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A Blue Book Feature of Increasing Importance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TTHE most complete and com prehensive list of Selected Investment Dealers we have ever published may be found following the regular bank list in each city. This is a very valuable feature of the Bankers Blue Book and subscribers are urged to get in touch with Investment Specialists. Reports from subscribers as to new investment firms, changes, etc., will be greatly appreciated by the publishers. Rand McNally & Company Largest Publishers of Banking Publications in the World 536 S. Clark St., Chicago Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FACTS Oil Directory Advertising 4 -.......................................... —— NLESS you advertise your bank in the BLUE Book, you are running counter to the judgment of NINE OUT OF TEN of the American banks which advertise in bank directories. U 4= - -■... -................................................ .... WO OUT OF THREE of such banks set the example of using the BLUE BOOK exclusively and treating any other bank directory advertising as useless duplica tion. > T These are not claims but facts. No research is necessary to check them — simply compare the BLUE BOOK with its nearest competitor. You’ll find as follows: EXCLUSIVE ADVERTISERS Reserve City Banks* Other Banks Total 279 80 199 3692 619 3073 3971 699 3272 584 385 199 4978 1905 3073 5562 2290 3272 Banks Advertising Exclusively in BLUE BOOK Banks Advertising Exclusively in nearest competitor Difference in favor of BLUE BOOK ALL ADVERTISERS Total banks Advertising in BLUE BOOK ... Total Banks Advertising in nearest competitor Difference in favor of BLUE BOOK ... In Exact Percentages Note Especially 1 those banks in the United 63% of the hanks in the United 89% ofStates which buy bank di States which buy bank direc rectory advertising, advertise with the Rand McNally Bankers Directory. the BLUE BOOK’S Dominating Position with banks outside Metropolitan centers. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tory advertising, advertise exclusively in the Bankers Directory. *Banks located in the 48 reserve cities. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §State tPrit. Town and county. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond ‘County Seats. CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. ASS’T CASHIER. Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.----- §'30 Loana Paid-dp Surplus Depos- Otheb and ITS Capital Profits Diaoouat* TIES (Collectio n Office. Head Office, H onolulu) Bank of Hawaii, Ltd------ §’30 (Collectio n Office. Head Office, H onolulu) of Hawaii, Ltd.----- §'30 (iCollectio n Office. Head Office, H onolulu) Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.___ §’30 (Collectio n Office. Bank Resources. Bonds Miscel and laneous Liabilities. President. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Alea_________ 2020 Honolulu C4 Ewa_________ 1475 Honolulu C3 Haiku.......... . 2186 Maui F15 Hana_________ 293 Maui G17 »HIlo_______19.468 Hawaii N23 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. HAWAII 345 Securities Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex- CHANGIS,DUB from Banks Head Office, H onolulu) , Honolulu anch of (Hilo Br Geo. Lowson_____ C. J. Hoogs.............. T. R. Saiki_______ Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.___ §’01 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.; Bk. of Hawaii, Ltd., Honolulu. J. Arruda C. E. Hanson, Bishop First National Bank of Honolulu_________®«’58 G. S.Wong_______ (Branch of Hon olulu) _ A. Br. Mgr. Urban Dias Gurney, M. L. Carter Jas. Henderson. V, P. and Br. Mgr, i 231,340 First Trust Co. of Hilo. Ltd. J. T. Moir_______ John M. Boss_____ G. J. Matthias, Sec Tr, and Mgr. W. H. Shipman dBT*§’10 C. W. Bowman, Jr., A. Tr. (Hamah Geo. Lowson______ F. R. Fraser_____ Honokaa____1069 Bank of Hawaii, Ltd___»§’97 Hawaii K20 F. C. Bailey_______ 1,650,000 E, W. Carden......... G. G. Fuller _____ C. H. Cooke............ ‘Honolulu .137,582 Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.. @*§’97 F. C. Atherton.Sec. J. H. Bowman $325-12% par 100 E. D. Tenney, Ch, E. W. Carden Honolulu C5 M.K. Gedge, A.Sec. G. B. Girdler E. F. Bishop, R. McCorriston Vice Ch. of Bd. T. A. Cooke A. B. Clark, A. V. P. W. F. Janssen J $ 238,480 69,040 1 259,290 * 127,710 $ 93,000 $ 57,960 W. F. Bk. & Union Tr. Co.. San F. par 10 ua Bran ch of Ho nolulu). S 2,566,570 38 069140 1,584,540 23 910 140 10 715 920 2,061,150 7,183,030 Gty. Tr. Co. and Chase N.. N.Y.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.; Secur. 1st N„ Los A.; 1st Seat.Dex. Horton N„ Seat. (Incl. Reserve) J. 0 CARTER BOTTOMLEY- JOHN MACAULAY 0 N. TYLER BISHOP FIRST A.E. W.T. J. HOWARD ELLIS R.McB. PURVIS H. WODEHOUSE E. BOGARDUS, WATERHOUSE G.F. LOW NATIONAL BK. OF J.G.P. S' gtANLEAYM0N 3,150,000 2,411.840 29910850 6,976.780 21 082 810 10876860 3,989,320 6,500,470 WILCOX u W. BALLENTYNE IRWIN SPALDING J. L. COCKBURN. W.GRAMBERG HONOLULU <3B®»i858 G. S. WATERHOUSE. D. M. THOMSON HURT F.MRS. M. W. L’ORANGE M.L. HOLT . Vice Presidents . . V. P. and Cash. a. i/mra Asst, Cashiers ............ Bl# V.P. & See. Exec. A. Exec. V. P, E. W. Sutton. Tr.. G. W. Sumner, V. P. and Sec. JanetT.MacIntyre, A. Tr. D. W. Anderson, A W. A. White. A.TV. B. J. Bridgeford, A Chas. A. Wong. M. Soong . T. A. Tam, Sec. Ching K. Amona C. S. Wo, A. Sec. Lum H. Chee E. W. Sutton, Tr. G. W. Sumner. V. P. and Sec. J. T. MacIntyre, A. Tr. D. W. Anderson. A. W. A. White, A. Tr. B. J. Bridgeford, A J. R. Galt F. W. Jamieson___ U. J. Rainalter, S.W.Berteanx. V. P, and Sec. A. Tr. E. D. Tenney, Ch. F. C. Atherton F. Franks. C. H. Cooke W. H. Charlock,Jr., A. S. Davis, V. P. and Tr. A. Tr. Exec, V. P. P. K. McLean Y. M. Wee, Ch. of L. Y. Aiona_______ George Yamasaki . J. K. Sunn_______ Bd. and Pres. G. Wong Sun C. Q. Yee Hop, Tr. Thomas A. Tam, Sec. F. C. Atherton. Sec. M. V. Ferry, W. W. Thayer____ F. Murai—........ . Tr. and Cash. T. Kondo, A. Sec. K. T. Ho........ ......... Wong Goon Sun, Pres, and Mgr. Ho Poi Q. S. Yin, Sec. Lau Lin Look L.See Lung M.M. Graham, Aud. Bishop Trust Co., Ltd. dW’05 W. F. Frear___ __ W. F. Dillingham.. E. W. Sutton. V.P W. W. Chamberlain par 20 J. K. Clarke, V. P. M. B. Henshaw C. F. Damon C.Q. Yee Hop____ Tong Phong, Chinese-American Bank, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. C. K. Ai Ltd______________ d©»t'16 $170-9 par 100 E. W. Sutton_____ W. F. Frear_____ Guardian Trust Co., Ltd. M. B. Henshaw par 100 T§'11 C. F. Damon $46-10% Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd. par 100 dT*§’98 $340-10% Honolulu Trust Co., Ltd. $10-6% par 10 dRT§'21 International Trust Co., Ltd. $110-6% par 100 T'22 Liberty Bk. of Honolulu, Ltd. 6% par 20 ®*t’22 Pacific Bank, Ltd. ___ ®tt’13 WasukeMotoshige. Daizo Sumida, T. Matsui, S, Nalrai 2,000,000 1,966,080 1,984,140 ( Trust business only) . Tr. . Sec. 150,000 200,000 V. P. and Man, Dir. 60 Union Trust Co.,Ltd.dBT«§’21 A. D. Castro, $600-6% par 500 J. F. Carreiro United Chinese Trust Co., Ltd............................. T§'26 par 100 (Honolulu continued on next page) $100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A.C.Gouveia, A.Tr. Cash, and A. Tr. A. A. Araujo, Sec. Jose Caetano. Tr. K. Suzuki., A. Tr, Chu Ming, Tr.____ Hee Young. Sec.__ V. Fernandes------- L. V. Cadinha, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A. F. Tavares Ching Chow 73,840 Tr. . Sec. 1,750,000 1,865,520 3,016,400 (Do not 52,580 400,000 40,600 299,460 100,000 800,750 416,890 589,960 89,180 58,360 5,084,230 577,260 516,470 486,970 216,330 65,750 6,070 696,550 23,400 23,620 2,560 651,170 156,590 400.000 200,000 77,720 101,400 165,940 1,216,040 80,260 46,440 1,862,180 23,960 994,680 530,990 18,250 22,890 1,659,510 22,050 49,060 (Cr. Bal. ) 204,120 5,313,430 13,790 633,340 127,320 2,328,490 64,000 927,390 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Wells-Fargo Bk. Un. Tr. Co. (Union Tr, Off.), San F. & 319,050 Am. Express Co., N. Y. and Hong Kong; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F.; 1st Seattle Dexter Horton N., Seattle. 488,660 Pacific N., San F.; Japan Day & Night, Tokyo, and their branches in Japan. 41,320 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Crocker 1st N., San F. 888,670 1,151,370 2,629,360 1.276,330 1,549,160 Sumitomo Bk.,Ltd., N. Y., L. A„ S. F.,Sac. and Seat. 10,250 41,830 495,830 98,670 184,200 Am. Tr. Co., SanF. 46,230 2,168,650 357,720 185,460 204,250 79,250 81,710 (Tr. Funds) 59,450 601,100 Chase N., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Am. Tr. Co.,San F.; Bk. of Canton, Ltd., Shanghai and Hong Kong. 11,590 ») 535,430 111,090 1,121,570 248,120 Am. Tr. Co., San F. 1,979,270 (Do not transact a bankin g busrnes 200,000 234,040 374,390 (Cr. Bal. ) transact a banki ng busin ess) 200,000 Cash, and Sec. 516,400 Pacific Trust Co., Ltd. —T§’23 W. F. Frear............ E. W. Sutton_____ W. A. White, Tr... J. L. Fleming, Sec.. J. T. MacIntyre, D. W. Anderson, A. Tr. M. B. Henshaw $220 par 100 A, Tr. W.E.Harrison.A.TV C. F. Damon K. Kishi, A. Mgr. F. Murai, Sumitomo Bk. of Hawaii. Ltd. N. Yatsushiro____ F1, Murai 200,000 Cash, and Mgr. K. Kobayashi, A.M gr. 15% par 50 ©§’16 W. R. Warren, Sec. 100.000 Trent Trust Co., Ltd__dT»§’07 T. F. Trent, Tr. E. A. Bubie, A.Tr. par 100 par 326,660 2,607,800 3,547,410 1,920,640 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Secur.-1st N., Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., and Cal. Bk.. Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Crocker 1st N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 56,130 190,220 Pacific N., San F.; Cent. N., Oakland: Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 14,370 OA A Number under Name of Itauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ^County Seats. (Continued) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. HAWAII—Continued Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.»New § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Surplus P aid-up Depos ASS'T CASHIER. P resident . V ice -P resident . CASHIER. AND ♦Fed. Res.Depts-.T-Trust B-Bond Capital Profits its d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., A. N. Campbell—. W. R. Castle_____ J. K. Clarke, Tr... A. L. Castle, Sec... S 200,000 S 354.860 $4 197 550 $150-10% par 100 Ltd. dBT5’02 R. W. Shingle, V.P. F. E. Steere (Tr. f H. Dunshee. A. Tr. F. O. Biven, A. Sec. Other Liabili ties $ 12% P. P. Mgr, K.Tsukino.P.P. IRffr . 144,480 3,025,840 100.000 Baldwin Bank, Ltd._..®«§’06 G. S. Waterhouse.. W. D. Baldwin-__ W. H. Engle______ H. H. Alexander... $150 O. N. Tyler D. C. Rattray. Sec, W. H. Balthis K. O. Sonng (Branch of Honol Chinese-Amerlcan Bk'. Ltd. d®§’26 (Collectio n Office. paa________3; Kauai N9 unakakai __ 2 40.710 $3 990 960 S 434,100 S unds) 147,750 Principal correspondents. 7.400 $ 360,650 and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. (Branch of Yok ohama, Japan) K. Fujimoto, Maui F14 Resources. Loam Bonds Cash k ExMiscel CHANQlS,Dui and and Discounts Securities laneous from Banks 2,056,270 867,210 48,650 Yokohama Specie Bk., Ltd.,N. Y„ San F„ Seat, and Los A. 445,930 aidlaw & Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F.; Bk. of Bishop & Co.. Honolulu. \ulu) .... Maui E10 tlakekua ...3 Hawaii 018 (Kona B ranch 0 Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.____‘10 George Lowson___ Of Honolulu __ _ ’23 Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.__ §'30 Frank Crawford „ J. B, Corstorphine (Kapaa George Lowson___ (Kohala lu). (Kealake kua Bran ch of Ho nolulu) _ Kealia ............. Br. Mgr. Branch 0 In)......... Kauai N9 ulu)____ ''1 Hawaii J18 Labalna_____ 1 Maui F13 (Branch of Honol ulu)___ Bank of Hawaii. Ltd. d®5'06 I (Formerly Bank of Maui, Gity. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; W. F. Bk. & Un.Tr. Co.. San F.; Bk. of Hawaii, Ltd.. Honolulu. Ltd,, Branch Of Wailuku) Bishop First National Bank of Honolulu___________ ’25 Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. .®»§'97 Maui Fll ‘Llbue_______ Kauai N8 Pahala_______ ity Bran ch of Ho nolulu) _ Br. Mgr. J. B. Corstarphine. (Branch of Hon olulu) -. Frank Crawford--- Chase N..N.Y.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co.. San F. Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; W. F. Bk. & Un.Tr. Co.. San F.; Midland Bk. Ltd., Lon. Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.; Bk. of Hawaii, Ltd. Hono lulu. Chase N..N.Y.; W. F. Bk. & Un.Tr. Co.. San F.; Glyn, Mills & Co., London. N. City and Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; A. & L. P. N.,San F.; Riggs N„ Wash.. D. C. Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. d®*§’97 Hawaii Q20 Pal a..................i Maui F14 | Honolulu C4 Schofield BarHonolulu B3 Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. d®§'01 (Formerly Bank of Maui, J. H. Trask .. Bank of Hawaii, Ltd........ §’21 H. C. Walters____ Bishop First National Bank of Honolulu_______ d®»’17 Thos. S. Abel. S. K. Yemoto -__ (Branch of Hono Ltd,, Branch of Wailuku) ( S chofiel V. P. and Br. Mgr. E. A. Wootton, A. Br. Mgr, (Honolulu P. O.) Wahlawa____ 102' Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.___ §’30 h of Hon . Office, H onolulu) Honolulu B3 Hono. A3 Maui F14 Walinea______ Kauai N6 Honolulu C3 olulu) Bank of Hawaii, Ltd_____ §’97 ( W aialu Bishop First National Bank of Honolulu____________ '21 Baldwin Bank, Ltd........ ©§’22 Br. Mgr. H. H. Alexander .. M. Watanabe___ §T6 S Fremont M21 Laidlaw & Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F.: Bishop 1st N.. Honolulu. Gty. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. SanF.: Bk. Hawaii. Ltd., Hon. N. City and Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. Chase N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo Bk.& Union Tr. Co., SanF.; Glyn.Mills & Co.. Lon. IDAHO Aberdeen_____ 646 Bank of Aberdeen.__ d»t§’09 S Bingham P17 1275-10% par 100 92-145 Albion________ 262 D. L. Evans & Co., Bankers lioo par 100 92-146 d®t§’02 S Cassia Q15 ‘American Falls Power County Bank S Power P17 1280 $350-par 100 92-284 dB®*+§’24 »Arco_________ 572 Butte County Bank. d®»t§’19 Butte N16 _ \ In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. S _ ............ SD. Spokane Br. S. Salt L. Ashton______ 1003 1ii) (Branch C. D. Lufkin ........... F. A. Lufkin, J. Garcia, A. V, P. A. V.P, and Cash. K. K. Itaknra (Wairnea of Honol Neil Robertson, V. P. and Br. Mgr. W. H. Wright, A. Br. Mgr. . •(Branch of Hon olulu) _ V. C.Schoenberg Bank of Hawaii. Ltd. _d®S’01 (Formerly Bank of Maui,Ltd.) Bishop First National Bank of Honolulu________ d®’58 Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. of Hono lulu)__ (Branch 8%-por 100 ♦ 92-263 FIRST SECURITY RANK $200-12% O. A. Vieregg_____ Isabelle D. Fugate. P. A. Fugate.............H. C. Wiebe------G. W. Fugate G. L. Jenkins_____ C. E. Simonsen.__ Fred Harting_____ _________________ H. E. Hemingway. W. M. Davie_____ G. J. McGonigal.. Jas. M. Myers. E. C. Winter O. P. Hoebel............ R. W. Ferris_____ R. A. Miller_____ Goldie Walker LM. S. ECCLES...... E. Member Bank— Largest InterCombined Reso Complete Bank ( par 100 92-288 B®*t§’28 Bancroft______403 First National Bank... ®»'09 Alex. Harris. S Bannock P20 $136 92-148 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - - - - - - F. E. E1CHELBERGER L. J. HOGGE First Security Co Mountain Bank! urces over Fifty ing and Investme rporatlon System of Banks. ng Organization, Million Dollars, nt Facilities. W. B. Wright.........H. Van Slooten.___ V. Millward t 20.000 t 12,470 S 152,550 t 25,000 11,000 148,000 20,000 24,540 361,200 ( Inc. Res, ) 15,000 $ 79,490 I 46,030 { 22,360 $ 63,000 61,000 21,000 95,380 239,850 3,900 52,140 Oma. N.. Oraa.; Com'l. Secur.. Ogden; 1st Secur., Pocatello. 39,000 Com’l Secur., Ogden; Cassia N., Burley; J. N. Ireland & Co., Malad. 66,620 N.Y.Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Com’l Secur., Ogden. 24,390 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cent. Mfg. Dist., Chi.: Secur. N., Salt Lake C.: 1st N.. Ogden. 49,250 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N„ Oma.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Den.; Secur. N., Salt Lake C.; 1st N.. Ogden; U.S. N., Port.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn. (Head Office) San F.; See adv ertisem ent on 1 ndex to Wyomiu g and o n maps of Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spok.; 1st Utah, Idaho a nd Wyo in ing Secur., Boise. 35.000 7,670 168,770 25,000 25.150 (Includ ing Re serves) 191,690 25,000 9.000 150,000 20,530 2,000 90,220 100,630 16,740 75.420 112,890 4,290 100.000 12,000 10.000 64,000 1st Secur., Pocatello. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF IDAHO i Offers to its customers the service of NINE affiliated Banks BOISE, IDAHO Chartered March 11, 1867 IS BUHL STATE BANK Buhl, Idaho Capital and Surplus CALDWELL STATE BANK Caldwell, Idaho $600,000.00 BANK OF EMMETT Emmett, Idaho «» MERIDIAN STATE BANK Meridian, Idaho Southern Idaho Items NAMPA STATE BANK Nampa, Idaho receive immediate attention RUPERT STATE BANK ‘Rupert, Idaho and prompt remittance I upon payment. WEISER STATE BANK Weiser, Idaho ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK Ontario, Oregon TRY US VALE NATIONAL BANK Vale, Oregon 1 ■ All Located in the Great Snake River Valley Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SPECIALIZED SERVICE Si < Tlp HH CO nJlj OO 55 2^ jirt P" qp s a ci> C? S?2E. W o o o 3 **. a ft ao •n 32 3£ 3> P £f cn 0V 3^ 5' H *< t3 p to ft. TO 00 ft e« O ft -t ft ft p CO rt ^ EC l_l p 5' 0_ cg ft 3 f W -t o ■Gocn o cr g a 3 g. co o Co p-* TOf-r- M-* p p 3 3 Pu Pu >• >* n ■< 23 TO3 p-.'* ■* p c r*' 3T Cfl p p pf rt pd £T H in Q *3 2? k! o n n>;*r PT* 1*0 CO TOQu p rT B.P *> g to O 5 p So 5*? O O tn Co 8 ■§ ?d n « PH rd 5" o' TO rt O t*lS) copr??3 O ?d § 3o o<2 O8,n> > PC T<">3 H 3 1 8 3 Cd p 0 S> £p 8 ~ 2 t“ O 2 3 i" " cd SPIT 3 ^ P 3^ 3 0 to *! HH Tl 4* p O £3 3 o t3 ;*r n>rt oa-, r o o s > o d" o >d p 5 o to W o 2S' S° 2 to N 3 s- C H *> *—i c> > S cr o 33 O O p C/5 Td 3 p - i* 3 M-73 3 ft ft r* rt >3 *t3 O- to A. S. Pratt & Sons, me.—Specialists in Government Bonds WASHINGTON, D. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis See Back of Washington, D. C. Map p rt O 3 N* A REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF IDAHO’S LEADING BANKS Advertising in the Rand McNally Bankers Directory “The Bankers Blue Book” First Security Bank _______ Ashton First National Bank ______ Blackfoot First Security Bank ______ Blackfoot Boise City National Bank ______ Boise First National Bank of Idaho _____ Boise First Security Bank _______ Boise Buhl State Bank _______ Buhl Caldwell State Bank ______ Caldwell Bank of Emmett _______ Emmett First Security Bank ______ Emmett First Security Bank _______ Gooding First Security Bank _____ _ _ Hailey American National Bank _____ Idaho Falls Anderson Bros. Bank ______ Idaho Falls First Security Bank _______ Jerome ______ _ Kellogg First National Bank First State Bank _______ Kellogg American Bank Trust Co. _ Lewiston First National Bank _______ Lewiston Meridian State Bank ______ Meridian First Security Bank _____ Montpelier First Trust & Savings Bank _____ Moscow First Security Bank _____ Mountain Home First Security Bank _______ Nampa Nampa State Bank ______ Nampa First National Bank _______ Parma First Security Bank ______ Payette Citizens Bank & Trust Co. _____ Pocatello First Security Bank ______ Pocatello First Security Bank _______ Preston First Security Bank _______ Rupert Rupert State Bank _______ Rupert First Security Bank ______ Shoshone Twin Falls Bank & Trust Co. _ _ _ _ Twin Falls First National Bank ______ Wallace Weiser State Bank _______ Weiser # More Banks and Security Dealers advertise in the Bankers Blue Book than in any other publication of any kind and their advertisements reach a larger audience than that afforded by all similar publications combined. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SINCE 1872- 8,000 Advertisers in .every edition. This number of adver tisers alone exceeds the paid circulation of any similar directory. In every section of the country The Blue Book leads in Prestige, Circulation and Advertising and is increasing its lead each year. -THE STANDARD FINANCIAL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD Official Numbering Agent for the American Bankers Association oc-i -*■ Number under Name of Hank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Rankers’ Dlrppfnrv nnrlnr fhn n 11 HinrifV nf TIlP Town and County ‘County Seats. 12. Fed. Res. Dist. SO-Snok.Br.S.SaltL. •Mem.A.B.A.n-New § State t Pri». tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond »Blaokfoot____3l99 S Bingham OlO FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1150 100 .. President. 92-63 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. 92-241 par 100 j'NEILF. BOYLE— - JAMES R. RYAN.__ R. U. SPAULDING— L. J. CHAPMAN_ _ _ _ F. D. HILLIARD Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up DEP08and Capital Profits ITS $ 50.000 ) Collections give n prompt, perso nal attention, (.Your business will be appreclat ed. S 34.160 $ Other TIES Resources. Bonds Miscel- Gash k ExDiscounts Securities LANEOUb from Banks Loam 475.880 S 50,009 S 279.690 $ 206.159 S 21.780 $ 102,410 (Incl, Reserves) Principal Correspondents. Chase N., N. Y.; Walker Bk. & Tr. Co., Salt Lake C.; 1st N. Bank of Idaho, Boise; Am. N., Ida. Falls; Citlz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Pocatello. d®*t’04 FIRST SECURITY BANK $200-12% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this IDAHO—Continued I><tnl/nrc icc’n d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. par .. Aninrlean f LOUIS FELT......... E.G. BENNETT_ _ _ _ JAMES 0. JOHNSTON ) Member Bank— \ Largest Inter1 Combined Reso {.Complete Bank First Security Co Mountain Bank! urces over Fifty ing and Investine W A. DANCE_ _ _ _ _ 50,000 98.970 288.040 539.290 208.690 39.690 151,840 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N„ (Incl. Reserves) See adv ertisem ent on I udex to Wyomln g and o n maps of Utah, Idaho a nd Wyo in ing. rporation System of Banks. ng Organization. Million Dollars, nt Facilities. Oma.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N„ Den.; Secur. N., Salt Lake C.; 1st N„ Ogden; U. S. N., Port.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn. (Head Office) San F.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok.; 1st Secur., Boise. B®»t§’22 fC. H. GOFFIN_____ CHAS. A. McLEAN — CHAS. A. McLEAN— BERTIE ESTES 85.290 3,765,770 269,670 2,105,010 375,000 989,640 291,830 1,109,260 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi., Oma., and ) F. F. JOHNSON, THOMAS MCMILLAN H. H. MORTON Den.: U. S. N., Port.; Crockei 1st N.. ‘Boise .21,544 *B0ISE CITY NATIONAL BK. < Ch. of Bd. J.S. ST. CLAIR t J. A. ROBINSON San F. S Ada N6 par 100 92-2 dBDW'86 (.UNITED STATE S DEPOSITORY. Send us your Item s and Collections on Idah ofor pro mpt att entlona nd remt ttanee a t mnder atecost. •• •• Boise Trust Co........ d©Tt§'06 C. A. Barton ____ W. W. Howell. Tr. A. J. Gamble, 150.000 54,550 21,280 46,370 13,260 Boise City N. and 1st Secur.. Boise. 800 72,700 77,930 par 100 92-7 Sec. and Mgr. (Trust D epartmen t, $1,908. 260) Marie L. Baker, A. Sec. il •• “FIRST NAT’L BANK CRAWFORD MOORE. OF100 IDAHO 12% 92-1 dB®T»t'67 par " ----------- - J W.CUNNINGHAM___ RAYMOND MOORE.... W 1 BEAR_____ W. L. PETERSON. G. S. BARTLETT, F. W. CODE Tr. Off. Auditor A. G. CAMPBELL W. L. PETERSON H. W. MINI ELY ESTABLISHED 1867. Excellent collection facilities. DRISCOLL — E. ‘FIRST SECURITY (J. L. 1500-20% RANK < Member Bank— 1 Largest Inter-M / Combined Reso {.Complete Rank par 100 Un,,,'dBDT‘l§’29 92 6 G. 300.000 348,100 7.656.900 150,000 343.020 4.625.670 (Incl. Reserves) 500.000 4,347,710 2,041.240 N. City, N.Y.;Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi.; Oma. N. and Stock Yds. N., Oma.; 1st N., Bos., Butte, and Los A.;Mellon N., Pitt.; Miss. Val. Tr. Co., St. L.: Colo. N., Den.: 1st Seattle Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Riggs N., Wash., D. C. 475,990 Send us your Boise and Idaho Items. BENNETT_ _ _ _ First Security Co ountain Banking urces over Filty ing and Invcstme E. W TUCKER. R. B. KADING...... V. P. and Cash. IRENE LASALLE - C. 0 RANKIN rporation System of Banks. Organization. Million Dollars. nt Facilities. 2.526.640 911.350 175,270 1,505.420 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N.; See adv ertisem ent on i ndex to Wyomi ng and on map s of Ufa h, Idah o and W yoming Oma.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Den.; Secur. N„ Salt Lake C.; 1st N., Ogden, U. S. N.. Port.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn.. (Head Office), San F.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Sook.; 1st Secur., Boise. .. Boise Clearing House---------- Crawford Moore .. M. P. Meholin_____ W. L. Bear. (Members indicated by a * ) Sec. and Tr. ‘Bonners Ferry First National Bankd®»tT5 C. D. Simonds____ C. W. King_______ J. H. McNally........ P. C. Leach______ Sp BoundaryA5 1418 par 100 92-95 A. B. Ashby, Ch, 50.000 25,580 582,740 10.000 10,700 25.000 CRAWFORD MOORE .. J. W. CUNNINGHAM- J. H. BARKER.......... - C. L. MOSS— Joseph Weber, Jr. J. C. Hamilton___ G. L. Layne______ W. T. Hardin_____ Bovlll___ 572 First State Batik___ d®‘t8’09 J. A. Harsh_____ Sp Latah F6 1200 par 100 92-151 Bruneau ____ 525 Bruneau State Bk.,Ltd.*+§'07 J. F. Noble .......... . S Owyhee P7 $100 par 100 92-152 Buhl________ 1883 BUHL STATE BANK-d©*t§'25 S Twin Falls Q10 par 100 92-274 •• ______ •• Farmers National Bank S. B. Peterson___ L. M. Peterson___ Cassia National Bk._d®»t’22 W. F. Kasiska, $150-15% 92-282 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 » Caldwell... 4974 CALDWELL STATE BANK CRAWFORD MOORE S Canyon N 3 $120-I2%pari00 9 2-51 dB®*t§’26 .. First National Bank d®»t’87 J. E. Cosgrilf $200 par 100 92-50 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 279,390 35,190 68,590 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Spok. & 166,290 97,130 47,350 15,400 26,110 Chase N., N. Y.’; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. 1,500 106,800 76,400 28,770 22,430 5,700 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N. 30,000 23,160 559,930 200,490 274,590 22,500 115,500 1st N. of Ida., Boise; Walker Bk.& Tr. Co., 25,000 34,390 418,590 251,740 110,140 23,050 95.200 Chase N.,N.Y.;Cont.Ill.Bk.&Tr. Co..Chi.; 50.000 45,000 750,000 350,000 325,000 40,000 130,000 Com’l Secur.. Ogden; Boise C. N., Boise East. Tr. Co. and Am., Spok.; Bk.of Calif. N« A. Seattle* Spokane R. J. Hawes______ H. H. Golden_____ par 100 92-250 d®‘t’17 tBurley. 3826 Burlev Bk.&Tr. Co.d®*t§T9 H. E. Hemingway. T. J. Hetland_____ C. A. Bauer__ ____ S Cassia Q14 $150-20% par 100 92-264 L. G. Parsons .. 302,580 27.420 - J. W. CUNNINGHAM- Roy Painter______ 2.150 Bk. of Ida., Boise. Salt Lake C.; Twin Falls Bk- & Tr. Co., Twin Falls. Cont. N. Bk. & Tr.. Salt LakeC. C.; Stock Yds. N., Oma. 50,000 27,530 493,090 144.860 251,980 13,600 160,180 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.;Walker Bk. & Tr. Co., Salt Lake C.; 1st Secur., Pocatello. i. m. McCarthy_ _ 50.000 29,640 766,520 11.430 319,580 435,710 30,000 72,310 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. of Idaho, Boise; U. 27,440 1,425.170 91,000 765,210 379,150 85,090 414,150 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Cont. N. S. N., Port. E. H. Petry 100,000 Bk. & Tr.. Salt Lake C.: Oma. N.. Oma. oeo OJA Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by Thc Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority ‘ TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.»New § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Sp. Spok. Br. SS.L, d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. * " President. par 200 FIRST STATE BANK par loo 92-155 d®»J5'17 American Trust Co. ♦Coeur d’Alene $185-14% par 100 dB®T«t5'06 SpKootenalD 48297 92-27 First National Bank in Coeur d’Alene— • 92-29-----d®«t' Cottonwood...519 Cottonwood State Bank#t§’07 10% par 100 92-120 Sp Idaho H4 S Custer L12 $170 First National Bank ..B*t’05 par 100 92-119 Cralgmont___496 Sp Lewis H4 Culdesac_____287 Sp Nez Perce G Deary________ 295 Sp Latah F5 Donnelly........... 53 S Valley K 6 Downey______ 553 S Bannock Q19 ♦Drlggs______ 719 STeton N23 Eagle.... ........ 412 S Ada N5 Elk Elver_____ 862 Sp Clearwater F6 .Emmett____ 2763 S Gem M4 Craigmont State Bank $180 par ioo 92-174 d®«:i'07 First BankofCuldesac 12% par 100 92-131 d®t§’02 Latah Co. State Bank par 100 92-157 ©»+§’08 First State Bank------ d»t5’07 $150-15% par ioo 92-202 Downey State Bank d®»t8'10 $210-12% par 100 92-158 First National Bank in Driggs par 100 92-159 d®«i'06 Bank of Eagle_____ d®»t5'07 $165-10% par 100 ♦92-160 Elk River State Bk..d®»t§’ll 20% par 100 9 2 -21 9 BANK OF EMMETTdB®*i§’05 12% par 100 92-84 FIRST SECURITY BANK Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. A. W. Witherspoon par 100 10,000 $ 8,940 S 165,800 $ 5,690 $ 75,360 $ 79,490 $ 282,490 22,500 201,300 75,620 17,071 36,090 1,071,910 381,040 509,460 488,720 380,690 M. R. Whitney___ F. T. Swan ........... 100,000 23,750 594,390 102,110 259,430 444,420 43,350 A. C. Chace_____ G. H. Kirwin____ 25,000 20,930 154,960 {Inc. Res •) 18,120 154,610 34,330 6,830 Adolph Hinkelman W. W. Flint_____ F. W. Albers____ 25,000 25,000 151,950 71,800 13,500 20,000 C. H. Potts M. M. Belknap.... 10,880 215,640 A. E. Clarke_____ W. G. Ilawkinson.. 27,180 (Incl. Reserves) 14,820 25.000 371,060 200,920 36,750 23,380 9,860 60,070 41,950 12,930 14,290 98,900 11,660 23,810 80,000 44,000 A. E. Clarke____ N. S. V. Hopkins.. 10,000 J. A. Harsh, Ch. of G. E. Harsh............. O. W. Schroeder.. L. M. Schroeder__ Bd. and Pres. H. E. Armstrong.. R. B. Halferty..— 15,000 9,150 126,010 10,000 5,000 140,000 H. J. Toller ........... Jerry Christiansen J.F. Sievers_____ K. W. Hamilton... 25,000 8,960 135,650 E. J. Taylor_____ W. W. Taylor. Ch. J. H. Jensen 25,000 13,000 180,000 T,. A. KalhiiR C. A. Belideau____ E. M. REILLY_ _ _ _ LAUREN OEAN_ _ _ _ CRAWFORD MOORE W. C. LITTLEE. H. FIKKAN_ _ _ _ B. L. REIDEL. . . . . . . . . . /C. B. KNOX_ _ _ _ E. G. BENNETT J. W.CUNNINGHAM.- 25,000 14,490 143,490 15.000 18,790 206,930 30.000 15,180 347,490 25,000 30,260 287,520 6,750 16,000 2,500 9,000 123,670 35,590 160,000 10,000 73,050 Old N. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok. 23,230 Chase N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; U. S. N., Port.; Lewiston N.. Lewiston. 55,560 1st N., Chi., Lewiston, and Port. 149,820 1st N., Chi., Port, and Lewiston; Old N.Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane. 10,770 1st N.. Port, and Lewiston; Spok. & Eastern Tr. Co., Spok. 22,540 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane. 31,000 1st Secur., Boise; Security N., Salt Lake C. 29,640 1st N. Bk. of Ida.. Boise. 36,630 3,610 166,160 2.400 {Incl. Reserves) See adv ertisem ent on 1 ndex to Wyomi Utah, 1 daho an dWyom 41,880 Gty.Tr. Co., N. V.: Stock Yds. N., Oma ; Walker Bk. & Tr. Co., Salt Lake C. 210,150 Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane. 20,560 1st Security. Pocatello; Home Tr. Co., Kan. C.iCont. N. Bk. &Tr., Salt LakeC. 48,000 Cont. N. Bk. & Tr., Salt Lake C. 43,480 168,270 27,250 Boise City N. and 1st N. Bk. of Boise, Boise. 5,800 115,610 132,560 _ Principal Correspondents. Ex- Caub ft chahgbs,Du* from Banks 8,350 S 100,000 E. J. Michael____ II. H. Hartman___ H. H. Hovey_____ E. W. Hovey, Ch. L. N. Benson____ A. V. Chamberlin.. F. H. Piper First Security Co rporatlon System of Banks. B©*t§’02 \ Member Bank— ountain Banking Organization. I Largest Inter-M $225-10% Resources. Liabilities Bondi Loads Surplus Depos Other Miscel Paid-up And And Liabili and its Diacounti Securities laneous Capital Profits ties T. L. Worthington T. S. Whiteside.__ C. L. Whiteside.__ $ ♦Cascade_____726 Inter Mountain State Rank $200-20% 92-156 d©»t5'07 s Valley L6 .Challls______ 418 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. IDAHO—Continued 28,690 Chase N.. N. Y.; Old N. Bk. and Un. Tr. Co., Spokane. 85,730 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N, 127,930 19,750 Bk. of Ida., Boise. 75,110 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., 128,680 6,430 Oma.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st N., Den.; Secur. N., Salt Lake C.; 1st N., Ogden; U. S. N., Port.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr.&Sav. ng and on map s of Assn. (Head Office), SanF.; Old N.Bk.& ing. Un. Tr. Co., Spok.; 1st Secur., Boise. f Combined Beso urces over Fifty Million Dollars, 92-83 (Formerly First National Bk.) V Complete Banki ng and Investme nt Facilities. .Fairfield_____ 306 S Camas OlO Ferdinand........196 Sp Idaho £15 Filer________ 1011 S Twin Falls Qll F. C. Muffley____ D. 0. Reynolds.__ Security National Bank • $H6-8%parl00 92-2 7 9 d®«t'20 C. C. Haynie, Ch. H. W. UhlenkottFerdinandState Bank $135-8% par 100 9 2-162 d®*t§’07 E. S. La Hue____ Guy H. Shearer___ First National Bank $175-6% par 100 92-163 d®»i’08 A. E. Clarke_____ N. S. VollmerGenesee______ 555 First Bank of Genesee Hopkins par 100 92-108 d®t5’06 Sp Latah G3 D. L. Bressler, Genesee Exchange Bank par 100 92-107 dB®»t§'97 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Geo. Rosevear .... Glenns Ferry_1414 Glenns Ferry Bank.Ltd. $200-15% par ioo 92-166 d«t5'04 S Elmore P8 E G BENNETT rJOHN THOMAS — .Gooding____1592 e! b. bolte S Gooding Pll ) Member Bank First Security Cor ’S Largest Inter-M ountain Banking I Combined Beso urces over Fifty $200-30% B®*t§’09 ^Complete Banki ng and Investmen par 100 FIRST SECURITY HANK Grace................ 626 S Bannock Q20 Grand View ...340 S Owyhee P5 »Graugeville__1360 Sp Idaho H6 92-77 Wm. Corbett First National Bank.d®«t'18 $110-10% par 100 92-223 (Closed March 9, 1£ 31) Grand View State Bank. n, n, Ttnfr E. M. Clark______ Geo. F. Robertson R, T STONF poratlon System of Banks. Organization. Million Dollars, t Facilities. Alvin Whitehead.. Melvin Whitehead Frank McGrane .. J. P. Eimers........... Bank of Camas Prairie lioo ♦ 92-73 B©T»J§'92 W. W. Brown, Ch. par 100 A. N. Dyer —........ F. G. Densow.__ First National Bank..®«t’03 par 100 92-74 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MOLLIE T. YOUNG— E. M. Haynes____ 125,340 20,250 33,800 7,740 407,790 289,080 101,310 6,730 139,800 120.800 10,950 25,000 45,000 381,000 270,000 83,300 20,000 13,310 308,470 176,710 125,500 25,000 8,650 12,500 4,310 163,440 41,130 50,000 24,110 15,000 4,190 2,520 243,390 238,730 75,730 477,840 (Incl. Reserves) See adv ertisem ent on 1 ndex to Wyomi ng and Utah, I dabo an dWyom ing. 25,000 37,020 Walker Bk. & Tr. Co. Salt Lake C.; 1st Secur. Boise. 7.220 Spokane’ & Eastern Tr. Co.. Spokane; Lewiston N., Lewiston. 78,410 Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; T. F. Bk. & Tr. Co., 13,090 Twin Falls; Walker Bk. &Tr. Co., Salt, Lake C. 1st N.. Lewiston; Spok. & East. Tr. Co.. 9.970 19,810 Spok. 18,200 79,500 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am., Spokane: U. S. N., Port. 120 41,970 Chase N., N. Y.; Walker Bk. & Tr. Co., Salt Lake C.: Boise City N.. Boise. 32,610 63,840 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N., Oma.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st N., Den.; Secur. N„ Sait Lake C.; 1st N., on map s of Ogden; U. S. N., Port.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn. (Head Office), San F.: Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spok.; 1st Secur.. Boise. 28,200 20,000 1st N., Odgen; 1st Secur.. Pocatello. 14,470 13,360 25.000 22,200 200,000 1,000 160,000 40,000 50.000 35,950 481,400 28,000 334,520 127,090 64,090 68,890 ChaseN.,N.Y.; Spok. & East.Tr.Co.,Spok.; Lewiston N.. Lewiston; 1st N., Port. 34,900 442,010 (Inc. Res •) 50,000 213,230 128,380 57,260 178,040 1st N.. Chi. and Lewiston; N. Bk. of Com., Seat.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spok. 50,000 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given bank in U S' cxc,.usi'?,y by_The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 353 t0 each Town and County •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SStatefPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. IDAHO—Continued Vice-President, CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. Hagerman____327 First National Bk. dB®T»t'12 Daniel Jonei------- W. L. Colthorp___ 8% par 100 92-135 S Gooding P9 Resources. Liabilities. Loftna Bonda Cabr A XxOther Miscel chahoib Paid-up Surplus D epos Liabili .Dui and and and its Capital Profits Diaoounta Saouritias laneous from Bamxr ties $ 25.000 I 48,980 111,540 3,840 55,860 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr, Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Spok, 203,820 123,810 67,710 14,110 44,690 Secur. N., Salt Lake C.: Fid. N. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 104,670 73,900 7,890 393,200 846,340 87,200 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N.. Oma.; Com. Tr. Co.,Kan. C.;lst N„ Den,; Secur. N„ Salt Lake C.: 1st N.. Ogden: U, S. N., Port.: Bk. of America N. Tr. & Sav. Assn. (Head Office), San F.; See adv ertisem ent on 1 ndex to Wyoml ng and on map s of Utah, Idaho a nd Wyo ming. Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane; 1st Secur., Boise. 322,010 55,810 22,610 67,000 N. City, N. Y.: Oont. N.. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 18,310 380,110 S 19,000 T. W. Walker........ 50,000 Salt Lake C.; Boise City N„ Boise. 15,000 7,600 192,870 H. E. Gundelfinger W. L. Mitchell— 25,000 21.490 Unci. W. W. Powell—. Hollister_____ 113 Bank of Hollister.__ d»t§'09 Richard Glavin, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. S Twin Falls Q11 *100 par 100 62-172 Jay R. Mason_____ H. J. Compton___ G. B. Willsey, .Idaho Falls..9429 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Tr. Off. S Bonneville 020 *100-8% par 130 92-42 dB®T»t'03 Jay R. Mason, Ch. 20,000 3,940 *250-10% par loo _ . iAIV Sp Kootenai 14 HANK un,m Hazelton_____ 388 Hazelton State Bankd®«t5’14 E. W. Rieman, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *125-10% par 100 ♦ 92-224 S Jerome Q12 “ _____ (G. G. WRIGHT_____ E G BENNETT_____ VICTOR AUSTIN J Member Bank —First Security BANKb®t*j5’65 \ Largest Inter- Mountain Bank! I Combined Re sources over Fort [ Complete Ban king and Investm 92-40 ANDERSON RROS. •• ♦ *250-20% par 100 .Jerome...........1976 S Jerome Pll FIRST SECURITY *400-30% par 100 HANK rJOHN THOMAS-----J Member Bank \ Largest Inter1 Combined Re V. Complete Ban R. W. WILLIAMSON— E. G. BENNETT „ —First Security C Mountain Bank! sources over Fifty king and Investm C L HEISS Corporation Syst em of Banks. ng Organization. Million Dollars, ent Facilities. Hailey National Bank 92-168 d®*t’08 . J. F. Pollok, Horace Sampson__ E. O. Cathcart—.. $160-10% par 100 92-170 ®»t§’05 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 100,000 24.570 1,567,270 W E JELLISON SARAH BURDICK____ orporation Syste m of Banks. ng Organization. Million Dollars, ent Facilities. 25,000 74,360 (Incl. Reserves) 284.610 419,170 100,130 See adv ertisem ent on 1 ndex to Wyoml ng and Utah, Idaho a nd Wyo ming. 445,890 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent.-Rep. Bk. &Tr.Co., Chi.; Deseret N., Salt Lake C.; Am. N., Port. 101,010 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi., Den., Ogden, and Oma.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Secur. N., Salt Lake C.; U. S.N.. Port.: Bk. of Am. N. Tr, & Sav. Assn. (Head Office), San F.; 1st Secur.. Boise; Old N on map s of Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Spok. 32,790 210,120 40,630 74,160 103,180 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Stk. Yds. N .Chi.; 1st N Bk. Ida., Boise; Cont. N. Bk. &Tr., Salt Lake C. 6,250 202,040 275,090 28,000 449,500 5,000 204,560 208.750 22,650 151,340 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Spok. & East. Tr. and Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spok.; Crocker 1st N., San F. 80,470 Gty. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Old N. Spok.; Crocker 1st N., San F. 3,280 145,560 9,800 85,100 31,650 18,370 38,520 1st N., Lewiston; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok, 15,000 10,000 300,000 15,000 150,000 122,000 13,000 55,000 Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Spok. & East. Tr.Co.and Old N.Bk. & Un. Tr.Co.,Spok. 25.000 2,350 385,450 7.100 141,430 124,460 28,850 125,150 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Twin Falls Bk. & Tr. Co., Twin Falls. 20.000 20,000 185,000 10,000 175,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Cent.-Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Spok. & EastTr.Co.,Spok.; LewistonN.,Lewiston. 15,000 11,700 78,650 26,000 63,100 18,700 33,460 16,090 1st Secur., Boise and Nampa. 20,000 460 56,460 40,380 18,130 11,010 325,480 A. T. Combs______ 50.000 582,180 L, A, McDougall— L. A. McDougall — C. R. Blegen______ 40,000 18.040 (Ind. Res.) 21,930 Kendrick 363 Farmers Bank_____ d®t§’13 A. E. Clarke, N. S. V. Hopkins- W. J. Carroll_____ Margaret McDowell Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 92-124 Sp Latah G4 .. •• K. D. Ingle_______ John Schwarz____ Kendrick State Bank par 100 92-123 d®»J§'99 15.000 drick State Bank, K endrick, Ida,,March 9,1931) 31) J. H. Weber______ W. T. Simons Bank of Kimberly. d®«t5’06 G. F. Fritcher ___ S TwinFallsQll par 100 ♦ 92-176 Citizens State Bank d®<§’21 *150 par 100 92-178 393 13% par 100 92-233 Lava Hot Springs Lava Hot Springs State Bank 92-246 ®«tS’17 S Bannock P20 544 *87 L. R. .Tnhnsnn W.H. Lawrence G. B. Keefer_____ (Merged with Ken Bank of Juliaetta ... .... Sp Latah G4 (Closed June 18, 19 Clearwater Valley State Bank Kainlah______487 Sp Lewis H 6 P. P. Weber______ FIRST NATIONAL BANK Kellogg______4124 Sp Shoshone D6 *200-15% par 100 92-87 d®»t’09 FIRST STATE BANK d©‘» 09 W. W. Papesh-----" *150 par 100 92-88 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 55,280 HITT 52,610 Kuna __ S Ada N5 48,860 29,430 1st N. Bk. of Ida., Boise; Twin Falls Bk. & Tr. Co.. Twin Falls. 1,968,460 847,830 181,560 447,800 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi., Ogden, 150,000 318,660 2,976,990 C. B. SQUIRES. Utah, and Oma.; Secur. N.. Salt Lake (Incl. A. Cash,and Tr. Off. C.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn. (Head Reserves) Corporation Syst em of Banks. Office). San F.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. See adv ertisem ent on 1 ndex to Wyoml ng and on map s of ng Organization, Spok.; U. S. N.. Portland; 1st N.. Den.; nd Wyo ming. Utah, Idaho a y-eight Million D ollars. Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st Secur., Boise. ent Facilities. M. M 50,000 Sp Idaho H7 4,750 unml B®»t§’10 92-100 Jerome National Bank par 100 92-99 d®»t'09 ---- - 25,730 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. of Ida.. Boise; Secur. N„ Salt Lake C. 6,990 264,780 H H NEAL 12,360 $ 71,030 37,440 (Incl. Reserves) E G BENNETTAARON CLEMENTS —First Security Mountain Bank! sources over Fifty king and Investm 21,480 $ 161,990 25.000 fJAMES LAIDLAW) Member Bank \ Largest InterCombined Ke b©<§'23 1 L Complete Ban 02-232 FIRST SECURITY S Blaine N12 1 103,790 $ 11,980 J 126,380 Principal Correspondents. C. A. Mulledy____ C. D. Newhouse— J. A. Martin ____ J. L. Towne_____ W. J. Fife—.......... 7,410 Utah State N., Salt Lako C.: 1st Secur., Pocatello. 354 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. *CountySeats. 12 Fed. lies. Dist. Sp.Spok.Br.S.SaltL •Mem.A.B.A. "New §8tate tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div ‘Lewiston.... 9403 Sp Nez Perce G3 AMERICAN BANK & TRUST CO. nar 50 92- 35 PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Paid-up LA. L. LYONS......... 0. C. CARSSOW .— 0. M. MACKEY____ A. L. LYONS, Jr........ $ 50.000 J ED. BECKMAN 28,000 $ 470,000 J 230,000 S 170.000 1 ) “ INTELLIGEN T-RAPID FIRE COLLECTION S ERVICE.” dBST»+§’20 Live remit on DATE OF PAY MENT. ( ARTHUR E.CLARKE N. S. VOLLMER-HOP- R. E. DENS0W......... H.M. EMERSON------KINS W. G. HAWKINS0N dB®T*t'8- ] Our facilities t nable us to offer l “SATISFACTO KY BANKING SE RVICE” 100,000 263,260 3,546,950 f 100,000 2,381,950 15,000 S 133,000 Chase N., N. T.; Spok. & East. Tr. Co„ Spok.: D. S. N„ Port.; Boise City N„ Boise. 745,380 116,160 FIRSTNAT’LBANK .. par too .. •• •• 92-30 J. A. Wetzel. P. J. Miller______ w. C. Beach..____ A. See. par 100 92-32 p. J. Miller........... Lewiston National Bank E. W. Lutz ........... F. T. Atwood____ H. R. Tucker 92-31 d®T*t’6f E. A. Cox S Gem M5 Montpelier...2436 S Bear Lake Q22 » .. » ‘Mountain Home Elmore 08 1243 614,940 52,910 34,650 651,470 100,000 748,480 642,280 118,670 25,000 5,000 271,900 162,300 74,900 30,000 25,990 319,990 30,000 269,520 73,430 13,260 40,000 20,100 431,400 6,000 236,560 181,290 21,590 J. M. DODOS -......... - 25,000 6,750 206.560 6,590 128,880 68,020 5,100 Farmer? & Stockgrower? C. D. Newhouse... J. M. Young_____ H. L. Snyder____ Frances Snyder___ par too Bank 92-211 dS’09 15,000 2,970 59.470 6,000 40,210 14,580 12,040 MERIDIAN STATE BANK 92-255 (sWS'D FIRST SECURITY J. H. Dredge D. L. Evans, Jr,... J. B. Jones______ C. A. Rooker____ McKinley Jenkins CRAWFORD MOORE- J. W. CUNNINGHAM- A G CAMPBELL 766,710 1st N. and N. City. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N. and U, S. N„ Port.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spok.; A. & L. P. N„ San F.; N. Bk. of Com,, Seat. 16,700 Lewiston N.. Lewiston. 595.360 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Old N- Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spok.; 1st Seattle, Dex. Hor. N., Seat. 79.450 1st N., Ogden; Walker Bk. & Tr. Co., Salt Lake C. 49,770 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Utah State N„ Salt Lake C,: Ogden State, Ogden. 58,070 Secur., Ogden: Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F,; U. S. N„ Port. 42,890 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. Bk.of Ida,. Boise. 16,610 1st Secur.. Boise: 1st N„ Emmett. 50,000 175.220 179,740 42,890 537,790 26,600 249,120 Irv, Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N„ F. W. SORGATZ........ L S WEDEL _ _ _ _ _ (Incl. Oma.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st N.. Reserves) poration System of Ranks. Den.; Secur. N., Salt Lake C.; 1st N„ See adv ertlsem ent on I ndcx to Wyomi ng and on Map s of ng Organization. Ogden; U. S. N., Port.; Bk. of Am. N. Utah, Idaho and Wy omlng. Million Dollars. Tr. & Sav. Assn. (Head Office) San F.I nt Facilities. Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr, Co., Spok.; 1st Secur.. Boise. 82,530 50.000 358,880 287,670 38.930 847.910 88,780 284,030 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., C. J. Orland_____ A. 11. Johnson___ H. W. Staples___ Chi.: Old N. Bk. &Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane: 1st N„ Port.: 1st N. Bk. of Ida., Boise. 100.000 129,100 1,442,400 669,500 375,800 71,500 554,700 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. LHAWKIN MELGARD ANDREW MELGARD- W. E. CAHILL......... W K ARMOUR Co., Spokane; U. S. N„ Port.; 1st Seat. ELMER ANDERSON Dexter-Horton N„ Seattle. mercial inst itution. CM. S. ECCLES----) Member Bank— \ Largest Inter$150-12% par 100 Unm' B®»+§'25 1 Combined Reso L. Complete Bank 92-286 First National Bank .-T*i'82 J. S. Heckathorn.. 92-47 P R RFNNPTT Z. D! CHENEY ‘ First Security Cor Mountain Bank! urces over Fifty ing and Investme FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK ) A Live par 100 •• ____ 72,580 H. E. Thomas .... H. W. Thomas___ HANK Sp Latah G3 18,200 56,940 1.847,850 D. V. Archbold— Chris Larter______ VV. G. Jenkins & Co. Bankers par 25 92-113 d®*t§'06 *Malad City..2533 First National Bank___ •’0' 1200 par 100 92-86 S Oneida R18 I N. irdand & Co.. Bankers 10% ♦ 92-85 dB®»*5’92 par 100 Meridian___ 1004 S Ada N5 50,000 100.000 (Taken over by First State Hank, Clialli s, hla. June 8, 1931) Vlackar . 777 S Custer M14 S Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Surplus Depos- Other Loam Bonda Miscel Cash k Exand and chahom ,D ub and LiabiliDiacounta Beeuritiee laneous r&OM Banks Profits TIES IDAHO—Continued 92-49 d®T«t5’05 Com (.Your Busin ess will rec eive prompt careful atte ntlon. Moscow State Bank—®»tS’02 Robert Whittier... C. B. Green_____ Harry Whittier... F. H. Bumgarner— 92-48 25.000 24,980 359,210 G. BENNETT-....... 0. E. CANNON...... - F G. FARLEY____ ALSOLA FIRST SECURITY \Jf JOHN F. GAINES— E.FAUSTIN0 50,000 76,970 431.010 M. P. Dalton____ J. B. Wilcox_____ P. G. Brislawn — 25.000 10,410 296,780 E. G. BENNETT------ L.W. MILLS............ E. G. CHAFFER_ _ _ _ 75,000 $250-10% par 100 RANK uni’ll Member Bank— Largest InterCombined Reso BaXI lO L. Complete Bank J 92-82 Mullan _ . 1891 First National Bank...®»t’07 Walter H. Hanson. 92-187 SP Shoshone E7 Nampa_____ 8206 fR.J.COMSTOCK. JR. S Canyon N4 J Member Bank— t Largest Inter$300-12% 1 Combined Reso par too dB©»t§’27 (.Complete Bank 92-269 M M CRAWFORD MOORE NAMPA STATE BANK 4 $200-12% 92-277 d®*t§’20 FIRST SECURITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HANK First Security Cor Mountain Bank! urces over Fifty ing and Investme First Security Cor Mountain Banki urces over Fifty ing and Investme poration System of Banks. ng Organization. Million Dollars. nt Facilities. poiation System of Banks. ng Organization. Million Dollars. nt Facilities. J. W. CUNNINGHAM- CLAYTON C. REED— W G. ADAMS_ _ _ _ _ 9,980 224,790 106,830 20.320 58,560 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Spok.; 1st Seat. Dexter-Horton. N„ Seat. 323.010 101,850 33.660 99.460 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N„ 113,560 202,440 6,840 464,560 536.520 52,690 337.000 401,530 14,980 (Incl. Reserves) See adv ertlsem ent on I ndex to Wyomi ng and on Map s of Utah, Idaho and Wy oming. 100,350 1,226,880 25,000 Oma.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: 1st N„ Den.; Secur. N„ Salt Lake C.; 1st N„ Ogden; U. S. N.. Port.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn. (Head Office) San F.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok.; 1st Secur., Boise. 34.350 Chase N.. N. Y.: Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane. 348.450 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Oma.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N„ Den.; Secur. N„ Salt Lake C.; 1st N„ Ogden; U. S. N„ Port.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn. (Head Office) San F.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok.; 1st Secur.. Boise. 198,270 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; U. S. N.. Port. (Incl. Reserves) See adv ertlse m ent on I ndex to Wyomi ng and on Map s of Utah, Idaho and Wy oming. 50.000 51,780 850,000 qccr Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County •Mem.A.B.A.»New § State fPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ^County Seats. 12 Fed. Res.Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B -Bond Sp.Spok.Br.SSaltL, d-Safer>ep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. New Meadows.220 Meadows Valley Bank—1•JS' 11 G. S. Mitchell____ Carl E. Brown____ E. F. Kimbraugh S Adams K5 par 100 Payette M3 Oakley_______ S Cassia Q13 1125 par too 92-287 d®»i§’27 par 100 $160-18% par 100 ♦ 92-138 •Paris_________ 825 Bear Lake State Rank S Bear Lake Q21 $160 par 100 92-191 Parma________ 750 S Canyon N 3 Paul.................. 363 S Minidoka Q13 •Payette____ 2618 S Payette M 3 par 100 j. R, Shepherd .. d©*t5'05 FIRST NAT’L BANK $150-6% Lee Highley Resources. Loans Surplus Depos Other Bond* Miscel Paid-up and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Discounts Saeurities laneous ties $ 25.000 $ 15,020 $ 135,030 $ 18,000 S PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Cash k Xxchawow.Duh FROM BaHIS 20,430 $ 20,480 Weiser State, Weiser; 1st Secur., Nampa. 48.300 4,900 22,600 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Boise City N.. Boise. 105,000 11,500 21,000 23,000 Cont. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Sait Lake C.; Burley Bk. & Tr. Co., Burley. 133.000 185,000 69,730 $ 82,390 % 49,700 W. B. MITCHELL 25.000 6,550 93,950 Raymond McMur ray 25.000 8,000 110,000 M. II. Storment 23,000 27,000 365,000 Fred J. Price____ Earl Shepherd 25.000 21,920 310,620 9,340 152,190 111.850 17,010 50.000 33,460 325,000 41,080 196,930 90,840 45,520 116,240 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Boise City N., Boise: U. S. N.. Port.: 1st Seattle Dexter Horton N..Spattle.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San Diego. 15,000 176,000 19,000 134,000 28,000 24,000 49,000 Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Cont. N. Bk. & Tr., Salt Lake C.; 1st N. Bk. of Ida.. Boise; 1st N.. Port. E. E. Trayer............ ,T. C. Blackwell----- W. T. Hoffman___ Farmers Com'l & Say. Bank John McMurray — John Adams______ K. F. Stringfield— 4ioo 92-104 d®*t§'10 •Oroflno_____ 1078 Rank of Orofino — d®*i5’09 .1. L. McCarthy— Sp Clearwater (16 ASS’T CASHIER. 92-220 NewPIymouth 510 New Plymouth State Bank R. S. White______ S Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc,, see Laws. IDAHO—Continued r. Foiii. R. W. Merrill. Alfred Budge_____ F. J. Fouiger. H. E. Hemingway E.G. JOHNSON-...... R.B. MITCHELL—- L. J. FREIERMUTH W. E. KERRICK C. J. KNIEFEL 17,500 92,000 Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spok.; Lewiston N.. Lewiston. { “OLDEST AND LARGEST BAN K.” 92-192 d®<’03 J Send Us Your I terns Direct For Prompt Personal Attention. (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts. 15c: Credit Reports. 50c. Parma National Bankd©»t’19 H J. Sloan. J. L. Watkins____ Frank Dahlstrom 12% par 100 92-265 Ch. of B<l. and Pres. C. H. Button_____ 25.000 First National Rank. .d»f'20 F. J. Toevs_______ C. B. Wiley................. C.B. Wiley$100-10% par 100 92-276 Alma Toevs. 25.000 8.610 117.700 62,010 63,450 9.560 30.000 68.670 808.680 235.890 347,020 8.220 FIRST SECURITY BANK 8 S)«J§'88 $300-10% par 100 WALTER G. PENCE E. G. BENNETT- - - - - - E. H. MUBPHY- - - - - - A. L. PENCE F. M. MOSS Member Bank— Largest InterCombined Reso .Complete Bank First Security Cor Mountain Bank! urccs over Fifty ing and Investmc poration System of Banks. ng Organization. Million Dollars. nt Facilities. (.Ind iteserves ) 85,820 Com. Secur., Ogden. 16.280 Cassia N., Burley. 316.220 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N., Oma.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st N., Den.; Secur. N.. Salt Lake C.; 1st N„ Ogden; U. S. N.. Port.; Bk. of Am. N.Tr. & Sav. Assn., (Head Office) San F.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spok.; 1st Secur.. Boise. (Incl. Reserves) See adv ertisem ent on I ndex to Wyonil ng and on map s of Utah, Idaho and Wy oming. 92-67 Peck ............]64 State Bank of Peck.d©’§T0 G. W. Warren I. P. Coon........... Nez Perce G 5 $60 par 100 9 2-193 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Mary M. Smith-__ 10.000 2,670 31,590 2,000 33,050 Plummer_____346 Statp Bank of Plummer J. N. Wilson_____ C. M. Kraemer ___ O. M. Kraemer___ L. F. Connolly, Jr.. Sp Benewah B 4 par 100 92-194 d®t§'ll L. F. Connolly, Sr. Sec • Pocatello ..16,471 D.B.CLEAVES_ _ _ _ H. A. REYNOLDS— r J. S. BUSSELL — A. B. BEAN- - - - - - 10,000 800 61,060 5,650 11,070 41,170 400,000 475,000 Sp S Bannock P 19 G. W. Warren. 'CITIZENS BANK 100.000 33.500 1,000,000 8,110 17,200 5,090 1st N., Lewiston; Spok. ft Eastern Tr. Co., Spok. 8,050 Spok. & Eastern Tr. Co.. Spokane. 258,000 N. City. N. V.: 1st N.. Chi.; Cont. N. Bk. & Tr.. Salt Lake C.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr., San F. & TRUST COMPANY (Send us yo ur Pocatello Items Direc t for Prompt , Per sonal Atten tion. ♦ 92-20 dB®T*i5'05 $100 par loo 'FIRST SECURITY BANK M. S. ECCLES...... E. G. BENNETT........ W.O. SERVICE_ _ _ _ H. P. JACOBSON— j T. D. JONES, V.P. J. C. GALBRAITH J. L. HOOD, Myr. Bd. Dept. C. A. VALENTINE Member Bank j Largest Inter ' Combined Reso B©T»t§'89 ,Complete Bank — First Security Mountain Bank! urces over Fifty ing and Investm Corporation Syst cm of Banks. ng Organization. Million Dollars, ent Facilities. Pocatello Clearing House___ C. A. Valentine__ (Members indicated by a *) J. S. Bussell. H. A. Reynolds, Sec. and Myr. . 509 Valley State Bank.dB©*T§'06 J. B. Oaks_______ Kootenai D 3 $150-5%par 100 92-195 Sam Curoe„_ H. E. Finch_______ $250-30% par 50 •92-23 Post Falls. Sp Potlateb___ .1505 Potlatch State Bk..d©T»t§'()6 A. W. Laird Sp Latah F4 20% par 100 92-196 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis John Kendall_____ G. P. Anderson — H. IT. Hanson.. 100,000 1,050,720 1,356,770 278.750 3,027,450 62.090 (Incl. Reserves) See adv ertisem ent on 1 ndex to Wyom Ing and on map of Uta h, Idah o and\V yoming 10,000 5.940 83,910 50.000 72,260 869,800 15,020 48,460 42,940 11,220 261,630 393,390 4.540 936,620 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N.. Oma.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st N., Den.; Secur. N., Salt Lake C.; 1st N., Ogden: U. S. N.. Port.; Bk. of Am. N.Tr.&Sav. Assn. (Head Office), San F.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok.; 1st Secur., Boise. 12,250 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi,: 1st N. Tr. & Sav., Spokane; Am. Tr. Co., Coeur d'Alene. 330,490 Irving Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. P.: Sook. ft Eastern Tr. Co., and Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spok. Number under Name of Bank la the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' 356 Town and county. •Mem. A. B. A. nNe w §State t P riv. •County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. 12 F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Sp.SpokaneS. Salt L. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘FIRST SECURITY RANK Priest River ...949 Sp Bonner C 3 Rathdruin____496 Sp Kootenai D 3 Reubens______191 Sp Lewis G4 •Rexburg____ 3048 S Madison N 20 Cashier. V ICE-PRESIDENT. Ass’T Cashier. H7s-io% UHllIx (jb@.j|’2o par 100 92-273 (*Members Cache Valley C ea Citizens State Bk..dB®#t5'10 1225-20% 92-197 par 100 Rathdrum State Bank, Ltd. *150-10% par 100 dB®T*t5'03 92-110 Bank of Reubens ...d®J§’03 *100 par 100 92-198 RexburgState Bk.. d®#t§’05 par 100 92-72 FIRST SECURITY $iso-i2% < Member Bank ] Largest Inter1 Combined Res V Complete Bank ring House, Logan, J. R. Hagman____ —First Security Mountain Banki ources over Fifty ing and Investm Utah) A. W. Burleigh.— M. F. Jelinek Corporation Syst em of Banks. ng Organization • Million Dollars. ent Facilities. HANK 92-92 .. 7,100 17,780 226,550 3,040 101,490 102,300 31,170 10,000 2,530 88,000 69,000 7,070 8,130 40,000 2,780 298,480 1,520 162,210 99,710 26,190 25.000 29,500 105,000 80,000 34,400 12,100 40,000 15,180 300,970 12,440 160,540 128,770 16,640 25,000 A.E. Clarke, Ch. of Bd. and Pres F. K. Dammarell_ M. Hillman_______ C. L. Miller______ H. N. Wright M. Hillman, Ch, j fA. F. BEYMER____ F. G. PFNNFTT_____ CLARA B. COLWELL- d®«4§’05 (JOHN THOMAS........ T.H. GOODING, SR.E. G. BENNETT < Member Bank— J Largest Inter-M B®*t§'03 / Combined Reso V Complete Bank First Security Cor ountain Banking urces over Fifty ing and Investme E. F. Diven_______ 50,000 38,950 626,470 306,250 250,320 28,500 130,350 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. of Ida.. Boise: Walker Bk. & Tr. Co., Salt Lake C.; U. S. N„ Port. 69,270 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Walker Bk. & Tr.Co.,Salt LakeC .-lstSecur.,Pocatello. 184,580 N.City, N. Y.; IstN., Chi.; Spok. & Eastern Tr. Co., Spok.; 1st Seat. Dex. Hor. N„ Seat. 243,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. P.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spok. 100.000 10,010 561,030 155,120 457,060 266,170 33,650 W.W.von Canon. A. P. Reeves_____ C. H. Patton 50,000 49,560 883,090 13,010 400,550 388,690 21,850 H. C. Bancroft........ L. W. Peterson___ G. N. Drquhart 50.000 16,590 898,690 14,150 343,930 378,590 13,910 W. S. Wright___ 30,000 16,500 275,000 185,000 52,000 28,500 A. F, D. Moore______ W. HANSEN--------- WM. H. MURPHY poratlon System of Banks. Organization. Million Dollars. nt Facilities. 41.170 376,070 11,690 184,250 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., 115,300 131,000 (Incl. Oma.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.: 1st N.. Den.; Reserves) Secur. N., Salt Lake C.; 1st N., Ogden.; See adv ertlsem ent on 1 ndex to Wyoml ng and on map s of U. S. N.. Port.: Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav, Utah, I daho an dWyom ing. Assn. (Head Office) San F.I Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok.; 1st Secur., Boise. 242,320 •Soda Springs 831 Largilliere Co., Bankers E.W. Largilliere.. Evelyn L. Bailey Jessie E. Moore.— J. T. Torgesen____ 12% ♦ 92-204 d®»i§’09 S Caribou P21 par 100 Spirit Lake...1241 Bank of Spirit Lake J. W. Bradley____ G. R. Charters____ E. L. Wallace 92-206 d®»t§’07 Sp Kootenai C3 $180-8% par 100 •St. Anthony 2778 Chas. F. Price____ C. L. Miller_______ A. E. Archibald ... E. W. Ellingson... 92-90 d®#t'0l S Fremont M22 par 100 25,000 83,480 25,000 Star. 4(1? Farmers Bank____d®*t§'01 J. E. Roberts____ Frank Martin------- Winston Roberts 92-207 56,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. O.; Cont. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Salt Lake 0. 25,000 22,150 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 26,990 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. Tr. & Sav. and Spok. & Eastern Tr. Co., Spok.; Secur. State, Newport. Wash. 37,400 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.,N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. and Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane. 16,320 1st N., Chi., Lewiston, and Port.; Old N. & Un.Tr. Co., Spok. 54,660 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. N. Bk. & Tr., Salt Lake C ; Ogden State, Ogden; Am. N„ Ida. Falls# 33,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Salt Lake C.; Boise City N.. Boise. 62,640 Walker Bk. &Tr. Co., Salt Lake C.; Anderson Bros., Ida. Falls. 17,720 142,440 Irv.Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N„ 28,520 277,240 91,650 78,950 Oma.; Com. Tr.Co.. Kan. C.; 1st N., Den.: (.Incl. Reserves) Secur. N., Salt Lake C.; 1st N., Ogden; s of on map ertlsem U. S. N., Port.: Bk of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Wyoml ng and See adv ent on 1 ndex to Assn., (Head Office), San F.; Old N. Bk. Utah, I daho an d Wyom ing. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok.; 1st Secur., Boise. 30,000 _ 97,920 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Oma.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Den.; Secur. N., Salt Lake C.; 1st N., Ogden; U. S. N.. Port.; Bk. of Am. N.Tr. &Sav. Assn. (Head Office), San F.: Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spok.; 1st Secur., Boise. 25,000 Lincoln County Nat’l Bank Joseph Keefer____ G.J. White______ Chas. D. Alig_____ par 100 92-93 d®#t’08 G. B. Keefer S Ada N4 Principal Correspondents. V Complete Bank ing and Investme nt Facilities. FIRST SECURITY par 100 67,440 Cl. F. Hess •Salmon __1370 CITIZENS NAT’L BANK Geo. E. Shoup____ *100 par 100 92-80 d®#t'09 S Lemhi J 13 A. Kuhn_________ »Sandpolut___3290 Bonner County National Bk. 1200-12% 92-58 d®#t’08 W. W. von Canon Sp Bonner B 4 par 100 M _____ “ First National Bank—d»t’0fi T. J. Humbird___ Harold J. McCoy__ 1175 92-57 par 100 Shelley .. 1447 Commercial Bank-_d®#t§T6 H. L. Malcom____ $150-6% 92-203 S Bingham 019 par 100 $150-15% 65,680 Frank Wenz, Ch, of Bd, and Pres. RUPERT STATE '.BANK CRAWFORD MOORE- J. W. CUNNINGHAM- J. W. MURPHY______ GLADYS NELSON____ •Shoshone.. 1211 S Lincoln PU 2,100 9,070 ) Largest Inter-M ountain Banking Organization. 12% par 100 92-143 146,050 J 10,000 I Combined Reso urces over Fifty Million Dollars. 92-283 .. 25,000 $ M. F. Jelinek_____ niINKdBQ'Jns < Member Bank— First Security Co rporatlon System of Banks. par 100 26,060 $ 565,340 $ 394,970 $ 108,650 $ 14,850 $ (Incl. Reserves) See adv ertlsem ent on 1 ndex to Wyom Ing and on map s of Uta h, Idah oand W yomlng (CHAS. SHUMWAY- E. G. BENNETT_____ C. L. GREAVES.......... G. C. CRAWFORD — $ T. R. BOWDEN Richfield_____ 193 First State Bank —d®»t§’08 A. F. Streitz____ W. J. Tapper__ G. R. Schwaner ... C. W. Adams_____ S Lincoln P 12 6% par 100 ♦ 92-199 Rigby National Bank d®»t’20 C. C. Clarke_____ W. Gibson________ R. Y. Hogge______ Martell Marler___ 92-272 S Jefferson N 20 1150-6% O. McCutcheon •Rupert______2250 S Minidoka P13 Resources. Liabilities. Other Bonds Miscel Cash * XxLoam Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- Liabiliand and CHANQU'DUI and Capital Profits Discount# Saauriiias laneous from Banks TIES (Absorbed by First Security Bank, Jan uary 24, 1931) •Preston 8381 S Franklin R 20 —-- — President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. IDAHO—Continued 124,480 64,550 14,190 614,040 286,310 172,390 9,800 4,480 215,410 92,660 88,600 23,790 25.000 10,210 423,490 252,300 127,220 26,600 25.000 27,280 141,38C 118,700 25,370 14,760 29,990 25,000 121,240 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Stk. Yds. N„ Chi.; 1st N. Bk. of Ida., Boise; Cont. N. Bk. &Tr.,Salt Lake C. 254,020 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N- Y.; Cont. N. Bk. & Tr., Salt Lake C.; Com’l Secur., Ogden, 39,830 Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane. 77,570 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Cont. N. Bk. & Tr., Salt Lake C.; 1st N. Bk. of Ida., Boise; Am. N., Ida. Falls. 34,840 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st Secur. and 1st N. Bk. of Ida., Boise. qc'r / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. So.Spokane S.SaltL. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew §StatetPri?. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. *St. Maries ...1996 First National Bank.d®«t'15 E. W. Trueman.__ A. C. Wunderlich. a. E. Yenor___ HeSporlOO 92-230 Sp Benewah E5 -------- “ Sugar-------------- 621 S Madison N21 PRESIDENT. CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. Ass’t Cashier. Victor. _ S Teton N23 C. O. Hamilton----- F. L. Davis_______ F. L. Davis_______ Graham MacKay.. Fremont County Bank «02-8%♦ 92-210 dB®»tS'04 par 100 25.000 19,980 163,380 20.000 42,190 444,720 TWIN FALLS 92-38 Clyde Johnson.... d®T*t5’05 f H. A. McCORNICK— J. R RRiniFY H. Paulson_______ F. 0. Brocke. ?sn Victor State BankdB®T*t8’16 *200-15% 92-239 par 100 ------ " J. A. Keefer______ L. L. Patrick Ed. Riggan_______ S. M, Meikle______ E. R. Kearsley____ C. M. Hatch I'M. J. FLOHR-------- J. F. MCCARTHY-— 3634 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Sp Shoshone E6 92-55 ®T«t’92 CURTIS TURNER. . . . . . HARRY EATON A. W. PECK J. W. WIMER- - - - - - - L. W. PARKER- J. J. Day._______ R. Wallace Bank & Trust Co. par 100 92-56 d®T»t§'16 M. Walker____ Paul Leuschel......... Q03 Weber Bank___________ tS’93 T. R. Jones............... M. L. Savage____ _ T. R. Jones_______ Cleo Phillips_____ 92-215 Sp Shoshone E6 *150-10% par 100 »Welser. 3724 WEISER STATE BANK CRAWFORD MOORE - J. W. CUNNINGHAMS Washington L3 par 100 92-285 dB©T*t§’24 D. H. WILLIAMS. . . . . . R. L. CARROLL_ _ _ _ W. B. GRAHAM, Aud. Wendell _ 77.5 Wendell National Bank LeRoy Schouweiler B. W. Schouweiler Austin Schouweiler 25% par too 92-130 dB®«t'23 S Gooding Pll Worley Sp Kootenai 32,970 1,335,970 100,000 70,030 1,596,530 5,740 146,040 150,000 4.540 413,050 25,000 30,220 129,560 85.410 Bank of Winchester d®»t§'09 W. C. Geddes......... A, Kaline_________ C. H. Largis______ P. C. Arness. 1QQ State Bank of Worley J. N. Wilson par 100 92-247 d®MT7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. M. Kraemer.__ Mike Kraemer .... LawrenceConnolly, Jr. Dus from Banks 56,440 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N ,Y.; 1st N„ Chi.: Spok. & Eastern Tr. Co., Spok. 289,000 156,000 32,000 59,000 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr.Co.. Chi.: 1st Seat. Dex. Hort. N„ Seat.; 1st N. Tr. & Sav., Spok. 143,010 34,110 11,000 25,980 Otah State N„ Salt Lake C.; Am. N.. Ida. Falls. 313,910 104,940 7,800 824,730 392,720 110,000 287,540 N. City, N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Port. and Den. 925,230 428,690 91,210 321,420 N. City, N. V.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.: Crocker 1st N.. San F.; Walker Bk. & Tr. Co., Salt Lake C. 332,110 95,050 71,520 154,310 Stock Yds. N.. Chi.: Cont. N. Bk. & Tr., Salt Lake G.; Com'l Secur., Ogden. 94,110 65,840 20,500 80,250 1st N.. Chi.; Am.. Spok. 4,320 Cont. N. Bk. & Tr., Salt Lake C. 100,000 127,140 1,821,790 69,640 966,390 428,750 60,220 663,200 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; U. S. N.. Port. 100.000 281,000 2,775,000 64,000 502,000 1,955,000 98,000 665,000 Gty.Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; A. & L. P. N., San F.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok. 20,000 10,490 101,550 82,310 31,700 600 17,430 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; 1st N.. Wal lace and Kellogg. 50,000 62,740 1,179,250 628,520 559,260 20,000 84,210 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. of Ida., Boise; U.S.N.,Fort. 25,000 8,000 175,000 20,000 95,000 80,000 18,000 35,000 Walker Bk.& Tr. Co., Salt Lake C.; 1st N.. Port. 25,000 6,840 113,680 5,000 101,000 19,570 11,460 18,480 Old N. Bk. Lewiston. 15,000 15,770 56,910 1,380 55,830 17,150 7,460 *20 par 100 92-217 E4 Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex changes, 22,950 $ < “SEND US YO UR WALLACE I TEMS DIRECT” ) Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time I tems (.Remitted for on Day of Payment. Wardner Winchester....665 Sp Lewis H4 100,000 25,000 $ 143,210 i 241,140 I j A Live Com mercial insti tution. (.Your Busin ess will rece ive prompt c areful atten tion. Joseph Keefer___ T. J. Llovd Twin Falls National Bank par 100 92-39 d®T»t’18 •Wallace " 5,720 I 408,020 $ 456,000 BANK & TR. CO. M 25,000 1 30,000 par 100 ♦ ,t I 50,000 ‘Twin Falls ..8787 First National Bank.d®»t’05 Chas. H. Helmer .. A. L. Swim_______ J. M, Maxwell____ W. E. Nixon_____ H. L. Maxwell R. P. Parry 92-37 S Twin Falls Qll *150 •• Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bond. Other Miscel Paid-up Surplus D epos and »nd and Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts S.euriti.s laneous ties C. W. Craney_____ I. F. Shefler______ R. V. Gragg Lumbermens State Bk. &Tr. O. E. Hailey, Co............ 92-105 d®T«tS'04 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Fulton Cook *150 par 100 Trov R1Q First Bank of Troy —®»tS’05 O. Bohman . *178-15% 92-212 Sp Latah F4 “ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. IDAHO—Continued to each bank in U. S. 8,620 Spok. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok.; 1st N.. & Eastern Tr. Co.. Spok. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given oc q to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' oJO Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. i.Mem. "New §State TPrn Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab AFed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond l-SafeDep.®Sav.$LaslSale%Div President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Cashier. Ass T CASHIER. Liabilities. Kesouk< KS. Loam Other Bonds Cabo A ExPaid-up Surplus D epos Miscel chang «b,Dd* and and and Liabili its Capital Profits Diaoounts Bsouritise laneous trom Banks ties Abingdon___2771 4bingdon Bank & Trust Co. 5. Nirdlinger_____ H. C. Buckeley____ H. F. Nichols.......... H. A. Anderson___ $ 7 Knox Ftt 1160 70-577 d@*§'30 3. N. Custer, Ch. 75,000 $ Adair 316 Farmers State Bank___i§'21 Q. D. Baily______ F. L. Sweden_____ R. H. Hammond... Sarah Burnhart—. 7 McDonough H8 par 100 70-1836 25,000 5,410 148,570 18,700 164,110 Addison _ __ 916 AddisonState Bank dB©7S'02 A. C. Mesenbrink VV. H. Marquardt— E. G. Miessler___ 7 DuPage C20 1135-7% par 100 70-1127 25.000 9,540 186,030 4,520 Adrian.......... ...110 State Bank of Adrian J. D. Whitcomb... Chas. Anguish------ Kent Schneider... Edith Schneider... 7 Hancock Q5 $100 par 100 7 0-1977 d®t§'19 J. C. Wolfenbarger 35.000 4,190 83,590 12,550 Akin............ .-.216 Akin State Bank _____ t§'07 O. C. Boster______ Kosco Payne_____ A. S. Todd............ . 70-1124 8 Franklin 016 $150-16% 12.000 8,180 Albany ............450 Albany State Bank John A Parker.— P. T. Harvey_____ Chas. A. Olds____ 7 Whiteside CIO 70-1015 dB©»t§'89 M. W. Olds 25.000 88,000 $ 72,600 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Gales burg N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galesburg. 5,340 7,300 23,350 Drov. N., Chi.: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.: Com’l Merch.Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 92.750 55.560 20,090 56.690 1st N., Chi.: Melrose Park State. Melrose Park: Bell wood State, Bellwood. 80,680 10,850 31.640 12,150 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav- Quincy. 90,100 89,440 600 1,120 15.050 262,730 207.850 52.560 25,000 31,640 328.570 297,490 25,990 14,140 49,000 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; City N„ Clinton, la.; 1st N., Joliet. 10.000 13,260 115,710 61,880 45,410 11,900 19,780 1st N„ St. L. 50,000 20,000 685.000 672.000 66,000 18,090 103,000 Citiz. N„ Evansville; N. Stock Yds. N..N. Stock Yds., Ill. 55,000 29,470 973.320 732,050 86.400 92,840 146,500 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Stock Yds. N„ and Drov. N., Chi. 65.000 25,050 636,570 44,160 527,510 48,800 52(320 142,150 Cont. lll.Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi. Alexander........211 Alexander State Bk.©>i8T0 J. A. Brown______ M. A. Kaiser_____ F. J. Kaiser--------70-1128 8 Morgan Jll par 100 25,000 44,420 116,590 4,470 138,340 Alexl:.________ 786 Bank of Alexis. ____®t§'87 W B. Weir_______ W. G. Stevenson__ 7 Warren E8 $150-8% par 100 7 0 934 .. .. First National Rank (In liquidation) 40,000 30,000 314.000 Algonquin........866 Algonquin State Bk. B. C. Getzelman... Albert Wilbrandt— Geo. D. Keyes. 7 McHenry B18 $200-10% 70-1129 dB©»5’13 par 100 25.000 50,320 258.980 50.000 18,610 761,440 25,000 62,490 400,730 10,000 1,150 34,740 .. First Trust & Sav Bank H. R. Senior 5192-10% 70-1014 d©*t§’02 par 100 ____ J. C. Blean______ M. S. Rosenkrans. Olive Senior ____ Lillian M. Strating Albers _ __ .265 Peoples Bank_____dB®t§’16 Jos. Netemeyer ... Hy Ileckenkemper H J Mueller 70-1885 8 Clinton N12 par ioo ‘Albion______1666 8 Edv ards N20 ?133 par 100 70-776 Clara Broeckling.. \V. B. Standing. d®«t’30 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. D. A. Macaulay Hazel C. Cates rS. R. AMLONG — E. E. EMRIGK-.......... E R PETRIE L. C. DETWILER 56,000 $ 725,000 $ 55.000 $ 642,000 $ 108,400 $ Principal correspondents. 1,420 104,000 19.120 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yd*., Ill. 42,360 N. City, N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.. Chi.: Peo. Tr. & Sav. and Clinton N., Clinton, la. ‘Aledo______ 2203 ALEDO STATE BANK ) Oldest Bank In Mercer county, 70-622 d®»t§'69 J Special attenti on given Bill of Lading Drafts, C ash and Time Ite 7 Mercer E7 $175-10% ms. par 100 V PI ease send 15c wit h each sight dr aft tor presentatio n and 25c for Cred it Repor ts. “ ------- f J. W. McROBERTS, 1 Ch.ofBd.andPres. < Send your Aledo d©»t'10 j Prompt efflclen L Please send 15c « FARMERS NATIONAL BANK $150-10% par 100 70-625 C. A. MILLER______ n i r.ANnnR Alhambra ___355 Hitz State Bank___d©JJ'0" Adolph Hitz_____ 8 Madison Mil 15% par 100 70-1078 J. D, Leef_______ C. G. Hitz . Allendale___ 462 First National Bank____t'06 W. M. Price_____ 8 Wabash N21 $250-10% par 100 70-1130 H. A. Fox________ H. A. Fox Continental Illinois Bank __ . J. H. McClain Allenvllle. t>M Peoples State Bank.-d®tl’21 J. B. Tabor______ Theo. Snyder_____ 7 Moultrie J17 $1CC par 100 70-1743 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. A. MELBURG........ Items and collectl ons direct to us. t personal service. Unexcelled faclll ties. ith each sight draft for presentation and 25c for credit reports. and 7,500 80,190 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Ayers N.. Jacksonville. 169,000 140,000 . 75.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Peo. N.. Monmouth. 138,410 129,310 8.780 65.300 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Elgin. 348,920 322,500 41.990 116,640 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co, and 1st N„ St. L.; 1st N.. Joliet. 133,350 325.980 72,750 30,910 4,230 Trust Company — Chicago 36,320 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 10,760 1st N.. Sullivan. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS 700 Banks in 20 States maintain accounts with this institution • • • Your assurance of com plete facilities for the proper handling of your business • • • • I Combined Resources T Thirty Million Dollars Jj THE STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK AND THE STOCK YARDS TRUST &SAVINGS BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of CHICAGO gi ? § e 1 f W'■ g S’: aBBK!ll00935fJ9HWI?3tlBadOOOQOOQOOOOOtdtdb3tS» 5 5=3 5=g §2 S° 2 KaO gx s !■&! g.|§ r° I2-!!*g 8 5Egg ; £=^-: § 3.:' g 7 g s - § 5 g g^-g g-P E: grf-SLP £ iff H=S: § : : 0 Hi ^: : : : : : : : P: ! f f: ?! *: ! j f * j ! * j : ! j ! i ?! :rf! ! j j f! j ? T: f: : riH = : : I : f b>^ob’ozs! SWbb’^b W- j-jt-iTIz;' wbj- •Mj33WbSSwu<b^LwbbSb>^bbaibi>j_iz:t-ibbbblbbbbLHbbbbbir<iz;i-,b'Mixbwi-'b^,kk!Wi-lin: i-<bb;_£!bbb.b: ;-,bbw 1 £ t- ra 1- a. ►- _ ~ h- h- - I- i- W - - - to - - ^ ha* _ ^ ^ h- h- ^ i- ^ H- n ^ W w ° H- a. a* w la N - a. ^ ^ U> to M ►- _ M a. n-*." Wj^O ^^030H<oaw iMt-^WMHQOO^JM^HOOO rf^c™^ao^Jicot-*w*<ico WO^t-'^HWOSKKOiOlCXJ^W^^i-'OlOCOQOOOOasOOOiCDWOoOJOOi^tXlOcOtDOiOOi^OMtOCiaiOiCDi ■*cowooH-t^oocoH*^atc-Nja>co^cjT W A SH IN G TO N , D. C. S ee B a ck o f W a sh in g to n , D . C . M a p Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 H □ °m X B efore YOU SIGN -x, A contract for bank directory service, give careful consideration to the following facts: 1. The Rand M9Nally Bankers Directory (The Bankers Blue Book) for more than 50 years has heen the stand ard publication of its kind. 5. More than 8,000 Commercial Banks, Savings, Trust and Investment Banking Houses advertise regularly in each edition. 2. It has a paid circulation several times larger than its nearest competitor, and larger than all similar directories combined. 6. The number of advertisers alone greatly exceeds the number of paid subscribers to any similar work. 3. 89% of the banks subscribing to bank directories buy the Rand M9Nally Bankers Blue Book. 7. Its greater prestige, circulation and preference is de served because it is the most reliable and comprehensive reference book of its kind and the publishers spare no expense in keeping it complete, thorough and up-to-date. 4. Based on circulation its rates are one-third that of any similar publication. 8. The Blue Book is the Official Numbering Agent of the American Bankers Association. Your next bank directory should be The ' < E The Bankers Blue Book since 1872 . RAND MPNALLY & CO., Publishers, 536 S. Clark St., Chicago NEW YORK CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SAN FRANCISCO WASHINGTON, D. C. 363 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n TOWS AND COUNTY. ‘County Seats. Pig. under town is Fed. Res. District. Allertnn 338 7 Vermilion 120 Alma 334 8 Marion M15 Alpha 403 1 Henry 19 Alsey 229 8 Scott J9 •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State fPriv. tMera. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Boada Surplus Depos Other Miscel Paid-tjp and and and L iabili its Capital Profits Diaoounta Saeuritiaa laneous ties 550 l 16,560 S 170,390 i S 50,000 $ 10,210 $ 167,670 M " FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. 145 par 25 IN ALTON 70-152 dB®T*t’37 W. C. GSCHWEND— G, M. WILHITE LAWRENCE KELLER, E. L. WYSS 13,370 162,420 $ 8,610 49.010 7.400 37,000 500,000 25,000 310.000 170,000 46,000 86,000 Cent. Rep.,Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.; 1st N.,St. L. 100,000 160,590 1,514,440 28,100 1,113,010 261,350 186,300 242,470 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Natl. City, St, L. 500.000 362,310 9,655,600 _____ •• $150-8% par 100 70-1136 Anchor 315 7 McLean G18 6% 70-1137 Anna 3430 ANNA NATIONAL BANKG1900 8 Union Q15 70-526 " .. __ ___ “ Anna State Bank___ d®t§’17 {130 par 100 70-1910 » FIRST NATfONAL BANK 1350-16% 70-525 par 100 C. A. CALDWELL-— L. A. SCHLAFLY......... E. W. J0EST1NG------- L. M. CARR________ W. B. ALLEN G. M. LEVIS. Ch. iruiwin 70-1139 llOC-6% par 100 136,820 19,960 20,650 63,420 5.050 5 3,665,150 4,317,920 360,000 2,174,830 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st. TV and Cmit, Ill Rkr A Tr, CnChi.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and es. 1st N., St. L. Daniel Ragains___ Frances Lester.__ Jacob Martens ___ J. H. Nafziger____ H. B. Ulmer... M. G. Martens____ 126.000 Chem. Bk. & Tr„ N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Miss. Val. Tr„ St. L. 29,750 1st N. and Drov. N.,Cm.: Bk. of Galesburg, Galesburg. 100,000 30,000 900,000 730.000 74,000 100,000 50,000 79,070 349.430 37.820 400,410 37,850 48,320 50.000 5,600 220,000 50,000 180,000 117,000 11.600 25,000 17,500 180.000 49,000 143.000 71.000 20,000 5,220 61,590 59,020 4.710 2,700 50,000 6,000 290.000 250,000 60,000 16,000 660,650 386,680 105,080 128,300 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 1 1 BRINK 100.000 fF. N. VAUGHAN— W. A. GREEN............... H H BAPGER W.f. VAUGHAN < Oldest and Larg est Bank—Thoro ughly Modern. ) Special attenti on given Bill of L ading drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. {^Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 5c for Credit Report 8. 50,000 104,380 1,076,300 17.000 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N„ Chi.; 1st Galesburg N., Galesburg. 35.000 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 20,380 1st N„ Chi. and Rossville. 43,000 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; City N., Clinton, 25.000 11,770 131,090 16,500 137,620 14,710 5,550 26,470 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Bloomington. 27,000 220,560 269,770 35,830 74,840 52,100 35,000 190,200 Chatham Phenix, N. Bk. &Tr.Co., N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 35,040 Franklin Am. Tr. Co., St. L. 170,900 N. City,N.Y.;lst N„Chi. and St. L. H. H. Kohn G. C. Parks G. R. Cnrlis 50,000 49,220 590.140 Fred Roberts......... W. P. Harper____ 50.000 16,170 130,820 50,000 112,580 910,230 100,000 560,960 378,110 62,830 25,000 6,980 136.170 28,360 85,700 30,820 60,010 39.970 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 30,000l 17,190' 429,570 212,910i 145,520i 34,480 83,910 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.;lst N., Peoria. H.C. Sifford............ M. L. DeWitt C. F. Campbell 0 DWYFR T. H. JOHNSTON E. A. JOHNSON_ _ _ Mtle. Com. < OldestEstabilsh ed Bank-Cnsurpa ssed Collection S ervice. dB®tS'21 ) Bill of Lading D rafts given Specla 1 Attention. I.Please send 15c tvi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 5c for Credit Report 8. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,670 Act s in a II Tru st Ca paciti J W. Roy dB®T«t'9C J.N. Dickinson. Ch H. C. Sifford THE STATE BANKOFANNAWAN 190 Over 90 Years of Continuous Commercial Banking Your Alton Business Cordially invited. Annapolis___ 200 First National Bank __.»ri2 O. G. Holmes____ D. N. Stanfield___ Fred Smith 8 Crawford L21 {125-4% par 100 7 0-17 68 D. N. Stanfield, Ch. Anna wan......... 489 7 Henry Dll 10,180 35,910 s and all Bankln g Matters pt, personal and efficient attentio n. Farmers State Bank d'tS’10 T. a Keith G. W. James, Jr... {200-10% par 100 70-1039 Bert Call O. O. Hamilton.... 70-1135 Amboy State Bank, d® tS’12 G. P. Miller............. R. W. Ruckman... W. J. Kirby . par 100 70-1794 FIRST NATIONAL BANKdBDT.m 52,380 afts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 25c. First Trust & Sav. Bk..«iS'09 D. A. Wyckoff ___ N. G. Wyckoff___ 8% par 100 70-156 Altnna 404 Rank of Altona___d®»t§’91 G. N. Larson_____ T. P. Main................ H. S. Whiting........ O. W. Wing 7 Knox E10 1300-6% par 100 70-1134 .. First National Bank..d®tT9 D. N. McMaster... N. N. Nelson_____ 5% par 100 70-1958 .. 830 Tr. Off. .. Alto Pass 485 8 Union Q13 Alvin.................... 322 7 Vermilion H22 Ain boy_______ 1972 7 Lee C14 _____ Principal Correspondents. Cash A ExUHANQM'DUI raoM Banks 40.370 1st N.,Chi. and Monticeilo; Com'l Tr. & Sav.. Danville. 29,440 Cont. Ill, Bk, & Tr. Co., Chi.; Salem N„ Salem. 38,550 Drov. N., Ohi.: Bk. of Galesburg. Galesburg. 6.760 1st State, Winchester. Harrv Parish Mary D. Hansen. Harry Allen, State Bank of Allerton 8% 70-1131 d®»t§’08 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. 15,000 C. E. Rainey, J. F. Pool Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 70-1132 30,000 J. W. Andrews ____ J. E. Amerman... Farmers State Bank..®t5'10 H. A. Craie 1100 par 100 70-1133 25.000 Norma L. Leitze.. 6% par 150 70-2037 50.000 E. HOFFMEISTER-— W. 0. KLITZIND____ rj.M.RHODES......... T. C.CLOW— M. C. ALWERT C. 0. YOUNG Altamont... 1225 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 8 Effingham L16 70-765 dB®»t’07 | Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. V.Please send 15c tot th each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rl«. 1150-8% par 100 {AUGUSTLUER------- W. J LUER............... W. C. GSGHWEND Alton 30,151 ALTON BANKING & TRUST CO. 8 Madison M10 6% par 100 70-155 dB®T«t5'02 \ Bill of Lading Drafts, Collection 1 entrusted to us are assured prom 1 FEE IN ADVAN CEs Plain sight dr Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of th's volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued and Trust Company — Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 364 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ^County Seats. Fig. under Town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A."New § State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%biT. Antiocb_____ 1101 First National Bank—.®t’26 1125 70-2096 7 Lake A20 .. •• State Bank of Antioch $135-6% 70-987 d®»tl’03 par 100 Apple River...421 Bank of Apple River. d«t5’96 7 Jo Daviess All 6% par 100 70-1028 First State Bank------- dt§'20 7% par loo 70-1029 First National Bank.—»t’74 70-634 7 Douglas J19 par 100 Arenzvllle____458 Farmers & Merch. State Bank $150-8% par 100 70-1053 tS'10 7 Cass 18 ss President. Vice-President. CASHIER. $ 80.000 $ J. E. Brook_______ Chase Webb______ G. B. Bartlett . . 7 •« Lee C14 M S 325,390 $ 24,700 $ 422,780 75.000 25,740 823,190 $ 25,000 13,750 215,660 J. M. Speer, C. I. Moore .. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Geo. W. Tyson___ J. P. Carson. •T. A. Sppftr G. J. Opia.... F. A. Doll. 30,000 18.000 225,000 J. E. Allison______ H. R. Logan. A. F. Bradbury.... Myrtle Walker.... 50.000 17,540 401,040 98,350 $ 51,390 1st N.. Chi. 59,130 251,500 1st N. and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr.Co.. Chi. 55,250 16,760 14,000 25,000 24,670 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N„ Freeport; Ga lena N., Galena. 30,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N„ Chi. 198,310 170,530 37,190 196,000 17,650 4,000 1,250 507,070 107,490 25,960 183,660 204,000 50.000 52,350 $ Principal correspondents. 112,540 Kountze Bros.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; Ind. N.. Indpls. 23,350 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Gent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. of 111.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. JL.; Ayers N., Jacksonville; N.Stock Yds.N.. N. Stock Yds. 41,770 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 33,410 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Millikin N.. Decatur; 1st N.. Joliet. 127,690 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Ced. R. N.. Ced. R. 25,000 20.000 196,000 A. C. Hart________ 100,000 65,070 352,120 134,650 230,440 376,830 2,800 Marguerita Nelson. 25,000 17,470 156,490 11,410 164,590 1,050 11,320 N. R. F. Swanson.. 50.000 41,510 705,010 67,230 342,260 343,410 50,390 Henry Hennig------ 100,000 47,680 581,470 164,050 454,400 282,890 89,980 65,930 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 75.000 51,260 530,480 12,000 198,850 314,950 60,650 94,290 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co.. Chi. 25,000 29,420 160,510 2,000 146,400 44,130 5,500 20,890 1st N.. Chi.; Cent. N., Peoria; Peo., Atl. 25,000 25,000 30.000 9,760 314,310 1.170 244.850 8,000 17,800 50.000 12,350 268,500 65,170 198,180 122,020 17,130 25,000 28.160 204,480 185.150 20,000 20,110 30,000 10,000 388,000 225,000 130,000 8,000 W. S. Rearick........ H. B. Baxter________ J. J. Wyatt___________ E. R. Clemons______ S. W. Anderson 50,000 58,720 348,240 4,000 349,810 19,400 11,090 A. E. Crum_______ Chris. Lovekamp.. First National Bank____t’82 Herman Engelbach Wm. H. Roegge__ C. H. Niemann___ $240-12% par 100 70-1052 J. A. Eyman_____ Gerber State Bank .d®*tS’87 G. H.Parr 9% par 100 ♦ 70-1140 7 Macon 116 Argo State Bank—dB®*t5'10 W. G. Knoedler — S. M. Frankland, C. L. Genesen____ Exee. $100-6% par 100 70-1141 f Cook C21 M. J. Kelly A, F. Vnlz _ Howard P. Castle.. Henry C. Behrens. ArllngtonHelghts ARLINGTON HEIGHTS STATE 7 Cook B20 4997 BANK— 70-1143__dB©»tS'01 E. N. Berbecker, Ch. of Bd. Peoples State Bank------tj’ll F. W. Gieseke____ Otto Landmeier .. W. C. Krftft. 7 Coles K20 Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds MlSCBL- Cash ft IxOther D hpos- LiabiliAss t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus and CHANdlS.DCH and and Capital Propits Discounts SacurititB from Baku TIES C. K. Anderson.... R. C. Abt.................. W. A. Rosing •• Armlngton_____315 7 Tazewell H13 The Verry Bank ...d®*t§’74 ------ “ par 100 70-1144 Armstrong ___ 325 Farmers State Bank—1$'04 70-1145 7 Vermilion H21 Arrowsml th... 297 Arrowsmith State Bank t|'21 70-1094 7 McLean H16 par 100 First National Bank par 100 70-843 dB©*t'89 7 Douglas J18 (Bank in Moultrie County) State Bank of Arthur 1 $225 70-845 d®tS’10 (Bank in Moultrie County) Ashkum________ 319 Farmers Trust & Sav. Bank 70-1084 dB®t§'96 7 Iroquois F20 $175-10% par 100 BANK OF SKILESiREARICK & COMPANY........dB®t8 81 7 Cass 110 $200-5% par 100 70-832 .c M Farmers State Bk...d®*t5'05 $95 par 100 70-833 Ashley State Bank d®»t§’01 8 Washing! onN14 par 100 70-1146 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued (Closed May 27, 193 1. Receiver appoint ed June 30, 1931) Fred E. Verry------ Clarence Darnell „ T. A. Verry . ___ F. W. Jones_______ Stanton Foster.__ G. F. Lester__ _. Raymond Webber. Verna Perry. G. A. Builta C.H.McDonald, Ch. C. H. McDonald... E. W. Boyd.............. E. W. Boyd J. Fitz Jarrald.__ D. L. Haney______ R. R. Meents-------- Charles Gingrich W. C. Meents........ A. L. Lemenager— Mardell Lemenagar Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Palmer N.. Danville. 89,580 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Bloomington. 58,690 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co.,Chi.; Millikin N., De catur; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 32,380 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Terre Haute N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Terre Haute; N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur. 65,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Tr. & Sav.. Kankakee: 1st N.. Joliet. 80,660 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi.; Ill. N., Springfield. F. J. Fitzgerald___ 50,000 10,140 167,590 10,000 192,070 6,280 18,890 20,480 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Stanley G. Berry.. B. Brown............................ T. J. Ferguson 25,000 12,900 213,960 7,790 83,460 111,270 14,030 Ashmore State Bank. d*t5’21 R. M. Childress ... E. E. Boyer___________ J. P. Moseley________ E. R. Hawkins . . par ioo 70-1147 ASHTON BANK—dB®*»'69 P. W. Charter* — G. A. Hamel_________ Mary E. Charters.. C. G. Schafer________ 70-944 15,000 3,990 106,750 50,890 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.: N.Stk. Yds. N..N. Stk. Yds. 19,190 1st N.. Chi.; N. Tr.. Charleston. William Man------------- F. C. Wallbaum.... R. F. Mau W_ H. Seibert_______ C. J. Sanders Fred Brown (E. J. YENERICH— MARCUS VENTLER— W H YFNFRIfiH FARMERS STATE BANK 70-945 dB®t5 07 Assumption..1554 First National Bankd©tl900 7 Christian Jla 12% par 100 70-659 Illinois State Bank d®*t§’83 $700-2% 70-658 par 100 7,500 13,790 20,520 50,000 128,550 807,370 15,000 560,870 277,920 35,000 9,000 165,000 6,000 140,000 30,000 33,000 300,000 141,610 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 45,000 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. P regressive—Excell ent facilities. Ef Sclent service. T BY US. j Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. < Growing and LPlease tend 15c tci th each eioht draft for pretentation and 25c for Credit Rep orti. 27.000 L. C. Corzine________ D.C. Corzine............... Karl Hight___________ E. W. Hight................. .. E. Wayne Hight... (JOHN SKINNER — 6. H. ELGIN DAVID SKINNER f. (1 MrHIlRH DAYNF FARR Astoria_________ 1189 ASTORIA STATE BARK , ^ Modern, Progre sslve Methods, P ersonal Service— Excellent faclUtle 70—750 d®»t§'30 7 Fulton H9 par 100 J Special attentio n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. V. 190,000 60,000 17,600 25,000 78,540 389.570 250 376,900 50,000 22,000 368,000 100,000 446,000 38,920 67,000 110,000 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Millikin N. and N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur. 59,930 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.: 1st N., St. L.: Millikin N., Decatur. 27,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yks., Ill. 8. Please tend 15c u>i th each tight draft for pmentation and 25c for Credit Rep orU. Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 85,260 CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY v—^ CHICAGO capital $20,000,000.00 a i Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given oc.c to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ntreetorv. nndor tiiA authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. OUJ •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Dept* :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sat.$LastSale%Div. — town and county. 7 Menard 112 7 Henry DIO 7 Logan H14 Atwood 7 Piatt 118 President. Athens State Bank_.®»t|T0 *200-10% par 100 70-1148 Atkinson Trust & Savings Bank.—70-1149 d®t§’20 6-10% J. A. Hobllt Atlanta National Bank *190-8% par 100 70-756 d®»t’87 Vice-President. Cashier. *240-12% par 100 " ------- " 70-78 dB®T«t’83 P. G. HARTZ 25,000 600,000 50.000 44,490 318,350 50,000 55,600 257,000 W. R. Personett... Flossie E. Call____ 25,000 30,000 160,440 A. O. Merrlam ___ M. S. Kessler......... 50,000 28,020 588,000 R. R. Smith_____ 25,000 3,100 87,180 Grace W. Clark___ 25,000 7,500 H. L. Wiseman.__ J. A. Ash— . - JuDDuf&N GEO. L. THON-------- S. W. THORNE FRANK C. PAULL ♦Broadway Tr. & Sav. Bank G. W. Alschuler... Frank Thielen........ H. D.Mombleau__ Chas. E. Day, A. C. and Tr. Off. *200-2% 70-81 dB®T»+§'27 A.M.Hirsh.CA.o/Bd. B. W. Randolph A. H. Castens par 100 Ch. of Bd. *i5° par 100 7,570 $ 167,510 $ 112,200 $ 500,000 100,000 213,880 187,670 302,000 12,400 166,990 Principal correspondents. 8,000 $ 104,800 1st N„ Joliet; Springfield Marine. Ill. N„ and 1st N„ Springfield. 75,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. 8s Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N„ Chi. 17,440 43,850 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 27,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Cent. N„ Peoria. 27,910 21,240 30,690 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Millikin N„ Decatur. 418,010 122,850 42,050 81,270 16,140 14,630 83,170 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Ill. N.. Springfield; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 8,240 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk.Yds., Ill.; Ill. N..Springfield. 190,240 160,930 1,100 17,550 300,000 206,660 2,658,250 340,030 1,995,240 930,860 390,520 278,320 U/UtslUa l»k* 200,000 253,740 1,873,190 5,870 1,135,140 401,150 242,890 553,620 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 50,000 31,330 5,000 43,180 Drov. N.< Chi.; Ill. State. Quincy. lfa LOi) IN a JL a 9 J-Sl/ IN* and Stock Yds. N., Chi. LARGEST CAPITAL RESOURCES IN THE CITY. Send us your Aurora Items Direct for Prompt Attention. B0HESTEEL — J. C. WEILAND....... H.C. REED 'FIRST NATIONAL V.L C.C. COPLEY. — 50.000 S 20,600 $ 314,340 S 50,000 Peoples State Bank.d®t§’26 J. F. Hummell____ W. E. Orr par 100 70-2104 (Closed December 1 9,1930) Augusta ini 1 7 Hancock H6 State Bank of Augusta 70-820 ©+§'29 'AURORA NATIONAL RANK Resources. LIABILITIES. Loam ther Bondt Miscel Oabb k *xDepos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus chakqm,Dci and and and its Capital Profits Diaoouata Baeuritiaa laneous prom Bini ties S John Causemaker. Auburn _ 2212 AUBURN STATE BANK J. M. Stockdale... d»t§’74 7 Sangamon J12 *160-8% ♦ 70-678 par 100 Aurora_____46,589 7 Kane C18 Ass’t Cashier. T. F. Hill *200-12% 70-757 par 100 fiKX First National Bank ..d»t'02 *260 70-1151 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued RANK It77 DM 11 *'dB®T«t'63 P. C. G. CASTENS-...... F. J. DILLENBURG ... 300,000 170,000 4,633,150 200,000 3,273,280 962,670 265,460 801,740 N. City and Chatham Phenlx, N. Y.; D. OTTE, A. V. P. F. KLEBE 1st N and Cont. Ill Rk. ^ Tr. Co., W. G. KUEFFNER Chi. J. A. BRENNECKE Speci al at tenti on gi ven t oall C ollec tions. IN AURORA 'MERCHANTS NATIONAL RANK — KNIGHT- - - - - - - - C. E. COLWELL- - - - - - W. G. NICHOLSON — W. V. SLAKER------C. D. KNIGHT, D. J. DE FRATES R. N. STOLr Tr. Officer C. H. EDWARDS, 300,000 225,370 2,580,140 330,780 1,879,960 942,080 236,640 377,610 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. WILLIAM GEORGE.. N.J. COOPEN-------- R. M.ROBINSON— G. A. SEARGEANT- 200,000 288,180 1.937,360 211,860 1,286,050 899,540 40,720 411,070 Chase N., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N., 1st N., it llll LUllI* Ilia l)hi &> IF* vOaj vDl.( 1st N., Bos. F.J. COMPLETE BANKING AND TRU ST SERVICE BUI of Lading Collections receive special attention A. Tr. Officer *200-4H%parl0070-79dB©T*t’78 “ ------- " 'OLD SECOND NATIONAL BANK 70-76 twill Y A. HURD Collections a specialty and remitted on day of payment. Prompt attention to aU Banking matters entrusted to ns. d®T»t'71 Aurora Clearing House------ W. G. Nicholson... (Members indicated by a *) S. W. Thorne. Tr. ARMSTRONG— H. G. GRIFFETH, W.W.ARMSTRONG W. W. ARMSTRONG- D.H. A.L. ESSER COMPANY C. L. MOMBLEAU, Tr. V. P. and Sec. “ ------- ” (Memb ers Inve stment Bankers Assocla tlon)... Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. N., Aurora. INVESTMENT BONDS — Government, Municipal, Industrial, ,n3 Public Utility, Farm Mortgage. (IncorporatedA <57 Fox St.) ____ Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY—CHICAGO capital $20,000,000.00 o cc JUU Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. TOW* AJTD OOUXTY. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § S'tate tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. «Coanty Seats. Fie. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Ava_____ _____ 615 First National Bank.d®»t'17 R. W. Dean | Jackson P13 *U0-8% 70-1152 Cashier. ... 799 AVON STATE BANK dB®ti’l2 < Young and gro J 15 CENTS sent 7 Fulton G9 par 100 70-1787 U5 CENTS for ea M _ H Tompkins State Bank F. W. Tompkins... *226-12% 70-920 ®«t§’84 Avon Clyde Cheatham — T. J. Smith (Closed March 28, 8 Randolph Oil Bardolpb_____ 305 Bardolph State Bank-..t§'22 R. M. Logan 7 McDonough G7 6% par 100 70-1155 (J. C. PLAGGE. J Ch.of Bd.andPres, Barrington... 3213 FIRST NATIONAL BK. 7 Lake B19 *35 -7%par 25 70-1946 dB®»’18 < A modern, pro 1 Special attentlo V Please send 15c u Barry .. | Pike J5 “ ____ — r A. L. ROBERTSONH.J. LAGESCHULTE FIRST STATE BANK ) Ch. $200-10% ♦ 70-1156 dB®»t5’90 \ First and Oldes par 100 1 FIFTEEN CENT V. TWENTY -FI VI 1506 (Closed January 5, " Bartelso______256 8 Clinton N13 Bartlett_______504 7 Cook BIB Bartonvllle... 1886 7 Peoria G12 (Peoria, P.0.) Bascn 206 7 Hancock H5 fT. A. RETALLIC— d®*t 01 ) Save time and par ioo (.FEE IN ADVA1N Bartelso Saving? Bank .+§'19 Jos. Bergmann ___ 6% 70-1157 Bartlett 8tate Bank_.d®t§'10 E. J. Schmidt.... *156-10% par 100 70-1158 4-Bartonville Bank_.d®§’21 W.W. Barton____ *125 par 100 70-2020 (Succeeds Bartonville State Bank) Bascn State Bank.. d®»t§’19 Samuel Naylor ___ *125-3% par 100 70-1159 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1350-10% 70-694 wing, hustling fo r business. Send to us with each s ight draft for pre ch credit report in surcs prompt, pe G. E. Merrill_____ Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Miscel Cam k Extheb Dapoa- LOiabiu Paid-up Surplus and and and Capital PBOFIT8 Diaoounts 8«curiti«e laneous rrom Banks TIES Ass’t Cashier. S par 100 Averyvllle ___ (See Peoria) A vision_______368 State Bank of Aviston B. j. Lager____ . | Clinton N12 *200-10% 70-1153 B®tS’20 par 100 f WILL KRAMER —- G. H. YEOMAN-------- G. W. PENDARVIS — Baldwin_____ 332 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued us yours, sentation, and rsonal attention. Florence Fennessy $ 176,060 * 184,590 $ 20,420 $ 52.720 1st N.. St. L. 49.000 $ 17,770 $ 376,020 15,000 12.000 212,000 145,000 46,000 25,000 20,000 130,000 90.000 35,000 13,000 37,000 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Far. & Mech., Gales burg; 1st N„ Joliet. 50.000 80.550 675,280 592,560 108,250 13,140 91,880 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Bk. of Galesburg. Galesburg. 48,000 1st N„ St. L.; Union Tr. Co.. E. St. L.. 11?. 1931. Taken over by Sparta State Bank, Sparta, III., April 14,1931, for liquid ation) 25,000 10.000 75.000 28,990 H. P. CASTLE-.......... A. L. ROBERTSON— A T HIITSCH 100.000 70,910 E. W. RILEY HELEN R. MUIR A. H. LAGESCHULTE t Established Ban k. S sent to us with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd CENTS for each c red It report Insur es prompt, perso nal att entlon. 1931. Receiver app ointed February 19, 1931) H. B. Smith______ G A.LAGESCHULTE J. M. FRIEDLANDER gresslve bank. V n given Bill of La ith each sight draft Loren Smick F. 6. PUNDT__ 1,500 110,000 5,000 507,860 10,270 299,700 104,140 32,100 701,380 9,850 652,460 106,230 28,010 60,000 763,760 145,350 111,500 $ our business cord tally Invited. ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. for presentation a nd 25c /or Credit R epori*. WILLIAMSON.— A. J. HAMILTON........ 60,000 i-F BRIGHT EDW.GRAMMER get service on Col CE: Plain sight ff H. Jansen . L. D Jantzen H. W Schnadt____ 126,980 767,920 lections and Cre dit Reports by se ndlng drafts, 15c; Cre dit Reports, 25c- TRY US. Rlase Rach 15,000 5,520 J. M. Barton r,, Otis L. 0. O. Fishel Wood......... Albert Naegelin... Roscoe Arthur.__ rH. T. WINDSOR — N.L. JOHNSON_______ W. B. BEEM, Cash, and J.M. AUGUSTINE. ) V. P. and Tr. Off. 33,000 Drov. N.. Chi.: Macomb N„ Macomb: Com. Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 186,190 Com’l N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Home N„ Elgin. 95,440 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 105.770 Chase N., N. Y.. Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: N Stock Yds. N , N. Stock Yds , Ill.; Quincy-Ricker Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 104,480 1,750 78.700 15,510 1,750 40,000 12,520 258,330 4,060 122,060 93,440 12,730 86,670 1st N. Chi.; 1st N.. Elgin. 30,000 7,500 340,800 4,450 200,880 60.000 24,330 97,540 Chase N.. N.Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. Chi.; IstN., Peoria. 8.020 119,430 9,700 135,980 1.300 13,130 91,560 1,004,270 100,000 487,020 539,800 83,320 11,740 Drov. N. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co... Chi.: Ill. State, Quincy. 185,690 N.City. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 572,060 1,142,310 121,540 320,640 Cent. Han. Bk.& Tr. Co., N. Y.; IstN , 25,000 W.R. JOHNSON-— 100,000 E. R^ NELSON.. 100.000 30,790 Southern Ill N., E. St. L. & Tr. Co., Tr. Off. Batavia___ 5045 BATAVIA NATIONAL BANK *175-8% 70-433 dB®T*t’09 i Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 7 Kane CIS 1 FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd par 100 Itwenty-five CENTS for each c red It report Insur es prompt, perso nal att entlon. “ -------- “ FIRST NATIONAL 70-432 *200-10% par 100 niUI/ nflllK C. 0. NEWLIN--------- H. N. WADE...........— B. B. PADDOCK. d®T*t’9i Batchtown ....249 Bank of Richwoods...dt§’08 E. E. Williams. William Franke... J. F. Tribbie_____ W. E. Zigrang____ Ch. of Bd, and Pres. 6% 70-1160 8 Calhoun L7 Rnyllfi 25? E. R. Lake Kate B. Peacock... 8 Pike J6 io% 70-1162 inHN SP.HIII T7 i f. sr.HMmnT f m nnNmt_ _ _ R. R RADIAN______ Beards town.. 6344 OLDEST AND LARGEST It ANIv^-MODERN EQUIPMEN^P 7 Cass 18 FIRST NATIONAL *4oo-®8% BANK dB®*'88 | par 100 „ M First St0 Ttank 12% 70-338 UNEXCELLED FACILITIES AND PERSONAL SERVICE. Your business Invited—-Collections a Specialty. Please send 15c presentation fee with plain sight drafts and 25c for credit ratings. Robert H. Garm.. Roy H. Garm_____ A. A. Krnhe dB®tS’89 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 162.470 1,809,390 84,680 3,570 Cash, and Tr. Off. A. Cash, andA» Tr* Off. and H. A. Greve H. J. Brannan 25.000 2,890 123,060 25,000 35.640 196.010 118,090 14,600 21,630 IstN., St. I.; Bk. of Calhoun Co., Hardin. 600 4,330 43,350 State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy; N. Stk Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. 772,580 1,030.630 77,090 330,740 Chase N.,N.Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L. 783,430 67.330 252,550 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and St. L. 208.370 100.000 213.810 1.822.210 125,000 100.000 172,340 1.591,610 5.000 | 765,630 Trust Company ^ Chicago FIVE A CORRESPONDENT Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1’own and County. ‘County Seats. Fie. under town is Fed. Hes. District. •Mem. A.B.A.n-New § State tPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Ues.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$bastSale%Div Reason________ 252 7 Logan H14 Beavervllle____ 348 7 Iroquois F22 Ueckemeyer___850 8 Clinton M13 Beecher_______ 772 7 Will E22 First National Bank .d(Dt'14 par 100 70-1855 Beaveryille State Bank par 100 70-1164 ©t§'03 State Bank of Beckemeyer 6% 70-952 ©tl’Ofi FarmersStateBankdB©tS'16 $185 -10% par 100 70-1165 First State Bank.............. t8’16 8% par 100 70-1913 Beecher City ..321 8 Effingham L17 Bellalr................ 121 8 Crawford L20 Belle Prairie.. 48 8 Hamilton N17 ^Belleville.. 28.425 8 St. Clair Nil PRESIDENT. ILLINOIS—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Surplus Loaqb Other Bondi Paid-up Depos Liabili Miscel and And and Capital Propits its Diaoounta Sieuritiis laneous ties L. A. Whitnah____ C. W. Smock_____ $ C. M. Colburn____ J. F. Roos. dexed Acces.1, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 40,000 12,080 $ 126,250 $ 109,820 $ 28,450 78,150 8,000 Principal Correspondents. Ex- Cash k chanoib.Dui from Bank* 7,000 $ 33,060 Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.; Am. N„ Lin. 5,470 40,220 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Chi.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Kankakee. 18,500 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Far. & Merch., Carlyle. 50,000 Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.;lstN.. Joliet. *125 Z. T. Lambert____ Eva M. Rivard____ F. J. Lambert-------- M. J. Soucie______ 4,080 99,770 $ 3,000 Theodore Zieren.. A. F. Gross......... ..... F. C. Mahlandt.— 25,000 1,500 93,230 800 77,000 14,310 5,100 H. Wehmhoefer, D. D.Van Voorhis. H. E. Ehlers---------- W. F. Ruge_______ 25.000 55,000 350,000 15,000 330,000 40,000 25,000 Wm. Plagge______ C. B. Eskilson____ J. O. Werner-------- Marie D. Werner. 25,000 39,010 288,520 15,000 218,590 89,940 15,200 25.000 6,940 189,200 520 127,270 30,000 9,200 10,000 2,520 62,430 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. First State Bank ...d®J§'06 W. J. Campbell— J. T. Allsop______ S. C. Tennery____ par 100 70-1166 Bellair State Bank________ *140-8% 25.000 (Merged with Oil Be It National Bank, O blong, III,, April 6, 1931) Farmers State Bank —till G. Garrison----------- V. B. Campbell— Frank Osborn____ Clara Osborn-----$ui-io% 70-1710 BELLEVILLE E. M. IRWIN- - - - - - - JACOB H. MUELLER- GEO. E. WULLER —. THOMAS MAY — H. L. HEINEMAN JACOB H. MUELLER, A. H. HEINEMAN GEORGE NIESS F. C. WULLER BANK & TR. CO. 150.000 280,730 1,694,820 51,110 10,240 13,600 1st N., McLeansboro; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 272,190 1,455,080 586,040 106,310 250,300 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; IstN., St. L. 25,400 268,460 106,480 42,000 64,900 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., E. St. L. 2,253,460 1,190,800 63,890 545,450 Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Tr. Officer $320-15% 70-139 dB©T,+5’03 par 100 BELLEVILLE NATIONAL BANK BELLEVILLE SAVINGS BANK $130 par 100 70-141 ♦ 70-137 $350-18% par 100 COURTESY—SERVICE—SAFETY—SATISFACTION. Prompt Attention given all Collections. B,LIEB fbe“"e,U4euWE»t __RG H ARVEY LI_ _ _ LEEGRANDCOLAS, H. E. SCHMISSEUR F. WM. KEINER -— F. G. SAHLENDER— 100.000 33,300 323.140 Ch. of Bd. TRY THIS NEW COMMERCIAL BANK WITH YOUR COLLECTIONS AND OTHER ITEMS ON BELLEVILLE AND VICINITY. d©t’28 dB®T»t5'59 j:DWARD_AJE.ND—- L. D. .TURNER-. . . . . . . . R. W..HI.LGARD---- FRED RHEJN KAERCHER. P. K. JOHNSON _J._ E._ _CARSON. _ _ _ _ Tr.Off. _B._ E._ _GROSSMANN. ____ ___ Ch. of Bd. G. W. RINCK.A.JY.Ojf. A.Tr.Off. ".W.RINCK./----' ” “ Complete Banking Service. Acts In all Trust Capacities Collections given Prompt Attention. Oldest, Largest and Strongest Bank. Fidelity Trust Co______ T§’29 Edward Schurmann W. F. McNary____ Henry Reis, $130 par 100 70-2132 Berthold Heymann Sec. and Tr. FIRST NATIONAL BANK $460-23%parl00 70-138 d®T«t’74 ST. GLAIR NATIONAL BANK 300.000 446,270 3,307,330 A CO MME RCIA L BA NK. Mem ber F edera I Res erve Syste 250.000 Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. m. 50,000 GEO. I. M. ROGERS - CYRUS THOMPSON— PHILIP GASS- - - - - - - ERNEST H. GASS.... GEO. E. BAKER C. A.HEILIGENSTEIN. Tr. Off. A Bank of Strength, Character and Service. Your Belleville business cordially invited. UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE. W. J. REICHERT—.. C. P. HAM ILL—--— ARTHUR EIOMAN— WM. SCHMIDT, JRARTHUR EIDMAN HAROLD KNOLLHOFF 200,000 403,670 3,217,830 225,000 (Tru st Depart 150.000 200,130 1,500,630 1,320,970 1,190,610 187,800 347,120 1st N., J. E. SMITH, 150,000 872,200 794,650 115,080 218.820 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. A. G. GOOCH. . . . . . . . . . I. WALTER BROWN- ELVA DUNN PIERCE- 21,360 246,160 Please send 25C w ith each sight draft f or presentation and 50c for Credit Repor Bellmont_____ 407 Firs* State Bank________ S’15 G. E. Giikison____ P. R. Fisher______ R. C. Giikison____ O. O. Giikison......... 8 Wabash N21 par 100 70-1168 25,000 6,690 67,290 Bel I wood____ 4991 Bellwood State Bank Albert F. Amling. Henry G. Glos.. 7 Cook C20 $185-8% 70-1854 dB®+l’14 P. H. Korrell 50.000 41,570 243,320 5,050 209,060 20,890 21,320 ESTABLISHED 1890. Modern, Progre sslve Methods, Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. A. C. Mesenbrink . Therese J. Amling 76,420 20,680 159,250 8,870 149,720 24,120 par 100 Continental Illinois Bank and Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk.&Tr. Co., St. L. 40.000 Ch. Bd. and Pres. Bellflower. 442 EXCHANGE STATE BANK 7 McLean H17 $100-8% par 100 70-1089 dtS’90 N. Y. and Cbl.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L. urces $80 7,307.19) A COMPLETE BANKING AND TRUST SERVICE. YOUR BELLEVILLE ITEMS AND COLLECTIONS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT, CAREFUL ATTENTION. *245-10% parlOO 70-140d®T«tT9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 43,800 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Hts.; Joliet Tr. & Sav., Joliet. 55,190 1st N., St. L. and Joliet; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. Trust Company ^ Chicago 61,310 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: John Weedman N„ Farmer City. 13,700 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., Mt. Carmel. 22,480 Irv. Tr.Co., N.Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Melrose Park State, Melrose Park. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given OfcO to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ OUO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.rlNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws- ILLINOIS — Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Other Loans Bonds 1 Miscel- Cash A Ex Paid-up Surplus D epos Liabili change,Dus and and AND its Capital Profits Discounts Securities 1LANEOUS from Banks ties $123 FARMERS STATE BANK f A. Gates White.. H. K. Funderburg. A. 0. Meyer*.. _. F. J. Downs S 100,000 $ 116,480 $ 769,170 $ $200-10% 70-305 dB@»t§’08 E. C. Harvey, A. C. A. Mildred Hewitt Boone A16 (.Please send 25c with each sight dra ft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. par 100 •Belvldere 7 (1. ••_____ » m. Karsh Airr C. T. SEWELL_ _ _ _ T. A. WILLARD- - 0. W. PERRY 75,000 5,420 $ 657,290 S 105.280 S Principal Correspondents. 67.230 I 161.260 Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 548,050 104,000 299,060 310.560 50,180 161,560 1,062,750 3,450 743,640 375,910 44.600 163,600 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N„ Chi. 53,100 421,600 481,350 24,170 153,060 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. Yards N.. Chi. 143,500 1st N.. Chi. and Monticello; Millikin N., Decatur. 124,950 Chase N., N. Y.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and 1st N., St.L. 19.000 ,250 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. 86,250 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $125par 100 70-302 dB®T*t’65 \ United States Depository. We solicit your bust ness. 1 Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding (.FEE IN ADVAN CE; Plain Sight Drafts, ISci Cred it Reports, 25c. TRY U S. PEOPLES BANK— d@«t§’89 — 14% par 100 70-304 j'O.H. WRIGHT.— SECOND NATIONAL BANK ”-------- M (F. S. Whitman .. J. R. Balliet______ W. G. Greenlee___ T. G. Reed 100,000 A. E. McCormick 25 <■ with each sight dra ft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 1 Please send J. F. MEYERS______ S. E. GORMAN_ _ _ _ M. P. PEALE.......... A. E. HEJNEMANN ht Draft for presc $200-10%par 100 70-303 d®«t'84 ) TWENTY-FIVE CENTS sent to us with each Slg Ltwenty-fivi CENTS for each C red It Report insu Bement .. 1517 State Bank of Bemenl A. L. Wilkinson .. R. E. Milligan... 6% par 100 70-712 ©'tS'll 7 Piatt 117 rj. W. RIZZIE_ _ _ H. N. RIZZIE........ - H. N. RIZZIE.......... Benld.................2980 FIRST NATIONAL BANK : Splendid faelllti es for handling y our business In t 70-ll6y 04 ) 15 CENTS sen! to us with each s igbt draft for pre 8 Macoupin L12 1550-3% 100.000 94,080 833,010 R. Adkins________ 50.000 22,690 270,730 63,300 31,040 JOSEPHINE HERMAN- 50,000 29.210 1,029,600 74,520 126.640 926,720 5,020 70.000 11,320 390,140 16,220 322,030 71,080 49,710 50.000 12.690 360,450 3,700 239,940 105,890 16,570 50.000 40.680 350,090 3.000 143.560 243,990 20,230 36,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Cent. N. and State Tr. & Sav., Peoria; Streator N„ Streator. (Closed June 26, 193 1.* Receiver appoin ted July 28, 1931) Berwyn Trust& Sav. Bank C. W. Ostrander... Geo. H. Anderson A. A. R. Nelson, B. D. Thorpe_____ 6% par 100 70—2058 d©+§’22 H. A. Sellen V. P. and Cash. 100,000 81,250 752,830 8.090 591.980 129,180 70,540 + FIRST 175,000 97,510 2,745,760 1.296,340 1.261.600 103,010 150,460 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.; CiceroTr. & Sav. Cicero. 357,330 435,880 his vicinity. sentation, and (.25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, p ersonai attention. BensenvIIIe... 1680 First State Bank 7 DuPaee B20 Benson_______ 334 W. A. Ernstine___ A. W. Franzen___ C. F. Franzen____ d®«tS’ll W. F. Franzen, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $300-10% par 100 70 1170 r H. HEINEKE........... H. R. HEIKEN_____ C. E. THOMPSON......... R. W. HAFERMANN . FARMERS STATE BANK 7 Woodford F14 par 100 " ____ *• 70-1097 ; Prompt,I’ersoi al and Efficient 8 Iness invited. dB©i§ 21 ) Special attentb a given Bill of La ervlce. Your bus ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. (. Please send I5r v dh each sight dra] for presentation an d 25c for Credit Rep orts. FIRST STATE BANK-®:S 8< 10% 70-1090 • Benton_____ 8219 fF. N.TALLYN — 1 Oldest and Str< j Bill of Lading l_ Please send 1 c >■ [Closed November 28 8t Franklin Olf. Berwick______ 221 7 Warren F8 Berwyn____ 47,027 7o Cook C11 -- ------ and Stock ntatlon , and res prompt, pers onal att entlon. JACOB SHUCK......... ft Q WALTER SEIDL........ tallyn ngest Bank. You r Business Appre dated. Drafts and all Co lleclions Given P ersonai Attention th siaht draft for p? esentation and 25c / or Credit Reports. , 1930) 44,850 Cont. Bk. 64,430 Cont. N., Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. & Tr. Co.. St. L. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. Peoria; 1st N., Joliet. Illinois Bank & Trust Co____ {Closed September ‘t 5. 1930) .Closed January 30, 1931. Receiver app ointed February 18, 1931) American Stale Bank _ . See First A merican National Bank <£ T rust Co.) AMERICAN NA F. C. TOPINKA_ _ _ _ F. J. KRAJIC_ _ _ _ _ C. E. ZITNIK.......... F. A. PETERZELKA — TIONAL BANK & TRUST FRANCIS KAREL, Ch. ALBERT NOVOTNY. C. W. HORAK CO____70-2076—dB@U’23 V, P. and Tr. Off'. (Consolidation of American State, First National, Oakwyn Slate and Ridgeland State Banks) ** •• Rid(/eland State Bank (See First American «• Twelfth Street State Bank____ (Closed June 29, 193 Bethany______ 802 Scott State Bank___ ®»JJ’87 A. R. Scott............... 70-922 7 Moultrie J16 Beverly __ 102 Beverly State Bank__d®t5’19 G. A. Hendricks.. $115 par 100 7 0-1882 8 Adams 16 Biggs ville 303 F. E. Abbey______ 70-2119 7 Henderson F6 par 100 (Closed March 9, 19 Bingham ..144 8 Fayette—L14 Birds 284 State Bank of Birds ..©tS’lS N.H. Gerhart___ 8 Lawrence M22 $U5-fi% par loo 70-1175 Bishon Hill 208 Bank of Rishon Hill d(5>18’20 B.J. Arnauist 5% 70—1176 7 Henry E10 (+ Affiliated with Chicago Clearing House 4*«’n) •• M rust Co.) 1. Receiver appoint ed July 22. 1931) W. A. Wilkinson.. T. A. Scott_______ Smith Scott 75,000 13,490 322,800 Arthur Waters___ Wm. Funk________ Hazel Hull. 12.000 3,180 66,380 W. C. Ivins... . .. 25.000 8.900 71,710 30.000 10,820 20.000 11,800 31. 19,950 55,140 52.900 12.550 5,450 67,250 Decatur, 11.100 st N.. Chi 59,250 31,200 4,910 11,440 125,030 102,400 37,690 6,900 18,860 174,330 151,600 24,050 III. 1,200 Receiver appoin led March 20, 1931) W. T. Lindsay____ L. E. Oshnrn V. A. Wigren_____ Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 294,690 25,740 L. T). Ericson _ 1 and Trust Company — Chicago renceville. 30,470 l INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 'if.Q Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and county. •Mem. A.B. A. "New § State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Fed. Res. Dist. We. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In* dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. Cashier. SURPLUS Bismarck_____ 300 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. B. D. Brown_____ E. L. Chenowith .. W. W. Hagley------- Helen B. Handell. $ 30.000 $ 5.000 $ BIandinsvtlle„952 First National Bank—®t’07 Sephus Keys........... C. L. Welsh_______ Willis Craig______ Louis Schwerer ... 7 McDon’gh G7 par 100 70-871 Kathalyn Goatley 30,000 5,600 7 Vermilion H22 70-1177 Resources. Loam Bondi MlSCKbDepos Othrr and and AND Liabili its Capital PROFITS Discount* S.curiti.* LAKBOUB ties Pajb-uf 56,080 $ 10,000 $ 78.840 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Due from Banks S ‘tm 22.250 Stock Yds. N., Chi.: Com’l Tr. & Sav., Dan ville. 20,000 146,270 $ 13,200 $ 26,160 46,200 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria: 1st N„ Joliet. 292,610 105,040 414,770 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. ol A I • C'Ovilli j IiAUt#—A^Om* ASk* cv Tr. Co., St. L. 1,969,810 1,129,650 156,740 767,020 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. COit Chit} Mile.-Com. Ilk. &> Tr# C0.9 St. L. 6.400 2,316,850 600,070 208,400 696,990 ChaseN., N.T.; 1stN.,Chi.and St. L. 856,580 87,590 617,110 249,150 60,620 157,770 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 200,000 199,410 1,263,300 87,850 912,640 179,020 117,960 540,950 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. ft Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., St. L.; Ind. N.. lndpls. L. H. Weldon_____ G. R. Morrison ... Robert K. Okell.. 100,000 G. F Dick. Jr , F. D. Marquis C. O. La Due V. P. and Tr. Off. C.L.Niedermeyer, Sec. 633,670 2,948,500 160 1,664,280 930,200 152,410 935,440 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. lil.Bk. ft Tr. Co.. Obi; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; Un.Tr. Co., Clev. 82,700 1,381,990 1,718,160 134,250 816,630 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.Y.; 1st N. and Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 706,160 245,940 114,590 139,410 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 213,950 1,050 7.000 41,510 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Milliken N., Decatur. 304,080 170,760 29,100 25,000 112,810 Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; Ayers N„ Jackson ville; 1st N., Beardstown. 20,000 3d N., Mt. Vernon; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. 176,240 Huston Banking Company... (Closed November 22 , 1930, Receiver appo inted December 26, 1 931) ‘Bloomington 7 McLeanGIS 30,930 ALBERT WOCHNER— PAUL F. BEICH- - - - - - ADOLPH WQCHNER - HERMAN WOCHNER— AMERICAN STATE EDWARD T. FAHEY. C. F. J. AGLE L. B. ALLEN. BANK Ch. of Bd. 1500-20% 70-107 dB®T*tS’02 par 100 70-106 d®T«t5’91 295,500 3,628.310 300,000 120,800 3,425,110 UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE. Your Business Invited. FRANK M. RICE— D. F. SCHNEPP- V. P. and Tr. Off. par 100 70-103 d®T*t'30 (Merger of First National and First Trust & Savings Banks) IN THE COUNTY Collections solicited and oromotly remitted for. ♦Liberty State Bank John W. Rodgers— R. E. Shearer. $140-6% 70-in dB®+§’19 Sam Waldman, par 100 Ch. of Bd. R. E. Shearer_____ R. P. Carlock. W. L. Rust________ H. H. Rust________ B®*»’03 Lee Rust. Ch. H. M. Stone ♦McLean County Bank 70-108 parlOO ♦PEOPLE’S BANK. d®T.J5 60 24% 100.000 100,140 2,645,420 Tr. Off. ‘FIRST NATIONAL H. K. H0BLIT- - - - - - B. A. FRANKLIN* itWW BANK& TRUST GO. LARGEST BANK $225-8 % 262,610 2,995,060 Complete Banking Service. Prompt, personal attention given Collections. H. E. Du MARS. BALDWIN. D. A. HAYDEN ‘CORN BELT BANK FRANK A. HOWELL 0.P. N.P. SKAGGS------ C.C.R.C.McELHENY— ROGER GETTY $400-20% 100,000 Tr. Officer par 100 70-104 W. L. Moore-----F. D. Marquis. Ch. Bloomington Clearing House (.Members indicated by a *) N. C. Bishop. 100,000 40,480 O. E. Meeker, Mgr. Blue Island. 16,534 First National Bank—®»t’96 Christian Krueger. H. F. Klein—......... F. L. Zacharias... J. L. Zacharias, Jr. 7 Cook D21 70-1178 J. L. Zacharias. Ch. A. L. McCord F. A.Vincent- A. C. P. W. Seyfarth 300.000 A. R. Floreen____ O. H. Lobaugh____ F. C. Mayne. Jr.__ H. L. Duff________ State Bank of Blue Island F. C. Mayne, Jr., H. L. Duff, Tr. Off. Esther W. Stein70-2134 dB©T»J§'30 par 100 V. P. bach Blue Mound..817 State Bank of Blue Mound A. W. McClure ___ W. O. Matthew.__ G. M. Bankson ___ E. L. Bankson____ $120-5% 70-1776 d®«t§’12 7 Macon J15 par 100 Bluffs_______ 953 Bank of Bluffs_____ d®»JS’20 E. L. Kendall, H.C.Knoeppel. J. A. Knoeppel___ H. C. Knoeppel___ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 70-1179 8 Scott J8 200,000 73,460 907,880 60,000 10,960 192,540 100,000 9,570 481,450 441,610 3,226,710 24,760 $137.50 25,720 Bluford_______517 Bluford State Bank dB®t8'19 Douglas Moss, S. F. Coffman.. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Jefferson N17 $120-6% par 140 70-1851 J. H. Hassebrock— Amelia Hassebrock 12,000 4,800 85,000 39,000 Bonnie_______ 302 Bank of Bonnie________ $5*10 J. H. Sledge______ A. Baker______ 8 Jefferson O 1 $100 par 100 70-1183 S. J. Hicks_______ A. N. Hicks___ 10,000 400 31,320 27.130 Bowen________643 Bowen State Bank___ d®§’30 M. E. Randall, Geo. T. Pearce. Ch, of Bd. and Pres, 7 Hancock H 5 par 100 70-1184 (Succeeds Farmers Bank) Fred S. Omer 25,000 7,500 144,330 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Everett Poling ___ 5,620 98,910 12,390 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; 3d. N„ Mt. Vernon. 27,600 25,820 Trust Company — Chicago 30,120 1st N., Chi.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given q7n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* O/yj Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. »County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPrh. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. Liabilities. Paid-up Subplus Dbpos- Other Capital TIES Profits Resources. Loans Bondi Miscel Gash ft Exand OHAH«M,I>xn ■nd Discount* Ssouritias laneous tBOK Baku Bradford______951 Bradford Exchange State Bk. Owen Sharkey___ G. A. Marsh______ % 7 Stark E 12 $100 par 100 70-948 ©•t§’72 .. » PHENIX BANKING CO. /E.G. REES............ W. H. HARMOND. N. PHENIX______ R n PHFNIf 4% par loo 7(1-949 d©at§’27 1 special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 50,000 $ 50,000 36,600 381,240 6,570 287,350 Bradley __ .3048 Bradley State & Savings Bk. F. F. Marcotte____ Jos. Peschel............ E. C. Vandagrift... 7 Kankakee E 21 70-1717 d©-+§’ll $120-8% par 100 Braldwood ...1161 First NationalBankin Braid- N. P. Keyes______ T. L. Francis_____ George Barton___ Kate Fallon 7 Will E 19 $250 70-1185 wood par 100 dB®*t’2L Breese .... 1957 First National Bank___ ‘TlO Ferd Krebs_______ A. H. Timmerman. 8 Clinton M 13 $150-10% par ioo 70-628 25,000 15,210 144,010 15,100 123,560 25,000 17,360 302,850 1,730 64,240 50.000 13,960 546,120 61,460 90,240 439,550 50,000 95,000 805,000 250,000 450,000 W. S. Titus. 25.000 9.250 R. H.BENNER............ M. 0. BROWN______ 50,000 •• ____ •• State Bk. of Breese..d®t§’ll H. B. Hummert.— $250-7% 70-629 par 100 Bridgeport ...2315 Farmers State Bk.._d©t§’24 L. G. Gee________ 8 LawrenceM 21 par 100 70-539 rj. D. MADDING-— — FIRST NATIONAL BANK Commercl $250-10% 70-537 d»t’06 <) Our Special attentlo par 100 V. Please send lac wi Christ Nifihnr V. J. Hummert-__ •• CLAY SEED................ II* Wi MALrdTTttJ al, Collection and n given Bill of La th each sight draft Exchanee 8tate Bank®<§’13 $120 par 100 70-1186 First Stale Bank___________ Broadlands.__ 377 7 Champaign 120 Brocton Bank____ ___ _ 7 Edgar J 21 Brookfield ..10,035 $150-6% 70-1730 dfl®»t§T2 7 Cook C 20 par 100 Brookport___ 1336 Brookport National Bank 8 Massac R 18 $200-8% porlOO 70-740 d®»t'03 Brownstown ..464 8 Fayette L16 Brussels__ __ .279 8 Calhoun L 8 Buckingham ..140 7 Kankakee F19 7 Iroquois Q 19 Buda. _______794 7 Bureau E13 92,110 Cent. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 38,100 79,590 69,360 1st N. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Peoria. 41,810 10,830 23,120 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 252,470 34,230 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 6,020 135,720 Mtle.-Com. Bk.&Tr. Co., St. L.; Union Tr. Co.. E. St. L. 250,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 14.680 1st N„ Vincennes. 115.530 62.080 23.730 49,280 152,800 1,213,540 28,550 640,730 568,690 36,890 198,590 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. All* i)K« 06 Hi VjUh \Jlilat 1SI IN •« St* Li Trust Departme nts are at your se rvlce. ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts. 7,000 165,000 12,000 151,000 28,000 10,000 20,000 1st N., Chi.: Boatmen's N., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. W. A. Schneeberg. W. G. strohbeck .. 25,000 6,350 139,200 30,900 106,330 81,860 1,530 11,730 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; FranklinAmerican Tr. Co., St. L, H. A. Blundy_____ H. O, Cady______ Chas. F. Dugan___ J. R. Schelkopf___ 50,000 15.000 262,330 27,380 280,530 6,200 24.680 43,310 1st N. and 8tock Yds. N„ Chi.; Com'l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 100,000 27,170 276.820 128,250 186,320 243,840 59,360 42,730 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet 25,000 26,000 186,000 25,000 121,000 106,500 11,800 22,700 Peo. N„ Paducah, Ky.; 1st N„ St. L, 30,000 17,440 159,680 88,610 79,450 11,410 27,640 1st N.. Beardstown. 106,000 64,000 30,000 210,530 40,920 (Closed November 12 . 1930- O. J. Hermes. Receiver ap pointed November 22 , 1930) (Closed December 31 , 1930. Receiver ap pointed January 24, 1931) A. H. Hpin E. B. Graham_____ H. W. Holifleld.__ O. A. Butterworth K. L. Holifleld___ Meriam H. Holifleld A. T. Kerr. Ch, (.Closed December 16 , 1930. Receiver ap pointed January 7, 1931) Brownfield___ 92 Union State Bank______ 8L Pope Q 17 John Schultz, F. M. Skiles_____ R. J. Fleming____ Homer C. Cox___ First State Bank___ d®t§’20 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. 7 Schuyler H 8 $148-6% par 106 70-1190 D. A. Macauley—— O. A. Bunting____ C. C. Ruby Browns______ 302 8 Edwards N 21 46,950 $ 4.840 S 25.000 W. I. Gillham........ David P. Gill FIRST NATIONAL BANK par 100 70-1021 d©»t’09 Brim field........572 69,000 % 247,590 $ E. G. Hustedde Brighton 548 BRIGHTON STATE BANK O. C. Isenberg........ T. L. Strohbeck... R. F. Tnwsfi. 8 Macoupin L 10 $100 par 100 7 0-1020 ®tS’13 M 7,580 S 264,920 $ Principal correspondents. ____ 10,000 10,000 N. Bk. of Albion, Albion. 70-1191 First National Bank. d®«t’13 M. J. Griffith, Ch. of Bd. and Pres, par 100 70-1192 E. E. Williams___ $120-16% porlOO 70-1193 J. F. Hosier______ 3% par 100 70-1194 Buckley StateBank dB©t§’20 I. E. Merritt $130-6% 70-1195 par 100 O. E. Stine C. A. Griffith_____ Mayme Griffith ... 40,810 Cent.Han.Bk.&Tr.Co.,N.Y.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 67,260 Bk. of Calhoun Co., Hirdin; 1st N„ St.L. 25,000 26,680 221,970 Jno. J. Kinder___ P. M. Zigrang____ Geo. Gehhen 25.000 21,590 412.330 J. A. Urbain......... . L. L. Henry______ G. F. Reed_______ 25,000 7,180 80,370 10,000 76,820 17,960 7,440 M. R. Koplin.......... Leona Stroup_____ E. E. Yates 50,000 12,220 241,630 4,000 149,640 62,500 17,010 50,000 34.170 392,840 292,350 113,680 14,160 56,810 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Oo. and Stock Yds N., Ohi. 50,000 25,130 194,590 12,940 220,560 24,070 10,880 27,150 1st N. and 111. N., Springfleld. 30,000 2,170 110,930 3,370 124,840 7,980 6,990 LINDNER &B0YDEN rF. G. LINDNER-. 0. W. B0YDEN------ G. R. LINDNER—- W T. AKIN BANK ) Oldest Bank — Modern Equlpme nt and Facilities. 43,880 381,300 25,280 10,360 20,310 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet; City N„ Kankakee. 78,700 Cont. Ill.Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi. (.Prompt attentl on given all bus! ness. Collections a Specialty. (A State Bank) 8% par too 70-1196 d®«tS’02 Buffalo 411 7 Sangamon 113 Buffalo Prairie .42 7 Rock Island D7 J. A. Enos----------- J. E. McCann_____ E. L. Crane______ Farmers State Bk-__ d»t§’ll H.S. Wilpy G. P. Lester $135-6% par 100 70-1718 Pearl Y. Boruff___ F. S. Castle_______ C. S. Rnniff Buffalo Prairie State Bank W. H. Elliott, $100 par 100 70-2032 d®«t8’20 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company — Chicago 6,660 Drov. N., Chi. Where Bankers Bank 071 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bonc Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bonds Surplus Other Cash t Ex Miscel changes Paid-up D epos and and AND ,Dui Liabili Diaoounta Capital Profits its Saouritias laneous non Banxi ties 31,220 $ 57,250 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Boatmen's N„ St. L. 5,000 10,000 Cent. Ren. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Drov. N„ Chi.; 2d N„ Monmouth. 32,030 6,400 32,520 1st N.. Chi. 136,500 19,000 7,500 32,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ill. State. Quincy. 44,600 51,540 5,000 4,560 8,460 479,870 474,300 17,800 5,000 84,820 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; Com'l N., Peoria. 50,000 63,680 552,380 446,130 95,840 21,470 102,620 1st N„ Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr.Co..Peoria. CLARA KORN.—........ A. W. KUKUK 75,000 32,030 372,100 294,510 160,530 38,140 58,810 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ili.Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Peoria. Edith M. Jewell... 66,000 17,000 370,000 180,000 165,000 1,770,550 511,430 246,760 218.429 1st N. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk.' & Tr. Co., St. L. 21,200 1,609,820 292,130 79,400 365,050 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.- i 148,760 $ 200,720 S Bunker Dill...947 First National Bauk.d®»t’13 Charles E. Drew— A. S. Cuthbertson. I. E. Sanford------- W. Fahrenkrog___ $ Horace Pyle 7 0-857 8 Macoupin L 11 par 100 25,000 $ 53,830 $ 359,110 Burgess............. 124 FarmersState Bank—<§'20 J. P. McCreight ... Geo. A. Litzen$200 par 100 70-1731 7 Mercer E 8 berger 25,000 30,000 20,000 18,990 211,970 180,010 W. J. Singleton___ G. W.Singleton.__ State Bank of Burnside »225-s% 70-1198 ®t5’04 par 100 25,000 30,000 140,000 Burnt Prairie..400 Burnt Prairie State Bk.t§’05 John G. Powell___ G. E. Simpson..__ 1150-10% par 100 70-1199 8 White 019 Geo. H. Brown, Ch. 15,000 8,450 100,000 C. P. Spiker. Burlington___224 State Bank of Burlington D. C. Roach 6% par 100 70-1976 ®t§’19 7 Kane B 17 7 Hancock G 6 H C. Hattendorf.. Bushnell___ 2850 Bank of Bushnell____ BJ§’21 W- -L F11D7 7 McDonough G8 12% par 100 70-552 .. .. L. E. Brewbaker... FARMERS & MERCHANTS B. H. Alexander .. STATE BANK— d©<§T4 1200-8% par 100 70-553 .. FIRST NATIONAL BANK C. E. OBLANDER —- 0. M. McELVAIN.......... C. E. HENRY .. _____ $200-8% 70-551 d®«t'B2 par 100 Byron......... .......915 7 Ogle B14 6% par 100 70-890 ‘Cairo_____ 13,532 8 Alexander R14 CAIROALEXANDER COUNTY BANK par 100 „ „ Caledonia___300 7 Boone A16 70-173 dB®T»J§*86 FIRST BANK & TRUST COMPANY $200-12% 70-172 d®T»t§'65 par 100 Caledonia National Bank 6% par 100 70-1858 d®"t'14 D. S. LANSDEN___ C V NEFF E. G. PINK E. A. SMITH. Ch. of Exec, Com, e. M. ROCS, Ad. and V, P. Albert Clarke____ CARLTHEIS______ A. 0. HICKC0X. Cash, and Tr, Off, W. E.MULKINS M.F. O’SHEA. Aud. H. J. G0ETTEL ------- " 80,000 $ 250,000 106,110 2,153,750 250.000 101,010 1,674,190 25,000 73,680 237,310 145,000 6,950 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr, Co., St. L. 35,000 Drov. N., Chi.; Rockford N. and Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rockford. Collection Department of Cairo’s largest bank offers prompt and efficient service. Special messenger service covers the entire city daily. REEDGREEN------ g. B. HASTINGS .... H. R. AISTHORPE, H. C. STEINEL— Cash, and Sec. H.E. EMERSON C. L. KEATON u in PAnr If 11 DDAlAfN The only Cairo bank that maintains a separate Collection Department and makes a special effort in that line. We get results. Try us. J. O. Ralston _ __ J. A. Greenlee___ & Tr. Co., N. O. 12,330 117.510 14,160 88,260 60,320 4,550 50,000 14,420 450,690 14,850 361,350 75,500 36,980 56,120 15,000 14,940 37,530 14,690 10,900 1st N., Chi. 25,000 Calhoun___” 183 (Taken over by Oln ey Trust & Banking Co., Olney, III., Sep lember 6, 1930, for 8 Richland M20 Calumet City John Carroll_____ Calumet City State Bank»§’25 7 Cook C22 12.298 70-2091 d, Ind.) ng House, Hammon {Member of Hammond Cleari “ Principal Correspondents. 15,860 1st N. and Stk. Yd. N., Chi.; 2d N.. Belvidere; Rockford N., Rockford. liquidati on) First Trust & Savings Bank.. (Consolidated with Calumet City State Bank) Camargo___ 271 Camargo State Bank.dt§1900 A. A. Armstrong .. 7 Douglas 120 $200 par 100 70-1200 rJ. E. WESTERLUND- L. E.TELLEEN_____ C. H. HUNT ‘Cambridge.. 1355 FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 7 Henry E10 par 100 70-780 d®«t’81 1 Special attentl on given Bill of 1 Please send 15c with each sight dr (We pay 4% Inte rest on Time De » _____ ■« First National Bank _ Camden Kid Camden State Bank 7 Schuyler H6 $100-5% 70-1877 par 100 S. FAY RISHEL_____ LEIGH H. HUNT........ .. A. W. ALSEN 50,000 118,090 1,439,070 41,870 53,120 760.010 652,590 45,010 202,660 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Stock Yds. N.. and Drov. N., Chi.; 1st N., Peoria. 17,000 88,640 7,500 1,950 6,000 Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy; 1st N., Augusta. Lading Drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. aft for presentati on and 25c for Cred it Bepor ts. posits. (Merged with Farm ers National Bank) ivzi J. H. Race_______ M. Belle Ritchey. Roy C. Daly_____ Cyrene M. Hester. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lloyd Flanagan... and 12,000 . 1,920 72,970 Trust Company — Chicago FIVE A CORRESPONDENT 372 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. sMem.A.B.A. «New §State t Pri? :Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Cameron_____ 250 7 Warren F8 Campbell Hill.330 8 Jackson F13 Campgrove___223 7 Marshall E12 Camp Point..1000 8 Adams 15. State Bank of Cameron.tS’Ol George Bruington. 1180-8% par 100 70-1201 President. Arthur E. Gay, Ch. ofBd. and Pres. 70-817 par 100 Farmers State hank dB®+§’21 Wm Vollbracht, Ch. of Bd, and Pres, par 100 70-2007 II ,, M. W. Callahan___ 8% par 110 70-818 Campus State Bk..dB®»+§’21 L. F. Walsh.............. 7 Livingston F18 6% par 100 7 0-1204 Canton____11,718 7 Fulton Oil CANTON NATIONAL BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK 12% parlOO 70-221 d®T»t’87 $265-6%parl00 70-220 d®T»t’84 FIRST STATE BK. & TRUST CO. — 8% par 100 7 Boone A17 Ass’T Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. Resources. Liabilities Lonna Bonds Miscel Gash A ExSubplus Dhpos- Otheb Paid-up and 0Ha*«m,Dtxb and Liabili AND ITS Capital Profits Diaoounta Ssouritiss laneous FROM BaIII ties $ 50.000 $ 46,930 $ 133,260 $ 2,500 $ 176,470 $ 12,280 S 21,710 S 125,920 9,110 25,030 22,380 225,060 James P. Hickey — Emmett Hickey... 25.000 12,000 123,000 H. R. Stabler A. M. Stabler_____ 25,000 2,920 161,430 7,970 L. Nicolai...... ......... Earl C. Pierce____ Ruby G. Rainier.. Wm. Geibert M. F. Henry______ H. G. Henry ____ F. D. Thomas.......... 40.000 10,980 79,850 660 52,340 33,600 8,690 25,000 2,500 350,000 200,000 50,000 50.000 ___ 10,000 10.000 110,000 80,000 30,000 WHITEHEAD- - - - - - C. F. FOUTS. JR......... 125.000 134,380 1,207,870 109,340 515,700 753,850 130,710 176,320 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. and Peoria. 100,000 148,320 1,325,050 100,040 845,700 547,990 89,640 190,070 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.; Com’l Mereb. 100,000 102,250 1,390,570 709,130 643,930 57,800 181,960 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. &Tr.Co., Chl.; 1st N., St. L.; 1st N., Peoria. 42,030 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Drov. N„ and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. 90,650 Cont. III.. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. I. H. Hoke T. M. Walsh............ C.A. Walsh. 1,650 68,200 8,000 132,000 115,540 H. C. AHMSIHUnii Send us your Canton Collections. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS RECEIVE SPECIAL CARE. ?lease send 15c presentation fee with sight drafts; 25c for reports. B.M. CHIPERFIELD- E. F. SWEARINGEN- H. M.BARRON_ _ _ E.R. REEDER_ _ _ _ W.D.PLATTENBURG. G. W. SMI IN E. H. MERCER. Tr. Officer Ch, Established 1864—67 years of Service, vigorous Attention and Quick Returns on all Collections. (Please enclose 25c for Credit Reports or Ratings) Ch, of Bd. and Pres. 22,230 Cont.Ill. Bk. &Tr. Cc. andDrov. N.,Chi.; Peo. Tr. & Sav„ Galesburg. 41,250 1st N„ St. L. 2,770 E. A. HEALD--------H. B. HEALD------------H. U. G. 0REND0RFF. Principal Correspondents. 15.000 Matt Wright 1100 70-2052 Camp Orove State Bk._dt§'02 8% par 100 70-1203 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of thlj volume. For interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued A. E. TAFF- - - - - - - - - - - GEO. WILSON. G. W. LANE. A. Cash,, A.Sec. and A. Tr. C. H. SEATON want yours. Cash., Sec, and Tr. Modern, Progressive, Hustling for Business, we Satisfaction guaranteed. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts and Baiik Collections. 70-22 2 dB®T»tS’07 Please send, 15c with each sight draft for presentation a nd 25c for credit Capron Bank------- dB®*t§’05 O. L. Chester------- W. R. Marriott........ Jas. G. Blaine........ 6% par 100 70-1205 ri. M. ETHERT0H— - F M. HEWITT_ _ _ _ _ J. E. ETHERTON_ _ _ W. J. OTTESON-...... 20,000 Drov. N„ Ohi.; Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria, 34,360 1st N., Chi.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Quincy. 36,860 Stk. Yds. N„ Chi.; Ill. State, Quincy; Franklin-American Tr. Co., St. L. 77,500 1st N„ Chi.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ill. State, and Mtle. Tr. &Sav„ Quincy. 20,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co.,Chi.; 1st N.,Dwight. Reports 35,000 30,880 208,190 8,970 167,540 62,890 10,570 60,000 40,360 310,790 120,760 263,930 92,180 85,140 975,970 100,000 468,670 342,270 91,620 328,920 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; 1st N., St. L. 105,070 825,230 22,500 470,840 239,890 83,820 258,240 Bank of America N. A., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Ridgeiy-Far. State, Springfield. 50.000 97,180 691,840 80,460 494,450 249,600 93,090 82,340 N. City, N. Y,; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 70.000 45.65C 363,620 22,630 268,530 56,020 94,470 82,880 1st N., Chi. and St. L. 25.00C 36,800 178,630 20,130 163,520 33,850 39,950 . 23,250 Corn Belt and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Bloomington; Cent. N., Peoria. Carbondale.. .7528 CARBONDALE NAT’L BANK < We pay no atten tion to plain Sight Drafts or Credit Inquiries 25c each reque st for R eport or Rating. 8 Jackson P14 1200-10% par 100 70-881 d»t’05 J Unless 15c accom panies each draft for presentation, and (.This rule does not apply to Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash or Time Ite ms. (T. E. MITCHELL— W. A. SCHWARTZ — J. E. MITCHELL — G. N. ALBON, Jr....... W. A. SCHWARTZ. J. E. MITCHELL J Ch. of Bd. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN CARBONDALE —d®.J’93 \ Ife pay no attenti on to plain Sight Dr afts or Credit Inquir ies I Unless 15c accom panies each draft for presentation, and 25 each request for Rep 1246-20% 70-379 "------------- " mwpw™ 70-46a TJOHN C.ANDERSON RIVERSM.ANDERSON JOHN WESTERMEIER WALTER H. DEY — 100.000 < Oldest and Lar gest Bank In Ma coupln County, Collections a spe clalty. j Remit on day of payment. Y our business lnv lted. (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight ri rafts, 25c; Credit Re ports, 25c. Oarltnville National Bank Ira McCollom........ W. F. Burgdorff... F. W. Burton_____ A. L. Hoblit, Cash, and Tr, Off. 1800-20% 70-466 ®T»t'88 P. O. Landon .. •• FARMERS & MERCHjSTATE BANK_____ 70-467.. d®»t§ 04 $180-8% par 100 7 McLean G14 rH. A. STEINMEYER W. B. OTWELL_ _ _ _ J. B. DENBY.......... n. H. IQFHR E. P. FANNING < Prompt Service on Collections, J. H. GAGE ) Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. (.Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repc rt8. Farmers State Bank d®tS’03 J. E. O’Hara_________ $225-4% par 100 70-1206 8. E. Maurer_______ Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 55,510 orl or Ra ting. (.This rule does not apply to Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash or Time Itc ms. par 100 »CarlInvllle...4144 8 Macoupin E10 100,000 R. W. Vincent______ and Trust Company — Chicago RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS Town and county. ‘County Seats Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. . JMem. State B. Ass’n. d President. 8 Clinton M 13 8 White 2932 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier, J. H. Schaefer____ Theodore Zieren.. Liabilities. Loam ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and and its Capitai Profits Diaoount ties 50.00C 38.00C 898.50C * 50,000 196,88C 706.36C 30.07C 103.19C N. City, N. Y.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.;Un.Tr. Co.. E. St. L. 100.00C 32.12C 773,30C 98,560 544,66C 227.38C 98.96C 132,970 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr.Co.,St. L.; Old N„ Evansville. National Bank of Carmi W. E. Bayley, Julius C. Kern.__ H. G. Bayley.......... ,T. E. Dennis $100-10% 70-523 d®»i 19C 0 Ch. of Bd. and Pres Roy E. Pearce D. J. Hillyard par 100 40.00C 29.56C 438.51C 47,150 179,550 205,240 47.76C 122,660 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Old N., Evansville; 1st N„ St. L. WHITE COUNTY BANK 40,000 77,850 530.09C 14,360 386,720 163,550 23,440 25.000 2,730 149,990 88,580 ChaseN.,N.Y.;Cont. Ill.Bk.&Tr.Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.; Citiz. N.. Evansville. 52,250 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; City N.. Harrisburg. 25,000 9,870 209,030 25,950 100,000 99,470 974,080 3,410 976,110 10.300 66,930 123,630 Chase N., N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 106,940 1,170,040 7,000 1,048,790 89,550 62,160 183,480 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 140,660 47,100 26,500 86,140 465,420 18,900 First National Bank Fred Schlafly____ August Schlafiy.__ FIRST NATIONAL BANK T. W. Hall............... R. D. Stinson__ 70-650 70-522 *200-10% par 100 70-524 *225-12% par 295 ©T»tl9C 0 dB®»t’9 3 $ E. P. Hubele_____ F. M. Ziegler Frank E. Pomeroy. E. W. Pomeroy... J. G. Endicott___ J. G. Dagley............ W. L. Gowdy d®*{i'0 Carriers Mills 2140 Citizens Savings Bank®t§’G Thos. L. Ozment -- Geo. G. Mugge........ FreemanMotsinger H. L.Fife________ 8 Saline Q17 $100 par 70-708 100 st National Bank... dt'C H. C. Henderson.. S. W. Cape_______ Ed. Williams_____ Beatrice Ozment.. 70-707 8 Greene K 9 CARROLLTON BANK-d'iS 7 par 100 12% 70-600 •t§’5 Bank____ 70-513..........©§'0 par 100 F. A. Whiteside . W. L. Armstrong.. S. E. Pierson_____ Walter Rowatt— F. H. Washburn. . L. F. Watson 100,000 $ 178,66C $ 178.02C 1 13.10C S 24,210 101.250 _ _ George Geers Cartervtlle.__.2866 Carterville State & Savings WilliamsonPlS B. C. Hodges.......... Henry Schafer ___ O. H. Eldred______ 70-601 Greene County State Bank 8 Principal Correspondents. 20.51C $ 399,39( 70-651 dB®»t§’( 4 100 020 ‘Carrollton... 2075 __ Resources. Bonda Oabh k Ex Miscel changes and ,Du Saeuritia laneous from Banks mm 25,00( $ par 10% ‘Car ml_____ Vice-President. . ‘Carlyle_____ 2078 Farmers & Merch. Bank mm LLlflUL-l ontinue7 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. F. A. Linder A. A. Schmitz 50,000 19,070 231,980 50,000 33,300 550,480 56,000 140,000 10,350 874,770 74,980 75.11C Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.,St. L.; 1st N„ E. St. L. 23,130 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.; N. City. St. L. 86,800 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. $100 par ‘Carthage___ 2240 7 Hancock H 6 F. M. Hiller____ 70-514 *156-10% Mabel Hadfleld HANCOCK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK *125-6% 70-595 d®»{ Marine Trust Company of Carthage___________________ Cary------------- 731 7 McHenry B18 *185-10% par 100 70-1830 Casey.............. 2200 Casey National Bank.. 7 Clark K 21 B. B. James_______ 100 *200-15% par 100 70-6 1 9 E. 0. REAU6H_ _ _ _ L. C. CHERRILL-_ _ THOMAS F. DUNN— f D'. E. MACkTcX'o/ Bd. < Oldest estabils bed Bank in Han cock County. Co Uectlons 1 a specialty an d remitted on da y of payment. G eneral Banking. (.FEE IN ADVAN OE; Plain Sight Dr afts, 15c; Credit Rep oris, 25c. (.Closed December 1, 1930. Receiver app oinled December 26. 1930) C. T. Allen_______ N. B. Kerns............ Olive M. Dianis__ Wm.Wascher 25,000 27,100 246,770 W. S. Emrich_____ B, S. Ruedy_____ 25,000 47,640 407,960 25,000 10,000 50,000 Eagle State Bank____B®§’21 $125-8% par 100 7 0-618 G. F. Shimel, Ch. B. B. Sturdevant.. J. E. Walls............ G. F. Shimel_____ A. H. Lindsey___ First National Bank.d®»t'01 J. E. Turner_____ W. C. Tnrner *200-10% 70-617 A. L. Ruffner Rose Turner __ Catlln..... ........ 813 First National Bank.. d»t’04 H. E. Douglas____ I. G. Guymon_____ C. N. Michael____ 7 Vermilion J 21 10% par 100 70-1210 W. S. Keeney, Ch. Cave lu Rock ..430 Hardin County State Bank James Herrin........ W, P, Warford___ 3. C. Kerr. __ 8 Hardin Q lfi $200-15% par 100 70-1211 §'03 Centralla ...12,583 City National BankdB®*+’21 A. Rettinghouse... Louis C. Koelling.. A. J. Johnson____ 8 Marion N 15 6% 70-2040 J. E. Turner, Jr. __ IlachaelRichardson Robert Puzey C. D. Ledbetter.... Maude Kerr G. A. Sherman.... Merchants State Bank_________ (Closed December 8, 1930. Receiver appo 'ntedDecember 26,19 30) Old National Bank dB®T<’65 F. F. Noleman___ Harry Kohl______ T. G. Braden_____ W. C. Phillips, Jr,. *400-20% par 100 70-235 C. C. Davis, V. P. Otto Erbes Ralph Birge, A. C. Idalee Allmon Cerro Gordo...965 7 Piatt 117 STATE BK. OF CERRO GORDO (JOHN W. VENT, 1 Ch. of Bd. and < 70-918 $200-10% par 100 dB©*t8’94 ) Pr EARL S, GRISWOLD_ _ BERT L. CHAPMAN - 262,580 S END C S YOU B CAB THAGE 119,320 Cont. Ill. Bk. &. Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.,St. L. 141,780 Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; 111. State. Quincy. ITEM S. 138,340 109,380 26,390 25,000 149,960 183,130 14,600 157,910 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.,8t.L. 121,100 5,130 63,280 7,290 22,560 Ist-McKeen N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Terre Haute. Ind. 31,630 404,780 50,000 216,020 183,320 35,480 101,590 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 25,000 8,500 179,500 25,700 117,950 59,600 18,300 15,000 4,500 102,000 88,000 10,500 3,000 42,840 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 2d N., Dan ville. 20,000 N. City. Evansville. Ind. 100,000 30,260 711,340 105,030 470,070 203,000 113,880 159,680 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Franklin-Am. Tr* Co., St* Li. 208,850 2,493,770 80,000 651,840 1,507,160 178,150 545,480 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi. and St. L. 323,100 33,770 347,540 10,000 100,000 60,000 59,110 24,780 1st N„ Chi. 9,630 58,670 60,140 Dent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Milliken N. and N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur; 1st N., Monticello. 245,000 50,000 15,000 290,000 38,000 35,000 st N., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Drov. N„ Chi. 60,000 st N.. Joliet. Our Service will please yon. Send your Items dlrec ! to us. Unexcelled facll ties for handling 1111 of Lading Dr tfts. (^Please send 15c u> th each sight draft for presentation an i 25c for Credit Rep rrts. Chadwlek____558 Farmers State Bank C. W. Moore_____ 7 Carroll B 11 70-1047 d©»t8'0fi j. H. Dimon . V. J. Sch?e ner__ First National Bank__dil900 S.J. Campbell____ Vm. Curran........... 1. M. Kingery____ F. W. Zugschwerdt 1 *200-8% par 100 70-1046 1 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and 30,000 20,000 285,000 50,000j 38,000 300,000 Trust Company ^ Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 374 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. Champaign. 20.348 7 Champaign H19 •Mem.A.B.A. ”New §StatetFriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%I)iv. ’CHAMPAIGN NATIONAL BANK 20% par 100 70-196 M 1 F. S. BAILEY-.......... J. W. STIPES............. J. H. SNIDER---------“A Roll of Honor Bank” CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT AND PERSONAL SERVICE Collections Given Special Attention. 44 70-199 44 44 .. .. .. # 50,000 $ 191,700 SI 302 500 S 45,000 $ 253,730 $ 733,670 $ Principal Correspondents. 46,330 $ 555,460 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. H 8 GAPRON G.D. THOMPSON____ F. W. BECK________ F. H. BARTON. And. H. G. MOORE B. B. HARRIS J. A. BURKE. A. V. P. C. M. CALVERT, T. J. KNOTT M P linDTHM A F P Mnr Tien* EOR MORE TIIAN 65 YEARS UNDER THE CONTINUOUS MANAGEMENT OF THE HARRIS FAMILY. 15c for sight drafts—25c for credit reports. 50,000 5,000 Chi. N M HARRIS dB3>t'85 CROSS R. MATTIS— J. H. TREVETT_____ W.P. SPALDING____ L. F. THEY---------E. B. ROGERS, Sec. ’TREVETT-MATTIS BANKING Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonda Miscel- Gam k Ex ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and change*,Due and its Capital Profits Diaoounta flacuritias prom Banks TIES dB®»t’87 ’FIRST NATIONAL BANK 70-195 4k Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. ♦Commercial Bank___•tS'GQ Geo. W. Busey___ M. W. Busey.......... J. C. Somers______ Thoi. A. Hagan___ P. G. Busey 70-197 .. •* Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued < We make a spec laity of highest g J Prompt attenti on given all colle CORRESPOND V. Please send 15c tc» th Sight Draft for pr CO. d®*t§'61 100,000 3,179,280 1.995,750 291,670 1,153,680 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. 300,000 178,120 6,042,190 100.000 121,670 964,890 624,480 139,700 49,480 372,900 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi. and St. L. 50,000 16,550 554,480 267,760 75,710 27,730 249,830 Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk.A Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Chi.; Citiz. State, Champaign. 11,300 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N„ Chi.: Rochelle N., Rochelle. 43,170 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 260,340 1st N., Chi.; Franklin Am. Tr. Co., St. L. rade First Mortga ge Farm Loans. ctlons. ENCE INVITED. esentation and 25c for Credit Reports. ♦University State Bank B. E. Spalding____ O. A. Harker_____ W. B. Hayes_____ F. Pearl Garver.. *135-5% 70-1970 dB®*t§'19 F. L. Zell par 100 Champaign & Urban a C. F. Loeb_____ _ J. C. Somers............ John Burke, Sec. .. B. E. Spalding, Tr. Clearing House (Members indicated by ♦) N. L. ROGERS AND CO. INC.- / Stocks and Bon ds_______________ H. C. WHITE. Mgr... (623hi E. Green St.) \Telephone Num ber3937. Ghana ......... 147 7 Ogle B14 Chapin ... Knn 8 Morgan 18 Chana Banking Co..........|§’13 5% 70-1819 Chapin State Bank____ t§'92 *225-14% par 100 70-1214 Tne National Trust Bank W. H. Drewel____ $200-10% 70-358 dB®Tt’19 L. C. Lord, Ch. 7 Coles J19 par 100 Chatham .. .883 Caldwell State Bank___t§'96 A. B. Moore_______ 70-1215 7 Sangamon J12 C. D. Dailey______ W. S. Grant............ VV. Alan Grant___ 25.000 7.950 92,140 6,000 103,760 14,530 1,500 T. U. Markham___ F. W. Schultii ___ 25.000 38,450 200,190 22,250 155,010 72,330 15,390 F. W. Claar_______ S. H. Simmons___ M. F. Rominger J. W. Gannaway, Frank Popham Tr. Off. J. W. Gannaway T. J. Gorey______ G. Pereboom_____ Aletha G. Smith... 200.000 63,700 1,544,500 269,820 1,258,220 441,740 117,720 161,580 20,100 8,280 282,640 125,580 34,390 10,620 Frank H. Herr___ Mary M. Herr.— E. B. Herr________ Chatsworth 981 7 Livingston G18 Cbenoa______ 1325 7 McLean G16 Cherry . RSfi 7 Bureau D14 Cherry Valley .587 7 Winnebago B16 Citizens Bank______d®t§’03 70-831 State Bank of Chenca d»J8’92 70-771 State Bank of Cherry©»t§'06 *115-10% 70-1217 Cherry Valley State Bank *200-10% 70-1218 dB®*tS’10 par 100 ^Chester_____ 3922 Bank of Chester-----d®»tS 75 70-527 8 Randolph P12 *200-12% Buena Vista State Bank *200-8% 70-529 d®»t§’21 par 100 .. .. First State Bank___ ®«t§’97 $210-12% par 100 70-528 A. D. Jordan L. L. Silliman ___ _ . M, H. Flaherty.__ Chas. L. Connolly. ___ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 184,180 40,000 11,970 35,380 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.: Ill.N. and 1st N.. springQeld; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 134,930 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 12,210 513,370 30,000 74,920 757,460 7,000 554,890 144,520 25,000 12,850 323.310 10,000 127.840 192.680 3,020 25,000 34,110 240,680 460 161,350 70,920 11,480 56,510 1st N. and Drovers N., Chi.; 3d N., Rock ford. 56,720 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Tr. Co..Chi.: Boatmens N., St. L. 60,150 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. F. R. Abbott J, O. McNelly____ 25,000 22,590 388,610 1,500 273,950 91,570 15,460 Geo. Hoffman____ J. S. Morrison____ L. Kuhrtz_______ C. F. Buhrmester. D. H. Holman Emma Decker,A.C. J. L. Montroy 25.000 19,890 443,220 470 303,050 105.380 20,000 Jno. A. Short____ D. H. Holman____ C. R. Torrence.__ E. C. Richter____ J. S. Morrison 50,000 40,000 700,000 350,000 275,000 50,000 25.000 16,290 170,230 119,530 46,430 17,030 40,000 19,090 129,460 126,630 27.990 9,700 Chesterfield .325 Chesterfield State Bank F. B. Leach_______ J. S. Hounsley— F. W. Cundall____ J. H. Parker 8 Macoupin E10 $185-10% 70-1219 ®»t§’98 par 100 Chestnut _?fin Bank of Chestnut____diS’21 M. Leimbach_____ J. L. William*........ W. G. Smith E. Kretzineer. . *160-8% 70-1220 7 Logan 114 par 100 1 16,160 VVm.R. Zorn Frank W. Howe... R. F. Lee................. Helen L. Kehoe... I. C. Beare_______ C. G. Randall 25.000 159,360 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N., Peoria: 1st N., Bloomington. 47,610 1st N., Chi. 115,000 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; IstN.. St. L. 28,530 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr., Alton. 24,100 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Lin. N., Lin. Central Republic Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AND TRUST COMPANY Capital, S urplus and Undivided Profits $28,000,000.00 ♦ INVITES CHICAGO YOUR ACCOUNT ♦ 208 South La Salle Street CHICAGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. S. Pratt & Sons, me-Specialists in Government Bonds WASHINGTON, D. C. See Back of Washington, D. C. Map n o w o w i> H w a A REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF CHICAGO’S LEADING INVESTMENT DEALERS Advertising in the Rand M9Nally Bankers Directory > “The Bankers Blue Book” A. C. Allyn & Co. Babcock, Rushton & Co. J. S. Bache & Co. Bacon, Whipple & Co. Baer, Eisendrath & Co. Baker, Fentress & Co. Bankers Trust Co. of N. Y. Bartlett & Gordon, Inc. Bartlett, Knight & Co. A. G. Becker & Co. Knight Blanchard & Co. Blyth & Co. Bond & Mortgage Co. Braun, Bosworth & Co. Brokaw & Co. John Burnham & Co., Inc. George H. Burr & Co. H. M. Byllesby & Co., Inc. Cammack, Clark & Co., Inc. Central-Illinois Co. P. W. Chapman & Co., Inc. Ralph Chapman & Co. T. L. Chapman & Co. Chatham Phenix Corp. Gerald R. Child & Co. Cochran & McCluer Co. Cody Trust Co. Commercial Credit Trust Continental Illinois Co. Crowley, Doherty & Co. Earl I. Custin & Co. Dangler, Lapham & Co. Paul H. Davis & Co. Dawes & Co. Dillon Read & Co. Paul C. Dodge & Co., Inc. Henry L. Doherty & Co. Eastman, Dillon & Co. Emery, Peck, Rockwood Co. Farnum, Winter & Co. Fidelity Bond & Mortgage Co. Field, Glore & Co. First Guardian Co. First Investors Co. of Ill. First National Old Colony Corp. First Wisconsin Co. Folds, Buck & Co. George M. Forman & Co. Porter Fox & Co. Walter Freeman & Co. Gatzert Company Greenebaum Sons Investment Co. Guaranty Co. of New York Guardian Detroit Co., Inc. Haines, Spencer & Chancellor Hale Waters & Co. Hallgarten Sz Co. Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. Hanchett Bond Co. Harris, Upham Sz Co. More Banks and Security Dealers advertise in the Bankers Blue Book than in any other publication of any kind and their advertisements reach a larger audience than that afforded by all similar publications combined. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SINCE 1872 Hathaway Sz Co. William C. Heinemann Sz Co. Heitman Trust Co. Hibernia Securities Co., Inc. Hickey, Doyle & Co. Hill, Joiner Sz Co., Inc. Hoaglund, Allum & Co., Inc. Hornblower & Weeks Huszagh, Musson Sz Co. Industrial Acceptance Corp. Jackson Bros., Boesel Sz Co. Frazier Jelke Sz Co. F. B. Keech Sz Co. Kent, Grace Sz Co. F. N. Kneeland Sz Co. Krenn Sz Dato, Inc. Jacob Kulp Sz Co. Lackner, Butz 8z Co., Inc. Lambom, Hutchings Sz Co. Lamson Brothers Sz Co. Lane, Roloson Sz Co., Inc. A. B. Leach Sz Co. Lee, Higginson Sz Co. E. Sz S. Loewentsein Mallard Sz Co. Manning Sz Co. Matthews Sz Lewis Co. H. H. Maynard Sz Co. McGowen, Cassady Sz White, Inc. C. W. McNear 8z Co. Merch. Sz Manufacturers Securities Co. Mitchell, Hutchins 8z Co. F. S. Moseley 8z Co. Leon C. Murdock Sz Co., Inc. National City Company E. Naumberg Sz Co. Nelson Brothers Bond Sz Mtge. Co. John Nuveen Sz Co. Ohrstrom, G. L. Sz Co. Old National Corp. James H. Oliphant Sz Co. Otte 8z Company Paine, Webber Sz Co. Peabody Sz Co. Pearsons-Taft Co. Peoples Securities Co. Alger Perrill Sz Co. E. A. Pierce Sz Co. R. E. Prochnow Sz Co., Inc. Prudential Company Lawrence Regan 8z Co. Remer, Mitchell Sz Reitzel, Inc. Rogers Sz Tracy, Inc. E. H. Rollins Sz Sons Salomon Bros., Sz Hutzler Schimberg, Trahan Sz Co., Inc. C. L. Schmidt Sz Co., Inc. Seasongood Sz Mayer Seavems Sz Co. Shawmut Corp. of Boston Sherritt 8z Co. Smith Bros., Rogers Sz Co. Smith, Burris Sz Co. H. Smith Sz Co. H. C. Speer Sz Sons Co. Stansbury Sz Co. Lawrence Stem Sz Co. Stone Sz Webster and Blodget, Inc. Stranahan, Harris Sz Co., Inc. Straus Brothers Investment Co. Studebaker Securities Co. Sutro Bros. 8z Co. Swift, Langill Sz Henke Thompson, G. W. Sz Co. Averill Tilden Sz Co. Spencer Trask Sz Co. Troy, Graham 8z Co., Inc. Utility Bond 8z Share Co. Utility Securities Co. G. Stuart Watson, Inc. Harry C. Watts Sz Co. White Phillips Co. Whiting Sz Co. R. E. Wilsey Sz Co., Inc. Winthrop, Mitchell 8z Co. Wollenberger 8z Co. Woods Bros. Sz Co. Frank G. Wright Sz Co. F. M. Zeiler Sz Co. 8,000 Advertisers in every edition. This number of adver tisers alone exceeds the paid circulation of any similar directory. In every section of the country The Blue Book leads in Prestige, Circulation and Advertising and is increasing its lead each year. ■THE STANDARD FINANCIAL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD Official Numbering Agent for the American Bankers’ Association Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 07Q eMem.A.B.A.T‘New§StatetPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. bo ♦Fed. Kes. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond O d-SafeDep.®Sa?.$LastSale%Div. CHICAGO—Central Reserve City + Alliance NationalBank 2-326 dB®*’21 1235-12% (1604 W. Chicago Ave.) President. CASHIER. Vice-President. (Closed May L. S. C. F. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Surplus and Profits Total Deposits R. Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. 666.210 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 26,750 816,720 470,060 25,810 473,790 Irv. Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Cent. Rep. Tr. Co. of 111. and Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 1,650,120 1,038,660 641,020 1,736,550 172,930 586,070 N. City and Gty.Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N. and Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi. 2,238,100 184,870 1,355,490 994,480 97,970 200.000 189,430 1,370,200 Adams------Kauuba 200.000 247,780 ----------- H. J. SANDERS------- 200,000 159,280 A. M. Y. P. Ch. of. Bd. Samuel Levin, Ch. Chas. H. Burr Win. A. Cunnea Walter T. Fisher Sidney Hillman Asst, Vice-Preeitlent •% par 100 2-840 dB®T«t§'22 (111 W. Jackson Bird.) (CHICAGO'S LABOR BANK.) American Bank & Trust Co.__ (Consolidated with Armitage State Ban k August 21, 1930 1100 w hich closed June 9, AmericanTr.A Saf eDePosit Co L. A. Bowman, H. A. Moore, Tr.__ K. W. Moore. Sec.. -10% por 100 2-72 dTS’10 C. B. Moore. V. P. V. P. and Tr. Off. G. H. Nauman, (127 N. Dearborn) A. Sec. 9, 1931 . Receiver appointe d July 7,120 174,660 $ 9, 1931 Austin National Bank________ (Closed March 30, . Receiver appointe d July 1931. Frank Rosenblum Joseph Schlossberg Stephen Skala B. M. Squires Leo Wolman 1931) 1.000,000 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and Bos. 425,260 ( Trust an d Vault B usiness on lv) 250.000 145,970 726,220 101,040 436,860 452,560 209,760 124,060 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., N. and Calumet N., Chi. 500,000 298,330 4,428,260 94.250 3,128,220 1.073.450 308.870 810,290 Chase N.. N. Y.: lit N. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi. 300,000 157,340 1,285,120 9,930 16,120 1,444,110 56,840 235,330 Banco di Napoli Tr. Co., N. Y ; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Banco di Napoli, Naples, Italy. 10, 1931) Liquidating) +AUSTIN STATE BANK (P. D.Oaitle___ H. M. Gardner_____ 2-112 dB®T»tl'81 ) C. 8. Castle, Ch. G. H. Tyrell. Sec. and Tr. Off. (5645 W. Lake St-> Coldest banh WEST or THE L Banco di Napoli Trust Co. Eduardo Maglione, Alfredo Barretta.. par 150 2-298 dB®T»t§’30 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. (906-910 So. Halsted St.) *250-12% par 100 L. D. Castle_____ W. A. Gilmore .... F. S. Bates, Frank J. Young Mgr. R. E. Ln, Dept. W. D. Joslyn. Aud. 0or Egidio d'Eustachio Salvatore Lubrano. D. F. Volini (Formerly Banco di Napoli) *BANK0F M0NTREAL-®»:i817 2-8 (27 So. La Salle) Mgr. *265-12% and 2% bonus par 100 36,000.000 39,078,800 C. T. Aulph, + Bank of Nova 8cotia--.*J§’32 W. H. Davies. Mgr. P. R. Chapman. 2-61 Aest. Mgr. (106 W Monroe) Belmont-SheffleldTr.&Sav.Bk. J. H. Johnson___ C. J. Schwarting.. E. M. Anderson, Roy Segersten__ *100 2-397 ®«5'27 V, P. and Cash. .... - -• Geo. F. Anderson (1005 Belmont Ave.) H. B. Horton_ (Branch 0/ Montr eal, Cana da)____ Bk. of Montreal and N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N.. Bos.; Bk. of Montreal. San. F. (General Managers Office,To ronto. Out I A. Mgr. 12,000,000 24,000,000 200,000 51,760 536,860 44,240 353,990 289,040 65,410 124,420 Bk. of N.Y. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Merch. N.. Bos.: Phil. N., Phil.: 1st Seattle Dexter Horton N.. Seattle. Chase N.. N.Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 100,000 79,270 736,900 8,350 429,500 154,140 66,340 274,540 N. City, N. Y.; Pullman Tr. & Sav.. Chi. (Reserve Fund) *310-16% par 100 + Beverly State Savings Bank John W. Casey *160-6% par 100 2-854 d®»t§’25 (1357 W. 103rd St.) lilKAtTUBS: Murray B. Karmen 'N- A. D. Marlmpletrl Harry A. MIUIs Jacob S. Potofsky Sidney Rlssman 334,320 Amalgamated Bk. of N. Y. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 10, 1931) + Ashland State Bank M. O. Zacharias ... Leon rd Ratkowski E. E. Placzek____ F. E. Rutkowskl.. *125-6% par 100 2-318 dB®»S’21 John P. Bonk Frank X. Pelka (1800 So. Ashland Ave.) O. Szczepkowski Auburn Park Trust & Sav. Bk.. (Closed June Discounts i Miscml* BONDS Cash k ExCHAIf<9ia,Dcl AND SaODBITIEB Resources from Baku 679,230 J 235,000 $ 1,580,990 s F. Crowley ___ M.B. (Closed June TIBS Loans 503,010 S 200.000 S $ Other 13, 193 1) Mallek.____ 0. F. Smith.. Smith, Ch. F. J. Burns ___ "AMALGAMATED TR. SAMUELKARMAN_ LEVIN. iB"L S. JESMER & SAVINGS BANK DUANE SWIFT. Armitage State Bank____ Resources. Liabilities. + Adams State Bank..dB®§’13 H. F. Tykal_____ Norbert F. Kochka Norbert F. Kochka John A. Bily____ *285-8% ♦ 2-213 John W.Jedlan.CT*. John J. Kucera par 100 f3951 W. 28th St.) F. H. Bicek, V. Ch. R. H. Fel>) +AETNA STATE BANK James Maltman__ David S. Davis_____ Geo. T. Jengel, 1220-8% 2-250 d®T«tl’13 Cash, and Sec. T. G. Beam par 100 H.J.Weber. A. Sec. W. E. Erickson (2375 Lincoln Ave.) and Mgr. R. E. L.De pt. Albany Park National Bank & Tr. Co.................................. (Cook County, C22) County Seat, Population 3,376,438 (federal Reserve City No. 1) John W. Sesrer__ Eunice H. Short__ "BOULEVARD 544,200 11,221,290 333,440 7,895.070 1,859,490 500,000 226,300 2,618,070 Guaranty Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; let N. J. Be F. RICHARDS— GEORGE MCHENRY - J. LEO LUDWIG -— LOUIS SCHAEFER. , Chi.; Merch. N., Ced. R. JOHN F. HABEY. JAMES A. DONOVAN. A. Cash. and Aud% Ch. of Bd, Mgr.. Bond Dept. CHARLESM. REDMON. DXRICTORS) BRIDGE BANK A. Vice Presidents M, Bus, Ext, Dept. John F. Hager, Ch. Peter 1. Kroehler Nathan W. MaeChesney D. STEELE. CHARLES F. MEYER. OLIVER Gilbert Scribner Wm, Wrtgley. Jr. Taylor Strawn *450-8% pP/in 2-^dB®T*ti’21 A. V. P. and Tr, Off, Mgr. Service Dept. (400 No. Mich. Ave.) Robert W. Stewart Janies C. Cox John D Blaek HHWT HUGH M. DRISCOLL (Closed April 16, 1931. Receiver app ointed May 26, CHICAGO BANK STOCKS Arthur Dole, Jr. Henry T. Stanton J. De Forest Richards 1931) BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED MEMBERS CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE —MEMBERS CHICAGO CURB EXCHANGE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis James R. Offleld ReyD.Keehn Wm. T. Beatty Otte *v €0 Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Wabash 3650 CHICAGO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under tbe authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 380 BOWMANVILLE NATIONAL BANK par 100 2-223 dB®»t’12 (4806 N. Western Ave.) 1380-9% (Federal Reserve City No. 7) President. E. M. HEiBKAMF— Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. R. N. BALLOU.............. ELMER A. SUGKOW- WM. D. S0LT................ J.P. O'SHAUGHNESSY M. 0. JONES GEORGE HEIDKAMP W. J. FELOMANN THE BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT. . $ 300,000 $ 123,170 $4,115,770 + Broadway Tr. & Savings Bk, Arthur G. Strass- Wm. G. Wise------- P. F. Scheppers, Wm. H. Hughes... 2-332 d®t§’21 V. P. and Cash. Clarence L. Jensen heim 0. F. Pogge (Broadway and Clark) Henry Strassheim. Ch.o/Bd. dB®T»t’S Miscbl- LANIOUB Discounts Securities Resources Cash & Exchamois,Dm from Banks Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Bks. by + Principal Correspondents. N. City, N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 270,190 $2,362,250 $ 1,445,300 $ 204,570 $ 707,1 103,550 N. City. N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi. 47,070 85,480 230,150 620,580 214,780 123,790 200.000 77,000 793,100 3,160 407,380 386,910 44,540 234,430 Chase N., N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. (Closed June 9, 1931 . Receiver appointe d July 10, 1931) Burnside Trust & Savings Bk. par 100 2-375 d®*§’25 N. W. Wiersema, G. Yonker (9300 Cottage Grove Ave.) Ch. 2-105 and 200,000 ' Builders & Merck. Bk. & Tr. Co. {Closed April 13, 19 31. Receiver appoin led May 1, 1931) 1200-9% Bonds and {Merged with Devon Trust <fc Savings B ank, February 24, 19 31) 1125-6% par 100 CALUMET NATIONAL BANK $ Loans Receiver appointe d July 10. 1931) Brighton Park State Bank Leon A. Wachowski X.A. Czonstka.__ Albert V. Tenczar. John L. Hopcia___ 8% par 100 2-343 dB®t§’22 Wm.H.Schmidt.C7i. Wm. H. Schmidt L. J. Dobrowolski (4363-65 Archer Ave.) Bryn Mawr State Bank. Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Liabili Capital Profits Deposits ties We specialize on Bill of Lading Collections. Brainerd State Bank________ (Closed June 9, 1931 Broadway National Bank. Resources. Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.»New SStatetPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City James De Haan___ Thomas J. Daley.. Fred R. Denlar___ Emil G. Seip, C. D. Masters, Ch. of Bd, and Pres. V. P. and Tr. Off. E. K. Engel. A, C. and Sec. F. A. Tinkham 100.000 26,070 318,430 500 293,300 54,740 11,280 85,700 Chase N.. N. Y,: Wiersema State and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 400.000 255,070 3,337,420 364,710 2,010,460 1,649,800 49,770 647,170 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co. and J. H. SchroederTr. Co., N. Y.; 1 st N., Chi.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 600.000 951,850 8,016,710 434,990 6,885,310 713,810 868,150 par loo (9047 Commercial Ave.) + CENTRAL MANUFACTURING DISTRICT BANK WM. N. JARNAGIN- H. E. P0R0NT0 DAVID E. FRANK L. WEBB shanahan, Ch. of Bd. F. C. H0EBEL, Assi. V. P, (A State Bank) dB®T*tS'12 2-215 1300-10% par (1110 W. 35th St.) 100 WALTER R. J. R. R0LLEY.......... COSTELLO S. M. GOLDBERG GEARY V.STIBGEN* Tr. Officer THOMAS KEKICH, A. Cash, and Aud. W.A. O’BRIEN. A. Tr.Officer H. P. JOHNSTON 1,566,280 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. In the Manufacturing Center of Chicago. Where Industry and Commerce Meet and Grow Central Trust Co. of Illinois.. See listing under C entral Republic Ba nk and Trust Co. n ©TTE & CO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Board of Trade Bldg. WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW SENT ON REQUEST Telephone Wabash 3650 INDIVIDUAL COLLATERAL LOANS—BROKERS LOANS CHICAGO Members Chicago Stock Exchange - - Members Chicago Curb Exchange Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Completely equipped to meet the varied financial and trust requirements of banks, corpora tions, firms and individuals* THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus - $9,000,000 DIRECTORS A. WATSON ARMOUR SEWELL L. AVERY ALBERT B. DICK, Jr. deforest hulburd JOHN T. PIRIE - - - • - - - - Director, Armour &. - - President, U. S. Gypsum - - Vice-President, A. B. Dick President, Elgin National Watch Carson, Pirie, Scott <Sc SOLOMON A. SMITH President, Joseph T. Ryerson &. Son, Inc. EDWARD L. RYERSON, Jr. Company MARTIN A. RYERSON Company - - - President, Illinois Tool Works HAROLD C. SMITH - Company WALTER BYRON SMITH Company - President, The Quaker Oats Company JOHN STUART - - - President, Sprague, Warner &. Company EZRA J. WARNER Company President, The Northern Trust Company - NORTHWEST CORNER LA SALLE AND MONROE STREETS - CHICAGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A Nation-V(/ide Investment Organization Central Republic Company Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 134 South La Salle Street CHICAGO INVESTMENT AFFILIATE CENTRAL REPUBLIC BANK AND TRUST COMPANY mmmmm Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given OOC to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. ”New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. (Federal Reserve City No. 7) of officers Paid-up Capital CHARLES G. DAWES — Honorary Chairman of the Board Surplus and Profits JOHN A. LYNCH ♦ 2-10 HdB®T#t§'02 M. E.GREENEBAUM Vice-Chairman of the Board Vice-Chairman of the Board South La Salle Street Trust Powers Checking-Savings Division Vice-Chairman of the Board A. R. FLOREEN Vice-President Vice-Presidents ROBERT S. BEATTY ALFRED BRITTAIN, JR. G. J. CHARTIER C. B. FREEMAN M. L. GREELEY. JR. B. A. MATTINGLY ROBERT R. MENTZ THOMAS C. NEAL STUART H. OTIS DAVID M.SWEET E. B. TILTON B. ULRICH WALTER H. WILSON Assistant Vice-Presidents M. A. OLSON H. W. SCHIMMELPFENG W. A. SILLS T. G. WILSON Vice-President GEORGE D. BUSHNELL OPERATING DEPARTMENT C. C. HAFFNER, JR. Vice-President Vice-President and Cashier Assistant Cashiers EDWARD P. VOLLERTSEN Secretary WILLIAM W. H1NSHAW, JR. Asst. Vice-Presidents LESLIE B. MCMAHON WALTER R. WERNER HILAND B. NOYES Asst. Comptrollers July 2S, 1931.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WILLIAM E. HARRISON G. M. MAHER Auditor P. J. DREXLER Asst. Auditor G. HENRY OLSON WILLIAM A. ANDRESEN H. M. BATSON RALPH S. CHANDLER A. M. HAWKINS HENRY S. IRRMANN WILLIAM J. KELLOUGH LOUIS M. MIELENZ LAWRENCE L. MURPHY GEORGE F. RETTIG E. S. SACKRISON M. E. SHANAHAN MELVIN C. SMECK N. H. WENDELL. JR. Chicago Clearing House Ass’n members shown by* Affiliated Banks by + DOMESTIC CORRESPONDENTS Vice-President NEW YORK First National Bank Chase National Bank National City Bank Guaranty Trust Company Central Hanover Bank & Trust Company Bankers Trust Company Irving Trust Co. Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. Bank of America N. A. WILLIAM G. EDENS Assistant Cashiers RICHARD W. BrATTON HOWARD M?D0N0VAN J-A-M0UT0R BOSTON First National Bank Atlantic National Bank ROBERT C. WALLACE TRUST DEPARTMENT ARTHUR T. LEONARD Vice-Presidents ARTHURJ.BAER WILFRED L. BURGESS H. . . . . W. . . . . .HAWK . . . YKINS J. A. McCOF JRMICK W. K. OTIS Vice-President Personal Trust Officers HAROLD J. CLARK FRANK R.CURDA ROY K. THOMAS GUSTAVE WITTMEYER Asst. Personal Trust Officers Corporate Trust Officer G. R. HELFFRICH 0. C. BARTON W. E. BRAY CHARLESJ. GREENEBAUM R. EMMETT HANLEY CHARLES M. HORTH GLEN M. JOHNSON J. H. RADFORD Asst. Corporate Trust Officers W. T. ANDERSON J.S. CROSSLEY BENJAMIN V. HALSTEAD PAULE. HANSON WALTER E. TOON C. A. TREADWELL ST. LOUIS Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co. Mississippi Valley Trust Company PHILADELPHIA Market Street National Bank Tradesmens National Bank & Trust Company Philadelphia National Bank PITTSBURGH Bank of Pittsburgh N. A. Mellon National Bank REAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENT Vice-President Assistant Vice-President Comptroller (Consolidation of Central Trust Company of Illinois, The National Bank of the Republic'of Chicago and its affiliate Chicago Trust Co. W.IRVING BULLARD Vice-President WILLIAM H. MILLER HARRY R. DREW M EM BERS American Bankers Assn. Illinois Bankers Assn. Investment Bankers Assn. Member, Federal Reserve Bank, Chicago. Chicago Clearing House Assn. L. M. CORRIGAN, Manager WALTER S. HULTGREN, Asst. Mgr. PAUL FOERSTER, JR.,^ Assistant Vice-Presidents BANKING DEPARTMENT Loan Administration Division Banks and Bankers Division CABLE ADDRESS— “CENTRUST CHICAGO” Savings Division J. A. DATILLO. Manager FRANK J. ITZEL. Asst. Mgr. ROBERT D. WEST, Asst. Mgr. BUSINESS EXTENSION DEPARTMENT WARD C. CASTLE J. E. LINDQUIST Assistant Vice-Presidents 208 JOHN W. O’LEARY EDWIN L. WAGNER General Vice-Presidents HOWARD S. CAMP K. K. DUVALL REUBEN B. FUESSLE T. H. GOLIGHTLY F. J. GREENEBAUM J. E. GREENEBAUM HARRY A. McCREIGHT CHARLES S. MACFERRAN Cash * Ixcharow.Du* from Baku Vice-President Vice-President LUCIUS TETER Vice-Presidents Bonds and HARRY R. MOORE Co-Chairmen of the Board Vice-Chairman Executive Committee WILLIAM R. DAWES AARON COLNON ties Miscel laneous and Discounts SacuBrriBs Resources Loans SAVINGS DEPARTMENT JOSEPH E. OTIS DAVID R. FORGAN President HUGO E. OTTE Deposits Other Liabili OFFICERS (Continued) PHILIP R. CLARKE Chairman Executive Committee Total Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $28,000,000 OFFICERS CENTRAL REPUBLIC BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Resources. Liabilities. List Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City C. S. TUTTLE Vice-Presidents ROBERT F. WINGARD W. 6* STURM HOWARD H. HILTON Vice-President Asst. Vice-President & Mgr. ERNEST G. SUNDIN Asst. Mars HENRY F. FISHER ROBERT E. O'OEA ROY L. WAKEFIELD Asst. Vice-President DAVID GLADISH FOREIGN DEPARTMENT Asst. Vice-President Manager MELVILLE S. NEWCOMB GEORGE DOONAN SAN FRANCISCO American Trust Company Bank of America National Trust & Savings Association Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust Company LOS ANGELES Security First National Bank THE CHICAGO SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Manager H. W. LLOYD (208 S. La Salle Street) Asst. Manager B. HINDAHL REPUBLIC SAFE DEPOSIT CO. M anager NEW ORLEANS Hibernia Bank & Trust Company (184 S. La Salle Street) D. L. OLSEN EASTERN REPRESENTATIVE (20 Pine St. New York City) GEORGE J. SMITH CORRESPONDENTS IN ALL PRINCIPAL FOREIGN CITIES Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 386 •Mem. A.B. A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Resources. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Ass’t Cashier. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Other Paid-up Surplus Total Liabili and Capital Profits Deposits ties Chatfleld Trust & Savings Bk. A. W. Tobias_____ A. H. Meyer______ S. 8. Boberg_____ J. C. Just________ $ S. H. Taulbee *142.50 par 100 2-385 dB®«§’26 R. E. Evans (7936 Cottage Grove Av.) 200,000 $ 47,010 $ (Incl. Reserve) 938,430 Loans AND Bonds AND Mibcxl- cash a e* LANIOUS chanq*b,Doe Discounts Sbcubities Resources Baum 380 $ 691,930 $ 258,080 S 56,030 I 29,430 Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. 179,770 N. City. N. Y.; Cont, Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Woodlawn Tr, & Sav.. Chi. (Closed June 9, 193 1, Receiver appointe d July 10, 1931) Chatham. State Bank .. Cheltenham Trust & Savings Bk. (Closed June 6, 1931 . Receiver appointed June 23. 1931) CHICAGO BANK OF COMMERCE par 50 (7 LPHUNDSTROM L NDSTR0M--E.E.A.A. SCHROEDER — PHILIP WEINHEIMERH. S. HENSCHEN- - - - - ADOLPH E. A . SCHROEDER T. H. JENKINS. _ Q. W. REESE „ „ ANO _C._ _LETTS A. Tr. Off. 0. J. JORGENSEN DELAN_ __ H. G. TOWNSEND G. W. SPRINGER 2-84 dB®T»t§’30 F. S. POPE S. Dearborn) 'CHICAGO CITY BANK & TRUST COMPANY (Halsted at 63rd St.) *311-12% par 100 2-116 dB®T*tf 98 FRANK C. RATHJE— H.F. JAEGER ----- FRANK A. PUTNAM., ICAR F. NOREN_ _ V. P. and Cash, ROBERT ANDERSON kTAX GOLDMAN HENRY E™WWBLAD, FRED C. RATHJE, Aud. OTTO J. MEIER. T. CARLSON WM. G._DONNE* _ W. C._FAHSJENDER. .BURKE Mgr.New Bus. Dept. A. Vice-Presidents |J. W. CARLSON M • W. RATH JE. rr.Ojf. EDWARD J. GASEY V.E.YTTERBERG. Sec. HUHF*' Chicago Joint Stock Land Bank J. B. Gallagher____ G. C. Williams.— G. C. Williams. Tr. O. N. Hoel, Sec. 2-74 ( 208 S. La Salle) t’17 May Stinson,^.S«e. R. J. Lindquist, O.N.Hoel par 100 Aud. Chicago Lawn State Bank. HERBERT BECKER— K. E. RICE J. F. GRAF ABEL DAVIS. E. HACKETT Ch. of Bd. M. C. M. DURKIN H.D.PETTIBONE, Pres. A. Tr. Officers C.R. DAVIS JUSTIN M. DALL. K. C. BROWN V. Ch. of Bd. and R. L. BURCH. JR. V. P. CHAS. CARROLL H. W.COOLEY •TS’01 B0NALD RILEY. Ch. Exec. Comm. CHICAGO TITLE & TRUST COMPANY par 100 (69 W. Washington) V.P. and Tr. Off. CHAS. L. BARTLETT. P. A. PAULSON V. P. and Adv. KARL H. VELDE Counsel W.P. WISEMAN H.G. ZIMMERMAN Otte & Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 809,070 5,026,840 378,990 5,533,910 877,020 1.600,000 2.080,750 9,834,770 365,980 .308,710 1,732,960 1,274.540 Guaranty Trust Co.__________________ New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co,.Chicago Philadelphia National Bank______Philadelphia 1,094,470 4,751,360 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Harris Tr. & Sav. Bk., and Stock Yds. N., Chi. "Th* Bank where Knowl edge, Servic e and Cou rtesy go Ha nd in Hand" 4.000.000 242,190 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ia.-Des M. N„ Des M. 46.326.760 41,461,030 1,449,420 5,420,950 Deficit, $1 .753,160 (Territory of Illinoi s and low a) (Closed June 9, 193 1, Receiver appointe d July 10, 1931) H. B. RILEY* *607-16% 1,500,000 F. G. GARDNER, Tr. Asst. Treasurers H.J. TANSLEY, Sec.. Asst. Secretaries 12,006.000 17.630,230 J. C. BROWN J. D. HOOD T. J. MCGRATH R. H. MUELLER C. J. OLSEN F. J. SANFORD ALVA J. SHAW FRIEDA TOW Controller JOHN H. NORTHCOTT E. TRAEGER M. J. FLYNN H. C. FIGELBERNER E. A. LAYTON W. MONFORT LEO E. RAPP F. P. SHOCKEY E. J. TREES Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Wabash 3650 14,372,480 20,658,020 5,163,300 1,338,050 National City Bank, New York. NO COMMERCIAL BANKING OR COLLECTIONS HANDLED Transacts A General Trust Business Real Estate Officer JOHN J. FALVEY 11,901,630 Handles real estate In trust for non-residents. Makes Abstracts of Title. Guarantees Titles to Real Estate. Chicago REAL ESTATE BONDS BOUGHT-SOLD-QUOTED Member* Chicago Stock Exchange-----Members Chicago r.r.P *“■ CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. -307 (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.oNew § State tPriv. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-S&feDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Chicago Trust Company. "CITIZENS STATE President. 2-251 Asst Cashier. Other Total Paid-up Surplus and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties RESOURCES. Loans and BONDS AND Miscel laneous Discounts Securities Resources chanow.Dui flleM EaBBB Principal Correspondents. (See listing under Central Republic B ank and Trust Co.) J. G. SQUIRES 0. J. GONDOLF, SCHICK N. L.SCHANK--------R. K. Macf ADDEN. „ Comvtroller HAW/KINS Ch. of Bd. H A. Vice Presidents JULIUS TESSMER, Vice Presidents BANK OF CHICAGO E. TESSMER 8+9% par 100 Vice-President. Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Affi 1 iated Banks by + Case ft lx- dB®T*Jfl3 F. B. SI H. H. BERNNAHL M. P. GAUEER L. C. SCHEELLING Aud- |D Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and F- T. PLATKA.^R.^ S 750.000 $ 1,207,140 $ 3,670,240 $ 1,399,150 $ 5,222,650 $ 1,100,400 $ 102,160 $ 601,330 1st N., Chi. (Incl. Reserves) (3228 Lincoln Ave.) ? \ > « "i ft C Columbia State Savings Bank (Closed March 80, 1 931. Receiver appoi nted April 19, 1931) Commerce Tr. & Savings Bank_ (Closed May 28, 193 1, it ? ;? ; *5 V- Receiver appoint ed June 18,1931) Commercial State Bank_______ (Taken over by Bow manville National B ank, April 27, 1931) + Commonwealth Trust & Sav- Edward B. Lucius. Chas. R. Fuller— H. A. Levy______ E. T. Nelson — ings Bank--2-166_.dB®«t5’lt H. E. Yardley 200,000 130,420 1,034,270 359,610 978,900 313,810 230,430 201,150 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. and Cent, Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Montreal, Toronto. $130-8% par 100 (6847 Wentworth Are.) Community State Bank_______ {Absorbed by Sears- Community State B ank, July 6, 1931) INVESTMENT BONDS □ Otte & €0. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chicago BOUGHT—SOLD— QUOTED MEMBERS CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE—MEMBERS CHICAGO CURB EXCHANGE Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given <1QQ to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' o<jyj Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPriv. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Officers ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav. $LastSale%Dir. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City George M. Reynolds, Chairman, Executive Committee Arthur Reynolds........... Chairman, Board of Directors James R. Lea veil........................................... President Commercial Department Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company 2-a Chicago Vice-Presidents Herman Waldeck John H. Hogan Roger C. Hyatt Wilson W. Lampert J. Edward Maass Dan Norman Edward F. Schoeneck C. M. Smlts Abner J. Stllwell T. Philip Swift John R. Washburn John Jay Abbott Arch. YV. Anderson Carl A. BIrdsall Kent C. Childs John F. Craddock Sterling B. Cramer Walter J. Delaney C. E. Estes Norman J. Ford John J. Geddes Second Vice-Presidents Fred E. Bates Esmost Dt Brooks Monroe F. Cockrell Lee B. Doty Charles Fernald Jos. T. Lelmert Reuben A. Lewis, Jr. F. E. Loomis J. S. Macferran Arthur W Bohprts H j sVmnln “■ Sampson Norman B. Shaffer Harold H. Shockey Rudolph E. Vogel Richard Wagner facilities, personnel and business of the Continen tal National Bank & Trust Company and the Illinois Merchants Trust Company RESOURCES LEADING Cash and Due from Banks............................ $ 181,453,322.30 United States Government Securities... 200,748,394.60 Other Bonds and Securities.......................... 79,578,554.51 Loans: Demand.....................$209,342,565.87 Time........................... 353,193,310.68 562,535,876.55 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank.................... 4,200,000.00 Customers’ Liability under Letters of Credit................................................................ 19,756,557.19 Customers’ Liability under Acceptances.. 31,886,703.37 Other Banks’ Liability on Bills Purchased and Sold........................................................... 31,018,129.22 Interest Accrued but Not Collected........... 2,989,929.78 Bank Building.................................................... 15,000,000.00 BANKS AND BANKERS ‘ Carl I. Johnson Charles J. Klink Fred D. Let* Harry L. MacGregor p. c. Milner c. G. Nelson H. P. O’Connell h. R. Platt, Jr. t .8. Robinson Ffank F. Splegler fred C. Venables James A. Walker William E. Walker A. F. Wellmann William J. White W. B. Allen Mark P. Collor Speneer L. Hart Fred M. Naber Comptroller Assistant Comptroller Frank L. King John T. Gallagher Personnel Officer Assistant Auditor C. E. Ronning M. I. Ronnlng Blacklock................................................................ Assistant Manager G. YV. RIsley...................................................................... Assistant Manager John Rabino........... London Representative, 77 Cornhill, London, E. C. 3 IN ALL IMPORTANT CITIES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD $1,129,167,467.52 LONDON REPRESENTATIVE Assistant Cashiers George Allan . John W. Baker Lester T. Boe W. J. Bruebach John J. Brugman Willard G. Butler Hiram R. Castles Dunlap C. Clark James G. Dickson F F FriSha* William H. dikes David Handler A. A. Hutchison W. A. Hutchison Arthur C. Johnson Herbert G. P. Deans. ......................................................... Vice-President William G. Mackintosh......................................................... Vice-President Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Dates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Chicago Clearing House Ass’n Members Shown by* Affiliated Banks by+ C0RRESP0NDENTS. Cashier Foreign Department ♦dB®T*t§'57; Statement of June 30, 1931 Reuben G. Danielson Assistants to Vice-Presidents A union of the resources, (Federal Reserve City No. 7) 77 CORNHILL LONDON, E. C. 3 LIABILITIES Capital.................................................................. $ Surplus................................................................. Undivided Profits.................................................... Reserve for Contingencies.............................. Reserve for Dividend Payable July 1 ............. Reserve for Taxes and Interest.................... Deposits: Demand................ $583,486,495.15 Time..................... 287,453,569.77 Liability under Letters of Credit........ Liability under Acceptances......................... Liability on Bills Purchased and Sold. . . . Discount Collected but Not Earned........... 75,000,000.00 65,000,000.00 7,529,183.35 10,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 12,580,540.85 870,940,064.92 20,942,769.45 32,088,436.74 31,018,129.22 1,068,342.99 $1,129,167,467.52 INVESTED CAPITAL Over $170,000,000 * This includes the capital stock of the Continental Illinois Company, amount ing to $20,000,000, which is held in trust for the stockholders of the Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company. 389 DIRECTORS Trust Department Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company 2-3 Chicago (Continuedfrom preceding page) MEMBERS American Bankers Assn. Illinois Bankers Assn. Federal Reserve System Chicago Clearing House Association Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis David R. Lewis...............................................................................Vice-President John E. Blunt...............................................................................Vice-President Arthur H. Evans............................................................................ Vice-President William P. Kopf...........................................................................Vice-President Frank F. Taylor........................................................................... Vice-President Philip D. Armour William W. Atterbury President, The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. J. Fletcher FarreU Vice-President and Treasurer, Sinclair Consolidated Oil Co. Marshall Field Field, Glore & Co. Personal Trust Division H. W. Kltchell..................................................................Second Vice-President P. C. Butcher....................................................................Personal Trust Officer H. J. Falrweather.......................................................... Personal Trust Officer A. B. Hussander............................................................ Personal Trust Officer W. H. A. Johnson.......................................................... Personal Trust Officer Estate Administration Division M. W. Lowell...................................................................Second Vice-President B. E. Bronston..................................................................... Estate Trust Officer E. F. Soukup......................................................................... Estate Trust Officer Agency and Custody Division R. D. Cameron................................................................. Second Vice-President G. R. Scott....................................................................... Personal Trust Officer C. G. Sedgwick................................................................ Personal Trust Officer Investment Division Robert S. Drew.......................................... .................. Second Vice-President N. B. Freer....................................................................... Second Vice-President Dudley Hall, Jr..................................................... Trust Investment Officer Sewell L. Avery President, United States Gypsum Company Alexander F. Banka Henry A. Blair President, Chicago Surface Lines Chauncey B. Borland Managing Borland Properties Eugene J. Buffington President, Illinois Steel Co. Clifford D. Caldwell President, Interlake Iron Corporation Henry P. Crowell Real Estate Division Chairman, Quaker Oats Company Charles H. Binney.....................................................................................SecondVice-President Leroy F. Pape.......................................................................Assistant Secretary A. C. Tosch............................................................................ Assistant Secretary Edward A. Cudahy Chairman, Cudahy Packing Co. J. F. Vanck............................................................................ Assistant Secretary Savings Department President, Field Museum of Natural History Milton S. Florshelm Chairman, The Florsheim Shoe Co. Chairman, Globe Coal Company Vice-President Lawrence A. Downs President, Illinois Central Albert S. Martin........................................................................................ SecondVice-President Railroad Company C. F. Monahan.......................................................................................... SecondVice-President John P. V. Murphy................................................................................Manager Louis Eckstein A. M. Bruch..........................................................................Assistant Manager President, The Ravinia Company Alfred J. Favero................................................................... Assistant Manager R. G. Gadsden.....................................................................Assistant Manager George B. Everitt J. W. Rubecamp..................................................................Assistant Manager President, Montgomery Ward <fc Co. Charles W. Nash President, The Nash Motors Company Arthur Reynolds Chairman, Board of Directors George M. Reynolds Chairman, Executive Committee Martin A. Ryerson Fred W. Sargent President, C. & N. W. Railway Co. Charles F. Glore Field, Glore <k Co. Frederick T. Haskell Vice-President, Menominee River Lumber Co. Hale Holden Chairman of the Executive Committee, Southern Pacific Company William V. Kelley Chairman, The Miehle Printing Press & Mfg. Co. D. F. Kelly H. A. Scandrett President, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co. Charles H. Schweppe Lee, Higginson & Co. Albert A. Sprague Sprague, Warner & Company James W. Stevens Chairman, Illinois Life Insurance Co. Robert W. Stewart President, The Fair James R. Leavell President Eames MacVeagh Herbert G. P. Deans Chairman, Standard Railway Equipment Company George F. Getz William F. Hayes Robert F. Carr President, Dearborn Chemical Co. Corporate Trust Division E. J. Claussen..................................................................Second Vice-President F. E. Musgrove.................................................................Second Vice-President William J. Chalmers H. P. Smith .....................................................................Corporate Trust Officer E. B. StofTt........................................................................ Corporate Trust Officer Alfred Cowles Lewis C. Davis...................................................................... Assistant Secretary President, Rialto Trust S. G. Morse............................................................................ Assistant Secretary C. B. Overaker..................................................................... Assistant Secretary D. A. Crawford Business Development Division President, The Pullman Company Samuel Witting..........................................................................................SecondVice-President Personnel and Operation R. M. Kimball........................................Second Vice-President and Secretary C. E. Cllpplnger.......................... .........................................Assistant Secretary Stanley Field Walter P. Murphy Vice-President, Franklin MacVeagh & Co. Cyrus H. McCormick Chairman, International Harvester Company D. R. McLennan President, Marsh & McLennan, Inc. William H. MItcheU Mitchell, Hutchins & Co. W. B. Storey President, Atchison, Topeka <fc Santa Fe Railway Co. Edward F. Swift Vice-Chairman, Swift & Company Herman Waldeck Vice-President Fred E. Weyerhaeuser Lumber, St. Paul, Minn. Charles P. Wheeler President, Pickands Brown & Co. anslt Number given CHICAGO—Cant'd—Central Reserve City Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this (federal Reserve City No. 7) •M«m. A.B.A. wNew §SUtetPrif. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Deptg;T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©8ar.$LastSale%Div. PBMBBNT. Yiea-PMsisnrr. OxsniBs. W. F. GRE6S0N_ _ _ _ T. H. ERICKSON...... DANIEL E. LUPTON— P. F. W. PECK. M. C. GREENER Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Capital Profits Dnpoerm Liabili ties and Discounts Resources. MiBCBLhBonds Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by + Cam ft IxUNion ckakqm.Dvi Sicuimn Khsouhchb FROM BiVU and Principal Correspondents. S4MIIFI BIY Ch.ofBd. CONGRESS TRUST GEORGE C. JEWETT. & SAVINGS BANK $ 500,000 $ vice 071. o] tsa. 79,640 $3,027,090 $ 300,000 $ 2.600,170 $ 375,180 S 92,940 $ 748.330 Chase National Bank................... ..........New Tork Guaranty Trust Co____ ” New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co. Chicago Cedar Rapids National Bank.__ Cedar Rapids Franklin American Trust Co._____ St. Louis (Includ ing Re serves) YOUR CHICAGO BUSINESS INVITED. por 100 2-80 dB©*t§’27 Congress Bank Building (510 S. Wabash Ave.) Loans Complete Banking Service. ^COSMOPOLITAN STATE BK. T. R. Thorsen........ A. F. Hammann__ J. R. Darmstadt, Thomas N. Webster 14% par 100 2-277 dB®T*t§T5 G. F. Fischer, y. P. and Cash. R. Y. Ellis. Chas. F. Buehrle Ch.ofBd. (801 N. Clark St.) H.J.Bleidt, A. V.P. A, C. & Tr. Off. A. M. Hammann, E. A. Wilshek, Aud. A, V. P. 1,000,000 Edward B. Carson . Albert H. Johnson. E. G. Carey_______ Richard F. Evans.. Cottage Grove State Bk. Wm, G. Nelson $150-8% 2-189 dB®T»t*’19 A. C. Renstrom, por 100 Tr. Off. 200,000 893,120 6,618,510 98,270 5,306.050 856,190 1,072,870 1,374,780 i 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 216,990 1.908,670 1,103,530 590,170 42.610 589,340 i Ind. N., Indpls. (7527 OotUge Grove Ave.) Craain State Bank.... (Closed June 10, 19 31. Receiver appoin ted July 30, 1931) Crawford State Sav. Bank . (Receiver appointed February 3,1931) DEPOSITORS STATE BANK R. D. MATHIAS_____ JAMES A. CALEK-- S. J. RATAJCZAK. V. P. and Cash. A. M. SMIETANKA. V. P. and Tr. Off. S.F.BOGDANSKi.Aud. JOSEPH A. TUPY KLEMENS ZAREMBSKI $150-2M ♦ 2-244 dB®T»t§’14 par 100 (4701S. Ashland Ave.) 400,000 346,520 5,234,090 342.810 3.831,390 1.009.640 463.740 1.018,950 1 and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. A. V. P. + Devon Trust ft Savings Bank B. L. Rosset______ R. M. Coleman ___ G. W. Story.......... W. c. Kassube____ $150-1% por 100 2-111 d®TtJ’21 Chas. W. Peters (6355 N. Clark) N. J. Wietor Dirersey Trust & Savings Bank (Closed June 13, 193 1. + DIVISION STATE BANK ihnii Jenfcch M00-8%+2% extra 2-304 par 100 dB®TJ*’20 (2601 W. Division) L. S. V ogmld Isaac Grossman O. K. Shapiro Donglass National Bank Anthony Overton.. Julian H. Lewis.__ A. J. Wilson____ OTTE & Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,327.250 368,910 1,043,490 507,280 160,920 317,120 ( N.. Chi. J. S. Pawlikowski.. Charles Ipsen, Sec, C. M. Pozorski, Mgr. R. E. Ln. Dep t. A. S. Kaplan, Tr.Off. T. A. Roane. W. T. Searcy Drexel State Bank..dB®T*t§’02 R. J. Neal_______ A. J. Kolar______ C. Poffenberger___ EHw. Tredinau.. $200-10% ♦ 2-125 A. H. Tiedemann, par 100 Tr. Off. (3944 Cottage Grove Ave.) I 132,640 Receiver appoint ed July 21,1931) $160 par 100 2-834 dR®t’22 8. A. T. Watkins, Ch. (3621 State St.) ^ 200,000 r« • Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Wabash 3650 1,284.460 265,630 808,040 778,030 361,650 250,000 23,580 1,131,080 422.650 570,980 648,460 406,490 500,000 475,250 4,823,840 17 nm 3,098,980 1,222,190 298,740 II V^/AvJv./ 416,030 N. ] City. N. T.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.. Chi. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 1,196,190 Chase ( N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. ORDERS EXECUTED ON ALL Members PRINCIPAL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago Curb Exchange 1 a 391 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (InLawyers, Lawsn^ii (indexed) in back w_ of __this dexed Acces.), HYtr Intoroei j .j. _ _ _ CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City lrnlnmn •Mem. A.B. A. nN'ew§StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Ites.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDe|).©Sat.$LastSaie%Div. 'DROVERS NATIONAL DANK President. Vice-President. WM. C. CUMMINGS &f€)f!?ug : Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. F. N. MERCER_ _ _ _ _ G. A. MALCOLM. V. P. and Cash G. A. RYTHER D. E. CHAMBERLIN f Liabilities. Other Paid-dp Surplus TOTAL AND Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Loans and Disco cntb Resources. Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * MrscaL- Oaii It KxBONDS Affiliated Bks. by + LANIOUI •KAJMBC, DVZ AND Sbcuutos Rmoubcbs nan Baku Principal Correspondents. ii r.nvFRT 1 ‘USE DROVERS SERVICE. ff $ 1.000.000 $ 8S0.140 $14639080 $ 441,160 $7,512,010 $ 3,284,210 $ 41,900 $6,122,260 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. T.j N. Shawmut, Bos. All Branches of Banking. (4201 S. Halsted) We Specialize in handling “Stock Yards” business. $300-12% 2-34 dB*t'82 par loO Dnrrars Trust & Savings Bank Wm. C. Cummings F. N. Mercer____ M. M. Otstott. C. A. Newman___ 2-124 B©T»t8'02 V. P, and Cash. C. S. Brintnall (4201 Halsted) 350,000 929.150 6.573,830 124,420 5,895,060 QDK Ssn Bast Side Trust & S&v. Bank D. F. Anderson__ Wm. Hirschfeld... Chas. W. Frey..__ Chas. J. Staff......... R. E. L. Brooks. Ch. F. M. Stanley Alex N. Uddman R. B. Munroe 200.000 153,310 789,170 265,970 500,930 620,020 71,910 i-Edge water Trust 8k 8av. Bank H. C. Keel_______ H. J. Berliss____ par 100 2-880 dB®§'21 Harry F.Hamlin.CTi. W. E. Christensen (5545 Broadway) 150.000 5,800 136,880 23,130 137,430 42,570 90,390 45,420 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 200.000 46,000 304,000 265,000 175,000 50,000 60,000 1st N.. Chi. 200.000 52,300 467,800 432,300 143,700 31,300 $600-12 + 8% 1,173,750 Drovers N„ Chi. par 100 6% 1-802 d®*l par 100 (10101 Bwlng Ave.) $126 ger Edison Park State Sav. Bank Ning Eley________ T. W. Barrett........... W. R. Davis_____ W. J. Connor__ ... par 100 2-388 dB©J§’26 F. D. Crofoot (6733 Olmstead Ave.) $130 Elston State Bank_ 215,600 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Calumet N.. and So. Chi. Sav.. Chi. . Receiver appoin ed Ju.y 10,1931) + Empire Trust &Savings Bank R. F. KopperF. P. Garbark____ W. H. Coy............... J. F. Koskiewicz__ SlOO-parlOO 2-398 dB®»5’28 schmidt (8256 No. Crawford) +EQUITABLE TRUST CO. L. H. WHITING______ R.T. BADGER______ W. A NICOL (2218 8. Mich. Ave.) par 100 d®«tl’21 31,000 143,800 Chase N.. N, Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; Un. Tr. Co.. Clev. C. E. SWANSON-— Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Joliet. $105 "federal Reserve Bk.« Dist. 7 (See page 80 for oo mpicts informant) »)................................ 2-80 (230So. LaSalle) HUGHES’WNCSJWI JAMES LUCIUS TETER, — R. J. $260-*% (63rd St. at Yale Ave. par 100 MITCHELL____ EDWARD E. WYATT-- R. W. GRUENWALD.. 200,000 277,930 (Incl. Res). 2,271,750 5,390 1,173,780 672,510 130,960 777,820 M. A riant___ ___ E. Ariani____ ___ V. Scafa, Mgr. L. Sormani, Sec. and Aud. 200.000 50,000 906,550 276,930 233,290 956,750 135,700 107,740 H. G. JOHNSON _ _ _ 200.000 757,980 5,414,570 35,660 868,950 3,685,090 56,290 Ch.ofBd. First ltalianStateBk.dB®*t5'20 S. Aria si................... 2-310 (1201 W. Taylor St.) par 100 and Cent. Rep< Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Co., N- Y., and Genoa; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Dssicio Conti Correnti, Rome. FIRST HAT'L BK. OF CHICAGO See Page 392 'vuNBuau; $525-1#% par r J. M. NICHOLS.. - WM. L. SHARP— 100 (347 W. 63d 1 Otte & Co Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis U«BT— Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Wabash 3650 Chicago 1,797,870 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. REAL ESTATE BONDS BOUGHT-SOLD-QUOTED Members Chicago Stock Exchange—Members Chicago Curb Exchange OQO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City List of Officers. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties Resources. Bonds AND Loans AND Miscel laneous Discounts Securities Resources $ $ 2-1 (Dearborn, Monroe and Clark Streets) MEMBER Chicago Clearing House Federal Reserve System American Bankers Ass'n Illinois Bankers Ass’n Building with Chicago Business SINCE 1863 $445-18% par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Abbott Chairman of the Leland L. Hobbs____ Asst, Cashier Board, Illinois Bell Edward A. Hoeft____ Asst, Cashier Telephone Co. Edward J. Jennett___Asst. Cashier Robert AUerton Albert G. Keck____________ Asst,CashierFarmer D. Block Charles J. Maurer___ Asst. Cashier Philip President, Inland Steel Co. Charles Z. Meyer___ Asst. Cashier Edward E. Brown A. C. Mlskelly_____________ Asst.Cashier Vice-President Carl E. Schlffner____ Asst. Cashier Augustus A. Carpen E. E. Schmus_____________ Asst.Cashier ter Vice-President, Ayer Norman G.Stockdale.Asst. Cashier & Lord Tie Company Melvin H. Thies____ Asst. Cashier Richard J. Collins The Fulton St. Whole Charles H. Wood, Jr..Asst. Cashier sale Market Co. William A. Zimmerman. Asst.Cash. Mark W. Cresap Chairman of the Board, Hart, Schaffner & Marx DISCOUNT AND COLLATERAL DEPARTMENT P. M. Rlesterer_____ Asst. Cashier William Rosbe____ Asst. Manager D. Mark Cummings Capitalist Richmond Dean Vice-President, The Pullman Co. John N. Dole Chairman of the Board, H. M. Hooker Glass and Paint Mfg. Co. James B. Forgan, Jr. AUDITING DEPARTMENT H. L. Droegemueller_____ Auditor Julius J.Buechner___Asst. Auditor Vice-President Charles K. Foster Vice-President, Amer ican Radiator Co. Carl R. Gray President, Union Pacific Railroad Co. John H. Hardin American Optical Co. FOREIGN BANKING DEPARTMENT Harry Salinger____ Vice-President Fred B.Tedford___ Asst.Vice-Pres, G. F. Richards_____ Asst. Manager Albert H. Harris Chairman of the Ex ecutive Committee, New York Central Lines Craig B. Hazlewood Vice-President John D. Hertz Chairman of the Board, Omnibus Cor poration LAW DEPARTMENT Harold V. Amberg_.Generai Counsel John N. Ott------------------ Attorney C. Edward Dahlin___Asst. Attorney Homer J. Livingston, Asst. Attorney t- The First National Bank of Chicago oo Melvin A. Traylor, President Edward E. Brown....... .... Vice-Pres. John P. Oleson________ Vice-Pres, Craig B. Hazlewood___ Vice-Pres, Bentley G. McCloud___ Vice-Pres. B. C. Hardenbrook____ Vice-Pres. Frank M. Gordon______ Vice-Pres, Charles R. Holden____ Vice-Pres. Arthur W. Newton____ Vice-Pres. John F. Hagey.... ............. Vice-Pres. R. Frank Newhall, Vice-Pres. & Cash. C. V. Essroger_________ Vice-Pres. William J. Lawlor_____ Vice-Pres. H. H. Heins_______ Vice-Pres, A. N. Cordell._______ _Vice-Pres. John S. Gleason_______ Vice-Pres. Harry Salinger................ Vice-Pres. James B. Forgan, Jr.__ Vice-Pres. Walter M. Heymann___ Vice-Pres, Hugo A. Anderson_____ Vice-Pres. Herbert P. Snyder_____ Vice-Pres. Emil A. Stake_________ Vice-Pres. A. B. Johnston________ Vice-Pres. John J. Anton____ ____Vice-Pres. Thomas J. Nugent____ Vice-Pres. E. M. Tourtelot_______ Vice-Pres. H. Lynn Benson... Asst.Vice-Pres. O. C. Brodhay...... .Asst.Vice-Pres. James L. Buchanan. Asst. Vice-Pres. Claude B. Carter...Asst.Vice-Pres. William K.Harrlson, Asst. Vice-Pres. Chester E. Herrod _ _ A ssi.Vice-Pres, Fred W. Loco_____ Asst.Vice-Pres. R. K. O'Hara_____ Asst.Vice-Pres. H. Lindsay Wheeler. Assi. Vice-Pres. Walter Lichtensteln.&recuitre Sec. G. P. AlImendlnger__Ass<. Cashier Thomas J. Butler___ Asst. Cashier Clarence E. Carlson__Asst. Cashier Richard S. Carr_____ Asst. Cashier Ephraim S. Clark.___.Asst. Cashier Guy W. Cooke___ __ Asst, Cashier A. V. Dillon________ Asst. Cashier M. J. Hardacre_____Asst. Cashier Ralph G. Hersey___ Asst, Cashier CO 1 Frederick H. Rawson, Chairman H. H. Hitchcock Chairman of the Board, Hitchcock & Company Hale Holden Chairman, Executive Committee, Southern Pacific Co. Machine Co., Madi son, Wis. President, Kohler Co., Kohler, Wis. Albert D. Lasker Chairman of the Board, Lord & Thomas and Logan BenJ. H. Marshall Architect Chauncey McCormick Vice-President, Miami Corp. Harold F. McCormick Chairman of the Ex ecutive Committee of the Board, Interna tional Harvester Co. Robt. R. McCormick President & Editor, The Chicago Tribune Charles A. McCulloch Chairman of the Board, John R. Thompson Co, Ira. N. Morris Capitalist James Norris President, Norris Grain Co. John P. Oleson Vice-President Joseph D. Oliver Oliver Farm Equip ment Company Potter Palmer Palmer Estate Charles S. Pearce President, Colgate Palmolive-Peet Co. George Pick George Pick & Co., Investment Securities Henry H. Porter Chairman, Chicago Transfer & Clearing Co. Frederick H. Prince F. H. Prince & Com pany, Boston, Mass. George A. Ranney Vice-President dfc Treasurer, Interna tional Harvester Co, PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, CHICAGO NEW YORK Bank of America, N. A. Bank of Manhattan Trust Co. Central Hanover Bank & Trust Company Chase National Bank Chatham & Phenlx Nat. Bank & Trust Co. Vice-President, Chemical Bank & Trust Company Chicago Surface Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. Lines Guaranty Trust Company Clive Runnells Irving Trust Company Vice-President, Pull Kountze Brothers man Car and Manu Manufacturers Trust Co. facturing Corp. Marine Midland Trust Co. National City Bank Edward G. Seubert New York Trust Company President, Standard Oil Co. (Indiana) BALTIMORE First National Bank Silas H. Strawn Winston, Strawn & BOSTON Shaw Atlantic National Bank R. Douglas Stuart Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Company Vice-President, Merchants National Bank Quaker Oats Co. National Shawmut Bank Second National Bank Bernard E. Sunny BUFFALO Chairman of the Board, Chicago Great Liberty Bank Western R, R. Co, M & T Trust Co. Director, Illinois Bell CLEVELAND Telephone Co, Cleveland Trust Company George G. Thorp Guardian Trust Company Vice-President, III. Union Trust Company Steel Co. DETROIT First National Bank Melvin A. Traylor National Bank of Commerce President Charles R. Walgreen NEW ORLEANS President, Walgreen Canal Bank & Trust Company Co. Hibernia Bank & Trust Company Whitney National Bank Albert H. Wetten PHILADELPHIA President, A. H. Wetten & Co First National Bank Pennsylvania Co. for Insurances Harry A. Wheeler Philadelphia National Bank Banker PITTSBURGH Daniel Willard Exchange National Bank President, Baltimore Mellon National Bank ifc Ohio R. R. Co. ST. LOUIS Fred. E. Williamson Boatmens National Bank President, Chicago, First National Bank Burlington & Quincy Mercantile Commerce Bank & Trust Co R. R. Co. TORONTO John P. Wilson Bank of Nova Scotia Wilson & Mcllvaine Canadian Bank of Commerce Thomas E. Wilson Imperial Bank of Canada President, Wilson & WINNIPEG Co. Bank of Nora Scotia Warren Wright Canadian Bank of Commerce President, Calumet MONTREAL Baking Powder Co. Barclay’s Bank of Montreal William Wrigley, Jr. Royal Bank of Canada Chairman of the QUEBEC Board, Wm. Wrigley, Jr., Co. Bank of Montreal BOARD OF DIRECTORS Marvin Hughltt, Jr. Frederick H. Rawson Chairman Carl A. Johnson President, Gisholt Guy A. Richardson Walter J. Kohler Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by + $ $25 000 000 $28082490 558028 010 $29 057530 284253 010 131393690 100772620 Tf« N $ Cash ft Exchaxom,Dci from Banks qnq Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.?lNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. Foi^Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Resources. Other Liabili Paid-up Surplus Total and Capital Profits Deposits List of Officers. ties Loans Bonds and and MISCEL Cash & Ex changes,Dus LANEOUS Discounts Securities Resources trom Banks $ $10000 000 $11352350 211559400 $ 4,603,840 $97361060 $84680 850 $18273730 $37199950 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS OF THE FIRST UNION TRUST AND SAYINGS ••• 1 ' " • l BANK, CHICAGO. Frederick H. Rawson, Chairman Melvin A. Traylor, President NEW TORK CITY Bankers Trust Company Chatham & Phenlx National Trust Co. Clark, Dodge & Company Chase National Bank First National Bank Guaranty Trust Company Irving Trust Company J. P. Morgan & Company Bank of America, N. A. REAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENT Vice-Presidents First Union Trust and Savings Bank Edward E. Brown John P. Oleson V ice-Presidents Craig B. Hazlewood B. C. Hardenbrook BANKING DEPARTMENT B. C. Hardenbrook__ Vice-President ff. Potter Holst________ Asst. Cashier Arlan W.Converse.V.-Pres, and Cash. C. Edgar Johnson______Asst. Cashier Roy R. Marquardt._Ass(. Vice-Pres. Walter G. Kropp______ Asst. Cashier Frederick G. Murbach .A. Vice-Pres. Thomas S. McCarty____ Asst. Cashier Daniel W. Westervelt, Assistant Cashier Charles P. Kenning Frank G. Guthrldge John D. Pollock George HUI Roy W. Thles REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT Assistant Managers Frank M. Gordon Irvin L. Porter Albert C. Koch Alfred T. Slhler, Assistant Vice-President Fred L. Kris CHICAGO First National Bank John H. Grier Louis H. Northrop J. H. C. Templeton Austin Jenner Julius O. Sorg '22 (1st Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. H. Rawson, Chairman Pres. C. B. Hazlewood, E. A. Stake, Tr. B. C. HardenF, P. W. L. Cohrs, A.Tr. brook, Sec, C. W. Weldon, Geo. Hill, A. Sec, L. K. Boysen, V. P, and Mgr. E. E. Brown, V. P. F. M. Gordon, V, P. C. B. Jennett, V. P. and A. Mgr. Julius J. Buechner, Assistant Auditor LAW DEPARTMENT Harold V. Amberg, General Counsel John N. Ott, Attorney C. Edward Dahlln, Assistant Attorney Homer J. Livingston, Assistant Attorney TRUST DEPARTMENT Emerson R. Lewis..Personal Tr. Off. Forrest Williams,Personal Tr.Counsel Thos. H. Beacom, JrTrust Officer Walter S. Davis_____ Ass(. Secretary John H. Hamel_____ Asst. Secretary Charles W. Johnson___A. Secretary William* W. O’Brien___A. Secretary Louis R. Rochetto___Asst. Secretary Frank J. Shannon___Ansi. Secretary M. A. Traylor, AUDITING DEPARTMENT H. L. Droegemueller, Auditor Assistant Cashiers FIRST-TRUST JOINT STOCK LAND BANK OF CHICAGO & BOSTON First National Bank Vice-Presidents Clarence E. Cross James P. Feeley Bank Vice-President James B. Kalne Emil C. Grunwald Vice-President Roy C. Osgood.. Charles R. Holden.__ Vice-President The Stock of this Bank is John C. Meehem____ Vice-President Owned by the Stockholders of Oliver A. Bestel_____ Vice-President Rufus F. Chapin____ Vice-President The First National Bank Joseph R. Julln----- -------- Secretary of Chicago Robert L. Grlnnell.—Corp, Tr. Off. Coll Gillies............ Carp. Tr. Counsel Henry H. Benjamin. Personal Tr.Off. 2-75 Walter L. Cohrs Clarence B. Jennett BOND DEPARTMENT (Dearborn, Monroe and Clark Streets) par 100 Louis K. Boysen Assistant Managers 2-9 HdB®T«t§’03 Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by + A, Tr, H. V. Amberg, Gen’l Counsel W. E. Thompson, Mgr. Dallas Office AFFILIATED COMPANIES of The First National Bank of Chicago and First Union Trust and Savings Bank. Walter Lichtenstein, Executive Secretary First-Chicago Corporation 63 Wall St., New York 413 Wells Bldg., Milwaukee The Directors of the First National Bank of Chicago, shown on the opposite page, constitute the Board of Directors and Advisory Committee of this Bank. 4,690,000 414,350 65,133,000 1,406,820|| 70.120,570 _____ (Bonds issued) 1,271,870 National Safe Deposit Co. First National Bank Bldg., Chicago 161,730 Affiliated with the First National Bank of Chicago and the First Union Trust and Savings Bank Loans on Illinois and Iowa Farm Lands Under Provisions of Federal Farm Loan Act Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given -304 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNewSStatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-liond d-Sf feDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Foreman-State National Bank CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Federal Reserve City, No. 7) Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Other Paid-up Subplus Total and Liabili Capital Profits Deposits ties Loans Bonds Miscel- Principal Correspondents. Cajr k Ex LANIOU8 CHANOM.DCI Banks Discounts SlCCKITIKB Rbsocbcmb and and (Deposit liabilities assumed by First N ational Bank of Chi cago and First Unio n Trust & Savings Bank Jun e 8, 1931) Foreman-Slate Tr. & Sav. Bank (Deposit liabilities assumed by First N ational Bank of Chi cago and First Unio n Trust & Savings Bank Jun e 8, 1931) Franklin Trust <fc Sav. Bank__ (Acquired by Straus National Bank & Trust Co. February 9.1931) Fullerton State Bank______ (Closed June 5, 1931 Garfield State Bank_______ {Closed for examina tion and adjustment June 11, 1931) Receiver appointe d July 9. 1931) Gsringer&Storkan.Ine. d®i'21 J. Storkan, J. Geringer-----por loo 2-316 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. (1518 Booserelt Bd.) Guardian National Bank. $ 2-387 dB®’26 (1929 So. Halsted) G.L, Nelson_____ E. C. Martinsen .. C. J. Obalil H. W. EIDMANN- - - - HENRY KLOESE- - - - - - FRED HALSTED STREET Ch.F.ofEIDMANN. Bd. and Pres. ROBor rdB®»15’12 FRED KLOESE STATE BANK" extra A ROLL OF HONOR BANK H. *260-4% 1 +5% + Hamilton State Bk._d®»tJ’29 C. E. Kanaley___ E. W. Carlson____ H.F. Hoot_______ A. A. Austin 2-30# C. J. Guderyahn (3916 Broadway) (Taken over by Chat field Trust & Saving s Bank February 24 , 1931) Harbor State Bank________ A LBERT W. HARRIS . . Ch.oftheBd. Banking Department Viee-Pres. Vice-Prei. Vice-Pres. Vicc-Pru. Vice-Pres. Treasurer . Cashier Asst.Vice-Pres. Asst.Vice-Pres. Asst.Vice-Pres. JJ E. PRITCHARD Asst.Vice-Pres. IB P. WELLES . . Asst.Vice-Pres. . Asst. Cashier — A. BUSH CHESTER . Asst. Cashier . Asst, Cashier . Asst. Cashier . Asst. Cashier . Asst. Cashier . Asst. Cashier KENNY ■ — sf Hecewisch State Bank dB®tl’07 (13858 Brandon Ave.) 200.000 49,380 473.640 2,320 200,000 457.050 2.249.500 3.200 President Bond Department BOWMAN C. LINGLE . . . FRANK MCNAIR ..... M. HABBON MacLEAN . . . ---- Viee-Pres. 6,000,000 57,690 474,250 19,000 $ 87,000 $ 146,000 $ 26,000 95,000 222,860 43,560 143,960 1.201.330 167.540 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 314,950 1.112.6 Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. .Vice-Pres. 5,340 280,050 248,820 J . . Comptroller , Auditor . Publicity Mgr. F. J. Zachariasi. C. A, Kieiuit Board of Trade Bldg. Te'enhone Wabash 3650 428.290 Guaranty Tr. Co. and N. City If. Y.j 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st V s. N., MU. 30,850 177,560 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Trust Dapartment , . . Secretary DONALD C. MILLER HAROLD ECKHART . , Asst. Secretary CHAS. J. ROUBIK, JR. LYNN LLOYD . . . . Asst. Secretary WILLIAM H. MILSTED PAUL N. MITCHELL . , . Asst. Secretary MERWIN Q. LYTLE . FRANKLIN 0. MANN. . Asst. Secretary 6E0RGE A. GLOW . WENDELL C. GRIFFITH WILLIAM 0. HEATH...................Asst. Secretary iODSQN • Asst.Vice-Pres. HER WOOD. . Sales Mor. ! ANDERSON - Sales Mgr. ILLINS • • Asst. Sales Mgr. KARO Mgr. Mun’pal Dept. JOSEPH B. MITCHELL . Asst. Cashier Clande Collins.. Gty. Tr. Co., N Y; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 8139660 98,417,340 4,760,750 49300900 43293170 3.251.010 21472 670 Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. Asst, Vice-Pres. . Asst. Secretary . Aset. Secretary , Asst. Secretary , Asst. Secretary Guaranty Tr., Chase N., Bankers Tr., and Chase Harris Forbes Corp, N. Y.; 1st N., and Chase Harris Forbes Corp, Bos.: Wells Fargo Bk. Ac Union Tr. Co.. San F.; 1st N.( Minpls.; 1st N., St. L.; Secur.-lst N. Bk., Los A.; Barclays Bk. Ltd., Lon.; Credit Lyonnais, Paris. Broad Commercial Banking Facilities Accounts from Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Invited Mgr. Savgs. Dept. A. Mgr. For. Dept. A. C. Klucker.. W. E. Schmidt, Ch. of Bd, and Pres, Otti; & Co Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HOWARD W. FENTON . . . SisrL v_....... C. KINKAID JOHN A. SPARROW *190-6% par 100 2-207 224.000 $ 200,000 *100-4% par 100 *435-16% ♦ 2-28 1dB®MI'82 par ioo Organized as N. W. HARRIS ft GO.. 1882 Incorporated 1907 (115 W. Monroe) 11,000 $ DIRECTORS Robert E. Barbee, William J. Rathje, Henry F. Eldmann, Gustavus J. Tatge, Herbert W. Eldmann, John E. Traeger, Henry Kloese. 2-227 (6910 S. Halsted) por 100 Harris Trust and Savings Bank 100.000 $ (Merged with Union Bank of Chicago, Se ptember 27, 1930) HALSTED EXCHANGER AT. BK. C. L. Jernberg------ E. Heymann. par 100 E. J. Geringer.__ _ Bobt. Storkan 100,000 36,310 1.005,060 Chicago 48,760 585,820 327,150 102,220 174,950 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Calumet N„ Chi. Specialists in Bank Stocks Members Chicago Stock Exchange------Members Chicago Curb Exchange Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given OQC to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.»New § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$L»stSale%Div. HEITMAN TR. GO. B®T*t§’13 (10 S. LaSalle) Successor to PRESIDENT. FRED P. HEITMAN. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 1350-12% par 100 2-79 HEITMAN BOND & MORTGAGE COMPANY {A.JOHNK. BROWN. A. CARROLL. 200.000 22.630 $ Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* AfflBated Bks, by + r»OM Banks Principal Correspondents. Ex- Cash k changes, Dux 839.730 $ 121.770 $ 160,120 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N., Northern Tr. Co., Reliance State and HarrlsTr. & Sav., Chi. 482,610 93,610 599,680 34,270 97.410 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 600.000 550,770 4.546,310 557.600 4.282,410 535,220 581,950 875,080 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 426,210 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. Chi. Write for List. 300.000 142,520 1.443.350 12,770 745,940 606,950 119,550 200.000 40,880 370.470 54,630 318,300 256.950 31,800 Fred Gardner Receiver appointed July 21, 1931.) + Immigrant State Bk. A. B. Revesx_____ F. M. Just___ ____ Jos. De Beilis, $117.50 par 100 2-314 dB®#t§’20 {Closed July 2, 1931. L. L. Bauer (343 W. North Ave.) Emery Szoeke.— Industrial State Bank______ {Closed June 6,1931 . Receiver appointe d June 23, 1931.) Inland-Irving National Bank__ {Closed June 8,1931 Dibcouwtb SaccBmas Rbsouaces $ 201.360 $ 26,260 $ st Mortgages on Choice Hyde Par k and South Sb ore Prop ertles. J. Aurelius_____ S. J. Aurelius_____ T. R. Shannon. Real Estate Fir S. E. L. Wilbur I.1. Altschuler Jay W. Hays------E. B. Carson Ch. Mibcil- AND Receiver appoin ted June 10, 1931.) M. A. HARMON.... H. H. POTTER------ F. A. HELMHOLZ — IRENE M. REYNOLDS JOHN J. O'CONNELL, E. F. SMELTER Ch Sec. and Tr. Off. E. A. DU FRESNE Ch. Exec. Bd. bonds INVESTMENTS ACCEPTABLE FOR GUARDIANSHIP AND OTHER TRUSTS. STRONG - SAFE - PERMANENT R. W. Beach-------- V. W. Becking ... + HYDE PARK-KENWOOD NATIONAL BANK dB®T*’12 (1525 East 53d St.) Loans ▲ND W. L. Johnsen J. L. Zender {Closed May 13,193 1. Immel State Bank__________ Resources. Other Paid-op Surplus Total and Deposits Liabili Capital ties Propits Ass’t Cashier. PHILIP C. LINDGREN- K. L. REINKE. A. TV. PHILIP C. LINDGREN, FRED P. HEITMAN, Sec. $ 250.000 $ 632,04)0 Tr. Humboldt Stale Bank. +I-C Bank & Trust Co. par 100 2-402 d®*§’28 (1538 E. 53rd) CASHIER. FIRST MORTGAGES, FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS TRANSACTS A GENERAL TRUST BUSINESS NEVER A LOSS TO AN INVESTOR + Howard Ave. Trust and Sav. G. K. Hall_____ Bank______2-341..dB®T«,22 O. A. Kropf. Ch. $uo-4% par 100 (1737 Howard) . $150-12%+ 3% par 100 2-21 0 (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Liabilities. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City 58,930 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Darmstadter & N„ Berlin. ) Inland Trust & Savings Bank_ {Consolidated Febru ary 2. 1931, with Irv ing Park National B rk Nation al Bank as Inland- Irving Na tional Ba nk, which closed Ju ne 8.1931) Irving Park National Bank.. Park Nati onal Bank as Inland •Irving N ational Ba nk, which dosed Ju ne 8,1931) {Consolidated Febru ary 2,1931, withlnla nd Trust and Saving Italian Trust & Savings Bank_ {Closed June 10,193 1, Receiver appoint ed July 28.1931.) + Jackson Park National Bank Oliver B. Cottle... Frank M. McKey, M. J. Proper______ F. H. Bennett. 2-350 dB®T*t'23 A. Cash, arid Tr.Off. Ch. of Bd, (71st St. and Jeffery Ave.) W. A. Woods worth 200.000 56,140 1,351,240 210,880 891.540 440,310 168,610 317,800 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. + Jefferson Park Nat’l Bank F. H. Esdohr-------- J. E. Fitch______ R. D. Andrews.... J. A. Esdohr— 2-196 d®T*t'll R. D. Andrews J. F. iglewski A. H. Bast (4790 Milwaukee Ave.) 300.000 175,890 3,147,030 194,630 1,500,340 1,609,630 182,370 525,200 N. City and Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. 8,286,950 865,630 4,327,690 5,201,140 — $120 par ioo $60-10% par 20 Jefferson Park Trust <& Savings {Liquidating, Bank______________ ______ CASPAR AMER. STATE RANK ♦ 2-120 dB®TtS’05 $140-8% par 100 (1900 Blue Island Ave.) □ OTTO KASPAR. Dep osit liabilities assum ed by Jefferson Par k National Bank J anuary 5, 1931) C7». of Bd.and Pres. CHARLES KRUPKA ... EMIL F^SMRZ_ _ _ _ AUGUST FILEK .. EUGENE W. KASPAR WII. SLiVlVl 4ud*ior ANTON JECMEN FRANK MAYER. Atty. JOSEPH J. KRAL GEO. J. HOLEK, Atty. WM. F. KOSOBUD UNSURPASSED COLLECTION FACILITIES. ©TTE & CO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Wabash 3650 1,600,000 621,470 1,845,210 Chase N. and Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. A Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals invited. Chicago REAL ESTATE BONDS BOUGHT-SOLD-QUOTED Members Chicago Stock Exchange----- Members Chicago Curb Exchange Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given onc. to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Louis Kaufman___ Vincent Caro. Kaufman State Bank 1150 par too 2-71 dB®»T5'21 (124 No. La Salle) W. L. Martin____ Willis Moore __ Kenwood State Bank 1135-par 100 2—411 dB©*t§ 29 F. S. Williams (1159 E. 47th St.) j. (3600 Fullerton Ave.) "LAKE SHORE TRUST & SAV.BANK Ass’t cashier. M. Lazar, Jr._____ Th. Stieghorst, And. F. S. Williams____ Bess S. Heptig-----H. J. Diettrich .. i „uu,n V. P. and Tr. Officer & SAVINGS BANK 1285-8% par 100 2-195 dB®T»tS’09 Cashier. R. 6. KIMBELL — P. H. SGHROEDER Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (federal Reserve City Ne. 7) Liabilities. e"Mem.A.B.A.nNew 5 State tPriv. jMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav. $LastSalc%Div. + KIMBELL TRUST CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Resources. Other Paid-up Total L iabili Capital profits Deposits ties S 200.000 I 32,110 S 588,250 $ 200.000 52,780 748,990 300,OM 103,590 2,064,040 Loans AND Discounts 53,780 $ Bonds Miscel laneous ______ SlCUBXTIBB ReSOUBOBS no. Baits. and Chicago Clearing House Ass’n Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. 178.990 $ 544,610 I 50,370 $ 100,170 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 521,710 225,110 54,690 200,260 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 2,219,890 257,560 571,050 Darmstaedter N.. Berlin. Germany; Wiener Bk. Verein, Vienna. FMER — RSEN —GTERSCH.S*C' G. A. Tr. Off. 704,720 E. W. ISRAEL. And. 243,840 Irv. Tr. Co., N. V.; 1st N. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. We are equlpt to handle your North-West Side business promptly an d satisfactorily. Write for list. OUR OWN 6% Individual First Mortga ges. WM. I. KLINE......... J. R. FREY----------- H. M. MATSON------- F. K. HAYS H. E. DEVEREAUX. J. P. CUMMINGS. _----------V, P. and Tr. Officer E.J. RUSSELL. A. Tr. Off, Q. G. PETERSON ________ M.D. MILLER. C. J. SCHANIEL, Asst. Vice-Pres. Mgr,R.E.Ln, Dept. Mgr,, But. Bn*. Extension Ei' WOO-8%+3% 2-303 dB®T*t§’20 1.823,830 Cbem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. City, N. T.; 1st N., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. „ Credit Mgr. And. par 188 (605 N. Michigan Ave.) Lake View State Bank______ “In the heart of the fire at North Central Bistrict” (Closed September 22, 1930) - - - - - - - - W. A. BRUCKER_ "LAKE VIEW J. J. BUDL0NG........ W.A!F.E.HAYESwfuLSTROM. jL. _ _ _ ftp* 0. W. COX. TRUST & SAV. BANK CLARENCE MILLS Mgr. R.E. Tr. Off. 2-134 d®T*t§’05 (3201 N. Ashland Ave.) parlOO Dept. Mgr. New Bu*. Dept. 590,000 1,388,030 6,487,530 1,710,800 (Closed August 16, 1 930. -(-Lawndale National Bank F. G. Hajicek, 2,898,400 893,630 2,086,670 Chase National Bank, New York. Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co., Chicago. Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago. 1,225,940 3,827,980 298,660 1,316,590 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.. - OLDEST BANK ON THE NORTH SIDE” Laramie State Bank. 4,217,480 Receiver appo inted December 2,19 30) J. J. Salat_______ R. F. Hajicek. 4% par 10 2-204 dB®T»’12 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Joseph F. Polak (3341 W. 26th St.) Joseph Kopecky Joseph J. Janda... V.P.and Cash, Charles J. Roubik 350,000 291,970 5,845,870 181,340 Chi. Joseph M. Zalnsky J. G. Zelezny Joseph J. Salat.... F. G. Hajicek......... Frank J. Vasek.__ George P. Kirch parlOO 2-137 dB®T«t§’12 Frank Kirchman, J. F. Polak man (3205 West 22d St.) Ch. of Bd. Joseph Kopecky Lee J. Hruby +Lawndale State Bank 500,000 216,920 2,493,780 216,870 1,028,000 1,652,130 133,370 614.080 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Anglo- Czechoslovak & Prague Credit. Prague. 1 Lawrence Avenue National Bank (Closed December 31 . 1930) "LIBERTY TRUST & SAVINGS BANK par 100 2-228 dB®T«t§’12 (3158 Roosevelt Road) Lincoln State Bank______ CARL L. JERNBERG— W. G. DOOLEY- - - - - - - HARRY WIERSEMA. WM. KABAKER......... W. M. HEYMANN. Ch. BENJAMIN LEVINSON, v-p■ and Caah■ J. A. LISS V. P. and Tr. Off. E. H. RUD0RF, Aud. \ uu THOMPSON MILTON ROSENTHAL M. S. SCHWARTZ 700,000 524.900 8,684,300 500,090 5,135,870 1,655,500 2,347,630 1,270.230 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st WIs. N., Mil.; 1st N., Joliet. 133,490 194,180 1,059,190 241,930 221,880 412.150 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N. Collections given prompt, careful, and personal attention. We Specialize on “WEST SIDE” Items. (Closed June 10,1931 , Receiver appointe d July 20, 1931) Lincoln Trust & Savings Bank. (Closed April 16, 19 31. Receiver appoin ted May 22. 1931) + L0RAN SQUARE STATE & SAVIN6S BARK 1185-6% 2-351 ®«ts (1651 Milwaukee Ave.) f □ HENRY S. SAVAGE - N. R. NEW---------- A. A. MUELLER, Exec. PETER RICHLOWSKI— 200,000 V. P. and Cash. R. C. MAHER W. J. ROEHLER.V.P. and Mgr. R. E. Ln. Dept. H. A. REZEK ©TTE & Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CO. 1,407,480 Chi. Board of Trade Bldg. WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW SENT ON REQUEST Telephone Wabash 3650 INDIVIDUAL COLLATERAL LOANS—BROKERS LOANS CHICAGO Members Chicago Stock Exchange - - Members Chicago Curb Exchange Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. OQ7 •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State fPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond (Federal Beserve City No. 7) Cashier. Vice-President. TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Capital pBOpits ties USTUG PHiupkENjr~" ."spellbrink Ch.o/Bd. L’ * Tr. Officer FRANK J. GORMAN-ALFRED G. HINCKER JAMES E. GORMAN, J HILMERAR,JEoS.Pres. A- P. MURPHY, Ajpr-.-0-.rn-.Dep(.H||J.NSElFERHjRTESS Vice Ch. of Bd. 'r~ D ° T~ MmcblI.ANIOUH Ca.h A £i CBAHGH.Ihj. Discounts Sbcubitibb RasonBcis non Bank. Chicago Clearing House Ass’n.Members shown by’ Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. 1 1,000,008 J 1,019,510 $ 7.112,600 $ 9,370 t 6.807.7C0 $ 518.270 $ 592.440 $ 1,223,070 Guaranty Trust Co........... ........................New York Central Republic Bank & Trust Co.___ Chicago Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co. .Chicago First National Bank___________________ Chicago Union Trust Co......... .................................. Cleveland 2,402,920 15,000 1,481.130 444,480 35,240 726,450 N. City. N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. Wm. B. Thomas. 200.000 54,000 305,000 15,000 329,000 76.000 58,000 111,000 Chase N., N.Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., and United Am. Tr. & Sav. Bk., Chi. B. M. O’Connell— B. M. O'Connell__ C. C. Durkin ... John F. Kurent J. W. Utesch, Jr. W. L. Stoetzel. 300,000 125,580 1,211,180 238,580 1,110,580 503,840 106,600 154,320 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. L. A. Wachowski— X. A. Czonstka ___ X. A. Czonstka----- E. L. Wachowski. Sec, Wm. H. Schmidt, Wm. H. Schmidt 200.000 93,760 793,310 310,480 813,320 318,560 132,430 133,240 Chase N., N. Y.; Nortliw. Tr. & Sav. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. T. B. McGrath. Jr. J. J. Quinn .............. J. R. W. Bjorkman G. C. Andrich. Mgr. R. E. Ln. De Geo. M. Getschow, 200,000 46,260 756,400 2,920 324,780 402,700 16,380 261,720 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 600.000 560,790 9,611,770 272,310 5,935,910 1,920,850 283,850 2,904,270 Chase N. Bk.. N.Y.; 1st N. Bk„ Chi.; Union Tr. Co.. Clev. 500,000 503.710 4,033,230 200,090 2,855,210 766,730 109,250 1,505,840 F. C. Straubing .. Ch. + Marshall Square State Bank 2-162 ®*t§’20 (8113 W. 22(1 St.) -(-Mayfair State Savings Bank par 100 2-382 dB©t§’26 8135-6% (4434 Lawrence Ave.) L. S. Tark... Wm. Rusnak A.Cash. and Tr. Off. Ch. of Bd. Ch. *HE«F.W‘ HARRY N. GRUT...... WM. W. FARRELL— J.G. R0SELAND— B. H. RUBENZIK. Sec. ♦ 2-48 dB®T»t5’12 F. H. RAWSON. Ch. of Bd. mmp" J. C. SCOFIELD. 1250-10% par 100 Tr. Off. H. A. SWANSON. And. (541 Jackson Blvd.) MERCHANDISE BANK & TRUST COMPANY par 1 ■ 2-85 dB©§’30 (Merchandise Mart) C.W.WENNERT. J. CLARK „ A.G.T0B0RG T. H. THORNE F. H. WALKER......... G. L THOMPSON. G. H. WOODARD R. L. REQHEFFER . b. trRAMER, — Ch, of Bd. IjTrectors George W. Childs Milton S. Florsheim Childs & Wood Chairman, The Florsheim Shoe Co. L. Lewis Cohen George M. McConnell Pres,, Equipment Specialties Co. Special attention given to those having busi ness with tenants of the Merchandise Mart, America's Largest Merchandise Center. Sterling B. Cramer Pres., Ry. Term, and Warehouse Co. George B. Everitt Pres., Merchandise Bk. & Tr. Co, Vice Pres., Cont. III. Bk. and Tr, Co, Pres,, Montgomery Ward and Co, -(-Metropolitan State Bank John H. brenza-__ John Krotkas____ J. O. Brenza............. Helen M. Kupshas 8% 2-270 dB®»t5’l4 J. C. Brenza S. S.TyrakowskJ (2201 W. 22d St.) 'MID-CITY TRUST b SAVINGS BANK W J RATHJF KENNEDY....... H. HAROLD OSBORNE D. B. rjffixWc. HER. Auditor V. C. WINNEN, Tr. Officer dB®T*t§’ll (801 Madison) Midland National Bk,.dB®«’27 8300 par 100 2-391 (Archer Ave. at Sacramento) Midway State Bank—dB®t§’26 2-384 8160 par 100 (6236 Cottage Grove Ave.) Millard State Bank____________ Montrose Trust <fc Savings Bank 0. BENGTSEN---- J. J. WALSH_ _ _ _ _ A. F. REHTZSCH W. 0. SCHULTZ „ RUDOLPH G. HAD J. K. SHOUKANOFF J. LEVINSON F. A. GR0ENWALD L. H. FREISE J. 1. STRAUSS Raymond L. Redheffer Irving Trust Co._____________________New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co., Chicago Northwestern National Bank_____Minneapolis Union Trust Co...................................... .....Cleveland Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co. __________________St. Louis Crocker First National Bank.......... San Francisco Fred W. Sargent Stanley Field Pres,, Field Museum of Nat. History 2-172 and 69,380 1210-8% par 147.61 2-36 and 200.000 (4812 W- Madison St.t Main State Bank-------- dB©§’29 Josef Rusnak, 1145 par 100 2-405 Ch, of Bd, and Pres, (2654 North Ave.) -t-Marauette Park State Bank Wm. Brietzke........... 1250-8% par 100 2-242 dB®T*t5’lS (6814 S. Western Ave.) par 100 Bonds HOWARD HUFF +Madison Square State Bank C. F. Kuehnle, Jr— Charles Rohm____ S. P. Tomaso 2-301 dB©T«§'22 T. Cunningham, 8180-6% Loans GEO. BOYLES--— D. W. CLARK- - - - - - - - - - Pj.A.SCHROEOER — HARRY R. (Madison St. at Kedzie Ave.) par too 2-248 dB®T«U’30 100 Other Total Deposits Liabili Surplus Ass’t Cashier. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. MADISON-KEDZIE Resources. Liabilities. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Pres,, Chicago and North Western Ry. Co. 200,000 351,950 1,383,170 5,480 679,900 611,160 61,580 587,950 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. 1,000.000 751,870 9,363,060 271,570 6,757,850 2,374,690 327,450 1,926,510 National City Bank.................................. New York A GRO WING BANK THAT OFFE RS A PROM PT AN D EFF ICIEN T SER VICE. L. Oscar Challman. Frank L. Webb— V. 1. Vanicek_____ J. J. Sokolowski—. C. G.Kilkis D. E. Shanahan. Ch. V. I. Vanicek R. E. Zuck, Ass*, to Pres. R. K. Packard, Ch.. P, E. Wagner_____ R. A. Delassus____ W. H. VanHoesen. 300,000 (Closed August 14, 1930) (Closed May 20, 19 31. Receiver appoint ed June 8, 1931) Wm. Schulze_____ Alfred E. Rushton. G. W. Graper........... O. E. Kenyon.......... 200,000 1.073.150 3,950 719,220 247,760 140,250 35,000 336,710 20.660 376,810 61,230 196,510 86,450 980,220 101,600 486,630 588,240 130,540 250,000 146,350 ( Including Reserves) Chase National Bank _........ ................... New York First National Bank......................................Chicago Union Trust Co.____________________ Cleveland 366,220 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Stk. Yds. N. and Terminal N„ Chi. 57,820 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi. 162,850 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. dBO-TSNM 8190 par 100 (1987 W. 111th St.) Otte & Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Telephone °aodg' EXECUTED ON ALL PRINCIPAL EXCHANGES Chicago ORDERS Members Chicago Stock Exchange Members Chicago Curb Exchange 398 Number under Name of Bank is tbe New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A. "New {State tPm. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. (Batata. ♦Fed. Bes. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d: 8afeDep.®S*».$LastSale%£)iT. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Liabilities. Piiinm. VICE-PRESIDENT. Ciisns. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Ass't Cabbies. Paid-nr Surplus Total and Deposits Camtal Profits Other Loans and Diiooohts Resources. MibcblOaib t ExUKBon nunna,Doi and SaouBmn Rbsottbosi raw Baku Bond# Chicago Clearing House Ass n Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. — Mt. Greenwood Trust & Sav H. W. Elmore, E. E. Elmore. ings Bank 2-409 dR®T#t§’27 Ch. of Bd. and Pres 1160 par 100 (3052 W. 111th St.) W. Thompson____ S Matual National Bank d©T*t’17 Frank 0. Rathje. A. W. Harper_____ E. D. O'Connell, J. Masterson .. porlOO 2-290 T. J. Weldon F. H. Korthauer. V. P. and Cash. C. R. Gill (7844 8. Hals ted) V.P. H. A. Fischer, J. W. Nelson. Aud. I. V. Erickson V. P. and Tr. Off. John J. Lyons The National Bank of the Kepublic of Chicago____ 5,010 $ 70,970 9,3409 3 63,550 $ 18,970 S 12,730 $ 15,060 1st N.. Chi. 300,000 297,790 3.467,530 388,890 1,500.710 885,060 363,770 1,704,670 Cent. Haa. Bk. & Tr. do., N. Y.: 1st N., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Harris Tr. & Sav„ Chi. 300,000 200,000 2,599,400 68,000 1,191,000 946,000 283,000 747,000 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. 500,000 177.660 5,165,690 344.390 2,113,320 2,575,520 92,650 1,406,260 Chase N. and Chat. Phen. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cent. Eep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chicago. 600,000 290,830 4,681.240 330,700 2,356.500 2,012,480 179,410 1,354,390 Chase N., Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr Co.,Chi.;Wells Fargo Bk.& Union Tr. Co., San F. (See listing under Central Republic B ank & Trust Co.) -(-National Bank of Woodlawn F. M. Loriah_____ R. M. AshcraftG. J. Claus ....__ $255-6% +2% 2-328 dB®*'21 A. 0. Mann, A. 0. Zimmermann par 100 (1326 E. 63d St.) Ch. •/ Bd H. ft. Spellman E. C. Baur________ ^National Builders Bank W. G. McLaury___ J. V. Farwell, 111. M. D. Goldberg.__ C. A. Johnson. $155 par 100 2-47 dB®T*t’27 J. E. Lindquist. Ch. L. A. Bowman. C. W. Torset (On the Waeker Drive, at Tr. Off. L. C. Phillips LaSalle) Noel State Bank_ 25.000 (Closed June 18, 193 1 Receiver appointed July 27, 1931) North Ave. State Bank Landon C. Rose ___ T. A. Fitzsimmons. W.R. Lotz_______ G. B. Frick___ 1225-7% 2-148 d®»tl'06 R. L. Tearney W. Q. Zander. Sec. H. S. Krantz par ioo (600 North Ave.) V. E. Ferrara Northcenter Trust & Savings (Absorbed by Citize ns Stale Bank Septe mber 12, 1930) Bank_______________________ SOLOMON A. SMITH. A. J. WILSON, CHARLES M. NELSON R. M. HANSON. R. K. PRETTY! OLIVER PRINGLE. 34,691.870 32,846,200 4,406,390 19,632.120 H. 0. EDMONDS. W. FRENCH. F. J. KOCH. W. S. MILLER. jv. H'. MOONEY,’ A. PROSSER. F. S. BOOTH. FRED A. CUSCADEN. -. F. WATERMULDER. ALBERT V. KING. H. H. ROCKWELL. P.G.MORRIS.V.P-and JOHN M. MEIKLE, H. J. KARCH, T.„ S. ESTREM. H. M. GUSTAFSON. K. J. SHECKLER, V. P. and Sec. j( .. r‘2ru',£.?r» DeplAuditor A sal. Secretaries 1WM. P. WHELAN. Mgr. Foreign 2d V. P. and Mgr. SHECKLER. L. B. ROBBINS. Dept. Rent Estate Dept. M.F. DINNER. G. D. MAXFIELD. H. H. PAGE. A. B. CASWELL. Second CX&OOEii? *«■*<*«" C. B. PETERSEN. JAS. A. RUSSELL, Mgr, Credit Dept. Vice-Presidents G. S. THOMSON. A. Mgr. Bond Dept. G. F. SPAULDING. R. H. GARRETT. CHARLES M. NELSON. Asst, Cashiers W. F. SARLE. D. B. McOOUGAL. A. Mgr. Bond Dept. $82S-ie% ♦ 2-15 1fdB©T»tl’89 LA™ "ff-HAND LAMSON H. S a TE?ND’ par ioo (50 S. La Salle) L.L. MCARTHUR. Jr.. P. G. MORRIS. ‘THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANYBANK KMHP sTM.EACH’ Guaranty Tr. Co., 1st N., Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. City, Chase N., Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., Irving Tr. Co., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., Com’l N. Bk. & Tr. Co., J. P. Morgan & Co., Am. Express Bk. & Tr. Co., and Brooklyn Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Sbawmut, Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.; Un. Tr. Co. and Mellon N., Pitt.; Union Tr., Clev.; Miss. Yalley Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. Tr., San F.; N. Bk. of Com. and Guardian Det., Det.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.: 1st N., Balt.; M & T Tr. Co., Buff.; West minster Bk., Ltd., and Barclays Bk., Ltd., London; Morgan & Co. and Soclete Generate, Paris; Deutsche Bk. und Discontogesellschaft, Berlin; Botterdamsche Bankv., Rotterdam. Vice-Presidents ©TTE & CO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Wabash 3650 CHICAGO LISTED AND UNLISTED SECURITIES ORDERS EXECUTED IN ALL PRINCIPAL MARKETS MEMBERS CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE—MEMBERS CHICAGO CURB EXCHANGE Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given QQQ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. to •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPriv. tMem. Stats B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Dept* :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©SaT.$Last,Sale%Div. North Town State Bank North-Western Tr. <fc Sav, Bank. +Norwood Park Trust & Sav. «50-6% .Bank.2-369. dB®T»t§'24 par 100 (6101 Northwest Hy.) Novak & Sleiskal State Bank__ +Ogden National Bank $28-6% par 20 2-160 dB®»t’12 *3959-61 Ogden Ave. i r_ CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City resources. Miscel Ca*h k Ex* laneous 1 chanqw.Dub Liabilities. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. (Closed April 13. 19 31. Receiver appoi nted May 12, 1931) (Closed June 10, 193 1) F. H. Esdohr, R. D. Andrews___ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Ass’t Cashier. R, .T, Sass Other Paid-up Surplus Total Liabiliand Deposits Capital Profits TIES Loans and Discounts 24,540 $ 288,890 $ _ ig Poll dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. BONDS AND 69,100 $ 60,120 $ Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Bks. by+ Principal correspondents. 63,450 Chase N., N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Jeffer son iJk. a. Chi. 100.000 S 35,930 $ 321,090 $ 200,000 50,530 680,110 227,800 412,920 447,790 149,880 100,000 77,010 536,690 188,060 259,640 506,520 35,660 100,000 55,340 785,580 506,000 254,640 25,420 154,660 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr Co. and Cont. 111. bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 5,739,330 5,156,660 709,090 2,617,910 Qty. Tr. Co. and Chatham-Phenix, N. Y.; Stock Yds. N., 1st N., and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. E. A. HINTZ________ R R. OLSON_ _ _ _ _ _ 2.500.000 1,535,330 20,273,320 759.050 19,840,510 3,593,820 F. B. WEAKLY. Sec. and Tr. Officer JAMES THORPE. _ J. H. MOON A.Sec.and A.Tr.Off. E. C. FISHER “Financial Center ox C. W. VAUGHAN. „ C. E. HARVEY . A. Sec. WM.P.IIETZLER. A. 168,640 9,464,770 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; 1st N., Bos. (Closed February 20 , 1931. Receiver app ointed March 18, 19 31) O. R. Cnrhett, Max Woldenburg, B. L. Rosset. Ch. Vice-Ch. opolitan State Bank October 18, 1930) Old Dearborn State Bank______ (Deposit liabilities a ssumed by Chicago B ank of Commerce M arch 28, 1931) Pa pan eit-K ova c State Bank Martin Papanex.. Sam Pa pan eg_____ Stefan Kovac____ John Papanek-----$200-6% par 100 2-315 dB®t§’21 C. R. Jandus, Ch. H. P. Sinden S 147,850 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 99,930 1st N., Chi *886 Milwaukee Ave.j Park Manor State Bank__ (Merged with Chath + Parkway State Bank 1). A. Orth. $130-3% par 100 2-368 dB®Tt§’24 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 'I960 No Clark St ' *msTimun H. C. Laycock____ C. R. Webster........ J. C. Vlasak par 20 2-45 dB®T*t’09 E. Nylin (1542 W. 47th) John De Gerald E. H. REYNOLDS_____ R. B. UPHAM___ G. D. KANE N. L. SCHMITZ A. M. SPEER H. B. BRAY ‘THE PEOPLES NINA Y. CARTER. P. WITTS. TRUST & SAVINGS JOHN C. E. HARVEY and D. V. MCCARTHY. BANK ary 21, 1931. which closed June 9, 1931) P. P. lanen______ R. M. Jones. Mgr. R. E. and Bd. Dept. F. B. Robinson— S. E. Stott________ W. T. Nenneman, Jos. Hemzacek Asst, V. P, W. J. Szepietowski Elmer Kolb James F. Conlan, Ass<. V. P. D. L. Eckert, Tr. Officer Chicago’s Lake Front" Cash,, Mgr, Sav, Dept, G. L. BANDLOW L. H. RITCHIE. DIRECTORS A. Cash, and Mgr. Cr. Dept Service Extension Dept, A, VLiMiLinn BANKING DEPT.—Invites accounts of Banks, Firms, Individuals. FOREIGN DEPT.—Sells Foreign Exchange. Issues Letters of Credit and Travelers Cheques. TRUST DEPT.—Authorized by State of Illinois to act In all Trust Capacities. (105 W. Madison St.) Willoughby G. Walling R. B. Umberger Joseph E. Otis, Ch. R. B. Umberger.__ S. B. Clark. Sec. E. J. Tietz, Mgr, Cr. Dept. F. M. Carton. A. Mgr. Cr. Dept. J.J. Krumeich____ G. T. Peck. Aud. F. V. Gilmore. Mgr, R. E. Ln.Dept. Robert J. Graf Cyrus McCormick D°u*|j,sT. , Jhatf.eld-Taylor Lester Arm0Ur John A Ho|abird Robert B. Iloharn Earle H. Reynolds P. D. Armour George M. Reynolds Herman Waldeck Joseph T. Ryerson PhaeWarH C»ah..rv Chas. Ward Seabury E.P.Waud Rush C. Butler fc, WALKOE INVESTMENT UNIT—The Peoples Securities Company. $210-10% par 100 35,570 855,780 12,331,630 (Incl. Reserves) •*SBIr** Mgr. Women’s Dept. Mgr. Safe Dept. Vaults. $200-u% 2-29 d®T*tfT0 +*% extra, par 100 (32 No. Ifieh.Ave.) 1,000,000 ®onald vmiB miciMFee cnaniALLV 2,000,000 1,232,100 7,894,700 invited. 6,990 575,510 11,034,400 660,920 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. C. A. BEUTEL- - - - - - - M. J. LONG...... ....... M. J. LONG- - - - - - - - - - - E. P. ANDERSON—URBAN M.FOERSTER. N. W. C0NRARDY Ch. of Bd. Tr. Off. S. F. KOGEN "PHILLIP STATE B. L. ROSSET, BANK & TRUST GO. The constant aim of the Officers of this Bank is to give personal attention to the needs of our depositors. Our special attention is given to $210-8+2% 2-119 dB®T*«’fl5 par 100 the care of collections and we respectfully (7001 No. Clark) invite your business. “ROGERS PARK'S OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK" Ottk & Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 500.000 Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Wabash 3650 225,100 2.580,370 355,420 1,336,160 1,634,260 298,920 391,620 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. T.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. On and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cbl.; Un. Tr. Co., Cleve. rS! BANK ™ INSURANCE STOCKS MEMBERS CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE----- MEMBERS CHICAGO CURB EXCHANGE Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 400 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State ti'riv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Dept* :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. +Pioneer Trust & Sav. Bank C. J. Peeples_____ 2-168 d®T»t§’13 1425-16% por 100 (4000 W. North Ave.) 0. E. Scheubert... R. H. Lovett J. F. Amberg Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. tkjkj (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Cashier. N. F. Stone. J. L. Sunde, Ass’t Cashier. H. G. F. W. Ostlund___ Collin* Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Total Capital Propits Deposits $ 750,000 $ 763,700 t 5,192,710 $ Other ties Resources. MibcflBonds Loans Discount* SECURITIES Rbsoubcbs 81,710 $ 3,725,440 $ 1,163,270 t Ca«h k Ex* Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by+ from Baku Princifal Correspondents. 511,380 J 1,388,030 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Tr. Officer A. C. Andersen Portage Park National Bank___ (Consolidated Febru ary 2, 1931 with Inla nd Trust and Saving s Bank and Irving P ark Natio nal Bank aslnland- Irving Na tional Ba nk which closed Jun r 8, 1931) + Prudential State Sav. Bk. 10% 2-297 + RAVENSW00D RAT’L BANK 1140-6% par 100 2-20# dB®»t’12 (1806Wilson Ave.) 'RELIANCE BANK & TRUST CO. 10% 2-38 Geo. K. Schmidt, dB@i’19 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, O. F. Closius. V. P. par 100 (768 W. North Ave.) + Pullman Trust & Saving Bk. *155 par 100 2-104 dB®T»t§’83 (400 E. 111th St.) D. R. Bryant ___ Albert J. Kemper. Geo. K.Schmidt.Jr. Frank H, Schelline George J. Kunz Chas. H. Albers 200.000 271,290 1,703,940 484,440 852,290 1,177,050 171,080 459,250 E. G. Sweeney____ E. Pearson 500.000 355,990 4,501,410 71,410 2,458,310 1,885.160 425,240 660,090 200,000 122.930 941,720 189,520 750,930 369,280 142,190 191,770 1. City. N. Y.; Cont. 1 N.. Ced. R. 750.000 808,008 6,283,010 248,790 3,638,419 3,197,980 66,280 1,447,710 51,440 578,720 709,560 234,400 P. W. D. Rathje____ F. 0. BIRNEY.......... John W. Hackett.. Clev. Tr. Co., Clev. Craig, A. Sec. M. Damn.. B. L. Sweeney A. H. S. CLARKE - JOHN T. PAIN_____ H. J. KEHRES........... MARTIN T. O'BRIEN, A. C. CREMER1 US, MURLIN HOOVER V. P. and Sec. G. W. WEBER V.P.andMgr. R.E.Ln.Dept, WM. T. RICH 1,187,130 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Ced. R. N., Ced. R. Un. Tr. Co., Clev. “INVITES YOUR WEST SIDE BUSINESS” Ridge State Bank____ (Closed June 9, 1931 . Ridgeway Stale Bank_ (Closed April 1, 193 ROGERS PARK NATIONAL BANK par loo E. Price......... . E. Pearson, Sec. W.W. 2-229 dB®’13 (6979 N. Clark) par 100 2-406 (5617 Belmont Ave.) 1931) Vault Custodian For quicker, better service send your NORTH SIDE items and collections direct to this bank. Rose land National Bank T. Schmid 2-876 dB®T»’24 (10833 So. MichiganAve.) Roseland State Sav. Bank___ Receiver appointe d July 10.1931) 1. Receiver appoint ed April 21, W. H. CREBER------- J. N. HASTIE_____ E. H. PERCY_______ ANNE E. KELSEY. Mgr.New Bus. Dept. OTTO E. FREUND. R. C. CLARK Ch. of Bd. W. H. GROAT, C. Teninga______ A. J. Zimmerman.. I. E. Berkson *150-6% par 100 (Closed July 3,1931) D. V.Harkin, A. W.Satheru.......... R. Ch, of Bd. and Pres. A. F. Keeney C. L. S. V.S. McVey Platek Hansen______ Thos. F. McNally. Schiff Trust & Savings Bank__ (Liquidated through West Side Trust & Savings Bank Janu ary 31, 1931) Sears-Community State Bank J. Louis Kohn_____ W. par 25 2-221 dB®*’31 W. M. Heyman.CTi. (3401 Arthington) G. Dooley_____ Michael Bolker. L. P. Timmins_____ J. B. Taslitz 100,000 02,890 199,360 IstN., Chi.: Franklin Am. Tr. Co., St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. Only National Bank and MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM IN ROGERS PARK. 200,000 60,230 583,250 50,000 300,200 299,540 127 000 200,000 25,000 79,440 53,020 127,300 113,700 54,170 200,000 21,500 1.260,470 143,660 759,590 270,710 6,400 350,000 500,150 3.980,480 126,830 2.968.890 1.059,809 20,250 908.520 700,000 721,050 6.104.899 133,340 4.647,080 1,592,320 44,320 1,389,569 166,740 1st N.. Chi. 62,280 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Un. Bk. of Chi., Chi. 588,930 1st N., Chi. and Joliet. (Succeeds Community Stale Bank) Second Humboldt Stale Bank__ (Closed May, 1931. Receiver appointed J une 10, 1931) Second N orth Western State Bank_________________ (Closed June 9, 1931 . Receiver appointe d July 22, 1931) SECOND SECURITY BANK 2-188 dB®T»tl'll (1965 Milwaukee Ave.) *400 par 100 ffHP- M. J. 6RAU............ EDW.LEMKE- - - - - - - - B.F. GUNDERLOCK — L. D. SMITH, H. A. JOHNSON, Aud. E.S. ASCHERMANN Ch. of Bd. V. P. and Mgr. R E.C. HANSEN. E, Ln. Dept. par loo Bill of Lading Drafts receive special attention. N. 1. COLLINS_ _ _ _ M. J.6RAU...... ....... J. L. BRICHETTO_ _ H F PAVIS -_ _ J. B. FORGAN.Jr., E.STEHERSEN A. 6. LAUTERBACH. THOS. MATHIESEN, V.P. and Mgr. R. E. A. Tr. Off. Ch. of Bd. R. J. KITTRED6E L. Dept. F. W.MATHISON. ♦ 2-140 dB®T*i§’0 A.V. P. (767 Milwaukee Ave.) H. A. JOHNSON. Aud. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. SECUR1T Y—SERVICE- SATISFACTION i CHICAGO BANK STOCKS. . . ’2™'“" Otte & Co Digitized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. City, N.Y.; 1st N., Chi. A. Tr, Off. 'SECURITY BANK *450-15% Chi. dB®T«§’93 par loo (1540 W. Madison) *250-12% A. P. □hasp N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. and St. L. ^FRASER MEMBERS CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANCE-MEMBERS CHICAGO CURB EXCHANGE for Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Wabash 3650 CHICAGO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 401 •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPrif. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts .T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Resources. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Total AND Deposits Profits Thos. F. McNally— $ + Service State Bank dB®t§'24 D. V. Harkin.......... Wm. F. Siewert. A.W.Sathern. J. B. Campbell par 100 Sheridan Trust & Sav. Bk.____ (Closed June 8, 1931 . Receiver appointe d July 16. 1931) C. J. Wabich------Sherman State Bk.. dB®*t§’21 S. I. Witmanski__ H. Beaupre_______ W. G. Pokorny. V. P. and Cash. B. Zaleski, Ch, Frank Peska 1100 par 100 2-192 (4801 So. Ashland) 1228 ( 5601 W. North Ave.)2-363 Other LiabiliTIE8 100,000 $ 100.370 $ 1.228,740 $ (Incl, Loans AND MiacBr,Cjlhh k ExLANBOUS changes, Dob Resources BONDS AND Discounts 1,280 S Affiliated Banks by+ Principal Correspondents. 786.610 $ 364.850 $ 123,470 $ 155,450 Chase N.. N. Y.: Union Bk. of Chi. and Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Westwood State. Elmwood Pk. Reserves) 200.000 55,140 735,260 43,650 407,200 360,740 162,930 103,180 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Northw. Tr. & Sav, and Drov. N„ Chi, 200.000 267.460 914,100 72,250 879.860 82,850 125,770 365,330 Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; StockYds. N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. E. Ska la............ 200.000 47,140 812,170 31,580 184,670 675,080 55,130 South Ashland National Bank Lloyd Maxwell.... J. G. Hodgkinson.. Guy Brown---------- E. W. Bermes. Guy Brown par 100 2-404 dB®’28 (6905 So. Ashland Ave.) 200.000 23,020 356,260 26,830 315,050 188,730 10,400 91,930 Chatham-Phenix, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 200.000 25.000 153.150 64,580 269,620 70,100 37,170 65,830 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. H. C. Kriewitz .... Wm. T. Mulcahy Herbert Grunnet 800,000 668,000 5.638,680 198,530 3,526.080 1,990,000 695,870 1,093,250 N.Y.Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ ( hi.: Ced. R. N., Ced. R. J. F. Springer----- 200,000 135,700 956,920 245,250 1,051,130 47,000 169,770 269,980 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 400,000 234.220 3.388,570 314,810 1,853,030 1,691,980 241,520 551,070 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. 300.000 55.400 824,080 36,150 409,600 322,120 211,040 272,870 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Peo. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 100.000 102,220 945,350 11,130 602,930 281,550 Sixty-Third and Halsted State C. H. Defining Sav. Bank....2-266...©I5’14 $280-12% (6258 Halsted St.) ... P. J. Claussen. H. F. Thies Skala State Bank..........d®t§’19 Frank J. Skala___ Chas. Krcilek. 8% (970 W. 18th St.) 2-294 South Central State Bank C. V. McErlean.__ par 100 2-401 d®t§’28 (9 E. 79th St.) south emcAuo sav. bank Warren W. Smith $200-8%+ 2% ex. 2-126 d®T»t5'02 parlOO (2959 E. 92d) Geo. Lenz.. ........A. H. Defining_____ W. H. Dehning Joseph Skala___ P. R. Ska 11a, Sec. F. A. Cramsie........ J. H. Doig ............... iW.W.Gildersleeve, Arthur H. Hansen. N.M. Fredrickson. E. L. Wagner G. A. Nelson, V. P. and Tr. Off. + South Shore State Bank J. L. Lynch______ R. C. Christy_____ Wm. A. Carlson ... $125-8% 2-263 dB®18’19 J. A. Carroll. Ch. F. P. Leahy parlOO (2634 E. 75th St.) South Side Savings Bank & Trust Co.________________ (Closed June 8, 1931 . Receiver appointe d July 24. 1931) Southwest State Bank_______ (Deposit liabilities taken over by Depos itors State Bank) + 8outh West Trust & Savings T. J. Healy........... E. R. Litsinger___ C. P. O’Connor.__ Geo. Johanek. C. B. Litsinger, •par 100 Sec. 35th St. Archer and Hoyne Aves. Standard National Bank d®t’29 H. C. Laycock____ C. R. Webster____ E. F. Cronin______ M. E. Thompson... par 20 2-408 (7919 So. Ashland Ave.) $180-8% Bk—2-217... dB©Tt§'12 State Bank of Beverly Hills.. {Closed June 11, 193 1) State Bank of Clearing H. P. Isham....... Lambert Bere. par 100 2-271 d©»8’14 (5601 W. 63d) Lambert Bere____ W. L. Duerr— 91.810 176,010 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Zivnostenska. Prague. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 182,410 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. Iff'. State Bank of West Pullman H. J. Reichwein.. M. F. Cockrell____ Lewis W. Howes _. Frank Boersma.__ «% 2-118 dB®t$'91 G. F. Roberts. Ch. (624 W. 120th St.) 200,000 53,460 728,990 52,800 435,480 328,030 113.420 158,320 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 200.000 243.630 1,147,750 618.900 866,500 936,760 30,930 376,080 Chase N., N.Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., Drov. N„ 1st N.,andStockYds.N., Chi.; Com’l Tr. Co.,JerseyC. 353,670 10,292,810 2,438,760 742,660 5,825,830 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 3,359,840 66,470 959,120 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N., Chi. State Savings Bank & Tr. Co... (Absorbed by Libert y Trust & Savings Bank June 9, 1931) + STOCKMEN'S TR.& SAV. BK. E. J. A. Gold_____ John E. Traeger... P. E. Costin______ S. A. Van Dyk____ 8% par 100 2-136 d®ej|'05 (800 W. Garfield Blvd.) *THE STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO F. J. Gatz G. V. Olson C. N. STANTON------- L W.JOYER-------- D. «■ KENDALL-------- H. F^HERRICK-------J. J. STAI6ER .. F. EMERY A. S. BA6NALL H. I. TIFFANY P. R. WINEGARDNER 2,000,000 912.520 16,033,860 Tbe Clearing House of the Chicago Live Stock Market SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON ILLINOIS INDEX. $54-16% par 20 2-147 d©T»t’68 (4150 S.Halsted) M. ZEHR--------- JAMES BURGESS— tiNwteA. C. N. STANTON_ _ _ _ A.J.H.G.T.I. LEONARD--------ROY TIFFANY JOSEPH G. PORTER, MANGAN 2-123 (4150 South Halsted) parlOO 611,930 8,412,650 383,330 5,340.990 Tr. Officer JOSEPH G. PORTER Otte & Co Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 337.500 Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Wabash 3650 CHICAGO WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW SENT ON REQUEST INDIVIDUAL COLLATERAL LOANS—BROKERS LOANS Members Chicago Stock Exchange - - Members Chicago Curb Exchange Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank ln U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 409 • 'J£i •Mem.A.B.A.T1New § State fPri?. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Stony Island State Sav. Bank.. (Closed June 9, 1931 Vice-President. Cashier. Receiver appointed July H. T. SPIESBERGER BANK & TRUST CO. C W FRITZ, M. E. FEIWELL Asst, Vice Pres. F.M.'HICKOK OF CHICAGO I.J. RICH., „ 2-77 d©T*t’28 (306 So. Mich. Ave.) THE TERMINAL NAT’L BANK OF CHICAGO $28 par 20 2-83 d®«t’ (Daily News Bldg.. 400 W. Madison) Asst. Vice Pres. EB~" Sec", H Assistant Secretaries J. C. HIRSCHFELD B. GILLESPIE . A. WOLFF „„ G. KILPATRICK Controller Asst. Trust Officers E. H. FREIBURGER 750,900 MISCEL LANEOUS Discounts SUCUHITIBS Resources Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by + Cash k ExCHANGES, D UR from Banks Principal Correspondents. 471,060 $ 6,080,270 $ 2,621,790 $ 222,000 $ 3,717,690 Chase N., Mnfrs. Tr. Co., and Straus N. Rk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Cedar R. N., Ced. R.; Un. Tr. Co. and N. City, Clev. MELVIN L. STRAUS HARRY N. GOTTLIEB F. W. STRAUS 270,150 6,142,790 151,760 CHAS. E. IL.... roberTlI 3,383,080 1,735,090 63,760 2,132,780 Chase National Bank...____________ New York First National Bank___________ _____.Chicago Central Republic Bank & Trust Co.__Chicago Union Trust Co............... .........................Cleveland Fidelity National Bank & Trust Co. ________________________ Kansas City, Mo. Merchants National Bank______ Cedar Rapids Vice Ch. of Bd. 1931) 1,300.000 1,308,200 7,034.000 1,942,850 A. Sec. and A. Tr, Off. Mgr. Personal Ln. Dept. The thoughts and activities of the officers and employees of the Union Bank of Chicago are directed toward and culminate in one purpose — to serve the individual needs of our customers. Geo. Hibben____ Edw. H. Hush F J. Kaliszewski. Union State Bank of South J F. Smietanka L. J. Pachynski U. S. Anderson, Geo. F. Connors Chicago...-2-115..dB©*tS’19 C. R. Cave. Ch. of Bd. Compt. Max Buzik, Mgr. $190-10% (3026 E. 92d) Realty Ln Dept. C. C. Hall_______ L. H. Prybylski— W. R. Schuster___ E. L. Stuebner___ C. E. Midowicz W. A. Wieboldt. B. L. Zinder Ch. of Bd. W. R. Schuster C. E. Midowicz, par 100 2-106 dB®T§’30 Tr. Off. Paul Drymalski, • (1200 N. Ashland Ave.) V. Ch. of Bd. (Formerly Home Bank & Trust Co.) W. J. Sievert____ Unity Trust & Savings Bank John Henry $100 par 100 2-399 d@*t§’28 (3909 W. North Ave.) O. A. Rnkys F. M. Stresen+ Universal State Bank renter Wm. M. Antonisen, $iw-6% 2-205 d®tl’17 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Exec. V. P. F. Lukaszewski. Ju. P. Doodj par 100 V. P. (3252 8o. Halsted 80 + UNIVERSITY STATE BANK C. W. Hoff______ R. O. Byerrum---- J. W. Algar--------- A. M. Frale______ W. A. Sutherland $175-6% par 100 2-291 dB®»tF19 (1*64 E. 65th SO HENRY 5-MURPHY- E. C. SCHUMANN — RALPH N. LARSON - W. C. KOHLER........ ’ Ch. of Bd. A STRONG INSTITUTION THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED AS TO FACILITIES AND PERSONNEL TO HANDLE EVERY RANKING TRANSACTION L Otte & Go. 3e5'odg- 8,115,280 1,579,490 1,143,020 1,347,270 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Union Tr. Co., Clev., Mellon N., Pitt. B.J. SCHNEIDER, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Ch. Exec. Comm. _ _ _ _ V. HARKIN— CLARKEWASHBURNE, L. H. TOLZIEN------- JOHN G. NICHOLS— C. E. SCHLYTERN. Exec. v. P. H. M. GOODSPEED. HOWARD A. RICE Ch. o/Bd. JOHN GULLIKSEN Mgr. lnv. Dept. C. H. HALLQUIST H. R. KENT. H. B. AHRENSFELD m w Le gRns V. Ch. of Bd. E. N. HEINZ u g ViTS 05 A. T. MURPHY. FRANCIS H. HAYES. KEAT?> officer V.P.Tr.Dept. j R TREVEILER 2-41 B©T*tl'05 Ch. Finance Comm, par 100 2-407 dB©»t§’29 (919 No. Michigan Ave.) Bonds and EUGENE V.R. THAYER. par 100 (26 N. Dearborn) $135 Loans DIRECTORS OEM H. KAHN ‘UNION BANK OF CHICAGO THE UPPER AVENUE BANK TIES % 1.000.000 $ 757,000 $10419760 $ .SNAP' . OGLESBEE. FRANK L. WEBB —— ALAN C. DIXON_ _ _ _ F. C. NASON......... -GEO. W. ANDERSONDAVID E. SHANAHAN. J. D. CAVANAUGH Twenty-Sixth Street State Bank. (Merged with Lawn dale National Bank May 9f $115-10% Resources. jOther Paid-up Surplus Total Capital Profits Deposits Ass’t Cashier. 10. 1931) KRAFFT il STRAUS NATIONAL S. J. T. STRAUS....... M.J.JOHNL.H.STRAUS........... C. WRIGHT par 100 (Federal Reserve City No. 7) LIABILITIES. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City DIRE CTORS Walter J. Buettner D. A. Ragglo William Cameron Alexander H. Revell, Jr. L. H. Dayhoff Werner A. Wieboldt Joseph B. Fleming Clarke Washburne C. Wallace Johnson Daniel V. Harkln Olaus O. Krabol A. T. Murphy Lloyd Maxwell H. R. Kent Charles E. Schlytern 250.000 191,890 2,363,530 482,460 2,097,940 660,470 266,650 262,820 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 750,000 287,310 3,860,550 772,690 4,001,920 1,038,950 279,680 349,990 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y„ Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 200.000 21,150 264,110 142,030 250,980 141,710 180,840 54,260 200,000 298,110 1,476,250 366,910 975,800 924,420 244,930 196,120 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N.. Ohi.; Lietuvos Bankas and Lietuvos Kredito Bankas, Kaunas, Lith. 300,000 288,540 1,906,000 8,010 1.174,500 928,600 69,330 330,120 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 300,000 104.210 2.232.840 46,700 1,072.150 1,014,660 86,350 510,590 Chatham-Phenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st Co., Chi. Wm. Bartbolomay, Jr. Eugene B. Clark Chester A. Cook Geo. F. Get* James B. Herrick M. L. Joslyn Weymouth Kirkland Chicago William S. Kline J. Mayo Lenz Edward W. Lloyd Henry C. Murphy Roy C. Osgood Charles 8. Pearce Walter S. Ross Wheeler Sammons Edward C. Schumann Albert W. Sherer Edwin W. Sims Kenneth G. Smith Warren Wright N. and Lake Shore Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. ORDERS EXECUTED ON ALL PRINCIPAL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Stock Exchange Members Chicago Curb Exchange Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given •Mem. A.B. A. nNew JStaie t Brit. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSaie%DiT. +UPT0WM STATE BANK o $200 par 100 2-300 HdB®*t§ 29 (1050 Wilson Ave.) President. H. F. Wuehrmann. Cashier. Vice-President. H. R. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Pi . dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back o: CHICAGO—Continued—Central Reserve City Ass t cashier. L. Benson----------- E. C. Dose......... ..... E. E. Dobbeck....... Olmsted, Jr., L.E. Kahn, A.Cash. H. F. Graham Mgr. Bd. Dept. H. D. Field. E. T. Kurzdorfer Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus TOTAL AND Liabili Capital Profits Deposits ties $ 500.000 $ 133,970 $ 3.290.830 S 268,350 RESOURCES. BONDS AND Miscel laneous Discounts Securities Resources Loans and S 1,810.380 $ 1.413.380 $ 264,230 Cash A ExCHANGE*,DOR from Banks $ Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by ’ Affiliated banks by + Principal Correspondents. 705.150 1st N., Chi. H. A, Cash. Washington Park Nat'l Bank_ (Closed June 6, 193 1) WEST - CITY TRUST & SAV. BK. 1130 par 100 2-356 d®t§’23 R. G. KIMBELL----------- CHAS. F. HELLBERG - A. G. JOHNSON_______ P. H. SCHROEDER R.P. BRAUER. A.C. WANDA W0L0WSKI Located In Chicago’s North-West Side Manufacturing District. 181,060 89,710 626,760 217,230 123,100 300,000 75.400 500.350 200.000 142,300 742,950 550 364,480 441,960 183,990 200,000 131,270 2,340,020 485,560 1,407,010 1,263,090 293,690 193,060 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Southwest Tr. & Sav., Chi. 498,870 10,921,460 372,550 7,066.020 3,613,200 384,910 1,727,860 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N,, Chi,.; 1st WIs. Sav., Kimbell Tr. & Sav., and 1st N., Cbl. OUR OWN 6% First Mortgage Gold Bonds. (2424 N. Cicero Ave.) WRITE FOR LIST. West Englewood Trust & (Closed June 9, 1931 . Receiver appointe d July 10,1931) Savings Bank West Highland State Bank_____ (Closed June 9, 1931 . Receiver appointe d July 10, 1931) + West Irving State Bk. Chas. Y. Weilner- L. L. Schorsch___ 2-560 d®5’2J A. J. Schorsch, Ch, A. Alflni (6005 W. Irving Park Blvd.) F. H. Hoff par loo E. S. Liljeberg____ B! V. Rerg 95,370 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Ohi. M. D. Schmidt West Lawn Trust cfc Savings Bk, (Closed June 9, 1931 . Receiver appointe d July 10, 1931) West Side-Atlas-National Bank Thomas J. Healy— E. R. Litsinger___ Thomas J. Healy.. A. B.Waltershan125-6% par 20 2-287 dB®»'17 Albert Pick. Jr. sen (1601 Roosevelt Rd.) WEST SIDE TR. & SAV. BANK 2-132 dB®T«t§'05 1270-14% par 100 (735 Roosevelt Rd.) L. H. HEYMANN..... H. S. PFLAUM______ M. A. WEIR____ - B. E. REID...............C.L. JERNBERG S. L. SELTZER, E. G. ELSNER Tr. Officer W. E. KJ0SS EDGAR HEYMANN 1. B. PFLAUM, H. J. BESKIN 1,000,000 Union Tr. Co., Clev. N., Mil.; Cn. Tr. Co., Clev A. Tr. Off. A. J. DEETHMANN. Auditor On the “WEST SIDE” It’s the WEST SIDE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK West Thirty-First State Bank Ignatius Chap ___ Frank Ohap______ A. I. Ohap E. J. Ylsk 7* par 100 2-326 d®«t*’21 (555 W. 81st St.) ............. M. A. Dolinyak___ 127,730 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 100.000 41,680 532,550 4,880 396,400 90,780 64,200 200.000 301,690 2,368,030 60,790 2,038,390 338.850 200,070 353,190 Chase N., N. Y.; Un. Tr. Co.. Clev.; 1st N.. Joliet. 000.000 400.000 5,120.170 918,010 3,118.140 1.892,470 952.320 1,075.230 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., (Closed June 11, 19 31. Receiver appoin ted July 21,1931) West Town State Bank__ WIERSEMA STATE BANK Asa Wiersema____ Geo. Dalenberg.... N. W. Wiersema__ F. J. Wiersema.__ H. O. Roempler 1200-6%+4% 2-11* dB (§>•£{'91 par 100 O. L. Wiersema (11108 Michigan Ave.) WOODLAWN TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 1290-10% par 100 dB®T*!t'94 ♦ 2-117 (1180 B. 83rd Street) A. W. TOBIAS---------- A. n. atitii—*-— ll.l. HUotnu ........... J. W. WATSON INEZ E. BABCOCK. Aud. T. JESSUP. E. J. STEVENS E. C. VLACK. _ A. Cash, and Tr.Off. A. Tr. Off. THE BIG BANK OF THE GREAT SOUTH SIDE You and your patrons always will receive Courteous and efficient service here. Clev. Established 1894 MEMBER Federal Reserve System Chicago Clearing House Association nd Priva te Banks T. T. Thedieck. ( See page s 92-93- 94 forN umber of National , State Chicago Clearing House_____ Harold E. Foreman E. H. Reynolds----- T. C. Stibbs, See. and Mgr. tal Depo eite by C 1 it msp S to tea, etc.) A. Mgr. Howard M. Sims. (164 W. Jackson Blvd.) indicated by a* □ Chief Examiner Aff1 Hated Banks by a + ) ©TTE & CO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Wnbas'n 3650 Chicago Specialists in Bank Stocks Members Chicago Stock Exchange----- Members Chicago Curb Exchange Chicago — Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc 404 •Mem.Am.Bks.A’n. YEAR tMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabilMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Other Offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members of firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange Minn. Chamber of Commerce Chicago Board of Trade Winnipeg Grain Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Kansas City Board of Trade New York Cotton Exchange St. Louis Merchants Exchange New York Curb Exchange Omaha Grain Exchange Chicago Curb Association Buffalo Corn Exchange New York Produce Exchange A. G. ALLYN AND COMPANY”'* INCORPORATED (Main Office) (100 W. Monroe) A. C. ALLYN. President E.W.THOMAS, F.P.<fcTV. J. D. CASEY, V. P. T. M. WAKELEY, V. P. J. C.MEINERS. V.P. 6. H. OSBORNE. See. W.E.KISTNER. V.P. A.S.HUYCK. Sr .,V.P. 6. L. SPONSLER, A. Tr. and A. Sec. J. H. RILEY, V. P. INVESTMENT SECURITIES BABCOCK, RUSHTON & CO. Chicago— W. Adams St. ±T95 112 333 N. Michigan A\e.—Central 8900 New York—50 Broadway—Digby 3180 Des Moines—318 Sixth A\e.—Tel:4S121 BACHE, J. S. & CO......... ±’26 (Main Office) •Mem.Am.Bks.A'n. Year tMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabUMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships LAMSON BROS. & CO. Established 1874 2200 Board of Trade Building Telephone Wabash 2400 STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, CONSIGNMENTS IN ALL MARKETS CORRESPONDENTS: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Northern Tr. Co., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N., and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories MEMBERS OF FIRM W. A. Lamson H. H. Lobdell E. F. Thompson G. E. Booth H. J. Rogers J. A. White W. C. Karlson Baker, Alfred L. & Co.„±’96 111 So. La Salle Street. Other Offices New York, Boston, Philadel phia, Milwaukee, Minneapo lis,St.Louis.Detrolt.SanFranclsco,Buffalo, Denver, Omaha. Members New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Curb Exchange Association New York Curb Exchange (Assoc.) CALVIN FENTRESS, BAKER,FENTRESS A. GRAFF, nni«DIIIV HENRY F. CHANEY, Investment Securities Ch. ofBd.. HENRJ FITTS, 2nd v. P. c._e: siddacl, sec. • ™Ts™TvTS: Pres. G. R. BIRKELUND, Tr. Tr. Co., N. Y. V. P. & RAMSAY WEBSTER, Cont* m' J?*': & Tr‘ Co*» A. Sec. and A. Tr. Chi. ,.,„,c.m.cavenee,v.p. mr (208 So. La Salle St.) INVESTMENT SECURITIES uUIYIrANT Unlisted Stocks, Bonds and Bank Stocks. Members Principal Stock Exchanges........ ..... J. S. Bache & Co.. New York. (316 So. La Salle St.) PARTNERS BACON, WHIPPLE & CO. ±1 112 W. Adams Street State 3100 b,"ke¥e!TOt.i™ (105 S. La Salle St.) WILLIAM T. BACON JAY N. WHIPPLE WILLIAM B. HOLTON DANIEL R. WINTER WILLIAM D. KERR LESLIE WAGNER STANLEY L. YONCE,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chicago Representative Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y. Direct Wires to Correspondent Offices INVESTMENT SECURITIES Originators and Distributors of Investment Securities Listed Stocks and Bonds Memfter^Aicag^foc^xchang^n^CWcflfoCurbExcAangi^ssocMfior^^^ ’ R. D. Gordon. Pres., -T20 H. C. Champlin, V. P. (Main Office) (First Nat'l Bank Bldg.) BAER, INVESTMENT EISENDRATH & CO. SECURITIES WALTER S. BAER, President JOSEPH L. EISENDRATH, V. P. and Tr. MERVIN K. BAER, Secretary UNDERWRITERS AND DISTRIBUTORS 33 N. La Salle St. Telephone: State 0208 Continental Ullnols Bank and Trust Co. 1st National Bank Franklin Trust & Savings Bank Central Republic Bank & Trust Co. SMALL ISSUES OUR SPECIALTY First Mortgages and Real Estate Bonds of the Better Class LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Paul Weis, Sec. and Treas. P. A. Reinertsen, V. P. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Harris Tr. & Sav., and Chi. Bk. of Com., Chi.: Bartlett & Gordon Inc.. Mil. Investment Bonds—Industrial, Government, Municipal, Railroad, . Public Service. 'Augustus Knight, Pres.; E. B. Bartlett, V. P. Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Northern Tr. Co., Sec. and Tr.; John A. Chapman, V. P. and Bk. of Montreal, Chi. T20 [Investment Securities BARTLETT, KNIGHT & CO. (137 So. La Salle) 105 W. Adams St. Telephone Randolph 0891 ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES m CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS specializing Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SPECIALISTS IN CHICAGO BANK STOCKS M. ZEILER COMPANY MEMBERS Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago Curb Exchange ASSOCIATE MEMBERS New York Curb Exchange THE ROOKERY CHICAGO Telephone Central 5387 Industrial and Public Utility SECURITIES ORDERS EXECUTED IN ALL MARKETS Inquiries invited on all listed and unlisted securities \ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIG into the Blue Book whenever you want a report on any one anywhere. Find the town, select one of the Banks advertising, write your letter, enclose the fee 25c or 50c, mail the letter and your part is done—the Bank will do the rest. These Banks advertising in the Rand McNally Directory specialize in this service. Th ey are prompt, intelligent and efficient. ALWAYS ENCLOSE THE FEE IN ADVANCE! 405 Chicago •Mem.Am.Bks.A’n. Year tMem.State Bks. A'n. EstabUMem.Inv. Bks. A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories •Mem.Am.Bks.A’n. Year tMem.State Bks.A n.EsTAB1IMem.Inv.Bks. A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories liennett, James E. & Co. ±'80 (332 So. LaSalle) A.O.BECKER&CO.i A. G. BECKER & CO., INVESTMENT BANKERS KNIGHT BLANCHARD AND COMPANY 29 Sonth La Salle Street INVESTMENT BONDS Correspondents Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. KNIGHT BLANCHARD, Pres. C. A. BLANCHARD, v. P. G. MANNING, l7. L\ J. p. BRENNER, Sec. and Tr. MUNICIPAL IMPROVE MENT BONDS ESTABLISHED 1893 Underwriters and Distributors of Domestic and Foreign Securities 100 So. LaSalle Street Chicago, 111. BONDS-SHORT TERM NOTES-COMMERCIAL PAPER PREFERRED AND COMMON STOCKS BLYTH & CO.. INC_ _ _ ■VI4 Charles E. Driver, Vice President_____________ N. Y.. Bos.. Phil., San F., Los A., Seat., Port. (105 So. LaSalle) S4 Pine Street New York BOND & MORTGAGE CO., THE — Members American Bankers Assn. Illinois Bankers Assn. Investment Bankers Assn. BRANCH OFFICES Milwaukee, Wis. Minneapolis, Minn. Indianapolis, Ind. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The offerings of A. G. Becker & Co. Include bonds, short term notes and commercial paper, thus embracing practically every type of Investment for secondary reserve requirements. The bonds and short term notes on our list are the carefully selected obligations of American and foreign municipalities and of railroad, public utility and Industrial corporations of strong credit. Commercial paper offerings Include the names of some of the leading Industrial concerns In the country, with whose financing we have been Identified for many years. It has been our privilege to serve several thousand banks during the past 38 years. We welcome the opportunity of placing this extensive experience and the facilities of this organization at your disposal. We are always glad to supply credit and Investment Information and analyses without obli gation of any kind, or to submit offerings to meet specific Investment requirements. (11 So. LaSalle St.) FOUNDED 1895 BRAUN. B0SW0RTH & C0.1 (39 So. La Salle) BROKAW AND COMPANY (105 So. La Salle) Randolph 4560. RUSSELL FIREBAUGH, E. RAY GRANT, IDA Pres. Treas.and V. P. WAGNER, Sec.& Tr.Off. Cont. HI. Bank & Trust Co. Central Republic Bank & Trust Co. Chicago Underwriters, Distributors and Dealers in First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds exclusively. ( J. A. Moore, Resident F. P.. I Municipal Bonds. Braun, Bosworth & Co.. Toledo, Cincinnati, and Detroit. Distributors and underwriters of corporation and municipal securities. Direct wire connections with New York, Philadelphia and Boston. We maintain a position In certain securities and buy and sell all types of stocks and bonds on every exchange. Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. 406 • Mem.Am.Bks.A'n. Year TMem.State Bks.A’n.EsTAB1Mem.Inv.Bks. A n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. B. S. ADAMS. w. CLEVELAND. RALPH HUBBART. BURNHAM, JOHN JOHN FLETCHER, E. W. RICHMOND. & COMPANY, me. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Pres. V. P. V.P. 1120 So. LaSalle) Other Offices. CORRESPONDENTS AND Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships p. V. P. and Sec. Tr. Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. P. W. CHAPMAN & CO. INC. (115 W. Adams) J COMMERCIAL PAPER (.INVESTMENT SECURITIES RALPH CHAPMAN ft_CO.T22 (208 I. L. CHAPMAN ft CO .- - - - (120 So. La Salle) Telephone Randolph 5864 H. M. BYLLESBY AND CO. 231 So. La Salle St., CHICAGO Robert J. Graf J. H. Briggs B. W. Lynch O. G. Corns Halford Erickson C. C. Leris J. J. Shinners A. S. Cummins E. J. McKay President 1 Vice-President Underwriters, Wholesalers and Re tailers of Investment Securities —Specialists in Public Utilities Vice-President First Vice-President and 8eeretarv Vice-President ' Vice-President Vice-President and Treasurer Vice-President Vice-President Boston Philadelphia Pittsburgh Prorldence Cleveland Minneapolis St. Paul Milwaukee St. Louis Des Moines Kansas City Direct Private Wires—Chicago—New York—Boston—Philadelphia CAMMACK, CLARK & GO., Inc. Central Republic Bank & Trust Co. Chicago New York Pittsburgh Milwaukee Detroit Grand Rapids Minneapolis St. Paul Kansas City Portland, Ore. San Francisco (105 So. La Salle St.) CHILD.8ERALD R.ftCO. (39 So. La Salle) Investment affiliate of Chatham Phenix National Bank & Trust Co., N. Y. Main Office—149 Broadway, New York, N. Y. INVESTMENT SECURITIES T* ' (G. R. Child, Alexander Milne and Gay B. Child. 1st N.. Chi. partners) . (Investment Securities) (141 W. Jackson Blvd.). C. F. Childs & Co.. N. Y. Capital and Surplus over $700,000. Pres. FIRST Chairman of the Board SAMUEL W. WHITE , Vice-Chairman of the Board LOUIS H. SCHROEDER (40 N. Dearborn) Established 1881 Vice-Chairman of the Board CARROLL E. GRAY. JR. President NEWTON P. FRYE WILLIAM C. FREEMAN Senior Vice-President Senior V ice-President J. SANFORD OTIS JAMES A. CATHCART CHARLES H. IRELAND Vice-President Vice-President EDWARD K. WELLES W. W. HINSHAW. JR. HOWARD F. ALLEN Secretary Treasurer OLAFT. HENRIKSEN NATHAN S. SHARP Asst. Vice-President ____________ Comptroller____________Mgr. Municipal Dept,______ Chapman. Grannis & Co... 1 (112 W. Adams) LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc CODY TRUST CO.— (105 S. La Salle) MORTGAGE Cont. Ill. Bank & Tr. Co. and First Nat’l Bank, Chi. V. p. * REAL ESTATE, * v. p. GOLD Sec. ETTER. Cash, and A. Tr. BONDS RIEVER. A. Sec. .. Chapin. S, B. & Co._______± (209 S. La Salle) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "JOSEPH 0. MURPHY, V.P--------------------FRANK W. BOWEN, Ass't V. P. G.J. DRIEYER. COCHRAN & J. L. COCHRAN,^ ^ ^ BRUSH. McCLUER CO. H.P.. HURST. gman PHILIP R. CLARKE Vice-President Chase Harris Forbes Corp., N. Y. and Phil. Central Republic Bank & Trust Co., Chicago. (Suite 632-638) Chicago Cleveland Louisville St. Louis Omaha Bonds and Stocks (231 S. LaSalle.) (208 So. La Salle St.) (134 South La Salle Street) Investment Affiliate Central Republic Bank & Trust Co., Chicago. Schuyler B. Terry, Vice-Pres. Chas. C. Wells. A. Vice-Pres. CHATHAM PHENIX C0RP.' Telephone State 8760 (investment securities CENTRAL REPUBLIC COMPANY1 'T. L. Chapman. Pres____________ | Guy L. V. Emerson. V. P. John A. Lennartson, Treas. | H. V. McKibbin, Sec. HARRIS FORBES C. F. Childs & Co.. fW. H. KROUSKUP, Pres. J WALTER LEROY KROUSKUP, V. P. and Sec. S KENNETH K. COX, Treas. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. (137 So. La Salle St.) Vice-President Vice-President INVESTMENT SECURITIES >. M. A. Morrison John J. O’Brien Other Office—New York City. Representatives—Grand Rapids, Mich., New Orleans, La., Milwaukee, Wis., Minneapolis, Mian.. Kansas City, Mo., St. Louis, Mo., Cleveland, Ohio, San Fran cisco and Los Angeles, Cal., Seattle, Wash., Portland, Me., Pittsburgh, Pa. UNDERWRITING DISTRIBUTORS & DEALERS IN PUBLIC UTILITY, FOREIGN AND BUILDING ISSUES. Wire System—Own. __________ Phone—Franklin 6001 and Postal Phone__________ alle St.) (105 W. Adams St.) »T05 New York Detroit 1 L. JOHNSON (N.Y.), E. S. LARSEN and G. E. HAMLIN, V.Ps.-. ARTHUR D. NELMES. Treas. (N. Y.). G. A. CASAVANT. Sec'v. General Sales Mgr.~l. S. LARSEN V. P. Western Sales Mgr.—G. E. HAMLIN, V.P._______ Geo. H. Burr & Ooi.N.Y.,Chi„ Bos.. Hartford, London, England and Paris, France; Geo. H. Burr, Conrad & Broom, Inc., San F„ Los A.. Pasadena, Seattle and Sook. Other Offices. Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Officers-p. w. CHAPMAN, Pres..H.L. HARKER, BIRGER V03 BURR, GEORGE H. & CO. •Mem.Am.Bks.A'n. Year tMem.State Bks.A’n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A'n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. '":::: tts LEWIS W. RIDDLE,Pres. BESTEBP. PUCE, A.Sec. Chase N. and Chatham Phenix N.Bk.&Tr. HIRAM S. CODY, V. P. EDWARDS.CLARK, A. Sec. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk.& Tr. Co., 1st N., Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Bk. of Com , THOMAS T. ROBERTS, MARLEY HALVORSEN, and Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi. V. P. and Tr. A. Sec. Members Illinois Bankers Association Gen’l Counsel Chicago Mortgage Bankers Association Real Estate Loans Mortgage Bankers Association of America Chicago Real Estate Board Capital and Surplus $1,000,000 Cook County Real Estate Board National Ass’n Real Estate Boards ARTHUR C. CODY, Sec. ROBERT W. CAMPBELL, Colvin & Co____________t'88 (141 W. Jackson Blvd.) 105 W. Adams St. Telephone Randolph 0891 ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES in CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS specializing 407 Chicago — Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. A'n. Year IMem. State Bks. A’n. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. A’n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Year TMem. State Bks. A’n. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members op Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships COMMERCIAL CREDIT CO. Offices NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL MILWAUKEE DETROIT ST. LOUIS KANSAS CITY DES MOINES HOUSTON OMAHA Continental Illinois Company1 (230 So. Clark St.) A. E. DUNCAN* Ch. of Bd. C. R. WARREN. Pres. c. E. VESY. V. P. DAVID R. FORGAN. V. P. D. J. HUTCHINSON. Tr. A. FRASER, V. P. W. Y. RAHN, See. Other offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories Commercial Bankers. Purchase motor receivables, open accounts, industrial installment paper, etc. Capital and Surplus 18,000,000 Total Resources $26,000,000 Affiliations: Commercial Credit Company, Baltimore; Commercial Credit Corporation, New York, N. Y.; Con tinental Guaranty Corporation,Limited, Montreal,Can ada; Commercial Credit Company, Inc., New Orleans. CHICAGO 231 So. La Salle Street - INVESTMENT Telephone State 9000 SECURITIES n. nnnwiFY |(■jamfs HERBERT G? METCALF 1st N„ Chi. CROWLEY, DOHERTY & CO. Officers (120 South La Salle Street) (Telephone Franklin 8604) ) INVESTMENT SECURITIES [ (Members Chicago Curb Exchange Assn.) Arthur Reynolds, President •.(Juimf..- Directors A. F. Banks Chauncey B. Borland Stanley Field Charles F. Glore James R. Leavell D. R. McLennan William H. Mitchell Arthur Reynolds George M. Reynolds Charles H. Schweppe Edward F. Swift — Continental Illinois Company is affiliated with the Illinois Bank and Trust Company Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T. J. Bryce_____ ____ R. O. Dunhlll George F. Hardle......... Ray L. Junod................... Francis M. Knight.... George W. Pearson___ John H. Stewart............. W. R. Bennett................ Benjamin R. Brindley. John W. Denison........... Charles Z. Henkle.......... John 8. Loomis............ Anthony Yon Wenlng.. Woodbury 8. Ober........ Lloyd A. Sturts............. ____ Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer John H. Rumbaugh___ Clifton H. Merry............ Clifton L. Nourse........... Fred W. Thoma............ R. H. Petersen____ ____ IT. Y. Platner James G. Couffer........... ..Assistant Manager, Municipal Bond Division Frank L. King................................... Comptroller CDSTIN, EARL 1. & CO....... (Investment Securities) ______ (39 S. La Salle) (DAVID DANGLER, Pres. DANGLER, LAPHAM & CO. )fi I LAPHAM V.P. (1104 Harris Tr. Bldg.) T20 < n. L. LATHAM, v.r. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Northern Tr. Co.. Chi. JAMES CURTISS, V.P.and Tr. E. B. PLETCHER, Sec. (.Investment Securities. PARTNERS Paul H. Davis, A. W. Wakeley, I. C. Elston, Jr.. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hornblower 37 South La Salle St. ±’16 H. I. Markham, Luther Dearborn, H. E. Greene, & Weeks, N. Y.. Bos., Clev., and Det.; G. W. Hall, R. W. Davis, T. E. Murchison. Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. of Ill,, Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr, Co., and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., Bos. hi'j pt' ■ New York Stock Exchange, New York Curb Exchange and Chicago Curb Exchange. PAUL H. DAVIS & CO. DAWES & GO., Incorporated (39 S. La Salle Street) Telephone Franklin 9434 CHARLES C. DAWES, Pres. J. R. KIMBARK, V. P. T. R. GOWEHLOCK, 7. P. Harris Trust & Savings Rank and Cen PHILIP PAGE, Tr. tral Republic Bank & Trust Company J. U. SAMMIS, A. Tr. of Illinois, Chicago. R. T. SHERMAN, Sec. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. 408 • Mem.Am.Bkg.Assn. Tear tMem.State Bks.A’n. EstablIMem.lnv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. DILLON,READ&CO. (134 So. La Salle) Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships INVESTMENT SECURITIES___ *111 Dillon, Read & Co., N. V., Bos., and Phil.; Dillon, Read Corp., Lon., Eng., and Paris, France. Dltt. Paul 0.. & Co---------- ± (120 S. La Salle) 'Paul C. Dodge, Paul C. Dodge. Tr. Pres, M. C. Norris. See. H. A. Tubby, V. P. ..INVESTMENT SECURITIES DODGE & GO.,INC PAULC. . 1st N. Bk. and Cent. Rep. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. • Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. Year tMem.State Bks. A’n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. FIRST DETROIT COMPANY INCORPORATED HUGHES B. DAVIS, District Manager. New York Office, 60 Wall St. 1 (2002 Board of Trade Bldg.) Other Offices. Correspondents and Bank Depositories. UNDERWRITERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS Other Offices: DETROIT, NEW YORK, BOSTON, LOS ANGELES AND SAN FRANCISCO. E. M. BURNETT, Resident Vice President HEMPSTEAD WASHBURNE,Jr„ Res, Vice Pres. INVESTMENT UNIT DETROIT BANKERS COMPANY 'K. BATCHELDER, President R. P. FERRY, Secretary , A. WARREN WELLS, 1 WRAY NORTON, (120 So. La Salle) , BEwrm' Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships 111 West Monroe Managers of Sales (208 S. La Salle) Chairman of the Board EASTMAN, DILLON & GO. ± i (104 So. LaSalle St.) Uptown Office, Palmolive Bldg. MEMBERS NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, CHICAGO AND PITTSBURGH STOCK EXCHANGES AND NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE THE FIRST NATIONAL OLD COLONY CORPORATION 1 (141 West Jackson Bird.) President Affiliated with First National Bank BERNARD W. TRAFFORD PHILIP STOCKTON of Boston, First National Old Executive (EDWIN R. MARSHALL, Boston Colony Corn,, Boston, Head Office; Branches: New York, St. Louis. Vice-Presidents (ALLAN M. POPE ,New York INVESTMENT BANKERS United States Government, Municipal, Public Utility, Railroad, and other Investment Bonds and Notes; Bankers’ Acceptances, Bank, Insurance Company and other Invest ment Stocks. Direct Private Kans. City, Cleveland,Phila., Balt., Pittsburgh, Washington, Roches ter. Hartford, Worcester, Prov idence, Rutland, Atlanta, Springfield, Portland, Me., Los A., San F„ Port.. Ore., and Seattle. Wires to Principal Cities. OTHER OFFICES: NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, READING. SCRANTON. ALLENTOWN, AND TRENTON. FIRSTWISCONSIN COMPANY INVESTMENT SECURITIES. (105 So. La Salle) . H. EMERY, v. P. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. and Northern Tr. Cos.. 8. W.PE£K.J>r«Chi.; Rmery, Peck & Rockwood Co.. R0CKW00D. V.P.& Tr, B. PECK. V. P. Milwaukee. A. L. GAGNON, Sec. EMEIY, PECK, I0CKWMI High-Grade Investment Securities. CO. (2IS 8*. La Salle) •tl'lO C ..Municipal and Corporation Bonds. FOLDS, BUCK & GO. , (208 So. La Salle) Fairman, Perry & Co.------± (Suite 600—208 S. LaSalle) FARNUM, WINTER GO. MEMBERS; NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE (120 W. Adams) Telephone Central 9303 Bonds and Stocks for Inoestmsnt Branch Offices: Minneapolis, St. Paul, Milwaukee, St. Joseph, Mo.; Kansas City. Unit of Wisconsin Bankshares Group. 1 Underwriters and Distributors J. R. BUCK, President GEORGE N. GIVAN, V. P. W. SCOTT LINN, V. P. D. W. GREEN, Sec. and Treat. MjiWv:* Other Office Milwaukee, Wise. 425 E. Water Street J. E. MORAN, Asst. Sec. A. G. LINDQUIST, Asst. Treat. FORMAN, GEORGE M., 1885 Investment Bonds. & COMPANY Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 112 W. Adams Faroll Bros._____________ ± (141 W. Jackson) FIDELITY BOND &MTGE.C0 IG. A.Golder. Ditt.Mgr. (First Mortgage Real Estate Gold Bonds. (39 So. La Salle) FIELD GL0RE & COMPANY INVESTMENT SECURITIES. (120 W. Adams) T20 Head Office—St. Louis. Mo. Branch Denver. Field, Glore & Co., N. Y. Telephone Central 2707 PORTER FOX & GO., INCORPORATED LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. 105 W. Adams St. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 120 SO. LA SALLE ST., INVESTMENT SECURITIES Chicago—New York—San Francl sco Telephone Randolph 0891 ; MAX McGRAW, President \ CLJDEjX ANDREWS, V. Pres. D. SCOTT CAMPBELL; V. Pres. JUDSON LARGE, Sec. and Tr. I Continental nilnois Bank & Tr. Co., Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and North ern Tr. Co., Chicago. ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES in CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS specializing 409 Chicago — Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Year IMem.State Bks.A'n. KstabHMem. Inv. Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members op Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships WALTER W. FREEMAN. FREEMAN, WALTER & CO. (Ill W. Washington) V19 GATZERT COMPANY------(231 So. La Salle St.) Northern Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Chi. JOHN G. LINNER. Sec. and Tr. CARLW. CARLSON. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Pres. nmi Other Offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories V. P. A. Sec. 'Walter A. Gatzert, ---------Modie J. Spiegel.V. P. Kobert L. Leopold, V. P. .August Gatzert, Sec. and Treat. Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 1st N., Straus N. Bk. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr., Chi.: Calif, and Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Los A.; Secur. N., Okla. (Branch Offices; N. Y., Los Angeles, and Okla. C.) Goddard & Co., N. Y. Goddard, Stevenson & Co. .1 :i05 W. Adams).. Gorrell & Company. Inc..„i :209 So. La Salle) GREENEBAUM SONS INVESTMENT COMPANY ( 9 So. LaSalle St. at Madison Founded 1855. INVESTMENTS ) SECURITIES Highest grade Investments for Banks, Insurance Companies, Estates and Private Investors. Write for Lists. •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Year tMem.State Bks.A’n. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks.A'n. lished, ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. HALSEY, STDART Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships INVESTMENT BONDS. Other Offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories Halsey, Stuart & Co., N. Y„ Phil., Bos., Pitt., Det.. St. L.. Mil., Minpls.,and Clev. See adv. in front section of Directory. &G0. (INCORPORATED) (General Office) (201 So. La Salle) •tTOl Telephone: State 3900 HANCHETT BOND COMPANY W. F. HANCHETT, Pres. H. G. HANCHETT, V. P. E.C. STODDARD, V.P. F. E. SEDGWICK, V. P. Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Cent. »ep& Tr. Co., Chi. j (Incorporated 1910) (19 So. La Salle) SPECIALIZING IN MUNICIPAL BONDS AND OTHER HIGH GRADE INVESTMENTS CIRCULARS MAILED ON REQUEST OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES MEMBERS (Investment Securities) (120 W. Adams) H. K. Farrar. 2nd V, P, Guaranty Go. of N. Y.. N. Y. G. L. Martin, Wholesale Sales Mgr. and Mgr. of Municipal Sales, GUARDIAN DETROIT COMPANY Branch of Detroit — with other Office In New York. Unit of (105 W. Adams St.) GUARDIAN DETROIT UNION GROUP (105 VV. Monroe St.) New York Office, 342 Madison Are. Officers: J. Allen Haines. Chairman of the Advisory Board: George W. Cobb. Ch.ofBd.-, Board and President, Pierce Archer. Jr.. Philadelphia: Howard Hamilton B. Bole. Vice-President and Elting, Chicago; A. Rosecrans Baldwin, Treasurer, Chicago: Herbert L. Satterlee. New York; Edward Bowditch, Jr., Vice-President and Henry P. Talmadge. New York. Secretary. John Esher Knobel, Vice-President, James L. Rodgers, Vice-President, Peter Greig, Vice-President, Charles W. Vail, Jr., Chicago Representative. Industrial Mergers; Reorganizations; Fi □ancing; Management; Analyses of Industries; Investigations and Reports on Specific Situations; Purchases and Sales' of Businesses; Negotiations for the Sale and Licensing of Patents and Formulas; Conduct of Business and Financial Neg otlations for Principals; Representation of Financial Interests in Industrial Man agements; Practical Aid to Executives In .Solution of Problems, etc.; Industrial Designing. Branch of Boston. HALE.WATERS & COMPANY* ( LOUIS V. FRANCOEUR. Res. Mgr..........................— Other Offices: New York, Philadelphia and (Board of Trade Bldg.) [investment Securities. HALLGARTEN & CO. ±r6° (112 W. Adams) Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, (Private wire to main office and correspondents Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock in leading cities) Exchange. MELVIN L. EMERICH, Resident Partner______ INVESTMENT SECURITIES Pittsburg. Hallgarten & Co.. N. Y. and Lon.. England. (208 So. LaSalle) »t’99 & Co. Co. Z>«, U. Harris, Winthrop <b Co._ HATHAWAY & COMPANY INCORPORATED HAINES, SPENCER & CHANCELLOR, Inc. HARRIS. UPHAM & CO. ± New York Stock Exchange, New York Curb New York Office, 11 Wall Street. (Commercial Paper and Investment Secu Hathaway & Co.. N. Y., Bos., St. L., Port., rities.) and San F. HEINEMANN, IP- G. & COMPANY 420—Otis Building—424 10 So. La Salle St. Chicago FIR^T CHICAGO REAL ESTATEBONDSAND Irtul MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS-.--SINCE HEITMAN TRUST COMPANY Incorporated in 1913 (10 So. La 8alieSt.) BT*t’13 ANTHONY W.STANMEYER, Pres. GEORGE J. KASPARI, Vice Pres. ALFRED E. STANMEYER, Secy. GEORGE G. HEINEMANN, Treas. FELIX E. DREYER, Cashier REFERENCES 107(1 First National Bank, Chicago Title & Tr.Co.or 10 I U any Bank or Banking Institution in Chicago. FRED P. HEITMAN, Pres, and Tr. Cont. III. Bk. & Tr.Co.,Northern Tr. Co., First N., Reliance State and Harris Tr. PHILIPC.LINDGREN, V.P.andSee. & Sav., Chi. KARL L. REINKE, A. Tr. CAPITAL, SURPLUS & UNDIVIDED PROFITS OVER $1,000,000-First Mortgages and First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds. Never a Loss to an Investor at Any Time (120 So. La Salle) Telephone: State 8033 LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 105 W. Adams St. Telephone Randolph 0891 ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES m CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS specializing Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. 410 •Mem.Am. Bks. A’n. Year tMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories 'MALCOLM SEMMES. Mgr......................................... sSfc,,,T,E:S CO.. (1252 Cont. Illinois Bldg.) HIBERNIA INVESTMENT SECURITIES. _Commercial Paper—Bankers Acceptances See Head Office at New Orleans. •Mem.Am. Bks. A’n. Year tMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabUMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices. Correspondents and Bank Depositories Hulburd.Warren&Chandleri (208 So. La Salle St.) IN ACCEPTANCE Branch of (see) New York. (210 S. Clark St.) EXCLUSIVELY A TRADING ORGANIZATION HICKEY, DOYLE & CO. 39 So. La Salle St., Chicago. DESIGNED TO RENDER A STANDARDIZED SERVICE TO BANKS, DEALERS, BROKERS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN ALL TYPES OF 67 Wall St.. New York. TRADING SPECIALISTS IN Unlisted and Listed Securities General Market Securities HILL, JOINER & CO., INC.,oi (137 So. La Salle St.) /T. E. JOINER. Pres. 1C. C. ADAMS. V. P. W. W. WATERBURY, V. P. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Coat. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., M. P. CRIST. V.JP. j WM. WAMiSii See. and Tr. IretafrA"F. NITZ. v. \ P. Capital BRANCHES Memphis Buffalo Lafayette Milwaukee Detroit Springfield 316 So. La Salle St., Chicago 26 Broadway, New York Kansas City Joplin Baltimore Members of New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade and leading stock and commodity exchanges in the United States and Canada. JACKSON BROS., BOESEL & GO. Chi.; 1st N.. Bos. Frazier Jelke & Co. Hitchcock & Company.—±H 139 So. La Salle) Private Wire System W. K. HOAGLAND. HOAGLAND, ALLUM & CO.1 GEO. F. ALLUM. F. S. ROBINSON. Incorporated CHICAGO 14 SO. LA SALLE ST. FRANKLIN 0220 Pres. V.-P. V. P. T. A. TUNNEY. V.-P. H. P. PARKER. V.-P. H. A. ENGEL. Sec. 18 Exchange PI. Hanover 0661 NEW YORK (231 So. LaSalle St.) ± »tT88 MEMBERS OF THE New York, Chicago, Boston, Cleveland, ,DQ o„ To Clio ot i Pittsburgh and Detroit Stock Exchanges and the P B Skinner and W D Owen New York and Chica«° Curb Exchanges. Resident Partners. ' Offices in Boston, New York (2), Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, ■ ui/rcTMCMT creiiDiTice Pittsburgh, Providence, and Portland, Maine. INVESTMENT SECURITIES DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Members New York Stock Exchange, New York Curb Exchange New York Produce Exchange, Chicago Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Curb Exchange. CHICAGO NEW YORK 112 W. ADAMS STREET 40 WALL STREET Telephone State 3112 INVESTMENT SECURITIES F. B. KEECH& CO____ 1± H0RNBL0WER& WEEKS St. Louis Toledo Duluth Omaha KENT, GRACE & COMPANY i (208 S. LaSalle) F. B. Keech & Co.. N. Y.. Wash., D. C. 'J. E. May, Thos. Miller. H. C. Strotz, ! J. c. Dean Res. Partners Phil.. Prov., and Det. Members of the New York and Chicago Stock Exchanges, New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago 1 Board of Trade and Winnipeg . Grain Exchange. T. L. GRACE, Pres. J.F. KENT, V.P. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. T. J. GRACE, Sec. J. A. JOHNSTON, Tr. Municipal BONDS Corporation Telephone Dearborn 3300 Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. 411 •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Year tMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks.A’n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. KNEELAND & GO. (INCORPORATED) Board of Trade Building Chicago ■ Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members op Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships Wabash 9292 F. N. KNEELAND. Pres. L. F. LANG. v. PF. M. McTIGUE, Sec. and Treas. e. L. Kent. Mgr. Tr. Dept. F. C. WOOLARD. w •Mem.Am. Bks. A’n. Year +Mem.StateBks.A’n. estab1Mem.lnv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co. Dependable Markets in all REAL ESTATE SECURITIES For Banks and their customers Asst. Mgr. KRENN & DATO, INC (936 North Michigan Ave.) EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOK Edith Rockefeller McCormick Trust FIRST MORTGAGE SECURITIES CORRESPONDENTS Cont. m. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N., Lake Shore Tr. & Sav., Chi. Other Offices. CORRESPONDENTS AND Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships MEMBERS LAMSON BROS. & GO. Of all Principal Stock and Commodity Exchanges Established 1871 (2200 Board of Trade Bldg.) Private Wires Telephone Wabash 2400 SEE HEAD OF LIST R0L0S0N, N. B. DAWES, MABBATT, R. T. WARNES, LANE, R0L0S0N R.R.S. H.L.H. CASTLE, F. S. KELLY, R. T. ELWELL. & GO., INC.,,, Commercial Paper, Pres. V.P. V.P. Tr. Sec. V. P. A. Sec. (1616 Bd. of Trade Bldg.) Investment Securities SECURiTIES. LEAGH, A. B. & GO., ING.__. {INVESTMENT (Board of Trade Bldg.) JACOB KULP & GO., ING. (29 S. La Salle St.. Chicago) PHONE Dearborn 8686 Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. First National Bank, Chi. New York Trust Co., N. Y. Chemical Bank & Trust Co., N. Y. INVESTMENT SECURITIES .Well, McKcy & Co., N. Y. and Boston; McCluney & Co., St. L.; Lane, Piper & Jfaffray, Inc., Minpls. NEW YORK, BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA, and Principal Cities. See Advertisement in Front Section LEE, HIGGINSON & GO. ±tr«8 (137 W. Jackson Boule vard at LaSalle St.) Member New York, Boston and Chicago Stock Exchanges INVESTMENT SECURITIES BOSTON, NEW YORK AND OTHER PRINCIPAL CITIES (209 S. La Salle) Lester, Carter & Co.. Lobdell& Co., Inc., Edwin L. (209 So. La Salle) LAGKNER, BUTZ AND COMPANY Inc. ’04 (111 W. Washington Street) T. C. Butz, Pres. Walker Jensen, V, P. Philip Corper, Sec. Investment Bankers. •1 Correspondents 1st N., 1st Union Tr. Co., and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. SPECIALIZING IN REAL ESTATE SECURITIES E. & S. LOEWENSTEIN (39 S. La Salle Street) EMANUEL LOEWENSTEIN SIDNEY LOEWENSTEIN LEO SCH0ENBRUN FIRST NATIONAL BANK. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. CHICAGO TITLE & TRUST CO. Real Estate First Mortgages and First Mortgage Bonds. CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENTS FOR PRIVATE INVESTORS, ESTATES, INSURANCE COMPANIES, BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES. LAMBORN. HUTCHINGS GO. CLARENCE G. TROUP. Resident Partner_________ New York StockEx^hinge® New York Cot' uimiwu ton Exchange, New York Produce Exchange, ± Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Curb Ex change, Chicago Stock Exchange, New York Coffee & Sugar Exchange, Rubber Exchange (231 So. LaSalle St.) of New York, New York Cocoa Exchange, New York Curb Market, Assoc., New Orleans Cotton Exchange. Lnmuuiui) mu OTHER OFFICES Lowitz. E. &Co.~ 37 Wall St., New York City Royal Bank of Canada Bldg., Havana, Cuba. MALLARD & COMPANY— National Hotel of Cuba, Havana (105 W. Adams St.) Cuba. Telephone State 9691 MANNING & CO.......... . (105 W. Adams St.) (129 So. La Salle) Robert R. Mallard, President_____ Russell W. Geyer, Vice-Pres. Lester H. Holt, Secretary { Investment Securities ( L. B. Manning. Pres--------------------< R. S. Pruitt. V. P. L LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 105 W. Adams St. Telephone Randolph 0891 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northern Trust Co.. Chi. Peo. Tr. & Sav., 1st N., and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Investment Securities ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES SPECIALIZING IN CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. 412 •Mem.Am.Bks.A’n. Year tMem.StateBks.A'n. EstabIMem.Inv. Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. MATTIJPIA/^ lllftl 1 flLVl O 2. Ur Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships 1 CIA/I2 Pfl LLVVIO UUi Other Offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories INVESTMENT SECURITIES ('INVESTMENT SECURITIES MAYNARD & CO., H. H__ ± ) Members Chicago Stock Exchange and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. McDonald & Co., Frank E..± ) l Other offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members op Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships ORMAN LEWIS, President FRED C. MATTHEWS, Vice-President FINLEY P. DUNNE, Secretary and Treasurer (331 S. LaSalle Street) (120So. LaSalle) Telephone State 40S0 •Mem.Am.Bks.A'n. Year JMem.State Bks.A’n. EstabHMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Assoc, members New York Curb Exchange and Chicago Curb Assn. Mitchell, Hutchins & 231 So. La Salle St. Chicago Co.' 1 Wall St. New York 762 No. Water St. Milwaukee (120So. LaSalle) Investment CoMiritioc McFAYDEN & COMPANY f1 Partners J.fTEMPLE MCFAYDEN-..................... < (ARTHUR F.'GILES (. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Central Republic Bank & Trust Co. Wire Service: S. B. Chapin Co. Swift, Langill Henke, Chicago. & & (Board of Trade Bldg.) Telephone Wabash 212S MCGOWEN, Mc 60WEN, GASSADY T.T.N. G. CASSADY K.T. WHITE, ART H. OEHL, & WHITE, INC.i Investment Securities President Vice President Vice President Vice President (100 W. Monroe St.) ^^^TelephoneRandolghT^S^^ McNEAR, C. W.&CO.H 08 (105 West Adams) Correspondents STOCKS, BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Members: Me Gowen, Cassady &. White, Inc., Detroit. Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 1st N., Chi. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Members CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE Investment Bankers Assn, of Am. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE 'C. W. McNear, E. W. Thomas. Tr______ I Pres. Harry Nott, V.P. Municipal Bonds. 1st N. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. I C. F. Steinhoff, V. P. and Sec. Associate Member: NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE CORRESPONDENTS OF CLARK, DODGE <ft CO. E. F. HUTTON & CO. MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS SECURITIES COMPANIES W. L. CAPRON, (231 South LaSalle St.. Phone State 7420) ARTHUR GREENE, Pres. CECIL DIXON, V. P. S. E. STEINBERG.P. P. and Tr. R. G. HATHORN, V. P. J. LISTON NAU, V. p. F. A. TILLMAN, JR., V.P. A. V. P. N. M. PETERSON, A. v. P. R. L. HUTTNER, Sec. L. E. MICKLE, Compt. CAPITAL ASSETS exceed $8,000,000.00. RESOURCES over $34,900,000.00. OUR SHORT TERM COLLATERAL NOTES OFFER ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENTS FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Affiliated with: Merchants & Manufac turers Securities Corp., New York. Merchants & Manufac turers Acceptances, Ltd., Toronto. M. & M. Securities Co., Minneapolis,Milwaukee. TELEPHONE STATE 1700 • 413 Chicago — Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. A n. Year JMem.StateBks.A n. EstabIMem.Inv. Bks. An. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Morrison & Townsend. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories (208 So. La Salle St.)_____________ Morrison & Townsend, N. Y. •Mem. Am. Bks. A n. Year JMem.StateBks.A'n. Estab1IMem.Inv.Bks. A n lished dbMem. Local Stock Ex. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Northwestern Securities Co. (1201 Milwaukee Ave.) Noyes. David A., ft Co.___± (208 So. La Salle) MOSELEY, F. Si & CO. B- h- B0YD> ±t’05 mi. nr u , (112 W. Adams) M°r--------------------------------------- S- M®*®1®* * Co., B»«-. T. and Alb. NUVEEN & GO., JOHN COMMERCIAL PAPER-STOCKS AND BONDS-COLLATERAL LOANS Investment Securities First National Bank Bldg. MUNICIPAL, COUNTY & SCHOOL BONDS Established 1898 member American, Illinois and Investment Bankers Assns. Telephone—Randolph 3000 Mosser, Willaman & Co.. (29 So. La Salle St.) Inc. t’84 OHRSTROM G. L. & CO.—1 INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Incorporated Branch of New York. (Board of Trade Bldg.) LEON G. MURDOCK & COMPANY, INC. (105 W. Adams St.) Telephone—Randolph 0891 LEON C. MURDOCK, President CLAUDE L. HENNEY, V tee President OLD NATIONAL CORP.— 21 ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES Specializing in Consolidations and Mergers. ■ E. C. Divine. Pres. (208 So. La Salle) INVESTMENT SECURITIES. fJohn J. Bryant. Jr., [William McKenna, Resident Partners Members 0LIPHANT & CO., JAB. H.’98 (209 So. La Salle) ± New York Stock Exchange New York Curb Exchange I Chicago Stock Exchange <New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY 120 Wall St.. N. Y.: Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Co., Chicago. Chase N.. Chatham Phenix N. Bk. ft Tr. Co.. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., Marine Midland Tr. Co.. Gty. Tr. Co., and Title Guaranty ft Tr.. N. Y.; Oont. Ill. Bk. ft Tr. Co.. Bk. of Nova Scotia. Peo. Tr. & Say., and 1st N.. Chi. „ . Chicago F,rst National Bank Central Republic Bank & Trust Co. Chicago Union Bank of Chicago - - • Chicago (Board of Trade Bldg.) Telephone Wabash 3650 ORDERS EXECUTED ON ALL PRINCIPAL EXCHANGES CHICAGO AND NEW YORK BANK STOCKS— COLLATERAL LOANS Real Estate Bonds - Bought - Sold - Quoted OTTE & GO. (120 So. La Salle St.) INVESTMENT SECURITIES Offices in the leading cities of the world SPECIALISTS IN BANK STOCKS Member Chicago Stock Exchange Member Chicago Curb Exchange Partners | jU^'JjARD^.A. OTTE Weekly Market Review sent on Request NAUMBURG, E. & C0.~J’94 (Commercial Paper). (120S. LaSalle) ■"ftJHkWUi 131 N. LaSalle. DptownBr. 6310 Broadway Alvin E. Nelson, Pres. Earle S. Nelson. Tr. Ira A. Brewer, V. P. A. J. Deutschman. Sec. <x Gen. Counsel S. Nanmburg ft Co.. N. Y., Phil., Bos. Port., St. L„ and San F. Capital $600,000. Ottenheimer. L.. Sons.. Paddleford ft Lamy ___±'23 (208 S. La Salle)....... (208 So. La Salle) (209 So. La Salle St.) (35 East Wacker Drive) Farnum, Winter & Co., John F. Clark & Co., Shields & Co. and Sutro Bros. & Co. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Members New York, Boston, Chicago, Paine, Webber & Co., Boston, New York, Cleveland, Detroit and Hartford Stock Ex Detroit and other cities. change, New York Curb Exchange, NewYork Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. 105 W. Adams St. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chase N.. N. Y.; Peo. Tr. ft Sav. and 1st N., Chi. First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds. PAINE, WEBBER & C0.-±1 Norris & Kenly. (8 S. Michigan Ave.). Telephone Randolph 0891 i originators of high grade securities | specializing in CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS 414 Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. A‘n. Year iMem.StateBks.A’n EstabHMem.Inv.Bks.A’n Lished ± Mem. Local Stock Ex. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Members op Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships PEABODY AND COMPANY* Established 1865 10 So. La Salle St. CHICAGO UNDERWRITERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DISTRIBUTORS, OF PUBLIC UTILITY, INDUSTRIAL AND REAL ESTATE SECURITIES A. S. PEABODY, Chairman of the Board E. A. PECK, Vice-President and F. H. MASON, Vice-President T. F. MURCHISON, President Treasurer WM. J. MARSHALL, Vice-President W. C. GIBSON, Vice-President and J. J. WEISHEL, Vice-President K. W. MOORE, Vice-President Sales Manager ROSS BYRON, Vice-President J. B. GREEN, Secretary E. EDSTRAND, Vice-President DETROIT MILWAUKEE PEARSONSTAFT COMPANY (106 8. La Salle St.) 1 Established 1865 QBENE.UFT, Chairman res. and Tr. LEN, V. P. and Sec. itn.v.p. SSELL F.P.(San Francisco) _ _ _ .CAN MATTHEWS, Mgr. (Seattle) DEANE L. WEAVER, Mgr. (Los Angeles) MINNEAPOLIS Irv. Tr. Co. and Gty. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. III. Bk.& Tr.Co., Chi.; Crocker IstN., San V.; Bk. of Calif. N. A., Seattle. Offices In New York City, San Fran cisco, Seattle,Los Angeles,Milwaukee. Underwriters, Wholesalers and Retailers of Invest ment Securities PEOPLES SECURITIES COMPANY- •Mem. Am. Bks.A’n. Year tMem.State Bks.A’nEstabIMem.Inv.Bks. A’n Lished -fc Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. MEMBEBS Los Angeles Stock Exchange New York Stock Exchange Los Angeles Curb Exchange New York Cotton Exchange Memphis Cotton Exchange New York Curb Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange New Orleans Stock Exchange New York Produce Exchange Portland Grain Exchange New York Cocoa Exchange, Inc. Portland Stock and Bond Exchange York Hide Exchange, Inc. (105 W. Adams St.) ±1f New San Francisco Stock Exchange Bubber Exchange of New York, Inc. (164 N. La Salle St.) San Francisco Curb Exchange National Metal Exchange, Inc. (Merchandise Mart) Seattle Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Seattle Grain Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Toronto Stock Exchange Cleveland Stock Exchange Vancouver Stock Exchange Dallas Cotton Exchange Winnipeg Grain Exchange Detroit Stock Exchange National Baw Silk Exchange, Inc. Liverpool Cotton Association Private wires. Stock. Bonds. Cotton. Grain, in principal American and Canadian markets. E.A. PIERCE & GO. fR. E. Prochnow, Geo. J. Prochnow. Pres, Sec. ’22 I BONDS FOB INVESTMENT. PR0CHN0W. R.E.&CO.. Inc. (231S. LaSalle) THE fG. E. KNIGHT, Pres. JOHN J. SONNEVELD. PRUDENTIAL GO. ' H. SALUSKI, Board of Trade Bldg, t’25 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Harris Trust & Savings Bank. Chi. V. P. Asst. Sec. (141 W. Jackson Blvd.) INVESTMENT BANKEBS [UNDEBWBITEBS AND DISTBIBUTOBS LAWRENCE REGAN & CO. (105 West Adams St.) EDWIN J. LUDWIG. Pres. c. C. WEINZ, Tr. 1st N.. Chi. JOHN E. CALLINAN, Sec. INVESTMENT SECUBITIE8 Affiliated with The Peoples Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago Michigan Avenue at Washington Street EARL H. REYNOLDS, Chairman of the Bd. RORERT B. UPHAM, President HARRY L. SCHMITZ, Vice-President Telephone Randolph 8800 ALBERT H. KELLER, Vice-President W. F. FLURY, Asst. Vice-Pres, and Sec. D. I. DUNN, Assistant Viee-Pree. IRVING G. BJORK, Treasurer D. S. DIXON, Asst. Secretary F. H. KEEFER, Asst. Secretary W. J. GAUNTLETT, Asst. Secretary Underwriters and Distributors of Corporation, Public Utility and Real Estate Securities First Mortgage Loans on Chicago and Suburban Property Individual Real Estate Mortgages—Correspondence Invited. PERRILL &C0. ALGER ±13 (231 So. La Salle) -Alger Perrill.__Rodney N. Perrill i Listed & Unlisted Securities, Bank Stocks, and Syndicate Participat ing Distributors. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Members Chicago Stock Exchange. Members Chicago Curb Exchange Ass’n. Associate Members New York Curb Exchange. .Wire Connections to Principal Markets. LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REMER, MITCHELL & REITZEL- INC........... (208 S. La Salle) MARTIN C. REMIjR.^ FRANK R. MITCHELL, V. P. Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. EDWIN W. REITZElT Sec, and Treas. “ ROGERS & TRACY (CC) INC. (120 So. La Salle) Telephone State 4151 Postal Phone Investment Securities HOWARD VAN S. TRACY, Pres. (CC) E. W. ROGERS, Vice-Pres. & Treas. GORDON 0. GREGORY, Vice-Pres. R. S. LONGSTAFF, Vice-Pres. W. PAUL SHOOK, Vice-Pres. RICHARD J. HICKEY, Sec. COBBESPONDENTS Frederic H. Hatch & Co., New York Continental Illinois Bk. & Tr. Co. First National Bank of Chicago Central Bepublfc Bank & Trust Co. Underwriters and market operators In Listed Specialists In the better class of Unlisted and Unlisted Stocks. Specialists in creating Securities, Public Utilities, Unlisted Bonds, and markets for, popularizing, and distributing highespecially active in Chicago Bank Stocks. Parti grade Industrial Common Stocks, also creating cipants In Common Stock Syndicates. pre-listing markets for new issues. MEMBEBS CHICAGO CUBE EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION Departments—Unlisted Stocks: Richard J. Hickey, Wm. Kegley; Chicago andNew York Bank Stocks: Gordon D. Gregory, Andrew R. Williams; Public Utility Stocks and Unlisted Bonds: Paul J. Skepnek, William J. Sennott, Jr.; Refinancing and Underwriting: R. S. Longstaff, W. Paul Shook. 105 W. Adams St. Telephone Randolph 0891 ORIGINATORS of high grade securities in CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS specializing 415 Chicago—Selected List^>f Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. A n. Year IMem.StateBks.A'n. Estab IfMem.Inv. Bks.A'n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships ( C. H. BLISS, Vice-Pres. ROLLINS, E. H. & SONS i PERRY DRYDEN, Vice-Pres. Incorporated (231 8. La Salle St.) •tT76 L Investment Bankers Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories SALOMON BROS. & HUTZLER MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (1776 Continental Illinois Bank Bldg.) SHERRITT & GO U.S.Treasury Bills, Certificates and Notes, Liberty and Treasury Bonds, Bank and Bankers’ Acceptances, Federal and Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds, Federal Intermediate Credit Bank Debentures, Municipal and State Bonds, Foreign External Bonds, Short Term Securities, Long Term Railroad Bonds, Equipment Mortgages, Industrial and Public Utility Bonds, Canadian Government, Provincial, and Municipal Obliga tions, Preferred Stocks, Bank and Insurance Company Stocks, Common Stocks. Offices: Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Cleveland. SCHMIDT. C. L. & CO.. INC. (120 So. La Salle) Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories AND. I INDUSTRIAL FINANCING. Telephone Wab. 1440 Incorporated (Board of Trade Bldg.) DISCOUNT HOUSE OF (120 So. La Salle St.) Membbrs of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships E. H. Rollins & Sons, Inc., N. Y.. Phil., Bos., Shearson, Hammill & Co...± (208 So. La Salle) Den.. Los A.. Ran F.. G. Rapids, Mil., Minpls.,Kan. C.,St. L„ Det., London,Eng., /PUBLIC UTILITY Paris. France and Milan, Italy. Russell, Brewster & Co.___ (112 W. Adams) ±T72 “"TSW" •Mem.Am.Bks.An. Year JMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabIMem- Inv.Bks.A’n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Sincere. Charles & Co. ....± (231 So. La Salle) A. 0. Slaughter, Anderson & 120 So. LaSalle St___________ Fox__________________ ± Tel: Randolph 3920 In Charge: Resident Partners. Smart, R. H. & Co.______ ± (Board of Trade Bldg.) SMITH BROS.. ROGERS & CO. CL. J, Schimberg, Pres, and Treas. ] B. N. Trahan, V. P. & Sec. < Geo. Vandervoort, V. P. ) Investment Bonds. A. O. Slaughter, Anderson & Fox, N. Y. C„ Los A.. San F., Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and Oakland, Cal. (1404-105 So. La Salle) 'Ashley B. Smith___________________ NormanS. Smith Sampson Rogers, Jr. Randolph 6507 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. .Members Chicago Stock Exchange (.Public Utility Originations. f CARL L. SCHMIDT. Pres_________ ____ _______ Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. JOHN H. ELLIS. V. P. & Secy. < ARTHUR W. ROGERS. V. P. & Tr. PAUL E. ALM. v. P. & Sales Mgr. L Investment Securities Schuberth & Co.. Wm. A..± (120 Sr>. La Salle)___ (2(18 So. La Salle) SEAS0NG00D & MAYER _ _ ____ Midwestern Syndicate Managers for “CORPORATE TRUST SHARES’ “ Basic Industry Shares.” “Fixed Trust Oil Shares.” (120 So. La Salle St.) Farnum. Winter & Co.. Lamson Bros, and Morrison & Townsend, N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chi. Bk. of Com., Chi. _ W. E. BAIRD, Manager Government, Municipal, Railroad, Corporation and Foreign Government BONDS. 1 '87 ' CEDRIC H. SMITH, Pres..................................... . Ross Beason & Co., Inc., N, Y., Los A. and Salt Lake C.; 1st N.. Chi.; Administrative NELSON W. BURRIS, V. P. and Sec. & Research Corp„ 120 Wall St„ N. Y. I E. W. ERZBERGER, Tr. (33 South Clark St.) Room 629 (Correspondents), Seasongood & Mayer, Cincinnati and New York. SMITH H. & GO. Founded 1927 (Bankers Bldg.) Phone Central 5564 Branches; Detroit, Omaha and New Orleans. HY SMITH, President Depository, First National Bank, JACK PIERCE, Vice Pres. GEO. CHAZANOW, Treas. Union Bank of Chicago. Depts.: Unlisted Stocks, GEO. A. SPECIALIZING IN UNLISTED SECURITIES, COKINS. Bonds, CHAS. ATKINSON. FIXED TRUST ISSUES, REAL ESTATE BONDS, EARL A. MINNICH. HENRY NEMIROW. CATHOLIC INSTITUTIONAL SECURITIES, PUBLIC UTILITY INSURANCE AND INDUS Underwriting, H. H. SMITH TRIAL STOCKS. Smith, Graham & Rockwell (141 W. Jackson Blvd.) ± SEAVERNS & COMPANY (208 So. La Salle) TELEPHONE FRANKLIN 7171 GEO. A. SEAVERNS LOUIS G. SEAVERNS BURFORD L. PORTER HENRY C. POHLZON MEMBERS: New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade (Associate) New York Curb Chicago Curb Exchange Association & SONS CO. (38 S. Dearborn) Spencer Trask & Co. THE SHAWMUT CORPORATION OF BOSTON (120 So. La Salle St.) (Boston Office: 40 Water St.) (New York Office: 20 Exchange PI.) i Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., Irv. Tr. Co., WALTER S. BUCKLIN. Pres. Bkrs. Tr. Co., Chase N. and Gty. Tr. JOSEPH T. WALKER, Jr. V. P. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and ROHLC. WIGGIN, v. P. 1st N., Chi.; Pa. Co., Phil. NATHAN D. McCLURE, V. P. Capital........................$1,500,000 wm. c. McClelland, a.v.p. JAMES ARRINGTON. Tr. Surplus .......................750,000 THOMAS W. ST0RR0W, Sec. DEALERS IN BANKERS’ ACCEPT ERNEST W. CANNING. A. Tr. ANCES, UNITED STATES GOVERN FRANCIS B. WALES, A. Tr. MENT OBLIGATIONS AND OTHER ALBERTA. WILCOX. A. Tr. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. W. W. SPEER, Pres...P. D. SPEER. V. P................... Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Northern Tr. Co., J- MB. CAMPBELL, Sec.and Tr. and Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. B. M. KOHLER* H. G. SPEER T85 Municipal, County and School BONDS FOR INVESTMENT (See Trask, Spencer & Co.) W. STANSBURY_ _ _ STANSBURY AND COMPANY fRRALPH W. STANSBURY (105 W. Adams) Stein. Alstrin &Co...........± (211-219 S. La Salle) Stein Bros.. Securities Co. .11 (209 S. La Salle) LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. 105 W. Adams St. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northern Tr. Co., Chi. 11nvestmcnt Securities Telephone Randolph 0891 ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES in CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS sPEctALiziNG Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. 416 •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Year JMem.StateBks.A'n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. LAWRENCE STERN AND COMPANY Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories DIRECTORS WM. WRIGLEY. JR. CHAS. S. PEARCE HERBERT L. STERN JOSEPH J. RICE. V.P. E. C. WAMPLER, V.P. (231 So. La Salle St.) JOHN HERTZ A. D. LASKER CHAS. A. McCULLOCH ALF. ETTLINGER.E.P. R. 0. KAUFMAN, V. P. L. STERN. Pres, •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Yea* JMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories INVESTMENT SECURITIES Chicago New York BANK DEPOSITORIES First National Bank of Chicago Continental Illinois Bank & Tr. Co.. Chicago Chase National, New York /"Roy E. Bard, Resident Partner. \ MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EX) CHANGE, CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE, SUTRO BROS. & CO....... ±’9fi S NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE, PHILA(200 S. LaSalle) DELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE AND BUFLfalo STOCK EXCHANGE. SWIFT. LAHGILL & HENKE ' p. A. Walters, V. P. in charge Chicago Office, STONE & WEBSTER AND BLODGET, INC............... 1 [ (Investment Securities) Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Stone & Webster and Blodget. Inc., N. Y. Boiton. and Phila. (168 W. Monroe) ±’26 «w Partners hbruimil Members (33 So. Clark St.) New York, (120 Broadway.) Detroit. Philadelphia. Rochester. Syracuse. Buffalo. 1st N., Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr.. Harris Tr.. Northern Tr., and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Curb Exchange Associate Members New York Curb Exchange STRANAHAN, HARRIS & COMPANY, INC. ™ Specialists in Chicago Bank Stocks and Un listed Securities and Brokers in Chicago Stock Exchange Issues Branch of Toledo. Other offlcei New York, Detroit. Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 39 So. La Salle St., Chicago E. RAY ALLEN, Resident Mgr, Chicago Office, THOMPSON, G. W. & CO,— (Investment Securities, (208 So. LaSalle) STRAUS BROTHERS1 INVESTMENT COMPANY (33 No. La Salle St.) Established 1S60 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Straus Bros. Co., Inc., Buif. and Rochester, N. Y. M. H. VANBERGH. Pres. SermH’strauss, v. p. J. LEVIN. Sec. J. A. NATHAN, I Underwriters and Distributors. Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. (Merged with Peabody <t Co.) Tr. BRANCHES: Detroit, St. Louis, Ft. Wayne, Milwaukee, Evansville, Toledo, Grand Rapids, Indianapolis and South Bend. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Underwriting Offices: Chicago and Detroit. Branches In Principal Cities. Thomson & McKinnon___ ± (316 S. La Salle) TILDER. AVERILL & CO.V22 f A. Tilden, Pres....... J. H. Rawleigh, Sec___ Investment Securities. STUDEBAKER SECURITIES CUMPANY (231 So. LaSalle St., (134 So. La Salle St.) l L.E.Tilden, V.P. and Tr. Investment Securities Telephone State 3521) MANAGEMENT George M. Studebaker, President John J. Seerley, Treasurer Orville J. Taylor, Vice-President S. B. Furbeck, Sales Director CHICAGO, ILL. —KANSAS CITY, MO. — COLUMBUS, O. —WOOSTER, O. —DES MOINES, IA. MILWAUKEE, WIS. — INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—EVANSVILLE, IND. — MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.—OTTUMWA, IA.—CINCINNATI, O. SPRINGFIELD, ILL.—ST. PAUL, MINN.—MADISON, WIS. / f ARTKII R. Eli BFIJ &«•- Partner Investment Securities MEMBERS: TRASK 4 CO*SPENCER (291 Be. La Salle) ±JT70 - Hew York Stock Exchange. Hew York Curb Exchange. Chicago Stock Exchange. 1 Investment Bankers Association of America. LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. 105 W. Adams St. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Telephone Randolph 0891 specializing Spencer Trask A Oo.. N. Y„ Alb., Bos., Chi., Providence, Phil., Newark, Glen Falls, N.Y., White Plains. N.Y., Wor cester, Mass, and London, Eng. ,n r.nN^m IDATIONR AND MERGERS 417 Chicago — Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Year tMem.StateBKs.A’n. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. A'n. lished! ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships TROY, GRAHAM(Telephone & COMPANY, Randolph 4430) INC. (111 W. Monroe St.) L. J. KNAUF, President Cent. Rep. Bk. & Int’lTr.Co.,Den. C. S. Nat’l, Den. DOUGLAS GRAHAM. V.Pres. Tr., Chicago. S. A. GRAHAM. Treasurer Harris Tr., Chicago Colorado Nat’l, Den. P. F. HAWLEY, Assl. Sec. Com. Tr. Co., K. C. •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Year tMem.StateBks.A’n. Estab•JMem. Inr. Bks. A’n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. G & CO___________ WHITING fv. (400 N. Michigan Are.) Investment Bonds Specializing in Public Utilities. rR. K. Wilsey. V14 (120 So. La Salle St.) 141 South La Salle Street CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Telephone: Franklin 6935 EARLE W. JENNINGS,Pice Pres. A. L. CHAMBERS, Vice Pres. NELSON H. POE, Sec. & Treas. C. A. NICOLL, Ch.ofBd. WALDEMAR DE BILLE, Pres. V. P. and Treas. Investment Securities. Lin (Incorporated) UTILITY BOND & SHARE COMPANY H. Whiting, Pres. Frank 8. Whiting, V, P. 1st N., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Blv d Klotz, Sec. Harry M. Bicknell, Bridge, Chi. ) WILSET ft COMPANY, N. E. I NEW YORK BUFFALO KANSAS CITY ROCHESTER ST. LOUIS INDIANAPOLIS DENVER LOUISVILLE OKLAHOMA CITY Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch managers exchange Memberships TULSA TOPEKA WICHITA SALINA ST. JOSEPH TERRE HAUTE FORT WAYNE ENID, OKLA. \ B. J. Clarke. V. P. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; C. E. Doyle & Pres. Wilbur Helm, V. P. and See. Co.. N. Y. W. B. Egan, V.P. and Tr. N. P. Zech. V. P. Investment Securities. ^Mtmbmrs Investment Bankers Ass’n. WINTHROP-MITCHELL & CO. (Board of Trade Bldg.) ±’07 Winthrop-Mitchell & Co.. N. Y. ,NVES™ENT SEUUKI1 Ita Members New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Exchange, Kansas City Board of Trade, Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. SPECIALIZING IN PUBLIC UTILITY ISSUES WOLLENBERGER & C0.-*1 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. WRIGHT. FRANK G. & CO.- Curtis & Sanger, N. Y. and Bos. (105 S. La Salle) IITII Ijy crmmmcc U 1ILI 1 I OtuUnl 11 tu nniiniliv UUMrANY 230 So. La Salle Specializing in Public Utility Financing Participating In the financing of Commonwealth Edison Company, Middle West Utilities Company and subsidiaries, The Peoples Gas Light & Coke Company, Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, Midland United Company and subsidiaries, Insull Utility Investments, Inc., Corporation Securities Co. of Chicago, and others. NEW YORK MINNEAPOLIS Indianapolis louisville des moines san francisco ST. LOUIS MILWAUKEE STUART WATSON, ____ ____ _______ Congress Tr. & Sav., Chicago. G. STUART (G. ) R. G. WATSON, WATSON, INC. (.INVESTMENT SECURITIES (29 So. LaSalle St.) C. WATTS, 1st N. and Harris Trust & Savings Bank, HARRY G. WATTS )fHARRY Chicago. W. A. BROOKS, ( & GO. Pres. V. P. ......... investment securities Incorporated (39 So. La Salle St.) Webster. Marsh & Co........ ± (209 So. La Salle) THE WHITE PHILLIPS CO.,Inc. (1 N. La Salle) LB. A. Phillips. Pres._______________________ J E. E. Bell, Arno H. Schriefer and 1 ) M. C. Leggett, Representatives L Investment Bankers Branch of Davenport, la., Northern Tr. Co., Chi. Member Inv. Bkrs. Assn. LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ZEILER.F.M.&GO. (209 So. La Salle) ±’98 CHICAGO SECURITIES. Member Chicago Stock Exchange, Chicago Curb Ex change (Associate). Member New York Curb Market. Cont. m. Bk. & Tr. Co., Northern Tr. Co., 1st N., Harris Tr. & Sav., Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi. los angeles Detroit Cleveland Kansas city TULSA Pres.......................... Sec. and Tr. (39 So. La Salle St.) M. E. Nelson, A. Sec. 'Paul H. Davis, Pres. W. A. Marler, A. Sec. M. J. O’Brien, V. P. E. W. Fedderson, A. Sec. H. T. Hill, Exec. V. P. Chicago Stock Exchange..* Chas. T. Atkinson, Sec. Emeritus K. L. Smith, A. Sec. G. M. Clayton. A. Sec. J\ B. Skinner. Treas. RATES OF COMMISSION On stocks selling below $10 per share, 7J^c per share. On stocks selling at $10 per share and above, but under $25 per share, 12J^c per share. On stocks selling at $25 per share and above, but under $50 per share. 15c per share. On stocks selling at $50 per share and above, but under $75 per share, 17Mlc per share. On stocks selling at $75 per share and above, but under $100 per share, 20c per share. On stocks selling at $100 per share and above, but under $200 per share. 25c per share. On stocks selling at $200 per share and over, 25c per share for the first $200 in price and 5c per share additional for each $50 increase in price, or fraction thereof. On Railroad, Public Utility, Industrial and all other bonds not here specifically provided for having more than 5 years to run, not less than $2.50 per $1,000 par value. On Securities of the United States, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands and of the States, Territories and municipalities therein, may be mutually agreed upon. On Subscription Rights: Under 50c per right, may be mutually agreed upon. 50c per right and above but under $1.00, not less than 3c per right. Minimum 50c. $1 per right and above but uuder $5.00, not less than 5c per right. Minimum $1.00. $5 per right and above but under $10, not less than 7j^c per right. Minimum $1.00. $10 per right and above, not less than 15c per right. Minimum $2.00 The minimum commission on transactions in bonds shall be not less than $2.50. The minimum commission on transactions in stocks for non-members (except in stocks selling for less than $1.00 per share) shall (a) Where the transaction involves $200.00 or more, be not less than $5.00; and (b) Where the transaction involves less than $200.00, be not less than $3.00 105 W. Adams St. of Telephone Randolph 0891 originators specializing in high grade securities CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS 418 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. oSlem.A.B.A.^New §8tate fPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ^County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div.j President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Irving T. Webb. Chicago Heights Citizens National Bank 70-181 d©t'29 7 Cook D22 22,321 par 25 $ 200.000 $ - D. T. McClure, W. G. Nichols_____ J. H. Cummings... M. F. Walwer.......... *225-10%par 10070-180 dB©«§'06 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. T T) Ruee_________ C. F. Meyers, rlrSL lNdllOlldl LdllK Oi ilUSL W. W. M. Davis... E. R. Davis, Jr., V. P. and Cash. F. W. Landsea V. P. and Tr. Off. Co________________ d@] »J’01 E. R. Davis, Ch. *250-12% par 100 7 0-179 FIRST --------- “ $2°o par 100 28,850 $ 269,020 % 41,240 $ 240,400 $ 187,470 $ 24,160 $ 87,080 Principal Correspondents. Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 200,000 238,230 1,203,810 70,960 920,340 480,090 104,370 208,200 767,360 1,368,990 128,930 709,930 Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. IhaseN., N. Y.:Cont 200,000 255,320 2,427,620 92,280 200,000 59,890 1,725,150 68,650 907,810 25.000 47,440 231,000 35,000 108,270 164,130 37,050 28,980 Cent. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Peoria; 1st N., Joliet. 43,200 31,800 682,890 16,700 530,340 131,830 33,750 78,680 25,000 29.900 234,680 25,160 103,850 103,150 17,950 89,790 50,000 100,530 357,380 202.590 217.890 17,080 Am.N..lndpls. 70,350 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher-Am. N. and Ind. N., Indpls. 1st N.. Chi. STATE DAVID WALLACE____G. H. FULLER -----------E. C. RICHARDS-— THOMAS BR0DERSEN KENNETH MOTLONG G.I.McELDOWNEY.CA.B. J. SCHWOEFFERMANN W. E. MCELDOWNEY. Asst, to Pres. BANK BILL OF LADING DRAFTS AND ALL BANKING UniliX dB©»{§’93 MATTERS ENTRUSTED TO US WILL BE GIVEN 70-178 PROMPT, PERSONAL ATTENTION. Chlllicothe ...1978 *220-10% par 100 70-669 7 Peoria F12 8% par 100 Resources. Liabilities. Cash & Ex Bonds Loans Surplus Depos Other Miscel changes Paid-up ,Lua Liabili and and AND its Capital Profits Discount! Securities laneous trom Banks ties A. J. West COMMERCIAL BANK “ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued to each bank in U. S. 70-668 Alberta White_____ C. B. Zinser_______ F. N. Coon_________ Helen White, Sec. H. B. Forsythe,CA. R. H. Truitt----------- Henry Truitt______ W. M. Mead_______ O. K. Mooney____ dB®»tS’68 Chrlsman___ 1092 7 Edgar I22f *225-8 to 10% par 100 70-804 State Bk.of Chnsman.®{|'92 C. A. Newkirk ____ 70-803 Christopher. .4244 Christopher State Bank______ (Closed November 26 | Franklin P15 First National Bank d®»{'06 *200 par 100 70-1221 J. M. Wasson____ Frank McCuddy.. D O Light , 1930. Raymond Newlin. 700.170 196,690 249,630 Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 1st N.. Chi.; Com'l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher- Receiver ap pointed January 24, 1931) W.T.Silkwood, Act. Ray M.Cook----------- Alta M. Hereford. Ernest Browning J. G. Gillespie 60,000 F. J. SONNLEITNER- ANNA MACHESKY — iCHAS. J. BAKER. Cicero_______ 66,602 BAKER STATE BANK _ *150 par 100 70-1915 dB®«tS 19 J Ch. of Bd. & Pres. 7 Cook 021 ompt, personal service. sslve bank for pr )Try this progre (5823 Roosevelt Road) (Chioag* P. O.) Give us a trial. 1 Quick Returns on Collections. 100,000 44,140 1,030,260 62,410 130,640 880,830 35,920 149,420 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N.Stk. Yds. 55,910 25,000 283.730 303,210 91,910 132,320 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N., Franklin-American Tr. Co., St. L. 2,217,030 614,990 114,270 968,020 (Incl. 630,250 Chi.; : + CICERO “ --------- STATE " *4MH6%“ BANK^T.«07 par 100 (25th St. & Cicero) “ --------- “ 70-2012 *230-6% hflp|K dB®«'20 par 100 (6000 W. 22nd Street) BRUNO R. DRAKE.— S. D. WITKOWSKI, V. P. and Cash. D. DANKOWSKI H. C. GAUGER CICERO’S OLDEST BANK Invites your business. Collections presented and remitted for promptly. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS A SPECIALTY. Cicero Trust & Savings Bank (Closed April 2,1931 . FIRSTnilll/ NATIONAL “ •--------- HOWARD HUGHES-— C, C STOFFFI OTTO KASPAR. 150,000 237,440 3,526,870 300,000 315,010 3,346,550 Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co. Chicago Receiver appointe d April 27, 1931) CHARLES KRUPKA— STANLEYL.CHLEBOUN JAMES KLIMA--------M. A. WIESE _ E. J. TUREK, And. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. FMIL F. SMRZ Complete Banking Service. Special attention given Collections. 42,040 1,014,530 1,452,430 1,536,640 “THE ONLY NATI ONAL BANK IN C ICER O.” First National Bank.......................Chicago Central Republic Bank & Trust Co. _____________ ______ ________ ..Chicago Kaspar American State Bank, Chicago (Closed June 18, 19 31, Receiver appoin ted July 29, 1931) »» »• +PinkertState Bk. dB®T*§’16 10% 70-1916 (4810 W. 22nd St.) Harry Pinkert____ C. M. Higgins______ G, C. Hupka_______ C. J. Beranek Alfred Pinkert 250,000 141,380 1,883,160 50,000 1.203,960 663,730 104,600 352,250 FRANK J. ZIMANZI__ 350,000 290,610 3,154,680 52,320 1,355,940 1,210,780 299,140 981,750 WESTERN STATE FRANK KIRCHMAN, BANK J. W. JEDLAN----------- H.F. TYKAL________ HENRY BARTON. « 100 par Cash, and, Tr,Officer Ch. of Bd, Ufl,m dB®T«’13 70-1778 (5600 W. 22nd St.) FRANK J. VALES J. E. JEDLAN Irv. Tr., N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Harris Tr. & Sav. Bk., and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Tr. Co., Chi. (Banks affiliated with Chicago Clearing House Ass’n +) Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company—Chicago ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT 41 Q Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. oMem.A.B.A. ^New §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sa?.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. CIsne________ 467 Cisne State Bank_____<§'02 J. W. Barth, F. M. Brock. 1 Wayne N18 1200-10% par 100 70-1224 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. CASHIER. ASS’T CASHIER. Clarence ?nn Clarence State Bank d®t§’02 S. Frederick. par 100 70-1226 7 Ford G19 D. A. Frederick... Clay City_____ 707 Clay City Banking Co..<§’92 C. W. Hopkins____ J. 1120-8% par 100 70-1227 8 Clay M18 E. Gibbs.. J. Clayton______ 965 Bartlett & Wallace State Bk. . {Closed November 17 , 1930. Merged with 8 Adams 16 .. Clayton State Bank dB©t§’28 Henry Sparks____ J. R. Moffett_____ $120 par 100 70-2123 Claytonvllle 164 Claytonville State Bank S. A. Brown. F. H. Lueckft D. A. Smith 7 Iroquois G 21 1135-7% par 100 70-1971 d©t8’19 Clifton __ 589 Farmers State Bk...d®t§’20 Richard R. Meents 7 Iroquois F20 1125-7% par 100 70-101 2 CJ. C. GLEASON — FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 02 ...._M 70-1013 E. Gibbs_______ fl. “ Coal City........ 1637 7 Grundy E18 Coatsburg .199 8 Adams 15 •t li H. Bonn. W. H. Craig . . Jane Babb____ _ C. C. Dunham, A. C. Maxine Purpus M. A. Brock______ Mabel E. Brock___ L. E. Vansant.......... D. M. Meents_____ Chester Reid_____ H.G. MOREL_ _ _ _ M |. M0RFI H. A. MOREL------ILENE CHRISTENSEN B. MARVEL__ W. R. PARKER- - C. K. rope T. S. Dinsmore 90,000 S 42,000 $ 8,000 $ 17,520 par 100 70-396 38,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co.,Chi.; N.Stk.Yds. N.. N.Stk.Yds,. 111. 52,690 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 151,140 6,880 48,000 9,600 4,800 86,600 48,000 9,000 10,000 125,070 144,310 19,160 3,000 388,020 46,660 9,970 1.300 123.280 2.200 10,250 16,750 Cont. Ill. Bk. 88,080 38,900 13,800 159,700 205,910 16,640 35,150 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Kankakee. 45,090 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; City N., Kankakee. 322,980 413,280 48,500 319,380 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill Bk. & Tr.Co.. Chl.;MilIikin 830,070 222,130 411,580 36.830 31,000 433,780 345,310 34,600 50,910 287,210 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 108,950 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 8t. L. 92,880 852.470 240,850 517,460 9,960 123,530 30,460 73,980 13,760 35,000 8.020 178,450 15.000 6,750 45,000 25,000 7,000 155,690 50,000 14,810 274,500 50,000 8,290 500,500 15.000 5.390 130.800 25.000 6,500 132,420 12,000 25,000 34,740 350,020 17,590 100,000 37,790 866,350 100,000 100,000 27,690 75,000 25,000 6,760 9,150 1st N., Olney; Old N., Evansville. R. C. PARKER - - CHAS. M. SCOTT...... STKTE BANK OF CLINTON 48,890 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 60,780 1st N„ N. Y. and Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 117,140 1st N., Chi.; Ill. State. Quincy. & Tr. Co., Chi. us your Cl inton business, Special attention given BUI d®<|,90 <I Send of Lading Draft s, Cash and Time Items. L.Please send 15c tin th each Sight Draft fo rpresentation and 2 5c for Credit Reports. First National Bank d®<’12 Wm. Campbell___ R. W. Carper____ J. H. Thornton___ N. R. Campbell ... par 100 70-1724 Coatsburg State Bk.._©ti’20 H. O. Sprick-......... W. A. Heidbreder . D. T,. MeNeall 1100-6% par 100 70-1220 Cobden 1036 First National Bank. ..<1900 H. A. DuBois_____ H. H. Lamer_____ L. Walker................ 70-1230 8 Union Q15 •« H First State Bank_____ <|'12 J. A. Cerny______ L. Rendleman........ D. A. Burgeois ___ 1115-6% 70-1762 Coffeen 7na Louis Spinner____ L. T. Wilderman.. 8 Montgomery L14 1150-8% par 100 70-873 Colchester.__ 1342 7 McDon'gh G6 2,500 $ < j Oldest Bank In Clifton. Send us your Drafts, Not es, and Cash Ite ms, Ldirect for prom pt and satlafacto ry service. ("G. -------- 10,500 $ 150,000 $ Principal Correspondents. Clayton State Bank March 6. 1931) ‘Clinton..........5920 DEWITT COUNTY NAT. BANK Richard Snell____ Leonard W.Ingham d®t’72 7 Dewitt H16 8% par 100 70-395 .. JOHN WARNER BANK 12% par 100 70-394 d®tl’67 " 15,000 $ Resources. Loadi Bonds Miscel- Gaoi k Ixchahom,Ddi and and Discounts Securities LaNjcOUb raoM Banks (Closed August 1, 1 931 for examination and adjustment) Ed. Yelch............... Claremont ___ 179 Claremont State Bank dt5'20 J. F. Shafer, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 70-1711 8 Richland M20 par 100 ** Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- Other ITS Capital Profits ties $ T. H. Puckett____ John Reineke_____ Herman Salmon, Clssna Park 586 Iroquois County State Bank 70-1225 ®i§'20 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Jr. 7 Iroquois 6 20 par 100 Peoples State Rank Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued 17,970 220,050 1st N., Chi. 32,850 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 8tate St. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 25,000 16,340 146,010 R. F. Wallace........ M. C. Lockard 25,000 27,560 236,070 25,000 179,820 W. H. Duecker.__ 35,000 6,030 76,800 5,310 87,160 2,330 27,940 7,370 37,280 1st N., St. L. 46,060 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Un. Bk. of Chi., Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L: 1st N., E. St. L. 5,720 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., St. L. Faye G. Libber-__ 35,000 12,830 183,370 24,900 147,490 63,960 fj. W. BAILEY... fcfclHMP— E. R. McLEAN---- L. H. RINEHART... NATIONAL BANK OF COLCHESTER ] Prompt attentl on given Collect! ons and Correspo ndence. 25,000 30,670 228,300 27,000 210,400 48,890 4,180 47,490 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi.; Natl. Stk. Yds. N., Natl. Stk. Yds. 25.000 16,980 117,140 116.730 14,500 8,500 19.390 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. 8tock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.; Ill. State, Quincy. 25,000 9,030 198,750 161,900 10,900 28,380 31,700 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi.; 1st N., Bloomington and Joliet. 70-739 d®<’07 {please enclose 15c with each Sight Dr aft for prcsentatio n and 25c for each report. n. E. CARSON-----PEOPLES STATE BANK par loo 70-788 dR®<S’06 _____ R. L. CARSON......... R H. SHFIIEY i A modern equip ped Financial In stltutlon. l Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. {Please send 15c wi th each Sight Draft fo r presentation and 25 cfor Credit Reports. Colfax________ 803 Farmers State Bank 7 McLean G17 1150 par 100 70-18 80 dB®«’15 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R. V. CARSON L. 0. CARSON Harold Weppler... 110 Continental Illinois Company ^-Chicago CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 4.9H *T4iU Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWV AMD OOUMTT. »Coanty Seats. Pig. under town is Fed. Res. District. Collinsville ..9,235 I Madison Mil eMem. A.B. A. "New 5St*t« tPrb. tMem. BUte B. Ass'n. [Bstab. ♦Fed. Res. Dcpti :T-Trust B-Bond d-8afeDep.®Sav.JLastSale%Div. PKSSXBBET. FIRST NATIONAL \ /A. C. SAUER -— V IQB-PltSMSUMT M. fi. PEERS___ bank Oassies. W. L. AaaT Oisurn. KAEMPER - 5: f.°SSCEHNEE,iDER'' dSw.M j Courteous- Safe-Conser f YOU WILL FIN D BANKING A P \ TION. CAN WE btate Bank of Collinsville M - - M R. Guy Kneedler.. Fred Bernhardt... $150-7% ♦ 70-293 dl®*tl’91 Chas. Maurer, Ch. C. A. Hartmann par 100 O. L. Lumaghi Co 111 son_____ 200 Peoples State Bank___ tl'M K. O. Via son_____ J. P. Henry_____ 7 Term ilion H21 70-1231 vative-Progr essive. Columbia___ 1791 I Monroe N10 70-204 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $250—12% par 100 70-1232 •• •• 1fH. N. KUNZ____ E. A. WEINEL 1: B: BRUCKER Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued LEASURE WITH THIS IN8TITUSERVE YOU? G. G. McCormick.. Robert Ittig Mary A. Meyer LIABILITIES. SuBPLua Paid-up DaeoaAMD Capital PlOilfl IH 1 Otbeb TIBS Resources. Bonds Uucnr Gam A lxOifMtata ftacuritias LAJfBOTTB PRINCIPAL OOKEESFOMDEim. Loams $ 193,030 $ 138,990 $1693110 $ 120,000 $1033640 $ 622,550 $ 144,560 $ 251,340 Chase N., N. T.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., and IstN.. St. L. 100,000 54,860 982,670 628,740 277,880 M. S. Campbell___ 26.000 7,500 71, U0 16.070 16 610 R. C. KIMZ______ 63.330 58,580 953,060 50,000 432,860 578,050 17,700 83,030 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. IU. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 16,380 212,240 2,9® 206,400 23,710 14,940 3,6470 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; 1st N.. Joliet. 79,490 151,420 Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Mtle-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 7.000 1st N.. Ohl. 11'inCEN CENT 8 sent te ns with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS fw each e redlt repeat later ea prompt, person al atten tiM. 05 1L Oldest and Larg eat Bank. Monroe Oo. Sav. Bk.A Tr.Oe. $125-#% par 100 70-1800 ®tt'13 J. C. GummerGeo. L. Dehn____ Emma M. Lmdesheimer mann 50,000 State Bankof Colusa. ®tl’19 George W. Slagle- Jesse Ltoaberger.. Everett Dorothy .. Genevieve Dorothy ton First National Bank----- •J’04 Wm. Ultch_______ 25,300 8,790 114,640 1,460 105,960 10,940 16,480 16,510 Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Ill. State. Qniacy. 25,000 27,320 207,120 38,610 208,140 52,650 15,770 21.4M Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Concord State Bank... .tt'68 H. Bngelbach____ 50,000 11,200 120,000 85, M0 68, M0 50,000 12,500 137,500 35,M0 86,500 63,500 18, M0 1st N., Chi.; Mtle -Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St, L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds, 25,200 1st N., Chi. 30.000 20,030 59,320 Cordova __ 271 State B«nk of Cordova §'20 George Shumate... O. 0. Opdycke____ F. G. Weiss 7 Boek Island 010 $125 par 125 70-1898 15,030 8,000 150,000 Corn land _.21B 8tate Bank of Oornland®2l’20 O. F. Lanham . 6% 70-1986 7 Logan 114 J. T. Trvfwf M. B. Drake. 35,000 2,000 75,000 Cottonwood ...200 State Bank of Cottonwood R. H. Hale I Gallatin 01# 70-1980 dTt*'17 H. C. Land_____ J. P. Holland 10,000 500 24.000 Coultervllle ..1337 First National Bank d®»t’13 T. P. Armstrong... James Geggie I Randolph 012 $200-6% par loo 70-1237 J. E. Oarttoa_____ C. J. McKelvey___ 25,000 20,390 Cowden.__ ___ 616 StateBk. of Oowden. d»t|’10 J. T. Lorton______ S. 8. Lortoa. $150-6% par 100 ♦ 70-070 7 Shelby K15 A. W. Moore.......... 0. L. Moore______ Edward Cosart 25.000 Creal Springs..766 Ottkuna State Bank___ dtl'10 H. L. Patterson... R. O.Clarida............ R. M. Taylor. ___ R. F. Peterson____ 1 Williamson Q16 tioo-4% 70-888 John Taylor Crescent City .304 First National Bank .B®*2'02 Peter McDermott.. E. A. Harronn____ J. E. McDermott — 7 Iroquois V20 $230-12% 70-1288 Colusa.............. 224 7 Hancock G6 Compton 277 7 Lee Oli Concord 280 1 Morgan I# Congress Park.321 7 Cook C22 $115-4% par 100 70-1984 $155-0% par 100 70-1238 Walter McOartr__ Cecille McCarty__ $160-7% par 100 70-1234 Congress Park State Bank A. H. Hein________ Chas. Bossert $127.50 70-2108 d|®t§ 26 par 100 Cookeville____ 324 State Bank of Oooksvllle N. L. Elbert. Wesley Woodard— Bdv. Weidner. $100 par 100 70-1286 d®»tl'92 7 McLean G17 . 10,200 82,360 13,620 13,380 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Corn Belt. Bloomington. 120,M0 25,0M 8,0M 20,M0 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 78,700 4,700 12,500 16, M0 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 5,000 18.000 5,000 8,M0 213,570 25,000 105,520 134,780 13,160 30,510 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohl.; 1st N., 8t. L. 18,350 208,910 17,160 213,010 1,050 13,520 41,830 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 8t. L. 25,000 10,680 167,350 11,400 122,870 33.000 33,190 25,360 1st N.. St. L.; N. Stock Ydc. N.. N. Stock Yds. 25,000 23,380 280,500 25,000 249,500 60,040 44.330 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. N., Indpls. 30,000 13,440 174,960 4,000 180,210 6,100 7,940 28,140 Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Rockford, N., Rockford. 25,000 6,090 120,920 3,M0 100,680 14,310 20,290 19,730 Cont. Ill.Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Com’l, Chi. Heights. 25,000 15,490 207,210 15,500 193,980 14,870 4,000 8,000 N. Stock Ydi. N.. N. Stock Ydi. (Omaha P. O.) par 100 par 100 Creston . .315 Farmers Bank-------- d®»tf’14 Stanley R. Pierce.. 7 Ogle B15 par 100 70-1239 Martin Coleman, G. M. Edwinson... Ch. Crete 1429 Farmers State Bk._dB®II’20 Geo. W. Baker___ Chas. Blim___ ___ Otto F. Rohe_____ Fred B. Rohe Chas. Blim, Ch. 7 Will D22 8% 70-1990 par 100 Cropsey______ 318 Citizens State Bank dB®tl'18 K T. Tjan&P S. E. Thomas______ G. M. Meeker_____ L. Irene Meeker... $120-6% par 100 70-1951 W. A. Elliott 7 McLean G17 Crossvllle I White 020 5ns First National Bulk-------- '07 P. S. Dennis par 100 78-1242 A. V. Finch._____ Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R, P. Kinney_____ F. O. Dennis____ and 6,680 47,680 Stock Yds. N., Ohl.; 1st N., Bloomington. # 25,000 8,000 150,000 17,450 133,M0 12,750 29,500 Trust Company — Chicago 25,200 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.,St.L.; Citiz. N„ Evansville. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS 491 -*■ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOW* AMS O0URTT. *Oounty Seats. Tig. under town Is Ted. Res. District. oMem.A.B. A. nNew §State tPri». tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued Vice-President. Carries. Crystal Lake 3732 Home State Bank ..d®»t§'15 Wm. Pinnow____ Ben Raue_____ 79-187# 7 McHenry B19 $200-6% C. E. Cohn Ass t Carries. A.H.Henderson.Jr. Hilda K.Henderson Paid-up Capital Liabilities. Resources. Loan Surplus Bonda Cajh * IxOther MlfiCKL- flBAi«a,I>n Depos Liabili and and AND its Diacounta Saouritias ULFKOT7B rmem Baru Profits ties 25.000 $ 34,170 $ 498,630 $ 50.000 19,000 250,000 25,000 3,610 155,040 26.000 18,440 Marie Gemmill— 15.000 Cypress_______ 377 Far. & Merch. State Bank J. J. Ritchey........... E. E. Brown............. J. F. Karraker___ W. H. Hertter......... 70-1244 d§’13 I Johnson U15 par 100 Dahlgren_____ 625 Farmers National Bank C. C. Porter D. F. Whited, d»t'30 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, R. H. Winkler | Hamilton 016 $100 par 100 70-1005 $ 9,000 S 278,340 S 150,400 S Principal Correspondents. 14,520 S 123,540 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi. par 100 United State Bank______ Cuba_________ 1479 First National Bank_ 7 Fulton G9 (Closed May 28,1931 . Receiver appointed, June 23,1931) (Consolidated with State Bank of Cuba January 17, 1931) State Bank of Onba...®it’02 Frank Heller____ $150-20% ♦ 70-644 J. E. Herbert___ Ctillom______ 489 Farmers State Bank.__t|'18 Chai. B. Jewkes__ R. R. Mseats____ John D. Raboin__ C. A. Raboin_____ 7 Livingston F18 $)0O-«% par 100 70-1935 H. D. Raboin First National Bank.........t’07 par 100 Chas. Ottmuller... 70-1243 Cutler.................521 First 8tate Bank...dT*ti'20 $H5-3% 70-2036 I Perry 012 par 100 104,540 12,000 34,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N„ Ohi.: Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr., Peoria. 5,020 63,200 79,910 5,000 40,550 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; W. J. Kiley 327,330 20,000 174,570 151,570 10,350 54,270 Cont. Ill.. Bk. & Tr. Co., Obi.; City N., 1,650 121,170 150 37,860 61.350 7,400 31,350 Miss. Valley Tr. Co.. St. L. 25.000 3,500 62,680 360 53,920 2,490 6,250 28,880 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; St. L. N.. St. L.; City N., Paducah, Ky. 25,000 3,900 147,000 3,100 85,000 65,000 4,000 25,000 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 25,000 27,000 275.000 240,000 50.000 50,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st la. State 90,000 27.240 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi. 1st N.. Joliet; 1st Tr. & Sav., Kankakee. Kankakee. Eugene F. Kiley F. M. Norton____ O. Dallas City...1114 Farmers State Bank..®tt’04 70-776 7 Hancock G§ L. Smith______ M. T. Snook_______ Flore nee Wilkerson W, A. Harper_____ J. n. Tin O. A. Kckles First National Bank...*1000 W. F. Anguish____ W. N. Bflar 70-774 H. T. Blaek 83,310 245,070 Tr. & Sav.. Burlington. 49,980 75,000 25,000 30,000 10,000 Alvin J. Wilken__ 30,000 21,200 209,840 22,000 124,380 119,100 700 Farmers State Bank d®$!'ll J. C. Nafziger___ Wm. Miller............ W. D. Kitchell.... M. E. Hedrick...... 70-1608 Robert Otto 40,000 20,080 283,760 35,000 266,100 59,400 12,740 First National Bank. d®»t'03 H. D. Stephenson.. 25.000 42,100 399,000 12,000 385,150 18,400 150,000 102,340 900,220 82,480 852,150 111,860 47,800 223,240 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 200,000 106,030 1,100,100 60,000 937,810 152,890 91,060 284,380 Dalton City ...403 Hlght State Bank______ tl’92 G. E. Hight______ 7 Moultrie Jll n 70-1340 H. E. Cornwell___ Hlght r Dmnforth_____ 369 Farmers State Bk. d®*tt’15 H. C. Wolgast____ W. H. Whitsitt.__ Robt. par 100 70-1248 7 Iroquois T26 Danvers_______ 601 7 McLean G14 164,270 Arabelle Millard R. Kohl man. $135 par 100 $225-0%par 100 70-1249 228,980 Drov. N., Ohi.; Mlllikin N. and N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur. W. M. Acton___ J. A. Foster____ L. O. Froman___ E, H. Bleveans J, H. Willett, 40,600 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Oo„ Ohi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria; Corn Belt, Bloomington; 1st N., Joliet. 39.150 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria; 1st N., Bloomington. Fred Stappenbeck ♦Dan villa....36,765 ♦American Bank & Trust Co. 7 Tensllion H22 6% par 100 70-90 dB®T»«’07 38,860 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi. Tr, Mgr. ‘COMMERCIAL TR. GEO. W. TELLING.— & SAV. BANK 70-86 dB®T«t»’03 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK $225-10% par l007O-85dB®T»{'67 (Danville banks co ntinued on next page) FRED.BASS.„V. P. JNO. C. P. NELSON____ JAMES A. MEEKS— 3. G. ENGLISH Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. Trust leDt. Trust DeD oslts $42 3,130. U . S. Bonds. Real Estate Mortgages and other securities $423,120. W. J. RAMM_____ J. E. Oldest Bank in Eastern Illinois. WHITMAN___ II. B. STINE F. J. FRANK 450,000 368,780 2.589,560 422,500 2,107.680 824,580 329,090 BILL OF LADING DRAFTS, COLLECTIONS AND ALL BANKING AND TRUST MATTERS ENTRUSTED TO US WILL BE GIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. MCCORMICK . E. R. TELLING____ WITH THE BEST OF FACILITIES FOB THE TRANSACTION OF EVERY BRANCH OF BANKING BUSINESS; COLLECTIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. and Trust Company — Chicago 569,490 N. City, N.T.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; Merch. N., Indpls. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS AO'} *T£4i Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. Danville____ 36.765 (Continued) •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State tPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. ’PALMER NATIONAL BANK »200 par 100 70-87 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 70-88 C.Y. McCLENATHAN. W. H. MARTIN_____ H. E. DOUGLAS_____ n, W MOORE E.F. REESE. Tr.Off. E. F. REESE F. Y.PARISH. J. F. UHLEIN dB®T»t’73 A. Tr. Off. Danville Clearing House. _~ J. A. Cathcart___ (Mermhcrx indicated, by a *) N. L. ROGERS & CO.. INC.- f Stocks and Bon ds.................... l Telephone: Ma in 414 J. A. Foster, Sec... $200-10% par 100 70-70 dB®T»t’01 ’MILLIKIN NATIONAL BANK 12% par 100 70-69 gOF DECATUR par 100 70-71 d®T»t’73 J. M. Brownback— W. A. Hammer, Sec. J. P. Gorin W. R. McGaughey C. A. Imboden, B. A. Imboden, 9,560 25,000 268,890 5,220 34,550 1st N., Chi.; 1st N„ and State Bk. of Freeport, Freeport. 250.000 254,280 3,152,480 1,385,480 1,435,750 341,780 500.000 581,820 8,084,550 60,950 280,890 774,630 Chase N., N.T.; Cent. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; lat N., St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. H.R. GREGORY K. H. ROBY MAX ATLASS MAXATLASS. Ch. of Bd. " DECATUR’S 493,820 202,170 3,209,080 Cent. Han. Bk. and Tr. Co., and N. 3,637,340 2,611,580 City, N.Y.: 1st N., and Cont. Hi. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; IstN., St. L.; Mellon N., Pitt. I HKK DISPLAY ADVEBTI8EMENT. 44,620 100.000 217,550 300.000 274,740 3,506,650 145,800 137,880 78,490 Millikin N., Decatur. A. Sec. S. J. IRADFIELD E. L. lift MR W. A. DERR, Tr. Off. OLDEST NATIONAL 297,340 1,455,510 1,634,480 First National Bank_______ New York First National Bank_________ Chicago 236,440 1,052,300 Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co._________ Chicago Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co........St. Louis First National Bank_______ St. Louis Indiana National Bank_..Indianapolis " BANK." Collections will be presented and remitted for promptly. W. D. Mannering, Mgr. __ Branch Office (see) Peoria, Deerfield State Bk—d®t§'20 Rudolph Lauer—. E. L. Clavey_____ J. W. McGinnis___ 1150-6% par 100 70-2028 Luella Knigge De Kalb_____ 8545 De Kalb Trust & Savings R. F. McCormick E. B. Still______ C. D. Thornton— R. C. Frautschy__ 7 DeKalb B16 H. G. Wright Bank-------------dB®T»tl’09 B. Eckberg 25,000 15,770 55.440 17,000 91,140 15,000 7,070 Cent, N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 50.000 14,240 76,720 25,000 63,660 75,790 16,550 9,950 Com’I N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi. 50,000 21,720 273,730 2,990 255,600 34,800 20,610 37,530 75,000 35,990 1,109,080 13,860 560,860 418,470 78,590 176,030 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. N. City. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Trust Co.. Chi. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Peo„ Bloom ington; 1st N., Monticello. 70-265 First National Bank__ *$’59 par 100 70-262 First Trust & Sav. Bank 24% par 100 70-263 dB®T*tS’03 De Land..___ 474 First National Bank. d®«t’01 3% par 100 70-1059 7 Platt H17 E. P. Ellwood, S. E. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. C. E. S. E. Bradt_____ E. P. P. A. Nehring.F.P. C. E. G. R. Trenchard... G.R. H. L. Bradt_____ F. O. Crego___ .__ Bradt P. A. Nehring, V.P. Ellwood___ E. O. Wood______ Bradt Hiirsh f}. R. Hiirsh Swartz Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 202,720 Branch Office (see) Peoria. Deer Creek.__290 Deer Creek Bank____ ®S’21 J. A. D&nforth__ L. J. Danforth. B. A. Danforth__ 7 Tazewell G13 70-1251 G. H. Danforth Deerfield........ 1852 CitizensState BankdB®*t§’29 Jno. L. Walker___ W. B. Metcalf___ W. W. Mcllvaine 7 .Lake B20 $135 par 100 70-2131 $400-20% Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 0.1. 60RII----------- Decatur Clearing House___ O. B. Gorin_____ H. R. Gregory----- W. A. Derr, Sec. (Members indicated by a *) N. L. ROGERS & CO.. INC. (Stocks and Bon ds_____________ J. M. Gray, Mgr. (Telephone 2-62 61 (1056 Citizens Bldg.) 8% par 100 991,440 R. E. Andrews. Mgr. A. Sec. ’NATIONAL BANK 41,320 1,584,140 1,149,330 W. W. Rogers, Mgr. W.A. IAMMER_____ BERNARD GRALIKERC.L.WAGGONER.Aud, C. A. IMBODEN W. R. McGAUGHEY B. A. IMBODEN ESTABLISH ED 1860 We Invite the Accounts of Banks and Bankers. d®T»t’60 Send yeur Decatur items and collections direct to us. 70-1875 400,000 A templets staff af acfivt officers give their personal attention te all business entrusted to this bank. Millikin TrustCompanyTtl’15 O. B. Gorin par 100 331,610 2,534,630 500.000 Trust De pt. Resou rces $1,42 9,480 Davis_________ 311 State Bank of Davis K. O. Knudson__ Daniel Kloepping. E. G. Gunderson.. 7 Stephenson A13 $125 par 100 70-1250 d®t§’28 .Decatur.__57,510 WM. BARNES. Jr......... W.C. GILMORE-------- W.C. GILMORE-......... J. W. DOHERTY____ 7 Macon 116 L. P. HALLADAY. H. L. KLINE WM. BARNES. Jr.. Ch. of Bd. ____m 4___ ___ __ „__ ____7>. O0\E,.L. LEHMAN. And. ’CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Fletcher American National Bank_____Indianapolis Collections a Specialty. Iteps sent us direct have particular attention and are remitted or day of payment dB®T»f9Z (802 First National Bk.Bldg.) Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Cash t ExPaid-up Surplus Depos Other MlflCEIr- CHANOM,DT71 and and AND L iabili Capital Profits its Dieoounta Securities LANIOUS non Bajtkb ties J. A. CATHCART - C. K. PALMER-— C. A. WHITE______ J. E. McMILLAN. Chase National Bank_______New York THOMAS C0NR0N. J. L WALKER, STANLEY MIRES. A. C. and A.Tr. Off. Continental Illinois Ch. of Bd. to Pres. ».pf $ 300.000 $ 180,000 $1475 000 $ 425,000 $1080 000 $ 750,000 $ 200,000 $ 350,000 Bank & Trust Co._______Chicago SECOND NAT. BK. par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued and S. A. Tvler O. Shipman M. Lindberg_____ F. H. Parks O. R. Madden C. L. Fray 100,000 192,700 1,909,970 40,000 1,315,370 642,160 30,690 254,450 50,000 146,670 1,416,820 21,090 842,070 453,020 109,040 230,450 34,340 175,830 68,970 11,950 74,800 35,000 29,780 232,430 Trust Company — Chicago Northern Tr. Co., Chi. Chi. INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -4 FOUNDED A. D. 1860 > m MILLIKIN NATIONAL BANK DECATUR, ILLINOIS Capital, Surplus and Profits $1,000,000.00 Collections promptly made and remitted same day OFFICERS O. B. GORIN............................. President J. M. BROWNBACK - - Vice-President J. P. GORIN - - - - -Vice-President W. R. McGAUGHEY - - Vice-President C. L. WAGGONER W. A. HAMMER....................... Cashier B. GRALIKER - - - - Asst. Cashier C. A. IMBODEN - - - Asst. Cashier B. A. IMBODEN - - - Asst. Cashier - - - - Auditor cIhe MILLIKIN TRUST COMPANY (Same officers and ownership as MILLIKIN NATIONAL BANK) Capital, Surplus and Profits $300,000.00 Acts in fiduciary capacities only — Executor, Trustee, Guardian, Receiver, etc. SEND YOUR COLLECTIONS to the Banks and Attorneys adver tising in this publication. They want and appreciate your business and are especially equipped for handling collections of all kinds promptly, safely and at minimum expense. If your bank desires and has facilities for offering our subscribers the class of service they demand and you are not advertising now in the BLUE BOOK, we offer you a decidedly profitable investment. Write for full details on service rendered and small cost involved. RAND M9NALLY BANKERS BLUE BOOK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Standard the World-over since 1872 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given AOO to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. TOWN AND OODNTT. •Mem.A.B.A.»New SStatetPrlv. *Gounty Seats. JMera. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fie. under town is ♦Fea. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ILLINOIS—Continued Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. Resources. Liabilities. Bonda Loans Surplus Depos Other Miscel Paid-up and and Liabili Diaoounta and Saeuritias laneous its Capital Propits ties 75,000 $ 14,000 $ 300,000 $ 39,000 S 277,000 $ 50,000 56,000 318,440 .2200 DePue State Bank dB®»t8’06 Harry F. Ream---- Albert Frey............ C. W. Herzog____ Alma A. Lawrence Depue________ $250-12% par 100 70-1254 7 Bnrean E14 26,000 41,930 465,050 De Soto______ 673 Albon State Bank-------- tl’20 G. N. Albon, Sr.... G. N. Albon, Jr.... Arthur Albon___ 7H% par 100 70-1930 S Jackson P14 15,000 20,940 45,400 50.000 75,300 1,037,240 I rWM. R. BALDWIN - W. H. BALDWIN- - - - - - E. R. RHOADES- - - - - - 88,000 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash A Xxch a nobs, Dub from 15,000 $ he Bank of G ood Service, Banks 48,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Peoria. Delavan_____ 1084 BALDWIN STATE BANK CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and 7 Tazewell HI2 12% par 100 70-806 B®«ti 20 115 .25 CENTS for each credit report insures prompt, personal attentlo 'W. W. CRABB- - - - J.T. CULBERTSON. JR. FRANK B. SHELTON— FRANK B. SHELTON TAZEWELL CO. NArL BANK 70-805 ®#t’69 74,830 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. 316,780 21,440 265,710 168,620 3,790 98,020 Cent, Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Goat. Ill. 56,700 11,710 700 9,230 1st N„ Carbondale: N. 8tock Yds. N., 547,710 441,060 61,200 36,670 5,860 10,130 15.560 Cont. Ill.Bk. &Tr. Co.. Ohi.; 1st N„ Cham 42,640 4,590 4,050 14,890 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.,Bloom LYMAN H. REGUR “WHERE SAFE TY, COURTESY AND SERVICE R EIGN.” Special Attentl on given Bill of L adlng drafts,Cash and Time Items .Please tend 15c tv tih each tight draftf or presentation and 25e /or Credit Repor ft. 4,160 Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N„ Joliet. N. Stock Yds. Deg Plaines...8798 Des Plaines State Bank_____ (Closed June 13, 193 1 for examination a nd adjustment) 7 Cook B20 First Nat’l Bank.-dB®*t'lS A. L. Webster....... H. T. Bennett ... $300-8%+2% extra 70-1790 Grant Wiffin, V. P. Chas. Boesche E. H. Schulze___ P. E. Flaminio___ C. W. Goodyear par 100 .134 Dewey State Bank _.d®tl’02 J. F. Guynn______ J. K. Jones---------- A. A.Jones--------- L. J. Grieser. Dewey. 7 ChampaignHlO 70-1256 20,000 1,660 46,570 John W. Callison.. Claude Watt. 25,000 2,110 36,070 .217 State Bank of Dewitt .dtJ’12 J. T. McCord__ Dewitt. $102—#% par 100 70-1701 7 DeWitt H17 L. R. Agee-------- Dleterlcb____ 488 First National Bank------*’09 N. J. SttPD---------- A. C. Crays-----70-1257 I Effingham L18 R. O. Crays R. C. Crays............ DlvernoH—.. 1170 Divernon State Bank________ (Closed September 17. 1930) 7 Sangamon J12 W. W. Osborne . Dlx__________ 220 First state Bank_______ *’19 A. L. Smith. Ch. of Bd. and Pres M. L. Marshall 70-1200 I Jefferson N16 J. O. Purcell__ rW.C. BURKES —. W. B. BRINTON— J.L. DAVIES---- - - John D. Breeze___ Ruby E. Davis IT. L.TENNAlffN ““ 57,300 3,000 10,000 259,000 156,000 964)00 15,000 4.540 116,940 61,410 5,000 13,030 16,180 1,373,680 1,240,120 230,370 1,261,090 1,266,640 75,000 277,980 2,905,130 & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. paign. ington. 75,000 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.; 1st N., Effingham. 25,000 100.000 169,870 Cont. Ill. Bk. 55,030 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.: Han, N. and Jefferson State., Mt. Vernon. 455,120 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. < Collections and Requests for Cred It Reports MUST be accompanied by * Dixon............ 9908 CITY NATION^ BANK Reports 25c. 2 d®«t’56 j FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c: Credit ash par 100 7 Lee C13 or Time Items (.No advance fee reguired on BiU of Lading Drafts, C C A.P. ARMINGTON ttar— L. L. WILHELM---- H.G. BYERS----- 100,000 288,660 2,656,170 100,000 542,110 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. < Collections and Requests for Cred It Reports MUST be accompanied by DIXON NATIONAL BANK par 100 70-312 d®T»t'71 ] FEE IN ADVA NCE; Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit Reports 25c. (.No advance fee required on Bill of Lading Drafts, C ash or Time Items. CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS CO. Telephone 1224.. (212 S. Ottawa Ave.) Dolton. ___2923 First National BankdB®*t'07 $225-12% par 100 70-664 7 Cook D22 Dongola..........635 First National Bank___ t il I Union R15 70-1703 First State Bank----------»i06 Main Office, Chicago. F. W. JOHNSTON. Representative Horace Holmes.... M. R.Weidner ___ W. H. Baker.... O.E. Water man, Ch, W. H. Weatherly.. M. A. Smoot_____ R. A. Anderson. William Staat....... Horace Holmes, Jr. T. T, Eddleman.__ H. J. Neibauer.__ J. B. Jackson____ E. L. Goodman. 50,000 25,000 25,000 349,240 361,250 33,850 33,270 315,510 215,350 67.340 15,900 76.590 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock 29,680 239,030 190,990 54,760 13,840 35,520 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Mtle.- 13,420 9,550 70-1261 Donovan_____ 375 Farmers State Bank d®»tS’15 C. G. Anderson.— G. F. Miller____ G. M. Thomas.. C. Waterstradt 7 Iroquois F22 par 100 70-1101 F.S. Johnson____ Ruth A. Johnson. C. I. Johnson__ State Bank of Donovan par 100 70-1100 Edwin Peterson... 25,000 7,420 193,650 L. W. Johnson .— 30.000 1.900 125,390 15,000 2,180 113,780 11,000 182,400 29.590 113,280 Yds.; 1st Bk. & Tr. Co., Cairo. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L.: 1st Bk. & Tr. Co., Cairo. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N., 31,680 lndpis. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; 1st N., Joliet. 14,420 d®t§’98 Dowell_______ 832 Union State Bank ....©t§’24 W. A. Lafont____ Chas. Rogers. Jr... J. Starkweather__ $120 70-2079 I Jackson 014 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 110,610 Cent. Rep.Bk.& Tr.Co.,Ohi.: 1st N., Joliet. 675,220 57,730 and 7,630 56,250 25,100 Trust Company — Chicago 7,820 49,410 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. Louis. Where Bankers Bank 424 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number glveo to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town ABD OOUNTT. -Coanty Seats. Fig. ander town is Fed. Res. District eMem.A.B.A.nNew $ State TPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%Dlv. PuaiDnrr. Vice-President. O A SUES. Ass t Oaseikx. Liabilities. PiD-vr Surplus in Oinru PHOriTS Downers Grove.. Downers Grove State Bank I. G. Heartt______ Wm. Bender_____ E. H. Kaller.. 7 Dnpage 019 8977 $200 par 100 70-554 dB®*J§*28 F. B. Tousley First National Bank__ {Closed June 17, 193 1) Security National Bank . (Voluntary liquidali Downs________2M Farmers State Bank .®»tS'0l J. R. Carlisle___ 7 McLean Hie $240-10% par 100 78-126* Dubois ____ 197 Dn Bois State Bank. | Washlngton014 79-1244 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Aoces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Ray O. Miller. Resources. $ 100,000 $ 111,950 $ 515,890 $ 99.400 $ 120,080 $ 58,530 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Joliet. 139,660 10,000 25,630 Stock Yds. N.. Obi.; McLean Oo„ Blooming 50,770 $ 510,590 $ G. L. Clarke___ Lynn Lanier_____ 26.999 83,740 125,540 15.919 6,530 179.420 5,000 48,740 122,920 5,530 50.999 70,420 814.420 93,420 567,990 342,960 41,470 75.840 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and Elgin. ton. t 70-416 dB®T«t'03 $200-10% par 100 it. I. I0WE— A. 0. EDWARDS...... WM. L. 6BAEIIR8 - 0. J. I0LLMAIN — i pedal attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. 'lease eend Ue vt (A each light draft fo r prmnlat\on and 25c for Credit Repor is. Dunlap______ 158 Dunlap State Bank____ 1198 W. D. O. Threshie. 7 Peoria F12 79-1264 Dupo_________ 2082 Dnpo State Sav. Rk.d®«tl'18 D. D. Taylor........... C. H. La Croix . | St. Glair N10 $200-10% par 100 70-1814 L. J. Dyroff H. Winchester___ S. E. Ashbaugh. 25.000 1,400 157,090 115,940 4,000 5,300 58,280 Omt. Ill, Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohl.; 1st M„ Peoria. A. Metzger............... H. Breidecker.. 25,000 38,020 325,860 6,000 275.110 28,950 7,900 82,920 1st N.. K. St. L.; United Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 50,000 60,770 480,190 12,090 251.110 197,990 25,600 128,360 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.: lstN.. St. L. 161,330 1,875,910 183,390 1,358,040 635,550 134,870 192,160 Chase N. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 6,060 270,950 164,940 10,050 57,760 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N., Ohi.; Rockford N„ Rockford; 1st N., Freeport. 274,420 401,860 31,860 226,190 Chase N., N. T.; Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N„ Chi. 452,280 636,400 91,480 97,440 1st N„ Chi. 150,090 25,590 55,250 35,160 Stk. Yds. N.. Chi. Duquoln„_..__7593 DO QUOIN STATE BANK W. W. Parks_____ J. G. VauKeureu.. A. J. Guerrettax-. B. H. Melvin. I Perry 014 $280-4% 70-371 d®«i|’15 par 100 First National Bank dB®*i’60 H. 0. Miller______ W. J. Forester____ L. S. Smith, Jr., H. L. Ward____ It. S. Linzee.F. P. Chas. Rogers. Jr. V. P. and Cash. Florence Baird 20% par 100 70-S70 G. Croessmann R. S. Steel, A. C. Emma E. Weinberg Durand_______ 554 Citizens State Bank A. E. Swinson___ E. D. Shakey_____ M. B. Dolan_____ C. H. Nelson____ 7 Winnebago A13 par 100 E. G. Patterson 70-1048 dB®t*’18 L. C. Reddington 100,000 50,000 17,350 430.290 60,000 50,060 824,270 Durand State Bank________ {Merged with Cilize ns State Bank Janu ary 17, 1931) c. d. McWilliams EDW. MCWILLIAMS. L.A. WEICKEBDwight______ 2534 BARK OF BWlftHT-dB®*tf-H 7 Livingston 118 10% 79-919 FIRST NATIONAL BANK d®*l'05 J. F. MCWILLIAMS FIRST NATIONAL BANK dB®*2'86 fiffir I Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports HUS T be aeeon .m IN ADVAN CE: Plain Sight D rafts. 15c; Credit R sports. 25c. 'FRANK L SMITH.. dhy E. M. HOFFMAN — 59,000 Elmer G. Bolts.... Edith Davis______ 50,000 6,900 209,200 I G.sM*ffi/Bd. 6. S. HYDE- - - - - - - - - - ROSCOE LYNN- - - - - - - H. J. MILLER- - - - - - - ■0,900 5,160 396,070 50,000 270,740 189,820 41,500 49,170 Oont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi. 69.000 51,930 633.400 10,050 456,970 152,750 38,420 97,230 Oont. Ill. Bk, & Tr. Co.. Ohi.: Boatmens N.. St. L.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alton. 50,000 55.000 900,000 425,000 425,000 22,000 133,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and 25.000 28,440 508,840 304,170 132,320 2,500 123,280 N. City, N. Y.; Cent. Ren. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Consol. N„ Dub,; Mellon N., Pitt. ET — JOHN idphebtyTa citvi Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MTJS acoompanie d by _FEK IN ADVAN CE; Plain Sight D rafti, 15c; Cridit Re porti, 25c. EarlvlUe_____ 1028 Earlville National Bank A. J. Foot, G. H. Wiley. 7 LaSalle DU $128 par 100 79-451 d®«t'06 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. 79-850 28,750 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. {Closed July 2,1931. Receiver appointed July 20, 1930) FIRST NATIONAL BANK $130 par 100 correspondents. MiaoBrud SMritlM unom 071.) -SIM Walter R. Kimzey Charles Reminger. J. P. Setzekorn ... K. O. Corgan___ Dundee...___ 5005 Dundee State Bank_ 7 Kant BIS 10% par 1ioo 79-421 Principal Boada Otmi Liakli TIBS 101,000 1,060,000 66,600 OLDEST AND L ABGEST BANK— SUPERIOR COLL ECTION SEE VIC I Special attentlo a given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and lime Items. Please tend 15c u> ith each light draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor Bast Alton___ 4502 Illinois State Bank.d®*U’04 J. M. Olin________ O. Gnerich_______ H. V. Meyer_____ L. L. Ricks_______ I Madison M1S e% par 100 79-1173 E. Dubuque..1395 EAST DIBURUESAV. BARK S. 0. Peaslee_____ J. A. Meuser____ 7 Jo. Daviess AS 1220-10% 79-1268 dB®»l'91 J. A. Meuser, Fred MntschJer par 100 Ch. of Bd. 8tate Bank of K. Dnbuque F.V. McGuire____ J. H. Kieffer. $175-10% par 100 70-1891 d®l’18 E. O. Klotz____ F. P. Oourtade. H. C. Kuhl R. J. Cullen______ J. B. Helbing ... Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Bast Lynn____ 350 State Bank of East Lynn____ {Closed April 1, 193 7 Termillon Q21 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Continental Illinois Company ^ Chicago CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. 40 c TOWW AND OOOMTT, tCoontj Seats. Fto. eader town la Ffd. Res. District. Bast Moline 10,107 7 Rock Island D9 M____ *Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Pbmidumt. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sa?.$LastSale%Dlv. Jean A. Pope Manufacturers State Bank J100-4% par 100 70-548 d®»t*T6 '* STATE BANK OF EAST M0- N. A. Larson_____ LINE-— 70-547—d®»T§ 04 1160-8% par 100 Boston_____ 403 Corn State Bank----------- ti ll B. L. McFadden... 70-1087 7 Mason Hll •* •* Farmers State Bank—,.t5’95 9. A. Hawks. 8% 70-1086 East Peoria...5027 + FIRST NATIONAL BANK L HERBERT R. DENNIS 7 Tazewell Oil par 100 70-1270 d®»I 03 •e ee *Fond Du Lac State Bank 70-1998 $125 ®tn* Tice-President. F. T. Shearman___ H. A. Anderson R. V. Speybroeck. B. H. Ryan, Exec, J. G. Knuppel____ J. H. Henerling J. D. Vanetten.__ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Aoces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this TOlume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Liabilities. Resources, Principal Correspondents. Surplus Lotu Othbr Boada Mociir Cajm 4 MxiBS’T Cashier, Pi»-W Dnroa- Liabili and 1m 1 ■—»I0iir Aim and LAJflOUl Capital Profit* ITS Diacouata Saeuritiaa ties i 100.000 $ 18,330 $1102 870 S 197,190 $ 537,830 $ 611,520 S 98,560 J 170,470 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr Co.. F. T. Shearman ... T„ R. Llitt Chi ; Peo. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Moline; Un. Sav. Bk. &Tr„ Davenport. 310 104,130 1,394,490 625,000 677,680 149,000 147,250 N. City, N. Y.;Cont.Ill.Bk.&Tr.Co.,Chi.; H. C. Chapman___ H. Van 100,000 Moline State Tr. & Sav., Moline; Cent. Kerrebroeck Tr. & Sav. Bk„ Rock Isl. 35.000 Cont.Ill. Ilk. &Tr, Co., Chi.; Merch.&Ill. N. H. V. Rnrtfil 12,500 366.000 450,000 50.000 I. T. Roberts_____ Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 13,500 153,280 49,000 22,750 175.700 2.250 34.920 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.. 1st N., Peoria. E. D. Furrer. 50.000 Cashier. C.P. SESTER_ _ _ _ _ ETHEL M.McFARLANE GEO. HARMS 35,000 Samuel F. Ruetter. 50.000 38,020 632,920 25,000 397,880 32,230 300,840 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. 18,640 42,810 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi,; 1st N„ Peoria. ( Includes Bds.) 9,550 337,280 740 305,900 30.220 (Member Peoria Clearing Ho use Ass’n *; affiliate d with +) East St. Louis 74.347 | St. Olalr M10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN EAST ST. LOUIS 1210-12% par 100 A. G. JOHNSON......... A. W. BALTZ- - - - - - - - B. F. REABEI J. F. REID,Ch.ofBd. W. k.GAnnAUT J J. HALPIN ESTABLISHED . 400,000 548,100 9,107,590 3,907,980 3,574,370 H. W. CHITTY 790,000 1,783,340 N. City and Cbem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co..Chi.; lit N. and Franklin Am,, St. L. 1865. A Commercial Bank with a Modem Trust Department. ». ini'. TwlLnit.tern*. 70-16 dB®T*t'66 .. L. A. PFEIFFER...... B. !• ISIEM (Refer to Rational Stook Yards, lllinoi a.) * “ b , M SOUTHERN ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK 70-17 M2I-S0% .. C REEB - P. I. AIT . Fftfl) GASSING ♦70-18 dB®T*tl'01 143,000 1,091,930 lat hi., N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chl.^ 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Isl N., Phil. 318,330 3,523,650 193,410 1,090,420 1,860.040 100.000 255,400 2,684,280 95,960 1,184,150 1,490,230 24,400 A. A. SCHLAFLY. J.F. SCHLAFLY_ _ _ F. J. SHAY-—...... D. L. LEMING...... - 600.100 *v "•*'*'*'. win. jt b• ULH111\« o. u. JHndd, n. j. nunnocnu, A. Sec. PAUL A. SCHLAFLY, V. P. & Mgr. Bd. Sec. and Mgr.R. E, Ch. of Bd. Dept. Dept. E. C. WEIHL, 280,130 4,012,970 1,797,220 2,087,370 171,070 P. S. Abt_______ J. E. Hamlin S. D. Sexton d®T»ti'01 UNION TRUST COMPANY 1140-8% par 100 M. J. BURNS 150.000 C. Reeh 70-1# 8. R RARRFR Auditor Send us your East St. Louis and Stock Yards business direct and save one day. ®*t‘6Q We will give It prompt attention at reasonabla rates. » 13% J 1 R1RS7Y F. M. CABELL U. MILLtn, E. A. Guyton, Counsel A. Sec. and A. Tr. 436,860 Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. Nell R. Hayes, A, Sec. and A. Tr. 837,440 Cbem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk< & Tr. Luaj v^Lkl.f 1st Pi .9 St* Mellon N„ Pitt. rres. Member Federal Reserve System. Eddyvllle..........115 State Bank of Eddyville Mrs. Mary M. John Stone, J. L. Ragan______ Jessie Ragan.......... 1105-7% par 100 70-1271 J512 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Maynor 1 Pope Q17 Cressie Ragan 15.000 2,200 47,820 4,000 48,910 2,970 5,930 11,190 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.; 1st N„ Goiconda. Edge wood 492 State Bank of Kdgewoodt§’20 J. I Effingham L16 8% par 100 70 1082 15,000 4,210 150,350 5,090 20,940 106,510 3,620 43,580 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N„ St. L 40,000 12,040 291,780 209,710 33,820 4,860 95,430 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. Q. Allan H. R. Edinburg____ 799 Edinburg State Bank J. H. King_______ C. 7 Christian J 14 1125 par 100 70-2133 d®»t§'29 Burton. __ C. F. Schoenberg.. A. Stokes.......... S. P. Lindsey, Jr.__ Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L. E. Swigert and Trust Company — Chicago FIVE A CORRESPONDENT 426 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. LlABIIJTISS. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SStatetPrb. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats Pie. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Edwardsville 6285 PUSIDXNT. 1250-8 % par 100 NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. par 100 70-410 d®T»t'17 (Unsm. AssT Gaskixs. GEO. 6. STULLKEN. KENHEtH ,SHAW r..... Paid-up Capital CHARLES E. A. FRESEN_ _ _ _ W. G. MARTIN- - - - - - - - WM. AHRENS— BOESCHENSTEIN W. L. DUCKLES A. C. BOEKER JOS. M. PYLE E. H. POOS ♦ 70-454 dB®T*tl'«l theb Daroe- LOiabili ties $ 150.000 $ 170,000 $2700 000 $ 200,000 Bond. Loams Miscbland and Discount* Sacuriti.s LA1TBOUB 80,000 $1550000 $ 750.000 $ 250,000 $ 550,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Ceat.Hl. Bk. & Tr. Co. aad Is* N.. Chi.: Mtie.-Cam. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L. 135,430 2,703,960 99,170 1,436,110 1,122,490 269,720 310,240 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Hi. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 374,250 47,630 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.; Only National Bank at Madison County Saat 350,000 5,390,370 62,310 5,380,800 Edwardsville N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Edwards ville. (Territo ry of Illi nois) 1120 par 100 EFFINGHAM STATE BANK AND PBOFITB (Merger of Edwardsville National Bank and Citizens State & Trust Bank) Illinois Midwest Joint Stock Frank Godfrey___ Ernest Hoover....... J. M. Pyle. Sec. and Tr. Land Bank 70-411 t’22 ‘Effingham...4978 I Effingham L17 SUBFDUS ARGEST BANK 1 N THE CFFT. usiness cordially invited. 70-407 dB®*tl’M EDWARDSVILLE Vic*-Px*aiDnrT. S. V. CROSBMiB THE BANK OF EDWARDSVILLE | Madison Mil Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Pkijtcipal Corkkspoxdknts. ILLINOIS—Continued W. H. ENGBRING— HENRY EVERSMAN - HENRY EVERSMAN— J. A. FELDHAKE_ _ _ PAUL EICHE HENRY G. ENGBRING 110,000 32,660 1,102,420 260 681,280 243,210 90,430 230,410 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN THE COUNT Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 C for Credit Reports. par 100 H. B. WERNSING FIRST NATIONAL BAHKd»t ’90 »% 7<M55 Kane 018 70-1618 dB®«M'90 $200-9% par 100 El Dara_____ 149 t Pike J8 Eldorado____ 4482 | Saline P18 HARRISON MATHEWSON JAMES MEREDITH — C. L MORRIS_____ BEAR REEYES JOHN WINTER HALTER, Ch. G. P. BURNETT C. H. BURNETT----- L. E. BURNETT- 116,140 29,060 118,410 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Oont. Ill. Bk. 50,000 93,170 568,220 1,600 436,390 141,870 33,380 101,360 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N-, 6,500 75,000 43,000 20,000 108,000 1,445,000 440,000 860,000 3,000 154,050 55,480 36,000 12,550 7,800 36,980 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N.. St. L. 914,460 2,227,990 88,040 354,030 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cent. Rep., Bk. & 667,580 66,050 194,040 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. 5MM & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. Chi. 29,500 Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy, 300,000 Chase N.,N.Y.: Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr.Co. Chi.: 1st N., St. L. d®*t§1900 Please send lSe presentation fee with sight Draf ts and 2Se for Ratings. (A State Bank) Blanche Downen Eld red________ 282 State Bank of Eldred .. 41*11 Howard Burns.... John Langer_____ W. M. Cannedy— 50,000 16,210 25.000 7,090 238,600 1,930 147,400 1,000 300,000 218,310 2,917,310 148,900 100,000 131,070 1,094,180 34,820 123,170 9% par 100 7<HS Elgin National Bank-_©«t*02 Wm. Mulrhead.__ Henry Muntz_____ C. F. O’Hara____ F. C. Meyers_____ J. C. Duck 70-08 432,410 61,200 Cent.Rep.Bk.&Tr.Co.,Chi.; Mtle.-Com.Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Harris burg. $100-7% par 100 70-12 7 2 Elgin............335,929 a Elgin City Bkg. Co.B®T*tl'60 G.M. Peck................. Lyman Black____ George W. Glos.. A. J. Wilkening... Kane B18 351,560 W. D. UPCHURCH— J.J. BASINGER...... B.E. SKELTON INEZ LYON First State Bank____ ®»t* 06 Thos. Mahoney ... L. F. Wise_______ W. O. Reynolds__ T. W. English____ 7 26,260 10.000 $156-10% par 100 70-486 I Greene K8 502,080 W. L. 8trubinger_ 0LDEST AND LARGEST BANK & SONS, BANKERS We appreciate and want your busi business. Send us your B-L and other Collections. 70-485 36,830 Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Caah and Time Items. ■ Please send 15c w ith each Sight Draf t for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. El Dara State Bank.__ Tf'20 P. Phebus. 70-1707 par 100 50,000 (Liquidated through Kane Co. Bk. & Tr. Co., September 6,19 30) Bib urn_______ 548 Elburn State Bank . 7 GEO. I. BANKS_ _ _ _ F. B. WERNSING...... P. W. KOBOLDT. WM. B. WRIGHT Try tbe “First National” First f or Complete Baa king Berries, 15 cents sent to us with each sigh t draft for present atlon, and 16 cents for eac h credit report in sures prompt, per sonal attention. Greene Co. State, Carrollton. Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. (Elgin continued o n next page) Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company ^ Chicago RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS 427 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and countt. •Mem. A. B. A. '"New §State fPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d- SafeDep.®Sat.$LastSale%Div vice president. ^Elisabethtown t Hardin Q19 48$ Elkhart_______ 448 7 Logan 113 Elkville______ 1133 Jackson F14 ott ................301 Ford Q10 •grove.. ___ 226 8 Randolph Oil Ellsworth_____ 261 7 McLean H16 Elmhurst ...14,055 7 Du Page 029 A I Cashier. iss’T Cashier. C, E. Fairchild____R. W. Mead A. L. Metzel______ A. L. Metzel_____ G. R. Sylla.......... W. H. Bosworth 3192____________ ROBERT P. LAMB. Representative A. J. Schap---------- A. E. Mougin_____ S. B. Reynolds .... 115,000 1.170,770 581,820 343.650 100.000 236,460 1.814,290 972,410 657,140 100,000 150,000 1,000,000 400.000 400,000 150.000 349,870 273,080 46,500 507,690 196,220 18,700 214,580 2,000 6,620 33,790 75.000 34,980 662,800 337,440 . .. Chicago 183,760 Northern Tr. Co., Harris Tr. & Sav.. CentRep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st Un. Tr. & Sav.. Chi. 300,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. CM. 97,850 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi. 115,820 Northern Tr. Co. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 74,590 1st N„ Chi.: 1st N.. St. L.; Old N„ and Citiz, N„ Evansville, Ind. 49,620 Drov. N.. Ohi.; Ill. N.. Springfield; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stosk Yds.. Ill. 12,030 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Ohi.; 1st N.,St. L. 734,200 243,650 50.000 12,200 281,720 242,770 17,740 25,000 7,000 98,220 26,080 62,790 60,330 21,150 W. T. Cameron____ E. M. Thorson___ 30,008 10,000 125,000 5,000 110,000 30.000 15,000 W. R. Dial_______ W. O. Feaman------ 15.600 4,750 106,930 2,750 34.820 80,660 3.800 10,160 1st N. and Franklin-American Tr.Co., St. L. E. B. Bane________ C. O. Kreitzer____ Edith Bowman.__ 30,000 11,250 91,120 18,500 127,300 5,500 7,160 60,470 1,917,760 40,000 1,011,740 555,750 143,620 10,910 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Corn Belt, Bloom melon. 507,110 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; l*t N., Joliet. 287,360 7,980 188.080 107,390 9,440 655,000 462,000 105,000 130,000 112,000 A. F. Bates______ O. W. Balgemann Otto A. Popp. Meta O. Lemke___ 200,000 Cash, and Sec. W. C. Schaefer, A. Sec. 50.000 150,000 10,550 40.000 1,300,000 5,950 10,000 15,000 1st N., Ohi.: Peo., Bloomington. 50,980 Elmhurst State, Elmhurst. 278,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 45,500 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N„ Elmhurst. Joe Reilly_______ Willard Mowers... Harold Miller, Sec. Otto A. Popp. Sec, and Tr. 50.000 12,500 225,000 C. E. Clinch, 60,900 20,890 647,740 3,040 452,840 142,610 31,150 105,080 Irv. Tr.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.: 1st N. and Com’l N., Peoria; 1st Galesburg N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Galesburg, 25,000 11,150 134.510 10,080 78,890 46,360 18,940 36.540 Chase N„ N. Y.; Un. Bk. of Chi., Chi. 100,000 17,390 383.250 35,020 379,790 19,150 66,620 70,100 1st N„ Chi.: Peo.. Bloomington; Com'lMerch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 50,000 R. E. GORDON— CHARLES TURNER— EMMA R. GLESSINGs for handling B!1 1 of Lading drafts and Note Collect Ions. th each sight draftfo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. 3,300 133,030 9,950 117,520 2,800 51,320 24.640 1st N., Obi.; Normal State. Normal. 68,870 17,950 21,170 289,260 V. P. and Cash. A. H. WAITE------- J. R. MCKINNEY — L. K. EVANS---------- MAX SMITH--------C. A. ROBERTS get better service by enclosing 15c presentation fee ght drafts and 25c for credit ratin gs. 4,440 G. M. Thomas____ W. L. Baldon_____ J. N. Thompson.. 25,000 12,140 83,520 Flora A. McCormick R. L. McCormick.. 0. J. McCormick _ L. J. McCormick. 35,000 23,350 261.510 J. B. McCormick Wm. Wyllie........... Ammi Lewis______ J. M. Wyllie______ J. P. Wyllie_____ 30,000 12,220 161,780 3,610 111,800 53,680 14,180 W. A. McClain ___ Clinton Staley____ L. A. Gowdy______ Mattie Connery.... J. M. Quindry 30.000 17,400 276,860 30,000 162,440 122,080 15,100 25,000 6,630 113,640 19,090 123,780 1,000 15,360 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Equality State Bk__d®»}§’29 H. A Murphy____ H.O. Buell.............. 70-1283 C. E. Davenport___ 6.050 par 100 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ___ ___New York Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. 24,130 Elmwood Park Elmwood Park Stale Bank__ (Closed June 9, 1931 , Receiver appointe d July 17, 1931) (CkicogeP O.)ll,270 A. W. Sathern____ H, J. Ostertag. D. V. Harkin_____ A. F. Keeney_«. Westwood State Bank 7 Cook C22 A. W. Sathern $100 70-2121 d®§’27 aring Houee Ass’n) (+ Affiliated with Chicago Cle j. L.Baldon, 452.660 Irving Trust Co. 58,280 (Members indicated by a *) Farmers Exchange Bank ’21 70-1752 d®« Farmers State Bank.—<§'18 70-1281 TaylorState Bank— d<|'17 $110-4% par 100 70-1282 First National Bank____ $’05 $175-12% 70-892 384.690 1,899,220 40,000 M. T. Lott_______ O. W. Lott_____ Elmwood____1166 First Farmers State Bank 70-1280 d®<§’86 D. A. Jaques, Ch. L. E. Seltzer 7 Peoria F10 Save time and with plain si (j. F. SHEPARD -COUNTY NAT. -j Special facllftie 70-735.. d®»tl900 { Please send 15c tot 158,010 SO ,900 ♦York State Bank.. dB®t§’27 A. A. Timke------- L. J. Goebel — A. G. Fischer, Ch. $125 par 125 70-2115 A. F. Bates............ G. H. Fischer. Elmhurst, Villa Park and Lombard Clearing House par 100 and B. Dittmar---------- Lois E. Nash------- O. O. Daniel_____ par 100 $120 par 120 Principal Correspondents. Bonds Oiai A BxMiscel enAjma^Ihn Diaoountf Securities laneous noi lun and G. W. Ledbetter .. E. F. Wall, Jr......... C. D. Ledbetter— Florenc* Fletcher M. E. Jones______ M. L. Lippott_____ C. L. Brennan_____ H. C. Groves O. J. Chamness— H. H. Nooner_____ T. V. Butler______ ♦Elmhurst Trust & Sav. Bk O. W. Balgemann.. E. Schram_______ I. D. Lyle................ F. W. Newman. Sec. par 100 70-2110dB®t§’23 A. F. Bates........... C. S. Williston........ L. T. Furnas______ R. H. Stone__ ♦First National Bank L. J. Goebel, V. P. Y. G. Madden E. W.Marquardt $40-7% par 20 70-609 dB®<’10 A. G. Fischer, Ch. Elvaston______ 210 7 Hancock 05 Emden_______ 401 7 Logan HIS Emlngton____ 151 7 Livingston F19 Enfield________744 8 White 019 Equality______ 830 8 Gallatin P18 Loans G. W. Glos_______ Otto H. Parlasca.. $ 300,000 $ 190,160 $2395 340 $ 230,560 $1073 780 $1340390 $ 108,330 $ 593,560 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Chi. F. J. Wolff Elmer E. Egler J. M. HOCKETTG. E. CARLSON-----Cash Items and Collections a Specialty. Remitted on Day of Payment. Prompt Attention to ail Banking Matters. Union National Bk. _dB®J’04 J. A. Russell--------$275-10% var 100 70-99 CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS CO. Telephone Elgin (472 Division Street) Frank Fraser-------Elizabeth Exchange Bank $165-10% 76-974 dB®*i§ ’88 par loo Jacob Bertsch-----ELIZABETH STATE BANK $220-10% par 100 70-975 ®<§'09 First State Bank--------- ®§ W. P. Warford----$200-10% par 100 70-1273 Elkhart State Bank _d®ti’20 J. R. Jones---------M. E. Jones, Ch. $120 70-1274 Elkville State Bk._dB©»**'06 E. E. Kimmel-------$150-7% 70-1276 State Bank of Elliott___ §’86 C. E. Cameron........ par 100 70-1276 Bank of Bills Grove...®tl'04 J. W. Beare ............ $140-6% par 100 70-1277 Bank of Ellsworth____ d§i’93 C. A. Shinkle-------$160-6% par 150 70-1279 H.C. Schumacher— ♦Elmhurst State Bank $225-7% 70-598 dB®T*tr04 El Paso______ 1578 FIRST NATIONAL BANK # 70-734 d®»t’83 7 Woodford G16 par 100 Surplus Other Dbpos- L Paxd-uf and iabili Capital Profits rrs ties J. M. BLACKBURN — F. W. SHEPHERD 12% par 100 70-98 d<72 Home Trust A Savings Bank M. M. Cloudman .. G. E. Hunter____ 12% par 100 7<M)7 dB®T*ii’92 Elisabeth..........651 7 Jo Daviess A10 Resources. Liabilities. President. Elgin______ 35,929 First National Bank—d»t’65 J. M. Fletcher____ Chas. Wolff... (Continued) par 20 70-94 HOME NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Law6. ILLINOIS—Continued and Trust Company ^ Chicago 29.400 Drov. N., Chi.; Ill. State. Quincy; 1st N., Joliet. 45,720 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 27,950 Com. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi. 54,700 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.; Old N„ Evansville. 24,230 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Harrisburg. INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 490 Number under Name or Bauk Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and County •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPri?.' ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In Town Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Erie...................... 888 First National Bank.d®»t’03 R. L. Burchell 7 Whiteside CIO $125-4% par 100 70-1284 O. A. Wilson_____ R. C. Burchell____ L. C. Burchell____ R. E. Potter Esmond______ 255 Esmond State Bank—®»t}’09 r W. Rand $100 70-1285 7 De Kalb B16 J. F. Elliott______ L. C. Lundgren.__ rR. J.DICKINSON — J. M. ALLEN-.......... B.L. COLBURN......... C. L. KAUFMAN4 Eureka______ 1534 7 Woodford G14 FARMERS STATE BANK $220-10% ♦ 70-715 d®T«t§’13 par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 8% 70-1859 d©»t’14 ' Oldest and Lar > Member Federa 1 Special attentl „Please send 15c wi CITY NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY *65-12% par 20 th each sight draft for presentation and 70-115 dB®T»t§’14 35,000 $ 663,850 I 69,690 % 598,000 $ 49,870 $ 25.000 6,000 93,030 93,970 2,300 50.000 15,310 932.040 253,100 521,020 50,380 S 110,290 1st N., Chi.; Peo. Tr. &Sav., Clinton, la. 9,910 17.840 Drovers N„ Ohi. 223,240 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N„ Chi.: 1st N.. Peoria. 25.000 25,220 207,400 110,610 73,610 13,170 60,220 1st N„ Ohi. and Joliet; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. 3,622,720 ,179,020 500,990 ,121,700 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. Union Tr. Co., Clev.; 1st N., St. L. M. H. McKee____ F. P. and Tr. Off. JOHN A. BROOKS. SHELBY T. DEXTER-V. P. and Cash. RtlOOlf H F. JFRISKE HAROLD YORT, M,l,HPJcnn A, C. and Mgr. Inv. JARVIS A. SHEDD Dept. JOHN A. STEWART C. J. TIPPET, Mgr. R. E. Ln. Dept. The only NATIONAL Bank In EVANSTON Travel Bureau $215-8% par 100 S 25c for Credit Reports. dB®T*i’l900 Complete Banking, Investment and Trust Service—Mortgage Loans— EVANSTON TR. & SAV. BANK $ 40.000 Principal Correspondents. Cash k £z OKAvau.Dui nok Kahi National Bank & T rust Co., July 1, 193 CHAS.N. STEVENS- EDWIN SHERMAN, 70-114 Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonda Paid-up Subplus Miscel Dxpos- Otheb and and and L iabili ITS Capital Profits Diaeounta Baeuritiaa laneous ties gest Bank. 1 Reserve System on given Bill of L adlng drafts, Cas b and Time Item H. A. Pearson____ G.N.Blumenschein M. L. Harper Evanston „ 63,338 Central State Bank___________ (Purchased by City 7 Cook B22 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued C. J. GOLEE- - - - - - - A.F.BULL-—----- ELMER M. GALITZ— F. J.PFAHLER_ _ _ _ _ 300,000 526.530 7,262.060 335,850 DIRECTORS John A. Brooks William W. Buchanan Hurd Comstock Chester A. Cook Thomas H. Eddy J. H. Fall, Jr. David R. Forgan Nets M. Hokanson Rawlelgh Warner 200,000 204,080 2,867,820 58,610 1,605,820 William S. Mason C. M. Moderwell John A. Nyden E. E. Sheridan Edwin Sherman Charles W. Spofford Charles N. Stevens Charles E. W are 992,190 57,810 674,690 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE. “YOUR BANK IN EVANSTON.” We solicit your account, large or small. Prompt attention given collections and escrow matters. Illinois State Bank___________ (Closed June 12, 193 1, Deposits liabilitie s assumed by Philli p State Bank & Tru st Co,, C hicago,) STATE BANK & TRUST COMPANY 15% par 100 70-113 dB®T»«’74 WIRT WRIGHT- - - - - G. H. TOMLINSON F.U. CARLB0RG-— A. C. LEX0WWM.A.DYCHE. C. _ _J._ _LUTHER _ _ _F._ 0. _ _ POTTER. _ _ _ _ _ Sec, _ _ _ _ _ F. _ _C._ _MCCABE ____ . KNAPP Ch■ °'Bd L j.KNAfP R. J- DARBY, Tr.Off. H w READING* A K.SCHEIOENHELK A. Mgr. R. E. Ln. C. E. H. JOHNSON, Dept A. V. P. OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN EVANSTON Commercial banking, Savings, Bond and Trust Departments. Evanston Clearing House.... Wirt Wright......... Edwin Sherman. (Members indicated by * ) (Banks affiliated with Chicago Clearing Hoxiss Ass *n +) Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 500.000 634.370 10 434 840 365,080 703,150 3,008,800 National City Bank_________ New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co., Chicago First National Bank............. ...Chicago Union Trust Co.______ ____ Pittsburgh Philip R. Shumway Philadelphia National Bank, G. H. Tomlinson Philadelphia Howell N. Tyson 5,904,550 2,317,780 DIRECTORS Arthur Andersen William A. Dyche Sewel L. Avery William Eastman Scott Brown Oscar H. Haugan Nelson L. Buck Charles P. Whitney James F. Oates Robert W. Campbell C. H. Poppenhusen Wirt Wright F. J. Scheidenhelm A. F. Bull, Sec,.... CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY; CHICAGO CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 429 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. - -Town and County. eMem.A.B.A.nNew SSUtetPrit. jMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d- Safe Dep. ®Sav. $LastSale% Db. President. VICE-PRESIDENT. Evansville____543 Bank of Evansville.—®»H’96 G. N. Sauer______ P. E. Saaer. . TO—1287 | Randolph Oil Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. RESOURCES. Liabilities. Bonds Mibcbl- Gam ft lxLou* Other Paid-up Subplus D epos Liabili OUMM,l>n and and AND its Disco uni* Bacuritiss LdLNBOUS FROM IaIXI Capital Propits ties A. E. Schuette----- G. A. Theobald .... S 25,000 $ 27,690 % 527,110 $ 26,760 S 128,210 $ 389,410 $ 15,970 $ Principal Correspondents, 72,970 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.. St. L. 8,560 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. Willis Payne____ O. Y. Clark--------- Mollie Clark____ 15.000 2,220 31.590 6,000 32,660 1,700 11,880 M. E. Tarpy........... J. C. Dawson_____ C. R. Voris 50,000 25,000 372,970 1,030 201,080 19,770 45,180 182,960 1st N., Chi.; Com. Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. Farmers State Bank-d®H‘18 J. C. Meis________ J. Nussbaum______ Joe Gerber............... C. F. Heins............. Ora A. Shanks P. H. Keel ay 70-1960 40,000 11,260 425,150 4,500 249,180 89,690 25,800 116,240 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rer. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. CoPeoria. Chloe Weaver____ W. H. Boze 85.000 72,780 792,170 60,000 579,230 280,020 26,(SO 124,650 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: FranklinAm. Tr. Co.. St.L.; Old N., Evansville. T. J. Hilliard_____ S, R. Meeks______ Lenore Clark_____ J. H. Weiner B. F. Thomas 50,000 64,030 383,690 12,500 280,360 128,360 38,820 62,680 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. John E. Cast_____ 20.000 6,000 190,810 18.680 148,840 42,520 7.340 46,790 Chase N..N.Y.: Cont. III. Bk.&Tr. Co.,Ohi.: M. F. Porterfield.. N. R. Porterfield.. W. B. Porterfield.. Wilfred Hickman . Porterfield’s State Bank D. C. Lewis $125-9% par 100 70-932 B®tS'91 25,000 6.750 100.000 85,000 10,000 21,750 15.000 1st N- Ohi. and Joliet; Id N., Danville. 50.000 68,420 540,420 371,950 139,770 47,140 99,990 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Peoria. J. H. Irish............. 50.000 31,050 271.900 20.000 309,140 37.120 4,500 22,180 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Ohi.; 1st N.. St. L. and Joliet. O. O. Gillespie___ J. W. Kendall......... F. L. Weedman__ John T. Kendall... Farmer dty.,162] John Weedman Nat. Bank G. W. Downs, A.C, Robert Cleary 7 De Witt Hlfl $100-0% par 100 70-704 d®t’85 75.000 58,870 595,200 75,000 470,430 187,540 12,980 133,120 1st N- Ohi.; Peo- Bloomington. 50,000 12,070 408,520 5,100 185,710 104,730 26,810 158,440 1st N., Ohi.; Mereh. * Ill. M.. Peoria. 50.000 26.350 384.250 342,780 28,550 43.740 46,530 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N- Peoria. James D. Baird___ A. L. Casburn....... B. G. Tribowlet ... Ferris . .250 Farmers State Bank dB®28’05 W. J. Singleton, $150-4% par 100 70-1294 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, 7 Hancock G5 25.000 12,190 249,300 167,820 58,830 12.260 48,620 Drov. N- Chi.; III. State, Quincy. Fidelity_______ 138 State Bank of Fidelity®t5’20 $100 par 100 70-1813 8 Jersey Klo 25.000 5,850 43,850 56,380 5,000 4,330 25,000 5,720 125,680 84,200 35,620 15,950 20,640 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.: 1st N„ Joliet. 25,000 5.000 285,000 205,000 64,000 15,000 31,000 1st N- St.. L.; N. Stock Yds N.. N. Stock 25.000 5.970 159.400 t Franklin Oil Ewieg State Bank-------- tl’CI J. J. Pearce____ 8% 70-1288 Palrbury____ 2310 Fairbury State Bankd®*t§’31 70-563 7 Livingston G17 st ‘Fairfield____ 3280 Fairfield Nat. Bank..d®t'02 A. J. Poorman___ D.L. Garrison $250-10% par 100 70-672 | Wayne Nil FIRST NATIONAL BANK ^ $225-«% par 100 70-671 d»t 96 J. R. Meyer. Fair mount.... 741 First National Bank. _®*t'06 G. R. Catlett_____ K. R. Catlett_____ 8. T.CMtlett... 7 Vermilion 120 70-933 •» M fl. T. Wilsnn Falrvlew______ 522 Fairview State Banking Oo. $225-10% 70-1290 d»tf’85 7 Fulton G10 par 100 Farina________ 694 State Bank of Farina.®$| 02 70-1202 1 Fayette Mil $175-10% (.Closed August 20, 1 930) Farmersvllle ._ 553 I Montg'y K12 R Tj. Park* Farmington ..2269 7 Fulton G10 „ „ Geo. Ross..... Donald Parka. 70-588 A. C. Steenburg ... W. C. Steenburg.. Clyde Steenburg .. C. W. Bolton____ Alfred C. Steenburg & Co. Lin Dikeman 70-587 15'68 W. K. Dodge Fleldon_______ 232 State Bk.of Fieldon..d»28T0 William Wieghard L. J. Krueger------- F. C. Heitzig____ Fred F. Heitzig___ $100-6% par 100 70-1295 8 Jersey L8 F. Herren................. A. B. Herren . Fillmore_____ 421 Fillmore Bank_______ <5'90 N. R. Allen 70-1296 8 Montg'y L14 par 100 Findlay_______ 682 7 Shelby J16 2d N- Danville; Oiti*. N- Decatur. $100 TJOHN CRIBBET— A. C. ATKINSON-— THQS F KFIM MELLIE SPICER 1,050 10,000 169,980 Yds. 10.210 FIRST STATE BANK par 100 70-1297 d®t§ 27 1 Modern, Progre sslve, Unexcelled Facilities, Efflcl entPersonal Serv- 20,170 Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Southw. State, Chi. j ice. Special At tention given all Collections, Escr ow Matters, and (.All Banking Ma tters entrusted to us. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8,890 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Block Yds.. III. and Trust Company — Chicago Where Bankers Bank 430 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWM AND COUNTY. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. oMem.A.B.A.nNew SSUtefPriY. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©SaT.$LastSale%Div. President. Cashier. Vice-President. ASS'T CASHIER. Flthlan.... ....... 461 Farmers State Bank_d®tS'19 Leo Freese_______ E. E. Freeman___ R. H. McAlister... 7 Yermillon 120 par 100 Flanagan_ _ _ _ 631 Flanagan State Bk. d®T»tl’13 Thos. Dillon______ J.H.Linneman, Jr. 7 Livingston F16 par 100 7 0-18 2 6 Flat Bock_ _ _ _ 584 Flat Rock Bank_____®tl’09 W. L, Tohill______ Grant Taylor S A. N. Vinsel __ _ C. M. Wflpnr .. ... Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bondi ther Cam A XiMiscel OUBOMtlftn Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- LOiabili and and AND Capital Profits Diacount* SaeuritiM laneous non Iaiki TI118 $ 70-1967 Crawford L21 $250-10% par 100 70-1300 Peoples State Bank_ _ _ tS’18 J. O. Weger. $140-#% 70-1938 Flora_ _ _ _ _ _ 4393 First National Bank d®»t’72 fl. F. Pixley_ _ _ _ | Clay M18 $240 par 100 70-535 25.000 $ 7,540 $ 129,600 H, j. Schwerin.__ 25,000 8,310 Miss Dorothy Piper 43,300 66,320 438,850 Myrtelle Dickinson 25,000 11.430 174,030 50,000 81,250 694,920 G. J. Price_ _ _ _ _ C. E. Hemphill _ H. C. Michels_ _ _ _ {Voluntary liquidati on. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued 357,090 $ $ 93,890 $ 21,820 t 19.810 $ Principal Correspondents. 26,620 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 5,000 213,520 50,890 11,000 119,990 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi, 10,000 356,500 88,980 11,230 129,380 14,900 17,130 426,480 144,530 184,770 101,760 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. N„ Vincennes. 49,050 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Robinson. 192,280 N.Oity, N. Y.: Cont.Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. and Franklin-Am. Tr. Cos., St. L. 121, 90 Taken over by First National Bank March 28. 1931) Flossmoor...... 808 Flossmoor State Bank L. .T. Rogers 25,000 2,500 88,790 54,300 17,820 13,850 30,320 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Foosland_ _ _ _ 275 First National Bank—-®t'19 8. F. Glbbens_____ H. A. Beasley___ L. E. Bright 25,000 7,230 147,490 88,180 52,300 15,110 Forest City._ 269 Forest City State Bank 25,000 17,970 91,380 88,110 21,480 8,660 24,130 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co,. Chi.; 1st N., Champaign. 18,090 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Com’lMerch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 285,120 1,733,130 935,370 275,720 500,280 Corn Ex. Bk. Tr. Co. and Chase N., N.T.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ave. State, Oak Park. 7 Cook D21 7 $150 par 100 70-2126 dB®§’28 J. A. Carroll. Ch. Champ’n H18 1% par 100 70-1957 7 Mason Hll Forest Park 14,555 7 Cook 021 $175-#% par 100 70-1303 »t§’99 FOREST PARK TRUST SAVINGS & J.Pemberton il THE OLDEST BANK IN THE TOWNSHIP. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. .. « 8 Adams 18 Frankfort_ _ _ 590 7 m Will D21 Please send 15c with each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 24,640 254,670 320 189,470 93,190 14,620 82,350 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.;Forest Park Tr.&Sav.,Forest Park. fj. W. JENNINGS-- J. F. WALLACE- - - - - F. R FUNK 25,000 29,000 260,000 8,000 209,000 34,000 12,000 67,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. A. V. Sil vert horn. J ennie Geiseman.. 35,000 11.730 312,320 246,570 48,200 19,570 44,710 Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. C. L. Robertson— O. A. Beebe _____ Herman Brandt — A. .1. Rnskam F. J. Greenfield R. M. Stahl — H. L. Myers____ _ J. B. Bedale______ Fern Whitehead.. 75,000 72,990 845,080 409,660 428,080 36,890 30.000 2,960 194,220 117,240 61,390 13,160 James Manning___ A. H. Franzen. J. G. Wagner A. II. Ahhnt.t... .. Richard Novak.__ Joseph Kosatka 25,000 7,680 150,710 108.300 37,820 8,620 28,640 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 25,000 6,500 61,780 8,980 41,320 39,210 13,590 8,140 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Frank Folkers, O. B. Herschbach. F. L. Hasenjaeger. H. C. Folkers_ _ Ch.of Bd, and Pres. Geo. Eisner, Sec. 30,000 52,500 180,000 19,000 240,000 5,200 34,000 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Joliet Tr. & Sav.. Joliet. Wm. Lankenan.. — F. Warning.. 9,960 45,050 Chi. City Bk. & Tr. Oo., Ohi.; 1st N., Joliet. 3,300 63,670 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ghi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.: Avers N.. Jacksonville. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 8tock Yds.N.. 40,000 Chi. BANK Henry Gerwlg____ M. H. Eakle. Commercial State Bank $210-12% 70-1782 ®:i’ll Forreston State Bank $110-3% par 100 70-1995 Fox Lake State Bk. dB®»t§’23 E. H. White--------$135-6% par 100 70-2071 First State Bank__ dB®t§’27 E. D. Black_______ $120 par 100 70-2109 $286-10% par 100 70-1306 — $235-12% par 10070-I815d®tl’13 FrankllnGrove625 Citizens State Bank.d®t§20 7 Lee C14 $125 70-2009 FRANKLIN GROVE BANK $175-10% par 100 0. W. Crnm_ _ _ _ Elmer Cline . __ _ 25.000 35,680 182,370 188,040 50,000 47,260 281,680 185,380 126,650 L.J. Miller 50,000 18,960 192 000 202,000 ?4,n2n 50,000 27,000 410,000 322,000 65,000 30,000 75.000 20,000 590,970 30,410 362,110 234,260 29,000 91,020 Northern Tr. Co., Chi. 50,000 89,040 453,640 25,000 243,830 258,360 43,210 72,260 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. fW. C. DURKFS —. F. H. HAUSER------ L L DURKES 70-1308 d®»tt’80 ( Collections and Bequests for Cre dit Bwr& Mfcs T bv .ccoup ( FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr afts, Uc; Credit Re ports, 25c. St. Clair Nil $250-12% par 100 70-1310 Continental Illinois Bank 118,430 Bk. of America N. A., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Oo. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi. 35,380 Ill. State,Quincy. J. A. Lnhring_ _ _ _ F. J. Kohlhagen, Sec. F. T. Miller......... J. M. Keplinger... Franklin Park 2425 State Bank of Franklin Park H. E. Dodge. W. R.Schutt....... 8% par 100 70-1309 d®»J5’22 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 7 Cook B21 Freeburg____1434 Firat National Bk.__dB®*t’05 R. E. Hamill_____ D. F. Baltz............ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WM. G. F0LLMER_ _ d®tl’i4 VELMA 8. BROWN 70-1304 1 Please send 15c «n th each sight draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. Franklin_ _ _ .,528 Franklin State Bank ..•J5’86 M. B. Keplinger... F. T. Miller_ _ _ _ 70-1307 8 Morgan J10 par 100 8 310,690 2,548,690 100,000 6% par 100 70-1305 dB®»t*’87 Fox Lake 880 7 Lake A19 FoxBiverGrove 641 7 McHenry A19 300,000 Roosevelt Trust&SavingsBk. Jos. Bristow-------- T. L. Lobstein____ H. W. Leverentz... Chas. Treder........ Wm. H. Gardner $100 par 100 70-335 d®ti'26 A. C. Roos, Ch. Forrest_ _ _ _ _ 915 FIRST STATE 7 Livingston F18 $225-8% par 100 Forreston__ 908 7 Ogle B12 2,000 J. W. VICIAN ALBERT C. R00S- WM. RIEGER____ H. F. CARLSON, V. P. and Cash. A. A. HUXH0LD FRED B. ROOS W. F. GROSSER,Ca. F. C. BECKER $250-10% RANKdB®T.fl'7 par 100 unml 70-333 »» W. J. Heinhorst—. Elsie White______ W. K. Walker. and by Trust Company— Chicago 70,000 Chase N.. N. Chi. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. °^1Torr 431 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ IMrectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued Resources. Liabilities. TOWS AND COtTWTT ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Dlv. ‘Freeport... 22,045 7 Stephenson Ai3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK T«t’#4 DDISON BIDWELI— J. M. CLARK. 3HN BRUCE. V. P. 0. P. MILLER 70-145 PBB8IDKNT. Tice-Pkesident. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. J. M. CLARK------- J.T. HINDERKS— Security Trust Co------ BT5T6 C. W. Chapman ... A. J. Clarity_____ C. B. Courtney, Sec. A. J. Clarity, Ch, Principal Correspondents. Subplus ther Paid-up Dbpos- LOiabili and Capital Profits ITH ties Loans Bonds Cask A IxMiscel CKA*018,I>V1 and and Discounts Securities laneous rmOM Baitki $ 300,000 $ 368,840 S3 906 070 72 729 040 $ 796,990 $ 202,040 $ 946,840 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and DkUUA XUS* 11 if V71ili 100.000 130,150 76,100 66,960 757,590 267,870 888,430 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Oast III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi. 922,170 171,720 194,300 324.670 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 10,600 339,500 822,330 20,310 8,500 578,890 62,010 28,450 696,410 2,173,400 31,060 280,630 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi. 213,620 411,890 21,570 101,830 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. Ohi. 27,780 2,275,500 366,960 285,210 1,330,000 465,000 67,380 196,750 1,850 25,390 Northern Tr. Co., Chi. *100 par 100 7 6-151 1 2,324,710 J. F. Smith---------- L. R. Jungkunz.___ |W, C. Pfender___ jM. B. Antrim 70-149 dB®T<r«l H. H. Antrim, Ch. o. W. Dorman A. B. Tracy J.S.Collman, V.-Ch. A. F. Schulte Jacob Weiss 400,000 224,660 3,582,690 'C. H. Green_____ J. H. Rife-------------F. H. Altemeier... J. F. Mougin______ C. L. Snyder, Ch. A. O. Kaney Henry Zanoni, Jr. K. H. Knowlton Satisfactory Ser vice Guaranteed. Give us a trial. .Unsurpassed Co Uection Service. 200,000 62,350 1,345,030 I'M. W. INGWERSEN. GUSTAV GRADERT— E. E. MACHAMER.— E. D. THOMSON------ 75.000 78,490 1,233,910 State Bank of Freeport *170-8% par 100 UNION BANK & TRUST CO. 70-150 par 100 Fulton_______ 2656 7 Whiteside CIO BANK ‘Galena_____ 3878 7 Jo Daviess A6 70-1311 d®»J|'02 FIRST STATE & SAVINGS BANK—70-1789—d®»tl 12 8% GALENA NATIONAL BANK 76-420 Ye par 100 70-421 215,250 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. & Tr. I Oldest and Lar gest Bank—Mode rn Equipment — Unexcelled facllit les. ' Special attentlo n given B-L Draft s, Cash and Time Items. .16c should be se nt with each Sigh t Draft for presen tatlon and 26c for each Sp eclal Be port. E.WMONTGOMERY- F. T. SHEEAN—M. J. BERG- - - - - - - - - - W. A.. ......... . 16 CENTS sent to us with each s lght draft for pre sentatfon, and 25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention T. R. G0LDTH0RP. D. 1. BLEWETT.......... S. J. HUGHLETT------- J. T. HISSEM.......... Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 50,000 100.000 35,310 668,450 , 256,620 2,674,890 150,000 92,910 1st N., Chi.; 1st N„ Dub. ESTABLISHED 1853 — LARGEST AND STRONGEST BANK IN JO. DA VEESSC OUNTY * Special care given Bill of Lading Collections. Pleas* enclose XSc presentation fee with Sight Drafts and 2Se for Cred it Ratin gs. dB®»2’M MERCHANTS NAT’L BANK *150-8% 5,480 i d®t§’30 FULTON STATE par 100 31,260 d®*J’65 par 100 100,000 rWM. HURST------- A. J. MILLH0USE— R. V. STEPHAR------) Our long experien ce, unexcelled facil ities and personal attention to all ] banking matters entrusted to us a guarantee of Satisf actory Service. T RY US. 88,000 531,360 29,550 & Tr. Co.. V.Please send 15c tet th sight draft* for pr eserdation and 25c. for Credit Reportt. ‘Galesburg.. 28,830 7 Knox F9 BANK OF GALESBUBG 70-133 d®T»*l’91 C. E. JOHNSON------ H. A. CRAIG.................. L. H. STREEDAIN— LAMBERT PETERS0NUnsurpassed Collection Service. Bill of Lading Drafts receive Special Attention. 125.000 598,500 2,583,240 ...... 200,000 200,000 1,860,000 Please send 2Sc for Credit Reports. Farm. & Mechanics Bank 5% 70-131 d®T*$i’69 (Galesburg Banks c ontinued on next page) S. V. Stuckey____ G. T. Townsend—| F. O. Gustafson —lAxel Gabrielson— H. V. D. Wilson Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and 4,500 Trust Company ^ Chicago 406,850 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 400,500 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. Co., Chi. • & Tr. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS 432 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number elven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Aes’n. [Estab. Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Pie. under town is Pea. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. C. H. BROWN- - - - - - - - H. A. ANDERSON — FIRST GALESBURG OMER N. CUSTER-— S.HIROLIHGER.^ec. H. HUGGINS. H. K. LARSON, M. F. CLINE S 425,000 $ 657,0 $9388220 $ 307,720 $4948120 $4324180 $ 160,000 $1345710 1st N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. H. E. HANLON V.P.andTr.Off. M. 0. WILLIAMSON SEND US YOUR GALESBURG ITEMS. 70-130 dB©T»t’63 (Closed June 6,1931 . Receiver appointed June 30, 1931) GALVA FIRST NATIONAL BANK $175-6% par 10070-568 Principal Correspondents. Loam Bond* Other MiscblDepos Liabili Paid-up SUHPLU8 and and AND its Capital PBOFITB Diaoouota Saauritiaa LAKBOUS ties Aud. NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. Galva................2875 Farmers Co-Ope: ative State Bank_______________ 7 Henry Ell RES0UBCK8. Liabilities. Town and County. ®Mem.A.B.A.wNew§StatetPriv. ►Galesburg. 28,830 (Continued) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLENf OIS—Continued V. A. WIGREN. A. F. DEEM J. W. NELSON- - - - - - - A. C. DEEM- Vlgorous attention given Collections. Quick returns and consistent charges. Reasons given for non-payment. ®«+’82 60.900 31,160 816,500 30,000 375,170 396,560 41,900 100.000 58,750 730,180 7,000 509,700 223,300 71,440 Wade S. Allison... J. B. Allison._ 25,000 12,650 237,780 3,840 148.130 102,810 7,480 B. O. Jeffers____________________ 25,000 30,770 277,100 39,520 153,190 163,360 10,110 L. 8. Collins_____ ______________ 15,000 9,000 84,240 70,850 45,730 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet; Ind. N., Indpls. 38,960 Hillikin N„ Decatur. T. R. Storm______ B. H. Hooten. 25,000 12,140 119,830 104,860 27,000 6,460 18,640 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. of 123,850 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. Plea** enclose 15e with each Sight Draft for preeentation. L.M.YOCUM & CO. E. L. YOCUM-—-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. E. ANDERSON— E. L. STEPHENS0N- Oldest and Largest Bank. Modern Progressive Methods. Send us your Items direct for quick returns. 70-687 BANKERS d®»tS’65 par 100 (A State Bank) Gardner_____ 869 Radiance Bank_____ 041’71 W. S. Allison_____ J. L. Swanberg__ 70-882 7 Grnndy E18 $136-8% F. H. Spiller, J. C. Lutz_______ First National Bank 4% par 100 70-883 d®*t’09 Ch, ofBd. and Pres. Garrett_______ 236 Garrett State Bank____t5'19 F. L. Reeder_____ 7 Douglas J18 70-1313 Gays__________306 Farmers State Bank—©«i§’20 Mack Gammill____ J. D. Hardinger — 70-1314 7 Moultrie E17 $100-4% par 100 Geff ................ 322 Stale Bank of Geff__________ (ClosedNovember 28, 1930. Receiver appo I Wayne N18 Geneseo_____ 3406 Central Trust & Sav. Bank G. B. Dedrick____ F. L. Kemerling___ $175-8% parlOOTO^OOdSMI’OT 7 Henry D10 100,000 H.C. BERGEN.......... H.W. RIVENBURG 50,000 First National Bank.d®«t'64 O. W. Holt______ I. N. McBroom ___ Chas. M. Morton .. J. H.White_______ J. C. Fischer 10% par 100 70-407 ‘Geneva_____ 4607 First National Bank..d®*J'07 M. A. Joshel____ J. A. Skoglund____ Wm. C. Wood____ Emil Bergquist.__ 7 Kane 01* $200-10% par 100 7<h582 200,000 70-408 d®«t’70 STATE BANK OF 6____ $300-8% ♦ 70-581 dB®T»t*'89 par 100 Genoa_______1168 Genoa State Bank... d®t§’30 7 DeKalb B17 $150 par 150 70-2135 Georgetown.. 3407 First National Bk. in George 7 vermfllen 122 town------------------ d®»t’30 $176-8% par 100 70-604 German town..776 Germantown Sav. Bank 70-1315 dB®tl'06 I Clinton N18 $200-12% par 100 German Valleyl91 German American State Bk 7 Stephenson B13 $100-4%par 100 70-1816 ®t|'07 Gibson City.. 2163 7 Ford 811 FIRST NATL0NAL BANK OF GIBSON--------------- d®.t’06 par 100 C. B. HAGANS__ FRED SMITH- - - - - - - - W. S. ZAREMBSKI... F. C. .. ..... . OSCAR NELS0R.CA. LE ROY CARLSON 399,210 58,820 236,020 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N„ 982,030 50,000 507,620 512,660 37,830 160,640 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N. and Btoek Yds. N.. Chi. 50.000 98.650 1,139.790 271,050 N. City. N.T.: 1st N. and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 129,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 827,190 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N. and Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 100,000 136,720 697.900 61,220 488,000 25,000 265,000 199,000 32.000 145,030 1,808,210 104,000 944,340 301.260 84,440 143.590 1,727.720 62,000 26,110 404,570 272.870 91,480 25,280 40,000 10,000 290,740 9.640 203.520 30,450 49,090 A. W. Baltz______ H. O. Michels- 25,000 27,330 333,390 700 228.870 108.260 7,700 256,520 32,000 286.640 25,000 16,500 124,360 15,840 6,200 C. F. Borchers.........Reint Poppen.............John Renken___________________________ 25.000 6,750 115,840 5,000 125,780 M.C. MATTINSON- W. E. PROCTOR...... BRYSON STRAUSS ... L. E. PHILLIPS_ _ _ _ L. E. R0CKW00D, 80,000 25,820 592,480 120,450 398.130 report. 30,000 17.260 396,960 25,000 10,400 132,330 { Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 584,260 50,000 Ch.\ Collections give n Special Attentl on. No advance cha rge on Bill of Lad Ing Send 15c with each Sight Draft for J. C. McClure.........G. A. Wash............... S. A. W. A. Osborn, V, P. W. A. Davidson J. D. Morse_______E. B. Wooldridge.. J. T. N„ 180 P'. A. Nehring____ E. J. Tischler_____ A. E. HammerJ. M. Butzow schmidt, V.P.and C. R. Sandusky______ R. F. Dukes—______ Oren P. Clark. O. P. Clark____ 70-640 Gibson City State Bank $300-12% par 100 70-641 B®»t»’14 Gifford...... .........502 Morse State Bank... d®l§’85 7 Champaign H20 70-1317 Fletcher-Am. 104,760 1,073,380 16 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentatlon, and 26 CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, personal attentle I. A. B. Michels__ Maitoon; Chi. FARMERS NATIONAL BARK J. A. BRADLEY -...... W. H. HOSFORD- - - - - - - G. A. MEEKER — $300-15% par 100 20.850 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. Mattoon, Indpls. inted December 23, 1930) John Greenwood.. A. B. Fehlman 91,800 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet; Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. Drafts and N ote Collections. presentation and 25c for each Taylor.___ ... W. A. Davidson ... 10,000 6,540 CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY — CHICAGO Morse_______ ____________________ 91,050 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N., DeKalb. 66,320 1st N.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; 2d N., Danville. 41,580 1st N.. E. St. L. 20,260 Cent. Rep„ Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; State Bk. of Freeport, Freeport. 132,110 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. 116,070 Chase N., N. ¥.. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.: Ind. N., Indpls. 31,320 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Champaign. capital $20,000,000.00 400 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Liabilities. eMem.A.B.A.”'New § State tPriv JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Vice President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Profits Resources. ther Dapoe- LOiabili ire ties Loans and Discounts B»nd* S.euriW ussom Gillespie____ 5111 Gillespie National Bank.. H. W. Rice---------- T. E. Elliman____ G. B. Meyer_____ H. M, Rice____ * 75,000 $ 87,250 $1 298 500 $ 172,000 $ 466,120 $1080 000 70-609 dB®*t'05 J. M. Rodiner, Ch. 8 Macoupin Lll 1225-12% par 100 R. E. Long__ Peoples State Bank J. N. English_____ Anna Skamenca... R.H. Long___ 50.000 32,550 199,810 7,370 67,780 157,300 70-2057 dB®T«t*'22 $145-6% par 125 r UAL C. POLLOCK.. E.S. HERRON- - - - - - - E. S. HERRON— MARIE W. HAUSMANN 50,000 19,900 399,050 50,010 218,670 135,460 < Oldest and Lar aK.-M.rn ber Federal Reser ve. Gilman_____ 1620 FIRST _ BANK 7 Iroquois F20 71 dB®«t’69 ) Bank and Merc antlle collections promptly handle d. (.Send 15c prese ntatlon fee with Sight Drafts, 25c for Credit Report Girard.... ........ 1760 Peoples Bank___________ 8 Macoupin Ell State Bank of Girard d®t§’73 $150 par 100 70-660 Glasford____ 671 Farmers Stale Bk. d©»t§1900 $225 par 100 70-1318 7 Peoria Gil Principal Correspondents. Miscel- 90,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 32,510 28,820 32,130 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 136,020 Cent. Han. Bk. & Trust Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk, & Tr. Co. and Northern Tr. Co., Chi. (Closed September 2 9. 1930) Hal Metcalf... R. C. Hamilton___ A. O. England___ 50.000 23,220 414,700 J. I. Maple, J. C. Firth.......... ... R. A. Addy______ MabelS.McElhaney Ch, of Bd, and Pres, T. N. Newsom 50,000 26,200 202,930 50,000 17,050 204,780 JOHN L. WALKER~ F. S. GRAHAM— E. K. BUTLER. II—. SIDNEY B. BUTZE. K. BUTLER. II , Glencoe..........6295 CITIZENS STATE BANK $145-6% 70-2)101 d©t§’26 7 Cook B21 par 100 Special attentl on given to Colie ctions. Please send 15c with each sight d raft for presentat ion and 25 cents 201,140 113,170 15,940 30,000 249,850 16,690 20,340 157,650 1st N„ Chi.; Miss.Val. Tr. Co., St.L.; N. Stk. Yds., N„ N. Stk. Yds. 22,250 Cont. Ill, Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.: 1st N. and Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 39,020 108,090 117,670 38,210 46,880 Com’l N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. 6,500 359,380 215,430 87,850 281,860 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. for Cre dlt repo rts. Glencoe State Bank_________ (Closed June 22, 193 I. Receiver appoint ed July 24, 1931) Glen Ellyn___7680 Du Page Trust Company F. J. Bogan.... ........ H. H. Hilton____ R. M. Lord______ C. W. Whitlock.... 7 Du Page C20 10% 70-1719 dB©T§'12 W. G. Shirer. Ch. R. B. Treadway Helen G. Sanders, See. GlenEllynStateBk.dB®#t§’05 M. J. Milmoe____ J. R. Buell ............ A. G. Jacobek........ par 100 70-1320 F. Johnson, Ch, Glenview____ 1886 Glenview State Bank.... §’20 H. J. Lutter_____ H. P. Rugen_____ J. J. Peter_______ E. J. Williamson .. $130-6% 70-2030 7 Cook B20 H. W. Lutter W. J. Smeal, See. ‘Golconda___1184 First National Bank__d»t’04 Abraham Baker, Phil, A. Craig____ Barney Phelps__ Lotelle Fowler.__ $126 par 100 70-837 8 Pepe Bll Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Pope County State Bank__ (Closed December 13 , 1930. Receiver app ointed January 6, 19 31) Golden______567 Exchange State Bank_____ (Closed November 10 , 1930. Receiver app ointed December 12, 1930) 8 Adams H5 H. M. KINGD. W. WHITF0RD — G. W. NETHERY_ _ _ A Modern, Prog GOLDEN STATE BANK resslvo Bank with a thoroughly org anlied Collection $100-6% 70-101 70-1031 d®«t§T0 Depart ment. par 100 Prompt, person al attention giv ei all badness entnutod to ns. 50.000 59,580 828,440 35.000 40,360 425,690 147,340 236,560 1,170 60.000 50,720 449,710 43,610 266,770 243,960 29,630 50.000 14,000 315,000 50,000 270,000 89,440 28,030 50.000 8,880 339,760 500 235,130 79,510 34,740 4,500 60,090 { 97,650 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; lit N., Chi and Joliet. 63,680 lit N.. Ohi. 139,810 N. City. St. L. 49,770 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Ill. State, Quincy; N, Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. Please send 2Sc for Credit Repor te. First 8tate Bank______ t§'20 C. A. French, John J. Williams. 70-1321 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Goodfleld Stale Bank d®tS'14 W. R. Simpson ___ 10% 70-1865 Good Hope State Bank.»tS 90 Alvah Allison.__ C. P. Kline........... 70-1322 Farmers State Bank.. dt§'20 S. A. Brown_____ F. L. Carman........ $122.50 par too 70-1323 Citizens State Bank .. ,dt§’17 J. A. Grisham____ E. L. McMahan__ 5% par 100 70-1905 First National Bank_______ (Closed.) Gorham...........517 First National Bank . _«t'14 Hy Guetersloh____ O. E. Schimpf. 70-1302 8 Jackson Pi3 $125-6% G. C. Vogel par 100 Grafton......... 1026 Grafton State Bank... dJS’69 A. L. Smith....... S. Edwards ___ $100 70-1325 8 Jersey L9 C. C. White Grand Chain 500 First State Bank.... d®l§’ll A. J. Schoenborn .. Leo Reichert .. $200-10% par 100 70-1326 8 Pulaski R15 J. M. Turner, Ch. Grand Ridge..367 First National Bk.~dB®»t’03 F. K. Hook______ C. E. Hibbs............ 7 LaSalle E16 $50-12% par 20 79-1327 William V. Lehr Grand Tower..953 First National Bank R. C. Huthmacher. T. W. Rowe_____ 8 Jackson Q13 12% par 100 70-1328 dB®»t’03 Granite Clty25.130 First Granite City Nat. Bank Jos. G. Boggs------- Guy Tetherington. 8 Madison M10 par 100 70-226 d(»)»tt900 G.H.Neidringhaus, Geo. H. Hanlon (Merger of First National and Ch. Emil Rammer Granite City National Banks) Nathan Fleishman, V. Ch. + Granite City Tr.ft Sav. Bk. Wm. Champion.... Chas. Pauly, Sr.... $225-12* ♦ 70-227 dB®T»tl’10 B. Schemer, V. P. A. W. Morriss, Jr. par 100 T. F Leyden Goldengate.__223 8 Wayne N19 Goodfleld......... 125 7 Woodford F14 Good Hope,... 369 7 McDon’gh G7 Good wine....... 121 7 Iroquois G20 Gorerllle____ 531 8 Johnson Q15 A. B. Gill._........... Emily Gill___ J. J. Williams 6.890 57,520 10.000 8,500 93,580 86,030 150,000 9,000 40,880 ThaleJ. Huston__ Garold Chipman... 25,000 19,000 140,000 Eduard F. Kambly. Anise Gillette.. 15.000 3,800 43,440 M. M. Terry_____ 25,000 5,040 56,730 S. Schwartz_____ B. Peters................ 25.000 12,510 139,640 H. N. Thomas___ 25.000 8,220 224,830 Guy Harris............ Angela Diepenbrock L. J. White______ W. M. Hook........... 25.000 7,790 76,900 25.000 26,160 F. V. Lyrley_____ 25.000 11,910 820 15,930 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.: Far. State. Eureka. 25,000 Oont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Peoria. 2.000 2,000 57,600 1,680 4,540 18,070 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Ohi.; Iroquois Go. State, Cissntt Park. 22,940 1st Bk. & Tr. Co., Cairo; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 116,480 27,010 17.100 17,390 1st N.. St. L. 50,480 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.: Alton N.. Alton. 16,340 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds.; 1st Bk. & Tr. Co.. Cairo. 35,570 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N„ Chi. 26,000 1st N.. 8t. L. 47.350 18.100 87,980 3.080 2,910 212,650 14.700 122,780 107,160 13,000 129,450 24.700 73,560 88,490 143,880 3,509,670 R. C. Barney____ H. D. Karandier, C. II. Woester.A.C. A. C. and Tr. Off. E. A. Hurry, A. C. W. J Rte' 150,000 100,470 1.420.480 109,500 1,735,980 1,032,000 6,000 12,760 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Ydg. 5,140 142.920 200,000 and 720 11,060 4,960 620 Louis F. Fresen... T. D. Gradinaroff— A. G. Meyer, A. C. H. C. Jones F. J. Fijan, A. C. S. C. Toman Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15,000 S. K. Naflziger__ 843,840 409,050 3,010 167,970 1.027,090 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chatham Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Miss. Val. Tr. Co., St. L. 142,630 Trust Company — Chicago 281,420 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Boatmens N.. St. L. INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 434 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. ^County Seats Pie. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued Vice-Psibident. Ajss't Cashier. 0A8HIEE. Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bonda Miscel- Casb k KxOther Paid-up Surplus D bpos and auuMa^n and AJfD LiabiliCapital Profits nsa Bajod Discounts Sficaritifis TIES Principal Correspondents. Grant Park___ 508 First National Bank d®»t’21 P. A. Hubbell_____ John Rosenbrock. A. W. Ruge______ Christine Goers ... $ 25,000 $ 14,990 S 236.720 $ 48,950 $ 249,150 $ 36,900 $ 17,520 $ 22,090 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. A. Buchmeyer, Ch. 7 Kankakee E22 $180-8% par 100 70-201* Granville __ 949 First National Bk._.dB®»t'01 Cara M. Hopkins.. J. H. Buhn................ J. W. Hopkins____ H. B. Anderson... 7 Putnam E15 par 100 Graymont___ 150 State Bank of Graymont G. L. Potter . J. J. Algeo.............. J. H. Unzicker__ L. I. Harris 1120 Gray slake. 7 Lake A20 L. Y. Sikes.. B. B. Neville B. P. Bowman. F. R. Bowman___ G. F. Bowman___ C. O. Ellis 7 Livingston FIS par 100 Grayville___ 1904 | White 020 .. 20% par 100 70-1822 70-1330 dB®»t§’02 70-655 ®»t’02 J. F. Morse . First National Bank—®»1’95 S. A. Blood______ J. C. Blood______ Wm. L. Williams.. 1200-12% 70-654 R. L. Blood par 100 Greenfield.__ 1038 FarmersState Bankd®»t§’07 Frank C. Smith.__ E. H. Trabue____ J. P. Roodhouse... Jessie B. Parks ... 79-812 t Greene K# .. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1150-8% par 100 70-811 ®«t'06 Ralph Metcalf__ E. K Metcalf___ C. T. Metcalf____ M. B. Metcalf__ Greenup____ 1062 Greenup National Bankd*t’04 J. A. Campbell, 70umberlandK19 par 100 38.840 568.100 365,240 149,460 70,430 25.000 11,400 127,680 91,290 28.710 8,760 50.000 58.000 505,000 25,000 31,280 193,930 60.000 353,000 182,000 29,000 49,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. 220,580 15,930 42,520 31,180 Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.: N. City. Evansville. 50,000 31,630 407,300 124.170 365,630 169,860 37,440 209,880 18.900 224.420 18,000 6.020 40,170 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Old N., and Citiz. N., Evansville. Ind. 29,030 Oont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 25,000 23,690 55.000 48,260 566,710 41.220 500.040 116.990 50.140 44,020 Mtle-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 50,000 13,990 385,130 51,150 198.340 192,910 21,070 87,940 Cont. Ill. Bk. 75,000 38,310 504,650 55,330 460,630 76,070 100,260 100,000 60,500 992.320 688.100 261,140 9.500 194,080 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. City, and 1st N.. St. L. 148,200 Chase N.. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr.,Chi.: 1st N., St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. 25,520 1st N-. Ohi.; Cent. N.Bk. &Tr. Co.,Peoria; 1st N., Bloomington. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 70-795 M. M. James_____ H. O. Ewart_____ J. C. Hall H. J. Wernsing.__ Ernest Tripp ___ Greenview 720 *100 par 100 70-1332 d®*tl’15 7 Menard 111 E. E. Mitchell____ ^Greenville ...3233 Bradford National Bank W. A. Joy Milton Kersey ___ g Bond M13 10% 70-501 ©t’67 >1 •• State Bank of Hoiies & Sons C. B. Hoiies______ J. M. Daniels_____ J. M. Daniels_____ F. E. Martin 120.000 .. *125-10% par 100 70-783 61,270 100 12,800 50.000 f J, K. SAWBON---- W. A. STONE---------- J. 8. FELMLEY___ W.0.CUNNINGHAM-. d»t’73 j Collections and Requests for Cred it Reports MUST be accompanied by (FKB IN ADVA NCE: Plain Sight D ra/te, 15c; Crtdit Re parte, 25c. 30,960 305,490 43,760 274,840 58,960 42,820 53,600 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. Natl. Stk. Yds. 25,000 29,040 157.130 22,000 205,870 3.700 23.600 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Ill. State. Quincy: N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 25,000 18,390 286.530 23.220 248,680 9.000 44,752 50.720 Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L. 283,820 19,300 214,610 101,900 39.690 66,230 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 80,000 159,100 10,350 36,430 23,470 1st N., Monticello; Millikin N„ Decatur, R. P. Far rand____ *100-5% par 100 70-1342 25,000 16,790 157,570 Frank Channing.. E. W. Laufer...... A. G. Eichier____ H. J. Reid... 25,000 21,860 341,230 181,830 109,070 26,640 70,560 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Elgin. C. S. Backus______ Alex. Reid 25,000 35.000 245,000 225,000 19,000 10,000 51,000 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi.; Union N., Elgin; 1st N., Joliet. 171,560 65,890 12,200 34,670 1st N. and Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria; 1st N.. Joliet. C. W. Johnson____ F. C. Petersen___ J. F. Fuller______ H. W. Harding.__ S. J. McCahren C. O. Dieken______ 25,000 17,560 241,760 f A. R. SPEER_ _ _ _ W. L. LIMAGE............ J. A. SPEER. G. H. SPEER.............. 50,000 14,940 273,560 45,850 307.750 47,450 20,070 50,000 32,620 441,750 460 274,220 23,920 4,870 15,000 2,000 30,000 . .. 9,260 Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Freeport. Collections and Requests for Cred it Reports MUST be accompanied b y (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight d rafts, 15c; Credit Re porte, 25c. 1 F. A. Whiteside__ E. E. Williams ___ Wm. M. Fisher___ Philip Aderton.__ F. E. Smallwood Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 60,780 1,155,620 50,000 James Helfrich... T. B. Lewis_______ Harmon......... ..209 Harmon State Bank___ t|’20 F. H. Kugler______ A. B. Clatworthy. W. H. Kugler Lee fill Chi.; Springfield Marine Bk„ Springfield. 128,150 Hanover 806 HANOVER STATE BARK „ 70-1009 d®t§ 20 7 Jo Daviess A10 6% 7 36,330 998.800 Hammond........470 State Bank of Hammond *U5-8% 70-1338 d®»«’01 7 Piatt 118 par 100 Hampshire___656 First National Bk.__dB®t’20 *150-8% par 100 70-2002 7 ( Kane B17 State Bank of Hampshire *240-8% 70-1339 d®ti’85 par 265 Hanna City.__563 Hanna City State Bk.d®«t5’07 *150-6% par 100 70-1340 7 Peoria Gil 70-1341 Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 162.550 C. E. Ciendenny... Spencer Waldron.. *150-10% 70-1337 8 Calhoun K7 Hamilton____ 1687 First National Bank.d®»t’89 J. D. Piggott_____ H. C. Dadant___ H. M. Cuerden. R. R. Wallace *190-6% 70-698 7 Hancock H4 Peoples Stale Bank (Closed December 4, 1930. Receiver appo inted January 12,19 31) *170-14% & Tr. 250 Hamburg_____ 288 Bank of Hamburg..........®§ 07 8 Calhoun L7 & Tr. Co.. OhL 144,710 G. J. McCune H. E. Diggle_____ E. F. Blessman___ Griggsville State Bank S. S. Bradshaw.__ D. S. Kennedy____ C. R. Howerton.__ *200 par 100 70-784 d®«tl’28 iHardln_______733 Bank of Calhoun Co... 37,040 1st N., Chi. and Joliet. 31,010 J. R. Heiple______ Grigs grille.__1184 GRIGGSVILLE NAT. BANK Pike J7 71,870 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 25,000 ♦ 70-502 dB®T»t*’69 G. B. Hoiies. Ch. Gridley..............709 State Bank of Gridley W. D. Castle_____ 7 McLean Fl< *230-6% 70-1333 d®i*’01 t 1.720 d®IS*13 .. .. 50.000 70-1829 and E. R. Kugler .. 35,000 Trust Company — Chicago 3,000 221,810 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. Louis. 9,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. where bankers bank 435 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. GUY NAT'L BANK $190-12% par 100 70-385 $240-12% 70-384 par 100 President. G G II1IGGE R 4 SI04H_____ Cashier. Ass t Cashier. T. Y. GREGG_______ ARTHUR WILSON— Surplus Paid-up and Capital Phofits Resources. Loam Bondi XxDbpob- Other MlSCCL- Cash ft Jha and and Liabili m Diaoounts Securities LAJfXOUB VMM IaIU ties 0. M KIRR1KER C U W4SRGN .. V. CAPEL.......... i\ G. A. MURPHY DAVENPORT 0. Principal Correspondents. 75,000 56,110 1,041,030 129,250 388,120 670,210 85,750 157,310 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., 150,000 99,440 1,249,960 11,200 686,930 389,700 205,680 228,290 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Eep. Bk. & Tr. L. IEEB WANDA JONES F S GRAY________ H. H. 0. BUELL- - - - - - - - H. R. HORNING- - - - - WM. BIGGERS Modern, Progressive, (Jp-to-Date Methods and personal serylee. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. St. L. ♦ 70-387 dB®T»tS'05 Please tend 16c with each Sight Draft for presentation and 26c for Credit Reports. Hartsburg___318 Hartsburg State Bank Klaas Behrends... Henry VanGerpen Daniel Van Gerpen J. F. Payne_______ 30,000 40,070 245.950 5,000 $200-6% 70-1343 d®tj'01 par 100 119,990 1,098,150 ................ 50,000 f E. L. AXTELL-------- E. S. SMITH.............. F. 1. PHELPS______ M. P. SULLIVAN .... Harvard_____ 2988 tv* li* nALL 7 McHenry A17 ) Special att ention given Bill of Ladin g Drafts, Ca sh an d Tim e Ite ms. $225-20% 70-509 d®*tS'09 (.Please send ISc with each Sight Draft for present ation and 25c for Credit Reports • 7 nnn T anro 62,010 $ 132,320 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Mtie.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. For Serrlce—Use the “Flret National”—for Safety. 15 CENTS sent to us with each Sight Draft for presentation, and d®*t’89 35 CENTS for each Credit Report Insures prompt, personal attention. J. O aIIAa irn 80,480 $ 956,740 S 103,250 $ 491,560 $ 554,570 $ $ 100,000 $ FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain Sight Drafts, tic; Cragft Reports, 35*. TEY US. FIRST TRUST & SAV. BANK $350-20% par 100 Vice-President. Send us your collections for LOUIS L. CONOVER “Service that Pleases." AMELIA KALE dB®*t’98 FIRST NAT’L BANK T?rtr T fl tnfOC t D Q fnn Liabilities. Town and county. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ^County Seats Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div ‘Harrisburg 11,625 I Saline P17 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in Dack of this ILLINOIS—Continued Logan H1S FIRST STATE BANK 200,000 60,000 15.000 30,650 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Cent. N. Bk. &Tr. Co..Peoria.; Lincoln N,. Lincoln. 843,650 149,480 73,180 201,840 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. par 300 Harvard State Bank Herbert D. Crumb. Blake B. Bell_____ Edward A. Crumb. $200-6% 70-508 dB®*tj’66 H. J. Ferris 130,000 702,980 4,690 593,590 89,190 91,770 113,000 Chase N., N. Y.- Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 214,740 1 388 460 175,290 846,750 614,490 88,600 328,650 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr.Co.. Chi. 49,890 par 100 Harvel________ 322 Harvel Stale Bank_____ (Closed December 3, 8 Montgomery K12 Harvey..........16,374 Bank of Harvey. dB®T«+§’91 G. A. Stevenson__ $310-12% 70-308 7 Cook D21 par 100 First National Bk..dB®T»t'07 W. D. Rogers____ $230-6% par 100 70-309 ‘Havana_____ 3451 C. P. KING- - - - - - - 7 Mason H10 HAVANA NATIONAL BANK 1930. Receiver appo inted December 22,1 930) G. H. Gibson_____ G. N. Burnett____ A. f. Waldschmidt 100,000 F. G. Hudson_____ William Plagge__ 100.000 100,190 1,521,640 80,000 690,770 658,180 138,020 100.000 268,070 1,608,870 55,000 609,200 1,137,420 7,500 Bruce Rardin 0. D. COVINGTON.... P. D.DIEFFENBACHER L. W. ANNO_ _ _ _ _ _ A* U. uULUnAnt 314,860 Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 277,820 1st N..N.Y.: 1st N„ Chi.: Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. -J Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c wi th each Sight Draft for presentation and 26c for Credit Repo ris. Largest and Str ongest Bank In M ason County. 16% 70-473 d®T»t’75 par 100 Havana State Bank________ (Purchased by Maso n County Bank, De cember 17, 1930) Mason County Bank B. L. McFadden 70-472 d®Tt§'65 par 100 Hebron_______ 608 Hebron State Bank__ ®»J§’ C. W. Bailey______ 7 McHenry A18 par 100 70-1346 Hecker________ 177 State Bank of Hecker______ (Closed December 30, 8 Monroe Nil 100.000 61,500 507,130 F. C. Slavin............ J. W. Smith . ___ E. G. Smith_______ F. S. Smith 1930. In hands of receiver January 12, 1931) 50,000 43,490 403,850 W. A. Pax sou_____ 40,000 11,500 238,890 50,000 60,760 764,050 10,000 634,920 65,000 41,800 493,550 55,790 438,440 25,000 13,000 C. E. Coppel______ C. E. Coppel.. __ E. E. Everitt $13S-io% 25,000 306,310 302,130 35,250 356,640 27,730 36,630 49,940 Them. Bk. & Tr. Cn., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Rk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St, Li, 76,330 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 227,370 18.000 18,700 31,030 1st N„ Chi. 172,260 30,790 46,840 104,440 65,460 47,790 Hegewlscb_______ (See Chicago) r Cook D22 312 Putnam County State Bk. J7 Putnam____ E13 70-1347 d®t§’20 ennepln John Dore... Henning_______m Lane Brothers State Bank___ (Closed June 1, 1931 7 Vermilion H21 Henry------------ 1658 7 Marshall E13 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $240-16% par 100 70-692 d®T«t’65 HENRY NATIONAL BANK $180-8% 70-693 $200-10% 70-1349 J. L. JONES_______ A. PHILLIPS — f C. < ) M. J. DUKE................. H. W. ZIEGLER. — V. P. TURNER......... R. W, MILLER_ _ _ _ LAURETTA E. „ MEROIAN WM. C. GREEK ®»t'04 j Modern, Progre sslve, Up-to-Date methods and une quallea (acuities. (.Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Herrick_______ 474 State Bank of Herrick -t§’04 A. L. Chamberlain. J. G. Torrence____ Edward Bender.__ R. T. Clark_______ 7 Shelby K15 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 4.710 125,000 CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY — CHICAGO N.. Chi.: 1st N., Peoria. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 20,000 Mtle.-Com. Bk. capital Peoria. & Tr. Co.. St. L. $20,000,000.00 436 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number elven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. rowif and oocmrr. <Oonntr Seats, fig. under town is fed. Bes. District. •Mem. A.B.A.nNew {State tPrir. IMeai. Stats B. Ajs’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%DlT. PRESIDEHT. Yicr-Pkuisent. Herrin ... 97(18 City National Bank___ ©t’07 Jno. Alexander.— | Williamson P15 ia% 70-330 .. •• A. K. Elies_____ First National Bank ..•+1900 40% 70-328 O ABUSE. Ass’t OAsnm. KssocntcBB. Liabiljtixs. Loua Banda Cabm k lxOthxb Mncur chasqm DwroePlIB-OT Subflob ,Dui And and AMD Liabili m Oanras, Pxotm DiaoonmU Bnanritiaa LdUVBOUB from Banks ties J. P. Benson_____ G. W. Keaster___ $ D. A. Davis 50.000 $ H. A. Whitten berg. J. P. Adams, A. C. Paul A. Dawson 50.000 Herseher_____ 426 Citizens State Bank _d©tl'05 Kilian Fritz______ Edw. H. Berger___ John C. Peterson. Emma Peterson... 7 Kankakee B16 1200-8% par 100 70-1073 25.000 25.000 •• •• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Accea.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILJLIN OIS—Continued State Bk. of Herseher F. W. Kammann .. Roy G. Wilcox____ Frank J. Karcher.. Fred W. Bossert .. $185-8% 70-1072 d®tS’02 60,000 $ 750,000 $ 50,000 $ 450,000 S 450,000 % Principal Cokkisfondknts. 24,450 $ 100,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. ana 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 64,380 416,380 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N„ St. Louis. 163,320 1,835,790 49,710 937,830 680,220 42,370 252,090 60,000 314,810 5,500 27,020 32,120 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: lit Tr. & Sav„ Kankakee. 26,700 172,870 139,580 13,940 5,500 65,550 1st N.. Ohi; 1st Tr. & Sav. and City Tr. & Sav„ Kankakee. 26,470 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 37,370 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Bloomington. 32,570 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr.Co., Chi, Peo.. Bloomington. 15.000 5,290 65,080 1,210 44,850 2,000 13,260 ____ 30.000 21,220 114,250 620 69,880 51,250 7,580 Albion C. Lake .... J. K. Moore 30.000 25,710 147,200 133,620 26,800 9,920 E. B. AddoI_______ O. E. Schmetter VV. F. Mewes, Tr. Off. LEO AMMAN- - - - - - - EARLE. MALAR- . 85.000 42,190 937,760 19,430 538,940 368.680 42,810 133,960 1st N„ Chi. and St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., 111.; D. S., St. L. 100.000 106,200 1,272.990 123,300 340,640 1,088,980 12,440 160.430 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. A. L. Tschannen .. RuthE. Bardill... O. M. Streiff. A. C. L. F. Boulanger 75.000 114,820 1,235.480 50,000 Highland Park Highland Park State Bank M. C. Hart________ J. M. Appel_______ C. F. Grant_______ 7 Lake B2112,203 $200-6% 70-439 dB®T»25'99 S. M. Hastings. Ch. V. O. Appel R. L. Erskine. Sec. 500,000 213,860 3,245.110 117,700 100.000 103,490 837,690 73.610 50,000 50.000 414.000 105,090 1,236,570 Hettlck.............. 220 Hettick State Bank ___ tS'20 | Macoupin Kll Heyworth____ 959 7 McLean H16 $100-4% par 100 70-989 Heyworth State Bank ..t§’91 $125-6% par 100 70-988 Hidalgo______ 153 I Jasper K19 Highland____3319 Fanners ft Merchants Bank | Madison M12 $140-7% par 100 70-544 dB®T«tl'08 .. .. *• •• ___ ** ..4435 t Montgomery Lll Esther Lake O. M. Claflin, Ch. F. L. Wakefield___ (Closed August 18, 1 930) J. J. Spindler, Julius Reinhart ... /'JOHN B. MEHZ........ A. Ch. of Bd. & Pres. H. SCHOTT_ _ _ _ FLORENCE HOEFLE 70-M2 State & Trust Bk. dB®T*J§’03 C. J. Hug_________ R. K. Tihhetc l225-n% 70-543 J. Q. Bardill, Ch. A. Zeller, Tr. Off. par 100 par 100 North Shore Trust Co. 8% 70-1686 d®T«tJ’ll par 100 F. G. Gardner____ W, M. Dooley____ E. J. Grundy, Sec. W. M. Dooley Lyle Gonrley____ Harry O lander____ J. E. Engquist____ E. C. Benson.. HILLSBORO GEO. FISNEI NATIONAL BANK MONTGOMERY J. K McDAVIO COUNTY LOAN & 1. ------ par 100 70-480 ®t’82 788,730 420.800 64,110 201,670 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Boatmens N. and Gty. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., E. St. L. 2,008,840 1,430,840 192,880 444,090 N. City. N. Y.; Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Ohi. 419,120 412,230 223,080 90,360 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi. 10,000 246,000 169.000 15,000 125,200 853,386 798,010 42,580 172,870 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Mtle-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 200,000 60,000 470,000 247,000 97,500 110.500 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 397,270 155,340 10,490 5,470 32,230 61,990 10,210 268,850 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N.. Ohi.; Peo. Sav. Bk. A Tr. Co., Moline; City N.. Clinton. Ia. 23,740 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Cicero. 12,980 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi. 30,340 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Stock Yards N„ and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. Please send, 25c for Credit Reports AMOS MILLER______ J. J. L. DRYER F. L. McuAVIU. Exec. A. SULLIVAN_ _ _ 80.000 45,000 750,000 50.000 32,610 749,340 Anton Vendley.— Joseph J. Marik... Otto Kaspar. Ch. Roy Schmidt, O. W. Bimsnider.. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. L. J. Stewart_ Jas. H. Clark.......... E. T. White............. G. S. Potter. C. W. Heinemeier d®»+§'#4 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 25.000 22,110 75,590 25,000 8,500 150,230 30,200 177,680 1,050 22,230 50.000 29,720 269,010 33,500 307,820 7,140 36,940 Rlndsboro 424 First National Bk..dB®*J'99 Willard VanAuken G. M. Hudson____ W. C. Watson------- George Spicer____ par 100 70-1354 Phoebe Reeds 7 Douglas J20 36,000 5,760 142,500 35,000 93,080 71,880 13,210 e» •• TRUST COMPANY par 50 .. 94.000 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co.. Chi. H.A. CRESS, Sr.— AITH0IY SCHINDLER THE BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE —our mono. Prompt attention given to Collections and all banking nutters entrusted to us. $250-8% Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.; 1st N., St. L. Safety and Buie e.” d®T*t 03 ) IS CENTS sent to us with each s tght draft for pee sen fatten, and K.U CENTS f#r e ach credit report Insure* prompt. personal atSentte n. High wood ... .3590 7 Lake B 21 *HUlsboro H. A. Lott................ J. T. Buck FIRST RATIONAL BARK . par 100 M O. M. McCollom... O.M. Patterson.__ R. O. Stout - Oldest Bank In the County. Member Federal Reserve. Offers a Complete Banking and Trust Service. Please tend 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Ratings. ♦ 70-479 d®Ttl'69 Peoples National Bank____ (Merged with Montg omery County Loan & Trust Co., June 1.1931) HUlsdale 252 Old Fanners t Merck. State 7 Rock Island DIO Bank .... 70-1352 d®tl'M $125-7% par 100 Hillside 10(14 Hillside" State BankdB®t§’27 $200 par 100 70-2122 7 Cook C21 Hinckley. ...626 First National Bank. d®*t’18 $200-8% par 100 70-1001 7 De Kalb C17 Hinckley State Bank $200 par 100 70-1002 Bdwin L. Hanson— C. H. Nundle_____ Stella Morgan Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company — Chicago 40,100 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi,; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.; Millikin N„ Decatur. A BILLION DOLLARS 437 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given each bank in u- s exclusively by The Band-McNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. l»WIAJn>O0UNTT •Mem. A.B. A. nNew § State tPrir. *Oounty Seats. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Bps- District, d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div Liabilities. PUSIDUT. Viou-PKmsmrr. (Umint. Hinsdale____ 6923 First National Bank—»$’10 Wm. Hardy_____ 7 Du Page C20 70-584 Hinsdale State Bank Philip R. Clarke, «50-6% o 70-583 dB®Ttl’02 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 Hoffman........... 157 Farmers StateBk___®<i’21 Vincent Meyer__ I Clinton M14 par 100 70-1355 Holcomb_____172 Holcomb State Bank F. E. Sheaff_____ 7 Ogle B15 *125-8% 70-1356 dB0t§’92 par 100 Holder_______ 129 State Bk. of Holder..dtS’05 H. M. Murray___ 7 McLean QIC «% 70-1357 par 100 Homer............. 918 First National Bank —©»t’20 C. H. Wallace___ 7 Champaign 120 8% 70-2025 Raynor-Babb State Bank C. D. Babb_______ 8% par 100 70-839 d®»t§1900 Homewood.. 3227 Cook County Tr. & Sav. Bk. Henry F. Thies___ 7 Cook D22 *120-6% par 100 70-2083dB©t§’24 Henry Gottschalk Homewood State Bk. *180-10% 70-1358 dB®»tl’08 par 100 opei Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In* dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS— Continued Ass t O as bisk. F. C. Bebb_______ M. O. Heidemann.. $ 100,000 $ W. C. Castle_____ Walter L. Johnson B. W. Irvine_____ C. E. Raymond L. P. Conover, R. E. Klein 100,000 30,470 $ 846,140 $ 48,920 $ 868,050 J 37.920 1,117,680 51,400 Gert Sprehe_____ H. N. Husmann___ 15.000 2,000 68,210 7,000 67.630 7,200 1,620 21,630 360,770 10,870 282.800 130,840 11,500 Steve Evans_____ F. W. Boston_____ Hazel P. Boston... 18,000 17,000 48,000 G. R. Catlett_____ Kemp R. Catlett... Wm. A. Elliott___ 40,000 11,230 182,140 F. A. Raynor____ C. D. Babb_______ Effle M. Hays____ 50,000 8,040 121,210 100,030 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 56,000 151,620 ?. 25,500 1st N„ Ohi. and Bloomington. 500 13,940 5,780 11,030 141,750 _____________ 15,760 Franklin-American Tr. Co., St. L. 68,130 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 3d N., Rockford. 62 030 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 2d N.. Dan ville. 36,450 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Millikin N.. Decatur; Champaign N,. Champaign. 55,580 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co„ Chi. Wm. L. Doepp___ G. F. Thies______ H. A. Feddersen... 50,000 13,060 159,210 14,440 86,360 29,420 65,350 D. A. Nietfeldt.__ N. W. Edwards.__ A. H. Schooling.__ Fred H. Gold 100,000 62,090 504,150 10,020 351,570 82,800 107,410 134,490 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Chi. City Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 65,000 52,670 158,630 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., OhL: March. N., Indpls. 205,000 Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; McLean Co., Bloomington. 32,870 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Obi.; Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr.Co., Peoria; Peo., Blooming ton. 33,890 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co.. St. L. 100,000 79,490 632,350 100,000 50,000 715,000 Hopedale......... 498 Hopedale National Bank W.H.B. McCormick I. W. Hamilton___ O. W. Batter____ Wilmer Hieser___ 7 Tazewell G1S 8% par 100 70-1359 d»f09 50,000 12,730 173,370 Hoyleton____ 380 (Washington N14 Hubbard Woods Hudson______ 330 7 McLean G15 Hull................... 554 I Pike J5 Humboldt____319 7 Coles J19 Hume................585 7 Edgar 121^ D. Rixmann_____ H. H. Weigel____ Corriene Beckmeyer 25,000 17,700 Hudson State Bank ___dtl’07 J. F. Shepard, Wm. Humphries... R. A. Ensign____ 1125 par 100 70-1361 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. State Bank of Hull____ 3106 W. H. Lease_____ L. W. Meyer____ J. F. lacy___ ___ L. Melton.. 70-1362 First National Bank..d©t’04 J. W. Poorman.... E. M. Mnlliken___ C. C. Franklin____ *12-5-8% par 100 70-1363 First National Bank___*t’17 O. M. Smith_____ Max Oohen______ W. W. Lucas____ Frances V. Wright par 109 70-1933 Hughes State Bk...dB®tl'90 F. K. Page_______ O. O. Williams___ J. V. Rogers_____ 25,000 par 100 iaoo-10% par 100 70-1364 Huntley............670 State Bk. of Huntley 7 McHenry B18 8180-10% 70-1365 dB®*tl’13 par 100 Hfitsonvllle ...604 Farmers A Merchants Bank I Crawford L21 par 100 70-1701 ®|'20 Newlin State Bank------- »f'92 70-1367 Illlopolll_____ 715 Farmers State Bk..d®<l'90 7 Sangamon 114 *160-7% 70-928 Wm. P. Hoy_____ Paul Kreutzer___ W. P. Bartelt___ O. H. Marsh. Elsie Hener In*..................... 458 I Jefferson 016 Indlanola____ 408 7 Vermilion 121 Industry...........568 7 McDonough H7 Ingraham....... 202 I Olav M18 Iola....................243 I Olay M17 Ipava------------- 635 7 Fulton H9 Ina State Bank.............. ©§’04 70-1369 First 8tate Bank & Tr Co. 70-1370 ®T*I|1900 StateBk.of’01 $300-24% par 100 70-1371 Ingraham State Bank..dtr21 7% par 100 70-1372 Iola State Bank_____ dt§06 S. A. Thompson ... J. M. Kelley. I. T. Fry, V. P. S. E. Brown J. A. McMillan__ F. N. Odbert Frank Coffman___ j. W. Bailey_____ T. D. Sullivan . A. E. Bailey M. D. White_____ Wm. Deimel__ 7% par 100 Geo. W. Brewer, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Ch, of Bd.and Pres, 99,340 100,000 F. D. Yarbrough__ T. F. Clements C. H. Burton_____ G. H. Finch C. E. Rains, 390,240 20.000 % 127,270 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.. Co.. Chi. Herbert Perry___ H. N. Johnston___ Nora Driscoll....... ______ FIRST NAT. BANK.-d0.r82 Wm. McFerren.... D. J. McFerren... Roy Bonghton___ 70-424 Hoopeston National Bank I. E. Merritt____ J. H. Dyer______ L. W. Singleton__ *178-10% 70-425 d©»t'09 (See Winnetka) 717,390 10,220 $ Principal Ookkksponsknts. Oash * IxQHAjrffBBfDV> rmu Bahxi Tr. Off. 7 Vermilion G22 *178 par 100 Hoyleton State & Savings Bk. W. E. Breuer__ *150-6% par loo 70-1360 d®tl’06 Resources. Loans Bonds Paid-up Surplus Dspob- Other Miscel and and and Liabili Capital m Discounts SffHuritiss laneous Profits ties 459,170 206,370 580,000 80,000 25,000 172,140 32,980 23,100 234,620 14,500 185,340 65,050 7,540 19,980 93,340 10,030 109,730 1,050 20,050 25,000 28.000 152,000 112,000 31 000 25,000 11,570 117,370 6,250 72,810 39,000 4,000 17,530 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; McLean Co., Bloomington. 60,000 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 44,380 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Mattoon. Mattoon. 102,230 56.600 50,910 68,830 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 22,660 1st N., Chi.: Merch. N., Indpls.; Gitix. N., Decatur; 1st N., Paris. 40,280 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk.&Tr. Co. and Cent. Tr. Co., Chi. 30,000 12,700 201.450 32,910 30,000 24,330 102,560 — 75,390 23,200 35,640 50,000 45,940 325,190 7,490 292,610 70,360 25,360 A. C. Musgrave.__ O. E. Leggitt____ 20,000 2,070 76,800 10,000 83,840 10,860 14,170 Citiz. N.. Evanston. Ind. 25,000 26,770 222,780 240 224,040 15,320 35,420 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 40,000 38,020 195,540 210,180 14,060 7 090 15,000 2,870 50,840 9,000 46,300 12,550 7,120 H. E. Watkins___ Wade Taylor____ 25,000 7,940 117,000 500 109,770 9,900 D. D. Bruner____ Ivan Swearingen. 25.000 51,410 170,440 188,140 11,050 Cecil Hastings___ Wm. Weber____ 10.600 9,110 143,680 58,710 90,190 2,120 J, W. Vickrey____ Ethel Owens____ 15,000 7,970 40,010 47,500 650 4,340 H. M. Stronse____ Katharine Wood . Golda Bird Iroquois_____ 231 Iroquois Farmers State Bank H. M. Watkins.— Jas. Appleget....... J. D .McCarty___ D. C. Strand____ 7 Iroquois 722 $ll0-5%pari00 70-1375 d®tl’19 rlng________ 553 Irving National Bank___________ (Purchased by Hills boro National Bank, Hillsboro, III. Marc h 2, 1931) Montgomery L13 25.000 42,930 165,320 148,210 44,180 25.000 3,630 67,940 77,050 1,250 par 100 r 70-1373 Allen Newlin____ Carl A. Newlin.__ Leo L. Newlin___ E. J. Me Dermott.. Isaac A. Loose____ W. J. Stapleton... Robert Knox. C. A. Cantrall, Ch, W. M. Close, Sec. Nelle Cruse__ Ipava State Bank__ d»t§'02 H. O. Robinson___ A. F. Weber ... $250-12% par 100 70-1374 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and 12,870 5,000 6,280 12,190 Trust Company — Chicago 42,230 Cont. Ill, Bk. &Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st N.,Springfield: Millikin N.. Decatur. 11,730 Franklin-Am. Tr. Co.. St. L.: 3d N., Mt. Vernon. 1st N. and Drov. N., Ohi.: 2d N„ Danville; 1st N., Joliet. 41,380 Union N.. Macomb. 24,640 N. Stock Yds.N., N. Stock Yds.; 1st N.. Joliet. 10,490 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; N. Stock Yds. N., N- Stock Yds. 41,450 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. Ohi.: Oom’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. 8,080 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N.. Indpls. INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 438 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. Irvington_____ 344 I Washington N14 Itasca_________594 7 Du Page B20 Iuka.................... 371 t Marion M16 Ivesdale_______386 7 Champaign 118 ‘Jacksonville I Morgan J1017,747 •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Itasca State Bank.__ d®t§'17 70-1904 par 100 luka State Bank------dt5’05 $130-10% par 100 70-1378 First National Bk...d®#t’02 $250-20% par 100 70-137 9 ♦Ayers National Bank 70-164 dB®»t’52 $70-4% par 20 Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. 25.000 15,190 $ 166,220 I 9,000 S 103,850 S 120,920 27,440 253.200 25.000 6,500 245,000 25.000 34,000 324,000 25,000 500,000 817,880 6,588,300 733,340 200,000 154,900 1,836,430 4,750 H. F. Lawrence__ E. H. Deike—.......... H. H. Franzen____ R. A. Franzen........ 25,000 D. W. Holstlaw ... Ernest Robinson.. H. D. Holstlaw----- Lois T. Holstlaw.. R. E. Milligan........ D. J. Holtermann. Ralph Rose----------- J. L. Meyers_____ E. M. Dunlap......... W.G. Goebel_____ J. H. Russel______ H. K. Chenoweth R. I. Dunlap, A. C. M. M. Finney J. J. Kelly. A, C. W. J. Hauck H. C. Clement M.F. Dunlap------Andrew Russel, V. P. E. E. Crabtree, V.P. Frank Elliott_____ C. A. Johnson____ F. R. Rantz_______ J. A. Palmer.. L. F. Jordan J. W. Elliott C. A. Hemphill ♦Farmers State Bk. & Tr. Co. A. O. Rice_______ Albert Crum_____ F. J.Heinl________ 0. F. Leach........ M. C. Reynolds C. S. Black 4% 70-169 ©Til’ll Jacksonville Clearing House Frank Elliott_____ (Members indicated by a*) J. E. Trisler Jamaica_____ 217 Jamaica State Bank_.®t§T6 W. I. Baird, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $100-6% par 100 70-1380 7 Vermilion 121 Jewett________230 7 Cumberland K19 Johnsonvllle ...96 8 Wayne M18 JohnstonClty.5955 8 William'n P16 Bonds Miscel Loam Surplus Depos Other Paid-up and and Liabili AND its Discount! Securities laneous Capital Profits ties 4,620 % 78,110 S 97.580 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 29,850 k Cau Br ghaj$m!,Dt71 non Basii 28,830 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 57.290 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. $275-6% ♦Elliott State Bank 8% par 100 70-166 dB®T*t§’66 Janesville_____321 7 Cumberland K19 ‘Jerseyvllle... 4309 8 Jersey 18 Resources. Liabilities. President. Farmers State Bark dB©t5’12 G. W. Klostermann R. S. Stonecipher.. A. F. Niemeier .... L. E. Mitchell____ $170-7% par 100 70-1738 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Jewett State Bank.......... §’20 J, B. Cartmill.......... John Platz_______ G. N. Vanderhoof. $100-8% 70-2005 H. Land--------------- F. F. Schultz.......... D. L. Richardson.. Johnsonville State Bank 4% 70-1829 ®t§'19 Johnston City State Bank----- (Closed November 29!, 1930) FIRST NATIONAL BANK 24.500 165,000 43,000 25,000 3,757,410 3,899,780 4,550 800,660 736,450 160,150 105,000 1st N., Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet: N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 175,000 1st N.. Chi. and Monticello; Millikin N„ Decatur. 977,790 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 498,820 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co, and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 120,450 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 100,000 28,070 557,370 362,270 158,750 43,970 25,000 5,280 38,090 37,790 18,600 3,400 8,570 1st N., Chi.; Com'l Tr. A Sav., Danville. 196,940 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 320,630 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; 1st N„ Joliet. 10,000 Far.State,Tol.;N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 7,890 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. Andrew Russel.Sec. Geo. N. Davison... Citizens State Bank___ »S’05 C. H. Harwood........ T. M. Stanberry... G. D. Ozee_______ Agnes Best----$150-4% par 100 70-1381 Jersey State Bank...©«t5'03 T. S. Chapman ___ G. W. Campbell... J. Irving White__ R. M. Warner— Minnie Barron C. G. Reddish par 100 70-446 R. G. Bradshaw P. J. Fleming____ W. J. Chapman___ Wm. F. Hanley, State Bank of Jerseyville V. P. and Cash, F. C. Herold R. L. Smith $350 70-445 ®»t5’90 ‘Joliet_____ 42,993 7 Will D19 147,000 F. W. WOODRUFF-— S. J. SCHEIDT_ _ _ _ _ J. LOUIS FIFER. N. W. MALLOY- - - - - GEORGE WOODRUFF. JAMES V. CLYNE V. P. and Cash, W. F. MEYER Ch ofBd. F. j. SCHMEISSER. HARRY W. OSMAN. J. R. CONDON JOHN T. CLYNE. L. H. SANDIFORD, nim Tr. Off. J. W. McDOUGALL V.Ch.ofBd. A. V. P. PAUL G. THURM> H. F. NAUMANN ROBERT A.CAMERON. H. B. GREEN, A.V.P. A Tr. Off. F. B. HOWARD, And. Exec. v. P. C. R. REARDON,y p 8,000 N. Bk. of Mattoon. Mattoon. 15.000 8,000 40,000 50,000 50.000 51,410 859,580 673,980 61,550 28,510 50.000 60,710 1,066,580 459,740 377,140 27,900 15,000 1,750 45,000 15,000 630 41,900 8,110 66.690 4.100 6,160 47,570 230,080 5.583,770 1st N.. N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 1,040,000 978,230 18064110 4,660,840 9,607,630 WM. REOMOND........ P. F. McMANUS........ C. G. PEARCE........ JOSEPH DUNDA ... JOLIET • M. J. MURPHY M.J.MUTIPHY, K-« WM. J. K NATIONAL BANK “THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE 700.010 767.220 5,813,570 583,680 4,623,600 2,003,120 333,410 904,330 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. L. Henry Gates.. 5. T. Geist______ T. F. Donoyan____ August Beltzner. Joliet Trust & Sav. Bank J. M. Barr, Tr. Off. A. R. Blackburn L. M. Rubens ♦ 70-63 dB®T»t§’09 J. R. Thurlow $300-12% par 100 100,000 260,900 2,191,150 (Inch Reserves) 1,338,020 70,500 434,150 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co..CJhL Bonds an d Mortga ges,____ 1st N. Bk. of Joliet and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 10 70-59 dB®T<’57 % and extras par 20 “THE BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT” Tr. Officer 10% par 20 lhi 70-61 dB®T«t'91 709,380 Will County National Bank_ (Closed July 13, 193 1) R. B. Vance, F. W. Woodruff— Louis R. Peyla, Sec, and Tr. Exec, V, P. George Woodruff, Ch. F .M. Chamberlin {Affiliated, with the First Nat. Bank of Joliet) A. J. Stoos Adolph Radnitzer Chicago Office 10 So. La Salle St. I. O. Karraker .... Thos. Rlxleben.— B. L. Karraker . ‘Jonesboro ...1241 First National Bank par 100 70-1383 d®T*t’93 8 Union J15 Joppa________462 Joppa Stale Bank_________ (Closed January 3, 1931. Receiver appo inted January 26, 19 31) 8 Massac R16 W«F.FYSE0U“mES Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and 350,000 Investm ent Bank 50,000 15,500 400,000 20,000i 213,000 165,000 21,000 Trust Company — Chicago 76,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., St. L. Where Bankers Bank AQQ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SSftatetPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Fig. under town is Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-8afeDep.®Sar.$LastSale%Div. Vice-Presi dent. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. ILLINOIS—Continued Ass't Cashier. CASHIER. Liabilities. Surplus Loans Bondi ther Cakm k ExPaid-up Depos LOiabili Miscel CmAJMM.Du* and and AND Capital Profits laneous non Barks its ties 1 Diaoounta Sieuritiis 1 Joy__________ 624 O. A. Bridgford & Co.’s M. E. Bridgford___ A. G. Bridgford _. Fanner’s Bank______ t§’94 7 Mercer E7 70-1054 J. E. Shingledecker V. A. Love____ Joy State Bank__ ©ti’20 *ioo-e% 70-1055 $ 25.000 $ 3,570 $ 30,000 15,480 0. J. Goetzman.__ 15,000 5.090 W. F. Suhling___ H. W. Waldheuser 25.000 4,900 32,240 254,530 $ 34,160 $ 1,370 $ 21,850 164,930 85,480 80,120 50,630 8,890 5,880 356,550 254,660 100 20,280 1,072,230 493,590 30,700 — % 3,420 Stock Yds. N., Dror. N„ and Oout. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Merch. N„ Bur lington. 45,600 Drov. N., Chi. par 100 Junction____ 292 8 Gallatin P19 Kampsvllle.__.388 8 Calhoun K7 Kane..................511 8 Greene L7 ‘Kankakee. .20,620 7 Kankakee E21 First State Bank______ }’20 K. Eberwine . 1100-10% 70-1385 Bank of Kampsville---- ti'20 C. J. Sutter... io% 70-1386 Kane State & Savings Bank.. (Closed August 15, 1930) CITY NAT. BANK 1% par 100 70-189 8% par - L. BABST............... F. M. LOCKWOOD.— W. E. STEWIG-— H. H. TROUP E. E. KRAMER The "CITY BANKS” of Kankakee Invite your business. Oldest and Largest Financial Institution In the County. COMBINED RESOURCES OVER $5,995,000 H. M. STONE- - - - - - - - F. H.LaROCOUE------ C. A. MUELLER- - - - - - - H. 0. McCRACKEN W. F. ERZINGER VIDA G. KIRK 200 000 161,010 1,339,250 S 204,030 25,880 N. Bk. of Shawneetown, Shawneetown; Citiz. N„ Evansville, Iud. 111,400 1st N„ St, L.; Greene Oo. State. Carroll ton. 307,770 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls., Ind. ONLY MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM IN KANKAKEE A Modern Commercial Bank and Trust Company, with every Department 200,000 158,160 3,725,710 200.000 260.440 3.757,310 938,950 307,970 617,630 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Northern 2,493,120 1,056,720 251,360 524,620 N. City, N. Y.; Drov. N., Stock Yds. N., 7,120 2.226.440 Tr. Co., and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. 70-192 d®T«t5'93 100 FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 18% H. M. STONE »t’90 CITY TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Kansai_______ 900 7 Edgar J2I Keenes_______ 224 8 Wayne N17 Keltbaburg...l081 7 Mercer E6 Kell__________187 8 Marlon Nl« Kempton_____289 7 Ford F19 Kenney______ 485 7 DeWitt 114 E. Jennlngi... LEN SMALL........ — E. A. LECOUR......... L. E. BECKMAN. L. H. OROLET— A. C. RADEKE V. P. and Cash. f. R. ZEISLER E. A. JEFFERS R. 0. TAYLOR W. H. SIEFERT L. B. BRATTON 108,070 and Cont. Hi. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. THE BANK OF STRENGTH AND SERVICE/’ Send us your Kankakee collections. por ioo 70-188 dB®T»t5'16 Prompt, personal attention to all business. Kansas National Bank.__ (Closed December 15 . 1930) Farmers State Bank______ (Closed November Citizens State Bank_______ (Closed December 17 , 1930. 20. 1930) Receiver ap pointed January 13, 1931) Kell State Bank____ ®C|T3 D. E. Peace_____ R. A. Jeffries____ R. E. McNeilly__ W. H. Ward_____ 70-1799 State Bank of Kemnton.15’14 A. S. Hatch______ J.T. OorkUl_____ G. M. Ruckrigel... H. J. Kain_______ *150-10% par 100 70-1390 Farmers State Bank d®«t§’90 A. N. Rowe--------- D. M. Black______ Johnson Aughen- Hazel Mills........... *i80-io% 70-1032 baugh 15,000 3,360 100,990 30,000 7,210 250,950 30,000 20,000 195,000 13,940 7,790 62,740 20,000 7,100 29,510 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. OKI.; 1st N.. St.L. 146,500 102,380 4,780 150,000 17,000 12,000 42,280 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Chi,; 1st N., Joliet; City N., Kankakee. 66,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.: N.Bk. of De catur, Decatur; De Witt Co. N.. Clinton. par 100 Kent_________ 104 State Bank of Kent...dt§’23 W. E. Schlafer....... G.L. Ditzler_____ B. S. Keister__ 7 8tephenson All 6% par 100 70-2004 Kewanee.... 17,093 FIRST RATIONAL BANK *295-12% 70-244 dB®T«t’71 7 Henry E10 E. S. WHITING — L. D. QUIRK- - - - - - - - - H. C. DANA_ _ _ _ E.F. ANSON ,A. Cash. A. C. BENNISON Isobelle Wheeless E Oldest and Larg est Bank. Unsur passed Collection BUI of Lading Drafts receive spe clal attention. Pleats lend 25c fo r Credit Ratings. O. L. Karsten____ G. H. Whitney.... Kewanee State Sav. Bk. A R. E. Taylor____ S. L. Arter____ Robert L. Taylor Tr. Co—.70-246 dB®Tt§’12 165,300 5,000 98,760 68,130 10,800 125,000 130,680 1,638,120 89,000 972,480 600,800 189,400 36,540 Northern Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; State Bank of Freeport, Freeport. 220,120 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 100,000 139,840 669,370 89,820 779,900 37,870 73,170 108,090 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 100,000 62,170 578,700 6,000 521,940 116,540 150.000 37,990 1,173,940 7,570 686,850 267,560 97,350 317,740 1st N„ N. Y.: 1st N., Drovers N., and Stk. Yds. N., Chi. 152,760 16,540 134,640 30,620 8,590 18,590 Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L.: State Bk. of Hoiles & Sons. Greenville; Merch. State. Centralia. 30,000 par 100 *225-12% par 100 Peoples State Savings Bank C. D. Terry............ S. M. COX .... 70-248 ®§’28 J. H.Andrews,V.P. J. N. Gamble C. S. Eastman___ F. M. Rogers .... rA. J. MATHER-__ R. P. PALMER- - - - - - - R. P. PALMER. Cash, and Tr. BURT CRAIG , < Send your KEW BANK. 8% ♦ 70-245 dB®T»t*’80 j (. attenti Keyes port....... 434 State Bank of Keyesport W. E. Miller____ 8 Clinton M14 *150-9% 70-1391 ®tl’13 par Off. ANEE banking an d trust matters Member Federal Reserve System, on and satisfacto ry service. TR Robert Burnside.. G. W. Gum_____ L. L. PRIESTMAN. H. R. FISCHER, A. Cas to the UNION Prompt Y US. Lorens Durham... h. and A. Tr. Off. 25,000 8,140 108,380 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 100 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Continental Illinois Company ^Chicago CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 AACi Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each ban^ in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers* TOWll AND COOJfTT. ‘County Seats. Tie. under town is red. Res. District. Kincaid 1583 7 Christian J13 Klnderhook... 318 I Pike J6 Kings________ 152 7 Ogle B15 KInmundy___813 t Marlon Mil H II Kinsman_____ 150 7 Grundy Elf Kirkland_____ 52fi 7 DeKalb BIS eMem. A.B. A. nNew JStste fPriv. JMim. Stats B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Di» Kincaid Trust & Savings Bank $150 par 100 70-1860 ®t|T5 KtnuerhookState Bank $150-7% par 150 70-1953 ®ti’18 Farmers Hank______ t|'87 $200 par 100 70-1394 First National Bank.d®*f 02 $150-8% par 100 70-8 68 State Bank of Kinmundy___ State Bank of Kinsman tl'07 «% 70-1396 State Bank of Kirkland $230-11% 70-1397 d®ti’13 par 100 Kirkwood_____ 693 First National Bank. . t’75 7 Warren F7 $300-12% par 100 70-896 Knoxville........ 1867 Farmers Nat. Bank d®T»t'85 $275-12% 70-675 7 Knox F10 par 100 ‘Lacon_______1548 FIRST NATIONAL BANK . 7 Marshall E14 12% par 100 70-1398 »t'65 •• _______ •* Lacon State Bank____ *tt’12 $100-12% par 100 70-1717 __ *• „ THOMPSON nuu-DAiiM low us who nearest uanking point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ILLIN OIS—Continued .. Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Resources. Liabilitics. Principal correspondents. Loan Boadi Mncilr Qjjm A 1kOtheb PAID-Ur SUBPLUE D bpos mud and AND Liabili Luraous CUITiL PaonTs m Diaeounti iMuritici miLm ties W. R. Richardson. Ira Aull..................... Ira Aull . C. J. Montgomery. $ 37,500 S 18,750 $ 200,OOC % 10,000 $ 100,ooc S 80,OOC % 40,00C $ 40,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Taylorville N.. Darrell Achenback Taylorville: N. Stk. Yds. N., N. stir Yds R. T. Piper F. A. Longnecker.. E. M. Oetting____ Fern L. Oetting... 9,480 17.000 9,890 28.660 Mtle. Tr. & Sav.. Quincy; N. Stk. Yds. N„ 102,570 138,380 23;74C N. Stk. Yds. Francis R. King... L. J. Dneden J. W. Hoffmaster. 30,000 26,120 3,420 156,180 11,820 31,800 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Rockford N.# 201,730 61,460 PassiDsorr. Vici President. OASHIRR. ASS'T OASHIRR. 0. F. Pruett........... R. O. Robb.............. 0. R. Alderaon. W. W. Lowe (Taken over by First National Bank, Ma rch 7. 1931) P. R. Cosgrove ___ D. A. Ryan.............. F. J. Coveny.__ G. W. Ault, Ohai. Turner.. Ch. of Bd.and Pres. A. R. Tubbs. R. E. Gamble W. W. McBride, H. A. Craig___ ... Ch. of Bd.and Pres. A. W. Bradford ... F. E. Wilson R. M. Barnes_____ i JNQ. C. H. Greenwood.. A. M. Klick............ H. G. Etnire, R. H. Cronoble, Cash, and Tr. Off. A. C. and A.T. Off. L. R. Philblad T. M. Hancock___ A. L. Frye G. W. Smith— . 50,000 27,090 25.000 14,000 114,000 124.000 50,000 76,350 624,360 403,200 50,000 141,930 624,670 50,000 586,280 183,180 26,970 70,170 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. Bk. and 60,000 120,850 1,057,430 60,070 610,520 384,020 45,680 258,140 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st Galesburg N. Bk.&Tr.Co.,Galesburg; 1st N., Joliet; Com’lMerch. N. Bk.&Tr.Co., Peoria. 55,470 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. CkL; 1st N.. Peo ria. 28.380 N. City, N. T.; 1st N.. Chi. and Peoria. 340,870 43,620 204,270 109,120 74,590 73,600 18,650 73,600 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L. 29,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 50,000 66,400 528,020 79,370 345,700 297,810 24,800 25,000 26,900 149,260 5,780 130,340 34,840 13,380 255,260 1st N„ Chi,; 3rd N„ Rockford. 1, THOMPSON ESTATE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F. E. WILSON. Mgr.. Lmmun, III. Membe is Mort gage Bk rs. Assn . of Am erica a nd wa Corn Belt Fir st Farm Mortgag es for sale 'at all times and In any amount. Correspondence Solicited. Iowa Farm M ortgage Assn. 36,530 481,040 25,000 18,390 jTHOS. CAHILL-— WM. LIPKE- - - - - - - - - JOHN CAHILL......... ROY M. CONWAY— 288,990 215,220 11,740 45,010 Coni. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.,Ohi. Ladd................. 1318 FARMERS & MINERS BANK FRANCES RIVA $200-12% 70-1399 ®*«'89 115 CENTS sent to us with each s Ight draft rer pre sen tat Ion, and 7 Bureau Dll par 100 (25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo m. La Fayette ___ 253 La Fayette State Bank 11,140 133,040 Baxter Fuller H. O. Traig John W. Fields.... H. A. Kaser . 25,000 2,500 143,780 2,100 7,950 17,850 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co., Chi.; 1st N., Peoria. 7 Stark E10 $130-5% 70-1400 d®tS’15 par 100 La Granae_.10.103 51,550 1,055.890 100,000 19,990 560.630 462,310 rw. J. TEWKSBURY- C. L. RICE________ FRED F. LOVELL— J. 0. BOOTH.........— 28.650 175.840 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 7 Cook C20 JUnfl u* IULLY R. 0. BIRU FRED F. LOVELL (send us your La Grange Items direct for promp t personal attent Ion. FARM LOANS FIRST NATIONAL BANK $140-4% par 100 70-892 dB®t’25 •» »* KILGOUR. LA GRANGE STATE A.H. N.B. SANQUIST TR. & SAV. BK. .......... Ch. of Bd. P. 1. EVANS F F RARRFTT C.'L.'IVERSON A. H. KEMMAN 1 T JENKINS SIGWALD JOHNSEN. ti#B. B. McKAY. Tr.Off. $325-12% 70-390 dB®T*tl'28 par 100 (Bank/ affiliated with Chicago Clearing House Ate 'n +) La Marpe.........1175 First National Bank..®*l’06 J. M. Lyon_______ C. W. Warner____ $150-10% 70-761 7 Hancock G< C.H. Ingraham, Ch. Rolla Link, A. C. R. K. Adair _ J. E. Thompson,Jr. La Hogue........... 92 La Hogue State Bank ..t§’20 J. B. Haubach____ F. Hanbach______ Chai. H. Pool_____ $i»o 70-1401 7 Iroquois F20 (FRANK W. READ- PHILIP L. SPEIDEI_ WM. H. HARDING — Lake Forest ..6554 + FINST $250-12% 7 Lake A21 par 100 00 OS NATIONAL BANK 70-4*1 dBT*t’07 +LAKE FOREST TRUST & SAVINGS BAN! +t, $150-8% par 100 70-1002 di®T*tl 16 J Special attend •n given Bill of L adlug Draft*, Cm L Please send lie with each sight dr aft for presontati rj. H. CLENDENIN- JAMES ANDERSON, B. L. CRAWFORD. CLAYTON MARK. SR. Cash, and Tr. Off. \ Ch. JAS. A. FINDLAY, Sec. j 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre (25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, Clearing Houte Ass 'n +) F. M. Hamlin_____ ' 0. H. Stratton____ D. R. Manzer........ • (Banka affiliated with Chicago Lake Villa____487 Lake Villa Trust & Sav. Bank 7 Lake A20 70-1772 dB®ti’12 Lake Zurich...368 State Bank of Lake Zurich Henry Steil______ J. D. Fink 7 Lake B19 $150-8% 70-1898 dB®*tS’l« Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. J. Crawford___ and 400.000 50,000 25.000 200.000 362,480 3,128,210 8,210 347,730 3,780 93,500 266,820 3,008,160 h and Time Item t. on and 50c for Ore dit Rep ort* 100,000 43,000 859.000 45,170 1.794,270 1.292,160 451,910 397,510 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Cent. Bep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Home Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cont. ni. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 33,080 23,920 50,040 Cont. Hi. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st la. State Tr. & Sav., Burlington, la. 202,180 1,461,100 1.463,460 193,110 559,490 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 157,380 'Chase N. and Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; 1st N., Northern Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep! Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 31,790 330,790 80,030 34,000 1,710 203,510 657,800 17,310 205,610 169.360 21,150 10,690 46,540 1Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 217,280 151,230 58,150 13,970 42,360 'Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. sentatlon, and personal attentlo n. 25,000 17.110 25,000 16,590 40,540 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 6,840 Trust Company — Chicago RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS 4.41 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town m OOBNTT. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew } State tPri* tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%Div. VICI PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. LamollI* _____ 504 La Moille State Bank d«ti’20 tii5-6% 70-1402 7 Bureau D14 fGUYWOLF---------Lanark________ 1208 EXCHANGE STATE BANK par 100 70-808 d®«t*'78 < Our Collection 7 Carroll BU ] Please send 15c w (.Bill of Lading D „ •• First National Bank ..®*t’70 E. O. Franck par 100 70-807 Lane________ 225 State Bank of Lane------- tl’19 *100 par 100 70-1403 7 DeWltt ns (Closed February 2, Lansing_______ 3378 7 . Cook D22 Oak GHen Trust & Savings Bk. Anthony Meeter... *125-3% 70-2094 d®t§'25 par 100 (Oakglen P. O.) La Prairie_____ 146 LaPrairie State Bank.®t§’19 70-1969 8 Adams H# 04 II ♦LA SALLE NArL BARK TRUST CO. par 20 & R. D. DRAY par 100 44 rSTUART DUNCAN.. V. J. DORGAN WALTER DUNCAN 70-204 dB®T»t*'94 1 37,080 32,970 1st N„ Drovers N„ and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 107,260 1st N., Stock Yds. N.. and Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 14,000 1st N..OhL; DeWltt Oo. N., Clinton. 36,660 580,870 50,000 415,620 170,010 24,640 12,000 82,000 10.000 97.000 12,000 6,000 Wm. E. Maurer.— Nicholas Dykstra . 50,000 14,030 160,310 7,000 94,000 74,170 12,350 50,590 1st N.. Chi. J. A. Thompson... 25,000 100,000 90,000 3,000 13,000 19,000 Stk. Yds. N„ Chi.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. E. H. 7,i 1 m 25,000 135,000 88,650 35,580 5,550 41,790 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Peoria. 2,300,000 1,600,000 ■■■■■■■■■mm 108,000 480,000 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N„ Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi, 200.000 11,570 290.000 3,700,000 298,000 — 501.310 25.000 391,550 127,000 65,880 73,880 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 204,910 2,323,890 19,600 1,241,570 902,370 70,650 483,810 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 161,000 27,000 7,500 32,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Millikin N., Decatur: Far., Mt. Pulaski. 7,600 22,540 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi.: 1st Galesburg N. Bk, St Tr. Co.. Galesburg. Chase N . N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. 80,680 Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 100.000 J. G.BARTLOSZEWSKI J. L. SCANLON------E. J. MCNULTY, WM. F. CANNON Tr. Off. 150,000 32,000 H. O. Elliott.......... . C. F. Breen . W. S. Titus - 26,500 176,000 25.000 5,270 139,930 10,000 150,060 100,000 14,870 486,180 67,510 334,930 219,240 33,720 125,880 1,317,510 56,410 914,180 522,990 11,470 89,000 100,000 44,000 963,000 50,000 705,000 262,000 25,000 8,370 275,080 1,480 265,790 4,050 10,410 176,150 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Ciu.; 1st N„ St. L. 101,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fifth Third Dn. Tr. Co.. Cin. 29,680 1st N.. Chi.; Rockford N„ Rockford. 50,000 51.090 556,400 25,790 241,280 315,410 17,330 109,270 1st N.. E. St. L. 25.000 33.160 229,400 210 194,650 12,800 6,140 25,000 32,000 255,000 280,000 5,000 R. A. Jacobs_______ 30,000 34,290 338,040 20,500 302,100 37,700 30,020 J. B. Ludwig------- W. L. Buszkiewicz. E. W. Buszkiewicz. J. A. Skarin 50,000 28,110 632,790 5,500 373,240 272,940 6,900 63,320 Cont.Ill, Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. E. W. Cauldwell__ W. W. Sniegowski. R. R. Strand_____ R. E. McCarthy 25,000 9,040 372,540 4,970 172,940 124,390 15,320 98,900 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Joliet Tr. & Sav., Joliet. G. W. Lackey G. W. Mullins Ch. of Bd. W.B. Hiteshew F. W. Keller_____ N. M. Tohill S. R. Nigh.. . S. J. Gee. . H, A. Seed 125,000 L. S. Bobbitt K. A. Glover F, F. Thorn F. L. Ayres_______ S. E. Sprecher____ A J. F. Reid. Mildred Shuppert. Web Kinder . 25.000 R. Mize . C. E. Chamberlin.. Charles D. Vernor. A. C. Johnson C. H. Rissetter ___ S. B. Edp.n J. O. Prestegaard.. Thelma J. Bly____ W. C. Farley............ 74.170 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 27,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 53,010 N. City. N. Y.: Drov. N.. Chi. ®»t'05 r,rkivrrrvi77vrrAi N X JLltJUIt 1 n.AJ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,000 Sec. and Tr. Lemont_______ 2582 First National Bank Claus Scheei_______ *150 70-1979 dB®»IT9 T. R. Tessem, Ch. 7 Cook 020 par 100 .. Lemont National Bank G. V. Strand______ 8% par 100 70-1413 ®»'20 G. S. Walker. Ch. 1 249,400 made and re mitted prom ptly at lowas t rate a. G. A. Voile H. W. Watts 70-1041 3,100 25.000 Leland nis Farmers & Merch. State Bk. O. M. Danielson... Benj. Benson______ A. N. Anderson ... H. R. Thompson... S. C. Grover 7 La Salle D16 *200-6% par 200 70-1040 dt§’02 *350-10% 242,350 43,020 Stock Yds. N„ Chi. 50.000 Laura__________ 107 Laura State Bank... d»tl’20 J. A. Elliott_______ A. J. Mathers ___ Geo. B. Barrett ... 8% par 100 70-1409 7 Peoria Fll .. 25,000 21,910 $ J. F. Cahill.__ Latham... ___372 State Bank of Latham J. A. Voile par 100 7 0-1408.d®«ti'U 7 Loean III *Lawreneevllle Citizens Banking Co..d»tS’02 6303 *100-4% 70-495 I Lawrence M22 par 100 „ .. Farmers State Bank *200-8% par 100 dB®»tl'09 70-496 " ______ “ First National Bank *175 par 100 70-494 dB®»t’88 Leaf River____382 Leaf River State Bank *i«8 70-1410 ®i*’07 7 Ogle B13 Lebanon ISM First National Bank d®Tt’06 1 St. Clair M12 *200-8% par 100 70-1411 Lee..........................269 *200-10% 70-1412 7 Lee C16 50,000 92,870 * 25c for Credit Repor t8. C. N. Hollerich ___ Frank D. Flaherty. Tri City Clearing House____ (Members indicated by a♦) 10.500 $ 227,950 $ P. F. Eckerle______ J. D. Chisholm R. H. Miller_______ A. W. Wl RTZ —------- C. F. WACKER--------H. J. DEE Tr. Off. H. P. MILLER (.Collections M H. B. PUTERDAUGH-- 1,250 $ 116,900 $ 35.000 $ Principal Correspondents. Receiver app ointed April 8, 1931) Henry Rock 70-208 dB®T<’80 *LA SALLE STATE BANK “--------- ” Resources. Liabilities. Bond* Miscel CaHH ft XxLoua Other Paid-up Surplus DnposCRAaeag'Dtn and and and Liabili Capital Profits ITB Diaoounta Baourities laneous rmoH Baku ties C. H. DIMON Service will Plea se you. TRY US. ith each sight draft f or presentation and rafts a Specialty. C. H. Bowers______ R. Chisholm Byron Miller.___ Gordon V. Day------ A. J. WILSON______ ♦LaSalle Sav. Bk. A Tr. Co. J. F. Cahill *ioo 70-205 dB®*tl’18 Cashier. Reeve Norton........ Mary A. Remsburg $ La Rose_____ ...150 La Rose National Bank d*t’14 7 Marshall F14 8% par 100 70-18 49 D. W. Davis, Ch. La Salle_____13,149 7 LaSalle E15 ass’t Cashier. F. F. Beatty 1931. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Hates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued It t iavvic JXJUiJUAl 1 WXk. 7 Rani/ AAmin xYi> 17 T dttct JL lUJUl fniUP A TVV lx ni 1 X V i mrArn VJ x. r ' %jin'U/l INVESTED CAPITAL OVEK $150,000,000 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 442 Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. eMem.A.B.A.nNew§8tatetPriT. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Dept* :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Say.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice President. rA. J. CLARITY — Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued CASHIER. J. C. DUNN Ass’t Cashier. J. H. HINDS.- Resources, Liabilities. Bondi Miscel Cash * £xLoaio Surplus Depos Othck Paid-up and and ciaism,Doi AND L iabili its Capital Profits Diaoounia Baeuritias laneous from Banks ties $ 50,800 $ 35,290 $ 642,160 50.000 28,030 $ 402,570 $ 189,330 $ } FEE PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 31,480 $ 104,070 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr, Co. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N„ Freeport. IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts. 15e minimum-. 25c minimum if paid. Lena________ 1145 CITIZENS STATE BANK 70-810 d®«ti’08 ) Reliable Credit Reports, 25c. TR Y US. 7 Stephenson A12 par 100 LPay and get the Service. fGEO. L. BALDWIN •a M M. W. SCHUDT ---- L.W. BALDWIN 452,540 $ 2,500 323,540 76,010 51,360 82,150 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds N.. Chi.; 1st N„ Freeport. 28,420 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 60 years R ellable Service at your service, LENA STATE BANK d®.JJ'67 <) Over fifteen cent S sent to ns with each sight draft for presentation, and 1175 par 100 70-809 (.TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insu res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. Lensburg..........443 State Bank of Lensburg Elsie Schaller.. . 20,000 26.370 171,910 18,110 171,200 550 Ella Thiel................. 25,000 7,430 58,870 66,310 900 13,040 11,050 25,000 5,230 132,760 10,000 69,750 32,340 14,7® 56,200 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 50,000 18,210 258.920 70,080 261,660 69,830 24,890 40,410 Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Fletcher Am.N.,Indpli.: 1st N„ Bloomington. 75,000 16,460 229,740 93,610 337,480 45,140 32,190 1st N., Chi. and Bloomington; Indpls. 50,000 46,380 330.080 2,000 277,430 58,240 41,870 50,930 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., and Stk. Yds. N„ Chi.; Corn ! Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 50,000 103,270 488,310 52,560 322,620 255,720 34,100 81,690 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. J. J. Kemp---------- R. T. Claegett........ L. B. Strayer_____ Chas. Beach______ 30.000 59,280 197.270 197,000 15,000 Noah Franklin ___ N. E. Franklin.... O. L. Hiser_____ 30,000 34,200 212,180 13,000 143,040 88,690 30,980 26,670 1st N„ Chi. and Bloomington. 30,000 14,540 198,460 2,500 154,880 10,170 16,980 63,460 1st N., Oh!.; Ill. State and Mtle. Tr. & Sav„ Quincy. 74,980 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill.Bk.& Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi. Philip J. Schaller _ G. G. Steinheimer. H. G. Winter t Saint Olair 012 6% par loo 70-1687 dB®»t§'ll Noah Albert______ F. J. Loebach____ Leonore..............173 State Bank of Leonore par loo 70-1414 d®»tl’21 7 La Salle E15 LCflla .... .... ..001 First National Bank........ t’06 Q.T. Batch tuo 70-1415 7 Coles K1S __ _ J. W. Walker.__ Tt. (i. Hall fH.H.CRUMBAUGH G. E. DOOLEY____ R. E. KIMLER-F. B. HUMPHREY I.eRnv 15115 FIRST McLean H16 $120-6% par 100 7 NATIONAL BANK 70-689 \ Bill C. L. CRUMBAUGH. w.m. McConnell, of Lading Drafts and Notes given special atte ntlon. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Cont. Ill. Sec. ®t'03 1 FEE IN AD VAN CE: Sight drafts. 15c minimum; 25c minimum charge i f paid. (.Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. /L A FLEGAL LEROY STATE BANK 4 $120 par 120 70-688 0 M WAinFN F. E. JONES M C GRIZZELIF LAMAR MOORE Ind. N„ \ Special Attentl on given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ®tl’24 (Pleaee tend 15c to* th each sight draft fo r presentation and 5 0cfor Credit Reports. (All business ass ured prompt atte ntlon. TRY US. »Le wlsto wn... 2249 7 Fulton H9 “ -------- “ FARMERS STATE BANK 70-603 $200-10% par 100 70-602 H S BOYD F. R. mvis_ 1 1. McNALLY T. Oldest and Largest Bank B. WATSON STATE BANK OF LEXINGTON F. W. Wald.. •18’95 Liberty.............. 510 Farmers Bank_____d®t§’03 G. O. Dean.............. Julius N. Kline.__ Jesse E. Kline ___ E. W. Longlett___ Adams I 6 $120-6% par 100 70-1416 W C HUFRFI1 H. C. MEYER______ 100,000 44,100 496,220 10,000 254,920 253,330 67,090 A. WRIGHT............ F. J. WRIGHT. LAKE COUNTY NATIONA^ fC. F. WRIGHT____ G. V. P. and R.F. WRIGHT F. S. KERN............ . 100.000 72,000 913,000 60,000 367,000 522,000 68,©0 188,©0 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 75.000 125,100 793,960 54,500 547,100 118,800 32,410 350,260 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 25,000 25,320 113,400 10,060 148,300 5,300 1,0© fG. G. GRIDLEY —. J. L. TAYLOR---------) J. L. TAYLOR, Libertyvllle ..3791 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ch.ofBd. $43-8.4% 70-687 dB®T«t'02 S 7 Lake A20 (WE SERVE LA KE COUNTY par 20 •• <« 40,850 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Peo., Bloomington. 70-767 70-766 8 lll.Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Peoria. ARE A GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE. d®»T’94 Please send 15c presentation fee with plain sight drafts and 25c for credit ratings. Lexington.__ 1292 7 McLean G17 •• $. CRESS V. GROAT__ ANNA B. BAILY........ d®<5’94 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each s Ight draft for prc sentatlen, and 125 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention LEWISTOWN NATIONAL BANK $275-14% par 100 f JOHN SKINNER-— j T HOI Mfs 12% par 20 Cash. R.F. WRIGHT.Tr.Off. (MW'S. to uscredit with each sight draft for pr esentation, and 70-686 dB®T»t'92 (.25 CENTS for e ach personal attentl on. report Insures prompt U. C. REUSE.......... A E. SlITER WM. E. LARSEN —- 0. J. BOEHM par 100 70-2092 dB®T*t§’25 (A PROGRESSI VESTATE BANK . PROMPT SER VICE. Lima 1QX State Bank of Lima ®»1§'10 R. S. Whitefleld.. C. R. McNay------ E. F. Jacobs............ Pauline Snyder__ $100-6% par 100 70-1417 8 Adams H4 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY—CHICAGO 19,180 Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. capital $20,000,000.00 443 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ TOWM AMD OotJMTT. *Ckmnty Seats. Pig. under town is Fed. Has. District •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State t Pri* tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Say.$LastSale%Div. ‘Lincoln.... 12,855 7 Logan H13 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 1200-8% par 100 70-216 dB®«t’87 M M .. M II Resources. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. F. W. L0NGAN ------ ROBERT SCHUSTER,Sr. W.H.BERGER------ 5. W. OHMES. . . . . . . . . J. A. lABKt, oj ad, j. u. ruoun SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN MILL OF LADING DRAFTS, CASH Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c tor Credit ALL BUSINESS ASSURED THE PERSONAL ATTENTION OF AN OF Other Cash k Ex Loans Bonds Surplus Miscel changes Paid-up Depos Liabili ,Due and and and its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties $ 150.000 $ 60,930 $1477 470 $ 130,000 $ 942.460 $ 379.150 $ 168,640 S 328.150 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and St. L. AND TI ME ITE MS. Reports . FICER. 150.000 114,890 948,750 185,010 617,210 466,460 80,170 234,810 N. City. N. Y.: Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. O. M. Kiest............ John McMath........ J. E. Hobiit............ Albert Schweikert ♦Lincoln State Bank Ray Gelsthorp $185-10% par 100 d®»t5’04 70-217 J. E. Hobiit_____ F. W. Longan, Sec. Lincoln Clearing House ___ P If. Knhl (Members indicated by a *) 100.000 118,160 555,220 19,000 496,340 87,050 40,520 168,480 1st N„ N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. R. O. Farquhar ___ 75,000 42,550 841,830 81,500 610,330 260.450 30,280 139,820 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. ATr.Co., Ohi.; 1st N„ St. L. _. L. P. Brubaker, Sec. 100,000 54,180 817,520 12,000 401,680 352,210 46,250 183,550 1st N.. Chi,; 1st N„ Miss. Valley Tr. Co., and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. Louis, 82,000 222,510 158.450 15,000 37.180 Chase N„ N.Y.; Cont. Ill, Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds, N„ N. Stk. Yds. 23,540 Union N„ Macomb, 70-215 P. E. Kuhl______ D. H. Harts_______ W.P. Knhl, T. A. Cox.__ Cash, and Tr. Officer Frank Bollin d®T»t’85 FIRST NATIONAL BK.-d®2 60 J. R. Miller______ G. A. Sihler______ A. F. Heath____ 8 Montgomery L12 1250-10% par 100 70-352 Frank R. Milnor, 1150-8% par 100 d§®T»t§’01 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. ♦ 70-353 H. B. Herrick, Litchfield National Bank $125-6% par 100 70-354 d®t’07 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. B. Appleton, L. C. Schalk . G. L. Settlemire r,. w. mine C. E. Morgan Harold Fleming... 50,000 27,490 273,650 Littleton State Bank___ t5’07 $115-8% 70-1418 T. D. Sullivan____ V. A. Homey_____ B. C. Horney_____ A. E. Bailey 25,000 6,640 85,390 80,820 H. L. Martin. ___ R. L. Brownlee..— Ray M. Whiteman. 40,000 45,210 180,750 235,820 3,950 7,000 Livingston... 1447 First National Bank.. d®» ll D. E. Aylward .... J. A. Hebenstreit. H. A. Malench ___ Mary Skamenca... 70-1697 8 Madison Lll F. J. Nipper_____ Lee O. Cloyd_____ Loami State Bank______ if96 A. E. Washburn___ Geo. Basse 10% par 100 70-1044 7 Sangamon Jll 25,000 18,510 206,250 70,180 138,370 18,070 25,000 15,000 101,500 90,000 18,500 A. P. DAILEY______ LEO P. WARD............ 50,000 65,540 969,740 562.680 426,910 50,000 1,000 110,000 104,730 21,900 •• 7 M Schuyler H8 Little York___314 W. B. Weir Lockport____ 3383 FIRST NATIONAL BANK „ $225-12% parlOO 70-1420 d®«t 07 7 Will D19 Lad* dQQ State Bank of Loda 70-1421 7 Ireqaois 020 par 100 M II Principal Correspondents. ___ ‘LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK 1250-12% .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued C. H. MUEHLENPHII IP YOST PFORDT _ etS’56 N. P. Goodell.......... W. S. Goodell......... C. S. Moffett.. ( WarrenS.Goodell A.GOOBELL & SONS CO...’55 (A V. P. and Tr. Off. Co-Partnership) l,nmu din Commercial Trust & Savings 7 Henderson 05 Bank.. 70-1777 ..dB®»«’14 $105 par 100 Lombard.........6197 ♦First Trust Bank.dB®Ttl’28 7 DuPaie 020 $160 par 100 70-2068 .. .. ♦Lombard State Bank $240-12% 70-1422 dB®«’09 .. .. ♦South Lombard Tr.& Sav.Bk. $125 par 20 70-2099 d©»t§’26 A. Goodell............... 27,390 50,000 12,670 8,910 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co.. Ohi. Nathan P. Goodell H. F. Strickler ___ 87,900 17,000 15,760 163.700 113,190 5,300 865.000 648,000 126,000 20,500 5,000 100,930 51,210 52,630 40,000 48,360 257,150 224,620 33,350 E. C. Churchill___ 20,000 17,840 158,570 Newell Sapp_____ Lenra Reece 20,000 6,500 149,930 35,000 52,750 390,750 50,000 6,090 80,810 25,000 10,880 275,900 William Wehrs___ Harry B. Davies... George H. Fischer Martin Meyer 70,000 25,000 P. W. Sears.......... 25.000 London Mills. 432 State Bank of London Kills Seaton Moon, N. W. Hummel___ W. A. Sampson__ $165 parlOO 70-1423 d®»tl’ll Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 7 Fnlton 00 Longview Ml 7 Ghana ■ I 20 12%-par 100 70-1426 Charles W.Hadley, S. L. Rathje______ R. A T.ngan Ch. of Bd, and Pres. A. B. Moe B. Abeler, V. P. Fern O’Connor___ Arthur F. Steben.. W. G. Olson______ 33,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr., Chi.: Springfield Marine, Springfield: N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. 136,770 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi, 31,080 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. (ILLINOIS AND INDIANA FARM LOANS AND FA RM LANDS. F. A. Strickler____ 19,180 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Peo. N„ Monmonth. 50,530 Boatmens N.. St. L. 20,000 16,250 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Chi.; Ill. State. Quincy; Burlington Sav., Burlington, la. 49,590 1st N„ Chi. 147.500 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi.; Elmhurst State, Elmhurst. 17,670 1st N„ Chi.; Villa Park Tr. & Sav., Villa Park. (Formerly Westmore Trust & Savings Bank) (*Members of Elmhurst, Villa Park and Lombard Clearing House, El mhurst. III.) M. H. Keefe______ 27,640 70,230 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 2d N„Monmouth. 9,070 49,250 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Tuscola. 19,720 Drov. N„ Chi.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. 138,100 dt§1900 Loralne. ____ 382 Peoples State Bank .d®t§’24 .T. A. Ansmn<! 70-1427 8 Adams HS T,. T. Randles Lostant ..413 Farmers State Bankd®»t|’05 J. A. Whitney___ M. B. Whitney___ Bertha Taylor____ A. J. Kennell____ 70-1428 7 LaSalle E15 $210-10% par 100 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,330 and 420 141,300 5,850 9,970 226,590 122,020 9,140 Trust Company — Chicago 120,740 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Where Bankers Bank 444 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®SaT.?LastSale%Div. .Louisville____803 I Olay 1118 CLAY COUNTY STATE BANK par 200 70-008 PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. IL LIN OIS—Continued Vice-Peesidknt. Oaseixe. Ass t Cashes. J. V. Dillman____ D. W. Dillman____ James W. Cogswell Anna McKnelly . Resources. Liabilities. Loabi Bonds Miacsi/- Cam* BxOthbb Paib-wp Suaflub Dbpos- L and mad ■t—,I>FI AMD iabili Capital PaOFITS ITfl Discounts BtoNritifis LiNlOUH mom Babbs ties $ 151,550 18,000 12,000 247,000 32,500 3.200 58.970 350 23,000 $ 125,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com, Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. 57,460 Cont, Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohl.; Miss. Valley 15,900 Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds N.. N. Stock Yds. 26,000 1st N„ Chi.; Millikin N.,Citiz. N. and N. Bk. 35,200 of Decatur, Decatur. 11,600 15.160 1st N„ Chi.; Millikin N„ Decatur. 47,240 5,000 73,720 900 11,920 452,600 53,120 161,510 270,020 9,570 254,370 90.000 26,730 25,000 28,000 $ 280,000 $ 30,000 17,160 195,760 50,000 8,700 270,000 25,000 5,280 52,610 25,000 17,240 50,000 51,320 5,000 $ 175,000 S 15,000 $ dtl'06 Farmers Jk Merck. State Bk. L. C. Gullett........... Alfred Phillips.— Fred McCollum.__ I. B. Ikemire___ par 100 70-007 dtl’98 1150-5% Ing HardwareState Bk..d®*ti'85 L. G. Hostetler___ P. Drake-------------- J. R. Drake_______ A. A. Shields. H. H. Clore 70-868 Meonltrie J17 8% A. L. Wilt________ J. S. Strohm______ Lovington State Bank par 120 70-1892 dB®t§’21 Wm. C. 8tauter----- Leoria Kief. A. L. Banta........ Lowpolnt_____ 275 Banta Bros. Bank........ .Xi'89 Frank D. Banta, Ch.of Bd.and Pres. 70-1420 7 Woodford F14 ed May 19, 1931) 31. Receiver appoint Lyndon_______ 388 First State Bank___________ {Closed April 20,19 7 Whiteside Cll d July 28, 1931) 1. Receiver appointe (Closed June 27, 193 Lyons________4787 Lyons State Bank___ ... 7 Cook C21 inted January 21, 19 31) (Closed December 19 , 1930. Receiver appo Macedonia.__ 178 Macedonia State Bank 8 Hamilton 017 Frank Morford... Wm. T. Elliff_____ Deane Elliff.... Mackinaw.........760 First National Bank ...®t'07 G. C. Helm____ Ruby O. Miller 7TazewellG10 mo-8% par 100 70-965 .Macomb____ 8509 Citizens State Bk....d®tl’90 E. T. Walker_____ Laurence Fisher... E. O. Wolfe____ par 100 70-363 Mrs. J. Binnie, Ch. 7 McDonough 07 First Trust & Savings Bank Frank Haynes____ T. H. McMillan.... T. H. McMillan.__ W. R. Frost______ $125-8% 70-365 d®»ti'10 W. A. Binnie E. Y. McLean_____ Geo. M. Wells___ J. O. Peasley____ M. E. Roark___ MACOMB NAT’L BANK Joel H. Gloyd J. H. Ullrich 12% par ioo 70-364 d®»t'08 ri. UNION NArL BANK 18% W. BAILEY- L. F. GUMBART— ALBERT E. BAILEY L. RAY MURPHY — HAROLD .... H. D. EWING 20,790 432,840 7,940 Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 165,930 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Bloomington. 182,520 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 40,500 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy; 1st N„ Joliet. 416,660 Chase N„ N. I.: Coni. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Peoria. 50,000 10.500 241,000 203,000 50,000 8,000 100.000 144,300 898,760 i 514,350 308,350 2,000 100.000 155,540 1,067,810 ' 649,780 515,390 44,880 213,310 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. CoHarris Tr. & Sav., and Stock Yds. N., Ohi. 21,280 i 426,220 459,660 22,890 24,110 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur. 136,660 Chem. Bk.&Tr.Co.. N. Y.: 1st N„ E. St. L. 70-362 dB®T*8’71 i Oldest and Lar gest Bank In the County, | Special attentle n given Bill ef La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items ^.Please tend 15c w ith each tight draf t for presentation and He for Credit Reports C. C. Young_____ Farmers State Bank..®tl’16 J. H. Highly------- S. A. Carr_____ par 100 70-1897 First National Bankd®«t’08 A. W. Baltz_____ Frank Troeclder.. C. O. Naumer_____ M. B. Eiler_____ H. C. Ransbargh $200-12% par 100 70-404 Tri-City State Bank_________ ( Closed September 3, 1930. for liquidatio n) Union Trust Oo. ~.d®»t#’19 M. Henson ............. John Frangoulis.. A. Y. Andreoff___ J. J. Ropac______ Florine Bowker W. W. Bowker $150 par 100 ♦ 70-406 Louis Fans. Jr.— Geo. P. Jobb-------- A. H. Hoffmann... Wm. Altes______ Maeystown___187 State Bank of Maeystown $ 170 6 % 70-1690 tl'19 8 Monroe O10 par 100 A. L. McRoberts.. F. J. Piper_______ Malden ____ 284 Farmers & Traders State Bk. H. J. Sutton______ Christian May.. $135-5% 70-1434 d®t§’10 7 Bureau D13 par loo Malta.................383 First National Bank -d®t’01 R. A. Countryman R. S. Delbridge___ G. B. Bartlett____ 70-1435 7 De Kalb B16 $320 par 100 Farmers & Traders State Bk. {Closed January 6. 1931. Receiver appoi nted January 16,193 1) Manchester ...389 8 Scott J8 Manhattan___ 628 FIRST NATIONAL BANK C. 0. RENIT----------- A. TERN TIEN-------JANES NcGIATl— HENRY EIERHART $165-10% 70-1077 d®*t'07 7 Will D 21 par 100 Manhattan State Bk.__d«|’19 B. D. Jones_______ W. B. McGrath.... E. R. Jones______ $U0 par 100 70-1076 Chas. Schleeter R. L. Mahr_______ W. S. Maloney___ Manlto............ 711 Peoples State Bank ....*1§'05 E. E. Ethell_____ Fred Rankin___ $400-14% 70-1437 7 Mason Gil par loo Manlius...........299 First National Bank..-®t'02 Wm. Hartz.............. G. J. Schuneman.. F. C. Schnneman.. Fred M. Schmidt.. 6% par 100 70-1121 Geo. Krebs 7..Bureau D12 {Closed March 30, 1931. Receiver appgt nted April 22, 1931) First State Bank______ Mansfield____ .681 Peoples State Bank. d®J§’10 George Howe------- Jas. M. Mahan ___ L. H. Wessler____ Duane Ross.__ Clayton Howe $187-4% 70-992 7 Piatt H17 par 100 W. H. Harvey.__ Fred H. La Rocque A. C. Mongean........ Manteno____1149 Citizens State Bank ®*2I'M F. M. Wright— 7 Kankakee E20 $440-4% par 100 70-791 Manteno State & Sav. Bank Otto Weber--------- Wm. Stocksdale... A. H. Yonke______ Aime Benoit $186 par 100 70-792 ®tl’06 Mary Hamsmith... C. G. Campbell ___ F. W. Emberson... Maple Park___389 First State Bank „dB®«j§’03 S. K. Truby ___ T. P. Burns parlOO 70-1438 7 Kane C17 Macon. .800 7 Macon J16 Madison.......... 7661 8 Madison M10 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 Principal Correspondents. and 25,000 8.520 145,000 50.000 58,510 886,930 50,000 44,000 305,000 227,000 160,000 14,000 15,000 18.630 142,080 131.470 32,400 900 47,000 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk.& Tr. Co. and Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L. 10,940 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Oo.. St. L.; 1st N„ E. St. L. 25,000 6,000 125,000 120,000 9,200 8,800 18,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N„ Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet; Citiz. 1st N„ Princeton. 25,000 26,850 369,790 6,3001 248,380 115,320 14,030 50,210 Cont. III. Bk.&Tr.Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 40,000 31.630 190,570 18,620* 182,630 35,200 43,220 19,760 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 25.000 11,000 114,000 104,000 8,000 19,000 19,000 Cont. Ill.. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 25,000 92.520 333,780 1 330,330 32,740 10,640 25,000 30.000 18,000 1 218,190 117,720 26,740 83,650 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Com'lMerch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria: Herget N.. Pekin. 43,340 1st N.. Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Com'l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 25,000 29,440 174,870 ) 115,630 67,220 17,070 25,000 70,000 310,000 245,000 100,000 20,000 27,380 196,860 152,170 62,950 20,120 32,670 7,660 25,000 25,000 30,000 143,750 132,280 18,500) 134,300 Trust Company — Chicago 39,380 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Peo„ Bloom ington; Moore State, Monticello; 1st N.. Joliet. 40,000 1st N„ Chi.: City N.. Kankakee. 32,500 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Kankakee. 24,110 Cont., Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N., Sycamore. Where Bankers Bank AdC “tJ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n._______ Town and Countt. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem. A, B. A. nNew §8tate fPrb. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.DeptsiT-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div rr r rivT/^TC___ dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this -*■ UOXH1HUCU ___ Liabilities. PRESIDENT. Vice President. Cashier. Maqunn S!>X Maquon State Bank B®*t§03 D. S. Hartsook.... W. L. McGirr____ Roy Bowman 7 Knox F10 10% 70-1064 Ass’t Cashier. 64,500 $ 452,990 S Marengo 1948 First National Bank E. D. Patrick_____ C. B. Whittemore.. C. H. Woleben------ H J. Feiertag____ 7 McHenry B17 par 100 70-656 dB®T»t'70 R. M. Patrick, V.P. E. C. Robb .. Marengo State Bank.d®t§'30 Chas. C. Higbee... G. A. Larsen. par 100 70-657 50.000 50,000 775.000 25,000 25,010 134,950 Marine 35,000 31,150 745,440 50.000 15,350 346,450 537 First National Bank—d®*i'14 8 Madison M12 70-1852 Howard Hartsook.. $ Herbert Gehrs____ Harry H. Turner.. f w. M. HAMILTON-- JOHN H0TZ —........ H. E. HAMILTON — 0. A. HACKER -— BANK d »t’79 800 55,030 255,810 514,460 26,170 70,180 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co..Chi.; 1st N.,St. L.; N.Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 50,000 195,630 157,090 40,610 68,470 Un. Tr. Co.. E. St. L.; 1st N., St. L. 200,000 58,500 31,000 33,500 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 100.000 29,650 353,680 45,530 367,590 59,420 45,230 56,610 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.: Citiz. N.and Millikin N.. Decatur. 75,000 50,150 774,080 25,710 767,290 43,150 36,100 78.390 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 100,000 70.000 525,000 50,000 340,000 210,000 50,000 145,000 Cent. Han. Bk.& Tr. Co.,N. Y.: 1st N.,Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls.; Ist-McKeen N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Terre Haute. W. E. Morris_____ Helen Norton 60,000 33,400 379,610 294,420 62,610 21,690 94,290 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Terre Haute Tr. Co., Terre Haute. Geo. Hammond.... Guy S. Fasig_____ 50,000 16,750 349,220 214,520 41,500 37,920 135,640 1st N., Chi. and Joliet; Terre Haute Tr. Co., Terre Haute. Minnie Wehling... Grant Euchner ___ 25.000 8,500 134,000 72,000 43,300 1,000 Allan J. Postel..— Urban S. Postel... 100,000 64,230 568,660 25,600 230,940 317,460 72,860 137,230 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.,Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co.. St. L. E. F. Scheve_____ L. J. Scheve______ Edna E. Richter... Oscar Hagist 100.000 217,240 777,170 53,960 232,180 786,280 30,500 99,400 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.,N. Y.; 1st N.,St. L. and Joliet, 50,000 29,360 240,480 194,710 70,200 2,310 52,620 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 125,000 67,000 434,000 548,500 37,700 11,700 78,100 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Com’l Merch. N., Peoria. 15.000 1.500 100,000 26,000 79,000 25,000 64,590 196,300 670 142,010 1,500 26,290 116,760 1st N., Chi. 100,000 137,000 802,550 1,940 686,880 170,450 46,610 137,550 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.;Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L. 150,000 283,480 2,756,630 40,000 1,339,220 1,109,680 123,600 657,610 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr,Co.,N.Y.;Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Upper Ave., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.; Fletcher-Am. N.. Indpls. . N. B. Stoutenborougb J. R. Burnett.......... W.D. Burnett____ R. L. Hunt StankoKauzlarich, Sr. Matteson 73R First State Bank ...d®»tl’04 G. H. Fortmiller.. J. G, Hauck______ Henry Schulze.__ H. F. Nortmeier .. W. S. Rea, Sec. 8% par loo ♦ 70-1444 7 Cook D21 mwas *250-l2%par 220 W. T, Osborne___ H. O. Ragland____ H. O. Ragland____ O. C. Scott_______ W. R. Bowman J. F. Brewster G. S. Richmond, 70-207 dB®T»t’H Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Fred Grant J. S. Weis. ... . F. A. Hoag .... E.W. Vollmer, A.C, C. H. Hoots M. F. Behrend Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13,610 50,000 Chi.; 1st N., Joliet 51,200 Cont. Ill.Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 11,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Cent. Tr. & Sav., Rock Isl. ♦ 70-210 NAT. BK. OF MATTOON $100-20% par 100 12,120 1st N„ Chi. 20,000 H. B. Dulaney____ FirstNational BankdB©T*t’92 E. R. Hagist.. *300-12% par 100 70-1441 Mathervllle ...399 Matherville State Bank *100 70-1443 ©tS’10 7 Mercer E8 .. 69,140 233,000 Mason City...1941 Central Illinois State Bank J. H. Dearborn.__ W. G. Burnsmier.. F. W. Buehrig____ O. B. Theobold *i38-8%pariOo70-672 ®«t§’03 7 Mason Hll •• .. New Farmers State Bank W.E. Ainsworth... 70-671 dB®«tS’86 >• 102,960 75.000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Ohl. 30,000 D. R. Campbell Marshall State Bank R. A. Mitchell —. *150-7% 70-560 d®»t§’05 par 100 Martinsville 1206 (Suspended busines s October 10,1930) 7 Clark K21 < G. A. Hammond.. D. E. Kelley.......... Martinsville State Bank *150-6% 70-730 d®»t§’9l Chas. Cooper, Ch. par 100 A. J. Nourie______ E. S. Martin______ Martlnton___261 70-1440 d®»tS’12 7 Iroquois F21 *175-8% par 100 Mascoutah.. 2311 Bank of Mascoutah.dB®t§’23 Julius Postel_____ Philip H. Postel... 8 St. Clair N12 *165-6% par 100 70-2072 Mattoon___14,631 7 Coles K19 3.000 fts, 15c; Credit Repo rts, 25c. •> .. 272,000 . Collections a s pedal ty and reml tted on day of p ayrnent matters entrust ed to us. ( MORRIS LEWIS- S R. | EWIS E. B. DOWELL-— M. J. PARR_ _ _ _ Marseilles ....4292 FIRST NATIONAL BANK R. E. PEDDIC0RD $ 200 8 % 70-489 dB®«t’65 ) 14c must be se nt with each slg ht Draft for pres entatlon and 7 La Salle D16 par 100 (_ 23c with each request for Repo rt or Rating. •• 570.000 55,000 40.000 Maroa______1154 Crocker & Co., Bankers J. Crocker_______ J. H. Crocker... par 100 70-813 dB®»tS’67 Geo. Conover 7 Macon 116 ‘Marshall.__ 2368 DULANEY NATIONAL *250-15% par 100 70-559 7 Clark K21 Principal Correspondents. 8.120 S 129,220 Northern Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi.: Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. 11,590 $ 201,650 $ 220,080 S (Closed, November 2i , 1930) < First and oldest established bank Marlssa______1630 FIRST NATIONAL BANK t 8 St. Clair 012 *120-6% parlOO 70-646 d®t’03 ) Prompt attentl on to all Banking (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dra .. F. J. Wagner____ G. F. Dryden_____ STATE BANK OF MARISSA 70-647 dB®»t§'03 Andrew Brown *160-7% par 100 For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Rrsoprces. Bonds MISCEL 0*ni k IxLoam ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and chamm,Diti and its Capital Profits Diaooanta Ssouritias LANEOUS PROM BaKRI ties 30,000 S ‘Marlon. _ 9033 8 Williamson P16 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (involume. and .. Trust Company Chicago FIVE A CORRESPONDENT aac Number under Name of Bank Ls the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ACounty Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.”-New § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Maywood .. 25,829 MAYWOOD STATE BANK 1350-10% 70-268 dB@»tS 0i 7 Cook C21 par 100 •* , «. fW. 6. HE1DEMANN Vice-President. A. F. AMLING - — Cashier. WM. H. REICH - Maywood Tr. & Sav. Bank... (Merged with Mayw ood State Bank Octo her 30, 1930) Proviso State Bank dB®»t§’13 *150 par 100 70-270 G.A. Hart. Ch. (Closed January 24, 1931. McHenry........1354 Peoples State Bank..d®J§’29 7 McHenry A19 *115 par 100 70-2130 E. L. Wagner. Ch. AMeLean sboro2162 First National Bank 8 Hamilton 018 .. A. W. Holden C. E. Schumacher— 70-1451 Media 191 7 Henderson F7 *230-7% 70-1452 Melrose Parkl0741 Citizens Stale Bank . 7 Cook B20 ------- “ . 1 ltfendnn kro 8 Adams 15 O. H. Hvatt 335,000 50,000 30,000 185,000 93,000 245,000 77,000 30,000 145,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi.; Maywood State, Maywood. 36,000 1st N„ Chi. * 27,750 306,550 ........ 25.000 38,640 492,770 30.000 19,540 203,170 25,000 7,290 120,780 10,000 111,160 Alma D. Pendarvis 50,000 52,740 283,310 20,000 260,230 H. L. Warner........ H. Y. Armstrong — 25,000 25,820 245,590 12,000 351,270 1,575,810 H. E. Gibbs_______ C. E. Biggerstaff „ Winnie Garrison R. N. Marshall___ 90,810 14,430 25,200 15,890 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 300 202,750 122,420 12,990 56,430 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cent, Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Bloomington; Mtle.Com. Bk. and Tr. Co., St. L. 25,000 250,860 70,530 31,140 228,890 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Miss. Valley Tr.Co., 8t. L.; Old N., Evanville, Ind. 165,730 32,240 11,180 43,560 Cont. Ill. Bk. Chi. 10,100 41,800 1st N., Chi.; Ridgely-Far. State, Sprintfield. C. R. Pendarvis 22,910 74,340 48,520 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Far. Mech., Galesburg. 197,960 75,740 7,380 27,330 Cont. Ill. Bk. and Tr. Cl. Chi.: 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.; 1st N.. Alton. 153.710 1,184,450 608,840 252,580 234,930 Lrv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill.Bk. &Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi. G. A. Swanson E. B. Simmons F. E. Whitfield •J§’14 & Tr, Co. and Stock Yds. N.. L. 0. Arends .. 200,000 60,000 12,490 278,980 20,000 198.050 73,880 23.000 66,540 Cont.Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 50,000 27,400 357,300 6,500 227,000 150,300 34,200 29,700 1st N., Chi. Receiver appo inted June 22, 1931) ORVILLE STRICKLEB- C. A. CHITTENDEN— J. W. B08ART-------- M. C. BRAY_ _ _ _ _ _ Oldest, Largest, and Strongest Bank In Mendon. Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each tight draft for oreeeniation and 25e /or Credit Report*. Investment Securities & Receiver appo inted November 25,1 931) G, T. Iehl_______ W. O. Iehl Henry Arends (Closed March 16, 1931. MENDQN STATE BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 270,000 60,000 John B. Fullenwider (Closed October 24, 1930. Melvin State Bank 70-1455 80,000 113.480 Melrose Park State Bank A. F. Amling_____ W. G. Heidemann . Herman Weiss----- Lawrence Moreno. Herman G.Amling *350-10% 70-422 dB®TJS’06 Chris G. Mahnke par 100 par 100 550,000 7,840 S. A. Mendenhall.. S. J. Miller John Tehl Melvin _499 Commercial State Bk. par 100 70-1454 d®»t5’90 7 Ford G18 „ 50,000 (Closed August 1, 19 30) Medora 367 Farmers State Bankd®i*+§T2 J. L. Tober . 8 Macoupin L10 *210-12% par 100 70-1766 “ 100.000 25.000 Gerald J. Carey__ McNabb______162 Farmers State Bank B. G. Hoyle........ - H. W. Matern 7 Putnam E15 7% par 100 70-1449 dB®*t§’03 Mechanlcsburg Sang’n J14 364 67,720 $1429 870 $ 512,620 $ 303,480 $ 274,300 Chase N, and Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi Receiver app ointed February 28, 1931) Wesley Wilcox___ Frank W. Aldrich. H. M. Palmer ___ ,T. W. Raker _ . J. H. Baker, F. W. Aldrich, S. B. Van Ness Asst. Tr. Off. Tr.Off. Peoples National Bank®»t’09 G. W. Hogan, Jr.__ 12% 70-680 7 Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Miscel Gash k Ex Paid-up Surplus Depos Other changes,Dus and and and Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous prom Bank* ties M.FRANGENHEIM_ $ 200,000 $ 338.660 $1913 890 $ F. F. VOLKMAN I. G. Baumann........ Erma C. Crosby.— L. S. Davies______ R. C. Barker Mazon 526 First National Bank-.d®"t'89 7 Grundy E18 70-1446 Co_____70-1448 dB®Te*J'60 *150 par 100 Ass’t Cashier. (.Oldest, Lar gest and Str ongest Bank in Maywood. .. MeLean 676 7 McLean H15 Resources. Liabilities. President. M McConnell.__178 7 Stephenson A12 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued n i i Continental Illinois Company ^ Chicago CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 447 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ‘County Seats. to Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. Mendota___ 4008 7 LaSalle D15 •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPrir. t-Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estah. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. FARMERS & ------- " .. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital 0. C. HASKELL------- JOHN GQEDTNER—. E. F. LEWIS________ A. A. LAKDGBAF — Please send 25c for Credit Ratings. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 12% par 100 70-459 ..____ Vice-President. S 50.000 $ 32,010 $ 482,080 $ 30,030 $ 429,400 $ 85,710 $ 21,600 J 57,400 Chase NN. T.j 1st N. and Slock Yds. Young, Growing, Progressive. Give us a trial. MERCH. STATE BK. Collections given prompt, personal attention. 1130-6% 70-460 d®»t§’19 For quick returns. Low Rates. Send us your business. par 100 " President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. Principal correspondents. Surplus Depos Other Loam Bondi Miscel Cam ft Eiand and AND ohaiom,Dc* Liabili Diaoounta its Soeuritiis laneous MOM Ba«U Propits ties ILLIN OIS—Continued E. P. FASSETT, J. C. CORBUS............ E. J. WELSCH------------N. W. FASSETT......... Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Oldest Established Bank. Modern Methods—Prompt, Efficient Personal Service. Collections a Specialty. Please send 25c with each reauest for Report or Rating. d®»t’65 R. N. CRAWFORD- ADAM KLIYLA— B. J. FEIK-----------E. A. WALKER— , C. WALTER JACOB Vigorous attention given collections. Quick returns and consistent charges. Reasons given for non-payment. d®»t’97 Please send 25c with each reauest for Report or Rating. 100.000 171,150 734,540 50,620 428,020 354,030 102,680 171,570 ChaseN„ N.Y.J Cont. 111. Bk.&Tr. Co., Drov. N., and Stock Yds. N., CM.; 1st N., Joliet. 100,000 45.580 980,250 17,060 742,610 207,650 37,940 154.680 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.,N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; City N., Clinton, la. 30,000 16,900 213,520 20,040 208,860 20,240 7,270 34,100 Chase N.. N.Y.: 1st N., Ohi.: Htle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Ayers N., Jackson ville. 1. M. BELSLY______ 50.000 CLARA SCOTT T be aceompanle d by ports, 25c. 22,110 358,570 18,590 261,070 80,350 27,720 80,130 Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Peoria. 12,500 54,710 21,570 5,330 37,760 1st N., Chi.; Edgar Co. N.,Paris; Fletcher* Am. N.. Indpis. 425,000 175,000 100,000 50,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N, Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. and Paducah. Ky. 343,330 406,020 28,090 400.000 250,000 127,680 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and Paducah; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 75,000 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; City N., Paducah, Ky. 108,330 41,380 38,510 29,490 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 36,500 MENDOTA NATIONAL BANK - $150-8% par 100 70-461 Meredosla___ 820 Farmers & Traders State W. F. Roegge------- L. E. Hinners____ O. A. Korsmeyer.. Bank___ 70-880_____tS’87 M. Jl. Cody I Morgan I 8 8% par 100 fS. M.SNYDER, J. C. SNYDER_____ J. C. SNYDER. ) Ch. of Bd.and Pres Metamora___ 707 METAM0RA STATE BANK d®t§’85 \ Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MCS 7 Woodford F13 8% por 100 70-1456 (.FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain sight dr afts, 15c; Credit Re Metcalf 401 First National Bank____ 05 J. W. Whitehead, Elmer McClain__ W. A. Barth_____ Gertrude Julian__ Ch.of Bd.and Pres. par 100 70-1457 7 Edgar J21 25,000 5,610 76,250 ‘Metropolis.. 5573 City National Bk. -d®T»t'07 L. G. Simmons ___ Frank C. Johns ... Lindell W. Sturgis R. Wehrmeyer 8 Massac R17 $250-8% par 100 70-428 60,000 100,000 600,000 First National Bank _d®»t’84 H. J. Humma------- Geo. Arensman.... L. K, McAlpin----- T,. T,. Helm P. D. Arensman $290-18% par 100 7 0-426 60,000 115,680 670,850 National State Bank.®»t’95 C. W. Hausmann.. E. A. Bormann ___ Noah J. Korta___ L. H. Bremer____ 8% 70-427 50.000 100,000 600,000 B. F. Chesnut____ Clarence Drake___ Elmer L. Primm... L. A.Spence_____ Middletown ...507 Middletown State Bank 7 Logan 112 par 100 7 0-19 2 3 d®t5’17 35.000 8,010 167,710 | the^anJToF 1. M. GOLDSTEIN_ _ _ UfftRRPN niuic PRISCILLA JONES — d®<5'07 (Collections and STABILITY AND PROGRESS, credit lnformatl on reported same day received. 50.000 22,610 534,190 399,130 15,000 10,010 45 830 55,410 50.000 95,970 863.550 846,330 3,750 13,130 146,320 Stock Yds. N., Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Millington___208 First State Bank_____ t§’95 R. W. Scoggin___ Ruth Carpenter.__ T. K. House_____ C. H. PI n ess 7 Kendall D18 par 125 7 0-146 2 25,000 13,520 108,420 71,030 56,110 4,500 16,390 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi. Mill Shoals....465 Mill Shoals State Bank_t§’21 E. N. Glascock___ F. A. Blackford.__ $116-12% 70-976 White 019 par 100 15.000 2,980 65,990 67,480 4,840 .. 7 .. Iroquois G21 CITIZENS STATE BANK 70-769 Mill brook....... 154 Farmers State Bank._©t§’21 J. D. Hollenback.. George Johnson__ Ralph R. Wittie... 7 Kendall D17 $125-5% par 100 7 0-1460 MUledgevHle.. 807 Shumway State Bankd®tS'04 J. F. Greenawalt— C.A. Straka_____ H. C. Knox 7 Carroll Bll 70-1461 8 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and C. M. Sunderland.. 58,600 7,000 1,090 171,170 N. City, N. Y.; Oont. Ill. Bk. and Drov. N„ Ohi. 680 Trust Company — Chicago & Tr. Co. 14,810 Sandwich State. Sandwich. 11,650 Old N.. Evansville, Ind. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 448 to each bank in (J. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Resources. Town AND COUNTY eMem.A.B.A.ttNew §SlaietPrif ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. Mlllstadt____ 1014 8 St. Clair Nio Mllmlnt........... 302 7 Piatt 117 Milton________ 332 8 Pike J7 Mineral_______ 266 7 Bureau Dll Mlnler________ 726 7 Tazewell H13 tMsu. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav4LastSale%Div First National Bank PUUIDKNT. VlCZ-PSISIDKNT. W. N. Baltz______ A.W. Baltz..... 1250-12% 70-1463 d®T»t’03 -r3% Spec, par 100 G. F. Baltz Oiiiin. $ioo-8% 70-1466 Farmers State Bank_.@t§’80 B. F. Quigg_______ N. R. Peine_______ P. R. Murphy-------- Emma L. Peine.__ 7* par 100 70-982 rOTTO GRAFF. J Ch.of Bd.andPres. Paid-tjv Capital G.F. Baltz______ Etta Diesel---------- $ Milmine State Bank ®»tl’19 Isaac Hawver____ Geo. S. Larrick A. L. Hawver.____ Floy C. Hawver... par loo 70-1464 Farmers 8tate Bank_d©i’21 Estella B. Hoover. Artie B. Doss_____ M. B. Hoover_____ Beulah Denison.__ tioo par 100 70-1465 First State Bank.___®tl'21 Seott Busweil____ E. C Stndley_____ P.P. Strattan........ Doris Matthews... MIRIER STATE BARK G. IMIG......... ....... 6. E. TAIREI- - - - - - - EBA I. BUEHRIB — of an efrieer { Personal Attest Ion n given BUI of In asanred. Unaxe par 100 7 0-983 d®tf’»l ) Special attentfo ding Drafts, Cash V. Plea** lend 16e te ith each eight draft far presentation and Mlnonk.......... 1910 Minonk State Bank d®’*!’®# J. C. Danfortb, F. J. Simater_____ F. C. Tucker------- 7 Woodford F16 Mlnooka______346 7 Grundy D18 Modesto______ 246 8 Macoupin Ell Mokena______562 7 win D2e Moline_____ 32,236 7 Rock Island D8 Aas’T CASHIER. Loan An W PaoviTs 60,000 S fM sad LiI A r»l 70,000 $ 927,000 $ Tins B“?" Diioouti 66,800 S 524,980 $ 438,020 { 71,670 $ 30,000 6,200 60,000 15,000 19.800 106,740 97,260 6,740 25,000 2,970 152,800 136,960 100 11,280 60.000 29,900 277,000 39,300 3,600 50,000 53,880 10,000, 235,860 18,540 43,650 87.800 2,230,560 15,000 1,278,420 51,750 252,700 25,000 211,750 704,630; 41,850! 45,530 8,370 172,240 180 7,500 300,000!--------------! 225,620, 3,500 90,000 J. C. Lewis------------ 100,000 25.000 70-1099 Bank of Modesto............ t§'li Lewis Rinaker. 25,000 5,380 25,000 35,000 Wm. E Sims_____ C. M. White--------Ch. ofBd. and Pres. E. Walkington Mokena State Bank. d©,l’09 E. Krapp______ Rose Moriarty----- O. A. Bartels_____ E. J. Cooper. $200-8% par 100 70-1468 ‘COMMERCIAL SAVINGS BANK CHAS. A. LARSON, R. M. JOHNSON----- R. M. JOHNSON- - - - - - - W. A-HANSON B. KRAPP J. J. DEWACHTER 100,000 THE0. L.TOLINE MH—hMITIiE WORTM ED. ANDRIES, ‘MOLINE STATE 0. F. ANDERSON. C. I. W. H. H. E. GODEHNi TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Ch. of Bd. Exec. V. Pres. F. N‘. AnS'ERSON 0. T. BOHMAN, 1.109,906 A. Cash, and Tr. Officer. 14,840 4,000 29,000 1,152,390 428,220 94,890 154,920 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. dB®T»t§’69 ‘PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK TRUST COMPANY $175-8% parlOO 79-124 dB®T»tl'67 503,340 11964260 57,000, 375,610 269,760 117,480 61,860 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. 469,700 7,674,580 4,332,080 WM. BOTHERA. T. FOSTERWORTH A. M.BEAL G. W. CRAMPT0N, J. P. PEARSON A.T. FOSTER J. IE Bl SSCH0P, Tr. Officer Ch. of Bd. C.LMUL——. 650,000 250,450 10375820 B. M. ENOSTROM R. E. NEUHAUS R. E. ENGSTR0M 691,620 7,112,420 3,054,550 642,260 1,288,380 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Hi. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. and Pitt.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C., Mo. 618,280 1,182.640 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. DIRECTORS A. M. Beal L. R. Blackman Wm. Butterworth G. W. Crampton G. E. Evans A. T. Foster Wilson P. Hunt A. K. Montgomery H. W. Nelson J. P. Pearson ESTABLISHED 1857 Complete Banking and Trust Facilities. Efficient Service on Collections. B. F. Peek H. W. Plambeck C. R. Rosborough W. H. Schulzke W. A. Rosenfield W. E. Taylor A. C. Vander Yennet T. F. Wharton C. D. Wlman Sol Hirsch, Sec.____ J. J. KIRBY- - - - - - - W. KING- - - - - - - - - - - - - - E. P. CLEARY......... J. J. KIRBY. JR. 50.000 42,180 673,100 15,200 239,520 26,000 329,550 326,820 21,640 149,420 79,730 18,940 THE BANK OF PERSONAL SER VICE, STRENGT H AND CHARAC TER. .Special attentl on given Bill of Lading drafts, C ash and Time It ems. Parish State Bank ...d®§’21 W. W. Parish_____ W. J. Parish.......... Anthony Parish... 9% par 100 70-1856 Y. A. Parish, Sec. of Bd. 25,000 Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company — Chicago Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Co., Chi. LARGEST STATE BANK IN ILLINOIS OUTSIDE OF CHICAGO Oldest Chartered Savings Bank In the County. Oldest Trust Company In the City. Moline Clearing House.......... O. F. Anderson, Chairman (Member! indicated by a *) Momence ....2236 FIRST RATI0RAL BARK 70-911 ®»t’03 7 Kankakee B22 $175-10% 622,470 Unaurpeeeed Collection Sarvloa. Bill of Lading Drafts given Speelal Care. Mgr. Bd. Dept. 70-126 45,240, 404,780 Bk. of America N. A., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 92,470 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; lit N„ Joliet. 33,620 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.; Mtle.-Com, Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.; Ill. N., Springfield. 32,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Joliet Tr. & Sav., Joliet. 10,320 W. F. i 11 hno A Live Progressive Commercial Bank. Bill of Lading Drafts and other Collections given prompt, careful attent Ion. 79-128 d®*tl’12 100,000 Fifth Av. Tr. & Savings Bank W. J. Peterson.__Gee. W. Wood.......... [Clark G. AndersonJHelfrid G. Swan... $75 par 100 79-129 d®Ttri9 32,420 Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; lit N.. Joliet. 70,000 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 41,440 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.: Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Peoria; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Bloomington. 144,030 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. ft $125 parlOO $185-9% par 100 69,940 1,660,410 10,200 lit N., Monti cello; Ottii. N., Decatur. 150,000 5150-10% par 100 70-1467 155,000,________ 89,120 lit N.. St. L. and K. St. L. 37,530 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. elled fheUltlea. T BT US. and Time Items. 26« far Credit Rep 10% par 100 79-442 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Farmers First Nat. Bk.-*t'98 E. W. Matteson... W. J. Heap............. W. F. Dir st______ Audrey A. Bell.... PHOTCIPAL OOKKUPONDENTS. Mucil- 113,270 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N. Chi.; Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls.; City N. Kankakee. 31,640 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Kankakee. INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $ 150,000,000 44Q Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in u. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A."New § State tPriv. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Lords Bonds Miscel Other Paid-up Surplus D hpos And and Liabiliand Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous TIES Monee 383 Eastern Will Co. State Bank George Sonneborn. John B. Sonneborn George S. Miller... Fred H. Emde____ $ 7 Will D21 s% 70-1469 d®<§’03 Monee State Bank___ d»t§T3 William Plagge— Romeo Illgen_____ Arthur C. Albers.. Orville R. Albers. 6% par 100 70-1820 Hjalmar Rehn, Sec. ‘Monmouth..8666 7 Warren F8 MONMOUTH TR. & SAVINGS BANK 70-253 $150-5% par 100 70-250 H .. 70-252 J. A. TUBBS........... £UHH— J. E. ZIMMER____ L. F. BOYER_____ H.W. TUBBS d®T«t'83 ILLINOIS JOINT STOCK LAND BK. » par 100 70-2070 THE MOORE STATE BANK 8% 200.000 tmm-~ 36,440 1st N„ Ohi.; Joliet Tr. & Sav., Joliet. 150.360 58,020 13,670 1,160,800 65,300 81,990 255,180 1,328,650 130 TEST OUR FACI LITIE s. 292,930 2,479,600 203,090 862,720 1,032,640 400,870 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co. ano Stock Yds. N.. Chi. 120,120 1,070,140 Chase N..N. Y.jCont. HI. Bk.&Tr.Co., Chi ; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria^ 145,140 902,960 50,660 637,590 273,260 56,100 206,810 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Ci . and Slock Yds. N., Chi. 75,000 311,150 1,865,070 125,000 1,017,780 609,410 109,790 639,240 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cent. Rep, Bk. & Tr. Co, and 1st N„ Ohi. 346,050 57,840 30,750 96,070 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and StockYds. N„ Ohi.-, Rockford N.. Rockford. E.E.LOHR. A. M. FOSTER 510,100 343,330 117,290 228.980 Cent. Han. Bk &Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.-Com.Bk. & Tr. Co., 50,000 35,730 444,960 150.000 53,440 896,260 450,100 B. VAN R. MOORE... ALLEN F. M00RE-— R. A. McKINNEY — W. L.. PLANKENH0RN R. B. WEDDLE E. M. HARTER, And. 150,000 ------------ F. V. DILATUSH- - - - - - WM. A. STEEL_ _ _ W. R. FISHER Under State Supervision. Affiliated with First National Bank. We have money at all times to loan on high-grade farms. Banks are invited to refer their customers to us. Continental Illinois Bank and 100,000 15c with each Sight Draft for presentation and 25e for Credit Ratings means better and quicker service. A Bank of Strength, Character and Service PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL BANKING MATTERS. Send Tour Collections to us. WM. DIGHTON- - - - - - - FRANK HETISHEE — F. V. fflLATUSH, TrZ W. A. STEEL, A. Sec.l A. C. DIGHTON FRAflK HETISHEE, See.lfl, R. FISHER, A Sec. MONET ALWAYS on HAND to LOAN on FARMS at LOWEST RATE. NO COMMISSION. Can always take care of all your customers promptly If you become our local representative. Banks and Loan Companies are invited to write us. HETISHEE DIGHTON-) LOAN WILLIAM DIGHTON—FRANK A. C. DIGHTON DILATUSH C0.nJ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 53,400 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 75,690 121,200 6,559,000 156,600 6,877,000 155,600 155,200 9 ,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.T.; 1st N., Chi. and Monticello. 110,710 189,450 Chase N.,N.T.; Cont. III. Bk.& Tr. Co., —— Chi.: 1st N., St. L. (FarmLn. Bonds.) (Territory, Iowa and Illinois) PIATT COUNTY'S OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK A commercial Bank organized for modern, efficient banking service. Collections and all banking 70-652 dB®«tT70l matters given prompt attention. WE INVITE YOUR BUSINESS par 100 22,760 $ D. B. Hardin, A. C. A. H. Cable N. DIGHTON—- G. B. N0ECKER A,?, DIGHTON FIRST NAT’I RANK WILLIAM DIGHTON... JOHN 8% 205,810 5,930 $ ®*t’90 J Vigorous att sntlon given o ollections. Qu ick returns. V.Send 15c with eac h Sight Draft. Sen d 25c for Credit Rep orts. Second National Bank®»t’74 C. D. Hardin ___ $425-6% par 100 70-251 E. C. Hardin, V. P. F. B. Pattee $200-8% par 100 70-853 27,680 4,680 $ 260,110 $ ft Ex- Oldest Bank In Warren County. Modern Methods- -Prompt, Efficient Personal Service. Collections a Sp eclalty. ®»i’70 Send 15c with each Sight Draft for presentation, and 25e for Credit Reports. Monroe Center... Monroe Center State Bank F. A. Hildebrand.. W. B. Tyler._ 7 Ogle B15 252 $150-8% par loo 70-1471 d®|’03 W. H. Grill, Ch, ‘Monticello .2378 7 Piatt 118 25.000 125,000 H. U. SCOTT_____ BERT COWICK E.E. POLLARD | General Ba nklng. Excelle nt Service. P rompt remitta nee. (. Reasonable charges. Send us your Item s and collecti ons. PEOPLES RATIONAL BARK $200-12% par 100 56,930 $ 255,580 $ rJ. D. LYRCH........ CLYDE E. DUKE — R. L. WRAY —- CJOHN C. ALLEH- W. B. WEIR-------- C. M.JOHNSTON .. 25,000 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash ckaro*s,Dui from Barks d®TS’05 NATIONAL BANK OF MONMOUTH — Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued 49,260 581.890 928,800 246,010 15c with each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Ratings means better and quicker service. 75.000 20,000 42,000 17,000 63,600 80,400 10,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. T.; 1st N., — Monticello. Farm Loan Correspondent of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. Trust Company^ Chicago Where Bankers Bank 450 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town ADD C00NTT. •County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A. wNew 5State tPrli tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Montrose_____ 309 | Effingham L18 Cashier. Liabilities. ther Depos LOiabili Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus and its Capital Profits ties James M. Crews .. W. E. Kibler Frances Crews Company .70-1 472—©T§’02 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued $ 25,000 S 10,000 S 160,000 Resources. Miscel Bonds Loans and and Discounts Securities laneous Principal Correspondents. k Cash Ex change,Dub from Banks N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. $ 160,000 Morgan Park___ (See Chicago) 7 Cook C21 •Morris . 5568 Farmers dfc Merch. N. Bk____ (Consolidated with Grundy County Nat ional Bank May 16, 1931) 7 Brandy E18 “ ---------- " rR. S.CUNNEA —) SERVICE—The FIRST NATIONAL BANK „ par too 70-430 <lB®»t 70 j Special attentio L. Please send 15c wi GRUNDY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK $40 •Morrison ....3067 7 Whiteside 011 -------- P. A. TESDAL______ ’125,000 27,940 752,330 $ 100,000 595,680 S 248,200 $ !tAceHYNDS 31,420 S 129,340 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Stk. Yds. N., and Drov. N., Chi. Ilections. C for Credit Reports. First Trust & Savings Bank.. (Absorbed by First National Bank Oct ober 31, 1930) “---------- " ” H. B. WAGNER_____ E. L. FLETCHER-----J. E. CONNOR Reason for our ra pid growth—SER n given Bill of La ding and Note Co th each sight draft So r presentation and 25 “ par 43,330 570,780 94,820 285,870 424,780 32,060 66,220 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; City N., Clinton. 25.000 fC. M. KINGERY—- WILLIAM BOYD-------- H.W. WILLIAMS......... R. H. KINGERY-------A. NORRISH 70-1702 d®*t»’13 L Please send 16c w B. t for presentation and Kc for Credit Reports. ith each Sight Drat 31,680 462,210 5,000 413,660 30,290 24,380 55,540 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.: City N., Clinton, la. 34,430 1,018,880 287,600 103,740 70-589 par 100 J Prompt Attentl on given Collect! ons. (.Send us your M orris Items direc t. Special attentio n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items, d©»t 95 ) 15c should be se nt with each Sigh t Draft far presen tation and L25e for each Cr edit Report. OLD EST BANK IN T HE COUNTY. SMITH TRUST & SAVINGS BANK U% 70-590 Y.: N., Joliet. < MORRISON STATE BANK $105-6% par 100 Stk. Yds. N. 100,000 525,910 89,400 367,630 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. rj. A. RIORDON —- A. W. BADGER------------ GLENN CRADDOCK— d®T»t‘64 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1120-4% 107,960 1,047,550 150,000 70-429 25 85,000 1,687,530 CLAPP______ MABEL G. GOOLD—- A. W. BUCK—............. F. C. FERGUSON_____ O.E. COLLINS, VP. t. 6. CARR M.C. HANSEN K. J. AARRESTAD W. G.PENN j Oldest Bank. Modern Equlpme nt and Methods. rF. H. Cl. A. SMITH H. W........ F. 0. JAMISON < Prompt attentl on given to all bus ) Save time and get service on Col l FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d M. L. RITCHIE_____ 100,000 150,010 1,325,160 199,370 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. Iness. lections and Cred It Reports by send K? US. rafts, 1 Be; Credit Remerts, 25c. T dB®T»t*’78 par 100 (Closed June 25, IE 31 for liquidation) Morrlsonvllle _ 968 7 Christian K1S „ First State Bank____d®*l'30 G. M. Seaton_____ Edward Diller. par 100 70-1919 F. J. Colbrook Fred Reuling_____ Morton______ 1501 Morton State Bank 70-1473 dB®«t§’88 7 TaiewellGIS $160-8% par 100 H. H. Dilg________ Henry Loutsch. Morton Grovel974 7 Cook B20 70-1744 Frank M. Bane___ Agnes K. Fromme. 25,000 3,090 86,130 2,530 60,830 7,500 16,320 32,110 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: lit N.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. F. W. Reuling____ C. T. Getz________ A. B. Hoettchen 75,000 34,250 632,390 10,200 559,940 77,100 19.450 95,360 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria; Far. N.. Pekin. Ernest Kruse_____ R. F. Dilg 50,000 25,590 405,040 57,000 347,080 114,500 12,560 63,490 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 25,000 22,110 147,650 30,780 110,080 47,880 45,050 22,540 St. Louis N. Bk.. St. L.; Cairo-Alexander Co., Cairo. 25,000 18,570 162,630 2,000 114,750 46,070 21,680 25,700 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.: 1st Bk. & Tr. Co., Cairo. ®T*t#'12 •Mound City. 2548 First National Bank Thomas Boyd------- G. J. Murphy____ EarlKarraker___ A. f!. Vfertz $250-8% 70-621 d®»t’04 8 Pilaskl R15 par 100 se ss First State Bank ...d®»ti'89 M. F. Browner------ F. J. Kuny_______ G. C. Trammell.— Geo. A. Tharp-----$350-10% 70-629 par 100 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY^—CHICAGO CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 dC i Town Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Resources. Liabilities. County. •Mem.A.B.A.n-New § State tPrir. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fie. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div president. Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass’T Cashier. Mounds_____2129 First National Bank..©*t’13 W. H. Spaulding— L. B. Armstrong— F. L. Hoffmeier— M. J. Winchester.. $ 8 Pulaski R15 $105-6% 70-1821 25.000 $ 5,000 $ 196,000 S 52,900 $ 26,100 $ 37,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 205,490 21,950 16,850 58,370 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st Bk. A Tr., Cairo; St. L. N., St. L. 60,000 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: liflllkin N.. Decatur; Springfield Marine. Springfield. 10,000 S 120,000 $ par 100 50,000 20,160 232,500 40,000 12,500 180,000 52,500 155,000 50,000 20,000 100,000 151,240 1,493,860 45,000 897,060 720,550 109,660 231,130 N. City. N.Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. GW.; Citiz. N.. Evansville, lnd. Beulah Sites______ G. S. Faust 100,000 62,340 1,022,060 200,000 611,750 558,740 111,550 102,360 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr.Co„ St. L. Owen P. Miles___ M. A. Hartman F. E. Weidman 200.000 61,600 2,435,910 1,824,540 379,450 98,630 394,890 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. 1,350 H. H. Melton __ First State Bank------ ©•tS’06 O. T. Hudson.......... L. H. Frizzell____ 70-1474 Principal Correspondents. Bonda Miscel Gash k ExLoans Surplus ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up uhaw«m,Dui and and AND its Capital Profits Diaoounta Sacuritiae laneous non Banks ties . Mt. Auburn...380 First National Bank-..dt'll F. B. Mulberry.__ 7 Christian J15 6% par 100 70-1071 J. M. Mitchell____ C. F. Stein................ L. E. McKittrick.. A. H. Gill.................. *Mount Carmel American National Bank H. H. Wood. A. C. Howard Wallar John Coleman *WabashN217132 $275-15% 70-323 dB®W01 par loo Chas. Oldendorf— B. H. Stansfleld__ First National Bank 70-322 dB®#t’90 Waiter K. Kimzey, N. L. Eastham Ch. of Bd. par 100 J. H. Miles *Mount Carroll First Carroll County State J. S. Miles 7 Carroll Bll 1775 Bank__ 70-684__dB©T«t»’64 S. J. Campbell, Ch. N. Miles............ par 100 Mount Erie.__176 Mt. Erie State Bank— _tfl2 J. M. Allison_____ G. G. Hedrick........ 9% par 100 70-1722 8 Wayne N19 Mt. Greenwood (See Chicago) 15,000 1,300 63,600 61,140 10,400 650,000 5,000 7,010 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 105,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N.< Chi.; Rockford N., Rockford. MountMorrls 1902 Citizens State Bank d®»tj'l $176-12% par 100 70-1475 7 Ogle B13 C. A. Wishard, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 80,000 30,000 650,000 Mount Olive. 3079 8 Macoupin Lll J. F. Prange .......... Frank Franzen___ D. E. Aylward_____ Alma W. Prange... L. J. Hartke C. F. Hockman 50,000 20,000 578,840 159,610 314,010 344,860 79,060 70,520 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co.. St.L. F. G. Droste________ E. C. H. Niemeyer. A. E. Fischer............. .. W. A. Heien N. J. Droste 50,000 18,610 350.940 4,680 178.320 174.850 30,750 40,310 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 50,000 42,840 393.290 6,230 208,040 111,590 35,840 100,000 83,050 557,540 10,310 604,370 17,300 32,360 96,870 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. Robert Aitchison. R. D. Clark...................... George Rupp............. .. B. R. Aitchison— 100,000 88,180 447,440 50,080 494,980 56,900 14,840 118,980 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. C. A. Reid............... D. G. Gordley........ 50.000 91,210 470,000 19,070 266,150 196,350 18,490 149,300 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr, Co.. Chi.; Mtle. Tr, & Sav., Quincy. 50,000 13,510 405,680 10,000 336,270 75,690 2,000 65,230 1st N., Chi.; Mtle. Tr. k Sav.. Quincy; Franklin-Am. Tr. Co.. St. L. 1,357,670 1,258,500 174,650 579,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. par 100 70-475 Mt.01iveStateBankd®«t§’l $135-7% par 100 ♦70-474 C. H. Gewecke............. Mount Prospect Mount Prospect State Bk. 7 Cook B20 1225 Wm. Busse, Ch. Mount Pulaski 7 Logan 114 1145 T. A. Scroggin............. $180-10% par 100 •Mount Sterling Brown County State Bank G. J. Hersman. 8 Brown 16 1724 8% 70-048 d®tl'01 D. G. Gordley, Ch. G. A. Moody $125-6% • Mt. Vernonl2,375 Jefferson State Bank_______ (Closed December 18 , 1930 8 Jefferson N16 THIRD NATIONAL BANK 70-273 $400-10% par 100 J. H. Briggs .. . C. P. Schneider G. A. Moody. C. F. MeHatton — Farmers State Bank.d< par 100 70-1853 n. Riisse..... . G. A. Voile....... .............. H. V. Wynd_________ E. A. Downing 70-722 First National Bank..®»i 70-723 O. Receiver app ointed January 22, 1 931) L. L. EMMERSON—- (1 F MclTFF RUFUS GRANT F A VONARR____ MARLIN RICH_ _ _ _ 160,000 UT UFRNAN’S 1 A RfiFST AND STRONGEST BARK. Send us your Bill of Lading Drafts. dB®*J'0] Prompt attention to all collections. D. S. McGaughey.. C. E. Readhead___ Mount Zion...405 Mount Zion State Bank 7 Macon J16 209,820 3,000,000 30,000 33,010 140,000 123,430 48,000 4,040 32,390 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; MBUkia N. and Citiz. N., Decatur. 25.000 9,080 241,170 180,980 41,350 14,150 38,760 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Millikin N. and N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur. 25.0001 7,000i 95,000 83,500 9,500 12,500i 21,500i Drov. N., Chi.: N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur. 40,0001 15,7501 197,530 155,430i 40,000i 28.23C1 69.63C1 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk.&Tr. Co., St.L. par 100 Moweaqua— 1478 7 Shelby J16 Alice Ayars.. M. S. Ayars--------------- ___ 70-1951 State Bank of Moweaqua par 100 70-2128 ©t Mulberry Grove 8 Bond L13 596 70-1477 Herbert Mohler— C A Stout - P. W. Neff_____________ ) i Roland McKean... F. A. DeMoulin___ E. J. Stauffer D. T.Brown Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 136,880 1st N., Chi. and 40.000 Trust Company — Chicago FIVE A CORRESPONDENT 4S? Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given eaclh bank ln u- s exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town amd Oodntt. e.\lem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriT ^County Seats. tMem. 8tate B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Mundelein... 1011 State Bank of Mundelein — J. C. Reuse......... .. 7 Lake A20 *190 70-1555 dB®*t§'89 par 100 Murdock____ 375 Murdock State Bank .. t§’20 8. H. Porterfield 7 Douglas J20 1100-5% 70-1478 ‘Murphysboro (Jackson Q13 8182 Cashes. First National Bank.dT»t’89 A. M. Carter-------- F. B. Herbert............R. J. Hodge_____ 70-286 Murphysboro Savings Bank 70-288 ®I§’93 STATE BK.0F MURPHYSBORO par 100 70-291 dB®t§'18 A. M. Carter........... H. Borgsmiller, Sr. R. J. Hodge F. B. Herbert 50,000 J 50,000 $ 247,880 $ 10,000 12,500 75,000 C. N. HARDY.......... 50.000 67,220 847,740 W. King______ 50,000 56,460 557,940 25,000 20,640 257,820 17,500 169,000 W. King............... Reet Thomas-------- James Wild................ Carl McCord J. H. Hrabik Resources, Lords Bondi Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos Other AMD and Liabili and Capital Propits its Discount* SicuritUs laneous ties $ A. T. Porterfield.. M. J. Porterfield. *250 par 100 *160 par 100 Ass’t Cashier. R. F. Rouse........... M. C. Mott____ A. E. Suter HENRY QUERNHEIM- P. W. GRIFFITH-— A. B. STOELZLE— d®»t’92 E.A.WELLS.CA.o/Bd. 70-287 par 100 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, HoUdays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Vice-President. CITY NATIONAL BANK *250 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In ILLINOIS—Continued 2,760 i 213,160 S 12,140 S 103,300 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Libertyville Tr. & Sav., Libertyville. 68,410 240 18.030 54,000 424,920 352,020 70,990 50,000 217,250 361,300 39,010 96,840 Cent. Han, Bk. & Tr„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N.. St. L. 131,000 79,210 25,770 67,460 1st N., Murphysboro. 107,000 64,000 17,300 51,000 1st N.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock (Affiliate d with Fi rst Nat’l Bk.) 50,000 22.030 i Principal Correspondents. Cam k Ex CRABSM'Diri from Baku 2,800 17,780 1st N., Tuscola; Ind. N., Indpls. 171,030 Chase N.. N.Y.; Cont. Ill.Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. Yds. Murrayvllle... 502 Mnrrayville State Bank Harry Cade-------- H. G. Strang______ L. O. Collin* 8 Morgan J1Q 70-1479 ®t§'08 Alma F. Jennings. 30,000 12,800 93,700 75,000 83,540 782,540 98,000 9,400 11,500 17,600 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.: Ayers 442,900 419.560 35,380 95,500 Chatham & Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. N., Jacksonville. Naperville.__5118 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 7 DuPage CIS *220-10% par 100 70-477 dB®»t’91 { IRVING GOODRICH B. C. BECKMAN______W. M. GIVLEfl_________ M. M. SPIEGLER— LOUIS H. CLEMENS *180-6H% par 100 ‘Nashville. .. 2243 8 Washington N13 70-476 dB®»t§’i J| Collections ' ’ cZ.ofBd. and boecker _ P. ZIE6EL- S. P. SCHROEDER . E. J. B0ESCHEN ...70-627____ d»t'06 8% par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK National Stock Yards_______ 1209 8 St. OlairMlO fv' A dIeter ' E‘ v*ZAHRINGER f■ 100.000 57,360 739,230 29,110 436,110 20,000 676,740 44,800 25,020 170,030 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N„ and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 183,460 250,340 3,650 77,770 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co, “•■ms T be accompanle d by Requests for Cre dlt Reports MVS Reports, 25c. / FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c; Credit sh or Time Items. VNo advance fee r equired on Bill of Lading Drafts, Ca FARMERS & MERCH. NAT’L par 100 Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chi. Tr. Co.. Chi. 7or Cre dlt Reports MI’S T be accompanle d by Reports, 25c. FEE IN AD VAN CEs Plain sight drafts, 15c: Credit Time Items, rio advance fee r equired on Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash or C.T.GJII REUSS STATE BANK 52,230 70-826 d»I’02 NATIONAL STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK OF NATIONAL CITY 70-1480 dB®T*t’89 CARRIE H. LUKE O.J. FOELLER 50,000 | Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. lPlease send 15c with each sight d/ra ft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. ■ • Paul Krughoff----- John H. Gaebe___ A. G. Hartnagel... John Bohbrink.— 75.000 Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. 69,950 868,620 80,290 208,870 676,360 351,380 9,857,720 110,070 5,362,330 1,740,380 670,000 244,700 38,100 170,530 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Oo. and 1st N., St. L. 0. J. SULLIVAN... H. W.. KRAMER — R. B. 8ARVIN___ J.W._ SINGER R. E. LAW HARRY G. WALL. J. W. MIN1TON Mgr. Bond Dept, THIS BANK OFFERS THE ADVANTAGES OF ITS EXPERIENCE AND STRATEGIC LOCATION FOR THE HANDLING OF ST. LOUIS AND STOCK YARDS BUSINESS AND INVITES FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS TO OPEN A TRIAL ACCOUNT WITHOUT DISTURBING PRESENT CONNECTIONS. 750.000 35,780 2,930,670 Cent. Han. Bk, & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; M tie.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St.L.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. *200-6% + extra par 100 Nauvoo______ 966 First Trust and Savings Bank (Closed September 8 , 1930) 7 Hancock G4 State Bank of Nauvood®t§’93 J. M. Fisher, W. J. Singleton... O. T. Pettit_______ K. J. Reinhardt-__ *200-10% 70-864 Ch, of Bd, and Pres, 100,000 83,000 850,000 10,500 par 100 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company — Chicago 107,800 Peo. Tr. & Sav„ Chi.; Ill. State, Quincy: State Cent. Sav.. Keokuk, la.; St. Jos. Stk. Yds., So. St. Jos. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number flTen to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 453 Town and County. eMem.A.B.A. "New §Stste t Pri». *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed- Res. District. d SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Dif. President. YlOE PRESIDENT. Ass’t Cashier. Cashes. 11.800 $ 307,070 50.000 13,130 50,000 7,630 179,010 25,000 15,000 125,000 Gasper Kiefer------ E. P. Moeser_____ George Krapp 25,000 19,020 211,230 George Wirth, Sr,. 0. J. Schmulbach . Gus F. Fries______ J. F. Weible 50.000 33,780 446,000 E. Mueller_______ A. F. Aekermaan. O. W. Billhartz—. 50,000 16.700 403,630 .. Mina M. Burkey... 25,000 5,690 119,240 L. B. Stapleton .— 25,000 23,000 120,000 W. M. Pfeifer____ E. Marie Chism... H. F. Zude 25,000 23,870 30,000 |-p 1, I4NFR 0. N. McKOWI.......... W. H. HARTGROVE— STATE BK. OF NEW BOSTON par 100 70—1486 d®»tl’04 < 8p«cW attentlo * given MR ef La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ) lirase, send 15c w ith each Sight Dra ftfor prcscntatio n and 25c for Credit Reports. Cumberland Co. Nat’l Bank T. W. Higgins. 70-846 d®tl900 7 Cumberland K18 8% Bureau El2 Robert Burrell „.. R. E. Strohm_____ Irene Dugan______ Jas. W. Stabler___ Jas. A. Briggs_____ Geo. W. Whaples.. T,. TT. Whaples Whaples & Farmers State Bank 70-1482 d®»t*’60 par 100 Oliver Anderson .. Marie B. Munson.. Ivy D. Brewlck ... Newark_______414 Farmers State Bank ...dtl'lO O. L. Miller, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 70-1483 7 Kendall D18 par 100 New Athens..1269 Farmers State Bank 8 St. Clair N12 1135par 100♦70-2019 dB®t5’20 .. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscml- Oajm ft XxL«aii ther DEPOS LOiabili Paid-up Surplus aad and and ITS Capital Profits Diiooaata Securities LAXIOTTS nan Banks ties 25.000 $ Nebo_____ ____ 484 First National Bank ...®t’14 J. T. Harvey_____ Wm. Franklin........ A. F. Turnbeangh. V. H. Gheen 1200 7 0-1729 8 Pike K7 7 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued .. State Bank of New Athens 1150-5% par 100 70-1484 dB®*tl’14 New Baden...1243 Farmers & Merchants State F. Schlafly___ 8 Clinton N12 1J% Bank 70-1485 d®»«'14 par 100 W. R. Spratt. New Bedford ..270 Farmers National Bank 70-1934 dB®t'18 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 7 Bureau D12 tioo-8% T. H. Dale G. W. Johnson J. F. Horn New Berlin ___ 661 First State Bank______ tl’02 S $ 221,060 $ 31.350 i 12,000 $ •• New Boston ...736 Peoples Slate Bank_____ _ 7 Mercer E6 — C. B. Warren . Warren-Boynton State Bank 12% par 100 70-984 dBt*’77 96,610 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.,8t. L.: Ayers N.. Jacksonville. 104,350 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 155,260 104,170 20,230 169,690 13,940 24,030 76,000 80,000 6,000 23,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Oo., Chi. 104,620 105,130 4,080 41,410 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 8t. L. 7,000 253,990 173,960 48,230 60,610 Chase N..N.Y.; Cont. Ill.Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., St. L.. Mo. 25,920 82,420 355,010 6,660 52,160 Union Tr. Co., E. St. L. 114,310 6,100 7,570 21,940 1st N„ Chi. 132,000 6,000 13,000 17,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Springfield. 251,840 201,970 61,870 5,000 31,860 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ill. N„ Springfield; Elliott State. Jacksonville. 31,020 235,270 210,660 13,660 22,180 49,780 Stock Yds. N., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Drov. N.. Chi.; 1st Galesburg N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galesburg. 61,480 Bremen and 1st N.. St. L. 259,480 % 61,410 20,000 10,000 7 Sangamon Jll 1140-12% par 100 70-985 .. Principal Correspondents. 28,990 1st N.. Chi.; Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr.. Co., Peoria. (Consolidated with S tate Bank of New B oston. April 25, 193 1) (.Oldest, Largest and Stresses* Ea ak la New Best on. New Canton...479 New Canton State Bank 8 Pike J5 {Closed January 13, 1931. Receiver appo inted January 27, 19 31) New Douglas..335 Prange State Bank___ tf’06 A. F. Prange_____ 70-1488 8 Madison L12 1150 W. W. Prange___ A. W. Prange_____ 60,000 37.300 435,930 175,160 274.640 11,950 New Holland. 353 New Holland State Bk. •tl'05 F. G. Wendell____ 1150-10% 70-1499 7 Logan H12 par 100 O. W. Blnns... Ira Y. La Forge... 25,000 36,390 229,650 113,130 109,440 5,800 62,670 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Joliet; Com'l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria: Lincoln N., Lincoln. H. H. Schluntz, Sec. 25,000 3,960 89,900 61,130 9,900 16,870 30,950 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Joliet Tr. & Sav.. Joliet. A. E. Parr 60,000 12,480 47,930 88,590 9,420 9,170 13,220 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls.; Millikin N., Decatur. C. C. Burgett_____ C. L. Reed 50,900 55,860 339,510 50,000 294,350 62,690 20,890 117,440 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Millikin N., Decatur Merch.N., Indpls. ( E. W. HERSH A. F. GALVIN_ _ _ _ _ WM. E. SCRAHWANN DORRIS L. SIMS____ 50,000 52,530 651,580 131,500 698,310 56,000 40,710 90,590 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.: Franklin-American Tr. Co..St. L.; 1st N., Phil. fPETER WARIER— PAUL WEIER tfclMF- ROY MCCORMACK— IELLSGHABKMAII— 50,000 64,140 687,010 534,500 108,800 New Lenox ....490 New Lenox State Bank 7 Will D20 1115 par 100 70-2117 d®t§’27 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Harry W. Storm .. Newman 7 1054 FIRST STATE BANK~®t»T3 Georgs Frame. A. 0. McIntyre---Douglas J20 par 100 70-1755 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. •• .. Newman National Bank Scott Burgett, 1250-18% 70-1491 ®»t’84 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 J. T. Burgett.. *Newton _ 207fi FIRST NATIONAL BANK t SPECIAL ATTE NTION GIVEN C OLLECTIONS 8 Jasper L19 10% par 100 70-633 dB®*t’01 -------- " PEOPLES STATE BANK 1225-12% par loo ) Since 1871 we have rendered Good Banking Service. J15 CENTS sent to ns with each sight draft for pr esentatlon, and 70-632 dB®t«’75 (.25 CENTS for ea ch credit report In sores prompt, pe rsenal attention. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company — Chicago 157,850 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: N. City. Evanaville, Ind.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 4C4 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. eMem.A.B.A. u-New §State fPrit. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.)> Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ILLINOIS—Continued CASHIER. Liabilities. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- Other Capital Profits IT8 TIES New Windsor..441 Bank of NewWindsor©«ti'20 A..T. Amlong _ M .1. Robb H. Q. Peterson___ Harry E. Swanson. $ «% 70-1492 7 fiMercer E8< Farmers State Bk. _dB©tS’14 John W. Petrie.__ Otto W. Swanson— Chester A. Olson _ 4140-7% par 100 70-1863 Doris E. Olson 50,000 $ 9,000 1 300,000 $ 25.000 7,500 330,000 60,000 31,390 245,590 Florence Nelson... 50.000 23,010 Niles Center..5007 National Bk. of Niles Center. Ferd. C. Baumann. ,T. P. Irnmel H. J. Mueller........ . *125 par 100 70-2125 dB©'28 7 Cook B20. Niles Center State Bank W. J. Oalitz............ Samuel Meyer........ Robt. F. Hoffman. W. C. Galitz 1400-32% 70-1494 dB©»t§’07 par 100 Nilwood 327 Nilwood State Bank___tS’08 J. C. Anderson.__ W. E.Johnson____ Anna Kinney_____ 70-1495 8 Macoupin Kll par 100 Nlantic K8Q 7 Macon 114 STATE BANK OF NIANTIC Derias Buckles.__ Carl W. Pritchett. Mary A. Downing.. 70-1493 d®»t§’90 Niles . 2135 State Bank of Niles _d®t§’21 Oust Franson.......... 1200-6% par 100 70-2043 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 7 Cook B21 (Chicago P. 0.) Nlota .................152 Niota State Bank____®t§’2Q J. M. Fisher............ H. Pollmiller_____ Geo. F. Brasfield.. 70-1983 7 Hancock G5 10% Resources. Loam Bonda Miscel- Camb k ExcxAaaaa,Du> Diaoounta Saouritias LA.NEOU8 non Baku 12,020 1 333,680 $ Principal correspondents. 14,810 $ 31,180 D1UV • AN i| VfUIiiUlki VII VTaiUOUUlK, ValOaDUlg) 252,500 62,500 12,500 35,000 Drov. N.. Chi.; 1st Galesburg N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galesburg; 1st N., Joliet. 13,860 175,690 82,790 5,220 297,290 38,340 189,470 156,790 20,500 100,000 60,410 1,345,750 17,990 419,360 200.000 222,380 1,954,460 87,420 1st N.,Ohi.: Miliikin N„ Decatur. 41,890 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Park Ridge State, Park Ridge. 884,700 28,520 191,570 1st N., Chi. 3,520 1,002,770 1,035,340 20,190 322,060 Irv. Tr. Co.. N- Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 70,110 7,200 6,290 14,090 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 58,980 27,730 8,500 33,510 Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Ill. State, Quincy. 25,000 6.000 66,490 15,000 11,290 102,440 25.000 15,000 210,000 9,700 190.000 34,000 23,700 12,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. N.. Vincennes. lnd.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. 75.000 31,530 708,850 199,900 379,240 512,460 37,920 85,660 1st N. and Cent. Rep. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi,; Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L. 50,000 12,350 179,740 166,830 37,860 15,110 22,290 65.000 108,500 661,790 535,030 186,930 53,780 79,640 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Bloomington. 50.000 66,600 6(18,230 404,940 174,950 18,960 125,990 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 25,000 18,500 283,000 250,000 25 000 50,000 33,280 413,850 27,110 172,750 227,600 13,940 70,640 1,077,100 10,000 801,530 157,930 115,630 182,650 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 28,520 9,350 Drov. N„ Ohi.: Bk. of Galesbnrg, Gales burg. 190 Noble 473 Bank of Noble______________ (Closed February 19 , 1931. Receiver app ointed March 10, 19 31) 8 Richland M19 ” " First National Bank___ »t*09 W.T. S. Gray_____ John L. Real_____ H. F. Diel. s% 70-1017 Charles Coan Nokomls_____2454 Nokomis National Bank »t’72 E. A. Burwell_____ John Woltmann... W. F. Bald. 8 Montg’y E14 *150-10% 70-662 Alf Griffin V. P. and Cash. A. E. Muir par 50 B. H. Brockman .. Nokomis State Bank........ §’14 J. M. Hovt____ C. H. Kerr_______ O. 11. Hill P. O. Evans 70-1848 Imogene Bess Normal______6768 7 McLean G16 •• •• First National BankdB©«t'93 W. H. Odell __ J. E. Richmond___ T. H. Keys_______ A. M. Young *275-12% 70-1496 par 100 Normal State Bank__ ®tS’14 E. E. Fincham____ Thos. Sylvester... J. F. Shepard *200-3% par 100 70-182 7 Norris City ...1109 Norris City State Bank dt§'03 A. D. Barnes 8 White 018 *155-6% par 100 7 0-85 2 ___ R. R. Grant_____ T. M. Edmonds.__ Joe Morris___ .. Northbrook ..1193 Northbrook State Bank Henry Rugen, John P. Happ____ Herman Meier.... Hfmrv Rfinl *225- 6% 70-1840 d®«15’14 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 7 Cook B20 par 100 N orthChlcago8466 Lake County State Bank Wm. R. Dalziel___ E. B. Sherwin........ H. J. Wasniewski— Elsie Streed _____ *185-10% 70-1844 dB®«tS’14 7 Lake A21 H. J. Davis par 100 Esther Bennett No. Crystal Lake. (See Crystal Lake) 100.000 20,080 51,500 Chase N..N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 109,950 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. No.Henderson 201 Farmers Bank..............®tS’92 C. C. Craig............. J.P. Schwartz____ R. A. Newcomer 70-1498 7 Mercer E8 par 100 C. Thompson ___ 40,000 12,000 86,850 . 48,350 149,330 Oakdale . ?flfl Oakdale 8tate Bank_._»t§'21 J. D. Gamholz, T. O. Tibby 8 Wash'gton 013 10% par 100 70-1499 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Elvira M. Decker.. 15.000 20,580 197,030 10,000 85,060 129,920 5,810 21,820 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Mtle-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L, 57,050 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N„ Indpls. Oakford 291 First National Bank_______ 7 Menard 111 Oakglen______ 311 (See Lansing) 7 Cook D22 Oakland in.26 Citizens State Bank ___ 1 Coles J2Q < Oakland National Bk..__dt’74 70-815 T. G. Tibby (Voluntary liquidat ion effective March 18, 1931 through Sta te National Bank, P etersburg , III.) (Closed January. 6, 1931. In hands of receiver January 16 , 1931) H. J. Rutherford.. W. M. Zimmerman E. N. Carter______ T. O. Moffett_____ J. Rutherford, Ch. 53,000 43,750 347,340 53,000 243,090 131,590 65,350 Oaklawn 2045 Oaklawn Trust & Savings Bk. J IT Schult* E.G.Schussler........ J.L. Brummerstedt D. Triezenberg___ 7 Cook J20 par 100 70-2095 dB®»t§’25 H. W. Elmore, Ch. 50,000 21,480 146,590 750 126,600 51,940 y»o/u Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY — CHICAGO 30,410 1st N., Chi. capital $20,000,000.00 455 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.«New § State tPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Oak Park .. 63.982 7 Cook C21 AVENUE STATE BANK par 100 $250-12% 70-143 dR®T»t§’99 (104 N. Oak Park Ave.) President. W. s. HERRICK. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits WM. EINFELDT- - - - - - A. E. WALTHER_ _ _ _ A. T. LOVELL- - - - - - H. F. SCHULTZ DORA H. GRANZOW $ 500,000 { 180,020 Other Liabili S3 633 480 S ties Loam and Diaoounta Resources. Bond. Miscel and laneous S.curiti.s Principal Correspondents. Gash t IxCBANOIB.PUI rmoai Baku 77,820 $2754 400 $ 805,190 $ 278,340 S 553,390 Corn Ex. Bk. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. 32 years of continuous growth without merger or consolidation. OFFERS A COMPLETE BANKING AND TRUST SERVICE. AVENUE TRUST COMPANY W. S. Herrick___ Wm. Einfeldt____ A. E. Walther. Sec. 50,000 20,500 North Oak Park State Bank P. E. Zimmermann. E. H. Gotsch____ W. H. Ellett. Jr. .. Paul E. Rodeck.... par 100 70-2098 dR®l§’26 H. W. Austin. Ch. E. H. Denney E. H. Wegener, F.P. 100,000 42,040 70-2056 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Accesj, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS-Continued Adin T. Lovell. T5’21 Affiliated with A venue State Ban k. 73.080 9,800 Avenue State, Oak Park. First National Bank__________ (Closed March 30, 1 931) OAK PARK TR. & SAVINGS BANK PAUL E. ZIMMERMANN(ELLIS H. DEEHHEY-— E. H. WEGENER----- ROBERT F. WITT. t .raw HNS H. C. PILE. Sec. and A. Cash. H.W. AUSTIN. Ch. of Bd V. P. and Tr. Off. HERBERT M. GOTSCH. C. S. FLUKE, A. Cash, and A. Sec. 1,000,000 AHAH A. Tr. Off. EMIL F. ROEHLKE. I:# A. Cash, and A. Sec. 229,070 1,100 749,860 7,322,760 528,870 224,850 83,930 4,887,530 1,653,830 16,910 46,520 1st N., Chi. 842,629 1,217,510 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st Union Tr. & Sav., Chi. OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN OAK PARK. AFFILIATED MEMBER CHICAGO CLEARING HOUSE. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE. $285-10% ♦ 70-142 dB®T»t*'#2 par 100 Send your collections direct to ua for prompt service. Reasonable Charges HARVEY R. DOW. + PRAIRIE STATE BANK $212-5% par 100 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. THOS. A. JACKSON 100,000 75,000 1,525,000 F. C. EBINGER- - - - - - FRANK C. OGDON — OTTO VASAK 200,000 307,850 2,590,460 C. and Aud. 70-2056 dB®T*+| 22 ^Collections rem itted for prompt Iy atA. lowest rates. l.« ........ +SUBURBAN TR. & SAV. BK. 8% fct HfeH K. M. DARROW, ♦ par 100 70-1741 dB®T*t»'12 A. C. and Mgr. Real Estate Dept. O’Fallon____ 2373 I St. Clair Mil D. E. Odell $250-15% par 100 70-732 Oil Beit National Bank $220-10% par 100 70-733 d®«t'07 Odell_________ 908 State Bank of Odell.d®»tl'0B 7 Livingston F19 $200-12% par 100 70-858 Odin..... ..............1204 First National Bank___ $’00 $100 par 100 70-1503 I Marion M16 FIRST NATIONAL BANK dB®T*r03 70-1504 5,580 E. L. Douglas____ H. C. Kraft______ G. E. Tomlinson... Ruby Barker .. 25,000 55,980 345,920 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.; Un. Tr. Co.. Clev. 6,850 7,890 12,060 29,590 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.: Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls. Cont. 111.Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„St. L. 79,100 96,790 50,000 87,710 717,340 53,500 545,330 255,730 15,620 50,000 55,160 725,210 108,280 535,450 172,190 115,700 115,310 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 1st N., Ohi. and St. L. 75,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; T. M. Cosgrove.— J, W. Eggenberger M. H. Craven_____ H. V. Craven .. 40,000 39,000 398,000 350,000 23,000 G. H. Morrison — C. E. Sloan______ W. H. Farthing... 25,000 4,000 116,610 83,030 74,150 100,000 362,150 661,870 39,000 2,350 195,920 42,300 4,220 93,810 14,140 80,640 1st N., Ohi. and Champaign. 160,630 25,730 55,420 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: LaSalle N. Bk. & Tr. Co., LaSalle; 1st N., Joliet. Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Stk. Yds. N., and Drnv. N.. Chi. Franklin Am. Tr. Co., St. L. J. J. Verdun E. H. SMILEY...... G. W. TIEDEMANH— W. R. DORRIS- - - - - - - - I J. A. SCHALTER Oldest-Lar gest and Str ongest Bank ' Your Busin ess Invited. Gordon Speers MANN"' 100.000 25,000 75,000 1,020,800 7,580 245,020 30,000 20,590 237,340 9,820 Oglesby______ 3910 *0GLESBY STATE BANK Raimnnd Radeke.. Jacob Reizner........L. B. Koons--------- H. M. Salisbury... 7 La Salle E15 $ 150-6% par100 70-1505d R®•$!'10 H. A. Bent, Ch. (Member Tri City Clearing Ho uee, LaSalle, III. *) 50,000 40,880 540,260 30,070 419,410 Ohio..................... 510 FIRST STATE BAHKd®»t§’09 F. R. Anderson___ Joseph Braden.___ A. C. Ruff--------------- C. J. Kramer------ 25.000 32,930 229,500 25,000 12,300 92,570 Bernice Norden 70-1506 Ohlman_______ 226 Ohlman State Bank ,d®tl’ll H. A. Husman___ Wm. Zeifang_____ Edna Husman--------------------------------- 8 Montgomerv K14 $140-6% par 100 70-1051 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cont. Ill. 650,520 2,051,460 109,150 8% par 100 Corn Ex. Bk. Tr. Co.. N. Y. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 91,880 G. H. Henry, Ch. 14% par 100un,,,‘ First State Bank —d®*$|'21 0. J. Schuetz_____ F. J. Reiss________ T. T. Gordon______ H. E. Fischer_____ $140-5% par 100 ♦ 70-2044 jMichael Schwarz Ogden________ 443 First National Bank____ t’98 Jay Freese____________________________ Leo Freese________ ____________________ 70-1081 7 Champaign H20 15% 7 Bureau D13 350,000 SERVE SYSTEM. S MEMBER FED I Collections gl ven prompt atte ntion. L BUI of Lading Items specially so llclted. Banks affiliated with Chicago Clearing House, + Oakwood____ 537 State Bank of Oakwood.ii’07 J. Smith Mason— J. M. Van Alien... C. O. Andrews____ Mont Fox____ 70-1501 7 Vermilion H21 Oblong______ 1427 First National Bankd®*J1900 S. F. Odell________ D. J. Odell_______ J. B. McKnight—. Eflle Carroll... 8 Crawford L21 350,000 1,000,000 and 12,040 39,000 17,740 232,780 Gty. Tr. Co., N, Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com.Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 37,500 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., E. St. L. 241,350 500 3,600 41,990 97,780 2,600 32,000 9,520 Trust Company — Chicago where bankers bank Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWM AMD COUKTT. »Ooanty Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Bes. Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. $Msm. State B. Ass’n. [Estib. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Di?. PSESIDENT. CH. G. FRANK_____ Okawvllle........ 647 FIRST NATIONAL BANK , pro 70-1818 dB®t'20 )) modern t Washington N1S «40-8% SPECIAL ATTE par 100 Ifieme send lSe .. .. OLD EXCHANGE NAT. BANK O. H. Merrick........ 10% par 100 70-1507 ®t’10 Olive Branch..162 Olive Branch State Bk..$i’12 D. I. Kirkham____ 8 Alexander R14 70-1780 Olmsted ... Kfin First State Bank___d®ti’21 O. S. Miller *112,60-5% par 100 70-2050 8 Pulaski R15 *OIney_______6140 8 Richland M20 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Cashier. Vice-President. ASS’T CASHIER. Hr J- MFYFR IN LED OFFICER DRAFTS, CASH tion and 25c for C $ 50.000 S, UNE AND TI redit Re ____ W. A. Moehle____ WM.E. FRIEND — HODS, EXPERIE ILL OF LADING raft for presenta H. H. BERING______ GRESSiVE met NTION GIVEN B with each Sight D Liabilities. Depos Paid-up Surplus AND its Propits Other TIES Resources, Loans Bonds Miscel- Cash * Mxand and Diaoounta Sncuritina r&OM Baku J 15,040 $ 316,220 S 77,000 $ 193,830 1 221,710 $ XCELL ED FA CILITI ES. ME ITE MS. ports. 5,160 S Principal Correspondents. 37,550 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.;Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 50,000 57,230 557,250 R. J. Hooks. 15,000 5,000 88.000 6,000 O. Caraker_______ J. A. Rutherman... 20,000 4,390 110.85C 64,270 42,710 8,750 GEO. T. WEBER. W.C. WEBSTER.— ALLEN HYDE_______ C. P. PORTER--------Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Established 186 6. Prompt attention to all Business Oldest and Largest Bank In Richland County. 75,000 84,250 741,210 559,410 260,610 76,990 239,450 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 50.000 f JAS. P. WILS0N- HENRY GASSMANN T. E. WARREN— - CLAUDE SHAFER.. LURA BAILEY OLNEY TR. & BANKING CO. < Special attentt •u given ewlleetl ou In OIney an d vicinity. »200-s% 70-414 dB®»tl’12 ) PROMPT SRR VICE HAS BUIL T UP OUR BUSI NESS. par 100 {.Plsaee send 15< w ith each eight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repor tB, 61,510 641,850 524,590 88,260 46,010 94,490 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. FIRST NATIONAL BANK d@.t66 C. H. Holle ___ F. Moehle. 50,000 236,000 147,380 488,700 4,410 73,980 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi,; 1st N.. St. L. 4.000 18,000 Cairo N.. Cairo; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. 19,510 St. L. N.. St. L.: 1st Bk. &Tr. Co., Cairo. 70-412 .. Omaha .. 358 State Bank of Omaha G. L. Land. 8 Gallatin P19 *145 par 100 70-1508 d»t§1900 C. H. Millspaugh — 25.000 9,630 87,390 10,000 63,650 24,360 21,660 22,340 Chase N„ N.Y.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. Onarga______1469 Onarga State Bank dB®*t5'18 G. B. Egley............ Henry Knoehe .... O. W. Maddin........ Jessie O. Brown... I. M. Lindsey 7 Iroquois G20 *240-12% par 100 70-778 100.000 42,390 428,910 5,360 423,910 46,840 26,120 79,790 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northern Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 40.000 15,000 481,680 35.000 10,030 211,420 10.000 1,870 50.000 W. G. Edwards___ Oneida . Rfin Anderson State Bank J. H. Anderson___ 0. P. Dougan 7 Knox E10 70-1026 d®»$8’76 •• •• E. B.Shaw................ R. W. Brown______ First National Bank____ $'15 W. D. Cook, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8% par 100 70-1027 Opdyke___ __ 310 8 Jefferson 016 *126-10%' R. L. Roane. 100,530 104,140 72,610 18,300 32,500 258,130 189,860 53,250 31,500 75.000 20,100 217,490 9,000 248,680 26,020 19,120 27,760 Cont. III. Bk. &. Tr. Co., Chi,; 1st la. State Tr. & Sav., Burlington, la. 35,000 22,000 200,000 15,000 147,000 77,000 13,000 35,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N„ Chi.; 1st N., Freeport. 10,000 1,750 28,000 100.000 29,840 467,870 10,080 487,000 1,400 65,440 30,000 42,850 1,151,640 910 474,320 140,000 19,040 592,050 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 50,000 71,880 752,080 3,640 495,020 212,590 23,570 M. A. Strand.. E. J. Newton, Sec. 25,000 37,250 248,050 43,000 196,910 95,340 16,880 146,410 Drov. N., Ohi.; Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria,State Bk. of Rock Isl., Rock Isl. 44,170 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. H. L. Samuelson... 25.000 17,020 168,180 147,420 12,610 6,990 25,000 25,000 300.000 300,000 C. R. Ham_______ W. P. Fstec tOquawka.... 777 Bank of Oquawka____ ®tl’19 F. D. Dutton______ R. W. Meloan____ R. B. Parsons_____ G. S. Thornton .... 7 Henderson F6 *125 par 100 70-1981 .. .. Joseph Wiegand__ First State Bank__ d®»t§’19 C. .T. Fads par 100 70-1510 James Ricketts John A. Ricketts Orchard vllle....71 Peoples State Bank_____ 8’21 Leo M. Vest______ E. E. Vest 8 Wayne N17 10% par 100 70-1834 .. E. M. Reeser_____ ____ ‘Oregon_____ 2376 Ogle County State Bank P. E. Hastings____ G. R. Haas 7 Ogle B14 *125 70-613 d©t§'07 par 100 .. OREGON STATE SAYINGS BK. *200-10% par 100 70-614 J. O. S enter_____ G. E. Schneider... C. M. Gale_____ ®»+§’07 Orion fi?n State Bank of Orion ~®*t5’90 *150-9% par 100 70-1004 7 Henry D9 P. W. South_____ Orland Park.. 571 Orland State Bank..d®»t§’20 Wm. T. Beagley... 7 Cook D20 1180-6% par 100 70-2016 Geo. E. Gee____ A. J. Hettrick____ Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ____ W. W. Kerr _____ E. R. Peterson___ Osco 105 State Bank of Osco dB®$S'06 C. H. Anderson___ H. L. Stoughton... *150-7% par 100 70-1511 7 Henry D9 Oswego..............932 Oswego StateBank.d®*t§’ll G. D. Ament 7 Kendall 018 ♦ 70-1512 A. 8. Gale. Rhoda Carr and 25,000 10,450 33,900 Drov. N„ Chi.: 1st Galesburg N. Bk. & Tr„ Galesburg; Cent. Nat. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. 23,400 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.; 3d N„ Mt. Vernon. 66,020 1st N.. Ohi.; Bk. of Galesburg, Galesburg; 1st la. State Tr. & Sav„ Burlington, la. 136,570 70-1113 Orangeville ...383 State Bank of Orangeville I. E. Rote________ H. M. Seidel.. 7 Stephenson A12 70-1090 d®#t§’25 tioo-6% par loo 74,500 1st N„ CM. 462,210 12,750 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 27,000 Trust Company — Chicago 53,950 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co Chi.; Rockford N„ Rockford. 43,180 Drov. N„ Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 60,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N„ Chi.; Old 2d N., Aurora. where bankers bank 457 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew JStatetPrU. ^County Seats. tMem. Statt B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Ottawa.__15,094 7 La Salle D15 PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. Cashier. F. A. GERDING- - - - - E. J. CASSIDY_ _ _ _ E. 0. HAEBERLE_ _ _ J. M. GEARY_ _ _ _ W. N. STRAWN A. J. WELSH „ „ Ch. R. E. THOMAS FIRST NATIONAL OSCAR HAEBERLE, BANK We cordially invite your accounts and collections. Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. 70-239 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Liabilities. Resources. Loans Other Bonds Paid-up Surplus Miscel Depos L and AND and iabili Capital its Diaoounta Bscuritiss laneous Profits ties Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Duk from Banks $ 250,000 $ 372,570 $3 904990 $ 150,000 72167 490 $1909 500 $ 136,290 $ 464,270 Chase N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. d®T»t’65 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. First Trust Company- -T§’11 (Owned, and controlled by the stockholders of the First National Bank. Paid up capital, 150,000) 70-242 ;par 20 NATIONAL CITY BANK U50-7H% 70-241 T‘tS’03 PEOPLES TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 1150-6% par 100 Careful attention paid to all business entrusted to us. We offer every accommodation consistent with conservative banking to Individuals, firms and banks. 70-243 d®»t§’17 H. L. Arnold| John M. Berg J. H. EDGCOMB, Ch. of Bd, and Pres, 46,430 1,144,860 68,840 994,300 212,300 161,760 918,940 64,490 832,010 94,280 83.350 19,810 1,020,170 146,220 147,650 104.700 1,500 8,040 26,280 57,500 7,400 4,600 21,000 91,770 cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. G. O. Grover M. E. Farnsworth 100,000 105,750 179,550 P. J. CLUNE—. . . . . . T. I. KENDRICK_ _ _ R. J. DWYER_ _ _ _ _ Send your Ottawa Collections direct to us. Quick Service - Reasonable Rates. Bill of Lading Drafts receive special attention. 100,000 42,780 1,273,810 122,360 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. 25,000 15,840 95,420 L. G. Sullins____ J. O. Moore_____ 15,000 6,500 69,000 F. F. Danielsen___ E. P. Steinbrinck. Robt. L. Schoppe . 50,000 12.690 249,650 15,000 179,860 64,540 47,840 35,110 1st N.. Chi. E. H. Oltendorf... F. A. Schering----- G. Olms_________ A. C. Stroker 75,000 49.690 339,430 16,460 300,360 48,750 73,520 57,950 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northern Tr. Co.. Chi. O. c. Seeders____ Frank Huffman.__ 50.000 31.070 334,330 3,070 288.530 47,900 32,080 49,960 W. F. FOX. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 20,510 250,800 38,500 234,500 43,010 12,560 44,740 1st N., Chi.; Am. N. and 1st N., Vin cennes. Ind.; 1st N., Joliet. Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr.Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Palmer State Bank____ t5'12 J. F. Miller, R. J. McWard .... B. B. Boyd----------- J. O. Miller_____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. ioo 70-1515 First State Bank_____________ (Closed February 21 , 1931. Receiver app ointed April 15, 1931 ) 25,000 23,280 115,850 6,000 135,840 6,490 27,800 1st N., 8t. L.; Taylorville N., Taylorville; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. Paloma Exchange Bank Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. Franklin Am. Tr. Co., St. L. par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANKd«t 07 70-749 1175-8% par 100 Matthew Fife....... C. E. PATTON. . . . . . . . . WM. 0. RICHEY 4,260 \ IS CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentatlon, and (.25 CENTS for e acb credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo 1150-6% par C. C. Lawless......... C. M. Henry_____ Mabel Groves------- J. H. Lummis____ 15,000 3,100 91,530 61,250 11,000 9,310 28,060 Warren Penwell__ F. J. Eberspacher. J. A Clark_______ W.C. Kerr.... .......... 75,000 21,550 503,720 94,890 370,550 18,010 116,810 W. W. Mitchell__ H. J. Grabruck__ E. A. Murray____ Henry Hoekstra ... 15,000 8,470 180,700 17,730 37,010 129,650 8,010 47,230 Edward Levings.. J. G. Brown_____ C. G. Jurey______ I. N.Shaw_______ ‘Paris________8781 Citizens National Bank par 100 70-283 dB®Tt'02 7 Edgar J22 100,000 105,000 1,609,000 100,000 962.700 493,200 118,100 340,000 100,000 982,300 482,740 271,270 314,610 70-1517 ®t§'09 First National Bank H33.33pari33.33 70-850 dB®»t'30 State Bank of Panama 10% par 100 70-1518 ®«t§’07 Edgar Co. National Bank R. N. Parrish____ Geo. V. Dole_____ A. N. Young_____ Jacob R. Sunkel__ 100,000 156,950 70-282 ®«F73 First National Bk. & Tr. Co._ (Liquidating throng h Citizens National and Edgar County National Banks, Effective January 1280-10% par 100 Parkersburg.. 308 8 Richland M20 Park Rtdge._10.417 7 Cook B21 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. I. M. Luzader____ C. T. Singer______ A. A. Locke. Eaton State Bank___d«t§’01 W. L. Eaton, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 1180-10% par 100 70-1513 First State Bank-------- I§’21 J. R. Barker_____ par 100 70-2041 First National Bank dB@wt’21 L. S. Miller______ 1140-6% par too 70-1514 State Bank of Palatine C. F. Rennack___ 1190-15% 70-1963 dB®t§’19 Palestine____ 1670 Farmers State Bank.. d»$5’98 Robert Fife......... 8 Crawford L22 70-748 rr. w. cobb_ _ _ Palmer_______ 281 7 Christian R14 Palmyra______ 760 8 Macoupin K10 Paloma_______ 130 8 Adams 15 Pana................ ,5835 7 Christian E15 Panama_____ 1026 8 Montgomery L13 200,000 70-240 dBDT‘t’65 OTTAWA BKG. & TR. CO. Owaneco______ 334 7 Christian K15 Ozark................ _112 8 Johnson Q17 Palatine_____ 2118 7 Cook B19 MORRIS LEWIS- - - - - - H. G. COOK- - - - - - - - - - - S. R. LEWIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . IRA A. H. OSMAN.— D. M. ANDERSON First State Bank____ dt§’20 G. E. Brown, E. A. Powers____ R. M. Eagleson.__ Bernice Eagleson.. to 7% par 100 70-2008 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Citizens State Bank dB®t§’29 Fred H. Esdohr___ R. D. Andrews__ G. A. Palmquist__ $150 par 100 70-2129 W. H. Malone. Ch. 1130-3 PARK RIDGE M. C. APPELT--- - - - - - - GLENN G. HAYS —- J. R. LAWRENCE EMIL BUETTNER, Ch. 1,693,980 Mgr. R. E. L.Dept. Peoples & Merck. Stale Bk.___ 0Consolidated with \ Citizens Stale Bank| of Park Ridge, Apr\il Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and 1st N.,01ney; Cent. Un., Evansville, Ind. 10.000 4,440 85,410 4,010 57,440 23,560 8,250 14,610 50,000 29,030 466,260 1,070 167,430 250,820 10,990 117,130 42,360 1.291,620 101,520 637,290 695,910 19,770 182.520 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 100,000 STATE BANK 1300-6% par 100 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; State Bk. of Hoiles & Sons, Greenville; Franklin-Am. Tr. Co.. St. L. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Ind. N., Indpls. 1st N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi. 18. 1931) E.N.,i OLDEST AND LARGEST BANKING INSTITUTION IN PARK RIDGE. BACKGROUND OF TWENTY-THREE YEARS SUCCESSFUL BANKING SERVICE. 70-1520 d®T»t§’08 Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.; Millikin N., Decatur. N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. Chase N.. N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Jefferson Park N., Chi. 10, 1931) Trust Company —. Chicago ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT 458 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. f.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. president. Vice President. Ass’T Cashier. Cashier. (Closed September State Bank of Paw Paw $135-8% 70-1521 ©•«’( FARMERS & MERCHANTS E D GIVEN BANK................ ®S1 70-1847 First National Bank 70-515 <lfsl«t’l $200-16% par 100 John Harper.. .. . Frank Wheeler.__ B. G. Harper_____ Eula Frantz P. J. LARSON____ H E DUFFIELD N. V. Lateer PAXTON STATE 112,120 86.000 219,220 120,500 4,600 79,000 301,480 528,160 13,900 22,840 274.180 113,050 64,040 4,500 586,440 30,000 353,400 75.000 83,440 743,710 100,000 25,360 394,000 1,120 30.020 85,660 1st N.. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 64,080 Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N.. Indpls. 137,600 Cont. Ill.Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls. 90,940 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 25,000 25,000 13,110 108,260 42,940 44,650 3,000 39,000 36,000 400 Orie W. Dow.......... 30,000 19,740 420,150 363,150 H. B. Rarloga, P. D. Perley_____ E. S. Hamm______ W.B. Kortendick— Ch, of Bd, and Pres, 75.000 51,910 336,000 25,890 243,210 186,760 18,500 322,580 2,086,380 141,590 1,343,410 750,670 108,690 447,780 Chase N.. N. Y.; lstN..Chl.;Com’lMerch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 235,560 1,295,320 100,000 677,100 714,290 89,520 249,980 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Com’l N., Peoria. 329.250 1,380,520 212.600 851,580 821,980 29,160 369,650 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 100.000 )Ch. of Bd. & Pres. < Bill or Lading ) SEND YOUR P V.Please send 15c w Drafts and all co Ilectlons given p rompt, careful at tentton. EKIN ITEMS DI RECT TO US. ith each Sight Draft for presentation an d 25e for Credit Re port. fA. A. SIPFLE— HIT- T. W. MOTT.......— N. J. FRIEDRICH... 100,000 Reports < • j Special attentio n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c w ith each Sight Draf t for presentation and 25c for Credit 150,000 L J. ALBERTSEN...... E. M. KUMPF- - - - - - - l W. P. HERGET_ _ _ _ _ H. G. HERGET_ _ _ _ _ GEORGE EHRLICHER Save time and get service on Collections and Credit Reports by sending FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain tight drafts. ISer Credit Reports. 2Sc. TRY US. •t’05 PR0GRE SS THRU 55,400 State St. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 25,000 Farrell State, Jacksonville; N.StockYds.N., N.Stock Yds., Ill.; 1st N.,Joliet. 72,140 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N., Freeport. 71,560 Stock Yds. N. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Rockford N.. Rockford. BETTE R SERVI CE." (Closed March 19, 1 931. Liquidating th rough Fowler State Bank, Rantoul, III.) PEORIA—Reserve City (Peoria G 12) County Seat—Pop. 104,969 (Federal Reserve District No. 7) ‘BANK OF PEORIA 40.160 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.; Pana N., Pana; Old N.. Centralia. 15.000 A. Q. HEISEL_ _ _ _ fH.M.EHRLICHER W.E.LAUTZ____ 1. M.WEIMER, Cash, and Tr. Off. C. W.SUTTER E. A. LAMPITT HERGET NATIONAL BANK •Mem.A.B.A.«New §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.§LastSaIe%Div. correspondents. (Closed April 24, 19 31) 70-230 70-232 par 100 Penfield............400 Bank of Penfield _. 7ChamDaign H20 8,580 * 454.110 21,430 A. Helfenstein... A. F. Morris H. C. Sprick_____ W. H. Heidbreder W. A. Heidbreder. Elmer G. Fengel.. Bertha M. Fengel »Pekin_____ 16,129 AMERICAN NATIONAL BJ 7 Tazewell G13 $275-8% 23.380 8 1.380 $ 116.540 $ 25,000 H. M. Seymour___ H. F. Scarborough. Pecatonica State Bank... par 100 13.720 $ 148.570 $ 100.000 H. B. Shaw........... H. P. Larson_____ D. C. Swanson____ F. W. Schatzle .... var 100 70-511 Payson_______ 414 Payson State Savings Bank 8 Adams 14 70-1066 State Street Bank........ (j par 100 70-1067 Pearl_________ 492 Peonies 8tate Bank.... 8 Pike K7 $100 par 100 70-1522 Pearl City____406 Pearl City State Bank 7 Stephen’n Bll 70-1523 d Pecatonlca ...1152 Farmers State Bank d(j 7 Winnebago A13 $200-6% par 100 70-863 $300-12% 25.000 S 19. 1930) $300-16% par 100 Principal Loam Bonda Miscel Cash k Ex Other Paid-dp Surplus Depos L and and changes,Dn* AND iabili its Capital Propits Discounts Sacuritias laneous prom Banks ties $ O. A. Nattier_____ First State Bank____ $‘200-10% par ioo 70-995 Pawnee State Bank___ Resources. Liabilities. Town and Codnty. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. Patoka________546 8 Marion M15 Pawnee_______ 959 7 Sangamon J13 Pawpaw______ 559 7 Lee 015 »Paxton_____ 2892 7 Ford G19 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued Resources. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus and Capital Profits E. C. MAY—....... . G. A. CLARK -........ J. B. FLEMING- - - - - - - PAUL D. JONES---- $ 200.000 $ G. B. PATTISON, Sec. j. B. WOLFENBARGER. Total Deposits Other Liabili 82,730 $ 1,504,220 $ ties Loans Bonds and and 956,020 $ 409,520 $ Miscel laneous Discounts Securities Resources 15,000 $ Principal Correspondents. & Cash Ex changes, from Banks 34,700 S Dux 400,810 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. Gen’I Counsel $140-3% par 100 70-12 dB®»t§’24 The “BILL OF LADING BANK” of Peoria Prompt attention and Immediate remittance given on Collections F. BLOSSOM — H. E. TODD HARSCH-— \ HENRY W. LYNCH, EMILY F. KEMPSHALL CARLF. F.‘J. DECKER.'FrO#. Ch. of B d. F. M. BLOSSOM •CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK J & TRUST CO........dB®I«t 79 EDGAR C. FOSTER 70-9 JOHN D. BLOSSOM 1 Accounts of ba (F. F. G. HARSCH- - - - - - N. C. CATION WALTER H. MEYER 1. L. McMURRAY A. G. KLEINSCHMIDT 600,000 740,980 6,447,300 267,810 4,246,170 1,869,980 263,580 1,676,380 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. nks, DanR<-rh and others solicited, V Collections elv en very oromot and careful atte ntion. Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Continental Illinois Company ^ Chicago CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 PEORIA Commercial Merchants National Bank AND Trust Company RESOURCES OVER $30,000,000 Largest Bank in Illinois Outside of Chicago ii fefFfffli IliiPii Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Prompt, Accurate and Responsible Collection Service Bank and Corporation Accounts are Invited E invite the accounts of banks HEART ILLINOIS actions would be facilitated by the hearty oldest financial institution Our thorough organization and ceptional service to correspondents We welcome personal consulta tion banks. corporations, firms and individuals Lincoll Lt&monl Xcntralia COLLECTION Capital First National PEORIA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VISIT FIRST BANK over WHEN THE SECOND CITY IN ILLINOIS 459 PEORIA—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNa!Iy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The^ American Bankers Ass’n. RESOURCES. Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.rtNew§StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts .T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©SaT.$LastSale%Div. ‘COMMERCIAL MERCHANTS NATIONAL RANK & TRUST CO. (Peoria G 12) County Seat—Pop. 104,969 (Federal Reserve District No. 7) President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. J. WACHENHEIMER- WM. HAZZARD ....... WM. HAZZARD_ _ _ _ _ FERD. LUTHY. G. L. LUTHY General Counsel Ch. of Bd. w. J. COLEMAN W. C. WHITE. Ch. Ex. j. C. PADDOCK W. G. McROBERTS Com. and V. P. ALBERT SIIHRING, G. H. PAGE J. F. O’CONNER--— C.H. GOLDSTEIN J.W. LUKE C. J. SEEHAAS R. G. WEBER V.P.and Tr. Off. G. P. MARTENS R. W. REAGAN H.B. WHITE. V.P. Assistant Trust and Mgr. Bd. Dept. HOWARD GREENE Officers W. . MILLER H. W(. HULTEEN Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Liabili Capital Profits Deposits ties Loans and BONDS AND Principal correspondents. MlflCELLANIOUS 1 Discounts Sscu BITIES Rhsoubcub Cash k ExCHANQM'DUC from Bank* S 2,000,000 $ 2,413,190 $24336 550 $ 2,073,970 $14137768 $ 9.358,150 $ 2,548,980 $ 4,778,820 Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Gty.Tr. Co. and N. City, N. V.; 1st N., Harris Tr. & Sav., and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; Bk. of Calif., San F. PEORIA’S FOREMOST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION tioo-ie% par 20 70-4 dB®T«t'85 Commercial, Savings, Trust and Investment Departments Dime Savings and Trust Co.__ (Taken over by Com mercial Merchants National Bank & T rust Co., February 12. 1931) J. W. Mackemer— E. J. Galbraith.... H. F. Reese_______ W.G. Smith.. ★FARMERS & MECHANICS John Denzler S. L. McKinney STATE BK. 70-1917 d®:§'17 1140-5% par 100 ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK 24% par 20 70-1 L.HARSCH, F. 0. GREINER— ■mu lime-furore- HAROLD V.P. and Cash. G. M. McKIBBEN WM. E. STONE. JR.. V.P. and A. Tr. Off. F. B. WEBER GEO. M. BUSH d®T»t'63 200.000 660.000 H. B. PETERSON Tr. Off. and Mgr. E. C. TEETER R. E. Dept; E. M. BENTON J. B. BLACK C. B. SWANSON 473,750 13,000 484,130 87,790 50.460 133,030 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Stk. Yds. N.,Chi.; ComTMerch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. 1.096,230 10,302,370 651,460 3,816,530 6,258,730 239,140 2,395,650 Irv. Tr. Co., Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., Bkrs. Tr. 68,680 Co., Chase N. and N. City, N.Y.:Coni. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N., Northern Tr. Co., Central Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. and Det.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N.. Phil.: Pn. Tr. Co., Clev.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn, and Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.: Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls.;lst N. and Mel lon N., Pitt. J. BOYD STONE, PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN COLLECTIONS First Trust & Savings Bank___ (Taken over by First National Bank) ILLINOIS VALLEY TRUST CO. par 100 70-10 P. J. RYAN- - - - - - - - - - - 0. J. DOLAN............ 0. J. DOLAN, Tr.- - - - - L. J. LIFKA, Sec......... 96,530 _________ 150,000 96,140 236,220 414,140 100,760 9,630 34,000 838,330 212,490 89,610 58,220 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cbl. ILLINOIS VALLEY TRUST COMPANY THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TRUST COMPANY IN PEORIA. BT*t§’12 Warren Sutlifl.__ E. M. Chandler___ |C. H. Gray_________ L. V. Howat______ ★South Side Tr. & Sav. Bank !Bernadette Clark, C. W. Freidinger tioo-4% 70-11 dB©t§'22 par 250.000 1,055,510 195,220 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Chi.; 1st N„ Peoria. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., A.C. 167.50 State Trust & Savings Bank___ {Closed February 5, 1931) Peoria Clearing House__ 'Members indicated by a * K Associate members indicated by Ferdinand Lathy.. G. Arthur Clark__ Carl F. Harsch, Sec. and Tr, F. M. Blossom, A. Sec. ♦) Peoria—Selected List ofi mvebimeiu Investment vcaici^ Dealers, Brokers, di unci! reortd—oeiecieij 1.151 u N. L. ROGERS AND GO., ING. N. L. ROGERS_ _ _ _ W. W. ROGERS-------- L. P. LOCKE, Treas.. DON L. NEGLEY, Sec.. E. M. CAHILL in aiiuc % rviiipcm Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. r BRANC HES: De catur—D anvllle — Sprlngfle Id — Cha mpafgn INVESTMENT SECURITIES (416 MainSt.) Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company — Chicago Central National Bank & Trust Co., First National Bank and Bank of Peoria, Peoria; Second National Bank, Danville; Citizens National Bank, Decatur. ' RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS /cf) T'UvJ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND COUNTY. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.W'New § State tPriv. +Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts .T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Peotone -1154 Citizens State Bk __dB®+§’87 $25o-io% 70-799 7 Will D 21 par 100 " _ *• Peotone State Bk. __dB®t$’16 $175-9% par 100 7 0-1911 Percy_____ .907 First National Bank..®»t’05 70-1525 8 Randolph 013 $210-12% Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. 7 " Ass’t Cashier. E. H. Fedde, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. C. Davis. Jr__ W. A. Nesbitt. F. W. Smith Peso turn___...404 Farmers & Merchants Bank Henry Pfeifer, Henry Reinhart— 70-1773 dt§'12 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. 7 Champaign 118 par 100 22,700 t 324,620 $ 25.000 20,460 244,230 22,390 209,100 25,000 8,870 228,750 56,660 84,140 192,650 19,950 22,550 1st N., St. L. 50,000 14,090 306,500 25,600 275,620 12,600 43,140 64,830 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com, 100,000 77,600 1,113,530 60,740 572,490 576,260 82,730 120,390 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. 100.000 238,120 1,125,470 882,380 269,580 150,780 160,850 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. 155,520 tPetersburg.,.2319 Schirding State Bank.®t8’04 Harry Schirding.. E. H. Golden_____ Harry G. Balster _ S. A. Thompson___ 70-558 7 Menard 111 par 100 fH.J. ADEN_______ W. M. GROVES______ L. B. OTT__________ S F WATKINS C.C.FR ACKELTON. G.D. WARNSING 100.000 19,000 543 000 200.000 39.230 874,410 40.000 9,580 222,360 26,000 10,000 190,000 ®«t’65 J 69,790 $ 3,700 $ 73,570 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. 81,870 Chi, City Bk. & Tr. Co., Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Bk. &Tr. Co., St.L.; Ayers N., Jackson vine. Chi. 9,550 70-556 7,500 $ 237,760 S Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 30,000 STATE NATIONAL BANK correspondents 30.000 1 Jos. W. Hartman __ $150 par 100 Principal Bonds Cash & Exand Discount! Securities LANEOU8 tbom Banks Loane Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. H. A. Rathje______ F. C. Jurres............. . . 9121 *Peru National Bank Andrew Hebei____ 70-277 dB®T*t’83 LaSalle E15 $200-10% F. J. Ream par 100 ____ " *Peru State Bk._.dB®T»tl'90 Henry Hcerner.__ Otto J. Loekle ___ Otto J. Loekle ___ S. J. Marshall____ $281 par 100 70-278 Jos. Mankowski (Members Tri-City Clearing House, LaSalle, III. *) — Resources. Surplus Other Paid-up Depos- L iabili Capital PROFIT8 ITS ties S Perry . 451 Perry State Bank ............ tl‘93 H. O. Reese_____ 5% par 100 70-1526 8 Pike J7 J. A. Love Peru Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued 40,000 141,430 32,520 15,420 45,690 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Cham 470,000 65,000 1,000 126,000 Stock Yds. N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 65,650 715,030 302,270 29,250 132,740 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 9,300 146,910 77,200 7,630 49,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Millikin N., paign. Chi.; 111. N., Springfield. Ch. 1 Special Attcntlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. V Please send 15c w ith each Sight Draf tfor presentation a nd 25c for Credit R eports. Philo ..512 Philo Exchange Bank L. E. Hazen_______ Anna B. Hazen___ Nathan L. Rice.... 70-1036 d®t§'83 7 Champaign 119 $100-10% par 100 M ——— “ Philo State Bank----------B5’20 C. A. Daly................ J. F. Plotner_____ E. M. O’Neill_____ J. F. O’Neill______ 10% par 150 70-1037 Plasa _ 126 Bank of Piasa_________ ®S’13 D. A. Wyckofl____ C. R. Waggoner... W. 8 Macoupin L10 $iso 70-1816 E. 6,300 Boatmens N„ St. L.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Alton. 742,290 12,510 119,170 50,000 95,000 750,000 55,000 191,000 533,000 31,000 185,000 lhaseN.. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 50.000 36,110 256,550 63,720 230,770 91,040 6,020 25,000 10,780 101,580 7,500 111,540 910 13,450 18,960 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Peoria. 127,790 847,910 16,820 577,760 254,970 47,510 212,280 !hase N., N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., M. D. KING--------------- R.T. HICKS................ CLARK ARMENTROUT. 271,590 125,000 14 MrlfENNA F. A. HICKS, A. C. Oldest and Largest B ank in Pike Count y. Complete Banking and Trust Service Prompt attentio n given Collection s. riease send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Cred it Bepo rts. 947,070 49.460 801,090 79,990 209,180 lent. Han. Bk. & Trust Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L. 429,790 12,010 G. Talfee____ C. K. F. A. Luther....... J. J. Lyons _ J. Bischof___ C. H. Dintelman... Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., St. L. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. Montelius ... _ . 100.000 R. N. Ballou______ C. M. Wolf...............1 Mrs. L. R. O’Toole. J. A. Henebry E. H. Van Dyke Frank Waters M. E. McComas J. E. Carter_______ Ella M. Carter 50,000 1st N., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N.. Peoria. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. and Joliet. S. H. BRUNSWICK 26,090 300,090 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 25,000 6,990 99,020 95,650 25,000 50,000 550.000 500,000 5,000 6,750 23,610 Yds. 75,000 < “Strengtb-Secu rlty-Service.” ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for p resentatlon, and 1.25 CENTS for each credit repor t Insures prompt personal attent Ion. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,500 157,660 rA.E. LORD- - - - - - - - I. E. CLOUSE—. . . . . . . CHAS. M. JONES. . . . . . 70-701 30,380 89,460 20% 70-636 dB®T»t'65 Plainfield____ 1428 Plainfield State Bank A. F. Lambert......... 7 Will D18 $180-10% 70-1812 dB®*tS’13 par 100 Plalnvllle _ 245 State Bank of Plainville A. M. Carter, 8 Adams 15 par 100 70-1530 ®t§’10 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. FIRST STATE BANK —15’09 33,690 810,980 ^Pittsfield___ 2356 Farmers State Bank A. Clay Williams.. Geo. C. Weaver___ Earl Grigsby_____ P. C. Cnley 8 Pike J6 $300-10% 70-637 d®T*t§’89 par 100 Plano 1785 7 Kendall C17 500 81,200 State Bank of PiperCity W. F. Stern berg... J. H. Jeffery par 100 70-1000 dtS'13 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4,500 50,000 Murphy-Wall State Bk. & Tr. W. K. Crawford— J. Company.70-533.. d®*t§’74 J. C. Niesing, Ch. $272 par 100 Piper City...... 650 First National Bank ..*41900 Daniel Kewley__ J. 7 Ford Flfl 16% 70-999 _____ 38,510 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., Champaign. Haxel____ Martha Schaefer— Pierson Station (.Liquidated through State Bank of Ham mond, Hammond, II l,, October 15, 1930) 7 Piatt 118 186 tPlnckneyvllle First National Bank.d®«t’01 E. R. Hincke___ W. A. Nesbitt___ W. A. Bommer8 Perry 013 3046 $300 par 100 70-534 C. N. Guy. A. C. scheim •• Decatur; 1st N.. Champaign. 153 non and Trust Company — Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 461 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ‘County Seats. Fig under town is Fed. Res. District. oMem.A.B.A."New§StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sar$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. ass’t CASHIER. Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Cash k ExOther Paid-up SUHPLU8 Depos Liabili and and CHA.Hass,Dui AND its Capital Profits Discounts Ssouritiss laneous non Bankb ties 94,480 S 5,700 $ 41,630 1st N., Chi. and St. L. 39,810 $ 224,250 $ 30,000 35,520 224,650 25,000 26,680 256,920 124,220 53,150 27,670 103,560 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Ill. State, and Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. 25,000 13,020 193,620 138,510 66,110 4,400 22,620 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 60,000 46,300 614,950 12,760 463,790 106,540 73,390 90,300 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Drov. N., and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 50,000 63,190 829,330 15,450 200,490 520,090 7,000 230,390 Chase N. and 1st N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 50,000 63,720 2,117,640 49,990 1,124,170 357,700 104,490 694,990 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N.,Chl. ;M tle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Fred Covey _____ R. S. Renne______ Geo. F. Moran 25,000 27,420 278,750 7.560 209,090 70,680 15,400 43,570 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. A Sav., Chi.; Rockford N.. Rockford. ( F. H. SCHAFER.. A. H. WENDT_____ R. J. MULLERY— D. N. SIMONSON 75,000 36,870 885,810 756,920 57,880 30,450 152,430 1st N„ Chi.: Cent. Tr. & Sav., Rock IsL; Am. Com’l & Sav., Davenport. 23,380 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Danville. 51,330 Cont - 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Bk. of Gales burg, Galesburg. 49,230 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. $ C. O. Thomas------J. L. Laugharn Pleasant Plains Pleasant Plains State Bank J. F. Tomlin.......... M. M. Campbell___ 486 70-1532 ®«t§’73 7 Saugm’n Ill 1146-15% par 100 Plymouth____745 First National. Rank (Closed November 20 1930) T^Hancock H6 J. P. Metzger___ J. W. Botts______ J.D. Hall-.............. Plymouth State Bank $200 par 100 70-936 d®»tS'16 F. L. Smith, Ch. Pocahontas . 976 Bond County State Bank C. E. Hoiles............ 8 Bond M12 par 100 70-1533 ®t§’05 J. Elmer Grob------ a5,810 55,270 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Oh!.: 1st N„ Springfield. 265,220 (Closed) Polo State Bank___d®tS’18 A. M. Johnson ___ .T. F. Schnll 1200-10% ♦ 70-1939 R. W. Hostetter par 100 *Pontlac 8?7? Illinois State Savings Bank M. H.Greenebaum H. G. Greenebaum. J. C. Greenebaum, W. W. Greenebaum 7 Livingston F17 70-345 d®T»t5'03 Cash, and Tr. Off. J. O. Greenebaum NATIONAL BANK OF PONTIAC par 100 70-343 d®T»t'74 .. B. R. THOMPSON — H. E. VOGELSINGER— LOUIS WOLFF______ U- A. nULUflo. _ . *JT- °s■ FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report personal attention. H. 1. SHEPHERD-___ t. u. oUANLAN !• J-MITCHELL for presentation, Insures prompt, (Consolidated with National Bank of P ontiac, April 27, 1931 ) Poplar Grove.. 349 Poplar Grove Bank..®«t5’03 John Foley........ . 7 Boone A17 1200 70-1534 Port Byron.... 587 7 Rock Island D9 PORT BYRON STATE BANK 70-1010 $160-8% par 100 d®»t§'03 Potomac fits 7 Vermilion H21 Prairie City... 531 7 McDonough 69 Prairie du Bocher 8 Ran'lph 010510 Goodwine State Bank._t§’03 70-907 Bank of Prairie City. d®t5’01 6% par 100 70-1535 State Bank of Prairie Du Rocher_________ d®»t§’06 12% 70-1057 Preemption... 265 Farmers State Bank..®tS’20 7 .Mercer E8.. $125-6% 70-1708 Preemption State Bank 70-1536 ®t§’20 ‘Princeton... 4762 7 Bureau D13 CITIZENS FIRST NATIONAL BANK $80-25% .. 4,330 S 166,580 $ Principal Correspondents. 40,000 $ Pleasant Hill..700 Citizens State Bank_®»t§’20 E. T. Barton_____ R. P. Wells____ 70-1531 8 Pike E6 Polo____ _____ 1871 7 Ogle B12 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued _____ .. par 20 70-442 J Special attentlo n given Bill of L adlug drafts, Cas h and Time Items KPlease send 15c w ith each Sight Dra ft for presentation and 50c for Credit Reports. D. S. Goodwine... C. G. Rice________ Alhert Rice 50,000 6,850 136,690 165,030 250 4,880 40,000 17,270 146,570 520 135,830 14,000 3,200 25,000 43,600 381,030 20,000 306,470 78,100 35,840 Henry McCaw........ J. P. Mack_______ C. G. Samuelson... 25,000 7,700 274,650 570 168,810 61,400 35,940 F. E. Sudlow.......... B. B. Whitsitt .... 10,000 90,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 150,000 214,310 2,315,920 1,786,960 640,800 69,310 337,590 N. City and Chase. N.. N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Com'l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 402,320 189,050 65,520 93,410 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Oo. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.: 1st N.. Joliet J. C. Mings_______ L. D. Hittle______ J. W. W ilsnn........ T. .T. Conner Duncan Mudd____ M. M. Goodwine O. L. Asselmeier.. D.TEDROW____ H. H. FERRIS_ _ _ _ _ MARTIN ZEARING___ 0. B. FERRIS_ _ _ _ _ G. E. ZEARING PEARL LAFFERTY L. E. DEETS ) Vigorous attent Ion given collect! ons. (C. f Prompt returns or reason for no n-payment. »t’79 V Please send 15c wi th each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rt. First State Bank___ d®*t§’02 C. H. Coll________ A. G. Landahl____ D. W. Grant______ J. C. Larson $125-6% par 100 M. M. Althofl 70-443 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 154,430 41.780 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Mnfrs. Tr. & Sav., Rock Isl.: 1st N., Joliet. 10,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Cent. Tr. & Sav.. Rock Isl. 100,000 47,570 602,730 CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY — CHICAGO CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 Af.O • Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §State |Priv. •County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Prlncevllle____ 994 Farmers State Bank. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loana Bonda Paid-op Surplus Depos Other Miscel AND and and L iabili Capital Profits its Diaeounta Saeuritias laneous ties First State Bank__ d®»t$’29 John Vogel............. Richard Cox______ B. E. Davis______ P. M. Streitmatter $ 70-940 Irene Hibbs par 100 BANK ®d»tr FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 70-842 Principal correspondents. k Ex- Cakh chanou.Ddb prom Banks (Closed May 6, 1931 , Receiver appointe d May 18, 1931) 7 Peoria Fll Prophets town 1353 CITIZENS STATE 7 Whiteside Dll o% 70-841 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued fC. J. WARNER C. E. FRARY- - - - - - - - T. H. TABER- - - - - - - - D.L. WOODARD- - - - - - 50.000 11,840 S 331,370 $ 50,000 23,380 403,460 20,000 359,940 S 60.000 37,590 468,190 61,990 15,000 3,190 75,630 100,000 26,860 100,000 81,720 1,120 $ 297,740 30,100 $ 66,490 1st N., Chi. and Peoria. 49,430 34,270 53,200 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N. Chi. 292,900 231,630 19,260 83,980 1st N.. Ohi.; City N„ Clinton, la. 2,160 18,660 28,580 7,750 40,990 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: St. L. N.. St. L.; 1st State, Mounds. 413,220 410 309,080 75,750 9,830 145,820 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N..St.L. 693,710 26,530 258,860 456,010 48,660 S00.000 270,810 3,343,420 3,520 1,761,040 1,244,580 207,880 704,250 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk, & Tr. Co.. St. L,; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 200,000 142,700 2,926,410 Special attentlo n given Bill of L adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Item 1.Please send 15e u>» th each Sight Draft f or •presentation and 25c/or Credit Repor fA. FIELD. G. S. AYLSWORTH— E. RODEE....... ....... E. E. JOHNSON — $ \ ®«t'02 ) Save tins time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Credi t Reports by sen ding (.FEE IN IN ADVAN CE: Plain Sight Drafts, ISc; Cred it Reports, 25c. TRY U Pulaski______ 521 Citizens State Bank E. J. Lackey. 8 Pulaski R15 par 100 d®t§’20 H. Reeves________ Chas. Curry.......... Bertha Manwaring 70-1537 Pullman________ (See Chicago Banks) 7 Cook C22 •Quincy.__ 39,241 ♦Broadway Bank of Quincy S. H. Thompson.... J.G. Stuart_______ J. C. Whitefleld — Ethel Groves. 8 Adams 14 *125-6% par 125 70-55dB®Ti§'19 J. J. Michael Alex Thompson ♦Broadway State Sav. Bank Wm. H. Pape_____ J. J. Berter ............ T. W. Wand______ T. G. Wand______ *180-8% par 100 70-56 d®t§’20 J. E. Dameron, Ch. E. B. Hillman ♦ILLINOIS STATE BANK $150 par 100 70—54 dBdlT^tS'Og MERCANTILE TR. & SAV. BANK $165-S%parl00 70-53 dB®T«i§'06 W. J. SINGLETON — WILLIAM RUPP........ F. N. CASBURN_ _ _ _ J. W. NETHERY__ H. J. BUTZKUEBEN '. P. CASTLE. J. J. MICHAEL—— J. H. SIECKMANN__ R. J. SOEBBING_ _ _ _ _ Ch.of Bd.andPres. J. H. SIECKMANN A. C. SCHNACK, A.C. p. p. SCHELL Quincy’s Most Conveniently Located Bank Offers unexcelled and personal service on all banking and trust matters Collections presented and remitted for promptly 29,700 1,437,390 916,570 140,000 804,840 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Tra.-Gate City N., Kan. C. 17,640 134,190 171,740 58,940 211,770 1st N„ Chi.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Quincy. 2,523,220 419,440 83,430 976,310 N. City, N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. Please send 25c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. Quincy-Ricker National Bank and Trust Co______________ (Closed November 8, 1930) South Side State Savings Bk. A. R, Dick................ H. H. Brown_____ J. A. Berlin.......... H. E. Wenning___ $135-7 M% par 100 70-57 d©§’20 I. J. GREEN........... E. C. ADAMS- - - - - - - - - P. V. DEAMES........... THOS. BURROWS Ch. H. H. BROWN H. H. BROWN, Tr.Off. 'STATE SAVINGS J. W. GARDNER, LOAN & TRUST COMPANY 138,430 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 50,000 500,000 14,600 494,400 186,970 3,315,370 La QUINCY’S OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. COMMERCIAL, SAVINGS, TRUST AND BOND DEPARTMENTS. 25c in advance required with Sight Drafts and requests for ratings. ♦ 70-50 d®t«t§’61 STATE STREET BANK & TR. CO. B% par 100 70-62 dB®T«tl'90 H. C. SPRICK........ G. H. EARHART........ W. A. HEIDBREDER— H. J. HEIDBREDER JH. SPRICK, CASH V rafts SPECIAL ATTE NTION GIVEN B ILL OF LADING TAFT Please send 25c with each sight d raft for presenta tion and 25c for 500.000 69,090 2,994,950 36,550 2,539,310 521,620 104,830 434,840 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. &Sav.. Chi.: Boat mens N., St. L. 40,500 2,060 18,300 1st N., St. L.; 1st. Tr. & Sav. Bk., Harris burg. AND T IME IT EMS. Credit Reports Quincy Clearing House.......... J. ('. Whitefleld— Earl C. Adams___ J. H. Sieckmann, Sec. and Mgr, 'Members indicated by a*) Raleigh_______ 241 Raleigh State Bank _d®t§'20 8 Saline P18 $120-10% par 100 70-1538 Ramsey_______807 Peoples State Bank__________ 8 Fayette Llfi Ramsey National Bank®»t’10 $260-18% 70-951 Rankin_______ 840 Rankin, Whitham State Bank 7 Vermilion G21 70-1539 dtS’75 Ransom.__ 456 First National Bank dB®t'08 7 La Salle EM 6% par 100 70-1540 Jno. B. Lee______ H. O. Buell.............. C. H. Musgrave.__ R. C. Burnett_____ (Closed February 4, 1931. 4,880 89,650 730 49,400 25,000 178,000 90,000 15,000 47,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st 210.000 10,000 30,000 45,000 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Peo., 128,430 95,360 9,530 46,020 Cont.Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N.. Joliet. L. 0. Thiele______ R. K. Hunt_______ J. E. Easterday___ O. W. Hinton_____ 25,000 40,000 240,000 G. H. Whitham—_ K. Seidel_________ W. M. Cutler_____ John 0. Speck____ 50.000 11,000 240,000 Geo. H. Smith___ A. F. Schoch.......... L. H. Gondolf____ W J. Seguin______ J. Ward Smith 25,000 30,100 210,620 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15,000 Receiver appo inted February 27,19 31) and N..8t. L. Bloomington. 13,630 Trust Company — Chicago RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS 463 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 25 TowK and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew iStatefPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sa?.$LastSale%Div. Ban toul_____ 1555 7 Champaign H20 FIRST NATIONAL President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Mfsir- Resources. Loaua Bonds MI8CEL- Cash k EzAnd mud Discounts Securities LaNj£OU8 from Barks 50.000 S 36,010 $ 402,820 $ . Frank Bartell, Jr.. 50.000 86,470 482,390 4,780 352,220 J. M. RardiD, Bruce Rardin------ Walter P. Johnson Earl Long___ ____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. James Lolitas____ Paul Van Arsdale . James K. Barry... W. D. Bricker 20.000 1,440 55,870 10,500 68 690 5,070 35.000 7,010 123,400 103,170 24,570 50,000 rJ. E. McDAVID— THOS. DOYLE______ G. McNAUGHTON___ D. D. COX_________ C. T. SCHERER Raymond _ 726 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALVIN UARRIKER 8 Montgomery K13 $250-12% 70-914 d®«t'03 ) A Strong, Prog resslve Institutio D. par 100 /1« CENTS sent to us with each s lght draft for pre sentatlon and V25 CENTS Tor e acta credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attentlo n. 40,000 520,000 520,000 20,000 Red Bud.......... 1208 FirstStateBank___d®«i§'75 Albert Schrieber.. H. Schifferdecker. 8 Randolph Oil $250-10% par 100 70-789 RED BUD TR. CO. GAUG. EGGERDING - A. J. RATZ—........ - W. H.BURKHARDT— A. L. SCHUETTE-— — 30.000 38,820 543,300 251,590 262,650 27,420 50.000 36,100 618,440 397,700 193,380 3,620 25,000 2,250 103,970 22,000 90,890 36,850 10,250 20.000 4,000 24,990 1250-20% par loo 70-754 .. Bardin. _____ 262 7 Coles J10 Bari tan.............305 7 Henderson G6 n 1 ft] U nflNft “T11' /W. H. WHEAT-— 0. E. WILLIAMS........ B. RICE---------------| Send us you r collections for prompt re turns. I Low rates a nd careful att ention to Instr uctions. d®«99 \ Please send 26c with each reques t for report or rat ing. Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up Depos- Other AND Capital Profits ties Fowler State Bank—d®S'17 70-1928 Rardin State Bank____t§’ll 5% 70-1688 Raritan State Bank____ t}'2C par TOO 70-1541 10% par 100 70-790 Leland S. Fowler.. H. L. Wood____ 49,220 $ 272,320 $ 111,290 $ 6,500 75,850 15,110 $ 139,640 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N..Chi. 47,640 Reddick State Bank. d®t§'02 $50 par too 70-1542 Redmon State Bank___t§’04 70-1543 Farmers State Bankd®»t§'03 par 100 70-1093 Reynolds State Bank d®t§’88 par 100 70-1092 Richmond____514 State Bankof Richmond 7 McHenry A19 $145-7% 70-1545 d®»+§'96 F. S. Boyer_______ R. S. Rover C. A. Bopes _____ A. H. McConnel... 25.000 20,310 359,840 R. P. Wait _____ E. Pearl Wait____ R. O. Wait______ Majel Alcorn_____ 40.000 26,410 518,880 50,000 27,540 257,310 25.000 12,610 67,080 Chas. Kruse W. A. McConnell — Ch.of Bd.and Pres. Rlchvlew . _ . 308 Ricnview State Bank ...1513 8 Washington N13 $115-514% par 100 70-1739 Ridge Farm .. 888 City National Bank—..d»t’07 7 Vermilion 122 par 100 70-87 7 First National Bank— dtl900 $140-7% par 100 7 0 876 Rldgway______930 8 Gallatin P19 $100 par 100 70-855 “ ___ _ Gallatin County Bank d*J5'95 8% par too 70-854 Blnard_______ 113 Rlnard Banking Co____t§’02 8 Wayne M18 $100-6% par 100 70-1547 Ringwood___200 Ringwood State Bk.d®»t§'26 7 McHenry A18 $100 par 100 7 0-18 88 Rio________ 202 Rio State Bank___dB®«tS’03 7 Knox E9 $100-8% par 100 70-1548 Rlverdale___2504 First Trust & Savings Bank (Chicago P.O.) $160-8% 70-1899 d©»t§'16 7 Cook D 2 par 100 River Forest 8829 (Oak Park P. O.) $185-6% 70-1786 d®*|’12 7 Cook C21 par 100 River Grove.. 2741 State Bank of River Grove 7 Cook C21 $i65-4%7>ari00 70-2111 d©4§’26 Riverside____6770 First National Bk—B®T*t’23 7 Cook C21 $235-6% par 100 70-2067 Riverside State Bank $.300-16% 70-1549 dB®T»t5’03 par 100 Riverton____ 1582 Riverton State Bankd®»JS’19 7 Sangamon I 13 i 1C% par 150 70-1550 E. E. Hasemeyer.. C. R. Jump______ Wm. Krietemeier F. B. Edmiston A. P. Saunders.__ 20,110 147,930 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet and Champaign. 14,050 1st N.. Chi ; N. Tr., Char.; N. Bk. of 36,830 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; N. bk. of Monmouth, Monmouth, 70.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. d®*t§’88 j Special at tent! on given Bill of L adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. (.Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. Reddick______ 205 7 Kankakep E18 Redmon____ 227 7 Edgar J21 Reynolds_____ 317 7 Rock Island D8 322,470 19,370 25,270 124,010 311,210 11,410 213,430 68,910 46,080 66,220 17,720 1,900 76,940 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 109,820 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L.; 1st N.. E. St. L. 15,230 1st N.. Ohi.: City N., Kankakee; 1st N., Joliet. 1st N., Chi.: Terre Haute Tr. Co., Terre Haute. Ind. 63,040 Cont. Ill. Bk & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi.; Cent. Tr. & Sav.. Rock Isl. 138,660 Stock Yds. N., Chi.. Rock Isl. Sav., Rock Isl. 26,540 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co..Chi. 18,840 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 35,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co..Ohi.: Ind. N., Indps. 25.000 5,000 80,000 70,000 5,000 50.000 65,000 145,000 125,000 50,700 40,000 25.000 1,030 115,710 119,700 1,140 50,250 George L. Land... Arnold Valter____ 35.000 11,640 243,120 174,910 29,660 31,410 O. J. Chaney_____ 36.000 3,630 83,100 E. C. Hawley_____ W. R. Giddings ... Marjory E. Whiting 25.000 1,160 72,690 5,400 67,520 12,000 9,500 R. E. Davidson -__ Milton Deatherage C.E.Frankenburger R. O. Almgreen.__ B.E.Franke n burger John Harms, Jr.._ Milton Meeder__ Horace Holmes.... f) H\ Reich _ Frank Stewart 40,000 4,930 172,230 11,500 183,820 9,500 10,990 24,340 Drov. N., Chi.; Far. & Mech., Galesburg. 50,000 28,330 357,070 198,040 117,340 20,990 99,030 Cent. Rep., Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi,: 1st N„ Dolton. 75.000 89,880 834,100 477,040 301,270 157,950 22,000 157,880 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y,: Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Clii.; Ave. State, Oak Park. 30.000 1st N„ Chi. J. W. Foster____ T. H. Rees________ C. M. Harrold____ H. G. Barker____ E. A. Green . W. S. Phillips..... P. .T.Valter A. E. Michels.. Henry Struble____ C, M. Harrold Frank Welver____ Marion Drone____ James Doherty___ E. A. Keith.. .. John W. Youle___ •T. D. Mawer J. B, Piggot 46,160 6,550 95,160 12,820 102,340 Julius Wischnia... Edw. C. C.Senf—. W. E. Beddow____ F. H. Cory 25.000 14,000 175.000 10.000 102,000 70.000 Joseph Harrington R. B. Cashing____ J. R. Osterberg ... 50,000 30,860 430,740 107,470 331,390 227,310 5,760 8,760 420,700 457,870 67,660 199,000 9,480 Geo. Morton_____ N. W. Willard I. R. Ocheltree___ T. P. Whiteford... 100,000 77,110 990,720 Geo. C. Fetter___ E. H. Dasher_____ G. A. Fetter______ 25.000 10,500 200,000 Chas. Maddox Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis % Principal Correspondents. am. Tiu st Company — Chicago 44,300 1st N., Chi.; 2d N.. Danville; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 16,810 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 53,780 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N Stock Yds. 14,120 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 15,230 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 54,600 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 230,370 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. 27,000 1st N.. Chi. and Springfield. INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 464 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.U'New §StatefPriT. [Estab. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. Fig. under town is Fed. Res.Dej)ts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Roanoke____ 1088 7 Woodford F14 Roberts______410 7 Ford G19 ^Robinson .... 8668 | Crawford L21 RoanokeStateBank d®»t5'13 70-1805 Roberts State Bank.d®tS’20 4% par 100 70-1068 President. HftWFORD COUNTY STATE BANK____70-457-------•£§ 02 .T. S. Ahhntt 1280-16% FARMERS^PJtODUCERS 1200-10% 70-458 par 100 Vice President. Ren Rechtel S. D. Herbst par 100 rA. d®»tl'06 (. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. f!. fl. Parvin RESOURCES. Liabilities. Loam Bonda Other Gam k ExMiscel cnA«au,Dui D epos Liabili Paid-up Surplus and and and its Capital Propits Diaoounta Saeuritias laneous prom Banks ties $ 50,000 $ 13,620 % 215,310 $ 8,280 20,420 12,290 937,760 67,880 44,740 263,230 Gty. Tr. Co.. N, Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co, and 1st N.. Chi.; Columbia N„ Pitt. 401,810 150,480 450,070 63,890 60,300 140,710 N, Y, Tr, Co, and Chase N„ N, Y,; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr, Co„ Chi. 866,760 53,780 521,310 238,310 74,910 207,660 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N„ 50,000 56,210 1,195,110 VERNON LITTLEJOHN LYLE E. CUNNINGHAM 75,000 87,690 75,000 46,650 E E CORE 65,630 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria, 32,680 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co,. Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 39,180 Valmore Parker... O. G. Holmes_____ Frank Kopta.......... J. T. Athey. A. C. Ruth F. Allen 4RNCLD -__ 39,000 $ Principal Correspondents. 127,390 % 50,000 G. MESERVE — W W S 52,800 $ 227,100 161,380 Chat. Kmlandi___ A BANK OF STRENGTH. CH ARACTER AND S ERVICE HENRY HUMMELL___ j Ch. of Bd. & Pres. CARL C. WEGER EARL SHERWOOD fHARRY E. OTEY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued A.I. WESTERMAN — G. A JONES J. R. HOWARD Chi. $200-10% par 100 70-456 d©»t'95 ) Courteous. Pro mpt, Personal an d Efficient Service -TRY US. J Special atfentlo n given Bills of L adlng, Drafts, Cas b and Time Items. V Please tend 15c u> ith each Sight Draft for presentation an d 25c for Credit Rep orts. 60,000 154,190 687.250 43,120 556,070 240,250 38,510 109,720 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., James C. Fesler... A. A. Phelps........... John D.Mead.CasA. J.M.Weeks, A.Cash . 100,000 $160 par 100 70-632 d®T»tl'90 and A. Tr. Off. and Tr. Off. Chas. F. Hathaway 50,000 Rochelle National Bank Lillian Unger P. W. May $150 par 100 70-530 d®»t’71 Rochelle Tr. & Sav. Bk.______ (Closed January 31, 1931. Receiver appo inted February 25, 1 931) 25,000 M. E. Waters_____ Rochester State Bank J. M. Bell ___ J. W. Cantrail........ J. E. Bell. $125-8% 70-1552 dBt§’12 V. P. and Cash. Thos. Thornton par 100 25,000 Meade Dixon_____ Rockbridge State Bank O. J. Miller______ C. H. Scandrett ... % par 100 70-1553 d®tt'14 50,000 wRockCity Bank..............§'31 D. H. Nott J. F. Mougin... . C. O. Helmts........... $H5 70-2137 Rock City State Bank________ (Closed December 2, 1930. Receiver app ointed December 29, 1930) 50,000 TL.P McMILLEN — A. V. SIEGLINGER— F. S. HOWE......... 59,030 792,340 81,040 634,990 125,570 84,300 187,550 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 31,080 427,840 44,(SO 350,940 55,760 39,580 105,670 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N.. Chi. 26,720 201,790 15,000 171,740 47,500 10,030 39,230 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Ridgely-Far. State. 10,240 91,270 2,500 74,890 25.000 13,220 15,890 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N.. St. 7.500 250,880 44,430 77,950 6,040 179,950 1st N. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi., 1st N., Freeport. 30,790 657,010 27,000 415,600 183,880 60,750 104,570 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. 200,600 150,080 1,212,600 200,190 788,680 615,000 118,850 240.340 1st N., Chi. 300,000 410,590 3,498,340 245,030 2,059,730 1,262,080 445.000 687,160 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. THE ROBINSON STATE BANK D. A. Mefford .. Dee Everingham.. E. C. Lowe, A. C... J. H. Lindsay_____ $326-16% 70-1737 dt8'12 Rochelle_____ 3785 PEOPLES LOAN & TR. CO. 7 Ogle 015 Rochester____ 427 7 Sangamon J12 Rockbridge.... 243 8 Qreene E6 Bock City____ 150 7 Stephenson A13 Chi.: 1st N., Joliet. Nina McReynolds par 100 6 mm-....... Springfield. L. N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. StK. Yds. Chi.; City N., Clinton, la. Bock Falls....3893 ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK J According to lo cal clearing hous e rule sight draft s must be accom70-1556 dB®»t 08 'l panied by 25c presentation fee, requests for rat ings 25c. No ad7 Whiteside C12 $200-8% 1 vance charge required on bill o f lading drafts, n otes and cash V. items. (*Member of Sterling-Rock Fa lit Clearing House) par 100 .Rockford.. 85.864 7 WinnebaeoAlB ’COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK $l45-6%par 100 70-47 dB®T*t'20 0. B. HARDING. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. A. BOWMAN------ J.D. TAYLOR. _ B.O. HOGFELDT, A. C. and Tr. Off. E. E. JOHNSON Cash, and Tr. Off. A Live. Progressive, Growing Bank. Bill of Lading Drafts Receive Special Care. Quick Service on all Collections—Reasonable Rates. ♦Forest City National Bank. R. B. Spottswood— E. E. Brumbaugh.. E. CP Atkins F. P. Condon_____ $226-12% 70-44 d®T«t’90 J. D. Waterman. F. C. Beggin F. C. Beggin, G. H. Rehr par 100 Tr. Off. M. C. Duke Ch. of Bd. (Closed June 15, 19 31) Co., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil. & Tr. & Trust Co._______________ Peoples Bank & Trust Co. __ (Closed June 15, 193 1) ‘ROCKFORD NATIONAL BANK H. S. BURPEE........ W. E. BURWELL. Exec. V. W. F. WOODRUFF. Ch. of Bd. C. J. GOODWILLS C. F. HENRY par 100 70-46 1 Thomas M. Keegan, C. J. Goodwillie__ Thomas M. Keegan Joseph Olson, Tr, Officer Cash, and V. P. W F.WoodrutT.CJi (Closed June 15, 19 31) Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M,F BAKER J.T. ATKINSON R. F. JOHNSON 750,000 953,950 11347400 100,000 108,250 421,880 7,724,130 1,262,530 2,275,390 2,211,180 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. We cordially invite your items and collections on Rockford and vicinity. dB®T«V61 Security National Bank. (Rock]otd banks con tinned on next page) C. H. EKLUND...... - COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE. 70-41 $275-12% par 100 P. 228,150 CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY 198,790 157,890 5,410 CHICAGO 74,320 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. capital $20,000,000.00 4ftr Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’u. Liabilities. Town and County. •Jlem. A.B. A. wNew §State fPriv ‘County Scats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale% Div ‘Rockford ..85,864 (Continued) President. SWEDISH-AMER J. A. ALDEN, ICAN NATIONAL BK, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 12% par 100 70-45 dB®T»t*10 ‘THIRD NATIONAL BANK par 100 70-40 dB®T»t'54 Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. J. T. PETERS_ _ _ _ _ G. A. PETERSON. C. A. ROHLENL. E. WALLEN B. 0. JOHNSON $ 125,000 $ 435.920 $2520450 $ 123,380 $1416130 $1141300 $ 162,440 $ 484,880 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. G. C. SPAFF0RD—M. A. KJELLGREN E. E. THAYER------ W. A. DENNIS J. WESTERBERG J. WESTERBERG, R. L. F0SBERG Tr. Officer H. A. JOHNSON B. J. EASTON, A. Tr. Officer 500.000 par 100 539.690 4,066.610 186,970 2,653,930 1,673,100 160,340 OLDEST BANK IN ROCKFORD. 805,900 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. COLLECTIONS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Truman Johnson __ C. H. Eklund, E. Widergren, Mgr. Sec. and Tr. C. P. Herrick, Mgr._______________ . (Branc h of New York). (Talcott Bldg.) (321 W. State St.) Rock Grove...168 Rock Grove State Bank______ (Closed November 2 9, 1930. Receiver ap pointed December 30, 1930) 7 Stephenson A 13 ‘Rock Island H. H. CLEVELAND E. H. KRELL. L. B. WILSON. R.E. SWANSON__ 7 37.953 M.S.HEAGY, Exec.V.P.&Tr.Off. Cash, and Sec.J. W. GRAHAM Rock Island D8 Ch. of Bd. H. Jf. TfiRREMANN W.C. GRANT, Qff C.A.MANGELSDORF 70-121 d®T«tS’99 Principal Correspondents. Cash A Ex changes,Due prom Banks ACTS IN ALL TRUST CAPACITIES COLLECTIONS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION HARRIS. UPHAM & CO....... *150-8% Resources. Other Loans Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos Liabili Miscel and AND and Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties Cash, and Tr. Off. “The Bank of Safety and Service" Rockford Clearing House___ A. R. Floberg. (Members indicated by a *) CENTRAL TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued 500.000 520,450 6,720,370 200.000 19,840 1,700,530 Private wire to Main office and correspond ents in leading cities. 52,290 3,753,520 2,328,160 948,460 762,960 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Union Tr., Clev.; IstN., St. L. 295.150 197,880 We solicit the accounts and collections of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms and Individuals. The Rock IslandNational Bank taken over by this bank April 1,1915. MANUFACTURERS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 70-123 ®»§’20 ‘ROCK ISLAND SAVINGS BANK *225-10% par 100 70-120 d®T»t5'90 ‘STATE BANK OF ROCK ISLAND *225-10% par 100 70-117 dB®T»I5'52 C. A. HALLGREN- H. W. LITTEN, E. Exec,. I.1. Ml& R. P. GILL0LEY. . . . . . F. M. BROWN. A. C. and Tr. Off. Complete Banking, Trust and Investment Service. 125,230 1,230,170 322,380 Co., Chi.; Un. Sav., Dav.; Peo. Sav., Moline. PROMPT AND PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO US. HUGH E. CURTIS-— M. E. STRIETER. . . . . . W. G. JOHNSTON .... R. W. 0STERMAN H. S. CABLE. W. G. JOHNSTON R. W. 0STERMAN, a! Wi CHRISTENSEN Ch. of Bd. Tr. Officer Commercial Banking—Savings—Trust. Send your Rock Island Items direct to us. Prompt Service—Reasonable Charges. departments: Bill of Lading Collections Especially Solicited. S. WHITE-- - - - - - - B.D. CONNELLY-- K. T. ANDERSON_ _ _ C. F. CHANN0N. K. T. ANDERSON A.Cash.andTr.Off. _ . ... . . w. R. ASTER Established 1852 oldest bank in rock island county. SAFE AND SOUND FOB SEVENTY-SEVEN YEARS Your Business Invited. 200.000 315,840 6,464,010 235,890 2,823,450 3,071,530 337,090 Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. Com’l & Sav., Dav. 200.000 316,540 3,632,040 B. D. Connelly E. H. Guyer B. C. Hartz 67,540 1,419,150 2,023,960 117,430 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and 655,590 DIRECTORS J. G. Huntoon R. C. Mitchell R. B. MacDonald Frank Mlxter A. W. Mitchell I. S. White Rock Island Clearing House H. E. Curtis______ I. S. White.............. R. W. Osterman, (Members indicated by a *) Sec. and Tr. MORRIS GEISMAR j- Partners________ MORRIS GEISMAR& CO. T4 NAT. E. GEISMAR INVESTMENT (Central Trust Bldg.) SECURITIES Continental Illinois Bank 983,670 Trust Company —, Chicago Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Refers to any bank in Rock Island. ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT 466 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §State fPriv. »County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. Bockport 205 8 'Pike J6 Bockton_____ 1077 7 Winnebago A15 Roodhouse... 2621 8 4 Greene K9 ^ Bose Hill_____ 179 8 Jasper L19 Roselle __ __R(i7 7 Du Page B20 Roseville__ __ 975 7 Warren F8 Rosiclare____ 1794 8 Hardin Q19 :Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Rockton State Bank 1100 par 100 70-1989 dB®Tt§'19 First National Bank—©»I’89 10% 70-616 Roodhouse Bank___ d©t§’73 *150-10% par 100 70-615 State Bk.of Rose Hill...ti ll *180 par 100 70-1725 Farmers & Merchants State Bk. of Bloomingdale Roselle State Bank—d©l§’02 *300-8% par 100 70-1558 Farmers & Merchants National Bank State Bank of Rosiclare *250-14% par 100 70 1559 ®T§ • 20 First National Bank—©11900 70-745 Ass’t Cashier. Farmers First State Bank *180 par 100 70-1103 d®«t5’10 Sailor Springs Banking Co. *120-5% par 100 70-1706 t§’ll Sainte Marie State Bank *140-10% par 100 70-1564 ©t§’20 SALEM NATIONAL BANK *30O-l4%par 100 70-545dB®*t’71 Salem State Bank___________ First National Bank.d©«t’ll *130-6% par 134 70-706 W. W. Liddle, 3. C. Webber_____ Ch.of Bd. and Pres. A. F. Grunke W. D. Berry_____ E. J. Vancuyle------ Charles T. Bates .. $ Resources. Loan* Bond* Mibcedand and Discount* Securities LA-NKOUb Principal Correspondents. Cash * £xCHAN018,DUB prom Bina 6% par 100 *210-10% par 100 700 $ 87,000 J 17,000 $ 23,000 $ 14,000 Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Rockford N., Rockford; 2d N., Beloit. Wis. 66,160 3hase N..N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 83,010 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 3,810 1st N„ Newton ; Old N., Evansville. 50,000 238,020 192,410 60,000 55,990 363,690 1,030 316,530 46,080 35,090 15,000 11,980 89.760 230 89,740 12,200 160 70.360 J. H. Hattendorf, 50,000 A. F. Pottratz____ K. FT. Franzen Ch. of Bd. and Pres. (Deposit liability as sumed by National Bank of Monmouth , Monmouth, 111., F ebruary 12, 1931) 445,570 6,670 234,920 209,940 28,040 99,700 Cont. Ill. Bk. 4,500 38,710 1st N.. St. L. H. S. Gilmore. C. C. Van Doren... Ch, of Bd, and Pres. W. Hersh______ E. (Closed L. B. Winter______ June 6,1931 Deposits assumed by the Roselle State Ba nk) R. A. Knight & Tr. Co., Chi, 15,000 9,940 145,300 122,220 4,800 T, F. IT ahel........ ... 50,000 25,000 465.000 405,000 30,000 M. B. Webber........ 25,000 25,690 207,310 108,020 77,540 20,860 51,580 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Northern Ti, Co., Chi. Leo Freese_______ Jay Freese_______ W. J. Freese-------- F. E. Fenters------ 25,000 8,800 60,000 70,000 16,700 6,000 13,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Champaign. fGEORGEDYSON- A. P. R0DEWALD. GUY H. MILLEB C. S. L0RING (.SPECIAL ATT ENTTON GIVEN TO COLLECTIO N&« 50.000 101,550 751,090 384,880 350,250 31,860 135,650 Irv. Tr. Co. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. J. W. Mathew* ___ C. W. Schroeder.. Arthur Goer*_____ A. M. Schwerdtfeger Russell Levitt____ Sailor Coggan......... 25,000 10,000 110,000 25,000 140,000 15,000 2,600 63,630 4,370 56,370 6,260 14,370 8,010 Wm. P. Warford— E. F. Carter______ Yeatman Northen. T. C. Stifler John W. Hart_____ A. B. ComDS______ 11,900 95.000 1st N.. Chi. and Danville. (Closed January 17, 1931. Receiver appo inted Feburary 11, 1 931) J. M. Drake_______ 22,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Millikin N.. Decatur: 1st N.. Champaign. 8,610 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 56,430 220 60,610 1,050 7,530 50,000 61,520 1,400,920 55,790 528,610 579,330 167,820 40,000 13,740 140,330 25,250 101,580 61,780 22,910 50,000 P. S. LINDNER____ W. W. SEDGWICK- A. J.TUTLAND-----LESTER HAGE Strong and Prog resslve. n given Bill of L adlng Drafts, Cas h and Time It* ms. ith each Sight Draft for presentation anc 25c for Credit Repor is. 55,500 621,710 5,060 404,850 208,570 17,060 101,780 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N„ Aurora: 1st N.. Joliet. 50,000 20,000 625,000 265,000 275,000 30,000 125,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. E. W. Seelye-------- 50,000 24,240 223,450 25,000 208,500 9,000 53,430 51,760 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. S. B. Lannon-------- 28,000 34,290 557,530 3,420 320,140 122,840 24,410 59.000 71,170 597,320 4,720 533,260 107,470 15,496 155,850 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. Central Hanover Bank & Trust Companv New York Central Republic Bank & Trust Co.___ ____ ____________Chicago 67,000 E. Barthelme, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. M HINDERE" — JOHN C. MARTIN — JOHN C. MARTIN— A.H.BACHMAN......... B. M. SMITH (Consolidated with Salem National Ba nk January 17, 1931 ) F. H. Chance_____ H. R. Hall_______ C. L. Stinson W. G. Kelly_____ W. H. Hindahl Bank of Saunemin September 27, 1930) •T. L. Spafford____ H. J. Mies 15,000 BRUCE MACHEN......... C. M. HIGGINS_____ BRUCE MACHEN-— J. F. ALTENBERN— special attention given Bill ox Lading uraits. LAURENCE MILES, F. S. 6REENLEAF — C. N. JENKS, Inactive B. J. CLIKEMAN, LAURENCE MILES. A.C.andA.Tr.Off. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Tr.Off. C. S. RAHN Make us your “Financial Service Station’' at 10,470 Newton. 292,460 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 33,050 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Franklin Am. Tr. Co., St. L. Bank & Trust Company.......... Chicago PInkert State Bank______________ Cicero City National Bank____________ Clinton YOUR BUSINESS INVITED. 70-463 dB©»t*'02 Please send 15c with each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Ratings. 100.000 89,680 1.293.250 101,080 780,750 546,780 80,600 Sava nna. 175,880 First National Bank-------- ---------Chicago Stock Yards National Bank....Chicago National Shawmut Bank_____Boston Peoples Trust & Savings Bank.Clinton PROMPT ATTENTION TO COLLECTIONS AND QUICK RETURNS. 70-464 dB®T»t’07 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Ratings. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9,300 $ 106,000 $ 362,350 Sandwich State Bank *140-5% par 100 70-561dB®»tS’56 San Jose______ 486 San Jose State Rk. d®*t8'92 70-1565 (Purchased by State Saunemin____ 276 ^Livingston F17 State Bank of Saunemin I. M. Lish *150-10% par 100 70-156* dtf’U P. H. Lannon. Ch. COMMERCIAL STATE BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK 25.000 S 34,240 M Savanna 5086 7 Carroll B10 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos- Other Profits TIES 50,000 CH. A. SEVERY— Sandwich___ 2611 FARMERSTRUST& SAVINGS < Largest Bank — BANK —70-562 _-d©»t5’15 J Special attentto 7 Le Kalb 017 *200-7% par 100 \.Please send 15c w M Cashier. Vice-President. [Closed, November 2 !, 1930. Receiver app ointed December 19, 1930) 7 Vermilion H22 Bound Lake...338 *200-8% 70-1560 7 Lake A19 par 100 Royal.................. 102 Royal State Bank_____ dtS’20 7 Champaign H20 io% var loo 70—1561 ‘Rusbvllle___ 2388 7 Schuyler H7 RUSHVILLE STATE BANK o " -------“ *200-12% 70-586 d®t8 92 par 100 Sadorus.............353 7 Champaign 118 Sailor Sprlngs.231 8 Clay M19 Salnte Marie..304 8 Jasper L?o ‘Salem.............4420 8 Marion M16 *• Sandoval____ 1264 8 Marion M15 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued and Trust Company ^ Chicago RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. it t ___ ILtLdXi WlO Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Eetab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ? McLean H17 M •• Seales Mound. 48 7 Jo Daviess A10 President. Vice-President. H. R. Minard... Saybrook Bank_____ d©t§’79 10% 70-938 A. L. Whitmer, Ch. C. Schureman Roben Means (Consolidated with S aybrook Bank) Saybrook Stale Bank STATE BANK OF SCALES MOUND. 70-1567___ d.ti'09 jWM. TRAVIS - J. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. . T. McFADDEN— Paid-up Capital $ KVAMME — IDA TRAVIS_ _ _ _ City National Bank kShawneetown 1440 8 Gallatin P19 •• •• $140 par 100 70-666 2,700 % 270,000 $ 186,000 $ 72,000 $ 8,110 154,260 205,200 $ 9,630 12,100 115,580 3,430 80,720 8,640 10,810 55,960 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Melrose Park State, Melrose Park. 22,000 282,190 6,260 250,440 37,700 14,280 21.560 296,630 24.650 245,470 40,740 18.250 43,020 Drov.N.. Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co.,and Stock Yds N.. Chi.: Peo. N., Monmouth. 63,370 1st N.. Chi.. El Paso and Peoria. 50,000 15,340 321,220 257,210 60,070 28,900 40,390 Cont. Ill. Bk. ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. for presentation an d 25c for Credit Re ports. nk here. H. T. Marshall 25,000 15,710 290,180 122,600 170,020 15,250 43,020 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.: 1st N., Ottawa. 25,000 7,000 90,000 25,000 44,380 322,670 8,170 229,170 54,710 35,610 80,720 1st N. and Drov. N.. Chi. 60,000 23,940 523,570 110 307,410 191,810 19,300 89,090 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.: 1st N., Joliet. 25,000 19,310 391,640 25,790 234,760 99,840 38,150 88,980 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y ; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds.; Citiz. N., Evansville. 50,390 1,020,320 18,310 573,940 417,660 13,070 134,340 Chase N., N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. and 1st N., Chi. 360,930 69,780 66,730 139,520 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and St. L.; Ind. N., Indpls. 127,870 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N.. St. L. 46,630 1st N.. Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. i 20,000 70-468 31. •• SHELBY CO. STATE BANK 95,000 5,000 22,000 1st N.. Chi. and Montlcello. strong L. Storey_ _ _ Charles F. Stein... R. A. Kersey_ _ _ _ F. E. Woessner__ John C. M Munson_ _ _ Pearl Dickinson A. S. Babb C. T. Wilhelms (Absorbed by Natio nal Bank of Shawn eetown) (c. K. ROEDEL —- L. W. GOETZMAN__ M.H GilT C. J. GOETZMAN — < Oldest and Lar gest Bank. Mod ern Equipment. Efficient Service. J Unexcelled facll Itles for handling your Shawneeto wn Items and col (.Please tend 15c wi th each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo J.C. EBERSPACHER— H.TURNER............. fW. S. MIDDLESWORTH lections rU, 50.000 502,200 & Tr. Co. 100,000 34,750 ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. r presentation and 25 c for credit reports. J. J. Ward______ W. F. Aichele------- 50,000 51,890 715,820 12,520 430,280 221,420 50,660 L. C. Westervelt.. Margaret Fox____ 50,000 31,060 214,220 1,090 96,500 146,170 7,070 Geo. C. Hathaway. B. M. Ingalls____ C. L. Butler 40,000 9,680 203,780 26,210 216,060 1.000 21,550 41,060 Chase N.. N. Y-: 1st N. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cont. N„ Indpls. 60,000 9,780 230,840 244,810 19,660 8,360 27,800 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi,; Ind. N„ Indpls. 25,000 7,500 262,540 161,670 48,550 12,950 71,870 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N.. Joliet ) We want and a ppreclate your bu slness. e 22, 1931) Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. Receiver appoin ted July 22, 1931) Andrew J. Dighton J. C. Haines. J Special attentlo n given Bill of La t_ Please tend 16e wi th each Sight Draft fo G. C. Bodnger____ par 100 70-469 d®»t9'95 T. C. Dove Sbelby Loan & Trust Co. W.S. Middlesworth J. C. Westervelt$140-7% 70-471 ®T»tS’09 J. C. Eberspacher par 100 Sheldon 1121 Citizens State Bank & Tr. Co. 7 Iroquois F22 70-822 d®»iS'17 $150-8% par 100 .. .. State Bank of Sheldon B. B. Bishopp_____ 7% 70-821 B©*iS’75 Sheridan_____ 481 Farmers & Merch. State Bank (Merged with First National Bank Jun 7" LaSalle D16 •• First National Bank d®i’15 E. J. Clark_______ L. H. Callagan____ 16% par mo 70-189? »• 41,530 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. s December 13, 1930) fC. W. BOYDEN...... A. W. BOYDEN........ W. L. JACOBSEN...... BLANCHE VERMUELE N 6. W. BOYDEN, ROBERT P. JONES NATIONAL BANK d-t 73 49.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Oom Belt Bloomington. 346,080 $ 25,000 J Ch. of Bd. Sheffield 941 FARMERS STATE BANK ARLENE GRUBB 70-1581 dB®«tS'06 7 Bureau Ell $200 1 Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be accompanle d by par 100 (.FEB IN ADVAN CE: Plain 8%ght D rafts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 25c tShelbyvIHe 3491 FIRST 7 Shelby K16 par 100 Principal Correspondents. 31,420 R. J. rS.D.HOLDERMAN DAN DANIELSON- F. E. SUDL0W —- J. C. THOMAS---n given Bill of La th each Sight Draft and Strongest Ba J. W. Temple _____ _________________ volume. -------— Resources. Liabilities. Loan* Bonds SURPLU8 Cam A SxOther Miscel- CHAN0H,1>UI Dapos- L and and AND iabiliDiaoount* Securities LAHEOUS FROM BaIVXB Profits TIES 30,000 S ) Collections and Requests for Cr edit Reports MU ST be aeeompan led by IfTQB IN ADVA NCR: Plain Sight Drafts. 16c; Credit Reports, 25c. $185-8% par 100 Scbaumberg ..178 Farmers State Bank dB®tl’10 Herman Weiss ___ F. W. Pflngsten... R. G. Amling ___ 25,000 UPalatineP.O.) $135 par 100 70-1589 Oook Bin (Closed November 22 . 1930. Receiver app ointed December 26, 1930) Selota . 150 State Bank of Sciota 7 MeDonOigh Q7 Seaton . 810 State Bank of S®ton„ •$P07 J. C. Seaton______ J. F. Reily_______ H. P. Sterett_____ 35.000 $140-12% par 100 70-1572 7 Mercer E7 Secor 280 First National Bank____ 102 E. J. Harseim_____ C. W. Frey............... R. A. Burster____ 25.000 F.B. Stitt. Ch.ofBd. 7 Woodford F16 par 100 7IM674 Seneca 1120 STATE BANK OF SENECA 7 LaSalle D17 fl% par 100 70-1575 dB®»tS’92 < Special attentlo j Fiease send 15c wi (.Oldest. Largest Serena 122 Serena State Bank d®tl’0S E. J. Marshall.. 7 LaSalle D16 par 100 70-1578 C. Scheidecker. Ch. Sesser_ _ _ _ _ _ 2315 First National Bank_ _ _ _ _ _ (Suspended busines 8 Franklin 016 Seward 120 Seward State Bank (Closed April 10, 19 7 Winnebago A14 Seymour State Bank d©t5’04 7 Champaign 118 $125-6% par 100 70-1578 George Mohr_____ Shabbona__ 546 Farmers ft Tra. State Bk. 7 DeKalb C14 7% par 100 70-1579 d ®t§’05 First State Bank__ B©t§’30 D. R. Hoy H. N. Griffith, V. P. 70-1580 7 Carroll Bll par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In desed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ___ f'nT-it-irvne»H V^UllllllUCU R. J. Cal lagan ___ and Trust Company — Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 'tUO Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oodntt. ^County 8eats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State t Priv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Sherrard .327 FarmersState Bank d@«J|'10 A. N. Swanson, 7 Mercer E 8 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, $120-6% par 100 70-903 CF. A. STEVENSONShipman_____ 308 CITIZENS STATE BANK 8 Macoupin L10 $110-7% 70-1583 d®t§'26 1 Special attentio l.Please send 15c w par 100 Shumway........178 Citizens State Bank____JJ’10 H. E. Schwarz___ 8 Effingham L17 $100 par 100 70-1117 Sibley................394 fiihlev State Bank tVQO E. D. Cameron___ 7 Ford G18 10% par 100 70-1584 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans ther Bonds Cash A JfixPaid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili Miscel chano and AND and *s,Due Capital Profits its Oiaoounta SccuritiM laneous non Banks TIES August Noren____ C. R. Johnson........ Jean M. Gibson... $ 25.U00 $ 7,240 $ 297,360 W. 0. SWEET-.......... . L. E. KELSEY............ H. E. Wiegand___ 25.000 4,700 152,190 $ $ 213,550 $ n given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. ith each sight draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. Wm. McSmith___ 25,000 4,840 103,630 30.000 17,000 430,000 25,000 fW. A. HOLTON — J. A. CATHCART— M. C. HOLTON_____ 0. c. LEWIS____ Sldell................. 655 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 7 Vermilion 121 $220-15% 70-1585 d •t'87 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for p resentatlon, and par 100 L25 CENTS for e acb credit report Insures prompt, personal attenti on. 27,580 191,290 160,000 25,000 19,070 301,380 25,000 27,790 209,050 Mary C, Kerley ... 15,000 3,160 Smlthshlre___275 SmithshireState Bank_.i§’20 George Brooks___ A. R. Edwards.... N. F, Norman___ L. O.Tinsman____ 7 Warren F7 $150-10% 70-1592 par 100 Smith ton_____361 First National Bank.d®»t'22 J. A. Miller F. C. Daab___ 8 St. Clair Nil 6% 70-2059 A. Pfeiffer {Formerly First State Bank) 35,000 25,000 Principal Correspondents. 35,000 $ 14,850 $ 27,000 10,570 86,040 13,010 16,360 112,750 265,640 18,060 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Effingham State, Effingham. 87,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 63,450 6,520 46,410 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Merch N., Indpls.: Palmer N., Danville. 148,920 41,840 6,510 13,500 48,400 180,020 88,850 600 47,500 31,660 2,970 25,700 154,990 18,500 195,690 5,850 11,200 21,450 Drov. N.. Chi.; N. Bk. of Monmouth, Monmouth. 11,030 224,160 117,270 89,480 15,000 38,430 1st N-. E. 8t. L. and Madison, Ill.; St. Clair N., Belleville. 64,390 50.000 E. W. HUPP________ MARYJ. MARTIN — CH. G. HUPP_____ Somonauk___ 578 FARMERSSTATE BANK C. H, WHITE, 7 De Kalb C16 { Ch, of Bd. 70-1023 $150-10% @181900 I Vigorous atten tlon given Collect Ions. Quick retu rns and conslste nt char ges. par 100 LSend 15c with ea ch Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Rep orts. 685,810 638,520 45,240 18,350 110,090 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 175,410 1,250 6,700 54,590 1st N. and Stock Yds. N„ Chi. 28,500 41,500 6,500 17,500 1st N.. St. L. 487,380 173,070 70,900 Sidney_______ 539 7 Champaign 119 .. Henry Brucker, Sr. H, W. DickermaD.. Winston State Bank.__t§’85 H. W. Winston..— G. W. Townsend .. 10% 70-1062 Simpson______144 First State Rank 8 Johnson Q17 7% par 100 70-1588 S S. Bigler t§'10 T. B. Kerley_____ J. W. Reynolds___ Smlthfleld____315 7 Fulton G9 •• 32,510 145,500 66,210 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet: Cent. Tr. & Sav., Rock Island. 17,250 N. Stock Yd«. N., N. Stock Yds.: 1st N., Joliet. {Purchased by Wins ton State Bank, Ma rch 19, 1931) Slgel................... 259 Peoples State Bank__ dt§'20 A. W. Bigler. 7 Shelby K17 par 100 70-1586 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. •• 18,420 148,190 1st N.,Chi.; MillikinN.. Decatur 46,910 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 25,470 City N., Paducah, Ky.; 1st N., St. L. {Closed April 11, 19 31. Receiver appoin ted April 23, 1931.) 12,000 25,000 10,650 202,400 Sorento 831 Sorento National Bank..!'14 C. I. Gordon............. H. H. Holbrook__ D. E. McReaken... $103-6% par 100 70-1594 8 Bond LIB E. F. Thacker, Ch, 25,000 5,000 63,000 South Holland South Holland Tr. & Sav. Bk. C. E. Waterman... Horace Holmes___ M. H. Waterman.. Abbie Vander Gies7 Cook D21 1873 $230-10% 70-1723 dB®*t§Tl sen par 100 50,000 73,020 754,400 Saarland ... 463 SPARLAND STATE 70-1595 7 Marshall F13 par 100 25,000 16,940 124,440 3,250 82,700 24,860 18,070 44,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. 8s Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Peoria. Sparta............. 3385 First National Bank. d®»t'03 E. B. McGuire____ E. D. Grenglet___ Paul G. Brown___ 70-506 8 Randolph 012 par 100 Genevieve Alexander .. .. N R LESSLEY H. J. H0LD0WAY- J. C. BROWN____ F J KfiRSr.H SPARTA STATE BANK 6% 70-507 d®«tl'll 50,000 34,270 394,960 50,370 259,600 138,510 27,180 25,000 12,880 252,070 109,820 91,610 23,300 104,320 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Miss. Val. Tr. Co., St., L. 65,210 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. Sneer 117 State Bank of 8peer__ d!l’02 R. N. Turnbull----- Chas. Collins______ 7 Stark F12 10% par 100 70-1596 25,000 47,420 147,110 109,640 65,210 22,040 Springerton ...365 Springerton State Bank J. E. Ham mack___ J. M. Qnindry____ 8 White 019 $100-I0%par 100 70-1597 tS’20 15,000 1,150 82,690 W. H. Wright........ Somonauk State Bank..t§’13 6% par 100 70-1022 BANK. W. S. Riddell_____ W. W. Aitchison.. H. E. Wescott____ 1,000 d»18’03 11,630 84,820 Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company — Chicago Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,750 146,160 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 34,270 1st N. and Drov. N„ Chi.; Cent. N.Bk. 8c Tr. Co. and Com’l Merch. N., Peoria. 12,270 Franklin-American Tr. Co., St. L. where bankers bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The BLUE BOOK Costs Less Based on circulation, advertising space in the Rand M9Nally Bankers Blue Book costs one^third that of any similar publication, and reaches a larger audience than that afforded by all similar publications combined. THE RAND M9NALLY BANKERS DIRECTORY The Bankers BLUE BOOK ESTABLISHED 1872 T Rand M?Nally & Co., Publishers 536 So. Clark St., Chicago NEW YORK CITY WASHINGTON, D. C. SAN FRANCISCO <Ike ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK of Springfield Capital Surplus & Reserves Total Resources $ 300,000.00 $ 285,000.00 $5,400,000.00 Complete Banking, Trust and Investment Service * Correspondence invited CT\ Good Banking Connection at the OFFICERS LOGAN COLEMAN H. M. MERRIAM H. G. BENGEL - - Vice-President - Vice-Pres. &. Tr. Officer F. C. BRINKERHOFF CARL U. LUERS H. A. PIART Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President - - - - - Cashier O'! State Capital is a most convenient necessity, and a valuable asset to every Illinois bank and to thousands of corpor ations, firms and individuals. - Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS OWSLEY BROWN President Springfield Boiler Co. LOGAN COLEMAN President LOGAN HAY Brown, Hay & Stephens, Attorneys H. M. MERRIAM President Franklin Life Insurance Co. R. H. McANULTY Attorney Accounts are Invited WM. W. SMITH L. E. FISHER Thos. C. Smith Sons Fisher Grocery Co. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given each bank in u- 8- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 4fiQ t0 ' Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv ‘County 8eats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div ‘Springfield .71,864 7 Sangamon 113 1 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. par 100 'FIRST STATE TR. & SAV.BK. \ “The FIRST Banks In Springfield.” Combined Capital, Surplus and Profits $1,751,926.17. Combined Deposits $9,833,789.36. par 100 'ILLINOIS NAT’L BANK. 'RIDGELYFARMERS STATE BANK LOGAN C0LEMAN-H. M. MERRIAM — F.C. BRINKERHOFF C. U. LUERS____ H. G. BENGEL. W. R.DELLERT, H. A. HART V. P. and Tr. Officer $175-8% par 100 70-32 'SPRINGFIELD MARINE BANK $ 312,900 $5363 360 $ 222,520 $3245550 $1121240 $ T rust and Investrnent Ser vice. Fo r prompt, efficient, personalsmice serid your bu si ness to us. COLL ECTI0NS A SPECI ALTY. Please * end 26c «nth each •equest foi report o r rating. Offe rs a com plete Ba nking, 300,000 230,780 4,616,670 E. 0. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 2,290,550 2,020,410 535,590 624,730 1st N., Springfield. 253,800 1,950,560 2,306,760 165,000 978,920 Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co. 88,810 First National Bank...........................NewYork Chicago Harris Trust & Savings Bank.Chicago First National Bank.......... ...St. Louis Union Trust Company_____ Cleveland A. Tr. Off. KEYS -......... L. L. EMMERSON- - - - - - A. 0. PETERSON— EDWARD L. KEYS — GEO. E. KEYS, MARGARET P. EMIL L. BANSBACH V. P. and Tr. Off. REIHBACH, Sec. and R. RIDGELY WATTS Principal Correspondents. 444,690 $1617290 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and See Page Opposite w",,,'dB®T»t'86 $210-10% par loo ♦ dB®T»tS19 70-28 500,000 500,000 412,030 4,470,430 EDWARD.A. HALL. PASCAL E, HATCH — F. H. LUERS,_ _ _ _ W_M. E. RIGGINS-.— U. b..UAHHULL H. J. LlnMno. UCU. r, UntlUCH. J 1 J. A. EASLEY Sec, and Aud, A. Cash, and A. Sec. A. H. RANKIN L. T. SOUTHER, GREGORY LUTHY.A. Tr. Off. , Farm Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. L. T. SOOTHER Tr. Officer FRANK H. KcKELVEY GEO. BIEDERMAN. A. Aud. 70-29 dB®T§’17 $162,50-9% Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bondi Other 0-ajh A Ex Miscel oha Paid-up SUHPLU8 D epos Liabili and and hobs, Dot AND its Capital Profits Discount! Securities laneous whom Bask* ties fPASCAL E. HATCH. J. A. EASLEY_ _ _ _ F. H. LBERJ - - - C. J. SCHNEPP- - - - - - - $ Ch.of Bd.andPres. C. C. CARROLL EDWARD P. EASLEY E. A. HALL H. J. LINKINS. Aud. A H. RANKIN GEORGE BIEDERMAN, 70-27 B«t’63 A. Aud. L. T. SOUTHER 'FIRST NAT’L BK. $162,50-9% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued 600.000 350,460 6,912,080 33,500 4,416,650 1,288,030 1,011,410 1,179,940 National City Bank______________ NewYork Chase National Bank____________ NewYork First National Bank_______ Chicago Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co. Chicago First National Bank______________ St.Louis A. Tr. Off. We shall be glad to handle the business of banks and their clients in the Capital City. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. RESER VE SYS TEM) (ME MBER F EDERAL •■W.HH----------500.000 V. f-JH: IVVO/. '• *• S0llll*r6,O/.P- 504.220 8,624,760 44,720 4,839,380 2,206,030 690,130 1,938,160 Irv. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Cbt.i Mtie.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. Oldest Bank In Illinois. Collections given special attention $200-9% parlOO 70-26 d®T«t|’61 and remitted for on day of payment. Your business Invited. Springfield Clearing House... (Members indicated bv a*) Sec. 1 Springfield—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. Year Established. Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships A. E. RYAN. ALBERT H. RANKIN, Cash, and Sec. J, d E. M. BARNES. \ L. R. BRISTOW. V. P. Asst. Cash. JlYLEV.BARNES.V.P. J. L. DENNY. Tr. I AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN fD.L. mm. Pres. 1 AMERICAN BARKIRfi CO.............t’20 (American Banking Bldg.) Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. 1st N., Springfield; Rockford N., Rockford; Un. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dav.: 2nd N., Danville; Corn Belt, Bloomington. V INVESTMENT COMP ANY OF ILLINOIS f D. L. BARNES. Pres. AMERICAN ^INVESTMENT COMPANY J\ A. H. RANKIN. Ch. of Bd. ] 0. B. LICHTENSTEIN. V. (American Banking Bldg.) L. V. BARNES. V. P. KMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY— /MARTIN B. MANGAN. Representative ________ \ (1908 Bates Ave.) DENNY, Tr. A. E. RYAN. See. E. M. BARNES. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.. Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., St.L.: ia.-Des M. N. Bk. & Tr.. Des M.: 1st N.. P. Ass’t Sec. Spring.; Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. (.CAPITAL and SURPLUS $1,281,000 Specializing In Installment and N. L. ROGERS AND CO. Inc_______ (910 First Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) Personal Loans. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company — Telephone Capital 1979 fl.B. 0. MATRERT, Pres. R. M 61X08, V. P. MATHENY, DIXON AND COMPANY J. L. Continental Illinois Bank Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships Year EstabLished. W. 1 OTHER OFFICES. CORRESPONDENTS and Bank Depositories. Main Office—Chicago. N. City, N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., Cbl.: 1st N., Springfield; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. O’BRIEN.Sec. and Tr. ' INVESTMENT BANKERS CR F [ PRAMIFT, Mar. Branch Office (see) Peoria. (.Telephone Main 2472 r* nyr Arn ONE BANK out of every I five a correspondent I A>-tr\ T/U Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to eacl1 bank in u- s exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Coonty. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dept* .T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Spring Grove—184 Spring Grove State Bank_ 7 McHenry A18 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc , see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued Resources. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier Capital pROPITS Other Depos L iabili its ties Loan* and B°n.d* Miscel- Diaoounta Saouritias ^NEODS Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex chanqss,Dui rmOM Banks (Closed. Receiver a ppoinied July 22, 19 31) Chas. W. Knapp... Roy W. Brown____ Peter Hollerich... L. H. Luther. Sprlngvalley .5270 Spring Valley City Bank A. Cash, and Tr. Off. 7 Bureau £13 *300-10% par ioo dB®T«t§’05 70-1599 F. W. Schul7, Frank L. Garst___ Mrs. M. K. Garst.. Belle Garst. Stanford_____ 443 Stanford State Bank 70-1600 d®»il’I6 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Frank Hilpert 7 McLean H14 1150-8% 50,840 $ 90,700 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Ohi. 22,300 7,700 31,850 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.: Ill. N„ Springfield; Corn Belt, Bloomington. 173,700 1,440 2,880 94,360 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. 176,660 489,840 35,050 50.000 $ 78,300 $ 802,870 $ 59,110 $ 526,640 $ 322,090 $ 30,000 27,750 177,330 10,000 183,230 50.000 118,700 644,680 60,000 par 100 rC. F. HACKMAN — 8: K. ~c~. Miller <| Splendid facUlt leg for handling y Staunton___ 4618 FIRST NATIONAL BANK , 70-401 dB®«t’12 ) All collections g lven prompt, pers | Macoupin Lll $280-20% par 100 V.Please send 15c ic ith each Sight Dra STAUNTON NATIONAL BANK 18% parlOO 70-400 St. Anne___ 1078 7 Kankakee £22 St. Charles.-5377 7 Kane 018 Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. LOUIS W. OETTEL our business In t his vicinity. onal attention, w 1th quick remltta nee or r eaaonfo r non-p aymeot. ft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. jj. N.COERVER — H.' “.WILLOUGHBY" C. W. WEIS- - - - - - - - - G. ADOLF WEISS...... 50.000 128,850 109,090 608,480 62,830 28,610 251,970 38,850 273,470 46,240 7,460 41,250 115,000 1,140,000 67,000 828,000 402,000 54,000 138,000 655,000 130,000 54,000 191,000 dB®*t'15 ) Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. ' Please send 15c w ith each Sight Dra ft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. Farmers State Bank...®tl’07 E. C. Corking____ Paul Bonvallet___ D. T. Allard_____ A.R. Bonvallet---*% par 50 7 0-849 J. F. Hughes C. W. Bolcum....... Geo. K. Tanner — C. Jay Marvin----- W. J. Riordan....... St. Charles National Bank 10% par 20 70-448 dB®T»’01 STATE BK.0F ST.CHARLES 8% par 20 70-447 dB®*t»’58 (Formerly Stewart State Bank) St. David_____ 977 7 Fulton G10 Steeleville____909 | Randolph 012 J. W. P. KERR- - - - - - ELMER G. RAHM— L. J. NORRIS — ALBERT M. WOLF P. C.MELLANDER, V. V. OLSEN. V. P. and Cash. R. E. BURR 50,000 100,000 100.000 65,000 865,000 Cent. Han, Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L. Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.; Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. N. City, N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and 25 CENTS for ea ch credit report i nsures prompt, p ersonal attention State Bk. of St. David ®t§’21 S. A. Martin___ $l00-7%par 100 70-2038 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and 1st N„ St. L. Sherman McLouth C. O. Moore_____ 15,000 4,720 114,020 4,160 27,580 58,000 2,760 41,320 Wm. Werre-------- A. W. Werre------ Theo. H. Schrader. 25.000 34,100 383,080 10,000 292,720 77,300 3,320 78,840 Margaret C.Monnix R. H. Gansbergen.. 50,000 26,910 161,410 2,220 130,320 29,890 45,210 35,120 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st State, Chi. Hts. 30,000 9,080 181,370 1,520 133,840 60,000 7,480 20,650 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.-Com, Bk. & Tr. Co.,St. L. 25,000 14,550 208,980 20,000 77,860 154,720 10,370 25,570 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N..St. L. 100,000 97,740 1,202,450 130 858,290 307,440 74,520 200.000 204,799 2,581,780 148,080 1,450,980 980,290 301,610 50,000 100,650 1,492,230 543,370 439,490 51.770 608,250 Henry Walter.. State Bank of Steeleville 70-972 d®*t§’02 par 100 J. Solomon Steger______ 2985 First State Bank.. dB®tl’02 W. H. Rohe. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Thos. Henn 7 Cook D22 «% 70-1602 $300-20% Anna B. Whiteside A. R. Whitefort... Geo. W. Bledsoe.. L. E. Johnston. St. Elmo____ 1329 Fayette County Bank Helen Zeigler I Fayette L17 $140-7%par 100 70-793 ®»t§’98 First National Bank------- ’09 W. H. Parks_____ F. M. Fogler_____ H. R. Fogler____ Ina B. Kelley____ $175-8% par 100 70-794 sterling___10,012 7 Whiteside C12 CENTRAL TRUST L. J. WAHL_ _ _ _ _ _ EZRA MATHEW. & SAVINGS BANK, STERLING WM. L. FRYE. ^ E. T. JANSSEN- - - - - - - 160,070 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; CityN., Clinton, la. V, P. and Tr. Off. Cash, and Tr. Off. Complete Banking and Trust Service. Special attention given BUI of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 25c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 4% par 100 70-299 dB®T*t§’27 L. C. THORNE_ _ _ _ W. J. GALLAGHER— C. F. BLEY----------Ch. J. H. LINN ‘FIRST STERLING Q. W. HUNGATE. NATIONAL RANK 70-297 parlOO ♦FIRST TR. & SAVINGS BANK par 100 70—300 dB®T*tS’16 Sterling-Rock Falls Clearing House_______________ (.Members indicated by a *) Steward_____ 230 First National Bk...dB®»t’02 $150-8% par 100 70-1603 7 Lee C15 Stewardson... 629 Stewardson National Bank 70-96 8 d®f28 7 Shelby K16 par 100 ( L. G. Thorne__ W. J. Gallagher... G. H. Stone_____ t Affiliated with 401.760 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Sterling N., Sterling. First Sterling Na tlonal Bank. L. P. McMillen___ S. G. Crawford___ Ezra Mathew, Tr.. J. H. Linn, Sec,.__ “Clearing House Rule requires fee in advance as ad vertised by local banks.” John Ullensvang.. C. W. Diller_____ M. M. Fell_______ V. R. Smith.... 50.000 22,320 151,680 178,000 25,000 ................! 21,000 Stk. Yds. N„ Chi. H. J. Fritz_______ W. H. Weber------- Edwin H. Faster .. Eva Falk________ 25.000 11.000 130.000 100.000 30,000 29,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. F. McGEE------- Collections a Specialty. Drafts with Bills of Lading attached given prompt attention and remitted day of payment. Affiliated with First Trust <fc Sav. Bank. Send 25c with Sight Drafts for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. B»t’70 7,000 CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY — CHICAGO CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 A'7 ] ~/ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and countt. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew fState fPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. •County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass'T Cashier. Liabilities. ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili AND Capital Profits its ties St. Franclsvllle Peoples National Bk...®t’07 T. H. Gutteridge.. C. L. Lewis._____ G. H. Corrie............ J. M. Corrie______ $ 70.000 S 8 Law’ce N22 1202 tiso-10% par 100 70-752 C.T. England J. M. England Stillman Valley Stillman Valley Bank . A. C. Brown............ F. C. Baker.............. G .M .Poley.............. T. Gibbs. .Tr. 50.000 7 Ogle B14 348 $187-7% 70-1604 B(D*t5’82 par 100 Stillwell______ 252 Farmers Bank______ d®t§’21 J. B. Sutherland .. 10,000 7 Hancock H5 $130 70-1721 36.230 S 537,390 $ St, Jacob_____ 451 | Madison M12 St. Joseph____777 7 Champaign H20 St. Llbory........269 8 St. Clair N12 Kesocrces. Loam Bondi Miscel Dieoounti Securities laneous and and 50.140 1 359,210 S 256.700 i Principal Correspondents. & Cash ExCS HA NOBS, I)TIE FROM Banks 16,500 S 61.340 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.; Am. N., Vin cennes. Ind.; 1st N.. St. L. 125,280 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 3d N., Rockford. 33,660 561,920 5,010 355,170 162,930 7,210 4,500 38,000 7,000 50,000 — 3,500 6,060 6,000 Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. State Bank of St. Jacob Frank Pike______ Frank Pike par 100 70-1605 ®t§’03 Exchange Bank {Closed March 23, 1 931. Receiver appoin ted June 23, 1931) 25.000 30,650 327,740 7,500 239,590 104,570 State Bank of St. Libory D. L. Schaeffer.... Hy Lange________ G. P. Wesselmann. $200-8% par 100 70-1988 ®t§’19 15.000 15,000 185,170 2,570 68,160 112,150 Stockland____ 236 Sumner 8tate Bank .®»t§ 02 A. T. Sumner_____ W. R. Sumner___ J. G. Sumner_____ 7 Iroquois G22 $125 par 100 ♦ 70-1606 E. C.Sumuer. V.P. C. E. Sinn 50,000 10,000 212,940 6,890 123,870 27,400 8,920 Stockton____1505 PEOPLE’S STATE BANK W. S. Eaton______ Fred Hermann.... P.M. Rindeibacher George Dalby_____ 7 Jo Daviess All 70-834 ®»t§’87 LeonaRindesbacher 50.000 14,030 594,670 388,840 148,450 32,740 88,670 1st N. and Drov. N.. Chi. Stonefort........ 502 Saline County State 8 Saline Q17 20% par 100 70-1607 15.000 2,790 204,690 101,300 29,500 10,440 84,500 Guardian N., Chi.; City N.. Harrisburg. 25,000 T, W HOOPER 8 ton Ingston.. .1057 FIRST STATE BANK®«f§1900 (J. J. DWYER, Pres. C. T. MOORE______ J. IRVING OWEN \ and Ch. of Bd. 7 Christian J15 70-1608 {Consolidation of Farmers State j Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. and First National Banks) L Please send 15c w ith each Sight Draf t for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 2,000 200,000 150,000 26,000 18,000 33,000 Citiz. N.. Decatur. St. Peter_____251 8 Fayette M16 .. .. Bank J. L. Ridgway____ C. C. Ozment_____ C. B. Ozment_____ E. M. Ozment____ t§’20 37,420 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 119,650 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Farmers &Merch. State Bk. H. Gluesenkamp... Wm. Schneider ... W.F. Gluesenkamp O. J. Gluesenkamp $150-8% par 100 70-1110 dt§ 08 25,000 18,840 252,700 2,000 171,740 65,530 9,280 51,990 Cont.Ill.Bk. &Tr.Co.,Chi.; Salem N.. Salem; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk.&Tr. Co.,St.L. First National Bank____t’ll August Borchelt... 70-1111 Henry Von Behren H. W. Bahde_____ 25,000 16,020 262,450 24,710 138,610 132,450 7,060 Henry Faster. Jr.. 35,000 11,600 131,830 124,340 14,170 14,870 50,050 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr.Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com.Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ St. L. 25,040 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., St. L. 1,007,140 626,470 58,070 Strasburg 418 Strasburg State Bank. dtS’02 J. F. Kull________ J. E. Weber par 100 70-1610 7 Shelby K17 Streator........ 14,728 7 LaSalle E17 3,260 40,670 1st N.. E. St. L. STREATOR NATIONAL BANK $300-12% par 100 70-184 d®«t'82 UNION NATIONAL •“*** BANK H.W. LUKINS------- E. F. PLUMB.......... - LOUIS RATER— - L. E. BUNDY........ Vigorous Attention given Collections. 100.000 206,600 1,668,120 361,880 3,075.820 40,910 Bird. Bridge, and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. W. H. BOYS---------- S.W. PLUMB_____ L. _S0 WDEN------- T. E. McNAMARA, Asst, Cash, and J. Fa McCOR MICK* Aud, Tr. Off. 114,220 1,454,800 1.582,170 152,350 Streator’s Oldest and Largest Bank. Strong hurst. 734 STATE BANK OF STRONGC. H. Curry______ A. R. .Tones 7 Henderson F6 HURST —70-956... d®t§'89 Wm. Hartqnist par 100 Sublette 7fii FarmersStateBank.d®«t§’20 G. F. Malach 4% par 100 70-1612 7 Lee D14 D. Prescott______ J. F. McMillan .... H. E. Painter 50,000 8,090 319,480 A. A. Lauer______ 50,000 13,500 157,520 50,000 19,860 453,200 50.000 20,000 355,000 •Sullivan____ 2339 First National Bank.d®»t’05 Chester Horn.......... J. F. Lawson.......... C. R. Hill________ G. R. Fleming ___ 7 Moultrie J7 $140-10% 70-550 rj. A. WEBB______ ) Please send ISc F. GIBBON -........ F. W. WOOD_ _ _ _ _ _ and Co. and 1st N., Chi. 248,430 20,640 37,240 71,270 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 16,150 197,180 9,310 13,720 16,960 Stk. Yds. N., Chi. 50,000 257,790 122,960 39,560 152,740 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.;N Bk of Decatur. Decatur. 45,000 102,000 1st N., Chi.: N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur; N. Bk.of Mattoon, Mattoon. 278,000 with each sight draft for present ation, and (.25c for Credit Reports. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. 462,610 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. • d®T<’?4 FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, a nd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. $100-5% par 100 70-549 323,940 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Quick Returns—Consistent Charges. Reasons given for non-payment. Trust Company — Chicago RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS 472 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town Is Fed. Res. District. •Mem. A.B. A. ^New §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts'.T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Summerfleld.. 279 8 St. Clair M12 Summit 6548 7 Cook C21 (Argo P. 0.) Sumner ___ 067 8 Lawrence M21 Summerfleld State Bank 5% par 100 70-2048 dB©»’21 Summit State Bank *160-8% 70-1613 dR®<$Tl par 100 First National Bank___dt’03 *325-12% 70-747 par 100 Swan Creek 190 Swan Creek State Bankt§1900 70-1614 7 Warren G8 President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. i 15.000 $ D. L. Schaeffer, A. G. Baer_______ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. H. B. Kilgour, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. E. Maloy V. W Hill 5,230 100,000 100,000 61,110 1,705,090 176,740 1,225,980 407,120 173,860 13,000 H. R. Winthrop.__ WOODS 100,000 31,500 874,510 251,960 55,730 187,010 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Stock Yds. N.. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 25,290 288,030 5,880 5,770 68,800 Drov. N.. Chi.; Com’l N.. Peoria; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 287.380 Hazel Chilton 50,000 12,510 231,650 Bess Woods .. Ola Switzer 40,000 20,000 550.000 25,000 10,460 217,000 50,000 16,670 35,000 12.620 ROY BROWN................. fyjRSHfis | 1 WFT7FII inpt Collection S ervlce. ®ti’82 j 15c presentatio n fee required In advance with Sig ht Drafts: (.Requests for Cr edit Ratings, 25c. V. Wait.... Edna Hartman------ TayIorSprlngs.774 State Bank of Taylor Springs (Merged with Mont gomery County Loa n tfc Trust Co., Hill sboro. III., May 4, 1 931) 8 Montgom. L13 125,000 ‘Taylorvllle.. 7316 «Corn Belt Joint Stock Land L. A. Tedrow, -Sec.. Bank.................................... *31 W. T. Vandeveer, W. E. Deming 7 Christian J14 Ch. 100.000 rj. A. ADAMS—. Mr F. F. BAUGHMAN.. .. HHVWBJ. H. PHILLIPS 252,990 26,760 14,470 1st N., Chi. and Springfleld. 400,000 50,000 28,180 174,750 17.330 44,710 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. N., Chi.; Peo. Tr.& Sav.. Clinton, la. 360,710 278,070 107,390 15,140 26,790 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; City N., Clinton, la. 217,940 113,200 101,570 9,000 41,790 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Reynolds State, Reynolds. 12,500 160,000 1st N.. St. L. 125,000 Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. 53,000 1,200,640 108,640 551,130 529,210 83,100 298,830 N. City. N.Y.; Cont.Ill. Bk.& Tr Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.: Miss. Valley Tr Co.. St. L. j Collections ha ve the personal attention of an officer of the ba nk. v Please send 15c w ith each sight draf tfor presentation a-nd 25c for Credit Reports. 70-374 d®<1900 .. First Trust & Savings Bank 70-378 »§'30 C. S. Fllis .. Taylorville National Bank A. T,. Shrnnt. par 100 70-375 d®<’07 F. D. Frampton-w. M. E. Jensen_____ Teutopolis State Bank .<{'05 70-1616 Texicn State Rank __ $5’2n *100 par 100 70-1617 Thawvllle State Bank par 100 70-1618 ®<§’89 First State Bank.........._®t5’02 *160-10% 70-1619 First National Bank„d®t’06 *150 par 100 70-1620 Thomson State Bank 6% par 100 70-1622 dB®<5’03 C. S. Stokes 75,000 24,070 626,470 960 206,460 332,170 8,390 179,480 1st N., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 150,000 34,880 585,830 75,000 349,950 289,270 93,650 121,830 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., St.L. and Springfleld. H. J. Weber. T. H. Weitzel Walter Achenbach J. H. Uptmon______ H. J. Runde______ B. H. Weoer_______ 25.000 30,000 213,000 16.000 105,000 123.000 14,000 O. D. Fro*t._ John Whitson.......... 10,000 2,990 98,630 58,640 8.850 3,920 42,000 Cont. Ill.Bk. &Tr.Co., Chi.: Mtle.-Oom. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.: 1st N., Joliet. 40,220 3d N., Mt. Vernon. C. A. Thrasher ____ Fred Townsend____ B. F. Thrasher___ 35,000 21,750 216,850 H. C. Marchildon.. Harry Brown______ Wm. R. Olutts ____ F. J. Marchildon ._ 25,000 7,810 100,390 23,000 Geo. J. Babb______ H. S. Capron______ O. J. Derrough____ Grace R. Exton ... 25,000 21,640 81.120 25,000 N. T>. Pranch .T. H. Miles _____ A. E. Sheridan ___ K. B. Carpenter... 25.000 17,880 376,520 131,070 75,940 5,930 91,250 11,480 24,420 84,280 45,940 9,130 219,990 131,140 15,370 | Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company — (Chicago Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30,000 Cont. Ill. Bk & Tr. Co.. Drov. N.. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 2d N., Monmouth. 310,990 N. City. N.Y.: Cont. III. Bk.&Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr, Co., Chi. 132,040 1,105,670 5,820 ........ 19,490 1st N., St. L. 54,620 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Cent. Rep, Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.. La Grange State Tr. & Sav., La Grange. 132,660 & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.,St.L. • 50,000 TAMPICO STATE BANK Taylor Ridge... 78 State Bank of Taylor Ridge R. P. Walt________ R. C. Wait................... Jennie 70-1615 d®tl’05 7 Rock Island D8 par 100 8,000 and Time Items. e for Credit Reports. Tampico 693 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 08 70-931 < Special attentio n given bill of lad Ing drafts, cash and time Items. 7 Whiteside D12 par 100 ] 15c should he sent with each si ght draft ror pres entatlon L and 25c for ea ch apeclal credit report. Teutopolls____ 710 8 Effingham L18 Texlco__________ 34 8 Jefferson N16 Thawvllle_____ 242 7 Iroquois G19 Thebes 751 8 Alexander R13 Thomasboro.. 308 7 Champaign H19 Thomson 508 7 Carroll BIO 648,170 25.000 rARTHUR ALDRICH. W. J. McCREEDY — R F par 100 89,530 751,800 First Trust & Sav. Bank Marjorie Cormack Jane W. Dutton----- J. D. Beckler_____ A. L. Stark. V. P. and Cash. 70-451 ®T«’67 C. Danielson. V. P. and Tr. Off. Table Grove.,.463 Farmers State Bank.®<§’21 T. A. Hammond___ W. R. Hammond... Q. D. Bally---------- C. A. Hammond... 15% 70-1042 F. W. Johnson 7 Fulton H8 FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 50,000 48.790 _____ *125 par 100 70-930 54,110 25,000 Tallula_______ 583 Tallula State Bank.d®»tS’20 0. W. Houghton 70-963 7 Menard 111 250 $ 127,560 E. A. Sheridan____ O. D. Atkins_____ Dale Gubelman___ R. McYickar.A.C. H. M. Lathrop FLOYD ROSE-.......... K.J. M. CORMACK 56,250 S 248,460 393,910 S 175.000 14,940 1 7,710 33,110 H. M. Bradley. 1 70,550 50,000 DeMoss Taliaferro J r» Slice Tamaroa 881 First National Bank___ t’8B 70-900 8 Perry 014 5,380 i M. Ferentchak___ A.E. HAMMERT M WHITE P. SCHMIDT .Sycamore___4021 FIRST NATIONAL BANK W. M. MCALLISTER *165-8% 70-452 ®T<’26 \ 7 DeKalb B16 / Special attentio n given Rill of La ding drafts, Cash V.Please send 13c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 » Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. Bondi Loam Cash 4 Exther Misceu- chaxom Paid-up Surplus Dbpob- LOiabili and and ,Dus and Duoounta Securitise trom Banks Profits TIES ILLINOIS—Continued 60,660 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 29,040 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.; 1st Bk. & Tr. Co.. Cairo. 13,420 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Cham paign. 52,890 1st N..Chi. INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 47Q Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Town and county •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State |Priv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Thornton____1012 Thornton State Bank W. W. M. Davis ... E. R. Davis, Jr.___ W. 0. Bielfeldt 7 Cook D22 10% 70-1735 doD«’12 Tllden________981 First State Bank__ d©»t§’20 Wm. Stevenson___ W. F. Stevenson__ D. L. Hamilton— 8 Randolph 012 *100 par 100 70-1623 Time well.......... 267 8 Brown 17 Tlnley Park... 7 Cook D20 Tlskllwa______ 893 7 Bureau E13 Timewell State Bank.d®§’10 C. E. Chapman........ J. L. McPhail_____ F. H. Manny______ B. M. Moore.. $155-6% par 160 70-1624 Bremen State Bank ,d®»t|'12 F. H. Henke___ Geo. Sohrelber... J. O. Andres____ E. Hardinger. $140-6% par 100 7 0-17 32 H. C. Vogt, Ch. Farmers State Bank.... (Merged with First S tale Bank, May 18, 1931) First State Bank.__d®tl’10 N. T. Sehertr_____ Aimer Ioder_____ W. T. Stauffer____ J. H. Hedrich.. $220-6% par 240 70-925 J. L. Brown, A. C. A. W. Hedrich Harry Johnson ‘Toledo______ 733 Farmers 8tate Bank.... 5’19 J. B. Cart mill__ C. N. Greeson .. C. S. Rominger___ 7 Cumberland $100 par 100 70-1803 E19 First National Bank B. C. Willis____ 0. A. Willis______ Wm. E. Olmstead. par 100 70-908 d®t'1900 Tolono.___ ....790 Bank of Tolono______ 7 5’20 E. B. Armstrong, R. A. Bower______ H. W. Bedient. Champaign 118 $120-6% par 100 70-958 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Citizens Bank_____ d®t§’21 G. F. Meharry...... “ par 100 70-959 V. L. Horton_ _ _ _ F. D. Lewis______ D. S. Maxwell.. {TAMES E. RATTAN- FRANK SHIPLEY_ _ _ B. J. GHIGLIERI_ _ E.J. HENN- - - - - CHAS. ONG Toluca______ 1413 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 7 Marshall F15 $120 par 100 70-1962 d®»t'19 ) Toluca’s Growl 1 Save time and iFEE IN ADVAN Tonlca............500 Tonica State Bank d®«t§’14 L. A. Burgess, 7 La Salle E15 $200-8% par 100 70-1838 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. ‘Toulon..........1203 Chas. P. Dewey & Sons. Inc. Chas. P. Dewey ... 7 Stark Ell par 100 70-797dBDt§’65 State Bank of Toulon E. H. Lloyd_ _ _ _ _ $165-10% par loo 70-798 ®§’03 Trenton_____ 1271 8 Clinton N 12 Triumph_____ 152 7 LaSalle D16 Trlvoli________ 157 7 Peoria Fll Troy--------------1122 8 Madison M12 7 La Salle D16 ‘Tuscola_____ 2569 7 Douglas J17 Troy Grove___ 259 Resources. Loana Paid-up Surplus Depos Other AND Liabili Capital its Profits ties Diacounfca Securities laneous J $ 30,000 $ 25,000 20,000 $ 177,000 5,150 68,000 — 25,000 16,290 101,650 75.000 23,930 213,730 J 25,000 36,450 406,820 25,000 2,360 83,320 50,000 7,500 250,000 and Bonda and Miscel 80,350 $ 115,460 $ 1,650 $ 30,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st Un. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 61,000 19,000 7,150 11,000 1st N., St. L. 9 070 43,850 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle. Tr. & 133,920 108,700 11,100 68,950 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Oo., Ohi.: 1st N.. Joliet. 404,860 11,520 7,950 43,940 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N., 51,740 1.000 3,720 54,210 Cent. Rep. Bk. &Tr.Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Lerna. 165,000 65,000 Heights. 90,010 5,000 — Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex change*, Do* from Bank* Sav. and State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy. Chi.; Citiz. 1st N., Princeton; Com’l N., Peoria. 77,500 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 25,000 5,630 115,070 95,000 9,450 25,000 12,060 151,380 125,690 25,000 6,040 50,000 10,970 314,850 5,000 175,370 155,340 17,980 14,190 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi,; N. Bk. of Mattoon, Mattoon. 22,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Oo., Ohi.; Ohampalgn N., Champaign. 31,710 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; Citiz. N., Dpcatnr: 1st N.. Champaign, 32,130 st N.,Stk. Yds. N., and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Peoria. ng Bank Cordla lly Invites Your Business, get service on Co Ilectlons and Cre dlt Reports by se CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Cred it Reports, 25c. ndlng TRY US. George Pletsch_ _ J. J. Dunne______ H. I. Baldwin____ Walter Clark M. D. Dewey_ _ _ _ M. D. Dewey_____ C. P. Dewey, Jr.... 25,000 40,070 250,570 206,620 62,040 15,570 100,000 14,670 614,760 380,220 222,920 13,030 109,350 H. W. Lloyd______ 50,000 30.000 394,000 328,000 ii non 135,000 1st N.. Chi.; Com'l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. Towanda_____ 453 Towanda State Bank___ l«'07 Oren Clark S. R. Hilts.. S. 8. Boulton_____ Harriet Roseman. 7 McLean G16 „ 70-1628 Tremont_____ 798 First National Bank.d®»t’02 J. E. McIntyre_ _ G. E. Bird_ _ _ _ _ _ L. E. Bennett____ B. E. Getz.__ __ 7 Taiewell G13 *140-5% 70-943 par 100 Farmers Bank____d® tiros *200-6% 70-691 par 100 First National Bank _®»±’12 par 100 70-690 First National Bank__ »t'05 $165-6% 70-1628 par 100 Trivoli State Bank. dB®ti’20 $105-5% 70-1629 par 100 Troy Exchange Bank®»tS'85 par 100 70-1630 Troy Grove State Bk.d©tl’20 6% par 100 70-1631 Farmers State Bank..®t§’04 70-580 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued 45,610 Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co., Ohi. Chi.; 1st N.. Peoria and Joliet. and Cent. N., Peoria. 25,000 14,040 74,890 2,500 77,380 15.410 4,210 19,430 60,000 18,450 204,430 50,000 187,490 96,370 19,560 29,460 25,000 29,290 504,220 180,200 278 950 8 000 93 130 C. W. Eisenmayer. Edw. HarPstrite—. August Eisenmayer 25.000 27,320 275,280 18,750 21,000 256,960 4,190 64,200 George Otterbacb. J. P. Wylie_ _ _ _ _ M. F. Worslay ___ Minnie I. Worsley. W. H. Duckels 25,000 22,100 227,900 25,000 196,000 67,300 4,000 32,700 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi. Peter Stalter_ _ _ _ Ralph E. Du Mars. Fremont Opie, Jr. 40,000 3,060 108,800 12,290 128,550 2,900 16,260 40,000 45,000 670,000 178.000 502.000 50,000 15,970 116,850 50,000 13,410 147,780 300 99,790 70,950 3,070 37,680 60,000 106.720 495,910 47,910 274,270 166,950 90,730 178,600 100,000 89,760 512,450 303.640 124,220 9,000 265,350 A. C. Schneider A. B. Hammel_ _ _ E.Hoyt. Wm. Arnold, Ch, of Bd, and Pres, . ...... John Feldmeier_ D. G. Jarvis_ _ _ _ John Weldon, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. F. H. Jones_ _ _ _ _ D. L. Schaeffer.... W. E. Appel. E. Steumky L. P. Wetzel_____ Harvey Short_ _ _ _ J. W. Weldon_____ H. E. Crane. J. F. Turner_____ fA.W. WALLACE_ _ E. M. OWEN- - - - - - - - - . D. URQUHART---- E. MURPHEY — B. A. WARNES ( Oldest Bank In Douglas County. Please send 12,500 ineton. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co.. St. L. 164,330 18,690 16,440 lont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. 75,000 liss. Valley Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. tk. Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N„ Mendota. 12,300 FIRST NATIONAL BANK par 100 70-578 d®t’66 J 15c with each S Ight Draft for pre sentation and ihaseN., N. Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N.. Indpls.; Millikin N., Decatur, hase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. N., Indpls.; Millikin N.. De catur. L25c with each r equest for report or rating. Tuscola State Bank®t§'91 G. R. Helm_ _ 70-579 W. E. VanVoorhis. UUIn________ 802 First National Bank________ (Closed November 28 . 1930) 8 Pulaski R14 Union________ 367 State Bank of Union H. J. Miller......... H. F. Luhring_ _ _ O. H. Schuette.__ C. M. Siems_____ 7 McHenry B17 $250-9 % par 100 70-1691 d@t§'ll Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Chi.; 1st N., Champaign; Citiz. Decatur. 25,000 25,000 340,000 17,000 180,000 128,000 Trust Company — Chicago 9,000 N., 90,000 Elgin. Where Bankers Bank A*] A '1 ' Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos- Other ITS Capital Profits ties Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SStatetPriv. [Estab. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. Fig. under town is Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. JCM W.BUSEY ------‘Urbana.........13,060 *BUSEY’S STATE BANK 70—256 dB®‘+S’68 < THE OLDEST Champaign 10 par 100 J We give collect! (.Sight Drafts 15 ★First National Bank... dt'83 par 100 70-257 7 Vice-President. CASHIER. P. G BUSEY G. H. BAKER BANK IN URBA ons prompt atte c for presentatlo C A.BONGART_____ Ass't Cashier. $ 100,000 $ NA. ntion at a low ra te. n. Credit report s 25c. G. W. Webber___ O. F. Loeb-W. J. Holmes 50,000 ^Members of Champaign & Urbana Clearing House.__ (For Officers See Ch ampaign) Althea Garner F. W. Grimmer----Ursa..................... 125 Farmers Bank____ d®*t5’19 A. E. Wait. Jeff Mitchell Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Adams H4 $135-6% par 100 70-1901 E. E. Childers____ Geo. M. Reynolds Utica..................1520 UTICA STATE BANKd®»t5'l4 C. J. Holland 70-802 7 La Salle DIB *225-8% Valmeyer_____ 528 Farmers State Bankd©«t§'09 8 Monroe 06 *150-6% par 100 70-1636 tVandalia ....4342 FARMERS k MERCH. BANK 8 Fayette L14 $260-12% 70-510 dB®T»J§’90 par 100 Philip W. Klein fW. P. WELKER----) J.W. SCHENKERiCA. S (Mercantile Cr (-cents in advan F. L. Rice________ E. F. STEINHAUER— C. F. EASTERDAY— C. N. BENNYHOFF— EUNICE M. EASTERJ. U. METZGER DAY edit Ratings; mi nimum charges 2 5 ce) R. H. 8turgess-— V. R. Hamilton-H. H. Sonnemann. H. E. Rogier. A. C. Lucile Creel 14,000 ?l 000 100 $ 60,000 Resources. Loans Bondi Miscel- Gash A Ezand and Diaoounti Saourities LANEOUS tbom Baku 8,200 $ 638,000 $ 219,000 $ 870,000 100,000 10,000 600,000 250,000 105,000 22,750 195,170 112,280 19,390 108,450 72,300 19,780 545,000 275,300 25,730 368,640 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N.. St. L.: N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. 531,090 57,360 141,710 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 18,350 146,780 25,000 30.210 338,140 25,000 13,160 181,880 10,350 75,000 73,150 1,032,520 34,000 858,060 49,520 338,930 10,770 212,170 25,000 17,510 201,910 15,000 184,340 41,910 4,240 25,000 14,840 120,970 2,500 76,940 40,440 13,950 25,000 30,910 140,640 25,040 112,520 78,280 10.970 Ross Mercer_____ H. F. Chick_______ 50,000 7,740 265,890 247.580 27,940 9,110 L. I. Green_______ Marie Hathaway.— 11,000 5,790 63,770 2,880 56,890 8,900 5,700 G. L. Beal-____ - 30,000 17,860 158,630 2,700 107,420 72,040 4,310 10,000 136,210 21,670 145,540 9,920 13,460 41,000 210,000 50,000 311,000 6,000 12,500 Jos. Fessant--------- Geo. H. Givens— Farmers & Merch. State Bank F. M. Smith_______ $200-8% parioo 70-1107 d®-t§'09 Verona Exchame Bank F. L. Dix 6% par 100 70-1640 dB©t§’19 Versailles State BanK tl'16 *100-6% par 100 70-1641 STATE BANK OF VICTORIA rd c Craig par 100 7 0—1104 d®*t§’03 < Careful attentl ] 15 CENTS sent (-25 CENTS for e ‘Vienna_______ 874 Drovers State Bank____ t§’99 8 Johnson Q16 $153 par 150 70-827 First National Bank ...d»t’90 par 100 70-826 D. W. Chapma n, Ch. H. R. Hall-- A. H. Small_______ N. W. Beal J. F. Wilson_____ R. E. Reid________ L. A. Taylor______ 50,000 35,000 KIRK MCDOWELL — C. V. NELSON---------- H. 1. BLOOMBERG-__ PETER STROM on assured all bu slness sent us. to us witb each s Ight draft for pre sentatlon, and acb credit report Insures prompt, personal attentio n. 50,000 Everett McMahan . J. R. Woelfle-------- C. J. Beggs_______ 33,530 Mtle. Tr. & Sav. and State Sav. Ln. $ Tr. Co., Quincy. 66,510 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Ottawa. 29,850 1st N.. St. L.; 1st N.. E. St. L. 168,850 50,000 25,000 par 100 125,000 Cont. Ill. Bk & Tr. Co.. Chi. 61,520 Vermilion_____279 First National Bank __d®*'13 *150-7% par 100 70-1639 7 Edgar J22 Vermont.______948 Peoples State Bank....»tS'16 70-828 7 Fulton H9 Principal Correspondents. 99,000 $ 166,300 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 100,000 First National Bank io% 70-511 d©T»r95 par 100 First State Bank...........©T§’19 Melvin Carey------- V. H. Anderson... Van Orln_____ 117 70-1997 7 Bureau D13 O. M. Hurl .. .. L. B. Phillip*— — Marshall County State Bank A. R. Wright, Varna__ _______343 7 Marshall F14 $235-8% par 195 70-1637 »t§'12 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. Roy Allard----------- Edna Anderson----R. F. Bastien------R, H. Blacklock... Vergennes State Bank Vergennes____ 309 8 Jackson P14 $125-6% 70-1638 d©t§’19 Vernon_______ 245 8 Marion M15 Verona____ ....279 7 Grundy E17 Versailles_____ 515 8 Brown I 7 Victoria____ _ 403 7 Knox E16 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking; Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued 177.620 25,800 44,530 Drov. N., Chi.: 1st N.. Princeton. 28,920 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N.. Chi.; Merch. & 111. N., Peoria. 31,980 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; 1st N.. Murphysboro. 19,820 Citiz. N., Paris; 1st N.. Joliet. 39,020 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; N. 8tock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Com'l N., Peoria; 1st N„ Joliet. 11,950 Salem N., Salem: Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L. 25,420 1st N., Chi. and Joliet. 48,950 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; State Sav.. Ln. & Tr., Quincy; 1st N., Joliet. 6,500 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.. Bk. of Galesburg. Galesburg. 26,240 317,700 20,000 222,240 30,750 22,750 - 60,000 34,410 277,100 109,570 244,850 104,640 100,180 rS. C. HENSON - — G. R. DUNCAN______ GEORGE W. EWIN— GEO. W.HENSON JOHN R. HENSON Villa Grove.. 2001 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-i 04 < Oldest, Largest and Strongest Ba nk In Villa Grove. ) Special attentio and Time Items. n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash 70-1642 7 Douglas 116 l^Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports. (PHILIP HERRIN— F. J. ENGLAND_____ E. R. SHUEY............... L. E. LUNA - . RUSSELL TOHILL VILLA GROVE STATE BANK < Prompt, efflcien t, personal attent ion given all bns iness. par 115 70-1980 d®«+§’19 iThe newesi^per baps tbe best for collections—TRY US. LPlease send 16c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports. R. B. Read______ Villa Park.... 6220 ★State Bank of Villa Park G. A. Vangsness..70-2087 d®f§’24 P. S. Geidel 7 Du Page C20 par 100 H. D. Bargelt_____ ★Villa Park Trust & Sav. Bk. *265-10% 70-2065 dB®«t§’22 ★Members of Elmhurst, Villa Park, and Lombard Clearing House, El mhurst. III. 50,000 21,040 157,120 50,000 124,700 77,550 25,010 52,900 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 25.000 4,870 143,430 1,000 86,560 41,730 19,090 26,920 1st N., Chi. 5,890 212,430 41,330 8.170 291,120 97,760 73,260 293,870 47,350 12,120 rWM- A. McGAUGHY- D. W. Chapman__ C. J. Huffman 8. F. E. Worrell L. Ridenhower - D. BAXTER........ . GLENN H. SNEESLEY MINNIE LEWIS- - - - - E. L. GREENWELL. R.C. LEWIS Viola............. ....566 FARMERS NATIONAL BANK “(send us you R VIOLA ITEMS AND COLLECTI ONS. *125-6% 70-961 d©i’20 7 Mercer E8 j 15 CENTS sent to us witb each s ight draft for pre sentatlon, and par 100 (-25 CENTS for e acb credit xeport insures prompt, personal attentio I). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 13,290 275.920 50.000 50,000 515,860 40.000 16,460 313,210 10,000 138,200 1st N., Chi.; Cairo-Alexander Co., Cairo; Franklin-Am., St. L. 31,410 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 83.170 Terminal N.,Chi.; 1st N., Elmhurst. 153,710 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 26,330 Drov. N., Chi. 475 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State t Priv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Vice-President Cashier. ASS’T CiSKIBR. Vlrden 3011 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. J. H. Murphy_____ J. W. Everts___ O. M. Kindle.......... R. S. Rohrer . 70-450 d©»t§’93 H. E. Hill W. E. Alderson 8 Macoupin Kll ■par 100 ,1930) State Bank of Virden_______ (Consolidated with t armers & Merchant Virgil _ 7 Kane B17 Liabilities. Resources. Loana Bondi Surplus Depos Other Gash ft Ex Miscel change Paid-up and ,Dux and and L iabiliits Capital Propitb Discount! Saouritiis laneous from Banks ties . _ $ 75.000 $ 19,750 $ 399,890 $ 1,500 $ 122,640 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L.; Springfield Marine, Springfield. 55,400 $ 84,680 12,450 10,090 192,100 23,000 1,800 1,970 628,480 127,650 23,040 1,200 159,790 6,530 113,990 60,000 42,200 260,510 100,000 71,060 750,470 20.000 15,500 159,560 25,000 14,720 247,450 165,800 80,550 50,000 E- A SPLAIN GRACE LIVEY ongest. Send u s your Collection 8. to us with each S ight Draft for pre sentatlon, and acb credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. 18,930 363,240 283,930 55,510 41,100 10,000 15,460 53,600 66,500 2,500 2,860 25,000 9,420 230,800 14,500 168,820 55,550 15,300 40,050 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 3d N.. Mt. Vernon. 25.000 35,900 269,690 25,000 203,140 52,200 1,250 99,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co.and Stk. Yds. N.,Chi.; 1st N., Bloomington; Millikin N.. Decatur. 25.000 10,760 44,290 600 52,230 15,380 7,810 477,360 758,990 35,250 211,590 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav. and Stk. Yds. N.,Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. Louis. 55,000 100,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N.. Peoria. 73,060 N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. 11,440 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st Galesburg N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galesburg. Leo Schramer____ ‘Virginia ....1494 Centennial National Bank__ (Taken over by Pete fish, Skiles A Co,, November 24, 1930) 74 Oass 110 R. C. Taylor... .. Henry Cunningham Frank W. Bristow 70-1942 .. Lee H. Skiles____ I. 8. Yaple______ W. J Devlin____ Peteflsh, Skiles & Co. dB»t§'70 Matt. Yaple Lee H. Skiles, Ch. D. H. Salzenstein *250-10% 70-726 Waggoner____267 State Bank of Waggoner G. E. Williamson.. E. M. Browning___ E. w. Brubaker (Montgomery K12 70-1644 tt’94 CITIZENS STATE 33,680 $ 451,000 $ J. R. KNIGHT —........ 0.BAECHLER_____ G. A. SHORT---------- M.ALSHOUSE______ 530 11,000 M _____ " (J. W. ROSS_____ FIRST STATE BANK *110-6% 70-954 d®»t§’20 < Oldest and Str 16 CENTS sent par 100 L25 CENTS for e G.P. FREDERICK-— 1. M. WHITE............ Walpole 177 Walpole State Bank._dTtl'l0 G. W. Hogan, Jr.„ C. W. Flannigan... Palmer Lasswell.. 8 Hamilton 018 *252 par 100 70-1646 Waltonvllle___ 423 Waitonville State Bank _S’05 Walter Philp_____ C. C. Ellistnn 8 Jefferson 015 par 100 70-1114 Knox riPP Wapella 571 7 De Witt H16 Warrensburg..5l7 7 Macon 115 Warrenvllle... 156 7 Du Page C19 F. T. Greene_____ J. M. Greene_____ Farmers & Merch. Bank 10% par 100 70-1061 ©t§’07 State Bank of Warrensburg__ (Closed March 26, 1 931. W. R. Newell____ EDWARD GRIKPE___ C. E. BRINKMAN — Wataga_______487 Wataga State Bank.dB®’§’10 J. E. Williamson __ S. R. Parkinson ... H. B. Famulener.. F. M. Johnson____ 7 Knox E10 *120-8% 70-1075 par 100 Jos. W. Rickert... L. A. Weihl_______ A. L. Kolmer____ A. G. Quernheim.. ‘Waterloo___ 2239 Commercial State Bank W. C. Ileyl Aurelia Hazelbach 8 Monroe N10 *175-8% 70-638 d®*«'82 FIRST NATIONAL 70-1747 *375-12% par 100 LA.C. BOLLINGER N.B. PAUTLER — 150,000 83,460 1,249,730 J. F. SCHMIDT-___ H H.BICKELHAUPT THOMAS KUCH 50.000 25,000 507,000 50,000 33,400 569,190 35,000 6,900 118,440 50.000 34,300 497,610 25,000 69,220 548,660 FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit b each sight draft for presentation and KaNKd®.tl2 l) TWENTY-FIVE CENTS with eac b credit report In sures prompt, pe rsonal unl,n 70-638 J AJ.KOENIOSMARK WM. GROSSE______ LOUIS W. BODE- - - - - - RUSSELLR.GREGSON 51,630 Drov. N . Stk. Yds. N.. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi : 1st N., Joliet; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. 7,210 Peo. N.. McLeansboro. 5,220 Wheaton Tr. & Sav., Wheaton. 290,000 160,000 230,820 348,700 111,150 11,250 36,500 303,660 161,000 38,010 79,240 Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; 1st N., E. St. L. 25,000 273,720 275,840 5,000 113,320 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 2.140 319,340 107,000 31.240 63,890 Kountze Bros.. N. Y.: lit N. and Broadway Tr. Co., St. L. 23,000 10,000 35,000 attentl on. 49,900 466,340 d®«t§94 (Please send. 15c vn advance with Si ght Drafts and 25c for Credit Reports. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,480 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds.N., N.Stock Yds.. Ill.; Ill. ^.Springfield. ni|||/ STATE BANK OF WATERLOO *225-12% 144,320 1st N.. Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co.. St. L. Hancock County ns with each Sigh t Draft for presen tatlon and acb Credit Repor t Insures prompt, personal attentl on. Washburn 854 Washburn Bank___ d®*t§’70 Adolph Woltzen... Robert McKee____ C. T. Ireland_____ Anna Buckingham. F.N. Peabody 7 Woodf’d F13 *225-12% par 100 70-946 Washington 1741 Danforth Banking Company A. H. Danforth___ G. M. Stimson........ P. W. Busse______ F. P. Burkey_____ 7 Tazewell 014 70-718 d®»t*'58 .. 146,200 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N„ Chi.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Receiver appoi nted April 13, 1931) A. C. Hoy.—.......... Glen Mount______ Warrenville State Bank *150 par 100 70-2124 d®t§’28 TW. A. DODGE-----Warsaw............1866 HILL-DODGE BANKING. CO. A State Banh 7 Hancock H4 par 100 70-606 d®T*t8'64 T Largest Bank In /16 CENTS sent 125 CENTS for e 38,830 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 40,810 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cont. III. Rk. & Tr. Co., and Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. “THE BANK THAT SATISFIES”—UNSURPASSED SERVICE QJiftllf 70-955 dB®*t§’20 Special attention given BUI os‘ Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. UHI1I\ 1130-6% par 100 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit. Reports. \ Principal Correspondents. 25,000 75 Virgil State Bank.. d®*t§’09 J. W. Dutton.......... H. J. Klemm 5% par 100 70-1643 Walnut 333 7 Bureau D12 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued and Trust Company^ Chicago RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS 476 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Waterman___ 520 Waterman State Bk.d®*t§’08 R. R. Roberts___ 7 De Kalb CIS 1300-10% 70-1648 ,Watseka___ 3144 7 Iroquois F21 .. 70-574 ** 70-575 Paid-up H. P. Brainerd____ V. T. Baker_______ J Liabilities. Surplus Depos and Profits its Other Liabili- 30.000 $ 60,980 $ 460,070 $ 50.000 24,880 608,180 75.000 30,030 397,490 25.000 14,860 189,330 TIES Resources. Loans Bonda Cash k ExMiscel ciianqm and and ,Ddk Diaoounta Saouriti«8 laneous prom Barks Principal Correspondents. 53,200 % 14,140 $ 468,310 16,150 32,890 165,720 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co., Northern Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Ohi. 227,550 115,150 27,680 136,440 Chase N., N. Y.: Oont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co. and 1st N., Ohi. 3,460 $ 430,520 $ 56,750 1st N.. Ohi. H. J. White S. MARTIN____ S. A. REEME S. A. REEME- FIRST TRUST & SAV. BANK 8% par 100 - - J.S.EUANS________ L.L. GARFIELD attention. non-payment. 4,310 )Send US your collection! for pr ompt, personal d®«*§’09 1 Quick returns— consistent charg ea—reasons for Wauconda.........554 Wauconda Trust & Savings Ray Paddnclr 7 Lake A19 Bank ...70-1650___ ®*t§’05 *165-8% , Waukegan. 33,499 7 Lake A21 Ass’t Cashier. (Closed June 22, 193 1) First National Bank -------- Cashier. jj. G. WILLIAMS... GEO. M. WILLIAMS- H.S. WILLIAMS-— B. H. WILLIAMS — BERT BURDICK ®»t§'87 V‘THE BANK T HAT SERVICE B UILT” (Tour business Invited — Unsurp assed Collection S ervlce. iE. " Vice-President. CITIZENS STATE BANK 12% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued FIRST NAT’L BANK Jennie B. Patman. fCHAS.N. STEELE - W T, HARDIF ) CHAUNCEYJJONES, C. B. HICKS................ G. MCARTHUR W D, JONES 100.000 193,940 4,901,040 212,530 106,790 16,650 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 1,978,460 2,111,980 112,590 1,098,730 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. J OLDEST BANK IN LAKE COUN TY. *300-10% par 100 70-159 dB©T*t'52 (.PROMPT ATT ENT ION GIVEN TO COLLECTIO NS. M .. _____ “ Waukegan National Bank___ (Closed June 19, 193 1) •• Waukegan State Bank_______ (Closed June 18, 193 1. Receiver appoint ed July 28, 1931) (Closed February 5, 1931) 8 Morgan J10 Wemple State Bank.®»tS’77 C. F. Wemple___ 70-709 P. W. Wemple____ Wayne City... 577 First National Bank_.d®t 13 R. D. Withrow___ 8 Wayne N17 *165-10% par 100 70-1651 (Closed November 20 . 1930. Receiver app ointed December 31, 1930) Waynesvllle ...511 7 DeWitt H15 State Bank of Weldon.»t§'87 Carl Reeser ........... W- H. Gray______ 70-1653 7 DeWitt 116 *200-6% C. C. Lisenby Wellington.... 303 S. W. Boughton... 7 Iroquois E22 10% par 100 70-1817 f\ YON KARR GEORGES. MONSER- 0. N. HARTER, Cash. R. B. WORK------------and Tr. Off. Wenona_____ 1005 FIRST STATE BANK E. CLARK HARTER < Seasoned, mode rn, progressive. Hustling for bus iness. 70-742 7 Marshall E15 *250-12% par 100 ♦ dB©T*t§’14 1 We want yours. Satisfaction assu red. (.Collections a Sp eclalty. Reliable Credit Reports, 25c. each. West Brooklyn H. F Gehant Banking Co. F. W. Meyer______ .T. W. Thier H. W. Gehant___ A.L. Gehant 7 Lee C15 201 *200-5% par 100 70-1655 d®«t§'97 G. A. Dayton W. W. Dayton ___ C. A. Turnquist___ West Chicago 3477 70-593 dB©»iS’91 F. E. Weimer 7 DuPage 019 8% rWM. EINFELDT— J. W. CARR________ J F BARR •• •• Schell + WEST CHICAGO STATE BK. *225-10% 70-594 d©»{|'08 < Modern Equlpm ent. Excellent Fac ilitles, Efficient S ervlce. TRY US. j Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. par 100 (.Please send 15c w\ th each Sight Drajlfo r presentation and 2 be for Credit Reports. (Affiliated members of Chicago Clearing House + ) 8 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 664,020 6,750 338,660 251,690 16,400 25.000 14,460 168,590 32,750 115,640 68 950 26,160 20,590 171,100 20,220 25.000 27,700 128,010 10,000 140,000 130,000 10.000 50,000 117,570 801,930 343,940 511,210 11,740 50,000 35,000 330,000 50.000 54,470 50,000 40,230 50,000 65,700 O.s. BROWN_ _ _ _ _ _ 0. S. BROWN—....... pE. dC. iAKIN — no:/ a—....... on G. R. L0CKARD ARGEST BANK. n to Bill of Lading Drafts and Bank Collections. esentation fee with S ight Drafts, 25c for Credit Reports. R. H. Sweet______ W. C. firim A. K. Peters _ . John Obalil 315,000 40,000 454,160 21,020 231,920 164,250 65,110 496,680 10,200 401,700 104,490 15,970 452,000 120,000 270,700 322,200 2,500 25.000 89,500 1,132,850 91,370 235,500 951,080 32,530 25,000 34,690 64,470 262,070 187,540 50,730 143,210 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; Ridgely Far. State. Springfield. 30,040 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.; FranklinAm. Tr. Co., St. L. 9,980 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Bloomington; De Witt Co. N.. Clinton. 35,000 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Hoopeston N., Hoopeston. 102,620 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Peoria. 60,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi. 118,370 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 74,950 Corn Ex. Bk. Tr. Co,. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ave. State, Oak Park. 92,300 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. Ibyville, III., June 8 , 1931) November 26, 1930) Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29,190 25.000 1EB"ICE Western Springs Western Springs State Bank H. A. Parks, 7 Cook C20 3894 *220-10%porl00 7 0-19 1 2 ®»t§'16 Ch. of Bd. and Pres (Merged with First 7 Shelby J16 Westfield filfi First National Bank________ (Suspended business 7 Clark K20 West Frankfort ( J, L. SMITH-------14,683 111 11/ Mil 1 1 1 AMo^c^-. ABIC f'h ]1 W.W.WILU Franklin P16 { OLDEST AND L, ) Special attentlo> (. Please send 15c pr *400-20% par 100 70-630 ®T<’02 ,, •• West Frankfort State Bank C. W. Crim_______ 70-631 ®3>§’05 50,000 C. H. Pnrdne 457,970 Paul M. Fitch and Trust Company — Chicago 119,600 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.; FranklinAm A in • rTn i r. vO»j Qi st« 1Li* 81,790 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $ 150,000,000 477 Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and County. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bon< Fed. Res. District. d SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSaIe%Dlv. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’T Cashier. West Liberty..215 E. W. Hersh E. B. Brook*.. 8 Jasper M19 ?% 70-1659 W. McHenry ..200 West McHenry State Bank Simon StofleL____ F. A. Bohlander__ Gerald J. Carey — R. D. Weber 7 McHenry A18 $250-10% 70-1660 dB®»tl'06 E. L. Wagner, Ch. H. J. Bacon par 100 Westmont.__2733 First State Bank.. dB@ E. F. Deicke______ Wm. Werth--------- A. A. Brackmann _. Wm. H. Lossie — 7 DuPage C19 $140 par 100 70-2093 WestPolnt___257 Farmers State Bank-d®t§’16 Milo McMillan ___ S.H.Opie . ______ 7 Hancock H4 par 100 70-1959 State Bank of West Point George W. Major.. 70-1661 d®»tt’01 West Pullman (See Chicago) 7 Cook C2I West Salem . . .825 First National Bank________ (Closed November 1 2, 1930) 8 Edwards N20 West Union 536 First State Bank ..........•tl’10 S. a Drake J. E. Clatfelter.. U, A. Shawler . . 7 Clark K21 $130 70-1662 Westviile___ 3901 First National Bank---- »t’04 J. F. Haworth____ Joe Tnvaria C. Rrnnks Joe F. Vassen____ 7 Vermilion 122 $225-12% par 100 70-1663 J. Ann Vassen »Wheaton___ 7258 First National Bk. —d®t'09 Chas. W. Hadley __ 7 Du Page C19 $250-10% par loo 70-483 GARY-WHEATON BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Volume. For Interest Hates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued W. E. GARY-......... H. L. WILSON- - - - - - - - A. C. ATWATER- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H. W. SUTCLIFFE. J. H. KAMPP Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Depos Liabili AND its Capital Profits TIES % 10.000 S 15.030 $ 110,490 ____ 50,000 56,000 635,000 S Resources. Loans Bonds and and Disoounts Ssourities $ 12,000 80,460 i 510,000 36,860 S 95,000 25,000 6,630 100,590 81,870 23,930 6,870 2,380 88,740 62,330 11,750 16,820 25,000 2,270 86,600 64,520 7,400 690 10,000 10,030 119,960 25,000 27,490 628,230 50,000 40,000 800,000 7.150 14,410 370,000 410,000 .................... 1,284,240 441,720 81.070 374,670 Chatham Phenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N., and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. 54,560 67,570 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 47,580 652,750 14,720 286,780 406,140 I. M. Chapman____ 10.000 5,000 66.000 6,000 59,000 15.000 Wheeling ___467 Wheeling State Bank J. A. Schminke___ Chas. F. Balling— L. C. Holtje--------7 Cook B20 $170-6% 70-2046 d®t§’21 par 100 25,000 17,020 170,870 20,580 85,590 118,160 100,000 50,000 675,000 50.000 400.000 330.000 8 C. A. RUCKEL—- H. H. GRISWOLDWhite Hall...2928 8 Greene K8 R. S. WORCESTER— A. E. VOSSELLER- 31.230 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet: Dulaney N., Marshall. 142,790 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 2d N.. Danville. 110,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Chi. 13,000 1st N., Newton. 4,020 25,700 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 145.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi. and St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. WHITE HALL NATIONAL BK. Special attentlo n given Bill of L adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Items' ®»t’85 I Please send 15c w ith each eight draft for presentation an d 25c for Credit Rep ert* _Perienal, prom pt, efficient servl ce. TRY US, 70-518 30,210 Peo. Tr. & Sav.. Chi.: Ill. State, Quincy; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. 41,250 1st N., Chi. 19,680 100.000 Wheeler______ 189 State Bank of Commerce Bessie Chapman... E. E. Foltz — Jasper L19 70-1664 ®+§’07 20,270 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 273,500 91,680 1,989,950 P. L. McPheeters, A. C. Marriott, Sec. V. P. and Cash. 100,000 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 81,990 Ch. of Bd. A STATE BANK-OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports, 70-482 dB®T*t§'74 Wheaton Trust & Sav. Bank R. L. Doran______ D. O. Dunbar par 100 ♦ 70-2114 -d®T«t§’26 14,190 1st N., Newton. 274,620 25,000 100,000 $250-13% par 100 r&OH Baku 4.010 S 48,000 30,000 710 Principal Correspondents. Cur k Exchakoib,Ddi Whittington 27 State Bank of Whittington W. Spencer______ J. J. Pearce_____ G. C. Payne _____ Jennie B. Payae.. 70-1887 t§’19 8 Franklin 016 $100-8% 10,000 600 48,000 43,680 2,640 WIlliamsville__661 Williamsville State Bank M. E. Jones______ J. R. Jones............. J. H. Conrad......... N. Hussey, Jr. . par 100 70-1667 d®»t§’90 7 Sang’n 112 H. C. Groves, Exec. 50,000 20,000 319,520 289,960 45,030 54,110 Stock Yds. N„ Chi.; Ill. N., Springfield; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. 706,170 77,990 274,070 Com’l N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 1,424,270 1,018,930 200,580 533,660 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. 13.480 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. Willow Hill___351 First State Bank___________ (Closed April 14, 19 31. Taken over by Oil Belt National B ank, Oblong, III., M ay 25,193 8 Jasper L20 Wilmette__ 15,233 7 Cook B21 EDMONDS_ _ _ _ N. A. SCHWALL— FIRST NATIONAL E. B. KNUDTSON, ROBERT STODDARD—C.R.R.A.JENNESS, RANK aB®T*t*10 THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE JUDSONF. STONE, PHILLIP HOFFMANN- F. D. ANDERSON-- - - - W. B. ROBINSON. JR, WILMETTE STATE W. D. LEARY J. ALDEN SEARS, ^ c. E. CLIFTON, JR. J.ALOEN SEARS BANK Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Mgr.R.E.Ln. Dept. Modern, progressive, up-to-date methods and unexcelled facilities. $50 s% par 20 wriiiii 150,000 67,950 1,723,700 133,230 200,000 303,530 2,670,010 3,900 1,016,650 7(1-1889 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. ♦ 70-1669 dB®T»tl'05 Tr.Off. OLDEST, LARGEST AND STRONGEST BANK. A PROGRESSIVE AND AGGRESSIVE INSTITUTION. YOUR BUSINESS CORDIALLY INVITED. “YOUR HOME BANK’’ MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE $250-8 + 4% extra par 100 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY — CHICAGO CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 >70 T/O a Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in D. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. iCounty Soats. Fig. under town Is Fed. Res. District. (Mem.A.B.A.ttNew {StatetPriv. Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ►Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond l-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Dlv. President. Wilmington. .1741 Commercial Nat. Bank 70-737 d®»t’78 7 Will E20 ILLINOIS—Continued Vice-President. Resources. Liabilities. Bond* Miscel Oass * ExLoans Other D epos Liabili Paid-up Surplus and and HAKOia,Dtrx and its Diaoounta Baouritias laneous nu>M Ban*s Capital Profits ties 50,000 424.130 96.360; 313,650 213,090 42,280 51,460 Dent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet, L. A. Bittermann .. 50.000 62,130 462,840 20,530 354,990 130,930 7,090 102.490 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co, and Stock Yds. N„ Ohi. John Ladame_____ D. H. Davis_______ Lucille Bertetto.. 25,000 9,920 173.530 29.530' 40.170 140,220 14,610 42.980 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L. 50,000 3,800 102,000 86.000 37,000 100.000 68,000 588,000 569,000 94,500 25,000 21.000 Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Elliott State, Jackson ville. 71,000 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; Ayers N., Jacksonville; N, Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.; Com’l N.. Peoria. 110,000 71,090 370,800 394,490 60,250 49,800 94,220 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Ohi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. A - B- Ring tWInchester. ,1532 Farmers State Bank.__ t§'21 70-2042 | Scott J9 fR. W. FROST.......... E. J. FROST_______ THOS. J. DUGAN------ A C B007 3,500 OLDEST ESTAB LISHED BANK. FIRST STATE BANKd®tS'#7 ] 15 CENTS sent to us with each s Ight draft for pre sentation, and 1150 70-696 U5 CENTS for e acb credit report Insures prompt. personal attentlo n. •• II PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 50.000 First National Bank...®»i'63 1. D. MacIntyre... F. D. Willard 70-736 .. Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. ____ (V.H.Whitmore.Jr. M. F. Riley Wilsonvllle ...1220 First National Bank 8 Macoupin Ell $200-10%par 10070-2088 dB®t’25 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Neat, Condit & Grout, Bkrs. J. T. Wilson.......... R. M. Riggs.............. S. G. Smith_______ P. E. Markillie____ $2<XM2%par 10070-697 d®t§’86 Otie Scott G. W. Woodall 46,8601 Citizens State Bank.d®tS’13 H. E. Munson------- F. A. Munson J. A. Tull 1176 70-1811 Regina Baugher__ Chas. S. Hoots___ Daisy Cook 25.000 5.570 271.710 181,360 53.090 27.690 40.150 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Cbi.: 1st N„ Shelbyville; Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L. Commercial State Bank $150 70-1670 d®»tS'90 E. R. Duncan .......... 50.000 4,930 481.560 408,940 30,000 22,310 75,230 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: FletcherAm. N„ Indpis. 1st N„ St. L, Wing................... 122 Farmers State Bank—®t§'ll F.T. Holloway.... J. R. Melvin______ W. W. Holloway _ 7 Livingston F18 $120-6% par 100 70-1705 15,000 5,000 85,000 5,000 45,000 40,000 10,000 15,000 Cont, 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 25.000 9,050 90,140 _______ 63,270 28,150 3,940 28,840 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 3rd N., Rockford. 50.000 13,350 437,070 4,200 229,280 173,860 20,450 81,040 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Cont. 111. Bk.& Tr. Co., Chi. 75.000 114,240 1,296,380 32,300] 674,860 494,290 56,440 292,320 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Un. Bk. of Chi., Chi. 75,000 81,940 1,459,730 18,910 528,260 878,830 21,280 207,210 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Northern Tr. Co., and 1st N.. Chi. 25.000 35,000 175,000 160,000 25,000 20,000 30,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; State Bk. of Freeport, Freeport. 50.000 5,86C 312,620 111,940 241,350 35,150 32,030 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L, 25,000 12.50C 156.000 122,006 20,006 17.560 30.000 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi. B. H. Williams.— Lena Burgett 15.000 9.12C 159,330 133,106 3.956 4.630 41,790 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Citiz. 8tate. Watseka. Sadie Coat* - 25,00 26.34C 259.99C 25,010 170.08C 92.72C 7.200 66,336 3d N„ Mt. Vernon; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L. R. H. Welsh........ 50,000 58,12( 652,520 47,900 353.37C 150,836 48.860 255,47C N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., E. St. L. H. E. Paton........ . 60,00 45,16 681,11 12,980 522,91( 59,41( 92,49 124.43C Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; 1st N. Bk. &Tr„ Alton. 7 Shelby C17 .. W. R. McGeachy.. D. E. Branstetter.. Alice L. Hamen... Winnebago .. 588 Peoples State Bank—d®tS'12 7 Winnebago B14 $100-3% par 100 70-1758 Wlnnetka.. 12,166 Hubbards Woods Tr. & Sav. M. B. Orde_______ F. E- Bartelme.__ Arthur Laser------ H, A. Mark 7 Cook A21 Bk............. 70-2106___ ®t§'26 $150 par 100 .. •• +State Bank of Winnetka Clarke Washburne. Sanborn Hale....... E. C. Haase______ G. W. McKinney.. Irwin Hale $300-10% 70-504dB®T«t*’09 par 100 (Formerly Winnetka State Bank) rM.K. MEYER-— A. D. HERRMANN —- A.T. WEINST0CK— J. 0. BROOKS......... - " . “ + WINNETKA TR. & SAV. BK. < WINNETKA’S OLDEST AND LA RGEST BANK. J Send us your co ilectious lor pro mpt service. 70-503 $250-8% par 100 dB®T*t§'94 I.Please enclose 15c with each sight dra ft and 25c for credit ratings. (Banks affiliated with Chicago Clearing House As «’n + ) Miss E. 0. Lynch.. Winslow........... 35S State Bank of Winslow Frank Etzler_____ W. J. Kennedy, 7 Stephenson A12 $200-6% 70-1879 dBtS’15 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. G. G. Emrich par loo Witt 151f National Bank of Witt ®t'27 H. F. Fesser______ C. H. Lockhart.... H. S. Armentrout Anna M. Bourey— 70-1673 | Montgomery L14 par 50 E, r.t Leonard Woodbine____14C WoodbineStateBank d©t§’21 Wm. Heidenreich. 7 Jo Daviess Al( $150-6% par 150 70-2049 Woodland 304 Woodland State Bank®*t§’09 7 Iroquois G21 par 100 70-1674 J.G. Williams____ A. L. Bauer______ (Taken Woodlawn____27 8 Jefferson N16 52,000 overby Firs National Bank Octc ber 6. 1930) Morton Wood G. B. Welborn... $200-i2x% par 100 70-1675 \ Wood River ..813 First National Bank d®t’2( Otto F. Nagel....... W. K. Cannady___ G. G. Guker.......... 8 Madison M10 $175-10% par 100 70-2033 J. M. Olin Wood River Nat’l Bank $200-10% parloo 70-2080 d®t'2 L. A. Schlafly____ C. A. Caldwell Joe Slivka_______ Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and 1 Trust Company — Chicago Where Bankers Bank 479 • Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given bank in u- S- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. eacb Town and county, •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrlv. ►o a ‘County Seats, $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town Is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d SafeDep.©SaT.$Last8ale%DlT. ♦ Woodstock..5471 7 McHenry A17 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK *235-12% STATE BK. OF WOODSTOCK 70-438 d®T»tt'8 par 100 Liabilities. President. Vice-President, thsk Ass’t Cashier. Paid-ui SURFLUf Ddfob- LOiabili AND (Usher. Capitai Profits rJ0HN M. HOY...... G. H. HOY- - - - - - - - - H. C. MURPHY. Ch. C. W. WHITING A. C. SMITH, V.P. . E. F. FUES_ _ E. A. ROGERS A, C, F.V. GIESSELBRECHT IT* ties S 100.00( $ 132,69( SI 609 330>$ Lout ud Disoouat Resources. Boada Miscel diu a b cauKM.De BsauritUf laneous nea Baku 25.000 1111015C S S13.78C S 18,25()$ 424,84 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.Oont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Chi.; City N„ Duluth. Send your collections irect to this progressive bank. Our facilit ies and serv ice are unex celled. par 100 70-437 dB®T»t'0S *300-10% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, cash and time Items. Please send iSc with each sight raft for presenta tion and 2Sc for . credit reports. fH. T. COONEY_ _ _ W. S. MCCONNELL1 E. C. JEWETT, Ch. G. E. STILL, Cash and Tr, Off. UK- 50.000 99,420 854,850 _____ 609,310 245,320 37,440 112,200 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Cent. Rep.. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 103,400 lit N..OU. LPlease send 15c with each Sight D raft for presentat Ion and 25c for Cr edit Be port*. Woodstock National Bank W. F. Conway____ M. H. Fitzsimmons C. J. Conway_____ J. P. Conley___ 70-436 d®»t'01 J. D. Donovan, Ch. H. A. Stone *165 50.000 23,930 455,200 31,150 304.000 100,800 52,870 25,000 135.460 132,460 11,550 32.100 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 200,250 6.650 6,530 55,980 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohl.: OIS*. N., Princeton. Worden_____ lm First National Bank T. O. Unger_____ A. Z. Rice____ I Madison L1I 8% 70-1678 d®«t’15 W. E. Meyer_____ S. B. Sandbach . 25.000 9,030 252.540 Wyanet______ 859 Bank of Wyanet__ 7 Bureau DIB par 100 70-416 Bertha C. Sapp___ Viola Peterson ___ 25.000 17,240 227.160 A. M. MARLIN___ RNTH FLEMMING 25,000 20,450 403.660 27,500 250,660 165.890 6,830 53,220 Oont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Stk. Yd*. N.. Chi.; 1st N., Princeton. 50.000 26.000 422,820 15,680 396,830 67,580 6,040 44,040 Com'l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 25.000 9,290 301,580 27,550 175,390 73,940 27,710 86,370 Franklin-Am. Tr. Co. and Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. Yates City____ 592 Bank of Yates City_d®t|’70 A. J. Lawrence___ H. A. Sloan______ John Sloan______ Hazel Sargent___ •7 Knox Fig par 100 70-1681 40.000 4.100 220.000 15,000 207,520 22,800 8,490 ♦Yorkvllle____ 492 Farmers State Bank.d®J|’14 D. O. Mewhirter__ Fred Brettbaner.. O. W. Beecher.. 7 Kendall D18 *150-10% par 100 70-1828 40,300 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Com’l Merch. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 30,000 27,190 278,140 300 166,280 47.400 16,930 105,030 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tn Co. and Stock Yd*. N., Ohi.; 1st N.. Aurora. 25.000 30.330 206,680 12,200 147,800 44,460 9.780 72.130 1st N. and Drov. N., Ohl.; Anrora N., Aurora. K. E. Cook_____ 35,000 26,420 643,610 35,000 66,970 443,520 44,860 184,680 1st N. and Oont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Ohl.; 1st N. and Franklin-Am. Tr. Co.. St. L. James N. Finn___ R. P. Will_____ 50.000 39.990 267.460 — 134,590 154,260 19,690 48,910 Sty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Chi. 25.000 77,330 401.670 16.710 338.370 108.950 13.600 59,780 1st N. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Waukegan N„ Waukegan. -+§’21 W. E. Sapp______ John F. Scharff.. rc. BROWN---------- F. R. OLSON— FIRST NATIONAL BANK *200-6% par 100 70-017 Special Attentl on given Bill of and Note Collection*. dB®f08 I Save time and g et service on Sigh Lading Draft* and Cred Report* by lend .FEE Df ADVAN CE: Plain Sight D rafts. 15c; Credit It Reports. 25c. TR fALVIN ROGERS— H. M.SHEARER. W. F. WAHRER_ _ _ _ NOBLE MALONE_ _ _ iazeuMnch Wyoming....... 1408 NATTONAL BANK OF WY07 Stark fill MING- -70-725___ d®»t’0l I Oldest and Stro ngest National B ank In Stark Cou *150-6% par 100 15 CENTS sent to us with each si fht draft for pres .25 CENTS for e ach credit report Inaureg prompt, p Scott, Walters & Rakestraw, B ankers . . (Closed January 30, 1931) Xenia________ 559 First National Bank___ »J’22 W. P. Tuily__ John Phillips. Ezra Kepp t Olay M17 *136-6% 70-2053 par 100 ¥V nty. entatlon, and ersonal attention. Xenia State Bank__________ (Merged with First National Bank June 20. 1931) rale.................. 157 State Bank of Yale_________ (Closed January 3, 8 Jasper L20 1931) Yorkville National Bank W. R. Newton, Geo. Ohse_______ 7% par 100 74-1682 d®«t'01 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. I. Gutel_______ E. A. Shepard__ Zelgler______ 3816 First National Bank F. Guy Hitt______ Paul Weis________ R. R. Frazier__ 8 Franklin PI B *200 par 120 70-2061 d®«t'22 E. L. Berger Zeigler State Bank______ 0. T. Christian___ {Closed for examina tion and adjustment December 3, 1930) Zion................ 5991 First State Bank___d®»t§'08 W. G. Finn______ G. W. Morris__ 7 Lake A2l *150-6% par 100 70-1683 Zion Bank__________®»t§’09 W.G. Yoliva____ M. J. Mintern____ W. J. Bull_______ W. J. Armstrong.. par 100 70-1788 R. R. Pihl J. R. Paxton Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company — Chicago ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT 480 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given -° eaCh ^ank U. 8. exclusively by_The Band-McNally Bankers* Town and county. »County Seats. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SSftate tPrlr. ;Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sa?.$LastSale%DlT. PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Vice-President. Ass’T Cashier. Liabilities. Loana Other Paid-up SUBPLTTB Depos- Liabiliand AND Capital Profits Difloounta us TIES 24,750 $ $ Acton________620 Acton State Bank______ ©t§’28 J. A. Swails______ A. J. Smock..—.. 7 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA 6,050 t 78,000 S 14,770 t 70,350 $ Resources. Bonda Cash & Ex Miscel changes and ,Du* laneous 29.760 { 5,990 $ Principal Correspondents. 17,470 Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls. $150-10% par 100 71-670 Marion J15 25.000 14,850 147,700 66,970 110,320 31,090 94,270 18,840 Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls.: 1st N., Lebanon. 50,000 25,000 633,000 14,000 480,000 28,000 14,000 200,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls.: 1st N., Rochester. 25,000 14,260 168,770 138,560 780 40,740 27,940 1st N., Chi.: U.S. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Rochester. Haiel A. Jones.... Albany..................... 1413 Albany State Bank D. M. St. John. J. W. De Haven... B. A. Russell, 71-672 d®T*t§’96 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Cash, and Mgr. 7 Delaware H20 $150-6% 30,000 13,580 209,000 10,900 182,980 2,150 29.540 40,820 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls.; Del. Co. N., Muncie. Albion................... 1108 Albion National Bank E. P. Eagles_________ J. W. Long....................... A. W. Larson------------- Frank W. Foote... $175-6% 71-566 dB®T*t’07 Victor T. Poppy G. O. Russell 7 Noble CIS 25,000 18,000 521,000 18,000 319,260 113,660 28,570 120,510 Cont. Ill. Bk. &.Tr. Co., Chi.: Fletcher-Am, N., Indpls.; Lincoln N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne. 30.000 19,220 533,170 403,910 58,120 25,310 25,000 25,450 489,750 298,570 109,230 26,190 95,040 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher-Am.N.,Indpls. 127,930 Chase N., N. Y.; Fletcher-Am. N. and Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls.; Cent. Tr. Co„ Cin. 25,000 9,500 160,000 G. H. Waters____ State Bank of Advance W. J. De Yol. J. H. Fink. 71-671 dB®Til’01 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $150-8% par 100 Akron............................932 Akron Exchange State Bank H. D. Stoner______ W.C. Miller_____ J. R. Emahiser___ F. M. Pressnall----8% par 100 71-616 d®T»t§’01 7 Fulton D15 N. C. Moore .. >■ V. J. Lidecker, Aaron S. Berger... 7 Boone 111 par 100 71-981 d®Ttl’12 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 4 •• par 100 The Farmers State Bank________ (In liquidation) M Fred J. Schwab Alexandria 4408 Alexandria Bank_____ ®T»t5’88 S. G. Phillips_____ J. S. Wales_______ I. S. Kelly, Cash, and Sec. 71-389 7 Madison H17 15% M H. A. HARLAN, See.. WM. LEWIS, A. Bsa.. fH. N. ADANS........... W. F. ffllSM COMMERCIAL BANK AND J A Modern Com merclal Bank an d Trust Company In every respect. TRUST CO. 10% par 100 71-340 d®T«t§12 | Our rapid, subs tantlal growth la evidence of the se rvlce we render. {Special atientlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. \_Plsatt send 15c u>i th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25« for Crsdit Rspor 11 21,720 to. Ambla____________ 433 Farmers & Merchants Bank__ (Closed February 27, 1931) 7 Benton G6 Amboy..................431 State Bank of Amboy H. G. Ballard_____ Ohas. Y. Gahs — P. B. Norris_____ $95 par 100 71-1138 dB®Ttl’I9 7 Miami F16 Amo _ -278 First National Bank-------- 1’06 E. B. Owen----------- M. E. Kendall......... J. N. Phillips____ Elsie M. Phillip*.. 71-674 7 Hendricks Jll $150-6% umrs~ *Anderson„39,804 *ANDERS0N BANKING CO. 7 Madison •• J Ch. of Bd. 25,000 F. T. BARBER_ _ _ _ S. B. COOPER_ _ _ _ L. E. EGGMAN_ _ _ _ E.S. RIDLEY, _ C. A. HARDWICK L.F. PENCE Tr. Off. J. H. McLAIN, E.S. RIDLEY 340,000 34,100 A. Tr. Off. dR®T«t§ 90 1 Collections and H16 $200-8% par 100 Requests for Cred It Reports MUST be accompanied by 71-71 '.FEE IN AOVAN CE: Plain sight dr a /to, 16c; Crsdit Ropo rto 25c. E. N. HILL.............. CARL L. WHITE........ mbr*™ F. F. B&RR_ _ _ _ _ _ A. T. DYE Ch. of Bd G. W. NICHOL . d@T«tr55 Besides general banking Items and Collections, send us matters requiring 'CITIZENS BANK M $150 par 100 71-70 ' 406,500 HMT"- 110,000 5.400 210,000 3,544,970 137,000 17,500 9,000 100,000 40,500 5,300 30,500 Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls.; 1st N„ Marion', Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 28,700 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi.; Ind N.,Indpls. 1,904,470 803,180 770,770 616,550 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 388,520 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Co., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. • Tr. 57,676 3,236,070 752,050 2,989,860 252,830 821,070 7,920 191,350 10.09C 5,030 23,560 1st N.. Chi.; Old-lst N. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne. 76,700 98,020 4,010 65,850 Lincoln N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 831,660 332,120 86,760 132,120 Chase N.. N.Y.; 1st N„ Ohi.; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne. Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. personal handling by men of broad trust and banking experience. M „ Anderson Clearing House... Carl L. White (Members indicated by a*) Andrews__________883 STATE BANK OF ANDREWS 7 Hnntington E18 $150-8% par 100 7 Steuben B22 M •• M 7 M. WASMUTH. ) Ch.ofBd.andPres. C E. FUITS 71-675 d®»tl’08 S According to R ule of Indiana Ba I Collections and Requests for Cre '-FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dra Angola State Bank —dR®§’27 E. D. Willis—.............. $125 par 125 71-1247 WM.OVERMYER_ _ _ TRFVA FI 1 ISON 25,000 10,530 186,580 nkers Ass’n. dlt Reports MUS T be accompanle d by fts, 15c; Credit Repo rts, 25e. 50,000 W. W. Elston 14,680 179,85C (Merged with Steube n County State Ban k) STEUBEN COUNTY STATE BK. D. F. Cameron______ J. A. Croxton.. Maurice McClew 12% 71-429 dB®T*«'89 E. S. Croxton, || Arcadia f E. Q17 ^Citizens State Bank.©t§’31 Hamilton G14 Ch. of Bd R. J. Carpenter, 50.000 B. B. Goodale Exec.V.P. and Cash F. G. Gilbert Carlton Chase, A.C R. W. Sheffer 35,520 1,210,390 86,760 (Arcadia Branch of Nobles v ille, Ind .)____ 71-1270 Areola 300 Areola State Bank____ d®|'l! Wm. F. Holt______ C. L. Thomas_____ W. R. Harrison.. 71-999 7 Allen D20 $150-6% 25.000 6,150 108,820 8,020 91,210 21,620 26,410 8,750 Old-lst N., Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Arlington____ 510 Arlington State BankB«JF27 25.00C 20,390 99,230 15,200 117,820 24,160 1,360 16,470 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Ind. N„ Indpls.; Far. Tr. Co., Rushville. 7 Rush K17 10% par 100 71-676 T HE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST C( Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■I Oil IN NA1 IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS In FORT WAYNE Prompt Attention Given Collections All matters requiring immediate action and careful handling are given exceptional service and the closest kind of responsible financial attention by the LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Capital - $1,250,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits - $1,500,000 We Invite Your Collections in the Fort Wayne Territory LINCOLN BANK TOWER J SAMUEL M. FOSTER, Chair, of the Board CHAS. H. BUESCHING, Pres. GEO. WALDSCHMIDT, Vice-Pres. JOHN F. UTT, Vice-Pres. JOHN J. DISSER, Vice-Pres. EDWIN H. DICKMEYER, Vice-Pres. HENRY W. LEPPER, Vice-Pres. OSCAR H. BUSHING, Cashier V DIRECTORS OF THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. of FORT WAYNE, INDIANA \ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HENRY BEADELL, Retired GUSTAVE A. BERGHOFF, Pres., Wayne Oil Burner Co. COONY BAYER, Pres., Coony Bayer Cigar Company FRANK E. BOHN, President, The Home Telephone & Telegraph Company CHARLES H. BUESCHING, President A. G. BURRY, Gen. Mgr., Fort Wayne Paper Box Co. WALTER E. COOK, Insurance OSCAR G. FOELLINGER, Pres., News Publishing Company DAVID N. FOSTER, President, Foster-Rahe Co. SAMUEL M. FOSTER, Chairman of the Board B. F. GEYER, President, Wayne Company W. M. GRIFFIN, President Wayne Pump Company ARTHUR F. HALL, President, Lincoln National Life Insurance Company MARK C. HONEYWELL, President, MinneapolisHoneywell Regulator Company JOSEPH C. HUTZELL, President, Ovelmo Company JAMES F. KEENAN. President, Keenan Hotel System W. ROBERT KLAEHN, Robert Klaehn & Sons, Undertakers HENRY W. LEPPER, Vice-President E. C. MILLER, Fort Wayne Builders Supply Co. S. E. MULIIOLLAND, Vice-President, Northern Indiana Public Service Co. MAURICE C. NIEZER, President, Niezer & Co. A. II. PERFECT, President, A. H. Perfect & Co. JOHN J. RODGERS, General Supt. of the Inter national Harvester Company, Fort Wayne Works MAURICE I. ROSENTHAL, Surgeon FRANK K. SAFFORD, Chairman of the Board, G. E. Bursley & Co. WILLARD SHAMBAUGH, Attorney F. L. SMOCK, Retired FRED J. THIEME, Vice-Pres., Wayne Knitting Mills GEORGE H. VAN ARNAM, President, Van Arnam Manufacturing Co. GEORGE WALDSCHMIDT, Vice-President r £gf fgg I ggs?gw gfggf ? g'g’gg? II S"oB o. tr f3 B .“ B 38 Sp: 3.g B. i * § |||£| fT || g||g- a,^ B• ^ tub Zgbbbbob wSa •: w_ b _M<^- r-bb S Cn S® CO OO C© O ►-* 05 Ox Ox mOimmOOOOCO . er oS b:_, «■ lbb'obi-,H -,w_ zb- w. b b 00 CO H* CO O W OOM <J CO OO 05 bOCOH-CflOWrf^OJ tOO<JOO 05 05 zgzb Z t?d O i—. c—,0 b S c -* Zg 5^0 l! o m * >>ti.i- bb: b i-. b •' W h b S L b H •_ b b b b~,-M O- f t>*i 5 vIOMOOtf^ oo rfk OO M rfk, 05 cn OO —J Cn COOMOO 05 CO CO ►—‘ OO to 00 to to -*4 -4 to »-* CO to CO -vj 05 h- f—>■ 3 F g Sag* Sw Or 3S J c/i t t o og. p i* p? w 50^»H2(DX rFSo^Sz r->w>5?o a|f*< oxS tiH ,HLJ “z3^>;r > gf9583. WASHINGTON, D. C. In Sr, Si0»S ni wS. ■ ? 1 3 i I | < • I - I a o 0-0 2 o'n o £ «%<<<< aa» •1OORPOOOO *1 vv. aaaa "I *1 >1 I Oofn"»CO»») Mi Mi O Mi *M. *-• oa. 'm a. a a. a. n n vi o n n n 0rt 3n r5-3ft 3ft 3rt 3ft o * ^ _ O , (/) Cl ^ r z 3 ► ■2 r> £ o 2 pi s 2 to g a j® pri JO pi H Z W so pi w • „ pi a 0) u 3 PZr„?BJ tn Q r ' -H* Uj32c«‘ O ■ I oo Og CRo 5 5.8»o 60 SI I o» r< ^ I CD CD si See Back of W ashington, D. C. M ap 55' c/» l on> cn> (8> co> cn> 01 CO W 03 W rt r* rt r* r* >nnnnn C p fi) p P) 9) rt 0} CO 00 W 08 SrTTTsr P+ kM* N» MI »M* NI 0*1 ^1 ^*t ft1 ft*1 <t1> GO oo SEND YOUR i=E2s^ ITEMS TO THE NATIONAL CITY BANK o . _„. . . _ Prompt and Efficient Service Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis EVANSVIUE, RE„uncES SMm,M0J» INDIANA THE OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN SOUTHERN INDIANA FACTS Oil IMrectory Advertising .* •4----------------------------- —------------------------------------------------- T XJ -------------------------------B p- s TNLESS you advertise your l)ank in the BLUE Book, you are runni ng counter to the judgment of NINE OUT i OF TEN of the American banks which aLdvertise in f TWO OUT OF THREE of such banks set J_ the example of using the BLUE BOOK exclusively and treating any other bank directory advertising as useless duplica- tion. bank directories. V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T[~.. •it These are not clainis but facts. No research is necessary to check them — simply compare the BLUE BOOK with its nearest competitor. You’ll find as follows: EXCLUSIVE ADVERTISERS Banks Advertising Ex clusively in BLUE BOOK Banks Advertising Ex clusively in nearest competitor ... Difference in favor of BLUE BOOK Reserve Other City Banks* Banks 279 3692 80 619 199 3073 Total 3971 699 3272 ALL ADVERTISERS Total banks Advertisiiag in BLUE BOOK Total Banks Advertisi ng in nearest competitor ... Difference in favor of BLUE BOOK Exact Percentages Note Especially Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis the Blue j k book’s 584 385 199 of those banks in the United States which buy bank directory advertising, advertise with the Rand McNally Bankers Directory. I)ominating Position with banks 4978 1905 3073 5562 2290 3272 ^ie the banks United States which buy bank directory advertising, advertise exclusively in the Bankers Directory. *Banks located in the 48 reserve cities. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t0 eacfl bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 4R6! Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fly. Fed. Bes. Dist. L is Louisville Br. eMem. A.B. A. nNew §State t Prir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%DlT. Ashley............. 623 Ashley State Bank_ Attica Central National Bank & Chas. L. Meharry. O. S. Clark______ W. B. Schermer- H. W. Newlin____ $ 100.000 $ Trust Co—71-415_____ *t’87 horn P. W. Brown C. E. Brown First Bank & Trust Co.__ (Closed December 22 ,1930) 7 Steuben B20 ........ 3700 7 Fountain H7 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources, Loua Other Bondi Cau k ExPaid-up Surplus Depos L Miscel ceam End and AND iabili «m,Ddk Capital Profits its Disoounta Securities laneous FROM BaHTKI ties Principal Correspondents. (Voluntary liquidati on effective January 17,1931) Atwood........... 315 Atwood Bank_________ dt'21 John D. Harman — Geo. Burt_________ R. S. Harman__ 7 Kosciusko C15 1100 par 100 71-1164 15.000 44,500 S 881,000 $ 100,000 $ 441,000 $ 410.190 $ 58,160 S 254,000 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Am. N.. Indpls. 7,290 Chi.; Fletcher 99,180 6,490 95,960 1,970 11,550 18,490 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls.; Marion N„ Marion. 100.000 44,830 1,451,240 43,850 920,270 116,960 335,150 268,540 Chase N., N.Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. WILLIS RHOADS...... H.M. CASEBEER .... 75.000 64,850 1,312,810 74,470 846,770 374,140 85,400 220,330 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Old 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. $200-12% par 100 Aurora______ 4386 Aurora State Bank William Stoll____ E. J. Libbert_____ C. B. Wilson______ R. M. Richmond__ 7 Dearborn M22 $135 par 100 71-375 dB®T»tl'08 H. H. Bodey E. L. Wilson 60.000 22,950 347,600 68,420 215,810 93,950 106,820 82,400 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and 5th 3d On. Tr. Co.. Cin. 123,450 1,393,100 100,020 524,610 896,800 35,950 259,210 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. Ill.Bk. ATr. Co.. Obi.; 1st N. and 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 3,700 ‘Auburn____ 5088 7 De Kalb C21 AUBURN STATE LI Sir-1: ?: Eifa. . . . J- '• umm. . . 71-398 1170-10% BANK*B®T-tro4 par 100 Ch.ofBd. This Bank Does Not Loan To Itself. A trained banking and credit specialist In charge. Collections a specialty. Send 15c for presentations, 25c for reports. BARREN LIGE — WILLIS RHOADS— Off. HUGH CARPER According to R ule of Indiana B ankers Ass’n, Si ght Drafts must 71-396 dB®T»*'« . be accompan led by 15c and R equests for Batin gs by 25c. CITY NATIONAL BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK 8% par 100 71-874 dB®W’64 Austin________425 t L Scott N17 Avllla..................559 7 Noble G20 Austin State Bank______ § 09 6% par 100 71-879 Community State Bank $ioo 71-880 d®*t§’01 (Succeeds Avilla State Bank) Bainbrldge ....406 Citizens Bank_______ Ttt'28 7 Putnam J9 8% par 100 71-125 2 Bargersvtlle ...282 Bargersville State’00 7 Johnson K13 5% ioo 71-882 J. A. RIDDELL..— W. W. HOWE - H. J. SCHMUTTE—. H. R. HILL_ _ _ _ _ _ A. A. CONELTON 15 CENTS tent to ua with each a Ight draft for pre sentation, and U CENTS for e aeh credit report Inaurea prompt, persona] attentlo J. S. Morgan_____ K. T. Vest________ D. W. Cntshaw___ Kathleen Perry.__ '* 25,000 8,000 319.180 F. H. Hersh............ J. C. Whonsetler-- G. B. Hines______ W. P. Weimer____ 25,000 5,600 291,500 C. K. Hughes_____ J. P. Hughes_____ C. K. Hughes_____ 10.000 1,000 W. T. Connell____ J. W. Richardson.. R. O. Utterback__ 25,000 3,500 Batesvllle ___ 2838 Batesville State Bank C. L. Johnson_____ I. G. Schein______ H. M. Sitterding, 7 Ripley L20 $350-12% 71-476 dB®Tt8'89 Geo.H.Goyert, Ch. Tr. O. par 100 First National Bank J. A. Hillenbrand. J. H. Wilker_____ W. W. Huneke ___ Harry Schwier___ $135 par ioo 71-477 dB®T»t’05 Walter Dieckman First Savings c£ Trust Co.___ (Liquidating, Assets taken over by First National Bank July 20, 1931) Bath_________ 142 Bath State Bank.—dB©t§'23 W. S. Du Bois........ J. C. Barkley_____ I. A. Jaques--------- R. Y. Jaques_____ 7 Franklin K22 $130 par 100 71-1230 Battle Ground 448 Battle Ground State Bank Floyd Garrott____ W. J. Walters____ C. E. Jones_______ Lela Stigleman.__ 7 Tippecanoe G9 $150-6% 71-1044 d®t§’30 par 150 ‘Bedford...13,208 BEDFORD NATIONAL BANK 8 L LawreneeN12 $300-12 % 71-240 d®T«i'99 W. A. Brown_____ W. R. Clark_______ R. 0. Sowder_____ R. H. Moore______ par too Citizens National Bank-»t'91 E. E. Farmer_____ Miles Standish___ A. C. Voris_______ R. A. Moore. par 100 71-239 CitizensTrustCo.dB®T*iS1900 W. R. Martin........ . A. C. Voris.............. H. P. Pearson, C. W. Montgomery, 10% par 100 71-241 Sec, and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. STONE CITY BANK $200-10% par 100 Beech Grove .3552 7 Marion J15 Bentonvllle ...175 7 Fayette J20 71-238 100.000 H. D. MARTIN_ _ _ E. B. CROWE-------- R. 0. MARTIN- - - - - - - 55,000 4,410 9,540 108,000 62,000 19,000 185,000 168,000 9,200 11,300 24,500 808,680 321,010 46,500 160,940 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 2d N.. Cin.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 30,000 264,000 267,000 35,000 111,600 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Cin. 23,060 5th Sd Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls. 34,040 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Far. & Tra. State. La Fayette: Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls. 105,440 1,152,190 13,600 25,000 11,380 142.180 126,010 21,900 7,530 25,000 13,550 224,210 6,370 205,030 18,790 11,270 100,000 160,480 1,091,810 109,360 567,220 623,730 58,650 150,000 202,910 1,100,110 26,360 838,560 229,580 256,130 897,860 524,090 54,090 780,660 745,680 155,400 123,900 57,830 32,850 9,970 86,000 4,200 100,000 58,190 589,000 431,880 17,260 1,081,940 Bedford’s Oldes t Bank offers a co mplete Banking Service, dB®Ti*'90 Prompt attentl on given Bill of L adlng Drafts and all Mercantile . Collections. Send 25c for Cred it Ratings. Citizens State Bank.d®t§’22 W. S. Newcomer__ H. D. Merrifield__ E. R. Ryan_______ $100 par 100 71-1216 Paul Ferris---------- F. M. Hackleman.. O. W. Davis__ ___ O. G. Overhiser... Bentonville State Bank $106-4% 71-1096 dB®TS’20 par ioo 25,000 4,220 84,800 25,000 6,250 80,000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21,540 89,260 45,000 75,000 272,720 Citiz.-Union N„ Lou. 57,210 165,020 10,000 58,270 1st N.. Chi.; Old 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne. 35,000 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; 1st N., Greencastle. 25,000 Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 212,040 1st N.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Chi.; Oitiz. Un. N„ Lou.; FletcherAm. N.. Indpls. 155,110 1st N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Citiz.-Un. N„ Lou. 104,080 Ciuz. N., Bedford. 174,240 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; FletcherAm. N., Indpls.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Lou. N.. Lou. 23,370 Aetna Tr. A Sav. Co., Indpls. 10,000 Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls.; Fayette Bk. & Tr. Co.. Connersville. resources $90 ,000,000.00 ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY AOA “OU Number under Name of Bank la the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Assn. TOWN AND GOUNTT. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. R. Dist L is Louisville Br. •Mem. A.B. A. "New SStstetPrlT. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. rj. F. Kerne............... 1883 BANK OF BERNE.dfl®T*tl'tfl 7 Adams F22 tt»-ii% 71-647 par 100 The Peoples State Bank par loo 71-548 dB®T*t§'03 Vic*-President. LEHMAN...... 1 Oldest Establls 1 Prompt attentl {.Please send 16c in G. W. Sprunger__ Fred Rohrer, Ch. “-■Hhmi L. A. SPRUNGER bed Bank—Collec on given Bill of L Ih each eight draft fo Rudolph Schug___ G. Neuenschwander T. M. Byers______ S. E. Dunn________ ixnu-»aiiK rowns wun nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this INDIAN A—Continued Cashier. AjSS't Cashier. E. W. BAUMGARTNER FRIEDA LEHMAN — Resources. Liabilities. 1 Lomi Boada MlSCEIs* Other Paid-up Surplus D epos ud and AND Liabili its Capital Propits Diseouata Saauritiaa LANEOU8 ties S 75,000 $ tlons a Specialty. adlng Drafts, Cas h and Time Item 8. r presentation and 2 5e for Credit Reports D. J. Harkless.... 60,000 94,770 $ 794,530 $ 5,000 100 $ 767.930 i 280,900 73,700 $ Principal Correspondents. Cabm 4 Xxch.a*g*s,Dci from Baku 30,190 $ 92,580 Chase N., N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., Chi.: Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls.; Lin. N. Bk„ & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 72,830 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Old N„ Ft. Wayne; Ind. N„ Indpls. 236,660 2,500 33,920 Bleknell_____ 5212 Bicknell Trust ft Sav. Go. N. P. Sartor, See,.. Winifred Jones, t Knox N7 8% 71-1093 d®TtJ’16 A. Sec. Citizens 8tate Bank J. L. Donaldson... R. F. Ryfirs B. W. Donaldson .. Hallie Stalcup____ liso-10% 71-421 dB®T519Q0 par 100 First National Bank. d®Tt'04 Wm. V. Barr_____ Jno. 8. Hoover— Thomas E. Pearce. R. I. Anderson___ *164 *A-6% 71-422 25,000 9,570 188,240 28,800 147,250 11,920 52,140 85,000 7,270 238,530 25,250 145,610 14,900 33,600 111,940 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; FletcherAm. N., Indpls.; Am. N„ Vincennes. 30,000 23,320 398,940 30,000 72,030 313,560 21,030 Blpnus______ 375 Blppns State Bank__ d®t|'ll John H. Sell______ John Wagner_____ H. L. Bolinger____ C. C. Diefenbaugh. I HantingtonE18 *100-6% par 100 71-966 25.000 12,080 128,210 4,900 117,330 15,080 10,860 Birdseye_____ 366 Birdseye National Bank.*i’07 Jas. E. Glenn.. 71-683 I L Dnbois P10 tllloomHeld.. £298 Bloomfield State Bank __t§'07 A. D. Haie t Greene M10 *200-20% par 100 71-482 75.640 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N„ Indpls.; Am. N., Vincennes. 26,910 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., ChL; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne; Huntington Tr. & Sav.. Huntington. 63,150 Citiz. Un. N.. Lou. Bloomfield Trust Co. *125-par 100 71-1023 dB®Tt*T3 Oitlzens Shite Bank.. ®jjl 900 *146-8% par 100 71-483 Bloomlngdale 412 Bank of Bloomlngdale_tt’OS *116 par 100 71-684 7 Parke I 7 ^Bloomington Bloomington Nat. Bk.dB®t’06 7 Monroe1LI 218. 227 *150-6% par 100 71-230 W. N. Koerner.__ J. O. Sanders 25,000 21,880 219,780 26,500 144,310 84.150 1,550 L. S. Barkley-____ 30,000 20,120 251,410 240,000 152,470 45,850 254,410 R. C. Applegate__ Edward H. Stein __ L. H. Jones, Sec. and Tr, F. A. Van Sandt.. R. F. Parsons Oscar Smith. 10,000 10,720 138,690 218,720 123,080 16,110 232,490 25,000 17,000 204,000 148,000 96,000 64,000 154,000 10,000 3,000 100,000 44,000 30.000 14,000 100,000 39,880 678,630 98,580 451,340 346,720 33,840 fl. W. Davis T. H. Pence. L. B. McKinney — J. E. Boswell_____ L. J. Brown_____ _ J. W. Carter______ W. B. Adams . A. A. Beck __ __ O. E. Tharp.__ _. R. L. Cosier. V. P. F. E. Matthews CITIZENS LOAN & TR. CO. J. D. Showers, Fred Matthews.__ R. O. Pilre *225-10% 71-228 dB®Tt§’02 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 First National Bk.dB®T*t’71 P. B. Hill_______ T. G. Batman R. B. Stall. *276-io% 71-227 V. P. and Cash. G. K. Carter I. C. Batman, H. H. Buskirk par 100 Ch. of Bd. MONROE COUNTY OSCAR H. CRAVENS STATE BANK *250-10% par 100 71-229 dB®T»tl’8S - EDWIN CORN-------------- S. E. ALEXANDER — FRANK SOUTHERN— OUR SERVICE will merit your regular patronage. Correspondence Invited. fT. Paul____ Frank H. Cutshall. F. W. Hitzeman__ J. W. Rtoedill____ F. J. Tangeman, A. C. and Tr. Off. 0. SCALES-----K. H. WEYERBACHER ALBERT BIEBER...... G. tBoonvllIe___4208 FIRST NATIONAL BANN <( OLDEST BANK 71-390 d®Tt’67 1 According to R I Warrick Q7 *200-10% par 100 (.must be accom Peoples Trust & Savings Bank L. W. Bohn, 10% par 100 71-892 ®T»tl’14 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Borden_______ 333 Borden 8Ute Bank -d®Tt|#5 Geo. McKialey.... *160-7% par 100 71-686 I L Olark 016 Boston________184 Farmers State Bank...*t|’12 A. F. Nelson_____ *112-«H% 71-1006 7 Wayne J22 Boswell..............817 Farmers ft’03 Geo. W. Day, *130-6% par 100 71-621 7 Benton F6 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. First National Bank____ J’87 0. F. Lawson,-— *250-12% par 100 71-620 Bourbon_____1193 First State Bank___ d®*§’02 M. M. Beck______ 7 Marshall 015 6% par 100 71-585 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WE! 25,000 Fletcher-Am, N„ Fletcher Tr. Co., and Peo. State, Indpls. 85,190 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co..Chi.; Ind. N.. Indpls. 536,490 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr„ Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 656,070 1st N.. N. Y., Chi. and Cin.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 150,000 196,640 1,691,220 857.260 1,181,300 295,320 882,000 120,000 232,020 2,868,120 278,650 1,578,360 1,075,250 189,110 106,000 82.039 1,259,430 9,700 885,520 278.090 86,450 201,990 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. IU. Bk. 100,000 56,500 555,000 100,000 225,000 440,000 20,000 125,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi.; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne. 100,000 61,220 617,180 100,230 184,450 441,420 54,880 197,890 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. JOHN KOHLMEIER 112,500 43,780 1,085,280 137,160 751,450 224,990 194.150 208,130 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Citiz. N.. Evansville; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 8,560 494,010 478,070 23,890 172,420 Old N., Evansville. 32,550 209,850 1,300 31,190 100,000 30,000 8,500 30,480 Lin. Bk. &Tr. Co., Lon.; 2d N.. New Alb.; Clark Co. State. Jeffersonville. 30,000 Fifth Third Un. Tr, Co.. Cin.; Dickinson Tr. Co,. Rich., Ind. 66,710 Cont. Ill.Bk. &Tr. Co..Chi.: lst-Merch. N„ La Fayette: Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 108,910 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.: lst-Merch. N„ La Fayette. 105,990 Harriman N. Bk. & Tr. Co.,N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Old-lst N, Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne: Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. OUNTY. ule of Indiana Ba nkers’ Ass’n, Coll ec tlons and Bequ ests for Credit Eeparts panled by FEE I N ADVANCE) SI gbt Drafts. 15c, Credit Enqulrl M.U«. L. L. Kindermann. J. D. Barker, See.. J. W. Hendrickson, 60,000 81,400 1,018,430 Tr. Geo. M. Johnson.. O. W. Scott.... . B. M. Nauele. 25,000 10,200 205,080 W. F. Parks______ T. A. Dougherty... 25,000 3,500 H. E. Simpkins___ W. E. Palmer_____ Grace Shuster____ 40,000 13,750 234,310 8,110 192,270 100 37,080 C. R. Bright______ James S. Bradley.. James N. Dewey.. 25,000 46,030 322,390 6,390 231,270 41,550 18,080 100,000 21,770 456,470 397,860 27,790 46,610 E. E. Myers______ H. E. Hilles, Cash, and Sec. 88,800 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; FletcherAm. N. and Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls,; Am. N„ Vincennes. 26,450 Chase. N„ N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Chi.; Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls. 80,000 Irv.Tr.Co.. N.Y.: Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Collections and *BIutfton____5074 First National Bk.ln Bluffton H. M. Ullman.......... H. O. Fair________ R. N. Fitzpatrick.. H. E. Thomas. *160 par 100 71-1256 dB®T»t'29 O. M. Niezer, Ch. 7 Wells El9 W. A. Patton Old National Bk.. dB®T«+’29 Henry *38 par 20 71-1257 40,300 1st N.. Chi. and Vincennes. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI 140,000 Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks 40 7 Number under Name of Bank is the new Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town amd County. ^County Seats. Pig. isF.R.Dist. L is Louisville Br. eMem.A.B.A. nNew §StatefPriT. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Eetab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sa».$LastSale%Div .Brasil______ 8744 BRAZIL TRUST W E. CARPENTER, 1M.RAWLET CO. & SAV. BANK 7 Olay Kl Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIAN A—Continued PSESIDKNT. VICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus and Capital PROPITB DEPOS IT* Other Liabili ties Bebouxgbb. Loan Bondi Miscel aad and Diaoouati ■oanritiaa laneous 71-121 dB®T*ti'M Sec. •end year Brasil items and coileetleas direct te ns. We give personal service and prompt attention. The Largest and Strangest Financial Institution in Clay Couaty. S 100.000 { 122,140 31132130 3 347,330 3 403,630 3 392,060 3 572.740 3 243,160 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. C«., Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N., Ind pis.; Mel lon N., Pitt. 0. E. Harris______ 100,000 69,130 737.960 100,000 212,280 459,810 Riddell National Bank J. H. Riddell------ T. M. Riddell_____ H. H. Hedge.. C, F. Riddell $150-10% 71-222 d|®Tf85 par 100 Mary C. Jones........ 50,000 33,230 937,110 1,289,490 376,410 669,050 1,101,210 j'E. S. LAUDEHAN .. WILLIAM SCHLOSSER CLAUSE E. WEISS— D. E. AIM- - - - - - - - „ Prompt and Rffl dent OaHeetloa S ervtee. 30,000 10,380 321,240 268.540 43,570 4,800 52.220 Cont. Ill. Bk. k Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher, Am. N., Indpls. Wm. A. Engel____ Wm. E. Walter.... H. Marvin Seiler.. H. G. Carbiener__ First Union State Bank $225-10% 71-489 d®T*t§’91 Edw.H. Heckaman, 50,000 17,540 481,950 308,260 58,020 90,380 92,830 Cont. Ill. Bk. k Tr. Co.. Chi.; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 11,280 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Blddell N., Brazil. 16,820 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. k Tr. Co., Chi. 27.220 Chase N.. N.Y.; lstN., Chi. BREMEN STATE BANK 93,650 par 100 (Formerly Union State Bank) 10,000 2,100 54,810 32,000 21,340 2,300 30,000 15,220 164.600 7,750 61,960 130,340 8,440 C. E. Jndson--------- R. A. Carmien____ H. Kirkdorffsr.... 25,000 8,850 112,070 7,770 109.350 600 16,520 Howard Myers— Reinhart Bossung. H. C. Lawrence___ Florence Lyons__ 25,000 3,710 66,020 51,830 16,520 250 (Closed December 19 ,1930) John J. Nagle------ W. T. Wagner____ W. A. Grissmer... 35,000 14,570 203.600 163.540 14,380 24,860 L. A. Waugh-------- E. P. Brackney.__ M. O. Kent_______ 25,000 6,850 3.000 A. O. Benson, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Freeman Seller... Hugh W. Knoll___ Maude Irwin__ J. S. Leatherman. H. F. Rine_______ C. W. Hilbish___ H. H. Mosier____ 26,130 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi,; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 50,390 1st N., Chi.; Oily Tr. Co.. La Fayette. 36,930 1.010 224,940 50,000 106,390 518,820 50,000 367.350 191,500 23,480 100,000 107,560 485,210 100,000 454,500 211,310 20,050 106,900 Chase N..N. Y.; 5th 3d Un.Tr. Co. and Central Tr. Co., Gin.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Peoples Trust Company H. Frank McClure. Charles Samoniel.. Will M. Baker, Sec. Ernest W. Manley, 75,000 A, Sec. 71-1079 d®T*«'15 Elizabeth Meyer, A, Sec. Brownebarg State Bk.dR®*3f O. N. Gray---------- W. F. Evans_____ W. F. Evans______ 25,000 $150-8% par 100 71-609 1900 C. L. Hunt________ Hunter Bank........ ........... •8t'07 . T. Hunter-------10,000 20% 71-608 Brownstown Ln. & Tr. Co. Wm. Richards____ Edward Nierman.. C. Max Cribb, Sec.. Kathryn Horstman 40,000 $i45-fi%parioo 71-532dB®Tt§’19 A. Sec. A. E. Schneider__ E. N. Kestner____ J. F. Kamman____ Citizens State Bank. dBt§’27 T. P. Heller, 25,000 $140-8% 71-745(Ewing P.O.) Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 First National Bk..dB®Tt'08 C. H. Cox................. J. W, Beickman... H. W. Wacker____ Lillie Mercer. 50,000 $140-8% par 100 71-533 G. E. Pitts_______ Brown’s Valley Bank ._tt’05 Tude Canine--------12,500 $100- 5% par 100 71-690 25,000 Brownsville State Bank dt§’18 L. J. Cully----------- D. M. Clevenger... Ernest T. Maze ... $110-6% par 100 71-1132 56,030 315.770 29,630 306,790 32,990 69,570 67,090 N. City, N. Y.; Ind. N.. Indpls.: Ottis. N. Bk. k Tr. Co.. Cin. 22,260 301.930 1.430 201,930 27.500 12.880 13,000 330.000 108,310 Cent. Rep.. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; [nd.N.and Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 83,000 Iry. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Ind. N.. Indpis. 63,430 Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin, 32,490 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Ind. N.. Indpls.; Citiz. Un. N., Lou. f,»m par 100 71-488 W.H.SENOUR— FRANK GEIS, JR_ _ CARL C. HOFER_ _ _ DWIMO 1 Prompt and Effl clent Collection Service, 1 Special Attenti on given Bill of L adlng Drafts, „Please send 60 c ents for Credit B eports. d®T*t'66 M.P. GOODWIN, F. A. WRIGHT- - - - - - - GEO. E. DENNETT— WEI Ch. of Bd.andPres. . W. SHIRK IMA G. STOCK Ity. Prompt Pr s errlee, reasonable rates, Collections a sp eclalfyV .We remit on da y of payment. Se nd us your “Broo kville” Items. 270,000 34,390 463,410 16,970 313,540 130,720 47,080 10,910 194.930 1,810 131,510 62,000 6,630 19,120 364,960 50,000 303,070 83,450 6,420 70,190 1st N., Oin. and Lon.; Ind. N., Indpls. 4,230 67,750 120 56,430 5.600 59,740 58,790 8,400 22,580 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Elston Bk. & Tr. Co.. Crawfordsville. 12,080 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co. .Oln. 6,570 107,340 100 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 84,660 Cont. Ill. Bk. k Tr. Co., Ohi.; N. Fowler, La Fayette. 142,890 Cent. Han. Bk. k Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. NAT’L NAT'L BR00KVILLE BANK $200-12% par 100 Browns Valley.161 7 Montg. I 9 Brownsville ...295 7 Union J22 Ch. of Bd. 256,510 $800 .Brownstown 1758 I L Jackson N14 7,500 163,150 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 71-490 -------- dB®Tt*17 | Special Attenti on given BUI of Lading Drafts, s.Pleast tend 15c w ifA aacA tight draft f or presentation and 2Sc far Credit Reper 1. $125-6% Bridgeton____410 Brideeton Bank..........®tt'20 $100 par 100 71-1174 7 Parke J8 Bristol_______ 699 Bristol 8tate Bank—®Til'90 7 Elkhart Ale $170-8% par 100 71-687 Citizens State Bit...d®TCI'20 $l25par 125 71-1192 Bread Ripple 1562 (See Indianapolis) 114 Brook________ 815 ^Community State Bank 71-1269 ®§’31 7 Newton E6 State Bank of Brook_________ Breakston____844 Bank of Brookston Inc. 71-604 ®tS' 93 J White F9 >t Farmers State Bank —5'05 10% 71-605 Brownsburg.,1042 7 Hendricks 112 241,350 Cont.Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.-, Fletcher Am N. and Ind. Nm Indpls.; McKeea N. Terre Haute. W. J. Snyder------- E. F. Nolte___ J. F. Brown___ Citisens National Bank $140-8% 71-228 ®Tt'07 (Closed March 9, 19 31) (Purchased by Ridd ell National Bank. April 25, 1931) Davis Trust Co------First National Bank. . Brook vl lie ...2148 7 Franklin E22 POMP] H. D. FALLS....... - B. P. CARPENTER- WM. SIEGELIN— M. L. RING0 .... $160-8% par 100 Bremen_____ 2105 7 Marshall CM PmnaiPAL Oo Resources Over $90,000,000.00 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ZOO to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' TOtJ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. R. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Dcpts :T-Trust B-Bond L isLouisviile Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Brucevllle ___ 1050 Bruceville State Bank__ tS’15 J. O. Ashby 8 Knox N6 $120-6% 71-1071 . Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volnme. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. C. H. Barr_______ N. P. Barr Ass’t Cashier. . . Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos- Other Capital Profits TIES Discount! Securities MiscelLANLOUS fkom S $ 113,000 $ 25,000 $ 7,400 $ 108,150 Buck Creek.__271 Buck Creek Bank ___ ®tt’19 G. E. Buzick______ J. C. Eckhart_____ N. P. Gates 7 Tippecanoe Gil $125-10% par 100 71-1140 10,000 4,500 Bunker Hill___ 528 Bunker Hill Bank ...d©tt’28 C. E. Betzner_____ Max F. Mftrtz R. M. Kaiser 7 Miami F14 par 100 71-1253 Bert Bowers, Ch. D. H. Harter {Formerly Bunker Hill State Bank) Burket _ 425 Bank of Seward____ d®tt'll E. E. Gaskill. _ James A. Fawley.. G. M. Doran 7 Kosciusko D15 $125-6% par 130 71-978 10 000 Mabel E. Doran... 85,000 $ 15,200 81.400 Principal Correspondents. Resources. Loan! 93,500 4,090 S 10,200 Banks 23,460 1st N. and Am. N„ Vincennes. 11,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Far. & Tr. State, LaFayette. 3,500 Wabash Valley Trust Co., Peru. 68,960 $ 15,450 3,500 91.530 24,860 8,570 18,420 Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co. Ft. Wayne. 4,100 39,900 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kokomo; Far., Frankfort. 10.000 2,300 123,300 25,000 13,000 160,000 154,000 30.000 15,000 225,000 195,000 4,500 40,500 L.C. HARDING C H PHELPS 0. S. FISHER nklng and Exeha nge business. eclalty and remit ted on day of pay ment. 60,000 17,500 772,500 494,800 199,000 19,300 136,900 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Lin. N.Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne; Ohio Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Tol. ButlervIUe ___ 450 Butlerville State Bank-»}{’28 .1. .T. Button 7 Jennings M18 $150-6% par 100 71-695 J. E. Murphy.____ Opal Grinstead.__ 25,000 18.150 123,620 7,250 146,270 8,880 8,450 10.430 5th 3rd Dn. Tr. Co.,Cin.;Merch.N., Indpls. Cambridge City First National Bk. & Tr. Co. C. S. Kitterman... 2113 par 100 71-451 dB®T*f'63 7 Wayne J21 rABIRAM BOYD -__ .. .. WAYNE TRUST COMPANY < Largest Bank— 71-453 T»t 183 ) Special attentlo LPlease send 15c wi Paul Ferris ... I. J. L. Harmeler.. M. B. Kitterman... 50.000 13,500 300,000 50,000 256,000 85,000 32,500 50,000 31,920 357,260 180,680 164,580 24,430 40,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls.; 1st N., Cin. 69,490 N.. Indpls.; Cent. Tr. Co., Cin. 25,000 7,330 199,480 25,000 8,000 210,000 Wm. G. Minor____ J. M. Hirsch ____ Stanley Hayden.__ 50,000 15,560 368,670 Norman Hafele___ 25.000 33,310 341,870 10.000 1,000 90,000 Carlisle _ 852 PeoplesStateBank_B®T»tJ'92 L. J. Kixmiller___ 8 Sullivan M6 $200-8% par 100 71-614 50,000 36,600 417,000 Carlos 175 Farmers Banking Company A. T. Ooggeshall__ A. C. Engle_______ J. Blair Mills 7 Randolph 120 $225 par 100 71-1084 dtt'15 10,000 7,720 82,180 Carmel . 682 Citizens State Bank n. W. Nutt 7 Hamilton 115 71-698 d®Tt5’07 30,000 7,720 189,010 139,980 100,000 44,000 231,000 25,000 22,330 271,440 25,000 Chas. K. Doerfleln. Frank K. 8ehuck.. Alfred Moore_____ Marie J. Kline____ Geo. Bohannon,Ch. Richard Kerr O. O. Rentschler.. H. C. Koehler — Wm. O. Greeter__ J, H. Randolph-__ 25.000 8,050 113,790 25,000 10,270 John F. Dynes___ M. A. Stevens____ J. L. Bryan.__ ___ 35.000 6,500 Burlington.__817 Burlington State Bank.»}§’14 H. L. Huddleston.. W. 7 Carroll G13 $100-6% porlOO 71-693 Burnettsvllle.,402 State Bank of Burnettsville J. C. Duffey_______ 7 White Ell $200-S%parioo 71-694 d®Tt5’02 Butler............. 1643 First National Bank________ (Consolidated with 7 DeKalb B22 •• •• THEKNISELY BROS.& COM rO.T. KNISELY— PANY.... 71-495 d®T»t*’82 ) Do a general Ba $170-8% par 100 (.Collections a sp Camden 53K 7 Carroll F12 Campbellsburg558 8 L Wash. 014 V. Polk............ Nellie Everman... E. B. Thomas____ George Duffey .... W. Duffey First National Bank. d®«t'00 Chas. F. Gerber, $240-10% par 100 71-481 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. R. A. HICKS.............. R. A. HICKS. Tr------- R. H. RESSLER. Sec. Commercial Bust ness Invited, n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 5c for Credit Report S, J. L. Baker_______ Carbon ........ 476 Carbon Bank.......... __®tt’04 $100 par 100 71-897 7 Clay K8 Kenneth Marshall- Chester F. Bailey. Carthage 931 State Bank of Carthage E. N. Hill................ Howard E. Healey 8% par 100 71-699 d®t§'76 7 Rush J17 F. W. Parish Cates ?nn (Closed October 20, 1 930) 7 Fountain 17 Cayuga.... .........968 First National Bank ..d®t’08 E. W. Grubbs, Ch. E. W. Grubbs_____ M. P. Hoover_____ J. D. Todd_______ 8% par 100 71-701 M. P. Hoover Cedar Grove 221 7 Franklin L22 Centerpoint 372 7 Clay K9 Centerville ___ 993 7 Wayne J22 Cedar Grove National Bank 3% par 100 71-1143 ®t’19 First National Bank__ ®t’08 $150-6% par 100 71-7 0 2 Centerville State Bank $100-4% 71-1015 B®«t8'12 par 100 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., (CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30,000 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Knisely Brothers & Co. Jan. 1, 1931) Camden State Bank_d®t§’70 C. M. Kennedy.__ 6% par 100 71-654 State Bank of Oampbellsburg Geo. O. Hedrick par 100 71-696 ®»tl'16 ‘Cannelton.. 2265 Cannelton National Bank Henry Heck.. ©»t’95 8 L Perry Rll $210-12% 71-480 7.770 10,300 28,060 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co..Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 40,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.: Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Citiz. Un. N. Bk., Lou. 172,210 18,200 23,640 170,000 25,000 8,000 35,000 293,380 117,830 14,800 43,230 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz. Un. N.. Lou. 9,430 206,840 127,120 11,140 64,510 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Lou.; Citiz. N. and N. City., Evansville. 9,690 54,000 18,000 438,000 800 1,250 64,350 30,000 Riddell N„ Citiz. N. and Brazil Tr. Co., Brazil. 40,500 43,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Am. N., Vincennes. 17,930 17,820 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 7,160 19,500 60,180 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 266,000 27,000 22,000 60,000 Chase N., N.Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co.i Cin.; Fletcher Am.N., Indpls. 227,320 26,950 16,330 73,170 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 14,780 102,740 34,980 2,200 21,710 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 145,030 25,000 100,910 75,450 9,520 19,420 Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls.;Riddell N.,Brazil. 164,450 16,780 145,540 19,590 31,010 26,790 2d N.. Rich.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. FRESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY willingness COURTESY ■don “b-' Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and coonty, ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. R. Dist. L ia Louisville Br. •Mem.A.BA."New SStatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%DIv. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIAN A—Continued Resources. Liabilities. Vice-President. President. Chalmers____ .510 Citizens State Bank.... t§’26 1100-10% par 100 71-658 7 White F9 Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. $ J. J. Nagle.. Charlestown ..859 Bank of Charlestown d»tl’91 8 L Clark P16 6% par 100 71-610 First National Bank—d*t’08 John E. Long . 1122 par 100 71-611 Charlottesville 475 J. N. Addison-----71-1040 7 Hancock J18 Chesterton...2231 Chesterton State Bank»t§’90 Charles L. Jeffrey 71-704 7 Porter B9 Cbrlsney_____414 Chrisney State Rink ..dtl’27 J. F. Bergman........ 5% par 100 71-705 8 Spencer Q 9 (Merged with Chris Churubiusco. .1095 Churubusco State Bank F. M. Sonday.......... 71-1248 d®t§’28 J. H. Briggs, V. P. 7 Whitley C19 par 100 25.000 $ 37.500 18,290 330,360 25.000 11,990 239,440 $ Fra nkMcLarmon . Clarence Haskett— Mary McLarmon— 15.000 J. H. Ameling____ E. L. Morgan_____ J. O. Johnson-----J. C. Read J. C. Fella_______ 50.000 8,590 25,000 150,750 10,520 1,037,310 91,200 $ S 7,430 $ 110,200 E. B. Long.___ .. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Loan Bonds MUCllr Oamm ft lxOther Paid-up SURFLUB Dsfos- Liabili and and <axnM,Dn AND Capital Profits Disoounts Saeuritiss mncouB VMI IaWI ITS ties 27,140 12,250 $ 17,660 S 21,510 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st Merch. N.. La Fayette. 322,870 30,500 2,020 30,790 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. Un. N., Lou. 124,490 122,760 9,300 44,880 Cent. Han. Bk.& Tr. Co..N.Y.; Citiz.Un.N., Lou. 104,000 12.500 740.750 207,070 129,930 153,180 26,520 Fletcher-Am.N..Indpls. 11,340 165,820 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 56,520 Citiz. N., Northside and West Side., Evansville. 25,000 7,820 327,610 25.000 7,000 208,000 25,000 195,000 34,700 20,800 14,500 Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. Newton Wiles.... R. A.Carson E. K. Cornthwaite, J. K. Bert. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Maurice Banister.. C.V. Spencer------- W. J. Kincaid____ 30.000 12,810 228,180 30.000 162,290 76,300 14,000 48,400 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 25.000 35,000 140,000 12,000 160,000 7,000 W, T, Fill's J. D. Shriver. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. H. L. Fickle............ Turner Thompson . 25.000 5,450 173,550 3,650 167,640 8,550 11,980 19,480 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Far. & Tra., LaFayette. Emery E. Moody.. Ray L. Barns. __ 50.000 17,500 313.590 469,330 183,010 88,240 486,820 John Weber______ H. E. Sutton_____ Mae K. Brinton.... 25,000 13,530 180,310 25,270 54,110 121,980 6,900 92,350 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Terre Haute N., Terre Haute; Brazil Tr. Co.. Brazil. 61,120 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls.; Terre Haute Tr. Co.. Terre Haute. Emery Metzger .— Fostor Cauffman— L. W. Caldwell.... Neva B. Decker----Peoples Bank of Claypool F. C. Tucker. Sec. 7 Kosciusko D16 *105 par 100 71-1255 B®t§’29 25,000 4,500 100,000 80,000 29,500 25,000 15,750 193,770 450 30.000 82,710 1.689,890 32,960 Citizens National Bank *120-8% par 100 71-1080 d®t’15 Clarksburg State Bank *240- 8% 71-708 d®T»t§'04 par 100 Clarks Hill____428 Farmers State Bk. _d®t§'13 71-974 7 Tip’canoe H10 *120-6% par 100 Farmers k Merch. Bank 71-567 ®TiS’W5 7 Clay L7 First National Bank B®T#t’0U *130-6% 71-568 par 100 Cicero________933 7 Hamilton H14 Clarksburg___ 475 7 Decatur K19 J. K. Conley. Clayton_____ 561 Clayton Bank & Trust Co. Chas. B. Worrell, 7 Hendricks J12 *i40-7%par too 71-711 d®T*tS’28 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. (Purchased by First Clinton........... 793C 7 Vermillion J6 U.G. Wright------FIRST NATIONAL BANK *400-12% 71-303 dB®T»t’02 par 100 Ninth Street State Bank *120 8%parl00 71-305 dB®»t5’19 ney State Bank on S eptember 16, 1930) W. W.Shew______ F. C. Ruch______ A. B. Richards____ R. E. Roth O. M. West_______ A. L. Mitchell, M. V. Robb_______ K. V. Brownell 186,100 10,050 494,260 1.113,780 23,910 L. E. Marvel •6,000 Valentine Antonini 8,060 86,190 111,330 13,000 106,760 92,100 7,810 160,530 94,850 12,030 241,980 7,080 10,880 220,710 6,860 232,190 6,250 25,000 G. B. Rockwell— D. W. Smythe.— Mellie B. Linley .. First National Bank_®T»t’13 *250-6% 71-712 of CUy City, In d.)_____ (Branch Farmers & Merchants Bank 71-1178 ©TtS’20 28,750 235,910 25,000 25,000 First National Bank—®»t’06 W. T. Beck______ W. H. Shields-------- O. D. Knight_____ Hertha M. Harris.. *200-10% parlOO 71-713 261,100 50,000 H. R. Woodburn... L. R. Clark kColumbla City Citizens State Bank *120 par 100 71-1263 dB®Tt§’29 7 20.000 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; City N., Goshen. 38,820 Ind. N., Indpls. Sec. and Tr. National Bank Febr uary 17, 1931) Cloverdale........ 62/ 7 Putnam K 11 Coal City.......... 32E 7 Owen L 9 Coatesvllle ___ 437 Hendricks J 11 Colfax................69( 7 Clinton H11 College Corner... OfiftC 45,000 Fletcher- Am. N., Indpls.; Fifth-Third-Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 71-714 203,610 Gty. Tr. Co.,N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. &Tr.Oo. and 1st N., Chi.: Terre Haute Tr. Co., Terre Haute; Fletcher Am. N.t Indpls. 48,240 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls.; Ist-McKeen N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Terre Haute. 63,640 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Oo., Chi.: Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; 1st N.. Greencastle. Brazil Tr. Co.. Brazil. 47,240 Cont. Ill. Bk. k Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher-Am. N.. Indpls. 51,150 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohl.; Ind. N.. Indpls.; 1st N.,Frankfort. (See College Corner, Ohio) Whitley D 17 COLUMBIA STATE BAJK._ |liJU“/7o par 100 /I 1££U Uyi^l^ 60 FARMERS LOAN ft TR. CO. *235-11% par 260 71-407 dB®T»tl’07 F. M. Northam___ Forrest M. Orr___ 50,000 R R FERREY _ _ _ _ S: b! brSmbaugh 100,000 rW. H. CARTER------ W. W. WILLIAMSON— U 4 RFFSflN B.P. LINVILL 0. V. SCHUMAN.___ J. E. GATES R S R1TFS C W. SLAGLE. . . . . . . . - 37,000 Sep. 14, Jan. 1, May 7, Oct., May 5, Dec. 3, May 7, v COLUMBIA Cl TY’S NEW, PRO GRESSIVE BAN K invites your | business. Pers onal Attention gl ven Collections a nd all banking matters entru sted to our care. rJOHNM.MOWREY- 10.000 50,000 219,190 29,680 157,930 80,050 19,910 50,970 1st N., Chi.; 1st & Tri State N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne; Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls. 900.000 70.000 826,500 43.000 69,800 167,700 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls.; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft.Wayne. 118,100 188,550 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northern Tr. Co.. Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne; Union Tr. Co., Indpls. 1133, R esource <• 1924; f« 1925, 1926, 1930, 1930, 1931, 87,050 1,240,190 if if if if 100,080 $ 342.158 397,900 f ’> 622,380 734.000 1,186,000 1,145,000 1,107,000 889,470 STRONG AND PROGRESSIVE. jONLY “HONO R ROLL” BANK. (Prompt attentl on given all busl ness. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 281,200 Over Sixty Years of Service 4.QD Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 eacfl bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. oMem.A.B.A.n-New § State TPriv. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. Is F. R. Dlst. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. .Columbus.. .9935 7 Bartholomew L15 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $176-8% par 100 71_«8 Vice-President. Cashier, ASB'T CASHIER. 71-234 dB©T«t§’28 Liabilities. Resources. Luii OTHam Bo.d. Miscel Ojlmu ft XxPaid-up Surplus D epos and and oaATCM,Dn and LiabiliCapital Profits its Diaoooata SMaritiM laneous noi Baku TIBS ELIZABETH LUCAS- GEO. H. LUCAS------- C.F.DEHMEN_ _ _ _ W. 6. WISSMAN---- $ 100,000 $ FRANK METZLER ESTABLISHED 1865 SPECIAL Oldest bank in Bartholomew County. 73,330 SI 061 940 3 49,700 * 743,670 S 147,800 $ 157,500 t 235,990 N. City, N. T.j 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. WM. 6. IRWIN----- W. E. PARKER_ _ _ _ C. M. SETSER_ _ _ _ M. LIENBERGER...... J. W. SUVERKRUP W. H. SCOn, Sec. A. W. COX 400.000 108,730 3,061,900 2,153,460 366,590 Cont. IU. Bk. & Tr. Co., 121,900 028,700 1st N., N. HUGH T. MILLER SCOTT SETSER Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls.; Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Lib. Bk. & Tr. Co., F. P. BROCKMAN GEO. VORWALD Lou. Largest Trust Company in Southern Indiana. Collections personally and promptly presented A Commercial Bank—Acts in All Trust Capacities. and remitted for on day of payment. Commlskey ...172 Citizens Bank----------- ®tt'15 T. J. Staples, Grant Stewart____ Caroline Wells___ C. F. Lurton, Sec... 71-1098 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. 7 Jennings N18 $120-8% par 150 »ConnersvlIlel2795 IT. 0. Bryson ___ M. E. LeffingwellG. J. Eshelman.__ 7 Fayette J 21 Gladys Riddle CENTRAL STATE BANK - - - - - - CHAS. CASSEL......... FAYETTE BANK & EARECRAWFORU- J..A-.BRAUN—CHAS. CASSEL ALTON G. TRUST GO. 10.000 5,720 40,190 100.000 60,000 655,330 930 21,190 26.600 1.430 7,620 Fifth-Third Un.Tr.Oo., Ola.; 1st N„ North Vernon. 511,950 63,140 49,820 190.420 Irv. Tr. Co., N. T.; Cent. Ill. Bk.&Tr.Co., Ohl.: 5th-3d Un. Tr. Co. and 2nd N., {a MODERN, PR 6% par 100 71-271 dB©T«t5 07 100 ♦71-270 d@T*tS’02 Cta.: Fletcher-Am. N.. Indpls. OGRESSIVE BAN K that Is hnstlln g for new bnslnes s. fWe solicit YOU RS with a GUAR ANTY of SATIS FACTORY SERV ICE. \SEND YOUR C OLLECTIONS DI RECT TO US. B- L Drafts n Specla lty. HfcfcMSnTc— G. G. HULL Ln. 4% par Principal Correspondents. ATTENTION GIVEN BILL OF LADING DRAFTS, CASH AND TIME ITEMS. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. dB©T**’65 IRWIN-UNION TRUST GO. $200-8% par 100 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- INDIANA—Continued tIuISLER, Mgr. Ins. Dept. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN BANK AND Ml 5RC ANT ILE COLLECTIONS. 250,000 96,280 1,514,550 443,760 1,147,020 312,670 623,470 COM PLETE BANKI NG AN D TRU ST SER VICE. MEMB ER FED ERALR ESERV E SYST EM. 221.440 N. City, N. T.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 5tb-3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Please send 15c presentation fee with Plain Sight Drafts, 25c for Credit Ratings. First National Bank________ (Closed December, 19 30) Converse_____ 931 Farmers State Bank B. Bowers_______ $110 par 100 71-715 d®Tt$'07 Edw. Powell, Ch. 7 Miami F16 Hardy F. Dice___ Jon. Rich J. T. Young First National Bank.d®t'20 B. F. Agness______ C. B. Lawson.. $120-4% par 100 71-1157 Cory................... 304 7 Clay L7 Citizens Bank_______ ©tt’13 6% par 100 71-1024 .Corydon___ 2009 Corydon State Bank 71-1208 d®Tt§’22 8 L Harrison Q14 $150-8% par 100 Old Capital Bank & Trust Co. $125-8% 71-1209 dB©Tt§’22 par 125 Corydon Junction Jackson Township Bank tl"20 ( NmSalisburyP.O.) 71-1165 8 L Harrison P14 Fountain Trust Co. -d®Tt5’03 *Cov!ngton___2008 7 Fountain H6 6% par 100 71-486 _.. O. M. Whitmire... par 100 71-485 150,000 16,000 27,000 17,000 Wabash Valley Tr. Co., Peru. 184,790 100,680 41,250 59,960 tent. Rap. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., 80,000 15,000 H. R. Neei----------- E. W. Morgan____ A. W. Thomas- 10,000 W. J. Bulleit .. 75,000 24,490 659,890 21,170 508,680 85,420 90,900 95,550 Stiz. Un. N., Lou.; 2nd N., New Alb. W. H. P. Wiseman. Frank Self_______ A. B. Richert_____ Laura W. Frederick. C. W. Dome, Sec. 75,000 29,000 648,370 16,100 591,260 23,050 76,490 77,660 C. J. Heuser______ C. C. Damon______ E. L. Quebbeman.. O. M. Martin . . 15,000 3,560 87,150 120 78.330 6,530 20,980 J. M. Wilkey........... L. M. Dunlap 25,000 21,370 224,610 41,770 145,520 63,930 47,290 56,010 50,000 21,680 305,040 3,640 263,720 20,110 27,810 68,720 G. C. Simler____ R. E. Miller .. . W.E. Biisland, Sec. H. L. Wilkey 317,280 20.000 Marion. 100,000 22,000 Ittte. N„ Brasffl. 25,000 7,900 106,810 Crandall_____ 132 Harrison County Bank George Woertz— Guy D. Baker_____ W. H. Fisher 71-1172 dB®t’20 8 L Harrison P15 $110-5% par 100 10,000 2,500 110,000 Naomi Crosby OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Bk. & Tr. Oo.. New Alb.; Lin. Bk. & Tr. Co., Lou.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. lib. Ohl.; Ind. N., Indpls. < Special attentlo n given collectlo ns. 15c must be sent with each Sight d®«{’26 j Draft for presen tation which Is cr edited on exeban ge charges if colle ctlon is made. (.Send 25e for ea ch Report. Cralgvllle____ 218 Farmers State BankdB®t§’17 David Klopfenstine Wm. Gerber______ Gideon Gerber___ Della M. Grover __ $120-7% 71-1100 7 Wells E20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 115,000 9,390 {Inc. Res.) 7,000 40,000 fM. MAYER. SMITH MYERS— LEE PHILP0TT—- WARREN E.MYERS \ Ch.of Bd.andPr es. $140-14% 25.000 12,240 125,790 103,500 7,500 11,780 1,000 5,500 6,880 Old N., Bluffton. 12,500 Citiz. Union N., Lou. THE FIFTH THIRD UHION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI 491 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *Connty Seats. Fig. is F. R. Dist. L is Louisville Br. ‘Crawfordsvllle 7 10.355 Montgomery 110 •• Liabilities. Resources. Loans ther Bonda Miscel Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and and and its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties $ 786.720 $ 97,960 $ 100,000 S 102,600 $ 488,680 $ 321,770 $ 93,260 L. F. Hornaday___ V. W. Livengood — W. G. McDaniel— W. K. Martin_____ CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 1225-10% 71-215 d©Tt’81 par 100 100.000 46,810 1,230,890 262,110 W F. Hnlflt 80,080 263,280 1,150,240 Chase Harding___ W. S. Coppage. See. Hattie L. Pursel, Crawfordsville Trust Co. A. Sec. (No Ban king) Wm. T. Gott 1200-10% 71-216 dB®TtS’99 par 100 200.000 122,040 1,860,490 935,420 1,507,960 896,930 391,320 E. B. KELLY. A. Sec. J. C. SNYDER............ T. H. RISTINE_____ W. L. STUMP, Sec. and Tr. A. R. GROVES. 0 I.C. ELSTON, JR., Ch. R. M. McMAKEN A Sec. C. H. KING R. 0. MINNICH. A. Sec •Mem.A.B.A.«New § State tPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%DIv. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond President. 71-213 d®T*t§’53 S. Tannenbaum.__ FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1300 par 100 71-214 dB®T»t'64 Cromwell State Bank (The) Cromwell_____ 371 1150-6% 71-717 dB®Tt§’04 7 Noble C17 „ .. (Closed March 5, 19 Cross Plains...214 Cross Plains State Bank.t§'06 H. H. Buchanan__ 1175-6% par 100 71-718 7 Ripley M19 Crothersvllle ..979 Union State Bank-----®t§’23 1 L Jackson N15 1140-6% par 100 71-1226 J. B. Peterson.__ ‘Crown Point.4046 COMMERCIAL BANK par 100 71-433 d®T*t§ 95 7 Lake C6 fNEIL BROWN_____ ) OLDEST AND FIRST NATIONAL BANK „ — 71-432 ®»t’74 \ According to R 1 Collections and (.FEE in advan J. J. Steeb .. ___ The Peoples State Bank 1275 par 100 71-434 ®t§’04 State Exchange Bank®»t§’05 S. C. Shilling_____ 71-720 7 Marshall D12 1125-15% 8 Dale 77n | Spencer Q9 Dalevllle______700 7 Delaware H18 7 Vermillion aJ6 ‘Danville____ 1930 7(( Hendricks J12 " 693,950 562,550 14,020 25,000 9,000 300,000 169,000 125,000 4,800 25,000 20,550 232,830 206,800 43,060 8,210 31,250 3,130 133,910 134,810 6,390 13,930 F. A. Barr_______ 60,000 49,800 524,900 84,400 324,910 1,640 143,510 ALBERT MAACK........ ALBERT MAACK........ J. H. LEHMAN........ ... 50,000 60,390 1,145,490 50,000 782,770 323,040 29,340 Chase Harding------ W. A. Collings........ D. A. Groves____ H. E. Griffith Effie Waltman____ 31) Wm. Gardeman... M. P. Hawkinson.. P. F. Hein. 100,000 189,040 1,244,270 100,000 47,510 875,610 72,000 834,060 65,450 81,580 60,000 62,550 855,200 227,090 971,020 34,080 69,780 W. C. Ambrose .... E. O. Huntington.. George Wiese____ Cumberland Bank d®T»tt’07 Chas. L. Emery, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. (Closed January 14, 1931) 15,000 27,520 148,290 15,000 163,340 11,060 8,790 Cynthiana State Bank..»t5’05 J. S. McReynolds— 1150-8% 71-722 par 100 Dale State Bank—dB®Tt5’04 Jacob Weller_____ 1190-8% par 100 71-723 Commercial Bank------Ttt’02 J. M. Hancock........ 1215-16% par 110 71-724 First National Bank—®Tt'01 S. F. Rr-ntt 71-634 State Bank of Dana________ (Closed January 17, The Danville State Bank 1125-8% par 100 71-519 ©t§’04 Danville Trust Co...®Tt5’99 H. H. Under wood. 1100-6% par 100 71-518 rM. T. HUNTER------ 30,000 8,810 202,000 187,160 8,700 11,880 25,000 6,250 405,000 257,470 88,680 12.000 20,440 91,010 40,000 60,000 475.160 40.000 14,720 295.180 25,000 4,000 100,000 Principal correspondents. Gash k Exchaiiom,Dtii from Baku $ 183,570 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.: Merch. N. and Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 53,790 321,740 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N. and Ind. N,, Indpls. 362,800 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N„ Indpls.; 1st N„ Lou. 35,200 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Am. State. Ligonier. 19,810 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co.. Cln. 13,240 Citiz. Un. N., Lou. 249,040 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 170,740 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi. 74,020 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Ind, N., Indpls. 129,950 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N„Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 22,620 Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 1200-10% par ioo 71-721 FIRST STATE “------ Ass’t Cashier. John P. Walter___ W. O. Osborn_____ Irene Bogardus.__ C. M. Adams < Special attentl FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1140 71-517 d»t’63 J Please send 15c (.Oldest and La Albert Cox--------Darlington___ 690 Far. & Merch State Bank 1150-6% parioo 71-629 dB®t*'0fi 7 Montg. H10 Bank of Dayton---------®tt'13 W, F. McBride___ 71-1034 7 Tippecanoe Gil 1250-18% ‘Decatur____5156 rf. 1 MIRIM 7 Adams E22 P.’ w'. SMITH.'"' / Ch. of Bd. 1150-6% nilll/ dB®t§’83 parlOO DAIi N (.We want an •• Cashier. LARGEST BANK. ule of Indiana Ba nkers Ass’n. Requests for Cred It Reports MUST be accompanied by CE: Plain sight dra fts, 15c; Credit Repo rte, 25c. 60,000 M. E. Kerr . __ Roy C. Fagen_____ “------ " M Vice President. ELSTON BANK & TRUST GO. 1200 par ioo Cumberland ..630 7 Marion J15 fin tier 17fi 7 Carroll G12 Cynthlana____556 Posey Q4 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIAN A—Continued L. E. Prnitt_______ C. F. Schaaf A. J. Wedeking----- Paul Heichelbech. Beatrice Hoops 4,420 2,750 25,410 348,560 34,760 17,170 207,150 20,900 7,630 172.500 5,000 154,000 13,000 200 21,450 363,070 100,000 283,500 152,440 7,960 on given BUI of Lading drafts, C ash and Time It ems. with each sight d raft for presenta tion and 25c for Credit B eports. rgest Bank. 21,000 25,000 W. M. Hampton... J. A. Peterson____ J. H. Peterion____ 397,000 109,000 317,000 117,000 32,000 86,000 1st N„ Chi.; Fletcher Am- N„ Indpls. 5,020 219,330 1,500 12,040 32,420 Cont. Ill. Bk, & Tr. Co., Chi.; City N. and Far. & Tra. State, La Fayette. F. L. Thornburgh. Bruce Nichols........ H. F. Scott______ 1931) C. L. Thompson... H, M, Tnwnll C. ' 1 ■—■■■■ ——• Z. Cook, See.... 8. Z. COOK............... AMOS HARVEY......... V. B. Taylor____ 1 W VI7IRK T. F. GRALIKER------- R. E. GLENDENING - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i 206,560 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.: Ind. N„ Indpls.; Ist-McKeen N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Terre Haute. 114,260 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fletcher Am. N. aud Merch. N„ Indpls. 39,300 1st N„ Danville. 140,160 N. City, N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N„ Cont. N„ and Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.; 1st N„ Cin. 10.000 17,500 232,770 100,000 15,780 859,210 602,810 180,560 32,710 158,900 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N„ CXtf.: Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.; Lincoln N„ Ft. Wayne. 120,000 55,190 971.680 813,490 87,700 80,990 164,760 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin. d appreciate your busine ss. R. E. Meibers____ Albert Scheumann f W OLD ADAMS COUNTY BANK .I. yt , Tvndall ljuuaxi----- T Knrlr H50-6%par ioo 71-365 dB®*t§’74 Peoples Loan & Trust Co.___ (Purefumed by Old Adams County Ban k, February 28, 1931 ) UNION FIFTH Tuinr THIRC1 iiMinu THE rirTU 32,210 Merch. N., Mnncie. 84,060 (Succeeds First National Bk.) tut 180,000 33,070 Winslow Lanier & Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. City and Old N., Evansville, 96,920 Citiz. Un. N„ Lou.; N. City, Evansville. TDIICT TRubl CO., CINCINNATI 1 IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT BANKS ^ AND BANKERS SERVICE TO OFFERS UNSURPASSED 492 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ Town and County. *County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. Decker ......... 468 Farmers & Merch. Bank 8 Knox 05 .Delphi_____ 1929 1250 par 100 71-469 7 Carroll F12 Liabilities. President. Vice-President (Closed March 10, Cashier. Ass’t cashier. $ C. B. Shaffer........ J. D. Klepinger.... E. R. Smock........... G. A. Shaffer 6% par too 71-470 dT®tl'3 Chas. A. Gay, Ch. John Hamling Nellie Haughey (Merger of Carroll County Loan <fc Trust Co., Citizens National and Adelphi State Banks) Dublin...............727 7 Wayne J20 Dubois_______ 522 8 L Dubois OIO Dugger 1383 8 Sullivan M7 Resources. Other Loans Bonds Miscel Cash * ExPaid-up Surplus and 1 Depos Liabili and oha*cm,Dui and Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous non Baku ties Principal Correspondents. 1931) A. T. Bowen_____ Joseph Been_____ Jason M. Been . UNION STATE BANK Demotte_____ 273 $135-8% 71-1113 7 Jasper D7 Denver..............472 Citizens Bank____ par 100 71-7 26 7 Miami Ell (Succeeds Citizens S Deputy_______325 Deputy State Bank _ 8 Jefferson N17 Dillsboro..........502 7 Dearborn M21 $165-12% par 100 71-664 First National Bank____ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this roiuino. rui ijl INDIANA—Continued F. M. Hart.... ......... A. Crawford____ H. C. Rathburn.__ F. M. Hart, Jr....... Bert Bowers ___ D. H. Harter____ N. B. Hunt ___ D. H. Harter, Ch, 10.000 $ 10,870 SI 181290 $ 663.300 S 334,930 $ 115,150 $ 75,000 26,870 1,301,320 1,189,830 34,210 17,500 88,780 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. 161,650 Gty. Tr. Oo.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls. 10,000 6,500 109.000 $ 5,100 93,000 6,000 8,100 23,500 1st N„ Chi.; Gary State, Gary. 10,000 2,580 107,810 65,180 84,680 16,100 65,680 19,100 Wabash Valley Tr. Co., Peru. 35,000 20,730 885,350 20,920 665,480 180,640 29,710 86,160 1st N.. Cin. (Merged with First National Bank & T rust Co., Cambridge City, Ind., October 22, 1930) Farmers State Bank..dtl’09 Henry Hentrup __ F. J. Seng_______ John Seger _ 25,000 Raymond Matheis $190-10% par 100 71-729 Dugger State Bank ...®tr04 Peter Schioot. . 25,000 F. M. Dukes_____ R. B. Smith_____ 12% 71-730 15,000 142,940 5,900 142,820 15,020 7,090 5,830 175,950 115,580 26,180 31,260 32,890 629.650 3,440 374,570 39,460 61,550 25,000 6,300 170,000 20,750 178,000 15,880 13,550 25,000 28,760 369,330 28,400 238,210 166,860 7,420 25,000 9,020 151,170 (Closed March 25, 1 931) Chas. M. Bowers .. Edw. Luke______ Helen Ellerbrook (Merged with Dillsb oro Stale Bank) First National Bank . Dunkirk_____2683 First State Bank of Dunkirk Chas. L. Gaunt -_ F.H.May________ C. P. Fitzpatrick.. F. A. Littler_____ 71-731 «:§93 7 Jay Q21 D. P. Murray Dupont______ 314 Dupont State Bank__®t§’l0 W, R. Dryden___ Manning Rea......... Ira W. McCoy___ G. T. Malott___ 8 Jefferson N19 «% par 100 71-732 Dyer...................672 First National BanKd©T»t'03 H. L. Eeilman___ A. W. Stommel — W. N. Gettler. $300-20% par 100 71-733 7 Lake D6 Bari Park ......... 601 Earl Park State Bank__t§’06 $100 par 100 71-734 7 Benton F7 East Chlcago51.784 American Slate Bank__ 7 Lake B6 Citizens Trust & Savings Bank EAST CHICAGO STATE BANK 12% par 100 71-120 dB®T»t*’99 G. H. Hart, J. A. Richardson... E. Childress_____ Flossie Cobleigh__ Ch, of Bd. and Pres, (Closed September 2 0, 1930) 60.000 (Closed January 5, 1931) fW. E. SCHRAGE. A. G. SCHLIEKER. F. J.GESCHEIDLER W.H. JACKSON — 50,000 60,000 618,210 14,250 J. K. REPPA, Ch. < Special attentl on given to colie ctlons. Prompt remittance, I Intelligent rea md for non-pay ment. Eaat Chi cage 9% Bmh a nd Firs t Mort gages f or sale. vPlease enclose 16c with each Sight D raft and 25c for Cr edit Reports, First Calumet Tr. & Sav. Bk. (Deposits assumed by First National Bank and Union N ational Bank of Ind iana Ha rbor at E ast Chica go. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 129,030 539,910 23,910 Citiz. N., Evansville; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Citiz. Union N., Lou. 33,760 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr, Co., N. Y.: Ind. N., Indpls.; 1st N.. Terre Haute. 250,400 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cont. N., Indpls.; Marion N., Marlon; 1st N., Cin. 14,700 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; N. Branch, Madison: No. Vernon N.. No. Vernon. 38,990 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 56,170 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Far. & Tra. State, LaFayette; Ind. N.. Ind. 16,060 40,520 145,980 N. City. N.Y.; Cent. Hep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Effe dive Mar ch 7, 1931 ) C. W. ROSS_ _ _ _ _ W. L. SPENCER.... J. A. DALTON____ J. E. Mill FR WALTER J. RILEY. .............. Ch. of Bd. OUR POLICY—Prompt and efficient service In every department. Collections presented promptly and IN EAST CHICAGO personally, and remitted on day of payment. 6% par 100 71-121 dB®T»t’05 200.000 76,720 2,440,290 210 1,216,010 958,360 8,910 533,940 Chase N., N. T.t Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 200,000 174,980 2,150,620 47,920 1,257,720 454,940 94,880 Qfin Central Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.__New York (Formerly First National Bk. & Trust Co. of East Chicago) G. J. BADER_ _ _ _ _ INDIANA HARBOR FRED J. SMITH.F. P. NATIONAL BANK C. W. BADER_ _ _ _ _ GEO. M. WITT, „ R. A. O’CONNELL— A. F. BADER V. P. and Cash. R. J. SCHNEIDER D. L. MITCHELL, V. P. and Tr. Of. OF EAST CHICAGO OLDEST BANK IN INDIANA HARBOR. 8% par 100 71-196 dB®T»t’0S (3352 N. Michigan Ave.) (Indiana Harbor) Indiana Stale Bank________ | (Closed January 5,| 1931) (East Chicago banks continued on next page) Prom pt and Efflcien t Collec Special Attentl on give n Bill of Pleas* it ndl5e tox th each » ight draft and 25cfor ( redit Ktp tion Se rvice. Lading Drafts for pres entation nrte. Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.______ Chicago First National Bank__________Chicago First National Bank____________ Joliet Fletcher American National___ Indpls. 1 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Resources Over $90,000,000.00 493 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B. A. nNew §State t Priv. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. East Chicago 54,784 (Continued) PEOPLES STATE BANK 1180-3% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued Resources. Liabilities. Vice-President President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. JOHN BOCHNOWSKI- L. E. HEROD- - - - - - - - T. S. GOZDECKI —................ ............. JOHN J. WADAS Loans Bonds ther Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and AND Discount! Capital Profits its Securities laneous ties 50,000 $ 53,300 $ 359.180 $ 53.780 $ 178,590 % Principal Correspondents. Cash Sc Ex changes,Du* from Banks 76,950 $ 130,280 J 130,440 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. A Live, Progressive Bank. BUI of Lading Drafts and all Collections given prompt, careful attention 71-1198 dB©T*t§'22 C. W. ROSS_ _ _ _ _ _ J. S. WALKOWIAK— GEORGE MARCH........ ALBERT STEC-WALTER J. RILEY. j NATIONAL BANK tffiWUUF Ch. of Bd. 200,000 60,680 2,222,460 Harry D. Stow____ Juanita Tyler. 25,000 7,590 118,520 Geo. W. Hoover... H.B. Neff___ 30,000 36,150 346,640 J. M. Manning___ Daisy Osborn____ 10.000 12,000 90,000 I. J. Waltz--------- Edith Hyde_____ 100.000 Jesse D. Ellis. A. C. and Mgr. Ins. Dept, 25,000 Edwardsport ..784 Edwardsport Bank___d®t5’16 John Wolfe-------- Frank J. Mabes___ R. O. Beebe_____ Mildred H.Sellman 1150-7% par 100 71-737 8 Knox N7 C. A. Morris. 25,000 L. Koch__ R. B. Morris... Elberfeld_____ 546 Elberfeld State Bk. .®T»t§’05 JR. K. Smith, Ch. of Bd. and Pres 8 Warrick Q6 10% par 100 71-738 Elizabethtown 294 Farmers & Merch. Bank_____ {Merged with Irwin- Union Trust Co., C olumbus, Ind., Mar ch 31, 1931) 7 Barthol’wL15 53,630 581,310 14,900 18,750 par 100 71-199 dB®T,t’14 (Indiana Harbor) When you entrust your collections or any banking business to us you are assured Prompt, Personal and Efficient Service. 6,490 1,359,520 647,730 10,350 107,610 20,400 4,530 472,020 Chatham Phenli N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.T.; 1st N., Chi. TRY US. {Formerly United States Na tional Bank of Indiana Har bor at East Chicago) East Enterpriser East Enterprise State Bank Wm. P. Truitt____ H. M. Stow— 8 L SwiU. N22 1160-6% par 100 71-735 t§'09 Eaton_______ 1273 Farmers State Bank©T»t§’94 Robt. W. Long---- R. S. Gregory.__ 71-536 7 Delaware G19 C. A. Morrison ___ Economy_____212 Northern Wayne Bank®tt'10 J. S. Beard. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 7 Waynp 120 1150-10% par 100 71-736 F. D. Thompson... Martin Cntsinger.. Edinburg____ 2209 THOMPSON STATE BANK John W. Graham 8% par loo 71—487 dB®T*t§’70 7 Johnson L15 Elkhart____32,949 7 Elkhart B15 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 71-114 W.H.KNICKERBOCKER H. BORNEMAN, SR.- F. E. BERTON, „ t A. II. ST0AUB. ........ M. C. HILBISH V. P. and Cash. G. F. WEITH - B. WRIGHT NELLIE M.ESHLEMAN C. ELVAM. ESSIG Send your Elkhart Items and Collections direct to the “Old Reliable" FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals invited. par 100 dB®T»t’63 F. J. Weiler____ S. T. Miller, ♦First Old State Bank Ch of Bd. and Pres. J. H. Kelly $130 par 100 71-1156 dB®T*t§’20 1250-12% *ST. JOSEPH VALLEY BANK ♦ 71-115 1275-15% par 100 dB®T*tS’72 J. B. Keiiv______ Anna C. Hanson C. P. Martin N. E. Reiff, Mgr, Ins, Dept, C. D. GREENLEAF— CONRAD ZIESEL---- J. G. WALLICK- - - - - - - H. R. NELSON- - - - - - - J. W. FIELDKOBSE, N. F. REICH Ch. of Bd, E. A. KILMER C. L. HOKE G. H. GRAYBILL C. R. GUTERMUTH 28,970 341,180 12,000 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.: 2d N.t Rich. 90,000 1,000 9,000 56,610 411,750 188,620 56,610 171,770 43,700 108,360 45,500 53,170 400,780 910 244,070 113,300 4,530 83,530 Oitix. N. and Old 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Evansville. 2,992,140 1,601,050 666,780 942,550 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Union Tr. OUR GROWTH CONTINUES Deposits December 27, 1916___________________ Deposits December 29, 1920___________________ Deposits December 29, 1922_______ ___________ Deposits December 31, 1924 __________________ Deposits December 31, 1928 ________ _____ _____ Deposits June 30, 1931....................... ......................... 93,890 570,310 244,340 30,990 908,540 100,000 250,000 53,350 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. 262,880 4,307,940 859,310 2,770,910 1,486,560 134,570 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Citiz. Un„ Lou. 48,330 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co..Ohi.; Am. N., Vin cennes. Co., Clev. 555,659.60 __2,736,667.47 __3,430,981.37 ...4,137,242,53 ...4,952,190.00 ..5,018,447.13 160,870 157,900 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. City, N. 908,070 514,580 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & FRIENDLY SERVICE." Unsurpassed Collection Service Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Tr. Co. and Cent. Bep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. the bank of South Side Stale Bank_______ {Taken over by St. J oseph Valley Bank, March 24, 1931) J. H. Kelly. Sec. J. G. Wallick------ H. R. Tielson... Elkhart Clearing House___ W. H. Knicker bocker (Members indicated by a *) Ellettsvllle.......767 Peoples State Bank—®t§'05 W. B. Harris------- T. D. Headdy........ G. A. Draper____ B. A. Draper.... 71-741 7 Monroe L10 1175-8% Elnora_______856 Citizens Bank_______ dtt’03 Sam’l Shufflebarger Peter A. Hasler... Harry Hitchcock.. Ruth Caress. 8 Daviess N9 $200-10% par 100 71-742 25,000 16,830 220,000 173,000 20,000 12,780 151,950 133,440 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,700 18,580 Fifth Third Un.Tr. Co.. Cin. 18,000 30,830 2,000 40,000 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 49,290 Ind. N., Indpls.; Peo. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Washington. Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks 494 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Town and Codnty. •Mem.A.B.A.^New IState tPriv. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Etwood______10,685 7 Madison 617 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. President. (S. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. B. HARTING— JOHN W. CALLAWAY- L. M. GROSS. Ass’t Cashier. J. 0. HIGBEE. Sec. and Tr. A, Sec. and A. Tr. r. a. mcclure Liabilities. Surplus Depos Other Paid-up Liabili and its Capital Profits ties $ Principal Correspondents. Resources. Loans Bonds MlSCEIrand and Discounts Securities LANEOUS k Cash EX CHANGE,DUB from Banks 75,000 1 18,520 $ 993,970 $ 523,020 $ 985,410 $ 107,910 $ 462,780 $ 75.000 31,250 1.072,800 54,410 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N. and Ind. N., Indpls. W. 0. MAINES ) A MODERN, G ROWING BANK. I Send us your Elwood Collectio ns. par 100 71-166 dB®T«t*'81 V Prompt attentl on and remittan ce—Reasonable R ates. (Merger of Citizens State Bank and Elwood Trust Co.) ELWOOD STATE BANK rWAYNE LEESON - MICHAEL MEYER__ CH AS. C. DE HORITY GEO. H. DEHORITY- Prompt Attentl on given Bank an d Commercial Co llectlons. According to Ru le of Indiana Ban ken Aaa’n Collect ions and Request Lfor Credit Rep orts MUST be acc ompanled by FEE IN ADVANCE. < ) 878,210 63,820 * 100,390 136,630 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 26,780 157,690 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. T.: Fletcher Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 8 8% par 100 71-168 dB®T»t*03 FIRST NATIONAL BANK S% par 100 71-167 Cl. C. DEHORITY - 1 B. H. LEISURE------ C.D. BABBITT----------- E. H. DEHORITY — J “THE OLD RE LIABLE”. (.PROMPT ATT ENTION GIVEN COLLECTIONS. 50,000 ONLY 27,530 686,400 50,000 25,000 30,000 34,120 370 214,900 43,120 19,920 31,600 65,580 389,130 7,290 88,050 45,570 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls.; Lin. N .Bk. & Tr. Co.,Ft. Wayne. 1,956,050 926,820 695,520 246,620 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi. 3,193,860 1,202,760 558,100 585,590 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Old N., Evansville. 17,500 167,000 L. A. Helmbrecht. Irvin Fahr______ W. L. Criswell O. M, Spears 25.000 7,550 637,660 25.000 7,850 276,310 Viola Iden.. ___ R. S. Knepper ___ Ralph Mason____ Althea 1. Hamlin Anis Mason, A. C. Amy Kuepper 45,000 45,000 374,470 ‘Evansville. 102,249 ♦AMERICAN TRUST & M. S. Sonntag___ Walter H. Karsch. R.A.Guthrie. A.Tr. G.P. Stocker, A. Sec. I Yanderburg R6 SAVINGS BANK dB®T**l 04 W. B, Miller Ralph McReynolds 1250-10% par100 71-7 250,000 217,190 3,003,490 354,330 500,000 121,640 4,895,020 23,640 500,000 677,170 10721230 100,000 192,500 1.346,470 1.148,110 1,176,650 S. J. Elsby___ Sam Benz. „ F. R. Gobbel____ .T. W. Bird____ S. B. I den. . CENTRAL UNION BANK THEO. REININGA- - P. H. KUHN______ rS. L. ICHENHAUSER FARI FICHIN DANIEL WERTZ,CA. 0. C. CARR R. A. ELMENDORF. W. H. JURGENSA. V. P. MEIER. A. V P. | We solicit the a ccounts and colle ctions of banks, 1125 par 100 71-8 dB®T»t§’30 1 corporations, fi rms and individu als. (Merger of Mercantile Com (.CORRESPOND ENCE INVITED. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls.; 1st N., Martinsville. Am. Bk. & Tr. Co.. New Alb.; Citiz. Un. N., Lou. Lin. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Lou. 150,000 361,200 25,000 O. E. Anderson.... E. P. Truax.......... 247,770 ACT S IN A LL TR UST C APACIT IES. MEMB ER OF FEDER AL RE SERVE 8YSTE M IN ELW OOD. d©W’82 Eminence___ 325 Farmers State Bank__ Ttl’14 7 Morgan Kll 1140-7% par 100 71-1055 ‘English_____704 Crawford Co. State Bank 8 L Crawford P13 1300 par 100 71-743 d@T»tl’82 English State Bank_d©t5'25 8% par 100 71-1230 Etna Green.__371 Etna Bank______dB®ttl900 7 Kosciusko C14 20% par 100 71-744 381,690 9,550 39,000 254,450 mercial Bank and Evansville Morris Plan Co.) CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 1350-12% par 100 71-4 d®»t'74 CITIZENS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 10% par 100 71-15 dB®T»tS'15 W W GRAY H. E. BACON, J B GRAHAM G. W. SCHNUTE C. J. FUCHS-.... ........ V. H. GOEKE. j j A. C. and And. Ch. of Bd. E. W. HALWES iiHi A. C. FROELICH. _ 547,730 5,464,460 4,437,980 574,070 1,969,620 Chase N. and N. City, N. T.; Cont. HI. Da*ct ir* V'0«5 vlilt) iSl iity SU V. P. and Tr. Off. Superior service on collections. . ... Personal presentation, prompt remittance; intelligent reasons for non-payment. Modern methods in all departments of banking. w W BUSY C. E. TAYLOR, S T HESTON Sec. and Tr. FiJ.'BERNHARDT H. E. BACON, Ch.. of Bd. J. B. uKAHAM 80,330 1,250,460 279,640 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cltlz. N., Evansville. A. C. FROELICH W. W. BICKING Evansville Morris Plan Co.__ (See Central Union Bank) -(-Franklin Bank & Trust Co. 1130 par 100 71-18 dB®T»t§’24 (Evansville banks e ontinued on next page) C. O.Wesselman... C. W. Dunn, Sec. and Tr. P. M. Lawrence. A. Sec, 100,000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 39,260 533,690 17,850 395,670 110,420 123,350 61,360 Citiz. N., Evansville. RESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY 495 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town AMD Qouwtt. ± County Seats. Kg. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. *EvansvlIle_102,Z49 8 Vanderburg R5 •Mem.A.B.A.«New§StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-8afeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%DiT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued Liabiuties. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass’T Cashier. Resodrces. Loads Bonds ther Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and Capital Profits its Diaoounfci Securities laneous ties PKIHCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. A Cash Ex changes,Dm from Baku +Howell State Bank C. R. Conrad $ 50.000 $ 12.500 $ 600.000 $ 10.000 $ 260,000 $ 270.000 $ 35.000 $ 75.000 Chase N., N. Y. W. E. Brandis___ A. A. Kamn 71-9 ®T»t5’06 58,000 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co..N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 2,500 99,000 ♦Indiana Trust & Savings Bk. A. C. Richardt___ W. A. Richardt-__ O. W. Schneider.— H. W. Sachs_____ 466,890 105,000 100,000 52,000 578,000 *150 par 100 71-1251 d®T»+§'28 Old N., Evansville. (EDWARD KIECHLE- T. J. MORTON. ........ E. J. SCHROEDER— Q. ,Q. MATTHEWS.—- 100.000 76,730 1,640,870 90,960 1,530,610 196,510 63,700 117,740 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.,N. ¥.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Old N. and Cltlz. F. W, BRANDENBERGFRANK ELMENDORF N., Evansville. „ EH _ E. *185-10% 71-14 dB@T*t§14 v. iniiii ur ftt IENDLY SERVIC par 100 *190-8% LAMASGO BANK HENRY B. WALKER— HENRY B. VEATCH— H.B. MCCOY—...... R. C. HARMAN- - - - - L.H. TAYLOR.^ EDWARD GRIENER. JOSEPH L. SIMS. Mgr. Ins. Dept. Mgr. Real Eat. Dept. V. P, and Tr. Off. ’LINCOLN BANK 125.000 515,000 14,000 498,060 7326510 15,400 11,000 523.000 8,000 44,000 60,000 1st N„ Chi.; Old N., Evansville. Complete Banking Service — Commercial — Savings — Trust. Tour *120-6% par 100 71-17 d®Tt$’23 Evansville Business will receive the prompt, careful attention of our officers. Sight Draft B/L COLLECTIONS given special attention. Mercantile-Commercial Bank. (See Central Union\ Bank) ‘NATIONAL CITY BANK 71-1 dB®W48 *205-8% par 100 S N KIIHN j u mpPFi C B EHL0WS W COOK J.N. EMIfi.F.P. Ji H. CONNER J. N. EMIG. Tr.Off. s. J. PERRYFIRST and OLDEST NATIONAL BANK nF SOUTHERN IND ANA COLLECTIONS: Receive special messenger service with prompt remittance at lowest rates. With our broad facilities we can handle items on Western KY.a Southern IND., and Southern ILL. ♦North Side Bank d®T»tl'13 T. E. Rechtin___ *150-6% par 100 71-13 Clarence Kelsay, V. P ♦Old National Bank in John L. Igleheart— Evansville._71-l.-d®T»t’34 Samuel L. Orr. Ch. 10% par 100 +Peoples Saving 1 Bank C. F. Hartmetz__ 4% 71-8 d®»t§ '70 *WEST SIDE BANK 71-6 dB®T»t*’02 *200-10% par 100 G A BITTLER Henry KorlT, Sr... H. C. H. Ayer. Exec. J. Folke............ J. O. Steinmetz___ J. O. Davis F. R. Wilson S. L. Ichenhauser H. .T. Reimer J. O. Davis__ Edgar Durre, O. E. Lamble Ex. Tr. Off. F. Schwegman H. E. Dreier, Sec, A. H.Schnell. A.C. H.J. Fitzgerald GFfl . F RIFCHUANN F A VI FIN THOS. MACER GEO. C. FISCHER C. 7ISS A. W. HEBBELER W. H. DRESS im,e* Falmouth State Bank._®5’10 *100-4% par 100 71-748 Farmersburg State Bank *100 par 100 71-590 dB®tS’25 Peoples Loan & Trust Co. par 100 71-606 dB®Tt8’87 (Formerly Farmland State Ba Ferdinand___ 846 Beckmann State Bank_______ 8 Dubois Q10 Fillmore_____191 Fillmore State Bank___JS’ll 71-1054 7 Putnam J10 *105 3338360 2845350 SE E ADV. ON INDI ANA MA 100.000 75,310 1,728,960 500,000 490,940 9,782,730 1,556,650 8,808,200 250.000 25,010 1,193,810 P. 418,700 118,550 730,000 Chase N., N.T.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. N.f Indpls. 300,000 5,300,000 — 3,857,000 1,263,000 11,000 298,000 (Private wire to main office and correspond ents in leading cities,) Lin. Bk., Evansville. 12,000 h of New York) „ 100,000 784,000 4,000 567,000 nnn 26 690 139 100 6,930 31,170 Ist-McKeen N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Terre Haatu. 25,000 10,770 151,660 25,000 90,320 27,490 1,480 25 000 7 510 136 430 5,000 138,160 5,850 13,640 93,120 Fifth Third Dn. Tr. Co., Cin.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 16,290 Ind. N., Indpls.; Marion N.. Marion. 40.000 12 940 296,770 204,300 79,620 3,080 125,700 Jacob Gross......... - William Enecht__ Fred W. Knotts__ 25,000 a 910 89,680 7,000 108,520 5,000 8,870 P.T. Lloyd -------- Thos. Hook______ Herbert Lathrop__ C. E. Huntworth— 50,000 7,000 266,800 81,500 250,300 5,000 115,400 93,460 3,920 Wm, H. Alexander, Mgr. 198,220 N. City. N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. City. Old N.. and Citiz. N.. Evansville. 500,000 3,782,030 3,601,180 1,125,750 2,764,710 N. Y. Tr. Co. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 809,170 Chase N..N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.. Chi.; 7,988,270 1,567,380 Fletcher Tr., Indpls. (Branch of Winch ester, Ind .)_____ 62,710 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N. and Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls. 3,210 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Oin. 34,600 Terre Haute Tr. Co. and 1st McKeen N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Terre Haute. Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. nk) (Closed May 20, 19 31) John Sinclair_ A. C. Bryan, Ch. f!. O. 'Riinfifin A. W. Inman____ 25.000 7,500 115,000 10,000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 353,890 1802360 ChaseN., N.T.; Cont. Hl.Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Lou.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Phil. N., Phil.; Ind. N., Indpls. Largest State Bank in Southern Indiana PROMPT, PERSONAL AND EFFICIENT COLLECTION SERVICE E. A. Klein. Bmniville Clearing House— T. J. Morton_____ W. A. Richardt Sec. and Mgr. (Members indicated by a *) (Associate Members by + ) C. E. HOWARD, Mgr.. HARRIS UPHAM & CO— (416 Main St.) H. B. Yeatch____ H. B. McCoy. Sec... R. C. Harman, H. B. Walker......... N------------Real Estate Loans Edward Griener A. Sec. . k *90 par 1000 (213 . 80. 4th) L. H. Taylor, Ewing....................... (See Brownstown, Ind.) A Sec. and Mgr. 8 L Fairbanks___ 115 Fairbanks State Bank _tl'Ofl Edenr Strain 71-746 8 Sullivan L6 Chas. Hnphes Falrland......... 551 Fairland National Bank J. C. Voris. Albert Totten___ D. O. Gordon 7 Shelby K16 *210-6% par 100 71-747 d®t'06 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, Harold C. Mahoney Pearl Buller Falrmoun t... 2056 Citizens State Bk,.dB©Tt§’93 V. A. Selby______ par 100 71-435 71 Grant 618^ FAIRM0UNT STATE BANK n R A. MORRIS......... . W.F, MORRIS........... TONY M. PAYNE....... EARL M0RII8- par 100 71-436 dB®T«J5 02 Falmouth___ 182 7 Fayette J19 Farmersburg .993 8 Sullivan L6 Farmland........853 7 Randolph H21 wo,000 60,110 Cont. N., Indpls.; 1st N., Greencastle. Over Sixty Years of Service line Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Fig Fed. Res.Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIAN A—Continued Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Bonds Loam D epos Other Paid-up Surplus Miscel and and and Liabili its Capital Profits Diaoounts Saeuritias laneous ties Flora________ 1449 Bright National Bk,.d®»2’89 J. V. Bright_____ Chas. E. Barnard — Blanche W ickard— Nellie McCloskey. S 25,000 $ 12,180 $ 520,520 $ 21,210 $ 259,740 $ 249,490 $ 71-549 7 Carroll F12 8% Flora State Bank__ dB®t5’27 $100-8% par 100 71-542 Florence_______275 Florence Deposit Bank..21 SLSwltzerlandN22 1128-6% par 100 71-750 Foraker____ ____75 Farmers & Merchants Bank 7 Elkhart B15 liofl-4% 71-1105 ®Ttt’21 Forest________329 Citizens Bank_______®tt’26 7 Clinton G13 $100-19% 71-751 Fort Branch__1341 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank 8 Gibson P5 $165-8% 71-575 ®T»t’08 par 100 G. E. Voorhees.__ N. E. Kncttle__ __ E. C. Patty______ H. S. Eaton______ — 209,440 W. F. Krutz_____ Edgar Dibble____ Percy Dugan_____ 25,000 8,230 109,890 6,800 97.470 24,080 3,320 Milton Mishler.__ Frank Seidner___ Leander Bigler, Henry Weaver, Cash, and Sec. A. Cash, and A. Sec. A. R. Davis_____ Clint Alter______ 15.000 1,500 58,050 31,880 66,570 — 29,890 10.000 3,500 86,000 I. N. Epperson___ H. F. Graper. A.B. Hickrod.. Exec, V. P. 25.00U 22,(SO 302,870 38,940 188,050 81,770 29,060 28,150 79,910 39,860 14,400 117,740 47,500 M. C. Conner. First National Bank....®2’08 Chas. B. Runcie.__ W. S. Hoffman .... N.O. Wheeler.. $145-6% *Fort Wayne 7 Allen D19114.946 25.000 4,540 142,010 25.000 10,000 185,300 71-580 H. J. McIntosh... 25,000 35,380 303,340 W. M. Thomas, A. S J. M. Brown. A Sec E. Kaiser, A. Sec. 500,000 682.260 5,714,430 1,632,870 5,578,170 300,000 214,170 3,815,320 correspondents. 61,970 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; lad. N„ Indpls. 62,900 Drovers N.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 4,740 350 82,000 Jessie Rinnaman.. 71-576 Fortvllle____ 1289 First National Bank------- 1'06 J. F. Johnson____ H. S. Adams_____ O. L. Morrow... 7 Hancock 116 7,880 $ 25,000 166,440 Principal Cash k Ex chanom,Dui from Baku 25,050 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 11,870 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Toi. Tr. Co., Tol.; New Paris State. New Paris. 15,000 Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co.. Indpls.; Citlz. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Frankfort. 89,990 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Old N. and N. City, Evansville. 62,400 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.: Citiz. N., Evansville; Peo.-Am. N.. Princeton. 36,390 Chase N.. N. Y.; Ind. N.. Indpls. 2,000 205,870 Fortville State Bank_____ (Closed April 17, 19 31) Bowser Loan & Trust Co____ (See East Creighton Trust & Savings B ank) 8 Broadway State Bank E. A.Barnes, M. M. Beaver......... G. W. Clark. % 71-33 d®«tf’20 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. H. C. Offutt V. P. & Cash. par 100 ♦Citizens Trust Co. O. N. Heaton____ E. F. Yarnelle___ W.B. Gutallu, $45-12% 71-23 dB®T»t#’99 Exec. V. P. & Sec. W. E. Doud par 20 J. E. Eschbach.T.O. ♦Dime Trust & Savings Bank H. G. Hogan_____ C. A. Spanley......... J. E. Ruhl, Sec,___ $30-6% par 20 71-34 dB®T«t§’21 Oscar A. Fox (Formerly Dime Savings W. 0. Quimby & Trust Co.) East Creighton Tr.& Sav. Bk. O. W. Scheumann H. J. Grosvenor... H. H. Hesemeyer, $155 par 100 71-31 d©Tt§’19 W. L. Griebel, V.P Jacob Bill Sec, (Formerly Bowser Loan & Trust Co.) East Side State Bank B. F. Geyer_____ G. A. Berghoff____ O. M. Blaker_____ $150 par 100 71-1259 dB®Tt§’29 H. W. Meinzen First Joint Stock Lana Bk. C. M, Niezer_____ H. V. French— R. E. Roth, par 100 71-1222 ’18 O. A. Wilding, Sec. and Mgr. G. M. Leslie First & Tri-State National Ch. of Bd. Bank & Trust Co._______ (Merged June 29, 19 31, with Old Nationa I Bank which later c Ft. Wayne Morris Plan Co. H. A. Perfect____ C. R. Willson____ W. E. Morton, Tr... $195-12% 71-1232 ®15 T. F. Thieme, Ch. M. C. Niezer par 100 'LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. $40-10% par 20 71-27 ldB®T*t’05 204,210 768,510 1,897.440 24,260 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 285,440 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi. 259,850 1,017,340 2,700,220 329,850 541,920 Chem. Bk. & Tr.Co..N.Y.; IstN.. Chi.; Oldlst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 138,190 53,440 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Old-lst N Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne. 100,000 78,960 318,520 196,260 407,570 25.000 12,500 230,670 5,480 84,340 111,910 36,600 528,900 7,427,200 68,960 7,620,790 (Farm L n. Bds.) (Territor y Indian a & Ohio ) hanged its title to Ol d-First National Bank ifc Trust Co .) 150,000 112,660 752,550 105,650 1,039,120 Grace D. Binder. Sec. and Mgr, 100,000 583,890 120,380 Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. 8s Tr. Co.. Chi.; Old 1st N. Bk. 8s Tr.. Ft. Wayne. 20,420 44,000 17,320 Lin. N. Bk. 8s Tr. Co. and Old-lst N. Bk. 8c Tr. Co., Wayne. R. H. Lauer___ F.A.Heliker, A.Sec. tHR- J.mmmmfim'wH.mamF. UTT___ G. ALLGEIER ! j! DISSER . H. DICKMEYER 30,000 CLYDE E. FLOWERS FERD J. KUENTZEL SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT ON INDIANA INDEX. North Side State Bank Walter E. Cook___P, C. Dooley______ Merle F. Phillips. par 100 71-1258 dB®Tt&'29 400,000 94,540 40,810 Lincoln N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Fort Wayne. 1,250,000 1,356,830 12 251 470 1,607,880 8,418,270 3,537,730 1.761.560 2,748,610 Irv. Tr. Co., Guaranty Tr. Co., and 1 COMPLETE BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICE Commercial Banking, Checking Accounts, Savings Accounts, Loans, Christmas and Vacation Clubs, Banks and Bankers’ De partment, Trust Department, Safe Deposit Vaults, Foreign Ex change, Travelers’ Checks, Collections, First Mortgage Loans, Bonds, Investments. 25,000 12,500 186,880 6,850 79,740 77.520 36,850 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., and 1st N., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Com. Guardian Tr. & Sav., Tol.; Phil. N., Phil.; Ind. N., Indpls. 37,110 1st N., Chi.: Lin. N. Bk. 8c Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. FRAU H. CUTSRALL- H. S. FRENCH- - - - - - - C.W. DANNEKFELSER AMOS L_______ 'OLD-FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. $332.50-16% 71-19 d*t'B®T35 par 100 (Formerly Old National Bank) (Fort Wayne contin ued on next page) HENRY Q. PA0L. Ch. of Bd, F. WM. HITZEMAN GEORGE M. GILLIOM, F. K. JUfiGEHSER FRANK J. MILLS Auditor MARTIN SEEMEYER HARRY C. FAIR PETER M. CERTIA. K. R. FEIERTAG E. F. SCHEUMANN. Tr. Off. Q. C. SCHEIMANN A- V. P. T. ARTHUR SCHACK. C. W. AUMANN FRED POTTHOFF, Tr. Off. FRED HEINE A. V. P. WM. THIEL. Jr. „ MELVIN EHRMAN. A. Cash, ife A. Tr. Off. OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING —CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,750,000 1,800,970 26987250 2,648.230 17543390 7,574,530 3,060,940 5,007,490 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Una urpaa aad C ollacti on Sa rvlca. We re apaot fully 1 nvita your b ualna aa HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Harris Tr. & Sav., and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.; Phil. N., Phil.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Ind. N., Indpls. SEE DI SPLAY ADVER TISEM ENT THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fort Wayne s Pioneer Financial 97 Years of Institution Successful Banking OLD-FlltST NATIONAL BANK ETRUST CO. OF FORT WAYNE ——Since 1835=— SEND YOUR COLLECTIONS to the Banks and Attorneys adver tising in this publication. They want and appreciate your business and are especially equipped for handling collections of all kinds promptly, safely and at minimum expense. If your bank desires and has facilities for offering our subscribers the class of service they demand and you are not advertising now in the BLUE BOOK, we offer you a decidedly profitable investment. Write for full details on service rendered and small cost involved. RAND M9NALLY BANKERS BLUE BOOK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Standard the World-over since 1872 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ACil to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Hy/ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §S'tate fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. par 20 Wm. C. Rastetter.. H. Freiburger____ F. D. Hoham. Jr. .. South Side State Bank ^ J. B. McKim. V. P. F. J. Gilmartin 71-1249 d®t§ 28 Fort Wayne Clearing House Frank J. Mills____ F. W. Hitzeman — Mgr. (Member* indicated by a*) | WILLIAM H. ROHAN J. H. CARMODY- - - - - LILLIAN YOBST. Sec.. UTILITY BOND & SHARE COMPANY Fountain City.480 Fountain State Bank______ 7 Wayne 122 Fountain town 475 Farmers State Bank__dtl'15 1138-7% par 100 71-1073 7 Shelby J17 tFowler_____ 1564 Bank of Benton Oounty-$l?2 71-584 7( Bentoa F7 First National Bank__________ Fowlerton Bank ______________ Fowler ton____ 204 7 Grant G18 Peoples State Bank____»t§'30 Francesvllle ...712 7 Pulaski DIO 1120 par 100 71-1267 Francisco_____728 The Francisco 8tate Bank s% 71-754 d©t!'M 8 Gibson P6 .Frankfort..12,196 Cltixens Loan ft Trust Oo. H50-6% 71-254 dB®T*tl'l« 7 Clinton Hill 25,000 M. J. ROHAN, Tr.__ L Phone Anthony 24JS HARRY 1 Resources. Liabilities. Other Cash & ExLoana Bonds Miscel changes Paid-up Surplus Depos Liabili .Dui and and AND its Capital Profits Diaeounta Sscuritios laneous from Banks ties Principal Correspondents. % 300,000 81161 340 J6 976 530 $1 343 740 $6143 260 $1165 080 $1 633830 $ 839,430 Empire Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; Harris P. J. McDonald---- Aug. E. 0. Becker. D. P. McDonald, Fort Wayne ♦Peoples Tr. ft Bar. Co. Sec. and Tr$ (icontinued) 1125-24% M. 0. MacDongal 71-25 dB®T*tl'02 (215 East Berry St.) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued 12,500 210,160 55,010 2.790 130,280 Sped all/e In local pr eferred and co iiiinon First M ortgage Beal Es tate Bo nds 16,170 48,980 Stocks and Tr. & Sav„ Chi.; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne. Old 1st N. Bk.& Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne; C. F. Childs & Co.. Chi. Branch of Chicago. RflWMAN Sup. of Sales. / SPECIALIZING IN PUBLIC UTI LITY ISSUES. (Closed April 6, 193 1) n V Raffnrtr C. L. McNamara__ J. H. Snider .. 25,000 Lee Dinwiddle___ (Suspended May 21, 1931) (Merged with Twin City State Bank, Ga 25.000 6,280 23.000 54,730 65,130 485.000 310.000 4,370 3,650 12,860 195,000 Cont. N.,Indpls.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. ont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. Fowler. La Fayette; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpis. s City, Ind. Jan. 5, 1931) Foster____ R. M. Rhinehart — O. E. Dunn, W. J. Hubbard Ch, of Bd. and Pres. A.J.Schnh _____ J. M. Hussey_ H. W. H. R. Curts______ C. D. Spencer... Horace E. Knapp. B. H. Weitzel H. W. Cripe, 5,000 82,770 25.000 10,000 190,000 75,000 63,470 387,120 100,000 79,000 956,570 29,950 33,000 10,970 43,010 150.000 30,000 25,000 20,000 389,120 623,510 28,150 181,260 81,800 16,550 826,960 56,530 91,500 177,130 Ihase N., N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpis. 1,674,170 307,260 34,710 398,140 850,000 40,000 120,000 150,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. N„ Indpis. 1st N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co.,Chi.: Ind. N. and Fletcher Am., Indpis. 4,160 A. Sec. Sec. par 100 25,000 J. A. Lucas______ Clinton County Bk. ft Tr. Co. T. N. Lucas, par 100 71-251 d®TH'91 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. J. Milroy R. T. Lucas______ FARMERS BANK-d®T*tr7l W. L. Brown____ George C. Cullom.. H. M. Cosaer A. A. McClamroch Harry A. Heavilon Geo. T. Dinwiddie W. M. Schlosser Robert Morris, W. P. Sidwell, (Merger of First National Bk. Ch. of Bd. Frank S. Coulter Tr. Off. and Frankfort Loan & Trust Co.) C. E. Masters___ 100,000 Buren Witt________ H. W. Bonnell P. T. Ciapstick 100,000 80,000 900,000 R 1 (ITT 100.000 36,000 780,500 188,100 677,000 231,600 88,010 108,000 40,000 49.000 770,000 49,270 637,000 32,690 153,570 85,000 30,000 32,410 173,500 7,780 170,430 8,830 21,010 43,420 17,000 12,290 166,330 10,200 168,180 5,000 20,860 11,780 15,000 4 son 95 000 12% par 100 71-250 First State Bank — d®T*t§’30 par 100 71-249 f A. A. ALEXANDER. R. A. TODD- - - - - - - - J H TARLT0H 211,280 2.103,000 C. M. JONES .Franklin....... 5682 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 1 Ch.of Bd.andPres, 7 Johnson E14 8% par 100 71-364 dB®T«t'89 J FIFTEEN CENT S sent to ns with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd (.TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each e redit report lnaur es prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. W. R. Johnson, Farmers Trust Co.dB®T»tl’12 L. A. Young_____ C. A. Brown_____ Frank McConau1200-10% 71-989 A. Sec. and A. Tr. W m. Featherngill ghy, See. and Tr. Lafayette. litiz. N., Evansville; Peo. Am. N., Prince ton. Ihase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. Tr. Co., Indpis. 1st N., N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpis.; 1st N.. Cin. 1st N.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpis. par 100 Franklin National Bank „ (Voluntary liquidat ion January 14,1931 . Absorbed by the oth Union Trust Oo______ Ttl’13 S. A. Wilson_____ M. J, Voris — C. B. Henderson. Sec. and Tr. 10% par 100 71-996 Frankton..........829 Frankton Bank...dB®*tt'05 C. C. Dehority ___ O. F. Cooper_____ O. A. Taylor_____ 1100-18% par 100 71-756 Luther Frank, Ch. 7 Madison H16 er three banks) Harry Bridges, A. See. and A. Tr. Berlyn Danforth.. Carl O. Miller___ R. T. E]li| Fredericksburg:.'16 Bank of'17 H. S. Allen, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 L Wash1 ton P13 1125 par 100 71-1108 Freedom______825 7 Owen L10 Frcclandvllle_.574 8 Knox N6 Freetown_____375 8L Jackson M14 Fremont_____ 802 7 Steuben A22 Citizens Bank______ ®tt’22 1100-8% par 100 71-1213 Freelandvllle Bank___ tl’05 1150-7% par 100 71-717 Farmers Bank________ tt’10 1100 par 100 71-758 First National Bank d®«t'15 $200-12% par 100 71-1072 French Lick..2462 FRENCH LICK STATE BANK 8 L Orange OlO 10% par 100 71-760 d®T»ti'03 100,000 Lin. Bk. and Tr. Co., Lou. ind. N.. Indpis. Floyd Livingston.. John Hoot........ Lewis A. Nelson... Elsie Neumeyer... 10.000 1.590 68.880 6.130 60,960 1,460 12,040 12,130 W. F. Bnescher___ S. H. Kixmiller. E. F. Waudtke ___ 25,000 22,870 146,290 5,360 143,050 12,000 25,090 19,390 Howard ArmbrusCh. of Bd. and Pres. ter E. B. McNanghton. Elmer Sidel_____ W. B. Sidel______ Margaret Ewers ... T. McNaughton.CA. 10.000 1,210 96,700 50,780 6,350 5,950 44,840 25,000 25,230 392,740 24,700 319,830 92,420 14,260 41,150 W. W. Cave____ J. A. Wells______ N. B. Mavlty------- E. E. MacDonald Please send 15c pr esentation fee with S ight Drafts, 25c for Credit Ratings. 50,000 33,700 2,686,480 490,720 175,760 147,050 2,707,980 230,110 8. H. Berry, THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14,500 Vincennes. th 3rd On. Tr. Co., Ci Lou.; Ind. N., Indpis. Tol. Tr. Co., Tol. Am. N„ Chatham Phenix N., N.Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N.. Indpis.: Citiz. Dn. N.. and 1st N., Lou. Resources Over $90,000,000.00 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given *" w 4QQ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. ACounty Seats. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. #Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©SaT.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Friendship ___ 276 Friendship State Bank_»tf'12 H. F. Wortman... L. H. Booster___ W. S. Lemon____ #% 71-998 7 Ripley M20 Fulton_______ 397 7 Fulton E13 Galveston____666 7 Oass F14 Fulton State Bank____ if'07 par 121 71-761 Citizens State Bank dB©t§’27 *105 par 100 71-646 G. W. Conwell Bank..—tt’05 15% 71-647 C. E. Shaner, 100 21,700 9,320 25.000 570 88,790 75,740 262,320 858,960 H. M. Brown____ A. W. Gallatin.__ 21,920 8,000 27,050 51,850 653,800 147,770 71,200 53,640 1,060,540 117,070 484,350 971,990 147,090 117,770 756,210 38,370 217,350 P. H. Stevens____ H. (1. Hay, Jr. F. H.Jannasch.S«c. N. F. Brownfield. A. C. and Aud. 100,000 156,340 F. R. SCHAAF------ HARVEY WATS0H-- E. C. SIMPS0H— T M. KITCHEN — LE0 WOLF C. E. JOHNSON 250,000 503,940 4,473,380 Sec. and Tr. 122,730 5,750 S 18,020 96,370 65.000 IZES IN ITIES AND 46,600 $ 271,340 300,000 E. C. SIMPSON------ EUIIA E. CLAUS. $ 304,350 $ 106,870 $ 10,000 Commercial Tr. Co...BTTS'22 H. G. Hay__ G. M.Sflmmes. 8% par 100 71-1210 First Indiana Slate Bank___ (Closed January 5, 1931) *500-14% par 6,500 Verne Young------- G. W. Brown — „ Lyle Brown_____ Central Tr, and Sav. Bank... (Closed December 29, 1930) 71-144 25,000 14,700 $ 324,470 J. F. Cornell____ W. F.Gephart....... Orpha M. Gephart. Ch, of Bd, and Pres, J. P. Harris Garrett_____4428 Garrett Savings Ln. & Tr. Co. (Closed January 2, 1931) 7 DeKalb 021 Garrett State Bk.—d®T»ti’93 H. W.Mountz____ W. B. Satterfield— 16% 71-380 (f. R. SCHAAF........ W. E. SCHRAGE-----HARVEY WATSON Gary-------- 100,426 BANKERS TRUST CO. BTS 21 < 6% par 100 71-1106 7 Lake B7 SPECIAL ) l MORTGAGE BONDS, SECCR 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK Paid-up Capital $ 25.000 $ L, C. Thommen— A. P. Copeland-... 12,180 AUDREY WINTER. A. Sec. and A, Tr. (Closed June 20,193 517,710 300,700 (No Ba nklng) J. B. BAILEY W. R. GINDER. P. H. WEST-------A. D. MILTEER GARY STATE el VsU w y JL 11 * Co.. Indpls. 15,420 lont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohl.: Merck. Indpls.; 1st N., Rochester, Ind. 7,120 lent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletc Am. N.. Indpls.; Citiz. N.< Kokomo. 49,660 141,400 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 58,110 Bkrs. Tr. Co.,-N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Calumet N.. Chi.; 1st N., Gary; Bk. of Whiting,Whiting. 275,920 2,206,170 1,907,960 53,680 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 275,000 1,114,100 Irving Trust Company_____ New York National City Bank________ New York First National Bank................... Chicago Central Republic Bk. & Tr. Co..Chicago Fletcher American National Bank Indianapolis 557,540 5,926,980 2,946,200 3,122,620 1,912,070 2,946,200 1,649,830 Chatham Phealx N. Bk. A Tr. Co., N. Auditor and Tr, Off, (Tr. Secur.) (Tr.Inv.) SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. PROMPT REMITTANCE. INTELLIGENT REASONS FOR NON-PAYMENT. *350-8% nAN KdB©T-r§o par loo unml 71_145 m rw m a ■■ in 1) W. W. GASSER-— THE ” a i/AA * ■ vwi vo a/ IN SURANCE. GARY’S OLDEST BANK INVITES d®T»i*06 YOUR BILLS OF LADING AND NOTE COLLECTIONS. Prompt attention given plain sight drafts and Requests for Ratings when accompanied by fee in advance !Scr2Sc, First State Bank . v ww dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Surplus Depos Other Loans Bonds Miscel Cash k ExLiabili and changes,Du* and and its laneous from B anks Discounts Profits ties Securities INDIANA—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. A Tr. Co., and 1st N., Chi.; Dn. Tr. Co., Clev. Gary Trust dk Savings Bank _ (Closed for liquidati on June 27, 1931) Glen Park State Bank____ (ClosedDecember 26, 1930) (Closed December 26 , 1930) 'NATIONAL BANK rfctRP— 1 OF AMERICA 71-149 *250-8% par dB®T«t’17 100 Peoples State Bank___ Ch. of Bd. 150,000 169.180 1,383,450 258,600 744,930 266,280 344,760 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. A Tr. 43,250 Cent. Tr. Co., Cin.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls,; 1st N„ Marion. 42,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. N„ Muncie. 124,350 Old Adams Co. and 1st N., Decatur; 1st N.. Celina; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 9,000 Lincoln Bk. & Tr. Co.. Lou.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 2nd N., New Albany. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. (Closed for liquidati on, December 26, 193 0) James Hansen____ L.P.Swoverland.Jr. 15. 1930) Sec, and Mgr, J. L. Hontz______ F. M. Hundley —— Mary E. Harris 25,000 J. F. Kimmel____ Margaret E. Case.. Loretta G. Brown.. 25,000 2,300 111,000 W. J. Heeter____ J. D. Briggs_____ O. A. Hoskinson... K. F. Shoemaker 50.000 36,300 505,750 25,000 9,000 1SR (Wl J. H. Sims_______ J. A. Wright_____ Ivan A. Kelly Fannie J. Martin ... 132,690 3,060 3,600 110,700 5,730 1,060 78,000 13,000 5,300 435,370 5.640 30,280 128,000 30,000 3,000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 605,260 ]A Growing Bank that of f ers a Promp t and Efficien tServ ice. vWe especia liy invite the accounts an d collections of ba nks a nd bu sines s hou ses. Gary (Bearing House— C. J. Dunn_______ (Members indicated by a*) Gas City____ 3087 Gas City State Bank.__ (Closed September 7 Grant F18 Twin City State Bank R. M. VanAtta, *100 par 100 71-1087 dBS Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Gaston______ 654 Gaston Bankine Co.__ Cbas. T. Beuoy, 7 Delaware G18 par 100 71-763 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Geneva ........895 BANK OF GENEVA—d( A. G. Briggs........... 7 Adams F22 *125-6% par 100 71-587 Georgetown... 374 Georgetown State Banl *140-6% par 100 ♦71-764 S L Floyd L14 JAMES HANSEN- JAMES HANSEN- U. J. B0EHLER—. PAUL CHRISTY Over Sixty Years of Service 4QQ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number glveD to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. F. R. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-Pbebident. Glenwood____ 374 Glenwood State Bank, it'07 U. G. Hinchman__ 7 Rush J19 1100-6% 71-765 par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this INDIANA—Continued Cashieb. Ass’t Cashieb. Liabilities. Resources. Loam Bond. Miscel Cash 4 KxOtheb Paid-up Subplus Depos L and and CHAN on, Du AND iabili Capital Pbopitb its Diaoounti Sacunti. laneous FROM BaNKI ties T. G. Richardson.. Helen Richardson. 15,000 S 128,160 $ Goldsmith....318 Goldsmith Bank_____ ®tt’20 H. C. Haskett_____ 7 Tipton H14 7% par 100 71-1161 10,000 3,010 129,83(1 Goodland 97* Goodland State Bank-®T§’31 Jas. Bell.................. Mort Kila-ore par loo 71-766 A. G. Mitten, Ch. 7 Newton E7 (Consolidation of First Na tional and State Trust & Savings Banks) 25,000 5,000 280,160 ‘Goshen ___ 10.397 7 Elkhart B16 fC. A. AITKEN........ RAY DEAHL.......... . I W. H. NYMEYER........ 0. J.SCHROCK_____ C.E. STOUT, HERMAN ROSCOE Sec. and Tr. C. W, PICKERING, A. Sec. and A. Tr. / Oldest and Larg est Bank In the cl ty. 71-256 dB©T»t*’54 L Collections rece ire prompt, perso nal attention. •• Gosport 7 Owen Grand View... 588 Grandview Bank. dB®Tt§’03 D. E. Cadick______ R. F. Hurst 8 Spencer R 9 $75-6% par 100 71-768 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 8% par 100 •• _____ •• " _____ *• M ___ ^ •* 16,000 180,890 200,000 126,820 1,746,510 912,440 18,370 Fletcher Am, N., Indpls.: Fayette Bk. ft Tr. Co., Connersville; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 4.00C 38,930 18,400 Far. Ln. & Tr. Co., Tipton. 20,000 86,350 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 122,300 200,790 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., ChL; Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 1,769,200 340,060 603,910 272,600 Cent. Han, Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.. 198,000 42,000 9,000 31,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N. and Ind. N„ Indpls. 32,860 N. City, N. Y.; Old N. Bk. in Evansville and West Side. Evansville. (Closed February 14 , 1931) 722 Gosport State Bank Sam Saiiders. A. R. Marley, K10 $135-7 <os% 71-633 d©Tt§'04 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 124 ‘Greencastle. 4613 7 Putnam J 9 lE^nfip A. G. HOOVENSJ. M. YODER.......... C. E. CORNELL— M. S.RUMMELL — 1. 0. WOOD, Ch. of Bd. 100,000 73,260 1,256,240 102,600 776,710 432,290 C. E.RUMMELL Superior Service on Collections. Personal presentation, prompt remittance, intellig ent r eason s for non-p ayme nt. 71-257 dB®T»t'72 Correspondence invited. SALEM BANK AND TRUST CO. 10% « $ CITY NATIONAL BANK $200-10% par 100 — 7,600 t 19R 1Qf Principal Correspondents. 71-403 Welch Wampler.. E. F. Gray 25,000 6,000 249,000 Joseph Forsythe— Bert Newman____ 25,000 6,100 394,090 20,270 288,070 83,100 41,440 664,950 100,000 318,890 370,480 69,330 F. L. O’HAIR.............. S. A. HAYS.................. H. 1. WFIIS WM. STILES B. A. DAGGY Complete Banking and Trust Service YOUR BUSINESS INVITED AND APPREC IATED. 100,000 104.570 1 1 1 210,820 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Central National Ilank—Alliliated: CCentral 1’rust Co. dB®*t’83 F. L. O'HAIR.............. S. A, HAYS CENTRAL TRUST CO. par 100 71-404 ®T»T§1900 KENNETH E. WEST. H. L. WELLS. A. Sec. Sec. W n MAVHil 1 A. Sec. 160,380 Cent. N., Greencastle. E. A. Brown, A. B. Hanna CITIZENS TRUST CO. $200-6% 71-1033 dB®T»J5’13 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 L. J. Arnold, Sec... R. E. Brown, Tr__ 106,280 1st N., Greencastle. FIRST NATIONAL BANK $200-10% par loo 71-402 R. E. BROWN-............ A. B. HANNA______ P.M. RUSH_______ FMrl? Will? D. M. WELDON Oldest Bank In Putnam County. PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE ON COLLECTIONS. dB«t’63 ^Greenfield ..4,188 The Citizens Bank H. K. Boyd.............. Sheldon B. Cooper D. J. Pickett 7 Hancock J17 71-368 dB®Tt§’74 B. W. Cooper, Ch. Jno. B. Hinchman f HARRY G.STRICK1 LAND GREENFIELD BANKING CO. par 100 71-367 dB®T*t§’71 i Oldest and Larg 1 Special attentlo K. Please send 15c wi W. C. Hatfield CHARLES H. COOK- J. W. FLETCHER-___ C. H. BARR............... 100,000 794,790 98,980 80,000 231,390 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletch er Am. N. and Ind. N., Indpls. A FFILIA TED W ITH Cl T1ZENS TRUST COMPA NY COMB INED R ESOUR CES OV ER $2,3 00,000. 50,000 16,000 320,430 265,960 23,910 33.780 82,980 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fletcher Am. N. and Ind. N.. Indpls. 50,000 70,840 590,040 488,630 114,850 24,280 83.170 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. est Bank. Promp t Service on CoUe ctlons. n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. th each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repor t*. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 45,250 RESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY 500 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. JMem. State B. Ass’n. ‘Greensburg. 5702 7 Decatur LI9 [Estab. President. Vice-President. ASS’T CASHIER. CASHIER. M. L. MIERS -. . . . . . . . J. H. CHRISTIAN —- LOCKE BRACKEN—. H. T. KITCHIN. J. H. CHRISTIAN. Ch. 0. J. BUTLER, Tr.Off. A. Cash. & Tr. Off. ANNA L. ST. JOHN. CITIZENS THIRD Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. INDIANA—Continued Liabilities. Loini Bond* Other Cash k ExMiscel chan Depos Liabili Paid-up Surplus and «m,Dui and AND its Capital Propits Discount* Securities laneous from Barks ties $ 150.000 $ 30,000 1 993,220 $ 219,090 $ 861,390 t 259,110 S 100,140 $ 171,670 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. and 1st N., Cin.; Fletcher Am. N. and Ind. N., Indpls. 111,090 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cln.; Ind. N., Indpls. A, Cash. and A. Tr. Off. 4AT.BK.iTR. CO 65 Years Experience As A Commercial Bank. Your business will be properly handled If entrusted to US. 150-6% par 100 71-328 dB©T*t'6 Merger of Citizens Nationa ' Bank and Third National Bank & Trust Co.) GREENSBURG NATIONAL BANK C. P. MILLER_____ T. E. HAMILTON— C. P. CORBETT DAN S. PERRY — collections a specialty ana remittea on aay ot payment. Prompt attention to all Banking matters entrusted to us. i% 71-329 ®«tl90 IN ION TRUST C0 -IB©K§ ( a C. B. Harrison___ D.W. Weaver----- G. G. Welsh. C. H. Ewing, 1250-12% par 100 71-330 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Greens Fork...333 4 D. W. Harris. H. H. Gaylor____ Elizabeth J. Ward. Mary Hatfleld___ 7 Wayne I 21 $100-6% par 100 71-769 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Green town... 1021 State Bank of Greentown C. W. Hamer____ G. O. Ball. J. T. Hunt______ H. E. Murray, 7 Howard G15 14% 71-583 ®Tti 3 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 Greenwood...2377 6 D. B. Demott____ G. W. Robison___ Wm. Adcock____ R. O. Calvert____ 7 Johnson K15 par 100 71-521 )nal Ban 6 E. E. Thompson__ C. M. Winchester.. $320-6% 71-520 Grafton Johnson, par 100 \j ft. Griffith...........1176 Griffith State Bank C. A. Leonard F. A. Malmstone, 7 Lake B 6 1 Ch. ofBd. and Pres. Gwynnevllle.. 215 W. P. Thurston 7 Shelby J17 10% 71-1250 Hagerstown.. 1262 ist Co. — 4 Horace Hoover, Chas. F. Porter... K. M. Hudson___ M. F. Steffenson .. 71-599 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, J. H. Teetor 7 Wayne I 21 $200-16% par 100 Hamilton____ 357 5 O. H. Taylor... 7 Steuben B22 71-771 R. H. Taylor Hamlet______ 418 ite Ban) 1 C. J. Schwartz .... J. L. Denaut.......... Jacob 8. Short___ H. I. Short............ par 100 71-772 7 Starke C12 Hammond..64,560 7 Lake B6 A. J. SWANSON— DANIEL BROWN ... H. 0. REISSIG. » A. H. TAPPER. SAVINGS BANK JL par 100 75.000 17,160 408,840 134,050 400,150 92,650 22,150 75.000 115.000 760,000 263,000 800,000 110,000 160,000 25,000 9,650 157,120 25,000 149,470 31,900 16,980 40,000 48,120 297,980 ______ 259,460 ______ 9,120 25.000 26,200 302,000 33,800 240,000 59,700 27,100 25.000 52,660 396,170 24,990 262,850 153,070 28,040 7,280 143,000 Citiz. N., Greensburg; FifthTkirdUn.Tr. Co., Cin.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 18,420 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 117,520 Cont. Ill.’Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls.; Tol. Tr.. Tol.; Citiz. N.. Ko komo; Ohio N.. Col. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. 60,200 N., Indpls. 54,860 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ind. N., Indpls. 37,990 Cont. III. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi. 25.000 4,360 99,110 52,230 8,620 36,910 10,000 6,050 77,340 66,910 500 2,010 50.000 37,150 427,680 289,280 76.420 11,520 137,610 1st N., Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls. 10.000 570 374,150 440 25.000 20,870 191,100 37,340 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne. 35,340 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr.Co..Chi. 5,000 95,000 251,940 ( U.S.Bds. ) 195,770 — 10,860 23,970 Am. N., Rushville. CHAS. M.GEPHART Sec. and Tr. Besides general banking Items and collections, send us matters requiring personal handling by men of broad trust and banking experience. Please send 15c with each sight draft and 25c for credit reports. 150,000 111,000 179,000 Chase National Bank............ New York First National Bank_________Chicago Fletcher-Amerlcan National Bank Indianapolis Hammond National Bank & Trust Co., Hammond 100,000 105,000 600.000 60,000 425,000 400.000 111,290 2,656,370 100,000 1,726,080 795,610 125.090 620,880 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 517,290 50,000 305,580 187,0111 67,770 102,260 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Gary; Hammond N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hammond. First Trust & Savings Bank..- (Closed February 2, 1931) A. H.TAPPER-. . . . . . . . LOUIS G. KLITZKE - P. H. FEDDER. W. E. GESCHEIDLER V. P. and Cash. H. E. STOUT J.H. SHARPE, Exec. H. J. 6ESCHEIDLER par 100 Prompt and Efficient Service In Every Department. i Collections presented personally and promptly. .Quick Remittance or Reason for non-payment given. ™ Pleaee send 15e with each sight draft for presentation and Ibc for Credit Reports. - (Closed September 6, 1930) Northern Trust & Sav. Bank - (Closed August 26, 1930) Peoples State Bk. of Hammondd (Deposits taken over by Hammond Natio nal Bank & Trust C o., April, 4,1931) A. N. TAPPER------- ENGLEHARDT HAMMOND $175 80.000 THEO. MOOR-------- J. E. HATHAWAY — . ULLRICH We make a specialty of highest grade First Mortgage Real Estate Loans. 9 Collections Invited—Personal service. 35,340 par 100 71-88 Associate members by +) THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST C( Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sec 1 CINCINNAT 1 OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. | 501 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ,m _ __ „ . ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. Fed. Ites. Dist. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-TiustB-Bono L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRXSIDCNT. Yick-Psisisint. OASHIM. Ass’t Cashier. Hanna_______ 413 Farmers & Merchants Bank T. H. Richardson.. G. H. Denison. .. 7 La Porte CIO $200 par 100 71-991 tt’12 Hanover........... 3 Hanover Deposit Bank. tS’10 Carl Henning-........ H. M. Lee-............ Mary A. Raid* I Jefferson N Harlan State Bank ...®f|Tl Noah Amstutz 7% 71-965 James Cronin, Jr.. 7 Blackford G19 71-306 John Burns par 100 71-308 d®T«t'0S Union Trust Company . Haubstadt___ 674 Gibson Q5 $256-10% Gibson 05 Elmer Zeis_______ F. H. Miller............ stein O.H. Hiatt______ H. F. Hall................ H. F. Hall Elmer Lucas fien. Rapp . Earl Reasnner, Cash, and Tr. Off. A. Cash.deA.Tr.Off. 10.000 $ 9,830 $ 186,740 25,000 4,800 10,000 18,250 6,340 25.000 100,000 56,680 $ I 172,440 $ 9,570 244,390 850 169,630 26,620 5,330 $ 3,480 S 74.340 11,970 6,460 200,390 6,000 6,120 163,090 25,000 27,750 995,300 114,100 88,500 367,610 75,970 77,130 88,220 1,230,250 25,320 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N.. Chi.: Peo. Tr. & Sav„ La Porte. 3,290 Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 60,990 2d N., New Alb.; Clark Co. State. Jeffer sonville; Orange Co., Paoli; Citiz. Un. N., Lou. 11,740 Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 220,570 Chase N., N.T.; Oont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. N.. Indpls. 55,650 1st N.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 16,720 434,640 (Taken over by Citize ns State Bank, Febr nary 16, 1931) T. A. Stunkel_____ A. J. Lynn W. W. Bipp 40.000 27,940 586,960 316,980 223,800 13,410 100,700 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. City. Evansville. H. M. Arthur____ Aaron Trippet, Sr. G. W. McFetridge. Alma V. Jones 40,000 37,250 375,000 335,150 47,980 11,910 57,220 Am. N.. Vincennes; Peo. Am. N. and Far. N., Princeton; Old N., Evansville. 50,000 17,180 185,080 38,010 204,480 48,470 7,670 29,650 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 25,000 13,680 141,380 3,000 137,650 50,000 $200-10% par 100 71-777 Hebron______ 693 7 Porter C8 $170-8% Principal Correspondents. 75,000 71-775 Hazleton____ 507 8 LoftBa thek Bonda Miscel Gam k Ex Paid-up Subplus Dzpoft- LOiabili and changes, Dus and and ITfl Capital Profits Diaoounta Saauritiaa laneous prom Banks ties S sno-5% 71-773 Bank of Hardinsburg. dtt'12 D. B. Radellff____ G. E. Roll________ O.D. McKinley.__ W. C. Summers___ Eli Bringle, Ch. 1300-10% par 100 71-MS Harlan______ l 7 Allen D22 8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In* dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued Geo. C. Gregg. 71-778 M. C. Bryant Thomas Turner C. J. Hobbs . Hemlock........... 310 Hemlock State Bk. „®TtS'20 Ezra Van Auken, J. W. Beaman____ O. L. Clifton_____ John F. Crousore Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $100-6% 71-1179 7 Howard G15 21,970 23,440 Citiz. N., Kokomo. par 100 Henryvllle____ 480 Henry ville State Bank C. E. Clegg______ J. J. Dietrich_____ H. E. Clegg.__ .. H. H. Baker $125-6% 71-779 d®»tl'04 R. C. Rueff, Ch. 8 L Clark 017 par 100 John Rrnnt . Highland__ 1,553 Henry Van Til $140-8% 71-1010 dB®Ti§'25 7 Lake B6 par 100 J.M. Dunn____ __ G. T. Wood______ Velma Hnffer____ Hllllsburg____ 320 Hillisburg Bank ___ d®tt’12 J.S. Snyder $120-4% 71-1001 7 Clinton G13 par 100 25.000 14,750 152,600 9,170 186,820 160 4,610 25.000 8,180 143,430 38,440 171,240 14,400 4,610 20,000 7,500 78,900 9,000 78,900 Hillsboro........ 448 The Hillsboro State Bank E. G. Bounell ..... Freeman Osborn... 71-780 dB®tl’31 7 Fountain H8 $100-8% 25.000 470 103,610 106,580 86,170 19,400 25.000 9,030 193,920 119,190 86,210 2,250 76,580 88,990 90,170 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Gary State, Gary. 11,170 Citiz. N.. Tipton. par 100 Hoagland____ 275 First State Bank___ d®t§’29 M. A. Griebel_____ Otto Scheimann 7 Allen E21 71-1261 Frank Deth____ Mnrl Lybarger (J. W. IDDINGS— L. E. MAXWELL - B.M. FINDLING — PAUL. E. STARK- 21,500 110,640 9,930 Clark Co. State, Jeffersonville. 24,800 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st Tr. & Sav„ Hammond. 15,000 Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpli. 19,450 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 20,340 Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 50,000 26,760 873,830 158,530 853,390 __ 25,000 11,720 107,720 13,090 130,540 1,500 15,330 par loo Holland______ 323 Holland National Bank—i’08 A. H. Mauntel____ E. J. Rebber______ A. H. Loewenstein Edw.W. Meyer.— 8 Dubois Q 9 8% par 100 71-782 F. H. Willinan, Ch. 25,000 25,700 121,000 33,500 86,500 81,700 3,200 33,800 N. Citv. Evansville; Citiz. Un. N., Lou.; 1st N., Huntingburg. 10,000 7,000 26,500 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 30,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.,Cin. J w. n. If Irrfc Hobart_____ 5787 THE FIRST STATE BANK par 100 71-505 dB®rT»t§’99 ) Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. 7 Lake B7 / 15c must be se nt with each SIg ht Draft for pres entatlen Land 25c for eac h report. Hobbs________ 329 Farmers State Bank J. F. Morris. 7 Tipton H16 $too-6% 71-1048 d®Ttl'13 Holton_______ 376 7 Ripley M19 Hope________ 1085 7 Barthol’ew L16 Howe_________ 810 7 Lagrange A19 Howell..................... 8 Vanderburg Q5 Hudson........ ..... 431 7 Steuben B21 Huntertown 400 7 Allen C20 Huntlngburg 3440 8 L Dubois Plo Ira C. Melson . C. L. Hobbs . H. E. Castor. Holton State Bank_____tS'Ol J. W. Simpers........ Nick Brunner _ W. P. Castner........ Altana Sproessig.. $190-10% par 100 71-783 G. J. Stratton Hope State Bank.. dB®t$’12 Arthur May, Edna I. May Carty Ch. of Bd. and Pres, tlOfli-3% par 10071-1013 R. F. McKenzie... $162.50-10% par 100 71-786 F. C. Wade, Ch. (See EvcmsviUe) 242,000 1,120 165,000 7,000 t , 140,550 25,000 14,500 242,970 25,000 3,150 180,000 40,000 18,150 302,660 25,000 21,640 205,480 L. J. Hoing_______ A. K. Hoing______ E. W. Heitman 25,000 10,120 390,600 1,910 240,110 63,810 55,000 68,720 First National Bank.d®»t'07 S. L. McKinney, W. J. Bretz.............. W. E. Menke_____ Raymond Schuler. $126-6% par 100 71-438 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 50,000 21,240 342,430 46,400 267,030 98,260 56,400 38,380 Jhase N.. N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. City, Evansville; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. H. O. Doty 8% par 100 71-787 Huntertown Bank Citizens Trust Co..dB®Tt5’13 par 100 71-1016 46,830 227,700 97,600 106,590 16,910 39,390 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 31,020 Wayne. (Closed for liquidat ion January 5,1931) THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J_ _ _ N„ Louisville. Over Sixty Years of Service 502 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- LIAB1L1X JLiliS* ther Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and its Capital Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Cashier. Vice-President. Profits ‘Hun tlngton 13,420 Citizens State Bank Jacob Dick_______ E. E. Allen_______ 7 Huntington E17 16% Paul M. Taylor 71-100 dB®T<5’73 B. F. Biliter, Ch. .. .. H. E. Rnsehroueh . *200-6% par 100 71-189 M •• HUNTINGTON TR. & SAVINGS BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued fCHAS. McGREW-— J. C. WEARLY---------- ties Loans Bonds Miscel Cash & EX CHANGES,DUE and and Discount! Securities laneous from Banks H. J. Zahn------------- Howard H.Shideler $ 200,000 $ 103,790 $1262 670 $ 475,820 $ 999,900 $ 394,120 S 462,010 $ 186,250 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Old-lst N. Bk. & H. L. Eberhart.A.C. Curtis Altman Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. E. V. Fitch.. — G. D. Earns. 200,000 26,770 2,700,690 470,830 N. Y. Tr. Oo.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Un. 100,000 1,754,800 124,930 676,890 G. Morrow, Tr. Off. R. E. Erehart Tr. Co., Olev.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. G. G. SMITH----------- JOHN ERNST........... FRANK SHIDELER 100.000 34,610 679,900 137,250 524,280 119,590 234,100 73.790 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.: Harris Tr. & 23,690 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Terre Haute Tr. Co., Terre Haute. 22,700 Cent. Kep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. ] A Commercial Bank—acts In all Trust Capacities 71-193 dB®T»«’07 (.Prompt, Efflele nt Collection Ser vice. Send us you r Huntington Ite ms. Sioo-6% IjCIt 100 1162 G. Funkhouser _____ Charles Van Arsdall G. R. Shepherd 71-788 I Sullivan L7 par 100 Idavllle _ 650 State Bank of Idavllle Wilbur Timmons.. Wilbur Crowel_____ Milton Timmons____ Luella Wright_______ $120 par 100 71-789 d®TCI'16 7 White Ell Indiana Harbor. (See East Chicago) Hymera INDIANAPOLIS President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. R. H. WALLACE__ L. M. RAPPAPORT— 0. R. OLSEN, S. GRIGGS, AETNA E's-C000®>a, L.S. HENSLEY TRUST & SAVINGS Accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Invited. COMPANY DEPARTMENTS: Commercial Banking, Trusts, Real Estate Rental and Insurance Tr.... J. 20-61 31.430 214,120 8,800 234,250 9,740 14,680 8,360 146,400 5,000 146,640 700 14,710 25,000 Liabilities. Othbb Paid-up Surplus Total AND Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Resources. Loans Bonds and and MibcblLANEOU8 Discounts Secumties Resources k Cash Exchakgbs,Dci from Banks Indianapolis Clearing House Assn. Mem, shown by* Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. Sec.... S 250,000 S SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS #% par 100 25,000 Sav., Chi.; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. (Marion, J 15)County Seat, Pop. 364,161—Reserve City (Federal Reserve District No. 7) oMem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Principal Correspondents. 73,390 {1,310,840 $ 700.480 $ 831,610 $ WE P AY 4% 337,480 $ 845,380 $ INTE REST ON SA VI NG dB©T*t5T2 320,250 Central Hanover Bank and Trust Co.* New York First National Bank Chicago Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co., St. Louis s. (25 N. Pennsylvania) ‘BANKERS TRUST COMPANY 7% par 100 20-74 d®T»tST6 (Pennsylvania and Ohio) H. C. BINKLEY-— J. E. REAGAN------ E. W. ROGERS, L. L. GREEN, T. S. McMURRAY, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr, 500,000 m ... JR. MALCOLM LUCAS, W. F. WAGENER, E. W. SHORT Tr. Off. Mgr. Rental Dept Ins. Dept. WILLIAM H. POLK, WM. SEYLER, Mgr A. Sec. and A. Tr. H. G. KNIGHT, Mgr R.E.Dept. 406,930 3,523,960 494,200 224,490 245,670 2.960 29,590 188,020 191,500 23,080 410 25,000 16,210 158,800 1 119,690 26,530 24,060 50,000 81,210 583,880 ) 309,080 132,840 127,410 1,351,880 96,100) 669,110 697,870 75,060 1,734,020 25,000 12,120 25,000 3,402,610 449,100 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. We especially Invite the accounts and collections of banks and business houses. Our quick personal service and reasonable charges will please you. Belmont State Bank dB®*t§’24 G. C. Forrey, Jr., L. P. Robinson.__ Wm. J. Clark____ Clem F. Miller ___ Ch. of Bd, and Pres. par 100 20-92 (2101 West Washington) Brightwood State Bank.®t§’18 J. M. Mendenhall.. J. Henry Fisse___ Paul F. Cross_____ R. W. Huggins-----*155-6% 20-76 par loo (2355 Station) (Taken over by Fletc her Trust Co. and operated as a branch ) Broad, Ripple State Bank----O. C. Denbo______ Central State Bank.—®Tt§’23 James L. Gavin. George L. Clark— par 100 20-84 (2962 Central AveA Citizens State Bank.. d®Tt§’12 G. P. Torrence — Evans Woollen, Jr. Frank Driver Ralph Knight........... par 100 20-60 (2602 W. Michigan) City Trust Company_______ (Closed October 23, 1930) Continental National Bank ._ (Purchased by Indi ana National Bank December 18, 1930) East Washington State Bank Farmers Trust Co._________ 1,892,770 636,120 58,210 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 27,630 Merch. N„ Indpls. 30,120 Ind. N„ Indpls. 148,860 Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls. (Taken over by Fletc her Trust Co, and op erated as East Wash ington branch. Effe dive April 15, 1931) (Closed May 4, 1931 ) Fidelity Trust Company James McNulty.__ J. G. Flaherty____ J. G. Flaherty, Tr. T. P. Sexton, Sec.. Maurice McNulty, T.X. Lanahan.A.S. $154-6% par 100 20-59 d®T»t§’09 T. P. Sexton Tr. Officer A. E. Lamb, Aud. (148 E. Market) 100,000 150,000 255,940 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. (Indianapolis banka continued on following page) THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS Send Your INDIANAPOLIS Collections and matters requiring prompt, personal handling by men of broad trust and banking experience to the Bankers Trust Company Pennsylvania and Ohio Streets, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Commercial, Savings, Trust, Investment, Insurance, Real Estate Sales, and Rental Departments Correspondence Invited Accounts Solicited DIRECTORS OF THE BANKERS TRUST COMPANY OF INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA John C. Cheney Shelbyville,Indiana Attorney Lewis A. Coleman Atto rney Clarence A. Cook State Agent Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. A. Hilgenberg Realtor Victor C. Kendall Secretary-T reasurer L. S. Ayres & Co. T. S. McMurray, Jr. President T. S. McMurray, Jr., Inc. Martin McDermott President M. Clune Co. Joseph E. Reagan Robert J. Spencer Marion, Indiana Capitalist President Baldwin-Miller Co. W. Edw. Showers Bloomington, Indiana President Showers Bros. Manufacturing Co. Henry C. Thornton, Jr. Vice-President ThorntonLevey Co. Frank B. Wilkinson Logansport, Indiana Vice-President Logansport Loan and Trust Co. Howard C. Binkley Company’s President Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in <<1d < m o‘ Oo X 3 oc 3 r &> o- up(t 5*3 V ■o V> <r n a> V) <-*■ *Ti rw H no X M73 > *a H > r N> >• o o o <* o o o > n O > z z 2n > z 0 o ► r co > z*< > H 1 $ <nsr rh ar CL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital Four Million Dollars With direct connections with more than sixty per cent of the banks of Indiana, we offer unusual facilities for the handling of Indiana collections. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State fPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 'FLETCHER AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 6% par 100 20-1 dB®T»t'39 President. Vice-President. (Federal Reserve District No. J1 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. E. W. STOUT.......... G. C. FORREY -......... R. K. SMITH, OTTO J. FEUCHT-—o u uiici i cd V. P. and Cash. W. J. HUBBARD* JR. W. F. C. GOLT V.P.and Tr.Officer R. C. SMITH E. H. IGLEHART, Established H.E. SUTHERLIN V. P. and Tr. Mgr. M.R. GREEN, A.V.P. A. G. WOCHER 1839. C. R. KEOGH, Aud. M. W. S0CWELL. H. L. HILKENE Mgr. Foreign Dept. G.P.SUDING, Mgr. Sav. Dept. F. F. WOCHER C. H. LARSH. Mgr. Woman's Bk. Dept. (45 N. Penn. St.) Fletcher Joint Stock Land Evans Woollen. Bank____ 20-86 ..............’17 o% par s (Penn, and Market) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANAPOLIS—Cont’d—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Other Total Paid-up Surplus AND Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties EVANS WOOLLEN-— HUGH McK. LAN00N- LELAND CRAWFORD. L.A.BUENNAGEL.Sec. A. BONDS AND and Discounts SECURITIES Miscel Cash & Et laneous ch ANOB8, Du* Resources FROM Banks Indpls. Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. $ 4.000.000 $ 1,344,010 $40 240 700 $ 2,890,170 $23827760 $ 7,425,330 $ 2,359,880 $14861900 Irving Trust Co. _____________ _______ New York National City Bank__________ _________ New York (FORTY-SECOND STREET BRANCH: JAMES H. BEAVER, Mgr.) SEE FULL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT. Collections given careful and prompt attention with the best facilities. 750.000 Hugh McR. Landon Geo. A. Miller. Tr, EmilyM.Gammans, Sec. Wm. B. Schiltges M. S.Parr, A. Tr. Sec. W. W. Talbert. A. Geo. A. Miller R. P. YOUNG, Sec. LANDON, VINSON CARTER, 'FLETCHER HUGHCh.McK. A.S. JOHNSON,A.TV! E. C. MCKINNEY. of Exec. Com. V. P. and Counsel CLAIR MCCONNELL, Sec. A. Tr. CHARLES E. HERIN, D. S. MORRIS, TRUST COMPANY W. S.GREENOUGH, A. Sec. Asst, to Pres. V. P. and Tr. Off. GEORGE A. MILLER, A, Tr, H. L. WEBER. „ t Resources. Loans 1.500,000 802,530 14,594,800 485,160 15,697,960 56,120 529,770 348,660 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. &Tr,Co.,Chi.; Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls. 1,802.560 26,382,560 515,730 10,812,300 10,281,070 1,897,080 7,210,400 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr.Co., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co., and 1st N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., St. L.; 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co., Cln.; Union Tr. Co., Pitt. Bonds (Territ ory, India na and III inois) A. General Banking and Trust Business ♦ 20-10 1dB®T«t5'12 A. Cash. S. G. KASBERG. Cash. EVANS WOOLLEN, Jr., W. B. SCHILTGES F. A. OHLEYER, _ E. G. FREIHAGE, , H. F. CLIPPINGER Vice Pres. A. Cash. A. Tr. Off, (Formerly Fletcher Savings & LAWRENCE A. WILES BURKE NICHOLAS, ORPHA M. RUNGE, Trust Company) 1406-8%+ 2% extra par 100 Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co._._ChIcago First National Bank______________________Chicago First National Bank___________________ St. Louis Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co. _______________________ ________ _____ St. Louis Philadelphia National Bank________ Philadelphia First National Bank....___________________Boston 70,000 DEPOSITORS (Penn, and Market) Twelve branches aver Indianapolis; Member Federal Reserve System. Chief Acc't A. Tr. Off. Fort Wayne Ave. State Bank _ {Closed January 3, 1931) Forty-Second St. State Bank„ {Purchased by Fletch er American Nation al Bank and operate d as Forty-Second S t. branch. C. H. Stuckmeyer. Val. F. Schneider . E. W. Strack_____ +Fountain Square State Bk. Henry Langsenkamp H. J. Budeqz (1059 Virginia Ave.) 100,000 Effective May 16,1 931) 108,440 876,120 1,230 228,910 265,900 7,500 $200-7% par 100 20-58 dB@Tt§’08 INDIANA NATIONAL BANK F. D. STALNAKER-- E. 0. MOORE....... R___________ . M. FLETCHER -H. _______ S. W00DBR0CKV HENRY EITEL.V.P. THOS. H. KAYLOR C. M. BROCKWAY, JOHN F. KURFISS G. F. PATTERSON. R. M. FLETCHER _ Auditor R. B. MALLOCH V. P. WM. P. FLYNN C. T. BRADY, A. C. jas. L. FISH R.W. SPIEGEL This Bank will receive the Accounts and Collec tions of all Banks, Bankers and Corporations, Firms, and Individuals, and will give prompt attention to any business entrusted to Its care. 20-5 dB®T»t’65 (3 Virginia Ave.) $280-10% Geo. O. Forrey, Jr. F. 0. Bopp.— Indianapolis Joint Stock lioo.Land Bk..20-97 ............’26 Indianapolis Morris Plan Co.« O. F. Cofflnn_____ 20-93 (151 N. Delaware St.) ‘INDIANA TRUST CO* $230-10% 20-9 dB®T»t§’93 par 100 (Wash. St. andVirginiaAve.) 2,000,000 Wm.N. Fleming,Jr. H. C. Strieker, Sec. and Tr. 250.000 583,470 Harriman N. Bk. & Tr. Co-, N- Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Merch. N.. Indpls. First National Bank_______________ NewYork Chase National Bank________________________ NewYork First National Bank______________________Chicago 952,860 16,500.330 Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co....Chicago 349.790 19,535,110 7,287.850 3,032,130 38,894,230 Philadelphia National Bank________ Philadelphia 1 First National Bank___________________ Cincinnati National Shawmut Bank_________________ Boston First National Bank____________________ Baltimore Mellon National Bank________________ Pittsburgh SEIE ADVER1 ISEMENT ON MAP OF INDIA NA. Union Trust Co._______________________ Cleveland First National Bank___________________________ St.Louis 18,070 643.250 98,030 Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 805,080 1,810 6.400 2,015,330 5,514,770 506,010 5,220,020 Gty. Tr.Co.,Chatham-Phenix,andBkrs.Tr.Co.. N. Y.: Harris Tr. & Sav. and Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 314,600 171,410 139,400 379,310 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Cent.Tr. Co.. Cln.; Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Ind. N., Indpls. A. S, and A. Tr. Ralph Gregory, Acting Sec. & Mgr. J. P. FRENZEL. Jr.— _ _ _ _ _ CRAVEN, Tr. R.N. BRITTON, A.S, 7. C. DICKSON J. P. FRENZEL, Ch. B. W. TEMPLETON, M. P. BOWEN, Sec. A. W. KAYE. A1. Sec. Mgr. Real Estate WILL COWAN, A. Tr. 1,000.000 1,521,440 10,734,690 and Ins. Dept. -OldestTrus t Company in Indiana. Inland Bank A Trust Co_____ {In process of liquid ation) Irvington State Bank________ {Taken over by Fletc her Trust Co. and o perated as a branch) 'LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE BANK A. S. BENSON. jMi.n»s.tuHUh . Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Send your Indianapolis and stock yards business direct to us. $150-9% par 100 20-69 d«t§’13 Quick returns on collections at reasonable rates. (Union Stock Yds.) {Indianapolis banks continu ed on following page) 200.000 100,000 616,840 87,880 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CH«cihIN AT | Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The Bankers’ Bank Since 1863 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in 11. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. (Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. PKK8IDENT. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Madison Avenue State Bk. Geo. Hilgemeier .. Chas. Hafer--------6% par 100 20-95 d®T«t§’26 G. H. Mueller. Ch. (1377 Madison Ave.) Maple Road State Bank_______ (Closed December 30 . 1930) Marion County State Bank 1250-12% par 100 14% Ass’t Cashier. F. Davis.............. L. P. Carper 0. L. Robinson.... C. E. Robinson____ W. A. Baraev______ Liabilities. Other Surplus Paid-up Liabili AND Capital Profits Deposits ties $ 25.000 S 12,860 50,000 36,310 $ 384,120 693,830 AND 317,870 S $ $ Resources. MischlBonds Cash k ExLAN10U8 Discounts Smcubitiss Rbsoubcbs nOM Banks Loans 435,620 52,860 AND 44,260 245,190 $ J. P. FRENZEL, JR* ............ ............... O.N. FRENZEL, JR. CARL H. BALS...... TH0S.A.RESSLER, WM. C. GRAUEL J. P. FRENZEL. Mgr. Bond Dept. GEO. J. 0HLEYER 1,250,000 2,272,660 15,371,330 1,044,600 Ch. of Bd. * Principal Correspondents. 34,550 117,630 N. City, N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. Chase National Bank.................... ............. New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co....Chicago Central Republic Bank & Trust Co--------------Chicago First National Bank......... Cincinnati 8,456,680 Miss. Valley Tr. Co.____ ___ _______St. Louis Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co.,St. Louts National Shawmut Bank........................ - --Boston Mellon National Bank.,______ Pittsburgh Philadelphia National Bank_______ Philadelphia 4,433,710 6,011,580 1,036,020 Collections promptly made and remitted for at loweat rates. Your account Invited. We know your wants and we want your banking business. 20-6 »t’65 (11 So. Meridian) Indpls. Clearing House Ass’n. Members shown by Affiliated Banks by + 33,590 Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 26,250 S R. C. Shane berger 20-66 dB©T»W’12 139 E. Market 'MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Cashier. J. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANAPOLIS—Cont’d—Reserve City (Closed May 11, 193 \for liquidation) G. H. Wagner____ _ 25.000 55,040 310,870 40,600 239,440 50,400 93,130 F. E. McKinney... Hueber .......... Neal Grider, V. P. and Cash. A. E. Thompson, A. Tr. Off. C. R. Weaver, V, P. and Tr. Off. 200,000 449,650 2,433,960 236,530 1,703,630 284,570 744,460 ( Trust Resources Northwestern State Bank 6% par 100 20-68 d®T»t8’13 (1100 W. 30th) F. M. McWhirter, A. ♦The Peoples State Bank 1300-6% 20-62 dB®T*t§’91 Ch. of Bd, & Pres, par 100 136 E. Market St. J. $ 48,550 Ind. N„ Indpls. 587,480 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 9,874,68 9.22) > i Postal Station State Bank___ (Closed October 23,1 930) Roosevelt Ave. State Bank__ (Taken over by Fletc her Trust Co. and op erated as a branch) ♦Security Trust Co. Irving W. Lemaux. (}, Wt Snydftr 12% par 100 20-11 d®T»t*’01 (111-13 N. Penn.) W. O. Kassebaum. H. V. Brady. A;Sec. Sec. and Tr. 200,000 496,840 3,729,020 626,400 1,970,940 1,588,560 665,980 25,000 13,670 352,500 620 227,060 58,700 3,300 2,479,810 10,081,580 45,168,840 9,233,010 2,660,890 41,428,330 199,110 548,040 9,330 826,780 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Sixteenth Street State Bank__ (Taken over by Fletc her Trust Co. and op erated as a branch) (Taken over by Fletc her Trust Co. and op erated as South Side branch) State Bank of Mass. Ave. L. E. Yuncker____ F. W. Jungclaus... A. J. Krueger, Jr.. ♦UNION TRUST COMPANY A. V. Brown_____ M. M, Dunbar........ C. N. Fultz, V. P. and Tr. Off. Geo. A. Buskirk, Tr. Off. 1110-5% par 100 20-77 ®t5'20 (815-17 Mass. Av.) 20-12 dB®T»«'93 J. E. Reed, V, P. 1625-12% and 3% extra par 100 (1 Branch) (120 E. Market) H. F. McNutt, Tr. A. F. Ganding, Sec. C. O. Alig, A. Tr. A. A. Ritchie, J. F. King, A. Tr. A. Sec. R. A. Kurtz, A. Sec. E. E. Lett, A. Sec. 600,000 5,008,010 Chase N„ 1st N„ N. City, N. Y. Tr„ Gty. Tr„ and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Harris Tr. & Sav.,lst N. and 1st Un.Tr.&Sav.. Chi.; Mellon N. and Un. Tr. Co., Pitts. C. T. Blizzard, Aud. A. V. Brown, Jr., A. Sec. 110,110 A. V. Brown______ M. M. Dunbar_____ H. F. McNutt, Tr,. A. F. Gauding. Sec. Union Trust Joint-Stock 250,000 Land Bank_20-96 ---------’26 J. E. Reed, V. P. Robert Bracken, J. F. King, A. Tr. E. E. Lett, A. Sec. Alan A. Ritchie, A. Sec. C. N. Fultz. A.Mgr. C, O. Alig, A. Tr. V. P. and Mgr. par ioo (120 East Market) United Labor Bank & Trust John L. Lewis----Jacob Fischer Co............. 20-91___ d®T§’23 Adolph J. Fritz 1100 par 100 (2 E. Market) 102,730 Merch. N„ Indpls. A. Sec, Virginia Ave. State Bank Charles R. Keogh.. W. J. Hubbard, Jr. William Iverson... A. R. Pollard_____ par ioo 20-90 d®T«t§'24 (630 Virginia Ave.) 1,850 Ind. N., Indpls. 112,500 22,500 349,360 204,420 192,730 . 13,960 73,250 Harriman N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. '; l 25,000 5,000 167,410 129,640 66,470 33,900 34,100 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 66,690 Washington Bank & Trust (Closed October 28,1 930) Company A. V. Brown______ (See pag es 92-93 -94 forN umber of National , State a nd Priva te Indianapolis Clearing House F. D. Stalnaker___ E. W. Stout_______ G. C. Calvert, Banks, T ola/ Dep osits by Cities, S tates, et c.) Sec. and Mgr. (Members indicated by a ♦ Affiliated banks by + ) er H. S. Cross, Examin THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Resources Over $90,000,000.00 & Tr. ' 509 Indianapolis—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. BANKERS INVESTMENT GO. (408 Bank Bldo.) Continental Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices Correspondents, and Bank Depositories Bert McBride. Pres. Edw. G. Hereth, Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. R. E. McBride. Sec. V. P. and Treas. Capital and Surplus, $125,000. BREED, ELLIOTT & HARRISON ±$V12 (109 N. Pennsylvania St.) FLETCHER AMERICAN COMPANY (Fletcher Am. Bk. Bldg.) (Incorporated) (11 South Meridian St.) GEO. B. ELLIOTT. Pres. H.E. CLAYTON, 1 F. A- LIKELY, V. P. A, Sec. and Treas. IE. H. CATES. v.P. E-L. KLINE,Sec. Ind. N., and Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. GAVIN L. PAYNE Specialize In Real Estate Preferred 1 Stock. Investment Securitles-Munlcipal and Corporation Bonds. & COMPANY (207 Continental Bk. Bldg.) -T01 v„ (Investment Bonds) Telephone Riley 3545 — Resident Mgr., Robt. A. Moss Halsey Stuart & Co., N. Y., Chi. Phil., Pitt., Bos., St. L„ Det„ Mil. Clev., and Minpls. Dealers In Corporation Bonds and Indiana National Bank, Indpls. Stocks, Bank and Trust Company Stock Government, Municipal, School and Road Bonds. Member Indianapolis Stock Exchange. Member American Bankers Association. Member Indiana Bankers Association. UTILITY BOND & SHARE COMPANY GAVIN L. PAYNE. Owner MARY F. STUBBS, Cash. WM. W. MILLER, Sales Mgr. N. City Oo.. N. Y„ and Correspond ent offices. Ind. Nat’l, and Fletcher Am. Nat’l of Indianapolis. Specialists in Indianapolis Securities. GAS, STREET RAILWAY and TRACTIONS. We furnish Quick Bids and Asks. __________MEMBERS INDIANA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION. 'E. S. HAMMOND, Resident Mgr,. LEE, HIGGINSON & CO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ JT48 Paul R. Mat thews. Representative... (Investment Securities) Branch of Chicago. SPECIALIZING IN PUBLIC UTILITY ..ISSUES. (706-10 Fletcher Am. Bldg.) [D. M. McLEOD.Mgr_______________ UTILITY SECURITIES CO.— PUBLIC UTILITY SECURITIES (506 Guaranty Bldg.) Head office Chicago, other offices in Minneapolis,Mil waukee.Louisville, Richmond, St. Louis. Detroit, San Francisco, Cleveland, Kansas City. Los Angeles, Tulsa and Des Moines. Washington Bond & Investment Co. _. (255 W. Washington St.) President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Lee. Higginson & Oo., N. Y.. Chi, and Bos. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION .TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Investment Securities). G. 0. Forrey, Jr..Pres. T g Hood Sec. Guaran uaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., E. W. Stout, M. A. Hoffman, ‘a.8»c. Chi.: Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; THOMAS ,eT—, D. SHEERIN & C0.~±m7 Government, Railroad Utility, Munlcl Kissel Kinnicutt & Co., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cln. (Fletch Fletcher Savings db Trust Bldg.) pal and Land Bank Bonds. Theodore Stempfel, S.J. Rennard, A. Tr. Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Fletcher E. J. Wuensch, N. C. Estabrook. A. Tr. Members Indianapolis Stock Exchange Tr. Co., Indpls. Wendell Sherk, M. A. Hoffman, A, Sec. E. H. Iglehart, H. R. McClure, Sales Mgr. L. L. Campbell, A. F. Matzke.A/pr. Tra. Dept. Capital 12.000.000 Vice-Presidents J. P. Collett, Mgr. Analytical Dept L. P. Robinson, Tr, ^Dealer and Broker In Local Corporation Ind. N., Indpls. | Bonds and Stocks. Dealers in conservative Investment securities. 1 Bank, Trust Company, insurance and NEWTON TODD---------------------.±t «7 Indiana Unlisted Stocks. Public Utility Indiana and Indianapolis Municipal and (415 Lsmcke Bldg.) Securities. Corporation Bonds and Stocks. -Members Indianapolis Stock Exchange. SEE ADVERTISEMENT TOP INDIANAPOLIS MAP. SHI REMAN. Indiana National Bank, and In land Bank & Trust Company, Indianapolis Stock Exchange____ INLAND INVESTMENT E.L.R. G.C.S. WILD. WILD, Indianapolis; Citizens Bank, A. H. HUMPHREY. Anderson. COMPANY * Member Indianapolis Stock Exchange. (Corner Market & Delaware St reet) (910 Fletcher Trust Bldg.) Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. l Investment Securities (Circle Tower) 'Evans Woollen. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Rep Wm. B. Schiltges. Hugh McK. Landon, V.P. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Tr V.P. Emily M. Gammans, Co., Indpls. ’17 Geo. A. Miller, V. P. and Tr. Sec. M. S. Parr, A. Treas. W. W. Talbert. A. Sec. . Capital $750,000 Surplus $802,530 OTTO F. HAUEISEN & CO............. ±t* (Fletcher Trust Bldg.) Other Offices Correspondents, and Bank Depositories /EVERETT F. Me COY. Pres, <£ Mgr, (207 Hume-Mansur Bldg.) THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY-16 FLETCHER JOINT STOCK LAND BANK HALSEY STUART & CO_ _ _ _ _ _ E. F. McCOY & COMPANY. Inc... Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Corporation - Municipal - Government Bonds - Preferred Stocks. t’14 We underwrite entire issues - Correspondence Invited. Charles S. Becker & Company__±t’23 (813 Merchants Bank Bldg.) (Charter No. 3) (Penna. dk Market Streets) •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year TMem.State Bks. Assn. Estab“Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. C. L. Falvey, Pres------H. F. Clippinger, V. P. Fred Matzke, Treas. H. W. Todd. Sec, Bates of Commission. $2.50 per bond .25 a share on stock 1.25 per bond on U. S. Government bonds Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given r-in to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers' JiU Directory, under the authority ia“ n Liabilities. Town and Countt. •Mem. A. B. A. wNew §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. •County Seat. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Boone Greene M8 Surplus Depos Othbr Paid-up AND Liabili its Capital Profits ties $ 30,000 S Resources. Loua Bond* Oiat *xMlSCBLr- oajuva^Ihni and and Discount* Securities LANBOUB wmou Bin $ 280,200 $ 112,300 $ 22,500 $ 460,000 Principal Correspondents. 19,000 $ 101,000 N. City. N. Y.: Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. W. C. Barr________ W. H. Wakefield .. W. M. Ransom 50,000 21,000 538,120 $ 90,000 294,000 303,830 41,900 59,380 1st N.. Chi.; 1st McKeen N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Terre Haute: Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. Hugo Melchior.... A. A. Sermersheim A. F. Koeruer, John J. Mehne Mgr. Ins. Dept, 100.000 50,360 756,770 50,000 775,280 46,940 34,030 100,890 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Old N.. Evansville. Leo A. Salb______ John H. Judy........ H. W. Kress-------Farmers & Merch. State Bank $220—12% 71-455 d®t§'95 L. P. Joseph, Ch. par 100 Louis J. Eckstein__ G. L. Hoffmann___ W. F. Beckman__ German American Bank Anton Vollmer Wm. A. Wilson $155-10% 71-456 d®tS'10 par 100 25,000 30,680 331,380 27,490 298,920 24,310 43,140 48,180 Citiz.-Un. N.. Lou.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Old N.. Evansville. 50,000 25,000 575,400 22,460 540,980 13,220 11,450 107,210 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Lib. Ins. Bk., Lou.; Old N., Evans ville. par 100 J. S. Williams____ John Fry________ 71-791 •Jasper______3905 The Dubois County State Bk. Albert Sonderman G. 8 L Dubois P10 Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. G. Wells 112 150-10% par 100» 71-790 Jasonvtlle ___ 3536 First National Bk— d®T*i'02 8 Vice-President. M, H, Knherts ..... Jamestown___ 552 Citizens State BankdB®tt§’03 7 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued H50-io% 71-454 P. Wagner d®T*tS'85 par loo Citizens Trust Co. 8LClarkP1711.946 12% par 100 71-186 dB®T*t§’55 John Best_______ H. M. Frank______ E. H. Andres_____ J. E. Poindexter, J. Rauschenberger 100,000 142,020 1,380,340 67,890 1,242,620 208,790 86,810 152,030 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Lib. Bk. & Tr. Co., Lou.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Clark County State Bank $220-10% 71-187 dB©T»t5’l8 par 100 Chas. J. Dowden— E. E. Long_______ C. F. Berbet_____ C. C. Coombs 100,000 135,640 1,932,200 204,790 1,714,130 227,930 89,500 357,790 94,030 341,070 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Lib. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Citiz.-Un. N.. Lou. 189,170 Chase N., N. Y.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Lin. Bk. & Tr. Co., Lou. •Jeffersonville Sec. ALONZO BENSON -__ 150,000 54,450 /'JOHN B. FUNK...... J. E. TAGGART------ R A RODGERS 1 H. E. HEATON, Ch. FIRST NATIONAL BANK r \ Send us your Jeff ersonville items dir ect. Prompt attent ion given all items entrust ed to us. $150-6% 71-185 dB®Tt’65 J Save time and get service by sending ‘‘fee in advance,” 15c for sight drafts par 100 (. and 25c for ere dit reports. Jolietvllle___ 410 Jolietville State Bank_ (Sheridan P, O.) 987,250 150,000 700,720 {Moved to Westfield, Ind., May 7. 1931) 7 Hamilton 113 Jonesboro___1496 Citizens Bank_______ 7 Grant G17 {Closed September 9 . 1930) 14,770 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Ind. N„ Indpls.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. . S.000 3,460 62,670 5,000 78,270 3,100 Kempton_____469 The State Bank of Kempton C. J. Richman____ John R. Harlow__ Geo. J. Richman.. 25.000 3,380 197,100 58,690 207,430 63,240 Kendallvllle._ 5439 Campbell & Fetter, Bankers_ (Archy Campbell a nd JacobO. Fetter) 50.000 17,720 439,210 660 221,340 80,270 28,240 177,240 Gty. Tr. Co.. N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 80,000 36,260 615,540 89,000 209,480 352,210 49,000 210,090 Chase N., N. Y.; Harris Tr. A Sav. and Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 25.000 6,000 128,200 50,000 30,710 284,950 9,750 214,950 Jonesvllle_____162 Jonesville State Bank—.t5’14 Fred Moorman ___ Fred Rittmann.— Geo. Don host 7 Bartholomew M15 7 Tipton H14 7 Noble C19 $130-0% par 100 71-1058 71-793 7% par 100 71-354 d®»tt’94 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK $125-3% 13,500 Ind. N., Indpls. ©TtS'04 71-1228 par loo dB®T*t’24 B. E. SCHLABACH— F. K. VANDERBUR— Send your«collections to this modern progressive bank for pro mpt, personal attention, quick returns and reasonable rates. A. R. OTIS---------- iiWF-r Noble County Bk. & Tr, Co... {Closed January 10, 1931) Kennard __........440 Kennard State Bank —1§’12 Brooks Byrkett... Mant McCormack. Chas. H. Pierson.. Louisa J. Pierson.. 8% 71-1003 7 Henry 118 rC. C. KENT-------- A. 0. WASHBURN S. R. SIZELOYE------ T.J. HURPHY------- 3,600 139,800 1,000 262.170 45,410 33,460 9,520 13,110 18,400 Citiz. State, Newcastle. Newton County State Bank $112-6% 71-569 dB®Tt§’23 R. J. Carton______ A. A. Bishopp____ R. T. Coughlin___ 50,000 221,160 28,220 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Obi.: Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. •Kentland.__1355 KENT STATE BANK-d©»t5’10 < Immediate, per soual attention given to all bus! ness entrusted to us. 1 Collections a Specialty. Beliab Ie Credit Reports , 25c. TRY US. 71-570 7 Newton F6 $220-8% LFEE IN AD VAN CE: Sight drafts, 1 5c minimum-, 25c mi nimum charge if pa id. par 200 30,900 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. var 112 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%DIv. Kim mell m 7 Noble C17 LIABILITIES. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. $ 24,393 S John La Tourrette. rL. P. NEWBY....... F.J. NEWBY.......... R. I.IFIL. 50,000 ‘Knox----------- 1815 Farmers State Bank.®*t5'93 7 Starke C12 71-515 " *135-8% par 100 71-516 ‘CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK par 100 II „ 71-139 dB®T»t'89 310 % 156,930 $ 6,260 S 118,930 $ 30,710 $ 22,270 $ 15,990 1st N„ Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 338,350 50,000 317,480 75,640 19,190 92,960 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls, 112,130 492,220 49,990 404,690 172,410 11,180 116,060 N, City, N. Y.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 50.000 23,380 458,060 16,400 300,370 137,410 33,100 76,950 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; lit N., Ohi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. rJAMES C. FLETCHER W. S. DANIEL_ _ _ _ H. F.SCHRICKER, J. E. SHORT, 50,000 Cash, and Sec. A. Cash, and A. Sec. < Immediate, per aonal attention given to all bust ness entrusted to us. J Collections a Specialty. Rellab le Credit Reports , Me. TRY U8. l FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts, 1 6c minimum: 25c mi nifflum charge if pa id. 19,660 552,610 21,400 425,420 66*600 69,380 82,260 Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls. 40,480 2,883,620 716,910 318,660 659,990 Chase N., N. Y.; Harris Tr. 25,350 111.710 157,890 N. City, N. Y*; Cent. Rop. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merck. N„ Indpls.; Citiz. N., Koko 5,540 2,400 55,430 1,123,140 768,190 147.890 (Trust D epartmen t resourc es $166,30 0.00) 110,770 First National Bank ...®t’65 *350-17% 71-491 ‘Kokomo ...32,843 7 Howard G13 Principal Correspondents. 66,920 Knlghtstown 2209 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 7 Henry J18 *250-12% 71-492 d®T«i’08 < According to B ule of Indiana B ankers’ Ass’n. par 100 J Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be aceompanle d by LFEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain tight d rafts. 15c; Credit Re ports, 25c. -------- Resources. Surplus Loan. Other Bond* Cash ft ExDepos L Miscel charqm Paid-up mnd AND iabili and .Dui Capital Profits its Diaoounta Bseuritias laneous from Baku ties (Closed February 24 . 1931) Kingman 502 Fountain-Parke State Bank A. H. Lindley, A. L. Ratcliff 7 Fountain 18 par 100 71-656 d®t§’28 Cti. of Bd. and, Pres. .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued R. W. Wagoner___ W. F. Wallace........ A. L. Stage_______ M. J. Hartzler____ (4ns Reiss J. W. Kurtz______ Hugh Kreuter ___ B. B. BOBBITT......... CHAS. SHEWMON___ PAUL STANRR0— H. K. DsWFFS A. V. C0NRADT, E. MIDDLETON, J. A. WELLS. JR. Ch. of Bd. hi L.C. MAHER, A.ri:Jj;!AASETSELEMY rnAnn hcuahit. Vice Ch. Bd. CHAS. D. ROSE, LMNB 350,000 144,890 4,043,810 & Sav., Chi.: Un. Tr. Co., Cleve.; Indiana N., Indpls. Mgr. Bond Dept. Largest and Strongest Biink in the County, Your Kokomo business co rdially invited. ♦Peoples Tr. & Savings Bk. R. B. Scherer_____ J. I. Shade______ par 100 71-1141 dB®Tt§’19 8§C. 100.000 21,120 447,950 25,000 7,440 103,846 60,980 mo. •• _____ •• ♦SouthKokomo Bk, ®TtS’16 V. E. Vaile.............. Harry O. Davis___ Owen Marshall.__ Nina Smith *125 par 100 71-143 A. V. Conradt, Ch. UNION BANK & TBUST GO. *150 par 100 71-1265 .. rB- D. MITCHELL — E.B. SEAWARD .... R. E. HARPER______ CLYDE HILL.......... . i J. E. FREDRICK* W. E. PARSON, Sec. CLAUDE LOVE Ch. of Bd. < SEND US YOU ) PROMPT ATT / Save time and g VFEE IN ADVAN d®Tt§’30 Kokomo Clearing House___ R. B. Scherer (Members indicated by a ♦) 100,000 109,070 Paul Stanbro, Tr... F. A. George, Sec... 25,000 12,500 125,250 51,510 33,750 Ladoga...............829 Ladoga State Bank........ t§’27 Fred L. O’Hair, H. F. Graybill____ P. H. Larrick_____ Dale M. Scott_____ 7 Montgomery! 10 *125-6% 71-1245 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. 25,000 7,750 204,100 91,890 97,450 par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 251,710 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. R KOKOMO ITE MS DIRECT. ENTION TO ALL ITEMS. et service on Coll ectlons and Credi t Reports by send lng CE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Cred it Reports, 25c. La Crosse......... 568 LaCrosse State Bank_____ R. C. Adams............ E. F. Werner......... W. E. Tennell____ Lillian Youngreen. 7 La Porte CIO 71-797 d®*J§'30 THE FIFTH THIRI 19,270 Citiz. N., Kokomo. TRUST CO., c INCINNATI 72,990 1st N., Chi. 3,000 44,500 Fletcher Am, N. and Ind. N., Indpls.; Cent. N., Greencastle. OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 512 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ RESOURCES. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. •County SeatFig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div .La Fayette.26,240 7 Tippecanoe G9 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIAN A—Continued President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. | Principal Correspondent*. Bonds Miscel Cash ft BxLoans SURPLU8 Dupoa- Other Paid-up and and ghaxobs,Dux LIABILI AND ITB Discounts Securities laneous wmom Bari Capital Profits TIES JOHN W. VAN NATTA- BURR S. SWEZEY— D.M. BOYLE. Tr,... E. K. CARSON--------SAM%EB S . ‘CITY TRUST CO. 45-8% ar 100 S 65.660 1,082.030 S 339,670 $ 630,700 $ 300,830 S 379,630 J 276,200 Prompt and Efficient Collection Service. S 100.000 S •end your Bill of Lading Drafts direct to us. 71-102 B®T*t§’2i Accounts of Banks and Business Houses Solicited on Favorable Terms. ‘FARMERS AND AIVINC. BAKFR W. E. SKINNER_____ S. E. SODDERS -........ B. E. BUZICK_______ C. E. BOWERMAN 394,590 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., IndpU. 268,570 1,051,040 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., CbL; Siereh. N., Indpls. 515,790 219,350 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohl.; First-Merch. N.. LaFayetts; Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls. 877,870 2,443,270 368.920 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. Tr. Co. and Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls.; lst-Merch. N., Lafayette. 271,080 100, MO 200.000 2.481,310 126,770 1,849,510 325,000 163,310 5.007.250 306,500 2,317,560 2,164,900 W.R.McQueen.Sec. R. A. Dautel. A.Sec. 300,000 545,560 WALTER J. BALL........ CHAS. H. BALL------- W. R. MCQUEEN, Sec. RUBY A. DAUTEL. CHAS. E. CORY a. sec. Offers A Complete Banking and Trust Service. SAVINGS, INVESTMENT, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENTS. 200,000 392,890 Collections and all banking matters entrustea to us will have prompt, careful attention. $285—12% par 100 W. G. GUDE----------B. BROCKEN- ‘FIRSTMERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK $45-8% par 20 8"00'" R. G. PEIRCE-------- limn. Mgr. Sat. Dept. Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms, and Individuals received on Favorable Terms. Unsurpassed Collection Service. 71-97 dB®T»t’18 We respectfully Invite your business. La Fayette Joint Stock Land Walter J. Ball — C. H. Ball......... It. B. Wallace 8%par 100 Bank 71-106 B’19 ‘LAFAYETTE LOAN & TR. GO. d®T«ts’s 12% 0. M. SCHNAIBLE n G FnWIFR 8,765.880 8,813,520 351,340 2.286,190 2,133,140 1,280,610 LAND J OIjiT s TTPJT ETTE (Under Same Manage ment.) under Loans Fede ral Far m Loan Act. 458.000 3,400,000 J. K. KENSINGER—. FERDINAND DRYFUS- R. n. RFSFR___ C. G. IRION F. M. MCCLURE ippecanoe County. Old est Bank in T 62,770 (Territor y of Jilin ots and I ndiana) 40 Years A mortize d Farm par 100 71-100 ♦LaFayette Savings Bank Richard B. Sample. J. M. Fowler------- R. B. Sample. Tr... 71-98 (DtS’t ‘NATIONAL FOWLER BANK 100,000 144,120 2,985,100 98,440 50,000 167,980 1,849,950 8,540 BANK provisi on of 1,870,000 1,518,000 60,000 410,000 lst-Merch. N. and N. Fowler, La Fayette. 1,596,970 1,101,850 168,690 460,140 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., CbL; Firth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Ind. N. and Flet cher Am. N., Indpls. 1,055,410 652,500 187,110 181,440 N. City, N. Y; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. 175.000 14,000 Send your La Fayette collections direct to us. Bill of Lading Drafts $275-12% parl0071-96dB®T«t’56 receive special attention. ‘TIPPECANOE LOAN & TR. CO. 30-8% par 100 d®T»t5’ 71-103 Chase If., If. T.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Fletcher Am. N., IndpU.; Un. Tr. Co., Ciev. mum” SOLOMON L0EB— WILL R. WOOD-— Tr. Off. We make a specialty or uignest graae nrsc Mortgage rarm ix>ans, suit able Investments for Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Trustees, and Private Investors. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Please send 15c with Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. Margaret Cheney, J.K.Kensinger, Sec. LaFayette Clearing House. R. C. Houston. Ch. (Members indicated by a *) LaFontalne... 604 7 Wabash F17 par Tr. C. M. Waggoner— A. P. Harper 150 132,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 16.500 30,000 275.000 100,000 24,120 481,070 46.840 409,020 76,360 57,780 108,860 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 100,000 20,360 635,000 53,000 545,100 81,000 45,770 103,340 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne; Ind. N., Indpls. 71-799 •Lagrange__ 1640 La Grange County Trust Co E. O. Grady_____ B. S. Walter i 71-1111 (a 7 Lagrange B19 $140-6% La Grange State Bank 71-498 dBd par 100 $125-6% R. N. Walter. See.. G. C. Morgan, A. Sec. G. W. Choi er,A.Sec. H. O. Sigler_____ C. W. Freeby------- n R Willard S. F. Musier, 1 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. C. L. Robinson, Tr. Off. Lake____ ___ 336 (See Richland) 8 Snencer R8 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 513 Town and County. *Oounty Seats. Fig. Fed. Res.Dist. L is Louisville Br. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State f Prir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. president. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this INDIANA—Continued Vice-President. ASS’T CASHIER. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loam Bonds theb Paid-up Surplus Dkpos- LOiabili Miscel ITS Capital Propits Diaoounta S«curiti.a laneoub ties Lanesvllle____273 Farmers State Bank_®TtlT0 C. P. Zollman____ John W. Shuck___ C. H. Stanley_____ J. J. Zollman_____ $ 8 L Harrison P15 par 100 71-801 25,000 $ Laotto _ . 319 Farmers & Merchants Bank Charles Hosier — Theo. Garstka........ F. A. Game 7 Noble C20 1160-8% par 100 71-1069 tfl4 15,000 19,000 130,000 Lapaz................. 375 Farmers State Bank W. L. Hoover.......... Edward Heyde____ Guy Thayer______ 7 Marshall C13 71-1076 d®tl’15 Lapel ...............1140 State Bank of Lapel J. A. Busby______ C. W. Martin.. W. J. Kerr..*.____ 7 Madison H16 $ioo-6% 71-802 d®T«tS'98 par 100 25,000 16.740 162,710 25.000 9.880 151,530 » La Porte.. 15,755 7 La Porte Bll FIRST NAT’L BANK & TRUST GO. 71-179 H. W. FOX FRANK J. PITNER— H.F. MCCORMICK-— OTTO nRFN7 n srmiMU LaPorteLoan & Trust Co. par 100 71-183 dBT»t§’17 La Porte Savings Bank Othie Way______ 3H% 71-181 ®*«’71 John Sievert, V. P. Peoples Trust & Savings Bk.. {Purchased by First ----- ------ STATE ----------- 5,000 46,760 $ 2.500 $ 45,520 Citiz. Un. N., Lou. 78,000 45,000 2,000 39,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Old-lst Bk. &Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 127,950 31,750 19,160 25,590 1st N., Chi. and Plymouth. 145,900 7,980 25,390 12,140 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N..Indpls. j ; • f ey.> * be■ ;.t\ . 1,141,970 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Prompt attention given Collections. dB®T»t’64 100 $ 226,930 i DROEGE — RES OUT.CES Complete Banking and Trust Service. 9% ---------- A. 6,810 $ 289,810 $ „ „ . E. C. Mueller, O. E. Replogle Sec. and Tr. A, Sec. and A. Tr. O. E. Replogle ___ K. M. Andrew_____ E. C. Mueller______ K. M. Andrew National Bank & Trust Co., Septembe r 22, 1930) ONLY 100.000 BANK OF fA.L. OSBORN— J. E. HUPP--............... J. E. HUPP-................. BURR HUPP ~ 100,MO H.J. LINK i A BANK OF EX PEBIENCE, STB ENGTH, CHARA CTER ANI) SERV ICR. ®»t5'69 j Quick Returns and Personal Serv lee on Collection s. LSEND US YOU B LA PORTE M ATTERS. MEMBER 59,420 O!PER $5,(>00,000. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. o97,5d0 365,160 335,590 4,970 151,260 N. City. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 320,050 1,910,230 1,400,240 533,870 65,040 231,140 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and 1st Union Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Fletcher Tr., Indpls. 85,500 1,513,850 1,024,270 112,630 288,210 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. 20,960 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne; Far. Ln. & Tr., Columbia C. 20,440 Cent. Tr. Co., Cin.; Cent. State. Connersville. 226,370 2,527,090 A. P. ANDREW, JR,, " 71-180 9, Cflkl $250-20% OUI1. Larwlll ___ 7 Whitley D18 Larwill Bank______ ______ tf'09 John E. Gates.___ John M. Mowery.. $134-6% par 100 71-803 10,000 4,330 83 880 57,190 17,040 3,010 Laurel............... 516 Laurel Bank ________ dtt'93 (J. J.Reiboildt.Sr.) 7 Franklin K21 par 100 71-804 10.000 2,270 43 410 22,720 4,000 8,520 Lawrence... 840 Lawrence State Bank®«}ST3 G. L. Roberts........ J. T. Plummer____ J. M. Morris. 7 Marion J15 $120 par 100 71-1037 25,000 10,740 169,770 136,420 59,280 1,410 C. W. Fangm&n___ 25.000 72,000 305,000 282,000 50,000 C.HUNTER ....................... 175,000 927,000 470,000 J. A. Young *Lawrenceburg American State Bk._d®U’06 A. J. Hassmer........ H. J. Bechtel A. V. Dietz 4072 $250-8% par 100 71-395 7 Dearborn L23 Dearborn National Bank ----------- •• {Merged with Peopl es National Bank, A pril 4, 1931) fW. H. O'BRIEN — A. E. NOWLIN, Ch. J Complete B PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK j Special att 8% par 100 71-393 dB®*t'8l (.OLDEST B — C. O'BRIEN ............... A. A. KOCH anking Servi ention given ANK IN SOU 0. M. KELLER-........ 8 •Lebanon........6445 Boone County State Bank Morris Ritchie.___ Elbert Perkins___ 7 Boone 112 par 100 71-325 dB®Ttl’ll “ Citizens Ln. & Tr. Co. dB®Tti’99 $85 par 100 71-323 *• ________ •• W. OFFERS C. M. Forhes Mary S. Allen T. Hooton............ W. J. De Vol.......... Panl A. Morrls.See. First National Bank B. F. Coombs $125-6% 71-321 dB®Tt'72 par 100 J. A. Coons_______ J. H. Bassett ' 175,000 vj 43,000 195,000 2,600 148,000 24,000 24,600 100,000 30,160 637,960 130,900 497,770 65,780 203,110 50.000 14,320 322,980 312,740 238,500 51 220 68,280 1,000,230 111,500 719,370 256,180 I nr TUI In Ini- MrTH ruiRi mini11J 375,000 N. City. N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co. and 1st N., Cin. lb 5,000 100.000 58,410 Merch. N., Indpls. 70,000 Lin. N.. Oln. 25,000 C. L. Lindsay UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 165,000 1,300,000 50,000 ce. to Collectio ns. TH EASTERN INDIANA. Leaven worth..418 The Leavenworth State Bk. Elmer Merrilees.. John G. Lutz_______ Inez Stephenson__ A. H. Flanigan ___ L Crawf'd Q13 $100 par 100 71-805 B@T-tl’05 - Principal Correspondents. k Cash Ex changes,Due from Banks 31,000 Lib. Bk. & Tr. Co., Lou. 132,370 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; lud. N., Indpls. 410,320 Union Tr. Co., Indpls.: 1st N.. Lebanon. 153,400 151,060 N. City.N.Y., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher Am.N.and Ind. N.. Indpls. \\K un TRI 1 nl|0T lol C0„ UN DN CINCINNATI 514 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. President. Yice-President. CASHIER. Ass't cashier. 7 Kosciusko CIS 71-806 J. W. Shelton____ O. F. Brown-------Lelpslc.__ ____ 134 Farmers State Bank_d®t§’20 J. D. Mclntire. Ch. of Bd.and Pres. 8 L Orange 013 3% par 100 71-1183 7 Fulton D13 1112 par 100 Henry J19 •.Liberty_____ 1241 7 Union J22 1200-8% par 250 71-808 6,500 49,890 6,100 23,460 12,890 Citiz. Un. N„ Lou. and 1st N„ Orleans. 96,450 3,630 98,690 3,050 10,040 18,600 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., OU.; Rochester. 50,000 318,000 37.000 371.000 32,000 16,130 30.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N. Indpls.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 50,000 138,760 878,600 71,500 857,990 174,170 6,500 100,210 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co. and Cent. Tr. Co. 25,000 8,810 203,900 12,000 166,010 38,880 5.250 51,720 1,110,500 214,130 679.330 302,080 253,874 241,060 Bk. of Manhattan Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. 51,800 161,440 254,820 69,170 199.660 49,290 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. T.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohl.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 119,650 7,280 18,810 36,370 lst-Merch. N., Lafayette; Ind. N„ Indpls. 433,740 413,390 76,660 6,910 45,790 $ J. L. Johnson___ O. D. Overmeyer.. Martha Rouch -— Maurice Winn____ 25,000 5,300 L. F. Symons____ John Greenstreet.. Hawley Hall_____ Robert H. Hall.__ 1900 F. A. Bills. Ch. 35,000 Dubois— 6,500 S UNION COUNTY rW. E. MORRIS-— E. A. KITCHEL---- C. D. JOHNSON----- smith 35,000 1st N„ Chi.; Marioa N..Marioa. i 160,000 15,030 $ 164,910 25.000 dB®«t Principal Correspondents. Cab* k Ex obahhm.Doi noM Baxxi 14,630 25.000 $ 71-807 d®t§’20 Lewisville____ 442 First National Bank 7 Bonds Loua Subplus Otheb Miscel Depos L Paid-up And ■nd iabili AND its Capital Profits Discount! Bseuritiss laneous ties S Leesburg_____ 371 Peoples State BankdB®t5’04 G. B. Willis______ D. J. Kensinger.— D. D. Ferverda__ Letters Ford...219 Leiters Ford State Bank Resources. Liabilities. Town and county. oMem.A.B.A.wNew§StatetPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sa?.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIAN A—Continued 1st N.. Oin.: Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. I Oldest and larg est Bank In Unto n County, | Unexcelled faclli ties for handling your Liberty Ite 71-546 dB®T*t’72 ^Collections a sp eclalty. Prompt service assured. NATIONAL BANK par 100 Liberty Center424 Liberty Center State Bank J. B. Funk. $180-10% par 100 71-810 »t§'07 7 Wells F19 Llgonler ____ 2064 7 Noble B17 AMERICAN STATE BANK A. B. MIER- - - - - - - - - - F. W. BLACK- - - - - - - - - L. R. CALBECK- - - - - - - B. J,. . E. ll. LAM FARMERS & MERCH.TR. CO. C. R. STANSBURY- J.W.BECKNER-— C. E. DENNING...... - J. H.C0CKLEY-— J. H. HOFFMAN. Tr. DORA SCHWAB WILL HIRE 50,000 309,700 Acts as Trustee , Administrator, Executor and Gu ardlan. 71-459 dB®T«t5'06 Special attenti on given BUI of L ading Drafts, Cas h and Time Item 8. par 100 uPlease send 15c with each sight d raft forpresentat ion and 25c for Cr edit Re ports. Linden______ 541 Linden State Bank-.d®t§’98 H. C. Shobe, 7 Montgomery H10 par 100 Linton_____ 5085 8 Greene M8 100,000 THE LARGEST BANK IN INDIANA IN A CITY THE SIZEOFLlliONIER FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each slgnt draft for preseutatlon, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, personal attenti 71-457 dB®T»t§’28 1200-6% par loo 1185-10% E. E. Thompson__ R. L. Mossbnrg—. 71-811 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. O. A. Irwin---------- J. E. Hopewell-__ L. H. Little_______ FIRST NATIONAL W.J. HAMILTON. D. R. SCOTT— _ Q.J. MITCHELL-—C.V.DAVIS_ _ _ _ _ _ Special attention given Bill of Lading Drarts, Cash and Time Items. BANK Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $125-8% par 100 100,000 D. R. Scott------- W. J. Hamilton----- Joseph H. Haseman J. M. Corbin. Q. J. Mitchell par 100 Affiliated with First National B ank. 71-313 PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY $150-8% par 100 71-1166 PETER SCHLOOT, SEPH INMAN- - - - - - - - HORACE HUMPHREYS, ANDREW HUMPHREYS, Ch. of Bd.and Pres. 10,000 142,110 16,340 1,000,380 100,000 Linton Trust C ompan y. (Afflliat ed with First N atlonal Bank.) Combln ed Beso urces o ver $1,6 00,000. uni,l'dB®T»t'04 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports LINTON TRUST C0.-®T»’06 $175-8% 30,000 100,000 282,000 50,000 18,000 250,000 40,000 21,730 851,800 331,850 25,000 5,880 138,530 117,190 100,000 22,000 890,000 700,000 39,560 Marion N., Marion. IU. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st N., Chi. 292,930 N. City, N. Y.; Indpls. Fletcher Am. N., 20,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. 18,000 98,000 404,440 42,580 134,740 Cont. IU. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Terre 3,700 48.540 01tis. Slate, Jamestown; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. N„ Indpls.; 1st N„ Linton. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Haute Tr. Co., Terre Haute; Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls. Collections and Bequests for Credit Reports MUST be accompanied by FEE IN ADVANCE; Plain sight drafts. 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. d®T*+5’20 Liz ton............... 217 State Bank of Lizton.®t§’20 Marion Bailey........ J. T. Leak. George Huber------ W. W. Dowden. 7 Hendricks 112 $100-5% par 100 71-813 sLogansport 18,508 City & Stale National Bank & 7 Cass F12 Trust Co.________________ (Purchased by First National Bank) Farmers & Merch. State Bk Geo. A. Raub------- H.H. Huston-------- Wm. F. Hanley. A.B. Stanton 71-129 dT+S'02 $120 (Logansport banks 150.000 160,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. N„ Indpls. continued on next page) THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST C0„ CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The Bankers' Bank Since 1863 C1 C Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number siren to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County ‘County Seats. Hr. Fed. Res. Dist Lis Louisville Br. oMem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPrlv tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bon( d-SafeDep.®Sav.$Last8ale%Div Logansport. 18,508 (Continued) FIRST NATIONAL HANK 1200-10% par 100 (1 II President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued CASHIER. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Other Ass't Cashier. Paid-up and Liabili Capital its Profits ("J.F.BR00KMEYER- W. L.FERNALD_____ U/ n. Un. PORTED runicn F. M. McGAUGHEY ] Our officers ha ve been in buslne 1 years, Their p ersonal attention 71-125 fc,nM,1dB©T«J’83 to this Logansport Ln. & Tr. Co. Geo. E. Hilton____ 1201-10% 71-128 dB®T*«’08 F. H. Wipperman par 100 ties Resources. Loam Boada Mucus- Ca*h k Ex•md •Mi chanom.Ddx Dhmih hwriUw UKIOUI rROM Barm Principal Correspondents. W. A. DENISTON------ E. W. HEIMLICH------ S 250.000 $ 170,320 $5626240 $ 293,580 $3322 830 $1822190 $ 182,340 $1012780 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. lll.Bk.A Tr.Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. E. H. MOSS ss ln this commu nlty for many will be gives all business sent bank. F. H, Wipperman, Sec. and Tr. 150.000 139.490 1.600,620 493,900 1,582,640 245.270 439,320 116,790 [rv. Tr. Oo.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls. 247,460 59.430 3.820 22,910 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Am. N., Vincennes; Wash. N.. Wash. Loogootee.__ 2203 Union Bank_______d®«t5’29 J. J. Hoffman_____ J. W. Strange____ J. F. O’Neal______ J. T. Prather.......... 1 Martin N 0 8% par 100 71-474 30,000 14.490 Losantvllle___ 536 Farmers State Bank.__tS’21 R. H. Lumpkin___ S. L. Fauts______ F. H. Thompson... L. G. Johnson____ 7 Randolph 121 6% par 100 71-814 25,000 6.500 143,040 14,020 150,540 Lowell 7 Lake C7 50.000 56,220 587.480 50.000 516.300 Lucerne______ 239 Lucerne State Bank____}|’12 Willard Winn____ S. M. Grable_____ Everett Gragg___ 7 Cass E13 *125-0% par 100 71-994 25,000 14,980 171,680 Lynn....................936 Citizens Banking Co. d®tli6 W. F. Swain. 7 Randolph 122 par 100 71-815 G. F. Chenoweth.. H. W.Jordan_____ 45,000 18,500 212.590 27.510 229.320 23,410 11.200 J. F. Rickrich____ J. F. Rickrich_____ 25.000 9,000 62,120 28.500 61.820 48,150 3.350 11,290 N. City, Evansville. 25.000 13.570 145.580 690 141.190 23.500 6.000 14,140 1st N., Linton. 25.000 8.000 120,000 17.000 115.000 5.000 25.000 25.000 Fletcher Tr. Co.. Indpls. 25.000 3.490 84.700 4,810 86.210 4.270 16.810 10.700 lent.-Union, Evansville; 1st N., Oak City; Peo. Am. N.. Princeton. 10.000 3,980 178,920 129,830 100 3,500 59.460 lont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletchei N., Indpls. 100.000 56,740 741,410 314,410 449,420 70.550 1274 LOWELL NATIONAL BANK G. B. Bailey______ Thomas Grant____ 4220-8%par 10071-562 dB®Tt'03 8 8 Lynnvllle_____ 264 Lynnville National Bk._®t’07 S. A. Day. Warrick Q7 6% par 100 71-816 Lyons_________806 Corn Exchange Bank..-t5T7 W. V. Moffett____ Q. J. Mitchell____ Mell Mitchell _ Greene M8 8% 71-1105 ll ll Lyons Bank & Trust Co. Max Stein________ Elmer Pope______ Jesse Schantz, 1125 par 100 71-817 ®t§’22 Sec. and Tr. 8 Mackey Gibson Q6 55 Mackey State Bank dJS'20 Oscar Schmidt 1110-4% par 100 71-1160 Chas. W. Wirth.__ Macy------------- 279 Citizens Bank..............d»tt’08 Otto Cloud. J. F. Da wait_____ S. H. Musselman.. O. E. Musselman... 7 Miami D14 $150-10% 71-818 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, par 100 ("RICHARD JOHNSON WM.H. HORIIFF........ LOUIS P. SCHEIK— J.F. NIESSE______ ‘Madison____6530 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jefferson N19 1125-0% 71-282 ’ d©*t'62 “) IS CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entatlon, and (.25 CENTS for ea ch credit report 1 nsures prompt, p ersonal attention par 100 8L • • Madison Safe Dep. & Tr. Co. 1350-20% 71-283 d|®Ttl'03 par 100 W. H. Miller______ John Clements, Tr. H. L. Lyon, See.__ ("JOHN W. TEVIS___ W. H. MILLER______ CARL BOCK.............. “ -------- » 150.000 827,960 35.730 85,610 1st N„ Chi.: Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 170,490 117.310 41,170 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 156,990 J.188.020 / ddt / 4U (Trust D ept. Reso urces $1, 923.010) 213.160 23,390 Citiz. State, New Castle. 150.000 646.520 476,660 39.660 & Tr.Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Cin.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Citiz. Un. N., Lou. N. Branch, Madison. 37,370 5.000 hr .. Citizens Bank______d®tt'30 J. D. Case________ Clyde Whisman__ Rue Miller par 100 71-1268 Manilla Bank______ ( Closed November 10 212.940 Merch. N.. Indpls.; 1st N. and Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; N. Bk. of Ky„ Lou. 10,000 2.500 96,090 10,000 5,000 70,000 10,000 6,180 369.520 50 510 1,670 2,390 57,370 Am. N., Rushville. 1930) Marco . 325 Farmers Bank----------- Ttt'll Geo. Morgan, C. F. Helm___ 1175-12% 71-968 Greene M7 Ch, oj Bd, and Pres, par 100 J. W. Pope .............. Stella Pope. Marengo______806 Bank of Marengo ...d®tt’07 C. W. Miller______ W. J. Hawkins___ 71-820 L Crawford P12 1333-20% Ch, of Bd, and Pres, par 100 65.000 6.530 271,600 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ent.Tr. Co.. Cin.; Ind. N. and Aetn; & Sav. Co.. Indpls. 181,080 < OLDEST BANK IN THE STATE, NATIONAL BRANCH BANK 1360-22% par 100 71-281 t’34 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entatlon, and (.25 CENTS for ea ch credit report 1 nsures prompt, p ersonal attention Manilla _ 7 Rush K17 •• 8 8 75.000 106.050 14,620 18.000 1st N., Vincennes. 59.750 16,590 44,280 Lou. Resources Over $90,000,000.00 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given Cic to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOW* AMD COCMTT. ‘County Seats. Fig Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. •Mem.A.B.A. *New §State TPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Eitab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Dlv. President. VICE-PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued Ass CASHIER. ‘Marion____24,496 First National Bank R. P. Kiloy Rome Calender___ 7 Grant F17 1140-8% 71-108 dB©T*t’89 I. A. Rhue par 100 R.P. Kiley •• M Grant Trust & Savings Co__ (Consolidated, with F irst National Bank November 10,1930) t Cashier. Earl Phillips Dare Miller Resources. Liabilities. Loui Bondi OAfia A lxPaid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel caATCM,Dtni and and and L ia bili Capital Profits it* Discount* Securities laneous nofi Buu TIES $ 350,000 $ 69,400 $4104170 $ 200,000 $2.701100 $ 700,040 $ 338,040 $ 984,980 N. City, N.Y.; 1st N., Chi.; FifthThird Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 20 m i M MARION NATIONAL BANK M 1240-12% par 100 M M n-107 J. N. LE FAVOUR ofBd'and Pres, ELSWORTH HARVEY, V. P. G. A. OSBORN HMWRF M. H. TAYLOR----------CLARENCE E. BAKER. o*** 250,000 231,360 5,085,480 1,497,550 2,940,160 1,841,170 1,576,120 706,930 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. We repreaent the drawer and are successful collectors. We remit on day of payment. Send us your Marlon Items. d®T«t'05 Geo. A. Bel) South Marion State Bank 1120-6% par 100 71-112 ®«T7 Elsworth Harvey.. D. T. Griffith J. H.Le Favour — Principal Correspondents. / • • : \yt i . (.; •:> •; yj* 25,000 11,900 162,000 1,400 143,110 18,640 34,700 Marion N., Marion. R. H. FISHBAUGH— 0. B. GARBER. R. C. McGUFFEYi C. E. PAUL_______ MARKLE STATE BANK 71-821 d®»t*’26 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, 7 Huntington E1B $120-10% MABLE HINKLE par 100 Marshall_____ 293 Citizens Bank._________Jt’03 J. O. Swaim______ O. W. Burford___ Thomas Banta____ Ruth Beeson____ 8% 71-122 7 Parke IT 25,000 10,370 169,190 73,430 165,510 16,710 23,080 Marion N.. Marion; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 20,000 5,820 96,580 26,700 50,590 73,540 3,710 Marshfield____ 116 Bank of’20 Charles Alban.... H. G. Chandler........ Samuel Adams........ Pearl J. Chandler. 20,000 4,870 99,020 82,340 300 25,290 Forrest J. Carter... Markle_______ 621 $100 par 100 71-1167 7 Warren HI ‘Martinsville. 4962 FIRST 7 Morgan Ki2 par 100 J. A. Adams rW. A. KENNEDY... E.M. SWEET............... M. R. WILSON______ S. S. GREEN A.G.SHIREMAN.A.C, M. H. BAKER J. S. WHITAKER HUGH V. MILLER RATIONAL BANK 71-MI d®T*t’66 ) OLDEST BANK IN MOKUAN C OUNTY. 100.000 21,260 Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 15,960 Northern Tr. Co., Chi.: Williamsport State, Williamsport; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Far.-Central, W. Lebanon. 60,240 1,180,410 282,720 987,320 250,230 234,940 150,890 Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 56,060 Fletcher Am. N, and Ind. N., Indpls. 1 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. K Please send 15c wit A each sight draft fo r presentation and 50e for Credit Rtpor (8. »» •• Martinsville Trust Co. K. I. Nutter______ C. S. Cunningham.. E. L. Avery, Sec, .. C. E. Thacker.. par 100 71-MI dB®Tt§’12 C. O. Abbott R, A. Abbott, H. C. Kivett Mgr. Ins. Dept. J.E.Overton, Tr.Off. 50,000 28,960 779,810 162,770 758,570 28,270 178,630 —225 First National Bank dB©»t'07 F. M. Hudelson___ B. B. Benner_____ Guy McBride_____ Mays 7 Rush Jit $275-7% par 100 71-124 26,000 30,830 155,130 25,110 119,760 77,250 5,750 33,300 Fletcher-Am. N.. Indpls,; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. Mecca. 7 Parke J7 10,000 11,880 46,900 1,890 34,200 8,950 5,730 21,800 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Terre Haute Tr. Co., Terre Haute. ___ D. A. Williams___ 25,000 29,660 341,100 220 251,530 84,070 13,500 45,880 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletch. Am. N., Indpls.; N. Fowler, LaFayette. H. M. Smith______ H. O. McCoun_____ V. D. Branaman ... 45,000 24,030 156,870 25,000 121,020 91,090 3,350 35,430 Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls.; FifthThird Un. Tr. Co.. Cin,; Seymour N„ Seymour. 75,000 54,500 711,000 47,500 604,000 136,500 59,500 10.000 3,500 120,000 85,000 12,500 1,600 85,200 58,000 1250 Mecca Bank___ ®»Jt’10 $100 par 100 71-125 " Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Medaryvllle___ 610 The Medaryvilie State Fk. O. F. Horner 7 Pulaski DIO $200-10% 71-145 d®»«’07 par 100 Medora- . 654 Medora State Bank....dtl’Ol Neal Matlock. 8 L Jackson N14 8% par 100 71-622 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, B. O. Cook________ Madonna Cook___ C.S. Horner............ R. J. Krnft Mellott— 312 (Closed March 30, 1931) 7 Fountain H8 Mentone . . 704 Farmers State Bank F. P. Man waring__ C. M. Tucker 7 Kosciusko D15 par 100 71-642 dB®»t5’92 A. I. Nelson Metamora........612 Farmers Bank------------- tt'10 E. Martindale......... H. W. Becht.......... G. M, Lennard____ 7 Franklin K20 71-827 Meta . 3211 Citizens Bank_____ ®T»tt'20 L. A. Kintner------ C. D. Killinger........ R. E. Flajshans... Heyrnan Wisaer__ 7 Steuben B22 par 100 71-1171 C. D. Killinger. Ch, A.D. firafft Miami________31S i Farmers State Bank____ 7 Miami F15 1930) Ora Porter 25,000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 17.000 1st N., Cin.; Citiz. State, New Castle. 14,000 4,500 22,800 Chase N.. N. Y,; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne. T on.’:- y Mexico. R1(li Farmers State Bank.__ }§’13 T.eroy Craft _ $125-6% par 100 71-1036 7 Miami K14 Closed November 8, 88,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 12,450 168,680 126,040 36,850 3.940 39,290 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi,; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks 517 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number riven L? oach bank in U- S- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. ♦Fed. Bes.Dept*:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSale%Div Michigan City ♦Citizens Bank...dB®T»tJ’88 C. E. Arnt________ A. G. Tillotson 26.735 1150-18% por 10071-133 A. C. Weiler 7 La Porte AD G. E. Baker Town and county. ^County Seats. Fie. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br Liabilities. Cashier. t. C. Weiler Ass’t Cashier. F. F. Harbart_____ $ 200,000 S FIRST NATIONAL W.Largest W. VAIL- - - - - - - - - G. P. ROGERS- - - - - - - - - H. W. HUNZIKER- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Capital Resources and Oldest Bank in the city. BANK GARRETTSON - GEO. B. JOHNSON — C. L. TAYLOR- - - - - - - - R. I. FLETCHER, ’MERCHANTS AR. F.COMPLETE BANKING INSTITUTION. A' Cashfrnoff NATIONAL BANK COLLECTIONS PRESENTED PERSONALLY. Resources. Loans Bonds Depos Otheb Paid-up Surplus Miscel Ci«a k Ex and and Liabili and CBAXQU.Pui its Cahtal Profits Discounts Sscurities laneous raoM Bin. ties 82,280 $2 973 650 $1827 640 $ 798,750 S 114,650 $ 514,880 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N„ Indpls. 125.000 207.580 2,185,330 98,800 1,208.140 921,440 104,540 382,580 1st N., N. T. and Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 100,000 65,830 1,067,390 105,000 659,960 365,620 124,740 187,890 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. ft Tr. Co., Chi. 343,800 N.City. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 130,990 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 1200-10% par 100 dB®W’73 71-132 $165-8% Prompt Attention given Pill of Lading Drafts and other Collections. par 100 71-135 d®T»t’09 ‘MICH. CITY TR.&SAV. BK. $i85-6%parioo 71-134 d®T •tl'63 ♦Peoples State Bank $125-4% 71-136 dB®T»i§’25 par 100 Michigan City Clearing Hse. {.Membership indicated by a *) Michigan town 419 Peoples State Bk. dB®T*t|'17 7 Clinton G13 10% par 100 71-828 Mlddlebury 656 First State Bank....d®»t|i# 7 Elkhart A16 par 100 71-82# Middletown ..1348 Farmers State Bk.dB®W§'82 7 Henry 118 $200-10% par 100 71-830 G. T. Tall_______ A. J. Henry, Sr.___ D, A, Gutgsell, A. C. Heitschmidt Sec, and Tr. H. F. Keppen_____ G. C. Bull........ . Wm. F. Leverenz. E. W. David, V.P. W. A. Zahrndt 21,320 720,550 196,280 156,930 364,510 87,370 204,180 84,800 152,830 25,000 36,800 190,000 95,000 208,000 1,000 108,000 50,000 58,050 354.280 12,050 372,920 27,190 18,810 F. A. Wisehart. O. J. Pickering ... F. H. Hagenbach. Ch. of Bd. and Pres 30,000 40,180 380.280 328,520 46,930 36,820 35,000 38,000 688,420 635,480 49,320 18,430 12,750 191,390 148,180 21,550 23,270 THE STATE BANK OF MILAN $250-14% par 225 Milford______ 869 7 Kosciusko C15 Miller________640 Mllltown_____ 795 86,230 1,210,000 20,930 Ellsworth Yarns - F. A. Walker_____ Daniel E. Franx... Maude L. Miller.. Ch. of Bd. and Pr 7 Ripley M21 100,000 100,000 W. W. Vail.............. C. E. Arnt_______ Wm. F. Leverenz, Mgr, M. E. Miller______ E. A. Davis_______ L. E. Goodnight... 0. M. LOYD, Milan....... ..... 877 G. W. TOOLE- - - - - - - - T. W. LAWS_ _ _ _ _ _ R. H. BORDERS_ _ _ E. T. LAWS, a. Cash. W. H. CALL 71-831 ®*t»'#9 Oldest Establish ed Bank—Cnexcel led Facilities—Efll clent Service Amu red. /16 CENTS sent t o us with each SI ght Draft for pres entatlon, and CENTS for ea ch credit report 1 nsures prompt, p ersonal attention Citizens State Bank d©t§'20 J. B. Neff_____ $110-4% 71-1185 Carl Gawthrop___ J, R, Robinson......... C. L. Hall................ 25,000 First National Bank___ «t’07 F. B. Bye_________ S. M. Walts_______ R. E. Jackson____ H.W. Bye________ 8 L Crawford PIS $200-10% 71-834 Mllroy.............. 770 First National Bank d®»t'20 Jasper D. Case........ Dora F. Jackman _ L. B. Pearce__ .... par 100 71-11## 7 Rush K19 Milton_______ 612 Washington Township Bank R. E. Swallow____ Paul T. Caldwell— C. V. Pitman_____ 7 Wayne J21 8% par 125 71-118# tt'20 25,000 10,200 310,210 26,510 287,830 48,630 7.970 50,000 10,570 117,900 50,000 114,580 57,960 18,460 10,000 3,100 93,010 70,260 7,200 4,170 397,400 856,290 168,250 Mishawaka.28,630 7 St. Joseph B14 Principal correspondents. {See Gary) ~ F. N. SMITH D. B. SMITH_ _ _ _ _ FIRST NATIONAL F. G. EBERHART.... AF. J.N. MAJOR SMITH BANK Member Federal Reserve FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK F. G. EBERHART — IV —F- SMITH. D. B. SMITH. A. See. ------------ 100,000 234,890 1,229,140 98,320 29,800 Fletcher Am. N. and Fletcher Tr„ Indpls.; 1st State and Citiz.Ln.&Tr., Frankfort. 55,460 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.: Salem Bk. & Tr. Co.. Goshen. 38.190 Cent. Tr. Co.: Cin.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 58.190 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.Y.; 1st N. and Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 36,150 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 27,480 N. Bk. of Ky. and Lin. Bk. & Tr. Co., Lou. 37,460 Am. N., Rushville. 24,400 2d N.. Rich. 240,400 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin. $250-11% par 100 71-160 dR®T«t'99 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BILL OF LADING DRAFTS, CASH AND TIME ITEMS. $250-11% par 100 par loo 71-162 V.P. and 100,000 iHARRI^T E. ELBEL J. J. 0 BRIEN, Sec. IE. F. HAHN, A. Sec. A. C. and A. Sec. C. E. HAS S, TV. CLIFFORD J. MEYER. C. H. BEUTTER, A.C. and Aud. 241,290 2,867,300 — 5 f R. C. STEPHENSONG.C. MILLER,V.P. GEO. M. W TWER K. P. ELY. V. P. GEO. U. BINGHAM. 79,630 1,340,420 Mgr. I ns. Dept. - : f 1,592,410 1.068,400 209,710 338,070 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. ft Tr. Co., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. 1,012,080 305,950 351,080 117,980 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; St. ' 267,050 R. E.ROH LEDER.M gr, Jo. Ln. & Tr. Co., So. Bend. Mgr. Bd. Dept. A. J. Major---------- W. H. Curtis_____ H. C. Doolittle___ F. N. Smith F. P. Howlett........ A. F. Wolf_______ Chas.Van De Walle Victor DeMeester 100,000 50,000 174,160 1,147,520 66,170 608,290 _____ 1 916,390 325,420 101,800 78,070 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. City, N. 265,030 370,500j 20,430 68,480 Gty. Tr„ N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R, E. Dept. | Send us your collections on this point for prompt and efficl ent serv ice. All Items have the personal att entlon of an offlc er. WE GET RESULTS. North Side Trust & Sav. Bk. F. G. Eberhart___ 71-163 dB©T»t§ '07 West End State Bank L. P. Van Rle____ $200-8% par 100 71-164 d®»ti’20 $250-n%pari00 160,000 Sec. and Tr. 71-161 dB®T*tS’05 MISHAWAKA LOAN &TRUST CO. dB®T»t5’05 Combined Resources over $4,800,000.00 Y.; Oont, Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Cbi. Ohi • Oiti7 N ftn Tfenri The Bankers’ Bank Since 1863 518 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers' TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Pig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond LisLonlsvllle Br. d-SafeDep.©Sa?.$LastSale%Div. ----------------------------- r President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this INDIANA—Continued Resources. Liabilities. Bomda Loam Dash k ExPaid-up SURPLUS Depos- Other hangis.Bui Liabili ITS Capital Profits Diaoounta SMuritiaa LANEOU8 from Bank*. ties Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. i 25,000 18,210 377.870 $ 220,620 * 49,270 25,000 35.500 466.500 267,000 132,000 10.000 12.900 185.000 160,000 W. E. Bussell_____ C. R. Brooks Mohawk State Bank...d$S’20 M. S. Wright, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *100-6% 71-1038 par 100 Monon............ 137 Farm. & Trad. State Bank G. R. Clayton_____ Wm. Raney............... J. H. Smith______ Minnie Roeers — Wm. Long *100 par 100 71-573 d®t§’20 7 White E10 W. H. Cook.............. Monroeville ...89 Citizens State Bk.-dB®T28’74 J. W. Nail________ J. J. Peters 7 Allen D23 8% par 100 71-840 O. I Allftn Monrovia......... 46 First National Bank. d@Tt'02 71-841 7 Morgan KI2 par 100 Monterey_____2! First National Bank d®Tt’l0 V. E. Follmar_____ C. B. Keitzer. __ C. B. Keitzer_____ 7 Pulaski Dll *200-10% 71-842 par 100 W. P. Montgomery R. W. Johnston ... First National Bank *iio-io% 71-526 d@T»t’04 Parke J6 par 100 J. E. Hancock, State Bank of Montezuma #% par 100 71-527 dB®«t§'09 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 25.000 12,190 141.200 $ 5 Farmers & Merchants Bank D. E. Carlin S. L. McPherson— T. R. McPherson.. 71-984 Ttt’ll S L Daviess 09 Montleello ..23 1 STATE BK. OF M0HTICELL0 S. A. Carson______ W. M. Reynolds— D. H. Moorhous—. *165-6% 71-465 dB®Ttl'95 7 White E9 |L Lawrence Nil M. N. Moor« Bank of Mitchell-------- ‘tm 71-408 iV. H. Weitknecht First National Bank...T»t’03 1200-10% 71-409 A. B. Hall_______ Frank Chastain ■ ... R. M. Keane L. B. Sanders------ C, V. Johnson_... H, A, Gaddi* Modoe. .236 Citizens Banking Co. d®tt’02 John Christopher. 7 Randolph 121 1250-10% 71-837 par 100 3,510 104,810 28,730 122,510 G Principal correspondents. N., Cin. 150,000 C ont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 29,900 36,930 3,510 Chi.; Flet. Am. N., Indpls.; Citis.-Un. N., Lou.; 5th Sd Dn. Tr. Co.. Cin. 18,000 I letcher-Am- N-, Indpls.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Citiz. N.. Winchester. Am. N. and Ind. N., Indpls. 33,140 Fletcher I 7 Hancock IKS 7 D. M. Tewksbury, Pres, and Tr. Off. H. L. Williams, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 162,560 4,270 51,080 33,660 C 19,180 229,570 91,470 76,820 43,000 ( ont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; par 173 3.470 152.810 27,550 127.030 14,390 48,000 24,420 I 280,000 25,000 185,000 108,500 26,500 29,000 Cont. ( III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 25,000 5,500 180.000 120,000 60,000 30,000 25,000 7.000 162,000 83,000 65,000 39,000 10.000 5.240 81.210 53,960 8,840 3,000 30,650 75.000 41,430 536,630 _____ 372,040 65,000 13,400 202,620 C. O. Downey_____ 50.000 48,370 538,610 23,520 301,150 104,760 75,700 178,900 r. City. N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk., W. O. Smith__ 25,000 5,000 130,530 4,660 11,150 ad. N., Indpls.; Far. & T Fayette. H. B. Lancaster... H. D. Thornburg.. H. L. Murray. 50.000 29,300 455,750 64,200 360,820 37,160 43,390 C. B. Manifold .— T. N. Marshall____ Flossie L. Rozelle. 9,820 186,340 5,140 202,430 Ihase N., N. Y.; Lin. N. Bk. Wayne. 25.000 460 3,660 18,750 'ar. & 1st N. and Oltis. 8ta C. M. Shockley___ 25.000 20,950 176.510 139.990 53,520 3,800 25,160 25,000 12.770 148,790 1,070 25,00( 8,23( 204,050 15,000 26,000 19,580 216,410 151,510 129,740 Mgr. Ins. Dept J. M. Powell_____ H. C. Scearce_____ O. G. Couch_______ R. S. Moon 71-316 dB®T»i’63 _ (Closed December 26 . 1930) J. R. Shank... W. W. Hickman.. Alex Cassell---------- A. J. Law________ J R Rmt Farmers State Bank..d»t8’97 C. M. Hanger____ J. M. Chiznm_____ 71-600 8 Union State Bank_..dB©tS*94 *200-8% 71-848 par 100 __ D. 8. Makeever.__ G. H. Hillis 6 State Bank of Mount Ayr 71-849 t§'03 S. L. Shively_____ f4 Mount Summit State Bank 6% par 100 71-850 d®Tt§’10 OLD FIRST NATIONAL BANK I. J. Biesecker... 26.00C 13,820 169,290 F. E. Harcourt___ Marie Harcourt.__ 25.000 24,300 204.690 .1. R. Sigler _ 40.000 9.830 104.476 25.000 3.250 115,000 O. Lloyd Hopkins __ E. Lamb_____ EDWARD E. HIGHMAN H. F. ELEMENTS-— EUGENE E. HIGHMAN A. W. HARIENT----- 144,710 100.004 32,271 1,559,161 50,00( 82.49C 1.515.10C __ 21,0 0 — 100,000 157,890 N.,>lndpis. Indpls.: Ist-McEeen N. Bk. & Tr. CoTerre Haute. Co., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 'letcher Am. N.. Indpls.; F Tr.Co..Cin. 81,250 33,370 173,260 44.55C 3.500 30,970 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher 149,930 17,810 8,110 86,140 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher 6,780 7,560 43,260 1st N. and Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. 47.330 8.950 67.980 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.: Lin. N., Din. 73,020 Am. N„ Indpls. Am. N., Indpls. N., Indpls. 16.600 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. 165.330 N., Chi.: 1st N.. Rensselaer. 131,000 19,250 14,000 Citiz State, Newcastle; Citiz. N. Bk. &Tr. 247,350 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. 786,781 688,061 68,331 697,05( 670.88C «iUui Co.. Cin. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Service and Safety—Since 1863 Oldest Bank In Posey County, Indiana Please send 15c presentation fee with Sight Drafts, 25c for Credit Ratings R. V. Stinson, Sr... Wm. Gonnerman.. J. E. Kelley____ Peoples Bank & Trust Co. 20% 71-318 d®T«*§’08 E. F. Bamberger Wm. H. Peters . THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N„ Indpls.; N. Fowler. La Fayette, Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 19,000 C. M. Bowers_____ Morgantown.. 74 Thos. Gibson, Ch. 71-847 7 Morgan K13 par 100 Morocco____ IOC 6 Citizens State Bank—d-tS’lO 71-601 7 Newton E6 io% *180-10% par 100 12,000 321,890 71-844 9 First National Bank *125-6% par 100 71-424 d®T-tl90( 4 Farmers State Bank-.dt§'23 Henry 119 *110-7% par 100 71-1082 9 Moores Hill State Bank_Tt5’05 *l40-7%par 100 71-846 0 ^Citizens Bank-------------»§’31 71-522 7 Morgan El 3 7 8helby J17 184,380 30.000 Montmorencl. 361l Montmorenci Bank___©ti'10 J. E. Marshall_____ fount Ayr.__2 7 Newton D7 ft. Summit.. 2 7 Henry 118 Mt. Vernon._5C | Posey R8 5.200 49.800 25,000 White Co. Ln., Tr. A Sav. Co. Chas. H. Gladden, *175-8% 71-467 dB®Tt§’05 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. H. C. Johnson ' par 100 50,000 50.000 . . 270,660 'raucies *■« •» m .. vcuti XIUF Chi.; Old N- Evansville. OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Cin Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Coontt. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. »Ooucty Seats. ITIe. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-8afeDep.©Sa».$LastSale%Diy. Mulberry........875 7 Clinton Gil CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 1125-5% 71-624 d®t’92 par 100 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 7 Delaware H18 'DELAWARE GO. NATIONAL BANK K. A.OESTERLE_ _ C. If. KIMBROUGH- J. C. MANSFIELD— RAY W. PITTENGERW. E. HITCHCOCK. H. C. ALMY F. R. DAVIS CA.M.E. BLACK tM11 . 5,090 25,000 300,000 58,410 S 221,420 $ 39,130 113,580 206.240 5,531,960 63,220 S 32,030 $ F.B. BERNARDC. F. KOONTZ— B. F. SHR0YER. EBfiE^WiJ«FEI UHHlr C. C. WINGATE OUR BUSINESS CREED: Maximum Safety. Efficient Service. $170-8% parlOO 71-65 dB®T»t’75 Our Collection Service a Special Feature. Exchange Rates Reasonable. BOND DEPARTMENT—Specialists In High Grade Securities. ’MERCHANTS TR. F. & SAV. CO. rose---------- fM®®— "■ '• '®"‘“Ek. UMKfite Principal Correspondents. 36,420 Chem. Bk. & Tr, Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi. Fletcher Am. N., lndpls.; lst-Merch. N. La Fayette. 28,430 N. Fowler, La Fayette; Fletcher Tr. Co., lndpls.; Citiz. Loan &Tr. Co., Frankfort. 76.110 300,000 2,078,570 1.693,320 1,587,440 978,870 Over 40 years of Efficient Service. Pergonal Attention of an Officer to all business. $200-12% par 100 dB®T«t’87 71-64 ’MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Liabilities. Resources. Loana Bondi Othkb Cajh A ExMiscel cva Paid-up Subplus Dxpo*- L and and >ou,Dui iabili and ZTO Capital Pbopits Diaaouata 8$euriti$s laneous from Banks ties J. E. COMBS, Ch. C. W. McMILLIN - S. A. MILLER — LULU M.CLAPPER $ 50.000 $ 26,140 S 218,540 $ of Bd. and Pres, Special Attenti on given BUI of Lading drafts, C ash and Time I terns. Please send 15c with each sight d raft for presentati on and 25c for Cr edit Rep orts. J, I. Bryan---------- Walters. Weaver. F. A. Leibenguth— J. A. Kent, Farmers State Bank par 100 71-1266 dB®T»t§’30 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *M uncle____46,548 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws ^(indexed) in back of this volume. " " INDIANA—Continued A*y A BK ill) vui. $ ICIVUCI Am- N.. lndpls.: Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Cent. Tr. Co. and 1st N., Cin. I* 253,410 1,369,550 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., lndpls.; 1st N., Cin. SEND YOUR MUNCIE BUSINESS DIRECT TO US. COMBINED RESOURCES OVER $8,000,000.00. COMBINED INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $900,000.00. 377,300 2,229,180 1.312,710 400,000 237.590 4,149,060 206,000| 104,770| 1,428,340 1,784,710| | 991,680| 397,1401 1,792,130| 336,870 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. Complete Banking, Trust, Real Estate Loan and Insurance Departments. $165-8% par 100 71-69 d©Tt§’20 Beatrice L. Bruton 10,000 10,490 48,680 23,610 17,600 1,660 R. G. Isenbarger, Sec. and Tr. F. M. McOlannhan. 25.000 6,540 125,960 100,440 22,550 17,470 17,030 Fifth Third Dn. Tr. Co.. Cin. — F. A. MILLER......... 80,000 ...... MUTSCHLER- F. E. COPPES ....... I COPPES—- CHAS. rompt and effl clent service In e very department OUR POLICY: Prom d®«W’84 ^Collections pre sen ted promptly a nd remitted for on day of Payme nt. 14,790 437,090 10,000 330,730 74.320 45,080 91,760 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohl.; Mellon N„ Pitt.; Am.Tr. Co.. So. Bend; Fletcher Am. N., lndpls.; 1st N., Ft. Wayne. 25,000 4,010 112,070 500 98,940 9,500 9,000 24,140 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 8alem Bk. & Tr. Co.. Goshen. 42,500 228,180 125,710 34,850 94,310 40,000 8,250 71,980 Oont. Ill. Bk. k Tr. Oo., Ohi.; Ind. M. and Fletcher Am. N.. lndpls. 2,231,710 265,770 212,440 372,780 N. Citv, N. Y.; Liberty Bk.& Tr. Co.,Lon. 800,630 257,340 137,930 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Oltis.-Dnion N. 1st N., Lon.; Fletcher Tr. Co., lndpls. Mancie Banking Co____ tt’05 O. W. Storer_____ 71-1198 K. A. Oesterle-----Muncie Clearing House (Members indicated by a*) Napoleon_____550 The Napoleon State Bk. t§'03 Chas. H. Stenri — Edw. H. Pox__ 7 Ripley L20 $95-3% par 100 71-851 Nappanee___ 2957 7 Elkhart CIS FARMERS & TRADERS BK. 71-449 Farmers Loan & Trust Co. Burton A. Uline, J. S. Slabaugh_____ Edward A. Strops, Sec. and Tr. $100 par 100 71-1214 dB®TJS’22 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. First National Bank $175-6% par loo 71-450 d®«t’07 tNashvllle____369 Nashville State Bank $190-7% 71-852 T»tl‘06 7 Brown L13 par 100 «Now Albany 25,819 ♦American Bank & Trust Co $250-l2%parl0071-94 dB®TiS’15 | L Floyd P15 ♦Floyd CountyBk. -d®til’07 $235-6% par 100 71-93 S. L. Eingenberg— C. A. Walters_____ C. A. Walters........ Ralph S. Miller ... 40.000 37,010 378,910 H&noher Campbell. Wm. L. Coffey___ O. S. Kelp_. J. L. Tilton, Ch, of Bd, and Pres, 25,000 32,100 157,440 Industrial Savings & Tr. Co. $100 par 100 71-95 ®T§’24 Liberty State Bank— d®§’~ $115-5% par 100 71-1242 ♦Mutual Trust & Deposit Co. $250-12% 71-92 dB®T«tS'04 par 100 W.W. Schwaninger J. H. Shine______ Harold McCnlloch, C. H. Kochert. Jr., Sec, A. Sec. F. E. Lorch_______ S. A. Combs______ M. E. Gable, Ch, of Bd, and Pres. Joseph Brans, George Borgerding O. C. Barth______ Frank P. Clipp, Cash,, A. Sec, Sat. and Tr. O. C. Barth, Ch, and A, Tr. ♦NEW ALBANY NAT’L BANK $225-i0%parl00 71-89 d®*t’65 S. J. Elsby_______ W. W. Cave_____ C. M. Hammond__ F. K. Hanger. See. and Tr, W. P. Huff. V. P. J. H. Mogan R. W. Harris-------- W. P. Brewer------- Chas. L. Vernia__ Otto F. Sauer, Jr... J. H. SHINE_ _ _ _ HAROLD MCCULLOCH. J.M. ELLIOTT- - - - - - P. W. MAIN- - - - - - - - - 350.000 100,000 308,800 46,990 1,299,620 145,610 896,320 103,280 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., lndpls. 25,000 11,280 66,270 1,530 70,660 26,410 5,070 50,000 2,000 248,300 6,410 210,150 27,250 39.470 213,660 1,189,170 478,140 204,780 29,830 Lin. Bk. & Tr. Co., Lou.; Floyd Co., New Albany. 180,500 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Citiz. Un. N., Lou. 157,050 1,003,630 414,270 14.720 118,180 Cent.Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cent.Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Citiz.-Un. N., Lou. 150.000 176,100 1,576,400 1,280,000 1,529,000 230,000 93,300 1,330,200 2d N., New Albany. 300.000 271,420 2,579,260 953,840 21,140 100,000 147.500 1,591,430 150,000 66,100 1,177,650 1,940 New Alb. N.. New Alb. Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentati on and 25c for Cre dit Repo rts. ♦New Albany Tr. Company Chas. D. Knoefel— Walter A. Gadient. 12% par 100 71-91 dB®Tt§1900 ♦Second Nat'lBk—dB®*t'74 G. A. Newhouse.. • R. W. Morris......... $275-10% par 100 71-90 New Albany Clearing House R. W. Harris______ (Members indicated bit a *) J. F. Enslinger___ W, G. Harrison, Sec. F.N. Fougeronsse. T. W. McDonald — 1. F. Wilcox. A. C. Herbert Bryant Geo. Borgerding, See. and Tr. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 161,950 2,261,940 26,300 116,500 1,971,740 320.470 Natl. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Citiz. Un. N.. Lou. RESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY 520 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWS ASD COUNTY. County Seats. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. oMtm.A.B.A.n'New SStateTPriT. (Men. Stats B. Ass'e. [Estah. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%DiT. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (IIdexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Dnpos- Othh AND Capital Profits ITS TIES Resources. Loana Boada MlSCBL- Qamu ft lx and and DiMouta SMuritiaa LAHlOUa noa Bmi Principal Correspondents. J.N.Gullefer........ E. W. Johnson ___ R. E. Huffman .... Stella Coble______ $ New Augusta..310 New Augusta State Bank $i85-io%pariOO 71-980 d®TtS’ll 7 Marion 113 25,000 $ 29,000 $ 254,000 $ Newberry___ 366 $250-10% 8 Greene MS 10,000 16,000 55,000 25.000 20,800 184,660 13,000 164,460 20,300 32,990 25,710 1st N.. Boonrille; Citiz. N., Evansville. 25,000 12.500 120,290 4,560 122,620 3,890 21,410 14,420 1st N., ChL; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.; Am. Tr. Oo~ Bo. Bend. 25,000 16,800 169,900 47,390 183,630 42,310 7,510 180,000 2,300,000 500,000 1,850,000 200,000 585,000 525,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls.; IstN., Cin. 40,000 1,300,000 335,000 1,100,000 320,000 255,000 200,000 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Fletcher Am. N. and Ind. N.,Indpls. M. A. Thomas... . S. W. Slinkard.__ Thelma Farnham.. 71-853 T. D. Scales______ Chas. W. Brizius— W. E. Scales. Newburgh.__ 1262 Newburgh State Bank 6% par 100 71-1208 d®»i’21 8 Warrick !U New Carlisle 718 Farmers State Bank.d®t8’19 James Proud 1120-8% par 100 71-996 7 St. Jos. A13 __ Wm. Ellerbusch__ V. J. Rodgers_____ John Emery, See... First National Bk.d®T»tl900 A.R. Brummitt.Sr. E. J. Sandmeier ... A. R. Brummitt.Jr. R. H. Rate Wm. J. Horton $1*0-10% par 100 71-855 W. W. Brummitt *N eweastle.. 14,027 7 Henry 118 CITIZENS STATE $300-12% par 100 .. .. 5,000 $ 260,000 S 10,000 5 62,000 8,000 $ 35,000 Ind.N„ Indpls. 7,000 12,000 Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.; Peo. N„ Wash. 25,640 1st N.. Chi. and So. Bend. H.E. JENNINGS— FRANK PENCE_____ J. R. MILLIKAN------ ORA NORRIS "i.tfciiW 188,808 uiaest and Largest tsarnc in tne county SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BILL OF LADING DRAFTS, UnlllV CASH AND TIME ITEMS. 71-201 dB®T»t*'78 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Re ports. BANK Fred Saint---------- W. F. Byrket____ $140- 5% par ioo 71-207dB®T*t'65 J. R. Hinshaw. Ch. R. E. Jones 200,000 N ew Harmonyl022 New Harmony National Bank par 125 71—564 ®»t’3i 8 Posey QS (Merger of First National and M. A. Perry______ C. M. Kemmerling Roy Ward 40,000 10,000 483,210 1,160 398,070 L. R. Ford 18,870 31,870 85,560 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.; Old N. and N. City, Evansville. New Haven...1702 New Haven State Bk. 7 Allen D22 $135-6%par 100 71-868dB®»tl'09 I. B. Sleet------------ C. G. Linden_____ W. S. Federspiel.. 50,000 22,760 394,980 155,800 494,170 52,710 45,870 32,000 21,000 328,190 64,9 0 260,690 67,920 88,700 30,790 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. «■.: Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 28,840 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. New Lisbon___195 Farmers State Bank—1§’10 R. L. Myers, J. A. Miller______ P, O, Wripht 7 Henry J19 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 6% par 100 71-857 25,000 3,500 93,790 16,690 124,730 New Market...330 Farmers State Bank. d®tl'03 A. J. Armantrout— F.M.Sayler---------7 Montgom’y 19 $150-10% par 100 71-858 25,000 30,940 119,930 6,510 121,880 New Palestlne.456 New Palestine Bank._©tt’#7 0. J. Richman------ B. G. Faut. 7 Hancock J18 14% par 100 71-859 20,000 17,080 196,180 100 201,750 Cecil A. Robinson. 25,000 10,170 140,960 4,880 119,430 __ Raymond Carr____ 25,000 30,850 243,690 2,350 150,840 New Harmony Banks) Peoples State Bank dB®Ttl'16 C. G. Vonderau— Wm. H.Federspiel H. D. Schoppmann $155-8% par 100 71-1099 New Paris____431 New Paris State Bank D. H. Fisher, Ch. W. S. Cline.............. C. B. Baser 7 Elkhart B15 6% por 100 71-880 d©TtS'll of Bd. and Pres, New Point____342 First State Bank_____®tl’12 Charles Risinger — Edw. A. Buckley__ E. F. Baas... $200-8% 71-861 7 Decatur L20 •Newport____ 777 The Citizens State Bank W. M. Hegarty — S. V. Morgan_____ V. N. Asbury. 7 Vermillion 17 $135-5% por 50 71-639 ®»tr<)5 11,050 3,190 Citiz. State, Newcastle; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 4,690 17,290 Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.; Elston Bk. & Tr. Co.,Grawfordsville. 6,700 24,890 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Ota.; Ind. N.. indpls. 8,930 15,970 36,690 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co„ OhL: Salem Bk. ATr. Co., Goahen; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 113,620 9,250 28,180 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Ola.; Id N.. Greensburg. 48,360 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., OU.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 53,280 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Un.Tr. Co., Indpls. 38,520 50,000 18,900 177,820 177,710 6,050 14,660 R R NItiw. 30,000 15,000 238.820 145.230 75,310 10,000 New Ross_____350 Farmers State Bank d®t$'20 T. J. Porter... J. B. Mount. M. L Hues. 7 Montg'y 111 71-1158 New Salem ___ 214 New Salem Bank.. d®Ttt’30 J. D. Case, Sylvester Gwinnup 7 Bush K1B 6% par 100 71-1118 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 25,000 3,350 95,060 5,000 99,020 600 17,810 10,000 2,510 52,680 10,000 60,930 4,700 10,970 Cont. N., Indpls.; Elston Bk. & Tr. Co., Crawfordsville. 8,560 Am. N„ Rushville. 10,000 27,000 120,000 7,000 46,000 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Cent. N., Attica. 25,000 11,300 187,310 5,580 15,880 Liberty Bk.&Tr. Co.,Lo».; Clark Co. State. Jeffersonville. ** ____ r 11 Newtown_____264 7 Fountain H8 New Washington L Clark 018 300 8 R. H. Nixon & Co.'s Bank $247-8% 71-638 ©Ttt’72 (Formerly New Salem State Bank) Newtown Bank____d®tt’05 W. V. Stanfield---- J. R. Campbell ___ D. B. Gray______ Ruth Aydelotto... par 375 71-864 New Washington State Bank J. B. Boyd......... ..... R. S. Taggart_____ W. T. Dunlevy___ F. J. Waters______ $140-6% par 100 ffivil'O* 71-865 OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF- DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 104,000 16,330 216,540 1,940 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI 521 Number under Name or Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and oountt. *Oounty Seats. Fie. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Lonisville Br. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §8tate fPriT. [Bstab. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Liabilities. PRESIDENT. Yioe-President. tNoblesville ..4811 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK J. C. Craig__ _____ C. F,. Johns.. A. R. Haas 7 Hamilton 116 $200-10% par 100 71-347d©Tt 10 CITIZENS STATE BANK $125-2% parlOO 71-343 d®*ti'71 P C DUNCAN C. B. JENKINS, CASHIER. ASS’T CASHIER. B. F. McLaughlin . O. E. Lake Surplus Dsro»> Paid-up ITS Capital Profits 37,760 S 211,470 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N. and lnd. N.. Indpls. 100.000 43,100 946,000 25,950 902,960 39,400 64,320 108.380 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. N., Indpls. 300,710 10,990 Am. N. and Citiz. State, Noblesville; Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls. 174,600 856,000 1,005,320 2,040 136,540 15,080 Citiz. State and Am. N., Noblesville; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 13,000 740,000 550,000 133,000 25,000 6,250 59,490 45,190 18,710 7,100 F. C. Vawter_____ 25,000 2,890 75,320 59,420 21,370 9,880 12,550 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. A. L. ULREY---------- A. 1. URSCHEL------ H. P. BRAND______ MILDRED HEETER 125,000 15,000 1,000,260 610,320 306,400 41,970 181,570 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N„ Indpls.: Marion N„ Marion. Geo. D. Garber, Lora Gerard_____ Cash, and Sec. 60,000 37,930 27,590 374,220 77,690 39,580 71,040 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Tr. Co., Indpls. Geo. E. Wendling.. T. W. Owen______ John M. Smith, Ch. of Bd, and Pres. E. H. Lange.......... . R. Hinchman__ . W. R. Fall A. E. Sicner.. A. C. Davenport___ John Clerkin------- 30,000 11,000 200,000 9,000 155,000 14.000 5.000 60,000 98,360 670,650 60,000 210,880 461,750 51.080 50.000 32,580 464,860 97,860 385,790 143,700 53.170 Albert Garber------ R. B. Allison_____ H. H. Breading___ 25,000 14,330 110,730 130 123,220 Alvin Wilson_____ J.T. Wilson............ R. W. Geise___ 50,000 28,600 828,520 65,870 494,780 255,540 72,480 E. F. McConnell__ Edith A. Martin... 35,000 12,000 230,000 19,000 190,000 12,000 44,000 O.J. Kneer______ H. E. Childress___ Edgar Mock______ 25,000 14,800 225,000 5,850 185,190 56,750 13,390 T. W. Osborn____ Starner Bond_____ L. L. Blann, C. Blann Ch. of Bd, and Pres, F. L. Swain_______ G. R. Tuttle........... C. S. Kern. Ch. M. Cooper................ O. W. Summerville .T, A, Mcflny 40,000 25,000 275,000 260,000 25,000 20,000 25,000 6,580 66,320 10,000 15,000 170,000 J. M. Winkelpleck. A. A, Lane______ A. F. Hindman___ Ada Deal 50,000 15,340 210,680 F. B. Moormann. F. J. Raver______ John E. Enneking. R. J. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 25,000 28,700 288,600 25,000 15,500 96,000 30,000 5,530 199,480 55,000 32,000 505,000 North Liberty .823 Farmers and Merchants 7 St. Joseph B12 State Bank..............d®T§ par 100 71-1244 NorthMadlson 573 North Madison State Bank 8L Jefferson N19 par 100 71-1107 dt*T7 Clyde Sheneman.. FCALVIN ULREY— ) < According to ru dB®Tt§ 29 I Plain sight dra Laccompanled b A LAWRENCE BANK UST CO. _, 25,000 4,930 72,740 100,000 28,380 50,000 J. S. Lightcap F. H. Vanek J. W. Dewey Bach in (Closed February 10 , 1931) Oolitic_______ 1210 Oolitic State Bank_____ 8L Lawrence N12 Orland................ 310 Citizens State Bank-.d©tl'06 H. O. Giles............. W. J. Case. 71-872 7 Steuben A20 $115-8% par 100 Orleans______ 1422 Citizens State Bank_____ §’97 J. T. Shepherd___ 8L Orange 012 71-543 George H. Carter.. National Bank of Orleans par 100 71-544 d®T<1900 293,610 120,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 19,740 Cont. 111. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. N„ So. Bend. le of Indiana Ban kers Ass’n. fts and requests for credit reports must be y fee In advance. Calvin TTlrey Union Trust Oo..........d®tl'13 71-1035 C. R. Moss_______ H. A. Tegarden___ THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MlSCEL- Oau ft IxDiscounts Ssouritiss LANEOU8 rxon Bahu 20,630 G. N. Peterson___ North Salem..466 North Salem State Bankt§’23 7 Hendricks 112 $130-5% par 125 71-868 North Vernon 2989 First NationalBankdB®»t’91 7 Jennings M17 $270-12% par 100 71-420 North Vernon National Bank $265-12% 71-419 ®»t’91 North Webster 416 Farmers State Bank„dTt5’16 7 Kosciusko C16 $125-7% par 100 71-1101 Oakland City 2842 First National Bank _d®»t’89 $187.50-10% par 100 71-445 8, Gibson P7fi Old State Bank..........d®t§'03 8% 71-444 Oaklandon___ 375 Oaklandon State Bank 7 Marion 116 $140-7%*par 100 71-1120 d®t§’17 Oaktown_____ 771 Oaktown Bank........ .......dtS'02 8 Knox N6 9% par 100 71-869 Oakville.............217 Farmers State Bank ...dt§’15 7 Delaware H19 $100-6% par 100 71-1074 Odon............ ....981 Farmers Bank---------- ®tt’14 8o Daviess N9 10% par 100 71-1045 First National Bk.--dB®*t’04 $200-8% par 100 71-8 70 Oldenburg____ 575 Farmers & Merch. State Bank 7 Franklin L21 8% par 100 71-871 dB®t§’19 Principal Correspondents. Bonds 63,940 North Judsou 1348 American State Bank P. O. Englerth.— 7 Starke Dll par 100 71-866 d®T»tl’27 71-439 TIES Loans H. C. GAETH_____ H. L. CRAIG...... ..... H. L. ESSINGTON—RAYMOND KNAPP E. S. BAKER Ch, of Bd, “The Pioneer Bank oi Hamilton county.” Send your business to Noblesvllle’s Largest and Strongest Bank. Quick Service and Prompt Bemittance on all Collections. R. O. Morris______ F. M. Baker, Sec... Roy Heiny, A. Sec. Wainwright Trust Co. J. E. Owen, TV. Off. $200 par 100 71-345 dB®Ttl’01 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $150-8% par 150 Resources. Other $ 50.000 $ 67,810 $ 651,280 $ 50,000 $ 466,790 $ 103,060 $ NoblesvilleTrustCo.d®Tt§'16 E. F. Cottingham. C. B. Jenkins_____ R. S. Roberts, Sec. Adam Kepner $125-#% par 100 71-348 NorthManchester 7 Wab. C15 2765 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued 437,120 6,480 40,000 300 14,000 11,400 80,540 10,220 76,000 Live Stock Ex. and Ind. N„ Indpls. 165,280 Chase N..N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 62,640 1st N„ Chi.; Fifth Third Un.Tr. Co.. Cin.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 15,560 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. State, Ligonier. 150,200 N.City.N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr.Co.,Chi.; N. City and Old N.. Evansville. 50,000 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Citiz. N.. Evansville. 24,430 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 35,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Am. N., Vincennes. 13,620 Merch. N., Muncie. 116,000 47,000 143,310 87,200 15,950 109,000 172,200 500 73,000 7.000 20,100 36,700 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne: 1st N.. Angola. 133,000 16,920 31,000 54,080 303,000 155,000 20,000 32,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.; Peo. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wash, Ind. 69,570 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr.Co.,Chi.;Ind.N., Indpls.; Wash. N., Wash- lnd. 60,600 Chase N.. N. Y.: Fletcher Am. N. and Ind. N., Indpls.; Batesville State, Batesville. 126,000 Cont.Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.: Citiz. Un. N., Lon.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin. IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given COO to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Out* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Pig. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. resources. Liabilities. Bondi Miscel Cam * ExLean* Othxb Paid-up Subplus D bpob- Liabili and and CHAWSu, Lm AND ITB Capital Pbopits Diaaouata Saauritiai laneous rmov Banks ties B. L. Vawter_____ Rose Vawter_____ % Osgood Bank_____ d©»tl'05 H. H. Menke.__ $140- 6% par 100 71-582 f Ripley XU •• •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 25,000 S 50,000 rWM. F. WILSON ... &estNbank *!n WfflEcoe» y. BOWEN----------; ol RIPLEY COUNTY BANK $300-14%parlOO 71-581 d®»t8'87 S 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentatlon, and (.25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentlo Do •• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued E. W. Dyar.._«___ A. A. Melching.__ Vance Wilson.____ Farmers State Bank $180-7% 71-1008dB®TM’12 10,000 $ 330,000 $ 233,500 S 86,480 1,029,170 690,770 285.720 7,610 124,110 23,160 13,720 187,670 950 12,010 51.970 Old N.. Evansville; 1st N.. Petersburg. 483,000 22.000 50,000 48,500 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Citiz. N.. Evansville. 60,000 35,000 1st N., Chi.; Flet. Am. N., Indpls.; 1stMerch. N.. La Fayette. 11,000 69,760 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; City Tr. Co.. La Fayette. 25,000 8,370 25,000 11,220 216,390 C. B. Smith, J. R. Montgomery A. W. Thompson.. J. R. Marvel_____ Owensvllle... 1056 Owensville State Bank par 100 71-559 d®TtS1900 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. C. N. Emerson, D. C. Scott 8 Gibson P4 (Merger of First State and Exec. 50,000 12,000 470,000 Oxford________ 853 Bank of’95 D. A. Messner____ W. M. Harman___ J. B. Vanderipe ... Inez Moore............... par 100 71-594 Wilma Gwin 7 Benton G7 25,000 13,000 son,non 213.000 35,000 6,480 289,900 210,660 Palmyra 2R8 Citizens Bank______ ®«tt’06 C. J. Heuser______ Hilary Kiesler .... Chas. P. Heuser... Mae Lee 71-875 8 L HarrisonP14 $314.84-12% par 100 15.000 21,000 245,000 262,000 John T. Stout_____ L. O. Miller............ Raymond Stout.... Ray Lapping............ tPaolI................. 2016 Orange County Bank 200-10% 71-876 dB®T*t§'86 8 L Orange 012 $par 100 25,000 10,000 25.000 1,050 254,960 25.000 11,590 115,420 Parker_________794 Parker Banking Co. __T»t§’99 H. E. Clevenger, W. E. Baker______ C. F. Halliday____ F. O. Dragoo_____ Ch. of Bd, and Pres. R. J. Halliday 7 Randolph H20 8% par 100 71-879 25.000 32,030 Patoka_______ .634 Patoka National Bank__©t‘09 M. L. Arthur_____ C. W. Stermer____ E. E. Field_______ Josephine Garrett. 25,000 21,000 125,000 Patrlcksburg..436 Patrlcksburg Bank.........dtt'll Dennis Royer_____ E. S. Maegerlein... J. M. Henderson .. Christine Blair ___ par 100 71-978 7 Owen L9 10.000 7,000 100,600 Patriot_______ 288 Patriot State Bank dB®Tt§’91 Lucian Harris_____ Wm. Miller 71-881 8 L Switzerland par 100 N22 {Formerly Patriot Deposit Ban k) Perle H. Johnson.. 25.000 8,050 87,630 G. M. Johnson........ J. W. Hiestand.__ E. B. Johnson......... 25.000 8,000 172,220 50.000 29.940 25.000 7 Wells E20 {Closed for liquidati on June 8, 1931) Otterheln filfi Stale Bank of Otterbein 7 Benton G8 Otwell ______364 Otwell State Bank.. dTt§’24 B. H. Osgatharp... J. W. Frank______ Ralph Craig______ L. S. Osgatharp..— $140-6% par 100 71-874 8 Pike P8 Principal Correspondents. 124,100 $ 13,090 71,500 88,000 $ 8,500 $ 35,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Oin.: Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 181,540 Chase N., N. V.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 2d N„ Cin.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 9,570 Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. Old State Banks) M •• “ _____ State Bank of Oxford.®t§’02 J. W. Johnson ___ A. T. White______ R. H. Morse______ Mabel Campbell... $iio-6% 71-595 Leah Lawsen THE PA0U STATE BANK " 71-1063 dB®§’31 ( C. M. Boyd_____ t EVVI J. T. J. Graves.__ A. R. Payton TES tour busi $175-8% par 100 71-880 Gibson P5 Pendleton.__ 1538 7 Madison 117 PENDLETON BKG. COMPANY par loo 71-553 dB®T»tl’72 .. •• Pennvllle 7 Jay G21 Lula Knny T. H. French, Ch. Pekin. .. 356 Citizens Bank_____ d®t§’07 Pleasant Nale... 8 L Washington $100-5% par 100 71-882 015 820 18,180 Lin. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Lou. 260,000 25,000 24,000 101,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.; N. Bk. of Ky„ Lou. 27,940 220,210 8,120 50,590 30,030 1st N., Lou.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co. New Alb. 3,480 104.530 16,240 3,270 31,450 Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls.; 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 163,090 7,480 8,300 45,980 2d N.. Cin.: Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 131,000 22.000 74,420 22,930 16,700 72,490 29,160 3,440 15,590 Atlas N.and Fifth Third Un. Tr.Co..Oin.; Flet. Tr.. Indpls. 10,000 169,460 14,320 10,500 20,940 Lib. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Lin. Bk. & Tr. Co., Lou.; Flet. Am. N., Indpls. 575,950 16,910 312,910 112,580 131,800 115,510 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.,Chi.; Flet. Am. N. and Ind. N., Indpls. 3,210 152,000 2,090 111,410 8,030 9,630 53,230 Fletcher Tr. Co.. Indpls. 4,940 79,230 230 33,070 24,060 3,000 34,270 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N„ Indpls. NESS. Paragon Rfifi Paragon State Bank___ tl'09 G. Abbott, J. C. Hodges_____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 7 Morgan Ell $125-7% par 100 71-8 77 8 40,000 W. F. Morris_____ J. H. Walker____ R. A. Morris 5,900 18.000 Citiz. N., Evansville; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 9,450 Fletcher Am. N.,Indpls. {Consolidated with Pendleton Banking Co., March 21, 1931) 578 PennvilleState Bank $100-6% parlOO 71-626 dB®T§*90 Perrys vllle........ 435 Perrysville Bank____ T*tt’12 71-975 7 Vermillion 16 par loo J. C. Wright. W. A. Johnson___ O. L. Beasley__ ___ Blanche Morrical.. 10.000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CllimINAT | Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The Bankers’ Bank Since 1863 523 Number under Name of Bank is the new Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. eMem.A.B.A. nNew §State tPriv. *Connty Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds MlflCEL- Oaot k ExOther Paid-up Surplus Daposand and and Liabili Oapital Profits ITS Diaoounta Securities LANXOUB meet Bene ties Pershing______ 287 Jackson Township Bank R. E. L. Hartman.. A. E. Ehle_______ R. R. Beckett____ Park Sourbeer ___ $ 10,000 S 7 Wayne J21 71-1095 dB@It'16 *90-6% par 100 100,000 | JOHN KRAMER — 0. J. THEOBALD------ JOS. KENNEDY------- W. S. AYERS ‘Peru........ ...12,730 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK JOS. H. HUBER 7 Miami E15 71-173 d®*i’71 [send us you R PERU COLLE CTIONS .. .. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 71-172 “ -------- 71-175 •• •• „ 51,830 $ 1,880 $ 50,680 $ 534,730 885,000 100,000 100.000 103,790 1,577,320 105,720 813,220 100.000 102.780 1.220,070 143.310 10,910 $ 287,450 5.300 S 5,980 Dickinson Tr. Co., Am. N.. Indpis. Rich.; Fletcher 62,810 255.000 Irr. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., 808,710 82.250 182,650 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpis. 811,800 206,250 362,770 185.330 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpis.;Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cln. 55.100 1,784,190 1,033,130 497,910 312,270 1,868.240 203,990 Chase N., N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. Tr. Co. and Fletcher Am. N., Indpis. 40,000 88,380 645,880 319.100 302,930 80,810 71,410 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Flat. Am. N.. 76,340 777,150 24,820 403,050 335,110 86,410 103,740 Gtr. Tr. Co,. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. 16,000 169,700 62,250 20,090 55,000 PROMPT AND EFFICIENT COLLECTION SERVICE. YOUR BUSINESS INVITED. BERT BOWERS-------- 0. C. WAINSCOTT___ D. H. HARTER, Sec. and Tr. Largest Bank in the County. Your SERVICE” 100,000 “COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE AT Chi.; Ind. N.. Indpis. ®T»t5’04 2609 Citizens State Bk.—d®Tt§’73 C. F. Boonshot___ T. R. Rice. „ par 100 71-461 M Pierceton Oldest Established Bank Strong and Progressive J. H. SHIRK--------- JOSEPH RICHER - C.W.BEECHER, Tr .6. C. MILLER, Sec. Collections a Specialty, Transacts a General Banking and Trust Business. Correspondence Invited. 71-174 dB©T»t§’04 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. WABASH VALLEY TRUST 00. 9.170 J Principal Correspondents. R. E. EDWARDS........ ■M. E. CRUME---------- R. H. CHAMBERLAIN. K. E. KENNY_______ R. A. EDWARDS. Ch. W. G. SMITH PERU TRUST COMPANY " — •Petersburg 8 Pike 08 ®T«i’64 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this INDIANA—Continued .. H. V. Johnson____ H. R. Johnson .... Indpis.; Old N. and N. City. Evansville. JG.T. FRANK_____ PRENTICE WILLIS— J. 0’IRIEN... FIRST NAT’L BANK tFirst Nationals ank In the county 15% par 100 71-462 d®T»tl900 FLOYD BURCH IRENE CARLISLE 50.000 Peoples Loan & Tr.Co. L. L. Dearing_____ Clark Whitman *175-8% par 100 71-1126 ®Tt§’18 W. G. Finney H. H. Harmeyer, Sec. and Tr. 25,000 .. 9,460 241,000 Co., Ohi.; Ind. N., Indpis. 39,420 1st N.. Chi.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. Old N., Evansville; Flet. Tr., Indpis. 87s ^Indiana State Bank & Trust Co—71-1271____§’31 (Branch of Wars aw, Ind. ) Pine Village...323 Bank of Pine’05 Dan A. Messner.... Wm. Harmon_____ S. 8. Jacobs______ Mabel F. Jacobs... *100 71-886 7 Warren G7 10.000 8,100 230,580 187,560 Plttsboro 489 Pittsboro State Bk._d®t§’20 O. T. Scamahorn.. Marvin Weaver.... W. A. Berry______ A. M. Ridgway____ 7 Hendricks 112 *130-6% par 100 71-887 Marvin Weaver 25,000 9,360 88,540 87,450 2,500 16,610 16,340 Fletcher Am. N„ Indpis. Plainfield.___ 1617 First National Bank & Tr.Co. C. M. Havens_____ A. C. Harvey_____ O. G. Pike_______ H.G.Hollingsworth 7 Hendricks J12 *300-16% parlOO 71-550 d®T»t'03 25,000 43,000 381,000 274,000 117,500 30,500 58,000 Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N., Indpis. Plalnvllle .. 603 Farmers Bank________ tt’08 N. E. Killion, C. F. Keith Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 Daviess N8 *360 71-888 10,000 25,500 83,780 21,480 24,630 Fletcher Am. N., Indpis.; Peo. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wash. 18,600 Old-lst N, Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne.; Steuben County State, Angola. 7,790 Peo. State. Carlisle 1st N.. Vincennes.; Sullivan State, Sullivan; Far., Marco. 286,450 Ont.lll. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. Pleasant Lake 645 7 Steuben B22 Pleasantville 262 8 Sullivan P7 ‘Plymouth 5290 7 Marshall C14 91,930 18,760 First State Bank...dB®t5’14 Geo. W. Gilbert— D. C. Ransburg___ L. V. Grim______ W. E. Tuttle____ 25,000 9,780 164,000 144,000 24,000 12,180 Peoples Bank________ tt’23 Douglas Bed well.. J. W. Enochs— .. Everett L. Jones.. par 100 71-1227 First Nat. Bk.of Marshall Co. M. M. Lauer______ Alfred A. Huff.... J. C. Whitesell___ C. H. Grube_______ *125-4% 71-399 d®T*+’73 C. C. Croup par 100 10,000 2,200 49,420 32,150 18,550 4,830 152,740 1.183,150 353,140 3,870 222,370 10,000 *125-8% par 100 71-1056 MARSHALL CO. TR. & SAV. C. F. Holtzendorff. C. W. Baker CO______71-401__dB®m'09 par 100 Poland ..169 7 Clay K9 Poneto 237 7 Wells F20 Porter_______ 805 7 Porter B9___ W. L. Witsman.__ H.T. Walls_______ 6,550 Bank of Poland__ dB®TJt’14 71-104 7 Farmers State Bank___ t§’12 *100 par 100 71-987 First State Bank __d®2§’20 *160-6% par 100 71-1173 *150-6% par 100 __ Harold Pifer_____ Cash, and Sec. Cora Ebert, A. Sec. 130,000 65,000 1,475,000 1,700 N., Indpis. 40.000 7,500 A. H. Meyer______ F. W. Huckriede.. O. H. Knoll- 11,000 16,000 90,000 3,000 85,000 12,000 3,000 J. W. Cook, Harris Osborn____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. A. Wilson_____ J. E. Kemp.............. J. M. Givens______ H. L. Arnold, Ch. _ 25,000 6,250 75,000 18,000 85,000 12,000 15,000 12,250 25,000 20,280 269,000 212,300 6,500 15,070 80,410 1st N., Chi.; Gary Tr. & Sav., Gary. 254,000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 54,580 Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; Bk. of Oxford. Oxford. 30,000 43,000 Fletcher Tr. Co. and Fletcher Am. N., Indpis.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 20,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Brazil Tr. Co.. Brasil. Resources Over $90,000,000.00 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number riven 524 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ TOWW AMD COUNTT. County Seats. Fig. Fed. Res.Dist. L Is Louisville Br. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State tPrir. t-Mem. State B. Ass'll. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts'.T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sav.$La.'5tSale%DiT. .Portland ___ 5276 Citizens Bank 7 Jay G21 $175-12% 71-884 par 100 M u President. VICE-PRESIDENT. 71-333 Ass’T Cashier. Paid-ot Capital . 50,000 L. W. Hoover____ E. M. Haynes_____ O. L. Tharp______ Alberta A. Hlester. March Haynes 50,000 J. V. Ashcraft___ P. D. Gagle___ Ray Taylor FIRST NATIONAL BANK par100 71-835 d®«'04 par 100 Cashier. Poseyvllle 810 BOZEMAN WATERS FIRST f A. E. JAQUESS — 8 Posey Q4 NATIONAL BANK—dT»rso j G. J. WATERS, Ch. par 100 71-631 \ Prompt, person (Merger of Bozeman Waters 1 FEE IN ADVA National and First National v Reliable Credit Banks) J. H. GWALTNEY — FLOYD MARTIN_____ G.E. ANTLE________ rG C KENDLE_____ H G. GRAPER J. C. GORMAN. SAV. BANK d®T»ti’04 ] Special FARMERS NAIIUNAL BANK ee Jasper E7 71-1149 $110-8% par 100 -------- •* 64,700 138,100 1.203,850 10,820 50,000 558,480 65,300 410,250 75.000 198,360 243,550 N. City. N. Y.; Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Huntington N„ Col. 772,760 299,440 31,130 288,610 Chase N„ N. Y.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Cent. Tr. Co., Cin.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 477,830 101,000 40,410 65,360 Cent. Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Oitlz, N„ N. City, and Old N., Evansville. 25,000 6,210 137.810 107.740 27,170 9,920 24.190 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st State., Decatur. 50,000 23,630 377.500 131,670 394,810 27,380 84,370 76,240 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; West Side, Evansville; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. Perso nal, Efficient, Sa tlsfactory Service. F. M. HARRIS WILL BLAIR............... - R. H. WATSON............ M. H. WALLIS COMMERCIAL , SAVINGS, TRUST AND BOND DEPARTMENTS, ' 100,000 122,260 1,316,710 194,800 873,710 545,960 97,670 • 5 . ' " ' ' 216.430 National City Bank__________New York Chicago Citizens National Bank. ...Evansville Fletcher Am. N. Bank___ Indianapolis Send your Princeton collections direct to us. dB®T *t’89 Union State Bank____ ®t§’23 $150 71-1224 Farmers National Bank $125-8% 71-1137 B@TT19 State Bank of Remington $175-8% 71-891 d@T*+5'08 par 100 Ffl B M «AT, 0&N ft LM 784,660 $ attentl on given BUI of Lading drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. Please tend 15c presentation fee with Sight Drafts, 25c for Credit Ratings, Peoples-American Nat. Bank S. T. Fisher _____ W. W. Sipp_______ J. W. Yochum____ Harvey Milbum__ L. F. Sullivan H. M. Dwyer, A.C, Leonard Mayhugh $225-12% 71-281 dB®T«'14 par 100 258 (Closed November 2 3, 1930) .Rensselaer ..2798 » W. L WAGNER_____ A 0 ROTHFRT LUCIE W. SLAYTON ,i Raub_______ 7 Benton F6 Red key 1571) 7 Jay G21 Remington .879 7 Jasper F8 t 7 71-294 27,800 30.000 $ 285,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. 8s Tr. Co.. Chi.; Old-lst N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne; Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; 1st N„ Cin.; Ind. N„ Indpls. I Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentati on and 25c for Cre dii Repo rts. (.Prompt, $225-10% par 100 S 690.000 $ 283,000 $ 53,000 $1135 000 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENT*. al, efficient atten tlon given Collec tions when acco mpanle d by NCEs Sight draft s, 15c minimum; 25c minimum cha rge if p aid. Reports, 25c. TR Y US. Preble 125 Farmers State Bk. _dB®t§’16 par 100 71-1091 7 Adams E21 .Princeton___ 7505 CITIZENS TR. & $171-8% 71-292 8 Gibson P4 par 100 Resources. Liabilities. Bondi Lull Surplus Dbpoo- OtHIB Miscel (Urn ft »xand ud OHAMMrDVH Liabili_ AJfD m DiaoounU SnuritiM laneous Paul C. Jaqua____ V. B. Thomas........... $ 100.000 $ d©t§’75 .. INDIANA—Continued