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. ■ # - ’i&L 'i'i.ivVv> -■'•<■' .'A*'.- •.'•-♦. "t^v v --:{v Cfjasfe JSattonal Pantt ?*fe OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK CAPITAL $61,000,000 SURPLUS ft PROFITS $81,851,142.28 DEPOSITS (JUNE 29, 1929) $827,322,943.88 SEE PAGE ADVERTISEMENT IN NEW YORK LIST RAND MCNALLY BANKERS DIRECTORY JULY 1929 PUBLISHED IN SEPTEMBER A. G. Becker & Co. Bonds * Commercial Paper Investment Stocks 1 54 Pine Street NEW YORK 100 S. La Salle St. CHICAGO The F. H. Smith Company Founded 1873 INVESTMENT SECURITIES SMITH BUILDING 285 MADISON AYE. AT 40th ST WASHINGTON, D.C. NEW YORK CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BRANCH OFFICES IN OTHER CITIES George M. Forman & Company BONDS Investment Bonds Since 1885 for BANKS 43 years experience in supplying investments to American, Scotch, Dutch and British Banking In stitutions, has qualified this organization to act with authoritatP 8H-1464 2M 7-70 crimination in the tion of investment ities suitable for distribution or ment. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 112 W. Adams St., CHICAGO 120 Broadway, NEW YORK Underwriters, wholesale and retail distributors of Government. Real Ltion ties. Write for List of current offerit MOINES INGFIELD, ILL. SPE CK Here is a cnecK paper endorsed and used by the leading bank ing houses throughout the nation ... as well as by many rail roads and other public utilities . . . and scores of private corporations. It is La Monte National Safety Paper—recog nized as the standard check paper wherever men deal in money. Note its durable texture—its dignified appearance — its easy writing surface. A check made on National Safety Paper suggests that the bank issuing it is a sound, modern, progres sive institution. It is protected, too, both front and back. Any erasure is readily visible. Your lithographer, printer or stationer can supply you with National Safety Paper checks. George La Monte & Son, 61 Broadway, New York. NATIONAL SAFETY PAPER (See inside back cover) A NATIONAL CITY MAN CAN HELP YOU ...when you wish to sell part of your bond holdings Prompt liquidation of any part of your bond reserve demands ready marketability in your holdings. The world-wide distribution of issues sponsored and sold by The National City Company creates for them broad resale markets. You can reach these markets quickly through any National City office listed below: Albany . . Atlanta . . Atlantic City . . Baltimore .. Boston . . Buffalo. . Chicago .. Cincinnati Cleveland .. Dallas . . Davenport. . Denver . . Detroit.. Hartford .. Houston .. Indianapolis Jacksonville, Fla. . . Kansas City.. Los Angeles . . Louisville, Ky.. . Memphis .. Miami, Fla. Milwaukee . . Minneapolis .. Newark .. New Orleans .. Oakland, Calif... Omaha .. Pasadena Philadelphia . . Pittsburgh . . Portland, Me. . . Portland, Ore. . . Providence . . Rochester San Diego .. San Francisco . . Scranton . . Seattle . . St. Louis .. St. Paul.. Tacoma .. Toledo Washington . . Wilkes-Barre . . Montreal. . Toronto .. London . . Amsterdam .. Copenhagen Geneva . . Tokio . . Shanghai. The National City Company National City Bank Building, New York BONDS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ' SLIORT TERM NOTES * ACCEPTANCES KG** Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Your eBusinessoAnd Ours ANKERS and investment bond dealers have much in common—not alone in their community of interests but in a similarity of experiences as well. B As a lender of money, as a maker of credits, you serve as a builder of your community and of others. We, too, build. Only in the matter of methods and of forms do our activities in this line differ from yours. Success for you, as for us, depends on the exercise of cau tion, quite beyond the needs of many lines of business. The same ideals animate us both; we are restrained by the same inhibitions. And the measure of our progress, as of yours, is the degree of service we extend to those with whom we deal. Your business and ours are much alike. You are more than money lenders. We are more than bond sellers. There is justification for banker and investment dealer alike, we be lieve, in holding to a certain pride in what they accomplish beyond the narrow confines of mere accumulation of gain. It may be because we recognize this conception of their business, and ours, that so many bankers have found the facilities of our organization especially well suited to their needs. Not alone when in the market for securities do they call on us but, as well, for appraisals, statistical information and general market information. Perhaps we could serve you, too, as well. THOMPSON ROSS & CO. ESTABLISHED 1912 <r=s--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Underwriters and Distributors ofPublic Utility, Industrial, and Municipal Securities ------------ Bank Floor - ■ VJ 29 South La Salle Street Telephone Randolph 6380— C H I C A G O NEW YORK « • SAN FRANCISCO • BOSTON What Are the Principal Ways to Diversify? r Select Bonds Ho*Canl 'r0My Conformmg Broadcasting Investment Information to the Millions Individual N HERE exists an “urgent need for more enlight ened understanding of investment,” as Congressman Louis T. McFadden expressed it, speaking on the open ing night of the Halsey, Stuart & Co. Radio Programs. “Never before . . . have so many people had a surplus,” said Mr. McFadden. “Employing this vast network . . , to broadcast the principles of sound investment is really a unique undertaking in the history of finance. T How to Plan the Family’s Financial Program 4^; ^utance ( Salability? That, briefly, interprets the reason for and the purpose of the radio programs sponsored by Halsey, Stuart & Co., broadcast each Thursday evening over a coast to coast network of stations. The Old Counsellor, who has become a definite radio personality, answers on these programs questions common among investors. His simple, non-technical discussions of investment problems are heard by a vast audience of interested listeners. From time to time, leaders in various fields of busi ness, industry, and finance also speak on these programs. An instrumental ensemble of selected artists provides music of variety and distinction. Of Special Benefit to Banks and Bankers The audience reached by these programs is largely made up of bank customers—actual or potential. The habit of investing, or a desire to invest, leads naturally to the use of various bank facilities. It is felt, therefore, that these programs are rendering a valuable service to banks, both in developing an investment sense among their customers and in otherwise stimulating bank pat ronage. Support of these programs from banks has been received to a gratifying degree, and it is hoped that this interest and support will grow as bankers generally become familiar with the purpose of the undertaking. HALSEY, STUART & CO INCORPORATED We shall be glad to mail in a handy pock et size folder, to any bank official, a complete set of the reprints of the Old Counsellor's answers, and addresses by guest speakers. Ask for Folder DB-79. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chicago 201 S. La Halle St. new york 35 IVall St. Philadelphia 111 South Fifteenth St. Detroit 601 Griswold St. Cleveland 925 Euclid Ave. st. louis 319 N. Fourth St. boston 85 Devonshire St. Pittsburgh 307 Fifth Ave. Milwaukee 425 East JVater St. Minneapolis 608 Second Ave., S. Investment Facilities ORTY YEARS of investment experience, nation-wide contact with financial conditions through offices in important cities, and a thoroughly trained personnel qualify A. B. Leach <Sl Co., Inc., particularly well to recommend for investment securities that are especially suitable for banks. The facilities of this organization, systematically developed to render dependable service, are always F A. B. Leach & Co., Inc Investment Securities KANSAS CITY Pioneer Trust Building MINNEAPOLIS Baker Building MILWAUKEE First Wis. Nat*l Bk. Bldg. SCRANTON Mears Building PROVIDENCE R. I. Hospital Trust Bldg. NEW HAVEN Second Nat’l Bank Bldg. PITTSBURGH Grant Building NEW YORK 57 William Street CHICAGO 39 S. La Salle Street BOSTON 209 Washington Street BUFFALO 918 Ellicott Square ST. LOUIS Security Building LOS ANGELES Van Nuys Building SEATTLE Dexter Horton Building PORTLAND U. S. Nat’l Bank Building SAN FRANCISCO Financial Center Bldg. ALBANY 91 State Street OAKLAND Tribune Tower PHILADELPHIA 123 S. Broad Street DETROIT Buhl Building LLOYDS BANK LIMITED HEAD OFFICE: LONDON, E.C. 3 The Bank has over 1,800 Offices in England and Wales and others in India and Burma. (S5=£l.) DEPOSITS, &c. ADVANCES, &c $1,708,194,710 $935,775,425 The Bank has Agents and Correspondents throughout the British Empire and in all parts of the World, and is associated with the following Banks: THE NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND LIMITED fe^KOF LONDON & SOUTH AMERICAUMITED PROVINCIAL FQtfflMBML Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND, LIMITE'J BANK OF BRITISH WEST AFRICA, LIMITED THE BRITISH ITALIAN BANKING CORPORATION, LIMITED rand finally BANKERS DIRECTORY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Patent Office THE BANKERS BLUE BOOK Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Patent Office With Selected Lists of: INVESTMENT HOUSES ATTORNEYS DEALERS IN BANK EQUIPMENT SERVICE AND SUPPLIES JULY 1929 107th EDITION — FOUNDED 1872 — 57th YEAR RAND MCNALLY & COMPANY Official Numbering Agent for American Bankers Association SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK Made Copyright, 1929 LIBRARY in U. S. A. CONTENTS PAGE Abstract of the Laws of the United States and Canada................... 2241 Abyssinia—Banks (See Ethiopia)....................................................... Accessible Banking Points to Non-bank Towns................................ 2389 Africa—Attorneys____ ____ _ ._____ ____ __________________ 2232 —Banks............... ..................................... _......................................2041 —Map____ ____ ____________ _____ _______ _____ _______ 2044 Alabama—Accessible Banking Points________________________ 2389 —Attorneys________________________ 2133 —Banks................. ......... ..................................... ............_............. 43 —Bank Directors........... ....................... ..2493 —Laws_________________________________ 2241 —Map, on “ALA” Index ........................... 46 —State Bankers Association Officers............... 2 —(Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners________________ 9 Alaska—Accessible Banking Points___________ .2391 —Attorneys........................................................................................ 2134 —Banks__________________________ 68 —Bank Directors______________________________ ....2497 —Laws.............. 2243 —Map, on Alaska Index_________ 66 Albania—Banks_________________________________ 2064 —Map (Map of Europe)___________ 2038 Alberta—Accessible Banking Points......... ..........................................2474 —Attorneys_________________ 2228 —Banks.............................................................................................. 1965 —Laws.............................................................................................. .2364 —Map (Map of Canada).................................................................1968 Algeria—Attorneys......................... 2232 —Banks------------------------------------------------------2041 —Map........................................................................................... 2044 American Bankers Association Officers.............................................. 2 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) A. B. A. Numerical Transit System Map................. 6 A. B. A. Transit Number (Listed under name of each bank in Bank List) Anglo-Egyptlan Sudan —Banks_________________________________________ 2041 —Map (see map of Africa)____________________ 2044 Angola—Attorneys_____________ 2232 —Banks___ _________________________ 2041 Arabia—Banks_______ 2055 Argentine Republic—Attorneys___________ 2237 —Banks_________ 2127 —Map, (Map of South America)................................................. 2124 Arizona—Accessible Banking Points..................................................2391 —Attorneys___ ___________________________ 2134 —Banks_________ _____ _________________ ........ ................ 69 —Bank Directors______________ 2497 —Laws............................................................................................... 2245 —Map on Index “ Ariz.”_____________________ 70 —State Bankers Association Officers............................................. 2 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank; —State Bank Officials and State Bank Examiners______ 9 Arkansas—Accessible Banking Points______________ 2391 —Attorneys__________________ 2135 —Banks______________________________________________ 76 —Bank Directors....................... 2499 —Laws--------------------- . _____ ______ ____ ___ _____ 2247 —Map. on “Ark” Index____________________ 78 —State Bankers Association Officers..................... 2 (Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners_________________ 9 Ashanti—(See Gold Coast) Asia—Attorneys....................................................................................2232 —Banks.............................................................................................. 2055 —Map............................................................................................... 2052 Associations—American Bankers (Officers of).................................... 2 (Members shown in Bank List by • alter name of bank) —Financial Advertisers Association ....____________________ 4 —Investment Bankers Association of America Officers_______ 4 —Mortgage Association of America (Officers)________________ 4 (Members shown In Investments Lists by a 1) —State Bankers Associations Officers......... .................................... 2-3 (Members shown In Bank List by t after name of bank) Attorneys—United States.....................................................................2133 —Canada--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2228 —Foreign Countries__________________ 2232 Australasia—Attorneys........... ................ 2233 —Banks.............................................................................................. 2060 Austria—Attorneys______________ 2233 —Banks........................................................................................ 1*_2064 —Map (Map of New Europe)................. 2038 Azores Islands—Attorneys...................... 2232 —Banks_____ ___________ 2041 —Map (Map of Africa)______________________ 2044 Bahamas—Attorneys________________________ 2237 —Banks........................................................................................ "I2H8 —Map (Map or West Indies)................... 2114 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PAGE Bahrien Islands—Banks................................................ 2055 .Baluchistan—Banks.............................. 2055 Bankers Service Guide________________ ___________________ 7 <3 Bank Directors of the United States and Canada............................ 2493 Bank Examiners and State Bank Officials............................ 9, 10,11, 12 Bank Examiners (National).............................................................. 12', 13 Barbados—Attorneys_____________________________________ 2237 —Banks............................................................................................. 2118 —Map (West Indies)_________________________ 2114 Basutoland—Banks................................... .2041 —Map (Map of Africa).................................................................. 2044 Bechuanaland—Banks__________________________________ 2041 —Map (Map of Africa)_____ ____ _______ ____________...2044 Belgian Congo—Banks................................................. .2041 —Map (Map of Africa)............. 2044 Belgium—Attorneys.......... ................. 2233 —Banks................................................ 2064 —Map (Map of New Europe).............................. 2038 Bermudas—Attorneys....................... 2237 —Banks...._____...______________________________ 2117 Bolivia—Attorneys........................ 2237 —Banks........................................................................................ "^2128 —Map (map of South America).......... ................... 2124 Borneo— (See Dutch East Indies; Brazil—Attorneys............... 2237 —Banks..............................................................................................2128 —Map (map of South America)............ .........................................2124 British Borneo—Bank................................. ................................... 2055 British Columbia—Accessible Banking Points____________ 2476 —Attorneys........... ............... 2228 1974 —Banks_________ —Bank Directors...................... 2847 —Laws................................................................. 2367 —Map (map of Canada)_________________________________1968 British Guiana—Attorneys............................................ ....................2237 —Banks................................ ..........................................._.............. 2128 —Map (map of South America)______________________ 2124 British Honduras—Attorneys______________________________2237 —Banks............................ 2117 Bulgaria—Attorneys...... .......... 2233 —Banks..............................................................................................2065 —Map (map of New Europe)......... ............................ .2038 California—Accessible Banking List_________________________ 2393 —Attorneys....................................................................................... 2136 —Banks______________________________________________ m —Bank Directors................ 2504 —Laws........................................................ 2250 —Map on Index “Calif”............... 108 —State Bankers Association Officers............ .......... 2 (Members shown in Bank List, by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners_______________ 9 Cameroons________________________ 2041 Canada—Accessible Banking Points_________ 2474 —Attorneys......... .......... 2228 —Banks.............................................................................................. 1965 —Bank Directors............................. 2848 —Laws............................................................................................... 2364 —Map on Index “Canada”............................................................. 1968 2 Canadian Bankers Association Officers.............................................. Canary Islands—Banks.................. 2041 2044 —Map (map of Africa).................. Cape of Good Hope (see Union of South Africa)............................2048 Cape of Verde Islands—Attorneys__________________ 2232 —Banks..............................................................................................2041 —Map (map of Africa).............. 2044 Cardinal Numbers and Commercial Terms in Ten Languages (Table or;______________________________ 15 Celebes—(See Dutch East Indies) Central America—Attorneys............ ........................ 2237 —Banks____ ______ 2117 Central Reserve Cities__ __________________ 21 Ceylon—Attorneys................ 2232 —Banks.............................................................................................. 2055 Channel Islands—(See England) Chicago Map (central portion)................. 358 Chile—Attorneys................. 2237 —Banks..............................................................................................2128 —Map (Map of South America)................................. 2124 China—Attorneys................... 2060 —Banks..............................................................................................2055 Chosen—(See Japan; Clearing Houses of the United States and Canada (List of) ...40 & 41 (Members of shown in Bank List by a *; affiliated banks by a +) Colombia—Attorneys............... 2237 —Banks.............................................................................................2129 —Map (Map of South America)____________ 212< II REFERENCE CONTENTS— (Con tinued) III PAGE PAGE Colorado—Accessible Banking Points________________________2396' Europe—Attorneys___________________ 2233 —Attorneys.............. ........... ......................................... .............2139 —Banks............................................................................................2064 —Banks............ ........................................................................... __ 202 —Map Indexed "Foreign”..............................................................2038 —Bank Directors................ 2514 Examiners and Districts (National)................................................... 12 —Laws......... ..................................................................................... 2254 Examiners (State and State Bank Officials)......................... 9,10, 11, 12 —Map on Index “Col”_____________ 200 Express Money Order Rates (see Postage Rates)............................. 1 —State Bankers Association Officers............................................... 2 Federal Farm Loan Board.................... 34 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) Federal Land Banks and their data_________________________ 34 —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners_________________ 9 (Also listed in Bank List in Cities where located) Comparative Consolidated figures_____ _______________ 42 Federal Land Bank and Federal Intermdeiate Credit Bank Map.. 35 Comptroller’s Calls to The National Banks....................................... 8 Federal Reserve—Advisory Council_________________________ 22 (From September 9, 1886, to date) —Advisory Board_____ ________ 22 Connecticut—Accessible Banking Points________ 2397 Federal Reserve Bank Information_______________ _______22 to 33 —Attorneys................... 2140 Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (District 6) with Branches....... 27 —Banks________________________ 222 ....................................Boston (District 1)...................................... 23 —Bank Directors___________________________ 2517 “ " Chicago (District 7) with Branch......... 28 —Laws........... .......... 2257 “ " Cleveland (District 4) with Branches.__ 25 —Map on Index “Conn”________________________ 220 " “ Dallas (District 11) with Branches....... 32 —State Bankers Association Officers........................................ 2 " ‘ Kansas City, Mo. (District 10) with (Members shown in Bank List by J after name or bank) Branches_______________________ 31 —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners____ ___________ 9 Federal Reserve Bankof Minneapolis (District 9) with Branch.. 30 Consolidated Capitulation for July 1929 Statements...................... 42 “ " New York (District 2) with Branch...... 24 Correspondents_______________________________ _____ _____ .......................Philadelphia (District 3)........ 25 (For each bank shown in Bank List under correspondents column) " " Richmond (District 5)with Branch....... 26 Corsica—(See France) "“ San Francisco (District 12) with Branches 33 Costa Rica—Attorneys_______________________________ 2237 " *■ “ St. Louis (District 8) with Branches. — 29 —Banks_____________________________________~____”".2117 County of each Bank Town___________________________ Federal Reserve Map, showing the Twelve Districts------------------ 18 " “ “ of District 7.................................................... 364 (Shown in Bank List under name of town) County Seats___________ ____________________________ Federal Reserve Districts in which Banking Town is located (Is shown in Bold Face figure undei name of town or see top (Shown in Bank and Attorney Lists by a » before name of town or city) of first column bank pages) 2141 Cuba—Attorneys.................................... Federal Reserve Members (State Banks and Trust Companies) —Banks...................................................... .””*.'""'""2118 (Shown in Bank List by a ♦ under name of bank) —Bank Directors....................... 2848 Federal Territory—Banks____________ 2060 —Laws................................................................................................2384 Federated Malay States—Banks._________________________ 2057 —Map (See Map of West Indies).......................... 2114 Fernando Po—(see Spanish Guinea) Curacao Island—Banks_______ 2118 Fiji Islands—Attorneys__________________________________ 2233 Cyprus—Banks.............................................................................. 2056 —Banks___________________________________ 2060 Czecho-Slovakia—Attorneys................................ 2230 Financial Advertisers Association_________________________ :. 4 —Banks............................................................... 2065 Finland—Attorneys______________________________________ 2235 —Map (map or New Europe).......... ...............................................2038 —Banks....... ..................... 2092 Danzig—Banks_________________________________________ 2067 —Map (see Map of New Europe;.............. 2038 —Map (map of New Europe)____________________________ 2038 Florida—Accessible Banking Points............... .................................2398 Dates of the Regular Meetings of the State Legislatures................ .2239 —Attorneys............................................ ..2141 Days of Grace............................... 16 —Banks.............. 248 2398 Delaware—Accessible Banking Points................ —Bank Directors______________________________________ 2523 —Attorneys................. 2141 —Laws....................... 2263 —Banks....................... 234 —Map____________________ 252 —Bank Directors_______________________________ 2521 —State Bankers Association Officers-............................................ 2 —Laws................................................................................................2260 (Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank) —Map........ ...................................................................................... 236 —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners................................. 9 —State Bankers Association Officers............................................. 2 Foreign Attorneys (Selected List)_____________________ ..2232 (Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank) “ Banks................................................. ..2041 —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners________________ 9 “ Coins (Value of)................... 14 Denmark—Attorneys.................... ..2223 Foreign Languages (Table of cardinal numbers and com —Banks.................. 2067 mercial terms in ten languages)________________________ 15 —Map (see map or New Europe).................... 2038 Foreign Parcel Post Rates......................................... 1 Digest of Banking and Commercial Laws of the United States Foreign Postal Table______ 1 and Canada____ ________ 2241 France—Attorneys.............................................._■.............................2235 Directors—(List of United States and Canadian Bank Directors)..2493 —Banks________________________ 2092 District of Columbia—Accessible Banking Points______________ 2398 —Map (see Map of New Europe).......... ........ 2038 —Attorneys___________________________________________ 2141 French Equatorial Africa —Banks_______ 238 —Bank Directors...................... 2522 —Banks_____________________________________________ 2042 —Laws............................................................................................... 2261 —Map (Map of Africa)....... ........... ................... ...........................2044 —Map, Indexed “D. C.”—................................................................240 French Guiana—Banks......................................................................2129 —State Bankers Association Officers............................................... 2 —Map (see Map of South America)_____ _____ _______ ___ 2124 (Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank) French India—Banks......... .................. .......................................... 2057 Domestic Money Orders (see Postage Rates)__________________ 1 French Indo China—Attorneys............ ....... .................... .............. 2233 Dominican Republic—Attorneys ........................................................2237 —Banks................ .2057 —Banks....................................... 2118 French Somaliland—Banks_______________________________ 2042 —Map (see map of West Indies)___________ 2114 Map (See Map of Africa)___________________ .2044 Dominion of Canada (map of), indexed “Canada”...................... ..1968 Frencn West Africa—Banks.......................... ......... ........................ 2042 Dutch East Indies—Attorneys............................................................ 2233 —Map (see Map of Africa).......... .......... ......... ...................... . 2044 —Banks.............................................................................................2057 Gambia—Banks_____________________________ ....2042 Dutch Guiana—Banks___________________________________ 2129 —Map (see Map of Africa)______________________________ 2044 —Map (see map of South America)........ ............................ 2124 Georgia—Accessible Banking Points...... ............... 2399 Ecuador—Attorneys______________________________________ 2237 —Attorneys......... ................. 2142 —Banks.......................... 2129 —Banks................... 286 —Map (see Map of South America)................ 2124 —Bank Directors_________________ 2527 Egypt—Attorneys............................................................................... 2232 —Laws................ 2266 —Banks..............................................................................................2041 —Map on “Ga.” Index.......... ..................... 288 —Map (see Map of Africa)............ ................................................2044 —State Bankers Association Officers____________ 2 England and Wales—Attorneys_____________________________ 2234 (Members shown in Bank List by a i after name of bank) —Banks.................... 2067 9 —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners__________ —Map on London Index......................... 2080 Germany—Attorneys............... 2235 Eritrea—Banks__________________________________________2042 —Banks........................... 2096 —Map (See Map of Africa)_______________________ ..2044 —Map (see Map of New Europe) ..................... .......................... 2038 Estonia—Banks .............. 2092 Gibraltar (see Spain)____________________________________ —Map (see Map of New Europe).................................... 2038 Qold, Coast and Ashanti—Banks............_........................................ 2042 —Map (see Map of Africa)...................... ......................................2044 Ethiopia (Abyssinia)—Banks............ ............. 2042 j f- \ —Map (Map of Africa)................................................................. 2044 Grace on Sight Drafts for the United States and Canada............... 16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IV Greece—Attorneys_________________________________ —Banks________________________________________ —Map (see Map of New Europe)..................................... Grenada—Attorneys............................ .................................. —Map (see Map of West Indies)_____________ _____ Guadaloupe—Attorneys____________________________ CONTENTS—(Continued) PAGE —2135 ...2099 —2038 —2237 ...2114 __ 2237 ___2118 ...2114 ___ 2118 ...2237 — 2117 ...2237 — 2118 ...2114 ...2401 ...2145 ... 324 ...2534 ... 326 ... 16 —Map (See Map of West Indies)_______________ ___ Guam—Banks___________________________ -________ Guatamala—Attorneys_____________________________ —banks_______________________________________ Haiti—Attorneys__________________________________ —Banks_______________________________________ —Map (see Map of West Indies)____________ ______ Hawaii—Accessible Banking Points____________ ______ —Attorneys_____________________ -______________ —Banks_______________________________________ —Bank Directors__________ _____________________ —Map, indexed "Hawaii”________________________ Holidays (See Interest Rates, Grace on Sight Drafts, Etc. (See also Laws for Legal Holidays) ...2235 Holland—Attorneys_______________________________ — 2100 —Banks_______________________________________ ...2038 —Map (see Map of New Europe)__________________ ...2237 Honduras—Attorneys______________________________ ...2117 —Banks_______________________________________ ...2236 Hungary—Attorneys_______________________________ ...2101 —Banks___ ____ _____ _________________________ ...2038 —Map (see Map of New Europe)___________________ ...2236 Iceland—Attorneys________________________________ . — 2101 —Banks_____ _________________________________ ...2038 —Map—(see Map of New Europe)_________________ ...2401 Idaho—Accessible Banking Points____________________ ...2145 —Attorneys____________________________________ .... 325 —Banks_______________________________________ ...2535 —Bank Directors________________________________ ,—2268 —Laws____ ___________________________________ .... 330 —Map, Indexed “ Idaho ”__________________________ 2 —State Bankers Association Officers________________ (Members shown in Bank List by a J after name of bankl —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners------------9 Illinois—Accessible Banking Points____ ______________________2402 —Attorneys_________________________________________ ..2146 —Banks_____________ 338 —Bank Directors_______________________________________2537 —Laws_______ _________ .....____ ________ ___ ________ 2269 —Map, Indexed " Illinois”------- --------340 Map of Chicago (Central portion)-----------358 Map of Federal Reserve District 7__________________ 364 —State Bankers Association Officers_______________________ 2 (Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners___ _______ 9 India—Attorneys_____________________ -__________________ 2233 —Banks______________________________________________ 2057 Indiana—Accessible Banking Points______________ 2404 —Attorneys______ ..2151 —Banks____ ______________________________________ — 486 —Bank Directors__________ 2559 —Laws................................................................................................2273 —Map—indexed "Ind”___________ 488 —Map of Indianapolis______________________________ 516 —State Bankers Association Officers----------------------------------2 (Members shown in Bank List by a $ after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners---------------------- --------9 Indianapolis—Map_______________________________________ 516 Interest Rates (table of)_________________________ _________ 16 (Also found under Laws of each state) Interest Rates by contract_________________ ________________ 16 International Money Orders-----------------------------------------------1 Investment Bankers Association............. ....................... ................... 4 (Members shown by a 1 in Investment Lists) Investment Dealers (Selected List) (Following banks In each city where listed) Ionian Islands—(See Greece) Iowa—Accessible Banking Points______________________ 2406 —Attorneys____________________ 2154 —Banks...._______________________________ 554 —Bank Directors........... ................ ........... ........... -.......................2571 —Laws____ __________________ 2277 —Map—indexed “Iowa”___________________________ -— 556 —State Bankers Association Officers______ _____ 2 (Members shown in Bank list by a t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners--------- --------------------9 Iraq—Banks____________________________________________ 2058 Irish Free State and Northern Ireland—Attorneys............ ............2236 —Banks_____________________ ........__ ......________ 2101 —Map (see Map of New Europe)__________________ ______ 2038 Italian Somaliland—Banks.......... ............... 2042 —Map (see Map of Africa)----------------2044 Italy—Attorneys............................... 2236 —Banks______________________________________________ 2102 —Map (see Map of New Europe) ------ --------- --------------- 2038 Jamaica—Attorneys......................... ..................................................2237 —Banks.......................... ................................................................. 2118 —Map (see Map of West Indies)......................... ........... -.............2114 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PAGE Japan—Attorneys ............................................................ -........... ..2233 —Banks.............................. .......................... -............................ ..2058 Java—(See Dutch East Indies) Johore—Banks_________________ ___ ____________ -............ ..2059 Joint Stock Land Banks and. Territory.......... .............................. .. 39 (Also in proper places in Bank List) Jugo Slavia—(See Kingdom of the Serbs, Croates and Slovenes) Kansas—Accessible Banking Points................................................ .2407 —Attorneys_____ ____ __________________________ ____ .2159 —Banks____________________________________ _______ . 637 —Bank Directors____________________________________ .2589 —Laws____ ____________________ _____ _____ ________ .2279 —Map, indexed “Kans.”---------------------------------------------- . 634 2 —State Bankers Association, Officers....... ......... ........................ (Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank) 9 —State Bank Officials and Examiners..................... -................. Kabinda—Banks______ _______________ ____ ___________ .2042 —Map (See map of Africa____________________________ .2044 Kedah—Banks_______________________________________ .2059 Kelanton—Banks_______ __________ ________ _________ —2039 Kentucky—Accessible Banking Points....... .......................................2408 —Attorneys_________________________________________- ■2163 —Banks______________________________________________ 692 —Bank Directors___ ________ 2603 —Laws ........__ ..........._______________-------------2282 —Map, Indexed “Ky.”..................................................................... 690 —State Bankers Association, Officers —Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank) 9 —State Bank Officials and Examiners........... ..................... .... .2232 Kenya—Attorneys_____________ __________ ___________ ___ 2042 —Banks_________________________ ___ ____ _______ —Map (see map of Africa)............... .................. -............... ....2044 Kingdom of the Serbs, Croates and Slovenes (Yugo Slavia) —Attorneys_____________________ ______ ---------------- ....2236 —Banks_________________________________________ ___ 2112 —Map (see Map of New Europe)____________________ ... 2038 Latvia or Lettonia—Banks ............................-........................ ___2104 —Map (see Map of New Europe)............................. -.......... ___ 2038 Laws of the United States and Canada (Digest of)------------- ___2241 Lawyers of the United States and Canada------------------------ ....2133 Lawyers of Foreign Countries (Selected List)......................... ....2232 Leeward Islands—Attorneys......................... ....... .................... . ....2237 —Banks................................................................................... ....2127 —Map (see Map of West Indies)--------------------------------- ___ 2114 Legal Rate of Interest (Table of)..................--------- ----------- .... 16 (See also Laws) Legislatures (Dates of Regular Meetings)................................. ....2239 Liberia—Attorneys......................... -............. -.......................... ....2232 —Banks...................-......... -...............-................................ ....2042 —Map (see Map of Africa).............................................. ---• ....2044 Libya—Attorneys___________________________________ ___2232 —Banks___________ _____________________________ ___2042 —Map (see Map of Africa)--------------------------------------- ___2044 Liechtenstein—Banks-------------------------------------- -------- ___ 2104 —Map (See Map of New Europe)---------------------- --------- ___2038 Lithuania—Banks__________________________________ ___2104 —Map (see Map of New Europe)........ ................................. ....2038 Location of Banking Towns and Cities on State Maps (Indicated by Guide Letter and Figure under each town) Lombok—(See Dutch East Indies) Louisiana—Accessible Banking Points.......................................... .2413 —Attorneys....... ....................................... -........... -.................. .2165 —Banks___________________________________________ . 720 —Bank Directors............................... -...................................... .2610 —Laws...................... :................ ...................... ........................ .2284 —Map—indexed "La.”............................ ................................. . 722 2 —State Bankers Association, Officers..................................... . (Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank) 9 —State Bank Officials and Examiners...................................... . Luxembourg—Attorneys............................. ................................. .2236 .2105 —Banks........................ -.................-..................................... .2038 —Map (see Map of New Europe)............ ........................... Madagascar Island—Attorneys--------------------------------------- .2232 —Banks__________________________ ____ -.........-.......... .2042 —Map (see Map of Africa)........ ....... .......................... ............ .2044 Madeira Island—Attorneys_______________ _______ ______ .2232 —Banks............... ..................................................................... . .2042 —Map (see Map of Africa)............ ........................................... .2044 Maine—Accessible Banking Points----------------------------------- .2415 —Attorneys-------- ---------------------------------------------------- .2166 —Banks___________________________________________ _ 746 —Bank Directors---------------------------------------------- -------- .2614 —Laws,..—------ ----------- ----------- -—................................. .2287 —Map, indexed “Me.”----------------------------------------------- . 748 2 —State Bankers Association. Officers------------------------------ . (Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank) 9 —State Bank Officials and Examiners................................... Malta—A ttomeys--------------------------------------- ---------------- .2145 —Banks___________________________________________ .2105 —Map (see Map of New Europe)--------------------------------- .2038 Manitoba—Accessible Banking Points------------------------------------ 2477 —Attorneys..........................-......... ..............................-................ 2228 —Banks______________________________________________ 1976 —Bank Directors_______________________________________2847 —Laws_______________________________________________ 2369 —Map_______________________________________________ 1978 CONTENTS—(Continuin'* PAGE Martinique—Attorneys_______ 2237 —Banks______________________________________________ 2127 —Map (see Map of West Indies).......... ..........................—........ 2114 Maryland—Accessible Banking Points_______________________ 2417 —Attorneys................................... 2167 —Banks______________________________________________ 753 —Bank Directors______________________________________ 2616 —Laws____________________.__________________________2289 —Map, indexed’‘Md.”________________________________ - 756 —State Bankers Association, Officers....... -.......... 2 (Members shown in Bank List by a £ after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.............................. 9 Massachusetts—Accessible Banking Points.............................. 2418 —Attorneys_____________________________________ 2168 —Banks__________________________ 778 —Bank Directors______________________________________ 2620 —Laws_______________________________________________ 2291 —Map, indexed “Mass.’"_________________ ________ -........780 —State Bankers Association, Officers_____ ____ 2 (Members shown in Bank List by a $ after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.—................. 9 Mauritius—Attorneys_____________________________________2232 —Banks___ ___________ ____ ____ ________ -.....................2042 —Map (see Map or Africa)______________________________ 2044 Mesopotamia (See Irak) Mexico—Attorneys________________________________ ..2237 —Banks...____ ______________ 2117 —Map, indexed “Mexico”.................. 2120 Michigan—Accessible Banking Points........................ ...2420 —Attorneys.—......................... ..2169 —Banks.___________________________ 812 —Bank Directors______________________________________ 2632 —Laws.............. 2294 —Map, indexed “Mich.” ...... 816 —State Bankers Association, Officers______ _______ _______ 2 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners........................................ — 10 Minneapolis, Minn., (Map)________________ 922 Minnesota—Accessible Banking Points________ 2422 —Attorneys__________________________________ 2172 —Banks....... ............ 888 —Bank Directors.....I________________________ 2638 —Laws_______________________________________________ 2296 —Map, indexed “Minn.”______________ 886 —Map of Minneapolis...____ ________ 922 —Map of St. Paul.................. 942 —State Bankers Association, Officers....... ..................................... 2 —(Members shown in Bank List by t after name or bank) —State Bank Officials ana Examiners....... .................... 10 Mississippi—Accessible Banking Points______________________ 2423 —Attorneys___________________________________________ 2176 —Banks______________________________________________ 954 —Bank Directors.............. 2652 2298 —Laws______________________________ —Maps, indexed "Miss.”________________________________ 956 —State Bankers Association. Officers..................._..................... 2 —(Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners________ 10 Missouri—Accessible Banking Points..................................................2425 —Attorneys___________________________________________ 2178 —Banks______________________________________________ 981 —Bank Directors_________________________ 2656 —Laws_______________________________________________ 2300 —Map. indexed "Mo.”.................................................................. 978 —Map of St Louis_____________________________________ 1046 —State Bankers Association, Officers............................................ 2 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials ana Examiners........................................... 10 Moluca Islands (See Dutch East Indies) Monaco—Banks____________________________________ 2105 —Attorneys............... 2236 Money Orders (International and Domestic)..................................... 1 Montana—Accessible Banking Points........ ............ 2428 —Attorneys................................... 2183 —Banks______________________________________________ 1069 —Bank Directors_______ 2673 —Laws........... ............................... .2303 —Map, indexed “Mont.”.............................................................. 1070 —State Bankers Association, Officers......................... 2 (Members shown in Bank List by l after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners_______ 10 Morocco—Attorneys...................... 2232 2042 —Banks...................... 2044 —Map (see Map of Africa)............... Mortgage Association of America.......... ............ 4 Mozambique—Attorneys_________________________________ 2232 —Banks_____________________________________________ 2047 —Map (see map of Africa)................... 2044 Natal. See Union of South Africa.............. 2049 National Bank, Examiners and Districts..........................................12-13 National Banks (number of)........................ 42 Nearest—Accessible Banking Points................................ 2389 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Nebraska—Accessible Banking Points...................................... —Attorneys____ _________________________________ —Banks_______ _________ _____ _______ -.................... —Bank Directors_______________________ __________ —Laws..................................................................................... —Map, indexed "Neb.”____________________________ —State Bankers Association, Officers.................................... (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners........—.................... Negotiable Instruments Law (States having).......................... (Also see Laws.) Nevada—Accessible Banking Points......................................... —Attorneys---------------------------------------------------------—Banks.................................................................................... —Bank Directors.................................................................... —Laws.................. ............. ................................................... —Map, indexed “Nev.”........................................................ —State Bankers Association, Officers..........—.................... (Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.................................. New Brunswick—Accessible Banking Points............................ —Attorneys______________________________________ —Banks____________________________________ _— —Laws__________________ _______________________ —Map__________________________________________ New Caledonia—Attorneys..........................-............................ —Banks........... .................... ..............................-.................. Newfoundland—Accessible Banking Points............................. —Attorneys...................... ............. ..................................... . —Banks...................................... -........................................... —Directors---------------- ------------------------- -------- -......... —Map on map of Canada .................................................... New Hampshire—Accessible Banking Points................. ......... ^Attorneys....... ................................................................— —Banks___ ________________________ _____ _______ —Bank Directors................. ........... .................... -.............. —Laws__________________________________________ —Map, indexed “N. H.”....................................................... —State Bankers Association, Officers--------------------------(Members shown in Bank List b; 1 after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners............... .................. New Jersey—Accessible Banking Points......................... ......... —Attorneys............................................................................. —Banks..._______________________________________ —Bank Directors................................................................... —Laws_____________________ _______ -....................... —Map, Indexed "N. J.”................... -............................. —State Bankers Association, Officers--------------------------(Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners-------------------------New Mexico—Accessible Banking Points.......... .............. ....... —Attorneys........................ ..........................—................ —Banks........................................-......................................... —Bank Directors.................................................................... —Laws________ ______ _______ ________ ____ -........... —Map, indexed “N. M.”............................................. ......... —State Bankers Association, Officers--------------------------(Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.................................. New South Wales—Attorneys------------------------------- ------—Banks________________________________________ New York—Accessible Banking Points....................... ............. —Attorneys................................-........................................... —Banks_________________________ ________ _____ —Bank Directors-------------------- --------.................. -......... —Laws_____________________ —-----------------------------—Map, indexed “N. Y.”___________________________ —Map of N. Y. City (Southern Portion)............................. —Savings Bank Association of the State of New York.— —State Bankers Association, Officers--------------------------(Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.................................. New York City Map (Southern Portion)................................. New Zealand—Attorneys........................................................... —Banks................................ ................................................. Nicaragua—Attorneys......... ...................................................... —Banks........... ......... ........................................................ Nigeria—Attorneys...... ................................ -.......................... —Banks_____________________________________ ___ —Map. (See Map of Alrica)............................................... Non-Bank Towns showing nearest Banking Point-------------North America,(except U. S. and Canada) Attorneys.......... North America (except U. S. and Canada) Banks................. Northern Territory—Banks..................... ............................... North Carolina—Accessible Banking Points...................... . —Attorneys________________ ____ -................................. —Banks....... .................................................... ....... .............. —Bank Directors__________________________ ____ —Laws___________ _____________ _____ ____________ —Map. indexed “N. Car.”_____ ____ —.......................... —State Bankers Association, Officers ................................. (Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners................................ - PAGE ..2429 ..2184 -1084 ..2678 ..2305 ..1082 2 .. 10 ..2238 ..2430 ..2187 ..1128 ..2686 -2308 ..1130 2 .. 10 ..2478 ..2228 ..1982 ..2371 ..1986 ..2233 ..2060 ..2479 ..2228 ..1984 . 2847 ..1968 -.2430 ..2187 ..1132 ..2687 ..2309 -.1134 2 - 10 ..2431 ..2187 ..1139 ..2687 ..2311 -.1140 .. 2 .. 10 ..2432 ..2189 ..1174 ..2698 ..2313 ..1176 2 .. 10 ..2233 ..2060 ..2433 ..2189 ..1180 ..2698 ..2315 -.1182 -1228 3 3 .. 10 ..1228 ..2233 —2061 ..2237 ..2117 -.2232 -.2047 -2044 ..2389 .. 2237 ...2117 ..2062 ..2439 ..2192 ..1311 ..2716 ..2318 ..1318 .. 3 ... 11 VI CONTENTS—-(Continued) PAGE North Dakota—Accessible Banking Points______ _____ .._____ 2441 —A ttorneys....................... 2194 —Banks______________________________________________ 1352 —Bank Directors....... ..... ................... ............ .............................2724 —Laws_______________________________________________ 2320 —Map. indexed “N. Dak.”................ 1354 —State Bankers Association. Officers........... ........................ ......... 3 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners............................................ 11 N or way—Attorneys................. 2227 2105 —Banks______________________________ —Map (see Map of New Europe)................................................... 2038 Notes and Acceptances due on Holidays............................................ 16 Notes and Acceptances due on Half Days...................................... .. 16 Nova Scotia—Accessible Banking Points.........._.............................2480 —Attorneys........................................................................................2229 —Banks_____ ____ 1984 —Bank Directors..................... 2847 —Laws______________________________ 2373 —Map........... .............. 1986 Number of Banks in United States and Canada____________ 43 6 Numerical System of the American Bankers Assn. Map________ Numerical System of the A. B. A. (Explanation of)____________ 13 Nyasaland Protectorate—Banks_________ 2047 —Map (see Map of Africa)_______________________________2044 Ohio—Accessible Banking Points................. 2441 —Attorneys....... .................. 2196 —Banks................ 1380 —Bank Directors______________ 2730 —Laws..................... ...2323 —Map. indexed “Ohio”................... ..1382 —State Bankers Association. Officers................... 3 (Members shown In Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners...................................... 11 Oklahoma—Accessible Banking Points.______________ 2445 —Attorneys........................................................... .2200 —Banks.............. 1469 —Bank Directors......................................... ...2743 —Laws.............. 2326 —Map. indexed “Okla.”................. 1466 —State Bankers Association. Officers.......................................... 3 (Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners__________ 11 Ontario—Accessible Banking Points........... ............ 2482 —Attorneys........ .............. ..2229 —Banks___ _________________ 1990 —Bank Directors___________________ 2848 —Laws....... ......................................... 2376 —Map____________________ 2006 Orange Free States (see Union of South Africa).......................... 2049 Oregon—Accessible Banking Points.............. .2447 —Attorneys............. 2202 —Banks....................... 1506 —Bank Directors............................. .2751 —Laws..................... 2330 —Maps, indexed “Ore.”................ 1508 —State Bankers Association. Officers......... ................................... 3 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials ana Examiners.................. 11 Palestine—A ttorneys______________________________________2233 —Banks__________________________ 2059 Parcel Post Rates (Table of Foreign and Domestic)......................... 1 Panama—Attorneys.................................... 2237 —Banks.............. 2122 Papua—Attorneys-......................... 2233 2062 —Banks....... .............. Paraguay—Attorneys................... 2237 —Banks_________________ ..2129 —Map (see Bank of South America)................................ 2124 Pennsylvania—Accessible Banking Points........................................ .2448 —Attorneys-......... ........... .2203 —Banks........................................................ .1525 —Bank Directors____________________________ 2754 —Laws________________ 2332 —Map. indexed “Penn”................................. 1522 —Map of Philadelphia and Vicinity...............................................1570 —Map of Philadelphia (main portion)________________ 1576 —State Bankers Association. Officers................... 3 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners________________ 11 Persia—Banks___________________________________________2059 Peru—Attorneys___________________ 2237 —Banks___________ 2129 —Map (see Map of South America).............................................2124 Philadelphia. Pa., Map (main portion)______________________ 1576 Philadelphia, Pa., ana Vicinity, Map_________________ 1570 Philippine Islands—Attorneys______________________________ 2207 1961 —Banks.................................... —Laws..............................._........................................ ..................2334 —Map...................... 1962 Poland—Attorneys............... 2236 —Banks.................. ..2105 —Map (see Map of New Europe)................................................... 2038 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PAGE Population of Banking Towns shown by figures under name of Bank List and before town in Lawyers List. Portugal—Attorneys_________________ _____ _____________..2236 —Banks......... .......... 2106 —Map (see Map of New Europe)_________________ _______ 2038 Portuguese Guinea—Banks......... ....................................................... 2047 Portuguese India—Banks....................... 2059 Postage Rates and Regulations_____________________________ 1 Porto Rico—Attorneys_______ 2207 —Banks______________________ 1961 —Map (see Map of West Indies)__________________________ 2114 Prince Edward Island—Accessible Banking Points.......... ...............2485 —Attorneys___________________________________________ 2230 —Banks......... .................................................. ...............................2112 —Laws......... ..... ................................................................... ...........2379 —Map.......... ............................................... ..................................1986 Private Banks of the United States (number of)....................... 43 (Shown in Bank List by t after name of each bank) Quebec—Accessible Banking Points__________________________2486 —Attorneys__________________ 2230 —Banks______________________________________________ 2013 —Bank Directors..................... 2848 —Laws_______________________________________________ 2380 —Map.......... ....................................... 2020 Queensland—Attorneys___________________________________ 2233 —Banks______________________________________________ 2062 Rates of Postage (Domestic and Foreign)...___________ 1 Rates for Express Money Orders____________________ 1 Rates of Parcel Postage_______________ 1 Republic of Panama—Banks................ ..2118 Reserve Cities and Central Reserve Cities.................................... 15 Reserves Required under Federal Reserve Act.......................... 15 Reunion—Banks.................... 2047 Rhode Island—Accessible Banking Points....................................... 2455 2208 —Attorneys.............................. —Banks.......................................... 1633 —Bank Directors___ _______ ..2778 —Laws_______________________________________________ 2334 —Map indexed “R. I.”................. 1636 —State Bankers Association, Officers_______ 3 (Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners............ ................. 11 Rhodes Island—Banks________ .2059 Rhodesia—Attorneys_____________________________________ 2232 2047 —Banks.__________ —Map (see Map of Africa)_______________________________2044 Romania—Attorneys_____________________________________ 2236 —Banks________ 2106 —Map (see Map of New Europe)................. 2038 Russia—See Union of Socialistic Soviet Republic............................ Saar Basin—Banks____ ______________ .2107 St. Croix—Banks.._________________________ 2127 —Map (see Map ot West Indies).............................. 2114 St. Louis, Mo., Map................. 1046 St. Paul, Minn., Map ..................... 942 St. Pierre et Miquelon—Banks............................................................2029 —Map (Map of Dominion of Canada).............................. 1968 St. Thomas—Banks............................................... .2127 —Map (see Map of West Indies)............... 2114 Sal vador—Attorneys.............. 2237 —Banks............................. 2117 —Map (see West Indies)___________ 2114 Samoa Island—Attorneys___ _______ 2233 —Banks__________ 2063 Saskatchewan—Accessible Banking Points__________ ..2490 —Attorneys____________________________ 2231 —Banks.................. .2029 —Bank Directors____ ____________ ..2848 —Laws_______________________________________________2382 —Map_______________ 1978 Savings Department (Banks Having) (Shown in Bank List by a ® after name of bank) Scotland—Attorneys____________________ ..2236 —Banks____________ 2107 —Map (see Map of New Europe) ...................................................2038 Senegal— (see Frencn West Africa) 7G Service Guide......................................... Siam—Attorneys............. 2233 —Banks...................................... 2059 Sierra Leone—Attorneys....................... 2232 —Banks________ 2047 2044 —Map (see Map of Africa)............ ................ South America—Attorneys................................ ..2237 —Banks........................................................................ ...2127 —Map. indexed “So. Am.”.................. ...2124 South Australia—Attorneys............................................................. .2233 —Banks___ __________ 2063 South Carolina—Accessible Banking Points..................................... .2456 —Attorneys..................................................................... 2208 1640 —Banks.............. —Bank Directors............................................................................ 2778 —Laws_________________________________ 2337 —Map. indexed "S. C.”........ 1642 —State Bankers Association. Officers............................................. 3 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners........................ 11 (CON TENTS—Continued) PAGE South Dakota—Accessible Banking Points....................................... 245,7 —Attorneys__________________ _______________ -...............2209 —Banks.................................... ....................-.................-...............1660 —Bank Directors_______________________________ ..2783 —Laws__________________________________________ 2341 —Map, indexed “S. D.”_________________________________ 1662 —State Bankers Association Officers_______________________ 3 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners..------------------------------ 11 South West Africa—Banks.................................. 2047 —Map (See Map ot Africa)........ .............. 2044 Spain—Attorneys....------ ---------------2236 —Banks.............. 2199 —Map (see Map of New Europe)-------------------------- ----------- 2033 Spanish Guinea—Banks.................... .................... -........................... 2047 State Bankers Associations and Officers______________________ 2 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) State Bank Officials and Examiners----------------------------- 9.10, 11,12 State Banks of the United States (number of)............................... 43 (Shown in Bank List by a § after name of bank) Statute of Limitations (arranged for quick reference).................. 16 (See also "Laws” indexed) Straits Settlement—Attorneys_________________________ 2233 —Banks____________________________________ 2060 Sumatra—(see Dutch East Indies) Swaziland—Banks............. ............. .........................—................. .2047 —Map (see Map of Africa)------------2044 Sweden—Attorneys..................... 2236 —Banks______________________________ —2110 —Map (see Map of New Europe)................. .2038 Switzerland—Attorneys.......................... .2236 -Banks...----------2441 ---Map (see Map of New Europe).......... ........................................2938 Syria—Attorneys__________________ 2233 —Banks_____________________________________________ 2060 Table of Cardinal Numbers and Commercial Terms in ten languages. 15 Tahiti—Attorneys____________________________ -.................... 2233 —Banks_____ ;_______________________________________ 2063 Taiwan (Formosa) (see Japan) Tanganyika Territory—Banks_____________________________2947 —Map (see Map of Africa)______ 2044 Tasmania—Attorneys_____________________________________ 2233 —Banks______________________________________________ 2063 Tennessee—Accessible Banking Points............... ..........-......... — 2457 —Attorneys____________________ _____ _______ _____ ....2211 —Banks______________________________________________ 1684 —Bank Directors_____________________ 1_______________ 2790 —Laws_______________________________________________ 2342 —Map___ ___________________________________________ 1682 —State Bankers Association, Officers___ ____ —........... -........... 3 (Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners................-.......................... 44 Territory of New Guinea—Banks......................................-.............2963 Texas—Accessible Banking Points.......... ............................................ 2459 —Attorneys.................................................... 2243 —Banks______________________________________________ 1716 —Bank Directors.................... 2797 —Laws______________________________________ ____ 1 — 2345 —Map, indexed "Tex”......... ........................... ...............---...........1718 —State Bankers Association. Officers-------- ---------3 —State Bank Officials and Examiners___________ 11 (Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank) Timor (see Dutch East Indies) Togo (see French West Africa) Total Number of Banks in the United States and Canada--------- 43 Totai Statistics for the United States........................ ...................... 43 Towns without banks showing nearest Accessible Points_______2389 Transvaal—Banks............. 2050 —Map (see Map of Africa)___________ ...2044 Trinidad—Attorneys................................................................-.........2237 —Banks.......................................................... „........................ ...2127 —Map (see Map of West Indies)........ ............................................ 2114 Trust Powers (Banks having) (Shown in Bank List by T after name of bank) Tunisia—Attorneys_________________________ 2232 —Banks______________________________________________ 2047 —Map (see Map of Africa)............. 2044 Turkey in Asia—Banks................,........................ .......................... .2060 Turkey in Europe—Attorneys............. ..2236 —Banks_______________________________ 2112 Uganda—Banks_________________________________________ 2^48 —Map (see Map of Africa)______________________________ 2044 Union of Socialistic Soviet Republics—Attorneys----------------------2236 —Banks (In Europe)____________________________________ 2112 —Banks (In Asia)___________ 2060 —Map (See map of Europe)---------------------2038 Union 01 South Africa—Attorneys................. 2232 —Banks______________________ 2048 —Map (see Map of Africa)............... 2044 United States Map.............................. 36 Uruguay—Attorneys___________ 2237 —Banks....... ............................................... ..............-....................2129 —Map (see Map of South America)................................................2124 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VII PAGE ..2463 Utah—Accessible Banking Points............. ..2218 —Attorneys.......................... .................. ..1807 —Banks_________________________ -2815 —Bank Directors.... .................... ........... ..2347 —Laws........................ ........................... ..1804 —Map indexed “Utah”.......................... 3 —State Bankers Association, Officers... ...................... (Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.. .............................. 11 14 Value of Foreign Coins............... ........... . ........ .............. 2237 Venezuela—Attorneys......... ..................— ............. .2129 —Banks___________ ________________________ _____ .2124 —Map (see Map of South America)--------------------- ------.2463 Vermont—Accessible Banking Points........................................ .2219 —Attorneys________________________ _______ ______ .1813 —Banks__________________________ _______________ .2817 —Bank Directors....____________ _________________ .2350 —Laws__________________________________________ .1814 —Map. indexed “ Va.”______________ _______________ 3 —State Bankers Association, Officers--------------------------(Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) . 11 —State Bank Officials and Examiners....................... ........... .2233 Victoria—Attorneys.......................... ............... .....................—.2063 —Banks___ _____________________________________ .2464 Virginia—Accessible Banking Points............................... ......... .2219 —Attorneys---------------------------- ----------------------------.1822 —Banks_________________________________________ ,.2818 —Bank Directors----------- ----- ---------------------- -------— .2352 —Laws_____________ _________ ______ _______ -......... .1820 —Map indexed“Va”_............ ......... ........... ......................... 3 —State Bankers Association. Officers--------------------------(Members shown in Bank List by + after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners__ Washington—Accessible Banking Points---—Attorneys_________ j.................................. ........................................................... 2234 —Banks....................................................... ................................. ..1855 —Bank Directors......... ....... ................................................-.........2826 —Laws_______________________________________________2355 —Map, indexed “Wash.”___ _________________ ______ —State Bankers Association, Officers_________________ (Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.--------- -----------42 Western Australia—Attorneys_____ ________________________ 2233 —Banks______________________________________________ 2063 West Indies—Attorneys-----------2237 —Banks______________________________________________ 2118 —Map................................................................................................ 2444 West Virginia—Accessible Banking Points....................................... 2469 —Attorneys......... ...................................................................... 2223 —Banks______________________________________________ 1875 —Bank Directors________ 2830 —Laws__________________ 2358 —Map, indexed “W. Va.”_______________________________ 1880 —State Bankers Association, Officers................... 3 (Members shown in Bank List by i after Dame of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.......... ........................ Windward Island—Attorneys............................................................2237 —Banks_______________________________ 2127 —Map (see Map of West Indies)................... 2114 Wisconsin—Accessible Banking Points------------------------------------2472 —Attorneys.....................................-.................................... -.........2224 —Banks______________________________________________ 1905 —Bank Directors________________________ _____ —...........2834 —Laws___________________________________________ -—2360 —Map, indexed “Wis.”............. 4992 —Map of Milwaukee_____ _________ ....1932 —State Bankers Association, Officers.............. ......... .............. (Members shown in Bank List by J after name or bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.................................. 42 World (Map of)_______________ _________ -......... —............. X Wyoming—Accessible Banking Points......... ........... -.................. ...2474 —Attorneys...................... ......... ...................... -..............................2227 —Banks______________________________________________ 1953 —Bank Directors...............................................................-.............2846 —Laws____________________________ 2362 —Map, indexed “ Wyo.”_________________________________1956 —State Bankers Association, Officers____________________ 3 (Members shown in Bank List by t after .name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners...... .............................. 12 Yucatan—Attorneys............................ 2237 Yugo Slavia (See Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes).............2112 Yukon—Accessible Banking Points_________________________ 2490 —Attorneys................................... 2231 —Banks........ .................................... -.............................................2035 Zanzibar Island—Attorneys-----------2232 —Banks____________________ 2055 —Map (see Map of Africa)____________________ 2044 Zara—Banks................................ 2112 To Our Subscribers This, the 107th Edition of the BANKERS BLUE BOOK, marks more than a half century of service to the bankers of the world, and the fact that nearly all of the banks of the United States use our book is proof that the service has met the hearty approval of the subscribers. We assure our patrons that, as in the past, nothing will be left undone by us in our effort to give them a Directory as nearly perfect as experience, continued vigilance, time, and money can make it. We wish to impress our constantly increasing number of friends and patrons that the claims of this publication for patronage are: 1. It is honestly revised twice a year. 2. It is complete, up-to-date, and is published nearer to the date of the information it contains than is any other similar publication. 3. It is printed in tabulated form, all similar items being placed in the same column, for the purpose of comparison —more expensive, but more satisfactory to the user. 4. It is beautifully printed in clear readable type. 5. It gives to advertisers a country-wide circulation, covering a majority of the best banks in America and thousands of the large corporations and lawyers’ offices, a circulation three times that of any other similar publication and larger than that of any other financial Directory in America. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RAND M9NALLY & COMPANY A B A Certified Travel Cheques The Official Travel Cheques of the American Bankers Association A. B. A. Cheques were established as the official travel cheques of the American Bankers Association in 1909. They met a long-felt need on the part of member banks for a travel cheque of their own which would have universal acceptance. In the ensuing 20 years, A. B. A. Cheques have become firmly established throughout the world. In that period more than 63,000,000 have been negotiated,thus insur ing a degree of acceptance that fully meets all of the practical needs of the traveler. A. B. A. Cheques are issued in denomina tions of $10, $20, $50 and $100. They are sold by member banks at a charge of 75(f, for each $100 of cheques. This charge also covers the cost of the compact, handy-sized wallet supplied with the cheques. A. B. A. Cheques are not only accepted but are also offered for sale by leading foreign banks. Arrangements can thus be made, through Bankers Trust Company, to deliver Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. B. A. Cheques to travelers at distant points when such emergencies arise. De tails will be supplied any bank on request. Under an agreement with the Canadian Bankers Association, A. B. A. Cheques are accepted at par in Canada even when the exchange is against the United States as is so often the case during the summer. Abroad, they command the normally favor able exchange rate of bankers paper. Holders of A. B. A. Cheques may have their European mail addressed to and for warded by Bankers Trust Company, Paris, without charge. The cheque itself is an instrument of the highest grade, engraved on safety paper. Leading banks of the United States and of many foreign countries issue A. B. A. Cheques to their customers. Further information regarding A. B. A. Cheques may be had from Bankers Trust Company, 16 Wall Street, New York, agent for the issuing banks. BUY ABA CHEQUES FROM YOUR OWN BANK BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES CESTABLISHED 1817.) $o=£l Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors - Aggregate Assets 30th September, 1928 - $37,500,000.00 29,500,000.00 37,500,000.00 $104,500,000.00 -$444,912,925.42 Head Office: SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES A. C. DAVIDSON, General Manager 549 BRANCHES and AGENCIES in the Australian States, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua (Mandated Territory of New Guinea) and London. The Bank transacts every descrip tion of Australasian Banking Business. Wool and other Produce Credits arranged. London Office: 29, THREADNEEDLE STREET, E. C. 2 THE NATIONAL BANK - NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED $5 =£ I Authorised and Subscribed Capital Paid Up Capital _____ Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits - $30,000,000 10,000,000 10,775,770 DIRECTORS HON. WILLIAM PEMBER REEVES. Chairman HENRY F. FRESHWATER. Esq. JAMES B. REID. Esq. SIR AUSTIN E. HARRIS. K. B. E. RICHARD DURANT TROTTER. Esq. LINDSAY ERIC SMITH. Esq. II LONDON, E. C. 2 CHIEF OFFICE IN NEW ZEALAND, WELLINGTON ARTHUR WILLIS, Manager J. T. GROSE, General Manager HEAD OFFICE, 8, MOORGATE, BILLS OF EXCHANGE COLLECTED WOOL AND PRODUCE CREDITS ARRANGED ALL CLASSES OF BANKING BUSINESS UNDERTAKEN BRANCHES AND AGENCIES THROUGHOUT NEW ZEALAND fed LONDON BANKERS THE BANK OF ENGLAND Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LLOYDS BANK. LIMITED THE NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, LTD. -'— l -y" l-i! rc--.^^’^/?*^tW .'**»^‘e«-^7'- , l .-a-- ’._ - -»■••. sssSsk,. -*l BARCLAYS BANK LIMITED Head Office: 54, Lombard Street, LONDON, E. C. 3. FREDERICK CRAUFURD GOOD ENOUGH, Chairman -------------------------------- Jiryl R u£*7l n 2 ($5 = £1) AUTHORISED CAPITAL - - - - $ 100,000,000 ISSUED AND PAID-UP CAPITAL 79,291,085 RESERVE FUND............................. 51,250,000 DEPOSITS etc. (3ist Dec., 1928) - 1,675,406,1 13 Over 2000 branches in England and Wales Agents and Correspondents throughout the World THE BANK IS SPECIALLY ORGANISED FOR THE REPRESENTATION IN GREAT BRITAIN OF AMERICAN BANKS AND BANKERS CHIEF FOREIGN BRANCH: 168 Fenchurch St., London, E. C. 3 AFFILIATED BANKS: h-c BARCLAYS BANK (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas) BARCLAYS BANK (France) LIMITED BARCLAYS BANK, S. A. I., ROME & GENOA THE BRITISH LINEN BANK THE UNION BANK OF MANCHESTER LIMITED _ . . _ r H. POE ALTON, 44 Beaver Street, New York, N. Y. Representatives in America: ^ H ^ STEVENSON, 501, Ave., Pte Roque Saenz Pena, Buenos Aires MIDLAND BANK LIMITED CHAIRMAN: The Right Hon. R. McKENNA MANAGING DIRECTOR: FREDERICK HYDE $5=£ Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund Deposits {Dec. 31st, 1928) $67,164,840 67,164,840 - 1,982,034,820 m HEAD OFFICE: 5 THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON, E.C. 2 OVER 2,000 BRANCHES IN ENGLAND AND WALES OVERSEAS BRANCH: 122 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C. 2 Atlantic Branches: “Aquitania” “Berengaria" “Mauretania" AFFILIATED BANKS: BELFAST BANKING COMPANY LTD. THE CLYDESDALE BANK LTD. NORTH OF SCOTLAND BANK LTD. b>t<dS>Y<d Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [l\ W / j| 5^Y<gi 14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AUTOMATIC QUANTITY FEED CHECK ENDORSERS SINGLE FEED ENDORSERS METERED MAILING MACHINES Also manufacturers of well known HEY-DOLPHIN POST OFFICE CANCELING MACHINES High Speed Automatic Electric Drive Single Feed Model *‘K' Model “Junior” Improved THE INTERNATIONAL POSTAL SUPPLY COMPANY OF NEW YORK Cable “Ipaonal’ 634 Prospect Place, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Send for Booklet Uhe BANKERS -GUIDEHow and Where to Buy A Complete Directory and Con densed Catalog of Bank Equipment, Supplies and Service designed to meet the needs of American Banks JULY 1929 EDITION - tj PUBLISHED BY Rand McNally & Company New York Section of the Rand McNally Bankers Directory Made in U. S. A. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chicago San Francisco Copyright 1929, By Rand McNally & Company INDEX TO SERVICE GUIDE ADVERTISERS PAGB PAGE 41G Advertising Specialty Co. 60 Spring St., New York, New York. Ryan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. 20G American Perforator Co. - - 37G Peerless Lithographing Co. 617 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Bankette Co. - 48G National Bank Supply Co. 4313 Diversey Ave., Chicago, Dl. - - 48G - Photostat Corp. - Bankers Bldg., Boston, Mass. 44G 10 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. 47G Bank Vault Inspection Co. Porter Safety Seal Co. 5 S. 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. - 49G, 57G - 265 N. California Ave., Chicago, Ill. 13G Bond Hubbard Co. 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. 23G, 40G, 60G Rand McNally & Co. 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Wm. B. Burford Printing Co. - - 54G - 28G Woodward Ave. and Congress St., Detroit, Mich. 40 So. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Richmond & Backus Co. 21G Christmas Club, A Division of National Bancservice Corporation, 45 West 45th Street, New York, N. Y. 84 William St., New York, New York. 35G Royal Insurance Co., Ltd. i 53G S. D. Childs & Co. 136 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Clark Printing & Manufacturing Co. - ----- 52G 205 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill. Safford Stamp Works 18G Schick-Johnson Co. ------ 31G 1737 N. Paulina St., Chicago, Ill. Lock Haven, Pa. C. L. Downey Co. 943 Clark St., Cincinnati, Ohio - - 22G K. L. Smith Co. ------- 10G 1486 Union Trust Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio N - Erwin, Wasey & Co., Ltd. 11G Standard-Johnson Co., Inc. 844 Rush St., Chicago, Ill. - - - - 22G 371 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 24G Falls Bank Desk Co. 2045 W. 103d St., Chicago, Ill. Sullivan Printing Works........................................... 19G General Utilities Mfg. Co. 1067 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 53G Fort Wayne Printing Co. Fort Wayne, Ind. Arthur C. Tauck & Co. ----- 58G 20 Clinton St., Newark, N. J. - 57G 4058 Beaufait St., Detroit, Mich. Taylor Bros. Co. Handford Brown Co., Inc. - - - - - - -57G - - - - Rochester, N. Y. 21G Coytesville-on-the-Hudson, N. J. The J. C. Temple Company Heco Envelope Co. - 26G -• 15G 55 E. Main St., Columbus, Ohio. 4500 Cortland St., Chicago, Ill. Edward J. Joyce Filing Co. - The Twentieth Century Co. 542 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. 14G 36G 56 W. Washington St., Chicago, Ill. Uffinger, Foster & Bookwalter, Inc. - - 12G 57G Universal Stamping & Manufacturing Co. - 22G 18G White Brass Castings Co.- 9G F. W. Lafrentz & Co.- 100 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Midland Terra Cotta Co.- 221 W. 57th St., New York, New York 2839 N. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago, Ill. National Art Works, Inc.- - 1656 W. Austin Ave., Chicago, Ill. 710 Greer Ave., Covington, Ky. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2G - 49G COMPLETE FINDING LIST In some cases, however, this rule does not apply. Also, there may be several common terms which apply to the same article or service. tion, manufacturers of safety deposit boxes are listed under the classification “Boxes, Deposit, Safety.” In the Finding List, however, both Safety Deposit Boxes and Deposit Boxes, Safety are listed, with proper references in each case. While cross-indexing of more important classifications are included in the Classified Section, complete listings in every case may be found here. To meet this condition, the Finding List below includes all classifications listed in every conceivable way, with cross-indexeS to the standard headings and references to others closely related. For example, in the Classified Sec The various classifications under which firm names appear are designated by number, and the figures below refer to these and not to the pages on which the listings appear in the Classified Section. In the Classified Section the various headings are arranged according to the noun-first principle. A ACCEPTANCE FORMS (See Forms, Bank) ACCOUNT FINDING MACHINES (See Machines, Account Finding) ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS......................................... 1 (See also Systems, Accounting) ACCOUNTING DEVICES (See also specific headings) 2 ACCOUNTING FORMS (See Forms, Accounting; also Forms, Machine Bookkeeping) ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS (See Accountants, also Systems, Accounting) ACCOUNTING TYPEWRITERS (See Machines, . Bookkeeping) ACKNOWLEDGMENT, NEW ACCOUNTS........................ 3 ADDING MACHINE ROLLS (See Supplies, Adding Machine; also Rolls, Adding Machine) ADDING MACHINE STANDS (See Stands, Adding Machine) ADDING MACHINE SUPPLIES (See Supplies, Add ing Machine) ADDING MACHINES (See Machines, Adding; also Machines, Bookkeeping) ADDRESSING MACHINES (See Machines, Address ing) ADDRESSOGRAPHS (See also Machines, Address ing) ......................... 4 ADHESIVES (See alsoSupplies)..................................... 5 ADVERTISING BALLOONS (See Balloons, Adver tising) ADVERTISING, BANK (See also Agencies, Adver tising) ...................................................................................... 6 ADVERTISING, BILLBOARD(See also Signs)............... 7 ADVERTISING BLOTTERS (See also Blotters, Advertising)....................................................................... 8 ADVERTISING BOOKLETS (See Booklets, Adver tising) ADVERTISING BUTTONS (See Buttons, Advertis ing; also Novelties, Advertising) ADVERTISING CAPS (See Caps, Advertising) ADVERTISING, BUILDING & LOAN................................ 9 ADVERTISING DATA SERVICE (See Service, Adver tising Data) ADVERTISING, DIRECT MAIL............................................ 10 ADVERTISING, FILM PUBLICITY................................... 11 ADVERTISING, FINANCIAL (See Advertising, Bank) ADVERTISING LABELS (See Labels, Advertising) ADVERTISING MAPS............................................................... 12 ADVERTISING, MOTION PICTURE (See also Ma chines, Motion Picture)............................................... 13 ADVERTISING, NEWSPAPER (See Advertising, Bank) ADVERTISING NOVELTIES (See Novelties, Adver tising) ADVERTISING, OUTDOOR (See Advertising, Bill board; also Signs) ADVERTISING PENCILS (See Pencils, Advertising) ADVERTISING, POSTER (See also Advertising, Window Display)............................................................ 14 ADVERTISING QUILLS (See Quills, Advertising) ADVERTISING RULERS (See Rulers, Advertising) ADVERTISING SERVICE (See Advertising, Bank; also Agencies, Advertising and specific head ings) ADVERTISING SIGNS (See Signs, Advertising) ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES (See Specialties, Ad vertising; also Novelties, and specific head ings) ......................................................................................... 15 ADVERTISING, STREET CAR............................................... 16 ADVERTISING THERMOMETERS (See Thermom eters, Advertising) ADVERTISING, TRUST DEPT. (See also Advertis ing, Bank; and Advertising, Direct Mail)... 17 ADVERTISING, WINDOW DISPLAY (See also Adver tising. Poster and Machines, Motion Picture) 18 ADVERTISING WRITERS (See Advertising, Bank; Agencies, Advertising; Advertising, Direct Mail) AFFIXERS, STAMP (See Stamp Affixers) AGENCIES, ADVERTISING (See also Advertising, Bank)...................................................................................... 19 AGENCIES, CREDIT (See Agencies, Mercantile) AGENCIES, DETECTIVE........................................................ 20 AGENCIES, MERCANTILE..................................................... 21 AGENTS, NATIONAL BANK................................................ 22 AIRPLANE TRANSPORTATION........................................... 23 AIR PURIFIERS......................................................................... 24 ALARMS (See Specific headings; Burglar Alarms Fire Alarms, Hold-up Alarms) ALARMS, BURGLAR (See Burglar Alarms) ALARMS, FIRE (See Fire Alarms) ALARMS, HOLD-UP (See Hold-Up Alarms) ANNOUNCEMENTS (See Stationers) ANNUNCIATORS (See also Supplies, Electrical).. 25 APPLIANCES, MAP................................................................... 26 APPRAISERS................................................................ ........... 27 ARCHITECTS (See also Architects and Builders) 28 ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS............................................ 29 ARCHITECTURAL BRASS (See Brasswork) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ARCHITECTURAL BRONZE (See also Bronze, Archi tectural and Ornamental).......................................... ARCHITECTURAL IRON (See Iron, Architectural and Ornamental) ARCHITECTURAL STONE (See specific headings such as Marble, etc.) ART CALENDARS (See Calendars) ASH TRAYS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) ATLASES, COMMERCIAL...................................................... ATTACHMENTS, TELEPHONE (See Telephone At tachments, also Brackets and Indexes) ATTACHMENTS, TYPEWRITER (See Typewriter Attachments) ATTORNEYS, PATENT............................................... .. AUDITORS (See Accountants and Auditors) AUTOGRAPHIC REGISTERS (See Registers, Auto graphic) AUTOMATIC CARD FINDERS (See Machines, Ac count Finding) AUTOMATIC CASHIERS (See Coin Changers) AUTOMATIC PENCILS (See Pencils, Automatic) AUTOMATIC POSTING MACHINES (See Machines, Bookkeeping) AUTOMATIC P0S1ING MACHINE SUPPLIES (See Supplies, Machine Bookkeeping) AUTO TRAILS MAPS ............................................................ AVIATION ENGINEERS (See Engineers, Aviation) 30 31 32 33 B BABY BOOKS (See Books, Baby) BADGES......................................................................................... 34 BAGS, COIN................................................................................. 35 BAGS, MAILING........................................................................ 36 BALCONIES (See Fixtures, Bank and Office) BALING MACHINES (See Machines, Baling) BALING MACHINES, WASTE PAPER (See Machines, Baling, Waste Paper) BALLOONS, ADVERTISING...................... j......................... 37 BANDIT RESISTANT FIXTURES (See Fixtures, Bandit Resistant) BANDS, RUBBER (See Supplies, Bank and Office) BANK ACCEPTANCE FORMS (See Forms, Bank) BANK ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Bank) BANK ARCHITECTS (See Architects; also Archi tects and Builders) BANK BROKERS (See Brokers, Bank) BANK BUILDERS (See Architects and Builders) BANK CAGES (See Grillwork) BANK CHESTS (See Chests, Steel) BANK COUNTER SCREENS (See Grillwork; also Fixtures, Bank and Office) BANK COUNTERS (See Fixtures, Bank and Office) BANK DESIGNERS (See Architects and Builders; also Designers, Interior) BANK DRAFTS (See Forms, Bank) BANK EQUIPMENT (See Equipment, Bank and Office, also specific headings) BANK FIXTURES (See Fixtures, Bank and Office) BANK FORMS (See Forms, Bank, also specifio headings) BANK FURNITURE (See Furniture, Bank and Office) BANK ILLUMINATION (See Fixtures, Lighting) BANK LOCKS (See Locks, Bank) BANK NOTE PAPER (See Paper, Safety) BANK PROTECTION (See Burglar Alarms; HoldUp Alarms; Locks, Safety Vault) BANK REGISTERS (See Registers, Bank) BANK YEAR BOOKS (See Stationers) BANKERS’ CASES (See Cases, Bankers’) BANKERS’DIRECTORIES...................................................... 38 BANKING AND BUSINESS BOOKS (See Books, Banking and Business) BANKING LAWS (See Laws, Banking) BANKING MAGAZINES (See Magazines, Banking) 39 BANKING SCHOOLS (See Schools, Correspon dence) BANKING TEXTBOOKS (See Textbooks, Banking) 40 BANKS FOR SALE (See Brokers, Bank) BANKS, HOME SAVINGS (See Savings Banks, Home and Pocket) BANKS, POCKET SAVINGS (See Savings Banks, Home and Pocket; also Coin Holders) BANKS, SAVINGS (Special Design), (See Savings Banks, Special Design) BARS, WINDOW (See Fixtures, Bank and Office) BASKETS, LETTER (See Supplies, Bank and Office) BASKETS, TELLERS’ (See Supplies, Bank and Office) BASKETS, WASTE (See Supplies, Bank and Office) BILLBOARDS (See Advertising, Billboard) BILLFOLDS................................................................................ 41 BILLING MACHINES (See Machines, Billing) BINDERS (See Stationers) BINDERS, BOOK (See Bookbinders) BINDERS, CHECK...................................................... 42 BINDERS, LOOSE LEAF......................................................... 43 BINDERS, LOOSE LEAF, GRAVITY LOCK..................... 44 BINDERS, TICKET................................................................... 45 BINDERS, TRANSFER............................................................ 46 BINDING MACHINES (See Machines, Binding) BINDING STRAPS (See Straps, Binding) BLACKBOARDS................................................................... 47 BLANK BOOKS (See Books, Blank) BLANKS, REMITTANCE (See Forms, Bank) BLANKS, STATEMENT (See Forms, Bank) 3G BLINDS, VENETIAN................................................................ BLOTTER PADS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) BLOTTERS, ADVERTISING.................................................... BOARDS, BULLETIN (See Bulletin Boards) BOARDS, CLIP (See Supplies, Bank and Office) BOND AND COUPON CANCELLING MACHINES (See Machines, Cancelling, Bond and Coupon) BOND BOXES (See Boxes, Bondi BOND FORMS (See Certificates, Stock and Bond) BOND ISSUE SERVICE (See Service, Bond Issue) BOND PAPER (See Stationers) BOND PUNCHES (See Punches, Bond and Tioket) BOND VALUE TABLES (See Tables, Bond Value; also Publications, Financial) BONDS, CIRCULATION............................ BONDS, ENGRAVED AND PRINTED................................. (See also Certificates, Stock and Bond) BOOKBINDERS........................................................................... BOOKCASES (See Furniture, Bank and Office) BOOKKEEPERS’ DESKS (See Desks, Bookkeepers’) BOOKKEEPING FORMS (See Forms, Accounting) BOOKKEEPING MACHINE FORMS (See Forms, Ma chine, Bookkeeping) BOOKKEEPING MACHINE SUPPLIES (See Supplies, Machine Bookkeeping) BOOKKEEPING MACHINES (See Machines, Book keeping) BOOKLETS, ADVERTISING................. ................................. (See also Advertising, Direct Mail) BOOKS, BABY............................................................................. BOOKS, BANK YEAR (See Stationers) BOOKS, BANKING AND BUSINESS.................................. BOOKS, BLANK.......................................................................... BOOKS, BUSINESS (See Books, Banking and Busi ness) BOOKS, CASH, TELLERS’...................................................... BOOKS, CHECK.......................................................................... BOOKS, COMBINATION CHECK AND PASS................... BOOKS, DEPOSITORS’ BANK YEAR (See Stationers) BOOKS, EXPENSE (See Stationers) BOOKS, FARM RECORD.......................................................... BOOKS, LOOSE LEAF.............................................................. BOOKS, MEMO .................................................................... BOOKS, NOTE (See Stationers) BOOKS, NOTE, LOOSE LEAF (See Books, Loose Leaf; also Stationers) BOOKS, NOTE, STENO. (See also Supplies, Bank and Office) BOOKS, PASS (See Pass Books) BOOKS, PASS, SAVINGS (See Pass Books) BOOKS .PASS, SOUVENIR (See Pass Books) BOOKS, PURCHASE ORDER (See Books, Blank) BOOKS, SCRAP (See Stationers) BOOTHS, COUPON (See also Fixtures, Bank & Office)...................................................................................... BOOTHS, TELEPHONE........................................................... BORROWER’S STATEMENT FORMS (See Forms, Bank) BOSTON LEDGERS (See Ledgers, Boston) BOXES, BOND............................................................................ BOXES, COIN............................................................................. BOXES, CURRENCY................................................................ BOXES, DEPOSIT, SAFETY................................................. BOXES, EXPRESS.................................................................... BOXES, FIBRE BOARD, CORRUGATED......................... BOXES, FILING........................................................................ BOXES, FOLDING.................................................................... BOXES, MESSENGER............................................................. BOXES, METAL......................................................................... BOXES, STRONG........................„............................................ BOXES, STRONG, PAYROLL............................................... BRACKETS. TELEPHONE..................................................... BRASS RAILINGS (See Brasswork) BRASS SIGNS (See Signs, Brass & Bronze) BRASSWORK............................................................................... BRICK .............. . BRIEF CASES (See Leather'Goods)............................. BROADCASTING SETS, RADIO (See Radio Broad casting Sets) BROKERS, BANK..................................................................... BRONZE, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL.... BRONZE MEMORIALS (See Tablets, Bronze) BRONZE PLATES...................................................................... BRONZE RAILINGS (See Bronze, Architectural and Ornamental) BRONZE SIGNS (See Signs, Brass and Bronze) BRONZE TABLETS (See Tablets, Bronze) BUDGET SYSTEMS, HOME (See Systems, Budget, Home) BUILDERS, BANK (See Architects and Builders) BUILDING & LOAN ADVERTISING (See Adver tising, Building & Loan) BUILDING AND LOAN FORMS (See Forms, Building and Loan) BUILDING DIRECTORIES (See Directories, Build ing) BULLET-PROOF GLASS (See Glass, Bullet-Proof) BULLETIN BOARDS................................................................. BULLETIN BOARDS, FARM................................................. BURGLAR ALARMS.................................................................. BURGLAR ALARMS (Gas).................................................... BURGLAR ALARMS, LOCALBANK VAULT..................... BURGLAR ALARM INSPECTION........................................ BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES (See Safes, Fire & Bur glar Proof) BURGLARY INSURANCE (See Insurance, Burglary) BUSINESS BOOKS (See Books, Banking and Busi ness) ......................................................................................... BUSINESS CARDS (See Stationers) 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 68 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 4G BUSINESS SCHOOLS dence) Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) (See Schools, Correspon BUTTONS, ADVERTISING................................................. BUZZER SYSTEMS (See Systems, Signalling) 90 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK ing) c CABINETS, COIN............................................................... 91 CABINETS, COIN WRAPPER.'............................... 92 CABINETS, FILING.......................... 93 CABINETS, LEDGER POSTING MACHINE.................. 94 CABINETS, MAP.................................................... 95 CABINETS, STATIONERY (See Cabinets, Storage) CABINETS, STEEL............................................................. 96 CABINETS, STORAGE....................................................... 97 CABINETS, TOWEL........................................................... 98 CABINETS, TRAY............................................................... 99 CABINETS, TYPEWRITER................................................. 100 CABINETWORK (See Woodwork) CAGES, BANK (See also Grillwork)........................ 101 CALCULATING MACHINES (See Machines, Calcu lating) CALCULATORS, TIME AND INTEREST........................... 102 CALENDAR CASES (See Cases, Calendar) CALENDAR DESK PADS (See Pads, Desk, Calendar) CALENDAR RACKS (See Racks, Calendar) CALENDARS.......................................................................... 103 CALENDARS, DAILY DATE (See also Calendars). . 104 CALENDARS, DESK (See also Calendars)............... 105 CALENDARS, MATURITY.................................................. 106 CAMERAS.............................................................................. 107 CAMPAIGNS, LETTER (See Advertising, Direct Mail) CANCELLING MACHINES (See Machines, CancelCANCELLING MACHINES, CHECK (See Machines, Cancelling, Check) CAPS, ADVERTISING (See also Novelties, Adver tising) .................................................................. 108 CARBON PAPER (See Paper, Carbon) CARDBOARD SIGNS (See Signs, Cardboard) CARD CASES (See Leather Goods) CARD FILING SUPPLIES (See Supplies, Filing Card) CARD FILING SYSTEMS (See Systems, Filing, Card) CARD FORMS (See Forms, Card; also Systems, Filing, Card) CARD INDEX FILES (See Files, Card Index) CARD INDEXES (See Files, Card Index) CARD LEDGER SYSTEMS (See Systems, Ledger, Card) CARD LEDGER TRAYS (See Trays, Card Ledger; also Supplies, Machine Bookkeeping) CARD LEDGERS (See Ledgers, Card) CARD RECORD DESKS (See Desks, Card Record) CARD RECORDS VISIBLE (See Visible Records) CARDS, BUSINESS (See Stationers) CARDS, CENTRAL FILE (See Files, Central) CARDS, GREETING...................................................109 CARDS, GUIDE (See Stationers) CARDS, INCOME TAX RECORD (See Supplies, Filing Card) CARDS, INDEX (See Stationers) CARDS, LEDGER (See Ledgers, Card) CARDS, REGISTER (See Forms, Card) CARDS, SIGNATURE (See File, Signature or Sup plies, Filing, Card) CARDS, STREET CAR (See also Advertising, Street Car) CARDS, TABULATING (See Supplies, Filing, Card) CARPETS (See Equipment, Bank and Office) CASES, BANKERS’...................................................110 CASES, BOOK (See Furniture, Bank and Office) CASES, BRIEF (See Leather Goods) CASES, CALENDAR (See also Racks, Calendar). .111 CASES, CARD (See Leather Goods) CASES, CATALOGUE.......................................................... 112 CASES, FILING (See Cabinets, Filing) CASES, MAP......................................................................... 113 CASES, NOTE, STEEL....................................................... 114 CASES. STEEL (See Cabinets, Steel) CASH BOOKS, TELLERS’ (See Books, Cash, Tellers’) CASH REGISTERS (See Registers, Cash) CASHIERS, AUTOMATIC (See Coin Changers) CATALOGUE CASES (See Cases, Catalogue) CELLULOID NOVELTIES (See Novelties, Celluloid) CELLULOID SPECIALTIES (See Novelties, Cellu loid) CENTRAL FILE CARDS (See Files, Central) CENTRAL FILES (See Files, Central) CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT FORMS (See Forms, Bank) CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT LEDGER FORMS (See Forms, Ledger, Certificate of Deposit) (See Ledgers, Loose Leaf) CERTIFICATES, STOCK AND'BOND........................... 115 CERTIFIERS, CHECK (See also Check Endorsers).. 116 CHAIR PADS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) CHAIRS (See also Furniture).................................. 117 CHAIRS, STEEL..........................................................118 CHAIRS. STENOGRAPHERS’ (STEEL)........................119 CHANGEABLE SIGNS (See Signs, Changeable) CHANGEMAKERS (See Coin Changers) CHANGERS, COIN (See Coin Changers) CHARTING EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE..................... 120 CHECK AND DEPOSIT SLIP DISPENSERS (See Dis pensers, Check and Deposit Slip) CHECK BINDERS (See Binders, Check) CHECK BOOK COVERS (See Covers, Check Book) CHECK BOOKS (See Books, Check) CHECK CANCELLING MACHINES (See Machines, Cancelling, Check) CHECK CERTIFIERS (See Certifiers, Check; also Endorsers, Check) CHECK DISPENSERS.................................................. 121 CHECK ENDORSERS (See Endorsers, Check)....... 122 CHECK FILES (See Files, Check) CHECK IMPRINTING (See Imprinting, Check) CHECK INSURANCE (See Insurance, Check) CHECK LISTS, STOP-PAYMENT................................. 123 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT LEDGERS CHECK PHOTOGRAPHING MACHINE..............................124 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROTECTORS (See Protectors, Check) RACKS (See Racks. Check) RECORDERS........................................................ 125 SORTING DESKS (See Desks, Check Sort CHECK TRAYS (See Trays, Check) CHECK WRITERS (See Protectors, Check) CHECK-END PRINTING (See Imprinting, Check) CHECKS.................................................................................126 CHECKS, DOOR....................................................................127 CHECKS. METAL................................................................. 128 CHECK,STUB..................................................................... 129 CHEQUES, TRAVELERS’................................................... 130 CHESTS, STEEL................................................................... 131 CHILDREN’S SAVINGS (See School Savings) CHIME CLOCKS (See Clocks, Chime) CHRISTMAS CLUB SUPPLIES (See Christmas CREDIT FILES (See Files, Credit) CREDIT SLIPS (See Forms, Bank) CUPS, DRINKING..............................................................153 CUPS, SPONGE (See Supplies, Bank and Office) CURRENCY BAGS (See Bags, Coin) CURRENCY BALING MACHINES (See Machines, Baling, Currency) CURRENCY BOXES (See Boxes, CURRENCY ENVELOPES (See rency) CURRENCY STRAPS (See Straps, Currency) CUSPIDORS (See Equipment, Bank and Office) CUSTOMERS’ DESKS (See Desks, Lobby) CUT FILE (See Files, Cut) CUTTERS, COUPON........ ......................................... 154 CUTTERS, PAPER.....................................................155 Savings') CHRISTMAS MONEY CONTAINERS......................... 132 CHRISTMAS SAVINGS...............................................133 CIRCULAR LETTERS (See Advertising, Direct Mail or Letters, Fac-simile) CIRCULATION BONDS (See Bonds, Circulation) CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES (See Direc tories, Classified Telephone) CLEANERS, MARBLE (See Supplies, Janitors’) CLEANERS, POLISHED STEEL..................................134 CLEANERS. TYPEWRITER........................................135 CLEANERS; WINDOW (See Supplies, Janitor’s) CLIP BOARDS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) CLIPPINGS, NEWSPAPER (See Newspaper Clip pings') CLIPS, PAPER (See Supplies, Bank and Office) CLIPS, PENCIL (See Supplies, Bank and Office) CLOCK SYSTEMS........................................................136 CLOCKS, COIN........................................................... 137 CLOCKS, DESK...........................................................138 CLOCKS, ELECTRIC (See also ClockSystems)... .139 CLOCKS, ELECTRIC CHIME ADVERTISING............... 140 CLOCKS, POST AND BRACKET.................................. 141 CLOCKS, TIME........................................................... 142 CLOCKS, WATCHMEN’S............................................. 143 CLOSERS, DOOR (See Door Closers)..................... CLOTH, GUMMED.......................................................144 CLOTH NOVELTIES (See Novelties, Cloth) CLUBS, CHRISTMAS SAVINGS (See also Christmas Savings)............................................................... 145 BAG SEALS (See Seals, Coin Bag) BAGS (See Bags, Coin) BOXES (See Boxes, Coin) CABINETS (See Cabinets, Coin) CHANGER TRAYS (See Trays, Coin Changer) COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN CHANGERS................................................................ 146 CLOCKS, (See Clocks, Coin) COUNTING MACHINES.......................................... 147 ENVELOPES (See Envelopes, Coin) FOLDERS.......................... 148 HOLDERS, METAL....................................................149 HOLDERS, PASTEBOARD (See Coin Folders) PACKAGING TRAYS (See Trays, Coin Pack aging) COIN SORTING MACHINES Sorting) (See Machines, Coin COIN TRAYS (See Trays, Coin) COIN WRAPPER CABINETS (See Wrapper) Cabinets, Coin COIN WRAPPERS (See Wrappers, Coin) COLLAPSIBLE FILES (See Files, Storage, sible) Collap COLLECTION LETTERS (See Letters, Collection) COLLECTION SYSTEMS (See Systems, Collection) COMBINATION CHECK AND PASS BOOKS (See Books, Comb, Check and Pass) COMBINATION LOCKS (See Locks, Combination) COMMERCIAL ATLASES................................................... 150 COMMERCIAL DIRECTORIES (See Directories, Commercial) COMMERCIAL RATINGS (See Agencies, Mercantile) COMPOSITION TILE (See Tile, Composition) COMPTOMETERS (See Machines, Adding) COMPUTERS, TIME (See Calculators, Time and Interest) CONTAINERS, STAMP (See Stamp Containers) CONTESTS, NEW BUSINESS (See Advertising, Bank) CONTRACTORS (See Architects and Builders) CONVEYOR SYSTEMS (See Pneumatic Tubes) COOLERS, WATER (See Water Coolers) COPY, ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Bank;also Agencies, Advertising, and Advertising, Di rect Mail) COPYING MACHINES (See Duplicators) COPYING MACHINES, PHOTO (See Machines, Photo Copying) CORK TILE (See Tile, Cork) CORRESPONDENCE FILES (See Files, Correspon dence) CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS (See Schools, Corre spondence) CORRUGATED FIBRE BOARD BOXES (See Boxes, Fibre Board, Corrugated) CORRUGATED FIBRE BOARD FILES (See Boxes, Fibre Board, Corrugated) COSTUMERS (See Furniture, Bank and Office) COUNTER SCREENS (See Grillwork; also Fix tures, Bank and Office) COUNTERS, BANK (See Fixtures, Bank and Office) COUNTERS, COIN (See Machines, Coin Counting) COUPON BOOTHS (See Booths, Coupon) COUPON CANCELLING MACHINES (See Machines, Cancelling, Bond and Coupon) COUPON CUTTERS (See Cutters, Coupon) COUPON ENVELOPES (See Envelopes, Coupon) COUPON WINDOW ENVELOPES (See Envelopes, Coupon Window) COVERINGS, FLOOR (See Floors) COVERS, CHECK BOOK.......................................... 151 COVERS, RADIATOR (STEEL). .............................. 152 CREDIT AGENCIES (See Agencies, Mercantile) Currency) Envelopes, Cur D DAILY DATE CALENDARS Date) (See Calendars, Daily DATING MACHINES (See Stamps, Dating) DATING STAMPS (See Stamps, Dating) DEADENERS, SOUND (See Absorbers, Sound) DEBIT SLIPS (See Forms, Bank) DECORATORS. INTERIOR................................................156 DEODORIZERS..................................................................... 157 DEPOSIT BOXES, SAFETY (See Boxes, Deposit, Safety) DEPOSITORIES, AFTER HOUR.........................................158 DEPOSIT RECEIVING MACHINES (See Machines Deposit Receiving) DEPOSIT SLIPS (See Forms, Bank) DEPOSIT TICKETS (See Forms, Bank) DEPOSITORS’ BANK YEAR BOOKS (See Stationers) DESIGNERS, INTERIOR (See also Architects and Builders)............................................................ 159 DESIGNERS, VAULT (See also Vaults).................. 160 DESK CALENDARS (See Calendars, Desk) DESK CLOCKS (See Clocks, Desk) DESK DRAWER FILES (See Files, Desk Drawer) DESK FANS (See Supplies, Electrical) DESK LAMPS (See Lamps, Desk) DESK LETTER TRAYS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) DESK DESK DESK DESK PADS (See Pads, Desk) PADS, GLASS (See Pads, Desk, Glass) SIGNS (See Signs, Desk; also Nameplates) TELEPHONE STANDS (See Brackets, Tele phone) DESKS (See also Furniture, Bank and Office) .'.161 DESKS, BOOKKEEPERS’........................................... 162 DESKS, CARD RECORD............................................ 163 DESKS, CHECK SORTING......................................... 164 DESKS, CUSTOMERS’ (See Desks, Lobby) DESKS, LOBBY (See also Fixtures)....................... 165 DESKS, MECHANICAL POSTING............................... 166 DESKS, METAL (See also Furniture, Metal).... 167 DESKS, TYPEWRITER (See also Stands, Type writer) .................................................................168 (See also Furniture, Bank and Office)................................................................. 169 DETECTIVE AGENCIES (See Agencies, Detective) DEVICES, ACCOUNTING (See Accounting Devices and specific headings) DEVICES, FILING (See Files and specific headings) DEVICES, HEATING (See Heat Regulators) DEVICES, LOOSE LEAF (See also Supplies, Loose Leaf and specific headings)...............................170 DEVICES, OFFICE (See specific headings) DEVICES, SEALING (See specific headings) DEVICES, SORTING (See specific headings) DESKS, WOOD DIARIES................................................................................ 171 DICTAPHONE CYLINDERS................................................172 DICTAPHONE RECORDS (See Records, Dictaphone) DICTAPHONES (See also Machines, Dictating).. 173 DICTATING MACHINES (See Machines, Dictating) DICTOGRAPHS..................................................................... 174 DIME SAVERS..................................................................... 175 DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Direct Mail) DIRECTORIES, BANKERS’..............................................176 DIRECTORIES, BUILDING.............................................. 177 DIRECTORIES, CLASSIFIEDTELEPHONE.................... 178 DIRECTORIES, COMMERCIAL........................................179 DIRECTORS’ TABLES (See Furniture, Bank & Office) DISCOUNT REGISTERS (See Registers, Bank) DISINFECTANTS................................................................. 180 DISPENSERS, CHECK &DEPOSIT SLIP.......................... 181 DISPENSERS, DRINKING CUP (See also Equip ment, Bank & Office)....................................... 182 DISPENSERS, SOAP......................... DISPLAY ADVERTISING, WINDOW 183 (See Advertis ing, Window Display) DISPLAY TRAYS (See Trays, Display) DISTRIBUTORS, CHECK (See Trays, Sorting) DISTRIBUTORS, LETTER (See Trays, Sorting) nnriiucMT FILES rn cc (See Files, Document) _______ja DOCUMENT DOOR CHECKS (See Checks, Door) DOOR CLOSERS....................................................184 DOOR MATS (See Equipment, Bank and Office) DOOR OPENERS, ELECTRIC......................................185 DOORS, ENTRANCE (See Doors, Metall DOORS, FIRE ......................................... 186 DOORS, HOLLOW METAL,BRONZE, AND STEEL........ 187 DOORS, METAL (andTrim).....................................188 DOORS, REVOLVING................................................. 189 DOORS, SCREEN (See Screens, Door and Window) DOORS, VAULT (See also Vaults)......................... 190 DOORS, WOOD (See Woodwork) DRAPERIES............................................................ 191 DRAFT AND NOTE RACKS (See Racks, Draft and Note) DRAFTS, BANK (See also Forms, Bank)............... 192 DRAWER TRAYS (See Trays, Drawer) DRAWERS, MONEY................................................... 193 DRINKING CUP DISPENSERS (See Dispensers, Drinking Cups) DRINKING CUPS (See Cups, Drinking) DRINKING FOUNTAINS (See Fountains, Drinking) DUPLICATING INKS (See Inks, Duplicating) DUPLICATING MACHINES (See Duplicators) DUPLICATORS.................................................................... 194 SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 5G Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) E ELECTRIC CLOCKS (See Clocks, Electric) ELECTRIC FANS (See Supplies, Electrical) ELECTRIC DOOR OPENERS (See Door Openers) ELECTRIC FLASHERS (See Signs, Electric) ELECTRIC LIGHTING FIXTURES (See Fixtures, Lighting) ELECTRIC SEALING MACHINES (See Machines, Sealing, Electric) ELECTRIC SIGNS (See Signs, Electric) ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES (See Supplies, Electrical) ELEVATOR ENCLOSURES (See Fixtures, Bank & Office) ELEVATORS...................................................................................195 EMBLEMS, METAL........................................................... ..196 EMBOSSING (See also Printing and Engraving) .. 197 EMPLOYES’ LUNCH ROOM EQUIPMENT (See Equip ment, Lunch Room, Employes’) EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, BANK........................................ 198 ENCLOSURES, ELEVATOR (See Fixtures, Bank & Office) ENDORSEMENT STAMPS (See Stamps, Rubber) ENDORSERS, CHECK (See also Check Endorsers) .199 ENGINEERS, AVIATION........................................................ 200 ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS..............................................201 ENGINEERS, EQUIPMENT (See also Architects and Builders)................................................................................. 202 ENGINEERS, INDUSTRIAL.....................................................203 ENGINEERS, SAFE AND VAULT......................................... 204 ENGINEERS, VAULT (See Vault Inspection) i ENGRAVED BONDS (See Bonds, Engraved and Printed) ENGRAVED LETTERHEADS (See Letterheads, En graved; also Engraving) ENGRAVING..................................................................................205 ENGROSSERS................................................................................206 ENTRANCE DOORS (See Doors, Metal) ENTRANCE GATES (See Fixtures, Bank and Office) ENVELOPE SEALERS (See Machines, Sealing, En velope) ENVELOPE SEALING MACHINES (See Machines, Sealing, Envelope) ENVELOPES.................................................................................. 207 ENVELOPES, BANKING BY MAIL..................................... 208 ENVELOPES, COIN.................................................................... 209 ENVELOPES, COUPON..............................................................210 ENVELOPES, COUPON WINDOW.........................................211 ENVELOPES, CURRENCY........................................................212 ENVELOPES, EXPANDING..................................................... 213 ENVELOPES, FILING................................................................ 214 ENVELOPES, LOCK...................................................................215 ENVELOPES, MAILING............................................................ 216 ENVELOPES, OPEN-END........................................................ 217 ENVELOPES, PAY ROLL..........................................................218 ENVELOPES, REGISTERED MAIL..................................... 219 EQUIPMENT, BANK AND OFFICE (See also specific headings)................................................................................ 220 EQUIPMENT, CHARTING (See Charting Equip ment and Service) EQUIPMENT ENGINEERS (See Engineers, Equip ment) EQUIPMENT, FILING (See also specific headings) .221 EQUIPMENT, FINGER PRINT (See Finger Print Outfits) EQUIPMENT, LIGHTING (See Fixtures, Lighting) EQUIPMENT, LOOSE LEAF (See Devices and Supplies, Loose Leaf; also specific headings) EQUIPMENT, LUNCHROOM, EMPLOYES’...................... 222 EQUIPMENT MACHINE BOOKKEEPING........................ 223 EQUIPMENT, MAILROOM (See specific headings) EQUIPMENT, METAL, FILING..............................................224 EQUIPMENT, OFFICE (See Equipment, Bank and Office; also specific headings) EQUIPMENT, RESTROOM......................................................225 EQUIPMENT, STORAGE............................................. >.... 226 EQUIPMENT, TIME RECORDING (See also Re corders, Time) EQUIPMENT, VAULT (See also specific headings) .227 ERADICATORS, INK (See Ink Eradicators) ERASERS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) EXPANDING ENVELOPES (See Envelopes, ExEXPANDING WALLETS (See Wallets, Expanding; also Envelopes) EXPENSE BOOKS (See Stationers) EXPRESS BOXES (See Boxes, Express) EXTINGUISHERS, FIRE (See Fire Extinguishers) EYELET MACHINES AND EYELETS................................. 228 EYE SHADES (See Supplies, Bank and Office) F FAC-SIMILE LETTERS (See Letters, Fac-simile) FAN FOLD STATIONERY (See Stationery, Fan Fold) FANS, DESK (See Supplies, Electrical) FARM BULLETIN .BOARDS (See Bulletin Boards, Farm) FARM MORTGAGE FORMS (See Forms, Bank) FARM RECORD BOOKS (See Books, Farm Record) FASTENERS, PAPER ... ........................................................ 229 FIBRE BOARD BOXES, CORRUGATED (See Boxes, Fibre Board, Corrugated) FIBRE BOARD FILES, CORRUGATED (See Boxes, Fibre Board, Corrugated) FILES...............................................................................................230 FILES, CARD INDEX................................................................. 231 FILES, CENTRAL........................................................................ 232 FILES, CHECK.................................................................... .233 FILES, CORRESPONDENCE.................................................... 234 FILES. CREDIT............................................................................235 FILES, CUT...................................................................................236 FILES, DEPOSIT, TICKET......................................................237 FILES, DESK DRAWER............................................................238 FILES, DOCUMENT (See also Files, Steel)................. 239 FILES, FIBRE BOARD, CORRUGATED (See Boxes, Fibre Board, Corrugated) for FRASER FILES, SIGNATURE................................................................... 240 Digitized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FILES, STEEL..............................................................................241 FILES, STORAGE, COLLAPSIBLE...................................... 242 FILES, WOOD.............................................................................. 243 FILING BOXES (See Boxes, Filing) FILING CABINETS (See Cabinets, Filing). FILING DEVICES (See Files and specific headings) FILING ENVELOPES (See Envelopes, Filing) FILING EQUIPMENT (See Equipment, Filing and specific headings) FILING FOLDERS (See Folders, Filing) FILING MACHINES (See Machines, Account Finding) FILING RACKS (See Racks Filing) FILING SPECIALTIES (See Supplies, Filing) FILING SUPPLIES (See Supplies, Filing; also spe cific headings) FILING SYSTEMS (See Systems, Filing; also Sys tems, Filing, Card) FILMS, MOTION PICTURE (See Advertising, Mo tion Picture) FINANCIAL ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Bank) FINANCIAL PUBLICATIONS (See Publications, Fi nancial and Magazines, Banking)......................... 244 FINGER PADS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) FINGER PRINT OUTFITS........................................................ 245 FINISHERS, INTERIOR (See also Designers. Interior).................................................................................246 FIRE ALARMS............................................................................. 247 FIREARMS.....................................................................................248 FIRE DOORS (See Doors, Fire) FIRE ESCAPES (See also Iron, Architectural and Ornamental)........................................................................ 249 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS............................................................250 FIREPROOF SAFES (See Safes, Fire and BurglarProof) FIXTURES, BANDIT RESISTANT........................................ 251 FIXTURES, BANK AND OFFICE.......................................... 252 FIXTURES, LIGHTING............................................................. 253 FIXTURES, MARBLE (See also Marble and Fix tures, Bank and Office)................................................ 254 FIXTURES, METAL (See Fixtures, Bank and Offioe) FIXTURES, WOOD (See Woodwork; also Fixtures, Bank and Office) FLAGPOLES.............................................................. FLAGS.............................................................................................256 FLASHERS, ELECTRIC (See Signs, Electric) FLOOR COVERING (See Floors) FLOORS..........................................................................................257 FLOORS, RUBBER..................................................................... 258 FLUIDS, WRITING (See Inks) FOLDERS, ADVERTISING (See Advertising Bank and Printing) FOLDERS, COIN (See Coin Folders) FOLDERS, FILING (See also Envelopes and Sup plies. Filing)........................................................................259 FOLDERS, MAP....................................................... FOLDERS, STATEMENT (See Lithographing and Printing) FOLDING BOXES (See Boxes, Folding) FOLDING MACHINES (See Machines, Folding) FOLDS, BILL (See Bill Folds) FOREIGN LANGUAGE PRINTING (See Printing, For eign Language) , . FORGERY INSURANCE (See Insurance, Check) FORM LETTERS (See Letters, Facsimile) FORMS, ACCEPTANCE (See Forms, Bank) FORMS, ACCOUNTING (See also Forms, Machine Bookkeeping)................................................ ................. .261 FORMS, BANK (See also Stationers and specific headings)............................................................ ••••■• -262 FORMS, BANK ACCEPTANCE (See Forms, Bank) FORMS, BANKING BY MAIL............................. .263 FORMS, BOND (See Certificates, Stock and Bond) FORMS, BOOKKEEPING (See Forms, Accounting and Forms, Machine Bookkeeping) FORMS, BUILDING AND LOAN.................................... .264 FORMS, CARD (See also Systems, Filing Card). .265 FORMS, CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (See also Forms, Bank) FORMS, ENGRAVED (See Engraving, also Star tioners) „ FORMS, FARM MORTGAGE (See Forms, Bank) FORMS, LEDGER (See also Forms, Loose Leaf & Ledgers)..................................................................................266 FORMS, LEDGER, CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT.......... 267 FORMS, LEDGER, LIABILITY (See Forms, Ledger, also Ledgers, Liability) FORMS, LITHOGRAPHED (See also Lithographing and Forms, Bank) FORMS, LOOSE LEAF............................................................. 268 FORMS, MACHINE BOOKKEEPING................................... 269 FORMS, MANIFOLD.................................................................. 270 FORMS, MECHANICAL ACCOUNTING (See also Forms, Machine Bookkeeping) FORMS, MORTGAGE (See Forms, Bank) FORMS, NOTE (See Forms, Bank) FORMS, OUTLOOK N01ICE (See Forms, Bank) FORMS, PRINTED (See Forms, Bank) FORMS, REGISTER (See Registers, Bank) FORMS, REMITTANCE (See also Forms, Bank) FORMS, RUBBER STAMP........................................................271 FORMS, RULED (See Forms, Bank) FORMS, SAVINGS DEPT. (See Forms, Bank) FORMS, STATEMENT, BORROWERS’ (See also Forms, Bank) FORMS, STOCK CERTIFICATE (See Certificates, Stock and Bond) FORMS, TRADE ACCEPTANCE (See Forms, Bank) FORMS, TRUST DEPT. (See also Forms, Bank).. .272 FOUNTAIN PENS (See Pens, Fountain) FOUNTAINS, DRINKING......................................................... 273 FRAMES, POSTER..................................................................... 274 FURNACES, WARM AIR.......................................................... 275 FURNITURE, ALUMINIUM.................................................... 276 FURNITURE, BANK AND OFFICE............................... 277 FURNITURE, MARBLE (See Fixtures, Bank and Office; also Marble) FURNITURE, METAL................................................................278 FURNITURE, VAULT (See Equipment, Vault) G GAS LIGHTING FIXTURES (See Fixtures, Lighting) GATES, ENTRANCE (See Fixtures, Bank & Office) GAUGES, RAIN (See Rain Gauges) GLASS, BULLET-PROOF..........................................................279 GLASS DESK PADS (See Pads, Desk, Glass) GLASS, SAFETY (See Glass, Bullet-Proof) GLASS SIGNS (See Signs, Glass) GLOBES.......................... .280 GLUE (See also Supplies).................................................. 281 GOLD LETTERING (See Lettering, Gold) GOLF BALLS.............. .............................................................282 GOODS. LEATHER (See Leather Goods) GRAVURE PRINTING (See Printing, Gravure) GREETING CARDS (See Cards, Greeting) GRILLWORK................................................................................283 GUARDS, WINDOW (See Grillwork) GUIDE CARDS (See Stationers) GUIDES, INDEX (See also Supplies, Filing)...........284 GUMMED CLOTH (See Cloth, Gummed) GUMMED PAPER (See Paper, Gummed) GUMMED TAPE (See Tape, Gummed) GUMMED TAPE SEALING MACHINES (See Ma chines, Sealing, Gummed Tape) H HEAT REGULATORS................................................................285 HEATERS, STEAM AND HOT WATER..............................286 HEATING SYSTEMS (See Furnaces, Warm Air and Heaters, Steam and Hot Water) HEKTOGRAPHS (See also Duplicators)......................287 HOLDERS, COIN, METAL (See Coin Holders, Metal) HOLDERS, COIN, PASTEBOARD (See Coin Folders) HOLDERS .LOOSE LEAF (See also Supplies, Loose Leaf)........................................... 288 HOLDERS, MEMO......................................................................289 HOLDERS, PASS BOOK (See Jackets, Pass Book) HOLDERS, PHONE LIST (See Indexes, Telephone) HOLDERS, RUBBER STAMP.................................................. 290 HOLDERS STENO. NOTEBOOK.......................................... 291 HOLD-UP ALARMS (See also Burglar Alarms).. .292 255 HOME BUDGET SYSTEMS (See Systems, Budget, Home) HOME SAVINGS BANKS (See Savings Banks,Home and Pocket) HOME STUDY (See Schools, Correspondence) HONOR ROLLS (See Tablets, Bronze) HOT WATER HEATERS (See Heaters, Steam and Hot Water) HOUSE ORGANS........................................................................293 HUMIDORS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) HUSH-A-PHONES......................................................................294 -260 I IDENTIFICATION APPARATUS.......................................... 295 IDENTIFICATION, FINGER PRINT (See Finger Print Outfits) ILLUMINATED WINDOW SIGNS (See Signs, Eleotric; also Posters) ILLUMINATION, BANK (See Fixtures, Lighting) ILLUMINATION, DESK (See Lamps, Desk) IMPRINTING, CHECK............................................................. 296 INCOME TAX RECORD CARDS (See Supplies, Filing Card) INCOME TAX SERVICE (See Service, Tax) INCORPORATION PROCEDURE...........................................297 INDEMNITY INSURANCE (See Insurance, Indem nity) INDEX CARDS (See Stationers) INDEX GUIDES (See Guides, Index) INDEX TABS (See Guides, Index) INDEXES, CARD (See Files, Card Index) INDEXES. TELEPHONE.........................................................298 INDEXING SERVICE................................................................299 INDOOR SIGNS (See Signs) INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS (See Engineers, Indus trial) INDUSTRIAL REPORTS (See Servioe, Statistical) INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS...........................................................300 INK ERADICATORS (See Eradicators, Ink)..............301 INK PADS (See Pads, Rubber Stamp) INKS................................................................................................302 INKS, DUPLICATING.............................................................. 303 INKS, RUBBER STAMP......................................................... 304 INKSTANDS..................................................................................305 INSPECTION BURGLAR ALARM (See Burglar Alar nr Inspection) INSPECTION, TIME LOCK (See Lock Inspection, Time) INSPECTION, VAULT (See Vault Inspection) INSURANCE, BURGLARY.......................................................306 INSURANCE, CHECK.............................................................. 307 INSURANCE, FORGERY (See Insurance, Check) INSURANCE, INDEMNITY.....................................................308 INSURANCE, MAIL..................................................................309 INSURANCE, PLATE GLASS........................................ 310 INTER-COMMUNICATING TELAUTOGRAPHS.............. 311 INTER-COMMUNICATING TELEPHONES (See Tele phones, Inter-Communicating) INTEREST AND DISCOUNT TELLERS (See Tellers, Interest and Discount) INTEREST CALCULATORS (See Calculators, Time and Interest) INTEREST COMPUTING MACHINES (See Calculators, Time and Interest) INTEREST TABLES AND INTEREST CALCULATORS.312 INTERIOR DECORATORS (See Decorators,Interior; also Architects and Builders) INTERIOR DESIGNERS (See Designers, Interior; also Architects and Builders) INTERIOR FINISHERS (See Finishers, Interior; also Fixtures) IRON, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL.............313 SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 6G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) J JACKETS, PASS BOOK............................................................ 314 JANITORS’ SUPPLIES (See Supplies, Janitor) JOURNALS, BANKING (See Magazines, Banking) K KEY RINGS................................................................................. 315 KODAKS (See Cameras) L LABELS, ADVERTISING..........................................................316 LAMPS, DESK............................................................................. 317 LAWS, BANKING.......................................................................318 LAYOUTS, OFFICE (See Engineers Equipment and Decorators, Interior) LEAD PENCILS (See Pencils, Lead) LEATHER GOODS ....................................................................319 LEATHER NOVELTIES (See Leather Goods, also ’ Novelties, Advertising) LEATHER WALLETS (See Leather Goods, also Novelties) LEAVES, LEDGER (See Ledgers; also Supplies, Loose Leaf) LEDGER FORMS (See Forms, Ledger) LEDGER LEAVES (See Ledgers; also Supplies, Loose Leaf) LEDGER PAPER (See Supplies, Loose Leaf) LEDGER POSTING AND STATEMENT MACHINE SUP PLIES (See Supplies, Machine Bookkeeping) LEDGER POSTING AND STATEMENT MACHINES (See Machines, Bookkeeping) LEDGER POSTING MACHINE CABINETS (See Cabi nets, Ledger Posting Machine) LEDGER POSTING MACHINE PAPER (See Supplies, Machine Bookkeeping) LEDGER RACKS (See Racks, Mechanical Posting) LEDGER SHEETS (See Ledgers; also Supplies, Loose Leaf) LEDGER SYSTEMS (See Systems, Ledger) LEDGER SYSTEMS, CARD (See Systems, Ledger, Card) LEDGER TRAYS, CARD (See Trays, Card Ledger) LEDGERS, BOSTON.................................................................. 320 LEDGERS, CARD........................................................................321 LEDGERS, CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (See Ledgers, Loose Leaf) LEDGERS, LIABILITY..............................................................322 LEDGERS, LOOSE LEAF........................................................ 323 LEGAL SERVICE.......................................................................324 LETTER BASKETS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) LETTER CAMPAIGNS (See Addressing,Direct Mail) LETTERHEADS, EM BOSSED (See Embossing) LETTERHEADS, ENGRAVED (See also Engraving)325 LETTERHEADS, LITHOGRAPHED (See also Litho graphing) ............................................................................... 326 LETTERHEADS,- PRINTED (See Printing; also Sta tioners) LETTERING, GOLD................................................................... 327 LETTER OPENERS.................................................................... 328 LETTER OPENERS (AUTOMATIC).................................... 329 LETTERS, COLLECTION......................................................... 330 LETTERS, FAC-SIMILE...........................................................331 LETTERS, NEW BUSINESS (See also Advertising, Direct Mail) LETTERS OF CREDIT (See Forms, Bank) LETTERS, PROCESS................................................................. 332 LIABILITY LEDGERS (See Ledgers, Liability) LIGHTING EQUIPMENT (See Fixtures, Lighting) LIGHTING SYSTEMS (See Fixtures, Lighting) LIGHTS, DESK (See Lamps, Desk) LIMESTONE......................................................................... 333 LININGS, VAULT......................................................... 334 LININGS, VAULT (ELECTRIC).......................................... 335 LINOLEUM.................................................................................... 336 LIQUID SOAPS (See Soaps, Liquid) LISTING MACHINES (See Machines, Adding) LISTS, CHECK, STOP-PAYMENT (See Check Lists, Stop-Payment) LISTS, MAILING...................................................... 337 LISTS, TELEPHONE (See Indexes, Telephone) LITHOGRAPHED FORMS (See Lithographing and Forms, Bank) LITHOGRAPHED LETTERHEADS (See LithographLITHOGRAPHING........................................................................338 LOAN REGISTERS (See Registers, Note and Loan) LOBBY DESKS (See Desks, Lobby) LOBBY SIGNS (See Posters and Signs) LOCK INSPECTION, TIME......................................... 339 LOCKERS, STEEL..................................................... 340 LOCKS................................................................................. '34I LOCKS, BANKS,........................................................ 342 LOCKS, COMBINATION..................................... 343 LOCKS, DOOR, MASTER KEYED............................... '344 LOCKS, SAFE DEPOSIT.......................................................... 345 LOCKS, SAFETY VAULT (See also Burglar Alarm)346 LOCKS, TIME.............................................................................. 347 LOOSE LEAF BINDERS (See Binders, Loose Leaf) LOOSE LEAF BOOKS (See Books, Loose Leaf) LOOSE LEAF DEVICES (See Devices, Loose Leaf) LOOSE LEAF EQUIPMENT (See Devices & Supplies, Loose Leaf; also specific headings) LOOSE LEAF FORMS (See Forms, Loose Leaf) LOOSE LEAF HOLDERS (See Holders, Loose Leaf; also Devices, Loose Leaf) LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS (See Ledgers, Loose Leaf) LOOSE LEAF NOTE BOOKS (See Books, Loose Leaf) LOOSE LEAF SHEETS (See Supplies, Loose Leaf) LOOSE LEAF SYSTEMS (See Systems, Loose Leaf) LUNCH ROOM EQUIPMENT, EMPLOYES’ (See FRASER Equipment, Lunch Room, Employes') Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M MACHINE BOOKKEEPING FORMS (See Forms, Machine Bookkeeping) MACHINE BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES (See Supplies, Machine Bookkeeping) MACHINE BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS (See Systems, Machine Bookkeeping) MACHINES, ACCOUNT FINDING......................................... 348 MACHINES, ADDING.......................................................... 349 MACHINES, ADDRESSING......................................................350 MACHINES, AUTOMATIC POSTING (See Machines, Bookkeeping) MACHINES, BALING, CURRENCY...................................... 351 MACHINES, BALING, WASTE PAPER............................... 352 MACHINES, BILLING............................................................ 353 MACHINES, BINDING.............................................................. 354 MACHINES, BOOKKEEPING..................................................355 MACHINES, CALCULATING................................................... 356 MACHINES, CALCULATING (ELECTRIC).........................357 MACHINES, CALCULATING, INTEREST (See Calcu lators, Time and Interest) MACHINES, CANCELLING, BOND AND COUPON. . . .358 MACHINES, CANCELLING, CHECK .................................359 MACHINES, COIN CHANGING (See Coin Changers) MACHINES, COIN COUNTING...............................................360 MACHINES, COIN SORTING...................................................361 MACHINES, COPYING (See also Duplicators) ■ MACHINES, DATING (See Stamps, Dating) MACHINES, DEPOSIT RECEIVING......................................362 MACHINES, DICTATING.................................................... 363 MACHINES, DUPLICATING (See Duplicators) MACHINES, EYELET (See Eyelet Machines and Eyelets) MACHINES, FILING (See Machines, Account Finding) MACHINES, FOLDING................................................... 364 MACHINES, INTEREST COMPUTING...................... 365 MACHINES, LEDGER POSTING AND STATEMENT (See Machines, Bookkeeping) MACHINES, LISTING (See Machines, Adding) MACHINES, MAILING PERMIT (METER).................. 366 MACHINES, MAILING PERMIT (NON-METER)... 367 MACHINES, MOTION PICTURE.............................. 368 MACHINES, NUMBERING............................ 369 MACHINES, PERFORATING.................................. '370 MACHINES, PERMIT MAILING (See Machines, Mailing, Permit) MACHINES, PHOTO COPYING.............................................. 371 MACHINES, POSTING (See Machines, Bookkeep ing) MACHINES, POST-MARKING (PERMIT) (See Ma chines, Mailing Permit) MACHINES, REBUILT........................................ 372 MACHINES, REPRODUCING (See Duplicators) MACHINES, SAVINGS, STAMP (See also Machines, Deposit, Receiving)............................. 373 MACHINES, SCRUBBING..................................... 374 MACHINES, SEALING, ENVELOPE (See also Ma chines, Mailing, Permit)........................... 375 MACHINES, SEALING, GUMMED TAPE.............. " '376 MACHINES, SIGNATURE SIGNING............... 377 MACHINES, STAMP AFFIXING (See Stamp Aflixers) MACHINES, STAPLING............................ 37s MACHINES, STENCIL.................................................!!'.!!379 MACHINES, TABULATING (See Machines, Add ing and Calculating) MACHINE, WAX SEALING..................................................... 3S0 MAGAZINE RACKS (See Racks, Magazine and Newspaper) MAGAZINES, BANKING........................................................... 38i MAILING ENVELOPES (See Envelopes, Mailing) MAILING LISTS (See Lists, Mailing) MAILING MACHINES (See Machines, Mailing) MAILING TAGS (See Tags, Mailing) MAILROOM EQUIPMENT (See specific headings; MANGANESE STEEL SAFES (See Safes, Manganese) MANIFOLD FORMS (See Forms, Manifold) MAP CASES................................................... 382 MAP SYSTEMS................................................ 383 MESSENGER BOXES (See Boxes, Messenger* MESSENGER’S WALLETS (See Wallets, Leather) METERED MAIL (See Machines, Mailing, Permit) METAL BOXES (See Boxes, Metal) METAL CHECKS (See Checks, Metal) METAL COIN HOLDERS (See Coin Holders, Metal) METAL DESKS (See Desks, Metal) METAL DOORS (See Doors, Metal) METAL FIXTURES (See Fixtures, Bank and Office) METAL FURNITURE (See Furniture, Metal) METAL NOVELTIES (See Novelties, Metal) METAL SHELVING (See Shelving, Metal) METAL SIGNS (See Signs, Metal) METAL SPECIALTIES (See Novelties, Metal) METAL TAGS (See Checks, Metal) MIMEOGRAPH INKS (See Inks, Duplicating) MIMEOGRAPH LETTERS (See Letters, Fac-Simile) MIMEOGRAPHS (See also Duplicators)...................... 387 MIMEOSCOPES.............................................................................388 MOISTENERS, ENVELOPE AND STAMP.........................389 MONEY BAGS (See Bags, Coin) MONEY CHESTS (See Chests, Steel) MONEY CONTAINERS............................................................. 390 MONEY DRAWERS (See Drawers, Money) MORTGAGE FORMS (See Forms, Bank) MORTGAGE REGISTERS (See Registers, Mortgage) MOTION PICTURE ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Motion Picture; also Machines, Motion Pic ture) MOTION PICTURE FILMS (See Advertising Motion Picture) MOTION PICTURE MACHINES (See Machines, Mo tion Picture) MOUTHPIECES, TELEPHONE (See Telephone, Mouthpieces) MUCILAGE.....................................................................................391 MULTIGRAPHED LETTERS (See Letters, FacSimile) MULTIGRAPHS (See alsoDuplicators).......................... 392 MULTISTAMPS............................................................................. 393 N NAMEPLATES.............................................................................. 394 NATIONAL BANKAGENTS.....................................................395 NEOSTYLES (See Duplicators)........................................ NEW ACCOUN T SERVICE (See Personal Solicita tion) NEW BUSINESS CONTESTS (See also Contests, New Business) NEW BUSINESS LETTERS (See Advertising, Direct Mail or Letters, Fac-Simile) NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING (See Advertising. Bank; also Agencies, Advertising) NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS......................................................396 NEWSPAPER RACKS (See Racks, Magazine and Newspaper) NEWS SERVICE PICTORIAL.................................................397 NIGHT DEPOSIT SAFES (See Safes, Night Deposi tory) NOTE AND DRAFT RACKS (See Racks, Draft and Note) NOTE AND LOAN REGISTERS (See Registers, Note and Loan) NOTEBOOK HOLDERS, STENOGRAPHERS’ (See Holders, Steno. Notebook) NOTE BOOKS (See Books, Blank; also Stationers) NOTE BOOKS, STENOGRAPHERS’ (See Supplies, Bank and Office) NOTE CASES, STEEL (See Cases, Note, Steel) NOTE FORMS (See Forms, Bank) NOTICE FORMS, OUTLOOK (See Forms, Bank) NOVELTIES, ADVERTISING (See also specific head ings) ......................................................................................... 398 NOVELTIES, CELLULOID...................................................... 399 NOVELTIES, CLOTH ...,.................................................... 400 NOVELTIES, LEATHER....................................................... 401 NOVELTIES, METAL............................................................. 402 NOVELTIES, PAPER............................................................. 403 NUMBERING MACHINES (See Machines, Number- maps..................................................................:::::::bs4 MAPS, AUTO TRAILS..................................... 335 MARBLE........................................................................................ age MARBLE CLEANERS (See Supplies, Janitors’) MARBLE FIXTURES (See Fixtures, Bank and Office; also Marble) MARBLE FURNITURE (See Fixtures, Bank and Office; also Marble) MARBLE TILE (See Tile, Marble) MATS, DOOR (See Equipment, Bank and Office) MATURITY CALENDARS (See Calendars, Maturity MATURITY TICKLERS (See Forms, Bank) MECHANICAL ACCOUNTING FORMS (See Forms, Machine Bookkeeping) MECHANICAL POSTING DESKS (See Desks, Me chanical Posting) MECHANICAL POSTING RACKS (See Racks, Me chanical Posting) MECHANICAL POSTING STANDS (See Racks, Me chanical Posting) MECHANICAL POSTING SYSTEMS (See Systems, Machine Bookkeeping) MEMO BOOKS (See Books, Memo) MEMO HOLDERS (See Holders, Memo) MEMO PADS (See Pads, Memo) MEMORIALS, BRONZE (See Tablets, Bronze) MEMORIAL TABLETS (See Tablets, Bronze) MENDING TAPE (See Supplies, Bank and Office) MERCANTILE AGENCIES (See Agencies, Mercan tile) o OFFICE COATS............................................................................ 404 OFFICE DEVICES (See specific headings) OFFICE EQUIPMENT (See Equipment, Bank and Office; also specific headings) OFFICE FIXTURES (See Fixtures, Bank and Office* OFFICE FURNITURE (See Furniture, Bank and Office* OFFICE LAYOUTS (See.Engineers, Equipment) OFFICE PARTITIONS (See Fixtures, Bank and Office) OFFICE PASTE (See Paste, Office; also Supplies) OFFICE SUPPLIES (See Supplies, Bank and Office) OMNIBUSES, VAULT.................................. 405 OPEN-END ENVELOPES (See Envelopes, OpenEnd) OPENERS, DOOR (ELECTRIC) (See DooF Openers, Electric) OPENERS, LETTER (See Letter Openers) ORGANS, HOUSE (See House Organs) ORNAMENTAL BRASS (See Brasswork) ORNAMENTAL BRONZE (See Bronze, Architec tural and Ornamental) ORNAMENTAL IRON (See Iron, Architectural and Ornamental) OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Bill board: also Signs) OUTDOOR SIGNS (See Signs, Road; also Signs Electric) OUTFITS, F'RINTING (See Printing Presses) OUTLOOK NOTICE FORMS (See Forms, Bank) SERVICE GUIDE SECTION Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) P PADS,BLOTTER (See also Pads, Desk & Supplies) 406 PADS, CHAIR (See Supplies, Bank and Office) PADS, DESK..................................................................... 407 PADS, DESK, CALENDAR............................................... 408 PADS, DESK, GLASS......................................................409 PADS, FINGER (See Supplies, Bank and Office) PADS, INK (See Pads, Rubber Stamp) PADS, MEMO (See also Stationers)......................... 410 PADS, RUBBER STAMP.................................................411 PAPER, ADDING MACHINE (See also Rolls, Adding PROTECTORS, CHECK....................................................441 PROTECTORS, POSTAGE STAMP...................................442 PUBLICATIONS, FINANCIAL (See also Magazines. Banking)........................................................................ 443 PUBLICITY SERVICE (See Advertising, Bank; Agencies, Advertising; and specific headings) PUNCHES, BOND AND TICKET............................... .444 PUNCHES. PAPER.......................................................... 445 PURCHASE ORDER BOOKS (See Books, Blank) PURIFIERS, AIR (See Air Purifiers) PUSHBUTTONS (See Supplies, Eleotrical) Machine) PAPER, BANK NOTE (See Paper, Safety) PAPER, BOND (See Stationers) PAPER, CARBON........................................................... 412 PAPER CLIPS (See Supplies, Bamk and Office) PAPER CUTTERS (See Cutters, Paper) PAPER FASTENERS (See Fasteners, Paper) PAPER, GUMMED........................ ............................... 413 PAPER, LEDGER (See Supplies, Loose Leaf) PAPER, LEDGER POSTING MACHINE (See Supplies, Machine Bookkeeping) PAPER NOVELTIES (See Novelties, Paper) PAPER PUNCHES (See Punches, Paper) PAPER RULING...............................................................414 PAPER. SAFETY............................................................. 415 PAPER TOWELS (See Towels, Paper) PAPER, TYPEWRITER (See also Stationers or Supplies)......................................................... 416 PAPER WEIGHTS............................................................417 PAPER, WRAPPING (See Supplies, Bank and Office) PAPER, WRITING (See Stationers) PARCEL POST SCALES (See Scales, Parcel Post) PARTITIONS.....................................................................418 PASS BOOK JACKETS (See also Jackets, Pass Book) PASS BOOKS.................................................................... 419 PASTE, OFFICE...............................................................420 PASTEBOARD COIN HOLDERS (See Coin Folders) PATENT ATTORNEYS (See Attorneys, Patent) PAYROLL ENVELOPES (See Envelopes, Payroll) PAYROLL STRONG BOXES (See Boxes, Strong, Payroll) PENCIL CLIPS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) PENCIL SHARPENERS (See Sharpeners, Pencil) PENCILS, ADVERTISING............................................... 421 PENCILS, AUTOMATIC...................................................422 PENCILS, LEAD (See alsoSupplies)....................... 423 PENHOLDERS.................................................................. 424 PENNANTS (See also Flags).......................................425 PENS. FOUNTAIN...........................................................426 PENS, STEEL (MFGRS.)............................................... 427 PERFORATORS (See Machines, Perforating) PERMIT MAILING MACHINES (See Machines, Mailing, Permit) PERSONAL RECORDS (See Systems, Filing) PERSONAL SOLICITATION (New Accounts)............428 PHONE LIST HOLDERS (See Indexes, Telephone) PHOTO COPYING (See Machines, Photo Copying) PHOTO COPYING MACHINE SUPPLIES (See Supplies Photo Copying Machine) PHOTOSTAT SUPPLIES (See Supplies, Photo Copy ing Machine) PHOTOGRAPHY, COMMERCIAL.....................................429 PHOTOSTATS....................................................................430 PICTORIAL NEWS SERVICE (See News Service, Pictorial) PINS, MAP.......................................................................431 PLATES, BRONZE (See Bronze Plates) PNEUMATIC TUBES........................................................432 POCKET BOOKS (See Novelties, Leather; also Leather Goods) POCKET SAVINGS BANKS (See Savings Banks, Pocket) POLES, FLAG (See Flag Poles) PORCELAIN ENAMELED SIGNS (See Signs, Porce lain Enameled) PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS (See Typewriters, Port able) PORTFOLIOS (See Leather Goods) POST AND BRACKET CLOCKS (See Clocks, Post and Bracket) POST CARDS................................................................... 433 POSTAGE STAMP PROTECTORS (See Protectors, Postage Stamp) POSTAL SCALES (See Scales) POSTER FRAMES (See Frames, Poster) POSTERS......................................................................... 434 POSTING DESKS (See Desks, Mechanical Posting) POSTING MACHINE CABINETS (See Cabinets, Ledger Posting Machine) POSTING MACHINES (See Machines,Bookkeeping) POSTING RACKS (See Racks, Mechanical Posting) POSTING STANDS (See Racks, Mechanical PostPOSTTNG SYSTEMS, MECHANICAL (See Systems, Machine Bookkeeping) POSTMARKING MACHINES (PERMIT) (See Ma chines, Postmarking, Permit) PREMIUMS (See Novelties, also specific headings) PRESS CLIPPINGS (See Newspaper Clippings) PRESSES, PRINTING (SMALL) (See Printing Presses Small) PRESSES, SEAL.............................................................. 435 PRINTED BONDS (See Bonds, Engraved and Printed) PRINTED FORMS (See Forms, Bank) PRINTED LETTERHEADS (See Printing) PRINTING (See also specific headings)...................436 PRINTING, CHECK-END (See Imprinting, Check) PRINTING, FOREIGN LANGUAGE................................437 PRINTING. GRAVURE.....................................................438 PRINTING PRESSES (SMALL)....................................... 439 PROCEDURE, INCORPORATION (See Incorporation Procedure) PROCESS LETTERS (See Letters, Process) PROTECTION, BANK (See Burglar Alarms; Hold- Up Alarms; Locks, Safety Vault) DEVICES (See Burglar Alarms; HoldDigitized PROTECTIVE for FRASER Up Alarms and Locks) PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT......................................... 440 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Q QUILLS, ADVERTISING..................................................446 R RACKS, CALENDAR (METAL)............................. 447 RACKS, CHECK...............................................................448 RACKS, DRAFT AND NOTE........................................... 449 RACKS, FILING...............................................................450 RACKS, LEDGER (See Racks, Mechanical Post ing) RACKS, MAGAZINE AND NEWSPAPER........................451 RACKS, MECHANICAL POSTING...................................452 RACKS, RUBBER STAMP..............................................453 RADIATOR COVERS, STEEL..........................................454 RADIO BROADCASTING SETS...................................... 455 RADIO MAPS................................................................... 456 RADIO RECEIVING SETS...............................................457 RAILINGS (See Fixtures) RAIN GAUGES.................................................................458 RATINGS, COMMERCIAL (See Agencies, Mercan tile) REBUILT MACHINES (See Machines, Rebuilt) RECEIVING MACHINES, DEPOSIT (See Machines, Deposit Receiving) RECEIVING SETS, RADIO (See Radio Receiving Sets) RECEPTACLES, WASTE................................................ 459 RECORD BOOKS, FARM (See Books, Farm Record) RECORD DESKS, CARD (See Desks, Card Record) RECORDERS, TIME (See also Stamps, Time) ... .460 RECORDS, DICTAPHONE.............................................. 461 RECORDS, PERSONAL (See Systems, Filing) RECORDS, SAFE DEPOSIT (See Safe Deposit Records) RECORDS, VISIBLE (See Visible Records) REFLECTORS................................................................. 462 REGISTER CARDS (See Forms, Card) REGISTERED MAIL ENVELOPES (See Envelopes, Registered Mail) REGISTERS, AUTOGRAPHIC..........................................463 REGISTERS, BANK.........................................................464 REGISTERS, CASH..........................................................465 REGISTERS, DISCOUNT (See also Registers, Bank).466 REGISTERS, MORTGAGE (See also Registers, Bank)467 REGISTERS, NOTE AND LOAN..................................... 468 REGISTERS, SECTIONAL BANK (See Registers, Bank) REGULATORS, HEAT (See Heat Regulators) REINFORCING, VAULT.................................................469 REMITTANCE FORMS (See Forms, Bank) REPORTS,INDUSTRIAL (See Service, Statistical) REPRODUCING MACHINES (See Duplicators) REST ROOM EQUIPMENT (See Equipment, Rest Room) REVOLVERS.................................................................... 470 REVOLVING DOORS (See Doors, Revolving) RIBBONS, TYPEWRITER................................................471 RINGS, KEY (See Key Rings) ROAD MAPS.................................................... 472 ROAD SIGNS (See Signs, Road) ROLLS, ADDING MACHINE............................................473 ROLLS, HONOR (See Tablets, Bronze) RUBBER BANDS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) RUBBER STAMP INKS (See Inks, Rubber Stamp) RUBBER STAMP PADS (See Pads, Rubber Stamp) RUBBER STAMPS (See Stamps, Rubber) RUGS (See Equipment, Bank and Office) RULED FORMS (See Forms, Bank) RULERS, ADVERTISING............................................... 474 s SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES (See Boxes, Deposit, Safety) SAFE DETOSIT LOCKS (See Locks, Safe Deposit) SAFE DEPOSIT RECORDS............................................. 475 SAFES, FILING............................................................... 476 SAFES, FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF........................... 477 SAFES, HOME (See Savings Banks, Home and Pocket) SAFES, MANGANESE STEEL.........................................478 SAFES, NIGHT DEPOSITORY........................................ 479 SAFES, USED.................................................................. 480 SAFES, WALL..................................................................481 SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES (See Boxes, Deposit, Safety) SAFETY DEPOSIT SCREENS (See Screens, Safety Deposit) SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS (See Vaults) SAFETY GLASS (See Glass, Bullet-Proof) SAFETY LOCKS, VAULT (See Locks, Safety Vault) SAFETY PAPER (See Paper, Safety) SAFETY VAULT EQUIPMENT...................................... 482 SAVINGS BANKS, HOME AND POCKET....................... 483 SAVINGS BANKS, POCKET.................................. 484 SAVINGS BANKS, REGISTER ...................................... 485 SAVINGS BANKS (SPECIAL DESIGN).........................486 SAVINGS, CHILDREN’S (See School Savings) SAVINGS, CHRISTMAS (See Christmas Savings) SAVINGS DEPT. FORMS (See Forms, Bank) SAVINGS, INDUSTRIAL (See Industrial Savings) SAVINGS MACHINES, STAMP (See Machines, Sav ings, Stamp) * 7G SAVINGS PASS BOOKS (See Books, Pass, Savings) SAVINGS, SCHOOL (See School Savings) SAVINGS STAMPS (See Stamps, Savings) SAVINGS SYSTEMS (See also Specific headings: Christmas Savings, Industrial Savings, School Savings, etc.)..........................................................487 SCALES (PARCEL POST, POSTAL, ETC.)....................488 SCHOOL SAVINGS.......................................................... 439 SCHOOLS, CORRESPONDENCE ....................... .490 SCISSORS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) SCRAP BOOKS (See Stationers) SCREEN REFLECTORS (See Reflectors) SCREENS, COUNTER (See Grillwork) SCREENS, DOOR AND WINDOW...................................491 SCREENS, SAFETY DEPOSIT........................................ 492 SCRUBBING MACHINES (See Machines, Scrubbing) SEAL PRESSES (See Presses, Seal) SEALERS, ENVELOPE (See Machines, Sealing, Envelopes) SEALING DEVICES, ENVELOPE................................... 493 SEALING MACHINES, ELECTRIC (See Machines, Sealing) SEALING MACHINES, ENVELOPE (See Machines, Sealing, Envelope) SEALING MACHINES, GUMMED TAPE (See Ma chines, Sealing, Gummed Tape) SEALING WAX (See Wax, Sealing) SEALS..............................................................................494 SEALS, COIN BAG......................................................... 495 SECTIONAL BANK REGISTERS (See Registers, Bank) and Agencies, Advertising) SERVICE, ADVERTISING DATA.................................... 496 SERVICE, BOND ISSUE..................................................497 SERVICE, CHARTING (See Charting Equipment and Service) SERVICE, CONSULTING ECONOMISTS.........................498 SERVICE, EMPLOYMENT, BANK (See Employ ment, Service Bank) INCOME TAX (See also Service, Tax) INDEXING (See Indexing Service) LEGAL.................................................,....499 NEW ACCOUNT (See Solicitation, New Account) SERVICE, PERSONAL SOLICITATION (See Personal Solicitation) SERVICE, PICTORIAL NEWS (See News Service, Pictorial) SERVICE, SERVICE, SERVICE, SERVICE, also Agencies, Advertising) SERVICE ROLLS (See Tablets, Bronze) SERVICE, STATISTICAL................................................. 500 SERVICE, TAX.................................................................501 SERVICE, U. S. TREASURY...........................................502 SHADES, DOOR.................. 503 SHADES, EYE (See Supplies, Bank and Office) SHADES, WINDOW (See also Blinds, Venetian) . .504 SHARPENERS, PENCIL.................................................. 505 SHEETS, LOOSE LEAF (See Supplies, Loose Leaf) SHELVING METAL.........................................................506 SIGNALING SYSTEMS (See Systems, Signaling) SIGNATURE FILES (See Files, Signature) SIGNATURE, SIGNING MACHINES (See Machines, Signature Signing) SIGNING MACHINES, SIGNATURE (See Machines, Signature Signing) SIGNS, ADVERTISING........................................................507 SIGNS, BRASS AND BRONZE........................................... 508 SIGNS, CARDBOARD...........................................................509 SIGNS, CHANGEABLE. ..................................................... 510 SIGNS, DESK........................................................................511 SIGNS, ELECTRIC...............................................................512 SIGNS, GLASS......................................................................513 SIGNS, INDOOR (See Posters; Signs, Brass and Bronze; and Signs, Electric) SIGNS, METAL (See also Signs, Brass and Bronze!. 514 SIGNS, NEON GAS TUBE (ELECTRIC)......................... 515 SIGNS, OUTDOOR (See Signs, Road; also Adver tising, Billboard) SIGNS, PORCELAIN ENAMELED.....................................516 SIGNS, ROAD....................................................................... 517 SIGNS, WINDOW, ILLUMINATED (See Signs, Elec tric; also Posters) SIGNS, WIRE....................................................................... 518 SLATES.................................................................................. 519 SLIDES, LANTERN (MOTION PICTURE, ETC.)............520 SLIPS, CREDIT (See Forms, Bank) SLIPS, DEBIT (See Forms, Bank) _SLIPS, DEPOSIT (See Forms, Bank) SOAP DISPENSERS (See Dispensers, Soap) SOAPS, LIQUID..............................................................521 SOLICITATION, NEW ACCOUNT (See also Personal Solicitation)............................................................ 522 SOLICITATION, PERSONAL (See Solicitation, New Account) SORTERS, COIN (See Machines, Coin Sorting) SORTERS, CORRESPONDENCE (See Trays, Sorting) SORTING DEVICES (See Devices, Sorting and specific headings) « SORTING TRAYS (See Trays, Sorting) SOUVENIRS, ADVERTISING (See also Specialties and Novelties) SPECIALTIES, ADVERTISING...................................... 523 SPECIALTIES, CELLULOID (See Novelties, Cellu loid) SPECIALTIES, FILING.(See Supplies, Filing) SPECIALTIES, LEATHER (See Novelties, Leather) SPECIALTIES, MAP....................................................... 524 SPECIALTIES, METAL (See Novelties, Metal) SPONGE CUPS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) STAIRCASES, METAL (See Fixtures) STAMP AFFIXERS (See also Machines, Mailing, Permit)..........................................................................525 STAMP, CONTAINERS..................................................!. 526 SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 8G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) STAMP MOISTENERS (See Moisteners, Envelope and Stamp) STAMP RACKS (See Racks, Stamp) STAMP SAVINGS MACHINES (See Machines, Sav ings, Stamp) STAMPS, DATING...................................................................... 527 STAMPS, ENDORSEMENT (See also Stamps, Rubber)................................................................................. 528 STAMPS, INDEXED.................................................................... 529 STAMPS, RUBBER...................................................................... 530 STAMPS, SAVINGS..................................................................... 531 STAMPS, STENCIL......................................................................532 STAMPS, TIME............................................................................. 533 STANDS, ADDING MACHINE..................................................534 STANDS, COMB, FILE AND POSTING (See Stands, Mechanical Posting) STANDS, DESK TELEPHONE (See Brackets, Tele phone) STANDS, INK (See Inkstands) STANDS, MECHANICAL POSTING........................................535 STANDS, TYPEWRITER............................................................536 STAPLES.........................................................................................537 STAPLING MACHINES (See Machines, Stapling) STATEMENT BLANKS (See Forms, Bank) STATEMENT FOLDERS (See Lithographing and Printing) STATEMENT FORMS, BORROWERS’ (See Forms, Bank) STATEMENTS, DAILYEARNING......................................... 538 STATEMENTS, MACHINE BOOKKEEPING (See also Forms, Machine Bookkeeping) STATIONERS................................................................................ 539 STATIONERY CABINETS (See Cabinets, Storage) STATIONERY, FAN-FOLD.........................................................540 STATISTICAL SERVICE (See Service, Statistical) STEAM HEATERS (See Heaters, Steam and Hot W at6r) STEEL CABINETS (See Cabinets, Steel) STEEL CHAIRS (See Chairs, Steel) STEEL CHAIRS, STENOGRAPHERS’ (See Chairs, Stenographers’, Steel) STEEL CHESTS (See Chests, Steel) STEEL DESKS (See Desks, Metal) STEEL FILES (See Files, Steel) STEEL LOCKERS (See Lockers, Steel) STEEL NOTE CASES (See Cases, Note, Steel) STEEL PENS (See Pens, Steel) STEEL RAILINGS (See Iron, Architectural and Ornamental) STEEL SAFES, MANGANESE (See Safes, Mangan ese, Steel) STEEL SHELVING (See Shelving, Metal) STENCIL MACHINES (See Machines, Stencil) STENCIL STAMPS (See Stamps, Stencil) STENCILS.......................................................................................541 STENCILS, ADDRESSING MACHINE (See Machines, Addressing) STENO. NOTEBOOK HOLDERS (See Holders, Steno. Notebook) STENOGRAPHERS’ STEEL CHAIRS (See Chairs, Stenographers’, Steel) STEPS, VAULT (See Equipment, Vault) STEREOPTICON SLIDES (See Slides, Lantern) STEREOPTICONS. ...................................................................... 542 STICKERS...................................................................................... 543 STOCK CERTIFICATES (See Certificates, Stock and Bond) STONE, ARCHITECTURAL (See Marble, Granite, Limestone, etc.) STOP-PAYMENT CHECK LISTS (See Check Lists, Stop-Payment) STORAGE CABINETS (See Cabinets, Storage) STORAGE EQUIPMENT (See also Equipment, Storage; and Cabinets, Storage)........................... 544 STORAGE FILES, COLLAPSIBLE (See Files, Stor age, Collapsible) STRAPS, BINDING.....................................................................545 STRAPS, CURRENCY................................................................546 STREET CAR ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Street Car) STRONG BOXES (See Boxes, Strong) STRONG BOXES, PAYROLL (See Boxes, Strong, Payroll) STUBB, CHECKS (See Checks, Stubb) STUDY, HOME (See Schools, Correspondence) SUPPLIES, ADDING MACHINE (See also specific headings)...............................................................................547 SUPPLIES, ADDRESSING MACHINE (See Machines, Addressing and Specific headings)........................ SUPPLIES, AUTOMATIC POSTING MACHINE (See Supplies, Machine Bookkeeping) SUPPLIES, BANK AND OFFICE.......................................... 548 SUPPLIES, CHRISTMAS CLUB (See Christmas Savings) SUPPLIES, DEPOSIT TICKET FILES...................................549 SUPPLIES, ELECTRICAL.................................... 550 SUPPLIES, FILING.................................................................... 551 SUPPLIES, FILING, CARD.....................................................552 SUPPLIES, JANITORS’............................................................553 SUPPLIES, LEDGER POSTING AND STATEMENT MACHINE (See Supplies, Machine Bookkeep ing) SUPPLIES, LOOSE LEAF........................................................554 SUPPLIES, MACHINE BOOKKEEPING.............................555 SUPPLIES, PHOTO COPYING MACHINE............................556 SUPPLIES, TYPEWRITER.......................................................557 SYSTEMS, ACCOUNTING (See also Accountants and Auditors)......................................................................558 SYSTEMS, BUDGET, HOME.................................................. 559 SYSTEMS, BURGLAR ALARM (See Burglar Alarms) SYSTEMS, BUZZER (See Systems, Signalling) SYSTEMS, CHILDREN’S SAVINGS (See School Savings) SYSTEMS, CHRISTMAS SAVINGS (See Christmas Savings)...................................... 560 SYSTEMS, CLOCK (See Clock Systems) SYSTEMS, COLLECTION..........................................................561 SYSTEMS, CONVEYOR (See Pneumatic Tubes) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SYSTEMS, DEPOSIT BUILDING (See Advertising, Bank; Solicitation, New Account; and Sys tems, Christmas Savings) SYSTEMS, FILING....................................................................562 SYSTEMS, FILING, CARD.................................................... 563 SYSTEMS, FIRE ALARM (See Fire Alarms) SYSTEMS, HEATING (See Furnaces and Heaters) SYSTEMS, INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS (See Industrial Savings) SYSTEMS, INTER-COMMUNICATING (See Telauto graphs; Telephones, Inter-Communicating; and Systems, Signalling) SYSTEMS, LEDGER.................................................................564 SYSTEMS, LEDGER,CARD.....................................................565 SYSTEMS, LIGHTING (See Fixtures, Lighting) SYSTEMS, LOOSE LEAF.......................................................566 SYSTEMS, MACHINE BOOKKEEPING (See also Ma chines, Bookkeeping)................................................... 567 SYSTEMS, MAP.........................................................................568 SYSTEMS, MECHANICAL POSTING (See Systems, Machine Bookkeeping) SYSTEMS, PNEUMATIC TUBE (See Pneumatic Tubes) SYSTEMS, SAFE DEPOSIT (See Safe Deposit Records) SYSTEMS, SAVINGS (See specific headings; Christmas Savings, Industrial Savings, School Savings, etc.) SYSTEMS, SIGNALING.......................................................... 569 SYSTEMS, TELEPHONE, INTERCOMMUNICATING (See Telephones, Inter-Communicating) SYSTEMS, TELLER-BOOKKEEPERS INTERCOM MUNICATING (See Tellers-Bookkeepers Inter communicating Systems) SYSTEMS, THRIFT (See specific headings; Christ mas Savings, Industrial Savings, School Savings, etc.) SYSTEMS, VENTILATING (See Air, Purifiers) T TABLES, BOND VALUE..........................................................570 TABLES, DIRECTORS’ (Seealso Furniture)................ 571 TABLES, INTEREST................................................................. 572 TABLES, TRAY...........................................................................573 TABLES, TYPEWRITER(ADJUSTABLE)............................574 TABLETS, BRONZE................................................................. 575 TABLETS, MEMORIAL (See Tablets, Bronze) TABLETS, TELEPHONE (See Indexes, Telephone) TABS. INDEX (See Guides, Index) TABULATING MACHINES (See Machines, Adding and Calculating) TACKS, MAP................................................................................576 TAGS, MAILING........................................................ 577 TAGS, METAL (See Checks. Metal) TAGS, REGISTERED MAIL .;.............................................578 TAPE, GUMMED............................................................. .. .579 TAPE SEALING MACHINES (See Machines, Seal ing, Gummed Tape) TAX SERVICE (See Service, Tax) TELAUTOGRAPHS......................................................................580 TELEGRAPHIC TYPEWRITERS (See Typewriters, Telegraphic) TELEPHONE ATTACHMENTS (See also Brackets and Indexes, Telephone)..............................................581 TELEPHONE BOOTHS (See Booths, Telephone) TELEPHONE BRACKETS (See Brackets, Telephone) TELEPHONE EAR CUSHIONS, RUBBER.........................582 TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES, CLASSIFIED (See Direc tories, Classified Telephone) TELEPHONE INDEXES (See Indexes, Telephone) TELEPHONE MOUTHPIECES (Glass)..............................583 TELEPHONES, INTER COMMUNICATING......................584 TELLERS’ BASKETS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) TELLERS’-BOOKKEEPERS’ INTERCOMMUNICATING SYSTEMS.................................................................................. 585 TELLERS’ CAGES (See Grillwork) TELLERS’ CASHBOOKS (See Books, Cash, Tellers) TELLERS, INTEREST AND DISCOUNT (See also Tables, Interest)...............................................................586 TERRA COTTA........................... 587 TEXTBOOKS, BANKING.........................................................588 THERMOMETERS, ADVERTISING...................................... 589 THERMOMETERS, GIANT ELECTRIC, ADVERTISING 590 THRIFT SYSTEMS (See specific headings: Christ mas Savings, Industrial Savings, School Savings, etc.) TICKET BINDERS (See Binders, Ticket) TICKET PUNCHES (See Punches, Bond & Ticket) ' TICKETS, DEPOSIT (See Forms, Bank) TICKLERS, MATURITY (See Forms, Bank) TILE, COMPOSITION..........................................................591 TILE, CORK (FLOOR)............................................................. 592 TILE, MARBLE...........................................................................593 TIME CLOCKS (See Clocks, Time) TIME COMPUTERS (See Calculators, Time and Interest) TIME LOCK INSPECTION (See Lock Inspection, Time) TIME LOCKS (See Locks, Time) TIME RECORDERS (See Recorders, Time) TIME RECORDING EQUIPMENT (See Recorders, Time) TIME STAMPS (See Stamps, Time) TOWEL CABINETS (See Cabinets, Towel) TOWELS, PAPER............................................ .........................594 TOWEL SUBSTITUTES.......... ............................................ 595 TRADE ACCEPTANCE FORMS (See Forms, Bank) TRADEMARKS (See Attorneys, Patent) TRANSFER BINDERS, (See Binders, Transfer) TRAVELERS’ CHEQUES (See Cheques, Travelers’) TRAY CABINETS, (See Cabinets, Tray) TRAY TABLES (See Tables, Tray) TRAYS, ASH (See Supplies, Bank and Office) TRAYS, CARD LEDGER............................................................596 TRAYS, CHECK...........................................................................597 TRAYS, COIN.............................................................................. 598 TRAYS, COIN-CHANGER....................................................... 599 TRAYS, COIN-PACKAGING...................................................600 TRAYS, DISPLAY...................................................................... 601 TRAYS, DRAWER...................................................................... 602 TRAYS, LETTER (See Supplies, Bank and Office) TRAYS, SORTING...................................................................... 603 TREASURY SERVICE (See Service, U. S. Treasury) TRUCKS, VAULT (See Omnibuses, Vault) TRUST DEPT. ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Bank; also Advertising. Direct Mail) TRUST DEPARTMENT COURSES..........................................604 TRUST DEPT. FORMS (See Forms, Trust Dept.) TUBE SYSTEMS, PNEUMATIC (See Pneumatic Tube) TWINE (See also Supplies, Bank and Office).. .605 TYPEWRITER ATTACHMENTS....!................................ 606 TYPEWRITER CABINETS (See Cabinets, Type writer) TYPEWRITER CLEANERS (See Cleaners, Type writer) TYPEWRITER DESKS (See Desks, Typewriter) TYPEWRITER PAPER (See Paper, Typewriter) TYPEWRITER RIBBONS (See Ribbons, Typewriter) TYPEWRITER STANDS (See Stands, Typewriter; also Desks, Typewriter) TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES (See Supplies, Type writer) TYPEWRITERS............................................................................607 TYPEWRITERS, ACCOUNTING (See Machines, Bookkeeping) TYPEWRITERS, PORTABLE................................................. 608 TYPEWRITERS, REBUILT..................................................... 609 TYPEWRITERS, TELEGRAPHIC.......................................... 610 u U. S. TREASURY SERVICE (See Service, U. S Treasury) USED FILES (See Files) USED SAFES (See Safes, Used) V VAULT DESIGNERS (See Designers, Vault; also Vaults) VAULTDOORS (See Doors, Vault) VAULT ENGINEERS (See Engineers, Vault) VAULT EQUIPMENT (See Equipment, Vault) VAULT INSPECTION...............................................................611 VAULT LININGS (See Linings, Vault) VAULT LOCKS, SAFETY (See Locks, Safety Vault) VAULT OMNIBUSES (See Omnibuses, Vault) VAULT RAILINGS (See Equipment, Vault) VAULT REINFORCING (See also Reinforcing, Vault)...................................................................................... 612 VAULT STEPS (See also Equipment, Vault).......... 613 VAULT TRUCKS (See Omnibuses, Vault) VAULTS......................................................................................614 VENETIAN BLINDS (See Blinds, Venetian) VENTILATING SYSTEMS (See Air Purifiers) VENTILATORS, VAULT,(See also Air Purifiers)... .615 VISIBLE RECORDS...................................................................616 w WALL SAFES (See Safes, Wall) WALLETS, EXPANDING........................................................617 WALLETS, LEATHER............................................................. 618 WARM-AIR FURNACES (See Furnaces, Warm-Air) WASHERS, AIR (See Air Purifiers) WASTE BASKETS (See Supplies, Bank and Office) WASTE-PAPER BALING MACHINES (See Machines, Baling, Waste-Paper) WASTE RECEPTACLES (See Receptacles, Waste) WATCHMEN’S CLOCKS (See Clocks, Watchmen’s) WATER COOLERS..................................................................... 619 WAX, SEALING.......................................................................... 620 WAX SEALS (See Seals) WEIGHTS, PAPER (See Paper Weights) WELLS, INK (See Inkstands) WICKETS....................................................................................... 621 WINDOW CLEANERS (See Supplies, Janitor’s) WINDOW DISPLAYS (See Advertising, Window Display) WINDOW GUARDS (See Grillwork) WINDOW SCREENS (See Screens, Door and Win dow) WINDOW SHADES (See Shades, Window; also Blinds, Ventian) WINDOW SIGNS, ILLUMINATED (See Signs, Elec tric; also Posters) WIRE GOODS (See specific headings) WIRE SIGNS (See Signs, Wire) WIREWORK.................................................................................622 WOOD DESKS (See Desks, Wood; also Furniture) WOOD FILES (See Files, Wood) WOOD FIXTURES (See Woodwork; also Fixtures, Bank and Office) WOODWORK................................................................................623 WRAPPERS, COIN..................... .............................................. 624 WRAPPING PAPER (See Supplies, Bank and Office) WRITERS, ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Bank; also Agencies, Advertising) WRITERS, CHECK (See Protectors, Check) WRITING FLUIDS (See Inks) WRITING PAPER (See Stationers) Y YEAR BOOKS (See Stationers) CLASSIFIED SECTION The alphabetical listing of bank supplies and service in this section is based upon the noun-first principle. For example, adding machines are listed as Machines, Adding; Safety Paper as Paper, Safety, etc. A few exceptions occur in cases where common usage has made two words almost inseparable, as for example, house organs and burglar alarms, which are listed under “H” and “B” respectively. Such cases do not occur often. Cross-indexing simplifies the listings materially, but references should be made to the Finding List on page 7G, in which items are listed in every conceivable way and not merely according to the noun. The names of firms using this volume for advertising purposes appear in heavy type in many instances, followed by direct references to the advertise ments. Publishers are not responsible for possible errors in the compilation of the Classified Section. However, we shall appreciate being notified of errors in order that corrections can be made in The Bankers Service Bulletin and in the next edition of this volume. For Service Information, Use Coupons on Page 5G A 1 ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS (See also Systems, Accounting) Arnold, Morin & Co., 140 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Burt & Co., Edw. R., 149 Broadwav, New York, N. Y. Clabaugh & Co., Wm„ 1319 “F” St., N. W„ Washington, D. C. Cornell & Co., Commercial Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. ERNST & ERNST, 27 Cedar St., New York, N. Y. Foote-Adap-Table Systems Co., The, 1760 E. 22d, Cleveland, O. GORE & CO., EDWARD, 111 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. Gregerson Bros., Omaha N. Eik. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. LAFRENTZ & CO., F. W., 100 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (See our adv. on this page.) Laird & Co., John K., 164 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Mahon & Dvorak, 111 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. Main & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Pace, Gore & McLaren, 225 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Preston & Co., Chas. H., 610 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. R. G. B. F. Company, The Terminal Tower, Cleve land, Ohio. Temple, Brissman & Co., 107 East Third, St. Paul, Minn. Waters, Horace, 32 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Wilson & Co., Douglas, 411-12-13 Strain Bldg., Great Falls, Mont. Wolf & Co., 7 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. 2 ACCOUNTING DEVICES (See also Specific Headings) Baker-Goodyear Co., 42 Church, New Haven,Conn. Benson & Sons, Inc., Benj. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Forman-Bassett Co., Cleveland, O. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Hall Lithographing Co., Topeka, Kans. Horder’s, Inc., 236 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Irving-Pitt Mfg. Co., 816 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Master-Craft Corp., 825 Cobb Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. McBee Binder Co.. Athens, O. McDonald ledger & loose leaf co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Miller, Franklin Bassett & Co., 347 Madison, New York, N. Y. Moore Corp., J. C., 67 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. Pfenning & Snyder, Inc., 515 Commerce Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Richmond & Backus Co., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Sheppard Co., C. E., Van Alst & 14th, Long Island City, N. Y. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Watt & Gillogly, Inc., 7 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Yawman and Erbe Mfg. Co., 1099 Jay, Rochester, N. Y. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, NEW ACCOUNTS Martin Company, The Frank, Marshall Bldg., Cleveland, O. ADDING MACHINES (See Machines, Adding, also Machines, Bookkeeping.) ADDRESSING MACHINES (See Machines, Addressing) F. W. LAFRENTZ & CO. Certified Public Accountants Executive Offices: 100 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Branches CLEVELAND CHICAGO BOSTON ,ATLANTA RICHMOND BALTIMORE LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO PHILADELPHIA WASHINGTON, D. C. EL PASO NEW ORLEANS OAKLAND LONDON, ENG. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 ADDRESSOGRAPHS (See also Machines, Addressing) Addressograph Co., 901 W. Van Buren, Chicago,Ill. 5 ADHESIVES (See also Supplies) Carter’s Ink Co., 239 First, Cambridge, Mass. Sanford Ink Co., 846-854 W. Congress, Chicago, Ill. Weis Mfg. Co., Union, Monroe, Mich. ADVERTISING BALLOONS (See Balloons, Advertising) 6 ADVERTISING, BANK (See also Agencies, Advertising) Amesbury Advertising Agency, Inc., 716 Phoenix Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. American Banking Machine Corporation, 207 Eddy Bldg., Saginaw, Mich. Arkin Advertisers Service, Inc., 422 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Armstrong Advertising Co., 120 S. La Salle, Chi cago, Ill. Bancad Corporation of America, 30 Church, New York, N. Y. Bankers Adv. Bureau, 211 Wilkinson Bldg.,Omaha, Neb. Bankers Development Corp., 31 Nassau, New York, N. Y. Bankers Printing Co., 836 Montgomery, San Francisco, Calif. Bankers Service Corp., 19 Warren, New York, N.Y. Bankers Thrift Corp., 2240 N. Racine, Chicago, Ill. Bank Exposition Limited, 11 West 42d, New York, N. Y. Bartlett Advertising Co., 230 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. Batten Co., Inc., Geo., 383 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. BAUDER BAKER, 225 N. Michigan Aye., Chicago, IU. Blodgett Co., Harvey, University & Wheeler, St. Paul, Minn. Bonsib, Inc., 701 First Nat’l Bk. Bldg., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Bott Advertising Agency, 209-214 Home Insurance Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Calls Bankers Service Corporation, 25 E. Bay, Savannah, Ga. The Caples Co., 452 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago. Ill. Chase & Young Advertising, Nicholas Bldg., Toledo, O. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. The Chute Service, 208 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Clark, Dodge & Co., 51 Wall, New York, N. Y. COLLINS SERVICE, 1518 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Craddick Service Inc., 716 4th Ave., S., Minne apolis, Minn. The Cramer-Krasselt Co., 425 Van Buren, Mil waukee, Wis. Davis Bulletin Co., Inc., Lock St., Buffalo, N. Y. D’Evelyn & Wadsworth, 405 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Calif. DeLano Service, Allegan, Mich. Devlin & Bennett, Inc., 203 N. Wabash, Chicago, Ill. Donnelley & Sons Co., R. R., 731 Plymouth Ct., Chicago, Ill. Doremus & Co., 44 Broad, New York, N. Y. Dorland Agency, Inc., 101 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Du Bois Press, 151 Broadway, Rochester, N. Y. Ehlbert Advertising Service, 14 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Erwin, Wasey & Co., Ltd., 844 Rush, Chicago. Financial Advertisements Corporation, 1145 Noble, Chicago, Ill. Findex Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. First National Advertising Service, 537 S. Dear born, Chicago, 111. 9G Franklin-Studios, Inc., 236 W. 55th, New York, N. Y. Gallard & Associates, W. J., Industrial Bldg., Newark, N. J. Graves, Inc., Wm. Elliott, 30 N. Michigan, Chi cago, Ill. Hahn-Rodenburg Co., Kerasotes Bldg., Springfield, Ill. Hamman Advertising, Inc., K. L., 316 13th, Oakland, Calif. Harrison-Rippey Adv. Co., Arcade Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Hawk, C. Franklin, 33 Public Square, Cleveland, O. Henri, Hurst & McDonald, 58 E. Washington, Chicago, Ill. Hill Co., Inc., The Albert P., 233 Oliver Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. HUDSON SERVICE FOR BANKS, 149 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Huntsman, Inc., W. R., Public Ledger Bldg., Independence Sq., Philadelphia, Pa. Illustrated Current News, 511 Chapel, New Haven, Conn. Individualizing Co. of Ill., 1132 S. Wabash, Chicago, Ill. INLAND CO., 608 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Investment Advertising Co., 208 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Jayo Agency, Inc., Nissen Bldg., Winston-Salem, N. C. Jeffcott & Co., 421 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Joplin Adv. Agency, W. A., Donaghey Bldg. Little Rock, Ark. Kenfield-Leach Co., 610 Federal, Chicago, Ill. Kinsley Service Inc., 103 E. 125th, New York, N. Y. , Kiplinger Washington Agency; National Press Bldg., Washington, D. C. Kohl & Co., P. J., 234 W. Huron St., Chicago, Ill. Koss Co., Inc., O. A., 531 W. Larned, Detroit, Mich. Lord & Thomas and Logan, Offices at 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 247 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 1151 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif. 225 Bush, San Francisco, Calif. 400 Hibbs Bldg., Washington, D. C. Victoria Embankment, W. C. 2, London, Eng. Lummus Bankers Service (not inc.), Julian, Hendersonville, N. C. McJunkin Adv. Co , 228 N. LaSalle, Chicago, III. McNaughton, Flint, 1512 Tower Bldg., Chicago,Ill. Meyer-Both Co., Michigan & 20th, Chicago, Ill. Millett, Roe & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Morison, Francis R., Sloan Bldg., Cleveland, O. Morris & Jones, Inc., General Motors Bldg., 57th & Broadway, New York, N. Y. National Service Bureau of N. Y., Inc., 80 John, New York, N. Y. Parisian Novelty Co,, 3510-26 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Parlette-Padget Co., 75 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Dl. Presbrey Co., Frank, 247 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Price & Co., Inc., Henry F., 15 E. 40th, New York, N. Y. Publishers Space Selling Service, 49 W. 45th, New York, N. Y. Purse Printing Co., 5th & Chestnut, Chattanooga, Tenn. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chi cago, Ill. Redmond & Co., 31-33 Pine, New York, N. Y. Reed & Banker Associates, P. M., Tribune Tower, Chicago, Ill. Reeves Adv. Co. (The), 1924 Linwood Ave., Toledo, O. Rose ,Inc., Wm. Ganson, 3030 Euclid, Cleveland,O. Ross Co., Inc., F. J., 119 W. 40th, New York, N. Y. Scovil Bros. & Co., Inc., 75 West St., New York, N. Y. Selling Aid, 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Shuman-Haws Adv. Co., 820 Tower Court, Chicago, Ill. Slogan Advertising Agency, 128 E. Main, Norris town, Penn. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 10G Rand M?NaIIy Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) ADVERTISING BANK—Continued 10 SMITH CO., K. L., 1486 Union Tr. Bldg., Cleve land, O. (See our adv. on this page.) Smith, Inc., McCurdy, 70 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Speer Calendar Bank Co., 110 E. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Standard Publishing Corp., 222 E. Superior, Chi cago, Ill. StaDles & Staples, Inc., 10 S. 10th, Richmond, Va. Street & Finney, Inc., 40 W. 40th, New York, N. Y. Stronghart Company, 2944 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Stuart Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Tenbrook Co., The, 180 N. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Thompson Co., J. Walter, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Uncle Philander Publishing Co., Inc., 16 West chester, New Rochelle, N. Y. Union Savings Systems Co., 131 N. Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. Weldon & Baldwin, Inc., 448 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Welton Advertising, Arthur D., 844 Rush, Chicago, Ill. Wessel Co., 121 N. Green, Chicago, Ill. Wessling Services, Lytton, Iowa. Wilson, Inc., Edwin Bird, 9 Hanover. New York, N. Y.; 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago, Ill.; Citiz. & Sou. Bk. Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Winchell Adv. Agency, H. C., 230 E. Ohio, Chicago, 7 ADVERTISING, BILLBOARD (See also Signs) A1 Fresco Advertising Co., 900 S. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Fogarty Manufacturing Co., 800 Monument Ave., Dayton, O. Follis Adv. Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, HI. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. General Outdoor Advertising Co., Inc., 1 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Litho. Paint Poster Co., 3101 No. Crawford, Chicago, Ill. North American Service Co., 105 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. Sunset System, 2323 Broadway, San Antonio, Tex. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. 8 ADVERTISING BLOTTERS (See also Blotters, Advertising) Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Cruver Manufacturing Co., 2456-2460 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland. Ohio The Fritz-Cross Company, Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. The Gerlach Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. Murphy Co., Thos. D., 110 S. 2d, Red Oak, la. The Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, Ohio. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510-26 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, HI. Thiel & Co., E. C„ 3731 N. Clark, Chicago, III. Wrenn Paper Co., Middletown, O. 9 ADVERTISING, BUILDING AND LOAN COLLINS SERVICE, 1518 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. C. Franklin Hawk, 33 Public Square, Cleveland,O. National Service Bureau of New York, Inc., 80 John, New York, N. Y. Parsian Novelty Co., 3510-26 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. ADVERTISING DATA SERVICE (See Service, Advertising Data'' ADVERTISING, DIRECT MAIL 11 American Embossing Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Armstrong Advertising Co., 120 S. La Salle, Chi cago, Ill. Bankers Service Corp., 19 Warren, New York, N. Y Bartlett Advertising Co., 230 E. Ohio,*Chicago, Ill. Bauder-Baker, 225 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Baumgarth Co., John, 1219 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Blodgett Co., Harvey, University & Wheeler, St. Paul, Minn. Bott Advertising Agency, 209-214 Home Insur ance Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Brace of Buffalo, 37 Niagara, Buffalo, N. Y. Buckley, Dement & Co., 1300 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago., Ill. Calls Bankers Service Corporation, 25 E. Bay, Savannah, Ga. Collins Mailadvertising Co., 1775 Broadway, New York, N. Y. COLLINS SERVICE, 1518 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Craddick Service, Inc., 716 4th Ave., S., Minne apolis, Minn. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. DeLano Service, Allegan, Mich. Drew Co., The H. & W., Jacksonville, Fla. Du Bois Press, 151 Broadway, Rochester, N. Y. Eastern Film Corp., 220 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. Electograph Advertising Service, Inc., 1132 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Financial Advertisements Corporation, 1145 Noble Chicago, Ill. First National Advertising Service, 537 S. Dear born, Chicago, Ill. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. ' Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. Graves, Inc., Wm. Elliott, 30 N. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Griffith-Stillings Press, 368 Congress, Boston, Mass. Hahn-Rodenburg Co., Kerasotes Bldg., Springfield, Ill. • Hamman Advertising, Inc., K. L., 316 13th, Oak land, Cal. Hawk, C. Franklin, 33 Public Square, Cleveland, O. Hooven Letters, Inc., 387 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y. Inland Co., 608 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Jeffcott & Co., 421 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Joplin Adv. Agency, W. A., Donaghey Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kier Letter Co., 538 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Koss Co., Inc., O. A., 531 W. Larned, Detroit, Mich. McNaughton, Flint, 1512 Tower Bldg., Chicago,Ill. National Service Bureau of New York, Inc., 80 John, New York, N. Y. Nichols & Brown, Tribune Tower, Chicago, Ill. Parlette-Padget Co., 75 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Price & Co., Inc., Henry F., 15 E. 40th, New York, N. Y. Purse Printing Co., 5th & Chestnut, Chattanooga, Tenn. Reed & Banker Associates, P. M., Tribune Tower, Chicago, HI. Rose, Inc., Wm. Ganson, 3030 Euclid, Cleveland,O. Savings Service Co., The, 1587 E. Blake Ave., Columbus, O. SMITH CO., K. L., 1486 Union Tr. Bldg., Clevland, Ohio. Staples & Staples, Inc., 10 S. 10th, Richmond, Va. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Tracey & Clark, Inc., 821 Cherry, Philadelphia, Pa. Weldon & Baldwin, Inc., 448 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Welton Advertising, Arthur D., 844 Rush, Chicago, Ill. Wessling Services, Lytton, Iowa. Western Lithographing Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Wilson,.Inc., Edwin Bird, 9 Hanover, New York, N. Y.; 208 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill.; Citizens <fe Southern Bank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Wyckoff, R. D. (Analytical Staff, Inc.,) 42 Broad way, New York, N. Y. ADVERTISING, FILM PUBLICITY Alexander Film Co., Colorado Springs, Colo. 12 ADVERTISING MAPS Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chi cago, HI. 13 ADVERTISING, MOTION PICTURE (See also Machines, Motion Picture) Alexander Film Co., Colorado Springs, Colo. Bell & Howell Co., 1801 Larchmont, Chicago, Ill. The Davis Bulletin Co., Inc., Lock, Buffalo, N. Y. Geraghty Advertising Service, Inc., 465 W. Chi cago Ave., Chicago, Ill. Lockren Film & Slide Co., Wm. A., 16 N. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. ADVERTISING, NEWSPAPER (See Advertising, Bank) ADVERTISING NOVELTIES (See Novelties, Advertising) 14 ADVERTISING, POSTER (See also Advertising, Window Display) Blodgett Co., Harvey, University & Wheeler, St. Paul, Minn. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Coleman Co., David A., 110 Locust, St. Louis, Mo. COLLINS SERVICE, 1518 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa. The Davis Bulletin Co., Inc., Lock, Buffalo, N. Y. Dispatch Photo News Service, Inc., 207 W. 25th, New York, N. Y. Elliott Service Co., 242-250 W. 55th, New York N. Y. Franklin-Studios-Inc., 236 W. 55th, New York, N. Y. General Outdoor Advertising Co., Inc., 1 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Hawk, C. Franklin, 33 Public Square, Cleveland,O. Litho. Paint Poster Co., 3101 N. Crawford Ave., Chicago, Ill. Meyer Both Co., Michigan & 20th, Chicago, Ill. Meylen Company, 360 N, Michigan Ave., Chicago, National Service Bureau of New York, Ino. 80 John, New York, N. Y. Nichols & Brown, Tribune Tower, Chicago, Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Wilson, Inc., Edwin Bird, 9 Hanover, New York. N. Y.; 208 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill.; Citizens & Southern Bank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. 15 ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES (See Specialties, Advertising; also Novelties, and specific headings) Adcraft Manufacturing Co., 2448-56 W. 22d, Pilson Station, Chicago. Advertising Novelty Co., 419 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago, Ill. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, Tex. Amity Leather Products Co., West Bend, Wis. Buxton, Inc., 162)4 Chestnut, Springfield, Mass. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Coin Clock Service Co., 1620 E. 45th, Cleveland, O. U. O. Colson Co., Paris, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Coshocton Specialty Co., Boyd Bldg., Coshocton, O. Cruver Manufacturing Co., 2456-2460 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III. Economy Advertising Co., Linn <& Market, Iowa City, la. Empire Notion Co., 270 W. 38th St., New York, N. Y. Gordon Pen Co., 450 Palisades Ave., West New York, N. J. Grammes & Sons, L. F., Allentown, Pa. Kohl & Co., P. J., 230 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Lakeside Mfg. Co., 440 W. Superior, Chicago, Ill. Luxem Co., 3845 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Ill K. L. SMITH COMPANY UNION TRUST BUILDING <©> CLEVELAND, OHIO Financial advertising produced to sell the personality of individual banks. No two banks are exactly alike. NEWSPAPER < DIRECT MAIL • WINDOW AND LOBBY DISPLAYS « SERVICE CHARGE CAMPAIGNS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SERVICE GUIDE SECTION Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES—Continued Mayer Mfg. Corp., 1436 Randolph, Chicago, Ill. Minnesota Specialty Co., 2d Ave. N. & 4th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Murphy Co. Thos. D., 110 S. 2d., Red Oak, Iowa. National Sign Stencil Co., 1602 University, St. Paul, Minn. The Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, Ohio. Parisian Novelty Co., 2510-26 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. RAND McNALLY & CO., 636 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Rehberger Co., A. C., 3656 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Ill. Statter Bros., A. J. G., 2514 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Stronghart Company, 2944 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Vaughn Novelty Mfg. Co., 3211-25 Carroll Ave., Chicago, Ill. Voss Company, The Herman, 603 E. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Williams & Co., A. W„ 1790 E. 174th, New York, N. Y. 16 SMITH CO., K. L., 1486 Union Tr. Bldg., Cleve land, Ohio. Spangler Mfg. Co., 160 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Spiegal Co., G. B., 767 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, Ill. Standard Slide Corp., 209 W.' 48th, New York, N. Y. Steel Products Corp. of Calif., 268 First, San Francisco, Cal. Stronghart Company, 2944 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Thiel & Co., E. C., 3731 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Thrift Service Co., 2128 Richland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Thrift Syndicate Co., 612 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. United Bank Service Co., 231 Fifth, Ellwood City, Pa. Wessling Services, Lytton, Iowa. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. AFFIXERS, STAMP (See Stamp Affixers) 11G Simons and Di Cio, 128 E. Main, Norristown, Penn. SMITH CO., K. L., 1486 Union Tr. Bldg., Cleve land, Ohio. Smith Inc., McCurdy, 70 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Staples & Staples, Ino., 10 S. 10th, Richmond, Va. Street & Finney, Inc., 40 W. 40th, New York, N. Y. Thompson Co., J. Walter, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Wejton Advertising, Arthur D., 844 Rush, Chicago, Wilson, Inc., Edwin Bird, 9 Hanover, New York, N. Y.; 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago, Ill.; Citizens & Southern Bk. Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Winchell Adv. Agency, H. C., 230 E. Ohio, Chicago, 20 AGENCIES, DETECTIVE Burns Int’l Detective Agency, Wm. J., New York, N. Y. Pinkerton Natl. Detective Agency, New York, N. Y. ADVERTISING, STREET CAR Collier, Inc., Barron G., New York, N. Y. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. 17 ADVERTISING, TRUST DEPARTMENT (See Advertising, Bank; also Advertising, Direct Mail) Call’s Bankers Service Corp., 25 E. Bay, Savannah, Ga. Hawk, C. Franklin, 33 Public Square, Cleveland, O. Inland Co., 60S S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Koss Co., Inc., O. A., 531 W. Larned, Detroit. Mich. Purse Printing Co., 5th & Chestnut, Chattanooga, Tenn. SMITH CO., K. L., 1486 Union Tr. Bldg., Cleve land, Ohio. Staples & Staples, Inc., 10 S. 10th, Richmond, Va. Welton Advertising, Arthur D., 844 Rush, Chicago, Ill. 18 ADVERTISING, WINDOW DISPLAY (See also Advertising, Poster and Motion Picture) Machines, Ad-Moves Co., 86 34th, Brooklyn, N. Y. Advertising Displays, Inc., 1120 Banklick, Coving ton, Ky. American Signs Corporation, Willard & Cooley Sts., Kalamazoo, Mich. Bankers Educational Bureau, 2326 Clybourn, Milwaukee, Wis. Bankers Thrift Corp., 2240 N. Racine, Chicago,Ill. Bauder-Baker, 225 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bell & Howell Co., 1801 Larchmont Ave., Chicago, Ill. Central Scientific Co., 460 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. Character Display Co., 3249 N. Herndon, Chicago Ill. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Blvd., Chi cago, Ill. Coleman Co., David A., 110 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. The Davis Bulletin Co., Inc., Lock, Buffalo, N. Y. Dispatch Photo News Service, Inc., 207 W. 25th, New York, N. Y. Elliott Service Co., 242-250 W. 55th, New York, N. Y. Flexograph Corporation, 254 W. 31st, New York, N. Y. Gritt, Ragsdale & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Hawk, C. Franklin, 33 Public Square, Cleveland, O. Heming Advertising Co., 264 28th, Milwaukee, Wis. Illustrated Current News, 511 Chapel, New Haven, Conn. Litho. Paint Poster Co., 3101 N. Crawford, Chicago, Ill. Lummus Bankers Service (not inc.), Julian, Hendersonville, N. C. Meylen Company, 360 N. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Modern Art Service, 208 E. 47th, New York, N. Y. Motion Publicity, Inc., Ypsilanti, Mich. National Service Bureau of New York, Inc., 80 John, New York, N. Y. National Studios, Inc., 226 W. 56th, New York, N. Y. Nichols & Brown, Tribune Tower, Chicago, Ill. Old King Cole, Inc., 401 Schrayer Ave., Canton, O. Onken Co., Oscar, Cor. 4th & Cutter Sts., Cincin nati, O. Onli-Wa Fixture Co., St. Paul Ave., Dayton, O. Parlette-Padget Co., 75 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Scene in Action Corp., 1603 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. DigitizedSchaeffer for FRASER Ross Co., Inc., 86 North St., Rochester, N. Y. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19 AGENCIES, ADVERTISING (See also Advertising, Bank) Aitkin-Kynett Co., 1420 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Amesbury Adv. Agency, Inc., 716 Phoenix Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Arkin Advertisers Service, Inc., 422 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Armstrong Advertising Co., 120 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Ayer & Son, N. W., 308 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Branch Offices: 200 Fifth Ave., New York.N.Y. 30State, Boston, Mass.: 164 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago; 215 Market, San Francisco, Calif. Bankers Service Corp., 19-21 Warren, New York, N. Y. Bartlett Adv. Co., 230 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. Batten Co., Inc., Geo., 383 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Bauder-Baker, 225 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bonsib, Inc., 701 First Nat’l Bk. Bldg., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Bott Advertising Agency, 209-214 Home Insur ance Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. The Caples Co., 452 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. The Chute Service, 208 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Cramer-Krasselt Co., 425 Van Buren, Milwaukee, Wis. D’Evelyn & Wadsworth, 405 Montgomery, San Francisco, Cal. Dorland Agency, Inc., 101 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. ERWIN, WASEY & CO., LTD., 844 Rush St., Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page) Frank & Co., Albert, 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Geyer Co., 3d N. Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Hamman Adv., Inc., K. L., 316 13th, Oakland, Cal. Harrison-Rippey Adv. Co., Arcade Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Hawk, C. Franklin, 33 Public Square, Cleveland, O. Hill Co., Inc., Albert P., 233 Oliver Ave., Pitts burgh, Pa. HUDSON ADVERTISING CO., 149 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Jayo Agency Inc., Nissen Bldg., Winston-Salem, N. C. Joplin Adv. Agency, W. A., Donaghey Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Kenfield, Leach Co., 610 Federal St., Chicago, Ill. Kinsley Service, Inc., 103 E. 125th, New York, N. Y. Kraff Adv. Agency, Marquette Bldg., Minneapolis, . Minn. Lord & Thomas and Logan, 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Lyddon & Hanford Co., 11-15 James, Rochester, N. Y. McCann Co., H. K., 285 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. McLain-Simpers Organization, 1411 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Morison, Francis R., Sloan Bldg., Cleveland, O. Morris & Jones, Inc., General Motors Bldg., 57th & Broadway, New York, N. YMurphy, Inc., Carroll Dean, 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Myers and Golden Inc., Graybar Bldg., New York, N. Y. Nathan Adv. Co., 10 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Porter-Eastman-Byrne Co., 22 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. Powers-House Co., 642 Hanna Bldg., Cleveland, O. Pratt-Moore Adv. Co., 1926 Ford Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Publishers Space Selling Service, 49 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. Reed and Banker Associates, P. M., Tribune Tower, Chicago, Ill. Rose Inc., Wm. Ganson, 3030 Euclid Ave., Cleve land, O. Ross Co., Inc., F. J., 119 W. 40th, New York, N. Y. 21 AGENCIES, MERCANTILE The Bradstreet Company, 346 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Duns Review, New York, N. Y. Hill’s Reports, Inc., 222 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. 22 AGENTS, NATIONAL BANK The Kiplinger Washington Agency, National Press Bldg., Washington, D, C. PRATT & SONS, INC., A. S., Wilkins Bldg. Washington, D. C. 23 AIRPLANE TRANSPORTATION Alexander Aircraft Co., Colorado Springs, Colo. American Eagle Aircraft Corporation, Kansas City, Kans. Colonial Air Transport, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Command-Aire, Inc., Little Rock, Ark. Mahoney-Ryan Aircraft Corp., Lambert Field, Anglum, Mo. National Air Transport, Inc., 506 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Transcontinental Air Transport, Syndicate Trus Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Trans-Continental Air Transport, Inc., Wash ington, D. C. 24 AIR PURIFIERS Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. Gerdes, Theo. R. N„ 105 Bank, New York, N.|Y. Ilg Electric Ventilating Co., 2873 N. Crawford, Chicago, Ill. Lambert Vault-O-Meter Co., 325 Houston Ave., Muskegon, Mich. Midwest Air Filters, Inc., Bradford, Pa. Reed Air Filter Co., Inc., 215 Central Ave., Louis ville, Ky. Savory Inc., 90 Alabama St., Buffalo, N. Y. Sturtevant Co., B. F., Hyde Park., Boston, Mass. ALARMS (See specific headings: Burglar Alarms, Alarms, Hold-up Alarms) 25 Fire ANNUNCIATORS (See also Supplies, Electrical) Bankers Educational Milwaukee, Wis. Bureau, 2326 Clybourn, Erwin, Wasey & Company, Ltd. Advertising Agency 844 Rush St., Chicago, Ill. Graybar Bldg. - 420 Lexington Ave. New York, N. Y. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 12G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 26 APPLIANCES, MAP RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. 27 APPRAISERS American Appraisal Co., 165 E. Michigan, Mil waukee, Wis. Coats & Burchard Co., 844 Rush, Chicago, III. The Lloyd-Thomas Co., 4411 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Ill. 28 ARCHITECTS (See also Architects and Builders) American Bankbuilding Construction Co., 1201 E. Georgia, Indianapolis, Ind. Bankers Architectural & Engineering Co., 122 S. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Beal Sons, J. Williams, 185 Devonshire, Boston, Mass. Beelman, Claude, 1019 Union Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Blossom, Alfred C., 680 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Brown, A. Ten Eyck, Forsyth Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Brunner & Simmons, Inc., 327 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Carmichael & Millspaugh, 5 East Long, Columbus, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO., PORT CHESTER, N. Y. "O ESERVE, Integrity and Strength are worthy attri butes of a bank’s building as well as its organization and pol icy. The American Classical tradition inherent with these qualities is reflected in] the above building. UFFINGER, FOSTER & BOOKWALTER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ARCHITECTS BANK EQUIPMENT & VAULT ENGINEERS 221 WEST 57th STREET NEW YORK Childs & Smith, 720 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Clark, Jr., Appleton P., 816 14th, N. W., Wash ington, D. C. Curlett, Alec, 1012 Union Bk. Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Dibali & Owen, Ltd., Interstate Bldg., New Or leans, La. Edwards & Sayward, 101 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Epstein, A., 2001 W. Pershing Rd., Chicago, Ill. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, Ohio. GRAHAM, ANDERSON, PROBST & WHITE, 80 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Guarino, Joachim, 155 N. Clark, Chicago, III. Halsey, McCormack & Helmer, Inc., 286 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Holmes & Winslow, 134 E. 44th, New York, N. Y. Hopkins & Dentz, 415 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. James Co., Thomas M., 3 Park, Boston, Mass. Lane & Co., Harry L., 225 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Lane & Tweed, City Bk. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Liska, Emil, 38 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Lockwood, Green & Co., Pershing Square, New York, N. Y. Long & Thorshov, Inc., 1012 Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Lytle Co., 615 Trimble Bldg., Sioux City, Iowa. Marston & Maybury, 25 S. Euclid Ave., Pasadena. Cal. Marye, Alger & Vinour, 801 Walton Blvd., Atlanta. Ga. McGuire & Shook, 941 N. Meridian, Indianapolis, Ind. Metzger & Acock, 101 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Miller, A. Stanley, Ocean Pkwy. & Av. C., Brook lyn, N. Y. Morgan, Dillon & Lewis, 707 Grant Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Morgan French Co., 19 W. 44th, New York, N. Y. Owsley Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Parkinson, John and Donald B., 420 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Pringle & Smith, Atlanta Trust Co. Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Schaler, Walter, Lafayette, Ind. Scheitler & Wenisch, 737 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Schenck & Williams, 1406 Third N. Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Schwartz, Albert A., 716 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Simon & Simon, 249 S. Juniper, Philadelphia, Pa. Simons, Brittain & English, Inc., 336 Fourth St., Pittsburg, Pa, Sirrine & Co., J. E., Greenville, S. C. Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, 800 Marquette Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Stern, Eugene John, 708 A. O. U. W. Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Stiles Co., Geo. W., 664 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Teich & Sullivan, 64 W. Randolph, Chicago, Ill. Tilghman Moyer Co., 141 N. 9th, Allentown, Penn. Uffendell, W. Gibbons, 390 S. State, Chicago, Ill. UFFINGER, FOSTER & BOOKWALTER, INC., 221 W. 57th, New York, N. Y. (See our adv. on this page.) Underwood Contracting Corp., Louisiana Bldg., New Orleans, La. Walker & Eisen, 1031 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Walker & Weeks, 2341 Carnegie Ave., Cleve land, O. Weber, C. C. & E. A., 4th & Vine Sts., Cincin nati, O. Wise Co., Inc., The J. H., 911 'Syndicate Tr. Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 13G Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 29 ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS AMERICAN BANKBUILDING CONSTRUCTION CO., 1201 E. Georgia St., Indianapolis, Ind. Bankers Architectural & Engineering Co., 122 S. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. BOND-HUBBARD CO., 38 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page.) Brown, A. Ten Eyck, Forsyth Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Clark, Jr., Appleton P„ 816 14th St., N. W„ Washington, D. C. Hoggson Bros., 485 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. James Co., Thomas M., 3 Park, Boston, Mass. Lacy Co., L. D., 1206 Syndicate Tr. Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lane & Co., Harry L., 225 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. . , Moorman & Co., A., 813 First National Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Nat. Bk. Construction & Equipment Co., 911 Syn dicate Tr. Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Ohmer, Inc., Alfred A. & Robt. F., 113 N. Jefferson St., Dayton, Ohio. Rives-Strong Building, Inc., 112 W. 9th, Los Angeles, Cal. St. Louis Bank Bldg. & Equipment Co., 906 Sidney St., St. Louis, Mo. Stiles Co., Geo. W., 664 N. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Taylor-Palmer Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Tilgliman Moyer Co., 141 N. 9th, Allentown, Penn. Vitzthum & Co., K. M., 307 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. . Weary & Alford Co., 1923 Calumet Ave., Chicago, Wise Co., Inc., J. H., 911 Syndicate Tr. Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 30 Lacey & Lacey, 635 F, N. W., Washington, D. C. Lancaster & Allwine, 401 Ouray Bldg., Washington, D. C. Mason, Fenwick & Lawrence, 600 “F” St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Munn & Co., 20 W. 40th, New Yolk, N. Y. Owen, Richard B., 620 F St., Washington, D. C. Robb, Robb & Hill, McLaehlen Bldg., Washington, D. C. Talbert & Talbert, Victor Bldg., Washington, D. C. AUTO TRAILS MAPS 33 RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St. Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on page 40G.) B 34 BADGES Adcraft Manufacturing Co., 2448-56 W. 22d, Chicago, Ill. _ Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Works, 76 For syth St. N. W., Atlanta, Ga. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madison Ave., Cleveland, O. Brakmeier Bros., 112 S. 4th, Louisville, Ky. Chicago Pencil Co., 747 E. 42d, Chicago, Ill. Childs & Co., S. D., 136 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Green Duck Co., 1725 W. North, Chicago, Ill. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Messing, Gus D„ 315 Jackson, St. Paul, Minn. Pacific Rubber Stamp Co., 918 S. Main, Los Ange les, Cal. . Parisian Novelty Co., 3510-26 S. Western, Chicago, ARCHITECTURAL BRONZE (See Bronze, Architectural and Ornamental) Newman Manufacturing Co., 416 Elm St., Cin cinnati, O. Taylor-Palmer Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Williams Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Philadelphia Badge Co., 942 Market St., Phila delphia, Pa. , , , Robbins Company, Hazel & School, Attleboro, Mass. Sachs Lawlor Co., 1543 Larimer, Denver, Colo. Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, 31 ATLASES, COMMERCIAL RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on page 23G.) Southern Stamp & Stencil Co., 48H Forsyth, Atlanta, Ga. . Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. i 32 ATTORNEYS, PATENT American Industries Inc., 11th & “G” Sts., N.W., Washington, D. C. Chandlee & Chandlee, 404 Seventh, Washington, D. C. Coleman, Watson E., 724 Ninth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Kimmel, Geo. P., 715 “G” St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 35 BAGS, COIN Abbott Coin Counter Co., 143d & Wales Ave., New York, N. Y. < Acme Tag Co., 2840-46 Fremont Ave., So., Minneapolis, Minn. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, Tex. Bemis Bros. Bag Co., 601 S. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Buckeye Leather Co., The, 946 Chestnut, Coshoc ton, O. Bushong & Co., Inc., Park & Stark, Portland, Ore., Chase Bag Co., 206 S. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Downey Co., C. L., 941 Clark, Cincinnati, O. Economy Advertising Co., Linn & Market, Iowa City, Iowa Federal Bag Co., 3500 S. Morgan, Chicago, Ill. Ferree Co., E. H., 61 Richmond Ave., Lockport, N. Y. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, P. O. Box 1726, Atlanta, Ga. Gaylord Bros., Inc., 155 Gifford, Syracuse, N. Y. Knight-Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224-230 Huron, Chicago, Ill. Leather Products Co., Iola, Kans. Lindstrom Co., H. M., 2440 S. Cicero, Cicero, Ill. Minnesota Specialty Co., 2d Ave. N. & 4th St., Minneapolis, Minn. PORTER SAFETY SEAL CO., 265 N. California, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on page 49G.) Quality Park Envelope Co. (Midway), Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Spurgin Mfg. Co., 7011 Vincennes Ave., Chicago,Ill. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Troy Sunshade Co., 710 Lincoln Ave., Troy, O. The Twentieth Century Co., 542 So. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Yates, R. R., Joliet, Ill. 36 BAGS, MAILING Acme Tag Co., 2840-46 Fremont Ave. So., Minne apolis, Minn. Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills, P. O. Box 1726, Altanta, Ga. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Troy Sunshade Co., The, 710 Lincoln, Troy, 0_ BALING MACHINES (See Machines, Baling) ) 37 BALLOONS, ADVERTISING Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224-230 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Mohican Rubber Co., Ashland, O. The Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, Ohio. BANK ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Bank) BANK FORMS (See Forms, Bank; also specifics headings) BANK LOCKS (See Locks, Bank) CREATIVE CONSTRUCTION Coupled with ORGANIZED ABILITY has built good will for our organ isation, as indicated by the fact this building was our second contract in Romeo. ROMEO SAVINGS BANK Romeo, Michigan have earned the good will of a large number of bankers through our service, and we would like to earn yours by building or remodeling your bank for you. An estimate based on a study of your particular requirements will in no way obligate you and our “guaranteed cost” form of contract will be interesting. W e Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis We invite your inquiries BOND-HUBBARD COMPANY BANK BUILDERS 1461 First National Bank Bldg. CHICAGO SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 14G 38 Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) BANKERS DIRECTORIES BANKERS DIRECTORY (BLUE BOOK), 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. 39 BANKING MAGAZINES (See Magazines, Banking) BANKERS MONTHLY, THE, 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. 40 BANKING TEXTBOOKS (See Textbooks, Banking) RAND MCNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on page 60G.) BANKS, HOME SAVINGS (See Savings Banks, Home and Pocket) 41 BILL FOLDS American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, O. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange St., Dallas, Tex. Beach Leather Co., 1301 E. Walnut, Coshocton, O. Buckeye Leather Co., Chestnut St., Coshocton, O. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Ferree Co., E. H., 61 Richmond Ave., Lockport, N. Y. Fields, Harry R., 624 Boardman, Orlando, Fla. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Humphreys Leather Goods, Co., Inc., 243 E. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224-230 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Meeker Co., Inc., 3d & Michigan, Joplin, Mo. The Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, Ohio. Nutry, John, 85-87 Adams, Brooklyn, N. Y. Oliver Baker Mfg. Co., 420 S. 7th, Minneapolis, Minn. Stiteler-Lewis Mfg. Co., 515 Jackson, Dallas, Tex. Texas Novelty Adv. Co., Hillsboro, Tex. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Weinman Bros., 421 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Young & Gardner Co., 655 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. BILLING MACHINES (See Machines, Billing) 42 BINDERS, CHECK Bankers Printing Co., 836 Montgomery, San Francisco. Cal. Burke Printing Co., Fredonia, Kan. Cockrum Printing Co., J. W., Oakland City, Ind. Continental Bank Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. DeLuxe Check Printers, Inc., 835 Orleans, Chicago, Ill.; 2531 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn.; 810 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo., and 205 E. St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, O. The Exline Co., 113 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, O. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore. Md. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. Proudfit Loose Leaf Co., 10 Logan St., S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Pugh & Co., H. G., 417 Main, Little Rock, Ark. Smith Ptg. Co., Inc., 225 E. Third, Williamsport, Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. 43 BINDERS, LOOSE LEAF Adams Mfg. Co., Henry T., 8561-69 S. Chicago Ave., Chicago, Ill. American Bank Supply Co., 628 N. Illinois, Indi anapolis, Ind. American Bindery Corp., 1310 Maple, Detroit, Mich. BARNARD STATIONERY CO., GEO. D., Vandeventer & Laclede Aves., St. Louis, Mo. Benson & Sons, Inc., Benj. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooks Co., 1241 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Buchan-White Loose Leaf Co., 1906 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Burke Printing Co., Fredonia, Kans. Buxton & Skinner Printing & Stationery Co.. 306 N. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. Commercial Lithographing Co., 815 W. Market, Louisville, Ky. Continental Bank-Supply Co.. Mexico, Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co.. 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University, St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Feldco Loose Leaf Corp., 357 N. La Salle, Chicago, Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Irving-Pitt Mfg. Co., 816 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. Johnson & Quin, 547 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Edward J. Joyce Filing Co., 56 W. Washington St., Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page.) Klipto Loose Leaf Co., 15-17 S. Delaware, Mason City, la. Lefax (Inc.), 9th & Sansom, Philadelphia, Pa. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lion Systems, Inc., 56 W. Washington, Chicago, Ill. Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 Clark, Chicago, Ill. McDonald ledger & loose leaf co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Mann Co. .William, 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. Master-Craft Corp., 825 Cobb Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. National Blank Book Co., Holyoke , Mass. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam Ave., Omaha, Neb. Pettibone & Co. ,P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Proudfit Loose Leaf Co., 10-16 Logan St., S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Sheppard Co., C. E., Van Alst & 14th, Long Island, City, N. Y. Smith Ptg. Co., Inc., 225 E. Third, Williamsport, Tallman, Robbins & Co., 314 W. Superior, Chicago, Three B Products, Inc., 250 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. Second, Los Angeles, Cal. Wilson-Jones Co., 3300 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Workman Mfg. Co., 1200 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. Young & Selden Company, 224 No. Calvert St., Baltimore. Md. 44 BINDERS, LOOSE LEAF, GRAVITY LOCK McDonald ledger & loose leaf co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. 45 BINDERS, TICKET BlaineSystems Co., 140 Glenridge Ave., Montclair, N. J. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, Ohio. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 46 BINDERS, TRANSFER Adams Mfg. Co., Henry T., So. Chicago Ave., Chicago, Ill. The Exline Co., St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, Ohio. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Joyce Filing Co., Edw. J., 56 W. Washington, Chicago, Ill. Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. 1 Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. . BINDING MACHINES (See Machines, Binding) JOYCE’S FLEXIBLE SPRING POST SELF BINDER Can be used for current or transferring loose leaf records and-ledgers from any type of binder. THE EDWARD J. JOYCE FILING CO. Binders, Indexers and Organizers of Loose leaf systems. SG W. Washington Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis St., CHICAGO BINDING STRAPS (See Straps, Binding) 47 BLACKBOARDS Davenport-Taylor Mfg. Co., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Tablet & Ticket Co., 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. 48 BLINDS, VENETIAN The Bostwick-Goodell Co., Garfield at Jefferson, Norwalk, O. Burlington Venetian Blind Co., Burlington, Vt. Hough Shade Corp., 134 No. La Salle, Chicago, Ill Mackin Venetian Blind Co., 1302 N. Halsted, Chicago, Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Western Venetian Blind Co., General Office, 2700 Long Beach Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., New York, Atlanta, Memphis, Chicago, Birmingham, Bos ton, Kansas City, Portland, Cleveland, Detroit, San Francisco, Seattle, Charlotte, N. C., New Orleans, Jacksonville, Fla., and Fresno. Wilson Corp., J. G., 11 E. 38th, New York, N. Y49 BLOTTERS, ADVERTISING Albemarle Paper Mfg. Co., The, Richmond, Va. American Art Works, Coshocton, Ohio. American Calendar Co., Inc., Greenville, Tenn. Bankers Thrift Corp., 2240 N. Racine, Chicago, Ill. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Calls Bankers Service Corporation, 25 E. Bay, Savannah, Ga. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Colson Co., U. O., Paris, Ill. Commercial Lithographing Co., 815 W. Market, Louisville, Ky. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Cruvel Manufacturing Co., 2456 W. Jackson, Chicago, Ill. Delano Service, Allegan, Mich. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Dodson Mfg. Co., 1833-35 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago, Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Forbes Lithograph Mfg. Co., P. O. Box 5130, Boston, Mass. Foreman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. Goes Lithographing Co., 42 W. 61st, Chicago, Ill. Grand Rapids Calendar Co., 906 Division, Grand __ Rapids, Mich. Kemper Thomas Co., Park Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Knight Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224-230 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Martin Co., The Frank, Marshall Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Miller Bank Service, 5775 Ridge, Chicago, Ill. Murphy Co., The Thos. D., Red Oak, la. National Service Bureau of New York, Inc., 80 John, New York, N. Y. The Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, Ohio. Osborne Co., 759 Summer Ave., Newark, N. J. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. RAND MCNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Shaw Advertising Co., 520 Produce Exch. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Shuman Co., Frank G., 711 W. Jackson, Chicago, Slogan Advertising Agency, 128 E. Main, Norris town, Pa. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d. Williamsport, Pa. Standard Paper Mfg. Co., Richmond, Va. Strayer Coin Bag Co., NewBrighton, Pa. Stronghart Co., 2944 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Thiel & Co., E. C„ 3731 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Cal. Wrenn Paper Co., Middletown, Ohio. BOND AND COUPON CANCELLING MACHINES (See Machines, Cancelling, Bond & Coupon) BOND VALUE TABLES (See Tables, Bond Value; also Publications, Financial) BONDS, CIRCULATION 50 Pratt & Sons, Inc., A. S., Wilkins Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. 51 BONDS, ENGRAVED AND PRINTED (See also Certificates, Stock and Bond) Capitol Banknote Co., 429 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ill. Corporation Bank Note Co., 38 So. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. Sentinel Printing Co., 10th at Fort Wayne Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Young & Selden Company, 224 Calvert, Baltimore, Md. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 15G Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 52 BOOKBINDERS Benson & Sons, Inc., Benj. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Berg, Joseph, 30 Ferry, New York, N. Y. Bushong & Co., Inc., Park & Stark, Portland, Ore. Clark & Courts, Galveston, Texas. Commercial Lithographing Co., 815 W. Market, Louisville, Ky. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Dodsworth Stationery Co., 412-414 W. 10th, Kansas City, Mo. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Forman-Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Hall Co., J. C., 68 W. Exchange, Providence, R. I. Irwin-Hodson Co., 115 N. 15th, Portland, Ore. Isaac Brothers, 425 Wall, Los Angeles, Cal. Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Edward J. Joyce Filing Co., 56 W. Washington, Chicago, Ill. Klipto Loose Leaf Co., 15-17 S. Delaware, Mason, la. Knight-Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lion Systems, Inc., 56 W. Washington, Chicago, Ill. Lloyd Co., W. C., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McBee Co., Athens, O. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. ' Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Smith Co., Oscar T. & Son, 407 E. Saratoga, Baltimore, Md. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 21 S. La Salle, Chicago,Ill. Young & Selden, 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. BOOKCASES (See Furniture, Bank and Office) BOOKKEEPING (For Bookkeeping Machines, etc., see specific headings by noun, as for example: Machines, Bookkeeping; Supplies, Machine Bookkeeping, etc.) 53 BOOKLETS, ADVERTISING (See also Advertising, Direct Mail) Armstrong Advertising Co., 120 S. La Salle, Chi cago, Ill. Bauder-Baker, 225 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul. Minn. Business Library, 130 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Craddick Service, Inc., 716 Fourth Ave., S. Minne apolis, Minn. Dameron Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Dorland Agency, Inc., 101 Park Ave., New York. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Edwards & Deutsch Lithographing Co., 2320-36 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Forbes Lithograph Mfg. Co., P. O. Box 513Q, Boston. Mass. Forman-Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. Graves, Inc., Wm. Elliott, 30 N. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Hamman Adv., Inc., K. L., 316 Thirteenth, Oak land, Cal. Hawk, C. F., 33 Public Square, Cleveland, O. Inland Co., 608 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Levey Printing Co., State House Square, Indian apolis, Ind. Meyer Both Co., Michigan at 20th, Chicago, Ill. National Service Bureau of New York, Inc., 80 John, New York, N. Y. Nichols & Brown, Tribune Tower, Chicago, Ill. Parlette Padget Co., 75 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago. Ill. Purse Printing Co., 5th and Chestnut, Chatta nooga, Tenn. Shuman-Haws Adv. Co., 820 Tower Court, Chicago, Ill. Slogan Advertising Agency, 128 E. Main, Norris town, Pa. Staples & Staples, Inc., 10 S. 10th, Richmond, Va. TEMPLE CO., J. C., 55 E. Main, Columbus, O. (See our adv. on this page.) Welton Advertising, Arthur D., 844 Rush, Chicago, Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles. Calif. 57 BOOKS, CASH, TELLERS Flammger & Grahl Blank Book Co., 318 N. Third, St. Louis, Mo. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, III. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Con gress, Detroit, Mich. (See our adv. on page 28G.) Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., San Francisco, Cal. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. 54 BOOKS, BABY American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, Tex. Baby Mine Co., 23 Division Ave., S., Grand Rapids, Mich. Continental Bank Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. 58 BOOKS, CHECK Bankers Printing Co., 83<? Montgomery, San Francisco, Cal. Benson & Sons, Benj. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Berg, Joseph, 30 Ferry, New York, N. Y. Commercial Lithographing Co., 815 W. Market, Louisville, Ky. Congress Printing & Lithographing Co., 1265 W. 2d, Cleveland, O. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University,’ St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierce Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. The Drew Co., H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Hall Co., J. C., 68 W. Exchange, Providence, R. I. Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Pioneer, Inc., 12th & A., Tacoma, Wash. Proudfit Loose Leaf Co., 10 Logan St., S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Reynolds & Reynolds Co., Washington & Dudley, Dayton, O. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Schaefer Mfg. Co., O. E., 4189 Chippewa, St. Louis, Mo. Smith _Co., Oscar T., & Son, 407 E. Saratoga, Baltimore, Md. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Stephens Lithographing & Engr. Co., 420 N. 2d, St. Louis, Mo. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Union Lithograph Co., Inc., 2030 E. 7th, Los Angeles, Cal. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Cal. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. 55 BOOKS, BANKING AND BUSINESS Appleton & Co., D., 29-35 W. 32d, New York, N. Y. Indexers, The, 310 S. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Moody’s Investors Service, 35 Nassau, New York, N. Y. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. 56 BOOKS, BLANK Adams Lithographing & Printing Co., 116 2d, Pine Bluff, Ark. American Sales Book Co., Ltd., Elmira, N. Y. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., 311 S. High, Columbus, O. Cockrum Printing Co., J. W., Oakland City, Ind. Crookston Times Printing Co., Broadway and Fletcher, Crookston, Minn. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Democrat Printing & Lithographing Co., Scott & 2d, Little Rock, Ark. Dodsworth Stationery Co., Sam’l, 412-414 W. 10th, Kansas City, Mo. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Flammger & Grahl Blank Book Co., 318 N. Third, St. Louis, Mo. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewod & Pryor, Atlanta,Ga. Forman Bassett Company, 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Isaac Brothers, 425 Wall, Los Angeles, Cal. Johnson & Quin, 547 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Mann Co.. Wm.. 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Pioneer, Inc., 12th & A., Tacoma, Wash. Razall Mfg. Co., H. G., Milwaukee, Wis. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Southern States Ptg. Co., Inc., The, Griffin, Ga. Standard Printing Co., 201-205 N. Third, Hanni bal, Mo. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. United States Check Book Co., 1309 Howard, Omaha, Neb. Widman & Sons Co., Inc., J. F., McGregor, Iowa. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md.; Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. BEST QE© SO'NGS <* » * <, The old songs have a powerful grip on people and it is because of that fact that “Best Old Songs” has shown its popularity as an advertising medium. This book of 48 pages and 94 old favorites has not been suddenly devised. It is the outcome of many years of experience in publishing this type of book. The songs have been selected because of their proven and unending appeal. The size is convenient (5%" x 8%"); the book is carefully printed; the paper is excellent; the cover is an attractive blue and cuts can be effec tively printed on it. The bottom of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 59 BOOKS, COMBINATION CHECK AND PASS Continental Bank Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Reynolds & Reynolds Co., Washington & Dudley, Dayton, O. Stephens Lithographing & Engr. Co., 420 N. 2d, St. Louis, Mo. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. BOOKS, EXPENSE (See Stationers) 60 BOOKS, FARM RECORD American Art Works, Coshocton, O. Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. Marshall Ptg. Co., 20 W. Main, Marshalltown, la. Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. the front page and the entire back page are for the bank’s imprint and message to its particular community. “Best Old Songs” gives the people something they can use. People are eager to get it, appreciate it, keep it for years, and all because they derive joy and benefit from it. People will come into the bank to get it. It is an all-year favorite because it contains not only popular songs but also patriotic songs which come to the fore on all national holidays. It is successfully distributed to schools, homes, lodges, granges, societies, churches, con ventions. Samples are always kept on hand by us. Wouldn’t you like to see a sample? Write to THE J. C. TEMPLE COMPANY 55 East Main Street Columbus, Ohio SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 16G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 61 BOOKS, LOOSE LEAF Adams Co., S. G., 412-414 N. 6th, St. Louis, Mo. Blackwell, Wielandy Co., 1601 Locust St., Louis. Mo. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University, St. Paul, Minn. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main St., Kala mazoo, Mich. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Horder’s, Inc., 236 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Isaac Brothers, 425 Wall, Los Angeles, Cal. Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. Lefax (Inc.), 9th & Sansom, Philadelphia, Pa. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lloyd Co., W. C„ 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Proudfit Loose Leaf Co., 10 Logan St., S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Richmond & Backus Co., The, Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 21 S. LaSalle, Chicago, Ill. Tallman, Robbins & Co., 314 W. Superior, Chicago, IU. Western Litho. Co., 600 2d, Los Angeles,' Calif. Wilson-Jones Co., 3300 Franklin Blvd., Chicago,Ill. Wilson Memindex Co., Rochester, N. Y. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. 62 BOOKS, MEMO Adams Mfg. Co., Henry T., 8561 S. Chicago, Chicago, Ill. American Art Works, Coshocton, O. Colson Co., U. O., Paris, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Feldman System Mfg. Co., 2306 Armitage, Chi cago, Ill. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Kemper Thomas Co., Park Ave., Norwood Sta., Cincinnati, O. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Martin Co. (The Frank), Marshall Bldg., Cleve land, O. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Voss Co., Herman, 603 E. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Weiman Brothers, 421 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Wilson Memindex Co., Rochester, N. Y. Young & Gardner Co., 655 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. BOOKS, PASS (See Pass Books) BOOTHS, COUPON (See also Fixtures) Hart & Hutchinson Co., New Britain, Conn. Dibb Mfg. Co., Inc., 515 Third Ave., N. E., Min neapolis, Minn. Formed Steel Cabinet & Equipment Co., 508 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Gaylord Bros., Inc., 155 Gifford, Syracuse, N. Y. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, Ohio. Knight-Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Lonson Mfg. Co., 180 E. 3d, St. Paul, Minn. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa Stuart-Hooper Co., 4097 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka. Kans. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., N.W., Cleveland, Ohio. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Weis Mfg. Co., Union, Monroe, Mich. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Arthur C. Tauck & Co., 20 Clinton St., Newark, N. J. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S Dearborn, Chicago, 72 BOXES, FOLDING Bankers Box Co., 536 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Beck Specialty Co., Waterloo, la. Continental Bank Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. 67 BOXES, CURRENCY Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Steel Co., Inc., 401 E. 23d, New York, N. Y. Formed Steel Cabinet & Equipment Co., 508 S. Dearborn, Chicago, IU. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, Ohio. Lonson Mfg. Co., 180 E. 3d, St. Paul, Minn. Merriam Mfg. Co., Durham, Conn. Smead Mfg. Co., 309 Second, Hastings, Minn. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Arthur C. Tauck & Co., 20 Clinton St., Newark, N. J. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md.; Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. 68 BOXES, DEPOSIT, SAFETY Alien-Marshall Co., Ivan, 40 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. BANK VAULT INSPECTION CO., 5 So. 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Cary Safe Co., 1200 Niagara, Buffalo, N. Y. Collins Safe & Fixture Co., W. D., 513 West Main Denison, Tex. Cramer Brothers Safe Co., 1417 McGee, Kansas City, Mo. Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., Canton Ohio. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. Gross-Feibel Co., Fair & Elm, Hillsboro, O. Hall’s Safe Co., 3253 Spring Grove Ave., Cin cinnati, O.. Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Grand Boulevard, Hamilton, O. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Meilink Steel Safe Co., Toledo, O. Merriam Mfg. Co., Durham, Conn. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, O. National Safe & Lock Co., E. 69th & Quincy, Cleveland, O. Portland Wire & Iron Works, 294 Second, Port land, Ore. Remington & Sherman Co., 1545 N. Delaware, Philadelphia, Pa. Steel Equipment Corp., Avenel, N. J. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Waverly Company, Indianapolis, Ind. West Co., M. &., 117 Front, San Francisco, Cal. York Safe & Lock Co., York, Pa. 63 64 BOOTHS, TELEPHONE The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Graybar Electric Co., Graybar Bldg., New York, N. Y. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. BORROWER’S STATEMENT FORMS (See Forms, Bank) BOSTON LEDGERS (See Ledgers, Boston) 66 BOXES, BOND Art Steel Co., Inc., 401 E. 23rd, New York, N. Y. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, Ohio. Steel Equipment Corp., Avenel, N. J. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. 66 BOXES, COIN Abbott Coin Counter Co., 143d & Wales Ave., New York, N. Y. Art Steel Co., Inc., 401 E. 23d, New York, N. Y. Bankers Specialty Corp., 5 Beekman St., New York, N. Y. ' Currier Manufacturing Co., Northwestern Ter minal, Minneapolis, Minn. Denmson Mfg Co., 300 Howard, Framingham, FRASER Mass. Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 69 BOXES, EXPRESS Merriam Mfg. Co., Durham, Conn. 70 BOXES, FIBRE BOARD, CORRUGATED Bankers Box Co., Rand McNally Bldg., Chicago, Blaine Systems Co., 140 Glenridge Ave., Montclair, N. J. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, Ohio. The Kay-Dee Co., 3644 S. 36th, Lincoln, Neb. Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, 71 BOXES, FILING Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Baker & Co., Edw. J., 10 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Bankers Box Co., Rand McNally Bldg., Chicago, Blackwell, Wielandy Co., 1601 Locust, St. Louis, Mo. Blaine Systems Co., 140 Glenridge Ave., Montclair, N. J. Danbury Box Company, Danbury, Conn. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, Ohio. Hinde & Dauch Paper Co., 331 Decatur, San dusky, O. Kay-Dee Co., 3644 S. 36th, Lincoln, Neb. Lefax (Inc.), 9th & Sansom, Philadelphia, Pa. Lummus Bankers Service (not inc.), Julian, Hendersonville, N. C. Merriam Mfg. Co., Durham, Conn. Perfection Box Corp., 555 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill, Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Standard Filing Box Co., 1115-19 N. Franklin, Chicago, Ill. 73 BOXES, MESSENGER Merriam Mfg. Co., Durham, Conn. Diebold Safe & Look Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., Canton, Ohio. 74 BOXES, METAL All-Steel-Equip Company, Aurora, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Bankers Specialty Corp., 5 Beekman St., New York, N. Y. Currier Manufacturing Co., Inc., North Western Terminal, Minneapolis, Minn. Dibb Mfg. Co., Inc., 515 Third Ave., N. E„ Minneapolis, Minn. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, Ohio. Lyon Metal Products, Inc., Aurora, Ill. Merriam Mfg. Co., Durham, Conn. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Steel Bound Box Co., 5039 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, Ill. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Watson Manufacturing Co., 1000 Taylor, James town, N. Y. 75 BOXES, STRONG Erie Art Metal Co., Erie, Pa. Merriam Mfg. Co., Durham, Conn. 76 BOXES, STRONG, PAYROLL Art Steel Co., Inc., 401 E. 23d, New York, N. Y. Merriam Mfg. Co., Durham, Conn. 77 BRACKETS, TELEPHONE American Electric Co., Inc., 6401 S. State, Chicago, Ill. Enduro Mfg. Co., 14 Franklin, Rochester, N. Y. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. MacLeod Mfg. Co., 2640 Greenview, Chicago, Ill. BRASS SIGNS (See Signs, Brass and Bronze) 78 BRASSW0RK Acme Wire & Iron Works, 12340 Cloverdale, Detroit, Mich. Art In Bronze Co., Inc., 1621 E. 41st, Cleveland, O. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Baldwin Brass Works, 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madi son Ave., Cleveland, O. Biddle-Gaumer Co., 3846 Lancaster, Philadelphia, Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Imperial Brass Mfg. Co., 1200 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Michaels Art Bronze Co., Inc., 230 Scott, Coving ton, Ky. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, Ohio. Oregon Brass Works, 2d & Everett, Portland, Ore. Standard Iron & Wire Works, 510 E. 10th, Chat tanooga, Tenn. Usona Mfg. Co., 3512 Chouteau, St. Louis, Mo. Watson Manufacturing Co., 1000 Taylor, James town, N. Y. 79 BRICK American Face Brick Assn., 128 N. Wells, C&cago, Moulding Brick Co., Thomas, 228 N. La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. BRIEF CASES (See Leather Goods) BROADCASTING SETS, RADIO (See I^adio Broadcasting Sets) 80 BROKERS, BANK Backer, Jacob, 716 New York Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Balch, S. D., Los Gatos, Cal. Overstreet Co., J. W., 416 Soo Line Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. Sanders, H. D., 1005 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Walters Co., Chas. E., 1424 First Nat’l Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 81 BRONZE, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL Acme Wire & Iron Works, 12340 Cloverdale, Detroit, Mich. American Bronze Co., 1316 W. 63d, Chicago, Ill. AMERICAN IRON & WIRE WORKS, 1622 Carroll Ave., Chicago, Ill. Art in Bronze Co., Inc., 1621 E. 41st., Cleveland, Ohio. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Baldwin Brass Works, 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. Biddle-Gaumer Co., 3846 Lancaster, Philadelphia, Pa. Cassidy Co., Inc., 101 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Coleman, Adelbert E., 336 W. 37th, Chicago, Ill. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Georgia Show Case Co., Montgomery, Ala. Illinois Bronze & Iron Works, 917 S. Kildare, Chicago, Ill. . . Imperial Brass Mfg. Co., 1200 Harrison, Chicago, Lupton’s Sons Co., David, Allegheny Ave. & Tulip, Philadelphia, Pa. Matthews Co., Jas. H„ 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mead Equipment Co., Huntington, W. Va. Michaels Art Bronze Co., Inc., 230-240 Scott St., Covington, Ky. Mount & Robertson, Inc., 62 Broad, New York, N. Y. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237 S. Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. „ NEWMAN MFG. CO., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Ohmer, A. & R. F., Inc., 113 N. Jefferson St., Dayton, O. Oregon Brass Works, 2d & Everett, Portland, Ore. Southern Brass Mfg. & Plating Co., 6614 Harris burg Blvd., Houston, Tex. Standard Iron & Wire Works, 510 E. 10th, Chatta nooga, Tenn. Taylor-Palmer Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Tyler Co., W. S., 3615 Superior Ave., Cleveland, O. Usona Mfg. Co., 3512 Chouteau, St. Louis, Mo. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Wisconsin Iron and Wire Works, 1660 Booth, MilWomack & Sons, Inc., J. P., Lakewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. 82 BRONZE PLATES American Bronze Co., 1316 W. 63d, Chicago, Ill. ART IN BRONZE CO., INC., 1621 E. 41st, Cleveland, O. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madi son Ave., Cleveland, O. Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. ___ Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Dobie & Co., Arthur L., 523 N. Halsted, Chicago, in. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Matthews Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. . ~ Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm St., Cincinnati, O. Philadelphia Enameling Works, 254 N. 13th, Philadelphia, Pa. . Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Stronghart Company, 2944 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Twentieth Century Co., 538 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Tyler Co., The W. S., 3615 Superior Ave., Cleve land, O. . Usona Mfg. Co., 3512 Chouteau, St. Louis, Mo. Williams Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Wood-Detroit Mfg. Co., 170 E. Larned, Detroit, Mich. BRONZE SIGNS (See Signs, Brass and Bronze) BUDGET SYSTEMS, HOME (See Systems, Budget, Home) BUILDERS, BANK (See Architects and Builders) BUILDING AND LOAN ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Building and Loan) BULLET-PROOF GLASS (See Glass, Bullet-Proof) BULLETIN BOARDS 83 Bilt Rite Mfg. Co., 447 N. Wood St., Chicago, Ill. Bonded Floors Co., Inc., 1421 Chestnut, Phila delphia. . Brakmeier Bros., 112 S. Fourth, Louisville, Ky. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Clark Mfg. Co., R. W., 4311 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Davenport-Taylor Mfg. Co., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Ill. The Davis Bulletin Co., Inc., Lock, Buffalo, N. Y. General Outdoor Advertising Co., Inc., 1 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Digitized forMatthews FRASER & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Matthews Industries, Inc., 685 Mullett, Detroit, Mich. Meeker Co., Inc., 3d & Michigan, Joplin, Mo. National Adv. Service, Inc., La Grange, Ind. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Peoples Mfg. Co., 564 W. Randolph, Chicago, Ill. Philadelphia Enameling Works, 254 N. 13th, Philadelphia, Pa. Price & Co., Inc., Henry F., 15 E. 40th, New York, N. Y. Sunset System, 2323 Broadway, San Antonio, Tex. Tablet & Ticket Co., 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Wisconsin Iron & Wire Works, 1660 Booth, Mil waukee, Wis. 84 BULLETIN BOARDS, FARM Nat’l Adv. Service, Inc., La Grange, Ind. Peoples Mfg. Co., 564 W. Randolph, Chicago, Ill. Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. BURGLAR ALARMS 85 American District Telephone & Telegraph Co.* 183 Varick, New York, N. Y. Bankers Electrical Protection Co., 139 Lyndale Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Burglary Protection Co., 738 Ceres Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Butte Electric & Mfg. Co., 956 Folsom, San Francisco, Calif. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Danne, Harold A., 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. Duplex Electric Co., 71-73 Grand, New York, N.Y. Holmes Electric Protective Co., 370 Seventh, New York, N. Y. Lake Erie Chemical Co., 1874 E. 59th, Cleveland, O. McClintock Co., O. B„ 135 Lyndale Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 114 Third Ave., Seattle, ■W Patrick & Wilkins Co., 51 N. 7th, Philadelphia, Pa. Underwriters’ Laboratories, 207 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. 86 BURGLAR ALARMS (GAS) American Lock Works, First Nat’l Bk. Bldg., Ft. Dodge, Iowa. Federal Laboratories, Inc., 1631 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lake Erie Chemical Co., 1874 E. 59th, Cleveland, Ohio. 87 BURGLAR ALARMS, LOCAL BANK VAULT McCLINTOCK CO., O. B., 139 Lyndale Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. 88 BURGLAR ALARM INSPECTION Underwriters’ Laboratories, Ino., 207 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES (See Safes, Fire & Burglar-Proof) BURGLARY INSURANCE (See Insurance, Burglary) 89 I BUSINESS BOOKS (See Books, Banking & Business) The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. 90 BUTTONS, ADVERTISING Adcraft Manufacturing Co., 2448-56 W. 22d St., Chicago, Ill. American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, Ohio. _ Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Childs & Co., S. D„ 136 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510-26 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Philadelphia Badge Co., 942 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. CABINETS, COIN 91 Bankers Specialty Corp., 5 Beekman St., New York, N. Y. Formed Steel Cabinet & Equipment Co., 508 S Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. 92 CABINETS, COIN WRAPPER Abbott Coin Counter Co., 143d & Wales Ave., New York, N. Y. . Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Downey Co., C. L., 941 Clark, Cincinnati, Ohio. Standard-Johnson Co;, 371 Pacific, Brooklyn, N. Y 17G 93 CABINETS, FILING Adams Company, S. G., 412-414 N. 6th, St. Louis, Mo. All-Steel-Equip Company, Aurora, Ill. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, O. Browne Morse Co., Muskegon, Mich. Bushong & Co., Inc., Park & Stark, Portland, Ore. Canton Art Metals Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Cargill Co., Capitol, Brazos & Rusk, Houston, Tex. Columbia Steel Equipment Co., 1735 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Grant & Co., H. R., 2322 Madison, Chicago, Ill. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Lefax (Inc.), 9th & Sansom, Philadelphia, Pa. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Macey Co., 1520 Division Ave., S., Grand Rapids, Mich. Marshall Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, III. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McNamara Office Supply Co., 507 Locust, Des Moines, Iowa. Metal Office Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Ohmer, Inc., Alfred A. & Robert F., 113 N. Jefferson, Dayton, O. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co., 735 Market San Francisco, Cal. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steel Equipment Corp., Avenel, N. J. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kans. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 21 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Stow & Davis Furniture Co., 70 S. Front Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Wagemaker Co., 566 Market, S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Weis Mfg. Co.Union, Monroe, Mich. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 94 CABINETS, LEDGER POSTING MACHINE Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Currier Manufacturing Co., Inc., North Western Terminal, Minneapolis, Minn. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Washington, Buffalo, N. Y. Watson Manufacturing Co., 1000 Taylor, James town, N. Y. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO.. Rochester, N. Y. 95 CABINETS, MAP Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. 96 CABINETS, STEEL Albatross Steel Equipment Co., P. O. Drawer A., Sawtelle, Cal. All-Steel-Equip Company, Aurora, Ill. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Angle Steel Stool Co., Inc., 2 Oak, Plainwell, Mich. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. The Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, O. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Dameron-Pierson Company, 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Durabilt Steel Locker Co., Aurora, Ill. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N- YGeneral Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Imperial Steel Cabinet Co., 2136 Fulton, Chicago, Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 18G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) CABINETS, STEEL—Continued Lyon Metal Products, Inc., Aurora, Ill. Macey Co., 1520 Division Ave., S., Grand Rapids, Mich. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Medard Mfg. Co., Fred, 3535 De Kalb, St. Louis, Mo. Mount & Robertson, 62 Broad, New York, N. Y. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. The Shaw Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steel Equipment Corp., Avenel, N. J. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kans. Terrell’s Equipment Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Manufacturing Co., 1000 Taylor, James town, N. Y. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y 97 CABINETS. STORAGE All-Steel-Equip Company, Aurora, Ill. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Becker Co., John C., 41 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfiel'd Way, N. E., Canton, O. The A. Claus Mfg. Co., 5250 Brookpark Rd., Cleveland, O. Columbia Steel Equipment Co., 1735 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Dameron-Pierce Company Ltd., 300 Camp, New Orleans, La. Durabilt Steel Locker Co., Aurora, Ill. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Hart & Hutchinson Co., New Britain, Conn. Invincible Metal Furniture, Co. Manitowoc, Wis. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lyon Metal Products, Inc., Aurora, Ill. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Medart Mfg. Co., Fred, St. Louis, Mo. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Steel Equipment Corp., Avenel, N. J. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Terrell’s Equipment Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, CALCULATING MACHINES (See Machines, Calculating) 102 CALCULATORS, TIME & INTEREST Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., 2320-36 Wabash. Chicago, Ill. Hughes Co., P. R., 1106 Adams, Toledo, O. Meilicke Systems, Inc., 3466 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. National Time Computer Co., 514 Prior Ave., No., St. Paul, Minn. Robinsonian Interest Book Co., 545 Federal St Chicago, Ill. Stout Interest Calculator Co., 1106]^ Adams, Toledo, O. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Watson Manufacturing Co., 1000 Taylor, James town, N. Y. Weis Mfg. Co., Monroe, Mich. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 98 CABINETS, TOWEL Dameron-Pierce Company, Ltd., 300 Camp, New Orleans, La. A. P. W. Paper Co., 1273 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Selig Co., 336 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 99 CALENDAR DESK PADS (See Pads, Desk, Calendar) CABINETS, TRAY Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, 103 Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Currier Manufacturing Co., Inc., North Western Terminal, Minneapolis, Ind. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Pressteel Engineering Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. , YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 100 CABINETS, TYPEWRITER Currier Manufacturing Co., Inc., North Western Terminal, Minneapolis, Minn. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Washington, Buffalo, N. Y. CABINETWORK (See Woodwork) 101 CAGES, BANK (See also Grillwork) American Iron & Wire Works, 1622 Carroll Ave.. Chicago, Ill. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O Standard Iron & Wire Works, 510 E. 10th, Chatta nooga, Tenn. Watson Manufacturing Co., 1000 Tavlor, James town, N. Y. SPECIAL CALENDARS The Adams-Lessack Co., 1507 Arch St., Philadel phia, Pa. Advertising Specialty Co., 609 Ryan Bldg., St, Paul, Minn. American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, O. American Calendar Co., Inc., Greeneville, Tenn. American-Canadian Maturity Guide, 1039-41 Gib bon, Pittsburgh, Pa. American Embossing Co., 196 Seneca, Buffalo, N.Y The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Neb. Baumgarth Co., John, 1219 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Brace & Co., H. G., 7th N. & Harrison, Seattle, Wash. Broderick Co., 460 Robert, St. Paul, Minn. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Bureau of Engraving, Inc., 500 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Business Reviving Co., Oblong, Ill. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Til. CLARK PRINTING & MANUFACTURING CO., 417 N. Vesper, Lock Haven, Pa. (See our adv. on this page.) Colson Co., U. O., Paris, Ill. Columbia Art Works, Inc., 1024 Juneau, Mil waukee, Wis. Coshocton Specialty Co., Boyd Bldg., Coshocton, Defiance Sales Corporation, 72-78 Spring, New York, N. Y. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Economy Adv. Co., Linn & Market, Iowa City, la. Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., 2320-36 S. Wabash, Chicago, Ill. Write us and receive complete samples and information. TWELVE SHEET HISTORICAL FEATURE calendar THE CLARK / PRINTING & MFG. CO. 14x18 in. Added Features Lock Haven, Pa. Guarantee Full Twelve Months Advertising “BRASTEX” SIGNS AND CALENDARS OF DISTINCTION Signs made in Brass, Bronze, Silver and Copper finishes for WALL or WINDOW DISPLAY Calendars Made in all sizes, up to 12x17 inches. DAILY DATE WEEKLY, MONTHLY or THREE MONTHS STYLES for WALL or DESK, YOUR Building or other design faithfully reproduced on metal that is permanently brilliant. No polishing necessary. The National Art Works, Inc., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis covington. ky. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 19U Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) CALENDARS—Continued Erickson Co., Inc., C. E.,* 506 W. Third, Des. Moines, la. Extension Press, 25 E. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Fogarty Mfg. Co., 800 Monument Ave., Dayton, O. Follis Adv. Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Forbes-Lithograph Mfg. Co., P. O. Box 5130, Boston, Mass. Forman Bassett Co., 2427 W. 3rd, Cleveland, O, Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. I. D L. Mfg. Corp., 200 Hudson, New York, N. Y. Joliet Calendar Co., Gardner, Joliet, Ill. Jung Co., Geo. H., 109 W. Central Pkwy., Cin cinnati, O. Kemper-Thomas Co., Park Ave., Norwood, O. Kenyon Co., Inc., 303 Grand Ave., Des Moines, la. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224-230 W. Huron. Chicago, Ill. Lawrence & Co., B. E., 400 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. Mayer Mfg. Corp., 1436 Randolph, Chicago, Ill. Meeker Co., Inc., 3d & Michigan, Joplin, Mo. Merchants Publishing Co., 402 W. Main, Kala mazoo, Mich. Messenger Publishing Co., 5932 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, Ill. Metropolitan Syndicate Press, 120 N. Jefferson, Chicago, Ill. Murphy Co., The Thos. D., Red Oak, la. NATIONAL ART WORKS, INC., 710 Greer Ave., Covington, Ky. (See our adv. on opposite page.) Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, O. Osborne Co., 759 Summer Ave., Newark, N. J. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510-26 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Polar Mfg. Co., 119-125 N. 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. Red Wing Adv. Co., Main & Potter, Red Wing, Minn. Sentinel Printing Co., 10th at Ft. Wayne Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Shank Sign Co., E. A., 25 W. 43d, New York, N. Y, Shedd Brown Mfg. Co., 317 Fifth Ave. So., Minne apolis, Minn. Southard Calendar & Ptg. Co., The, 240 N. 3d, Columbus, O. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. SULLIVAN PTG. WORKS CO., 1067 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, O. (See our adv. on this page) Swinney Prtg. Co., Fort Branch, Ind. Terre Haute Adv. Co., 1317 Poplar, Terre Haute, Ind. Texas Novelty Advertising Co., 117-119 S. Waco, Hillsboro, Texas. Thrift Service Co., 2128 Richland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Twentieth Century Co., 538 S. Dearborn, Chicago', Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Williams Co., O. G., 35 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Wilson-Hurd Co., Wausau, Wis. Woodbury & Co., Inc., Chadwick Square, Worces ter, Mass. 104 CALENDARS, DAILY DATE (See also Calendars) Bankers Printing Co., 836 Montgomery, San Francisco, Cal. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Joliet Calendar Co., Gardner, Joliet, Ill. Messenger Publishing Co., 5932 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, Ill. Murphy Co., Thos. D., 110 S. 2d, Red Oak, la. NATIONAL ART WORKS, INC., 710 Greer Ave., Covington, Ky. (See our adv. on opposite page.) The Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, O. SULLIVAN PRINTING WORKS, 1067 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, O. (See our adv. on this page.) Swinney Prtg. Co., Fort Branch, Ind. 105 CALENDARS, DESK American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, Ohio. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, Tex. * American Calendar Co., Inc., Greeneville, Tenn. American-Canadian Maturity Guide, 1039-41 Gibbon, Pittsburgh, Pa. , Bar-Trex Mfg. Co., 1813 Ave. D, Birmingham, Ala. Blanchard Co., 692 Benton, Aurora, Ill. Broderick Co., 460 Robert, St. Paul, Minn. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, Ohio. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. . Davenport-Taylor Mfg. Co., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Edwards & Deutsch Lith. Co., 2320-36 Wabash, Chicago, Ill. __ , Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. V General Advertising Co., Inc., Reading, Pa. Lawrence & Co., B. E., 400 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. Leyse Aluminum Co., Kewaunee, Wis. Lion Systems, Inc., 56 W. Washington, Chicago, Ill. Messenger Publishing Co , 5932 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, Ill. _ _ Metropolitan Syndicate Press, 120 N. Jefferson, Chicago, Ill. NATIONAL ART WORKS, INC., 710 Greer Ave., Covington, Ky. (See our adv. on opposite page) Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, 0. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510-26 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. _ .... Polar Mfg., Co. 119-125 N. 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. Shedd-Brown Mfg. Co., 317 Fifth Ave., S„ Minne apolis, Minn. __ _____ „. Southard Calendar & Ptg. Co., The, 240 N. 3d, Columbus, Ohio. __ Stronghart Company, 2944 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Typo Trading Co., The, 541 Pearl, New York, N.Y. Voss Co.. Herman, 603 E. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Wratson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Williams Co., O. G., 35 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. 106 CALENDARS, MATURITY American-Canadian Maturity Guide, 1039-41 Gib bon, Pittsburgh, Pa. ___ Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., 2320-36 S. Wabash, Chicago, Ill. Hughes Co., P. R., 1106 Adams, Toledo, Ohio. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. 107 CAMERAS Agfa-Ansco Photoproducts. Inc., 29 Charles, Bing hamton, N. Y. Bell & Howell Co., 1801-1815 Larchmont Ave., Chicago, Ill. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. Gennert, Inc., G., 24 E. 13th, New York, N. Y. CANCELLING MACHINES (See Machines, Cancelling) 108 CAPS, ADVERTISING (See also Novelties, Advertising) Bemis Bro. Bag Co., 601 S. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Colson Co., U. O., Paris, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Duplex Mfg. Co., 306 S .Franklin, Chicago, Ill. Ferree Co., E. H., 61 Richmond Ave., Lockport, N. Y. Follis Adv. Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Til Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, O. Philadelphia Badge Co., 942 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. CARD RECORDS, VISIBLE (See Visible Records) CARD LEDGERS (See Ledgers, Card) CARDS, GREETING 109 American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, Ohio. American Calendar Co.. Inc., Greeneville, Tenn. American Embossing Co., 196 Seneca, Buffalo, N.Y. Bankers Printing Co., 836 Montgomery, San Francisco, Cal. , . , Baumgarth Co., John, 1219 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. „ „ , ,,. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Commercial Lithographing Co., 815 W. Market, Louisville, Ky. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. ____ . , _ Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Gartner & Bender, 1104 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kemper Thomas Co., Park Ave., Norwood, O. Knight-Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224-230 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Martin Co., The Frank, Marshall Bldg., Cleveland,. O. Murphy Co., Thos. D., Red Oak, la. NATIONAL ART WORKS, INC., 710 Greer Aye., Covington, Ky. Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, O. Osborne Co., 759 Summer Ave., Newark, N. J. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510-26 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Purse Printing Co., 5th & Chestnut, Chattanooga, Tenn. Shaw Advertising Co., 520 Produce Exch. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Stafford-Lowdon Co., 610 W. Daget, Ft. Worth, Tex. Stevens Maloney & Co., 21 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Volland Co., P. F., Joliet, Ill. Woodbury & Co., Inc., Chadwick Sq., Worcester, IV^[{LSS Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md.; Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. CARDS, STREET CAR (See Advertising, Street Car) CARPETS (See Equipment, Bank & Office) 110 CASES, BANKERS’ The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Horder’s, Inc., 236 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Stuart Hooper-Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. 111 CASES, CALENDAR (See also Racks. Calendar) Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York. N. Y. CASES, CATALOGUE 112 Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 113 CASES, MAP General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St„ Chicago, Ill. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. CALENDARS DAILY CALENDARS MONTHLY CALENDARS SPECIAL CALENDARS -*£♦ <$*■ THE SULLIVAN PRINTING WORKS CO. Manufacturing Calendars Exclusively 1067 Gilbert Ave. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - CINCINNATI, OHIO J. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) NowEndorse as yonlist” With the perfect checlt endorser. 114 CASES. NOTE, STEEL All-Steel-Equip. Company, Aurora, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave Jamestown, N. Y. Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill Art Steel Co., Inc., 401 W. 23d, New York, N Y Formed Steel Cabinet & Eqt. Co., 508 S. Dearborn Chicago, Ill. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Knight-Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Kohlhaas Co., 183 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Metal Office Furniture Co.. Grand Rapids, Mich. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Steel Equipment Corp., Avenel, N. J. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Stuart Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Victor Safe & Equipment Co., Marietta, O. Watson Mfg. Co., 1(300 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. CASH BOOKS, TELLERS’ (See Books, Cash, Tellers’) CASHIERS, AUTOMATIC (See Coin Changers) CELLULOID NOVELTIES (See Novelties, Celluloid) CENTRAL FILES (See Files, Central) CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT FORMS (See Forms, Bank) HE “AMERICAN” Check Endorser is usually used in conjunction with the Adding Machine. As each check is listed it is simply dropped into a wide slot in the Endorser, therefore, listing and endorsing become one operation. T All checks receive a perfect printed endorsement. Skips are impossible. No extra labor to endorse checks. Clerks list right up to the last minute —no time out for stamping. Batch numbers or A.M. and P.M. on each check if wanted. New and important features found only in the “AMERICAN” demand your consideration. Write for complete in formation before buying any Endorser. For checlfc canceling the “self-repairing** perforator. 115 CERTIFICATES, STOCK & BOND American Bank Note Co., 118-132 E. 20th, Chicago, Ill. American Bank Supply Co., 628 N. Illinois, Indi anapolis, Ind. Capitol Banknote Co., 429 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ill. Central Banknote Co., 319 N. Albany, Chicago, Ill. Columbian Bank Note Co., 500 S. Ashland Blvd.. Chicago, Ill. Cohimbus Bank Note Co., 40 E. Spring, Columbus, Commercial Lithographing Co., 815 W. Market. Louisville, Ky. Corporation Bank Note Co., 38 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Dameron-Pierce Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Forbes Lithograph Mfg. Co., P. O. Box 5130, Boston, Mass. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Goes Lithographing Co., 42 W. 61st, Chicago, Ill. Knight-Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Mercantile Printing Co., 107 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. NORTHERN BANK NOTE CO., 2340 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Famam, Omaha, Neb. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Reserve Litho. & Ptg. Co., 800-812 Huron Rd., Cleveland, O. Sentinel Printing Co., 10th at Fort Wayne Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Standard Bank Note Co., 351 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. Stephens Lithographing & Engr. Co., 420 N. 2d, St. Louis, Mo. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 21 S. LaSalle, Chicago, Ill. Swinney Prtg. Co., Fort Branch, Ind. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles. Cal. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. 116 THE “AMERICAN” No. 22 “Self-repairing” Perforator INS and clips concealed in the checks are the primary cause of dull, bent or broken perforating needles. The “AMER ICAN” No. 22 is the only hand machine that doesn’t require periodical trips to the factory for expensive repairs. Dam aged needles are replaced in five minutes’ time. Your next perforator will be an “AMERICAN” No.22. Write us for our liberal trade-in proposition. Improved foot power and electric models also. P THE AMERICAN PERFORATOR CO. Incorporated 1910 Main Office & Works 61 7 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago, FRASERIllinois Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Eastern Sales & Service 24 Thames Street New York City CERTIFIERS, CHECK (See also Check, Endorsers) Ajax Time Stamp Co., 354 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Colonial Engraving Co., 143 Federal, Boston, Mass. The Hedman Mfg. Co., 1158 Center, Chicago, Ill. Hercules Supply Co., 100 E. 42d, New York, N. Y. Joslin Mfg. Co., A. D., 123 Arthur, Manistee, Mich. Safford Stamps Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, CHAIR PADS (See Supplies, Bank & Office) 117 CHAIRS Alien-Marshall Co., Ivan, 40 Marietta, Atlanta.Ga. Aluminum Co. of America, Oliver Bldg., Pitts burgh, Pa. Becker Co., John C., 41 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. The Claus Mfg. Co., A., 5250 Brookpark Rd., Cleveland, O. Colonial Chair Co., 1730 N. Maplewood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Doten Dunton Desk Co., 210 Broadway, Cam bridge, Mass. Ehrlich & Sons Mfg. Co., H„ Colo. & Lake, St. Joseph, Mo. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Johnson Chair Co., 4400 W. North, Chicago. Ill. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 59 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Karpen & Bros., S„ 801 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill Lexington Desk Co., Inc., 157 E. 44th, New York Maunsells Office Supply Co./ Montpelier, Vt. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Milwaukee Chair Co., 624 S. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Northwestern Furniture Co., 271 W. Water, Mil waukee, Wis. Orchard & Wilhelm Co.. 414 S. 16th, Omaha, Neb Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Pembroke Co., 24 E. Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. Rastetter Sons, Louis, Fort Wayne, Ind. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Sikes Co., 23d & Passayunk Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Stow & Davis Furniture Co., 70 S. Front Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Sturgis Posture Chair Co., Sturgis, Mich. Superior Furniture Co., 37 Logan, S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Taylor Chair Co., The, Bedford, O. West Co., M. G., 117 Front, San Francisco, Cal. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 118 CHAIRS, STEEL Alien-Marshall Co., Ivan, 40 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Beacon Steel Furniture Co., 1701—9 Twenty-Second St., Chicago, Ill. Becker Co., John C., 41 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. The Fritz-Gross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Royal Metal Mfg. Co., 1138 S. Michigan, Chicago, Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Toledo Metal Furniture Co., 1100 Hastings, Toledo, O. Vitek Mfg. Co., 2606 St. Marys Ave., Omaha, Neb. 119 CHAIRS, STENOGRAPHERS’ (STEEL) Domore Chair Co., Elkhart, Ind. Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Royal Metal Mfg. Co., 1138 S. Michigan, Chicago, Toledo Metal Furniture Co., 1100 Toledo, O. CHANGEABLE SIGNS (See Signs, Changeable) Hastings, CHANGE MAKERS (See Coin Changers) 120 CHARTING EQUIPMENT & SERVICE Business Charting Institute,'1812 Tribune Tower, Chicago, Ill. Multiplex Display Fixture Co., 918 N. 10th, St. , Louis, Mo. CHECK BOOK COVERS (See Covers, Check Book) CHECK BOOKS (See Books, Check) 121 CHECK DISPENSERS Bar-Trex Mfg. Co., 1813-1821 Ave. D., Birming ham, Ala. Krauth & Benninghofen, 940 Symmes Ave.. Hamilton, Ohio. 122 CHECK ENDORSERS AMERICAN PERFORATOR CO., 617 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this Dage.) Colonial Engraving Co., 143 Federal, Boston, Mass. Endorsograph Company, 24th & Locust, Phila delphia, Pa. Hedman Mfg. Co., 1158 Center, Chicago, Ill. Joslin Mfg. Co., A. D., 123 Arthur, Manistee, . Mich. Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, CHECK-END PRINTING (See Imprinting, Check) 123 CHECK LISTS, STOP-PAYMENT Continental Bank Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. McBee Co., Athens, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Washington, Buffalo, N. Y. Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. CHECK IMPRINTING (See Imprinting, Check) 124 CHECK PHOTOGRAPHING MACHINE THE NATIONAL PERFORATOR CO., 1017 No. Front, Philadelphia, Pa. RECORDAK CORPORATION, 350 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. CHECK PROTECTORS (See Protectors, Check) SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 21G Rand MfNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) CHECK RECORDERS 125 THE NATIONAL PERFORATOR CO., 1017 No. Front, Philadelphia, Pa. RECORDAK CORPORATION,350 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. CHECKS 126 American Bank Check Cover Co., 1621 Clark Ave., St. Louis, Mo. American Bank Note Co., 118-132 E. 20th, Chicago, Ill. American Bank Stationery Co., Curtain, Aiken & Hargest and Asquith, Baltimore, Md. American Bank Supply Co., 628 N. Illinois, Indi anapolis, Ind. American Bindery Corp., 1310 Maple, Detroit, Mich. Bankers Check Co., 610 Cleveland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Bankers Printing Co., 836 Montgomery, San Francisco, Cal. „ ,, Benson & Sons, B. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Berg, Joseph, 30 Ferry, New York, N. Y. Buffalo Bank Note Co., 94-96 Elm, Buffalo, N. Y. Bushong & Co., Inc., Park & Stark, Portland, Ore. Calvert Lithographing Co., 2100 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich. Capitol Bank Note Co., 429 S. Ashland Ave , Chicago, Ill. „ „, , _. _ , Cockrum Printing Co., J. W.t Oakland City, Ind. Columbian Bank Note Co., 500 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago, Ill. „ _ . Columbus Bank Note Co., 40—48 E. Spring, Columbus, O. Commercial Lithographing Co., 815 W. Market, Louisville, Ky. Congress Printing & Lithographing Co., 1265 W. 2d, Cleveland, O. Continental Bank Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. De Luxe Check Printers, Inc., 835 Orleans, Chicago, Ill.; 2531 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn.; 810 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo.; 205 E. St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, O. Drew Co., The H. & W. B„ Jacksonville, Fla. Ekonomik Bank Check Co., 450 W. Superior, Chicago, Ill. „ , . Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Forbes Litho. Mfg. Co., P O. Box 5130, Boston, IVL&ss. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, Ohio. Ft Wavne Ptg. Co.. 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne. Ind. ttat.t. CO., J. C., 68 W. Exchange, Providence, R. I. Hutson & Co., C. S., 557 S. San Pedro, Los Angeles, Cal. _ T Isler-Tompsett Litho. Co., 2940 Benton, St. Louis, Pettibone & Co., P. F„ 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Poucher Ptg. & Litho. Co., 320 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Pugh & Co., H. G., 417 Main, Little Rock, Ark. .Reserve Litho. & Ptg. Co., 800-812 Huron Rd., Cleveland, O. Reynolds & Reynolds Co., Washington & Dudley, Davton, O. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Schaefer Mfg. Co., O. E„ 4189 Chippewa, St. Louis, Mo. Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co., 735 Market, San Francisco; Cal. Smith-Brooks Printing Co., 1733 California, Denver, Colo. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Stafford-Lowdon Co., 610 W. Daget, Ft. Worth, Tex. Standard Bank Note Co., 351 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. Stephens Litho. & Engraving Co., 420 N. 2d, Si. Louis, Mo. . Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, IllSunset Press, 1045 Sansome, San Francisco, Cal. Todd Co., 1178 University Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Union Bank Note Co., 1016 Central, Kansas City, Union Lithograph Co., Inc., 2030 E. 7th, Los Angeles, Cal. United States Check Book Co., 1309-15 Howard, Omaha, Neb. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Cal. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. 131 CHESTS, STEEL All-Steel-Equip Company, Aurora, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. BANK VAULT INSPECTION CO., 5 So. Eight eenth, Philadelphia, Pa. Cary Safe Co., 1200 Niagara, Buffalo, N. Y. Davidson Co., J. L., 632-648 Mateo, Los Angeles, Cal. Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., Canton, Ohio. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. Hall’s Safe Co., 3253 Spring Grove Ave., Cin cinnati, Ohio. . Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Grand Boulevard, Hamilton, O. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Meilink Steel Safe Co., Toledo, Ohio. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, O. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237 S. Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. , „ _ . National Safe & Lock Co., E. 69th & Quincy, Cleveland, O. _ St. Louis Bank Bldg. & Eqt. Co., 906 Sidney, St. Louis, Mo. . Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. , Watson Manufacturing Co., 1000 Taylor, James town, N, Y. ^ Wisconsin Iron & Wire Works, 1660 Booth, Mil waukee, Wis. 127 CHECKS, DOOR Corbin, B. & F., Park, New Britain, Conn. Yale & Towne Mfg. Co., Stamford, Conn. 128 CHECKS, METAL Acme Stamp Co., 1100 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, O, . Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Wks., 76 Forsyth St., N. W., Atlanta. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madi son Ave., Cleveland, O. Brakmeier Bros., 112 S. 4th, Louisville, Ky. Dixie Seal & Stamp Co., Atlanta, Ga. Love & Co., J. V., 2205 Mechanic, Galveston, Tex. Matthews & Co., J. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pacific Rubber Stamp Co., 918 S. Main, Los Angeles, Cal. Sachs-Lawlor Co., 1543 Larimer, Denver, Colo. Smith, Chas. C., Exeter, Neb. Southern Stamp & Stencil Co., 48Vi N. Forsyth, Atlanta, Ga. Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredoma, Kan. . , Knight-Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Latsch Bros., Inc., 1118 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Lefax (Inc.), 9th & Samson, Philadelphia, Pa. Long Island Printing & Lithographing Co., Inc., 137 Jackson. Hempstead, N. Y. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Monasch Co., 500 Fifth, S., Minneapolis, Minn. NORTHERN BANK NOTE CO., 2340 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. ^ . Omaha Printing Co.. 1301 Farnam, Omaha, Neb Stronghart Company, 2944 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D„ 411 S. Clinton, Chicago. Ill. 129 CHECKS STUB Luthy, Chas. T., 610 Armstrong, Peoria, Ill. 130 CHEQUES, TRAVELERS’ American Express Co., 65 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Bankers Trust Co., New York, N. Y. CHILDREN’S SAVINGS (See School Savings) 132 CHRISTMAS MONEY CONTAINERS American Embossing Co., 196 Seneca, Buffalo, N.Y Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. HANDFORD BROWN CO., Coytesville-on-theHudson, N. J. (See our adv. on this page.) Hockswender Co., B. H., 711 Penn Ave., Pitts burgh, Pa. Woodbury & Co., Inc., Chadwick Sq., Worcester, Mass. CHRISTMAS SAVINGS 133 Andreasen Mfg. Co., 6647-6649 Oliphant Ave., Chicago, Ill. \ Bancad Corporation of America, 30 Church, New York, N. Y. Bancservice, Inc., 45 W. 45th, New York, N. A . Bankers Printing Co., 836 Montgomery, San Francisco, Cal. „ Bankers Service Corp., 19 Warren, New York, N.Y. Calls Bankers Service Corporation, 25 E. Bay, Savannah, Ga. ,, . , CHRISTMAS CLUB. A division of National Bancservice Corp., 45 W. 45th, New York, N. Y. (See our adv. on this page.) Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Clevelapd, O. Hockswender Co., B. H., 711 Penn, Pittsburgh, Pa. Independent Christmas Service Co., 29-31 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. . Inland Company, 608 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Lackner Co., 21 W. Pearl, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lummus Bankers Service (not inc.), Julius, Hen dersonville, N. C. _, „ Martin Co. (The Frank), Marshall Bldg., Cleve land, O. National Thrift Assn., Telegraph Press Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. . Nichols & Brown, (Tribune Tower, Chicago, ill. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510-26 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. HANDFORD BROWN CO., Inc. Coytesville-on-the-Hu dson New Jersey A Greater Christmas Club Service CHRISTMAS CLUB, a subsidiary of the National Bancservice Corporation, takes pleasure in announcing that the following organizations have been brought into its ranks for the purpose of providing a greater Christmas Club service: St. Louis Bankers Publicity Company Milwaukee Bankers Publicity Service, Inc. New York Christmas Club, A Corp. Memphis Goodman Christmas Savings Clubs Company Hart Bank Service Corporation - Baltimore Harrisburg Landis Savings Club Company Cleveland Leavenworth Bank Service Company - St. Louis National Advertising Corporation New York National Economic plans, Inc. , Chicago Outcault Advertising Company Lancaster U nion OAVUNba Savings DlOTfllUO Systems vuiur Company UJN1UJN An a ~ IJI Y Wrightson Christmas Club Company, Inc., Philadelphia CHRISTMAS CLUB Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a division of National Bancservice Corporation 45 West 45th St. - New York City SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 22G Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) CHRISTMAS SAVINGS—Continued Schmidt Lithograph Co., 461 Second, San Fran cisco, Calif. Smith Printing Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Thrift Press, The, 225 S. Church, Rockford, Ill. Von Senden Co., Arthur, 316 Fourth Ave., Pitts burgh, Pa. CLEANERS, MARBLE (See Supplies, Janitors’) 134 CLEANERS, POLISHED STEEL 137 CLOCKS, COIN 138 CLOCKS, DESK Stronghart Co., 2942 W. Lake, Chicago. Ill. 135 139 CLEANERS, TYPEWRITER Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th St., New York, N Y Purcell, E. E„ 3960 Main St., Kansas City, Mo ' Sanford Ink Co., 846 W. Congress, Chicago, Ill Slogan Advertising Agency, 128 E. Main, Norris town, Pa. Webster Co., Inc., F. S., 332 Congress. Boston, Mass. 136 CLOCK SYSTEMS American Watchmans Time Detector, 3403 Perkins Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Cincinnati Time Recorder Co., 1733 Central Ave , Cincinnati, Ohio. Duplex Electric Co., 71-73 Grand, New York N. Y. Howard Clock Co., E., 373 Washington, Boston, Mass. McClintock Co., O. B., 139 Lyndale Ave., N Minneapolis, Minn. Scheitler & Wenisch, 605 Mich. Ave., N„ Chicago, 144 145 CLOCKS, ELECTRIC COIN CABINETS (See Cabinets, Coin) 146 COIN CHANGERS Brandt Automatic Cashier Co., Watertown. Wis. Coinometer Distributors, 810 Equitable Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Hedman Mfg. Co., 1158 Center, Chicago, Ill. Hoefer Change-Maker Co., 3700 E. 12th, Kansas City, Mo. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, CLOCKS, ELECTRIC CHIME, ADVERTISING UNIVERSAL STAMPING & MFG. CO., 2839 N. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page.) CLOCKS, POST & BRACKET Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Howard Clock Co., E., Boston, Mass. McClintock Co., O. B., 139 Lyndale Ave., N Minneapolis, Minn. 142 CLUBS, CHRISTMAS SAVINGS (See also Christmas Savings) Christmas Club. A division of National Bancservice Corp., 45 W. 45th, New York City. Hockswender Co., B. H„ 711 Penn, Pittsburgh, Pa. McCLINTOCK CO., O. B., 139 Lyndale Ave., N Minneapolis, Minn. 141 CLOTH, GUMMED Hall Paper & Specialties Co., Inc., 27 Thames St. New York, N. Y. (See also, Clock Systems) Cincinnati Time Recording Co., 1733 Central Ave Cincinnati, Ohio. Commercial Utilities Mfg. Co., 147 Waverly PI New York, N. Y. Duplex Electric Co., 71-73 Grand, New York, N. Y. Howard Clock Co., E., 373 Washington, Boston, Mass. 140 CLOCKS, WATCHMAN’S American District Telephone & Telegraph Co., 183 Varick, New York, N. Y. American Watchmans Time Detector Co., 3403 Perkins Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Cincinnati Time Recorder Co., 1733 Central Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kastens, Henry, 418 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Adcraft Manufacturing Co., 2448-56 W. 22d Chicago, Ill. Kastens, Henry, 418 W. 27th, New York, N Y Parisian Novelty Co., 3510-26 S. Western Ave ’ Chicago, Ill. Rehberger Co., A. C., 3656 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Braeco-Oyle Co., 3363 Pleasant, Hamilton, O. American Writing Machine Co., 449 Central Ave Newark, N. J. Carter’s Ink Co., 239 First, Cambridge, Mass Clarotype Company, Inc., 16 Hudson, New York, 143 Coin Clock Service Co., 1620 E. 45th, Cleveland, O Stronghart Co., 2942 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. D. E. WARD, ill W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. 147 COIN COUNTING MACHINES ABBOTT COIN COUNTER CO., 143d St. & Wales Ave., New York, N. Y. Coinometer Distributors, 810 Equitable Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. C. L. DOWNEY CO., 941 Clark St., Cincinnati, Ohio. (See our adv. on this page.) Jorgeson Mfg. Co., 3681 Gratiot Ave. STANDARD-JO HNS ON CO., XNC., 371 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (See our adv on this page.) CLOCKS, TIME Commercial Utilities Manufacturing Co., 147 Waverly PI., New York, N. Y. Thompson Time Stamp Co., Inc., The, 240 W 23d New York, N. Y. ’ Coinometer Pays Accurately! COINOMETER is the newest development in change making machines for Banks. It performs the same work as other standard machines but with greater ease and speed of operation. COIN OMETER has a number of exclusive patented features obtainable in no other change machine. It pays accurately and is thoroughly dependable. The construction of COINOMETER will amaze you. It is built to resist wear. The mechanism is of the finest workmanship and material. Our DOUBLE GUARANTEE insures every COINOMETER for Ten Years against all defects in workmanship and material, and Two Years against all repair. OUR 30-DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER COINOMETER must stand on its own merit, §lad,y shlp y°u ope. by PREPAID LArKLoo, in a convenient packing case, on thirty days approval. Test it thoroughly, and con- vince yourselves of its speed, ease and accuracy of operation. Your request for a trial will not obligate you. Why not take advantage of this liberal offer today? We will send you our list of Bank users upon request UNIVERSAL STAMPING & MFG. CO., 2839-51 N. Western Ave., Chicago, III. - $125-00 uowney Mechanical Coin Teller - Downey Coin Counting Machine Separates and Counts Mixed Coins — Counts, Wraps and Bags Coins rorced Separation — Positive Count—Triple Check — Infallible Accuracy 10 days’ Used for checking Home Savings Banks . , Free Trial Used for auditing Public School Savings Write for Used for every coin handling problem catalogue MODEL F Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE C. L. DOWNEY CO., 941-947 Clark St., Cincinnati, Ohio STANDARD-JOHNSON Coin-Assorter and Counter "COR counter work in handling mixed coin in home savings banks, school J. savings or other deposits. Assorts and counts pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and halves in one operation. Registration in dollars and cents. Motor driven. Mounted on portable stand, if preferred. Equipped either with coin boxes or bag holders. Small simple, compact and durable. Also a complete line of coin counting, assorting and packaging machines and coin wrappers. Standard-Johnsons are used by the U. S. Treasury, U. S. Mints, Federal Reserve Banks and thousands of commercial and savings banks. Accuracy Guaranteed. Write for catalogue. STANDARD-JOHNSON COMPANY, Inc. 371-373 Pacific Street BROOKLYN, NEW YORK SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 23G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 148 COIN FOLDERS Continental Bank Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Hockswender Co., B. H., 711 Penn Ave., Pitts burgh, Pa. National Art Works, Inc., 710 Greer Ave., Coving ton, Ky. Smith-Brooks Ptg. Co., 1733 California, Denver, Colo. 149 COIN HOLDERS, METAL Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. Andreasen Mfg. Co., 6647-6649 Oliphant Ave., Chicago, Ill. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. COIN TRAYS (See Trays, Coin) COLLECTION SYSTEMS (See Systems, Collection) 150 COMMERCIAL ATLASES RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, HI. (See our adv. on this page) COMPTOMETERS (See Machines, Adding) COMPUTERS, TIME (See Calculators, Time and Interest) CONTESTS, NEW BUSINESS (See Advertising, Bank) COPYING MACHINES (See Duplicators) CORK TILE (See Tile, Cork) 151 COVERS, CHECK BOOK American Bank Check Cover Co., 1621 Clark Ave., St. Louis, Mo. American Bank Supply Co., 628 N. Illinois, Indianapolis, Ind. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, Tex. Beach Leather Co., 1301 E. Walnut, Coshocton, O. Benson & Sons, Benj. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Brace & Co., H. G., 7th N. & Harrison, Seattle, Wash. Broderick Co., 460 Robert, St. Paul, Minn. Buckeye Leather Co., 946 Chestnut, Coshocton, O. Bushong & Co., Inc., Park & Stark, Portland, Ore. Buth & Co., Inc., W. F., 1005 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Cockrum Printing Co., J. W., Oakland City, Ind. Continental Bank Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Economy Adv. Co., Linn & Market, Iowa City, la. The Exline Co., 113 St. Clair Ave., N. E., Cleve land, Ohio. Feldco Loose Leaf Corp., 357 N. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Ferree Co., E. H., 61 Richmond Ave., Lockport, N. Y. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Ft. Wayne Printing Co., 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Gast Bank Note Co., 4189 Chippewa, St. Louis,Mo. JoDlin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kemper Thomas Co., Park Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. Knight Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Kohl & Co., P. J., 230 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Leather Products Co., 201 South, Iola, Kan. L’Enfant-Oley-Martin Mfg. Corp., 99-101 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Lindstrom Co., H. M., 2440 S. Cicero, Cicero, Ill. Martin Co., The Frank, Marshall Co., Cleveland, O. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Meeker Co., Inc., 3d & Michigan, Joplin, Mo. National Bank Supply Co., Inc., 60 Spring, New York, N. Y. Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, O. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. Oliver Baker Mfg. Co., 420 S. 7th, Minneapolis, Minn. Palmer Corp., Lester W., 14 Thomas, New York, N. Y. Pass Book & Check Cover Co., 232 Broadway, Denver, Colo. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, in. Poucher Ptg. & Litho. Co., 320 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Red Wing Adv. Co., Main & Potter, Red Wing, Minn. Reynolds & Reynolds Co., Washington & Dudley, Dayton, O. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. (See our adv. on page 28G.) Schaefer Mfg. Co., O. E.f 4189 Chippewa, St. Louis, Mo. Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Seelman & Sons Co., Geo., 337 Seventh, MilShedd-Brown Mfg. Co., 317 Fifth Ave. So., Minne apolis, Minn. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Stiteler-Lewis Mfg. Co., 515 Jackson, Dallas, Tex. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Todd Co., 1178 University Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Union Lithograph Co., Inc., 2030 E. 7th, Los Angeles, Cal. United Pass Book & Cover Co., 5600 S. Compton, St. Louis, Mo. United States Check Book Co., 1309-1315 Howard, Omaha, Neb. Universal Check Cover Co., 418 Linn, Springfield, Ohio. Van Clief Lithographing Co., 2708 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Voss Co., Herman, 603 E. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Weinman Bros., 421 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Cal. Young & Gardner Co., 655 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md.; Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Zell, Inc., D. H., 536 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 152 COVERS, RADIATOR (STEEL) Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. CREDIT FILES (See Files, Credit) 153 CUPS, DRINKING Advertising Specialty Co., 609 Ryan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. American Paper Goods Co., 1327 Washington Bldg., Kensington, Conn. Continental Bank Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Selig Co., 336 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, IU. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., N. W., Cleveland, O. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. CUT FILES (See Files, Cut) Bankers Use RAND MCNALLY RandMcHally Commercial Atlas Commercial Atlas Service As a dependable guide to underlying values in analyzing bonds and commercial paper. As a practical aid when advising clients about markets, sales problems, shipping and traffic matters, consolidations and expansions, investments of private and corporate reserves. For further information ask for free descriptive circular No. 78 CM Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis To study the growth, development, characteristics, accessi bility and purchasing power of any part of the United States and all other parts of the world. Map Headquarters Z70 Madison Avenue NEW YORK 536 S. Clark Street CHICAGO 559 Mission Street SAN FRANCISCO SERVICE GUIDE SECTION Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 24G 154 CUTTERS, COUPON Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chi cago, Ill. 155 CUTTERS, PAPER Challenge Machinery Co., Grand Haven, Mich. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. D DATING MACHINES (See Stamps, Dating) 156 DECORATORS, INTERIOR Arvon Company, 1816 Ludlow, Philadelphia, Pa, Mount & Robertson, Inc., 62 Broad, New York. N. Y. 157 DEODORIZERS Hockwald Chemical Co., 436 Bryant, San Fran cisco, Cal. Selig Co., 336 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. DEPOSIT BOXES, SAFETY (See Boxes, Deposit, Safety) 158 DEPOSITORIES, AFTER HOUR McCLINTOCK CO., O. B., 139 Lyndale Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. DEPOSIT RECEIVING MACHINES (See Machines, Deposit Receiving) 159 DESIGNERS, INTERIOR (See also Architects & Builders) Aetna Cabinet Co., 321 Maryland, Indianapolis, Ind. American Fixture Co., 16th & Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Mo. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Bush Co., Inc., James S., 11 Park PL, New York, N. Y. Fisher Co., Charles City, Iowa. Lane & Tweed, City Bk. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237 S. Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. NEWMAN MANUFACTURING CO., 416 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ohmer, Inc., Alfred A. & Robert F., 113 N. Jefferson, Dayton, O. Scheitler & Wenisch, 737 N. Michigan Ave.. Chicago, Ill. Stiles Co., Geo. W., 664 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Taylor Palmer Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Tilghman Moyer Co., 141 N. 9th, Allentown, Pa. Uffendell, W. G., 39 S. State, Chicago, Ill. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. West Co., M. G., 117 Front, San Francisco, Cal. Wise Co., Inc., The, J. H., 911 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Womack & Sons, Inc., J. P., Lakewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. 160 DESIGNERS, VAULT (See also Vaults) Bank Vault Inspection Co., 5 So. 18th, Philadelphia, Pa. Consolidated Expanded Metals Companies, Steele' Crete Bldg., Wheeling, W. Va. Hollar Company, 111 S. 15th, Philadelphia, Pa. Lacy Co., L. D., 1206 Syndicate Tr. Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Rivet-Grip Steel Company, The, 2404 Prospect Ave., Cleveland. O. Scheitler and Wenisch, 737 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Strauss & Son, E. A., 80 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. , Yeo, Samuel P., 5 So. 18th, Philadelphia, Pa. 161 DESKS (See Furniture, Bank and Office) Alien-Marshall Co., Ivan, 40 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Ariel, Cabinet Co. Peru, Ind. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Clemetsen Co., The, 3401 Division, Chicago, Ill. Currier Mfg. Co., N. W. Terminal, 2101 N. E., Kennedy, Minneapolis, Minn. Dameron-Pierce Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Davidson-Pearsall Co., 227 Main St., Aurora, Ill. Doten Dunton Desk Co., 210 Broadway, Cam bridge, Mass. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Excello Products Corp., 4820 W. 16th, Chicago, Ill. FALLS BANK DESK CO., 2045 W. 103d St., Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page.) The “Falls” Bookkeeping Desks AND Tables for Elliott-Fisher Machines THE FALLS BANK DESK CO. 2045 W. 103rd St. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHICAGO The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Hoosier Desk Co., 220 Mill, Jasper, Ind. Horne Desk & Fixture Co., Inc., 89 N. Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Imperial Desk Co., Florida & Devon, Evansville, Ind. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Inter Ocean Cabinet Co., 326 S. Paulina, Chicago, Ill. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Lexington Desk Co., Inc., 157 E. 44th, New York, N. Y. Maunsell’s Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Northwestern Furniture Co., 271 W. Water, Mil waukee, Wis. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Pembroke Co., 24 E. Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Schick, Johnson Co., 1737 N. Paulina, Chicago, Ill. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Stow & Davis Furniture Co., 70 S. Front Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 162 DESKS, BOOKKEEPERS’ Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd. Chicago, Ill. Becker Co., John C., 41 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Edwards Co., Inc., Solar & Plum. Syracuse, N. Y. Falls Bank Desk Co., 2045 W. l03d, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page.) Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. Horder’s, Inc 236 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Inter Ocean Cabinet Co., 326 S. Paulina, Chicago, Ill. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Watson Manufacturing Co., 1000 Taylor, James town, N. Y. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 163 DESKS, CARD RECORD Alien-Marshall Co., Ivan, 40 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown. N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. The Canton Art Metals Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E,, Canton, O. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Northwestern Furniture Co., 271 W. Water, Mil waukee, Wis. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 164 DESKS, CHECK SORTING Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Claus Mfg. Co., A., 5250 Brookpark Rd., Cleve land, O. Currier Manufacturing Co., North Western Ter minal, Minneapolis, Minn. Ehrlich & Sons Mfg. Co., H., Colo. & Lake, St. Joseph, Mo. Falls Bank Desk Co., 2045 W. 103d, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on preceding page.) The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Mitchell Manufacturing Co., Robert, 2d & John, Cincinnati, O. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 165 DESKS, LOBBY (See also Fixtures) Acme Wire & Iron Works, Detroit, Mich. American Fixture Co., Kansas City, Mo. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Circle A. Products Corporation, 613 S. 25th, New Castle, Ind. Fisher Co., Charles City, Iowa. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St., Minneapolis, Minn. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Georgia Show Case Co., Montgomery, Ala. Inter Ocean Cabinet Co., 326 S. Paulina, Chicago, Ill. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Taylor-Palmer Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Manufacturing Co., 1000 Taylor, James town, N. Y. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Wisconsin Iron & Wire Works, 1660 Booth, Mil waukee, Wis. 166 DESKS, MECHANICAL POSTING Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, Ni Y. Becker Co., John C., 41 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Falls Bank Desk Co., 2045 W. 103d., Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on preceding page.) Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St., Minneapolis, Minn. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O Le Febure Corporation Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 167 DESKS, METAL (See also Furniture, Metal) Alien-Marshall Co., Ivan, 40 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, O. Falls Bank Desk Co., 2045 W. 103d, Chicago, Ill. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Orthwine, R„ 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. i Shaw, Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 168 DESKS, TYPEWRITER (See also Stands, Typewriter) Adjustable Table Co., 55 Mt. Vernon Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Doten Dunton Desk Co., 210 Broadway, Cam bridge, Mass. Falls Bank Desk Co., 2045 W. 103d, Chicago, Ill. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Hoosier Desk Co., 220 Mill, Jasper, Ind. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Tucker & Dorsey Mfg. Co., 302 S. State, Indian apolis, Ind. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 169 DESKS, WOOD (See also Furniture, Bank & Office) Doten Dunton Desk Co., 210 Broadway, Cam bridge, Mass. Falls Bank Desk Co., 2045 W. 103d, Chicago, Ill. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. Imperial Desk Co., Florida & Devon, Evansville, Ind. Inter Ocean Cabinet Co., 326 S. Paulina, Chicago, Ill. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Maunsell’s Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. DETECTIVE AGENCIES (See Agencies, Detective) SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 25G Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) DISPENSERS, SOAP 183 Gerson-Stewart Corp., 3528 E. 76th, Cleveland, O. Hockwald Chemical Co., 436 Bryant, San Fran cisco, Cal. Selig Co., 336 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. 170 DEVICES, LOOSE LEAF (See also Supplies, Loose Leaf and specific headings) Advance Loose Leaf Co., 5935 University Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Buxton & Skinner Printing & Stationery Co., 306 N. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Edward J. Joyce Filing Co., 56 W. Washington, Chicago, Ill. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. Lefax (Inc.), 9th & Sansom, Philadelphia, Pa. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Lloyd Co., W. G„ 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Master-Craft Corp., 825 Cobb, Kalamazoo, Mich. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. II. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Pembroke Co., 24 E. Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Sheppard Co., C. E., Van Alst & 14th St., Long Island City, N. Y. Southern States Ptg. Co., Inc., The, Griffin, Ga. Trussed Mfg. Co., Trussed Park, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 184 DOOR CLOSERS Corbin, P. & F„ Park St., New Britain, Conn. Varnum Door Engine Co., 949 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Yale,& Towne Mfg. Co., Stamford, Conn. 185 DOOR OPENERS. ELECTRIC Corbin, P. & F., New Britain, Conn. Patrick & Wdkins Co., 51 N. 7th, Philadelphia, Pa. 186 DOORS, FIRE Wdson Corp., J. G., 11 E. 38th, New York, N. Y. 187 DOORS, HOLLOW METAL, BRONZE & STEEL Atchison Revolving Door Co., Independence, Kan. Dahlstrom Metalic Door Co., Jamestown, N. Y. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. Gorham Manufacturing Co., Providence, R. I. NEWMAN MANUFACTURING CO„ 416 Elm St„ Cincinnati, O. 171 DIARIES Buckeye Leather Co., The,. 946 Chestnut, Coshoc ton, O. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, 188 DOORS, METAL (AND TRIM) Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Dahlstrom Metallic Door Co., Buffalo & E. 2d, Jamestown, N. Y. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St., Minneapolis, Minn. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. Gorham Manufacturing Co., Providence, R. I. Kawneer Co., Front St., Niles, Mich. Luptons Sons Co., David, Allegheny Ave. & Tulip, Philadelphia, Pa. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. 189 DOORS, REVOLVING Atchison Revolving Door Co., Independence, Kan. Bank Protective Devices, Inc., 211 N. Liberty, Baltimore, Md. General Fireproofing Co.. Youngstown, O. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Revolving Doors, Inc., 542 W. 27th St., New Y ork, N. Y. Van Kannel Revolving Door Co., New York, N. Y. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Voss Company, The Herman, 603 E. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. 172 DICTAPHONE CYLINDERS Dictaphone Corporation, Graybar Bldg., New York, N. Y. 173 DICTAPHONES (See also Machines, Dictating) Dictaphone Corporation, Graybar Bldg., New York, N. Y. DICTATING MACHINES (See Machines, Dictating) 174 DICTOGRAPHS Dictograph Products Corp., 220 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. 190 DOORS, VAULT (See also Vaults) Baumann Safe Co., John, 408 N. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Becker Co., John C, 41 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Cary Safe Co., 1200 Niagara, Buffalo, N. Y. Collins Safe & Fixture Co., W. D., 513 W. Main, Denison, Tex. Cramer Brothers Safe Co., 1417 McGee, Kansas City, Mo. Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., Canton, O. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. . Gross-Feibel Co., Fair & Elm, Hillsboro, O. Hall’s Safe Co., 3253 Spring Grove Ave., Cincin nati, O. Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Grand Boulevard, Hamilton, O. Koch Brother, Grand Ave. & 4th, Des Moines, la. Meilink Steel Safe Co., Toledo, Ohio. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, O. National Safe & Lock Co., E. 69th & Quincy, Cleveland, O. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 114 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. Remington & Sherman Co., 1545 N. Delaware, Philadelphia, Pa. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Washt gton, Buffalo, N. Y. St. Louis Bank Bldg. & Eqt. Co., 906 Sidney, St. Louis, Mo. West Co., M. G., 117 Front, San Francisco, Cal. York Safe & Lock Co., York, Pa. 175 DIME SAVERS Tyler Brown Co., Inc., Coytesville-on-the-Hudson, N. J. 176 DIRECTORIES, BANKERS’ BANKERS’ DIRECTORY (BLUE BOOK), 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. 177 DIRECTORIES, BUILDING Clark Mfg. Co., R. W., 4311 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Davenport-Taylor Mfg. Co., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Id. Matthews & Co., J. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Tablet & Ticket Co., 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S: Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Wisconsin Iron & Wire Works, 1660 Booth, Mil waukee, Wis. 178 DIRECTORIES, CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE Donnelley Corp., Reuben H., Chicago, Ill. 179 DIRECTORIES, COMMERCIAL Moody’s Investors Service, 35 Nassau, New York, N. Y. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. 191 DRAPERIES Camden Art Craft Co., 160 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. 180 DISINFECTANTS Hockwald Chemical Co., 436 Bryant, San Fran cisco, Cal. Selig Co., 336 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. DRAFT AND NOTE RACKS (See Racks, Draft & Note) 181 DISPENSERS, CHECK & DEPOSIT SLIP Bar-Trex Mfg. Co., 1813 Ave. D.,. Birmingham, Ala. Krauth & Benninghofen, Hamilton, O. 182 DISPENSERS, DRINKING CUP (See also Equipment, Bank & Office) Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I 192 DRAFTS, BANK (See also Forms, Bank) American Bindery Corp., 1310 Maple, Detroit, Mich. Bankers Check Co., 610 Cleveland, Kansas City, Mo. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Broderick Co., 460 Robert, St. Paul, Minn. Bushong & Co., Inc., Park & Stark, Portland, Ore. Cockrum Printing Co., J. W., Oakland City, Ind. Columbian Bank Note Co., 500 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ill. Columbus Bank Note Co., 40 E. Spring, Columbus, Ohio. Commercial Lithographing Co., 815 W. Market, Louisville, Ky. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierce Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. . Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3rd., Cleveland, Ohio. FT. WAYNE PTG. CO., 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. . „ The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. . Pettibone & Co., P. F„ 27 N. Desplames, Chicago, Ill. Poucher Ptg. & Litho. Co., 320 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Stephens Litho. & Engraving Co., 420 N. 2d, St. Louis, Mo. . Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Sunset Press, 1045 Sansome, San Francisco, Cal. Swinney Prtg. Co., Fort Branch, Ind. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. 193 DRAWERS, MONEY Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. _ Davidson Co., J. L„ 632-648 Mateo, Los Angeles, Cal. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Tucker & Dorsey Mfg. Co., 302 S. State, Indi anapolis, Ind. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. DRINKING CUP DISPENSERS (See Dispensers, Drinking Cup) DRINKING CUPS (See Cups, Drinking) 194 DUPLICATORS American Multigraph Sales Co., E. 40th & Kelley Ave., Cleveland, O. , Beck Duplicator Co., 476 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Daus Duplicator Co., Inc., Felix F., 401 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Ditto, Inc., 2243 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Heyer Duplicator Co., Inc., 911 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. . Liberty Folder Co. (The), Sidney, O. Lisenby Mfg. Co., Kern & Angus, Fresno, Cal. Manufacturers Typewriter Clearing House, Inc., 193 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Multistamp Chicago Co., 58 W. Washington, Chicago, Ill. Multistamp Co., Norfolk, Va. . Office Efficiency Distributors Co., 200 Davi3, San Francisco, Cal. Office Equipment Co., 911 Locust, Des Moines, la. Pittsburgh Typewriter & Supply Co., 339 Fifth Ave./Pittsburgh, Pa. Rotospeed Co., 5th & Wilkinsen, Dayton, O. ELECTRIC FLASHERS (See Signs, Electric) 195 ELEVATORS Lamson Co. (The), Syracuse, N. Y. Otis Elevator Co., New York, N. Y. Westinghouse Electric Elevator Service, 1500 N. Branch, Chicago, Ill. 196 EMBLEMS, METAL Adcraft Manufacturing Co., 2448-56 W. 22d, Chicago, Ill. 197 EMBOSSING (See also Printing & Engraving) American Embossing Co., 196 Seneca, Buffalo, N. Y. Beach Printing Co., Will A., 235 N. Phillips Ave., Sioux Falls, S. D. . Buxton & Skinner Printing & Stationery Co., 306 N. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Dameron-Pierce Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Farnham Printing & Stationery Co., 417 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Fort Wayne Printing Co., 119-130 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., Kingshighway Memorial Blvd. at Penrose, St. Louis, Mo. Irwin Hodson Co., 115 N. 15th, Portland, Ore. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. . Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 26G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) EMBOSSING—Continued Levey Ptg. Co., State House Square, Indianapolis, Ind. Miller-Davis Co., 219 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Omaha Printing Co., 13th & Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Smith & Co., The Oscar T., 407 E. Saratoga, Baltimore, Md. Stafford Lowdon Co., 610 W. Daget, Ft. Worth, Tex. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 21 S. La Salle, Chicago,111. Stephens Litho. & Engr. Co., 420 N. 2d, St, Louis, Mo. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Toof & Co., S. C., 195 Madison, Memphis, Tenn. Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., 3 Broad, Charleston, S. C. Union Lithographing Co., 2030 E. 7th St., Los Angeles, Calif. Western Bank & Office Supply Co., 205 W. 1st, Oklahoma City, Okla. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Cal. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. 198 EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, BANK Walters Co., Chas. E., 1st Nat’l Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 199 ENDORSERS, CHECK (See Check Endorsers) AMERICAN PERFORATOR CO., 617 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on page 20G.) Colonial Engraving Co., 143 Federal, Boston, Mass. Cummins Perforator Co., 4740 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Hedman Mfg Co., 1158 Center, Chicago, Ill. Hercules Supply Co., 100 E. 2d, New York, N. Y. International Postal Supply Co., 634 Prospect PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Joslin Mfg. Co., A. D., 123 Arthur, Manistee, Mich. 200 ENGINEERS, AVIATION Black & Bigelow, Inc., 551 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 201 ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS The Austin Co., 16112 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O. 202 ENGINEERS, EQUIPMENT (See also Architects and Builders) Bankers Architectural & Engineering Co., 122 S. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. BOND-HUBBARD CO., 38 S. Dearborn, Chicago, HI. (See our adv. on page 13G.) Bruner & Simmons, Inc., 327 S. La Salle, Chicago, The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. Halsey, McCormack & Helmer, 286 Fifth Ave.. New York, N. Y. James Co., Thomas M., 3 Park, Boston, Mass. Lacy Co., L. D., 1206 Syndicate Tr. Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lane & Co., H. L., 225 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Metzger & Acock, 101 Park Ave.. New York, N. Y. Moorman & Co., A., 813 First National Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Ohmer Inc., Alfred A. & Robt. F„ 113 Jefferson St., Dayton, Ohio. Scheitler <fe Wenisch, 737 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Stiles Co., Geo. W., 664N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, St. Louis Bank Bldg. & Equipment Co., 906 Sidney, St. Louis, Mo. Taylor Palmer Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Tilghman Moyer Co., 141 N. 9th, Allentown, Pa. UFFINGER, FOSTER & BOOKWALTER, INC., 221 W. 57th, New York, N. Y. (See our adv. on page 12G.) Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Weary & Alford Co., 1923 Calumet, Chicago, Ill. Wise Co., Inc., J. H., 911 Syndicate Tr. Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 203 ENGINEERS, INDUSTRIAL Columbia Engineering & Management Corp., 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Danne, Harold A., 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. Estes, Inc., L. V., 4753 Broadway, Chicago, Ill. Hunt Co., Robt. W„ 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Lockwood-Green & Co., 24 Federal, Boston, Mass. May, Geo. S., 2620 N. Shore, Chicago, Ill. Sirrine & Co., J. E., Greenville, S. C. 204 ENGINEERS, SAFE AND VAULT Bank Vault Inspection Co., 5 So. 18th, Phila delphia, Pa. THE HOLLAR CO., Ill S. 15th, Philadelphia, Pa. Hone, Hugh R., 3858 42d Ave., N. E„ Seattle, Wash. Scheitler & Wenisch, 737 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Strauss & Son, E. A., 80 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. YEO, SAMUEL P., 5 S. 18th, Philadelphia, Pa. ENGRAVED BONDS (See Bonds, Engraved <fc Printed> ENGRAVED LETTERHEADS (See Letterheads, Engraved; also Engraving) 205 ENGRAVING American Bank Supply Co., 628 N. Illinois, Indianapolis, Ind. American Embossing Co., 196 Seneca, Buffalo, N.Y. Benson & Sons, Inc., Benj. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Berg, Joseph, 30 Ferry, New York, N. Y. Buxton & Skinner Ptg. & Sta. Co., 306 N. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Central Banknote Co., 319 N. Albany, Chicago, Ill. Childs & Co., S. D„ 136 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Clarke & Courts, Galveston, Tex. Columbian Bank Note Co., 500 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Commercial Lithographing Co., 815 W. Market, Louisville Ky. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Forman-Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Funke Engraving Co., 536 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Gregory Mayer & Thom Co., 41 Cadillac Square, Detroit, Mich. Hutson & Co., C. S., 557 S. San Pedro, Los Angeles, Cal. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Knight Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Long Island Printing & Lithographing Co., Inc., 137 Jackson, Hempstead, N. Y. Lowman & Hanford Co., 1514 Third Ave., Seattle. Wash. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. Pembroke Co., 24 E. Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. Salisbury-Schulz Co., P. A., 181 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Schwabacher Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Smith Co., Oscar T. & Son, 407 E. Saratoga, Baltimore, Md. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Southern States Ptg. Co., Inc., Griffin, Ga. Stephens Litho. & Engraving Co., 420 N. 2d St., St. Louis, Mo. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 21 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Union Bank Note Co., 1016 Central, Kansas City, Mo. United States Check Book Co., 1309 Howard, Omaha, Neb. Van Clief Lithographing Co., 2708 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Woodbury & Co., Inc., Chadwick Sq., Worcester, Mass. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. 206 ENGROSSERS American Embossing Co., 196 Seneca, Buffalo, N.Y. Ames A Rollinson, 206 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. ENVELOPE SEALERS (See Machines, Sealing, Envelope) 207 ENVELOPES Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury, Boston. American Fiber-Velope Mfg. Co., 229 N. 63d, Philadelphia, Pa. Atlanta Envelope Co., 505 Stewart Ave., S. W., Atlanta, Ga. Bankers Envelope Co., 25 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Belnap Envelope Co., 605 Ward Bldg., Battle Creek, Mich. Berkowitz Envelope Co., 19th & Campbell, Kansas City, Mo. Bourke-Rice Envelope Co., 522 S. Clinton, Chicago, Brown Paper Goods Co., 900 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Bushnell Co., Alvah, 13th & Wood, Philadelphia, Pa. Butler Paper Corp., 223 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. Capital Bank Note Co., 429 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ill. Capital Envelope Co., 1803 E. 7th, Los Angeles, Calif. / Chicago Neostyle Envelope Co., 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Cohite & Wyckoff Mfg. Co., Holyoke, Mass. Commercial Envelope Corporation, 3024 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Corporation Coupon Envelope Co., 309 E. Water, Milwaukee, Wit,. Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Cupples Envelope Co., Samuel, 628 S. 6th St., St. Louis, Mo. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Duplex Envelope Corp., 3026 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, IU. Eagje Envelope Co., 1322 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Field-Ernst Envelope Co., 45 Fremont, San Francisco, Cal. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Gaw-O’Hara Envelope Co., 3026 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Gopher Envelope Co., 500 S. 5th, Minneapolis, Minn. Gulf Envelope Co., 520 Preston Ave., Houston,Tex. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. HECO ENVELOPE CO., 4500 Cortland, Chicago. HI. Hesse Envelope & Litho Co., 4175 N. Kings High way, St. Louis, Mo. Isler-Tompsett Lithographing Co., 2940 Benton, St. Louis, Mo. Kennedy Car Liner & Bag Co., Shelbvville, Ind. Kennedy Printing Co., 609-611 Monroe? Fredonia, Kan. Keystone Envelope Co., 427 Moyer, Philadelphia, Pa. McGill Paper Products, Inc., 700 S. 6tli, Minne apolis, Minn. National Stationery Co., 2471 Lincoln Highway. Batavia, Ill. Northern States Envelope Co., 180 E. 3d, St. Paul, Minn. Outlook Envelope Co.. 564 W. Monroe, Chicago,Ill. Pavey Envelope & Tag Co., 36 Green, Newark, N. J. Pittsburgh Envelope Co., 2701 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Quality Park Envelope Co., Midway (Quality Park), St. Paul, Minn. Republic Envelope Co., 3617 S. Ashland, Chicago, Safety Envelope Co., 2625 Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. w^HTHnnnnnnrinffnnnifnnniinTiinnflTtnnnnTniniHnnnnninninwnnnnnnnninnnnnnnnnnnininnnnTiTifnnnTniTnniT NEED ENVELOPES? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HECO ENVELOPE CO. ( 4500 CORTLAND STREET CHICAGO i SERVICE GUIDE SECTION Rand MpNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) ENVELOPES—Continued Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Sewell-Clapp, 3026 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Standard Envelope Mfg. Co., 127 Ninth Ave., So., Nashville, Tenn. Swinney Prtg. Co., Fort Branch, Ind. Transo Envelope Co., 3542 N. Kimball, Chicago,Ill. United States Check Book Co., 1309 Howard, Omaha, Neb. Weasel Co., 121 N. Green, Chicago, Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. , ^ Wolf Envelope Co., 1749 E. 22d, Cleveland, O. Woodbury & Co., Inc., Chadwick Sq., Worcester, Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Zellerbach Paper Co., 534 Battery, San Francisco, Cal. 208 ENVELOPES, BANKING BY MAIL Inland Company, 608 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Two-Way Envelope Co., 923 Leamington, Minne apolis, Minn. 209 ENVELOPES, COIN Abbott Coin Counter Co., 143d & Wales Ave., New York, N. Y. Belnap Envelope Co., 605 Ward Bldg., Battle Berkowitz Envelope Co., 19th & Campbell, Kansas City, Mo. Commercial Envelope Corporation, 3024 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Gaw-O’Hara Envelope Co., 3026 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, Ill. HECO ENVELOPE CO., 4500 Cortland, Chicago, Ill. Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., 4175 N. Kings High way, St. Louis, Mo. Pittsburgh Envelope Co., 2701 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Standard Envelope Mfg. Co., 127 Ninth Ave., So., Nashville, Tenn. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Von Senden Co., Arthur, 316 Fourth Ave., Pitts burgh, Pa. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d St., Los Angeles, Calif. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. 210 ENVELOPES, COUPON Belnap Envelope Co., 605 Ward Bldg., Battle Creek, Mich. Berkowitz Envelope Co., 19th & Campbell, Kansas City, Mo. . . Bourke-Rice Envelope Co., 522 S. Clinton, Chicago. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Commercial Envelope Corporation, 3024 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Corporation Coupon Envelope Co., 309 E. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Field-Ernst Envelope Co., 45 Fremont, San Francisco, Cal. Gaw-O’Hara Envelope Co., 3026 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. HECO ENVELOPE CO., 4500 Cortland, Chicago, Ill. Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., Kingshighway Memorial Blvd. at Penrose, St. Louis, Mo. Pittsburgh Envelope Co., 2701 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d St., Los Angeles, Calif. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., 1099 Jay, Rochester, N. Y. 211 ENVELOPES, COUPON WINDOW Belnap Envelope Co., 605 Ward Bldg., Battle Berkowitz Envelope Co., 19th & Campbell, Kan sas City, Mo. Bourke-Rice Envelope Co., 522 S. Clinton, Chicago. Chicago Envelope Co., 59 E. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Commercial Envelope Corporation, 3024 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Corporation Coupon Envelope Co., 309 E. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. HECO ENVELOPE CO., 4500 Cortland, Chicago, m. Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., Kingshighway Memorial Blvd. at Penrose, St. Louis, Mo. Northern States Envelope Co., 180 E. 3d, St. Paul, Minn. , _ Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave. S., Minne Minn. Digitized for apolis, FRASER Standard Envelope Co., 127 Ninth Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis United States Check Book Co., 1309 Howard, Omaha, Neb. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d St., Los Angeles, Calif. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. 212 ENVELOPES, CURRENCY Acme Tag Co., 2840-46 Fremont Ave. So., Minne apolis, Minn. Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury, Boston, Berkowitz Envelope Co., 19th & Campbell, Kansas City, Mo. Bushnell Co., Alvah, 13th & Wood, Philadelphia, Pa. Commercial Envelope Corporation, 3024 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Field-Ernst Envelope Co., 45 Fremont, San Francisco, Cal. Gulf Envelope Co., 520 Preston Ave., Houston, Tex. HECO ENVELOPE CO., 4500 Cortland, Chicago, Ill. Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., Kingshighway Memorial Blvd. at Penrose, St. Louis, Mo. Northern States Envelope Co., 180 E. 3d, St. Paul, Minn. Pittsburgh Envelope Co., 2701 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Smead Mfg. Co., The, Hastings, Minn. Troy Sunshade Co., 710 Lincoln Ave., Troy, Ohio. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. 213 ENVELOPES, EXPANDING Acme Tag Co., 2840-46 Fremont Ave. So., Minne apolis, Minn. American Fiber-Velope Mfg. Co., 229 N.63d, Philadelphia, Pa. Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury, Boston, Belnap Envelope Co., 605 Ward Bldg., Battle Berkowitz Envelope Co., 19th & Campbell, Kansas City, Mo. . Bourke-Rice Envelope Co., 522 S. Clinton, Chicago. Bushnell Co., Alvah, 13th & Wood, Philadelphia. Commercial Envelope Corporation, 3024 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty St., Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. _ _ Field-Ernst Envelope Co., 45 Fremont, San Fran cisco, Cal. _ ...____ Gaw-O’Hara Envelope Co., 3026 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, Ill. . The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. HECO ENVELOPE CO., 4500 Cortland, Chicago, HI. ‘ Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., Kingshighway Memorial Blvd. at Penrose, St. Louis, Mo. Keystone Envelope Co., 427 Moyer, Philadelphia, Pa. Safety Envelope Co., 2625 Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Smead Mfg. Co., The, Hastings, Minn. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 214 ENVELOPES, FILING Acme Tag Co., 2840-46 Fremont Ave., So., Minne apolis, Minn. American Fibre-Velope Mfg. Co., 227-231 N. 63d, Philadelphia, Pa. Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury, Boston, Mass. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Belnap Envelope Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Berkowitz Envelope Co., 19th & Campbell, Kansas City, Mo. Bourke-Rice Envelope Co., 522 S. Clinton, Chicago. Bushnell Co., Alvah, 13th & Wood, Philadelphia, Pa. Commercial Envelope Corporation, 3024 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Field-Ernst Envelope Co., 45 Fremont, San Fran cisco, Cal. „ Gaw-O’Hara Envelope Co., 3026 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, Ill. . The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. Gulf Envelope Co., 520 Preston Ave., Houston, Tex HECO ENVELOPE CO., 4500 Cortland, Chicago, m. Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., Kingshighway Memorial Blvd. at Penrose, St. Louis, Mo. _ Keystone Envelope Co., 427 Moyer, Philadelphia, Pa. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Safety Envelope Co., 2625 Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. 27G The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Smead Mfg. Co., 309 Second, Hastings, Minn. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 215 ENVELOPES, LOCK Acme Tag Co., 2840-46 Fremont Ave., So., Minneapolis, Minn. Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury, Boston, Mass. Ancira Lock & Seal Corp., 366 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. 216 ENVELOPES, MAILING Acme Tag Co., 2840-46 Fremont Ave., So., Minne apolis, Minn. American Fiber-Velope Mfg. Co., 227-231 N. 63d, Philadelphia, Pa. Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury, Boston, Mass. Bankers Envelope Co., 25 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Belnap Envelope Co., 605 Ward Bldg., Battle Creek, Mich. Berkowitz Envelope Co., 19th & Campbell, Kansas City, Mo. Bourke-Rice Envelope Co., 522 S. Clinton, Chicago. Bushnell Co., Alvah, 13th & Wood, Philadelphia, Pa. Commercial Envelope Corporation, 3024 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Field-Ernst Envelope Co., 45 Fremont, San Fran cisco, Cal. Gaw-O’Hara Envelope Co., 3026 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Gulf Envelope Co., 520 Preston Ave., Houston, Tbx HECO ENVELOPE CO., 4500 Cortland, Chicago, m. Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., Kingshighway Memorial Blvd. at Penrose, St. Louis, Mo. Keystone Envelope Co., 427 Moyer, Philadelphia, Pa. Northern States Envelope Co., 180 E. 3d, St. Paul, Minn. Pittsburgh Envelope Co., 2701 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Quality Park Envelope Co., Midway (Quality Park), St. Paul, Minn. Safety Envelope Co., 2625 Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Smead Mfg. Co., The, Hastings, Minn. Standard Envelope Mfg. Co., 127 Ninth Ave., S., Nashville, Tenn. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. 217 ENVELOPES, OPEN-END Acme Tag Co., 2840-46 Fremont Ave., So., Minneapolis, Minn. Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury, Boston, Mass. American Paper Goods Co., Kensington, Conn. Berkowitz Envelope Co., 19th & Campbell, Kansas City, Mo. Bourke-Rice Envelope Co., 522 S. Clinton, Chicago. Bushnell Co., Alvah, 13th & Wood, Philadelphia, Pa. Commercial Envelope Corporation, 3024 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Gaw-O’Hara Envelope Co., 3026 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, Ill. HECO ENVELOPE CO., 4500 Cortland, Chicago, Ill. Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., Kingshighway Memorial Blvd. at Penrose, St. Louis, Mo. Pittsburgh Envelope Co,, 2701 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. . Republic Envelope Co., 3617 S. Ashland, Chicago, Safety Envelope Co., 2625 Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Standard Envelope Mfg. Co., 127 Ninth Ave., So., Nashville, Tenn. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. 218 ENVELOPES, PAY ROLL American Paper Goods Co., Kensington, Conn. Bankers Thrift Corp., 2240 N. Racine, Chicago, Ill. Belnap Envelope Co., 605 Ward Bldg., Battle Berkowitz Envelope Co., 19th & Campbell, Kansas City, Mo. Commercial Envelope Corporation, 3024 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. HECO ENVELOPE CO., 4500 Cortland, Chicago, Ill. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 28G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) ENVELOPES. PAY ROLL—Continued Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., Kingshighway Memorial Blvd. at Penrose, St. Louis, Mo. Pittsburgh Envelope Co., Greensburg, Pa. Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minne apolis, Minn. Standard Envelope Mfg. Co., 127 Ninth Ave., So., Nashville, Tenn. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. 219 ENVELOPES. REGISTERED MAIL Acme Tag Co., 2840-46 Fremont Ave., So., Minneapolis, Minn. Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury St., Boston, Mass. Ancira Lock & Seal Corp., 366 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Bankers Envelope Co., 25 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Belnap Envelope Co., 605 Ward Bldg., Battle Creek, Mich. Berkowitz Envelope Co., 19th & Campbell, Kansas City, Mo. Bourke-Rice Envelope Co., 522 S. Clinton, Chicago. Bushnell Co., Alvah, 13th & Wood, Philadelphia, Pa. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Eagle Envelope Co., 1322 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Field-Ernst Envelope Co., 45 Fremont, San Francisco, Cal. Gaw-O’Hara Envelope Co., 3026 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, Ill. HECO ENVELOPE CO., 4500 Cortland, Chicago, HI. Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., 4175 N. Kings High way, St. Louis, Mo. Keystone Envelope Co., 427 Moyer, Philadelphia, Pa. Northern States Envelope Co., 180 E. 3d, St. Paul, Minn. Pittsburgh Envelope Co., 2701' Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Safety Envelope Co., 2625 Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Zellerbach Paper C<T., 534 Battery, San Francisco, Cal. 220 EQUIPMENT, BANK & OFFICE (See also specific headings) Aetna Cabinet Co., 321 W. Maryland, Indianapolis, Ind. Alien-Marshall Co.. 40 Marietta. Atlanta, Ga. AMERICAN BANKBUILDING CONSTRUCTION CO., 1201 East Georgia St., Indianapolis, Ind. American Bank Supply Co., Indianapolis, Ind. American Fixture Co., 16th & Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Mo. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Metal Products Co., 514-26 S. Green St., Chicago, Ill. Becker Co., John C., 41 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, O. Buffalo Wire Works Co., Inc., 577 Terrace, Buffalo, N. Y. Buekers, Jr., & Co., J. H., 2117 Elmwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. Bush Co., Inc., James S., 11 Park PL, New York, N. Y. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Chryst, Wm. G., 2401 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. The A. Claus Mfg. Co., 5250 Brookpark Rd., Cleveland, O. Collins Safe & Fixture Co., W. D., 513 W. Main, Denison, Tex. Columbia Steel Equipment Co., 1735 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Dameron-Pierson Co., Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Davidson Co., J. L., 632-648 Mateo, Los Angeles, Calif. Democrat Printing & Lithographing Co., Scott & 2d, Little Rock, Ark. Doten Dunton Desk Co., 210 Broadway, Cam bridge, Mass. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. Farber, Inc., S. W., 141-151 S. 5th, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fisher Co., Charles City, Iowa. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul Minn. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Houston Show Case & Mfg. Co., Center & Harvard, Houston, Tex. Interior Metal Equipment Co., 844 Rush, Chicago. Ill. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Joplin Printing Co., Inc., The, 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Koch Brothers, Grand Ave. at 4th, Des Moines, la. Latsch Bros., Inc., 1118 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Cldcago, Ill. Macey Co., 1520 Division Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Mailander & Co., 601 Jackson, Waco, Tex. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Metal Office Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Monroe Calculating Machine Co., Inc., Orange, . N. J. Mount & Robertson, Inc., 62 Broad, New York, N. Y. Multiplex Display Fixture Co., 918 No. 10th, St. Louis, Mo. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237 S. Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. NEWMAN MFG. CO., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Northwestern Furniture Co., 271 W. Water, Mil waukee, Wis. Office Systems Co., 548 Main, Cincinnati, O. Ohmer, Inc., A. A. & R. F., 113 N. Jefferson St., Dayton, O. Orchard & Wilhelm Co., 414 S. 16th, Omaha, Neb. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th. New York, N. Y. Polar Mfg. Co., 119-25 N. 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. REMINGTON RAND BUSINESS SERVICE, Buffalo, N. Y. Ryan & Co., J. F., 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Sales Equipment Co., 743 Beabien, Detroit, Mich. Schenck & Williams, 1406 Third N. Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Smith Printing Co., The, 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, J?3r St. Louis Bank Bldg. & Eqt. Co., 906 Sidney, St. Louis, Mo. Standard Printing Co., 201-205 N. 3d, Hannibal, Mo. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Stevens Maloney & Co., 21 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Stiles Co., Geo. W., 644 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Taylor-Palmer Co., 432 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. UFFINGER, FOSTER & BOOKWALTER, INC., 221 W. 57th, New York, N. Y. United States Check Book Co., 1309 Howard, Omaha, Neb. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Manufacturing Co., 1000 Taylor, James town, N. Y. West Co., M. G., 117 Front, San Francisco, Cal. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th New York, N. Y. Wise Co., Inc., The J. H., 911 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y, EQUIPMENT ENGINEERS (See Engineers, Equipment) 221 EQUIPMENT, FILING (See also specific headings) Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, All-Steel-Equip Company, Aurora, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, O. Browne-Morse Co., Muskegon, Mich. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton. Ohio. Conway Co., H. H„ 725 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Cameron, New Orleans, La. Davidson-Pearsall Co., 227 Main, Aurora, Ill. Democrat Printing & Lithographing Co., Scott & 2d. Little Rock, Ark. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. Findex Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Interior Metal Equipment Co., 844 Rush St., Chicago, Ill, Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids .Iowa. Lexington Desk Co., Inc., 157 E. 44th, New York, N. Y. Macey Co., 1520 Division Ave., S., Grand Rapids. Mich. Marshall Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Meilink Steel Safe Co., Toledo, Ohio. Metal Office Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. National Safe & Lock Co., E. 69th & Quincy, Cleveland, Ohio. Office Equipment Co., 911 Locust, Des Moines, la. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Corp., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York. N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Rod Compressor, Chicago Co., 417 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Terrells Equipment Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th St., Cleve land, O. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Weis Mfg. Co., Union, Monroe, Mich. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 222 EQUIPMENT, LUNCH ROOM, EMPLOYES’ Duparquet, Huot & Moneuse Co., 108 W. 22d, New York, N. Y. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. 223 EQUIPMENT, MACHINE BOOKKEEPING The Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. Lloyd Co., W. G„ 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Mitchell Co., Middlesboro, Ky. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward and Congress, Detroit, Mich. (See our adv. on this page.) Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-46 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. We Stock the Largest Variety of Bank Forms in the World Tellers Cash Books Loose Leaf Ledgers Machine Bookkeeping Equip’t Home Savings Banks Check Book Covers Pass Books Write us for your special requirements Immediate Shipment and Satisfaction Guaranteed from “the Stock-room of America’s Banks” JT|\ ) established ( 1842 ~7 1 he Richmond &Hackus (6.^ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Woodward Avenue at SERVICE GUIDE SECTION Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 224 EQUIPMENT, METAL, FILING Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. Interior Metal Equipment Co., 844 Rush, Chicago, Ill. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 225 EQUIPMENT, REST ROOM Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. 226 EQUIPMENT, STORAGE All-Steel-Equip Company, Aurora, Ill. Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. Art Steel Co., Inc.. 401 E. 23d, New York, N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Bankers Box Co., 536 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, O. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E„ Canton, O. Durabilt Steel Locker Co., Aurora, Ill. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, 0. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. Hart & Hutchinson Co., New Britain, Conn. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Orthwine, It., 344 W. 34th. New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Sebastian & Co., 224 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Terrells Equipment Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Weis Mfg Co.. Union. Monroe, Mich. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 227 EQUIPMENT, VAULT (See also specific headings) American Bankbuilding Construction Co., 1201 E. Georgia, Indianapolis, Ind. American Fixture Co., 6th & Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Mo. Angle Steel Stool Co., Inc., Plainwell, Mich. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. Bankers Specialty Corp., 5 Beekman St., New York, N. Y. Bush Co., Inc., James S., 11 Park Place, New York, N. Y. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, O. Cary Safe Co., 1200 Niagara, Buffalo, N. Y. Collins Safe & Fixture Co., W. D., 513 W. Main, Denison, Tex. Davidson Co., J. L., 632-648 Mateo, Los Angeles, Cal. Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., Canton, Ohio. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. Formed Steel Cabinet <& Equipment Co., 508 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Hall’s Safe Co., 3253 Spring Grove Ave., Cincin nati, Ohio. Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Grand Blvd., Hamilton, Ohio. Hine Desk & Fixture Co., 2166 Fifteenth St., Denver, Colo. Interior Metal Equipment Co., 844 Rush, Chicago, Ill. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Mount & Robertson, Inc., 62 Broad, New York, N. Y. Mullen Mfg. Co., 60 Rausch, San Francisco, Cal. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237-245 Front Ave., S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. National Safe & Lock Co., E. 69th & Quincy, Cleveland, Ohio. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 114 Third Ave. So., Seattle, Wash. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Safety Equipment Co., 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. St. Louis Bank Bldg. & Eqt. Co., 906 Sidney, St. Louis, Mo. Van Dorn Ironworks Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Wise Co., Inc., The J. FI., 911 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Womack & Sons, J. P., Inc., Lakewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. ERADICAT0RS, INK (See Ink Eradicators) 228 EYELET MACHINES & EYELETS Bates Co., Orange, N. J. Digitized forMfg. FRASER Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Sibley Mfg. Co., Edw. L., Bennington, Vt. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F FARM RECORD BOOKS (See Books, Farm Record) 229 FASTENERS, PAPER American Embossing Co., 196 Seneca, Buffalo, N. Y. American Clip Co., Beebe Ave. & William, Long Island City, N. Y. Automatic Pencil Sharpener Co., 58 E. Washington, Chicago, Ill. Bates Mfg. Co., Orange, N. J. Bump Paper Fastener Co., 1830 West Ave. S., La Crosse, Wis. Clark, Jr., Horace F., Potomac Beach, Va. Eveready Mfg. Co. of Boston, 50 Church, New York, N. Y. The Hoge Mfg. Co., 23 E. 21st, New York, N. Y. Hotchkiss Sales Co., 10 Hoyt, Norwalk, Conn. Office Efficiency Distributor Co., 200 Davis, San Francisco, Calif. O. K. Mfg. Co., 472 W. 1st, Oswego, N. Y. Parrot Speed Fastner Corp., 388 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Sibley Mfg. Co., Edw. L., Bennington, Vt. 230 FILES All-Steel-Equip-Company, Aurora, Ill. Alien-Marshall Co., Ivan. 40 Marietta. Atlanta, Ga. Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gilford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Beck Specialty Co., Waterloo, la. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, Ohio. Brass, W. C., 116 S. Pa., Indianapolis, Ind. Browne-Morse Co., Muskegon, Mich. Bushong & Co., Inc., Park & Stark, Portland, Ore. Buxton & Skinner Printing & Stationery Co., 306 N. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Currier Manufacturing Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Dameron-Pierson Company, 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Drew Co., The II. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Gregory, Mayer & Thom Co., 41 Cadillac Square, Detroit. Mich. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. The Kay-Dee Co., 3644 S. 36th, Lincoln, Neb. Koch Bros., 4th & Grand, Des Moines, Iowa. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Lexington Desk Co., Inc., 157 E. 44th, New York, N. Y. Macey Co., 1520 Division Ave., S., Grand Rapids, Mich. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Maunsell's Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Meilicke Systems, Inc., 3466 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Meilink Steel Safe Co., Toledo, Ohio. Metal Office Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Northwestern Furniture Co., 271 W. Water, MilOrthwine’Co.!SR., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Paulson & Co., Inc., Arthur, 200 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Postindex Co., Inc., Jones & Gifford A^e., James town, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Sorto Sales Co., 608 N. State, Sheboygan, Wis. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 21 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Weis Mfg. Co., Union, Monroe, Mich. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 231 FILES, CARD INDEX Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, Amberg File <fc Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. 29G Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, O. Buchan-White Loose Leaf Co., 1906 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Columbia Steel Equipment Co., 1735 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Dameron-Pierson Company Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. Findex Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Globe-Wernicke, Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Griffith Hope Co., West Allis, Milwaukee, Wis. Imperial Methods Co., Forest Park, Ill. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Lloyd & Co., W. C., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, III. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Metal Office Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Postindex Co., Inc., Jamestown, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Co., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Terrells Equipment Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Weis Mfg. Co., Union, Monroe, Mich. Wilson Memindex Co., Rochester, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 232 FILES, CENTRAL Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, III, Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, O. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. General Fireproofing Co., Y'oungstown, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Metal Office Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Postindex Co., Inc., Jones & Gifford Ave., James town, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service,Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, IllVan Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Wabash Cabinet Co., Wabash, Ind. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 233 FILES, CHECK Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, O. Brass, W. C., 116 S. Pa., Indianapolis, Ind. Browne-Morse Co., Muskegon, Mich. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Columbia Steel Equipment Co., 1735 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dodsworth Sta. Co., Sam’l, 412-414 W. Tenth, Kansas City, Mo. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Formed Steel Cabinet & Equipment Co., 508 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Horder’s, Inc., 236 W. Lake, Chicago .Ill. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Kay-Dee Co., 3644 S. 36th, Lincoln, Neb. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Orthwine R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 30G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 234 FILES, CORRESPONDENCE Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 2S0 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, O. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Columbia Steel Equipment Co., 1735 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Currier Manufacturing Co., Inc., North Western Terminal, Minneapolis, Minn. Dameron-Pierce Company Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Dibb Mfg. Co., 515 Third Ave., N. E., Minne apolis, Minn. Doten Dunton Desk Co., 210 Broadway, Cam bridge, Mass. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. The Kay-Dee Co., 3644 S. 36th, Lincoln, Neb. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Terrells Equipment Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 235 FILES, CREDIT Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, III. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Pressteel Engineering Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 236 FILES, CUT General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. Grant & Co., Harlo R., 2322 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Service Steel Products Corp., 914 W. North Ave., Chicago, Ill. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y, Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 237 FILES, DEPOSIT TICKET Beck Specialty Co., Waterloo, la. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Kay-Dee Co., 3644 S. 36th, Lincoln, Neb. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 238 FILES, DESK DRAWER American Clip Co., Beebe Ave. & William, Long Island City, N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids. Ia. Polar Mfg. Co., 119-125 N. 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Sengbusch Self-Closing Inkstand Co., 2218 Clybourn. Milwaukee, Wis. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Wilson Memindex Co., Rochester, N. Y Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 239 FILES, DOCUMENT (See also Files, Steel) Amberg File <fc Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. Art Steel Co., Inc., 401 E. 23d, New York, N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Columbia Steel Equipment Co., 1735 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Dibb Mfg. Co., 515 Third Ave., N. E., Minne apolis, Minn. Edwards Co., Inc., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Weis Mfg. Co., Union; Monroe, Mich. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 240 FILES, SIGNATURE Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Steel Co., Inc., 401 E. 23d, New York, N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 Unversity Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Edwards Co., Inc., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Postindex Co., Inc., Jones & Gifford Ave., James town, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Wabash Cabinet Co.. Wabash, Ind. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md., Philadephia, and Pittsburgh. 241 FILES, STEEL All-Steel-Equip Company, Aurora, Ill. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago,Ill. Art Metals Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, Ohio. Blankmeyer Co., E. E., 135 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Browne-Morse Co., Muskegon, Mich. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Columbia Steel Equipment Co., 1735 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Dameron-Pierson Company Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. The Kay-Dee Co., 3644 S. 36th, Lincoln, Neb. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Macey Co., 1520 Division Ave., S., Grand Rapids, Mich. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Meilink Steel Safe Co., Toledo, Ohio. Metal Office Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Pressteeel Engineering Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Terrells Equipment Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 242 FILES, STORAGE, COLLAPSIBLE Bankers Box Co., 536 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Jones & Son, Fred H., 217 W. Superior, Chicago, Ill. The Kay-Dee Co., 3644 S. 36th, Lincoln, Neb. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 243 FILES, WOOD Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Browne-Morse Co., Muskegon. Mich. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Republic Box Co., The, 1693 Merwin. Cleveland, O. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Standard Filing Box Co., 1115-19 N. Franklin, Chicago, Ill. Weis Mfg. Co., Union, Monroe, Mich. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. FILMS, MOTION PICTURE (See Advertising, Motion Picture) 244 FINANCIAL PUBLICATIONS (See Magazines, Banking! BANKERS MONTHLY, THE, 536 S. Clark St. Chicago, Ill. 246 FINGER PRINT OUTFITS Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Crossley Protection System, San Quentin, Calif. Flak Finger Print System Co., 1 Liberty, New York, N. Y. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg.. St. Paul, Minn. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 246 FINISHERS, INTERIOR (See also Designers, Interior) Mitchell Mfg. Co., Robt., 2d & John, Cincinnati, O. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237-245 Front Ave., S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Taylor-Palmer Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. 247 FIRE ALARMS American District Telephone & Telegraph Co., 183 Varick St., New York, N. Y. Auto-Call Co., Shelby, Ohio. Graybar Electric Co., New York, N. Y. Patrick & Wilkins Co., 51 N. 7th, Philadelphia, Pa. 248 FIREARMS Bannerman Sons, Francis, 501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Colt’s Patent Fire Arms Mfg. Co., 17 Van Dyke Ave., Hartford, Conn. Folsom Arms Co., H. & D., 314 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Remington Arms Co., New York, N. Y. Smith & Wesson, Inc., Stockbridge, Springfield, Mass. Winchester Repeating Arms Co., 275 Winchester Ave., New Haven, Conn. 249 FIRE ESCAPES (See also Iron, Architectural A- Ornamental) Standard Iron & Wire Works, 510 E. 10th, Chat tanooga, Tenn. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 260 Buffalo Fire Appliance Corp., 44 Central, Buffalo,. N. Y. Pyrene Mfg. Co., 560 Belmont Ave., Newark, N. J. FIREPROOF SAFES (See Safes, Fire & Burglar Proof) 261 FIXTURES. BANDIT RESISTANT Wise Co., Inc., The J. H., 911 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 262 FIXTURES, BANK & OFFICE Acme Wire & Iron Works, 12340 Cloverdale, Detroit, Mich. Aetna Cabinet Co., 321 Maryland, Indianapolis, Ind. Alien-Marshall Co., Ivan. 40 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. American Bankbuilding Construction Co., 1201 E. Georgia, Indianapolis, Ind. American Fixture Co., 16th & Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Mo. American Iron & Wire Works, 1622 Carroll, Chicago, Ill. Angle Steel Stool Co., Inc., Plainwell, Mich. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Baldwin Brass Works, 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. Biddle-Gaumer Co., 3846 Lancaster Ave., Phila delphia, Pa. Buekers, Jr. & Co., J. H., 2117 Elmwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. Buffalo Wire Works Co., Inc., 577 Terrace, Buffalo, N. Y. Burge Mfg. Co., Cook & Keller, Houston, Tex. Bush Co., Inc., James S., 11 Park Place, New York, N. Y. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 31G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) FIXTURES. BANK & OFFICE—Continued California Art Metal & Wire Co., 349 7th San, Francisco, Calif. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Carthage Marble Corporation, P. O. Drawer 612, Carthage, Mo. Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Circle A. Products Corp., 613 S. 25th, New Castle, Ind. Claus Mfg. Co., A., 5250 Brook Pk. Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. The Clegg Co., 130 Soledad, San Antonio, Tex. Coleman, Adelbert E., 336 W. 37th, Chicago, Ill. Collins Safe & Fixture Co., 513 W. Main, W. D., Denison, Tex. Dameron-Pierson Company Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Davidson & Co., J. L., 632-48 Mateo, Los Angeles, Calif. Davidson-Pearsall Co., 227 Main, Aurora, Ill. Doten Dunton Desk Co., 210 Broadway, Cam bridge, Mass. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse N. Y. Ehrlich & Sons Mfg. Co., H., Colo. & Lake, St. Joseph, Mo. Fisher Co., Charles City, Iowa. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St., Minneapolis, Minn. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. Georgia Marble Co., Tate, Ga. Georgia Show Case Co., Montgomery, Ala. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Grammes & Sons, L. F., Allentown, Pa. Guth Co., Edwin F., 2615 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Hasemann & Sons Mfg. Co., G. A., 2357 S. 7th, St. Louis, Mo. Hine Desk & Fixture Co., 2166 Fifteenth, Denver, Colo. Houston Show Case & Mfg. Co., Center & Harvard, Houston. Tex. Inter Ocean Cabinet Co., 326 S. Paulina, Chicago, Ill. Interior Metal Equipment Co., 844 Rush St., Chicago, Ill. Kawneer Co., Front St., Niles, Mich. Krueger Mfg. Co., 1316 Lakewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Llewellyn Iron Works Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial, Los Angeles, Cal. Mailander & Co., 601 Jackson, Waco, Tex. Manufacturing Equipment Co., Framingham, Mass. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Michaels Art Bronze Co., Inc., 230 Scott, Coving ton, Ky. Miller-Davis Co., 219 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Mitchell Mfg. Co., Robt., 2d & John, Cincinnati, O. Mount & Robertson, Inc., 62 Broad, New York, N. Y. Mullen Mfg. Co., 60 Rausch, San Francisco, Cal. Muller Bk. Fixture Co., Geo. W., Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Washington, D. C. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237 S. Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. NEWMAN MFG. CO., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Northwestern Furniture Co., 271 W. Water, Mil waukee, Wis. Ohmer, Inc., Alfred A. & Robert F., 113 N. Jeffer son St., Dayton, O. Oregon Brass Works, 2d & Everett, Portland, Ore. Phoenix Furniture Co., 9th & Broadway, Eau Claire, Wis. Poole, John, Care Federal American Natl. Bank, Washington, D. C. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. St. Louis Bank Bldg. & Equipment Co., 906 Sidney, St. Louis, Mo. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. SCHICK-JOHNSON CO., 1737 N. Paulina, Chicago ,111. (See our adv. on this page.) Southern Brass Mfg. & Plating Co., 6614 Harris burg Blvd., Houston, Tex. Standard Iron & Wire Works, 510 E. 10th, Chat tanooga, Tenn. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Stiles & Co., 664 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Taylor-Palmer Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Tyler Co., W. S., Cleveland, Ohio. Usona Mfg. Co., 3512 Chouteau, St. Louis, Mo. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Wenar & Co., Charles, 323 Decatur, Atlanta, Ga. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Wisconsin Iron & Wire Works, 1660 Booth, Mil waukee, Wis. Wise Co., Inc., The J. H., 911 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. Womack & Sons, J. P., Inc., Lakewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 253 Ohmer, Inc., A. A. & R. F., 113 N. Jefferson St., Dayton, O. Pearlman & Co., S. Victor, 535 S. Wabash, Chicago, Ill. Plant & Co., L. 432 E. 23d, New, York, N. Y. Pyle National Co., 1334 Kostner, Chicago, Ill. Reflectolyte Co., 914 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Shapiro & Aronson, Inc., 20 Warren, New York, N. Y. Viking Products Corp., 422 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. Western Electric Co., 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. Westinghouse Lamp Co., 150 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 254 FIXTURES, MARBLE (See Marble and Fixtures, Bank & Office) Carthage Marble Corporation, P. O. Drawer 612, Carthage, Mo. Georgia Marble Co., Tate, Ga. Inter Ocean Cabinet Co., 326 S. Paulina, Chicago, Ill. Ohmer, Inc., Alfred A. & Robt. F., 113 N. Jefferson, Dayton, O. THE NEWMAN MFG. CO., 416 Elm, Cincin nati, O. Taylor-Palmer Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. FIXTURES, WOOD (See Woodwork; also Fixtures, Bank & Office) FIXTURES, LIGHTING B. B. T. Corporation of America, Atlantic Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Beardslee Chandelier Mfg. Co., 216 S. Jefferson, Chicago, Ill. Biddle Gaumer Co., 3846 Lancaster Ave., Phila delphia, Pa. Bussmann Mfg. Co., University & Jefferson, St. Louis, Mo. Cassidy Co., Inc., 101 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Curtis Lighting, Inc., 1119 W. Jackson, Chicago, Ill. Danne, Harold A., 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. Faries Mfg. Co., 1036 E. Grand Ave., Decatur, Ill. Frink Co., Inc., I. P., 239 Tenth Ave., New York, N. Y. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. General Electric Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Graybar Electric Co., Graybar Bldg., New York, N. Y. Guth Co., Edwin F., 2615 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Handel Co., 381 E. Main St., Meriden, Conn. The Handy-Lite Co., P. O. Box 227, Peoria, Ill. Horn & Brannen Mfg. Co., 327 Broad, Philadelphia, Pa. Horne Desk & Fixture Co., Inc., 89 Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Jefferson Glass Co., Follansbee, W. Va. Markel Electric Products, Inc., 145 Seneca, Buffalo, N. Y. McCann, H. F„ 542 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. McFaddin & Co., H. G., 38 Warren, New York, N. Y. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. 255 FLAG POLES Bolander & Son, L. Ph., 954 Bryant, San Fran cisco, Cal. 256 FLAGS (See also Pennants) Am. Flag Mfg. Co., Easton, Pa. Carpenter & Co., Geo. B., 436 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. FLASHERS, ELECTRIC (See Signs, Electric) 257 FLOORS American Bankbuilding Construction Co., 1201 E. Georgia, Indianapolis, Ind. American Rubber Products Corp., 480 Henderson, Jersey City, N. J. Armstrong Cork Co., Linoleum Division, Lan caster, Pa. Bonded-Floors-Co., Inc., Kearny, N. J. Everlasbestos Flooring Co., 24 Winthrop,Rochester, N. Y. Jackson & Co., O. W„ 225 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237 S. Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. Stedman Products Co., S. Braintree, Mass. United Cork Companies, Grant Ave., Lyndhurst, N. J. Impressive Bank Interiors Especially Designed or thirty-five years we have specialized in the manufacture and erection of high-grade Fcabinet work, fixtures, and interior trim, includ ing bronze, marble, metal, and glass work, hard ware, rubber tile, plastering, decorating, etc. During this period we have enjoyed the execu tion of many contracts for a large number of banks, hotels, public, and office buildings. Our clients reach from coast to coast, and the lasting satisfaction of our work has been amply proven by their continued patronage. First National Bank Wilmette, Illinois SCHICK-JOHNSON COMPANY HAMILTON, FELLOWS & NEDVED, Architects 1737-45 N. Paulina Street Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chicago, III. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 32G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 258 FLOORS, RUBBER Stedman Products Co., South Braintree, Mass. FOLDERS, COIN (See Coin Folders) 259 FOLDERS, FILING (See also Envelopes and Supplies, Filing) Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury, Boston, jy[asa Bushneil Co., Alvah, 13th & Wood, Philadelphia, Pa. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Gulf Envelope Co., 520 Preston Ave., Houston, Tex. Imperial Methods Co., Forest Park, Ill. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Quality Park Envelope Co., Midway (Quality Park), St. Paul, Minn. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minne apolis, Minn. Smead Mfg. Co., 309 Second, Hastings, Minn. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Wabash Cabinet Co., Wabash, Ind. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, Is'. Y. 260 FOLDERS, MAP Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. FOLDERS, STATEMENT (See Lithographing and Printing) FOLDING MACHINES (See Machines, Folding) 261 FORMS, ACCOUNTING (See also Forms, Machine Bookkeeping) Baker-Goodyear Co., 42 Church St., New Haven, Conn. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. FT. WAYNE PTG. CO., 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Horder’s, Inc., 236 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lloyd Co., W. C., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Mann Co., Wm, 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. Maunsell’s Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. McBee Binder Co. (The), Athens, Ohio. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. Proudfit Loose Leaf Co., 10 Logan, Grand Rapids, Mich. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 262 FORMS, BANK (See also Stationers and specific headings) Adkins Printing Co., 66 Church, New Britain, Conn. Alien-Marshall Co., Ivan, 40 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. American Banking Machine Corporation, 207 Eddy Bldg., Saginaw, Mich. American Bank Note Co., 118-132 E. 20th, Chicago, Ill. American Bank Stationery Co., Curtin, Aiken, Hargest and Aisquith Sts., Baltimore, Md. American Bank Supply Co., 628 N. Illinois, Indianapolis, Ind. American Bindery Corp., 1310 Maple, Detroit, Mich. American Sales Book Co., Ltd., Elmira, N. Y. Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury, Boston, Mass. Atlanta Envelope Co., 505 Stewart Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Baker-Goodyear Co., 42 Church, New Haven, Conn. Bankers Printing Co., 836 Montgomery, San Francisco, Cal. Bankers Standardization Bureau, 1745 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. BARNARD STATIONERY CO., GEO. D„ Vandeventer & Laclede Aves., St. Louis, Mo. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brown-Blodgett Co., 1745 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Browne-Morse Co., Muskegon, Mich. Buchan-White Loose Leaf Co., 1906 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Buffalo Bank Note Co., 94-96 Elm, Buffalo, N. Y. Bushong & Co., Inc., Park & Stark, Portland, Ore. Buxton & Skinner Printing & Stationery Co., 306 N. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Calvert Lithographing Co., 2100 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich. Cargill Co., Capitol, Brazos & Rusk, Houston, Tex. Cockrum Printing Co., J. W., Oakland City, Ind. Columbian Bank Note Co., 500 S. Ashland, Chicago. Ill. Columbus Bank Note Co., 40 E. Spring, Columbus, Ohio. Commercial Lithographing Co., 815 W. Market, Louisville, Ky. Continental Bank-Supply Co.. Mexico, Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Vamp, New Orleans, La. Democrat Printing & Lithographing Co., Scott & 2d, Little Rock, Ark. Dodsworth Stationery Co., Sam’l, 412 W. 10th, Kansas City, Mo. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Exline Co., 113 St. Clair Ave., N. E., Cleveland, O. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Farnham Printing <fc Stationery Co., 417 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Forman Bassett Co. ,1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, Ohio. FT. WAYNE PRINTING CO., 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Gaylord Bros., Inc., 155 Gifford, Syracuse, N. Y. Goes Litho. Co., 42 W. 61st, Chicago, Ill. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Gregory, Mayer & Thom Co., 41 Cadillac Square, Detroit, Mich. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Hall Lithographing Co., 623 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Horder’s, Inc., 236 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Hutson & Co., C. S., 557 S. San Pedro, Los Angeles, Cal. Inland Printing Co., 473-77 St. Louis, Springfield, Mo. Iowa Lithographing Co., 515 Twenty-eighth, Des Moines, Iowa. Irving-Pitt Mfg. Co., 816 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. Irwin-Hodson Co., 115 N. 15th, Portland, Ore. Isler-Tompsett Lithographing Co., 2940 Benton, St. Louis. Mo. Johnson & Quin, 547 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. Knight Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Levey Printing Co., State House Square, Indian apolis, Ind. Lindstrom Co., H. M., 2440 S. Cicero, Cicero, Ill. Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Long Island Printing & Lithographing Co., Inc., 137 Jackson, Hempstead, N. Y. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. Master-Craft Corp., 825 Cobb, Kalamazoo, Mich. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McCaskey Register Co., Rush, Alliance, O. Monasch Co., 500 S. 5th, Minneapolis, Minn. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. National Carbon Coated Paper Co., Sturgis, Mich. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 N. Racine, Chicago, Ill. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Pembroke Co., 24 E. Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Poucher Ptg. & Litho. Co., 320 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Proudfit Loose Leaf Co., 10 Logan, Grand Rapids, Mich. Pugh & Co., H. G., 417 Main, Little Rock, Ark. Razall Mfg. Co., H. G., Milwaukee, Wis. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Reserve Litho. & Ptg. Co., 800-812 Huron Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Reynolds & Reynolds Co., Washington & Dudley, Dayton, Ohio. Richmond & Backus Co., Detroit, Mich. Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Francisco Cal. Sebastian & Co., 224 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Shclby-Salesbook Co., The, Shelby, O. Shaw-Walker Co* Muskegon, Mich. Smith-Brooks Ptg. Co., 1733 California, Denver, Colo. Smith Co., Oscar T. & Son, 407 E. Saratoga, Balti more, Md. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Stafford-Lowden Co., 610 W. Daget, Ft. Worth, Tex. Standard Bank Note Co., 351 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342 Broadway, Mil waukee, Wis. Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Stephens Litho. & Engraving Co., 420 N. 2d, St. Louis, Mo. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 23 S. LaSalle, Chicago, Ill. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Sunset Press, 1045 Sansome, San Francisco, Cal. Swinney Prtg. Co., Fort Branch, Ind. Taylor & Greenough Bank Supply Co., 74 Union, Hartford, Conn. Tengwall Co., 2954 Sheffield, Chicago, Ill. Thompson & Co., Arthur, 109 Market Place, Baltimore, Md. Union Bank Note Co., Kansas City, Mo. Union Lithograph Co., Los Angeles, Cal. United States Check Book Co., 1309 Howard, Omaha, Neb. Van Clief Lithographing Co., 2708 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., 3 Broad, Charles ton, S. C Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Cal. Widman & Sons Co., Inc., J. F., McGregor, la. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Woodbury & Co., Inc., Chadwick Sq., Worcester, Mass. Yawman <% Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Zion Institution & Industries, Zion, Ill. 263 FORMS, BANKING-BY-MAIL Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Inland Co., 608 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Return Address Company, 4401 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 264 FORMS, BUILDING & LOAN Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. O. K. Press, 2301 S. Kedzie, Chicago, Ill. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 266 FORMS, CARD (See also Systems, Filing, Card) Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Browne-Morse Co., Muskegon, Mich. Buchan-White Loose Leaf Co., 1906 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Postindex Co. ,Inc., Jamestown, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Co., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co.. Muskegon, Mich. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 266 FORMS, LEDGER (See also Forms, Loose Leaf and Ledgers) Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Buchan-White Loose Leaf Co., 1906 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Horder’s, Inc., 236 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. Knight-Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lloyd Co.. W. G.. 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Sebastian & Co., 224 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, M!ich. Shelby-Salesbook Co., The, Shelby, O. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Tallman Robbins & Co., 314 W. Superior, Chicago, Ill. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 267 FORMS, LEDGER, CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids. Ia. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Swinney Prtg. Co., Fort Branch. Ind. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 268 FORMS, LOOSE LEAF American Sales Book Co., Ltd., Elmira, N. Y. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, New York, N. Y. Cockrum Printing Co., J. W.t Oakland City, Ind. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierce Company Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Hall Lithographing Co., 623 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Horder’s, Inc., 236 W. Lake, Chicago. Ill. Irving-Pitt Mfg. Co., 816 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. Isaac Brothers, 425 Wall, Los Angeles, Cal. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. Lefax (Inc.), 9th & Samson, Philadelphia, Pa. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids. Iowa. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Shelby-Salesbook Co., Shelby, O. Sheppard Co., C. E., Van Alst & 14th, Long Island City, N. Y. Southern States Printing Co.. Inc.. The. Griffin, Ga, Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342 Broadway, Mil waukee, Wis. Sunset Press, 1045 Sansome, San Francisco, Cal. Tallman Robbins & Co., 314 W. Superior, Chicago, Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Wilson-Jones Co., 3300 Franklin, Chicago, Ill. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 269 FORMS, MACHINE BOOKKEEPING Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Ft. Wayne Printing Co., 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Horder’s, Inc., 236 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Irving Pitt Mfg. Co., 816 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids Iowa. Lloyd Co.. W. G., 626 S. C-ark, Chicago, 111. Mani-Fold Co., 13300 Coit Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Martell Co.. A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald ledger & loose leaf co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. (See our adv. on page 28G.) Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon .Mich. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-46 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Co., 3300 Franklin, Chicago, Ill. Wilson-Jones Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 270 FORMS, MANIFOLD American Sales Book Ltd., Elmira, N. Y. Autographic Register Co., 100 Clinton, Hoboken, N. J. Hamilton Autographic Register Co., 802 Symmes Ave., Hamilton, O. ManiFold Co., 13300 Coit Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Vawter Manifold Co., Benton Harbor, Mich. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. 271 FORMS, RUBBER STAMP SAFFORD STAMP WORKS, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. FORMS, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT (See Forms, Bank) 272 FORMS, TRUST DEPARTMENT (See also Forms, Bank) Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. , Purse Printing Co., 5th & Chestnut, Chattanooga, Tenn. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. The Smith Printing Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., 1099 Jay, Rochester, N. Y. FOUNTAIN PENS (See Pens, Fountain) 273 FOUNTAINS, DRINKING Clow & Sons, James B., 201-229 Talman Ave., Chicago, Ill. 274 FRAMES, POSTER Blodgett Co., Harvey, University & Wheeler, St. Paul, Minn. Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. .Clark, Chicago, Ill. Coleman Co., David A., 110 Locust, St. Louis, Mo. Davenport-Taylor Mfg. Co., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Ill. Elliott Service Co., 242 W. 55th, New York, N. Y. National Service Bureau of N. Y., Inc., 80 John, New York, N. Y. 276 FURNACES, WARM AIR American District Steam Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y. Burham Boiler Corporation, Irvington, N. Y. Johnson Service Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Lennox Furnace Co., Marshalltown, Iowa. Mueller Furnace Co., L. J., 197 Reed, Milwaukee, Wis. Thatcher Co., The, 39 St. Francis, Newark, N. J. Utica Heater Co., Utica, N. Y. 276 FURNITURE, ALUMINUM Aluminum Co. of America, Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. FURNITURE, BANK & OFFICE 277 Adams Company, S. G., 412 N. 6th, St. Louis. Adams Lithographing & Printing Co., 116 W. 2d, Pine Bluff, Ark. Aetna Cabinet Co., 321 W. Maryland, Indianapolis, Ind. Aluminum Co. of America, Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. American Walnut Manufacturers Assn., 616 S. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Angle Steel Stool Co., Inc., Plainwell, Mich. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Becker Co.. John C.. 41 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Blackw'ell Wielandy Co., 1601 Locust, St. Louis, Mo. Browne-Morse Co., Muskegon, Mich. Buxton & Skinner Printing & Stationery Co., 306 N. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. 33G Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Clemetsen Co., 3460 Division, Chicago, Ill. Collins Safe & Fixture Co., W. D., 513 W. Main, Denison. Tex. Commercial Furniture Co., 2739 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, Ill. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Davidson-Pearsall Co., 227 Main, Aurora, Ill. Doten Dunton Desk Co., 210 Broadway, Cam bridge, Mass. Dow Co., Louis'F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. Ehrlich & Sons Mfg. Co., H., Colo. & Lake, St. Joseph, Mo. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Furnas Furniture Co., 139 S. E St., Indianapolis, Ind. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Gregory, Mayer & Thom Co., 41 Cadillac Square, Detroit, Mich. Hoosier Desk Co., 220 Mill, Jasper, Ind. Horne Desk & Furniture Co., Inc., 89 N. Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Imperial Desk Co., Florida & Devon, Evansville, Ind. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wi«. Irving & Casson Davenport Co., A. II., 601 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Karpen & Bros., S., 801 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Koch Brothers, Grand Ave. at 4th, Des Moines, Ia. Krueger Mfg. Co., 1316 Lakewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Leopold Co., Burlington, Ia. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial, Los Angeles. Cal. Lyon Metal Products, Inc., Aurora, III. Macey Co., 1520 Division Ave., S., Grand Rapids Mich. Mailander & Co., 601 Jackson, Waco, Tex. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Matthews Bros. Mfg. Co., Port Washington Rd., Milwaukee, Wis. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McNamara Office Supply Co., 507 Locust, Des Moines, Iowa. Metal Office Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Miller-Davis Co., 219 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Milwaukee Chair Co., The, 624 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. NEWMAN MFG. COMPANY, 416 Elm, Cincin nati, O. Northwestern Furniture Co., 271 W. Water, Mil waukee, Wis. Office Equipment Co., 911 Locust, Des Moines, Ia. Ohmer, Inc., A. A. & R. F., 113 N. Jefferson, Dayton, O. Orchard & Wilhelm Co., 414 S. 16tli, Omaha, Neb. Orthwdne, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Rastetter & Sons. Louis, Fort Wayne, Ind. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc.,465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Richmond & Backus Co., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Southern States Ptg. Co., Inc., Griffin, Ga. Steel Equipment Corp., Avenel, N. J. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Stow & Davis Furniture Co., 70 S. Front Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Taylor Chair Co., Bedford, Ohio. Taylor-Palmer Co., 432 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Tennessee Furniture Corp., Chattanooga, Tenn. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. West Co., M. G., 117 Front, San Francisco, Cal.~ Womack & Sons, J. P., Inc., Lakewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N..Y. FURNITURE, MARBLE (See Fixtures, Bank & Office; also Marble) 278 FURNITURE, METAL Adams Lithographing & Printing Co., 116 W. 2d, Pine Bluff, Ark, Aluminum Co. of America, Oliver Bldg., Pitts burgh, Pa. Angle Steel Stool Co., Inc., 2 Oak, Plainwell, Mich. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. Beacon Steel Furniture Co., 1701-9 22d, Chicago, Ill. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 34G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) FURNITURE, METAL—Continued Becker Co., John C., 41 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, O. Browne-Morse Co., Muskegon, Mich. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Davidson Co., J. L., 632-648 Mateo, Los Angeles, Cal. Drew Co., The H. & W. B. Jacksonville, Fla. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Globe-Wernioke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Interior Metal Equipment Co., 844 Rush, Chicago, Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Lyon Metal Products, Inc., Aurora, Ill. Macey Co., 1520 Division Ave., S., Grand Rapids, Mich. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Metal Office Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Office Equipment Co., 911 Locust, Des Moines, la. Orthwine, R„ 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steel Equipment Corp., Avenel, N. J. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Toledo Metal Furniture Co., 1100 Hastings, Toledo, Ohio. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. West Co., M. G., 117 Front, San Francisco, Cal. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. FURNITURE, VAULT (See Equipment, Vault) The A. Claus Mfg. Co., 5250 Brookpark Rd„ Cleveland, O. Coleman, Adelbert E., 336 W. 37th, Chicago, Ill. Collins Safe & Fixture Co,, W. D., 513 W. Main, Denison, Tex. Davidson Co., J. L., 632-648 Mateo, Los Angeles, Cal. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., Minneapolis, Minn. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Guth Co., Edwin F., 2615 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Hine Desk & Fixture Co., 2166 Fifteenth, Denver, Colo. Inter Ocean Cabinet Co., 326 S. Paulina, Chicago, Mailander & Co., 601 Jackson, Waco, Tex. Michaels Art Bronze Co., 230 Scott, Covington, Ky. Mount & Robertson, Inc., 62 Broad, New York, N. Y. Mullen Mfg. Co., 60 Rausch San Francisco, Cal. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237 S. Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. NEWMAN MFG. CO., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Ohmer, Inc., A. A. & R. F„ 113 N. Jefferson, Dayton, O. Portland Wire & Iron Works, Portland, Ore. St. Louis Bank Bldg. & Eqt. Co., 906 Sidney, St. Louis, Mo. Southern Brass Mfg. & Plating Co., 6614 Harris burg Blvd., Houston, Tex. Standard Iron & Wire Works, 510 E. 10th, Chattanoogsa, Tenn. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Taylor-Palmer Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Tyler Co., W. S., 36th & Superior, Cleveland, O. Usona Mfg. Co., 3612 Chouteau, St. Louis, Mo. Van Dorn Iron Works Co. 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland. Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N Y Wisconsin Iron & Wire Works, 1660 Booth, Mil waukee, Wis. Womack & Sons, J. P., Inc., Lakewood Ave , Atlanta, Ga. GUARDS, WINDOW (See Grillwork) G 279 GLASS, BULLET-PROOF Buekers, Jr., & Co., J. H., 2117 Elmwood Ave., Detroit, Mich, Indestructo Glass Corporation, Farmingdale, Long Island, N. Y. Safetee Glass Co., 905 N. Broad, Philadelphia, Pa. Safety Corp., The, Adena, Ohio. Triplex Safety Glass Co. of N. A., Inc., Hoboken Terminal, Hoboken, N. J. GLASS DESK PADS (See Pads, Desk, Glass) GLASS SIGNS (See Signs, Glass) 280 GLOBES BAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, 281 GLUE (See also Supplies) Keller Ink Co., Robert, 1441 Brooklyn Ave., Detroit, Mich. 284 GUIDES, INDEX (See also Supplies, Filing) Aluminum Co. of America, Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. Y Amberg File <fe Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. American Clip Co., Beebe Ave. & William, Long Island City, N. J. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Graff-Underwood Co., 54 Washburn Ave., Cam bridge, Mass. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 Clark, Chicago, Ill. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens, 6. Mohler, A., 416 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke. Mass. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Smith, Chas. C., Exeter, Neb. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Wabash Cabinet Co., Wabash, Ind. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. GUMMED TAPE SEALING MACHINES (See Machines, Sealing, Gummed Tape) GOLD LETTERING (See Lettering, Gold) H 282 GOLF BALLS Advertising Golf Ball Corp., 1775 Broadway. New York, N. Y. 283 GRILLWORK Acme Wire & Iron Works, 12340 Cloverdale, Detroit, Mich. American Fixture Co., 16th & Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Mo. American Iron & Wire Works, 1622 Carroll, Chicago, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Baldwin Brass Works, 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. Biddle-Gaumer Co., 3846 Lancaster Ave., Phila delphia, Pa. Buekers, Jr., & Co., J. H., 2117 Elmwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. Buffalo Wire Works Co., The, 577 Terrace, Buffalo, N. Y. Bush Co., Inc., James S., 11 Park Place, New York, N. Y. Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. Clark, Chicago. Ill. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 285 HEAT REGULATORS Minneapolis-Honeywell Heat Regulator Co., 2753 Fourth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. 286 HEATERS, OIL, STEAM & HOT WATER American Nokol Co., 4200 Schubert Ave., Chicago, American Radiator Co., 40 W. 40th, New York, N. Y. International Heating Co., 3808 Park Ave., St. Louis. Mo. Johnson Service Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Mueller Co., L. J., 197 Reed, Milwaukee, Wis. Utica Heater Co., Utica, N. Y. Williams Oil-o-matic Heating Corp., Hanna & Bell, Bloomington, Ill. Winslow Boiler & Engineering Co., 844 Rush, Chicago, Ill. 287 HEKT0GRAPHS (See also Duplicators) Heyer Duplicator Co., Inc., 911 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, Ill. HOLDERS, COIN, PASTEBOARD (See Coin Foldeis) 288 HOLDERS, LOOSE LEAF (See also Supplies, Loose Leaf) Bilt-Rite Mfg. Co., 447 N. Wood, Chicago, Ill. Buchan-White Loose Leaf Co., 1906 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, III. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Moore Corp., John C.t 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. Office Efficiency Distributors Co., 200 Davis, San Francisco, Cal. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. 289 HOLDERS, MEMO Bilt-Rite Mfg. Co., 447 N. Wood, Chicago, Ill. Hulit & Co., 625 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens. O. Office Efficiency Distributors Co., 200 Davis, San Francisco, Calif. 290 HOLDERS, RUBBER STAMP Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, 291 HOLDERS, STEN0, NOTEBOOK American Clip Co., Beebe Ave. & William, Long Island City, N. Y. American Electric Co., Inc., 6401 S. State, Chicago, Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Office Efficiency Distributors Co., 200 Davis, San Francisco, Calif. Pittsburgh Typewriter & Supply Co., 339 5th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Sullivan, Bessie, 19128 Carman, Detroit, Mich. 292 HOLD-UP ALARMS (See also Burglar Alarms) American District Telephone & Telegraph Co., 183 Varick, New York, N. Y. American Lock Works, First Nat’l Bk. Bldg., Ft. Dodge, Iowa. Bank Protective Devices, Inc., 211 N. Liberty, Baltimore, Md. Butte Electric & Mfg. Co., 956 Folsom St., San Francisco, Calif. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Danne, Harold A., 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. Duplex Electric Co., 71-73 Grand, New York, Federal Laboratories, Inc., 1631 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Federal Electric Co., 8700 S. State, Chicago, Ill. Federal Laboratories, Inc., 1631 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Holmes Electric Protective Co., 370 E. 7th Ave., Cleveland, O. Lake Erie Chemical Co., 1874 E. 59th, Cleveland,O. Patrick & Wilkins Co., 51 N. 7th, Philadelphia, Pa. HOME BUDGET SYSTEMS (See Systems, Budget, Home) HOME SAVINGS BANKS (See Savings Ranks, Home & Pocket) 293 HOUSE ORGANS Bartlett Advertising Co., 230 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. Bauder-Baker, 225 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Craddick Service, Inc., 716 4th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, HI. Investment Advertising Co., 208 S. La Salle, Chicago, III. Levey Printing Co., State House Square, Indian apolis, Ind. McNaughton, Flint, 1512 Tower Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Pace Co., 14 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Selling Aid, 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Ten Brook Co., The, 180 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 294 HUSH-A-PH0NES Hush-A-Phone Corp., 43 W. 16th, New York, N. Y SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 35G Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) Love & Co., J. V., 2205 Mechanic, Galveston, Tex. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3042 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Northwestern Stamp Works, 110 E. Third, St. Paul, Minn. Sachs-Lawlor Co., 1543 Larimer, Denver, Colo. SAFFORD STAMP WORKS, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. St. Paul Stamps Works, 74 E. 5th, St. Paul, Minn. Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. Webster Co., F. S., 332 Congress, Boston, Mass. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 296 IDENTIFICATION APPARATUS Flak Finger Print System Co., 1 Liberty, New York, N. Y. Identiscope Co., 616 Penton Bldg., Cleveland, O. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS (See Engineers, Industrial) 300 296 IMPRINTING, CHECK American Bindery Corp., 1310 Maple, Detroit, Mieh. Benson & Sons, Inc., B. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Dameron-Pierson Company Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. De Luxe Check Printers, Inc., 855 Orleans, Chicago, Ill.; 2531 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn.; 810 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo., and 205 E. St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, O. Dodsworth Stationery Co., Sam’l, 412 W. 10th, Kansas City, Mo. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 N. Racine, Chicago, Ill. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Reynolds & Reynolds, Washington & Dudley, Dayton, Ohio. Schaefer Mfg. Co., O. E., 4189 Chippewa, St. Louis, Mo. Smith-Brooks Printing Co., 1733 California, Denver, Colo. Stephens Lithographing & Engr. Co., 420 N. 2d, St. Louis, Mo. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. INCOME TAX SERVICE (See Service, Tax) 297 301 302 Bachrach Specialty Co., 2275 3d Ave., New York, N. Y. Defiance Sales Corp., 72-78 Spring, New York, N. Y. F.-N. Sales Co., 1627 Columbia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Keller Ink Co., Robert, 1441 Brooklyn Ave., Detroit, Mich. Lewis Ball Bearing Inkwell Co., Paulding, O. Rehberger Mfg. Co., 1217 Webster Ave., Chicago, Ill. Sengbusch Self-Closing Inkstand Co., 2218 Clybourn, Milwaukee, Wis. Sneath Glass Co., Hartford City, Ind. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Yates, R. R., Joliet, Ill. INK ERADICAT0RS INKS Carter’s Ink Co., 239 First, Cambridge, Mass. Diamond Ink Co., 3033 Galena, Milwaukee, Wis. Dixie Seal & Stamp Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gordon Pen Co., 450 Palisades Ave., West New York, N. J. Higgins & Co., Chas. M., 271 Ninth, Brooklyn, N. Y. Keller Ink Co., Robert, 1441 Brooklyn Ave., Detroit, Mich. Kirk Ink Co., 2316 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Matthews & Co., Jas. H„ 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Messing, Gus D., 315 Jackson, St. Paul, Minn. Payson's Indelible Ink Co., 28 Henshaw Ave., Northampton, Mass. Sanford Ink Co., 846 W. Congress, Chicago, Ill. Scriptex Ink & Paste Co., 519 S. Second, Phila delphia, Pa. Sterling Ink Co., Inc., 1201 S. 3d, Minneapolis, Minn. Ullrich & Co., J., 161 Washington, New York, N.Y. INSPECTION, VAULT (See Vault Inspection) INSURANCE, BURGLARY 306 American Surety Co., 100 Broadway, New York, N. Y. INSURANCE, CHECK 307 INCORPORATION PROCEDURE 303 INKS, DUPLICATING Acme Stamp Co., 1100 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, O. Arlac Dry Stencil Corp., 424 Fourth Ave., Pitts burgh, Pa. Botts Mfg. Co., 72 Third, Brooklyn, N. Y. Carter’s Ink Co., 239 First, Cambridge, Mass. Dick Co., A. B., 736 Jackson, Chicago, Ill. Ditto, Inc., 2243 W. Harrison St., Chicago, Ill. Duplico Mfg. Co., New Brunswick, N. J. Kirk Ink Co., 2316 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Office Efficiency Distributors Co., 200 Davis, San Francisco, Calif. Sachs-Lawler Co., 1543 Larimer, Denver, Colo. Swisher Mfg. Co., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. INDEXES, CARD (See Files, Card Index) INDEXES, TELEPHONE Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, Adams Mfg. Co., Henry T., 8561 S. Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. Bates Mfg. Co., Orange, N. J. Duplex Mfg. Co., 306 S. Franklin, Chicago, Ill. Hoge Mfg. Co., 23 E. 21st St., New York, N. Y. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224-230 Huron, Chicago, Ill. Meilicke Systems Co., 3466 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Pressteel Engineering Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Smead Mfg. Co., 309 Second, Hastings, Minn. Stanwood-Hillson Corp., 14 High, Brookline, Mass. Terre Haute Adv. Co., 1317 Poplar, Terre Haute, Ind. American Surety Co., 100 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Todd Co., The, 1178 University Ave., Rochester N. Y. 308 INSURANCE, INDEMNITY American Surety Co., 100 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Insurance Co. of North America, 1600 Arch, Phila delphia, Pa. INSURANCE, MAIL 309 ROYAL INSURANCE CO., LTD., 84 William St., New York, N. Y. (See our adv. on this page.) INKS, RUBBER STAMP 304 Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Wks., 76 N. Forsyth, Atlanta, Ga. Botts Mfg. Co., 72 Third, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brakmeier Bros., 112 S. Fourth, Louisville, Ky. Carter’s Ink Co., 239 First, Cambridge, Mass. Darling Co., J. C., 734 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Diamond Ink Co., 3033 Galena, Milwaukee, Wis. Dixie Seal & Stamp Co., Atlanta, Ga. Force & Co., Inc., Wm. A., 105 Worth, New York, N. Y. Gibson Co., Inc., 70 Oak, Buffalo, N. Y. Keller Ink Co., Robert, 1441 Brooklyn Ave., Detroit, Mich. Kirk Ink Co., 2316 W. Harrison. Chicago, Ill. INDEXING SERVICE 299 Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Conn av Co., H. H., 725 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INKSTANDS 306 Carter’s Ink Co., 239 First, Cambridge, Mass. Novelty Cutlery Co., Canton, Ohio. Sanford Ink Co., 846 W. Congress, Chicago, Ill. Pratt & Sons, Inc., A. S., Wilkins Bldg., Washing ton, D. C. 298 INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS American Banking Machine Corp., 207 Eddy Bldg., Saginaw, Mich. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, Tex. Bankers Automatic Thrift Machine, 1301 H St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 310 INSURANCE, PLATE GLASS American Surety Co., 100 Broadway, New York. 311 INTER-COMMUNICATING TELAUTOGRAPHS Telautograph Corp., 16 W. 61st, New York, N. Y. INTER-COMMUNICATING TELEPHONES (See Telephones, Inter-Communicating) REGISTERED MAIL INSURANCE CURRENCY SPECIE SECURITIES ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY MARINE DEPARTMENT JOHN E. HOFFMAN, Manager 84 william Street, New York SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 36G 312 Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) INTEREST TABLES & INTEREST CALCULATORS Levey Printing Co., State House Square, Indian apolis, Ind. Oliver Baker Mfg. Co., 420 S. 7th, Minneapolis, Minn. Quality Park Envelope Co., (Midway), Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Reynolds & Reynolds, Washington & Dudley, Dayton, Ohio. Schaefer Mfg. Co., O. E., 4189 Chippewa, St. Louis, Mo. Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Stafford-Lowdon Co., 610 W. Daget, Ft. Worth, Tex. Union Lithograph Co., 2030 E. 7th, Los Angeles, Cal. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. TWENTIETH CENTURY CO., 542 So. Dearboni St., Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page.) 313 IRON, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL Acme Wire & Iron Works, 1234 Cloverdale, Detroit, Mich. American Iron & Wire Works, 1622 Carroll Ave., Chicago, Ill. Biddle-Gaumer Co., 3846 Lancaster Ave., Phila delphia, Pa. Buekers.Jr., <fc Co., J. H., 2217 Elmwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. Cassidy Co., Inc., 101 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. Clark, Chicago. Ill. The A. Claus Mfg. Co., 5250 Brookpark Rd., Cleveland, O. Coleman, Adelbert E., 336 W. 37th, Chicago, Ill. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., Minneapolis. Minn. Harsch Bronze & Fdry. Co., John, 11612 Madison Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Illinois Bronze & Iron Works, 917 S. Kildare, Chicago, Ill. Krueger Mfg. Co., 1316 Lakewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Michaels Art Bronze Co., Inc., 230 Scott, Coving ton, Ky. Mount <& Robertson, Inc., 62 Broad, New York, N. Y. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ohmer, Inc., A. A. & R. F., 113 N. Jefferson, Dayton, O. Portland Wire & Iron Works, 294 Second, Portland, Ore. Standard Iron & Wire Works, 510 E. 10th, Chat tanooga, Tenn. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Tyler Co., W. S., Cleveland, Ohio. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Western Architectural Iron Co., 3455 Elston Ave., Chicago, Ill. Williams. Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Wisconsin Wire & Iron Works, 1660 Booth, Mil waukee, Wis. Womack & Sons, J. P., Inc., Lakewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. JANITORS’ SUPPLIES (See Supplies, Janitors’) JOURNALS, BANKING (See Magazines, Banking) K 315 Adams Mfg. Co., Henry T., 8561 S. Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Adcraft Manufacturing Co., 2448-56 W. 22d, Chicago, Ill. Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Wks., 76 Forsyth St., N. W„ Atlanta, Ga. Beebe Co., 64 Bruce Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Ferree Co., E. H., 61 Richmond Ave., Lockport, N. Y. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Humphreys Leather Goods Co., Inc., 243 E. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224-230 Huron, Chicago, Ill. Leather Products Co., 201 South, Iola, Kan. Noble & Co., F. H., 535 W. 59th, Chicago, 111. Stronghart Co., 2942 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Weinman Bros., 421 S. Wells, Chicago, 111. KODAKS (See Cameras) L J 314 316 JACKETS, PASS BOOK American Bank Supply Co., 628 N. Illinois, Indianapolis, Ind. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange St., Dallas, Tex. American Paper Goods Co., 1237 WashingtonBldg., Kensington, Conn. Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury, Boston, Mass. Bankers Envelope Co., 25 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Benson & Sons, Benj. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N. y! Berkowitz Envelope Co., 19th & Campbell, Kansas City, Mo. Bushnell Co., Alvah, 13th & Wood, Philadelphia, Pa. Buxton & Skinner Printing & Stationery Co.. 306 N. Fourth, St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Dodsworth Stationery Co., Sam’l, 412-414 W. 10th, Kansas City, Mo. Exline Co., 113 St. Clair Ave., N. E., Cleveland, O. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Gulf Envelope Co., 520 Preston Ave., Houston,Tex. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Keystone Envelope Co., 427 Moyer, Philadelphia, Pa. Knight & Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis KEY RINGS LABELS, ADVERTISING Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Central Tag Co., 2715 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Fenton Label Co., Inc., 506 Race, Philadelphia, Pa. Forbes Lithograph Mfg. Co., P. O. Box 5130, Boston, Mass. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Merchants Publishing Co., 402 W. Main, Kala mazoo, Mich. Milwaukee Label & Seal Co., 297 7th, Milwaukee, Wis. Paney Envelope & Tag Co., 36 Green, Newark, N.J. Shuman Co., Frank G., 711 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago ,111. Tablet & Ticket Co., 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. Union Lithographing Co., Inc., 2030 E. 7th, Los Angeles, Calif. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Cal. 317 LAMPS, DESK Aladdin Mfg. Co., 18th & Hackley, Muncie, Ind. Biddle-Gaumer Co., 3846 Lancaster, Philadelphia, Pa. Curtis Lighting, Inc., 1119 W. Jackson, Chicago,Ill. Farber, Inc., S. W., 141-151 S. 5th, Brooklyn, N. Y. Faries Mfg. Co., 1036 E. Grand Ave., Decatur, Ill. Frink Co., Inc., 239 Tenth Ave., New York, N. Y. Guth Co., Edwin F., 2615 Washington, St. Louis, Mo. Handel Co., 381 E. Main, Meriden, Conn. Horn & Brannen Mfg. Co., 427 N. Broad, Phila delphia, Pa. McCann, H. F., 542 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. McFaddin & Co., H. G., 38 Warren, New York, N. Y. Pearlman & Co., Victor S., 533 S. Wabash, Chicago, Ill. Reflectolyte Co., 914 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee. Wis. Westinghouse Lamp Co., 150 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 318 LAWS, BANKING Pratt & Sons, Inc., A. S., Wilkins Bldg., Washing ton, D. C. 319 LEATHER GOODS Advertising Specialty Co., 609 Ryan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, Ohio. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, Tex. Beach Leather Co., 1301 E. Walnut, Coshocton, O. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Buckeye Leather Co., 946 Chestnut, Coshocton, O. Business Reviving Co., Oblong, Ill. Carrithers <fe Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Continental Bank Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Coshocton Soecialty Co., Coshocton O., Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Exline Co., 113 St. Clair Ave., N. E., Cleveland, O. Ferree Co., E. H., 61 Richmond Ave., Lockport, N. Y. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Folsom Arms Co., H. & D., 314 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. Humphreys Leather Goods Co., Inc., 243 E. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Jung Co., Geo. H., 109 W. Central Pkwy., Cin__ cinnati, O. Kemper Thomas Co., Norwood, Ohio. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Leather Products Co., 201 South, Iola, Kan. L’Enfant-Oley-Martine Mfg. Corp., 99-101 5th, New York, N. Y. Meeker Co., Inc., 3d & Michigan, Joplin, Mo. Merchants Publishing Co., 402 W Main, Kala mazoo, Mich. Michaels, A. H., 31 Beaver, New York, N. Y. Murphy Co., The, Thos. D., Red Oak, Iowa. National Bank Supply Co., 60 Spring, New York, N. Y. Novelty Adv Co., Coshocton, Ohio. Oliver Baker Mfg. Co., 420 S. 7th, Minneapolis, Minn. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510-26 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Robinson Mfg. Co., 171 Elm, Westfield, Mass. Schaefer Mfg. Co., O. E., 4189 Chippewa St„ St. Louis, Mo. Seelman & Sons Co., Geo., 337 Seventh, Milwaukee, Wis. Shedd-Brown Mfg. Co., 317 Fifth Ave., S., Minne apolis, Minn. Standard Brief Case Co., Inc., 552 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 21 S. La Salle, Chicago,Ill. Stiteler-Lewis Mfg. Co., 515 Jackson, Dallas, Tex. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 WT. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. United States Check Book Co., 1309 Howard, Omaha, Neb. Van Cleff Lithographing Co., 2708 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Weinman Bros., 421 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif, Zell, Inc., D. H., 536 Broadway, New York, N .Y. LEATHER NOVELTIES (See Leather Goods, also Novelties, Advertising) INTEREST TABLES For For Daily Balances Savings Accounts Compound Interest Bond Values Tables Simple Interest, 360 and 365 days basis Installment and Amortization Tables Building & Loan Interest Tables Definite Contract Loan Tables 3fA, 4, 4K, 5, 5'A, 6, 6'A, 7, l}/2, 8, and 9%. Simplex Interest Tables If you need simple Interest Tables, mention what rates and for what purpose. If you need Tables for special Interest problems, let us know what your problems are. We have every kind of Interest Table, and can furnish what you require. Will send on approval. Write us. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY COMPANY 542 S. Dearborn St. .... CHICAGO SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 37G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 320 LEDGERS, BOSTON Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Hall Co., J. C., 68 W. Exchange, Providence, R. I. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Richmond & Backus Co., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. 321 LEDGERS, CARD Acme Card System Co., 116 N. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill, Cockrum Printing Co., J. W., Oakland City, Ind Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Doubledav Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main .Kalamazoo, Mich. The Exline Co., 113 St. Clair Ave., N. E., Cleve land, O. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Keystone Index Card Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Martell Co., A E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Postindex Co., Jamestown, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Wagemaker Co., 566 Market, S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Western Litho. Co., 690 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 322 LEDGERS, LIABILITY Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Ft. Wayne Printing Co., 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Irving-Pitt Mfg. Co., 816 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Wilson-Jones Co., 3300 Franklin Blvd., Chicago,Ill. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 323 LEDGERS, LOOSE LEAF Adams Mfg. Co., Henry T., 8561 S. Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Adkins Printing Co., 66 Church, New Britain, Conn. American Bank Supply Co., 628 N. Illinois, Indianapolis, Ind. American Bindery Corp., 1310 Maple, Detroit, Mich. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Buchan-White Loose Leaf Co., 1906 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ivy. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Flammger & Grahl Blank Book Co., 318 N. Third, St. Louis, Mo. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Hadley Co., Chas. It., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Hall Co., J. C., 68 W. Exchange, Providence, R. I. Irving-Pitt Mfg. Co., 816 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. Knight & Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lloyd Co., W. G„ 620 S. Clark, Chicago, III. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale Ave., Chicago, Ill. Mohler, A., 416 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co., 320 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Proudfit Loose Leaf Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. (See our adv. on r>age 28G.) Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Sheppard Co., C. E., Van Alst; 14th, Long Island City, N. Y. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 21 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Tallman Robbins & Co., 314 W. Superior, Chicago, 111. Tengwall Co., 2954 Sheffield, Chicago, Ill. United States Check Book Co., 1309 Howard, Omaha, Neb. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Weston Co., Byron, Dalton, Mass. Wilson-Jones Co., 3300 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 324 LEGAL SERVICE Pratt & Sons, Inc., A. S., Wilkins Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. LETTERHEADS, EMBOSSED (See Embossing) Hutson & Co., C. S., 557 S. San Pedro, Los Angeles, Cal. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Standard Bank Note Co., 351 E. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. Stephens Litho. & Engraving Co., 420 N. 2d, St. Louis, Mo. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Woodbury and Co., Inc., Chadwick Square, WnrppQtPT Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. 326 LETTERHEADS, LITHOGRAPHED (See also Lithographing) Capital Banknote Co., 429 S. Ashland Ave. Chicago, Ill. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Central Banknote Co., 319 N. Albany, Chicago, Ill. Columbus Bank Note Co., 40 E. Spring, Columbus. Ohio. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Dameron-Pierce Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Drew & Co., The H. & W. R., Jacksonville, Fla. Forbes Lithograph Mfg. Co., P. O. Box 5130, Boston, Mass. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., Kingshighway Memorial Blvd. at Penrose, St. Louis, Mo. Iowa Lithographing Co., 515 Twenty-eighth, Des Moines, Iowa. Isler-Tompsett Lithographing Co., 2940 Benton, St. Louis, Mo. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Master-Craft Corp., 825 Cobb, Kalamazoo, Mich. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. PEERLESS LITHOGRAPHING CO., 4313 Diversey, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page). Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Poucher Ptg. & Litho. Co., 320 S. 4th, Minne apolis, Minn. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Standard Bank Note Co., 351 E. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. Stephens Litho. & Engr. Co., 420 N. 2nd, St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis Lithographing Co., 312 N. 3d, St. Louis, Mo. United States Check Book Co., 1309 Howard, Omaha, Neb. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. LETTERHEADS, PRINTED (See Printing) 325 LETTERHEADS, ENGRAVED (See also Engraving) American Embossing Co., 196 Seneca, Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo Bank Note Co., 94-96 Elm, Buffalo, N. Y. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Dameron-Pierce Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Drew & Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Gartner & Bender, 1104 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., Kingshighway Memorial Blvd. at Penrose St. Louis, Mo. LETTERING, GOLD 327 Brilliant Co., 3531 Washington, St. Louis, Mo. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Leather Products Co., 201 South, Iola, Kan. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Rawson & Evans Co., 710 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Steere, George & Sons, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Tablet & Ticket Co., 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. LITHOGRAPHED LETTERHEADS—As Low As DEPOSIT SLIPS 35c PER THOUSAND $1.15 PER THOUSAND ON 20 LB. WHITE BOND A DECIDED SAVING TO YOU 250,000 100,000 500,000 - 37c per M 40c per M - 35c Per M 50,000 25,000 - Let Us Make Your Next Order 45c per M 50c per M 50,000 25,000 - - $1.15 Per M 100,000 12,500 - - $1.65 per M $1.20 per M 6,250 - - $2.20 per M $1.40 per M Write for Samples PEERLESS LITHOGRAPHING GO., Inc. 4313 Diversey Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Specialists on Lithographed Stationery Ave. ----CHICAGO, ILL. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 38G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 328 LETTER OPENERS Adcraft Manufacturing Co., 2448-56 W. 22d, Chicago, Ill. American Art Works, Coshocton, Ohio. Bircher Co., Inc., 192 Mill, Rochester, N. Y. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Cruver Manufacturing Co., 2456 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Hush-A-Phone Corporation, 43 W. 16th, New York, N. Y. Novelty Cutlery Co., Canton, Ohio. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Rehberger Co., A. C., 3656 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IU. Stronghart Co., 2942 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Vidover Letter Opener Co., Inc., 1755 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 329 LETTER OPENERS (AUTOMATIC) Bircher Co., Inc., 192 Mill, Rochester, N. Y. O K. Mfg. Co., 472 W. 1st, Oswego, N. Y. 330 LETTERS, COLLECTION Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Ft. Wayne Ptg. Co., 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Richmond & Backus Co., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. 331 LETTERS, FAC-SIMILE Eagle Multigraphing Stamp & Seal Co., 912-13 Thrower Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Kier Letter Co., 538 S. Clark, Chicago, III. Los Angeles Addressing & Mailing Co., 1351 S. Olive, Los Angeles, Cal. 332 LETTERS, PROCESS Kier Letter Co., 538 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. LIGHTING SYSTEMS (See Fixtures, Lighting) 333 LIMESTONE Bloomington Limestone Co., Bloomington, Ind. Indiana Limestone Quarrymen’s Ass’n, Bedford, Ind. Shawnee Stone Co., Bloomington, Ill. 334 LININGS, VAULT Cary Safe Co., 1200 Niagara, Buffalo, N. Y. Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., Canton, Ohio. Gross-Feibel Co., Fair & Elm, Hillsboro, Ohio. Hall’s Safe Co., 3253 Spring Grove Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Herring-Hall-Marvin Co., Grand Blvd., Hamilton, Ohio. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. National Safe & Lock Co., E. 69th & Quincy, Cleveland, Ohio. York Safe & Lock Co., York, Pa. 335 LININGS, VAULT (ELECTRIC) Burglary Protection Co., 738 Ceres Ave., Los McClintock Co., O. B., 139 Lyndale Ave., N.. Minneapolis, Minn. 336 LINOLEUM Armstrong ©ork <fc Insulation Co., 24th St. &. A. V. R. R., Pittsburgh, Pa. 337 LISTS, MAILING BUCKLEY DEMENT & CO., 1300 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Los Angeles Addressing & Mailing Co., 1351 S. Olive, Los Angeles, Cal. Ross-Gould Co.. 309 N. 10th, St. Louis, Mo. 338 LITHOGRAPHING Adams Lithographing & Printing Co., 116 W. 2d, Pine Bluff, Ark. American Bank Note Co., 118 E. 20th, Chicago, Ill. American Bank Stationery Co., Curtin, Aiken, Hargest & Aisquith, Baltimore, Md. American Bank Supply Co., 628 N. Illinois, Indianapolis, Ind. Bankers Lithographing Co., Forbes Field, Pitts burgh, Pa. BARNARD STATIONERY CO., OEO. D., Vandeventer & Laclede Aves., St. Louis, Mo. Beach Printing Co., Will A., 235 N. Phillip Ave., Sioux Falls, S. D. Benson & Sons, Benj. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N.Y. Berg, Joseph, 30 Ferry, New York, N. Y. Broderick Co., 460 Robert, St. Paul, Minn. The Brooks Co., 1241 Superior Ave., Cleveland, O. Brown-Blodgett Co., 1745 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Bushong & Co., Inc., Park & Stark, Portland, Ore. Buxton & Skinner Printing & Stationery Co., 306 N. 4th. St. Louis, Mo. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Calvert Lithographing Co., 2100 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich. Cantine Co., The Martin, Ripley, Saugerties, N. Y. Capital Banknote Co., 429 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ill. Central Banknote Co., 319 N. Albany, Chicago, Ill. Clarke & Courts, Galveston, Tex. The Clegg Co., 130 Soledad, San Antonio, Tex. Columbian Bank Note Co., 500 S. Ashland, Chicago. Ill. Columbus Bank Note Co., 40 E. Spring, Columbus, O. Commercial Lithographing Co., 815 W. Market, Louisville, Ky. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Corporation Bank Note Co., 38 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. De Luxe Check Printers, Inc., 2531 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Democrat Printing & Lithographing Co., Scott & 2d, Little Rock, Ark. Dodsworth Stationery Co., Sam’l, 412-414 W. 10th, Kansas City, Mo. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Edwards & Deutsch Lithographing Co., 2320-36 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Falconer Co., 414 W’ater, Baltimore, Md. Farnham Printing & Stationery Co., 417 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, Ohio. Ft. Wayne Ptg. Co., 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Gast Bank Note Co., 4189 Chippewa, St. Louis, Mo. Goes Lithographing Co., 42 W. 61st, Chicago, Ill. Gregory, Mayer & Thom, Co., 41 Cadillac Square, Detroit, Mich. Hall Co., J. C., 68 W. Exchange, Providence, R. I. Hall Lithographing Co., 623 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Hesse Envelope & Litho. Co., 4175 N. Kings Highway, St. Louis, Mo. Hutson & Co., C. S., 557 S. San Pedro, Los Angeles, Cal. Inland Printing Co., 473-77 St. Louis, Springfield, Mo. Iowa Litho. Co., 515 Twenty-eighth, Des Moines, Iowa. Irwin-Hodson Co., 115 N. 15th, Portland, Ore. Isler-Tompsett Litho. Co., 2940 Benton, St. Louis, Mo. The Jensen Printing Co., 114 N. 3d, Minneapolis, Minn. Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan, Knight Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Levey Printing Co., State House Square, Indian apolis, Ind. Long Island Printing & Lithographing Co., Inc., 137 Jackson, Hempstead, N. Y. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market. Philadelphia, Pa. Messenger Printing Co., 713 Central Ave., Fort Dodge, la. _ Midwest Litho. Co., 318 N. 2d, St. Louis, Mo. Miller-Davis Co., 219 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Mass. Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. National Bank Supply Co., 317 Mineral, Mil waukee, Wis. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. PEERLESS LITHOGRAPHING CO., 4313 Diversey Ave., Chicgo, Ill. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, IU. Pioneer, Inc., 12th & A, Tacoma, Wash. Poucher Ptg. & Litho. Co., 320 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Pugh & Co., H. G., 417 Main, Little Rock, Ark. Red Wing Adv. Co., Main & Potter, Red Wing, Minn. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Reserve Litho. & Ptg. Co., 800-812 Huron Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Reynolds & Reynolds Co., Washington & Dudley, Dayton, Ohio. Schmidt Lithograph Co., 461 Second, San Fran cisco, Cal. Smith-Brooks Ptg. Co., 1733 California, Denver, Colo. Smith Co., Oscar T. & Son, 407 E. Saratoga, Baltimore, Md. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Southern States Ptg. Co., Inc., Griffin, Ga. Standard Bank Note Co., 351 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. Standard Printing Co., 201-205 N. 3d, Hannibal, Mo. Stephens Litho. & Engraving Co., 420 N. 2d, St. Louis, Mo. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 21 S. La Salle, Chicago,Ill. Swinney Prtg. Co., Fort Branch, Ind. Thompson & Co., Arthur, 109 Market Place, Bal timore, Md. Toof & Co., S. C., 195 Madison, Memphis, Tenn. Union Bank Note Co., 1016 Central, Kansas City, Mo. Union Lithograph Co., Inc., 2030 E. 7th, Los Angeles, Cal. United States Check Book Co., 1309 Howard, Omaha, Neb. U. S. Lithograph Co., 319 W. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. Van Clief Lithographing Co., 2708 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., Charleston, S. C. Walker Litho. & Ptg. Co., 114 W. 4th, Dayton, O. Western Bank & Office Supply Co., 205 W. 1st, Oklahoma City, Okla. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Cal. Woodbury & Co., Inc., Chadwick Sq., Worcester, 3VI £iss Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. LOAN REGISTERS (See Registers, Note & Loan) 339 LOCK INSPECTION, TIME BANK VAULT INSPECTION CO., 1824 Ludlow, Philadelphia, Pa. Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., Canton, Ohio. Hunt Co., Robt. W., 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. YALE & TOWNE MFG. CO., Stamford, Conn. 340 LOCKERS, STEEL All-Steel-Equip Company, Aurora, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Columbia Steel Equipment Co., 1735 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Cramer Brothers Safe Co., 1417 McGee, Kansas City, Mo. Dameron-Pierce Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. DurabUt Steel Locker Co., Aurora, Ill. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage, Cincinnati, O. Hart & Hutchinson Co., New Britain. Conn. Lyon Metal Products, Inc., Aurora, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Medart Mfg. Co., Fred, 3535 DeKalb, St. Louis, Mo. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Terrell’s Equipment Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. 341 LOCKS Corbin Cabinet Lock Co., New Britain, Conn. Corbin, P. & F., Park, New Britain, Conn. F. E. Davenport Safe Co., 2061 Farnum, Omaha, Neb. Holmes Electric Protective Co., 370 7th Ave., New York, N. Y. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Sargent & Greenleaf, Inc., 1176 Joseph Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Yale & Towne Mfg. Co., Stamford, Conn. 342 LOCKS, BANK Sargent & Greenleaf, Inc., >1176 Joseph Ave.> Rochester, N. Y. Western Wire & Iron Works, 953 W. 18th Place, Chicago, Ill. 343 LOCKS, COMBINATION Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., Conton, Ohio. Mosler Lock Co., Covington, Ky. Sargent & Greenleaf, Inc., 1176 Joseph Ave., Rochester, N. Y. YALE & TOWNE MFG. CO. Stamford, Conn. 344 LOCKS, DOOR, MASTER KEYED Corbin, P. &. F., Park St., New Britain, Conn. 345 LOCKS, SAFE DEPOSIT Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., S. E., Canton, Ohio. Mosler Lock Co., Covington, Ky. Sargent & Greenleaf, Inc., 1176 Joseph Ave., Rochester INF. Y. YALE & TOWNE MFG. CO., Stamford, Conn. 346 LOCKS, SAFETY VAULT American Lock Works, First Nat’l. Bk. Bldg., Ft. Dodge, Iowa. Cramer Bros. Safe Co., 1417 McGee, Kansas City, Mo. Duplex Electric Co., 71-73 Grand, New York, N. Y. Lake Erie Chemical Co., 1874 E. 59th, Cleveland,0. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 114 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. YALE & TOWNE MFG. CO. Stamford, Conn. 347 LOCKS, TIME F. E. Davenport Safe Co., 2061 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., S. E., Canton, Ohio. Mosler Lock Co., Covington, Ky. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Sargent & Greenleaf, Inc., 1176 Joseph Ave., YALE h&1 TOWNE' MFG. CO., Stamford, Conn. LOOSE LEAF EQUIPMENT (See Devices and Supplies, Loose Leaf; also specific headings) LUNCH ROOM EQUIPMENT, EMPLOYES’ (See Equipment, Lunch Room, Employes’) SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 39G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) M MACHINE BOOKKEEPING FORMS (See Forms, Machine Bookkeeping) 348 MACHINES, ACCOUNT FINDING Add-Index Corporation, 678 Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. Elliott-Fisher Co., 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. United Accounting Machine Co., 716 Sidney, St. Louis, Mo. 349 MACHINES, ADDING Addac Co., 60 Cottage Grove, S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Add-Index Corporation, 678 Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. Ad-Rite Mfg. Co., 1523 E. 63d, Chicago, Ill. Alien-Wales Corp., 233 Spring, New York, N. Y. Automatic Adding Machine Co., 63 W. 24th, New York, N. Y. Becker Co., John C., 41 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Brennan Adding Machine Co., The, 122 S. Michi gan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., 6071 Second Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Ellis Adding Typewriter Co., 338 Elizabeth Ave., Newark, N. J. Federal Adding Machines, Inc., 33 E. 21st, New York, N. Y. Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co., 1735 N. Paulina, Chicago, Ill. General Office Equipment Corp., 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. International Payroll Machine Co., 4940 Rorer, Philadelphia, Pa. Maunsell’s Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. M. & M. Co., 35 E. 21st, New York, N. Y. Monroe Calculating Machine Co., Inc., Orange, N. J. Office Equipment Co., 911 Locust, Des Moines, la. Powers Accounting Machine Corp., 374 Broad way, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Todd Co., Inc., 1178 University, Rochester, N. Y. Underwood Typewriter Co., New York, N. Y. Ve-Po-Ad Co. (Division of Reliable Adding Machine Corp.), 173 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Victor Adding Machine Co., 3900 N. Rockwell, Chicago, Ill. 350 MACHINES, ADDRESSING Addressograph Co., 901 W. Van Buren, Chicago, Ill. Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. American Multigraph Sales Co., E. 40th & Kelly Ave., Cleveland, O. Challenge Machinery Co., Grand Haven, Mich. Elliott Addressing Machine Co., 143 Albany, Cambridge, Mass. Federal Addressing Machine Corp., 77 E. Swan, Buffalo, N. Y. Pollard-Ailing Mfg. Co., 224 W. 19th, New York, N. Y. 351 MACHINES, BALING, CURRENCY Davenport Mfg. Co., Inc., Davenport, Iowa. Economy Baler Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. 352 MACHINES, BALING, WASTE PAPER Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E. Canton, O. Davenport Mfg. Co., Inc., Davenport, Iowa. Economy Baler Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. Logeman Bros. Co., 3106 Burleigh, Milwaukee, Wis. Shaw-Welsh & Co., 557 S. Cherry, Galesburg, Ill. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., N.W., Cleveland, Ohio. ACCOUNTING MACHINE DIVISION OF REM INGTON-RAND, Buffalo, N. Y. United Accounting Machine Co., 716 Sidney, St. Louis, Mo. United States Check Book Co., 1309-15 Howard, Omaha, Neb. 356 MACHINES, CALCULATING Alien-Wales Corp., 233 Spring, New York, N. Y. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., 6071 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. Cleveland Calculating Co., 439 The Arcade, Cleveland, O. Ralph C. Coxhead Corporation, 233 Broadway, Woolworth Bldg., New York, N. Y. Ellis Adding Typewriter Co., 338 Elizabeth Ave., Newark, N. J. Ensign Electric Calculating Co., 387 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co., 1735 N. Paulina, Chicago, in. Marchant Calculating Machine Co., 36 S. State, Chicago, Ill. Monroe Calculating Machine Co., Inc., Orange, N. J. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Swanson Calculating Co., 300 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. Victor Adding Machine Co., 3900 N. Rockwell, Chicago, Ill. Watt & Gillogly, Inc., 7 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill MACHINES, CALCULATING (ELECTRIC) Add-Index Corporation, 678 Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. Marchant Calculating Machine Co., 36 S. State, Chicago, Ill. Monroe Calculating Machine Co., Inc., Orange, N. J. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. 363 MACHINES, DICTATING The Dictaphone Corp., Graybar Bldg., New York, N. Y. “Ediphone” Edison, Inc., Thomas A., Orange, N. J. MACHINES, DUPLICATING (See Duplicators) MACHINES, EYELET (See Eyelet Machines & Eyelets) MACHINES, FILING (See Machines, Account Finding) 364 MACHINES, FOLDING American Multigraph Sales Co., E. 40th & Kelley Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Liberty Folder Co., Sidney, Ohio. 365 MACHINES, INTEREST COMPUTING Meilicke Systems, Inc., 3466 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. National Time Computor Co., 514 Prior Ave., N., St. Paul, Minn. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. 357 MACHINES, CALCULATING INTEREST (See Calculators, Time & Interest) 358 MACHINES, CANCELLING, BOND & COUPON AMERICAN PERFORATOR CO., 617 W. Jackson, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on page 20G.) Cummins Perforator Co., 4740 Ravenswood, Chicago, Ill. 366 MACHINES, MAILING, PERMIT (METER) Colonial Engraving Co., 143 Federal, Boston, Mass. Pitney-Bowes Postage Meter Co.. Stamford, Conn. Postage Meter Co., Stamford, Conn. Whitlock Mfg. Co., 530 W. 6tli, Los Angeles, Calif. 367 MACHINES, MAILING, PERMIT (NON-METER) Bircher Co., Inc., 192 Mill, Rochester, N. Y. International Postal Supply Co., 634 Prospect, Brooklyn. N. Y. Pitney-Bowes Postage Meter Co., Stamford, Conn. Standard Mailing Machines Co., Everett, Mass. 368 MACHINES, MOTION PICTURE Geraghty Advertising Service, Inc., 465 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, Ill. 369 359 MACHINES, CANCELLING, CHECK AMERICAN PERFORATOR CO., W. 617 Jackson, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on page 20G) Cummins Perforator Co., 4740 Ravenswood, Chicago, Ill. MACHINES, COIN CHANGING (See Coin Changers) 360 MACHINES, COIN COUNTING (Also see Coin Counting Machines) ABBOTT COIN COUNTER CO., 143d & Wales, New York, N. Y. Coinometer Distributors, 810 Equitable Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. DOWNEY CO., C. L., 941 Clark, Cincinnati, Ohio. (See our adv. on page 22G.) Jorgensen Mfg. Co., 3681 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich. Pneumatic Scale Corp., Ltd., Norfolk Downs, MACHINES, NUMBERING Acme Stamp Co., 1100 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, O. American Numbering Machine Co., 220 Shepherd, Brooklyn, N. Y. Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Wks., 76 For syth N. W., Atlanta, Ga. Bates Mfg. Co., Orange, N. J. Dixie Seal & Stamp Co., Atlanta, Ga. Excelsior Stamp Works Co., 13 Euclid Arcade, Cleveland, O. Force & Co., Inc., Wm. A., 105 Worth, New York, N. Y. Gibson Co., Inc., A. C., 70 Oak, Buffalo, N. Y. Martin & Co., 227 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Maunsell’s Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. Melind Co., Louis, 362 W. Chicago, Ill. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. SAFFORD STAMP WORKS, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Salisbury-Schulz Co., P. A., 181 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. 370 MACHINES, PERFORATING M 3,SS 353 MACHINES, BILLING Burroughs Adding Machine Co., 6071 Second Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Ellis Adding Typewriter Co., 338 Elizabeth Ave., Newark, N. J, Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 405 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Type-Adder Corp., Wool worth Bldg., New York, N. Y. Underwood Typewriter Co., New York, N. Y. 354 MACHINES, BINDING Acme Staple Co., 1643-47 Haddon Ave., Camden, N. J. Buchan-White Loose Leaf Co., 1906 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. McBee Binder Co., Athens, Ohio. 355 MACHINES, BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTING MACHINE DIVISION OF REM INGTON-RAND, Buffalo, N. Y. Alien-Wales Corp., 233 Spring, New York, N. Y. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., 6071 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. Ellis Adding Typewriter Co., 338 Elizabeth Ave., Newark, N. J. DigitizedGeneral for FRASER Office Equipment Corp., 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sattley Co., 3246 E. Woodbridge, Detroit, Mich. Schwartz Sortograph Co., Elkhart Lake, Wis. STANDARD-JOHNSON CO., INC., 371 Pacific, Brooklyn, N. Y. (See our adv. on page 22G.) 361 MACHINES, COIN SORTING Abbott Coin Counter Co., 143d & Wales Ave., New York, N. Y. Coinometer Distributors, 810 Equitable Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. DOWNEY CO., C. L., 941 Clark, Cincinnati, Ohio. Jorgensen Mfg. Co., 3681 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich. Pneumatic Scale Corp., Inc., Ltd., Norfolk Downs, Sattley Co., 3246 E. Woodbridge, Detroit, Mich. Schwartz Sortograph Co., Elkhart Lake, Wis. STANDARD-JOHNSON CO., INC., 371 Pacific, Brooklyn, N. Y. MACHINES, DATING (See Stamps, Dating) 362 MACHINES, DEPOSIT RECEIVING American Banking Machine Corp., 207 Eddy Bldg., Saginaw, Mich. American Clip Co., Beebe Ave. & Williams, Long Island City, N. Y. AMERICAN PERFORATOR CO., 617 W. Jackson, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on page 20G) Cummins Perforator Co., 4740 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Ill. National Perforator Co., (The), 1017 N. Front, Philadelphia, Pa. MACHINES, PERMIT MAILING (See Machines, Mailing, Permit) 371 MACHINES, PHOTO COPYING Gennert, Inc., G., 24 E. 13th, New York, N. Y. MACHINES, POST-MARKING (PERMIT) (See Machines, Mailing, Permit) 372 MACHINES, REBUILT American Writing Machine Co., 449 Central Ave., Newark, N. J. Manufacturers Typewriter Clearing House, Inc., 193 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Office Equipment Co., 911 Locust, Des Moines, la. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 40G Rand M?NalIy Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 373 MACHINES, SAVINGS, STAMP American Banking Machine Corp., 207 Eddy Bldg., Saginaw, Mich. 374 MACHINES, SCRUBBING American Scrubbing Equipt. Sales Co., Hannibal, Mo. Finnell System, Inc., Elkhart, Ind. Floorala Corp., 480 Salem Ave., York, Pa. 375 MACHINES, SEALING, ENVELOPE (See also Machines, Mailing, Permit) Bircher Co., Inc., 192 Mill St., Rochester, N. Y. Brown Mfg. Co., M. J., 2671 Salmon, Philadelphia. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Multipost Co., 51 Centre Pk., Rochester, N. Y. Postage Meter Co., 723 Pacific, Stamford, Conn. Pittsburgh Typewriter & Supply Co., 339 5tli Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Standard Mailing Machines Co., Everett, Mass. 378 MACHINES, STAPLING Acme Staple Co., 1643-47 Haddon Ave., Camden, N. J. The Adams-Lessack Co., 1507 Arch St., Phila delphia, Pa. Bates Mfg. Co., Orange, N. J. Compo Corp. & Sales Co., Westport, Conn. Hoge Mfg. Co., Inc., 23 E. 21st, New York, N. Y. Hotchkiss Sales Co., 10 Hoyt, Norrvalk, Conn. Neva-Clog Products Inc., 636 Water, Bridgeport, Conn. Pittsburgh Typewriter & Supply Co., 339 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. 379 MACHINES, STENCIL Addressograph Co., 901 W. Van Buren, Chicago, Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madison Ave., Cleveland, O. Bradley Stencil Machine Co., 3745 Forest Park Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. MANIFOLD FORMS (See Forms, Manifold) 382 MAP CASES McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chi cago, Ill. 383 MAP SYSTEMS Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chi cago, m. 384 MAPS Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chi cago, Ill. 385 MAPS, AUTO TRAILS Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chi cago, Ill. (See our adv. on this- page.) MACHINES, TABULATING 376 MACHINES, SEALING, GUMMED TAPE (See Machines, Adding; Machines, Calculating) Addac Company, 60 Cottage Grove, S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Package Binder Co., (The), 6th Floor, Plaza Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., N.W,. Cleveland. Ohio. Wisconsin Paper Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. 380 MACHINES, WAX SEALING Biwax Corporation, 208 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill 377 MACHINES, SIGNATURE SIGNING Todd Co., 1178 University Ave., Rochester, N. Y. MACHINES, STAMP AFFIXING (See Stamp Affixers) MAGAZINE RACKS (See Racks, Magazine & Newspaper) 381 MAGAZINES, BANKING American Banker’s Assn. Journal, 110 E. 42d, New York, N. Y. BANKERS BULLETIN, THE, 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. BANKERS MONTHLY, THE, 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Coast Banker, San Francisco, Cal. The Fitch Publishing Co., 138 Pearl, New York, N Y. 386 MARBLE Alabama Marble Co., Ave. A. and 21st, Birming ham, Ala. Appalachian Marble Co., Knoxville, Tenn. Bradbury Marble Co., 3401 Morganford Rd., St. Louis, Mo. Carthage Marble Corporation, P. O. Drawer 612, Carthage, Mo. Clow & Sons, Jas. B., 201 N. Talman Ave., Chicago, Ill. Georgia Marble Co., Tate, Ga. Mead Equipment Co., Huntington, W. Va. Nat. Ass'n of Marble Dealers, Rockefeller Bldg., Cleveland, O. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Ohmer, Inc., A. A. & R. F., 113 N. Jefferson, Dayton, O. Phenix Marble Co., 609 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Taylor-Palmer Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. MARBLE FIXTURES (See Fixtures, Bank & Office, also Marble) MEMORIALS, BRONZE (See Tablets, Bronze) METERED MAIL (See Machines, Mailing, Permit) 387 MIMEOGRAPHS (See also Duplicators) Dick Co., A. B., 736 W. Jackson, Chicago, Ill. 388 MIME0SC0PES Dick Co., A. B., 736 W. Jackson, Chicago, Ill. 389 M0ISTENERS, ENVELOPE & STAMP A Royal Bid for Good Will RAND MCNALLY official Auto Trails Maps offer an effective of appealing to the best element of the bank’s clientele. THEmeans Every automobile owner in the community will appreciate an Auto Trails Map and will preserve it because of the wealth of valuable motoring information it contains. The Auto Trails Maps are bound in handsome covers, made especially to fit the bank’s particular requirements. These covers are works of art. They add strongly to the permanency and importance of the map itself and at the same time provide the bank with an opportunity of presenting its advertising message in a strikingly attractive way. Thousands of banks are using the Auto Trails Maps as new business getters for every department. If you have not already used these maps, we shall be glad to tell you about them, without any obligation on your part, and you’ll be surprised at the low cost of this timely and worth-while advertising. Send for sample maps showing territory covered by each district. Bachrach Specialty Co., 2275 Third Ave., New York, N. Y. Eureka-Blotter Bath Co., 3734 S. Wallace, Chicago, Ill. Liberty Paper Co., Inc., 203 Lafayette, New York. Mohler, A., 416 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Sengbusch Self-Closing Inkstand Co., 2218 Clybourn, Milwaukee, Wis 390 MONEY CONTAINERS HANDFORD BROWN CO., Coytesville-on-theHudson, N. J. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. MOTION PICTURE ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Motion Picture; also Machines, Motion Picture) 391 MUCILAGE Carter’s Ink Co., 239 First, Cambridge, Mass. Diamond Ink Co., 3033 Galena, Milwaukee, Wis. Keller Ink Co., Robert, 1441 Brooklyn Ave., Detroit, Mich. Kirk Ink Co., 2316 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Ross Co., A. V., 5041 Carthage Ave., Norwood, O. Sanford Ink Co., 846 W. Congress, Chicago, Ill. Scriptex Ink & Paste Co., 519 S. Second, Phila delphia, Pa. Sneath Glass Co., Hartford City, Ind. Weis Mfg. Co., Union, Monroe, Mich, 392 MULTIGRAPHS (See also Duplicators) American Multigraph Sales Co., E. 40th & Kelley Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Liberty Folder Co., (The), Sidney, Ohio. Auto Trails Dept. NEW YORK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHICAGO 393 MULTISTAMPS Multistamp Chicago Co., 58 W. Washington. Chicago, Ill. Multistamp Co., Inc., Norfolk, Va. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) N 393 NOVELTIES, ADVERTISING (See also Specific Headings) 394 NAMEPLATES Acme Stamp Co., 1100 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Acme Wire & Iron Works, 12340 Cloverdale Detroit, Mich. American Iron & Wire Works, 1622 Carroll, Chicago, Ill. Andreasen Mfg. Co., 6647-6649 Oliphant Ave., Chicago, Ill. ART IN BRONZE CO., 1621 E. 41st., Cleveland, Ohio. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Wks., 76 Forsyth St., N. W„ Atlanta, Ga. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madison Ave., Cleveland, O. Brakmeier Bros., 112 S. 4th, Louisville, Ky. Brilliant Co., 3531 Washington, St. Louis, Mo. Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. ___ Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Clark Mfg. Co., R. W., 4311 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Davenport-Taylor Mfg. Co., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Ill. Dixie Seal & Stamp Co., Atlanta, Ga. Dobie & Co., Arthur L., 523 N. Halsted, Chicago, Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St.. Minneapolis, Minn. The Fogarty Manufacturing. Co., 800 Monument Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Guth Co., Edwin F., 2615 Washington, St. Louis, Mo. „ . Imperial Brass Mfg. Co., 1200 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. MetercordCo., (The), 133 W. Washington, Chicago, Ill. Michaels Art Bronze Co., Inc., 230 Scott, Coving ton, Ky. Miller Bank Service, 5775 Ridge, Chicago, Ill. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Oregon Brass Works, 2d & Everett, Portland, Ore. Pacific Rubber Stamp Co., 918 S. Main, Los Angeles, Cal. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Philadelphia Enameling Works, 254 N. 13th, Philadelphia, Pa. Price Bros., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Ill. Rawson & Evans Co., 710 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, St. Paul Stamp Works, 74 E. 5th, St. Paul, Minn, Shank Sign Co., E. A., 25 W. 43d, New York, N. Y. Southern Stamp & Stencil Co., 48K N. Forsyth, Atlanta, Ga. Stronghart Co., 2944 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D., 413 S. Clinton, Chicago, Tablet & Ticket Co., 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. TWENTIETH CENTURY CO., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. , „ Tyler Co., W. S., 36th & Superior, Cleveland, O. Usona Mfg. Co., 3512 Chauteau, St. Louis, Mo. Viking Products Corp., 422 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Wood-Detroit Mfg. Co., 170 E. Lamed, Detroit, Mich. 395 NATIONAL BANK AGENTS Pratt & Sons, Inc., A. S., Wilkins Bldg., Washing ton, D. C. NEOSTYLES (See Duplicators) NEW ACCOUNT SERVICE (See Personal Solicitation) NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Bank; also Agencies, Advertising) NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS 396 Consolidated Press Clipping Bureau, Chicago, Ill. United States Press Clipping Bureau, Chicago, Ill. 397 NEWS SERVICE, PICTORIAL Dispatch Photo News Service, Inc., 207 W. 25th, York, N. Y. Digitized forNew FRASER Elliott Service Co., 242-250 W. 55th, New York, N. Y. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Adcraft Manufacturing Co., 2448-56 W. 22d, Chicago, Ill. Advertising Golf Ball Corp., 1775 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Advertising Novelty Co., 419 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago, Ill. ADVERTISING SPECIALTY CO., 609 Ryan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, Ohio. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, Tex. American Calendar Co., Inc., Greeneville, Tenn. Andreasen Mfg. Co., 6647-6649 Oliphant Ave., Chicago, Ill. Atlantic Specialty Mfrs., 315 8th, Brooklyn, N. Y. Atlas Sign & Novelty Co., 15th & Market, Phila delphia, Pa. Bank Supply Co., 8 E. Chestnut, Columbus, Ohio. Bastian Bros. Co., 1600 Clinton Ave., N., Rochester, N. YBlackwell Wielandy Co., 1601 Locust, St. Louis, Mo. Brace & Co., H. G., 7th N. & Harrison, Seattle, Wash. Broderick Co., 460 Robert, St. Paul, Minn. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Buckeye Leather Co., Chestnut, Coshocton, Ohio. Carrithers & Co., 10S N. Wells, Chicago, 111. Carroll Co., J. B., 319 N. Albany, Chicago, Ill. Colson Co., U. O., Paris, Ill. Continental Bank Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Cruver Manufacturing Co., 2456-2460 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Dodson Mfg. Co., 1833-35 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago, Ill. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Duplex Mfg. Co., 306 S. Franklin, Chicago, Ill. Durable Toy & Novelty Co., 220 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. Empire Notion Co., 270 W. 38th, New York, N. Y. Erickson Co., Inc., C. E., 506 W. 3d, Des Moines, Iowa. Exline Co., 113 St. Clair Ave., N. E., Cleveland, O. Felsenthal & Sons, G., 1407 Hudson, Chicago, Ill. Fine Art Novelty Co., 1609 W. 64th, Chicago, Ill. Fogarty Mfg. Co., The, 800 Monument Ave., Dayton, O. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Forbes Lithograph Mfg. Co., P. O. Box 5130, Boston, Mass. Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. Grand Rapids Calendar Co , 906 Division, Grand Rapids, Mich. Green Duck Co., 1725 W North, Chicago, Ill. B. H. Hockswender Co., 711 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa Ingersoll Dollar Pen Co.. Chas. H., 545 N. Arling ton Ave., E. Orange, N. J. Kemper Thomas Co., Park Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Kenyon Co., Inc., 303 Grand, Des Moines, Iowa. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Krieger Novelty Co., Lodi, Calif. Kumler Co., Inc., John M., 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Lakeside Mfg. Co., 440 W. Superior, Chicago, Ill. Martin (The, Frank) Co., Marshall Bldg., Cleve land, O. Marui & Co., H., 154 Nassau, New York, N. Y. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mayer Mfg., Corp., 1436 Randolph, Chicago., Ill. Merchants Publishing Co., 402 W. Main, Kala mazoo, Mich. National Bank Supply Co., 60 Spring, New York, N. Y. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Novelty Adv. Co., Coshocton, O. Novelty Cutlery Co., Canton, Ohio Osborne Co., 759 Summer Ave., Newark, N. J. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago. Ill. Philadelphia Badge Co., 942 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Red Wing Adv. Co., Main & Potter, Red Wing, Minn. Rehberger Co., A. C., 3656 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Ill. Rehberger Mfg. Co., 1217 Webster Ave., Chicago, Ill. Robbins Co., The, Attleboro, Mass. Robinson Manufacturing Co., 17 Elm, Westfield, Mass. Schramm & Co., A. A., 1112 Sansom, Philadelphia, Pa. Shaw Advertising Co., 520 Produce Exch. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Shedd-Brown Mfg. Co., 317 Fifth Ave. So., Minne apolis, Minn. Sentinel Printing Co., 10th at Ft. Wayne Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Shipley Advertising Co., 8 Chestnut, Columbus, O. Southard Calendar & Ptg. Co., 240 N. 3d, Colum bus, O. . Spangler Mfg. Co., 160 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Spotswood Specialty Co., Inc., 218 Jefferson, Lexington, Ky. Stanwood-Hillson Corp. (The), 14 High, Brookline, IVIass. Stronghart Co., 2942 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Tablet & Ticket Co., 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, HI. Uptown Mfg. Co., 1709 Arthur Ave., Chicago, Ill. Victor Novelty Mfg. Co., Lakewood, O. Volland Co., P. F., Joliet, Ill. 41G Von Senden Co., Arthur, 316 Fourth Ave., Pitts burgh, Pa. Voss Co., Herman, 603 E. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Walraven Book Cover Co., A. T., Dallas, Tex. Weinman Bros., 421 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Western Bank & Office Supply Co., 205 W. 1st, Oklahoma City, Okla. Wilson-Hurd Co., Wausau, Wis. Young & Gardner Co., 655 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. NOVELTIES, CELLULOID 399 Adcraft Manufacturing .Co., 2448-56 W. 22d, Chicago, Ill. American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, O. Bastian Bros. Co., 1600 Clinton Ave. N., Rochester, N. Y. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Carroll Co., J. B., 319 N. Albany Chicago, Ill. Chicago Metal Novelty Co., 7821 Yates Ave., Chicago, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Cruver Manufacturing Co., 2456 W. Jackson, Chicago, Ill. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Kemper Thomas, Co., Park Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Kohl & Co., 224 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, O. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. , , ,. Philadelphia Badge Co., 942 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Spotswood Specialty Co., Inc., 218 Jefferson, Lexington, Ky. Stronghart Company, 2944 Lake, Chicago, 111. Williams Co., O. G., 35 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. NOVELTIES, CLOTH 400 Advertising Specialty Co., 609 Ryan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Colson Co., U. O., Paris, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. . Kemper Thomas Co., Park Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, O. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Van Clief Lithographing Co., 2708 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. NOVELTIES, LEATHER 401 Advertising Specialty Co., 609 Ryan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, O. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, Tex. Beach Leather Co., 1301 E. Walnut. Coshocton, O. Broderick Co., 460 Robert, St. Paul, Minn. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Buckeye Leather Co., Chestnut, Coshocton, O. Business Reviving Co., Oblong, Ill. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Exline Co., 113 St. Clair Ave., N. E., Cleveland, O. Ferree Co., E. H., 61 Richmond Ave., Lockport, N. Y. Follis Adv. Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. The Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. Humphreys Leather Goods Co., 243 E. Huron, Chicago. Ill. Kemper Thomas Co., Park Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Leather Products Co., 201 South, Iola, Kan. Meeker Co., Inc., 3d & Michigan, Joplin, Mo. Murphy Co., The, Thos. D., Red Oak, Iowa. National Bank Supply Co., 60 Spring, New York, N. Y. Novelty Adv. Co., Coshocton, Ohio. Oliver Baker Mfg. Co., 420 S. 7th, Minneapolis, Minn. Osborne Co., 759 Summer Ave., Newark, N. J. Red Wing Adv. Co., Main & Potter, Red Wing, Minn. Seelman & Sons Co., Geo., 337 Seventh, Milwaukee, Wis. Shedd-Brown Mfg. Co., 317 Fifth Ave., S., Minne apolis, Minn. Stiteler-Lewis Mfg. Co., 515 Jackson, Dallas, Tex. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. United Pass Book & Cover Co., 5600 S. Compton, St. Louis, Mo. Universal Check Cover Co., 418 Linn, Springfield, Ohio. Van Clief Lithographing Co., 2708 Wabash, Chicago, Ill. Weinman Bros., 421 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Williams Co., O. G., 35 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Young & Gardner Co., 655 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Zell, Inc., D. H., 536 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Advertising Specialty Co. Buttons, Badges, Blotters, Calen dars, Cloth Goods, Caps, Feathers, Flags, Labels, Leather Goods, Pen cils, Paper Hats, Post Cards, Rulers, Signs, Thermometers, Souvenir Pen nants, Premiums. RYAN BLDG. - - ST. PAUL MINN. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 42G 402 Rand M?NalIy Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) NOVELTIES, METAL Adcraft Manufacturing Co., 2448-56 W. 22d, Chicago, Ill. American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, Ohio. Bastian Bros. Co., 1600 Clinton N., Rochester, N. Y. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Colson Co., U. O., Paris, III. Cruver Manufacturing Co., 2456 W. Jackson, Chicago, Ill. Empire Notion Co., 270 W. 38th, New York, N. Y. Felsenthal & Sons, G., 1407 Hudson, Chicago, Ill. Follis Adv. Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Green Duck Co., 1725 W. North, Chicago, Ill. Martin Co. (The), Frank, Marshall Bldg., Cleve land, Ohio. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mayer Mfg. Corp., 1436 Randolph, Chicago, Ill. Merchants Publishing Co., 402 W. Main, Kalama zoo, Mich. Noble & Co., F. H., 535 W. 59th, Chicago, Ill. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Rehberger Co., A. C., 3656 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Ill. Rehberger Mfg. Co., 1217 Webster Ave., Chicago, Ill. Robbins Co., The, Attleboro, Mass. Shaw Advertising Co., 500 Produce Exch. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Stronghart Co., 2942 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Williams Co., O. G., 35 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. 403 NOVELTIES, PAPER American Art Wbrks, Inc., Coshocton, Ohio. American Calendar Co.. Greeneville. Tenn. Brace & Co., H. G., 7th N. & Harrison, Seattle, Wash. Broderick Co., 460 Robert, St. Paul, Minn. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Business Reviving Co., Oblong, Ill. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Carroll Co., J. B., 319 N. Albany, Chicago, Ill. Colson Co., U. O., Paris, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Follis Adv. Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Forbes Lithograph Mfg. Co., P. O. Box 5130, Boston, Mass. Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. Merchants Publishing Co., 402 W. Main, Kalama zoo, Mich. Osborne Co., 759 Summer Ave., Newark, N. J. Spotswood Specialty Co., Inc., 218 Jefferson, Lexington, Ky. Tablet & Ticket Co., 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. Walraven Book Cover Co., Dallas, Tex. Wilson-Hurd Co., Wausau, Wis. NUMBERING MACHINES (See Machines, Numbering) o 404 OFFICE COATS Bankers Coat Co., 135 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. OFFICE LAYOUTS (See Engineers, Equipment) 405 OMNIBUSES, VAULT Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, Ohio. Brass, W. C., 134 S. Meridian, Indianapolis, Ind. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Cary Safe Co., 1200 Niagara, Buffalo, N. Y. Collins Safe <fe Fixture Co., W. D., 513 W. Main, Dennison, Tex. Colson Company, 923 Cedar, Elyria, O. Davidson Co., J. L., 632-648 Mateo, Los Angeles, Cal. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. Formed Steel Cabinet & Equipment Co., 508 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Hall’s Safe Co., 3253 Spring Grove Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Grand Blvd., Hamilton, Ohio. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mack Trucks, Inc., 25 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Metal Office Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. National Safe & Lock Co., E. 69th & Quincy, Cleveland, Ohio. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Steel Equipment Corp., Avenel, N. J. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. St. Louis Bank Bldg. & Eqt. Co., 906 Sidney, St., Louis, Mo. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Toledo Metal Furniture Co., 1100 Hastings, Toledo, Ohio. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Office Efficiency Distributors Co., 200 Davis San Francisco, Calif. Sachs-Lawlor Co.. Inc., Denver, Colo. SAFFORD STAMP WORKS, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. St. Paul Stamp Works, 74 E. Fifth, St. Paul, Minn. Swksher Mfg. Co., R. D., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Billboard; also Signs) Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d. Los Angeles, Cal. P PAPER, ADDING MACHINE (See Rolls, Adding Maohine) 406 PADS, BLOTTER (See also Pads, Desk and Supplies) Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. 407 PADS, DESK Adams Mfg. Co., Henry T., 8561 S. Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson Brooklyn, N. Y. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Knight Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco Calif. Mayer Mfg. Corp., 1436 Randolph, Chicago, Ill. Office Efficiency Distributors Co., 200 Davis, San Francisco, Cal. Polar Mfg. Co., 119-125 N. 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. Schaefer Mfg. Co., O. E., 4189 Chippewa, St. Louis, Mo. System Bindery, Inc., 442 N. Wells, Chicago, III. 408 PADS, DESK, CALENDAR American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, O. American-Canadian Maturity Guide, 1039-41 Gib bon, Pittsburgh, Pa. Broderick Co., 460 Robert, St. Paul, Minn. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. California Glass Co., 500 Commercial, Los Angeles, Calif. Defiance Sales Corp., 72-78 Spring, New York, N.Y. Metropolitan Syndicate Press, 120 N. Jefferson, Chicago, Ill. NATIONAL ART WORKS, INC., 710 Greer Aye., Covington, Ky. Osborne Co., 759 Summer Ave., Newark, N. J. Perfect Perriess Calendar Co., 357 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, Ill. Robinson Manufacturing Co., 17 Elm, Westfield, 3,Sf5 412 PAPER, CARBON American Manifold Products Corp., 2900 Darwin Terrace, Chicago, Ill. American Sales Book Co., Limited, Elmira, N. Y. American Writing Machine Co., 449 Central Ave., Newark, N. J. Autographic Register Co., 1000 Clinton, Hoboken, N. J. Becker & Co., 99 Bedford, Boston, Mass. Buckeye Ribbon & Carbon Co., 1466 E. 55th, Cleveland, O. Carter’s Ink Co., 239 First, Cambridge, Mass. Crown Ribbon & Carbon Mfg. Co., 782 St. Paul, Rochester, N. Y. Ditto, Inc., 2243 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Egry Register Co., 417-435 E. Monument Ave., Dayton. Ohio. Enduro Mfg. Co., 14 Franklin, Rochester, N. Y. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Hall Paper & Specialties Co., Inc., 27 Thames, New York, N. Y. Hamilton Autographic Register Co., 802 Symmes Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Maursell’s Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. Miller-Bryant-Pierce Co., 189 S. River, Aurora. Ill. Neidich Process Co., Burlington, N. J. Office Efficiency Distributors Co., 200 Davis, San Francisco, Calif. Office Equipment Co., 911 Locust, Des Moines, la. Phillips Ribbon & Carbon Co., 61 Halstead, Rochester, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Stylograph Corp., The, Scottsville Rd., Coldwater, N. Y. United States Pencil Co., 487 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Webster Co.. F. S., 332 Congress, Boston, Mass. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Zacher & Sons, Charles D., 1279 Hertle Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Shedd-Brown Mfg. Co., 317 Fifth Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Typo Trading Co., The, 541 Pearl, New York, N.Y. 409 PADS, DESK, GLASS Kahn Mirror Plate Co., 1512 Clark Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Polar Mfg. Co., 119-125 N. 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. Rawson & Evans Co., 710 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. 410 PADS, MEMO. (See also Stationers) Adams Mfg. Co., Henry T., 8561 So. Chicago, Ill. The Colytt Laboratories, 565 W. Washington St., Chicago. Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Ourrier Mfg. Co., Inc., Northwestern Terminal, Minneapolis, Minn. Dodson Mfg. Co., 1833-35 N. Hoyne, Chicago, Ill. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Mayer Mfg. Corp., 1436 Randolph, Chicago, Ill. Polar Mfg. Co., 119-125 N. 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Robinson Manufacturing Co., 17 Elm, Westfield, Mass. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 S. Clair Ave., N. W., Cleveland, Ohio 411 PADS, RUBBER STAMP Acme Stamp Co., 1100 Prospect, Cleveland, O. Arlac Dry Stencil Corp., 424 Fourth Ave., Pitts burgh, Pa. Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Wks., 76 N. Forsyth, Atlanta, Ga. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madison Ave., Cleveland, O. Brakmeier Bros., 112 S. 4th, Louisville, Ky. Carter’s Ink Co., 239 First, Cambridge, Mass. Cooke Co., J. P., 1111 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Darling Co., J. C., 734 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Dixie Seal & Stamp Co., Atlanta, Ga. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Force & Co., Inc., Wm. A., 105 Worth, New York, N. Y. Gibson Co., Inc., 70 Oak, Buffalo, N. Y. Martin & Co., 227 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Melind Co., Louis, 362 W. Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Messing, Gus D., 315 Jackson, St. Paul, Minn. Moise-Klinkner Co., 369 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Nobler Stamp & Seal Co., Inc., 524 S. Dearborn. Chicago, Ill. 413 PAPER, GUMMED Hall Paper & Specialties Co., Inc., 27 Thames St., New York, N. Y. Shuman Co., Frank G., 711 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., N. W.. Cleveland, Ohio. 414 PAPER RULING State Paper Ruling Co., 709 S. Dearborn, Chicago, 416 PAPER, SAFETY Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Gilbert Paper Co., Menasha, Wis. Hammermill Paper Co. (Hammermill Safety Paper), Erie, Pa. LAMONTE & SON, GEO. (National Safety Paper, Bankers Safety Paper, Anchor Safety Paper, Safety Check Paper, etc.), 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (See our adv. on inside front and inside back covers). Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. Pacific Northwest Paper Mills, Inc., 287 E. Farragut, Portland, Ore. Perfect Safety Paper Co. (Padlock Safety Paper), 102 Winter, Holyoke, Mass. Todd Co. (Protod-Greenbac Checks), 1178 Uni versity Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Wroe & Co., W. E., 22 W. Monroe, Chicago, HI. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. 416 PAPER, TYPEWRITER (See also Stationers or Supplies) Dexter & Sons, Inc., C. H., Windsor Locks, Conn. Esleeck Mfg. Co., Turners Falls, Mass. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Oshashi & Co., 54 Leonard, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Southworth Co., Mittineague, Mass. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave.,N.W. Cleveland, Ohio. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 43G Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) PAPER WEIGHTS 417 Adcraft Manufacturing Co., 2448-56 W. 22d, Chicago, Ill. American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, Ohio. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Carrithers & Company, 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Dodson Mfg. Co., 1833-35 N. Hoyne, Ave., Chicago, Ill. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, III. . Kemper Thomas Co., Park Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224-230 Huron, Chicago, Ill. Merchants Publishing Co., 402 W. Main, Kalama zoo, Mich. , „ Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. _ Polar Mfg. Co., 119-123 N. 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. Rehberger Co., A. C., 3656 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, m. Rehberger Mfg. Co., 1217 Webster Ave., Chicago, Ill. Sneath Glass Co., Hartford City, Ind. PARCEL POST SCALES (See Scales, Parcel Post) 418 PARTITIONS Albatross Steel Equipment Co., P. O. Drawer A. Sawtelle, Cal. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, Tex. American Fixture Co., 16th & Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Mo. Circle A Products Corp., 613 S. 25th, New Castle, Ind. Claus Mfg. Co., A., 5250 Brookpark Rd., Cleve land, Ohio. ’ „ _ , _, Dahlstrom Metallic Door Co., Buffalo & East 2d, Jamestown, N. Y. . Globe-Wernicke Co., The, Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. , Hauserman Co., E. F., 6810 Grant Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Inter Ocean Cabinet Co., 326 S. Paulina, Chicago. Mitchell Mfg. Co., Robt., 2d & John. Cincinnati, O. Mount & Robertson, Inc., 62 Broad, New York, N. Y. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237 S. Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. Phoenix Furniture Co., 9th & Broadway, Eau Sanymetal Products Co., 1720 Urbana Rd., Cleve land, Ohio. „ ____, St. Louis Bank Bldg. & Eqt. Co., 906 Sidney, St. Louis, Mo. _ , ... Usona Mfg. Co., 3512 Chouteau, St. Louis, Mo. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Wilson Corp., J. G., 11 E. 38th, New York, N. Y. PASS BOOK JACKETS (See Jackets, Pass Book) 419 Lindstrom Co., H. M., 2440 S. Cicero, Cicero, Ill. Long Island Printing & Lithographing Co., Ino., 137 Jackson, Hempstead, N. Y. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. National Bank Supply Co., 60 Spring, New York, N. Y. Oliver Baker Mfg. Co., 420 S. 7th. Minneapolis, Minn. Palmer Corp., Lester W., 14 Thomas, New York, N. Y. Pass Book & Check Cover Co., 232 Broadway, Denver, Colo. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, IllRed Wing Adv. Co., Main & Potter, Red Wing, Minn. Reserve Litho. & Ptg. C°-> 800-812 Huron Rd., Cleveland, O. Reynolds & Reynolds Co., Washington & Dudley, Dayton, O. RICHMOND & BACKUS, Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. (See our adv. on page 28G.) Schaefer Mfg. Co., O. E., 4189 Chippewa, St. Louis, Mo. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Fran cisco, Cal. Seelman & Sons, Geo., 337 Seventh, Milwaukee, Wis. Shedd-Brown Mfg. Co., 317 Fifth Ave., So., Minneapolis, Minn. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Stafford-Lowdon Co., 610 W. Daget, Ft. Worth, Tex. Stiteler-Lewis Mfg. Co., 515 Jackson, Dallas, Tex. Strayer Coin Co., New Brighton, Pa. Thrift Service Co., 2128 Richland Ave., Cleveland, Hall Co., J. C., 68 W. Exchange, Providence, R. I. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. Knight Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Latsch Bros., Inc., 1118 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Levy Printing Co., State House Square, Indi for FRASER anapolis, Ind. Digitized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PENCILS, AUTOMATIC 422 American Lead Pencil Co., 500 Willow Ave., Hoboken, N. J. Autopoint Co., 4619 Ravenswood, Chicago, Ill. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, 111. Carter’s Ink Co., 239 First, Cambridge, Mass. Conklin Pen Co., Factories Bldg., Toledo, O. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Eagle Pencil Company, 703 E. 13th St., New York, N. Y. Hoge Mfg. Co., Inc., 23 E. 21st, New York, N. Y. Ruxton Multi-Vider Corp., Graybar Bldg., New York, N. Y. Schnell, Penselpen Corp., 130 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. Scripto Mfg. Co., 142 Jackson, N. E., Atlanta, Ga. Sheaffer Pen Co., W. A., Ft. Madison, Iowa. Wahl Co., The, 1800 Roscoe, Chicago, Ill. O. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, United Pass Book & Cover Co., 5600 S. Compton, St. Louis, Mo. United States Cheek Book Co., 1309 Howard, Omaha, Neb. . Universal Check Cover Co., 418 Linn, Springfield, Ohio. Van Clief Lithographing Co., 2708 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. , _. Voss Co., Herman, 603 E. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Walker Litho. & Ptg. Co., 114 W. 4th, Dayton, O. Weinman Bros., 421 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Cal. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Zell, Inc., D. H., 536 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 420 PASTE, OFFICE Carter's Ink Co., 239 First, Cambridge, Mass. Diamond Ink Co., 3033 Galena, Milwaukee, Wis. Higgins & Co., Chas. M., 271 Ninth, Brooklyn, N. Y. Keller Ink Co., Robert, 1441 Brooklyn, Detroit, Mich. Kirk Ink Co., 2316 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Sanford Ink Co., 846 W. Congress, Chicago, Ill. Scriptex Ink & Paste Co., 519 S. Second, Phila delphia, Pa. PATENT ATTORNEYS (See Attorneys, Patent PASS BOOKS Adams-Lessack Co., 1505 Arch, Philadelphia, Pa. Adkins Printing Co., 66 Church, New Britain, Conn. . American Bank Stationery Co., Curtain, Aiken, Hargest & Aisquith Sts., Baltimore, Md. American Bank Supply Co., 628 N. Illinois, Indianapolis, Ind. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, Tex. Benson & Sons, Inc., Benj. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brace & Co., H. G., 7th N. & Harrison, Seattle, ^ £LSh. Buth & Co., Inc., W. F., 1005 University, St. Paul, Minn. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Cockrum Printing Co., J. W., Oakland City, Ind Commercial Lithographing Co., 815 W Market, Louisville, Ky. . Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierce Company Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Dodsworth Stationery Co., Sam’l, 412-414 W. 10th, Kansas City, Mo. _ , Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. , _ Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Economy Adv. Co., Linn & Market, Iowa City, la. Exline Co., 113 St. Clair Ave., N. E., Cleveland, O. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. FT. WAYNE PTG. CO., 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Souvenir Lead Pencil Co., 202 F. Ave., W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Stronghart Co., 2942 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Terre Haute Adv. Co., 1317 Poplar, Terre Haute, Ind. Texas Novelty Adv. Co., 117 S. Waco, Hillsboro, Tex. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. . Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. United States Pencil Co., Inc., 487 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Wahl Company, 1800 Roscoe, Chicago, Ill. Yates, R. R., Joliet. Ill. PENCIL SHARPENERS (See Sharpeners, Pencil) 421 PENCILS, ADVERTISING Advertising Specialty Co., 609 Ryan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, O. American Calendar Co., Inc.. Greeneville, Tenn. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Chicago Pencil Co., 747 E. 42d, Chicago, Ill. Conklin Pen Co., Factories Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Duplex Mfg. Co.. 306 S. Franklin. Chicago. Ill. Dur O-Lite Pencil Co., 4541 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Ill. „ . , _ Erickson Co., Inc., C. E., 506 W. Third, Des Moines, Iowa Felsenthal & Sons, G., 1407 Hudson Ave., Chicago, Ferree Co., E. H., 61 Richmond Ave., Lockport, N. Y. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. ... , Grand Rapids Calendar Co., 906 S. Division, Grand Rapids, Mich. „ , Imprint Pencil Co., 112 Fourth Ave., New York, N Y. Jung Co., Geo. II., 109 W. Central Pkwy., Cin cinnati, O. _ . T„ Kohl & Co., P. J., 224 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Murphy Co., The Thos. D., Red Oak, la. North American Pencil Works, 126 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. „ Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, U. Ozark Pencil Co., 6118 Gambleton Place, St. Louis, Philadelphia Badge Co., 942 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Ruxton Multi-Vider Corp., Graybar Bldg.^New York, N. Y. 423 PENCILS, LEAD (See also Supplies) The Adams-Lessack Co., 1507 Arch St., Phila delphia, Pa. American Lead Pencil Co., 500 Willow Ave., Hoboken, N. J. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Dixon Crucible Co., Jos., Wayne & Monmouth, Jersey City, N. J. Dur O-Lite Pencil Co., 4541 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Eagle Pencil Company, 703 E. 13th St., New York, N. Y. Eberhard Faber Pencil Co., 39 Greenpomt Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. General Pencil Co., 67 Fleet, Jersey City. N. J. Gordon Pen Co., 450 Palisades, West New York, N. J. The Hoge Mfg. Co., 23 E. 21st, New York, N. Y. Imprint Pencil Co., 112 4th, New York, N. Y. Koh-I-Noor Pencil Co., Inc., 34 E. 23d, New York, N. Y. Merchants Publishing Co., 402 W. Main, Kala mazoo, Mich. , „ . „ Murphy Co., Thos. D., 110 S. 2d, Red Oak, la. Office Efficiency Distributors Co., 200 Davis, San Francisco, Calif. Parker Pen Co., Janesville, Wis. Sheaffer Pen Co., W. A., Ft. Madison, la. Stiteler-Lewis Mfg. Co., 515 Jackson, Dallas, Tex. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Ullrich & Co., J., 161 Washington, New York, N. Y. United States Pencil Co., Inc., 487 Broadway, New’ York, N. Y. Wahl Co., The, 1800 Roscoe, Chicago, Ill. Wallace Pencil Co., Handley & Bruno Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Williams Co., O. G., 35 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Yates, R. R., Joliet, Ill. PENHOLDERS 424 American Calendar Co.. Inc., Greeneville. Tenn. American Lead Pencil Co., 500 Willow Ave., Ho boken, N. J. Browm & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Carrithers & Company, 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Eagle Pencil Company, 703 E. 13th St., New York, N. Y. „ . Eberhard Faber Pencil Co., 39 Greenpomt Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Erickson Co., Inc., C. E., 506 W. Third, Des Moines, Iowa. Ferree Co., E. H., 61 Richmond Ave., Lockport, N. Y. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. „ , , Imprint Pencil Co., Inc., 112 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224 W Huron, Chicago, Ill. Martin Co., The Frank, Marshall Bldg., Cleveland Merchants Publishing Co., 402 W. Main, Kala mazoo, Mich. Natural-Grip Co., Denver, Colo. North American Pencil Works, 126 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. . Ozark Pencil Co., 6118 Gambleton Place, St. Louis, Souvenir Lead Pencil Co., 202 F Ave., W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. „ , _ TT Terre Haute Adv. Co., 1317 Poplar, Terre Haute, Texas’Novelty Adv. Co., 117 S. Waco, Hillsboro, Tex. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Typo Trading Co., The, 541 Pearl, New York, N.Y. Wallace Pencil Co., Handley & Bruno Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Yates, R. R., Joliet, Ill. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 44G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 425 PENNANTS 428 (See also Flags) Chicago Flag <& Decorating Co., 1315 S. Wabash, Chicago, Ill. Whitehead & Hoag, Newark, N. J. 426 PENS, FOUNTAIN Carter’s Ink Co., 239 First, Cambridge, Mass. Conklin Pen Co., Factories Bldg., Toledo, O. Duplex Mfg. Co., 306 S. Franklin, Chicago, Ill. Eagle Pencil Company, 703 E. 13th St., New York, N. Y. Ingersoll Dollar Pen Co., Chas. H., 545 N. Arling ton Ave., E. Orange, N. J. Moore Pen Co., 110 Federal, Boston, Mass. Parker Pen Co., Janesville, Wis. Pollock Pen Co., 1 Carlton, Brooklyn, N. Y. Schnell, Penselpen Corp., 130 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. Sengbusch Self-Closing Inkstand Co., 2218 Clybourn, Chicago, Ill. Sheaffer Pen Co., W. A., Ft. Madison, Iowa. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Ullrich & Co., J., 161 Washington, New York, N. Y. Utility Pen Co., 36 W. Randolph, Chicago, Ill. Wahl Company, 1800 Roscoe, Chicago, Ill. Waterman Co., L. E., New York, N. Y. PERSONAL SOLICITATION (NEW ACCOUNTS) Andreasen Mfg. Co., 6647-6649 Oliphant Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bankers Development Corp., 31 Nassau, New York, N. Y. Bankers Service Corp., 19 Warren, New York, N.Y. Bankers Thrift Corp., 2240 N. Racine, Chicago, Ill. Chicago Bank Service Co., 232 W. 63d, Chicago, Ill Chicago Service Corporation, 6725 Stony Island Ave., Chicago, Ill. ■ Jeffcott & Co., 421 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. National Service Organization, Inc., 1427 I (Eye) N. W., Washington, D. C. Savings Service Co., The, 1587 E. Blake, Columbus, O. Smith Associates, Inc., T. Harris, 231 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Speer Calendar Bank Co., Inc., 110 E. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Statter Bros., A. J. G., 2514 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. PHOTO COPYING (See Machines, Photo Copying) 429 PHOTOGRAPHY, COMMERCIAL Grogan Photo System, Inc., 322 Reed, Milwaukee, Wis. Machleith Photo System, 322 Reed, Milwaukee, Wis. Shaw Photographic Service, 147 Summer, Boston, Mass. 430 427 PENS, STEEL (MFRS.) American Lead Pencil Co., 500 Willow Ave., Ho boken, N. J. Graff-Underwood Co., 54 Washburn Ave., Cam bridge, Mass. Eagle Pencil Company, 703 E. 13th, New York, N. Y. Esterbrook Steel Pen Mfg. Co., Camden, N. J. New Diamond Point Pen Co., Inc., 333 Hudson, New York City, N. Y. Spencerian Pen Co., New York, N. Y. PHOTOSTATS PHOTOSTAT CORPORATION, 10 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. (See our adv. on this page.) RECORDAK CORPORATION, 350 Madison Ave , New York, N. Y. PICTORIAL NEWS SERVICE (See News Service, Pictorial) 431 PINS, MAP RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark, Chicago, 432 PERFORATORS (See Machines, Perforating) PNEUMATIC TUBES Lamson Co., Syracuse, N. Y. POCKET SAVINGS BANKS (See Savings Banks, Pocket) PERMIT MAILING MACHINES PORTFOLIOS (See Machines, Mailing Permit! (See Leather Goods) 433 POST CARDS Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Butler Paper Corp., 223 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Forbes Lithographing Mfg. Co., P. O. Box 5130, Boston, Mass. Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. POSTAL SCALES (See Scales) 434 POSTERS Bankers Service Corp., 19 Warren, New York, N. Y. Bankers Thrift Corp., 2240 N. Racine, Chicago, Ill. Bauder-Baker, 225 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Blodgett Co., Harvey, University & Wheeler, St. Paul, Minn. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Blvd., Chicago j Ill. The Davis Bulletin Co., Lock, Buffalo, Newport, Ky. Dispatch Photo News Service, Inc., 207 W. 25th. New York, N. Y. Donaldson Lithograph Co., 6th and Washington, Newport, Ky. Edwards & Deutsch Lithographing Co., 2320-36 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill, Elliott Service Co., 242-250 W. 55th, New York, N. Y. Franklin Studios, Inc., 236 W. 55th, New York, N. Y. Hawk, C. F., 33 Public Square, Cleveland, 0. Metercord Co., (The), 133 W. Washington, Chicago, Ill. Modern Art Service, 208 E. 47th, New York, N. Y. National Service Bureau of New York. Inc., 80 John, New York, N. Y. Nichols & Brown, Tribune Tower, Chicago, Ill. Onli-Wa Fixture Co., St. Paul Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Perfection Slide & Pictures Corp., 78 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Price & Co., Inc., Henry F., 15 E. 40th, New York, N. Y. Runsyne Corp., 250 W. 54th, New York, N. Y. Schmidt Lithograph Co. ,461 Second, San Francisco i SMITH CO., K. L., 1486 Union Tr. Bldg., Cleve land, Ohio. Sunset System, 2323 Broadway, San Antonio, Tex. Thiel & Co., E. C„ 3731 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Thrift Snydicate Co., 612 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Willey Sign Co., 1559 Church, Detroit, Mich. The PHOTOSTAT in The Bank Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. T^HE PHOTOSTAT is a simple, practical machine for quickly making, direct X on paper, photographic copies of anything written, drawn, or printed. that its use of follows: ONEmentsbankas reports the Photostat is distributed among depart Trust Department: Wills—Correspondence—Trustee Accounts—Legal opinions. Foreign and Cable: Correspondence—Letters of Credit—Charts—Statements— Checks Acceptances—Telegrams—Radiograms—Cables—Codes. Cashiers Department: Signature Cards—Signatures—Legal papers. Service and Statistical: South American Monthly Letter to and from—London Letter to and from—Other Cor respondence—Maps—Charts—Reports. Corporation: Correspondence — Bond Issues — Licenses — Permits — Proof and Cost Sheets. Auditing: Correspondence —Cashier’s Checks — Statistical Sheets — Charts. Loan: Assigned Accounts — Time and Demand Notes. Credit: Financial Statements. Service Offices BOSTON CHICAGO CLEVELAND DALLAS JACKSONVILLE THE PHOTOSTAT CORPORATION Sales Office: 303 State Street ROCHESTER, N. Y. KANSAS CITY LOS ANGELES Executive Office: HAND OPERATED OR MOTOR DRIVEN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Providence, Rhode Island Service Offices NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO TORONTO WASHINGTON FULL PARTICULARS AT YOUR REQUEST SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 45G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) PREMIUMS (See Novelties, also specific headings) PRESS CLIPPINGS (See Newspaper Clippings) 435 PRESSES, SEAL Art Novelty Mfg. Co., 1515 W. Cullerton, Chicago, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Downey Co., C. L., 941 Clark, Cincinnati, Ohio. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Moise-Klinkner Co., 369 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Porter Safety Seal Co., 265 N. California Ave., Chicago, Ill. Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. 436 PRINTING Adams Lithographing & Printing Co., 116 W. 2d, Pine Bluff, Ark. American Bank Stationery Co., Curtain, Aiken, Hargest & Aisquith Sts., Baltimore, Md. American Bank Supply Co., 628 N. Illinois, Indianapolis, Ind. American Printing Co., Atlanta, Ga. Baker-Goodyear Co., 42 Church, New Haven, Conn. BARNARD STATIONERY CO., GEO. D., Vandeventer & Laclede Aves., St. Louis, Mo. Beach Ptg. Co., Will A., 235 N. Phillips Ave., Sioux Falls, S. D. Bell Press, Inc., 840 San Julian, Los Angeles, Calif. Benson & Sons, Inc., Benj. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Berg, Joseph, 30 Ferry, New York, N. Y. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Boyeson Co., H. C., 348 Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn. Brandon Printing Co., Nashville, Tenn. The Brooks Co., 1241 Superior Ave., Cleveland, O. Brown-Blodgett Co., 1745 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Bushong & Co., Inc., Park & Stark, Portland, Ore. The Burke Printing Co., Fredonia, Kan. Buxton & Skinner Ptg. & Sta. Co., 306 N. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Central Banknote Co., 319 N. Albany, Chicago, Ill. .CHILDS & CO., S. D., 136 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Clarke & Courts, Galveston, Tex. The Clegg Co., 130 Soledad, San Antonio, Tex. Coekrum Printing Co., J. W., Oakland City, Ind. Columbian Bank Note Co., 500 S. Ashland, Chicago, Ill. Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., 311 S. High St., Columbus, Ohio. Commercial Lithograph Co., 815 W. Market, Louisville. Ky. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Democrat Printing & Lithographing Co., Scott & 2d, Little Rock, Ark. Dodsworth Stationery Co., Sam’l, 412-414 W. 10th, Kansas City, Mo. Dorland Agency, Inc., 101 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Drew Co.. The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Du Bois Press, 151 Broadway. New York, N. Y. Exline Co., 113 St. Clair Ave., N. E., Cleveland, O. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Farnham Printing & Stationery Co., 417 Hennepin, Minneapolis, Minn. Flammger & Grahl Blank Book Co., 318 N. Third, St. Louis, Mo. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. FORT WAYNE PRINTING CO., 119 Holman, Fort Wayne, Ind. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Graver Stationery Co., 529 S. Franklin, Chicago, Ill. Gregory, Mayer & Thom Co., 41 Cadillac Square, Detroit, Mich. Griffith-Stillings Press, 368 Congress, Boston, Mass. Hall Co., J. C., 68 W. Exchange, Providence, R. I. Hall Lithographing Co., 623 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Hammond Printing Co., Fremont, Neb. Hutson & Co., C. S., 557 S. San Pedro, Los Angeles, Cal. Individualizing Co. of Ill., 1132 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Inland Printing Co., 473-77 St. Louis, Springfield, Mo. Irwin-Hodson Co., 115 N. 15th, Portland, Ore. The Jensen Printing Co., 114 N. 3d, Minneapolis, Minn. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. DigitizedKlipto for FRASER Loose Leaf Co., Mason, Iowa. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Knight Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Latsch Bros., Inc., 1118 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Levey Printing Co., State House Square, Indian apolis, Ind. Lloyd Co., W. C., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Long Island Printing & Lithographing Co., Inc., 137 Jackson, Hempstead, N. Y. Los Angeles Addressing & Mailing Co., 1351 S. Olive, Los Angeles, Calif. Lowman & Hanford Co., 1514 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. Mann Co., Wm, 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Marshall Ptg. Co., 20 W. Main, Marshalltown, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Messenger Printing Co., 713 Central Ave., Fort Dodge, la. Miller Davis Co., 219 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. National Bank Supply Co., 317 Mineral, Mil waukee, Wis. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Pacific Sta. & Ptg. Co., 107 Second, Portland, Ore. Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Co., Bloom ington, Ill. Pembroke Co., 24 E Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Pioneer, Inc., 12th & A, Tacoma, Wash. Poucher Ptg. & Litho. Co., 420 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Pugh & Co., H. G., 417 Main, Little Rock, Ark. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Reserve Litho. & Ptg. Co., 800-812 Huron Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Reynolds & Reynolds Co., Washington & Dudley, Dayton, Ohio. Richmond & Backus Co., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Sebastian & Co., 224 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Sentinel Printing Co., 10th at Ft. Wayne Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Smith-Brooks Printing Co., 1733 California, Denver, Colo. Smith Co., Oscar T. & Son, 407 E. Saratoga, Baltimore. Md. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Southern Stamp & Stationery Co., 1206 E. Main, Richmond, Va. Southern States Ptg. Co., Inc., Griffin, Ga. Stafford-Lowden Co., 610 W. Daget, Ft. Worth, Tex. Standard Bank Note Co., 351 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. Standard Printing Co., 201-205 N. 3d, Hannibal, Mo. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 21 S. La Salle, Chicago,Ill. Thompson & Co., Arthur, 109 Market Place Baltimore, Md. Toof & Co., S. C., 195 Madison, Memphis, Tenn. Union Bank Note Co., 10th & Central, Kansas City, Mo. Union Lithograph Co., Inc., 2030 E. 7th, Los Angeles, Cal. Van Clief Lithographing Co., 2708 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., 3 Broad, Charles ton, S. C. Walker Litho. & Ptg. Co., 114 W. 4th, Dayton, O. Warren Co., S. D., 101 Milk, Boston, Mass. Western Bank & Office Supply Co., 205 W. 1st, Oklahoma City, Okla. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Cal. Woodbury Co., Inc., Chadwick Sq., Worcester, Mass. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. PROTECTIVE DEVICES (See Burglar Alarms, Hold-Up Alarms & Locks) 440 441 437 PRINTING, FOREIGN LANGUAGE Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. International Printers, Inc., 2110 S. Halsted St., Chicago, Ill. PROTECTORS, CHECK Arnold Check Writer Co., Flint, Mich. Checkometer Sales Co., 431 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Colonial Engraving Co., 143 Federal, Boston, Mass. Defiance Mfg. Corporation, Mitchell & Jefferson, Orange, N. J. Fields, Harry R., 624 Boardman Ave., Orlando, Fla Hall-Welter Co., Inc., 183 St. Paul, Rochester, N. Y. Hedman Mfg. Co., 1158 Center, Chicago, Ill. The Humphrey Co., 177 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Protectu Bank Note Corp., 4048 W. Shubert Ave., Chicago, Ill. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Riteall Checkwriter Corporation, 113 N. Water, Rochester, N. Y. Safe Guard Check Writer Corp., 5 Beekman, New York, N. Y. Safe-Guard Check Writer Corp., Lansdale, Pa, Safety Check Protector Corp., North Chicago, Ill. Todd Co., 1178 University Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 442 PROTECTORS, POSTAGE STAMP AMERICAN PERFORATOR CO., 617 W. Jackson, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on page 20G) Cummins Perforator Co., 4740 Ravenswood, Chicago, Ill. 443 PUBLICATIONS, FINANCIAL (See also Magazines, Banking) BANKERS BULLETIN, THE, 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. BANKERS MONTHLY, THE, 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Bankers Thrift Corp., 2240 N. Racine, Chicago, Ill. Financial Publishing Co., 129 S. La Salle, Chicago. Ill. Financial Publishing Co., 9 Newbury, Boston, Mass. The Fitch Publishing Co., Inc., 138 Pearl, New York, N. Y. 444 PUNCHES, BOND & TICKET Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Wks., 76 Forsyth St., N. W., Atlanta, Ga. Matthews & Co., Jas., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. 446 PRINTING, CHECK END (See Imprinting, Check) PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT American District Telephone & Telegraph Co., 183 Varick, New York, N. Y. Buekers, Jr., & Co., J. H., 2117 Elmwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. Federal Laboratories, Inc., 1631 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Holmes Electric Protective Co., 370 7th Ave., Cleveland, O. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. PUNCHES, PAPER Bates Mfg. Co., Orange, N. J. Challenge Machinery Co., Grand Haven, Mich. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Love & Co., J. V., 2205 Mechanic, Galveston, Tex. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. PURIFIERS, AIR 438 PRINTING, GRAVURE (See Air Purifiers) Art Gravure Corp., 406 W. 31st, New York, N. Y. 439 PRINTING PRESSES (SMALL) American Multigraph Sales Co., E. 40th & Kelley Ave., Cleveland, O. Liberty Folder Co. (The), Sidney, O. Lisenby Mfg. Co., Kern & Angus, Fresno, Cal. PROCESS LETTERS (See Letters, Process) Q 446 QUILLS, ADVERTISING Coopersmith & Co., Inc., C. M., 910 W. Jackson, Chicago, Ill. Fine Art Novelty Co., 1609 W. 64th, Chicago, Ill. Kemper Thomas Co., Park Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Terre Haute Adv. Co., 1317 Poplar, Terre Haute, Ind. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 46G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) R 455 RADIO BROADCASTING SETS Graybar Electric Co., Graybar Bldg., New York, 447 RACKS, CALENDAR (METAL) Bar-Trex Mfg. Co., 1813 Ave. D., Birmingham, Ala. Davenport-Taylor Mfg. Co., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Ill. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Michaels Art Bronze Co., Inc., 230 Scott, Coving ton, Ky. Mount & Robertson, Inc., 62 Broad, New York, N. Y. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237 S. Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Polar Mfg. Co., 119-125 N. 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Wisconsin Iron & Wire Works, 1660 Booth, Mil waukee, Wis. 448 RACKS, CHECK Beck Specialty Co., Waterloo, la. Currier Manufacturing Co., Inc., North Western Terminal, Minneapolis, Minn. Dibb Manufacturing Co., Inc., 515 Third Ave., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Newman Mfg. Co.. 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Shaw-Walker Co. The, Muskegon, Mich. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestowm, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 449 RACKS, DRAFT & NOTE Art Metal Construction Co., Jamestown, N. Y. Beck Specialty Co., Waterloo, la. Currier Manufacturing Co., Northwestern Ter minal, Minneapolis, Minn. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. 460 RACKS, FILING Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford, Jamestown. N. Y. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Weis Mfg. Co., Union, Monroe, Mich. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., 1099 Jay, Rochester, N. Y. 451 RACKS, MAGAZINE & NEWSPAPER Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. 452 RACKS, MECHANICAL POSTING Adjustable Table Co., 55 Mt. Vernon Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. , Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University, St. Paul, Minn. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Wilson-Jones Co., 3300 Franklin, Chicago, Ill. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 453 RACKS, RUBBER STAMP Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Wks., 76 Forsyth St., N. W., Atlanta, Ga. Brakmeier Bros., 112 S. 4th, Louisville, Ky. Darling Co., J. C., 734 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Force & Co., Inc., Wm. A., 105 Worth, New York, N. Y. Martin & Co., 227 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Melind Co., Louis, 362 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, m. Moise-Klinker Co., 369 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. St. Paul Stamp Works, 74 E. 5th, St. Paul, Minn. Swisher Mfg. Co., Tbe, R. D., 413 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. 454 RADIATOR COVERS, STEEL Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. FRASER Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N; Y. Radio-victor Corporation of Am., 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 456 RADIO MAPS RAND McNALLY & CO. 536 S. Clark, Chicago, 111. 457 RADIO RECEIVING SETS Atwater Kent Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Crosley Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. Freshman Co., Inc., New York, N. Y. Grebe & Co., Inc., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Radio-victor Corporation of Am., 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y. RAILINGS (See Fixtures) 458 RAIN GAUGES Central Scientific Co., 460 E Ohio, Chicago, ril. The A. Claus Mfg. Co., 5250 Brookpark Rd., Cleve land, O. REBUILT MACHINES (See Machines, Rebuilt) 459 RECEPTACLES, WASTE Economy Baler Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. 460 RECORDERS, TIME (See also Stamps, Time) Calculagrap Co., 50 Church, New York, N. Y. Cincinnati Time Recorder Co., 1733 Central, Cincinnati, O. Follet Time Recording Co., 217 High, Newark, N. J. Howard Clock Co., 206 E. Eustis, Boston, Mass. Insto Recordergraph Co., 1241 High, Oakland, Cal. International Business Machines Corporation, 50 Broad, New York, N. Y. Joslin Mfg. Co., A. D., 123 Arthur, Manistee,Mich. Kastens, Henry, 418 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. 461 RECORDS, DICTAPHONE Dictaphone Corp., Graybar Bldg., New York, N. Y. RECORDS, VISIBLE (See Visible Records) 462 REFLECTORS Curtis Lighting, Inc., 1119 W. Jackson, Chicago, Ill. Faries Mfg. Co., 1036 E. Grand Ave., Decatur, Ill. Frink Co., Inc., I. P., 239 Tenth Ave., New York, N. Y. Guth Co., Edwin F., 2615 Washington, St. Louis, Mo. Reflectolyte Co., 914 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 405 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Viking Products Corp., 422 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. 463 REGISTERS, AUTOGRAPHIC American Sales Book Co., Ltd., Elmira, N. Y. Autographic Register Co., 1000 Clinton, Hoboken, N. J. Egry Register Co., 417-435 E. Monument Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Hamilton Autographic Register Co., 802 Symmes Ave., Hamilton, O. National Cash Register Co., Dayton, O. Standard Register Co., Dayton, O. United Autographic Register Co., 2316 W. 43d, Chicago, Ill. 464 REGISTERS, BANK Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brown-Blodgett Co., 1745 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierson Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Flammger & Grahl Blank Book Co., 318 N. Third, St. Louis, Mo. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Inland Printing Co., 473-77 St. Louis, Springfield, Mo. Irving-Pitt Mfg. Co., 816 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. , National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Reynolds & Reynolds Co., Washington & Dudley, Dayton, O. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich Smith Printing Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Tallman-Robbins & Co., 314 W. Superior, Chicago, Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Wilson-Jones Co., 3300 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y 465 REGISTERS, CASH Blocher Sales Register Co., Franklin Grove, Ill. Flammger & Grahl Blank Book Co., 318 N. Third, St. Louis, Mo. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. National Cash Register Co., Dayton, O. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Office Equipment Co., 911 Locust, Des Moines, la. Remington Cash Register Co., 29 Warren, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. 466 REGISTERS, DISCOUNT (See also Registers, Bank) Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash__ ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Kichmond & Backus Co., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. 467 REGISTERS, MORTGAGE (See also Registers, Bank) Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Richmond & Backus, Co., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. 468 REGISTERS, NOTE & LOAN Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Hamilton Autographic Register Co., 802 Symmes Ave., Hamilton, O. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Richmond & Backus Co., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Union Savings Systems Co., 131 N. Duke, Lan caster, Pa. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 469 REINFORCING, VAULT Consolidated Expanded Metal Companies, Steelcraft Bldg., Wheeling, W. Va. Rivet-Grip Steel Company, The, 2404 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, O. York Safe & Lock Co., York, Pa. REST ROOM EQUIPMENT (See Equipment, Rest Room) 470 REVOLVERS Bannerman Sons, Francis, 501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Colt’s Patent Fire Arms Mfg. Co., 17 Van Dyke Ave., Hartford, Conn. Johnson Arms & Cycle Wks., Fitchburg, Mass. Smith & Wesson, Stockbridge, Springfield, Mass. 471 RIBBONS, TYPEWRITER American Manifold Products Corp., 2900 Darwin Terrace, Chicago, Ill. American Writing Machine Co., 449 Central Ave., Chicago, Ill. Becker & Co., 99 Bedford, Boston, Mass. Buckeye Ribbon & Carbon Co., 1466 E. 55th, Cleveland, O. Carter's Ink Co., 239 First, Cambridge, Mass. Crown Ribbon & Carbon Mfg. Co., 782 St. Paul, Rochester, N. Y. Ditto, Inc., 2243 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Enduro Mfg. Co., 14 Franklin, Rochester, N. Y. Miller-Bryant-Pierce Co., 189 S. River, Aurora, Ill. Office Efficiency Distributors Co., 200 Davis, San Francisco, Calif. Office Equipment Co., 911 Locust, Des Moines, la. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Webster Co., Inc., F. S., 340 Congress, Boston, Mass. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 47G Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 472 ROAD MAPS Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark, Chicago, HI. (See our adv. on page 40G.) 473 ROLLS, ADDING MACHINE American Manifold Products Corp., 2900 Darwin Terrace, Chicago, Ill. American Sales Book Co., Ltd., Elmira, N. Y. C. Benninghofen & Sons, Hamilton, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., N.W., Cleveland, O. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Zellerbach Paper Co., 534 Battery, San Francisco, Cal. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Hamilton Autographic Register Co., 802 Symmes Ave., Hamilton, O. Inland Company, 608 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Pressteel Engineering Corp., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Safety Deposit Record Service, Adrian, Mifh. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. YALE & TOWNE MFG. CO., Stamford, Conn. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 476 RUBBER BANDS (See Supplies, Bank & Office) RUBBER FLOORS (See Floors, Rubber) RUBBER STAMPS (See Stamps, Rubber) RULED FORMS (See Forms, Bank) 474 RULERS, ADVERTISING Advertising Specialty Co., 609 Ryan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, O. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Colson Co., U. O., Paris, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Erickson Co., Inc., C. E., 506 W. 3d, Des Moines, Iowa Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Grand Rapids Calendar Co., 906 S. Division, Grand Rapids, Mich. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Merchants Publishing Co., 402 W. Main, Kala mazoo, Mich. Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, O. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Philadelphia Badge Co., 942 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Shaw Advertising Co., 520 Produce Exch. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Terre Haute Adv. Co., 1317 Poplar, Terre Haute, Ind. SAFES, FILING Adams Co.. S. G.. 412-414 N. 6th, St. Louis, Mo. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Baumann Safe Co., John, 408 N. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave., Canton, O. Browne-Morse Co., Muskegon, Mich. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Cary Safe Co., 1200 Niagara, Buffalo, N. Y. Columbia Steel Equipment Co., 1735 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. Dameron-Pierson Company Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., Canton, Ohio. Dow & Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syracuse, N. Y. Fisher Co., Johnson & Richings, Charles City, Iowa. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Grand Blvd., Hamilton, Ohio. Koch Brothers, Grand Ave. at 4th, Des Moines, la. Lowman & Hanford Co., 1514 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Macey Co., 1520 Division Ave., S., Grand Rapids, Mich. Marshall Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Maunsell’s Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. McRee Binder Co., Athens, O. Meilink Steel Safe Co., 1700 Oakwood, Toledo, O. Metal Office Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. National Safe & Lock Co., E. 69th & Quincy, Cleveland, Ohio. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 114 Third Ave., S., Seattle, Wash. Northwestern Furniture Co., 271 W. Water, Mil waukee, Wis. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Wallcer Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steel Equipment Corp., Avenel, N. J. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Collins Safe & Fixture Co., W. D., 513 W. Main, Denison, Tex. Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., Canton, Ohio. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Gross-Feibel Co., Fair & Elm, Hillsboro, Ohio. Hall’s Safe Co., 3253 Spring Grove Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Grand Blvd., Hamilton, Ohio. Koch Brothers, Grand Ave. at 4th, Des Moines, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Meilink Steel Safe Co., Toledo, Ohio. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. National Safe & Lock Co., E. 69th and Quincy, Cleveland, Ohio. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 114 Third Ave., S., Seattle, Wash. Remington & Sherman Co., 1545 N. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. SAFE CABINET DIVISION OF REMINGTON RAND, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Sweetser & Baldwin Safe Co., 1800 S. Main, Los Angeles, Calif. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. York Safe & Lock Co., York, Pa. SAFES, HOME (See Savings Banks, Home & Pocket) 478 479 480 SAFES, USED Norris Safe & Lock Co., 114 Third Ave., S., Seattle, Wash. 481 SAFES, WALL Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd. Canton, Ohio. Gross-Feibel Co., Fair & Elms, Hillsboro, O. Hall’s Safe Co., 3253 Spring Grove Ave., Cincin nati, Ohio. Meilink Steel Safe Co., Toledo, Ohio. York Safe & Lock Co., York, Pa. SAFETY PAPER SAFE DEPOSIT RECORDS (See Paper, Safety) 477 SAFES, FIRE & BURGLAR PROOF Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Autographic Register Co., 1000 Clinton, Hoboken, N. J. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Becker Co., John C., 41 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Cary Safe Co., 1200 Niagara, Buffalo, N. Y. 482 SAFETY VAULT EQUIPMENT Safety Equipment Co., 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. THE ORIGINAL — THE STRONGEST — THE BEST “Yeo” Rotary Night Depository Ready to serve your Depositors—24 hours per Day Write for Details THE BANK VAULT INSPECTION COMPANY SAMUEL P. YEO, President 5 So. 18th Street, PHILADELPHIA SALES OFFICES: 6 N. Michigan Ave., CHICAGO 243 N. High St., COLUMBUS, O. 175 Fifth Ave., NEW YORK 0 USED BY OVER 750 BANKS A QUALITY PRODUCT AT A FAIR PRICE M THE ORIGINAL BURGLAR PROOF SYSTEM >* Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SAFES, NIGHT DEPOSITORY BANK VAULT INSPECTION CO., 5 So. 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. (See our adv. on this page.) Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Grand Blvd., Hamilton, O. The Mosler Safe Company, Hamilton, O. Remington & Sherman Co., 1545 N. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. s 476 SAFES, MANGANESE STEEL Cary Safe Co., 1200 Niagara, Buffalo, N. Y. Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., Canton, Ohio. Hall’s Safe Co., 3253 Spring Grove Ave., Cincin nati, Ohio. Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Grand Blvd., Hamilton, Ohio. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. National Safe & Lock Co., E. 69th and Quincy, Cleveland, O. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 114 Third Ave., S., Seattle, Wash. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Ohio. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. York Safe & Lock Co., York, Pa. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 48G Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 183 SAVINGS BANKS, HOME & POCKET American Can Co., Maywood, Ill. Andreasen Mfg. Co., 6647-6649 Qliphant Ave., Chicago, Ill. Automatic Recording Safe Co., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madison Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Bankers Service Corp., 19 Warren, New York, N.Y. Bankers Thrift Book Co., 629 S. 7th, Minneapolis, Minn. Bankers Thrift Corp., 2240 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bankers Utilities Co., Inc., 327 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. THE BANKETTE COMPANY, INC., Bankers Bldg., 73 Water St., Boston, Mass. (See our adv. on this page.) Call’s Bankers Service Corp., 25 E. Bay, Savannah, Ga. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Blvd., Chicago, III. Coin Covenant Corp., 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Dudley Lock Corporation, 26 N. Franklin, Chicago, Durable Toy & Novelty Corp., 220 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. Grannis & Tolton, Inc., Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Hockswender Co., B. H., 711 Penn. Ave., Pitts burgh, Pa. Martin Co. (The Frank), Marshall Bldg., Cleve land, O. Miller Bank Service, 5775 Ridge, Chicago, Ill. Moreland Business Builders, Inc., 1018 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. NATIONAL BANK SUPPLY CO., INC., 60 Spring, New York, N. Y. (See our adv. on this page.) Nutry, John, 85 Adams, Brooklyn, N. Y. Nutry & Cook Mfg. Co., Inc., 199 Cook, Brooklyn, N. Y. Philadelphia Badge Co., 942 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Rehberger Co., A. C., 3656 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, REHBERGER MFG. CO., 1217 Webster Ave., Chicago, Ill. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. (See our adv. on cage 28G.) Savings Service Co., The, 1587 E. Blake Ave., Columbus, O. Speer Calendar Bank Co., Inc., 110 E. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Steel Products Corp. of Cal., 268 First, San Francisco, Cal. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Stronghart Co. .2942 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Thrift Development Corp., 206 S. Spring, Los Angeles, Calif. Thrift Service Co., 2128 Richland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. WHITE BRASS CASTINGS CO., 1656 W. Austin Ave., Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on opposite page.) Williams & Co., A. W„ 1790 E. 174th, New York, N. Y. 484 SAVINGS BANKS, POCKET O. 485 SAVINGS BANKS, (REGISTER) DURABLE TOY & NOVELTY CO., 220 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. 486 American Art Works, Coshocton, O. American Can Co., Maywood, Ill. Andreasen Mfg. Co., 6647-6649 Oliphant Ave., Chicago, Ill. Automatic Recording Safe Co., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Bankers Advertising Service, 38 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madison Ave., Cleveland, O. Bankers Thrift Book Co., 529 S. 7th, Minneapolis, Minn. BANKETTE COMPANY, INC., Bankers Bldg., 73 Water, Boston, Mass. (See our adv. on this page.) Call’s Bankers Service Corp., 25 E. Bay, Savannah, Ga. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Coin Covenant Corp., 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Cruver Mfg. Co., 2456 Jackson, Chicago, Ill. Durable Toy & Novelty Co., 220 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. Felsenthal & Sons, G., 1407 Hudson Ave., Chicago, Ill. Hockswender Co., B. H., 711 Penn Ave., Pitts burgh, Pa. Inland Co., 608 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. L’Enfant-Oley-Martine Mfg. Corp., 99-101 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. NOW Martin Co. (The Frank), Marshall Bldg., Cleve land, O. Miller Bank Service, 5775 Ridge, Chicago, Ill. National Bank Supply Co., 60 Spring, New York, N. Y. Nutry, John, 85 Adams, Brooklyn, N. Y. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Speer Calendar Bank Co., 110 E. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Stronghart Co., 2942 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Thrift Service Co., 2128 Richland Ave., Cleveland, SAVINGS BANKS (SPECIAL DESIGN) Andreasen Mfg. Co., 6647-6649 Oliphant Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bankers Utilities Corp., 268 First, San Francisco, Calif. Call’s Bankers Service Corp., 25 E. Bay, Savannah, Ga. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Blvd., Chicago, III. Coin Clock Service Co., 1620 E 45th, Cleveland, O. Grannis & Tolton, Inc., Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Hunter Co., Geo. A., 6910 Romaine, Los Angeles, Calif. Kumler Co., Inc., John M., 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Martin Co., The Frank, Marshall Bldg., Cleveland, O. Moreland Business Builders, Inc., 1018 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Rehberger Co., A. C., 3656 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Ill. Rehberger Mfg. Co., 1217 Webster Ave., Chicago, Ill. Speer Calendar Bank Co., 110 E. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. SAVINGS DEPT. FORMS (See Forms, Bank) — “The Iron Salesman” Our new bank book distribution plan is producing business faster than any plan heretofore presented and at a cost which is so low as to be almost unbelievable. A few of the larger users: National Shawmut Bank Boston, Mass. Cleveland Trust Company Cleveland, O. National Bank of Commerce Detroit, Mich. Commerce Guardian Trust & Savings Bank Toledo, O. First Bank & Trust Company Utica, N. Y. Home Savings Bank _____ Albany, N. Y. DETAILS UPON REQUEST THE BANKETTE COMPANY, Inc. Bankers Building: « * * BOSTON, MASS. Our new vest-pocket Book Bank— weighs only ounces. Hand some and of highest quality—in 4 different colors. Priced low enough to give away. Fits a lady's hand bag as neatly as a vanity case. HABIT FORMING! O HABIT is more desirable than the Thrift Habit. The Tiffany vest pocket Book Bank makes this an easy habit to acquire. It takes up scarcely as much room as a pocket lighter, and because of its neat appearance and handiness it is carried—and used. Its low price, due to mass production, will enable you to give it FREE to depositors and prospective savers, if you so desire. We shall be glad to send you samples and complete details. Better write today if you want it for your bank. N ‘Banks for Building of Deposits and Good Will” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NATIONAL BANK SUPPLY COMPANY, INC. 60 Spring St. NEW YORK, N. Y. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 49G Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 487 491 SAVINGS SYSTEMS (See also specific headings: Christmas Savings, Industrial Savings, School Savings, etc.) Bankers Savings Service Co., 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Call’s Bankers Service Corp., 25 E. Bay, Savannah, Ga. Chicago Bank Service Co., 232 W. 63d, Chicago, Ill. Christmas Club, a division of National Bancservice Corp., 45 W. 45th, New York, N. Y. Flak Finger Print System, 1 Liberty, New York, N. Y. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. L’Enfant-Oley-Martine Mfg. Corp., 99-101 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. WARD, D. E., Ill W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. 488 SCALES (PARCEL POST, POSTAL. ETC.') Dayton Weight Scale Co., 448 Huffman Ave., Dayton, O. . . Hanson Bros. Scale Co., 525 N. Ada, Chicago, Ill. The Howe Scale Co., 3001 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MoInternational Business Machines Corporation, 50 Broad, New York, N. Y. Triner Sales Co.. 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III. Toledo Scale Co., 3216 Monroe, Toledo, O. SCHOOL SAVINGS 489 American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, Tgx. Bankers Automatic Thrift Machine, 1301 H St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Educational Thrift Service, Inc., 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y. National Adv. Corp., Merch.-Laclede Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Standard Savings Service, 107 Sixth, Pittsburg, Pa. Thrift, Inc.. 154 Marion, Oak Park, Ill. Thrift Service, Inc., 296 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 490 SCREENS, DOOR & WINDOW Buekers, Jr. & Co., J. H., 2117 Elmwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. Burlington Venetian Blind Co., Burlington, Vt. Circle A Products Corp., 613 S. 25th, New Castle, Ind. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Western Venetian Blind Co., General Office, 2700 Long Beach Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Offices at 101 Park Ave., New York, Chicago, Kansas City, San Francisco, New Orleans, Atlanta, Birming ham, Portland, Ore., Seattle, Jacksonville, Fla., Memphis, Boston, Cleveland, Detroit, Charlotte, N. C., and Fresno. 492 SCREENS, SAFETY DEPOSIT American Fixture Co., 16th & Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Mo. AMERICAN IRON & WIRE WORKS, 1622 Carroll, Chicago, Ill. Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. __ Coleman, Adelbert E., 336 W. 37th, Chicago, Ill. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St., Mineapolis, Minn. Michaels Art Bronze Co., Inc., 230 Scott, Coving ton, Ky. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237 S. Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Portland Wire & Iron Works, 294 Second, Portland, Ore. Tyler Co., The. W. S., 3615 Superior Ave., Cleve land, O. Wisconsin Iron & Wire Works, 1660 Booth, Mil waukee, Wis. Womack & Sons, J. P., Inc., Lakewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. SCRUBBING MACHINES (See Machines, Scrubbing) SEAL PRESSES (See Presses, Seal) SEALERS, ENVELOPE SCREENS, COUNTER (See Grillwork) D A TVT^ 170 Q llA IN lx CiKu Let us trated. Ill- Tablet & Ticket Co., 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., N. W., Cleveland, O. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway. Milwaukee, Wis. Yates, R. R., Joliet, Ill. (See Machines, Sealing, Envelopes) 493 SEALING DEVICES, ENVELOPE Ancira Lock & Seal Corporation, 366 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Postage Meter Co., Stamford, Conn. SCHOOLS. CORRESPONDENCE Alexander Hamilton Institute, Astor PI., New York, N. Y. Walton School of Commerce, 225 N. Michigan, Chicago. Ill. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Ancira Lock & Seal Corporation, 366 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Works, 76 Forsyth, N. W., Atlanta, Ga. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madison Ave., Cleveland, O. Brakmeier Bros., 112 S. 4th, Louisville, Ky. Case Seal Co., 145 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Cooke Co., J. P., 1111 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Darling Co., J. C., 734 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Dixie Seal & Stamp Co., Atlanta, Ga. Forbes Lithograph Mfg. Co., P. O. Box 5130, Boston, Mass. „ . „ „ Gibson Co., Inc., A. C., 70 Oak, Buffalo, N. Y. Love & Co., J. V., 2205 Mechanic, Galveston, Tex. Martin & Co., 227 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Melind Co., Louis, 362 W. Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Messing, Gus D., 315 Jackson, St. Paul, Minn. Nobler Stamp & Seal Co., Inc., 524 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Northwestern Stamp Works, 110 E. Third, St. Paul, Minn. Pacific Rubber Stamp Co., 918 S. Main, Los Angeles, Cal. Porter Safety Seal Co., 265 N. California, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page.) Sachs-Lawlor Co., 1543 Larimer, Denver, Colo. SAFFORD STAMP WORKS, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. St. Louis Sticker Co., 1627 Washington, St. Louis, Mo. „ , St. Paul Stamp Works, 74 E. 5th, St. Paul, Minn. Shuman Co., Frank G., 711 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. _ . Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, SEALING WAX (See Wax, Sealing) 494 SEALS American Seal & Stamp Co., 120 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Ames Safety Envelopes, 55 Sudbury, Boston, Mass. 495 SEALS, COIN BAG Abbott Coin Counter Co., 143d & Wales Ave., New York, N. Y. DOWNEY CO., C. L., 941 Clark, Cincinnati, O. Knight Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Matthews & Co., Jas. II., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburg, Pa. PORTER SAFETY SEAL CO., 265 N. California, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page.) Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. sen^ you a samPle an^ quotations on our “HOME” Savings Banks here illusSupplied with name plate carrying your name and depositor’s number. WHITE BRASS CASTINGS CO. 1656-60 W. Austin Ave. Chicago, Ill. Improved “HOME” Savings Bank “HOME BARREL” Savings Bank THE PORTER SAFETY SEAL THE SEAL THAT SEALS coin and) CURRENCY BAGS BAG AND PACKAGE SEALS Cloth Tags for Registered Mail and Express shipments, see page 57G. PORTER SAFETY SEAL CO., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 265 N. California Ave., CHICAGO SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 50G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 496 SERVICE, ADVERTISING DATA Bonsib, Inc., 701 First N. Bk. Bldg., Ft. Wayne, Ind. The Caples Co., 452 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Donaldson Lithograph Co., 6th & Washington, Newport, Ky. Financial Advertisers Assn., 231 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Flexograph Corporation, 254 W. 31st, New York, N. Y. Henri, Hurst & McDonald, 58 E. Washington, Chicago, Ill. Mathewson, Paul, 45 W. 45th, New York, N Y Smith, Inc., McCurdy, 70 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Reeves Adv. Co., 1924 Linwood Ave., Toledo, O. United Bank Service Co., 231 5th, Ellwood City, Lyon Metal Products, Inc., Aurora, Ill. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Maunsell’s Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Medart Mfg. Co., Fred, 3535 De Kalb, St. Louis, Mo. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Steel Equipment Corp., Avenel, N. J. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka. Kan. Terrell’s Equipment Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Van Dorn Iron Works Co., 2685 E. 79th, Cleveland, Chicago, Ill. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 497 SERVICE, BOND ISSUE Fitch Publishing Co., Inc., 138 Pearl, New York N. Y. SIGNALING SYSTEMS (See Systems, Signaling) 498 SERVICE, CONSULTING ECONOMISTS Associated Consulting Economists, Inc., 420 Lex ington Ave., New York, N. Y. 499 SERVICE, LEGAL Pratt & Sons, Inc., A. S., Wilkins Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. 600 SERVICE, STATISTICAL "Babson’s Statistical Organization, Inc.,” Babson Park, Mass. Indexers, The, 310 S. Michigan Blvd., Chicago. Ill. Kiplinger Washington Agency, National Press Bldg., Washington, D. C. Lefax (Inc.), 9th & Sansom, Philadelphia, Pa. Moody's Investors Service, 35 Nassau, New York N. Y. ’ Poor’s, 33 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. LTnited Business Service (Company, Inc), 210 Newbury, Boston, Mass. 601 SERVICE, TAX Arnold, Morin & Co., 140 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Burt & Co., Edward R., 149 Broadway, New York, Fouike Tax Service, 505 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Gregerson Bros., Oma. Natl. Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. T TaX Index Service- 15 Clinton, Newark, kaJpy2 & Co., F. W., 100 Broadway, New York, Preston & Co., Chas. H., 610 Plymouth Bldg , Minneapolis, Minn. Snow & Co.,M.P., 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Waters, Horace, 30 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill Wilson & Co., Douglas, 411-12-13 Strain Bldg., Great Falls, Mont. 602 SERVICE, U. S., TREASURY Pratt & Sons, Inc., A. S., Wilkins Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. 603 SHADES, DOOR Camden Art Craft Co., 160 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. 604 SHADES, WINDOW (See also Blinds, Venetian) Athey Company, 6035 W. 65th, Chicago, Ill The Bostwick-Goodell Co., Garfield at Jefferson. Norwalk, O. Camden Artcraft Co., 160 N. Wells, Chicago Ill. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N Y Wilson Corp., J. G., 11 E. 38th, New York, N. Y.’ 606 SHARPENERS, PENCIL American Lead Pencil Co., 500 Willow Ave Ho boken, N. J. Automatic Pencil Sharpener Co., 58 E. Washington Chicago, Ill. 606 SHELVING, METAL All-Steel-Equip Company, Aurora, Ill. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Art Metal Products Co., 514 S. Green, Chicago, Ill. Art Steel Co., Inc., 401 E. 23d, New York, N Y Becker Co., John C., 41 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. Berger Mfg. Co., 1038 Belden Ave.. Canton, O. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Davidson Co., J. L., 632-648 Mateo, Los Angeles, Cal. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Hart & Hutchinson Co., New Britain, Conn. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Lupton’s Sons Co., David, Allegheny Ave. & Tulip. Philadelphia, Pa. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SIGNATURE SIGNING MACHINES (See Machines, Signature Signing) 607 SIGNS, ADVERTISING Advertising Specialty Co., 609 Ryan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. American Art Works, Inc., Coshocton, O. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, Tex. American Signs Corp., Willard & Cooley, Kala mazoo, Mich. The Artkraft Sign Co., Lima, O. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madison Ave., Cleveland, O. Bankers Thrift Corp., 2240 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Bauder-Baker, 225 N. Michigan Ave.. Chicago, Ill. Brakmeier Bros., 112 S. 4th, Louisville, Ky. Chicago Rainbow Light Co., Inc., 9 W. Illinois, Chicago, Ill. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Davis Bulletin Co., Inc., Lock, Buffalo, N. Y. Dixie Seal & Stamp Co., Atlanta, Ga. Donaldson Art Sign Co., 2125 Donaldson Ave., Covington, Ky. Enameled Steel Sign Co., 320 N. Water St., Chicago, Ill. Federal Electric Co., 8700 S. State, Chicago, Ill. Flexlume Corp., 1100 Military Rd., Buffalo, N. Y. Flexograph Corporation, 254 W. 31st, New York N. Y. The Fogarty Mfg. Co., 800 Monument Ave., Dayton, O. The Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. General Outdoor Advertising Co., Inc., 1 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Gritt & Ragsdale Co., Transportation Bldg, Indianapolis, Ind. Imperial Brass Mfg. Co., 1200 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Kemper Thomas Co., Park Ave,, Norwood, Cincin nati, Ohio. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224-230 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Lincoln Sign Co., 61 Warren, New York, N. Y. Lummus Bankers Service, Julian (not inc.), Hendersonville. N. C. Marvelite Sign Corp., 3910 Carnegie, Cleveland, Metal Products Co., 462 4th, Milwaukee, Wis. Motograph Corp., 451 E. Ohio, Chicago, Ill. National Adv. Displays, 1560 Broadway, New York, N. Y. National Adv. Service, Inc.. La Grange, Ind. NATIONAL SERVICE BUREAU OF NEW YORK INC., 80 John, New York, N. Y. Nelke, L. D„ 45 E. 17th, New York, N. Y. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. North American Service Co., 105 W. Monroe, Chicago. Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, O. Onli-Wa-Fixture Co., St. Paul Ave., Dayton, O. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510-26 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Philadelphia Enameling Works, 254 N. 13th, Philadelphia, Pa. Price & Co., Inc., Henry F., 15 E. 40th, New York, N. Y. Rawson & Evans Co., 710 Washington Blvd.. Chicago, Ill. Reihberger & Co., A. C., 3656 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Shank Sign Co., E. A., 25 W. 43d, New York, N. Y. Steere & Sons, Geo., 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Sunset System, 2323 Broadway, San Antonio, Tex. Viking Products Corp., 422 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. 608 SIGNS, BRASS & BRONZE American Bronze Co., 1316 W. 63d, Chicago, Ill. American Seal & Stamp Co., 120 S. Clark, Chicago, American Iron & Wire Works, Chicago, Ill. 1622 Carroll, ART IN BRONZE CO., INC., 1621 E. 41st, Cleveland, O. Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Works, 76 For syth, N. W., Atlanta, Ga. Baker & Co., Edward J., 10 S. La Salle, Chicago, Baldwin Brass Works, 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madison Ave., Cleveland, O. Bankers Thrift Corp., 2240 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. Brakmeier Bros., 112 S. 4th, Louisville, Ky. Brilliant Co., 3531 Washington, St. Louis, Mo. Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Clark Mfg. Co., R. W., 4311 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Coleman, Adelbert E., 336 W. 37th, Chicago, Ill. Colson Co., U. O., Paris, Ill Davenport-Taylor Mfg. Co., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Dobie & Co., Arthur L., 523 N. Halsted, Chicago, Ill. Enameled Steel Sign Co., 320 N. Water, Chicago, Ill. Flexograph Corporation, 254 W. 31st, New York, N. Y. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Force & Co., Inc., Wm. A., 105 Worth, New York, N. Y. Georgia Show Case Co., Montgomery, Ala. Harsch Bronze & Foundry Co., John, 11612 Madi son Ave., Cleveland, O. Imperial Brass Mfg. Co., 1200 Harrison St., Chicago, Ill. Martin & Co., 227 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mayer Co., Geo. J., 36 S. Meridian, Indianapolis, Ind. Merchants Publishing Co., 402 W. Main, Kala mazoo, Mich. Metal Products Co., 462 4th, Milwaukee, Wis. Michaels Art Bronze Co., Inc., 230 Scott, Coving ton, Ky. Miller Bank Service, 5775 Ridge Ave., Chicago, Ill. Moss & Co., Inc., Henry, 113 5th, Brooklyn, N. Y. NATIONAL ART WORKS, INC., 710 Greer Ave., Covington, Ky. Nelke, L. D„ 45 E. 17th, New York, N. Y. NEWMAN MFG. CO., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Novelty Adv. Co., Coshocton, O. Onli-Wa-Fixture Co., St. Paul Ave., Dayton, O. Oregon Brass Works, 2d & Everett, Portland, Ore. Philadelphia Enameling Works, 254 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Price Bros., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Ill. Price & Co., Inc., Henry F„ 15 E. 40th, New York, N. Y. Rehberger Co., A. C., 3656 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Ill. Saehs-Lawlor Co., 1543 Larimer, Denver, Colo. Safford Stamp Co., 205 W. Madison. Chicago, Ill. Shank Sign Co., E. A., 25 W. 43d, New York, N. Y. Shaw Advertising Co., 520 Produce Exch. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Southern Brass Mfg. & Plating Co., 6614 Harris burg Blvd., Houston, Tex. Southern Stamp & Stencil Co., 48}^ N. Forsyth, Atlanta, Ga. Steere & Sons, Geo., 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. St. Paul Stamp Works, 74 E. 5th, St. Paul, Minn. Stronghart Co., 2942 W. Lake St., Chicago, Ill. Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. Tablet & Ticket Co., 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Tyler Co., W. S., 36th & Superior, Cleveland, O. Usona Mfg. Co., 315 Chouteau, St. Louis, Mo. Viking Products Corp., 422 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Wood-Detroit Mfg. Co., 170 E. Larned, Detroit, Mich. 609 SIGNS, CARDBOARD Common Sense Novelty Co., 2403 N. Oakley Ave., Chicago, Ill. Davis Bulletin Co., Inc., Lock St., Buffalo, N. Y. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224-230 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Merchants Publishing Co., 402 W. Main, Kala mazoo, Mich. Shank Sign Co., E. A., 25 W. 43d, New York, N. Y. Shaw Advertising Co., 520 Produce Exch. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 51G Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 510 SIGNS, CHANGEABLE American Signs Corp., Willard & Cooley, Kala mazoo, Mich. Bankers Educational Bureau, 2326 Clybourn, Milwaukee, Wis. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Clark Mfg. Co., R. W., 4311 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Davenport-Taylor Mfg. Co., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Ill. Davis Bulletin Co., Inc., Lock St., Buffalo, N. Y. Flexlume Corporation, 1100 Military Rd., Buffalo, N. Y. Flexograph Corp., 254 W. 31st, New York, N. Y. Hamilton & Cord Co., 4753 Broadway, Chicago, Ill. Imperial Brass Mfg. Co., 1200 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Peoples Mfg. Co., 564 W. Randolph, Chicago, Ill. Philadelphia Enameling Works, 254 N. 13th, Philadelphia, Pa. Price & Co., Inc., Henry F., 15 E. 40th, New York, N. Y. Rawson & Evans Co., 710 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Standard Slide Corp., 209 W. 48th, New York, N. Y. Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago,Ill. Tablet & Ticket Co., 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Wisconsin Iron & Wire Works, 1660 Booth, Mil waukee, Wis. 511 SIGNS, DESK ART IN BRONZE CO., INC., 1621 E. 41st, Cleve land, O. Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Wks., 76 Forsyth, N. W„ Atlanta, Ga. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madi son Ave., Cleveland, O. Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Ave., Chi cago, Ill. Clark Mfg. Co., R. W„ 1772 Wilson, Chicago, Ill. Davenport-Taylor Mfg. Co., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Ill. Dobie & Co., Arthur L., 523 N. Halsted, Chicago Ill. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Follis Adv. Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Hamilton & Cord Co., 4753 Broadway, Chicago, Ill. Imperial Brass Mfg. Co., 1200 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Jordan & Co., Inc., Charles, 132 Pearl, New York, N. Y. Matthews & Co., Jas. II., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Michaels Art Bronze Co., Inc., Covington, Ky. Miller Bank Service, 5775 Ridge, Chicago, Ill. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Price Bros., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Ill. Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. St. Paul Stamp Works, 74 E. 5tli, St. Paul, Minn. Shank Sign Co., E. A., 25 W. 43d, New York, N. Y. Shipley Adv. Co., 8 E. Chestnut, Columbus, Ohio. Southern Brass Mfg. & Plating Co., 6614 Harris burg Blvd., Houston, Tex. Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, in. Stronghart Co., 2942 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. Tablet & Ticket Co., 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, III. TWENTIETH CENTURY CO., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Tyler Co., The W. S., 3615 Superior, Cleveland, O. Viking Products Corp., 422 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Wood-Detroit Mfg. Co., 170 E. Larned, Detroit, Mich. 512 SIGNS, ELECTRIC A1 Fresco Advertising Co., 900 S. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. American Signs Corp., Willard & Cooley, Kalama zoo, Mich. Bankers Educational Bureau, 2326 Clybourn, Milwaukee, Wis. Brilliant Co., 3531 Washington, St. Louis, Mo. Brink, C. I., 24 Gold, So. Boston, Mass. Chicago Rainbow Light, Inc.,9 W. Illinois,Chicago, Ill. Davenport-Taylor Mfg. Co., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Ill. Davis Bulletin Co., Inc., Lock St., Buffalo, N. Y. Dobie & Co., A. L„ 523 N. Halsted, Chicago, Ill. Federal Electric Co., 8700 S. State, Chicago, Ill. Flexlume Corp., 1100 Military Rd., Buffalo, N. Y Flexograph Corp., 254 W. 31st, New York, N. Y. The Frink Co., Inc., I. P., 239 Tenth Ave., New York, N. Y. . General Outdoor Advertising Co., Inc., 1 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Gritt, Ragsdale & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Horn Posting Sign Systems, W. J., 426 N. 5th, Digitized forSpringfield, FRASER Ill. Lummus Bankers Service, Julian (not inc.), Hen dersonville, N. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Metercord Co., (The), 133 W. Washington,Chicago, Ill. National Adv. Displays, 1560 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Onli-Wa-Fixture Co., St. Paul Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Perfection Slide & Pictures Corp., 78 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Philadelphia Enameling Works, 254 N. 13th, Philadelphia, Pa. Plowman Gates Co., The, 1722 W. Adams, Chicago, HI- . , , Rawson & Evans Co., 710 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. „ „ Runsyne Corp., 250 W. 54th, New York, N. Y. Shank Sign Co., E. A., 25 W. 43d, New York, N. Y. Steere & Sons, Geo., 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Sunset System, 2323 Broadway, San Antonio, Tex. Tablet & Ticket Co., The, 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, HI- , Viking Products Corp., 422 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. Willey Sign Co., 1559 Church, Detroit, Mich. 513 SIGNS, GLASS Brilliant Co., 3531 Washington, St. Louis, Mo. Brink, C. I., 24 Gold, So. Boston, Mass. Horn Posting Sign Systems, W. J., 426 N. 5th, Springfield, Ill. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Rawson & Evans Co., 710 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Robinson & Co., Inc., P. L., 1458 W. Kinzie, Chicago, Ill. Shank Sign Co., E. A., 25 W. 43d, New York, N. Y. Steere & Son, Geo., 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. SIGNS, METAL (See also Signs, Brass & Bronze) Adams Co., S. G., 412-414 N. 6th, St. Louis, Mo. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. Shank Sign Co., E. A., 25 W. 43d, New York, N. Y Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. 514 515 SIGNS, NEON GAS TUBE, ELECTRIC American Sign Corporation, Willard & Cooley, Kalamazoo, Mich. Brilliant Co., 3531 Washington, St. Louis, Mo. Flexlume Corporation, 1100 Military Rd., Buffalo, N. Y. Rainbow Luminous Products Co., 1314 W. Harri son, Chicago, Ill. 516 SIGNS, PORCELAIN ENAMELED Advertising Art Bulletin, 320 E. N. Water, Chicago, American Signs Corp., Willard & Cooley, Kalama zoo, Mich. Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Wks., 76 Forsyth, N. W„ Atlanta, Ga. Brilliant Co., 3531 Washington, St. Louis, Mo. Enameled Steel Sign Co., 320 N. Water, Chicago, 520 SLIDES, LANTERN (MOTION PICTURE, ETC.) Lockren Film & Slide Co., Wm. A., 16 N. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. SOAP DISPENSERS (See Dispensers, Soap) 521 SOAPS, LIQUID Antiseptol Liquid Soap Co., 572 W. Randolph, Chicago, Ill. , Gerson-Stewart Corp., 3528 E. 76th, Cleveland, O. Hockwald Chemical Co., 436 Bryant, San Fran cisco, Cal. Selig Co., 336 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. 622 SOLICITATION, NEW ACCOUNT (See Personal Solicitation) Chicago Bank Service Co., 232 W. 63d, Chicago, HI. Chicago Service Corp., 6727 Stony Island Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Haines Mfg. Co., 84 Exchange, Rochester, N. Y. Smith Associates, Inc., T. Harris, 231 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Statter Bros., A. J. G., 2514 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. SORTERS, COIN (See Machines, Coin Sorting) SOUVENIRS, ADVERTISING (See Specialties and Novelties) 523 SPECIALTIES, ADVERTISING Adcraft Manufacturing Co., 2448-56 W. 22d, Chicago, Ill. _ , Advertising Golf Ball Corp., 1775 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Advertising Novelty Co., 419 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago, Ill. , _ AMERICAN ART WORKS, Inc., Coshoton, O. American Beauty Cover Co., 1902 Orange, Dallas, T GX. American Calendar Co., Inc., Greeneville, Tenn. Amity Leather Products Co., West Bend, Wis. The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Neb. Baumgarth Co., John, 1219 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. „ „ , Broderick Co., 460 Robert, St. Paul, Minn. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Buckeye Leather Co., Chestnut, Coshocton, O. Carroll Co., J. B., 319 N. Albany, Chicago, Ill. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Childs & Co., S. D., 136 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Colson Co., U. O., Paris, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Cruver Mfg. Co., 2456 W. Jackson, Chicago, 111, Dow Co., Louis F„ 2242 University Ave., St. Paul. Erickson Co., Inc., C. E„ 506 W. 3d, Des Moines, IOWa. Feicke Printing Co.f 424 Pioneer, Cincinnati, O. Felsenthal & Sons, G., 1407 Hudson Ave., Chicago, Flexlume Corporation, 1100 Military Rd., Buffalo, N. Y. Nelke, L. D„ 45 E. 17th, New York, N. Y. Shank Sign Co., E. A., 25 W. 43d, New York, N. Y. Steere, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Ferree Co., E. H., 61 Richmond Ave., Lockport, N. Y. Fine Art Novelty Co., 1609 W. 64th, Chicago, Ill. The Fogarty Mfg. Co., 800 Monument Ave., Dayton, O. . Follis Adv. Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, 517 SIGNS, ROAD A1 Fresco Advertising Co., 900 S. Grand Blvd. St. Louis, Mo. American Signs Corp., Willard & Cooley, Kalama zoo, Mich. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, Ohio. Enameled Steel Sign Co., 320 N. Water, Chicago, Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. Grand Rapids Calendar Co., 906 S. Division, Grand Rapids, Mich. Jung Co., Geo. H., 190 W. Central Pkwy., Cin cinnati, O. , . Kemper Thomas Co., Park Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Kenyon Co., Inc., 303 Grand Ave., Des Moines, Erickson Co., Inc., C. E., 506 W. 3d, Des Moines, la. The Fogarty Manufacturing Co., 800 Monument Ave., Dayton, O. General Outdoor Advertising Co., Inc., 1 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Meeker Co., Inc., 3d & Michigan, Joplin, Mo. Nelke, L. D„ 45 E. 17th, New York, N. Y. North American Service Co., 105 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. ................... Shank Sign Co., E. A., 25 W. 43d, New York, N. Y. Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, I11- • ™ Sunset System, 2323 Broadway, San Antonio, Tex. 518 SIGNS, WIRE Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Wisconsin Iron & Wire Works, 1660 Booth, Mil waukee, Wis. 519 SLATES Clow & Sons, Jas. B., 201 N. Talman Ave., Chicago, Ill. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224-230 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Krieger Novelty Co., Lodi, Calif. . Kumler Co., Inc., John M., 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Leather Products Co., 201 South, Iola, Kans. Luxem Company, 3845 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Martin Co. (The Frank), Marshall Bldg., Cleve land, O. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa Mayer Mfg. Corp., 1436 Randolph, Chicago, Ill. Meeker Co., Inc.. 3d & Michigan, Joplin, Mo. Merchants Publishing Co., 402 V/. Main, Kalama zoo, Mich. „ , r Mergott Co., J. E., 316 Jelleff Ave., Newark, N. J. National Art Works, Inc., 710 Greer Ave., CovingNational Bank Supply Co., 60 Spring, New York, N. Y. Oliver Baker Mfg. Co., 420 S. 7th, Minneapolis, Minn. XT T Osborne Co., 759 Summer Ave., Newark, N. J. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. , . RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark, Chicago, Red Wing Adv. Co., Main & Potter, Red Wing, Minn. . Rehberger Mfg. Co., 1217 Webster Ave., Chicago, Ill. Robbins Co., The, Attleboro, Mass. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 52G Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) Robinson Manufacturing Co., 17 Elm, Westfield, Mass. Shaw Advertising Co., 520 Produce Exch. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Shedd-Brown Mfg. Co., 317 Fifth Ave. So., Minne apolis, Minn. Southard Calender & Ptg. Co., The., 240 N. 3d, Columbus, O. Spangler Mfg. Co., 160 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Stanwood-Hillson Corp., The, 14 High, Brookline, Mass. Statter Bros., A. J. G., 2514 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Stronghart Co., 2942 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Terre Haute Adv. Co., 1317 Poplar, Terre Haute, Ind. Texas Novelty Adv. Co., 117 S. Waco, Hillsboro, Tex. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Vaughn Novelty Mfg. Co., 3211-25 Carroll Ave., Chicago, Ill. Von Senden Co., Inc., Arthur, 316 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Weinman Bros., 421 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. William & Co., A. W„ 1790 E. 174th, New York, 528 STAMPS, ENDORSEMENT (See Check Endorsers and Stamps, Rubber) Acme Stamp Co., 1100 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, O. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mejind Co., Louis, 362 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, SAFFORD STAMP WORKS, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, STAMPS, INDEXED 529 Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsbu rgh Pa. Medearis Moulding Co., 524 N. Liberty, WinstonSalem, N. C. Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D., 413 S. Clinton, Chicago, 530 SPECIALTIES, CELLULOID (See Novelties, Celluloid) SPECIALTIES, LEATHER (See Novelties, Leather) 624 SPECIALTIES, MAP RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chi cago, Ill. SPECIALTIES, METAL (See Novelties, Metal) 525 STAMP AFFIXERS (See also Machines, Mailing, Permit) Bircher Co.. Inc., 192 Mill, Rochester, N. Y. Colonial Engraving Co., 143 Federal, Boston, Mass. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Multipost Co., 51 Centre Park, Rochester, N. Y. Postage Meter Co., 723 Pacific, Stamford, Conn. Standard Mailing Machines Co., Everett, Mass. 526 STAMP CONTAINERS Polar Mfg. Co., 119-125 N. 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. 527 STAMPS, DATING Acme Stamp Co., 1100 Prospect Ave., Cleveland Ohio. American Seal & Stamp Co., 120 S. Clark, Chicago, American Numbering Machine Co., 220 Shepherd Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Wks., 76 For sythe St., N. W., Atlanta, Ga. Cooke Co., J. P., 1111 Farnam, Omaha, Neb Darling Co., J. C„ 734 Kansas Ave., Tooeka, Kan. Dixie Seal & Stamp Co., Atlanta, Ga. Force & Co., Inc., Wm. A., 105 Worth, New York N. Y. Hay Rubber Stamp Co., 832 Thirteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Joslin Mfg. Co., A. D., 123 Arthur, Manistee, Mich Kastens, Henry, 418 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Love & Co., J. V., 2205 Mechanic, Galveston, Tex. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Melind Co., Louis, 362 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, Messing, Gus D., 315 Jackson, St. Paul, Minn. Moise-Klinker Co., 369 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Nobler Stamp & Seal Co., Inc., 524 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Sachs-Lawlor Co., Inc., 1543 Larimer, Denver, Colo Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, St. Paul Stamp Works, 74 E. 5th, St. Paul, Minn Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Send for CATALOG showing hundreds of Rubber Stamps used by Bankers, Merchants, Mnfrs. etc. for saving Time and Labor also to insure Accuracy SAFFORD STAMP WORKS —^ Established in 1893 ■< ■ 205 W. Madison Street CHICAGO - U. S. \. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STAMPS, RUBBER Acme Stamp Co., 1100 Prospect, Cleveland, O Adams Co., S. G., 412-A14 N. 6th, St. Louis, Mo. American Seal & Stamp Co., 120 S. Clark, Chicago, Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Wks., 76 For syth St., N. W., Atlanta, Ga. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madison Ave.. Cleveland, O. Bankers Stamp Co., Mishawaka, Ind. Brakmeer Bros., 112 S. 4th, Louisville, Ky. Cargill Co., Capitol, Brazos & Rusk, Houston, Tex. Cooke Co., J. P., 1111 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Darling Co., J. C., 734 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Dixie Seal & Stamp Co., Atlanta, Ga. Drew Co., The, II. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Eagle Stamp Works, 169 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. lorce & Co., Inc., Wm. A., 105 Worth, New York, N. Y. Gibson Co., Inc., A. C., 70 Oak, Buffalo, N. Y. Hay Rubber Stamp Co., 832 Thirteenth St., N. W„ Washington, D. C. Irwin-Hodson Co., 115 N. 15th, Portland, Ore. Love & Co., J. V., 2205 Mechanic, Galveston, Tex. Mansfield Rubber Stamp Works, Mansfield, O. Martin & Co., 227 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mayer Co., Geo. J., 36 S. Meridian, Indianapolis, Ind. Medearis Moulding Co., 524 N. Liberty, WinstonSalem, N. C. Melind Co., Louis, 362 W. Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Messing, Gus D., 315 Jackson, St. Paul, Minn. Moise Klinkner Co., 369 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Nobler Stamp & Seal Co., Inc., 524 S. Dearborn, Chicago, III. Northwestern Stamp Works, 110 E. Third, St. Paul, Minn. Pacific Rubber Stamp Co., 918 S. Main, Los Angeles, Cal. Sachs-Lawler Co., Inc., 1543 Larimer, Denver, Colo. SAFFORD STAMP WORKS, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Salisbury-Schulz Co., P. A., 181 N. Wells, Chicago, St. Paul Stamp Works, 74 E. 5th, St. Paul, Minn. Southern Stamp & Stationery Co., 1206 E. Main, Richmond, Va. Southern Stamp & Stencil Co., 48>£ N. Forsyth, Atlanta, Ga. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. SWISHER MFG. CO., R. D., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. Taylor Bros. Co., 706 Superior, N.W.. Cleveland, O. 531 STAMPS, SAVINGS American Banking Machine Corp., 207 Eddy Bldg., Saginaw, Mich. 532 STAMPS, STENCIL Multistamp Co., Norfolk. Va. 533 STAMPS, TIME Ajax Time Stamp Co., 354 Broadway, New Y'ork, N. Y. Automatic Time Stamp Co., 139 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. Colonial Engraving Co., 143 Federal, Boston, Mass. Commercial Utilities Manufacturing Co., 147 Waverly PI, New York, N. Y. Follett Time Recording Co., 217 High, Newark, N. J. Insto Recordergraph Co., 1241 High, Oakland Calif. Joslin Mfg. Co., A. D., 123 Arthur, Manistee, Mich. Kastens, Henry, 418 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. THOMPSON TIME STAMP CO., INC., 240 W. 23d, New York, N. Y. 534 STANDS, ADDING MACHINE Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Metal Office Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., 1099 Jay, Rochester, N. Y. 535 STANDS, MECHANICAL POSTING Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Egry Register Co., 417-435 E. Monument Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 536 STANDS, TYPEWRITER Adjustable Table Co., 55 Mt. Vernon Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Hoosier Desk Co., 220 Mill, Jasper, Ind. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Searles Electric Welding Works, 1850 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Tiffany Adjustable Stand Co., 3300 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Toledo Metal Furniture Co., 1100 Hastings, Toledo, Ohio. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 537 STAPLES Bates Mfg. Co., Orange, N. J. Compo Corp., & Sale Co., Westport, Conn. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. STAPLING MACHINES (See Machines, Stapling) STATEMENT BLANKS (See Forms, Bank) 538 STATEMENTS, DAILY EARNING Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Western Litho. Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. 539 STATIONERS Adams Co., S. G., 412—414 N. 6t.h, St. Louis, Mo. Alien-Marshall Co., Ivan, 40 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. American Bank Stationery Co., Curtain, Aiken, Hargest & Aisquith, Baltimore, Md. American Bank Supply Co., 628 N. Illinois, Indi anapolis, Ind. American Calendar Co., Inc., Greeneville, Tenn. American Embossing Co., 196 Seneca, Buffalo, N. Y. Baker-Goodyear Co., 42 Church, New Haven, Conn. BARNARD STATIONERY CO., GEO. D., Vandeventer & Laclede Aves., St. Louis, Mo. (See our adv. on Missouri Index.) Beach Printing Co., Will A., 235 N. Phillips Ave., Bell Press, 840 San Julian, Los Aageles, Calif. Benson & Sons, Inc., Benj. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Berg, Joseph, 30 Ferry, New York, N. Y. Blackwell Wielandy Co., 1601 Locust, St. Louis, Mo. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Boyeson Co., H. C., 348 Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn. Brown Paper Co., L. L., Adams, Mass. Brown-Blodgett Co., 1745 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Buchan-White Loose Leaf Co., 1906 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Burke Printing Co., Fredonia, Kans. Bushong & Co., Park & Stark, Portland, Ore. Butler Paper Corp., 223 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. Buxton & Skinner, Printing & Stationery, 306 N. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Calvert Lithographing Co., 2100 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich. Cargill Co., Capitol, Brazos and Rusk, Houston, Tex. Chemical Paper Mfg. Co., Jackson, Holyoke, Mass. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 53G Rand MfNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) CHILDS & CO., S. D., 136 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page.) Clarke & Courts, Galveston, Tex. Cohite & Wyckoff Mfg. Co., Holyoke, Mass. Columbus Bank Note Co., 40 E. Spring, Columbus, Ohio. Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., 311 S. High Columbus, O. Congress Printing & Lithographing Co., 1265 W. 2d, Cleveland, O. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Conway Co., H. H„ 725 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Crane & Co., Inc., Dalton, Mass. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierson Company Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Democrat Printing & Lithographing Co., Scott & 2d, Little Rock, Ark. Dodsworth Stationery Co., Sam'l, 412-414 W. 10th, Kansas City, Mo. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Drew Co., H. & W. B., 22-30 W. Bay, Jacksonville, Fla. Eaton Crane & Pike Co., Pittsfield, Mass. Egry Register Co., 417-435 E. Monument Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Esleeck Mfg. Co., Turners Falls, Mass. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Farnham Printing & Stationery Co., 417 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Feley & Co., Henry N., 202 Centre, New York, N. Y. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Forbes Lithograph Mfg. Co., P. O. Box 5130, Boston, Mass. Forman-Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. FT. WAYNE PRINTING CO., 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. (See our adv. on this oatre.) The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Funke Engraving Co., 536 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Gast Bank Note Co., 4189 Chippewa, St. Louis, Mo. Globe Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Graver Stationery Co., 529 S. Franklin, Chicago,Ill. Gregory, Mayer & Thom Co., 41 Cadillac Square, Detroit, Mich. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Hall Lithographing Co., 623 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Hammermill Paper Co., Erie, Pa. Hammond Printing Co., Fremont, Neb. Hampshire Paper Co., So. Hadlev Falls, Mass. Holley & Sons, L. W., 100 E. Grand, Des Moines, la. Horder’s, Inc., 236 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Hutson & Co., C. S., 557 S. San Pedro, Los Angeles, Cal. Inland Printing Co., 473-77 St. Louis, Springfield, Mo. International Paper Co., 100 E. 42d, New York, N. Y. Ioas Brothers Co., 126 S. Clinton, Chicago, 111. Iowa Lithographing Co., 515 Twenty-eighth, Des Moines, Iowa. Irwin-Hodson Co., 115 N. 15th, Portland, Ore. Jacobs, Chas. Duray, South Orange, N. J. Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kansas Bank Note Co., Fredonia, Kan. Kennedy Printing Co., Fredonia, Kan. Klipto Loose Leaf Co.. Mason, la. Fort Wayne Printing Co. FORT WAYNE. INDIANA BANK STATIONERS Printers :: Lithographers OFFICE SUPPLIES BLANK BOOKS Knight Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Koch Brothers, Grand Ave. at 4th Des Moines, la. Latsch Bros., Inc., 1118 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Levey Ptg. Co., State House Square, Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Long Island Printing & Lithographing Co., Inc., 137 Jackson, Hempstead, N. Y. Lowman & Hanford Co., 1514 Third Ave., Seattle, wagh Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Marshall-Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Marx-Lyons Co., 23 N. 10th, Philadelphia, Pa. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. McNamara Office Supply Co., 507 Locust, Des Moines, Iowa. Monroe Letterhead Corp., Monroe Bldg., Hunts ville, Ala. National Stationery Co., 2471 Lincoln Highway, Batavia, Ill. Neenah Paper Co., Neenah, Wis. Northern Bank Note Co., 2340 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill. Office Efficiency Distributors Co., 200 Davis, San Francisco, Cal. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Pacific Sta. & Ptg. Co., 107 Second, Portland, Ore. Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Co., Bloom ington, Ill Parsons Paper Co., 84 Sargeant, Holyoke, Mass. Pembroke Co., 24 E. Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Pioneer, Inc., 12th & A., Tacoma, Wash. Poucher Ptg. & Litho. Co., 320 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Pressteel Engineering Corp., 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Pugh & Co., H. G., 417 Main, Little Rock, Ark. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Reynolds & Reynolds Co., Washington & Dudley, Dayton .Ohio. Richmond & Backus Co., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Schooley Printing & Stationery Co., 718 Delaware, Kansas City, Mo. Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Sebastian & Co., 224 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill, Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Smith Co., Oscar T., & Son, 407-11 E. Saratoga. Baltimore, Md. Smith-Brooks Ptg. Co., 1733 California, Denver, Colo. Smith Ptg. Co., 225 E. 3d, Williamsport, Pa. Southworth Co., Mittineague, Mass. Stafford-Lowdon Co., 610 W. Daget, Ft. Worth, Tex. Standard Printing Co., 201-205 N. 3d, Hannibal, Mo. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 21 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Stewart Warren & Co., Inc., 129 Lafayette, New York, N. Y. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Thompson & Co., Arthur, 109 Market Place, Baltimore, Md. Todd Co., 1178 University Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Toof & Co., S. C., Memphis, Tenn. Union Bank Note Co., 10th & Central, Kansas City, Mo. Union Lithograph Co., Inc., 2030 E. 7th, Los Angeles, Cal. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., N. W„ Cleveland, Ohio. Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., 3 Broad, Charles ton, S. C. Watt & Gillogly, Inc., 7 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Western Bank & Office Supply Co., 205 W. 1st, Oklahoma Citv, Okla. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Cal. White & Wyckoff Mfg. Co., Holyoke, Mass. Wilson Stationery & Printing Co., 508 Farnum, Houston, Tex. Wroe & Co., W. E., 22 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Zion Institutions & Industries, Office Supply Dept., Zion, Ill. 640 STATIONERY, FAN-FOLD Autographic Register Co., 1000 Clinton, Hoboken. N. J. GILMAN FANFOLD CORPORATION, LTD., Buffalo Ave., at 10th, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Hamilton Autographic Register Co., 802 Symmes Ave., Hamilton, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Vawter Manifold Co., Benton Harbor, Mich. STATISTICAL SERVICE (See Service, Statistical) STEEL SAFES, MANGANESE (See Safes, Manganese Steel) 641 STENCILS Arlac Dry Stencil Corp., 424 Fourth Ave., Pitts burgh, Pa. Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Wks., 76 Forsyth, N. W., Atlanta, Ga. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madison Ave., Cleveland, O. Brakmeier Bros., 112 S. 4th, Louisville, Ky. The Cooke Co., J. P., 1111 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Darling Co., J. C., 734 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Diagraph Stencil Machine Corp., 1600 S. Kingshighway, St. Louis, Mo. Federal Addressing Machine Corp., 77 E. Swan, Buffalo, N. Y. Martin & Co., 227 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Melind Co., Louis, 362 W. Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Messing, Gus D., 315 Jackson, St. Paul, Minn. Moise-Klinkern Co., 369 Market, San Francisco, Cal. National Sign Stencil Co., 1602 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Northwestern Stamp Works, 110 E. Third, St. Paul, Minn. Pacific Rubber Stamp Co., 918 S. Main, Los An geles, Cal. Sachs-Lawlor Co., 1543 Larimer, Denver, Colo. Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Salisbury-Schulz Co., P. A., 181 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. St. Paul Stamp Works, 74 E. 5th, St. Paul, Minn. Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. STENCILS, ADDRESSING MACHINES (See Machines, Addressing) STEPS, VAULT (See Equipment, Vault) 642 STERE0PTIC0NS Lockren Film & Slide Co., Wm. A., 16 N. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. 643 STICKERS Gaylord Bros., Inc., 155 Gifford, Syracuse, N. Y. Miller Bank Service, 5775 Ridge, Chicago, Ill. Shuman Co.. Frank G., 711 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. St. Louis Sticker Co., 1627 Washington, St. Louis, Mo. Tablet & Ticket Co., 1021 W. Adams, Chicago, Ill. STOP-PAYMENT CHECK LISTS (See Check Lists, Stop-payment) Bank and Commercial Stationery RULED AND PRINTED FORMS BLANK BOOKS PRINTERS AND BINDERS RUBBER STAMPS NUMBERING MACHINES COMPLETE LINE LOOSE LEAF FORMS POSTING MACHINE SUPPLIES 'Pl /^TTTT TlQ I )# V^l llLL/U S • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (JC m 136 South Clark Street, Chicago VJVJi TELEPHONE CENTRAL 0534 SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 54G Rand MTNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 544 STORAGE EQUIPMENT (See also Equipment, Storage; and Cabinets, Storage) Bankers Box Co., 536 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Kay-Dee Co., 3644 S. 36th, Lincoln, Neb. The McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington. Buffalo, N. Y. Sebastian & Co., 224 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 546 STRAPS, BINDING Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury, Boston, Mass. Bushnell Co., Alvah, 13th & Wood, Philadelphia, Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Package Binder Co. (The), Commonwealth Bldg., Annex, Pittsburgh, Pa. Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minne apolis, Minn. 546 STRAPS, CURRENCY ABBOTT COIN COUNTER CO., 143d & Wales, New York, N. Y. American Bindery Corp., 1310 Maple, Detroit, Mich. Atlanta Envelope Co., 505 Stewart Ave., S. W„ Atlanta, Ga. Bankers Printing Co., 836 Montgomery, San Fran cisco, Cal. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dennison Mfg. Co., 300 Howard, Framingham, Mass. Downey Co., C. L., 941 Clark, Cincinnati, Ohio. Empire Notion Co., 270 W. 38th, New York, N Y. The Exline Co., 113 St.Clair Ave., N. E., Cleveland, Ohio. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O Gaylord Bros., Inc., 155 Gifford, Syracuse, N. Y. Maunsell’s Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. Package Binder Co. (The), Commonwealth Bldg., Annex, Pittsburgh, Pa. Reyburn Mfg. Co., 32d & Allegheny, Philadelphia, Richmond & Backus Co., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Spurgin Mfg. Co., 7011 Vincennes, Chicago, Ill. STANDARD-JOHNSON CO., INC., 371 Pacific, Brooklyn, N. Y. Strayer Coin Co., New Brighton, Pa. Yates, R. R., Joliet, Ill. Youmans Coin Wrapper Co., 422 Main, Cincinnati, Ohio. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. Zimmerman & Murry, 107 W. Penn, Whittier, Cal. Zimmerman Bros. & Co., 4020 Michigan, Chicago, STREET CAR ADVERTISING (See Advertising, Street Car) 547 SUPPLIES, ADDING MACHINE (See also specific headings) Add-Index Corporation, 678 Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. American Manifold Products Corp., 2900 Darwin Terrace, Chicago, Ill. Crown Ribbon & Carbon Mfg. Co., 782 St. Paul, Rochester. N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave. N. W„ Cleveland, Ohio. SUPPLIES, ADDRESSING MACHINE (See Machines. Addressing and specific headings) 548 SUPPLIES, BANK & OFFICE Adams-Lessack Co., 1507 Arch St., Philadelphia, Adams Lithographing & Printing Co., 116 W. 2d, Pine Bluff, Ark. Adkins Printing Co., 66 Church, New Britain,Conn. The Albemarle Paper Mfg. Co., Richmond, Va. Alien-Marshall Co.. Ivan, 40 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. American Bank Supply Co., 628 N. Illinois, Indianapolis, Ind. American Clip Co., Beebe Ave. & William, Long Island City, N. Y. American Lead Pencil Co., 500 Willow Ave., Hoboken, N. J. Bankers Coat Co., 752 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Bankers Printing Co., 836 Montgomery, San Francisco, Cal. BLANK BOOKS, PRINTING LITHOGRAPHING STEEL AND COPPER PLATE ENGRAVING AND PRINTING FILING DEVICES AND SUPPLIES WM. B. BURFORD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bankers Safety Envelope Co., 118 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, O. Bank Supply Co.. 8 East Chestnut, Columbus, O. BARNARD STATIONERY CO., GEO. D., Vandeventer & Laclede Aves., St. Louis, Mo. Beach Printing Co., Will A., 235 N. Phillips Ave., Sioux Falls, S. D. Becker & Co., 99 Bedford, Boston, Mass. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bright Envelope Mfg. Co., 25 E. Austin Ave., Chicago, Ill. The Brooks Co., 1241 Superior Ave., Cleveland, O. Brown-Blodgett Co., 1745 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Buchan-White Loose Leaf Co., 1906 Pine St., Louis, Mo. BURFORD PRINTING CO., WM. B., 40 S. Meri dian, Indianapolis, Ind. (See our adv. on this page.) Butler Paper Corp., 223 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. Buxton & Skinner Printing <fc Stationery Co,, 306 N. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. The Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Central Office Equipt. Co., 120 W. Washington, Fort Wayne, Ind. Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., 311 S. High, Columbus, Ohio. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Cooke & Cobb Co., 213 Steuben, Brooklyn, N. Y. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Crookston Times Printing Co., Broadway & Fletcher, Crookston, Minn. Currier Manufacturing Co., Northestern Term inal, Minneapolis, Minn. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierson Company Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Defiance Sales Corp., 72-78 Spring, New York, N. Y. Desk Wood Specialties Co., 199 S. Pelham, Detroit, Mich. Dixon Crucible Co., John, Wayne & Monmouth, Jersey City, N. J. Dodsworth Stationery Co., Sam’l., 412-414 W. 10th, Kansas City, Mo. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Drake & Co., Geo. A., 625 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Dumont Co., The, 2443 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, O. Easley, Inc., R. C., 440 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Eberhard Faber Pencil Co., 39 Greenpoint Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Empire Notion Co., 270 W. 38th, New York, N. Y. Erie Art Metal Co., Erie, Pa. Falconer Co., 414 Water, Baltimore, Md. Flammger & Grahl Blank Book Co., 318 N. 3d, St. Louis, Mo. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta. Ga. Forman-Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, Ohio. FT. WAYNE PRINTING CO., 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Fritz-Cross Co., The, Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Gaylord Bros., Inc., 155 Gifford, Syracuse, N. Y. General Pencil Co., 67 Fleet, Jersey City, N. J. Gibson Co., Inc., A. C., 70 Oak, Buffalo, N. Y. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Gordon Pen Co., 450 Palisades Ave., West New York, N. J. Graff-Underwood Co., 54 Washburne Ave., Cam bridge, Mass. Grammes & Sons, L. F., Allentown, Pa. Gregory, Mayer & Thom Co., 41 Cadillac Square, Detroit, Mich. Green Bank Supply Co., 632 Duquesne Way, Pittsburg, Pa. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Hall Lithographing Co., 623 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Hammond Printing Co., Fremont, Neb. Handy-Roll Co., 1247 34th Ave., Fruitvale, Oakland, Calif. Hoge Mfg. Co., Inc., 23 E. 21st, New York, N. Y. Holley & Sons, L. W., 100 E. Grand, Des Moines, la. Horder’s, Inc., 236 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Indianapolis Office Supply Co., South & Delaware, Indianapolis, Ind. Inland Printing Co., 473-77 St. Louis, Springfield, Mo. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. The Irwin-Hodson Co., 115 N. 15th, Portland, Ore. The Isaac Bros., 425 Wall, Los Angeles, Cal. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kamross & Sons, H„ 110 W. 17th, New York, N.Y. Kennedy Printing Co., 609 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. Klipto Loose Leaf Co., Mason, Iowa. Knight & Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Koch Brothers, Grand Ave. at Fourth, Des Moines, Iowa. Latsch Bros., Inc., 1118 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Levey Printing Co., State House Square, Indian apolis, Ind. Lexington Desk Co., Inc., 157 E. 44th, New York, N. Y. Lloyd Co., W. G„ 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Lowman & Hanford Co., 1513 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. Marx-Lyons Co., 23 N. 10th, Philadelphia, Pa. Maunsell’s Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. The McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McNamara Office Supply Co., 507 Locust, Des Moines, Iowa. Messenger Printing Co., 713 Central Ave., Fort Dodge, la. Miller Co., H- C., 336 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Miller-Davis Co., 219 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. National Bank Supply Co., 317 Mineral, Mil waukee, Wis. Neidich Process Co., Burlington, N. J. New Martinsville Glass Mfg. Co., New Martins ville, W. Va. Office Efficiency Distributors Co., 200 Davis, San Francisco, Cal. Office Systems Co., 548 Main, Cincinnati, O. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Orthwine, R., 344 W. 34th, New York, N. Y. Pacific Rubber Stamp Co., 918 S. Main, Los Angeles, Calif. Pacific Stationery & Printing Co., 107 2d, Portland, Ore. Package Binder Co., The, Commonwealth Bldg. Annex, Pittsburg, Pa. Pembroke Co., 24 E. Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Phillips Ribbon & Carbon Co., 61 Halstead, Rochester, N. Y. Pioneer, Inc., 12th & A, Tacoma, Wash. Polar Mfg. Co., 119-125 N. 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co., 320 S. 4th, Minne apolis, Minn. Pugh & Co., H. G., 417 Main, Little Rock, Ark. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Republic Envelope Co., 3617 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ill. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., THE, Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Robinson Mfg. Co., 171 Elm, Westfield, Mass. Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Scripto Mfg. Co., 146 Jackson, N. E., Atlanta, Ga. Sebastian & Co., 224 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Sentinel Prtg. Co., 10th at Ft. Wayne Ave., Indi anapolis, Ind. Sewell-Clapp, 3026 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Shipley Advertising Co., 8 E. Chestnut, Columbus, Ohio. Smith Co., Oscar T. & Son, 407 E. Saratoga, Baltimore, Md. Sneath Glass Co., Hartford City, Ind. Southern Stamp & Stationery Co., 1206 E. Main, Richmond, Va. Southern States Prtg. Co., Inc., Griffin, Ga. Steel Equipment Corp., Avenel, N. J. Stephens Litho. & Engraving Co., 420 N. 2d, St. Louis, Mo. Stevens, Maloney & Co., 21 S. LaSalle, Chicago, Ill. Stow & Davis Furniture Co., 70 S. Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Stuart-Hooper Co., 4007 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Superior Furniture Co., 37 Logan, S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D.f 411 S.’Clinton, Chicago, Ill. Tank-Lo Co., The, 33 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. Todd Co., The, 1178 University Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Union Lithograph Co., Inc., 2030 E. 7th, Los Angeles, Cal. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., N.W., Cleveland, Ohio. United Pass Book & Cover Co., 5600 S. Compton, St. Louis, Mo. IF USED IN AN OFFICE 1 BURFORD HAS IT BUILDING AND LOAN FORMS BANK PASS BOOKS, BANK CHECKS DRAFTS AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, STOCK CERTIFICATES LOOSE LEAF FORMS AND BINDERS STEEL AND WOOD OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT PRINTING COMPANY, 40 South Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION Rand M9NaIIy Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) SUPPLIES. BANK & OFFICE—Continued United States Check Book Co., 1309 Howard, Omaha, Neb. Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., 3 Broad, Charles ton, S. C. Wallace Pencil Co., Handley & Bruno Ave., St. Louis. Mo. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. Weis Mfg. Co., Union, Monroe, Mich. West Co., M. G., 117 Front, San Francisco. Cal. Western Bank and Office Supply Co., Oklahoma City, Okla. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. , Widman & Sons Co., Inc., J. F., McGregor, la. The Wrenn Paper Co., Middletown, Ohio. Yates, R. R., Joliet, Ill. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Zimmerman Bros. & Co., 4020 Michigan, Chicago, HI. Zion Institutions & Industries, Office Supply Dept., Zion. Ill. SUPPLIES, CHRISTMAS CLUB (See Christmas Savings) 649 SUPPLIES, DEPOSIT TICKET FILES Beck Specialty Co., Waterloo, la. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 550 SUPPLIES, ELECTRICAL Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. Andrae & Sons Co., Julius, Broadway & E. Michi gan, Milwaukee, Wis. Federal Electric Co., 8700 S. State, Chicago, Ill. General Electric Co.. Bridgeport, Conn. Jung Co., Geo. H., 109 W. Central Plcwy., Cincin nati, O. Ostrander & Co., W. R., 18 Warren, New York, N. Y. Stanley & Patterson Co., West & Hubert, New York, N. Y. Steere & Sons, George, 434 S. Dearborn, Chicago,Ill Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. 651 SUPPLIES, FILING Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury, Boston, Mass. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Bankers Box Co., 536 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Bushnell Co., Alvah, 13th & Wood, Philadelphia, Pa. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierson Company Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans. La. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Hub Mfg. Co., J. C„ 1760 E. 22d, Cleveland, O. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Knight & Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lexington Desk Co., Inc., 157 E. 44th, New York, N. Y. LIBRARY BUREAU DIVISION OF REMING TON-RAND, Buffalo, N. Y. Macey Co., 1520 Division Ave., S., Grand Rapids, Mich. The McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Oxford Filing Supply Co., 500 Driggs Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Co., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. LIBRARY BUREAU DIVISION OF REMING TON-RAND, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Wabash Cabinet Co., Wabash, Ind. Wagemaker Co., 566 Market, S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Weis Mfg. Co., Union, Monroe, Mich. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Zion Institutions & Industries, Office Supply Dept., Zion, Ill. 652 SUPPLIES, FILING, CARD Acme Card System Co., 116 N. Michigan, Chicago, III. Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. Automatic File & Index Co., South Broadway Green Bay, Wis. _ ' Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Digitized Le for Febure FRASER Lloyd Co., W. G„ 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McRee Binder Co., Athens, O. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee. Wis. Stylograph Corp., The, Scottsville Rd., Coldwater, N. Y. Wabash Cabinet Co., Wabash, Ind. Wagemaker Co., 566 Market, S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Weis Mfg. Co.. Union, Monroe. Mich. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 553 SUPPLIES, JANITORS’ Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, P. O. Box 1726, Atlanta, Ga. Selig Co., 336 Marietta. Atlanta. Ga. 664 SUPPLIES, LOOSE LEAF Advance Loose Leaf Co., 5935 University Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Alien-Marshall Co., Ivan, 40 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Baker-Goodyear Co., 42 Church, New Haven, Conn. BAKER-VAWTER-KALAMAZOO DIVISION OF REMINGTON-RAND, Buffalo, N. Y. Benson & Sons, Inc., Benj. D., 11 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brown Paper Co., L. L., Adams, Mass. Buchan-White Loose Leaf Co., 1906 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Buxton & Skinner Printing & Stationery Co., 306 N. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Cockrum Printing Co., J. W., Oakland City, Ind. Commercial Lithographing Co., 815 W. Market, Louisville, Ky. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Dow Co., Louis F., 2242 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Drew Co., The H. & W. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Foote & Davies Co., Edgewood & Pryor, Atlanta, Ga. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Ft. Wayne Printing Co., 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Hall Lithographing Co., 623 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Hammermill Paper Co., Erie, Pa. Horder’s, Inc., 236 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Irving-Pitt Mfg. Co., 816 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. Isaac Brothers, 425 Wall, Los Angeles, Cal. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Koplin, Joplin, Mo. Edw. J. Joyce Filing Co., 56 Washington, Chicago, Ill. Lefax (Inc.), 9th & Sansom, Philadelphia, Pa. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Lowman & Hanford Co., 1514 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Marshall Ptg. Co., 20 W. Main, Marshalltown, la. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St.. Keene, N. H. Maunsell’s Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O, Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Neenah Paper Co., Neenah, Wis. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Pembroke Co., 24 E. Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. Poucher Ptg. & Litho. Co., 320 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Proudfit Loose Leaf Co., 10 Logan St. S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. BAKER-VATER-KALAMAZOO DIVISION OF REMINCTON-RAND, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Sheppard, C. E., & Co., Van Alst & 14th, Long Island, N. Y. Smith-Brooks Ptg. Co., 1733 California, Denver, Colo. Southern States Printing Co., Inc., Griffin, Ga. State Paper Ruling Co., 709 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Tallman Robbins & Co., 314 W. Superior, Chicago, Ill. United States Check Book Co., 1309 Howard, Omaha, Neb. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif Widman & Sons Co., Inc., J. F., McGregor, la. Wilson-Jones Co., 3300 Franklin, Chicago, Ill. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., 1099 Jay, Rochester, N. Y. 555 SUPPLIES, MACHINE BOOKKEEPING Accounting Devices Co., 626 So. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. American-Canadian Maturity Guide, 30 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, O. Cockrum Printing Co., J. W., Oakland City, Ind. Continental Bank-Supply Co.. Mexico. Mo. Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 326 W. Liberty, Louisville, Ky. Curtis 1000, Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55G Dameron-Pierce Company, Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3rd, Cleveland, Ohio. Ft. Wayne Printing Co., 119 Holman, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Horder’s Inc., 236 W. Lake, Chicago, Ill. Ielfield Postal Supply Corp., 341 Central Ave., Silver Creek, N. Y. Irving-Pitt Mfg. Co., 816 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. The Joplin Printing Co., Inc., 509 Joplin, Joplin, Mo. Kennedy Printing Co., 609-611 Monroe, Fredonia, Kan. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Mann Co., Wm., 329 Market, Philadelphia. Pa. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Pettibone & Co., P. F., 27 N. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Poucher Ptg. & Litho. Co., 320 S. 4th, Minneapolis, Minn. Proudfit Loose Leaf Co., 10 Logan St., N. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Richmond & Backus Co., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Schwacher-Free Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Fran cisco, Cal. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Sheppard Co., C. E., Van Alst & 14th, Long Island, N. Y. Smith Co., Oscar T., & Son, 407 E. Saratoga, Baltimore, Md. Southern States Ptg. Co., Inc., The, Griffin, Ga. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Millwaukee, Wis. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. Wilson-Jones Co., Chicago, Ill. Workman Mfg. Co., 1200 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. Zion Institution & Industries, Zion, Ill. 556 SUPPLIES, PHOTO COPYING MACHINE Agfa-Ansco Photoproducts, Inc., 29 Charles, Binghamton, N. Y. Gennert Inc., G., 24 E. 13th, New York, N. Y. Lowman & Hanford Co., 1514 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. 557 SUPPLIES, TYPEWRITER American Lead Pencil Co., 500 Willow Ave., Hoboken, N. J. American Writing Machine Co., 449 Central Ave., Newark, N. J. Buckley & Buckley, 228 N. La Salle, Chicago, III. Clarotype Company, Inc., 16 Hudson, New York, N. Y. Crown Ribbon & Carbon Mfg. Co., 782 St. Paul, Rochester, N. Y. Lincoln Rubber Key Co., 27 Thames, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Ros Rol, Typewriter Roller Cleaner Co., 128 E. Main, Norristown, Pa. United States Pencil Co., Inc., 487 Broadway New York, N. Y. Webster Co., Inc., F. S., 332 Congress, Boston, Zacher & Son, Charles D., 1279 Hertle, Buffalo, N. Y. 658 SYSTEMS, ACCOUNTING (See also Accountants & Auditors) Accounting Appliance Co., 231 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Arnold Morin & Co., 140 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Lloyd & Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 559 SYSTEMS, BUDGET, HOME McNaughtou, Flint, 1512 Tower Bldg., Chicago, III. Mills-Broderick Prtg. Co., 337 Monroe, Grand Rapids, Mich. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Selling Aid, 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago., Ill.. Smith-Brooks Printing Co., 1733 California, Denver, Colo. Staples <fc Staples, Inc., 10 S. 10th, Richmond, Va. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 56G 660 Rand McNally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) SYSTEMS. CHRISTMAS SAVINGS Calls Bankers Service Corn., 25 E. Bay, Savannah, Ga. Christmas Club. A division of National Bancservice Corp., 45 W. 45th, New York, N. Y. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d . Cleve., O. Thrift Builders, Inc., 214 W. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. 661 SYSTEMS, COLLECTION Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 405 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 662 SYSTEMS, FILING Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. Automatic File & Index Co., South Broadway, Green Bay, Wis. Brooks Co., 1241 Superior Ave., Cleveland, O. The Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E„ Canton, O. Conway Co., H. II., 725 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Dameron-Pierce Company Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio.. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Invincible Metal Furniture Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Lowman & Hanford Co., 1514 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. Macey Co., 1520 Division Ave., So., Grand Rapids. Mich. Marshall Jackson Co., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co,, Athens, O. Metal Office Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich, Oxford Filing Supply Co., 500 Driggs, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. Victor Safe & Equipment Co., The, Marietta, O. Wabash Cabinet Co., Wabash, Ind. Weis Mfg. Co., Union, Monroe, Mich. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 663 SYSTEMS. FILING. CARD Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. ,1. Amberg File & Index Co., 1400 Fulton, Chicago, Ill. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Postindex Co., Inc., Jamestown, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Corp., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Wabash Cabinet Co., Wabash. Ind. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. SYSTEMS, INTER-COMMUNICATING (See Telautographs; Telephones, Inter-Communi cating; and Systems, Signaling) 664 SYSTEMS, LEDGER Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O. Irving-Pitt Mfg. Co., 816 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lloyd Co., W. G„ 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Moore Corp., John C., 65 Stone, Rochester, N. Y. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Wilson-Jones Co., 3300 Franklin, Chicago, Ill. FRASER Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 565 SYSTEMS, LEDGER, CARD SYSTEMS, TELEPHONE, INTER-COMMUNICATING Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson, Chicago, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Lloyd Co., W. G„ 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Postindex Co., Inc., Jamestown, N. Y. Presteel Engineering Corporation, 42 Vanderbilt Ave,, New York, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 566 SYSTEMS, LOOSE LEAF Alien-Marshall Co., Ivan, 40 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Baker-Goodyear Co., 42 Church, New Haven, Conn. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooks Co., 1241 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dameron-Pierce Company Ltd., 400 Camp, New Orleans, La. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Hall Lithographing Co., 623 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Heinn Company, 335 Florida, Milwaukee, Wis. Irving-Pitt Mfg. Co., 816 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. Lefax (Inc.), 9th & Santom, Philadelphia, Pa. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lloyd Co., W. G„ 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Lowman & Hanford Co., 1514 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. Mann Co., Wm., 529 Market, Philadelohia, Pa. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1809 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. Moore Corp , John C., 65 Stone, Rochester N. Y. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Proudfit Loose Leaf Co., 10 Logan St., S. W„ Grand Rapids, Mich. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., Woodward at Congress, Detroit, Mich. Shaw-Walker Co. The, Muskegon, Mich. Sheppard Co., C. E., Van Alst <k 14th, Long Island City, N. Y. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Tallman Robbins & Co., 314 W. Superior, Chicago, Ill. Wilson-Jones Co., 3300 Franklin, Chicago, Ill. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co. Rochester, N. Y. 567 SYSTEMS, MACHINE BOOKKEEPING (See also Machines, Bookkeeping) Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Curtis 1000 Inc., 1000 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Doubleday Bros. & Co., 241 E. Main, Kalamazoo, Mich. Forman Bassett Co., 1427 W. 3d, Cleveland, O Irving-Pitt Mfg. Co., 816 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Martell Co., A. E., Congress St., Keene, N. H. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. McDonald Ledger & Loose Leaf Co., 1S09 Summerdale, Chicago, Ill. National Blank Book Co., Riverside, Holyoke, Mass. Postindex Co., Jamestown, N. Y. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Washington, Buffalo, N. Y. Smith Co., Oscar T. & Son, 407 E. Saratoga, Balti more, Md. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 243-346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Tallman Robbins Co., 314 W. Superior, Chicago, Ill. Wilson-Jones Co., 3300 Franklin, Chicago, Ill. YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. 668 SYSTEMS, MAP The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincin nati, O. Multiplex Display Fixture Co., 918 No. 10th St., St. Louis, Mo. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chi cago, III. SYSTEMS, SAFE DEPOSIT (See Safe Deposit Records) SYSTEMS, SAVINGS (See specific headings; Christmas Savings, Indus trial Savings, School Savings, etc.) 569 SYSTEMS, SIGNALING Danne, Harold A., 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. Dictograph Products Corp., 220 W. 42d, New York. N. Y. Inland Co., 608 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. (See Telephones, Inter-Communicating) T 570 TABLES, BOND VALUE AIlen-Marshall Co., Ivan, 40 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. Fjnancial Publishing Co., 9 Newbury, Boston,Mass. Fitch Publishing Co., Inc., 138 Pearl, New York, N. Y. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, 571 TABLES, DIRECTORS (See also Furniture) Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Claus Mfg. Co., The A., 5250 Brookpark Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Doten Dunton Desk Co., 210 Broadway, Cam bridge, Mass. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N. Y. 672 TABLES, INTEREST Accounting Appliance Co., 231 S. La Salle, Chicago, Financial Publishing Co., 9 Newbury, Boston,Mass. Lefax (Inc.), 9th & Sansom, Philadelphia, Pa. Robinsonian Interest Book Co., 545 Federal St., Chicago, Ill. Stout Interest Calculator Co., 1106)4 Adams. Toledo. Ohio. TWENTIETH CENTURY CO., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. 573 TABLES, TRAY Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Cockrum Printing Co., J. W., Oakland City, Ind. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Le rebure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N.Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 674 TABLES, TYPEWRITER (ADJUSTABLE) Adjustable Table Co., 55 Mt. Vernon Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Angle Steel Stool Co., Inc., 2 Oak, Plainwell, Mich. Beck Specialty Co., Box 167, Waterloo, Iowa. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. 575 TABLETS, BRONZE Acme Wire & Iron Works, 12340 Cloverdalet Detroit, Mich. American Bronze Co., 1316 W. 63d, Chicago, Ill. ART IN BRONZE CO., INC., 1621 E. 41st, Cleve land, O. Baldwin Brass Works, 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. Bankers Savings & Credit System Co., 10302 Madison Ave., Cleveland, O. Brakmeir Bros., 112 S. 4th, Louisville, Ky. Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Chicago Thrift Co., 1100 Washington, Chicago, Ill. Coleman, Adelbert E., 336 W. 37th, Chicago, Ill. Corbin, P. &. F., Park St., New Britain, Conn. Davenport-Taylor Mfg. Co., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Ill. Dobie & Co., Arthur L., 523 N. Halsted, Chicago, Ill. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Georgia Show Case Co., Montgomery, Ala. Guth Co., Edwin F., 2615 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Harsch Bronze & Foundry Co., John, 11612 Madi son Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Imperial Brass Mfg. Co., 1200 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Matthews & Co., Jas. H., 3942 Forbes, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mayer Co., Geo. J., 36 S. Meridian, Indianapolis, Ind. Michaels Art Bronze Co., Inc., 230 Scott, Coving ton, Ky. NATIONAL ART WORKS, INC., 710 Greer Ave., Covington, Ky. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Oregon Brass Works, 2d & Everett, Portland, Ore. Price Bros., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Ill. Safford Stamp Works, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Shank Sign Co., E. A., 25 W. 43d, New York, N.Y. Southern Brass Mfg. & Plating Co., 6614 Harris burg Blvd., Houston, Tex. Stronghart Co., 2942 W. Lake .Chicago, Ill. TWENTIETH CENTURY CO., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Tyler Co., W. S., Cleveland, Ohio. Usona Mfg. Co., 3512 Chouteau, St. Louis, Mo. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Wood-Detroit Mfg. Co., 170 E. Larned, Detroit, Mich. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 57G Rand M9NalIy Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 676 TACKS, MAP Graff-Underwood Co., 54 Washburn Ave., Cam bridge, Mass. Moore Push-Pin Co., 113 Berkley, Philadelphia, Pa. RAND McNALLY & CO., 636 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. 577 TAGS, MAILING Acme Tag Co., 2840-2846 Fremont Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minn. Central Tag Co., 2715 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Cupples Envelope Co., Samuel, 628 S. 6th, St. Louis, Mo. Pavey Envelope & Tag Co., 36 Green, Newark, N. J. Porter Safety Seal Co., 265 N. California, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page.) Shuman Co., Frank G., 711 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave.,N. W. Cleveland, Ohio. 578 TAGS, REGISTERED MAIL PORTER SAFETY SEAL CO., 265 N. California, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page.) 579 TAPE, GUMMED Empire Notion Co. .270 W. 38th, New York, N. Y. Handy-Roll Co., 1247 34th Ave., Fruitvale, Oak land, Calif. Liberty Paper Co., Inc., 203 Lafayette, New York, N. Y. Package Binder Co., The, Commonwealth Bldg. Annex, Pittsburgh, Pa. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., N.W., Cleveland, Ohio. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. TAPE SEALING MACHINES (See Machines, Sealing, Gummed Tape) TAX SERVICE (See Service Tax) 580 TELAUTOGRAPHS Telautograph Corp., 16 W. 61st, New York, N. Y. 581 TELEPHONE ATTACHMENTS (See also Brackets and Indexes, Telephone) Cleveland Phon-Arm Co., 1265 W. 2d, Cleveland, O. Hel O. Pad Co., Cumberland, Md. Hush-A-Phone Corp., 43 W. 16th, New York, N.Y. 682 TELEPHONE EAR CUSHIONS (RUBBER) American Electric Co., Inc., 6401 S. State, Chicago, Ill. 583 TELEPHONE MOUTHPIECES (GLASS) American Electric Co., Inc., 6401 S. State, Chicago, Ill. Colytt Laboratories, 565 W. Washington, Chicago, 111. CLOTH SHIPPING TAGS j H- —- SECOND NATIONAL BANK j REGISTERED j - v______ -s- Samples mailed on request Porter Safety Seal Co. 584 TELEPHONES, INTER-COMMUNICATING American Telephone & Telegraph Co., 195 Broad way, New York, N. Y. Automatic Electric Co., Inc., 1027 W. Van Buren, Chicago, Ill. Dictograph Products Corp., 220 W. 42d, New York, N. Y. Graybar Electric Co., Graybar Bldg., New York, N. Y. National Cash Register Co., Davton. O. Stromberg Carlson Telephone Mfg. Co., 1060 Uni versity Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 586 TELLERS-B00KKEEPERS INTER COMMUNICATING SYSTEMS Telautograph Corp., 16 W. 61st, New York, N. Y. 586 TELLERS, INTEREST & DISCOUNT (See also Tables, Interest) American-Canadian Maturity Guide, 1039-41 Gib bon, Pittsburgh, Pa. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. 587 TERRA COTTA American Terra Cotta & Ceramic Co., 228 N. La Salle, Chicago, Ill. Atlanta Terra Cotta Co., Citizens & Southern Bank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. MIDLAND TERRA COTTA CO., 105 W. Monroe, Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on this page.) Northwestern Terra Cotta Co., 4417 Oleathe, St. Louis, Mo. Winkle Terra Cotta Co., 902 Century Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. 588 TEXTBOOKS, BANKING Appleton & Co., D., 29 W. 32d, New York, N. Y. RAND McNALLY & CO., 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. (See our adv. on page 60G.) 589 THERMOMETERS, ADVERTISING Adcraft Manufacturing Co., 2448-56 W. 22d, Chicago, Ill. Advertising Novelty Co., 419 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago, Ill. American Thermometer Co., 2907 Clark Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Brace & Co., H. G., 7th N. & Harrison, Seattle, Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Carroll Co., J. B., 319 N. Albany, Chicago, Ill. The Chaney Mfg. Co., Springfield, O. Colson Co., U. O., Paris, Ill. Duplex Mfg. Co., 306 S. Franklin, Chicago, Ill. Ferree Co., E. H., 61 Richmond Ave., Lockport, N. Y. Follis Advertising Service, W. E., 159 N. State, Chicago, Ill. Kemper Thomas Co., Park Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Lakeside Mfg. Co., 440 W. Superior, Chicago, Ill. Marshall Mfg. Co., The, 12th & Orchard, Coshoc ton, Ohio. Mayer Mfg. Corp., 1436 Randolph, Chicago, Ill. Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, O. Parisian Novelty Co., 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. Philadelphia Badge Co., 942 Market, Philadelphia, Pa Tqytor Ad vertising THERMOMETERS Rehberger Co., A. C., 3656 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Ill. Shaw Advertising Co., 520 Produce Exch. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Standard Thermometer Co., 65 Shirley, Boston, Mass. Stanwood-Hillson Corp., 14 High, Brookline, Mass. TAYLOR BROTHERS CO., Rochester, N. Y. (See our adv. on this page.) Terre Haute Adv. Co., 1317 Poplar, Terre Haute, Ind. Williams Co., O. G., 35 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. 590 THERMOMETERS, GIANT ELECTRIC, ADVERTISING McCLINTOCK CO., O. B., 139 Lyndale Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. THRIFT SYSTEMS (See specific headings; Christmas Savings, Indus trial Savings, School Savings, etc.) 691 TILE, COMPOSITION Armstrong Cork Co., Linoleum Division, Lan caster, Pa. Burgess Laboratories, Inc., C. F., Madison, Wis. Mosiac Tile Co., Zanesville, O. Rookwood Pottery Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. 592 TILE, CORK (FLOOR) Armstrong Cork Co., Linoleum Division, Lan caster, Pa. Bonded-Floors Co., Inc., Kearny, N. J. United Cork Companies, Grant Ave., Lyndhurst, N. J. United Cork Flooring Co., 50 Church, New York, N. Y. 593 TILE, MARBLE Appalachian Marble Co., Knoxville, Tenn. Georgia Marble Co., Tate, Ga. TIME STAMPS (See Stamps, Time) 594 TOWELS, PAPER A. P. W. Paper Co., 1273 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Liberty Paper Co., Inc., 203 Lafayette, New York, N. Y. Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave., N.W. Cleveland, Ohio. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. 595 TOWEL SUBSTITUTES General Utilities Mfg. Co., 4058 Beaufait, Detroit, Mich. TRANSFER BINDERS (See Binders, Transfer) TRAY CABINETS (See Cabinets, Tray) TRAY TABLES (See Tables, Tray) WHY RENT TOWELS? A Complete Line, with on Extensive Price Range Write for Catalog 7ay/or Brothers Company "" ROCHESTER, N. Y. U. S. A. AIRDRY THE ELECTRIC TOWEL Continuous Towel Service at Low Cost GENERAL UTILITIES MFG.C0. 4058 Beaufait Street - Detroit, Mich. 265 N. California Ave., CHICAGO The highest type of modem architecture requires that buildings be planned for more than utility alone. They must be beautiful, impart a feeling of warmth and possess a friendly inviting appearance. Midland Terra Cotta with its wide range of form, color and texture is a favored material for achieving this ideal. Midland Terra Cotta Company Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 105 West Monroe Street, Qhicago, Illinois SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 58G 696 Rand M9Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) TRAYS, CARD LEDGER Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Buchan-White Loose Leaf Co., 1906 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Canton Art Metal Co., 2820 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, O. Edwards Co., Inc., O. M., Solar & Plum, Syra cuse. N. Y. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Kohlhaas Co., 183 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Le Febure Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lloyd Co., W. G., 626 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. The McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th& Adams, Topeka, Kan. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N.Y. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 597 TRAYS, CHECK Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd.> Chicago, Ill. Browne-Morse Co., Muskegon, Mich. Coleman Time-Saver Co., Oberlin, O. Currier Manufacturing Co., Inc., N. W. Terminal Industries Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Dibb Manufacturing Co., Inc., 515 Third Ave. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N.Y. 698 603 TRAYS, SORTING Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. American Electric Co., Inc., 6401 S. State, Chicago, m. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Browne-Morse Co., Muskegon, Mich. Currier Manufacturing Co., Inc., N. W. Terminal Industries Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Davidson Co., J. L., 632-648 Mateo, Los Angeles, Cal. The Fritz-Cross Co., Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Knight & Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco. Cal. Kohlhaas Co., 183 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Superior Equipment Co., 642 Beaubien, Detroit, Mich. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N.Y VAULT ENGINEERS TRUCKS, VAULT TRUST DEPT. ADVERTISING TRUST DEPARTMENT COURSES R. R. Bixby, Inc., 420 Lexington, New York, N. Y. Inland Co., 608 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. TRUST DEPT. FORMS (See Forms, Trust Dept.) 606 TYPEWRITER ATTACHMENTS Krantz Products Co., Edw., 3847 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Ill. Office Efficiency Distributors Co., 200 Davis, San Francisco, Cal. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. (See Ribbons, Typewriter) Abbott Coin Counter Co., 143d & Wales Ave., New York, N. Y. Brandt Automatic Cashier Co., Watertown, Wis. DOWNEY CO., C. L., 941 Clark, Cincinnati, Ohio. Formed Steel Cabinet & Equipment Co., 508 S. Dearborn, Chicago, III. STANDARD-JOHNSON CO., INC., 371 Pacific, Brooklyn, N. Y. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Arthur C. Tauck & Co., 20 Clinton St., Newark, N. J. (See our adv. on this page.) TRAYS, DISPLAY for wrapped coin Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VAULT REINFORCING (See also Reinforcing, Vault) Consolidated Expanded Metals Companies, Steelcraft Bldg., Wheeling, W. Va. Rivet-Grip Steel Company, The, 2404 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 613 VAULT STEPS (See also Equipment Vault) Interior Metal Equipment Co., 844 Rush, Chicago. Ill. VAULTS TYPEWRITERS, PORTABLE Pittsburgh Typewriter & Supply Co., 339 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. (See Blinds, Venetian) 607 TYPEWRITERS Demountable Typewriter Co., Inc., 110 S. Brook, Fond du Lac, Wis. Hammond Typewriter Co., 502 E. 132d, New York, N. Y. Hooven Automatic Typewriter Corp., Hamilton, O. Maunsell’s Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. Office Equipment Co., 911 Locust, Des Moines, la. Pittsburgh Typewriter & Supply Co., 339 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Royal Typewriter Co., Inc., 316 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Underwood Typewriter Co., New York, N. Y. Woodstock Typewriter Co., 35 N. Dearborn, Chicago, 111. TYPEWRITERS, ACCOUNTING (See Machines, Bookkeeping) ALUMINUM COIN TRAYS 612 614 TRAYS, DRAWER Currier Manufacturing Co., Inc., North Western Terminal, Minneapolis, Minn. Dibb Manufacturing Co., Inc., 515 Third Ave. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. VAULT INSPECTION Baumann Safe Co., John, 408 N. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Consolidated Expanded Metals Companies, Steelcraft Bldg., Wheeling, W. Va. Dienold Safe & Lock Co., 818 Mulberry Rd., S. E., Canton, Ohio. Federal Laboratories Inc., 1631 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hall’s Safe Co., 3253 Spring Grove, Cincinnati, O. Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Grand Blvd., Hamilton, Ohio. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. National Safe & Lock Co., 2345 E. 69th and Quincy, Cleveland, Ohio. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 114 Third Ave., S., Seattle, Wash. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Remington & Sherman Co., 1545 N. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Rivet-Grip Steel Company, The, 2404 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Scheitler & Wenisch, 707 N. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Sweetser & Baldwin Safe Co., 1800 S. Main, Los Angeles, Calif. York Safe & Lock Co., York, Pa. Servmor Tray Co., 460 Bacon, Dayton, Ohio. 602 611 BANK VAULT INSPECTION CO., 5 So. 18th, Philadelphia, Pa. (See our adv. on page 47G.) HOLLAR COMPANY, 111 S. 15th, Philadelphia. Pa. Hone, Hugh R., 3858 42d Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Hunt Co., Robt. W., 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Scheitler & Wenisch, 737 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. YALE & TOWNE MFG. CO., Stamford, Conn. TWINE (See also Supplies, Bank & Office) Union Paper & Twine Co., 116 St. Clair Ave. N. W., Cleveland. Ohio. Wisconsin Paper & Products Co., 145 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS 601 VAULT EQUIPMENT (See Equipment, Vault) (See Advertising, Bank; also Advertising, Direct Mail) 605 TYPEWRITERS, TELEGRAPHIC Morkrum Co., 1410 Wrightwood, Chicago, Ill, (See Engineers, Vault) TRAYS, COIN CHANGER TRAYS, COIN PACKAGING 610 (See Omnibuses, Vault) 604 TYPEWRITERS, REBUILT TREASURY SERVICE Brandt Automatic Cashier Co., Watertown, Wis. Hoefer Change-Maker Co., 3700 E. 12th, Kansas City, Mo. 600 609 American Writing Machine Co., 449 Central Ave. Newark, N. J. Lincoln Typewriter Co., 103 Chambers, New York, N. Y. Lowman & Hanford Co., 1514 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. Manufacturers Typewriter Clearing House, Inc. 193 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Office Equipment Co., 911 Locust, Des Moines, la. R. and R. Typewriter Co., 149 Church, New York N. Y. Reliable Typewriter & Adding Machine Corn.. 170 W. Washington, Chicago, Ill. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER DIVISION, REM INGTON-RAND, Buffalo, N. Y. Shipman-Ward Mfg. Co., 4401 Ravenswood, Chicago, Ill. (See Service, U. S. Treasury) TRAYS, COIN ABBOTT COIN COUNTER CO., 143d & Wales New York, N. Y. Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J. Art Steel Co., Inc., 401 E. 23d, New York, N. Y. Bankers Specialty Corp., 5 Beekman, New York, N. Y. Brandt Automatic Cashier Co., Watertown, Wis. Davidson Co., J. L., 632-648 Mateo, Los Angeles, Calif. DOWNEY CO., C. L., 941 Clark, Cincinnati, Ohio. Economy Coin Tray Co., 906 E. 150th, Cleveland, Ohio. Formed Steel Cabinet & Equipment Co., 508 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Hoefer Change-Maker Co., 3700 E. 12th, Kansas City, Mo. Knight & Counihan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Merriam Mfg. Co., Durham, Conn. Polar Mfg. Co. 119-125 N. 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. STRAYER COIN BAG CO., New Brighton, Pa. Arthur C. Tauck & Co., 20 Clinton St., Newark, N. J. (See our adv. on this page.) Tucker & Dorsey Mfg. Co., 302 S. State, Indi anapolis, Ind. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N.Y. 699 Polar Mfg. Co. 119-125 N. 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. Remington Rand Business Service, Inc., 465 Wash ington, Buffalo, N. Y. Wagemaker Co., 566 Market, S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N.Y. 608 VENETIAN BLINDS ARTHUR C. TAUCK & CO. 20 Clinton St., NEWARK, N. J. SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 59G Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) 615 VENTILATORS, VAULT (See also Air Purifiers) Ilg Electric Ventilating Co., 2873 N. Crawford Ave., Chicago, Ill. Lambert Vault-O-Meter Co., 325 Houston Ave., Muskegon, Mich. McCLINTOCK CO., O. B., 139 Lyndale Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Safety Equipment Co., 6 N. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. 616 VISIBLE RECORDS Acme Card System Co., 116 S. Michigan, Chicago, Ill. Aluminum Index Co., Edge water, N. J. Automatic File & Index Co., 286 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Boorum & Pease Co., 84 Hudson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooks Co., The, 1241 Superior Ave., Cleveland, O. Henry Connolly Co., 39 Elizabeth, Rochester, N.Y. Gerdes, Theo. R. N., 105 Bank, New York, N. Y. Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cincinnati, O. Hadley Co., Chas. R., 330 N. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. International Visible Systems Corp., 1001 En quirer Bldg., Cincinnati, O. KARDEX DIVISION OF REMINGTON-RAND, Buffalo, N. Y. Le Febure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la. Lloyd Co., W. C., 626 S.Clark, Chicago, Ill. Marshall Jackson Go., 24 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Maunsell’s Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. McBee Binder Co., Athens, O. Pembroke Co., 24 E. Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah Postindex Co., Inc., Jamestown, N. Y. Pressteel Engineering Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. KARDEX DIVISION OF REMINGTON-RAND, Buffalo, N. Y. Ross-Gould Co., 309 N. 10th, St. Louis, Mo. See-All Company, Elkhart, Ind. Shaw-Walker Co., The, Muskegon, Mich. Sheppard, C. E. & Co., Van Alst & 14th, Long Island City, N. Y. Stationers Loose Leaf Co., 342—346 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Visible Records Bureau, 134 Fremont, San Fran cisco, Cal. Weis Mfg. Co., Union, Monroe, Mich. w WALL SAFES (See Safes, Wall) 617 WALLETS, EXPANDING Ames Safety Envelope Co., 55 Sudbury, Boston, Mass. Bankers Envelope Co., 25 Cliff, New York, N. Y. Berkowitz Envelope Co., 19th & Campbell, Kansas City, Mo. Bushnell Co., Alvah, 13th & Wood, Philadelphia, Pa. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. Eagle Envelope Co., 1322 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. The Globe-Wernicke Co., Carthage Ave., Cin cinnati, O. Knight Counighan Co., 32 Clay, San Francisco,Cal. Quality Park Envelope Co., Midway (Quality Park), St. Paul, Minn. Security Envelope Co., 2900 Fifth Ave., S., Minne apolis, Minn. Western Litho. Co., 600 2d, Los Angeles, Calif. 618 WALLETS, LEATHER American Art Works. Inc.. Coshocton, Ohio. Beach Leather Co., 1301 E. Walnut, Coshocton, O. Brown & Bigelow, Quality Park, St. Paul, Minn. Buckeye Leather Co., Chestnut, Coshocton, Ohio. Carrithers & Co., 108 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Coshocton Specialty Co., Coshocton, O. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico, Mo. The Exline Co., 113 St. Clair Ave., N. E„ Cleve land, Ohio. Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet, Ill. Kohl & Co., P. J., 224-230 W. Huron, Chicago, Ill. Leather Products Co., 201 South, Iola, Kan. L’Enfant-Oley-Martine Mfg. Corp., 99-101 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Novelty Advertising Co., Coshocton, O. Nutry, John, 85 Adams, Brooklyn, N. Y. Oliver Baker Mfg. Co., 420 S. 7th, Minneapolis, Minn. Quality Park Envelope Co., Midway (Quality Park), St. Paul, Minn. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Weinman Bros., 421 S. Wells, Chicago, Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Cal. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WASTE PAPER BALING MACHINES (See Machines, Baling, Waste Paper) WATCHMEN’S CLOCKS (See Clocks, Watchmen's) 619 WATER COOLERS General Electric Co., Hanna Bldg., Cleveland, O. Selig Co., 336 Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. 620 WAX, SEALING Adams-Lessack Co., 1507 Arch, Philadelphia, Pa. Dennison Mfg. Co., 300 Howard, Framingham, Mass. Dicks-Pontius Co., 123-135 Wayne Ave., Dayton, O. Gaylord Bros., Inc., 155 Gifford, Syracuse, N. Y. Keller Ink Co., Robert, 1441 Brooklyn Ave., Detroit, Mich. Kirk Ink Co., 2316 W. Harrison, Chicago, Ill. Love & Co., J. V., 2205 Mechanic, Galveston, Tex. Safford Stamp Wor,s, 205 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Schwabacher-Frey Sta. Co., 735 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Swisher Mfg. Co., R. D., 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. WAX SEALS (See Seals) 621 WICKETS Acme Wire & Iron Works, 12340 Cl overdale, Detroit, Mich. American Fixture Co., 16th & Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Mo. American Iron & Wire Works, 1622 Carroll Ave., Chicago, Ill. Art In Bronze Co., Inc., 1621 E. 41st, Cleveland. O. Art Metal Construction Co., Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Baldwin Brass Works, 411 S. Clinton, Chicago, Ill. Buekers, Jr., & Co., J. H., 2117 Elmwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. Buffalo Wire Works Co., Inc., 577 Terrace, Buffalo, N. Y. Bush Co., James S., Inc., 11 Park Place, New York, N. Y. Chicago Architectural Bronze Co., 4740 N. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Coleman, Adelbert E., 336 W. 37th St., Chicago, Ill. Collins Safe & Fixture Co., W. D., 513 W. Main, Denison, Tex. Davidson Co., J. L„ 632-648 Mateo, Los Angeles, Calif. Flour City Ornamental Iron Co., 27th Ave. & 27th St., Minneapolis, Minn. General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Harsch Bronze & Foundry Co., John, 11612 Madison Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Michaels Art Bronze Co., Inc., 230 Scott, Coving ton, Ky. Mount & Robertson, Inc., 62 Broad, New York, N. Y. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237 S. Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ohmer, Inc., A. A. & R. F., 113 N. Jefferson, Dayton, O. Oregon Brass Works, 2d & Everett, Portland, Ore. Steel Fixture Mfg. Co., E. 7th & Adams, Topeka, Kan. • Tyler Co., The W. S., 3615 Superior Ave., Cleve land, O. Usona Mfg. Co., 3512 Chouteau, St. Louis, Mo. Watson Mfg. Co., 1000 Taylor, Jamestown, N.Y. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th, New York, N. Y. Wisconsin Wire & Iron Works, 1660 Booth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Womack & Sons, J. P., Lakewood Ave., Atlanta,Ga. WINDOW DRAPES (See Draperies) WINDOW DISPLAYS (See Advertising, Window Display) WIRE SIGNS (See Signs, Wire) 622 WIREW0RK Acme Wire and Iron Works, 12340 Cloverdale, Detroit, Mich. American Iron & Wire Works, 1622 Carroll Ave., Chicago, Ill. Buffalo Wire Works Co., Inc., 577 Terrace, Buffalo, N. Y. Buekers Jr. & Co., John H., 2117 Elmwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. Dufur & Co., Baltimore, Md. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, Ohio. Portland Wire & Iron Works, 294 Second, Portland, Ore. Standard Wire & Iron Works, 510 E. 10th, Chat tanooga, Tenn. Tyler Co., The. W. S., 3615 Superior Ave., Cleve land, O. Williams, Inc., Jno., 542 W. 27th. New York, N. Y, Wisconsin Wire & Iron Works, 1660 Booth, Mil waukee, Wis. 623 WOODWORK Aetna Cabinet Co., 321 W. Maryland, Indianapolis, Ind. American Fixture Co., 16th & Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Mo. Bloom Co., Alfred, 1502 California, Omaha, Neb. Buekers, Jr., & Co., J. H., 2117 Elmwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. Fisher Co., Johnson & Richings Sts., Charles City Iowa. Georgia Show Case Co., Montgomery, Ala. Hasemann & Sons Mfg. Co., G. A., 2357 S. Seventh, St. Louis, Mo. Inter Ocean Cabinet Co., 326 S. Paulina, Chicago, III. L. A. Planing Mill Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Mass-Niemeyer Lumber Co., 921 E. 21st, Indi anapolis, Ind. Mathews Bros. Mfg. Co., Pt. Washington Rd., Milwaukee, Wis. Mitchell Mfg. Co., Robt., 2d & John, Cincinnati, O. Moorman & Co., A., 813 First National Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Mount & Robertson, Inc., 62 Broad, New York, N. Y. Nachtegall Mfg. Co., 237 S. Front, Grand Rapids, Mich. Newman Mfg. Co., 416 Elm, Cincinnati, O. Ohmer, Inc., A. A. & R. F., 113 N. Jefferson, Dayton, Ohio. SCHICK-JOHNSON Chicago, Ill. CO., 1737 N. Paulina, St. Louis Bank Eqt. & Bldg. Co., 906 Sidney, St. Louis, Mo. Taylor-Palmer Co., 49 E. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis. 624 WRAPPERS, COIN ABBOTT COIN COUNTER CO., 143d & Wales. New York, N. Y. American Bindery Corp., 1310 Maple, Detroit, Mich. Atlanta Envelope Co., 505 Stewart Ave, S. W., Atlanta, Ga. Bankers Printing Co., 836 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Coinometer Distributors, 810 Equitable Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Continental Bank-Supply Co., Mexico. Mo. Dennison Mfg. Co., 300 Howard, Framingham, Mass. Downey Co., C. L., 941 Clark, Cincinnati, Ohio. The Exline Co., 113 St. Clair Ave., N. E., Cleve land, Ohio. Gaylord Bros., Inc., 155 Gifford, Syracuse, N. Y. Jorgensen Mfg. Co., 3681 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich. Knight-Counihan Co.. 32 Clay, San Francisco, Cal. Maunsell's Office Supply Co., Montpelier, Vt. Package Binder Co., The, Commonwealth Bldg., Annex, Pittsburg, Pa. Price Bros., 412 Orleans, Chicago, Ill. Sattley Co., 3246 E. Woodbridge, Detroit. Mich. Spurgin Mfg. Co., 7011 Vincennes, Chicago, Ill. Standard-Johnson Co., Inc., 371 Pacific, Brooklyn, N. Y. Strayer Coin Bag Co., New Brighton, Pa. Twentieth Century Co., 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. 2d, Los Angeles, Cal. Yates, R. R., Joliet, Ill. Youmans Coin Wrapper Co., 422 Main, Cincin nati, Ohio. Young & Selden Co., 224 N. Calvert, Baltimore, Md. Zimmerman & Murray, 107 W. Penn, Whittier, Cal. Zimmerman Bros., & Co., 4020 Michigan, Chicago, Ill. WRITERS, CHECK (See Protectors, Check) WRITING PAPER (See Stationers) Y YEAR BOOKS (See Stationers) SERVICE GUIDE SECTION 60G Rand M?Nally Bankers Directory—(The Blue Book) Banking book gets record-breaking reception Two Thousand Bankers placed advance orders for this book as soon as they knew it was going to be published. It is now ready for delivery. Get your copy of BANK ADMINISTRATION By H. N. STRONCK She author is a recognized authority on bank management, a trusted counselor of Government Bureaus, Bankers’ Associations, and regional conferences of the American Bankers Association, a man who has made inside surveys and developed organization plans for individual banks with resources from a hundred thou sand to a hundred million dollars in every section of the country. His book is a complete, vivid and workable treatise on the Contents of BANK ADMINISTRATION managerial methods that make bank profits. It will vitalize any bank officer’s mental equipment. It will tighten any bank direc tor’s grip on his responsibilities. It will strengthen the reach of any young bank man or woman for the bigger jobs ahead. By H. N. STRONCK I. The Triangle of Man agement II. Operating Profit Factors III. Sound Policies IV. TheOrganizationStructure V. Organization Analysis VI. Personnel Administration VII. Development of Personnel VIII. The Business Develop ment Function IX. TheOperatingFunction X. Bank Production Analysis XI. Loan Administration Policies XII. The Evaluation of Credit Risks XIII. Conversion of Funds XIV. Secondary Reserves and Investment Account XV. The Control Function XVI. Departmental Earnings Analysis XVII. Analysis of the Cost of Deposit Accounts XVIII. Savings Department Operations XIX. Bond and TrustOperations XX. Comparative Measure ment of Results Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $qjoo ON 5 DAYS’ TRIAL Send no money. Simply sign this request for examination RAND M9NALLY & COMPANY, Chicago, Illinois Send BANK ADMINISTRATION by H. N. Stronck. Unless returned in five days, we will honor your bill for $5.00. Bank ....................................................................... Name.............................. City..........................................................................................State RATES OF POSTAGE DOMESTIC EXTRA SERVICE POSTAGE RATES ARTICLES CLASS PRIVATE MAILING CARDS (written or 1 cent each. 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Not exceeding $ 10.00--------------------------Not exceeding 50.00--------------------------Not exceeding 100.00-------------------------- 12c 15c 25c FOREIGN POSTAL TABLE The rate of postage upon letters to foreign countries is five cents for the first cwMmtiKOaD.of an ounce,and-three cents for^eadh additional ounwM fraction of an ounce, excepting the following named countries. Where letter rate is 5 cents first card ‘ B t"e=fiT"0D,toieo’' T1sSsl £$£caras' To*hese“SS/fsttr«■*»?“•ra,eofcenB faaand. Bermudas ISffios IS Guiana W“— far- Colombia S|Sd cX&ao Honduras jSSca KSdls.and, Bsstessr Me*“ ~ Paraguay ^public Of Panama Samoa w. sS“d Venezuela ada S, Vincont G,enmilo», and sssa.«— guay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, the limit of weight is 11 lbs. FOREIGN PARCEL POST RATES 15 1 Ail SSffpSrt shipme0ntsdtonSalvador, Peru, Guatemala, and Chill must be accompanied by an invoice vised at the nearest consulate of the respective Sh°WsK pamels^o Gt Britain, Northern Ireland. Netherlands. Austria, Portugal, Irish Free State, Hungary and Norway may be insured. Rep of Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Spain, Bolivia, Columbia and Costa Rica. To all the other Pan-American countries the postage rate is 14 cents per pound. INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDERS Money order can be issued between the United States and fifty-eight countries, rates differing and subject to change. RATES FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS Not over $2.50........... 6c Over $2.50 to $5.00..-8c Over $5.00 to $10.00.10c 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Over $10.00 to $20.00...12c Over $20.00 to $40.00...15c Over $40.00 to $60.00...18c See your Postmaster for latest rates. Over $60.00 to $ 80.00_.-20c Over $80.00 to $100.00..,24c BANKERS’ ASSOCIATIONS, 1929 AMERICAN BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Craig B. Hazlewood, vice-president First National Bank of Chicago, Chicago, ill. First Vice-President, John G. Lonsdale, president Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co., St. Louis, Mo. Second Vice-President, Rome C. Stephenson, vice-president St. Joseph County Savings Bank, South Bend, Ind. Treasurer, W. D. Longyear, vice-president Security-First National Bank of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Executive Manager, F. N. Shepherd, 110 East 42d St., New York City. General Counsel, Thomas B. Paton, 110 East 42d St., New York City. Secretary and Asst. Treasurer, William G. Fitzwilson, 110 East 42d St., New York City. Deputy Managers: W. Espey Albig, Secretary Savings Bank Division; James E. Baum, Manager Protective Department; Reuben A. Lewis, Jr., Secretary Trust Company Division; Edgar E. Mountjoy, Secretary National Bank Division; Frank W. Simmond, Secretary State Bank Division Clearing House Section. Editor of the Journal, Jas. E. Clark, 110 East 42d St., New York City. Branch Office, 708 Colorado Bldg., Washington, D. C. ILLINOIS BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Lyon Karr, president First State Bank, Wenona. Vice-President, W. R. McGaughey, vice-president Citizens National Bank, Decatur. Secretary, M. A. Graettinger, 33 La Salle, Illinois Bankers Association, Chicago. Assistant Secretary, Olive S. Jennings, 33 N. La Salle, Illinois Bankers Association, Chicago. Treasurer, Ervin T. Geist, president Joliet Trust & Savings Bank, Joliet. INDIANA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, A. G. Brown, president First National Bank, Greencastle. Vice-President, E. W. Stout, president Fletcher American National Bank, Indianapolis. Secretary, Forba McDaniel, 310 Odd Fellow Bldg., Indianapolis. Treasurer, Welch Wampler, Gosport State Bank, Gosport. IOWA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, W. G. C. Bagley, president First National Bank, Mason City. Vice-President, C. R. Wooden, president Wooden Savings Bank, Centerville. Secretary, Frank Warner, 430 Liberty Bldg., Des Moines. Treasurer, C. T. Simmons, vice-president First Iowa State Trust & Savings Bank, Burlington. ALABAMA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, E. W. McLeod, president Huntsville Bank & Trust Co., Hunts ville. First Vice-President, J. H. Drakeford, president Bank of Tuskegee, Tuskegee, Ala. Second Vice-President, Thomas Bowron, vice-president First National Bank, Birmingham. Secretary and Treasurer, M. A. Vincentelli, president Alabama National Bank, Montgomery. ARIZONA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Sylvan C. Ganz, vice-president The First National Bank of Arizona, Phoenix. Vice-President, E. A. Haight, vice-president Arizona Central Bank, Flagstaff. Secretary, Morris Goldwater, Prescott. Treasurer, F. C. Brophy, vice-president Phoenix National Bank, Phoenix. i ARKANSAS BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, John E. Williams, cashier Arkansas Trust Co., Newport. Vice-President, Storm O. Whaley, cashier Bank of Sulphur Springs, Sulphur ' Springs. Secretary, Robt. E. Wait, 923 Home Insurance Bldg., Little Rock. Treasurer, Lloyd Spencer, cashier First National Bank, Hope. CALIFORNIA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, A. J. Mount, senior vice-president Bank of Italy National Tr. & Sav. Assn., San Francisco. Vice-President, Lande D. Webber, vice-president and trust officer First National Trust & Savings Bank, San Diego. Secretary, Frederick H. Colburn, 628 Mills Bldg., San Francisco. Treasurer, Paul A. Dinsmore, vice-president American Trust Co.. San Francisco. CANADIAN BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, A. E. Phipps, general manager of The Imperial Bank of Canada, ' Toronto, Ont. Secretary-Treasurer, Henry T. Ross, care Imperial Bank of Canada, Toronto, Ont. COLORADO BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Alonzo Petteys, cashier Farmers State Bank, Brush. Vice-President, K. S. Rucker, cashier First National Bank, Durango. Secretary, L. F. Scarboro, editor and publisher Mountain States Banker, : Denver. Treasurer, G. E. Totten, cashier First National Bank, Strasburg. CONNECTICUT BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Earle W. Stamm, vice-president and cashier National Bank of Commerce, New London, Conn. Vice-President, John C. Loomis, president Commercial Trust Co., New Britain. Secretary, Charles E. Hoyt, secretary and treasurer South Norwalk Tr. Co., South Norwalk. Treasurer, Henry F. Powers, president Uncas-Merchants National Bank, Norwich. DELAWARE BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Henry Ridgely, president Farmers Bank, Dover, Del. Vice-President, John Richardson, Jr., president National Bank of Delaware, Wilmington. Secretary and Treasurer, Warren K. Ayres, assistant treasurer Wilmington Trust Company, Wilmington. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Wilmer J. Waller, vice-president Federal-American National Bank, Washington. First Vice-President, Lanier P. McLachlen, president McLachlen Banking [ Corporation, Washington. Second Vice-President, E. J. McQuade, vice-president Liberty National ! Bank, Washington. Secretary, C. H. Pope, treasurer Munsey Trust Co., Washington. Treasurer, A. S. Gatley, vice-president Lincoln National Bank, Washington. ’ FLORIDA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, R. J. Binnicker, president First National Bank, Tampa. Vice-President, D. M. Lowry, president Capital City Bank, Tallahassee. Secretary and Treasurer, W. O. Boozer, vice-president Atlantic National Bank. Jacksonville. GEORGIA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Gordon L. Groover, vice-president Citizens & Southern National Bank, Savannah. Vice-President, John M. Graham, president National City Bank, Rome. Secretary, Haynes McFadden, 909 Walton Bldg., Atlanta. Treasurer, E. L. Henderson, cashier Commercial Bank, Cedartown. General Counsel, Orville A. Park, Macon. COUNTRY BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA President, B. II. McLeod, vice-president Bank of Tifton, Tifton. First Vice-President, L. F. Cater, vice-president Perry Loan & Savings Bank, Perry. Second Vice-President, C. <\ Kimsey, vice-president Cornelia Bank, ! Cornelia. Secretary and Treasurer, Fritz R. Jones, 718 Thrower Building, 10 Forsyth St., N. W., Atlanta. General Counsel, Alex. W. Smith, Jr., Grant Bldg., Atlanta. IDAHO BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, O. M. Mackey, cashier American Bank & Trust Co., Lewiston. Vice-President, J. H. Jensen, vice-president and cashier First National Bank, Driggs. Secretary, J. S. St. Clair, vice-president Boise City National Bank, Boise City. Treasurer, E. H. Fikkan, cashier First National Bank, Emmett. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis KANSAS BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, M. A. Limbocker, president Peoples National Bank, Burlington, Kan. Vice-President, B. A. Welch, cashier State Bank of Kingman, Kingman, Kan. Secretary, W. W. Bowman, Topeka. Assistant Secretary, Fred M. Bowman, Topeka. Chief Protective Dept., R. Neill Rahn, Topeka. Office Secretary, Eleanor J. Woodburn, Topeka. Treasurer, J. P. Ruppenthall, vice-president and cashier Russell-Farniers State Bank, Russell. KENTUCKY BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Sterett Cuthbertson, vice-president Citizens National Bank, Bowling Green. Secretary, Harry G. Smith, 705 Marion E. Taylor Bldg., Louisville. Treasurer, R. P. Whittington, cashier Citizens Bank, Kuttawa. LOUISIANA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, P. C. Willis, vice-president Commercial National Bank, Shreve port. Vice-President, W. B. Machado, vice-president Hibernia Bank & Trust Co. New Orleans. Secretary, G. R. Broussard, vice-president Bank of Abbeville, Abbeville. Treasurer, G. F. Provost, vice-president Bank of Commerce & Trust Co., Mansfield. MAINE BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, H. L. Pishon, treasurer Augusta Trust Co., Augusta. Vice-President, R. A. Bramhall, vice-president Portland National Bank, Portland. Vice-President, O. W. Tapley, president Union Trust Co., Ellsworth. Secretary, E. S. Kennard, vice-president and cashier Rumford National Bank, Rumford. Treasurer, G. A. Safford, secretary-treasurer Hallowell Trust & Banking Co., Hallowell. MARYLAND BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Heyward E. Boyce, president Drovers & Mechanics National Bank, Baltimore. Vice-President, Alexander Armstrong, president First National Bank, Hagerstown, Md. Secretary, James W. McElroy, vice-president First National Bank, Baltimore. Treasurer, William Marriott, vice-president and cashier Western National Bank, Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, W. L. Adam, president Berkshire County Savings Bank, Pitts field. Vice-President, John F. Tufts, president Union Market National Bank, Watertown. Secretary, George W. Hyde, vice-president First National Bank, Boston. Treasurer, J. H. Gifford, vice-president Merchants National Bank, Salem. MICHIGAN BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, G. L. Daane, president Grand Rapids Savings Bank, Grand Rapids. First Vice-President, G. J. Brown, president Union Industrial Bank, Flint. Second Vice-President, John W. Haarer, vice-president and cashier City National Bank, Lansing. Executive Secretary, Mrs. H. M. Brown, 1713 Ford Bldg., Detroit. Treasurer, Frank J. Stevens, cashier Chesaning State Bank, Chesaning. General Counsel, Hal H. Smith, Beaumont, Smith & Harris, Detroit. MINNESOTA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, R. W. Putnam, vice-president and cashier Security Bank & Trust Co., Red Wing. Vice-President, C. B. Brombach, assistant cashier First National Bank Minneapolis. Secretary, George Susens, 718 National Building, Minneapolis. Asst Secretary, Vida R. Richards. 718 National Bldg.. Minneapolis. Treasurer, T. A. Perkins, cashier First National Bank, Windom. MISSISSIPPI BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, N. H. Crenshaw, cashier First National Bank, Jackson. Vice-President, B. C. Adams, cashier Grenada Bank, Grenada. Secretary, George B. Power, Capital National Bank Bldg., Jackson. Treasurer, G. M. McWilliams, vice-president Citizens Bank, Hattiesburg. MISSOURI BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, F. B. Brady, vice-president Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City. Vice-President, R. W. Holt, president Heaton Bank, Craig. Secretary, W. F. Keyser, Sedalia. Treasurer, Chas. B. Mudd, cashier First National Bank, St. Charles. Assistant Secretary, E. P. Neef, Sedalia. MONTANA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, R. O. Kaufman, vice-president Union Bank & Trust Co., Helena. Vice-President, N. A. Telyea, vice-president National Park Bank, Livingston. Secretary-Treasurer, A. T. Hibbard, Helena. NEBRASKA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, P. L. Hall, Jr., president Greenwood State Bank, Greenwood. Chairman Executive Council, P. R. Easterday, vice-president First National Bank, Lincoln. Secretary, William B. Hughes, 908 Woodman Bldg., Omaha. Treasurer, A. L. Coad, cashier Packers National Bank, Omaha. NEVADA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, T. G. Hollabaugh, cashier Lander County Bank, Austin. Vice-President, Fred Stadtmuller, assistant cashier Washoe County Bank Reno. Secretary, L. S. Reese, assistant cashier Farmers and Merchants National Bank, Reno. Treasurer, George F. Willis, cashier Lyon County Bank, Yerington. NEW HAMPSHIRE BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Bernard Q. Bond, vice-president Rochester Trust Co., Rochester. Secretary, Harry L. Additon, vice-president and cashier Merchants National Bank, Manchester. Treasurer, Harold P. Parker, cashier Wilton National Bank, Wilton. 2 BANKERS ASSOCIATIONS. 1929—Continued NEW JERSEY BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, William J. Couse, president Asbury Park Trust Co., Asbury Park. Vice-President, Levi H. Morris, president Newton Trust Co., Newton. Secretary, Arniitt H. Coate, trust officer Burlington County Trust Co., Moorestown. Treasurer, Robert W. Harden, vice-president Westfield Trust Co., Westfield. OHIO BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Allen B. Whitney, president Citizens Savings Bank, Upper Sandusky. Vice-President, Edward A. Seiter, vice-president The Fifth-Third Union Trust Co., Cincinnati. Secretary, Chas. H. Mylander, Huntington Bank Bldg., Columbus. Assistant Secretary, Rose W. Aebi, Huntington Bank Bldg., Columbus. Assistant Secretary, David M. Auch, Huntington Bank Bldg., Columbus. Treasurer, O. D. Miller, cashier Ohio Merchants Trust Co., Massillon. RHODE ISLAND BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Thomas L. Pierce, president Providence National Bank, Provi dence. Vice-President, Henry C. Jackson, Trust Officer and Assistant Manager Slater Branch, Industrial Trust Co., Pawtucket. Secretary, John C. Peel, assistant secretary Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co., Providence. Treasurer, Shirley Harrington, cashier Mechanics National Bank,Providence. SOUTH CAROLINA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President. B. W. Crouch, president Farmers Bank, Saluda. Vice-President, G. A. Lemmon, president City National Bank, Sumter. Secretary and Treasurer, Henry S. Johnson, 801 Carolina Life Bldg., Columbia Attorney, B. H. Moss, president Edisto National Bank, Orangeburg. SOUTH DAKOTA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Thos. O’Brien, president Hoven State Bank, Hoven. Vice-President, A. B. Cahalan, cashier First National Bank, Miller. Secretary, George A. Starring, Box 851, Huron, S. Dak. Treasurer, H. E. Edmunds, cashier American State Bank, Yankton, S. D. TENNESSEE BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, C. W. Bailey, president First National Bank, Clarksville. Vice-President, J. H. Rader, president Citizens Savings Bank, Greeneville. Vice-President, W. W. Campbell, vice-president Williamson County Banking & Trust Co., Franklin. Vice-President, John A. McCall, cashier First National Bank, Lexington. Secretary, H. G. Huddleston, 1012 American Trust Bldg., Nashville. Treasurer, S. S. McConnell, vice-president and cashier Third National Bank, Nashville. TEXAS BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, A. A. Horne, vice-president City National Bank, Galveston. Secretary, W. A. Philpott, Jr., Dallas. Treasurer, D. E. Box, president Tarrant County National Bank, Grapevine. UTAH BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, Orval W. Adams, vice-president Utah State National Bank, Salt Lake City. First Vice-President, F. P. Champ, president Cache Valley Banking Co., Logan. Second Vice-President, H. A. Gardner, cashier First National Bank, Spanish Fork. Secretary and Treasurer, H. B. Crandall, cashier First State Bank, Salina. VERMONT BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, G. H. Boyce, vice-president Proctor Trust Co., Proctor Vt. Vice-President, R. D. Smith, cashier Rutland County National Bank. Rutland, Vt. Secretary, C. S. Webster, treasurer Barton Savings Bank & Trust Co.. BartoD. Treasurer, R. A. Bean, treasurer. Central Savings Bank & Trust Co., Orleans, Vt. VIRGINIA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President. C. S. Carter, president Dominion National Bank, Bristol. Vice-President, C. C. Barksdale, president Union Bank & Federal Trust Co. Richmond. Secretary, W. S. Irby, president Bank of Lunenburg, Kenbridge. Assistant Secretary, Lillian Kendall, First & Merchants National Bank, Richmond. Treasurer, C. W. Boerbower, assistant cashier First National Exchange Bank. Roanoke. WASHINGTON BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION I’resident, It. R. Mattison, vice-president National Bauk of Tacoma Tacoma. Vice-President, It. M. Hardy, president Yakima National Bank, Yakima. General Counsel, Wm. Hatch Davis, 1001 Old National Bank Bldg., Spokane. Secretary, J. W. Brislawn, 810 Alaska Bldg., Seattle. Treasurer, D. T. Coffman, vice-president and cashier Coffman-Dobson Bank & Trust Co., Chehalis. OKLAHOMA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, F. H. Sherwood, president National Bank of Commerce, Hugo. Vice-President, D. P. Richardson, president Bank of Union, Union. Secretary, Eugene P. Gum, 907 Colcord Bldg., Oklahoma City. Assistant Secretary. Gertrude Corbitt, Oklahoma City. Treasurer, Ed. T. Fleming, vice-president Enid Bank & Trust Co., Enid. WEST VIRGINIA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, F. D. Drumheller, vice-president Kanawha Valley Bank, Charles ton. Vice-President, D. R. Richards, vice-president Bank of Morgantown, Morgantown. Secretary, J. S. Hill, Charleston. Treasurer, W. F. McAneny, cashier Old National Bank, Martinsburg NEW MEXICO BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, H. L. Boyd, cashier Citizens State Bank, Springer. Vice-President, G. K. Richardson, president Carlsbad National Bank, Carlsbad. Secretary, Mrs. Margaret Barnes, 318 N. 6th St., Albuquerque. Treasurer, O. L. Justice, cashier First National Bank, Roy. NEW' YORK STATE BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, William K. Payne, president Cayuga County National Bank, Auburn. Vice-President, Mark M. Holmes, president Exchange National Bank, Olean. Secretary, Edward J. Galiien. 128 Broadway, New York. Assistant Secretary, Clifford F. Post, 128 Broadway, New York. Treasurer, W. W. Maloney, 3rd, vice-president National Bank of Geneva, Geneva. SAVINGS BANKS ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK President, P. A. Benson, secretary Dime Savings Bk. of Brooklyn, Brooklyn. First Vice-President, Andrew Mills, Jr., president Dry Dock Savings In stitution, New York City. Second Vice-President, Henry R. Kinsey, vice-president Williamsburgh Savings Bank, Brooklyn. Third Vice-President, R. D. Young, secretary and treasurer Erie County Savings Bank, Buffalo. Fourth Vice-President, F. B. Shepherd, president Oswego County Savings Bank, Oswego. Fifth Vice-President, James J. O’Connor, treasurer Ulster County Savings Institution, Kingston. General Secretary, Paul W. Albright, 110 E. 42d St., New York City. Treasurer, William M. Campbell, president American Savings Bank, New York City. NORTH CAROLINA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, W. G. Gaither, vice-president First & Citizens National Bank, Elizabeth City. Vice-President, John W. Simpson, vice-president and cashier Atlantic Bank & Trust Co.. Greensboro. Vice-President, W. E. Stroud, vice-president and cashier Wayne National Bank, Goldsboro. Vice-President, R. M. Hanes, Wachovia Bank & Trust Co., Winston Salem. Secretary, Paul P. Brown, Raleigh. Treasurer, H. G. Kramer, vice-president and cashier Savings Bank and Trust Co., Elizabeth City. General Counsel. Willis Smith, Raleigh. NORTH DAKOTA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President and Chairman Executive Committee, Robert E. Barron, president First National Bank, Minot. Vice-President, J. E. Davis, president Citizens State Bank, Goodrich. Secretary, W. C. Macfadden, 54 Broadway, Bargo. WISCONSIN BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, A. C. Kingston, vice-president Citizens National Bank, Stevens Point. Vice-President, E. II. Cole, cashier Green County Bank. Brodhead. Secretary, Wall G. Coapman, 717 Caswell Block, Milwaukee. Assistant Secretary, Lloyd E. Hull, 717 Caswell Block, Milwaukee. Treasurer, L. W. Metzner, cashier Bank of Casco, Casco. Manager of the protective department, A. M. De Voursney, 717 Caswell Block, Milwaukee. WYOMING BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, H. R. Weston, vice-president Jackson State Bank, Jackson. Vice-President, Wm. Pugh, Stockgrowers Bank, Evanston. Secretary, Harry B. Henderson, Cheyenne. Treasurer, A. B. Maycock, vice-president Stockmens Bank, Gillette. OREGON BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, L. Barnum, president First National Bank, The Dalles. Vice-President, W. T. Wright, president Bank of Oregon City,Oregon City. Treasurer, I. C. Powell, president First National Bank, Monmouth. Secretary, T. P. Cramer, Jr., 327 Lumbermens Bldg., Portland. PENNSYLVANIA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION President, H. B. McDowell, vice-president McDowell National Bank, Sharon. Vice-President, W. Walter Wilson, president First Milton National Bank, Milton. Secretary, C. F. Zimmerman, president First National Bank. Huntingdon. Treasurer, George Porter Shotwell, vice-president Williamsport National Bank, Williamsport. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 • ADDITIONAL BANKERS’ ASSOCIATIONS INVESTMENT BANKERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Office of the Secretary, 33 South Clark Street, Chicago OFFICERS AND GOVERNORS 1929 PRESIDENT ROLLIN A. WILBUR. .Herrick Company.............................................................................................................................................................Cleveland ALDEN H. LITTLE.. . 33 South Clark Street..................................................................................................................................................... Chicago FRANK M. GORDON. . . . JEROME J. HAN AUER.. JOSEPH L. SEYBOLD.... JOSEPH R. SWAN............... CARROLL J. WADDELL. .First Union Trust & Savings Bank.......................................................................................................................... Chicago .Kuhn, Loeb & Co............................................................................................................................................................. New York . Wells-Dickey Co................................................................................................................................................................Minneapolis .Guaranty Company of New York............................................................................................................................. New York . Drexel & Company.............................................................................. Philadelphia CLAYTON G. SCHRAY. .33 South Clark Street............................................................. '............ .......................................................................... Chicago ROBERT A. GARDNER. Mitchel. Hutchins & Co................................................................................................................................................. Chicago EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENTS SECRETARY TREASURER GOVERNORS TROWBRIDGE CALLAWAY. .Callaway, Fish & Co........................................................................................................................................................New York WILLIAM H. EDDY..................Equitable Trust Company of New York................................................................................................................... New York HENRY R. HAYES.....................Stone & Webster and Blodget, Inc...............................................................................................................................New York EDWARD N. JESUP..................Lee, Higginson & Company............................................................................................................................................ New York CLARKSON POTTER................Hayden, Stone & Co.......................................................................................................................................................... New York JOHN J. ENGLISH..................... William R. Compton Company............................................................................................................ ........................Chicago CHARLES F. GLORE................ Field, Glore & Co................................................................................................................................................................ Chicago WILLIAM J. WARD ALL......... Bonbright & Co....................................................................................................................................................................Chicago CHARLES D. DICKEY..............Brown Brothers & Co....................................................................................................................................................... Philadelphia FRANK D. NICOL......................Nicol, Ford & Co................................................................................................................................................................. Detroit SIDNEY R. SMALL....................Harris, Small & Co...........................................................................................................................................................Detroit HENRY T. FERRISS................. First National Co................................................................................................................................................................ St. Louis KELTON E. WHITE..................G. H. Walker & Co.............................................................................................................................................................St. Louis HARRY H. BEMIS......................Curtis & Sanger................................................................................................................................................................... Boston RALPH HORNBLOWER.......... Hornblower & Weeks.........................................................................................................................................................Boston SIMON J. BLOCK........................Nelson, Cook & Co............................................................................................................................................................. Baltimore JOSEPH A. W. IGLEHART.. .J. A. W. Iglehart & Co................................................................................................................................................. Baltimore JAMES A. ECCLES.....................Harris Forbes & Company, Ltd.....................................................................................................................................Montreal ROBERT R. GORDON..............Gordon & Co......................................................................................................................................................................... Pittsburgh THOMAS W. BANKS.................. Banks, Huntley & Co....................................................................................................................................................... Los Angeles ROBERT E. HUNTER................Hunter, Dulin & Co..........................................................................................................................................................Los Angeles BERNARD W. FORD................. Bond & Goodwin & Tucker, Inc................................................................................................................................. San Francisco ALBERT E. SCHWABACHER.Schwabacher & Co............................................................................................................................................................ San Francisco GUSTAVE M. MOSLER........... Brighton Bank & Trust Company............................................................................................................................... Cincinnati GEORGE W. ROBERTSON. . .Canal Bank and Trust Company............................................................................................................................... New Orleans GERALD PARKER.......................Commerce Trust Company............................................................................................................................................Kansas City DIETRICH SCHMITZ............... Pacific National Company.............................................................................................................................................. Seattle WILLIS K. CLARK...................... Geo. H. Burr, Conrad & Broom, Inc..........................................................................................................................Portland, Ore. CANTON O’DONNELL............. United States National Company................................................................................................................................ Denver GEORGE V. ROT AN.................. Neuhaus & Co...................................................................................................................................................................... Houston STANLEY L. YONCE................ Northern Trust Company............................................................................................................................................... Duluth EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR OFFICE COUNSEL SAMUEL O. RICE, 33 South Clark St., Chicago THEODORE S. CHAPMAN, 111 West Monroe St.. Chicago ASSISTANT EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR COMMITTEE COUNSEL JOHN P. MULLEN, 33 South Clark St., Chicago PAUL V. KEYSER, 1010 Vermont Ave., Washington FIELD SECRETARY OFFICIAL REPORTER ARTHUR G. DAVIS, 33 South Clark St.. Chicago GEORGE J. DROBNIS, 69 W. Washington St., Chicago MORTGAGE BANKERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Offices of Secretary, 112 W. Adams St., Chicago Walter B. Kester, Secretary-Treasurer OFFICERS President, E. E. Murrey, American Trust Company, Nashville, Tenn. Past President, E. D. Schumacher, Southern Bond & Mortgage Co., Richmond,Va. Vice-President, R. B. Bishop, Investors Mortgage Co., New Orleans, La. Vice-President, Wm. H. McNeal, N. Y. Title & Mortgage Co., New York, N. Y. F. C. Waples, Midland Mortgage Company, Cedar Rapids. Iowa. C. B. Merriam, Central Trust Company, Topeka, Kansas BOARD OF GOVERNORS L. A. McLean, Southern Trust Co., Louisville, Ky. H. V. Wheeler, Wheeler, Kelly Hagny Trust Co., Wichita, Kansas. J. B. Sleeper, Pioneer Mortgage Co., Topeka, Kan. B. F. Saul, B. F. Saul Co., Washington, D. C. Thomas F. Clark, Thomas F. Clark Co., New Haven, Conn. L. E. Mahan, Real Estate Mortgage Trust Co., St. Louis, Mo. E. H. Krueger, Cleveland, Ohio. W. Walter Williams, Continental Mortgage & Loan Co., Seattle, Wash. Erwin Jackson, Jackson Securities & Investment Co., Inc., Jackson Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. J. L. Campbell, First National Corp. of Tampa, Tampa, Fla. W. Bayne Gibson, Bayne Gibson Mortgage Co., 947 Hurt Bldg., Atlanta, Ga Hiram S. Cody, Cody Trust Co., Chicago, Ill. F. J. Shoyer, Philadelphia, Pa. E. B. Mount, E. B. Mount & Co., Minneapolis, Minn. A. A. Zinn, Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City, Mo. A. Y. Creager, A. Y. Creager Co., Sherman, Texas. R. S. Beachy, First Mortgage Inv. Co., Kansas City, Mo. F. W. Koneman, Towle Mortgage Co., Minneapolis, Minn. 8. B. Nye, Nye Mortgage Company, Buffalo, N. Y. Morgan Adams, Mortgage Guarantee Co., Los Angeles, Calif. B. H. Manning, Union Tr. Co., Detroit, Mich. James W. Collins, Tracy Loan & Tr. Co.. Salt Lake City, Utah. Arthur M. Hurd, Mortgage Bond Co. of N. Y., 58 Liberty St., New York N. Y. FINANCIAL ADVERTISERS ASSOCIATION CENTRAL OFFICE, Suite 1752, 231 So. La Salle Street, Chicago Executive Secretary, PRESTON E. REED DIRECTORS OFFICERS CLINTON F. BERRY. Union Trust Co., Detroit. C. E. BOURNE, The Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal. W. E. BROCKMAN, Northwest Bancorpation, Minneapolis. GEORGE DOCK, JR., Halsey Stuart & Co., New York. CHARLES J. EASTMAN, Chicago. FRANK FUCHS, First National Bank, St. Louis. DALE GRAHAM, National Park Bank, New York, N. Y. ROBERT J. IZANT, Central National Bank, Cleveland. H.ENNIS JONES, Franklin Trust Co., Philadelphia. H. W. KITCHELL, Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co., Chicago. H. A. LYON, Bankers Trust Co., New York. A. DOUGLAS OLIVER, Provident Trust Co. of Philadelphia. ALVA G. MAXWELL, Citizens and Southern National Bank, Atlanta. I. I. SPERLING, Cleveland Trust Co., Cleveland. FRED M. ST AKER, Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City. President— C. H. WETTERAU, American National Bank, Nashville, Tenn. First Vice-President— A. E. BRYSON, Halsey, Stuart & Co., Chicago. Second Vice-President— F. R. KERMAN, Bank of Italy N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San Francisco. Third Vice-President— C. H. McMahon, First National Bank, Detroit. E. A. HINTZ, Peoples Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago. MEMBERS OF ADVERTISING COMMISSION ETHEL B. SCULLY, Morris F. Fox & Company, Milwaukee. GUY W. COOKE, First National Bank, Chicago. CARL A. GODE, Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co. NATIONAL AND STATE BANKERS’ PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION President Chas. De B. Claiborne Vice-President Whitney National Bank New Orleans, La. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chairman Permanent Organization Committee James S. Peters Vice-President Bank of Manchester Manchester, Ga. 4 General Secretary-Treasurer F. R. Jones 718 Thrower Bldg., 10 Forsyth St., N. W. Atlanta, Ga. HOW BIG IS ANY BANK? 'T'HIS Directory shows the money size of every bank in the United States. Certain banks are big in serv ice and readiness to serve, in addition to their size in money. One good test of this kind of bigness is “Do they advertise in the Bankers Directory?” H £) . I | sr j m i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NUMERICAL SYSTEM BANK TRANSIT MAP. INDEX Prefix Numbers CITIES 1 New York. N.Y. 2 Chicago. Ill. 3 Philadelphia.Pa. 4 St. Louis. Mo. 5 Boston. Mass. 6 Cleveland, Ohio 7 Baltimore. Md. 8 Pittsburgh,Pa. 9 Detroit, Mich. 10 Buffalo. N. Y. 11 San Francisco, Cal. 12 Milwaukee, Wis. 13 Cincinnati. Ohio 14 NewOrleans.La. 15 Washington, D. C. 16 Los Angeles, Cal. 17 Minneapolis, Minn. 18 Kansas City, Mo. 19 Seattle. Wash. 20 Indianapolis, Ind. 21 Louisville. Ky. 22 St. Paul. Minn. 23 Denver. Colo. 24 Portland, Ore.. 25 Columbus. Ohio 26 Memphis. Tenn. 27 Omaha, Neb. 28 Spokane, Wash. 29 Albany. N. Y. 30 San Antonio, Tex. 31 Salt Lake City, Utah 32 Dallas. Tex. 33 Des Moines, la. 34 Tacoma, Wash. 35 Houston. Tex. 36 St. Joseph, Mo. 37 Ft. Worth. Tex. 38 Savannah. Ga. 39 Oklahoma City, Okla. 40 Wichita, Kan. 41 Sioux City. la. 42 Pueblo, Colo. 43 Lincoln, Neb. 44 Topeka. Kan. 45 Dubuque. Ia. 46 Galveston, Tex. 47 Cedar Rapids. Ia. 4S Waco, Tex. 49 Muskogee. Okla. STATES 50 New York 51 Connecticut 52 Maine 53 Massachusetts 54 New Hampshire 55 New Jersey 56 Ohio 57 Rhode Island 58 Vermont 59 ............................. 60 Pennsylvania 61 Alabama 62 Delaware 63 Florida 64 Georgia 65 Maryland 66 North Carolina 67 South Carolina 68 Virginia 69 West Virginia 70 Illinois 71 Indiana 72 Iowa 73 Kentucky 74 Michigan 75 Minnesota 76 Nebraska 77 North Dakota 78 South Dakota 79 Wisconsin 80 Missouri 81 Arkansas 82 Colorado 83. Kansas 84 Louisiana 85 Mississippi 86 Oklahoma 87 Tennessee 88 Texas 89 ............................ 90 California 91 Arizona 92 Idaho 93 Montana 94 Nevada 95 New Mexico 96 Oregon 97 Utah 98 Washington 99 Wyoming Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. S. PRATT & SONS WASHINGTON, D. C. Trust Department — Accounting Systei See Back of Washington, D. C. Map COMPTROLLER’S CALLS TO THE NATIONAL BANKS FROM 1886, TO DATE YEAR i ; j | 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914* 1915* 1916* 1917* 1918* 1919* 1920* 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 JAN. FEB. MAR. F 4 T 14 T 26 F 28 M 26 APR. M 30 76 69 76 79 69 T 5 76 F 28 77 T 9 82 F 18 65 F 22 W 11 M 29 S 26 W 5 60 Th 26 72 W 24 78 W 30 74 Th 9 62 65 73 54 77 73 M 28 66 T 14 62 66 62 81 75 F 14 73 F 5 70 T 20 77 T 4 70 W 4 50 Th 4 63 T 7 67 M 5 68 M 4 63 T 4 63 T 13 84 *Slx calls made. T 3 83 T 2 76 S 28 59 M 21 54 F 10 69 M 31 91 W 23 82 T 28 59 W 27 86 S 28 79 T 6 84 T 5 74 T 20 68 Th 7 69 W 5 68 M 30 77 M 15 61 W 9 92 T 6 89 T 9 61 Th 9 73 T 25 71 T 17 69 Th 10 65 Th 9 76 M 12 69 F 25 88 M 18 73 W 23 56 Th 30 93 W 7 92 Th F 18 58 14 57 F W 4 59 4 61 T 30 118 W S 1 58 23 53 M F 1 55 30 60 T W 1 57 20 50 F S 10 67 29 50 M M 12 69 30 49 T W 4 66 30 57 Th Th 28 66 30 63 F F 5 56 30 56 T S 3 95 30 88 M 30 91 T M 30 85 6 96 M W 30 79 12 102 Th 30 99 S 30 123 S 29 94 T 4 78 T 3 103 Th 22 94 W 15 62 W 23 W 1 Th 1 F 1 W 4 W 28 82 T 29 57 T 7 59 M 31 76 S 7 58 Th 2 76 J 1 S 9 F 27 65 T 16 76 Th 10 70 70 70 62 T 5 95 86 T 26 83 82 66 S 12 74 Th 2 71 T 12 74 T 11 83 ' T 21 73 S 31 49 W 10 F 17 T 20 F 1 M 17 M 15 S 31 63 F 12 W 8 T 6 F 15 F 14 74 70 69 66 70 62 66 68 68 77 76 F 10 102 M 28 90 M 10 102 W 3 95 j Th 31 61 F 31 51 W 27 40 M 31 41 T 31 60 W 31 44 W 29 44 S 31 116 F 29 105 M 31 108 W 31 82 Th 31 94 F 31 184 S 31 82 M 31 89 i Date* and number of Calls pecme oaias DATES CALLS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 10 5 4 16 11 7 9 1 9 8 4 10 6 9 6 2 6 5 3 5 2 3 5 1 4 5 3 11 8 20 16 214 34 on Monday 49 “ Tuesday 39 “ Wednesday 31 “ Thursday 42 “ Friday 19 “ Saturday , 1 i 1 1 ! ! I j ! Total, 214 1 (First Figures In Square denote day of montb call was made. KEY-| Other Figures In Square show number of days Intervening between calls. (LETTERS In Square signify day of week call was made. Courtesy of Crocker First National Bank of San Francisco, San Francisco., Calif. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DEC. T 28 82 W 7 63 W 12 69 W 11 72 F 19 78 W 2 68 F 9 70 T 19 77 W 19 78 F 13 76 Th 17 72 W 15 71 Th 1 72 S 2 86 Th 13 99 T 10 71 F 25 78 F 30 80 M 15 82 W 16 77 M 20 59 Th 14 90 NOV. 30 80 F 30 86 F 29 64 67 F 22 55 M F 12 60 F 18 62 Th 9 66 T 12 56 W 12 69 W 18 75 Th 11 65 T 14 68 F 23 70 Th 14 70 OCT. Th 7 W 5 65 Th 4 96 M 1 80 M 29 76 F 6 SEP. AUG. S 30 61 M 13 76 S 17 78 M 4 67 T 17 77 Th 4 59 F 4 65 T 7 63 Th 7 69 F 14 66 Th 5 76 W 28 71 4 T 13 T 5 T 25 F 6 JUNE JULY F 13 70 66 T 1 90 M 6 87 S MAY ! STATE BANK OFFICIALS AND EXAMINERS, 1929 State Name Address Ala..............Judge C. E. Thomas, Supt. of Banks............Montgomery. “ Sam O. King, member of Banking Board. .Ensley. “ J. O. Jordan, member of Banking Board.. .Center. " W. S. Garner, member of Banking Board. .Ozark. •• C. E. Thomas, member of Banking Board.Montgomery. “ W. E. Henley, member of Banking Board . Birmingham. “ T. F. Adams, Bank Examiner..........................Montgomery. " A. J. Smith, Bank Examiner............................ Montgomery. “ B. S. Gay, Bank Examiner...............................Montgomery. “ C. H. Howie, Bank Examiner..........................Oxford. Ariz.............J. B. Button, Supt. of Banks........................... Phoenix. “ Clarence Cox, Chief Bank Examiner............ Phoenix. “ A. C. McCain, Deputy Bank Examiner... .Phoenix. “ J. E. McCullough, Deputy Bank ExaminerPhoenix. “ A. T. Hammons, Inspector................................ Phoenix. “ Minnie Seaman. Acct.-Stenographer..............Phoenix. Ark..............Walter E. Taylor, Bank Commissioner. . . .Little Rock. “ R. G. Dickinson, Asst. Bk. Commissioner .Little Rock. “ Oliver Phillips, Asst. Commissioner in charge of Building & Loan Associations . . Little Rock. “ J. W. Jarrett, Chief Bank Examiner..............Little Rock. “ Theo. P. Carson, Asst. Chief Bank Ex..........Little Rock. “ Albert Sims, Bank Examiner............................Little Rock. “ G. H. Sexton. Bank Examiner..........................Little Rock. “ A. E. Cates, Bank Examiner............................ Little Rock. “ Fay C. Rayburn, Asst. Bank Examiner... .Little Rock. Calif...........Will C. Wood, Supt. of Banks.........................800 Hunter Dulin Bldg., Sutter and Montgomery Sts., San F. Colo........... Grant McFerson, Bank Commissioner.......... 125 State OfficeBldg. Denver. ‘ Axel B. Olson, Chief Deputy Bank Com.... Denver. “ John Jepson. Deputy Bank Com....................Denver. Geo. T. Atchison, Deputy Bank Com...........Denver. “ “ R. L. Bloss, Deputy Bank Com...................... Denver. " Walter J. Nelson, Deputy Bank Com...........Denver. Conn..........Lester E. Shippee, Commissioner.................... East Kiilingly. “ R. Gordon Baldwin, Deputy Com...................Bristol. “ Wm. P. Landon. Mgr. Bond Dept.................. Hartford. “ Wm. N. Scott, Field Director.......................... Hartford “ A. F. Austin, Bank Examiner..........................Torrington. *• Frank E. Irving Bank Examiner...................Bridgeport. “ George W. Austin, Bank Examiner................ Hartford. “ Eward R. Barlow, Bank Examiner................. Waterbury. “ Harold P. Splain, Assistant to the Com... .New Haven. “ Philip H. Moriarity. Bank Examiner........... Hartford. " Ralph R. MacKinnel, Bank Examiner......... East Haven. " John F. DiNonno, Bank Examiner............... New Britain. “ Stanley F. Gierymski. Bank Examiner .. . .New Britain. “ George B. Hotchkiss. Bank Examiner......... Hartford. " Burnham S. Gould, Bank Examiner............. Hartford. " Lynwood K. Elmore, Bank Examiner..........East Hartford. " Alfred B. Taravella, Bank Examiner............Windsor Locks. “ Thomas J. Convery, Bank Examiner........... Stamford. “ Richard Rapport, Bank Examiner.................Hartford. “ Reinhard Bardeck, Bank Examiner............... New Britain. “ Victor F. Mackenzie, Bank Examiner..........Waterbury. Del..............Harold W. Horsey, State Bank Com.............State House, Dover. “ Ira Lewis, Deputy Bank Com..........................Bridgeville. Fla.............. Ernest Amos, Comptroller................................ Tallahassee. “ W. M. McIntosh, Jr., General Chief Clerk. . Tallahassee. “ R. A. Gray, Asst, to the Comptroller...........Tallahassee. “ F. C. Cole, Banking Clerk................................ Tallahassee. J. E. Perkins, Bank Examiner........................Tallahassee. " E. M. Porter, Chief Bank Examiner.............Tallahassee. “ T. C. Hawkins, Bank Examiner..................... Miami. " G. C. White, Bank Examiner.......................... Starke. " A. W. Saarinen, Bank Examiner.................... Tallahassee. •• R. F. Rogers Jr., Bank Examiner................. Dunnellon. “ Sherman Drawdy, Bank Examiner................ Leesburg. *• E. P. Jackson, Bank Examiner....................... Tallahassee. " R. S. Adams, Building & Loan Ass’n Examiner.............................................................Miami. “ H. C. Bennett, Bldg. & Ln. Examiner ... .Ocala. " P. L. Etheredge, Bank Examiner...................De Soto City. •• L. E. Fenn, Bank Examiner.............................Plant City. Ga...............A. B. Mobley, Supt. of Banks......................... 7 State Capital Bldg. Atlanta. “ W. J. Davis, Asst. Supt. of Banks.................Atlanta. •• E. B. Douglass, Bank Examiner.................... Talbotton. “ W. D. Lloyd, Bank Examiner......................... Tallapoosa. M. E. Sisk, Bank Examiner............................Greensboro. •• N. R. Henderson, Bank Examiner.................Douelasville. “ O. G. Jackson, Bank Examiner....................... Atlanta. “ R. Forrester, Bank Examiner...........................Montezuma. “ C. L. Gruver. Bank Examiner.........................Summit. Idaho.*... ,E. W. Porter, Commissioner of Finance... .State Capitol Bldg. Boise. •• J. R. Middleton, Chief Examiner....................Boise. “ W. H. Horne. Examiner.....................................Boise. '• G. H. Wylie, Examiner.......................................Boise. “ E. R. Jones, Examiner........................................Boise. •• Wm. Mickelsen, Assistant Examiner............Boise. “ A. B. Wheeler, Assistant Examiner...............Boise. Illinois... .Oscar Nelson, Auditor. Main Office, Capitol Bldg....................................................................... Springfield. Chicago Office: 2600 Foreman National Bank Building, 33 N. La Salle St. Geneva Office: 111 Unity Bldg. “ E. E. Nicholson. Chief Bank Examiner.. . .Springfield. “ Justin Jaeger, Chief Bank Examiner, North ern Illinois Division........................................ Geneva. “ F. A. Adams, Chief Bank Examiner, Central and Southern Division...................................Springfield. •• F. E. Edgerton, Chief Examiner, Cook Co. Div.........................................................................Chicago. *• Ralph Fairbairn. Bank Examiner...................Chicago. " Harrison Mathewson, Bank Examiner..........Chicago. “ John W. Cruden, Bank Examiner..................Chicago. •• A. E. Kimlin, Bank Examiner..........................Chicago. •* H. E. Robertson, Bank Examiner................... Chicago. “ F. A. Bach, Bank Examiner.............................. Chicago. “ C. W. Crabtree, Bank Examiner..................... Chicago. “ H. M. Durst, Bank Examiner...........................Chicago. “ F. C. Mayne, Jr., Bank Examiner.................. Chicago. “ p. It. Wilkinson, Bank Examiner.................... Chicago. “ Frank Chew, Bank Examiner.......................... Springfield. “ Glen C. Hodges, Bank Examiner................... Springfield. •* O. A. James, Bank Examiner......................... Springfield. •• J. L. Northrup, BanK Examiner......................Springfield. *• J. E. Shearer, Bank Examiner..........................Springfield. " W. C. Shy, Bank Examiner..............................Springfield. “ R. J. Silver, Bank Examiner...........................Springfield. “ W. R. Rodenberger, Bank Examiner............Springfield. “ J. A. Schoeppel, Bank Examiner....................Springfield “ A. Ray Drennan, Bank Examiner..................Springfield. " W. E. Turnei. Trust Examiner.......................Springfield. “ Theron W. Plant, Bank Examiner................ Geneva. “ L. P. McAneney, Bank Examiner..................Geneva. “ R. M. Wylder, Bank Examiner.......................Geneva. •• J. B. Lennon, Bank Examiner.........................Geneva. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State Name Address .Luther F. Symons, Bank Commissioner, Room 241 State House................................Indianapolis & Lewisville. Thos. D. Barr, Deputy Commissioner......... Fairmount. C. M. Lawrence. Bank Examiner.................. Princeton. S. P. Good, Bank Examiner............................. Warren. j. W. Parrett. Bank Examiner......................-.Indianapolis. Harold Cox, Bank Examiner........................... Argos. Wm. R. Dexheimer, Bank Examiner............North Vernon. T. G. Inwood, Bank Examiner....................... Thorntown. J. E. Myer, Bank Examiner.............................Hammond. S. G. Bovard, Bank Examiner........................ Dupont. J. E. Grable, Bank Examiner..........................Churubusco. R. II. Wertenberger, Bank Examiner............Roann. Iowa..........L. A. Andrew, Supt. of Banking......................State House, Des Moines. “ W. O. Reed, Deputy Supt.................................Des Moines. ** C. W. Enyart, Director of Receiverships.. .Des Moine9. “ Carl Trout, Bank Examiner.............................. Ottumwa. “ F. W. Bloxham, Bank Examiner..................... Mason City. “ F. W. Walsmith, Bank Examiner....................Davenport. R. R. Blair, Bank Examiner..............................Waterloo. “ * L. H. Jurgemeyer. Bank Examiner...............Sheldon. • B. H. Wood, Bank Examiner.......................... Perry. “ V. O. Figge, Bank Examiner.............................Des Moines. “ L. D. Beckett, Bank Examiner........................ Northwood. “ Walter Light, Bank Examiner.......................... West Liberty “ H. R. Jackson, Bank Examiner.......................Spencer. “ W. E. Julius. Bank Examiner..........................Avoca. “ Ed. Beman, Jr., Examiner................................. Oskaloosa. “ E. A. Lettow, Examiner......................................Des Moines. “ G. 8. Krouth. Examiner..................................... Iowa City. “ H. B. Dresler, Bank Examiner......................... Des Moines. “ S. T. Egertson, Examiner.................................. Estherville. “ C. D. Emmert, Assistant Examiner............... Avoca. “ J. L. Althouse, Assistant Examiner................ Waterloo. “ E. R. Millard, Assistant Examiner............... Des Moines. Kansas... .H. W. Koeneke, Bank Commissioner...........Topeka. “ C. F. Gilpin, Deputy Bank Commissioner..Manhattan. “ R. F. O’Brien, Deputy Bank CommissionerSalina. “ Dale R. Ainsworth, Deputy Bank Com.. . .Topeka. T. J. Rhodes, Deputy Bank Com................... Frankfort. “ “ I. L. Perkins, Deputy Bank Com................... Salina. “ L. E. Mauck, Deputy Bank Com................... Topeka. Geo. K. Meier, Deputy Bank Com................. Topeka. “ “ H. B. Eagle, Deputy Bank Com...................... Parsons. “ L. C. Christenson, Deputy Bank Com...........Topeka. “ John R. Emery, Deputy Bank Com...............Fredonia. “ C. W. Starr, Deputy Bank Commissioner. .Long Island. “ R. J. Arbuthnot, Deputy Bank Com............. Bennington. “ H. F. Nelson, Deputy Bank Com................ Topeka. “ K. O. Munson, Deputy Bank Com............... Topeka. “ R. B. Schwartz, Deputy Bank Com.............. Topeka. “ E. D. Land, Deputy Bank Com......................Iola. “ F. C. Stuewe, Deputy Bank Com................ Topeka. Ky........ . .O. S. Denny, Banking Com..............................Frankfort. W. A. Dicken, Deputy Banking Com......... Frankfort. W. D. Archibald, Bank Examiner................. Louisville. J. C. Pickerill, Bank Examiner.......................Leitchfield. E. II. Short, Bank Examiner........................... Tompkinsville. J. Bryan Smith. Bank Examiner....................Hindman. J. C. Flener, Bank Examiner........................... Morgantown. A. G. Mainous, Bldg. & Ln. Examiner. . . .Richmond. K. A. Perkins, Bank Examiner....................... Harrodsburg. J. O. Porter, Bank Examiner........................... Georgetown. J. L. Hopper, Bank Examiner......................... Barbourville. . .J. S. Brock, State Bank Com........................... 623 Godchaux Bldg. New Orleans. O. H. Pittman, Chief Bank Examiner......... New Orleans. S. M. Richard, Bank Examiner...................... New Orleans. M. Finnegan, Bank Examiner.........................New Orleans. Louis Buckner, Bank Examiner......................Shreveport. A. R Johnson, Jr., Bank Examiner..............New Orleans. W. E. Wood, Asst. Supervisor.........................New Orleans. E. L. Chaney, Bank Examiner........................New Orleans. A. F. Babin. Bank Examiner........................... New Orleans P. C. Mosely, Bank Examiner........................ New Orleans. M. F. Harlan, Bank Examiner........................New Orleans. J. B. Hill, Examiner............................................New Orleans. W. C. Evans, Examiner..................................... New Orleans. J. W. Monroe, Examiner...................................New Orleans. . .John G. Smith, Bank Commissioner.............Augusta. Maine Sanger N. Annis, Deputy Bank Com............Augusta. T. Frank Parker, Senior Examiner................Belfast. Ernest C. Stinson, Bank Examiner............... Bangor. Woodburv Wallace, Bank Examiner............ Augusta. Le Roy Rollins, Assistant Examiner.............Lewiston. George H. Young, Assistant Examiner ... .Portland Harold W. Lord, Asst. Examiner....................Brewer. Annie R. Norman, Clerk...................................Augusta. . Geo. W. Page, Bank Com., Sixth Floor Union Md. Trust Bldg., cor. Charles and Fayette Sts.Baltimore. John D. Hospelhorn, Deputy Bank Com., Union Trust Bldg.............................................Baltimore. Wm. J. Gerbig, Senior Examiner, Union Trust Bldg.......................................................... Baltimore. H. E. Meeks, Senior Examiner, Union Trust Bldg.......................................................................Baltimore. T. H. Sherman, Senior Examiner, Union Trust Bldg.......................................................... Baltimore. A. C. Merriam, Jr., Senior Examiner, Union Trust Bldg.......................................................... Baltimore. W. E. Lutman, Senior Examiner, Union Trust Bldg.......................................................... Baltimore. C. A. Ringgold, Senior Examiner, Union Trust Bldg..........................................................Baltimore. C. E. Baden, Jr., Junior Examiner, Union Trust Bldg......................................................... Baltimore. V. C. Harrison, Junior Examiner, Union Trust Bldg.......................................................... Baltimore. . .Roy A. Hovey, Com. of Banks...................... 112 State House. Boston. Arthur Guy, Deputy Com. of Banks............Framingham. Elwood A. Wyman, Director of Div. of Savings Banks.................................................. Cambridge. Charles J. Bateman, Jr., Asst. Director of Div. of Savings Banks....................................Newtonville. Chas. H. Answorth, Director of Div. of Tr. Companies............................................ .... . . • .Beverly. Eugene Brimmer, Asst. Director of Div. of Trust Companies..............................................Malden. O. M. Tucker, Director of Div. of Co operative Banks and Credit Unions......... West. Somerville. R. J. Tubbs, Asst. Director of Div. of Co operative Banks and Credit Unions........... Greenwood. Leroy W. Leland, Director of Div. of CreditsNewtonville. Nelson B. Davis, Chief Clerk..........................Newton Highlands. Forrest F. Bursley, Senior Bank Examiner.Sumerville Howard A. Clark, Senior Bank Examiner. .Wakefield. Charles A. Crowell. Senior Bank Exam.. . .Salem. Philip A. Damon, Senior Bank Examiner. .Wakefield. William E. Day. Senior Bank Examiner. . .Chelsea Ralph E. Ellis, Senior Bank Examiner........Braintree. Ind........ 9 STATE BANK OFFICIALS AND EXAMINERS—Continued State Name Addrebs Mass.. . . . .Harold P. Jenks. Senior Bank Examiner. . .Dorchester. (cont.) William B. Jensen, Senior Bank Examiner.Framingham. Harry P. Jones, Senior Bank Examiner.. . Belmont. John L. Keyes, Senior Bank Examiner. . . .Lowell. George C. Mansfield, Senior Bank Exam.. . Rockland. Burt O. McKinley, Senior Bank Examiner.Lowell. Arthur S. Morey, Senior Bank Examiner.. .Belmont. George F. Davee, Asst. Bank Examiner. . .Plymouth. Lawrence E. Donovan, Asst. Bank Exam. .Brighton. Arthur W. Flint, Asst. Bank Examiner. . . .Wakefield. Chester A. Gray, Asst. Bank Examiner... .Medford. Paul H. Heywood. Asst. Bank Examiner... Wakefield, krarcis ,T. llillberg, Asst. Bank Examiner..Newton Lower Falls George H. Magurn, Asst. Bank Examiner.. Roslindale. John F. Rich, Asst. Bank Examiner.............Dorchester. Stephen M. Torrey, Asst. Bank Exam.........Marblehead. John E. Turner, Asst. Bank Examiner........ Greenwood. Geo. V. Wallace, Jr., Asst. Bank Examiner Wakefield. Nathan L. Whitten, Asst. Bank Exam........ Campello. Albert M. Whitworth, Asst. Bank Exam.. .Lowell. Horace W. Whynot. Asst. Bank Exam........ Roslindale. Alexander II. Allan, Jr., Junior Bank Exam.Winthrop. Harold E. Almy, Junior Bank Examiner.. .Dorchester. Carl H. Baker, Junior Bank Examiner. . . .Wollaston. George W. Barron, Junior Bank Examiner.Beverly. Joseph R. Beetle, Junior Bank Examiner. . Dorchester. Charles R. Bell, Junior Bank Examiner... .Wollaston. Everett E. Bergstrom, Junior Bank Exam. Worcester. Joseph L. Brighton, Junior Bank Exam.. . .Somerville. N. S. Chadwick, Junior Bank Examiner. . .Winchester. Joseph F. Connellan, Junior Bank Exain... Brookline. Michael J. Dunnigan, Junior Bank Exam. . Boston. Samuel W Eldridge, Junior Bank Exam.. .West Medford. Oscar Falling, Junior Bank Examiner.. .Arlington. Horace H. Feltham, Junior Bank Exam... .Amesbury. Samuel T. Foster, Junior Bank Examiner. .Arlington. Henry Haeberle, Junior Bank Examiner. . .Jamaica Plain. .. Roxbury. . . Boston. Frank L. Hubbard. Junior Bank Exam . . .Waverly. . .Jamaica Plain. . . Melrose. Glen H. Martin, Junior Bank Examiner. Harry B.Quinn, Junior Bank Examiner Wolcott S. Savery, Junior Bank Exam . Harry L. Sawyer, Junior Bank Exam. Harold B. Spurling, Junior Bank Exam.. Eugene F. Storrs, Junior Bank Exam.. . . Benj. F. Strand, Jr., Junior Bank Exam. Edward S. Whitmarsh, Junior Bk. Exam. Leslie M. Woodward, Junior Bank Exain Mich Miss.. . Waltham. .. Somerville. . .Chelmsford. • Milton. . Quincy. .Wakefield. . Cambridge. . Plymouth. .Newtonville. .East Lynn. .Needham. . Brookline, r.Jamaica Plain. . Newton. . Bridgewater. . Waban. .Brighton. .Arlington. . Arlington. .Malden. . Beverly. . Allston. . Lansing. .Lansing. . Saginaw. . Detroit. . Albion. .Bay City. .Battle Creek. . Riverdale. . Webberville. . Lansing. . Hartford. . Lansing. . Lansing. .Ludington. . Bay City. . Decatur. .Ann Arbor. . Quincy. . Ann Arbor. . Lansing. .Sault Ste. Marie. . Henderson. . Lansing. . Litchfield. . Ionia. . Grand Rapids. . Lansing. .Bronson. . Clare. . Mecosta. . Ann Arbor. . Howell. . Ludington. . Albion. . Lansing. . St. Johns. .Mt. Clemens. .Battle Creek. .St. Paul. E. W. Swanson, Deputy Commissioner. . . Minneapolis. C. L. Mikkelsen, Second Deputy Com.. . .St. Paul. C. D. Lundin. Chief Clerk........................... St. Paul. W. A. Smith, Examiner in Charge of Liq„. datlon......... Paul. J. L. Haas, Examiner for Cities of First - Claw.....................................................................St. Paul. O. I. Brandvold, bank Examiner................. Fergus Falls Henry Lende, Bank Examiner...................... Appleton N. D. Dixon, Bank Examiner.........................Minneapolis. M. E. Walsh, Bank Examiner.........................St. Paul. H. R. Kneeland, Bank Examiner.................. St. Peter. W. J. Stutzman, Bank Examiner...................Mankato. Jacob Rigg, Bank Examiner........................... Ada. H. V. Montgomery, Bank Examiner........... Minneapolis. D. R. Spieker, Bank Examiner....................... Duluth. C. M. Wenzel, Bank Examiner..................... St. Paul. E. A. Highum, Bank Examiner....................... Preston. H. G. McConnell, Bank Examiner............... Minneapolis. Fred J. Ludtke, Assistant Examiner............Montevido. G. V. Markey, Assistant Examiner............... Worthington. R. S. Picha, Assistant Examiner.................... St. Paul. C. E. Melbye. Assistant Examiner................Fergus Falls. J. G. Angell. Assistant Examiner...................Crookston. P. A. Peterson, Assistant Examiner............. Duluth. D. S. Struble, Assistant Examiner................ Minneapolis. G. W. Aakvik, Assistant Examiner............... St. Peter. .J. S. Love, Supt. of Banks................................Jackson Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 State Name Address Miss............. E. B. Fulgham, Secretary............................... Jackson (cont.) L. E. Brown, Special agent............................ Jackson. W. B. McLain, Liquidating Agent................Jackson. C. T. Johnson, Bank Examiner......................Jackson. B. H. Caldwell, Bank Examiner.....................Jackson. R. G. Duke. Bank Examiner........................... Jackson. E. M. Summer, Bank Examiner.................... Jackson. W. B. Pollard. Bank Examiner...................... Jackson. E. L. Brien, Jr., Bank Examiner....................Jackson. Mo................ S. L. Cantley, Com. of Finance..................... Jefferson City. A. C. Martin, Deputy Com. of Finance. . .Jefferson City S. L. Wonsetler, Deputy Com. of Finance. Kansas Citv. Truman W. Richards. Bank Examiner.. . .Lamar. W. A. Chapman, Asst. Examiner...................Maryville. C. M. Duncan, Bank Examiner ................... Poplar Bluff F. A. Guiles, Bank Examiner.......................... Kirksville. W. A. Hombs, Bank Examiner...................... Glenwood. H. G. Harrison, Bank Examiner.................... St. Louis. F. W. Heyde, Jr., Bank Examiner................ St. Joseph. Geo. U. Freund, Bank Examiner................... Warsaw. E. T. Messenbaugh, Bank Examiner............Braymer. U. P. Moody, Bank Examiner........................Wentworth. L. J. Mulligan, Bank Examiner......................Kansas City. J. B. Norris, Bank Examiner...........................Kirksville. Roy D. Miller, Bank Examiner...................... Jefferson City. B. H. Swan, Bank Examiner...........................Hannibal. W. A. Shaw, Bank Examiner.......................... Columbia. R. E. Shelby, Bank Examiner.........................Maryville. Joseph Zick, Bank Examiner........................... Kansas City. Fern E. Willard, Bank Examiner...................Lebanon. R. A. Miller, Bank Examiner..........................Columbia. C. V. Estes, Asst. Bank Examiner................... Greenville. L. F. Mills, Asst. Bank Examiner................. P’orest City. Eugene Wirth, Asst. Bank Examiner........... Marble Hall. E. J. Geiselman, Asst. Bank Examiner. . . .St. Louis. Oscar Loewnau, Asst. Bank Examiner.........St. Louis. Mont..........Arthur J. Lochrie, Supt. of Banks, State Capitol Bldg......................................................Helena I <• G. M. Robertson, Chief Bank Examiner. . . . Helena. S. L. Kieve, Bank Examiner........................... Helena. 44 R. L. Smith, Bank Examiner......................... Helena. 44 R. N. Hawkins. Asst. State Examiner.........Helena. A. E. Williamson, Deputy State Examiner.Missoula. B. A. Risley, Deputy State Examiner......... Dillon. 44 R. A. Lathom, Deputy State Examiner.. ..Columbus. 44 A. M. Johnson, Deputy State Examiner. . .Thompson Falls Neb. . . Clarence G. Bliss, Secretary, Department of Trade and Commerce.................................... State Capitol Bldg _r Lincoln. Geo. W. Woods, Bank Commissioner, De partment of Trade and Commerce, State Capitol Bldg...................................................... Lincoln. Geo. B. Wilson, Chief, Bureau of Banking, Dept, of Trade and Commerce...................State Capitol Bldg. _ „ Lincoln. Fred E. Allen, Bank Examiner...................... Columbus. 44 Fred W. Babka, Bank Examiner...................Belvidere. J. Y. Castle, Bank Examiner...........................Grand Island. H. Y. Davis, Bank Examiner..........................Stella. 44 Merle N. Foster, Bank Examiner..................Lincoln. Merl H. Garrison, Bank Examiner............... Ashland. Richard Hadley, Bank Examiner.................. Lincoln. A. F. Jorgensen, Bank Examiner...................Lincoln. R. H. Larson, Bank Examiner........................Omaha. C. A. Lau, Bank Examiner.............................. Sutherland. J. F. McLain, Bank Examiner....................... Norfolk. J. O. Peck, Bank Examiner............................. Dawson. L. C. Sorensen, Bank Examiner.....................Fremont. M. K. Van Horne, Bank Examiner.............. Pawnee Citv. New. • B. J. Seaborn, Bank Examiner....................... Carson City. N. H. . .Arthur E. Dole, Commissioner....................... State House, , Concord. Leon O. Gerry, Deputy Coni........................... Concord. N. J . .Hugh H. Hilson, Deputy Commissioner. . .Trenton. G. Hayes Markley, Chief Bank Examiner. .W'estfield. Robert B. Allardice, Senior Bank Exam... . Westfield A. S. Amerman, Senior Bank Examiner. .. .Trenton. George Compton, Senior Bank Examiner. . Trenton. “ John T. Connolly, Senior Bank Examiner.. Trenton. 44 George A. McLaughlin Senior Bk.Examiner Bordentown 44 Robert F. Minch, Senior Bank Examiner. . Bridgeton. 4t Verner D. Peer, Senior Bank Examiner.. . .Summit. 44 Harry Prosser, Senior Bank Examiner.........East Orange Theodore B. Furman, Senior Bank Ex.........East Orange. Edw. B. Snook, Senior Bank Examiner. . . . Princeton. John M. Baker, Junior Bank Examiner. . . .Trenton. Frank H. Betz, Junior Bank Examiner. . . .Kearny. Franklin W. Bright, Junior Bank Exam.. . .Rutherford. John B. Cunningham, Junior Bank Exam. .Jersey City.Charles H. Dunham, Junior Bank Exam.. .Plainfield. 44 Edward M. Field, Junior Bank Examiner. .Elizabeth. Walter B. Firman, Junior Bank Exam........ Trenton. Frank J. Fitzpatrick, Junior Bank Exam.. .Elizabeth. Oscar B. Garthwaite, Jr., Junior Bk. Exam.Rahway. Harry R. Grace, Junior Bank Examiner. . .Laurel Springs. Benjamin P. Gregg, Junior Bank Exam... . Bloomfield. 44 Charles A. Kraus, Junior Bank Examiner. .Grantwood. Walter L. Lyons, Junior Bank Examiner.. .Emerson. 44 Frank M. Power, Junior Bank Examiner... Ridgefield Park. 44 Alfred Sasser, Junior Bank Examiner.......... Trenton. *• D. O. Stabily, Junior Bank Examiner......... Summit. 44 William M. Struble, Junior Bank Exam... .Belleville. «• John W. West, Junior Bank Examiner. . . .Hightstown. N. M. .Lawrence A. Tamme, State Bank Exam. . .Capitol Bldg.. Santa Fe. A. M. Richardson, Deputy State Bk. Ex. ..Santa Fe. 44 Jacob Stapleton, Deputy State Bk. Exam... Santa Fe. 44 Justo Lucero, Special Asst. Blue-sky Dept.. Santa Fe. N. Y.. .Joseph A. Broderick, Supt., State of New York Capitol......................................................Albauy. N. Y. George Overocker, 1st Deputy....................... Poughkeepsie. George A. Coleman, 2d Deputy.....................Albany. R. W. Pawling, 3d Deputy...............................New York City. Thomas J. O'Connell, 4th Deputy................ New York City. G. W. Egbert, Chief Examiner....................... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. H. J. Young, Bank Examiner......................... Syracuse. H. S. Andrews, Bank Examiner....................51ChambersSt.,N.Y R. W. Humphrey. Bank Examiner .............51ChambersSt.,N Y. J. S. Love, Bank Examiner.............................. 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Fletcher G. Crane, Bank Examiner..............51ChambersSt..N.Y. H. B. Kennedy, Bank Examiner................... Auburn. Joseph H. Zweeres, Bank Examiner............. Rochester John I. Mesick, Bank Examiner.....................Albany. F. W. Piderit, Bank Examiner....................... 51CharubersSt.,N.Y. Peter N. Shippee, Bank Examiner................ Albany. S. I. Chittenden, Bank Examiner..................51ChambersSt.,N.Y Arthur B. Vogel, Bank Examiner..................51ChambersSt.,N.Y. E. W. Irving, Bank Examiner........................ 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. C. E. Nathaway, Bank Examiner................. Albany. Rho L. Bush, Bank Examiner........................ 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Louis N. Roe, Bank Examiner....................... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y Ralph T. Simmons, Bank Examiner............ 51ChambersSt..N.Y. Arthur Koch. Bank Examiner........................ Saratoga Springs. G. M. Aldrich, Bank Examiner.......................MChambersSt ,N.Y STATE BANK OFFICIALS AND EXAMINERS—Continued State Name Address N. Y........... F. L. H. Holzer, Bank Examiner....................Buffalo. (cont.) Lawrence H. Geser, Bank Examiner............51ChambersSt..N.Y. Geo. A. Strack. Bank Examiner.....................,51ChamDersSt.,N.Y L. W. Palmer. Bank Examiner....................... Rochester. Herbert C. Rogers, Bank Examiner............. 51CbambersSt.,N.Y. E. J. Bangert, Bank Examiner....................... Buffalo. Fred T. Bolan. Bank Examiner...................... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Charles Clarke, Bank Examiner..................... Delmar. Mortimei S. Cole, Bank Examiner................51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Samuel Rauch, Bank Examiner...................... 5lChambersSt..N.Y. Alfred L. Taylor, BanK Examiner................. 5lChambersSt.,N.Y. Wm. D. Navin, Bank Examiner.................. 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. John M. Egan, Bank Examiner..................... Buffalo. Ambrose J. Delaney, Bank Examiner..........Rochester. Schuyler L. Baum, Bank Examiner..............Syracuse. Guy F. Baker, Bank Examiner...................... Syracuse. Frank C. Maher, Bank Examiner................. 51ChanibersSt.,N.Y Arthur P. McQuade, Bank Examiner..........SlChambersSt.,N Y P. V. Liehr, Bank Examiner........................... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. C. G. Niebank, Bank Examiner.....................Rochester. Thomas M. Little, Bank Examiner.............. Buffalo. James A. Schaumburg, Bank Examiner... ,5lChambersSt.,N.Y. Wm. P. Mitchell. Bank Examiner.................51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Andrew Eisen, Bank Examiner...................... 51ChambersSt..N.Y. George R. Dise, Bank Examiner................... Buffalo. Marcus Koster, Bank Examiner.................... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Edward H. Leete, Bank Examiner................5lChambersSt.,N.Y. John J. Sullivan, Bank Examiner..................Albany. Guy E. Thompson, Bank Examiner............. Buffalo. Chas. H. Schoch, Bank Examiner................. 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. John A. Tripp, Bank Examiner......................Rochester. R. A. Brennan, Bank Examiner..................... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. William J. McAuliffe. Bank Examiner........ 5lChambersSt.,N.Y. Allen L. Gillet, Bank Examiner...................... Rochester. Clarence A. Masker, Bank Examiner........... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. August Ihlefield, Jr., Bank Examiner.......... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Earl Harkness, Bank Examiner...................... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Geo. J. Riedel, Bank Examiner...................... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Hugh H. Williams, Bank Examiner..............Syracuse. Geo. A. Porter, Bank Examiner..................... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Wm. J. Koepchen. Bank Examiner.............. 51ChambersSt..N.Y. Edward Zimmerman, Bank Examiner..........Buffalo. Walter H. Wiesner, Bank Examiner............. 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Bernard J. Hirschfleld, Bank Examiner... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. A. O. Johnson. Bank Examiner...................... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Gerald R. Dorman, Bank Examiner............. 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Robert A. Barnet, Jr., Bank Examiner ... .51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Thomas Martinus, Bank Examiner...............51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Joseph B. Zweifel, Bank Examiner................51ChambersSt.,N.Y. John C. Dieckert, Bank Examiner................ 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. John D. Hamilton, Bank Examiner..............51ChambersSt.,N.Y. H. R. MacEwen, Bank Examiner..................Syracuse, N. Y. John F. McCloskey, Bank Examiner........... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Arthur J. Ruble, Bank Examiner...................51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Robert E. Pratt, Bank Examiner.................. 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Wm. DeC. White, Bank Examiner................51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Roger F. Molloy, Bank Examiner................. 5lChambersSt.,N.Y. Edward F. X. Wolfe, Bank Examiner......... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Paul V. Liehr, Bank Examiner....................... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. John J. Cavanaugh, Bank Examiner............51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Robert E. Chellis, Bank Examiner................51ChambersSt.,N.Y. D. Cushman, Bank Examiner......................... Buffalo, N. Y. Edmond W. Browne, Bank Examiner......... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Joseph V. Mullaly, Bank Examiner..............51ChambersSt.,N.Y. H. Le Roy Miller, Bank Examiner............... Rochester. Margaret E. Kennedy, Bank Examiner... .51ChambersSt.,N.Y. James A. Sheeran, Bank Examiner............... 51ChambersSt.,N.Y. Henry J. Nauer, Bank Examiner...................510hambersSt..,N.Y. . . . .John Mitchell, Chief Bank Examiner, Bank ing Dept., Corporation Commission..........Raleigh. W. L. Williams, Bank Examiner.................... Raleigh. D. M. Darden, Bank Examiner......................Raleigh. L. H. Harrison, Asst. Bank Examiner......... Raleigh. W. M. Wiggins, Asst Bank Examiner.........Raleigh. Jno. A. Campbell, Jr., Asst. Bank Exam.. . .Raleigh. B. R. Roberts. Asst. Bank Examiner........... Raleigh. J. B. Carson, Asst- Bank Examiner.............. Raleigh. C. C. Meroney, Asst. Bank Examiner......... Raleigh . . . .Gilbert Semingson, State Examiner.............. Bismarck. J. M. Shirek, Office Deputy............................ Bismarck. R. S. See, Deputy Examiner........................... Minot. J. L. McRae, Deputy Examiner.....................Devils Lake. J. W. Goodman, Deputy Examiner.............. Leonard. J. K. Nesvik, Deputy Examiner.................... Grand Forks. John Will, Deputy Examiner...........................Leith. Andrew Sathe, Deputy Examiner (City and Co.)........................................................................Forman. J. R. Snyder, Deputy Exam. (City and Co.)Bismarck. J. A. Brown. Deputy Exam. (City and Co.). Rolla. Martin J. Engeseth, Deputy Exam. (City and Co.)...............................................................Minot. Ohio........... E. H. Blair, Supt. of Banks.............................. Columbus. F. R. Ambrose, Asst. Supt. of Banks........... Columbus. Chas. C. Safffn, Jr., Attorney..........................Columbus. D. A. Filler, Chief Examiner........................... Columbus. W. J. Skehan, Bank Examiner........................Toledo. Clyde Sharp, Bank Examiner......................... Ada. Thos. McEldowny, Bank Examiner............. Upper Sandusky. C. D. Houser, Bank Examiner..........................Upper Sandusky. D. J. Schurr, Bank Examiner......................... Columbus. J. E. Mason, Bank Examiner..........................Medina. H. J. Schulte, Bank Examiner........................ Cincinnati. G. W. Burr, Bank Examiner........................... Lakewood. Eugene King, Bank Examiner........................ Deshler. C. A. Ladrach, Bank Examiner......................Dover. Chas. W. Miller, Bank Examiner.................. Newark. E. R. Schurr, Bank Examiner......................... London. N. E. Reichelderfer, Bank Examiner............Circlevilie. Lawrence E. Smart, Bank Examiner............Oberlin. Paul Warner, Bank Examiner.........................Utica. H. F. Ashley, Bank Examiner.........................Oberlin. W. J. Monahan, Bank Examiner...................Columbus. Isaac II. Jones, Bank Examiner.....................Cincinnati. Wm. M. Konzen, Bank Examiner.................Napoleon. Cyrus R. Lawrence, Examiner........................Columbus. Leroy Kuhlman, Trust Examiner..................New Knoxville. Mel. J. Shaw, Trust Examiner........................Columbus. Irene Berger, Asst. Examiner........................... Mt. Vernon. John V. Cameron, Trust Examiner............... Cincinnati. Wm. S. Fronizer, Asst. Examiner................. Fremont. Geo. T. Blake, Examiner..................................Columbus. R. W. Lind, Asst. Bank Examiner............... Canton. R. W. Mytholar, Asst. Bank Examiner.. . .Akron. Paul Mitchell, Asst. Bank Examiner............Columbus. E. B. Gray, Asst. Bank Examiner.................Columbus. .........C. G. Shull, Bank Commissioner, State Capitol Bldg........................................................Oklahoma City. C. J. Alexander, Asst. Bank Commissioner, State Capitol Bldg.......................................... Oklahoma City. J. D. Pennington, Bank Examiner, State Capitol Bldg.................................................... *. Oklahoma City. W. C. Ernest, Bank Examiner, State Capitol Building...............................................Oklahoma City. H. H. Hinkle, Bank Examiner.......................Hugo. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State Name Address Okla. ... . .E. E. Wilson, Bank Examiner.........................Oklahoma City. (cont.) W. R. Samuel. Bank Examiner.......................Oklahoma City. M. C. Trimble, Bank Examiner..................... Shawnee. C. B. Markham, Bank Examiner...................Pryor. Tom G. Taylor, Bank Examiner.................... Oklahoma City. J. R. Caudle. Bank Examiner......................... Tulsa. W. E. Clark, Bank Examiner.......................... Durant. E. C. Gay, Building & Loan Auditor........... Oklahoma City. . A. A. Schramm, Supt. of Banks..................... Salem. Ore Tinkham Gilbert, Asst. Supt. of Banks. . . .Salem. H. O. Voget, Examiner.......................................Portland Herbert F. Clarke. Examiner...........................Portland. M. W. Starbuck, Examiner..............................Portland. Fred H.Moes, Examiner................................... Portland. George E. Cusick, Asst. Examiner................ Portland. E. T. Way. Asst. Examiner..............................Portland. O. J. Smith, Secretary........................................ Salem. E. M. Drew, Statistician...................................Salem. . .Peler G. Cameron, Secretary of Banking, State Capitol Bldg................ .. .................... Harrisburg. James A. Taylor, First Deputy Secretary. .Indiana. Irland M. Beckman, Deputy Secretary. . . .Erie. Walter E. Burns, Deputy Secretary..............Harrisburg. E. J. Sitgreaves, Deputy Secretary............... Harrisburg. H. H. Eshbach, Chief, Bureau of Bldg. & Loan Associations.............................................Harrisburg. Laurence C. Glass, Chief Clerk...................... Harrisburg. George H. Orth, Chief, Bureau of Private Banks....................................................................Harrisburg. Rolland L. Adams, Bank Examiner..............Newport. R. Harold Auen. Bank Examiner.................. Pittsburgh. J. W. Barrett, Bank Examiner....................... Bethlehem. Chas. K. Booda, Bank Examiner...................Middletown. A. Rise Bowman, Bank Examiner.................Lebanon. Christian H. Brandt, Bank Examiner..........Harrisburg. Walter C. Brenneis, Bank Examiner............ Conneautsville. Chas. V. Brown, Bank Examiner...................Philadelphia. Earl D. Buck, Bank Examiner....................... Muncy. R. B. Carmany, Bank Examiner.................... Harrisburg. Ernest M. Clark. Bank Examiner................. Philadelphia. Wm. V. Davies, Bank Examiner.................... Harrisburg. Fred K. Dennison, Bank Examiner.............. Bywood. Thomas Dixon, Bank Examiner.....................Philadelphia. Robert W. Doty, Chief Bank Examiner. . .Bywood. John B. Dunlap, Bank Examiner.................. Muncy. Robert P. Ferguson, Chief Bank Exam.. . .York. W. Clifford Ferry, Bank Examiner................Pittsburgh. J. Allen Gebhard, Bank Examiner................ Lebanon. Frank Glatfelter, Bank Examiner..................Columbia. Raymond H. Gorsuch, Bank Examiner.. . .Yellow Creek. Wm. H. Gross. Bank Examiner......................Pittsburgh. Frederick C. Hallowell, Bank Examiner... .Wayne. Joseph R. Harkness. Jr., Bank Examiner. .Harrisburg. C. C. Headland, Bank Examiner...................Pitcairn. Walter S. Hoke, Bank Examiner....................Newport. R. K. Houck, Bank Examiner.........................Indiana. Harold T. Houston, Bank Examiner............Beaver Falls. T. Earl Hutchinson, Bank Examiner............Chester. Frank W. Jackson, Bank Examiner............. Apollo. Elliot D. Jones, Bank Examiner.....................Kingston Elwood H. Keithan, Bank Examiner........... Sunbury. Ralph W. Knowles, Bank Examiner............ Philadelphia C. F. T. Lancaster, Bank Examiner............. Bellevue. R. F. Landis, Bank Examiner........................ Halifax. R. S. Landis, Bank Examiner..........................Lancaster. M. J. Lavin, Bank Examiner........................... Wilkes-Barre. A. V. Lees, Bank Examiner..............................Swarthmore. W. Dittrich Levy, Bank Examiner................Philadelphia. Ralph Lischy, Bank Examiner.......................Roslyn. Wm. J. McCuen, Bank Examiner..................Philadelphia. Thos. P. McGarrity, Bank Examiner...........Philadelphia. J. H. McLaughlin, Bank Examiner...............Wilkinsburg. Jos. F. Malott, Bank Examiner......................Philadelphia. Ondree H. Marsh, Bank Examiner...............Tunkhannock. Raymond A. Mayer, Bank Examiner......... Valley View. John L. Meighen, Bank Examiner................ Waynesburg. James M. Miller, Bank Examiner............... .Pittsburgh. J. Stanley Miller, Bank Examiner.............. Harrisburg, Paul H. Miller, Bank Examiner....................Beallsville. John L. O’Harrow, Bank Examiner..............Rural Valley. G. B. Osborne, Bank Examiner..................... Munhall. C. Edwin Payne, Bank Examiner..................Pleasant Mt. Edward J. Price, Bank Examiner.................. New Kensington. Elmer D. Reinert, Bank Examiner............... Roxborough, Phila. Ralph W. Reitzel, Bank Examiner................Williamsport. Ralph S. Ruth, Bank Examiner....................Scranton. Charles K. Scheffter, Bank Examiner...........Pittsburgh. Chas. E. Schmucker, Bank Examiner......... Philadelphia. H. L. Scott, Bank Examiner............................Ben Avon. Wm. C. Selsor, Bank Examiner...................... Philadelphia. R. H. Shick, Bank Examiner........................... Duquesne. Geo. T. Sloan, Bank Examiner....................... Carnegie. William R. Smith, Bank Examiner............... Philadelphia. Charles W. Snyder, Bank Examiner............. Sunbury. Wm. H. Soule, Bank Examiner.......................Newport. Chas. A. Steele, Bank Examiner.................... Franklin. Raymond R. Stoner, Bank Examiner...........Harrisburg. Chas. G. Strang, Bank Examiner..................Punxsutawney. Frank S. Strite, Bank Examiner.....................Greencastle. George M. Stroud, Jr., Bank Examiner... .Chester. George S. Summers, Chief Bank Exam.. . .Harrisburg. J. D. Swigart, Chief Bank Examiner............Kittanning. E. B. Toppin, Bank Examiner........................ Mt. Joy. Wm. R. Turner, Bank Examiner................... Chester. Cyril G. Vogel, Bauk Examiner..................... Pittsburgh. J. F. Whelihan, Jr., Bank Examiner.............Philadelphia. W R. Wirth, Bank Examiner......................... Pittsburgh. Paul A. Yeager, Bank Examiner.................... Du Bois. Chas. H. Zimmerman, Bank Examiner. . . .Huntingdon. Otto P. Lippman, Private Bank Examiner.Harrisburg. George II. Slaine, Private Bank Examiner. Greensburg. . . .Geo. H. Newhall, Bank Commissioner.........Room 110 State House, Providence. E. J. Littlefield, Deputy Commissioner.. . .Providence. W. L. Offer, Bank Examiner............................Providence. John T. Pollard, Bank Examiner...................East Providence. R. L. Sayles, Bank Examiner..........................Cranston. Albert B. Jeffers, Bank Examiner..................Providence. John T. Marshall, Bank Examiner................Barrington. Irma G. Henrikson, Clerk................................. Providence. Madeline T. Mulgrew. Clerk........................... Providence. . . .Albert S. Fant, State Bank Examiner..........Columbia. W. R. Watkins, Associate Bank Exam........ Greenville. C. W. Calhoun, Associate Bank Examiner. Bishopville. D. J. Winn. Asst. Bank Examiner.................Darlington. W. R. Scarborough, Asst. Bank Examiner Columbia. W. A. Harper, Asst. Bank Exam....................Honea Pathe. C. M. Fuller, Asst. Bank Examiner..............Pacolet.. J. M. Smith, Auditor..........................................Columbia. W. N. Query, Asst. State Auditor................. Columbia. ... .Fred R. Smith. Supt. of Banks.......................Pierre. A. E. Fossum, Deputy Supt. of Banks........Pierre. O. B. Wallace, Asst, to Supt. of Banks.... Pierre. 11 STATE BANK OFFICIALS AND EXAMINERS—Continued State Name Address State S.D......... . T. B. Thorson, Counsel......................................Pierre. (cont.) U. G. Stevenson, Bank Examiner..................Sioux Falls. E. J. Morris, Bank Examiner.......................... Aberdeen. Chris Hirninp, Bank Examiner...................... Mitchell. S. E. Anderson, Bank Examiner.....................Sioux Falls. G. W. Schumacher, Bank Examiner............. Huron. B. F. Bambenek. Bank Examiner..................Aberdeen, F. S. Barber, Bank Examiner......................... Pierre. H. F. Bottcher, Bank Examiner.....................Yankton. Tenn.. . H. L. Grigsby, Supt. of Banks........................ State Memorial. Nashville. Hallum W. Goodloe, Asst. Supt. of Banks. .Nashville J. F. Hunt, Bank Examiner............................. Memphis. H. G. BrattoD, Bank Examiner......................Nashville. I. H. Wilson, Bank Examiner..........................Jackson. J. M. Davis, Bank Examiner.......................... Eawrenceburg P. H. CallahaD, Bank Examiner.....................Athens. S. E. Wallace, Bank Examiner........................Nashville. H. B. Clarke, Bank Examiner.........................Troy. J. D. Smith, Examiner....................................... Milan. Texas.........James Shaw. Banking Commissioner.............State Capitol.Austin W. A. Sandlin, Deputy Banking Com.......... State Capitol.Austin Utah., .... W. H. Hadlock, Bank Commissioner, Room 217, State Capitol Bldg..................................Salt Lake City. R. S. Jones, Chief Examiner............................ Salt Lake City. Chesley Barton, Bank Examiner.................. Salt Lake City. E. C. Robbins, Bank Examiner.....................Salt Lake City. Vt ,.. .R. C. Clark, Bank Commissioner, State St.Montpelier. Jessie A. Watkins, Chief Clerk........................Montpelier. L. H. Lavalley, Bank Examiner.................... Rutland. R. D. Watkins, Bank Examiner.................... Barre. Va ,...M. E. Bristow, Deputy Com. of Ins. & Banking, 1010 State Office Bldg..................Richmond. L. R. Ritchie. Examiner................................... Richmond. B. J. Woodward, Examiner..............................Richmond. R. M. Charlton, Examiner............................... Roanoke. E. A. Leake, Examiner...................................... Richmond. E. J. Smith, Examiner.......................................Saluda. R. T. Short, Examiner.......................................Lawrenceville. W. S. Burnley, Clerk..........................................Richmond. D. T. Zentmeyer, Asst. Examiner............... Bristol W. D. Blanks, Bank Examiner...................... Petersburg. C. P. Justis, Asst. Bank Examiner................Blackstone. Wash .... H. C. Johnson, Supervisor of Banking........ Olympia. S. Zeno Varnes, Deputy Supervisor of Bkg.Olympia. C. S. Moody, Asst. Supervisor of Banking . . Olympia. H. S. Wilson. Bank Examiner......................... Spokane. A. L. Cryor, Bank Examiner........................... Spokane. Geo. H. Jackson, Bank Examiner..................Seattle. A. J. Cotton, Bank Examiner......................... Kelso. O. Williams, Bank Examiner........................... Seattle. L. J. Esslinger, Bank Examiner......................Yakima. V. W. Platt, Bank Examiner........................... Wenatchee. G. M. Lewis, Asst. Bank Examiner..............Olympia. W. Va........ H. A. Abbott, Com. of Banking...................... Charleston. Name Address W. Va. . . .E. L. Morrison, Deputy Com. of Banking. .Charleston. (cont.) W. R. Seal, Assistant Commissioner............ Charleston. Marion Workman, Assistant Commissioner. Keyser. John J. Nash, Asst. Com..................................Huntington. Helen S. Barringer, Secretary........................ Charleston. Alta Wagner, Asst. Secretary.........................Charleston. W. Ray Tabler, Asst. Commissioner............ Parkersburg. “ L. D. Griffin. Asst. Commissioner...................Clarksburg. O. S. Summers, Asst. Commissioner............. Clendenin. “ Claude F. Smith, Asst. Commissioner...........West Union. “ Paul Sayre, Asst. Commissioner......................Grafton. C. E. Lawhead, Asst. Commissioner.............Pt. Pleasant. Wis............. C. F. Schwenker, Com. of Banking................State Capitol Bldg. Madison. W. H. Richards, Deputy Com. of Banking.Black River Falls. Thomas Herreid, Chief Examiner................. Madison. C. P. Diggles, Bldg, and Loan Supervisor. .Madison. C. E. Butters, Chief Clerk and Examiner. .Madison. R. B. Ellis. Bank Examiner..............................Madison. Chas. T. Shape, Bank Examiner....................Milwaukee. W. C. Edwards, Bank Examiner....................Madison. G. W. Jamieson, Bank Examiner...................Madison. I. E. Backus, Bank Examiner......................... Madison. Geo. O. F. Poundstone, Bank Examiner. . . Mellen. E. F. Witzig, Bank Examiner......................... Eau Claire. Stanley Schafer, Bank Examiner...................Green Bay. “ Gustave shape, Bank Examiner......................Madison. Walter Nyhus, Bank Examiner...................... Chippewa Falls. Thos. M. Purtell. Examiner............................ Madison. “ Stanley Caldwell, Examiner.............................. Lodi. Harry W. Barney, Asst. Examiner............... Sparta. Harry Haslett, Asst. Examiner...................... Loyal. “ Arthur C. Moors, Asst. Examiner...................Wauwatosa. Herbert E. Platz, Asst. Examiner..................Milwaukee. “ Karl V. Schoenecker, Asst. Examiner............Milwaukee. R. D. Luther, Asst. Examiner.........................Waupaca. Clarence C. Steele, Asst. Examiner...............Sparta. J. G. Schweizer, Asst. Examiner.................... Madison. “ H. F. Ibach, Asst. Examiner.............................Alma. R. E. Killeen, Asst. Examiner.........................Wautoma. “ F. C. Teslte, Asst. Examiner............................. Princeton. G. E. Vallier, Asst. Examiner..........................South Milwaukee. “ Genevieve McCarthy, Clerk..............................Madison. Harry T. Neperud, Clerk..................................Pigeon Falls. “ C. M. Morrison, Clerk.........................................Madison. L. Belle Shape, Clerk................................. .Madison. J. L. Nelson, Clerk.............................................. Algoma. Wyo........... John A. Reed, State Examiner.........................State Capitol Bldg. Cheyenne. A. L. Putnam, Deputy State Examiner... .Cheyenne. W. E. Banks, Examiner.....................................Cheyenne. William Reeves. Jr., Bank Examiner........... Cheyenne. R. E. McFarlane, Examiner.............................Cheyenne. “ L. L. Williams, Examiner................................... Cheyenne. “ L. A. Christensen, Bank Examiner.................Cheyenne. LIST OF NATIONAL BANK EXAMINERS AND DISTRICTS July, 1929 Name and Federal Reserve District Name and Federal Reserve District Address CHIEF NATIONAL BANK EXAMINER Stearns, E. W., Office, Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C. ASSISTANT CHIEF NATIONAL BANK EXAMINERS Hodgson, R. M............................Office, Comptroller of the Currency, Wash ington, D. C. McBryde, W. W......................... Office, Comptroller of the Currency, Wash ington, D. C. Smith, Clarence F..................... Office, Comptroller of the Currency, Wash ington, D. C. Denton, F. R................................Office, Comptroller of the Currency, Wash ington, D. C. DISTRICT CHIEF NATIONAL BANK EXAMINERS (By Federal Reserve Districts) Williams. F. D. (1)....................Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Boston, Mass, i Reeves, Owen T., Jr. (2)..........525 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., New York, N. Y. Newnham, Stephen L. (3).... 1500 Walnut St., Room 1501, Philadelphia, • Leyburn, Albert P. (4)............ 715 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Byers, R. AV. (5).......................Nat’l Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Washington, D. C. Robb, Ellis D. (6)..................... 606 Fourth National Bank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Patterson, B. K. (7)..................164 W. Jackson Blvd., Room 1203, Chicago, Ill. Wood, John S. (8)..................... 1310 Federal Commerce Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Wright, I. D. (9)....................... 1334 First National Soo Line Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. Roberts, L. K. (10)................... 800 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Collier, Richard H. (11)..........1706 Republic Bank Bldar., Dallas, Texas. Harris, Thos. E. (12)................ 1103 Alexander Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Clarke, F. S. (2)......................... Gen'l Delivery, Kingston, N. Y. Coffin, G. M. (1) (R.)..............First National Bank, Putnam, Conn. Coffin, G. S. (12)....................... 1103 Alexander Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Cooke. A. J. (12) ......................638 H. W. Heilman Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Cottingham, T. J. (6)...............607 4th National Bank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Cunningham, F. F. (6)............. P. O. Box 822, Nashville, Tenn. Cutler, W. A. (7)....................... P. O. Box 527, Rock Island, Ill. Dalton, John W. (5).................P. O. Box 958, Charlotte. N. C. Dann, R. G. (2)......................... 525 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., New York, N. Y. Davenport, H. B. (3)................P. O. Box 61, Lancaster, Pa. Davis, Thomas H. (5)..............P. O. Box 1162, Columbia, S. C. Donahue, C. A. (12) (J.G.).. .638 H. W. Heilman Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Donahue, W. H. (10)............... P. O. Box 1546, Muskogee, Okla. Dooley, Thomas E. (l)............273 Grand View Terrace, Hartford, Conn. Dougherty, J. M. (9)................1334 First National Soo Line Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. Dye, Sam W. (7)........................215 Central Nat'l Bank Bldg., Peoria, Ill. Elkins, Lewis R. (8)..................214 Federal Bldg., Evansville, Ind. Embry, Jacob (11).....................1706 Republic Bank Bldg., Dallas, Texas. Erdman, M. E. (2).................... 525 Fed. Res. Bk. Bldg., New York, N. Y, Evans, Clyde J. (6)...................P. O. Box 1828, Atlanta, Ga. Faris. A. B. (4)........................... P. O. Box 506, Richmond, Ky. Foster, Charles W. (11)........... 519 Bedell Bldg., San Antonio, Texas. Francis, C. C. (2).......................525 Fed. Res. Bk. Bldg., New York, N. Y. Fraser, J. A. (10)....................... P. O. Box 574, Hutchinson, Kan. Freeman, O. M. (1)...................89 Angell St., Providence, R. I. French, H. S. (7)........................213 Federal Bldg., Des Moines. Iowa. Fuller, Harry R. (7)..................P. O. Box 592, Indianapolis, Ind. Fulton, Ira J. (4)....................... 715 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. Funsten, W. P. (3).................... 1500 Walnut St., Room 1501, Philadelphia, Garrett, Robert D. (R.)......... care of Div. of Insolvent National Banks, Office of Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C. Gaskell, Geo. R. (4)..................715 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Gilbart, H. B. (11).....................P. O. Box 318, Wichita Falls, Texas. Glazier, Chas. A. (12)...............P. O. Box 226, Provo, Utah. Goodhart, R. W. (9) (R.) of Div. of Insolvent National Banka, Office of Comptroller of the Currency. Treasury Dept.. Washington, D. C. Gray, W. M. (12) (J.G.)......... 514 P. O. Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Green, Charles W. (5)..............P. O. Box 334, Cumberland, Md. Greene, Thos. M. (1)................Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Boston, Mass. Hartman, Chas. H. (3)............1500 Walnut St., Room 1501, Philadelphia, NATIONAL BANK EXAMINERS Allanson, E. A. (3).................... 1500 Walnut St., Room 1501, Philadelphia, Allen, E. F. (10)......................... 800 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Amrhein, Joseph A. (5)........... 910 Va. Ry. and Power Bldg., Richmond, Va. Anderson, O. A. (9)..................9 Midland National Bank Bldg.,Billings,Mont. Ashwood, Cecil (2).................... Statler Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Austin, J. W. (4)........................ 715 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Bailey, J. I,. (5)..........................P. O. Box 1185, Huntington, W. Va. Baker, W. B. (3)........................ 1500 Walnut St., Room 1501, Philadelphia, Hauschild, L. P. (4).................P. O. Box 473, New Castle, Pa. Hawkins, J. W. (11)................. 1706 Republic Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex. Hedrick, Gilbar C. (11)..........1706 Republic Bank Bldg., Dallas, Texas. Hewitt. Roland B. (10)........... 800 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. Hooker, Robert K. (8)............1310 Fed. Com. Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Hooper, Marshall (12)............. 522 Central Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Hoover, Paul E. (9).................. 1334 First National Soo Line Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. Hopkins, R. L. (7):......... 405 Federal Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Horton, B. E. (11)..................... P. O. Box 1584, Waco, Texas. Hotchkin, Paul L. (2)............. 326 Ten Eyck St., Watertown, N. Y. Huck, Wm. F. (9).....................306 Dakota Bank Bldg., Aberdeen, S. Dak. Hurley, Michael J. (1)............. Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Boston, Mass. Hutt, Wm. E. (11).....................Sherman, Texas. Johnson, C. E. H. (7)............... 164 W. Jackson Blvd., Rm. 1209, Chicago, Ill. Joseph, Edw. M. (7).................P. O. Box 589, Danville, Ill. Kane, Thos. F. (5). A..............National Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Wash. ington, D. C. Kane, W. W. (8)........................207 Federal Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Ketner, John H. (3)................. 406 Carsonia Ave., Reading, Pa Baldridge, Wm. H. (12).......... 403 Empire State Bldg.. Spokane, Wash. Basham, A. A. (6)..................... P. O. Box 940, Knoxville, Tenn. Baugh, G. W. (7).......................1016 28th St., Sioux City, Iowa. Beaton, Otis W. (2).................. 525 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., New York, N. Y. Becker, E. J.. Jr. (101..............P. O. Box 186, Clinton, Okla. Bina. J. C. (9).............................4532 Grand Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Bishop, R. O. (10).................... 800 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Black, H. W. (2)........................ 525 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., New York, N. Y. Bleakley, B. J. (4)..................... P. O. Box 421, Wheeling, W. Va. Boysen, Alfred (3)..................... Post Office Bldg., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Byrne, J. J. (6)............................606 4th National Bank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Carter, Aubrey B. (U)............Room 185, Treasury Dept..Washington, D.C. Chorpening, I. I. (12)...............638 H. W. Heilman Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Clarke, Addison A. (4)............ 715 Fed. Res. Bk. Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Address 12 LIST OF NATIONAL BANK. EXAMINERS AND DISTRICTS—Continued Name and Federal Reserve District Name and Federal Reserve District Address Laird, H. A. (7)........................... 213 Federal Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. Lamb, Ernest (11)...................... P. O. Box 667, Greenville, Texas. Lamm, R. Foster (12)...............1124 N. Olive St., Santa Ana, Calif. Lammond, W. M. (6)................P. O. Box 1364, New Orleans, La. Lanning, L. C. (2).......................626 Fed. Res. Bk. Bldg., New York, N. A. Lanum, Harry L. (4)................. P. O. Box 463, Columbus, Ohio. Lifsey, W. P. (6).......................... P. O. Box 442, Albany, Ga. Lilly, John F. (8) of La Fayette Hotel, Little Rock, Ark. Linden, C. C. (12).......................514 P. O. Bldg.. Portland, Ore. . Lorang, P. J. (2).......................... 525 Fed. Res. Bk. Bldg., NewYork, N. Y. Luiken, John B. (6)....................720 Bell Bldg., Montgomery, Ala. Luscombe, A. P. (2)................... 525 Fed. Res. Bk. Bldg., New York, N. Y. Lyons Gibbs (U.) of Div. of Insolvent National Banks, Office of Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C. Lytle, Frank S. (9)......................1334 First National Soo Line Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. McCall, W. P. (1)........................Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Boston, Mass. McCans, A B. (2)...................... 525 Fed. Res. Bk. Bldg., New York, N. Y. McGinnis, F. J. (3)..................... 1500 Walnut St., Room 1501, Philadelphia, Pa. McLaren, D. D. (9)....................201 Security National Bank Bldg., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. McLean, C. H. (12)....................638 H. W. Heilman Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. McMullan, J. R. (2)...................P. O. Box 231, Utica, N. Y. Machield, Chas. J. (2)...............184 Atlantic Ave., Lynbrook, N. A. Madland, L. L. (12)................... 522 Central Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Male W. N. (10)........................ 800 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Mann, Stuart H. (8).................. 1310 Federal Commerce Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Med ill, Geo. L. (3)...................... P. O. Box 32, Altoona, Pa. Miller, P. V. (10)......................... 800 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Mooney, R. E. (8)...................... 1310 Federal Commerce Trust Bldg., St.Louis, Mo. Morgan, C. E. (12).................... 403 Empire State Bldg., Spokane, Wash. Motter, Charles W. (5)............ P. O. Box 332, Raleigh, N. C. Murphv, Daniel F. (1)............. 31 Hubbard St.. Manchester, N. H. Neill, Robert (8).......................... 525 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., New York, N. Y. Nelson, F. S. (10)........................ 202 Federal Bldg., Grand Island, Neb. Nelson, Nels (9)............................1334 First National Soo Line Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. Nolan, W. R. (7)......................... 164 W. Jackson Blvd., Rm. 1209, Chicago, Ill. Norman, L. A. (4)...................... P. O. Box 1058, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ockershausen, F. C. (5)............ Metropolitan National Bank Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. O’Conner. T. J. (2).....................525 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., New York, N. Y. Palmer, R. E. A. (12)................ 522 Central Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Parker, Edw. F. (1)....................Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Boston, Mass. Penn, D. V. (10) (J.G.)............P. O. Box 1041, Oklahoma C.. Okla. Penningroth, W. J. (7)............. 164 W. Jackson Blvd., Room, 1203 Chicago.Ill. Peterson, F. R. (11)................... Federal Reserve Bank, Houston, Tex. Pierce, W. W. (11)...................... P. O. Box 556, Corsicana, Texas. Price, A. E. (12)...........................1103 Alexander Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Quinn, Henry F. (7)..................319 Citizens Bank Bldg., Decatur, Ill. Rafter, C. T. (10)........................ P. O. Box 296, Salina, Kas. Ramsdell, P. C. (5).....................Metropolitan National Bank Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. Ransom, Frank T. (3)...............1500 Walnut St., Room 1501, Philadelphia, Rasmussen, Frank E. (2). . . .525 Fed. Res. Bk. Bldg., New York, N. Y. Reimers, D. H. (7) (J. G.) . . .213 Federal Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. (R.) Acting ak Receiver of a National Bank. (J.G.) National Bank Examiner, Junior Grade. Address Reinholdt, C. A. (8)...................4954 Lindell Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Roetzel, G. F. (10)..................... 800 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. Roots, J. O. (11)..........................P. O. Box 1062, Austin, Texas. Ross, M. A. (10)..........................P. O. Box 508, Norfolk, Neb. Rossman, Richard (4)...............P. O. Box 1058, Pittsburgh, Pa. Rummel, John T. (12) (J.G.) 1103 Alexander Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Ryan, Frank J. (1)..................... Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Boston, Mass. Sanders, J. L. (7).........................P. O. Box 592, Indianapolis, Ind. Schofield, John W. (U.)............1539 Hayworth Ave., Hollywood, Calif. Sedlacek, L. II. (9)..................... 1334 First National Soo Line Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. Sevison, Henry (9)......................309 Torrey Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Shapirer, Leo. (12)......................1103 Alexander Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Shea, L. A. (2)............................. 525 Fed. Res. Bk. Bldg., New York, N. Y. Sheehan, W. F. (2).....................525 Fed. Res. Bk. Bldg., New York, N. Y, Sibley, W. L. (11) (J.G.)............P. O. Box 1471, Abilene, Tex. Siebert, J. H. (3)..........................P. O. Box 491, Williamsport, Pa. Sims, M. H. (3)............................Airdrie Apts., Bala and Montgomery Aves.. Bala-Cynwyd, Pa. Smith, Geo. F. (3).......................P. O. Box 981, Harrisburg, Pa. Smith, Geo. H. (4)...................... Apt. 702A, Penn Albert Hotel, Greensburg, jPfctE Snapp, J. W. (5)...........................National Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. Snyder, Vernon G. (3).............. P. O. Box 231, Sunbury, Pa. Stevens, L. T. (9)....................... 4929 Pleasant Ave.,South, Minneapolis,Minn. Stewart, Adelia M....................... Room 217, Treasury Dept., Office Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C. Stewart, Chas. A. (5).................P. O. Box 97, EastFalls Church Va. Stewart H. E. (2).......................525 Fed. Res. Bk. Bldg., New York, N. Y. Stobie, C. A. (12)........................ P. O. Box 313, Honolulu, T. H. Stokes, H. F. (5) (J.G.)............ National Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. Stout, C. L. (10).......................... P. O. Box 197, Cheyenne, Wyo. Strong, J. M. (2)......................... 525 Fed. Res. Bk. Bldg., New York, N. Y. Stuart, Itobt. K. (7)...................906 Michigan Ave., Evanston, Ill. Swensen, Loren T. (4)...............715 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. Tavlor, O. C. (12)........................1103 Alexander Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Taylor Wm. (7)...........................164 W. Jackson Blvd., Rm. 1209, Chicago, Ill. Tolton, A. F. (12)........................1107 A Mattei Bldg., Fresno, Calif. Utt, J. F. (7)..................................Sheridan Apts., C 2, Fort Wayne, Ind. Van Brunt, L. J. (9).................. 18 Magill Block, Fargo, N. Dak. Von Arb E. A. (8)......................520 East 6th St., Centralia, Ill. Von Birgelen, F. M. (9).......... 103H 4th St., Bismarck, N. D. Walker, Harry W. (7)...............Hotel Witter, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Wanberg, Joseph F. (7)............164 W. Jackson Blvd., Rm. 1209, Chicago, Ill. Ward. Maxwell M. (4)..............P. O. Box 621, Cincinnati, Ohio Watts, John L. (2)......................525 Fed. Res. Bk. Bldg., New York, N. Y. Weigand, Chas. P. (12)............ 638 H. W. Heilman Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. White O. W. (10)....................... 506 California Bldg., Denver, Colo. Whitehurst, W. M. (11)..........1706 Republic Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex. Wilde, Max C. (12).................... 514 P. O. Bldg., Portland, Ore. Williams, E. L. (10)................... 800 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. * Wilson C F................................... Room 202, Treasury Dept., Washington, D.C. Wilson! E. B. (2)......................... Box 607, Albany, N. Y. . Wilson George R. (7).............. 164 W. Jackson Blvd., Rm. 1209, Chicago, Ill. Witt Grady T. (11).................. 1330 Westheimer St., Houston, Tex. Wood D. R. (5)...........................Pulaski National Bank Bldg., Pulaski, Va. Woodside, Hal (8).......................1248 Washington Ave., Springfield, Mo. Wright, E. M. (12)..................... 514 P. O. Bldg., Portland, Ore. Young, Wm. R. (8)................... 407 Central State National Bank Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. (U.) Unassigned. NOTE:—Telegrams, unless otherwise stated, should be sent to the office of the Chief National Bank Examiner. Numerical System of the A. B. A. In 1911 the American Bankers Association adopted what is known as the “ Numerical Transit System, which has proved of great benefit to the banking world. The Clearing House Section of the Association, realizing the necessity for a uniform system of bank numbers, called a meeting in Chicago. December 12 and 13, 1910, to evolve a plan and work out the details of numbering all the banks in the country. The Executive Council of the American Bankers Association at its meeting in Nashville, May 2, 1911, unanimously adopted the system devised by the committee and authorized the publication of the A. d. A. KEY BOOK containing the names of the banks and the numbers assigned. EXPLANATION OF SYSTEM The reserve cities were each designated by a prefix number, with the exception of Brooklyn, which was included with New York City, Kansas City, Kan., which was included with Kansas City, Mo., and South Omaha, which was included with Omaha. Buffalo, N. Y., and Memphis, Tenn., on account of their size and importance as banking centers were included with the reserve cities. The cities were numbered from 1 to 49, inclusive,, in the order of their population according to the Government Census of 1910. The lower numbers were thus assigned to the larger cities. ’PVie Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers of the United States and the Post Offices were also numbered in these cities. The state prefix numbers, together with clearing house numbers, were , used in numbering the banks in the largest city in each state other than the reserve cities, all other cities being designated by the use of the. state prefix and the numbers given to the banks, which are continued in the relative order of the population of the cities m each state. Each bank is numbered in consecutive order according to seniority in each city or town, excepting in towns having only one bank, in which case the banks are numbered in alphabetical order according to towns. Rand McNally & Co. of Chicago, publishers of the Key to Numerical System of The American Bankers Association, assign numbers to new banks as they are organized and supply, upon request, the number of any bank which does not appear in the Key, and in March and September each year publish and supply upon request, free of charge, supplements containing all changes which have taken place since any previous issue of the Key or of any supplement. The Eleventh Edition published in September, 1929. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 VALUES OF AFORRTC tN POTNS v WJXXlrAVJ-1'M U/V7ili O treasury Department, Office of the Secretary. Washington, D. C., July 1, 1929 In pursuance of the provisions of Section 25, of the act of August 27, 1894, as amended by Section 403, Title IV, of the Act of May 27, 1921, and reenacted by Section 522, Title IV, Act of September 21, 1922, I hereby proclaim the following estimate by the Director of the Mint of the values of pure metal contents of foreign coins to be the values of such coins in terms of the money of accountof the United States, to be followed in estimating the value of all foreign merchandise exported to the United States during the quarter beginning July 1, 1929, expressed in any such metallic currencies: Provided, however, That if no such value has been proclaimed, or if the value so proclaimed varies by five per centum or more from a value measured by the buying rate in the New York market at noon on the day of exportation, conversion shall be made at a value measured by such buying rate, as determined by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and published by me as certified by said bank pursuant to the provisions of said Section 25 as amended. Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury. Value of Foreign Coins I COUNTRY. Legal Standard Value in of Monetary Unit. Terms U.S. Money. Argentine Republic............. Gold....... .............. Peso______ Austria________________ Gold Belgium________________ Gold Bolivia................................... Gold....... .............. Boliviano ............. Brazil..................................... Gold __ British Colonies in Austral Gold...................... Pound sterling___ asia and Africa. ... British Honduras________ Gold Bulgaria_______________ Gold........... Canada____ ____________ Gold Chile....................................... Gold f 'Amoy___ Canton ... Cbefoo ... Chin Kiang Fuchau ... Haikwan _. ■ Hankow .. Kiaochow. Tael..-, Nanking.. China__________________ Silvfir Niuchwang Ningpo ... Peking ... Shanghai. Swatow... Takau .... .Tientsin.. 1 Yuan___ .Mexican .. Columbia_______________ Gold............... Costa Rica______________ Gold....... . Cuba___ _____ _________ Denmark........ ..................... Dominician Republic............ Ecuador________________ Egypt _ Esttionia............................... Finland_______ ___ ____ France_________________ Germany-----------------------Great Britain____________ Greece.......... .....................__ Gautemala.................. ......... Haiti___________________ Gold ...................... Gold................. Gold.................. . Gold............... Gold......... Gold___________ Gold......... Gold ________ Peso _ Pound (100 piasters) Kroon Pound sterling .... Currency; Paper normally convertible at 44 % of face value. 1 belga equals5 Belgian paper francs. Law of July 11, 1928. 13)2 bolivianos equal 1 pound sterling. .5462 Currency: Government paper convertible at 4.567 paper milreis to the gold milreis ($0.1196), by decree : Of May 23, 1928. 4.8665 1.0000 .0072 1.0000 .1217 .6513 .6494 .6230 .6363 .6025 .6627 .6094 .6312 .6445 .6108 .6262 .6350 .5949 .6017 .6555 .6312 .4221 .4284 .4315 1,0000 .2680 1.0000 Dollar___ By law of Nov. 28,1928. The tael is a unit of weight; not a coin. The cus toms unit is the Ilaikwan tael. The values of other taels are based on their relation to the value of - the Haikwan tael. The Yuan silver dollar of 100 cents is the monetary unit of the Chinese Republic; is is equivalent to .637— of the Haikwan tael. Mexican silver pesos issued under Mexican decree of Nov. 13, 1918, are of silver content approximately 41% less than the dollar here quoted; and those issued under decree of Oct. 27. 1919 contain about 51% less silver. Currency; Government paper and silver. Law establishing conversion office Axes ratio 4 colons (nongold) =$1 U.S. U. S. money is principal circulating medium. .2000 By law effective March 19,1927. 4.9431 .2680 .0252 ,0392 By law of June 24, 1928. .2382 4.8665 .0130 ;By law effective May 14,1928. 1.0000 .2000 .5000 .1749 .3650 .4291 .0526 .4985 .1930 Currency; National bank notes redeemable on demand in American dollars. Legaliy established but not yet actually operative. By law effective April 1, 1927. By decree effective Dec. 22, 1927. 1.0000 ,Currency: Depreciated silver token coins. Gold Gold...................... Gold Guilder (florin) ... Gold Gold Gold Gold............. ........ Gold....... . Peso (Argentine).. Persia_____ _____ _______ Peru__________________ Phillipine Islands___ ___ Poland_________________ Portugal_________ ______ Romania________________ Russia_____________ ____ Gold ....... ........ Gold Gold . Gold................. Gold . Gold______ . ......................I Salvador .............................. Gold...................... Siam............................ ......... Gold Raht fTiVaH Spain________ ,.________ Gold_________ Straits Settlements_______ Gold___________Dollar____ Sweden.................. ............... Switzerland............... _ Turkey....... ................... ........|Gold...................... Piaster U ruguay................................. Gold.................. Peso Venezuela............................. |Gold................... ..Bolivar............ Yugoslavia............................ 'Gold IIZIZIZZIIIIII Dinar. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .1407 .1890 .3650 .9733 .4653 Honduras___________ ___ Hungary________________ India TBritish] Indo-China______________ Italy________ _________ Japan............. ......... ............ Gold ________ Von Latvia........................ ......... Gold..................... Liberia.................................. Gold -................... Lithuania_______________ Mexico_________________ Netherlands..... ......... ......... Newfoundland____ ______ Nicaragua....... ................... Norway_______ _______ _ Panama.................................. Paraguay............. .......... . $0.9648 Remarks. .1000 Currency: Notes of the bank of Lithuania, .0731 Currency: Silver circulating above its metallic value. Gold coin is a commodity only, normally worth double the silver of same denomination. .4985 .4020 1.0000 1.0000 .2680 1.0000 .9648 Currency: Depreciated Paraguayan paper currency. 4.8665 : .5000 I .1122 By decree effective October 13,1927. 1.0805 Currency: Inconvertible paper. .0060 ! By law of Feb. 7, 1929. .5146 Pre-war unit. (One Soviet chervonetz = 10 gold rubles.) .5000 .4424 By law of April 15, 19281 .1930 IValuation is for gold peseta; currency is notes of the .5678 I Bank of Spain. .2680 .1930 .0440 I (100 piasters equal to the Turkish £,) 1.0342 Currency: Inconvertible paper. .1930 .1930 14 TABLE OF CARDINAL NUMBERS AND COMMERCIAL TERMS IN TEN LANGUAGES FRENCH. ENGLISH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tpp Un. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 30 40 50 Vino+. Trpn t.p GERMAN. SPANISH. ITALIAN. Uno..................... Uno..................... Due..................... TYes................... Tre..................... Oiiatro............... Quattro............. Cinen................. Cinque............... Fttnf Sfiis..................... Sei. ‘................... Siete................... Sette................... Otto................... Nove................... Diez................... Dieci................... Once................... Undici................ Elf. Once................... Dodici................ Tredici............... Catorce............... Quattordici........ Quindici............. Diez y seis......... Sedici................. Diez y siete......... Diciassette......... Diez y ocho........ Diciotto............. Diez y nneve . . . Diciannove....... Veinte................. Venti.................. nnd zwanzig. Viente y uno.... Venti’uno........... Treint.n................ Trenta ............... Cuarenta........... Quaranta........... Cinc.uenta......... Cinquanta......... PORTUGUESE. DUTCH. RUSSIAN. DANISH. SWEDISH. Um..................... Dois................... Tres.................... Quatro............... Cinco................... Seis..................... Sete..................... Oito..................... Nove................... Dez..................... Onze................... Doze................... Treze................. Quatorze............. Quinze............... Dezeseis............. Dezessete............ Dezoito............... Dezeneve........... Vinte................... Vinte um........... Trinta................. Quarenta........... Cincoenta .......... Een.................... Twee................... Drie.................... Vier.................... Vyf..................... Zes...................... Zeven................. Acht................... Negen................. Tien................... Elf...................... Twaalf............... Dertien............... Veertien............. Vyftien............... Zestien............... Zeventien........... Achtien.............. Negentien......... Twintig............. Enen Twintig... Dertig................. Veer tig............... Vyftig................. Odun................... Dba..................... Tza..................... Tschetire............ Piat..................... Schest................. Sem..................... Votem................. Deviat............... Desat................. Odinnatzat......... Devenzat........... Trenazat............ Cheterinazat. . . . Paznatzat........... Schesnadzat....... Semnatzat.......... Vosemnatzat.... Davetnazat........ Dvatzat............. Dvatzat-odnar .. Trudzat............. Sorok................. Piatdesat........... En....................... To....................... Tre..................... Fire..................... Fem... ................ Sex..................... Syu..................... Otte.................... Ni....................... Ti....................... Ell eve................. Tolv................... Tret ten............... Fjorten............... Femten............... Sexten................. Sytten................. Atten................. Nitten................. Tyve................... En og Tyve........ Tredive............... Fyrretyve........... Halvtredsindstyve................ Tredsindstyve. .. Halvfjerdsindstyve. Firsindstyve .... Halvfemsindstyve Hundrede....... Tusinde......... Dage............... Uger............... Maaned.......... Aar................. Paa anfordring En....................... Tv&..................... Tre..................... Fyra................... Fem..................... Sex...................... Sju....................... Atta.................... Nio....................... Tio...................... Elfva................... Tolf..................... Tretton............... Fjorton ............... Femton............... Sexton................. Sjutton ............... Aderton............... Nitton................. Tjugu................... Tjuguen............... Trettio................. Fyrtio................. Femtio................. Sesenta............... Sessanta............. Sessenta............. Zestig................. Schestdesat........ Setenta............. Settanta............. Setenta............... Zeventig............. Semdesat............ 60 70 Oehenta............. Ottanta............. Oitenta............... Novent.a............. Novanta............. Noventa............. Cento................. Cem................... Mille................... Mil..................... Mil.......... Dia..................... Giomo............... Dia..................... Tag Semana............... Settimana......... Semana............... Mes..................... Mese................... Mez.................... Ano..................... Anno.................. Anno.................. A presentation.. Nach Sicht, orbei A presentacion .. A presentazione. A presentacao. .. Vorzeigung. Auf Sieht........... A la vista........... A vista............... A vista............... Nach Sicht......... A. .dias vista.. .. Dopo vista....... A. . dias vista . . . A.. dias fecha... Dopo dato......... A..dias data.... nach Heute. Payez a l’ordre.. Fiir mich, or uns A la orden......... Pagate al l’ordine Pagase a ordem.. an anweisung* Paghero ............. Pagarei............... denwirbezahlen Con interes....... Con interesse.... Com intereses.. . Avec interets.... Mit Zinsen. 80 Urtgnoy............... 90 100 1000 Millp L>ay..................... On demand........ At Sl^Bl............. After date......... Pay to the order. With interest.. .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Tachtig............... Negentig........... Honderd............. Duizend............. Dag.................... Week.................. Maanden........... Jaar.................... Op vertoon........ Vosemdesat........ Devianosto........ Sto...................... Tizatz................. Den..................... Nedela............... Mesatz............... God..................... Po bziskam........ Op sight a vista. Po prediavieni.. . A vista.... Dagen na zigt. . . Po prediavieni... Efter Sigt.. Dagen na dato.. Gato................... Efter dato. Sextio.................. Sjuttio................. Attio................... Nittio................... Hundra............... Tusen.................. Dag..................... Vecka................... Manad................. O Ar........................ Pa anfordring.... Vid sigt............... Efter sigt............. Fr&n dato............ Voor my aan de Nlat it order.... Behag at betale Behagar att betala till ordre. til odre. Order. Ik neem aan te Ia obetschai....... Jeg forpligter mig Jag forpligter mig att betala. at betale. betalan. Med ranta........... Met interest .... Is prozentamu... Med rente.... INTEREST RATES, GRACE ON SIGHT DRAFTS, AND STATUTES OF LIMITATION For further information see also “Laws” of each State, indexed in back of this Volume INTEREST RATES—NOTES AND ACCEPTANCES-GRACE STATES AND TERRITORIES. Legal Rate o interes Rate by Contract Notes and Acceptances Due on Holi days. Half Days. Holidays falling or Sunday are STATUTES OF LIMITATIONS Notes. Sight Bills. Drafts, Notes S ealed and Open nstru Judg Ac Written ments. ments Con counts wit tracts. nessed. the day— Are payable Perct. Per cent and protestable the day— Alabama__________ Alaska....................... Arizona...................... . Arkansas__________ California ________ Colorado__________ Connecticut_____ _ Delaware__________ District of Columbia. Florida____ ____ ___ Georgia........................ Hawaii____________ Idaho ................. ........ Illinois.................. Indiana.................. Iowa___________ Kansas_________ Kentucky_______ Louisiana_______ Maine__________ Maryland............... Massachusetts___ Michigan........... .. Minnesota............. Mississippi______ Missouri________ Montana________ Nebraska.......... Nevada_________ New Hampshire... New Jersey............ New Mexico_____ New York_______ North Carolina North Dakota___ Ohio___ ________ Oklahoma_______ Oregon.................. Pennsylvania____ Philippine Islands. Porto Rico______ Rhode Island.......... South Carolina___ South Dakota____ Tennessee............. Texas. ................... Utah....................... Vermont................ Virginia.................. Washington........... West Virginia____ Wisconsin_______ Wyoming________ Alberta _________ British Columbia__ Manitoba________ New Brunswick.... Nova Scotia______ Ontario__________ Quebec__________ Saskatchewan.......... 8 8 6 6 7 8 6 6 6 8 7 8 7 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 After 8 After 12 After 10 After 10 After See© Anyratet After After 12 After 6 After 8 After 10 After 8 After 12 After 10 After 7 After 8 After 8 After 10 After 6 After 8 Any rate After After 6 Any rate! After! After 7 After 8 After 8 After 8 After 10 After 10 After 12 Any rate After After 6 After 12 After 6t After 6 After 9 After 8 After 10 After 10 After 6 ♦ After After 12 After V After 8 After 10 After 6 Aft er! 10 After 12 After 6 After 6 12 After 6 After 10 After 10 After Any rate After Any rate After Any rate After Any rate After Any rate After Any rate After Any rate After Any rate After 1 After After After * After After After* After After After After After After After After After After After After! After After After! After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After* After After After After After --1 After After* After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After Afte After After After No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace Nograce No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace Nograce Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Years. Years. Years. Years. e e e e e e e e e e e 3 6 3 3 4 6 6 3 3 3 4 6 6 6 5 4 6 6 6 3 5 6 20 10 5 3-10! 5 6-20! 20! 10 12 20 7 10 10 6 5 e e e 3 4 5 6 5 3 2-5 3 6 3 6 6 6 3 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 6 3 6 6 3 6 6 6 5 10 10 10 5 5-15 5-10 6-20 3-12 6 6 6 6 10 8 5 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 15 5 6 6 10 6 20 20 20 5 15 10 20 12 20! 6-10 10 7 10 10 5-10! 6 20 20 7 20 10 10 26X 5 10 20T 10! 6 6 6 6 2 4 6 3 3 5 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 6-14 5 6 10 6 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 20 20 10-20! 10 10 8 8 10 6 10 10-20 5 12 20 10 20 20 20 30 12 3 3 Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace 3-20! 17 20 12 20 20 5 10 20 10 5 15 10 20 12 20 6 — 6 10 8 5 6 20 16 20 10 6 15 5 10 20 10 20 6-20 20! 6 4 6 8 10 ___ 10 10-20 10 20 20 10 20 20 20 5-30 20* No^Statiftp dfVnpralh?yftpring June’ duly- and August protest Saturday or Monday at option of holder. * No Statute. Generally after. «■ le",ad on collateral demand loans of $5,000 and over, l qp/inwcf t>ee laws, indexed m back of this *svolume. shorte^time8 may agree *n wr^lnR t0 a Richer rate of interest than 7%, but not exceeding 12% for one year, and not exceeding that rate for a longer or 14?$fd u.poa *s loauns over $300, but Colorado courts decline to endorse grossly unreasonable rates. ♦12% when there is security; 14% when there is no security. ai!1d Texas "instruments falling due Saturday are to be presented for payment on the next succeeding business day, entfre day is^ota^oHday1”—Seel389 District^’ode^6 °Ptl°n °f the h°lder’ be presented for Payment before 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, when that * Debts charged on land although by sealed instruments are outlawed in 12 years. m dormant five (5) years after the last execution is issued and may be revived within 21 years after becoming dormant. T Must be revived every five years after entry, to retain lien on real estate. ©Also see title interest under Laws. VOnamounts exceeding fifty dollars. 30% including service and expenses. On amounts not exceeding fifty dollars, 5% per month for the first six months, utu/o tncrGnitGr, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16 FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS FEDERAL FARM LOAN BANKS JOINT STOCK LAND BANKS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLEARING HOUSES needs to know about their loca tions, territories and personnel is published in condensed form in this Directory. This infor mation is painstakingly accu rate and absolutely up to date. Use it -L THE BANKER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t A 45° B 'JESOTA _____ ,0NSIN 40° • C U ■** T I SKA') Omaha *| f A l LI-NOIS iinctn KANSAS CITY 35° AM o . ^ D Oklahoma City OKLAHOMA _ ARKANSAS • \ pj • ALABAMA q£ORG'N DALLASO LOUISIANA E _______ Orleans •10 25° Federal Reserve~B»ftk____^ ,# District Boundary Line (f^L" Federal Reserve Bank Branc®| F Branch District Boundary Line O Federal Reserve Bank Agency In district 8 branches have no definite territorial limits @ Rand MVNaily & Company ERAL RE RVE DISTRICTS Savann JANUARY s 5 M T 6 7 w T 1 2 F 3 s 4 9 ii 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 22 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MARCH F 4 1 2 3 8 s FEBRUARY w T M T 34 35 36 37 38 39 T M T w F s 60 1 61 62 63 64 66 65 67 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 40 41 42 43 46 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 44 45 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 55 56 58 57 59 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 82 23 24 25 26 27 28 26 27 28 29 30 31 s 1 33 54 31 s 32 84 83 85 86 87 88 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 89 90 30 31 MAY APRIL s 96 M T w T F s 91 92 93 94 95 . . 1 2 3 4 5 97 98 99 100 101 102 6 7 8 103 104 105 9 10 11 12 106 107 108 109 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 in 112 113 114 115 116 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 117 118 119 120 s 124 T 125 126 187 M 188 w T 183 184 F s 1 2 3 4 5 190 191 192 193 7 8 196 9 10 11 12 197 s M T w T 152 153 154 155 156 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 129 130 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 5 6 7 8 134 135 9 10 136 137 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 139 140 141 142 143 144 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 146 147 148 198 s M T w 199 200 215 216 217 218 149 150 151 F s 213 214 T 219 1 2 220 221 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 173 212 180 s 250 T w 245 246 179 4 5 6 254 255 256 9 10 11 12 13 7 8 257 258 235 241 242 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 s 3 9 234 F 248 249 253 228 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 T 247 2 8 240 178 252 227 239 177 1 7 238 172 251 226 237 176 M 6 233 175 244 225 232 171 181 5 231 170 29 30 224 236 27 28 29 30 31 174 4 230 169 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 223 229 204 168 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 3 201 203 9 10 11 12 13 14 167 222 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 202 8 166 SEPTEMBER 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 s 158 1 132 133 138 F 157 128 185 186 189 195 s 123 AUGUST T 6 F 122 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 182 194 127 T 121 4 JULY s w 131 145 27 28 29 30 M JUNE 259 260 261 262 263 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 271 272 273 28 29 30 243 31 OCTOBER s M T w T F s 274 275 276 277 1 2 3 4 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 5 6 7 8 285 286 287 288 , , 293 294 295 300 301 302 T w T F s s 305 1 M T w T F s 335 336 337 338 339 340 1 2 3 4 308 309 310 311 312 341 342 343 344 345 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 290 313 314 315 316 317 348 349 289 296 297 303 304 26 27 28 29 30 31 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M 307 291 298 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 299 s 306 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 292 DECEMBER NOVEMBER 318 319 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 334 30 5 6 346 347 9 10 11 12 13 350 351 352 353 354 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 362 363 364 365 28 29 30 31 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reserves Required to be held by members in Federal Reserve Bank Banks Not in Reserve or Central Reserve City 7% of Demand Deposits 3% of Time Deposits Reserve City Banks Central Reserve City Banks 10% of Demand Deposits 3% of Time Deposits 13% of Demand Deposits 3% of Time Deposits Central Reserve Cities 2. NEW YORK CITY* .... 7. CHICAGO Reserve Cities 6. Br.5. Br.6. 1. Atlanta, Ga. Baltimore, Md. Birmingham, Ala. Boston, Mass. Brooklyn and The Bronx. Br.2. Buffalo, N. Y. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Br.5. Charlotte, N. C. Br.4. Cincinnati, O. 4. Cleveland, O. Columbus, O. 11. Dallas, Texas Br.10. Denver, Colo. Des Moines, Iowa Br.7. Detroit, Mich. Dubuque, Iowa Br.ll. El Paso, Texas Fort Worth, Texas Galveston, Texas Grand Rapids, Mich. Br.9. Helena, Mont. Br.ll. Houston, Texas Indianapolis, Ind. Br.6. Jacksonville, Fla. Kansas City, Kan. 10. Kansas City, Mo. Lincoln, Neb. Br.8. Little Rock, Ark. Br.12. Los Angeles, Cal. .Br.8. Louisville, Ky. Br.8. Memphis, Tenn. Milwaukee, Wis. 9. Minneapolis, Minn. Muskogee, Okla. Br.6. Nashville, Tenn. Br.6. New Orleans, La. Oakland, Cal. Ogden, Utah Br.10. Oklahoma City,Okla, Br.10. Omaha, Neb. Peoria, Ill. 3. Philadelphia, Pa. Br.4. Pittsburgh, Pa. Br.12. Portland, Ore. Pueblo, Colo. 5. Richmond, Va. St. Joseph, Mo. 8. St. Louis, Mo. St. Paul, Minn. Br.12. Salt Lake City,Utah Br.ll. San Antonio, Texas 12. San Francisco, Cal. Ag’y 6.Savannah, Ga. Br.12. Seattle, Wash. Sioux City, Iowa Br.12. Spokane, Wash. Toledo, Ohio Topeka, Kan. Tulsa, Okla. Waco, Texas Washington, D. C. Wichita, Kan. Those cities which are preceded by a number are Federal Reserve Bank cities and the number in each instance is the District number in which the city is located. Br. signifies that a branch bank in located in that city. Ag’y signifies that an agency is located in that city. * (Banks located in Borough of Manhattan, or located in other boroughs and having branches in Manhattan, are subject to max imum reserve. Banks in Boroughs of Brooklyn and Bronx are subject to reserve city requirements, and banks in Boroughs of Richmond and Queens to requirements of banks not in reserve or central reserve cities.) FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORMATION FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD WASHINGTON, D. C. Ex-officio Members A. W. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury, Chairman. J. W. POLE, Comptroller of the Currency. ROY A. YOUNG, Governor EDMUND PLATT, Vice-Governor ADOLPH C. MILLER CHARLES S. HAMLIN GEORGE R. JAMES EDWARD H. CUNNINGHAM WALTER L. EDDY, Secretary. WALTER WYATT, General Counsel. J. C. NOELL, Assistant Secretary. E. A. GOLDENWEISER, Director, Division of Research and Statistics. e. m. McClelland, Assistant Secretary. W. M. IMLAY, Fiscal Agent. CARL E. PARRY, Assistant Director, Divi sion of Research and Statistics. J. F. HERSON, Chief, Division of Examina tion and Chief Federal Reserve Examiner. E. L. SMEAD, Chief, Division of Bank Operations. FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL—(1929) ARTHUR M. HEARD, Boston, District No. 1 FRANK O. WETMORE, Chicago, District No. 7 WALTER W. SMITH, St. Louis, District No. 8 THEODORE WOLD, Minneapolis, District No. 9 P. W. GOEBEL, Kansas City, District No. 10 B. A. McKINNEY, Dallas, District No. 11 F. L. LIPMAN, San Francisco, District No. 12 WILLIAM C. POTTER, New York, District No. 2 LEVI L. RUE, Philadelphia, District No. 3 HARRIS CREECH, Cleveland, District No. 4 JOHN POOLE, Richmond, District No. 5 J. P. BUTLER, Jr., Atlanta, District No. 6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORMATION DISTRICT No. 1—Bank Located at Boston (Transit Number 5-1) 30 Pearl St. TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut; except Fairfield County. Membership: National Banks 371; State Banks 37. Total 408. DIRECTORS CLASS A:—ALFRED L. RIPLEY (1929), Boston; F. S. CHAMBERLAIN (1931), New Britain, Conn.; EDWARD 8. KENNARD (1930), Rumford, Maine. CLASS B:—PHILIP R. ALLEN (1929), East Walpole, Mass.; ALBERT C. BOWMAN (1931), Springfield, Vermont; A. FARWELL BEMIS (1930), Boston, Mass. CLASS C:—FREDERIC H. CURTISS (1929), Boston, Chairman of Board and Federal Reserve Agent; ALLEN HOLLIS (1930), Concord, N. H., Deputy Chairman; CHARLES H. MANCHESTER (1931), Providence, R.I.; ARTHUR H. WEED, Boston, Mass., General Counsel; ARTHUR M. HEARD, Manchester, N. H., Member Federal Advisory Council. OFFICERS W. P. G. HARDING, Governor; WILLIAM W. PADDOCK, Deputy Governor; WILLIAM WILLETT, Cashier; KRICKEL K. CARRICK, Secretary; FREDERIC H. CURTISS, Federal Reserve Agent; CHARLES F. GETTEMY, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent. ASSISTANT CASHIERS:—ELLIS G. HULT, ERNEST M. LEAVITT, and L. WALLACE SWEETSER. HARRY F. CURRIER, Auditor. (Statement of July 3, 1929.) LIABILITIES F. R. notes in actual circulation............................................$147,259,000 Deposits: Member bank—reserve account........................................ 150,525,000 Government......................................................................... 1,711,000 Foreign bank........................................................................ 530,000 Other deposits...................................................................... 125,000 Total deposits.............................. $152,891,000 Deferred availability items.................................................... 84,260,000 Capital paid in......................................................................... 10,405,000 Surplus....................................................................................... 19,619,000 All other liabilities................................................................... 1,807,000 Total miscellaneous liabilities....... $ 116,091,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES..................................................$416,241,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RESOURCES Gold with Federal Reserve Agent.................. $ 84,85,->,000 Gold redemption fund with U. S. Treasury.. 6,181,000 Gold held exclusively against F. R. notes .$ 91,039,000 Gold settlement fund with F. R. Board........ 95,690,000 Gold and gold certificates held by bank........ 21,625,000 Total gold reserves........................................$208,354,000 Reserves other than gold................................. Total reserves............................................ 11,276,000 $219,630,000 Non-reserve cash............................................... Bills discounted: Sec. by U. S. Government obligations.... Other bills discounted.................................. Total bills discounted ............................. Bills bought in open market............................ U. S. Government securities: Bonds.............................................................. Treasury notes............................................... Certificates of indebtedness......................... Total U. S. Government securities......... Total bills and securities.............................. $6,287,000 Due from foreign banks................................... Uncollected items.............................................. Bank premises................................................... All other resources............................................ Total miscellaneous resources..................... TOTAL RESOURCES............................ 23 41,115,000 43,012,000 $84,127,000 $9,653,000 689,000 1,523,000 1,055,000 $3,267,000 $97,047,000 54,000 89,471,000 3,702,000 50,000 $93,277,000 $416,241,000 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORMATION DISTRICT No. 2—Bank Located at New York City. (Transit Number 1-120) (33 Liberty Street) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—The State of New York and the following counties in New Jersey: Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren and the County of Fairfield, Connecticut. Membership: National Banks 775; State Banks49; Trust Companies 114. Total 938, as of Dec. 31, 1928. Non-members 598, including Savings Banks. Total number of banks in District No. 2, 1,536. DIRECTORS Term a Term a. s© Expires Expires 1 3© O A A B S3 o Dec. 31 1931 1 Charles E. Mitchell, New York City President. National City Bank of New York 2 Robert H. Treman, Ithaca, N. Y. President, The Tompkins County National Bank 3 Delmer Runkle. Hoosick Falls, N. Y. Chairman, Peoples National Bank of Hoosick Falls, N. Y. 1 William H. Woodin, New York City President, American Car & Foundry Co. 2 Theodore F. Whitmarsh, New York City B President, Francis H. Leggett & Co., 3 Samuel W. Reyburn, New York City President Lord & Taylor Gates W. McGarrah, New York City Chairman Owen D. Young, New York City Deputy Chairman Chairman, General Electric Company Clarence M.Woolley, Greenwich,Conn. Chairman, American Radiator Co. B 1929 C 1930 C 1931 c Dec. 31 1929 1930 1931 1929 1930 MEMBER FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL William C. Potter, President Guaranty Trust Company of New York. FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT’S FUNCTION Gates W. McGarrah, Federal Reserve Agent W. Randolph Burgess, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent Herbert S. Downs, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent William H. Dillistin, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent Carl Snyder. General Statistician Harold V. Roelse, Manager, Reports Department, and and Manager, Bank Relations Department Edward L. Dodge, Assistant Secretary General Auditor GENERAL OFFICERS George L. Harrison, Governor Louis F. Sailer, Deputy Governor J. Herbert Case, Deputy Governor Edwin R. Kenzel, Deputy Governor Leslie R. Rounds, Deputy Governor Arthur W. Gilbart, Deputy Governor Ray M. Gidney, Assistant Deputy Governor J. Wilson Jones, Assistant Deputy Governor Jay E. Crane, Assistant Deputy Governor and Secretary Walter B. Matteson, Assistant Deputy Governor Charles H. Coe, Assistant Deputy Governor Walter S. Logan, General Counsel JUNIOR OFFICERS Dudley H. Barrows, Manager, Administration Department Robert F. McMurray, Manager, Collection Department Robert M. Morgan, Manager, Bill Department A. Mitchell, Manager, Loan and Discount Department James M. Rice, Manager, Accounting Department Stephen S. Vansant, Manager, Government Bond Manager, Foreign Department C. French, Manager, Cash Department William A. Scott, Edwin Jacques and Safekeeping Department I. Ward Waters, Manager, Check Department BUFFALO BRANCH Directors Edward A. Duerr, B. Cooley, President, New York Car Wheel Co., Buffalo Arthur Hough, Chairman President, Wiard Plow Company, Batavia, N. Y. Frederick George F. Rand, President, Marine Trust Company, Buffalo Robert M. O’Hara Robert M. O’Hara, Managing Halsey W. Snow, Jr., Cashier Director Chairman, Community National Bank, Buffalo T. Ramsdell, Honorary Chairman,Mfrs. and Traders-Peoples Trust Co., Buffalo John T. Symes, President, Niagara County National Bank & Trust Co., * Lockport, N. Y. Managing Director • Harry Officers R. B. Wiltse, Assistant Clifford L. Blakeslee. Manager Assistant Cashier (Statement of July 3,1929) LIABILITIES RESOURCES Gold with Federal Reserve agent..................... $225,729,000 Gold redemption fund with U. S. Treasury. 17,200,000 Gold held exclusively against F. R. notes. ... 242,929,000 Gold settlement fund with F. R. Board........ 77,772,000 Gold and gold certificates held by bank..... 483,230,000 Total gold reserves....................................... 803,931,000 Reserves other than gold..................................... 66,346 F. R. Notes in actual circulation........................................$ 309,389,000 Deposits: Member bank—reserve account.......................................... 966,403,000 Government............................................................................... 3,335,000 Foreign bank............................................................................ 1,138,000 Other deposits........................................................................... 13,968,000 Total deposits....................................................................... 9S4,844,000 Deferred availability items....................................................... 198,989,000 Capital paid in............................................................................. 57,800,000 Surplus............................................................................................. 71,282,000 All other liabilities....................................................................... 6,149,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES................................................. $1,628,453,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24 Total reserves................................................. Non-reserve cash.................................................... Bills discounted: Sec. by U. S. Government obligations........ Other bills discounted...................................... Total bills discounted.................................. Bills bought in open market.............................. U. S. Government securities: Bonds.................................................................... Treasury notes.................................................... Certificates of indebtedness............................ Total U. S. Government securities........ Other SJcuriti;s....................................................... Total bills and securities................................ Due from foreign banks....................................... Uncollected items.................................................. Bank premises......................................................... All other resources................................................ 870,277,000 18,250,000 155,000 16,737,000 2,990,000 19,882,000 2,815,000 461,006,000 220,000 261,651,000 16,087,000 962,000 TOTAL RESOURCES.............................. $1,628,453,000 288,122,000 137,132,000 425,254,000 13,055,000 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORMATION DISTRICT No. 3—Bank Located at Philadelphia. (Transit Number 3-4) (925 Chestnut.Street) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Delaware, the followingo counties of11 New Jersey: Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, imuuiwni uiuiii.xv , _____ ______ —, n.nn..,i„on o ooat nf ropatem hniinriarv of countiwi: McKeatL Elk, Cleai^eld Cambria,’and Bedford. Membership (National Banka 686; State Banka 90. Non-Member Banks 494. Total number of banks in District No. 3, 1270. DIRECTORS CLASS A:_JOHN C. COSGROVE (1931). Johnstown, Pa.; JOS. WAYNE, JR. (1929), Philadelphia; GEORGE W ClSsS^:—C*?’FREDERICK^. STOUT, (1931), Philadelphia; ARTHUR W. SEWALL (1929), Philadelphia; ARTHUR C. DORRANCE (1930), Camden, N. J. . , R , ttaddy t CANNON 09311 CLASS C —RICHARD L AUSTIN (i929), Philadelphia. Chairman of Board; HARRY L. LAJNJNUIN (.lydl), BridgeviUe, Del.; ALBA B. JOHNSON, Deputy Chairman (1930), Philadelphia.. OFFICERS GEO. W. NORRIS, Governor; WILLIAM H. HUTT, Deputy Governor; C. A. McILHENNY, Cashier a^ 'Secretory ASSISTANT CASHIERS:—W. J. DAVIS, JAMES M. TOY, R. M. MILLER, Jr., F. W. LABOLD and S* Richard L. AUSTIN, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent; ARTHUR E. POST, Assistant Federal Reserve Aaent; ERNEST C. HILL, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent. „ , „ LEVI L. RUE, Philadelphia, Member Federal Advisory Council; WM. G. McCREEDY, Comptroller. {Statement of July 8, 1929) LIABILITIES Fed. Res. notes in actual circulation............. $15L849,505.00 Due to member banks—reserve account.. . Due to U. S. Treasurer................................. Foreign banks................................................. All other deposits........................................... 130,367,665.34 3,473,445.09 538,394.57 184,421.89 $134,563,926.89 Deferred availability items..................... Reserved for taxes and sundry purposes Accrued dividends unpaid................................................ Difference account.............................................................. Capital paid in.................................................................... Surplus fund................................................... Discount, interest and sundry profits earned................ Profit and loss................................................................. Income—Cafeteria............................................................. Discount and interest, unearned.................................... Discount on securities........................................................ 49,585,106.96 37,931.57 20,096.32 104.25 15,574,650.00 24,101,143.72 3,190,989.28 14,767,52 135,598.71 1,363.20 TOTAL LIABILITIES................................................$379,075,183.42 RESOURCES Gold with Federal Reserve Agent........... Gold redemption fund F. R. notes.......... Gold settlement fund................................. Gold coin and certificates................... Legal tender, silver certificates and coin Non-reserve cash.............................................................. Bills discounted—secured by government obligations Other bills discounted...................................................... Bills purchased in open market..................................... United States bonds........................................................ Certificates of indebtedness............................................ Participation special investment account..................... Municipal warrants.......................................................... Foreign loans on gold...................................................... Premium on securities.. Interest accrued............. Uncollected items......... Bank premises.............. Due from foreign banks Overdrafts......... ........ Expense—cafeteria....... Difference account....... Miscellaneous assets . .. Current expenses................ Profit and loss.................... Furniture and equipment. Dividends accrued............. TOTAL RESOURCES DISTRICT No. 4- Bank Located at Cleveland. $129,215,405.00 8,603,437.47 50,098,782.30 . 24,836,306.00 8,899,457.00 $221,653,387.77 1,660,255.45 . 36,615,250.00 . 32,717,286.71 6,284,879.66 7,984,600.00 7,038,500.00 1,435,000.00 300,000.00 $ 92,375,516.37 166,315.83 59,587,621.50 1,762,226.55 69,910.58 4,211.28 15,673.36 67,'669.56 $157,464.78 1,190,079.96 27,884.33 24,559.98 469,870.90 $379,075,183.42 (Transit Number 6-1) (Federal Reserve Bank Bldg.—East Sixth St. and Superior Ave.) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—State of Ohio, all that part of Pennsylvania west of the eastern boimdaries of the following counties: Warren, Forest, Jefferson, Indiana, and Somerset, the counties of Marshall, Ohio, Brooke, Tyler, Wetzel, and Hancock in the State of West Virginia, and all that part of the State of Kentucky located east of the western boundary of the following counties: Boone, Grant, Scott, Woodford, Jessamine, Garrard, Lincoln, Pulaski, and McCreary. Membership: Nation^ Banks 706; State Banks 103. Total member banks 809. Non-Members 1,012. Total number of banks in District 4, 1,821. DIRECTORS CLASS A:—ROBERT WARDROP (1929), Pittsburgh; CHESS LAMBERTON (1931), Franklin, Pa.; O. N. SAMS (19CLASSBb:—R.(Ri°WRIGHT (1931), Erie, Pa.; S. P. Bush (1930), Columbus, Ohio; G. D. CRABBS (1929), ClCLASS’C:—GEORGE DE CAMP (1929), Cleveland, Chairman of Board; L. B. WILLIAMS (1931), Cleveland, Ohio, Deputy Chairman of Board; W. W. KNIGHT (1930), Toledo, Ohio. HARRIS CREECH, Cleveland, Ohio, Member Federal Advisory Council. OFFICERS E. R. Fancheb, Governor George De Camp, Chairman of Board and Federal Reserve M. J. Fleming, Deputy Governor Agent F. J. Zurlinden, Deputy Governor H. F. Strater, Cashier and Secretary Wm. H. Fletcher, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent and W. F. Taylor, Asst. Cashier Manager, Department of Examination C. W. Arnold, Asst. Cashier J. B. Anderson, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent and G. H. Wagner, Asst. Cashier Manager Statistical Department. D. B. Clouser, Asst. Cashier C. L. Bickford, Asst. Cashier V. V. Grayson, Auditor CINCINNATI BRANCH. (Transit Number 13-43) (Fourth and Race) C. F. McCOMBS, Managing Director; B. J. LAZAR, Cashier; H. N. OTT, Assistant Cashier; BRUCE KENNELLY, Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS FRED A. GEIER, CHAS. W. DUPUIS, JOHN OMWAKE, B. H. KROGER, and C. F. McCOMBS, Cincinnati; E. S. LEE, Covington, Ky.; GEO. M. VERITY, Middletown, O. 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORMATION (District No. 4. Continued from page 25) PITTSBURGH BRANCH. (Transit Number 8-30) (Liberty Avenue and Anderaon Street) Assistant cS Managing Sector; THOS. C. GRIGGS, Cashier, P A BROWN, Assistant Cashier; F. E. COBUN» DIRECTORS R. B. MELLON, JOSEPH B. SHEA, A. L. HUMPHREY. A. E BRAUN AND T r nfvtm J. E. EISAMAN, Orenburg, Pa.: JOSEPH R. NAYLORWheeling W Va ’ ’ P,ttsburgh; {Statement of July 8, 1929) LIABILITIES Federal Reserve notes in actualcirculation.......................... $203,238,000 Deposits: Member bank—reserve account........................................ 187,297,000 Government......................................................................... l ,073,000 Foreign bank........................................................................ 730,000 Other deposits...................................................................... 1,313,000 Total deposits. .$190,413,000 Deferred availability items.................................................... 6,5 ggg q00 Capital paid in......................................................................... 15.139,000 Surplus...................................................................................... 26,345,000 All other liabilities.................................................................. 2 522 000 TOTAL LIABILITIES...................................................$503,546,000 RESOURCES Gold with Federal Reserve Agent...................$154,241,000 Gold redemption fund with U. S. Treasury.. 4,750,000 Gold held exclusively against F. R. notes . 158,991,000 Gold settlement fund with F. R. Board........ 85,875,000 Gold and gold certificates held by banks.... 43,938^000 Total gold reserves........................................ 288,804,000 Reserves other than gold................................. 11,697,000 Total reserves............................................ Non-reserve cash......................................... Bills discounted: Secured by U. S. Government obligations. Other bills discounted.................................. Total bills discounted............................... Bills bought in open market........................ U. S. Government securities: Bonds............................................................ Treasury notes................................ . Certificates of indebtedness......................... Total U. S. Government securities........ Total Bills and securities......................... Due from foreign banks................................... Uncollected items.................................... Bank premises..........................!!!!!!!!!!!!! All other resources........................ TOTAL RESOURCES............................ DISTRICT No. 5— Bank Located at Richmond. $300,501,000 3,486,000 55,480,000 34,018,000 89,498,000 5,093,000 548,000 26,816,000 1,000 27,365,000 $121,956,000 74,000 69,861,000 6,535,000 1,133,000 $503,546,000. (Transit Number 68-3) Ha^£ar0,ina’ S°Uth Car°linB’ °“d a" Membership: National Banks 500; State Banks 47. ’ BRASwIllTiMi?; STMountffiN.’c.lderS°n’ E. RIEMAN (1930), Baltimore, Md.; JAMES C. EDWlNSCBdi£HrM (W31)C0SinS,'DI^rtSTiUe' S' G: ,UNIUS P- HSHBURN <«30), Roanoke, Va.; (1829), Richmond, Chairman of Board; FREDERIC A DELANO (1 QTfll A' umjAJNO (1930), Washington, D. C.; ROBERT LASSITER (1931), Charlotte. N. C. OFFICERS Jr.,GB°roH®?GEORGETKEES^AcS^ALMMTjOHNSToS?AMDUS'0T<!'<?0T,<>riJoS-WAy:)EN’ XXT menl; JOHN' T GARRETT, Manager, Bank Relations Department; T. F EPES Auditor- W^'w^'dU.LARtJa snifoti Cashier; EDWARD WALLER, Jr., Assistant Cashier; MAXWELL G WALLACEcZmeh WW KOxfoN Ct.Tr Agent; J; G. FRY, Assistant FeierZ’ ’ W' H0XT0N’ C>™JOHN POOLE, Washington, D. C., Member Federal Advisory Council. BALTIMORE BRANCH. . CUpiT%°”tflc'ashJT1^ A TT T'»TTT'vr riv (Transit Number 7-27) (Lexington and Calvert) M' F' REESB’ CaMar; TH0MAS L HAYS- Cashier; JOHN R. DIRECTORS A. H. DUDLEY, Managing Director; H. B. WILCOX, C. G. OSBURN NORMAN R TA1WF3 »nrl w w MATTHAI, Baltimore; fflMUND P COHILL, Ha^oTLEVIB® PKLLips) cfmbrTd^' H' RiTriTTFirTi nr 9^^BLOTTE BRANCH. (Transit Number 66-20) HUGH LEACH, Managing Director; W. T. CLEMENTS, Cashier. DIRECTORS BOSS? GAGE ^Chaster^ A^ANNON^Concord^jmjN^^A^,Spartanburg^" R0DDEY' *- R^ ««'■" {Statement of July 10, 1929) LIABILITIES Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation.............. RESOURCES Gold with Federal Reserve Agent................ .$ 52,629,000 Gold redemption fund with U. S. Treasury. 3,699,000 $ 74 517 000 Deposits: Gold held exclusively against F. R. notes . Gold settlement fund with F. R. Board . Gold and Gold certificates held by bank.... Total gold reserves.................... , Reserves oilier Lliciii gold ..,,, , Total reserves................ Non-reserve cash................. Bills discounted: Secured by U. S. Government obligations. Other bills discounted.......... Total bills discounted............. Bills bought in open market... Member bank—reserve accounts... Government............................. Foreign bank............................ Other deposits.............................. Total deposits...................... Deferred availability items........ Bonds...................... Treasury notes...................... Surplus.............................. Total bills and securities............ All other liabilities........ .......... Uncollected items................ Bank premises......................... All other resources.................... TOTAL LIABILITIES................ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 26 56,328,000 17,870,000 7,025,000 81,223,000 5,170,000 20,560,000 35,149,000 55,709,000 2,179,000 1,152,000 656,000 1,808,000 59,696,000 34,000 49,549,000 — $204,208,000 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORMATION DISTRICT No. 6—Bank Located at Atlanta. (Transit Number 64-14) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Alabama, Georgia, Florida, all Tennessee east of the western boundary of the follow ing counties: Stewart, Houston, Humphreys, Perry, and Wayne; all Mississippi south of the northern boundary of the following counties: Issaquena, Sharkey, Yazoo, Madison, Leake, Neshoba, and Kemper; all Louisiana, south of the northern boundaries of the parishes of Vernon, Rapides, and Avoyelles. Membership: National Banks 369; State Banks 70. Total 439. Non-Member Banks, 1,232; Total number of banks in District 6, 1,671. DIRECTORS CLASS A:—H. L. YOUNG (1930), Atlanta, Ga.; E. C. MELVIN (1931), Selma, Ala.; G. G. WARE (1929), LiG6sl)ur(i F'Iji CLASS B:—LEON C. SIMON (1929), New Orleans, La.; J. A. McCRARY (1930), Decatur, Ga.; LUKE CLASS1 ^C:-SsCAGR NEWTON (1929), Atlanta, Ga., Chairman; W. H. KETTIG (1931), Birmingham, Ala. Deputy Chairman; G. S. HARRIS (1930), Atlanta, Ga. OFFICERS E. R. BLACK, Governor; HUGH FOSTER, Deputy Governor, CREED TAYLOR, Deputy Governor: M. W BELL, Cashier; R. A. SIMS, H. F. CONNIFF, V. K. BOWMAN, C. R. CAMP, P. L. T. BEAVERS, S P SCHUESSLER, Assistant Cashiers; OSCAR NEWTON, Chairman of the Board and Federal Reserve Agent; WARD ALBERTSON, Assist ant Federal Reserve Agent and Secretary of the Board of Directors; W. S. JOHNS, General Auditor; J. W. HO NO UR, Assist ant Auditor; J. P. BUTLER, Jr., New Orleans, La., Member Federal Advisory Council; RANDOLPH & PARKER, Gene ral Counsel. NEW ORLEANS BRANCH. (Transit Number 14-21) DIRECTORS LEON C. SIMON, Chairman; MARCUS WALKER, R. S. HECHT, P. H. SAUNDERS, J. E. BOUDEN, Jr., New Orleans, La.; F. W. FOOTE, Hattiesburg, Miss.; A. P. BUSH, Mobile, Ala. OFFICERS MARCUS WALKER, Managing Director; J. A. WALKER. Assistant Manager; W. H. BLACK, Cashier; F. C. VASTERLING, Assistant Cashier; W. E. MILLER, Assistant Auditor. BIRMINGHAM BRANCH. (Transit Number 61-19) DIRECTORS W. H. KETTIG, Chairman; ALEX E. WALKER, OSCAR WELLS, W. E. HENLEY, W. W. CRAWFORD, J. H. FRYE, Birmingham, Ala.; E. F. ALLISON, Bellamy, Ala. OFFICERS ALEX E. WALKER, Managing Director; H. J. URQUHART, Cashier; T. N. KNOWLTON, Assistant Cashier. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., BRANCH. (Transit Number 63-19) DIRECTORS _ FULTON SAUSSEY, Chairman; W. S. McLARIN, Jr., JOHN C. COOPER, EDW. W. LANE, ARTHUR F. PERRY, Jacksonville, Fla.; G. G. WARE, Leesburg, Fla.; S. O. CHASE, Sanford, Fla. OFFICERS W. S. McLARIN, Jr., Managing Director; Geo. S. VARDEMAN, Jr., Cashier; MAR\ E. MAHON, Ass’t Cashier. NASHVILLE BRANCH. (Transit Number 87-10) DIRECTORS LUKE LEA, Chairman; JOEL B. FORT, Jr., E. A. LINDSEY, J. E. CALDWELL, PAUL M. DAVIS, Nash ville, Tenn.; WM. P. RIDLEY, Columbia, Tenn.; J. B. RAMSEY, Knoxville, Tenn. OFFICERS JOEL B. FORT, Jr., Managing Director; E. R. HARRISON, Cashier; L. W. STARR, Assistant Cashier. SAVANNAH AGENCY. (Transit Number 38-49) J. H. BOWDEN, Manager; JAS. A. GOETHE, Assistant Manager. HAVANA AGENCY L. L. MAGRUDER, Manager; H. C. FRAZER, Assistant Manager. (Statement as of July 2/+, 1929) LIABILITIES RESOURCES F. R. notes in actual circulation.....................................SI 48,486,675.00 Gold with Federal Reserve Agent... .$103,349,025.00 Gold redemption fund.......................... 3,736,306.34 Gold held exclusively against F. R. notes................................................. $107,085,331.34 Gold settlement fund with F. R. Board 16,669,515.92 Gold and gold certificates held by bank 3,577,246.00 Total gold reserves............................ $127,332,093.26 Reserves other than gold..................... 7,994,962.00 Total reserves........................ . $135,327,055.26 6,562,347.04 Non-reserve cash................................... Bills discounted: Sec. by U. S. Government obligations 11,277,254.84 Other bills discounted...................... 58,378,101.00 Total bills discounted....................... $69,655,355.84 Bills bought in open market................ 5,889,773.74 U. S. Government securities: Bonds................................................... 17,850.00 3,038,550.00 Treasury notes................................... Certificates of indebtedness............. 38,500,00 Total U. S. Government securities. $ 3,094,900.00 $78,640,029.58 Total bills and securities 28,419.08 Due from foreign banks....... 19,695,567.57 Uncollected items.................. 2,744,175.18 Bank premises........................ 4,947,173.14 All other resources................ $247,944,766.85 TOTAL RESOURCES Deposits: Member banks—reserve account .$60,724,197.71 Government.................................... 1,586,932.52 Foreign banks................................. 218,722.80 Other deposits .............................. 160,077.57 Total deposits..............................................................$62,689,930.60 Deferred availability items.................................................$18,563,483.04 Capital paid in..................................................................... 5,402,800.00 Surplus................................................................................... 10,554,277.92 All other liabilities.............................................................. 2,247,600.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES........................................... $247,944,766.85 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 27 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORMATION DISTRICT No. 7—Bank Located at Chicago. (Transit No. 2-30) (230 S. La Salle St.) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—State of Iowa, all that part of Wisconsin in the counties of Vernon, Monroe, Jackson, Clark, Marathon, Langlade, Oconto, and Marinette, together with all the counties lying east and south of these counties; all of the southern peninsula of Michigan, viz.: that part east of Lake Michigan; all that part of Illinois located north of a line forming the southern boundary of the following counties: Hancock, Schuyler, Cass, Sangamon, Christian, Shelby, Cumberland, and Clark; and all that part of Indiana north of a line forming the southern boundaries of the following counties: Vigo, Clay, Owen, Monroe, Brown, Bartholomew, Jennings, Ripley, and Ohio. Membership: National Banks 962; State Banks 270. DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS Class A—Directors Loans and Credits GEORGE M. REYNOLDS, Chicago, Ill. (1930) ELBERT L. JOHNSON, Waterloo, Iowa (1929) EDWARD R. ESTBERG, Waukesha, Wis. (1931) KENT C. CHILDS, Controller, Loans and Credits EUGENE A. DELANEY, Manager, Credit Department JOSEPH C. CALLAHAN, Manager, Member Bank Ac counts Department. FRANKLIN L. PURRINGTON, Manager, Discount Dept. Class B—Directors AUGUST H. VOGEL, Milwaukee, Wis. (1930) ROBERT MUELLER, Decatur Ill, (1929) STANFORD T. CRAPO, Detroit, Mich. (1931) Investments ALBA W. DAZEY, Manager, Investment Department Cash and Custodies Class C—Directors OTTO J. NETTERSTROM, Controller, Cash and Cus todies JESSE G. ROBERTS, Manager, Cash Department ROBERT E. COULTER, Manager, Cash Custody Dept, FRED BATEMAN, Manager, Securities Department WILLIAM A. HEATH, Evanston, Ill. (1930) JAMES SIMPSON, Chicago, Ill. (1929) FRANK C. BALL, Muncie, Ind. (1931) Officers Collections WILLIAM A. HEATH, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent JAMES SIMPSON. Deputy Chairman WILLIAM H. WHITE, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent and Manager, Examinations. FRANCIS R. BURGESS, Auditor WALTER A. HOPKINS, Assistant Auditor HARRIS G. PETT, Manager, Division of Research and Statistics. FRANK O. WETMORE, Chicago, Ill., Member Federal WILLIAM C. BACHMAN, Controller, Collections IRVING FISCHER, Manager, Check Dept. LOUIS G. PAVEY, Manager, Collection Department Administration JAMES H. DILLARD, Controller, Administration ROBERT J. HARGREAVES, Manager, Personnel De partment LOUIS G. MEYER, Manager, Service Department FRANK A. LINDSTEN, Manager, Disbursing Dept. ARTHUR L. OLSON, Assistant Controller Advisory Council Banking Officials JAMES B. McDOUGAL, Governor JOHN H. BLAIR, Deputy Governor CHARLES R. McKAY, Deputy Governor Fiscal Agency DON A. JONES, Controller, Fiscal Agency Functions. DETROIT BRANCH. (Transit No. 9-29) (160 Fort Street, West) Directors Officers GEORGE B. MORLEY— (1930) N. P. HULL—(1929) WILLIAM J. GRAY—(1931) JAMES INGLIS—(1931) DAVID McMORRAN—(1930) JULIUS H. HAASS—(1929) WILLIAM R. CATION, Managing Director WILLIAM R. CATION, Managing Director HARLAN J. CHALFONT, Cashier GEORGE T. JARVIS, Assistant Cashier JOHN G. BASKIN, Assistant Cashier FLOYD L. BOWEN, Assistant Auditor HENRY M. BUTZEL, Assistant Counsel (Statement as of August 14, 1929) LIABILITIES F. R. notes in actual circulation................. RESOURCES Gold with Federal Reserve Agent............... $329,564,055.00 Gold redemption fund with U. S. Treasury 5,746,984.17 Gold held exclusively against F. R. notes. . $335,311,039.17 Gold settlement fund with F. R. Board 112,509,691.23 Gold and gold certificates held by bank 93,500,056.59 Total gold reserves.............................. $541,320,786.99 Reserves other than gold........................ 27,150,214.00 Total reserves...................................... $568,471,000.99 Non-reserve cash..................................... 6,319,146.97 Bills discounted: Sec. by U. S. government obligations. 68,391,448.00 Other bills discounted......................... 57,948,279.94 Total bills discounted...................... $126,339,727.94 Bills bought in open market............. $9,316,146.06 U. S. Government securities............. Bonds............................................. 20,922,900.00 Treasury notes............................... 4,280,500.00 Certificates of indebtedness...... 322,000.00 Total U. S. Government securities 25,525,400.00 Total bills and securities............ $161,181,274.00 Due from foreign banks.................... 99,567.92 Uncollected items.............................. 96,449,134.57 Bank premises..................................... 8,528,522.58 All other resources.............................. 774,185.30 $329,521,320.00 Deposits: Member bank—reserve account............. 356,367,980.98 Government............................................. 1,765,040.11 Foreign bank............................................ 794,016.67 Other deposits.......................................... 2,075,283.63 Total deposits....................................... $301,602,321.39 Deferred availability items......................... 89,066,570.43 Capital paid in............................................ 19,897,600.00 Surplus......................................................... 36,442,117.56 All other liabilities....................................... 5,292,902.95 TOTAL LIABILITIES....................... $841,822,832.33 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TOTAL RESOURCES 28 $S41,822,832.33 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORMATION DISTRICT No. 8—Bank Located at St. Louis. (Transit Number 4-4) (411 Locust Street) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Arkansas, all Missouri east of the western boundary of the following counties: Harrison, Daviess, Caldwell, Ray, Lafayette, Johnson, Henry St. Clair, Cedar, Dade Lawrence, and Ba^y; aU minois south of the northern boundaries of the following counties: Adams. Brown, Morgan, McCoupin, Montgomery, Fayette, Effingham, Jasper, and Crawford; all Indiana south of the northern boundaries of the following counties. ^Fvan,Jbreene, Lawrence, Jackson, Scott, Jefferson, and Switzerland; all Kentucky west of the eastern boundaries of the Gallatin, Owen, Franklin, Anderson, Mercer, Boyle, Casey, Russell, and Wayne; all Tennessee west of the eastern boundanes of the following counties: Henry, Benton, Decatur, and Hardin; and all Mississippi north of the southern boundaries of the following counties: Washington, Holmes, Attala, Winston, Noxubee, and Humphreys. Membership: National Banks 481; State Banks 107. Total 588. DIRECTORS CLASS A:—JOHN G. LONSDALE (1929), St. Louis; JOHN C. MARTIN (1931), Salem, Ill.; MAX B. NAHM (1930), Bowling Green, Ky. CLASS B:—WILLIAM B. PLUNKETT (1931), Little Rock, Ark.; LE ROY PERCY (1929), Greenville, Miss.; J. W. HARRIS (1930), St. Louis, Mo. CLASS C:—ROLLA WELLS (1930), St. Louis, Chairman of Board and Federal Reserve Agent; JOHN W. BOEHNE (1929), Evansville, Ind.t Deputy Chairman; PAUL DILLARD (1931), Memphis, Tenn, WALTER W. SMITH, St.Louis, Mo., Member Federal Advisory Council. OFFICERS ROLLA WELLS, Chairman of the Board and Federal Reserve Agent; G. M. STEWART. Agent; WM. McC. MARTIN, Governor; OLIN M. ATTEBERY, Deputy ftwaw; JAMESiG. McCONKEY, and Counsel; A. H. HAILL, S. F. GILMORE, F. N. HALL, C. A. SCHACHT and G. O. HOLLOCHER, Controllers, E. J. NOVY, General Auditor; A. E. DEBRECHT and L. A. MOORE, Assistant Auditors. LITTLE ROCK BRANCH. (Transit Number 81-13) A. F. BAILEY, Managing Director; M. H. LONG, Cashier; CLIFFORD WOOD, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS A. F. BAILEY, GORDON H. CAMPBELL, JOHN M. DAVIS, HAMP WILLIAMS, STUART WILSON, MOORHEAD WRIGHT, and J. 6. NICHOL. LOUISVILLE BRANCH. (Transit Number 21-59) W. P. KINCHELOE, Managing Director; JOHN T. MOORE, Cashier; EARL R. MUIR, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS WILLIAM BLACK, Louisville, Ky.; EUGENE E. HOGE Frankfort Ky.; W. P. KINCHELOE, Louisville, Ky.; JOHN T. REYNOLDS, Greenville, Ky.; EMBRY L. SWEARINGEN, Louisville, Ky.; E. H. WOODS, Lucas, Ivy., and T. D. SCALES. - MEMPHIS BRANCH. (Transit Number 26-3) W. H. GLASGOW, Managing Director; S. K. BELCHER, Cashier; C. E. MARTIN, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS E L. ANDERSON, W. H. GLASGOW, J. D. McDOWELL, WILLIAM ORGILL, R. B. SNOWDEN, J. W. ALDERSON and S. E. RAGLAND. (Statement of July 3,1929) RESOURCES Gold with Federal Reserve Agent............... $ Gold redemption fund with U. S. Treasury. Gold held exclusively against F. R. notes Gold settlement fund with F. R. Board. . . . Gold and gold certificates held...................... Total gold reserves...................................... Reserves other than gold............................... Total reserves................................................ Non-reserve cash............................................... Bills discounted: Secured by U. S. Government obligations . . Other bills discounted.................................... Total bills discounted.................................... Bills bought in open market............................ U. S. Government securities: Bonds.............................................................. Treasury notes............................................... Total U. S. Government securities............. Total bills and securities.............................. Due from foreign banks................................... Uncollected items.............................................. Bank premises.................................................... All other resources............................................ TOTAL RESOURCES............................... LIABILITIES $ 57,014,000 F. R. notes in actual circulation................... Deposits: 78,176,000 Member banks—reserve account.............. 18,000 Government.................................................. 286,000 Foreign bank........................................... 2,111,000 Other deposits.............................................. Total deposits $80,591,000 Deferred availability items................................................... 30,931,000 Capital paid in ......................................................................... 5,191,000 Surplus....................................................................................... 10,820,000 All other liabilities................................................................... 1,784,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES..................................................... $186,331,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29 24,076,000 6,158,000 30,234,000 34,915,000 7,837,000 72,986,000 8,263,000 81,249,000 3,435,000 25,503,000 27,911,000 .... 53,414,000 .... 257,000 7,125,000 6,500,000 ........ 13,625,000 .................. 67,296,000 .................. 29,000 .................. 30,006,000 .................. 3,969,000 .................. 347,000 ...................$186,331,000 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORMATION DISTRICT No. 9 Bank Located at Minneapolis. (Transit Number 17-8) (Location—73 So. Fifth St.) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, all Wisconsin in the counties: La Crosse, Trempealeau, Eau Claire, Chippewa, Taylor, Lincoln, Oneida, Forest, and Florence, and all the counties lying north and west of these and the northern peninsula of Michigan. Membership: National Banks 665; State Banks 55. Non-member Banks 1726. Total number of banks in District No. 9, 2446. DIRECTORS CLASS A:—P. J. LEEMAN (1931), Minneapolis; J. C. BASSETT (1929), Aberdeen, S. D.; KARL J. FARUP (1930), Park River, N. Dak. CLASS B:—PAUL N. MYERS (1931), St. Paul; N. B. HOLTER (1929), Helena, Mont.; JOHN S. OWEN (1930), Eau Claire, Wis. (-1929)’ Chairman, HOMER P. CLARK (1930), Deputy Chairman, St. Paul; GEO. W. McCORMICK (1931), Menominee, Mich. ’ OFFICERS W. B. GEERY, Governor; HARRY YAEGER, Deputy Governor; H. I. ZEIMER, Deputy Governor; FRANK C‘ DUNLOP, Controller; GRAY WARREN, Cashier; L. E. RAST, Assistant Cashier; H. C. CORE, Assistant Cashier; A. R. LARSON, Assistant Cashier; ANDREAS UELAND, Legal Counsel; SIGURD UELAND, Assistant Legal Counsel; H. P. HOWARD, Custodian of Building. JOHN R. MITCHELL, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent; HOMER P. CLARK, Deputy Chairman; CURTIS L. MOSHER, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent; FRED M. BAILEY, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent, OLIVER S. POWELL, statistician. MEMBER OF FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL THEODORE WOLD, Minneapolis, Minn. HELENA BRANCH. (Transit Number 93-26) DIRECTORS C. J. KELLY, Butte, Chairman; H. S1EBEN, Helena, Vice Chairman; R. O. KAUFMAN, Helena; R. E. TOWLE, Helena, and THOMAS A. MARLOW, Helena. OFFICERS R. E. TOWLE, Managing Director; H. L. ZIMMERMAN, Cashier; A. A. HOERR, Assistant Cashier (,Statement of July 3, 1929) LIABILITIES RESOURCES Gold with Federal Reserve Agent.............. $ Gold redemption fund with U. S. Treasury Gold held exclusively against F. R. notes . Gold settlement fund with F. R. Board... Gold and gold certificates held by bank... Total gold reserves................................... Reserve other than gold............. ................ Total reserves........................................ Non-reserve cash........................................... Bills discounted: Sec. by U. S. obligations........................... Other bills discounted............................... Total bills discounted........................... Bills bought in open market........................ U. S. Government securities: Bonds.......................................................... Treasury notes........................................... Certificates of indebtedness......................... Total U. S. Government securities..... Fed. Int. Credit Bank Debentures.......... Total bills and securities.............................. Due from foreign banks............................... Uncollected items.......................................... Bank premises................................................ All other resources........................................ TOTAL RESOURCES....................... F. R. notes in actual circulation.....................................$ 65,002,620.00 Deposits: Member bank—reserve account................................. 53,144,835.62 Government.................................................................... 1,862,964.91 Foreign bank.................................................................. 178,993.10 Other deposits................................................................ 222,253.26 Total deposits.................. ..........................................$ 55,409,040.89 Deferred availability items.............................................. 12,091,568.42 Capital paid in..................................................................... 3,071,100.00 Surplus.................. 7,081,913.11 All other liabilities............................................................... 1,168,515.43 TOTAL LIABILITIES........................................... 5143,884,763.85 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30 63,217,920.00 1,281,569.39 04,499,489739 23,662,707.88 5,779,155.00 93,941,352.27 3,225,304.00 97,166,656.27 1,067,296.81 7,914,172.00 6,001,730.95 13,915,902.95 1,989,555.76 5,140,602.42 3,827,345.30 64,073.79 9,032,021.51 3,850,000.00 28,787,480.22 18,200.21 14,117,304.70 2A09.73L38 618,094!26 $143,884,763785 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORMATION DISTRICT No. 10—Bank Located at Kansas City, Mo. (Transit Number 18-4) (10th & Grand Ave.) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, all Missouri west of the eastern boundaries of the following counties: Worth, Gentry, DeKalb, Clinton, Clay, Jackson, Cass, Bates, Vernon, Barton, Jasper, Newton, and McDonald; all Oklahoma with exception of the following counties: Atoka, Bryan, Choctaw, Coal, Johnston, Marshall, McCurtain, and Pushmataha; all New Mexico north of a line forming the southern boundary of the following counties: Valencia, Bemallillo, Santa Fe, San Miguel, Harding and Union. Membership: National Banks 891; State Banks 21. Non-member Banks 2372. Total number of banks in District No. 10, 3284. DIRECTORS CLASS A:—E. E. MULLANEY (1929), Hill City, Kan.; FRANK W. SPONABLE (1931), Paola, Kan.; C. C. PARKS (1930), Denver, Colo. CLASS B:—L. E. PHILLIPS (1929), Bartlesville, Okla.; THOS. C. BYRNE (1930), Omaha, Neb.; J. M. BERNARDIN (1931), Kansas City, Mo. CLASS C:—M. L. McCLURE (1929), Kansas City, Chairman of Board; WM. L. PETRIKIN, (1931), Denver, Colo., Deputy Chairman of Board; E. M. BRASS (1930), Grand Island, Neb. P. W. GOEBEL Kansas City, Mo., Member Federal Advisory Council. OFFICERS M. L. McCLURE, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent; A. M. McADAMS, Secretary and Assistant Federal Reserve Agent; W. J. BAILEY, Governor; C. A. WORTHINGTON, Deputy Governor; J. W. HELM, Cashier. ASSISTANT CASHIERS:—JOHN PHILLIPS, Jr., E. P. TYNER, G. E. BARLEY, M. W. E. PARK, G. H. PIPKIN, N. R. OBERWORTMANN. S. A. WARDELL, Auditor; H. G. LEEDY, Counsel. DENVER BRANCH (Transit Number 23-19) (17th & Arapahoe) J. E. OLSON, Managing Director; STANLEY A. BROWN, Cashier; JOHN A. CRONAN, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS HAROLD KOUNTZE, Denver; MERRITT W. GANO, Denver; J. E. OLSON, Denver; MURDO MACKENZIE, Denver; R. H. DAVIS, Denver; H. W. FARR, Greeley, Colo.; HENRY SWAN, Denver. OMAHA BRANCH (Transit Number 27-12) (1701-5 Dodge St.) L. H. EARHART, Managing Director; G. A. GREGORY, Cashier; WM. PHILLIPS and O. P. CORDILL. Assistant Cashiers. DIRECTORS WM. DIESING, Omaha; A. H. MARBLE, Cheyenne, Wyo.; L. H. EARHART, Omaha; R. O. MARNELL, Nebraska City; W. E. HARDY, Lincoln; T. L. DAVIS, Omaha; WAYLAND W. MAGEE, Bennington, Nebraska OKLAHOMA CITY BRANCH (Transit Number 39-24) (226 West Third St.) C. E. DANIEL, Managing Director; R. O. WUNDERLICH, Cashier; R. L. MATHES, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS WALTER FERGUSON, Tulsa; WM. MEE. Oklahoma City; W. F. NICHOLS, Tulsa. Okla.: C. E. DANIEL* Oklahoma City; N. A. HOLMAN, Guthrie; AUSTIN MILLER, Oklahoma City; J. P>. DOOLIN, Alva, Okla. {Statement of July 3, 1929) RESOURCES Gold with Federal Reserve Agent.................. $ 52,193,895 Gold redemption fund with U. S. Treasury.. 5,742,883 LIABILITIES F. R. notes in actual circulation................. $ 69,011,250 Gold held exclusively against F. R. notes. . . Gold settlement fund with F. R. Board........ Gold and gold certificates held by bank........ Deposits: Member bank—reserve account............. 90,485,261 Government................................................ 2,575,580 Foreign bank.............................................. 236,271 Other deposits............................................ 157,393 Total deposits........................................ 93,454,505 Deferred availability items.......................... 38,352,292 Capital paid in............................................... 4,295,900 Surplus.................................... ....................... 9,086,328 All other liabilities........................................ 1,081,805 TOTAL LIABILITIES....................... $215,882,' 80 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 57,936,778 53,149,078 4,996,084 Total gold reserves........................................ 116,081,940 Reserves other than gold................................. 4,592,663 Total reserves............................................ Non-reserve cash............................................... Bills discounted: Sec. by U. S. Government obligations Other bills discounted.................................. 120,674,603 1,587,532 Total bills discounted............................... Bills bought in open market............................ U. S. Government securities: Bonds.............................................................. Treasury notes............................................... Certificates of indebtedness......................... 41,407,635 2,168,821 Total U. S. Government securities........ Other Securities.............. .......................... 1,500,000 Total bills and securities.......................... Due from foreign banks................................... Uncollected items.............................................. Bank premises................................................... All other resources............................................ 45,076,450 24,024 44,175,720 4,139,771 203,974 TOTAL RESOURCES........................... 31 11,169,976 30,237,659 ' $215,882,080 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORMATION DISTRICT No. 11—Bank Located at Dallas. (Transit Number 32-3) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Texas, all New Mexico south of the northern boundaries of the following counties: Catron, Socorro, Torrance, Guadalupe, and Quay, all Louisiana north of the southern boundaries of the following counties: Sabine, Natchitoches, Grant, LaSalle, Catahoula, and Concordia; the following counties in Oklahoma: Atoka, Marshall, Bryan, Choctaw, Coal, Pushmataha, McCurtain, and Johnston, and the following counties in Arizona: Pima, Graham, Greenlee, Cochise, and Santa Cruz. Membership: National Banks 680; State Banks 88. Total 768. DIRECTORS CLASS A:—J. H. FROST (1930), San Antonio, Tex.; HOWELL E. SMITH (1929), McKinney, Tex.; W. H. PATRICK (1931), Clarendon, Tex. CLASS B:—A. S. CLEVELAND (1931), Houston, Texas; J. R. MILAM (1930), Waco; Texas; J. J. CULBERTSON (1929), Paris, Texas. CLASS C:—C. C. WALSH (1931), Chairman of Board and Federal Reserve Agent; CLARENCE E. LINZ (1929), Deputy Chairman of Board; Dallas; S. B. PERKINS (1930), Dallas. OFFICERS C. C. WALSH, Chairman of Board and Federal Reserve Agent; CHAS. C. HALL, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent and Secretary; W. J. EVANS, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent; LYNN P. TALLEY, Governor; R. R. GILBERT, Deputy Gov ernor; R. B. COLEMAN, Deputy Governor; FRED HARRIS, Cashier; W. D. GENTRY, Assistant Deputy Governor; J. L. HERMANN, Assistant Cashier; E. B. AUSTIN, Assistant Cashier; R. O. WEBB, Assistant Cashier; W. P. CLARKE, General Auditor; C. C. TRUE, Assistant Auditor; C. C. HUFF, General Counsel; LOCKE, LOCKE, STROUD and RANDOLPH, Counsel. B. A. McKINNEY, Member Federal Advisory Council, Dallas, Tex. EL PASO BRANCH. (Transit Number 88-1) W. O. FORD, Managing Director; ALLEN SAYLES, Cashier. DIRECTORS W. O. FORD, E. M.HURD, A. P. COLES, C. M. NEWMAN, and GEORGE D. FLORY, El Paso; E. A. GAHOON Roswell, N. Mex.; A. J. CRAWFORD, Carlsbad, N. M. HOUSTON BRANCH. (Transit Number 35-4) DWIGHT P. REORDAN, Managing Director; L. G. PONDROM, Cashier; H. R. De MOSS, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS DWIGHT P. REORDAN, GUY M. BRYAN, E. F. GOSSETT, R. M. FARRAR and E. A. PEDEN, Houston; J. C. WILSON, Beaumont; FRED W. CATTERALL, Galveston. SAN ANTONIO BRANCH. (Transit Number 30-72) M. CRUMP, Managing Director; C. B. MENDEL, Cashier. DIRECTORS M. CRUMP, FRANZ C. GROOS, REAGAN HOUSTON, J. M. BENNETT, ERNEST STEVES, San Antonio: R. T. HUNNICUTT, Del Rio and FRANK CROW, McAllen. (iStatement of June 29, 1929) LIABILITIES RESOURCES F. R. Notes in actual circulation........................................ $ 38,022,000 Gold with Federal Reserve Agent............ $ 26,062,000 Gold redemption fund with U. S. Treasury 2,167,000 Gold held exclusively against F. R. notes 28,229,000 Gold settlement fund with F. R. Board... 32,139,000 Gold and gold certificates held by bank.. 11,241,000 Total gold reserves.................................. 71,609,000 Reserves other than gold............................. 5,S44,000 Total reserve.......................................... $ 77,453,000 Non-reserve cash........................................... 2,473,000 Bills discounted: Sec. by U. S. Government obligations.... 5,632,000 Other bills discounted................................. 10,354,000 Total bills discounted.............................. 15,986,000 Bills bought in open market............................ 7,261,000 U. S. Government securities: Bonds.............................................................. 7,813,000 Treasury Notes.............................................. 3,223,000 Certificates of indebtedness........................ 44,000 Total U. S. Government securities........ 11,080,000 Other securities.......................... '............ 1,250,000 Total bills and securities.......................... 35,577,000 Due from Foreign Banks................................. 24,000 Uncollected items.............................................. 22,788,000 1,922,000 Bank premises................................................... All other resources....................... 415,000 TOTAL RESOURCES........................... $140,652,000 Deposits: Member banks—reserve account.................................... 6.3,330,000 Government......................................................................... 2,601,000 Foreign banks...................................................................... 236,000 Other deposits...................................................................... 37,000 Total deposits................................................................. 66,204,000 Deferred availability items................................................... 22,634,000 Capital paid in................................... 4,451,000 Surplus...................................................................................... S,690,000 All other liabilities.................................................................. 651,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES................................................. $140,652,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 32 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORMATION DISTRICT No. 12—Bank Located at San Francisco. (Transit Number 11-37) (Sansome and Sacramento Sts.) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, and the following counties in Arizona: Apache, Coconino, Gila, Maricopa, Mohave, Navajo, Pinal, Yavapai, and Yuma. Membership: National Banks 494; State Banks 124. Non-member Banks 721; Total number of banks in District 12, 1339. DIRECTORS CLASS A— C K. McINTOSH (1931), San Francisco, Calif., T. H. RAMSAY (1929), Red Bluff, Calif., VERNON H. VAWTER (1930), Medford, Ore. 0 „ . _ ... CLASS B:—E. H. COX (1931), Madera, Calif; A. B. C. DOHRMANN (1929), San Francisco Calif. CLASS C:—WALTON N. MOORE (1930), San Francisco, Calif., Deputy Chairman of Board: WILLIAM bFKOULF (1931), San Francisco, Calif.; ISAAC B. NEWTON, Los Angeles, Calif. (1929), Chairman of Board. Member of Federal Advisory Council, F. L. LIPMAN, San Francisco, Calif. OFFICERS C. E. EARHART, Assistant Cashier. JNO. U. CALKINS, Governor. H. N. MANGELS, Assistant Cashier. WM, A. DAY. Deputy Governor. E. C. MAILLIARD, Assistant Cashier. IRA CLERK, Deputy Governor FRED C. BOLD, Assistant Cashier. W. M. HALE, Cashier. J. M. OSMER, Assistant Cashier C. D. PHILLIPS. Assistant Cashier. F. H. HOLMAN, General Auditor. FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT. ISAAC B. NEWTON, Federal Reserve Agent. S. G. SARGENT, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent and Chief Examiner. ALLAN SPROUL, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent and Secretary. A. C. AGNEW, Counsel. LOS ANGELES BRANCH, (Transit Number 16-16) (Washington Bldg., 3rd and Spring St#.) W. N. AMBROSE, Managing Director; M. McRITCHIE, Assistant Manager; A. J. DUMM, Assistant Cashier; L. C. MEYER, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS F. J. BELCHER, Jr., HENRY M. ROBINSON, W. L. VALENTINE, Chairman, J. B. ALEXANDER. PORTLAND BRANCH, (Transit Number 24-1) (Porter Bldg., 6th and Oak Sts.) R. B. WEST, Managing Director; S. A. MacEACHRON, Assistant Manager; J. P. BLANCHARD, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS J. C. AINSWORTH, JOHN F. DALY, EDWARD C. PEASE, NATHAN STRAUSS, Chairman. SALT LAKE CITY BRANCH, (Transit Number 31-31) (Cor. South Temple and East State St.) W. L. PARTNER, Managing Director; H. M. CRAFT, Assistant Manager; W. M. SMOOT, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS CHAS. H. BARTON, L. H. FARNSWORTH, LAFAYETTE HANCHETT, Chairman, G. G. WRIGHT. SEATTLE BRANCH, (Transit Number 19-1) (2nd Avenue and Spring St.) C. R. SHAW, Managing Director; B. A. RUSSELL, Assistant Manager; G. W. RELF, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS M. A. ARNOLD, M. F. BACKUS, CHAS. H. CLARKE, Chairman, HENRY A. RHODES. SPOKANE BRANCH, (Transit Number 28-1) (Post St. and Main Ave.) D. L. DAVIS, Managing Director; JOS. M. LEISNER, Assistant Manager; EVAN BERG, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS D. W. TWOHY, R. L. RUTTER, G. I. TOEVS, Chairman, PETER McGREGOR. (Statement of July 10, 1929) RESOURCES LIABILITIES Gold with Federal Reserve Agent.................. $214,951,000 Gold redemption fund with U. S. Treasury.. 3,047,000 Gold held exclusively against F. R. notes . 217,998,000 Gold settlement fund with F. R. Board........ 43,907,000 Gold and gold certificates held by bank........ 29,145,000 Total gold reserves.................................. 291,050,000 Reserves other than gold................................. 12,204,000 $ 303,254,000 Total Reserves......................................... 4,782,000 Non-reserve cash............................................... Bills discounted: 31,059,000 Secured by U. S. Government obligations. 34,119,000 Other bills discounted.................................. 65,178,000 Total bills discounted.............................. 7,105,000 Bills bought in open market........................... U. S. Government securities: 65,000 Bonds............................................................. 11.337,000 Treasury notes.............................................. 11,402,000 Total U. S. Government securities........ 950,000 Other securities........................................ 84,635,000 Total bills and securities......................... 52,000 Due from Foreign Banks................................ 41,929,000 Uncollected items.............................................. 3,719,000 Bank premises................................................... 409,000 All other resources............................................ $438,780,000 TOTAL RESOURCES 8182,098,000 F. R. notes in actual circulation. . Deposits: Member bank—reserve account 173,278,000 Government................................ 4,120,000 Foreign bank................................ 404,000 Other deposits.............................. 7,704,000 Total deposits.......................... 185,506,000 Deferred availability items............ , 40,018,000 Capital paid in................................ 11,325,000 Surplus............................................. 17,978,000 All other liabilities.......................... 1,255,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES........ .8438,780,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 33 FEDERAL LAND BANK INFORMATION FEDERAL FARM LOAN BOARD WASHINGTON, D. C. ANDREW W. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury, Chairman ex officio JOHN H. GUILL L. J. PETTIJOHN A. C. WILLIAMS PAUL BESTOR, Farm Loan Commissioner GEO. R. COOKSEY FLOYD R. HARRISON CHESTER MORRILL, Secretary and General Counsel FEDERAL LAND BANKS DISTRICT No. 1—Bank Located at Springfield, Mass. WM. H. BROWNING. Jr.. Registrar. J!)i DISTRICT Maine, New Hampshire. Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island. Connecticut. New York, and New Jersey. LAP I i AL| $3,U2u,27o. °FF IARD H- THOMSON, President, B. G. McINTYRE, Vice-President, HAROLD F. JOHNSON, Acting Secretary, J. J. MERRIMAN, Acting Treasurer, O. D. ROATS, General Counsel. DIRECTORS—EDWARD H. THOMSON, B. G. McINTYRE, G. F. WARREN, D. C. CULVER, W. W. PORTER. E. H. FORBUSH. DISTRICT No. 2—Bank Located at Baltimore, Md. . R* K. FLETCHER, Registrar. TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Pennsylvania. Delaware. Maryland. Virginia, West Virginia, District of Columbia, and Porto Rico. CAPITAL. $3,802,180. OFTICERS—VULOSKO VAIDEN, President, D. G. HARRY. Vice-President, CHARLES S. JACKSON, Secretary, HORACE S. WYNN, Treasurer I. P. WHITEHEAD, General Counsel. DIRECTORS—VULOSKO VAIDEN. D. G. HARRY. HORACE S. WYNN. JOHN H. MURRAY. JOHN H. JOHNSON. I. P. WHITEHEAD tcdctodv DISTRICT No. 3—Bank Located at Columbia, S. C. ___________ _ R. J. TIGHE, Registrar. TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—North Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia, and Florida. CAPITAL, $3,470,082. OFFICERS—FRANKH. DANIEL, President, L. I. GUION, Vice-President, R. J. TAYLOR, Secretary, J. L. GRIFFIN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—FRANK H. DANIEL. L. I. GUION, B. B. WILLIAMS, C. E. VANCE, JAS. T. ANDERSON, T. H. TUTEN. DISTRICT No. 4—Bank Located at Louisville, Ky. . McK. R. TODD, Registrar. TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee CAPITAL, $6,662,390. OFFICERS—JAMES B. DAVIS, President, H. A. SOMMERS. Vice-President, L. B. CLORE, Secretary, HERMAN F. MONROE, Treasurer, W. T. KANNARD, Acting General Counsel. DIRECTORS—JAMES B. DAVIS. H. A. SOMMERS. L. B. CLORE. HERMAN F. MONROE, ERNEST RICE, GEORGE M. WILBER. A. P. SANDLES. DISTRICT No. 5—Bank Located at New Orleans, La. IR» Registrar TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. CAPITAL, $6,186,550. OFFICERS-T. F. DAVIS, President, R. T. GOODWYN, Vice-President, J. V. DeGRUY. Treasurer, J. M. KOONCE, Secretary, F. R. ANSELMENT, General Counsel. DIRECTORS—T. F. DAVIS. R. T. GOODWYN. J. V. DeGRUY. J. M. KOONCE. EDWARD B. GREENE. J. S. ALLEN. A. H. STONE. DISTRICT No. 6—Bank Located at St. Louis, Mo. _______ C. S. WILLIAMS, Registrar. TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Illinois. Missouri, and Arkansas CAPITAL, $5,772,225. OFFICERS—WOOD NETHERLAND, President, O. J. LLOYD, Vice-Pres. and Secretary, W. H. DROSTE, Assistant Treasurer, C. 5. HALE, General Counsel. DIRECTORS—WOOD NETHERLAND, O. J. LLOYD, C. E. HOPKINS, W. W. MARTIN, A. P. PATTON. L. M. SMITH, JOHN L. HUGHES. DISTRICT No. 7—Bank Located at St. Paul, Minn. D. J. McKENZIE, Registrar. TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Michigan, Wisconsin. Minnesota, and North Dakota CAPITAL, $6,827,270, OFFICERS—F. H. KLAWON, President, A. C. ERICKSON. Vice-President, FRANK G. WANEK, Secretary, GEORGE S. GORDHAMER, Treasurer, JOHN THORPE, General Counsel. DIRECTORS—F. H. KLAWON. A. C. ERICKSON. SAMUEL TOGERSON. FRANK R. COIT, JOHN C. SMITH. E. J. VAN LEUVEN. CHAS. E. PARKER. DISTRICT No. 8—Bank Located at Omaha, Neb. S. H. BLACKWELL, Registrar. TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Iowa. Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming. CAPITAL, $8,920,605. OFFICERS—D. P. HOGAN. President, JOHN CARMODY. Vice-Pres. and Secretary, ANDREW KOPPERUD, 2nd Vice-Pres. and Treasurer, T. C. HORNBY, 3rd Vice-President, E. F. DOUGHERTY, General Counsel. DIRECTORS—D. P. HOGAN. A. KOPPERUD. JOHN CARMODY, E. D. MORCOM. E. A. BURNETT. P. F. LUCHSINGER, J. C. UNDERWOOD. ___________________________________________________ J DISTRICT No. 9—Bank Located at Wichita, Kas. _______ ORAN LAYTON, Registrar. TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Oklahoma. Kansas. Colorado, and New Mexico. CAPITAL, $4,746,995. J°HN FIELDS, President, W. E. FISHER. Secretary, A. N. ROCHESTER. Treasurer, W. E. PEPPERELL, General Counsel. DIRECTORS—JOHN FIELDS, W. E. FISHER. A. N. ROCHESTER. A. L. STOCKWELL, OLIVER M. LEE, P. O. WELLS, J. A. CARNES. DISTRICT No. 10—Bank Located at Houston, Tex. J- H. BRANARD, Registrar. TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—The State of Texas CAPITAL, $8,010,205. OFFICERS-M.H. GOSSETT. President, S. A. LINDSEY. Vice-President, JOHN VAN DEMARK, Secretary, R. D. JOHNSON, Treasurer. LLWIb ROGERS, General Counsel. DIRECTORS—M. H. GOSSETT. S. A. LINDSEY, JOHN VAN DEMARK, R. D. JOHNSON. J. M. NEELEY. ROY C. ARCHER. DISTRICT No. 11—Bank Located at Berkeley, Calif. ______ _ „ F. S. BALDWIN, Registrar. TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—California. Nevada. Utah, and Arizona. CAPITAL, $3,084,209. OFFICERS--W. D. ELLIS, President, JOHN T. WILSON, Vice-President, WALTER C. DEAN, Secretary, SIMS ELY, Treasurer, SHERWOOD GREEN, General Counsel,. DIRECTORS—W. D. ELLIS. JOHN T. WILSON, A. M. MORTON. SIMS ELY. WILLIAM GOULD. W. M. HOWELL. R. L. ADAMS. DISTRICT No. 12—Bank Located at Spokane, Wash. ___________ _ L. J. BIRDSEYE, Registrar. TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Washington, Oregon. Montana, and Idaho CAPITAL, $5,231,013 OFFICERS—R. E. SHEPHERD, Chairman of Board, E. M. EHRHARDT, President, W. S. McCORMACK. Vice-President, WARD M. BUCKLES ^-HENRY MATTHEW, Secretary, O. H. JUNOD. Treasurer, R. J. VENABLES,Counsel. DIRECTORS—R. E. SHEPHERD. E. M. EHRHARDT, W. S. McCORMACK, A. B. THOMSON, B. D. THOMPSON, HUGH SPROAT A. S. GOSS. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 34 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL LAND BANK AND FEDERAL INTERMEDIATE CREDIT BANK DISTRICTS. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COMMON SENSE THE LAW AND THE BANKER ILLIAM McCHESNEY MARTIN, Chair W man of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank once said that banking took more common sense and more knowledge of law than any other business. He also said that the banker who is a banker, takes a risk every time he breathes, and that ordinary banking risks should not be too much complicated by legal uncertainties. Every law of the National Government and the State Legislatures which seems likely to affect your business as a banker is digested in this Directory. Learned counsel in the various states keep this information abreast of legislative enactments. You will find it helpful to study the Laws section of this Directory every now and then and to refer out-of-town legal matters to the bonded attorneys listed herein. Joint Stock Land Banks. No. Chartered Location Title States in which operating 38. The First Joint Stock Land Bank of Montgomery...................... , Montgomery, Ala. Ala. & Ga. Ark. & Texas 2-20-26. The Southwest Joint Stock Land Bank of Little Rock.............. Little Rock, Ark. 9-19-19. The California Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco........... .San Francisco, Cal. Ore. & Cal. 5-29-22. The Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco. .. . .San Francisco, Cal. Cal. & Ariz. Colo. & Wyo. 4-18-22. The Denver Joint Stock Land Bank of Denver........................ Denver, Colo. 60. 9-23-22. 4. 7-25-17. 58. 81. 26. 49. 33. 55. 12. 10. 3. 83. 82. 27. 8-21-22. 6-28-17. The Fletcher Joint Stock Land Bank of Indianapolis................ .Indianapolis, Ind. 9-11-26. The Indianapolis Joint Stock Land Bank of Indianapolis........ . Indianapolis, Ind. 3- 2-26. The Union Trust Joint Stock Land Bank of Indianapolis....... . Indianapolis, Ind. 10- 1-19. The Lafayette Joint Stock Land Bank of Lafayette.................. .Lafayette, Ind. Ill. & Ind. 15. 4-22-19. 1. 4-24-17. 35. 4- 4-22. 36. 76. Iowa & Ill. Iowa & Ill. 1-11-23. 62. Ga. & Ala. 2-24-22. The First Trust Joint Stock Land Bank of Chicago................... .Chicago, Ill. 7-25-22. The Illinois Midwest Joint Stock Land Bank of Edwardsville.. Edwardsville. Ill. 1-24-19. The Illinois Joint Stock Land Bank of Monticello..................... .Monticello, Ill. 12-20-18. The First Joint Stock Land Bank of Ft. Wayne......................... .Ft. Wayne, Ind 72. 43. The Atlanta Joint Stock Land Bank of Atlanta......................... .Atlanta, Ga. The Chicago Joint Stock Land Bank.......................................... . Chicago, Ill. 41. 5- 2-22. 21. 6-25-19. 34. 3-29-22. 14. 4-17-19. Ohio & Ind. Ind. & Ohio Ind.& Ohio. Ill. & Ind. Ia. & Ill. Minn. & Iowa The Iowa Joint Stock Land Bank of Sioux City......................... .Sioux City, la. The Kentucky Joint Stock Land Bank of Lexington................. . Lexington, Ky. S. D. & la. The Louisville Joint Stock Land Bank of Louisville.................. . Louisville, Ky. 10- 3-22. The Union Joint Stock Land Bank of Louisville........................ .Louisville, Ky. 4-10-22. The First Joint Stock Land Bank of New Orleans..................... . New Orleans, La. 4- 7-23. The Maryland-Virginia Joint Stock Land Bank of Baltimore. . .Baltimore, Md. 5- 9-23. Iowa & Ill. The Burlington Joint Stock Land Bank of Burlington............... .Burlington, la. The Des Moines Joint Stock Land Bank of Des Moines........... .Des Moines, la. 5- 1-22. 79. Ill. & Mo. Ohio & Ky. Ind. & Ky. .Ky. & Tenn. Miss. & La. Md. & Va. Mich. & Ohio The Union Joint Stock Land Bank of Detroit.......................... . .Detroit, Mich. The Minneapolis-Trust Joint Stock Land Bank of Minneapolis . Minneapolis. Minn. N. D. & Minn. The Southern Minnesota Joint Stock Land Bank of Minneapolis. . Minneapolis, Minn. S. D. & Minn. The St. Louis Joint Stock Land Bank of St. Louis.................... . St. Louis, Mo. The Fremont Joint Stock Land Bank of Fremont...................... .Lincoln, Nebr. Ark. & Mo. Iowa & Nebr. 57. Iowa & Nebr. 7-12-18. The Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank of Lincoln.......................... .Lincoln, Nebr. N. Y. & N. J. 5- 2-22. The New York Joint Stock Land Bank of Rochester............. . .Rochester . Elizabeth City, N.C. N. C. & Va. 6-11-19. The Virginia-Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Norfolk........... N. C. & Va. 7- 5-22. The North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham......... . .Durham. N. C. N. C. & Tenn. . .Greensboro, N. C. 8-18-22. The Greensboro Joint Stock Land Bank of Greensboro........... 51. 6- 6-22. 70. 45. 12-15-22. 5-12-22 47. 5-29-22. 8. 40. 20. 52. The Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh....................... . .Raleigh, N. C. The Ohio-Pennsylvania Joint Stock Land Bank of Cleveland . .Cleveland, Ohio N. C. & S. C. The Oregon-Washington Joint Stock Land Bank of Portland . .. Portland, Ore. The Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land Bank of Portland............ . .Portland, Ore. Wash. & Ore. 11-14-22. The Pennsylvania Joint Stock Land Bank of Philadelphia.... . .Philadelphia, Pa. 39. 4-24-22. The First Carolinas Joint Stock Land Bank of Columbia........ .. Columbia, S. C. 6. 6-22-18. The Mississippi Joint Stock Land Bank of Memphis............... . .Memphis, Tenn. 7. 6-22-18. The Tennessee Joint Stock Land Bank of Memphis................ .. Memphis, Tenn 7- 3-19. The Dallas Joint Stock Land Bank of Dallas............................ .. Dallas, Texas 22. 68. 16. 25. 48. 78. 2. 69. Ohio & Pa. Wash. & Ore. Pa. & N. Y. N. C. & S. C. Miss. & Tenn. Ark. & Tenn. Okla. & Texas Okla. & Texas 4-23-19. The First Texas Joint Stock Land Bank of Houston............... . .Houston, Texas 9-15-19. The San Antonio Joint Stock Land Bank of San Antonio........ .. San Antonio, Texas Okla. & Texas 5-29-22. The Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land Bank of Salt Lake City... . . .Salt Lake City, Utah Idaho & Utah 5- 2-23. The Potomac Joint Stock Land Bank of Alexandria................ . .Washington, D C. Va. & Md. The Virginian Joint Stock Land Bank of Charleston............... . .Charleston, W. Va. 12- 7-22. The Greenbrier Joint Stock Land Bank of Lewisburg........... . .Lewisburg, W. Va. 5- 7-17. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 39 W. Va. & Ohio W. Va. & Va. CLEARING HOUSES IN THE UNITED STATES This compilation of deposits in the cities having Clearing Houses gives total deposits of all banks and will be a valuable reference for comparisons. Aberdeen, S. D............. Adrian, Mich................ Akron, Ohio.................. Alameda, Calif.............. Albany, Ga.................... Albany, N. Y............... Albert Lea, Minn......... Allentown, Pa............... Altoona, Pa................... Amarillo, Tex............... Ames, Iowa................. Anaheim, Calif............. Anderson, Ind............... Ann Arbor, Mich......... Annistown, Ala............ Asheville, N. C............ Atchison, Kan.............. •Atlanta, Ga................. Augusta, Ga................. Aurora, Ill..................... Austin, Tex................... Bakersfield, Calif......... •Baltimore, Md........... Bangor, Me................... Bartlesville, Okla......... Battle Creek, Mich. .. Bay City, Mich........... Beaumont, Tex............ Bellingham, Wash. ... Berkeley, Calif............. Bethlehem, Pa.............. Billings, Mont.............. Binghamton, N. Y-----•Birmingham, Ala Bloomington, Ill.......... . Boise, Idaho................... Boone, Iowa................... ‘•Boston, Mass............. Bowling Green, Ky. ... Bristol, Tenn., Va.......... Brookfield, Mo............... Brunswick, Ga............... •Buffalo, N. Y............... Butler, Pa........................ Camden, N. J................. Canton, Ohio.................. Cape Girardeau. Mo. .. Carthage, Mo................. Casper, Wyo................... •Cedar Rapids, Iowa.. Champaign, Ill............... Charles City, Iowa........ Charleston, S. C............ Charleston, W. Va........ Charlotte, N. C............. •Chattanooga, Tenn. .. Chester, Pa..................... Chester, S. C.................. Cheyenne, Wyo............. ‘•Chicago, Ill................. Chillicothe, Mo.............. •Cincinnati, Ohio........... ‘•Cleveland, Ohio......... Colorado Springs, Colo.. Columbia, S. C.............. Columbus, Ga................ ‘•Columbus, Ohio......... Connellsville, Pa............ Cordele, Ga..................... Corsicana, Tex............... Council Bluffs, Iowa. .. •Dallas, Tex................... Danville, Ill..................... Davenport, Iowa........... Dayton, Ohio.................. Decatur, Ill..................... ‘•Denver, Colo............... Derby, Conn................... •Des Moines, Iowa.... ‘•Detroit, Mich............. Dickinson, N. D............ Dodge City, Kan........... Dothan, Aia........... .. Du Bois, Pa..................... •Dubuque, Iowa............ Duluth, Minn................. Dunkirk, N. Y............... East Chicago, Ind......... • Reserve City, July, 1928 Jan., 1929 July, 1929 July, 1928 DEPOSITS Jan., 1929 DEPOSITS DEPOSITS DEPOSITS DEPOSITS & 9,005,670 $ 9,278,300 $7,364,280 Eau Claire, Wis.......... 6.943.950 7,576,030 7,689,720 Elberton, Ga................. 101,878,010 103.866.440 104,730,960 Elkhart, Ind.................. 515,120 515,120 515,120 •El Paso, Tex............... 3,234,650 3,598,120 2,830,980 Elwood City,Pa........... 312,324,690 299,679,830 326,868,070 Elyria, Ohio.................. 4,321,700 4,022,590 4,471,340 Emporia, Kan.............. 41,929,520 43.581.530 42.892.420 Enid, Okla..................... 18,749,360 18,167,950 18,618,960 Ennis, Tex.................... 21,927,560 20.474.440 20,273,150 Erie, Pa.......................... 3,435,390 3,506,740 3,611,710 Eugene, Ore.................. 6,080,270 6,251,310 5,563,290 Evanston, Ill................. 8,797,070 9,126,610 8,590,100 Evansville, Ind............ 18.437.420 19,058,670 18,886,590 Fairfield, Iowa.............. 5.847.950 6.182.320 6,006,080 Fall River, Mass......... . 19,549,160 20,033,090 21,445,010 Fargo, N. D.................. 5,839,080 6,570,900 5,571,530 Fergus Falls, Minn........ 111,288,750 124,070,800 115,421,180 Flint, Mich..................... 14,741,260 15,136,360 14,366,210 Fort Dodge, la.............. 15,535,670 16,014,280 15,687,860 Fort Wayne, Ind........... 25,849,550 24,473,220 26.401.420 Fort Worth, Tex......... 1,756,190 1,830,080 1,751,310 Franklin, Pa................... 567,676,840 581,774,110 570,312,340 Frederick, Md................ 43,619,610 43.672.530 43.129.540 Fremont, Neb................. 9,528,240 9,337,000 9,808,470 Fresno, Calif................... 31.570.440 31,529,850 30,187,950 Fullerton, Calif............... 28,177,140 29,743,260 29,033,840 Galveston, Tex............. 25,817,300 27.127.680 28.698.160 Gary, Ind........................ 10,780,070 11,215,960 11,138,520 Gastonia, N. C............... 9,828,330 5,473,940 3,830,790 Glasgow, Ky................... 26,442,080 27,614,410 25.855.360 Goldsboro, N. C............. 9,018,120 10.274.800 8,611,030 Grand Forks, N. D.... 49,262,470 50.412.680 51,114,800 Grand Island, Neb........ 84,782,390 92.593.800 81,944,380 •Grand Rapids, Mich.. 16.780.440 15,970,130 15,927,220 Great Falls, Mont......... 17.448.420 19,103,370 16,156,840 Green Bay, Wis............. 6,354,020 6,148,570 6,259,000 Greensboro, N, C.......... 1,755,693,670 1,817,094,870 1,751,564,520 Greensburg, Pa............... 3,874,060 3.871.320 3,830,580 Greenville, Miss............. 8,043,030 Greenville, S. C.............. 1,409,910 1,425,650 1,425,650 Gulfport, Miss................ 4,232,950 3,910,810 3,798,280 Guthrie, Okla.................. 574,580,850 613,834,840 604,720,280 Hagerstown, Md........... 17.247.260 17,078,480 17.249.100 Hamilton, Ohio.............. 77,266,800 73,140,130 73.229.360 Hammond, Ind.............. 57,461,550 60,708,220 59.381.160 Hannibal, Mo................. 4,537,810 4,149,600 4.219.360 Harrisburg, Pa............... 3,263,920 3,001,670 2,793,490 Hartford, Conn............. 9,600,450 10,353,640 9,510,330 Hastings, Neb................. 43,807,850 43.945.210 41,200,500 Hazleton, Pa................... 10,566,040 10.870.430 10.862.460 Helena, Ark.................... 4,882,270 5,270,880 5,101,750 Helena, Mont............... 49,595,010 48,893,680 46,338,090 Henderson, Ky............... 35,623,530 36,517,160 36.937.710 Henderson, N.Car........ 45,496,080 43,806,460 42,434,890 Hibbing, Minn................ 51,731,190 52.454.920 51,103,240 Holyoke, Mass............... 29,368,270 29,043,820 28,703,620 Homestead, Pa............... 3,043,970 3,373,090 3.164.420 Hot Sp. N. Park, Ark.. 7,995,530 8,684,450 7,365,690 Houston, Tex............... 2,805,428,530 2,914,108,340 2,799,901,448 Huntington, W. Va.... 3,471,610 3,102,610 3,021,140 Huntington Park, Calif. 320,024,530 322,806,500 314,476,680 ‘Hutchinson, Kan.... 950,187,150 1,001,202,220 1,003,278,630 Independence, Mo.. . . 18,865,900 19,591,450 18.489.510 ‘•Indianapolis, Ind... 15,762,300 16,640,250 17,796,330 Jackson, Mich.............. 12,783,940 14,167,860 13.389.460 Jackson, Miss............... 120,144,630 116,850,430 116,201,570 Jacksonville, Fla........ 10,373,930 10,728,310 10.194.160 Jacksonville, Ill............ 1,167,740 1,047,140 1,178,870 Jamestown, N. Y......... 8,844,390 8,562,350 8,812,110 Jamestown, N. D........ 14,808,170 15,026,460 14,384,690 Johnstown, Pa.............. 158,383,160 176,093,110 168,009,230 Joplin, Mo..................... 9,507,110 10.205.210 9.762.360 Kalamazoo, Mich........ 62,357,540 62,523,770 63.201.120 •Kansas City, Kan. . 59.277.260 60.749.920 61.651.510 •Kansas City, Mo... 16,400,350 16,387,380 15,282,880 Knoxville, Tenn........... 162,900,990 167,409,230 160,156,930 Kokomo, Ind................ 14,009,340 14,006,690 13,479,760 Kosciusko, Miss........... 73,212,150 71,673,140 68.523.100 ‘LaCrosse, Wis............ 833,894,580 888,359,710 893,803,550 La Fayette, Indiana.. 3,320,010 3.293.430 3,492,930 Lancaster, Pa............... 2,123,960 2.364,030 2,266,630 Lansing, Mich.............. 4,716.700 4,857,950 4,536,310 LaSalle, Ill.................... 7.552.540 Lawrence, Kan............. 21,673,340 22,020,100 21,225,570 Leavenworth, Kan.... 54,897,520 54,311,820 51,554,940 Lebanon, Pa................. 9,673,580 9,969,520 9.814.710 Lexington, Ky.............. 5,458,960 10,899,620 11.319.120 Lima, Ohio.................... • before name of city in above list denotes Clearing House examination. 9,411,410 1,113,110 27,456,380 3,880,820 19,361,410 5,170,910 10,730,880 1,827,620 58,909,710 7,843,930 25,586,850 55,440,390 4,418,860 83,583,190 17,405,300 5,717,000 60,117,560 9.890.420 64,463,030 79,510,400 11.925.660 27,950,890 5,040,670 4,586,730 1,121,070 31,359,210 17,673,500 9,972,690 3,596,950 5,084,020 7,794,800 7,594,000 83,311,730 17,770,370 15,490,800 25,576,450 21,218,100 4.292.420 10.879.660 9,709,790 i 1,060,190 31,542,390 4,103,860 20.226,450 5,273,980 11,325,750 2,064,070 61,864,570 8.098,940 26*843,310 56,168,160 4,226,710 79.881.830 17,674,230 5,790,150 58,743,040 10.339.700 70,100,930 90,070,250 12.302.830 28,294,890 5,046,540 4.289.700 1,121,070 32,079,470 18,438,330 8,863,820 3,782,310 5,324,690 8,535,100 7,717,660 86,869,120 20,832,180 16,111,440 23,083,410 20,925,400 4,621,650 10,659,090 4,485,990 4.698.340 20,076,430 19,594,210 14,757,100 14,367,200 14,218,440 14,290,370 5,355,100 5,625,980 47,635,020 45.936.350 250,990,460 258,699,620 6,036,600 6,030,890 28,555,230 28,791,860 3,685,980 3,494,310 13,594,640 15,329,760 5,099,510 4,873,140 4,192,670 3,755,460 4.792.340 58,002,690 58,814,810 11,968,760 12,506,040 7,396,340 6,620,710 156,579,730 170,096,580 20.147.230 18,223,410 1,389,150 1,397,100 8,849,880 8,906,530 3,428,700 3,609,970 171,209,090 177,297,370 19,904,400 21,058,810 24,191,880 23,501,790 88,513,140 77,030,070 11.433.230 10.689.350 37,690,010 40,905,060 2,840,110 3,050,940 45,205,990 46,290,590 11,809,120 10,942,520 23,016,780 23,808,150 26,022,870 27,506,360 295,389,470 297,947,260 39,640,830 42,421,740 7,286,300 8,816,870 15,768,920 19,996,790 49,041,560 32,526,690 6,880,280 5,220,080 9,165,500 13,065,750 25,092,260 12,243,880 15,829,780 20,888,330 50,209,660 34,085,090 7,338,730 5,378,420 9,118,250 13,390,680 23,825,240 12,820,580 July, 1929 DEPOSITS 9,755,810 1,179,220 11,056,880 28,995,140 4,023,730 20,132,610 4,908,910 10,751,670 1,933,100 58,144,740 7,520,430 24,737,860 50,736,080 4,389,060 79,468,780 17,557,130 5,953,690 59,293,340 9,766,810 68,812,770 84,881,420 12,081,050 28.935.560 4,601,920 4,035,360 1,121,070 28,036,900 19,812,470 7,131,460 3,790,280 5,298,340 7,001,460 7,390,930 85,986,660 18,805,870 16,353,570 22,825,280 21.183.560 4,853,800 10,325,070 6,532,840 4,577,060 19,590,490 14,582,790 14,504,840 5,249,090 45,228,050 248,112,270 5,684,010 28,201,410 3,354,220 13,045,440 4,775,510 3,667,620 5,003,140 59,299,970 12,652,550 7,664,080 161,003,460 19,418,540 1,397,100 8,075,110 3,559,410 164,073,250 21,677,770 26,513,080 75.699.800 10,869,580 38,604,860 3,005,100 45,040,130 12,055,900 22,192,370 25,247,040 289,044,550 41,421,990 8,698,500 2,679,070 15,748,010 20,329,190 49.816.800 36,070,160 6,877,290 5,130,850 8,760,900 13,380,250 27,467,610 12,041,840 Officers, members * and affiliated members + may be found by referring to above cities in the Bank List, following the banks. ing^ous^Asso^iaJ^fl'ocated8^S2*Liberty S^^New'York^Uy^NTir.12’ N' ^40 ^ f°r ^ WhiCh 316 memberS °f the Northern New Jersey CIeai" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLEARING HOUSES IN THE UNITED STATES—Continued July, 1928 Jan., 1929 July, 1929 DEPOSITS DEPOSITS DEPOSITS- CrTT 3,838,730 i 3,625,440 Raleigh, N. C................. " 4,015,470 Lincoln, 111................... 30,528,970 Reading, Pa................... 30,086,580 33,862,020 •Lincoln, Neb................ 50,709,630 Redondo Beach, Calif.. 55,021,160 51,397,010 •Little Rock, Ark......... 5,235,670 Red Wing, Minn........... 5,253,430 5,064,820 Logan, Utah.................. 62.238.750 Reno, Nev...................... 63,424,785 58,789,570 Long Beach, Calif......... 11,926,080 .Richmond, Va............. 11,748,560 11.548.440 Lorain, Ohio.................. 939,685,550 1,221,754,490 Riverside, Calif............. ‘•Los Angeles, Calif. .. 1,018,769,070 157,860,130 152,189,470 Roanoke, Va.................. 157,462,620 ‘•Louisville, Ky............ 92.975.650 Rochester, Minn........... 91,872,328 91,589,580 Lowell, Mass.................. 87,600,960 Rochester, N. Y............ 86,586,350 83,549,600 Lynn, Mass.................... 10,928,350 Rockford, Ill.................. 9,813,160 18.732.440 Macon, Ga. .................. 32,028,870 Rock Island, III............. 29,921,000 31,586,380 Madison, Wis................ 76,484,580 Rocky Mount, N. C. .. 79,346,420 76,342,630 Manchester, N. H........ 3,276,520 2,840,620 Rome, Ga....................... 3,052,350 Manhattan, Kan........... 9,649,790 Sacramento, Calif......... 9,386,440 9,167,370 Manitowoc, Wis............ 11,289,520 Saginaw, Mich............... 11,254,340 10,914,920 Mankato, Minn............. 13,000,970 12,849,190 »St. Joseph, Mo............ 12,456,870 Mansfield, Ohio............. 6,129,030 ‘.St. Louis, Mo............ 6,300,410 6,850,260 Marion, Ohio................. 3,561,710 ‘.St. Paul, Minn.......... 4,031,210 3,510,880 McAlester, Okla............ 5,405,410 St. Petersburg, Fla........ 5,948,200 5,220,820 Medford, Ore................. 96,609,000 89,017,930 Salisbury, N. C............. 93,470,040 •Memphis, Tenn........... 11,890,120 ‘-Salt Lake City, Utah. 11,690,650 11,657,980 Meridian. Miss.............. 3,239,450 «San Antonio, Tex........ 3,387,810 3,449,450 Mexico, Mo................... 59,412,690 San Bernardino, Calif.. 55,560,950 60,903,060 Miami, Fla..................... 8,550,230 San Diego, Calif............ Michigan City, Ind.... 2,184,370 2,077,380 «San Francisco, Calif... 2,140,720 Milledgeville, Ga.......... 279.447.610 269,874,030i San Jose, Calif.............. 274,441,770 ‘•Milwaukee, Wis........ 345.217.610 335,912,940 San Pedro, Calif............ 338,320,330 ‘•Minneapolis, Minn... 7,333,810 Santa Barbara, Calif.. . 7,681,340 6,756,810 Minot. N. D.................. 31,838,000 Santa Monica, Calif. .. 34,700,190 34.306.260 Mobile, Ala.................... 3,923,640 Santa Rosa, Calif.......... 4,510,290 4,131,740 Modesto, Calif............... 26,159,430 Sarasota, Fla.................. 25,999,430 24,656,190 Moline, Ill...................... 38.809.560 .Savannah, Ga.............. 38,469,290 38.770.260 Montclair, N. J............. 20,406,210 Scranton, Pa.................. 22,401,630 21,283,320 ‘Montgomery, Ala........ 14,626,710 14,411,470 ‘.Seattle, Wash............ 14,157,220 Muscatine, Iowa........... 19,513,500 Sedalia, Mo.................... 20,033,370 18,171,040 Muskegon, Mich........... 12,819,660 Sheboygan, Wis............. 13,157,990 12,573,820 •Muskogee, Okla.......... 99.429.890 97.264.560 Sherman, Tex................ 92,079,100 ‘Nashville, Tenn........... 3,036,270 2,890,880 «Sioux City, Iowa......... 3,055,640 Nebraska City, Neb. . . 11,844,330 Sioux Falls, S. D........... 11,805,590 11,187,740 New Albany, Ind.......... 437,177,390 432,918,320 South Bend, Ind........... 426,167,990 ‘Newark, N. J.............. 83.648.890 83.171.650 South St. Paul, Minn. . 85,183,400 New Bedford, Mass.. . . 3,531,630 3,423,980; Spartanburg, S. C......... 3,203,430 New Brighton, Pa........ 19,439,070 18,353,260 »Spokane, Wash............ 20,054,190 New Castle, Pa............. 161,845,650 162,169,640 Springfield, Ill................ ‘New Haven, Conn.... 158,789,760 1,806,910 1,695,100 Springfield, Mass.......... 1,797,780 Newnan, Ga................... 265,937,370 248,122,010* Springfield, Mo.............. 244,020,540 ‘•New Orleans, La. . .. 12,963,160 13,323,280 Springfield, Ohio....... 13,113,590 Newport News, Va. . 39,999,760 Stamford, Conn........ New Rochelle, N. Y. ‘•New York, N. Y .... 13,182,807,190 14,922,668,490 13 604 829472 Sterling, Ill.................... 44.221.320 42,465,050 Steubenville, Ohio........ 41,905,790 Niagara Falls, N. Y.. .. 65,982,950 60,971,770 Stockton, Calif.............. 65,929,460 Norfolk, Va.................... 23,184,680 Superior, Wis................. 21,866,060 21,691,440 Norristown, Pa.............. ♦Northern New Jersey Clearing Hous e Ass’n, (33 Liberty St., Syracuse, N. Y.............. Tacoma, Wash ............ New York City, N.Y.) 133,211,680 123,493,810 Tallahassee, Fla............. 127,179,550 •Oakland, Calif............. 2,652,410 2,743,300 Tampa, Fla.................... 2,616,620 Oelwein, Iowa................ 25,865,170 Terre Haute, Ind. 28,382,360 ‘•Ogden, Utah.............. 23,463,530 20.648.320 19,959,020 Texarkana, Ark.-Tex... 20,255,340 Oil City, Pa.................. 102,913,600 91.330.750 Thomasville, Ga............ 101,456,320 ‘•Oklahoma City, Okla. 8,467,690 7,590,550 •Toledo, Ohio................ 7,741,580 Okmulgee, Okla........ 4,793.300 6,299,490 •Topeka, Kan................ Olympia, Wash.......... 4,858,390 116,504,160 113,596,390 Trenton, N. J................ 122,018,050 •Omaha, Neb............ Tucson, Ariz.................. Ontario, Calif. (Ontario 3,778,390 3,453,570 ‘•Tulsa, Okla................ 3,144,650 and Upland)............ 27,880’650 Twin Falls, Idaho......... 28,069,680 28,173,700 Orange, N. J.................. 5,109,080 Uniontown, Pa............... 5,336,370 5,081,650 Orangeburg, S. C.......... 18,443,190' Valdosta, Ga.................. 18,777,590 18,634,640 Oshkosh, Wis................. 11,205,360 Vicksburg, Miss............ 11,031,410 10,705,260 Owensboro, Ky............. 3,288,260* .Waco, Tex.................... 3,589,730 3,479,520 Palestine, Tex................ 3,281,210 3,207,610 Warren, Pa..................... 3,110,350 Paris, Ky........................ 2,974,940 .Washington, D. C 3,551,460 3,159,690 Parsons, Kan................. 28,518,330 29.207,140 Waterbury, Conn. 28,185,000 ‘Pasadena, Calif........... 52,093,740 45^203,270 Waterloo, Iowa........ 52,023,610 Passaic, N. J.................. 136,806,300 136,536,990 Watertown, S. D... Paterson, N. J............... 46,261,030 Watertown, Wis.. . . 47,315,700 46,430,910 •Peoria, Ill..................... ‘•Philadelphia, Pa. ... 1,915,940,080 1,963,939,940 1,883,077,390 Watsonville, Calif. . 7.150,490 6,884,270 Wheeling, W. Va... Phillipsburg, N. J......... 6,991,440 36^204,770 38,735,710 ‘.Wichita, Kan. . .. 34,768,110 Phoenix, Ariz................. 13,446,380 12,920,320 Wichita Falls, Tex . 12,948,680 Pine Bluff, Ark.............. 7,415,720 6,761,290 Wilkes-Barre, Pa... 7,362,450 Pittsburg, Kan.............. •Pittsburgh, Pa............. 1,014,329,709 1,000,115,330 1,002,115,610 Williamsport, Pa.. . 19,716,230 19,545,500 Wilmington, Calif... 19,748,920 Pittston, Pa.................... 4,485,670 4,077,210 Wilmington, Del... 4,263,510 Pocatello, Idaho............ 36.292,300 31,916,640 35,581,330 Wilmington, N. C .. Pontiac, Mich................ 107^388,070 108,476,400 Winchester, Va........ 104,105,900 Portland, Me................. 152,562,610 145,378,840 Winona, Minn......... 148,437,950 ‘•Portland, Ore............. Winter Haven, Fla. Portsmouth, Va. (See N orfolk) 22,228,520 22,507,520 Worcester, Mass.... 21,633,800 Pottsville, Pa............ 422,699,830 415,445,320 Yakima, Wash......... 426,579,460 Providence, R. I....... 29,697,060 24,086,650 Yankton, S. D.......... 25,483,190 •Pueblo, Colo............ 24,462,750 23,966,600 York, Pa................... 24.313,470 Quincy, Ill................. 20,793,330 Youngstown, Ohio. . Racine, Wis.............. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41 July, 1928 Jan., 1929 July, 1929 DEPOSITS DEPOSITS DEPOSITS 18,719,110 >19,444,770 20,004,480! 61,197,570 64,179,840 62,784,550 2,391,430 2.443.330 2,308,760 5,479,800 5,490,480 5,653,100 19,464,220 19,837,540 18.283.530 131,228,760 125,913,320 129,733,010 10,273,870 9,816,320 10,093,250 29,276,850 29.836.770 29,859,600 7,835,450 7,989,130 7.754.470 382,759,110 385,804,300 372,342,790 36.292.270 36,898,160 35,730,290 19,396,010 19.110.880 16,314,780 6.432.590 5,762,630 6,772,000 6,793,020 5,832,070 6,032,940 56.619.440 59,059,270 56,224,010 40,528,790 39,597,980 38.933.970 39,118,800 39,892,930 43,163,860 628,653,400 589,533,600 613,028,530 161,833,030 144,915,940 153,301,560 18,992,440 19,094,530 23,264,230 1,339,570 I, 396,380 1.272.690 86,458,620 83.558.110 82,300,880 78,323,780 74.537.270 70,576,680 9,739,040 9,625,740 9,464,140 44,317,730 47,106,080 44,673,700! 1,761,206,580 1,667,400,730 1,990,188,480 10,019,220 9.835.770 8,710,910 4.813.620 5,093,790 7,646,160 8,887,060 8.910.770 8,623,900, 1.801.340 2,017,300 1,742,220 3,481,760 3,539,460 3.942.800 3,694,260 2,408,670 3,925,700 89,177,260 85.126.970 85,901,560 116,381,350 110,381,180 120,389,850 214,546,930 210,146,560 196,794,810 5,540,060 5,334,880 5.478.800 20,255,500 20,561,740 21.459.900 6.376.590 6.370.770 6.685.690 35,860,430 37.243.670 36,345,030 12,851,630 13,986,600 12,161,420 39,408,300 38,238,710 37,563,620 7,125,740 6,324,660 6,746,440 11,743,350 11,037,950 11.913.900 49,249,220 51,168,280 56.939.530 32.611.770 32,676,170 33,113,170 166,016,270 160,584,480 163,159,430 16,442,820 15.987.970 15,111,720 17,785,740 17,182,260 18.385.470 45,038,320 45,116,730 43,632,850 5.325.340 5,220,990 5,828,300 21,061,000 21,631,930 20,657,790 12,342,390 11,738,760 11,258,050 11,688,590 11,621,670 11,599,820 216,705,520 216,866,100 218,320,400 23.823.880 24,128,980 23.583.970 4,459,730 5,086,420 5,397,150 32,901,640 53.100.330 59,916,190 32,364,870 31.947.670 32,620,340 19.493.620 18,300,300 18.197.530 3,480,540 195,281,950 194,958,410 191,801,720 32,317,810 34.501.110 33,661,160 100,932,310 100.983.440 103,739,870 13,515,990 15,242,570 12,170,790 113,972,630 111,292,640 97,819,030 3.966.560 4,212,390 4,303.110 20,277,780 4,889,590 2,622,420 4,659,740 II, 230,730 13.113.580 11,682,640 23,663,310 22,123,290 19,864,880 27,451,730 28,815,960 26,334,170 264,613,480 262,932,930 265,229,660 71,610,900 75.946.480 70,128,060 14,560,980 14.241.110 14,451,700 4,947,750 4,569,220 5,144,070 5,387,330 5,508,970 5,349,840 4,290,410 4,184,300 3,914,200 54.976,420 53.473.480 53,974,590 49^256,710 45,885,520 45,147,260 23,323,370 24,246,540 25,423,800 70,669,470 69,089,420 73,134,370 24.722.580 25,064,550 25,626,270 79,358,420 19,929,350 6,760,970 16,146,330 3,869j370i 223,343,640! 10,657,780' 3,032,200 34,631,980 67,299,260 88,857,080 20,408,030 7,405,220 15,951,900 3,000,950 226,066,290 11,369,920 3,100,450 35,388,550 74,508,560 85,628, i 30 18,861,620 7.591.560 15,461,320 2,128,030 226.978.270 11,043,510 3,307,930 36,105,720 72,029,230 CONSOLIDATED CAPITULATION FOR JULY 1929 STATEMENTS IMPORTANTt Thiatabulation covers only institutions performing the functions of a bank. Some publishers, for reasons of their own, include in their tabulation all those concerns whose names they publish but whose business is confined to the selling of investments. Such information is naturally misleading. We carry the names of thousands of such institutions but they are not included in this tabulation. Total Total Total State Nat'l Banks Private Banks andTrust Banket Cos. STATE Alabama. Alaska... Arizona.. Arkansas. . 353 S 14 48 419 437 280 254 54 42 231 454 18 137 1,785 986 1,393 1,076 573 226 135 239 459 850 1,072 311 1,298 197 875 36 124 564 58 1,149 461 431 1,029 653 235 1,560 31 230 394 502 1,425 105 104 483 343 308 961 87 Capital Surplus aud Profits 30,005,400 $ 31,651,260 8 915,000 826,330 5,626,000 5,180,800 21,162,675 14,364,602 245,309,370 228,410,472 18,113,000 18,021,960 46,845,900 141,179,970 20,833,410 10,739,435 24,624,810 26,774,180 25,996,500 22,191,210 38,735,870 41,901,865 5,589,330 4,500,000 5,917,500 4,324,620 330,286,500 312,609,583 77,102,616 66,715,805 67,842,800 45,666,375 38,661,000 27,856,004 43,171,270 45,022,782 34,178,550 29,551,129 13,975,800 36,918,710 39,341,200 83,333,010 143,143,280 364,276,721 110,573,902 129,343,970 59,690,500 48,550,631 16,525,930 14,105,819 103,032,900 77,920,970 11,325,000 8,083,480 32,576,700 19,894,610 3,486,600 1,751,200 9,034,000 33,522,840 140,100,250 230,646,663 3,240,000 1,980,120 870,339,950 2,023,236,061 37,275,232 36,461,330 13,127,500 7,594,720 191,149,500 208,579,610 35,023,150 17,973,507 20,351,500 14,608.560 363,307,017 860,951,505 14,365,000 43,005,070 18,869,753 14,512,670 11,774,400 7,304,447 45,112,143 41,264,050 119,546,410 85,792,749 11,819,750 8,566,480 7,936,000 22,347,540 56,819,020 52,450,324 35,306,500 20,827,050 32,812,550 36,592,860 69,486,000 59,375,730 4,285,000 4,053,060 Deposits Accepts. L. of C., etc. Bonds and Securities Miscellaneous 7,537 17,323 629 25,489 5,701,331,759 3,717,652,628 59,509,245,698 4,433,135,795 73,361,365,880 39,689,342,996 ♦Under State Supervision, t This does not include corporations, firms and individuals whose names appear herein but which are doing an investment business only 19,540,377,116 3,940,252,987 Florida______ Georgia_____ Hawaii........... Idaho............... Illinois............. Indiana............ Iowa................. Kansas........... Kentucky____ Louisiana____ Maine.............. Maryland____ I Massachusetts I Michigan.......... Minnesota.__ Mississippi-__ Missouri.......... Montana......... I Nebraska____ Nevada_____ New Jersey___ | ! New Mexico... New York____ North Carolina ! North Dakota. Ohio................... . Oklahoma......... | Oregon............... i Pennsylvania.. i Rhode Island.. South Carolina South Dakota. Tennessee......... Texas............... .. Utah................... Vermont............ Virginia............. Washington__ West Virginia.. Wisconsin......... Wyoming_____ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 9 — 32 ___________ *112 108 4 5 *3 111 3 *1 __ *5 44 ____________ ___ *60 1 *35 *1 *2 1 79 8 ___________ _________ ___________ — 385,288,240 14,506,200 109,633,930 275,008,847: 4,533,748,601 358,744,480 1,452,234,180 184,608,385 331,865,360 387,530,080 471,627,985 96,165,390 103,723,390 4,914,819,825 1,197,975,721 1,037,489,030 534,714,134 633 174 772 564,383,859 474,870,050 967,173,140 4,821,713,060 2,264,250,572: 1,127,725,181 288,725,479 1,535,316,513 194,090,570 531,019,852 51,436,620 334,232,250 2,872,682,333 52,001,950 21,962,191,462 526,631,182 194,282,660 3,316,683,380 563,547,957 322,459,219 6,900,535,264 581,147,960 235,112,654 182,796,747 588,652,813 1,516,662,746 197,794,710 282,155,680 658,703,436 559,199,902 440,136,170 1,155,254,609 74,937,350 Loans and Discounts 20, 013,470 504,610 4, 578,270 11, 399,490 264, 824.690 10 884,520 50, 457.200 7, 977,190 25, 669.690 18, 633.990 27, 355,280 6, 782,970 5, 820,640 244, 704,670 163, 577,120 55, 741,113 24, 100,500 35, 412,980 42, 318,310 11, 819,240 42, 863,090 185, 688,930 116, 891,960 35, 735,722 11, 319,060 54, 241,080 7, 266,710 22, 277,260 2, 786,750 6, 429,460 129, 998,368 2, 131,140 1,366, 456,215 27, 778,390 13, 239,110 162, 617.201 21, 830.340 13, 019,610 355, 117,400 12, 811,660 13, 459,630 10, 623,600 60, 106,070 77, 579.100 7, 514.100 23, 451.340 29, 829.990 21, 462.250 26, 219,040 44, 404,528 2, 527,940 : 37,017,290 $ 102,170 1,457,820 9,956,550 182,589,139 8,872,810 40,378,290 15,159,800 17,533,440 12,901,200 26,311,000 7,322,970 3,245,040 268,366,729 174,801,700 22,610,405 17,544,610 61,698 890 57,287,410 23,314,950 36,073,780 283,922,220 100,352,320 34,843,310 12,998,920 64,092,430 3,668,210 17,940,682 1,674,850 11,554,000 145,732,400 2,687,410 1,718,023,584 38,448,190 5,829,580 171,828,580 21,017,800 9,908,820 401,011,375 18,600,900 12,261,090 3,065,530 58,943,600 74,417,900 24,319,770 12,650,710 58,580,911 22,954,970 25,768,010 48,599,590 2,892,140 Total Liabilities 56,992,900 5,172,490 30.327.580 42.444.580 1,046,317,280 94,098,453 443,799,270 50,851,830 63,659,040 107,449,100 57,006,150 23,767,560 28.342.240 883,975,087 237,675,620 214,600,780 115,634,850 125,662,320 79,738,950 208,702,955 288,988,800 1,283,615,176 725.188.790 334,633,140 54,261,010 338.569.790 57,816,640 93,869,810 9,624,930 157.379.150 994,081,040 15,258,170 6,368,570,084 65,237,750 54,996,250 679.314.150 153,438,950 113.454.460 2,419,362,862 227,678,060 43,107,770 42,427,430 72,154,200 282.254.460 35,146,890 86.858.240 96,736,710 163,851,130 68,610,459 279,071,870 18,599,910 *1 1 286,614,290 $ 12,662,700 97,369,310 229,525,020 3,877,439,620 313,736,710 1,223,830,020 137,875,740 262,932,930 326,441,170 364,679,250 78,753,090 90,236,230 4,003,557,013 879,355,600 901,369,450 450,652,520 483,281,830 443,366,770 400,660,590 808,425,150 4,030,370,839 1,923,980,380 984,640,740 245,094,810 1,290,270,213 171,013,880 460,607,860 44,523,970 280,121,410 2,356,203,020 44,094,420 17,350,591,867 414,446,430 167,730,860 2,745,125,690 489,533,500 277,590,339 5,275,265,367 505,176,990 189,469,141 160,652,370 443,333,020 1,236,905,687 153,088,710 239,221,430 490,853,181 480,111,382 344,962,750 977,793,289 63,707,150 RESOURCES 244 371,210 5, 747.260 53 801.340 161, 683,200 2,606, 846,650 176. 226,496 864. 525,280 112 802,490 194 805,870 179 596,300 299. 298.340 51, 481,130 49 659,050 2,976 124,669 637 911.260 608 999,592 285 ,387,373 388 ,935,900 348 ,846,120 223 ,140,810 537 ,789,131 2,994 ,128,640 1,128 ,465,440 578,,962,322 167,,494,613 865,,731,780 93,,094,470 305,,484,370 30,,585,250 155,,768,277 1,513,,356,670 25,,550,660 10,867,,118,173 345,,740,870 91,,567,540 2,038,,498,460 253,,978,560 141, 763,400 3,366,,557,376 303,,097,790 143,,781,240 94, 698,850 357, 400,320 813, 698,091 122, 051,210 155, 165,680 452, 270,270 274, 435.260 289, 634,900 672, 295,783 38, 987.260 Connecticut... Delaware_____ ►f* 105 247 9 4 34 14 343 73 210 227 120 160 180 65 17 37 29 13 55 176 79 343 2 16 43 94 487 1,298 651 223 265 1,020 248 824 138 435 34 192 82 53 82 152 164 292 607 132 272 800 35 276 131 1,164 68 128 160 715 10 26 56 68 298 261 28 30 566 539 72 389 125 306 646 323 346 307 141 93 858 667 10 21 177 52 300 92 402 99 . 722 624 85 20 58 46 161 314 236 107 116 192 157 804 25 62 LIABILITIES Total All Banks ; ; ; CANADA Alberta........................... British Columbia......... Manitoba....................... New Brunswick........... Newfoundland.............. Nova Scotia.................. Ontario........................... Prince Edward Island. Quebec............................ Saskatchewan............... St. Pierre et Miquelon. Yukon............................ Total, Canadian Banks and Bankers. 311 197 248 100 30 146 1,405 56 682 471 2 4 3,652 , Cash and Exchanges Due from Banks 63,755,690 3,181,830 20,859,040 59,159,290 615,408,440 77,597,050 93,535,560 12,948,810 47.630.730 81,413,430 87,597,670 14.133.730 20,018,510 808,768,197 158,424,060 154,111,0851 108,701,442: 83,521,912 93,477,5001 30,776,490 97,850,5201 350,760,224 292,952,680 177,076,576 54,927,2941 275,320,590 35,719,260 109,130,660 8,389,760 14,698,3801 234,795,870 9,093,590 3,352,196,081 87,315,180 34,089,090 435,481,670 132,840,4051 53,846,750! 757,577,790: 37,488,970 35,072,896 34,999,960 98,253,663 342,192,903 33,141,460 16,532,840 79,804,450 98,602,990 55,125,481 158,051,959 14,780,480 10,153,130,888 Total Resources 385,133,270 14,606,190 109,566,230 274,686,560 4,533,397,060 358,806,519 1,452,317,310 184,580,320 331,765,330 387,092,820 471.257.440 96,165,390 103.840.440 4,913,572,623 1,197,588,060 1,033,452,570 533,824,165 633,533,112 564.380.880 474,439,495 967,491,541 4,814,192,970 2,263,498,870 1,126,407,760 288,001,977 1,533,863,240 193,897,080 530,762,100 51,386,690 334,275,267 2,872,231,948 52,033,560 21,954,340,553 526,072,190 193,891,990 3,315,911,481 562,088,255 322,084,220 6,898,615,428 581,076,480 235,421,536 182,749,840 587,914,253 1,515,724,554 197,853,660 282,008,100 658,641,420 558,351,630 439.589.880 1,153,824,140 74,895,590 73,323,103,987