2, 1 Je S ot........... S1 t Apr. 26. 18712 .!..... lo -..4 Amount of J& Accrued' dvcrtising ce, dne- interest. ins ciharged&M,to A :4 11 *4 -X~ly 17., 1-*2 .J.,hul iur,&;'14._,__ Z-IS May IS. 4S. aUlt] . I . . ....... $49 Apr. 1.5 187-2 JTaines L. Thonmas.. may 29, 1 '' I1. 1. ,Mclherso851 may I, 1872j Willialu 0. Douue'l... "37. r ,l 1 187 Tnin G. Waters ....... :7May : 1..' John 11. McCutcliinls..- ' %'5 May 31. 1 S7 errin~ton Bache .... %a6 Apr. S. 1S1: C. W. Tavenne ... A)<.pr. 3(8' Apr. 309 Apr. .110 Apr. 7. t1z7 . .do. . . . 13, I-1 .... o) 14, 181 .. tlo ....---.. 13. 11... Io ....... May 31,11.. 1-----do ... ...... S MR Ma> 27, Elizabeth Blue ... ss May, 24, 1821 18 1ichard Jones ......... 7,4 .Tune 5. 1,'2! Dcnniso. & Whitina. 876; Jnne 1V, W7 ' ill.;iun andl A.lbvrt Barnes. I 4'.) tQ4 3, ve(l 00 '44t Aw.J 1, -(,o o0 :0(o to 1. 4 o00 Go 20 9tay()(s . 9z4) ()O :400 00 275 00 225 00 :25{U 00, 1.000 0 1000 00 4,000 W ..... . 4. 0000 750 00....... . 75o U I. .,1)0 00 4 '2 20 1, 017* 0 1., 0000 1, '00 00 ........ 1, 2000..... 1II.000000 1,2',0 i.o 00 '(00 ,... . 100 00 35 0 ------- 00 (lo0 00 00 1 0 20) 1'l1 I 1 '9( 91 :I-'4 00 AIKy 1,l le. s2{ :3 -Mi lS,1- . 5iz 00 7. 51 --------- ............ 27.1 00} 1. 1;( 27-,0 27L0 66 6.. .------- 1, 0 00) 1. 2I0 1. --100 000 00 1,200 00 , -alo 00 100 00 3.10 -I'54 .......... At S',11. 50 prt. _'9 50 1, 20000 1, 200 00 ; '3 I ; 149 7.2I .4 ---------+--- 2;69 .33 2(9 0(0 22 .........- 1 2i2 ) ........ 5 G9 1 )0 4 s!i 27*- 00 00 1, 014 T:.Ma-v lI .lt2ti2, 4 I,1- 1<-4 t9, 1;S73 18, 1' 3 S( 11. VU3bver 12, 1874-, $100 paid. No Part of stare 366. Paid, July 31, 1874. $icO: September 29, i874, .$100': Noveimber 28,1874, $100. West hall of lot 18 in sqlitare 101;. Lot D in s, aare 4`7' Lots 11 a id-12 iu square 56 >). vember 17, 1874, $49.7.0 paid. Lot 23 in silaare 620. 4, 449. ) I .Tulv 19 1 3 . . ,! 5.I 1a5-. It.1t3 Lot. 9-.1in .rolin Tl'relkil(It's I(ltli7i litr 1,IllS S) Ma L ot *3 squ are 180.idt 1 187I . raed .t Vov IIj !,~~~~~~er 1Y . , 4. '2z, 1 64, 1. 470 60 Apr. .1S 2 1r 7. M 6(3 Apr. rlv is, *,tin theDl:intis of I, 469 33 A plr. 13, 187:7 the IssiVo,.es Mar1. 469 00 Apr. 14, 1872',i ockZ. 1, 41,9 33 Apr. 1:3,1S,7| 1, 4553 66 'May :3 L, 1s4>J '. May 27, L-t ... section 3, ].irrv 101 SL '! ' XM 2y 2!4, 1873i 1873 LLot 31. section Q. B;uT' flarni. IOtL farm. -06) P:aid Jnji- 22. 1S74. _- 14 'JTune 1o,1873 Lot 32 in square 567. Augut.4 1S74. S25: October 1674, a503, October 12, 1874, s300; Novemiber 24. 1874, $.50 paid. 4 *96 .SDiwe I1, 1-,4 Paid August 7, 1874. t ^ o r i I 2G)69 33 i 1.20 00 -,.. 6( .j 7, 18-i72i 1li - wprop 1. 2 11, $93 June 18, 1872' Charles E. liu1so..... ,Iimes R. MCGrnd . 898 June 2,1,172 T. B. Caldiwell ....... r'97 'Tune 125, 1872 Margaret A. itlitian.. Oct. '03 June 6, 1).0O 1S7 June 24,1872 29, 907 July ute 2, 1Q1872 2, 913 June 26,187-2 916 July ', !9l18 An0.,ta q922 Jlyv 12.1:72 924: Julne 5,1 ........ Snmitb .MalvinaTomuman ....... Tolaou *.obert Gilmnore....... Clems Smith.. S. T. Suit .......... Griffin S. leedt. Edwin Kill-. Edwin King._........ Henry Jefferson ....... 72' Antlrson Richa-dson. 2!, (NH) 1, 6.,K 00 50000 1, 00 25O 00 00 1, 42 I 800 1, 400 00 6; ............ 2)00 :.......... 175 .500 ,38 200 Ol)0! 00 00 30 00.1 150 00; 2.3, 000 oo 1 00 70 I, 090(o 00 W 00 1, 10000 52 500 00 ..5 00 .. 10000 _._. 175, 00'........... i ' 51 100 441 05 ) Oo 400 00 473. . s1.8 :; 3( :37S 34 1,400 00 *') r1s 5 i' PO 8V00 000 2 00) 5, 4179 I .7i ! 0 01) ; .5 ") 22 "''t 00 , .00 '20 010 i,1280 00 75. .............. a0 i2.11 22' 00 40000....................... 00 ..5, l11 22June2 ,3 1 00 14.500 ,........... 4 20 .June 1, 1K73 5. 1873 SI ct. *t, 1SI 501 366 June 29, 1874 21 ,000 00 ..........() C5 1. 55 I 24 1 00 s 1 .............. "Y :z;5 332 June 24, July 2. 1874 Lot*,9 in square 182. Auguist 21, 1574, 5.50;-Noveiber 14, 1-.74, 150 paid. Lot 2O in square 2.08. November 19, 1S874, $S0. Part of a tract of land called Forrest," in Prince George County-, " Marvland. Part of lot I in square Lt. West half of lot 28- in square Part of lot 42 in square .4.. :4 i2' % .4 C- rQ z 8$. Lot 71, section 8, Barrv farnm. e00 tle 29, 1&-.7 430 acres of land in. Prince Gecorge ounts-. MarvlandL Inomwn as , The Home Place." (304 41 .June 1873 Lot 9 in. square 309. 4 00 00 July 9, 174 Lot 2 in block 17, 'M-4edian 7J00 Auz. 7, 1874 Lot 2 in block 8, MeridiauHill. lult. Paid October 28, 1874. 173 00 July 1-2, 173 Lot P in square 152. Paid November.Gi, 174. 74 93. June 5, IS7 Let 27, section 9, Barrv farm. 26, W- X 1;. 2, '"14TuO M z, i 187 V,_ REAL-ESTATE LOANS AT PEN.-CPAL OFFICE-Continued. Date of note. No. Amount of loan. Name. 931 May 4, 182 rPeter Lowr. $3,000 00 Amount 3Balance due. paid. $3,000 0O .. Advertising, instce, &c. Total amount Accruedl interest. charged to loans. .A 33 .. ..... .... . 930 I July 12.18-2 Dogtlas Institute, Baltimore. 932 JulT 17., 18-2, John Skirving......... 936 July 18, 1 Tbomas Barry .-.. 939 Feb. 24, 1.71 Stephen Glascos..... 10. 60000 00 1,250 400 940 July 0O, 8-72 Jobn 941 .unlv IS, 172 J. T. James......... MecAnnally..... 943 JulY 946 Sept. 944 213, 16, July 15, 00 10V 000 6-00 00 George Page .......... 1870 John :'; iJkes .......... 000 00 200 00 arx- C. 945 July 1- 18_2 Robert S. Kearuev.. 947 .j'ul 20, 182' Young. -- -31:49 J uly '25, 1872 William I). C. Morrison, trustee . July- '24, 1872' John Racks ............ July 21872 H. Williams... 954 Julv !fI. 187 George Thornton Tavlor...... 953 957 959 July -26, 1872 Mary A. Corle et al 30, 8.72 Edwvard Toliver....... 95qW July27,1 964 Evan LVoDs .......... May 274,1E2 Thlomas Barton $1.20 00 -50 OO ....... 1, 800 1, 200 100 1, 200 31O0 00 15, COO 00 60000 Z, 000 150 00 7O 78000 170 !k 00 15 1,2400 00 00 I500 00 123 00 10, 000 00 3, 000 1, Soo 1, 1, . .... .. . .. . 44 10; 1:May 4, 18-43 lota in Davidson County, and !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 Jully 12, 1874 9 88s 667 00 75 00 .............. 00 ............. 4o0 00 130 .............. 00 .............. 000 00 *150 00 13, S80 00 75 00 ............ 34, 000 00 1.5 ............ 175 00 !1........... ......... 687 :.............. 50 37150: 1. 148 00 . ............. 6. 648 8S, . 33, *i 3. I..... 1CO 00 July 20, 1873 544 10 July 18, 18-3 133 1360. 44 8S19 00 34,000 00 00 ,,,,,,,. ,-'''''-''. 5 00 ............ 10, 000 00 100 00 80 00 ............. t3, 053 :33 ... ... 60 10, 828 44 Remarks. When due. 480 00 ................. ................... 480 00 IJuly 17,1873 1,250 00 60 OC .... ... i, 310 06 July 18, 173 350 00 53 2: .............. L 03 22 Fe'o. 284, 1,-.'2 00 00 00 :............ 00 10.000 00 ........... t0, 000 '0........... 3,000 00 952 ....... due. July 2.3, 1873 it. 106, Se 1871 3: parcels in Rutherford County, Tennessee. Property in city of Baltimore, situated on Lexiugton street, 119 feet 9i inches westward froru -Ninth street. Paid September 2. 1874. Lot 193, Brothers' subdivision of Mount Pleasant. ci ty of Baltimore, south -Pro]pertyin side :McI~ldury street near Gist street. Paid September 2, 1874. Lots 1 and 2 in square .16. Paid July 2l, 1874, $100; November 1., 1874, $100. Part of lot 4 in square 158. Lots >8 to 3i, mifclusive, in square 3, 659 41 July 15,3874 Lots 36 to 40. inclusive, in section 8, Barry fhrm. Transferred to property account. 1, 891 50 ........ Paid Jul.- 25, 18-74. 1,200 00 July 20, 18743 Lot 6 in square 4.27. 420 00 July 25, 1873 Parts of lots 6 and, 7 in square 54. 130 00 July 24, 1873 Northwest quarter of lot 40, in 15, 687 50 July 450 00 July 14,9,.50 26, 26, l-*3 1874 ........ 7500 July 30, 1873 July 27,,13 41, 437 'f 182 38 May 27, 1873 Haw's subdivision, Pleasant Plains. Paid October Block 2, Meridian Eill 31, 1874. Part of lot 30 in square 140. Paid July24, 18744.$40,; Angnt'2, 1874. $30; September21, 1874, $30; October 112, 1874, $2.5; Xovember 1O, 14.7.4, $25; December 10,1874, $30. Paid July 13, 1874. Lot 26, section 7, Barry farm. October 31, 1874, paid. 69 acres, known as Lyows's Mill Seat, in Washingtoa County, istrict of Lot Coluxubia 29, section M. _6 0 z 965 Aug. 5, LS7L. Elizal)(.01 A. Smith ..., 100 0() ........ 10o o00 ...... I. Ag. 2,187 J. V. W. Vandenburg. 1168 Aug. 6,1872 Charles G. Godfrey '' ! 970 tAug. 7, 187X George F. Adamns.. 27 5,000 00 .!_ 1,900001 795u3 !. 500 00 Augf. 12,1872 B. Mac --all 97t5 Alug. 8, 187 ' J.qmes Webster et al -.. 976 Aug. 14,18-2 Nat:bniel S. Wright.. 5, uO0 00 Aug. 15, 1872- R obert A. Phillips. 980 Aug. 14, 1872 William )Eowlett. 1, 000 00. 1 000 00 1 500 00 97, 300 00 962 Aug. 20, 1872 Tlorunton' lHodge...... 987 5, 000 00 404 64 500 00 ........... 5 000 ........... 1, 000 ....... 1, 50U 00 1, 000 00 ............ 293 00 0) 00 1.50 00 300 00 140 00 . 100 U 0 . . R;,........... 2'20 0 1. -'3 .............. 40 21 3,1 .............. 20 00¢ 384 09 4'! .50 .............. 61 25.............. 40 55 ,............... 1-'4). .............. 5)48 , ................ 1015 Aug-. 9;>.J872 George Mattingly. 101'2 Sept. 7, 1872 Charles Dyson ....... No000 100 00' - 2,000 00 ..........I 150 00 ............. 1, 0C0 00 i----------i 1--------1, 300 O0i I., --- 500 00 500 00 W00 1---- -- --~ - -~- 00 3,000 00 tI 307 64 250 00 15, 000 00 1,00000 3320 .... ) . 50 00 * ...... 178801 o "o ~oo 2z, 000 00 150 00 1, 000 00 1.500 00 500 00 500 00 175 0O i647. 80 :307 64 .3s ............ .*iG----.---------r5 55IS :12 54,. 9 .............. 31 ' 1 6le 94 104 10 00' .............. ............ 3_ ........ ........ 347'1. -* 15, 000 00 2 ,133 33 623 50 821 20 28 27 ............... tooo !O . . 5, 1674 gust 5, 1874, $180.33; Angust 6, $25 paid. 1874, Lot 5, 631449 .... 7 in square 252. 1,042 50' Aug. 8.2873 Odd-Fellows' Hall, Va. 1, 561 -5 Aug. 14, 1874 Four acres of landAlexandria, in Alexandria 'CQounty, Va. ], 040 55 Au -. 15, 1 8744 PaI4Aust 11, 18-74. subdivision of :312 25 Aug. 14, 1874 Lot 1.7', Prather's part of Mount Pleasant. Paid October 2,1-l84. 145 48 1Au. 20, 1874 Lot 23 in block 18 of Howard Uni1, 973 36 versity. Gctobser Paid.Septewuber26,1874, 30, 1874, $'=30; $12.25; November 2748l4,$12.35. jAug. 22,1873 Paid September 18, 1874 Aug. 23,1873 Lots 371to C.333; inclusive, in Uniontown, D. 2,076 66 155 79 Aug. 22,1874 Lot 110, Beall's addition to Georgetown. 1, 065 55 yMay 1 Part of lot 7 in 516. 557 91 Aug. 2,1873 Lts' 35 and 36 insquare so luare 740. 47 1874 t Lots 53, subdivision of lot 32 in 518 8, 541 _5 Aug. 26, square 140. 18 1-2 Mar. Lot 27, section 7, Barry farm. 74 Sept. 1874 Paid Angust 28,1874. 2, 752 335 35 'Feb. 16, 1873 Lot 67, liaw's subdivision, Mount 871874 1, William M. Pumphreyl 1872 Elizabeth Barrett.. Sept. 11, 1872 C. W. Havenner & Co. 101. Dec. July 2-, 1222 1020 ' Sept. 2,1871 4, 1872 1026 Sept. 14, 18 P.H. Green . - .-- H. oo Soo 00 00 900 00 750 00 350 00 1-----------,i ,------ ----i 3, 000 00 ........... Stevenson. 300 00 . 500 00 35 50 50 00 Isabell Mitchell... 1027 Sept. 19, 1872 William 1, 1028 Sept. 18,1872 Charles Williams .. fi-Ma 34 800 50 200 G5 007O 1 18 75 26 45 I... 900 .50 00 vv 3, 000 00 264 50 450 1031 Sept 19, 1872 George Stowell ... .- 4, 000 00 1,_,.......... 00 00 4,000 00 84 97 50 822 --- ,- ,,- 2 00 14 12 K 124 44 ............... z CIt S rt .0 Noug. 5,1874 1874 103 47 Sept. 6,1874 17, 756 83 Xug. 9,1873 849 47 'Sept. 7, 1873 ^ 1018 Lot 9, ".cction e, Barr,- farm. Ait4, 1874, :$10; Septewber 1, gust 1874, $15 paid. 83 Aung. 2, 1873 Lot 16 in square 732. 4:1~ 0 4 I,------------,, Paid July 15, 1874. 521 38 Aug-,. 7, 1874 Lots 1 and 20 in square 583. Au- Ang.22,87 Alonzo J. Downin -. . 980 Aug. 23, 7 Ralph 11. Darb..y1990 Aug.22, 1-82 Beverly F. Eagglin..... 991 May 15.872 JJohn Johnson ........ 994 Aug. ".4 1742 William Muiribead..' lCUO Aug.28, 1'72 William H. Gray-...... 1112 - ov-.26,172 --...- do ------------1002 S. Cept. 5, 182 William F BeDjamin. 1010o Sept. 2, 1872 Rock Creek Church. . . 1007 Feb.16,1872 Joseph 'Williamss...... 1008 Sept. 6,1872 George F. Adams. ,Aulg. 684 84 Dec. 2,1872 809 50 Jo.]; 2,1874 Sept. 24, 1872 1,033 75 776 45 Sept. 4, 1874 Pleasant. Part of square 583. December 9, 1874, M10. Lot 7 in square 760. Lots 22 and 24 in square 870. Angust 17, 18744, $55.t!5; Novouniber $28.24- Decemi.er5, 1S74 I 14.1874, "'28.58 21 inpaid.e square 508. Lot 20 in. square 728. Lot 2U in square 133. Lot 9 in IN rights & Cot's subdivision of Mount Pleasant. Paid Novemlber.25, 1874. 3, 117 50 Sept 14,1874 INineteen acresoflandnearBrighSt wood, D..C. 272 72 Sept 19, l 8-4 PaidAugust19, 1874. 464 12 Sept. 18,1873 Lots 14 and. 15 in square 99. October 23 1874, W50. 4,124 44 Sept. 19,1874 Lot 25, Wubdivision of square 420. -.1 cl-i Q P.0 1';AL-ESTATE LO0 SN.S AT PEi-CIP'AL OFFICE-Continued. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Accrued Advertising, NO. Date of note. Amount of loan. NX.mne. 1033 Aug. 30, 1i72 George R Coburn..... 1034 1035 Sept.,,18.2 John Keating......... Sept. 25,ilS John P. Cutler ......... 102 Siept. 19.187 I~ J. L. Kerrand ...... 103721 Sept.25, 18710 Pindle..... 1038 Sept t24, 1S_2 Aaron Maia Goodall ..... 1025 Sept.l it,18 1040 Sept. 30;18;* 1044 Oct. 5. 1871047. Oct. 9. 18 1050 Oct. , 16872 1054 Ot. 7,1872; 1048 Oct. 7 1872 1049 5 Oct. 7:1s7'' 1057 ( I)ct. 7,1872 105n G1 .. 1872 t. 1064 Oct. 14, 1872 1065 Oct. 16,18.2 10. lr13 Oct. 1074 ct 107 Oct. . 1080 1078 1082 1U(3 Lemuel IIenson....... Reury -Nubc.......... .Tames Harper ........ Ibomnas Crai......... George Davis ......... Harrlet Magruder..-. Oct.7. 187 2 I Mack 1059 Oct. 10t0 MarvC. Young ..... D. W'. Brown ....... H. Keller. Heury Gwin-...... 1. 17, McRiazie ...... Amos Hill J. P. .... .. Elizat Meridethi John .. .. Lne.......... Amnelia Talbot .... 187-, 1872 Millie Evans ......i Ellen ,1872 Dorse- Natbaniel .......... W. Evaus.. PeterPage ..... .. Oct 19, H. J. Gray . ......... 182 June 14.1872 Albert Gaines ' Addhison Triplet Oct. '3, Oct. I2,k72 .......... --- I Amount Accrued 53,150 00 .............. 00 $41 S4 150 00 .......... 300 00 S, ,R3 '150 4 41 3, 000 00 A-,000 00 00 0 0 000 1------------' 00 1,000 .... 1, 00C (0 300 00 300D 00oo 00 :i0 .............. .............. 8 972 '. 916-10,G50 . 3'9; i :i5 00 82 50 ............ I .,(J . . __.............. 75 15 84 92 719 58 37 .. 137 95 .............. 80 .............. 50 64 50 41 I 51 ............. I............ 91 1............. ............. ' 15 3 RIemalIs. 206 z4 Aulg. 30, 1873 Part of lot '08 187,4 25, 1874 154 483I Sept. Sept. 25, in Sqtuarcl *529. z Paid !Novemaber 3, 1874. Paid Angust 29, Id-,74. Lot '23 in s(juare 12G. .TulV '20, .4 kI1.50 paid. Lot 19 in squarC 88. Lot 16 in square 336. Lots *295 aud 296 in luiontowi, iD. C. Paid October 9, 1S74. Original lot X iu square 97 1. Lots 9 and 10 in square 192. Lots 11 and 12' in square 61. Lot 16, section 2, Btirry farn. Octobtr 8. 1874, $20.56 paitl I1 Oct. 7, 1874 Lot 55, section 8. Barry farm. Paid Augustt.27t, 184. 3:O 1o Oct. 7,1I74 Lots 28 and 29. section 8, Barry 0, 'I Oct. 7. 187I3 Lot 3.5, section 3, J3arrv ( 'ct. 7, 1873 Lot :3t, section 4, Barry farm. tarn. 3. 9 L Oct. 7.,173 Lot 37, section 3. Barry- farn. '4 65 Ouct *. 187 4 Lot& 5 anud 6, Barrv farm. October 7, 1874, 80; November 4, 1874, * 8; December 3. 1874, 89, paid. 1 5.1 31 Oct. 1 -7 r,{ots 4 and 5, sectionT . Barr farm. N ovemiber 23, 1874, 133 39 Oct. 7, 1873 Lot 9. section 2. Barry7. farm. Noveember 11, 1674, R820. Glt; 50 (ct. 1S74 Paid Septem3ber 14, 174. 799 tOct, 14,1 Lot 10 in square 3,002 88 Oct. 16. 1,83 Lots 12$ and 1:!9 55$. in subdivision of 3i22} 43 Oct. 18, -7: Paid Axugust31, 1674. 20-4 67 (let. 17. 18,73 Lot G in square 337. 178 Ss Oct. 21, 1873 Part. of lot S in square 55.3. 102 *, 187t Lot 20. section 23, Btrr farm. 306 58 Oct. 22, 18,73 Lot '1 in square 182. hLaid October 30, 1374. . Lot in block 6 subdidivision Me. 1!101 50 Oct. ridii-11 Till. Paid October21, 1874. 393 0 .. Paid July 13, 1.74. Z ? a, Lot 65 in square 132. Paid October .: 517 881 Sept '.9,1S3 -S, 25, :29 72 Sevpt. 18744 2.1, 167 1, ( 054 61 S;ept. 11, 1 87 50 Sl)t. :30, 1874 1,1, .451;S66 )( 5, 1 Y.4 .0 oO Oct. 9, 17.;3 i088 t.PL 7. 00 130 lO 00 19 o .2, ----.' 00 600O 00 2 ............. 00 5 ....-- --- 300 00 ........... 1, 5O 00 3,3:7 92. 00, 6;00 00j ^.;oI 00 7811 500 00 600 00 00I 00 1 !00 00 100 00 00 . 15 00.. : 4388, 19 00 C, 83 ............. 70068 00 4 154) 40 1I5000 700 00 2, 500 .), 000 105 00 147 00 300 00 1, 041, 00 I, 100 00 .,,,,,, 100 00 3u %Ni 7-1 41 10 V 8U0000 00 -1, 150 ... 153 84g 9527 6.9600 ins-ce, &c., Total amount' due. e-barged V'leii dUC. loans. toi Balance due. interest. paid. 0 ! ............ 1, 250 00 Q000 200 00 100 00 92! 800 oo 250 117 391 16 33 .0 434 18 00 .... ....... .............. 1.............. G6 3 C0 03' 885 : 83 4 67 3 88 , 2 :. 6 3100 I, 3 61 58 151 00 275 15. ...... . ... . ... .. ... ......... (} 1731'........ 2, zM_v t;# ~IT" _-e z F.0 C- Cn2_ ,n Q 4 iorgetown. ct. 19,I873 22. 1874. t.. III_--(I>t. :-n, 2to .I .> .'- tZ .. . . . 10S4 Oct. 23, 1872 Henry Brown ...... 1086 Oct , 187.2 Howard fniversitv... . IoZIQ Oct. 1872, JoTseph M. )ant.. 1091 o'ct. 29. I872 Griffin S. Red . 1311 Nor. 1, 18 1093 Nov. 109 Nov. 1032 Oct. 10.1 Oct. 2. 2, IS . 1a, ., i 7-.-2 7, 187' H. T.White, tre:'surer IOQ9 100 1103 1108 Nov. -Nov. Feb. Nov. -Nf1 or. N1Sov. 73,000 3. l5O 00:3) *J2 80 00 1 73 .5,000 00 1.316 66 200 00 .. 6O i0 '( 1, 8000 0 ....... ,00 001) .30 00 .5 00 . ES 38 :31 .50 39 7,o 1is': 1F'. andi. Brook I,l7 21 Ernilv A. 1Reed ;s.-..-.. ...... 23, 1F72 ,t 'A. Mec5brmy ...... 13,.IS7. Lavsou W. Brooks. -. 0-l, F.7' 31alfrovGreen...... '''0,1s Annett.- Jordan ...... 1.0k8 1. 0.88 1,t3(34 400 2, 4 30 1 55 001 .... 5364 343 K8 ( :3000 1. 36 ...... :0 000 .... .. 500 2, 00 . 6> . . .. .. > .9, 20 00 two (000 4 ... oi oo 00 O 50 .. 10)O 0. . 14 5,, 0(0 0) ............ 1,300 00 ............ 2,000 ........ :I, 00 SOOo) ........ 1, 000 00 .. . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 6;o 11 -~00. ............. ...... 50 ... 4 .50 ... _. .. 4 S3 .... .. 202 501 ........ 300 00 7; $ 6 95 240 00 i.500 00 G 7 3 1 . .... .... ... I, 00000 16 66 04 May 1, 1873 $3.450 in first-mortgage bonds on the First Congregationa Church N A 7 3 in Autt- (;-)1 -Tune, square 3(3(3. 1, 36;4 tQ, May 29,4, 15-2 Augurst :, 174. 1.73 Paid \ 3.: 91 Nov. 173 Lot 20 in block 17 Meridian 1ill. 310 00 'Notv. 3, 1874 Part of lot 14 in sqquare 1! ep. Sptember 1874, $20 Novenmber 4. 1S74,$$22.p6id. 4 07 97, No'-. Part of lot 43 iu square G9. 509 13 N ov. (3.1S73 6. I17-3 Lot 4 in square 814. 6 2, 07(3 Felh. -.i 174 I2 notes lot37 in square 511. ^12t-. Lot 24 in 5, Nov. 13; real estate in Alexan1873 Property, (I ia, - Yo'-cmber3, 174,4G35. 230. 203 30 'Nov. 21. 1Q73 Soutil half of lot 9 in square 10, (364 23; 1. and .3 vr: Lots 7 and S in block 16 Howard University. 813,48193- isferred to Property account. 44 355. Nov. 15, 1J74 Lot 100 in subdivision of Mtount P lle~asant. of lot 8 in square 55:3. 12,1873 Part 1036 17 Nov. Nov. '27, 1574 Lot 3'2. section 8, Barry farm. NoliE (39} vember 1 74. $3.60 paid. Nov. Part of lot2.11 in square 8. Novemu.' $3 t~, property. z CI t;2 z CC _ .. 2. ........... .......... 96 11 .. .. .. .... 7 50 ........ 2, ( 00 00 12 8 33 '3 3, roo 00 86 05 V 1! SG Lot A. ill ,Ubdivi,.ivn ol lot 1z In 35 ..... ... 1:ffi aU. o v. ', 1874 Lot it.; ubdivision of lot square 791. 9I7 Nov. I,1.,3 Lot 39, section 3. Barrv lrwu. guslt 29. LS74, -$15. i; 00 Oct. ,. 1.73 Lot 12, section 3, Barr3, farm3. 1. 06 (OCt. 7, it-'73 Lot -24. section 1. Barr- farm. .S 21 08 JuIe9, 1*±Y4 ' Paid Octobexr 8, iS, .1. 355 .. 12 9,o000 !0 1, 4 -,283 50 3,091 ............ 83 391. 0. q . stluare 6G. EL 73 Oct. 123. 17o3 Lot 7 in square $4.) Paid October ' 1674. ,7(. 316 66 'Oct. 22sr 1573 Property known as Collere reservatian in Wasbington, 1D.. Ait. giiB.!, 1,, 1.74, S600 paid. Lot 1.) in square 829. #;'!!-30 001(f Oct. IS,l84 Lot 40 iu square 331. Paid. October 1, Oct. 1.1473 13. 1574. . .. .. .. UO ...... 32. 150 00 240 ... . . .. .. I 705 Q, .. .. .... 56 400 0') 7 22 zoo00OU! 1:3 0oo00 (j7166 Wot' 00J ,, .. ... . 1119 . 042 532 ;...... ...... 00 ............ 09J 00 00 300)( 0 .53 1237 Dec. 11, 1872 Frank IDwarles 701 9,!5 41; 36 - 330 1 MN. lDouglas .......... :16 Po 300 00 Nov. 15, 1872 Catharine :MYder.... NIo-. 25.1 87.2 Ellen liorsey ....... 11 13 -Nov. 27,IS72 EIiz. Holliday ...... 1114 Nov. 2'3,1871 Joln H. Bon(l......... Ballard........ 36 eS ...... 1111 W. A. 36 363-. 1 1110 \ov. 26,1872 Mary Taylor. ...-.. jlVDec. 13, 17-2 Benjamin N. 3leeds. . 1120 318 30 15 30, 53 Samuel P. Gaines.-. :1, ! 6)0000 2-213 1.)0000 ' 30 CO )q,)921 1 92*94 93 . 3:000 william ;, 4E1 :Ang . 2,1871 1121 Oct. 12, 1872 ---- 100 00 Joseph Mliddhliton.. Jeremaialh Sweeny.. 29,187% Relen M. B. l1)son .. 442: Juine '2%,1 .1 Laura Barnard .... 1313 Xe.i. 4, 15;7-2 L. C. Loomis .... 3)4.i6 'Nov. 5. 157: .. C'laraB. Hall 1093Nov. 18721 Thotmnas PaynTe. ..... 441 JUDne .5.34 0o.00 . ..... 24 ' 1, 5u7 :2,3CO 33 00. ... ..... ..... 3, 589 1, 016 23,1873 i1S. *ber2$. 1ld.4, M3 paid. Part of lot G in square 51.2. and 3 years Parts of lots 3 and 4 and lot ' in Nov. 21, i 574.of8200 08 lot paid. ID in93.subdivision ,Aug.. 2, 1872 Lotsquare 1 in 694. square known as the 53 Oct. 12, 18.3 Property Donglas in Rockingham plantsion, C:. Paid Octoberl° 11874. Co., 66 Dec. 11, 1873 Secured bv deed of trust on prop:crty h' Atlanta, fia. 8(3 50 Nov. 26, t4,W REAL.ESTATE LOANS AT PRIMCIPAL OFFICE-Contiinned. j- ti Date of note. Amount loan. Name. 12123 D)ec. 1. 1872 Thomins W. Cardozo.. Amount paid. 00000 Advertising,' ins'ce, &C., Accrued Balance due. interest ......... .. charged to rotaldue.amount Wlien due. I .......1 '825819I1!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *2, 2S 19 2 and 3 years. Secured by mortgage Vicksburgb. Mis8. ooo oo ' Sept. 1, 1S72 XTacksou Parker... 225 Jan. 17, 1871I Charles H. Hloldez.... l.S Jan. 1873 .Joseph Casey 1231 Oct. 1, 1872 &nI.jania Lannum.. ......... 62i5 00 1, 100 00 536 3.33 00 63 35 ... ... 2$8. 11 70 7 : i3,100 1, 816 1. 100 ... 1013 Aug.30, 1872 IS12 Apr. 187.4 1242 Apr. 4.1873 1245 Maug. 13,17I 1243 |Mar. 19, I-Q3 1-241 Oct. 16, 7, 1 NorfolkIVa. Fifth RaptisL Church Silas L. Loomis, trea'ri Gcorge P. Goff Wvilliam H. George W. XNason, jr.. ....... rioo 500 .,000 Lucy Ann Reed ........ 1249 12 A Apr. 21,1873 Patsev smallwool.. 1011 .'ov. 8, 1870 Benedict Milburn ... 1456 Apr. i6, 181;3 E.L.Schrmidt....... 1255 6,1873 Babe* & Rice...... 1258 Apr. 25, 1873 William McGuire.. 12 60 May 2-0,18-3 Fifth BPia Chn,'cb.; 125Z IMay Burrill :Nixon...... oo 00 500 00 1, 500 00 00 1. I............ o50 00 120 00 ............ 150 00 00i............ t '200 1,250 I 20 00 ]I wo 00 00 1,937 75 86 2,500 0 .Y 3,22 2........... t............ 3,300 00 '............ 4, 000 0 , , 1.S;26 24 5 ' 604 72 176 66 i.. 39 16 5 39 23) 00 314 . . 16 0( 0O 740 00 . .......... .. .,3 j2 ............. 58. 4 1 83 ,595 572 2:2 1, i7.............. 1 2, ' . :3i. 200 00 )000 .. 1.42 7, ..... 6849 1.............. 44 00 1, 3, 300 00 4, 48 y 31 100 00 Li. ,I.............. .. .. . ...... 00 890 78 i............ 1 1............. .....7...... .. 5800 100 :,890 7,8 3000 4,000 00 00 49 4, 09-2 01 86 952 83 2 00 2, 1. 500 .......... 347 01 121. 10 7,.000 400 100 00 2, 500 00 , 2,500 .. 250 58 '............ 575 0 ............ 2 2, .500 00 ............ 2, rra......l 11t6 Apr. 18, 17'J, Joseph Pandler....... Apr. 7,1873 ,Dallas Street Church, 13altimore. 1248 , Mar. 5,1870 Thoniazs Ewiag, .jr Dec. 21, 4n, 548 ,I........ , 1104 Feb. 23,1872 A. McSIurrat ...... 1236 j Sept. 24, 1869 Saint John 8s Chapel Paid, property in Lot 180, sq. on July 30, 1874, $0 Sept 1, $-2.40u; Sept.30, 1874, | 4_50; 187i, Octicer 29, 1874, $822.0; I" 21 3, 333 00 2, 500 00 Remarks. loans .......... 10. ...5......... 651 5S76 55 72 66 16 205 39 1, 4S6 06 03 (39 100 00 '2, 814 58 .5, t'59 27 107 3,379 71 2104 Zr7 742 1,2415 3,369 4, 22 17 November,IS,1874, $22.740. by property corn-er Twen1873 Securedstreet gew av. tieth aid Jan. 25, aud 26York Lots 22, 23,24, in sq. 867. 182 June 17, raid September G, U, 14. V,1874. Oct. 8,1, 1873 Lots subdivisions of lotsF,2 and 3,and and part of lot 1, in square square 3. Feb. 23,1874 Lot 511. 37 in Sept. 24, 167 1 Secured bypropertyinYNorfolk,V-a. Lots 256,27j, and 28 in square 277. Augx. 16, 30, 19 square 652. 18j3 Lots 16, 17, and of lot 3in in square Oct 7, 187 East part 568. October 3, 1874. Paid Lot square 140. Apr. 4,187.4 in 53 Demand ... 3 acres of land in Co., MIass. !Mhar. 19, 187 Lots 45 and 46 Suffolk of in subdivision !qnare 2f09. September 23, 1874, 1 4. 6 paid. i July 18, 1873 Chattel mortgage. July 23, 1874, $50 paid. Apr. 7,187.5 Secured by deed of trnst. and years. Secnred by property in Kansas. in bandds of Lewis JohnSecurity & Co. Apr. 21, 1874 LotsonE, subdivision of 183. Nov. 8, 1871 Lots I2, 23,24, and 25 insquare Paid Decemtber 8, 1874.square 518. 26,1874 Lot 2 in square 826. Sept. Oct. s 4 Avpr. May Apr. 77 May 87 1, 1873 66 10 le, 6, 1875 Paid. 421. 25, 1975 Lot 1 in. square 20,1875 Lots 26, 7, and 28 in square 277. in nsnare 116. Paid; Auiust Lot20 1, 1874, -20; Augs4t 29, 1874. t20: 184, #20; October September 29, 1874,A20;30,November 28, 1874, ._ . 0 Z:I P.112 0 C. I 1 I4 :$, 3E; 3.i i 11ili w 1'. S] ;tIt'.... 12o2 June 9, 18 |Ma- A73 126 June 9, 173 A. C. Bradley ........ 1:'.6 Juae 1, lv7:. ' .J. 11. Latta, trn-stc .. 1267 June 20, 1S7-3 Alexander Sutberland: 1 Tuno J, A. Langdtnt ........... 14, 600 0!0 2, 000 00 1P70, Tnne 9, 18 1 Al.en C. lkatwua ..n.... 1:-'t9, Fe'b. 6. 2' 73 D). AV. Brown .......... 1!2 June 14, 1 87 Albert (.aines ........ 13.0 Feb. 28, 1874: Lewi~slBrrant........ 500 00 173 J.Tuly IC), 1873 Jane ]ollins..... 1 "'3 .TulvI 16.1 ,Jobn X. Kendalli...... I1, 1873 Hiram Pitts ......... 1277 May 31. 173 Saint Luke.s, M. 1'. Church, Norfolk, Va. 475 Aug. 1, Is81 John J. Calvert ..... July -A. D. Straker....... Aug. 8, 1,7I Charles Ir. noyiden lAug- 1, 1873 Elizabeth \eii...... 4.-,ol 00 1, 600 00 30s 1f -w0 00 ............ ............ 90( 0(I ....... Hffi5 OC 1, 367 92 1s4 2,16250 1i........... 1281 1284 12 128 12931 129 Apr. 19, 1867! Apr. 6,1S7C31 ThL. Eaton ........... Yr. hall ............ Apr. 7,1873 Sophia Stewart .... Apr. 12, 173 Jacob Frank ......... Aug. 15. 18-73 Armstead Walkier. Aug. 1,5, 187 J. A. Wood. Aug. 15,1 R. R. S. Ezleston........ Jan. 25,183 Cornelius Jenkins 1288 12907 Au,. 15,1 2'! Smith Woodward. 1295 Mar. 29,1871 1293 Aug. 1 1334 Feb. !Dec. 21 G. G. Cornish......... m Mrs. M1. J. Bunt ...... 1872 P. ME B. Young...... 5, 18m John W. and Hunter. Martha '... 1, 310 I30 33 j............ S.3 40 1,5o00 0000 4139 1, 1200 00 00 0oo 175 1030 O0 IO 00co - '. , -. -. '. -, -. ." ............ ............I 1, 000 8, 658 20o -- --- 135 !19 10 00v 319 9 00 9n Go 30 5,000 00 ' .......,,,,,_, 1, 25000 .............I ....... 2r, 00 500 5,000 1,250 00?' 00 1:. i.... I.. ... .. ... 1 -1 1, 275 61 .Jne 9,1876 5.21 53 Fleb. 6, 1t4 1, 203 95 ,J une 14, 1d75 1 30 38 Aug,. "2. 1874 "00 00 .___.......... _, 37 319 1, 1.,00 .70............. 16 12 Tune 18, May 31, 1874 .............. ',,4,S 87 47G 93 74 50 July 1, 623 5 Aun. 8, 20ts 94 1, Au-. 433 66 Apr. t3, 1875 "340 9, I 15! ... ....... ------1- Jan. - 187 200 00 !............. 2, 784 33 Mar. 84 33 05; 6,X 184 A nu ,1874 091 .2t2 1, 220 39 1 and ears. 141. 7.l Ang. 15,1874 749 00 ......... i 0000 94 15 5, . ......... 66 1872 1, 1874 ug. ..... I. ... --- , 1, 187'2 2, 1*75 Aug. - oR C) 1J4 44 . 66 175 0( 22 00, 00 16 J Lume , 1874 :i, s7 ? 14, 703 82 4 to 5 years. 3, 53 9-2 June i, 1875 11739i Jnne2,1874 21,1 67 41 2 to 7 rears. 1 00 4:33 66 1, 23 91 39 00; 700 .... 1914 ............0. A0 17. 0 00 73 : 94 .......... 00 00 6 0............ 003 200 2. 00 l.......... .,2"13S4,,, ........... 00 ........0 53 75 3ti 749 oo 5000 9000 . '00 500 00 21 00 i, 000 00 40 00 1 -- .............1 300 3, G0o 00 200 72 61* 00 K3 3:3 2f00 00 749 00 00 1, 500 00 200 I. 000 00 ,-, 658 00 000 . f4, 200 00 11;:2 54) 50 !2, 2,162 3, 000 00 2, . 00 167 41 07 ,Tu ne 000 1;0 00 -21.t0t0 00 09 98¢6 114 L" IG:2 o( I............ 1, J 0^, 8- 23 92 1,175 500 -- 10 82 3, 500 00 40 00 07 :1 I 7. 1,6430 to0 14, GOO) no ---1. . . ---. . . . , 918s72 548 42 Aug. 1. 1874 5, 194 44 Demand. .. 1,316 05 Dec. 5, 1875 Lot A in square 3:11. South part of lot 5 ill su3ttare 421;. August 28, 1374, 200 pal.t Lot 4 in square 377. Lots 27 to 49, inclusive, in square 134.17, I8, 19, and 20 in Lots square 309. 423 acres of land, being part of property known as Jamaica. in Wvashliugton County, D. C. No. remnber 6, 1874, $364.41 pai(L Lots 48 and 49 in square 1.79. Paid August 13,1874. WNest part of lot 1,2 in square 170. Lot 7, secton 7, I3arry farm. Paid, August 1,1874, 310: September ,) 184, $10; November2 1874, 10; ])ecenber., 1874, $10. Paid July 15, 1874. Lots 16 and 17 in subdivision of square 900. July le, 174, 41,0S125 paid. Lots 70, and 703 in Uniontown, D. C. Sc- ured by deed of trust. Paid August 1, 1874. Part of lot 17, block 7, Howard Un iveritr. Lots 12 and.13 in square 734. Subdivision. lot 1 in square 1De. August 8,1874, $100 paid. Lot 1kmi square 120. Notes amountingo t15.000, secured by deed of trust. Lot A-in square 6. Lots 38 and 39 in square 1SO. August 14,1874, $500 paid. Lot 16,blockl16, HowardUniversitvy. Secured by deed of trust on prop. erty in Atlanta, Ga. D~o. by deed of trust on propSecured ertv in Pulton County, Georgia. Secuied by deed of trust on property in Atlanta, Ga. Part of lot 14 in square 733. To December 10,1874, $1,190 paid. Paid August 3Z, 1874. .Notes amountingto $6,8000. secured by deed of trnst. Paid. Lot 9 ia square 234. V4 4-. p;- z z H Q COO ,Ji z~ REAL-ESTATE LOANS AT PrRNCIPAL OFFICE-Continued. Date of note. Name. 19ug.. 18731 Mrs. M. J. Hunt..--Bartholonmew ole..... Tbomas M. fleasly.... James D. Burke ...... 130) A 1:. I15-le, 130'2 J.uly 16,1873 1301 .JUlIV 15 IZZ73 1303 19,- , 0. L. White ........... 1448 July V7 18 1 Jasper A. `;imnis...... 1306 Aug. 13, 1S7.3 \V. Ii. Piujilips....... 13071 .Sept. e, 1< .3 1308 June 1,1.I 1301) A n_,. 14, 1 3: ' .Jl aI'r. .......... 1311 June 2;, lt'73 Samuel Stitrong ........ ;54 Sept. 19). 1871 Michael GreeD ........ 476 A!ug. 1, 1.1 Thomas.J. Staley..... 1351 Oct. S, 18731 George Ang-ermatt .... 1 318Q 1325 1324 1323 1,'321 (sept. 5, 18 itar. 1, 1Q73:j Aug. 1, 1I73 Mar' . 1, ls73 Aug. 5, 1S7-3 Joseph' W. Boucher C larles B. B3eall Jetyrev C. O'Conuell F. B. Loftus .... IH. G. Jaco'b.s.. SaRltUnel C. Mills .... Marv J. Warner .-.-. 1327 July 21,1S71 George 1. Price....... 132-6 Nov. 1, 1873 Charles H. ltidden ... 1315 John R. Bloss..------- 1328 i ar. 8. 17 3 WIM. M. P'urplrev... Aruonut loan, Balance due. Accrued paid. S', 00000 350 00 -2, 700 0( :300 00 250 0o ............ c2, ............ ............I o0 ---------. 4 100 00 _,oO M)} ("0o 50 I.. 00 (00 29 ". 4 80 '0 )94 12,394 ................. 15 .... 2, 913 . . <95, .. ........ IN .....0 on 690 00 --.--------.-_- .. 91, "00 $110 .... |Notes seullred 1)y deed of trust. |11 00 l to 3 veyeas. .$2, ;5t390 014ul P. , 1574 I'ald .\Aulst 29, 1S71. j1'art of ltr ;5 in square 219. ...,i......... 2, 966 25 July 16,,174 :. ji ]'ilJutly 1, 18-,4. $t15 0oi 250 ............ 370 W\ loans. 00 tiS 00o 001 25 04 370 *00 00 |2 ;G 25 15 :25) :3;:o) 00, 9 00 OU. 'IO0 ins'ce, &c., charged to Totalamatouut due. $, 000 ............. 00 Advertising' interest. 00 00 800 GO 9.0 Charles Rs..t.-l.--(. IH. Archenback.... Margarct A. Raudall.. }Fralicis F. Brown..... 916 .Tl~lvX 9, IS72 E. S. Fowler 1317 1319 Amount of ,. _ 477 ..... 25 "I,370 00 10(1 34 .... ) 1.- .,u 39 Alu-. W!i 00 1,2S.67 0o) .... 1 6O00 100 00 :30 000; 1, .;i0O 00 5 :1 0 I150 00 150 00 :iO 00 21)0( 00 1, I 10 00 60O0 ,. .. ... 9(10 . ........ .... 65 00 00 .. .. . .. ..... * 1, i.O oo0 J. 145 00 2, 414 58+ wO 0000 900 00 1 1 -t \ 9 - 1.374 72 1103 .... 74 33 I. .... . . . . 2 1 08 47 1:3 33 16 33 :27:3 60 .... . of oriiual 732. lot 34 in Earrv section DecemTuber )Jid 50 05 partlt square Lot .XovaemU I..... 50. , AlnI1t:19, 31 4 1. Lars. to S0 19 tis6 10:i ., 6G 51 65i0 05 97:5 7 N ov. I. 0s. 17-.1. Browns subdivisionof uount PIleasanut. of C ssubdivision ou lot 23 in square Notes auiounting to i_2,575, securctd bv real Lot 725. 1574 Sept. ar. j 9, M 871 Z.lJ - r te z ,-~ !T uest. ooutlil IJ~ I , 3'2 . 27 and 31 square 12G3. Paid Decenmber 12, 1.74. sq '455 nare 1. LTo Decetmber !Lot 5 inlp~,s,)ai'l. Part,. of lot 10 in square 296. Lot. 2L in sqtarek353U. Lot 7 in subliii-siou or Sqnare 309. To December IO, 187.4, $;.37.5 paid. bv s tundrv rsl Secured eoverw, awuloit of>.cstit loa;L and in- Octo'ber - .... d larts in of original lots 27, 15, 6, To 10. 11874, $25 fatrm. paid. .-. Paid .lly -2.1, 1,74. :2G,:3 '2. Oct. 4, l. Secu retd byvdeed of trust. I 51 ~2. SepIt. ti. 1,1744 I .2_20; Oc t. ',1<.* Paid Do. i' Oct. 2, 1-.74 Paid October 515. 187. 1z74. t-6 Mar. 1, 1 4 ;Seculred by deed of trust. x!'24 Aii Paid 3, 2_ ' N¢:Oi-. 3 14.4 Paid Auigiusther a l 3 Notes seclredbt , 1874. of :,3 SU I, deed trust lot . - It 1 1Z. !. . 24 :33 .- -. 1 1327 22 20. (0 >)0o :0 3 0000 27 2100 0 150 58--.---------00 25000j ........ 4,-210 0U 2, 414 1, 45000i O., I{s 87 , 15.1 9., 9. l 1- 4F ... .. h, ,lf or lot 42 in Stiliar'.i 209l. West A;1tugust 29. 1874, $1.59 paid. t in square .309. .2 TLot anil ers.. t . ul 1, 1:4 47 3 . 2- _im;11 14 I, 2..52 Mar. 1- 4 .... 1i1 :3i Aug. 29. Jul 1 1,-':i.. l S3 pt. 6+29 ........ .. 09 6e9) 0 00 t, estate. Lot 2; stiubdivision of Monut Pleaisant. Paitl Septeumber-10, 174. Lot14 iiu sP;arex6. Transferred t,, lir.l)('t *- aoeunt.l C, 0W_ z 1324' 1330 1331 1434 1332j 1333 1381 133 lkl,Xlt..; ...,............. . Nor. 1, IS7 3 .awuel S. Siact,. .. Oct. 31, 173 1Robert 11. WaN v, Apr. :10, 1&7.3 *Jesl 'T. Vike ....... Nor. 1S, 1873 Jobu T. Arwiees ....... o'vr. 1. 1873 Saint-.Tames Pnr.bli.. Feb. 11. 1-,3 Josepb .1.. Carter ...... Oct. 15. 173 Ortwav Nichols ....... 1336 Jnne 10. 1872 Georze .Sirtlond ..... Jan. 7. 1S74 Rndolph Lobsigor.... 1 1. Iemin.Lu 1340 Apr. 29, 19 c ......... .TUn. S. 174 tt - - I 0 : 14)00 4it .104 Pit 2. 0I) 1 1.70000)1111$ 4 1;, ).17)1 0 70110 ............ (. :,4I (4) 00(....1....- , . :3:33) 45) 1.0 i) ............ :150t} 03t. ....... ... ., :3so (ts.... .. . .. :i0o (00 .:51 04 :5.. 1 oI, ............ .............5 ............. (i)t191 5 to}o _'0 1.1 (1 100 2, 040 00 25,5 a- mouingug to 8M.0. Lot G i squtarel- 64. 't) Decenibvr .. 1, 35;l)07:'t 97 1. I ' 1 . 5;7) ...1 .IZ0 .. .. ........... 1N1 (o; 1. 059 1, 363 ", 101 7. fis. .11 i 1341 iJan. Z.c 14 1:341l Au g. S, 1873 1 4 .......(1) 1.A. ............... Connolly.._... 933 July 13, 172 Walter Evans........ 1254 Apr. 17, 1871.| CarolineKaiser...... 743 James T. PiIkt........ 1342 Dec.. 1-0, IM JohltI B. ClageZ t....... 1343 Oct. 1344 Dec. 16,12 6, Cleent 41,t11011 ., I 01)1) 00 2. 5(0 l)0 12., 000 (40 4. 0)0 104) , . 5. 1,.Q Mogl)...... 173<! Charles r.. )tiglas. T (1 ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ _1. (1,0 0)1 'i, till. Gi;i C10( 1)0 '14,5 ', .5(1(1 0) ..... 12. 010 (4, 80 2., 01) ..... 1, 2.l _ 011 W0 . 543 .............. ..._ _..... .... .. ... ...... 14 00 298 -,) 00 ............ 1., --- 1347 mar. 1,1873 J. B. ILoftus ........... 1350 Sept. 1, 1873 \N. D1. D)eue... 1355 May 8,11 'William Bowen..----1356 Feb. 12,11874 M. Rohrer ......... 1357 Oct. 1,1872 C. E. Prentis........ 1358 DeC 10, 187'2 Susan Lemons ....... 1Z34 Oct, Sophia Holmes...... 1872 (1 I)5 4(4 250io (10 )0 44 ', 000 0803 ....... 28I0 410 2.15 S:1 907 50 20 ti? 29 1lmos. Dee. t. 1874 (0 00 ............ LO 00 .............. , Om 000 1, 000 (I0 500 00 100 00 .. ............ 450 00 220 ....-.-.- 00 ....... ....... 44 (IC 1., 50 00 5, 000 00 1, 000 00 2. 400 00 450 00 'Notes 54)cliiedl~by (Icedl of trust. To December 1.0, 1874,8325. Paid. Deed of trust security, propI.rty in U-niontowt-n. District ofColtirunbia;t lots 3 04. 69 , 72 !.X3 44 342 1,.----------- 22............. 2, Barry farm. .ruilv 87 Ot. 17 04 Aug. 0!8i1 6'2 May 5,, 206 1, 13 1' -2 3 28.... J31 6'. o'i; 94!ij.............. 14 and 243, section. 8. andT of lots 3 and 3:1. section 3, 22,1875 Deedcof trust security. 109) An1".1, 1..5! Deed ot trust secun t . 27 Oct. e. Is7 5 D*.ecd of trust securil;-. ;:3 10........ ........... ........... trust. part 1.2 Paid. schools for building. $22,011.92; notes secured by deeds of trust, amountina to-.405.- . To lDcemIb(et 10, 1T,4 et40O.49. I'axl. Jan. ,18.75 I)eed ot trnst. . Lot 30 in sq unre .5..+. Ani . 5, July 13, 174 Paid Angust. 1 -:.4. Apr. 17, 1872 Lot 14 in square 34t. Mar. 1873 Part of lot S in square * 1. I)e.. O. 1:.74 10.l acres subdivision ot C tate.t .farrn, in va.sbinllstou County, District of Columbia. !ll 03t~) 25914)0)0 1.53 July -22,l73 Dudl Webster ...... 1352' Aug. 14. 18.3 1.osepheue Bwowler 1351 Oct. 8, 1873 George Angermt.. 50-. R: Part oflot 16 iunsqi:re S.) To December 10, t74.1. 10 Dec. 10, 1872 Lot 2 in square 791. 00..IJan. 7. IS75 .Oeed of trust. 66 Aplr !9, 1 73 Lot.s !)6 and 97 in suldidvisiota o) Motuit Pleasant. 37 fJan. P. 17-5 130 shares Young- Men's Cbristiain Association - bills against colored 4, 557 33 5,48 70} 0....... 1. '00 11 21. 0)16 Ce1 2, 148 00 2, 500 (0) 12, (00........... 33 10,3t1471, 1I-a1'ISear, . L.ots 1.2'3, 4, andl 5 inF squnare )15.. C .i)1)lU XoLe for $400 secure(l by a deed of 1. 10 ,'4 *!3 'lo l; n .!.. . i "I ........ 2.314 4P. I .4.,t 1., it- -lt::irv (;t. v:>.t l lo plro't:Prty tC( timt. 2 . 2 \ove 1.84 Sqalros i542 a.l 3-16. . IxS 5! (et. :31, li.4 N Lots 23 an(l 24 in square 576. '. ,II l 35 July ' iN I Notes secured by- deed ot' ttiUt. .1_. ,; I5t..' :;5 1.00:) 00... 1,3:00 t) ............ 4, 000 0 0 2.00(10 4( 21; ( 0oo 1, . 94 Feb. 0)97.g2 Oct. 423 44 Dec. 2, 79'2 2'2 17 to Paitl october 8. 1, 1i74 Deed of trust security. Paid August 1, 1874. 1, 1874 Deel of trust security. An-ust :, I1874, $i8 paid. 8,187-2 Lot ; in square 529. 12, 1876 Square north of square 4397, 1877 Lot E:, square 31:3. 10, 183, Lot 34 in square 24. 06 Lot 25 in square 3. To December lO,174, $110 paid. 1~74. 1, mos. 4.-. -4 ZC6, z -t ... iP_ z I- c.i I.i 0 ,. nEAL-ESTATE LOANS I I .}&me. PRDCIPAI OFFICE-Continued. ad ,on . ,Yo. Date of note. AT Amun Name. f mon ~ .A@~lout ~ pad.Accrned Ba'ance Amoutdnt dlue. interest. Advertising, ins'ce ebarged& to, of oa Wlbceu due. m due. Remuarks. _______ 1361 Juwe 10, 183 Robert T. Arlow...... 8$556 s4 1362 Feb. 10, 1874 Nelson Conor .... 1364 Feb. z, i 7.I Ruidolph Lob'siger 1365 iDec. 3,16:3 W~illiam Revn*otis 1, 050 00 400 854 13.1 Apr. 14,1 ,4 1312 Apr. 9,1br4 2a6 Sept 30, IS7. 331 Apr 24, 1I71 1374 June 30, 1S73 544 Sept 16, I-TI John J. Bcuedict Milburn..... 495 Xor. I1,130 Johna B. Stevenson. 118 Jtily f29t,182 N, j. JHilman ........ 1239 Sept 23, 18 2 rPif. lall ...... ...... . 1,000 00 7, 4, 000 00 0, 000 150 00. 11Z 1 5S, , .......... 100 00 . 1, .1 1. ----- 30 CO cO .......... .............. 1:3 :_6 :.............. 40 ;-^ G0 '.............. &SS 12 00 671 Go 4, 0:!9 noo 00,'400 th., 1 , . _ , s; 9 400 00 .............I Ct; ........... _*fi 66>; ........... .: 1-' ; ............ ------ -. 1 -1 (/0(J 00(O "I...11 I, 4.0.)U t)0 1)2, loo 00: 37,:3 Ca-3. 1, ......... ..... ..... 00 'i' 00 ,0 o00 .150 (to l, 000 00 1 1. 000 500 u() i , 15 u: 116 00 1 *100 33 -' .... ...... 500 00 400 00 4174. G ...... 158 67 1, 000 00 .. Key...... 0u 00 2, 000 00 1.5. 000 00 ....... .. 1, (00 .7 $3 91 10 63 ou . . 00 ............... 1*'5S ...:........ 1 $Ot IQ OOI 1, zu0 0Go0 hoo 005 900 J.. L. N. Bowen ......... Perrv IL Carson ....... William P. Drew .......; 'Walter Evans c ;300C0 2,100 00 ...........0 351 Apr. 1, 1674 Clifford Arrick , Soo00...... 1,500 00 . July 1;, 1S< L.C.Alle n . 1367 Mar. 15, 1874 Denjaixxin D. \Vlbitney1368 Mar. 9, 174 Essex Roberts ........ dal. 1370 9 $C48'3f: ......... 300 00 . 1366 13,167:4 S. S. Stearals........... May 3,IS8I P, A. Apr. 10, 1s8 , xrh~iltps.......... do ....... -; A Ig.16,172 William P. \Xood 601 July 12, kdl E.H. Niclols,trea iurer G.. .. .2N5X 9 -3, 1, 000 00 120 00 1I4!.i o( in Georgetown, District (f Cu'No. 10, 1i.4 Part "sf iotn in s.lare 525. Noveniber 2, 1S74, $3 paidl t;O &. 90 2 notes. cbattcl-nmort-a-c. 1,5 94 74 4 to 641 days ho' Part of lot 15 in stluare 5. To Deceimber 10, IE74. g3*1 paid''3 to 4o mos. Lots 30, 31, andl 32 in square 3G6. To December 10, 1E74, $400 paid. oUU 11 Ai Lots lii and 17 in square141. To Decenmb4er 10,'I74, $140 pai(L 41:3 Mar. <!, 1 .5 Lot. C in siplare 643. 31I Lot 3 in square 3(;5. To I)ecemeixlr 10, 1Zs4,:>950 pai(l. 1, O' s. MaJ 3 1 .- Paid Augusrt 11, 1z4. 10I I91I Lot 9 ill reservation 1). 1E.3 Assigilinent Aug.012, I7 I00; iJulyr 3, "I of colitract sal~e of Tntubia. 31* 5Sb I, 3G0 :Iutl i5 0 ............. 31 :( I......... z .1-1 z . 0 C 1;X A Is l:' .l -1 5 4o 6 Apr. _ 14. 1;.75' ],d(15 A 1rr. t9, I 8- Z t9 Mar. 30U, 1i1 407 1. 87 43 Apr. ir4, a7 ....... ............ 5 60 ;C05 27 June 10, 1ij Secured by deed of trust, property 2, 3,s '23 Sent. I G. 1.-' 1,27.l5 I0 Joyv. II, 1IS !lands and bonms of ztsisnors of Centi-al BraLnch U-nion Pacitic ]Tailroad Company. Paid Noventetr 14, 18i4. Notw ol Levi Stevens and wire for $10,000. Assiggnwent ofclainiou ,r;, 'Cooke & Co. for $11.9.5. aud certificate of depositt on Freedmau's Sawings and Trmst Cornpan:- for z3,67. Lot 27 in square 3SS. 1Part of lot ; iu >. NKo collateral. square jrart of lot L1' in square 877. ;art of lots 11;i. 169), 174, anl 175 in George:town, D. C. Lot 1., ill sqxLare 530, and lpart otflt 14 in square I. Paid Noveraber 124.IS74. 31 TDe(dotftrnst on property in TUnion- 1 53 40 Jutlys P. 1e.3: D). towu, C. 2, Howard UniverLot. 10, block 32 lrt.1-tstate 7nutes, '41Oo0 ea.-h. z PIC2 2 :4 C.: 1240 Sept. 24. 1872 J. A'. Wriglh t........ 2193 Aug. 8, 1-3 . d. o ............... 1298 Oct. 25. 1872 Charles H. }Iolden 1329 -Nor. 21 18720 S. C. Ponxeroy .......... 2, 000 1, E)00 2.-209 3,000 - do .-----1717 Apr. 27, T B. Carter....... Dec. 31, 172 Jaues 1424 jJan. ie,1873. S.S.Stearns........ 1484 July 1S, 1873 . T. WBhite, treasurer.. 3 000 00 ......... 1511 1751 1398 14;84) 00 ........... :1,:ioo0 00:.---------00 ..........' 1,750 o .........I, o000 4, 000 E .....-- ----- Feb. 15, 1873 Eugene S. Calvert ...... Apr. -29,1873 Feb. 21,183 C. W. IHavenner & Co. July 11, 1873 Boughton & Moore . . . 1533 F'eb. 4, 1874 d-----do ..-...... . O( 00 1,100 O0 -,..... 400 00.- - 50 00 ._ ......., 1,471 51 , .......... ;,50 00 1489 Aung. 8.1S-73 Georae W. Dyer .....; I544 Apr. 30, 1874 Brook-s. Chase & Fitz- 1,.,00 00 Q35 00 ..,_. 11: Is 3, 93E 36 ........---. 3, 143 0( .. 1380 .June 1 1874 John L. Bradford...... 646 Jan. 5.1872 Louisa Washington ...; *55 Mar. 15, 1872 ._do 1226 Jan. 8, 1873 Walter Ir. Punmphrev. 7,800 00 3000 250 00 j .: 1,500 00 I ................ 1381 Dec. 5,1812 Henry Sith et 1382 May 26,1874 James G. II. I al..... nalor. 2, Mar.131 187.1 John TJackson ....... 428 June t3, 1871 Jos. i. Jackson ....... .. 000 00 Z00 00(1 1:, `09 4 i, 000 o0 > 00o 0oo 1, 100 00 400 00 O)O 00 ], 4.1 >i ,000 00 6000( .... 500I 93550! 44 ' 40 209 00j 1. 677110 2i10 G ,250 00 3083 ....... .. .. ....... -....... . ... ..... ...... ll;.,o001.........._.. st . . ......... . . l, 386 UU ... I0 ... 0 ................ 173 60 ......... 401) 00 ....... ,,, 97 o .) ............ 1 .30 00 .............. lO)0.............. .... .. 3 1Go ..................... . . .. ... . ... 1§ 1 1., 00, *, *95 01) %104 )050 00 )tO '00 1, 03, G0 "~0 400 00 179 17 1 o8, 08 , t7 3J' 25: lI -2s 000 00 I, 556 5- I Oct. 18, 1r73 $;3Z.000 in first-mortgage bonds on First Congregational Church propert.31 ' 1G Fib. 16I S13 S:ectured by- mortgage on property a 1, '1t6) CO Demand. at Colle;ye Station, Md.(L 1, 4t23 :); Feb'ln 44, 1 j74 L ot UI in subdivision of square 133. 4. 400 00 'Sept 10, 187 3 tal-estate note for $6,387. ",31 -41 Nla 1, 1874 Real-estate note for 54,000. I, C;O 00 (XOct. ", i3 l; al-cstate note of C. IL INolden for Paid .J ulv 14. 17. 1. J ine 9,1.74 Three rual-eestate noteS, two for .t $150 each, and one for $283, with interest. 9 :3, 9 81 -Nov. _-', 1S.4 Part of Mirgess subdivision of isqiare 13., i- ;3 1n(1 G MOS.. Part of lot 43 in squLlare 343. PaLid December 2, 1874. ,:s 0o St .ran. 1, 1S... Note of C. EL Holdenfor$2,500,with. ..:.,,; ;i', 00: 3, 93S 36 2*.,5 11 Denianl I... l-estate luuto. 'Iti; 30 :.. . Lta --n--nd. Parts of lots 9 and 10 in square -61. 2, 136 11 4'9 _( j N otes amnoutntiug to 83,.000 secured :3, by deedl of truwt, ,itlh interest at ------6 1, 3G 6 C 10 per cent. i lart o r lot 5 in sqluare :344. ,t ~a r. : l) P7 1, 3!6S 4 5 00 'eb. 23, lz 33 Sandr- real-cstate notes. 1. . 00~ 1, 6-7710 130(O ... ll;1 v8l 3G 11II .-.-----------4'S1~ :,, 0 0i 300 00, 1, 0,., (O0 1, 230 4, 1)00 ,0! 2,224 SRt I, 300 00 1, 1 '0 00 1, V00 00 35!) V-; u, I t,} G2 50 ...... 1,15000 .. ,, _. ....... 1378 Dec- 27. 1873 Laura ut. Stewart. 1379 1Ji'e 5, 1874 I Francis Wrihbt....... 1383 May 6. 1874 Juan Boyle & Co ..... _ , 47 ..........! 00 ......... 1486 July 11 1873 Thomas I. Talbot gerald. 13-55 May 2., 1874 George Bargess ....... 1376 June 2, 1874 William. Joues........ 1377 Juno 1, 1874 A. T. C. Dodge ........ .......... .......... 34s1 '3 .45- -7 - 3 .o0.) ,)>. .... ... 17 71 ........ S 4 33 31 24 ................I 00 ------------: 16 77 !--. .- 2293:............... 5 42 1;6 ; interest diw: froin December 1, 18.1, secured by deed of trust on part of lot S in square 763. 1, l0 5t, Dec 7.I1 .4; Part of lot . in square 33:. Th3 99 ,Jnoe 5 l,73 Part of lot 15 in s,(uare 870. 8, 5UJ5517 ad G 1 45i R.eal-estate note for $10,00,. and $,000 in bonds of Selma, Marion and Memphis ILilroad Compnijy. Part of lot. e in square 7 24. '20) 50 5, 1:7.3 Part of lot 23 in square 1LG. ' 8 4' i 1Sept. 15, 1874 j October 1', 1874.81I3 paid. 1, 090 93 Jan. 5, 1875 Notes amounting, to $2 000, secured bv real estate. To December In, 1874, 876.68,paid; December 1', 1874.$.47.80 paid. 42-1 00 Dec. 5,1873 -Note secured by deed of trust. December 9, 1874, $16G.58. paid. 1, 693 s12 & IS mios. 29 70-100 acres of lan( known as 'Fortune Enlarged." in Wia.hington County, District of o.olunlbi.L 202 10 Mar. 31,1872 Part of lot 37 in square 09. 1, 106 04 June23, 1872 Subdivision of lots A, B, C, aud D, in square 99. -. C2 C' :Q -- z R.EAL.-EST -No. Date of note. Amoun~t luan, N aae. TE of paid. t~an, Amount I~uil. : LOS-AS AT PRINCIPAL 0Fj.'CE-Conztiiiude. er1.chredt -Tot AcudAdrertising, in9rce e&c.,toI Ealance duc.*interest.^ ' s charged ~~~~~~~loans. anaount. ]When du1C. l he lRceuarlis. iC ___a _ &g.23, 1871 Henry June 3, 1b873 GeoreHopp........ tM2t4 Pinnper .-..- :: $80 r946 'Mar. ,l872.L ]Peniin ........... 134 Apr. 1, l873 R0bert P. Anderson. . .: 4. 0000 IF OM 1385 July 11, 1873 June T. D. ;ello- Total .r. .... 0. wie $1:.. O( 00 00 ........ T ..........- 275 Oct. .lobn A. Pr.oscott...... 1615 Dec. lo,1871 J. N. bis.1o.......... 149 Apr. 23,1F73 j(Gorhamn P. Uopkins . 9, 1872 1482 .Jnne ' 18731 1420 1;36 Apr. 21, C. 1873! IB. I1L.ih-\' trt asurer F. Wr. Brookls ._..... 'Nov. 21, 1870 T. Rfovssle Son.. . 1463 May ,, 1873 1. T.White. treasurer. 2'180 Aug11-. 2I1873 , -- ot 910 Mar. 30,1872 F. aI. av ....... - 103 Ana. 18.1870 - .. . . lloratio Natcr .. . ....... 100 83 .---- .............I ............ .. 25~ oo. ..................... .............. ........................... ........ 1 ........... .440.44G ............ E 231, 591 86 71 1. 135 00 l4!t) (it '00 (00 ......................... 1,l,)S, .500(O 57. 15 )0. ..........- 00 -. 000() 2i.02 50( 125 -.vo (Ito 147 00 ( I~ ilo NS 10 77 1, 31 ..0 2 0,n1 --- o 33 50o L2, 239 02 2. 0)0 00 ., 00 00 _,(00 00 12 t., 9.. 230 672 1,43 . ......... ;.,17.2 2.' 33 22 2!)., 3 33 ....... a 1 lo, 4, 3 3 99 ............ 4 3- 0 24 159 0. 1. 291 Demaud 7. 3;... 1.289 50 ......... ,3. 2, 53 id Octobe r '. 1. -73 8535. 1873 No secmrit.12,To 74.lD;ciuljcr 10. Oc. '2, 1 83,33000, $ bonds 9 Northern Pacific , It~~~Rilroad1. 480 shares Young Mvn's Association stoh ToChlristianl December 10, 1874. 8$200 pai(L Apr. 21, 17 125 5h1aresInternationall ~Steamslii Z and Railway upl.y CompanyNov. Chlattel mortgage on furniture Arllng-tOn. Hotel. 1873 No collateraL A1g. .o............. .\N collateral. To IDccculer 10. c . . , ,, . 2274 2 CJ2 M 43 *, /0 00 stirwnce premiuni. No l' .(i.5 23: Dcc. O( t. 23. . 1 *' '5 fi let - -----------1 . Ialance (dtcon ledgeraccount.: PIJN-CUL AOrrFIC1. AT 1t 9,11 ....... .0, 000 00 2M:;,: 4t35 00 93, 470 115 !...... *',.'O 00........... 2.? eil 1 O) ............ ,,, I} on~ 12- 00 I......... It No Co .......... 9 00 ............. ____ 892 06 Au-. ., 187!2 Lot 5 in square 313. 295 85 Dec. 3, 187,4 Lots 140 and 141 in Bealls addition to Georgetown, District of CoPaid October 8, 1s74. :1, 100 83 'Mar. 7, 1873 Lotlumnia. 35 in square :3. 205 92 3,4 & 5 vrs. Securedb1y bond 435. and mortgazo on property in West Orange. E}ssex County, New .Tersev. *273 00 Paid August 2G, 1z74. 36 00 Pad. OcEt.15, B Balance due on ledger account: in sirance premittri. 1874 papers. I Ealanceduc on ledger account; 0 pPointing trustee. No papers. ap. 12 00 .-------------I BBalance duc on ledger account: surance premium. No ---- 17TT83 ~ i0o2-5 :3, 000 00 3, 000 00 AVAILABI.E.F7rx-D LOA 1n1f 206 ......... .............. ..................... 'SO 00 .......... 27_5 0v ........ 5,1I73: Geor-ge Savage....... May 22, 1873 J. 1L Kcasby ......... Oct. 24. 1S872 .William . T,.dmn.o.. Feb. 23,18 :3, coo 00 75 :13 68 No v. 1it;. 0 sharesb Metropolitan o0~~~1874,;&O0paid. stock. i at-insurance policy paving- 1lor 8a'.000. 1. :z :- ,,. 3 1, I So, AB. .Iull1ett, treasurerr' 361 Mar. 2. I,1 1, C. IV. Ilavenner & Co. 3, :_. ID 364 Mar. .2 I, 1 397, Apr. 24, 187 i...... do 1, 400 00 ------------ 1, 200 00 00 00I 1,500 00 Daniel Welch & Co-.- 230 40 . ...... ..... ... 2, 735 10 425 May 6, 1$;*71 C. W. Havenuer & Co. 1,000 00 200 00: Arthur Flvnn....... ,J au. 20, 1871 Frank Tril-,g -------. Mar. 26, 171 C. NV. Havenner & Co. I50 00 500 00 60 961 394 Mar. 19, 1872 J. B. Stewart .......... 649 12,61.71 Daniel Welch & Co... 3,250 00 670 S~ept. !)S , I-7 I C. NV. Havden........ Oct. C. N. Thou~wa ........ 581 Oct. 7., \W. G. Tiimnev ..... t19 Dec. 19,1871 George NV. Dyer ...... e>2 Dec. 21, Is-171 J. L Kidwell..-------- 3, 500 00 350 00 133 (0 55 00 2, 000 00 4_Ji 700 00 :Sept. DIcc. ,187,1 .John Spicer......... 643i Ma3 22,1870 Clifford Arrick ... 821 Feb. 23,172 A. W. Randall ...... 975 I'Var. Lt, 1872 Engene S. Calvert..... 9771 Mar. ,182 C. Xennedy .... E.)4 1 o1 Apr. AL)r 1014 Apr. I z, 19, Davis & Balloch ...... I Hooper ........ 18'2 Henry Bruwn ..... 1?'72 1059 Apr. 4,1874 W. LL Crouse........... 00 230 41 .............. 751 .......... 1------------ 713 56 350 00 :1:3 00 550 00 ,500 00 - 500 00 300 c0 3, 000 00 800 00 6,500 00 12, 000 00 I............ 12,000 00 000 oe 900 00 5'28 72 90 00 .............. .............. ............ 2, 87.2 95 2902n 4; 2,786 44 2000 20000 ........... 89 04 125 13 18! 93 300 00 58 242 44. 3,250 00 . 454 .............. 00 800 67 07 ,............ 134 55 ........ 230 40 700 00 250 00 5,000 00 1, 000 00 6, 500 00 400 00 2 735 10 3748 3 1.... .o00 00 1, 500 413 Mav 2, 1871 John Spicer.......... 440 May 13, 1871 , 471 28 810 00 26 10 ....... 9 85 19-2 61 28 34 28 63 49 98 8 19 -------------.............. .............. ............. 1.........---- 76 50 ............. 9tn '77............ 0 119 0. 1, ,48 5,. .46 66 I.............. 134 61 1~w 00 60000 11266 1, 800 00 1, 800 00 10 50 ......... 1............. 17,(1 1, I11TO-. 31, 1870 tixares 'Morris Mining ComColorado, $100 eac', valued pany, at $30 per share by W. S. Hunt. in ('ton. 534 55 Mar. 24, 1872 Note of W. D. C. Murdock, secured by deed of trust, t700, and inter100 est at 10 cent. 1, 954 58 Demand .--. Notes of W.per D. C. Murdock, secured by deed of trust, $2,400, and inat 10 per cent. terest 304 44 Apr. 25, 1871 This is held for an overdraft; DO collateral 3, 608 05 June 20, 1871 Chattel mortgage orfurniture St. James Hotel. 1, 042 44 Demand Note of W. D. C. Murdock, secured deed of trust, $1,000, interest by at 10 per cent. 118 06 July 12, 1871 No collateral. 151 61 Aug. 20, 1871 State bond of Virginia, No. 4853, dated 1, 171 $363.33, 930 41 Demand .. Note of W. D. C.Jully secured Murdock, by deed of trust, $1,200, interest at 10 per cent. 4, 001 10 June 19,1872 Acceptance by C. W. Havenner & Co. of - Maria G. 192 78 Dec. 24,1873 Note Matthews, secured by deed of trust, $306.92, interest at 10 per cent. Septem1874, $2.93 paid. berof14Palmer 905 L4 Demand . . . Note & Creen for$1,200. 411 63 Oct. 7,1872 No collateral 161 49 DIec. 17, 181 Life-insurance policy. 584 98 Mar. 18, 1872 6 percent. loan cityof Phildelphia bonds See loan :;'o. 120, page 17. 508 19 Demand .. $4,000, first-mortgag, bands Maryland M2iing and Manufacturing 376 501 Jan. 5,1872 NoCompany. collateral.of 3, 987 77 May 27, 1871 Certificate deposit with this 170, $3,675. company, No. 919 00 May MY ,18.2 No collateral 7, 989 58 Mar. 26, 1873 Mortgage on property in Prince George C o u n t y, Maryland, $14,853 second 14, 746 66 Demand-- $20,000, mortgage bonds Maryland Miivig and Manufacturing Company. 603 M to 2 .. 89 Aug. 5, 1872 824 85 July 15,1872 .12 66 Apr. 19, 172 1, 810 50 June 3,1874 No collateral. Life-insurance policies. real estate notes, $600 in by deed of trus. Paid September 4, 1874. secured 021 z W '2 C t: I Date of note. AVAILABLE-P12D LOA-NS AT PRDYCTPA.L O MFICElti.L Amount of Name. Atmonnt. paid. lomul. I AdvertixinZ iux'ce, &c.. Tolanto Bliced. IAccrued ,rintervt. ! charged to dut. 1073 Mar 25. 1I7.:! .rohn A. rnyv. trejat-rer Maya 30, Ie72 Gorgt,e W . Dyer ..... 1104 June 14, lS' C. A. Sherumn ........ IMS Jull, 13.187:1 Holtzclaw &C; 1rutif... 1173 .Jilly 12. W73 E~dward .Johon l.... 1Dt 6 llMN #2.1917 00 35 ..... U0: II ............ 9*o .............. 5 W0 00 ...... 4.3. 016 **$.1 *,.} .|, ;3il oe Atz. 3 1, lIg.,*= 0S -.ILil 14, i*7' i.n.-ion4wittj .............. 1,* ' JI-.* rt 1. j.r a.v-an.4 t.)gutCalitol,1ruildlug a0Ur* N;i*tX-Ivu),Cri^i. Z 9' Y-11111 '-I 11. 7- KIxfilsrx.-n .,rt:w_.- Im-nds Cheirti-aw .. ..... to*r R Flonitin t. lw*l.C.1sal. I14tia:. niorlNto: 292, 54) i............. 31 - 5, 24,18.2 .robu W. Wrright...... Creorge W'. 120 Oct. 3Q, 1. )ytr ....... . COrnish ......... 4.25i; 91 ............. II ON (W) .. Mlar. 24, 1173 F. II.4:,Z.,eavvaV ...... .'(A) 200 . 4:1 i, Z"e J, ft) 0o WV04 W YrA.1k J. 11owe ....... 13:25 CK100X .. ...... ........... 00 1,l044) 1, .r. T. Worniley ....... 1320 Nov. 12, 1S72 NY'. E. Tilren ..........4 1351 1374 #*2,91(1 ot zi5 3, 0W00I%'' 0516 5wQ0...... 0000UK j W uept. 3, 1:72 D.A )-&Connolly Apr. 12, Is73 J. I. Brow 12y49 Oct. 1303 " 15 ........ 1, 2.00 00 .Iujr. 91, 1C;X! Franklin Sherlua.u 1303 ... 000 hed ltkwt>. ! ......... ............ 04) t. Ooi 0t, 346i 17i Mlay 1<3J IL A. Pi illips . Hlallet Xilhouu prt. t, Plito Lee....... R. IfLM .aru;. .Jaunes T. Betedict , R E Mamb .. .........M JohuA\Car ...,o .. William Bowen....... 1514 Sept 22, 1L73 Walker Lewhi Nov. 1, 1.7s , Brow. .. ........ :,t~1 3,0!0 W wo ( Jlw" 30o .......... .. . 4W 64ho :33 :: 1 3 o 00 . . . . . . . 0'... . . .~~~~ Z`9.31. 175 00O t2004W0....... . , ..... - 1it,2 i00 31 (00 Ii. 1 7,,j . .. XN.1'itliy. C4.lo;it4 ti~l: litLtnCe dlue after *t --v1 t it itlt-^. ,'4.,K iulttsijt Car Loan Covio1u,411\' st<^k. $3.(x1c r. al "tat n;tc of Irwin W. W\ ri-h lt. 6,d citv of PhbiijdlpJ er ec'ltt. .. I. 06 s;I Js lanst.s 3.. ........... ci 2 . Weill.&.11-t:t,1 ... ..7.. 27 ,_ 0' 1(; "-'4I V:{ '11 ..... t ....... J b;t . *.14 29 135 00 0 4 *.1 ir.' :W; Ju 31 54 1 tl : 1t 4; 315~4 1 I*S01 . ^: ,.i 1t-:. May pt> 2"2. ,. !4>7 55 Jltl;V ............. ..............4 -cti.lNE lle'A A\ 514.1 Lock 4..-";Ll .~zcir^.'. l . I)s t I '*4. re~al aidt A.i 'ti; ............ 3 70 13 1 hlsssl.. . 41............ invtM.Nr, u.'. U'. s72tto i)eLCC 14(.4 -.1)w:). ejaditi4X. pic> (.:iia 1'tlb'ituzl pdiiV 11.00 intdorsc.'d (,uua. 1,. ltcii l' 11 !&, ..- ........... . zX-3 L i;it,,! St1 t-e !, ,ijt :, u, l ;, r %20. .... . i, with ul,~iii *IJ 3; :, ..... ..... 1lt :............. 5=. n ... .......... " 3t ............. l I .l ;i-.ZL* rt~c'.XL .. t ' 14)0 W0 1, tZ() to-- 3, 1,-. . Dvi.lla t 31i ,() 35' t 00 3. 654) it)i0 Jtl 3, ,44; 11 ............ . ci ... .. . 3,_... Do 1*_ ...... .. 1,4 1:, 4" 0.7t. .... .......... . 104l)1 204R) LK)0L0 .. .... 1; 47 .; .. .. 11 I03 2,25 1389 Fel. IS 1.. 140IslI may 11, 1 -"7 1423 Apr. 1I,1S73 1435 *. 1442 My71~73 146)1 June 3, 173 14-77 .r1iv 6, 1k'3 1512 SepL 13, 17.3 .)... LKK4 244 In-ts (Jo ,............ uO .ll s 25W 400, 134. i:o(P. th(XI W 4 ti, nr:: I ti,,Lr. t bhill oSst I r i"l. LUi.trict blill k.r t'Jd0.l I I l.Siatv Ut4 It for f . eu !l..'f ii.mur.aue policV. 1,.O'l. :;t.*'Ir IDt"I of' trutet tuote 1,r v,1-2 lDis Cricoi bill,, lfor *> Paid Augttut W, !&74. C'flrir.itjke o' bard oIf public work.-, f 4.O;. -11 0 to 1519 !Oct. '20, 1873 T. rR. Irtrlbert ........I 2; 72 2, 000 001 1522 Dec. 1, 1873 Henrietta Miller... 1460 Dec. 15, 1873 Cbarles A. Toiunas....: 100 (00 i.------'' 157 ' June 24, 187* 4 IV. J. Parinail .........I 1529 Dec. 24, 187.3 Martha Mackall .-.. 1530 Dec - '7, 187 Heary 1R. Seari-.. .. 3, 025 00 1.... 1531J Jan. 8. 1874 1532 1546 ' 1543 T..17 L Fleming R Ftet. 4, 1674 Feb. 11, 1874 Mar. 6, 1874 H1. P. S. Cooney ....... .--------- R. Young-.. ....... J. Q. C rosby -.--------- 1()6 . 100 °° . . -0 oool 00o ............ 460 .......... Feb. 21, 1U7'2 W. S. Hut ington. Oct. 2 , 172 1L IL McCain ........ 3, 600 00 1, 100 OU . 00 .... . 1133 Ic 2., Georgo IT. Newnan... T. Worinley .. .. 1404 jJan. 11, 187 1205i Nov. 23, 1872 . 1254 N ov. 29, 1P72 1287 .............. ,J. J. B. D)ixbury J. T. Wornilev ........ J. J. Martin. ........ C. XV. Havden, presidtr. Mate u . Jenings.. 1447 Jan. 31, It3 Williams & Bockett -li*7 Jan. 16, 1873 1-enr 148. Felb. 1" 183 RKK Morrls. . ---ac 14812 Feb. 12, I87 Feb. 24,18713 A. R. Fow O0l 1----- i00 09J 30 00 lr 00 00 54)0 00 450 00 120 00 - ...... Charles IT. Douglass 50 00 .5 David Miller 00 :ios j............ a 6 O0 1,-500 O) 7:S 40 'I '4!2 50 I! William Ellis Lacy Davia Mlller .. . 00 I ----------,.......... ... George E. Newman. *5 0O NT-*t:.lf,-: .f\l0, eltetd, Ir.n, i. l .\rtr.. 7. t Lnaiin-Ll l 4teck. I6 .hCtr,.r Cditul m k. 1 tenfile,. i CF.t ('t'rtifie't:e ,f Chr( IL... Lre:a.%urer o. ,otLitN, br ............ ;.ti 1,4 1 I.187.1 Ixr eeit., Sutt, itedl Stet-os efonO, 1. (1. im 00. Trau'i.-r l I tiilttti'r-t III Wiu.I.hing-t4on lleidldin Leet ComUpaney. Nec collateraL PaidtAlgust 1. 1874. U nreit-etseatt-eeIlendlt;prceut.,btl00. $1:I.000 in Not Lhrrii 1acific Riuilream Comnxpany btitls to 1)v-cuxiI evr 10. 18-74. $100 paid. Not&. iudorwe leb Frank e:ernnn. AI,000 bou4i Fire;t Ctigrz..,attioa1 '- clhurcl. D)emueandl . So collateral. Out- anti two .IttI (Xturrt (in proderty ill Mifllteinn Yei4UNc. 44 310 ltveliLe1d Note jindel.w.-d 1, ,; L). D..Teelsn,.-n. 1! 1 S~l~c. W.t, t-"S-e -lat4t1;<rul No;. t 411, thi.i Ik;ge. 30 00 ......00 ........ Pai(I -tL-naler 1, 1874. 3, 600 0W 1, 1 0 Go - -------.. .\\ 4-4 $l(0,O U inj b-one4, D,c. _4, 4, 445 4t- S. 400 00 Uc.>c -- ... . 4-,0 ...... ...... .. .... ........ .... 43.J.......... 24 00 I0 00 110) ou O 1200 ---------- .... 41 .5......... 30 0U I1 ... ...... 4! ^i, ..--------- , } . 46; ) 50 00 .. . . .' 40 ....... .. . . . ....... .-; . 75 oo -- -- ....... ... . 15 OC 13 00 O o00 - ............ 3S u --- Henry . ........ J8 14 00 2100 - -w.... 4 30 ........... Feb. 18,1873 Feb. 1, 173 1556 Mazr. 3, 1873 158 1 Jan. 16, 1873 15907 Mar. 15, 1873 1605 Mar. 18, 1873 1534 1533 - Neete' ttf . 230 ... ---- -r* 5.J .... . ------.-...... .. ii 1.1 Iw.1 100 t6. A ir. 8, I-74 504 44 .Jime (. 174 . . - 4Q 00 !----------- i.. ( 1 4 4 4t - 1., 1>. .T, 152 S0 i, 137 .. 300 00 .7;1ee * I 44 10.5 47 Mx 1M 97.' Z. 'tie mi l-.4 .. ----- *3 -'O 20 00 1508 Feb. 10, 187 Jaines T. Xie. 1327 Ma. 1, 1873 Charles D. Sloan .. 3, 039 132 \ ( 00 12 .--------- lW 00 1 3,60 00 1, 100 O0 200 00G 20 :0o 54 00} 1. .:;-. OO T~m. 1'. U 1101 61\Iar 1 .... ......... 14 ;. 40V OU 2'50 0( 1,500 00 1 00 3, . ............ l6,'G CCi. 50 () .5N) 00 Daniel Welch 1503 Feb. 1, 1873 James E. Dexter 1519 n10 05 ,i1 I 6 t14 °0U00! ------------ 4, 366 G6 Sept. 6., 1872! 1127 3, 3,000 o .... . t2Vo 00 150001 00 1 U00 5s I *-.5 t! 100 00 I106 78 ..... . May 6, 187.1 JTuan Bovlo ........... July 14. 1874 0. 0. ilowkard .. 1, 7.J 1 I1 ----------i 100 00 !-- ---------: 75 04( 100N0 1 1339. 9- .............. 57, .5.n. S 26. 1Pt73 NSv e.uLvtrr. -No. 1:01. this page. L No cetiuteral :.;40) paiil (kiOl,01r 30, 2t;-' 3; iDe. 3, -I, le~l; loititl Novr-11er12C'I.17.4. I1 742 * * , 1.4' 5( JaIL 2!4 t>.S No.elt-Meral. 743 ............. Paid OttWlr 2, 2.3 il3 Deinan(Id.. ,.Uoiateral. 2'1 7, -' Apr. 13. 18:73 Note inzoeuersetl iv C. lark. * 34 24 Mar. 10. I1873 No colaLr' 1. DI. )53 6; Mar. 14,.1 873 456 22. Mar. 13, 173 Netetiudormeol ly 0. W. Balloeh. *100 paid A'tgut 22. 1871. t;. Mar. 1.1 -m No ciatrraL 15*; 40 J.uut L)0, 1-I, Do. 120 00 'lAr. 31. 1873 Ordeir tin paynt:L.tvr Treagnry De. partnment. -Noveuibr 27. 1874, t)50 00 Feb. 2,8 1873 kcceptedt order on county Kchrw~m. *- 00 Mar. 15, le3 Order ax toaclter on treasilr~r i county clltools - 15 00 July 3, 1873 No collatral May 16, 1873 Note indorwed bv IT. A. CltTer. . )1 75 00 .. .. !Order as cn ureamrer 113 97 j Apr. county m ht,`it5. 17.,173 Nc co iwvraL X -i -i n Q X .4 "I LVAILAB3LZ-FtD . LOANS AT PRIN'CIPAL OFFlCE-Contiaued. I No. Date of note. Amount lan. _. acxne. Amount Balance due. Accrued paid. inteedt. Baac de . 1606 Mar. 19. 1873 S. P. Brown & .';on 1Nil 1676 George W. Van Iook. Apr. 1IS,173 F. S. Lain . Apr. 21, W3 George 3{. wman'.. Apr. 16, 1873 .Siolinki ....... -May 5, 186. Mary T. Bonjamin.... Apr. 26, IM3 Alexander Lowry ... 1May 17, 1873 A. B. Fowler.......... May 17, 167'S B. Frazier ............I 1.710 17265 1775 178-2 1-S29 1835 M.U .... . McCuflough ti15 00 .1 -125 00 . 144 12 : .400 00 50 00 400 0W ... ....* ........... , #$1*26 45, 5000 560 27 30 ...... ..... I.. *...... 0 6.5 50 144 12 400 00 50 00 '1 55 50 00 ~~~~56027 3(00W 2072 2103 2120 2188 *bt; .^>'41t 2241~ 2245 2345 '2443 25 2363 2374 236 2380 242'7 2443 2449 1373 .r. T. . * `*.t.t. 167,3 E. C. Worinley Iukersoll . 12, 1i673 Addison, Clayton. ----JulV lo, 1673 Danil Welch......... .July 19, 1673 F. S. Lamrnson......... July :2,1673 John 0. Evans .-...... Aug. 6,1873M Jne R. Elliot ...... Aug:. It, 163 Sonilitiski & Lvle.... .T. H. 'icblardson...... AuIg.2. 1 .7-, Zsc_. Tay or ........... Thomws Lucas........ .1 C.;Laty ........... jFeb. 14, k .4 Juliou 1L Brooks ...... Jacklsou & lruiuinger .l. Ja.ckson ----------Sept. t, 1673 Noah Dillard ........... ,Oct. 16, '173 .. .do. ... , Sept. 11,1673 ER.iclc bt . :5ept. I--,17 W~illiami iowe'n. Sept. 13, 1s73 James A. Yelmon .. Sept. 13, 1673 George Suilms ........ 6,167.3 Jan. oct. 2, 9, Oct 1s, Oct 18, 1674 $14 42 June 19, 1873 C 11 .............. 1. 60 .............. .............. :.......................... 6 *7 :.............. .. 400 00 50 00 3000 300 9,000 00 .... ......... 00 ............ 100 0 . 1, W o ), 0000W. . 1 50 00 ........... t25V0. 100 9 30 .............. 90 ........... ......... ....................... ...... . . 1, 000 0 I. 3ou ) ............ -,0 00 K......; 1, '00 00 .20 00 560 00 1, 11 53 ....... 40 00 375 00 164 00 000 ............ 3000. 100 00 ......,: 1,117 . 53 150 00: . 1W 00 2500 5000(O 150 00 25 00 1673 paymastr Treasury De partmeut To Docember 10 1874, Dcr~uid... Nov. I !} ............. 97.I 33' 10 ..3........... ............. 50 46 90 5 d5 94 63 23 73 2 49 57 16 .............. .............. .............. .............. 109 30 'Sept 1. 673i 90 27 Nov. 16, 1673 50 00 'Wct.16d3,3 Ze-. 1..73 1, 063 33 U,, '41, 1;3 310 O0 Apr. 4, 1674 '0 00 Feb. 26, 1744 Oct. 4,1Id73 1,2'12: 16 Oct.naa&d..... 412 92 Nov. 17. 1673 234 73 Demaud_.... 32 49 Demand.... 16 Demand .... 162 25 Oct. 13,1873 125 66 Mar. 21, 174 .26 97_ t,173 7:57 121 25 5 66 11 6;0 10 9.5 1 d2 -------------.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Se co}wral ;oc. 129i. VaCe 17. S-ote iudormed bv J. mi-. Note Wi;gnit. Tho izdorfed by John Johnson. coll1teraL .............. 30 00 .00 00 150 00 27, . Acceptance by James Magruder, treasurer board of public works. Paid Septemlmr9, 1674 -No collateral Note indorned by R. Tompkins. Note indormed by Noab D~illard. John e0 ..... - ...... X 4 X z Q 1. an '- P3 0C . N-ote ndorwxl by E. Cox. -No collateraL Do. ($1,000 certli-caw on board of public S works. Order on board of public work. Do. NO collated DO. bv Tbotnas ChAse. Note Orderindorned on board of public works for $200. indorsed by Joseph Brooks. July 14, lf74. tCZ0 95 Nov. 17, 173 Paid -No collateral. 26 te2 Nov. 17, 1t3 Do. 511 "I z .)u~ieI1'673 Aceptance by Charles R. Douglas, treAsurer county schools. Order on 7. 173 5:7 Aug. 11, 1673 66 .No collteral. Acceptance by Charles R. Douglas, Amstarer county schooL!. 26, 1673 No coUteraL Oct. .Mav Do. 9,00 00 ........-' 211 00 05 |Note lndorsed by George . Plant. In suit. INo oollater&L -Note indorsed by Z. Michards. 33 00 Demad ..... No S.pTul. 2, 1673 Note indoried bv Z. Richards. .... t!5 (10 07. 32 5 50 2:2 W0 300 (0 9,000 00 00 627 9 433 54 ............. 3 00' ..----29 33 ............. 30 144 1 :2... 449 68 June 11. 1673 56 1 r Demand. 69 15; July 18, 173 50 00 ............. 50 00 4 5 Rtmarks. h , -~~~I 1. 4.2.I 6C due due. 2' 0o .............. 33 6 6............. Orr ...... 187.3 George WV. Dyer ...... 167 IL. W. WVater...... 1873 George EI. Nuwiau... Tot amout to U, 0 00 . Fepl. 37, 1743 i charged 10alks. --------.. 500 50 00 50 00 ............ e.-5, Adveittising, ins'ce, &c., -ote Z 2554 Dec. 1, 183 31, 1873 2556 Dec. 3, 1873 2467 Oct. -- -- do .. las.. -d- -.CharI-do Do.. ..d o. 09 J an. 3,17r4 ............... 2621 May 1, 1874 .do....------2487 Nov. 12,1873 W. H. Wcst..... 2491 Nov. 8,18d Smolinski & Lyle. 2492 Nov. 10, 1813 W. H. Gnulnisou....... 2844 Mficael Raines-.2509 Nor. 18,1873 John A. Gray .... 280 June 20, 1874 do.... -------2516 Nov. 21 1 87 J. F.. Hartigan .... 2548 Dec 1 18:3 M. A. Baker ... .. F.. bphamn....... 2700 Feb. 27, 1874 A. E 2552 Dec. 1, 18 James T. Pike .... 2563 Deo. 3, 1873 Keath Smith.......... 2574 Dec. 16, 1873 Joseph Brooks........ 2649 Jan. 17, 1874 ............... 2651 Jan. 20, 174 Brooks.4, Chase & Fitz- hugh. 2580 Dec. 5,1873 J. W. Dooglas ... . 256 Jan. 1 184 S. J. Carmn....... 2615 Dc 23, 18n 2629 Mav 16,1874 2849 Juie 21, 1it4 2644) 2645 Jan. 14, 1874 2646 ) 2640 Jan. 14, Arthur Simmons. ... 1874 J.'W. Cole ........ .260 Feb. 1, 1874 2662 !269 2694 2699 2701 A. Y. Leech .......... T. EL W illiams....... F. W. Moffatt ......... E. ESrantou .... Jan. 31,1874 C. .E Ingram. Jan 31, 184 W. H. Grave ...... .Jan. 30, IK4 T. J. Latbim ........ Feb 15, 1874 C. F. Van Buren . Feb. 26,1874 Tbomast .W. Chase t Feb. -2, 1874 A. hubbeU ........ Mar. 1,1874 . H. Sikken....... Apr. 17,.1874 2712 Apr. 30, 1q74 May 9,1874 2734 r.21,74 R M.iHall............ Charles H.IFetersn. F. A. Beeiler .. Thaiah W"hington ... 100 00 ..... ..... .... 00 270 00 50 68 00 107 s2000o ............ 00 3000....... 50 00..... 400....... 80() 00 35 00 ...500..... 17 00 1, 4T 47 5!2 50 60 00 50 0 50 00 50 00 75 M0 48 j............ 00 17 00 1, 478 47 00 800 35 00 52 '>0 60 00 50 00 ,. 50 00 00 100 00 68 486 394 00 100 00 150 00 4 00 00 I..... 00 00 80 00 75 00 . . ... . .. .. .. . . .. is30 75 00 1100 600 5 65 'P .............. .. ........ .. 93 . . .. . .. . .. ... 86 .- --- ... ..... ... . .. ........ . . . .. .. ....... ..... .... .... .... ........... Pay .raer On I payaslter Treasury by o Dec. mortgage. 1873 Chattel May 10, 174 $1,400, real-estate note. [............ Paid August 1, 8, 1874. Note indorsed by Wm_ T. Cooke. Note indorsem4 by Georg" Lyles. N-ote endorsed by Jame8 T. Pike. Order on paymraster Tr'anur- Departmuent, Nov. 25, -74,$39 paid. :I2 1;74 Paid September 30,1874. Order on paymaster Treasury De. part meut. Paid Dec. 5. !-i4. Note endorsed by William E. Mat- z 1873 0 '1, Mar. 31, Dec. Jan. 21, 5, 184 104 00 Feb. 15, 514 03 Apr. 17, 412 72 Apr. 18K4 1874 18, 1874 thewr. Note in(dorsed by Thenmxa Chase. No collateral. j3)0, rml-eetate note. 31 33 10 50 163 :15 00 6350. i------ .... 00 50 10 00 I. .... ........... 50 88 . 396 I.. 2- 3-0- ... . . . ;XI, ;4 Q partment. To December 10, 174, t8.90. paid. 50 00 J&D. 22,1873 Note idored by W. J. Cooke. 375 65 Note indorsed b; Lawrence Scott. 16, 90 00 July 21, 1874 No collateral. faid XNov. 18, 18.4. tz 183 93 C- June 1874 ............. No collateral. . . Augusta and W. N.. Mttbe Nor. *3, paid. 187,4,on*25payma"r 33 33 Feb. 15, 1874 Order Trean'y Dept40 00 Feb. 28,1874 Order on paymaster Treasoy DerpaztmenL Oct. 31, 74, 4&60 psid. 31 43 Mar. 31, 1874 No collatera ug. 4, '74, $10 paid. 1, 8Q 50 Mar. 1,1874 Note indord by C. F. Va Bor 1,800 00 X 81 00 Feb. 4, 1874 No collateraL. Nov. 13, 74, #5 paid. 11 00, Jan. 31, 1874 Order on paymaster Tre~xury De- 55 00 Feb. 1, 1874 Note indorsed by 33 33 40 00 170 00 50 00 80 00 75 00 Do. indoravd NXoteepartnent. William .E. Matthews May 31. 174 Dec. I-1 1873 Note Do. iDdorsed by A. R. Fowler. 52 50, Dec. 18, 183 SX ;S JUIY 30, 1874 5;5 1873 50 20 00 Nor. I)c. 3, 183 ............. 55 00 ...... ....... 55 35 00 .5 00 4 00........ 27 35 ............... I . . 23 18 00 .9.i . 2L6 12 50 00 175 00 ............. 33 33 ............ 40 00 ............ 50 . 25 00 . 55 00 170 99 1 ---- - --- . ....... 1,578 853 3 ...12 Demand..., D. 30. 1873 Dec. 15, 1873 49 90 Jan. 15, 173 18 50 00 370 00 9 00 . 00 40 00 1, 80000 35 00 50 00 10 00 50 88 ..... .......... 105 83 268 i2 30 00 108 4d6 68 394 00 125 00 15 00 200 19o 50 00 75 00 18 370 C0 90 00 le90 .............. 53!.... I 107 00 50 58!.............. 100 00 270 00 30 00 48 00 .35 00 Feb. 28, 18I Paid September 32, 1874. 51 87 Mar. 21, 1874 NO 10 D0 Mar. 30, 1874 Order on paymaster Treas' Dep't. Order on paymaster Tramry f 50 88 Mar. 31,1874 partment. Nov.25, '74. $11 pid. 13 96 Mar. 2, 174 Note iDdormd by D. P. Holliway. 50 00 Mar. 31, 1WR Note indorsed by Collins Crusoe. collateral- ..... 000 .7730 June 8, lB:4 Note Indorsed by W. J. Cookd. May 20, 1$74 Order on board of public works. M tl 30Q- 0 z AVAILABLEFIPUND LOA-NS AT PRINCIPAL OFFICE-Coutinuod. I N o0. Date of note. -Amount Name. luan. of Amount 1aid. Balance due. Advermaing, Accruedl in'ce. &C.,to interest. I --- 1273,; 1ar.22l,187.4 273z Mar. 25,174 2737 Mar. 26, 1874 27mO Mar. :21, 18-4 2:32 June 1, 1874 27-30 Apr. 20, 1874 2749 ... . .. 2,5 July 1, 174 2757 Apr. 1, 1874 28R4July 1, le.4 .265 Apr. 1, 1674 2766 Apr. 19, 1744 2768 Apr. 13 187,4 A6 Apr. 13.1874 '2781 Apr. 20, 1874 7 May 1, 1874 2786 Apr. 2, 1874 137;3 iFeb. 7, 1874 Riehard W'eUs ........ L 0. ]owie ......... Allen Wright......... WiUi.ajn Schooler. A. S. Seeley,.. Vadhigtton Weailer. R. V.1Met ....... Mary C. Ruppert...... Lew Alden . M. A. Ouraznd. ...... Eli bate-. Koxwles.. Daniel Tho 8asWelcbh';....... Gibb ....... -Robert Hatten........ I LFlenming ........ J. C. Napier........... .J. S. Washington .. Henry Lac3 ........ 2789 Apr. 25. 1874 Charles VVWbhite... 2791 Juue30, 1874 3. WMoffatt ... 2790 Apr. >27,1874 David Fishor &- Son... 2801 280; 2808 28122813) 2815 2817 2818 2819 2822 28d23 2824 2826 2827 2834 May 1,1874 I. EL Martin........ May 12,1874 I. C. Jollannes. May 12,, ld74 Ed. McCaulev....... May 4,1874 Samuel P. IRob1ertson May 5, 1874 C harlea C. Wilson,.May 13, 1874 L. C. Dillon ........... May 8,1$74 Ma; E. Cobarn ...... ,_:. .r. F. Mc(Sonnell ' May 23, 1874 Otto Branson ...... May 26, 174 E. WN. Whitiker..... June 1,1874 1. C. Boyer ...... July 30, 184 D. S. McCurdy........ May 29,1874 Geor W. Smith.. &pr. 21, 1874 J.B. Jobisou,trxtwurer - - ' - $ 000i 22 t# 40. 15 00 00' ......... 10000.0 00. 10,3500 ... 5)0 5\00 00 '.. e0 1............ 50 001 50 0O 0 ........ . 50 OV 00 ........... 8000 6 00 30 00 ............ 141 52 150 ........... 1, 143 7. .5 co 115 00 I. 12'5 00 ...... . .. . ............ 100 00 ,.......... 80 00 ............ 80 00 93 3....3 ..... .......... ............ 100 00 ... 00 ............ 115v 45 00 68 .... 75 401 ... 1500 .. ............ liewark& . .'jd itlr.,tedj )yV ltoCrt H.Ittn.( caoilatertl. iPald ilZ i)rtolnor 19, 1874; October 19,174, t18 JlLid. NOb No Juner 308 1I47 Do. No collateral. e 30 1 4 1000 Paid S -ICrubIeIr 2t, 1*74. mu. Z1-20, 1. *4- N>ote iud2lrrblv A. -McIntosh. 24, I34. , o0 Apr. 79, 174 P.aid rAugwuor.: ,,,, ou paymmst-er Trt;asury D.-, uls 31 1-7.1 'Orde , .i, 3oi-. j~arttuel 1. 1'uid Nov,.ru her ' Junt 30, 1,lz^+4. 4 Not-' illdorsed by .J. G. -Negltev. lMavs 1:.o 13 5{:0(1 ,,,,,,,,j40,,,, j ;'aid October 31, 1z74. ............ I 1"91 I 0' --*--....... 8^0 ...... ..... ! 9000 50 00 00 t25 50 00 74 00 30 00 1, 002 23 150 00 . , 1 14 '..,,,,,, ........ I .114.0427 ....ii .. 1.,,,,,.............. 10 ,1(, , 51 14 5(10 , {03 ,I, .,,1 I 13 ';3 X'ot4e indorsetl 4,bw ('. Kaiser. PaLid Ang-'t 14:.4. Iv E. . Savoy. Note inlruduru .J 0tine tV oe 13, 0, 1P-.t44 10'.4 No July ,2 75' cd)iltertL. \IV. Note i(l'rsezd 95 .W( 14' 2 E. 2c' 100 00 100 00 80 00 80 00 93 33 00 100) 50 00 100 11t .3 4...... ........ ............. ........... j.v. .. . .. .............. ..., 1 50 . .... .......... 1 49 t' ....... fall 1 34 .....-- 51 *........... .. . . .. t~tttlwws. )t:irtr oii 1.ld4rk1 111b0lic works. R. Apr. 19, 1:875; -Norv itejdorsed by Thowwx.' 1). .1o.i|tio.\W'illitiss a ld ;(-orge .June 134,1 .4 Not. Iu~ur bv WV. -J. Cooke. N'o coIlateral. Paid Nov. 1P. 1,374. NV. 00 10 00 ; titJ 1:1, IF.4 100 75 Jut.-4, 1 4 81 49 ............... 00 I.... 68 .5 I 275 40 ....... 14 ... ........ ............ Novt itidor.-ewd by E. Nattews.;. Novrciber IT, 17'54. 550 paid. Paid Noventb..r 1874. N j,,,,,,,,,.._.. W. - No t>,latera¢l. J. Cooke. indoris-ed by W. J. Coske. 13 4 Note Do. 80 00 .Jults.e i4 j.1.<4- No lateral. !94 00i~4 TQUt 100 *1' t.4 Note i dbvsel.b)'- W\. J. t-. 50 (0 Ju.... Pa;d .J1L I,P4. lot 33 No collateral. .Juute2S> 1"74' 115 C0 30 1744 Ne itidorswd bi W. J. Cooke. Paild August lP., 1-74.. 40 40 'd rn Pi September 14. 14 45 ]i d k$35. Sepr. 1874. Notegiven v 1 30. o 4. to renew <l loan. 69 55 ! Jrly 1874 Nodt ineorewd bv C. T. It. IT. AriKlat Jpr. 12, 21, L87i 2-1 51 Ntvte I JUlyt'. , z: i-s 2. Not-e inljdosed b1y - 3 O . , .c 5- 10 . U0 40 40 :ss 71~ .74. 4 70 00 (0 45 00 ... ,5 I, O2)40 . ............ 40 40 28 301.5 Ma3 !'O0 1 :44 .......... .............. . -#ej.........:....N 75 00 35 00 ............ 100 00 ........ 100 00 50 00 00 35 00 50 03 $0 1,........... 115 00 .. l i 9080000 15 00 03 109 10 ........... LO 00 $30 22) 40 Total amount AWben ddle, due. chargeld lo;d.s iudur"t1by Purviz. _. z 0- :e'i3 -6, 1874 '2841 July June 13, 1874 2843 2e45 2L(46 .Jute 15,1874 June 16, 28Z48 4854 22 2861 June 19, 1874 Aug. 1,1874 1... ,i 10... July 10, 18-44 l.July I'cb. 1, 184 7, 1e74. IJul.y 30,1874 44 999 1'234 1300 1317 1370 13.20 1350 1431 1444 1382 1451 1.: 1397 I:m 1424 11,, 1391 8ST Jute 13.1 6, Apr. 1872 Sept. 21,1872 Sept. 25, 1817 OcL 26,1872_ N°ov. 9,182 Jan. 24, Is87 DMc Dec. 10, 187-2 1, 87-2 Apr. 26, i873 Mtay 9, 173 Feb. 8.1I73 May 20. 1873 Feb. 25, 18673 Feb. 26, 1S73 A-pr. 18, 1873 for. 13, IloZ Jan. 25,1873 Feb. 21.1873 2049 2114 2116 5 l4, 1873 July 3, July 16,1M3 alt. Aug. 15,1873 1472 10) On 600 00 25 00 1874 J. E. De.fester ....... John E. Clark...... may 21,1874! 2S47) Junew0, 1874 2850 Stckking D. B. g. M. S. Smith. .. C. S. Schemerhorn .... June 1873 A. McInhtoshb. I.. T. W. Milerr....| Charles A. Steele.._ Sallie H.irrison .... E. E. Cross ____..I... Ed. S. Jones ...... J. W. Smith .......... Emma Arthur. W. A. Widnev. F. williamis| J-T. W. Vandenburg-bi do. (1 . .. 0 .. ........ ~24) 121 10 15 no 1o 00 y A7 46 .................. 0000:....... 100 00 . ; _ _ , 34 i........... _ '1 .........I 85 ) ------------. Z .... 40 5.000 00 ;- -- ---- ........ .. - .......... .... .... lo14 JAl312, 1-.4 I, I . .0....... _._ . . ........ .... - ___..._i_..... ... ................ ... .. . ...... -- . . .... -- I. ............. .. .... DVCL ... .. ____.......... ..... ...... __. .. do .____- --..___ do ._.............. --------------_ _ 1,I200 4, 00. --- ---- 1.50" 10. 483 05 do |----. _- -. - -'.' I 7,000 6, 464 00 10,123 3,075 48 00 , , ., ---- , . . I. , .. , , .... ' -- . t <. ,:.;t.0(0, IDi'^;ict o<.t ( luninbia pi . r C.nt. certitiCate,; $',7(30, accrued iut4.rr.Kt .11 '.-i-ht per ceta. certiricaw'e4; | 27,86.4, Mtidit4w'r's certificabt.c; ...... ...... . ------ . . . --------- ... ------ - .... .. - -- .... .... ----- - -- '- ...... .. - - - - ---- ' . .. . ...... .. -- . .. ------------- -- !0, 432 39 .1!2, 1873. Den!and... M ......... corpocr-tion of Waonhington!$U.-08.63, claiut filte4d ;br au| it, rM ctrlificate, Zost, S10.9r.3, works. Deruaud._! ------------- ---- $LI I 3S'p:Si)aving- ard curl4 ttois Itax: iL 4'Z.90, bllmh atairint cod actceptascc bv Lboard of public .I -- -- - -- 160,0o88 38 d o... C 827.000,l~ anLstitor'81 crrniicat4.A. ..... ... ..... ... --------------1-- 139, 655 99 . .... ...... - 96 '9, 875 11 l.(o do _ ...... . _do _do , .......... .... .. --- --- ............. . ......... .... - - - - - - - - - -- - Dec. 3. 187-2 do . .do 2424 Sept 13, 1873 . 1i38 Apr. 18,1873 _, 7:i do -- ........... -- 1- z ....... . Z___.__. ___________... -- ... z: c z ..... I:X0 .. m1, a __I__............. ....__ . z l ...... D- 2, 1--.' o. -------------- -- I- l'ntuertou. OrtA'Ir 311. 1I-74. Tn1N.6' I't 31,' 1ie''I Pauil 1OU j" I'aid _Xu guit 8, 1874. 5W00 AnIn 51, 1r7 Ordv r ont L.ylna.te.r TreLasiry ........;..... _ tn 40 00 .............. -- ....... and r 531 1 874. ........ ------------ ............ 4 - - C Ocltob 1 ......... ...................... .... ...... 1- - inll,, W\. -.'d by ra,,.,, ba,;,e.I1. Q Griv 6 ............. _. * Not, 4 600 . - Noxenullib-r 16, 1874. Ns-ot.- indonsed by N. C. -Nehia and di'd .4 ....... ....... ... :1o. ; oI.. Ier * " ,i 1 l lrt'9. 1'74. d (O)c G~ ~ 6 00 'Oct. \ Pt,. 1!,:1Z4 XI . N.rtitndon.. I by 1). C. .. 071........... .0.. 0 .. -- W00 2500' A iitj:tlt i ..........1:0 ii.00 ..... 47 4t;. , . ..... ..j... -----------"SC ---------._ 00 ... i5 00 _. .......... ,so ........... .......... 5}... loo }.... 10--..1-110 Pani 1YuanI. 1'aid No c-,11a:tera4L " .............. ............ 74 1 1-74. 1':sIll ( k t-1--r :sO, 1-74. Ttn,. 3o, ',74 1 t .No coI:t'i. Sept. 1 1873 .l ('0O1ai1l. N,'t~e isL,1,,rtt-1 bv Car,,Iiti, k\. tlr '> 604 6 615000 ............ 3ub, 1, I _ .............. 5 011 ~~~~~~~;1 io 1------ ~~~.....I............. I .4 360 69 ............. 600 U0 ._. _ ...--! 65 00 4000 ......_.__.. 25 00 50 00 4, 000 00 o0 ti 00 __ !,,,, ............................... 0o00 -------------._ ;. -t 2,550 ........ .... ____... 00 ',500 . __ _ _ _ ~~........ ........... 000 00 1, .____.___ ... - .I............ -- -- --! ----------- ------... do.---------2' 700 00 -----------1- ----------. o0,1,000 216 82 ... .. ....... --00 - - -- ..-- - - -- - ---,,, 1, 500 00 . . do d. do .-2, MOk 00 .do ......-.--.-.1, 200 00 tlo 6 4 92 08 I ....................... .................... _..................... 58.0t5 71' ''--'' .- e-* .ado.. . 1, 300 00 ,--- ,-- ,----- ,,.-_-----,...; .,,._._,,,, ._.. 00 .I.__,__,j.j j. (10 ............... .. -d 1,000 oQ ..._ d I----------* ! .-.j .-----500 00 1, -------00 -- do...-----.. .d o ........ .---. .do 212:2 1340 2364 3630 69 150 00 ..... ........ -.1 Date of note. I AVArLBL.FUND LOANS AT PRINCIPAL OFTICX-Contlnun& 0 Amennt of Name. *an .. 1330 Dec. 16.187-X . ............... Oct. 12 1872 ,.. .. ............. lea Oct. 26, 172 :---d...l............253 Nov. 30, 1872 .. ............... 180 May 7, Wri: do 1435 JaiL 29. l873 .do 1946 June 13, 1873 .. . .do ............. 2003 June27, 183 . do . 2688 July 12, 173 .. do .-.-.-. .do.--. do =4 Aug. 16, 1873 2247 Ang. 23, 1873' d.o ......... W281 Atig.30, 1873 ... do ........... q343 Sept. 6,1873' . do ..-.-......-.2=7 Sept..13, I83 . do ....... ........ 1242 Nov. 2, 182 . .do . ........... 1208 Nov. 7,1872. .----------1330 Nov. 23, 1872: do 1334 Nov. 29, 1872 ........ 1319 Dec. 7, 1872: --- - ---- ----. .d do Dec. 10; 1872 .... do. ......... 1347 Dec. 14,1872 135 Dec. 14,1872 .To ............ . o.. -- . - . . . ...... . . . ...... .. . .---do .d.o.. --- Amount pdd- .. ..0 $1,000 00 50000 1,710 00 100 00 1, 400 00 5(10 00 $0 00 40000 ,00 00 : D 00 27 79 500 00 ............ ............ ........... ............ ........... ..........- ............ d027 500 00 70000 50000 200 00 184 00 :1t 00 309 24 116 66 481 25 168 00 84 75 297 68 _ 438, 537 11 125, 568 5 __ _ .... 300 00 168 00 ............ 84 75 ........ 297 68 ...... 1-------------1------------ 346 00 50000 700 00 1--- ------500 00 ............ 2000 ............ 184 00 ............ 30 00 3(;9 24 ............ .... ........ 116 66 ............ 481 25 ............ ..... . .. 80 27 48 41 11 77 14 50 86 22 ............. 62 50 34 60 27 08 44 16 58 33 . ... ... . ... ....... 42 36 I. 16 33 31 A2 5 03 50 49 18 i1 76 65 26 64 8 96 ---...... ... 46 83 1--------- 60000 1'-'--''----- .. .... ..... 125 50 69 88 100 00 100 00 80 00 , I Total. ... ...... 19 38 260 94 .............. . 300 00 .......i.... ....... ......... 334 40 400 00 500 00 ............ _ $55 45 85 41 1,710 00 100 00 1, 400 00 500 00 80000 ............ 100 00 ........... 100 00 ............ 800 00 600 00 500 00 300 00 Remarks. -- loa. .1 July fi, 12 Newman & Middleton July 24, 1872 -. do. .--.d July 27, 182 o . -.-.......-. Aug. 3,1872 :.. .do .......-.-.-.-.-. Aug.31, 1872 993 Sept. W818724 .---- o ............... 688 724 TJ9 807 1W22 Advertising, ina'oe, &c. Total amount When due. B&aanoe due. Accrued duea. ebarreA iDtA I.......... .. .. .. ... . ......... ........ . . . ... . .. !---------.--. .. _; 283 24 Aug. 5,172I 585 41 Dernd.... 2, 044 40 Aug. 26, 1872 119 38 2,18721' 1,660 94 Sept. Demnd.-27 Oct. 58)0 28,1821 9t5 50 Jan. 16. 18 .11 469 88 Demand 5W0 27 Oct. 22, 182. 348 41 Demand... Order bIt t: z on board of for $10,12.11. 111 77 114 50 886 22 do public ........ ;. do ... ..; 662' 50 do 3t0 60 327 544 0$ 16 z Oct.. 2 1873 SepL 30, 187 Nov. 5, 1873 758 33 542 36 216 33 zt1 Demand..--- 21S 12 .... do .... 35 03 3S9 73 .do ....... 135 47 do -----557 90 _ .... ..-. _-do....o.1. 194 64 93 71 344 51 ...-do ...... Order on General William Myers. quartermaster, .S.A.,forwork on - 312, 968 53 j40,561 32 - $10,094 34 1, 997 70 I 1-----773 35 212 45 1*_.......... ----- ............ 830 uO 1--- ............... 1, 3t3 18 .,000 00 $10, 994 34 70 73 t35 212 I ..........., .. :,997 353, 52 10 830 00 7, . . . . . . . . . . . z . ........... .......... . .............. 45. 1, 383 18 000 00 03 Fort Whipple. Va. LOANS AT BEAUFORT BRANCH, S.C. Mar. 18,182 County ccrtifcates. . Mar. 18, 1872 . Mar. 18,1872 . do. Mar. 18.1 872. .do.---------Mar. 18, ...-..-........ Ilar. 18, 1872 . do ---.-Mar. 18,182 . work $10,994 34 1,997 O0 m 35 .--- -....-.1. I ...----------- ---------- -------------- ............. ...... .....: 830 00 1,383 7, 000 18 00 Witness. Jury. Constable. Andiur.r 212 45 ..I.. I. ..... .. .. .... .. .. .. I Mtaoelamneua. I Judgment againt county. A l July .July Mar. Nov. N-ov. -, C.t ). C 6P23 4 f 3 W0O00 ---! -----II I M1^ M-.I41^^+ IKIkI .. 1, 18372 D. C. Wilkson & Co .... 1,1872 State warrant ......... 1, 1872 Alden & Waters ..... 1, 1872 Wmn. E. Alden, jr .... 1, 1872 Bennett & Co .....-do ........ .--I Aug. 6, 1872 04ct. 1, 187. Jameg G. Thompson .. Oct. 20,1872 ............... Feb. 1,ld71 W. L Bribtane ....... Mar. 11, 1871 J. F. Luken8 .......... .. .. do ............... . .do June 1,1R73 C. G. Kendall ......... .Jan. 1, T,72 UJ. W. Collins......... Sept. 21 18712 .-.. do ............... - 2,060 00 i V33 I---------133 50 8, 126 06 !tv2,305 133 50 I-----------8, 126 06 ............ G, -.- 7.5 10,000 00 ............ 6,737 75 10, 000 00 1, 372 1----------10 I----------00 I---------- 350 00 9 904 60 3,53-2 10 612 00 81 I............ 1, 188 39 ------------ 4 350 2, t!54 .3, 53 612 00 60 ' 1, iS8 39 7o 39 70 39 30 50 ............ 30 50 ............ 2,200 00 2 20000 1, 200 00 1,2L0 00 ............ ............. 1, 500 00 14,000 00 14,000 00 Dec. 11, 1872 -..--do........ Dec. 24, 1872 R. G. Holmes..-------- fi, 000 00 14, 200 00 14, 200 5 540 0 000 00 00 .............. 17 75 -------------- .............. O7 .............. 70 .............. 913 91 380 58 .............. .............. .............. .............. ............ j------*---2g4 06 .............. ............... 481 24 47 00 700 00 2. Ii -- -- -. -..- -. - - -- - - -- -. -. i- - - - - - - - - - 133 50 ..... 10, 431 15 .--Do. 8,1099 I.............. 11,874'26k--#'2,000 bonds and 204 shares Pacific Railroad. Note indorsod by F. Tolt.L-t 431 07 3, 680 30 5 $13,000 in claiais against State of 4,446 01 South Carolina. 99'2 58 Bond aud mortgage on lot in Beau. fort. Plantation of 489 acres, property 1, 188 39 DOW owned by this company. Taxes. 70 39 30 501 Sheriffrs cost. No collatral. 2, 494 06 1,I200 00: Bond and mortgage on house and lot in Beaufort. Do. 1,981 24Do. 272 00 .............. Bond and mortgage on 4S0 acres of 3,700 00 land. on botel in Bond and 16, 660 00 1............... Boaufort. mortgage Chattel mortgage on hotel effects. 7,140 00 16, 919 15 Bond and mortgage on 8,000 acres of land, more or lem. and steam Haw-milL Bond and mortgage on house And 8, 000 00 lot, wharf property, and Steam cottou-milL Bond and mortgage on plantation 1, 000 00 -------------- .............. . . . . . . . . . ML Pallitier ........... 10,00 00 Mar. 21,1873 G. Lincoln ........ 2,200 00 May John Rich ........... '2, 000 00 2,1 F. Toby Watson........ Feb. 10, 1871 Sah J. Barton ....... July 12, 1y73 Franklin Tolbird. Nov. 29I,1M7 --M. Kingmau. May 11,19T1 Fe. Mar. 4,1873 19, 183 June 1,1873 .Mar. 29,1873 Mar. 29, 1873 do .. ....M. M. ... Pallitzer........... Kingman....... do ._. ......-.----! 2, 000 00 8 - 2, .......... 90 00 75 00 463 59 ............I 712 '2 ----------680 00 ............ 247 50 300 00 ............ 1, 421 64 ............ 109 30 .........- - - - - - - 00 00 90 00 75 00 59 22 00 4Q3 71_2 680 247 300 1,4!21 00 .......... 37 80 .............. .......... 4,540 00 123,324 02 .............. ..._. ......... - 127,LQ64 02 *....... 17 93 .........*¢*s S5 60 43 90 .. ........ Mn 16, 349 . . , -- , _ -- , .. ....... ... . 70 -: 07 hz ;0sa Q0 ... ........ ............. ------------ 92 73 519 19 Do. .----------. $1,000 county certificates. . 2 ... ........... .... First mortgage, note of R. Saxton. * Do. Taxes. jNote given in payment of interestL INo security. ..... ..... 1, 549 34 .... 109 30 lot in Beaufort. Do. ........ 56 680 00 247 50 300 00 C1 -- of 500 acres. Bond and mortgage on house and L., o -. -- 2.514 58 58 .50 00 64 109 30 . . !----------.... --- 2,719 15 314 . . . . . . .............. 000 00 1, 00000 1, 000 00 . ........ ......---' -- Mar. 27,1873 . . . . ............. - - 660 00 1, 140 T~ch.ra' p y. Bond and mortgage on Port Royal saw-mifl. Note and conditional acceptance. 2,007. 33 .......K..... -------------- 1, 874 26 1, 500 00 I tt 00oI 3,000 00 Jotily 17 187 Thomas Hamilton .... May 10,1871 James A. McCrae..... Doc. 11,182 MI. L Kinkg-man & Co. . 00 3, 540 00 l 6. l23 46 I1,O00000 ..... Taxes. ............. 1n39, 673 09 ------------- - Iz LOA-NS AT JACKSO-Y-VU-M .I Amount of Name. No. Date of motei II paid. loan. FLA Advertibing, Balance due. Aocrned iD8cS &c.,to ITotalamoulit.. h: e lde iwreet. charged du, du. --~~~~I loans. . Apr. 10,1871 0. B. Hfart Mar. 4, 1874 W. Kondrickk..... 'JanD. 2t, W"I E.IL Reed....... July 9, 182 C. L Mather .......... ,,-L7, l87-k Ann Colfm ..-...... ;*T. ...... 7, 1XI'2 . S. RLittle-- . F. A. Dockray........ M1. S. Littlefield....... , Blakelty &5 Gibb8 -... - Aug. 1, 187 1 E.MIChoney.... June 26, 1873 ... do ............ J. J. HEoUand........ June July 18, 1673 j. F. J. Rohr ......---- E. Little............ Warrock ........ C. L Mathor &- Co .... W. L.Coau ........... L Oct 31,1873 ,J. W. Swaine ....... Star. 1, 1874 M. F. swainet...--June 16, 1i4 J. J. Comfort ........ .County erip......... Allen & Farr. C. L Mather, receiver. Accruetd interest...... $5 400 00 4, 800 00 18 1,042 560 00 30 00 ..._ ....... ............ _ $5, 400 00 4, 80 00 1,042 18 ............ ............ . ............ ...... *.1 ............. .............. .......... 2, 0000 ...... t.... 6,514 88 .............. 6,415 2480 5,007 .............. 15 . . . . . . . . . . . .............. .............. ------------ 6, 153 00 ;,4,ti30 ,53 54j 8 ..........I ""I',- - 1111".. ... I - ..........i .............. .......... 7,933 70 ..----.--.--I..-1, 049 - - - ............ 21, 343 ..... . :......... 6,415 4 ....... U000 !2 00 2, 1s5 00 6, 153 00 .............. .............. .............. .............. r.lilroad-:slares, .Cc.. aund county Otrip, ;......... ......... ......... 34, wutrtgago grooeryv i'tok. gage au l *,atioucry. .C!jatl-tortMn ......... .Overdru.t chhlr. 7. ___ . ...I- - ... - 3 -'7 . - ..... . - . . .1. . . . . . . on bill of icile, ........ G stlk, books czueploy-,d a,. on 002 ,9 ... at par, i1,6t,;216 vtatlue, 75 per ccnt. ........ ;utdgwtut reudered ...... Ii . .. .. .. I ~L Ua s Carried to . . )by arket urt., ~,'94 l.<, lumber, 13cargoe8. ...aufactturixng; ...... E. ervdit ol excL-a ae . . .. ...... wx,.-t i 0 t"i n iIote. n ........ ...... c GC ... .Ojytrdra!it. .Amount, ueo ......... ! . attock, jew. ed 110itv. ''I 46 44 . (42w on ¢, ..;Izloidi . .5.qocuritv. , . . Catntel 049 9:24 ............. z* gwod for 1 dollar. of 41, ;1 ulrv- 00 3I00 1 34 44 . cliattcl-mortgtage., dN>id., railroad *.16.0,)0 ;cr>t' p-r rtitatt -z 3:- &c. ......... 34, 00N' 79 2, 483 . ;r, with lotL..e, I1 uiluni .4arcrztnofyId.&l, t.. 10,WU M11 mcn is and El 1'aAo Rail1r'lin city. .^ivclon-v atbove. 21. :143 46 ., ,I lot. Ch..ttvl-ILkuotga'cw .............. .............. (Ue and1 ....... ...... ... 4. ,u00 ........ *, 933 7U .............. 1X citY IONeA, uiiuiprmved. .0 uzsd lot. .lot:.U citN lot. ..... t..I uimprovod. .,,,,,,, 8 .... 7, 5'3 ~4I," 46 1:!3,318 91 ......... ........ 1, .............. ......... 4, 830 .....I ........ 90 300 00 216 01 1 234 924 76 _..... :......... 6, 514 2, .............. "I U0 ~560 30 00 D0w 90 ;S 5,Iut.000 . .............. .............. " .............. .............. 2000 00 00 " 2Z90 00 .......... ...... ............... ......... 0 Q4 II 2_ LOACNZIA t- I I- I Q, -0 z- X- U_ W, "!, 111gat Iv . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 28,1W3! . I Mar. 3,1873 .- do ............... gar. 20, 1873 Feb. 2, 1874 .do ...... ...10. ... 1, 0000 10, 000 00 !..........Il 2, Jan. 1,1874 do. . JTan. 1, 18Q74I Jos8eph Pvtty .......... ,JZ , 1,1874 Sa -Nolan .......... Sim Cb . .Jan. 1,1, 1874 Richardapnian I.Jar. W iliams... 1874 193 50 46 2'15 102 21 90 26 1 00 a 17 Ricbard Epps ...... Robert Green......... .Jau. 1,187'41 Simon Turner .June 3, 1873 Robert andFieldsd.... Lucy Overton Jan.. 1, 1874 Wnu 43 00 1, 1874 6 1 -.0 30 . 9ept.28, 1873 A.J. Apr. 1, 1874 GE R Sellar.. ige t ......... 250 00 00 200,8 116 George E. Barrows.... 569 1 79 1 !ar. May 15,1874 3,1874 1, 1874 9, 87 IFeb. 27,1i874.1 Eugeneriatt ........ .do.1 ' dob.200 B . . CNanar o.1 . | 9a 9700 1300. .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . ..........-,..--..-- .,,........ 12,- 12) 70 ...04 i63..C . .. ....... .... ..... 0, 2, ............ .......... ......- 50 00 ------ 31I 500 0O 85, JU Si345t' 20 5L,40' o3 .... 300j 000) 193 50 163 46 10'2 21 00 00 43 00 I I. 199 00 210 200 00 C0 00 85 2'1 51 00 70 200 0O 1,91M' 4SI ,) 20370 . . 59"1 ........... . 9i 1 ... .. 10.5.....8.. 1 0 62900........ *-- --..... ......... .......... ..... .. . . . .. 54, 439 62 T* :`5 84 VICKSB1PjRGEH, .......... . 1.........797 . ISS., A-ND 0 -. . ........ 133 00 4 84 0 1 ..... '''. ... -4 prop.:rty nvar Iemt- 3- z 1)o. Do. lDo. 4 ....... ........._. .........37._ 210 .5............. . I . ! . 3.,*" 1 ......... X . ... . .. . "I . -- . . ..... .. . . . D. 1o. W . Tlrurt-de( (!. V95935 8 0 204 33 .....48 C1- Do. Bi tl lor atlv erti.-iing. I. . . .. ALA. 02 IJV. .. .. .S 0 . ,1 oo 0 month1 30 30 .J days. .-:: ... on ,T)o. 1)o. 107 49 MONTGOZIMt, 35| 72 -I 0 0 ....... 1,1 hat tel liziortgt±t,. C'Tru-t-ded.d 4-,.. : .1.46; - .< 2D0... 00 0 I}........ k z . $, 8 86 '10-2 17 .. . I*,t;~8 pthis. . .......... 5 d~~~~~~~~0 !........ .......j0 ii ....... ..........._. - Notest'stucured; reat ehtite, Acceptance tooA. Notes left a collat-ral. Trut.dmeed 7............ 2 .......... 5 G 34 I,..... ,. i O (1 -- - . .01 .... real estate in Crit- .,,,1........... 30 1'2-0----. .............. MO 00 ........... .... 3 1........... .....s' :....,.... on teuden C(Xuutv, Arka'.hc, and 1,400 in bank. 1~C 67 ........ ...... 82 i56 I- -- Trwistldeed 4,4 3',530 33 (.J-2, (4O 500 .......... 25 00 ......... oL9 1.rpjutyv at rt-?t City, Ark. Nutet- securtrd ; trubt-deed left ats telllte ral 86,000 adl t3,500, TIr11"t4leedl, inud n.otes It6 collatcral, ,v000. Tru.,t-dtct~s on real e~tatct in Critteviden County, Stvet' bhlipped to Arkan,~aA. Eurolwe ijy St=utCV;Llit_. 00 ............ 1---- ..0 ...... 3. ... .. 3,500 00 1, LOANS AT Apr. i 000 200 00 210 00 .0 00 140 21 29.?.. I..... .......j-..... 728S 47 500 00 30 00 2,00000 180 00 T-ustt.,1.d 4, COO 00 .. ...... 'fan. 1,000 30 ,?0-- -30 10,000 00 !--1 0, 50 00 ...... ... ,n, uwVJ , ,w V V, 3, 500 00 Apr. 1,1873 .do .Apr. 1, .do . Feb. 1,1L874 83 T. Bt.NvXillett Dec. U, 1,|73 C. A. EDlwals ...... Feb. 24,1874 IFlranlk Tatlly ......... Mar.-1873 L. Caldwell .... Junc 3, 1E3 IJumc,3 Peter Kelly ... I-----------, .$ 4,00 00 13,000 00 Feb. 19, 1873 W. L. Marthh ......... ...... W10,00 00 .,,.,r xrv-x,-- av i dav8 Balance due On li;an; nOt seculre4. to -4 'I - LOA-S A-T VIECM8DRGf, MISS.. AD MONTGOMNRY, ALA.--Contuiuedj I No. I Dae'of note. I - Amount o0 loan. Name. A Advertising, _nwoe, &4. I. Amount Balance due. Accrued paid. interest. charged 1ons -- ., Feb. 14,1874 William Finnie..... Ja. 1, 1874 J.W. Cardozo.. ..... Apr 15,1874 J.einardt. 00 $10) 175 39 200 00 200 00 00 200 1,200 00 1, 20o 00 714 89 1,000 00 1,000 00 60 00 55 00 . ..- ----- Apr.- 1S 18TI . .do Apr. 25, 184 . . .do Apr. 25 1874: Feb.- 14,1874 A. R Reading . Jan. 1,1874 G.M. Barber ..... Jan. 1, 1l74 .... do ................ Dec.' 2, 1873 VrfginiaWlams. Mar. 29,1873 A-8:: Butcher ........ Sept. 1, 173 RatonCoates. Oct. 18, 1873 ...... Mar. 7, 1874 J. Lake, jr .-. Apr. 16,1874 . do Apr. 9, 1874 do.----....... July 15, 1873 J. IL. Broadwater .. July 15, 1873 . .do. --.--July 1, 184 ............ July 4, 1874 ...-.-...-...W... do.. JanL 25, 1873 I. Cardozo and V. Williams. Jan. 25,1873 ...,. .do ....... Aug. 1, 8M City bonds of ViCk8. burgh. July 1, 1874 Robert Brown .. Apr. 15,1874 20000 3 50 . 77 40 _ - _ Oct 18.. Deo. 5,1873 . do ...... ......... . 200 00 200 ..... 200 00 . ... .. . .. . . . . . . .... ........ . ..... .. . ... ........... S-J4 ... ...... ....-- . . Cole . 1, 11, 775 36 17,607 54I 25 33 33 3 50 77 40 15 29 53 05 53 05 2 92 00 200 00 .......... 17 27 .......... .......... 485 129 13 ..::.. 250 00 250 00 .... 500 00 44 18 ......... 26320 - - 00 11, 530 36 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 17,607 54 4 200 00 200 monthis.... 6 months.... 1, 225 33 1 year ..... 2 years ... 1, 25 33 744 04 40 day.. 1,053 05 11 1, 053 05 year...... months... 1 2 912 Insurance policy. 00 30 days. 305 217 27 45 days 350 Protest-fees 77 40 ......... 485 .............. 129 13 .............. 274 274:s4 72 72 10 00 155 . ... .... ....... ... 60 . ....... ....... 9; moDths.... 1 3 month .......... .............. .......... .............. .......... .............. 26320 .. 11, 84 74 19, 670 84 .............. .............. .............. .......... .................... .............. .......... .................... .............. I..........I .............. .................... .....: ..... :.. .................... .............................. . ... .......... - - 00 00 I--- 75 00 .............. .............. . --::: -. -. -. -. : -. -. . -. -.. -.. --: -_ I-_ -_ _- _- .-.- .- -. _- --.- 78 75 81 00 .............. - .. 00 Jan. 81 00 July .............. y..... 3 months.... years..518 44 2 years.. 354 38 '- :063 30 12, 1............. le 00 78 81 00 00 75 00 d1 Oct. Do. .Sight-draft. $60, 173 1873 1873 -, le83 to 1zI Truit-deod. 1876 Mon fortgomerv, OOu. -, 173 Nov.-, 0 I~o. Do. Iepotsitor'8 check. -, -. M Truat-deed. Ala., 1873 Order on board of ices rendered. Do. Sept.-, -, Do. Nor. 1873 -, 1873 Do. Oct. Do. Nov. -, 1873 DO. July Aug.-, 1873 July 00 z ... .. ... .. 1, 036 89 ............. ,_ _ 08 30 days. 175 39 days. 887 245 Remark.. _ $104 .............. .............. 34 00 155 00 1,000 00 00 .............. .............. 24 72 24 72 10 30 36 89 87 -I When due. 00 00 60 00 305 00 .. ....... .. ... amount due. .............. 714 000 00 1, 001 ...... ... ........... ........... to Total 200 00 .......... 89 ........... ..... ..... Re...C.dol. 1,200 00 .... I .............. 1,200 0,0 ............ . $408.6 . ...... .. 00 ... Nov. Nov29, 1873 INov. 1, 1873 39 ........... d... do ............. . ..... .. 00 $i00 175 ....... ....... 1873 Ewex: Banks ....... .... 29,1873 William Bowen . .... Aug. 1,1873 do. Aug. 30,1873.----do ............ Aug. 1,183 .&If'ed Barry. .. . ..... Nov. . 500 00 887 00 263 20 .- Edwin Beecher . Aug. 2,183I Marshall Adams ...... ........... i i _I t- .......... 1:29 13 25 00 250 00 34 00 155 00 1,030 00 - Do. D. Do. socuredby bond health for serve. Zn. 18,73 1, 1 6;1-. v ..... . .... ... ...........o wre . .... .... ... ..... .. Si 78 -Nor-29, 1871-----do.....d... .'~p.1, It673 Robert Harrison.... Nov.t 1, 1873: -..-d ..o...... Dec. 6,1873 ....doo........ A ug. 6,1873 Robert Holme ..... ... No%OV 1,1873 .... do... ..... ... N_-ov. 1, 1873 Lewim Harris..... ... N'oV. 29, 187-43 Fenton Jackson.... ... A ug. 6, 187S3 ~ Isaac Johnson..... -Nov. 27,13 IM.... d o..... Nov. 29,1873, J.C.McGnire ..... .July 6. 187 Lloyd mudd, ..... Nov. 18, 187,3 .... do July 3l,1873 RJ. Nicbolso .... n ... Aug. 28, 1873 ----do........... OtL1, 187 ....d ..... o Aug. 6, t973 ,George R~idg,31v .... Sept. 1,1873 ..... d . ~~~~~~~~~~~~.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . .... . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . ... . . ...... ..... . . ....... . July 30,1873. Logau Williams.... ............................ ......... Sept. 1,18 ---d 8 ....d..... Nov. 29.,1873 tGeorge Walker .... ....................................................... ......... Aug. , IS732 Gaseaway Waters._.. ... Sept 1, 1873._do......... ....... .............. ..... Oct. 2,1873 -..---do........ 2387 32-13 3379 A~ug. 11, 1873. lu .ign......... July 31, 1873 ---p-- de........ .............. OCt. 4, 1873 George -Fo'laasbee Oct. 13,1873, Riniber & Groot.... June 7,1873 James Payne...... Mar. 3, 1873 1 IN ew national Era and J3e2411 Cynthia D>. Rockwell.. Mar. 23.187-2 T'he Times ...... .Tue 4, S #jNewlNational Tm~and Citizen.~ Aug. 13, 1873 Robert T.Jo6hnson.. 10 18- ---S. do.-,....... M Sept. 13, 1873' ~-T&Crocker,ir. HAnson, Davis. .I.~~~~~~~~~~~... . . . . . - - - - - 00 - - - - - - - - . . ... ............... . ... . - - . -1813 -1673j -Nov,-,13 Oct. jJuly iAug. -,1873 00 00 -Nov. -1873 l-,173 0July -I187-,3 163 100 00 Aug.- 1673 100 00 S*. 1843 81 00 Ju y , 67 00 76 81 00 Oct. -1673 00 75 t673 81 00 Oc. OIL 67 57 00 July 7675 00 00 Aug.Oct -, 173 81 00 July -,1673 78 00 Ag-16773 61 00 July- 16731 78 00 Aug. 1,1873 00 1, 150 00 Apr. 1,16 73 ---75 6, Aug.-,e-,73 -Nov.-,I lS,163 167T31 3825 . ---- . 81 78 75 81 84 00 .... ......... .-- . 8100O 75 00 718 ,096 Apr. 10,1873 D. S.,Tones.... MIar. 14,1873: Corporation of Ws 2483 K-m ug.-, 187- 00 July -,1873 78 S00 Aug.-,. .. .............. ... . . . . . .................... . ... ... .. . ................. -------- . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ... ....... . Jul~y A $1 00 1Oct.-,I1873i 18-73 75 0000 July Nov;..- 1-,316. 61 81 00 Oct. 1 . I (.)t.-.1J IJuly-,17 00 75 00 Nov. l-, 8 3 78 Aug.-, 187 ........ ....... .i. . . ... Nov. 1,1873 d3..... o.... Dec. 5, 187.3 JTohn Pollard...... Oct. 2,1873 Dyer Shelto on..... July 31,18713 Joseph Wil~ia is .... Aug. 28, 1873 ..... Df-c. 6,1873.----do........ 00 61. 00 81 0-0 .. . 0-0 . 100 00 . . . SMep). 18-73 --- - ....... . 1500 PW<. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1)o. Do. Do. Do. IV, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. zvMI z Do, Do. Do. Do. 1)o. Do, Do0. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. '.1 0- IDo. 02 .Judgument. Auditor's Do. Do. 04.2 00 K........ County 164 ~ Bill for certificate. bcboolo. Audited account. County schools. printing against house of delegates. Order on fire department.. 40 00........ 6000 ........ Order on auditor's office 60Q0 ........ Order on public scbools. 10' LOANS AT No. N1, amelUQ. Name. * Date of noto. W1CXBBURGH MSS., A-D MONTGOMERY, ALA.-ContinnCd. ~~Amount of Amount |A~Yoan, paid. arcedue. Accrued AdrertiIing, -inttce, &c., pid. 7interemt, _lan. c__ar'd I_____________________ ~~~~~~~~~lani. to July 17, 1873 I 24, 1sa Oct. 2t3, 1 may 23, 1174 *Jan. 9, 1874 Apr. 3,172 An i K Bostonue WoWhen due. Totaldotal alnouzit Ze u2rlK. du.. .dl h-...... ... ......... ......... . ....... ............. i e***** R.I. Fleming... l)-) ............0 i DoraN.]3rovm--------_, F( 0 4)43 ----- - --*-*--- - ------.--. I warterA Carter StesurS ....t ........ ..... *---- ............ A..Stewa)t .. . 9 :;2 'n .i .............. I' D ora - Brown .i . ... 11; 6 ............. i ............... Georgel 1). RaMMY ! .. ............. etser David ..... . ..... . .. ----.............. - -. -o -.. *S( O......... -. --.. -. --. --. --. -.-..-..-..-..-..-..-.--.-.- -.--.--.' -.- .-..-................................................ E Wballe ............. t0. .~t,............. Natiou al Era anti ................. .. ..Citizeun.David E. Cao . ......C ....................... 4 0 00 1............... IJolm T. S. L... e . .......................... ------------- l i ..............d.......i.. ........ ......... .............. ............ Order oncolorn d 'cheo. Ordlerou cu'or I'hc1i. (arviiit'ct.) Orrt'r ou ci3Qo,., .,cbhxs.1, (buiI'kir.) rtler .............. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. ... . . . . . vr}, 18l54 -0 t; . 54 ....... ...... ,ew ........... oncu rd sellool,.. 4.)Orler on public ,chovlr,. Amiittel atccotwL Filed with audtiting committee. Do. Do. .. . .. iM, %._ Y- ofliet .............. ... 40 001 _ 17, 632 21 Aug. 1,1871 Pavilng 8t*D" curb. and ............ tax. Aug. 1, 11 ..... do ............. Aug. 1,1871I ...........dO. 4, Aug. 1, 171 do Aug. 1, 1871 Aug. 1, 17I do ........ Aug. 1, 171 .- do .............. Oct. 31, 1-7l ...d... o J.............. SePt. 5, 18701-....dO .............. ........ Sept. 5, 170; ... 1558 2097 2t38 2*160 159 5,18.0o Sept. Sept. 5,1870 d.. O ....... 1 .................... do Sept. 5,1870 ..........d ...... do ...... Sept. 5,18): ..........dO Sepa. 5, 170 Sept. 5, IS-.t0 Sept. ..... ........dO 5, . . .. ;.do 0j39 Sept. 5, 18,0t 1131 ISept. 5,1870 .dO ..2153 j|Sept. it-,O Sept. 5,5,18-.0. do1 SOptL o .... 10o . ddo ......... 2132 21540 Sept. 5,1. .dO .. *2153 2161 ........... .............. ............ .............. . . . . . . ........ .... .............. . . . . . ............ ............ Sept. 5, 1870.dO Sept. 5, 1870 . do ............... 253 13'3 44 '1 .............. ............ .............. ............. .............. ............ .............. ............ 8 4.4 20 19 6; j .7 02c'1 5(} co ............. 11 57 33 25, :21 ~33J33 ------------ .............. ............ ............. ------------ .............. ............ .............. ............ > 14;1I6 16 .. ............ 1 15 .I4 ............ .............. ............ 53 53t iOi10 )1 10 .............. 4 ............ )r0 823 Xj i 10 ....... 34. .... 300 01 , ,:19 I .S o)G .. . . . . 1,_,,,,,,,,,,,, -;it~G ,................ 554 .............1 1 54 {.)S........... -i .. ... ....* 4S '1 40 40'i~1G 5E1f; !) .............. .......l<^l .. ,............... - 16 -I I Do. ... , _ _,,,,,, .., 1)<& ... ........... * *----- ----; . . .. ........ . . . . ... ' C) Do, IO ., ......o...... s!13l 46 4-~4s Dos. ,_ I )o _, 1 ..j4,'; D o. 13 1'z ;6 ;£5 15 1 .............. til 4 ; j4 .33 I6 15 14 14 ........... I ..... ....... ! 33 33 ............ 33S 47 ............. . .. 158e ............ .............. . t's ............. .............. ....... .... $151 96 ,m II 5 .. .. 5 1.......... D ,,,,,,,........... 0O , ,,, 4, s 1 4 oo 4 00 3 351 1- ......... __..____. ... . ............ ! 'S'50; . 0 .. 50: :0;3 ! 14 1,4 14 4 .... Io ............. ....... 41)o. 44; 45 ....... ............. ;.... S . .............. .... .............D ), .......................). ...... ....... v8; 18 ........ ! I,. ............. .... .......D.X. 11,5 14 1-- -1-- .. ., 21'21 Sept. 21;1 21 84 2141 2163 1564 2103 2144 2166 156' 211'8 2149 21i71 2150 2172 1535 2075 2115 2139 '21'S) 2143 20L0 21:X1 221O 2110 2134 2135 1593 2133 I 74 2197 21-73 2198 19.91 2131 217t 21ee5 1589 21:z 2169 2192 1588 2127 21614 2191 15672126 .do ............... 5, 170 Spt. 5,I170.d & p I. 5 :,'-' 1g ....... Set. . -,,I O . . 1.---------- ............... ------------ . ................ 3,......d o I Sept. 5,le.0 .. du Sept. 5, 170 . (1) ............... Sept. 5,187.0 ...... (1..... (>Ceopt 5,", 1870 . .. . . - ....|.----.-*--- * S~ept. 5, Ir.0. dodo Sept. i)-do ,,, Sept 5,1870 1870 Sel~~t .........1.. :1 10> ...,......... .. ... I......... 187.( 5, . ddo . . ............. .... Sept. :jept. 5,1.0.... do Sept. 5,1870 do............... Sept. 5,18 ............... .4 . .. .. .... ... .. 17 54 .1 . & ----------- .11 3.4, 3 1 3;2 31 32 31 3 1 .313- Sept. 5, 170O .......(o ------! Sept. 5,187. ------do . ! Sept. 5,180 .... 1 . Sept. 5, 1870 -..... do . ! Sept.*J.dlo .....o.............. .......... 30 1 T54 ,,,,,.,,,.,,: ............. .......... ................ Sept 5.IrO .................... .do i..................... Sept. 5 1: -10 . Sept Wpt. S.s, 1875~,O0 -..d*o Sept. 5, 5,18.70 I......o........ ...... s O. I< (o 35 1-1 O. .............. SepIt. 5, -- 44 35 ... .. ') I I.............. 3'2 51 10 10 '.4: Hi1 Se>pt Sept. S;ept ............. 'i .. IO I 047,; ......... ........... hi ......... !SOVt 10 . it, ............ ......... ......... ...... ... .. .... .. 146 ------.----' ... .. '90 I'm(i 4s0 '; . i.............. li2 3!, ............. I. A,3: .............. 4~5 ............. ........... _. :5 49l 3.5 4'" ............... . ..... 4 ----- ....... ---- -- .1 1i 4.. .. 21ff? 5. IS~ i- ........ .do............ .... .-. ... Sept 5.180 1.. 2190 ISept, 5,1870 .do. 1586 Sept. 5,vl0 do S~ept. 2122 13 ............. 1 j...... -.--.-------I 2ZI 30 . . . 14.,. ............ 13 9. ............... 11 35 11 3'5 ............... 113 - 11 1I ),. 4 44 24 4 1 1404 e7 . . '27. 143 43 64 4 J 64 4:1 CA4 5 114 1o 11 15 13I - - 14. . - 1r, lo. - - 1>4,,. "r< 1, 1 %O ---------' 11 5'1 11 52 11 52 Io 3 ., 4)4 24 4 1 4 i.*' 14 *4 14 ..-. 14 ' i.. 1)4... i----------. .. . .. .. .. 1 41.. . V- c . .... ...- )4,.. .............i ... .. * v .... . I ).,. If.,. -i 1).,. C: C1 I...... 3 49 49 4 5.2 .7.0 Z40 .I . 41 4 44144; 49 .... .. .......... .... -. .. . 1).,,. . '2) j._.,,,__..__. .e .10 :.'0 40 4(4 - . 1k,.. ......... ..... z ....... .... ........ 40 z-2 D)o. 4(' -'2 ILo., 40 .......... ...... :t s'! 3 52 .. 52. ......., .42 It'. 11II 5 - ." 28 8. ..t . 4 4 1 -41 9G, . .. 21S $; 24l 30 2S :w --...1 . 14 4 4 l:. ,. !ti,............... 354 '' . .............. .............. 10 91I ............... lo0') 10'z1,,'' °( 0o .............. ............. ............ .... 41 .. 9i...... ...... 4; .............. . . 4 . :!ft . .;........ . .... A'!) hio60.............. ............. I 32 ... ..................... . 4 . ... 44 11 11 0 5. 170 . Sept. dv .............. i,80 sept do ............... Sept - 5, 1,70 . (0 do-. SeP t 515,7. ... .--Sept. :5,180. do............... . 5, SePt . .. 1i0.. do. *.*.-.... SeptS5,IQTDo tlo ..... Sept. 5. 1.0. do .. ,"P t 5, IF, O *io . ...............I.... .do Sepwt. 5,18701*. ..... . .. Sept,. 5.1. 1 ... .. ... . d do 5.1870 Spt. ....... . . Seept 5,170 d........... 4o ... Sept. 5,, Ig)j ...... . ... . . ... t........I............. . ... .... SCpt. 5,10 .. .d .. . ......... .......... bePt. 5,1870 --.d--do ... ... .. .... .. - . !.....4,,, 4 11 --------(--. .ilOj. 17.. (14.,,__,_,,).,,, 54 4 ...................e{ .......... ....... - ....... ... ......... --------.......... o. .'''''' .. 5;............. 04 ... ........... 3 is 4 .,, 10 ....! !I I:1- 1 15 44 40 40 e2 4e2 l)o. D~o. LOANS Aniount of' Amount loan. paid. Nune. t-4FX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2166 Sept 5,1870 2189 Sept. 5, 1870 .. Pavingand curbstone tax. do ... 3417 3416 3415 3414 3413 3412 3411 An,. 33.'13 .. Aug.2 31873 . do. . . ........... ........... ............ ------- -- ---- ............. ------ do ......-.-.--.AuXg.23,1a4I .*.. do ............ Aug. 23, 183 . *. do ............... Ani. 23, k73 do . Aug.23i, 1i73 do .--..Aug. 23, 1 73 ._ .. ............. _ . .. : . . ............ ............ ........... 10 ............ 10 10 10 ............ ............ ............ ............ 4 25 40 3 4 -25 2 55 2 55 ............ ............ ........ ............ 2 ............ ............ ............ ............ 11 -1 ............ .............. ............ .......... .............. ............ ............ .. ........... 74 03 '03 03 91 88 267 6084 210 ........... ............ 55 8 35 149 88 5 90 94 4. 10 76 4 .i .............. 80 4 ............ ............ 20 4 25 25 ............ .............. I2020 1C .52 ............ - I- _;0 120 16 12 46 1 70 ............ .... 20 20 2-0 41 68 ............. ... 14 13 86 115 ............ .............. ........... . 9i6 89 10 .......... . . 2,993 58 ............ - . 11 52 10 . 8, 29 30 .............. .............. ........... .. .. $11 52 2 98 ........... . .. #29 30 11 10 10 ............ ............ .............. . Totaslmotnt d:.e. charged to Wh When d Rnk| de. _ -__ -I. ............ ..... ..... . ... u.intercet . ......... .... 3409 Aug. do ....... 3408 Aug. 23,.187. .do .-..-.2:341873' .............. 3405 Aug.23;18T73j . . do .. ............ 3404 Anu'. 23;'14T3' . . do ...-..--.-- ............ 3403 Aug. Z 173' . do ............... ............. 3402 Aug. 23, 1673 .. ......... , ............ 3%C5 Ai X.4 .1873'. .............. 2586 Oct.. 25A873. .. . do ............... ............... 25W Oct. 25,1873 . ............. .do ... 25d9 Oct 25, 183 .. do .-.----............. 25'00 Oet. 25 173<' ..... ..... ............... 2592 Oct 25,1873; . .. do ......... ............. 2593 Oct. 25, 173' ..... ..... ............ 2594 Oc.25, 1873 *-*- . ......... .--..d..(o 2595 Okc-t. 187a3 .do ............... 3421 Aug. 23, 1873; .... do -. - - - ---110 J 17, 1873 ... . do .-------119 1,1873 .. do .............. July t28 July- 17, I]r31 .. ..... .............. ... do . Aug. 1406 It.p4 Am>,t. 15,1873 1, 1873 :.... do ........ . do .......5097 Sept. 2,1?73 I. d ..... ------ ............... 8575 *, 187 Oct. do ..... 442 Sept. 173, . ... . do ............... 44'28 Skv)lt. 8,'i7' 4429 Sept. 8i 1873 . ... do .. ..... .... ..: ... I &dvertt1shg, I Banceedu., &C|., Baac ......... Au, 342 certificates . ;3419 Kn+. 23, 1873 Tax-lien (to 3418 Au rM3, 183 . do ............... ...... VICKSBVRGHE KSWS., AND MONTGOMCRY. ALA-CAtinnue AT I 210 60 $40 82 .......... ............ .1 40 82 .............. 305 ........ 1 05 ............ . ... ... ,........... ...... ... ... ............. ........ ....... 1 61 11 60 4 68 .468 4 68 3 75 468 43 85 18 54 60 ............. . . .. . .. 1 10 ...... ,..... 27 60 21 70 21 70 81 .29 81 198920 42 6 50 104 20 11 86 5 22 22 09 3 34 101 34 .. ........ .............. 1--'--'------- 295 44 . .............. .............. .............. .............. . 2320 2 330 z 0C;-i .............. .............. .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z .............. I ............. .............. 03 0 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. -------------- .2 81 48 2 016 3_1 946 .............. 2' :;38 .............. 26 .............. 26 .............. 26 .............. 1125 11 25 11 25 11 25 15 28 127 73 45 97 17 1 08 .............. 43 43 43 .............. 35 .............. 973 -------------- 11 25 11 25 t11 z5 .... ............ 22; 15 .............. .............. 1228 1 05 ............. 1 05 ............ 1 42 11 93 4 29 9- Ml 328 .... Footway. Do. 3,960 47 1 14 ............ 1 05 1 05 I.___....... ........... .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... -- --- ------- -------------.............. .............. to C." OD 4430 r OPt- 8, !873.----do 4431 4432 r Sept. 8, 183. SepL 8,1873 . do do ........ 210 60 d....... 44332 1 t~~ept ............... ... .... 210 210 . .. ... ...... . .. '210 60 210 60 8,187;31 4434 Sept. do .. 443 Sept. 8,1s3 ....10 do .............................. ............ Sept. 8, 13.I , 4437 Sept. 8, 18731 ... do .......... 4438 Sept. 8, 18731 do .... 4439 Sept. 81,1873-.- do ..---...---..-.-.4503Set p 8 ,18731 , do 4435 do...3. .. C < >3049 Aug.20,1S73! , ...... ......... do ............... ........ 336 674 677 678 680 68S 683 ............. . ............... ......... 354 67 .............. ..... ... . I ------- -- ----- --- - -- -------------- .. . . .. .do ........... . .... ----------.. .. .... ..... ... ------------ .............. ------------ .............. ------------ -------------- ............ .............. ------------ .............. ------------ -------------- ------------ .............. 685 780 , .do .... ........... 889 ........... do 951 ~ ~- ~~ -- |---- do. ..-- - .---964 ............ - do...... .............. .............. .............. .............. _- 8614 . -- 1871 1873 1874 1879 8650 Nortbern Pacific Rail- j -------------- *oad bondsI --. . do ... -------------- do ....... -------------- -.. do ...-- .............. do ..... - - .... - ........... ........... ..1---------- ............. .-- 18 90 50 00 50 00 09 09 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 18 18 18 18 18 100 00 18 18 18 18 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 OC 18 18 09 09 09 09 09 50 00 50 00 ............ 50 00 50 00 ------------ ............ 50 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 ............ ------- r ---............ I -- ------------ 2,500 00 -7._._.__ 500 00 ............ 'I 100- -------------.............. ........ . ..... .............. .............. .............. -------------- .............. --------------------------- -------------.............. .............. 18 50000 ------------ M_ Chegapeake and Ohio Railroad bonds. 09 ............ .............. -------- 50 00 100 00 ' ------------ .............. 452 22 : ............ ............ - ... .. ....I..... .......... .............. ... jdo . *. . do .. .-----flo ....... do . -.. , ,.do ---- ..---.... ....-dodo ............. do.. ......... do .............. -.. ......... . .do 4, 390 28 100 00 ............ I .............. .............. .......-.-do. ..... ------------ .............. .... do... ............_. .............. .............. do. do do. .............. .............. .do ............... 27 27 10 73 58 00 36 54 5M2 82 21 1 .-.-..-..Ten-year . certificates.. .... 1 189 25 207 208 211 212 213 214 215 319 21 .0 21 70 21 .0 21 70 21 70 104 24 ..-,-.-.-....-... 75 I21 70 70 21l 21 70 210 60 210 60 210 60 264 72 ........... . C0 G0 18 18 18 I- 4 .............. .............. .............. -------------.............. .............. .............. .............. ---------------------------------------- -------------- .............. -------------.............. -------------- .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. -------------............. 100 00 32 330 232 30 23230 291 991 114 97 82 G20 391 21 2c32 30 .............. -------------.............. ----------------------------------------------------------------- .............. -------------- hi 4, 842 50 100 18 50 09 100 18 500 90 40 09 50 09 100 30 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 18 18 18 18 --------------.............. ----------------------- -------------- .............. ............ 18 18 18 18 ------------------------..... .............. 100 18 .............. .............. -------------- .......... .............. .............. -------------.............. --------------------------- 537 50 .......... .............. .......... .............. 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 03 ;0 -------------- - .......... 0 .............. 100 00 -------- 0 -------------- 2,504 50 37 50 [-------------- t1.o ...... 18 100 18 50 09 50 09 50 00 50 09 50 09 100 18 100 18 100 18 0m .............. -------------- 1- 00. 100 00 100 00 100 00 30 1 i-=3 232 30 232 30 232 30 I--------------------------- .............. .............. .H LOANS AT VIClKSBURGH, MISS., A.NID MONTGOMERY, I |Date rote. | o. 10241 ame. Northern Pacific Rail. road bonds. ...... do ............... .... do ....... 1024C' 10244 064 lmouant oant . o o Amod.t amdd ............ 1217CI I ............. .............. . 145051I .. . ... ... ..... ............... ............ ............ .... .......... .. ............ - Miscellaneous securities. Do ...... Do . DO ..... ... ....... ... 1 100 00 * --100 00 . Maryland Mining and Manuf' Co. bonds. ....... I .. $1 18 .....-.... 3 19 ........ 103 19 z 409 37 0X2 z 4 16 .D..... ------------ . 350 00 -75, 00000 4 18 7 21 5 17 20 72 .. .. .. . ..... .... 54 16 .. .... 107 .21 ....1... Charles L. Mather, re- ceiver. t:~ 370 72 ........ ... :3. 104 18 05 17 ...... . Q to 75,000 00 Secured -_ 1 5,000. by 150 Maryland Freestone Miniug and Manufacturing Company's bonds, $500 each, 110 18-..110 18 I---- --------- ----l ----------, ............ - 06Ve 3 19 50 100 00 ............... 100 00 1 100 00 . I 100 00 9 34 .... M M 103 19 . Washington. Jay Cooke & Co Land-warrants. 101 81 ......... .............. . !_ -_ National Metropolitan Bank, 'Wasbiugton. Second National Bank, KI- 1 81 .-..-.- ......... . I 896 00 101 18 ------------- 400 00 . ................1 ............ .............. Re|rmarkB. 100 00 . . 100 00 100 00 96 00 .............. due. - United States bond, N. and M., 5.20, 1864. United States bond, J. and J., 5-20, 'S6S United States bODd, .I....... . ..... 1040,'1b74_:r'' IUnited States bond, ...-- ..-... J. and J., <-20, 1865. . ............. $100 00 I .............. 896 00 I- ....... 1429!$I, I.......... amount inCbce,&c.. Totaldue. charged 100 00 100 00 96 00 .I I Advertising, Accrued e interest. $100 00 .............. -------------- 1214I. Mance due ATA.-Continued& ~~~ ~ __ 1,094 57 ---------! ------ ----4,71552 ----.1--.......... . ............ - I ------ - _______ 1t094 57 4,715 52 .I Paid. Do. 3: ZC Nickel at office. principal 45 20 ........ Propertyat bran cbes.. Collections at branches ... Caph and cash items at branche& Sundry collections at principal office. - _ ...................... ~~~~~~. _.............. .._........ 1 ---- ......... 40, S7 9,6271 51.......... ... . .. .. ., .49, 131 41 10,37 I 30 45 ........... ..............I .............. 40,287 9_0........-.... . ....... W* 6: 9,6765 .* 131 41 ...........49, .............. 10,373 30 .............. Chattels, furniture, safes, &-c. Sundries. .............. .............. I__ _III tqa M tvI oi> z 00 on v, 5;2 TRUST COMPANY. sFREEDMALNt 804YINGS 4AN Schedule of a88et8 of the I) eedmazn's Saing8 and Truet Company, 4o.-Continued. REAL ESTATE HELD IN FEE. Added for Amount of Increaed value since coeL, purchase. Property inBaltimore, Md .. .1 730 00.............................. Beaufort,-8 Charleston, S o ChattAnooga& Ten . --Fla Jackwn .......... Memphis, Ten. . Ten. Naahville, Tallahassee, Fla Vlokaburgh, Miss .16, 246 44 Washington, D. C., corner Fifteentbhand-a-balf at. and Pa. avenue. WasblDgton, D. C., S street, bWt. Fourteeutb and Fifteenth sts., n,w. Total ....................................................... 10,42 04 ........... $1, 64§'4 *4 270 00 .730. 0 000 00 200 00 I, 20o (O) 1,00000 39,000 00 3,742 24 35, 257 78 . . 23 . 517 6, 6,517 25 27479 70 ........... 27, 479 70 4,574 08 ......... 4, 578 0000 2, 003 3, 753 54 258,315 66 54,902 60 313,218 6 451 15 ............ 4,451 1S 4, 379,204 23 69,88P2 85 449,087 9 8.0...................................... ....... ...... Total DIOUnt, ... RECAPITULATION. Real-etate loans at prinIal office............................. Available-fund loans at principal offloe ............................. Accrued interest charged to loans ......................... Advertising, Insurance, &o ............................. Loans at branches ..........................................330, 2 $1,208, 857 15 968 53 312, 24, 486 50 9,914 02 -1 5 0,55 $ 5. 45 20 27,518 71 District securities ....................................................................... 00 . . . Chesapke and Ohio Railroad bonds . .... d O. Northern Pacifio Railroad bonds 40000 . . . United Staite bods 350 00 Miscellaneous wouritles .............................................................. 75, 000 00 Maryland MIniug aud Manufacturing Company bonds ................................ 21 Accrued interest on loans and other securities ................................ $161,7 50 486 ....................... above loans as 24, Less amount charged to 137, 238 71 -.. .110 18 Nstlonal Metropolitan Bank, Washington, D. . . .274 ft Second Wational Bank, Wasihngton, D. C . . .1,094 57 Iay Cooke &Company . . .4,715 .M Charles L. Mather receiver . . .45 6 Nickel at principal office 7 40 . . .40, &c.) at branches, safes, (furniture, Property .............................. 9, 87 65 Collections at branches ................. . . 49,131 41 Cash and cash items at branches. .10,373 30 . . Sundries Real estate held In fee.449, 087 06 TOW. .2, 693, 095 90 FXtEEDMAN' SAflNOS AVD TRUST COMPANY6 go. 2. Lger-balanoxe of awet and liabtliti of the Prmfmmna' &Sv1% tud Tret Compaty do sAoWn by the books of the company at lose of business July 11, 1874, together woit a stateEIJUDIT ment of asets as by actual &xamltonWO. Asets " per 4 .et M actual eanl- led ger.-i. nation. LoAe, real ese n aviable, at principal office...... . .................Leans At Beaufit`t,o' 22620 $1,55, 123, 324 Iablitte OaUe6. ............. 123, 324 : ............. 12, 31891 123,318 Vl Loans at Jaecksoniflie, FIa... . ............................. rnphi4. . Loans it me D~i .............. 54, 43 62 11,530 36 Loans at Vobgh,M ........... . ...... 54 17, 601 4 5............. Loa*is BBE+3oh.* oiit ornery, AU ........... 85 17, 02 flietrittof-( Colun'bbill'... ........... ..,. ........ .............. 2,993 58 1 2, 90358 ........... bisldrlot of (,Oolimbiapa'ving and curb.stone tax 4,390 * lDbietdot (Columbia tax-lien certifloate............... 4,390 28 District ot Columhg ten years' certifi 2, 500 00 caas............. 2,455 04) D............. 600 00 50000 Cbesapeake and Ohio Rairoad bonds .. .... 89 00 955 19 .............. Northern Paciflo RAllroal bonded..................... 40000 United States b~is, .onds........................ 45* 00 D............. Miscellaneous * uritle ..... 384 00 .....*....... 350 00 57, 50 00 )............. MarylandMidUlhb Aid Manufacturing Comfany's bonds. 7.5, 000 00 137,238 71 AecrCil intelbston loans and other securitiess.......... ,im itl 1, ............. C 110 18 National M Manpolit Bank, Washington, D. ........ 1to 18 3............. 27,- 82 Secod Natnal a, Washington, . .............. 274 82 .............. 1, 094 57 1,094 57 .............. Jay C6ooke6 '& Co .................................... 4,715 52 Charles L. Matther re ec ever ............................ 4,715 52 ............. Nickel at principal office ............................... 45 20 45 20 ............ 114 77 ............. Property at branches, furniture, safes, &c .............. :10, 287 40 40,287 40 CollectIons at branlobes................................. 9,627 65 9,627 65 ,.............. Cash and oash items at branches........................ 4.9,131 41 .............. 49, 131 41 Snadries .-.............................................. 10,3 7330 !............ ........... 10, 33 30 Ieal estate, Fifteenth-and-a-half street and Penuiylva. nia avenue ..... .. 313, 218i:26 313, 2 1$ ~2fl Real estate, Charleston, S.(1 ......................... 10, 00000. 10,000 00 .............. Real estate, Tallahassee,Fla ............................ 4,5 78 08 4,578 OS Real estate, -Vloksburgh, Miss ..................... 20,000 00 20, 000 00 .............. Real estate, Jaoksonville, Fla .......................... 39, 000 00 39,000 00 ,.............. Bel estate, Nssllt, renn ........................... 27, 479 70 ...s........... 27, 479 70 Real estate, hattanoog.,Tenn.....-.. ...---.1, 200 00 1,200 00 Real estate -Menipbis, Tenn............................ 6t 517 25 6,517 25 .............. Real estate, Baltiniore Md ............................. 16,B42 04 16, 642 04 .............. Real estate, Beaufort, 3. C .............................. 0,000 00 .............. 6,000 00 Real estate S-street property, Washington, D. C........ 4, 451 75 4, 451 75 Due dopoeoflrs ........... . .......... I...... Brancb-drafts outstanding ........... 7 293 17 Loan from National Metropolitan Bank, Washington, I D. ......... . 22, 300 00 Loan from National Hide and Leather Bank, Boston, mass .......................... ................ ................2 15 060 )00 ........ ~....... ...... .... Profit and loss, Washington branch .. I, 187 3d Deficit .. ' .. ................ ....23, 22t82 _.............. 031 78 2, 879, 0311 78 2,693,095 2 J 2,89, , Lm#^the 514, a ........ 17,:67 ... .... .... ... . . ............... . . ..... ... . ... . . . .......... . ,............... . . ,............... _ . . . .. FREEDMAN'S SAVINO0 AND TRUST COMPANY. 54 Exausn No. 3. Stakmet of recsipte an4 eedituree of the oovminloners of the Freedman's SaVinge 41d Trwit Compay from July 13 to November 30, 1874, both inoluitv. DR CL Tocish f branches............... $31,689 35 B s i dep .................. *27,002 20 Toloas,,T ORDe'+Sn . ............... 168,276 38 By property purchased under deed of To imn4 colectlon;... trust sales to protect Interest of de2,081 56 340 00 poitors ........................... To UbINtA tt bnds ............ 45,872 71 To Distrilt of Columbia securities and By taxes and liseuranco paid on prop. 4,421 69 erty ojned by the company........ 13,818 10 To Ale of fii~ture, 4w., at branches.. 4, 965 05 By branoh-drafts Issued and paid To rentsfrm property owned by the 2i , 1874.......... after June 1,473.98 7, 746 34 Bybrancqbdifa&u remitted as cash compa.n.............. 143 58 To rents rom SomceSavaDnab, Ga.. -trou branDhes. 1,01512i To rents from property purchased undlvldend, 1874, paid at j Juary By 553 74 dev deed of trut sales............... 101 04 pranohe.; ....................... 50 00 By salares........................... 28, 0w 57 T'o ale' of property `, ;.................. 762 47 To intereeton loan, &C.............. 41, By sndrY expenses.................. 10,161 70 909 59 By'de'posits'pad in offset to loans of , Wpsblngtont branch..... 'O ovei Yo WP,XMattingly, asignee ........ 2,300 00 deposito'rs. ...-+*s 2927 65 To 86cond National Bank, Washing. By ¢nproniiseacoount........ 3,153 46 110 18 BY loan from National Hide and tonWC .......................... To Natioal Metropolitan Bank, Wash. Leather Bank, Boston .............. 15, 879 39 274 82 By loan from National Metropolitan ingtoni D.C ................. To sale of internal-revenue 8tamps.... 902 71 . 22, 359'68 Bank,:asb 2 73 By internal-revenue Iax on deposits.. To exchange .......................... 834 72 To profit and lose ..................... 52 47 By currency In United States Treasury.....*,.$88,785 19 By gold'coin In United States Treasury ....... 1,186 16 By silver coin In United States Trcasury ........ 1, 737 91 By cash items in process of collection ........... 1,237 86 By cash in vault .......... 405 62 93,352 74 l l 26, 582 66 [Inolosure A.] Instructions calling in paess-booke for verification, and copy of advertisement for thi8 purpose, July 14, 1874. OFFICE 0? TrHE COMMISSIONEBS OF THE FRHEFDMAN'S SAVINGs AND TRUST COMPANY, Washington, D. C., July 14, 1974. SIR: Upon the receipt of this letter, you will pleqae proceed to balance all the accounts on the books of your branch of this company, and to call in by advertisement, or otherwise, all the pa8s-books issued to "diep"o''itors, that th'; may be verified( 'and balanced.. A copy of thie'form of the advertisements adopted 'for this purpose at this office is enclosed; so, also, Is.a copy of the-receipt to be given t-o'each depositor who brings his pa-book. Of the' latter, a proper supply will be furo'ish'ed to you. As as you shall have'compied with these directions, and balanced all the accounts and pass-books satisfactorily, you will please embody your labors in a carefully-prepared schedule, and forward it to this ofce. No interest will be allowed to depositors after January 1, 1874. Very respectfully, &c., R. H. T. LEIPOLD, soon Of the Commissioners. A true copy. Attest: A. M. SPK}{nY. Aderatisemet. OFFICE OF THE FREEDMAAN'S SAVING8 AND TIIUJT COMPANY, Washington, D. C., July 13, 1874. DeposItors l th-e above company are respectfully requested to bting or enld their pa6soos to the office of the company, 1507 PennsylvanIa avenue, at the earliest prcticable moment, that they may be verified and properly balanced. By order of the commissioners. FREEDMAN.S SAYVNG8 AND TRUST COMPANY. 55 (Inoloure, B.) Instrctions directing the preparation of 8ohedae of deposit ldger-balanc, Septebr 1, 1874. OFFICE OF THIE COMMIMSIONERS OF THE FIIEEDMAN'S SAV IN98 AND TRUST COMPANY, W4asington, D. C., September 1, 1874. SIR: In vie6w of the l8owness with which the bor.4s of the company cohe iinnfor verificationi, the commissioliere have decided not to wait for them to_b l)resen'td before preparifngthe scheluleof balances. You will, therefore 'in theirecelpt of this letter, ploaso prepare the schedule for your branch, with as ich dispatch as a due reO rd for care in Its preparation will permit, an(i sendit'lto this office. Those accoullntis which have been verilfoedby thoepass *books should bW'6oteod in the "ccolumn for remarks." alA checked by the origThe accounts not thtxs vrified should be' carefully rev-ehed inal entries upion the deposit and draft journals of the branb6.The order in V'lifl the balauces are entered:upon the schedule is not important, but it wolId h) well -to follow the order of the ledgers. The ."runniiiig numbie'r.s" are the numbers 1,2, 3 4, &c ~nd are for our use at this office as designating niliesmesrely. YOt will Perceive the-dlfflolty we have in giVing epeciic ii'structions which shall Cover all the' p'oints likely to be raised, and the i-ecessity we are under of getting'a statement of liabilities ait tho earliest moment possible; we sialil, threrofbre, expect from you all the assistance that you can 'give. :Your schedule is to showthW6e lialbilities of the company at your branob, at the close of b niiess July 11-1874 ; and upon the aggregate of these liabilities ait all the branches, divideuds must be declared. It' accurate scbedules are fu'nishoedo no difficulties will arise; if those are not acouirate, there will be many complications. That the nutimost accuracy pbossiblo niay be attaine(d, we will hold the sclhedules opdn for correction as long as possible after their reception here, and any errors discoveredd by you after that time should be 1)romp)tly reported to us. You1 will verify l)ass-lbooks as they come in up to the latest moment before sending your schedules, thie being the most important wvork you have on hand, atid you will use all possible endeavors not involving additional oxpenso to the bank to get the pas8-books il. Very respectfully, &c., R. HI. T. LEIPOLD, Of the Conimnssionere. A true copy. Attest: A. M. SPEtRY, Agent. fIncloa8ro C.) IN THIE MATTER OF THE "ROST HOME COLONY." Copies of the order of Mfaj. Ge,,. 0. 0. Howrard, Coninltsioner Bureau IRefugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Land*, directing the funds to be deposited with the Freednman's Savings and Trust Company at Newi Orlenn8, La., and lhe receipt therefor given by the acting cashier oJ said company at Newi Orleans. BUREAU REFUGEES, FREIPD)MEN AND ABANDONED LANDS, Netw Orleans, December 29, 18M. GENEAL: After all thie e-xkpenses of raising and disposing of the crop. made on the De8trehan Pluntatiori (9ost Home Colofi))have been paidi the bl~hatice of the j)oceed8 of Said crop wvill be (1ej)osite(l Wvith 'the braiich of the Freediman's Banik in the 'ity' of Now Orleans, wbich has agreed to;invest it in United States bonds, anidl pty full interest on the samile; the balance of procee(Is being Subject to thb order of'. the ComitIssioner of this Bdiirli. The interest accruing on this aou1oit will b4e held subject to your or(ler, or to the order of the assistant commissioner of your district, for the tinie being, to be expended in the support of the educational establishment for freedmen in your district. 0. 0. HOWARD, JMajor-General United States Army, Commissioner. Bvt. Mtaj. (en. J. A. MOWERt, Asst. Corn. B. R., F. and A. L., State of Louisiana. Official: W.Ms. H. SMI1LING, Captain First United Statae Infantry and A. A. A. General. I certify the above to be a true copy of the official copy now on file in this office. C.8. SAUVINET, A true copy. Attest: A. M. SiPRtRYp Aget, Aciug Cashier. '56 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Received at New Orleans,-La, this the lst day of February, A. D, 1867, of Wapt. , B. Arstirong, A. Q. M., Bureau Refugees, Freedihen and Abandoned Landsthe sui of duing the j r $15,000, tlhe sanle being-a portion' of the proceeds of the crop DecenJber 31, 1806, upon the Destrehan, -plaatation (Rust Home Colony) piursu. endingg ant to the order of Maj. Gen. O.' 0. Ho ward, Commissioner of the B'nre'au Refigees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, dated New Orleans, December 29, t866;offlolul copy of which order Is hereunto attached, and all the conditions and requirements of wbioh order, to their full intents and purposes a8 therein set forth, I boreby agree to fulfill. C. ($16,000.) C. MAUVINET, Acting Cashir Freedman's Savings and Trust Company's Branch at New Orleans, La. rmadde Triplicate&. A true copy: C. S. SAUVINET, Acting Cashier. A true copy.-Attest: A. M. SPEJIBY, Agent. (Iloaoonre D.J Order appointing agents at branches at nominal salaries, October, 1874. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF TIlE FREFEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TR[)8T COMPANY, Washington, D. C., October, 1874, SIR: When you shall have complied with our directions of ultinio, to close your bkrnch on tbe 31st ihstant., &c., we shall be glad to hav ou continue in our service , and for the Pirrose of looking after the general interests of the dcl)ositors at to perform-such duties as may enable them espe ially the more illiterate among theum, to keep up their neceesary communication with us. Your duties would be principally to answer theirquestions, to give advice as needed, to assist lI forwarding any pass-books for verification, they beil)g duly informed that you will do so, and to attend to any minor matters we mav find it essary to refer lo you. This arrangement is proposed that we may be able to allay, if' 1)ossible, the tinnecessary fears Iand anxieties of dlepsositors, and thereby prevent them sacrificing their inter'6sts through lack of proper information. For this service, however, we can allow you only a nominal compensation, saty $10 par mouth and your expenses for writing-material, postage, &c., used in connection with the"e duties. If you cannot accept this position perhaps some member of your advisory committee, whom you could recommend d to us, would be willing to. Please adviseeus at'ouce of your decision, and oblige, very respectfully, &O., R. H. T. LEIPOLD, Of the Comnmissioners. A true copy.-Attest: A. M. SPERRY, Agent. (IncIosure E.] MA.'RR OP THE "SENECA STONE" COMPANY. Jgreemet between Hallet KilboUrn and John 0. Erans and aq finance committee of the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company. OFFICE OF THE COMMISMxONENi OF THx FuiEE:DMAN'S SAViNGS AND TRUST COMP-AN',1- Wash igton, P. C., December 30, 1873. this daj m* e a loan to John o. The Freedman-s Savings and Trist;Co. piihnhpan, Evans and Hallet Wilbournoaf $,000 uponte f ollowl g-deid securitiesacoat oral to their note:.$2,400 stock' A-m'erican Dredging Comn' an, PhilliAdlr;biia; s2, tropoitA Imisduraice Company t.66k, Washington, D. (1 ;' $7,Q0O Maryland FreeW' stone Manunfactori ng 6ad Miling Company 6 per cent, gold bonds- sMintgofery Coi'iut-, Maryland;7,5:00 lMetr-o~o'ltan- Plving Company stolk, Washinjton,)D. C.-; 50,000 Washington Market-Hdse tbok, W"shigton,ID. C. Siaid note is payable si ihonIths after dat-,rith 10 p Crcent. Interest; and in nase Said Evans and Kilbbmrn'sn'hote hullbot be' jiad as it become' de, then it is fully agreed that the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company shall keep the $75,000 bonds of the Maryland Freestone ManufactAttng and Miuing Company as ful payment of said note and interest, and surrender IN TIHE FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 57 tW said vans and Xilbourn the other securities above enumerated, (save and except the $76,000 bonds of the Maryland Freestone Manufaoturing and Mining Company,) together with their note. D. L. EATON, Actuary.- Apptoved! L. CLEPIHAN,_ WM. S. HUNTINGTON, L. R. TWrPLE, Finance Conimittee. A true copy of the agreement and indorsemonts. GEO. W. STICKNEY. Re'coived, Washington, D. (I,, November 15,1873, of the actuary of the Freedman's Savirg8 and Truist Company the witbinmuentionod securities, with the exception of the $75,000 bonds of the M:aryland Freestone Manufacturing and Mining Companyu, with the understanding that our note for $50,000 is to be returned to us on or before the 18th HALLET KILBOURN. JOHN 0. EVANS. Received note as agreed above. JOHN 0. EVANS. instant. (ITnlostre F.) AS TO THE MATTER OF TIHE " SENECA STONE COMPANY." Stateynent of the Aotuary of the Freedmans Savings and Tr tot Company in regard to the transactions had with the Maryland Freestone Mining and Manufacturing Compaxy, and with fe8ssr. Kilbourn 45 Evans. WASHINGTON, D. C., November 6, 1873. J. M. LANGSTON Esq., Chairman iecial Committee: At your request I would make the following statement as to transactions had by this coln paOny with the Maryland Mining and Manufacturing Company, and with Messrs. Kilbourn and Evans. lt. As shown by the books of the company May 18, 1870, $4,000 was loaned to said Maryland Freestone and Mining Company, secured by $10,00Oof their second-mortgage bondS. 2d. July 25, 1870, Tihe Freedman's Savings and Trust Comnpany-boa ght of said Maryland Freestone and Mining Company $20,000 of their first-mortgagebonrds at 90, with the verbal understanding that the company wM uld take said bon&d back fromt the bank at par after tw6o ears. 3(1. July 17,1871,a-Lii th-r loan was mande of the Freedmnan's;Savings and Trust $49,600 second-Morage Coumfiia by said Mininf Compani of $27,000, secured ond's ol tbesame as co a era,. This statetnmilt shows t at up to January 2, .872, the batik held- second-mortgage bonds of the Maryland Mining and Manufacturing Company $rs000, artd $20,000 of the first mortgage. 4th. On, January 2, 1872, as show by the books, the transactions as between the bank and said company were settled, said company at that date being in debt to the Freeduan's Savings and Trust Company for cash loaned: 1st. Loan of May 18,-1870 .................. .$.,.- .-........ ...... S4, 000 00 2d. Loan of July 25, 1870, being amount paid for 20 first-mortgage bonds 18,000 00 3d. Loan of July 17, 1871.27,00 00 4th. Interest due on above loans December 30, 1871 .2,785 73 61, 785 7:3 Total due Freedman's Savings and Trust Company. At this date, according to the booksof this company, a- transaction 6coveriog this whole matter was bad with Messrs. Kilbonrn & EvaUs, whereby their note *a given for $5o0o00ofiopaymblet six months afer date and secured as followis viz: 24 shares Amerlean DredgZn' Comjpany, Philadelphia, Pa., 2,400. 76 shares Metro'olitan Paving Company stock, 100 par value, $7,P00;1,000 saresarket.Ilonestook60,par value, $50,000; 40 shares Rational Metropolitan Life Insuranoe Company, $2,060; 150 bonds Maryland Mining and Manufacturlig Company, $500 each, $76,000; and payment by ?REEDMANyS SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. the Mlyland Freestone Mining and Manuifacturing Company of $1,785.73 on account of Interest. This payment was made by check on the First National Bank, signed by C. W. Hayden, Treasurer. Very respectfully, G. W. STICKNEY, Actuary. A true copy. Attest: A. M. SPEity, Agent. IN THE 'MATTEIR OF THE SENECA STONE COMPANY. Statement of Messr8. Kilbourn and Era n8. WASHINGTON, D. C., November 6,1873. DwAlt Siu: Diiiug the Iatterpart of thei inonthi of December, 1871, Mr. D.,L. Eatou, actuary of the Freedil ai's Savings and Trlrust Coiimpally, called up6on us atndq tated that the Freeditaig's Bank bad made a loan to the Seneca Stone Company 11poli the bonde of said stone company as seemirlti, That the newspapers had beer, Pitchiing into the Seneca companvi- making its affairs appear itn bad odor, and also stating that the Freedinan-s Bank bhad made a large loan to tho stone company, secuire'd on the coinpany londs. The thctuary further state( that the bank's credit was being injured by these reports, and therefore the actuary requested us, as an accommodation to the batk to put in our note anud some collaterals, so the loan would not appear in the naine ol the Seneca comnplany. credit, we leinig willing to do anything eo could consistently to aid the bank's should be held comnplie(d with the actuary's request upon tile condition that wo entirely harmless in the matter and when the paper of agreement to that effect was executed (a copy of which you have) we signed the note and placed in his posscssiou our secrities as enumerated therein. The $75,000 of bonds of the Seneca Stone Combank. pany therein mentioned, tbe actuary informed jlR were in the possession of the either We nev&r sawv them and have no interest in themr; not one cent of consideration directly or indirectly passed to us. Very respectfully, yours, JOHN 0. EVANS. HALLET KILI3OURN. Hon. J. M. LANGSTONY Of Trustees Freedman's Savings and Trust Company. A true copy of the original letter now oil the files of the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company. A. M. SPERRY, Agent. DECEMBER 11, 1874. [Inclosure G AS TO THE MATTrR OF THE SENPCA STONE COMPANY. Copy of eonfmussioners' letter to Joseph T. Brown, the surviving trustee of the Maryland Reestone Mining and Manufacturing Company, requiring him to clo8s the nowtgage securing the bonds held by the Freedman's Savinjs and Truwt Company. WVASHINGTON' D C., October 12,1874. iR: The commissioners of ithe Fre dma} 8- avigs ilnd Trust Coniipaly, borniide 5tOi 0of the "iYfis of the Marylahd Freestone h iflowners nd holders of more'tiaini Manuifacturing and ing Com4panyof M tmery Coiiity, in the StW-te of Mairyland, scured by deed of trist of January 11870Iiuvhich yoli are surivin'gitruistee, oereby requiroy t~oproceed toclose theaidl Lrust'ormortgage; the said company hmiving failed to pay the coupons boh the said bonds issued under the deed to you sinee July , 1870. JNO. A. J. C0REISWELL, ROBT. PURVIS, R. H. T. LEIPOLD, Commissioners Freedman's Savings and Trust Company. Josixm T. BROWN, EsQ., Surviving Trustee First National Bank, New Ylok City. A true copy. Attest: R.!H. T. LEIPOLD, Of the Commissioners. FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 59 FURsT NATtOMAL BAN1I New York, October 21 1874. DEAu SIRS; I am In' die receipt of your notice of thei 12th instant, requirib' me, as survlviiig trustee under thte second mortgage of the Maryland Frestone Milnig and blannfacturing Companyto institute proceedings for the foreclosure of the same. This reached me on the 16th instant; and I have delayed reply in order to have an opportunity to confer with counsel,'aud, nnder his advice, I have now to 'inform you that proceedings will be duly inaugurated for the foreclosure of said mortgage. I am, gentlemen, very respectfully, JOS. T. BROWN, Hon. J. A. J.;CBEswELL and other, Contmissioners Freed ma'ih8 Savings and Trust Company, Washingtotn, D. ¢. A true copy: A. A. SP-ERRY, Agent. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, RELATIVE TO THE FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY OF THIS CITY AND ITS BRANCHES AT NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, AND OTHER PLACES, TREASURY DFPARTMENT, WTaseltjngton, D. C., April 23, 1874. SIR: InI reply to the resolution of the House of iRepresentatives, dated the 18th instant, I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of the reports of examiners of the Freedman's Savings an(d Triust Company. of this city, and its branches at New Yovk, Baltimore, Nolfolk, Rich. mond, Louisville, Lexington, Little Rock, Memphis, Saint Louis, Wi[mington, N. C., Beaufort, Jacksonville, Charleston, 8avauuab, Augusta, Atlanta, and Macon, now On file inl the office of the Comptroller of the Currency. I also transmit a copy of the constitution and by laws of this institution. Very respectfully., WVM. A. RICHARDSON, Secretary. Hon. JAMEs G. BLAINE, Speaker of the Hou8e of Repre8entativem. I Report of the Washington branch of the Frecdmana's Savings and I)Trust C'onpany, by Charles A. MCig8, bank-exani iner, Fd6rtary 14, 1874. WASHIINGTON, D. C., March 10, 1874. SIR:' Ini accordance,6with'your instructions, I have just completed au examination of the affiiirs of t'e Fredmatn's Savings and Trust Comlpany, Washington City, and respectftilly report as follS: The figures are as of January 24, t84 Referring toh y report upon thiH institution ral of February 5, 1873, I would remark that I find no inaterial. ohauge in 'th"'i character of th'e loans and in vestniots, as the financial disttrbanuces of thepast year have'restifted in a 'reduction of the deposits anfid other liabilities of more than 1,100,000, and, as a natral',consequence the work of the year has been mainly in the direction of liquidatinig abilities, and tut few new loans have been made, The panic-which has iJut passed over the land has had much to do with this large reduction of deposits, and has occasioned sacrifices amid losses in thb effort to sustain the institution under suca an extraordinary drain upon its resources. At a late day of the recent panic they availed themselves of the usual custom of smvings-baliks-to demand sixty days' notice previous to paymetit of any considerable sum; and all such notices have been either paid in full, or the notice withdrawn. 60 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST OOMPA"Y. The liabilities of the inatltutiot, as shown by the records, are as follows: Amount due depositors .................. $3, 298,669 21 For cheeks outstanding ..................,.,,.,,.,.,.,........... 31,026 94 Cash borrowed upon collateral9,300 00 Total liabilities ........................ 3, 338, 890 15 The resources are: Cash loans and investments, as per schedules herewith ............. ... 3,227 610 00 Less bad and doubtful debts ........................................ 106,500 00 Net resources . .................. 3,121, 010 00 Showing a deilionoy of $217,W86. 16, or, in other words, the depositors are secured to the extent of about 93 cents on the'dollar, Th~i causes which have led "to: this'deieFinc y appear to be as follows: lst.1The large-expenses attendanit'j'pon the erection aud maintenance of branches, which have beeni established u'pion'the basis of a business beyond what has resulted in the way of deposits received at said branches. 2d. Losses arising from th'e authorit y originally given to' te cashiers of branches to mako loans and tooenter int meredie ti trIansaction8 foreign to the business of a legitic mabte savngs-bank. This authority was withdrawn someftwo years since, and no loans are now made except iUader the sanction of the trustees of the home office.' 3d. The effort to follow the example of other savings-banks, who were not liable to snch heavy expenses, in allowing 6 per cent. interest on deposits, has induced the managers, in the hope of-realizing large rates of interest, to make loans looking more to profit than to 4{fely of the principal sum'. Ic consider this practice of allowing high rates of interest upon savings-de'posits as wholly and entirely wrong as attention is therebydiverted from the safety of the deposit, *hich should be the governing motive in handling the savings of the poor. 4th. Sacrifices made to raise money during the late panic, and shriukage in investme,~ts. There is a discrepancy In the Aiou'nt due depositors, as between tbe deposi-ledgers and the gei-eral ledger -of aliit s4;0 but from- a careful 'examination of these ledger I am incplined to the opino thiat thiis is maiiily the result of carelesmness in carrying accouts, forward, and in'opeuing duplicate accounts; and, as the general-ledgei amount 'is' mna;e- up fro'm''-'the aggregate auioi'ht of the daily receipts and disbhrsemeots;-I incline-to te opin ionthbat te getieraf.edger is the most likely'te be correct. I find it t~o be the opinion'of the officers th 't`.`fh ere is an amount of deposits which are not likely ever to-beolairned of from $10'000 to J200,000, and measures are being taken to'-get a clear idea 'of what aIout is so situated, as this is a very material questioh in setting' at thWliabilities of the' institution. I would respeotfuhlly-'suiggest that the managers be required to adhere more strictly in the future to'the requirementss of the act of incorporation, and particularly to sections 3 and 6, which refer totho manne'r;''ofimiakingand characterof iuvestments, which will result'in greater security to the depositors, The by-laws w"ere so amtiended in June, 1873, as to read- that "after January 1, 1874' such interest only shall beIslowed to depositors in'the future as ball be warranted by the prolitsof the-inttrit m," anudnoticee given to the depositors. If the depositors 111 exercise reasonable forbernce for six to twelve months, under this regulation, It will givei the insti'utio ime'to r-e'u'perate from the misfortunes of the past, and add largely to the rafet"`of the de'posito'rs -wouild suggest that all of the inprofitable biraches be closed up as soon as possible in order to reduce expensesuand'Iii fact, measures are now in progress to this end. In coinolusn81, I beg to repeat the recommendation contained in miy last report, and to ask the fostering care and forbenrance of Congress for an institution that has done and may continue to do great good to the freedmen in inducing habits of industry and frul all~ in the O'are of their earn ins. lJof rwhich bnpcflysubmitted. ' CHAS. A. MEIGS, National-Bank Examinme. Hon. JoHNY..kiox Comprolkr ot9 CwTeny. .............. '~(Report of the Comptrollr of the Ourrency npon the condition of the of Columbia. (8enste MI.. Doe., No. 88, 424 Congress, 3d .ession.) svinp-banks of the District FRE4PMAN'S 61 ! SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPAIN. Amount of deposits at the varfoua branches of the A-w4aa'e Savings and lswt Covpaey. Branches. Branches. Deposito. Deposits. - Alexandria, Va. Atlanta, Ga.................. Ga ................. Augiieta, Baltimoe, Mdd................ S. C Beaufortl Charleston S. C. ........ Columb11).,.Miss .I.... Columbia, .Teun . HluntsvllieiAla ........ Jacksonville, Fla ............. LexIngtoino,- KyArk........... . Little Lick Lonisvllle, KyVa............... ............. Lynchblurgb, Maconj Meni ................... his, Tenu ............... Mobile, Ala Montgomery, Ala ............ Natch~z,^Miss............. ........... Naeh~i-) Tenu Berne, N. C. NeNew Orleans, La ............. N~wYorkfN. Y .............. NorfolkP1 a, Ps............. Phlidrel~hia, Pa....... Ril 'b)W.y ... W............. aond, Va ............... Savannah,'GaLa............... Shreveport, ............. Saint Louis, Mo .............. Tallahassee, Fla ............. Vickebuurgh, Miss........... Washbington, D. C ........... Wilmington, N. C ............ $21,584 28,404 96,882 303,947. 65,592 255,345 18, 857 19, 823' 22,022 34,19317,728 137,094 19, 967 54, 342 9, 7651 95, 144 $29, 743 22,195 78, 25 40,621 240, Q'06 344, 126,337 84,657 26,703 10,000 153, 4' 30,312 58,397 40,207 104,348 384,789 45,223 3,299,201 - DEAR Suin: WASIHINGTON, D:). C., February 14, 1874. A careful examination of the Washington branch of the Freedman's Say- ings and Trust Company has developed the following results: The amiolunt due depositors at tbis branch as My per the general ledger, on the a. m. of January 29,1874, was ........................................$ 00 384, trial-balabco of the deposit-ledgers shows the amount due depositors Less overdrafts to be ..... ............................... .. Excess of balances over . general ledger $450, 753 97 20,859 29 .................................. 429,894 68 45,795 68 Thet above discrepancy I believe to be entirely the tesult of gross carele6snesa the keeping of the ledgers. Many of the accounts are undoubtedly duplicated, having been transferred to other ledgers without being closed out in the original atcount; thus In taking of lbalances two or more accounts would appear to be Op)en, and one would be represeuted by two or three balances on the balance-sheet,. Thevo d(ptositor by has bseen an entire omislion to secure the corc tness of debit a'd credit entrie checking offwith the respective books when posting, and I find that deposits ana drafts have been made by dealers, and the ameinuts uot posted to their acconntv ID t ledgers until severalmontI s afterward, and the errors were only discovered on tho presentation- of pass-books. Under such a system it is impossible to prove the books, uave by cbecking black all the entries to the ope-iihig of the branch or calliing in the In pass-book8.. Either yvould be a labor of mnuth8, bitt one or the other.should bi done. soume instance deobit ave ben poted as credits, and credits as debits. WIth the asistance of tho clerk who was deenie-d ioest compietent to discover and. reject dupllcaited acoluhts I very-tcarefully revised the balance-sheet, an6d ws tbUh enabled to reduce the diference about $7,000. Toere appear to be nearly six thousand accounts, running throiiHivhe1ven ledgers, and no ordinary memory could pick out more than a few of the diipllcates. The overdrafts were mostly temporary, exceptlug some old ones dating laok for several y'ars. Mr. Stickney says that the actual loss on the overIn draft will not exceed $5,000. that all the account r I would relieat, most emip~haticallyny sagextion oflast be transferred from the old ledgers and prowrly inddexed,: hiich, with proper system of chlecking the ledger-entries, rigidly en forced, and trial-balances taken off at least quarterly, would enable them to steer clear of such discrepancies In the future, arid make a le discreditable sbowing. I cannot find any improvement as far as tle branch book-keeping is concerned, the result showing a difference in balances twice that of a one year ago. I append a statement of the condition of the branch on the a. w. of January 29. Tho FREEDMANI8 62 SAVINGS3 AND TRUST COMPANY. itom ." principal office stands to tooe credit of the branch on the books of that ofilce, Also a statement of tlhe cash on hand, same date, which appears to be over $27.55, Very respectfully, yours, Q"IDTIDA A A a 'l n1c. fExa'D, A868Z nt Bank-Examiner. CHAS. A. MWnios, E q., .National-Bank Exminer, Washington, D. C. Statement. Resources: ............ $361,0066 58 Cash .23, 032 42 384,099 00 Total .................... Liabilities: To depositors ............. 384, 099 00 Statement of cash on hand. Legal-tender and dational-bank notes.................................. t 13,217 00 300 00 certificates. .................................................... GoId 107 00 Gold coin ........ Silver coin ...... 4195 12 84 Nickels ..........?...................................................... 76 80 Fractional current . .................................. 6,540 09 Checks on other banks .................................. Cash items consisting of temporary loans, checks against salaries, and items 2,704 29 to be charged to expense account.................................... All good, Mr. Stickney says, except anote of P. M. Brown, date July 1, 1873, for 0, and two small loans $10 each, $20-4320. Principal office* . , .............................. .. ............ 23,059 97 27 65 Cash over in comparison with general ledger .............................. Total ............................................................ 23,032 42 Report upon the branch at NeW York City, Ayril 4, 1874. Charles A. Afeigs, examiner. NiW YonK, April 4, 1874. SBut: In accordance with your Instructions, I have this day examined the affairs of t Neawas York branch of the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company, and respectfully .porP(r follows: RESOURTCES. Cash on deposit. in the American Exchange National Bank, New York. $12, 084 -0 26 14gal-tender and national-bank bills and fractional currency in tills...... 4,646 1,048 00 G*ld coin and notes in tills .................... 296 70 SOiver coin in tills ............... 18, 075 00 Total cash .............. Checks oun eoontry bgnks and sAort-sight drafts received from other branches,'epositolin American Exchange National Bank forcolection... 6,764 60 D1tt6, ithi'dtof-town agents ........................................... 2,674 84 'ad mortgage on Improved property in Orange, N. J., valued aon, .d.oro.. 3,000 00 '*t$6,0..or 276-00 bond.............................................. I^ o~no 50 railroad ,W0 first-mortgage bond Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, at 60 .300 00 Totl resources .......................,. 31,089 34 LIABILITIES. Anunt due depositors .............. 322, 316 26 Of which &mount about $60,000 is what may be called business-deposits, and balance , . . ................... . isvinge-deposits. ia mer; the principal office has $872.58 leie to the credit of the branch. Tbe .Tere Is dIrpe oi previous short casb, not yet charged to profit and loss. Xthat~ 4SON.,two is, melerenoe FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 63 Nlimber of open accounts on books, 3,556. About three-fourths of the depositors are colored 6p ~e. Alliounlt deoslted since 186% 03,559,298.02; amount drawn out since 186, $3,236,98tf.7f6. Thle fuirceemplo~yedl consists of manager, Saml. L. Harris, white, salary,$,500; assistant, white, salafry,'$1200; cashier or teller, colored, salary, $1,200; book-keeper, bite, salary, $1,200; tnessenger,,colored, salary, $720; assistant clerk, colored, salary, $156; total expenses for 1873, $12,721. The baink is located at No. 185 Bleecker street, near Sixth avenue, at an annual rent of $2,000, noil is plainly and neatly fitted up, and everything appears to be economically airaiiged. This branch serves the purposes of a clearing-house for all the southern branches, as they constanutly receive cheeks and crafts on New York on deposit, which all go to this lei'nchl, creating the necessity for more clerks than would otherwise be required to receive-tnnd pay delposits onily. The business is conflined to the receipt and disliursement of deposits, and the collection of renkittnces on-the North above alluded to, and the books and accounts are well aid neatly kept, tIhematerial portions by whites. h'lhe nihnaigei, Mr. Sam]. L. Harris, lias beeni in the emiiloy of thob bank from Its commenl(:euloeut, 1864, and bears the character of a very faithful, hitolligout, oflicer. TIle habit of this branch, as well as all the others, has been to remit all surpluis deposits, bovon'd a working cash balance, to the parent bank, Wasbington, adl(I the loans oil band wvero. authorized there. A steady (dininlitionl of their depoSits has been going oiifor some tiue past in thid, as well as sat miany other of the branches, and manager Harris mianhifets considerable anxiety as to the working of things at tho parent office and in Congress, as all the late agitation relative to the institution has beon damiaging to the business and credit of all the branches. All of which is respectfully submitted. CHAS. A. MIEIG)fl, National-Bank Examiner. Hon. JOHN-JAY KNOX, Coniptroller of the Currency. Iteport on the Baltimore branch of thelFireednall'8 SaVinlgs and Trutet Compony, Felnary 18, 1874. Charlc8 A. Meig8, national-bank e-ramner.p WASHINGTON CrrY, Febriuary 18, 1874. SIn: Iii`accordaiice withi-youir inlstrutotionis, I have made an examination of the affairs of the liltrihnole, MId., braiPh of the Freedianu's Savings and Trust Coumpany, and have respeetfinily to report as follows: 'rTe blisinless of this branch aPpears to he confined entirely to the receipt of deposits, the P-iyinunt of drafts against the samne, and the remittance to t&e parent institution at Washlhiitton of all sums deposited over and above a working balance of cash of $5,00 to $ 10,000. The total' amount due depositors this (ay appears to be $30'3,716:27. Total cash oq hand, $4,488.22 amountt lioaned on good seclirity;-:$1,423.61. The total number of open accounts is 3 GO5 anld the great majority of the depositors are ;colored people. The foiceueguipIoyed cons its of a cashier, (a white nan,) 1 assistant cashier and I birok. keeper (bothcolored iiieni Y'anAd conmpensations are-ceashier, $1,800 ; assistant, $900; book .kcei~(ir, $9(00-say $3,600 per annulm, and other current expenses about $1,100, or aboilt $4,700i per anunm in 'all The book8 and accounts nwel and clearly kept, and the last trial-balance of liabilitl ities s lhg ad screpanoy of 14 irly.. The 1iiking tiuse owned.Ly the bank consists of a plain three-8tory brick buildiig, No. 80 West Brltimor tu'%eve, right in the heart of the banking and comuiefrlal quarter of the cfty,5and I s-'fliluhiiink worth considerably more than the cost, $16,600, at which it- appears oin the boolk f ttie bank. The positit" ar ni"iij'of a savings character, and the receipts and disbarsements p6er day e 'wway. vary froi$500 to $2,000 The cashier) Mr. W. L. Vanderlip, appears to be an active, energtic business man1 and the ge-eral appearance of things about him partakes of these characteristics. From what I observe, I should think the affairs of this branch were well and judi. ,G' :. ::,., , .. : . ciously administered. All of which is respectfully submitted. Hon. JOHN JAY KNOX, Comptroller of the Currewmy. CHAS. A. MEIGS, National-Bank Examiner. 64 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPAIJ. Report iupon the Richmond, Va., branch of the FrCedman' SaViNg. and Trust C1,ompany, FI., ruary 21, 1874. COh. A. Afdga, naxtoisa-bank examiner. RinuMAnD. VA.. February 21. 187i Szu; In accor4apce with your instruotionurI have made an examination of the affairs of the "Richmond ) ranoh of the Freedman's Savtigs and Trust Company, and repectfully report as follows The buSiness of this branch is confined; to the receipt of depositA, payments on the msme, and the nlttinoeeto the parent balk of allmoneys on haud over and above a moderate working-balance of cash to meet the daily demands of depositors. Amount on deposit ot this date, $168,331' amount of cash on hand, $800.17. This last item is mucb smaller than usual, and arises froim the withdrawal of some considerable aums within the lt few days, aud the unwillingness of the cashier to drAw upon the parent bank until compelled to do 0o. Number of o61en accounts of depositors is 3,850; amount of overdrafts i8 $51.15, inostli cosidersd good; amount of interest credited to depositors from the beginning up'to December 31, 1873, $2,561.. The books and accounts are very well kepst, and the force employed consists ofci -. ier, white'- man, slary $1,200; clerk, colored wan, salary $560. Rent of banking-hods, $500. 'This last consists of the first floor of a neat brick building, quite near t-he buisiness center of the city, plainly 'and economically furnished to meet the requirements of the business, The great majority of'the depitors are colored people, and the average amount'due' each depositor is less tbau $45. The ainout of business variesfrom $100 to $500 per day made up ot very small sums. ,The buiness'of this branob appears to be well and faithfully Inanaged, and isof a legitimate savi gs-bailk character, so far as I could learn. have what is called an advisory board of colored men of the better classes, to whom all questions of 'interest are submitted, and these men evidently take a deep interest in; the welfare' f th e institution, and promote, in every way, the habits ofsaviug on the part of their people. The utmost economy prevails in the expenses of this'branch, and its itiflueence upon the masses of freedmen who have to deal with it are conservative every way. All of which is respectfully submitted. CHAS. A. ME1G1, National-Bank Exanminer. Hon. JoiiN JAY KNOX, Comptroller of the Currency. ehey Report upon the Norfolk (Va.) Branch of -the Freedman'8 Savinqs and Trust Company, February 24, 1874, Ch4rle8 A. Meige, examiner. NORFOLK, VA., February 24, 1874. 8IR: In uccordanc` with your Fnt I have' exa'niied the Norfolk Banchb of report as follows: the Frdwin's aid Sau'vin ga and Ti ust Coompan', re.-entfiily Theo:ly business transacted at tbhis ranch Coi6i6s1 of receiving deposits and making paymensupofn the sane, sand rem ny ro ttee eaaent bAn -all mnoeys on hand over iandTheachie's above a cah balance of ,000 16 $,000 ritalned Vt meet d'rafts sistant has beeui sink forsome o'sre ily written 11 to ebkf'uary"1,: 187'4.- -Amo'unt'ddb'e~e4osito'r '4$128,631. taii)#nf,3t'f Scah on h'a'n' ~stdi hisranchsic $7,738~7;nuuier o opeia~c~id ts'254;ttlao fo mation ibAI Fts IllA1865,I $ ,320; total amo udt 'fitereu'tt'paid' 'o' deposilor an the same p MiMdi27788 The cashier's salary is $6 i 'clerk,'at $420; 1 watchman, t $240, O pd''5dthe re-'t'of the bank buWidin, -say, $t,810 per annual' in all-consti-' Tktal expenses Miuce l8B35 $16,678, tait. 'th~iorve d'8 uses 4f the bank. Theb b.ksabd ciite are all very well and clearly kept, and the whole thing looks buses-like an'& ini-eitell-nt order. The"' a r, Mr. I. C Perr -white, fr'r New Enghind, sms to' be eminenl wel fitted for position, and inin intercourse 'witl the -froedmenevidehtly r'ise n influence over them every way greatly to-thoik a odantae, and Ie is backebpya "bpard of advisers," colord,:twenty-six in nuhnh~r, consisti ng of tbe most' respctaUle colored men of'the community, wbo are evidently 'very proud of the position they I " should say that this is in every way a well-managed and successful branch. CHAS. A. MEIGS, Nationaq-Bank Examiner. Hon. JOHN JaY KNOX, soMpy. Comptroller of the Currency. 65 FREE.DM'AN'$ SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. EXMiner's report of the condition of the Freedtxan's Sarings and Trust Cortnpantj Brantk located at Saint LoUis, in the cwouty of Saint Louis, State of Misouri, at 9 O'cloc a. M. March 13, 1874. -- -, Pruidornt. W. N. BRENT, Ofthisr. LIABILITIE9. RESOURC£9. I1. CaiitRstoek paid in.............. 2. Surplus fund ...................... 3. Discout ................... 4. Elxchan**~uge.* .......................... 6. P'remiui ls....................... 7. Profit ao\ ios .................... 8. Circulation received from 1. Notes ad billsdiscounte......... 2. Overii rrftf...t................... 3. United States bonds to secure circulation .......................... 4. United States bonds to secure de- . -- posit ........................... 5. United States bonds and securities on hand ... $1 0 00 6. Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages 7. Due from approved associations iu Nov York, viz: 496 15 8. Due fro otlii'hnational banks .... 9, Due from other banks and bankers. 10, B nikig-house .................... 11Other real estate................... 12. Furniture anl fixtures............. 2, 347 90 187 90 13. Expepne account .................. 14. Preiniuis......................... 133 75 15. Cash itis......................... 16. Exohanges for clearing-house ...... 17. Stamps.i .................. 18. Bills of other national banks....... 2, 542 00 19. Bills of State banks................ 107 23 20, Fractional currency ............... 21. Specie, viz: 157 05 Coin,........ ............. Gold tremasury-notes ........... Gold checks on other banks ... 11i. Legal-tender notes................ 22. ClearIng-house certificates........ t4. l'bree-per.eoent. certificates..... Loanis to principal office-.......... 58, 613 66 Cash sbort........................ Total .................. 6..4,683 64 Comptroller -. Amuouut on band..... $ Amount returned for burning. I i Anmoint outstanding ........ 9. State-lbank 'old ilailon outstanding 10. Dlvidedo tipad ................. II. Iudividnal depdlts.: Subject to cheek .............. Demand dertificate8--- Timecirtiflcates .. 12. Certified checks .................. 13. Cashler'sebeeka outstanding...., 14. United SEtes deposits. 15. DepositAof Uited States d1isburslug officers ... ; 16. Due to national banks. 17. Due to other banks aud bankers 18. Notes and hills redlicountod ...... 19. Bills payable................. .. Sundry resources Calhi over......................... 8 *1 .... Total ........................ 6, 071 98 64, 68.5 64 Records: Other books: Up and well kept. President: Ca6siier: Competeut. Directors: Stockholders': Office: Brick. Safe: Hall's. 1. Diriden ds and 8w0plus. (Section :33.) Date of last dividend, ; amount, , ; carried to surplus, $ Cla8sification of loans and discoats.r M oriae C(ommi tts a -ss er .............................................. Bonahfde-billof exchangee p....................... .................. Accommodati Bad debte paper..,..... .deflntd'lby, section :38) ........................... I fve of bad debts). Unsedn Idall4s.. ....... . Loans secured by''real estate ............................................... Loans payable on demand ................................................. Indebtedness of directors as pritcipals ................................... Indebtedness of directors as indorers ...................................... Loans exceeding the limit prescribed by section 29, viz: Oficers.-Competent. GENERAL REXAIIKS. Business.--This branch has 'received deposits from 10 cents tip-to'til. $81,736.42 since existence-and had charter or regulations permitted portion of funds being used H. MiS. 16--- . FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 66 here, ihe bat.k; wonld ha-ve een a success, as- the clore iiopulation took pride in It, and among th eniis coniidorable enter irise, `fr'^i1iWud wIealth. But *hen needing they had to vioney, aud' finding that the bank where they'dej-osited could n'ot *loan, as' a " drag-get" withdraw their business, and it is now regarded byWthe Wore intelligent for the purpose of accumulating nd sending off f4s much nieede( at home. Any legislatioii which would authorize the infveet ent of dlopositshere would at once largelyinc'reas'ebu8inies8. As competent a diredtorycould beselectedamnong their class as in any city' and give evidPece of their judgment and ability to advance thea interest of the institution and their race. Such legislation is needed. If granted, large and creditable institution would be built tup and do good service. WV. D. W. BARNARD, Examiner, CU11RENCY, Tho COMrlTnoL.L.It OF rJIE D. C. 11'n8hingtoii, Examinet-s rep)ort~of the conudition of the Freedman's Sarings and Trust Company, located Mtemphis, in the county of Shelby, 8tate of Tennessee, at 9 o'clock a. ti. March 26, 187-. at I -- N. D. S8ITII, Oashier. . President. RESOURCES. .........#S5,i72 51 discounted 1. Notes'"dbilie 2. Overdrifts.-i ............;......... 12,211 48 3. United Staten bopds to secure circe. latlot... 4;' United States bonds to secure depoiitafi .t. 5. United states bonds On hand 6. Other stocks, bonds, anl Kn'rtgages 7. Due from, approved redeeming agents via: 55. rrin6ipal otilceWas8lingto'n, D. C. 17, U8 00 5, 308 Due rom brahuobes or same . 28 17 banks.... national other from Due 8; 9. Due from itate banks and bankers 10 Banking-hotusO .-. 1. Other real estate........ 12. Furniturp and fixtures... 13. Curreuteipenaesfroll) the commencement here.. #16, 155 97 14. Taxes paid............... 16,155 97 15. Prem ium .a ................ 3185 45 16 Checks and6tiler c.aeh iteins ...... 17. Excbanijes for olearing-house, inclnuinggolld checks.............. 18. Bilisot other national banks....... 2,381 00 19 Bills of State banks ............... 20. Fractional currency, (including 286 06 nickels) ......................... 21. Species, viz: 07 229 Coin ......... Gold Treasury notes. .2W29 07 22. Legal-tender note.. 1. 2. 4.3. 5. 6. 7. LIABILITIES. CaNaigftock paid In .............. Surplus fund. Discount ........... 4, 918 91 Exchange ........ Interest......... Premiums ..... loss . Profit and #4,918 91 8. Cirenlation received .... On hand and returned 9. State ba'k circulation outstanding 10. I)lvidends unpaid ................. 11. viz: IndivIdual'deossits, Subject to oheck.....$105,254 58 Demand certificates.. 12. 13. 14. 15. Time certificates . Certified checks Cashier's checks 10, 254 58 United Stktss depots.i Deposits of United States disbursing otl.cera. Due toto national banks I)ue State banks and bankers.. Notes and bills rediscounted. Bills payable..... 16. 17. Cash over .... . 222 88 1 23. United States cerificates of depot for legaltenders.. Cash short Total ...................... ....................... 110,396 37 Records :Other books: Very fair shape and condition. President: Cashhier :, N. D. Smith. Dimretors: Stockhold re: Office: Safe: Oold. T otal .. t l.. 110,390 37 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Diridemd8 and Surplus. (Section 33.) Date of last dl vidend, Amountt, $ Loans and discounts. Carried to suriplus, $ $ .. o, laper with two or more 'idiidi'al or flrm names . On single-name paper (one person or firm) without other security. On mortgages and other real-estate security.. Onl United States bonds payable on demand . On other stocks, bonds, &c., payable on demand ...................... All other loans .......................................................... Included in the above are. Bad debts, as defined in section 38 .................. Other suspended and overdue paper..... Uiabilities of directors (indivilual an(l firm) as payers. Loads exceeding the limit prescribed by section 29, N'iz: GENERAL REMARKS. This is one of the f'ew branches of the Freedman's SavJn-s8 and Trust Colp)ally where thle ashler is allowed to loan the deposits on sucht &eonrfles as he deems safe. Hd has a large landloane(l to E.#R. Kidghf,;of Forest City, SAliit Francis Couzty, Arka Isa lholdler, $38,257'.09, and holds'as collateral, first, 100,000 staves at New Orle'aus, held by the cashier of-;tbeir bra'hb. -there, and worth $100 per 1,000, or $10,000 at-forced sale there. Second, a mortgage on Knight's homestead, at Foreat City, (Worth he'estiwates, $30,000,) miortgage, $10,000. Third, two trust-deeds for $10,000 and $5,000; andt fourth, note which I listed amouuting to $14,436.07. Total, $49,436.09. He assures me these sureties are adiple. Another loan of $0,000' toW. L. sectired b'yIwo trust-deeds on property eaticonld be realized if payment were pressed while tiuited at $14,000. He thtnks $iOO00Marso, lhe holds besides good land notes anmounting to $5,150 as further collateral on Marsh's loan of $10,000. The remainder of the $55,723 loaned is in sums from #2,000, secured by trust-deeds, down to $2. with various collateral, and he assures ine every dollar is good. 1-The $12,211.48 of overdrafts are also loans on collateral8, except a few small ones allowed on the credit of tbe drawer; all, he says, good, except $841.41 which was abstracted by a dishonest colored clerk, some one or two years ago. or more. Of this the principal office is cognizant. Respectfully, TTIO5MAS WILLIAMS, Examiner. Time CO-MPrROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, WaghIinglon, D. C., .68 FREEDHrAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Examine's report of the condition of the National &auln8 Bank or Freedman', Sat')1g a4nd Zrust Company, located at Iftivrille, in the County of Jeferson, State of ,Kentucky, at 5 o'clock p. m., March 9, 1874. - -, Pretident. HORACE MORRIS, CsAsitr. .1 -~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~RESOUIICE8. - 1. Noteil Jani bills discounted ......... 2. Overdraf!'-. 3. United States bonds to secure cii. paid (u ............ 16. Capital'stock Surplus fund................... 57. 8. .... Cash short................... Total ................... 137, 874 98 Dlscou'ut .. Exchange ................*8 $678 30 Interest. Premiums ................ Profit and los ........ Circulation received ...... on hand and returned .... State bank oiro'.latiou outstaunding Divlidein(ds unpaid`................ Individual depo4l6t Subject to ohftk. Demand certificates ... Time certificates . Certified checks....... Cashier's checks....... . culation ......................... United States bonds to secure deposits.- .......On ............ United States bonds hond ...... Otherstokekubonds and mortgages Due from ap'd redeeming agents: The principal office at Washington, D,. ....),. ,111),552 85 8. Due from other national banks..... 9. Due from State banks and bankers: Citizens' Bank of Louisville .... 2,186 88 10. Banking house ............. 1it Other real estate ........ a2. Furniture and fixtures..... 12, 88!2 74 13. Current expenses.......... 14. Taxes pid................. 4. 5. 6. 7. 15. PretiilnsF'paid........... 80 45 16. Checks and other cash item....... 17. Exchanges for clearing-houselucluding gold checks .................. i8. Bills of other national bauks ....... 2 571 00 19. 1il3 of State banks ................ 20. Fractional currency, includ'g nickels 70 07 530 99 ce .................... Gold Treasury notes.... -A Legal-tender note* ................. .93. United States certificates of depositt for legal-tendera ................. LIADILITIE8. 9. 10 11. I 12. United States depoalts ........ 13. Depostdof United States disburslug officers ........... 14. Due to national bak......... 15. Due to State banks and bankers .. 16. Notes and bills rediscouuted .... 17, Bille payable ...................... Cash over. Total ....................... Recor& : Other books: President: Cashier: Directors: Stockholders: Office: Safe: Diridlends and surplus. (Scctiou 32.) Date of last dividend, Amount, $ Ioan, and discounts. Carried to surI)lus, $ more indiviltial or firm names On ...................$ or firm) without other single with nametwovor paper (one person security Ou paper . On gaortg" and otl er real-estate purity. . On U. S.-bonds payable on demand .................................. Qn otber stocks, bonds, &c., payable on dew and ... All other lons. ........................ ................Included in the above areBad debts, a defined in section S.........................., Other suspended and overdue paper.... Liabilities of directors (individual and ium) as players .. -.-Loans exceeding the liuit prescribed by section 29, viz: - 78 30 136,0D 68 :;1 874 98 FREEDMIAN'S 8AVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 69 GENERAL REMIARKS. 'I'be cashier, HIorAce.Morris, i8 by'birth slightly lxed African but I sbolid uot have khown it if I had not been Enformed; he is as white as blood I au, *ith a head of good, brown hair, without a kink. He is intelligent, a good penman, *n'd correct aecomintAiit. fis books ire in good sbap)e and apparent good conditioo. The sys. teui adopted by the home institution is simple, and it is easy, with proper care, to keep balances straight. Morrisbas been cashier since 1868, and says he has never made but two or three cash errors, and these he paid at once from lbs own. funds. The first vas $100. I hae Osplnt fill tiirty-six bo'nrs of lose labor in this examinatio, because neyer having before exanined( oo of those banks, I concluded to make it thorofigh, nd colileilceed by nakiiig---a full list of depositors, They are in amounts froni1 cent to .A-,194.6'2, and cover ninety-aiX pages of legal-cap paper, amounting to $138,697.90, beiug $1,701.W2 m6re thani the general ledger balance shows. Of these $3,973.97 have stood over five years witboutchange; they are fifty-eight in number, and the caslhier has little or no knowledge of thejiarties. 1 itclose berewith the form of report tbey make to tbe general'office'montlhly. A similar one is man(le at the close of each (lay's busiueS. I a so iucloso a copy in cashier' own hand, Of the board of advice of fifteen, all but three are colored. I conversed with lion. Bland Ballard, United States judge in bankrupt court, and i)resi(lent of the Kentucky National Bank here, lie has confidence in all the members of the board, and speaks of some of them as particularly good business men ; he thinks well of the cashier. The homiie office do not allow of any Joans being made here, nor (do they leave tho 1nn1( hero beyond about the amount reportedat this tune; 80 that when depositors draw their casb (except in small suIm) they are pai(l by draft on the homne office or one of' its branches. Respectfully, THONMAS WILLIAMS, Examiner. TIhe COMPTR'OLLER OF TIHE CURRENCY, !l'a4hington, D. C. w\ith D 'I'he Freedniun'8 Savinys an4 Tr/st Company, branch al Lou isiille, Ky. MONTHLY REPORT. Dn. I.-Month ending 9 Fclruary evening, 1874. Cil. . Deposits ....................................... XE hc hagen...................................... Expenses Prinipii office Principal ........................................ Cnsh Drn. $1,253, 930 67 II.-ThEtaJ footings. D`jPOits ............ 12,882 74 Expenses ....................................... 82 68 Exchange ..... 530, 474 64 Principal office... 1,808, 810 12 Cash. 3, 612, 180 85 . ' CR. $1,390,927 35 , 9 416,921 79 1,803; 370 73 3,612,180 tf I hereby certify that the above is a correct and complete report of the busine dione - 187-, and that the total footings reported are correct by the original books. at this branch for the month of Cashier. FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRU8T COMPANY. 70 Adrieory board. LOUISVILLE, BRA.NCei FREED.MAN's'ASAV'ING.S AND TitUST COMPANY, Lomiarille, Ky., ,17-. BroWn, George V. iblb, A J Bazil, CAin. Fo*les, John C. N. Fik, Robert C, Gibson, William H.. "8istatnt cashier. Heywood, Rev. Johu H., Unitariau clergymun, white. Hubbard, Anstiu. Jones, Q.;I. Kelly, Col. R. M., w bite. Lewis, Peter. Meriwetber, Hon. W. A., Uulted States conxminsiouer, white. Meriwether, ,Jesse. Talbert, Willis. Taylor, George. Horace Mimn8, cashier. Maymimel's report of the condition of the Freedman's Sa4ingx and Trust Company, located at Lexington, in the county of Fayette, State of Kentucky, at 9 o'clock a. tn. March 12,1874. - - , Prsident. J. G. IIAMILTON, 0Chi4er. LIABILITIES. BE5OUMCEI#. 1. Notes and bill. discounted......... 1. Capital stock paid In..- 2. Overdraft......................... 2. Surplus fund...................... 3. United States bonds to secure cir. 3. Dicount.. 4. Exchange. ......... $126 41 culation ......................... 4. United States bonds to secure de5. Interest. posit -........................... I 6. Premiums.. 5. Unit I States bonds on haand....... $I9 41 6. Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. 7. Profit and loss. 7. Due from approved redeeming ag'ta, 8. Circulation received. Tit; On hand c nd returned. Prncipial Oce.WasbiDgtoo, D.C. $27, 790 49 8. Due from other national buanka .... 67 9. 6f5 Statmbink circulation outstanding 9. Due ftom State banks and bankers. 1, 079 59 10. Dfiidends unaid.. 10. Bankinhouse... 11. Individual deposlt., viz: 11. Otber real estate. to ceck. 34,872 48 subject 12 Furniture and fixtures". Demand-certlflcates... Timecertificates. 1. Current expenses ..... 4, 184 30 Certified checks. 14. Taxes paid . Cashler's checks. 4, 184 30 812 48 15. Prmitiums I ...... .. 12. UniWe4 Utates deposits............ 16. Cbeek and other. csh It*ms....... 1:J. Depositi Of United States disburs. 17. Zxchingos for clearlng bouse, In. ing officers . . 14. Due to national banks eluding gold checks ...-.;....... 1. Bills of otber national bank....... 1, 609 00 15. Due to State banks and bankers. 16. Notes and bills redlcounted. 10. Bilhsof St. banks................ U. Practioual currency, including nick17. BHllspayable. 99 56 e........ Cash oeer. It Specie, Aiz: CoI., $1.*702 Gold Trswtry$ ote... - _ 1U72! 2L of pertiicate Stte deposit UVic .. ;4, kewied 1ot ................. Mwrkgal-tzder*.......... Tota. 4,8968 1 O0 books: Pnakkt: Casbier : J. 0. Hamilton. Director: Stockholdrer: e: -- Total ......... .......... 34,99 89 FREEDMAN'8 SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 71. Dilidexds and surplus. (Section 33.) ; carried to surplus, $ ; amount, $ Date of last d(ividend, Loans and d1i8conIte. On paier wIth two or more individual or firm names .............$ On sinlgle-name paper (one person or firm) without other security On mnortgages and other real-estate security...... On United States bonds payable onl demand ........................... On other stocks, bonds, &c., payable on demand ....................... All otherk loans. ................................................. the above areIncluded inl as Bad debts, as defined in section18 ...........................$ Other suspended and overdue paper.. Liabilities of directors (individual and firm) as payer......Loans exceeding the limit prescribed by section W9, viz: .......... Inlluotediuo GENERAL REMARKS. Cashier Hamilton is8a young nman o.f twenty-seveu; educiuted at Oberlin College, Ohio. He canie hera to Lexiugton directly at the close of the war ha a '1Iis8ionary, teacher to the freedmen; was very generally ostracised; told me that for two years he was not inside of the house of a white citizen, but has lived this feeling down. By his own personal efforts he raised about $7,600 at the North with which to build afreedinan's which' I visited 'with him at his Sabbath-shobol of about three hundred. school-h6nsep with He, by his perseveranceiin this work, has made it a success, nd has nowen gaged and Southern hini ladies and gentlemen. of the fArst families frim both the Northern success of the Presbyterian churches of thit aitg. I allude to this characteristic a.nd young man, am it gives me confidence in his integrity. I cannot say as much of his succem in lbandng, a though I have no doubt of his inagree with the generaltegrity. I find he cannot make his Individual-deposit I1 sun) is enledger by $1,305.84; it is so much short, and I think it must be that this individual tered on the pass-books of depositors, while it has not been placed to their accounts. f"rst It is the 'practice, I think, from the waythe books are kept, to enter the deposit on the daily cash-book,' thei on the depositor's pas-boik, and then to the individualgeneral ledger in deposit ledger. The total of this cash-book for each day is posted to tbe office and mailed by provided blank princiipal a on up made balance the and evening the to them with notice of all draft dawn on them or any branch office. This leaves a place for a leak, inasmuch' as they do not rely on posting the deposits; thinking thereby to save work they lose a check against errors. I think a sharp hint from the Comptrolfer, that his individual ledger should be made to prove by the general ledger, would do him good. r Respectfully, THOMAS WILLIAMS, Examiner. The COM"PROLLER OF THlE CURRENCY, `s4hington, D. C. FREEDMAN 8 -SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 72 Examiner'8 reqort of the condition of the Freedman's Sarinqs and Trist Company, locatedf at Little Rock, In the coi~nty of Pulaski, State of .lrka4)sa4, at 4 o'clock p. mn. 31st March, 1874. - -, 'Cashier. A. J. TiiommeOv, Presid(rnt. LIABILITIES. RESOURCE8. 1. Note3 lbillsdlscounted. 2. Oveod raftt. #1, 2 S8 United States bonds tosecuro circu- 3. 4. 5. 6. lation ...... United States bonls to secure dle posits. United States bonds on hand. Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages, 7. Due from approved redeculn g. agents, viz: Prinipa office. at Washington, nDO... 4 D, Meophlis brancb-offlce ...... 8. Due'from other national baiks .... 9. Due frorn State banks and bankers. 10. Bankin-house ............ 11. Other real estate. 12. Furniture and fixtures... 13. Current-expenses ........ 3,744 08 . 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 ........................ 8K6 74 1,101)0 11, I Taxespaid. 3,744 08 s PreIn aia`,d .. .... Chbeo'another casl 'items....... Exchanbao s for Aoeiring-bouse, Jnclmgding 4old ohecks.. Bilsof -other natiMid banks. Bills ot State banks ...... Fractlonal currency, including nickelO).. Specie, iz:.................... Clio $ 3,926 15I Gold Treasury notes. Legai-tender notes .:. United States certiflcates of de. posit for legal-tenders ..........J Cash short......................... Total...................... 21, 679 55 1. Capital stock paid In ............. 2. Su rph fi ind ..................... 4. 1Excange ,...............#931 08 5. Interest. 6. Premiunim l............. 7. Profit and 116.. ...... V93 Ot -8. Circulatlo n receired.... On hand and returned. 9. Stat'e.bankocirculationoutstandlnxg, 10, Divideds ald............... 11. Individual depot. viz: 620, 74 47 SubJeottehe ....$ Demnand-certiflcates Timnoecertifcates ... Certified ohecks.... Cashier's che.k... 12. United Stat.e'deposite.......... 13. Deposlts'of United States disburse. Ing offer ...... 14. Due to national banks ......... 15. Due to State banks and bankers .. 16, Notes and bills rediscounted ..... 17. BilsPayable ..................... Cash over......................... 3 D18count ...............o ......... 22. 23. .. Total ...................... 21, 679 55. Record a: Other books: President: Casbier: A. J. Tbompson. Directors: Stookholders: Office: Wafe: Dividends and surplus. (Section 33.) Date of last dividend, ; amount, $ ; carried to surplus, $ Loans and diecowte. On paprtiritb twro or more individual or firm names. ................. S On Digl e r (One peron or firm) without other secaurity............ On *aetg and othervreal-estate security................................. f Bt bonds payable on demand ................................. .O Utea O othr stocks, bonds, &c., payable on demand............................ 'A otb log"a.. Iniuded in the above areBad d~b*, as defined in section 38 .................................$ Other supended and overdue par.......................... . Liabilities of directors (individual and firm) as payers. Loans exceeding the limit prescribed by section 29, vis: FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 73 GENERAL REMARKS. Cashier Thon1pson is a very correct business-man, has tendered his resign at ion to take effect 16th April. Of the overdrafts, #904.66 i8 b arrangement and is secured. Cashier holds htimeelf responsible f6r the remainder, w which 8 in three accotints, The listing of Individual ledger came out within $15 of the general ledger on auiount due depositors. -e pectffiI(y, THOMAS WILLIAMS, Examiner. The Co.'II~rOL.ER OF THlE CURRENCY, 11(a8hington, D. (C Statelntlt of the lWilmaington branch of the Freedmnan'8 Satvi)y8 and Trast Company, TWI1uidngton, X. C., Mlarch 13, 9 a. in., 1874. Assets. Liabilities. l)ue froml parent bank ................. .................... $33, 087 51 Exp)ense-account .9, 428 82 Cash. .2,176 11 Oerdrafts.... 2, 850 40 923 77 Short .2, Due depositorss ........... .49, 94 68 hA(tljige-acconluot...871 9' 3 50,464 61 50,466 61 'This branch was organized in October, 186, ani now has seventy-five hundred and ftorty-two accounts with depositors, five of the largest amounting to $8,791. The system of book-keeping'is very loose; much wore so under the administration of the former cashierth~an the present one. Mr. John A. Sinyth, the present cashier, entered Upon his duties Decemlier 19, 1872, and no balance of the books was taken at that time, although sime of the accounts were overdrawn, the largest one being the aacount of tbe retiring cashier; and that account Dow stands overdrawn $2,016. and is included Iin overdrafts, $'2,850,40. The' cashier inform's me that he attempted,' at one' time, -to -blai'oee the books, i)ut they varied two or -three thousands (dollars and he had not found 'it, 'an'd siuce that tiue bad made no attempt. I took off a trial-ialance, and found $2,923.77 short. This branch has made no'loans, and owns no real estate. The advisory comnmittee-number nineteen names, and as the branch makes no loans but sends the money to the parent bank as fast as it is deposited, there is really nothing for them to do. The last minute on the records was in May, 1873, and was in reference to a change of office. Yours, respectfully, J. A. TALMIADCGE. National-Bank Examit(r. Hon. JOHN J. KNOX, C omptrolleoof tht Currency, tWa8hington, D. C. tatemnent of the Charleston branch of the Freedman's 'Sarinfs and Trtst Company, Charlestoti, S. C., March 16, 9 a. mn., 1874. Asset.. Li~lblUtles. Due from parent bank.$231,210 5 15,763 22 Expen se-account 9...9J531 17 Cash................... Due to de potors--.. $53, 168 56 6 18 Exchange ................................................3, 256,604 74 256,504 74 This branch was organized in December, 1866, and Dno has fifty-two hundird and niuoty-six depositors. Twenty-six largest depositors' accounted amount to $,567 Mr. Nathan Rltter is casbier, and has held the office sinoe December, 1866; appears to be a careful man, and all of his books and accounts are in good shape. The books of ver7 thus branch balanced within $ after making allowance for ao error which existed .......................................... 74 FREEDMAN 8 SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. previous to brX flter's administration, nd is regularly entered on the record of the bank, amount *3,70,. This branch has uWade DO IOaD bankingofflce, and it is valtued at $6,000, but; could not le so d for that sumi at 'present. The branches draw drafts on th rpareut bank, which are niade payable at other branches. AU tho branches are required to send to the home bank daily statements. The amount; of expenses and exchange are the totals since the branches were first organized. Yours, respectfully, J. A. TALMADGE, 'ational-Bank Examiner. Ron. JOuN J. KNOx, Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D, C. theinspector for the parent brrnch by Th'e Parent bank oWn8 the Statement of the Beaufort lranch of the Freedman's Savinq8 and Trust Conpany, Beauo)rt, S. C., March 21, 9 a. n., 1874. Asets. . Loans .....................................$....... 126, 166 61 Cash on hand .3,603 '24 Due from Charleston branch .2, 368 98 Profit and loss ............................................. 10, 963 10 Overdrafts ................................................ 4, 24 11 14,249 12 Expense-accoun. Due to depositors..77, 2216 79 Exchange-accouat ......1.4.. Due parent bank ...71, 633 34 Short .......................... ..... Liabilities. l5,4K) 28 .2,065 25 .......................... 164,340 41 164,340 41 Loanw on real estate .$58, 402 13 Loans on collateral .................................................... Beaufort County, South Carolina, scrip, par ......... ................... The loans I havp divided iuto classes, as they are all o/verdue>: Loans considered good . Loans of second class Loans of third class .................23,.382 95 Taies paid on real estate .380 28 Beaufort Couuty scrip, par .30,764 48 37, 0000 30,764 48 126, 16Cf $, 670 59 48, 968 31 126, 16 61 _I am unable to arrive at any market-value of the real estate on which money has been loaned, but schedule is based upon statements made by the present cashier. Prv6 and loss acoount, Dr., $10,963.10 and overdrafts $4 924 11, were made by the former cashier, Mr. Scovel, and the company have sent on his bond of $6,000, and trisl set for thi 6th of April.,_ TbereIs Do other banking-house in this t6Wi, and th i branch keeps some merchants' aCCOUnts, ° which no interest iH paid. The amount $2,065.25 "short" h a been acelIpiulatitkg F-Dce the branch flrst started. There are twelve hundred depositors with this brA&.b One account, called "Deserters' account," has a credit of $11,564.58, which %smoney'de6 ited by soldiers, and has never been called for. The tipaet bank OWns the building occupied by this branch, and it is valued at abt "6,000. The cashier, Mr. William 1H. Lockwood, ban his books and accounts in fair shape. This branch makes colleetions for merchants and others in various towns, and draws on the patent ban)c, pdyable at other branches. Yours, respectfully, A. TALMADGE, -~~~~~~~~J. lNational-Bank Examinfr. HOD. J4)UN JAY KNOX, Cosptroller ofjAc Currency, Washingtoiv, D. C. FREEDMAN'S S3AVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 76 Statement of the Mfacon branch of the Fredmtnant' Sarngs and Trust Company, Macon, (ea., AprIl 10, 3 p. m., 1874. Assets. Liablllea . 1r1A A &AO t^" 11 i'O Overdrafts. .S..$43 .38 Parent bank .................. Due from city bank .............. Expeuse-account .8, 799 43 Exchange-accouhnt.50 3 National currency.613 00 Fractional currency. Coin. Books do not balance .72 42,812; '32 , .... . 181 98 154 14 182 00 5'2,837 33 52,837 33 Every meeting of attending. and advisory committee duly recorded. Books kept in fair shape. T. N. M. Sellers cashier of the branch since Jifly, 1871. Office in courthouse building, aud tho bauk has a secure safe anud vault. There are 1,549 accounts on the ledger. The two largest amount to $5,336). The last trial-balance of ledger varied $18. No loans made at this branch. Yours, respectfully, .T. A. TALM&DGE, National-Bank Examiner. i011. .JOHN J. KNOX, Comptroller of the Currcncy, fra8hinfytonl, D. C. / - Statement of the Sarannah branch of the Freedmnan's Sav'tngs and Trust Company, Savan nah, Ga., M1arch 24, 9 asr.., 18N4. Liabilities. Atsets. Duo from l)arent bank ................................... $133,100 49 Expenses ................................................. 20,373 49 Due depositors ........................................... $150,696 09 Exchange ................................................ (151 16 Cash3,873 27 . 157,347 25 157,347 25 This branch was organized inJanuary, 1866, and now numbers forty-two hundred and forty-four depositors; seven of the largest amounting to $23,958,47. Mr. Isaac W. Brinokerhoff' is osehier, and he has held the office from the time the branch tirst started. He keeps no general ledger, but the depositors' ledger is in very good order, and balances within $22.27. No- loans ever made at this branch. The building this bank occupies is not owned, but rented at an annual rout of $1,200. This branch does very. little collection business, and when they do, they make no charge, so as not to pay a city license of $200 per year. This branch has a clean record from the start; and all the books are regular and in good order. Yours, respectfully, J. A. TALMADGE, lion. JoH.N J. KNox, Comptroller of Currency, Wa0shbington, D. C. National-thnk k~raminr, Statemwnt of the Augusta branch of the Freedman's SadtngS aNd Ga., April 3, at 9 a. i., 1874. Amount due depositors .................................... Exchange.. Due from parent bk. Gold . National Batik of Augusta.., Cash .............................................. . Expense Account .......... e Profit'and lo ......... .. Sundry errors in cash ..................................... ... ... . '[r.Wt Company, Asets, Avygueta~ Liab1llti.^ $107, 432 W 1 A- It W-1 LA, $8, 3219' J82, 09 2,175 76 4,89 f66 12,066 13 19 07 81 99 109,036 88 109, :16 88 76 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. The book of this bra-ch are well- kept and in good order. The records are kept, and every inteting of Advisory board recorded. The bank owns no real estate, but reut a babkibig-office, and have a secure safe, This branch have made no loans, Nuniber of depositors, 3,373; the two largest dep-qs. itors are treaenrers of Aiken Cointy, S. C., $10,209.98, arid $5,400; these are the -nly ones over $2,000. Collection business is 8sall; and all moneys sent to Washiiigton for investment. The ranch was organizedl in Maxrch, 1866. D. A. Ritter, cashier. Yours, respectfully, .J. A. TALMADGE, A'ational-Bank Examiner. Hon. JOHNt J. KNOX, Comnptrollerof Currency, J'ashikngton, D. C. Statement of the Atlanta branch of the Freedmanl's Saaripqs (hid Trn8t Comainiiy, Atlanta, G'a., April 8, 9 a. m., 1874. A ssetE. Amount (lue depositors ................................. Exchange .................................................. Overdratts ................................................... Due frow parent bank.... Due from National Bank...... Expense account .......................... Items ...... National currency........................................... Fractional currency ......................................... Coin..... Errors in cash. ............................................... Short ........................................................ Liabilities 53 $28,885 :-0) Aln A161 70 11, 084 87 200 00 9,238 47 5,883 21655 00 86 79 270 40 28 82 1,939 67 29,548 93 '29, 548 '3 Cash items, ,$863- i hre i3iemoraila let l)y Philip Cory, the former cashier. Ove rdrafts;, $131.90, cosidered not good. Short,- $1,9:s9.67, reputed: by Philip Cory as stolen February, 1873. February l, 1874, Philip Cory was arrested as a defaulter. Mr. C.- S. Johnson is now the acting cashier, amid is examining the books and calling iu the depositors' booke, comparini them with the booksof the bank, and isuing new ones instead. This work is not-finished as yef,,: and full amount of defalcation by Cory is not known. The amount atpresent is $8,0600. This branch has ml ade some oans, and all the papers relating to them sent to the parejt bak,'ad no record of th-em appears tupo any books of the bank. All the loans were made without the advice or consent of the advisory committee, so I am informed, and no records of meetings of the committee are to be found. -'he branCh own no real estate, but rent an office at a monthly rent of $25. Philip (ory gave a bond In the sum of $6,000. Yours, respectfully, J. A. TAL5IADGE, National-Bank xaminner. Hon. Jon.N J. KNox, Conpt roller of Currency, -Wa8hington, D. C. Statement of the Jacksonville branch of the Freed man's Sarings and Tru8t Company, Jack8onri7le, Fla., March 28, 9 a. mn., 1874. A sset8. Liabilities. Ljvard ..f................................................... $91,824 34 Overctrio ................................................. 37,067 50 Collections.... 487. 00 920 72 Profit and lose ... 16,841 22 Expense. Cash";..................................................... 11 A00 QY $00,399 41 Dae deposltore............................................ 30,970 44 ExCbange.................................................. Due parent bank........................................... 80 158,570 65 158,670 65 67,200 77 FREEDMAN'8 SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Iu'ib 6rest is pia(l regularly oh $13, O66. loan`4''are overdue, Loans on real estate, $13,032.18; single-natie lpapert $38,W8.0; largest loah to auy one $21,343.46. This loan was made to Allen & Farrar, and their affairs are in t aea 8s of a receiver, and the banik have got judgment against thoni, and l ave allowed the receiver to overdraw his account $34,567.98, and try and work ouit the iudebtedness by runuiug the saw-mill, aud on this account allowed the overdraft. Loans considered good ..................................................$.18, 878 3, 673 42 . Cotunty and State scrip at market value .. . 2,699 39 Interest on loans .. 23, 472 62 Second-class paper ............. 43, 882 66 'Tfird-class paper ........................... All gart%, . . . . . . . ...... ...................... ............... 92,606 72 Total amount of loans These loans were made byAthe former cashier. 'The present cashier, Mr.-J. W. SwaIn', informs me that he considers none of this worthless at the prese!it time, but It will be a long time before it is all p aid, and it i8 on his 'stateuiiets that I hatve made this ctasbranch are kept in it very loose way, and it to0k neal'-iv sification. The books of this all (lay to get a balance. This bank kept a general le r at oue time, but it-ihas not been posted since Sepitebiiter 1, 1873, and the cash-lbook is not witten nf Mnce the 13th of this month. The bank keeps some merchants' aceojuuts and pay uiohiuterest o01 them; the amount of non-interest deposits is about $5,000. Thero- are 1,850 depositors with this branch The parent l)ank own the building occupied by this branch, which is valued at $40,000. They have a fiue office, vault, and(safe, and the building also coutains two stores, and large hall and six offices, which are rented. J. A. TALMADGE, Yours, respectfully, Xational-Bank Exantitjer. lIon. Jon. JAy Kxox, Comptroller of Currenoy, W- hkn gton, D. C. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Walwilgton, D. 0., May 12, 187?4. SIR: Referring to my letter of the 23d ultimo, answering resolution of the House of Representatives, (late(d the 18th ultiho, I have the honor to transmit herewith reports of the 'examiners -of the branches of the Freedman's Savings aud Trust Comipanuy at Mobile, Mfoutgomnery, aud Huntsville, Ala., and (Columbfia and Nashville, Tenn. I am yours, very respectfully, Wilf. A. RICHARDSON, Hon. JAMEs G. BLAINE, Secretary. Speaker of House oJ Representatives. Aa6anIuL 1A5, 1874. .Srui:--In accofdiance witii oiir instructionsn? I hmave thlis dia;y'uin'mae'nayexarintnatiMi6of the affairs of tlh Montgom6ery brnch of the Freedmainis Savilings iand Triust Couiiipub`iy Ala, It appear& that Mr. E. Beechler, the cashie'it,'hiade s61e loaIs with. Monitgomney, oult tlhe advice or conseiit o'ftle advisory 1ionrd Aor pareiit oftjlfe probableIoss on t at the Frecdwhich'iwill hO iit $5,O iii'r- The result of this trans -ctiotiis mlxan's S~awix's anid:-Trust Coflityhelntered into a contract with E. Beecher & Co.;-on thle 231 of kiebruiy, 1874, 'he~rly thle Freedinia's Snvilies and Trust Corn~ang'agre s and to close thoir Moitzgomery bunch aiidtransfer their businetatssetsat this-ranch and to B:. Beechvr & Co. -E. Beecher & Co. toscurry on the aitsinessariuie ¢th nlioeuiitdue to the parent bank and del)oitors aud gavethe FreedWan's Savngsr.i Trust Cormpauy a bond of $60,060 tor the fulfillment of their part of the contract. The Freedimau's Savings and Trust Company are now liable to the depositors at this branch'to the amount of $10,810.24, ad(l E. Beecher & Co. ouwv owe tle parent bank 2 3,:q0. , 9. 78 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. The statement of the branch at the thae of transfer to E. Beecher & Co. is as follows: Amo'n'` t duo'depositors ......................8.......................... 048 39 Amount due parent bank ............................... .......6.......... 19,54 ............................... 4,254 97 Exchange Expense account ..............$ 3, 989 98 Cash, including loans .......................'47, 863 ( 51,852 98 51,852 98 When depositors -present their books at the bank for depositor draft, E Beober & Co. take up the Freedtman's' Savlng8 and Trust ComPay'4s book anud istse thdlr own inst~egd, if the depositor will agree to the transfer, E. Beecher & Co. have two years from the 1st of January, 1874, to Wake these payments or transfers, and-if any amounts remain due by the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company to depositors at the expiration of the two years; E. Beecher & Co. agree to pay the amount to the F'reeduman's Savings and Trust Company, and the depositors must look to the pareut office for it. Very respectfully, J. A. TALMADGE, National-Bank Examiner. -Hon. .JOHN J. KN(X, Comptroller oJ' Currency, WVashington, D. C. Statnuntl of the Mobile Branch of the FreedmnW'8 Sarlngs and Trust Company, Mobile, A11l. 3 p. ni. April 25, 1874. Cash, currency .........$ Cash, gold. Expense ........... Parent bank ......... ............1 . Dne depositors . Exchange . ................. ............. ............. . . $10, 192 14 135 24 19,890 75 61,143 57 . . $89, 212 62 2, 149 08 91,361 70 Nlmnber of depositors, 2,650; no depositor to an amount over $2,000; amount due white piersons, $1,000. No loans made at this office, and no collection-business done. Meetings of advisory committee not Well-attendeld. The cashier, '. A. Woodward, was removed April 16, 1874, on account of having taken funds to the anonnt of $3,375, which he claims for services rendered the Freedman's Bank. This amount XVoodlward charged to the )arent-bank account on exchange account, The parent bvank would not allow tbo claims, and removed the cashier, nd the parentbjank ins~p-ectori M~r. A. M. Sperry, is in charge of office. The Free(lmawn's Sav'ibgs asnd Trust Compauy have conimenced slit on Air. Wood ward's bonds of $10,000 for the recovery of the money. The office now (ccllpjiel by tbi& bi'anch is the ol0( Bank of Mobile building, and they pay at the rate of 61,000 per year rent. The books appear in fair sbape. Present business small. Yours, respectfully, J. A. TALMADEP, Nalional-Bank Examiner. lion. JOHN JAY KNOX, Comptroller of Currency, Washington, D. C. 91,361 70 FREEDMAN' 8SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 79 re report of the condition of the Freedmam'e Satvisvgs Bask and Trust Compafty located at Columnbia, in the county of Maury, State of Tennessee, at 1 o'clock p. m. Aptil 17, 1874. Exarlniin - -, Preside"It. G. W. BLACKBURX, CdAMer. LIABILITIES. RESO UICES. I bills discounted......... #165 25 18 88 '2. Oveedraft. 3. United States bonds to secure clroulation - ..................... 4. United States bonds to secure de. ......-.; poaltA , 5. United States.bonds on baud ...... 6. Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages 7. Due from,, approved redeeming aoentfs viz Princiaoitlce, Washinjt on, 'D. C. 15,893 17 8. Due f dl their ijational banks..... 1,500 00 9. D6ie forni StAWe banks and bankers. 1, 003 78 10. Bakghous.11. Other real estate e. 12. Furniture an(l fixtures...... 13. Current expenses ....$......$591 57 14. Taxeu paid .........;.. 591 57 15. Premitlum"pAild ... ..... 16. Checks aniT`t hefr cash i ....... 17. Exchangesjlfoi, (in. cluding 0old cheks). 18. Bills of otber national banks. 19. Bills of State batks ............. '0. Fractional currency (includhig nickel8) . 21 Specie, viz: Coin . Gold Treasury-uote ...... 22. ILegal toyindr notes................. '23. United States certificates of deposit .. ..... tor legal~teders Deposit ledger shows more (1d1e de. po8itor8 thani the geueral ledger cretlits to the pllucipal office ... 498 28 ! Cansli short ......... Total ..................... 20, 330 93 1. Nost .... Capital slock paid in.......... Surplus fund...................... Dlscoutt. 58 19 Exchange ............... Interet.. 6. Premiums . 7. Profit and los . __ 8. Circulation received ........ On hand and returned.. 9. State'-anhk circulation outstanding 10. DIvidends unpaid ............... I1. Individual depohlts, viz: Subject to check. ...$20, 252 50 Demand certificates Tlime-certifieates ... Certified checks. Cashier's cheoks.... 12. United StaNtes depofilt............ 13. Deposits bf United States disburslug offlbors .................... 14. Due to national banks ............ 15. Dlue to State bank and bankers.. 16. Notes andl bills rediscounted .... 17. BIlls payable...................... I. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cash ovel ......................... Total ......... ....... Records: Other books: President: Cashlier: G. WV. Blackburn. Directors: Stockholders: Office: Safe: Dittc of last dividend, Dividcnd8 and 8lu.)lue. (Section 33.) ; amount, $ ; carried to surplus, $ Loans and discounts. On panier with two or more individual or fArm names................ OL Mingle-name paper (one person or firni)41 itbout other security.... On mortgages and other real-estate security ....................... On United Staites bonds payable on demand ....................... On otber stocks, bonds, &o,, payable on (leman(l .................... All oth&eIroaIo;.-a...s IncludedA inthei j a:ve are-. Bad debts, as defined in section 38 .......................... $ Other suspended and overdue paper ........................ Liabllitles of directorss (individual and firm) as payers...... Loans exceeding the limit prescribed by section V9, vJz: $ $58 1Y 20 24 20, 330 93 FUEEDMA'S 8Q SAVINGS AND TRUST. COMPANY. GENKRAL REMARK8. reliable n, and althoub a Mr. Johu Freison syRs Of Mr. Blackburn: He is ¶o1d* he claims that they are norhis books are not-qiite as nicely kept as I findgenerally, root, and that if he cannot prove up to the principal office that they have all the cash he has received on deposit, be is good for it. - Respectfully, fTHOMAS WILLIAMS, Examiner. The COMPTIROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, Washington, D. C. Examiner's report of condition of the F'reedman's Satings Bank and Trust Conpany, located at 2Vashtille, in the county of Da,'idson, State of 1'ennesesee, at o'clock m. 9th oJ April, 1874. - -, Preuident. JOHN J. CARY, Cashier. J. LIABIL[TIF.9. RESOURCES. 1. Capital tock paid In.............. t. iotes8nd is diwounted ......... 131 55 2. Slrplui fund ..................... 2. Ooeidrafts......................... Discount . 3. 3. United States bonds to secure clr. F4. Exobango. oulatien ,O.' .-................... 5. Interest................ 4. United States bonds to secure de. 6. Premiums .............. positsl...-........... 7. Profit and loss .......... 5. United States bondsODhsand-...... 6. Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages 182 16 8. Circulation received ....* Exchange 1. balance to debtor..... On hand and returned 7. Due fromi approved -redeeming agents. Yiz; Principal office stWashingtonD.C. 6!, 755 87 9. State-bank ciro i ation outstand ing 10. Dividends unpaid ............... 8. Due from other National banks..... 11. Individual deposits viz: 9. Due fromt State bank and bankers.. Subject to oheck... 477,6-20 86 10. BaskIng-bose ........... Detuand-oertificates II. Other real-estate. Tinme.certificate.... 1t Furniture and fixtures... Certified checks Cashier's check. 13. Current exenses ....... 12, 246 20 14. Taxes paid .............. 12, 246 20 12. United States deposits........... 13. Doposits'of United States dlsburs. 15. Premiums paid. ing officers .................. I;. Checks and other cash Items. 14 Due to national bahklc............. 17. Exchanges for clearing-house, In15. Due to State banks and bankers .. eluding gold checks ............. 16. Notes and bills rediscounted...... 18. Bills of other national banks.....? 1,32 88 ii 17. Bills payable ..................... go. Fractional currency, (including Cash over......................... niakloas ........................ 11 21. Specie, v1s s Coln Gold Treasury -notea. 11 1! ................... 512. Legal-toer. noteei ............ *s1 United States certificates of deposit for olal-tenders.*.. i.+.. list In exs. IudivldiWl-l~dger depoilts et Aof what' is' shown And re. ...... pnra *r ledger porbd (Thte abort cash Cary isay, was showrn up to the la.t illopector frsSpri.cipal Inspector.) Cah short......................... Total ... Other books: Pressdeut: Cashier John J. Cary. Directors': Stockholders : Office Safe: 477, 620 P6 .... i, I; 859 91 216 2f,6 77, 6 I0 Total ..................... 77,620 80 FREEDMAN'S SAYINS AND TRUST' COMPA 8 . Diride* wa ewrplw. (Sction 33.) Date of iast diTidend, ; carried to surplus, $ ; amount, ! Loan and d&CON1t8. $ On paper, with tW$or mor Individual or ........... security...... On single-name paper, (one person or fli m) witbt other . On mortgages and other real -estate Wurity .......................... rates boods payable on demand . On UnUite On other stocks, bonds, &c., payable on demQ l......................... All otber loan....... Included in tho above are$ Bad debts. as defined iti setion 38 .......................... Other suspendel and overdue paper .... Liabilities of directors (individual Sud fii) pa..ers.............. Loans exceeding the limit prescribed by b-ction 29, viz: flrni"aes .......................... GENERAL REMARKS. Cashier Cary Is a quiet, clever, colored mnvw who spent many years before the war iu Cainada, anlolig the fugitive 8laVts and o6her colored people who fed from the o pressions of the slave sat-m,. He is well spoken of by the bankers her*, bnt I thin fs of the he lacks force. He, like most whom I bave met in these necessary care to proite up his Ltooks afid keep his two ledgers InbDlae. He is long on his deposits and short on his Of the latter, he says tbe In beetor who las ,isited him from the principal office found it so; but I have not learned, fbon him or bratji others, that this inspector had taken p&ins to list and prove up their ledgers, or required them to do so. The systein adopted by the principal office of daily reports of all deposits, drafts, and checks, is good; and If faithfully cailied out, aud proved mobtfilyWould be advisable. The priticlpal office made a poor Investment here at Nashville in a building. It Is a fine block, three stories, with cut-stone front. WVithoout measurement, I cal Iit 60 or 60 feet front, by 100 deop. Cary says it and lot cost t'2,000. The tenaute are all colored, and he estimates that they receive I1,250 rent, besides their banking office room. This is a very small income ou the cost. Respectfully, THOMAS WILLIAMS, Ezxanewr. The COMPI1ROLL.ER OF THE CURRENCY, "'ashingtoll, D. C. H. Mis. 16-6 FREEDMA I'8 8AVINGS AND TitUVTJ COMPANY. 8201 Efiner'e report of te oosditon of t)W FIrinax's Savinge Baxk and Twuot Compox located at antuellkt, coQuty of 'Madison, dtatc of 1a4ba1e4, at one o'clock p. m., April 'V 1874. - -, LA FAYmra RonIssoN, Pr"klt. CasAhe. .I LIABI1I71 1. Notes a4 bills discounted......... 3. United StOs ds to secure iro latlot .......... ........... 4. United 1ss'bonds to secure de5.ted.tatsOmDso hand.... ...o.o -"W 6. Oth- tock, bonds, and mortgages. 7. lue from pp'd redeeming-agents, VIs .- . . PrInaipaloftnatWorhington, D.C. 25, 058 71 8 Due from other national banlk..... 9 DVue from State banks and bankers. 1,579 20 10. Banking house........... 11. Other real estate......... 12. Furniture and fixtures... 13. Current expenses ........ $5,926 83 14. Taxes paid. 5,9 26 83 15. Premi lu1sd.... and cash Items. 16. Checks other 17. Exchanges for cleating-houne, In. eluding gold cheek...:........... 437 00 16. Billi'o ot ~er nationall banks ...... 10. 14111* of 8tate banke............. g0. Fractional currency, (including 15 50 nickels) ......................... 91. specie, viz: 428 16 Coin . Gold Treasury notes ............ I &I-teu4.der llotes ................. 23, 'euiltod StaWc certiflcates of depoit for legal-t~enders,................. The individual deposit ledger shows more due depositors than the geuieral ledger shown reported to prinelpal office by............................ 2,034 5611 1 95 Cash abort ........................ 9 i Total .35,481 911 pob.01 '' , il 1. Captit stock paid In .............. 2. Surplus fund ...................... 3. Disont.... 4. Exchange .......... # 520 05 5. Interest. 6. Premiums. 7. Prott and loss. .1 ~ ~ ~ _ _ 520 05 8. Clre latlon received . On hand and returned. 9. State bank circulation outetandlug. 10. Dividends unpaid .................. 11. Individual deposIts, vix: SuhIectto check ................ 34, 961 86 Deidiavulcedrtificites ............. Tine oertficate ................ Certified checks ................. Cashler's checks ......... 12. United State" deposits............. 13. Deposits of United States dlisburslug officers ...................... 14. Due to national banks ............. 15. Due to State banks and bankers ... 1i0. Notes an(d bills redlscounted ....... 17. Bills paYable ...................... ....... Cash over ......................... Total .. 35,481 91 . ....... Records: Other books: Presidont.Cashier: La Fayette Robinson. Directors: Stockholders: Offce: Safe: Di'Ldendti'and urplus. (Section 33.) Date of last dividend, ,-. Amonnt, $ -. Carried to urplus, 6-. Loans and diecosn(i. On peIt t ro more indivin~l or firm names ............ On single-name papr (ohe person or frnm) withotit other secrity.. On n htages and other real-estate secrites.. On 0Thitd States bonds payable on demand. On 0o64a' 16, bonds, &c., payable on demand . All hiber loea. the abrove areI-toluddloBad debts, as defined in section 38 ..................Otbersuapended and overdue paper.................. Liabilities of directors (Individual and firm) an payers. Loan. ciceeding the limit prewribed by section 29, viz: FREEDMANt8 SAVING8 AND TRUST COMPANY. 88 GENEtL RUMARKS. Cashier Robinson seemiitobeae leveifellow and is munh`more astonisebd at tbe resiilt. of IstIng the beatailce16dulepidtor* than I was, notWlithitfladog ho read them gie h eif. Ho ayw the Inspectors fromu the principal ofllce hover list them, *tr to hi' nor require binito.oIt, The foiio*ing morning, as Iwas about taking mty leave 0uth 11400 camne to the hotl audl called iny.attutimon to the atirn of $259.98, paid deposyesterday, that shiouldd have ben ldedtioted from amount due depoitors. itonr how it should be that these branches Aire all In the same After I left, wheu retleoting kindl otf dierepalcy, I called to mind no one of them had shown me any count for interest credited and paid on deposits; and I doubt whether this amount is kept, as there is no such Item lrintod on their blanks. In my next visit to one of their branches I w%-ill look after this item. THOMAS WILLIAMS, h&rmhaer. The CovirrROLLER OF THY. CURRENCY, 1J'ashington, D. C. No. -. Bank-book of the Freediman's Savings aid Trust CoIpany, chartered by act of Cougrem, approved March 3, 185. Imsued by the agency at Raleigh, N. C. Keep thip book in good order; do not fold or roll it; give notice at once If lost. CASHIIERS AND AGENCIES. Philip D. Cory,- Atlanta, Ga. U. A. Riteri Augusta, Ga. W1'. L. Van Dierlip), Bmltvizne, M(I. Wiui. 11. L(ockwood; Beufort, S. C. Xathan Ritter;,Cflairisitoi, S. C. J. N. Blish o WColuinbsM-Afis. G. WV. Balc iturn, Colunibiw'renu. L,. zobinson, Huntsville, Ala. W. L. CoanJacksonville, Fia. 1Jorslce Morris, Loui"li3,Ky. J. 0. Hlamilton, Lexington Ky. P. W. 6ronaugh, Lynchbnrgh, Va A. .J, Thlonipon, Little Rock, Ark. Thoinis N. M. Seller, Maco, Ga N. 1). Smith, Memphie, Ten. C. A. Woolward, Mobile, Ala. Edwvin Beecher, Moptgoumery, Ala. John J. Car'y,-NashvIlle, Tenn, F. Jordan, Nat hez, Mih. C. A. Nelsoia1 New Bertie, N. C. C. D. Stiitevaiit, New Orleans, La. Jol n J. Zuile, New York City. H. C. I1ercki,-No. folkl, Va. William NVliIpr, Philadelphia, Pa. G. W. Brodie, leigh, N,.a Charles Spencer Richmond, Va. I. W. Brike Savantah- Ga. Willis N. Brent, Saint Louis, Mo. Samnuel Peters Shreveport, La. Geo. D. Luce, fAllahasee, Fla. Ben arnin A. Lee, WVksburgh, Miss. Willam J. Wilsin, WVashington, D. C. Jno. H. Smyth, Wilmington, N. C. A mhan who saves ten cents every (lay for ten years, will have, If he puts it at interest at six per cent.1 year lie will have .. 3 99 76 20 Ini 2 year8se will have. In :3 years lie will have.............. 117 n1 In 4 years he will have .1.................. lf 94 In 5 years he vill have .................. 20 74 In 6 years he will have .................. ' 42 In 7 years lie willf have.311. :1 13 3J7 03 In 8 years he will have ................. ...................... ............................... 4* 37 III 9 years he will have 489 31 In 10 years he will have ................ Tin ................ ................. .... . ......................... It is agreed by the depositor that this account is opened subject to the riles and regulations of the company as printed o -pon the cover of this pasbook, aid in the 8ignattire-lhok of the company subscribed by the depositorr. Fjreemf SavingsaiiJ Trust Company in (acco t wUih(Here follow 10 blank pages.] 84 PSEZDMANfS SAYINGS A)ND TRUST COMPANY. A copy of these rules and pany at an its ageuce. regulations are suspended in the public offliesof the ooin. Rvl axd regnuatoe rela* to drpote and depoftor. 1. The bank shall be open daily for the transaction of business, except on Sundays and holidays, from 9 a. m. to p. in., and on Monday and Saturday nights from 6 to 8 o'clock. 2. Depoi-ts of Ave cent s-or any larger snms may be received but such moneys only a are received ondeposit by national banks shall be taken.: .Tbe company will pay in like bankable funds. Deposits of gold or slver will be paid in kind. 3.. On making the first dpot tbe depositor hall subscribe his or her name, occupation, residence, &6d post-(o8fo address in a book containing the rules and regulations of. th company relating to deposits and depositors, thoreb sigi fying his or her asent threto; but lo omission or failure to sign such biok sOil relieve the depositor receiving a book containing these file' and regulations frm their binding force, be entered' upon tle book of tbe coIVpauy and a passoo-he or .4. A11 depi 0shall certides e of oe t shall be given the depositor, upon .which smallle entei tbe sum so depoditl d which shall boe hi or her evidence of proprty in the colnpan'y. S. Draft bsll made personally or by the order of the depositor iu writiuk, properly abthenticntke, but no person shall be paid any part of any deoit or interest due without producing the-passbook or certifluate issued to hin or rer, and having the uiount so, paisd entered thereon: Prorided, That this rule shill not prohibit cashiers, under the direction of the actuary, from making special arrangemints for deposits, wbica may be withdraw by check, in accordance with the usual rules of lb.uks, sub. ject, bowrei'er, to the retrictions of Rules 6 and 7 of this code. 6. The company will, as a rule, pay all df)posits on demand, yet it reserves the right to require sixty days' notice of intention to withdraw deposits. Tile intent of this rule being solely to protect the bank and its depositors in times of public excitement sad darimer. 7. Schinterest (not to exceed 7 per cent. per annum) as the profits of the company will allow will 6.9 declared to depositors inu the months of January and Julj of each *..,,and will he payable, twenty days after the first business day of these months. Interest due and not withdrawn will J* added to the depositor's account, and will itIsef draw interest as a deposit. Interest will begin on the flrst day of each month st of ohie dollar or more, mide oil tat (lay ordurin g the preceding mnth, ps. 4 butt each Ititrt Will not be due until the interest days fixed above. No interest *111 be paid on any snm lees than one dollaL', nor npon any Iun withdrawn ltiore the lot of January or July, for the period that may have elapsed since tha last interest Osy, exotp 11t deposit in sums of not less than fffty dollars may be received which siall draw interest from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, at the rate Of 4 per cent. per anunm, on condition that the snms so deposited shall remain otl deposit not loss than thirty days. 8. Iu case of the death of' any deposItor, the amount standing to the credit of the de~eaed will 1e paid to hi8 or her legal repetitive. 9. In case of lost or stolen books, the company will be responsible for payments made tbereoiioldy whe --duly notified in writing of such loss or theft. While the coinpny will b Il possible means endeavor to prevent losses arising from suech oks, payments mnde thereon before notice received as above required shall le valid paymeute to diclage the co'pany. Jon cal of bok reportedi los or destroyed, te con pany will require such evidence ad ch indemuit a8 the local committee may deeui just and proper. 10. DeIOSd y married womeu and by minors ae entirely free from the conm trol of the husband or guardian, and will be so held. it. All & till held s trusts strictly couidential and private. 12. The truiisee reserve the right to altr or amend these rules and regulations, ind mc Pitpratlons or amendments shall be binding upon the depositors, after having twice t! week for three successive weeks in one or more of the public bs*..blishd VW r of thone tows and cities where the agencies of the company are located. Appmoiud June lt, 18U3. 6i the beck of the book is the following: RItAD THl RULES INIDR THIS BOK. on The meey deposited this pAbook will be repaid, with interest dne, an provided in the rnl..; but it will be paid only to the epotor in person or on his or her power of attorney or order in witin duly authenticated. In every cas this book most be presented that the payment made may b entered thereon. FREEDM&NI1 SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 8 "'I consider the Freedman's Savings and Trust Compuny t be greatly needed by the colored people, and have welcomed it as an auxiliary to the Freedmen's Bureau."1-Maj. Gen. 0. 0. Howard. "'Ti-itUe littlet be fil h(s cll ; Andl~Uo' by $ittte a wu n By litl i tbrest in verdere 1iis i 'Tie little bY litob pt vol'*e ae md t BviilttleeammouintanDoritV. au'i*emae ' ea Is filled I I .'Ti. 1itte by Ittle Aad little by'little a elty we bleild 'Tie litt blle a ant ge hr Every little we add to i littk makt more Step by *tep we walk mUe,. and we ew .,teho by stitch; Word by word we read book, coat by cent we grow rich." to the depositors, or to educational This is a beteokat institution. All proIO puirpoe f(or tbe freedimen and their diooeong. .Te whole institution is under the charter of Congress, and received the oontmendas tion and countenance of the President, Abraham Lincoln. One of the lJut official cots of his valued life was the signing of the bill which gave legal existence to tbhi bank. THlE FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY, CHARTERHD BY TH3 GOVERMIENT OF TilE UNITED STATES, M.RIcu 3, 186. I'rincipal office, Washington, D. C., opposite the Treasury of the United States; branch offices lit all the principal cities of the South and Southwest. The approval of the charter of thid company was ore of the lat official acts of the martyred President, Abraham Linooln. Caakrs of branch, bramc offie, and date of orga4NiZati . ........... JaOnary, t7 Philip D. Cory............. Atlanta, Ga .. D. A. Ritter.A..a A 1 t, Gs ........ . March 186w d . .Mah, LV. L Van Derlip ............altor N. R. Shovel ............. Beaufort aS. ........3.. .................Octob, 4 1 . . Nathan Ritter Janu1ny, ............ Charleetot,, S. C W. Vau Hook CoublM68 .......................Colum,...August George 0. W. Blackburn .......... ColInmbia TenU .......................Janhr,V, 18 L. RobiUson ................t.VlletI .Dec. D )echirnb I 6 JAek8soivillt F1R ...... March, 1 W. L. Coan . Horace lorris ............. Louisville, Iy4.... October, i870 J. G. Haluiltom .L.e.ingto... Ky....... .. November, 170 F. W. Bronaug ............... LynbbUi, Vetener, 16' A. J. Tolponi . .. Little Rnck, Ark .......................... Juin, Octiber, 1 .. Thomas N. M. Sellers.MaconGa N. D. Smith .......... .. Ten December, l8S Memphis, C. A.Woodward ............... Molbile, A1 ... . ........................ JanUary, 1a ... Jqe, 1870 Edwin Beecher ............... Montgonie'ry, Al&.. Jobhn J.Cirv ..... Nasahville, enn . .Marc, l.rch 1 E51win KWlouru .....Na,..... Mis..Octob, 1 C. A. Nelson Nowr Bernn, N. .... C .January, 1868 January, 146 C. D. Sturtoarnt ..... New Orleans, La .JohtiJ. Zuille ....New YorkCity.Jully, l86; H. C. Per.vk-.: . Jne, kV. 18ie orf William Wh!ispper .PhiiaslelphIa, Pa.Janiry,1870 0. W. Brodio.-...... .Raleigh, N. C. Jut"U*ryiM6i .. Cbarle. ion, Va. ......................Octobr, i 1. W. Bilikierhoff ..... Savannah G ..January,Willis' N. Brent.Sant Loui, Mo. November, 1870 Samulel Petera......... 9ev..ii-pohikrt, La .......... June 1I William Steward ............. Tallaha Fe, la ............ August, 1 Decemberi1 '. Beojamin A. Le Viokuirgh, Was .............i.. WViiian J. Wilsou ............ Washiugton, ). C. . August, 1860 V'au D. Macumber.Wil..i.. Wiltuington, N. C. ng... October, Iwo AN ACT to incorporate the Freedmas's Savinp and Trst Compny. Be it enace by t &4l0ad Heo of Rof the Unted ftim Aot to Congre" aee s, Tht Petr Cooper, Williaw 0. Bryan A A. Loi-8B Ohiteden, (11irlet; H. Marshall, Wllilam A, Btioth, Gerditt rmitb, WliliulimA. 4h 1lililua Allen, John Jay, Abraham Baldwin, A. S. Barnes, liarm Barney, Both B. Hokt, 8amud Holmes, . ....... . - .......... ............ .......... ........ . . 86 PREEDMAN 8 SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Obarles i his, F6i;. Gray', Walter S. Otfflit H. WallA SD,S. Gregor, , W. Alvbd Qeorgs bl pple, AL S. Hatch, WalterT, H00tch, LAmbert, Roe lc t ann iik, R. W W 8-s Albert Wooft,,WLambrtW. a'nd Thonas Denny, of New ,Yoirk ;. WOWr . Hi John M. ForbesWllla~ni Cit' , Howe, GexorgeL. Starns','Edard Atkiuison,;A, All Lawrenoe,' and Joh'n i,8, Williais, of Masachugsetts; Edward Harris and Thi'dias Davis, of Rhoe Inland; Stepbehn 0oiel I 'J.- Wheaton Smith?Franbis E-Cope,' ii II" Webster,B.S. Hnnt, andHeny 88amu j1, of Peins~ylvania; Edward Harwoo(], Adlan, Poe, Levi Coffin,.J, M. Waldeni, of Ohio, and thelr successors, are constituted a body' corPorat in tbe city of Wn4hington, in the District of Colmillbia, by the namne of' the Freedman's Sayings an(l rrust Company, aud by that name may sue and be sued In any o court of tbe United rt'tec A) SEC. 2. And biit further oeacted, That the persons nta' I act shall be the fArst trustees of the corp'o'rationt and all vacancies by death; resig'natIon or otherwise, iu tbe ofie of trustee hall be filled by the ord, by ballot,- without unnecessary delayan'd at.least ten votes shall be ',necessary for the electi6fik6f:4iy trustee. ¶ihei. trustees shull hold a regnilar nlcetingfat least ,ouce in each ionth,, to receive reports of their o'M cers on the Afifrs of the cor)rat6ini;, and to transact such busine as iay' be necessaryy; and an'y trutee' omitti)g t'o atteiid the regular mneoting of the board for si "'mouths8 in suession, aythycreupoil be considered ae having vacated bis place"' an'd a suiccesor may ble elected to'fill the amle. sFC. 3. And be It rter enacted That the business of thliè opbrationi shall be managed and direoit6bydthe board otrustes,- who shall elect; from their number a ilresi. dent and two' vice-president, and a iit t suchother officers as they may s fit; nif of the trustees,,of .whom the pr'eaidelit or one of, the vice-presdelnts shall be onoe, shall forni'a quorunit for tle transaction 'of business at ai.N reg(iular or adjournedneet-i ing of the boardof trustees; and thle affirmative v'ote of at least se'veii 11u0nibernof the beard xshlle`requiisite in making iiii'ordfrfor, or autli.izinzg the investielit of, ny moilnes beloi'gng to thecor-' or1 the a1e or transfer ofay stock :or wectirities V a lary therefromin poration, or the appo-tnteint of any officer reeviniiu s Szc. 4. And be ityi'Hher enactd, That the ~board 6f trustees of the corIorioii shtdl have po*er, from time to time, to miawke andil establish snob by-laws and regthi tions us they shall judge proper with regard to the elections of officers andl their respect I ve fiiuctions, anf generally-for the management of the affairs of tbe corporation, Provided such by-las and regulations are not repugnant to this act, or to the Constitution or laws of the United States. sxc., . And be if further enateed, Thlt the 'general business and object of the corporation hereby createdshall be to receive onildeposit sulch sums1 of 1onley a's lnay, from time to time, be offered therefor, by orol behalf of persons heretofore held iln slavery in the Unitei States, or their desce ndants, 4 I isvestiig the same in the stocks, bonds, ofth'6 united Stat6s.. Treasury notesi or other securitiedf SEC. 8. And 6c t further eactedsiThat it sll be the ditN of the trustees of thle corporation to invest, as soon as'practicab,]in the sritiesnamed in the next.prccediig seotlon- all ulns:ureceived by theiii')beyond'' an available finud,- not exceeding one-tlirdl of the total amouniit of deposits 'with t6''tcorlioratiou, at the (discretion of the trustees,, wbich' available fnids aj;tyboe kept by tCle trustees, to rimeet current payments of the corporation, and 'mnay by ilieni be -left-on deposit, at interest or-OtlOrwiSe, or in slch available form as the trlustees mniiy direct. SEo. 7. And beitUfrther enacted, That tthe corporation may, ud(ler suIh regulations as thbe-bard1of trustees-shall; from titne to time, prescribe, receive any deposit lherel)y uthorize tobli' received, tipou suelh-trusts and for such purp'foses, not contrary to thie , writ'laws of the UnV, at nniy be ilidcatled iu writiiig by the (0eposit0 W'such ing to' be Aulbaribed 'by the depositor and ucknowlcdged or proVC(l'lefore any officer in the vii or iniltiity 6service-of the Unilted States, the certificate of whioliakfiiwledgmnent or proof sh#l lbe indorsed oi' the'writing; and tlie vritingi so ackiiawleldged or proved, s:hall accouipaiiy #uch (ep4)ia t andl be fIil amolig the papers of the worpo.ratlon, pnd-be arefilly -preserved therein, itnld maybie read in evidence in any court. or before anny jidicialo flcer of tbe Unlited States, without further lsroof; and the certiflcate of-aek owldgntent or l)roof shall be n'rltn fade evidence only of the due exectition of suebwritin .. Svw. S. And be ilffrthTr actd, Th at ll iuns received on d(oposif, shall be repaid to snob depositor eren ii'rd,- at 'suIt7,' MIths"IiiAinteresr, not exceeding sevn per r-ii-tioliwas the board of tristoees shall, fr,,in centuium peer 6*atim"and niildsi"su e tip in some ousplicuous 1)laee time to time jscrie wh regniatiihis huall Js6t/.i In1 the rbom'wbhsre the. bsiness of- the cdatirationshall be tranauted, but shall not be altered so an to affect shydepit pdrevio i-y made. Sac. 9. Aid-be Uit further enacted, That -all trusts iiponI which, and all purposes for whicb.any deposit Bhll be'naide, andl which shall 'bo iindicated in the writilig to secomnpany such deposit, shall be faitlhfuilly 'iirfortned by the corporation, unless the jerfoaning of the same is rendered imposible. '' FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 87+ SeC. 1O `,Ad be i frthe e ctid, That when -ydP bsei*t1r ball die, the fund renaiiiiiig on deposit with tie aorporation to his;: lt, and all cumulationu thereof, shall belon' and be`paid to the personal representative of stich deposItor, in c e shall hiave left a ls- 6Illad etent,-and iil1def'ult of a lat will and teatsmet, or of any^ person 4ualfying din )er a last wi 11and test iii6eut cunp tent to act as executor, the corp(ration Shall be eo6titled, in respe-t to the fuads so remaining ou deposit to the credltof any such depositor, to adnritetration thereon in preference to all athet and lottel of-.ad4 mi istra tioii shall be granted to the corporation accordingly inperson8, the Manner prescribed -bylaw in respect to -grantiug of letters of administration, with tbe will aniiexcdliand in cases of intestacy. SEo. 11. And be itfurthe, enacted, That in the ease of the death of any depositor, pu at toteovi8ion8 whose 1eposit shall not bei Ield upon Snytrust bereinbelore contained,; or where it mani 'rove inpoisii1lo to execute such trust, it shall be the duty of the cororA~tion-to make diligeont effort4 to ascertain and discover whether such deceased'depoeitor -has left a husband,life, or cildien "'idviviiig, and the corporation sbhll keep record of the eff so- made, and of. tereiult- thereof; and in case no person; lawftilly entitled thiereto shall be discoveredor shall appeal, or claim the funds remaiixiug to the credit of 6tioli iejpiositorbefore the expiratior.Vof two years from tho *leath of such depositor, itsluiil beI-awftil for the corporation to bold and 1uivest such flud as a sepai'ait trust ffnld, to be applied,- with the accumulations thereof,to the education aud iiprovemento fU-p<nDs beretofore-el4 in-8slaiy ov 6 i4ajimer a'l1 thioudh their dtescenlants,:being inbaitits of the United State6s in such siucl ngeniieSa as the board of trustees shall deent best calcuhated to effe t that oj6ect: from the d -taof P'rorided, That if any- tlepositr be not heard from within five' &O0I his last dejfisot,,' fb'trustees shall advrt-ise thile sllme in sotne paper of general ciroulation iii the State where the principal office of the coiPn play is establiohld, and alto in' the State wvhore the depositor wa8 last hear(l fronli; and if; withili two years thereafter, such depositdr, shall not appear, nor a husband wvife, or child of such depoaitor, to claim his deposti6s, they shall be used by the board of trusStes is hereinbefore provided for in this section. . SPiC. 12. And be it fPi'ther enacted, That no president, vico-president ttistee, officer, or servant of the corporation shall, dir'ctiy or indirectly, borrow the funde-of-the6 corporation or its deposits, or in any njanner use the same, or any Iart thereof, eiscpt to pay necessary expenses, under the direction of the board of trustees. All certificates or other evidences of deposit inade by tbe pr~opr olicers shall be as bindinion the corporation as if they were nmu(le under their coilon seal. It sb4ll be the duty of the trustees to regulate the rate of interest allIowveld to the deposit6rs, so that they shall receive, as nearly as inay be, a ratable proportion of all the profits of the corporation after deducting all necessary expenses: Piozded, however, That the trustees may allow to depositors to the amnoutmt of five hundled dbllals or iup'wa'rds oue per centum le"s than thle amount allowed others: And provided, also, Whenever it shall apipear that, after the pay ient of the u8sual interest to depositors, tbere is in thepoe*.-Sion of the corpoiation an excess of profits over the liabilities atnotinting to tewpor contumn upon the deposits, such excess shall be invested for the security of the depositors in the oorporationu; amd, thereafter, at each annual examinatioti of Clie affairs of the corporation, any surj)ltis over and above siuch ten per centint shall, in addition to the usual interest, be divided ratably along the (lel)ositors, iu snuch manuer as the board of trustees shall direct. SFo. 1:3. And be i further enacted, That whenever anly deposits shall be ma( e by any minor, the trustees ofOthe corloratiol may, at their discretion, pay to such (lep-sitor such sumi as may be due to hinth, although ito guardian shall have been appointed lfor such tttin(ir, or theoguardian of such mlinor shall not have authorized the drawingh of the same; auld-the check, receipt, or acquittantmce of such minor shall be a11 valid am If the saine were executed by a guardian of 8uch minor, or the minor were of full age, if such doposift wa8 mnwde personally by such millor. And whenever any deposits shall have beeanmade by married women, the trustees imay repay the same on their own receipts. SEc. 14. And be itfurther enacted, That the trustees shall not, directly or Indirectly, receive ay payment or emolnunent for tholrsorvices as such, except the president and vicee-resident. 8xc. I G. And be further enacted, That the president, vice-president, and subordinate officers and agents of the corporation shall respectively give such security for their fidelity and good o~ndltot as the Ward of trustees may frown time to time require, and the board shall' x the'salaries of such officers and 'aent. SBFc. 16. And be fiprother enaded, That the books of tho corporation shall at all times during the houis of business be open for inspection and examination to such persous as Congress shall designNte or appoint. Approved March 3, dW. 88 FMMBKLN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST .COMPANY6 AN ACT to aend an act entitled " Anoct to incorporate the Freedmn's Svings and Trust Compoxy, approved Maroh third, elghteon hundred and alxty-five.> t;e Ses~4e an4 fo~eof~. RJpreeentat free of theO-itc~ 0 by ii C~oogee Aqembld 'That'Ii A*,$(c lhe eU eiheei- 6A thr, ~Iubd] kln~tdStee 'I ,;, bub'drd, the Freedman's ~aving an~d rrio,,nend end thsrctheieo a .d6ixty-flve beand the st& is here ~ aeanddnAtgbe oftelwords following, ."nd `fhe extefit of oe-;half in bo-hds r nt ,s, eoi by of tbe loan; and the orjporatibb,also mortpege oii rel estate In double the value anthoiizfd hereby to: hold and'jijrov'e the real estAte now ownied by it in tbl'of WaAl40gton, to wit; the west hb1f of I6t number three; all-of lots four, fiye, siX, S46tl-, and the south half of lot imber eifht, in square unmuber two hundred aud tiehty9ne, l4laid out and recorded in- the or ginal plate or plan of said city: ProWide, That said corporation bhall not Ilse the principal of any deposits made with it for tb purof such iiuprovenet." lad k be it firher enacted, That Congress shall have the right to alter or repeal Sie. this asiendnent at any time. Opro-ved May 6, 1870. BY-LAW8 OF THE FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY, CHARTERED BY ACT OF 3,1865. By it charter this institution is ulder the maanagemenrt of a board of fifty trustee, 9f wbom nine, including the president or one of the vice-preuidents, are a quortim for the tranwction of business at any regular or adjourned eting of the board, except that ten affirmative votes are required to elect a trustee. CONGRESS MAHCH I.-Meetings of tho board. The board of trustees shall meet regularly on the second Thursday of eacb month. The rtgnlar neetings-of the board shall be held at the ofllce of the comiptny in the oity of Washington, which is hereby declared to be the principal office of the company. I I.-Officers. The board shall annually, nt the regular jpeting held in the month of March, or at an adjourned meeting held during the months plect a president and a fitst and a second( vice-president, to hold office for one year, or util their sueiessors are elected. The board shall appoint an act-nary and such other ol0iers, agents, clerks, and servants as they, may deem requisite to transact the business of the company, who shall bold their appointments during the pleasure of the board, 'They shall also at the same time appoint the standing committees of the board. III.-Presiding officer. The president or, in his absence, the first or icoDd vioc-presilent, shall preside at the meetings of the board. In case neither are present, the board way appoint a chair- man pro tem. IV.-Order of busite*. At all regular meetings of. the board, the following shall be the order of lsinlness 1. The minute of thle lst meeting. 2. General report of the businessan d assets of the company. 3. MInutes ot the finance committee. 4. Mlante of the agency committee. 6. WIniteis of the education and improvement committee. 6. R rts of other committee& 7. oUb$ivaed business. - k~ew bosiness. V.- Vacancies. c ocen ping in the board May be filled at the next regular meeting after Al #ancies e 6x ence- 'of suchi vacauoy chahl "ie annioueiied. The election shall be by ballot, and it shall reqnlrke tbe aftirx~tive vhte of at least ten trustees to elect. In casi any vaciby occurring aoilong the ofllcers,'agents, clerks, or servants of the co anyt Bse maly be WlleA at any regular meeting of the board. TI.-Power. and duties of ofcr#. The pr et shall ba4 the custody of the corporate seal, and of all the property, Amnd., d securities oE'the'company, subject at &i times to the control and direction PREEDMIN'8 SAYINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 9 or of e a .Ite Hes'le e a offdo, of all thi of tfbbad r of the finance Comittee. H' shall b a membr, staIIllslnjjotnwlttees. In cwelof the absence, death ''or resi;-atioP of- thbe' ;'president, the first, or in case of his liability or 'failure to act, Nhe second''vjce-pridebt shall possess the powers an4 perform the'duties of the president niiti the next meetio g of the board, or uitil tbE presfdenu shall returu'to' his poet, or his succesor shall be ele'te"' Tue actualr, and all other officers, agents clerks, or s'er~vantA of the compahy,' shal perform such duties as may be required of them respectively from time to tIttle by the board of trustees, or president, or aWting president, and shall give such security for the faithful performance of their duties as the board or finance committee may, from time torequire. time, to time, reqie YIL-Finantce committee. board nally ap i itfitiance committee of fite tiuste. The under tho direotfi&i of tbe btrd,'t'o Islhall be shalau8b tbe dufy of th-utinuce'coinuiittee exercise a general Supe~rvision and co0itrol of ali theo fi-ids, 'se'curities6i,4 proeiiity -of a as the the coilpally-to direct to temii'orary depsit or loan of funds, and to the investnieut thereof. No secnrities'lbilonginbg to the company hball be sold or frabeferred except'a8 authorized by a vote of the'Hunoce committee, duly recoRdeI, in which least three members of the committee shall concur. Th6efinance comnniittee may adjust and settle all claims against the conipany to an amount not exceeding $1,000, and they may employ counsel in any cease in their discretion. 'T'hey shall meet regularly at least once in each month, and shal) knep full minutes of their proceedings, which shall be submlitted ats their report at each iX regular meeting of the board. VIII.-Examining committee. The board shall aunnually appoint an examining committetof three trustees, whose dtty it slall be, as ofteu ns they deem it expedient, but it lt twice in each year, t exotAlin1e carefully all the books, accounts, securities, aid sthesm of the collipany, andt report thereon) at the mext meeting of the board. Their ganllautual exaw inatious shall be made in the mouths of February and September. IX.-Agency committee. The board shall annually appoint a coulinittee of seven trustees' tree of ybom bll comfstitifite a quorum, to be-'al ed, thea-geney committee. It sb'lIbe theirdlty,'th-' jeot to th 'control and direction of th bo ard, to iX;point, control, and remove all agent of this conipany'who sball'be'authorized to act in 'its behalf, at any other' place thar, the office where its principal business i8 conducted; to prescribe the duties and emolnIllents of such agents, and generally to Bupervise all the business of the company vhich shall be transacted by such agents. X.-Education and improvement ommittee. The board shall anniaolly apiwoint a committee of sevea trustees, to be called the education 'and improvemnent comi-ttee,,yhose duty it shall be to take the general fundprovided for in the' charter, and therein designated silpervision of the use of the as8 s8)ecial trust fund, to be aipiltd&-withtho accutnillAtiols tbereof, to the education ald(l improvement of persona heretofore held in slavery, or their doicenfdlits, being inhabitants of the United States. They shall devise and suggest to 'the board a plan for the aconumulation of thle fund alnd for its use; shall; conduct the correspondence connected with the -subject, and shall, front time to time, a'ul at least four times in each year, report the minutes of their proceedings for the approval of the board. The first vice-president shall be, e officio, a member of this committee. XI.-Depooits and destor. Deposiis to the am'onniitif 'one dollar or oro Sfrhll be received from or on behalf of persons herpttoforeo'eld in slavery in thle Uni te States, or tbeir descendsnta All deposits shall be regularly entered in books of the coInpany. ., Ill the oaxe of ordinary deposlts the amount shall also:ei e Ine a book to be furnished Wt theldl. ds to perpositor, which shall be the vot'cucr for his or her lleposite, All paynaen mail sons presenting such deposit-books shall be valid pa,'miien ts to diecharge the oompany. Each deposit received under section 7 of this barter shall be accompanied with a declaration of trpst, in which shall be fully set forth the name of the depositor, with a description of his or her perou, the amount depoisted, aud the persou or persons to tbe 90 FREEDMAN'S SAVING(S AND TRUST COMPANY. whom, the same shall be payable in case the depositor shall die, the at'f/4 r any part thereot'on deposit. This4dtlarati6n of trust shall bieIe6v0ig executed in'trip jcate, one copy of which shall be kept in a, 6ook which the company shall rovIde& for the puriose; one copy shall be retained b'thl depositor, and the other copy Biiall be. ((llivered to the teller or clerk when the leaposit is received at the principal office of the company. Such declaration of trust shall be Subscribed by the depositor, and acknowledged or proved before some officer in the civil or military service of the United States, whose certificate of acknowledgment hall be inulorsed thereon. XSII.-Dividends. ~ On the third Monday of January and July in each year shall be paid, on all sulms of five dollars ttind upwards which shall have been on deposit as provided in the " ohule &ad Regulations" of the company, such interest as the profits of the company will justify. Mousys vithdiraWin between the periods fixed for the payment of interest. shall be entitled to the interest which had accrued at the last triennial statement, and no more. At each period fixed for the payment of interest, the amount of interest due to each depositor Shll8X be added to the principal of the deposit, and interest shall thereafter be paid thereon as in thG caje of an original deposit. XIII.-Invesjment8 and disbursetnents. All moneys received on deposit, except so much as-the finance committee shall doem requisite to reserve for iuioe(liate use, Shall be inveStel in the public stocks of tie Uitited States, in the niaie of the Freedman's Savings aund Trust Company, or loanled oi real-estate security as provided in the amendment to the charter, approved May 6, 1870. *The funds of the company not investe( as aforesaid shall be deposited in such banik or banks, or other moniSyed inAtitutionm, as the finaucceon)[ littee Shall appoint, subject to drafts of the company, signe(l by the president or acting president and actuay; r or such funds may be invested or loaded undler the directionn of the finance committee, on call or at Short time, on suuch securities as the board or the finance committee shall, from time to tiwe, approve. XIV.-Payinenta of depo8it&. Deposits may be paid to the 'depositor in person, on being identlfiedi to the satisfaction of the officeri Of the corn piAy, or to ainy person pre8enting; the delposit-book, or a )iower of attorney from the depositor to receive the same, properly executed and antheuticated. Payment sball be made in funds receivable ou. deposit by the national banks in the citjof Washington. XV.-Honorary and adoisory nmenaer8 of the board. The board; inay, from time to tiWoe, in its dis retiotn aippoint, at various places, such persons as they may dleum quafiti(d;i, lh tlheir position and -ifluencei and their known sympathy with {he objicts ot thl8 conipaui, to t a8 honorary and advisory members of the board, to aid autl advise the board, its officers, coiiulittees; andid agents, as they may be able, at-id to hold office until the next annual election. They Shall have the right t to sit at the board, when present, at any of its regular meetings. and to take part in its discussious, but not to vote. XVI.-T)ru8tees' attendance. If any trustee shall tail to attend the meetings ofthe board, or to perform the duties devolving on hiin a a memliber of any of the comnlnittees of the board, for the ternl (if six IsuCcessive mnoIthtl, without excuse satisfactory to the board, be shall be considered as having resigned the office of trustee. XVtI.-inuendments. These-by-laws may be altered or amended at any regular meeting of the board: Providd, That Unotice of the proposed alteration or ameutldn-nt shall bave been -submitted n writing to the board at the regitlar meeting next precedibg: And provided also, That each trustee shall be -furnished, in Writing, Nvith a notice of the proposed change at leat ten days previous to the Ueeting at which it shall be acted, upon. FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY; 91 PROGRESS88 OF T119 COMPANY. Thel aot ofL oxi ress creatti-g thie baink w as approved buy Pri sient Lincoln ontihe 3d doy^ t' M~arch, 18b'. The organbmz~tions of thle company wasW efft'ute(l M~ay 16,; andl ite flraW rel)ort was nade to the trustee.s Juie 8, 18B5. Deposits at this diitet alom oeted to$706, beside-s finds received June 3 front the Military Bank at Norfolk, Va., amuoluting to $7,95)6.38. Amgulst 1, the firgt libali" offlce was opened at sshington) D. e. September 1t- t duic'e" pcirors of $84.84,- Other bar bnes wore, opetue dorilig brainhh had a balsco tlhe year at LojiS\'ille EinOnll, NsihVilh. WIlmington, unteVille, Menupihl8; Mobile, and N' cksliugi,. Deceelir 14, 1865, the military Bank at beaifoit, organized October 16, 1865, was, by order of General Saxton, transferred to this cOJllipany, wifth its balance of $170,000. At. the CIO of the first year, March 1, 186(, fourteen branch otlices had beei opened, nmid the balance clue depositors wsw $199,'283.42. The following table shows the business of the company for the succeeding years: Table 8showing the relativec busbies8 of the company for each fiscal year. For year ending) March 1. Total amount of Mdeposits. 1866) . ..... ......... 1867. 1868 . . . 1869 .,. 1870 . $305, 167 1, 6;24, 853 3,582,,378 7,257,798 12, 605,781 19, 95 '> 7 , 1671 . R1UILES 00. 33' 36 633, 95 36 Totaldrafts. amount of Balance due positors, $1(?5, 883 58 1 258,515-00 2, 944, 01936 6,184, 333 32 10,948,775 20 17,497,111 25 de- $199, 283 42 366,338 33 6m:8, 9 00 1, 073, 4W5 31 1, 67,00HN6 75 2,455,836 11 AND REGULATJONS. 1. The priii l office of the company in Washington, D. 0., will be open daily, Snndays mid holidays excejpted, from 9 o'clock _.. in. to 3 o'clobk p. in. The branh office at shall be openl for the, reception of deposits and the traimsaction of business generally, on of' each week, excepting on holidays, front T9 o'clock a. ill. to 4 o'clock pm.nI. 2. Peposits of iife dollar or moreiniay be received, the sahlfebe in specie or national curroncydr the equivalent of the latter; andprovided )ayinllonts will b1 made in like mnuinler alt theo optioni of thie coiuilpiiilx.-a ,positor sall be rotiired to aisb8cribe to the }. On -iimakinig thie first depos wssent to thle samle; and regularlalso tionis and by -lavs of said company, thereby signifying shiall list of himself or herself, which shall be taken at the time glie a-:ldescriptive of tho first d(posit. 4. Tlhi e comlpany shall be stitbibrty to returzi the amount of all or any part of the deposit, liezeir they lmythink proper, or tQo refuse1t receive the deposit ot any.. person whenever thiey lmiy dee it exdient, Tiis riule is to prevent unworthy or er porsonis'froiin onDo' iip)rop ijebi-efits of the Collipanhiy. 5. Front the tirst (ay of Jidly,-1871, the coiiiy' ill' pay interest at the rate of six per centt. p~er anlnum1, until furtberiiotice, on allsms fi five dollars taid upwards rec'ivCal Ib it oii deposit, under the folio\-viig cdiiditio's ain exceptions Inuerestat the aboveonamnidrio, will- 6iin to aecrle at the beginin gof each mouth oii -allstliis of five dollars and u-pwar is then onl depiosit. It will be oalculated twiceo a year, viz, on the first day of J alyand ithe first day of January in each andliwill be iaid itl ca81i to, or entered to tlle credit of the depositor as a deposit, asyear, he or slit) mAy jpi`efebr, within tw6ntv days after those latest . No interest will'b allowed or paid onl any suill withdrawn before the first days of J111,t- t-lidl Jainalry.'.in each year, for the period which may have elapsed since the date of the Inst }idend. 01n dlo o).sits of five thousand dollars and upwards only five per cent. per annum will (tille 6i is repealedl.] the-boks of. ti company, and a duptloate given depi"ts sba11 7. Alldepositor, .be,6ntered to the in whbich tho sumini by bhni or her shall beentered, and which deposited he s1hll his or hler v0ohlielr, and the evidence of his or her property. in sald conpaviy.. ho deoiesitslhtll 811 ieceiv d, nor shbIil ay draft be paid, except on the days and during. the hours which In way bodesiguated by the trustees for that purpose, and no other FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. place thai at the cent al ofllce of the company, or at one of its branch agencies, nnl 41thoriz4d b y the- board of trustees. $. Drafts ninyabe r epersoe ally,'or by the order,'iu writtig, of the Aleiitor,.(i( the company have tbe signature of tbe party on their "sigtnature-book,")or hy'eterx of attorney duly authenticated; b-it no prson :sball be id aby part of thnS principle or interest. Nit bout prod0u Igthe passibook, and having iuch paylent- entered therein: Provided, TlhAt thlisrulet tshahlnt prohil)it-'cash4ers, under the direotioii of'tbe actularyv, fronm mnakisgsplal -arrangements for the deposits of business men, which may bbe ltbdrawn bv cheek in accordance wlth. 'e usual rules of bankd. 9. On tlfe decease of any deipositT,'tle amount; standing to the credit of the de. oeas8d shall be paid' to Iiis' or her al reproach tatier 10. All aeeoints to whlich no'daeposit; or on Which no draft shall have been !made for seven yearslh suecession, at) the depositor of which ba 'not been heard frobiu,"ahd for wlich no legal heirs cab be fouid, (uj)On lilij'nt'searcli being imade by the conipany, bly advertisemenlts in papers of general oirculattion throughout the country; anld bvy 8tijh iitber' means as man~y 1)0 tlhougbt best,) shall hib closed, mind the. biilauce'of sueh aecountsanliay be' transferred to the credit. of the edulcational fund, to be applied to the educationn andpimprovementAof persons heretofore held' in slavery," as set forth In action 1th of- the charter of the coitipally. 11. All imotitsee in relation to deposits and depositors, published by or under the direction of the trustees, ini ome or more of the p oblic uewspapers iu the cities or towns8 where agencies are lcatead;' at least sir times successively, shall be deemed and taken as actual notice' to each :depositor. A1. Althouighl the company will omujeavor, by nll possible means, to.prevent frauds nd i' WpoOitiobsf yet allucpa~ymerite to Pons producing the pass-books issued by it sball le valid' payuen ta to discharge the company. In the case of lost books, the cotnpaoy wi1 I decide, on the full presentatiou of evilone., as to the 'persons to whom pay uelitshall b made and without the right of the depoito in vnch lust book to-qnestion the correctness ot the payment. Depo8 tor' hall advertise loss of his batik-iok in tH place where branch is located, oitler'ly publieatiin'o'n-eeWekfo four eeksnin a new paper, or by posting notices once a~ wveek for :four weeks in ei'bt "phuces, and in either Ccase notice 'shall ie posted in the bank. If t& -book iS not. foun withi thrie months from first advertiwment of itsW lo4s, the cashier i*y'p 'the - aruount(ldie depositor, provi(ledhe1 is satlaled it- wonld be safe to do 'o; otherwise he may require bonds to indetunif~y the bank. The depositor Wgiing 'satisfactory bonds, may draw, amount -due at any tie,: after aulvtevJsemxnt of the loys of his book a8s above provided. The account to be closed by. the loeut iuninlor and opened with a new one. 13. No f Atee- . such,> b shall :receive, directly or indirectly, aumy pay or emolument for hilelvice8 ; neither shall he be liable, personally, for any loss whatsoever, the instituition bei'nig piure y a beuevoleit oue, and designed only to promote tho interests of the freedmen and their'descendants. 14. Deposits'in sums of not lems than fifty dollars may be received, to be subject to check at sight, Which shall draw interest from (late of Sleposit at the rate of four per c.t. per anuum; on condition that the sums so (leposited shall remain on deposit not leii4 than thirty days. i.But deposits made under this rule will not participate in the higher rate of interest ,of rule 5. hoe dsle of loans on sundry secu ties made by The Freedman'8 Savings and Tr)u8s ThOi tio'.-'Plowmhini hl8 notei endorsed S. ¶. Browp & Son, due October 9, 1870;"lk ed an ~cob tesed$1, 500 00 11nrstIo tne~, 'Auguo7S;, 6$3,000 life-insurance policy in New Eng-landl * 1Life-Insurance Conpaimy interest to July, 18I1.250 0 t A B Mill'It, Aulgust 31, 1870, loanI On100 shares Morris Mining Company, each t interest to Novemboer 1, 1871 ...................... Co ord <lab E. R. KxifiOtober 11, 1871, balanceO of loan $600,on Arkansa'i State otip-M'iphie loan ................-........................... C. W. Havenner & CO March 24,1871, balance loan $1,200 on real-estate not It ,i06;. C. W. Hanveianer'& Co., March 27, 1871, on real-estate notes $3,050, interest jsa~id to J ly ,3i; 1871 Daniel ;Welch, hi iiote, indorsed D. L. Eaton, duo April 2r1,1871, protested J. WSP,4jiier, May 2, 1871, chattel-aortgage on furniture, 8t. Jaullme Hotel, no 4i6terest paid..,. C. W. Havenner & Co., May 6, 1.871, on real-estate notes, interest to July 1, 1871.80000 Arthur Flynn, balance note $150, due July 15,1871, ou real-estate nos. .............. Co1pany. 4 1, 400 00 300 00 400 00 1,50 00 230 40 2,735 10 89 04 FRED1MALN I 93 8AVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY; Frank Triggt May 20, 1871,balance loan $500 on $1,000 Virginia State tis balance outetandtbg bond a i roFd Rai Joseph B. Stewartf loan March 14, 187i,o $500 Uno P oallro bonds in hands of H. GC.Fant. Blonds in suit as to ownfrspip ...3,26)0 00 J. Y. WVanderbiwgh;June 13,1871, balance of $5,000 on olaim for work on2Wasbiiitoi (iluedn i ........................................ .1,251 50 Lervie ~ Jl I~yat i1 Bryanti Lewis 1 0 192 041 N4,871. July A, C. W. Havenner.&. Co. July 25,1871, real-etate note . 700 00 Central Branch Unio:n PAcifib Railroad Cominpay, balance of their note, $175,000, of August 17,1871, oeured by contract of uale.of portions of the KiAk4poo reierveyliils, Kansa8I.bioud'of A. S. Barnes, R. M. Pomneroy, au(I E. H. Nicholst dwrei" t paid to December 12, 1872; last payment on account, May 19pa 1873, $7,500. (Lands are sold on one to ten Y ears. credit, about 100,000 ....... ;-74,000 91 Daniel Weloh & Co., September 14, 1871, balance of loan $250 on deed trust note, interest to Decei&ber 21873... 182 93 Michael Greoot), September 19, 1A1i, bond to trustees Barry farm, l6t 15, interest to September 29, 183 .... . 100 00 Cbarles F. Peck and W. E. Chandler, balanceor$l,100, September 20,1871, on their note i dorsed Wi. 1.Htiuntington, interest to October 25, 1871, last payie''efnt Feb huary '29, 1872 .. . .............. 979 50 O. W. Haydfen, Septemiber 29, 1871, balance of $3,500 on. real-estate notes, 713 $3,833.33, interest pail to March 66 Charles N. Th(ioths'October 9,1871, oll bond of thoe howard University for sale of lot l, block 22 .350 00 Maria T. Stoddard; October 23, 1871, for note indorsed G. W. Stickney, one year. No interest paid .......................... 1,000 00 Rni. Sorona McCarthy, November 11, 1871. Note ludorsed by Robert H. Barker'.250 $2,000 Philadelphia city 8tock. Decmber19,171,on W. Dter June17, GeorgeGeoreW.Dyer 187 . In~terest paid to Nov. 23, 1874... 00. 1000 George W'.-Dyer; 9,1872... ............ ........... Octo'ber Alexander W. Randall, Deceumber 29, 1871, balance of loan, #1,212.02. His note; iid'eiio". Jno. L. Kidiwell, December 21, 1871, balance of $2,000 on $2,000 real-estate nots. December'21, 1, 8300 00 Jno. Spicer, note December 2:3, 181. No security; no interest paid.. S. S. Stearns, January 13, 1872, on real-estate notes. Interest to February 1, 187:-........................ Jto. W. Wright, January 23,1872. Paid. Note M. Ayers, $1,163, and claim against, United States for rent building corner Eighth and a streets. No interest pail.. HXallett Ki lioirn and John'O. Evans, January 2, 1872, on $75,000 secondmortgage bonds Marylaud Mining and Manufacturing Company . S. S. Stearns, February 6, 1872, balance lo-an $400 on real-estate notes. Interest to August 7, 1873 .................... 69 04 JDo. S. Cook, assuztiijed by Ed ward S. Fowler February 7 1872, ont realestate notes, balaice of $13,000. 'Intrest paid to February 9, 1874 .... Whitfield Jnikson8, February 15, 1872, balance of $237 ol $250 United States 5-20 bo6uds ........... , TIobert I Flend'g, March 7, 1872, on f5,000 real-estato notes. Interest to bMarch 10, 1873 ........ J. M., Brow*, March 0, 1872' on'$4,000' stock Detroit Car-Loan Company, 160 shares, Interest paid to .July 15, 1873........................... Eugene S. Calvert, March 28, 1872, on real-estate notes $19,331. No interest paid JaUmes C. Kennedy, March 29, 1872 'o $20,006.'Maryland Mining and Mapiufacturing Conmpany bonds, oi demand.' No interest paid. ..... F. H. O(assawayMarcb 30,-1872, balance $3,300 loan on $7,00 stock of Anierica'n Seal-LockCom'pany; on $5,000stock of Metropolis Paving . Company,. ?.oiterest -pad.... D. M. Da`vis'a1d'R M. gn oc, April 5, 1872, balance 000 ow $1,800 stok pany, IneIrest tW Janury 8 1873 - Fitchbnrgb ailro'd'Coa ........ .. . . . . . . . . . . . Jnlo. v.W. Vatiderburgb April 6, 1872, balance 00uoi ...:.h:' ! ; William R. Hooper. Aprii 10, 1872, three life-insurauce poioiles for $,500. Interest paid to October 30, 1873 ........................ Henry Brown, April 19, 1872, ont $600 real-estate notee. Interest to August 25,1872 .............. P. M. B. Young, April 27,1872, on real-estate notes, ,611. Interest to An. gUst 21,1873 .5,000 00 ..... . 800 00 300 00 1, 000 00 50, 000 00 8, 964 95 183 34 4,000 00 3,600 00 6 600 0 1... ,7500'0- 12,000 00 1,289 50 471 28 117 80 900 00 I 6W 00 FREEDMAN'8 8AVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Wntormed Mary F. JAcobe, May 1,Æ i87. $5000 Note A. Fleetwood W. W whliiM~y It 1872. Balance ........... of 'lot 13, Barry farm. $400 Interest NdVidn~ber 11, 18 ... 250 00 L. L.Orounse? May 16, 1872, on real-estate note, $4,600. Interest to )e.............................. 1,800 00 "illhr KIM3.' Jno. A. Gray~,treasurer Fifteethth street Church,' May 29,1872. Note indored -R It flemingi. interest to Septeb1wer 28,1872 .................. 2, 917 00 P. H. CroneyfJufe 6, 1812. Balance $O on $5,000 life-insurance policy. Intert to November 13, 1873 ..... .250 00 Caroltie'A. 8herbiani Jiltie 22? 1q72, Balance $2,000 oh 22 shares Enst ~ 3: shares First Corpor- ti Building Cujsito1 B~nilding Associationof Am ,ciatiora, on 4 sbares Connectient River Railroad Con1, 476 00 F. Burnliigiane, July 10, 1872. Note indortsed .1. B. Sawyer. Paid. Holitclair & Bruff, July 13, 172, Balance $3,000, on 40 shares Capitol Hill Building Asociation, on $'J,000 real estate notes ................... 948 ;1 D.. C. Morrison,' Jr., July 2, 1872. Balance $1,200. Real-estate notes 600 00 $1,000. Interest April 25, 1873 ...................................... N. J. Hillman, August 1, 1872. Bond. Lot 10, Barry farmn. Interest July 29,1874 .....: 12000 Cfau. G. Godfre-y, August 7,.1872. Balance $1,200 on real-estate notes. Interest August 6, 1873 ....... 404 64 Edward Jobuhon, August 9, 1872, on $700 stock Young Men's Christian Asw(soiAtio, -Interest Julyv 12, 1.73. . 00 Fiankilit Sherman, August 22,1872, on Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad bonds, $1,000 :interest Februuyr 7, 1873 .900 00 B H. Warner, August 27, 1872, $500 real-estate notes, interest December 300 00 12, 1873.. B. R. Plumley, Abgunt 31, 1872, balance $120, bond lot 10, Smith'n farm, Intoreat Januiary 28, 1874 ............................................... 53 00 Newu- i & Middleton, August 31, 1872, certificate board of public works, nointerestpaidl .......... ........... ....... .........................*........... 1, 40000 Daniek A. Conolly, September 3,1872, balance $6,000, old balance, no scurit sr 743 09 D6iajamin lD, Whitney, September 9,91872, balance $2,100, $3,500 real-estato iiot, In-terest September 12, 1873................................ .1,090 00 C. W. Haive!ier & Co., September 11, 1872, $1,500 real-estate note, no 900 00 interests, add.. J. W. Vknd4b6irgh, September 21, 1872, certified bill for work on Virg ni0 nivejme, $4,2650, no interest paid. 4,000 00 J. T. H.. Hall-&September 21, 1872, appro ed bill for county work $3,000, no 600 00 int,4ist paid R. M. Hall, September 23, 1872, on real-estate notes $200, no interest paid. 175 00 John W. Wright, September 24, 1872, on real-estate not $5,000, no interest paid. .......: .................................................. 2,000 00 J. V. W. Vanderburgb, Septenaber 25,1872, certificate board public works, uo Interest" paid.600 00 John W. Wright, October 2, 1872, on $5,000 real-estate note, no interest - 1,000 00 R. gBluwenieibierg, October 3, 1872, paid on real-estate note, interest to Octoit6 1 S...................................... Johni -A. Prescott, October 9, 1872, balance of $1,135; note iudorsed, R. I. 00 Fletaiitng; interest, October 9, 1873 ..............635.... .........* Middleton & Newmnjan, October 12,1872, certificate board of public works; tao In trest paidI................... ,. .......... 400 0' A. D.NewIbld 'October 19,1872, on $100 United States 6-20 bonds; no interest pi~i ........ i .100 00 J. F. Wortniley, October 21, 1872, balance $600; approved bill, M559. 40, medicinefor thepoor; interest, January 24 1873 32 ........ C. H. tlolden, October 25, 1872, on real-estate notes, $4,100; no interes, i ........................... ......................... 2,209 47 J. V. W. Vanderburgh, October 26,1872; $2,550 certificates board of public *orks; no interest paid,. ...................-.-.-.:................. 2, 550 00 6361is Clayton, October 29,1872; approved bill,$%2, trustees colored C0 , i ,500 $700 real!estate note;v no interest paid... 600 00 G. (3. iomish*,Otbetr1o,'872 $700>IL T. W'iate, tireaurer,' Novemer '2,1872; balance, $1 600 on $3,460 First 02 Congregational Society bonds; interest to May 1,1143 .2,960 L C. Loomis, November 4,1872, on real-estate notes; interest to November 4, 1873 ... 1,364 88 . .... 1'S,-l~t3 ................ 4.................................. 300r 00 ............. ...................................................... .... I ........... . . . . .. ...................... VREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. i J. V.WN, Vatierbnrg, November'9, 1872, on $2,510 Certificatee board public works no interest paid; ,idlor.e l, l). L. Eaton . ............. 2, £0O 00 YV. C. Tilden'Noveiber 12,1872, on $200 Unitel States, 5.220 bonds; no lnterest i.200 00I . . .............................. 8. (,'. Pon rti~~,+>N ve6Wlwr 21, 1872, demand 0I April 26f,-1873, $6,000 real-estate note; to interest paif. 3, A. Pannell, Noveiber J3, 1872, approved bill work on Fort Whipple, $3;0 24; 309 24p fl( interest I H. M1cLinden, Novembiber23, 1872; balance, $00 on $1,000 stock Young Men's . 200 00 Cbristixti'Association; interest May 15,1873 A. Pannell N6vember 29,1873; approved bill $116.66, Fort Whipple; no 11f 66 interest .i.. December 5, 1872; balance, $6,46 certificate. board J. V. W. Vatiderburgbi p)ubliC.Workia uo iitees6t paid ....................................... 2,720 29 A. PanuI)i, December 10,'172 .106 i) 72 00 $'200 approved& LfI w'vork on Fort Whiippla; no interest paid .......... $00, l)ecen berI 4, 1872, on $84.75 .............. 84 75 J. V. W. Vantderblrgb', treasurer Abbott Pave Company, Decemnber 1, 1872. 80, 216 W J. V. W. Vanderbitrgh, January 24, 1873..$1,000 00 February 8, 1873.~~~~~~2,000 00 F'ebrimar_,214873 1 2*00 00 20000 2 ,- 1873.1, Fobrulary Februlary 2, 1873 .35, 107 :56 Fcbroaryv.26, 873. 6,492 08 April 21,t873.1,300 001, 000 '00 April 2;1873 Aly 10, 1873.. 1,600 00 May 21, 1873'... 1,200 00 Jun 00 ;e 16,1873.4,000 000'00 November 13,187.1, 2,700 '(00 1)cceniber: t0, 1872.. 1,600 d0 January :254873.. 1,600 00 July 13, ti3' 6,000 00 July 16,873. July 16, 1873, accepted by J. A. Magruder, treasurer .4,483 05 000 QO :..73.1. Augunst 15, 3,000 00 August 15, 187:3......... September 13, 1873 .3,623 48 September 13,1873, accepted by J. A. Magruder, treasurer. 6,600 00 Total loans to Vanderburgh .............................:.180,068 58 Not yet credited loan account: Lems interest coupon collected .......................... 5,678 00 Leim 39,658 8 per cent. bonds sold.. 30,225 75 __ ' ~~~~35, 903} 75 * Total loans outstanding ........................... 144,164 83 . . . ...... . . . . . . .................. .......................... Secured by: District Of Columbia 8 per cent. bonds .............................. 95, 2f50 00 Anditor's certiftcateA..-s ........................................... 61,262 94 Face value ...................................................... 166,512 94 Add accepted by Magruder, treasurer ................................. 6,500 00 16.3, 012 94 Total . P. H. Gamawayp'Decemiber 18, 1872 on $2,000 stock Amuerican Seal Lock Conillany.; on $2,000 stock Capital PublishiUg Company, interest to ........................... 2,250 00 March' 1l5, 1873; on $2,260 real-ewtate note . RudHolpih Lobeque, Deemnber 21, 1872; paid; on real-estate notes; no interest paid..... Jaunes B. Carter, December 31, 1862, on real-estate notes $1,00 no interest paid.1,100 00 J. Q. Crosbyi'Janu'firy 2, 18731>balance $759. on $1,000 Nortbern Pacitlo 69000 Railroad buod; interest to &toler 31, 1873. F. H. Gasaway, January 30, 1873; no security; interest to March 23, 1873 2 485 66 350 00 Jafnilse B. Carter, February 11, 1873; ou $400 real-estate note; no interest 172 12 paid. Robort A. Phillips, February 18, 1873; on $1,924 real-estate note.; no 650 00 Interest paid ........ 96 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. J. & W.VoVnderburghp february '26, 1873; on $3,000 stock Second National $2,600 nk; no interest aid......................................... C. BCW. Havenner. & company, February 27, 1873; on $1,600 real-estate 1 250 notes; no tret paid I. ............................ Hallett Kilhourn, March 1, 863; on n"ote National Junction Railroad Comand interest, H. Kilbourn, president; past due; no interest piy $2,950 *+o+*--. 'i+...* 3,00,paldF. W. Brookast Aprlr 18, 1873; on ,b00 stock International Steamihi' 600 00 and RAilrod0 Sd'pply Copany; no interest paid. F. W. Brooks, April 18, 1873; on $10,000 stock International Stenmship 5,000 00 tid; value 10 per ient., $1,25 per 125 shares Copan11y'; o liiterestpi Plato P. Lee, April 19, 1873, on $324, certified bill against District Columbia, 100 00 no Interest paid '0. P. Hopkins, April , 1813, on $3,000 Union Pacific Railroad bonds, Intereet to JahtuarY 23, 1874 . 2,500 00 Jamets T. Piket April 30, 1873, balance $6,500 on $5,000 note James Pike, ; proetedlon' $*,0 real-estate notes, no interest paid ................ 6,170 00 R. A Marsh, May 1, 1873, on $30, approved bill against board of health, 00 interest to August 3 1:873.300 Robert S, Fletcber, May 5,1873, balance $351 on salary-srder. 1. J. Draper, May 7, 1h73, balance $300 on seeen shares Franklin Co-oper150 00 ative Building Company, interest to Auigust, 1873. James T. Benedfict, May 7,1873, on $2,000 real-estate notes, no interest ....... 2, 000 00 paid Frederie otiglas, Jr., May 22, 1873, on $1246 approved bill against city 220 00 government, no interest )aid .... Charles N. Thiomap,,June 2, 1873...t,balance $140 oh $158 certificate, C. R. Dou glass, ti asuier, IlIterest to December 15, 187 . .10000 R. H. 3, 1873, order on board of health $118.60, interest to 100 00 ..1873 .................... Au'gui3t dlwis H. Douglias, June 9, 1873, on $171, approved bill city government, 00 DO inter~t p~id........................... &~.I.160 noiti.. John R. '(1rr,;June 9,1873, balance $00 on $990 real-estate notes, inter440.28 1 3................... eat to'Dei eiiler,,9j- 173'.. r.,"June 16, 1873, on $164, approved bill against Die. i1as Fredterick D J'" 150 00 trict Colitn ab, no- i tert -aidter.ibill Frederick 'Don6lae73r Jtiie, 30 '1873, on $315, approved against torial goverhtnunt no iitriest' Pad280 00 John .W. Corsoni July 6,1873,on '$1;000 life-insurance policy, National 300 00 Life'I'nurance, Copa-ny United States; interest to January 6,1874 F'*rd. D-ouglass, jr., Jnlyr7, 1873, on $194 approved bill against territorial ...............a. 175 00 Boughton & Moore, Juy 11, 1873, on $6,480 real-etate notes, no interest 4, 000 00 paid-.'-.-................... Oharles BBailey'' treasuirer, July615, 1873, balance $3,800 on $12,500 stock an. .ssociation.: 3,200 00 n Ori iI Youngmr en's 50 00 ,.Aerry H. Car"on'4,July16,487:3,r'eaestate notes.......................... H. T. Whiteasurer, July 18,'1873,'o $3,000 First Congregational Sor 21,fe1873 ................ 1,471 51 W'ii t O ciely 00 2 873, on $5,000 real-estate note .1, roo Thomas H. 'Talbost, Jiily:2' W. J. DoeWtider, July 28 1873, on $100 United States 5-2. .100 00 George W. DYer, Augusi 9,1873, balance $1,500 on $4,661 real-estate notes; internwt to Jauar 20 1874 .............................. 1,386 82 0.0. Cornish AgAnut 16, 1873;on $1,108 real-estate notes; Interest to Jan- 0000 "aatt2.,.1874.5 280 00 Gio~e linese, August 18,1873 on $350 city 8 per cent. certificates 'Whi. Bros., paid August'22, 173, balance $700 on $3,66O stock Columbia 330 00 Rail$ln'Cohfipany; interest January31 1874 S. A. zafoid,3r., treasurer, September 4, 1973, on $600 stock Capital Pub250 00 lihbing Comipany ............................. W. Bowen, Sep8tmber 13, 1873, on 2,428 bill against Dstrict of Columbia . ,. . 1,630 92 worork 4, 1873, on $300 United States 5-20s .262 31 *alk er Jw6 etembot ' oh '$633 'ce'rt'ifIcates board of publIc works.. J M. Brown,-Otobr 9,1 i, 200 00 t ft. Hulbutd, October 28,1873, on $2 300 'note W. W. Metcalf, due Octo2,000 00 beI, interestt d to Jnur 1874............................. Naeh, November 11, 1873, balance $120 on twenty-six shares FireMichal' 40 00 men'Ilsurance Company, Washington .............................. Henrietta Wli!r,'Decembor 1,1873, on $300 stock Columbia Railroad Com.100 00 pny . +. ........................ -........................................ ................... MiCrsb,'Jtine .. . ............. 10 ................ .counail;-t .......... . . .... . .. ........... . FREIED)AAN'8 SAVINGS AND) TRUST COMPANY. 97 73 oil 1.l0O 'cty '8 )ir, trett .0 .$.. .5.. o II t w 6 *I 11111 k+I~-lkl i Co-operIit~o WI I Iiii1~ u~s Itc 187:l , ti ; Interest poid to ibmiiiiry, ~ 14 1874 lIf id lug W.J. 1'uimnuh, 1)ocmlbr 20, 1873, oilt0Od .... 1,6A mFO 1dit Vjpe con t. bonds. 'Ii~l~ ed, 1)ctue2, 1873, oil A200 thlite States 6IS, 1881 '200...... lithaMdaI Decelnbo' 24, 1873, on $1110to tJuitf~d States 6-Vos ...... Ifenry R. S(Arilo, D -eilbiw 27, 187, CCI,erIifateis of' On"Sixtll of pro'(per'ty (A' WVsiiituIits dn.Bok ('(*Coipu stoIth)'ld & KIit&i JulyI 3 1872, p111d soptellilwr 12, l8j2 n~ote ........ N nIIn & MfIdd51eton, Jully 818721, (1110 Autgust t; ~2 .......... 'Nowliiliki & I, Il(etoI), dily 8, 187,-, d111 A ligtist 15, 1872), certifyicateos boar r), H. (J~S8,I~ecj~br , ~r 1,Obirniiiw i),t4 .. . . . .. .. . . . . ... OonI'll, . . (JO . ............ 3, 02501 00 00, 92:3 00 p1mb)k Nvoil k'............................... 500 00 ,Nown Im:,l & M1idd(let(J1I, July 2)7, 187,2, (1110 Aiigust, 241, 1~7,2, (Ir'll fiento~board public Nvork.. 1, ', 10 00 SNev~llim & illtf1,Auguist :1,1872, (1110 Septeuuber 5, 18712, ccrt-ificato 1mi~r(d public1( ~orkk 100 00 J, 1.ILSt ovons, August 10, 187!2 di66o Sopetifiitwir 3i, 1871.), fit li11y-votiCI4JI . 100 00 J1. 1), liit~ttoll, AuglM. 1,17,) avole iuw.45 00 L. 1)eauo, 86tptouiibier (1, 18712, balance (d11 Novtnibor 9., 18712, onl $Q500 Salit, . Loulis 1111(d D)cne COt-y Rlli'dird bond .................. .1241 00 Lewvis Brtyanut, S0 optfinl'4r 1:1, 18972, (1,10 'J111. 16, 1873, tote......... 70 00 U. 11. Nown man, Sdjitieuilbtr !20'. 18712, demalI1notto, finldonqe 0. 1). ohns)8011 40) 00 Nuwiluan1I& Mliddloton sopto IIlbr 10, 187Q2, (1110vQtohov 311, 1.872., nmot 1500 (JO A.1 i i, 187-2, (1)1 November 14, 18712, note . .... avId October ir,, Rd ill,ii, October 1872, laInkheo (11) fJamuuury 17, 18731, uiot C id(oIrLe 0. S. B. NNt I ........................... Newi~najI & Middhutoi, October 5201, 1872,dinidcot1101t b~oar(d pub11Ic work.... 500 00 ................... A. W.lDalliurd, Oii1ob&'r29, 1872, duoc Novemiber 30, 18712, oiil i )ly-v'olI01h 45 00 Wor II jv, October 3,1,1872, duol ecemlber, 23 ,187t., noto0.100....00. Blouid, Nov~ember 14,18721, d11)0 *jaui-uary Jr.187,3, nio ....... 1gmathiu imei L I hik, No,''inbcr14, 1872, duo mlacutiber 15, 1872,. on pay-vouicher. 23 00 ~ophhi r 3,182 no.20 co Itolnesovcmbottr 16,87, du 00 Thonkas ~. l~it Novemer6t, 187'), duo Decierb :3,187, noto ..... ~ddsouC~a, fdu November, 10), 872, di'o 1Deceinbor 2, 1872, noto...... 100 00) J. G.;,matinr'1'i Noveonder '23, 1872, duo D)eohuber 26, 1872, nioto ........ 230 00 A. Pa1riel T&N`)`inlflfi 23,1872,d(0111i(lllid1tO ................ 30 00 IA 13 i D.4 8mw , Nov ember 25, 1872, duol Janlutary 28, 1873, note ...... A IParniell "Novonber 27 1872, (dem~aInd.oto................ 184 00 j. VIN%1 IIIC, tplC8CIi'emld Novemnber 29, 1872, (111 January 31, 187:1, note Seneca 1Freestonie Ciom~plll.11N...................... , 00 (00 Xewl `a & 'mk(1(lotoul Novembhm :10, 18712, denlamllduloto.300 W. B. Mloore, November 30, 1872, duio December 4, 187, uioto fildorsed liorflee BoilI'~1to IC*V;Jem Iij~, ccebe 21872, duo D)eomber :31, 1872, oui pmy-vouicher 73 40 A. Parnell, D ebr1018712, (lenulhldn(1ot ................ 481 2 5 N~Olvmall& AMlddkon, Decemibr 16, 1872, (11)0 Jatnuary 2:3, 1873, noto lildortsed I. .......................u.....8 600d A. P1nl,1oebi18, 1872, deadnt.. ...W27 68 Thom1a$W. btbe Dcceiinber 18, 1872, du~e JDocenitbei 31, 1872, not ..... W1. TV. Parker, Dcembe~i~r 21,18MU, duc January :31, 187, note ......... a 00 J. 1'. Wornlclly, Januiary 11. 187 1, d111 Jianiuary 29, 1873, jioto ......0... 000 8.8. stevens,.1 400 00 .J'anua.y 18, F8 ,do1ebrualry 20, 187:1, oil roail-e-stato notes. Xewlnln & i(1(lCt~i,.Janimary '29, 187:1, deumanld-Ce~illt oa( ~1. ..w. Workii .. 10oooo W~illiatn-s& B~ecket, Jtiifuiiil 311, 18 3, demntnOd-noto............. 200 00 Soh1fI oifiuemsJauiairy 31 1i87,31dIl mji ld-hol .........20....00. H.L'1. White, treasu)relr, Februiary 3, 187:1, duio Maly 4, 1873,110t0 Indorsed 1It. lIeu ry, 141e, Febrhild-8 4; 1873, duo Apkliri 16, 187:1,1)0o indormcd C. Clark.. 120 00 1?. .MvlsFouuy1,,1~4 due Milidt: 17, 187:1,1nt1........0.. .:io 0 il ,18:,uoo. Di0,l1e1l Welc 1'ob1)ia1ley 13,4 873, du 0 0 J1ai1ies E1XDiixtIr 1"obiiiiuiy '1,) 1873, dte, March 17, 187.3, nmote in)dorsed GI. 400 0 W. Balloebel, bidSItilco of. ..........I............... '1', James T1'ike, FehrithV'ii- ~11873du,PueF itury I4, lI 873, ntoteo........ 110 (JO E'.,I. culvert, 1F'ehrhiilfl3' 24,83 deandmuliioto................ 300 00 ,N. D illard, 1Febuiittry 24,1873, d(nm.jd. ote. 1 .... A. It. Fowler, IkIbr(Ifly 24, 18~7:, (10111111uut.uio( ................ 20 Of) . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . .. . . .. . .. IL. Mli. 16-7 . . .... .. . .. . . . .. . . 98 FREEDMAN 8 SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Chadres D. Sloani, i briuary 26, 1873, due Mnroh 31,-1873, on pay-voucher.. $120 00 Iayld MiJler, Fel6ruary 28, 1873, due March 15, 1873, on 8chool-voucher... 75 00 Charles R. Douiglas, February 23,1873, demand on school-voucher... 50 00 J. IR. Jo1iison, March 1, 1873, demand-note indorsed D. L. Eaton, paid( February 3,i8744................... 300 00 W. B. Moore, March 1, 1873, demand-note Indorsed J. G(. Bigelow . Horace Bougbton, March 1, 1873, due April 25,1873, note Indorsed E. A. Kinne y,. WiliaiilElEl, March3 1873, duo May 6,1873, note.15 00 20 04 Hery Li, March 8, Ni73, du Mve10,1873, note Indorsed H. A. Klafler D. Miller, Mlarch 19,1873:, oln school ipay-voltcher ......................... 75 00 0. H. Neimnai, AMarch 18, 1873, (le A)ril 20, 1873, noto.................. 100 00 S. P. Brown & Son, March 19,1873, due Juue 19, 1873, notO ilndorsed George H. lant..12600 i 2 873, due Deceiiiber 2, 1873, note 144 12 George W. Van ldk ,J. W'. B'ishopi, Mlat'b 25, 1873>-,A(110e' lber*10, 1873, note ............... 40-00/ ieMAS, 1873, on pay-toucher. Lew Ahleii, April 3;873, I W. 1I. 11, Bates, baluece 10 00 4:0I,;Apiril., 1873, pAy-voucher ................... A. 1X. F.owlr, Apiril 17,1873, (113 .Jne 231,1873d, not ..........................184 O 0 .. ....... . wn, A. R.ow, Apri 22(ue187, ....0................... dea-note 120 00 April ', 187:3, May 2,1873, J. Sinolli'iky, Afliil '28, 1873, due note indorsed-G. AV. Stick1873, ote. July, .'.271 55 ney, balaieo W( ......................................... IRobert I atto, Ai;pril 29 ,187:3, (110o May 29,18713, note..................... fMary 8. Siith, MaNy 51873 (ide Mlay 3s1,1873, onl pay-votcher..*.*.*.*.*50 00 Marvy........................ . A lexantdr La IW;r, duo'26,1873, note ...... 50 27 Mii; 217,Octolr 100 00 )Ne Intl & Mhidleton,Liay 8, 173, deniand-ote ......................... O1. Olowar(1aid0, O. (lo Ang3ist 11, 1873, note .................... 800 00 MuiyJ610 di e Ma-y A. R. Fo ler, Mla 17,1873, 30, 187:3, noteO... 3o 00 0............ B. Frazier, May 19,187:3, (111e Julme 19,187:3, note) .......................... 85 50 Newrlmani & Middlleton, June 14, 187:3, dlelmlandl-certifllctot board l)lublic works . ......................................................... 800 00 W. F. Williams, ,Jiluie 10, 187:3, (111( Jully 15, 187:3, onl pay-vouehers r5o oo Newfi4nt & Middletoni, Junte 28, 187:3, (lemlallnd-certificatis board of'Kubli0 M ord's............................................................... 6}00 O() fieorge Bullrgress, .JuLlln~l~r :3 1873, (erimuand, Oll real-estate notes ..... ...... '2,000 :30 20 00 .J. 'V. W\rorni,1cv, July 7, 187:3, deniiil(-idot1 ............................... E_. 01 luIgo'nsoll, J ily 8, 187:3, (lle September 8, 187:, noto endorsed J. W. .400 00 1%Tri},jtt A(lisoon Cliiyton, ,1fitl 10, 1bi73, lt00- Aulguslt 12, 18;:3, note iidorsed Johliu 'T. Johnsoll .......,.,,,.,.,,, ....................................50 00 PerryCarion, .Jul0Y It', 1873, dllue..Au. 6it II, 1,473, note.5 00 'Daniel WN'oIelI, Jluly 10, 1873, (eni. 00.................................... : Newmantli & *:Mid(lietol, Jtly 14, 1873, (dfn11d1et(l-tileato l)011(l oa of phblii works.50 ......................... 500 00oon . . 'i .. .h k Jully' lly 15, !i,1973 llllllloo................... ............. Johni. E. 1811 (9 ....:. Cla~rke, 800 0O T1'. 8. Lannien, .1 iy 121, 187:1, diue Ji .)y21, 187>3, note il(l01se(l Z. iciards. Bonilgltoi o& J ly 2l, 187:3, duoe Jilunyilry 16, 18.74, 10oto ............ 500 00 M rse, John it. EJ' iis, J uly 52, i87:3, due Setenilber '27, 1873, oil tleoIiIut 0f JaImeIs 000 04) Mitimc, ,\.A. ca;sullrel ................... ......................... !,0f){l trizidfibr, trlc1s1'r9, if. 1. WhII ite, treIstiler, AllmustA 18,17:3, (tilo Oetolber l, 1873, 2mete ..2 ) oil J. l. El i(,t, Anguist 6, 1873, due sep1 cimi l 4, 1.873, note .................. 1J0 (1) '1. J. I"lIli)iI, Aii.4t 1873:, (i) Novembler 5, 187:3, note i1o(loIsedl Satlillil .S lSoeit,............................. 1, S001) .J. W i iglit. Aigiust 8, 1873, (I11o ()ctoler 10, 187:31, tv, r'e-11 estate. 1, 800 0) Newl\ ialffl Aliddlefton, Auigtist 18, 187:3, d1em11a1(l-certilicate board of' pIbl .i...oik ......................................................... :Wll !00 .'ino-llisk i L JIXe, AliglNst "(0, 187:3 due NovemlIhexr 19), 1873, coeltilicates honard Jf. piltleoN0rk4 ... ............................................ 0,00 0i Ric .1. aidml Aligitst ')1, 187:3, dio Oct( er'i20, 187:3, note ilorsed R, \Wrtloi) jii~ti4................................50 01) -JUlitil E¢'.(Cliirke"'Aiugusflt !25, 187:3, detIl- to ...150 oil Zuch ii'I ih 'eiyIiaAugust '25,187:3, (luo September 28, 187:3, note ildlOnsel .25 0) Iton i si MNli l8ewmtitau & Mfi(ditdi, Aiugast *25, 1873, (d11o October 25., 1873, cortilicate board oftpit'blic works ................ 1500 01) .00... Oeorge Blrgess, Aigut :430, 187:3, (11o October 2, 1873, roal-estato iotes. ., I, 000 01) .NflWillall &' bilddllototh, Augusit 30, 187:3, (1110 October :3,187:;, certilicato .700 0V bornd of pudlie works ................ 1 ....... ........ . ,%vorhi ..... I . .....I ... ..... 0i' FREEDMANtS SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 099 Thomas Lltoam, August 30, 1873, duo November 1, 1873, note endorsed ...,,,,, , JobhiluE,',C. $1,000 300 00 . . J. C. LA'Y, september 1, 1873, d e December 1, 1873, note 50 00 M. A. MIC ulloch, September 2,1873, due September 30,1873 pay-voucher 55 00 K. F. KeSou,Septerber 2,1873,'due SopteIuber 30, 1873, on pay-voucher... ber 2,1873, due September 30,1873, on pay-voucher.. 75-0V H. Tonvseuend, 128 00 J. I, Richardson, Sepitember 4, 1i:t, due November 11, 1873, nte......... Johu It. Brooks, September 4, 18R3, due September 30, 1873, on pay20 00 .................... voncher .................... Jacksoh & Bruali agiOs, Septemlber 5, 1873, due October 7, 187:3, certiflrcate SepCtew . board of public works..5. 50 00 60 00 O rtober 11, 1873 ..................... .J. Jackson, Septimier 8, i873, d )o 'Newmaiin & AMidldletoI , Septeniber 8, 1873, due November 8,1873, certiilG 00 cate board of public works .......................0..................... N. I)illard, Seipitemrber 9, 1873, doniind-certificate board public works..... 1,117 53 100 I,. R. 1lnight, Septemiber 12 1873, deitiand ................................ 30 00 NY. I3oweii, Septemlber 13, l33, doina'u'ld-hote ............................ 150 00 (eorgoe Siriljs, September 16, 187:3, duo Octolier 1.6,1873. note ............ 200 00 4:corgle Blilrgess Soe)tember 15, 187:3, due October 18, 1873, note ...... '200 00 . Newilillu &Mki(illetou, September 15, 1873, d1eualld Jo.s. A. WilsoI1, September 15, 1873, donimaid-tioto inldorse(l T'ioionas WXr. .700 00 (11a18. M1ose.s Orr, September 16, 1873, (iue Noveimber 18, 1873, jiote iindorsed .Jos. 120 00 Wrooks ......................................................... IlDotglitont &A oore, October 2, 1873, due JDeembcr :31, 1873, nlote indorsed 225 00 III. J. Cooke ... 500 00 ....... (eorgo W. D)yer, October 9,187;3, due 1)ocember 10, 1873, ioto ..... 11. O..JolIauiIes8, October 10, 1873, (1i1o Janliuary 8, 1874, note hudorsed W. J. Cooko;.50.........00.. 50 00 Clo4....................................................... 40 00 Noni )llhirdM, Octoober 14, 187:3, duo November 20, 1873, note ............. 150 00 It. W.WV a1tcrs, October 14, 1873, (to NovomMber 20, 1873, ioteG. II. Ne\NN'iaii, October 24, 187:3, due November 20, 1873,IOtO ............ 253 (seorge Biii'cs, ()October 30, 1873, (oIle Novrember 22, 1873, note indorsed It. I [. W\'srp ti.................... ..... nro oo .....t.... 270 00 C'l;le`s 1? I)oughtlss, Octobor 31, 187:3, (tile Jaimary 2, 1874, Il0to I1. Lohlesi r, November 1, 187.3, (tile Novelboer!, 1873, ilotO ............... :3oo 00 'J. W. Sibithi, Noveubiber 1, 187:3, (111e February 1, 197.1, note iidloried 1). S. 100 00 P'-Ittersonl ....................................................... C. I, Cross, %ONvOIibeCr 1, 1873, (1W0 NvOflhim{!r :30, 1873, o11 p)aly-volIeI'.- 41 80 11. I . yI Ne h 1, W37, due. November 30, 1873, lot ..............t. 45 00 1 lion'o1 11, \\'iIley, Novemiber 8,1873, (11u Decembeiicr 8, 1873, IlOte iIl(510doed .>.\illdv ................. ..... 40 00 Willinini If. 'est, Noveimber 8, 187 3, (di DeeDemilr 15, 1873, h1ote ilidorsed A. R. Fowvltl ........................................................ 17 00 ..inoiuislHI Ll,\e, .Novemboer 1v, 8 (itl3 1)ecombeiJei 11, 181:3. Itte m11(1 sler hooids ......................................................... 1, 478 47 WY. If. 001 16 jiso , Ni)vIlIIlm'I 11, ii73, (110 aioly 10, 1871, o.800 00 L.(.1.]w)vie, Novetmier 1.1, 1873, due N0oveim bei380, 1878, Cu 1ay-vouclier..42 40 I,. If. Stmtoii, Novembi er 15, 1:73, (0o Fel'rimry I5, 187.1, oil pay33 33 } 33 34| Jo)lml A. Giray, 1November{3 1R, 1.1739, (1114t) Deemertl( i21) P97;3, IIlOt fiI(dolsedI 5Gs60 W 0 01 Ffiv(\lirdI 1. (}a1llby-Nl\ovellib~er 2O, IF73, tihm e ]c('eml)er '1, 187:1, ijoco ........................... J. P. f1111"11':t1, Novtllember) 187;3, (tloo D)ecemberl )I 1827:3 i)oto hid~or.sC 1'. .30 ............................................ 5 uI'C. (6iny, Ntimber 18, 1873, dIII7 Jl'eceoiheir 27, 1874, jioto iii(lorste(l 100 00 ...... (;. W\. A13:iloc 1 87: by, V'S 1873, (Ii o IkeJC( AI Wriglit,NIo. ii o3,pyII-oIllA) ..... 208 00 emIhIer'2, J.1 'k.11l.iDign, Deeembzlllerl 12 1873, (tino F'ecerum\ry' 1, 187-3, uote id(1OrSe( S. ..... ................... J............ ................. 9 O3 X O 1-voliel'$r.. ti 00 i'eceiiiblI'12, 1874, AI.P. DUiOO,-6 m]);I~eil2,IS73, (1ti (111 J)eeiu,3O Deceniber6131, I.iA.UIlimt, 2G 00 tiI Dveiieifih Demeu nber 750 A1. 18783,on0cmiliy-volmelier. er 81, 1873, 187:3, duIe paty-VOuIlierC '2i2, 1873, Oae, e(olgre 1I. Nowmillmi, DecOlilber ', 1873, dlilaid-floto ...................... . 100 00 Chairles It. ID)ouglass, December 3, 1873, (ilo, D)ecember 15, 187:3, onl Ijay0 0. AM. 11 Cusho1aim, bdalmice )eceemiber 3, 187:1, due Janluary 3, 1874, mioto... 20. 00 Keithi ;iiith, Decembler 5, 187:3, duO Januaury 15, 1874, inoto iidorsed W. B. AiltlleW.s.2. 00 ...... ............. .......................... . . . . ..................................... ..... ..... ..... .... \\................... ...... ..... ... ...... ..... ... .. ..... . ,. . . . . .. .. .. . ...... . -....................... .l. .. ....... .. . ... . . . ......... . . .. . FREEDMHAN'S SAVINGS AND) TRUST COMPANY, 100 Thomas I. G ardnler, D)ecember 6,1373, dtue Fobruary 3, 1874, note Indorsed George iirge ......................................................7 Snsan Leintnas, D)ecember 10, 1873, demand-note ii(lorse(l Juan Boyle & Co..100 00......................... (. S. Sihohrinerborti, D)ecember 9, 1873, (i110March 9, 18741, noto .00 00 'rnieas (a11k, December 93, 1873, due AMarch ,1874, note i9,(lorse(l E, . SO 0 L asis, ... DecomibI)or 16, 187.3, (1lie "ecbrmiry 14, 1874, ioto ............. 100 00 Jos. Brooks, .J. W. I)6uil4ati, )ecemnibor 18, 1873, (h1io Jtimuary, F'ebruary, .1ateli .8, 1874, IltotH .. ..........s........... . . . . . . ,.. . . . . . . . . '. 3000(0 I 01) fliolliiar'y-31^ 187+1 itty-votielior ...... S. J. Carson, Deccein' '20, 187(11 J. H. Woiriobl, DecinjberX'22, 1873, duio alri 2'2 1874,l oto .............. 1f)0 00 M. If. Sikke'r, Docooidiei 2(r , 1873, (111i Jtjmiljlihj :4, 1i1! im -Yolyvlei,.58 72 .........'22 00 Robert Hlatton, Decemitb-er '2( ,1873, dulo J11lury. 23.I . ..................... locceiileltol'elvlily 2,2 1874 B$I.II. Wur 87.200 '27, 187:3, dueFbury22 7 1t3: DerIcember Vtirier, 250 00 B. Jl. Warner, December 27, 187:3, (do Febriuary 23, 1874, notem ........... diuo February 25, 1874, note id(lorsed 1). 1P. It. M. Halo, D)ecember 29!, ....170 00 .. } ollow^ay . :s:3 So fole i ..................................... i 14 i~i^e 31:, dh6J1iiiary 31 174, t Deecuabor W . C. CR'. Hu p~t, iy-tci .33 W~. 100 0(1 R. A. Iliale-,.Decei hwer 31 duio, Aftre'h 4, 1874, itoto i'ljdorised J. M. Brown.. !0 00 Edwar(1 S. Jones, Janiary :3, 1874, (dio *Juniary :31, 1874, lpay-voliceII 115 00 W. A. Widfeey, January :, dlio Februttry 1, 1874, n)oto in(lorfe(d EF. S. .Joles Charles R. Dougla8s, Janiuary 5, duto .Jntiary 18, 1874', note hidorsed WV. 418 00 E. MlatheWs ........... L. L. Croun'seo, *Jdnuitary i,duto Febiunary 10, 1874 .......23................. .263 3S 26:3 38 L. L. Cronu11so, January 6, (]1)0 April 10, i874, notes ii(dorse'd George S. Page, Charles XVhito, Jalnary 65, (1t0 .Jauutury 14, 1874, note iil(dorse( AV. J. 225 00 Cooke . 50 00 A. Y. Leecb, January (6, due .Janliitry 22, 1874, noto indorse(d WV. ,J. Cooke. .Eg. F'. M1. Feht' January (;, (l10 AMIsrclh 3, 1874, noto idI(Iorse(l XV. .J. . 01.l '' .. I. ...O.. Cooke GO 00 ....... Efiiia'Arithuir, Jillinuary , diidt(111 Jimitnary 31, 1874, I0-votucller ..... 50 00 .January 31, 1874, pay-vouicer ............. Maggie Ouanij, Janialry 6, J. T. Corlett, January 6, 1874, (lue February 4, 1874, noto inldorsed F. A. 50 00 Couradi ........................................................... . 1 narch 5, 1874, uioto ind(iorse(I AV. B. George Wr. Smuitih, Jaiuary 6, (1ue A -e -J ry 21,1874, moto.20 00 tl;wSJaiiti ~il-lia5 In- ~l3a~ia 2500 Sallie Hhison, onl p~ay'-vclueiyediie.Jaitiunry :11, 1874 .................. . 70 00 F. W. Mofaitt, on pay-Vio elior, duo Jary 14, 1874.... . . :5 00 A. C.Adamion;,TI1, MuAirsthi; dfiCferi rv 11, 1874 XV. WValetelSA-X. MdnI~ltos8ht'd}iio lFebmi-iiary 11, 1874 ................... :15 00 99 00 F. W. A 4t, due vel ry5 '1874 .........W..tde.ry.1.......................... :300 00 Albert M.NIhtM6sin,1; Brooks, XV. Chase, (diuo February M1 1874 ............ 70 00 F. H. WijuiAi` L". SCott, e March 10, 1874 ..................... 475 00) . ................................ W. J. Cookeduo Marih 17,;1874 . 1,413 85 ...................... Robert I. Flni iug, due March 12, 1874 ............ M, Ilaypieti, p-voubiei , (rie Fobrtiiit-ry 15, 1874 ..........................3 0) . 14l0 00 . J. A. Gray, Georgo Lyles, (1 0i Febrtary 17, 1874 90 00 ... . E. L. Laiubio, 'T. L; Lanmb, (Ile Fobruary 17,1874 ................. 55 00 ................. .J. W Cole, W. E. Aist, i4, 1874 ........ 5500 .. S.II. dim iFebruairy 3,1874 yI Joseph8W yman, 00 Mtary S. Smith1 psav,-\oicther,.hduiitiry '31, 1874..40 t .............................CO (56 l ''r h 1t77lty1874 Arthura li duol~i 31, 6 (A)7 Arthur81rdhiii~MsI~oW 1u,1iti874 ................................(5 ( 67 ArthiiturSliili itat 1il 17, 1874.... Joseh B3rooks, Feruaryl16,1871....... ..... ........2.911 ..10 00 SIiiipson,pi y n d0i4r, du Februiiry iS, 1874 JohA-I. 2;6; . (111i .................................1.... ii'ookokV WiT. Chaso, '0874 Joscej Apl0,)i 200 00 r Ita XVIII milllmpJ'. M atthews,- aid dur io Febol -I y , 18774 ................... ................................ .. . .. .. . ................ .. . .. . ................... .............. . -il~l,63 .......... ..... .... ... 0n ... ........... I............................................. ... . ..... 0'4 'e:ArII2:1, 1874..394 00 Brooks, Chase &t. MaChroh 21, 1874 .......................... ,J, W. If. Milstcu(l- Wr I e W. J. 4tiruary 187 ........................ Beorge '1'. Lauigloy, C..A, Jiwil 2gl, (17i Api i '24, 18744..00 01) PlIttrinmll, htho 1b'ch 21, 1874 ........................ 'I'lP--T-nFihio,(JliiiheuaI (Jliflbrdf ............. .. relestte ote 1872 ...................... Xllai-ALr, Mi i1h lirt, lour miibli works 118172, (tifie N nai &. Mi(l '2779............................... Ii Afirdli3 18S , ito, p4r0 Capital Il Iisli lug (o. Itock . . . F3rak '1'. rleir, B1. J, ¢. (:ros Janaz 2 187: on onds.............. 000 Noithers .a.ific Railroad 0 200 00 6 10 3,000 0) 500 0 '20O0 00 600 1 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. A JFithia L~-ii-iy 18, t873 real estalte¢ $2000............................ W~tillia~iJ .Ste~rljlm MAmWir 31, 1873, ircl-estate notta . J. S. ~linisiA ti)r i 13 87:3, 11ote ihidlor-ed( ............................... 1., 1. WVhitfetre43as Jor01July 8 1873:, onl (CotgrogiLloilid chliurchl boud..... J. V. AN" Vaidiielibitivh, Joiy'2d(,187:3 cortlllcates loalr(ld p11blio works. . GeorgeoTa'y'tr, Jailinv` 12, 1874, uiote ii(lored(l R. I. Fleint Smmdr sx aiill notes, Wilmitices of*notes (du.e . W. S. II[intilngton, Feboriary 21, 187%, onl 70 shares Aumelean Seal Lock Commipamny, (worthless) .............................. 101 $200-00 520 00 400 00 200 00 3,000 09, 3, 0()0 00 1, 602 37 :3, 600 00 It 16CA Pu rr I,,m IOX. Tot;II ulilOti it (ot lo secilritieY ....................._1......... oi l suild('3' 31 560 56 3,600 00 535,, 160 56 CHIAS. A. MEWS, Adlional-BankV Examinme,'. .JANUmtIN 24, 1874. *Scbl'did(' of loaims qf /the 'rcdmalln'.? Sarillys (1,111 'I'mT 7t Conm iIy, W'ashinfqtonl Citi1, .Twillary '26, kl-74, on rld etante. renry Wells, Juine 3,1870; onl sqrt1are No. 597; interest pai(l to Alugulst 22, 1872 ..$_......_.., .OO. J.'1'. lHowtir(l, Aloy 26,1870, onl milli'divisiol lot 35, s(litaio :3o'9, impl)rove(l; illterest p)ai(d to November 26, 1873 ............................... TImeos, L. illunm, D)cenibor 21, 1869, onl east half of lot, 2, square 403, improved ; ilitorest iaid to May 1,1873 ............................-.3 Ocueieral Ri. Williams, ,JamllIary 3, 1870, o0l lot 6, sqiar:e 560; interest paid to .Jilyv 1, 1872 ............. . I-). )odgI, Jaiilarv 21,11870, oln OloorgetoNNll p'iopity, Congress street, ................... HunI1tington hlOIh ,isb; inltoWrstpi~aid to .Janmary 24, IL F. 1301imland, Jiine (, 1870, o1n lot 52, square 511, improved; i uterest paid to Decemiii ber 4 t1 873. (le o 8'vneI Jine 7, 1870, o0l lot 1, square 34S, improved ; interest pai(l to l)eceber 3, 1873.1.. D. 13. NielG-oIs, Jfii(e 8, 1,870, oil lot 12, square 773, improved ; interest paid to Marci 11, 187:3. JO.9. Casey, .JUmIe 11, 1870, onl lo(t.s 1 to 17, Hall and Ewans's subdivision Meriobilill llpart ; interest l)ai( to Atigiist, 1871 Jime 15,1870, lot 11, square 481, improved; interest paid Claksonl, to December 8,1873 ...................................... Clus. Dyson, JIuo 14, 1870, lot 25, square 870; interest, paid to December I13,187:3.396 74 C. (Caiiniajbch, jr., .Jno 2.3, 1870, lot :3, square 2214; interest paid to bJino 22, 187:. -. enlij. (, Wriglt, Juntio 24, 1870, lot 24, square 516, ilpr1)ov!Xd ; interest paid to D)cetmiber 1 1873 .. .8. P. Blrodi nut& Son, 'itlle '27, 1870, lots 7, 8, 10, 453, 48,49,'iI, 74, 60, 61, 66, 67, t 73,2t,2S2, interest paid to ,Jfie 20, 1872... 2lAit MAtmlA'leasant; MI:mrttill 3ucl, Junle 28, 1870, lots :3, 4, and 5, square 572, improved ; inteiest paid to tJuni ", ,1873 ....3... , Juli-e 10, t1870, farin on Bllduinsbtirgh tivrnliiikc, opposite C'. Mt. Alecxnii Mounint Oimect Comelfotery, inilwroved ; interest paid to D)ecembher '29, 187:.. \W illimlihl 1 01ter,J11eo 30, 1870, lot 6, section 3, Barry ftir'mm fund, interest jaiid to Jhlili, 3'0, 187:3 ................................................ 1. .jossoII Tjily. 1, 1870, lot 22, square 1(6, imiplrovedl; interest paid to 1).3................... ................. 52, 0co 00 650 00 8,000 00 6(,.OO 00 13,786 50 1, 475 00 10, 000 00 20 00 3, 130 00 2, 500 00 1,500 00' 1, 500 00 10, 000 00 ', 000 00 6, 500 00 200 00 oenibller :10, 1873 ...................................................... 2u8 86 S;uineFlL udtrc, July 1, 1870, west )lalf lot 20, square 158; interest paid -to Decem111ber 22, 1873 .....................................:1 300 00 W. Wi: Rjlialt, Juily 5, 1870, houiseidlan lot Oil (, streLt aiwr"' Twent,-Ai lst street;' tjro 20:1, west i Foudeeitli strct, eas't 81(lo-'iefteeelitlsttiett Collttl illig 151 lots ; lots 9, 10, 9ililrer7(;' in test paid.6 Jto*Jil 5, 187o. .. 10, 000 00 Tlhomnas Blltgdei, hel'rs otf, Jily 5, 1870, lot 22, suailre f523; lot 21, swi'o'4't 533, impr1iloved, 4-.stor brick liouesm ; iliterit paid to January 2, 1874, oi Indiami,t avenllue, soutli si(le, bettweem 'Third amid F'ommrtli-und-a-balft treats, ll iterest arJ ,14o ...................................... ........................... 00 FREEDMAN'8 SAVINGS AND 'TRUST COMPANY. 102 M. Gateley ,Jre 9 1870, lots 10, 11, square 785, improved; Interest paid to Januar'y6bt 18'i4v'.v--.$............ Levi Prince, July11,' 1870, part lot 6, square 9-20, improved; interest paid, to Jaun ary tl.1t874 .300 00 BalanceC Adam' A ikgii'st 4, 1870, lot 35, square 545, improved; interest 30 00 paid to August hI, 1873... H. Lancaster, August 9,1870, lot 10, quare 55E, inl)roved; interest paid to 6,1873, 400. August .Au'ns 6-.18:_ S. Bacnh, Septe'merb10, 1870, lot 77, square 180, improved; interest paid to ............. 00....................................... Se'tefiWr9,'13 , 200 00 C. S. $eptciinber 13, 1870, lot 7, sq a are 76:3, ImproN'ed; interest paid to Septemiber 9,1873' ........; ........................................... 3, 000 00 C. M. Barnard, Septemiliber 17, 1870,'lots 7, 10,19, square 369, improved; interest naid "to September 16 1873.. 500 00 .. ................... ....g, &. adJosepfi I si #46,`Sep)temiber 2'2, 1870, lots 115,116),'JBeatty &Hawkins dition, Gorgetown; interest paid to June 24,11 # 7 4 G :175 00 James Cooper, &ptomber 248',t870', prt lots 74, 75, 0(1 Corgetowi .83.0 00 John H. Ma"o"; Octobier 1, 1870, lot 1, square 140, improved; interest pai(l to September 24, ............... . 250 00 McGill & WithierwV, Octdlic'r 5, 1870, lot 2, s(luare 321, irnl)roved; interest paid to Septeifimr 30,1873. 8, 418 25 WN. B. Toddjr.tri0tee, Octolber 5,1870, lot 14, square 309, improvedl; interest paid t Octoberi 4, 1873 .165 03 William J. Muiirtaglj, Octobjer 6, 1870, east balf lot 7, square D, ilnprov ed; intorepst' aid Dto'bDrer 20,18721, 200 00 D. C. Foirnie-,i OctA0er20,'1870 lot92 AinJilbeDitssubdiision of l)art of square 375, imrrovedj ;iter8tpai(t'to October 14, 1872 . 3, 750 00 R. B. Moh'ubnOtober20, 1870,'lot`6,'l)Daly's subdivision of lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, 316 71 .1, square 2 i5,mproved ; interest paid to October 30, 187:3 Tihos.W. Chaise 'Oc er 29, 1870, part lot No. 1, square 3:35, ilprove(l 3, 000 00 interestp'aiid toOctober 25, 1873 Win. kCyrane, P. .October 31, 1870, lot 8, s(luare :398, improvedl; interest to'Aprml 30- 1873. paid 3, 230 00 James C. Oe. `Ld;November 1,1870, cest 25 feet of lots 1 mild 18, st(jlari 10, 000 00 iniioved, interest paid to November 1, 1873 . *200, Naoh L.4Jdflres, Noveniber 4, 1870, lot 14, squiiare 199; interest paid to April , .......7'...56.6.0.........................,., 56 JIO.T. HIo~ley, oYe iber 10, 1870, lot 46, square 302; interest pai(l to No-2350 00 vemabeir 10, 1873g.7 J. H1 A. XSburremiani, Nov ber 11, 1870, half lot 24, s(lijmire 728, improved; intesret pai(l to ,Jul' 2, 1872. ,200 00 ............................. X Balance, F.' Fraziei,,November 14, 1870, lot 1:3, s(w13a're 331 ; interest p)ai(l to Novembin'er 14, 187.3 .................. .............'............. 3 O Richarld Waters, No'vember 13, 1870, part lot 24, square 528; interest paid toNoviiber . 12, 1873i .....123. 00 A. H. Pci',-y, Noveiiwber 18, 1870, hart lot No. 2, s'mmuite 821, Iprovedl; interest to Nov'oiiber 11; 1873 .......................4:....1.l 40 A. Burld finNoveniber 18, 1870, part lot 11, square 516, implr'ove(ld; interest to November 14 87, ...................1...8.................... 1, 000 0) J. Q.- oga'n,19 1870, lot 22, square 974, improved ; interest to Septembier 27,187:3 .................................................. 1, 000' 00 X.T.M'Iartin, Noveijiiber 16, 1870, lots 7 andl 16, sqjuaro 65 imlproNved 10 O) interest to Nov eiibbtw ;.1J, 187:1..1.... .............................. 1'. Rocesslo &' Sol, N 6%e`,mber. 22, 1870, chilttfl-iliortirgge onl fin-li lul-e anId fixtilres inl thoe Ar~lg'tot llo'ii.e; interest to Novoimber 2.1, 1872. " , 000 00 F. P. Stanton, Novemmbur 22, 1870, lot 21, east halt' ol' lot 20, s(Illare 688; 200'acres inlMontgomllery Coliirty, Marylanmd ; imiterest to Nooemiber :30, * ............................. . . . . . . . .. . . i00 Tord; . 1873..8..... R1.i. Scarlo, Ifovefibem' 28, 1870, lots 5, (;, 7, 8, 9, 10, sq(iuare' 3868, iinmproN'ed; interest,"to Nosc~ihbicr 2;3, 18731 ....................................... 1l3a.0 6'6-:A.- Dl)tI~ s:,Deaeiamber(;, 1870 lots, 1' amid (, square 273 ; interest to Febyi;'1'3 .......3 10 01) L.. W. 1Ro.siL)eiseeiiihii.y-, 1870, paidl, improved p)rol)perty in Baltinote; iii..... ..... ..... ...... . .. ... ... ... .... ...... .. .... .. Un terest to> May 3s0, 1871. E. K.Alle Deceillmier 7, 1870, lots 67, 68, 69, 71, and 72, squar'o 2741, immmiprovied interest to' Alay :0, 1871. Jio. W. Rog'ers, 1eeefimbeir 16, 1870, lot 28, square :367, improved; iuiter01) est to o~ttoJ~eenl~r De~cemiiber 6,1873.800 (,173............... A. MI. H1mnplhi'rics, December 17, 1870, lot 2, sqummra 396; interest to Juio 1,500 00 ,700 0') 2,500(00 ......................... ................. .80(( 17,187:3 ... 200 00 ... FREEhDMAN'3 SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. lOS IL V. Brown, December 20, 1870, parts of a tract of land calle(I T'he Rook of Du'abarton " or " Pretty Prospect," iluhiroved; interest to Juno 19, 1873 .- . ......................................................$21,000 00 Jino, V. Ba6leyi'December 21,1870, lot 49, square 182, improved,; interest 600 0t : ., ' to June3,1873.3 M. I,. nud . (14. Crawforid December 24,1870, l6ts 5,(4, 7, and 8, Beall's ad(lition to Georgotown; interest to Julne 12, 1872 ..................... 1, 000 00 L, Dean, Dccommber 30, 1870, part lot 17, squaro 551, improved; interest 875 00 , to June 30,1873......... Robort I. Fleming, Janiary 6,1871, east one-half lot 23, square 2093, im8, 010 14 Ulro e(l.. ....................................................... 's and others, January 7, 1871, doeed-of-trust notes on i lllaiW Co"1g11ia land in Nortolk and Portsmouth, Va.; interest to Decemnber 22, 1873... 1, 300 00 Wll. 1. Morelandi, January 12, 1871, 100 acres, "The Vale;" interest to 1)'7,..87:. ............. .1, 500 00 11871, lotg 5, 6, 7, 11, 18, and 19, "IMotropolis W. 1E. Davildge, Janulary16, .. View xv;" interest to January 16, 1874 4, 000 00 S. L. Loonils January 18, 1871, lots B an(. C, square 185; lots 21 and '22, 1, 000 00 square 107; lots 16,17, and 19, square 652; interest to Al)ril 16, 1873... Samnel Jacksoin, .January 21,1871, )art of square 309, improved; interest 550 00 to Jantiiry 21, 1874 .............5........................ William Vordray, January 24, 1871, lot 9, square 478; interest to July 21, 1873 ..........................................................'.200 00 Thomas Bi3rown, February 3, 1871, part lot 1:3, square 214 ; interest to 700 00 August, 5, 187:1 ........................................................ Charles 1)yso,- Februiary 6, 1871, east, 14 feet of lot 21, square 870, in........................ 500 00 proved; interest to Auiguist 4, 1873 .......... Marshall Brown, Pebruai'y 7, 1871, part lot 2, square 309, ililirove(l ; in600 00 ............................ terest to Augtist 4, 187!2 .................. 11. G. Frost, F ebuiary 8, 1871, 1auats lots 19, 20, square 230; interest to 1, 000 00 Auguis-10, t87 ...................................................... Johll N. 'rooke, Fiairunary 8, 1871, lot 'T', square, 464, improve( ; interest to Febmar -10, t8712 ...... 5,600 00 jr ' &bi;iiirN 1(, 1871, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, squiaro 368, imJleroflue, 131io ,1) ......................... 2, 500 00 c;Iintorest to August 8, 1873 ........... pi'ovd W. 1). C. Milmirdc, 1'F(ebruary 10, 1871, part lot :3, s(uareo '90, iliiiproved, 110 ................. . 1,000 00 lpaynmeiltifst i1ebri ary 16, i871, lots A. 13. C. Seovil's subdivision of I $}I;rle T11. lolden , 091 44 lot 2:3 sxjtniase %, improved ; interest to .Jannary 17, 1872 ......6....... W.P.1')icw L'ebriuary 18, 1871, indorseeont of 0. 0. I toward; interest to 4 00 00 April. 1,171 Wanters, February 21; 1871, south lialf lot '2, lot '29), square 69, hilJohnV 250 00 l)roN e(l; interest to Februinry 8, 1872 .................................. .amles. I)a 'N, 1' eruary 24, 1871, part lots 5 anl 6, squllare 214 ; interest to .......... ............... ...... .. .... ... . . ................... .......................................... 0) 1lbi ary '24,1874 ........... ...............0.. Joseph, Felbirary 28, 1871, lots 50, 51, 52,.53, section 8, Barry fariti, 265 00 iiipirove(l, iiterest to August '25, 1873 . ................................ L. .T. Jmigiit, M1arch 03, 1871, lots 6( a2lu(l 63, s(Iuare 13.1 ; interest to Septeni100 00 1berI 1873 ........... ................................................ 11H arrod, March 6,1871, lot 26, sq nare 1061, ilimpirovedl; interest BalanceIt. to Marld-chi 6, 1874 ...........75 0,) B dal6inc, J.J, Bad(ldy',MaIrch 8, 1871, lot 37, Barry-fiirimI; interest to Sop:3o 00 : teimher 8, 187: .........0 l-arriet L461ev, Mlarclh 11, 1871, part of lot, l, illIsquarc 71; interest to Septcll.300 00 ................. mbel1X187;3 ,laJneS I11 I 1iris, Marhelk 13, 1871 ; Raleiolh, N. C., soith half lt, v1, 3tt lot 1, 500 00 jo'idoinlii IiImproved ; iint rest to Septomlwbr 1,1873. (;oi'ge N ul er, Mafell 1.4, 1871, part lot 6, sqlnarc 5:35, improved ; inierest to Septeiibi 1 1, 187:1 .500 01) 11 dlanceX .Johnltl IJ. Atllhey, March, 0,7 1, edit litlf lot, 3, s(m;lro 171; 270 00 , iiit crest to S)t(ii blr 16, 187: .. l)oielawe',- helu8 Mlililrl 21, 1871, lot. 37 1111( 38, square 3:89, ilillroe(d( ; illtere4 to( 8ept1iue21rl 1873 ....................................... 1,000 00 .Johln 11-011311(, IufifI-C-l '11, 1871,,pails lots 78 and 79), M1t. P leaslil t I0'lalins, 800 00 miprovedil; interest to SoptebelI rM 187 .............................. '1lloiltla:s Ioo, arli '24, 1871, lot 9I, Mft. IPleasan t 'Plaias, ilmlprov'ed; 700 00 illterest to Sepitelllh)er 2:3, 173 ......................., ill terest ill oeo; os .Jolhn Keane, Mareh "7, 1871, lots At lid FF, sq iare 567, impr .................... ..... ................ ..... to Januarylb16, 7 . ................................................. ( 01) 104 1PREEI)MAN'S SAVINGS AND. TRUST COMIPANY. Balance, Jolii.imeriitti, March 27, 1871, lot 'l., square 616(; Interest paid to Septebeiir '25, 1873 ..70 00 Miireh '28, 1871, part lot 7, square 332, ipulroved; ill18Iislil St' torest to Soetemiiber 22, 1873..1,150 00 Janies Det, Msiehd 28, 1871, lot 34 and north half lot 35, -sqlutare 69, hiprove(; iterest to March 28, 1872 .......... ........................ .100 00 Nels01n1 hall,4 Marheht ",1871, south I lot 36, square 69; interest to March 00... 28,1873 . i. 1.75l 00 ]3alan~eoJ 3.J. Marc1(fi;.Ar¢h 30, 1871, w'est 11lf lot 5, reservattionl A, hillploveid, Interstt to SOjteoiiiber 27,1873... J7 00 Thon'as L.: htfniuo Afareh :30, 1871, parts lots 168, 169, 174, an(d 175, in Boaty and64 1IavlkilsIaddition to Geomr'etowl improved ; interest to 28t, 1.87. .. 1(0, (10 0 W. H. iewlfo, Ma'r h 30, 1871, part, lot 13, square 818, improved ; interest to March 29, 1873 ................................................,. 800 00 ceorgo AM. Lancktou, April 3,1871, p))art of 1). J. Foeilickls 1iwmul called '"Youngsiboro," rear of Mount Olivet Cometery; interest to April 1, 1873 70000 ...., Sarah L. Paliurst, April 31, 1871, part lot 2, square 319, improved ; illterest to A 3il, 1873 ...................... 1 Lemuel 13Mr61Iey, April y4, 1871, west part lot 2, suliiare 818, improved interest . paidto-Aprizil 1, 1874 ...................... .K 00 Robert KoppiAprIl 4,18; 1, north I lot 29, squlare 1410, improved ; interest to S pt-Wifi er 25, 187. 1 50 00 Hi. I. Nichohl, Ariil 5,1871, palt lot 5, square 370, ilmproved ; interest to fl(iO00 January 1,1874 ...................... ..0........ Balance, .Janie 'T.- Sothro'iiAlpril 5, 1871, lot '33, square 107, improved; interest t B13oatiCllnb," Octolber 4, Aiill 1873...................... 00.................. "Aminlostan 5,1871, property (0-street half, imlroved; Oefober, 1873.400 0 interest 0" Ml. M) Rohir, April 6, 1871, lot 154, square (62.3, improved interest to Ootoler 5, 1873 .3,000 00 W1iliam, HliirrisyAplf7, 1871, part lot. 44, staree$69, improved ; interest to September 39,1873.110 00 JOhln Hufari'l, Aril 7, 1871, sothI I lot 37, olrth A lot 38, 8(lquIarC 69(; interelst tO0Stimhber 30, 1873.. 166 17 ..................... Isaac J3oxl65yApril 7,1871, lot 23, squiarte 0i, imprOVCed ; interest to SeI}toenbor 2, 1871 .'........... .0 (0 Balance,' John11 Jaciks4on, April 7, 1871, north 1I lot 37, squtiiaro 69, imlprove(d interest to MaInr~ 31i-8 179 17 ...... ...................... William Kei'mieoidy Aprlil 7, 1871, part lot 12, lot 1:3, sqlu'are 395; i1tereSt 60 00 .................6. paid to October 6,1873 Balance, Elizaboth Preuls, April 7, 1871, lot 35, sqiiiare 4:35, imnprove(ld; ilterest t6 Octobe'r 8, 1873 .................. ..0......7.... 1,070 00 Balauco,1B36erly Hrorton, April 8,1871, lot 6$2, 8q(ua, &82; interest tfo Oc'tober 6, 1873 .................. 70 00 Balance, Isaac ])orsey, April 8, 1871, cast half lot8, s(qiare 514; interest to October, 8,1873 ..........699..................... 699 47 C. W. -H nVile'l-, April 10, 1871, lot 1), square 1:33, improved; interest to 'A ,i I............... C. W. Havenineir April 10, 1871, lot 13, square 131, improved; interest to Aprl1 7, 1872 ........1................ 1,200 00 C. W, Havoti&or, April 10, 1871, lot A, square 133, improved; itntereSt to April -74\1872.... 1,200 00 Balan1ces~J;Yin I.- -FIItori Ap~ril 11, 1871, lOt 8, sqluare 334, imp~troved; jillter-. est to Ootkrli-.r 1, 18i7'3 ....._ .250 00 ...........,,,....,,, C. \V. hXa;6nhl;i- April 17, 1871, l1art of sqlutare 90, fInpr-oved; interest to April 13$, l8773..1,210 000 'C.'April \V. I-1lavenmie 13;1'17.Apr1120017,00 1871, Part sqarre t0 ,improefl; interest to -+.-....... 1873.;.1, t.-........... ............ wI);ri C. W: vbntmiur; ApI ;I 17, 1871, p)arltof square )90, improved ; interest ptid to AprIll1,1872.*.....,.... .... 1,200 00 Chlfarles If. 1hfiivgeSS, Apr;II 18, 1871, west lalf lotl, sjiuare 174; interest to October 11, o 00 i........................................ 0. O.- loward,vIce.i'esl'(lei; 1). Cooke, treasurer, Aprit 18, 1871, lots . 13, 000 00 407, iim)proVed ............................ lot 5, iitluare it:3,Amlndlitr Yo)ung bMleikm' Chrfistlun AssociationI Interest to Oetober 12, IdM, 10,054 squllare feet'of Iiid, improved- ..................................-. Jancob1). 1lt~tton, April 22, 1871, lot 8, sqmareJ467 ; Interest to Outob)e!r 19., , 1 873 ....... ..............,, 2, 650 00 .Sep~txembll)'e'r ........................ .......... ... tnSpol ir w 8' ................ ...................... .............. ...... ... . . . . ... . ....................... .-.-......... ...................... ...... ... - .. ................... .00. 105 FREEDMAN'S SAYINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 31:l1eO, .Jos£pllOStc6 art, April 21, 1871, cast part lot 5. square 992, fi31. 0t21,11873 .................................. .,10() 00 pIroved; interest totOb 1H. N. Barlow, AprlA 22, 1871, 15 shares, $100 each, '"Potoinae Mlills ;" interest to October 24,187!3 ......... ......... .................... 1, 701) 00 Carolineo Kaiser, April 22, :1871, uoitli half lot 14, lot 13, square 317, DillrovC(ld interest to October 17,187:3 .................................. 12, 000 00 B:alan1co, R. V. Harrison April '4, 1871, part lot 191, square 553, improved; interest to A pil 24, i.3.5(65 00 Georgo 11. Phillip)s, Apritl '25, 1871, lot 2, square 117; interest to October25), 150 60 187;3 . Walter Evalsi April 25,1871, part lot 1'2, fire 877, improved; interest 1, 750 00 pai(l to Octobevj4, 1-873 .................................... Josc)lh Clasey, Apr'il12, t181i lots r, 9,22,22:3,24, in Hall & Elvall's suibdivision of "' MerdIaln 11111; interest in October 21, 1873. ........ 2, 700 00 Balance, Martha E. Borland, April 28, 1871, lot 51, square 511, improved; interest to October 26(, 1873 .......................................... 500 00 I1ahIanuial Kaiser, April 28, 1871, lot 12, sq nare 4S0; interest to October 28, 18 7 :3 .............................................................. 40000 Bialnlco, E. T. Power, Mlay 1, 1871, east part lot 11, square, 819, improved; 1,20000 iiiterestSto Novibinber 1, 187:3 ......................................... Dennis Blihlis, MAay 2, 1871, part iot 1, square 41; lot 15, square 1; interest to AprIl 24,- 1873.1................................................... 2, 000 00 U. 1l. hIutchlii.% Maky 2, 1871, tract of land called " 'Fortune," WVashiington Coantllt; ilntecrst to October'27, 187:3 ............................2....... 2,350 00 Balance, C. W. H1av etiier & Co., May 2,1871, lots 31, 3), square 571 ; no inter.e'st collected ..............................................2........ 2, 053 51 Fredorick V. 1ratt, trustee, May 3i, 1871, lot L, sutiare 313; interest to Octolier 28, 173 .........1. ..............4............. ', 500 00 William J. 0(6ok, Alay 3, 1871, lot (6, square 761, improved, interest paid to Aprilf 2?, 1872 ................................................. 4, 500 00 Rlkohret A. Phillfjps, Afiiy 5, 1871, lot 12 and par:t lot 14, sqllule 439, int......................... 1,000 00 proved. interest to Novetnmber 3, 187:3 ......... llellsoii Davis, May 5, 1871, part lot 19, s(lllale 540, improved, interest to April 22, 187,2 _ _ 200 00 Ja'nes Freeman, May 6, 1871, lot 3, section 2, Barry farmiu, interest to Novenlliber ;, 1873 .......0 ............................ 00 I)0 John Williamis, May 6, 1871, lots 4 and 5, square 1085, interest to May 0 00 *5, 1873.........25 * . 173,................................ lBa!a'ice Georg'e W. Good all, May 8, 1871, lot 23 and par't lot :30, sqiuare U327, anti part lot. 6, square 49, imiiprovod, interest to November 6, 187.3.. 3, 700 00 Bla:11"nce Sallimuel IV. .Jones, May 9, 1871, part lot 2, s(ltilro 81:3, interest 100 00 lo Noveniiber 4, 1873 ............... illnBaen, May 9, 1871, lot 1, square 529, improved, interest to Williim Mlaty 4, 1873 ......................................................... 2,800 00 John 13. Keith, Many 12, 1871, lot :3, square 566, improved, interest to .. ' 20 00 Ma:iy 12, 1872 N.M. Jolao30i, May 12, 1871, south part lot 12, square 40:3, improved, interest to Mi~jiy 9,1873 ..... 2, 000 00 11. '1'. Taggart, G6. 13. Vashar, trustees, May 13, 1871, lots 1, 2, :3, 4, 5, sqluare north of square 33-1, improved, interest paid to November 9, P373. ..1,. I,500 00 0corgo Willis, May 43, 1871, lots 5 and 18, sqlu are 65, ilmj)rove(l, interest to No ii:-4,1873.300 00 John AMel erib)t, Maity 1:3, 1871, lot 14, square 33, improved, interest to 500 00 Novolullihi 11,;1873 .............. Balantico Mi? 1"rhces A. Johiion, Mayi 17, 1871, lot (6f, section 8, Barry ... I ...... .. . .................... I................................ 2<00 ........... ......... Ialrlo in~jipyoy ieitCFCetti April 27, 1873 . .... ................ AftlMa 18, -1871, part lot 9, s(jlmaro 477, improved, int xlirill' terest toNXorVier: 14, 187:3.... W'l1llias, Mayt 1D9, 1871, lot 6;7, Mloutnt P'leasant 1Plains, improved, .Jose1pli interest to NoviemiIber 11, 187:3 .. Mlary A. Cleiciieits;. May 20, 1871, lot 2, square 492, improved, interest to November 20,1873, ............................................. Balan ce A llbeitj1n,:Mfay 20, 1871, lot 11, squtaro 421, and lot 15, S(ituar'e 364, iniijiiroved, interest to November 20), 1873 ................... Auleline ], Lathfro1p, Alay 22, 1871, lot 33, fsqaro 395, improved, interest Io Mally 5. 1873 ..................................................... lIalance Sal;lie A. Ergood, 'May 2., 1871, lot A, square 3361, improved, ilterest to November 22, 1873 ..0.................... ]'.iuinleliiie 180 00 500 00 1,500 00 900 00 2, 995 05 60 00 00 106 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. e ii, 24, 187, lot 1 block 2, John A. Snith's farm, imC. C. Caruthorsb proved, interest id to Noveniber 18,1873 ............................ $1, 000 00 Luther E.- Sleigh, iay 24, 1871, lots 14 and 15, part lot 1, section 1, Barry farn, im proved interest to November 2'), 1873 .......................... 1, 000 00 William H. Pope, May 26, 1871, 1)art lot 3, square 481, improved, interest to May 24, 187:3 .................................... 1, 500 00 Balance; Williarn 1H. Powell, MIay 27, 1871, part lot 12,sqtiare 557, iu9 00 proved, interest to November 22, 187.3 ...........................90...... C. W. lta'Ve~nier, Juno 1,1871, part of sqJuare 90, inll)roVed, interest to ................. May 31 1872......... 1, 200 00 C. H, Hol(ei, .Juno 1, 1871, part lot 5, square 76;3, improved, ititerest to December 1, 187i .................................................... 2, 500 00 Henry Moore, Jt4no 1, 1871, lot 1t, square 211, ilmlproved, inter.est to December 1, 3 ................................ 3000100 John WV. Vano Hook, Juzie 8, 1871, 9-i acres in UItiiontow, interest to November 13, 1i71; .............6............................... i), 000 00 John F. Lee, June 8, 1871, lot fi9,1- olmtieai's addition to Georgetown, ini700 00 proved, intbestbtto June 7, 1873. Sias Ii. L6niis, Jllno 8, 1871, lots C, D, E, F,8,,;and T, square 8-74, imn6, 000) 00 proved, interest to ,Julne 8,1873.. Samuel Strong,Junlie 10,1871, part of square 72(6, improved], interest paid to Decom ber 10,187: .2..... ........ .... ..................... 2, 000 00 Balance Wallace St. C. Rledinan, ,Jifio 14, 1871, lot 51, square 364,,,iiiproved, interest to Deceuislber 1,4, 187:3 ................ 2, 000 00 Joseph Dainiels, June 19,1871 -lad. called " Time last shift ;" land called . . "$arnaiab ;, 200 acres iiijifi, interest to Decenmbor 17,1873 8, 000 00 Joseph ileasley, Juneo 19,1871, cast half lot 2, ,square 459, improved, intere8t to Decembier 16,1873. .....................--7, 000 00 Maria A. Laffler,,Juneo 20, 1871, parts of lots'1;, 77, Mount Pleasant, inP 01) proved, to D)ecekzibeir l,,187.3 ........................80........... D. J. O'Connliigst 18, 171, lot 25, square 3:38, lot 20, square 465, fini otereht o ........................................... es provcd to 4, 000 00 Elizabet Bni.'rett, Juno 22, 187l, west ipart lot 20, s(iuare 728, improved, interest to 1)ecell'ler 20, 1873 .......1................... 1, 50() 01) Joseph H.-Jackson, .June 21, 1871, parts lots 31, 35, square 99, finproved, interest to December 23,1873 ...................................... 1 00 1,123 Balance Suisan D. Jolnlson, June 12, 1871, lot 3, square 4127, no interest collected......- 2P0 00 h~enlry Ki~iiberm-Jii o', 18371, lots 16,17,s(luarc 70, hniiprove(l, interest to December 30, 18721.............. .......(..0000.......................... 1, wO0n Margaret A, GileH, .July 3,1871, lot 9, ilolinead's aIdditioni to Gcoirgetowii, 450 ('II .................. iunp)roved, initirest paid to Deceoiiber 29, 187:3 ....... Sibly Baker, ,July 6, 1871, pait lot 23, square 1047, improved, interest to 00 January j,1874.50000 ................................................ Dalanice Jeoli W.DVgrges,JTldY6,1871, land ini Ilolhieaul's a(1(litioli to Georgetowui, inli)roVe(l, jiterest to .Ja1iittai'y, 1874 ............................ .217 715, Balance 1 leln Al. Il. Ulpsoii, deedl-tlust liotes, iliproved lwlolewty, illterest to December 2,9 , 1873 ..............9 ..6................................ 7 I;G Balance Laura Barnamird, Juily 7,1871, (ieed-trltst uiotes, interest to .J ll21i, 187 3 ....................... .................................... 5 680 6 Sariss Se6vell,,laily 8,1871, land in I lol niead's addition to GeorgetoNViI, fill000. proyed,'hintrest to Janmiiim'y (, 187: ......................... II. MCInityre, treas.iurer, July 8,1 871, lifl t lot ", square !5.56, inli)ilovell, illter500 III) est to December 1, 1813.. Jlalaice .Jsauies Platit, July 8, 1871, lot 4, siqiaroe 9(8, iite rest to l)cNcllllwr .. 0,.50 30, 187:3 .............................. J3alance Josephi A. 3tijifims, Julily 13, 1871, lot (6, sqmitiro 309, itill)rovedl, iiter700 00 est to-Japiuary, 12,1874 ...... ............... Wllfiaim Jolifisoni,.Jlily 17, 1871, lots -10,41, sIllal1l 10O, ii woVd, illt'I(est to ..........o ..................., ...... Ioo ( July 13,1873 .1. Williaml John'so'n, Juily 17, 1871, West; ojn-hall, lot- 4, block f0, Htoward r lui'le., ii miproved, ilitCrc;t Ullive'Iriity Divisioll of E*,lI ilglzain l0iplil to Juily 1873 200 ( .................. E. W. W. OiiltiX, .Jiu y 18, 1871, 1.ii'vt lot 12,) sqi ar 373 ; @idii(. .tlhol Oertily,Jily 19,1871; hinidoon lock Creek, West street, lialani9cei Georgetownl, flipro\ed, interest to .J:iliooly, 1871.7 00 00 Balance, Alitn (. T'oluoas, Jlly 214", 1871, lot 15, sq mire 5S, iliterest to 2 .55 00 .Janmary 21,1874 ....................................................... Fredericlk 8translbHrger, ly '2, 1671, lot, 1F,sitm alear 90:3, iil)loe(l, fi terest to July 24, 1872 .......... I 3, 00 00o . . ............. ...................... .. .............. .. ... ........... ........................... - Samiuol FREEDMAN'IS SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 107 Ford, July 27, 1871. lot C, square 72), improved, interest to July 17,1873.$... r:3, 500 00 % william P. W6od, July 28,1871, lots 1,3,4, reservation D, improved, intorest to July 27,1873., ,000 00 Balance, Alber~t A. AshaJutly 28, 1871, part lot 1, square 163, improve(d, Jii1~~~~~~~~ '4 ~~~~270 00 200 interest to- .JbN:2, 1871,-lot ............................. Joan Bo3lo1 Au''st 1,18.3 3, square 634, interest to .July 26, 1873 2, 500 00 Balance, Jolin J. Cauyert, August 2,1871, lots 29, 30, square 23, improved interest to Aukust 4,1873 439 0 ........................ Thomas J. StalyAugust 2, 1871, lot 39, square 511, improved, interest paid to Augst'j 1,873.1 ,1,600 00 Laurenco A. mTiell, August 4, 1871, lot 37, squaro 878, improved, interest to Aiguiit-A 1873 ............... 1, 000 00 W. A. Ballard, August 5, 1871, lot E, square 694, improved, Interest to December 16, 187 3 . 00 W. A. Ballrd, August -61871, pai(l, lot D, siltuaro 694, improved, inY st est to January 2,1874. .eorg~e Malttinglyi Atigiit 7, 1871, lot 4 and south half of lot 5, square 106, imp iov-edO interestt to August 7, 1873 .............................. 15, 000 00 Wbilliam Bbbingtotu, August 8,1871, 10 acres called " Loiig Meadow," interest, to Augiust 6, 1873 .............................................. 4,000- 0000 Sandy Bruce, jr., Augusst 8, 1871, Lart of lot 20, square (624, improved, in-,, terest to Auigust 7,1873..... 350 00 C. 11. loldeil, Aiikust 10, 1871, l)art of lots 12 and 13, square 7:34, iml)rovec; interest to August 8, 187:3 ........ 1, 500 00 Alfred Berry, Auiutst 10, 1871, part of lot 1:3, square 819, improved, interest to Aulgst 10, 1873s ................................................... 750 00 ,Jolhnu Barry, Aligutit 17, 1871, part of lot 5, Square 5112, imptJ)roved, interest to August21; 1872. 1,E100 00 Eliza Tyrrell, Aut.g 17, 1871, part of lot 1(6, sq uareo 6-20, in terest paid to 10 00 Atgust 12, 1873.15....Jo(hn 13. Stepleinson, Aiigifts 17, 1871, prolperty in UJniontownu, illmproved, interest to November 11, 187:3 ........................................ 1,000 00 (lurdeni Snio'wlden al others, Atugtust 18,1871, whole of square 272, interest paid tojldaipuary 20, 187 .......................................... 5, 000 00 Balance Thotiohis L. B3erry, Aiugust 18, 1871, part of lot 15, square, 70, interest to F'ebffi'ryN,4,187: .81 55 Balance Slatfoird & King, August 19), 1871, part of lot 16, square 551, 600 00 itnl)rove(l; interest to Auigust 17, 187:3 ................................ 2alph Tay-lor, Aiigust 21, 1871, lot 24, sq(ua11re 163, improved, interest- to '00 00 August 18, 187:8 ........................... .J.L1T. HI. 1huill, August 21, 1871, 2 a cres N. \VI. of intersection of Washingto anl(l -Rockville Tuirnpike, Rock (Creek Church bonds, interest to Augut~tlst'21, 18i7.3 .............................. ................00 1,500 OO August 2iZ, 1871, lot 6, s(itivre 59), ind(l pt of lot 4, sq(tiare lleii~i Wells, 500 00 593; iinterest to e r 1, 187:3 ...........................I......... F. Jacolbs, August 22, 1871, lot l(, square 620, imj)prov edl, itterIBeijktuin estlto Auguist 17, 187:3 .................................4 00 00 .Jerelrlith Swcijo, Alulst 24, 1871, lot :39., section 3, Ilarry fluiarm; interest 60 00 l)ai4 to AuirwtC24, IT7 ...............-.. Wilatijihi 1[. 1hutoer, Augsit i24, 1871, atrit lots 11.) aid 20, i~s(piae, 582, iu600 00 l)10 ead, interest to Febrarlily 24, 1874 ..........................(....... W\illiaim 2. Arold, Alutlguisit 24,1871, lot I, scel ionl 1,llIal ttryfjn i unp~rov ed, interest to JUgilst 24; 187: ........................................... 550 00 I lahmee Al erill, stewart, August 26, 1871, lot 9, sectioni 1, Barry lhrni, interest to August 2(, 1873 .................. - -.8:3 00 ,Ann E o0lo, a.d holes, Auguist 24,1871, parts lots 19 anl 20, square, 79}, , (387 ')0 imuiproveul, niterect to .) tly' 27, 1873 ................................... Wal ferds l :3,5, impl)rove(l, in terSiilbeog, Au rust 1o, 1871, lot :37, s(qJir, est*o tAgsfi t1is30, lS7 1.1,000............... ........0.... 4,0(000 111(d) AluhMillc liss, SIsttnbcllir 1, 1f81, part lot 3,s(Ilmire 4-419, imlprwove(l, in. terest to ISi e1 187; ..........4,50000................................ 4, .Joseophu Jroolks, Sepi6tfnuber 13,1871, prart lot 4, sectim, 1, latu) ry rm, interit;, 250 00 (est to Sept iutliiet f 3 .................... .AlUY A.G(' rad( ,gtiliaAn, Sce4onil)elr 1 3, 1871, part lot '3, sqtlaro 590, miulol 350 00 iTed], inlelstt to 8eiptember 12, 1872 ................................. D)alliel S1teut luau Sopti&tubhller 15, 1871, parLt, lot 4, squtatre 7841, impiroveld, interest to .Sepituiblur 6, 1872 ............ ................0...........600 00 Bal ance Satutuel (.ini Illn,Sept etubtt' I20,1871, part lot 17, S(i;ale :i0.), hin............... .,.... ........ prove'(e, hiter'(est pa;lid to Se1ptemiber 19, 1873I ............................ 207 75 108 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. "Septombor 20, 1871,lot 4, square 77:3, interest to SepSIRiob,~ teoil)erI8, I873.....................................$. 300 00 Mtlb)eprtemberV'3, 1871, p)art lot 14, square D; lot 15, Balance to .Sep.tember 16,187.:3, 00000 toSiirov1,1i7iterest square i;ttletolt W.CurtiT Septoember 29,1871, part lot 1:3, square (620, iiiterest to Septbelir 9, 1873 ................................................. 500 00 William lJ1elict, Se~ptember 30, 1871, lot 12, square 18:3, interest to September 27,1872 ..5 00 00 Leonidas Scott, October 4,1871, part, lot 24, sqeure 728, improved, interest to October 4, 1872 ............ 1, 000 0f) HiratnuF. Triumble, October 4, 1871, lot 31, square 140, interest to October :,1873 .........................,.. 1, 200 00 Balance Helen M. 11. Upson, October 4, 1871, notes secured by (ieed of ,.. trust.. .. 1 202 00 . Laura Jarnard, .1, 400 00 'rO`b(`b(lr 4, 1871, iotes secured by (ieed of trust Balance SaniitIl Scott, October 9, 1871, lot 8, wpJilarc 132, interest to October 9, .873 10 0O .9. Balance BeFijamiiiF'. Gilhr t, :Octobeir 9,1871, lits 8,9,10,12,13,14, and 15 eqale 778, o iiprovcdi in te6st to.Janiuaryv(), f1874 . 3. 200 00 Balance W. B. Sh1n, October 11, 1871, lot 56, 'Carl)enter'ssu4bdlivision of .3, 5 00 grounds Colniiib~iaidi College, jut ijrove(l, interest pai(d to October 14 , 1873. . Balance ha-iltyA, AlMarshall, October 14, 1871, 1,irts lots 12, 1:3, square 818, interest 'Augst12, 187:3 ........................................... 100 00 William Williants; October 14, 1871, lot 13, square 725, improved, interest to October 10, t873 .......... .......... :3,500 00 Francis F. See, October 16,1871 paints lots 18:3,185, Beals addition to Georgetown, improved, interest to Aplrii 1287 3, 650 00 183.. William 0. Finiey, October 17,1871,life-insuiraince policy $2,000 in New Enlgnlaud uhaul, i'iterest to February 24, 1872. Henry M~atfthlew8s, October 19, 1871, lot 3, section 5, Barry ftrirm, interest to October 16, 1873. 100 00 300 00 Elizabefl Preuss, October 19, 1871, (lee(lsof trist, interest to April 18, 1873. Caroline Kaiser, October '2), 1871, north half lot 14, s8qiare 347, inml)rove(l, interest to October 25, 1873 .......................................... 4, 000 00 John P. King, October 27, 1871, part lot F, suarie 5o59, interest to April 14, 1873. ....................................... .2 00 John Strmining, October :1, 1871, part lot 7, square 403, interest to October .. 1, 200 00 31, 18734... Fifteentli-gteet: 1 sesbyeltdin Church, November 4, 1871, lot 9s,5(l'218, improved,mintiest to October 31, 1873.10 ................ lO, 000 00 Nelson I3arxv, NVo6emjber 8, 1871, lot 2, section 1, Barry3 firml, interest to November' 7, 18. 100 00 Balance Jhin -Wrighlt,) -November 11, 1871, part iuare :30.9, implrove(l, interest to011 18,187, ded trust, fny1op November 0(1 in1)ter~est to- 1FebrN4ar 8'24873.....250 Phlilp ^& Solomilon,; M(;veorill 18,18i871, block 1'3, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1,2, 13, 14,15, l6 in block 21, Meridian Hill, i ntorest to Novembler 21, 1873. (6, 000 0on A. H. Y'0o8s Novotemor 22,1871, notes on (lde(l trust...................... F. 0. Bowie, NoyNvember 25, 1871, laid October 11, 1872, lot 64, squlare 3f)6, improvedfiinterest to May 16, 1872 ... .......... . . .'. . -John W'. Wright, Decewber 2, 1871, part lot 7, square 315, interest to June 1, 173 .'.;.4,.....50000 T. C. StrIrier, D)eceilbe 2, 1871, ipiiid Jaimaary iS, 1874,deod trust note.... " Washimibgton Club," .1. (4. Blarret place, December 2, 1871, ol elubl on-11lse, New York avenn6o',betw ween Fourteenth and1 Fifteenth streets, insured, interest; fdI -to Jin 1,1873.18 7:3 .00............................. (00( Balance Iejir'y :HIarper, Deceber 1:3, 13,01, lot :36, section :3, B3arry, irm, er 13 1873 ............................. (1 o.. interestCto-Diectlm William nliln ilsiig f cC) er 13, 1871, lot, 9, section 3; airry farma, in terest 13 18..5000 , .,, 00 tQJun ,tQ~~~~~~~~~...... Alolte'linoTho'tms, Deceti'ber 14, 1871, southwest quarter lot 40, I'leasant Plain's,- jih ere'st to' )eccmbcir 14, 1873 .100 00 Clutrles uiittlO'r~lmcenli~er 14, 1871, lot :30, section '3, larry tarimi, interest ,to 1) 13, '18'7':. 100 O)0 ..r Antii' Ex.. B3oyke and othi ; 1)ecnor 11, 1871, pats lots 19, 20, square 79, inmproed,' ihterfest to Jilly 27, 1872. (i, 000 00 Peter WNfilMiamsoin, December 21, 1871, let 3 and a rts lots 1, '2, section 7, Barry fair i iiimproved, interest lpaid to 1Accemilber V0, 187 . .206 00 Geo. Lee, D)ecemibier 22), 1871, part lot 37, sqmoare 209, improved, iiiterest to December 22, ).873.7.0................... 700 00 Daniel . . .......... ................... ........................ ............................................. intres to Foirxsiy 2, i:$.... ...... ...... ...... . .... ...... ................ ..... ... . . .... ..... .... .... . ............. .) FRE MDMANS ,SAVINGS ANI) TRusU COMPANY. 1 9 Margreiret llMt7,0, December 29, 1871, lots 1, 2,3,, 5, square :i30, interest to o 28,1872 ......................................................... i 2$3, 000 00 Collins Criusoii, Jiainluary 2, 1872Q, jirt lot 1'2t, BeaIl's atdlitiont tQ George- 1 ......................... :300 00 towii, IntCret DeciOl3l'tcr '1, 7. J. Edgar Lug1 January :3, 182, lots 56, 57, 58, 59, 60-, 6;l, 62, square 361, in..................18..3... terest to J-tl3tilt' 8, -,, 000 00 Bablanco Alex. Brue, Jaiitiiry 3, 1872, parts lots 19, '20, s(lluare 621, i m250 0.............. ptroved, ilinteiet .Jlan ,y '2, 1874 ...................... Balance Bfirroll lfi;o, 1Jaitiary 4, 1872, part lot, '20, s(qiroe 116, imipiiroved, 840 00 iliterest December 247:, ........................................... B1alanco Louisa WAnihiglton, Jatuutry 5, 1822, part lot 23, s(iiistro 126,fuill. 244 60 ptrovedi, interest Janaisty f,5, 'J1...................................... ,Ji. 1.Elgoo(d, January 12, 1872, lot 21, H(suare 335, interest to .July 11, O 187X3 ................................................325.0.......... RandollihobLhsiger, tJitliuary 13, 1872, part lot 3, s(Inaro 791, itimprovedt, iteorest to July 12, 1872... :3,000 00 A. Woobdiard, jr., Jhiamumar; 1i, 1872, part lots 11, 12, s(wil-ve 743, imtiproved, . 600 00 interest, to Noveinber 14, 1873 S'Sauliiot CI. Iimiter, Jainary 16, 1872, p1al1 lot 80 and part of lot 81, s(qare 200 00 132; interest to Jily 15, 1872 ........................................ Clias. Syphax, January 16, 1872, parts lots 5, 6, square 196 ; interest to 200 00 ...................... .July 15, 1873 150 00 .John Webb, .Jaminly 16, 1872, lot 26, square 471 ; interest to Jilly 4, 187:3, C. 1'. Cliver. g iardlial, Janiary 18, 1872, part lot 5, sqiuare 35,2; interest 0 00 00 to Jully 14,1874 ....................................................... Hatgier fiadlihall, Jaiilnaiky 18, 1872, part lot 7, s(iareo 419), improved; interest to October 31, 187: ..................................5.......... 20 00 Balance Edmiiojid Heihlit, Janai-y 19, 1872, lot 1:3, section 2, Ba-try falirn interest to Janialry 19, 1874 .....................3. :8 00 James T. IPikei, Janiary 19, 1872, lot, 25, squiaroe :312, improved interest to .July '2)0, 1873 .........3,.............- -.-.-....-.-.-.-.....-.-.-.. 3,500 00 W\. 1H. Tuck-er and Chims. 1?. Sheriuimn, Jan nary 20, 1872, lot 1F, sq i-ua )94, illmi)rovc(l; iliterest to January 19, 1873 ............ 1,950 00 Saralil A. 0anor, .Jallnuai 1r9, .1872, lot 2, sq(iare, iorth of sqiaro 12412, 1, :o00 00 improvct; interest. to .Jlanilry 18, 1874.... Jinai A. 1Pizzwii, Jannary 22, 1872-, lots 2 and 8 in a tract; called Glrenvalo to Septeblner 1 ,187:3 ................... 2,00 00 John WI'. Iluiiter and others, *Jamnuary 22, 1872, lot 11 and part lot 12, s(luiaie 118, iipI'rove(1; inxtere~st to .Jannieity 18, 1874 .............. 14, 000 00 Win. Rutherfolld, Jaiiuary '22, 1872, part lot 9, sqpuare 290; interest to January 17, 1874 . .................................................... 1,000 00 B3ala co Wih.E, Brdoks, Janufary 2:3, 1872, part lot 2, s(iareo525, improved'; 123 00 ilntorest to Juily .23, 1873.'....................................... 01. Alfredl Hall, Janui'uiy 24 172M, lots '30, :31, 32, 33, 341, 35, 36, square 97; 1, 425 75 interest paid to Janiary 24, 1874 . .................................... Balance Vill. H. Wheeler, Jiialary 27, 1872, parts lots 11, 12, sqiare 199) 400 00 ilmprove(d; interest to .January 26, 1874 ............................ Ceo. WY. Durall, .Janmary 31i 1872, pairt of tract of land called Chicliester, Iashington Colunty, jilrove(d ; interest to July 1, 1873 ............. . 9, 140 12 Cha,.IN% King, Jailnary 31, 1872, lots 15, 16, 17, square 971, improved ............................. 2, 400 00 Jinterest to January 30, 1873 ............ J 'aes 11.Pynojjanalary 31, 1872, lot :36, square 158, improved ; interest to Jainluary 24, 1874 .................................................. 585 00 James S. Limslbyi, February 1, 1872, square north of s(qiare 697 : interest to Jani a'ry 31, -1874 ..................................3, c00 00 ............ ........................... .................. ....................... I .... . WPumph4irey, February 10, 1872, part square :3i66, imip1)rov'ed; iltlerest ............................ W. R. Murphy, February 2, 1872, part lot; 32, P leas:anmt P'la ins, improved ; uinteireAt to July 27, 1873 1,750 00 1 Agiust 4, Jamiies Carter, Febriuary2, 1872, part lot 9, sqtiare SI ; interest to 1873 ........ ............00... \W mini. iJ Cook!j Felihnary :, 1872, prart, tract lafi called J6all11'"'si1~est, Alonl gollier Colulnt, 1Ar ylaumd ; .51; acres ; interest;to .J ily 22, 1873 ... . 13Bilnce l'i Goodii, Febluailry 5, 18742, parit lot 19, 8sptler 197'; interest to A irumst ) 187:1 ....... Janmes \W.Tea aoil:, iebi tary 6, 1872, 1)ait lot 2, tiquare 317, interest paid to Auligst.1t 18,,,,,. Bdllcn 'Jlluia Boylel Fhimfiuy '6, 1872, 38 acres il loiitgoliely Coutlity, Mhin s land, aM1t, ot' RaiWHligse's R'St, tI ileterest collected. jnalJl Boyle. Peblruar 6, 1872, l(lt 6, sq nare 7(61, interest to Aigniust 1, 1872. IN to yt.ll .July2,24, 1878 000 00 1833,...................... ................................... ,(001 '0 0 2, 701) 00 ............................... 80 Co ..... 5000) 110 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Chas. Leman, Jr., February 6,1872, lot Al, square 446, interest to August 1, 1873. $2,500 00 Balance Euiii 'Johnson, February 7, 1872, lot 35, square 140, interest to ^ August 70 1813_. ........ Februar 7, 1872,-lot 1, square 265, interest to August 6, 187:3. Eeu LeI st 1-Veb'rury 200 00 ElleA Timothy 0 SllIvanFebruary 8,1872, part lot 43, square 448, improved, interest to ebia -t intrs 1873 eiut'~,1 8733.50 00 Balance Jane E. Welch, February 9, 1872, lots 1 and 2, square 1,000, interest to July 23,183. ................. , 97 F. W. Osorn, February 10, 1872, 93 'cres, Escambia County, Florida, known as 0akfield, improve(l, interest to February 6,1873 . , ,, 00 2,500 Edward E. Thomd j ebruary 10, 1872, eat part lot 20, square 77, interest to Febrary9, to February 1 8 : 00 9,873...o630 Balance nimA: \Vell8, February 10, 1872, lot 14, square 82:3, interest to .. 165 40 AuguAst 10, 1873. T. J. C. Ilm8 and J TL. hIa1, ,February 10, 1872, lots 162 atid 163, square 8, 1873 ............................... 365, I 2,495 00 Balance, Willis Ilerii''o-n, February 13, 1872, east part lot 4, square 154, In90 00 terest to -Januiary 16, j4 .................187. Balance 'Wii. Alextiauder, .Ielbruary 15, 1872, north half lot 5, section 1, 3 75 Barry farm, interest to, July 3, 187:3 .......... ..............5......... Wmn . H. Lee, 1'ebruair 1 ,1872, lot B in Beal's addition to G(eorgetown, imiuproved, iuterest tto 'Octol)er 21,187:3 ......5,............................ r)000 00 Noah Robinson, February 17, 1872, lot 25, square 309, ilmproved, interest to Febr uary 16 187 3'. 500 00 Irvin B3. Wright leriiruary 17, 1872, south half lot 3, square 4!29, interest to February i41873.5, 000 00 Elizabeth Maed,;-'ebruary 17,1872, lots 1, 33, and 31, square G68, imnprove(d, no Interest colec'edo ................................... 2,200 00 Tiniotbiy'Corteilohb'('britry'21, 1872, West.Sixteejitlh street, patirt of lot 14, 1, 000 00 square 624, improved, interest to August 19,18773 ...................... John Barton, Febrilary 21, 1872, lot :34, square 336, interest to August 8, 175 00 1873. Robert' J- ison, February 23,1872, lot 13, square :336, interest to August , 50 00 21;,1873 6.Balance ''Thrioa. .J. Staley, February 24, 1872, lot 39, squtare t11, Interest to A6gust'24, 18''3 ...-40 00 W. Wall, Felirnuarly 27,:1f2, 'West 'parts of' lots 3 and 9!), square :379, iminterest to Aiiguist, 26,1873 .10, 000 01) Jovi)rove(l, 'Sm Bwrn, Foliruary 27, 1872, south half lots 4 and 5, Pleaanait Plaitis, in!pj)rove(1, interest to Aligust, 28 187:3 ................................. 2,000 00 Leohi(dis Scott, 1Febiriuary 28, 1872, lot 7 and soith half lot 8, square 759, 1,0..0 ()00 interest to August 27,1873. Geor}ge WV. Smiith, F'ebrtlary', 28, 1872, (! part lot 6, square 717, improved, iitterst lili(d to Aitgut 28, If'- 3 .............................. 1, (00 00 Eduiui'i13 B. (ooli(ldgo February 29, 1872, lotu 1 a:il Iart. lot; 2, :3, 9, square 325, iiiterest to -Auigust 20, 1873 .1,10 00 Robert LwiJvs, M'cih ,`i 1,7l , lot 3(0, sectioti 2, Barry Faaiiui, hitteiest to .... 10)0 00 September , 187. Slimoln J. Gioot, March 3,1872, lot ;3, fifilaro 37:3, iIlll)rove(l, iltorest to 00l Scptemlber 2, 17 I....... :3,000 Jamiles T'. Pikoe-Matichl (,-1872, part of' lots 7 anl 8, square 72:1, ihiiro ed(l 1872.. 000 () ill )el, interest to S ci) .., Janmes T, Pike, Matrch , 1872, part of Jot 8, 5uatre 72'1, hitiproVe(l, iiiterest to Alarch 2, 187.7. 4, 000 0( James Reynolds, Marelh 7, 1,872, part lot '2, s(qiare 477, iliterest to Sep)teImber 7, 1872.50()0 0 IS. Parks, March, 11, 1872, lot 19, square 623, interest to Sepltemiiber 6i, 1873 ............1, 0 J. L. Koryal lMui>eh~ 12, 1872, lot 17 andl p)art lot 16, squailae 86, interest : Mail h 104-1873...........I 1,100 00 Manry Nol~i,-iMg~v~archl, 12, 18;2, part lot 6, square '4i, iitjtoved, iiitet't'st to 700 00 Soptombe.. .....8................... Balane3 .Jainie Carter, March 1:3, 1872, lot 55, square 465, Imiiprove(l, interest 0 00 to Septeiii 13 1873-. . Louisa VaWsbiuig6, March- 16, 1872, l)art lot 23, square 126, improve(l, 250 00 interest paid to September 15, 1873. John Thbo(ias LJe, arch 15, 1872, lot C. Beal's a(l(hitioni to Georgetownvl also part lot 5, sqiuare324, improved, interest to Sep tenmber 12, 1873... 2, 000 00 ..,,,....o ru1, ............... .... ,,,.,,.......... .......... ............ ........ I.........................G00 .. ............ ..... to . ........ . ......................................... FREEDMAN'S 8SAVINGS AND) TRUST COMPANY. Eliza 13 loglc, Mrchnr 16, 1872, lots 14 and 15, part of tract called " Granby," lmprove(l; no interest collected ........................................ Balance, W. Robliuson, March 16, 1872, part lot 31, square 657, interest to 715 00 86pteober 15, 187.3 Richard L. BerryIMar(h 16, 1872, lot 1, section '2, Barry farm, improved, 200 00 interest to :September 1t;,1873 ....... Wesley Fry, Mafrch 18, 1872, lot 27, section 8, Barry farmn, Improved, in00 tcrest to September 18, 1873 Thonias Lo'we, Mailerl 18, 1872, .10 p)art lot 4, square 752, improved, interest .. to September 9, 1873 .5... 650 00 : George SavAq,e AMarcl 19, 1872, lot 85, square 623, improved, interest to September' b, 1873 ......... 4,000 00 Carollte A. Shermuan, March 20, 1872, lot 20, square 79, iniproved, no interest pai(l ....................................................... 3, 500 00 D. Ct. Forhey, March 21, 1874, lot 92, square 375, interest to September ... ..................................... 1 10000 20, 0,17 ... 1873..1,000 Balance Addis'ii Sliitilh, Alarli 21, 1872, lot 25), section 7, Barry firm, intere-st to Soptember 21, 1873 57 25 ...................... Balance 1I. .J. Wilflias, Alrch 22, 1872, lot 8, sqtiaro :109, interest to Soetemlier 2, 1873. .52 50 C'athariho 1'olk, Miarch 23, 1872, lot ozi square 273, improved, interest to 350 00 Scptfieiber 7,1873.. Mairy Ann Dalzvis't' 'Aict'i 25, 1872, vest part lot '22, square 51.1, imip)rove(l, iztercst to Se fteIiilier 1,418713....................................... 1,200 00 13alainece, Hlanso8n BiRooks, Mlarchi 28,1872, part lot 21, square 538, imiproved, interest to Sepptemiber 25,1873 ... ............................... 44:3 75 WilliamZl, Obold,) 21s1rd61 29, 1872, lots (G, I s(qutre 91(, imlprove(d, interest to Soptemnbeir 28, 187:1 ........................... 410 00 3alaince, \. B. McPherson, Alarch :30, 1872, lots 14 and 15, square (5, interest to September 30, 1873 ....................75..... ) 00 Jane Scott, April 1, 1872, lot 21, square ;616, interest to September 28, 18773 ..................... 250 00 101om1as Lewis, Aj4,ril 1, 1872, part lot 16, silqaroe 374, iplioved, interest to Sblteioib6Cr 1, 1873.. 10,000 00 l3eljaiziinl Sniuj, Ai~rit~ 3, 187, lprt lot :3 in iL tract ol land known as . .. Radwortlio," fiitertiPt to October, 1873 3,(000 00 ,Saimiel CT. Jolnes, April 4, 1872, lot (60. seetioti 8, Barry Itrin, iziterest to October 4, 17 ..100 00 (00 00 Auamiln EI. l nicac, April 4, 1872, lot 6, s(qmare 182, iIhil)uoved .. . FIraneis F'. Ili o% o, k t1wii 5, 1872, lot 7, q1 ilntro :109, i i1,ioved .. .... .100 00 Lewis M1. Smith, Aptril 6, 1e72, lot 69, squlare 1-80, iinprovc(l, interest to October 3, 1l873...... 1, 060 00 l ;i.1yette, JeJd es Aptiii1 (, 1872, parts lots 2)0 and 21l,sqpare 5(9, imIpl)rovcd, 600 00 interest to Apr ilt73 , 1..3.. 300 00 A11n1 Cook, April t8,1872, lot i4, s(qna11rjo 198, iliterest to October 8, 187.3 .J1,ne S. J)ozIgl'.ss, Aiwil 9, 1812, lot 3, sqhizare 567, ifiterest to Ootolbe 8, 1873. 300 00 l 'lA. lRlert, IhilliistAPt Iti,1872, Io':s 1, 2, aml( solith p)ait lot 14, square, 41)9, initer'est to October 10, 187:3 ........................9........ ! 00 00 Wa'1Iter lans, Alptil 11, 187;2, lot 11, sqltautl877, hilzlrovedl, interest to October ,)b)8;.. ........................................................ I, 750 0() ;Itlalce, Ninaies Gwlelsoil, April ii, 1.872, lot '2, sqularo 616(;, fililtovedl, inter350 00 *'st to co)etuor 9, 18 .. Lewis Marshmatll, AtI)Il 12, 1872), part of' sqlaro 12, (Aeor"otoI, ilLtterest to October1r 1.';' .............1",. , 000 00 , IPoer Fzrmri', Apill 1 , 1872i, lot 17, sectioim 6, iimt crest to Alril 18, 1873... 150 00 lh rvey'. V ('oltomi, April 20, 187;', lot 30, sqiiare (623, inimproved, interest to ..... \t)il "20, 1873 . , 000 00 Js.ttte .J Pi Iflif, April 22, 1X7', lot 10, section 2, Bariry fariml, interest to A pmi 9", 18713. . ... .................................... 100 00 h9;t .tlt ( 1 ollhtisbce, April213, 18712, lot 1,ad part lot, 44, square 571, iim1375 0( ltOved, ifitere-st to October 20, 73.1,33 00 Mtto lKo.sac, Alpin '23, 1872), part, l 1 q.suItime 377, inilpoved, imiterest paid to Ap),ril '23, 187 3 .; , , 100 00 Nasthville 3raneli Colored Agrictiltitral and Alochlauical Associationl, March ", 187'2, 7 acres in Davidson County, 'l'eiin., imiproed, interest to August :3, 1873 ..............4 4,000 0 li3titimeO, 1phrldaiinl 1Jl-rntt, April '27, 1872, lot '24, section 9, Barry firni, interest to Octobier 27, 1873 .............................. 72 00 .Jamnes If. A. ,Schurcnewn, April 17, 1872, part lot 24, square '728, imip)roved, imiterest to lwril 20 0 00 21 1q7.' .00.................. . ...- .................................... ... ....... ...................... ....... I .......................... ...................... 112 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. JinIies 1i. A. Scel iirIetiieii, Apri'l 17, 18^7.2, part lot 21, squtare 78, improved, interest to. Octobser2f!J, S1,2 ..................$,...................... 51,400 0l) Baldiao, W. R. Arnol(l, April 'V, 187'2, lot 6, section 9, larry tflir-Il, interest. to October '27, 1873.665. O............ ; .: () B3alaico, Jaifi Scoftt, AmIWIl :30, 1872, Ipart lot 21, s841iluro 6(1', impyrov'ed, ilteremt to OtiibertU6, 1873 ............................................ MIeibari(F1ollfis, May 1, 1b71, lot 2, sMqtrae 816, improved, interest to NoVeninber 1,1.73.700 ,01 E'lla Mlatt, Mayl 4' 18.72, lot A, s(qitaro 169, improved, interest to Octoltoer 1, 187. 2, :001) 700 00 G1:ile, MAiq 4 V~V2 lot. 7, sqmare 582, Interest,to NoVecifiwr 3, 187:3. . Joh! .Justiln Graniby, Ma :3, 1872, lot 12, section ;6, Barry i-irmmu, interest to NoI ............',187 100 01) C. A. Lemore, Mfiay 8, 1H72, Iart lot :1, square 791, interest to October 9V, 1873 ..1,20 00 Johnl Strainiing, Alay 9, 1872, part lot 7, s(piare,1403, interest to Novenmber .! 9, 187:1 ..............................O..,... f)0) Thoinas-Confllih) re, ............. Maiiy 16, 18712, lot 16, sectioni 1, arry fuarin, interest to November 16 873..100 00 Micliael hceCorillick, Miay 17, 1872, west lhalt lot :, square 87(0, interest pid to Noveivibet; 1(i, 1873:' .................................... .1, 000 00 John 1urus, Mly 18, 1872, part lot '28, square 117, impi'rovcd, interest to November 17 187:3 ...:.00 0l) BalteCO, II. H1. MehJ'lI'Sou, Mly '20, 187'2, lot F, wpauae 1;27, interest to April 29, 1873 ...... ................................... 2s25 0 E. U. Weaver, May 25, 1872, lot O', s(puare 333, interest to Novembher 1, 1873. 112 (00) IlalAnce, Sainmiel. Bond, Ma',y 20, 167", part sym1a-e :36t;t, interest to Maiy 1, l~i: - .... ............................................... 170(l 1873.1, 700 01) Jaesn L'Arlii'i 31 May 20, 1872, west half lot 18, square 106, improved, ilterest to O6t66;r 15, 1b73 .1, :3(1 Of) Basllanlcei}\\'lliam0l D'~oiuell, M i 22, 1872, eiiast half lots II and 12, s(liuaro 563, iiipjrove , ititeiest to6November 18, 1873 ..1, 500 00 John SeIler, ,Aly ,'25 t872, lots 17 and 18, Wrlok 1U,Itnid University, divisioll of -ariy i.iho, initerest to November 25, 187:1 . 500 O9 My 25), 1872, lot I in'1" 'leasmit P'lainis," initerII ~alaiico, tillial Jliolnieniad l, `est to Novemiber25, 1871 ............................................ 1, 600 00 John4 1. Mcclitenlie,, M\aiy 25), 1872j, lot 97, Tlhrclkelle addition to Georgetowh, interest to No ecl ber 23, 1873. .750 00 Balance, VW, M. P1upiip'ey, MAlyq '25, 1872, part of lots ,30, 31, :31, squ0re :366;, interest 'to AMarch :2:3,187: .2, 353 47 WNaltaer Stewart, NM 28, 1872, part lot 16, s(piare 15, improved, interest to Novillnber 28, 1873 ...... ............................................ 750 0) Balance, L. k RandoIlp, Maty :1, 187?2, Ian t lot 1.3, sqiiare :07, improved dee(1 ofirfrit t notes.175 00 Balauce,H. H. Iartnentei, May.31, 1872, 1part lots 12 anlld 1:1, square 307, inp'roved;(l;:de(l of trust ites. .12;5 01) Sbarri`gtoli Bache, June 1,1872, lot 78, square 180, imprl)ove(d, interest to May31,4873 ........................................................ 1, 50000 EliZabeth'Jilue, June, 4, 1872, lot 5, section 3, llarry flarmi, interest to ay 27, 183 ...... iCO 0;) Joseph Fabr Johnson, .inne 6, 1872, part lot 12, sqtiaro 372, iuinproved, interest to DM66hiber 5, 1873 .............................................. 3, 550 00 Balance, f icbafd Jolles, Jtneo 6, 1872, lot 31, section 8, Barry farnll, in telest to Nroyetirber 24, 1873 ............................................. 65 00 6, IJte 61872, Mary Costello, part lot 19, s(qumare 564; inmp)rovcdl, interest; to 3.400 Of) December 1 187 B. M. Baerker, June , 1872, 61 aeres niear " Blriglhtwood," inmnproved, intereAt to Decembfer 1, 2)985 90 Balance, J-oh-xi iF:'Stewniat, Juno 7, 1872"*, lot 79}, sectiomi 8, JMarry farin, 00c&niib 7, 187:. .0 O Balance>W.-0;LVenisonl andT'1'. N. Whn itnmey, .J uea&8, 1V67, W3lo:io, '" Metropsoliy Viev," interest to D)eceumbher 8, 1,3.. 767 '1 Al coA; AMPlTnt, .Jine 8, 1872, purt lot 5, sqtuare :378, improved, interest 7, to 600 00 .ec..'nb..e. 1.7... Balance, William and Allbert, Juno 10, 1871, lot, :2, sqmtilre 867, lila685 00 proved ................................................ Ph(jlbe IV. Roes, Jiimie , 1872i , paid. Balance, Steplmeln Ilartbrlebt., June 12, 1872}, Ipart lot 1'!, square 4,19), iuter700 00 est to December 7, 1873.... I . oember3, ...................... imipirlovdeJ, ............................................ 18737.2, . . . FREEDMAN $8 SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 113 C. C. Nelson, June 14, 1872, lot 18, square 366, interest pail to November S 1:J.. :...... ... ............................ $2, 000 00 Win. W. Goddardi, Jule 14, 1872, part lot 20, square 157, imlprove~d, Illterest l)ec'enmier 10, 1873.;.. 1, 200 00 Allen C. Beanfiili, Jun6e 14, 1872, east balf lot 10, square 876, improved, interest Ddceinber 11 1873 ..................... 2,500 00 C(has, E. Hulse, June 14, 1872, middle one-tbirdlp't 10, square 876, ih..............0k.. 2, 00( 00 proved, intereet Jun11e 11, 1873 ............... Balance, Beruard Watoers,.Jlne 14, 1872, east patt lot 19, square 870, 200 00 improved,liiterest Deceinler 14, 1873, Jnlo. W. Mbeyer, June 15, 1872, part lot 7, ute 516, interest Decemlher 15, .............,;,. 4.50 00 Jhim Ii. Magniudy, Junme 19, 1872, lo t 59, squdre 182, Improved, interest December8, 1873 .................... ...500 00 John Vanddrburgh ,Jtuue 26, 1872, lot 1, square 123 interest December 24, ..........i 6,000 00 Margaret A. Fithilan ,Jiihe 26,1872, part tract called "Forrest," Prince GeorgessCouuInty, Mafylaid, imuproved, interest. December 25, 1873. 1,500 00 Balance, Tlijokiisoiu B3. Caidwell, Jiue 26, 1872, lot 20, square 208, l)art 2, square 959, improved, interest Decellib)er 21,183 ....................13..20 00 Charles H. Fishbatigh, Jutine 28, 1872, east parts lots I aud 31, square 00 ..800. 358, interest 1)ecemnor 28,1873 ........................ Balance, Smith rwymnan, .June 29,1872, part lot 1, square 81, interest 21 50 Jime 27, 1873......................................................... Stisan Colilhis, Jtle 29,1872, wvest balf lot 28, square 878, interest Doceluh er 29, 187 3 ...................................................... 0 00 Ito'bt. Gilhmore, Jime 29, 187'2, east. half lot 42, square 214, interBalance, est pa id to Ootobbr 24, 1873. 62))00 Balance,! Clem Sildithl, Jiily 2, 187-2, lot. 71, section 8, Barry farm, interest 100 00 . ................................... Jautiary 2, 187:3 S:11ninel F. Suit, .JuXlly ', 1872Q, 4`: () ,i,.s, 1Pi'iie' Geoirges County, Mlar3land, l)'ee riidwi29, 1873.. called '1 The HoimePlace," iiiIosl Dv 24,000 00 Balance, Join (,'.3 Ricks, J ii l' 16i2, lot 35, square 330, improved, interest, r, ,l74 ....... .. , :AO 00 Balanme, Griffin S Reeld, Jil1N, 18;2, lot 9, square, 309, imnp}rove(1, interest, l)ecoii ber26 1873 ................................................... 880 00 R1uidol' July 8, 1872, parts of lots 2, 3, square 79], improved, ,l)siger no interest pad 1, t50 00 Ewin King, July 9, 1872, lot 2, block 17, "MMeri(1iaullill/" interest Jannary 9,1 74.500 00 500 00 Ba1lan1ce, Phihii allack, July 10, 1872, lot 6, square '73,trust note...... lleimry *Jufferson,.Jnly 1:, 1872. lot P, s(qutare 15l2, interest Jldy 12, 187175 0 AngistusJordaii I'Jl3l 13. 1872, lot 160, square 623, improved, interest Decein oer "5, .73..................... 4, 200 00 Blalanuce, Amlersofl icldlialsomm, July 1:3, 1872, lot 27, sectio{i 9, Barry fittrmn 70 75 interest Deelbior 5, 187:3.. lalaiCe, GotlhamPsHo'.koliiiu, *July 16, 1872, part. lot 2, square :31s, ilm- 1S .......................... 1873 .... ......... .Xlllllnx^. ..................... ............... . )rovted1 iiterert Deceomlcll 1:3, 1873 Jus ltitilte/'6-BJItinfiiore, Amlaylaind, Dog)Illss :1,000 00 .July 17, 1872, psroperty Oli Lexingtoh anild Ninith sti8eCts, B3altimoreC inteIrst to Jaitimnay 1)2,1874 .... 10, 000 00 1)eter Lowers Jull^ 17, 1872, 2 lots, Davidson County, anudl :1 parcels Iuthertor, ci luity, 'l'enliessee; interest paid to Novnmbeir7, 187:3 .:3, 000 00 BaluiiCe *Jolln Skinning July 17,1872, lot 35, s(luare 989, iimpl)roved ; interest J'nnuyivy 17, 1874 ................................................ 480 00 Walter Evans, July 18, 1872, part lot 10, square 867, improved; interest January 13 1874.'2,5O0 00 Balance &ed6&o MaN~lrtin, July 18, 1872, part lot 6, square 525; interest 600 00 .... Januaryt ,............. ....,............. B1l.ahince lp'lwit s. Van Wyck,yJul 18, 187%, lot A, square 127, lot 17, sqtuare 8, 7019 00 165, improved ; ititerost Januall 3, 1874 Thllimlls lirir, July 19, 1872, lot 9J3, Mouint I'leasant., iMproved interest *JuIly 18, 1873.... 1, 250 00 John G. Waters, .'Jly 19, 1n72, !k t 2:3, smuare 620, improved ; interest. Jan14,000 00 uiary19, 1874.. . Uliir6iiee Coh'oiid)on, July 19), 1872, lot 14, section 9, Barry farm ; interest 100 00 .Jn~y19~y, 187:1 ........ ................................... stephens Gli~ceeo Jul;` 20, 187%2 property onil AtcElderry street, near Gist 400 00 street, B3altimore; interest, Fer y 24, 17:3 ............. J',lm James, *Juily 22, 18792, lot 24, msctiflon 8, Barry farm ; interest July )20, 187:3 ............................................................. 100 00 1I. MIS. 16-8 ...... 114 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Balance John G. McAniaey, July 22, 1872, lots 1, 2, square 716, improved; .500 00 1nt~i'est Janiuary 18, 174 ........... l)ai(d 450 00 Benjamfin M..Plunb, Jue 22, 1872, lot 15, square 870; no interest interest Balance George Page, July 23, 1872, west part lot 4, 8qtare 158; January 2:, 1874 .120 00 Mary-C. Youug,, July 24, 1872; lots :6, 37,38,39, 40; section 8, Barry farmd, 3, 000 00 Improved ; no intiweret Paid .................... Robert S. Kearlnoy, Ju ly 24, i1872, 46 acres In Arlingdou County, Vi'giuia, 1,800 00 interest to JAnUi4v 22, 1874 . John Wilkes,-July 24, 1872; lots 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, inr square 634i-` interest to Maroh 16. 1873 .10,000 00 WilliallI Yoiliwg, July 24, 1872, lot C, square 427, improved ; interest Jan-, uary 20, 1874............. :1,200 00 Edwaid Swanii, July 24, 187'2, itest half lot 15, sqtare, 490 ; east half lot ............... 10,000 (0 4a90 improved; interest July 20, 1873 ....... 14, square John BachsJuiy 26, 1872 north (qtuartor lot 40, MoulUt Pleasalt Plains 2, 187 .300 00 interest Jarii1'ary Georgo 11. WIlliams, July 26,187%, block 2, Meridian Hill ; interest, Jan. . 15,000 00 lary 26, 187 BalanceThornton Taylor, Juily 20), 1672, Itart lot. 30, square 1410, impl)roved 530 00 .................. interest. January 26, 1874. 176 00-Balance W. W. Vaughn,iJuly 29, 1872, lot 6, square 836 ; (lbed tl-llSt note. Mary AL ii (hyole atld others, .Jily :30, 1872, wvest half lot 4, s(luare :348, Minmip'oVed ; Interest to Jahimiary 26t, 1874 .25,000 00 Evan Lyonos, .Jiy :31, 1872, 65 acres near Boundary street, l)prtions of 4 traots called " 'Prett.y Prospect,"' " Rock of Dmibartoi," "J1Beall's Lot," :34, 000 00 and " Widow's NMite," now kiiowvn as "' Lyons M1ill St-at," improved;no 52 50 .3, interest, psal Balance Edw-didTollfii, .July :31, 1872, lot 26, section 7, Barry farin; in..75 00 tereist .Ja1i'vy 30, 1874 fliotmis r13aiton, August 5, 1872, lot 29, section 2, Barry farin ; interest 176 00 May 27, 1873.. Elizabetlh A. Smith, August 5, 1872 lot 9, sections 8, Barry farill; interest 100 00 l4 t , 1873 Aiip,|X J. V. V. Vwadenbuirg Augst (;, 1872, lot 16, square 7;32; interest Atugust ..5,000 00 2, 1873 Edwin King'i Alugust 8,1872, lot 2, block 7, MeridlIan Hill ; interest Aul................................. ....................... .. .... . . ................... ........ ........................ ......................... I ...... ......... George ;F. Adamhs, Auigust 9,1872, p)arts square 58:3, ipnl)rovel ; interest Atigust 7, 187:3..500 00 Henry KH Lacy, Auguist 12,187, lot 33 atud lpart lot 15, squaro 197, im500 00 interest Atuguist 12, 1873 ............................. B.proved; Machall, Auguit 12, 1872, lot 7, square 2,52, improved ; interest Auigutit 10, 1873 ...5..;. 5,000 00 Balance, O!Dfii6I Genlaii Auiguist 12, 1872, lot BI, sqtiare-518, also lot 37, . 571 74 ........... Mount Plea"ant; interest to Noveminler 5, 182:3 Henry H1. TilghsiaiXJAugist 13, 1872, l)art lot. 9, scquvare 401, imlprove(d 600 00 .. interest Decerimber 10, 1873 James Websterand others, Augiust 13, 1872, Odd-Fellow's [fall, Aloxal1, 000 00 dr;a, Va., irnirove(id In;terest to Auigust 8, 1873 NatlmamielI S. Wright, fiAgust 16, 1872, 4 acres, Alexandria, Va., inml)rove(l ..1, 500 00 interest Af` gmt 14, 1873 Robtt A. I'li 11li, Amiigust. 17, 1872, part lot 9, square 497, iulprovel ; In.. 1, 000 00 terest to Augiut 15, 1873 Willaitu Hewlett, Auguist 20, 1872, lot 171, Mount Pleasant, no interest gult. 7,187. .............................................. ................ ............ paid. ...... . .. .... .... .......... Thornton H'dg'e, Algust-;22, 1872,00lot 23, block 1$, Howard Uliversity; interest tA) August 20, 1873.280 J. B. O8s6d,d Augu66st 23, 1872, Itarts of' lots 13 and 14, sqtuare 76f3, interest to Febmrary 23, 1873. ............................... ................... Ralph II.H.arbs', Auginut-23, 1872, lots 317 aid 3:13,. inluchsive, li Tfnion. town, iiiip)rove(l intreIt to A iiust, 23,;1873 August 23, MN7'; forty-six acres, Fairfax Ooturty, VirAlonzo J. Atiiinkgf -in1Imrorvd Iterest to August 22, 1873...... B ance Joh i Ba hs, Aulgust 20, 1872, part of lot 40, Mmint P1.Kaswnt, in.. terest to Augwt '22, 187:3 B. F. EaglIb, August '26, 1872, ipart of lot 110,lBeall's addition to George..150 00 town, interest to Auigust 22, 173 Jobn Johnsoin, of Bryanit, Auigust 27, 1872, lot 7, square 516, Interest to ... ........ ............. . November 15, 1873 300 00 2, 000 00 2,000 00 2, 000 00 15 00 1, 00t 00 FREEDMAN 'S SAVINGS AND THU8T COMPANY. WilliIa Mil'lheid, August; 28,18-72, lots :1) and 36, square 740, interest to August 22, 1873..........................$....................... Balance E. I, Schmnidt, August 30,1872, part of lot 8, square 757, and part 115 $1, 50o 00 of lot 23, block 18; John A. Smith, farm, improved; interest to August ..*. .......................... 850 00 24, 1873... A. Woodward, jr., Alugulst 31, 1872, parts of lots 11 and 12, sqtiare 743, in400 00 terest, to Auoghst 30t 1873 . ........................................... Cla-e11ce Couiptobn September 2,1872, lot 4, section 9, Barry farm, interest to Se&fiib6 r , 1873 ................................................ mil-lim H. (fay` Septe;nber 3,1872, lot 5:3, square 14(, improved; interest 500 00 .. to August 28, 1873 .................. William' T. Befijiaiiit, Septiiuber 5,1872, lot 27, action 7, Barry farm, intorest to Septemnber 5,1873 200 00 ...................... 20 Vestry Rock Creek church,,September 5, 1872, church land called 0lehl interest to SeWiitmber 2, 1873 ......................3.................. 00 ,000 Ann Wrollard, Seiteibiiiber 6. 1872, part of lot 11 and 12, square '289, interest to Soptember(, 1873 ................................................. 1, 000 00 Joseph Willinns, September 6,1872, lot 67, Mount Pletasaut, interest to 35')000 Auigust 16,187:1 ............ George FAdaius, September 7,1872, parts of square ;583, interest to Septemi- ber 6B.873 -. 2.550 00 Balance Benedlict......... M1llbirfi, Novembiler 8, 1872, parts of lots 1 and 2, square 518#, impiprove(d $3,000 real-estate notes, interest to December 1, 187 3 3, 29 44 Balance Charles Dvson, Septeunber 10, 1872, lots 2U and '24, square 870, interest to Sc&tuniber 7,1873.... . 874 20 Trustees Fifth Ba'ptist church, September 10, 1872, lots '26, 27, and 28, square '277:, improvcd; interest to Agrust 30, t87:3 . .......... 7, 000 00 Trtistees'Fifth BAfptist church. MIay 22, 187:3, lots 26, 27, andI 28, square 277, i Aiiroved; ihtkrest to Novethber 20, 1873 ....... .................. 4,000 00 Se"I temher 10, 1872, lot 7, square 760, improved; interest Georgo Mattiugly, to Fe~bruary~ to~~~99,73iI'l r 3 lir 8 15,000 00 Balance -M, M. Pimphrey, September 10, 1872, lot 34, square 508, im00 proved'; interest to Diceniber 2 1873 .........-. .6r.50 Elizabeth Barrett, 8epteniiber 10, 1872, interest to July 2,1873 .800 00 P. H. Green, Sep4tembiber 11, i872, lot 9, Pleasant Plains, improved; interest to Septetmbor 4,1873 ............................................. 750 00 Balitice Riiclhel I'. Lanmsdeu, September 12, 1872, parts of lots 15, 9, and 167, He6Il s addition to Georgetown, improved; interest paid to SepterRbi r 15, 1873 ...................................................... 1,920 00 C. Robinsoliu; Septvioer 18, 1872,imnproved plrolperty,Alexandria,Va.; interest to(l Sxptebor 12,1873 .................... Mary C. Yotung;- Seoptenbker 19, 1872, part of lot 2, square 971, 120 by 77 . feet, no interests l)paid 5,000 00 H. Isabelle Miltichell, ,September 19, 1872, 19 acres called "Girl's portion," Seventhetreht, ilnprove(1; interest to Septceimber 14, 1873 ..... ........ 3, 000 00 Balance Williamn t H. Stevensoni, September 19, 1872, lot 309, Vermont avenue,interest- to March 19. 1873 272 00 Charle] WilliIamis, Se Itei-i)or 210, 1872, lots 14 and 15, square 99, interest to September 18,1873.. .500 00 Johu H. Lewil, Soptemibor 20, 1870a, of lot 8, slluare 777, improved; 400 00 part 700 00 interest to .Jatiniary 17, 1874 ................. George H. Stowoll, September 25,1 1872, lot '25, sqtuare, 420, interest to September 19,,1873 ..................4,000 00 Balance. Isabel Langran, September 25<), 1872, lot 17, square 86, interest to Jlaiuiiry 3,18741,00) (O0 George B. Co ilk, Septemliber 25,1872, lot 2, square52o9, interest to August 30, 1873 l00 ...-1,1 John Keati g,> Seitembier 27, 1872, parts of lots 23 and 24, square 616, interest to March 25, 187:3 .................3 00 0( John P. Cuitleofi, Seteober 28,1872, part of loG 23, square 126, interest to .150 00 sfepteInlie'r-2i)I1873-.......... Aaron Priii&de, October 1 1872, lot 16, square 3.36, interest paid to Octobeer'25, t873-30 ..................:.f(3 00 Marian Goodall, Octoblier 1,1872, ots '295,296, Uniontown, .iuiproved, intrest Siitemxiir 24, 1873 ................... ..I,0)0 0(I David W. Brown, October 3, 1872, lots 9, 10, winare 19'2, interest September 30, 1873.. 1, 00 00 Edward Swann,Octolwer 7, 1872, west half lot 15, sluare 490, interest Sep.. I ............. .......................... .................... .... *...................1,000 . . . .................................... . ................................................. tember 24, 1873 ..............,000: ,o 00 PFREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. - 11l 6 H. Keller, October 8, 1872, lots 11, 12, square 616, improved, interest Octoberi, 1i873**-e**.. JohuGlat~ily, October 9, 1872, part lot 9, square 419, improved, interest ........................................ October8' ,1873 Balance llefiiry Owin, October 9,1872, lot 16, section 2, Barry farrm, InterOctbber- 9 187:3 ......... James, Jtrppir, October 10, '1872, lot 35, section 3, Barry farm, interest April 7. -.--.--- --- , -i---........................... 95 27 October 10, 1872, lot 38, section 4, Barry firm, interest Thboniii&-Craig,, ,r October 7 1873 Sali)6l1 Ho(son, October 10, 187', lot 55, section 8, Barry farm, interest October 7,1 873 ................................. .......f Samuel P. Gaines. W illi"am els-ioii -... ..89 70 ThomasP Diggs.. Henry Nulie..... All lo s on lots in Barry farm, interest to 0otoDennis Rudeki.. f ler, 1873 .......,..................... . I ..................................... ....'. . ....... . I George Dails... . ........... ..--.. . .. . .. . . ............ ................................................ $700 00 1,000 00 75 00 37 47 76 59 f1 6 70 50 84 5 40 35 00 104 00 150 40 I .............I................. Harriet Magriider. .......J Maek McKenzi Amos Hill, October 11, 1872, lot 9, section 2, Barry farm, interest to Octo150 00 ber 7, 1873.-..,.... James P. MdElfeisb, October 14, 1872, lots 61, 62, square 829, improved, 600 00 interest Ootoberi 2, 1873... improved, interest Eliza Meredlith, Octob)er 17, 1872, lot 10, square 558,..................... 800 00 -.,,. October 14, 1873 .......... i John Lane, October 17, 1872, partA lbts 128,129, Beatty sub)(division, George2,500 00 town, imlproved, no interest )aidl .................................... Balance, JAbn Patch, October 18, 1872, trust-ldeed notes, improved prop870 00 erty, interest October 21,1-73...................... Willey Evans, October 23, 1872, lot C, square 337, interest April 17, 200 00 1873 . 275 00 Ellen Dorsey- October 23, 1872, lot 8, s(qiaro 553:, interest October 21, 187'3 N. W. Evans, October 23, 1872, lot 20, section 2, Barry farm, interest 100 00 October 7,-187:3 .......... James 8. PikebOctober 23, 1872, parts lots 4, 8, square 871, improved, no interest paid ........................................... 2,000 00 Balance, Jobh A --Green, October0024, 1872, lot 19, section 8, Barry farm, Interest Ototbinr 23, 1873.100 Horace J. Gray, October 24, 1872, lot 1,10lok 6, Meridian Hill, also a(d2, 500 00 joining lot, improved, trilst-deed notes ................................ P. and A. Page, October 24, 1872, lot 2, square 182, interest to October 1212, .)300 8 -00 1873 . Henry D. Paytoz, October 211, 1872, lot A, square 68, improved. interest 550 00 to October 23, 1873 ..................................................... 1,367 92 Albert'Gaines, Octb0er,26, 1872, part lot 12, square 170, trust-deed note. 80 0 Balance, Addison.i t City lots, interest October 23, 187:3 80 00 i y. BaIan ce, He ir-y B ri'68%,~ Balance, J&8. B. Williamsoui, ctobeor 28, 1872, balance lot 22, square 34'2, 900 00 imnproved interest October 28, 187'. Howard Univrity, Oetobler 29, 1872, property kno'vn as "I College resertationi,"'20 aeres; also known as " the Park," 11 acres ; also lots 7, 8, 9, and-part of 6, ipiare 640 * also wbole of square 1054; also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, ,0 00 1055, Improvedl; Itteregt paid to October 22, 1873 .............. qouare J. N. Pokeon, (tolber 30, 1872, lot 60, square 180, improvedl, Interest October30,... 18731 ,000 00 P, at, SOctober 30, 1872, lot 15, square 829, improved, iJterest OcJo0.^ ,00 00 tobet'28, 81873;~.600............ GOrifn` B; RNovember 1, 1872, lot 40, square 33:6, imunlroved, interest 1, 5000 Octeir629, 1873.... .. Bal=oe J. 1Sweeney, Barry farm, Interest November 2, 187:- ........ ...... 3,630 00 Joe. Middleton, November 2, 1872, lot A, square 791, interest November '2, I530 50 ,; ............a.......... I1873...t ''I.... 1 (Thrlalfiaa Hine6- November 2, 1872, west half lot 2, square 105, interest 1,200 00 Octobeler 30 -187i 5,1872, part of mill-seat at Brigltwood, JDO. H. M~cbieeney,November 1,000 00 interest October 30, 1873 ............. Clara 1%. Hall, November 5, 1872, lot 20, block 17, Meridian H Ill, interest 350 00 to Noveiunber , 1873 ............- : .... ................ ....................... . . .......... .......................... . ..... ................................................ 87;ff} . ................63 FREEDMAN'8 SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. 11 7, Thomas Payne, November 5, 1872, lot 14, square 198, improved, interest to November 5, 1873 .........................:................. $300 00 Balance, Lewis Koester, November 5, 1872, lot 12, square 620, interest Novenibeir 1, 1873.... 200 00 F. & S. Brooks, Novomb'er 6, 1872, south 100 feet lot 43, square 69, mi00 00 proved, interest November 6, 1873 .........................4........... Emily H. Reed, November 7, 1872, lot 4, square 814, interest November 00 00 6, 1873.................. 6, 1873.5 Seth A. Terry, November 8, 1872, lot 6, square 511, improved, interest ...W ................................... April 30, 1873 1,600 00 Robert A. MoM y -November 14, 1872, lot 36, square 511, improved, interest Febr'liiiry 23, 1874 .2, 000 00 R. A. ichbimrray,' November 14, 1872, lot 37, square 511, interest Au1,000 00 gust 23, t87'.i. .1,500 00 Lawson W. Broo6ks, Novenmber 16, 1872, iml)roved property In Alexandria, Va,, interest NovIember 13, 1873 .300 00 Balance, Manfray Gre'h1, :November 21, 1872, south half lot 9, square 685, interest November 21, 1873 212 50 Annetta Jordan,.Novemibier 23, 1872, lots 7 and 8, block 16, Effiugham placc, Howard University reservation, improvedd. no interest paid 9, 000 00 Catherine Stiyder, November 23, 1872, lot 100, Mount Pleasant, interest, November 16, 1873 ............................................... 400 00 Willialm H. Gray, November 27, 1872, lot 53, square 140, interest May 500 00 26, 1873. Balance, Ellza Holld4iy, on Barry farm lot, interest November 27, 1873 72 25 110 00 Balance, John H. Bond, lot 11, square 86, interest November 25, 1873 Maurice J. Yong,i December 3, 1872, lsrol)erty in Georgetown, interest November 27, 173. 750 00 Mary Tnylor, Dec6 ber 10, 1872, west part lot 6, square 512. interest to November 26, 3.................................................... 240 00 Benjamin N. weis; December 14, 1872, lots 3, 4, 5, square 951, interest December 13, 1873 ................................................ 1,500 00 Robert M. DouIgl-as, Decemiber 17, 1872, Dofiglas planitatiou, Rockingham Coubty, North Carolina, interest to Octob6r 12, 1873.3,500 00 Frank Quarles Deember c 21, 1872, property in Fulton County, Florida, no interest. pad - .. ..1,000 00 Virginia Willians and ThonniwVW. Cardoze, January 3, 187:, two thousan(d trust-deed notes on property in Vicksburgh, Miss .2,000 00 John A. Gray, Janliary 4, 1873, lot 17, square 199. no interest paid.... 5,000 00 Balance, U'. At. Pumnphrey, January 10, 1873, trust-deed notes, improved 40 property .1,186 Jackson Parker, January 21, 1873, interest to September 21, 1873 625 00 Joseph Casey, January 24, 1873, lois 7 to 12, block S; lots 27 and 30, lock 6; lots 1, 2, 3, block 20, Meridian Hill; interest November 11, 1873 1,816 65 Belijakiuin Latinunum Janitnary 24, 1873, lots F, G, UJ, and T; lots 2, 3, in square 638, improved, interest'to Jutne 1, 1873 .1,100 00 Sophia Holmes, Jaiiiuary :31, 1873, lot 25, square 338, truist-deed notes 2,620 00 Simon J. Groot, February 4, 187:3, lot 2:1, squliare 373, improved, ilterest 80ptedniher 2, 1873.... 900 00Saint John's::Chapel, Norfolk, Va., February 10, 1873, in the church property, ifiterest to Septelnber 27, 187: .2,500 00 Frank Quarles; February 19, 1873, property in Atlanta, Ga., interest to May 1 1, 1873..-1000 1,000 00 Sila" L. Looinijs trustee............... February 27, 1873, lots 16, 17, 19, square 652, interest to Aprii 16ii, 1873 ....................... .2,400 00 William J. Sterling, Mahro`31 1873i deed-trust note.20 00 George P. Goff, April 2, 1873, deed-trust note, interest to October 1 1873 2,500 60 Williain H. Gray, April'4, 1873, lot f3, square 140, interest October 4, 1873 200 00 Lnoy Ann Reed, April 9,187:3, deed-truat notes.5 76 00 1,250 58 George W. Nason, jr., April 8, 1873, New Berne, N. C., deed-trust note Balance Joseph Pandleyj April 18, 187:3, deed-trmist note, Interest January 10000 24, 1874 .............. Benjamin 11. Warner, real-estate notes, Interest to October 21 18l73 1, 359 00 Thomas Ewing, jr.j April 23, 1873, tract of land near Topeka Kaus., real-estate notes, indorsed by 8. C. Pomneroy, due Maroh 18, 1874, 76.. . 5, 890 78 Pateey 'Am5alwood, April 24, 1873, lot K, square 183, interest October 21, 183 .100 00 Joseph Woodlaud, April 30, 1873, property in Georgetown .100 00 J. W. Babe and J. A. Rice, May 6, 1873, part lot 21, square 616 ...... .... 2,400 00 ,...................................... . .......................................... . Ma, Il ...... -............................... ................ . 118 FREEDM AN'S SAVINGS AND TRUS'T COMPANY. E. L. Sotnilt, May (1, 1873, part lot 2, square 821, iluterest October 26, 1873 $200 00 .JamneH X. Somers, May 8,1873, west third lot 23, east 26 feet, lot 22, square 508, interest pail to Novoember 6, 1873 .......................3.. 3,000 00 , May 19, 17.3, lot 1,sqltaro 421, interest to October 25,1873. Willialin MeGuiil 3, 300 00 AVilliam F. Slater, June 7, 1873, lot A, square 331, interest to Dlecember 3, 10173 380 06 Mfary A. Sliatialian, .Juto 9,1873, deed of trust note, interest to December 9, 1873 ............................................................ 1,350 00 A. C. Bradley, Jumme 16,1873, part of lot 4, square 377, improved real estate, notes due 1874, '76, '70, '77, t78 .......... ............................. 17, 000 (O James M. Latta, trustee, Jtine 23, 1873, real-estate nott3, (due 1875 . .. 3, 501) 00 Alexander Sutiterlandl, June 23, 1873, part of s(qIare 309, improvC(l, interest to Decembiller 20,187:3 ................. A. Langdon, July 11, 1873, real-estate note, (1ue1 1874, '75, '76, '77,'78,'79, interest to December 1 1873 .............. . .25, 500 00 D. W. Jlram,July 14,1873;real-estate note, delu Feruary !3,1875..500 00 Balance A. C. Branani, July 14;1873, lot 2, square 57, lots 48, 49, square 179, ititerest, to December 9,1873....................................... 1, 175 00 Albert Gaines, July 15, 1870, real-estate notes, (1i1e 1875 ..... ............. 986 09 John E. Kendall, July 18,1873, lots 16, 17, square 900 ...... .............. '2, 16;2 5)0' George Piin pee, July 11873, lots 140, 141, Beal's addition to Georgetowu.. 555 54 James Rollins, July 18, 1873, lot 11, square 1:i, lot 14, squtro 247 ..... .... 200 00 Hiram Pitts July 19,1873, lets 702, 703, Uniontown, due 1875 ............. .,..000 0 Saint Luke s Methodist Obnrchl, Norfolk, July 23, 1873, church and land, interest to November 30,1873 .. . 1,000 00 D. A. Straker July 26,1873, part of lot 17, block 7, Etlinglain Placo.e**; 161 66 Elizabeth Nehl, Augutst 2,1873, lot 1, square 198 .......................... 200 00 Daniel L. Eaton, April 19, 1807, lots 2, :3, square 120, *ne 1875, note....... 1, 000 00 R. . Hall, August 6,187:3, Girls' Indu.strial Home, real-estate notes, due July 9, 1874 ............ ............................................ 8, 658 00 Sophia Stewart, August 8, 1873, lot A, square 6$........ 200 00 ................. Jacob Frank, August 12, 187:3, lot 38, square 180, improved..-. 1,5'00 00 Armistead Walker, August 15, 18731, lot 16, block 16, Etffiligham Place 175 00 Cornelius Jenkins, lan( Milton County, Georgia .......... .. ............ 100 00 B. H. Trbonley, Atlanta, a 318 00 .. Smith Woo(lward, Atlanta, Oa ............................. .2 00 00 R. S. Egelston, August 15, 187:3, lots in Atlanta, Ga . ..................... . 00 00 Jerry Jones, on land il Atlantis, Ga t 00 ..10.................. J. A. Wood, on land in Atlanta, Ot 749 00 ......................... A. Delamatta, on land in AtlantaGa.... . 115 7, George G. CorIhhl , Augusit 16,1873, part lot 14, slulare 73:3, interest to Soptemnber 29, 1873.... 3,t..000 00 ............................. Mrm. M. J. Hliit, August 16,187:, real-esil ate note ........ ................ 1, 000 00 .Ja8es 0 10) 00 ohns~on, Auigust 16, 187:3, lot 1:3, section :3, Barry fari ............ . Mrs. M. J. Iluiit, August 20, 187:3, real-entato notes, (h11 1875, 76 .......... 2,001) 00 Barth. Foley, August 21, 18713, part lot 8, square 558, inproved ............ 700 00 Jausje8 D. Burke, Auigust.28,187:, real-estate note........................ , :3() 00 Thoma8 M. HealeoyAugust 28,1873,4dwelling, Vermont avenue 11ea1 H 0 2 070 00 street, insuNrod, $,00.2 ....................... ............. Oliver L. White, August :i;10873, dewd-trust note ........................0)( 00 John Platob, Septemfler , 1873, dwellil'g 1652 'T'enth street, insuared $4,000. 12,000 04o Willlam H. Philip, eptemblier 6,1873, (1 velilng southwvest corner Seventeenth and K street, injured $5 0,00 9, 000 00 ....... Charles Rusell, Septembier 8, 17lol, Iol, 28, squire 4M .1.0 00 (i. H. Asheniback, September 9,187:3, lot 52, square '296, interest Deccaimber 1, 1873 ...............................7.....................5.......... 000 Margret A. Randall, real-es~tate_ note.25)0 00 Jos.. Johnson, September 16,1t873, part lot 12, suare 372.00 00 Samuel Strong, September 15, lft1,souith part lot :34, square 732 ......... 1, 2417 00 a. H. Uidorwoot Nove ber 1, 83i, real-estate notes, improved property.. 1,100 00 J. E. Zug, Novemfir 6,1873, real- estate notes ........................... , 1370 70 John B. Bloes, Novemtber 10, 7reale tateotes ...................... ( 00 250 00 George Augermaini, No'vemer 10,1873, real-estate notes .... ............. J. W, Barber, No'vemb'r10, 1873,real-estate notes . 150 00 ..................... J. C. OCMonnell, Novemiber 10, 187' real-estate notes ..................... 475 00 t1harles B. Beal November 10,187i 'real-etate notes 450 00 .. Mar J. Warner, November 10, 187;,real-estate notes . .............. 1,170 00 Aron Johns, November 10, 1873, real-estate notes .......... .. ............ 600 00 8Sauel C. Mills, Noveniler 10, 1873:,rCa-est1&te1 llott% . ................... 3..00 00 IL. (3. Jacobs, November 10, 1873, real-epitamte nuote.. 300 00 ................................................................ ... 119 FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. B.B. Lofts, November 10, 1873, real-estate notes Georgo R. Prico, November 10, 1873, lot a, square 725, improved real-estate notes ...................................... W. M. lPlipihrey, Novoelmbeir 1:3, 1873, lot 18, squsre 334, improved ......... , squiro 334, improved W. A. l uniphe)hvev November 1, 187:, lot Sammae1 C. Siliooit, Novemlber 14, 1873, real-estate notes...... Robert 1t. Ward, November 14, 1873, real-estate notes ................... George 'P. Arms, Novelliber 18, 1873, real-estate notes ................... . Saint -JiameH Parish, Decemiber 4,1873, lots 1, 2, 3,4, 6, square 915 .......... MNIarthn 11tillter, December 17, 1873, lot 9, square 2134.... Jos. 1). lIniv-isW Deceriber 22, 1873, part lot 37, iMounlit Pleasant, improved. Georgo 1H. Simiotnds, Janutary 7, 1874, real-estate notes ................... . Ort\way Nichols, *Jautary 7, 1874, real-estate notes ..................... Robert '1'. Flefiitig, .January 12, 1874, old loan remIo(leled, 130 shares Young AMe-'s Christian Association, $3,2.50 par approved bills against trustees colored gel(lo0l, $i22,01.95; real-estate notes against trustees of colored schools, $4,055 ....... ......................................... Rob it. T. Mlinilng, .January 12, 1874, old loati, parts lots 96, 97, Aloliult Pleasant ............................... 2, 000 00 Robelt 'l'. Flemilnig, Jniiuary 12, 1874, old loa1d; dwelling corner Massachit, set av e and 14th street, insured $10,000............... ,John 13. Clagett, *Jatiliy 20,1874, lot A, 108 acres, Washington County, Clhget-t flvril oil Wlvshititon amid Roekville turniiike. ClOliteit. Morgsil .Jilinary '20, 1874, real-estate notes ..................... Charles RI. D)ouglhssI .January 26, 1874, deed of trust ................... Awtl l,. Boy(le, lnid ottiers, Auigiust 24, 1871, lot 1, 2, square 634 ........... lalvima, F'olsnnn, .January 29, 1872, west haltf lot '28, square 878, no initerest lidi ....................... AmilellnTalbot', Oetobler '22, 1872, lot 31, west lhalf lot 32?, square 158, interest, to Septembilier, 187:3 ................................................ James M. LIattal, truistee, .Janmuary :i0, 187;3, real-estate notes, $3,500, interest .ane 1, 1873 ..................................................... J. IB. Sawyer, Juie :30, 1870, lot. 4, square, 196, interest 1)ecember 30, 187:3. Loan at. Lexington, Ky., Branch, November 13,1871, in improved 1)roperty, valle, $16,000 ..................................4....... .... ; E. Rt. Kilight, at AMeipuls Branch, Ma*y 6, 1872, jon Arkaniaas scrip, $-, ihiteres', to Akpril 8,187:3 .................................. Dallaii Street Church, at Baltimore, April 9,1873, o0l church property. --R. Lobsijine, .Januairy 7, 1874, on lot ',, square 791 . ....................... D. A. Connolly, Janialry 13, 1874, oil lot 4, s(qiuare 575 .................... ........................ .... . .. . ...... > ... ............................. ........... $160 00 4,250 00 900 00 900 00 600 00 1,700 00 1, 900 00 1, 166 60 1, 260 00 1,000 00 1, 000 00 1, 475 00 26, 000 00 20,000 00 5, 500 00 350 00 1, 800 00 8, 000 00 00 00 600 00 3, 500.00 500 00 4,600 00 1,700 00 2,fi00 00 1, 300 00 2,000 00 It ECAPITUJLA'rTON. Total amount, loans ol real (State ................................... $1, 468, 976. 55 Add .......................... 4,260 00 1,473,226'5 CIHAS. A. MEIGS National BanLk Exaniner. JANUAIRY 24, 1871. 0-